#unspecified Dissociative Disorder
autopsycollective · 3 months
a reminder that the host isn’t the only person in the system who should be respected and made to feel comfortable.
the host is not ‘the important part’, we are all completely conscious and capable of our own thoughts, feelings and our own boundaries. our brain created us because it decided that we are all important and needed.
the host is not the only member of a system you should care about.
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crypticmutts · 2 months
Systems who mask are valid
Systems who don’t Mask are valid
Systems who are diagnosed are valid
Systems who are undiagnosed are valid
Systems who can’t get diagnosed for ___ reasons are valid
Systems who could get diagnosed but chooses not to are valid
Systems that are nonhuman heavy are valid
Systems that are introject heavy are valid
Systems that are brainmade heavy are valid
Systems that have no host are valid
Sustems that split easily/often are valid
Systems that don’t split easily/often are valid
RAMCOA systems are valid
Systems with unknown trauma are valid
Systems who have high alter counts are valid
Systems who have low alter counts are valid
Systems with medium alter counts are valid
Systems who identify with neopronouns and xenogenders are valid
Systems who also have other disorders are valid
Systems who love their system are valid
Systems who hate their system are valid
All systems are valid.
Remember, this is a complex disorder. Your brain is protecting you in the best way it knows, there is no right or wrong way.
ENDOS DNI!! Not for you.
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cybers-shithole · 2 months
things to do with dissociative disorders that aren’t talked about enough:
- the most horrible migraines you can think of
- body dysphoria
- CONSTANT denial
- the pain of having to figure out who new alters are and how they got there
- not being able to tell even the people closest to you cause of how much it’s been sterotyped
- the Disorder Police(TM) coming for you the millisecond you stray from the stereotypes
- not being able to tell therapists and doctors due to fear of being called crazy (this one might just be me idk)
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autisticundertale · 1 year
ATTENTION PLURALS! Whether you have DID, OSDD, UDD, or some other form of plurality, this could be extremely helpful for you!
Our mother has created and put for sale discreet plurality journals! These journals include spaces to write information about system members, important information (contacts, family, friends, partners, etc), system rules, pages to keep track of physical/mental health (diagnoses, suspected conditions, symptoms, triggers, etc), a built-in calender to mark and keep track of things, a section to keep track of switching, a mental health journal, and a section for general journaling shenanigans!
Note that it is queer friendly, including a segment for pronouns in each member's bios/the bios of loved ones, as well as not monogamous assuming in language or nature.
Here are the links to them, and the three cover options available to pick from! (Frog cover, flower cover, and owl cover.)
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Here are some example pages (minus the mental health journal and regular journal pages, both of which are at the end, and have 100+ pages.) Most of these pages have multiple copies, so there is plenty of room! For example, the "our switches" section has 50 pages.
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Order to support our mom (and in turn, our family) as well as get something that can help your system! Please reblog for more systems to see!
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
For Any System That Needs To Hear It
You aren't faking it because you have a large alter count
You aren't faking it because you have a small alter count
You're not faking it because you have a large innerworld
You're not faking it because you have no innerworld
It doesn't matter if you have 2 alters or 20,000 alters, if you have an infinite innerworld or a small/no innerworld. You're still a system
You're not faking it because you have a lot of introjects
You're not faking it because you don't have any introjects
You're not faking it because you have a lot of nonhuman alters
You're not faking it because you have no nonhuman alters
You're not faking it because you have a lot of child parts
You're not faking it because you have no child parts
It doesn't matter what types of alters you have or don't have, all systems are different
You're not faking it because you're young
You're not faking it because you didn't know till you were older
You're not faking it because you're self-diagnosed
Your diagnosis status doesn't matter, and when you figured it out certainly doesn't. Some systems figure it out at 13, while some only figure out when they get diagnosed, everyone is different
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necroticcadaver · 2 months
Can’t be the only alter in the world who wants nothing to do with their system. I hate it and I hate being part of it.
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b1gr4tm4n · 5 months
minor inconvenience?
pk;m new
slight stressor?
pk;m new
new social situation?
pk;m new
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thevegasystem · 8 months
tw abuse
our relationship with computers is very emotional and spiritual. growing up we couldn't trust our memory (although we couldn't completely understand that at the time), but our computers were always something we could trust. our history was always there. files don't go missing (unlike our brain lol). if our abuser did something to us, at least we'd have our computers after that was over (unless they took that too, then all hell broke loose, if we could even put up a fight). near infinite internet access wasn't always the best, but at the very least it was a necessary escape that kept us alive. nowadays we're free from our abuser, and have moved on to work in tech. whenever we get another computer from a client that they've decided to abandon, whether its an old phone, a laptop, whatever; we are filled with joy whenever we get it roaring back to life.
they saved ours, they deserve to have theirs saved too. we believe computers go to heaven.
🌟 /❔
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doomsdayradio · 1 year
happy pride month to all the systems and alters who's queer identities are complicated due to their disorder and/or trauma, that having had an effect on your gender identity and/or orientation doesn't make you any less valid and i welcome you with open arms
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autopsycollective · 2 months
systems don’t owe you anything.
not our headcount,
not our trauma,
not our medical records.
we can choose how much we share with others and we are entitled to our privacy.
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cyberconstellations · 4 months
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★Cyber Constellations★
An 18+ Dissociative Disorder System Server
Hello! We're looking for members to join our server! It's a server for anyone over the age of 18 who has DID, OSDD, UDD, P-DID, or any other dissociative disorders, and considers themselves a system/plural!
★More Server Information★
Self-diagnosis friendly.
Kin & past life friendly. (we have specific channels for discussion about kin sources!)
Any form of sys/.tem dis/.course is prohibited. The staff here do not engage with it at all.
System responsibility is expected of all of our members.
The join link is on our carrd, so please read the server rules there (and optionally this post) before joining! And please, feel free to reblog so we can get more members! Thank you~!
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sysmedsaresexist · 26 days
hi, i was wondering if you had any resources about UDD either in the historical usage of the diagnosis or how the diagnosis gets reevaluated past emergency situations.
i was dx with UDD in a non emergency situation and i dont really know why? i also dont really know much about the diagnosis itself and i want to learn more to figure out why this was the diagnosis i was given
Hey! Sadly, I have no idea. I'm not as well read on UDD, and the only things I know about it are from friends who have been diagnosed with UDDs in the past -- I'm legitimately not even sure who those friends were, now that I think harder on it. Amnesia barriers go brr.
Anyways. If anyone has UDD resources please feel free to add them. I think we should talk about UDD more.
Note from Mod Quill: I 100% meant to draft this, but I accidentally hit post. If other mods want to go for it, please do!
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m0dem0n · 2 years
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DID/OSDD/UDD flag edit by m0dem.0n&!
Since the original creator of this flag deleted all posts surrounding it to my knowledge, we wanted to do our own interpretation of the same flag! A nickname for this flag is the "Plural Peafowl" flag, since the colors are reminicent of peafowl. This flag includes UDD peeps with systems as well, if they want to use it! -md0n
Please check out our ToS (& optionally FAQ) before using! Information about the flag's colors & symbols are under the read more~! 🦚💜💙💚💛🦚
Color Meanings: Dark Violet - Dissociation Purple-Navy - Unaware Systems (& Alters) Steel Blue - Discovery (that you are plural/a part of a system) Mantis Green - Aware Systems (& Alters) Spring Green - Acceptance (of systems and plurality) Light Lemon - Recovery (from trauma & other mental health issues that coincide with dissociative disorders)
Symbol Meanings: & ampersand: A common plurality symbol symbolizing "many" or "and more", though I'm not sure of its roots! If you have info about this that we can put here, please let us know! Plural Peafowl: When originally redesigning this flag, I always thought the colors ended up being reminicent to the ones found on peacocks! And then I thought, "what if the many eye spots on the peacocks feathers were to symbolize plurality too?" so! I thought to design a peafowl icon for it. I may redesign both symbols in the future but I like how it looks so far!
Note: We have retired the simplified version of this flag (11/5/2023).
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cavityinmybrain · 29 days
i kinda wish there was more discussion of having UDD talked about in CDD communities. so much of what i see discussed is about DID/OSDD and i know my disorder probably has less people who have it, but like idk. i want to meet people with this disorder too.
i want to be able to talk about how i feel being diagnosed as UDD while being treated for DID. how that makes me feel as if my system isnt as noticable. how that might be bias from my provider, but how leaving my provider to find a new one wont be beneficial for myself or my mental health.
i want to talk about how underrepresented other CDDs are in CDD communities, how people say CDDs but really only discuss DID/OSDD. how you never see conversation of how messy the line between many of the disorders are.
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sysboxes · 3 months
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[Text: This user is currently questioning if they have USDD.]
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[Text: This user is currently questioning if they’re a(n) USDD system.]
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[Text: This user is currently questioning if they have UDD.]
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[Text: This user is currently questioning if they’re a(n) UDD system.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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divinerapturesys · 1 year
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splitting be like-
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