#vlad's therapy game
satureja13 · 6 months
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Vlad's Therapy Game - Part 5
Vlad can't believe he's sitting here without his shirt in front of Leander again! He has to remind himself over and over again that he does all this to help Ji Ho, Saiwa and Jack. And that this is just a game. Just. A. Game. After a while (that already took much too long if you asked Vlad) Leander had banged the rock into a rough shape.
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Time to take measurements. Leander: "So where is what..."
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Hahaha Leander can be happy that Vlad already drifted off ^^'
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Then he banged around a bit more...
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Leander: "Let's see..."
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Leander, after another while: "Hmmm..."
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Leander: "Oh-oh. This part is a bit too long."
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The Queen wants her statues accurate. Leander: "Let's shorten this part a bit..."
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And then he was finally finished! Leander: "Come - take a look." Vlad finally drifted back. He just daydreamed about making a certain part of Leander a bit shorter!
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Leander: "What do you think?"
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The damn statue looked nothing like him! The head and the face even looked like all the other heads here on the pedestals! Leander: "Of course he does! He's made in the image and likeness of you!"
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Leander is hurt. No one ever dared to criticize his work.
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And Vlad is furious. Leander could have easily done this without him sitting here for hours in humiliation! Tch!
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Vlad collected his money, bougt some food and called Diablo. Vlad: "Let's never look back." Diablo: 'Agreed.'
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'We walked him to the station in the rain We kissed him as we put him on the train And we sang him a song of times long gone Though we knew that we'd be seeing him again (Far away!) I'm sad to say I must be on my way So buy me beer or whiskey, 'cause I'm going far away (Far away!) I'd like to think of me returning when I can To the greatest little boozer and to Sally MacLennane'
The Pogues - Sally MacLennane TMI: Sally MacLennane is an irish stout (beer) and not a girl ^^'
And this is how Vlad hastily left Goldshire (and soon after the Therapy Game). He'd seen enough. Time to report back to Saiwa. He surely won't come back here so he didn't care who saw him topless. He wonders how time had passed for the others. Ingame time often passes much faster than in reality and the Bond didn't complain or demanded to be charged. So his guess is he only spent here a few hours real time even though it had been ~ 24 hours in the Therapy Game. That should be enough for playtesting. It seems quite safe (minus the embarrassment) but the others can decide for themselves if they are stable enough to try it.
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From the Beginning  🔱  Underwater Love 🔱  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 📜 7-12 📜 13-16 📜 17-22 📜 23-28
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little-pondhead · 2 years
“Hey, Danny.” Sam twisted her upper body as much as she could from the trio’s puppy pile on the floor. It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday, and the trio had nothing to do except comb through old occult books and internet records for more information on the supernatural. Danny was on the bottom of the pile, laying on his stomach with both a laptop and a old red journal splayed out in front of him. Sam and Tucker were piled on top of him with their own reading materials.
Sam couldn’t see his face, but she wasn’t all surprised when Danny solved this issue by simply turning his head around all the way like an owl to look back at her. Perks of being dead. He blinked. “Yeah?”
“You know how your parents have that working theory on ghosts and obsessions?” Sam asked. Tucker peeked over the edge of the laptop, interested.
Danny nodded slowly, which was odd to see when his head was backwards.
She continued, “Well we already know that some of that is true-ghosts do have obsessions but it’s not the sole reason of their existence. Right?”
“So would it make sense for halfas to have an obsession?”
Danny opened his mouth, then closed it as a thought occurred to him. They all thought on it for a moment.
Tucker clicked his laptop a few times. Probably pulling up their old ‘case’ files and notes for reference. “I don’t see why they wouldn’t, but maybe it’s more subdued than a full ghost’s due to their half human nature?”
“That’s a good theory.” Sam agreed. “But what if halfas are the only one with a true obsession-something that would cause them to come back to life because of it?”
“But that defeats the purpose of the ectoplasm research.” Tucker argued. “Danny was exposed to two different elements during the accident. The thing that killed him and the thing that brought him back to life. That’s what caused the halfa evolution. Besides, if a true obsession alone managed to bring someone back to life, there’s be a lot more halfas in the world.”
Sam set down her heavy occult book, dog-earring the page. (Ghost Writer won’t like that.) “Well what about Vlad?” She countered. “That fruit loop obviously has some sort of obsession going on-maybe even more that one!”
“Guys.” Danny interrupted. “I think you’re both right and wrong.” His face was still thoughtful, staring up at the ceiling that held little paper bats on string. Which, again, was a bit unsettling since his head was still turned around. “I think I do have an obsession, maybe even more than one. But it’s not because I’m part ghost.”
“Then what’s if from?” Tucker exclaimed. “What did we miss??”
Danny gave them a tiny, fanged smirk. “You forget, I have ADHD.”
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muffinrag · 8 months
me, the day after smoking weed: ok the weed makes the hip pain worse. we have to stop smoking weed
me, three days after smoking weed: hey I think we got the hip back into place. feels a lot better
me, four days after smoking weed: you know the hip feels pretty good maybe we could smoke tonight
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inthememetime · 1 year
Cursed necklace DPxDC AU
Vlad is a 24yr-old student who dies in college...in the early 1900s. Since then, he has haunted the University of Wisconsin by virtue of his his old necklace.
He likes the school- and the students like him! Since photography became accessible, students, teachers, staff, and visitors alike have been trying to get photos with him, students bribe him to help with homework (after all, he's been auditing classes for a century), mainly with cheep beer, fried cheese-related foods, and (since some kid introduced him to the Green Bay Packers), Packers memorabilia.
The students leave the game on for him, and the brave ones turn the lights off and leave a spot open for him in the hopes of seeing the Wisconsin University ghost up close and personal. (If they combine this with cheese sticks and beer, it's a near guarantee).
In general, he's a beloved figure. But then the Fentons start college there. At first, it's cool! These humans have made machines to let them listen to him (with some translation errors), they're building a portal to the GZ, which means he can have other ghosts to talk to, again, and they're fun!
Oh. Wait. They're being kicked out because they tried something unethical. Oh well! Somebody just turned on a Packers game, and he can smell the cheesesticks already.
Little does he know, the Fentons have created their prototype thermos. Until his necklace (and due to the lack of ambient ectoplasm), essentially his core is in there.
For 15. Long. Years.
Danny- not as Phantom, just Danny- finds the box and, with the curiosity of a 9-year-old opens the box. Soon, he's contaminated, despite his new buddy trying to keep him safe. And dies. Yep 9 year old Phantom.
BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! See Damian was a TWIN! Bruce is, when he tracks down said twin, Very Displeased by the lack of safety measures, and takes his other biological son (and his son's sister who is only 12 rn) home with him.
Bruce does NOT know about his hitchhiker; a centuries-old vampire ghost. He also doesn't know Danny's dead. More under the cut!
Clark gets mind controlled and tries to start a fight. Tries being the operative word here, because his 9-year-old is fighting a grown Kryptonian. And winning.
Plasmius steals cheese a lot, turns TVs to Packers games, and is generally a nuisance. Constantine is called.
Constantine has a new best friend because holy shit, a real ghost who's willing to talk to him! He can get so much info!
Bruce: Can you get him out of my house? Plasmius: Where Danny goes, I go.
Danny: Hey, can I have this? *eats a blob ghost in front of everyone*. *shares half with Plasmius*
Constantine is both horrified and curious. Clark gets punted across state lines by a vampire ghost who was Not Happy his kiddo got in a fight. Jason gets therapy a la a 12-year-old girl, a 9-year-old half-dead kid, and a centuries-old ghost.
There's enough ambient ectoplasm to thrive on, so Plasmius can roam and Danny can start learning powers. Vlad starts teaching Jason on the sly too.
Danny starts talking to bats, cats, rats, and a snake Damian rescued. Damian takes him to break into zoos to see what else he can talk to. Bruce is tired.
Plasmius uses his doubles for housework purposes in exchange for cheese from Alfred. Alfred abuses this shamelessly to drag Bruce up from the cave and make him eat.
Jasmine is Aggressively Normal. To the point where they're considering therapy, but then she gets kidnapped, talks to Harley, and embraces her alter identity as The Mindflayer.
Ok fine, she admits that is a little villainous. Maybe she can be Wraith or something? "Look, it seems you guys are being a little too upset about-", " Jazmine, you turned the Joker into a vegetable." Jason: YEAH she did! C'mon, we're going to have some fun, kids!
Just- Bruce thought he was getting two kids from an abusive household. He did NOT sign up for 2 half-dead OP kids, a cheese and football-obsessed vampire ghost, and a...NO, Danny, you CANNOT keep the giant green hellhound. Damien, stop encouraging him!
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carterstarlight25 · 6 months
Hi everyone! So I been thinking hard on a rather unique 3way crossover that I been considering about writing. Please feel free to give me your input.
The 3 way crossover consist of DC x DP x Halo Infinite. With the ships being Jason and Danny (Obviously). Master Chief and Bruce as the second ship to be included. And Tim Simping for Katrina. (Cortana 2.0 from Infinite)
I see these possible dynamics being cute as Chief will learn how to be human, and how to love. Him and Team Phantom Finding Family. Also I don't mean the bull Chief pulled in the god awful Halo TV Show!
Bruce will learn that killing isn't an act of God. It isn't you kill once, and become a mindless murderer. That there is a difference, between a Soldier doing his duty to protect humanity and his loved ones. And a mindless killer, enjoying the horror of its victims as the bleed out with please for mercy. Effectively stealing their innocent lives... Oh also learn to not be as emotionally constipated after Katrina effectively out smarts him into a therapy session with Jazz Nightingale. (Last name changed after she saved Danny from the their parents lab…)
Danny will learn what it means to be apart of a family. And how screwed the GIW are.~
Jason, finds out he’s ghost pregnant and a heavy underdeveloped Halfa. All while the Pit becomes a full ghost that he ends up birthing. Which is gonna be a Dinosaur that will be Jason’s “Nightmare.” To his Fright Knight. (I am really wanting to go for Altispinax, or Spinax Vivosaur from Fossil Fighters series. But idk, might just use the Giga from Jurassic World Dominion. Just to change it up from what I seen people have the Pits become.
How Chief comes into the story however, would be introduced via Clockwork leaving a very obviously placed Halo Infinite Xbox Game case with a unmarked disc inside it. In an Alley Danny was taking refuge in. With a sticky note of course. And a few chapters in, when he was alone in Wayne Manor decided to play the game. And by Play. I mean go ghost and jump into the game. But of course. With his Fabulous Phantom Luck (trademark pending.) A new power began to make itself known as the code latched on him on his way out. Bringing Master Chief and Katrina to life in the real world, with all his memories and Katrina with the entire UNSC Database.)
While that’s how I plan to bring in Chief and Co. the main gist of this will be an all out battle, to destroy the GIW. Outlaws, Sirens, Chief and the entire Batfam Team up.
Despite the JL repealing the Anti Ecto Acts. A few Private donors continue to find them to get their hands on Ectoplasm. The League of Assassin’s, Lex Luthor. And of Course Vlad Masters will be the main villains connected to the GIW.
I can see Jason and Chief getting along like wildfire. And when Bruce finds out Jason is one leading the squad his kids, trying to get them to go on a date with Master Chief. It leads to some funny moments I would think. And of course can’t forget Chief reluctantly surprise appearance in Civies at one of Bruce’s Gala’s. (I kinda wanna make him wear Olive Green suit and dress pants. Black Bow Tie with a white under suit. Black belt. And an Olive Green Military Cap to hide his Neural Implant. Maybe having all his Medals from the service pinned to his chest. At least the ones that match ones in this universe. So not all of them obviously.
And Jason would absolutely catch his father freeze up when he sees the handsome Spartan.
For looks regarding Chief’s face since we don’t know what he looks like. I was thinking Caucasian Male, short brown hair that could be the right height to spike it up at least. Not a complete buzz cut. Rather bright blue eyes. That do not glow like Danny’s. But at least around that color. Of course he will have some scars on his left Temple, his lip and across his right eye. Freckles too. His muscle mass would of course be a bit more built then Jason. Which says something. But, you know. Super Soldier and all. (Update: I did in-fact Draw it ^^. If you want to see. Let me know if you wanna see Master Chief in a suit at the Gala ^^)
The Ages I was gonna go for was as follows.
Alfred: Immortal (Thanks Clockwork!)
John (Master Chief): 46yrs (I know it’s not his cannon Age. But it’s what I want for the story.)
Bruce: 45yrs
Barbara: 29yrs
Dick: 26yrs
Jazz: 21yrs
Jason: 21yrs
Cass: 20yrs
Sam: 20yrs
Danny: 19yrs
Duke: 19yrs
Steph: 19yrs
Tucker: 19yrs
Val: 19yrs
Tim: 18yrs
Ellie: 14yrs
Damien: 12yrs
Katrina: 6 months old
And that’s the little Fanfic I been thinking about. Of course it’s just an idea. but I think it would be fun to write.
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wisecloudnightmare · 8 months
Can we have fucked up, toxic, old man yaoi with Jack Fenton/Vlad Masters please?
It's my brainrot that I can't cut off asdfgh
They're two mad scientists, one's carelessness changing the other's life irrevocably and the other hates him for it enough for murder attempts. Come on. You guys have to see it too.
Vlad wears a mask of a generous self-made man who'd like to reconnect with his long lost friends. But he's not that careful. What if Jack picks up on it and idk, plays a psychological game with Vlad?
What if it ends up as a poly relationship where Jack and Maddie love each other, and with Maddie's consent, Jack pursues Vlad like a wolf in the golden retriever's clothing?
More ideas under the cut
You can:
1. Add identity shenanigans where Jack feels jealous of Plasmius and Vlad's relationship
2. Make Jack act like an excited puppy around Vlad but a hunting hound when sees Plasmius. Jack knows they're the same person. But the mental gymnastics Vlad has to do to keep up the act means he accidentally trains himself to find excuses for Jack's behavior. Like any slipups from Jack's part or Jack's ...advances.
3. Make Jack put up with Vlad's murder attempts because he feels guilty and wants to bond with Vlad.
4. Make him intentionally step into traps because it makes Vlad happy.
5. Make him intentionally DESTROY the traps because Vlad looks really hot (both figuratively and literally) when he's angry.
6. Make Jack play up his clumsiness. When Vlad falls into a lake alongside him and comes out wet and miserable, Jack feels ...something.
7. Make Jack flirts with Vlad but with an excuse like, he's just affectionate with his friend.
8. Add angst to 7. by making Maddie/Jazz/Danny confront Jack about his relationship with Vlad.
8. Make Vlad try to present himself as a better husband to Maddie but make Jack fall in love with him instead.
9. Make them drunk and fall into bed together (need to tag consent issues tho)
10. Adds spice to 9. by making one of them trans
11. Make Danny walk in on them doing domestic shits like cooking together and Vlad feeding Jack to taste-test the food. (Vlad doesn't understand why Danny runs off like he sees something scandalous.)
12. Make Danny really walk in on them doing something scandalous lol
13. Make Danny cock-block them intentionally because he doesn't want Vlad as his other dad
14. Make Jazz sit Vlad down for an invasive therapy session
15. Make Vlad fall in love with Jack in the college and see Maddie as the one who stole him away (make the girls fiiiight)
16. Make Vlad fall in love with both Jack and Maddie but he's a repressed gay. So he pursues Maddie aggressively. Maddie likes him but finds his affection... fake? I mean he blushes when talking to her but there's this weird energy between him and Jack
17. Make it a really dark psychological thriller where Vlad wants a perfect family, using underhanded methods. Jack is less discreet and forcefully taking what was his; his Maddie, his kiddos, his... Vlad.
18. Make both of them halfas and their violent urges need to be met. (Have you ever read fics where sex with non-human is really violence?)
19. Make Vlad unconsciously purrs around Jack. Vlad falls asleep on the Fenton's couch and Jack picks him up, moving him to a guest room? Vlad purrs and nuzzles into his hold. Jack plays with Vlad's hair? Purrs. Sitting next to each other? Purrs. Danny comes back home to see purring Vlad arching his back so Jack can scratch it better, and quietly walks back out
20. Just do it like any other ships from Danny Phantom fandom or dpxdc crossover: create as many plotless fluff or porn (pwp) as you want. I just want to advertise the ship.
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seas-storyarchive · 11 months
Born Half Ghost AU
Danny was born with ghost powers, because Maddie almost died when she was pregnant with him - before she and Jack found out she was pregnant. Jack and Maddie, when they found out Danny had ghost powers, had to decide then and there: their beliefs about ghosts, or their son and daughter?
They chose their kids, seeing how Jazz was attached to her little brother and would smile as Jazz laughed when Danny started to float
They decided to get money together to move (deciding to not use Jack's inheritance money, save it for a college fund for the kids), the GIW buying it and offering the Fenton pair a job - which Maddie takes with conditions
Tucker is Danny's best friend. They do all kinds of stupid teenage shenanigans together. They get picked on by the popular kids (including Sam, who I hate as a character so there), even pulling Jazz in sometimes (not all the time, because Jazz can sometimes get them to do something else) or going to her for help with homework
Jack is a stay at home dad, had been since Danny was born, and is always ready to whip up some snacks for whenever Tucker and/or his parents are over for games
Maddie loves the recognition of being a scientist at a lab, is a loyal woman - don't even try anything, this queen ain't falling for it, and has friends there
The kids love visiting Aunt Alicia. Every summer, for two weeks, they go visit her in Arkansas
Vlad was an odd case.. he knew Danny was a ghost, told Jack and Maddie - who swore they wouldn't tell if he helped Danny work on his powers - and he worked on his hang ups about Maddie being with Jack (therapy visits, talking to a psychologist), and the three rekindled their friendship and the kids got a new Uncle
when Danny started to date Valarie, who Vlad knew from seeing her during a walk about of Axion Labs with her dad, everyone celebrated - but the trio talks about this rich goth girl who is trying to break up the two
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galaxytittus · 7 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore ✨️
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Alright y'all it's Remi's character development timeee!!! I'm gonna do both the OC questionnaire and the 5 facts for him. Thanks so much 4 including me in all these tag games @midnightsquartz! And everyone else who does even if I forget to do them 😅 I love y'all!!
OC Questionnaire
Name: Remi Fernandez
Nickname: Very rarely he'll get called "Rem," but he doesn't really have a nickname. Maple will occasionally jokingly call him Ramirez as his "full government name." Vlad has some more uhhh... unsavory nicknames for him 😳😳
Gender: Male
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 6.3 ft (192cm)
Orientation: Bisexual (though he will die on the hill of being straight, 'twas just a phase dude!!)
Nationality/Ethnicity: American, White/Hispanic
Favorite Fruit: Mangoes :P
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Flower: Blood red chrysanthemums, so emo :,(
Favorite Scent: Diesel fuel (he freaky like that)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: He's a black coffee connoisseur (he FREEAKY like that)
Average Hours of Sleep: About 6 if he's lucky, he works 24/7 and spends as much of his free time on his computer as Maple will tolerate.
Dogs or Cats: Used to be dogs but Maple converted him lmao
Dream Trip: Anywhere in the south, probably Florida. If it weren't so far away from family, him and Maple would move there in a heartbeat.
Number of Blankets: Three or four. Top sheet, comforter and a quilt on top, a weighted blanket too if ya nasty.
Random Fact: He played in his high school JV and varsity baseball teams as short stop and catcher occasionally. He and Pepper would meet at JV tryouts in their sophomore year (but Pepper wouldn't end up making the team with him pfff).
Random Facts
He has been working as a mechanic at his family's tire shop from high school till now. In his free time, he is taking classes online for an IT certification, hoping to get some IT office job like Vladdie and be home more for the new baby.
He is a big music and movie nerd. He eats up stereotypical dude movies like Pulp Fiction and The Wolf of Wall Street, probably because he likes to live vicariously through the main characters' debauchery.
He has deep seated commitment issues that stem from his parents' infidelity toward each other that he vehemently refuses to go to any sort of therapy for. Maple tries her best to iron it out with ultimatums (and uhh a baby) but he's still hesitant to marry her.
He hates the fact that he needs glasses, but also refuses to get contacts because they need to be fitted to his astigmatisms and he's too lazy for that.
He has been vaping and smoking for about a decade, trying to quit every January like clockwork. He just recently started getting into ZYNs because "babee there's not even any smoke with these!! perfect for baby!"
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abunchofnumbers05 · 8 months
Briar has eaten a lot of things she probably shouldn't. Girl will eat anything, even if it tastes bad, is poisonous, is spoiled or if the rest wants to make sure if it's safe to eat.
"Hey I found this plant, but I'm not sure if it's edible."; *hands it to Briar*; *sniffs* *munching* "Blerg! Bad."
Vladmir is Viego's uncle on his mother side. If Briar is Vlad's "daughter" does it make her heir to the Camavor throne?
Ōllamalīztli is a very popular game in Ixtal. Milio and Qiyana are pretty good at it.
Soraka is trying to implement a new type of therapy in Runeterra: Emotional support poro! Reciving Braum seal of aproval.
What if we set Warwick on a date with Sett's mom? How would Sett feel about having Jinx and Vi as sisters? Especially since he's very likely the little brother...
Kai'sa has those moments where she starts making clicking sounds, like some kind of bug, trying to comunicate somehow, she can control it, thing is if you start hearing it at 3 a.m while trying to get water and it's pitch black...
Diana has a big ass forehead, we all know that. But once she slept so had that Jinx and Kayn played tic-tac-toe on it for 10 minutes. Thankfully they cleaned it before she woke up. She still doesn't know it happened.
Ez tries to play it cool, like an Indiana Jones wannabe, but the boy is a huge history nerd and knows a lot more about other regions culture/history that people give him credit for.
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Vlad's Therapy Game - Part 4
Good news: Both, Bunny and Vlad survived the night! (And of course Diablo too :)
Vlad slept like the dead (that he actually is) even though he only had a quarter of an inch hay between him and the hard, cold soil. After he woke up, he felt like he'd been hit by a tractor - twice. He moaned and crawled up like an old man. Apparently Diablo woke him.
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Diablo: 'Omg, get up already! Finish your job and let's leave this foul place! They devour me with their eyes!' Vlad, barely awake and full of aches: "Sure, pal. Let's get this over with. Keep your distance to the village until I finish work."
Diablo: 'You betcha.'
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Vlad shuffled over to the sculptor's shop. From what he sees, he is a master of his craft and he has no idea why no one wanted to work for him. Well, he'll soon find out. Not that he cared much. This is just a game and he dealt with harder tasks. He'd even been to hell and back. So one day working here won't kill him. It's for Ji Ho and Saiwa - and his best friend Jack after all. There was music playing in the shop, so the sculptor is already there too, despite the early hour.
'Enjoy what'chas got, not what you have not 'tis a weak heart lamenting with sorrow When the days seem cursed, it could always be worse Fight depression with sword and arrow'
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The Sculptor: "Good Morning! You're early, that's great. Take off your shirt and let's start right away. The queen is eagerly waiting for her statue!"
'When the zeppelinous clouds of trouble abound And thunder is clapping and lightning strikes ground Just when yer thinking this may be your last Throw a lash 'round the mast, hold fast!'
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Eh - take off his shirt? He knows this voice. It belongs to the very person who always demands him to take off his shirt!
'When the world ain't right, and it smithes ye with strife Ye can now buckle down, it's a test they call life Very soon you will see what kind of animal you'd be Taking the bite outta life'
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Leander! Vlad's nemesis! The very man who never fails to make him lose his composure! The red-haired devil who wanted to marry him. Yeah - he only cursed Vlad and dragged him down to his hell to protect him - but that does not mean he'll ever forgive him that he touched Ji Ho and almost drowned him! (Which actually wasn't Leander's fault either...)
'When they're testing the gallows, yer hung like a dog Or they're marching us out to a firing squad We just smile and recall all the good times we had It's the best 'til tomorrow It's the best day 'til tomorrow'
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But of course NPC Leander did not recognize him. Because this is just a game. A stupid game! He'll have a word with Tiny Can when he's back, that's for sure... Leander: "Ah the gods sent you! You're beautiful - the Queen will be pleased! Sit over there."
'No considering surrender when yer down in the dregs If ye look down and notice you still have your legs So stand up and fight you just might seize the day It's the best day 'til tomorrow'
The Real McKenzies - Best Day until Tomorrow If you happen to like punk: this song is really good! I just found it by chance and it fits so well!
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And so Vlad took off his shirt (and his pride) for Leander - again... He grit his teeth and tried not to freak out and kill this annoyingly oblivious NPC. And he reminded himself over and over again that this is just a game. And for whom he does this. Ji Ho. Jack. Saiwa. Just. A. Game.
(It seems like NPC Leander ist just as full of himself and annoying as real Leander and therefore the village folks avoids him ^^')
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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shioritsumi · 1 year
fun fact: the initial concept phase of the next-gen Danny Phantom story with Dawn and everyone happened before The Ultimate Enemy premiered.
Dan might not exist in their timeline. Like, their version of Danny never interacted with Clockwork or Dan and none of that stuff happened. Which means Danny grew as a person in a timeline where TUE never happened, Phantom Planet never happened, a lot of the stuff that built off of the character development from that special? Didn't happen. Whether this makes their timeline better or not remains to be seen.
By the by! Other headcanons for this universe as well!!!
Raziel Masters and Damienne Something-Fenton (bc i keep changing her dad's name) are 2/3 of a trio of college students studying ghost psychology for therapy purposes with the intent of becoming ghost therapists as a way of mitigating some of the danger presented by ghosts. Raziel Masters and Damienne Something-Fenton (bc i keep changing her dad's name) are 2/3 of a trio of college students studying ghost psychology for therapy purposes with the intent of becoming ghost therapists as a way of mitigating some of the danger presented by ghosts.
The third is their best friend Oleg Vladislaus, who came to their college on a scholarship from Gravenville. This is already a fun little easter egg as that's the name of the town the game Ghost Master takes place in. So his hometown is HELLA haunted, and the paranormal is far from bizarre conversation matter for him. Sometimes Damienne and Raziel worry that he feels like a third wheel to them, and try to involve him in their lives as much as possible. (he's actually worried they're exhausting themselves for no point; he knows dealing with ghosts is tiring and you need to take care of yourself)
Danny Masters thinks his little brother Raziel is rly cool bc he arranged for the entire situation with Dawn to be taken care of. (long story short- Dawn Fenton's powers are unstable, and he had a meltdown; Raziel calmed him down and sealed away his short term memory of the incident and arranged with Vlad for a coverup to claim everything was a gas main explosion that, fortunately, didn't really hurt anyone) Danny isn't that great at organization, and admires the fact that Raziel is so good at it and can form plans easily. Danny generally flies by the seat of his pants.
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Danny Phantom AU where Vlad went to therapy after his accident and is moderately well adjusted. He still lied, cheated and overshadowed his way into wealth but he's not super-villain obsessed with the Fentons.
Instead of trying to humiliate and murder Jack at the Class Reunion then steal his Wife (like a crazy person), he planed on tearing into Jack and Maddie for abandoning him after their experiment hospitalized and crippled him and then ghosting him for 20 years and making them look (and feel) like horrible people. Preferably in front of a lot of their old classmates.
Then he and Danny have their little hallway confrontation (or smth similar) and he's torn between:
"Omg this kid is like me, I finally have someone to talk to" and "OMG their son is like me, WTF did they do".
So he decides to play the long game instead and approaches Danny like a normal person. He (more or less) explains his deal to him and offers to mentor him. Because what would be a sweeter revenge than stealing their son, simply by being a genuinely better parental figure then them, no foul play involved.
And because he didn't ruin his first impression with Danny by doing or saying something creepy or unhinged, Danny is super exited.
He finally has someone who's not only just like him and understands what he's going through, but is experienced enough to teach him about his powers.
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simsphonysims · 3 years
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Hi, my fellow simmers! ♡
Today I’m sharing with you a Vlad's manor in the Forgotten Hallow (The Sims 4 Vampires game pack). It was about time for Vlad to get the new house worthy of the main master vampire.
♡ Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD4sARDBOyc
Hope you like it!
♡ CC needed:
Simsphony’s CC LIST - complete! (Here is the whole list of packs with their links that I’m using in my game)  
Felixandre (Colonial, Berlin, Paris, Versailles, Louis XV, Gothic, Schwerin, Victorian, Rococo, Florence, Georgian, French rugs, Piranese planter, Tudor, Ludwigslust paintings, Venus, Gatsby, Pedestal regency, Egypt, Petit trianon, Candelabra leto, London) - Basically everything
House of Harlix (The kichen, Orjanic, Livin'rum)
Hey Harrie (Bougainvillea, Country collection, Brutalist, Brownstone, Candle set, Heritage, Stockholm, Porto)
MadameRia (Old-Timey Fireplace, Typewriter)
Awingedllama (Apartment therapy)
Sixam (Kessler, Lux bath)
Pierisim (Coldbrew, Oak house, Maison Meuliere, Caldreone)
Brazen lotus (Foundation, Vampire objects, Incantation & Apothecary, Jaipur rugs, Knick knack, Archaeology Table Clutter, Spellbound Clutter, Functional Wall Epitaphs, Separated beds)
Mlys (Pufferhead, Laundry storage)
Linzlu (Travel trunks, Vintage gas cooker, 1920 bedroom, Princess Secratary desk, Cousin Jeb's Rocking Chair)
Plumbob tea society (Cottage garden, SimLaughLove's B-day 2017, Mags Birthday 2017, Rustic romance, happy birthday Magnolian Farewell)
Magnolian farewell (Antique stack, The modern witches guide to practical magic, Simblreen,Buncha books)
Strange storyteller (sectional library, Baroque art)
Simsational designs (Lofte living, Kitayama living, Hamptons hideaway, Cozy knits, Vintage glamour)
The clutter cat (Spring spirits, Winterfest wonders, Mermaid mansion 1)
King Falcon (Fuvwara, Stone railing)
Myshunosun (Luna, Nora)
Max20 (Classic kitchen, Cozy bathroom)
The Jim (Recumbent lion, The Nile, Caryatid)
Zx-Ta (birds, you've got mail, odds and ends, music box, the wizard's lair, arcane tome, forest hat - items, tailor set, tactical map, jacoban, advent calendar 24, liberated sinks, prism art studio, pleasing art paintings) - my recomendation is to download everything medieval and sinks
Kiwisim4 (Immortal lights)
Litttle cakes (vintage clutter)
Ravasheen (Uplifting Elevators,Straight Outta Compost)
Little Dica
♡ Tray file:  Vlad’s manor
Happy simming!  ♡
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if you share fluffy/comforting hcs i will be your bestfriend
Come here, we need some soft content after all the angst happening with the League:
Kurogiri likes bees and he turns into a beekeeper. He buys a house some time away from the city, where he can be at peace.
Mr. Compress let's Toga decorate his prosthesis with stickers. They clean it after certain time so she can decorate it all over again.
Spinner teaches Tomura how to drive every Friday in an empty parking lot. The kids from class 1-A take turns going with them and they record the whole thing. People is really into that, specially when they get Bakugo screaming at both of them for being terrible at driving. After every session, Tomura buys them ice-cream and they sit around while he asks what have they been doing at UA.
Dabi goes with Natsuo when he decides to get his first tattoo. Actually, they end up getting matching tattoos as a promise to never get apart again. Shoto wants one two but Fuyumi is making him wait until he's 21 years old.
Eri once sees Toga smiling and she goes to hug her, telling her that crying is okay too. Everyone goes deadly quiet as Toga suddenly cries a little, hugging Eri back. The girl who can't smile is smiling and the girl who can't cry is crying. And they're doing it because they're happy.
Dabi and Shoto take turns mocking Bakugo while Shigaraki and Deku take turns defending him. Which is really funny because them you have Toga and Uraraka pointing out which team is winning.
Bakugo gets to punch everyone at least once. At least people stop him before he goes against Toga and Uraraka. That'd be a hell of a fight.
The girls at class 1a and class 1b adore Toga and they always invite her when they're going out. Tomura drives her to the place and gives her money to buy ice-cream.
Speaking of which: have you ever thought about Kirishima punching Dabi and Shigaraki just once for kidnapping Bakugo and then going "okay, and now let's hug".
Spinner is like a big brother for the whole class 1b. They are always calling him for advice and help. Once they all decided to cosplay him for Halloween and he almost cried.
Hatsume gets all excited when Compress asks her if she can do a prosthesis for him. He let's the kids at UA create him support tech that he tests. He finds it pretty funny.
Eri tests her power on Dabi every few moths to keep his body from going worst. He messes her hair every time, pointing out how cool is her horn. She reminds him a lot of Tomura and that makes him a little nostalgic.
They find pics of Tomura as a kid by pure luck. He's with his sister and his mother and his grandparents, his father taking the photo. They also find the photo of Nana with Kotaro. Tomura let's All Might keep that one.
When Tomura first meets Momo it hits him how much she reminds him of Hana. He's ashamed at first but eventually he tells the class about his sister. The girls are nicer to him after that and so are the boys.
Rei invites Toga and Tomura for dinner every few weeks. Toga and Shoto are somehow friends, because they can rant about Deku and not understanding people. Since the first meeting, Natsuo became sort of friends with Tomura because they are the same age.
Natsuo invites Tomura to sport games and to the cinema sometimes and Fuyumi worries, but after some time she realizes Dabi is right. Tomura is not a danger to Natsuo.
Spinner joins them after a while. They are not like a crazy trio ranting about sports and movies. Spinner even finds a way to take Natsuo to the gym with him and now they train together.
Tomura and Dabi sometimes disappear together at night. They're on the roof, watching the stars. Those nights when they're feeling raw and violent, they prefer to go with Kurogiri and stay there for some time. Those days are hard, specially because it's easy to miss the friends that did not make it out alive, but they have each other and they hold tight together.
Mr. Compress helps the following years with the cultural festival. Everything is colorful and dramatic and lovely. He is like the special guest. Kurogiri visits the city those days.
Inko finds herself protecting Tomura more than once, mothering him about his scratching and scars. He's constantly eating with the Midoriyas.
Toga and Monoma become besties and no one knows who that happened. She spents a lot of time around class 1b. She also teaches Shinso how to become invisible. Present Mic gets kinda nervous but Aizawa finds it interesting. Well, that kid stabbed him once, she's good. Shinso can learn a bunch from her.
Kurogiri starts helping Fuyumi with teaching kids somehow too. He's really patient and kids adore to play around with his misty form. Fuyumi finds him reliable and responsible. Who would guess they'd find comfort in each other.
Tensei, Iida's brother, gets help from Natsuo with his therapy. Iida and Deku get Melissa Shield to help him with new tech support. He finds a way to work as a minor hero again, and he trains a lot with Compress, both of them trying to regain more mobility.
The best day of Tomura's life is when Stain recognizes he was right. Also? Iida and Tomura bonding over hating Stain? Think about the possibilities.
Tomura teaches Uraraka how to win money online playing games. She's AMAZING at that. Dabi and Shoto secretly gives her a lot of money on her streams. Dabi because he can waste Enji's money and Shoto for the same reason, plus she's her friend.
Tsuyu and Spinner bonding over the stress of their friends being morons. Also they enjoy each other's company a lot.
Dabi and Denki and Cami speaking in memes and only Present Mic is able to translate.
Tomura and Uraraka bonding over not being able to touch things with all their fingers.
Dabi and Sero doing pranks with Sero's tape.
Dabi is definitely a bad influence for class 1a. And even a wrost influence for class 1b.
Tomura is not better but at least he teaches them important stuff.
Dabi will deny to his death that he likes those kids. Tomura teases him constantly.
Toga has a secret account to post stuff about Tomura and Dabi and how they are secretly in love. Class 1a and class 1b join. Soon they're losing their shit all the time around them and they both are angry because they don't know what's happening.
And then class 1b makes it a competition because they ship Spinner and Shigaraki better. It is a naive game, Tomura can't be mad because it's really chaotic, but he asks them eventually to tone it down because they're crossing some limits.
Dabi and Spinner are clueless.
Kurogiri says he ships Tomura with happiness when they ask him.
Then proceeds to say he adores Spinner.
Shoto gets insulted in behalf of his brother and he gets Compress to say he prefers Shigaraki with Dabi.
When they officially asks Shigaraki, he send the meme of "Both? Both. Both is good". Next day Vlad King and Aizawa has to endlessly ask them to stop laughing in class. Specially when Tomura walks in wirh the biggest smirk ever.
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floof-ghostie · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Maijima Higari | Power Loader, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-H (My Hero Academia), Class 1-C (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: U.A. Support Department (My Hero Academia), U.A General Education Department, support course students kicking ass, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Mineta exists for me to torment him, Class 1-B makes an appearance, Monoma Neito is supportive, They are all in their second year Series: Part 1 of My (Support) Hero Academia Summary:
It's been three months since the Paranormal Liberation war ended. Battle training for the hero students has been put on hold, in exchange for class work and therapy. Now Class 2-A (formerly 1-A) is headed to Ground beta, ready to partake in their first bout of practical training in a classic game of Capture-the-flag, against another class. Class 2-A expected a nice, clean game against class 2-B and going to their dorms afterwards, to reflect on the match.
They weren't expecting Power Loader being there in place of Vlad King, and they certainly were not counting on Class 2-H's students to walk up, decked out in support items.
Tagging all my mutuals! 
@mobihyuki  @kaibaras-camera @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pink-bhan  @messler31 @izukukuzi @neiito
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 8-13 thoughts! again, under the cut bc I blew through 6 episodes in one go...
-LOVE THE WAY THE GHOST ZONE LOOKS. but theres fucking ghost cops??? ghost jail??? that SUCKS imagine dying and going to jail in your AFTERLIFE. danny going to JAIL WAS NOT something I expected. but seeing all the enemies together and work with danny to bust out. SO ICONIC I love that actually. and the thing about real world stuff acting as ghosts in the ghost zone is very cool.
-'there are some things more important that hunting ghosts!' mrs fenton says, about her husband forgetting their anaversary (FOR THE 18TH YEAR IN A ROW?? CHRIST) and not about, idk, their son clearly freaked out. she didnt even notice he was gone into the ghost zone!!! he might be a bad husband BUT shes not the best mom. they suck and I don't care about their relationship problems I care about these kids. danny doing his best to clean the house to keep his mom from getting mad at his dad?? hes such a good boy I want to cry, this is not his place, his dad should be cleaning his own shit up!!!
-maddie's butch lesbian sister is living my best life in her lil cabin. also being a snarky bitch to jack. queen. and her getting a 10th anniversary of her divorce. LOVE IT.
-mr. lancer being a cheerleader in his younger years makes perfect sense to me. king shit.
-dr. spectra's cat ears/mullet hairstyle?? sooo cute. I also just love the concept of a ghost just. sucking out people's positivity and feeding on emotions. a great villain. she put danny in a fucking diaper what the FUCK. and keeping it cold so no one would suspect shes a ghost??? INCREDIBLE. and her gay little blob sidekick. wlw mlm evil solidarity.
-JAZZ FOCUSED EP. YEAAAH!!! her first thought when she saw the ghosts was like 'omg i gotta tell danny :)' and her going to the teacher and also councilor trying to get help for him...shes just 16 but shes trying so hard to help him out :( watching this when youre younger I can imagine ppl are like omg annoying!! but watching this when im older im just like :( jazz baby im SO sorry </3 SHE BODIED THAT GHOST THOUGH. and the fact she didnt tell danny she knew surprised me. like, shes patient and waiting on him to tell her when hes ready!! thats so so sweet.
-christ the parents talking about 'PEELING IT LIKE AN ONION. AND EXAMINING REMAINS' of ghosts RIGHT INFRONT OF DANNY.
-'why am i so depressed and angry all the time!!' DANNY YOURE 14. i mean it IS a ghost this time, but...
-579$ top?? VALERIE NO ITS NOT EVEN CUTE IT DOESNT EVEN GO WITH THAT OUTFIT AAAA. tho this ep is called shades of gray..VALERIE FOCUSED EP FINALLY????! *THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE* I already knew about red huntress from my redesigns, but I didn't exactly know what that entails or how/why, so, it's fun to see the Origins.
-ghost pubby! ghost pubby!!!!! why is the dog a ghost?? the implication that the company had guard dogs and got rid of them...what did they DO. is it just the unfinished business?? of not having that toy it was looking for?? god I hope so.
I feel SOOO bad for valerie tho, my god. her friends are shunning her for what, because her dad lost her job and she had to move??? horrible. (and the fact the dog wrecked the moving van too...) I also love how 'from wisconsin' on the package was an IMMEDIATE RED FLAG FOR ME. WISCONSIN=EVIL NOW. vlads so petty.
-it took valerie like 5 mins to get the hang of hunting ghosts and shes already a much bigger threat than his parents tbh. who've been trying and studying this for years. and a more valid reason <3 love her shes so cute and cool. new daughter alert.
-'i should do SOMETHING to help valerie' no shit danny???
-'who is that, awesome outfit!' -top gay sam moments. i was going to say. before it immediately cuts to sam kissing danny LMFAOOO. don't think I like that, it puts tucker in a weird third wheel position... the next ep involves them holding hands and blushing when danny's cold...URGH No. not a fan ngl. the trope of 'if theres a girl in a trio she has to end up with one of the two guys!!'
-right as I say that they take it to extremes!! and ember shoots him with a love ray gun that makes him OBSESSIVE OVER SAM. AND SHE TAKES HIS HANDS AND SAYS 'YOU DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT ME, I DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT YOU' and her saying she doesnt want to be together like this. and tucker saying 'i always knew you two would get together!!' dont manifest it tucker please. the show pushing for it so hard makes me not want it KSHKJKJD I KNOW its probably canon. it sucks though. im a hater.
-EMBERRRRR YOU WILL REMEMBERRRRRR . this is the one thing I kinda remember from when I was a kid EMBERRRRR ilu. top 10 cartoon bops. sams being a hater. popular things are popular for a reason. mr. lancer also being a hater. also everyone wearing her color scheme ..its a really good look, the purple, black, and minty color...
-penguins exist in the ghost zone. confirmed.
-EMBER JUST SHOWING UP AT A RANDOM HIGHSCHOOL TO PLAY?? UNANNOUNCED, MID DAY??? girl get a tour schedule. make some money or smth damn. I know shes probably doing it for the power boost but. lord. anyway if your show doesnt have a concert scene/ep, is it even valid.
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-hey, she had an undercut at some point!! my redesign!!! was accurate!! in..a way
-I feel like danny has a lot of pent up aggression ngl, him being heartbroken about sam and immediately going IM GONNA GO TAKE IT OUT ON EMBER. I mean she needs to be stopped I guess But. jazz has the right idea he needs therapy and a HEALTHY outlet.
-tucker singing > my singing
-girls cant be gamers -tucker and danny sexist moments. her being chaos in the game OWNED.
-it was actually nice of lancer to let danny retake the test, and he go to play games again. smh. epic cringe gamer moments compilation. and driving him home!!! I actually like him as a character. anyway teachers like lancer are SO appreciated. I was failing middle school because of mental problems, and felt so dumb and got embarrassed by teachers who would just get onto me instead of bothering to ask what the real problem was, but when I was taking my ged classes I had a wonderful teacher who kept reassuring me that I was smart, and I got honors!! danny is SUCH a little shit to him (understandable, 14, but) but seeing them getting along better and danny putting in effort. SO CUTE. THATS MY SON, STUDYING HARD!!!! and being so PROUD OF HIMSELF!!! 91!!! BITCH!!! A- is STILL AN A!!!
-'why dont they ever realize thats me in a dress' mr lancer i am CRYING. i realized.
-technus being my ghost grandpa who cant game asking tucker for help. bless his heart. his out of date old ppl lingo circles back to being endearing <3 tucker not recognizing him despite the like, lack of any kind of serious disguise...I do love their lil in-game outfits....sam being the tank rules. I like technus' spider design also. more characters need to be giant freaky spiders, imo.
-finding your gf a new host because she cant maintain her ghost body outside the zone? amazing. using jazz as the host? ILL KILL YOU. jazz immediately accepting a ride home from a guy she just met and letting him know where she lives. letting him IN THE HOUSE??? nooo girl no lets use common sense </3
-sooo cringe the parents were like 'good job for spying on your sister' tho wtffff. doesnt matter if hes a bad guy, thats fucked. everytime these parents BREATHE im like. these are MY kids now <3
-BAD LUCK BEING A THEME OF THE 13TH EPISODE. thats super fun. johnny 13 being his name is so. iconic. your last name is a NUMBER? also goth tucker. I actually love the look. everyone looks good goth. 'the ladies love the eyeliner and onyx nail polish' sam you are sooo right every man needs to at least try those two things. im a lesbian and I agree. same, danny, your bff is gnc af
-LOVE kitty's design. and just, the concept of a ghost with a bike. couple goals, except yes stay away from jazz.
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