#wait am i the only stay on this app?
literaryconneseiur · 1 year
I'm always doing this when I want something to do that'll occupy my mind. There's a lot of it, and none of it may be accurate. Art exists for interpretation, though, right? So I'll see what I can offer. Be warned, my thoughts will be haphazard because it's past two in the morning and I have a headache.
Now let's start with the obvious. I think we've all clocked that Social Path is a play for the word Sociopath. Stray Kids do that a lot, right? Bend words to wrap around themselves because maybe they feel imprisoned by what the original word represents? Maybe they feel it is a label, and if they must carry one of those, they'd rather design it themselves.
The opening is "gave up my youth for my future"😭😭
An alien (foreigner) in the town.
All the hate, all the broken lines. All the anger and the resolve.
Oh my God, there are so many layers to this song😭🫠.
Their voices meld so well together. Not to mention the instrumentals, which sound genius, yes, but a bit light and excited too. The lyrics though—
It makes so much sense, at least from the perspective I'm looking at. Them being adrift, like comets, with the possibility of crashing or continuing to float.
Being lost in a sea of bodies, just giving up. Hands and words and chains reaching for them, people telling them to give up, trying to hold them down.
I don't know if it goes this deep, but felix has only one wing, the pain it must've taken to loose the other but still hold on to that one side. Did it get ripped out? Did he stumble and decide to "rise up stronger"?
And in the end, they stand as if they have won a battle, Bruised perhaps, but they've victorious. And a war still awaits.
There's more people...
A different line of thought, I'm thinking the part Lee Know is on his bed, a place that should be one of comfort and rest and privacy for him, and hands are frantically reaching for him despite how much he's curling into himself might have something to do with fans and their mega obsessions and lack of respect for their private lives.
Not to mention the same faceless people made bang chan feel choked, and he never did escape them in the video. But then there's a part where they stand and lift him up, till he's floating.
I don't know. There is so much hyper-symbolism in everything that I'm getting wrapped up in it, too.
If we begin breaking down the MV scene by scene them you will get to see the full picture and not fragments of the message they trying to pass on
The M/V fits the lyrics totally.
The scene where Han was chained??
Where the chains fear?
Was it doubt? Was it pain? Was it the endless dread of the future?
And the fact that he was chained alone, in a fortress where he saw nothing but himself. Was that a way of showing how he kept all the pain, the negative emotions locked away inside of him, how he projected it onto himself?
Life isn't easy, neither is any of this simple, and they showed it in rock and roll😌🫠 how amazing is that!!!!!!
When everyone ignored I.N? Why?
Others debuted but not BangChan....it was like he wasn't seen,he wasn't heard...in the midst of everyone,he stood alone with no one to hold
Then them pushing through all those throes of faceless people that signify not just people but every single hurdle they have had to overcome and come out stronger just to keep this dream alive.
I cannot even begin to unpack all this. Making them laugh while they feel empty? It echoes, it's loud. Having to appeal to a world that barely even wants them. And the line "meant to be my dream". I'm sure no one expected dreams to hurt this much, especially not people who were barely more than children, reaching for something they could never imagine having. Like I said, their life in a nutshell. They said, "It was supposed to be their dream," not something to expand their worries.
And I feel like that space simulation is a safe space, the chorus happens there, maybe its each other.
That scene was a lot. The m/v was so intense that at first glance, one would assume it was nothing but chaos, but isn't that what life looks like from the outside? There is so much to unpack about it and it's so easy to judge another.
There's more everyone but I feel I should save it for another day.
Before I stop though, I'll have to mention the theory I keep seeing from other people on tiktok and Instagram. They say each scene depicts a members fear, Here it goes:
Changbin: Nightmares.
Lee Know: Fear of Heights
Felix: Overthinking
Seungmin: Fear of small spaces I.e Claustrophobia
I.N: Fear of being ignored
Han: it think ita fear if being forgotten/ Anxiety.
Hyunjin: Fear of being alone.
Bang Chan: I think its him loosing his voice.
There's the whole Lisa aspect. Does she represent their dream? Is she a villainous character in the M/V? Am I just a crazy human? Yes.
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gor3sigil · 2 months
Before starting T, when I socially transitionned, I was surrounded by radical feminists who saw masculinity as gross and inherently evil, something to avoid, something to make fun of, something to destroy. The other transmascs in my friend group, sometimes, told me that they didn’t knew if they really were non-binary or if they just were scared shitless of saying “I am a man”. Because they saw this as a betrayal to their younger self who had been SAd and abused.
I saw many of my masc friends and trans men around me hate themselves, not outing themselves as men because it would imply so so much, it was like opening the Pandora Box. Even when we were just together, talking about our masculinity was always coated with bits like “I know we’re the privileged ones but…”, “I don’t want to sound like I have it bad but…”, “Women obviously have it worse, but last time…” and we were talking about terrible traumas we experienced while taking all the precautions in the world in the case the walls were a crowd of people in disguise waiting to get us if we didn’t downplay the violence we faced, or like crying and being upset and being traumatized and afraid and scared and to say it out loud would make us throw up the needles we were forced to swallow every second of every day living in our skin.
Most of us weren’t on T yet, some of us were catcalled every day and harassed in the streets or in abusive relationships nobody seemed to care to help them get out of because they were “strong enough” to do it by themselves.
I was using the gender swap face app and cried for ours when I saw my father looking back at me through the screen. The idea of transforming, of shedding into a body that would deprive me of love, tenderness, and safety, was absolutely terrifying. I knew I couldn’t stay in this body any longer because it wasn’t mine, but I also knew that if I was going to look like my dad, my brother, my abusers, it would be so much worse.
5 years later and I’m almost 2 years on T, and almost 2 months post top surgery.
I ditched my previous group of friends. I was bullied out of my local trans community. But let me tell you how free I am.
I was scared that T would break my singing voice: it made it sound more alive than ever.
I was scared that T would make me less attractive: it made me find myself hot for the first time in my life.
I was scared that T would make me gain weight: it did. But the weight I put on is not the weight I used to put on by binging and eating my body until I forgot that it even existed. It’s the weight of my body belonging to me, little by little. The wolf hunger for life.
I won’t tell you the same story I see everywhere, the one that goes “I started going to the gym 8 times a week, I put on some muscles, I started a diet and now I look like an action film actor”, in fact if you took pictures of me from 5 years ago vs now I’d just have more acne, I’d have longer hair and still look like I don’t know what to do with myself when I take selfies.
But the sparkle in my eyes, my smile, tell the whole story way better than this long ass stream of words could ever.
I want to say some things that I wish someone told me before starting medically transitionning.
It’s okay to take your time. It’s your body, it’s your journey, if you don’t feel comfortable taking full doses and want to go slow, the only voice you need to listen to is your own. Do what feels right.
If you feel overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to ask for support.
Trans people are holy. Everyone is. You didn’t lose your angel wings when you came out because you want to be masculine. You are not excluded from the joy of existence, from being proud of yourself, from being sad, from being scared, from being angry. The emotions and feelings you allowed yourself to feel while processing what you experienced when you grew up as a girl and was seen as a woman are still as valid as before. Nobody can take that from you. If someone tries to, don’t let them.
It’s perfectly normal to grieve some things you were and had before you started to transition, like your high soprano voice or even your chest. Hatching is painful. You can find comfort in things that don’t feel right, so making the decision to change can be incredibly scary and weird and you deserve to be heard and supported through this. Wanting top surgery doesn’t make the surgery less intense, less terrifying, less painful to recover from. When it becomes too much you have the right to take a break and take some deep breaths before going on.
You don’t have to have a radical, 180° change for your transition to be acceptable or valid or worthy of praise. Look at how far you’ve come already. It doesn’t have to show, you’re not made to be a spectacle, you’re human and it is your journey.
Oh, and last thing, you know when some people say “Oh this trans person has to grow out of the cringy phase where you think that you can write essays about being trans or transitionning or just their experience because it’s weird” ? If you ever hear this or see this online, remember all the people whose writing you read and, even if they were not professional writers, helped you more than any theorists did ? If you want to write, do it. It won’t be a waste. It can help people. Or it won’t, and even then, if it helped you, that’s enough.
Love every of my trans siblings, take care of yourselves. You deserve the world.
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
I'm making a concerted effort to fix my sleep cycle at the moment because I know it's going to be one of the first things the new neurologist pounces on when I eventually see her in September.
And I don't know what's different this time, but all the sleep hygiene stuff that has never worked for me in the 30 years I've been dealing with chronic insomnia is actually starting to help.
I'm falling asleep earlier and staying asleep for longer, which is huge considering I've been running at a sleep deficit for about 30 years, usually getting less than 4-5 hours of broken sleep a night.
The only thing I can think it might be is that my MCAS being more stable means I'm not experiencing adrenaline surges late at night.
See, the body dumps histamine as part of the circadian rhythm, and if you don't have mast cell instability, you're usually asleep for this and unaffected (though some people may notice allergic symptoms get worse at night). For me, it always felt like going over the drop of a rollercoaster if the rollercoaster consisted of tachycardia and shaking for a couple of hours. So, I usually choose to stay awake so I can mediate it.
And I'll confess, despite my MCAS being more stable, it never occurred to me that it might make practicing good sleep hygiene easier, so I just... kind of haven't bothered???
Anyway, imagine my surprise when the sleep app I've been using to track my sleep for the last few weeks informed me that I'm falling asleep within 20 minutes of putting my phone down and that I'm actually staying asleep for close to 6 hours at a time.
Also, my body is starting to anticipate going to bed???
It's 8:22 p.m. here, and I just caught myself thinking, "Oh boy, I can't wait to go to bed in an hour."
Absolutely wild. Like, who even am I anymore?
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genderqueerdykes · 7 months
physically disabled schizophrenic homeless trans person about to lose hotel room
hello, i know i have other posts out right now, but i'm in a very terrifying situation right now and i am scared shitless. it is sunday, 2/25/2024. i got a call back from the government waitlist apartment that i've been approved for, and need to Uber over to their office tomorrow morning to sign paperwork to get moved in later this week. they said the absolute earliest they can move me into my unit is tuesday. my hotel stay runs out on tomorrow, monday morning at 11 am and i am currently waiting on my deposits from my art business to hit my account- they take several days to process, and aren't coming in fast enough. the rest of the money i had on my person went to paying for my hotel up until now and my storage unit bill.
i hate to make another post while i have others circulating, but if i do not get at least monday night paid for before 11 am on 2/26, i will be completely without housing right before i'm able to move into my new place. i don't have anywhere else to stay right now and i can't afford any setbacks with this apartment, as i've been working with them since october. i need to be able to afford my current hotel until they are able to move me in, and uber to and from the complex.
my hotel is currently $38/night:
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please note these are the only payment gateways that will get to me fast enough so i can book more nights in my hotel & afford an uber to and from my new apartment:
cash App: $glitterGraphix venmo: @ Equinoxian pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare@ gmail.com
thank you to everyone who has already helped- your contributions will be able to go toward getting us moved into our new place, buying necessities like appliances, transportation and more. thank you for all of your help. again, sorry for making another post but we are literally down to the wire and i'm anxious as all hell.
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Mission Control 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, stalking, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Captain Hydra
Summary: a man marches into your life on a mission
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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That day, the bus is mostly empty. It's only you, an eldery couple, and the driver. The ebb and flow of traffic slows the wheels as the driver passes by vacant stops. You watch the pavement roll by between patches of grass. 
The dulcet ride lures you into a calm even as your pre-work nerves buzz. You hug your bag in your lap as the driver stops and the doors open to let in another passenger. The axel squeals as the vehicular behemoth pulls away from the curb. 
You continue to watch the city as the new rider strides between the seats. You sense their shadow loom closer and closer. You expect them to claim the empty seat across from yours. Instead, the sit right next to you. It's an odd choice given the few passengers aboard. 
You fidget and make yourself smaller. You turn your head straight as you try to see the stranger from the edge of your vision. They're big. Broad enough that their arm presses to yours even as you try to shrink into yourself. Tall too, his knees against the row in front of you. 
He sits rigidly beside you. Uneasy at his proximity, you fish into your side pocket and slide free your phone. You open it aimlessly, tapping habitually on the crossword app you play at work in the low times. 
The solutions elude you as your mind can't detach from the man crowding you into the window. Why can't he sit anywhere else? You look around at the unclaimed seats. He stays as he is, stiff, straight, unmoving. 
You close out of the came and lock your phone. You clasp your hand around the device as you hug your bag once more. Your other hand toys with the little pom pom that hangs from your zipper. 
The bright bus signs pass by. You're stop is coming up. Now is the awkward part. Getting the man to let you out. 
You pull the cord to signal your intent but he's already on his feet. You glance over and thank him softly, a brief glimpse at his face. A scar ripples from his hairline, through his temple and angles down his cheek to his jaw. His eyes are a bold blue and his nose finely cut despite the large blemish.  
He stands back as you grab your bag and sidle out. You go to the doors. He follows. 
He grips the yellow bar behind you, his large hand gripping as if he might crush the metal. You stare at his knuckles and the bus jerks to a stop. You nearly fall off your feet. The man catches you by your hip with his free hand. 
You set your feet and cough out another thanks. Embarrassed, you slap the doors and they open. You scurry off and the men once more trails after you. As you veer towards the mall, he waits until the bus takes off and crosses the street. With him, your suspicious leaves. 
You're frazzled as you enter work. You don't know why. You just... are. Something about that man sticks with you. Even if he never said a word, it felt like he was trying to tell you something. 
You clock in and try to shake it off. His face flashes in your mind. You can't place what seems so familiar about him. You would remember if you met him before. How could you forget? 
You go to the counter as Layton talks with a customer about the new seasonal blends. The tea shop has its peak times, especially as winter approaches, but it's one o clock on a Tuesday and that's never very busy anywhere. 
You greet the next customers. Two girls interested in the cold brew pots. You show them what you have and explain the store's points card. The buy a sampler and nothing else. Typical. 
Layton finishes at four. The traffic picks up once he's gone. You don't mind as it keeps the time moving. It peters out as the dinnertime rush fills the food court. You can hear the crowd from around the corner. 
You set to wiping down the counter and putting away the few stray canisters left out. As you turn back, you have to swallow down a shriek. You didn't hear the man over the mall's top hits playlist. 
You hesitate as your eyes meet. It's him. The man from the bus. You blink and press your lips together. 
"Hello, uh, how are you today?" You ask.  
He just stares. No answer. No sign he even heard you. 
He's in all black. Boots, jeans, cargo jacket. He stands like a soldier. You part your lips again, "are you looking for anything in particular? Today we have our apple crisp chai as the sample." 
He still doesn't react. Not more than his eyes falling to the nervous twiddle of your fingers on the counter. Your scalp prickles and your nape burns. If he keeps this up, you'll have to phone security. 
He raises his hand to reveal a familiar object. It's the fluffy pom pom from your bag. Your brows pop up, "oh? Thanks. It must have fallen off." 
You reach for it and your mind races. As nice as it is to return the key chain, you can't help but wonder. How did he know where to find you?
As you grasp the soft ball, his other hand comes up and snares your wrist. Your squeak and try to pull back. You're stuck in his grip.  
Your eyes round and flick up to meet his. His gaze bores into you and at last, his stony expression cracks. He smirks, the scar on the side of his face paling as the lines around his eyes deepen. He releases the keychain and grabs a fistful of your hair. 
"Ow!" You squeal and yank again.  
He rips your hair out at the roots and you exclaim again. Hets go of your arm and you hit the shelves behind you. He nods and spins on his heel, clutching the handful of your hair.  
You whimper and rub your head as your scalp burns. Your eyes water and your lip trembles. You just gape at the door. What just happened? 
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
hi! can i request a fic with eddie where he meets reader on a random night or on a date app and they really get along and all but what eddie doesnt know is that reader is actually a single mom and when eddie finds out hes very surprised and hes like "i dont want to get involved" and that really hurts reader because she really likes him but senses knock him up and he realizes that he really likes her and it was immature of him and he wants to become a part of her life and her child ?? hurt/comfort if its possible please! thank you and sorry for rambling 😊
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
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Y/N blew away the small pieces of hair that fell out of her ponytail. She could feel the sweat on her hairline as she moved quickly through the bar. Her feet hurt and she was exhausted, she hated working two jobs but she was a single mom with a six-year-old and needed the money.
She threw the dirty dishes in the sink, a shadow casting over her making her look up. She saw one of the hottest guys she had ever seen. He had long dark curly hair, a silver chain on his neck, and a white t-shirt that was thin enough to see dark ink on his skin. She tried to cough up spit to clear her dry throat.
"Welcome, what can I make for you?"
"Best beer you got," he said, she shivered at the deepness of his voice. She told herself to get it together as she made him his drink.
Eddie spent as much time looking at her as she did him. Both sneaking glances throughout the whole night until he paid off his tab. She had never seen him before so she figured she wouldn't see him again.
But the next night there he was. And the next and the next.
Eddie didn't have plans to come to the bar again but he felt this pull towards her. He was memorized when he watched her work. Her swift movements and how amazing she smelled in a dirty bar. She was gorgeous and he was sure he was not the only one who noticed.
She seemed young but not too young, and not too old. He figured she was around his age and hoped he was right.
After a few times he showed up they began to talk...and flirt. He couldn't help himself, he wanted to nail down his moves before some other lowlife beat him to it.
After countless small talk and interactions, he asked her out on a date. Something both of them were patiently waiting for.
Y/N calmed her nerves with a sip of wine as she waited at the restaurant. She hadn't been on a date since before her daughter was born. And even then it was with her ex. She felt terrified to start over but she refused to turn Eddie down.
"You sure stand out in a crowd," Eddie said as he pulled out his chair and sat down. "Somehow get more beautiful every time I see you"
She smiled and sipped on her wine as she felt her body burn. "Thank you." She patted herself on the back for picking the red dress because his eyes stayed on it all night.
The date went well. No awkward silence and it seemed like the conversation flowed. She wanted to tell him about her daughter but every time she tried, she panicked and said something else. Maybe it didn't have to be a first date thing.
As he landed a few bills on the table, he grabbed her hand. Both their bodies shivering as they met the cold air.
"Are you new in town? I've never seen you before the bar of course." She asked. She worked at that bar for years and never saw him.
"Not really. I only went to this one bar, but it closed down. I was searching for a new favorite spot" he shrugged. He kept his hand in hers as he walked towards his van.
"Seem like it could be a favorite?" she asked, leaning against the cold van.
"Oh, it is definitely my favorite" he smirked, he leaned against his van, mirroring her. He let go of her hand to hold her hip, drawing her body closer to his.
"Why's that?" she asked, her eyes looking down at his lips before looking back into his brown eyes
"It has you" he flirted, licking his lips when he caught her looking twice
"I am the best bartender there" she joked, enjoying the warmth as her body was pressed against his. His deep laugh rumbled through his chest and she could feel it against hers. He was so close it made her head spin.
"And by far the most attractive" he whispered. His eyes looked deep into hers. She felt her heart race as he tilted his head down.
"Are you going to kiss me or not?" She asked, growing impatient as they stared at each other's lips with desperation.
He didn't say anything, just giving her a smirk that made her a puddle at his feet. She gasped as she swiftly pushed her against the van and stood between her legs. Her back pressed against the van, the coldness calming down her hot skin. His left hand slowly moved up her dress, starting at her thigh and up to her cheek. His right hand stayed on her hip as he leaned in.
She closed her eyes as his lips pressed against hers. She moaned at the taste of him, her hands around his neck as she pulled him closer. He happily deepened the kiss as his tongue slipped into her mouth, he moved his hands down to her ass and squeezed. He swallowed her moan as she moved her hands into his hair.
Their steamy makeout came to an end when they needed air. They stared at each other, panting. No words to describe how perfect their kiss felt.
It had been a week since their first date and Eddie stopped by at the bar every day. He'd sit and talk to her all night long. He'd wait until she was done, sitting with her as she ate her dinner, and walked her to her car. He loved kissing her goodnight, and the activities that happened in the back of his van.
He called all the time, leaving her squealing into her pillows before she fell asleep.
Everything was perfect. Their second date was better than the last. Two weeks flew by and she was falling hard for him. And she could tell he was falling for her too.
Which is why she knew she needed to come clean before they went too far. She was nervous to tell him but had a lot of hope that it wouldn't matter.
Y/N smoothed down her black skirt as she looked at herself in the mirror. She doesn't remember which date number this was and she hoped it wasn't the last.
She slipped on a leather jacket and walked out of her room. She said goodbye to her daughter and the babysitter. She got in her car and drove over to Eddie's place.
She had been there a few times, most of them leading to his bedroom. She never spent the night but he never quite asked why. Maybe if he did, it would have made it easier to confess she had a child.
Eddie opened his front door for her and she smelled the amazing food he was preparing. She kissed his lips as he welcomed her in. A smile on his face as he kept pecking her lips for more. She laughed as she pushed him away to fully make it inside his small apartment.
"Smells wonderful" she complimented, she followed him into the kitchen. He had a towel tossed over his shoulder as he checked on the oven.
"Took me years to learn how to cook. Figured it might come in handy for a night like tonight" he winked.
Once dinner was finished, they sat at his dining table. They ate and talked. Y/N grew more nervous as each second passed.
"You alright? You seem a little distracted tonight." Eddie asked, reaching over to hold her hand. Their finished plates were pushed to the other side of the table.
"I have something to tell you, and I want you to know I wanted to tell you right away but everything has been so perfect and I didn't want to mess it up." She confessed, squeezing his hand.
"You can tell me. You won't mess anything up." He said, but she knew it was a 50/50 shot.
She took a deep breath
"I work as a bartender at my second job, and I never stay the night because I have a daughter. The father is not in the picture, I'm doing it alone with the help of a neighbor. She's six." Y/N said it all in one breath. Looked at Eddie as the words processed through his head.
She felt her heart drop in her stomach when he released his hand from hers. Moved it to rub his chin.
"So uh, you have a daughter? And you didn't tell me until a month after seeing each other? Practically every single day?" He asked, slightly annoyed and she completely understood why.
"I know! I wanted to tell you right away but I was scared. I just didn't want anything to change." She explained, but everything already changed.
"I'm not asking you to be her father or even to meet her right now. I just wanted to be honest about what a relationship together would include."
"I just don't think I want to be involved with a kid." Eddie said honestly.
"You don't have to right now though. I wouldn't feel comfortable meeting you two until we were together for like a year. Do you think a year will give you enough time?" She asked. She bit her lip as she shook her leg anxiously.
"I'm sorry, but no. I want a relationship with you, but a kid is too serious for me at the moment and I can't say if that'll change in a year."
She wanted to be mad, but she couldn't. It was fully his choice and she had to accept that.
"I respect that." She choked out, quickly wiping a stray tear. "I think I should go now."
"Yeah that might be best" Eddie sighed, standing up as she got up from her chair. "I'm really sorry about this." He added as she made it to his door.
"Yeah, me too. But I understand. Bye, Eddie." She said sadly, her wet eyes were the last thing he saw before his door closed.
She sobbed as she made it to her car. She wanted more than anything for him to want to make it work. But her daughter would always come first. She lost one relationship because of her daughter, she could handle losing another.
Eddie watched as she pulled out of the parking lot. A twitch in his stomach as her lights disappeared down the road.
He cleaned up their dinner, washing his dishes in silence. He kept looking back at the door, half hoping she'd come back but he knew that wouldn't happen.
He needed to accept that and move on.
Just as Y/N thought, Eddie was a ghost. She hasn't seen him since the night they broke it off. He hasn't called or been to the bar. She figured he'd disappear, and she was disappointed that she was right.
But she was a mother and needed to bust her ass. She worked through her bartending shifts as if she wasn't breaking down on the inside. Faking a smile as the older men praised her for her beauty. She acted as if nothing was wrong because that's what a woman does.
It had been a long month for Eddie. He drove up to that bar every day but was too chicken to get out. He wanted to see her, just a small glimpse. But he knew if he did, he'd go running in and begging for her to take him back.
But he still didn't know if he could commit to becoming a father figure within a few years.
So with fear in his heart, he'd drive away.
There were some nights when he was weak. When he was drunk at home, too scared to go to bars knowing where he'd end up. He'd call her, just to hear the sound of her voice as she said hello. He never said anything, just breathing into the phone.
He found himself doing it almost every night. At first, she'd hang up after a few seconds. Then she kept asking if someone was there. Then she answered but waited longer. He thinks she slowly caught on to who it was because she didn't hang up for hours. Just two people listened to the sound of each other breathing as they fell asleep. Once he'd wake up she was gone.
And he realized he needed way more than just hearing her breathe into the phone. He needed to wake up with her. He needed her in his arms, not over the phone.
The longer he waited, the closer she was to moving on.
He woke up, the sun burning his eyes. He rolled over hands reaching for the phone. He sighed once he saw the call disconnected.
But something was different that morning. He woke up with a purpose. The ache in his chest made a home, all because he allowed it in. He was the one who caused himself all this pain. And he wanted it to end. If living away from her was going to feel this painful, it would never be worth it.
So he redialed
"Hey, it's me"
She almost gasped as she heard his voice travel through the line. His voice raised her heartbeat. She felt like she couldn't breathe.
"I wante-"
His voice cut out as she hung up. Slamming the phone on the wall and running.
Eddie hung his head as he heard the long beep.
"FUCK" he screamed, tears down his face as he mindlessly threw the phone.
He didn't give up though. The next night he left his apartment, driving to the bar as he always did. But this time he got out. He tugged on the sleeves of his flannel as he pulled open the bar door.
The harsh smell of liquor and sex smacked his face. But that sweet perfume cut through it, filling Eddie's senses. Then his eyes caught her.
She was bent over scrubbing a table. Eddie moved forward but his eyes saw a flesh of skin slam down on her ass. Eddie felt himself lose control. It was like his body moved on its own as he screamed at the guy. Punches followed and all he could hear was screaming.
Then he was picked up by security and tossed out the door.
He stood up and dusted off his flannel. The bar doors opened and she raced out in a flash.
He had three seconds to take in how incredible she looked before her hand connected with his cheek. His head was slapped to the side and he moaned out in pain.
"I don't need you to be some hero. I can handle myself!" She said through clenched teeth
She turned around, aiming to head back inside when he spoke,
"I was just helping, goddamn."
She stopped in her tracks, turning around as she set fire to his body. She wanted to swing at him again but his arm held her arm.
"I don't need your help. I don't need anyone's help! I didn't need my mom, I didn't need my ex, and I sure as hell don't need you." She shoved his hands off of her.
"You might not need me, but baby I need you." He said, his eyes searching hers. "I'm so sorry for giving up on us. I was an idiot to let you leave, to not fight for you. I'll admit I'm the biggest prick alive for running away because you had a daughter. I can't imagine how that made you feel-"
"Like something I've felt before with her father," she snapped
Eddie whimpered at the blow. Licking his salty lips tears worked down his face.
"And that is the last thing I want to do again. I was scared but I can't let that stop me. I want you and everyone who comes with you."
Y/N turned around, not wanting to show her emotions as she tried to shake off his words. She wanted to stay strong and fight him off. But then he wrapped his arms around her, his chest against her back as he squeezed her.
"Please give me one more chance," he said into her skin as he kissed her shoulder.
She sighed and turned around in his arms. His soft lips crashed on hers, giving her no time to think as she kissed back. She melted into the familiarity of him. But then she pushed him away.
"I'm begging, baby. Please let me fix this." His lips kissed her nose and chin.
"Okay," she whispered. His shocked eyes looked at her as she nodded. A huge smile took over his face as she landed a thankful kiss on her lips.
"She's six and her favorite color is red..."
What could be so bad about having a family with her?
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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just thinking about asking nerdy!peter parker just casual asking for a whimpering audio
Missing You
--genre: fluff & SMUT
--pairing: nerdy!tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
--word count: 0.8k
--warnings: language, mutual masturbation, sexting, i think that's it???
this gif...my godddd
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Peter has started to travel for work more often, leaving you at home without him. Along with your loneliness, Peter finds himself aching for you more often than not. His company doesn’t have him working late nights when he’s on these work trips, and he doesn’t really do well in new environments, especially when you’re not there, so he finds himself in his hotel room flipping through shitty channels on the TV. 
It was early when he decided to ditch the local news broadcast and scroll through his phone. It must’ve been only 5 minutes of jumping back and forth through his apps, even opening the weather app a few times out of sheer boredom. Looking at the time, he did the math in his head, figuring out what time it was back in New York. You should be home by now. 
Pete: Hi bug, how was work?
You: it was good! nothing out of the ordinary…you already done with your day, baby?
Pete: Yeah, I'm just lounging at the hotel. 
Pete: I miss you, so so much. 
You: i miss you always, pete. 
You: miss the way you touch me…
This makes Peter flush with warmth, he suddenly feels very vulnerable in a room with no one but him. He didn’t know how much he missed kissing you, touching you, and especially hearing you until he was forced to leave. God, he missed the sound of your voice. 
Without thinking about it, he slowly slipped his hand into his work pants and boxers, slowly stroking his soft cock. With his phone in his other hand, he texts you back. 
Pete: Fuck (Y/N), I wish you were here. I need you. 
Back in New York, you’re lying on your stomach giggling at your boyfriend’s texts. You know exactly what he’s doing, and you know exactly how desperate he is for anything from you right now. You’ve always loved to tease Peter, especially when you two haven’t had sex in a while. But you know that he’s needed this for a while now and that you being a couple hundred miles away from him was taking a toll on him. Rolling over to your back, you text him back.
You: if i was there, what would we be doing? 
You: maybe we would go out to eat, or check out the area? what do you think, baby? 
Pete: I think we’d stay in, and have some fun in the hotel. 
You: aww petey…you still touching yourself right now?
And for the second time, Peter’s flustered. His now hard cock twitches in his hand at the thought of you knowing he was pumping himself to your texts. It somehow turns him on even more, a low groan leaves his mouth. Now that the secret is out, his filter is gone. 
Pete: Yeah, I am. 
You: good.
You: Attachment: Voice Memo
The minute-long voice recording intrigues Peter as he clicks on the play button, setting his phone down. As soon as it started to play, the sound of your moans filled his hotel room. You started soft, with a couple of whines as the seconds went on. He can picture you in your shared bed, touching yourself to the thought of him. 
His hand starts to pump faster as he closes his eyes and listens closely to your recording. He starts to hear a soft hum in the background, it’s very faint but it’s definitely there. He realizes that you’re using the vibrator he gifted you for your birthday, and his head spins. He’s so close when your moans grow louder. 
His warm seed spilled all over his hand, a wet spot forming on his pants, but he didn’t care. He slowly pumps his cock as he starts to come down from his high, the only thing on his mind is you. 
Peter is still in a state of bliss when your moans come to a stop, he thinks the recording ends until you speak, “I love you, Peter. I can’t wait for you to come home.”
He sighs as a grin spreads across his features. He starts to sit up when his phone buzzes, and his ringer screams at him. Looking at his phone next to him, he realizes that you’re Facetiming him. With his clean hand, he picks up his phone and answers it, your smiling face looking at him. You giggle, “You look kinda crazy right now, baby.”
You weren’t wrong, his hair was tousled from laying in bed, and his glasses were crooked. “You do not want to see my bottom half if you think I look crazy,” he replies half laughing half speaking. 
You can’t help but smile at Peter, thinking about everything you two will do when he’s back home in the comfort of your apartment. 
--authors's note: THIS REQUEST IS GOLD!!!! thank you anon for this, it's so delicious. my asks/inbox is open, so keep sending in requests!!! thank you so much for all the support, and don't forget to like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed. ok, ily bye<3333
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John hated to go on a mission right after a big fight with his girlfriend. She was so young and temperamental, and to make things worse, she was also stubborn as hell. Sure, he wasn’t without fault either, but he was older and wiser, always doing his best to mentor her, teach her how to be more patient. So when he was facing radio silence on her part, he began to lose his calm little by little.
At first he only noticed the rapidly declining amount of his beloved cigars. Then he became irritated, snapping at people for no serious reason. Simon knew what was eating him. He always knew when they were fighting at home, as if he had a sixth sense for this thing. The lieutenant was sneakier than him as he always suggested bypassing his girlfriend and talking straight to her parents.
They loved John. Maybe because they were closer in age compared to her previous boyfriends, or maybe because he was in the military and they knew he would do anything to protect their daughter from harm. Either way, this trick usually worked, and as if he was a lucky charm because it was his idea, Simon had to sit there and listen to the conversation.
“I’ve been trying to reach her, but there’s nothing, she doesn’t even read my messages,” he complained to the couple. His friend gave him a thumbs up then he rolled up his balaclava to his nose before lighting a cigarette. “Have you talked to her? Is she okay?” John pressed on, trying to sound extremely worried.
In reality, he wasn’t worried. He knew she was okay because she was always okay. She was just acting like a brat, a behavioral trait that he would have to correct once he got home. He listened to her parents explain how she had just visited them the day before, and how her mother would immediately call and scold her for making him so worried about her.
“You don’t need to, I’m sure she’ll reach out eventually,” he told them, sounding as relieved as he could.
They said their goodbyes and he tossed the phone on the desk. He looked over at Simon who flashed a Cheshire Cat smile at him before saying, “Told you they would know. They always know,” he added with a laugh.
“I can’t believe this woman. Just because we get into some stupid fight over something as trivial as who will pay for our trip to Italy, she goes no contact with me,” John said before letting out an exasperated sigh and sitting down on his chair.
“What was that fight about exactly? She doesn’t wanna pay?”
A scoff left the captain’s lips. “The opposite. She received a hefty bonus at work and now she wants to pay for the trip,” he told him with a shake of his head.
But Simon only tilted his head to the side as he blew out some smoke. “What’s wrong with that?” the lieutenant asked, genuinely curious about the answer.
John shook his head. “Nothing, I know that, but she should save that money. I always tell her to be reasonable when spending it,” he replied. “I want to take care of her. Am I a bad person for this?”
“No, you’re not.” The captain opened his mouth to say thank you, but Simon was quick to raise a hand and stop him. “But you should let her treat you every now and then. She wants to do something nice for you, John. Don’t take this away from her.”
With a sigh, John picked up his phone and began to type a message in the app you used. When he put it back down, Simon raised an eyebrow in question. “I sent her a text where I admit she was right and I won’t interfere in her plan,” he informed his friend.
“I’m sure she will be very happy to read this.”
She might be happy to win this battle, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to lose the war. He just needed to put a little more effort into the process of making her his pretty little housewife. Once he was done, she would have to do nothing but stay at home and wait for him to go home to her.
Soon after Simon left the office, John’s phone beeped twice. He took a look at the screen and noticed it was a message from her. With a smile on his lips he opened it, only to find a photo of her in nothing but a set of brand new lingerie with a short sentence under it.
I bought this for you. I have something special in mind for the day you come home 🎀❤️
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authorhjk1 · 10 months
Idol Competition
IU X Kang Seulgi
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IU sits on the couch in her apartment, her phone in her hand. It's 9:55 am on a Monday. The fourth of December to be exact.
Five more minutes. She has five more minutes until her deadline. IU wonders if she is able to still pull it off. It's quite cold outside, so she expected her to not go through with it. But the other woman sounded more than confident.
Lee Ji-eun checks the chat history on her KakaoTalk app. No picture to proof her accomplished mission yet. IU smirks. Four minutes left.
Is this it? Is this going to be the moment she wins this competition? It has been going on for months now. The two women come up with new challenges almost every day.
Kang Seulgi had two days for this one. IU sees the six turn into a seven. Three more minutes. Even if she could do it in the cold, she would still need to find someone to do it with her. IU wonders who could be crazy enough.
But then again, it's Seulgi. She is a famous woman. And really pretty. There is no doubt that someone would say yes.
Two more minutes.
IU is already thinking about the prize. Although you could say that every mission was a prize itself already.
Her phone vibrates and Ji-eun sighs in disappointment. She clicks on the picture Kang Seulgi send her just now.
The younger woman is kneeling on a blanket. It's visibility windy, her hair flying in all directions behind her. The waves of the ocean are captured on the left side of the picture.
It could have been a normal picture of a woman on a beach. Except for the fact that Seulgi is completely naked. And that it looks like she just good a facial.
IU zooms in on her face. She licks her lips as she sees how well someone came on her competitor's face.
Seulgi is smiling into the camera, hands behind her back, pushing her tits a little forward.
"How often did you get caught?"
IU bites one of her nails as she sees the notification that Seulgi is typing a response.
"Twice. The second guy even stayed and watched while I got my face fucked."
IU moans at the thought. She remembers the challenge from two weeks ago.
Seulgi made her go shopping without her credit card. When she wanted to buy something, she had to convince the seller with something else. It didn't matter if it was a man or a woman, IU did her best to buy as much as she could. In the end, she got caught by a young couple in the isle of some store, her face a mess while the seller was abusing her throat.
"Was it very cold?"
"It was alright. Sex makes you warm real quick."
IU chuckles at Seulgi's message.
"Do you already have something in mind for me? Or do I need to wait?"
Ji-eun's eyes widen when she sees Seulgi's next text.
"Go to SSHS."
That's Seoul Science High School.
"Find a student who is younger than 20 and give him the best school day of his life."
IU can't help but let her hand slide underneath her shorts. Being over thirty years old already, she recently discovered that this is somewhat a new kink of hers. Younger guys who are almost half her age. Legal of course, but young. This could be her chance to freely enjoy this kink of hers.
"You've only today. Should be a piece of cake for a slut like you."
"I love you too."
IU teases her back, before getting off the couch. What to wear for her visit to high school?
Ji-eun walks towards her closet. Should she dress up as a teacher? Or a student?
She can feel how wet these thoughts make her pussy. The idea of letting some young man fuck her, forces IU to move her hand back into her shorts. She let's herself sink into her bed, while looking at the opened closet. Her head falls back as she starts to finger herself.
IU nervously looks around, before reaching inside the bookshelf. Now that she is here, she is way more cautious. It was surprisingly easy to get inside the school building, considering that strangers are not allowed.
Wearing her mask, Ji-eun was able to pass as a teacher while walking through the hallways. She is now standing in the library. The perfect place for her challenge in her opinion.
Now that she has placed her phone inside the bookshelf to record the proof, she is looking around to find the right guy.
"Ms. Lee?"
IU turns around on instinct, her heart sinking. Did she actually get caught already?
"I apologize. I thought you were our homeroom teacher."
The young girl apologizes. She doesn't seem to recognize her. IU takes a deep breath, relieved that she is fine.
"It's alright. Can I help you anyways?"
She tries to act natural, hoping the girl won't catch on.
"Yeah. Me and my boyfriend are looking for the right textbooks for our research. I'm not old enough and he lost his library card. We wanted to ask Ms. Lee for help."
Ji-eun nods. Does that mean her boyfriend is at least eighteen? She knows you have to be over eighteen to borrow specific books from the library.
"I'm sorry, I can't help you with that. You better ask Ms. Lee."
"Thanks, teacher."
The young girl bows and walks towards a table. A guy, who seems to be her boyfriend, is waiting for her there.
IU can't help but bite her lip. The first guy she finds looks quite handsome as well. She doubts he could resist her. After all, relationships in high school aren't serious anyways.
She watches the girl leave the library, before walking over.
As expected, it only takes a couple of words, before IU takes the boy's hand and leads him towards the bookshelf. He just turned eighteen four months ago. Just the right age to fulfill this fantasy.
She can feel his stare on her legs as she walks in front of him. Ji-eun deliberately chose this outfit. It's not too revealing, but it highlights her long, flawless legs.
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Once the pair reaches the shelf where IU put her phone, she turns around.
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"I will make sure that you enjoy yourself."
She gets on her knees in front of him.
IU expected him to not last very long, but here she is. Her face pressed against books about biology as she gets fucked from behind. The recording must be ten minutes long already, plenty of footage for Seulgi to enjoy later on.
Ji-eun was able to stay mostly quiet up until now. The guy's pace keeps increasing as he starts to reach his limit. She feels his young cock in her wet pussy, enjoying the fact that he is barely older than half her age. She never doubted herself. She knew every guy wants to fuck her. Whatever their age.
"Turn me around."
IU is close to her own orgasm herself. The student does as she says, turning her around to face him. She leans against the bookshelf, staring at the one across the isle. That's where her phone is hidden. Her dark, lustfilled eyes are glued to the camera as he starts to thrust into her again.
Her small Gucci shorts are lying at Ji-eun's feet. She wasn't wearing underwear, knowing she would have to take it off anyways.
"You fuck me so good."
She whispers into his ear as she places her head onto his shoulder.
His hands hold her small waist, pounding her into the shelf full of books.
IU is unable to not moan loudly, when she finally cums. Her pussy contracting around the young guy's cock, making him orgasm as well. She can't believe how good this felt. How good it still feels.
This was a better fuck than what she expected. Not just because he is way younger.
As he let's his cock slip out of her, IU watches his cum drip out of her pussy. She can't blame him. Her pussy is just so incredibly tight when she cums.
"Oh fuck."
Seulgi sighs as she cums on her fingers. Her phone is in the other hand, her screen showing IU's new video. Seulgi knew she could pull it of, but never expected it to be this hot. The way Ji-eun looked at the camera while she got railed into the bookshelf....
Seulgi tries to collect herself as she hears her members walk around. Yeri and Joy both seem to be in a very good mood today.
With shaky fingers, she starts typing on her phone.
"What do you have for me?'
Seulgi is genuinely curious. At this point the two of them did pretty much everything. She doesn't even know what task she should give IU after this one.
"The two of us have a music show soon, right?"
"If that hot camera man is there again, I want you to suck him off, while I watch."
Seulgi remembers the face fucking on the beach mere hours ago.
"Why don't you cum on my pretty face, hmm?"
Seulgi kneels in front of the young man, stroking his cock. IU is sitting on the couch behind her, watching and getting herself off. IU's dressing room looks like it has become a scene of some dirty movie as Seulgi wraps her lips around the man's cock once more. Her head bobs up and down, making him groan and take a fistful of her hair.
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Seulgi's pussy feels even wetter than usual, probably because she has someone watching. She wants to prove to IU that she is the better one at sucking cock.
"Are you enjoying your reward?"
IU sighs as she looks at the guy, who's eyes are glued to Seulgi's face. He nods, unable to understand how ge got himself into this. When he started working, he never expected someone like Seulgi to walk up to him after the show, asking if he wants some head.
She is now doing her best to make him cum, her slow blowjob proving enough for the guy eventually.
While IU has her hand rub her pussy, she watches how he starts cuming on Seulgi's face. Rope after rope of his cum stains her skin, some of it getting into her eyes.
Seulgi let's out a satisfied hum as she starts to clean his cock.
"You taste delicious."
She gives his tip one last kiss, before he starts to pull up his pants. There is another group about to perform.
As the two women watch him leave, Seulgi takes some of the tissues from the small coffee table and starts to clean her face.
"Anything else?"
Seulgi shakes her head.
"I can't come up with a good idea."
IU sighs as she licks her fingers clean. She enjoys the taste of her pussy just as much as the guys who eat her out.
"Me neither. I was afraid this would happen."
"So what now? Do we end this in a tie?"
IU raises and eyebrow.
"Do you think you are better slut than me?"
Seulgi shrugs her shoulders.
"Let's just say I got two faicals today. What about you?"
IU shakes her head.
"We can't end it like this."
The notification sound of Seulgi's phone interrupts their conversation. The younger woman unlocks her phone, before scrolling around.
"What are you doing?"
She sees Seulgi bit her lip as she seems to read something.
"There is another smut fic about me."
"You actually read those?"
"They are hot. I like how my fans think about me."
She gives IU a wink, before she keeps reading the new post.
The wheels in the older girl's mind start to turn.
"Do you think they would do this to us in person? What they write?"
Seulgi looks at her.
"I like how you're thinking."
"We should invite some of the writers so they have more inspiration for their stories."
The two of them laugh.
"That's a good idea."
Seulgi scrolls through her phone.
"But there are so many. If we would try to fuck them all, our careers would be over before we got to all of them. We don't have so much time."
"Who says we have to fuck them individually?"
IU's smirk makes Seulgi chuckle.
"I like where this is heading."
"But how are we going to get them all in one place? They probably live all over the world."
Seulgi ponders for a moment.
"How about we send them dms and pictures of us? It should work. Especially when we tell them that we are inviting others as well. This way they can communicate with each other, making sure we aren't trying to scam them or something."
"Sounds like a plan. What could go wrong?"
IU regrets those words as soon as she opens the door of the practice room. Two weeks later and here they are. The two women look at the fully packed room. Seulgi tries to count the guys who are here. They messaged about twenty guys, but it now looks more like thirty or forty. It seems like word has spread.
"Is this a good or a bad sign?"
IU looks around as well. She had a threesome before, but this is quite different. Even if Seulgi and IU get used at the same time, there are still gonna be at least fifteen guys for each of them.
"Are you backing out?"
IU shakes her head.
"Why would I?"
Seulgi chuckles. She is nervous, but tries to hide it.
"Let's make another bet. Whoever makes the most guys cum in 15 minutes wins. The other person is going to be a free use for everyone."
Ji-eun likes the idea. She imagines all those guys taking turns on her and Seulgi, using their bodies as fuck toys.
"Sounds like I'm gonna win."
The older girl is confident. The high school boy is proof of the fact, how tight her pussy can become when she cums. No one survives that.
"But no fucking."
IU looks at Seulgi.
"No fucking. Only your mouth and hands."
"Hey, that's boring."
Seulgi scoffs.
"You are not up for that?"
IU rolls her eyes.
"Fine. Watch and learn."
She walks inside, all heads turn towards her as Seulgi follows quickly after.
"Hi, everyone!"
IU waves.
"I guess the two of us don't need to introduce ourselves. You all know, why you are here?"
She sees everyone nod their heads.
While IU talks, Seulgi let's her eyes roam the room once more. Now that she is inside, she can count properly. She stops at 31 as her eyes falls on to a man, who is standing further back. He is a little taller than most of the guys in the room. She sees his biceps underneath the sleeves of his shirt, the bulge in his pants visible, without him even having a hard on.
Seulgi licks her lips. This is going to be a fun evening. Because she zoned out for a couple of moments, she didn't catch what IU was saying.
But when suddenly all of the guys start walking towards them, Seulgi immediately feels her panties getting damp. This is it. In the back of her mind, she still has a little bit of doubt left. It vanishes soon though as the first guy reaches her.
She sees IU kneeling down next to her, Seulgi does the same. The sound of ten guys opening the zippers of their pants almost makes Seulgi drool. She watches the first guys pulling their pants down, taking their cocks out.
Seulgi glances at the clock, about to start their bet. But IU is already reaching forward, taking hold of the first man's cock.
"Are these all for me? So nice of you."
She coos as she holds another man's dick with her other hand.
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Seulgi doesn't want to fall behind. She reaches for the man nearest to her, pulling him forward by his cock.
"If everyone is gonna be as big you...."
She trails off, feeling the guy getting harder in her hand.
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Seulgi decides to use her mouth early. She takes the man's cock into her mouth, savouring the taste. At the same time, the other guys around her make her use her hands.
By now, pretty much all the guys have gotten rid of their pants and are standing around the two women. IU is starting to suck off her first guy as well, both her hands busy with stroking two other men.
Seulgi closes her eyes as she hears everyone moan, occasionally switching cocks. There are five guys directly standing around her right now. More than enough to enjoy herself.
She is excited as she feels everyone's stares on her. This is something entirely different than singing and dancing on stage. And yet, it makes her equally happy. That rush of adrenaline makes her suck the guy's cock even faster.
IU takes another man into her mouth, savouring the new taste. Wearing this this suit might not have been the best idea, because they guys can't have easy access. But she still feels someone from behind sneaking his hands around her waist. She moans around the cock in her mouth as she feels someone rub the fabric over pussy.
Seulgi is starting to suffer the same fate as IU. The guys around her start touch her body, making her squirm underneath them. All the attention makes her wet as hell, wishing they would fuck her already. Why did she make that bet with IU?
She regrets it now as the first guys let's his hand sneak inside her shorts. His strong fingers make Seulgi moan around the cock in her mouth. The man who she is blowing puts his hand onto her head, unable to resist the urge to cum in her mouth much longer.
IU has driven one of the guys who stand around her to a similar level of arousal. He is pushing her head onto his cock, while her two hands are still busy, stroking the four guys on her sides, switching occasionally.
Seulgi let's out a surprised gasp when she feels the first man cuming. But it's not the cock in her mouth, but one of the guys on her right. She was stroking his cock up until now. His warm cum hits her pretty face, making her moan around the dick in her mouth. It makes that guy cum too. He shoots his load down her throat. Seulgi feels like she is in heaven. The warm sperm on her right cheek makes her sigh in pleasure as she turns towards the next guy, ready to suck him off.
IU is keeping up with Seulgi, making the first guy cum in her mouth. She swallows all of it immediately, ready to give another guy head. The guy on her left is trying to take her jacket off, which makes it harder for her to use her hands. Eventually, she gets rid of that useless piece of clothing, feeling two hands unbuttoning her shirt.
Seulgi feels someone's hand dip a finger inside her pussy. She has been unable to keep her hands off herself for these last two weeks and yet she melts at his touch.
Ji-eun keeps sucking off the guy in front of her, until she feels someone cuming on her hand. She looks to her right, letting his dick fall out of her mouth. She licks her hand clean, before taking the guy who just came into her mouth. His cum tastes delicious as she cleans his cock, hoping she can make him cum again soon.
Seulgi feels a pair of hands groping her tits underneath her grey top.
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Still with another man's cock in her mouth, she turns her head towards him. With a seductive stare, she eggs him on to slide his hands underneath the fabric.
Seulgi let's her tongue swirl around the top of the cock in her mouth as she feels her nipples being pinched. The other man is now inserting a second finger into her wet snatch. This was supposed to be a competition on how many guys they can get off, not how many guys can get her off.
Either way, Seulgi tries her best to outcompete IU as she feels several hands on her body.
The older woman feels how the fingers on her covered center now start to make her pants wet. Her panties are already drenched, this many men around her too much for her mind to handle. Ji-eun never felt this good.
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Someone is now letting her white shirt slip off her shoulder, exposing the lack of a bra. Her upper body is only covered by her tie, which doesn't hide much. Multiple hands make use of her newly exposed skin, some pinching her nipples, while others let their hands wander over her body.
The sight of the naked celebrity in front of him makes the guy in her mouth climax. IU feels his cum paint her mouth as she gulps it down, already looking for her next victim.
"Oh fuck."
The guy in front of Seulgi groans as she pulls him out of her mouth.
"Oh yeah. Paint my face."
Seulgi closes her eyes and sticks her tongue out. Two quick strokes later, she feels his cum staining her skin. Some of it hits her nose, but most lands on her lips and tongue.
"Good boy."
Seulgi winks at him as she cleans her lips with her tongue, making sure she doesn't waste a drop.
Once she opens her mouth again, she is surprised when two guys thrust into her at the same time. Seulgi never sucked off two guys at once, her competitiveness showing as she starts without hesitation. She is going to win this bet and she is going to humiliate IU, until she admits that Seulgi is the bigger slut.
At the same time, IU has another man cuming in her mouth. She almost chokes at the amount of cum he forces down her throat. Once she let's his cock fall out of her mouth with a loud pop, she feels a hand roughly grabbing her tie. Still on her knees, she gets turned around, faced with another hard cock. The guy's hand is still holding her black tie as he pulls her towards him, making Ji-eun take his cock.
Seulgi is unable to speak or do anything properly with her mouth as she tries her best to keep the two dicks inside of her. Only her tongue is able to swirl around their tips occasionally. The two guys keep thrusting into Seulgi's mouth with no intention on stopping anytime soon.
IU's mouth is being used as well. The men in the room starting to grow more confident. You don't have a lot of chances to get a blowjob from Seulgi or IU.
That being said, the guy in the older woman's mouth uses this rare chance to finally cum in her mouth. This must already be the third time she is swallowing someone's load. IU is barely able to keep up with counting. Her hands are slowly starting to get tired after stroking so many guy's cocks. She glanced at the clock. Seven minutes to go. How can she win this bet? She sees Seulgi sucking off two guys at once. Needy slut. IU watches for a moment as they both cum inside Seulgi. They make the younger woman choke as they fill her throat.
Once they are done and take a step back, Seulgi breathes heavily, some of their jizz got onto her face. As she wipes it off, she sees someone else standing in front of her. The guy she noticed earlier. He seems even taller, now that she is kneeling.
Seulgi scoops up some of the cum on her face with a finger, before licking it off with her tongue.
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He hasn't taken his jeans off, but Seulgi already knows how big he must be. She reaches forward, fumbling with the belt. A guy on her right starts rubbing his cock all over her face, which makes her stick her tongue out. Seulgi keeps eye contact with the guy in front.
"Come here."
IU whispers towards one of the guys to her left, before starting to get rid off her pants. Seulgi said she is not allowed to use her pussy. No one said something about anal. The guy is not the biggest, which makes him perfect for this. As much as IU is used to have a cock up her ass, she always needs to adjust at first.
"Fuck my ass. Cum in me."
She slips off her grey panties, throwing them to the side. They are heavy and wet with her juices. She sees one of the guys pick it up and wrap it around his cock, before stroking himself with it.
IU feels a familiar tingle inside her body as she lies on her back. All the guys above her look down on her. The man who is supposed to fuck her is now kneeling between her legs, another above her head. The latter pushes his dick down, making Ji-eun take him into her mouth.
The guy between her legs rests his tip against her puckered hole, before slowly starting to push forward. IU moans around the dick in her mouth as she feels how her ass is getting stretched out.
"Fuck. You are so tight."
Seulgi turns to her left after hearing the man groan.
"Yah! Unnie!"
The younger woman stares at IU, who is lying on her back, getting her ass fucked. Her mouth is too full to answer.
Seulgi is about to say more as the big guy in front of her grabs her head and turns her towards her. He got rid of his boxers while she was distracted. Seulgi only manages a gasp, before he pulls her onto his cock.
With one forceful thrust he is already halfway down her throat. Seulgi gags and chokes. Even if she would've been prepared for this, she couldn't have taken so much at once. She feels her jaw getting heavy as the guy fucks her face. He uses her throat like a fleshlight, pounding a way like there is no tomorrow.
Seulgi feels her throat starting to get soar as tears start rolling down her cheeks. She is realizing that this is one of the roughest face fucks she ever had. But definitely not the last one.
His big cock keeps hitting the back of her throat, making Seulgi struggle for air. But he doesn't let go of her head, which means she can't back away.
The fingers in her pussy curl upwards, making her lower body tingle with pleasure. The combination of getting face fucked and fingered pushes Seulgi towards her limit. She never expected to be in this situation. On her knees, surrounded by almost ten guys. All of them stroking their cocks to her getting her throat bruised and her pussy played with.
Seulgi has to close her eyes, tears keep falling from underneath her eyelashes. They mix with her make up and the cum from earlier, turning her once flawless face into an absolute mess. The mixture starts to drip down her skin. Together with her saliva that spills out of her mouth. She is unable to close it. Her body feels numb as she is on the brink of orgasm as she gets the face fucking of her life.
IU's cheating has left her mind a while ago, her brain empty except for the pleasure she is feeling. And how soar her throat is. Seulgi doubts she is able to sing tomorrow. Or even the whole week if this continues.
She hears IU's voice over her own gags, but her own mouth is too loud to hear what the older woman is saying.
"Fuck, yes! Give me your cum!"
Ji-eun moans as she sees two guys on both her sides, stroking their cocks, ready to cum. The guy in her ass keeps her mind in a weird state of bliss as she feels like she is in heaven. The man who was fucking her mouth is replaced by another, who starts where he left of.
How many guys did she already suck off? Five maybe?
IU moans as around the new cock in her mouth. The two men start to cum all over her body. They cover IU's skin in warmth. Her chest, her tummy, her throat. All of it.
While IU keeps getting fucked, Seulgi feels someone from behind, who is starting to pull her shorts down.
Because the guy who is fucking her face is taller, she had to get on her knees to reach his cock. That means her white shorts can be slipped off easily.
Seulgi feels a pair of hands tug at her pink thong. The rubbing of her clit pauses for a moment, almost making Seulgi climax untouched.
The man who is holding her head in place gives Seulgi a second to relax. He pulls about halfway out, letting his cock rest on her tongue. She takes heavy breaths, trying to prepare herself for the next face fucking.
Another hand begins to play with her pussy as she feels the cock in her mouth starting to move again. This time, he doesn't fuck her fast. It's one slow, forceful thrust after another. It makes her head rock back everytime, before he pulls her onto his cock again.
Seulgi reaches the same state of pleasure as she did before. Hanging on the edge of her orgasm, she takes the face fucking like a champ, trying to keep eye contact with the man who is mercilessly using her.
Seulgi feels a pair of hands grope her butt. She is excited at first, but then, she feels someone's cock touch her rear entrance. She tries to shake her head, but the hands on head won't let her. She was never really the anal type. Plus, she doesn't want to cheat like IU does.
She doesn't have a choice. As the men around her see her struggle, they take holds of her wrists and guide her hands towards their cocks. Seulgi is unable to defend herself.
The cock down her throat, the fingers inside her pussy and now the tip of some man's cock in her ass. It all proves too much for Seulgi. Her shriek is muffled by the man in front of her as she cums around someone's fingers.
Seulgi's body shakes as she practically gets spitroasted. With every thrust into her mouth, she gets pushed onto the cock in her ass. With every thrust from the man inside her ass, she is getting forced to choke around the cock in her mouth.
She realizes how hot this must look for the others as she feels someone nutting on her grey top. His cum stains the fabric and Seulgi is reminded of the bet.
For a moment, she lost sight of the goal, just enjoying these men, having their way with her. But as much as Seulgi likes this situation, she still needs to make more guys cum than IU.
"Yes! Fill my ass up!"
Ji-eun moans loudly as she feels the cock in her ass starting to throb. In that moment, the guy above her climaxes, cuming all over her face. IU gasps as the unexpected facial hits her.
Before she is able to clean her face with her tongue and her fingers, the man between her legs cums inside of her.
"Oh fuck!"
Another moan escapes her cum stained lips as she feels his load paint the insides of her ass.
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"Fuck! Please slow down!"
Seulgi screams. Half in pleasure, half in pain. The guy who is fucking her ass is the same guy who fucked her face so good a couple of minutes ago. He left a huge facial on her face, before giving others the chance to enjoy her mouth. Now, he is standing behind Seulgi, after getting her off the floor.
Her legs feel like jelly as she takes his pounding from behind. Her hands are useless by now, just loosely wrapped around two guy's cocks.
Another guy now steps in front of her to shut her up.
"You are too big for my ass."
She whines, hoping he would slow down, before another cock pushes past her lips.
Seulgi needily sucks on it, trying to blend out the pain in her ass. She has been used by so many guys now. She lost proper count a while ago. And if she would've looked up to check the time, she would have realized that the fifteen minutes were over fifteen minutes ago.
But Seulgi is too busy getting stuffed with cock from both ends. The black hairband she used to make a ponytail is barely holding up. Her hair looks like it's in a messy bun by now. Drops of white cum decorate her black, silk like hair.
IU is taking two cocks at the same time, too. But she is in a different position. She is placed on all fours in a circle of about ten guys. They all take turns fucking her ass and thrusting into her mouth.
The guy who is currently using her throat holds her tie in his hand, making her choke, whenever he gives it a light tug. The fact that she is getting choked makes IU even hornier. It would be something worthy of exploring later. Is she into getting choked?
Her thoughts are interrupted, when the man in her ass shoots his load. Ji-eun can almost feel how her body becomes heavier. This is the fourth time they came in her ass. If she counted correctly, she made them climax around 23 times already. There is more than enough proof all over her body.
A couple of minutes ago, someone used her still soaked panties to tie her hair back. Someone came on them beforehand. But instead of being disgusted, IU wonders if that counts as making them cum.
"I'm gonna gonna cum in your ass, bitch."
It's the first time the man behind her talked to Seulgi. Her dripping wet pussy craves his cock as he keeps fucking her ass. Because her mouth is closed, Seulgi can't answer. She feels someone's hand now rubbing her clit.
Another hand slaps her right ass cheeks. She doesn't know if that was the guy who is fucking her or someone else. The sting causes her to moan around the cock in her mouth.
The guy behind her groans, before he pumps Seulgi's ass full with cum. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as her legs almost give out. His warm cum in her ass makes her see stars.
After he leaves her freshly fucked hole, Seulgi does her best to recover. She remembers that she set a time limit on their bet. She checks the clock on the wall. They have been doing this for over thirty minutes now?
"Unnie! Time's up!"
Seulgi's voice sounds hoars after she removed the cock out of her mouth.
IU tells everyone to stop what they are doing. Seulgi has to kneel down again, her legs too weak to carry her.
Ji-eun slowly walks over to her. She feels cum leak out of her ass. Everyone is staring at the pair, waiting to find out who lost.
Seulgi looks up at IU. The older woman is still wearing her tie, her hair now held back by her panties. Her body is covered in cum, wherever you look. Her face, her tummy, her chest, her feet.
Seulgi looks similarly used. Her back is still warm from the load of cum she got, while someone fucked her ass from behind.
"25 now."
Seulgi's eyes widen. She didn't expect it to be this close.
"Wow, unnie. You are no slouch."
Ji-eun raises an eye brow.
"Why do you sound so happy?"
"I made them cum twenty seven times."
Seulgi feels someone's cum drip out of her freshly fucked ass and onto her legs. She grins up at IU, who is looking at her with anger and surprise written on her face.
"You know what that means, right?"
IU nods hesitantly.
"Let's tie her up boys."
Seulgi chuckles as she sees someone grabbing IU's wrists and holding them behind her back.
She tries to struggle against his grip, but Seulgi shakes her head.
"You can't run away, unnie. You are now officially a free-use whore."
Before she can reply, someone already stuffed her mouth with a piece of silk. She only realises a moment later that she has Seulgi's pink thong in her mouth. Someone is covering her mouth, so she can't spit it out.
IU's tie is finally gone too, now being used as a way to tie her hands together. She tries to resist, but the guys around her are way taller and stronger than her. Ji-eun sees someone getting a chair from one of the corners of the practice room.
Seulgi suggested this location. It's Red Velvet's former place of learning choreos, when they were rookies. They used a second room outside of the SM building. No one uses it anymore.
When someone sits her down, IU stares at everyone around her. The about forty guys wait for Seulgi's first move.
"You two,"
Seulgi points at two guys on her left.
"Suck on her tits."
They do as she says, both stepping on either side of IU. The older woman moans into Seulgi's panties as she they lean over her. They both wrap their lips around her nipples, sucking on them. The occasional bite makes her squirm in the chair.
"I feel like the gag is now making her too quiet."
Some of the guys nod in agreement.
Seulgi reaches forward to take her panties out of IU's mouth.
"Don't forget, you still have to admit that I'm the better slut."
IU would've stuck her her tongue out, but is currently unable to do so. The two guys working on her tits make her sigh and mewl.
Ji-eun's eyes widen in surprise as she feels Seulgi working on her pussy. It feels weird as she tries to look down, wanting to know what's going on. The guys' heads are blocking her view.
Her head sinks back as she feels Seulgi pushing her thong into the older woman's pussy. A deep moan escapes her lips, once the piece of silk is completely buried inside of her.
"You always bragged about how tight your pussy is. Let's see if that's still the case."
She turns around.
"Guys, I want you to stretch her out like crazy."
IU moves her head to be able to see what's going on. The first guy is already standing in front of her, his cock in his hand.
"Wait. First pull out-Fuck!"
IU moans loudly as he pushes half of his cock inside her with one thrust. She can't tell yet, if Seulgi's panties make her feel better or not. But IU can't help but squirm even more as the man starts to fuck her.
She feels fuller than usual as the guy pushes fully into her stuffed pussy. Together with the two guys who keep playing with her chest, he makes Ji-eun see stars.
She realises this is only the beginning, when another guy steps forward. He grabs IU's ponytail, forcing her down. She automatically opens her mouth, ready to suck his cock. It has become an instinct for her by now. Without even thinking about it, she starts to suck him off.
The two men stop sucking her tits as they both watch how the new guy makes her bob her head up and down on his cock. He and the guy who fucks her stand side by side.
Seulgi looks around them, trying to see what's going on. She feels a pair of hands wrap around her waist. She looks up, seeing the man who just came in her ass.
"You still don't have enough?"
Her cheeky grin makes him chuckle.
"I never expected you to be such a whore."
His cock is now resting between her cheeks. Now that she feels it again, Seulgi can't believe how his dick fit in her ass.
"And this is probably the only chance I'm ever gonna get. So I want all of your holes."
Seulgi leans her head on his chest.
"Take me then."
She feels him aligning his cock with her pussy. He slowly pushes inside, making Seulgi moan. Her half open eyes see, how the guy who is fucking IU is cuming inside her pussy. She hears the older girl's moans as he pulls out and leaves. A moment later, the next guy stands in front of her.
Seulgi can't believe what she has done. What she is still doing. What would her members say to this? She chuckles as she thinks about Yeri's nature. The maknae would probably follow her example.
Her smile is wiped off Seulgi's face as the man behind her increases his pace. His thick cock makes her body heat up as he almost hugs her into his chest.
Seulgi is almost standing on his toes, only his hips working overtime. He has his face in her neck, kissing her skin.
IU moans as another man walks forward. The man who just came in her mouth already left, leaving her throat all sticky. She would've begged for a break, but she knows that Seulgi won't give her one. Although the younger girl is currently occupied with getting fucked, IU dismisses the idea.
She invitingly opens her mouth, before the guy even reaches her. Instead of pushing his scock into her mouth, he takes a hold of her ponytail. Only now, IU realises that he has been stroking his cock while he approached her. His cum is now painting her face, leaving another layer of jizz.
IU moans as the warmth hits her face. At the same time the man in her pussy cums as well. He shoots his load into IU, giving her a second cream pie within a couple of minutes.
"Just... Just give me a second."
Seulgi breathes heavily, almost missing her chance to humiliate IU even further. Slowly, she manages to get of the guy's chest she was leaning on. Standing in front of the older woman, Seulgi reaches down. Her freshly fucked pussy already oozes with cum. She has to fumble around a little, before finally finding her own thong deep inside Ji-eun's cunt.
IU whines as Seulgi slowly pulls it out. There is no sign of the fact that the silk was pink once. It's stained with IU's juices and the other guy's cum.
"They are gonna fuck you for real now."
IU shakes her head, knowing what Seulgi is planing. But because her hands are tied, she can't defend herself.
Seulgi pushes her thong into IU's mouth. The older woman tastes the mixture of her own juices and two loads of cum.
"Take it like the whore you are, unnie. I don't want to hear any complains, once I'm back."
She turns around, taking the hand of the guy, who just fucked her.
"Come with me."
And with that she leaves IU alone with the forty guys. Bound to the chair, unable to yell after her. She sees some of them start to walk towards her.
Her muffled screams stay unheard as Seulgi and her special friend enter the practice room next door.
"I have two more hours until I have to be back at the dorm."
She slings her arms around his neck, grinding her naked center against his cock.
"I want you to fuck me until then."
How long has it been already?
IU can't tell, the clock is hanging on the wall behind her. 30 minutes? An hour?
She would've thought the guys would stop at one point, but she is proven wrong. This is their only chance to fuck Lee Ji-eun however they want. They can use every single one of her holes.
Korea's number one celebrity isn't even sitting on the chair anymore. They started to take turns with sitting in the chair, making IU sit in their laps.
She never experienced having all three of her holes stuffed with cock. But that's the case right now. The man who's lap she is sitting on is thrusting upwards into her ass. The man in front of her is fucking her pussy. Another has placed both of his hands on her head, forcing her to lean to her left.
IU doesn't know how long it has been since she was able to talk. There are still three guys standing in line behind the guy who is fucking her face.
She also doesn't know how often all of them came, since Seulgi left. Probably all of them at least once or twice. Maybe even more. That would make at least forty to eighty times.
That could be the reason why about fifty percent of IU's skin is covered in cum. Her tits and her midriff are full with it, but they still don't compare to her face. She feels like she has several layers of make up on. Her hair probably wasn't spared either.
And how many cream pies did she already get? At least a quarter of their loads. She must have swallowed so much cum by now. Probably more than a liter or two.
Ji-eun moans around the cock in her mouth as she climaxes once again. Her pussy pulsates around the cock in her, making the man cum in her snatch. She even lost count of how many times she came.
Where the fuck is Seulgi?
"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!"
Seulgi mumbles and moans. She is lying on the sofa in the corner of the second practice room. The man she took with her is fucking her missionary style. His hand is in her hair, forcing her upper body to lift off the couch.
"Gonna cum!"
Her warning is almost too late. Seulgi climaxes right after the last word leaves her mouth. Her pussy grips onto his cock as he keeps fucking her through her orgasm. Her body is covered in sweat and cum. How often did he make her cum already?
Seulgi moans as she is taken toward another high. She feels his cock suddenly leave her pussy, before he pushes against her puckered hole. The young woman moans and whines as he starts to switch with every thrust. First her pussy, then her ass hole and then her pussy again.
Seulgi can't do anything but lie there, feeling her holes getting used in such an unholy manner.
She is a mumbling mess underneath him, feeling his cock in her ass and then in her pussy again.
Her eyes rest on his sweat covered body as she feels him trying to hold back his climax. As they lock eyes, they both know that this is the last one. The pair is too drained to go on much longer.
"On my face. I want it on my face."
The man nods, unable to form words. Seulgi's ass too tight for him to think straight.
He manages to switch between her holes for a couple of times, before he finally pulls out once and for all.
With awkward movements, Seulgi manages to push herself off the couch. Her limbs feel like pudding, her energy barely enough to keep her eyes open.
He strokes himself to climax as he stares at Seulgi in front of him.
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How is she still able to look this cute?
That thought rushes through his head, right before he orgasms. His load isn't as big as it used to. Seulgi's pussy has claimed more of it for itself already.
It's still enough to make her sigh with pleasure though. The warm cum covers her nose and cheeks.
IU opens her eyes. She looks around the room, realizing that she is the only one. And a moment later she recognizes her bedroom. How did she get here?
She hears someone in the kitchen, fumbling with the pans.
Ji-eun tries to get up. Her body feels soar all over. She feels like she has been hit by a truck. Her body seems to be clean on the outside, but not on the inside. She can feel someone's cum in her pussy and ass. Her throat is still sticky, making it hard to breathe.
IU can't even remember how many guys came in her throat as she reaches for the glass of water on her night stand.
Her feet barely lift off the ground as she stumbles into the kitchen, only wearing a robe.
Seulgi seems to be making egg fried rice.
"Hello, sleepyhead."
Seulgi chuckles at IU's perplexed look on her face.
"I brought you here after you passed out. Do you know how long it took me to get all of that cum off your skin?"
IU shakes her head.
Seulgi pours the rice into two bowls.
"I have good news."
Ji-eun is only able to sit down at the counter, waiting for Seulgi to hand her a spoon.
"I found someone knew to compete with us."
IU looks up. Her eyes still look sleepy and tired and exhausted. And yet, Seulgi is able to catch a glimpse of lust in them.
"She should be here any minute."
In that moment the doorbell rings.
"She and her members had a similar competition. Like the two of us. She won and is looking for women, who are on her level. I told her we got fucked by forty guys at the same time."
Seulgi says as she walks towards the door.
"I-I'm not sure if I can start having sex again immediately. Maybe give me a couple of days."
IU's tired, hoarse voice makes Seulgi chuckle.
"Don't worry. Me and Jennie already have something planned for the two of us."
She opens the door.
"Hi Seulgi!"
Jennie and Seulgi hug each other.
"Ready to go to the movies?"
"Yeah, just let me eat dinner."
Only now IU realises what time it is. She slept the whole day.
"Hi, unnie."
Jennie waves at her. The older woman takes a look at her outfit. She immediately knows that watching a movie will not be the only thing they do in the cinema.
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(Alternative ending)
Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoy the first story of the December special.
I haven't written something like this before, so I'm not sure how well it turned out. I did my best to write a good build up, because I didn't want to jump straight into the main part.
Have a great day! See you next week for the second one!
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emmy19-05 · 26 days
So Long, London
Ona Batlle x Reader
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GIF from: GIF Maker (ios app)
SUMMARY: After multiple years of playing soccer in London, you return to your hometown to join a highly regarded local team. Upon arrival, you are reunited with Ona, an old teammate, who has become a key player on the team. Despite some initial tension and unresolved feelings from the past, Ona offers you a room in her apartment. As you settle in and start training, a flood in your room forces you to stay with Ona, leading to a rekindling of old emotions and a deep, unexpected connection between you two.
SMUT 18+
Warning!! Contains: cunnilingus, strap/strap sucking, fingering, dirty talk, praising, etc.
(ONA AND THE READER ARE SWITCHES!! They both give and receive in this.)
I’m aware this is longer than most of my other fics😭 but i really enjoyed writing this! This is for all of you who voted for Ona in my poll. haha
Word Count: 2.9k
You are about to board your plane, leaving your old life behind in London. Your time with Chelsea is finally up. You feel sad leaving your old team behind, but you feel you need to start a new chapter in your life. You are excited to go back to your hometown and to hopefully reconnect with some old friends. As you board the plane you think about how excited you are to join the new team who offered you a contract. The team is known in your hometown to be really good and talented, and you can’t wait to meet your new coach and teammates.
You just landed in your hometown, which you haven’t visited in multiple years. You decide to head to your hotel. You just got the offer for the contract recently, so you don’t have a permanent place to stay yet. As you wait in the Uber for the driver to drive you to your hotel, you think about how much you’re going to miss Chelsea and all your friends you almost consider your family.
You realize that your Uber driver is looking at you, you then look out your window to see that you are at your hotel. You hurry up and get out hoping you weren’t staring off into space for too long since he looks annoyed at you. As you walk up to the front desk to check-in you check your phone and see a text from Zecira, a goalie from Chelsea, who you became good friends with during your time at Chelsea. She just wished you a safe travels which you reply a quick thank you and a quick update on everything.
After checking into your hotel, you check the time. It’s currently 3:28pm and you have training at 5pm, you decide to start to get ready. You shower and put on your training kit, excited to meet your new team and coach, you then get into an Uber to head to the stadium.
Traffic is horrible, so you are glad you left early. You forget how bad traffic is here. Especially near the stadium. Your hotel is only 10 minutes away from the stadium, but the Uber’s navigation you can see on the dashboard is saying another 21 minutes. You huff out and start to feel anxious, you simply cannot be late on your first training.
You get into the locker room at 5:24 and you feel immediate relief that you aren’t late . You don’t see any other players in the locker room, so you figure that they’re already on the field warming up. As you put your stuff in your assigned locker, you walk out onto the field at exactly 5:30, well and 39 seconds, but who’s counting? You look around to see if you see the coach so you can go introduce yourself. You spot her in the corner of the pitch talking to some other players. You feel excited to introduce yourself to everyone, but kinda nervous too. You haven’t done much research about the team or who’s on it, you just know they’ve been top of the league for multiple seasons. So you were honored to see they wanted to sign you. As you walk over to your coach you see her look up and smile at you
“Well hello, you must be y/n” The coach says
“Yes, I am! It’s very nice to meet you ma’am.” You say
“Oh please, coach is fine.”
“Ok you got it, coach,” you laugh as she smiles at you.
She’s an older woman probably in her mid 50’s, but she seems really nice. You’re happy at least the coach likes you, well at least you hope.
“Ok, well let’s go introduce you to the team.” Coach says
“Ok, let’s do it.” You smile
You feel tense and nervous hoping you get along with everyone. As you walk up to the team you go to look at all of them, but someone immediately catches your eye. You recognize her from your old team before you made it to the big leagues and moved to London to play in the WSL. You feel tense as she eyes you up and down. You wonder if she recognizes you. It’s been years after all and you look way different. Ona is a full-back, one of the best you’ve ever seen. Ona looks different too, she looks good, really good. You were surprised she never decided to go pro, guess you were wrong because she did, only if you kept in touch. You remember reaching out to her, she always texted you back, of course, but you remember her replies to you always getting shorter and shorter.
You realize the whole time you were thinking about Ona, Coach was introducing you to everyone. You weren’t paying attention at all. It’s going to be awkward having to re-ask everyone’s names because you weren’t paying attention.
“y/n, now that you’ve met everyone, Ona here informed me that you two were on an old team together years back, so I decided to make Ona your official partner for the next few games, consider her a guide. If you have any questions just ask me or her.”
You glare at Ona and she raises her eyebrow and winks. You roll your eyes wondering why Ona after all these years after you ghosting you wanted to be your “guide” you scoff.
“Hello, y/n” Ona walks up to you and says
“Hi,” You say “surprised you remember me.”
“Why wouldn’t I remember you?” Ona says
“Why do you think? Actually never mind don’t answer that. I really don’t care” You begin to walk away.
Ona grabs your wrist and says
“You can’t ignore me forever, princesa,”
You roll your eyes at the nickname she gave you. You remember her calling you that all those years ago then you walk away annoyed.
Game day (2 weeks later)
You are in the locker room getting ready for the first game of the season. Since you barely joined the team; you aren’t starting, but Ona is. You are at least a sub though. You don’t care though it’s routine for every new team you join. You usually don’t immediately start. Especially your first game.
Your team wins the game 3-1. You get subbed in during half-time. You think you did pretty good for your first game on a new team. Ona comes up to you and says
“Hey we are going to go out for some drinks to celebrate if you wanna join us?”
“No thanks” You say
“Oh please, come on.” Ona says
“No, I have to meet up with my real estate agent later tonight and I'm not showing up drunk.”
“Real estate agent, what?” Ona questions
“Since the offer to sign here was so last minute, I am currently staying in a hotel until I can find an apartment to permanently live in.” You say.
One of your teammates puts her arm around Ona’s shoulder and says
“Just stay with Ona for now? You seem to get along, I think at least. Actually, I’m not sure now that I’m thinking about it, but Ona’s roommate just moved out to live with her boyfriend and she has a spare room.” She basically sings out thinking she just solved your problem.
“Absolutely not,” You say. “That’s a horrible idea,”
“What? Why not? That’s actually a good idea, rent is only $1,000 a month each for a two bedroom. I’ll even give you a discount, princesa” Ona says “I was thinking about putting up a “roommate wanted” sign, but I don’t think that’s needed anymore” Ona winks at you.
“Let me think about it,” You say
“Sure,” Ona says.
You go back to the hotel you are staying at and think about the arrangement Ona offered. Only $1,000 a month? That’s nothing. Every apartment in the area is at least $2,000 a month, and that’s for a studio-one bedroom. You decide to text Ona, hoping you still have her number from years ago and that it's still the same.
Me: Yes.
You wait hoping to hear from her soon. While you wait, you decide to shower. You think you probably should’ve been a little more descriptive than just “yes,” but you don’t care, it's fine.
After you shower you hear a ding come from your phone. You pick up your phone, it’s Ona. Your heart rate speeds up.
Ona: I was wondering when I’d hear from you, princesa.
You two talk about a move in date and the payment details and other things about the apartment that you two need to discuss.
Move-in day
You wake up at 9am, you are officially moving into Ona’s apartment today at 10am, you and Ona decided a time that would work for both of you guys. You hate that your only day off you had to wake up so early, but you’re grateful Ona is even letting you move in and is helping you move as well.
You pack up your bags, and since you moved and currently don’t have a car, Ona offered to pick you and your stuff up from the hotel, you happily took the offer.
You get a knock at your door and Ona is there.
“Wow” you say looking at the Apple Watch on your hand “I’m surprised you’re actually 4 minutes early, you must be excited. The one and only Ona Batlle is early for once.” You smile at her and she chuckles at your joke.
Ona helps you get your bags moved into her SUV. You sit in comfortable silence as she drives you downtown to her 2 bedroom apartment, well I guess you could say your guy’s apartment now.
Few hours later…
You are officially moved in. Since you didn’t come with much, just the few suitcases you brought on the plane with you, it only took maybe an hour or two to put all your stuff away. You decide to take a bath from being all sweaty from unpacking. Ona is gone and said she’d be back in a few hours. You turn on the faucet in the bathroom connected to your room and go back to your bed to read for a little bit while the bath fills up.
You wake up to yelling realizing then you fell asleep while reading. You look up at Ona yelling and wondering what she’s on about. You go to get up and your socks feel wet. You then realize you left the water on and your whole room is flooded. Fuck. You think to yourself. The first day you moved in and you flooded your room. Great…
“Ona, oh my god, I am so sorry, I fell asleep I don’t know what I was thinking.” You say “I- I’ll pay for the damage,” You begin to say.
Ona walks up to you and says
“Well this is great, this is only a two bedroom apartment and I don’t even know where you’ll sleep. Who do you even call for a flooding incident? Are there even people for that?” Ona says angrily and confused
“I’m not sure”
“Well it’s saturday, i’m not even sure if places like that are open on weekends, i’ll have to call around on Monday” Ona says “Buckle up, princess, looks like you’re sleeping with me for the next 2 days” she looks at you “minimum,” she continues.
You groan and start to try to apologize again, but Ona cuts you off quickly and says
“It’s fine, it was obviously an accident, don’t worry about it,” She smiles sadly at you.
It’s 1am and you’re trying so hard to stay awake to avoid having to lay with Ona because AWKWARD… But as it hits 1:30am you decide she’s probably sleeping so you’ll just sneak in there and go to sleep. Hoping not to wake her because that’s the last thing you need. She’s already being kind enough by letting you lay with her, you don’t want to wake her up in the process. As you crawl into her bed you close your eyes and immediately start to drift off. It’s been a long day, you think to yourself.
You wake up to feeling something on your stomach. You look at the clock and it reads 3:47am, damn you were barely asleep for 3 hours, damn you Ona. You look down and Ona’s hand is sprawled on your stomach, she begins to play with the drawstrings of your sweatpants you’re currently wearing.
“Ona, you’re sleeping, wake up.” You say
“Not sleeping,” You hear her say
You tense because you think why the fuck is she doing this? It feels too good to tell her to stop though, so you let her continue.
Ona begins to play with your waistband and whispers into your ear
“Can I”
You nod
She slowly creeps her hand into your sweatpants while her front is placed against your back.
“Turn over, sweet girl” She whispers into your ear.
You turn over and she begins to rub you through your underwear.
You moan because damn, Ona knows what she’s doing.
“You don’t know how long I've dreamed of hearing those sounds come from you.”
Your curiosity gets the best of you.
“How long?” You ask
“Since 6 years ago”
You gasp, she’s wanted you all this long? Why did she ghost you then? You think to yourself.
You pull her hands out of your pants and flip her so she’s on her back and you’re straddling her thighs.
You stare at her and Ona pulls you down and kisses you deeply, you moan into her mouth as she fucks your mouth with her tongue. You pull your mouth away from hers and she gasps as you start to kiss her neck sweetly. You begin to kiss down her body and when you get the bottom half of her body, you pull her pants and underwear down.
“Spread your legs for me,” You say
As she does, you put your mouth closer to her and begin to eat her out. She began to moan as you pull your mouth away and begin to finger her.
“Tell me,” You say
“Anything,” Ona says
“Why’d you ghost me all those years ago?” You say
“Anything but that, please.” She says
“Tell me, or I’ll stop.”
She keeps her mouth shut so you pull your fingers out of her and begin to get up.
“Wait no, I’ll tell you just don’t stop, please.” Ona says
You put your fingers back in her and she says
“It hurt too much”
“What do you mean?” You said
“You left me, I liked you so much and you just left, without a second thought.”
“Oh,” You say, feeling ashamed
“I liked you so much, I was going to tell you on my birthday, but left on the 6th, my birthday is on the 10th,” She frowns “You left 4 days before my birthday, you know how sad that made me” she huffs out
“I’m so sorry, I had no clue,” You say sitting there.
“Yeah, that’s the problem.” She says
She gets up and flips you so now she’s on top
“I know how you can make it up to me,”
“Yes, anything,” You say
“You can let me fuck you,” She smirks
You begin to smile
“Well, if you’re offering,” You say
“Oh I differently am,” Ona says
She goes to get the strap from the nightstand
You stare at her as she begin to put the harness around her
“Open up” she says
She sticks the strap into your mouth as you begin to suck it
“You like my cock, baby girl?” Ona says “You suck me so good, fuck I could get off just from watching you suck me”
You moan at that, practically begging her to touch you.
“You want me inside you?” Ona smirks
You pull your mouth off the strap
“Yes, please, Ona. Fuck me,” You say
“Spread your legs, just like that, a little wider, there you go, that’s my good girl” Ona says
You moan at her praises.
Ona crawls in between your legs and slips the strap inside you.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful, princesa,” Ona says while staring into your eyes.
“Fuck Ona keep going please” You begin to moan loudly.
You begin to feel yourself about to cum
“Ona, I’m so close, keep going. Don’t stop,”
Ona pulls out of you and you whine, but she immediately starts to eat you out. It feels so good, as good or maybe even better than the strap. Ona knows how to eat someone out, that’s for sure.
She stops eating you out and begins to finger you. While her fingers are still inside you, she comes up and kisses you breathlessly. As she kisses your neck, Ona whispers, only for you to hear.
“Cum for me, princesa,”
You cum. Hard. That was probably the hardest you’ve ever came, you think.
“God, we are so doing that again.” You say as Ona smiles down at you.
“Oh absolutely” Ona says while smiling and slowly kissing your neck.
“Ready for round 2? You say
Ona laughs and starts to crawl down your body
I’m not sure if i’ll make a part 2 on this, let me know if you guys want one! :)
ALSO, who else loves the Taylor Swift reference?😏
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
disabled intersex trans person getting evicted, needs help
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hello there. i am physically & mentally disabled trans person who is currently applying for disability, and i am about to lose my housing. I use a wheelchair & cane and cannot walk unassisted. i make $245/month while i'm waiting for my approval. i make a moderate amount of income on the side with my various online stores, but things have been tight.
i have been doing my best to pay my portion of the rent when and where possible, but i had no idea we had fallen this far behind as i have received very little communication about being behind rent, as my roommate is the only one who gets communication from the landlord and i have to go through them. some months my roommate hasn't collected from me, which lead me to assume they were covering or finding other funding.
i have also been the primary source of income and food for the household, which has completely depleted my resources and health and well being, causing my already poor health to spiral out of control, making it difficult to stay on top of paying rent when I am also responsible for paying for and providing for our other needs as well.
i feel stuck, terrified, and unsure of what to do. i need help either find a way to set aside funds to pay this off, or just leave in the event that we do get evicted. i was living in a hotel for 2 weeks before i got here and i thought staying here would be stable, but it is not. i have nowhere else to go in the event that the eviction goes through. my roommate can live with his family, but i have nowhere to go. i am in desperate need of help. thank you for listening, reading, and interacting with this post.
you can support me here:
or here:
pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail . com
cash app: glitterGraphix
venmo: @ equinoxian
my QP can accept e-transfers if you are canadian, or u can tip this post. thank you again.
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eideticmemory · 1 year
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A chance meeting on a dating app spirals into an odd type of…friendship? Relationship? Who knows, but it means a lot to you.
Word Count: 8.6k
Warning/Includes: Excessive smut, fluff, 7 year age gap.
You are so sick of crying. You are nauseated from lying in bed, staring at a ceiling fan that does nothing but spin. You’re angry. You’re restless. You’re impulsive. And it is this impulse that takes you on Bumble, but more specifically, makes you set you preferred range between the ages of exactly twenty-eight and forty. You think, I just need someone to pay attention to me. You think, I need someone to make this go away because I just can’t.
Old men are gross, but they like you. They just can’t get enough of you. You’re flooded with hundreds of admirers, but you rarely match with any of them. You swipe. You swipe again. Again and again and it is with the teeniest, tiniest little bit of hope that you wish for someone to take your breath away. You wish for a man with a pretty face and kind eyes and a name that sounds nice when you say it with a moan.
And there he is.
Spencer. Age 30. 5 miles away.
You actually gasp.
You swipe right and it is a match!
You gasp!
It’s up to you to make the first move. There’s prompts you could send, questions you could ask, and just down the street, Spencer, who has just landed back home recieves a message only saying -
Hey :)
He immediately covers the notification on his phone as he exits the jet. When he swiped on your profile, truthfully, he didn’t expect a match. Let alone a message. So in less than three seconds, he becomes anxious and flustered and cannot stop shaking his hands because he can’t feel his fingertips.
He waits until he’s alone to message you back. He has no idea what to say, no idea if you’re even still interested, but down the street, you are lying on your belly and kicking your feet and you get a reply -
Hi, [y/n] :) How are you?
It’s not a lot but Spencer feels like he’s going to pass out.
You squeal, cover your mouth and type: Good! How are you?
And Spencer doesn’t even know how to answer the question. It’s not a hard question, it’s not a trick question, but he can’t figure out what to say so he stays objective.
I’m okay. I’m leaving work now.
You furrow your eyebrows, A little late, isn’t it?
He chuckles under his breath, Kind of early for me, actually.
Here, is where you decided to get bold. You make the decision before you even figure out what to say. How to say it.
I’m sure you’re worn out from a long day. Was hoping I could see you tonight. If not, maybe another time?
And aside from the millions of things that rush through his head, that are always rushing through his head, the first thing he thinks is: Oh, god, I wish Morgan were here. Although Spencer’s a little mad at him at the moment, he knows Morgan would tell him what to say. But no one’s here. It’s just him, pacing the empty halls of the bureau, a satchel with tums in it, and a pretty girl trapped inside his phone that wants to see him in person.
He types and he goes back, he types and he goes back, and then he asks, Do you like coffee?
You smile as you type, I love coffee.
So he has you meet him at this coffee shop in town. You stand outside, cradled in a cozy jacket, your hands stuffed in your pockets. Spencer sees you before you see him. And anyone with common sense would’ve walked up to you right away. Except, Spencer doesn’t really have common sense. He’s worried that you’ll figure that out. Still, he walks over to you and you’re only alerted by the sound of his timid footsteps. You turn to him with a grand smile and he immediately forgets how to breathe.
“Hi,” you greet him, holding your hand out. “Spencer?”
He looks down at your hand and then back at you and then back at the floor and your brain goes: ???
“Are you…not Spencer?”
“No, no, I am. Me…Spencer, yes. I just…I don’t like to shake hands.”
“Oh,” you retract, hold your hands behind your back.
“I mean not that there’s anything wrong about your particular hands. They’re just dirty- Not! Not-you’re not dirty, I know, you smell really good. I…” he stops, takes a breath, “The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering, it’s actually, uh, safer to kiss.”
You tilt your head at him for two reasons. One, because you cannot believe he just used the word pathogens in casual conversation. And two, because you take his fun fact as a challenge that is readily accepted. You step towards him, slowly, because with the way his eyes go wide, it looks like he might run away. He grips onto the strap on his satchel so hard that his knuckles turn paper white. He goes cross eyed trying to look at your face as you lean in. And with a tiny smirk on your face, you press your lips to his.
It’s kinda, awkward. Spencer stays frozen in place and you mush your face into his and he doesn’t start to lean into you until the last second.
His face has gone bright red and you smile and say, “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice t-to meet you,” he stutters.
You look around, “What is this place?”
“Oh, um, it’s, uh, it’s a coffee shop. It’s also a library. It’s, uh, it’s open late and I come here a lot when I can’t sleep.”
“It’s cute,” you smile.
He holds the door open for you and buys you a latte and you two sit at a table by the window. You sit in silence for a minute, neither of you really sure what to say and then when you do go to speak, you do it at the same time. It cuts the tension and you both laugh.
“You go first,” you tell him.
“I, uh, I was just going to ask if you’re from here?”
“Oh, oh no, I just moved here for med school. I’m in my first year at Georgetown.”
“Oh! Nice. That’s cool.”
“Yeah, it’s alright so far. We’ll see how I’m doing in the spring.”
“I’m sure you’ll do great.”
You smile, “What do you do? What has you getting off work so late?”
“I’m, um, I’m a profiler…for the FBI. I, uh…”
“Analyze criminal behavior,” you nod. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard of that. I love forensic sciences.”
He can’t help but smile at you, “Yeah. It’s tiring but I like it,” he shrugs.
The conversation goes dead again and you sip on your latte, “Should we…should we just keep asking each other questions?”
“I guess so.”
“Okay, I asked the last question so it’s your turn.”
“Um…” he ponders. “What’s your favorite color?”
You snicker and he instantly puts his face in his hands out of embarrassment. You giggle, “My favorite color? Seriously?”
“I couldn’t think of anything else,” he shakes his head, smiling, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Blue. You?”
“Ooh, that’s a fun one.”
“I like it. Okay, your turn.”
“Okay, um, what’s your biggest fear?”
He raises his eyebrows at you.
“What? We got the favorite colors out of the way.”
He nods, agreeing, “Having nothing to show for my life.”
You nod, “Same. Your turn.”
“Why do you want to be a doctor?”
“Oh. You got me with that one. Um…because I’m not squeamish and I’m good under pressure and I want…to make a difference. Y’know, actually do something with all this ambition. Aaaand, I’m good with anatomy. I’m good with people. I like medicine.”
“Did you say all of that in your interview?”
“That’s two questions…” you grin.
He chuckles, “You can ask me two.”
“No…I told them what they wanted to hear. And admissions doesn’t wanna hear that you’re doing this for yourself. They wanna hear that you’re selfless, Mother Theresa, Princess Diana selfless.”
“And you’re not selfless?”
“That’s three!”
“Okay, okay, your turn,” he laughs.
“How’d you get into the FBI?”
“Um, about 8 years, 11 months and 3 days ago, I attended a lecture on criminology hosted by some members of the BAU. I…became fixated. I wanted to join. I wanted to make a difference-“
“Oh now you’re just copying me.”
He chuckles, “I applied and, uh, yeah.”
“That’s so cool,” you tell him. “So you’ve been working there since you were…22?”
“How did you become a profiler at 22? It takes forever, I thought?”
“That’s three!” he laughs.
“Oh, c’mon! You can’t leave me on a cliffhanger here.”
“I, um, I graduated college when I was 16. Had my Phd at 20. I’m…not the fittest guy so I skipped a lot of physical assessments.”
“16?” you gasp.
“That’s four!”
“20?” you shout. Emphasis on the ???
“That’s five!”
“Oh, no, nuh-uh, forget that, you’re filling me in on this.”
And so, he does. He tells you everything. About the eidetic memory and the IQ of 187 and you just sit there in awe. You fire questions at him and the last one is, “What’s…” you type in your calculator. “34 times 106?”
“That is a different genre of question.”
“But what’s the answer?”
He sighs and shakes his head, “3,604.”
You look at the calculator and he’s right and you gasp, “You’re a fucking genius.”
“That’s what I’ve been told.”
“Are your parents geniuses?” you ask.
“My dad is a…” he pauses. “I guess the colloquial term is deadbeat?”
You burst into laughter but quickly cover your mouth. That’s not funny. But Spencer is smiling.
“And…my mom is…smart. Yeah, she’s a genius.”
“Is she…dead?”
“You just got, like, super sad there.”
“She’s not dead. She, uh, she has schizophrenia.”
“Oh. I’m an asshole.”
“A little bit,” he chuckles. “But, I’m-I’m not sad…she’s been that way my whole life.”
You can see on his face that it’s a sore subject, so you say, “Okay. Your turn. Ask me a question.”
And he wants to ask something that will get you talking. Something he can poke around like you have at his brain.
“Who is…” he starts. “Your very best friend?”
He asks this as you’re taking a sip of your latte and you very suddenly slam your cup down on the table.
“Whoa,” he says.
“No, no, I’m…I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
“I haven’t spoken to her since I moved. Any of them. I…we…we had a disagreement.”
Spencer studies your face, “How many friends are we talking about here?”
“Three,” you spit out. “Three. I’ve had the same three friends since I was twelve and I’m not talking to any of them.” Your hands shake around your mug and you clear your throat, avoid eye contact.
Spencer feels so bad for dulling your light that he doesn’t even know what to say. He knows it’s an illogical guilt, but a strong and pulsating guilt nonetheless.
He watches you take an anxious sip of your drink and he sighs, “Today’s my birthday.”
You almost spit out your latte, your hand flying to your mouth, all of your own thoughts and worries dissipating as you look him in the eye, “You’re…you’re kidding?”
“You’re joking. You’re just saying that to distract me. A psychology trick.”
“As of…” he checks his watch. “Twenty-three hours and ten minutes ago, I’m thirty,” he can hardly say it. “Thirty years old.”
You sit for a moment. You realize your mouth is wide open so you close it. You realize your eyes are wide so you shrink them. You stutter, “You’re…not kidding?”
“No. I’m thirty, and I…worked a case for days straight and…and it was awful and we were too late and…I’m scared I’ll sound self-centered…”
“And…” you encourage him.
“And…it wasn’t enough. The case. The chaos. It wasn’t enough. I hoped…I hoped it would help. That I would…that I would get so lost in the rush that…that I’d forget I’m having an emotional crisis. I don’t know how to be thirty. I don’t know how to be an adult. I’m a child progidy…I’m a child prodigy and now I’m thirty so, what does that make me? What am I now?”
The question hangs in the air because you cannot answer it. You just reach across the table, put your hand over his, and trace his knuckles.
He releases a long sigh, “I’m having an emotional crisis and I’m thirty and my-my team…my friends…my family, the closest thing I have to a family…they, um, they forgot. And it was…it was a really bad case, it was a really tough case and it was enough for them to forget. But not me. It wasn’t enough for me.”
He lets you take his hand in yours, your pathogen ridden hand, and he can hardly look you in the eye.
“Hey…” you whisper.
His eyes flicker up to you and he looks so sad.
You give him a small grin, “Let’s get out of here.”
He lets you drag him outside into the cold air and the two of you stand under the soft light.
“Do you drink?” you ask him.
“Um. No. No, I used to do drugs so I’m scared if I drink, I’ll forget to…not do drugs.”
“Oh!” you raise your eyebrows. “Okay, fair enough. So, no weed then?”
“I…” he laughs. “You do know I’m a federal agent?”
“Ah! So scary!”
He cackles, “No marijuana.”
“Marijuana,” you roll your eyes, “Okay…okay…” you look around and the city is asleep. It’s cold. Another block over, there are clubs and people fighting the weather for a chance to party. Spencer does not want to party. “Okay, my place?”
He looks at you, “What are we going to do there?”
“Have a birthday party!”
“I don’t want a party…”
You pout, look around, “Do you want a donut?”
He nods.
You grab a couple donuts from a late night bakery down the road and you drive him back to your place. He grips onto the door as you whip your car into another lane, his breath trembling.
“Dude, chill out,” you tell him. “I’m a good driver.”
“Good…in the way that tsunamis are good waves.”
You look over at him and your eyes lock and he smirks at you. It has you so flustered that you’re quiet for the rest of the drive.
You let him inside your apartment and close the door as you two step into the entryway.
“Okay, wait here,” you tell him, quickly taking the donuts and taking off into the kitchen.
“What? Why?”
“Just wait!”
He can hear you banging around, drawers opening and slamming shut. Things falling to the floor. You muttering, “Shit!” under your breath. You rush by him and into the living, so quickly that his brain can hardly process it.
“Okay!” you call. “Come in!”
He slowly steps inside, a bit anxious at first, but then he sees you and his shoulders relax.
You finish lighting the last candle and look up at him, throw your hands in the air, “Happy birthday!”
His face breaks out in this great, big smile and he can’t help but laugh. It’s not much. One single glazed donut with chocolate, sprinkles and candles on top.
“Three candles?” he questions, stepping over to the coffee table.
You stand beside him as he sits on the couch, “Well, yeah, three because three and then none because zero. Three zero. Thirty!”
He furrows his brows, “Actually-“
“Hush,” you cut him off, putting your hands on his shoulders, “You gotta blow out your candles.”
So he goes to blow them out and you shout, “Wait!” and his heart stops for a second. “I have to sing the song?”
“Oh, no, really, I don’t need the-“
“Haaaaappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…”
He covers his face to blush and laughs into his hands.
“Happy birthday, dear Spencer, happy birthday to you! Mwah,” you kiss his cheek. “Now make a wish!”
“Okay, I wish-“
“Whoa, stop! What are you doing? You can’t say it out loud, it won’t come true.”
“Well, actually-“
“The candles are melting.”
“Yep, right,” he nods. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, makes a wish and blows out all three candles.
You cheer and clap your hands. You go to remove the candles from his donut and stop, “Oh. Should I? Can I?”
“You’ve already touched it. I think, uh, that ship has sailed.”
You take out the candles and sit down beside him, “Should I have picked it up with my mouth?”
He giggles and picks up his donut, holds it out to you, “Cheers,” he smiles.
You pick yours up from the table and touch it to his, grinning, “Cheers.”
As you eat your donuts together, you can’t help but watch him. “I hope this made your birthday a little better.”
He shoves the last of his donut in his mouth and the corner of his lips is covered in chocolate, “It did,” he says with a full mouth.
You chuckle and lean in, wiping the chocolate from his lip with your finger and sticking it in your mouth.
He watches you, chewing slowly until he swallows and clears his throat, “Is this…is this weird to do with someone you just met on bumble? Genuine question because I have no frame of reference.”
Your mouth turns up in a small smile. And you nod. Slowly, quietly, “Yeah. Yeah, it’s a little weird. But I’m having fun.”
“Me, too.”
You look around, awkwardly rolling your next words around your head until you can say them out loud, “Do you…wanna do something that’s…not weird with someone you met on bumble?
His raises his eyebrows at you, “What’s that?”
You take a sip of water, eyeing him in your peripheral and set down your bottle. You lean your body into his and this time, Spencer is ready. You catch his mouth on yours and he kisses you back, even though his heart is racing under your palm. Your hand travels down his chest, over his tummy, and to the hem of his pants.
His breath catches in his throat as you kiss his neck, “What…what are you doing?”
You pull away and undo his pants, taking his cock in your hand. He whimpers and his body goes limp and you furrow your eyebrows at him, “It’s your birthday?” you explain. And then you kiss him again.
His neck. Down to his chest. Down to his tummy. And Spencer watches you drop down to your knees in front of him and he goes, “Oh, my god,” and he only says it once but his brain keeps going: oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god.
“Is…is this okay?” you ask.
But he can’t talk! He can hardly breathe! You’ve got his dick in your hand and he’s looking at you with these wide eyes and you look perfect and he’s just worried that he’ll bust all over you before you get a chance to do anything. So, he nods. He nods and nods and nods and leans his head back.
You smile and with a few pumps of your hand, his whole body tenses up. He grips onto the couch and struggles to breathe. Then your mouth is on him and he goes limp. Dead weight, not a feeling in his arms or legs or chest, just the warmth of your mouth around his cock, taking it all the way to the back of your throat. His nails scratch at the fabric of the couch and as undignified as it feels, Spencer gets noisey.
You bob your head, up and down, in slow and sticky motions, swirling your tongue over his tip and a loud moan burst from the back of his throat.
“Oh…oh, my god,” he pants.
You move your mouth on him and run your hand up his tummy, feel it heaving up and down in your palm. He nearly breaks a nail on the couch so he grabs onto your hand, squeezes it really tight and groans. The sounds he’s making are so whiny and breathless and sexy that you have to squeeze your thighs together before you go leaking down your legs.
His other hand takes hold of your face, caressing your cheekbone with his thumb. You lean into his palm a bit but you keep your pace, letting him hit the back of your throat, feeling him twitch between your lips. You look up at him and all you can see is the veins on his neck, his jaw clenched tight. His fingers slip through your hair, over your scalp and you hum, but just quietly.
The soft touch encourages you to speed up just a bit. His whole body trembles as you take the base of his cock in your hand and jerk him in unison with your mouth. It overstimulates him immediately and he yells out, gives your hand another tight, tight squeeze.
“Oh-oh, my god, [y/n],” he moans, and you squeeze your thighs tighter.
He doesn’t ever want this to end. And so he fights the fire burning in his belly with everything he’s got, but he knows it’s useless. You’re too good. You’re so good.
He lifts his head and looks down at you, his face red all over and his eyes locked on yours. He holds your hand against his chest, caresses your face softly and lets out these soft, desperate whimpers. His body tenses up, leans towards you a bit and his jaw hangs wide open with very little sound coming out. He gives you this look, maybe a little warning, and then he’s gripping onto your hair and hunched over your body, filling up your mouth and whining into the air.
You put your hands on his waist and keep him in your mouth until he rides it out, falls back onto the couch.
You tower over him, wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and put your hands on his shoulders, “Good?”
“Yes. Wow,” he pants. “Thank you.”
“You’re so welcome,” you smile.
He huffs and he puffs, yet he can’t seem to catch his breath. “You know…” he breathes out. “That entire time…I actually forgot I was thirty.”
You burst into laughter and put your forehead to his, your giggles mirroring one another’s.
Spencer fixes his pants and huffs, “Will you…will you lay with me for a second?”
Your heart melts a little. You climb onto the couch, taking a seat beside him and swinging your legs over his lap.
And you sit like that. For hours. Talking until it’s no longer Spencer’s birthday and he’s just…thirty. You try your best to convince him to stay the night. He declines. And he declines and he declines.
Then he falls asleep in your arms.
In the morning, he wakes up alone and for a one whole minute, he forgets where he is. Then he remembers you and he goes looking for you and finds you in the kitchen.
“Oh,” you smile, “Hi, you. Breakfast?” you hold out the box of cereal that you’re eating out of.
He glances at the box and then back at you and he stares.
“What?” you ask.
“I…” he trails off. “I thought…I thought I dreamt you. For a moment, I thought it all was a dream.”
You tilt your head at him, “I’m very real.”
He chuckles, scratches the back of his head, “And…and the…the…”
“Blowjob?” you laugh. “Yeah, that was real, too.”
“The donuts?”
“Yes,” you laugh. “All of it.”
He continues to stare at you, this soft smile on his face and you hold out the cereal again. Shake it around.
“I’m okay,” he chuckles, stepping over to you. “I should…I should probably get going.”
“Oh, but why?” you whine.
“Because I…need a shower,” he laughs. “And to brush my teeth and lay in bed until I get called in again.”
“Yeah, I should probably start preparing for my lectures this week, too.”
You stare into his pretty, pretty eyes and you set the cereal down, hold his face, “You’re not gonna ghost me are you?”
He furrows his eyebrows, “Ghost you? What does that mean?”
“Oh, I forgot you’re old,” you laugh.
“Stooop,” he whines. “Stooop.”
“Ghost me. You’re not gonna go radio silent? You’re not…not gonna act like this never happened? Like I don’t exist?”
And Spencer instantly thinks: I don’t think I’m ever going to leave you alone. But instead of vocalizing it, he strokes your waist and he says, “No. Of course not.”
And he really meant that.
The next time he got called out on a case, he let you know that he’d be gone for a while but he’d be back. And he’d really, really like to see you when he’s home. He tries his best not to text while working, but when he’s laying in a hotel bed, unable to stop thinking about you and what you’re doing, he opts for a phone call.
“Hey, Sherlock,” you greet him. “Crack the case yet?”
He chuckles, “No. Almost. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were home in a few days.”
“And then you’ll come see me?”
“Yes,” he nods. “I’ll come see you.”
“What about you? How’s your journey to being a selfless doctor going?”
“Terrible. I missed like half of my lecture this morning because I blew a tire on the way.”
“Oh, no, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just hit a pot hole and swerve a little bit but it’s not my first time.”
“Oh?” he nods. “That’s…not good,” he laughs.
“I survived. I’m tough.”
“Yeah, you are, aren’t you?” you can hear the little grin in his voice.
You bite down on your lip, “Okay, tell me what’s going on there. Serial killer? Kidnapping?”
“Okay, okay,” he laughs. “Um, a couple days ago a body washed up on the beach and…”
You talked until you both were nearly asleep. In the morning, Spencer rolls out of bed and the lack of sleep hits him like a truck, but he thinks about you and your sleepy, soft voice and he smiles. He smiles out the door and down the hall and Morgan strides up beside him.
“Morning, kid,” he says.
“Morning!” Spencer replies and Derek eyes him because it was just sooo cheerful.
Derek bites his tongue for a moment, but is incapable of doing it for any longer so he asks, “Who were you on the phone with last night?”
Spencer trips over his feet at the question and stutters, “O-oh, me? Me? I wasn’t talking to anyone.”
“Mmhmmm,” Derek hums.
“No. N-nope, just the voices in my head.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
Spencer comes back home on a Thursday and immediately hops on foot, on a train, to get to your apartment. You open the door for him and pull him inside, taking him in a big hug.
“Hi, you,” you whisper in his ear.
“Hi,” he snuggles into you.
“I made dinner. Pasta. It’s the only thing I know how to make, but there’s plenty. You hungry?”
“Yes,” he nods, pulls out of the hug. “Thank you.”
He goes to walk into the kitchen, but you grab his hand, “Hey, wait,” and you throw yourself into his arms and take him in a long kiss. He grips onto your shirt and goes weak in the knees, smushing his face into yours.
You step back, “Okay, now we can eat.”
He mumbles something incoherent and walks into the wall and you laugh, putting your hands on his shoulders to guide him into the kitchen.
The entire time that you two are hanging out on the couch, his arm around your shoulders, you can feel him looking at you. The one time that you catch his eyes, you lean in for a kiss and he is much more forward when it comes to kissing you back. He pushes his body into yours and a soft moan empties from your lips. It gives him enough courage to drop to his knees in front of you.
“Whoa,” you exclaim. “What are you doing?”
“I…well, I…I wanted to do this for you and I’m ready, I researched it.”
“You…researched how to eat me out?”
“I just want to return the favor.”
“But it’s not my birthday?”
“Is that a…requirement, or?”
“No,” you laugh, cover your face, “Okay. Okay, show me what you learned.”
And so Spencer disappears under the hem of your shirt, pushing it up your thighs and grabbing onto the thin straps of your underwear. He pulls them off your legs and you chuckle as they fly off. His face flushes bright red and he gives you a soft smile, taking a deep breath before he leans in and kisses your thighs. You hum under your breath, spread your legs for him out of instinct.
He’s very timid at first. Peppering gentle kisses on your hips, teasing his tongue on your clit. Then your back arches, his face falls into you and all the notes and research just fall right out of his mind. He wraps his arms around your hips and moves his tongue in this rhythmic up and down motion that he can tell you love so he keeps at it. And at it and at it, stepping off with a sharp suck that makes you yelp.
You rest your head on the couch, licking your lips because they’re so dry from your gasping, your constant moaning. You grip onto his hair and moan his name, only twice because you’re losing your breath. His fingertips press into your skin, spread your pussy open so he can bury his face in you.
Your body starts to twitch and tremble, your toes curling into themselves so tightly that it cuts off circulation. Your voice is high and whiny, growing louder by the second. Spencer feels your thighs tighten around his face and he knows now is not the time to let up. He swirls his tongue over your clit and you tighten your grip on his hair, straining your throat from moaning so loudly. You try to say his name, one last time, but then your back is arching off the couch and your orgasm washes over your entire body. From the tip of your head to the tip of your toes.
Spencer wipes his mouth off with your inner thigh and stands up looking so, very proud.
“Fuck,” you laugh. “What did you read?”
He cackles and gives you a wet kiss on the cheek and then the lips. Immediately after, you push him down and suck him off and as he holds you afterwards, he breathes off, “Remind me to return the favor again.”
“Oh,” you giggle. “Believe me, I will.”
The next few days, you two are inseperable. He spends two consecutive nights at your place, bitching and complaining and listening to each rant for hours at a time. He helps your study for your next exam. It’s not until he gets called out again that real life creeps in. It’s the first time goodbye is really hard.
You joke over the next month that he should just move in. This constant pattern of fly out, fly in, visit and repeat is a lot of run around.
“You’d get sick of me,” he replies.
And you hold him real tight and shake your head, “Never.”
When he’s on his next trip and calls in the middle of your lecture, you only step out and answer because a feeling in your gut tells you something is very wrong. Spencer never calls in the middle of the day. He’d never want to inconvenience you. But, today, it has to be you.
“Hello?” you answer.
“[y/n]? Hey…” he huffs.
He sounds distraught, like his chest is tight as he speaks and you take a seat on the floor, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I’m…I think I’m having a panic attack. I think…I think I’m dying.”
“What? What happened? Honey…”
“Just tell me something to calm me down, anything. Anything. Please.”
“Um, um, um, uh,” you sutter. “I think we should have sex.” As you say it, someone walks by giving you a dirty look and you shake it off, wait for Spencer’s response.
His breath has slowed, but just a little, “Oh…that works.”
“Yeah,” you clear your throat. “You know, I’ve just been thinking about it. A lot, aaand yeah, when you get back, I-I think we should do that.”
“Okay,” you whisper. “Do you wanna tell me what happened?”
“When I see you,” he says. “I know you’re busy and I should get back.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
“Glad I could help,” you laugh. “Call me back tonight, okay?”
“I will. I miss you.”
You smile to yourself, “I miss you, too.”
When you hang up, you’re happy and giddy, grinning to yourself like a fool. Then you look up to find the same person from before, whispering with their friend as they watch you.
You roll your eyes and shout, “What the fuck are you looking at?” and you walk back into the lecture hall.
The day Spencer tells you they’re flying back, you start preparing. Shaving, showering, spraying on some nice perfume. You walk around your apartment in a silky, short nightgown, lighting candles in the hall and all over your bedroom. When you’re content with the atmosphere, the only thing left to do is wait.
And wait.
And wait.
You check your phone several times and when there is still nothing hours later, you think it’s time to blow out the candles, lay in bed and cry. For a moment, you feel so stupid and confused and angry that you almost throw a lamp at the wall. Then there’s a knock on the door.
Spencer stands there, immediately saying, “Don’t be mad.”
“Too late, I’m mad,” you snip, turning away from him.
He lets himself in and grabs your hand, stutters when he finally notices your nightgown, the candles, “Oh. Wow. You did all this?”
“Spencer!” you whine, crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I…I bought you a donut,” he holds the bag up to you. “Your favorite. I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad. Not tonight. Any other night but tonight, please?”
Maybe if he wasn’t so good at the kicked puppy eyes, you could’ve held out a little longer. But you’re happy he’s here and your horny and this is happening no matter what time it is. You snatch the bag from his hand and just as quickly as you drop it, you pull his body into your, gripping his waist, your mouth open on his.
He trips over your feet as you pull him down the hall and into your bedroom, the two of you tangled up so tight that you collapse on the bed in one big sweep. He falls on top of you, between your legs, kissing you hungrily.
“Wait,” he huffs, breaking the kiss. “Wait.”
You stare up at him, his face only visible due to the candles, “What is it? Did you…already?”
“What? What? No,” he laughs. “I just…uh…um…I’m not an expert at this. I…I don’t…I’m not experienced in this area and I will do everything I can to make it good for you. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Aw,” you whisper, caressing his face. “Take your clothes off.”
“Spencer. I’ve been thinking about having sex with you since I first saw your picture on bumble. Now it’s happening and you were late so we gotta catch up.”
You pull him back in for a kiss and reach between your bodies, undoing his pants so you can grab his cock. He gasps and moans into your mouth.
“Don’t overthink it,” you mumble, staring in his eyes, “Just do whatever you want to me.”
He moves his hips forward, stroking himself with your palm and whimpering against your cheek. He starts to kiss your neck, gripping onto your waist, bunching up your nightgown in his hands. You push his shirt up his waist and he quickly pulls it over his head, catching you in a kiss as soon as he can.
“Can I take this off?” he pants, pinching the hem of your clothes. And you sit up, allowing him to pull it right over your head.
His eyes rake down your body, lingering on your breasts, “Can I…?”
“Oh, god, yes, please,” you nod and lay back on the bed, holding your hands above your head.
Spencer chuckles and leans down, taking your nipple into his mouth ever so gently, swirling his tongue around the hard bud. You purr, grab a fistful of his hair, and lick your lips. He presses his body weight onto you, holding your other breast in his hand and sucking on your skin.
“F-fuck,” you moan. “Spencer…”
And he moves to the other side of your chest, now more confident, now unstoppable, flicking his tongue on you so fast that it makes your body twitch. He kisses down your tummy, looks up at you as he slides your panties off, kisses on your thighs. He knows how to do this. He’s good at this, per your review and when he puts his mouth on you, the most broken, whiny little noise falls from your lips.
He hums between your thighs, holding your hips tight and flush against his face. With your moans rattling around his skull, he loses all inhibition. He works his tongue on you slow, methodical, in all the right places. You give his hair a soft tug and he grunts, his hand trailing up your waist. You brace your hands on his biceps, squeezing them between your fingers, sighing out his name.
You hook your legs over his shoulders, tightening your thighs around his face, moving your hips up and down to feel his tongue gliding. Wet and sticky like he’s drowning inside of you.
“Oh, god,” you moan. “Yes, Spencer, yes, yes.”
He moans under his breath, quickening his tongue, clamping his hands down on your thighs. You pull at his hair as your back arches off the bed and your legs tremble around his head. He gives your clit a sharp suck and you cry out, gripping onto his hair at the scalp. And when your voice gets so high and whiny that it could break glass, he knows you’re close and he spreads your pussy open, works his tongue on your clit and doesn’t stop.
Your body tenses up and you hold him tight, tight, tight, crying out his name, your breath catching in your throat. And when you come, you collapse with a long and drawn out groan, shoving your fingers in your mouth to catch your breath.
You instantly reach over to the nightstand and grab the condom that’s been waiting all night to be used. Spencer brings his face back to yours and you kiss him instantly, grinning when you feel him pushing his pants down his legs. He lets you roll the condom onto his hard, leaky cock and asks, “Do-do you wanna be on top?”
“No,” you shake your head, wrap your arms tight around his waist. “Stay on top of me,” you say against his lips, “I like it.”
“Okay,” he nods into a kiss with you and settles between your legs. You help him align, you kiss his neck and hold him close as he pushes his cock into you. The both of you gasp, your noses smushed together. “God…” Spencer moans. “You okay?”
You nod, “Mhm. Are you?”
“Mm…” he hums. “Trying not to explode.”
You two chuckle, catching each other in yet another hungry kiss as Spencer starts to move in and out of you slowly. His breathing in low and jagged, hot against your face. He’s so gentle with you, pushing into you with little pressure and caressing your face.
“H-harder…” you pant. “You’re not gonna break me, I promise.”
So he plunges into you a bit harder, a bit deeper and you gasp, “Harder.”
He obeys and angles himself above you, watching your face as he pushes into you with the right amount of force. You moan, your eyes rolling back and your head along with it, “Oh, fuck, yes. Like that.”
“Yeah?” he repeats the movement, his moan blending in with yours.
“Yes,” you nod. “Yes. Yes. Just,” you reach down and start rubbing your clit. “Fuck, keep going.”
And he does. He focuses on keeping his rhythm, slow, but intense, the bed squeaking everytime he moves his hips into yours. You gasp against his lips, wrap your arm around his waist, your hooded eyes focused on his. He runs his hand over your hair, whimpering to you, melting into you, and taking short breaks to keep himself from finishing too soon.
Your fingers get cramped and soaked from the incessant rubbing on your clit but it’s like you can’t stop. Spencer leans in to kiss your neck, his hand absentmindedly running up your ribs and gripping your breast. You hold onto his hair and groan into his ear, his low and breathy moans vibrating against your skin.
“F-fuck!” you cry out as he slams into you. “I’m gonna come, don’t stop. Fuck, please don’t stop.”
But he does, only for a moment because the dirty combination of your voice and your hand tugging his hair and your pussy tightening around him, he’s dangerously close to bringing this entire thing to a premature end. So, he pauses. He takes a breath and he pounds into you. Even slower, over and over and over, watching your face closely, watching you fall apart.
“Oh,” you whine, your fingers quickening on your clit. “God, Spencer,” you moan and then body trembles, tensing up underneath him as you come so hard that you lose your voice. He grunts, falling into a sloppy kiss with you and following right behind you, his body suddenly going weak as he comes, his entire weight placed upon you.
Spencer collapses beside you and instantly pulls you into his chest, squeezing you in his arms and peppering your forehead with kisses. “How was that?” he asks, looking down at you. “Was that good for you?”
You touch your fingertip to his chin and smile, nodding, “Oh, yes.”
“Good,” he hugs you. “Good, good, good. For me, too.”
You smile into a long kiss with him and giggle against his lips. Lying there, your breathing falls in sync and you trace the center of his tummy, sink into the bliss.
“They, uh…” Spencer starts. “They remembered my birthday today. That’s why I was late, they threw me a party.”
You glance up at him, but only for a moment and then you put your head back on his chest. “Oh.”
“It was nice,” he shrugs. “It was fun, but the whole time, I just…thought about you. I thought about how angry I was that they’d forgotten at all and how…how you just made everything so much better,” and he tilts your head up to say this next part directly to you, “You always make everything so much better.”
And as you stare into his eyes, the corners of your mouth turned up ever so sightly, your eyes start to water and your lip starts to quiver.
“Oh,” he softens. “Oh, no. Nooo. Are you crying?”
“No,” you shake your head. Then you put your face in your hands and nod, suddenly sobbing.
“Oh, no, no, [y/n], no, I’m sorry. Did I say something?”
You shake your head.
“What is it? What-what just happened?”
“I-I-I-“ you stutter. Lifting your head from your hands, you cry, “I-I just wish I could tell my friends about you.”
He frowns and takes you into a tight hug, rubbing your back and kissing the top of your head, “I’m so sorry,” he whispers to you. “Oh, [y/n], I’m so sorry.”
And because he’s never really seen you cry before, his only thought is to ask, “Do you-do you want me to go down on you again?”
You look up at him, your lip poked out in a dramatic pout and you nod.
“Okay,” he says, climbing on top of you and wiping the tears from your face. “I can do that for you.”
It works. It leads to more sex. The two of you don’t go to bed until the sun has nearly risen and don’t get up until well in the afternoon. Spencer thinks you’re using his dick as a distraction and you fear there’s no respectful way to say: I just can’t get enough. He gives you a few days and nights worth of it and still, it’s not enough.
He’s actively trying to get inside of you when he gets called into work. He’s on top of you, between your legs, pushing his tongue into your mouth when his phone goes off. He pulls away to check it and you whine, “Nooo, noooo, don’t goooo.”
“I have to. People are dying,” and as he speaks, you kiss his neck, touch your tongue to his jaw and he moans, “Oh, god,” before he can stop himself. “[y/n]….”
“Just-stay. Stay. They can save one day without you, can’t they?”
“Actually, I don’t think they can.”
“Ugh. You and your big, useful brain. I’m sick of it.”
“I’ll be back,” he gives you a kiss.
“Nooo, stay,” you hold him tight so he can’t move and he busts out laughing.
“I have to go, I’m sorry.”
So he showers and gets dressed and you sit on the bed pouting the entire time. He comes out of the bathroom and frowns, matching your pissy and childish expression.
“I will be back,” he tells you as he takes a seat on the bed. “I always come back.”
“I know, I know, I’m just being dramatic. Let me be dramatic.”
“Okay,” he chuckles and gives you a kiss. Nuzzling his nose against yours, he whispers, “You should call your friends.”
You instantly recoil and he puts his hands on your shoulders, “Okay, okay, I know. I know. But I think it’s time. You need them. They need you. You’re an easy girl to miss.”
You roll your eyes and he sighs, kisses your forehead and squeezes you in a hug. “Call them,” he says and then he leaves.
You sit there for a moment, ponder on his words. Ponder on the entirety of the past few days, past few months. You pick up your phone. You stare at it in your palm. You dial your friend’s number and though you don’t expect an answer, she picks up with a, “Hello?”
You take a deep breath, “Hey…”
When Spencer arrives at work, he finds himself heading up the elevator with Morgan who is so completely and totally normal that Spencer thinks he can smell the sex on him. He watches Derek from the corner of his eyes, fidgeting with the strap of his satchel and shuffling on his feet.
Suddenly, Derek smashes the emergency button on the elevator and brings it to a halt. Spencer falls back and grabs onto the wall.
“Why-why-why did you do that?” Spencer stutters, his pulse starting to rise. “Why did you do that? You remember what happened the last time you messed around with the elevator? Turn it back on.”
“Not until,” Derek says, turning to him. “You tell me whatever it is that you’re dying to tell me.”
“I’m…I’m not dying to tell you anything. I’m just scared of dying.”
“Pretty boy. I step in the elevator, you start sweating. I act like I don’t notice, you’re giving me the side eye up four floors. What’s up?”
Spencer closes his eyes and shakes his head. Then he stands up straight. Then he falls back again.
“I’m…” Spencer starts. But he can’t finish. “I’m…” He thinks he doesn’t know what to say. Key word: thinks. But there’s only one sentence swirling around his brain and he has to say it, but he doesn’t want to say it and so he bites his tongue. He shakes his head and then looks up at Derek, “I’m having sex!”
And he says it with such a whiny voice that Derek can’t help but laugh. Visibily.
“I knew it,” Derek says. “You’re shaking in your converse to tell me that?”
“What? What do you mean you knew it?” The response sobers Spencer up a bit, his anxiety weakens just enough so he can figure out why Derek is laughing.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you walkin’ on in here everyday with a lil’ extra pep in ya step,” Derek chuckles. “You’re not that sneaky, kid. I knew there had to be someone.”
Spencer sighs, lets his shoulders relax. “It’s-it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just…sex…lots of sex. Lots of really, really good sex. I think. I think it’s good. It…feels good, seems good. I don’t have much to compare it to but, um…yeah…”
“My man,” Derek laughs and Spencer breaks a smile. “Who’s the lucky lady?”
Spencer smiles wider, “[y/n]. She’s gorgeous and smells good and makes me laugh and I…don’t feel weird around her she makes me feel so unbelievably not weird and y-yeah, she’s a little bit younger but I hardly ever notice.”
Derek puts the elevator back in motion, “How young are we talkin’ here?”
“Um, she’s twenty-two.”
Derek replies with nothing more than a whistle and Spencer rolls his eyes, “Stop.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You said plenty.”
The elevator dings and they step off, Derek swinging his arm over Spencer’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, pretty boy, we’ll get you back to your lady soon.”
And Spencer laughs it off but in his head, he’s thinking: yes, please.
It’s the first week out of town that Derek is suspicious every time Spencer checks his phone. When the case starts to get heavier and harder, Spencer missing a few of his nightly phone calls, you worry. You can’t help it. He texts you when he lands and it’s stupid how wide you smile.
Library? he texts.
Y: Literally on my way.
You approach each other at the front doors, and from far away, you can see the bags under his eyes and the hunch in his shoulders.
“Hey, you,” you cradle his face in your palm. “Tough week?”
He leans into your touch, nodding and closing his eyes to take a moment and reset. When he opens them to find your face, illuminated by the light, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. You giggle against his lips and your leg lifts behind you, almost uncontrollably.
You smile at each other and Spencer asks, “Do you like coffee?”
You cackle, “I love coffee.”
He holds the door open for you, asking, “Hey, what do you think about meeting some friends of mine?”
You smile, turn to him, “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”
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zyhkoo · 2 months
☆ we do together - jason todd x f!reader
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fluff, vigilante reader, college au
you and jason work on your research paper
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With patrol done, the two of you immediately slumped on the couch. Though you had your own patrol route, you loved to get in Jason’s patrol route. Not that he didn’t mind of course, he’d gladly let you patrol with him. Today’s patrol was crazy though, it definitely wore the two of you out.
Not bothering to change into much comfortable clothes, you and Jason lazed on the couch. You were sitting down while he was on the far corner of the couch while his feet laid on your lap.
Your stomach grumbled, you forgot to eat your lunch a while ago because you were so busy with your college assignments.
You looked over at him “Jay..” you called out his name. Jason, whose eyes are closed while facing the ceiling, answered “Yeah?”
You sighed, “I’m hungry.. you promised to cook.” Jason slowly turns his face to you “Told you, you said you weren’t hungry while doing the assignment.” he scolded.
The two of you were in literature degrees, in the same class, same professors, and the same lectures. So any assignments, projects so on and so forth; Jason and you would always work together.
“I really wasn’t, I snacked too much.” you retorted “Can we just get takeout?” he asks while crossing his legs. You rolled your eyes and reached the phone to your pocket “Fine.”
You looked at the clock on your homescreen, 2:30 am. Then.. a sudden realization hit you. You tug on his jacket “Jason..” he looks at you with a lazy expression “Hm?”
You looked at him horrifyingly, he checked the clock then it hit him too.
“The research paper!”
You were quickly going through the food app while Jason scrambled to the laptop “Fuck we’re only halfway.” he curses, his hand moving to his forehead “At least it’s halfway…” you pointed out.
You look for sources while Jason reads and types out whatever is needed, if anyone walked in on both of you they’d be concerned to see two College students looking like zombies.
The pizza you ordered arrived, Jason opened the box and saw the toppings you disliked on the pizza “Thought you hated this?” he said, showing you the pizza.
She groaned “Ugh, I must’ve accidentally asked for it. Whatever, give me a slice I’m starving.”
Jason remembers waiting for the letters for both your college applications. You both graduated highschool together, and now this was the bigger deal. Jason was looking forward to being in college with you, especially in a degree you both absolutely were interested in.
He remembered you pacing on the manor waiting for the mail to come while Jason told you that it was going to be alright. You wanted to be in college with him too of course, you’ve known each other since forever and you want it to stay that way.
Damian knocked on Jason’s door with two letters on his hand “These are for you, Todd. Is she in there as well?” Jason took the letters from his small tiny hand “Yeah she is, thanks.” Jason says as he closes the door.
“Is this it?” you asked “Yep, here's yours.” the two of you read in silence, he was accepted. Jason looked at you, a small smile on his face. You were still reading the contents of the letter, focusing hard “So? What’d they say?”
You turned back to him with a bright smile “I'm in! You?” he returns the smile “Got accepted too.” you pulled him to a tight embrace “We’re starting college together oh my god I’m so happy.” she says.
He wanted to experience all the bad and good things in life with you. Because he loves you, your presence just makes him happy already. At first, he wasn’t sure if he was capable of loving, but with you it was enough.
Morning passed, Jason woke up on the table. A blanket was covering him and next to him was you, peacefully sleeping on the coffee table. He looked at your features and smiled, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
You stirred in your sleep “Jay?” he looks down “Yeah?” he answered your call, you shook your head, yawning. “Nothing.” he sighs softly, playing with your hair “Just wanted to call my name?”
You nodded “Yeah.” he yawned “Well, shit it’s twelve now. Can’t go to class today.” he comments, " you stretched your arms. “It’s okay fuck the professor.” you say “We’ll pass it tomorrow.”
171 notes · View notes
fangweaver2099 · 3 months
𝐅 𝐀 𝐖 𝐍 𝐓 𝐄 𝐄 𝐓 𝐇 - Prologue pt 2
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You’ve always liked the idea of having a dominant partner - BDSM was something you’ve read about, watched videos about.
Something you made Pinterest boards and aesthetic tumblr posts about when you were 18 and curious, the idea always sounded nice, but you’ve never done it in practice, not really. Sure you bought fuzzy handcuffs at a gag gift store once, but that didn’t really count.
You’re still a virgin.
You’ve always had that chronically awkward, workaholic type of vibe that made typical dating near impossible at worst and frustrating at best. Normal dating apps have proven fruitless and agitating. So poor curious little you talked yourself into making a fetlife account. You weren’t looking for true love, but at least you could get laid.
DM Request from: 10:13 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Hello, Fawn.”
College was for new experiences after all.
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CW: BDSM heavy/centric fic. Safe, Sane & Consensual. Miguel is your professor, but you both don't know that. Age Gap (Y/N is 23, Miguel is mid 30's)
TAG: @slut4oscarissac23
It’s been a week since you met Web. You’ve gotten into the routine he provided after you confirmed he expected you to start instantly. Thankfully, your summer job is walkable and makes the whole hour of exercise he’d demanded - so it isn’t much of a change in routine.
 He isn’t pleased that your idea of meals is usually whatever frozen nuggets you have in the fridge or whatever you and your roommates decide to swing by to, but there’s only so much you can do on a college budget, and he begrudgingly accepts that fact after some discussion. 
You wake with a groan, still entangled in your gray duvet. You had opted for a daybed for your tiny room and it means you often sleep with your nose touching the wall and your limbs curled close to you, fetal position. 
For a long moment, you consider heading back to bed. Your hands search down your body and across your bed for the phone. You pull the damn thing out from under your hip and flip it over in your hand. 
Web asks you to download something called ‘Telegram’ - it doesn’t log pictures or anything for that matter, according to him. You find you even have a few contacts saved that used it. You discover your cousin is a furry, but you aren’t going to tell him that. 
Web’s icon is what you’d expect, really - a red web. His number is fake - surprising to exactly nobody. He was clearly more tech savvy than you. When you had visualized an ideal dominant - Web checked too many boxes. At first you considered ghosting him, anxiety ate you up.
But you also crave his attention - maybe you’re more lonely than you thought. You find yourself waiting for his messages and bouncing at the attention. You’ve developed a habit of staying up too late waiting to see if he’ll pop back online again. 
So you click open your phone, ignoring Facebook, Instagram, whatever, and click open the small blue icon to Telegram. 
 9:13 AM - WebRigger2099 - “Good Morning.”  
“ I slept in… Sorry. Just saw this. Morning. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:15 PM
 1:19 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Slept in until 1pm? Up late?”  
“ Roommates were loud, so I watched netflix. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:19 PM
 1:19 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Maybe when summer is over you’ll be able to get proper sleep at my place.”  
“ That sounds nice. We’ll have to see. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:19 PM
 1:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I can set up a dog bed at the foot of mine. I’d make sure you were comfortable, but you’d have to wake me to go to the bathroom. The leash would keep you bound to bed.”  
“ And here I thought we’d snuggle. :p ” - Fawnteeth - 1:20 PM
 1:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Yes, but you have to earn the bed for sleeping at night. Incentives keep you from growing complacent.”  
“ You really do know what you’re doing. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:21 PM
“ Any free time today? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:21 PM
1:21 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I work from home during the summer and practically make my own hours. It’s a quiet day.”  
“ Can I ask what you do? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:21 PM
1:21 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Yes, but I won’t answer.”  
“ Mysterious. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:22 PM
 1:22 PM - WebRigger2099 - “If you guess correct you might earn a treat, pup.”  
“ How many tries do I get? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:22 PM
1:22 PM - WebRigger2099 - “We’ll say three.”  
“ Banker? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:22 PM
1:22 PM - WebRigger2099 - “No. Every time you get it incorrect, you’ll answer a question of mine, how’s that sound?”  
“ That's not very fair. :c ” - Fawnteeth - 1:23 PM
1:23 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I never said it would be.”  
“ Fine. Ask away. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:23 PM
1:23 PM - WebRigger2099 - “When was the last time you touched yourself, Fawn?”  
“ Oh. These kind of questions. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:23 PM
1:23 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Is that a complaint I hear?”  
“ No. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:23 PM
1:23 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Well?”  
“ The night after we spoke the first time. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:23 PM
1:23 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good girl. Excited you, did I?”  
“ Yes, sir. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:24 PM
1:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good girl. You remembered the rule. No ‘maybe’s, only ‘yes’ or ‘no’.”  
“ I’m trying my best. It’s not like it’s fun being a brat at the start. I gotta learn your buttons. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:24 PM
1:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You must be a glutton for punishment. Did you see the cane marks I left on some of the girls in my photo album?”  
“ I did. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:24 PM
 1:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Did it excite you, Fawn?”  
You huff, rolling onto your other side on the bed.
“ ...Yes. When do I get to guess again? >:c ” - Fawnteeth - 1:24 PM
1:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I never said you couldn’t. You’re just answering free questions.”  
“ Mean. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:24 PM
 1:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Exceptionally. You have to earn ‘nice’.”  
“ I don’t know why I find you so charming. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:24 PM
“ Librarian? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:24 PM
1:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Wrong. And many submissives find comfort in pain and punishment.”  
“ you seem like the librarian type. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:25 PM
1:25 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Because you think I’d spank you with a ruler if you made too much noise?”  
“ I don’t think a ruler would hurt very much. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:25 PM
1:25 PM  - WebRigger2099 - “You haven’t had one break on your skin then. I’ve left bruises with them before.”  
“ I sure haven’t. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:25 PM
1:25 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I’ll have to bring one someday, then. And a crop. Anything else you’d like me to mark you with?”  
“ Let me think about it. ” - Fawnteeth -  1:25 PM
“ Personal trainer? You have the body for it. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:25 PM
1:25 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Isn’t that what I’m doing to you? It doesn’t pay very well, but I don’t have any complaints about the benefits so far.”  
“ I mean. I guess? You haven’t asked me to work out, plus I hear the right clients means you could make bank. So you are a personal trainer? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:26 PM
1:26 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I did tell you to exercise an hour a day. Did you forget?”  
“ Not completely. I walk. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:26 PM
1:26 PM - WebRigger2099 - “No, I’m not a personal trainer. Ready for my last two questions?”  
“ Yes. :c I thought I was right… ” - Fawnteeth - 1:26 PM
1:26 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Afraid not.”  
1:26 PM - WebRigger2099 - “When you masturbated the night we first spoke, what did you imagine?”  
“ A bit of what you could look like. Putting myself into one of your photos. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:27 PM
1:27 PM  - WebRigger2099 - “Do you like the idea of me showing you off for everyone to see? Your face covered of course, like the rest.”  
“ I sure don’t mind the idea. Do most girls say no? I see you haven’t taken any photos in like 7 years. ” - Fawnteeth - 11:27 PM
1:27 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I’ve been busy. Started again recently.”  
“ Ohhh. I see. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:27 PM
1:27 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Would you like to practice?”  
“ Practice? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:27 PM
1:27 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Posing for my photos.”  
“ Can I see you too? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:27 PM
1:27 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Fair is fair.”  
“ Your profile pic leaves most to the imagination. Well. Below the belt, I guess. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:27 PM
1:27 PM - WebRigger2099 - “That’s what you want to see, is it? You’ll need to earn it.”  
“ Call me curious. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:27 PM
1:27 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’ll need to follow my instructions for posing, Fawn. Listening?”  
“ Yes. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:28 PM
1:28 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’ll take a picture of every step to prove you’re following along. Understood?”  
“ Okay. Let me lock my door. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:28 PM
You need a gameplan. Checking for your roommates, you pop your head out of your door, listening hard. You can hear your roommate Kore’s music - some pop medley that she’s sewing to. Good. 
You don’t hear anyone else, so everybody else must be out. You… try not to think about what Taylor or Aurora could be up to.
Sticking your head back in, you close the door. moving to click the lock shut. You check the door, only for it to open with the slightest tug. Glancing at the lock, you frown, flicking it on and off to see no little ‘lock’ mechanism come out. 
Shit… You fucking hate your landlord. 
You glance around your room - you are not doing this with your door unlocked. You grew up with half a dozen siblings and strict parents - you know how to improvise. Grabbing the circular chair piled with clothes, you push it to the door and force the metal under your door knob. Hands on your hips, you nod at the handiwork.
Good enough. 
Snatching up your phone, you frown, kicking away most of your discarded clothes and random papers.You really need to clean your room, but you decide you’d do it later.
Right now, you have other priorities. 
Said priority seems to know just when you sit down, the telegram notification lighting up your screen as if you’ve summoned him by pure thought alone. Think of the devil…
1:46 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Having trouble?”  
“ No. All good now. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:46 PM
1:46 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Get a marker.”  
You frown, then glance at your backpack. You trot over and search through it, tossing a few pens and your pencil case in frustration.
In the end you find a single purple sharpie. 
You click open your phone.
“ Does the color matter? ” - Fawnteeth - 1:46 PM
1:46 PM - WebRigger2099 - “No. It just needs to be visible on your skin.”  
“ Kay. Got it then. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:46 PM
1:46 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Take your clothes off. Bra and panties can stay on.”  
You glance up at your phone and stare at yourself in the mirror.
 Your hair is a bit of a mess - that’s fine. 
You glance at your sleep shirt, it’s old and the hem is frayed on the sleeves, the little bunny screen printed onto it is mostly faded. You knew you weren’t wearing a bra, so you glanced around your room till you spotted one laying limply on the floor. Tossing off your top and discarding it wherever it landed. 
Pulling the bra on, you take a deep breath, glancing at yourself again in the mirror. You feel yourself hesitating. You’ve taken nudes before, what about this makes it different? 
Web makes it different. Him telling you to take these for him makes it different. You slip off your shorts and realize you’re wet. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. 
Still, your phone is in your hand again, you flick it open and type away. 
“Kay.” - Fawnteeth - 1:50 PM
1:50 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Where is my proof, Fawn? I told you to take pictures. Are you trying to get punished?”  
You bite your lip.
“ No. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:50 PM
You need your face mask - the one you wore in all your photos is easy to find. You wrap the thing around your nose and mouth. You know you’re going to crop out your face anyway, but it makes you feel better. 
Like you’re pretending to be someone else. You supposed you aren’t you anymore - you’re Fawn. Fawn doesn’t struggle with nudes. Fawn takes great nudes. 
You glance at yourself in the mirror. You end up trying a few poses, trying to not put emphasis on your long legs or stomach rolls. You settle on your knees  - back slightly arched, one hand splayed on your thigh. Not too lewd.
You snap the photo, shifting your body a bit as you take another. The routine continues a few more times before you pause to look at the photos. 
You decide the second one is the best. You move to crop as much of the background out as you can, including your face. Wisps of your hair remain around your neck but that’s fine. Whatever. Good enough.
You hesitate for a moment, finger lingering on the send button.
What if he doesn’t like it? What if he decides he doesn’t like you? You cringe at the thought. You send the photo and close your phone instantly. 
[photo] - Fawnteeth - 1:55 PM
You hear it ping and slowly click the screen back on.
1:52 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good girl. Has anyone told you you’re beautiful today, Fawn?”  
You blush.
“ Now someone has. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:52 PM
1:52 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Write it on yourself. We wouldn’t want you to forget if I’m busy and can’t tell you tomorrow morning.”  
“ Okay. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:55 PM
You take a deep breath, grabbing the purple sharpie from beside your knee. Biting down on the cap, you frown, glancing over the expanse of skin thoughtfully. 
How the hell do you write backwards…. You’ll flip the image before you send it.
It’s embarrassing how long you pause, you stare at the pen and your skin. You come to the sad realization this is the first time a man has called you beautiful like… ever. 
You’re smart enough to realize he’s trying to build you up. God, he knows what he’s doing, doesn’t he?
You settle with scribbling the world carefully onto your right thigh. You don’t use the mirror for the photo this time, taking it directly.  
[photo] - Fawnteeth - 1:55 PM
1:55 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Again.”  
You consider asking him where. After considering for a moment, you scribble ‘beautiful’ on your other thigh. It’s not huge and written towards your knee, but it’s readable. 
[photo] - Fawnteeth - 1:56 PM
1:56 PM  - WebRigger2099 - “Keep going.”  
You wonder where - not your thighs again you decide. After some effort you manage to scribble it carefully above your panty waistband, crawling from your hip and across your stomach. 
This time you have to use the mirror. You settle back into that kneeling pose and take a few shots.
You pick the favorite, flipping it so the text can actually be read. You crop it again, cutting off your shoulders and part of your arm. 
[photo]  - Fawnteeth - 1:57 PM
1:57 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good. That’s enough.”  
“ Here I expected something lewd. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:57 PM
 1:57 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Now pull your panties to the side and show me your pussy.”  
Your cunt throbs, making your thighs snap together. He isn’t even talking, it it’s words on a fucking screen . It’s unfair how effortlessly arousing Web is. 
You could say no. You don’t think he’d be upset if you said no. He had spoken a dozen times over about consent in the past week, reaffirming to you that if you thought it was too much that you were welcome to say so. All it took was you typing yellow or red. 
You don’t.
“ Mkay. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:58 PM
You end up sitting back on your ass, legs apart. You see the dark mark on your panties in between your legs. You almost shutter pulling the cloth aside. You feel your slickness on your fingers and wipe it away with your inner thigh. 
You see yourself through your phone, legs spread and the hints of the words written on your thighs make you freeze. 
You settle with closing your eyes to take the picture. You don’t crop it this time - but your face is still missing from the shot regardless. Just a hint of the black cloth over your chin. Your face is warm both from your cheeks and your breath now. 
You click send and wait patiently for his reply.
[photo] - Fawnteeth - 1:58 PM
 It comes instantly.
1:58 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Now shove the marker inside.”  
Your eyes widen.
1:58 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Take a picture so I can see all the writing and the marker inside you.”  
You grab the top of the marker and cap it, flipping it in your fingers.
“ I’ll try. ” - Fawnteeth - 1:59 PM
The marker is cold. You cringe as you press it against your overheated pussy, flinching as you run it along your opening. After a deep breath you slip it into your opening. You couldn’t exactly feel it - it was more like your fingers.
You’ve never bought a toy, knowing your roommates would rip the package open to see what you ordered, nosy as they are, and it’s not like you could order it to your childhood home. There are some things even you know better than to do. 
Slowly, you kneel again, your hips up in the air as you see the small white and purple thing in between your thighs. 
The last time you took a nude was before college. You chickened out of sending it to your boyfriend at the time. Now you’re just thankful you never got to second base with him. 
You take the picture, eyes closed again. Like that somehow made what you were doing more modest and less slutty. 
Is it slutty? It’s not like you’re sending it to anyone but Web. But also… who is Web?
[photo] - Fawnteeth - 2:02 PM
2:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “ Good girl. I’m posting this as an album on my page for everyone to see. I’ll blur the background for your privacy, and you already have your mask on.”
“ I thought this was supposed to be practice? :’c ” - Fawnteeth - 2:03 PM
You slip the marker from yourself and put your panties back on correctly. You cringe at the cold wetness. 
 2:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I find it best to practice by doing.”  
“ I guess that makes sense. It’s the first time I’ve sent that to anyone on here. Can you keep the one with my crotch in it private? ” - Fawnteeth - 2:03 PM
2:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You did good. Lighting and the perfect background are nice, but it's not realistic. Not everyone has perfectly angled windows and lamps to make shots. This is raw. Vulnerable. And yes, I can keep those two private.”  
“ Thanks. My room is kinda a mess… You’re nice, Web. ” - Fawnteeth - 2:03 PM
 2:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Just respectful, and not that much. You have low bars, Fawn. Careful someone doesn’t take advantage of them.”  
“ You haven’t. ” - Fawnteeth - 2:03 PM
2:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You just shoved a marker up your cunt for me without even questioning it.”  
“ I think you’d be fine if I had said no. When do I get to see it? ” - Fawnteeth - 2:04 PM
2:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I suppose you earned it.”
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His hands are huge, his chest is broad and clearly the same guy in the photo… and…
Your eyes widen at his dick. The sweatpants bulge in his profile pic is a fucking beast. You had asked him how long it was before, shyly, and he said eight inches. Sheepishly, you told yourself you’d fetch a ruler to see what that would be like in person. 
You’d been too nervous to follow through.
He’s wide, too, his log-like member swollen with arousal. The dark brown skin fades to a milder tan as your eyes finally leave his bulge, trailing up the muscular torso. You swear you see a bead of sweat running down his abs, but you realize that it's yours .
You’re sweating, forehead moist, wiping away the rest with a glide of the back of your hand.
Like all the pictures he had of himself in his gallery, the picture cuts off at the beginning of his neck. This one also cuts off near the knees at the bottom.
“ Jesus christ. ” - Fawnteeth - 2:07 PM
“ Did I do that?. ” - Fawnteeth - 2:07 PM
2:07 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Would you be proud of yourself if you did?”  
“ I’d feel special. ” - Fawnteeth - 2:07 PM
2:08 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’re special, Fawn. Do you know what I would do if you were in front of me right now?”  
You sink on your thighs as his words. ‘You’re special’ makes you almost tear up. You’re absolutely charmed by him.
Slowly, you lay on the floor, hovering your phone above your face. It’s hard not to grin, chewing your lip red as you think over your reply.
“ No, can you tell me? ” - Fawnteeth - 2:08 PM 
You feel accomplished at that. You’re being so smooth and cool. 
You wait patiently, crossing your legs and bouncing one of them in the air.
He doesn’t reply. You feel sweat gathering at the back of your neck. You move from lounging casually to sat cross legged before your mirror. You debate sending another message. 
You do not send another message - that would make you look desperate, and you are definitely not desperate. That has to be a massive turnoff anyways - after all, he knows what he’s doing, he’s incredibly attractive and hung. He’s probably so sure of himself. Pestering him would just annoy him. 
It isn’t even five minutes you wait before you decide to do anything but stare at your phone. You change into loose pajama pants and toss your shamefully wet panties into the laundry hamper. 
You’re halfway through cleaning your room when you hear it. 
Your phone pings and, embarrassingly, you drop the bra you were holding to rush for your bed. Feeling like a kid on christmas, your fingers shake as you punch in your passcode and pull up the notification. 
2:15 PM  - WebRigger2099 - “I’m sorry. I have to go for a few hours.”  
Your stomach sinks. You think you might be sick.
“ Oh. Okay. ” - Fawnteeth - 2:15 PM
2:15 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I can message you again tonight after 8.”  
“ I’ll hold you to that. ” - Fawnteeth - 2:15 PM
Okay. It isn’t your fault, right? Something’s very clearly up with his life. 
Frowning, you force yourself take a deep breath to calm yourself.
You investigate his picture, his bedroom is neat and simple. It’s clearly not a hotel room - it’s got some personal cozy touches and you can see some brick outside the window behind his shoulder. The sheets are messy and the blankets are mismatched. He’s probably just some normal guy, maybe he works in an office and just likes his body.
And… bondage. 
Y’know - average weird secret pervert things. Hopefully he isn’t married . You didn’t see a ring on either of his hands or even an indent from one he might have taken off for the photos. 
Your eyes eventually drift to the marker discarded on your floor, the end still slick. If he was some kind of weird pervert, what does that just make you?
You look down at your stomach and the small ‘beautiful’ written carefully on it. You need to take a shower and get this off.
You sneak through the house with a change of clothes and your nice shampoo you don’t share with anyone. Your house has one bathroom with a half decent shower, technically being a 2 ½ bath house. 
You don’t like the other bathroom that Kore and Babette mostly use. It only has a bathtub - the shower head doesn’t work. 
You hop in the shower and are horrified at your discovery. It’s not coming off. The writing doesn’t come off with the dove soap or Aurora’s washing puff. Not even scratching it with your nails does anything but vaguely fade it. 
You try your best to not freak out. You’ll dress like it’s winter until you can wash it off your skin. You should have asked Web if you should use a sharpie. 
You wash your hair and dry off the best you can. Thankfully, your loose shorts and loose t-shirt hide the marks as long as you don't let the shorts ride up your thighs too much. 
You return to your room and move your chair back into its place. You don’t have work today and you can hear the movement that told you one of your roomies had just gotten home.
Your stomach growls. 
You’re hungry - three meals, you remind yourself, Web always somewhere close to the front of your mind. Technically this would your first meal, you did just wake up and… fuck. Anxiously, you tug down your pajama shorts. Lesson learned, that shit doesn’t come off in the shower. You make a note to ask Web for a marker to get that does wash off. 
You find yourself questioning why some random faceless man on the internet is the motivation you have to take care of yourself. Shaking away the thought, you explore the tiny freezer stuffed with mostly frozen chicken nuggets. You frown, debating ordering takeout again. You settle on boiling noodles and smothering them in pesto and salt. 
You head out to the living room - the room is eternally cluttered like the rest of your college house. The ceiling light doesn’t work, so you and your roomies had hung fairy lights everywhere. The drapes are pulled back to let light in - the lesbian flag with markiplier’s face on it in full display to the whole neighborhood. Four couches meant you had plenty of space to sit, falling in the far corner from the only other person in the room - Aurora.
The bubbly blonde is chomping away at her food, phone propped up on the stained coffee table as some sort of video plays. You eat while listening to something about a person named ‘illuminaughty’. 
Aurora looked up from her bowl of fruit loops from the couch, she smiled through a mouthful, cheeks as stuffed as a chipmunk. "Mornin'!" she grinned, never one for table manners.
She wiped her mouth with the back of her arm, "You slept in late." 
Her eyes looked you up and down, a perfectly tweezed eyebrow raising to look at your leg. "Were you drawing on yourself?"
You looked down, a purple "L" in sharpie just barely poking out of your shorts. You feel a chill go down your spine. You are fucking mortified. 
"Uh...yeah," you say quickly, your brain scrambling for a moment to make up some lie. You couldn't just confess that you'd written on yourself and shoved the marker up your pussy just because a man you didn't even know the name of told you too. "Got bored last night, y'know."
Aurora shrugs, thankfully dropping the subject as she turns her attention back to her bowl of sugar cereal.
You promptly get, desperately pretending that she didn’t notice your sexy leg writing, and power walk to your bedroom. It takes effort to not slam the door. 
You stay in your room for the rest of the day because you sure as fuck aren’t hanging around your roomies now. Aurora would question you again - it’s Aurora, and you can’t exactly explain away wearing long pants in June.
So you break out your laptop and watch Delicious in Dungeon. You always have a habit of marathoning random shows on Netflix and it passes the time better than staring at the wall, waiting for Web to message you. 
You got popcorn as a snack, maybe you’d eat weird monster food too. Senshi does make it look delicious. You chuckle, realizing the name matches.
Hours passed and the sun is barely setting before you consider taking a nap.
 8:00 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Hello Fawn.”  
You sit up and snatch your phone up at the ping.
“ Hey. Everything good? ” - Fawnteeth - 8:00 PM
 8:00 PM - WebRigger2099 - “It’s fine, just a sudden schedule change. Things moved up quicker than I expected, but I should be done for the night.”  
“ Okay. Well… You never answered my question, Web. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:01 PM
“ Also. How do I get sharpie off my skin. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:01 PM
 8:01 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Oh Fawn…”  
“ I thought I could scrub it off, if I’m honest. I figured… you.. might… know… ” - Fawnteeth - 8:02 PM
8:02 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I do, but maybe I should let you keep it on until it fades normally. A lesson to be more careful. Better this than something more serious.”  
“ I should have figured as much. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:02 PM
8:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I’m just glad you didn’t shove it deeper. You can’t put things inside without a flare, it’ll get stuck. I didn’t realize I needed to explain things like that to you, but I know better now.”  
“ I know that. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:03 PM
8:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “But not that permanent markers are hard to remove.”  
“ Yes. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:03 PM
8:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Fawn you are delightfully foolish.”  
“ I’m glad you enjoy my suffering. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:03 PM
8:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I enjoy your happiness too.”  
“ You’re good with words. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:03 PM
8:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Better with my hands, but you’ll learn that later.”  
“ I’ll make sure to keep that in mind. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:04 PM
“ Well. Now that I’ve made myself a fool, I hope I haven’t turned you off. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:04 PM
8:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Hardly. I believe we left off before at ‘what I would do to you if I was there’.”  
“ Thank you for mentioning it so.. I didn’t have to bring it up again. I’m still quite curious. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:04 PM
 8:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You remember the picture I sent you?”  
“ I do. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:04 PM
 8:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I want you to order something. I’ll pay, naturally, but I figure it would be more comfortable if I didn’t know your address so quickly.”  
“ Yeah. I think that would take some time. A toy? ” - Fawnteeth - 8:04 PM
 8:05 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I have a list. Run away with the money and you won’t hear my answer.”  
“ I won’t. But are you sure you want to invest anything in me yet? ” - Fawnteeth - 8:05 PM
 8:05 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’ve invested at least 3 days in me with that marker.”
“ True enough. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:05 PM
 8:06 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I’m comfortable financially. This isn’t the hit it might be for a girl your age. You’ve earned some nice things.”  
“ Oh. I see. Thank you. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:06 PM
 8:06 PM - WebRigger2099 - “No using them without my permission, understood?”  
“ Understood, sir. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:06 PM
He sends you the link to an adult website. Your cheeks flush as your screen is filled with all sorts of sex toys and other lewd imagery. Your eyes flicker to your door for a moment, anxiety simmering low in your belly as the thought of someone walking into your room and seeing what you were looking at flashes through your mind. You bite your lip, feeling like a nervous teenager under your father’s roof once again.
You notice that the cart has been pre filled with a number of items: A 6 inch silicone dildo; a Lovense egg vibrator; nipple clamps; a rabbit vibrator; a bottle of water-based lube; and a set of black lingerie that matches your face mask.
Your eyes linger on the cart total. That’s more than your paycheck .
“ You sure? ” - Fawnteeth - 8:09 PM
 8:09 PM - WebRigger2099 - “If I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t have sent you the link. There is a gift card code: HGJ-8734-KHW. It’ll cover the expenses and leave a little extra for you to browse and select one or two items that catch your interest.”  
“ Okay. Thank you. ” - Fawnteeth - 8:09 PM
 8:10 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’re welcome, Fawn. I take care of my pets.”  
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publicenemy212 · 7 months
Part 1 of Love Potion (dom!Velvette x f!sub!reader)
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There's two parts to this story since it's porn with plot (yeah yeah no one reads smut for the plot I know) and Part 1 is gonna be pretty SFW other than some cursing. Part 2's (the actual smut) in the works and will be out in about two days!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Word count: 1,199 words
You're a well-known Sinstagram influencer with hundreds of thousands of loyal followers. Yet, each time you post, you're only really looking for the attention of one person: Velvette, Hell's high-end fashion designer and fellow influencer. After posting several pictures taken during a night out with friends at Klub Kaiju, you wake up to a much-wanted message that you formerly could only dream of.
“Alright, stay safe! Thanks for the ride,” you called out to the designated driver for the night. As the car sped off, you sighed and walked to the entrance of your apartment building, wincing with each step. Your feet screamed in pain from being in heels all night long—you couldn’t wait to just fall down into your comfy bed.
The bedframe squeaked as you practically threw your battered frame onto the mattress. You groaned with relief as you loosened the corset and kicked off the heels. Though your eyes threatened to glue themselves shut with each blink, you forced yourself to stay awake. There was no chance you’d fall asleep before posting the new flicks from your night out. Such were the responsibilities of an influencer like yourself.
You dug through your purse, praying your phone didn’t somehow fall out while you were on the dance floor. Thankfully, it didn’t, and you promptly opened the Sinstagram app to create a new post.
Scrolling through your gallery, you chose a few pictures of different angles to best showcase your outfit and, of course, your body. You weren’t only posting for the measly 400,000 nobodies who would scarf up any and all crumbs you’d throw to them, no; you had somebody to impress. A very powerful somebody, whose opinion could make or break your career. Velvette. Arguably the most well-known and respected fashion designer in all of Hell.
You chose three of the best contenders and minimally filtered out any slight imperfections, be it an unsavory onlooker in the background or the club or a speck of dust in the camera lens. Any filtering beyond that was unnecessary and would probably only decrease the quality of your pictures.
Satisfied with the pictures, you began laying out a caption and all the usual hashtags to increase your reach.
When the night calls
#pentagramcity #pridering #klubkaiju #model #VVVmodels #VelvetteScouting
The last two tags were the most important. Everything else was almost trivial at this point—you had amassed enough followers to gain a steady stream of likes, comments, and shares. All you needed was to catch Velvette’s eye to reach the next step to power and success.
After you gave your post a final once-over, you tapped “Post.” As usual, the notifications started flooding in almost immediately. You glanced at the top of your Vphone to check the time—4:52 AM—and rolled your eyes. Just how pathetic were these sinners that you could post at the buttcrack of dawn and thousands would still flock to your post nearly instantaneously? 
You closed the app and your Vphone, determined to get some well-deserved shut-eye. You had never been so grateful it was a Friday night and not a weekday night. Though you didn’t get hangovers often, you absolutely despised not being able to get all eight of your beauty sleep hours.
Sleep quickly enveloped your tired body like a warm blanket.
The next day, the sound of screaming outside the window roused you from your hibernation. Perhaps once it was the sound of birds chirping that would wake you up, but such days were long gone ever since you found yourself amidst dirty streets and red skies. Not that you cared much, anyway. Your past life was a speck compared to the time you’ve now spent in Hell. 
You blinked slowly and turned over to reach for your phone. Obviously, notifications were off, so you manually opened Sinstagram to check if any of your friends had messaged you through the night and morning.
You scrolled through your list of unread DMs to check how many people you needed to respond to. This was all muscle memory for you and your eyes almost glazed over with boredom until an unfamiliar profile picture flashed by. You frowned in confusion. Did one of your friends change their profile picture? You were certain you set your settings to only allow people you followed and were followed back by into your primary messages channel.
You scrolled back up to investigate this unfamiliar face.
Your heartbeat froze.
Velvette (✔)
Hey darling! I saw your re… · 2h
There’s no way. Surely this had to be a prank?
You carefully tapped on the profile just to make sure it was really Velvette, being mindful to avoid prematurely opening the message in case it truly was her. Could it be somebody impersonating her? No, that couldn’t be, no lowly fan account could obtain a verification mark. Maybe one of your celebrity friends was pulling your leg? That couldn’t possibly be either. Impersonating an overlord was equivalent to poking the bear and asking for death. Not to mention the fact that it would ruin their own online persona and brand if they randomly changed their account so drastically.
Your heart had seemingly defrosted while thoughts and questions ran through your brain. It was now pounding with the ferocity of a thrashing, turbulent river. Could it really be…? 
The account was real. Velvette messaging you was real.
All your hard work had paid off, and you were on your way to being part of the Vees.
You swiped back to the messages screen and stared at the unread message from the fashion icon. What should you say to her? What if she would notice the second you opened her message? Oh god, what if she was judging you for taking so long to respond to her this very minute?
Breathing deep to calm yourself, you tapped on her message.
Hey darling! I saw your recent post. You’re quite lucky to get a DM from me directly, just so you know. I have my assistants reach out to most people who’re trying to get scouted via Sinstagram. What do you say to coming in for an interview tonight? x
Blood pounded in your ears. You tapped out a quick reply.
Hi Velvette! Thank you so much for your consideration! I’d love to join you for an interview tonight. Just to be clear, is there anything I should bring?
You nearly jolted out of your own skin when Velvette read your message barely a minute after you sent it.
Just yourself. No makeup, the stylists will take care of that when you arrive x
You double tapped her message to like it before shooting a final confirmation and thank you message and your phone promptly flew across the bedroom and thwacked against the wall. Shoving your face into the pillows, you rolled around back and forth and kicked your legs madly. Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit. You finally did it.
You screamed into the pillow before lifting your head up and gasping for air. Giggles bubbled up your chest and erupted out of your mouth until it turned into full-on laughter.
As the initial high of being noticed by the fashion overlord subsided, doubts crept up into your mind once more. You weren’t one of her models just yet. There was still an interview to pass before you truly worked under Velvette. You groaned in displeasure at the idea of not quite reaching your goal just yet.
Sitting up from your bed, you decided to get ready for the day and night ahead of you.
Part 2 is out! <3
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bunnyreaper · 11 months
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𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖘 𝔞 𝔰𝔬𝔞𝔭 𝔪𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝖕𝖙 4 — 𝖕𝖙 3 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 wc - 5.8k warnings - 18+/nsfw, dom/sub dynamic, hints of petplay notes - i blame barry for the delay, jk. anyway, sorry it took so long but i hope you enjoy! also on ao3! ♥
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You've officially reached the point of insanity, and there's no turning back. One date with Johnny, and you're practically doodling his name in a journal with hearts all around, or putting your name with his just to see how it sounds. 
Admittedly, you haven't done either of those things, but you did turn down another night out drinking this weekend on the off chance you end up having plans with Johnny—which might be just as insane, if not more. Especially since you hadn't brought up your intention with Johnny. 
You suppose there's no time like the present, so cuddled up on your couch, you bring up your messages to Johnny and start typing.
i miss you so much, even if it's only been a few days!! when can I see you again? 
Straight to the point—unbridled emotion that's honestly a little cringeworthy, but there's little point in pretending to be something you're not, especially when Johnny seems perfectly into it. 
You have to distract yourself for a little while, scrolling through various social media apps to occupy your mind as you wait for a response. It's not too long before your phone pings, and you're rushing to click the notification—each time his name pops up on your screen your stomach flips, and you always click onto the message far too eagerly. You wonder if he does the same.
Been thinking, and I did have an idea in mind, but now am overthinking.
That certainly piques your interest, as you speedily type back a response, almost demanding an answer. 
tell me!! 
You watch the screen as it tells you Johnny is typing, then nothing. Then typing again, then nothing. After a minute or so of stopping and starting, his picture fills the screen as his call waits for you—you pick up immediately.
"Hey, pet." He greets cheerfully—so much so that you can hear the smile in his voice. It's so much better now the image of it is burned in the back of your mind—it feels like the two of you never stopped smiling when you were together.
"Hi, Johnny!" You reply, just as enthused, despite it only being a day since you last spoke. "What's your idea?" 
Your insistence on hearing his idea makes him laugh.
"Straight to the point, lass. I was thinking that ya could come stay fer the weekend?" You detect a hint of hesitance in his voice, while your heart practically leaps at the prospect. 
A whole weekend with Johnny sounds like a dream—talking, cuddling, kissing... maybe more. You burn with need thinking about finally taking things to a more sexual level with Johnny. So far you've only teased each other, and even that has made you unbelievably needy—practically every conversation with him leaves you dripping and aching, leaves you yearning for relief that you can only get at Johnny's hands. 
Not only that, but maybe you'll get to explore more of your dynamic together—the thought of getting to submit to him sends you into a tailspin. You know it would come so easily, you know you'd slip under Johnny's command so easily were he to just take ahold of your metaphorical leash. 
You come to, realising you'd fallen completely silent instead of responding when Johnny speaks again—lighthearted yet hesitant.
 "... But it's okay if you don't want to—"
"I want to! On base?" You ask, already starting to unfurl the logistics in your head.
Johnny chuckles good-naturedly, seemingly amused by the idea of having you come over to his place on base. "Nah, I have a flat in Hereford."
"Oh, cool. I was a little scared for a moment." You admit, a hint of nervousness before you change tack. "But ooh, are you aiming to get laid this weekend? Bold move, Johnny." 
Admittedly, you're teasing and not offended by the assumption in the slightest, if anything, you know wholeheartedly that you want him. If you go on much longer with the level of teasing Johnny subjects you to without any relief, you may just combust. 
"You're the one making assumptions, needy girl." He teases right back, and then continues more earnestly. "I wasn't counting on it, jus' want to spend some quality time with you. Can't exactly cuddle up in a café."  
How he manages to balance wholesome and filthy so well you have no idea. Consistently, Johnny shows his depth and keeps you on your toes by making you flustered in every possible way. One moment you're blushing from desire, the next from his sweetness. 
"So... it's a sleepover, then?" You giggle as you snuggle closer to the couch cushions, already thrilled at the idea of spending time with Johnny in any way. 
Johnny laughs right along with you, launching back into joking. "I'll even paint your nails if ya want. Braid your hair, talk about boys, as long as the boy is me..." 
The hint of possessiveness makes your stomach do somersaults—despite the early stages of your relationship, your heart is set on Johnny, and it's reassuring to know he might be in just as deep. 
"You're the sweetest! Do you even know how to braid hair, though?" You try to imagine Johnny's large hands working with delicate strings of hair, as braiding is something you even struggle to do yourself.
"I have sisters and nieces. Taken part in many a makeover." He proudly admits, and you can feel the joy radiating off of him. No threat to his masculinity at all, just sheer enjoyment at being the subject of his niece's whims.
The image it conjures up is downright adorable.
You nod to yourself, storing that piece of information in the back of your mind for later. "I'll keep that in mind for when I need to dress up for a special occasion." 
The giggles are unavoidable as you picture big, bulky Johnny painting nails—you'd put good money on him being the kind to poke out his tongue when he concentrates.
Your thoughts start to drift to other plans for the weekend, other things you might get up to. Johnny was adamant that sex wasn't expected, but on your end, it's certainly still desired... at least in theory. 
There are still some residual nerves and worries, even with Johnny's constant sweetness—past events, past bad experiences lurk in the back of your mind waiting to sabotage the present. 
The need you feel almost overwhelms all of that though—the way Johnny just seems to speak to all the submissive parts of you, making you feel so desired and so safe.
"So... what if I want to have sex?" You ask, voice falling quiet as if admitting something forbidden—as if Johnny isn't going to do filthy things to you far beyond just sex. 
A throaty, strained groan leaves the man, his voice dropping low and dripping with desire. "Might have to have you stay longer, since you won't be walking after."
You suspect the idea of you struggling to walk isn't just bragging—if you close your eyes, you can almost see his length, remembering how good it felt even though thick denim jeans. 
"I— yeah, okay." The sigh that leaves you is instinctual, hot with anticipation.
"I've got condoms, but yer welcome to bring your own," Johnny mentions. "And I'll pick ya up Friday evening, drop you off Sunday night? How's that sound?" 
"Wonderful." You say honestly, loving that you'll get to spend the weekend with him, all while being cared for and driven there and back. "Ooh, I get to be your passenger princess." 
You giggle mischievously, playing it up for Johnny as your mind runs wild with ideas. 
"Don't be getting any ideas, lass." He chides, playfulness clear in his tone.
"Hey, I was just planning on taking over your radio and telling you fun stories. Nothing more!" Your voice rises through your protest, as before Johnny had turned it dirty, you really hadn't been thinking of the way your hands may drift to his thigh, or palm at his cock. 
"Not sure if I believe that. I felt the way you were squeezin' me under that table, yer a naughty girl." He purrs, making shivers run through you.
"You started it, not me." Your gasp is full of offence, proclaiming your complete innocence. Of course, you had wanted to feel him up way more than you did and had undoubtedly had a few very sinful thoughts while he was sitting next to you. 
But you had been good, had behaved, and kept your hands to yourself. It was Johnny who led you to sin.
"So, you won't be feeling me up unless I'm the one guiding you?" 
At that you fall silent, too stunned to speak—the thought of Johnny guiding you through pleasing him, guiding you into being perfect, just for him is overwhelming. He'll lead you deeper and deeper into submission—trust.
"Oh, you like the sound of that." Johnny's purr has you completely dead to rights, as once more, he sees right through you.
You take a few deep breaths, trying to settle your rapidly swirling arousal. "Of course I do..." 
Johnny doesn't relent in his teasing, in his almost cruel display of control of your desire. Everything from his word choice to the dominant edge in his voice sends you spiralling. "Want me to show you how to please me, puppy?" He coos. "Show you how tae be a good girl fer me?" 
"Please, sir." You feel your mind slip just a little—falling so easily into that blissful state just listening to Johnny's tone, finding it so easy to fall for him. 
"Won't have to show you much, you just know how to turn me on naturally, like it's instinct. Fuck, lassie." The guttural noise from Johnny shows the effect his own words have on him too. 
You hope he's squirming just like you are, achingly hard and straining against his jeans, just like he was in the café. 
The tension crackles in the air between you, the silence thick with your joint lust settling deep in your respective guts. 
You let out a shaky sigh before you respond. "It's only fair for us to be equal on that front since you just... I don't even have words. It's like you read my mind so you can drive me crazy." 
Johnny is undoubtedly insightful, likely an occupational thing, but sometimes it's scary how well he can read you. He's not the only one who naturally knows how to appeal to someone's baser desires.
For a moment, and quite unfairly as the logical side of your brain notes, your gut twists at the idea of how he became so well practised.
Johnny's sweet laugh pulls you from that train of thought. "Am a smart man, perceptive, what can I say? Know how to read ma pet."
"I'm not your pet." You note, not bitterly, but rather plainly. You're not Johnny's— 
"Not yet, aye, but you will be." He says with a sense of certainty. 
"Johnny..." You don't even know what to say to that, beyond begging and pleading for him to make it come true—but that hardly feels appropriate right now.
"Even if we don't have sex this weekend, I'd like to explore things with us a little, if tha's okay?" He asks, his voice open and inquisitive, almost shy in how quietly he poses the question.
"Me too, I don't wanna rush too much but holding back somehow feels...wrong." You sigh, wishing you had the words to really explain the pull you felt. "It's like I know I shouldn't be rushing head first into this, but... I can't stop it." 
Johnny is truly a magnetic force of a man, both in who he is and the way he treats you. There's so much about him that you can't wait to get to know, all the beauty and scars in equal measure, each story—the meaning of the waver behind his smile, the way he sounds first thing in the morning. 
"Me either, if it helps." He admits, sharing the sentiment. "It's okay to fall, just gotta be there tae catch each other, aye?" 
Your eyes flutter shut as you rip the phone away from your face, letting out a loud exhalation and a whispered "fuck". The warmth of his words and the weight of the meaning behind them overwhelming you, wrapping around you like a cosy blanket.
When you feel a little calmer, you return the phone to your ear to agree with Johnny's sentiment, though not quite as viscerally as you did in private.
"Yeah, just gotta keep each other straight." Your throat tightens as you push the words out. 
The silence on the line is overtaken by shuffling from Johnny's end for a moment before he clears his throat. "Gotta go, pet. Duty calls."
"It's... 8 pm, what are you doing at this hour?"
There's a laugh from Johnny, and a more insistent knocking in the background. "Going for a pint with the lads." 
"Oh duty, huh?" You tease. 
He hums in affirmation, unashamed. "Team bonding, essential stuff for the functional operation of any squad." 
"Have fun, Johnny." You wish him well sincerely, even if part of you wishes the call didn't have to end. "Talk soon."
"Talk soon, princess. Sleep well." He makes a kissing noise before ending the call, his photo disappearing off your screen before you lock the phone and clutch it to your chest just for a moment. 
'It's okay to fall, just gotta be there tae catch each other.'
His words echo through your mind over the coming days—the light in an otherwise dreary weak. 
You were definitely falling. 
Packing your bag feels like chaos, as you desperately scramble to not forget a single thing. You're only going for a weekend, and yet you're packing like you're bunkering down for the apocalypse. Well, a million pairs of underwear will be necessary with how Johnny ruins them just with his words and his voice—being there in person means you'll probably be going through a new pair every hour. 
And of course, you need cute extra outfits, in case the two of you go anywhere... that means extra shoes too. Johnny is going to think you're crazy with all the bags and belongings you're bringing. 
Thankfully, you got ready hours ago—did your makeup and hair to perfection and put on a pretty dress that you may have ordered just for Johnny. Okay, maybe you ordered several dresses just for Johnny.
As you rush to put the finishing touches on your packing, your phone buzzes with a text. 
Outside whenever you're ready :) 
i'll be out soon! &lt;3
Maybe you should tell Johnny you'd buzz him up, but considering that your packing has made your flat look like a tornado has ripped through it, perhaps it's best not.
You do your best to rush, not wanting to exhaust Johnny's good patience, jamming in a few final items you might need just in case, before locking up your flat and heading down to the lobby.
You step out into the car park, spotting Johnny standing beaming, leaning against a jeep. His arms and chest bulge in his burgundy Henley, his jeans are slung low on his hips in such a tempting way. Is it possible he got more attractive since the last time you saw him? 
Your eyes crawl over him, drinking in every little detail and falling for his good looks all over again—just as enraptured in his beauty as the first time. 
"Hi." You call out as soon as the two of you meet eyes, the spark between you instantly reigniting just through a look.
"Hey, you." He immediately reaches for your bag, taking the weight off of your shoulder like it's nothing to him—even though the weight was already starting to strain your shoulder. "Let me grab that for yer." 
You let him take your bag, watching with glee as opens the boot to put it away. The manners are such a turn-on. "What a gentleman." 
His chest puffs up in pride, a resolute look on his face. "Ma maw raised me right." 
After closing the door to the boot, Johnny jogs round to the passenger side, holding the door open for you to climb inside.
"That she did." You nod, impressed and honestly swooning at the princess treatment as Johnny climbs into the driver's side.
With the two of you finally in the car, Johnny leans back to grab a shopping bag from the backseat, opening it to display a range of goodies. "Need anything? I brought drinks and snacks." 
You peer inside the bag to see what he brought before meekly taking a bag of cookies and a can to drink. "Ooh, it's like a real road trip." 
Johnny reaches back to put the bag away, stopping with his hand resting on the back of your seat—his baby blues shine, as does his smile as he looks upon you. "Gotta look after ma girl." 
Your heart hammers against your chest, your cheeks flush and burn.
His girl.
"I could get used to that." You whisper, lost in watching his mouth, recalling the way they wrapped around those words.
"Me too, bonnie." 
Before he turns his attention to getting the car running, he double-checks your seatbelt, making sure you're safe—he makes sure his rearview mirror is perfectly placed taps to activate the directions on his phone. 
And then he does the thing—the arm on the back of the seat, backing out of the parking space and looking so fucking hot while doing it. You're entirely transfixed. 
"I'm just getting it out of the way now, but I am gonna stare at you a tonne, you already look so attractive when you're driving." You know you're babbling just a little, a side effect of the nerves, and the fact that Johnny looks so good to you right now.1
"I'm all yours to feast yer eyes upon." He says with a wink, before turning his attention to the road as he pulls out of your apartment's car park.
"Lucky me." You whisper, gaze tracing over all of his features. "Especially since I love looking at you so much." 
"Shame fer me tha' I have tae keep my eyes on the road." The smile on his face widens as he spares you a glance, doing a quick double-take. 
"At least we have all weekend to spend time together uninterrupted." Feeling brave, you reach out to rest your hand on the back of Johnny's head, caressing the nape of his neck and threading your fingers in the roots of his hair. 
Johnny's shoulders relax, as he leans slightly into the touch. "That we do." His voice turns serious momentarily. "Did you let someone know where you're going?" 
Sweet Johnny, always concerned for your safety, even when it comes to him. The awareness he shows is another thing in the long list of little details you admire about him.
"I forwarded all of your info to a friend, so you should be very afraid." You tease easily. Your friend is under strict instructions to call the police should you not check-in.
"Terrified, lassie." He smirks. "Just tae be clear, you wanna go home at any point, I'll take you, or drive you to the station if yer not comfortable." 
"I appreciate it. And if you want to kick me out, feel free." 
"I'd never." He gasps, full of offence. "Unless ya decide to trash my flat, and even then that's only if you started damaging my keepsakes from ma granny." 
It's your turn to gasp now. You wonder if that comment was inspired by past events—the kind of warning that only comes after you've experienced the event. "Only a monster would do such a thing." 
"Aye, and I bet you can be a brat, but not a monster." 
You shrug, a coy smile on your face, knowing just how bratty you can be when you want to be. "Everyone needs to be a little bratty sometimes." 
"Hmm, do they now? Good job I won't get tired of putting you in yer place then, pet." 
Johnny's hand slides from the gear stick to your thigh, his fingers curling around the exposed flesh just above your knee. The feeling is entirely electric, especially in combination with his words, making you hyper-aware of every sensation as his thumb sweeps over your skin and his hand tugs your legs ever so slightly apart. 
"This okay?" He asks, glancing down to where his hand is settled on you—you know 100% if you said no, he'd withdraw in an instant. 
"More than okay." You smile earnestly, slipping your own hand across to rest in the same place on his broad thigh.  "But can I do the same?" You embrace the denim beneath your fingertips, relish in the firm muscle that rests underneath. 
"As long as it's just tha', don't distract me too much." He smirks, turning briefly to wink at you. 
You try to keep your eyes on the road and your hands respectful. "Can't concentrate on two things at once? Seems unlike you." You tease. 
"I can." He protests, firm and certain, before his voice softens. "But I dinnae want to risk it. Precious cargo on board." He fixes you with a meaningful look in between glances at the road. 
"Johnny..." You sigh, blushing profusely at his compliment and way of thinking. 
"Dinnae care what anyone says, a man who'll drive like a nut with his lovie in the car is no man at all." He nods firmly, face morphing into something serious—though his eyes are filled with mirth, as his serious facade almost cracks."
"So no road head... ever?" You gasp, genuinely a little taken back at the prospect. 
Johnny breathes deeply through his nose, his knuckles on the wheel turning white as his hand at your thigh grips. He faces ahead still, yet speaks slowly. "If the first time I get yer pretty mouth on me is while I'm drivin', I will crash, tha's all am saying." 
"I value your honesty." Your voice leaves you as a whisper, your attempt to joke falling flat at your own breathlessness. You take a moment to compose yourself, before starting to tease again. "Save it for tonight, then?" 
It's Johnny's turn to swallow hard. "We'll see." 
The car journey falls silent for a little while, and the lack of conversation, while comfortable, allows for unpleasant and doubtful thoughts to creep in. 
The truth is, you can talk a big game, but sometimes your desire becomes outpaced by your nerves—then you're left struggling in a swirling pit of darkened thoughts. Every time Johnny pulls away to change gear, you find yourself feeling a little colder until his hand returns. 
But it doesn't do well to dwell on anxious thoughts. You force yourself to stop biting your lip, stop letting your mind flicker back to bad experiences, and actually speak to the one person who can offer you comfort right now.
"I am a little nervous..." You let the words fall free, and feel a little surprised at how small you sound.
"Aww, don't be. There's no pressure at all, promise." He says, sounding sweet and genuine—his hand squeezes your thigh once again. "Even if the furthest we go is cuddling on the couch, I'll be a very happy man." 
The smile on his face speaks to the truth of the statement, and you can't help smiling right back at him. 
"I appreciate you saying that." You think for a moment before continuing, trying to put into words the true source of your angst. "I just... get hesitant about opening up, I guess. Some guys before have promised me the world until they got what they wanted and then..." 
You trail off, not feeling the need or the strength to go into detail about last time, or the time before that.
"Tha's not me." Once more, he squeezes and lets his thumb rub over your skin. "But I don't expect ya to just take my word for it, I'll show ya, as long as it takes." 
His words mean more than you can say, and the fact he intends to back them up means even more. You really hope you can count on him.
"You're so sweet." You sigh, feeling full to the brim with appreciation. 
Johnny seems a little nervous too, frenetic energy making him shuffle in his seat. He seems to be lost in thought for a few moments before he finally speaks up. 
"I'm not looking to rush in and make a mistake maself. The last girl I dated..." He trails off too, his words tinged with dejection as he stares straight ahead. "Let's jus' say it didn't end well, either." 
You nod understandingly, all too familiar with things not ending well. "You don't have to tell me now." 
He shrugs slightly and seems like he's refusing to meet your eye any longer. "Don't want tae ruin the mood." 
"It's hard to ruin it, Johnny. We're meant to be spending time together, getting to know each other." You offer your most reassuring smile, hoping he catches it out of the corner of his eyes. "I have my fair share of sob stories to unload on you, don't worry." 
Although, that's another source of worry, that Johnny will run for the hills once he learns of your baggage.
"I don't doubt it." His lips fall into a frown, before being schooled into a half-hearted smile. "Hopefully we can replace them all with good stories instead." 
You silently nod, hoping for the same. 
"Speaking of good memories, I was thinking we could make pizzas together, I got the dough and some toppings." Johnny mentions, and the notion fills you with joy. 
"Sounds like fun!" You gasp, a pressing thought flickering into your mind. "What kind of pizza toppings do you like? I feel like this is make or break." 
Johnny seems to think for a moment, his tongue poking into his cheek. "Hmm... What are the most controversial choices?" He asks, a shit-eating grin breaking out on his face. 
"Hmm, pineapple?" You pose a controversial yet not particularly gross topping first, to gauge Johnny's taste. 
"Aye, don't mind it." 
He shrugs. "Why not?"
"... Olives?" 
Now he turns, perplexed. "Who doesn't like olives?" 
"A lot of people! They're horrible." You whine.
"The black ones aren't so bad, ya big baby." Johnny looks as he turns in time to watch you frown, his voice turning so condescending. "Aww, poutin' like one too. What did I tell ya about poutin' in front of me?" 
"That you'd kiss me, nibble on me even." You squeak.
You watch as everything about him changes—his eyes grow stormy and lidded, his lips curl into a satisfied smirk and his voice drops dangerously low. "As soon as we get back, those lips o' yours are mine." 
"... Yes Johnny." Your reply comes automatically, an instinct that you know will be capitalised on.
"Sound so sweet when ya say my name like that." He smiles brightly, genuinely pleased.
"Wait til you're fucking it out of me." 
"That won't be the name I want to hear from that pretty little mouth, bonnie girl." 
You shiver all over, squirming in your seat. "Yes sir." 
"Fuuuuck." Johnny groans, squeezing your thigh extra tight for good measure. "We should set some ground rules for the weekend." 
He suddenly sounds quite serious, though you suppose it's a good thing. Boundaries are needed, especially if you're to keep things sensible and consensual.
"Yeah, sounds good." You nod, falling quiet to allow him to lead the way. 
"I'm not gonna make ya do anything, don't think we're ready for that, but I'd like to tease it, if tha's okay?" You love the way he sounds measured and yet hopeful. 
"More than okay, though I'm sure you love to tease." You giggle, filled with a little nervous energy. Johnny already teases you so much, if he steps up his game any more you might straight up melt into a puddle. 
"Who doesn't? What did ya say about everyone needing to be a brat?" He jokes, winking—all charm. "But aye, think we need a long talk first before anything proper." 
"I look forward to it, though." You admit. Despite detailing a lot of your interests and limits in your initial post, it's good that Johnny is adamant about revisiting them properly. Still, you're excited to get to a point where you both feel comfortable truly exploring your dynamic. "So... can I call you sir?" 
Johnny falls quiet for a moment. "If it comes naturally to yer. Feel like it's something I should earn." 
"You're already doing it, you make it easier to trust you with everything that you do." Like insisting the name is something earned, you think. 
"I'm glad tae hear that." He nods, the smile on his face only slight, as he weighs his responsibility. 
"I do have some questions, though." You begin, somewhat hesitantly, but you suppose it's good to lay your cards on the table completely. A part of you can't live with uncertainty—needs to know Johnny's true intentions. 
He eyes you for a moment, before nodding. "Go on." 
"So, say you had complete control over things going forward, what would you want to happen? What do you... want for our relationship?" You take a moment to breathe after spilling all of that. 
Despite his focus on driving, you can see the cogs in Johnny's head turning as he mulls over your question.
"I want ya to be mine, in every sense of the word. My girl, my pet, my love. Everything, and I want tae be the same to you." 
It's fortunate that you're stopped at a red light, so Johnny is free to look upon you, the meaning deep in his gaze stills you completely. 
The light turns green, stealing his attention back, yet he continues to elaborate—a fond smile on his face. 
"I'll always protect ya and look after ya, and you'll love me and care for me the way a good girl does." 
"I'll get ya a pretty little collar, and a day one too, so no one ever forgets who you belong to."
It's amazing to you how Johnny can make your heart thump and cunt throb all in one sentence, in one look. 
"We'll get you a cage, a nice training routine, and we'll fuck like animals." 
His hand returns to your thigh, just as respectful as it has been all the drive thus far. 
"And when we're not fucking each other's brains out, we're cuddling on the couch, going on dates, spending time with friends. All tha' normal couple stuff." He finishes up with a happy sigh, a far-off look in his eyes as he turns his attention back to you. 
"What about you?" 
After everything Johnny just said, an expression far beyond what you expected, you find it hard to verbalise anything at all, and certainly not something as wonderfully smooth and tempting. 
You open and close your mouth a few times before finally getting your words out.
"Pretty much exactly the same." You cringe internally at how lame and lacklustre your words sound in response. "I'd like the dynamic to extend beyond the bedroom if we can manage it. For me, there isn't really an off switch."
You can only assume Johnny sees eye-to-eye with you on that, considering he replied to your post in the first place. 
"Seems to come naturally with us, I like tha'." 
"Me too." 
Johnny removes his grasp from your thigh, opting to lace his fingers through the hand of yours sitting in your lap. "I'm glad we're on the same page, bonnie." 
You squeeze his hand, relishing the way he instantly squeezes back reassuringly. Despite being connected in this way, you find it hard to look at him as you stumble through a self-conscious admission. "I was a little worried it was gonna be just sex." 
"Already well beyond that, pet," Johnny replies in an instant, before chuckling and squeezing your hand again. "Dinnae go all shy on me now." 
"Why? I'm sure you enjoy seeing me blush and squirm." You mumble, trying to hide your blushing cheeks. 
Johnny hums, amused and content. "Good job tha' I know all the best ways to make it happen then." 
You hide your face in your other hand, cupping your burning cheek and disgusting your shy smile. "It's only gonna get worse for me too, I know it." 
"Promise to use my powers for good, lass." 
You meet Johnny's gaze again, and feel a deep joy and contentedness flowing through every part of you.
"You better." 
You drive through quiet, suburban streets on the outskirts of Hereford, rows of houses passing by until Johnny turns into a street—fairly empty, and neither upscale nor impoverished. On the end sits a house, since converted into two seemingly distinct flats.
"Here we are." He comments, pulling a car to a stop and turning off the engine. Johnny leaves the car first, eager to open the door for you once more. 
"Ooh, are you upstairs or downstairs?" You ask, looking at the flats and the surroundings. 
"Upstairs," Johnny replies, grabbing your bag again. "Landlady lives downstairs, sweet woman." 
Your mind is flooded with a little old lady, lonely and completely adoring when it comes to her young renter.  "I'm sure you have her completely charmed." You giggle, imagining the effect Johnny has on older women. 
"Oh aye." He laughs too, a knowing glint in his eye as he leads you up the stairs, unlocking the door. "Keeps trying to set me up with her daughter." 
"Is that so?" 
As the door opens, the smell hits you—clean and fresh with an undertone of something masculine. The entryway is narrow and crowded with jackets and boots of all kinds. 
"I better tell her you're off limits." You joke, as Johnny steps aside to allow you in.
He doesn't reply, simply taking ahold of you and pinning you to the door, slamming it closed behind you. His firm hands pin you by the hips, pressing you between him and the door in an instant. 
"Johnny!" You gasp, breath stolen from you as Johnny is suddenly in your space—so close and hot and heavy. 
He leans in, one of his hands from your hips drifting up your body, trailing up your breast and your neck, before stopping at your jaw. His large hand cups your face, thumb swiping across the plush of your lips, parting them slightly for him—he's entirely transfixed, eyes filled with arousal as they flicker between your lips and your eyes.
Closing the final few inches, his lips brush against yours, and you can practically taste the mint in his breath. 
He dives in, kissing you fervently, pulling you flush against him as he practically devours your mouth with his lips and tongue. His teeth worry at your lip, his tongue collides with yours, and his hand at your waist grips you intently as a throaty groan leaves him. "Told you, pet, this mouth is mine now." taglist: @cooliofango @ramadiiiisme @pterodactyal @simonrillleyyysss @hexqueensupreme @ivymarquis @oilfics @ghosts-cyphera @msdrpreist @collmemabi @ysljoon @kmi-02 @mockerycrow @nakedcrackers @cassiecasluciluce @xcup1d @cloudsovercoffee @lovewithasideoflust @abbiesxox @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @bubuslutty want to be tagged? click here! want to be untagged? dm me or comment, i won't be offended <;3
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