#way easier to whump XD
foundfamilywhump · 4 months
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 10 months
Whump Prompt #1304
@broken-lycan asked:
Hi I wanted to ask if you have prompts for emotional whump with two characters who saved each other's lives and are close friends? Perhaps with some injury caretaking like changing bandages or something like that? I really want to write something for two specific characters but am lacking ideas (even with whumptober coming up believe it or not) xD
Thanks in advance and I hope you have a good day! Your blog is such a good inspiration :D
Thank you for the kind words! So sorry this was pushed back due to my WT schedule, I hope you have a fun time!
I can give it a go:
"Why do you always do this?" / "Because you're always getting into trouble." - This could be seen in two ways: this could be the caretaker questioning why the whumpee gets into trouble, or the whumpee asking the caretaker why they always patch them up.
"I owe you one." / "You could start by not being so stupid."
"Is this the shirt I got you for your birthday?" / "Yeah... to be fair, I wasn't expecting [this injury] to happen."
"I can't believe you took that hit for me." / "It was your round the next time we're at the bar. Can't pass up that opportunity..."
"Does it hurt?" / "Not as much as my ego." / "[B], Be serious..." / "Of course it hurts, but it's easier to get it over with. I knew what I signed up for."
"I'll keep watch - don't argue - you're just gonna be stuck with me for a while." / "Wouldn't have it any other way."
"Would you sit still?" / "You sound like my mother." / "Hey, show [B's mothers name] some respect!" / "It disturbs me how close the two of you are." / "You don't call her enough. I'll be over for Christmas dinner."
"I should become a nurse with how much I have to do this. I get plenty of practice with you." / "Admit it, you'd miss patching me up." / "Let me get back to you on that one."
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fancyfade · 2 years
im on twitter and seeing an audience of wfa that never read the comics, majority of their knowledge is from fics or other ppl’s comments on the subject. Like, there’s a person explaining the Robins to someone who started getting into wfa and Tim’s summary was “neighbor rich kid whose parents weren’t around and followed Batman & Robin with a camera” and bringing up how sad of a time Tim goes through. Jason is “revived by Ras Al Ghul (villain)” and it must be mentioned Jason tried to kill Tim. 1/4
Damian’s is just “assassin child who hates all other Robins and wants Robin for himself.” Some baseline introductions to Tim and Damian’s relationship is just: Damian almost killed Tim by punching him off a dinosaur and Damian cut Tim’s line and nothing else. Ofc their relationship was built on mutual jealousy and instigation (more so on Damian’s end but come on he was practically born and raised to think Violence is Always the Answer he should catch a break by now) 2/4
There are so many other examples of people bringing up wildly inaccurate “facts” of the batfam that you could easily find in abundance in fics. This one’s specific but it doesn’t help that a lot are from woobified Tim fics (i read those fics for fun! but going through those fic comments you start seeing the direct line from wfa introduction directly to fav character whump fics rather than the comics because it IS easier than diving into thousands of comics!) 3/4
Basically wfa is both great for introducing more people to the batfam, but also horrifically misinforming people of these characters when they try to delve deeper by reading fics rather than the comics themselves (i do see plenty getting into the comics, even start buying them! but the vast majority dives headfirst into fics). There’s plenty of canon-informed and well nuanced fics ofc but there’s also an abundance of heavily biased ones that may only contribute to old and undying opinions 4/4
TY for info anon!
NGL if they include Damian cutting Tim's line they should also include Tim putting Damian on a hitlist... like none of Damian's actions are illogical from his POV (this isn't saying they're EXCUSABLE just that there's solid logic behind it from his POV). and I did observe earlier today fandom also likes to ignore that Damian saved Tim's life (link).
(and ofc WFA made it look like Damian was messing up missions to spite Tim when that literally never happened).
I do feel like the bar for getting into comics if you fanboy Tim (and even Damian) is not super high NGL. Tim had a 200 issue solo title you could pretty much just read through it til you get bored barring a few crossover issues. like obviously no one is OBLIGATED to read it, i'm not the comics police, but I do think that the canon version is so much more interesting than the fanon version so I can't see why people wouldn't want to read it.
I know some really unpopular characters its hard to find comics for and you have to skip around a lot or read team series you don't care about the other characters for, but when a character is super popular you can normally get a good idea of them just reading their solo.
I think WFA managed to skate over all of Jason's violence to Tim which is hilarifrustrating b/c Jason really had it out for Tim way more than Damian did xD
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milkyplier · 2 years
Idk who all is gonna see this, but for the ppl who are interested in the Legend fic I mentioned earlier:
There are two ways I can post this. The first will be writing the first two or three chapters, and then regularly updating as I use prompts.
The second is just writing it all at once and posting all prompts (30 is the current number, and it is liable to change XD) in just one go.
If I do the second one, it will be a lot longer before the fic will be published but you’ll get to binge read a bunch of Legend whump :)
If I do the first method, it will be less long before you’ll have some new stories but you’ll have to check back from time to time to see if I updated. Which one would you prefer? (My default may be the first one, I think it will be easier and I am also impatient to get started on the publishing XD)
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laireshi · 1 year
For the fanfic writer asks: 💥 🎁 🦋 ^_^
Thanks for asking <333
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Can I say make NPSS finish his damn novels before starting new ones?
Otherwise, uh, I just want more Xiaoge than he's currently giving me. I can't remember anything I'd like to fix? In the novels, at least, lol, please do not get me started on some drama adaptations.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
From the same WIP as here, and again, I think like I might've shared it before?? A forever wip 😭
Zhang Qiling drifted back to consciousness slowly from deep, restful sleep. He was comfortably warm and when he opened his eyes, he saw it was the morning already; light falling into the bedroom through the gaps in the curtains.
Wu Xie’s breath was hot on the back of his neck; Wu Xie’s leg over both of Zhang Qiling’s, his arms around Zhang Qiling’s waist, caging him in in a way that should feel constricting, but was just comforting. Zhang Qiling moved, wanting to turn over to face Wu Xie, but Wu Xie tightened his hold on him.
“Mine,” he mouthed against the nape of his neck.
Zhang Qiling had no idea about his own life, where he’d come from, who he really was, but this—this seemed right. He liked the idea of belonging to someone. No, not to someone. To Wu Xie. Only him, and always him.
Wu Xie followed his words with a kiss, then a long lick down Zhang Qiling’s back.
They were both still naked. Zhang Qiling had a fuzzy memory of Wu Xie telling him to stay in bed and returning with a wet towel to clean him up last night.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
This might be surprising, but: NOT XIAOGE. I love him and I love to whump him and I love writing him, don't get me wrong, but. He doesn't talk! And my actual favourite thing to write are dialogues. Shen Wei and, and I can't believe I'm saying this in 2023, Tony Stark are much easier to write. I CAN HAVE THEM TALK. Verbally spar with their lovers. Express themselves. IT'S SO HARD WITH XIAOGE OKAY. SO HARD. It's a testament to how much I love him that I still write him so much xD
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lady-wallace · 2 years
Right Before Your Eyes: Whumptober Day 6 (JJBA)
We've got some protective Jotaro and Josuke whump for today’s @whumptober prompt along with a heavy dose of angst. AKA I speedrun a Criminal Minds plot in just over 2.5k words XD
Prompt: Proof of Life (ransom video, “I’ve got a pulse”, screams from across the hall)
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 4
Character: Josuke
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
It was Day Three, and Jotaro still had no idea where Josuke was or what had happened to him.
He'd gone over the facts thousands of times.
Josuke had gone missing on his way home from school. Had parted ways with Koichi at his turn off, and Okuyasu had had work after school that day so he hadn't walked home with them. Josuke hadn't shown up at home that night, he had seemed to vanish out of thin air. He hadn't said he was stopping anywhere before he went home. Jotaro hadn't even known he was missing until Tomoko Higashikata had called him that evening to ask if Josuke was at the hotel with him. It had been Jotaro who had told her not to worry, but when all avenues of inquiry had been made and they still hadn't found the kid, Jotaro had called the Speedwagon Foundation to see if they'd been tracking any Stand Users in the area.
Those were the facts and they didn't help because at the end of the day, Josuke was still missing and Jotaro had no suspects.
The police scoured the town, questioning anyone who might have had contact with Josuke the day of his disappearance. Even Rohan helped, pretending reluctance, using Heaven's Door to see if anyone had consciously or subconsciously collected information on Josuke that day.
And still, there was nothing.
Tomoko was beside herself.
"You will find my son," she told Jotaro in no uncertain terms. "You're the one who got him hurt last time. If anything happens to him again…"
Jotaro thought about Jolyne in a similar situation and could understand and respect Tomoko's threats.
And then the video showed up on Jotaro's breakfast tray on Day Four. No warning, no note, just a tape half hidden under the napkins.
Jotaro popped it into the room's VCR and though he had already known what would be on the tape, it didn't make it any easier to watch.
The grainy footage opened showing Josuke sitting tied to a chair, gagged and blindfolded. He looked like he had been drenched, shivering, his hair in a complete disarray. He flinched when a figure dressed completely in black, face outside the frame, stepped into view, pressing a blade up under Josuke's jaw. Jotaro tensed, but Josuke's captor pulled the knife away and instead used it to cut the buttons from Josuke's school uniform before slowly bringing the knife back up. With a flash, it sliced across Josuke's collarbone, leaving behind a shiny spot of crimson. There was no sound to the video, but Josuke flinched.
The captor's hand suddenly clenched in his hair, and wrenched Josuke's head backwards, pressing the blade against his throat, staining the pale skin with his own blood. Josuke's chest heaved in terror, throat bobbing against the knife.
The captor removed his hand from Josuke's hair and reached off screen before returning with a piece of paper that read: "I've been having quite a good time entertaining my guest. If you can find me, Dr. Kujo, you can have him back."
He then took the knife from Josuke's throat and raised it threateningly over the boy…
And that was where the video cut out.
Jotaro ran the video back, and brought out Star Platinum to see if his Stand could catch anything, any clue as to where Josuke might be. But it appeared that wherever he was, his captor had taken precautions. Had pointedly set up Josuke in a curtained off area that could give no clues. And without sound, they wouldn't be finding any clues there either.
Still, at least there was something.
He called Tomoko. "We have proof of life."
She was over at the hotel within 15 minutes.
"Show me," she demanded.
"You don't want to see it," Jotaro grunted.
"Show me my son, dammit!"
Jotaro was too tired to protest. He showed her the video. To her credit, Tomoko didn't crack, but the fissures were there.
"You have no idea who this is?" she asked, voice trembling.
"I don't," Jotaro replied honestly. "But I will find him."
"Have you told the police about this?"
Jotaro sighed as he took the tape out the player and inspected it again, trying to see if there were any clues on it. "No. I think it might be best if my people handle this from here on." He had still not seen anything to suggest this enemy was a Stand User and yet, the pure fact that he had been able to take Josuke seemingly so easily was in itself evidence enough, right? Jotaro would rather not have more civilians caught up in all of this if that turned out to be the case.
Tomoko pressed her lips together, obviously not liking that. "They had better not get my son killed. He's all I—"
And that was when she cracked. Covering her mouth to muffle a sob. Jotaro silently handed her a box of tissues.
"I won't let that happen," he said firmly. He didn't promise her, but he promised himself.
Once he saw Tomoko out, he called Rohan and they started going through the staff at the hotel.
"Is it possible that this enemy might have the ability to make people forget about him?" Jotaro asked.
"I see no indication of anything being erased from anyone's minds," Rohan admitted. "Usually there's something in those sorts of cases. However, I suppose there's a first time for everything."
"So we still have nothing," Jotaro muttered darkly. He knew that they had to be missing something. He just had no idea what it was.
That night he fell asleep at his desk, body finally giving out after what had been several days of little to no sleep.
Something woke him.
A scream.
At least, that's what he thought he had heard, but upon waking, Jotaro couldn't honestly say whether he had actually heard a scream or if it had been something left over from some nightmare.
He stood from his desk, straightening out tense muscles, and went to the door. The hall was deserted and silent. Nothing to indicate that there had been a sound, at least not one that anyone else had heard.
Jotaro rubbed his eyes tiredly. He knew he needed real sleep at the detriment of properly investigating Josuke's disappearance, and yet he couldn't quite bring himself to rest when the kid was still being kept captive somewhere in an unknown, yet likely hellish, condition.
He sighed and went back into the room. He would get a couple more hours to at least stop himself hallucinating things.
The next morning as he went to leave his room, something was bundled on the ground in front of the door.
Dread welled in Jotaro's throat as he bent to retrieve the item. It unfolded into the navy colored jacket of a school uniform, decorated with familiar gold pins.
It was also covered in blood.
A piece of paper fluttered to the ground and Jotaro bent to pick it up.
He's running out of time, Dr. Kujo.
Jotaro's knuckles whitened as he clenched his fists in the coat. Where the hell was this bastard hiding? How could he so easily come and go?
"Who are you?" he growled out loud.
There was, of course, no answer.
He called Rohan.
"He's been in this hotel."
They scoured the place again. Asking everyone, inspecting all the security cameras, but there were none positioned in the right place to tell who had made it to the floor Jotaro was staying on.
"We should check the guest books," Rohan said.
Jotaro nodded. It was possible someone at least under the instruction of the suspect might be staying here. But without any clue still as to who might be doing this, Jotaro wasn't sure he would know if they bumped into him right now.
"I'll have Koichi help with this," Rohan said after they had gotten the guest list. "He's been asking for ways to help."
Jotaro nodded. "I'll also have SPW run the names of the staff through their database for red flags."
He didn't tell Tomoko about the new development. It wouldn't have done any good. They only had this captor's word that Josuke was even still alive. And they'd yet to hear any demands or even get so much as a time line. The bastard only seemed to be interested in taunting Jotaro, playing some kind of game with him. That made him think that this was somehow personal and if that was the case, then why couldn't Jotaro figure this out?
Jotaro continued his exhaustive investigation late into the night. The Speedwagon Foundation hadn't come up with anything on any of the staff, and Jotaro had yet to find a solid clue as to who was bringing things to his room.
It was late, long after midnight, when Rohan called.
"Jotaro, I found something. One of the guests is signed in under a pseudonym."
Jotaro frowned. "How do you know?"
"Because it's the name of a dead man," Rohan said. "Or rather a dead boy. One of Angelo's victims."
Jotaro froze. "Someone's using the name of one of his victims?"
"Yes. A victim that was survived by an older brother," Rohan said with a pause. "Considering the connections…"
"What room?" Jotaro demanded.
"325," Rohan said.
Jotaro's breath caught in his throat. "That's…"
"It's right across the hall from you." Rohan finished. "I'm on my way over now."
Jotaro had no intention of waiting for Rohan. He simply slammed the phone into the cradle and stormed out of the room.
The door to 325 was locked, but he simply called out Star Platinum to break it open.
A figure who had been sitting at the table startled, jumping to his feet. A young man with a hard expression on his face. There was a knife in front of him, sitting on a bloody towel.
"So, you finally found me."
Jotaro stormed across the room and grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, hauling him almost off his feet. "Where is he?"
The man smirked and Jotaro shook him, manifesting Star Platinum. The man's eyes didn't go to the Stand so he must not be able to see him.
"How does it feel, Dr. Kujo?" the man asked him. "To lose someone you care about? My little brother was everything to me and that bastard killed him. He did worse than just kill him. And none of you could track down Angelo in time?"
Jotaro's fists clenched in his shirt. "This isn't how you fix these kinds of things," he snapped.
"I would have gone after his grandfather, but, well, turns out Angelo got to him first. But you were also at fault. All these years and you come into town and stop him so easily. Could you not have done that before more innocents lost their lives?" He scoffed. "I bet you think of Higashikata as something like a brother, huh? You feel protective of him, right? Supposed to be watching out for him?"
Like Jotaro hadn't already screwed that up. But he wasn't going to let this punk get to him right now. He was done listening to him.
"What exactly was the point to your game?" Jotaro demanded. "Your intended outcome?"
"Point? I guess, at the end of the day, it was just revenge," the man shrugged.
Jotaro caught the movement out of the cover of his eye as the man grabbed for the knife. Star was already moving, grabbing his wrist and slamming a fist into his face.
Jotaro dropped the man into a heap on the ground and glanced around the room.
He saw the corner where a dark cloth had been tacked to the walls marking the filming area. There was nothing there but a few spots of blood on the carpet. Jotaro headed first to the bathroom, yanking the door open. The door to the bath was closed, and he wrenched that open too, only to find nothing.
There was a voice from the front of the room.
Jotaro returned and saw Rohan entering, his Stand at the ready. "Did you find him?"
"Not yet," Jotaro grunted, looking around for another place a human could have been kept in.
Rohan instantly knelt beside the unconscious man so he could look through his mind.
Jotaro spotted the closet and headed over there.
The door fell open as he grabbed the handle and Josuke tumbled lifelessly to the floor, having been propped against it. He was still heavily gagged and blindfolded, arms bound to his sides with ropes so tight they cut into his flesh. There was crusted blood from several cuts and a stab wound to the shoulder—probably the reason his jacket had been so stained.
"Rohan." Jotaro said as he swiftly crouched, pressing his fingers up under Josuke's chin.
Rohan stepped over cautiously. "Is he…?"
"I have a pulse," Jotaro sighed in relief.
"I'll call an ambulance."
Josuke stirred and flinched to one side with a muffled cry of protest as Jotaro reached out to remove the gag.
"Easy," he said, switching to the blindfold first. He pulled it off and his heart wrenched at the sight of the terrified, red-rimmed eyes staring back at him. "It's just me."
Josuke shook uncontrollably. Jotaro had Star break the ropes binding him as he worked on getting the gag out of Josuke's mouth. It had been tied so tight it had left raw marks at the corners. There was an additional cloth stuffed inside his mouth and Jotaro was grateful he hadn't suffocated.
"J-Jotaro," Josuke croaked once he was free, eyes filling with tears.
Jotaro eased him in against his chest where Josuke clung to him, shaking and sobbing. Jotaro settled one hand against his head and Josuke's hair was so messed up, he didn't even protest when the older man ran his hand through it soothingly.
"Paramedics are on their way," Rohan said quietly as he stood to one side, arms crossed as he kept an eye on Josuke's captor. "Police too."
Jotaro nodded, mostly focused on holding the shaking kid. To think that he had been across the hall this whole damn time. That he had even heard Josuke scream at one point. It made Jotaro sick. Maybe that bastard really had known how to get to him after all.
"Wanna go home," Josuke choked out.
Jotaro hummed in acknowledgement and turned back to Rohan. "Bring me the phone."
The mangaka nodded and brought the phone over to Jotaro. He shifted Josuke into one arm, keeping him propped against his shoulder as the teen still clung to him without any intention of letting go. He dialed the number and the call was picked up almost instantly despite the hour.
"I have him," was all Jotaro had to say.
All he heard was Tomoko crying on the other end of the line as the sound of sirens got closer, marking an end on this whole horrific experience.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Forget I said I want the whump.
I don't want the whump.
This is only the first episode of 3b and I feel like I'm splitting in two with my concern over these characters stooooop. :( :( :( :( :(
That said...
The way they're all helping each other makes it better.
Lydia helping Allison (and Isaac keeping a watchful eye from afar), making her start the painting over and making her ground herself.
Scott and Stiles helping each other, and their, like, utter concern for the other...Stiles catching Scott as he was coming down the stairs, Stiles noticing Scott's eyes and helping him get away, Scott making Stiles stay as far away as possible until he could get himself under control, Scott's fearful worry in his voice at Stiles' admission about the reading...the Scott and Stiles moments in this season are gonna SEND me ahhhhh!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Those good moments are gonna make it easier to watch for sure, but it's still gonna hurt.
But I still kind of love it.
It's a love/hate thing for me lol.
But it's gonna be worth it.
I just have to remember that.
The "comfort" part of the "hurt/comfort" is what makes it worth it lol.
Also I say Isaac can have Allison, 'cause...Scott and Kira clearly have a connection there (hence...the Alpha change, I think?? I mean, we ALL saw the way his eyebrows rose when he turned around and saw her.)
So yeah anyways.
I have to go to a class event, and this is a decent enough place to stop for now.
But I'll be back.
Update: Scott, honey, I know we're mad at Isaac because he likes Allison, but he also saved Lydia's life, so can we maybe not be mad at Isaac? That said, that shove into the wall will never not be funny. XD
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(These three, you poor things...)
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
Whoo 🙌 salt on! Glad it was cathartic! The concept of “clean blame/no nuance villains” seems to be pretty universal. You pick your favorite blorbo, you make him the whumpe because it’s easier than acknowledging the other side, or accepting the complexity and errors of your personal fav. I’ve seen it often, and hell, I am a guilty party, sometimes I just wanna give a guy a strained relationship with his dad when it’s not that bad in canon, it’s just for fun writing so I can found family him with his co-workers. Or you know, Rose and Leon in Pokeani, that’s another frequent cited example. The people have spoken and they wanna go 🥺 noo poor baby, and have the villain hurt people so you can get more concerned protective fury in there. Just the media enjoyers experience, but I get the oversaturation of it for those who really see into the balance of everyone’s characters, rights and wrongs and perspective, it feels cheap and incredibly misunderstanding the full scope of what makes them who they are to be the characters you recognize and enjoy. Oof, that feels like the DabiHawks writer experience. This is so universal ngl just based off character design stereotypes, I would’ve thought Zhongli would’ve been the fandom fav. Reading all that, I can 100% agree with you, that sounds aggravating as hell. I hope you know some writers who don’t do that. Salting in a group chat about fandom takes is also very cathartic esp when there’s that one person who salts with hilarious energy and phrasing. I think you’re probably that person XD someone out there is reading your post and chugging apple juice in solidarity and pointing going “PREACH!!! EXACTLY”
I like exploring tensions between characters too (I have a series with Childe and Zhongli specifically doing this) however I find that often people don't really care for the nuance of the situation and only like to focus on the feelings of one character. Often it ends up being the one who doesn't often show emotion that is ignored too...
It makes me feel icky when people do that T-T Just because you're not expressive doesn't mean you don't feel, you know? And when a character reacts with anger and hurt, that doesn't mean that they're right! We like to sympathise with characters and their emotions to the point that we often don't realise that sometimes they're being pretty irrational.
I don't think I'd have an issue with this if it was an offshoot of fandom who enjoys doing this but it seems like the whole fandom barring a few will make Zhongli the "villain" and have to make it up to Childe rather than being "both did pretty hurtful things to one another".
I'm always someone who likes to look at both sides though instead of just saying one person is at fault because a lot of the time, they're not the only one whose wrong and or they're reacting to others and how they're reacting might not be the best it doesn't mean the blame can solely fall on them, you know?
I have a real-life example of this even, a friend got pretty drunk the other day and was doing stupid stuff that were annoying my other friends, however I was sober and saw everything go down, while the friend doing dumb stuff was going too far, our other friends had been egging him on. However when people sobered up, they were soley annoyed with that friend doing dumb stuff and weren't thinking why he had done it.
It's easy to pin blame on one person, it's harder to look back at the event and think "actually all sides have a role to play in this". And I find fandom also falls into the same trap when analysing media.
I try not to be salty too often so, because I'd rather not be negative all the time (it's why I slowed down on answering asks at first too, as I know people were venting however I was afraid I was becoming way to cynical as a response). But doing it from time to time is good.
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anotherhumanpet · 2 years
Please repost this, don’t reblog/edit, and feel free to add to custom answers that better fit you! The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write
Bold all that apply and italicize if it’s a conditional answer
NAME:: Mud, Muddy, Madmud. Whatever works as long as it’s close to my personal, @madmud2730​, or Mud xD (no variations of Mad though please)
ARE YOU OVER 18?:: yes / no
IS YOUR MUSE?:: Jaden yes / Dennis no / varies
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON?:: Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / (OC) I write my own canon
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE?:: One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS?:: No / Gifs / Icons / Gif icons / Selectively
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS?:: No / Yes (discord, with close friends) / Sometimes
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE?:: Unplotted / Open Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS?:: Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast  Less Than Three Days) / it varies a bit depending on IRL and mood
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE?:: Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action (I’m very bad at it and very self conscious about it so I only like to write it with friends) / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE?:: Whump is always my go to but I’m up for anything that catches my interest
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?:: no / yes (domestic abuse; tagging not necessary due to my own unclear scope of what is and isn’t tolerable but appreciated if it’s thought of)
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO?:: Romantic (Jaden works exclusively on chemistry; Dennis is destined to his high school crush) / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual (for Jaden only)
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO?:: Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual
DO YOU HAVE OTPS?:: No / Chemistry only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS?:: No / Yes / I don’t know
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT?:: No / Selectively / Yes (for Jaden only)
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY?:: Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several Interactions / Slow Burn / Depends on partner & muse
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS?:: No / Selectively / Yes / Never Tried It
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS?:: No / Selectively / Yes / Never Tried It
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING?:: No / Selectively / Yes (but neither of my muses are poly, so, multishipping it is - meaning ships take place in separate universes; there is no community relationship or cheating)
DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN?:: No / Yes / Depends (I prefer to know the source material and the character, but it’s not a must-have just something that makes it easier for me to understand things)
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
for the fic tropes - flower/tattoo shop au, hurt no comfort, a/b/o and modern au
Oooh heck yeah, thanks pal!!
Flower shop/tattoo parlour au
B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
This isn't really something that I ever go looking for, but it's something that I do really enjoy! The dichotomy is fun, especially if it's changed up a lil bit. I will say that this is the sort of thing that I don't really read if it's not focused on my fav pairings - but then again, that's true for most fanfiction, so!
Hurt no comfort
C: Neutral. A good author might be able to sell it, but a bad one will kill it deader than dead.
This one is very nearly a D, but I legitimately enjoy writing hurt/no comfort on occasion, so I would feel a bit like a hypocrite if I didn't give it a bit higher rating XD I really really love me some comfort with my hurt, but honestly I'm just as happy reading really well done hurt no comfort. It truly depends on the fic, and on the hurt/whump tropes being explored. It's kind of one of those "I don't really tend to go for it, but when I read it and it's well done I'm over the moon about it" type things!
a/b/o - alpha/beta/omega
D: Not my favorite. I avoid it if I can, but it won’t necessarily put me off reading something.
Honestly, this is one of those things that I would like a lot better if it weren't often done so poorly. A/b/o stuff can get very weird very quickly, especially in relation to gender stuff, in ways that I don't enjoy. (All the power to folks who find it validating in gender ways, I typically don't.) I've read some amazing a/b/o fics, but I find that they're very few and far between.
A/b/o stuff also tends to include some kinks that I'm not fond of, so generally it's just easier to stay away from the whole thing lol. (Regretfully, it also sometimes includes kinks I'm very fond of, but mixed with hard no's lmao)
Modern AU
B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
I legitimately adore modern au's!!! This didn't get an A, but only because it's not really something I ever intentionally search for. But I love seeing characters out of their typical setting, interacting with the modern world. And I really enjoy writing modern au's!! As an author who wants to put very minimal effort into worldbuilding lmao, modern au's often work really well for that approach. But yes modern au's are great, wonderful all around.
Thanks for the ask friend!!!
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My Top Posts in 2021
“I’m not your toy. I’ll never break.”
“Oh darling, you already have”
CW: blood mention, defiant Whumpee, uhhh dialouge lol 
Whumpee cringed back as far as they could. Their arms were chained above their head, to a point in the ceiling they never bothered to look at. Whumper smiled and leaned forward, staying in their space.
“You broke ages ago, the first time that you let yourself truly fear me. You let me into your head, whumpee. You let me hang around long after I’d gone upstairs. You hung here, afraid. You thought of me when I wasn’t around, you let my presence change your actions. You broke, Whumpee. Even if you’re the last to know it.”
Whumpee stared back at him, eyes round and wounded. They, they had said – they had promised they wouldn’t break.
“No, no I-“
“No, you no, you what? “ Whumper mocked, walking around then until Whumpee couldn’t continue to face them. “Accept it. Let it go. Compliance makes everything easier.”
Whumpee smiled. “So I’m not broken.”
Whumper paused, hands clasped behind their back. “And what makes you think that?”
“Would a broken person stand up for themself? Would a broken person still be a pain in the ass and make things as inconvenient as possible?” They said, wrapping their hands around the chains and kicking back as hard as they could. They hadn’t been able to see where Whumper was standing, but they sure felt their boot connect and heard him hit the ground.
“You say that I’m broken because I feel fear. Because I’ve thought of you when you’re not around. Well, let me counter with this. How often have you thought of me? How often have you sat upstairs behind that gigantic mahogany desk you use to compensate for something, and design ways to hurt me? Think of the one liner you’re gonna drop, research my history for hints? You might have gotten into my head, but I sure as hell also got into yours.”
Whumpee stood taller, even as they heard Whumper get back up behind them.
“You said that fear means that I’m broken. I say that’s bullshit. Fear is human. You fear – and don’t tell me that you don’t. You fear your superiors, you fear failure; you fear the thought of being forgotten. Fear is instinct, and instinct keeps me alive.”
Whumpee turned to look behind them, seeing Whumper with his hand up to his face. When he brought away his hand, there was blood.
“My instinct warned me about you, but yours failed you when it comes to me. I think we know here who’s broken.”
~ tagging @thehopelessopus for reasons lmao
288 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 22:28:36 GMT
A whumper who whips whumpee raw, to the point they pass out from pain.
But that doesn’t deter whumper.
They keep going, reveling in how still and limp whumpee is. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter if they’re awake for it or not, the whipping was never for them.
It was for Caretaker, standing horrified to the side.
305 notes • Posted 2021-05-07 18:24:43 GMT
I now have a MIGHRY NEED for that hypnotic-voiced mer whumper, thank you xD If only there were such a thing as pinglists for prompts
CW: it as a pronoun, manipulation, noncon touch (non sexual), mind control/hypnosis. 
They sat with the water just barely lapping at their toes. It was a nice day out, calm and tranquil. Seemed like a good day to go out to the sandbar, so they had in the little boat they kept moored by the beach. It was so easy to just come here and think of nothing. It was calming, just existing with the sun and the sea.
Shimmering schools of fish darted around occasionally, or peeked out from the swaying sea grass. Sometimes there was a bird or a fin appeared for a moment, but this area was nearly untouched. A little hidden place, not very many people knew about.
They rested their chin on their knees and scooped up a handful of wet sand, slowly letting it drip out and built little unstable towers next to them. Just peaceful.
Whumpee’s head shot up, shocked and confused to hear anything out here. The fell back, fingers digging into the soft sand.
A mer was out a few feet in the water, floating casually. Whumpee blinked, then rubbed their eyes with their arm. They kept staring, and the mer kept staring back. He smiled at them, slicking back dark wet hair.
“You’re a pretty young thing.”
Whumpee’s brain clicked into action and they pressed their palms firmly against their ears. They had been warned, over and over again but they had never seen a mer in person. They were breathing hard, still staring. They just couldn’t stop staring, couldn’t believe what was happening.
The mer laughed lightly, smiling at them. Even in their fear, Whumpee smiled back automatically. It didn’t move closer, didn’t act aggressive. He cocked his head to the side, blinking innocently at them, shoulders hunched in slightly.  
Whumpee swallowed, trying to calm down. He, he didn’t seem dangerous? Maybe he was friendly.
The mer glanced quickly to the left and Whumpee’s eyes automatically followed. There was nothing there. They looked back, and the mer was, closer? Maybe? It yawned and rubbed the heel of his hand all over his face, much like a kitten. Was it tired? Did you get lost? Do you need help? Whumpee thought as they yawned, too.
The mer smiled again, and waved.
Without even thinking, Whumpee waved back.
“Hands down.”
Whumpee’s hands fell immediately into their lap, eyes transfixed on the mer.
“There you are,” he murmured, finally coming closer. Whumpee’s heart was beating out of their chest, frozen in the sand. They tried to scoot away, to the other side of the sandbar, but-
They stayed. Oh, oh no. Oh no oh no oh on oh.
The mer’s smile was different now, wider, sharper, predatory.
“Come,” he ordered softly, crooking a finger to lead Whumpee into the water.
Against their will, Whumpee began to crawl forward, closer to the edge of the water, unable to break the spell he had cast on them with just a few words. When they were finally close enough, the mer reached up to run a curious hand across their dry hair.
“I think I’ll keep you.”
339 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 17:51:55 GMT
Me laying in bed: I have all of the ideas. My prose is astounding. I am a wealth of literary genius.
Me awake in front of my laptop: w o r b s
544 notes • Posted 2021-01-31 16:14:08 GMT
These are so funny to me for some reason
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Feets? 80% likelihood it’s a raccoon. But lil ears? Oh yeah that’s 99% raccoon babey 
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ah yes. It’s easy to find them in their natural habitat. 99% probability
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I think my person favorite thing about this one is how a n g e r y the boi is and how all the letter is raccoon end up looking like rooooooon. .832685 Probability. 
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There are some raccoons that are just more % raccoons than others. Those poor bois in the back tho. Not even seen. And the guy in the front powerposing??? Only 56%??? Noo, that’s gotta be at least in the high 80′s. 
1889 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 01:10:52 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Yeah man like i said i have no idea how NSFW requests work XDD but ive been curious to ask esp since i usually see ppl ask some specific stuff in other fandoms and it makes me go," ...wait i wanna know how ppl can do that" XDD but thats okay! Thank you for explaining how these stuff works💕 ....hmm well since you work more on angst, i do have a nice idea for the choukei dynamic👀 its been something that has been on my mind and got me real curious.
Karamatsu and osomatsu falling for the same person, but the thing is the person of their interest has a crush on one of them and sees the other as more of best friend they can confide in. Now i debated with myself a whole lot and since osomatsu is the eldest.. seeing him step off accepting his role silently while watching the person he likes so dearly stay so far yet so near to him, encourage them to confess to karamatsu all while feeling his own chest tightening wanting to lament himself for not confessing sooner is just👀👌👌
it's all good!! no worries~ it varies between people I guess, haha, I mostly wanna keep my whump and heavy angst stuff on this blog, so for any requests that aren't painful or angsty, you can send those to my other blog @kisskissmatsu, including requests for NSFW stuff!! that's just my personal preference XD
THIS IS SO GOOD THO... I love that Choukei angst, it's SO good
I did some headcanons for this concept, it hurts so good!!
When the whole thing first begins, Osomatsu thinks he’s pretty lucky to even be considered a friend by (Name), so he doesn’t complain too much. None of the sextuplets have that many friends outside family and, man, isn’t it just cool that they can hang out with someone like that? He just likes to be around them, having fun, and honestly, Karamatsu does too. They both just feel so relaxed and comfortable and themselves with this person.
Karamatsu falls first… or, at least, that’s how Osomatsu has to think of it. The truth is, the two of them probably fall for (Name) around the same time, and it’s impossible to tell who was ‘first’. Osomatsu needs to think of it like Karamatsu falling first, because if he does that, it’s easier for him to step aside, justifying to himself, My little brother fell for them first, so I can’t get in the way.
Especially, it’s almost certain that (Name) sees Osomatsu more as a best friend and Karamatsu is their crush, just due to the fact that Karamatsu oozes charm in every interaction with them while Osomatsu is much more laidback. Karamatsu acts like a potential romantic partner, while Osomatsu acts more like a potential friend. Even though the perfect rule would be that a romantic partner should be a friend first, Osomatsu still thinks that since their mind jumped right to Karamatsu as a crush first, there’s more there for the two of them than there would be for Osomatsu and (Name). He can see how they look at Karamatsu versus how they look at him. It’s… only proper for him to let Karamatsu have the first shot, isn’t it?
It’s hell for him to push (Name) into confessing to Karamatsu. It’s pure hell. He cares for them so much and would want nothing more than to tell them just how much he wants to be able to hold them and kiss them and take them out on dates and all that sappy romantic shit. But… not only do they like Karamatsu, he feels guilty even for that. What kind of big brother would play ‘steal-yo-babe’ with someone his little brother likes?? He’s already the shitty eldest, and that would make him extra shitty because he knows both of them have feelings for each other. He’s not gonna be a dick and step on his baby brother’s toes like that. So he nudges at (Name), in little bits, telling them how he’s heard Karamatsu writing a song for them or talking all lovesick to him about them. “He likes you, and I’m pretty sure you like him, so why don’t you just go for it, y’know?”
For him, it really sucks. It hurts so bad, like a weight on his chest, and he could just kick himself for not telling (Name) about his own feelings. Even though he knows he has the right to be happy too, he doesn’t think it should come at Karamatsu’s expense. Karamatsu gets enough shit already, he deserves a fucking win for once. So Osomatsu suffers in silence, not saying a damn word to anyone. Not even any of his other brothers, not his parents, probably not even Totoko who he feels like he can talk to about anything. He just feels like bitching about it makes him selfish because he shouldn’t act like this is all about him.
Of course, Karamatsu tries to act like he doesn’t really know what’s going on. He’s horrible at communication sometimes, so it might seem like he’s oblivious, but… he sort of understands what his big brother is doing for him. He’s grateful for it, because it’s not often he gets the first shot at someone that more than one of them has a crush on. He’s forever the underdog, and having someone throw him a fucking bone for once means a lot to him. Particularly because it’s his older brother trying to give him a chance with (Name). It’s something he really, truly appreciates.
All things being equal, Karamatsu does his best to make the most of the chance Osomatsu is giving him. He’s the ideal gentlemen for this person, opening doors and kissing their hand and showering them with romantic gestures at every opportunity. If Osomatsu is around, he may try to tone it down a bit; though, that’s hard for someone like Karamatsu to do. He just doesn’t want it to seem like he’s rubbing it in Osomatsu’s face now that he’s seizing the opportunity. It’s… also difficult when (Name) initiates things, because if they lean in for a kiss, it’s not like he can just not go with his feelings. He melts into them quite a bit, even when he doesn’t mean to go so far.
Osomatsu doesn’t even change his behavior around (Name), despite the fact that he’s drowning in his own regret. He has to keep being their dutiful friend, to be there for them no matter what. Because when all is said and done, regardless of his romantic feelings for them, he loves being their friend too much to mess that up. If that’s all he can be… well. That’s just gonna have to be enough, isn’t it? He’ll just have to make it enough.
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fallintosanity · 2 years
5. What story is your fav? Least fav? 9. What scene was the first to come to you when writing Providence?
5. What story is your fav? Least fav?
Oooh, this is always a tough question - it's like being asked to pick a favorite kid! Sticking to just the Final Fantasy fics to make it easier on myself, I think I'd say "Terror" is my least favorite. I wrote it partially just for the Prompto whump, and partially to poke at an idea about Ardyn inspired by my favorite fantasy series of all time, the Coldfire Trilogy. In hindsight, though, I don't think it worked nearly as well as I was hoping. I don't think it's, like, terrible, just kinda mediocre and not as interesting as I wanted it to be.
As for my favorite story... this one is so much harder! XD I think it's a toss-up between Providence and Immortālēs Tempī , with What Stays And What Fades coming in a close second. Providence, of course, for the crossover shenanigans and getting to play with the menace that is Calamity Sephiroth. And Immortālēs Tempī because of how much sheer fun it was to write spitfire sixteen-year-old Cor Leonis. (He says some of my favorite lines I've ever written, because he's sixteen and has no filter. XD ) Finally, WSaWF because I'm really enjoying (in a twisted writerly way) delving into the sheer awfulness of the World of Ruin, and what ten years apart would really do to the bros.
9. What scene was the first to come to you when writing Providence?
Believe it or not, it was the scene where the Firsts see Calamity Sephiroth for the first time. I'd just finished reading TFA and was screaming about it with my amazing beta @ageofzero (who introduced me to TFA in the first place and is therefore entirely responsible for everything in Providence), and I said something about how I wanted to see TFA!Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal all react to the insane Sephiroth from Cloud's timeline.
Something I found interesting about TFA is that in the fic, Sephiroth has no significant character growth or development, and faces no personal crises to kickstart a character arc. (This is not a bad thing or a knock on TFA or anything! The whole point of the fic was that Sephiroth needed to not face the particular personal crisis Cloud spent the whole plot trying to avert.) But because I'm 1) a massive Sephiroth fan, and 2) a massive angst fan, I was really curious about how post-TFA Sephiroth would handle an emotional crisis on the level of Nibelheim.
In theory, he ought to be more stable and able to better handle a personal crisis with his friends there to support him rather than being the ones instigating the crisis. But the horror of Calamity Sephiroth's existence - this insane, inhuman, apocalypse-timeline version of himself - is so deeply personal that even with his friends at his side, Sephiroth is Not Going To Have A Good Time.
I don't remember exactly how we got around to having Noctis in the fic, though. XD I think it came about from talking about how funny a Cloud-versus-Noctis fight would be, which ended up manifesting in Providence first as the sparring match between them early in the fic, and later when Noctis fights the Calamity and really cuts loose for the first time.
Ask me stuff?
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whumpster-dumpster · 3 years
Tag game by @bad-behavior
List your top three whump tropes and tag people.
Whoever gets tagged gets to say how they feel about your top three tropes.
After finishing that, they then list their top three tropes, and the tagging cycle goes on!
I’ve been tagged by multiple people so I’ll address them in one post! Beware, it’s a long one!
1. Bad caretakers
2. Cynical and mean Whumpees that don’t know just how much they need a hug.
3. Sleep deprivation, and exhaustion induced illnesses
1. I do like it sometimes, but I have to be in the right mood. I like caretakers who are bad by accident and then feel guilty about it once they realize.
2. I usually prefer a sweet and vulnerable whumpee but I’ll beat up some of the dry, cynical ones too, if I have a villain who can break them easier than they ever anticipated. 
1. Unconscious, fainting, getting knocked out all that stuff
2. Whumpee having an oxygenmask and they are desperatly trying to get it off
3. Environment whump. A building that collapses earthquakes, getting trapped in a fire. Being trapped in the water.
1. YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, it’s everything I love!
2. I love oxygen masks, but usually prefer the moment when the whumper (or caretaker) is holding it onto the whumpee’s face and they surrender to it
3. That’s some good stuff! The building collapse is probably my favorite out of the ones you mentioned. The claustrophobia of being trapped under debris in the dust and the dark...Oof.
1. Painful wound cleaning. I just love the tenderness, the intimacy (platonic or otherwise) of being up close and comforting the person while taking care of their injuries, the flinching at the antiseptic, the gentle hands dabbing cuts on the face. good stuff. 
2. Messy recovery. non-linear progression of the whumpee working towards getting over their trauma. self-sabotaging themselves. getting angry at caretaker and then feeling guilty about it and hating themselves even more. it’s good angst. 
3. Enemy to Caretaker. perhaps in a hero x villain context, or just some good ol’ fashioned rivals, one of them needs help and goes to the other. Perhaps the enemy is the only one around, and perhaps the whumpee just has that much of a shitty support system that their enemy is the only one they can think of to go to, but just...yes.
1. I love the intimacy too! Especially when the caretaker’s soothing them in a soft voice while they work, Whumpee gritting their teeth but resisting the urge to push their hands away because despite the pain, they know they can trust them. Good stuff!
2. Yes, always. Recovery is messy. Recovery can take a long, long time. Recovery affects everyday life. It’s good to see it explored.
3. Ehh, I’m not as big on this one. I’d rather it be a frenemy than a real enemy. I feel like legit enemies should stay on their own side XD
1. whippings
2. brandings
3. being collared
1. I don’t have any big feelings about whipping most of the time; I think I’d rather see the scars from it afterward than see it in the moment, I don’t know why
2. I like it a little more than whipping! It’s not a huge favorite but still enjoyable! The screams while they’re being burned are legendary!
3. Yessss! Especially if the whumpee frantically claws at the collar, trying to pull it off! Fun times.
1. pet whump
2. non-human whumpie, but I especially love it when whumpie has feathery wings
3. Whumper pretending to be an incompetent caretaker. the levels of deceit and betrayal in that is just.. mhmhnmm👌🏻
1. That’s a lot of fun! It’s interesting to see just how far it can go. When the whumpee eats and drinks out of dog bowls, that’s just the lowest of the low and I love it.
2. I usually prefer robots as my non-human whumpees, but winged whumpees are great too! Those poor babes getting their feathers ripped out or their wings clipped, that’s so angsty!
3. I haven’t seen much content for that trope so I’m not sure how to feel about it, but a whumper undercover always has potential.
1. Whump aftermath. No matter how good the actual whump/hurt is, I’m waiting for the comfort. Painful caretaking, soft caretaking, long recoveries, wounds that never heal, whatever - gimme
2. Breakdown. Whether it be the whumpee finally received some gentleness, or they’re delirious, or they’ve had a nightmare - let them break and let someone hold them!
3. Strong caretaker. Have they been hurt before? Are they the medic? Are they the leader? In any case, they’re the rock, they’re there for others, but who’s there for them?
1. I love myself some comfort but I will confess sometimes I like to beat ’em up and go XD It can be funny to see the readers react in outrage at a cliffhanger.
2. YES, please and thank you. No matter how stoic or strong or angry my whumpee is, they are guaranteed to break down and cry and be held at some point if I have anything to say about it!
3. My favorite kind of caretaker! Ever! The one who would do anything to protect the whumpee, who’ll pour everything they have into making them feel safe and taking the pain away -- even at the cost of causing themself pain.
1. The Box BoyVerse. Just *vaguely gestures* everything! This is the most charming, and attractive part of whump for me. I love the whump community as a whole, and I especially love the partakers of the Boxyverse and just a special breed of sickos💖💖
2. Inhuman Whump. Particularly winged whumpees. Particularly vampires, demons, and angels in that order.
3. Heroes x Villain to Lovers😂 yeah. Just leave me in my Wattpad days of shame alone!
1. I haven’t really come into contact with much of this universe, which is probably shocking to everyone XD It sounds fun in theory!
2. I don’t often delve into demon/angel whump so I’m kind of ambivalent to it, but hey, that means more for you!
3. Naaah. Not really my thing. 
Okay, so here are a few of mine!
1. Fevers! The haziness, the delirium, the glazed eyes, the sweat beading down the whumpee’s face, sticky damp hair, the chills, lukewarm baths and cool compresses -- it’s all just a great Aesthetic.
2. Feeling each other’s pain through a soul bond. Not something I see as often, but the caretaker stumbling as fear and pain fills them, the urgent sense that something is wrong, the whumpee’s in danger, they need to find them now -- and imagine if Whumper found out they can cause both of them pain at once! Two birds with one stone!
3. Manhandling, especially when the whumpee is grabbed by the hair, the face, or the throat. It can be intense, it can be creepy, it can leave some great bruises...Plus it’s a good way of measuring how defiant or submissive the whumpee will be. 
My brain is a little dead now, I can’t think of anyone to tag. If you want to do this, feel free!
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whumperscorner · 3 years
"Hand Gagging " for the bthb please :D
Here you go! Sorry it took some time :3 it ended up slightly longer than I had planned eheh
This is the first time I’ve written and posted any ffxv stuff (even though it is one of my longest whump fandoms eheh) so please be kind :>
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BTHB#2- Hand Gagging
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Cor Leonis
Whumpee: Prompto Argentum
Word count: 1950
Warnings: kidnapping
It’s already dark when Prompto steps out into the crisp evening air, waves one last goodbye to his friends and begins on the walk home. Gladio had offered to follow him part of the way, but Prompto had said no. He knows the way well, and it’s not too far. Besides, he really doesn’t mind walking on his own like this. He quietly hums along to a song he doesn’t remember the name of, one Iggy had put on earlier that evening, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He’d better give Cor a head’s up that he’s coming home soon.
*Omw home now.* He sends the message, puts the phone back in his pocket and blows a breath of warm air on his hands before stuffing them too into his pockets. He should’ve brought a pair of gloves, Prompto thinks as he absentmindedly crosses the street by a corner. One lone car passes slowly behind him when the phone buzzes. Prompto takes it out and the screen lights up with the new message from ‘Dad’.
*Fun evening? Eaten anything yet?*
*Yeah! And no, we sort of forgot.* That isn’t entirely true. Ignis had made valiant attempts at getting them to eat something substantial all evening, but he and Noct had been busy with Noct’s new game. Which Prompto had beaten him at fair and square, no matter what the prince would say to that. The two hadn’t really had time to focus on eating.
*There’s leftover thai, want me to heat it up for you?* Comes the answer from Cor, faster now than last time.
*Oh yeah thanks!* Thai sounds delicious right about now, and the thought makes his stomach rumble.
Prompto’s legs have been moving on autopilot up to this point, but now he glances up from the phone at his surroundings. Aside from one lone car at the end of the street, he’s the only one around. Prompto’s eyes land on a familiar old sign shaped like a pretzel and he sends another quick message to his dad.
*I’m by the old baker’s now, so I’ll be home in 10.*
*Great, see you then.*
*Yeah, see you later!*
After the exchange Prompto again stuffs the phone and his hands back in the warm pockets on his jacket. He looks quickly to both sides before crossing the road again, and well over on the other side he turns right. There’s a shortcut a bit further down that he plans on taking. Behind him, a lone car starts moving slowly in the same direction he’s going. But Prompto doesn’t notice it. His head is full of longing thoughts of warm thai food, and the song that he still doesn’t remember the name of.
He keeps walking for another few minutes, where the most interesting thing to happen is a squirrel jump-scaring him by running across the road up ahead. Then, the phone in his pocket buzzes and lights up to show a message from Noct. It’s a shot of the tv screen and the prince’s new game, with a new personal best he’s showing off. Prompto snickers and writes out the reply.
*Oh shit, didn’t know specs knew how to play that. He’s really good!*
*Screw you xD* comes the answer.
The two bicker back and forth for a good while, and Prompto vows to beat him again soon enough, which Noct does not believe he can do. Prompto smiles at the screen, letting his legs carry him absentmindedly along, he knows he can. He beats Noct fairly often, and not that he would brag or anything, but he’s pretty good when it comes to games.
Had Prompto been less distracted he would have no doubt realised something was off. He would have easily noticed the car, which has been following him down two and a half streets already. Never too far behind, but never passing him either. But Prompto hums and types excitedly as he walks along. It doesn’t occur to him to check, and why would it? He walks this way home all the time, and nothing bad has ever happened before.
Reaching the sharp left turn, Prompto begins on the way down the alley he knows will cut at least four minutes off of his normal walk. He gets a glimpse of the car when he rounds the corner, but it’s out of his line of sight soon enough. The alleyway here is narrower than the previous road, and darker too, but that doesn’t scare Prompto. Though something about that car does feel off to him. It feels familiar and gives him the strangest sense of déjà vu. Prompto makes a valiant effort to shake the feelings of unease now creeping up in him, but it doesn’t take long before the sound of tires screeching to a halt stops him in his tracks. He swirls around and scans the entrance to the alley, but no car is visible there. Still, his stomach twists uncomfortably, and he finds himself regretting that he passed up the offer from Gladio to walk with him.
A growing sense of foreboding dread settles in his stomach as Prompto slowly turns back around and keeps walking. He must be imagining things, he’s almost sure of it. Almost. The wind picks up, howling loudly in Prompto’s ears. The sound of it rustling the leaves on the ground could almost be mistaken for light footsteps. A chill runs up Prompto’s spine at the thought, but he doesn’t dare look back, instead upping his pace slightly. There’s probably nothing, says the rational part of his brain, but then again... How many times hasn’t Cor repeated that it’s better to trust your gut, and that if a situation feels off then it’s better to be safe than sorry? Well, it is better to be safe than sorry, Prompto decides and finds his dad’s number in the contact list. His finger is shaking slightly as it hovers over the call button, a combination of the cold and the nerves.
Just then, as he presses down on the button, something heavy collides with him from behind. His eyes widen and his mouth opens in a surprised shriek, but any sound is muffled by the big hand clamping over his mouth. Then he's yanked back, barely having time to register the screen on his phone changing to show the call trying to connect before it clatters down on the ground. Adrenaline and panic rushes in his ears and he struggles, instinctively twisting and squirming and trying to pull the person's arms off of him as he is dragged back. The haze of fear and confusion lifts for just long enough that Prompto's brain can finally catch up to what's actually happening, and it does in no way ease the panic. A muffled, terrified, squeal bubbles up in his throat and his struggling intensifies, limbs flailing as unknown hands grab around his face and chest. As if by a miracle his elbow connects with something soft and a pained groan sounds from behind, but if Prompto had any hope of that making things easier he was soon proven wrong. With a guttural curse the person behind changes direction, manhandling Prompto around so he almost loses his balance and pushing him up against the wall of the alleyway. A low whine, muffled by the hand, escapes as he pushes uselessly against the bricks in an attempt to give himself any leeway.
"Come quietly pretty boy, and you won't have to get hurt." A deep man’s voice hisses. The voice is low and dangerous, and the man’s breath is hot on Prompto's ear. It makes him shiver. He attempts to shake his head, to protest, he wants the man off of him. His fruitless struggling evidently makes the man laugh, a mocking bark of a sound comes from behind and then-
"-Prom? You there kid?" The call on his phone, now on the ground somewhere, has gone through. That’s Cor’s voice. Prompto recognises it instantly and relief floods through him. For a short moment both he and the man holding him stand completely still, then Prompto gathers himself and wrenches free of the grip. He gasps in a breath of fresh air.
"Dad! Da-" and the hand is back, clamping over his mouth again with bruising force and muffling the rest of his yelling.
"Prompto?! What's going on?" Cor's voice is louder as he presses on, more urgent. He can tell something is wrong, it's obvious in his voice, and the man holding Prompto curses loudly. Out of the corner of his eye Prompto sees another silhouetted person approaching. For one wonderful moment he thinks it might be someone coming to help, but it isn't. The other person strides forward, past Prompto and the man, and through Prompto's muffled yelling brings the heel of their boot down on the phone, hard. Once, then twice, until Cor's voice distorts and disappears and the broken screen flickers to black. With his dad's voice gone again Prompto feels more alone and hopeless than at any other point this evening, and fear grips his chest tight.
"Should teach Leonis to watch who he messes with." the silhouetted person turns back, and Prompto can see the sharp features of another man, mouth twisted in distain at Cor's name. He spits on the ground and starts walking again. "Let's move."
The man holding Prompto nods in response, and without warning manoeuvres him around to walk back towards the entrance to the alleyway. The sudden movement wakes Prompto from his petrified state, he stumbles, but is quick to regain his balance and plants his feet firmly on the ground. Cor knows something is going on. That means he'll come look for him, Prompto is sure of it. He can't let the men take him away before his dad comes for him. He bucks and twists in the man's grip with renewed energy, if he can only stall for long enough this will be fine. Cor will come and he will be fine. It's the only thing on Prompto's mind as the man holding him grunts in effort at keeping him subdued. A few feet up ahead, the commotion alerts the second assailant, who wastes no time rushing back towards the two.
"Stop fucking struggling." he almost spits the words as he comes closer, but Prompto meets his eyes defiantly. He doesn't intend on going along quietly, especially not when he knows Cor is coming. "Fine." the second man spits through grit teeth. Then, with no prior warning letting Prompto know to brace himself, a clenched first collides with his stomach. The impact knocks the air out of him, he cries out into the hand, and if it weren't for the man's tight grip he probably would have fallen. For a short dizzying moment he thinks he might puke, he tries to gasp, but with the hand still over his mouth it doesn't work. He's not getting enough air. Then they're on the move again, and Prompto has no choice but to follow suit. He's more carried than walked to the alley's entry, where the black car from before is parked just out of sight behind the corner. Prompto's heart sinks in his chest at the sight of it, and he tries one last time to pull the man's hands off of him. Some small part of him hopes that maybe if he can yell again now someone will hear and come help, but he's tired, and the hand won't budge anymore. He struggles still, of course, but his resisting doesn't help him as the men lock him up in the dark trunk of the car and drive off.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
Behind the Fic: TW:OPT - Chapter 130 & 131
Two-part overblot battle! i   s u r v i v e d !
WARNING: This will contain a bit of spoiler for the newest chapters of my fanfiction, Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure.
Apply for both chapters:
Let's start from the beginning. These chapters' title are from the 2019 version of Arabian Night.
Originally this supposed to be one long chapter. However, my brain can't handle writing more than 2k battle scene.
Regarding the rescue squad's scenes (ADeuce arrival at the port and Crowley at the NRC main street). I originally want to give more scene of them, with ADeuce travelling with Crowley. But I haven't find a good way for the methods. The first idea is to have them travel through the sea (which was reference in Chapter 130) during a storm, which is why ADeuce arrived first before Crowley. The second idea is to have them travel through a secret way which connect to the Diasomnia dorm which was used by Diasomnia Squad for quick escape (and a short explanation of how Lilia could go back to NRC quickly to give the letter from Malleus to MC).
This overblot battle, not only long, but maybe the as bloody, or even more than Savanaclaw final battle. I mean... So many people got hurt in this battle.
All of the battle here is inspired from Avatar the Last Airbender, mostly versus Azula
Also, dude-in-distress Jonah, because I'm a sucker for that mc whumping and being vulnerable. As if he's not suffering enough in this two recent arc XD
Chapter 130: The Power Your Wishing Commands!
Okay. Writing Jamil-Jonah dialogue was both fun and hard. Jonah's speech in particular. How do you make a dialogue that doesn't sound out of place but make sense at the same time. I know what the speech will be about, and yet to make Jamil's dialog to connect them is the challenge.
Kalim challenging Jamil is actually happen in canon, but they never really do the actual duel, which is slightly disappointing. Thus, the duel is created.
The duel can also be a nice callback to the duel way back in Heartslabyul Arc.
The Kalim vs Jamil is inspired by Zuko vs Azul final agni kai. You can see some references in the dialogues.
Okay. There's actually a bit of a problem in the positioning. I have to admit it was slightly awkward with Jonah being held by the genie shadow while the others battle in the courtyard
I had a thought that the battle should happen on the lounge so Jonah's fall would be easier. But that would make it risky with the tight space.
'Extra Large Tempest' is a callback to the thing Ace did back in the prologue.
Chapter 131: Well, Your Destiny Lies in Your Hands!
The summary is supposed to be in the combined chapter idea, but it was moved to the second half
The Crowley scene is one of the reason why I had to cut this chapter in half. Crowley scene is way better in the beginning of the chapter. But if I put it in the previous chapter, it will destroy the pacing even just slightly and everyone will wonder what take Crowley so long if he arrived before the duel.
The battle of Ramshackle + Octavinelle + Heartslabyul Brain Cell vs Jamil is inspired by Aang and Zuko vs Azula
I don't know how gravity works, so Ace's power might be confusing.
Again, this battle has a large cast, so there might be some who doesn't get many screen times (I am so sorry Leech Twins)
Now. As you know, I really want to make a JonAzul falling scene, which is why the fountain-platform is made. They need to be on the higher ground
JonAzul fall scene go brrr
Okay. The actual idea for the fall scene, related to how the battle might should've happen in the lounge, wasn't supposed to be this bloody. Originally Jonah would be pushed down off the balcony and Azul ran after him. There would be another drowning scene. Whoever, all those changed when I made that fountain and bird cage, so Jamil needed that much power to break metal. Which is why the idea drowning scene was scrapped because Jonah was already half dead.
Crowley is canonically a keyblade weilder in this fic!
Crowley vs Jamil is inspired by Aang vs Azula on the drill
Once again, Jamil's dialogues are hard to write. Sorry if it sounds awkward.
Originally, I want Crowley to deal with the final blow, but after a second thought, it was changed to Kalim because I just feel it's way more fitting
JonAzul crying scene go brrr
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