#we don’t even know loa’s name
salemlunaa · 2 months
a guaranteed “method”, where all that you desire is owed to you
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anyway, i know i talk alot about not needing methods, and its true, you don’t need anything but yourself to tap in to the void/“I AM” state. However i dont really see SATS as a method and i think it’s great to consider when looking at loa and shifting
“what is SATS?”
you may ask, well, that is the abbreviation for the “state akin to sleep”
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as you can see, the word “akin” means something of a similar nature to, so the state akin to sleep is basically the name to describe the lightheaded, woozy state before you go to bed bed
You can visualise what you want in this state, or you can affirm, you don’t need ten thousand affirmations, one can get the point across you’re a god and the operant power so even with one vague affirmation, your subconscious mind knows exactly what your talking about.
“when will i be able to see my results?”
you may also ask, and let me tell you it is guaranteed that you why what you want as soon as you wake up. This is why this “method” is popular in the loa community because it one of those where your subconscious mind is in full control.
An example of this could be Neville Goddard’s manifesting class. He asked that his students affirm/visualise climbing a ladder during SATS. He then told them to affirm against it during the day, telling themselves that they will NOT climb a ladder. He told his students not to come back if they didn’t climb a ladder and everyone returned.
This example just shows how powerful we can be when we let our subconscious mind take the wheel. All our doubts and fears cancel out and whatever we desire becomes real and no longer remains a desire. You can use this to enter the void, visualise your void and affirm for it and you will wake up there. You can do this for absolutely anything you desire. you can use SATS on its own, a lot of people just love the void so they use SATS to get there, but affirming for your dream life or visualising you waking up in the bed of your dream reality is another method other than the void.
A lot of you may struggle with this because you either, “can’t fall asleep” or you “fall asleep too quickly” while your mind was wondering and to that i say STAY DISCIPLINED!! The same way you would stay disciplined while studying for a test or while working a shift at your job is the same way you must stay disciplined while doing this method. It’s okay to “fail” the first time, and you’re more than allowed to feel upset waking back up in your shitty “reality”. But don’t beat yourself up about it and know that you can always do it again. You can simply decide that SATS is easy for you and it will reflect. always.
And as i always say, you don’t have to wait for the night to do this, ofcourse if you have things to do you don’t need to put them on hold but you don’t need to wait for the night to come, you. an fall into this state at ANY TIME OF DAY, so there goes another excuse for you to procrastinate. Now get to it love, because i KNOW that you can do this.
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veronimouse · 3 months
✨my experience with loa (law of assumption)✨
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long narrations ahead
when i was younger, i think i was about 5 years old, i used to tell kids my age and everyone i meet one thing about me when asked to introduce myself. i was like “my name’s maddy!! and im a very lucky girl 😄”
they would be like “aww, god must love you so much” and i always say “no, the moon goddess does” (i’ve always been fascinated with stars and moon, or should i say astrology way before i even knew about it. and u cannot tell me that the moon goddess doesn’t really adores me !!)
some just shrug it off and just smiles at me, but some elders would scold me because that’s disrespectful to “god”.
so back to the real deal, since i used to say and believe that im lucky and everything goes my way, everything actually does.
and when i say im lucky, i really am.
i used to join pageants when i was a kid, and everytime, i always won. either it’s minor awards or major ones.
whenever i want to buy something, and i dont have any more money, i would always believe that i will find cash at home or even outside whatever happens, and i actually find some.
one time i had a fever the night before the school trip, and my mom told me to not go because i wasn’t feeling well. i went to sleep fully expecting to be perfectly fine the next morning, and yeah, i indeed woke up perfectly fine and was able to join the trip.
during Christmas, i always always always get the best gifts at school (we used to do random exchange gifts at school). and im also always unexpectedly winning games, even the ones im not good with.
oh, and don’t forget when there are tests and i didn’t study, more specifically in math because im literally just not that good in it, guess what? i still manage to get passing scores. and when i say i don’t study, i really don’t and just use my “gut feeling” when choosing the answers lmao.
those are just some of my experiences as a certified lucky girl.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* ˚ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ˚ *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
4 years ago, it was the start of pandemic, i got into shifting, manifestation, astrology, and some other stuff. that’s when i found out about loa.
i was like “isn’t this too easy?” because i’ve been doing it my whole life.
i realized that i’ve been doing loa before i even knew about it (2)
you know what’s crazy? whenever i talk about stuff like this to my friends, they look at me like im having psychosis.
it doesn’t really bother me that much. im just like, okay whatever, you do you.
i actually feel a very strong and deep connection between me and the moon goddess ever since i was a kid, and i feel it deep in my soul.
i even talk to them at night whenever i have the time. it’s like you know even if u can’t physically hear or reach them, you know deep inside that they’re listening and are there for you.
this might be the reason why i don’t have much friends my age in real life, but oh well. i really don’t stress over it that much.
and i know that some of u are atleast gonna say “are you sure you’re lucky? or you’re just really smart and good at everything” type of shit.
and to answer that, yes, i do believe that it’s also because of my hardwork and abilities. but it’s also because of the fact that I ALWAYS BELIEVE IN MYSELF. yes, there also times where im having doubts, but my subconscious knows well that those doubts aren’t enough to ruin my self confidence and the trust i built with myself long ago.
i’m not really that pro when it comes to explaining things, so i hope u got what i wanted to say. happy shifting, my love 🤍
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laurenwalshart · 23 days
Worship of the Wild Gods/Loa
The list of Wild Gods is vast and complex. If you go to any Warcraft wiki and look up the Wild gods it becomes a maddening web that will leave you more confused than when you started. For many their understanding of the Wild Gods starts and stops with the Ancient Guardians of Mount Hyjal that fought in the War of the Ancients (Aessina, Aviana, Malorne, etc), but this isn’t the full picture of the Wild Gods as a whole.
Because of the complexity and diversity of the Wild Gods, it is a common misconception to label the Loa or August Celestials as lesser Wild Gods or something else entirely when in fact the terms are interchangeable. All of the Loa, the August Celestials,the  Ancient Guardians, greater and lesser spirits are Wild Gods. What is also clear is that there is a power of scale of the Wild Gods. Those more well known may be at the higher end of the power scale due to more followers, worship, and offerings granting them a greater portfolio of power and likely a wider reach. There may also exist greater and lesser spirits of a forest, a small grove, local temple, or a single tree that only have limited power in the local area where their followers worship them. (Some examples of this include the Great Bear Spirit in Nighthaven or the Deepwoods Spirits in Karasang Wilds)  
A more recent example that proves that Wild God and Loa are the same term came in 10.2 with a Gossiping Dryad discussing the Wild God/Loa Q’onzu. She says “I heard they’re demanding to be called a ‘Loa’ these days.” (questline “The Answers You’ve Earned”). What is interesting is that no mortals alive now seem to have a memory of Q’onzu and they claim to have existed long before recorded history. Perhaps we have never seen them on Azeroth because there is no one who remembers their name to worship them or provide offerings for them to cross from the Emerald Dream, in a similar way to how Hakkar or Mueh’alah require offerings and sacrifice to cross into our plane. 
What is interesting is that there may be one distinction between the Loa and the Ancient Guardians/August Celestials. The Guardians and Celestials may be bound to Order. It is said in Chronicle Vol. 1 “It was on the slopes of Mount Hyjal that Freya bound the spirits of her beloved Wild Gods to the Emerald Dream…” (pg 40) which includes a list of Wild Gods of both the Ancient Guardians and the August Celestials. In the case of the August Celestials they even chose to remain around a Titanic Facility. The Keeper Freya imbued with the power of Eonar the Life-Binder may be doing just that, binding primal nature spirits with order magic to make them more “stable.” (see Palawltar’s Codex of Dimensional Structure). Perhaps they are bound so they do not require as much worship to remain in reality or they are bound to maintain the order of the Titan’s restructuring of Azeroth and not seek out their own goals. We don’t truly know. What we do know is that while the records of the Titans and their Keeprs present their actions as benevolent and idyllic we know they are often half truths hiding darker experiments and much of the history before the Ordering of Azeroth. We do know life existed before Keeper Freya and as with many other points in Azeroth’s history the Titans Order the advancements of other domains and claim it as their own.  With all this in mind it appears the Loa may then be Wild Gods unbound by Order that require worship of their followers to manifest. This makes Q’onzu’s decision to be called the Loa of Change all the more interesting because Change can be Chaos and not Ordered.
I’ve always found the concept of Greater and Lesser Spirits to be an interesting concept for Druid RP in WoW. Having a connection with one can ground your character to a specific grove, temple, forest, or jungle that they hold scared. Perhaps it is where they know the spirits well and move freely or perhaps this connection is what grants them their wild shapes instead of a big name Ancient Guardian. It also presents interesting roleplay opportunities when your character enters wilds or even biomes that they do not know and come in contact with spirits that are strangers to them. How does your Druid make themselves known or do they at all? Do they provide offerings or seek blessings to travel safely? Do they have rituals that they perform or make shrines for the Wild God they are devoted to? All small things that we don’t see in game very often or if at all, but add so much flavor.
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bonecarversbestie · 21 days
The Scenic Route - Elain x Lucien
Chapter 5: The Middle (~4600 words)
Since AO3 has been up and down today, I thought I'd post my chapter in full here as well for anyone who wants to read it. (edit: ao3 is working again if you do want to find it there: The Scenic Route)
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CW: this chapter contains very brief depiction of domestic violence between Beron and LoA
Amarantha’s throne room was exactly as it had been left four years ago: the cracked walls stood steadily, holding the horrors of the past within. Dried blood still stained the marble floor, and two obsidian thrones sat like sentinels on their dais, watching over it all in silence.
Elain felt Lucien’s fingers begin to tremble. She glanced up at him as he surveyed the throne room. He had been there the day Feyre was killed—had probably witnessed the torture and murder of countless other innocents. She wondered what memories still haunted him.
He took a faltering step into the room, pulling her with him. The air inside felt wrong— too heavy, as if it could squeeze the breath from her lungs.
Lucien released her hand and bent to examine something lying on the floor: a bronze mask fashioned after the face of a fox. Feyre had told her that the Fae of the Spring Court had been masked, and this one had an unmistakable air of Lucien about it.
Lucien picked up the mask, weighing it in his hands. He had worn it for nearly fifty years. He stared at the mask in his hands as if reunited with an old friend and sworn enemy.
Elain turned slowly on the spot, taking in the room. A cold weight settled in her stomach as she faced the back wall.
A body hung there—little more than a skeleton now, only enough dried skin and sinew remained to hold it together. It carried the marks of extreme brutality—the bones were twisted at odd angles, and the desiccated skin bore deep gashes. Even in death, the face was contorted in an expression of fear and pain.
It was too small—the fingers and toes too short. The limbs did not have the graceful length characteristic of the Fae. Elain pressed a hand over her lips as bile rose in her throat. This was a human.
Lucien returned to her side, his gaze fixed on the body. “I didn’t realize they had just left her there.” His voice sounded strained.
“Who is she?” Elain asked him, a spark of anger lighting low in her belly for this poor mortal who had been left alone and forgotten to rot for eternity.
Lucien hesitated before he said, “Those are the remains of a woman named Clare Beddor.”
The name crashed into Elain, nearly bringing her to her knees. “No,” she breathed as her body started to shake. “No.”
Elain felt like she was floating toward the opposite wall, toward Clare’s body. Memories danced through Elain’s mind as she stood before her old friend.
Pale sunlight reflected on chocolate brown hair, a charmingly crooked smile, hopeful green eyes, and a nose scattered with freckles. A giggle as Clare looped her arm through Elain’s while they strolled the muddy streets of their village, discussing their meager marriage prospects—speaking of the sons of woodcutters and tradesmen as if they were the scions of dukes and kings.
Clare had stood by them through their poverty, offering Elain and Nesta some sense of normalcy in one of the darkest chapters of their lives.
She fell to her knees at the base of the wall, resting her forehead against the cold stone. Tears stung the backs of her eyes. “We heard that faeries had set fire to their house with the family trapped inside, but Clare was never found.” Elain looked back up at Clare. “She was here all along.” She looked over her shoulder at Lucien. “Why take her?”
“I’m not sure you want to know,” Lucien said, his voice gentle.
Irritation flared in Elain’s belly; she beat a fist against the wall. “Don’t do that to me.” Her voice was cold.
Lucien had been the first person in her life not to shelter or underestimate her. For all his protective tendencies, he had never treated her like she was fragile or incapable. He had always answered her questions. He had agreed to take her on this journey, knowing it would be dangerous.
For a moment, she felt like she was back in Velaris, shielded from important conversations—left in the dark while others were privy to the truth.
“I am tired of being treated like I will break at any moment. I will not.” 
Lucien swallowed and took a slow step toward her. “Four years ago, Rhysand came to the Spring Court to check on Tamlin’s progress with our curse.” He crouched next to Elain. “To taunt him really. I don’t think anyone expected Tamlin to actually find a human girl to fall in love with, but Rhys found Feyre there with us.” Lucien paused, looking at his hands. “He asked for her name, and she lied. She gave him the name Clare Beddor.’’ 
Elain’s eyes fell slowly shut as he spoke, and her first tears fell from her lashes.
“Rhys reported back to Amarantha. He told her Clare’s name, thinking Feyre had made it up, and Amarantha sent her cronies to fetch Clare in the human lands.” Lucien paused, gritting his teeth. “She tortured Clare before her entire gods-forsaken court, hoping it would break Tamlin to see the woman he loved brutalized. It took days for her body to finally give out.”
Elain stood, overcome by the desire to run far, far away, but there was nowhere to run to. She took a few steps away toward the center of the room. Lucien’s words had fanned the flames of her anger and disgust until it was an all-consuming blaze. 
She started tugging on the fingers of her glove, pulling it off her hand. “Selfish,” she spat, punctuating the word with a slap as she hurled the glove to the floor. She removed the other. “Arrogant.” another slap. “Entitled Fae pricks.” She tore the cloak from her shoulders and cast it away. “Her life was as important as anyone’s.”
“I know.”
“That foul wretch took Clare’s life when she had no right to it.”
Lucien hung his head.
“Our lives are nothing to them but bargaining chips or playthings used for their entertainment and discarded. Forgotten. Left behind to turn to dust while the bodies of fallen fae are honored.”
Our lives, she had said. Though her human life was long gone, she refused to believe that that girl no longer existed—refused to believe she had been drowned in that Cauldron and had not come out.
Human lives were sacred to her for their fleeting nature. She remembered vividly what it was to feel and love so deeply in such a short time. Clare’s precious life had been cut short when Elain’s had been stretched so unnaturally long. The injustice of it bit at her soul.
Elain took the dagger from the sheath at her hip and flung it with all her might toward the opposite wall, where it lodged in the stone. She sent the dagger from her boot after it with an otherwordly scream that reverberated through the stone of the mountain before she collapsed to her hands and knees on the marble floor.
She whipped her head around to look at Lucien. He still knelt beneath Clare’s body. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, and a tear had escaped his russet eye.
“Get. Her. Down.” Elain snarled at him, her voice still shaking with fury and grief.
Lucien did not hesitate. He stood and pulled his cloak from his shoulders, laying it flat on the floor at his feet. 
Lucien reached out with his power, gently lifting Clare from the nails that kept her pinned to the wall. He carefully lowered her body to the floor, letting it settle into the soft fur of his cloak.
“I can burn the body if you—”
“No,” Elain cut him off. “No more magic touches her. We will bury her tomorrow morning.”
Lucien did not argue. He wrapped Clare tightly in his cloak, pulling twine from one of his pockets and binding it securely around her ankles, middle, and shoulders.
When he finished, he stood back, returning to Elain’s side. He reached out a hand, hesitating, before resting it on her shoulder.
Elain closed her eyes and bit her lips, holding back her emotion.
“I’m going to take the horses to the livestock quarters. I’ll be back.”
Elain did not acknowledge that he had spoken. She just knelt beside Clare, examining her face. She could just recognize her in the remaining strands of brown hair—dull now, their luster gone—and the slight gap between her front teeth. 
A tear dripped from Elain’s lashes onto Clare’s chest.
Lucien’s footsteps echoed uncharacteristically loudly through the corridors as he made his way back to the throne room—a warning, Elain realized. A chance for her to compose herself before he returned. She sat back on her heels and wiped her now swollen eyes. 
Lucien stood across the room. He was pulling her daggers from the wall. She hoped he wasn’t angry that she had used his gift in this way. In the moment, she hadn’t even thought about the damage she might have done to them.
He sheathed the daggers in his own belt before crossing to her. He held out a hand to help her to her feet. “We should rest,” he said.
Elain turned and stooped down, gathering Clare’s body against her chest. She was too light—she felt like less than a child in Elain’s arms.
“What are you doing?” Lucien asked her.
“I’m bringing her with us. I won’t leave her here alone.”
Lucien’s expression told her he was not fond of this plan, but he did not fight her. He led the way through a nondescript door on the side of the throne room and down countless winding corridors that took them deeper and deeper into the mountain
Elain began to grow slightly lightheaded. She was taking shallow breaths, trying not to inhale the musty smell of Clare’s body.
At last, Lucien stopped at a door. It looked the same as the hundreds of others they had passed on their descent. It was still slightly ajar, as if the room had been left hastily, and the occupants had not had time to latch it behind them.
Lucien did not enter but instead stood in the doorway looking in. He waved his hand, lighting the fire and faelights, illuminating a spacious sitting room. It was appointed with overstuffed furniture, all upholstered in deep red and gold velvet and arranged around a large, ornately carved fireplace.
There were hallways leading off to the left and right. Lucien led her down the one on the right and opened the first door, revealing a bedroom bedecked in deep orange and copper trappings.
Elain waited in the doorway. Lucien nodded at the bundle in her arms and patted the comforter. “For her.”
Understanding, Elain carried Clare into the room and arranged her on the bed.
When she stepped back, Lucien took her hand and pulled her toward the door. She let him, following him back into the sitting room. He stopped by the fireplace. Elain released his hand and sat on the rug before the fire, staring blankly into the flames.
Lucien disappeared down the hall again. When he returned, he was carrying two apples and a loaf of bread.
“Where did you find that?” 
“My brother Rory was notorious for hoarding food in his room when we were younger. Seems some things don’t change. He puts charms on them to keep them fresh.”
“I’m not hungry.”
Lucien pushed an apple into her hands anyway. Elain stared at it with no intention to take a bite. Lucien picked at a chunk of bread beside her.
He pulled the fox mask from his pocket and stared at it.
“Seems like a strange choice. To curse an entire court to wear masks.”
Lucien exhaled heavily. “Ah, well, I guess that aspect of the curse was because of me. To cover this,”he said, gesturing to the left side of his face, to the brutal scars there that tracked from his forehead down to his jawline. They were cast in sharp relief by the flickering light of the fire.
Elain just stared at him, waiting for him to continue. 
“Tamlin was furious with Amarantha for doing it, so she called us all Under the Mountain for a ball to ‘make amends.’ We were encouraged to wear the masks so that I could hide my…disfigurement.” Lucien sighed heavily, turning his face away from her. “Then she bound them to our faces permanently until someone came along to break our curse.”
Lucien nodded once.
“It was Amarantha who took your eye, then?”
���She plucked it out with a fingernail.” He said, lip curling at the memory. Elain could feel the pain and rage and injustice of it burning in her chest.
Lucien barked a mirthless laugh. “Because I can’t keep my fucking mouth shut.” His face became serious. “I mouthed off, and she took my eye as punishment for my insolence. It was a fairly clean job, actually. The rest of the scars were an afterthought—a suggestion from my father.”
“What?” Elain asked, horrified.
“After she took the eye, she held it there, skewered on a fingernail, taunting me. Beron, who had enjoyed the spectacle immensely, leaned in and suggested that to drive home my punishment, she should destroy my face—that in doing so, she would snuff out my arrogance and insubordination.”
Elain’s heart was pounding. “What kind of father could do that to his own son?”
Lucien didn’t respond, but his face twisted into an expression of disgust as he stared at the mask in his hand, at the firelight glinting on the surface of the metal. He traced a finger over the carved lines of the fox’s face.
“Unless—” Elain hesitated, but her suspicions had become too strong to ignore. She pressed on. “Unless he isn’t.”
Lucien’s eyes snapped to hers. “Unless he isn’t what?
“Your father,” Elain whispered, barely loud enough to be heard over the crackling of the fire.
Lucien’s face went pale, and Elain knew instinctively that she was right.
“What would make you think that?”
“You don’t look like your brothers,” She began. 
Lucien picked at the ends of his long red hair, where it fell over his shoulders. 
“It’s not just about your hair or appearance,” she said. “It’s your whole being. You are cut from a different cloth.” 
Lucien’s breathing had picked up, and Elain could hear his heart racing in his chest.
“You make and break wards as easy as breathing—ones that should be nearly impossible, like getting us into this place.” Elain continued, gesturing around her. She inched closer to him on the rug. “And that day you woke up glowing, it was not firelight that burned beneath your skin, but daylight.”
Another face presented itself before her mind’s eye: a beautiful face with warm brown skin, high cheekbones, and an angular nose. Helion Spellcleaver. 
She had met him on Starfall and was struck by a sense of familiarity that she could not explain. Understanding snapped into place now. 
Lucien’s eyes were burning into her. 
“Beron knows? Is that why he did it?”
Lucien gritted his teeth. “He wanted to lessen my resemblance to Helion, yes. And…I think he wanted to punish my mother by destroying the last remaining memento of her true love.”
It didn’t work, Elain thought as she studied Lucien’s face. It was far from destroyed. She had never seen a more beautiful face among humans or Fae. He was captivating, and his scars only added to his feral beauty.
“You said this secret puts more lives at risk than just your own. You meant her. Your mother.”
Lucien nodded solemnly. “She would be killed in an instant if word got out, which is why you can never tell a soul, Elain. Not even Nesta or Feyre, and especially not those wraiths that follow you everywhere.” She reached out a hand, placing it over the mask in his hands. 
“I won’t, Lucien. I’ll take it to my grave.”
Lucien flinched at the last word but nodded. “Thank you.”
“But if you are Helion’s son, you are heir to his court. Does he even know?”
Lucien leaned his head back thoughtfully. “I’ve often wondered about that, but I don’t think that he does. And perhaps it is better. I’ve never wanted a crown.”
“Why not?”
“I have never sought power over others. I govern only myself.”
It was a pity, Elain thought as she returned her gaze to the flames. It seemed to her that a ruler like Lucien was precisely what this land—these people—needed. Someone kind. Someone fair. Someone who would prioritize doing what was right over achieving his own ends.
If Lucien was to be High Lord, what did that make her? The Fae put so much stock in mating bonds even if they weren’t accepted. 
If she was honest, she wasn’t sure she wanted a crown either. She still wasn’t sure where she belonged or what she wanted to do with this strange second life that had been forced upon her. But thinking of Clare’s desiccated face and her broken body, Elain knew she wanted to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves.
Lucien threw the mask onto the fire. It blazed white hot under his gaze, and the bronze melted into a puddle at the bottom of the fireplace. Lucien leaned back on his hands, and the fire died down until it was little more than glowing embers.
Lucien led Elain down the hallway to the left, pausing to smell the air as if he were trying to pick up a scent that had long since faded. He stopped at the last door on the left and pushed it open.
Beyond it was a cavernous and warmly lit bedroom draped in deep forest green and gold. “My mother’s room,” he said, gesturing inside. She walked past him and set her bag at the foot of the bed. “Not your own?” 
Lucien was leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed. “I did not stay in this suite. My room was hardly nicer than Feyre’s cell. I wasn’t meant to feel comfortable here like the rest of my dear family.” He spat out the last word as if it were bitter on his tongue.
Lucien pushed out of the doorway. “I’ll be just across the hall,” he said, gesturing behind himself with a thumb.
“Oh,” Elain said, trying to hide her disappointment and apprehension. “Okay.” 
She did not stop him as he left, though her body screamed at her to do so. “Lucien?” she called just as he had opened the door across the way.
He turned to look at her. 
“What is her name?” Elain asked, looking around at the room.
“Helene.” He said, his voice soft and laced with sorrow. 
“How long has it been since you saw her?”
“I’ve caught glimpses over the years, but it has been three centuries since I have hugged my mother.”
Elain felt the heartbreak and longing from his end of the bond, and she sent a warm caress down it that she hoped would be soothing. She felt a flicker of gratitude in return.
When Elain said nothing else, he turned and stepped into his room, closing the door behind himself.
Elain sat on the edge of Helene’s bed. This room felt friendlier—softer than any of the others they’d visited Under the Mountain, but she still was not happy to be here alone.
She and Lucien had not shared a bed since that first night in the Winter Court, and she had not slept as well since that night either, but this was the first time they’d slept in separate rooms since they’d stayed in Marina and Zephyr’s farmhouse. This place was not nearly as welcoming.
She lay in bed tossing and turning, mind racing. A half-hour passed before she threw the covers off herself and slipped out of bed. She crossed the room to her door and yanked it open to find Lucien standing just outside, hand raised as if about to knock. He was wearing only his sleep pants and a pair of half-moon spectacles.
Elain blinked in shock for a moment, taking in the smooth, sculpted planes of his chest and the ridges of his abdominals. 
Lucien cleared his throat pointedly, and Elain snapped her attention back to his face. “I couldn’t sleep,” he announced. 
“Neither could I.” She whispered. She noticed in his left hand he carried a book. She reached for it, and he handed it to her. It was Winter’s Embrace. “You stole it?” she asked him incredulously, whacking him on the shoulder with the book. 
Lucien’s face was less than contrite as he grinned. “You seemed unable to put it down. I was curious.” He said, strutting past her into the room. He looked back over his shoulder to say, “And I was right. It is salacious.”
Elain glared at Lucien’s back. “Stealing is wrong, you know,” she chastised, fully aware that she still had one of his shirts squirreled away amongst her belongings. But Lucien, unabashed, just rolled his eyes with a grin as he climbed into her bed.
Elain sighed and followed, sliding under the covers beside him.
She grabbed Lucien’s arm, tugging him toward the center of the bed. He moved closer, and she rested her head against his shoulder. He snaked his arm around her back, pulling her flush against his side.
Elain dropped the book into his lap and tapped the cover. “Read to me.”
Elain nodded and settled in a little deeper, breathing in his scent. It had become so familiar to her now—like home. Lucien began to read, his voice deep and sure. His words caressed her mind until she drifted to sleep.
Elain was standing in a large glass atrium built around an ancient tree. The gnarled and twisted trunk was nearly ten feet wide, and the light from the glass ceiling above filtered down red through the ruby leaves. Carved into the ancient bark was a throne of leaves and ivy. 
The High Lord of Autumn sat upon the throne, staring at her with a nasty, victorious grin on his cruel face. 
And then she was in a dark room. She felt only rough stone and straw beneath her, but gentle hands stroked her hair, her face. Somewhere far away she heard soft humming. 
And then she was in what she thought might be a greenhouse. Her vision was blurred, but she saw Lucien there, tending a strange assortment of plants. The figure turned to face her, and it was not Lucien, but a woman—a female—with kind russet eyes and long wine-red hair. She was grinding something in a mortar and pestle—a poultice of some kind. 
The High Lord appeared like lightning, and Elain saw a pale hand flash out, striking the woman across the face. She fell to her knees and the High Lord grabbed Elain by the back of her neck, and she was once again thrust into darkness.
Elain woke the next morning in pitch darkness. The room had no windows, no light. She was still reeling from the violence of her dream but shook it from her mind as she remembered Clare. She would bury her today. 
She dug her fingers into the skin of Lucien’s chest. She heard a soft sniff as he awoke and lit the fire.
They dressed and packed their things in silence. Lucien held out a hand for her bag, taking it with him on his trek to the livestock pens to retrieve the horses.
Elain entered the bedroom where Clare lay. She gently lifted the too-small bundle that was all that remained of her friend into her arms. She met Lucien and the horses in the main corridor, and they began their procession upward, out of Amarantha’s palace of atrocities.
Elain led the way, with Lucien following a few paces behind. She felt gentle tugs in her chest when they encountered twists and forks in the corridors, as Lucien guided her using the bond.
At last, they reached another cave—a Door. This one was shorter and wider, and Elain could see bright morning light on the other side.
They emerged into a lush meadow surrounded by snowcapped mountains. In the heart sat a crystal clear lake. 
Lucien dropped the horses’ reins, leaving them to graze, and untied two shovels from Juniper’s saddle. He must have taken them from the livestock pens. Elain walked the perimeter of the lake, Lucien following silently behind until she found a patch of earth atop a small knoll overlooking the lake.
Elain gently set down Clare’s body, and Lucien handed her a shovel. Taking the other in his own hands, they began digging until the hole was so deep that even Lucien could barely see out of it. 
He helped Elain out of the grave and she passed Clare’s body down to him. He laid it gently on the bed of earth, arranging the hood of his cloak around her face. Lucien pressed his fingers to his lips and extended them toward Clare—a gesture of farewell to the honored dead.
Lucien heaved himself out of the grave and came to kneel next to Elain.
“She was one of our only friends in a time when we had so little hope. So little joy. She never thought less of us or pitied us. And we were not there when she needed us most.”
“There was nothing you could have done. You would have met the same fate if you had tried.”
“Maybe I should have.”
“No,” he breathed, squeezing her hand.
“She deserved a happier ending than the one she got.”
“On that, we can agree.” Lucien took up his shovel again, and when Elain nodded to him, he began filling the grave.
Clare had been a light in the darkness, a true beacon of humanity. She watched through vision blurred by tears as Clare’s body became obscured and was consumed by the earth.
When the grave was filled, Lucien stabbed his shovel into the ground where a headstone should lie. He burned Clare’s name into the handle in neat letters. Elain buried her fingers in the freshly turned mound of soil, letting her tears fall freely into it. She sent her power into the ground. It came so easily now. A vast assortment of wildflowers and new grass sprouted beneath her hands. 
She saw the air shimmering around her and looked at Lucien. “Only friends may enter,” he explained, and Elain nodded, her face crumpling again. “Thank you,” she mouthed, unable to voice the words.
He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and then walked halfway down the knoll and sat in the grass facing the lake, leaving her to sit with Clare until her tears had dried up. 
Elain wondered where Clare was now. What she had felt at the end. Elain remembered the warm embrace of death as it had held her in the depths of the Cauldron. She had been dragged back, given a second chance. There is someone waiting for you. That ancient voice had said.
She turned to look at Lucien. Patiently waiting, as he always had been. Part of her worried that she had made him wait too long.
The sun was high overhead when she stood and walked down the hill to join him. She sat in the grass beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. They did not speak, but he turned and placed a soft, slow kiss atop her head before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Where are we?”
“Just over the border of the Dawn Court.”
They picked at their remaining scraps of food in silence before collecting their horses and continuing their ride northward. 
Elain took one last look back at Clare’s grave and couldn’t help feeling that she was leaving a very human piece of herself behind with her.
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lovebvni · 3 months
And finally, Rest
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(i have no idea what this is from so don’t ask me)
in my latest post, i know i mentioned feeling so demotivated and sad because im coming up on four years of shifting, but that doesn’t mean im going to give up.
i’m never going to give up.
do you know the smell of grass after rain? or, perhaps, waking up to the smell of bacon in the morning.
the feeling of a hand running through your hair, or holding yours.
being able to talk about anything… happiness, sadness, and everything in between and outside.
being able to express yourself as the being you are through your words, expressions, hair, makeup, clothes.
knowing you are not alone in the universe, that struggle is temporary, and even when you do struggle, there is always someone or something to lean back on.
that is why i am still shifting.
that is why i will never give up.
this is just a little poem i wrote. i know, things are hard. we all struggle. your favorite shifters, loa blogs, and friends struggle. is it hard? hell yes. to the point i have cried myself to sleep on multiple occasions.
but i would KILL to not feel alone. to have a routine, to always have something to do with someone… even if it’s just taking a walk.
i will finally be able to take a deep breath, open my eyes, and see the sunlight again. and you will too. i promise.
when i shift, i will be sure to make my screen name “resting” and when i get back i will change it once again. i want to help you all experience this rest, love, and peace that i long for. i love you all.
blessings, joy, and peace
the abyss
The new creation has come. the old has gone, the new is here.
— 2 Corinthians 5:17 (one of my favorite verses)
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starsreminisce · 5 months
So, I couldn’t help but think a little bit about rejecting mating bonds and how we were never told how it’s done. But what if it’s another thing that people are complicating because we’ve seen it already?
What if it is as simple as not accepting it?
Right now, the storyline between Elain and Lucien is whether she’ll accept the bond with Lucien.
We know that it will also follow her, that she will always feel it even through death, that she has the ability to ignore it.
We also know that Rhys said that sometimes the male will challenge the one the female chose.
All of these things happened to Feyre and Nesta in their books.
Feyre’s bond snapped with Rhys in the first book and we see the bond follow her as she mistaken it for the bargain with Rhys. She showed the ability to ignore it when she was planning her wedding with Tamlin except when she screamed through the bond for anyone to help. It wasn’t until Rhys was seriously harmed that she acted out of pure instinct to save him.
Nesta has learned very early on that she’s shielded her mind and kept it up. In ACOSF, Rhys had to ask permission to speak mind to mind to her, and she described it as opening a peephole for him. Her bond with Cassian snapped in Solstice, but she ignored it till right before the Blood Rite, and it wasn’t until Cassian chose to “kill” himself that we see her instinct overriding that shield.
We also have two suspected rejected mates who follow a similar path. Though, I don’t believe Mor and Eris are mates.
Both Eris and Helion had their mates choose other people. Mor chose to sleep with Cassian after she found out she was “sold” as Eris’s bride. Helion specifically said that LoA chose to stay with Beron even after they met in the equinox ball.
Elain had that opportunity but we are shown that she chose Lucien over Graysen three times in ACOWAR. She said Lucien’s name when Graysen reduced him as some High Lord’s son, she followed Lucien at the battlefield in its aftermath despite Graysen showing up to aid, and she stuck close to Lucien during the peace talks, not making a movement from Feyre’s POV to indicate her reaction when Graysen arrived.
We were only told she still wore his ring, stared at him as he walked away, and was watching him from the window as Lucien gave her space by talking to Vassa.
It’s not a stretch to say that the conflicts in the room, Lucien with Tamlin and Elain with Graysen carried themselves over to ACOSAF. Mor chimed in by telling Feyre both of them need time as they are not ready to face their bond. They both need to figure out what they want to do and who do they want to become.
And we are finally seeing the fruits of that labor bear in ACOSF in Az’s bonus chapter where Lucien becomes an integral part of the “brittle peace” between the Humans, Spring Court, Autumn Court, and we are told how strong the alliance is between Day and Night that I really don’t think Rhys would jeopardize that relationship. We also see Elain returning the necklace, letting us know that she isn’t going to wait for some male to come around to change his mind.
Honestly, maybe this is the second time Elain planned to reject the bond by choosing to be with Azriel and he fumbled so badly that she isn’t having it.
To the point that he found her necklace in his pile.
And what if Rhys knew more than he let on to Azriel, that he switched from implying that Lucien will challenge him to declaring Lucien can defend his bond, considering that not once in that exchange had Azriel acknowledged Elain making that choice?
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infinity-or-oblivion · 8 months
so my loa batkids au has gained a little traction and i’ve hit a bit of a wall when it comes to writing new stuff so here’s an infodump to hopefully kill my writers block xoxoxo
first of all, jason. my forever number one blorbo. there’s a bit of a role reversal here because compared to all the rest of them, jason arguably had it the easiest. like we’re not going to compare traumas but an argument could be made. i honestly don’t remember if i mentioned it at all in the actual series yet, but the story i have for jason is that his childhood with willis and catherine was about the same as canon/commonly accepted fanon, meaning he was homeless around nine years old. however, instead of living on the streets for years, it was only a few months tops before meeting bruce.
and bruce! this is very fun to me, but basically i was thinking that if he didn’t raise dick, then why couldn’t this version of bruce be younger? so bruce becomes batman in his early twenties, which is also around the time that he visits the league of assassins for training and damian is conceived. (for a little more about that, here) and bruce is roughly 25 when he finds a tiny 9-10 year old jason trying to steal his tires. just imagine that it’s so fucking adorable and heartbreaking ANYWAYS bruce, despite being overall a disaster, doesn’t let a malnourished 10 year old out to fight crime right away, so there’s a couple years between when jason first meets bruce and when he becomes a child soldier yayyyy!!!! but legit, it makes a lot of difference to jason, because you know how canon!jason has some self-esteem issues (for lack of a better term) around bruce not really loving him/seeing him as a son because bruce started training him as robin (and as dick’s replacement) immediately after adopting him- you know that whole thing? yeah well here, despite jason actually offering to help bruce as a vigilante, this bruce is like hell nah you’re literally ten years old and the size of a six year old no way, and those few years in between really stick in jason’s mind as solid proof that bruce really does love him, not for what use he can provide, but simply as a son. also being the only child definitely helps with that
(that little detail of jason and bruce’s relationship is slightly inspired by minimum height requirement, which is absolute batfam gold btw)
okay so. slight pet peeve of mine is in aus where dick isn’t the first robin, the legacy is still called robin for whatever reason (lookin at you reverse robins aus) because!!!!! how dare you erase mary and john grayson’s importance!!!!! (look there’s more nuance to it than that i know but. to put it simply it feels like flying graysons erasure to me) so in this au, jason can’t possibly be called robin. the real robin has been missing for roughly seven years at this point
and listen. i tried to be creative and come up with something cool and original for jason’s vigilante name i really did, but apparently i used all of my naming talent on nighthawk (fucking love that name for dick it’s so fantastic) so we just have bluejay. womp womp
also! on my list of things to expand on: main timeline stephanie!!! i’ve had an absolute blast making myself cry while writing every heart sings a song, incomplete and those who wish to sing always find a song, but spoiler steph will always be my babygirl. and duke!!!! i have not written barely anything for duke in this universe but believe me i have some Thoughts. perhaps even Ideas. basically a lot of steph&duke and steph&babs and steph&duke&babs because i love my little underrated trio
also just more babs in general, because like. i’ve had so many tiny little snippets of cass and babs and their sweet little relationship just sitting in my notes for literal years now that i really just need to organize and expand into their own fic. and yet. i have not done that. but rest assured cass&babs are very very important to me
such is the curse of female fanfic writers: always destined to fixate more on the male poor little meow meows than the female bad bitches. seriously what the fuck is up with that guys i don’t get it why does this happen
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thrashkink-coven · 7 months
There’s a lot of gatekeeping and weirdly defined rules in the occult and spiritual spaces. I’m just gonna go ahead and say something that might ruffle some feathers, but hopefully it helps some confused or anxious folks out.
I see a lot of posts online and get a lot of questions about entities. Mainly “is it okay for me to work with this entity?” because of xyz reasons.
Firstly, let’s make something very clear. Cultural appropriation has a very specific definition. Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical way.
I say this as a person of color that understands the negative impacts of cultural appropriation and racism. This may not be the popular opinion, but I don’t think that honouring or worshipping a God privately and quietly qualifies as this. There’s a big difference between appropriating a culture and their customs and worshipping a God you feel connected to.
So having said this, if you feel like a God, angel, daemon, or entity is reaching out to you… seriously dude just go with it. We can’t control which things pull us and which entities interact with us. To many of them, we’re all just humans. Our ideas of race and ethnicity are extremely wishy washy, especially on a universal scale. If you feel deeply connected to a deity or concept, let yourself fall into them. Seriously, genuinely. Learn as much about the as you can, do your research, and go with it.
If you’re ever anxious about revealing that entity to others because of fear of judgement or criticism, give them a personal name.
I can’t say this loud enough,
Within religion, spirituality, and the occult, we use archetypes all the time. Cultures constantly share archetypes and give them personal names in their languages. The God that you’re thinking about was likely syncretized at one point too.
If you want to work with Aphrodite but don’t feel comfortable calling her Aphrodite, call her something that feels right to you. If you feel extremely connected to Isis but you don’t feel comfortable using an Egyptian name, then give her a personal name! Your connection with that God will be all the more personal.
The Gods like, and sometimes demand worship. Their phonetic names are not the totality of their being. Chances are most of us aren’t even pronouncing them correctly anyways. If you think about Inanna when you say that name, then you’re praying to Inanna. If you want to call her something else, that’s okay.
“What about closed religions?!”
It is nearly impossible to self initiate oneself into a closed religion because their customs are kept niche to their group. Without guidance you wouldn’t know how to do these things properly. If you feel a pull towards an entity from another culture, again, do your damn homework, don’t just rush into it. Be considerate and respectful of their origins. I’m not saying that their cultural origin is unimportant, because it definitely is and your understanding and acknowledgment of that is crucial, but that does not necessarily mean that you have to be Canaanite or Phoenician to worship or work with Astarte. Understand how they were worshipped back then, and how they wish to be honoured now.
Please understand that having a relationship with a God is not the same thing as converting into a religion or appropriating traditional customs. Not all religion is organized. I worship Aphrodite in a very non traditional way according to the Greeks. That’s okay.
And likewise, a lot of deeply closed entities with specific cultural ties simply don’t reach out to people outside of their niche. They have their chosen people and stay within their realm of influence. It’s extremely rare for the Loa to connect with non voodoo practitioners, and Voodoo is a very complex practice that requires specific sacrifices and rituals. It is ill advised to make offerings to vodous without divination and instruction. It’d be very unobtainable for most people. I say this as someone with a practicing Voodoo/Obeah bloodline, even I don’t feel secure enough to delve into that kind of magick by myself.
There’s a lot of high tensions on the internet when it comes to these things. I’ve seen posts (mostly on Reddit) of practitioners heartbroken that they have to break up with Lilith, their angels, their infernals, or some other deity because they got chastised for it online.
I think the immortality of our Gods is beautiful. While many of their original chosen people are long gone, they still live on and find ways to connect with humanity today. That is a very good thing.
So guys, honestly, unless you’re excited to share your path with others and ready to receive criticism, keep your Gods to yourself. Enjoy and worship them on your own, and if you feel compelled to discuss them just give them a personal name. If your God is Hekate and you feel compelled to give her a personal name, just say that your deity is similar to Hekate whenever you discuss them. It’s that easy. There are already a thousand different Hekates that people associate with. There’s no reason why you can’t create one more.
Please enjoy your practice and your faith. Don’t worry so much about everyone else. The Gods know who you are, and they want to connect with you because they really like who you are. That’s a very very good thing.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
The Magic of Restoring a Land
While Elain and Lucien both have homes, SJM seems to be hinting that those current homes are a temporary thing:
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(not to mention Elain was notably absent in the crossover)
Combine those hints with the following:
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and it seems clear to me where Elucien's journey will be taking them.
I am enamoured at the thought of Elucien as High Lord and Lady as Day but I struggle to see it anytime soon because of Helion being such an important character to Rhys, to the LOA, and hopefully Lucien.
I wonder if SJM was being sly with the wording above:
"permanently station him at the Spring Court"
"The Spring Court had been made for someone like her"
What if she literally just told us that Lucien will permanently remain in Spring? In ACOFAS we know he wanted to return to living there but was unable to because of the lies Feyre spread. What if his good name was restored and it could once again be his home? What if he and Elain could turn it into the court he once hoped life in Tamlin’s court would be? I'm sure centuries down the line he'll play his part in Day (he could even travel there as emissary while living in Spring) but until then, Lucien isn't the type to sit and wait around to do something. And even Feyre said, "you enjoyed its pleasures and diversions. But don’t pretend you weren’t made for something more than that.” He's never going to be someone who waits for something to do, he wants purpose.
Also, when something is made for someone, there's a sense of belonging associated with the phrasing.
It wasn’t a guarantee that a High Lord’s firstborn would be his heir. The magic sometimes took a while to decide, and often jumped around the birth order completely. Sometimes it found a cousin instead. Sometimes it abandoned the bloodline entirely. Or chose the heir in that moment of birth, in the echoes of a newborn’s first cries.
“There are no High Ladies.” His brows furrowed, but he shook his head. “We’ll talk about that later, too. But yes, Feyre—there can be High Ladies. And perhaps you aren’t one of them, but … what if you were something similar?
I know some feel Elain can't be chosen as High Lady but why? Rhys tells us there can be High Ladies and just because there hasn't been one prior to the series doesn't mean it can't happen now that the Archeron sisters are having their stories told. Rhys made Feyre his High Lady so she wasn't exactly chosen by the magic but Feyre is still unlike anything that ever existed before. Elain as High Lady does not negate that Rhys and Feyre will most likely remain the most powerful fae in their lands.
Tamlin never wanted to be High Lord, it was never a fitting role for him, what if the magic always knew he was simply a place holder until the "moment of Elain's birth"?
What if Elain is made High Lady of Spring and Lucien stays by her side as interim High King (until the war is over)?
A major problem that Feyre and Nesta have when it comes to Elain is holding her back from doing more, from being unable to imagine her in certain situations. But I wonder if all the things they once doubted will come to pass-
I’d do it mostly to keep Elain from ever going to the Spring Court (a hint that Elain WILL end up in the Spring Court?)
I shook my head, trying not to imagine Elain subject to that … fire. (a hint that Elain WILL end up with Lucien and possibly perform in Fire Night with him?)
"Elain would faint to hear such thoughts." (Fire Night is very voyeuristic event, imagine if she were the main act?)
Being this is the current state of the Spring Court and it's manor -
Distant—because on the estate, nothing bloomed at all. The pink roses that had once climbed the pale stone walls of the sweeping manor house were nothing but tangled webs of thorns. The fountains had gone dry, the hedges untrimmed and shapeless. The house itself had looked better the day after Amarantha’s cronies had trashed it. Not for any visible signs of destruction, but for the general quiet. The lack of life.
A tomb. This place was a tomb.
No whisper of sound behind him. On any acre of this estate. Not even a note of birdsong.
Hunting for dinner—because there were no servants here to make food. Or buy it.
And though he roams these lands, he does not see or care for the neglect he passes, the lawlessness, the vulnerability.
- it seems so fitting that Elain and Lucien, two characters who are full of light and sunshine, who are extremely social, who make friends wherever they go and are able to convince anyone to do anything with their words, would be able to restore Spring with not only their personalities but the magic of their union.
"the magic that we create helps regenerate the land for the year ahead.”
With Elucien, the Spring Court could again be a place of light and happiness, filled with laughter and sound and as a result, a place of strength and an ally for the rest of Prythian.
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thevirgodoll · 2 months
i need advice girl 😭 i went to the lego store a few days ago and the cashier was so handsome, he even had a comforting energy. i can’t even say if he was interested because i was with my mom and it seemed as if he was being professional? he told me that the legos set i wanted was out of stock and that there would be more next week. i’m debating if i should give him a note with my number or making a move. cause if it goes wrong, it’s gonna be extremely awkward if i go back in the lego store ever. and i have too many confidence issues to make a move so i’m not sure what to do. what do you suggest?
I suggest (if you are of age to do so) that you go back next week and see how he acts without your mom being there. We would need more information to even see if he’s interested.
What I have learned to gather information about people is to give previews, not full blown presentations on who you are. You can be yourself, but don’t overly explain it unless they’re directly asking. Don’t force it or throw yourself at anyone. Allow what’s meant to be take its course. Learn the art of conversation in general…
the art of subtle cues💭
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this works with strangers as well, but I’ll word it for a neutral crush. always remember what is subtle is energy. this is about being able to let your energy speak for you. never do 2 much.
eye contact… even if you can’t hold it - try to. if you really struggle then just do a “blush” and laugh. that’s cute.
small talk - only if you see body language… read the room & don’t force a conversation.
ask for the name & remember it, compliment it, say it a lot during the conversation (not excessively).
getting the other person to talk about themselves by open ended questions (and actually care).
approach the first few conversations like y’all are friends. At the end of the day, you don’t know them - only the idea of them & vice versa. they are whatever you make them tbh.
a cute, appropriate outfit. signals that you are intentional with your hygiene head to toe.
if the vibes are right, keep the conversation going. if you ask me, the best thing is sexual tension.
Whatever happens, happens. In the meantime, focus on YOU. become obsessed with what’s in the mirror and the world will reciprocate 🪞
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Things come to you when you believe you deserve them. All of this isn’t for Lego boy, just in general lol. Stop by the Dollhouse to keep me updated! -K, President of The Dollhouse™️
official Doll website
affirmations / LOA
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fubukiiisss · 7 months
i went mia for some days, i think no one cares but i’ve recently noticed how the loa crowd found themselves here, no problem, welcome but leave your shoes and desires behind and enter please. Leave all your belongings, loa lingo, everything literally. the ones new here think AV/ ND is better than LOA, nope. it’s all concepts at the end of the day, if you’re comfortable with LOA, go for it. No issues, just don’t ask for manifestation, void asks here in this side. bc that’s not what we talk about, not even remotely related to what everyone here talks about as well. if you badly want to change, go to loa, it’s okay. Pls stop putting ND/AV, on a pedestal, it’s not a technique/ method, just a pointer concept kinda? i don’t even want to use a name for it, bc it’s just “  ”.  what i can say more than that? it’s just a knowing which barely scratches the surface of something inexplicable in human terms and language. 
please don’t hurt yourself and go around hating other bloggers for your circumstances, you can be free of them? change them? or suffer. it’s all your choice, it has always been. the answers you seek? you give them to yourself. don’t give others authority, you know, yet you seek more? for more frustration? 
guys, please don’t keep one foot in loa and other in AV/ND, stay on one side, and one side isn’t better than the other, it’s all illusory and the same with different wordings and “rules, laws, states” everything is just a mere concept, put into some letters jumbled to make words and then into sentences. 
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nikethestatue · 1 year
Antis have this “explanation “ that elriel won’t happen because lucien and gwyn will end alone and sjm likes happy endings. First that’s a kindergarten level reason. Second lucien could end with vassa and third What part of the books hints that gwyn is ready for romance? I understand I like gwyn and I want her to be happy and I will love for her to find love one day but her arc was not about that on acosf. The only valkyrie other than nesta that was hinted to have a romantic interest was emerie because she blush when she saw mor. Gwyn went back to the library I don’t think love is her priority right now. I totally believe we will see more of her in future books but that’s it.
At the end of the day antis could be right only sjm knows but Sjm would have to write a really good explanation of all those eriel hints.
Yes, firstly, it's an extremely juvenile reasoning 'everyone has to end up with a love interest', but also, it's not true and SJM is often very ruthless with side characters actually.
A couple of other things:
Main characters don't end up with secondary characters. It's determined pretty early one who is going to be one of the mains, and then 'mains-mains' and it's always like that.
There are 6 main characters in ACOTAR: 3 sisters and 3 bat boys. It's about them.
Lucien is always a supporting character, from day one, and he will end up with a secondary character such as Vassa and not an Archeron sister. Same with Elain--she is not going to end up with someone like Jurian, who is present, but is a secondary character.
Same happened with Aelin, for example. Rowan was set up as a main early on, once he was introduced. He wasn't a friend of a friend, or whatever. But, Fenrys WAS a friend of a friend (namely a friend of Rowan's) and that's why, despite everything, and arguably, you could say that Fenrys and Aelin were incredibly close and went through hell together, she still ended up with Rowan, and not Fenrys.
And guess what--Fenrys, despite his importance, fan popularity and beauty, in fact, did end up without a LI.
I think another good example is Asterin--if we compare Asterin to Gwyn, Asterin was also a warrior, a friend to a major character (Manon, one of the mains), has a horrible backstory and in the end, she was killed.
Sorscha, another secondary character was killed as well. I mean, we can go on and on, secondary characters (even very beloved ones) get killed off frequently--Gavriel, Danika, Connor, and even in relationships such as Dorian x Manon, and Lorcan x Elide, there is an element of sadness, since we know that Manon is immortal and Dorian isn't, and Lorcan would become mortal for Elide.
I think that there are perfectly 'sacrificable' characters in ACOTAR, and we are long overdue for some deaths. I feel that some would include:
Mor or Amren
I think that Lucien is PROBABLY safe, because he has a story attached to him.
Gwyn doesn't really have a story, other than maybe being a LS and being a Valkyrie, but that doesn't mean she is safe.
SJM killed off the Suriel and the Bone Carver, and we have very few truly secondary characters left, so I wouldn't get too confident.
I think the only ones truly safe are the Bat Boys and the Archeron Girls.
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thebat-musicman · 4 months
The Other Playlist™
I was recently asked to make a young justice playlist so here it is!
@automaticsoulharmony it’s for you :)!
The young justice playlist is under the cut with explanations for each song
Ur gonna wish u believed me (start of brucequest)
Yes I’m a mess (I could see him deleting his identity)
Karma (AJR) (depressed man)
Mastermind (smart Timmy)
Don’t blame me (all his action with the loa)
Fool (him with the Wayne’s)
Wow, I’m not crazy (him when he meets the bats (he is crazy))
Humpty Dumpty (he’s a depressed lil guy)
Good 4 u (to dick about Damian)
Pretender (Acoustic) (Jason canonically calls him pretender I had to)
Mister Cellophane (everyone forgets about him)
Come hang out (he’s a workaholic)
Let the games begin (Tim enjoys power)
Heart of stone (depressionnn)
brutal (it’s just Tim coded)
Deja vu (to dick about Damian)
Every breath you take (stalker)
The sound of silence (he is so fucking depressed)
Go the distance (start of robin training and brucequest)
Viva La Vida (Tim coming back to Gotham)
What ifs (him going to past)
2085 (he’s from the future)
Bones (him running)
Everything has changed (him coming back to life)
When will my life begin (him in vr)
We didn’t start the fire (he is from the future)
Go the distance (him going back in time)
Iron man (time travel)
How far I’ll go (look it’s easy to find Disney songs about going back in time)
For the first time in forever (him meeting actual humans after being raised in vr)
Adventure is out there (very adhd coded song very adhd coded character)
Into the unknown (going back in time)
Dead! (he died)
The nights (it gives me his vibes)
Blackbird (finally being in the real world)
Record player (he’s from the future so it would make sense for him to find 2014 old)
Over the rainbow (going to the real world)
Wow, I’m not crazy (meeting the rest of YJ)
The DJ is Crying for Help (him wondering what to do after becoming an adult)
Centuries (from the future so he knows they will be remembered for centuries)
Father of mine (Clark sucks)
Dead! (he died)
Teenagers (it gives me his vibes)
All you wanna do (he was canonically taken advantage of by several women immediately after being “born”)
Oops! I did it again (player)
Too late (him maturing)
Used to be young (him after the playboy years are over)
Cat’s in the cradle (Clark still sucks)
You’re on your own, kid (horrible father)
When will my life begin (being in CADMUS and wondering when he can leave)
What else can I do (discovering his powers)
Pity party (he was canonically forgotten by everyone he loves after flashpoint)
Rip (by bladee) (I’m still focusing on the being forgotten thing)
Drift away (talking about the other superboy who came to be while he was trapped in another dimension)
Pretty fly (for a white guy) (he’s a player)
Uptown girl (Cassie!)
Rät (finding out CADMUS is evil)
Back to life (I think the name explains it)
Sober up (talking to YJ)
Shake it off (him responding to insults he gets)
Just a girl (it’s hard being a female superhero)
Me too (badass woman)
Clara Bow (how it feels being a legacy sidekick)
Thunder (she’s Zeus’s kid)
Emotionless (good Charlotte) (Zeus is not a good father)
Brutal (her Bart and Kon’s deaths meltdown)
Cat’s in the cradle (I really hate Zeus)
Toxic (her about Kon)
I can do it with a broken heart (having to continue being a superhero even though her friends are dead)
How far I’ll go (her first becoming a superhero)
Last kiss (Kon’s death)
She used to be mine (her thinking back to what she was before she became a superhero)
My heart will go on (Kon’s death)
Eleanor rigby (her being alone after everyone died and she betrayed Tim)
Womanizer (Conner before they started dating)
Devil town (it gives me YJ vibes)
Yesterday (missing when things were simple)
No scrubs (not liking Conner before they started dating)
Two birds (her and Tim being the last ones left and her staying on the wire)
Sober up (her and Tim’s mistaken dating after everyone died)
I hope you like this new playlist!
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izicodes · 1 year
Hi Loa! I'm also in the UoPeople's Computer Science program. What do you think about the program so far? Personally, I think some of the assignments are a bit weird and am not a huge fan of the amount of discussion posts we have to do. I'm also surprised we don't really have lectures. Sorry, I'm not sure how to end this ask but I'm just happy to see that someone I follow is in the same program as me!
Hey it’s totally fine to ask! I found the assignments very weird as well? The resources they have are good in my opinion, I like the Python book they recommended us to read and use for the assignments!
The parts I found weird was the discussion section. For those reading and don’t know UoPeople way of teaching, there’s no live lectures (which I think both me and Anon hoped there would be), and to get some grades you need to post a forum post and have to reply to other 4 people’s post as well to get a pass. And I assume that’s for all of the mini courses within the main course. I found that very odd.
Unfortunately that put me off, plus things at work got busy because it’s going to the summer period and things naturally get busy for insurance companies at that time so I personally had to drop out. But the main reason was because I didn’t like the styling of the why they conduct the teaching. It’s:
Do a mini assignment
Make a forum post about the said assignment
Reply to 4 people’s other assignments
Do another essay-like assignment and sent that one to the “lecturer”
Personally I don’t like studying or learning like this. Was definitely put my comfort zone and not the good kind unfortunately!
Best of luck to you but if you double don’t like it, email your personal portal, there should be a little box with ‘Advisor’ and their name. Email your Advisor that you’re thinking of dropping out. I did that and in the process, like I’m not even doing the work anymore at all. Haven’t logged in for days now! Anyhoo, best of luck!
The important thing is we both tried an opportunity out! Now I don’t have regrets like “Oh I should have tried UoPeople out…” nope! I tried it out, I didn’t like it and I move on!
Always good to try things, then regretting not trying.
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cleostoohot · 2 years
Hi! I I know you don’t care about the drama but I just hate the misinformation being spread rn. People on Twitter will take whatever their mutuals say and run with it and even though I’m not a sammy fan I still can acknowledge what happened to her on twt wasn’t right. So a month back when everyone was worshiping sammy on twt she made a coaching service based around the 10k challenge where she would just make some affs for one desire instead of several like her regular coaching she wasn’t charming people to do the challenge it was just loosely based around it via the name which she changed. She also tagged td and viper in the video she made about the 10k challenge but after td ran to twt she removed td from the description even though td was mentioned in the video itself. They claimed she stole and tried to profit off the challenge that td and viper made bc td is black but it was only the 10k challenge in name the coaching was literally the same thing she was doing for every package expect it was focused on one desire instead of several. Then they started calling her transphobic bc she called someone with she/they pronouns in their bio “miss” like it was a witch hunt they even made Twitter circles to discredit her, fat shame her, they even posted pics of her with her family to bash her and they started saying she was a scammer and paying for coaching is dumb etc. It was really bad and messy and people sent her death threats and after that td and her friend started saying the death threat was fake with their “proof” which was saying their twt doesn’t look like Sammy’s but sammy showed her twt dms and proved that it was a real death threat. Sammy tried letting it go but the whole loa twt community kept bashing sammy body shaming her saying if she’s such a master manifester why can’t she manifest being skinny etc. whew this was lowkey really triggering for me bc I had been recovering from my ED so that was whewwww a moment to say the least. Anyways Sammy told her followers to not engage in the drama especially bc td was a minor etc but there’s two annoying bitches on twt that be under every sammy hate comment defending her they’re hella dumb and annoying lmfaooo but I digress. The situation ended but loa twt kept making sammy into a joke etc and there was hate accounts created about sammy one is called “caliyah Meeks” and all they do is shit on sammy. Then a YouTuber made a video basically shitting on sammy presumably for clout bc that vid got 4k views and her other videos Barely reached 100 views. This account was in communication with the sammy hate account on twt and that account used the aiva situation to bash sammy and use it as a reason to say she’s awful yet that same person couldn’t even tell their 30+ thousand followers to affirm for Aiva and all the other black content creators impacted?? That shit is madddd weird! So tbh I can understand why she feels that it’s a setup bc they kept their foot on her neck even after she left twt not to mention this behavior from the hackers is something she doesn’t condone and has never encouraged and tbh it came as a shock something like this would happen bc sure ppl would defend her when they were being vicious to her on twt but for her followers to try and take down other channels??? And unprovoked at that???? It’s just out of nowhere and I’m sure she just like many others are surprised with the mermaid gang hacker cult that’s happening bc it was so random like even in the fb group everyone is chill af yk? All ppl do is just manifest and give out tips and success stories no drama at all. She actually did address the situation in her YouTube channel community tab and she’s trying to find out the rest of the impacted channels to try and get their subscribers back and told the mermaid gang to affirm that the people who did this gets exposed and that the people get their channels back so if you or anyone else know of the other channels please spread the word so we can help them gain subscribers!!!!! This situation is serious and we need to affirm at least. Sorry this is so long.
ima put that on my reading log for english class now worries 🫶🏽 (it’s a jokey joke)
but no i never see bullying or especially death threats as acceptable like it’s so childish. imagine telling someone to harm themselves or just saying harsh things to them when they haven’t even said anything like that to u. that’s something that a lot of people need to work on.
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sarida-candy · 10 months
help with subliminal for new
Simple definition for new
Orange: exemples
Blue: definition
Affirmation: an affirmation is a sentence, a word to manifest what one desires. I advise you to do it in the present because, like that, you will think that you will have it
Example: I'm always lucky, I love myself, I have my desired body...
subliminal: A subliminal is a sound with affirmations.
exemple: love subliminal, luck subliminal, body subliminal, manifest anything you want subliminal…
To look for a subliminal, I advise you to go to YouTube and type (What you want) Subliminal
There are subliminal for many things.
Submaker: A person who creates the subliminal
exemples: Slade, Moza Morph, Ryuu, Kestiny, Cajel Amirah… There are a lot of them
Since you are new, you must know that there is not only good things. The only bad thing in this community is certain submaker. A few years ago, some submaker were accused of putting bad affirmations in their subliminal. Then there was a debate about "the brain don’t know a bad affirmation".
exemples: Vel, Rose, There are certainly others
To be more precise, it seems to me that Rose had been accused of a bad affirmation , Vel had been accused of pedophilia on a minor
These submakers stop creating subliminal, or at least on their main chain
Go there with your resentment, in my case, for one night, I had put two subliminal of the same submaker in a loop. I fell asleep with it and when I woke up the subliminal always played. I woke up crying for no reason, I hated myself, I hated my life. However, in my life everything was going well. So since then, I've avoided listening to this submaker. I had never seen a bad criticism of him. Even if I know that Submakers can delete comments. So if you don't trust a certain submaker to listen to you, you're right
In the subliminal, most of the time there is: music, rain sounds, ASMR sounds, wind sounds... if you have problems with certain sound, there is a certain thing to recognize a subliminal with music than a subliminal without.
Some channels only make subliminal without music
With the aesthetic you can easily guess. For example: if the font is completely white with or only an image, its often subliminal rain. If the image is white with a heart in the middle that changes photos it is often rain. If the image is often white and pink it is often raIn, if the image is a video game video it's convent of rain...
my experience: I was in English class, the teacher put on rain sounds and I had a panic attack only to hear that
how create subliminal?
create subliminal is easy. Step 1 creates the affirmation
You can invent them or go watch subliminal or other to help you what to write
Write to the "I" even if you make affirmations for everyone. If you make subliminal only for you, you can write "first name, last name" subliminal thing
exemple: Starly Lee is rich
is not my name but is for the exemples
If you do this I advise you to put this and then put on the "I"
exemple: Starly Lee is rich, I am Rich
Step 2 record the affirmations
You can use any application to record your assertions
You can use your voice or you can use what you want step 3 Make the video
Go to an editing application and put your statement tape. Put the affirmation band. You can choose whether to hear the statements or not. Then you can add music but these are optional. Then, add images, it may be related to your subliminal or it may be angel numbers. Then, Export your video.
Angel number exemples: 111, 222, 1111, 1221, 1331. There are many others
Well done! You know how make your subliminal!
if you have question, you can ask me
Honestly, for me, the subliminal community is one of the best communities, like the Law community, Loa... because there are so many good people in it. When we are new to these communities, there are always people to help us
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