#we have no more rosemary bread
themonsterunderthebed · 6 months
guess who forgot it was easter today and has to make emergency soda bread to bring to a wine and cheese night bc the grocery store is closed and i have nothing in the house except for baking staples and boxed mac and cheese
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biohazard-inevitable · 11 months
It may be silly and quaint but I like to daydream about my future fridge that is organized by just me…
Eggs would be in a clear, reusable container so i can see how many are left
A well kept drawer just for cheese
Perishables like potatoes and fruits would be front and center, easy to grab and see if they’ve gone bad
Clear nozzled bottles that are labeled for different cooking oils wether it be cooking wine, olive oil, etc all labeled with the name and last restock date
A drawer for herbs like garlic cloves and other vegetables in that sort of vein
Little clear organiser baskets of snacks places in a line like they would be at the grocery store
Sodas also in a similar clear container so i can see when to restock
2 % milk and Heavy cream aplenty as well as whipped cream
A butter section seperate from everything so i dont have to go digging for it every time….
Everything neat and tidy and easily accessible for any recepie I may try
OH! And a basket organizer purely reserved for leftovers in tupperware so they dont get forgotten about
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
Laios: Oh, So these "Grimm" just dissolve away? You can't eat them?
Jaune: UNfortunately no, these things aren't like any other animals on the planet. Nora claims to have took a bite of one once! She said it tasted like Charcoal mixed with blood.
Laios: Hmm. Doesn't sound appetizing. Man, I was hoping to try one of them.
Jaune: Really? Well- I guess eating other kinds of monsters makes sense. Are they any good?\
Laios: Of course - not everything is edible but if you know how to prepare it-
Blake: *Stare*
Izutsumi: *Stare*
Tai: *Avoiding the Elephant in the room* ...
Chilchuck: *Also avoiding the Elephant in the room* ...
Tai: ... You know, I've never really picked up any of the 'Finer' Skills, always been more of a Brawler than anything. I've always thought about learning how to pick locks, just in case I lock my keys in my car or something.
Chilchuck: I ... I could try and Teach you if you'd like?
Ozpin: It's always nice to see a young practitioner of the arts.
Marcille: hey! Just because I'm only 50 doesn't mean I'm young! I'm probably older than you!
Ozpin: Heh. I can assure you, you are not. *Sip*
Marcille: Hey, what's that?
Ozpin: Hot Chocolate. Would you like some?
Marcille: Yes Please!
Senshi: ... When you're plating it up, just spoon the Curry over rice, garnish with a sprig of rosemary, and it's done!
Ren: *Accepting a bowl* Hmm. I never thought of using Eggs like that ... Let alone soft-shelled eggs.
Nora: *Happily taking a bowl* It Smells Delicious! I don't know that I've ever smelled anything so ... Warm?
Senshi: Well, Dig in! Let me know how it Tastes!
*Nom* *Bite*
Ren: ...
Nora: ...
Senshi: What d'ya think? Is it Good?
Ren: *Tearing up* It's ... It's fantastic ...
Nora: *Openly weeping as she horks it down* ITSH SHO GOO!
Ren: The Creaminess, the spice, the fat from the pork ... I Can't believe it ...
Senshi: Well, that's great to hear, but I can't help but notice You're actin' like you've never had a home-cooked meal before!
Ren: The closest Nora's ever gotten was from me. The day we she was fighting for a piece of bread from the garbage. Then My village was attacked, Overrun ... AS far as we know we're the only survivors. I learned how to cook for us using what we had, but it's never ... I've never felt like I had the chance ...
Senshi: ... You were just to kids fending for yourselves?
Nora: *Gulp* I mean, not all the time! We just got sick of oatmeal and gruel and whatever canned pasta was being served and learned to make our own food!
Nora: well ... Ren learned how to cook for us. *Holding out her bowl* More please?
Senshi: Uh, Certainly! *Taking her bowl and filling it*
Senshi: *thinking about what he went through*
Senshi: Hey, you two *He stands to his full height* I Believe that no one Should go Hungry! And the fact the two of you had to go through something so horrible and then have had to scrounge to make something half decent really ticks me Off!
Senshi: I swear that whenever we meet again I'll cook you the tastiest, most nutritional meal I can whip up! You kids have more than earned it with all you've been through!
Nora: *Gasp* Really!
Senshi: Yes, really!
Nora: Thankyouthaknyouthankyou!
Ren: *Finishing his bowl* Thank you very much Sir! And Nora, please slow down, you'll get a stomach ache from eating so fast.
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injestedsoap · 19 days
you listened as the door opened and closed, not moving from your spot on the couch. there was the sound of bags being deposited on the kitchen table followed by footsteps across the floor.
"hey, hen,"
blue eyes lowered into your field of vision and a big warm hand came to rub your cheek, "How're we feelin'?"
you don't reply, the answer has been the same for the past two weeks. soap grunts a soft affirmative and leans in to kiss your head. "'s'alright." He assures you, "one day at a time,"
you sniff and nod, huddling deeper into the mass of blankets. one day at a time.
"picked up some more flour," soap said, gently changing the subject as he rubbed the top of the blanket pile, "and gaz has asked for that banana bread you made a couple weeks ago, said you can go heavy handed on the chocolate chips if you please."
that brings the smallest of smiles to your face. at some point you got in the habit of baking when you felt like this. it was something to do with your hands and it was hard to feel too horrible when the house smelled like baked goods. soap loved to eat what you made but even he had a limit when you made too much and you had been making... a lot lately. so the 141 got fed. breads, cookies, cakes, jams, it all ended up in the little communal kitchen. you felt good, almost purposeful. it felt even better when they made requests. they'd been a little hesitant about it at first, knowing where your head was, but at some point soap must have explained it because at least once a week he came home with asks from the boys.
price liked savories, focaccia and bagels, anything packed with rosemary and herbs.
gaz liked fruits, banana bread, jam cookies, anything with raisins.
ghost had one of the wickedest sweet tooths you'd ever seen, if it was sweet he wanted it, according to soap rumors that ghost had a cocaine habit had spread after he had gotten powdered sugar on his mask and gloves.
everything was bad. it had been bad for a while. it would probably be bad for a while yet. but when you were in the kitchen making something you knew would be eaten you felt... okay.
soap nuzzled into the blankets and you kissed him. this felt pretty okay too.
"do you need anything from me just yet, bonnie?" he asked gently, nosing at your cheeks.
you shook your head, but then stopped and extracted your arms and reached for him. banana bread smelled best at night and right now you did have something you needed, actually.
soap smiled and nodded, rearranging your blankets until you were both in the cocoon together and he wrapped his arms tight around you. just for a bit, this could be all you needed just for a bit.
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midnight1nk · 4 days
⭐️A few days ago...⭐️
Wow, what a wholesome episode! "The rosemary to my bread", dude, I hope my future partner will say that to me one day. Now that I had my weekly dose of silly, time to check the Puzzlevision website! Eh, I bet it's going to be the same as...
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An eye for an eye...
How are we feeling, SMG4 fandom? It's that time of year and many have speculated about WOTFI as well as what might come afterwards. Myself included with my previous theory posts, suspecting that something big is guaranteed to happen. And we didn't have to wait long.
On the 14th of September, just a few days ago, the channel's latest episode, 'SMG4 and SMG3 come up with an episode' was released. But what truly made the fandom lose their mind was the sudden change of the Puzzlevision website. If you need a refresher, here is what it looked like before:
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It had:
[puzzlevision.tv] being the site title and URL
Mr Puzzles' logo
A central image that transitioned between a webp to a gif file and vice versa on certain occasions
(after choosing Save As option) the image already labeled as Now Airing
Now, there was talk about this that wasn't left originally, stating that the image (that used to be larger) now had a black border around it. At least, at the time. As someone who has worked with web design, there's actually a number of reasons why this is.
Depending on the resolution/zoom setting on your device, it might alter the site's layout.
As said earlier, the image alternated between a gif to a webp. All websites require a background color underneath all of its assets so the change in image/file size may have shrunk than what was originally. Especially if you are attempting to make it look seamless between the transitions.
Long story short, It's simply how web layouts are: formatting gets a bit wonky from time to time.
Anyway, as I already mentioned, the website has changed to this,
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(supposedly someone said the password was "carnival")
Then, to this:
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Changes include:
The title "War of the Fat Italians 2024" with a similar URL [www.wotfi2024.com]
SMG4 logo
A whole new layout design (obviously) which just gives off 'Greatest Showman' energy
And now we've come to the present day: fans have already submitted their minigame challenges and preparing for a carnival-themed adventure. For me and other theorists, though, we're having a field day. From the clues I gathered on the website and a few past episodes, I might be able to put together what the channel has for us this year. Let's revisit my "WOTFI 2024 Predictions"!
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I already covered a lot in depth in my "Puzzlevision 2: Now Airing" theory [link] and I'll be referring back to it here, so I recommend looking it over if you haven't already.
I was honestly surprised that I was right about a couple of things. The main one being about the website itself.
The people behind SMG4 didn’t need to put this image in, they didn’t need to keep this website on. But they did.
Well, past Ink, you nailed it. And according to Cube (FM), this is the same website host.
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"don't read into it too much"
Cube, with everything going on, I might as well interrogate a website for memes' sake.
Wait, what's wrong with it?
The fact that the website is used for WOTFI of all things is what's so strange. All the previous WOTFI'S asked the fans to submit their challenges through the comment section or social media. No other option was involved until now.
Maybe they wanted to try something different like what they did for WOTFI 2023?
That's a good point. It was stated that they wanted to be more experimental with their episodes. But even then, the '23 stream they hosted was on their channel, on Youtube.
Maybe they didn't want it to go to waste? After all, sites can be expensive.
Again, it's a good point. Depending on the domain they used and the apps connected to the site, it can be costly. However, I do want to iterate what I said earlier: they didn't need to keep this website up. Better yet, if they didn't want to raise any flags, why not keep the site how it originally was with the "That's all folks!" image? Why the change? Which brings us to our next point,
Let me explain...
After the change of the website, we got this post,
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This brings up a lot of questions:
Who sent the letter?
If we can assume that's Four's hand, why did the post say "you" as if there is a narrator?
If Four had no idea about a carnival coming to town, then why would he ask us to submit challenges for a carnival he's supposedly hosting?
Well, they're pretty easy to answer. We already established that Marty would come back to be the most likely antagonist for WOTFI. I mean, this cardboard cutout managed to own a pizza shop, a casino, an airline company, and a spaghetti sauce brand. It wouldn't be a surprise if he also happened to own a carnival. But as I said in previous theories, Marty isn't working alone.
He's working with Mr Puzzles.
Mr Puzzles was the one who sent the letter to SMG4 just as he did for Wren in Western Spaghetti (indirect or not). It hasn't exactly shown if the letter had his seal on it. Not that it needs to anyway, they would recognize his logo and know they can't trust what's inside this envelope.
Remember how I said in my previous theory that one of the ways Mr Puzzles could control SMG4 was for our blue meme lord to be his eyes and ears? In the latest episode, SMG3 comes up with the idea of a carnival coming to the showgrounds for a week, and SMG4 wanting to go on the baby teacup ride.
Mr Puzzles was there, listening to every word they said to each other. He has been since "SMG4: Inside Out".
Could it just be purely by coincidence and just something out of improv? Sure, the SMG4 & SMG3 side episodes aren't really connected to canon. But like, c'mon, the channel knew what they were doing. Everything has to be put into consideration.
If that's true, the narrator could be Mr Puzzles, the second voice inside his head. Or, for those who love the goop!4 theory, the voice could be the demonic goo slowly taking over.
Now, back to the post!Four and site!Four. If we can assume the Four from the post is our Four, then the one impersonating Four would be Mr Puzzles, once again controlling the events in WOTFI. This time, using his website. Like Cube said, Mr Puzzles is the same website host as before. Also, look at these two:
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It would be too obvious if we see a PNG of Mr Puzzles on the website again so why not impersonate his narrative foil. Well, at least look dapper while you're at it.
Or, even better, Four does know about the carnival but either the goo or Mr Puzzles are erasing certain memories.
Speaking of the website, let's analyze the description:
Step right up, WOTFI is coming to town and we need your challenges but this time...WITH A TWIST! We're doing a carnival theme this year and we want challenges named like a minigame and a description of what they are! For example "Whack a Bob - Who can smash bob with a hammer first?" OR "Pizza Pie Peril- Survive giant pizza's raining form the sky' Guidelines - Please only 1 challenge per person - Nothing inappropriate - Please add your internet profile name in the 'name' field below Thank you and see you soon!!! -SMG4
Carnival theme, huh?
Well, last year's theme made sense. Three's notebook was stolen and was risked of getting leaked. With the casino being heavily guarded, Four and Three had to sneak in. A secret mission to take back a secretive object.
If this WOTFI has Marty and Mr Puzzles working together, then It would make sense for a businessman and an entertainer would come up with something like a carnival. The best of two worlds: fun and capitalism. Besides, the Showgrounds would be a perfect place to host it since it used to be an abandoned carnival and Mr Puzzles having something to do with the land ownership.
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[SMG4: Our New Home // timestamp: 5:38]
Now, what is peculiar is the use of the term "minigame".
Ink, it's a carnival. You have to stick to the theme of carnival rides and games.
Fair, but this is WOTFI we're talking about here. If you win a challenge, you get closer to the end and win a point for your side. For WOTFI '23, every choice impacted the story and therefore the ending. If the SMG4 crew plays and wins these minigames, what do they get in return? And if they lose, would there be a punishment?
It will entirely depend on how WOTFI would play out, in three scenarios:
Marty is revealed to be behind the carnival at the beginning of WOTFI and the Crew learns that, in order to reach him, they have to win some mini-games.
Marty isn't revealed until the near end. The Crew only came because they wanted to have some fun for the day but learned that this was a sort of trap created by Marty (along with Mr Puzzles but they don't know that yet).
Both Marty and Mr Puzzles revealed themselves to be the ones hosting the carnival, meaning it's less likely that Puzzlevision 2 would happen unless something else happens.
Then, there is the phrase "WITH A TWIST". Sure, it could mean that it would be different than our regular old WOTFI, just as it happened in 2023. But WOTFI 2023 also revealed the twist that Mr Puzzles was actually the one orchestrating the whole thing, sending the fax to Marty about the secret recipe and his theme scattered in the background in multiple episodes. We might get a twist by the end of this year's WOTFI as well. Bonus points if we hear a version of his theme again.
Back in my Puzzlevision 2 theory, I predicted that the final battle with Mr Puzzles would happen back where it all started. With the carnival coming into the Showgrounds, it comes back full circle.
There isn't much to change from what I predicted:
Karen would be a key character for WOTFI this year. Maybe Karen just wanted her kids to have fun for the day, or even the corporation, her former workplace, gave her a tip that Marty would be there.
The Crew would have to find Marty's absolute weakness since he's technically invincible.
And possibly Pedro coming back to assist the Crew somehow.
But now I have a new prediction, based on the latest episode:
SMG4's and SMG3's relationship would change to a whole new level. That Four may need Three for something or if Three realizes something about himself, it would change their dynamic regardless.
It's really similar to how it was for WOTFI 2023 with small bits here and there all coming back to a single episode. (The notebook, the duo's meme guardian powers, Four's forklift, Three moving out of the Internet Graveyard, etc.)
It's still too early to confirm anything, but at the very least, we now have some idea what WOTFI may be about as well as evidence to back up some of my theories.
Will we get goop!4? God, I wish. I was listening to "Friends on the Other Side" and I was just imagining scenarios of Mr Puzzles taking complete control of Four with the goo. If it doesn't happen for whatever reason, I'll write it myself.
Oh well, we would just have to wait and see. In the meantime, that’s just a theory…
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🎶Thanks for dropping by🎶
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shapelytimber · 10 months
It's *definitely* not a date
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[COMMISSIONS] - [PRINT] (Promo code UJABTZ still available until 11/19)
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I love these two glhohkgkgjgk the silly 60s spies are cute ok ;; (and there is something about an american man and a russian man romancing each other during the cold war-)
Process (+ a long ass rant about what they are eating (with pics)) below vvv
For this one I wanted to challenge myself by drawing something that's really challenging for me : food ! It's really hard for me to make it look appetizing- I don't really like eating, and I don't usually bother to cook (why cook when I could just grab a baguette, a piece of cheese that could kill an american on sight, and combine the two to create easely one of the top 5 dish france has to offer ?), so I really struggle with making it look good lgkglflfofi but I'm very happy with how it turned out !!!
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Welcome to my long ass rent on a very specific type of french food :
So the plan for this was always to have them eat at a french restaurant, but I could not resist doing something really personal and extremely specific to my hometown- so they are eating in Nice ! And Nissart cuisine is very different from the rest of France. Why ? Quick history (I swear this has something to do with food), Nice was a very late addition to France, only becoming french in 1860, before that point it was part of the kingdom of Sardinia (so not Italian, but pretty close). It mostly translate to it having it's own dead language "Niçois" (a derivation of "Provençal", the old french language of the south), it's own anthem "Nissa la bella" and a very distinct cuisine.
So what are they eating ? First, you'll notice they have a little plate of Pissaladière ! It's flatbread with caramelized onions, anchovy (this is a crucial part of the dish, if you exclude them your just eating onion pie (/neg)), and black olive (btw I checked the english wikipedia page for pissaladière- it's so shit omg nooo)
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It's commonly free in restaurants, and served while you wait for your order (not all restaurants do that, but it's always so nice when they do fkfjkf). It's a pain in the ass to make, and all the ones you buy in boulangeries or stores are dogshit-
Ok for the actual dishes (It was hard to find something that would go well with red wine kgkgfjlfk because that means no fish-) ! Napoleon is eating roasted rabbit a la Niçoise ! The rabbit is flavored with olive oil, onions, garlic, lard and white wine (quick note, nearly everything we cook in Nice is in olive oil, not a big fan of butter). It's served with cooked tomatoes, rosemary, potatoes and black olive.
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And Illya is eating two distinct things, 1) zucchini flower fritters ('beignets de fleurs de courgette' in french) ! More specifically, the flatter version (it taste more like the flower. The more crispy version tastes more like just oil (in my opinion)).
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And 2) stuffed vegetable a la niçoise ('farcis niçois' in french) ! Just empty a tomato/zucchini/eggplant/bell pepper, stuff it with a mixture of meat, garlic, thyme, parsley and parmesan, then put bread crumbs on top.
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PS : just wanted to share a quote from my evil advisor (@quijicroix) : "I'm glad the waiter brought their F cups" (this is my best attempt to translate : "damn le serveur de genre indéterminé qui ramene les miches !")
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breelandwalker · 1 year
(Spawned by this post and done separately bc I didn't want to derail.)
Folk magic traditions and folk medicine, historically speaking, tend to rely heavily on regionally-available resources. Whatever was growing in their particular biome was what got used. So we see many many plants with overlapping usages or correspondence. And it may SEEM repetitive in an age where we can source pretty much whatever we want or need from the internet or from local stores that import herbs and spices.
White sage and palo santo are excellent examples, but we can also look at things that are closer to home. Consider, for instance, the humble peppercorn.
Native to the India, black pepper is one of the oldest known spices in the world, with usage records going back over 5000 years, and is a staple ingredient in most household spice cabinets. Even the blandest, most white-bread kitchens will at least have salt and pepper on hand, and pepper has a plethora of magical uses from protection to cleansing to fertility to warding off bad luck and malefic magic.
AND YET. Black pepper used to be the most expensive spice in the western world. Literally worth its' weight in gold in the ancient, classical, and medieval periods. It was used by physicians to treat a variety of digestive complaints and was believed to reverse the effects of certain poisons. It was so valuable, people used to pay their rent with it, much in the way that Roman soldiers once received salt as part of their wages. It wasn't until the Renaissance that black pepper started to be affordable for an average household as trade expanded and other substances like coffee, cocoa, and saffron gained in popularity.
So we might easily reach for a courtesy pepper packet for a quick banishing or protection ritual today, but that's not something the average medieval English peasant looking to ward off bad luck or keep evil spirits out of their house would have access to. But what they DID have was rowan trees. And we see many references in the folk magic of the British Isles to rowan boughs or rowan berries being using for protection, fertility, cleansing, and the warding-off of misfortune and magical harm.
So instead of going right for the white sage or palo santo, why not try smoke-cleansing with rosemary and bay leaf? They have the same magical properties and are much more affordable and readily available, plus that added bonus of, yanno, avoiding culturally appropriative or overharvested plants.
Anyway, point is, widespread availability is all well and good, but you'd be surprised just how much you can find in your own backyard and how useful it can be in your craft.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 8 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,354 Words
Summary: Sun and Moon take Earth and Lunar on vacation, which leaves Ruin and Solar to babysit Eclipse.
Warnings: Imprisonment?, Babysitting, Brotherly Bonding, Self-Esteem Issues, Touch-Starved, Cursing, Fluff, Mild Angst, let me know if I should add anything else.
To Babysit A Grown Man
The fact that they’d allowed him to live now was seemingly moot, Eclipse was a glorified maid at this point. They always had him cleaning and running their errands for them. Especially Moon, Moon the most out of everyone with Sun being the second most.
Lunar avoided him, Earth as well due to unsavory memories at the previous Eclipse and the Original. Ruin outright hated him. Solar was the one who was ‘friendliest’. Solar didn’t make him do things, but he also didn’t pay Eclipse much mind. But at least Solar wasn’t using the household ’maid’.
Eclipse had been most surprised when Sun, Moon, Earth, and Lunar left on a family vacation, leaving him under the direction of Ruin and Solar. He wasn’t sure why they’d trusted to leave him under the influence of their cousins alone when they’d kept him under strict lock and key before.
It was a stretch to think they were beginning to trust him, so perhaps it was an exercise to see if Ruin or Solar would truly betray them while they were all screwing off to the Bahamas or wherever they’d gone. Eclipse sure didn’t know where they’d gone, he’d just been told they were on a week-long vacation.
Eclipse sighed as Ruin went to charge and finally the judging eyes left as Solar was now taking shift to watch him like a babysitter. It was infuriating but, not that Ruin was gone, he was relieved. He’d rather be ‘babysat’ by Solar anyway. At least Solar didn’t threaten him constantly.
“So what are you up to, huh?” Solar asked, following Eclipse as he went to the daycare kitchen.
“Hobby. Thankfully Moon didn’t throw it out before he left like he said he would.” Eclipse grazed his hand over the large bowl of dough on the counter he’d made a couple hours ago under Ruin’s scrutinizing gaze.
“Yeah, been meaning to ask about that. What is that giant container thing you have on the counter all the time? Venom or something?” Solar asked.
“Bread starter. Sourdough.” Eclipse answered as he took the cloth off the bowl and put flour on the counter, tipping the dough onto the counter and using a knife to divide it into six. God, he made too much. Eclipse sighed at the amount he’d made and shook his head.
“Why’d you learn how to make bread, Clipse?” Solar asked, simply sitting at the table with his feet on it as he scrolled on his arm computer.
“I wanted to learn something…harmless, I guess. It just interested me when I saw videos of it.” Eclipse told him, mixing matcha powder into one of the six doughs and putting nutella on the inside of the dough as he rolled it up and put it into one of the six baking dishes he had out for the bread.
“Well, I’m glad you found a hobby. What kinds are you making?” Solar asked.
“Well, I made too much. And I don’t think I can stand all one flavor. One of them is matcha nutella. One last said it tastes good but I’m not sure for the rest.” Eclipse tried to figure out what exactly to do with the rest.
“You want help?” Solar asked.
“You know how to make bread?” Eclipse asked.
“Nah, I’m not into baking. But I can suggest shit we have so you don’t overproof it, or whatever it’s called, having to go get more stuff to use.” Solar chuckled at him.
“Hm. Sure.” Eclipse agreed.
“I have instant espresso. You can probably put instant espresso powder in one so you have coffee flavored bread.” Solar suggested.
“That…actually sounds good.” Eclipse muttered as he looked through Solar’s cabinet and got out the instant espresso powder, mixing a bit into one of the doughs and putting it into a baking dish.
“Chocolate powder in one of the others Then we have blueberries you can use for one. Maybe one plain bread. Aaaand maybe rosemary and garlic.” Solar suggested.
“Where do you come up with this stuff?” Eclipse grumbled as he did the other four as Solar had suggested and scored them and put them into the oven with a pan with hot water.
“I don’t like baking but that doesn’t mean I don’t like bread.” Solar told him.
“Well, yeah, bread is good.” Eclipse sat with him to watch the oven. “Get your damn feet off the table.” Eclipse playfully shoved Solar’s legs off the table and onto one of the other chairs.
“Ugh. Can’t a guy put his feet up?” Solar sighed.
“Not when you’ve got those damn boots on. I don’t wanna clean the table a third time today alone.” Eclipse rolled his eyes.
“How long?” Solar nodded to the oven.
“Twenty minutes. Take the tops off and 20 more. Sadly, they need to rest for like an hour after before I can cut them.” Eclipse watched the clock.
“Fucker. Why can’t we eat molten lava bread?” Solar whined.
“Because it’ll kill every bit of our internals it touches. And it needs to cool to cut it. Or it won’t cut right or something.” Eclipse told him.
“Despair and disappointment.” Solar chuckled. Eclipse felt relaxed, he liked this little banter. It felt like he wasn’t being babysat, it felt like he was at home with a friend. Family? Were they family? Did Eclipse even get that title?
“You’re overthinking again. What’s in your head?” Solar asked.
“I…just….Are we family? Do I deserve that even? O-Or am I just being delusional or something?” Eclipse asked.
“You’re not delusional, we are family. You’re like my little brother kinda.” Solar smiled.
Eclipse halted and stared at Solar with slight awe. He’d thought Solar would call him a cousin or second cousin thrice removed or whatever meaningless title he could think of. Hell, he thought he’d get told no and called a nuisance.
To be called brother. It felt like someone lighting a fire into his core, it made his processors run on overdrive and his engines turn warm with heightened intensity. Eclipse felt…happy? Wanted? Loved? All he knew was he felt warm and excited.
“Eclipse, your bread.” Solar reminded him, opening the oven and taking the tops off for him.
“Thank you.” Eclipse felt tears well over his cheeks and he couldn’t help but smile, artificial breaths staggered with tears.
“You’re welcome.” Solar told him, not yet noticing that Eclipse was in tears. Solar put the tops of the cooking dishes in the sink to be washed. Solar came and sat back down with him and Solar finally seemed to take notice of Eclipse’s tears.
“You okay?” Solar asked, sliding a hand over but hesitating to hold Eclipse’s hand.
“You really see me as your brother?” Eclipse asked softly.
“Of course I do. I don’t get much time to hang out with you but yeah, you’re my brother.” Solar held his hand and Eclipse melted into more tears because of it. He hadn’t been touched that gently before, ever that he could remember.
“You’re too nice to me.” Eclipse whispered.
“Eclipse, come here.” Solar forced Eclipse to stand and hugged him into his arms. Eclipse melted against him and cling on tightly. The hug was so simple but it made him break down finally, choked sobs leaving him. His engines felt so warm and his processors felt like they were burning.
“It’s okay. I get it, it’s okay.” Solar rubbed his back softly and Eclipse sniffled, his fit of tears slowly petering off. He let go of Solar slowly and wiped his tears off his face, trying to stop crying.
“Thank you.” Eclipse whispered.
“No problem, little brother.” Solar ruffled his rays and made him laugh a little at the feeling of his messed up rays.
“Now about bread, I’ve got questions on if we can bake moondrops into them.” Solar told him.
“If we crack them like eggs maybe. Or melt them down.” Eclipse answered, laughing more at the idea.
“We’re doing that and giving it to Moon. Maybe force him to sleep for once.” Solar told him.
“You’re taking the blame. Not it.” Eclipse claimed.
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maeevel · 8 months
Can we have a snippet of your planned perpollo fic pretty please 😙
Sure! This is just a scene from the later chapters that I have not yet written but thoroughly plotted out.
"And this," Percy gestured to the second platter, "is my mom's famous focaccia, topped with roasted grapes and rosemary."
Apollo had to admit it looked positively delicious. He had never been particularly interested in the culinary arts, what with his main source of food being ambrosia and nectar. But after getting to know Percy better, it was impossible not to fall in love with food. The Jackson apartment always smelled like baked pie and warm bread and fresh herbs. There was always something sizzling on the stove, and more than once he had seen Percy help her mother prepare the signature Jackson seven-layer dip.
"What's that?" Apollo asked, pointing at a baking sheet where a bunch of blue cookies lay, cooling.
"Sugar cookies," Percy said proudly. She wiped the back of her hand over her cheek, leaving a dusting of flour behind. "Do you want some?"
Apollo tilted his head and stared at her, at her dark hair that was piled on top of her head, unruly curls fluttering against her cheekbones. The gold of her large hoop earrings reflected the light, gleaming. He had rarely seen her look so excited and anticipating, with that lively sparkle in her eyes. Usually, she was scowling at gods left and right.
"Sure," Apollo said, because he didn't want to disappoint her for some reason.
Percy beamed at him. She took a napkin and a cookies and handed both to him.
Apollo inspected the cookie closely, taking note of its sunflower-shape and the beautiful pale yellow icing and shiny white fondant and swirls of chocolate. When he took his first bite, his eyes widened; it was sweet and light and buttery, with a faint undercurrent of something spicy and pleasantly warm and rich.
Percy watched him anxiously, wringing her hands.
"That's amazing," he choked out, marveling. It was up there with ambrosia for sure. "Did you make it?"
"Yeah. It's ... it's green tea, well, a blend actually. I thought about, you know, using other spices ever since I tried out cardamom and it turned out fucking incredible."
Apollo smiled at her nervous rambling, sucking the crumbs off his fingers. The tips of Percy's ears reddened, and she looked away from him, fiddling with the sash of her blue apron.
"You're talented," he said. "You should be a pastry chef if you ask me."
Percy blinked at him from the corner of her eyes. "Uh, thanks?"
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Lughnasadh Masterpost - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Lughnasadh, this holiday typically lands on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Lughnasadh celebrates the arrival of the late summer season and the abundance of the first harvest.
Usually it a harvest of grain and corn, but in other areas it’s a fruit and vegetables for harvest. You’ll see the days begin to shorten from here.
This is a holiday that is more easy to feel disconnect from as most aren’t out there Stardew Valley style on their grandfathers farm. We either have a small garden of our own or everything is store bought. Or those who are gluten intolerant they also may find it harder to connect.
Celebrating and honoring the harvest is important. Even if we are not personally gardening we are offering thanks for natures prosperity in keeping us fed and healthy with each bountiful harvest.
But after this correspondence list I will give you a list of ideas of how everyone can celebrate.
Light Brown
Dark Purple
Apple tree
(Anything within season)
Wheat, grains, bread
Squash & zucchini
Lamb/ Sheep
Tiger’s Eye
The Sun
Wine & mead
Spiritual meanings & intentions
Gathering, harvesting
Giving, donating, sharing, charity
Thankful & grateful
Ancestors & heritage
The folk
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Demeter – (Greek)
Ceres – (Roman)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Luna – (Roman)
Dana – (Celtic)
Tailtiu – (Celtic) 
Cerridwen – (Celtic)
Parvati (Hindu)
Pomona (Roman)
Lugh – (Celtic)
Taranis – (Celtic)
Adonis (Assyrian/Greek)
Attis (Phrygian)
Mercury (Roman)
Osiris (Egyptian)
And many other harvest Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations
Abundance rituals
Visit a harvest festival
Harvest your garden
Bake bread
Baking pastries
Make jam or preserves 
Visit a farmer’s market
Create a large meal for the folk
Deity offerings
Create a money bowl (try rice in it just trust me)
Low energy celebrations
Healing bath ritual
Light a candle in honor
Prayer to Gods/Goddesses
Eat some fresh vegetables 
No spoons celebrations
Create a digital manifestation board (Try Pinterest) 
Eating fall themed pastries
Drinking apple juice or cider
Thank the harvest when you are able to fuel your body for taking care of you
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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sintiva · 2 years
HOUSEHUSBAND!NANAMI (hc’s and regular text format)
contents: established relationship, gn!reader, fem!bodied reader, nanami’s a baker essentially, oral sex (r!receiving), hair pulling….. i wrote this in like 15 minutes so bate with me 🥹 and i haven’t wrote for nanami in forever 😭
૮ • ﻌ - ა
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and here we are…
househusband!nanami is the type of man who comes to rub your feet after you’ve been on them all day. he just got finished putting a homemade kneaded loaf of rosemary parm flour in the oven (it’s your absolute favorite). it’s friday and he makes sure he puts it in the oven at 3:45 pm on the dot. by the time it’s finished your pulling into the driveway and further stepping in through the garage door.
househusband!nanami greets you with a hug and warm kiss to the cheek. he can tell you had a rough day when you slouch and whine as you hang your jacket on the coat rack. “rough day?” he’ll ask with his hands cupping your waist, and a bit of flour of on his arms. “you could say that.” you sigh and get on your tippy toes to wrap your arms over his shoulders. he’d give you a loving kiss and hoist you up on his body. you wrap your legs around his waist and nestle your face into the crook of his neck
househusband!nanami walks you into the kitchen and places you on the island; in perfect view of the freshly baked bread. your eyes light up immediately, but it’s no suprise you’ve grown accustom to this routine, but it still makes your heart ache with love and admiration. “what did i do deserve you?” you hum in delight and dangle your feet as you watch him cut you a slice. it’s so fresh the steam floats up from the precise cut he made, he opens the fridge and pulls out his tub of homemade butter; parsely, garlic and gouda have all somehow been manipulated together to make the spread. he spreads it across the bread with a shiny butter knife and walks over to feed it to you.
househusband!nanami who views it as a ritual, he makes you do absolutely no work when you get home from doing work. you nearly moan at the way the bread and butter melt into your mouth, and you offer many words of praise to nanami’s baking skills. “it taste so good, babe. how do you manage to make it better and better each time.”
“you know if you had just proposed to me with bread i would’ve said yes.”
“i bet you would’ve.” he chuckles and feeds you another piece and you can’t grasp how it taste so good. your eyes roll back into your head, it’s almost — almost better than sex, and that quite happens to be another thing househusband!nanami is good at. when you finish eating every bit he’s given you, you plead for more. “just one more slice, ken, please.” and he’s smiling giving himself a mental pat on the back, “just one more, honey?”
househusband!nanami didn’t even need you to beg for more because he was gonna give it to you one way or the other. not only because it makes him feel good when you like his treats, but it’s a turn on. a massive one. your words of praise and how you enjoy the bread turn him on more than it should, and he’s instantly dropping to his knees as he guides your calves over his shoulders. you’re used to it honestly, whenever ken gets like this he’s persistent.
househusband!nanami loves the way you enjoy his bread so much that your moans and praises of approval towards it; gets his dick hard. so hard that he’s pulling you to the edge of the counter and positioning your hips to hang off the edge so he can pull your panties off with ease. he’s so greedy he doesn’t even pay mind to the way it hooks around your ankle. he has his eyes set on one thing, and he’ll get it.
househusband!nanami gets embarrassed so easily, and you think that’s why he decides on eating you out as much as possible. it hides the blush on his cheeks and he gets to slurp and lap at your pussy without being embarrassed about it. he holds onto you tight, basically hoisting his arms over your thighs so you can’t snap ‘em shut. he’d lick and lick until his jaw grew numb and locked. but feeling you tremble from his tongue pleased him.
househusband!nanami is such a pleaser that he doesn’t mind when you start to rock your hips against his face and tighten your fingers in the blonde strands of his hair; it just makes his dick incredibly harder. you can’t even be upset because househusband nanami is such a pleasure dom. he’ll do anything, and i mean anything in his power to see you happy, stress free and feeling good, and all he needs is you cumming all over his face.
househusband!nanami twirls and nips at your clit eith his tongue and mouth, and soon enough thr breads long forgotten, and it’s nanami who’s enjoying his home fed meal. feeling your cunt throb and gush around his tongue is elating, tasting how good you are is even better. he’ll lick and take as much as you give him, and sometimes he’ll use his fingers to get a little bit more on his tongue.
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cynicalstudy · 3 months
I’ve translated some Precure interviews from the 20th Anniversary Character Chronicle! This post is dedicated to Delicious Party Precure. Information under cut😊 (Note: I am not a professional translator! There will/may be some errors, but I tried my best!)
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Plain Text:
Page 1:
1.“Pretty Cure! Delicious Standby! Piping hot rice overflowing with power! Cure Precious! I’ll bring a smile with a satisfying meal!”
2.The Precure Yui transforms into. Yui meets Rosemary and Komekome the energy fairy, and they become friends. In order to protect the Recipipi from the Bundoru Gang, Yui asks Komekome to share her powers and becomes Cure Precious. “Delicious Precious Heat!” is her signature attack.”
3.A second-year at Shinsen Junior High. She is athletic and loves eating. Her home is her family restaurant, and she cherishes her grandmother’s words, “Food is smiles!” Her catchphrase is “Delicioussmile~!”
Page 2:
1.“With the motif of “rice” in the works, Cure Precious was created as a Cure with a Japanese theme. We had a hard time figuring out how to incorporate Japanese taste into a Precure-like costume.” (Next Quote) “The bow in her hair is inspired by pickled plum rice, but since it was too direct, we changed it to a flower. Precious’s motif, the triangle, was derived from the shape of onigiri (rice balls).”
2.“The ribbon on her costume is made of Japanese “Maruguke”, a type of belt. Multiple colors were used to create a sense of pop culture world view. The outfit itself has the silhouette of a kimono, but with a slightly different approach.”
3.“Precious’s boots are inspired by tabi socks. The idea stemmed from the difficulties we were having trying balance the precure aesthetic and Japanese style. We gave it a pink theme color to give it a precious feel.”
4.“We asked Hana Hishikawa (Precious’s VA) for words of inspiration as Precious. She states, “Thank you for the hearty, warm meal! Precious is a name that conveys the gratitude of food when you have it. I love the expression of piping hot rice; it fits Precious well.” Hishikawa-san enjoys the unique design of the tabi sock boots.”
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Plain Text:
Page 1:
1.“Pretty Cure! Delicious Standby! A dainty sandwich, spice for you! Cure Spicy! You won’t forget this shared tastiness!”
2.The Precure Kokone transforms into. When she saw Yui fight as Cure Precious, she felt a strong desire to protect important places with her. Asking Pampam to share her power, she transforms into Cure Spicy. “Delicious Spicy Bakin’” is her signature move.
3.A cool-looking second-year junior high student. She loves cute and fashionable things. She was used to being alone, but after spending time with Yui, she gradually opens up. Her family runs Restaurant du Lac.
Page 2:
1."Kokone transforms into a Precure with a more Western image. Cure Spicy was designed with a cute round shape similar to bread, showing off the smooth version of this Precure design in this season.” (Next Quote) “Spicy’s hair is inspired by bread buns, like pom-poms. The rounded edges of the skirt are like bread too..
2.“Next, some of her accessories are inspired by Western cook wear. The arms were exposed to allow for a sense of looseness. Because Spicy’s skirt design is simple, the big bow on the back helps to balances this out. Her hair is two toned to create a more modern pop feel, specifically the pink mesh.”
3.“While everyone has the common apron theme, they are in different colors. It was initially going to be larger, but we kept it small to befit more of a decoration.
4.“We asked Risa Shimizu (Spicy’s VA) for words of inspiration as Spicy. She stated, “I’ll sear the deliciousness of sharing! It is empowering, and when I said her catchphrase, I felt empowered too.” Shimizu-san states she enjoys how the hair is styled to resemble a donut, and she thinks the sleeves give Spicy a perforated design.”
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Plain Text:
Page 1:
1.“Pretty Cure! Delicious Standby! Sparkling noodle emotion! Cure Yum-Yum! I won’t let you hog all the yummy stuff!”
2.The Precure Ran transforms into. Ran becomes angered that the taste of the ramen in her family’s shop changed after the Recipipi was stolen and confronts Gentlu to return it. With Menmen, she turns into Cure Yum-Yum. “Delicious Yum-Yum Drain” is her signature move.
3.A second-year junior high student who speaks well and has a bright personality. She has a strong curiosity for food and posts about it on her blog, called ”Curestagram”. Her home is her family’s ramen restaurant.
Page 2:
1.“Cure Yum-Yum, who loves to talk and eat, was the most tiresome and tested character we had to design for. We imagined Chinese among other cuisines, and got the idea from “ramen”.” (Next Quote) “The image color appears yellow, but the final design includes orange, green, and red. The colors make it appear as hiyashi chuka! (type of ramen).”
2.“The hair arrangement was cute and resembles a panda. A mini-bowl style to hold the buns in place made her design more glamorous. The frayed hair also represents noodles. The dress itself is an arrangement of Chinese dress elements, with the striped pattern on the waist reminiscent of noodles. To accentuate an air of maturity, we chose high heeled shoes, since Yum-Yum is petite and cute.”
3.“Her skirt is the first tight-fitting skirt in the series. We chose this skirt to avoid overlap with previous seasons of Precure. Adding frills gives it a cuter look but keeps the maturity within.”
4.“We asked Yuka Iguchi (Yum-Yum’s VA) for words of inspiration as Yum-Yum. She states, “Hannya~! It is such a cute catchphrase! Yui’s “Delicious Smile” is also one of my favorite phrases!” Iguchi-san likes Yum-Yum’s twin buns and the heart shaped highlights.”
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Plain Text:
Page 1:
1.“Pretty Cure! Delicious Standby! Gentle and gorgeous, sweetness in full bloom! Cure Finale! I shall be the one to adorn this feasts’ finale.”
2.The Precure Amane transforms into. Once a member of the Bundoru Gang named Gentlu, she was freed from her brainwashing and returned to normal. Though troubled by her past, she, with help from Yui and her friends, moves past and turns into Cure Finale. “Delicious Finale Fanfare” is her signature attack.
3.A determined third-year junior high student and the student council president of Shinsen Middle. She has a strong sense of justice and practices karate, excelling there and in academic studies. Her family runs a fruit parlor, and her favorite food is ohagi.
Page 2:
1.“The student council president is a caring and solid person. Finale, as her name suggests, overcomes her conflicts and was designed based on a “gorgeous feel”. Mainly, based on a wedding cake, which is a little different from Japanese.” (Next Quote) “The heart motif on her tiara is a common part. However, unlike the others, where it is on their chest, hers is on her tiara, symbolizing the finale.”
2.“Since her home is a fruits parlor, the headdress, sleeves, and collar have elements reminiscent of a café worker. It is a princess styled design with gorgeous fruits to accompany it. Her hair changes from black to a dazzling blonde, and the konpeito in her hair are like her transformation item. The shape of her skirt is also inspired by a fruit cake.”
3.“Her strap pumps resemble cake! Cherry and cream was perfect for her, but she is a Gold Cure, so the expression was a bit challenging.”
4.“We asked Ai Kayano (Finale’s VA) for words of inspiration as Finale. She states, “I will carry out my own justice! The finale is where she pursues her righteousness without being bound by the past.” Kayano-san enjoys her design as a whole.”
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2024 Attic Calendar - January
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Currently working on my own version of the adapted Attic calendar! So far I only have January, but February is almost done as well. Fair warning, this goes in depth about what the festivals/celebrations are and how to commemorate, so this post is gigantic. Attention: This is for the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE!
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⛧ [10/01/24] [Hekatombion 40th] - Hekate Deipnon
WHAT IS IT & WAYS TO CELEBRATE: It takes place at the end of the Lunar month. Hekate means "bringer of light", so at the darkest part of the month, we prepare our homes for the transition to a new month and offer her a meal. Think of it as a mini new year; clean/cleanse your house (especially altars), get rid of things you don't want to bring into next month (physical, spiritual, etc), and leave Hekate an offering at sundown (preferably a meal, but if you can't afford to waste food, just give her something else. Maybe bury or burn it if you can). Here's a list of good offerings (best left outside or at her altar, if you have one for her):
Cake (especially lit with candles)
Poppy seeds
Incense (Frankincense, Lavender, Jasmine, Citrus, Dragons blood, Rosemary, or anything you have at hand)
Tea lights
Oil lamps
Crow/Raven/Own feathers
Poetry, Literature, Music, Hymns, etc
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⛧ [11/01/24] [Metageitnion 1st] - Noumenia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: The Noumenia is the first day of the visible New Moon and is held in honor of the household Gods. The Noumenia is a celebration of the start of a new Hellenic month and seeks blessings for the household. Honestly? You can just kick back and relax if you want or can, to invite calm energies into the upcoming month. But, if you (like me) want to be a little extra, here's some ways to celebrate:
Start a new personal project or hobby, or just pick back on things you've been putting off.
Set intentions for the coming month, and make plans for any of the month’s upcoming festivals, or for any of your personal upcoming plans.
Leave offerings for your deities.
Moon/stargaze, maybe meditate under the Moon.
Do a reading with your preferred divination method with the Theoi, asking what you should focus on in the coming month.
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⛧ [12/01/24] [Metageitnion 2nd] - Agathos Daimon
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: One of my favorites! Daimons are household spirits that look after you and your family, so this is a day to honor Him! Pour a libation (especially wine, but mine likes milk better to be honest), make an offering, light a candle, maybe even make Him a lil altar! He's heavily associated with snakes, but aside from that you can offer (or put in His altar) anything you correlate with abundance, good luck, protection, etc. These guys are so overlooked and I love them. Here's a more in-depth post about Him and the holiday.
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⛧ [13, 14, 16, 17, 18/01/24] [Metageitnion 3th, 4th, 6th, 7th & 8th] - Athena, Aphrodite/Hermes/Eros, Artemis, Apollo, Poseidon
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: Not exactly festivals, that's why I compiled them into one section, but these Lunar days are sacred to these deities in that order. Maybe leave them an offering or light them a candle, maybe even just devotional acts! Here's a good list of offerings for each:
Owl feathers/imagery
Toy weapons, athames, etc
Olive oil
Olive tree branches/leaves (real or not)
Clear crystals
Silver jewelry
Incense (Frankincense, Dragon's Blood, Cedarwood)
Olive oil
Baked goods
Anything vanilla scented/flavored
Golden jewelry
Flowers (especially roses and anemones)
Sea stuff (sand, seashells, water, etc)
Self care products
Rose quartz
Incense (Frankincense, Rose, Myrrh, Jasmine, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Cypress)
Currency (real or not) (especially foreign)
Playing cards
Travel tickets
Olive oil
Cool rocks
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Safron, Dragon's Blood)
Honey cake
Sweets (he likes candy a lot)
Olive oil
Rose quartz
Flowers (real or not)
Heart-shaped objects
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Rose)
Animal related stuff (Imagery, bones, teeth, etc)
Moon related stuff
Clear quartz
Bows & Arrows
Wild flowers
Pine cones
Olive oil
Silver jewelry
Incense (Frankincense, Cypress, anything woodsy)
Sun related stuff
Arts and crafts
Clear quartz
Bows & arrows
Olive oil
Honeyed chamomile tea (he loves it)
Golden objects/jewelry
Divination items
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress, Clove, Cinnamon, Bay)
Toy horses/horse imagery
Photos of the sea
Olive oil
Incense (Frankincence, Myrrh, Pine)
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⛧ [25-27/01/24] [Metageitnion 15-17th] - Eleusinia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: The Eleusinia was a thanksgiving festival held to honor Demeter for the gift of grain. A modern way to celebrate is to have a big dinner (maybe include some breads and baking) and give thanks to Lady Demeter through it! Thank her for grain and the agricultural processes that we benefit from!
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⛧ [28/01/24 ?] [Metageitnion 18th ?] - Adonia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: A festival mourning the death of Adonis, one of Aphrodite's human lovers. Traditionally, it was celebrated only by women (as a trans guy, I personally don't give a fuck and celebrate it anyway). Also, there's no source for an exact date, so this is an educated guess at best (most sources just refers to it as taking place "midsummer"). For a way to celebrate, I found this amazing hymn/poem. Remember to honor Aphrodite on this day as well.
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⛧ [30/01/24] [Metageitnion 20th] - Hera Telkhinia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: A minor sacrifice for Hera, taking place in the suburbs of Athens. Again, not a lot of info, but if you worship or have a connection to her, maybe read her a hymn, pour a libation honor her on this day! Here's a Orphic hymn to her:
Hera, incense aromatic herbs and spices. You are seated in a cerulean cavern, having the form of air,    Íra queen of all, happy one who shares the bed of Zefs, You provide gentle breezes which sustain the soul. Mother indeed of storms, attendant of the winds, all-begetting. Apart from you life and generation cannot be found;    Mingled with the majestic air you partake of everything. You alone hold sovereignty, ruling over all. You are the stream which flutters down through the rushing winds. And now you, happy Goddess, many named, queen of all, Come with a countenance of kindness and joy. 
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romerona · 11 months
The Worm
Surviving the game and losing yourself in the way.
"Don't go underestimating the power of a small force, it may be the only thing that can slip through the cracks."
"Rosemary Black, district 10, the youngest ever victor in the Hunger Games. Don't let her age fool you, she a force to be reckoned with, known for her cunning wit and speed she managed to-"
"I remember her… I found it hard to believe it then and still find it hard to believe it now."
"Well, then you know that with the right motivation, she's unstoppable."
Rosemary Black × OC!SnowMale? // Primrose Everdeen?
A/N: There would be a few inaccuracies but please, remember this is a fanfic. I'm unsure If I will match Rose with anyone yet but I'lI think about it as the story goes.
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"Okay, firstly, one of the most important things for survival in this place is popularity.” Allen said leaning against the one of the many luxury sofas on the main cart.
Taking a bite out of a bread, Eugene frowns “Meaning what?”
“Meaning that people from the capitol can be your ticket for survival if you are well-liked,” Allen told them, taking a sip of his juice from a pink-looking glass. “Being well known in the population of the capitol is having the upper hand in the games, for lack of better words.”
“And how do we do that?”
“You need to stand out to them and how do you do that you may ask, well, that's simple enough," Allen looks between them. "What these people want is a show, they want characters, so, my advice is for you to create one- It doesn’t matter what or how just make sure you leave a mark. Make them remember you.”
Rose purses his lips, looking down at the half-eaten piece of toasty bread. The concept of selling herself to the Capitol is deeply unsettling but it must be done, "Seems simple enough."
"Yeah..." Allen sighs, running a hand over his unruly dark curls, before looking down at his plate and stuffing his mouth with cake after cake.
Rose eyed him for a moment. By the way that he sighed and adverted his eyes, Rose knew Allen was clearly holding something back and while she usually wouldn't push people to speak, right now, in their current situation, it wasn't an option.
"What aren't you telling us?" She asks, eyes set on Allen.
Allen snaps his brown eyes to hers, the lack of reaction on his part was more telling than anything else. He sighs, swallowing the last of his food and leans back in his seat, "I won't lie. The fact that you are the youngest tribute might make things harder."
"In what way?" Eugene asks, concern clear in his voice.
"Not you," Allen said, he gestured at Rosemary, "Her. Kids your age hardly ever make it out of the bloodbath and if they do they only last a couple of days tops so people... they don't usually bet on them."
Rose processes Allen's words carefully, trying to make sense of what he is saying. She understands that being sponsored by citizens from the capital is crucial to her survival and knows that she has to battle the impossible odds that keep stacking against her so she has to keep going.
"I'll find a way to stand out," Rose said, trying to convince Allen and herself.
With a nod of agreement, Allen returns to his food as he continues, "I'll try my best to convince those shitheads to sponsor you but once again I need you to back me up with your actions, so-"
The sound of a door sliding open and the excited voice of Caine as the colourful man enters the cart cut Allen off. "Oh, kids, look out the window. We have arrived, isn't that exciting?"
Rose and Eugene snap their head to the nearest window. Sure enough, there it was, the Capitol of Panem. Rose stood up and walked to the window, the city sprawled out seemingly endlessly, every building shining brightly, it looked pristine and perfect, a sight she had never seen before.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Caine breathed out next to Rose and Eugene, who had joined her at the window.
Allen scoffs loudly, he murmurs something under his breath but it is ignored by the three of them. As the train gets closer to the prestigious-looking city Caine turns to look at them.
"Okay, my sweet children, once we arrive at the station, I want you two to give your biggest smiles at the cameras, okay?" Caine told them showing them with his own mouth exactly how they should smile too.
"We can do that, right?" Eugene nods, glancing at Rose.
Before Rose could say anything, however, Allen beat her to it as he stood up from the table and gave them a stern look "No, you 'can' just do that you two have to do that. Remember?"
"Right, of course," Eugene mumbles, looking away sheepishly and back to the window as the sound of cheers of glee and excitement gradually gets louder as the train arrives at the station.
Before the train even stopped, Caine quickly dragged them to the exit door. Rose, as best as she could, smooths her washed-down pink dress and ran her hand over her unruly mop to try to look as presentable as possible.
"Hey," Eugene whispers, making Rosemary turn to him.
Eugene smiled at her, it was an encouraging smile which made Rose feel slightly less anxious and to her surprise, he took her hand in his and whispered, "We'll do this together,"
"....Yeah, together," Rose said, letting out a breath as she looked at the closed door, where just behind the cheering was louder than ever.
Despite Eugene's comforting words, Rose felt her heart beating faster as she took in the atmosphere, she took a deep breath to calm herself and remembering that she had to make the most of every given opportunity, whether she liked it or not.
The door finally slides open, and the cheers and lights make Rose flinch, regardless of her original plan to smile and wave, all Rose could do at first was gawk at the people who have gathered to see them. It wasn't the quantity that startle her, it was the way they looked. All the people there had bizarre hair and painted faces, their clothes were just so... odd, and although Rose, after meeting Caine, shouldn’t have been so surprised to see the people of the city dress like that, she was stunned nonetheless.
Rose felt Allen nudge from behind, snapping her out of her thoughts. She quickly recovered, remembering where she was and what she had to do, Rose took a breath before she smiled at the people cheering for them, the cheers continued as Caine moved them to the vehicle waiting for them.
As they were making their way, Rose could feel the weight of the gazes and most importantly the cameras. It felt suffocating yet all she could do was smile and send small shy waves, still not confident enough about her act.
A squeeze on her hand made her turn to Eugene, they hadn't let go of each other's hands, a comforting fact. He sends her a quick smile before looking back at the masses of ornamented people.
Soon enough and much to her relief, they were on their way to the Remake Center, where, according to Caine, Eugene and Rose will be getting a refashioning for the opening ceremony to which Allen simply said 'Let them do as they wish,' it sounded very ominous to but Rose supposes that Allen, despite it all, knows better.
As Caine went on and on about the opening ceremony and their prep team and their stylist, someone named Pearl for her and for Eugene someone named Lennox, Rose turned to look out the window of the vehicle.
She was astounded by the view, her eyes darting back and forth as she tried to take it all in. The Capitol was the complete opposite of the impoverished districts, Rose was overwhelmed by the sight of sprawling, luxurious buildings and the endless crowd of people gathered there. Everything was perfectly maintained, the buildings were tall and imposing giving off an air of wealth and power that could not be denied. The Capitol was a world of its own, and Rose felt completely out of place there.
After the ride, Rosemary and Eugene were ushered into one of those large buildings, where they were separated and led to individual rooms. In there, two people were waiting for her. One, who had presented himself as Leto, had long, colourful hair that was woven into a series of intricate braids, while the other sported brightly coloured drawings over much of their exposed skin, Pax. Both had unique and eye-catching features.
Before Rose could even mutter her name back to them, she was stripped butt naked, much to her discomfort and pushed into a long, cold table where Leto and Pax began to prepare her.
While the prep team was painfully polishing her from head to toe, all Rose could think was how much she hoped they would just leave her hair as it was. Having grown up in a house full of men, Rose learned to not care for her appearance often, it's not like she had any money to buy pretty dresses or pretty shoes like the daughter of the mayor uses if she so happens to want to put effort into her looks anyway. Even so, her hair was something Rosemary always liked about herself. Her untamed beast of a hair, as her grandfather liked to call it whenever he tried to brush it every other week. Her hair was not only what Rose thought to be her most distinguished aspect, but her brother once told her that she looked just like their mother when she wore it down. That is a detail she carries close to her heart.
Thankfully, all they did was wash it and comb it, though, Rose did hear Leto murmuring to himself as he was trying to untangle her hair that it would be easier if he just cut it off and put her in a wig instead. Good thing that didn't happen.
Time passed, and Pax and Leto had done their work leaving her alone In the room to wait for the stylist, Pearl. Rose wasn't aware of how long she was waiting or what she was expecting but when the door finally opened she couldn't help but be slightly stunned by who had entered the room.
"Hello, you are Rosemary, right?" Pearl stood barely four feet tall, and her delicate features and tiny frame made her look more like a doll than a person. A very pale doll, the woman's skin seemed to be lacking any colour, her short hair was painted white, and even her eyes were a pale blue colour.
"I..." Rose blinks as she stares for a moment. "Yes, that is me,"
"Lovely," Pearl smiles at her, showing her row of perfect white teeth, before she moves to grab a chair and slide it near Rose as she amicably continues talking, "You know, this is my first time as a stylist- I mean, I am a stylist, a legit one but this is my very first time styling by myself for the Games, can you believe it?"
"Your... first games?" Rose couldn't help but ask, slightly worried.
Pearl takes a seat in front of Rose, making the girl aware of the folder in her hands. Pearl smiles waving her small, yet delicate-looking hand dismissively, "Yes but don't worry, little lady, I've been chosen to be a stylist for a reason, okay?"
"Okay," Rose mumbles, biting her lips and watching as Pearl opens the folder on her lap as she continues to ramble.
"Besides, what other stylist can say they've worked with the Tigris, huh? No one, that's who. I was the only one she took under her wing and believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about, my hands and eyes have been blessed by her and I wouldn't dream of embarrassing her by making my first tribute look awful in their debut and- Oh, here it is." Pear stops her ramble when she finds what she is looking for.
Pearl took a page out of her folder and showed it to Rose with an excited smile. "I've noticed that cowboys and farmers are somewhat of a tradition when it comes to dressing the tributes from 10 and every year it's the same, it get tiring, don’t you think? Of course, you do but don’t be frighten now. Lenox and I will switch things a little."
Rose looked down at the design, it was nice, she supposed, definitely different but she thought it represented her district and the wildlife there perfectly….
"I like it," Rose concluded, looking back at the pale woman who seemed very pleased with herself.
"Perfect, now I shall bring back Pax and Leto so we can start with everything and-"
"Uh... I- can I..." Rose hesitantly cut Pearl off, causing the woman to turn to her with curiosity and expectation in her pale eyes. "Can I keep my hair?"
Pear frowns, tilting her head, glancing at her hair, "What do you mean, honey?"
"I mean... can I keep it as it is?" Rose asks tentatively, running a hand through her surprisingly soft and untangled loops, "I... I would appreciate it if we can keep it like this."
Pearl purses her lips as she regards Rose's hair, she moves her chair forward and takes a loop in between her fingers before letting go. The woman turns to Rosemary and sends her a comforting smile, "You have beautiful hair, little lady, I wouldn't dare to hide it away."
"Thank you," A feeling of relief washed over Rose only to quickly transform into nervousness as soon as Pearl jumped off the chair with a smile and a clap of her hands.
"Now, shall we?"
A/N: I decided to leave the design of the opening ceremony costume open to imagination.
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pejite · 7 months
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As the year 1838 neared its conclusion, the Langley farm stood as a bastion of agricultural prosperity. The approaching harvest season infused the air with a palpable sense of anticipation, promising a bounty of crops that would sustain the family through the coming winter months.
In the heart of the rustic farmhouse, Wilhelmina embarked on her familiar morning routine, orchestrating a humble yet nourishing breakfast for her loved ones. Drawing upon the simple ingredients at hand, she expertly prepared a steaming pot of oatmeal porridge, complemented by generous slices of leftover cheese and hearty chunks of bread salvaged from the previous evening's supper. Though the fare may have been modest, Wilhelmina's culinary prowess lent it a comforting allure, a testament to her resourcefulness and dedication to her family's well-being.
As the fragrant aroma of porridge wafted through the kitchen, Wilhelmina's attention turned to her youngest charges; Rosemary and the twins, Robert and Winifred. Despite her best efforts to entice them with the wholesome breakfast fare, the children's youthful exuberance prevailed, transforming the table into a playground of oats and crumbs.
"Rosemary, dear, food is meant to be eaten, not played with" Wilhelmina gently admonished, her voice carrying a note of maternal authority as she intervened to restore order to the breakfast table. With practiced ease, she wiped clean the sticky hands of her mischievous daughter before turning her gaze to Edwin.
Meanwhile, Edwin, typically accustomed to the rigors of farm life, found himself unexpectedly granted a day of reprieve from his labors. The prospect of leisure brought a rare smile to his weathered features, yet duty beckoned him beyond the confines of the farmstead. Later in the day, he would venture into the nearby village, tasked with procuring a flock of hens for the Abernathy family, an essential addition to their burgeoning homestead.
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As Thomas rhythmically stirred his porridge, creating a soft clinking sound with the spoon against the bowl's rim, Wilhelmina's gaze subtly shifted towards her husband, Edwin, as she deftly prepared a slice of bread topped with a generous portion of cheese, noting the contemplative furrow of his brow.
With the bread placed neatly beside Edwin's bowl, she gently inquired, "What's on your mind?" as she deftly maneuvered a spoonful of porridge towards Robert's awaiting mouth.
Edwin paused momentarily, savoring a bite of the cheese-laden bread before responding, "Well, you know I've got to make a trip to town this afternoon to fetch some hens for the Abernathys, don't you?" Wilhelmina offered a nod in response, silently urging him to continue. "I've been mulling it over, thinking we might just consider getting a couple for ourselves, or maybe even three. I've crunched the numbers, and I reckon we've got enough to spare. It wouldn't hurt to find out the prices, at least."
Wilhelmina's expression softened, betraying the underlying concern for their financial stability, despite the recent prosperity of their farm. Memories of past hardships lingered, and the prospect of risking their newfound stability unsettled her.
Before Edwin could address her apprehension, Thomas, sensing the opportunity, chimed in, "Mum, think about it, no more need to buy eggs, and we'd have them fresh every morning."
"Indeed" Edwin interjected with a hint of enthusiasm. "Plus, it'd teach the little ones a thing or two about responsibility. Who knows, maybe down the line, we might consider expanding our little farm."
A faint smile tugged at the corners of Wilhelmina's lips as she entertained the idea. "Alright" she relented, albeit cautiously, "but let's agree to keep Rosemary and Winifred at a safe distance from the hens, shall we?"
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Shortly after Wilhelmina had meticulously scrubbed the remnants of the breakfast dishes, Josephine arrived, just as she did every morning. It had been several weeks since Josephine started spending her days with them, and Wilhelmina was growing increasingly fond of her presence.
As Josephine deftly tied her apron, signaling her readiness to assist Wilhelmina with the day's chores, she shared the news that Mary Elizabeth would be picking her up earlier than usual. It seemed her workday was ending prematurely due to the installation of new machinery at the factory, necessitating a clear workspace.
Wilhelmina paused, considering this new development, then suggested to Josephine that they seize the opportunity to prepare some desserts and tea for the afternoon. She reasoned that with Mary Elizabeth having a bit of extra free time, it could be a perfect chance to bond and alleviate her from the stresses of work.
They set about the task of making a sponge cake, with Josephine taking charge of mixing the ingredients. When Wilhelmina sampled the batter to assess its flavor, she couldn't suppress a slight grimace. Calling Edwin, who happened to be passing through the kitchen, she insisted he taste it as well.
"Is it truly that unpalatable?" Josephine inquired, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. Cooking wasn't exactly her forte; her mother hadn't had much opportunity to impart culinary skills, and her kitchen duties mainly revolved around dishwashing or fetching ingredients.
Edwin chuckled reassuringly. "Not to worry, you'll improve with practice" he assured her, offering a playful pat on the head before continuing on his way.
"Don't fret; we'll tweak the mixture. But do remind me to label the sugar and salt jars" Wilhelmina quipped, offering Josephine an encouraging smile. "Come along, dear, let's press on."
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Before evening descended upon them, Edwin took charge of the tasks around the farm, ensuring that Thomas had time to enjoy himself with little Robert. As Edwin tended to watering the crops and pulling out weeds, which were nearly ripe for harvest, Rosemary and Winifred gleefully frolicked around him, their laughter echoing across the fields.
Meanwhile, in the cozy confines of the kitchen, Wilhelmina and Josephine busied themselves with various household chores, their ears attuned to the sounds of Edwin's interactions with the children drifting in from outside.
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Before Mary Elizabeth arrived to collect her daughter, Wilhelmina made her way to the humble abode where the Ellis family resided. Arthur had been Edwin's lifelong friend, and recently Wilhelmina had struck up a friendship with his wife, Cora. She extended an invitation to Cora for a small tea gathering to chat and catch up.
The afternoon unfolded with ease. Upon Mary Elizabeth's arrival, she was pleasantly surprised by the impromptu gathering; she was truly in need of a break. The trio settled around the quaint outdoor table, and Wilhelmina served tea alongside slices of cake. Cora had brought along her children, Bernard and Beatrice, who were the same age as Thomas, and Vera, slightly older than Robert and Winifred.
Most of the children scattered to play near the farm, close to the edge of the nearby woods, while Josephine opted to remain close to the women, alongside Vera. If given the chance, Thomas would have preferred to stay by his mother's side rather than play, but he had to keep an eye on his sisters. Initially feeling a bit shy in the presence of Bernard and Beatrice, he soon discovered they were wonderful companions.
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Wilhelmina found herself soothing Robert, who had returned to her seeking solace after a brief stint with the other children, clamoring for peace.
As the women gathered, their conversation ranged from household matters to their husbands' work, the daily grind with the children, and the latest whispers circulating through the village. Cora, however, introduced a new topic of interest.
"I've heard whispers that the church is considering building a school for the children" she mentioned between bites of cake.
Mary Elizabeth nodded in agreement. "I've overheard discussions at the factory about similar plans in other areas, but it's hard to say if there's any truth to it" she replied, her attention divided between the conversation and watching Josephine engage in a hand game with Vera.
Wilhelmina, with Robert fiddling with her fingers, pondered the notion. "Didn't they pass an education law some four years back? Perhaps it's finally coming to fruition" she mused, though her skepticism lingered regarding the government's interest in the education of the working class.
Taking a sip of her coffee, Cora shifted the conversation slightly. "By the way, I couldn't help but notice you've abandoned your mourning attire. Is there a reason?" she inquired, her tone delicately respectful.
Mary Elizabeth chuckled nervously, motioning for Josephine to join the other children. Josephine hesitated, feeling self-conscious, but understanding her mother's intention, she complied, joining Vera and the others in their play.
"Now, do tell us" Wilhelmina prompted, her curiosity piqued.
"I've met someone at work" Mary Elizabeth confessed, her fingers idly tracing the lace tablecloth. "We've begun courting, and I must admit, I'm rather taken with him…" Her voice trailed off as she played with the delicate fabric. "It didn't feel right to continue mourning for Alfred when my heart was beginning to open to someone new."
Touched by her friend's revelation, Wilhelmina placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes glistening with emotion. "I'm truly happy for you, my dear. You deserve to find happiness" she said warmly, while Cora beamed with excitement, sharing in the joy of Mary Elizabeth's newfound romance.
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Lughnasadh - August 1
On this day the Celtic sun god, Lugh, is celebrated with banquets and festivals. After all, this date fits with the beginning of the harvest season, and that is why it is associated with baking bread. It is a time of harvesting the crops and thanking the gods for the bounty harvested that year. But alas, this is not only a time for celebration but also a great opportunity to reflect on our path and growth. Accepting the energetic darkness as part of the cycle of life, it can help us transform and see all that can be learn from the darkness.
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Magickal intentions for this time: Abundance, Growth, Transformation, Protection, Ancestor work, Strength.
Plant allies for this season: Wheat, Corn, Rosemary, Rose, Peony Sandalwood.
Crystal allies to help with this time: Aventurine, Citrine, Carnelian, Onix, Obsidian.
Animal allies to call upon this time: Pig, Rooster, Crow.
Tarot cards associated to this time: The Chariot, Wheel of Fortune.
Representative colors: Warm earthy tones such as beige, brown, orange, and even bronze.
Some ideas to celebrate:
Dress in colors that represent this season or braid your hair if possible.
Create a wheat wreath and decorate your hair with it.
Bake bread or other pastries you like, bread is more traditional but who says you can´t enjoy making any other pastry you adore!
Take a ritual bath to thank yourself, think of it as a sort of self love bath.
Write a list of things you wish to grow in your life, or that you want to keep growing.
Reflect on what energetical darkness means to you, you can even go a step further and do shadow work, but please be mindful don't force yourself to do too much, nor push yourself too hard with it. Take your time.
Grow your relationships, either spending time with people you like and fill your life with joy, or use this time to grow your relationship with yourself, after all we deserve to celebrate ourselves!
Read your tarot cards, or get your cards read this season.
Thank the gods, goddesses, spirits, the universe or even yourself for all the growth, either physical, emotional and/or spiritual you have gone through this year .
Overall use this time to celebrate your accomplishments no matter how big or small!
Reflections for this part of the cycle
Of your sunny summer objectives, which ones maintained? What other ones have been set aside? What things fill your life spiritually, emotionally and physically?
Which of those are those things should you continue to nurture? In addition to recognizing, those things that drain. Which of those things should you let go?
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