#we really need to get rid off the idea that vagina = goodness
idiosyncraticrednebula · 10 months
Just because a woman has the ability to give birth, it doesn't automatically mean that she is gonna be a good mother, and the way I've seen a LOT of mothers act and what they say """""jOkiNgLy""""" online proves that point.
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hunzzzzz · 7 months
Fight for you - Chapter 3 : The exes
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Kendall Roy x original female character
TW : SMUT !!! Read at your own risk 😩🤚🏽
A/N : okay so this is really long 11k+ words I’m sorry. I was gonna write it in 2 parts but it just needed to be all together !!
I woke up the next morning, with a smile on my face, which faded as quick as it came. I stuck my tongue down Kendall Roys throat. I groaned, cradling my head in my hands, how could I have been so reckless? Allowing myself to get swooped up by his sweet words. This was a future scandal just bubbling beneath the surface, ready to erupt any second. I had worked too hard, to get to the position which I’m at now at Waystar, and to jeopardise that over this man was not worth it. And with that I cut off the wings of the butterflies, not allowing myself to get lost in them again. Vowing to think with my head, and not my vagina from now on.
I had managed to successfully avoid Kendall all morning, the distance was necessary, my mind scrambled to mush when he was close, all logic flew out the window. 
At around lunch time, I heard a light tap on my door, my heart skipped a beat as my mind went to Kendall, but to my luck it was Steve.
Myself and Steve had become more than colleagues over the years, I considered him my closest friends. We oversaw numerous projects together, bounced ideas off of each other. We had synergy, he was the only person in my department who didn't see me as the enemy. He wasn't trying to stab me in the back at any given chance, instead we both wholeheartedly supported each other.
“Hope I'm not interrupting”, he grinned, strolling in and plonking down on the chair in front of my desk.
“Not at all.” I smiled, shutting my laptop. “What's up?”
“Lunch at our spot?” He asked, holding his hands together in a prayer. “I’m starving, and I fear if I eat the cafeteria food one more time this week, I might die from malnutrition or food poisoning or maybe even a combination of both.” 
Feeling my stomach rumble, I agreed, and decided to ignore Kendall's message requesting to meet him for lunch. I needed a distraction, to rid myself of him living in my mind rent free. We made our way to a little cafe tucked away in a quiet street, only a 10 minute walk  from work. We sat down with our regular order.
“So what’s going on with you,” he asked with a knowing look,  “I hear you're entangled with Kendall Roy?” 
“Oh great. So that's spread," I groaned. This is exactly what I was afraid of when he showed up at the 9th floor yesterday, unannounced. 
“He's actually insufferable,” I felt guilty for lying, but what else was I supposed to say? Admit that I indulged in a steamy makeout with the COO of our company the night before? 
“He's just invested in my project, it was really random, I think he's just trying to prove something to his father,” I shrugged nonchalantly.
“Mhm, invested in your project or invested in you?” He gave me a questioning look.
“Please, I wouldn't go near him with a 10 foot pole. Trust me.” Another lie.
“Yeah good, I thought maybe you were going through a quarter life crisis. He's bad news, don't get caught up in it,” He warned me.
After my previous relationship almost ended me, Steve had grown quite protective of me like an older brother I never had. 
“I appreciate the concern. Thank you, but I promise you that will never happen. I'm just keeping my head down, working on this project with him. The sooner it's done, the sooner he'll be out of my hair.” I reassured Steve.
“Okay, okay," he nodded, easily convinced, “But now that I have you here, I need to ask you for a favour.”
“No, absolutely not. Whatever fight you have going on with Catherine this time. I'm not getting involved, last time-” I began defensively crossing my arms over my chest not wanting to get involved in whatever tiff he and his girlfriend –who I had grown to adore– had going on. 
“Jesus woman, will you let me finish.” He cut me off, rolling his eyes. “I was going to ask if you would come to the Waystar charity Gala with me tonight.” He finished looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes. “Please, Catherine’s out of town this week and I need a pretty lady on my arm if I'm going to get any donations.”  
“You want me to spend my Friday evening at a work event? Sorry Steve but it's a hard pass,” I shook my head.
“Please Harper, I’ll owe you one. Lunch on me for the next year.'' I sighed, finally agreeing to go, seeing as he was so desperate. 
It's the least I could do to repay him for the endless favors he had done for me. Staying late at the office helping pick up my slack, covering for me when I took time off due to my devastating break up. 
We made our way back to the office, after a much needed catch-up on all the gossip. 
“Yup and now she’s pregnant, and she's keeping it.” Steve chuckled as we stepped into the lobby.
I threw my head back laughing, clutching onto his arm, almost losing my balance. “Oh my god, shut up. I'm gonna pee.” I said in between giggles, the large coke I had for lunch was catching up to me. “We need to stop talking before someone hears us.” 
From the corner of my eye, I saw the last person I wanted to see approach us.
“What's so funny?” Kendall asked, his eyes fixated on my hand on Steve's arm, which I immediately dropped. His eyes flashing with anger, possibly even jealousy?
Steve wasn't unattractive, he was a conventionally good looking guy, he was tall with broad shoulders. I know the women on the 9th floor swooned over him, running to make copies for him with the snap of his fingers, waiting by the door with his coffee in hand every morning. But to me he was just Steve, the guy who burps in my face after inhaling a burger or comes to me with his endless relationship problems. 
“Nothing.” I quickly sobered up from my lunchtime giddiness, and put on a facade of professionalism.
“Uh-huh.” He didn't seem convinced, he finally looked over to Steve and plastered on a fake smile, “Kendall Roy,” He stuck out his hand.
“The man himself. Steve Murphy, pleasure to meet you,” Steve put on a fake smile matching Kendalls, giving him a firm handshake, a silent standoff. The tension in the lobby was heavy between both men who disapproved of each other, both for their own reasons.
Kendall finally released the handshake and turned to me pressing his lips in a straight line, “Could I grab you for a second Harper?” 
“Yeah sure, Steve go ahead, I’ll see you later,” Steve furrowed his brows, but didn’t press any further though I could tell he wanted to. He gave a curt nod and left.
Kendall guided me to a quiet corner, placing his hand on the small of my back, but I swatted it away, weary of on-lookers. The last thing I needed was more rumors going around about me. People were just starting to forget that I was the sad, pathetic woman whose fiance had an affair with her best friend. 
Kendall stood across from me with jaw clenched.
“Can I help you with something?” I asked, deciding to cut through the tension.
“I thought you didn't go out for lunch? Fucking, with your, uh, endless piles of work you have,” he narrowed his eyes.
“First of all not that it's even any of your business but I had some free time today.  And second of all, I couldn't say no to Steve, I owed him one.” 
“Uh-huh. You owed him one?” He probed, as if it was an interrogation and I was some kind of criminal on the loose. 
“Don't worry about it,” I waved him off, “Okay if that is all, then I really have to get back,” I tried to step past him to leave, but he blocked my path
“No, actually, uh, I did want to ask you something,” he cleared his throat, a flash of nervousness breaking through. “Are you free tonight? I have this charity Gala thing I have to give a speech at, and I was wondering if you would, uh come with me?”
“Oh,” I stared at him blankly, “I actually already have a date for that.” I made a mental note in my head to thank Steve and give him a massive kiss on the cheek, for saving me from having to be Kendall's date.
“With who?” He asked, his mouth agape, “Is it that Stewart guy?
“It's Steve and like I said it’s none of your business,” I leaned in to whisper in his ear, before making my exit. “But I'll see you there,” I smiled over my shoulder, leaving him standing in the lobby, dumbfounded.  
I left work early and stopped by a boutique on the way home. I had to dress to impress if I was going to help Steve land some donations tonight. Picking out a dress took more time than I had intended, I wanted to look good tonight, not for anyone in particular. Though the thought of Kendall kept creeping its way into my mind, I wondered which gown would he like? If he preferred red or black. I tried to convince myself that I wanted to feel sexy for myself and not for anyone else’s approval or validation.
I rushed home cutting it close to 7 pm, I quickly showered and began getting ready. Steve was picking me up at 8 and J could already hear him complaining about my tardiness. I finished doing my makeup, adding a deep red lipstick. I slipped into my gown adjusting myself in the mirror. I had decided on wearing a black satin gown, with a deep plunge neckline. I couldn’t remember the last time I had put in this much effort for an event, or a person. I hated myself for caring so much about it. 
Text message 
Steve : Uber. Downstairs. Now. Hurry. 
I hurriedly grabbed my valentino clutch, which I had thrifted when I first moved to the city, throwing my phone, cigarettes and lipstick in before scurrying out the door. 
“God could you have taken any longer,” Steve sighed dramatically, as I slid into the backseat, “It's 8:05, what time did we agree on?”
“Calm your tits, being 5 minutes late isn’t gonna kill anyone,” I rolled my eyes, checking my makeup in my compact mirror.
Steve took a closer look at me, taking in my appearance. “Damn,” he let out a low whistle, “you went from 0 to 100 real quick. It's like an episode of catfish,” he chuckled, “Who are you looking this good for?”
“Your dad,” I retorted, laughing when I saw his scrunch his face in disgust. “No you’re right, I should've pulled up in sweats and glasses, that would really attract all the 70 year old men into emptying their pockets for you.” My voice dripped with sarcasm.
“Awww you did all this for me?” He smiled, clutching a hand over his heart, wiping away a fake tear. “That's so kind of you. How can I ever repay you?”
“Shut up,” I swatted his arm, “Drinks are on you.” 
The banquet hall was bustling with people who were much more important than me. I looked around at the sea of women wearing designer dresses from fendi to dior as they clutched an arm around men almost triple their ages. 
Steve immediately began mingling, or as he called it ‘networking’, and of course he dragged me along. He grabbed us 2 complimentary champagnes from the wait staff and began speaking to an older gentleman. 
“Mr Monroe, glad you could join us tonight. Where's the Mrs?” Steve greeted him, shaking his hand.
“Oh, you know Mrs Monroe, she was in the Bahamas last and now I'm hearing she's in Milan for fashion week. She won't rest until she bleeds me dry from all I’m worth,” He grumbled, “And who's your lovely date here?” 
Mr Monroe glanced over at me before his eyes dropped down to my chest, lingering there for a moment. A married man, no, actually a married senior citizen, just checked me out. The urge to vomit all over him was so strong, but I pushed it adside. With a tight lipped smile I brought my hand up to shake his instead. 
“This is my dear friend Harper, Harper Aly,” Steve introduced me as the older man grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss it, with no consent whatsoever. I quickly pulled my hand back to my side, forcing a laugh as Steve continued talking.
This continued for another hour, we moved through the crowd of prehistoric men, buttering them up as they objectified me, raking their eyes up and down my body as they licked their crusty lips. 
I was on my 4th glass of champagne, but I needed something stronger if I was going to make it through the rest of the night. Steve handed me his card and I made my way over to the bar. 
I waved a hand to the bartender trying to get his attention, but he was preoccupied serving a handful of people. I found myself glancing around, hoping to see a familiar set of hazel eyes. I was acting like a lovestruck teenager at prom hoping to lock eyes with her crush.
“What can I get ya princess?” I turned to put a face to the voice, shocked when I recognised who it was. “Yup, that’s right. Soak in the glory,” He held a hand up gesturing to himself.
“It’s okay. I got it.” I flashed Steve’s card.  
“Roman fuck off and stop harassing the donor’s,” said the red head beside him. “Hi, Siobhan Roy,” she smiled politely, pushing past the shorter man to greet me.
“Hi, nice to meet you. Harper Aly,” I smiled, clasping her hand, awkwardly shifting on my feet, feeling intimidated under her icy blue eyes. 
“So what brings a fine piece of arm candy like yourself here tonight? Let me guess your sugar daddy promised you a new Birkin?” Roman Roy was just as obnoxious as everyone made him out to be.
“Actually I'm here for work. And that’s quite inappropriate coming from the co-COO,” I grimaced, not even trying to hide my disgust. 
“Oh my god Roman, you're disgusting. Go hit on Gerri or something. I'm sorry about him, he has some deep rooted mommy issues,” Siobhan apologized for her brother's crude comment.
“Fuck off, Shiv,” he snapped pushing past her to lean over the bar, “Hey! Yoohoo bartender! Over here! Roman Roy here!” Roman yelled, getting the bartender's attention, as he frantically rushed over, “2 whiskey on the rocks and …..” he looked over at me, ushering me to order what I wanted. 
“Seriously, it’s fine I can get my own-”
“Just fucking tell him what you want or you’re fired,” he cut me off with a devilish grin.
“Two gin and tonics, please and make it a double,” I reluctantly answered.
“See, now was that so hard?” He smirked, “Two gin and tonics for the lady and make it quick, I don’t have all night,” the bartender nodded and instantly began concocting our drinks. 
“You can put away daddy’s card princess, I got this,” his voice low as he leaned into my ear. I looked around trying to find his sister who seemed to have him on a leash. “Are you scared? I don’t bite,” he murmured, “But no promises.” 
“Scared? Please,” I snorted, “sorry if my repulsion has been misconstrued.”
“Princess, don't forget, I still own Waystar Royco. And you’re at the bottom of the food chain,” he laughed.
“Own? That's so interesting, because last I checked you’re not Logan Roy. You're just a sad little boy fighting for daddy's attention. Begging him to notice you, oh please daddy, please let me take over." I mocked pleading with my hands together.
“Dont fucking turn me on right now,” he bit his lip.
“I find you so repulsive,” my body involuntarily shuddered.
“Hey Rome, have you seen Kendall?” A brunette asked, cutting into our conversation. 
“I don't fucking know maybe, have you checked the bathrooms? He's probably there snorting lines?” He shrugged.
“Rome. I'm serious,” She said, pressing her lips into a straight line. She finally caught my eye and forced a smile. We both looked over to Roman waiting for an introduction. 
“Uh yea sure, Rava, Harper Aly from waystar, I don't know what the fuck she does there. I’m guessing the janitor by her looks.” He pointed toward me, “Harper, Rava Roy, my brother's estranged wife,” He said flatly pointing towards the other woman.
He grabbed his drinks, throwing two hundred dollar bills on the counter, and with that he was gone— leaving me alone with Kendall's wife? I stood there gobsmacked, processing the nuclear bomb Roman had just dropped on me. Kendall was married. Kendall was married when he kissed me.
I quickly excused myself, grabbing Steve and I’s drinks from the counter. I couldn’t engage with Rava, guilt pooled in the pit of my stomach.
I downed both the drinks, and grabbed 2 glasses of god knows what, from a passing by waiter and drank them swiftly. I felt the alcohol burn down my throat, hoping it would calm me down. My mind was the aftermath of Hiroshima. I couldn't think straight, or even walk straight for that matter. How could I have been so fucking stupid, tears pricked at my eyes. How could I have trusted so blindly, again. 
I spotted Steve sitting down at our table, slumping down in the seat beside him. 
“Hey, what took you so long? He asked, looking up from his phone, “Where's our drinks?” 
“Oh shit, yeah, the line at the bar was too long,” I muttered keeping my eyes glued to the table.
“What's wrong?” He asked, sensing that something was off with me, “Did you see someone?” He studied the slight tremble in my voice, my flushed skin, my lips curled into a frown.
“Hmm, no,” I shook my head vigorously, trying to seem convincing, “I'm just tired,” I offered him a weak smile, hoping he wouldn't hear the slight slur in my voice. He just stared at me, contemplating whether to push it or not but ultimately decided against it. 
“Okay but just a heads up—” he began, before getting interrupted by the screeching of a mic, everyone rushed to be seated, the speeches were starting soon.
“What?” I looked up at him with heavy eyelids, propping my head on my hand. At this point, I knew that he knew I was drunk.
He shook his head, disregarding it muttering something about it not being important. The wait staff made their way around to serve wine. I insisted that they fill my glass to the brim. I heard Steve mumbling something about bringing some water to one of the waiters. 
“I think you should slow down,” he eyed me as I continued to innocently sip my wine. I chose to ignore him, until he forcefully took my half empty glass off me, handing it off to a passing waiter.
He cut me off before I could protest, “Look I don’t know what’s going on with you or why you decided to get drunk at a work event. But we need to make it through to the end of the night,” He scolded me, pushing a glass of water towards me. 
“Whatever dad,” I rolled my eyes slowly sipping on my water.
The speeches dragged on, but I wasn't listening to a single word of it, instead my mind was heavy, weighed down by concrete thoughts of one of one man. How he had manipulated me, how he had convinced me he was good, different. How I let myself believe him so easily. Had I learned nothing? 
I snapped out of my thoughts as the last speaker made his way onto the stage, and there he was. The very man responsible for me trying to drown my problems in liquor. 
His eyes met mine, twinkling under the spotlight as he spoke. I couldn't take it anymore, I got up mumbling to Steve that I was going to the the bathroom.
I slumped over the sink, taking in my pathetic reflection in the mirror. God, I was so embarrassing, letting Kendall affect me like this. Letting him slither his way into my life like black mould. The realisation hit me hard - I was the other woman. I let him sweep me off my feet, like a fucking idiot, but maybe that was his plan all along. A challenge in his eyes, he found a wounded bird, nurtured it back to life only to shoot it down in the end for his own enjoyment. 
I scoffed at myself, spending more than I could afford on a gown just for him, a fact I wouldn't even admit to myself let alone another soul. The anger simmered in me like a pressure cooker, ready to blow any second. My self pity was quickly replaced by foul, hot fury. I left the bathroom with newfound determination. Fuck Kendall. 
Yet, fate had other plans for me. As I headed back towards the hall, I collided with a broad set of shoulders.
“Oh— I'm so sorry,” I began to apologise but the words got cut off in my throat when I locked eyes with the attacker, my fucking ex-fiancé, Will.
This was officially too much for one night. Without another word I turned on my feet and fled in the other direction, I needed to get away from him. What was he even doing here in the first place? I knew I was eventually  going to bump into him one day, it was inevitable, but why tonight? As if I didn’t already have enough going on. This must have been the heads up Steve was trying to give me.              
“Harper please, just listen,” he pleaded, grabbing my wrist in a bruising grip, but I couldn't bear to hear it. The mere sight of him was enough to make me sick to my stomach. “Let me explain, you at least owe me that much.”
“Let you fucking explain yourself Will? No, you lost that privilege when you ended up in bed with my fucking maid of honour,” I snapped, trying to keep my composure, digging my nails into his skin, trying to claw him off me, “I don’t owe you shit. So please kindly, fuck off out of my life forever.” 
Tears burned in the corner of my eyes, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me breakdown.
“Harper, just listen, I'm ready to take my part of the blame,” his eyes were stone, nothing about them was apologetic as he tightened his grip around me, “But it took 2 people to breakdown this relationship—”
“Yeah, you and my fucking so called bestfriend,'' I spat, the endless liquid poison I had consumed amplifying my rage. 
My words seemed to cut through the air like a knife, drawing the attention of those around us, “Will I’m being so serious, if you don’t get your hands off me I’m going to fucking scream and make a scene right here, right now.” 
“Everything okay here?” A voice boomed emerging from the depths of hell, of-fucking-course Kendall made his way over to join the party, just what was missing. “She said let go.” Kendall demanded, clasping a firm hand on Will’s back, the noise echoed through the lobby, his presence adding fuel to the fire.
Will's eyes hardened as he pushed my arm out of his grasp and sulked away. I tumbled back from the force, Kendall quickly steadied me bringing a hand to my waist. I ripped Kendall’s arm off me and took off, almost tripping over my feet, ignoring his calls.
The cold air nipped at my skin, I continued walking, with no sense of direction. I couldn't stay there for a second longer. I felt suffocated by my thoughts.
I was beginning to get a tension headache, it was all too much now. My ex-fiance cornered me and tried to tell me I was to blame for his affair and to pile on top of that Kendall, my boss had involved me in an affair, while failing to mention he was married. 
“Harper, wait!” Kendall called out from behind me, jogging to catch up, “Are you okay?”
I was so sick of people asking me that. No I wasn't fucking okay, my life was falling apart at a rate so fast that I couldn’t even pick up the pieces and try to repair it. Each time I attempted to pick up one piece, three more came crashing down. 
“Leave me alone, Kendall,” I shouted, picking up my pace, but it was proving difficult in 4 inch heels. He was the last person I wanted to speak to. I was a couple blocks away from the venue now.
He grabbed my aching wrist  in an attempt to stop me. I flinched, sucking in a sharp breath.
Kendall let go of me in an instant, “Did he hurt you?” His eyes were two angry black points, his fists clenched by his side.
I rubbed my wrist, trying to soothe the tender skin.
“Did he fucking hurt me? What about you kendall?” I lashed out, jabbing my finger in his chest. “Oh but of course you would never hurt me right? Because you’ve convinced everyone that you're such a great guy, always coming to my rescue. Is that what you want to hear?”
He shook his head trying to understand where my aggression was coming from, how long did he think he could keep up his lie for? 
“Fuck off and have a nice life with your wife,” I turned around and took off again, not wanting to hear whatever explanation he was going to pull out of his ass.
“Harper, wait. I can explain.” I heard his footsteps still following me, from a distance. The audacity he had to continue following me after I had caught him red handed. What was it with men tonight and trying to explain all their fuck ups to me. First Will and now kendall.
“That's great, go tell your wife.”
“Harper please, fucking, just wait a second,” he persisted, running ahead of me and planting himself in front of me, his body towering over mine, “My wife and I—”
“I honestly don't care what you have to say. Nothing is going to change the fact that you're married. There's nothing for you to explain. So please just go,” I yelled exasperated, closing my eyes not wanting to  look in the eyes. 
Bitter tears escaped from my eyes, “Whatever happened on the roof, just forget about it. It was a mistake. It was my mistake.” 
I hated myself for crying, I didn’t want him to think I was hurt by him, they were tears of frustration encouraged by my drunken mind.
“Rava and I are separated,” He sighed. My eyes snapped open hearing his confession, “We've been separated for months.” 
I crossed my arms over my chest shivering, as the wind picked up. I felt him gently place his blazer around my shoulders. 
“It doesn't matter if you're separated, Kendall, you still should have told me.” l said, wiping at my eyes with the back of my hand.
“I thought you knew?” He exhaled, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “Everybody knows, it’s public knowledge.”
“I told you everything about myself, and you couldn’t mention this major detail about your life?” I looked up at him with flaming eyes. 
“You know what it doesn’t matter anymore,” I held my hands up, backing away from him, “We kissed one time. It should’ve never happened. And it will never happen again.”
“Do you really mean that?” His voice was heavy with regret. “Or are you just trying to push me away because you're afraid?”
I pinched my nose, taking a deep breath, “You are still my boss, this can't happen." I strained to explain, my voice cracking. “Unlike you I wasn’t born into wealth, I had to scrape my way up from the bottom and I’ll be damned if I let you tarnish my reputation. Us even speaking right now is inappropriate, anyone could see this and report it to HR.”
I didn't expect him to understand my concerns at all, he came from money, I didn’t. We lived in different worlds. His was full of private jet rides, maids, chefs, his biggest worry was trying to take over his father’s company. My world was subway rides, living off of cheap coffee and struggling to make rent each month.
“Harper, you don't have to worry about any of that, I promise you. I'll take care of you. I am HR, everything goes through me,” he argued, gently taking my hands in his. The street lights illuminated his to appear a lighter honey color, “If you want this, I can make it work. We can make it work.” 
Could we make it work? If he was separated, it still wouldn't be easy. His life would still be entangled with his ex-wife until they officially got divorced. Would they even get divorced, what if they reconciled? He was still my boss, rumors spread quickly. Did I really want all my accomplishments to be tainted by him? 
“I need another drink,” I muttered, meticulously weighing out the pros and cons.
“Alright, let's get you another drink then. Let's ditch this gala, I can't stand to be around those people anymore,” He smirked victoriously, leaning in to meet my lips. 
“Not here,” I pressed my hands on his chest, even though I so desperately wanted him, “we can't be seen together in public. I don't need another scandal.”
“Okay,” He thought for a moment, I could practically see the gears turning in his mind, trying to find a way to keep me close to him, “Let's go back to my place, my chef can make us something to eat, since we missed dinner.”
I pressed my lips together, conflicted. Back to his place was suggesting more than just dinner. Everything was happening so quickly, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to dive headfirst into the unknown. But the alcohol pulsing through my blood spoke louder to me, overpowering all logic. After taking one look at his plump lips, flashbacks of our kiss came back to me. Right now I wanted him— badly. I didn’t care about the complications or risks that plagued my mind moments ago.
“I also have a fully stocked bar,” He enticed me, all my nervous thoughts seemed to melt away. It was the final push I needed, the reassurance that I could drown any remaining doubts in the haze of more alcohol.
“Lead the way,” I gave him a tentative smile.
“My driver is around back,” he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leading me to the car.
He opened the backdoor for me, and slid in next to me. He was pressed up beside me, his arm now around my waist, hand resting on my hip, his knee squished against mine. With the click of a button a partition separated us from his driver.
He turned to me, his gaze lingering on the silk gown that clung to my curves, "You look beautiful," he remarked, his voice soft and sincere. "The gown suits you perfectly."
I felt a flush rise to my cheeks at his compliment, a warmth spreading through me despite my efforts to remain composed. 
"You’re not the first person to check me out tonight," I murmured, my lips brushing against his ear lobe, “but you are the only person that didn’t make me feel nauseous after.”
"I waited all night to tell you that, from the minute you stepped foot into the hall," He confessed, "When I was making my speech, I could barely focus, seeing you sat there, looking like, like a fucking Greek godess."
“So why didn't you say it to me before?” I pouted, hearing the words I had been longing to hear all night. Not from the million other people there, but from him.
“Because I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself if you were standing in front of me,” His voice was low, in my ear sending waves of heat down my spine, aching in between my legs. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to calm myself.
He brought a hand to my jaw cradling it, “you're so fucking beautiful,” He whispered, before crashing his lips into mine, the kiss was deep yet rough. He sucked my bottom lip, a low moan escaped me.
His hands roamed my body like they had a free pass. He squeezed my ass, eliciting a gasp out of me. The mixture of alcohol and lust in my system gave me the sudden confidence to pull him closer, wrapping my arms around his neck, I battled with his tongue for dominance. 
“Kendall,” I breathed against his lips, “Your driver— he’s gonna hear….” I trailed off, losing my train of thought, as he began kissing down my neck, nipping and biting my sensitive skin, only stopping omcd the car was parked in front of his building. He stepped out offering me a hand, which I accepted, trying to calm my thrashing heart.
“God, this fucking dress was made for you,” He wrapped his arms around me, his hands resting on my ass, backing me up against the elevator wall, “Who did you wear it for?”
“I wore it for you,” I giggled, sticking my index finger in my mouth and slowly sucking it, letting it release slowly with a pop. I gently grazed my wet finger against his swollen cherry stained lips, attempting to fade away the remainder of my lipstick.
“Fuck,” He groaned, his grip tightening, “You have no idea what you're doing to me right now.” 
As we entered his penthouse, he leaned down to place a peck on my lips. He guided me to the kitchen. I was in awe of the size of it, covered in shining black marble, not a speck of dust in sight. Across from the kitchen, the sitting room had floor to ceiling glass windows wrapping around the entire length of the apartment. 
“Shit, I forgot I sent the chefs home tonight because I had intended to have dinner at the gala,” Kendall facepalmed, shooting me an apologetic look. 
“Hmm that’s okay. There was talk of a fully stocked bar, no? Or was that a lie too?” I needed something more to calm the nerves in the pit of my stomach. 
“Yes, that I do have,” He clasped his hands, rubbing them together.  
He had a small bar area at the end of the kitchen. There were endless shelves stocked with every type of spirit. Brands I couldn’t even pronounce, brands that I never even gave a second glance to in the liquor store, because I knew they were not in my price range. 
There were freshly cut lemons and limes, an ice bucket, a mini fridge stocked with mixers. So this is what heaven looks like. I climbed up over the counter, Kendall supported my hips up to lift me up, and I landed ungracefully on the other side with a thud. 
“What are you doing?” Kendall watched me with amusement.
I picked myself up, throwing a dish towel over my shoulder, “What can I get you?” 
“Fuck me, hottest fucking bartender ever.” He said with a crooked smile, taking a seat on one of the barstools. “I'll take a whiskey on the rocks. When's your shift done sweetheart?”
“I don’t mix business and pleasure,” I winked, turning around to shovel some ice into a glass, grabbing one of the many bottles of expensive whiskey he had, pouring it in. I plonked a slice of lemon in it for a garnish, “And viola, there you are sir, your whiskey on the rocks.”
“Add it to my tab,” He took a sip, ”And what will the beautiful lady be drinking?”
“Hmmm, well I’ve been drinking gin tonight, but why not spice it up with some whiskey,” I made myself a drink identical to Kendall’s. I took a sip to admire my hard work and almost gagged as the corrosive liquid burned down my throat
“That is fucking horrible, how are you drinking it,” I gagged again, thinking it was a good idea to smell it and let it burn my nose too. 
“Hey don't blame the drink, blame the bartender,” He shrugged, “Add some mixer, there's coke in the fridge.”  
The coke made it a bit more bearable, but it still tasted like nail polish remover. I climbed over the bar again to seat myself on the barstool beside him.
Taking another sip of my drink, my nose scrunched up in disgust, “I don't know why you and your brother like Whiskey so much.”
“Oh, you met Roman?” He laughed, “I'm so sorry you had to go through that.”
“Yeah he's, definitely, interesting to say the least.” 
Thinking back to the gala, I remembered Steve, “Oh shit, the gala, I ditched my date, fuck. One second.”
I frantically pulled my phone out seeing the endless messages from Steve. I let him know that I had a run in with Will and was back home safe and sound, before turning my attention back to Kendall who had a quizzical look on his face.
“So this date of yours, was it the guy who was harassing you before?” He furrowed his brows, as he gripped his glass, the veins in his forearm almost bursting.
“Fuck no, my date was Steve. The guy outside….” I tilted my head back and downed the remainder of my whiskey, “was my ex-fiance.”
Kendall realized this was a difficult conversation for me. He silently reached over bringing the bottle of whiskey and coke to the counter.
“I don't even know what he was doing there,” I ran a hand through my hair. Kendall refilled my glass, which I thanked him for.  
“Let me see your wrist,” He demanded, holding his hand out, gently inspecting the redness around my skin, he brought it to his lips kissing all over. 
I crossed my legs trying to stop the ache that had reawoken in me. He delicately massaged my wrist, I wished he would sooth my throbbing core like that. 
“Did he hurt you anywhere else?” There was darkness in his eyes, his teeth were clenched, but his touch was so soft in comparison.
I shook my head, taking another gulp of my drink. “Not physically at least, so it's fine,” I waved it off, not waiting to dwell on Will's malignant existence any longer
“So uh, how much money did we raise tonight?” I changed the topic. 
“No fucking clue. My family is gonna be pissed that I left early. You're a bad influence on me,” He teased, refilling his glass.
“Me?” I shook my head in disbelief, “If anything you're a bad influence on me. You made me ditch poor Steve.” 
“Uh-huh, well you shouldn't have gone with him in the first place,” his jealousy was making an appearance again, “If you went with me, I would have made sure no one came within a 10 meter radius of you, your glass would have never been empty, and nobody would dare let their eyes linger on you for more than a second if you were on my arm.” 
His cockiness usually repulsed me, but in a strange turn of events it turned me on? 
“I'll keep that in mind for next time,” I felt my cheeks flush, partially from the alcohol but also from his possessiveness over me.
“So there’s gonna be a next time, huh?” He grinned from ear to ear.
We continued chatting, Kendall started getting deep and telling me about his family, his childhood, his failed marriage. He kept prying about my personal life, trying to get to know more about me. I reluctantly gave him a few short responses. 
We ended up on the sofa, comfortably sat next to each other, shoulders brushing against one another. I leaned back in the seat resting my eyes, as the room began to spin slightly. Kendall took another swig from the bottle, we had long ditched our glasses on the counter. The conversation drifted back to our exes, and this time I was too drunk to hold back, as was Kendall.
He handed the bottle back to me, “Yea, being married fucking sucks ass,” He threw up his arms in exasperation, “I fucking married the wrong person. But at the time, I was like fuck yeah this feels fucking right. This feels like forever.”
“Yeah, I like, really and I mean, like really, really dodged a bullet there. I’m like, not even mad about it. Fuck getting married,” I nodded, agreeing with him.
“100 fucking percent, fuck marriage. It ruined me.”
“But like, you’re still married? Why? Just like get a fucking divorce?” 
“It’s complicated. I want to and so does she, but it’s just— pass me the fucking bottle,” He closed his eyes, taking another gulp, not even phased by it, “But it’s just fucking hard.”
“What like, don’t tell me you’re still in love with her,” I gasped, covering my mouth.
“No— no, I mean, I do love her. I’m always gonna have love for her. I’ve known her for 15 fucking years. But I don’t know, I want her to be happy,” He sighed undoing his bow tie and collar, “But we are getting a divorce, that is definitely fucking happening.”
“Mhmm,” I gave him a fist bump.
“And fucking what about Bill? What’s his deal?”
“Ugh him again,” I groaned, not even bothering to correct Kendall, “I think you have a crush on him, you bring him up more than me.”
“Come on, you just heard about my failed marriage, stop being so fucking cagey,” he playfully shoved my shoulder.
“Pass me the fucking bottle,” He handed it over to me and I took a swing of it, hissing as it made its way down my oesophagus.
“Fine, what about him? We were together since I was like 19 or maybe 20 I think. Or actually maybe 18? I don’t know, I met him in college. But I used to be a fucking idiot back then, like I’m talking crackhead level stupid. I made so many bad decisions he was definitely the fucking worst one,” I continued rambling. “It was good at first you know, he said what I wanted to hear, did what I asked of him,” I hiccuped between words, reliving my past relationship, “But like, at the same time, it wasn’t?” 
Yeah, for sure,” He nodded, leaning back against the sofa with his hands resting behind his head, looking over at me, his eyes barely open, “College is the real thing to blame. You know? That’s where I met Rava and you met what’s his face.”
“You’re dead right,” I snapped my fingers, his words making complete sense in my barely functioning brain, “It’s like maybe stop fucking around and open like a book or something.” 
We continued talking about everything and anything, coming up with our own philosophies that were so illogical but they made sense to us. Between us we shared one singular brain cell, after both consuming an unhealthy amount of whiskey.
Wanting to put my feet up on the sofa, I attempted to unbuckle the straps of my heels, but failed miserably. I let out an over-dramatic sigh, lying back on the sofa and stretching my legs, bringing my feet to rest in his lap. 
“Can you get these off please,” I batted my lashes up at him.  
“Fuck, why is there so many fucking buckles,” He grumbled as he attempted to undo the singular buckle, concentrating like he was deactivating a bomb. 
He gave up and brought it up to his mouth, tugging at it with his teeth, letting my aching foot free, his hot breath on my skin sent an electric shock up my leg. He did the same with the other foot. Before looking over to me with a sinister grin and started tickling me.
“KENDALL STOP,” I shrieked, thrashing and kicking away his hands. Attempting to get my revenge I pounced on him, my fingertips tickling his neck, I was practically straddling him. 
He grabbed both my hands in his. I felt him hardening under me, I grabbed his neck, closing the gap between us. He kissed me back with hunger, like he had been deprived of food and water for weeks. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth. His touch was more rough now, his fingers caressed my ass, kneading it like fine dough.
He pulled me closer to the pine scent of his body, a cigarette smoked not so long ago lingering on his shirt. I began subconsciously grinding my hips against the tent in his pants, trying desperately to create some friction to soothe my throbbing centre. His warm hands slid under the skirt of my dress, rubbing them up and down my thighs, inching them higher each time. His fingers were getting dangerously close to my soaking panties, my breath hitched. Feeling my body tense against his, he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.
“Kendall ….” I said breathlessly. I looked down, feeling embarrassed, “I haven’t done this in a while. Like in a really, really long time actually.” 
“Hey, hey it’s okay baby,” He released my thighs, bringing his hands out from under my dress and nudging my chin up to meet his gaze. Hearing the sweet nickname fall from his mouth turned me on even more.
“I’m just nervous,” I admitted feeling shy.
“Why? You don’t have to be nervous, I'll take care of you,” He pressed his lips to my temple.
“I’ve only been intimate with like one person.” 
“You’re so fucking innocent,” he brushed my hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear, “We don’t have to do anything you're not comfortable with. Just tell me to stop,” His voice was rich and frail, as he empathized. He pulled my body into an adorning embrace, holding me like I was made of glass.
“No, but I want this. I want you. Can we just take it slow?” 
The realization was prominent, that there would be no going back, once I went through with it. But at that moment I wasn’t thinking clearly, I didn’t care, I just wanted him.
His body relaxed moderately as he soothed his hands up and down my back, almost as if to assure himself of the words he had just heard. 
His lips met mine again, he got up from the sofa, hoisting me up, I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips as he carried me to his room. The anticipation of what was to come overwhelmed me, my heart beating out of my chest.
He gently placed me on the bed, lying me down on my back as he hovered over me, lips not leaving mine once. I traced his firm chest with my fingertips, drawing him into me. He began kissing down my neck, smiling against my skin as I let out a soft moan. Leaving a trail of kisses down to my cleavage. My dress shielded my breasts, nipples already hard through the fabric.
He brought his hands to the straps of my dress, “Can I take this off?” I nodded, no longer capable of getting any words out, my mind foggy with lust.
“So beautiful, so fucking perfect,” He pulled down my dress, admiring my exposed breasts, the cold air quickly replaced by his wet mouth as he sucked on my nipple, twirling his tongue around, cupping my other breast, squeezing it tight. Swapping over to the other, placing sloppy kisses, pushing it deeper in his mouth savoring every inch of skin. My hands tugged at his hair as pleasure took over me.
To know that I was beautiful in his eyes, made me feel beautiful. 
“Kendall,” I gasped as he bit and nipped at my scorching skin. His free hand moved down from my hip to caress my inner thigh, ghosting over my panties. 
“Kendall please?” I begged, so needy for his touch, spreading my legs wider for him, grinding my hips up. 
He unlatched his mouth from my breast, “Is this okay?” He locked eyes with me, his hand rubbing up and down over my fabric of my panties
“Yes— yes.  perfect,” I couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. Suspense bubbled in me, he was going so painfully slow. He slid my panties to the side, gently and languildy his fingers expertly teased my clit, rubbing soothing circles. 
“Your so fucking wet, baby. How does that feel?” He cooed, my mind couldn’t even focus on what he was saying. It felt so good, I hadn’t been touched like this in so long, I was so deprived. “Does it feel good?”
“So good,” I sighed. “Feels so good Ken-“ the words got cut off in my throat as he moved his digits towards my slit. 
“What do you want, baby? Tell me.” He was enjoying this, a lazy smile playing at his lips as he watched me squirm. 
His eyes burned into mine, seeing me so needy for him, so desperate for his touch, “You want me to fuck you with my fingers? Come on, use your words,” I should've known that he would make me beg, I should've known that he would be so good to me.
“Yes, please— please just-“ He pushed his middle finger inside me, “Just like that,” I cried out as he pumped a finger in and out of me. My mind felt hazy, he added another finger, stretching me out, pumping faster now, curling his fingers as I let out a string of moans. I whined my disappointment as he removed his fingers from me, missing the fullness. 
“I need to taste you, let me taste you,” He pleaded, getting on his knees, pulling me to the edge of the bed. 
He hiked my dress up to my waist, hooking his fingers under my panties and pulling them down my legs, revealing my smooth mound. Panic rose in my chest, it was moving too fast, I sat up feeling self-conscious. 
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay, I’m gonna take care of you,” He murmured, pressing a hand down on my chest to lay me back down.
“Let me take care of you,” He began kissing up my inner thigh, gripping his hands firmly around my hips holding me in place. He worked his way closer and closer, eventually leaning in ever so slowly and licked all the way up my slit, tasting me.
My eyes fluttered shut as he placed his hot mouth on my clit, sucking it like a pacifier, the fuzz of his stubble tickling me lightly. I could feel the pressure building up inside me, I ran my hands through this hair grasping it softly as he continued lapping his tongue up and down my slit greedily, fucking me with his tongue. His tongue travelled lower and lower, gently grazing over my tight rosebud.
“Have you ever had your ass eaten?” He looked up at me.
“No,” I squirmed, he sensed my uneasiness. 
“Do you want to feel good, baby?” He asked circling his tongue around my wrinkled rosebud again, it felt fucking good, sending shivers up my spine.
“Yes, please— please make me feel good,” I begged between gasps. He gripped my ass, spreading my cheeks apart, to give himself more access as continued to worship my tight pink bud.
He opened his mouth letting a string of spit fall down and pool down, “Just relax baby.” 
“Kendall,” I whimpered, as he inserted 2 digits in me again. My quivering walls grasped his fingers tightly. I was grinding my hips against him, my aching clit deprived of his attention. I needed him everywhere all at once. He brought his face back in between my legs, devouring me, sucking every crease, crevice and fold before latching onto my clit again. He alternated between fast and slow flicks of affection. 
Hearing the sounds of his wet tongue on me continued building up the pressure in my lower abdomen, getting tighter and tighter. My senses heightened and my hands desperately fisted the bed sheets.
“You're so close aren't you, baby? Cum on my face,” His dirty talk, sending me over the edge, my back arching into him.
I threw my head against the mattress, eyes rolling back. My mind exploded in a white, pleasure filled haze as the sensations from his relentless assault on my clit while simultaneously pumping 2 digits in me. 
Grabbing a fist full of his hair, grinding my hips against his face, I rode out my high. Legs trembling as he continued to finger me though my orgasm, he hummed in satisfaction against my clit. He removed his hands from me, placing one final tender kiss on my sensitive clit, making me jump.
He caressed my face as I panted for air, “You did so good, baby,” He cooed, stroking hair. He placed a tender kiss on my lips, making me taste myself.
I regained some composure bringing a shaky hand up and palming at his hardness through his pants. 
“Fuck,” He groaned burying his head into my neck. 
I hastily undid his belt buckle, he helped me shimmy his trousers and boxers off, his cock sprung out bouncing against his stomach. I wriggled out from under him, flipping us over to straddle him, rubbing my wetness against his dick.
“Fucking so good baby,” He sat up, undoing my zipper with a quick motion of his fingers and tossing my dress over his shoulder. I was fully exposed now, I felt so naked, so bare in front of him as I covered my face with my hands, feeling so small. 
He brought my hands down, stroking my cheek with his thumb, “You just came on my face, don't get shy on me now.” 
“Shut up,” I rolled my eyes and began undoing the buttons on his shirt, and threw it on the ground. Bringing my fingers to his thick cock, a few veins ran up his shaft, the swollen pink head dripping with precum. I started pumping him, locking eyes with him as I spat down on his cock for some lubrication, he hissed, grabbing my hips tightly.
A surge of courage took over me, pushing him down on the bed, I lifted my hips hovering over his cock, I grabbed it rubbing it up and down my slit, he gaped up at me. I lined it up against my entrance, ready to lower myself on him, he held my hips in place stopping me.
“You want to ride me? Are you sure Harper? You don't have to.” His eyes grew with concern.
“No, I want to. I want to ride you, Kendall. Please just let me ….let me make you feel good,” I whined.
He sighed agreeing, keeping his eyes on me as I lowered myself down on him, he was so much bigger than Will, so much thicker, I could only take him a little at a time. Soft moans left my mouth as I was half way down his cock, his firm grip on my hips being the only thing keeping me up right, stopping me from crumbling down, as the sensation of his thick cock mixed with the alcohol pulsing through me was making me feel lightheaded.
“You're doing so good,” He groaned, momentarily shutting his eyes, “So good baby, taking my cock so well,” He let me work at my own pace, his breathing quickened slightly.
“I know you can take me, all of me,” He encouraged me. I lifted up off him again, and sank back down, taking all of him, the stretch was far too intense. He was so deep in me, I could feel him in the pit of my stomach. I bit my lip, trying to suppress my whimpers. My lips unintentionally curled into a slight frown.
“Are you okay?” He sat up, rubbing a hand up and down my spine.
"Ow, yes. You’re just— just a lot to take,” I winced, looking down at him through heavy eyelids, trying to adjust to his length and girth, but I could barely move at this angle without feeling the sting of pain. He swiftly flipped us over, cock still engulfed deep in me as my head crashed onto the soft pillows. 
“It’s okay baby, let me take care of you,” He murmured, between soft kisses on my trembling lips, “I’ll be so gentle,” He reassured me, showering my face with kisses, his thumb wiping away stray tears from my cheeks. “Are you ready?” 
“Yes,” I took a deep breath in, wrapping my arms around the nape of his neck.
He pulled out of me, sinking back in me ever so slowly. “Fuck your so tight,” He hissed. 
I cried out, feeling so full again. His balls rested against my core with his cock sheathed all the way in, I took in slow, shallow breaths, attempting to soothe the burning away. I could feel each inch of him, each ridge, each curve of his meaty cock inside me.
“You're doing so good, baby. You feel so good,” He groaned in my ear, his voice was strained, like he was holding himself back for me. 
He pulled all the way out again and plunged back in a few more times, letting my walls accommodate him. Careful not to thrust, taking his time, being so patient, so gentle just like he promised.
“Kendall, please,” I moaned, dragging my nails down his back, the pain melted away, pleasure overtaking me as the tip of his cock, hit a spot deep in me, igniting a fire that only he could put out. My walls were practically pulsating around him now, begging for more.
“What is it baby?” He asked, searching my eyes. 
“Fuck me,” I rasped, my eyes fluttering shut. After gaining my approval he sighed in relief and thrusted his cock in me harder. My eyes flew open, I gasped digging my nails into his biceps. His fingers dug into my hips, I wrapped my legs around his waist, needing to feel him deeper, quivering under him.
“Feels so good Ken,” I moaned in his mouth, at some point our lips must have entangled again. His eyes never leaving mine, praises of encouragement falling from his lips.
“You look so good taking my cock, such a good girl,” Overwhelmed, my body trembled with each thrust, stretching me out, the waves of pleasure flooding me whole, coursing through me. Broken breaths paired with his name fell from my lips, parted slightly.
His cock dwelled deeper in me, my taut muscles milking his cock, “Listen to the sounds you're making, baby,” The sounds my cunt made each time he pumped in were so sinful. Hearing the word baby fall from his lips made me even wetter.
I let out a string of embarrassingly loud moans, not being able to  find a singular word in the English language to describe the euphoric feeling. He jerked faster, his cock throbbing in me, muffled moans scattering his breath. His sizeable dick sliding into my wetness with ease now, like he fucking owned it.
My breasts bounced under him, as he fucked me mercilessly his cock splitting me inch by inch, it felt so good I was seeing stars. He pressed his face to my chest, placing sweet kisses, tasting my salty skin, kissing up my neck.
“I need more,” I panted, as he continued pounding into me. He released one of his hands from my hips and brought it to my swollen nun, rubbing aggressive circles. I was in complete bliss, “Don't stop,” I begged. 
“Ken I’m-”
“Fuck me too,” sweat beaded across his forehead, his skin flushed pink. “Cum for me baby, you've been so good, you deserve it. Let go for me, just let go.” 
Hearing his praise sent me over the edge again, as I let out incoherent moans and gasps. He groaned as I dug my nails into him, drawing blood. He drew back, balancing on his knees, grabbing my ankles and throwing them over his shoulders, he fucked me relentlessly, with harsh thrusts as I rode out my high clenching around his unforgiving cock.
“Good girl, you’re so good, you’re my good girl,” he panted, talking me through it, “That’s right. Just like that, let it all out, baby.”
I practically sobbed feeling each curve of his cock as he buried himself deeper into me, tears pricking my eyes. He let out a haggard breath before pulling out and releasing on my stomach, collapsing on me, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I ran my hands through his hair soothing him as his chest heaved against mine. 
“Fuck,” He rolled off me to lay beside me, he cradled my jaw, pressing a tender kiss on my lips, “You're fucking amazing.” 
He got up leaving the room and returned in his boxers carrying a damp towel. He gently grazed my skin, cleaning up his mess. He was doing exactly what he said he would, taking care of me. He dabbed the towel over my abused cunt, I winced feeling the soreness his girth left behind.
“Sorry. Do you need anything?” His eyes softened.                           
“Water please,” I rasped, smiling as he scurried off. No one had ever taken care of me like this before, not even the man who claimed to love me. I retrieved my panties bunched up on the ground, sliding them on before throwing on Kendall’s button down.
He returned with a cold bottle of water, leading me back to the bed, he drew the comforter back, pulling me under with him. I winced again coming in contact with the mattress. I pressed the water bottle between my legs, trying to soothe the stinging. 
Kendall’s brows furrowed in concern, he wrapped an arm around my waist, turning to face me. “Fuck, sorry, was I uh, too rough?” He asked with apologetic eyes.
“No, no you were perfect,” I let out a small laugh, seeing him get so worried, “She’s just out of practice,” I gestured between my legs.
“Is there anything I can do?” He glanced down at the water bottle, “To uh, help her I guess.” 
“She’ll be fine, don’t worry,” I reassured him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. 
“Listen, thank you for the lovely evening, but I like, have to get going now,” I slithered off the bed, trying to keep my weight off my pelvis. 
I stood up, my legs still wobbling from the aftershocks of the not one but two ground shattering orgasms I received.
“What? No, you don’t have to leave. Stay,” Kendall sat up on the edge of the bed, grabbing my hips pulling me into him from behind, his cheek resting on my ass. 
“I can’t, Kendall, we both have work in the morning and I can’t show up in that dress,” I argued, trying to wriggle out of his grip. 
“I wouldn’t mind it if you showed up to work everyday in that dress,” I felt him smiling against my exposed skin.
“Kendall seriously…” He pulled me down onto his lap gently placing a hand between my legs, cupping around my soreness, relieving some pressure off it. My back was pressed against his chest, he rested his chin on my shoulder, wrapping his other arm around my waist.
“Baby, it’s Saturday tomorrow,” His chuckle vibrated through my entire body, “Please just stay, you're drunk and walking like Bambi. Just let me take care of you Harper.” 
How could I say no to his sweet words? I begrudgingly agreed and got back under the covers with him, he kept his arms around me, holding me close. 
“You’re impossible?” I rolled my eyes. 
“I always get what I want,” He smirked. 
I shifted lifting his arm off me, “I need to go get—“
“What? What do you need? I'll get it,” He cut me off. “You stay here and rest,” His tone was stern.
“My phone,” I said sheepishly. 
And without another word, he rushed off again, returning moments later with my clutch in one hand and an ice pack in the other. He put it between my legs holding it in place.
I closed my heavy eyelids sighing in relief, “You're so good to me Ken,” I whispered resting my head on his chest before dozing off.
“You deserve it and so much more baby.
Chapter 4 and onwards
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blackenedwhite97 · 4 years
Pregnant Panic- Poly! Erasermic x Reader
Hello! this was a requested fic from quite some time ago. I'll be catching up at some point, i'm in my final year of university so update will be more spaced out for the next few months.
Content Warning: Discussions of paternity, some medically accurate potentially a little gross conversations and mentions and depictions of anxiety and panic.
This story includes and Polyamorous relationship
Polyamory: the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved.
It was killing them. You’d think with how tired and unwell Shouta looked and how uncomfortable Hizashi seemed that they were the pregnant ones. Shouta was the most stressed you’d ever seen him, not because he didn’t want a child but because he was scared he’d be a bad father. You’d stayed up many late nights with him, looking out at the dark city skyline through the living room window, him drumming up ways he’d fail as a father and you countering them with rationale and reassurance. He wanted to be there, he wanted to be present. You all knew he was around the least; he was a teacher during the day and a full-time hero at night. Hizashi was usually home at night, at least.
Hizashi wanted two things. The first, to be as good of a dad as he knew Shouta was going to be. The second, to know which one of them had knocked you up. Hizashi, unlike Shouta had full confidence in Shouta’s ability as a father. Hizashi also had confidence in his own ability to be a father. Yet, and you assumed it was natural, the two of them compared themselves to each other constantly. They both felt like they had to fill a role that was usually filled by only one parent, a father. In regard to his second wish: It was driving him insane. Hizashi didn’t want to know for the reason of ascertaining who the “real” dad was, it was more of a who’s quirk we might have to deal with.
While it’s not a given that a child’s quirk is going to be the same as your parents, it’s still a possibility. A possibility some families count on so greatly that they arrange marriages based on quirk compatibility to keep their bloodline strong and on the top tiers of society. Your little mismatched family never worried about that sort of thing, whether this child was a telekinetic like you, made your ears bleed when they threw a tantrum like Hizashi or could shut his dad up like Shouta, or even if they were quirkless you’d all love them with every fiber of your beings.
This was going to be one lucky kid.
Hizashi was squirming around in his chair, his legs going from being slung over the arm rest to being tucked underneath him. Shouta was as still as a statue save the tip of his boot where his toes were wiggling with nervous energy. Hizashi shifted his position for the umpteenth time, his legs swinging around towards Shouta, their knees bumping. Shouta shot out his hand and gripped Hizashi’s knee, holding him in place.
“Stop squirming.” He grumbled.
Hizashi stilled and slumped back, splaying his limbs out dramatically. “Babe, come here.”
Hizashi looked slide long at you through his lashes and a grinned, waving you over.
“Sure, yeah. Hold on, lemme just-” you placed a hand under your swollen stomach as if that would help carry any of the weight and hopped off the examination table. You landed in a wide stance, almost losing your balance from the nearly one-foot drop. It was pitiful, since you’d started to really show it was almost like all of your hero training went straight out the door. Mind you, your hips were wider than they’d ever been, and you were twenty-seven pounds heavier than you’d ever been. You also constantly had a little critter kicking you in your bladder, which was very new.
You waddled towards Hizashi, the smallest of grins pulling at Shouta’s mouth as he watched you. He found your knew range of mobility highly entertaining. You stopped just short of Hizashi’s wildly splayed out feet, nudging one with the toe of your shoe.
“Can you stand behind me for a sec?’ Hizashi sat up straight. “I wanna try something.”
“Okay?” you raised an eyebrow but waddled around him anyways.
As soon as you were behind him he leaned back in his chair and propped his head back on your belly. He closed his eyes and sighed in contentment. “Now, I’m comfy.”
You stared down at him as he fought a stupid grin, trying to keep his face serene. Goof. “I’m glad our kid is already good for something.” You sighed, stroking the top if Hizashi’s head and smoothing his hair back.
Shouta blinked, his brows knitting together. “You are such a dad already.”
“Been practicing!” Hizashi quipped, shooting up and snapping one of his fingers into a gun.
Shouta rolled his eyes but couldn’t help himself and chuckled.
The door to the examination room opened and in walked a kind looking older woman with deep smile lines and dark shining eyes. She looked like she worked with babies for a living, there was a pure unadulterated kindness about her. “Mrs. Y/L/N?”
“Hi, yeah that’s me.” You turned towards her and stretched out a hand.
She took it with a smile and eyed the two men in the chairs. “Which one of you is the father?”
The three of you had agreed when this all started happening for the sake of appointments that weren’t with doctors you’d be seeing regularly Shouta was going to be the father. It was hard enough explaining that the three of you were together romantically anyways, add a baby in and the fact that you don’t know which one of them was the biological father and you have a proper scandal. Out of the three of you Hizashi was the most recognizable and had the closest thing you could equivalate to a fan base so Shouta felt that in order to keep a sense of privacy around all of this he’d be the place holder father. You’re doctor and OB GYN both understood the whole situation, of course they needed to. Both had been in favor of a paternity during the pregnancy, which you had wanted to fore go until after the birth. At this point in the pregnancy it would have to be an invasive test and with this being your first child the three of you were so nervous you didn’t want to even consider taking that chance.
Shouta cleared his throat and stood up, reaching out for a hand shake as well. “That would be me.”
Hizashi shrunk down in his chair, he had agreed to this prearrangement, but it still stung a bit. You placed a brief set of comforting pats on his shoulder and he straightened up a bit.
“Right,” the kind eyed woman took his hand. “everything seems to be going well and on track. If you wanted to go over specific we could step into another room?”
She eyed Hizashi, and curious look about her. It was probably rare to see a friend sitting in on any sort of appointment. You shook your head and spoke up.
“Oh, he’s here to help us keep track of everything. I have total baby brain and Sho gets… overwhelmed.” You smiled at her reassuringly, trying to normalize the situation.
“O-okay.” She looked down at the clip board in her hand and skimmed the page. “The only thing I would say is out of the ordinary is that all signs are pointing to a later birth than expected. This is completely normal, of course. There are a few options if we feel as though the little one if take their sweet time a little too seriously such as inducing birth.”
You looked down at your swollen belly, your little one didn’t even stir. Why would they want to leave anyways, the little shit was swaddled in warmth and had a direct line to all the caving food you were constantly supplied with. Aside from the waddling, miniscule range of motion, tiny bladder and hip and back pain you didn’t mind being pregnant too much. The boys were totally whipped, which you tried not to take too much advantage of. But you were human and Hizashi was getting really good at baking.
“Inducing how?” Hizashi questioned from his seat.
“W-well,” she looked at you and Shouta for approval before speaking, Shouta nodded. “there are ways to induce labour through hormonal injection as well as more slightingly invasive physical ways, however it all depends on the circumstances. We prefer the less invasive ways for new parents generally speaking.”
Hizashi nodded and there was an awkward silence for a few seconds. The woman looked between the three of you then looked back down at the sheet and began tearing slips off along the perforated lines. “Here are your prescription cards, signed off by Dr. Onishi.”
“Thanks.” You took the slips from her outstretched hands and she slipped out of the room, you could have sworn her polite smile slipped from her face as she closed the door behind her. She sniffed you three out.
“Invasive?” Shouta mumbled. “How invasive?”
Hizashi shrugged as he stood up, grabbing your jacket off the end of the exam table to help you into it. You turned around and let him help you into it, even putting on a jacket was harder when you were this pregnant.
“They’ll stick a plastic hook up my vagina a pop the amniotic sack thing.” You explained, expecting full well the boy’s reactions.
Hizashi shivered violently and let go your jacket, shaking himself out like a dog trying to rid itself of water after a swim. Shouta’s nose flared and his eyes rolled to the side as he frowned.
“Is that painful?” Hizashi asked, his voice still shaky.
“No one on google really said anything about that but it’s safe to assume is they won’t talk about it, it’s not good.” You shrugged.
“Ew.” Hizashi stuck out his tongue like a kid tasting adult food for the first time.
“Yeah, can we uh, stop talking about this?” Shouta, if it had been possible, had paled out. Throughout the pregnancy Shouta had gone from the toughest out of the three of you to the one that was the most squeamish about everything. Sure, Hizashi was over dramatic and very vocal about his thoughts and feelings but he always had been. For Shouta, the idea of your body literally contorting to stabilize itself only for it all the end in hours of screaming, crying and otherworldly pain was too much. Normal injuries? Doable. Anyone could get hurt. Giving birth? That was something only you could do out of the three of you and he didn’t like that.
“Sure.” You smiled at him and he hooked his arm under yours as you all made your way out of the building to the busy street outside.
“What’s up for dinner?” Hizashi asked, pulling up his collar against the wind. The winter was blowing in and Japan was in the early stages of grey skies windows and cool winds, not yet covering in heavy snow and frozen streets.
“Um, I kinda forgot it was my night.” You muttered. If you hadn’t been the pregnant you’d have been subject to a somewhat sarcastic lecture at the hands of Hizashi, but you were practically untouchable now-a-days.
“Let’s just pick up something on the way home.” Shouta grumbled.
“I gotta fill my prescriptions, though. We can just go to the grocery store, there’s a pharmacy in the back.” You said.
“I don’t want to make you cook.” Shouta sniffed, the cold air making his nose run. “Plus, it’s cold as hell and the grocery store is refrigerated, I don’t want you getting sick.”
“Sho I can-” you started to protest.
“Dad has spoken.” Hizashi chimed in, wrapping and arm around your shoulder. “We can split, Y/n and I can head home a grab food on the way, and you can go fill her prescriptions?”
“Nice try, Mr. “I-wear- a jacket- all- the-time-for-fashion”. You go get the pills; we’ll get the food. I’m fucking freezing.” Shouta poked Hizashi in the forehead.
“I can’t help that I like the layered look, Sho.” Hizashi huffed. You turned to his and gave him a peck on the tip of his nose, a dopey grin spreading across his lips. God he was easy to butter up, he was such a glutton for physical affection.
You took off you scarf and wrapped it around his neck and handed him your prescription slips. “Your assignment Present Mic.”
“Aye-Aye, Ma’am.” He saluted dramatically.
“You own me a warm drink when I get home!” he added over his shoulder at Shouta who was already wrapping his arms around you as you waited for the walk signal.
Shouta was a furnace as the best of time and a miniature sum at the worst of times. You’d taken his temperature before, worried that he had fevers or worked himself sick in the early days of your relationship. He was always around the normal base line, he just radiated heat like crazy. You sank back into him and let his thick wavy hair curtain around your face. You looked up and make eye contact with his smoldering dark eyes, a soft smile on his lips.
“Hey.” You said.
“Hey.” He hummed into your hair.
“What do you want to eat?” you asked.
“Hmm,” she closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “something warm.”
The cars came to a halt and the walk chime sounded as the pedestrian light lit up. “Ramen it is.” you chirped and skipped awkwardly froward, your splayed hips not exactly made for such enthusiastic movement. He trailed behind you; your hand clasped in his.
The Ramen shop on the way was the kind of shop you couldn’t eat in; it was a thin rectangular shop with just enough room for a line and the counter. You had never minded before but lately the lack of seating options as you waited was less than ideal. You and Shouta had to make do with leaning into each other, him trying to support you but making a makeshift seat with his thighs while she leaned against the wall. The cashier rang a small bell and called your order number with a polite thank-you. You scuttled to the counter and retrieved the expertly packed bags of lidded ramen bowls.
When you made it back to Shouta he was staring down at his phone, his normal peaceful tiredness replaced by an annoyed alertness. He was frowning and pulling away from the wall.
“What’s wrong?” you asked just in time for him to look up at you.
“Uh, there’s an emergency call for heroes. Like, three blocks from here.” He looked as though if he hadn’t been waiting for you to return he’d have already dashed out of the door. It was in his blood, Shouta was a hero and until one the assholes had knocked you up so were you. The splayed hips somewhat dulled that itch to jump into action, but you could remember how it drove you crazy.
“Go.” You nodded. “I can get home.”
“Y-you’re- really?” he turned towards the door and you could see him winding up like a spring action toy.
“Yes, go!” you waved him off. Without another work he was off, the door swinging in the wake of his exit. Although you hated to admit it, this kid had changed more than just your body. You never worried like you did now. You were never so afraid od the average mission or call turning into something catastrophic, you were paranoid about patrols in good neighborhood and rescuing cats from trees. Shouta literally rescued a cat the other night and when he was telling you about it all you could see was him toppling out of the tree and getting hurt. Whenever one of them left for work they would be setting up times to check in, and Hizashi being the chronically late guy that he is had to suddenly start keeping track of time. You didn’t want to raise this kid without either of them and while you all knew full well that it was a possibility with the life you all lived, it still terrified you to no end.
You tried to calm yourself as you stepped out onto the street, people were still milling about, and there was no thirty-foot inferno to speak of so things couldn’t have been that bad. You waddled the rest of the way home, bags of soup sloshing around in your hands, trying to stay calm. You weren’t doing very well. Usually you had at least one of the boys with you or they were together but no doubt Hizashi also had gotten the message. You groaned to yourself, knowing full well he’d also responded.
Your hands were shaking, hoping it was just the cold you rooted around in your pockets for your keys. Getting them in the door was an experience, both frustrating and upsetting in the only the way a pregnant person can attest to. Were the tears running down your face because you couldn’t get the key in the door or because you were a walking rage pile or hormones and anxiety? You whipped angrily at your tears and shoved open the building door, warm air washing over you. At least it was warm.
The building got more and more blurry as you made your way to your apartment, tears fulling your eyes until the lights were just wavering streaks. You were huffing breaths into what felt like air starved lungs, sobs pounding against your cheat trying to break free. You choked them down and rushed through our door, leaving the ramen in the hallway as you slammed the door shut behind you.
You really didn’t feel like being very very pregnant and having a panic attack. You started to pace around, running your hand through the soft blanket across the back of the couch and pressing your palms to the cool counter top as you went back and forth between eh kitchen and living room. Some tears fell but your eyes dried and soon enough your lungs stopped convulsing for air. You were still shaking and a knot was still tight in your gut but you had for the time being subdued the panic. With this new clarity you went you your room and pulled out you professional phone, the battery low having not been used in weeks.
You had also received the distress signal:
10 Ave and 4 St. Grand villain activity: League of Villain members sited at scene of disturbance. Requesting all back up in immediate area. Priority: Containment.
League of Villains. You’re stomach dropped, almost painfully. You gripped onto the sheets of the bed as you slid to your knees, panic rising in your chest again. You knew they were among other heroes, that Hizashi wasn’t a frontline fighter and Shouta would have a horde of heroes trying the keep him in play. You knew this. You also knew them, and that they could be stupid. Shouta had climbed a Goddamned tree the other night FOR A CAT. He could have fallen and died for a CAT. You choked down another sob. Hizashi was always the centre of attention and he did it on purpose. What if he tried to distract the villains and got hurt doing it? He’d done that once before on a mission and came home with a nasty concussion.
What if it was worse this time? What if the League was more organized?
You choked on another sob.
Warm arms wrapped around you and you jumped, trying to pull away.
“Hey, whoa, babe it’s me.” Hizashi hummed calmly. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s Zashi.”
He brought a hand to your head and held you against his chest, scooting closer to you in his crouching position. He kissed the top of your head and rubbed circles into your hair with his thumb and held you like that until you were able to calm yourself. “What happened?”
“I got scared.” You sniffed. “And I’m pregnant.”
“Oh.” Hizashi chuckled, pulling back to look at you. His nose was still rosy from the cold and his hair was swept back in messy waves. “Sorry.”
“You should be.” You punched him the shoulder, once for every word.
“Ow!” he whined, holding his arms up in defense.
“You did this to me!” you wailed. Irrational, yes. Cathartic? Also, yes.
“I refuse to take ownership until we get that paternity test!” he laughed somersaulting away from you.
You were just about to give him a piece of your pregnant mind when you heard Sho enter the apartment and trip over a set of paper bags.
“Y/N?” he called. “Hun? Are you, okay?’
Hizashi jumped to his feet and darted out of the room, shouting wildly. “She’s angry!”
You tried to push yourself up to your feel but couldn’t, slumping back down onto the carpeted floor next to the bed. The threw your hands up in the air frustrated, all that panic from earlier having left your body. Being pregnant was a wild ride, whatever you felt was so strong and so consuming at the time, but it could fade just a quickly as it came.
“I’m stuck!” you pouted.
Shouta crept into the door frame, Hizashi hiding behind him. The two of them melting at the sight of you slumped, cross legged on the floor, belly swollen, unable to move. Shouta grinned, that same entertained grin from earlier. He made his way to you and grabbed your hands hauling you to your feet. You slumped into him, reaching out a hand to motion for Hizashi to join in. Not one to pass up a good group hug Hizashi happily wrapped his long gangling arms around you and Shout, ignoring your grunts and he squeezed.
“That didn’t take long.” You mumbled into Shouta’s chest.
“Illusion base quirk, I erased it and it turned out to be a bunch of low levels trying to make a scene to get away with some cash.” Shouta explained. “You okay?”
You nodded and hummed into his chest.
“You sure? There’s soup in the hallway.” His whiskers rubbed against your forehead.
“The baby got scared.” You muttered.
“Oh?” he hummed, as if in thought. He pulled away from you and knelt down, so he was level with you belly. “Listen up little one, there’s nothing in this world that your parents can’t handle so don’t so around worrying us like that okay?”
Hizashi stooped down and eyed your belly very seriously. “Especially, your mom. She’s already doing all the heavy lifting, dude!”
You dropped your face into your hands a laughed. Yeah, this was one lucky kid.
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spinnenpfote6 · 3 years
I’m laughing so hard rn at those so-called feminists here on German Twitter. So basically there’s this show here called “Die Höhle Der Löwen” (”The Den Of Lions”) where young/new businesspeople can present their newest innovative products to five investors and then the investors decide if they make a deal or not if they like a product.
Recently there were two guys presenting a feminine hygiene product called “Pinky” - a loose, pink plastic glove with a sticky strip for easy, sanitary and discrete disposal of tampons in public if there are no trash cans or you cannot wash your hands or whatever. Since you can just put the glove on, pull the tampon out, roll the glove over, fold it and close it with the sticky strip - it is not see-through, doesn’t leak and prevents certain odors, apparantly. I thought this is a neat idea actually. (They got a deal btw)
But ohhh boy, Twitter was heating up after this. First criticism is that it’s invented by guys - ‘kay, it’s a bit weird, sure, but I don’t really care as long as it is a good product. Second criticism is that it is too much plastic waste and too expensive - yeah, I thought it is a tad too expensive as well but when it comes to hygiene I don’t care about the environment, sorry guys! Third criticism, the biggest one by far, is that this product it is apparantly oh-so sexist and shames women for having their period.
The key moment was that upon being asked how they got the idea was that the guys used to be living in a shared apartment with other guys and a few women as well. They phrased it in a nice and neutral way but basically, they were a bit grossed out by the smelly, bloody tampons. Sure, I can see how this might rub some people the wrong way since they’re guys but like... I agree that it’s kinda gross?? Many also scream that the product tells women to be ashamed and grossed out by touching their vagina and to hide the period at all costs while ignoring the fact that it is advertised to be a useful tool when you happen to be in a place like, idk, a gas station bathroom where you might not have access to toilet paper oder soap. Or if you need to dispose it in a non-bathroom trash can. I certainly do not want to touch my genitals when I’m not able to wash my hands properly, which has nothing to do with me being uncomfortable with my body or womanhood. And no, even if we’re understanding towards eachother as women, I do not want to see my co-worker’s bloody tampons or running into them while trying to wash my bloody hands or them knowing that I’m bleeding out of my pussy rn or. There happen to be women who are kiiiinda don’t want to share it with other women, even if that’s unbelieveable. Everyone takes a shit, but I don’t inform everyone about mine.
Among these weird feminists seems to be this belief that period blood is somehow 100% clean and pure and great and those Pinky-guys are promoting the opposite. But like - period blood literally is your body getting rid of waste and certainly is unsanitary. Seriously, you cannot tell me that it cannot be a biohazard. Of course, getting some blood onto your fingers or bedsheets next to your partner is normal and usually unavoidable and it’s not the end of the world, especially since it’s your own blood. It’s something different with the blood of strangers though, which may contain diseases the person might have who maybe happens to not know how to get rid of their tampon in a clean way.
Periods aren’t a fun divine womanly experience either. It’s fucking gross, it smells bad (even if it just smells metallic), you have to change tampons or change pads in order to not sit in a wet spot of blood, you might stain your clothes, you have pains and just overall feel bad. And you still experience all of this at home where no one is judging you. Idk why these women are so hellbent on wanting me to “embrace” this when this pink glove is nothing like religious shit were women are told to be dirty monsters if they’re on their period. I just wanna be clean and I currently am, by the way, since I haven’t had my period for months due to my illness which is of course bad but very comfortable I must say.
Plus god forbid that anything related to women is pink according to Twitter... I don’t care ‘cause pink is amongst my favorite colors (I love everything that’s close to red, my #1 fave color) - hating a color doesn’t make you a feminist. And before anyone protests: Yes, I mean everyone who menstruates, women were just a big focus of the conversation. I am aware that these gloves might not be super necessary and not innovative and overpriced. But I don’t think they’re sexist at all. I embrace everything that makes my life easier and sometimes I don’t wanna carry around tons of things to get rid of one tampon. Those guys aren’t telling me that my period is a problem to be solved like you bitches claim because I’ve already experienced it as a burden before, even if I’m aware that it’s a sign of a healthy body. ‘Cause ya know, those thoughts can co-exist.
My key point is this: Nature is gross, that’s just how it is and having your period isn’t nice. And because it is natural, it is not a thing we should be shamed for or ashamed of. We are not gross or bad or overreacting because of the period in any way. But I can understand that just leaving your tampon, even just in the trash can, can be uncomfortable if a person you know might see it or you might get blood stains somewhere. Having a sanitary help to dispose of tampons is great, not oppressing. A lot of girls at my school for example didn’t think being clean is very necessary... not to mention that German schools are VERY much lacking soap, warm water and toilet paper. But y’all aren’t taking your precious time to criticise that.
So fuck off with your fake feminism.
Sincerely, a woman.
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neowinestainedress · 5 years
drunk on you, now i’m wasted
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There was no way Sicheng was wasting a second not admiring him when he was just so painfully beautiful like that. All spread out for her to fill him up completely. His cheeks flushed and wet, his lips plump and red, his hair stuck against his sweaty forehead. And it was so exciting for Sicheng to know that that was the same Jaehyun that easily fucked her against a wall mercilessly. Sicheng felt so good knowing she was the only one who could get him on his knees and make a mess out of him.
Or where it doesn't take much for Jaehyun to get drunk on Sicheng and feel wasted.
-warnings: smut; foursome; cock warming; pegging; dirty talk; slight verbal humiliation; praise kink; oral sex; orgasm delay/denial; multiple orgasms; sex toys; mommy kink; aftercare  yes, Sicheng is a woman
The JohnJaeTeWin smut nobody asked for, but I’m sorry I love them and we need more sub-jaehyun.
ao3 link
 "What are you thinking about?" Ten asked leaning closer to Sicheng from behind. His lips brushing timidly on her neck. "Just at how it's been a month since you bought me the new strap-on, and I still hadn't had the chance to use it." Sicheng replied with a sad expression on her face. Ten pouted. "Oh, poor baby. You want to top someone?" Ten was taunting, and Sicheng rolled her eyes, she didn't need this, not now when the only thought in her mind was Jaehyun at complete disposal for her to do anything with him. "I'm here if you want." He kept teasing, slowly unbuttoning his shirt with a smirk on his face.
"Ugh, you know what I want." And it was true, Ten knew it perfectly. Honestly, that was what he wanted too. It was strange how all of a sudden Ten and Sicheng started to be this close when at the start Ten couldn't even stand to hear her name. Three of them in a relationship weren't enough? And why the hell the fourth had to be a woman? He couldn't get it, to read: he was way to petty to act like a proper adult who knew that that could've happened since the first day he got into that type of relationship with two bisexual men. After three months of acting like a bitch, he started to get closer to Sicheng (mostly because Johnny and Jaehyun deprived him of sex) and found out that Sicheng was cool, cooler than he hoped she would be. And that they actually made a great duo. It took him two more months to get over the idea of vaginas as terrifying things and discover that playing with Sicheng was funny. So here they were now, being two bratty partners in crime who loved making Jaehyun and Johnny going crazy.
"Ask him." Ten said now sitting on her lap as his fingers were playing with her long wavy brown hair. "But...I'm shy." She whispered, her cheeks turned red. Ten laughed straight to her face. "I'm sorry, honey. But we both know that's a lie." He added after he saw her smile fall. "What if he doesn't want that?" She said seriously, Ten simply smiled at her and started to caress her face. It was kinda cute how Sicheng would worry so much about everything, even after a year together. Everything still felt new to her and she wasn't as brave as Ten at testing new unexplored territory with their boyfriends. In fact, Sicheng wanted to peg them for ages, it had always been stuck on her mind but she was too embarrassed -and scared of having them laugh at her face- to ask anything. It was thanks to Ten that Sicheng effectively got to do it just about four months before. Ten couldn't get it quite well, but he understood that he was shameless and knew the other boys longer than Sicheng did, so he also knew that they were pretty much down for everything as long as everyone involved was fine with it.
"You know he loves it, don't make me ask for it, again." He admonished. She sighed and then patted his thighs to make him stand up. "Fine, I will."
Fun thing, Sicheng never asked. Three days had passed since their conversation, all mostly like Ten sending her glare to tell her to talk to Jaehyun and Sicheng mouthing 'later', followed by Ten rolling his eyes and Johnny watching them with a frown on his face not understanding what was going on between them. It was a late evening on Friday when Sicheng felt particularly brave and decided to -practically- do something and not only whine and cry on how much she needed to fuck someone. Nobody was home, Sicheng had finished her turn before so she had all the time by herself to get ready and put in action what she was fantasizing about. After eating something that was left in the fridge -hoping it wasn't something poisonous cooked by Ten, who then decided to keep it anyway just to get rid of someone of them- Sicheng took off her working clothes and took a swift shower. "Bitch, is you home?" Rolling her eyes at the sound of Ten entering the house, Sicheng peeked down the stairs and stuck her tongue out at him. "Why are you like this?" Sicheng then added puffing as she entered the kitchen. "No, why are -you- like this?" Ten asked cheeking her out from head to toe. Sicheng had nothing on but a towel who barely covered her slim and tall body -she was taller than him, and at the start that was one of the many of the other reasons why Ten hated her. "Want to impress someone? Maybe showering made you grown some guts and you finally decided to talk to him?" He smirked as he bit a mouthful of a toast he made in like one, two minutes? Sicheng doesn't know and honestly doesn't want to. "Oh, shut up and don't waste my time. I've got a surprise." Sicheng said turning around making her back sway as she left the room. "Wait, I wanna know. Sicheng -fuck." He said as a piece of bread got stuck in his throat while he was calling for Sicheng. "I'll kill her one day."
"Honey, we're home." Johnny's low voice resounded around the house who seemed way too calm knowing the two subjects who were inside. As soon as Jaehyun and him glared at each other, questioning what was going on, a sound of heels on the floor made their head turn around. "Fuck." Jaehyun breathed out, his mind went blank as he immediately felt a shiver run down his spine. Sicheng was leaning against the handrail of the stairs. Her already long legs looked even longer in that black tight suit pants and the five-inch red decollete. But, damn, that wasn't the most breathtaking thing in front of their eyes. Her boobs were perfectly wrapped by the white blouse, so tight the bottoms could barely keep it together, and suspenders were placed at the side of her chest. A tie tightened around her neck finished the look as her long hair was raised in a ponytail. Sicheng looked so powerful like this. Sicheng was powerful. And Johnny and Jaehyun felt defenceless at that sight. Her body moved gracefully in the air as she made her way closer to the boys, and there, when a shy ray of moonlight hit her better, Jaehyun eyes got caught by something else. She was wearing a strap-on, it was clear by the prominence on her low waist. "Fuck." He cursed again, he was already getting hard. "You're keeping it quiet, now?" Sicheng asked, she was in front of him and he didn't even realize that. "You'll be screaming it louder later tonight." She whispered the last words in his ear, her hot breath hitting his neck causing him to bit his lips. He wanted to curse again, and again. It was always like that when Sicheng decided to switch, and to him, it was unbelievable how she could just be the best submissive person ever and then turn to be -this- dominant, sometimes even more than him. It drove him crazy, it fucked him up. And while he was lost in his thoughts, trying to gain back all the sanity Sicheng drained from his soul since they first met, he didn't see how Johnny was wiping away with kisses the beautifully wore red lipstick from her face. "You're so hot like this, babe." Johnny whispered pulling away, his big hands were cupped around Sicheng's ass. "I know, don't need to remind me." Yeah, also that, Sicheng could be very full of herself if she wanted to. "Hey, what have you done to him?" Again, way too immersed in admiring his partner's bodies he didn't see Ten coming down from upstairs and placing right in front of him, ready to mock him, as always. And, as expected, he was pointing at his already visible boner. "I'll get my revenge." He simply thought, but that was for later. Right now he was the target, and he knew that they wouldn't let him breathe -in any sense- that night. Not that he minded, but he had other things to think about, like trying not to lose his dignity when they didn't even start, yet, just because he was way too whipped for Sicheng. Check, failed. "Me? Nothing?" Sicheng answered with an angelic tone in her voice as she turned around facing both Ten and Jaehyun. The younger huffed and rolled his eyes, seriously? She had the audacity to say it wasn't her fault when she was just so breathtaking, sexy, beautiful and hot and fuck-maybe Jaehyun loved Sicheng a little too much. A slap followed his actions. "Hey!" He screamed. He knew exactly why she did that and it didn't even hurt much but learning from the best -Ten- putting on a scene always made things better. "I know what you're thinking, but it wasn't for that." Sicheng said slipping a hand through his light brown hair. "Aren't you a little bit too greedy, pup?" Jaehyun closed his eyes, a dumb smile on his face, he really wanted to make it disappear but his mind was already too far gone. He won't survive the night, he knows it damn well. He knows himself, and how much he likes all this shit. And he knows his partners would never lose the change to take him to the edge and make a mess out of him. "Look at you, you like it?" Sicheng smaller hands cupped his face and forced him to look at her in her eyes. "Just got home and you're already extremely hard. Baby boy wants to get fucked, doesn't he?" She whispered, her voice was always warm and somehow low, but in this situation, it was just so raspy and hot that sometimes Jaehyun felt like he could come by that only -and he probably really could, didn't try, yet. "Yes, please." His voice sounded like a cry, already desperate, and his cheeks and ears turned red as his brain suddenly realized that Johnny and Ten were also there, staring right at him. "Gettin shy?" Talk about the devil. Johnny's voice made his dick throb in his tight jeans, the moments when he and Johnny got to have fun together were rare, it was always three of them, all together or one of them with Ten and Sicheng, but rarely them two. That didn't stop them from loving each other and neither loving to have fun with each other. But he wasn't that used to have that kind of attention from him. "Not answering? That's kinda rude since you're asking us to fuck you." Johnny said again, this time more stern and dominant. A shiver run down Jaehyun's spine -and dick. "N-no, I...yes." He mumbled out the first words that came in his mind not knowing quite well what to say. Well, ten minutes into this and he was already brain dead. Good job, Jaehyun. "Stupid puppy." Sicheng said, and both Ten and Johnny laughed at him. His ears turned as red as Sicheng's lipstick if that was even possible but he seriously felt stupid at that moment. "Why don't you go upstairs and wait for us with your pretty ass up in the air?" Sicheng asked gently stroking his face, her thumb on his soft lips. She wanted to kiss him so bad.
Jaehyun simply nodded -not able to create a comprehensible phrase, and without any other words, he ran upstairs.
Jaehyun didn't waste a moment to get rid of his clothes, he wanted to throw them on the floor and swiftly get ready on the bed but at the same time he didn't want to seem so desperate, he knew he would give them other reasons to make fun of him through the night and he had already started in the worst way, recovering now was a good option. After having piled his clothes on the desk he moved to the bed, his right cheek pressed against the pillow, staring at the door in anticipation, and ass up in the air, firstly because they told him to and secondly because the slight brush of his dick on the covers would've got him shaking. "Look at you." Sicheng voice made him open his eyes wide, the room was kinda dark as the only light came from the abatjour on the desk opposite to the bed. He couldn't see well, also due to the position he was. But he liked it, not knowing who was near him or what they were gonna do to him, okay, maybe he loved it since thinking about it made his cock throb another time. A hand placed around his ass cheek, it was smooth and small, he could tell it was Ten's. "Isn't he beautiful?" He said caressing him, and a smile painted Jaehyun face as pride rushed over him. "So soft and pale, it feels like I'm touching porcelain." He said moving closer to Jahyun's ring of nerves, teasing it lightly with his thumb. A soft moan escaped his lips. "So fragile, maybe I should stop touching or it will break." Ten said pulling away. "No." Jaehyun exclaimed, his voice breaking in his throat. Sicheng laughed, it was definitely her. "Baby, baby, you should be more patient." She said leaning closer to him, her hands were messing his hair and he wanted to move, seeking for more contact and affection. But he couldn't. "But I've been." He whispered, no he didn't, but he couldn't care less. It hadn't even been bad so there was no reason for not wanting more. A huff left Johnny's lips "You shouldn't lie." He warned slapping his ass. Jaehyun leapt. "Please..." Jaehyun cried out. "Please what, pup? Tell us what you want." She said, her fingers making her way to his mouth asking for permission to enter. He opened up. "Tou-touch me." Jaehyun hardly said trying to breathe. "How you want to be touched, pup?" Jaehyun moaned as Sicheng kept pushing her fingers inside his mouth, maybe he had a problem with his oral fixation. Yes, he surely had it. But that wouldn't be the biggest problem. "Ten, please." "I said how, not, who. Are you that stupid?" Sicheng said in a stern voice pulling her fingers out. "No, I-" Jaehyun tried to mumble out but his voice got stuck in his mouth when another slap ended on his ass. It was Sicheng this time. "You're not even good at listening, I don't think you deserve these attentions." She said rubbing the redder part of his body. "No, please, Sicheng." Her fingers tangled through his hair and she pulled strongly against herself causing his lower back to arch up. "What? Say it again, pup, if you dare." "Mommy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Jaehyun cried out tightening his eyes. Not able to keep eye contact with her. "Good boy." Sicheng said letting go the grip suddenly, causing his head to bob against the pillow. "Since you can't answer we'll decide, okay?" She said gesturing Ten to take care of him. Jaehyun simply nodded, at this point, everything was fine as long as they touched him. "You wanted me, right baby?" Ten said getting on the bed, Jaehyun could feel the movement of the mattress under him.
"Yes..." He said in a shaky voice, pushing his ass higher in the air, his back arched perfectly. He just wanted to be ruined, couldn't care much of anything else, not even how pathetic he looked.
"You're so fucking desperate." Ten said getting closer to him, his lower back making contact with Jaehyun's ass. "Now suck." He ordered putting two digits in his mouth, not so sweetly. And Jaehyun did. Closing his pinky lips around them and then swirling his tongue in his mouth. His eyelashes fluttered on his cheeks as he enjoyed the feeling.
"Fucking beautiful." Johnny whispered. He couldn't see him, but from his voice, he could tell he was beside the bed. "Stop. We got better things to do." Ten said pulling away. Jaehyun whined but the Thai boy didn't listen and moved his fingers down to his ass. "Want to suck something?" Johnny was now in front of Jaehyun, towering over him. His pants were gone, and the only thing covering his boner was his underwear. "You want something to stuff that pretty mouth of yours?" Jaehyun nodded trying to hold back the moans caused by Ten's attention down there and the things Johnny was saying. "Can you keep daddy's dick warm while Ten eats you out?" He asked caressing his cheeks and Jaehyun nodded, a shy smile on his face. "Really? Sicheng do you think he can?" He asked mockingly.
"No, that pretty mouth is too small for your cock, isn't it, pup?"
"No, I'm good, daddy. I can take, I- fuck." He mumbled out, he felt dizzy. Trying to keep attention at the two of them felt impossible when Ten was working him open, his fingers entering him slowly and brushing his most sensitive spots.
"I'll be a good boy and keep your cock warm." He finished holding back moans. Without adding another word, Johnny got on the bed, sitting with his legs open on the pillow beneath Jaehyun's head. And so Jaehyun did it. Resting his cheeks on Johnny's thigh he tried to take in his mouth as much of Johnny's dick he could. But fuck, Johnny was so big, and he wasn't the one sucking cocks usually. He wanted to do it, though, he promised Johnny and for personal pride -he had to -and he also just wanted something to suck.
"Good boy, just like that." Johnny whispered running his fingers through his hair to make him relax as he felt his dick rest on Jaehyun's tongue.
"Fuck, you're so tight." This time Ten was talking, his three fingers were buried deep inside Jaehyun and he could perfectly feel how tight he was as he clenched around him.
"But you're so...pretty like that." Ten emphasised the word 'pretty', he knew Jaehyun loved to be called that and it worked since a soft moan left his lips -well, what could be heard of that since the position he was. "So pink and hot for me, for us." He kept praising him leaning closer with his mouth. Jahyun whimpered when Ten's tongue licked his entrance and swirled around, his dick was leaking pre-cum and he already felt so close. A muffled 'fuck' left his mouth, as he tried to steady his breath through his nose, it was harder than he expected. Johnny's big cock blocked all the air from the mouth and sucking sent him into other space, which made it hard for him to focus on something that was actually pretty important -breathing. And the amazing oral sex Ten was giving him wasn't helping. "A beautiful peach." Sicheng said. Jaehyun couldn't see her, she was probably looking at him from behind, enjoying the best view Jaehyun offered. His cheeks turned red at the thought, he could kinda feel Sicheng's burning gaze on his skin, and that was so hot. Sicheng eyes were so beautiful and intense, so much that sometimes it felt impossible for him to look at her. And fuck, he just hated how powerful she was over him because even now, that he had Johnny and Ten taking care of him, the thing that turned him on the most was Sicheng looking at him, seeing how good he was being, how beautiful he was just for them, for her. And all of that put together was just too much for him, he couldn't take it anymore. Not letting go of Johnny's dick he muffled a shy 'please' as tears were streaming down his face and a groan left the oldest's mouth. "Please what?" Sicheng asked. "Wanna com-ah." Johnny pulled him away, the vibrations he sent were too much, Jahyun wasn't truly sucking him, but the warmth of his mouth and the random sucking were enough to drive him crazy.
"Hold on a little bit more, Ten will let you come, right baby?" Ten whispered a 'yes' against his sensible ring of nerves and Jaehyun dick throbbed. With his mouth now free he could let out all the moans he had to suppress before. Ten was just so fucking good he could see stars. "I don't think his pretty little hole is ready to take mommy's big cock." Sicheng said sitting on the other side of the bed. Jaehyun's head snapped up, his eyes now open were looking straight at hers. "No, I am. I will take you so good, mommy." He cried out in a soft breathy voice. But then, without a warning, Ten spat on his asshole and pushed four fingers inside. "Fuck." Jaehyun screamed closing his eyes, his head fell back on Johny's tight and then he felt his hands in his hair, massaging his scalp. Ten started to fuck him mercilessly, pumping hard inside out causing tears to roll down his pretty flushed cheeks. And damn, Jaehyun was so hot like that. Ten wanted so bad to fuck him, it was such a waste to a have a masterpiece like this in front of him and not being able to come, but he knew that somebody else was in line for that and, to be honest, seeing Sicheng fuck him was way hotter than him fucking Jaehyun. "Ten, please..." Jaehyun barely spat out, his moans getting in the way, his orgasm building up in his stomach -again. But this time he wouldn't have been able to stop it. And he didn't, when Ten touched his prostate, again and again, he lost it, coming all over the sheets beneath him, a particularly long low moan left his mouth as his chest panted heavily, still shaking from the pleasure. Silence filled the room as Ten pulled out, just an almost silent curse could be heard when Ten gasped seeing Jaehyun's hole gape, clenching into nothing. "Oh, what do we have to do with you." Sicheng said, her hands grabbed his waist making him turn around, now his back was laying flat against the mattress, and fuck, Sicheng's breath got stuck in her throat because Jaehyun was just way too beautiful like this. His face all flushed red, cheeks wet for the tears and lips red and swollen. A work of art, the most beautiful one Sicheng ever seen. His eyelashes fluttered and she felt her heart skip a bit, Sicheng couldn't believe he was her baby. When did she get so lucky? "You look so wasted already, do you think my puppy can take more?" As much as she wanted to praise him out loud she knew she couldn't loosen the grip. "Yes, please mommy, I need you." He whispered. "Wasn't Ten enough?" She teased getting up from the bed, just to get rid of her pants and heels. Like this Jaehyun could see better the outlines of the strap-on hidden behind her red laced culotte. A moan left his mouth as his dick was starting to get hard again. "She asked you something." Johnny said bringing him back to reality. "Yes, I mean no, I-" Again, he couldn't get nothing that made sense out of his brain. "I think Ten was more than enough." She said leaving Jaehyun speechless. Rationally, he knew that Sicheng wouldn't have got away with that only but right now his rationality wasn't there -actually, it abandoned him at the start of the night. So shy huffs came from him as he moved on the bed, trying to adjust himself, whine and grab attention. "You came without permission, I thought you said you were going to be a good boy." Sicheng said, leaning now closer to Ten who was sitting at the edge of the other side of the bed. "Maybe he could show you how to be a good boy." A grin grew on Ten's face as Jaehyun felt his anger and jealousy rush in his vein. Bingo. Sicheng thought. Putting Ten and Jaehyun, two of the most competitive people she knew, against each other? While they were both cravings for praises and dick? A hell of a ride. Johnny smiled at her, knowing well that from now on it would've been even funnier. Ten couldn't complain, that night his dominant role had lasted more than enough, he liked it, surely, but nothing was better than having all the attention on him and being praised for his body and the things he could do. And showing off how to be the best baby boy he could? Damn, he was totally there for it. Jaehyun, instead, wanted to complain, a lot. He hated competition -being honest, he hated competition when he knew he couldn't win. And with Ten he couldn't, as much as he wanted to, as much as he tried. He simply didn't have the stamina the older had. There was no way he could be better. But he hated losing, he wanted to be praised, to ear from Sicheng that he was good, that he was her good beautiful boy. He wanted to show off how good he was -because he was. Maybe not as Ten, but he was. And he was beautiful, he knew that. He just needed to hear them say it. He wanted to complain out loud but Ten was faster than him and with a swift move he found himself on Johnny's lap. Jaehyun rolled his eyes, Sicheng saw it from her peripherical view but let it go. He couldn't believe him, he was pulling the 'watch how I take him in one go' card just to brag about how it seemed he was made for Johnny's dick. "Come here." Sicheng patted the space in front of her, she was sitting cross-legged at the opposite side of them, she could see them perfectly, but Sicheng wanted Jaehyun to see them. "Good, on your knees now." Sicheng demanded. "Eyes focused on them." She then whispered in his ear, turning his face directly at their boyfriends. Johnny was fingering Ten as the younger was grinding against him. Hot. But Jaehyun couldn't enjoy it completely. He just wanted one thing, but he knew that to get it he had to listen, and so he did. Getting on his knees he kept his attention on the boys. Sicheng left for a brief moment, he wanted to turn around, to check that she didn't leave him all alone, but he couldn't. Coming back behind him, Jaehyun could feel the texture of a rope closing around his wrists. "Fuck." He cried out, his dick getting now completely hard due to the sight in front of him and the sensation of the rope that was being tightened around his hands. "Now stay still and enjoy the show." Sicheng whispered in his ear. He nodded but he felt like he wanted to cry when she sat closer to the two and not next to him. Mind reminder for himself: hug Sicheng for a whole day as a revenge for this contact deprivation. All the softness fell apart when suddenly Ten aligned Johnny's dick to his entrance and took him in one go. Ten softer moans mixed with Johnny's deep groans, as the younger went down completely. And fuck, that was just so hot. Jaehyun couldn't take his eyes away from the space were his boyfriends were united. They fitted so perfectly, they were made for each other, and as much he thought that maybe Ten liked to brag a little too much, he simply thought it was amazing how well he could take Johnny so easily. "God, Ten, you're so good." As Johnny said that, Jaehyun's dick throbbed. His low, raspy voice was so sexy. But Johnny himself sent him to heaven. The way his black hair was now a mess with few strands falling on his face, or how his lashes fell beautifully on his cheeks as he enjoyed the feeling of Ten riding him. Or how his muscles tensed making him look even hotter. A breathy moan left his lips as he let his head fall back, just how much he wanted to be Ten right now. "Like what you see?" The oldest in the room asked teasingly looking at him for a moment. Jaehyun nodded, not able to do anything else. "Could have been you, but you don't know how to behave." He finished with a smirk on his face, that soon after was also painted on Ten's face, that little bitch and his super-ego. A groan left Jaehyun's mouth and then he huffed. He had been good, they just liked to make him go crazy. "Daddy, fuck, you're so big." Ten brought all of the attention back on him, as his hips kept moving up and down, creating lewd noises as their skin clapped against each other. "But you're so good for me, baby. Look at how well you take me." Johnny praised him and a stupid smile plastered on his face. Jaehyun wanted to cry, maybe scream, do anything to gain a little attention from them but he knew that he would've worsened the situation, so he tried to keep quiet, ignore the almost painful boner he had between his legs and wished for them to finish faster. Or at least for Sicheng to have some mercy and maybe take care of him, just a little, he wasn't asking for much. But nothing, Sicheng eyes were fixed on their boyfriends' bodies, paying more attention at her he noticed how one hand was playing with herself down between her legs and another moan escaped his mouth. Sicheng turned to him and caught him staring. A devilish smile crept on her face. "Bet you want to be the one touching me, am I right?" Jaehyun nodded energetically, he knew that by now Sicheng was dripping wet, there was no way she hadn't been affected by all of this and he just wanted to eat her out like she deserved. He was hoping for something to change but no, they weren't done teasing. Johnny's hands swiftly reached for her body, unbuttoning the blouse. Sicheg's boobs sprang free as soon as the top was off and fuck, they were so beautiful. They weren't particularly big, more like medium but they were so full and soft. Johnny wasted no time sucking the right nipple and then slightly pulling away holding it between his teeth. Sicheng's head rolled back as a soft moan left her mouth. Her hands tangled around Johnny's hair as he kept working on her. And Jaehyun felt so close again because the sight in front of him was too much to take. Ten bouncing on Johnny's cock, with his eyes closed and his lips parted letting free the most beautiful moans ever. Johnny trying to meet him midway while he also stayed focused on Sicheng while her red lips were being bitten to quite down the messy sounds she was doing. And then him, tightened and in a corner, hard as hell as he just wanted to touch them or being touched by them. "You're so hot, fuck." He breathed out, trying desperately to remind them he was there too -they knew it perfectly, and it was even more frustrating. "You too, baby." Sicheng moaned, but his pride had no time to build up that got destroyed again "All hot and bothered waiting patiently for us, looking like the most desperate puppy needing for attention." "Yes, I am. Please, please." He cried out nervously moving on the bed, he was desperate, he knew that. For them? He would've never stopped being it. "Later." Sicheng tone got deeper, almost as if she disconnected from her state of mind absorbed in Johnny's touch, Jaehyun gulped and lowered his head. Later. "I'm so close, god-" Ten said in a breathy voice. His eyes were now open, staring at the view in front of him. Johnny pulled away from Sicheng making a sad sigh escape from her mouth. "Come with me, baby." Johnny's deep voice was the last thing Ten needed to get off completely, with one last strong movement of their hips meeting midway they both came, Ten all over Johnny's torso and the older inside of him. Still riding their orgasms, their chest panted quickly, their forehead rested on each other, as their lips crushed together in sloppy and messy kisses. Jaehyun sighed, he just wanted to be kissed too. Fortunately, this time, his wish was granted pretty soon. Sicheng turned around and crawled to him, her hands rubbing his thighs. His fogged eyes were staring right into hers, silently begging for more. Rising her upper body, Sicheng made their lips collide for the first time that night and Jaehyun felt like flying. It had been waiting all night just for that. It started slowly, almost painfully, but soon enough it turned messier and rougher. Jaehyun moaned in the kiss, Sicheng plump and soft lips sent him straight to heaven. Her hands were roaming on his body, making him crave for more, he just wanted to touch her too, to kiss every inch of Sicheng's perfect skin, but the rope kept him from doing it. He whined. "You've been so good, pup." Sicheng breathed out in the middle of one of their kisses and Jaehyun smiled. "Tell me what you want." "You." He breathed out, his voice shaking. He should've elaborate better but right now, that was the most sincere thing he could say. He had been waiting all night for Sicheng to touch him, kiss him, ruin him. He couldn't care, he just wanted to become a mess under her hands. And Sicheng didn't complain, not asking for more explanation. The teasing has lasted long enough, and by this point, not even she could take it anymore. So Sicheng moved her hands to free him from the rope and then gestured him to lay on the bed. "Look at your hard thick cock, isn't it a waste not to use it?" Sicheng asked starting to pump up and down. "No, I want you- fuck." Jaehyun shook his head fastly. "But your pretty dick is so big, it fills me up so good. I could ride you." Sicheng said brushing her thumb on the slit on the head. Jaehyun rolled his eyes from the pleasure he was receiving and bit his lips trying to find the words to say. "No, please, mommy. Fuck me, ah." His voice trembled from the stimulation she was giving him. "Are you sure you want that? Leaving your dick laying there?" "Yes, please mommy fuck me 'till I can't breathe." He said desperately, and that was everything Sicheng needed to get free from her panties and align her strap-on at his entrance. Ten had fingered him before but Jaehyun wasn't so used at this, so she took anyway a little bit of time to finger him. "I'm ready, I can take it, plea-" His begs died in his throat when Sicheng entered him decisively, not giving him time to finish. She pulled his legs around her waist and sunk down completely, the tip of the dildo touching his sensitive spot. "Fuck, see, you're as good as Ten." Sicheng praised and Jaehyun heart skipped a beat, a smile appeared on his face as he heard Ten huff at the side of the bed, followed by a slap on his ass by Johnny and an "ouch". But right now he couldn't think of Ten's show, he had Sicheng right where he wanted and that was all that mattered. Sicheng started moving slowly, her hips going inside out, rotating too. She was so good at it, knowing exactly how to move and the right angulation that drove him crazy. "It feels so good." Jaehyun said keeping his eyes closed. "God! Fuck-" Jaehyun gasped. Lost in his pleasure, Jaehyun didn't hear the sound of something vibrating, so when the vibrator made contact with his sensitive head he couldn't help but be surprised.
"Wher-" "Shh, will you be a good boy for mommy?" Sicheng hushed him down, placing her hand around his neck, choking him slightly. Jaehyun simply nodded, not being able to do anything else. "Like this, you're so hot and wet for me, baby." She said thrusting hard inside of him as the other hand held the vibrator still on his throbbing dick. "Mommy, please. It's too much." Jaehyun mumbled out, tears were rolling down his face as he could feel another orgasm build up in his stomach, his visions get blurry and his muscles trembling. He had only come once properly but for the whole night he kept on killing more oncoming orgasms, and Sicheng was just too hot for him, with her long hair falling in her face as the tail loosened, and her boobs bouncing up and down. "We just started, you don't want this do end yet." Sicheng managed to say through her moans, the vibrations sent by the dildo inside of her and Jaehyun in front of her were starting to make her lose points. She let go of her hold on his neck just to leave kisses there and bite makrs. "But mommy." Jaehyun cried out, suddenly he felt two pair of lips on his, completely dizzy it took some seconds to understand it was Ten.
"You're such a good boy, peach." Ten whispered close to him, running his fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down. "I'm not." Jaehyun mumbled out closing his legs around Sicheng's waist. He just wished he was as good as Ten at holding on and controlling his orgasms but he wasn't, not when he was deep in his sub-space.
"Yes, you are." The Chinese girl said, removing the vibrator from his sensitive spot. She leaned down reaching for his lips, trying to comfort him.
"Are you with me?" Sicheng asked, stopping for a moment since Jaehyun appeared spaced out.
"Y-yes, go on, please. Ruin me." Jaehyun said looking at Sicheng in the eyes. They kissed another time, sloppily and roughly. Then Sicheng started where she stopped. Grabbing Jaehyun waist she raised him a little, making him tightening his hold around her, this way she could get a lot deeper. Jaehyun was feeling every inch.
"Mommy fucks you so good." Ten said while playing with Jaehyun's left nipple.
"And you look so, so pretty, Jae." The older started kissing him slowly, pushing his moans back in his throat. Jaehyun tiredly tried to kiss him back but he felt like he couldn't command his body anymore, he felt like he had left his soul in Sicheng's hands and trusted her with it.
"Your pink little hole is so tight, baby." Sicheng let out a raspy moan as she threw her head back, just to get back to the main subject of the night. Jaehyun. There was no way Sicheng was wasting a second not admiring him when he was just so painfully beautiful like that. All spread out for her to fill him up completely. His cheeks flushed and wet, his lips plump and red, his hair stuck against his sweaty forehead. And it was so exciting for Sicheng to know that that was the same Jaehyun that easily fucked her against a wall mercilessly. Sicheng felt so good knowing she was the only one who could get him on his knees and make a mess out of him.
"You are a masterpiece completely ruined." She breathed out.
"Fuck, look at your teary eyes still begging for more, it's never enough for you, right?" Jaehyun nodded and let out an airy 'yes'. His hands were frenetically trying to grab onto something and the closest thing he found was Johnny's hand.
"Mommy, harder please." He begged, trying to meet her in the middle. The vibrator was put aside, throw somewhere behind them so that Sicheng could completely focus on him and her movements.
"Yes, like that." He mewled as Sicheng brushed against his prostate.
"Oh, pretty boy, you were made for mommy's cock, weren't you?" Sicheng started praising him, she knew he loved it and well, he deserved it.
"You're being so good for us."
Jaehyun dumbly smiled through his whines and Ten's kisses.
"You're so hot that Ten and I are hard again." Johnny said, his voice was low as it was usually when he was about to come and, sliding out of his deepest subspace for a moment, Jaehyun could hear the sound of him jerking off.
"Daddy," He rolled his eyes as a particularly deep and hard thrust hit him "please, on -on my face."
"Are you sure?" Johnny asked moving closer to his face as he held his dick in his hands.
"Yes, please, give it to me." He urged looking at him with doe eyes, his wet long eyelashes fluttering.
"Jesus," Johnny groaned at the sight gripping tightly the base of his cock "If that's what you want."
"You're such a slut." Sicheng said slapping lightly his cheek making his head turn to the side. Then Johnny spurted out, covering his face in white. Jaehyun opened his mouth wide, trying to grab a taste of the white substance coming out from his boyfriend.
"God, you're so greedy, babe." Ten mocked him as he collected some of Johnny's cum just to push it down Jaehyun's mouth, making him swallow. "Bet you would take the both of 'em at the same time." He pinched his nipple and Jaehyun simply nodded, it was getting too much. Sicheng moaned higher as she pictured him being fucked by the two of them. If she could barely take this view how was she going to survive that?
"Would you?" Ten asked with a stern voice, demanding attentions Jaehyun wasn't really able of giving him.
"Y-yes." He stuttered, the thought turned him on even more, being fucked by Johnny and Sicheng at the same time, all the marks and bruises to remind him nobody else could see him like this, or how full he would be. His dick throbbed. "Thinking about it, peach?" Ten asked not so sweetly as he licked a bit of Johnny's cum from his lips. "Yeah." Jaehyun sobbed. "But you're hole so little, you could never. I could." He teased and Jaehyun mumbled a 'no' in response shaking his head. Then everything disappeared, he felt a knot in his stomach and his thighs started shaking. "I'm close, I'm-" "Let it go, puppy. Come with me, fuck." Sicheng said leaning closer to him, her orgasm was there too, her thrusts were now a mess, as she tried to ride both of their pleasures. And he let go, holding on her tiny waist and throwing his head back he came all over his chest with a loud cry. His walls clenched around the plastic and it was a shame that Sicheng couldn't really feel it, but seeing his hole thighing was enough for her to get off. "Baby, fuck." She screamed as her orgasm hit her slightly after Jaehyun's. Sicheng fell on top of Jaehyun, not really minding all the cum that covered him. They would've thought about it later, even tomorrow. Then she pulled out slowly and rolled to the side, falling behind him. Jaehyun's eyes were closed as he tried to come back on heart, getting out of his subspace.
"It was so intense." He breathed out, his chest was still moving erratically. "Yes, it was." Sicheng smiled pulling out of her the double end strap-on.
"You did so well." Ten praised climbing on top of him leaving few kisses here and there. "And we also did a mess." Johnny said coming back inside the room with two wet towels, he soon started to clean Jaehyun up, they would've thought about the rest tomorrow.
"It was worthy, I guess." Sicheng said propping on her elbows to look at her oldest boyfriend.
"You were so good, baby." Sicheng then whispered turning her attention at Jaehyun as she caressed his hair out of his face. "You look so sweet like this, you know. Sweet and deadly." She susurrated staring at his parted lips. Jaehyun was beautiful like a poisonous flower, so enchanting it attracted everybody close just to eat them up completely. Sicheng remembers when they first met, and how intimidating he seemed, walking around like a God -she is still convinced he is- and how she thought it was impossible getting close to him. It seemed like a joke that now she was the one who made him weak and how intimate they got, knowing each other so deeply to the point the shared their most fragile parts.
"Please, I want cuddles." Jaehyun begged in a soft voice bringing her back to reality. "Can we do it all together?" He pouted.
"Of course, babe." Sicheng answered. And so they were laying in their king-size bed, Johnny and Ten at the extreme while Sicheng and Jaehyun were in the middle. Jaehyun held on Sicheng's body like a koala, resting his face on her boob, and Ten hugged him from behind, his mouth against his neck. Meanwhile, Johnny was hugging Sicheng as he stretched his arm out to hug them all.
"You know I love you all so much." Jaehyun muttered after some minutes of silence where they simply enjoyed each other presence.
"Of course, we love you too." Johnny said smiling fondly.
"Really, you are the best things that ever been mine and life could give me. I don't know what I would be without you." He said in a more serious voice.
"Fuck, Jae. It's not the right time to make me cry." Ten said sniffing through his nose.
"I'm sorry, I changed my mind, you're the only one I don't love." Jaehyun said ironically but Ten, being the drama queen he is, gasped and pulled away from the boy. They all laughed, except Ten of course. But Ten sad face was soon enough swept away by Jaehyun's kisses on his lips, causing Ten to smile through them and giggle lightly.
"I think we're all really glad we got each other. It's family, right?" Sicheng said as she leaned her head on Johnny's chest and caressed Jaehyun and Ten hair.
"Family." They answered as one.
As darkness surrounded them and silence fall between them, sleep started to wash over them. But all of a sudden Johnny talked.
"So, the bet for the double is still open?" Johnny asked giggling.
"Oh, shut up. Let me breathe." Jaehyun cursed under his teeth as he rolled his eyes causing everyone to laugh.
But deep down they all knew that, sooner or later, it will happen because now that Ten put it in everyone's mind there was no way they would've stopped thinking about it. Especially Jaehyun.
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omgbigfluffwriting · 4 years
An Inconvenient Attraction Pt 1
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If you told me 9 months ago that I would fall deeply in love with Dr. Spencer Reid as I carried his child, I would just laugh my ass off and tell you to see a psychiatrist. Yet, that's exactly what happened.
I had transferred to the BAU at the worst time aka Reid being sent to prison. By the time he got out, I was a profiler in my own right but he never worked with me because he seemed to hate me so much. I hated his behavior towards me. Emily made him my permanent partner in order to foster a healthy work relationship.
But that wasn't going to happen, not with how Reid treated me. Okay, so maybe I wasn't entirely innocent. "Why are you reading that trash?" I looked over the top of my romance novel at the triplicate doctorate holding genius.
"Because it's interesting." I replied with a frown at him. "And because it's not your speed, Einstein."
"I didn't know the FBI hired 15 year olds." Spencer replied. I raised an eyebrow at him. "That particular romance novel has a lot of sexual intercourse in it."
"Shut up, Reid." I snapped. "And how would you know?"
"I read it. Your reading that says you're either unsatisfied with your partner or don't have one." I sighed in irritation. He hit it on the nail. I currently did not have a partner. Then the surprise hit me. He READ it?!
"Are you offering, Dr.?" I finally asked sweetly. He blushed and turned back to his paperwork. "Yeah, that's what I thought, asshole." I mumbled. I definitely did not like our resident genius one bit.
Dr. Reid was the cause of my many anxiety attacks and headaches. There was something about when he shared the information he had during cases that almost sounded smug. That irritated me. Sure, I had fantasized about sex with the good doctor but that had only lasted for about 8 seconds before he opened his mouth when I met him for the first time.
I put away my romance novel and sucked on a lollipop that I had brought without a second thought. I looked up to see Dr. Reid shifting uncomfortably in his chair. I wondered why he'd have cause to shift like that but put the idle thought away. It was none of my business. Well, until I heard, "Could you actually please not be so obscene with sucking the lollipop?" from Dr. Reid.
"Why?" I asked after taking it out of my mouth. "I'm sucking on it normally." He snorted but didn't say anything else. It was bad timing when Emily announced we had a case in Washington state. I grabbed my go bag, sticking another lollipop in my mouth.
  "Not another one!" Dr. Reid exclaimed.
I wanted to *KILL* Emily and Garcia. They wanted me to room with Dr. Reid! I threw my bag down next to the couch and grabbed another lollipop from my purse. Dr. Reid came in and I noticed he swallowed as he saw the lollipop in my mouth. "I hate you." He says simply.
"I loathe you." I snapped as he turned around and took off his satchel. "Hey, maybe if you're lucky, the unsub will kill me while he or she's at it." I added.
"Don't be so fatalistic. I wouldn't take pleasure in that." He said. I snorted.
“You really think I give a shit where you get pleasure, Doctor?” I snapped.
"Would you kindly shut up?!" Dr. Reid exploded. Then he smirked. "Actually there's one way to shut you up..." he strode over to me, cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. If I thought that his kiss rendered me breathless, I was wrong. It was the combination of the kiss and his large bulge pressing against my hip. He let go and I glared at him.
He walked over to the bed like that kiss was nothing! Finally, I said, "What's your fucking problem with me, Dr. Reid?!" I demanded.
"You'd better watch your fucking mouth." Spencer replied as he goes through his files for this case. I wanted to hit him.
"Make me." I snapped. 
Doctor Reid slammed the file down on the bedside table. "You should not taunt me, little girl." Dr. Reid growled. The nickname made me purse my lips. I turned to leave. "No!" Dr. Reid growled again. I raised an eyebrow at him. There was no way I was going to remain in the same room as him. 
"I'm not staying in the same room as you!" I snapped. Dr. Reid glared at me. "I have had enough of your smart-ass attitude." Again, Dr. Reid kissed me to shut me up. This time, he slid his tongue into my mouth. I moaned as he stepped back.
"On the bed, now." He said. 
"I don't think so, Dr. Reid..." He cut me off with another kiss. 
"Kitten... Don't make me tell you again." He snapped. I gave him a small nod and because I was feeling a bit mischievous, I started stripping down to my underclothes. I was shocked to see a flash of lust in his honey brown eyes as I lay down on the bed after removing my underwear. 
“You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?” I asked tremulously.
“You like the thought of getting caught, huh?” Dr. Reid asked me, chuckling. “Call me ‘Sir’ when we're alone like this,” he demanded. I shook my head.
"No and go fuck yourself, Doctor." I said grumpily. He raised his eyebrow at me as I glared defiantly at him.
"Call me Sir." He repeated.
"Fine, go fuck yourself, Sir..." I snapped. Spencer chuckled before nipping at my neck in various places hard enough to leave bruises. 
“Spread your legs. I want to feel how turned on I made you.” Dr. Reid demanded again. Without hesitation, I did as he asked. "Not quite there." He mumbled to himself and inserted his index finger into my vagina.
"Why did you ask me to stop with the lollipop?" I asked. I know it was kind of stupid to ask him that but I was curious. He looks up and blinks as he continues moving his finger inside. 
"Do you really have to ask that?" He asked in return. I glare at him. He sighs. "The reason why I asked you that was because I was unable to work while you were sucking that lollipop."
"Why were...Oh." I said, my eyes widening with the realization that I was responsible for his shifting in his chair. He chuckled. "I was making things worse?”
"Not necessarily worse." he said. "I just have an overactive imagination and whenever you're sucking on a lollipop, my brain likes to...imagine your lips around my, um, cock." I tried to bite back laughter as he inserted another finger, making a scissoring motion.
"Now that I know that, I'm going to be constantly sucking on lollipops." I replied.
"I won't mind, if you take responsibility for your actions." He said softly. I tilted my head. "Help me get rid of the consequences." He explained, then smirked. "This way you get rid of the romance novels."
"Oh fuck me." I moaned in irritation.
"I thought that was what I was doing." He said smugly, adding a third finger.
"I like reading romance novels, Reid." I patiently explain.
"Okay, how about this...remember you've got a real man here who's willing to indulge your every fantasy, no matter how ridiculous." Spencer replied.
"Wait, this isn't a one time thing?" I asked him. He chuckled.
"Not if you don't want it to be." He murmured shyly before kissing me. "Shit, I forgot a condom." He said softly. 
"You're clean, right?" I ask.
"You're the first woman I've slept with, so yes. You?"
"I'm a virgin, Reid. I'm clean." I admit. "It's okay...you can finish it alone if you..." he kissed me.
"I'll just have to be gentle." He murmured as he stroked my hip. I moaned in response. "This might hurt a little bit." He warned as he eased into me. I blinked. There's some discomfort but not much. He pauses, presumably to get me used to the fullness. I roll my hips to get him deeper and he takes it as a sign to continue. 'You're so tight...it feels so good, baby girl.' Reid said once he was seated in me. 
He found that spot within me, easily rubbing against it with each thrust of our hips crashing against each other. We worked into a frenzied pace, until finally that spring within me broke, unleashing wave after wave of euphoric pleasure while Reid's thrusts continued, though now short and urgent.
"Reid!" I exclaim.
Suddenly he stilled, and I watched as every muscle tensed. Still recovering from my climax, I could feel his throbbing length pulse as his own was finally met. "Gabriella!" He murmured as he emptied himself in me. "Call me Spencer." He added as he kissed me tenderly.
When we got back, I pulled Emily into Garcia's office. "Okay, which one of you thought it was okay to have me room with Reid?"
Emily said, "I did and believe me when I say it was better than Garcia's 'sex pollen' brownies idea, Gabriella." I laughed.
"Uh-oh, she's laughing." Garcia said warily.
"Thank you. Both of you." I said, laughing. "Reid and I have solved our differences but Emily, may I still be his partner?"
"If Reid agrees to it, sure." Emily replied. "I'll go ask."
After Emily left, Garcia turned to me and said, "Details, now." I stared at her. "Come on, is 187 good in bed?"
"Positively lethal." I said.
"How big is he?" I rolled my eyes. Penelope was acting like a horny teenager. "Any possibility of baby geniuses?"
"One, that's for me to know and you to never find out. Two...I don't think so." Actually, there was a big chance of my possibly carrying Reid's child due to our not having a condom present but Garcia didn't need to know that.
Prentiss came back in. "Reid said he was going to insist on it. What happened?" I shrugged.
"I misjudged him horribly." I reply.
"Well I'm glad you two have mended fences." She said.
I realized I was in love with Spencer during a case two weeks after our explosive sex session. Emily needed bait and Luke joked that I was perfect for it since I didn't have a boyfriend. I noticed that Spencer tensed. I should have heeded his body language.
I ended up accepting the bait role. My team had saved me from being the next victim. When the case was completed, I noticed that Spencer seemed angry. He didn't say one word to me even when I drove him home. Then when I parked, he said, "Follow me. Now!" When he spoke in that tone, I knew I was in trouble. I followed him up to his apartment. He silently invited me in. I entered his apartment. The minute the door closed, Spencer's lips were attacking mine. "What the fuck were you doing?" He seethed between kisses.
"I was the only choice for bait." Spencer pursed his lips and it was then I felt his bulge against my hip. This confused me.
"No. You weren't." He sneered.
He led me into his bedroom. His behavior towards me was very strange. He hadn't acted like this since two weeks ago. "Spence...I..." His behavior rendered me speechless. When did he get that stick up his ass? This was the behavior that pissed me off in the beginning.
"It's Sir or Doctor, understand?!" He snapped.
"Perfectly, Sir." I replied.
"Good." Spencer replied. "Here." He put a blindfold on me.  Then I feel him tie my wrists to the headboard. “You look so beautiful tied up to my bed,” he says, chuckling darkly. 
"Sir..." I started again but Spencer interrupted.
"Quiet!" He exclaimed. I promptly shut my mouth. “Maybe I should leave you like this, that way anyone who wanted to use you could have a go with you. Would you like that?”
“N-no, sir.” I said.
“Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to.” Spencer mused. "One with a bell on it."
I could feel his lips on my neck, alternately kissing and nipping. I whimpered when he reached my breasts. "Sir, please..." I wasn't sure what I was begging him for.
“You’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are.” he snapped. Again I shut my mouth. “Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”
"Sir..." I whimpered. I felt him coax both nipples into hardened peaks.
“Your nipples are so sensitive today,” he commented casually. I moaned.  Then, I used my toes to gently stroke his bulge. “Nuh-uh. Your punishment is not to touch me *at all* little girl.” he said as he moved away from my toes.
“That's unfair!” I exclaim.
“Was it fair to me when you didn't correct Luke or when you allowed the unsub to pleasure you? I had to listen to you moaning for 16 minutes before the team got to you! That should have been me, Gabby, not the unsub.” Spencer countered. Shit,  I had forgotten how possessive he was. Fuck, it was hot.
“Okay, I should have corrected Luke but those moans were faked.” Spencer stopped kissing me.  
“They sounded real, Gabriella.” 
"It partially was real but not in the way you think, sir. That was an edited recording of me when we had sex a couple of days ago. Penelope helped me. I was actually fucking terrified, screaming your name." I replied. Spencer blinked.
"Why on..." he started.
"Emily was keeping you back in case the worst happened but both Pen and I knew you wouldn't stay put if you heard me screaming, so we concocted for you to listen to that instead."
  "Whose idea was it?" Spencer asked.
"Mine. I never dreamed you'd think I'd let him have sex with me!" I said as he untied me. "Can I take off the blindfold?" 
"No. The reason why I had your hands tied was because I thought you let..." he shuddered with regret. "The blindfold is because you didn't correct Luke." I smirked.
"Then you'll have a hell of a time keeping me quiet, Sir." Spencer chuckled at my response.
"Okay, if you promise you'll correct Luke next time."
"I will." I said quietly. He took the blindfold off. In fact, I had a plan to let Luke know I was off limits for bait next time. "I love you, Einstein."
I knew he was still irritated so I didn't expect a response, though it did hurt. He continued kissing me. "I'm sorry for disbelieving you about the unsub." He murmured as he slipped a finger into my vagina and then played with my clit. I softly moaned.
“Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.” he said approvingly as he inserted a second finger.
"I need you in me, Spencer. Please..." I begged. He shook his head. 
"Not yet, you're almost there." He murmured as he took his fingers out and licked them. “Your pussy tastes so sweet.”
"Gabby, I don't want to hurt you." He said as he put my legs on his shoulders.
"Either you get in me or I suck you off. It's your choice, genius." I replied. He sighed and set my legs on the bed gently.
"Okay but I wanted to go down on you first." He murmured, taking off his belt, pants and boxers. With a couple of swift movements, he was inside me. 
"That feels so good, Spence." I moaned.
"Does it, little girl?" He asked with amusement. He moved in and out of me like a piston. "Gabs...I can't hold it much longer..." he murmured before he stilled and I could feel his length pulse inside as he emptied himself in me.
The next morning, I look straight at Luke and say bluntly, "I do have a boyfriend, Alvez." Luke shoots me a look as Spencer enters the bullpen with his coffee.
"Who is it,  Anderson?" I snorted. He wasn't even close.
"No. Reid." I said.
"Wait, you and Spencer?" Tara asked. I nodded.  The whole office was quiet after that.
I realized I was in love with Gabby after I picked up a romance novel at a bargain bookstore and read half of it in one sitting at lunch. I had never read something that wasn't a classic or for a case. I still think Gabby's better off utilizing me more than reading that trash but at least I understand why she does it. She often gets lost in the storyline.
She had admitted she was in love with me yesterday and confirmed that we were in a relationship today, which pleased me. I should tell her that I love her too. "My apartment or yours?" I asked.
"Neither." She said softly.
"Is this about the sex last night?" I whispered. She glared at me.
"No. When a woman tells you that she loves you, it's a good idea to sa...Mm..." I couldn't help it, I just kissed her.
"Let me prove it. My apartment or yours."
"Mine and you're just very lucky that I'm horny tonight, Reid." She said. I followed her down to her car. She lets me get in.
"I'm sorry that I haven't said this sooner but I love you." I said quietly. "I just realized it today like the idiot I am when it comes to you." I took a deep breath and added, "I went into a used bookstore at lunch today and just bought a romance novel without realizing it..." I burst into hysterical laughter. 
"You did?" I nodded at her question. "What is it?"
"Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon." She inhaled sharply. "What?"
"That's something that I'd want to read with you." She admitted. I smirked. Why not...Maybe we could make a habit of it.
It had been two and a half months since our first time and surprisingly he had agreed to read romance novels with me as it led to what he called 'quality' time. I was feeling queasy but figured that it was something that I ate. It wasn't until I glanced at my menstrual calendar that I kept in my bathroom that the truth hit me.
I was pregnant.
@andiebeaword @cupcake525 @foyetsnewhitlist
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wishonastarx3 · 4 years
I saw this coming... I’m so fucking tired of this.
I don’t care who reads this, if you actually know me in real life then you probably know that this is how I feel from my instagram story. I apologize in advance of the language in this post. These are my emotions and thoughts. (And yes I am aware that within the AAPI community there are it's issues, but that's not the point of this post)
I’m SO SICK AND TIRED of this shit. What happened on Tuesday WAS NOT OKAY. EIGHT PEOPLE ARE DEAD and SIX of them were ASIAN WOMEN. Click the hyperlink if you live under a rock or if you just don’t watch the news. I don’t know how you people live. 
The Asian and Asian American community in this country has been saying for the PAST YEAR that we are NOT OKAY and that we NEED HELP. Donald FUCKING Trump REPEATEDLY kept saying pre pandemic, “CHINA! CHINA! THEY’RE STEALING OUR JOBS!!! CHINA IS EVIL!!!” and of course his base bought into that. BUT when the freaking pandemic started it was “THE KUNG FLU” or the “CHINA VIRUS”. So now, let’s make the target on our backs EVEN BIGGER NOW!!! (I still don’t understand HOW there were Asians who voted for him... but that’s beside this point of this) 
This past year has had over 3800 reports of Asian American HATE CRIMES against us. These fucking cowards are going after our ELDERLY COMMUNITY like the BABY BITCHES that they are. WHY?! JUST FUCKING WHY?! What does this do for you? It makes me SO ANGRY to see these videos of the elderly community being ATTACKED and KILLED. I watched on video of a toisan lao (old Chinese Woman) in SF who was being attacked and she fought back against her attacker (AS SHE FUCKING SHOULD. HE ENDED UP IN A STRETCHER). But that really... that one really struck a cord with me as that’s the dialect my family speaks and it made me think “fuck. That could have been my grandmother. That could have been my grandfather.” Going after the community that doesn’t speak english, LITERALLY POWERLESS and that is old like a bunch of COWARDS. I, as a 5′9 Asian American woman from New York City has dealt with my far share of harassment... but the fucking elderly? Really? 
This pandemic has just gave them an EXCUSE to attack us. As if we weren’t already being harassed and marginalized before!!! But of course, one will say “but how can that be? Asians are the model! You guys are the best minority group out there. Everyone loves you!” HAR HAR MOTHER FUCKER
So lets set up some points
The Model Minority Myth - the “idea” that Asians are the smarter minorities who end up becoming the doctors and lawyers who are good at math, science and end up going to Harvard. I’m sorry... what? This is pathetic. AND A FUCKING MYTH  I’ve dealt with these AWFUL cliches and stereotypes. Are they good stereotypes? Sure...? BUT do you understand:
What that does to the individual? What about the Asians who do not want tot be doctors? What about the Asians who then have to deal with the mental illness that goddamn society created for us? (I’m not even going to go into the lack of Asians in entertainment business. That’s a whole separate headache.)
WHY ARE WE IGNORING THAT IT’S ONLY A SMALL GROUP OF ASIANS THAT END UP DOING THAT?! Are we going to IGNORE the Asians who don’t go to Ivy Leagues? Or the ones that are living below the poverty line? 
This literally created the Racial Triangulation between the minorities! White people have put Asians on a pedestal in comparison to the other minorities and YES other minorities HATE us for that reason.By saying that we are the “Model Minority” it LITERALLY creates this thought that we better than the “other minorities” but yet we still ain’t white. So we aren’t a part of the majority therefore putting us in no mans land. 
THE NEGATIVE stereotypes - OH and TRUST ME there are A LOT. These are just the ones at the top of my head. 
The FETISHIZATION  of Asian Women - this shit ain’t new. This is literally what the term “yellow fever” means when referring to MEN who only like Asian women. The fetishization of asian women LITERALLY GOES BACK TO 1890s when the short story “Madame Butterfly” was written when a WHITE MAN was in Japan and fell in love with an Asian girl (WHO WAS 15 BTW). There are literal journal entries of European and American men who were in Asian at the time who said LITERALLY SAY HOW EXOTIC Asian Women are, that apparently our vaginas just “feel different”. I’m sorry... WHAT?! I HATE nothing more than when I have dealt with men saying some bullshit about how “exotic” I am. Also lets not forget how American society has de-masculinate the Asian Man. Saying that have small dicks and that they are skinny and scrawny, therefore aren’t men. So you like only half of us? 
Our Food - WE DO NOT EAT DOG. I grew up being told “YOU EAT DOG! YOU’RE CHINESE!”... fuck you. And now, Asian food is seen as “amazing” I’m happy you like our soup dumplings and bao. But you were the same fucking people who told me I ate dog. So you love our food but not the people? Okay. I see you. Oh and I didn’t forget about the people who have gagged at Asian food. 
Mocking how we look and our language - Am I the only Asian American who had people pulling their eyes and saying CHING CHONG at them? Please, get hit by a bus. And isn’t ironic how now “fox eyes” are a make up trend? funny isn’t it? 
I’m sorry. Who educated you? Asians have been in this country since the 1850S. WE BUILT THE DAMN RAILROADS. SOME OF US WERE KIDNAPPED HERE TO BUILD THAT SHIT. (Another note is how ASIAN AMERICAN HISTORY IS NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS. This needs to be addressed and changed.) 
Also for MYSELF - my GREAT GRANDFATHER BUILT THE DAMN RAILROAD and SERVED IN THE ARMY in WWI. My Great Uncles were in the Air force in WWII and my GRANDFATHER served in the KOREAN WAR where he was shot in the ear and received a Purple Heart. I FUCKING DARE YOU to tell me to go back to my country. MY FAMILY HAS DONE MORE FOR THIS COUNTRY THAN HALF OF THESE RACIST MOTHER FUCKERS. 
Hate crimes in America have been happening since the 1880s. Yellow Peril goes back to the 1880s when Asian were literally depicted as these murderous group invading from Asia. And of course, they depict us with slanted eyes and with long braided pony tails. THIS SHIT AIN’T NEW. There has also literally been LAWS banning Chinese from coming to America. i.e THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT oh and lets not forget Japanese Interment during the 1930s. THIS SHIT AIN’T NEW. ALSO let’s not forget the Vincent Chin Murder in the 1980s when a Chinese American was BEAT TO DEATH because his attackers thought he was Japanese and they were blaming the Japanese for taking their jobs. 
As I sit here, feeling not as angry as at the beginning, if history has taught me anything, fear and anger has been the drive for these crimes. In the 1880s we were thought to be evil and that we were going to take away all of the jobs (but low and behold, some of us were KIDNAPPED here). During WWII it was right after Pearl Harbor after Japan bombed it. Vincent Chin, his attackers were angry at the Japanese. Current day, Donald Fucking Trump decided to put the target on our communities back with both jobs being sent to China and with the Coronavirus being our fault. 
What happened on Tuesday with the Atlanta police officer saying that the 21 year old was “having a bad day” WAS BULL SHIT. I didn’t know killing 8 people was a RATIONALE  RESPONSE. Okay then. Call it what it is, A HATE CRIME. This man was saying he had a “sex addiction” and that he wanted to get rid of the temptation and he associated ASIAN WOMEN and the ASIAN SPA to be that temptation. AND WHY IS THAT?!?!?!? THE FETISHIZATION OF ASIAN WOMEN. 
And before I get off of my soap box, THE MEDIA WAS PRETTY FUCKING LATE TO JOINING THIS, AND CALL IT WHAT IT IS, A HATE CRIME. SO MANY of the crimes against the Asian elderly go unreported or are not deemed hate crimes WHEN THEY ARE. SO MANY of them do not know English or enough English and can not report what was said to them. And what sucks too, my dad even said it, I think your grandparents would just take it because they would see this as “I immigrated here, I have to take this shit”. WELL THAT TRAIN STOPS HERE. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. WE WILL NOT SHY AWAY. WE ARE TAKING OUR SPACE THAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS. I fucking PROMISE you that if you try to do so, you will have hell to deal with. 
I’m not going to get into the subject of the people who are SILENT during this but were ALL OVER social media for their BLM support. I’m just going to leave it at we are asking for your help and to amplify this. Please. 
To my non Asian friends who have reached out to me, I do appreciate it. I really do. But please rather than telling me you are here for me if I want to talk, I BEG of you, please read and learn about the history as well as the Asian/Asian American experience in America. It’s really not as rainbows and butterflies people have been thinking. Hate against Asian and Asian Americans started before 2020. 
To my Asian brothers, sisters, aunties and uncles PLEASE stay safe.
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medeafive · 4 years
Blood and Stone - 15
(Not sure how to warn you about this but there is one scene at the beginning that's very much not pretty, though ultimately turning out fine. Also some brutal action.)
She's clean again, the wound on her head has stopped bleeding but it obviously still smells. She's pacing around the apartment restlessly. Maybe it's the adrenaline or the worry that James is mad at her, that she went too far, or- she just feels off. The nerves. Schmidt's going to want her dead now, as soon as he hears.
She's washing her face when she hears the balcony door, quickly dries it, grabs a pistol just to be safe. But it is James, in the living room, looking through the pile of bloody clothing. She leans in the doorway, crossing her legs. "James?"
He looks up, smirks, looks her up and down, only the black cloak tied around her neck and nothing else. "Oh Nat."
She smiles, even though she doesn't feel like it. "You weren't going to just leave, were you?"
"Sun's coming up," he reminds her.
"Stay." She walks over, taking his strangely warm hands. "Please."
He whirls her around and dips her, like in the old movies. "Sweetheart. If you insist."
She wants him to want her. More than she wants him. Oh, she's a wreck. Surges up to kiss him hungrily, grabbing onto his shoulders. Wants him to stay without asking, to grab her without prompting, to fuck her without waiting for permission. She's in a weird mood. He lowers her on the ground carefully, too slowly, breathing. "You do smell strange, though."
Maybe that's the needy feeling. "Good?"
"Awfully," he confirms, licking over her sternum. "Carnal. Not bloody, but… I don't know. You do know bad things happen to people who wear these things without permission, right?"
"Are you going to do bad things to me?" she asks. She doesn't sound like herself, neither the tone nor what she's saying. "Do you want to punish me?"
He breathes her in. "You smell- really, I don't know. How do you feel?"
"Answer my fucking question," she demands. "You pushover."
He growls, baring his fangs, yanking her towards him. "You're utterly helpless, dollface, so don't push it."
She's turned on and frustrated and swear to God. "Don't give me empty threats. You don't have it in you."
"Have what in me," he scoffs, claws digging slightly into her hips. "Don't make me do something you don't want."
She's served herself on a silver plate, naked in the black cloak, and he's hardly done anything about it. "You're too weak to take what you want anyway."
His nostrils are flaring and his eyes are not normal. "You can't stop me."
"But you won't," she hisses, planting her feet. "You won't even try. Because you're soft."
His fangs sink into her shoulder, painfully, she groans loudly, and then he slams into her without warning, she is awfully dry and it burns , hurts, worse than the shoulder, like turning a knife in- he's whispering scary stuff about how she's his and she suddenly doesn't recognize anything anymore, needs to make it stop right now, he impales her, jacks this impossible object up her vagina, she gets her feet against his shoulders and kicks, throws her head back and pleads with him to-
His face is above hers, still some of the crazy tinge in his eyes. "Is that part-"
"No," she whimpers. "Make it stop. Please. Stop."
She's curled into a ball, cradled, starts crying. It still hurts, even if he's not inside her anymore. Just a few seconds and- she has no idea what just happened, how she got into this mess. "Shit, doll," he mutters behind her. "I'm so sorry. I really didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry."
She's crying so she can't- she doesn't understand it either, what got into her. Something runs down her shoulder. Blood. She shudders. "Did you-"
"No poison," he tries to assure her. "I promise. I didn't want to- I thought you wanted it rough but I didn't want to hurt you, really. I'm sorry."
It's like a different world. She has a bite wound on her shoulder. "Could you- suck on my shoulder? In case there is any trace of poison?"
"Whatever you want," he replies, rolling her onto her back. "But I really didn't poison you. Would never… but I never wanted to hurt you either."
It's quiet when he licks over her wound and sucks on it. She feels a little calmer but will break back into tears at any hint. Somehow weirdly estranged from her body. "I'm- I'm okay."
"Are you?" he asks. "You were talking strangely. Smell strange, too."
She sighs, tear pricking at her eyes. "I don't know what- what got into me. Didn't feel like- like me."
"I should get you back to the tower," he says, wrapping her in the cloak. "So you can get some rest. It's going to be okay."
"The sun's coming up," she protests weakly as he helps her up.
"Let's see whether your tinker's stuff actually works," he says. "Where's your suit?"
"Bathroom." She chews on her lip. He is off to the bathroom and she keeps talking to herself. "That was- creepy. Scary. I don't know- I don't know. I just wanna get home."
"I'll get you home." He shakes the suit out. "It's still wet but it's not far. I'll get rid of Pierce's clothes later."
"I'll- I'll take them," she suggests quietly, taking her suit from him. "Blood samples and- yeah."
He pulls out the mask, goggles and hood from under his cloak. "I'll step outside and try it out. Be right back."
She breathes deeply, bracing herself on the table. She's hot and shaky and slightly sick. Probably the mix of exhaustion and adrenaline and maybe she overdid it on the vampire blood. Fucked up her hormones. She should just get home, get into bed and sleep. Let her body sort it out.
The door opens again. He looks scary with the mask and goggles and the hood hooked into it, not leaving a sliver uncovered. "Seems fine. Are you ready?"
His voice sounds weird through the mask. She zips up the cold wet suit and grabs the bloodied vampire clothes. "Let's get home."
He opens the balcony door. "Yeah. It's just one jump."
  The rest is fuzzy and she wakes up in her bed, ten hours later, still tired, alone. Sore, especially in her arms. Hungry. She shuffles into sweatpants and down the stairs, hearing voices from the kitchen. Stops for a moment, leaning against the wall. "Still can‘t believe she killed him," James' voice says. "All on her own. Just like that."
"Yeah, I know," Sam replies. "She's awesome. And scary. But, I mean, you taught her some of it at least."
"Some," James admits. "But-"
"Yeah?" Sam prompts.
"I think I love her."
"Oh yeah." Sam snorts softly. "Noticed."
Her stomach churns and she pads further down the stairs, rounding the corner into view. James sits up. "Hey."
"Hey," he replies. "Feel better?"
She rolls her head. "Some, yeah. Still exhausted. And really hungry."
"I'll make you eggs," Sam offers, slipping off his chair at the kitchen counter. "Sit down. You should take it slow for a while."
"Thanks." She sinks into his place, rubbing her eyes. "I think the vampire blood really fucked me up."
"It can be traumatic, fighting" Sam suggests carefully, pulling out a pan. "Even if you don't get hurt. Just the stress of it. Life or death."
"My head doesn't feel straight," she admits. "But it's alright. I'll get better."
Tony walks in, going straight for the vampire clothes on the table. "Oh wow. One of the magic cloaks."
James snorts. "Literally just a cloak."
"So it doesn't deflect bullets?" Tony questions, unfolding it, studying the fabric critically.
"It doesn't do shit," James replies. "Schmidt thinks it looks cool. Just a symbol."
"Power," Natasha mutters, drinking from Sam's glass.
"Sounds like a real bluffer, that Schmidt guy," Tony remarks, folding it up again. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised a nazi is into hierarchy and status symbols. The gold fangs, too?"
James sighs, touching one. "I guess. When they get knocked out, during a fight- which is very painful- they put gold in while they regrow so that the fang builds around. Also painful. It's supposed to make them a little stronger or something, but it's mostly show. Status."
"Really likes scare tactics, the guy," Sam remarks, cracking an egg.
"Oh, hey Nat," Tony interjects. "So you got him, huh? How'd that feel?"
"Exhausting," she replies, drinking from James' glass, too. "Scary. Confusing. I don't know, I just feel out of whack."
"It was a lot of vampire blood," Tony admits. "Maybe you should let Bruce have a look at it, once he gets up."
She has a bite wound on her shoulder that she can't explain. Would just get them unnecessarily concerned. "Thanks, but I'll just try to sleep it off for now."
"Fury's asleep, in case you were wondering," Sam adds, putting a glass of orange juice in front of her. "They'll congratulate you later. We just didn't know when you would wake up."
"That's alright," she mutters. "Can wait."
"What's that?" James asks as Sam spoons some powder into her juice.
"Protein powder," Sam explains, stirring. "With potassium, calcium, cholesterol. Thought she could use it."
"Thanks," she mutters.
"Pep will be down soon, too," Tony remarks, looking through the other clothes. "Oh, nice. Blood samples."
"Uh, my DNA is all over it, for obvious reasons," she remarks. "And I drove a wooden stake through his heart, so that might contaminate it as well."
"Are you going to stay for dinner?" Sam asks.
James looks surprised. "I don't really- eat."
"Yeah, I know," Sam replies. "Just hang around, if you want."
  She almost falls asleep during dinner. James sits down on her bedside, caressing her cheek. "Sure you're going to be okay?"
"Just tired," she mutters, closing her eyes. "It- it wasn't your fault. Or my fault. I really didn't feel like myself."
"It was scary," he admits. "You know exactly where my pressure points are, don't you."
"Hm?" she makes, not opening her eyes.
"You sounded- kinda like Schmidt," he explains. "When he makes us fight. When being weak and soft and not tough and brutal enough gets you killed. That sorta thing- it gets into my head, you know."
"Wasn't intentional," she mutters. "It was scary for me, too."
He breathes out. "Otherwise, I never would have- your strangely alluring smell, too. I really thought that's what you wanted."
"I thought so, too," she whispers. "Maybe some- hormonal or gynaecological issue, and all the vampire blood- I don't know what happened."
"I should let you sleep," he says. "They'll look after you? I'd rather not risk being seen around the tower but you can always text me if you need anything."
"I'll be okay," she sighs. "Uh, do I still smell? Alluring?"
"Yeah." He pulls the blanket up to her neck. "A little less. But I can handle that, don't worry. The smell and if you talk like that, that's close to the edge, though."
"Won't," she mutters. "Mhm. Good night."
She doesn't even hear him leave the room anymore.
  "You really eat a lot," Clint observes.
Sharon snorts. "Oh yeah. You kill a black cloak, let's see how hungry you are afterwards."
"Just observing," Clint retreats. "If she is hungry, she should eat. Just seems it really drained her, is all."
"I feel better already," Natasha remarks between bites. "Hungry like a wolf, though."
"We should plan our next step," Fury interrupts, empathetic and caring as always. "The hunting party. Without Romanoff, if she's not back on the wagon soon. We don't have forever."
"Little over two weeks," Sam agrees. "And honestly, Nat deserves it to sit this one out."
"I'll be fine in a day or two," she promises. "Or three. Don't worry."
"Don't put so much pressure on yourself," Pepper suggests. "We'll be fine, you can really take a break. Be back when it really matters."
"My estimate is that we need about six to eight litres of vampire blood," Bruce states. "More than a human has. It could be more, though. So it would be good if you could get at least two uncontaminated vampires, optimally all three."
"It clearly has side effects, though," Clint remarks. "Looking at Tasha. And that's only going to get worse if you give him eight full litres."
"It's not permanent," Natasha counters. "I'll be alright, really."
"I'd like to take a closer look at that, but I agree, it doesn't seem to be permanent," Bruce confirms. "And I mean, he's been frozen forever. It's definitely an improvement if he wakes up, even if it has side effects."
"So your hippocratic oath is okay with that?" Tony questions.
Bruce nods. "Definitely. It's the only way."
"Well, Clint and Sharon staked out their hideout pretty well," Sam remarks. "We need to strike by night, otherwise the sun will burn their blood before we get them to the tower. I suggest just after sunset, so they're only just waking up. Surround them, all exits, break in at the same time from all sides."
"No weapons," Sharon adds. "Nothing silver. Maybe batons."
"Did Bobbi leave hers?" Pepper asks.
Fury snorts. "She would've never left her batons. But we have some."
"Any blunt weapon will do," Natasha remarks. "Just beat them. Full force. Break their bones until they can't move."
"The vampire slayer has spoken," Tony comments. "Honestly, if I were your friend, I'd be really really scared."
"Are you kidding," Sam replies. "I'm already scared of her as it is."
  She eats a lot and sleeps a lot and gradually feels better. Not fully on it but good enough for a fight. Sam's nutritional supplements seem to help as well. The others have been training the last few days, all in good shape. Seems like they're really doing this.
They crowd around the basement in the evening when everyone else is rushing home behind locked doors. She's on the South side, together with Sharon. Sam and Clint in the West, Pepper and Tony in the East, no exit on the Northern side. "Are you sure you can do this?" Sharon asks.
Natasha breathes deeply, clutching the batons. "Yeah. Absolutely."
"Is it true that you used to have a sword?" Sharon asks with amusement.
"Fury promised to get me a new one," Natasha replies with a smile. "I'm completely out of practice, though."
"I'd love to see that," Sharon remarks. "You know, at the dinner, your friend… he really seemed familiar. I still couldn't find him in the database, though. Are you sure he's American?"
"I mean, he never said-" Natasha pauses. "I don't know. Maybe the database doesn't go that far back. Or he was just never active in America."
"Yes," Sharon concedes. "Maybe."
The comm crackles. "Sun's down. Move in in 40."
"Copy that," Sharon replies. "Ready?"
"Won't get much readier," Natasha returns.
They stalk towards the Southern entrance to the basement, the tilted wooden hatch, keeping their breathing down. Steps around the building. "Five."
Natasha looks to Sharon who nods. Just a little moment and- slamming wood, Sharon kicks down the hatch, dropping down herself, Natasha following her- it's dark and quiet, mouldy smell. Flashlight on, darting across the cellar walls. Smells of old blood, somewhat rotten. Old broken furniture around. Fangs-
Sharon ducks down just right and the vampire flies over her, crashing into Natasha, hard stone floor, teeth trying to break through to her arm, she tries to kick and knock him off but he's got her pinned down, fangs forcing through the suit-
Sharon yanks him off, gets in a hit with the baton before she has to dodge, he throws her over and she kicks his legs out, Natasha grabs his head but he's up too quick, knocking her back, he's fast enough to block both hers and Sharon's blows, Sharon goes for the legs again and Natasha pummels him in the face, sending him stumbling, dark blood dripping from his mouth, she jumps at him and wraps her legs around his neck, momentum sending them both to the ground. His claws scratch across her biteguard, Sharon's baton hits him in the neck, he jumps at her again, she grabs his arm and slams her foot in, cracking, howling, twists him so she can get him in a chokehold, he tries to sink his teeth through her arm protection, scrambling for purchase with his claws, Sharon grits her teeth and twists hard, his neck cracks, not enough, lets go and yanks his head around, crushing his spine.
He drops down slowly, not fully paralysed, hisses at Sharon when she comes closer, she picks up his other arm and breaks it, too, then the legs, calmly and methodically while he screams in agony, then straightens. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Natasha groans, head dropping back. "Just a second. I'm exhausted."
"Stay with him while I look for the others?" Sharon suggests. "You could… incapacitate him even more."
Yeah, she knows a thing or two about that. Sits up. "Yeah. Go."
There's still fighting noises emanating from the door Sharon disappears through, flashlight down the hall. The vampire with the broken neck hisses at Natasha. She grins, pushing up. "So."
"Bitch," he hisses, breathless. "Slut. Whore."
"Quite the smooth talker." She crouches down next to him. "You know, I'd put you out of your misery, but we need you alive. So… your spine's not quite through, is it."
He bares his fangs again. "The Red Skull's coming for you. You know that."
"Looks like he's not coming quick enough," she remarks, leaning over and taking his head. "Uh, this is going to hurt, not gonna lie."
She twists and he screams before gritting his teeth, and then it's quiet. She grins. "Oh, now you feel nothing. Good."
"We found the body," his twisted head whispers.
She leans forward involuntarily. "What?"
The vampire grins, blood running out of his mouth. "You- killed him- and now they're coming for you. You're all going to die. Painfully."
Shit. "Who's coming?"
"Everyone," he whispers, craning his neck as good as he can. "Everyone."
  Clint has a broken hand but otherwise, everyone is fine. Tony maybe knocked against a wall too hard, despite the helmet, slight nosebleed. They're dragging the vampires out now, strapping them to stretchers. Doesn't bring up good memories.
She turns around and James is hiding in a dark entrance, looking agitated. She looks back. "Mind if I-"
Sharon waves her off, so she walks down the alley and ducks into the entrance. "Hey."
"What the fuck are you doing," he asks.
Right. "Hunting vampires," she replies. "Is what we do. Uh, over the black cloak, I kinda forgot to tell you about the ice block."
"The ice block?" He doesn't seem pleased. "What the fuck?"
"Someone fished a frozen guy out of the Norwegian sea," she explains. "And Bruce, our resident smart guy, is trying to revive him. Needs a lot of vampire blood for that, though. So we thought we'd raid a hunting party."
"That's not how vampire blood works."
She snorts. "Yeah? You know that?"
"I just can't believe you'd change plans for that ," he complains. "I thought we agreed!"
"Look, they're not going to be surprised that we hunt vampires," Natasha counters. "Actually, bigger fish to fry. It seems that the Castle found Pierce's body and sent a messenger to Schmidt, so this place will reek of his goons soon enough."
James leans back against the wall, breathing out. "Shit."
"Yeah," she agrees. "But it seems they don't know about your involvement. So it shortens our timeline but doesn't change the plan."
"He can't draw them together that quickly," James remarks. "I talked to Pierce- before- and the black cloaks are all across the globe. He thought two in Prague would be enough. There's only three others in Europe and they may not be dispensable."
"Can't just hop on a plane?" she asks.
He snorts. "Sweetheart. The sun."
"Right." She rubs her nose. "So three. Karpov in Russia."
He pulls a face. "Yeah. Awful guy. So you heard about him."
"Schmidt has big plans for Russia," she says. "So Karpov's probably not available. Who are the others?"
"Schmidt's in Northern France," he replies. "Strucker is still doing Germany and the Viper's down in the Balkans."
"The Viper?" she repeats. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, fun lady," he remarks. "She knocked my fangs out last time. Schmidt has a thing for her."
"Wow." She shakes her head. "Thinks he's a god and is actually just a guy . And the most powerful vampire alive, of course."
"She's worse than him," he adds. "He's at least trying to achieve something, she just enjoys terrorizing and killing people."
"Great people you're working with," she remarks. "And they're both available?"
"Probably," he states. "I'm not sure about Karpov. Maybe you're right. Schmidt doesn't usually tell me what he's planning."
"Oh man." She rubs her forehead. "So they could be here any day."
"Stay in," he advises. "Really. I'll check in with the Castle, whether they know more. I'll come over in a few days and let you know."
"Okay." She breathes out. "Thanks. We‘ll try to work out a battle plan."
"Are you better?" he asks. "You still look kind of pale."
She smiles. "Yeah, I'm better. Don't worry." She gets on her toes. "Glad to see you, actually."
He's careful in kissing her. "Mhm. Can I tell you something awkward that I can't tell anyone else about?"
"Isn't that everything?" she questions. "Sure."
"Last time we met, when you killed Pierce," he starts. "I was warm for a whole day after. Actually, when I brought you back to the Tower, I… I still had the boner, so after bringing you to bed, I went to the bathroom and jacked off and- it just worked. Yeah. And even after I left the Tower, it took some hours until I went back to room temperature."
"Did that turn you on so bad?" she teases.
He snorts. "No. I don't know why. Felt really fucking good, though. I like having sex with you, absolutely, but it's kind of nice to have it in my own hands, too. Literally."
"Yeah, seems fair," she acknowledges, pecking his lips. "I mean, if I can and you couldn't… so I'm glad."
He grins. "Mhm. Tell me more."
"You'd like that," she accuses, pressing against him. "So… will you always be scared when kissing me now?"
"I just feel-" He sighs. "There's something, between us, that's neither me nor you, that's pulling us into a direction and- it's kind of scary. And I don't want you to get hurt, so I'd rather be careful."
"Yeah, maybe that's fair," she allows, kissing him again. "I should get back, probably. Before the Viper strikes."
He snorts. "Yeah. I wish that was funny."
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italianfish · 5 years
Here’s some things that I’ve overheard recently
- Michael Jackson part 1, before he came around
- That’s a sexy gauge
- We have cones in our eyes??? *Turns to friend* Show me your eyes.
- What’s ROYGBIV? Is that a person?
- I put the jewish inside of him
- The air in my house is polluted with sleeping pills
- One day someone will react to my gay jokes
- One day someone brought a tub of ice cream out of their backpack in the middle of class
- Hey Francis (Talking to a blow up alien)
- Why do you like assholes
- Aladdin doesn’t have nipples
- Support your own god damn neck!
- I saw my friend in the bathroom and he gave me orange juice
- Yes, indeed my good sir
- Sharing your wealth is the way to become poor
- I’m sorry I don’t have calcium in my body
- Why the pancreas?!
- I watched this show and these characters exploded and it was my favorite show
- Someone is going to lose a pancreas
- A: Don’t lose your pancreas B: I’ll try to hold onto it
- She knew how to multiply! And I was like “You’re only three!”
- Come on Moser, hitting the nut won’t do anything
- I work with a prostitute
- I love crunchy pancakes
- You are a big neon doof
- Look I can spit, I’m cool now
- ‘Ay! Trout!
- In her free time she did her taxes
- Hey! You like Raisin Bran?
- If you get a rooster you’ll be hungry, unless you eat him
- It smells like Hawaii
- If A claims he’s a god and Jesus says he’s the son of god... Does that mean Jesus is A’s son?
- We managed to convince our sub that this was a film and lit class so we watched infinity war all period
- A- So let’s keep the duck B- It’s a vulture...
- Did you just call me fuzzy?
- I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on
- He looks like a punk rock jazz drummer
- A- British! British! B- I HAVE A NAME!
- Stop putting your dog in the oven!
- Did you expect it to be that good of a cactus?
- I relate to Squidward so much
- He was like the dad that left to get cigarettes and never came back
- We’re literally following Marty Mcfly
- My elbows are funky fresh
- A- You shank em’ B- No! That is the exact opposite of a solution!
- Unicorns caused global warming
- A- No balls in class! B- But we’re in health
- The crazy chellos are back
- See! I do have friends!
- It’s a train, a train of love
- A- Why do they keep getting rid of the babies? B- I don’t know, abortion
- You have to earn the bucket hat
- My friend brought in 7 bucket hats
- Hide the forks!
- The turtles tried to cross the road once
- I’m scared of turtles
- So does everyone just carry a sword around in their back pocket?
- When you’re fishing, anyone in a bucket hat has authority
- She has cheese on her hook!
- Are your knee pits moist?
- Why are you molesting me with water
- I was born vaccinated
- I was born to be a little spoon
- Why do I look like a hispanic man
- Can I tickle your knee pits?
- You’re going to get eaten by the ocean
- A- You’re a hot mess B- Hey! At least I’m hot!
- They’ve developed a handshake! Isn’t this a problem?!
- We’re in the OG thirteen colonies
- A- I’m not used to seeing those big grassy structures B- You mean trees?!
- My name is bagged milk
- You only drink bagged milk once, in Canada
- It’s not expensive, you’re just poor
- I forgot I’m a lady
- That’s you after I poop
- I want to be Brazilian
- I figured out what the voice was! They’re playing Bingo
- A- Do “coo coo” B- CAW
- It’s probably in a nice aisle, aisle 9
- So inside the bag there are 3 more bags full of milk
- Mom we got the bagged milk
- He told me I looked like Nicholas Cage
- Her bio says inhale the kale
- I feel like an easy bake oven
- The bags just like, left
- But what about the unicorns
- Look at that potato! That looks free!
- Everyone! Find a piece of metal and lick it
- I’m the toilet man
- Go fetch me grapes
- All girls want to molest this
- He ate a whole pancake out of an Applebee’s dumpster
- Why did he eat turf
- I’m on a mission to find dairy products
- I was going to go to school and pretend to be a witch
- Remember when you put the lotion in my mouth and I drank it?
- We’re playing quarter baseball
- Pretend you’re sleeping
- The ultimate frisbee association
- My mom picked me up from school so I could go to ultimate frisbee practice
- They got a $2000 grant for a barely existing ultimate frisbee team
- She’s ultra mom
- The dodgeball guy called my friend a walrus
- We did a dramatic reading of an adult novel
- He was buying materials to make a whip
- Grate her down like a piece of cheese
- We sat in a circle and named our most Jewish quality
- 4 is the cosmic number
- I hate being a fertile woman
- Excuse me I’m Jewish
- Surprise disco duet
- I shook like 7 tents
- She’s the strings teacher, we keep her in the basement
- Whenever we finished a test and we said “I’m done” he would say “I’m done! You’re finished!” his last name was Done
- I thought the fire hydrant was a turkey
- I asked him if his password was like an anniversary or something and he said “It’s the date of my grandparents death”
- He gives us weekly quantum physics lectures
- Bruh! That looks like a lunchbox!
- No offense but this guy would make out with a floorboard
- You seem like the kind of person to kiss a floorboard
- You sound exactly like my pediatrician
- Lots of poop, no sock
- She’s not doing her work, she’s looking at Peppa pig
- Yo neighbor, I need some sugar
- White moms are really easy to scare
- Even though it’s part of Asia, ITS NOT
- Why was there a hanging waffle?!
- I got complimented on my croissant
- You can sell your liver
- Bernie Sanders reminds me of a muppet
- What are you going to do? Hunt squirrels?
- *A bunch of AP students shouting “Linguini”*
- I got bitten by an iguana in Aruba
- We got an actor to join the hammock group chat
- Say goodbye to your ovaries
- I’m half a butt cheek away from death
- Are you one of those people who puts ice cream and pop tarts in a blender
- Yo! You got any shoes I can eat???
- That’s how you segregate your trail mix???
- He has a six pack of ribs
- I’m so done with books about African children
- Do homies kiss
- I’m here for the num nums
- Don’t touch my pizza you savage!!!
- What are you for Halloween? Jewish?
- Do ducks have tails
- He was the one that broke the constitution
- Oh god now there’s Hitler on my paper
- God given right of ruling... Manifest destiny in China
- Do you shampoo your eyebrows
- This isn’t Bayblade!
- Bob Ross wasn’t an artist, he was an art therapist
- If anyone on the team is a jellyfish, it’s definitely Brandon
- It’s your fault that I’m not going to college!
- I’m having spinach for dinner! I’m so excited!
- I locked him in his toolbox
- Let’s rent a midget for a day and we can throw him against a wall
- I know how to utilize money, but do I know how to utilize it well, that’s another question
- Man, that place needs a Chick-fil-a, and I’m going to make it
- We should have the purge in school one day
- If you’re weird enough, people won’t want to rape you
- Flex seal it with tape
- Oh yeah, I got vinegar all over my sweatshirt
- Don’t say “Have a good day”, because I’m not having a good day
- Well maybe someday you’ll have cancer
- What’s up guys, I’m from Richie’s pizza, and today I’ll be showing you my body count
- An obo sounds like a clarinet with Down syndrome
- I’m the jolly black giant
- You pissed off a priest
- If we get a lot of money, I can take her boyfriend to prom
- Ted Bundy would share a lot of ideas with you
- They’re doing a milk experiment... But with marinara
- A- That’s not a color! B- But it’s on a crayon!
- Hey what’s up cheese goblin
- I’m letting my toes breathe
- I’m just saying, tinfoil doesn’t taste that bad
- When I was away were you in my house? Because it’s happened before
- How do you say I have scoliosis in Italian?
- I’m gonna give give birth to a duck, right here, right now
- Are you comparing a 3D printed violin to genocide
- Brother from another mother, TELL ME ABOUT THAT
- I’m a vulture, just vulturing
- I’m going on a field trip to the sewage treatment plant on my birthday
- You’re making my vagina angry
- Competitive Just Dance team
- Oh no there’s spaghetti falling out of my pockets!
- (Yoda impression) Take anger out on minorities I must
- I can turn off the lights and you’d still be white
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kob131 · 4 years
I’d like to make the point that the light god, the dude who killed Oz repeatedly and abused Salem to the point that she became the villainous being that we know today, is somehow on the “Heroes Wiki.”
You know, not like she demanded special treatment, tried going behind his back and tried to destroy him and his brother all because she demanded that the cycle of death not apply to who she wants.
Because I guess abusers are heroes now.
Says the creator of the ‘Savivor Mom Raven’ series.
Incorrectly might I add as both the Light and Dark gods are not portrayed as directly opposing each other. So you’re mad you ‘had’ to use a show’s meme...incorrectly.
Let’s get this out of the way for any of idiots out there: Salem was NOT responsible for Humanity 1.0′s death. She may have provoked these two asshats, but she wasn’t the one who
1: Loaded the gun.
2: Aimed the gun.
3: Fired the gun.
By the same logic, people say Yang murdered Adam. How does that go with you again?
What did Salem do?- She just stood up to them and, inadvertently, gave them a target. 
She directly lied to the first iteration of humanity after being punished for lying to the gods and being directly told she shouldn’t have done that all over demanding her husband be brought back to life even though God knows how many people die and aren’t brought back by the gods despite having just as much reason to want them back as Salem.
As far as I’m concerned, these gods were the villains of the story, and what I wouldn’t give to see Yang punch one of them in the face.
Probably because it’s a penis vs. vagina for you.
When making these “Godly” characters, it’s okay to give them flaws. In fact, that’s what makes the Greek Gods, Norse Gods, Japanese Gods, and Egyptian Gods so interesting. They have flaws, weaknesses, and more relatable personality aspects that makes it seem like we could have the guy responsible for the ocean’s tides as our next door neighbor, or the adorable little dog across the street as the one responsible for the sun coming up… and beating up a fish in a giant mech suit. Goddamn, I want to play Okami again.
I got off-topic. The point is, is that it’s okay for these Gods to give flawed advice… Provided that they gave advice at all.
See, Light God was insensitive to Salem’s plight, and in all likelihood, used the same rhetoric that her father used to lock her up in that tower as an excuse to just brush her off.
Salem: (falling to her knees) Please... Please, bring him back to me.
God of Light: I understand your pain, but you demand of me that which I cannot make so. Life and death are part of a delicate balance.
Such terrible rhetoric.
BTW, funny how you mention the Greek Gods. You want to know what the role of most Greek Gods are in their home myths?
Living Embodiments of Punishing Pride.
Helena Of Troy’s mother, Narcassist and Echo, Odysseus, Arachne, Midas-
Most of the targets of the gods were people who dared to act arrogant and like they were better/deserved more with the Gods smiting them for their fatal sin. Even the Gods themselves weren’t exempt from this, as many of them fell prey to their own pride and arrogance with the few (mostly) unscathed Gods being that way because they were significantly less prideful. Fuck, the Greek Gods came to be because Chronos was so cocky he could just eat his kids that it never occurred to him that his wife Rhea would trick him.
In fact, an always noteworthy story I remember was the tale of Orpheus and Euradyice, where a man traveled to the Underworld using his musical talents and demanded to have his wife brought back to life. It ALMOST didn’t work but he was just able to convince Hades on the condition that he not turn back on his way home. Spoiler Alert, he did out of a lack of faith in Hades, his wife WAS following him but he lost her because of it.
I bring this up because the Greek Gods were the INSPIRATION for the Brothers and I’d bet dollars to donuts that Orpheus’ tale was the inspiration for Salem and Ozma. You try to act like you know something about these things but completely ignore that hubris, the thing that fucked Salem over, was a running theme in the source of her backstory.
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So when Salem goes to Dark God, and he does fulfill her request, it’s honestly like Salem is now picking a side. Except, it turns out that Dark God actually has to answer to the Light God.
God of Light: I know we have our differences, but I have not come here with the aim to control you. The same, however, cannot said for her. This woman came to you only after I denied her pleas – pleas that would have disrupted the balance that you and I created. Together.
The younger brother ponders this revelation.
God of Darkness: Then it seems I owe you an apology. Allow me to correct my mistake.
No he doesn’t. But nice cut context.
Does the relationship between the gods seem… manipulative to anyone? Like… The Light God (Fuck it, let’s call him “Lumin” for now, I’m not typing out that whole thing) is abusive to his brother?
Considering what I quoted above- Nope.
Acording to… I think it was Qrow, possibly in a WOR, the Dark God (Let’s call him “Ebon” because that’s a badass name, and I’m honestly not in the mood for “Light = Good, Dark = Evil” to be the underlying theme here) made his creations first. then Lumin was all “I can make something too!” and made humans to one-up his brother.
RWBY Volume 4 Episode 8 “A Much Needed Talk”
Qrow: They were two brothers. The older sibling, the God of Light, found joy in creating forces of life. Meanwhile, the younger brother, the God of Darkness, spent his time creating forces of destruction. As you can imagine, they both had pretty different ideas about how things should go. The older one would spend his days creating water, plants, wildlife. And at night, his brother would wake to see all the things that the elder had made and become disgusted. To counteract his brother's creations, the God of Darkness brought drought, fire, famine, all he could do to rid Remnant of life. Life always returned. So one night, the younger brother went and made something - something that shared his innate desire to destroy anything and everything.
Ruby: The creatures of Grimm.
Qrow: You guessed it. The older brother finally had enough. Knowing that their feud couldn't last like this forever, he proposed that they make one final creation... together, something that they could both be proud of, their masterpiece. The younger brother agreed. This last great creation would be given the power to both create and destroy. It would be given the gift of knowledge, so that it could learn about itself and the world around it. And most importantly, it would be given the power to choose, to have free will to take everything it had learned and decide which path to follow - the path of light or the path of darkness. And that is how Humanity came to be.
You misrepresent the show AND got it backwards. The God of Light created things first, then The God of Darkness and Humanity was a joint project.
Why should we consider you at all reliable, especially given how easy it would be to research this?
Like… Does that at all seem healthy to you?
No in fact, The God of Darkness is kind of a jackass. But nice job portraying your delusions as the exact opposite dumbass.
But regardless of that relationship, Lumin basically acted like that one abusive parent who destroys all of the child’s toys just because they went to the other parent to do something that the first parent was callous in denying them to do. Sorry if that brought up any bad memories for people.
More like they took the toy away when the child tricked the other parent into buying it even though the first said no.
Not to mention the relics. Outside of their purpose to resummon the gods, they don’t really do much. But these are literal artifacts left behind by said gods.
Plus, Lumin give Oz an impossible task of uniting humanity. It’s like he wants Oz to fail because he just wants an excuse to wipe them all out again.
How is it impossible when Humanity was united BEFORE SALEM?
Lumin treats humankind as an “experiment gone wrong” as if he’s just playing with peoples’ lives for his own amusement. If anything, Ebon is more sympathetic because he actually listens to their problems and wants to help them out.
The God of Darkness created the Grimm that make Remnant such a horrible place to live and was the one that killed all of humanity.
God of Darkness: My own gift to them... used against me.
The God of Light looks away in disappointment as the God of Darkness squeezes the sphere within his hand, creating a massive shockwave that envelops the world, smiting everything and everyone in its path. Humanity has been turned to dust, only Salem remains due to her immortality.
How is he more sympathetic?
Meanwhile Lumin is all “Sucks that your man died. Now get out.” at best.
We get it- You’re delusional.
Let’s take a look at another set of flawed gods in the form of The Norse Pantheon. Namely, Odin, Loki, and Thor. In myth, these guys were all given tasks that were basically impossible. Thor was tasked with drinking the ocean, and failed. Odin wrestled with time, and was brought down. And Loki lost an eating contest to fire. These flaws and weaknesses in regards to their hubris are part of them.
Meanwhile, Apollo lost a love to Eros because he said that he couldn’t shoot as well as him but I guess you’d assume Eros was the bad guy.
I mentioned this briefly in my “Done dirty: Oz” post, but Oz was basically brought back to cause conflict. Because… I guess Lumin was bored?
Or you know- a second chance to have the gifts of the Brothers again.
But the narrative wants people to see that Lumin and Ebon are “All good. All caring. And all knowing.”
Which is a load of bullshit. The narrative tries to paint Salem as some unsympathetic witch who couldn’t let go. When…
1: The woman was abused and locked in a tower until Oz came to rescue her.
2: She was willing to fight God to get him back. If anything, that shows true love. If you want my opinion, if you’re not willing to deck a deity in the nose for your loved one, then you don’t care about them (Take that, Abraham. Willing to sacrificing your own son just because your God told you to. Bet you wouldn’t see that from Amaterasu).
1. Doesn’t matter. There have to be people living just as bad if not WORSE than Salem and lost loved ones- it’s literally the rules EVERYONE has to abide by.
2. No, she tried to fight two gods because she was pissy. She never tried to fight them until AFTER lying to the God of Darkness and lead people to their deaths. All in the name of a legendary HERO, someone who WOULDN’T want to be brought back after all this death.
What I’m saying is that these gods are detached. Which would be an interesting aspect if the narrative had bothered to show that as being a bad thing.
So were the Greek Gods. Not the point of either one.
Then again, this is all being told by Jinn, a creation of the Gods (Namely Lumin). So maybe there’s some bias in there where they’re trying to make Salem out to be irredeemable while the gods are the undisputed good guys- and holy SHIT!- Jinn’s in on the gaslighting. 
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i mean… I still want everyone to eventually realize that Salem was gaslighted into being the villain of the story. because that sounds way better than the “Abused woman lashes out and becomes evil” angle that they seem to be going at.
Yeah and Adam was branded. Guess that means you think Adam was in right to chop off Yang’s arm then.
Funny thing there- You literally can’t redeem Adam OR Salem and keep the other evil without looking hypocritical because they committed the SAME FUCKING SINS.
But given the writers’ ability to handle racism (or lack thereof), I don’t exactly have a lot of confidence in this.
Way to reference the plotline with the walking counter example in it.
Then again, the did call her Salem…
… But also again, they did write the WF plot as that horrible mess…
But they also looked into a lot of fairy tale aspects for their characters…
While you didn’t do a lick of research or else you’d know the shit about the Greek Gods.
Then again, you couldn’t even be bothered to confirm the shit about the Brothers even as you openly say ‘I don’t remember this clearly.’ So what really should I expect?
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batfam-imagines · 5 years
Pregnant Batsis
Request: So we all know how badass Batmom is, but how about a badass, single mother batsis? Maybe she is older or like a year younger than dick, but she took pregnancy and taking care of her baby like a true warrior. How do you think the bat fam will take that?
 A/N: So I don’t know if I quite followed the prompt, but I did my best! I’m a little rusty when it comes to writing! Hope you guys like it!
“I have an announcement to make” Glancing around to make sure everyone is paying attention, you focus your attention on Bruce, “I’m pregnant, 22 weeks if what the doctor said is right”
Surprisingly Jason is first one to react, “Are you both healthy? You were literally out on patrol yesterday ...! Why the fuck were you out on patrol if you’re pregnant?!?”
“I just found out for sure this morning, and I’ve only had suspicions for like a week. According to all the scans she took today everything looked fine”
Dick finally seems to get over his shock, “Did you get any pictures? Is it a boy or a girl?”
“Yeah, I did. I’ll show you in a few minutes, Dickie.” Bruce still hasn’t said anything, “B? Are you alright?”
“I assume the father is still in the picture? And that you’ll be resuming Patrol once the child is born? You know how important the Mission is, and even these few months without Sparrow’s presence will put a strain on everyone else”
Tim’s brow furrows, “That’s what you think of? The Mission? Your oldest daughter just told you she was pregnant and all you want to know about is when she’s gonna be back on the street. You can’t even say congratulations?!”
Holding up a hand, you step between everyone, “Calm down. It’s fine, Timmy. B, the father isn’t in the picture anymore. When I told him, I might be pregnant he said that he didn’t want anything to do with me or the baby and said that he would hand over all parental rights when the baby was born, and I’ve already moved into my own apartment. And I didn’t intend to go back to Patrolling full time after the baby. I’ll come out in emergencies, but I was going to have Babs teach me how to man the comms while I’m pregnant.”
“I think that’s a great idea. You can be there if the little tyke needs you, and you can give Babs a break every once a while.” Jason throws you a smirk, “Between us and the girls we’re driving her batty”
“That was terrible, Todd, however having Y/N on communications would be much more preferable to Gordon.” Your youngest brother shifts out from under the arm Dick slings across his shoulders, “I would also very much like to see the pictures of the child”
Sitting down on the large empty couch, all your brothers gather around to look at the various pictures, “We couldn’t find out the gender today, the ultrasound technician said that the baby wasn’t in a good position to tell anything.”
Unfortunately, Bruce doesn’t seem interested in looking at pictures, he just gets up and leaves the room.
Two days later there’s a knock on your apartment door. It isn’t any of your brother, because one of the first things they made you promise was to give them 24/7 access to your apartment.
“Y/N, it’s me. Please open the door” Opening the door a crack, you and Bruce lock eyes, “Can I come in? I think we have some things to talk about”
“Just so you know, I told Steph and Cass last night about the baby. Cass did that angry stare thing when I told them about your reaction, and Steph threatened to put itching powder in the Batsuit”
Bruce snorts, “I wouldn’t expect else from Stephanie, and I already got a video-call from Cassandra. She was actually the one to convince me to come here.”
“Because we all know you’re emotionally stunted, and wouldn’t have come here on your own”
“Right” Bruce shifts awkwardly, “Please, Y/N. I realized that the other day could have been handled better”
“Yeah, alright, fine. Come in. Excuse the mess, the boys were over last night, and I haven’t had a chance to clean up”
“It’s fine, I know how much of a mess those boys can make” Bruce glances around at he empty pizza boxes on the counter and the blankets piled on the couch before sitting on the empty side of it.
Taking a seat in the arm chair, you lean forward, “So what did you want to talk about?”
“I wanted to say that I am sorry for the way I reacted the other night when you announced your pregnancy. No matter what you’re my daughter, and I don’t want anything to come between us. This family has enough problems, without me adding another one to it. I don’t want to create another rift between myself and my children, Y/N, especially when there will be a new little one soon. I hope that you can accept my apology, and if you don’t want me in the child’s life, I hope that you will at least let me still contact you”
“Wow, I think that’s the most I’ve heard you talk without yelling in a long time. Of course I want you in mine and the baby’s life, B! I was hoping you’d get your head out of your ass soon so you could be a grandfather. This means I’ll have to call the other’s and call off all the pranks”
Bruce chuckles, “I would appreciate that, but you know your brothers will still do something in retaliation.”
“Oh, I know, but if I at least tell them you apologized it might not be as bad.” Glancing towards the clock, you flash a grin at Bruce, “Now, as the final part of your apology you’re going to take me out to lunch and then we’re going to go people-watch at the mall”
“Whatever you say, Y/N. Why don’t you call your brothers and ask if they want to come? Alfred is already preparing dinner for everyone tonight, Stephanie and Cass are flying back from their mission now, so everyone will be there”
“So you’ll get to spend the whole day with me! Aren’t you lucky, B!” Bruce chuckles, “I’m gonna go get dressed and call everyone”
Thankfully, there are no other family problems during the pregnancy, and everything progresses like normal. Barbra teaches you how to hack and how to man the Comms. There are a few instances where someone comes back to the Cave hurt and Alfred starts teaching you how to patch everyone up. During the day you continue to teach Criminal Justice classes at Gotham University.
“Guys, will you quit. I’m pregnant, not an invalid, I can still go to work!”
Even Bruce looks concerned, “Are you sure? You have to stand in front of class … should you even be standing anymore? Are you sure this apartment has enough room for you and the baby? I can still get you a better one, or you could move back into the Manor -”
“Bruce! I don’t need you to buy me an apartment, I can afford this one just fine and it’s plenty big enough. I’ll come to the Manor and visit, but I like living near work. And of freaking course I can stand!”
Tim peeks over the back of the couch, “We just to make sure you’re alright, Y/N. None of us have ever really been around pregnant people, especially pregnant family”
“I know, Timmy, but sometimes you guys can be a bit much”
“If Drake or Todd are the ones causing you stress I can … get rid of them” Dick nudges Damian and raises an eyebrow, “Or just challenge them to a fight for you”
Dick rolls his eyes, “That wasn’t much better, Dami.”
“Y/N cannot fight in her condition, so I will do it for her”
“I don’t need anyone to fight for me, Dami. I’ll just make them wait until after I have the baby, and then kick their ass” Damian grins at this and nods.
When the baby is born, everyone is there. The boys try to distract you from the pain, Bruce is a constant presence at your side, and the girls are constantly asking the nurses questions and arguing with the boys.
“Alright, Ms. Wayne, who do you want in the room with you when it’s time to deliver?” The nurse smiles and checks the fetal monitor while asking the question.
“Just my dad, while I love my siblings, I’d rather they didn’t see my vagina”
Jason barks out a laugh, “I appreciate that, Y/N. We might be a close family, but I’ll come back after the baby is out”
“Alright, that sounds like a plan, Ms. Wayne. Everything is looking good here, the baby looks like they’re in a good position, and the heartrate is looking good too. You were at 7 centimeters when I just checked, so the contractions might be getting a little more intense. If you need anything just hit the call light”
After the nurse leaves, Bruce turns to look at you, “You really want me in here?”
“Yeah, you’re gonna be the baby’s grandfather, and … you’re my dad. I need someone’s hand to break”
Once you’re discharged from the hospital, everyone refuses to leave you alone. Alfred makes sure that your fridge is full, Bruce constantly stops by the apartment after work to check-in, and your siblings drop in at all times of the night and day.
“You know I can handle this myself right, I don’t need someone to constantly check on me!”
Bruce snorts, “We’re always here because we care about you and want to be a part of Alex’s life. We know you can take care yourself and your child, we aren’t questioning that. Your pregnancy just … brought everyone together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the boys get along this well, just last night Damian and Tim had a conversation without fighting, and Cass smiles more than ever! Alfred seems to have more energy now that you named him honorary Great-Grandfather. I’ve even noticed a change in myself”
You flop down on the floor and lean against Bruce’s legs and let out a resigned sigh, “Well, when you put it like that … I guess everyone can keep coming around to bug me”
Let me know what you think! Send any ideas or requests you have to my Ask Box!
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Hey, love your writing so much!! Bullet point idea: shawn's possible kinks would include...😶😏😘
This is going to be a wild ride so fasten your seatbelts everyone…
Shawn’s possible kinks would include:
Dominance. He would be very straighforward to you about it by placing you on the bed and slyly, seductively, almost painfully slowly he would climb on top of you, trapping you under his strong arms and his face.
He would make sure to attack your neck, your chest, your belly and even your thighs with his lips, giving you a sneak peak of what was going to take place in your bedroom in a matter of seconds.
He would give you the hottest and the most possessive stares he could muster and just those alone would be enough to make you come undone and leave you begging for more.
One thing that he would surely do to show you that he was in charge was cup your vagina and whisper lowly in your ear: ‘’No one else gets to touch, feel and taste you unless this one is me and only me, are we clear honey?’’
Spanking. This punishment method would always come first in his mind when you would be disobedient or when you would just ignore his aching need to feel and touch you.
Before actually getting invested in this act, he would stroke your bum carefully and he would even place gentle kisses on the soft flesh before: ‘’I will try to make it as much tolerant as I can for you but you need to know who you have to listen to honey.’’
He would make sure to give you a good five spanks whenever you would just not listen to him and still insist on touching him even though he would have clarified that you couldn’t do that.
Dirty talk. He would be so into it whenever you would call him names during your erotic encounters and they would instantly make him harden in his briefs not being able to control your word’s effect on him.
Having you calling him big or hard or just: ‘’Oh my God Shawn you are so filling I can feel you in my stomach’’ would have him going even harder in you, confidence and proud radiating off of him knowing he was the one who was giving you pleasure.
But when you would just urge him on even further by simply stating: ‘’Do you love this cunt?’’ or ‘’Did you ever have anyone else take you in so good Shawny?’’ he would cum right at the spot, snarling at your comments while gripping your butt cheeks in an aggressive manner.
Role play. Shawn would be a bit sceptical at first at your reaction on wanting to try something different and something that had to do with turning into some characters but all of his doubts would be washed away when: ‘’But what are people going to say if they find out that my boss is very font of the way my pussy wraps him up?’’ 
He would really get all dressed up in the green suit he knew that drove you crazy and he would be sitted behind his office whereas you would wear a white button down shirt of his with no bra underneath and you would sit on his lap while explaining to him some meetings he had to carry out.
But Shawn would get lost in the way your hips were working against his throbbing shaft and he would get rid of everything placed on his office desk and instead, he would place you on top of it while: ‘’Thank God I don’t have you as an actual assistant and I don’t own a business or else we would both be fired.’’
Orgasm control. Nothing would turn him on more than seeing you begging for release, writhing under his delicate touch but getting even more agitated by the minute while he would stop his actions and he would kiss you instead just to tease you a little bit.
But deep down, he would like it too when you would take matters into your own hands and you would take your time fullfilling his need to come undone: ‘’Well, I have to tease you a little bit darling.’’
Sex toys. You would be completely bewildered at the fact that Shawn was keen on all those things but the thing that really got to you was the fact that he liked to experiment with all those pleasurable gadgets as well, the vibrators being his favourite ones.
Shawn would really like you to get all worked up while he was away on tour and he couldn’t be there to let his magical fingers and his powerful manhood do all the work he knew you adored, but he would make sure to leave his two favourite vibrators for you in his drawyer: ‘’I just want what’s best for you babygirl. Enjoy yourself before I come back and enjoy it too.’’
What Shawn would really enjoy though, was being a little bit risky and placing a vibrator in you before departing for his family dinner would give him just that. So when you would have difficulty in seating down on the table or getting up, he would lean in your ear and he would simply say: ‘’If you behave, we will have it taken out sooner than planned baby because seeing you like this messes with me too.’’
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repairslip9-blog · 4 years
8 points You really Did Not know About Cellulite.
Hifu Face as Well As Neck Lift enhancement therapy
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therapy overview.
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therapy From a General Practitioner
Summary Of Your treatment
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Coolsculpting client.
If you are only simply starting to show indications of ageing, you may not require a full facelift surgery. This method includes the doctor making little incisions in front or behind the ear. Depending upon the level of lift you need, the cosmetic surgeon may likewise make a tiny cut along the hairline. They will then place a stitch just under the skin and also into the underlying coarse cells.
Although renovations and necklifts are normally effective and can produce dramatic outcomes, a facelift can not make you look 18 once more, and also you must be aware of the restrictions before you agree to have surgery. A facelift includes raising and also repositioning the skin and soft cells of the face. Sometimes, the specialist may need to make a little cut under the chin for the necklift part of the surgery.
We Have A High Success rate getting Rid Of Skin marks effectively.
For a typical facelift, your surgeon will make a medical cut right around your hairline, past the front of your ears. Cuts may likewise be made under your chin, if the procedure consists of lifting a drooping jaw line. Your skin will after that be very carefully divided from the underlying muscle mass of your face. The skin will after that be raised, pulled back as well as any type of excess will certainly be trimmed off.
How many inches can you lose with CoolSculpting?
Results vary for each patient. However, there is an average of 20-30% reduction in the treated area, which can significantly slim and contour your waist and abdominal region. Many patients lose several inches from their waistline after the completion of their recommended treatment plan.
Unsatisfactory outcome Often, individuals are not pleased with the result of their facelift or necklift. This might be to do with the look or feel of the face or neck, or the shape not fulfilling assumptions. It is extremely important that you talk with your surgeon, prior to you have the surgical procedure, concerning the appearance as well as form you desire, as well as whether this can be securely attained with a good end result.
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With each other, after considering your facial structure, skin high quality and also general wellness, you will certainly select the most effective training course of treatment. Unlike cosmetic surgery that is done on the body, a facelift just avoids you from returning fully to work out and full activity for about 6 weeks. You will see the final result after about 4 months as well as the marks will certainly remain to fade over the list below year. A facelift at The London Facility will certainly take around 2 hours, but the surgical procedure time will certainly be much longer if you also have a brow lift or an additional procedure at the very same time.
Does fat freezing work?
Cryolipolysis appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fat loss without the downtime of liposuction or surgery. But it is important to note that cryolipolysis is intended for fat loss, not weight loss.
A facelift & neck lift involves the skillful and also cautious elimination of excess facial skin from the neck, chin and cheek areas, under basic anaesthetic. When you awaken from your surgery you will certainly have dressings on the face as well as possibly drainage tubes in position. A facelift is plastic surgery to lift up and pull back the skin to make the face tighter and smoother. Many people will certainly stay in medical facility for 1-2 evenings following their surgery. a company that helps of evenings will certainly rely on the time of day your facelift is accomplished.
They will certainly listen to your objectives as well as work with you to produce the face look you desire. Our team deal you all the support you require both before and after your facelift It is regular to feel a little uncomfortable when you remain in public due to the swelling, redness and bruising around the cured area after a facelift.
treatment summary.
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catalog For therapy
Nevertheless, the large majority of wounding and also swelling ought to have cleared up by about 4 weeks. By now, lots of people really feel comfy sufficient to be seen by buddies and coworkers. If you have a major occasion turning up such as a wedding event or birthday celebration, strategy your surgery 2 to 3 months before it. Your doctor will certainly give you particular advice on how to wash and wash after the surgical procedure. As a whole, you might bath as well as clean your hair 48 hours after a facelift surgical procedure. Make use of a mild hair shampoo as well as be especially careful around the treatment area. Be mild when brushing or brushing your hair to ensure that you do not capture your comb in the stitch lines.
How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?
20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science) 1. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. 2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. 3. Don't drink too much alcohol. 4. Eat a high protein diet. 5. Reduce your stress levels. 6. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. 7. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) 8. Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs. More items•
They may be a bit pink for some time however discolor to a regular skin colour as well as appearance. Discoloration and also swelling are short-lived following a facelift and are mostly solved by two weeks. Suppleness in the external cheek area can nonetheless, linger for a couple of months.
Can ice packs reduce belly fat?
If your goal is to drop weight and fat, you may want to consider the idea of using ice packs along with any weight loss diet or plan you may be on. Using Dry Ice packs can help reduce weight !!!? That's right. It appears that putting an ice pack on your stomach for 30 minutes can burn off the hard-to-address calories.
Lumpiness under the chin on the neck is likewise usual especially if excess fat has been gotten rid of by liposuction surgery. You will certainly need to go back to the medical facility regarding a week to 10 days for a regular check. It prevails for patients to have eyelid surgical procedure with a facelift therefore there might likewise be a see to remove an upper eyelid stitch. It is suggested not to have your hair tinted for at least a number of weeks following surgical treatment.
therapy From a Gp
A facelift can be done alone, or in conjunction with various other procedures such as a temple lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping. The marks before the ear are not normally visible after a facelift.
How many times do you have to do CoolSculpting to see results?
Patients may begin to see an improvement in the treated area a few weeks after their treatment, but it may take up to four months before they enjoy their full and final results. While every patient is different, most patients benefit from one to three sessions for each area of concern.
The overall objective of a face lift is to raise the skin from the face, tighten up the underlying muscle mass and then rearrange the skin, eliminating any extra. Your doctor will suggest on the very best therapy for your requirements. As well as the facelift, we provide eyelid surgical procedure, eye bag elimination and also brow lift therapies. All our doctors are General Medical Council registered and carry out hundreds of procedures, consisting of facelift surgery, every year. Facelift individuals generally remain in for 1-2 nights after their surgical treatment. Your length of stay will certainly depend on the time of day your treatment is performed.
Summary Of Your treatment
This type of cosmetic surgery recovers the reduced eyelid area as well as cheeks. Worn out, drooping cheeks are raised offering the face a rejuvenated look and also this treatment can aid with deep nasal folds. This form of cosmetic surgery lifts the upper as well as reduced face, eliminates excess skin as well as enhances the look of deep lines and folds. We offer a bespoke option customized to your desired results and suitability. Your cosmetic surgeon will certainly go over at length your preferred result, the numerous kinds of facelifts offered as well as show to you a profile of their job.
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This is due to the fact that the incisions are made along the hairline and around the ears, so your hair will cover them up. The majority of clients do experience bruising and swelling complying with a facelift. Nevertheless, after a few days, you are able to conceal some of the bruising with a little makeup, ought to you desire to. You ought to expect to have the stitches for 7-10 days before they are removed. Facial plastic surgery stays one of the most preferred plastic surgery procedures. Lots of people pick the surgery to help recreate an all-natural, vibrant as well as fresh look. We have a group of dedicated team as well as highly seasoned GMC-registered cosmetic and plastic cosmetic surgeons that are experts in facelift surgical treatment, and also that have actually operated in both the NHS as well as economic sector.
Femiwand vagina firm therapy Edinburgh.
Does ice pack reduce fat?
Simply strapping an ice-pack to a fatty area like the thighs or stomach for just 30 minutes can burn away hard-to-shift calories. The cold compress works by triggering the body into turning flabby white fat into calorie burning 'beige' fat. Humans have two types of fat tissue.
In this technique, the laceration is made along the hairline, past the front of your ears to below the earlobe, and also behind the ears. The cosmetic surgeon has the ability to boost and also tighten up the tissue of the SMAS, and utilizes stitches to obsess it to its brand-new position. Although it is a much longer treatment with a longer healing time, this method generates long-lasting outcomes. It is also preferable for males and females who have much more serious sagging of face skin.
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A tried-and-tested secret much-loved with elegance insiders who have been scheduling this for many years at facialist Vaishaly's Marylebone center. It's the one to pick if you like your elegance treatments a bit more low-tech but high up on outcomes. Incorporating genuinely fantastic massage with a galvanic/microcurrent wand-like tool, which actually pushes in a glow-enhancing hyaluronic acid lotion into the skin while lifting and also toning the facial muscles at the very same time.
It works by contracting as well as reducing muscular tissue fibers, which cause the lifting as well as tightening result.
Over the coming months, you'll discover skin tightening and also lifting of the skin, leaving you with more youthful feeling and look skin.
HIFU technology is totally risk-free as well as has actually been utilized in medicine for years.
Yet it may additionally be used for guys that just require treatment to one little location of cancer in the prostate.
If you are interested in a discovering more concerning a non-surgical face lift in London, you can connect with a participant of our team to reserve your initial free examination at our Primrose Hillside center.
It may likewise cause less adverse effects, since less of the healthy and balanced tissue is damaged.
It will then be sewn back to the line where the cut was initially made. You can additionally expect some scarring, yet a seasoned plastic surgeon will minimise and conceal facelift marks. Plastic surgeons at Ramsay hospitals are GMC signed up, on the GMC Specialist Register for plastic surgery, been experts in facelift procedures, and have actually worked in both the NHS and economic sector. Many patients are pleased with the outcome, but some locate their new form challenging to obtain utilized to. You can not evaluate the outcome of your facelift or necklift for about 6 to 9 months. Even if the procedure is a success, you may require one more operation in the future to have the skin tightened up once more.
The cosmetic surgeon will certainly utilize this stitch to lift the cheeks, jowls and also the top neck. Time, sunlight damage, and also way of life can impact the fragile skin on the face as well as neck. As we age, the skin can create great lines, wrinkles, jowls, and a loss of definition to the jawline. The eyes and also the edges of the mouth can droop, as well as deep lines and also folds can develop, making you look cross or exhausted, despite how satisfied and relaxed you really feel. If you are dissatisfied with the effect ageing has actually carried your face, Bella Vou's professional cosmetic surgeons can precisely lift, tighten up as well as smooth the skin and also muscular tissues on your neck and face to invigorate your look. Your doctor will certainly describe the choices readily available to you and the very best approach to attain your objectives.
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