#we who are about to experiment salute you
pastafossa · 2 years
Fiberglass nightmare update.
Vid, and the info for anyone who doesn't feel like watching.
After mopping and sweeping and mopping again, and wiping things down over and over until it got dark today (lightbulb burned out)... At the risk of jinxing myself... I think I can FINALLY say... that the fiberglass... is g o n e.
After 4 (iirc) goddamn weeks.
I found no sparkly dust tonight. No strands of glass. My hands do not feel cut up. My eyes don't burn. There's definitely *dust* there - you can see it floating in the vid and I could feel it kinda gritty in my eyes and when I was wiping up (fairly certain it's just drywall dust tho, which is why the daily mop + sweep + wipedowns will continue for a bit) and I want to go over it in the light of day tomorrow to be sure, so I won't let the cats up yet, but...
I think, at last, I can sleep in my own bed again tonight. If I wake up tomorrow not coughing or wheezing or prickly because of fiberglass dust, I will literally cry tears of joy. Let's give it a shot tonight.
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Disabled culture is going to see a doctor about a new medical scare and being able to predict exactly what they’re going to suggest, because it’s the exact same thing every doctor tells you for everything
#disabled culture is#ableism tw#medical ableism#like. ma’am. i just had a terrifying experience and am seeking medical help to make sure it doesnt become a regular occurrence#you do not need to treat me like a toddler#‘just eat more and get your bmi to a better range and you’ll be fine :)’ MA’AM#i am aware i weigh about as much as a sopping wet kitten but i am not here about the autoimmune disease causing that#i am here because i fainted hit my head and felt like i was experiencing violet involuntary movement even though i wasn’t#anyway congrats to this doctor for taking two hours to tell me something i learned from talking with potsies like 6 years ago#anyway my shock thoughts are really funny. she pressed on my nails to check for dehydration and my single thought was#‘thats not how they did it on mythbusters >:(‘#fr tho uhhh fainting is super scary and i salute everyone who deals with it regularly#also is it normal to like.#i felt like my head was jerking around and I couldn’t stop it and that lasted for like a full minute after i was aware again#couldn’t talk or move like my arms or anything while it was happening#doctor literally just waved me off when i asked. if anyone has any insight on why i felt like that when my head wasnt moving pls lemme know#also tbh i dont even know if it technically counts as fainting. my eyes were open the whole time apparently#but everything before and after the fall for about a minute is blank#anyway uh! we think im fine! no blood and probably no concussion the only thing with major damage is the wall lol
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teacher!mingi x teacher!reader
summer camp/school trip au
word count: 7.8k
genre: fluffy stuff, just tooth rotting fluff for once
synopsis: when you suggest the idea of a one week trip to give the seniors a little break before their exams, you find yourself paired with mingi as the teachers in charge of your group of students, to your surprise and satisfaction. you've had your eye on him for quite a while- but so has mingi. he proves that it isn't too late for a highschool sweetheart - him.
manager-nim: @eightmakesonebraincell (we formally salute all fluff writers bc this shit was tough)
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when you heard you were accepted as a part of the crew who would be accompanying students on a one week road trip 
not only were you beyond relieved because you needed a break so bad
but you were also way too curious about who else made it into the crew
it hadn’t been long since you started teaching at eden high school
but it was the quickest you found your place as an english teacher
it was surprising how well you got along with the staff here considering your not-so-excellent experience at your previous school
and the students here were just students, yes, just like everywhere but
you were pretty sure this was the most adored you had been
perhaps because you were in charge of the seniors who really needed someone like you- a person they could confide their problems and concerns in
a person who would offer solutions instead of telling them that it was just a fleeting worry
a person who would notice when they were beyond exhausted with the pressure of being, well, a senior
you remember how hard it was when it was your time and you wouldn’t want your students to go through the same thing
which was why you once suggested to mr. kim that perhaps the students would appreciate a trip
it was just a casual observation you had made and when mr. kim said ‘perhaps they really need it’, you weren’t sure if he was being serious
but turns out that he was, and the preparations began
not all the teachers could join but you had to be a part of it, mr. kim said, since you suggested it in the first place
you got so busy with assuring the students that they would have fun and they had nothing to worry about
talking to their parents in case they were being reluctant to send their kid, thinking it was a waste of time
convincing the students who were taking their studies way too seriously that they needed this- they really didn’t want to be burned out when exams would be near
that it slipped your mind- another suggestion for mr. kim to take mr. song along
mr. song mingi- the history teacher- the one who made history quite fun to learn
you had specifically planned with the staff- including him- to visit a few historical sights on the road-trip
however, he wasn’t the only history teacher here so you weren’t sure if he would be tagging along
and you never got the chance to ask him
(or even if you did, you were too shy)
but the day finally came
way too early in the morning when even the sun was asleep, you were standing by the bus counting the heads
almost all of your students made it- it was a bummer that some couldn’t but you promised to take them out for dinner after you were back
it was the least you could do for them
the girls were all over you, finding your casual style pretty intriguing
they had only ever seen you in professional clothing, tied hair and reading glasses on the bridge of your nose
so with your hair down, shades hanging by the neckline of your light blue sundress
the girls were pleased, yes, but the boys couldn’t help but share the sentiment too
“miss y/n, you should wear dresses more often!”
“light blue is your colour!”
“your hair looks so good-”
“come on now,” a familiar voice boomed and if you thought the flood of compliments from your students was making you smile
the smile changed into a grin, almost a giggle when you turned to the source
the source being none other than song mingi- in a loose sleeveless white shirt with a denim outerwear and matching jeans
song mingi may be a ‘boring history teacher’ like you sometimes teased him
but that man has got impeccable style
“stop flattering poor miss y/n and find your seats, come on!”
the students laughed but obeyed and the class pres started the roll call
and you felt a little somersault in your stomach when you locked eyes with mingi
“you made it”
he grinned back. “did you think i wouldn’t?”
“i was hoping you would, actually.”
and that took mingi off guard
you weren’t always forward with what you said unlike him and he found you a bit hard to read sometimes
and oftentimes, you surprised him with your actions or your words, just like you did now
but mingi knew when to make something out of an opportunity
“well, you’re stuck being paired with the boring old history teacher. hope you don’t mind.”
“i never called you old, though,” you told him, smiling to yourself before following the guard’s orders and getting on the bus
mingi, of course, sat next to you, the only seat available
and you marvelled at the turn of events
because how long had you wished for some sort of proximity to happen?
it wasn’t easy to be alone in the school with him- not that you wanted to do anything alone with him, but
sometimes, you thought, it would have been nice if you got one-to-one interaction with him that wasn’t related to grading each other’s papers 
or sharing pointers about the next exam
sometimes, he would find you alone with your head in your hands
and he would decide not to disturb you and leave a little something for you near your desk for you to spot if you, well, got your head out of your hands
a candy or a ‘cheer up!’ note
you would also find him alone in some classroom sometimes
you noticed he preferred to be alone at times so you knew to look in his classroom first instead of the staff room
he would be so absorbed in whatever he was doing
that you would simply watch him until he felt your gaze burning into his skin
and then you would pretend to have been passing by 
and of course you ‘accidentally’ bought two of whatever you were going to snack on
mingi would offer you to join him but most of the times, you let him be
but sometimes, if the staff room was too noisy, you would join him
and the two of you would sit at opposite ends of the classroom doing your own work
(while secretly stealing glances but nobody needed to know that)
so now that you finally got to be alone with him
ignoring the twenty-some noisy children in the back- they could be considered background noise
you couldn’t help but play with your fingers
the bus started and mingi initiated conversation
telling you who was paired with who
each bus had at least one male and one female teacher and only two out of the four buses had two teachers
the other being jongho and gyeoul
“ah, gyeoul is going to forget she’s a teacher. i bet she’ll be sitting with the students playing uno with them.”
“jongho is going to drive the kids away with his dad jokes,” mingi tsk-ed. “but guess the most interesting pairing?”
“hongjoong, wooyoung and yuqi.”
“no way!” you actually laughed out loud this time. “hongjoong’s going to regret ever planning this trip.”
“you bet,” he scoffed. “seonghwa, mina and eunha are in the other bus.”
“all the calm ones?”
“i switched with seonghwa, actually,” he admitted and you raised a brow. “seonghwa gets along with them. i get along with you. we might as well have a good time too, now that we’re here, right?”
he switched to be with you
“you sure you won’t regret that decision?”
you didn’t expect his eyes to travel all over your face and his lips to curve into a smirk
“i’m sure.”
and that was your cue to check on your students
you took a round, making sure everyone was comfortable and told them all to just take a nap
there wasn’t anything interesting going to happen for a good few hours
lucky for you, the kids were sleepy
so the bus fell quiet, the driver assuring you that you both could relax too- there was another driver to keep him company anyway
so you asked mingi if he was sleepy
“not yet. are you?”
“not yet,” you confirmed.
“are you comfortable? do you need anything?”
you relaxed back, shoulder to shoulder with mingi, a small blanket on your lap. “i’m good. do you need anything?”
“not for now, nope,” he took a deep breath. “how long has it been since your last trip?”
and that was how you found yourself actually relaxing and talking to him
you told him your last trip was a while ago with your family
you didn’t want to count school trips but you told him about that too
and he told you about his experiences
just like that, you got to know each other a little better
details you wouldn’t have shared otherwise
from random facts about each other:
“i used to love reading. i became an english teacher because i would consume books like nothing else. but i haven’t read a new book in about a year.”
“i hated the idea of being a history major until one of my professors started using storytelling as a way to get us to learn about the world. i still remember the stories he’d make up.”
to gossip:
“i think i saw wooyoung checking out eunha earlier”
“don’t you think mina’s got a thing for seonghwa?”
somewhere between all of that, you got too sleepy to continue talking
you didn’t realise when you dozed off but when you woke up with a weight on your side
your heart almost stopped when you realised it was mingi resting his head against your shoulder
and quite comfortably at that
you realised you may have been resting your face on his head too
and the current position with your neck upright was sending a painful wave down your shoulder
so you decided to give in, checking the time- you could sleep for another hour
you went back to resting your face on top of his head, the bubbly smell of his shampoo lulling you right back to sleep
you woke up when you felt the bus stop and when you groggily lifted your head
you realised that mingi had been awake for quite some while, using his phone
but he never moved because you were using his head as a pillow
“oh my god,” you said, hiding your face in your hands so he wouldn’t see your flaming cheeks. “i’m sorry, i didn’t realise-”
“it’s okay,” mingi chuckled, waving his hand in dismissal. “i’m to blame too.”
you looked at him to make sure it was really okay and when he said, “your snores are cute” you chucked your blanket at him and looked around
you were making a quick stop at a rest area
you woke the kids up and told them now was the time to get snacks or use the toilet
you met up with the teachers to have coffee, everyone in good spirits having woken up from their naps
the wind already felt different and fresh now that you were a few hundred miles away from the city
with newfound energy, you all got back into your buses and that was when the fun started-
for the kids.
it was suddenly too lively and noisy, loud music blasted in the bus and a few kids showing off their dance moves, the rest cheering them on
you clapped along, reminiscing about your own highschool time
soon, you reached the first town on your list- a town known for its historical ruins
though the kids had been complaining about visiting ruins- what’s there to learn about ruins?
you assured them the trip would only get better and you kept the ‘boring’ sites for the first few days
because you wanted to end the trip on a cheerful note- the beach
as the kids crowded and started following the teachers, you took note of their complaints and unsatisfied grunts
and though panic started bubbling in your heart- maybe you shouldn’t have put this town on the list? all your anxieties faded away when a certain history teacher stepped in to save the day
“alright, remember when i told you guys about the spirit of the exiled princess that haunts a certain town? that people spot in the forest sometimes?”
“is the spirit pretty?” a boy asked, earning a bunch of snickers from the crowd
but the way mingi smirked made them all shut up
“i guess you’ll find out soon.”
you winced when the kids burst into a chorus of cheers or frightened screams and the teachers shared a good laugh at how mingi handled this
“remember- if you find a four-leaf clover, the spirit might spare you!”
and as mingi guided them along the town, sharing fun facts about the sites, the kids kept their eyes trained on the ground in chances of finding the lucky leaf
really, it was worse than a needle in a haystack
after visiting a few sites, you found yourselves in the heart of the town, at a food street
all the class presidents were instructed to make sure the kids stay in sight and that they were free to go eat whatever they wanted
the kids were simply famished and just wanted those corn dogs and fish cakes
the staff took a table in the centre and you were glad that it was a weekday today- apart from a few people, you were the only ones here
you all got some noodles and double checked on your accommodations- it was supposed to rain so you wanted to check-in before dark
just like that, it was time to go find shelter
you stuck with your group of students like every other teacher 
and when you reached the lodge, you made sure everyone went to their rooms before finding your own that you were to share with the female staff
the rest of the girls were already there, removing their makeup and stretching. you smiled as you followed suit
“this trip is exactly what i needed,” yuqi slumped down on the mattress as she said. “even though today was a bit boring, the weather makes up for it.”
“well, the night isn’t over yet,” gyeoul smiled mischievously. “it doesn’t have to end on a boring note.”
she came up with the genius idea of having drinks in the backyard with the boys
mina sighed in disappointment because if gyeoul had told her earlier, she wouldn’t have removed her makeup so soon
“you’re pretty anyway,” eunha told her, grabbing her hand and dragging her out
you told them you would join after a few minutes and changed into your pjs like the rest
when you went to the backyard, you let out a surprised laugh
because the boys had already prepared drinks for all of you before gyeoul
“great minds think alike” hongjoong said
“rich coming from you because all it takes is one drink and it’s game over for you,” wooyoung said and seonghwa’s laughter boomed in the air
“you’re no good either, seonghwa!” mingi pointed at the teacher, clicking his glass with wooyoung’s and sharing a shot
you smiled to yourself- it looked like you were going to make really good memories on this trip
you took a seat between the noisy ones- wooyoung and yuqi- and immediately started regretting it
because not only were the two of them were making you drink a lot, ensuring a good hangover
but they also kept teasing everyone (including you) and you thought they were too loud
not that you weren’t having fun
you surprised everyone by joining them after a few drinks, though you couldn’t defend yourself like the two did
what a team they made
of all the people, mingi noticed that perhaps… you needed to switch seats
or the environment- he didn’t want you to get too drunk
so when he subtly motioned for you to follow him, you nodded in answer
he told the drunk lot he would get more drinks
as if there weren’t a bunch of unopened bottles on the ground 
but thankfully they were too busy roasting each other to notice
and then you made the excuse of wanting to go to the toilet and left
you walked inside the hall, trying to figure out exactly where mingi had gone
you almost walked past him in the dark corridor and if mingi hadn’t grabbed your arm, you wouldn’t have known
you turned towards him, eyes wide in surprise
he immediately let go of you, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable
“wanna go see the stars?”
when he said that, you didn’t realise it would become a nighttime ritual for the two of you
because away from the city, you could see so many stars
that drunken night, you watched the stars with him in silence
too afraid to speak lest he figure out the desires within your heart
the desire to be with him, to get to know him more, to simply talk to him
but that comfortable silence definitely created a shift in your dynamics.
you didn’t travel much the next day, just explored the surroundings and made a trip to the top of the hill
taking as many photos as you wanted
capturing candids of the students and the teachers to share with them later
watching in fascination as some of the kids caught bugs quite easily
thanking the girls who made flower bracelets for all of you
and when you caught mingi smiling at the bracelet on his wrist, you showed off yours
“the boring old history teacher received a gift?” you teased
“you have to admit that they’re creative,” he laughed. “look- the boys want them too.”
the boys, in fact, wanted them. they were all queued up waiting for the girls to give them all a bracelet- or a ring
“oh, when we go back, there are gonna be so many campus couples,” eunha joined the two of you to watch the sight
really, it was pretty obvious who liked who- they wanted to receive the flowers from the person they liked
and the girls wanted to give the flowers to the person they liked
you wondered if they were so obvious… were you too? 
because it was common knowledge that wooyoung liked eunha- even right now, you caught him stealing glances at her
and if you looked behind you, mina was listening to seonghwa quite intently while he rambled on about something
hongjoong, who was right there, seemed the least interested
so when you looked up at mingi, you caught him staring at you and your heart skipped a beat
“you’ve got a little something on your head- a petal.”
“where?” you ran your fingers through your hair where he pointed but it seemed like you didn’t get it
and mingi decided to take the matter into his own hands and leaned down a bit to pick the petal from near your ear
and just like that, time stopped for a few seconds
maybe you should stop really stop reading novels
even though you haven’t read one in about a year
but just like in the books, the length of the duration- despite being only a matter of a few seconds- seemed too long
as you met his eyes, the golden rays of the sun casting a warm glow on his skin
and making his dark orbs more prominent
you wished he was wearing shades right now so you wouldn’t be entranced by the way his eyes scanned your face
but you blinked, and the moment was over- he drew away and tossed the petal on the ground, smiling awkwardly
and you were so glad jongho called you at that moment, having spotted a kitten and knowing how much you liked cats
you got busy with him, burying that moment aside for the time being
that night, you came back to the same lodge
you didn’t drink this time, having learned your lesson from how bad the hangover was in the morning
but you played a few games of uno and perhaps… this was noisier than last night
because there were quite a few sneaky players in this game
gyeoul and jongho- the evil duo of the school
“have some shame,” wooyoung tsk-ed at gyeoul who grinned at jongho- only you seemed to have noticed the look they shared
the look of an underlying scheme
you were sometimes surprised by how well they got along despite gyeoul being a few years older than all of you, and jongho being the youngest teacher in the school
like attracts like, apparently. evil attracts evil
you noticed jongho mouth a number at gyeoul and you realised what was going on
they either took a peek at the other teacher’s cards since there wasn’t much space here to hide your cards properly
or when jongho had shuffled the cards… he had pulled some trick at that time
either way, you weren’t going to let the two of them win- at least not them
so you looked at mingi who was right in front of you, and you subtly let him know that the two were at it again
he stifled a smile, whispering ‘i got this’ 
and the tables turned when within a few minutes, he somehow tricked gyeoul into playing her wild cards but completely destroyed her
he did not win the game but to you, he was the winner
and you told him that when he asked if you wanted to watch the stars a bit tonight too before sleeping
he laughed loudly at that, almost getting shy
and that night, you talked about the most random stuff. again.
it was like you could never run out of things to talk about
after all, there was so much to talk about
the work tea
recent developments- eunha was noticing wooyoung back and seonghwa was still an airhead
you thought seonghwa was just equally nice to everyone so it would be hard to figure out if he looked at mina differently
some students tea- one of the close-knit group of friends had a falling out during the trip
mingi was sure they would figure it out on their own
but you were sure one of them would come to you or wooyoung for advice
you both were the unofficial counsellors in your school
“why wooyoung?” mingi wondered. “why not me?”
“because you, mr. song, seem a tad bit intimidating at times.”
the puppy eyes of disbelief he made in response proved you wrong
“who? me?”
you couldn’t help but laugh at the way he was looking at you
“sometimes, yes.”
“more than wooyoung?”
“wooyoung is a literal ball of sunshine though…”
mingi turned towards you, stepping closer
“do i seem intimidating to you too?”
though it was an innocent question
it did nothing to help the butterflies in your stomach
it took everything in you to shake your head no
because he felt intimidating sometimes, that was true
and if it wasn’t for his warm personality
you might not have ever interacted properly with him
mingi laughed to himself, perhaps knowing that you might be lying
and it fell silent all of a sudden
just the sound of the crickets and the rustling of the leaves
and the loud sound of your thoughts
the next two days were a blur
and you thought that when you would go back home, you would have to look at all the photos you took
to ingrain these memories in your brain
because the days were packed travelling and having fun
the bus rides were fun and now it was mr. song who showed his dance moves to the students
he was surprisingly very good- in fact- too good
you wondered if that was why he felt so chill- because he just had this chill groove to him
which showed a lot in his dance moves when he freestyled
you had to physically go and calm the girls after this because
suddenly they were seeing the boring old history teacher in a new light
you folded your arms when mingi made his way back, still laughing at the way the girls cheered for him and the boys clapped
he asked you if you liked what you saw
and that made you smack his arm and turn your focus out of the window to hide your blush admire the scenery
now it was mostly visiting a few spots such as more historical sites and shopping points
and during the day, you were usually with the girls so you could shop together
you tried the local delicacies which was a new experience for most of the people here
and visited an apple farm to help the farmers as well
since it was a packed two days, the teachers didn’t really play more uno or drink 
though all of you would gather, this time in the common room, to plan what was next
but both of these nights, mingi offered you the same thing-
wanna see the stars?
you learned more about him and he about you
you learned that he has always loved to dance 
and he loves karaokes- especially drunk karaokes
he learned more about your previous school experience 
how they overworked you so much 
combined with gaslighting, you thought it was normal and you were just lacking
he assured you that you made a good decision quitting
and commended you for taking the big step- after all, it must have been daunting
though he did not have a similar experience, he could understand you
just like that, you learned the little things about each other
and now that the trip was almost over, you told mingi that you would like to take a walk around while you watched the stars
while walking, you were suddenly reminded of the time the staff went out for dinner once
and everyone was at least a bit tipsy if not drunk
when it was time to wrap up and mingi saw that you meant to walk home
he offered to accompany you
and that was only a few months after you started teaching so you weren’t very familiar with all the teachers
though you were pretty sure they were all very nice
you told mingi that he was too drunk but he insisted anyway
and you let him walk you to your neighbourhood which wasn’t far from there
now, almost two years later, you were both taking a walk again and it was oddly reminiscent of that time
and it seemed like mingi was thinking the same when he asked you if you remembered when he first walked you home
“i never told you but i didn’t remember for a while,” he confessed, the rustling of the leaves under your steps growing louder as you stepped on the autumn leaves
you weren’t surprised, if you were honest
“it’s okay. you didn’t do anything stupid. except make crow noises, but that’s okay.”
mingi covered his face in his hands as he laughed and you smiled
“i may or may not have been trying to impress you.”
“really? it was a success. i haven’t heard many people pull off crow noises that well.”
when mingi made a face at that, you lightly punched his arm
“it really is okay. but i have one little favour to ask…”
mingi knew what was coming before you said it
and you both walked a bit further from the hotel
making sure no one was around
before mingi turned away from you and made the loudest caws
and this time, you laughed heartily 
you were so absorbed in your little bubble that when you heard the sound of a door opening
probably the door of the nearest lodge who heard strange sounds in the middle of the night
you grabbed mingi’s hand instinctively and started running away from the source of the sound
the two of you couldn’t stop laughing, even as you ran
so much that it made it harder to run, actually
he took the lead and guided you to the benches to catch your breaths
and it was only after a couple of minutes when your breathing returned to normal
and the adrenaline started to wear off
that you realised the two of you were still holding hands
maybe because the muscles of your arm tensed at the sudden realisation that mingi finally noticed your joined hands
but when he glanced at you and found the corners of your lips curved in a small smile at the sight
he squeezed your hand instead of letting it go
and you looked up at him to see him shyly smiling
“what?” you asked
you couldn’t help it- you needed to know what he was thinking
“nothing, y/n,” he shook his head though he was unable to stifle his smile
“it’s not nothing,” you insisted. “why are you trying so hard not to smile?”
“it’s because i quite like this,” he finally admitted, raising your joined hands and you noticed how small your hand was in his, almost swallowed in his grip
for once, you were the one who was at a loss for words
“did i say something wrong?” mingi asked
and you wished he wasn’t so straightforward
but perhaps, it was for the better
and you thought the timing felt right too
the sky looked beautiful
the air felt like it was enveloping you in its embrace
the moon beautifully lit his face, highlighting the sharpness of his features
yet casting such a soft, welcoming glow
you shook your head, caressing the skin of his hand with your thumb in answer
there was no need for words anymore- the feelings were reciprocated, and you both could feel that
mingi made a daring move when he raised your joined hands in the air again
you wondered what he was up to now
but the last thing you expected was for him to kiss the back of your hand
it was such an endearing action that you could not help but giggle
“can’t we stay like this even when we go back home?”
an offer. a question. a confession. it was all of that and more
“i don’t think you can see many stars in the city though.”
“i don’t think i would have to look for stars,” mingi said, looking right at you
that was enough
you smacked his arm. “that’s the cheesiest pick up line i’ve ever heard. you really are the boring old history teacher, mingi.”
you started to go back, folding your arms and still giggling especially when mingi laughed loudly, rushing after you
you tried to run but damn his long legs
he caught up to you, running backwards in front of you now
you pouted as you tried to cross him, but he just won’t let you
“you haven’t answered my questions.”
you paused. you really hadn’t, huh?
he stepped closer to you, trying to read your face for a hint of what was going on behind your eyes
and you thought it was time to finally follow your heart’s desires
and test the waters without any fear
you stepped closer, surprising him
you placed a hand on his shoulder and he wondered what you were about to do
he shut his eyes when you stood on your tiptoes, inches away from him
and you took a moment to drink in the sight
before you pecked his cheek, a giggle escaping your mouth
and this time, you ran for your life
because you didn’t think you could take anything else right now
especially because you had waited so long for some sort of a signal from him
though you wanted nothing more than to hug him and stay there for the rest of the night
you let him chase you and let him hold your hand again
when it was time to separate to go to your respective rooms
he patted your cheek, looking at you with such soft eyes that you melted
and you knew, in that moment
that you were absolutely done for
the travelling time for the next day was a bit longer
which meant you got to spend more time with mingi on the bus
and it was a little awkward at first, the both of you fumbling around like the very teenagers you were making fun of not too long ago
the very teenagers that were on the bus right now
and it took you both a while to stop fidgeting and do something other than awkwardly laugh
thankfully, one of the students came forward with some snacks to share
and thus began a discussion of which snacks were better and which were mid-tier
you both were so enthusiastic about this that the students joined as well
before you knew it, you reached the outskirts of the village you were going to stay in for the next two days
and you thought beautiful was an understatement
the sea was so bright that it looked like a sheet of clear crystals under the sun
the air smelt of salt and sand and you felt a sense of relief
and so did the rest of the passengers- you could hear the soft sighs of the students
this was why you planned the trip
so everyone could just relax at the seaside
there was nothing planned for the last two days- there were a few sites so the students could divide into groups according to where they wanted to go
and the teachers would divide and tag along accordingly
the next two days were all about having fun
no more historical sights, as the kids teased mingi
though mingi retorted with a poetic ‘history is everywhere’ that earned him a few grimaces
as soon as you reached the lodges by the beach, the kids all ran towards the sea with the teachers shouting concerningly
thankfully, there were a few lifeguards since it was a tourist destination
so all of you decided to relax a little too, while still keeping an eye on the kids
that day, you all simply enjoyed being on the beach
making sandcastles, playing volleyball, swimming and collecting shells and rocks
mingi was out with his sleeveless again, no jacket covering his arms this time
you had a tough time if you were honest
and so did mina who couldn’t stop sighing at the sight of seonghwa’s long wet hair matted to his face
you could kind of relate to her, though your eyes only followed mingi
and perhaps, you were as obvious as mina now
because a certain menace came to stand next to you
“was just curious why you keep grinning into the distance. but nope. you’re just watching that fool. also, maybe wipe the drool off your mouth.”
you glared at wooyoung
“when you wipe yours. do you want to know what eunha thinks about you?”
suddenly, he’s ready to bow in front of you if necessary and you laughed
you’re both just two lovesick birds at this point and decided to calm yourself by making some sandcastles
“i never realised you got the hots for mingi too,” wooyoung said while trying to place a shell on the top of the lopsided castle. 
“what do you mean ‘too’?” you asked absently, more focused on making sure the whole thing wouldn’t collapse because of a shell
“he’s liked you for the longest time, y/n. you’ve just only noticed now.”
that can’t be true, can it?
“are you sure?”
“i mean, he literally watches the stars with you every night. why else would he do that? and only with you? i like watching stars too, he knows. never offered me now, did he?”
you snorted at that
it did make sense
plus, with the events of last night… he must like you a little, right?
you decided to confirm it tonight
this time, you were the one who asked to watch the stars with him
after dinner when you made sure all the kids were in their rooms
the whole staff went to watch the stars, actually
you couldn’t miss it here- the full moon was the cherry on the top
however, you noticed how wooyoung and eunha found a spot away from the rest
mina also managed to get seonghwa to follow him- and perhaps, you thought, he really did like mina 
the rest were in their own bubble
and you grabbed mingi’s hand to lead him towards the big rock you had spotted earlier
where you could have a little privacy 
not that you aimed to do anything, no
you just wanted him all to yourself
was it selfish of you? yes. absolutely. but did you care? 
did mingi care? he followed you willingly
this time, you were more touchy with each other
while you talked about how much you had missed the beach, his fingers trailed the curves of your hand absently
you brushed the sand off his cheekbone
and he scooted closer to you
“i don’t want to go back now,” you sighed happily
you really didn’t want to- it was too peaceful here
and you had never felt more content
“neither do i,” mingi said. “but at the same time… i do.”
“hmm… are you sick of watching the stars with me?”
mingi laughed at that
“i thought by now you knew that i never watched the stars.”
your heart did a few flips at his words and you glanced at him
he was right- he never really looked at the stars
he was always watching you
“would you like to see the stars when we go back?”
“every day, if i can?” he tucked your hair behind your ear as he said
“i really like you, y/n.”
it’s like you’re the high school student on a trip the way you’re feeling right now
you smiled, looking away and shyly responding
“i really like you too, mingi. i have, for a long time now.”
“how long?” the goofy mingi was back
“never answering that by the way,” you said, getting up and away from him. “you cannot extract that information out of me.”
“y/n!” he yelled your name in warning and you laughed as you tried to make a dash
but he was far too quick and he grabbed your wrist
you had to put your free hand over your mouth to keep your laugh from booming across the horizon
but you could not contain it when he pulled you in to his chest
you wasted no time wrapping your arms around his slim waist
and he curled in your hold, rocking you back and forth
“you’re too tall, by the way,” you said when you realised you were on your tiptoes and he was leaning down
he parted with a kiss on your cheek, pinching your nose afterwards
sending your brain into a spiral, turning you into mush
“you’re too cute.”
you’re too insane because you want to kiss him right now
and you don’t know what took over you when you did just that- pecked his lips, surprising both of you
giggling when his eyes went a little wide 
your grin almost faded when he didn’t respond
but before you could say or do something, he crashed his lips on yours
kissing you deeply, once before drawing away and making sure that it was okay
oh, it was more than okay
but he decided to keep things calm, kissing you slowly and testing the waters
it was perfect in every way, more than what you ever dreamed about
you just never expected this
you and mingi on this beautiful beach, the full moon shining on you two, the waves almost washing your feet
all the four-leaf clovers you found were worth it, it seemed
now that you were sort of official
you spent the next two days with each other
without any hesitation this time
the others barely noticed the difference and you realised that it was because perhaps, the two of you had always looked at each other that way
(or maybe a certain kim hongjoong told them to shut up and let you two enjoy)
but either way, the others let you two tag together when you accompanied the students into town
you went to the local shops and this time, you bought things for your friends and family just like the students
you all had bbq before coming back to the lodges
and that night, you gifted mingi a silly pair of sunglasses
round sunglasses with wide white rims
and when he wore them, you burst into a fit of giggles
“you look like willy wonka from charlie and the chocolate factory”
“do i?” mingi asked, unlocking his phone to check
“mingi wonka. mingi wonka, the amazing history teach~”
you were pretty sure your laughter was heard by everyone on the beach as he chased you 
you decided to take refuge in the waves of the sea and started swimming away from him
but he was quick to follow
and once he caught you, wrapping his arms around your waist, you laughed shyly
“someone will see us!”
but when you turned in his arms
the moonlight illuminating his face but hiding his eyes due to the glasses he still had on
you tried taking them off his face but he grabbed your wrists
“yeah, keep them on,” you whispered. “they suit you.”
“i can’t tell if this is a joke or not,” he smiled a bit
“you just need a hat and a cane to go along with it-”
and before you knew it, mingi put his hand on top of your head and dunked you under the sea
you splashed water on him in revenge
and the two of you chased each other again until he finally caught you
and this time, you thought he really did look beautiful with the damp hair and the glasses
so you didn’t try to wriggle away from his grasp when he leaned in to kiss you
the last day, everyone decided to just laze around at the beach
the kids played in the water all day
and it was a bit cloudy so the heat was tolerable too
you wore a hat, resting your back against a rock
and whoever passed by would mess up your hat, annoying you
wooyoung decided to step in to guard you
but also for advice
“would it be too much if i cook and take eunha to a private spot for a little picnic?”
you shut the book you had been trying to read and turned your focus to wooyoung
“that sounds cute, actually. would she accompany you willingly?”
wooyoung smacked your arm and you snickered. “she gifted me my favourite perfume last night.”
“how did she know?” wooyoung folded his arms. “i’ve never talked about which perfume i wear. no one knows, but she knew.”
this time, you let out a long ‘oh’ as you pondered
“you’re telling me she did her research?”
wooyoung nodded, very pleased
“do you know what her favourite food is?”
“that’s what i came to ask.”
you both did a little planning and wooyoung admitted that he had noticed a shift in your relationship with mingi too
you asked him if you were that obvious
and almost comically, you both looked towards seonghwa
“he’s hopeless,” wooyoung concluded
for some reason, mingi was very curious about what you two were talking about
(or maybe he just wanted you all to himself for the time being)
and he told you that intrusive thought that night
it was the last night of the trip and you would be leaving for home in the morning
so you told him that he better get used to the lack of proximity
because during school hours, it would be pretty packed especially now that exams were nearer
and after that, you both would have too much to work on
“will i be able to see you often then?”
“i mean…” you began. “what are we?”
mingi’s mouth formed an o shape as he realised
that you two hadn’t really talked about this
“shall i ask you out?”
“if i have to tell you that…” you scowled at him and he laughed
digging into his pocket to extract a small box
it was your mouth forming the o shape now
he opened the box to reveal a set of matching bracelets
a pretty little silver chain, very subtle, and just how you preferred
“will you go out with me?”
you made an impressed face, accepting the bracelet
“i didn’t know you were such a romantic”
“there are a lot of things you don’t know yet”
“i’m pretty sure i don’t need to know most of those things-”
mingi only laughed this time 
that night came to be a memorable one
as the trip concluded and you got back to your daily routine
you found that it no longer felt mechanical
you started off with a smile on your face
even mondays felt exciting 
because you could see mingi at school
you would eat lunch together everyday with the rest of the staff
but it was official now- you and mingi
and wooyoung and eunha
the latter was more unexpected, the staff revealed
and you were flustered to hear about how obvious the two of you had been
but it was okay
seonghwa finally noticed that mina acted differently only around him
and was left confused as he tried to figure out how he felt
hongjoong and yuqi were your new enemies
they made it their life’s mission to never let you couples have a peaceful moment
at least wooyoung could fight back
you and mingi were the type to let him bully you
and the students?
they thought they were being subtle when they tried to make the two of you cross each other at the same corridor
or when they casually told you things about each other, little updates
you caught on pretty quick but you let them be
though it was all fun and jokes
hongjoong told you a little secret later on
that mingi had specifically requested to come on this trip because of you
it was endearing
after school, mingi would walk you home every night
because that was the time you could catch up with each other in private
sometimes, you would stop by to have dinner or coffee
you met each other’s families and they instantly liked you
everything was perfect
everything was perfect, just like the waves had been on that beach 
calm, playful but strong
just like your love for each other
and every night before you went to sleep
(if you were not sleeping beside mingi)
you would look at the grid on your wall
at the pictures of you and mingi on the beach
and the picture of him in those silly glasses that suited him so well
and if you were sleeping beside mingi?
you could just look at the real thing :D 
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noneorother · 2 months
The art director & the Good Omens book cover tier list of doom, part 1
part 1 l part 2
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This is going to have to be a multi-part series because there are *checks notes* 64 different covers that I've found so far.
I am your resident Art Director/Good Omens enthusiast, and welcome to my completely meta-free book cover tier list. Listen, making a book cover is HARD. I should know. But while we salute these artists for their hard work and time, I think we can all admit that once in a while, the vision is just not on. And on very rare occasions, publishers seemed to have managed to commission the cover art directly from hell... 1. The original UK cover
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Ahh, the standard by which all shall be judged. We're starting off with a nice & easy cover, with adorable woodcuts of Aziraphale and Crowley flanking a custom Good Omens font! While I have to take a few points off for the terrible kerning of the word "GoOD", the blockprint vibes and general bitchiness of Aziraphale's teeny weeny wittle face, along with the sick colour palette puts the orignial in my good graces. Tier: Great
2. The duelling US covers
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Progress! Hail to the designer who figured out trying to make "GoOD" and "OMeNs" fit the same width was a fool's errand, and even managed to IMPROVE on the original handmade title by adding a little halo and devil's tale to the design. Aziraphale and Crowley are facing each other, while also managing to serve absolute cunt. Aziraphale is wearing EIGHTIES SNEAKERS. Crowley's little snake boots have HEELS. They've managed to keep the woodcut vibes and colour simplicity, while balancing out the full title of the book. Both authors get to trade off on who's name comes first! Dare I say, this is a work of genius. I could dock some points for Crowley's sad bat wings growing out of his right clavicle, but who am I to question greatness.
Tier: Blessed by God Herself
3. The Halo Master Chief(?) cover
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How the mighty have fallen... As a Canadian child, I was subjected to maybe the most horrifying ad in existence by the War Amps warning children about machine safety. This cover is the paper embodiment of that ad. I am confused by the purple haze. I am frightened by the seeming ethereal flatness of Adam and Dog. I am strangely aroused by Aziraphale's eyebrows, and intensely saddened by the terrible outline/drop shadow they had to inflict on the type to fit "Pratchett" in that god awful space. Tier: WTF
4. Germany, Ein Gutes Omen covers
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This cover inexplicably exists in two colour ways: red and teal. I put the audiobook cover here so you could experience the full illustration, and also how fucked up it is that they cropped the book version to include three horse-people of the apocalypse, but cut off DEATH on the regular cover. Points must be given for drawing a pretty slick Bentley, but I think we have to take even more points away for turning Crowley into a Ray Charles/Mike Wazowski hybrid. The ducks are nice. Tier: Not so Good (Omens)
5. Germany, Ein Gutes Omen covers continued
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I don't know if the German designer of this cover *knew* that they were using western yeehaw cowboy woodblock letters when they made this cover, but judging by how they spaced the rest of the text at the bottom, THEY DID NOT CARE. And that seems to be a running theme for this one. We get kind of a duality thing going on with the black and pink background, but it just seems like somebody whispered the general themes of Good Omens into a jar, and threw it down a well, and this poor chap came along and picked it up. The baffling choice to align every piece of text on the cover *except* Neil Gaiman's name which is right aligned and rotated 90 degrees (not even real vertical type) will haunt my dreams, I think.
Tier: Bad
6. US, UK The Traffic Jam cover
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For the love of Good Omens, WHY. I can think of so many more interesting symbols to put on the cover of this book than the ODEGRA SIGIL TRAFFIC JAM. Props for keeping the good colours and type, but like, I think this cover was secretly designed by @amtrak-official, or someone who just really, really likes public works. Tier: Does the Job
7. France, De bons présages cover
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Leave it to France to make sure people know that Aziraphale and Crowley fuck severely. While I can't condone leaving out half the title of the book (and thinking a red carpenter's square counts as decoration), I can begrudgingly acknowledge that Ron Pearlman and Benedict Cumberbatch's love child is excellent Crowley casting. I think I give this a solid dark academia/10. Tier: Good (Omens)
8. France, De bons présages covers continued
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Just imagine with me, if you will, the absolutely hilarious reality that this cover posits: Good Omens is exactly the same in every respect, but Crowley drives a pink 1950s convertible. Why do all of the colours on this cover look like they've been pre-digested? Why are the font choices and placement so bafflingly bad. My face is the demon's face holding that car. I feel his pain.
Tier: WTF
9. France, De bons présages covers continued
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Minus points for not managing to write the full title of the book once again. I don't know what it is with the French. They seem pretty set on Good Omens being demonic. While I do appreciate a good Bosch-style demon party, the dude in the middle confounds me. All-caps Museo Sans that isn't even *centred* in the frame is just so lazy. I am le tired. Tier: Bad
10. France, De bons présages covers continued
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Uhh. The font. The font is okay.... I think? Yeah. The font and kerning are. Okay. OHHH GOD I LOOKED DOWN BELOW THE TEXT WHYYYY. Tier: WTF
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END of round one. I need a nap.
245 notes · View notes
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Interview With A Ghost
Red Robin, (aka Tim Drake) decides to host a YouTube series called "Teenage Hero Burnout'' after he makes a video by the same name talking about his own experiences.
He interviews current and past heroes who started their careers as teens and discuss how it shaped their outlook on heroing & life in general. His primary focus is on current teen heroes. Once he runs through his whole team roster and all willing (and unwilling) BatFam members he branches out to look for more obscure teen heroes. (Inadvertently he ends up building a support network for young heroes but that's for another time.)
Ficlet under the cut vvv (Ao3 Link)
Today the "studio" is decorated with little ghosts and miscellaneous Halloween decorations to match his guest's theme. Clearly a homemade set, but RR has a high-quality camera and sound equipment. Today's episode is titled "Teenage Hero Burnout #56: Interview With A Ghost.”
Phantom is sitting in his chair invisibly with a cup of coffee (the coffee mug has his DP logo on it), which of course makes it look like RR is interviewing a floating cup of coffee. But every now and then the camera picks up a blurry shadow in the shape of a person. Super creepy. (And in case you were wondering, yes, this is 100% the Halloween special.)
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"Let's get this over with already," Phantom mumbles into his mug, taking a sip. Red Robin ignores his guest's comment and continues his little intro. 
"Welcome back everyone! I hope all you Birdies have been taking care of yourselves since the last episode. Today's guest is Amity Park's Phantom. A lesser known small-town hero, but no less of a powerhouse who has helped the Justice League themselves on several occasions. Say ‘hi’ Phantom.”
The floating coffee mug rises and bobs in the air like someone making a salute with it.
"Thanks man, I totally feel like I’m not talking to myself,” Red Robin mutters.
“Calm your shorts bird boy, do you have any idea how crazy ghosts get around this time of year?”
“No, but it sounds like I should put an underage drinking disclaimer on this video.”
“It’s not underage when you’re in a different dimension.”
“And jumping off of THAT robust rebuttal, since we're using this series to focus on the experience of teen heroes here, let's start with how old you are, Phantom?"
"What are you, a cop?”
Red Robin glares intently at the seemingly vacant chair beside him.
“Kidding, kidding. Do you want my ghost age or my human age?"
"Can you elaborate on that?"
"Well, the whole phantom thing isn't just a gimmick. I am an actual, bonafide member of the afterlife. Age isn't as straightforward for us. It could be my assumed age based on my appearance, how old I was when I became a ghost, how old I'd be if I were still alive, or how long I've been dead. Which is only three years, by the way. Shocker, I know. Despite what some people think, I'm not an ancient trickster ghost with the face of a child."
"Don't worry Phantom, we'll give you a century or two to work on it first. How about you tell us how old you were when you first started acting as a hero?"
"Same as when I died, fourteen."
"So that makes you roughly seventeen now."
"In human terms, yeah."
"And what are your pronouns?"
"Nice, same. Any fun facts about yourself before we get into the real meat of things?
"Uuuuuuuuh, do I have any facts about me that are fun? I really like flying? Yeah. Flying is probably my favourite power. I love being up in the air. It's the best."
"We know you started heroing about three years ago, but can you tell uus why you started heroing? Were there any inciting incidents?"
"Ah, origin-story time. Amity Park has always been a thin spot between this world and the next with lots of natural ghost activity. Mostly just small stuff. There are thin spots all over the world. Sometimes they get thinner, sometimes they move or close up entirely. It's just another weird part of nature. But when ghosts in Amity started coming through the veil at a more rapid rate and clashing with the living residents I just felt like it was my...duty? I guess? To protect the town. I wanted to protect my family and friends from other ghosts."
"You still have living relatives and friends?"
"Yeah, it's complicated but we make it work."
"I'm glad you've got a diverse support system, especially since you haven't been a ghost for very long. Also mini PSA to the audience:" RR gestures to Phantom to pick up where he left off.
"Never ask a ghost about their death unless you'd like an express ticket to your own funeral. Red Robin cleared these questions with me ahead of time."
"Are you still an active hero?"
"What kind of villains do you normally face?
"What about ghost hunters? In fact, do you consider yourself a ghost hunter?" 
"I used to think of myself as a ghost hunter in the early days but now I think ghost fighter is a better label for what I do."
"And human ghost hunters?"
"Uuuuugh, yeah. Sometimes I have to deal with humans hunting me. The Fentons and Red Huntress have chilled out and I have truces with them but the GIW fucking sucks. If you ever have a ghost problem, never call the Gits In White. They will make your problems worse and the anti-ecto acts that let them get away with it are inhumane and discriminatory." 
"Yikes. Human troubles aside, do you have a traditional rogues gallery of ghostly enemies?" 
"I guess? To be honest I've become frenemies with a lot of the ghosts that used to give me a hard time. There's a lot more diplomacy and negotiating in fighting ghosts than you'd think." 
"Any examples you're willing to share?" 
"Hmmm, I'll use Ember as an example because she'll appreciate the free press. So Ember loves making music and she's really good at it. Like, good enough to literally hypnotize people. Obviously, mind control and enslaving the living are no-nos in my haunt. But because most ghosts can't stray too far from a steady source of Ectoplasm without an alternate energy source Ember didn't have many options. We got stuck in this cycle of her controlling people to get enough energy to leave Amity and me not letting her control people while in Amity. Eventually, we talked it out and found some non-mind control methods to help her get out and establish her music career in a safe and healthy way. That's Ember McClain by the way, check out her new album 'Domino Effect'." 
"I owe her a favour or two. Nowadays we only fight to blow off steam and hang out."
"Sounds like we have another tally for rehabilitation being the most effective method for dealing with villains."
"Wow, you really have a board for that?"
"The power of friendship is not to be underestimated."
"Sort of related to that; earlier I was planning to say that I've made more friends after dying than I ever did alive for my fun fact but I figured that was kind of depressing to start off with." 
"I mean when you say it like that, yes. How about we re-frame it? You didn't get the opportunities to make more friends during your life, but as a ghost, you've been given a second chance to make as many friends as you can! And it sounds like you've been pretty successful in the new friend department so far."
"Oh. Yeah, I guess that is a better way to look at it. Sure wish I didn't have to get my ass kicked so often before I figured it out, though." 
"Eh, sometimes the learning process sucks. But you know what doesn't suck? Bingo time!" Red Robin hits a buzzer and little ghost confetti rains down on them. The outline of Phantom is more visible because of the little clumps that land on him.
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Hero BINGO cards:
Free Space (Hero Complex) "I refuse to use the free space." "I mean, it's a free space, it counts whether you want to use it or not." ":/"
Gone to Space "Yup, another fun fact, ghosts can do just fine in space."
Been to Another Dimension "I actively live in another dimension."
Visited an Alternate Timeline "Unfortunately."
Saved the world "Technically."
Have you ever been cloned Sigh, “Yes” "Dude, really? How does that even work?"
Kidnapped "Yep." "Who hasn't?"
Imprisoned "Isn't this the same as being kidnapped?" "Nah this one's more formal, like detained by a government body or authority." "Ah, okay. I got that one too."
Impersonated "Oh yeah."
Mind-controlled "Glad to know I'm not the only one."
Died and Resurrected "..." "..." “How alive do you have to be for it to count as a resurrection? Like, percentage-wise. 50%?”
Fought an Evil Version of Yourself "This highly specific and traumatic thing is a common enough problem to be a BINGO card?" “Yeup.” “Yeeesh. But again, glad to know I’m not the only one.”
Have an Arch Nemesis "That's like, a prerequisite. This should be the free space."
An Adult Mentor "Kind of? I honestly don't know if I can say yes to this one." "Have you ever had an adult train you or help you with being a hero and/or your abilities?" "I'm going to pass this one and just say no. My head hurts thinking about the adults in my life." “That’s fair.”
Dead Parents "Isn't this one a little dark?" "Sometimes the best way to start addressing your trauma is by laughing at it. And yes, it is also a highly specific and traumatic thing common enough among teen heroes to be on the bingo cards." "Jesus."
Government-funded Experimentation "Oh come ooooon! This whole thing has to have been tailored for me." "Dude… I take it back, Hero Bingo hates you. What even is your afterlife?" "Endless suffering."
A Social Life "Surprisingly, yes." 
Last of Your Species "Unfortunately, no."
Poisoned "Ye- wait. Wait no, I've never been poisoned. How is that even possible with my luck?" "Knock on wood right now dude."
Homemade Costume “Weellll….” “I feel like that should be a yes or no answer…” “Does it count as homemade if I died in it?” RR face-palms.
School Dance Interrupted “Weirdly enough, yes.” “It happens way more often than you’d think and we have no clue why.”
Evil Ancestor “Does a witch hunter count as evil? In modern context, yes, but in a historical context...?” “I’d go with evil. Burning or drowning people usually puts you solidly in the evil category. Regardless of whether or not they cursed your dick to look like a toad or whatever.”
Your Crush/SO is Evil “Thankfully no. I mean she used to shoot me a lot, but she also thought I was the evil one.”
"I have like, six BINGO's. Is this supposed to be difficult?" “Not really, but man, your luck...”
"Well… BINGO was… interesting. How about we finish up the last few questions?" 
"Have at it."
"Like a lot of supers, your relationship with the media hasn't been the best. Are there any common rumours or misconceptions about you that you'd like to clear up?"
"YES. For the last time, ghosts are NOT INHERENTLY EVIL. The vast majority of ghosts stay in the ghost zone and mind their own business. The ghosts that cause trouble for the living are like 1% of the population and even then, the ones who actively go out of their way to hurt people are an extreme minority. Ghosts in the mortal world are most likely there because they're lost or completing unfinished business. We are not mindless or emotionless, and YES, we can still feel pain. If you have had a negative interaction with a ghost, chances are you probably did something to piss them off first. That's not to say that all ghosts are safe to be around. Treat ghosts like people. Don't bother them unnecessarily, don't ask invasive and overly personal questions, and be polite."
"We should do a whole Ghost Safety PSA Mythbusters style one of these days."
"Honestly, I would be so down for that."
"Sweet. Do you feel being a teen hero has negatively impacted your mental health, why or why not?
"Yuuuuup. The saving people part is nice. The dying and being dead part is less nice. Also, being hated for my species while still trying to protect the people who hate me has been hell for my self-esteem. I somehow have a social life but it's about half as dead as I am. 
"Getting the shit beat out of me is more my physical than mental health but I've been told that constantly being on edge and expecting to get attacked at any moment isn't good for your mental health. I guess I don't have to deal with receiving or inflicting lasting injuries and facing mortality the same way heroes like you do since ghosts are pretty much indestructible. 
"But seeing what comes out on the other side of death, and hearing the horrific things some ghosts went through to manifest is its own can of worms. You haven't had real mental scars until you've been trapped in a room with someone reliving their own death over and over and over with no way to help them." 
"Yeah. Don't die. Or if you do, don't become a ghost. The afterlife is fucked up."
"If you're still active, will you continue heroing into your adult life, or in this case, for the rest of your afterlife? 
"Yes. I'm pretty sure I'm locked in for the rest of my existence." 
"How so?" 
"My… purpose, I guess you could call it, is helping and protecting people. As long as there are people getting themselves into danger I'll have a reason to be around. Never-ending unfinished business." 
"That's… wow. I can't imagine doing what I do for the rest of eternity." 
"Yeah, me neither." 
"Sorry, I know this is supposed to be about positive mental health and stuff but… I'm going to keep doing this until it ends me. I don't really have any other options. But I don't see myself doing this for eternity either. Somewhere along the way, hopefully a couple lifetimes from now, the hero life will take me out for good and that'll be that."
"I do try to put an emphasis on thinking positive but you're more than welcome to share the dark parts too. We can't grow if we focus on only the palatable thoughts and feelings. I can't begin to understand what it feels like to be in your situation. Do you think that you're fatalistic or realistic?"
"I like to think I'm being realistic. Maybe I'll change my mind when I've been dead for a couple of centuries, maybe I won't." 
"Maybe you'll see humanity making their way into space en masse? We know there are hundreds of other species and planets out there. If life on Earth ever gets boring you can always head for the stars."
"I- thank you, Rob, you have no idea how much that means to me."
Closing comments.
"That's all for today everyone, don't forget to brush your teeth, take your medication, and get some fresh air! As usual, links to mental health resources and our Hero Health forum will be in the description below. And remember my Birdies, knowing when to ask for help is a sign of strength. Whether you're a Kryptonian, an Amazon warrior, the embodiment of fear itself dressed as a bat, or just some dude, never battle your demons without backup! Red Robin, out!"
Blooper scene/skit while the end credits roll:
"Dude, you promised you'd make an appearance."
"Trust me, this is more for your sake than mine."
"Sure it is. What, did you forget to wear your suit?"
"Shut up, are you serious?"
"Well I didn't expect to be summoned in the middle of the night so someone could cash in a favour."
"You agreed to do this months ago! Besides, it's YouTube, casual is fine, preferred even. No one is going to care if you're in your pj's- wait you are wearing clothes right?"
"Uuuuuuugghhhhh, yes. I am wearing clothes."
"Well now I'm curious."
"I'm not showing your fans what I sleep in."
"Will you show me if I edit this section out?"
"..." deep sigh, "fiiiiiine."
Phantom drops his invisibility but the only thing the camera picks up is a horrific, vaguely human-shaped blob of distorted static with two neon green points for eyes. When Phantom speaks his voice is extra crunchy and echoing.
"͔̐̿͗͑̒T̃̑̿͂h̻̠̬͍e̖͔̥͚ͣ̾͋͑̚ͅr̙̈̏̔e̊̽̈ͬ̑͂̂,̤̖̖͍̖̞̪̋ͩ ̝̳̖̺͖̲͉̇͐̇̏̾h͉͙͈͓̙̞ͬͅa͓̤̐ͥ̋̇̃̍ͥp̘̺̬̞̬̮̹̈́̈́ͧ͐̅p̥̦̺̹ͭͧ̌y̭̟͉̅̚?̭̤̻̑͋̈ͥ"͙͔͔̱̅͂
"Oh my god, that's adorable."
Tumblr media
Highlights from the comments section:
People calling Phantom an Eldritch Horror.
Calling Red Robin a monster fucker.
Asking what Phantom could have possibly been wearing??? (Answer: His NASA themed footie pajamas)
Telling Phantom to get more sleep.
Telling Phantom encouragements. 
Thanking Phantom for protecting his town. 
Thanking RR for introducing them to a cool new teen hero they'd never heard of before.
There are the occasional comments claiming that Phantom couldn't do the interview in person and 'invisibility' is a creative work around for his absence that still ties into the Halloween special. 
Philosophical debates on the pros and cons of immortality and listing off other (allegedly) immortal heroes that Phantom should get in touch with.
[A/N: Congrats if you made it this far! This ficlet is a bit rough around the edges but I hope you enjoyed it! Any readers feel the desire to do so, they are welcome to take this, in part or wholesale verbatim, and use the idea for their own fic.]
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wandafiction · 4 months
You Stupid, Stupid Idiot
Warnings: Angst, Injury, death, No Happy Ending
“We have a mission.” 
It’s all Steve said as you and Natasha entered the kitchen, sleep still fresh in your eyes as you stand behind her with your arms wrapped around her waist, and your chin on her shoulder. You raise your brows at the man in his blue, white and red spandex who claps his hands a few times in front of the both of you and you shake your head quickly trying to wake yourself up as the reality of his words hit you.
“Wait a mission? But it's Sunday?” You groan, Natasha holds in a chuckle as Steve sends you a glare. 
“Yes, a mission like Hydra is going to take a day off. Everyone is coming so please go get yourself mission ready.” 
“Yes boss man.” You give him a fake salute as you drag yourself and Natasha back to your room to get changed into your mission gear. 
"What do you think the mission is? Steve seems pretty stressed." Natasha turns to you as you put the finishing touches on your suit.
"That man's always stressed, baby." Natasha chuckles, gently slapping your shoulder at your response.
"I'm serious dorogaya, he hardly stresses about missions and he said everyone is involved. Whatever it is, it must be serious." You turn to look at Natasha using your finger and thumb in her chin to tilt her head to look at you. 
"Steve is a stresser, but you're right it must be big for the whole team to be involved. So let's not keep them waiting." You lean down pressing a gentle kiss to her lips before tapping her butt earning a chuckle that breaks the kiss apart. "Let's go."
"Yes boss woman." Natasha gives you a fake salute smirking as she turns around and heads towards the door. 
"Oh you're gonna regret that." She squeals as you start to chase her out of the bedroom.
"So everyone knows the plan?" Everyone looks at Steve from their seats in the quinjet all giving a small yes or thumbs up. "Good because we are five minutes out." 
“It's a quick in and out with hardly any agents, they think they are moving out of the base. Yeah right. So tell me now, miss romanoff, why do we need the whole team?” You ask quietly to the red-head sitting next to you, curling a brow at your question.
“He isn’t telling us something.” You nod at her response, both your eyes darting to the star-spangled man who is standing by the door of the jet, reading from the tablet in his hands.
“I wonder what it is he is hiding from us.” You look back to Natasha who is trying to get a read on the man, his body language showing he is hiding something by the way he shuffles on his feet, clearing his throat unnecessarily, looking around to make sure no one is looking over his shoulder.
“We could always ask Wanda.” You both look in the young Sokovian’s direction, the brunette looking down at her hands as she fiddles with her fingers as Vision does his best to calm her down, but his logical thinking makes that difficult. 
“She looks terrified.” Natasha states the obvious as you both take in the way Wanda’s complexion is rather pale, muttering to herself as she glances at Steve every now and again.
“She knows.” That’s all Natasha needs to hear from you to stand from her seat and make her way over to Wanda, kneeling down in front of the girl and placing a hand on her knee; you were quick to join sitting in the free seat next to her. Vision sees the look you give him, understanding enough to leave the three of you alone.
“What is he hiding?” Wanda looks at you and Nat wide eyed.
“I-I-I don’t know what you mean.” Natasha raises a brow and Wanda sighs knowing there is no use in lying. “Hydra managed to get one of Tony’s nanotech suits and are experimenting on it, him and Tony don’t know what to expect when we go in. They don’t think all of us will be coming home.”
“All of us always come home Wands, don’t worry about that. Just worry about fighting the bad guys and let Tony and Steve deal with whatever they are here for.” You wrap your arm around the younger girl's shoulder pulling her into a half embrace as Natasha squeezes her knees; the actions allowing Wanda to relax slightly.
“Okay, everyone, let's get this done.” The three of you look to Steve who is pressing the button to open the door and you are met by what seems to be an abandoned building, all of you cautiously make your way out of the jet. 
“I will see you in a minute.” You smile at Nat’s saying, turning your head to look down at her before leaving a soft kiss on her lips.
“I will see you in a minute.”
“Y/n, shit! Stay with me.” You watch as Wanda slides onto her knees, almost colliding with your tired body that's slumped against a wall, her hands moving to cup your cheeks moving your head so you’re looking at her. “Hey, hey. You’re going to be fine okay. Let's get you out of here, back onto the jet and you and Nat can finally get married.”
“Wanda.” Your voice is weak, as a small amount of blood starts dribbling from the corner of your mouth.
“No, don’t you dare Wanda me. You and Nat are getting married next week, and I'll be damned if I don't help you get to that altar on time. So you keep your eyes on me, and I will get you out of here.” You don’t miss the tremble in her voice, the panic in her eyes, not believing her own words as she puts her finger to the coms in her ear. “Natasha, you need to get to the east side of the building, 3rd floor at the end of the corridor.”
“I’m a little busy with these Hydra goons right now Wanda, get Y/n to help you.” Wanda looks to the ceiling blinking away her tears, looking at you as you shake your head trying to stop her from saying what she is about to.
“I can’t, I need you here because it’s Y/n.” You hear the coms crackle in your own ear, the silence is deafening as you wait to hear a response.
“I’m on my way …  Cap?” 
“I got it, go.” Wanda looks back at you, using her free hand to wipe up the blood that is still leaving your mouth, and her eyes finally look down to the cause, taking her fingers off the com.
“I might be able to save you. I mean I’ve healed vision before, I should be able to heal you.” Her voice cracks with the emotion she is holding in, her hand moving down to your abdomen before brushing against the steel bar that you’ve become impaled on. 
“He is a literal walking microwave Wanda, wires and a powerful universe gem thing. This, this is something only a surgeon can fix.”
“So let's get you to doctor Cho, or Bruce. Yeah Bruce will know how to save you.” You shake your head, your bloodied hands grabbing a hold of Wanda’s frantically moving ones as she tries to come up with any ideas.
“Wanda, if we move me off this thing I’m dead.”
“And if you stay here, you’re dead.” The realisation seems to hit her and the tears start to flow down her cheek as she shakes her head in denial, her bottom lip quivering as she lets out a small no. “You can’t die, you and Nat are all I have left.”
“And you will still have Nat…” Before you can say anything else you feel another set of hands on your body and turn your head to see Natasha searching you up and down frantically, her panicked state not allowing her to see the obvious.
“Come on, up.” She says like she is talking to a child who is screaming and crying over simply having tripped over their own feet.
“I can’t.” You cough, a splatter of blood leaving your mouth, marking Wanda’s clothes and the floor. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, nothing a little seltzer water and lemon can’t fix." You chuckle before coughing, Wanda using her sleeve to clean the fresh blood. 
"Sure thing Wands, that should work." Wanda gives you a pressed lip smile, trying her best not to completely break down in front of you. 
"What happened?" Natasha's soft voice causes you and Wanda to turn back to look at her, you wincing when the metal bar shifts slightly with your movement and you notice Natasha's eyes glued to the sight of it. 
"I was trying to get into the archive room and grab the blue prints and the plans and any intel I could. I didn't notice someone sneaking up behind me and Y/n jumped between me and him as he shot off his weapon. It was like Stark's blasters but in gun form and her shields weren't enough to stop her flying across the room." Wanda rambles desperately trying to make sure you don't die on her as she speaks.
"Where is he?" You see the flash of the old Natasha, the bloodthirsty assassin, as her voice drops an octave. 
"Dead." You weakly lift your hand to her cheek, rubbing soft circles along her cheekbone with your thumb and see the look that was there one second disappear at your words. 
"I may or may not have thrown him from the window." Wanda says shyly, earning a small chuckle from you and Natasha. "And yes I checked the body Nat, I couldn't let him get away with this."
"Nat what's your status?" The coms crackle once again in your ear at Steve's voice. "We are all done here, the three of you need to get back to the jet. We can't risk reinforcements coming."
"Steve." You hate the way Natasha's voice wavers, her normally strong but soothing voice gone and in its place a broken croak that once again silences the coms. 
"How long do you need?" Tony's voice is next and at his question Natasha looks at you, the color slowly draining from your face as more blood is coughed up by you; Wanda once again wiping your face clean of it. 
"I don't … I don't know, but just …. Please just wait for us." Natasha swallows harshly as she watches Wanda sandwich one of your hands between the both of hers. 
"Maximoff?" Tony seems to be taking over the command, which doesn't surprise you as Steve was never very good when it came to the death of someone he knew. You could imagine him sitting in his seat with his head in his hands as Bucky tries to comfort him.
"Yeah." You and Wanda both reply at the same time, earning a small chuckle down the coms.
"The older, not so good looking Maximoff." You can hear the smirk on Tony's face and you chuckle but wince in pain as the bar shifts again as your body slumps more as you struggle to keep yourself up.
"Rude." Is all you say but smile as you hear the chuckles of the other teammates and the two people in front of you. "I'm only 27, not that much older."
"That's 7 years sestra. Quite the age gap." You move to hit her, but a strong pair of hands on your shoulders stops you from moving and you give Nat a questioning look.
"The metal, don't move." You scrunch your brows as you follow her eyes and gasp when you see the metal poking out of your abdomen covered in blood.
"How did that get there?" You goofily smile as you move your free hand to the bar, your fingers poking the end. "And whose blood is that?"
"Nat…" You look back to Wanda, whose eyes are filled with fresh tears as she watches the delirium from the loss of blood take over. 
"Why are you crying Wands? Did someone die? Who died?" One of Wanda's hands moves to wipe her tears as Natasha takes your other hand in hers. 
"No one yet sestra. No one, I'm just happy to see you." You scrunch your brows.
"Well that's silly because we see each other everyday. So who's gonna die if no one has died." Wanda's bottom lip quivers her eyes saying it all and your head drops down to look back at the metal bar, as everything seems to hit you at once the delirium no more as it's wiped out by the reality you are in. "Oh."
"I love you." Your head moves to look at Natasha, a wide smile on her face as she sees you practically melt at the words. 
"I love you too Tasha. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm going to make it to the altar." Natasha lets out a small sob, turning her head to look away from you as she tries to compose herself. 
"Hey Y/n." You hum, your head flopping to the side slightly as you look at Wanda, forcing your eyes to stay open. "When you see Pietro, tell him I said hi and that he needs to behave until I get there. I don't want to get to the afterlife and see you've murdered our brother because he was annoying you."
You let out a small laugh, no longer feeling the pain as the metal bar shifts your eyes nearly closed as your breathing slows down. You can feel that the inevitable is coming and there is nothing anyone can do, but you know you have to fight until your last breath so you force your head up leaning the back of it against the wall. Clearing your throat and opening your eyes as much as you can to see the two women in front of you, tears staining their cheeks as they hold your hands up theirs. 
"I promise not to kill Peitro, that's your job. He is your twin after all." Wanda nods with a laugh leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead before leaning her own against yours. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, and look after Nat for me. She is going to need you more now than ever."
"I promise." You gently rub your forehead against Wanda’s, something you have done since you were kids as your way to make a promise instead of making a pinky promise. 
"And you, my love, you look after my sister. You are both going to need each other." You swallow harshly, feeling your eyes starting to get heavy, unable to keep them open as you feel your throat dry, slapping your lips together and leaning into the touch on your cheek as Natasha places her hand on it. 
"I love you dorogaya." You smile weakly, your eyes staying closed as you take a shaky breath trying to use the last of your energy for her. 
"I love … love …y-y-ou too." Natasha feels your head fall more into her hand, your chest not rising as the last of your breath leaves your body as you allow the darkness and the inevitable consume you. 
"Natasha." Natasha clears her throat at the sound of Tony’s voice, placing her finger on her coms. 
"We are on our way." That's all she says as she moves closer to your body, wrapping one arm under your legs and the other around your back slowly pulling you off of the metal bar. 
Wanda keeps your hand in hers as she stands with Natasha, the both of them walking in silence. The only sounds that can be heard are the soft cries of the young Sokovian and the two women's footsteps in the cold snow as they step outside and towards the quinjet. 
They ignore the looks of sympathy from Tony and Steve, stopping themselves from saying anything as they spot Wanda's glare; her eyes glowing red. They both look away from two women who are cradling your body as they sit down, Natasha running her hand through your hair as your head lays in her lap. Wanda still has not let go of your hand, feeling that if she does it will make it all too real and she can't say goodbye to another sibling. Wanda looks at you shaking her head as her mind flashes memories of watching you fly into the wall as you save her life and she can only think of saying one thing to you now that you can't hear her.
"You stupid, stupid idiot."
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 4 months
One of the more interesting aspects of Stayed Gone is the implication that, prior to his disappearance, Alastor must have been producing some quality programming.
Despite it's obvious importance in the modern world, TV apparently only started outcompeting radio in Hell after Alastor vanished. Seven whole years ago. And when Al returns, Vox's first response is to freak the fuck out about whether he's gonna keep his audience.
That's fucking crazy.
And we can be pretty sure that people weren't just listening in out of fear, either. Or because Alastor was making any major effort to crush all other forms of media.
If this was purely about which Overlord was the most powerful, then Vox's verses would surely have focused on emphasising his own strength. Instead, they're all about calling radio outdated. Vox is genuinely worried— apparently based on experience— that Alastor is going to outdo him in terms of sheer entertainment value.
Which raises the obvious question: what were Al's shows actually like? (Aside from those early broadcasts guest-starting the screams of the damned, obviously.)
We get kind of a taster in the song:
“Salutations! Good to be back on the air. Yes, I know it's been a while, since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast— Sinners, rejoice!— instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast. Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Fitting between this fad and that, is nothing working? Every day, he's got a new format! Is Vox as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vees! And here's the sugar on the cream: he asked me to join his team! I said no, and now he's pissy, that's the tea!”
Obviously he's doing it to music, so there's going to be some difference in the cadence of his voice from that, but still, he's talking noticeably quicker than he does in person. And he gets right to the point.
Compare it to his commercial in episode 1. There's a big difference in terms of both how much respect he's showing his audience (“well hello there, you wayward sinner!” vs “good to be back on the air”), and how much relevant information he delivers.
Alastor is a great character to watch, but most people who interact with him directly seem to find the experience either annoying, awkward, terrifying or all three.
Mainly because Al seems to go out of his way to put people off even when he's actively trying to get them to trust him, by making condescending asides or constantly dropping references to his own power. On air, however, he greets everyone politely and even drops what is almost an apology for being gone so long (“I know it's been a while”), then immediately gets to the information that he knows they're really listening for.
Alastor may not respect Charlie, Adam or Lucifer, but he does respect his audience.
And the content he's producing makes it clear why people are still tuning in. Al has the gossip. Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench may not be unbiased exactly, but they're clearly trying to provide sources for their claims and maintain some veneer of professional news reporting.
Al, meanwhile, is quite happy to provide strong opinions and baseless speculation about public figures, content that is less fitting with the professional image that Vox seems so desperate to keep up, but that is likely to attract a bigger audience.
What gets me curious now, however, is wondering what else he used to provide.
Again, radio was apparently the medium for news and entertainment in Hell until Alastor left. Implying that a) radio was at the time fulfilling many of the function that TV now provides, and b) Alastor was involved enough in this that it collapsed/got overthrown the moment he left town.
Did Alastor have an empire similar to the Vees? Did he run a bunch of channels? Did he have DJs and sports commentators and presenters on his payroll?
Given that radio seems to have collapsed completely after he left— did they all go running to Vox when he was presumed dead? Was the Vees new empire in part built on the ruins of Alastor's old one?
Or did he do the whole thing solo and just run like, a bunch of different shows. (In which case, since radio's bread and butter has always been music, Helluva Boss fans can now have fun imagining him interviewing Verosika Mayday about ‘Vacay to Bonetown’.)
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whumpback-wail · 6 months
06 -  Embrace
Trial by Fire (Wriothesley x Reader) - TW/CW in masterlist
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Reminder that this fanfic contains dark and mature themes. The TW/CW are in the masterlist and are constantly updated as I add each chapter. Please reread the warnings, proceed only after you reread the warnings. If you don't like/can't handle the topics mentioned in the TW/CW, please DO NOT read. This work is 100000% fictional and any similarities to real life people and events are purely coincidental, and none of the characters (especially the villains) are real. Again, please DO NOT read if you are not certain you can handle these topics or are in a bad place mentally. Minors are strictly forbidden. I only create content, and I am not responsible for your personal content preference and moderation. If you think you will not like this story, please just scroll away. You have been warned.
The snow fell slowly, painting the streets of Fontaine white. Wriothesley's black jacket a stark contrast that stuck out against the white landscape as he briskly walked towards the hospital.
The anger had slowly subsided, taking its place was a mix of guilt, worry, and something else he couldn't put a finger on. All he wanted that moment was just to hold her in his arms again, and let her feel safe.
Like muscle memory, he walked straight towards her room, but was stopped by a nurse.
“Your Grace, (y/n)’s room has been moved to a different one, a fire seemed to have started there but we managed to catch it before it caused too much damage.”
He cussed under his breath, “where’s (y/n)? Is she okay?”
The nurse nodded, “she’s alright, just a bit shaken. She told us fire suddenly burst out of the book by her nightstand just as she was reaching for it.”
And we’ve only got the information on vision injections today, what’s with this timing.
“Take me to her room.”
“Certainly, right this way, your Grace.”
The nurse, while explaining to him everything that happened, led him to a different floor from (y/n)’s previous room. He immediately knew which room (y/n) would be in once he spotted Navia’s 2 men in front of the door, who promptly stood up and gave him a salute, to which he nodded politely.
“Oh right,” Wriothesley turned to the nurse just as he was entering the room, “there are some new updates for everyone we rescued from that facility, one of Spina di Rosula’s men will be here soon with a copy of the files. Guys might need them for medical purposes.”
When he entered the room, his eyes immediately landed on (y/n), who he initially thought was asleep, until she opened her eyes. She must have noticed his grim expression, because she immediately sat up.
“Wriothesley? Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
He shook his head, taking a seat next to her. He wanted to spill everything and tell her that he knew everything. The things they did in the facility, the experiments, her… assault. But will it cause her to have another panic attack? Does she even want to know, or does she want to just forget? Does she have any idea what happened and how she could set fire to her book? Does she know her vision is still with her even now?
He blinked back his tears, refusing to meet her eyes, but (y/n) could tell from the way he gripped her hand, it was something serious.
“Wriothesley, love, you can tell me,” (y/n) placed a hand on his cheek, to which he automatically leaned into. “I can tell you’re probably worried about my mental state, but hey my therapist told me I’m doing well!”
He recalled, clear as day, the number of times he had tried to bring up questions about what happened at the facility. (y/n) had only managed to explain bits and pieces of information, but had been only the things she knew, she did mention painful injections but didn’t know that it was her own vision that was injected into her. Those sessions had always ended with her crying and panicking. He didn’t want to put her through that.
He smiled bitterly, “I know you are… I just don’t think you’re ready for this.”
(y/n) swallowed, “is it… is it about me?”
Wriothesley nodded, eyes still averted.
(y/n) squeezed the hand that held hers, “I… I think I’m ready to know more.”
Wriothesley looked up, now his steely blue gaze met with her concerned yet nervous ones.
“Are you sure?” his thumb rubbed circles into the back of her hand.
(y/n) took a deep breath, “yeah, I’ll tell you if it gets too much.”
Wriothesley nodded, and told (y/n) everything he learned. The experiments, the vision injections- (y/n) was really shocked at this, although she had a suspicion about it when she saw her book catch fire so suddenly. As he spoke, Wriothesley kept a close eye on her expression and gestures. He’s been with her long enough to know if she’s uncomfortable, or if it gets too much for her. Whenever her breathing hitched, he would stop for a bit and rub her back until she gestured for him to continue.
“That was all we got from the notes left behind at their base,” Wriothesley eyed (y/n) carefully. She was playing with a loose thread poking off the end of her blanket, eyes distant and looking as if she’s processing all the information.
Wriothesley knew he had to keep going. “and now we have Dougier under our custody.”
At the mention of his name, (y/n) visibly tensed up, “oh…”
“I heard he assisted in some of the experi- procedures.”
(y/n) hesitated, “did you manage to get more information out of him? Like how do we reverse the vision injections? How do I control it?”
“Apparently only Arderne knows that bit of information,” Wriothesley sighed, shifting nervously, “and right now he’s still at large. I assure you we’ll get him, and that you’re safe here, okay?”
(y/n) nodded.
The room fell silent for a few tense moments. (y/n) picked up her blubberbeast plushie and held it to her face. It smells like Wriothesley, as he had sprayed his cologne on it. It brings a feeling of comfort to her, as if a reminder that she is never alone and that he’s with her and keeping her safe even when he’s not by her side.
Watching her, Wriothesley hesitated, but he had to- need to ask her.
Sensing his change of tone, (y/n) tensed, her hand stopping mid stroke down her plushie’s back. She turned to him.
He seemed to hesitate, looking down at her blanket instead of her face. The silent stretched for what felt like hours before he finally raised his gaze to meet her eyes.
“At the facility- no. uhh… How do I say this.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “How… How often do you throw up?”
(y/n) blinked, confused. “what?”
“Every morning these last few days, you wake up and rush straight to the bathroom. We did think it was a stomach bug, but when I asked the nurses for the diagnosis, it was as if they're hiding the information from me.”
She couldn’t breathe. It felt as if her blood was frozen but it burned at the same time. Fuck he knew. Wriothesley knew. He’s always been so observant how did she think she can even hide this from him?
“(y/n)... Are you hiding- uhh… Are-Are you pregnant?”
It was like a dam that burst. A sob escaped (y/n)’s lips, one that she tried to hold back but failed. That was confirmation enough for Wriothesley, who felt his own tears prickling behind his eyes. A split second later, (y/n) shot out of her bed, and with wobbly steps using her crutch, went straight to the bathroom. Wriothesley had gotten up to help, but was pushed away feebly. Quickly, she threw open the lid of the toilet and expelled the contents of her stomach into the toilet.
“Don’t-” (y/n) sobbed, flushing the toilet and sinking down even lower onto the bathroom floor, “I don’t want you to see me like this. You shouldn’t have known about this.”
Wriothesley paused, then slowly took another step towards her, hands open as if trying to calm a scared animal. Before he had a chance to speak, (y/n) continued.
“I feel so dirty and gross. No matter how many times I showered and scrubbed myself I can still feel his hands.”
He took a step. “(y/n)...”
“I was going to take care of the abortion process myself, and just forget everything that happened. I didn’t want to tell you. I’m so sorry I couldn't tell you. I just feel so disgusting.”
Another step. “Darling please-”
“I don’t want you to look at me or think of me differently, I just want to put everything behind me, pretend none of that ever happened and just go back to how everything was.”
Wriothesley slowly sank to his knees beside (y/n), who scooted away from him, as if by reflex.
“Don’t touch me. I-I can’t… I know you’ll probably feel disgusted and hate me for it, for hiding it from you, for everything-”
On the contrary, seeing (y/n) like this only served as the final trigger that released his tears, which finally flowed freely down his cheeks. All he wanted to do was hold her and keep her safe, tell her he loves her and… She looked so broken he just wanted to hold her. Archons, please let me hold her.
“I’ll disappear from here if that’s what is best. Just say it. You don’t want me anymore-”
”(y/n),” his voice shook, “I’m so sorry that happened. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to get you sooner. No one deserved to go through what you did. Everyday I hated myself for it, I kept thinking I should have done this, or that. I should have gotten you sooner.”
(y/n) wiped her tears, only for it to be replaced by more. Her vision was blurry as she tried to look at him. Part of her was glad about it, as it probably hid the disgust in his eyes.
“I’m not disgusted by you, no, that was the furthest thing from my mind. (y/n) may I hold you? Please?”
(y/n) just kept sniffling and wiping her tears which seemed to flow endlessly, but made no move to scoot further away, so Wriothesley slowly approached her and took her hand in his. He placed a gentle kiss on it, which only made her cry even more.
“I’m sorry darling, I’m so, so sorry.”
He gathered her in his arms and held her tightly, as if afraid that she would disappear as soon as he let go.
(y/n)’s voice quivered as she asked “y-you don’t hate-”
“Sshhh…” Wriothesley placed a kiss on her forehead, his own tears fell off his cheeks and onto hers. “Something like this can never make me hate you, I promise. I understand why you wanted to hide it, but please know that you don’t have to. We’ll figure out our next step together okay?”
He didn’t know how long they both sat there on the bathroom floor, crying in each other’s embrace. It took a long while for (y/n)’s sobs and sniffles to die down. He kept one hand on her back, and the other stroke her hair, hoping to provide as much comfort as possible.
I love her.
“I wish you can see yourself through my eyes,” Wriothesley whispered in her ea, “it’s gonna be okay. I promise you, (y/n).”
His words were met with silence, as it has been the past few minutes.
“If nothing else I say sticks, at least please let this be the one thing you remember. It’s not your fault. I love you (y/n), you’re still the same old (y/n) I know and love, and Archons, no matter what happens I can’t imagine a life without you. I love you so much (y/n), none of this is your fault.”
He decided to wait a little longer before he noticed that her breathing was slower. Wriothesley peered at her face and saw that her eyes were closed.Tear tracks were still present on her cheeks, which he wiped away with his thumbs, before placing a gentle kiss on top of her head.
Slowly he shifted his position so that he was carrying her in a princess carry, with her head resting comfortably on his shoulder. He walked over to her bed and gently laid her down, tucking her in under the blanket, and placing her plushie right beside her.
For some time, he sat beside her, just admiring her features and tracing her cheeks all the way to her jaw with the back of his hand, light as a feather.
“We’ll get through this together, you and me. I promise you.”
[<<< previous chapter] • [masterlist] • [next chapter >>>]
If you think reading this chapter is hard, imagine writing it :”D emotional damage
Apologies for the late update, and perhaps a steady decline in writing quality (I’m no writer, just doing this for fun!) as I have been swamped with work this past week after I was down with a bad cold for quite a bit (there’s been a bug around, and so many people were sick :”D) I sincerely thank all of you for your continued support for this series, I love you guys. Hope you all stay safe and healthy!
I hope the next chapter won’t be as hard to write because hoooo BOYE. my bf had to comfort me after I finished writing this chapter.
Taglist: @almosteggs @quuela @tempest1art @yamanaka13-blog @arseneumbra @kimmeaahh @cottonfluffs @randomidk-123 @applejayee @keigo-hawks-takami-simp @mechanicalbeat1 @aribae14 @bforbiblio @supernerdycookietrashblrr @furblrwurblr @chifuyus-kitty @bunnibabe @the-real-fandom-person @idawnghoul
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awkward-tension-art · 12 days
Bacta and Bandages Chp. 1 (Rex x Reader)
I suppose this is a prequel to Darkness on Umbara. It's mostly going to be lighthearted after the darkness and despair of that series LMAO! Enjoy slow-burn Rex x Reader :)
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Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.
CW: Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
Minors DNI, and this is NOT proofread!
Assignment: 501st Clone Battalion
General: Anakin Skywalker
Commander: Ahsoka Tano
Admiral: Wullf Yularen
The datapad in your hands was bright. You couldn’t help but smile at the words on the screen. 
When the war started, you stepped away from your job as a doctor in one of the hospitals on Coruscant to join the war effort. Your knowledge and experience with more advanced medical procedures gave you the rank of ‘Field Surgeon’ right off the bat. After a few weeks of combat training, army regulation and discipline, you were given a choice.
You could be the doctor of one of the natural born soldier battalions, or you could join a clone battalion. 
You didn’t pick the 501st because they’re clones. You actually picked the 501st for their general.
Despite the war only being about a month in, you had gotten reports of all the battalion numbers. Casualties. Injuries. MIA. and other statistics. 
Out of all the generals, Anakin Skywalker had the highest injuries, but lowest deaths. After some digging, you found out he was also one of the leaders who would fight at the front, with all of his men. 
He’s a good man. You thought as you made the request to be assigned to the 501st. 
Within the rotation you said goodbye to your family, friends and colleagues and prepared yourself. You stepped onto the transport ship that would take you to The Resolute, the venator you would be stationed with. 
Your eyes roamed over your datapad. First steps would be to report to Admiral Yularen, a stern, hardworking yet patient admiral. He would be located at the command center of the ship, most likely. With luck, General Skywalker would be there. 
Be professional. You told yourself, You are a capable doctor. You can handle this.
The ship landed in the hangar and you stepped off. You looked around getting your bearings. There was energy and movement happening around you, as you had come aboard the same time as a resupply of the ship. Troopers and maintenance crews dashed around, adding some chaos to the entire area. 
“Alright,” You sighed to yourself, “Find Admiral Yularen.” Despite the new meetings, you felt calm. Collected. 
You managed to get about seven steps through the hanger before you heard a yelp and were crashed into by someone. You hit the ground and the heavy weight on top of you knocked the wind out of your lungs. 
“Sorry!” That weight, a body clad in plastoid, scrambled to get off of you, “I didn’t see you, I was moving some medical supplies and-”
“Hardcase!” A pair of hands were helping you sit up, “I told you to be careful! Now you’ve hurt someone!” The voices were almost the exact same. A glance at the both of them told you all you needed to know. 
Clone troopers. Not rookies, since their armor was painted blue.
“I’m alright,” You rubbed the side of your head. These two guys must be embarrassed, and there was no point in making a big deal of an accident. 
“I am so sorry about Hardcase,” One of them, head shaved in a unique pattern, helped you stand, “He was let out of his tube too early and he’s been a moron ever since.” You spotted a flash of red on his shoulder plate. 
You were about to respond when another voice, this one holding more authority, cut above them.
“What have the both of you done?”
The two troopers scrambled, straightening. They saluted the approaching soldier. 
Blonde hair. Blue paulron on one shoulder. Kama. ARC trooper? He has rank, clearly. 
“Captain Rex, sir! We were moving supplies and-”
“Hardcase ran into this bystander.” 
The soldier, Captain Rex, looked over to you, “Are you alright?” He was standing in front of you, brown eyes roaming your form for injuries. 
“Yes, Captain,” You slipped into professionalism, “It was an accident, nothing more.”
“Who are you? Are you authorized to be here?” His gaze was critical, most likely clocking you in as a potential threat. 
“I’m your new field surgeon, sir.” You turned your datapad to face him. The screen held your credentials. You introduced yourself and continued, “I’m supposed to report to Admiral Yularen. Inform him I’m here and go to the medical bay.” 
“Hm, alright doctor.” Rex handed you your datapad, “I’m on my way to the command deck, I’ll show you the way.” 
You maintained your respect and professionalism, “Thank you, sir.”
“Both of you, get back to work. Now.” He snapped to both Kix and Hardcase before he began to lead you out of the hangar. 
Captain Rex of the 501st. Who would have thought you’d meet him so soon?
Well, if you had questions about the troopers, he was the one to ask, “Captain, may I ask you something about the soldiers?”
“Go ahead, doctor.” He nodded to you, allowing you to continue.
“How is morale among the men?” 
You’d need to be prepared for potential mental and emotional issues. Yes, clones were made to be resistant to the stresses of war, but they could still develop PTSD, depression, anxiety….
“It’s good, Doctor.” The captain responded, “With a leader like General Skywalker, the men are always in high spirits.” 
Oh, that's a relief.
“That's good.” You looked down as you kept walking, “Do you know if any of the soldiers have chronic issues? I’d like to know if anyone needs extra or unique care.”
You didn’t miss how surprised he looked, but after a second he shook his head, “No. No issues that I’m aware of.” 
You just got here, and already you were ready to work.
“That's good to know,” You looked down at your datapad, you wanted to take notes. Make sure you know these soldiers. You would be their doctor, their caregiver. You’d be treating their wounds and illnesses. 
They go to you in their most vulnerable states. 
Rex led you through the metal hallways. The venator was a large ship, and it would take a few minutes to get to Admiral Yularen.
“May I ask, Doctor,” His voice had taken a quieter, but still respectful tone, “Why join the 501st? There are non-clone battalions that could use a doctor, I’m sure.” 
You smiled softly, “I wanted to help as many people as I can.” you responded honestly, “And based on the reports i’ve read, General Skywalker seems like a great leader.”
The captain seemed to accept your answer easily, “He is a fierce general. Reckless sometimes, but he cares for his soldiers. He won’t ask us to take risks that he himself wouldn’t take” 
Ah, a good man indeed.
“I can’t wait to meet him, then.” You took in your surroundings. The halls of The Resolute were well lit. The metal of the floors and walls were protective and clean. The entire ship looked to be in great shape, indicating the maintenance crew were on top of everything. 
The small talk you made with Rex was pleasant and polite. You could tell he was a hardworking soldier, and his men respected him. 
It’s going to be pleasant working with him. You thought to yourself.
The double doors to the command center opened, revealing the heart and brains of the venator. Officers were walking around, discussing and planning for their next mission. At the center was a navigation table with a hologram of a planet with 5 moons. 
In front of you was a young man, with lovely blue eyes and brown hair. He was clad in black armored robes. Beside him was a smaller togruta looking at you in curiously, her skin was orange, and she wore deep crimson clothing. At their hips were lightsabers. 
The male jedi was listening as another officer, an Admiral, based on his uniform. 
That must be Admiral Yularen. 
Rex nodded and you followed, “General, sorry to interrupt, but someone needs to speak with the Admiral.” 
The Jedi looked at you, tilting his head slightly, “And you are?”
You cleared your throat and introduced yourself, “I am your new field surgeon. I was told to report to Admiral Yularen.” 
“Ah yes!” The older gentleman perked up, “You were the doctor who made a specific request to join the 501st. Welcome aboard.”
“Thank you, sir.” You nodded, “Happy to be here.” 
“Well, Doctor.” The Jedi crossed his arms with a smirk, “I’m Anakin Skywalker, this is my Padawan Ahsoka Tano,” The young girl gave you a friendly smile and a nod, “I have to ask, why join my battalion? I’m sure there are non-clone legions that can use a doctor.”
“I wanted to help people,” You responded, “and since you have the fewest fatalities out of all the Generals…I thought your battalion was the best way to help.”
You’ve been repeating yourself a lot today…well, it was all part of introductions, you suppose.
General Skywalker seemed to perk up and look at you, “Fewest fatalities?” 
Has no one told him? 
“Yes sir.” You informed him, “You're the General with the fewest fatalities in your troopers. Injuries are high, but more men are surviving.” 
“Huh.” His face practically beamed in pride, “I didn’t know that. But…well, good to know.” 
“He’s going to brag to Obiwan about it.” Ahoska leaned forward slightly to make her snide remark, “We’re never going to hear the end of it.” 
“Watch it, Snips.” He snapped, though there was no anger in his words, “I get to rub it in Obi-Wan's face that I’m a better leader.”
“More risky, I’d say.” 
The two began to tease and taunt each other. They reminded you of siblings bickering. But, at the end of the day, they’d have eachothers back. 
“Do they…uhhh,” You turned to Rex, “Do they do this often?”
“Yes.” He sighed, “They do.” 
Admiral Yularen then addressed you as the two Jedi poked one another, “I’m sure you’ve had a long day. Your quarters are attached to the medical bay. Captain Rex, is it alright if you show our new doctor where they will be staying?”
“Of course, Admiral.” Rex saluted. He nodded to you to follow him. 
You kept pace.There was something you wanted to ask, but you weren’t entirely sure how to ask it. As a doctor, you had to be sensitive to those of unique backgrounds. And the clones were certainly unique.
The clones were humans. But…how were they being treated by nat-borns such as yourself? They were an anomaly in the medical community right now. How are doctors handling their health?
“Captain Rex, may I ask a question of a…sensitive nature?” fuck it. May as well rip the patch off.
He paused and looked at you curiously, “I suppose so, doctor.” 
“I will do my best to treat everyone on this ship equally and with respect,” You started, feeling as though you needed to explain yourself, “And I want to ask if there are any…boundaries, or lines I shouldn't cross when speaking to the soldiers. Everyone is unique of course, but I don’t want to unintentionally come across as rude or insensitive to clones.” 
His eyes widened slightly. He looked at you as if trying to figure you out, “Us clones put loyalty above all else,” he answered honestly, “As for being rude and insensitive…well, just treat everyone how you would treat any other patient.” 
Your smile was small but grateful, “Right. Thank you, Captain Rex.”
“Just Rex.” He responded, continuing to walk, “When there's no need for protocol, just Rex is fine.” 
You nodded, “Then the feeling is mutual. When it's just us, you don’t need to use my title.”
Rex gave you an honest smile.
What a lovely smile, you thought to yourself.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello it's me again! I just wanna say I am in love with your ror x child reader story because there so cuteeee
Anyway can I request a ror gods (Zeus, Poseidon, hades, Hermes, ares, Aphrodite, Heracles and Beelzebub) x child female reader
Basically the reader has a train station (she's basically the owner) that leads to Valhalla or helhaim and also the reader is the goddess of stars and travel
And she's often called the 'guiding light' because she guides people to where they go either alive or dead
But the other gods don't know what the reader looks like due to the reader not really leaving the station
But one day the gods needed the reader's help because there was a problem at Valhalla
How would they react that a child solved their problem?
The reader is very cheerful and happy-go-lucky but can also be serious and deadly
(Also can you maybe base the reader's clothes like the pic)
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-Guiding Light Train Station is where everyone first arrives at following their death. It’s brightly lit, warm feeling, and runs very smoothly and quickly, with one of several trains running every ten minutes, keeping the station as empty as possible.
-The Goddess of Stars, who was also known as the goddess of travel, or the guiding light, is the station master, but looking at her, many would not believe her words to be true.
-You looked like a child, wearing a train station uniform that was way too big for you, adorable, bright and bubbly, you didn’t look like someone who would handle an operation like this for the newly dead.
-But it was true, Station Master Y/N wasn’t as well known as other gods, but while passengers were at her station, she did what she could to help them.
-Every person would go to the ticket counter, where a super advanced algorithm system would print the tickets of where someone was going to go, Valhalla, Helheim, or to a special place where souls were immediately reincarnated into new bodies. Occasionally you would have people who have tickets to Tartarus, in the pits of Helheim, but that was only for people who committed terrible things in their lives, their souls doomed forever be locked away.
-You helped the newest passengers board the correct train and disciplined the ones who tried to board other trains, like those who aren’t happy to go to Helheim try to board the Valhalla train.
-You were tiny but you sure were mighty, your strength didn’t match your petite frame as you dragged the offenders by their ears to their correct train.
-Usually, when most arrived at their destination, they forgot about you, now faced with their new destinations, and not many gods knew what you looked like, other than you were female, because you never left your station as there were always people arriving.
-You were patrolling around your station, skipping while humming before an alarm sounded and you turned instantly, looking up before running through the station, your arms out to the side before leaping up and landing in the arms of a Valhalla guard who oversaw the station with you.
-He had seen you leaping over the crowd and quickly lifted his arms to catch you before setting you down in front of the Valhalla train, which was still stationed, as it should have left several minutes ago.
-The guard saluted you and spoke, “Reports show from the travel map that the other train is still at the station in Valhalla, there is a disturbance with the track. Lord Zeus himself has sent a distress signal here for assistance.”
-You nodded, not looking at all worried, as this happened every now and then before turning, “Keep the other trains running on schedule.” He saluted you before picking you up so you were sitting on his shoulders so you could see the crowd waiting to go to Valhalla, which is the second busiest train, “Attention all passengers bound for Valhalla! We are experience technical difficulties at the Valhalla Station. Please be patient and you will be on your way soon!”
-Most weren’t bothered by having to wait, as the other trains to Helheim and Tartarus were now working double time to keep the station as low as possible.
-Your assistant set you down and  you leapt down onto the track and straightened your hat, “I’ll be back!” and like a bolt of glittering lightning, you were gone, racing down the track to the Valhalla station.
-Several gods were at the Valhalla Station, as they had been called to a disturbance, a fight had broken out and had actually knocked the train off the tracks.
-Hercules and Ares had tried to put it back on the tracks, but without much luck, as it was on a magic track that they couldn’t figure out, they even called Beelzebub and Odin for their help but only Beelzebub was available, as Odin was dealing with those who had caused the fight.
-A crack of lightning interrupted any conversations as you appeared, leaping up from the track before landing in front of the other gods, “Have no fear- Station Master Y/N is here!”
-They all blinked in unison, they had no idea that you were only a child as you turned, looking at the train off the tracks, squatting on the platform next to it, “What happened?”
-Hermes spoke, being the first to shake off his shock, “A fight broke out, one that was big enough that we gods had to come down and handle it, but during the fight the train got knocked off the tracks.”
-You nodded softly before turning around, “I can fix it!” your hands were on your hips and a big grin was on your lips as you went to the front of the train, where it was against the bumpers.
-Hercules and Ares, worried for your safety, approached, not wanting you to fall, Ares speaking, “Y/N, are you sure you can fix it, Hercules and I tried but we didn’t have much luck?”
-You nodded softly while reaching out to touch the train and it instantly vanished before reappearing back on the tracks, good as new, like nothing ever happened!
-Jaws dropped all around and Aphrodite spoke, “Oh my- how did you do that?” Hercules picked you up from the bumper that you were standing on and sat you back down, “These trains are created from my magic, being the Goddess of Travel. All trains, tracks, and stations are under my control.”
-Zeus chuckled warmly, reaching down to ruffle your hair gently as your hat was in your hands now, “My-my~ it’s nice to see someone so young working so hard.”
-Your cheeks puffed up in annoyance, hands coming to your hips, “I’m not that young! I’m just small because I’m travel sized!” Ares thought you were adorable, smiling fondly down at you before Beelzebub approached, asking about your magic and how it worked.
-You spoke with a smile on your lips, “It’s domain control to put it simply, everything to do with these stations are part of my domain, and I can control them at will, I can make the trains bigger or smaller, and the same with the stations. If I will it, it will happen.”
-Hades then spoke, reaching down to pat the top of your head gently, “So you’re the one who sends all of those new souls to Helheim and the various parts of the underworld.”
-You shrugged like it was no big deal, “Well there’s humans dying all the time and they need some place to go. I keep my stations working smoothly so no accidents happen and so my station is kept clear of troublemakers, like someone coming here to Valhalla who was supposed to go to Helheim or Tartarus.”
-This made sense and you beamed brightly up at them, hurting all of their hearts, “Come by my station if you want to take a scenic train ride. I have some available for gods or those who are here in Valhalla to go sight-seeing!”
-They all thanked you, some still in shock that you were able to fix the problem so easily, and you were a child on top of it before you hopped onto the train and crawled into a seat, sitting on your knees, waving at them and Hercules, Ares, Hermes, Zeus, and Aphrodite waved at you.
-They wanted to see you again, they had no idea that there was a child goddess who was working so hard.
-Zeus turned around, looking a bit confused, “Where’s Poseidon?” they all looked around as well, finding him missing.
-You sat back on your seat and flinched as you had gotten spooked by Poseidon sitting next to you, “What kind of scenic train routes are there? I need a break from my office.”
-You beamed, kicking your legs like a child, listing off the different ones available, all of them on Earth which he originally wasn’t keen on until you pulled out your phone and showed him pictures of the different areas.
-Many were stunned to meet Poseidon as the train arrived safely back at your station and your assistant was quickly loading up the next one, getting the station emptied out again as you showed Poseidon around, showing the different platforms as you led him upstairs to where a beautiful ruby red train was waiting with large windows on both sides, allowing panoramic views of the scenery, as well as private cars.
-Poseidon wanted to go to the Swiss Alps, wanting something different than the ocean and you hooked him up by giving him a beautiful private lounge complete with a fancy three-course meal and wines of his choosing.
-He was impressed, actually thanking you before taking a seat and you tipped your hat to him, “I will see you when you arrive back, Lord Poseidon. Enjoy your excursion!”
-He heard your voice once outside, “All aboard!!” and within moments the train took off and Poseidon leaned back, a deep sigh leaving him as he relaxed, ignoring his text messages from Zeus who said he was unfair for getting to your station first.
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If becoming Robin had an interview:-
(Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie and Damian)
Batman- What is your motivation for becoming Batman's partner?
Dick- Robin. Batman's partner is Robin.
Batman- Right, Robin, what are your motivations?
Dick- *Scrunching up nose in concentration* Uhm- Uhhh- RIGHT! dead parents :D
Batman- WHAT?
Dick- OH! sorry, i forgot, *Grin*, seeing dead parents DIE in front of me :))
Batman- I-
Batman- *softly* Dick,
Dick- Aww, I got it wrong...
Batman- You can't-
Dick- What's your motive?
Batman- Making sure nobody else has to suffer like I did but-
Dick- My motive is to make sure nobody else has to suffer like I did, Batman sir *salute*
Batman- Dick, just because we have similar starts to our Vigilante career-
Dick- And to find Tony Zucco.
Batman- There it is-
Batman- Out of all the other kids, why should I hire you?
Jason- OUT OF ALL THE OTHER- Listen here mister-
Batman- waIT that was just to sound interviewy-
Batman- *softly* Oh Gotham...
Jason- YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WENT "hey kid, wanna punch some baddies?"
Batman- *suppressing a smile* Are you done?
Jason- THE HELL IF I AM- Y'know what, why should I work FOR YOU??? WHY NOT- LIKE- THE JOKER OR SOMETHING?
Batman- *Gruff* What are your qualifications?
Tim- Well, Photography, Stalking, and I like to think I'm quite smart but I can be stubborn at times-
Batman- *Bored* Mhm....
Tim- I-
Tim- To hell with this, If you don't hire me, I'm telling everyone you're Bruce Wayne >:(
Batman- *Raise of eyebrow* And what if I stop you?
Tim- Unless you tie me down for the rest of my life or kill me, you can't
Batman- I need your height and weight for the suit.
Tim- yES!
Batman- Any previous experience?
Stephanie- Well, I was Spoiler before, and I have a close relationship with the previous Robin-
Batman- *Interested* Hrn, would you say the previous Robin, cared for you???
Stephanie- Uh, yes sir???
Batman- Don't call me sir.
Batman- This may be a strange question, but would said person be jealous if you became Robin?
Stephanie- I suppose, but I like to think-
Batman- You're hired.
Stephanie- REALLY?????
Batman- Really.
Stephanie- Do I get paid, ma'am?
Batman- What is your opinion on killing?
Damian- Well, I suppose, hypothetically speaking,
Batman- We're not talking about hypothetically.
Damian- *under breath* interrupt me again-
Batman- Sorry?
Damian- HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, I think some people deserve to die,
Batman- Well yes, but would you deliver the final blow?
Damian- *deep annoyed inhale*
Damian- *Slowly, as if remembering difficult lines* I believe that context matters,
Batman- Could you please answer the question, i have other volunteers waiting-
Damian- Excuse me?
Batman- I meant-
Batman- *Sigh* Tim wanted to volunteer for the interview just in case-
Damian- *Pushing table and standing up* OH REALLY?
Batman- *Painfully tight* Damian-
Damian- *Impassive stare*
Damian- I'm going out.
Batman- WHERE-
Damian- *Run's out*
Batman- WAIT-
Batman- *Following after* YOU'RE HIRED- DAMIAN YOU LITTLE- STOP!!!
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sabokunsmalia · 7 months
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𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍; levi ackerman featuring: fem!scout reader x captain!levi ackerman topic: you can't just stop your mouth, and your captain thinks you need to be taught a lesson for the utter disrespect. content warning: degrading, p in v, hair pulling, choking, light slappingf hi it's malia: omg, when i'm done with writing and posted all those drabbles, my brain will be numb. just know, this is the fourth in 24 hours, and i still can't control my mind.
There was no doubt that Captain Levi had enough of your ridiculous behavior towards him, and any other person which stood above you in rank. As a simple soldier of the Special Operations Squad, it was almost everyone who was allowed to fill your plate with orders and commands. But something was off today, you weren't accepting any of Levi's comments, not even the threatening ones where he offered to cut of your tongue if you did not stop talking back to him.
For the entirety of the training sessions of the day, the two of you were at each other's throat. Barking insults at the other, attemting to outdo the other, and especially sending glares in their direction to deliver a message without a word. Oh, how badly Levi desired to wipe off that smug smirk, which decorated your face since landing a perfect score in the last exercise. Something, which happened the last time when Levi was still a cadet in training. "She's getting to you," Hange joked from the sidelines, armes crossed over her chest while closely watching the newbie's do their sessions underneath Erwin's stern gaze.
"She's being a brat because she wants attention, it's ridiculous," Levi answered with a deep scoff, feeling the annoyance boil in the pit of his stomach. As if your proud grins in his direction and not so subtle winks weren't enough, he had to listen to his best friend throwing unnecessary comments too. "As a certified Titan tamer, you might be able to tame bratty cadet's too," The Section Commander suggested to her friend, wiggling her thin eyebrows underneath the glasses.
"Four-Eyes," Levi turned his head away from the group of cadets, crossing his muscular arms over his chest himself. He was almost a head smaller than Hange, having to tilt his head back to look at her eyes. "Are you suggesting for me to harm a cadet," It wasn't a question, it was most likely a statement from the Squad Captain. After all, he was known for his rough behavior in the Scouts Regiment.
"It's not like you're known for playing particulary nice to new cadets," Hange laughed at the way his emotionless mask faltered for merely a second. She witnessed his emotions before, once in a while the pain and the stress was just enough to have Levi's mouth twitch into a frown or smile. There were many options. He did not answer her anymore, turning away from his friend and superior to glance back at the cadets. And there it was once again, the mischievous smirk on your lips that he desired so badly to wipe off. And he would, without a doubt.
"Brat Taming huh," Levi scoffed, walking straight onto the field and towards the group of cadets. A couple of them saluted, others shivered when they saw the face of humanity's strongest, and others gushed about his appearance. You. You were simply smirking at him, blades pushed into the metal sheath and arms crossed over your chest. Before a snarky comment could leave your dry mouth, the Squad Captain was so quick in wrapping his slender fingers around yoyur hwrist and pulling you away from the group, straight towards the headquarters building.
“Captain Levi,” You tried to gain his attention, being dragged along through the corridors. “Where are we going?”
“Brat Taming,” He simply retorted, remembering the facts what Hange has told him minutes ago. Maybe she was right, maybe he was good at those things. Levi definitely had to find out, and you were the perfect, little experiment. His office was a secluded room in the back. One where he could work without any unnecessary disturbance from the cadets or Hange’s annoying theories.
As soon as the door opened, and closed seconds later again, you were pushed onto your knees. Struggling to fight against the Captain’s strength, you certainly were curious if his dick was the same in size as his ego. Playing the his belt, Levi opened it with a quick grip, and threw the leather on the ground. “Suddenly so obedient,” The black-haired male commented, playing with the buttons on the tight pants with one hand while his other grabbed your chin.
Thumb placed underneath your bottom lip, the chin placed on his pointer finger. “How about being a good girl for once? Sounds interesting?” He suggested, not a muscle of his face twitched.
“Boring,” You groaned, rolling your eyes to exaggerate a tad with your behavior. “I thought you’re a little less vanilla,” Flat palm placed on the floor beside your body, one hand on each side, you attempted to stand up from the uncomfortable position. Instead, Levi reacted quickly, even if he felt slightly stunned by how you went up against him another time. His hand moved from your chin, around your jawline and forced your body to stay down with harsh movements.
The Captain crouched down in front of you, one leg touching the floor while the other stayed in the air. Underarms placed on his clothed thigh, Levi’s glare intensified. Eyes squinted further together, he spoke again, “Stop acting like a fucking superior, you’re nothing but a subordinate,”
Cheeks squished together by his fingertips, you stared him down while listening to what he has to say. “Now,” Levi stood up once again , opening the button of his slacks. “You’re going to make yourself useful for once,” He harshly commented, letting his pants fall down to the floor, followed closely by the tight pair of boxershorts, he wore underneath.
Your eyes raked over his body, taking in the defined lines of his toned chest, which could be seen through the tight white button up, Levi decided to wear today. It was the first time, seeing the Captain dressed in a much more casual attire instead of his Scout gear. A pleasant sight which made it difficult for you to concentrate and gave you a reason to act out further. Misbehaving got you in this position, and you did not know if you should consider yourself lucky or doomed.
“I hate you,” You muttered, knowing the consequences were chosen particularly by Levi for you. Pretty sure, none other comrade would be treated like that. Behind closed doors, the Captain’s dick presenting itself in all the glory and extremely hard in front of your face. Soft pink tip covered in smeared pre-cum, it was too beautiful to watch how he twitched when you locked up.
“I know,” Levi chuckled, the first time in months you have seen a different reaction on his stone-cold face. Muscles twitched, and even a tone which sounded like laughter escaped his dry throat. “Turns me on, so better accept your punishment without needing my helping hand,”
Words sparked your imagination, trying to find the right placement for his slender fingers when you already leaned forward. It could be possible for him to strangle you, and cover it up as an accident.
After all, Captain Levi was a popular man, with too many admirers looking up to him and too many maidens wanting to have him. One of your trembling hands wrapped around his girth, fingertips landing on the prominent which stood out and pulsated.
“In for a treat,” You giggled, watching closely how the white-ish mixture oozed out of the slit at his light pink tip. “Punishment, nothing else,” Levi commented, placing his sprawled out fingers on the back of your head and pushing your opened mouth down on his waiting cock. Chocking on his size for a moment, your fists banged against his muscular thighs but the Captain did not care.
He would not stop the harsh treatment until you accepted the punishment for being such a brat to your captain. “Open wide for me,” Levi grunted, using his hand for support and to allow him a steady rhythm while fucking your mouth. You still struggled, fingernails digging painfully strong into his skin.
But Levi has been through worse pain, through worst injuries. This was not enough, could not even compare. “Obey,” Levi groaned, “It’s easy, and I won’t have to inflict more pain,” Thin strands of her were wrapped around his fingers, pulling shortly but with enough strength to see your eyes twitch with a tad of pain. Others might think the punishmnt was too much, others might have reported such a situation to the commander of the scout regiment. But Hange's suggestion was the right way, you did not need a good talking to, you need to be taught a lesson. An educative thirty minutes from Levi's harsh attitude.
And you knew, you would not get out of this room today, without obeying his orders for once. Barking at him, insulting his composure and the emotionless mask he wore, you should have expected such a punishment at one time. So, the rebel in your brain accepted what Captain Levi had prepared, slowly, wrapping your swollen lips tightly around his dick, and moving on your own.
"See," Levi's eyes widened slightly, not enough to notice by someone who wasn't clearly staring at his face. "Much easier without running your mouth for once," His slender fingers untangled from your air, allowing you more freedome with movements and releasing the painful grip.
"Now, you can be a good girl, and prove your qualities," Levi patted the top of your head like he has been doing with the people he actually liked around here. A loving gesture somehow, the Captain's way of showing his affection.
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joelswritingmistress · 2 months
Camp Crystal Lake: Chapter 5
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Requested by @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz
Joel Miller x f!reader (romance/horror)
Setting: Camp Crystal Lake
The reader is taking on the position of a camp counselor at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. While she begins to enjoy her summer, even crushing on the camp director Joel, a killer lurks in the woods unbeknownst to anyone.
Crazy Ralph had been the buzz of the morning conversations. Joel eased everyone’s minds about the old man, and I was certain he probably wasn’t dangerous, regardless of how creepy his sudden appearance was. Annie was the only who remained slightly spooked, though I could understand why. If I had been the one to first encounter Ralph at the door it probably would have hit me differently, too.
Around eleven-thirty that morning, everyone had scattered around the assembly of picnic tables just outside to the left of the main cabin. Teri and Vicky sat side-by-side. I couldn’t remember the guy’s name with the wavy hair, but he lingered beside them with one foot up on the picnic table bench. I smirked to myself when I saw Teri give her friend a look and roll her eyes.
I was lucky that I naturally clicked with Sandra. She patted the spot beside where her, Jeff and Ted sat, and so I joined them.
“Hey, what’s green and red and goes a hundred miles per hour?” Ted asked. Goofiness radiated out of him and it made me chuckle.
“What Teddy?”
“A frog in a blender.”
“Ha, ha,” Jeff said dryly, “That’s not funny.”
Ted reached for a whistle around his neck and gently blew it, making his friend swing back and hit him gently. “I’m just testing this thing out, Jeff. Ya mind?”
“Alright,” Joel’s voice made me turn my head toward the porch. He wandered over toward us with a clipboard looking very camp-official with a pair of khaki shorts and a white t-shirt with Crystal Lake written in red, varsity lettering across the chest. “Let me get you your assignments here. We have to get this place in shape.”
“Yes, coach,” Ted teased, making everyone chuckle.
Joel smirked but went on. “So, I think from your personalities and your experience in jobs like this that you’ll enjoy yourselves this summer; but like I said, once the campers come you have to be on your game. Pay attention to whoever is in your group, take head counts, you know the deal. You’ve done this before. I’ll give you all that protocol closer to when the kids arrive in a few weeks.”
He began to read off the clipboard. “I paired you off and I have a little map to give each group so you know where you’re going for your jobs.”
I secretly hoped Joel would want to work with me, but that hope quickly diminished; however, I was happy to hear that I was going to be working with Sandra.
“(Y/N), Sandra,” he motioned to the two of us, “Today you’re both going to sand and paint the lifeguard stand. I have some extra supplies if you don’t mind making a sign that says, No Swimming When Lifeguard Is Not On Duty.”
I nodded, smiling as I did and Sandra gave him a two-finger salute.
“Mark and Scott, I put you in charge of the game room. I’ll give you the rundown of what I need from you there. Right outside of the game room we have to set up the archery range, too.” The wavy haired guy leaned over and gave Mark a fist bump.
“Ted and Jeff,”
“We’re the muscle, I know,” Jeff joked.
“Actually,” Joel gave a laugh, “You two are going to help me assemble the docks down at the beach. So, yeah, I hope you don’t mind a little physical exertion.”
Ted flexed his Gumby-like arms, “I’m here for ya boss.”
“Annie’s going to be in the kitchen and mess hall area getting things set up how she’d like. Tomorrow we’ll probably all be on painting jobs around the cabins to get this place looking a little more inviting. Make sure you’re all drinking plenty of water, it’s supposed to be hot today.”
The short meeting concluded and we went to retrieve a few papers from Joel. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, placing it in my palm.
“There’s a small shed down by the beach,” he informed me, “All the sanding and painting supplies are in there. I’m going to get the guys settled in the game room and then I’ll be down to help out Jeff and Ted with the docks, so if you need anything, I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes.”
I nodded, “Okay. Thanks.” I turned to Sandra, Jeff and Ted and the four of us made our way down to the beach together.
“I hope this is an excuse to get in the water,” Jeff said, wiping sweat from his forehead, “I’m already sweating.”
“We have to take a dip when we’re done,” Sandra said, looking at me.
I nodded. “I’m in.”
The two of us made our way up just a few feet into the trees at the top of the beach while the guys made their way toward the water. A green shed was tucked in between two giant pine trees, and Sandra took the key from me to open the door.
“Think he did that on purpose?” she asked, smirking as she looked back at me.
“Joel.” She flung the door open.
“Did what on purpose?” I followed her into the shed and a wave of heat him me.
“Put us all in the same area,” Sandra explained, “Particularly you.. and him.” She added, “Damn, it’s hot in here.”
I snickered and looked down, shaking my head.
“He’s got a thing for you.”
“No, he doesn’t.” I giggled again.
“He’s hot,” Sandra went on, in no rush to reach for the paint. “I wonder what it would be like to be with an older man.”
I smirked, caving in to the girl talk. “I wonder, too.” We both shared a laugh and she playfully shoved my shoulder.
“The second it happens, I want details.”
“Nothing is going to happen,” I insisted, toying with my ponytail.
“Would you? You know.. if he asked?”
I opened my mouth to speak and then thought for a second, leaving us in another chorus of laughter. “Who knows,” was my final answer. I kept it purposely vague, but it certainly wasn’t a ‘no’.
We finally retrieved the sanding supplies and two buckets of white paint. The fresh air just a step out of the shed made me sigh. 
“It was really hot in there,” I said aloud to no one in particular as we made the short walk through the sand to the lifeguard stand.
Ted blew his whistle again, making us both snap our heads down toward the water. “That’s my stand, girls. Make sure you wax on and wax off correctly. I don’t want any slivers in my hiney.”
The two of us began to laugh at his choice of words.
“I’m leaving the top where you sit extra splintery!” Sandra called back, making him blow his whistle again.
I laughed at their interaction and soon after began to tackle the job at hand.
“This is the best summer job ever,” Sandra claimed, climbing up a few of the wood steps to sand the seat.
“Yeah, it seems like it’s going to be.” I removed my shoes and kicked them to the side before squatting down to get the base. We worked for a few uninterrupted minutes before I turned to say something else to Sandra. She had her neck arched, looking out past the shed into the woods.
“What is it?” I asked, glancing over my shoulder now into the trees.
Her eyes squinted and she used her hand to block the sun. “I don’t know.”
I rose to my feet now and followed her stare.
“I thought I saw someone,” she claimed.
“Hopefully it’s not Crazy Ralph,” I said back, making her chuckle and finally look down.
Sandra gave a wave now in the opposite direction we had been looking and wiggled her eyebrows at me. “Hi, Joel.”
I caught my breath and turned, trying not to drink him in as he marched in our direction.
“You two all set?” He asked.
I nodded and Sandra saluted him again. “I think so,” I told him.
“Good,” Joel tipped up the corner of his mouth in a smirk. The three of us turned toward the woods when there was a rustling sound. My gaze lingered for a moment before Joel’s laughter drew my attention back to him. “These woods will make your mind play tricks on you.” He gave a wink, and I smirked back at him. That wink made my stomach do flip-flops.
“I thought I saw something-” Sandra started, when another rustling sound made her glance back into the woods. She then quickly looked down toward the lake, where Ted and Jeff were both laughing.
Jeff launched a rock up into the trees, creating the same effect as before as it skipped through the leaves, making a rustling sound. “You girls are too easy to scare,” he claimed.
“Keep it up and it’s going to be a very cold summer for you!” Sandra shouted to him.
Everyone laughed. I admired Sandra’s go-getter personality. It was the opposite of my own, but I loved that she had a big voice and wasn’t at all shy. She definitely wore the pants in that relationship, as Jeff continued to laugh but obeyed her requests to cut the shit.
Joel shook his head with a smile. “Let me know if you need anything,” he said, glancing at Sandra first and then back to me. “Okay?”
I nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay.” He wandered down the sand and I admired watching him go.
“Tell him you need him to apply sunscreen to your shoulders,” Sandra whispered, making me laugh out loud.
“Stop it,” I whispered back, dabbing her arm with a streak of white paint.
Sandra’s jaw dropped but she immediately began to laugh and did it back until the two of us were standing there with our paintbrushes in a stalemate, staring at one another. “Truce.”
“Okay, truce.” I went to shake her hand and Sandra playfully streaked my other arm, sending us into a chorus of laughter again.
“Okay, okay.” She put her hands up and when I saw her glance out into the woods again, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. “You don’t think Ralph would be watching us or anything, do you?”
I peered through the trees. “I doubt it. He’s got to be long gone by now. If we see him, we’ll report it.”
Sandra continued to stare for a second and then her carefree demeanor resumed. The remainder of the afternoon went a little something like that. It felt like we were being paid to have fun. I decided, for the final summer before I was ousted into the “real world”, it was going to be the best one.
@gissellec1 @cattt777 @mellymbee @armybts20137@bbiophiliaa @littleblackcatinwonderland @mermaidgirl30 @brittmb115 @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz @beltzboys2015-blog @lwfics @pedropascal111
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
May Prompts (16) Experiment
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 16) This chapter will make little sense if you haven't read chapter 15.
Summar: John tells the residents in 221B, Liwia included, what he experienced at work that day. Sherlock can barely keep his hands off John when he tells the tale...
Sixteen Years Old
It was clever of Liwia to turn to us for help the summer her grandparents visited London. After only a couple of days at home, she texted me one late evening that she couldn’t stand another minute in the presence of her prejudice family members. I told her to bring her belongings to school the next day, and that she could come to Baker Street with me that afternoon.
Papa’s reaction when I told him and Dad that Liwia was coming to stay later that day, earned him a stern look and rebuke from Dad.
“A bit not good, Sherlock!”
“What? It is an experiment having an outsider living with us. It’s never happened before. How will the dynamic change? Do we have to provide different kinds of food? Is she allergic? How’s her sleeping patterns? It’s fascinating, John!”
Dad threw his arms in the air and gave up further pestering, while I tried to hide my smile, quite unsuccessful.
It all turned out just fine, though. Dad and Papa welcomed Liwia warmly, and I was thankful that they didn’t add fuel to the fire by telling her about their own experiences with bigotry, but instead asked about school, her lacrosse matches, Polish food, travelling and her girlfriend, Bella. Liwia wisely declined the proposal of a game of Cluedo. 
(I must ask her someday if she’s still traumatised after witnessing me and Dad fighting over Scrabble.)
When the tables turned, Dad was in the middle of it by just being his wonderful self. He was at work and had said his goodbyes to his last patient for the day when he heard raised voices from the waiting area. A male voice sounded threatening, or maybe accusatory. It worried him that Sarah was alone out there, so he stepped out of his office to investigate.
An elderly man, holding his left arm to his chest with his other arm, was crimson in the face with anger and pain. He was accompanied by a familiar man Dad realised was Liwia’s father. The latter tried to reason with the man, who only could be Liwia’s grandfather, in Polish, but he was brusquely cut off with what sounded like a command. Dad recognised a military man when he saw one, straightened his back and went into battle like the brave man he was.
“What seems to be the problem, Sarah?” Dad inquired and looked sharply at the two men in front of her.
A relieved sigh escaped her, and she breathed his name reverently.
“John, this gentleman…”
Said “gentleman” interrupted angrily.
“No woman. Want real doctor. Man,” the elderly man spat.
It was time to bring in the heavy artillery, Dad thought. 
“Rank?” he commanded.
“Kapral,” the man said instinctively.
“Corporal, I am Captain John H. Watson, also a real doctor. My office. Now!” he ordered, turned on his heel after the other man had saluted him, not without effort due to his injured arm, and marched back to his office with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Get a grip, Papa,” I scoffed after Dad had told us the story.
He all but drooled and I could see his fingers itched to grab on to Dad to snog him senseless. For once, he had the decency to refrain, presumably out of courtesy for our guest.
“You gave Dziadek a lecture in why women are as capable and valuable as men?” Liwia asked incredulously.
“I did,” Dad said matter-of-factly. “Asked him what his mother would’ve thought of his behaviour towards Sarah, linking it to you while I was at it. I took a chance there, but quite a few men of his generation, put their mothers on a pedestal, and they’re also terrified of them, which proved to be correct.”
“You’re a wonder, John,” Papa beamed and couldn’t resist any longer, but gave Dad a searing kiss.
I rolled my eyes, but Liwia just looked dreamily at the two men. She told me later that she was in awe over how freely they showed their love for each other.
The next day, we were all in for quite the surprise. Nana called upstairs that we had visitors. Liwia and I were watching Pride and Prejudice, Papa was tidying up the kitchen table after an experiment, and Dad was in the shower.  
When Liwia’s father and grandfather stood in the doorway, she froze, I stopped the film, and Papa emerged from the kitchen to greet our visitors.
“What are you doing here?” Liwia whispered to her father.
“Your Dziadek wants to apologise,” he retorted. “And to meet Rosie and…”
“Dzień dobry,” Papa greeted in Polish and extended his hand to the elderly man.
He looked sceptically up at Papa, who towered over the smaller man. Eventually his good manners won, and he shook Papa’s hand. Papa and Liwia’s father shook hands as well, and that’s when Dad turned up.
“Hello, again,” he said casually, as if it was a frequent occurrence to have his former patients visiting.
“Captain. Doctor,” Liwia’s grandfather stuttered quite bewildered. “Who sick?”
“No one, I hope,” Dad answered and snaked his hand around Papa’s waist. “I live here.”
Miracle of miracles; that encounter changed everything, so in the autumn of my sixteenth year, Liwia and I went to Poland with her parents to visit her grandparents. They apparently considered me family now. 
A big party was planned because of our visit, and their flat was filled to the brim with people. In the kitchen, Liwia’s grandmother, her sisters and Liwia’s mother cooked all sorts of Polish delicacies. They were loud and cheerful and constantly made me taste the different sauces, ragus and soups. I just knew a few words in Polish, but it didn’t seem to bother them that I was unable to understand most of what they were telling me.
The entire affair was casual, chaotic, and vibrant. It was the next best party I’d ever been too. Dad and Papa’s wedding topped that list obviously.
Our visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau the next day, stood in stark contrast to that joyous day, but that’s life for you. Filled with all sorts of different emotions and experiences.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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One topic that I do not agree on with other “critical Swifties” is the Kim Kardashian controversy.
I saw a tiktok today by a critical fan called “The Swiftologist” and their opinion on thanK you aIMee was that Taylor is being whiny and that she’s made too many songs about this fued. Many people share this sentiment.
Everyone who follows me knows that I am critical of Taylor. However, when it comes to the Kardashian fued, I think she is completely justified in writing these songs and feeling the way she does.
Firstly, let’s do a thought experiment: If one of your friends created revenge porn (i.e. a lifelike figure of your naked body) of you, featured it in the music video of a song where they refer to you in degrading terms and lied about you consenting to the songs humiliating lyrics while creating the narrative that you’re a snake/liar, would you ever truly move past this?
Think about the consequences of this event:
The Twitter hashtag
The Instagram comment flood
Not being taken seriously by the Grammys for the next two albums
A deep sense of betrayal from people she assumed were her friends.
Losing social standing and public favour.
A few caveats: Now we know that these things were relatively inconsequential because in reality, she didn’t lose her career. She was able to continue creating music and touring. We also know that for a normal person, these things wouldn’t matter because she is still surrounded by millions of dollars, mansions, love in the form of her partner, family, and friends. But we have to remember that happiness is a relative concept. To her, this would’ve been a gut wrenching period. It transformed her character.
I will also admit to personal bias. In 2016, if you were a Taylor Swift fan, you were in the trenches. It was bad to the point where a lot of us would get made fun of or bullied at school for it. At the time, it looked like Kanye and the Kardashian clan had won. People either thought Kim was telling the truth OR people just didn’t care whether Kim was telling the truth because it was simply cool and trendy to hate Taylor Swift. Perhaps I view Taylor as justified because I remember the fiasco all too well and underwent personal social pain as a child who liked her music.
The petty side of me salutes Taylor in going after Kim and telling her story. If Taylor mobilises her cult of a fan base to tear down the Kardashian Empire, this will be a good thing.
And most importantly, who doesn’t love white billionaire on white billionare crime?
At the very least, a talented capitalist taking down an untalented capitalist makes for an exciting show.
Are you not entertained?
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paladin-heart5 · 2 months
Save Her (Part One)
Leon Kennedy x Reader
Summary; Leon's fiancee has been captured by an underground black market group. He needs to save her, but once he does, he needs to prepare for her recovery.
CW; hurt/comfort, captivity, swearing, blood/bruising, mild suicidal thoughts. (lmk if I missed anything)
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Three weeks. For three weeks his best friend, no, fiancée, has been missing. And after all that time stressing, all those sleepless nights, he's got a solid lead. An underground gang that sells bio-weapon prototypes. They buy blueprints off the black market and build them to sell to high bidders. With the intel Hunnigan found, they gotta be the ones who have her. The question is, why would they take her? They better not be experimenting on her. He'll have to put a bullet through every head, just like the undead he spent most of his life killing. Maybe he'll do it anyway. When he came home from work one day, he found the door broken open, many signs of a struggle, but they still got her. No ransom notes, nor blood. The anger in his eyes was strong, they can't just take her away like that. She's going to come home safe and sound. She has to. 
“The location has been sent to you, but you'll need to be careful getting down. There's likely going to be some form of security, definitely cameras. Keep your head down.” Hunnigan explains as Leon, Chris, and Rebecca gear up. Leon knew he couldn't do this alone, he needed his friends. Jill is on another mission, and Claire is traveling for TerraSave. Chris wasn't going to let him do this in the state he's in. Barely a wink of sleep, very little food in his system. He had to force him to do both just so he wouldn't kill himself. He can't save her when he's passed out on the ground. “Head to the warehouse, clear the area, and find the hatch. The rest I won't be able to help much with.” She finished explaining, earning a nod from Leon.
“Got it, thank you, Ingrid.” He says softly. Ingrid gives a hint of a smile.
“I care about her too, bring her home safely.” She states, pointing at them. Leon chuckles and gives a two finger salute. The three of them are off in no time, settling into Chris’s jeep before taking off. Rebecca looks through her computer for possible access to the cameras at the warehouse.
“It doesn't seem like there are many camera's underground, just in the warehouse itself. So I'm guessing there might be some muscle down there. Judging by some old files, their number of sales on the black market have increased by 40% in the last three months.” She explains to the men. Leon's leg bounces anxiously as he listens, Chris frowning as he thinks. 
“I just don't understand, what do they want with Y/n?” The muscular brunette asks. Rebecca hums and types for a couple of minutes before answering.
“My guess, using her knowledge as a biologist to build their newest experiment. Though I can’t seem to get through this inscription, so I won’t know for sure until we get there and see it for ourselves.” The professor explains.
The echoes of men cheering down the hall caused a spike in her heart rate. The cold floor of the cell she’s on makes her shiver as she sits in only a dirty hospital gown and undergarments. Her hair is greasy, and knotted. She'd kill for a shower if she wasn't so weak. Y/n hugged her knees to her chest, the chains connected to her ankle making a clanking sound. Bruises and cuts litter her skin, all that fighting ended in such pain. She just wanted to be home, resting in bed with her soon to be husband. But those words from the fuckers that took her. They haunt her, every day she starts to believe them.
“He's not coming for you, doll."
“And even if he did, he won't love you.”
“You belong to us now.” 
She squeezes her eyes shut as she holds her head. Tears starting to prick her eyes for the hundredth time since she's been stuck here. Leon would never leave her like that. He loves her, he promised that when he proposed. “He's just having trouble finding me.” She mutters, but still; as time goes on, hope continues to fade.
The ringing of gunshots caused her to wake with a start. She can hear shouting and footsteps all around. Y/n curls up and covers her ears, too afraid to even try to see what's happening. Could be friend or foe, but it's hard to tell at this point. All those torturous nights of scaring her into talk, forcing her to do tests. She's simply too tired to move, to think. She's not even sure she wants to live anymore. 
“Leon! Check all the cells! We have to get her out quickly if we're gonna blow this place.” A familiar voice called out, followed by footsteps nearing her cell. Why can't she remember that voice, and did he say Leon? As in her soon to be husband? Perhaps her mind is starting to play tricks on her. That little bit of hope left could be tricking her. 
However, the footsteps get louder. A shadow of a man draws closer, and she isn't sure what to do besides try to hide herself. When the footsteps stop suddenly, she peaks her head up slightly. A tall man, fairly muscular and sandy blond hair stands in front of her cell. His eyes are a beautiful blue, but they seem dull. As he sees her, his heart stops, breath hitches. It's her, his future wife. Y/n stares at him in disbelief, this definitely has to be a trick, that man looks just like Leon.
“Y/n..” The sound of her name was breathy, but it immediately made her feel a sense of comfort. His voice, deep and smooth, it's very soothing. Though she still can't be sure that her mind isn't playing tricks. She hugs herself tighter, shaking as he approaches slowly. He kneels down in front of her, worry and sadness clear in his eyes. He frowns and slowly reaches his hand out towards her face. A whimper escapes as she tenses, which only makes him feel worse.
“It's me, baby. It's Leon.” He says softly, managing to graze his fingers along her cheek. Her eyes widen, they look almost lifeless to him. They become glossy as tears quickly begin to pour. 
“You're- you're really.. here?” She asks quietly, earning a nod from the blond. The tears fall heavily down her cheeks as a loud sob racks her body. Leon quickly grabs her hands, trying not to let himself fall apart because he just can't. He has to be strong for her, he needs to get her to safety. Chris runs by and hears her cries, stopping in his tracks. He looks over and his eyes widen. He begins to step into the cell, noticing the chains. He then pulls out a set of keys that he collected from one of the guards.
“Leon, here.” He calls softly, giving him the keys. Leon looks back and smiles thankfully. “Where's Rebecca?” He asks, quickly unlocking the chains around Y/n’s ankles. 
“Grabbing the files so we can figure this out. Let's go, quickly.” Chris states before rushing out. Leon looks at his fiancee and cups her cheek. 
“Baby, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? Just hold on to me.” He watches her head nod in acknowledgement before carefully lifting her up. She grabs his vest as he carries her bridal style, following where Chris went.  Her glossy eyes wander around tiredly as they move. Everything feels fuzzy, the sounds of gunfire become muffled. Even Leon's voice fades in and out, but when she realizes he's talking, she looks up at him slowly. He holds her close, realizing how pale she is. When they finally find Rebecca, she goes to Y/n to check on her. 
“We have to get her to a hospital. Now.” She states with a firm tone. The two nod and get what they need. Chris sets up some C4 in the computer room before they all rush out. Another group of guards enter the hallway, guns blazing. Leon takes cover, shielding her from harm, while Chris and Rebecca clear them out. Once they're all down, they run out to the warehouse and jump into the jeep. Leon looks down at his lover to see she's unconscious.
"Shit, Y/n!" He calls, trying to shake her awake, but she's out cold. He feels her neck for a pulse, luckily it's there, but faint. He shouts at Chris to hurry, and Chris detonates the bomb before speeding to the hospital.
Please be okay.
A/N; Welcome to the first part of my first little series! Hope you enjoyed it, more to come soon!
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