#why does she feel like SOMEONE wants to bring a dragon here??
bysaber · 1 year
weeping dragon
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pairing: neuvillette x fem!reader
summary: neuvillette thinks he isn’t deserving of your love.
content: cliche !!!, reader trapped in his house bc of rain, lil antsy but happy ending
wc: 800
a/n: mm hii!! first fic here! I hope you enjoy it I kind of wrote it in twenty minutes and I’m just publishing it without beta reading bc (we die like men) I’m just too in love with neuv and I want to share it with the world lolol
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Neuvillette couldn’t bring himself to even think about making a move.
He kept many secrets, and every time he faced your bright smile he would remember it was not his place to disturb your peace. After all, how could a young woman like you endure the dangerous claws of a dragon?
You had stopped by his house to discuss the latest trial and his emotions got the best of him, causing a rain to start pouring.
A storm was approaching; lighting was seen through the window and low thunders could be heard. Neuvillette plagued himself under his breath, hoping there would be a day where he could better control his feelings.
“Here,” he said as he handed you the cup of tea. You watched the lighting curiously, “I do not think the storm will pass for a few hours. You should stay. For the night, I mean.”
You took the cup of tea and averted your eyes from the window to Neuvillette’s face. You studied him with caution, as if it was the first time you ever saw the man — even though you worked together for many months.
“Are you okay?” you asked, ignoring completely his offer.
The words got stuck in his throat and, for a few seconds, he really thought he wouldn’t answer. The man sipped on his tea, his mind racing while trying to figure out why you would ask that all of the sudden. “May I ask why are you asking me such a question?”
It was a small gesture, but he saw it all the same; the way you flexed your hand. There was something you wanted to grab?
Something you wanted to hold?
“They say… It rains when the Hydro Dragon weeps. Yeah, that's what they say,” you murmured and once again looked out the window. To the storm. “The Hydro Dragon. That would be you, right?”
Neuvillette almost choked on his tea, every part of his body malfunctioning and leaving him with only one thing for sure: in his entire existence, this was the first time he was left completely and utterly speechless.
Your warm and comforting eyes turned to him, and you grabbed his cup of tea to put it alongside yours on the coffee table. “Neuvillette,” you spoke his name as if it was a piece of poetry you were yet to learn — eager to do so, “Talk to me.”
And then— your hands, so small and fragile if compared to his, touched him. Your fingers traced his, and you embraced his hand between yours. He could feel the warmth of your skin contrasting against his cold one, pulling him closer, closer, closer.
“When did you figure it out?” was the first thing he said, scared it may be recent. If so, there still is time for you to run, for you to escape. To turn your back and never see him again. It’s probably the best for you, he knows, but this little selfish part in him can’t stand the thought of seeing you gone.
“A month ago or so, it doesn't matter,” you’re quick to cut the subject. “I didn't mention it because I knew you didn't want me to. I’m just worried, that's all.”
She is worried.
The realization clicks in Neuvillette’s mind, for the first time in so long acknowledging that maybe, just maybe, he was too, deserving of someone’s concern and care.
“You are saying it does not matter,” he repeats as if to confirm what he just heard.
I pushed you because I cared about you. I pushed you because you made me feel good and comfortable. I pushed you because I thought my true self would frighten you.
Yet, you’re here. And you’re telling me it doesn’t matter.
“It doesn’t. Never did,” you frown. “I just wanna know, no— I need to know why it is raining, Neuvillette. Why would you weep? I’m here with you, talk to me.”
Without giving it a second thought, Neuvillette’s right hand finds your lower back and in a split second you're pressed against his chest, the tightest hug you have ever been given. He’s much taller than you, and you can feel perfectly as he inhales your scent and hugs you tightly.
“I thought I had to restrain myself from you. I thought I was no good,” he finally speaks his mind, distancing himself enough for you to see his face; the weeping Dragon. Oh, the melancholy in his eyes.
The eyes of someone who almost lost something precious.
“Neuvillette,” you whispered. “There’s nothing better for me than you.”
And it was true; so you pulled on his hair just enough to have him connecting your lips, a sigh of relief escaping him as if there was nothing in this world he had anticipated more.
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hanafubukki · 8 months
Happy Birthday Malleus Draconia 💚💕
Summary: You kidnap Malleus Draconia.
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Sebek knew it would be a tiring day when he saw a letter placed on his wardrobe table.
It had decorative little crocodiles and squirrels all over with his name written in your writing.
He could already feel a headache incoming.
He’ll wonder how you snuck into his room to place said letter later, he was more interested in the message you had to say.
“Dear Knight,
Your Lord has been kidnapped. He is mine for the day.
Sebek rushed out of his room, running to the Diasomnia waiting room where his lord would sit and enjoy tea at this time.
…only to be met with a giggling Lilia and a napping Silver.
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“Did you have to tease Sebek?”
“It’s all in good fun Tsunotaro.”
“I see.”
While Malleus ponders your answer, you plopped down right next to him on the couch.
“What does this…kidnapping entail?”
You could tell Malleus was humoring you. He found this whole situation funny and yet intriguing.
“For you? Just sit there look pretty and enjoy all the snacks, games, and movies I have.”
Malleus laughed lowly, “YN, I do have duties to fulfill. I can’t just sit here.”
You shrugged, “One day without work won’t bring down your dorm. Besides, all work and no play make dragons go cranky.”
Malleus laughed freely and you joined him this time, “Is that so? Then I shall join in this activity with you.”
You laid the nearby comforter over you and Malleus before starting your T.V.
It would be a good day; you would make sure of it.
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“This warrior does not speak?”
“Kind of. He talks he’s just not voice acted, but he does make sounds when you attack with him.”
“Interesting. A silent and courageous warrior who will save his kingdom and the princess.”
“Reminds you of someone?”
“This Link reminds me of Silver. They share many similar qualities.”
You joked, “Are you the princess then?”
“I am a prince, am I not?” Malleus replied, before softly continuing, “and Silver has saved me, from myself.”
You bumped your shoulder with his, “That’s love for you.”
“Yes, it is.”
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“That crocodile and that pirate…”
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“Yes, especially as Kingscholar dressed as one during Halloween.”
“Does the crocodile remind you of Sebek?”
The glint in Malleus' eyes answered your question.
You can only imagine Sebek's reaction if he knew, “Well with the way Sebek is always barking at Leona, I can't blame you for thinking it.”
Ah, you were going to hold this over Sebek's head forever.
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“Those fairies should have never been given the child.”
“They haven’t properly fed her, even Lilia knew to feed a baby!”
“She almost fell off the cliff!”
“I know. They suck.”
You tugged at Malleus’ hair, “At least she had someone to take care of her, two of them in fact.”
Malleus calmed down knowing exactly to whom you referred, “Yes, those days were filled with laughter and warmth even amidst the chaos. How…nostalgic.”
Malleus leaned towards you; a mischievous glint in his eyes, it reminded you of a certain pink-streaked fae, “Want to hear an embarrassing story grandmother told me about Lilia?”
“Yes! I’m all ears!”
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You watched as Tsunotaro enjoyed Toothless and Hiccup's adventures.
You knew he would like this series.
You wondered how Sam had the trilogy.
…you would question him thoroughly later.
You were content to watch Tsunotaro be happy.
His family is never far from his thoughts as he is never far from theirs.
You felt happy to be part of his family.
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“YN, is there a reason to why we are making cupcakes this late at night?”
He didn’t know.
You hid your smile as you put the tray of goodies into the oven.
Malleus must have enjoyed his day if he forgot why tonight would be special.
“Anytime is a good time for cupcakes, just like how you can have ice cream even during winter.”
“I thought it was easier for human’s teeth to decay due to late night sugary treats?”
“We’ll be fine! Just make sure to brush your teeth and don’t tell Trey -senpai.”
You went over to the nearby drawer. The confetti poppers were there as planned, just a few more minutes before the time came, so you snuck them into your pocket discreetly.
“Let’s go play more Zelda.”
You and Malleus moved towards the lounge; you eyed the hallway clock on the way.
Less than a minute.
You took out the poppers from your pocket.
You pulled the poppers out just as he entered the ramshackle lounge.
“Happy Birthday (Lord) Malleus!”
Malleus was shocked as confetti rained on him from all sides.
Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you surrounded him as the day turned over.
His surprised face broke into a wide smile before an unrestrained joyous laughter filled the lounge.
What a beautiful start to today.
The day Malleus Draconia was born.
A day filled with endless love.
Happy Birthday Malleus.
Resounded affectionately in all the hearts of everyone present.
May you always be filled with happiness and love.
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Silver came to you as you watch Lilia bear hug Malleus. It was funny how someone so petite wrapped all four limbs on someone so tall.
Silver hesitated.
You knew.
“He baked a cake, didn’t he?”
Silver sighed, “Yes. We tried to stop him.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s okay. Toxic waste it might be, but it is something Lilia made with him in mind. Malleus will love it nonetheless.”
You bumped shoulders with Silver, whispering, “We made cupcakes.”
Silver’s grateful smile had you hugging him.
No one will get food poisoning today, not on your watch.
You hoped.
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bluebugjay · 2 months
A lot of people aren't vibing with Charles and Crystal's romance and honestly i think it's because it's not necessarily supposed to be a full-fledged, endgame romance.
I think it's written to be a fling.
Charles is a flirt; one of the first things he thinks about when Edwin tells him ghosts can't feel is that he would miss kissing, he says himself it's nice to be seen by someone his own age, he calls Crystal fit, etc. Assumably between cases he has a very small social circle of literally just Edwin so it makes sense that this girl who he gets on with and finds attractive immediately becomes a bit of a crush for him.
Then Crystal picks up on his flirting almost immediately, again they get on, etc. She says if he wasn't dead and she wasn't dealing with the aftermath of her toxic relationship with David he would be a good addition to her body count, i.e. just a fling. She doesn't say they'd date or she could fall for him just that they'd probably hook up.
Their first kiss happens when they're both dealing with some heavy stuff, Charles is angry, continuing to push down his trauma with his father and his past, Crystal is annoyed about not being any closer to getting her memories back whilst trying to deal with the trauma her last relationship caused her. They find comfort in each other in that moment. Crystal says she wants something real and the care they have for each other is real, there's no manipulation, no secrets. It's honest and it's innocent.
The song that plays in that scene is called Young Blood (White Sea Remix) by The Naked and Famous and has lyrics such as 'we're only young and naive still' and 'can't help myself but count the flaws, claw my way out of these walls, one temporary escape' and 'we lie beneath the stars at night, our hands gripping each other tight, you keep my secrets hope to die' - It does align with the idea that they're what each other wants in the moment, a distraction, to be able to pretend everything is normal and ok (keep each others secrets)
Crystal in the next episode, the next morning after their kiss, literally calls Charles a 'cute distraction' and says they should be friends. This time both of their issues and trauma are the reason for them not continuing the relationship. Blatantly, Crystal isn't ready for another relationship so soon after David, she wakes up with a nightmare about him and Charles. They bring up Charles fighting the Night Nurse and Charles says that he thought they were on the same page about it and 'at least that's how it seemed last night' which again leans into the fact they were both looking for comfort. Charles and Crystal kissing had nothing explicitly to do with her supporting his actions fighting the Night Nurse and yet that's how he took it because that's what he was searching for comfort from and acceptance on. Which is most likely why he seems to take the rejection harder than Crystal, seemingly agreeing to be friends more out of respect for her choice than the want to call it quits himself.
Charles tells Edwin later on about the kiss (right after Edwin is complaining about having to cancel plans with Monty) and says though he didn't physically feel it, he did feel it 'up here' and points to his head. The mind is generally not the place you feel love, I feel that's a given. (reminds me of the starfish on the beach that Niko says are in love, Edwin points out starfish have no brain and Niko says love doesn't require logic, meaning: love is not stored in the mind.) Charles and Edwin's conversation veers off to being about there own relationship, with Charles saying he wouldn't want to be dead with anyone else - not even the girl you just kissed? No? Ok.
The way that episode goes (The case of the two dead dragons) Crystal and Charles end up arguing about the very reasons they decided to not continue their relationship. Crystal likens Hunter and Brad to David, and Charles defends them saying not everyone is her demon ex-boyfriend which seems like he's projecting and really defending himself. Then Crystal calls him out on his 'rage problem' and what happened with the Night Nurse. So though they comforted each other the night before, their real feelings for each others issues are surfacing and they're not so on the same page. Of course they get over this and apologise soon enough. Though in the end, it's Edwin Charles opens up to and actually talks to about how he's feeling rather than pushing it aside and looking for a distraction. And after that, Charles gives Crystal genuine comfort not just a distraction by listening to her talk about her nightmares/visions about David. (immediately followed by the scene of Edwin and Monty on the swings in which Edwin suggests they don't see each other anymore, then back tracks, they kiss followed by rejection which definitely has... parallels)
After that, Crystal and Charles are still an obvious source of comfort for one another, they talk to each other about their stresses, they stick close together a lot of the time but there's nothing inherently romantic to their actions aside from the fact we know they have kissed which gives their actions a depth that, for example Edwin and Niko's don't, despite them also being affectionate and spending time together alone.
Then in the last episode as Crystal is attempting to leave for London, her and Charles share another kiss. When she tries to say bye to Charles, he says it feels like a 'good-bye good-bye' rather than a 'see you back in London good-bye' and Crystal doesn't correct him, essentially confirming it was supposed to be a forever goodbye. She instead kisses him. It's a good-bye kiss. A (supposed to be) final kiss. A 'we had a good run' type of kiss. Crystal kisses him because she thinks she'll never see him again. It's similar to the first in which the kiss itself is the beginning and end, and it doesn't mean much past that. It's a kiss as a secret again, like their first kiss. A kiss to fill the space left by things they don't want to talk about. She doesn't want to admit she's planning on leaving for good so she kisses him instead, it's a comfort and it's a distraction. (and its consistent)
When Crystal decides to stay in the end, Charles says it'll be great, then specifies that 'solving cases together' will be great, not anything else that could of implied. Which could either be them just being awkward, or a flip in their dynamic that now Crystal is the one more involved in their relationship and Charles is the one setting boundaries.
Overall I think they have a really interesting dynamic. They are exactly what each other needs in moments and then the opposite in the next, they care about each other so much yet are possibly the people that unearth each others insecurities and traumas the most. They're both looking for a new, different kind of relationship and find it within the other but inherently once the novelty fades they fall more into being friends than anything more. I think like most of the relationships in this show, they're supposed to be complicated, they're supposed to be more of a journey than a destination. They learn and grow from their interactions together and I think that's something really beautiful.
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 month
Can you do oni!Lloyd x half-Dragon!fem!reader. Like Lloyd has always insecure getting into his oni form. So reader who already use to her dragon form, comfort him and say that she always love him no matter what form he is. Also bonus if you can do like how their tail (i think Lloyd has tail in his oni form??) wrap around each other and make a love shape.
Aodbksna im going crazy
"SCARY? MY GOD, YOUR DIVINE..." ── ninjago x reader. ft lloyd garmadon ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
warnings: lowercase writing, pretty rushed
basic info: takes place after crystallized, lloyd x reader, female reader, ft. garmadon, romantic x reader, n/n means your nickname!
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you knocked on the door to lloyd's room softly, thinking because it was already so quiet in there he could hear it. it's been hours, no, days, since you've seen lloyd come out of his room.
when he does come out, it's only to use the washroom or to grab a snack in the middle of the night when no one is around to see him.
after the defeat of the overlord, harumi, and all of the other villains── lloyd has stayed in his oni form. he hasn't learned how to transform back to his human form, so everyone has kinda been waiting to see how long it will take naturally...much to lloyds discomfort.
you went to garmadon about lloyd's state, and even he was starting to worry. he knew from the start helping lloyd achieve his oni power would be tricky and lloyd would be stubborn. however i don't think he thought this far ahead.
"your his, girlfriend, aren't you dragon girl?"
the oni asked you, who was watering his plants in one of the rooms of the newly built monestary.
you glared at the man, the nickname is gave you caused you to cringe but you kept your cool. your tail swinging back n forth from behind.
"yea. why do you think i'm coming to you for help?" you placed your hands on your hips, "he hasn't come out of his room, i haven't seen him eat or drink any water, he hasn't spoken to anyone since his changed. i don't know much about the oni form; but even you guys still need to eat...right?"
garmadon just sighed, finishing watering his plants. "oni indeed are powerful beings, although everyone needs food to live a healthy life."
you gave the oni a "so??" look and he sighed again.
"oni kids enjoy cuddling. they like to feel the warmth of they're loved one; gives them comfort knowing someone is there for them. i believe your perfect for to give that to him."
you thought for a moment.
"i want to, that's all i want to do is let him know i'm there for him! he's been cooped up in his room, crying and it breaks my heart-."
"then why are you still here talking to me?"
you looked at your father-in-law and had a frown on your face.
thats what lead you here to where you are now.
you called out your boyfriends name after knocking a few times, hoping he would open up. "i made you you're favorite?" you smiled to yourself sheepishly, not knowing what else to do in this awkward silence.
when you got no response you sighed, "c'mon baby, i haven't seen you eat in days, let alone you in general! i'm worried, your uncle's worried, our friends are worried for you!"
you frowned softly, hearing the words come out of your mouth.
"i miss you..."
as you were about to put the plate on the floor by his door, the sound of it creaking open causes you to look up to see a blonde, 6'0 tall oni boy look back at you. his ears drooped down, his eyes res and puffy, his long thick tail fell to the floor a d drag behind him as he stumbled back into the bed.
you stood back up and walked into the room. it was dark, and cold. the window been open to let out dirty smells and bring fresh air in to block out of the smell of dirty laundry, which was all in one pile in the corner of his room.
you had a small frown in your face as you placed the food on his nightstand, sitting in the end of his bed by his feet. lloyd was cuddled in on himself, hiding his body from you and on the opposite side of the bed.
it was quiet for a moment before he spoke up, "i'm ugly, aren't i?" it was almost a whisper, his grouchy voice from crying and his oni form made it harder for you to hear, another insecurity he has.
you frowned and scooted closer to him and place your hand on his knee, looking at him with a sad smile. "lloyd, your beautiful. nothing about you has changed, your still lloyd, my boyfriend!" you laughed, rubbing his knee back n forth in a comfort motion.
it was quiet once more, until lloyd spoke up again, "how do you do it?"
you raised your eyebrow at him, "do what?"
"how do you walk around in your dragon form, aren't you scared people will judge you? be scared of you?"
tears started to form in his eyes as he ranted. you felt your heart shatter into two pieces hearing his sobs, "i never wanted this, i didn't want this!!"
he shouts ans cries, huddling into his arms the best he could. however soon he felt your arms wrap around his, your large dragon body holding him tight.
"i know, lloyd, none of us knew you were going to have to achieve your oni form; to be honest i was hoping you were...me n you have more in common now. and...you look 10x hotter then before, i say that's a bright side."
you gave him a goofy grin, hearing his laughter soon later caused you to open your eyes and look at him.
there's that smile you've missed.
you quickly leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips, to which he took by surprise. "your lips are still soft." you chuckled. as you were distracted, you suddenly felt something wrap around your tail...looking down at your legs you saw lloyd's oni tail wrap with your dragon one.
you blushed slightly before looking back up at him, who had a blush redder then yours. he pulls you into his chest and holds you, his face in your hair.
"thank you, n/n...i love you..." he whispered softly.
you smiled, happily snuggling into your boyfriend more comfortably.
"i love'ya too, mints."
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aliciagemsilica · 6 months
Diasomnia Boy gift s/o an evening gown to attend the NRC & RSA ball tgt Headcanon
Following from my dress sketch design if you haven’t seen it here . They are base from Glorious Masquerade & Playful land events. Basically a sequence I imagine while drawing the dresses XD I also want to mention that when it’s finish 🥺 you can draw it on your oc and even tweak a bit detail to fit your Yuu or OC. It’s meant to be share with everyone, not just my Yuu.
⚠️ Bad English……. I have no idea what is grammar . 😂
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Imagine a ball between NRC and RSA happening maybe sometime after chapter 7. All students are invited but you are troubling since you have no dress to wear. And for the love of the great seven. Your beloved head master, Crowley just allowed you to join in your NRC uniform……….. great! So much for your kindness!!
Guess who will be the photographer and a background character on this event…..hahaha………
Well maybe you whine too much in front of the wishing well. Someone comes up with a plan. A plan that would make you believe in a fairytale once again!
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𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔲𝔰 🐉
You had to be blind to not suspect anything……
Lately Mal is a bit touchy. Not that he isn’t normally but this is different. Sometimes he holds your wrist while mumbles something while going on a night stroll. Sometimes he stares at you and gets lost in his thoughts. He even stands just in front of you and tries to lift you up once.
You are so confused and a bit embarrassed when he asks about your height so you call for support. The Diasomnia’s family counselor aka. Lilia Vanrouge. You went all the way to Diasomnia dorm without telling anyone and sneak in to see Lilia.
Is he………….
Is he dancing with a dress just now??
Surprisingly you just witness your dragon boyfriend practicing a dance with a beautiful dress. He hummed ‘that song’ while spinning with the dress. What a beautiful princess gown with dark green silk. It looks so shiny and smooth, something that would delicately touch her skin while being held in that big palm. Imagine how soft that hand craft lace feels when on your chest. He did not spare any piece of jewellery from his procession. He keep bring in dazzling earrings and necklaces to test it with the gown. He would have use the heart of his collection to craft a piece of accessories for you if he doesn’t want to save it for something later in the year. You can see a magical golden thread and needle weaving delicate patterns on the skirt as he continues the dance. Every angle……Every turn………..Malleus is creating a masterpiece. He did it………..for you…….for his princess.
Your face is burning from the love of this dragon fae. Why does he have to put so much effort into it.
Oh no………now you a mess
You open the Pandora box too early and now you have to live with it while pretending not to know a thing until the day. You bit your lip as Mal smoothly tug a strain of hair behind your ears. You can now understand what he mumbles about……rose gold? Sunshine gold? May be one of his grandma’s jewellery set?? (Oh god no…….that’s tooo far for the first gown Mal lol)
Your heart beat so fast until the evening of the event. Malleus play cool by teasing you and being a nice partner who prepare a gift for you.
Boom! You are now in a matching dress. So those Raven feathers on the hip are supposed to match his shoulder then ah………..you are about to take off the veil since it looks like a bride. Before Malleus could turn grumpy…..Sebek yell and lecturing you about how talented Wakasama are! You human dare to question his sense of fashion? Outrageous! Just because he love you doesn’t mean you can ruin his days of afford to perfect this dress
Woops………tongue slip
Well it’s not like you never know anyway. Just pretend to be surprise so Sebek won’t get a lightning strike okay?
Bonus : she doesn’t want to point out that when she accidentally saw Malleus weaving that dress……. his tail wagging. It’s a secret she gonna take to her grave though
Bonus 2 : Lilia does notice that and brag about how adorable Malleus is. How Malleus has grown to fit in the society in front of the other dorm leader………..Oopsie
Bonus 3 : Malleus learn the hard way not to miss the meeting
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𝕷𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖆 🦇
Have you heard of the story of the fairy godmother in Cinderella? Well he won’t just roll out and sing bib bi di bub bi di bo and bang! A nice new dress for you. The old man planned while cuddling you in bed……in sofa…..in the gaming chair(?)
He pretends to be busy with something and hasn't listened to you. Even play dumb and say you look cute in the school uniform. Well it’s not totally a lie since he thinks it’s adorable. Why would he poke on your cheek and nibble your neck while you are in your uniform if it’s not because you are so cute to him.
The truth is, this old bat is as excited as you. He lived through the war time and never got a chance to enjoy a leisure party before. Well it’s just a joint event of 2 schools. It can't compare with how grand the royal ball of the Briar valley held a ball but this is the first time he is going to have his lover join him. He doesn’t have to be alert from enemies. Doesn’t have to command his subordinates to search all the parties involved in this event. Just lay back enjoy the day with you.
He had been trying to recreate that dress in his memories just for you. It was around……..hundred? Two hundred?? Year ago??? He walked past this girl on the street and was stunned by her attire. It’s an elegant dress with black velvet and green emerald. Soft flare neckline covered the black corset. Enough skin to show your radiant but not too much.
Well, He was allowed to give you some hickeys before the day of the ball. It got enough fabric to cover all his naughtiness. Wink*
However he was troubled with the skirt since he only remembered just part of it flowing past him. He argued if it’s short or long skirt. He was going back and forth and even tried to summon multiple dresses to compare them…….Then before the final day. He just uses his sense of style to bring it together. Of cause ! Who do you think he is, if not the cutest boy in NRC ? (Self proclaimed……)
He smiles so proudly with your flushed cheek as he teases you. As you put on a golden belt with a bat and thorn on. This is the perfect dress for you. His baby bat. He should had prepare a ring for this big day but well…….there are plenty time for that
Bonus : He pick a perfume for you today and as you dance with him on the floor. It’s totally Lilia’s scent///
This is very long………..more than I expected
I’ll continue Silver & Sebek in part 2 then 😂 sorry I’m so into it with my oshi! I’ll try pack in other dorm in one post! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy!!
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
"It certainly is me."
"I say a word … unless dead people can speak."
"I’m not dead yet."
"Well, that day was, in fact, probably about three weeks work, trying to get all these certain angles and these set pieces together."
"It takes a while to coordinate something like that."
"And it was great fun."
"It was a little different."
"The stuff I had to do previously with the big dialogue, the heavy council scenes and the moments in the pub … that felt more theatrical."
"And by theatrical, I don’t mean hammy and stuff, I mean being in theater and doing a play."
"But this [dragon fight] felt very filmic, being strapped into this crane and having this big camera on a long hydraulic arm thrown in your face."
"There were lots of green screens and gray screens and tennis balls on sticks and wind machines."
"It was great."
"It was a big learning curve for me as well, because I’ve never done anything quite as elaborate as that before in terms of CGI work."
"Criston definitely sees Aegon on the ground and Aemond near him with his sword drawn."
"So he can make his own mind up about Aemond’s intentions, which is still unclear even to me."
"I’m not sure the story was there."
"There could be various outcomes."
"So you’re not team Aegon, then?"
"Who wants to be liked?"
"Where’s the fun in that?"
"I think it’s great playing someone like Aegon because he’s so unpredictable."
"He’s so volatile."
"He’s not just someone who people don’t like."
"He’s a tragic case."
"He’s a complete and utter tragedy of a person, and I feel deeply, deeply sorry for him."
"And I guess that’s kind of why I’ve wanted to investigate his vulnerabilities, his fragilities and his boyishness, all the things that he lacks in his life that kind of inform his decisions, that have given him a certain reputation."
"There’s a lot to unpack in him."
"He’s way more layered and complex than just an unlikable character."
"I dunno."
"I mean, they’ve got Targaryen blood running through them, so there’s going to be an element of madness somewhere."
"I think if they had a different upbringing and a different experience of childhood, things may have been different."
"If they had the treatment that Rhaenyra got, for example, their lives could be different."
"She was very much the golden child."
"She came first."
"She was the one whose picture was on the fridge."
"So yeah, I think that in many ways they’re a product of their history and their upbringing."
"But then again, they’re spoiled as well."
"They’ve never had to work for anything and that can have its effects."
"That’s probably a question for a psychologist, not for me."
"I don’t think he does."
"That’s brothers."
"Aegon was pissed off that for weeks that Aemond has been in the small council and he’d been conniving and plotting with Criston behind his back."
"That kind of clique-ness and keeping Aegon out of the situation for Aemond’s own self-gain, knowing that Aegon would take over the position of King should he get the opportunity, Aegon needed to bring him down a peg."
"I don’t think it come from a place of disliking him."
It comes from a place of being like, ‘you are my little brother, know your place.’
"It’s dismissiveness and also, I’m from Manchester."
"From where I’m from, there are so many sibling relationships that are completely flawed and fractured."
"It’s very normal for me."
"I’m lucky I have a great relationship with my sibling, but it’s very normal and not out of the ordinary at all for you to see two siblings who actively want to hurt each other."
"It doesn’t come from hatred."
"That’s just the way people behave."
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wils-cosmos · 6 days
Trans Sabo Au:
Trans Sabo au Where he’s FtM but he transitions AFTER dragon saves him.
Everything with his brothers is more or less the same. When ace pronounces them brother with the sake, that’s a TITLE.
Brotherhood Yk?
And it’s not like the boys are the most… thoughtful kids..
(as in they literally do not think about the fact sabo should be called sister. They just role with calling him brother.)
And really nothing changes between them canon wise. Ace is a little more protective of sabo when fighting people in the grey terminal but really, ace IS a protective person. He’s protective of luffy because he’s younger than them, so could you blame him for being protective of sabo.
Sabo and Ace are still luffy’s protective older brothers. None of that changes!
Even in canon sabo is seen to be more gentle with luffy than ace. That transfer over here too. Being born FtM doesn’t give sabo any of that ‘needing to be tough because he’s a man!’ mindset when they’re kids. Sabo does what he wants when he wants. If he wants to (begrudgingly) kiss luffy on the head because that’s just what he does, he does it. If he wants to beat luffy up because luffy is being annoying?
Well he’ll do that too.
It’s not like Ace DOESN’T realize sabo is a girl. Really! He just doesn’t care? Sabo goes toe to toe with him, why would ace care sabo’s a girl? All that doesn’t matter to him anyways.
Normally while in the forest Sabo just wears whatever he can find. And if he found what he always wanted to wear but his parents always forbid him from wearing? Well, that’s between him and his outfit.
Sabo being a noble being forced to dress ‘feminine’ with all of those frilly skirts, who always found more enjoyment in pants and getting dirty in the courtyard.
When Makino Comes around to give them clothes She gives sabo some dresses and skirts. And sabo pouts a bit a that. Why would makino give him dresses when pants were much more convenient where they lived.
Luffy not exactly knowing why Sabo seems uncomfortable with the clothes but knows that Sabo seems sad, loudly says “why does sabo get dresses when me and ace get shirts” With a large pout.
After all they were the same weren’t they?
Ace noticing sabo’s strained smile then jumps in, and is like yeah! how come makino is playing favorites!
Sabo taken aback that they’re defending his right to dress the way he wants, startles. He has been pleading to dress the way he wants all his life. Never has someone stood up for him. Really it shocks him to the core that that’s something someone could and would do.
Makino try’s explaining that Sabo is a girl, and sometimes girls like feeling pretty in dresses and and skirts.
Both luffy and ace tilt their heads to the side seeming confused at that concept.
Makino sweat drops. They do know sabo is a girl right?
Both Luffy and Ace just turn to eachother and then back at Sabo whos watching quietly.
‘As if that matters!’
They both say at the same time.
Once again it completely floors Sabo that his brothers could think that.
When Sabo has been searching all his life for SOMEONE to just forget his gender and judge him based off himself.
He found that accidentally with his brothers.
Makino just smiles and shakes her head and the next time they come to visit makino has shirts and shorts for sabo.
When sabo’s father finds him and brings him home. It’s to marry him off. After all, noble women are married off at a young age to help further their families wealth.
That makes sabo even more desperate to be free. Finally free. And that’s when sabo sets sail.
And then the accident happens.
And sabo forgets EVERYTHING.
Including his teachings as a noble.
And then he meets Ivankov.
And his world suddenly makes sense.
When sabo gets his memories back, he has some anxiety about seeing luffy again. Because other than being ‘dead’ some other stuff has changed about him.
He doubts luffy cares about this type of stuff. But the what ifs might actually kill him.
And when seeing luffy again his fears are found unfounded? Well he only cry’s a little bit.
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starkskeep · 2 years
When the Dragon Howls (7)
When the Dragon Howls Chapter Seven
Characters - Cregan Stark x OC (Maera Velaryon), Aegon II Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen
Summary - Maera Velaryon feels consumed by the obsessive clutches of her uncles. A wolf from Winterfell could potentially be the one strong enough to confront the dragons.
Word Count - 2,423 words
Warnings - Typical Targaryen relationships, threats of violence, brief mention of suicidal thought, Aemond being gaslit to hell, Viserys finally grows a pair
A/N - Here is the next chapter! I can't believe the love that this series has gotten already. It is the first I have ever written and I never would have thought that it would appeal to or even reach the number of readers it has already. Enjoy!
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Previous Part
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It was not long after Maera retired to her chambers when frantic knocking on her door woke her up. A maid rushed into the room, bringing a cloud of nervous energy with her. “My lady, the King requests you in the throne room.” 
Maera was worried. There was no reason for her grandsire to summon her to the throne room unless someone had seen her and Cregan in the gardens. Anxiously chewing on her lip, Maera gets out of bed to grab a dressing gown. Viserys is normally a calm and reasonable man but he is still the king and she and Cregan are his subjects. If he felt that Cregan had disrespected House Targaryen, the man that Maera has quickly grown fond of could be put to the sword. Maera herself could be sent away in order to cover up the shame she brought upon her family. 
Not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer, Maera follows the maid out of her chambers. They move quickly through the halls and she can feel the maid shooting her confused and fearful glances every couple of steps. “Were you told the reason I am being brought before my grandsire?” Maera asks. She’s amazed that she can even form words when it feels as if her heart is caught in her throat. 
“No, my lady. I was only told to bring you immediately. The Queen, Prince Aemond, and the Lord Hand were in the throne room when I left. A couple servants were sent out with me but I do not know where they were going.”
The maid’s words cause Maera’s blood to freeze in her veins. She forces her feet to keep moving but all she wants to do is collapse in on herself. Having just one of those people in the room with her when she is having an audience with the King is cause for her to worry but having all three makes Maera want to run away, possibly as far as Pentos. This was it. This was going to be Aemond taking her for himself. No matter how much Viserys favors her and her mother, it would be no use once Aemond makes a bid for her hand. The last steps to the throne room feel as if she is walking to the executioner’s block. The creaking of the doors as they swing open sounds like a funeral march. 
As she entered the hall, Maera could see her grandsire standing at the foot of the Iron Throne. On one side, the Queen is joined by Aegon, Aemond, and Otto Hightower. On the other side, her mother stands with Daemon. To Maera’s sickening shock but with no surprise, Cregan is standing near her mother. The tension in the air is so thick that it is practically pushing down on her shoulders. She makes eye contact with her mother, silently begging her to explain what is happening. 
Rhaenyra squares her shoulders and lifts her chin haughtily as she faces Viserys. “Father. What is the issue? Why have we been dragged from our chambers? Surely no matter is so vital that it could not wait until the morning.”
As her mother speaks, Maera walks closer to where she is standing. As she passes by Cregan, her hand reaches out that theirs may brush. The princess does not meet her wolf’s eyes. Still unsure of the reason for being called, she does not want to put him at risk for any punishment. Aemond has been staring at her from the moment she entered the hall. It would be unwise to rile him any more than he has already been. Maera would bet her last gold coin that Aemond is the reason for this show. 
Daemon motions for Maera to stand beside him. He takes her arm and adjusts his stance to partly shield her from the stares of the Greens. A man of many flaws, Daemon would still lay down his life for her.
Viserys clears his throat. Though king he may be, the man has never thrived with confrontation. Daemon fought his battles for him but now he must be the mediator once again between the two factions of his family. “Alicent wished that we all meet here right away. She insisted that it could not wait.” Viserys turns to the side that his wife stands on. Being caught once again in the middle of his wife and his daughter makes him feel uneasy. He has ignored the glares that Alicent and Rhaenyra send each other, the barbs they sling at each other in the hopes of an eventual reconciliation. “Alicent, my wife, please tell us exactly why this could not wait until we were all rested. You gave me no details yet I still brought everyone here. Do not make us wait.”
Alicent steps forward. Maera has never liked the Queen. Not hating the wife of her grandsire, but not wanting to spend time with her either. Alicent had always tried to keep Maera and Helaena separated even though the girls were of a similar age and could have been friends. Maera also can’t forget nor forgive that Alicent refused the marriage between Jace and Helaena. It was an insult to her mother. Regardless, she forces herself to watch and listen as the woman clad in a green gown speaks. “The rumors circulating around Princess Rhaenyra’s daughter have been brought to my attention. There have been salacious words thrown against Princess Maera’s reputation. I am concerned for the princess’s honor. It involves Lord Stark. I am sure he will want to put the rumors to rest as well. Being linked to a princess, even by gossip, could hinder his chance to find a wife.” The Queen’s eye seems to twitch as she speaks of Cregan.
Daemon scoffs. “You brought us here in the middle of the night to share petty rumors from the court ladies. Have you nothing better to do?”
Rhaenyra agrees with Daemon. “Are we truly going to do this again, Alicent? You are going to make claims against my daughter’s virtue just like you did against mine? Do you even have proof of this or is it more of your father’s spies?” Maera’s mother is incredulous as she questions her former friend.
Otto slithers out from where he had been observing. “Princess Rhaenyra. Prince Aemond was the one who brought this to Alicent’s attention. He is concerned for Princess Maera’s safety and her reputation. Such a close relationship and the message it sends can ruin the reputation of a young woman. You of all people should know this. Rumors have followed you for many years. The boy is concerned for his dearest niece. Prince Daemon may be able to give you insight into Aemond’s feelings. I’m sure he has felt the same many a time before.” The words send a shiver down Maera’s spine. This is what she feared. Otto has a way of twisting the King’s mind so that decisions are made that benefit the Hightowers.
Arguments break out between Alicent and Otto and Rhaenyra and Daemon. Maera is frozen where she stands. This could be it. This could be the moment when she is forced to marry Aemond. She could lose Cregan before she even had a chance to be courted by him. Maera can see it now. A life being tortured as Aemond’s bride until she finds enough courage to throw herself from the window of her chambers. She would surely be kept from her mother and brothers. Aemond would use her as he sees fit. Maera would be his property until her death. Her uncle would no doubt find a way to kill Cregan, likely forcing Maera to watch. Her attention is pulled away from her impending doom by the booming voice of her grandsire, a tone she had never heard the King use before.
“Quiet! Everyone cease arguing at once! I refuse to believe that this is the second time someone has questioned the virtue of my heirs. I cannot allow it to stand.” Viserys is seething. His eyes roam across everyone’s face. He had been able to silence them all. The King motions to Aemond. “Aemond! You are the one who brought this forward to your mother and grandfather instead of coming straight to me. That is a coward’s choice. Tell us why you believe Maera’s virtue to have been compromised by Cregan Stark. He is from a noble house known for its honor. You are actually going to be so bold as to accuse him of what we all know you speak of?” Aemond seems to have been shocked into silence by Viserys’s sudden ferocity. “What are you waiting for, boy? Your father, your KING, commands you to speak at once!” Maera’s grandsire practically roars, finally resembling the blood that runs through him. 
Maera watches as Aemond approaches the King. She can’t believe that he is brave enough to face him after that display. A man who treated her like the day in the Godswood or the evening of the family dinner is not someone she would describe as such. His eye glides over her body and amusement causes him to smirk slightly before turning serious again.
“My king, Father, I witnessed Lord Stark taking certain liberties with Princess Maera in the gardens during tonight’s feast. The two had snuck away after dancing together. Concerned for her safety, I followed them and watched from behind the bushes. Lord Stark compromised Maera.” Aemond’s voice is stoic, revealing nothing, but his eye reveals how he is practically giddy at the opportunity presented to him.
Rhaenyra looks as if she is about to throw herself at Aemond and steal his good eye. “That is slander! My daughter did nothing of the such. If she was in the gardens with Lord Stark, it was because I allowed them to go on a stroll together you have no proof of the claims you levy against my family. Just as you did when you called my sons bastards. Tell me Aemond, is this another scheme concocted by your mother and grandfather? I will not stand for this.” She sneers at her half-brother before turning back to her father. “Father, Prince Aemond has been chasing after Maera for years. He has become obsessive. This is a ploy to force your hand in betrothing her to him. He has to provide proof, otherwise, this is treason.”
The King contemplates what he just heard. He knew nothing of the actions of Aemond. Unable to make a decision from his words alone, Viserys calls out Cregan Stark. “Lord Stark. You share half of the burden of these claims. What do you have to say about this?”
There is some blustering from the side of the room where the Greens stand but Cregan ignores it. They are nothing more than the chickens that rile themselves up in order to make themselves seem more intimidating. “Your grace, I would never defile a lady in the manner that has been described tonight, much less Princess Maera. I did dance with her and we did share a stroll in the gardens but that is all.” 
Viserys seems satisfied with his answer but still turns to Maera. “And you? Do you agree with the events that Lord Stark has described? He has not hurt you in any way? He has not compromised your virtue or taken any liberties with you?”
Maera breathes a sigh of relief. If her grandsire is asking her and Cregan about the rumors, he will surely believe them when they say that nothing has happened. “No, Grandsire, nothing untoward happened between Lord Cregan and I. He would never do anything like that to me. I trust him.”
Viserys gives his granddaughter a reassuring smile before turning back to Aemond. “Those whose actions are being questioned both deny the rumors. My granddaughter would never behave in such a manner. I will give you one more chance to produce proof, but only because you are my son.”
“Husband, Aemond told me that Aegon was in the garden as well. Question him. I’m sure that he will support his brother’s claims. After all, the two in question have more of a reason to lie about it than anyone else.” Alicent says as she comes to place her hands on Aemond’s arm.
In a mirroring of the events that occurred at Driftmark many years ago, all eyes turn to Aegon. The prince is once again drunk yet seems in control of his mind. Viserys speaks, “Aegon, tell me, did you see Lord Stark and Maera engaged in actions that would have dishonored our house.”
Aegon denies that he had seen them but is quickly interrupted by Aemond. “You were right next to me! If you did not see them, it is because you are too drunk to function properly.”
“Drunk I may be, but nothing would be strong enough to cloud the memory of seeing my niece be pleasured by the Northern Savage. I can assure you. A scene like that would be forever seared into my memory.” Aegon relishes the horrified stare coming from Rhaenyra and the looks of betrayal from his mother and brother. He continues anyways. “I only remember seeing Lord Stark escorting Maera on a stroll through the gardens and then returning to the hall. A pity. I would have taken advantage of the privacy if I was them.” He sends a wink to Maera from across the hall.
Rhaenyra speaks up. “Despite the crude nature in his response, even Aegon does not support Aemond’s slanderous claims against my daughter. This is treason. Something must be done. It is obvious that your Hand has not learned his lesson from the first time he tried this against me.” She stares down Otto as she speaks.
Viserys joins in the visual intimidation of Otto Hightower. He steps towards the man and rips the pin of the Hand from his chest. “Ser Otto. You are once again removed from the position of Hand of the King. This time, however, you will not be coming back. I permanently ban you from King’s Landing and you are to be sent to the Wall. There will be no communication from you to Alicent or any of my children. Consider yourself lucky that I am not having you executed.” He turns to face where Alicent and Aemond are standing. “We will discuss your punishment tomorrow. I am sick of hearing this tonight. Everyone is dismissed.”
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A/N - Next chapter will have more Cregan/Maera content. I wanted to write this chapter because I intend to alter the Dance of the Dragons and needed Otto out of the way.
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inamindfarfaraway · 6 months
It's so cool that the Viren-Claudia-Callum foil triangle each have a different approach to the "I would do anything for you" sentiment that they all define themselves by.
Pre-coma Viren doesn't fully mean it even when he believes he does. He says that his loyalty is to the best interests of his family and humanity, but as K'ppar points out in his dream, he keeps putting his own ambition and self-importance before anything else. He doesn't consider sacrificing his life for Harrow until Harrow brings it up. Even after that, he never once thinks of giving up the dragon prince's egg; the belief that the prince was killed is part of the reason the assassins are here and returning him to them might appease them, might at least make them spare Harrow's son, which the man Viren loves as a brother would obviously want. He orders Soren to kill the princes to guarantee Viren the throne. He orders Claudia to save the egg instead of Soren if she had to choose. Harrow, Ezran, Callum and his own child are not worth losing the power of Zym to his enemies for. He isn't willing to sacrifice his power or vision, his selfish interests, but is instead willing to sacrifice the people he loves, which is why he's evil. The promise is conditional. But what lets him redeem himself is that the love at the base of it really is unconditional. He still loves Harrow and genuinely expresses this in his dream, overwhelmed with relief when he appears to be alive. He still loves his children, even after all the horrible things he does to them and the lack of remorse he shows for those actions until his death. The coma reminds him of that enduring love, and makes him reevaluate how he dismissed it.
Claudia is the opposite. When she says she'll do anything for someone, she means it with everything she has. Herself, her moral integrity, other people's lives, the fate of the world - nothing is more important to her than her perceived responsibility to her loved ones. Including what her loved ones themselves want. But she can also change her mind about who she loves, at least enough to see them as against her rather than with her. Callum is her friend, until he isn't. Soren is her family, until he isn't and only Viren is worth protecting. Like her father’s did before her, her value of Soren’s wellbeing has been slipping from “That’s all that matters” to “That doesn’t matter!” People can be disqualified by opposing her desires and ideology. The promise is unconditional, but the love isn't.
And then you have Callum, who seems to have the best approach of the three. He means his promise when he says it and will never rescind it later on. His devotion is both absolute and everlasting. He will do anything for Ezran and Rayla, putting them before his own interests; and he would never consider them expendable. That's great! After all, having conditions of worth in relationships they don't belong in is bad. It leads to Viren and Claudia hurting, manipulating and betraying their family and friends, and such behaviour feels viscerally wrong. They're traitors. They're abusers. Those are serious crimes. Those labels are grievous insults meaning ‘Bad Person’. But unlike both Viren and Claudia, Callum doesn't have the arrogant belief that he always know best to warp his love into something self-serving. His genuine selflessness prevents him from ever becoming that kind of person. He does cut ties with Claudia, but only after she proves to be untrustworthy and have enduring harmful intent toward him, his brother and Rayla, so it's a perfectly reasonable boundary to set. His version of "I would do anything for you" just makes him caring and heroic. Right?
Until you realize that technically, if he had to kill everyone else on the continent in order to save Ezran and Rayla, all evidence from canon suggests that he would.
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star-girl69 · 2 years
My Heart Never Knows
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: i got butterflies writing this chapter honestly. i hope you all enjoy!!
also- there is a masterlist to this series! it won’t allow me to link it here, but you can find it if you go to my profile.
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of death, mentions of fire, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Seven - To the Flames
Jake isn’t used to feeling like this.
Out of control, mindfucked, so fucking messed up and it’s all because of her.
Jake is just a man.
He is strong, physically, he is a renowned warrior. All those years ago, before her, if he had ever wanted anyone other than Neytiri, he knows he could have had his pick.
He is strong and tall, a killer, a lover. He transcends world- he was a warrior on earth and a warrior on Pandora.
But, no matter what accolades he wears, what body he is in, Jake will always be a man.
He will always surrender to pink lips, swinging hips, the most beautiful fucking face he’s ever seen.
Before her- he thought Neytiri was all he needed. But, now, he knows he was wrong. He knows Eywa has blessed him like this, given him a mate, and by Eywa does he wear he will have another one.
Jake is just a man. He will always surrender to the sudden tightening of his loincloth, drown in his own lust, in the feeling of her skin upon his.
So, he lives in the moment.
She backs up, and her hands trail down his arms, and not touching her right now feels like a curse, so he stays. His hands have no choice but to glide along her light blue skin, and it is like he a match and she is the side of the box.
Any moment, he swears, he will burn.
He can feel Neytiri next to him, feel her breaths next to him, and it only makes everything he is feeling multiply.
Y/N bends slightly, reaching to Neytiri, and Jake can’t be bother to watch because she pushes her chest out- and suddenly he is licking his lips and biting back an animalistic groan.
This is what he needs. To let loose, to pretend she is his and he is hers for one night, and he can focus on making it permanent another day.
She looks back to him, and he sees the lust in her eyes, the want, the need. He wants to hold her close and soothe her aching heart, give her what she wants, because he knows how she feels. Why should he not take her pain away?
And then he sees the blush on her cheeks, remembers the drinks he saw her down, dancing with the girl who didn’t hold a candle to her.
“Dance with me,” she whispers, and fuck does he want nothing more.
He could have two beautiful women on his arms, dance them around and show them off and rest easy knowing that he is a dragon, an ikran, and he will protect his horde.
Instead, he bites back a groan. “You’re drunk, sweetheart,”
“I know…” she concedes, biting that pink fucking lip again, looking down. “But I can still dance.”
He cups here elbow in his hands, looks to Neytiri, find her the same way he is. Drowning in lust, in need.
Sometimes, he and Neytiri are too similar. Burn too hot, too bright together. Eywa knows this, and in her wisdom, she brings someone like Y/N to them. He says a silent prayer, a thank you as his eyes meet Neytiri’s.
Begging, asking, just in the connection of their eyes.
She answers him by surging forward, placing her blue hand on Y/N’s shoulder, and if the contrast is not the most beautiful thing he’s ever fucking seen-
“We would love to dance,” she says, and the way she smiles reminds him so much of the day they mated.
But Jake is just a man- and her skin is burning in his.
“Yeah, baby, let’s dance,” his words are sloppy, and he knows if he kissed her right now it would be the same. But he is living in the moment.
Her skin is so soft next to his, and she fits so perfectly into him, until he grabs her hand and smiles to herself as she places it on her waist.
The tempo of the music picks up, more people floor the dance floor, and no one pays attention to them as she turns, holding his hand, pressing it to the side of her waist.
His fingers splay, desperate to touch as much of her as he can, because he has to he needs to, like a baby needing it’s mother.
He looks toward Neytiri again, follows her gaze, settled on the sway of their girl’s hips. She looks up, feeling his gaze, and they don’t have to speak.
There is a fire in her eyes, a fire around them. It is like Y/N has lead them to the edge of the flames, but they knew, they knew, and they followed her anyways.
Jake would follow her, as long as her skin was on his, and he was hers and she was his.
To the ends of the world, to the edge of the sea, to the flames, the flames.
Neytiri’s and Jake are too similar. They know they won’t get a chance like this again, while her guard is down, and they can let their hands wander, their looks linger.
But he won’t go farther than that.
She’s drunk, he has to remind himself, drunk, drunk.
And he is drunk too, although not a drop of alcohol has touched his lips. He is drunk on her.
Something crawls on her bones, like a tiny green bug, twisting and turning between flesh and muscles.
Resting under her skin, poking out under the thinness over her arms.
Neytiri knows what it is before it reaches her heart, her brain-
it is desire.
And she is used to it by now, because she desires the woman in front of her know so recklessly and so needily it consumes her.
She is usually so calm, so level-headed, but even one glance at this storm of a woman Neytiri is filled with this unabashed sense of wanting.
She wants, she needs, she desires.
And she knows, too.
She knows there is an empty space in her hammock, a empty space in her family, and she knows who will fill it. She knows that anyone could fill it. Anyone, with enough determination, could sharpen the edges and fit that space for them- but she does not want just anyone to do it. She desires Y/N to do it.
And, by Eywa, Neytiri will carve it out for her, carve a path, spread the ocean, so she will find her place in their family. In their arms, in their hearts.
She is not blind. She sees the lowered eyes, fast heart, pink blush on her cheeks. She knows, and she knows something is holding Y/N back. But they have all the time in the world, don’t they?
Why not enjoy this night, sink into her warm skin, her soft lips that Neytiri has never touched, but she dreams about. She dreams about her hands on those hips, her lips on that jawline, that neck, that chest, trailing lower and lower-
She should live in the moment. So, she meets Jake’s eyes, and she sees him asking. He does not need to. He knows what she wants and she knows what he wants.
They want her.
So, she listens to Y/N’s laugh, feels her hand fit so perfectly in her own, let’s her lead her along.
(Is it wrong that she would follow her anywhere? Because she would follow her through death, through flames, let herself burn, because is it so bad if she burns with them?)
She watches the sway of Y/N’s hips as she walks, the top of something Neytiri dreams about peeking out from her skirt.
But all that lust and desire fades when Y/N stops and turns to them, cheeks flushed and so clearly drunk and it suddenly feels Neytiri with such an urge to protect and hold and love-
“Dance with me,” she repeats, locking eyes with Jake, placing her hand on the side of his neck. Thumb digging into the base of his throat, the hollow of it that Neytiri has kissed so many times.
She looks at Neytiri nexts, and Neytiri cannot believe that this metaphysical thing of a woman is even looking at her.
But, Neytiri supposes, she has always attracted otherworldly things. Is it not true that her some of her children have five fingers?
And suddenly the music is taking a physical form, pushing her closer to them, but she was drawn in by the hook of Y/N’s finger anyways.
(Follow her to the flames, to the flames, something inside her says. Something primordial and simple, something that has always been there and hasn’t been unlocked until this moment, until this woman.)
Y/N places her other hand on Neytiri’s chest, staring at the dark blue that peeks through her light blue skin. Contrast like that is beautiful, Neytiri decides.
Her fingertips just touch the base of Neytiri’s throat, and if anyone else got this close, she would throw them off and bare her teeth. But it is Y/N, and what matters if she dies if it is by her hands?
She is being irrational and reckless, but this storm of a woman is in front of her and Neytiri is suddenly falling through quicksand, but she cares not, because the sand almost feels like her.
Neytiri’s hand has a mind of its own, weaving through the air, finding its way to Y/N’s waist, the tie of her skirt almost unnatural.
Neytiri wants to strip her bare, See her, feel her, and simply explore the newness like Jake did when he first came to her home.
Her hand rests there like it was always meant too, like they were made for each other, the three of them. She had always fit so perfectly into Jake, and now Neytiri fits so perfectly with Y/N and Jake fits so perfectly too.
That is the only world Neytiri can think of to describe it. Perfect, perfect, perfect.
“Y/N,” Neytiri rasps, because she is bursting with feeling for her, “you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
Her face breaks into a wide smile, and her words are quiet, but Neytiri would hear her across mountains, across seas.
“I think that about you, Neytiri.”
Now, Neytiri breaks into a wide smile, because she knows this is only temporary, but she vows to live in the moment.
The three of them are a tangle of limbs, and Neytiri feels something rising in her throat, can feel the kist radiating off of Jake, the desire she exudes.
She can feel the way Y/N wants them, too.
“Baby,” Jake says, and Neytiri can tell he is drowning, burning, dying, because he has always surrendered so easily to a sway of hips. “You’re fucking perfect, Y/N, perfect.” Neytiri thinks she could not have said it better.
She leans forward, hears Y/N’s sharp breaths, and Neytiri knows, in her heart, in her heart.
“You are leading us to the flames, my Y/N.”
And she only laughs, before trailing her hand down Neytiri’s chest, down her stomach.
“Are you scared?” Neytiri grabs Y/N’s hand, places it hard to her chest.
“No.” Neytiri has never been more sure of anything in her life.
Jake has to lean down to reach them, but what he says takes the words right out of Neytiri’s mouth.
“Why would we be scared, when we are burning with you?”
@sully-stick-together @corrupt-cadaver420 @jadynchronicle @imthefunniestpersonalive @fangil101 @mashiromochi @rey26 @soothinghummerz @myheartfollower @pwallettes @melodykisses @ghoulfiendz @fanboyluvr @itsyaspwr @khaleesihavilliard @capbrie @nothingfuninthislife @faceaeter @thetrashindrakensroom @makeup-stuff-and-such @my-dearest-agent @miyamuraaaa @ex0ticnobody @xoxovienna @arschbohrer @amazingaries @ssc7514 @milf-lover-23 @w3ird11 @littlexscarletxwitch @tiajk
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What do you think will happen to Rhaenyra? Do you believe that the show will depict her gradually turning into a villain or that it will always be she that is the true heir?
It seems to me that Rhaenyra and Alicent are on opposite trajectories, to where Alicent starts on sorrow and ends on rage, and Rhaenyra starts with rage and ends on sorrow.
The thing is, and Rhaenyra herself almost makes this point in episode 10 of season 1 although it's kind of glossed over a bit, that it doesn't actually matter who the "true heir" is. Tearing the realm apart over ambition is not the action of a queen who actually cares about peace and stability and yes, the stupid prophesy. The reason why Daemon chokes Rhaenyra is because she's considering the prophesy, and whether it might be worth making peace with the greens for the sake of keeping the realm intact to face the greater threat united (remember, the prophesy does not say Rhaenyra must sit the throne, it just says the Targaryen line must continue). Like, even if you believe Rhaenyra is the true heir, someone who puts the realm first is going to need to think about whether or not asserting her claim is worth throwing the realm into war, which includes risking the dragons. And at that point, the onus is on her to back down, and Rhaenyra knows this. She acknowledges it. Aegon has been crowned and anointed and holds King's Landing, and Otto has arrived with a pretty generous treaty offer (I want to talk, at some point, about how the offer of Dragonstone, which gets scoffed at a lot, is actually a really good one). Yes, it's unfair, but she saw the state her father was in and decided to fly off anyway so she was caught at the disadvantage and the greens got the jump on her. So actually considering the terms makes sense if they show wants to paint her as potentially a good ruler. She has to put the realm above her own ambitions if she's a good ruler. If she can't do that, does she have any business sitting the throne in the first place.
But then Aemond goes off and kills Luke and that all goes out the window. And here's the thing, at this point, although it would hurt, Rhaenyra still can back down. The greens are not going to make the next aggressive move, it's up to her, and so far there have been no pitched battles, the conflict is still a family conflict, and with Luke's death Rhaenyra can probably make some more demands. But the rage takes over (and this is understandable, don't get me wrong, who wants to treat with the family that's responsible for your son's death?). "Alicent's son sits on my throne," and "I mean to fight this war," she says to Jace, Baela, and a table full of dragonseeds, several of which who will end up betraying her. And I think in the S2 trailer, this is what Rhaenys is warning against. She says it very explicitly, "when the desire to kill and burn takes hold, and reason is forgotten, we will not even remember what began this war in the first place." Rhaenyra is, of course, not going to heed those warnings, because the desire to kill and burn has taken hold.
What I hope will happen is that we'll see Rhaenyra in her kill and burn era, and then she takes King's Landing. She's "won," she's the one sitting the throne and "Alicent's son" is missing, maybe dead for all she knows, it should be the triumphant capstone to all this rage and -- it feels empty. It doesn't bring her children back. Daemon's love turned out to be fickle, and she and her remaining children are living in the same keep where her nephew was killed by her husband's order, and her advisors don't seem to have her best interests at heart, but she's too beholden to say no to them. She doesn't feel safe, or secure, or triumphant. And now she has to govern, and the people show her no grace. While they cheered her arrival, now they blame her for their losses. It's not like being Lady of Dragonstone and she doesn't know how to do this, how to manage this realm and fight this war and keep more of her children from dying. This, I think, is where it turns to sorrow for Rhaenyra. Because it turns out it was all empty. In fact, it's just as Rhaenys warned, she can't even remember why it was so important to sit the throne in the first place, but it's too late now. Even if she wanted to end the conflict, she couldn't. When she flees, she flees to Dragonstone because it's the one place that still feels safe. Maybe she can go home, regroup. Let Aegon III get a bit older. Maybe her allies will come. Maybe she can hatch a new dragon. But it's too late. Even her death doesn't stop it, her supporters literally keep on fighting after she's dead, such is the extent to which the fighting has spiraled out of both Aegon and Rhaenyra's control.
If I was writing the show from this point on, this is what I'd do with Rhaenyra. I'd also be working hard to disabuse the viewership of the notion that asserting your position as the "rightful heir" is something that's worth sacrificing all those lives. Like, one of the issues with OG GoT was that D&D failed to do this. Instead they had people anticipating Dany's triumphant return for 8 seasons and then when her story turned tragic at what felt like the last moment, people felt cheated. HotD has to do a better job with the tragedy of Rhaenyra's character, because the tragedy is not that she had her throne stolen, it's that her house cannibalized itself, ended the dragons, and threw the realm into chaos and destruction over a conflict that was ultimately meaningless.
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dark-and-kawaii · 9 days
ok here's a preview of what I am working on!!!!! Might be subject to change but I really wanted to show you a sneek peek hehe (also I just realized i wasn't following you wtf)
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(Click Below For My Response, Jelly ♡ ♡)
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*gasps dramatically* how dare you not follow me!!!! Shame!!!
Okay first of all I need to express how your insights and love for these character are as delightful as a dragon’s hoard of glittering treasures~ ♡ and whenever I read this/ read anything from you, Jelly, my little heart flutters like a little pixie on a sugar high ♡ ♡ ♡!!!
You have no idea how grateful I am for your creativity. You’re officinally the reason why we stopped our little break in our campaign and started building more to our campaign ♡ We had taken a break for a hot minute and once I started sharing this all with my DM we really got back into it and started talking about our character and adding to them.
The way you’ve been capturing everyone is so enchanting, and honestly it makes someone feel like they’re actually there reading an old tome about the Thay family ♡ ♡ ♡
The fact you even added the dead three and Baldurs Gate tells me how much thought and love you’ve been putting into this ♡ like it really makes my jaw drop in the best way possible. Also you’re sooooo right about Lofn and Zevlor forming a powerful political party. With his age/knowledge/experience and with her knowledge/ experience, they really to make a powerful couple. Not only that but they both have kind hearts ♡
I also like how you left it as a mystery about Bane ♡. I’d say he definitely threatened or made it clear to lord gortash the princess was off limits due to the dark lords relationship with her. Or my DM said that it could’ve been possible that Bane wanted the two to meet and form a partnership/ wanted to see who would come out on top. Maybe he was bored and wanted to have some fun, maybe he was doing this to gain a greater army for the wars to come in Thay. He does love war after all.
I should probably note because looking back at some lore I dropped… I didn’t make it very clear, but remember when I said Lynnania’s mother the former Queen had an affair with The King Of Cormyr? And then later lynnania fell in love with the king of cormyr’s son??? I should add that this is not the secret baby her mother had xD this was a separate son completely! Lykos has no blood relation to her whatsoever. Lorean was the half brother /secret baby. Later he was killed by Lynnania thanks to Bane (pre ally shipped) controlling him and her having no idea who he was to her. Later she discovered the truth and found a way to bring him back and free his soul from Bane’s clutches.
I honestly hope that quill of yours never runs dry, Jelly (⸝⸝> ᴗ•⸝⸝)
I can’t wait to read more xoxo and I’m keeping these all in my folder to look back at whenever I need a good smile/read xoxo
- 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒦𝒾𝓌𝒾 𝓍𝑜𝓍𝑜
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lemonhemlock · 3 months
I want to discuss why Criston having sex with Alicent is different.
Sex with Rhaenyra was about her sexual pleasure. It was about scratching that itch, which Criston is not for. He has a different view of sex. The act with Alicent has passion behind it. It's about two lost souls uniting and finding comfort in each other. So no he's not a hypocrite for not wanting to have sex with Rhaenyra. There's a deep emotional bond of devotion between the two.
He's allowed to feel used by Rhaenyra but be all Take Me to Church with Alicent and her WAP.
I won't touch on other points of why they aren't hypocrites for doing the devil's tango, as there are a variety of posts that articulate that but I have yet to see someone bring this up.(if they have good for them, great minds and all). Targaryen dick riders have a fucked up way of discussing SA and consent. That's all I'm saying that. (disclaimer this is not aimed at those who enjoy the Targs for being a fucked up dynasty and find them fascinating but those who think they are gods cause there's a difference.).
Welcome back, coffee queen! ☕Hope you're enjoying the new season 🫶
Love this take and your lexical choices crack me up!! I think that, at one point, Criston was a bit of a playboy, as he does explain with his own mouth that he's had dalliances in the past, but most of my thoughts on that I've put into this post here (so as to not repeat myself). Also this addition here. But, I agree that, fundamentally, Criston has had years to develop his feelings for Alicent, whereas, during his affair with Rhaenyra, he was a young man in awe of a pretty fairy tale princess. So it would make sense why his connection to Alicent would be deeper and more meaningful by now.
Also! People are allowed to "break up" and then get with someone else!
Haters forget that he can be legitimately upset at Rhaenyra not just because she unknowingly placed his life in danger, but also because she was so callous about it. She was proposing that they have occasional hook-ups, whereas he was ready to be very serious about her. So there was this disproportionate emotional involvement in their affair where Criston was risking a whole lot for someone who didn't really care for him, while Rhaenyra wanted casual sex and risked a slap on the wrist for it.
In any case, they quarreled and parted ways. Honestly, the reason doesn't even matter as much - who hasn't broken up with a bf/gf at some point over some dumbass reason, left and never looked back?* Are they supposed to hold a candle over that past relationship forever (regardless of how "legitimate" the grievances were)? The Dance of the Dragons didn't happen because of anything Criston did to Rhaenyra in revenge, she made a lot of bad political decisions herself to compound on the succession crisis engineered by her father. He is allowed to cross over to Alicent and "support" her side if he wants to; it's not the reason Rhaenyra got into trouble.
Not to mention that, after his mental breakdown and freaking suicide attempt, he's had years to contemplate the question of what being a knight and breaking one's vows means and what he boundaries he would be comfortable crossing. The Criston who's that's that me espresso with Alicent isn't the same Criston who slept with Rhaenyra and had a crisis of faith in the aftermath. He knows what he's getting into and he actively chooses to do so, isn't just put randomly in a situation from which he can't extricate himself.
*EDIT: Not that Criston's reason was dumbass, but even if it were, he's not beholden to being sexually available to Rhaenyra forever just because they fucked one time. (I feel like you have to include disclaimers for every gosh darned thing on this website). And the fact that Rhaenyra stans don't understand the concept of consent and how much it colours one's experience is just.... 🤦‍♀️
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sokkastyles · 10 months
If you examine the things Zuko has to say about his childhood with Azula in "The Search," what you see is a desire to connect with her.
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It's Zuko who brings up the memory here, and he talks about playing with his sister with fondness, and the way he's looking at her seems to indicate that he hopes that she'll remember it fondly, too. But there's also some bitterness present in the memory. Zuko says he doesn't understand why he always had to be the villain. It's not surprising to us, the audience, though, given Zuko and Azula's upbringing. Without context, it's a pretty typical dynamic between children. But given that we know Azula and Zuko were raised with the golden child / scapegoat mindset, Zuko being forced to always play the villain indicates the children acting out even in their play the roles Ozai had assigned to them. This particular episode is more benign, but it does show a part of Zuko's hurt related to feeling like he could never measure up to his sister. It's interesting, though, that he seems to be looking for some acknowledgment from her. Probably because throughout this comic, he is trying to connect with her as part of the family he is longing for.
We also see Zuko express similar sentiments in flashbacks as a child about his sister. This time, the action is less benign and more hurtful. Azula burns Zuko for telling on her after she burns a flower in the garden "because it was less pretty than the others."
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I see a lot of discussions about Zuko and Azula's relationship that paint him as blaming Azula for their bad relationship, but that doesn't ring true especially when we see scenes like this where Zuko doesn't blame Azula, even when she hurts him. Instead we see him react in confusion, similar to present-day Zuko's memory of their play as a child. Confusion, and hurt because he clearly wants to have a good relationship with his sister.
What's so tragic about this is that we know that this dynamic between them was created by Ozai. We know why Azula keeps hurting Zuko or why she won't let him be Dragon Emperor when they play. And I've seen a lot of discussion arguing that Zuko needs to understand things from Azula's perspective, and how much pressure she was under to prove she was better than him, but the problem with this is that it requires Zuko to again ignore how much those things hurt him as a child.
As a child, Zuko was never allowed to express himself and never allowed to blame Azula, because she was the favored child. Nor was he allowed to acknowledge how abusive his father was. He could tell his mother, but her power was limited and she left when he was ten.
Part of Zuko's lingering trauma, a part that I don't think he understands because he was never allowed to express it, is the ways he was hurt by his sister and the ways Ozai encouraged Azula to hurt him.
At one point in the comic, Zuko seeks Sokka's advice in an attempt to repair his relationship with his sister.
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Again we see Zuko's bitterness towards his sister present itself, as he points out to Sokka that he is getting the short end of the deal. Sokka says he doesn't mind, because Katara is his sister, and he loves her and feels a duty to look out for her.
This parallel only partially works, though. Although Sokka and Katara do have their disagreements, they were not raised in an environment where Katara was encouraged and allowed to hurt Sokka. We see Zuko looking guiltily towards his sister, feeling a desire to protect her in the way that Sokka protects his sister, and he will later act on it. But before I get to that part, I want to again emphasize the point that Zuko still has not been allowed to acknowledge the ways his sister has hurt him, or the ways their father encouraged and allowed her to hurt him. And his talk with Sokka only exacerbates Zuko's trauma because it reopens those wounds of obligation towards someone who continually hurts him. Zuko and Sokka's relationships with their sisters cannot be compared in this way, nor should they be. This isn't Sokka's fault, but I wish the comic had acknowledged this.
It kinda does in the next scene.
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Zuko attempts to imitate Sokka's caring for his sister, accepting Sokka's advice about "getting the short end of the deal." But once again, we see what getting the short end actually means for Zuko. He sees the letter that his sister stole, which she lied to him about destroying so that she could manipulate him into letting her come on the journey to find their mother. Zuko discovers that Azula has been lying to him this whole time.
It's also worth noting that the letter contains not just information on Ursa's whereabouts, but some very personal information about Zuko possibly not being Ozai's son. The fact that it turns out to later be a lie is not relevant. What is relevant is that Zuko attempts to put aside his trauma - something he's actually been forced to do his entire life - to take care of his sister only to find another way that she's hurt him and taken advantage of him, since allowing her on this journey, unrestrained and with his trust, is the only reason she was able to steal the letter in the first place.
That brings us to the scene where Azula discovers that the letter is gone and attempts to steal it back from Zuko by force, a battle which ends in him besting her and confronting her with all of the feelings he's been bottling up.
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I've seen...a lot of uncharitable posts about Zuko here, that he's wrong for being angry at Azula, that Azula isn't in a place to be held accountable because she isn't in her right mind. And one of the tragic things here is that Azula is currently hallucinating and responds by blaming Zuko for conspiring with Ursa. And part of the issue is that I think the hallucination storyline is both ableist and unnecessary, and actually detracts from the real conflict. And the way I see it used by the fandom confirms this, as it's often used as a way to shift the discussion away from the actual things Azula did to hurt Zuko.
And the other thing about it is, even a hallucinating Azula who is imagining that Zuko is out to get her and conspiring with their mother does not have a right to steal from him or attack him, and Zuko is in the right to stop her. He is also in the right to be angry at her, not just for this but for all of the things she did.
But still, he doesn't just blame her. Even in the moment when he's holding her over that cliff, there is no question of whether he will actually hurt her because we know that is not what he wants. He asks her why.
And again, we know the answer. I think Zuko does, too, at least on an intellectual level. But that doesn't erase the hurt, it doesn't erase the pain, it doesn't take away the feelings that someone who should have been on your side wasn't, especially for a child dealing with abuse. And while Azula and Zuko were both abused, I have no doubt that Zuko would have been on Azula's side if she had ever shown any kindness towards him. Even with the way things were, he still makes attempts to connect with her and repeatedly expresses a desire for things to be different. She never does, though, and that's the tragedy.
At which point is Zuko allowed to express anger at someone who continually hurts him who is never sorry about it? Because expressing anger at the people who abused him and being able to feel that hurt is very much a part of healing. And I'm deeply suspicious of anyone who tries to say that it isn't.
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harvestingsun · 5 months
This is a massive rant btw. I have a lot of thoughts about this movie
(TW: Bad spelling and not remembering any names 💀)
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Yh so I'm ranting rn
Like it was good, but not great 🕴️. Does not compare to the first 2, DEFINITELY not the second one, that one was just 🙌🏽 . And u know, that's ok, it's hard to pull a puss in boots and do better than the originals, but still the movie was lack luster
These are my points for why:
1. Plot was SO obvious. As soon as I saw that fox I knew she d be the new dragon warrior, cuz yh. Just obvious. And you know what? I wouldv been fine with that if they developed her character more. Like her bond with po SHOULDV been developed SO MUCH MORE. It felt like their whole dynamic was she was sarcastic and he went 🥺 n that's it. Like, why couldn't they have bonded more on them both being orphans ? How she feels unwanted because the world has rejected her and KEEPS rejecting her, but Po (who has gone thru a very similar thing) can teach her that yes that may be true, but that won't always be the case and once she finds her found family she can feel accepted, just like what happens to Po.
2. The villain and her daughter - so much potential but not enough done for them. Like just. I loved their dynamic, just SO MICH POTENTIAL BUT NOT ENOUGH GIVEN. There was one flashback of them meeting. That's it. There was basically only r4 interactions between them aswell: the betrayal scene, the "I'm using you" scene,the flashback and the final fight. And in NONE of these does it show how strong of a connection they have what about their relationship makes the fox betray Poe for the chameleon??? I wish we had a shi fu and tai lung type flashback where it showed the chameleon raising her and them developing a bond so that we know how hard it is for the fox to go against her orders
3. The villain herself - what motive ? U cannot convince me that "I'm evil because all the kung fu masters rejected me because I was too small" WHEN THERES A SNAKE THE SAME SIZE AS HER AND A F*CKING BUG WHO ARE BOTH AMAZING KUNG FU WARRIORS . like no. Just no. Someone would accepted her. U can't use her size as a reason for her becoming evil, just no. Instead, why not explain her reason being that she was poor/living in the streets ? A large portion of the movie is set around how there's a large group underground who have turned to crime, and poverty is often rampant in cities, so why not use that ? It also allows her to bond more with the fox as they have the same upbringing, but instead the chameleon was never able to get past how no one helped her and everyone rejected her, whilst the fox is able to accept where she is and find ppl who will accept her. Then they could've had a rlly impactful scene in the end where the fox accepts change and wanted the chameleon to change with her because SHE loves her and would fight for her, mother daughter style. Like writing that out just rlly made me think about how much they missed the mark, almost all 3 KFP movies are about father-son bonds, this movie could've had an impactful mother-daughter bond n it blew it 😩. So yh, I don't think the villains motive was fleshed out enough, I just don't think that her being small should have been the main centre for her character. Compare her to all the past villains, her motive is too simple and not developed enough
4. Tai lung and shen. NOT USED ENOUGH. How dare u bring those GODS OF VILLAISN back and not use them properly. And also have Po barely be surprised about them . SHEN IS THE MAN THAT COMMITTED MASS GENOCIDE AGAINST UR SPECIES, KILLED UR MOTHER AND LEFT U AN ORPHAN, Y R U NOT SHOCKED OR WORRIED THAT HE S HERE. And on top of that, ain't no what that peacock would simply bow and go " 🙂" and leave. He ain't bowing to Po, why would he respect him ? Shen doesn't CARE about being the dragon warrior, that wasnt his calling or whatever. Like, i could hav accepted it if he at least had a sentence apologizing for his actions, just ANYTHING that explains why he s so calm. I'm not angry that he is calm, I'm angry that it wasn't explained 🕴️(and tbh, I don't even think he needed a redemption arc much. He did horrible stuff, yes he has trauma, doesn't explain his actions. His death was a result of his arrogance and karma for his actions, I just think his character was fine (stressing him as a character was well written) the way it is, of anything this movie and taken away from his character )
And tai lung. Most of his character in this was comedy. And him going from "you are a mistake🙄" to "actually ur not a mistake 😏" within 10 minutes was annoying. I wish there was more interaction between him and Po. Then fighting together, bonding. Have them BOTH grow to move on from the title of dragon warrior together, since that title is such a grand part of both of their identities that they both have had a tough time letting go of. Once again, I'm not angry that he made jokes n was acting goofy (that was fun, I liked that), I'm annoyed that the movie didn't explain or provide context for why he was able to get over his past feelings and beliefs.
I can understand that they died and were able to let go of their actions in their mortal life, i just wish that it was addressed or properly shown. Especially shen, in his last moments he was given the chance to fess up n be good and he still refused. Bro died with u finished business, I would like to see how he came to terms with that or at least hav it b addressed
Overall, the bringing back of the past VILLAISN was fumbled. So much potential, but not used and on top of that it just kinda makes a joke of them and their original actions.
--> quick add on that I just remembered. Where r the five ? Like, I understand that they could've get the actors back or whatever. Ok find. But why not hav the chameleon capture all of them at the start and then they remain captured/past out/in a coma the rest of the movie until they R rescued :/. Like. That's such a better way of writing them out cuz a. It gives Poe even more incentive to want to take down the chameleon B. It makes the chameleon a much more threatening villain, cuz all the chameleon does in this movie is push one dude down some stairs, and then bring back so dead ppl, lick them n put them in a cage 🕴️. I would appreciate more stakes. ALSO PO SHOULDV TALKED ABOUT HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH THE 5 MORE, cuz this guy is a yapper, ain't no way he ain't talking bout them. It couldv once again been a way he bonded with the fox, if both of them had looked up to the 5 or something like that, or maybe even just about how Po can't wait to accept the fox into his found family
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: wish they developed po and the foxes friendship. I might hav said this b4, I hav bad memory. Just there could've been more bonding , wish there was but alas 😪
5. Poe s trauma ? Now, I'm a psychology student. I love seeing mental health and depth show in movies so I kno I'm being a bit picky. I just wished that we could see more of Poe coming to terms of all the stuff that has happened to him. Or at least referenceing it. I just think that he was way too jokey and light hearted the whole time. Like, there was a scene where fireworks suddenly went off next to him. I wish he flinched or anything like that, since fireworks were such a big thing (almost a trigger) for him in the first movie because of the mass killing of his species by shen. Like, even if he has gotten over it all, it would have been great to have him reference everything he s been through. It could hav been one of the things he bonded over with the fox, how yes, times get tough but you can get thru it if u r supported by the right people
Like tbh I think it wouldv been rlly cool if this movie focused on love :both the healthy and toxic types. Bringing back old villains can reference old baggage , like the toxic love between tai lung and shi fu, and the chameleon and the fox. It could be about breaking those toxic habits and changing to move past them and let the last go. Po couldv acted as the message of that, he could show his surroundings characters how to let go of the past to move on to a better future . Like, after everything he s been through that wouldv been so impactful.
Overall, just a lot of missed potentials in this movie. Still liked it tho. So here are some things I liked.
Visuals: fun visuals . Tho I do think some of the scenery wasn't as memorable as previous movies. Like comparing this villains hideout (wrong word but oh well) to shens, shens is so much more memorable and impactful. Looking at it you feel intimidated. In this movie, not so much. But it was still very pretty and u can tell some hard work went behind it, had some great animations, very smoothe, so yh :)
VIOLA DAVIS AS THE CHAMELEON 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 LOVE HER, LOVE THE VOICE ACTING JUST 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 like, the chameleon wasn't fleshed out as much as I'd hoped, but I still love her because I can FEEL that's she could be AMAZING cuz everything else was great except for the lack of backstory. Like I love her power, I love her character design, I love her voice .
The gay dad's 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I loved them. Highlight of the movie for me🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 every scene I saw them I smiled. I just loved them so much, that was so cute, I love how they cared about Po so much AND CARED ABOUT EACH OTHER!! That was so cute. Loved that so much. I would watch an entire movie of them cuz just 🙌🏽🙌🏽 loved them so much.
So yh, that's it. Gonna go rewatch all the other movies now
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xsezzie · 1 year
TickleTober Day 7 : Playtime
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The sassy Aether face I found made me laugh so I had to use it here instead of a Fontaine one LOL
Also, Paimon does not exist here 😶
Characters: Neuvillette & Navia & Aether (no shipping here!)
Warnings: Nah
Pairing key: & = platonic, x = romantic!
Time to make Neuvillette the big lee he is :3
“You remember that day I just… really let my heart out in your office, and then we left and it started raining? That was you… wasn’t it?”
Navia questioned the Chief Justice cautiously, partially because it was a sore spot for both of them, and also because she didn’t want to bring about more rain again.
“Mm… yes. Emotions welled up inside me and… I just locked myself in my office for the rest of the evening.”
Neuvillette, Navia and Aether were watching the sunset above Poisson, after the interesting ordeal that just took place and the truths that were uncovered.
Aether decided to lighten up the mood a little, “If it rains when you sad cry, what happens if you happy cry? Or even laughing?”
“Ooh that’s right, hmm I wonder…”
The two blondes stared at Neuvillette curiously, making the dragon feel a little nervous. “Well… it would probably rain just like usual… or perhaps not rain at all?”
“Why don’t we try tickling him?” Aether smirked as he suggested, making Navia’a face light up with excitement.
“Ohoho~ Yes we should! Neuvillette~ Are you ticklish~?”
“T-Tickling? That’s the strange feeling you get when something lightly touches your skin right…?” Neuvillette’s heart rate was beginning to increase, why was he getting so nervous about this idea? “Well I have felt that before… when water drips down my face or an insect is crawling on me…”
“Ohh well that’s a type of tickle… but we mean when someone is grabbing at you… like this~!”
Navia moved behind the Chief Justice and gently squeezed his sides, though he stiffened slightly, his layers of clothing were much too thick for him to feel any real tickling.
“Argh dang it! Aether help!”
“Haha! Neuvillette, take your coat off!”
“I-I don’t think that is necessary…”
Neuvillette could sense the two’s pure intentions, it reminded him of when the Melusines wanted to play with him. And he couldn’t help it when he felt the urge to let his guard down, so he complied, removing his thick coat so that he was just wearing his shirt and pants.
“Alright… let’s see what the two of you combined have got.” Neuvillette was almost teasing them.
“Navia you get him from the right, I’ll go left!”
The two dove at the older man and he swiftly dodged, allowing them to both fall flat on the grass.
“Ugh! It’s still wet, nooo!”
Aether laughed as Navia was distracted with wiping off the wet grass and got up to chase Neuvillette across the field.
“Come back here you old… man! Dragon!! Uhhh… Melusine maybe!?”
“Perhaps it is wiser for you to not use your words and instead focus on your actions…”
As Neuvillette was distracted by Aether, his Geo companion came in from behind, tackling Neuvillette to the ground. “I got him, I got him! Tickle attack!!!!”
Navia cried as she began to softly scribble under his arms.
“Pff- ah!! Ahahaha!!”
The deep, wheezy laughter shocked both the blondes, they weren’t expecting Neuvillette to be ticklish, or to even laugh. This encouraged the two of them to continue tickling him, with Aether sitting on his legs and squeezing the back of his knees.
“Wow, the Chief Justice of Fontaine is ticklish huh… look at him smiling~ Aww this is so adorable Monsieur Neuvillette~”
“Ahahah!! W-What is thihihis… d-don’t you dare tell anyone- EHEHEHE!!”
Neuvillette jerked when Aether moved up to tickling his waist now.
“Oh look, I bet if we keep this up he will be cry laughing in no time~” The Traveller grinned at Navia, who was moving her hands down his ribs now.
“Gaahahaha!!! HAHAHA STAHAHAHAP! Y-You two will b-be heheheheld accountahahahable for this!!”
“Ohh you hear that, Aether? He’s going to put us on trial for tickling!”
“I don’t think he would want all of Fontaine to know how ticklish he is!”
“EHEHEHHAHAH!! Stahahahaap!!! Uuurgh….”
Neuvillette buried his face in the grass at this point, he could definitely feel some tears coming to his eyes. What was this odd sensation causing him to laugh uncontrollably? It wasn’t as unpleasant as the tickling he’s felt before… there was something different about it.
He was certainly reaching his limit though. The breathless feeling and heat reaching his face. He squirmed as much as he could but these two youngsters had him well pinned down.
“Hehe look, his little ears are pink~” Navia teased and softly scritched one of them, causing him to make a squeaking noise and swat her hand away.
As Aether and Navia giggled at his reaction, they began to feel the familiar cold prickling of drizzle from the sky. Looking up, they realised that the clouds were not grey, but in fact a soft hue of oranges and pinks. The water was even causing a rainbow to appear across the sky, over the islands.
Both looked down to see Neuvillette’s red face, some tears streaming from his eyes and he even ended up with a sniffle. He was pouting.
“You… are both… going to face justice…”
Even a flustered Chief Justice was a scary one, and the two knew they were doomed… so they did the only thing they could think of. Run.
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