#willy immersive experience
bluedollasoraus · 4 months
What the Willy Wonka immersive experience wishes it was
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baronazazel · 4 months
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Fuck AI and look at my new son.
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capn-rattlebones · 4 months
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my brother paid me $10 to make this.
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corpyburd · 4 months
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This just sums up Glasgow & people who want to rip the pish out of you!😬
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
It's movie night but they can't use the home cinema, what do they do?
[week 1]
Bruce: Thanks for letting us use your place for movie night while we fix that leak at home.
Dick: No problem. Besides, I have plenty of snacks and the director's cut of Dumbo.
Everyone: *gathers around*
Dick: *puts on the movie*
~ 10 minutes in ~
*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
Tim: My crime alert's going off.
Harper: Mine too.
Duke: Must be big.
Bruce: Suit up and rendezvous in three.
Dick: *sighs and pauses the movie*
Dick: Can't get one night in this damn city.
[week 2]
Tim: Steph, why are we at a karaoke lounge?
Steph: I know the owner's cousin's hairdresser's dog walker's sister's girlfriend and I convinced them to let us use the party room. Don't worry, it's just like a TV screen.
Steph: *puts on Pitch Perfect*
Steph: Ooh, I love this part.
Steph: *grabs a mic and starts singing*
Damian: *stuffs napkins in his ears*
[week 3]
Jason: Since we decided on Pride and Prejudice, I thought I could play it at my safehouse.
Dick: Sweet, thanks!
Jason: *unlocks the door*
Dick: *tries to step in*
Jason: *stops him*
Jason: I said I could play it. I never said you could come in. I don't want your you-ness all over my new stuff.
Bruce: Jason, be reasonable.
Harper: Yeah, you got this junk off the side of the road.
Jason: My junk, my rules.
Tim: Then what are we supposed to do?
Jason: Fire escape's around the back. You'll get a decent glance.
~ 20 minutes later ~
Dick: *leans his head in to hear better*
Jason: My air, my rules.
Jason: *closes the window*
[week 4]
Bruce: Cass, it's your turn. Got the movie?
Cass: *nods and plays Rambo on her computer*
Barbara: Uh, why isn't there any sound?
Cass: Volume button broke. Just read lips.
Jason: Kinda hard to do that with the brightness at zero. Did that stop working too?
Duke: Looks fine to me.
Jason: Shut up, Flashlight.
[week 5]
Tim: I brought my entire Star Wars collection.
Bruce, dodging a space laser: Not the time.
Tim: Okay.
Bruce: *punches an alien robot*
Tim: How about now?
[week 6]
Barbara: Sorry I got a cold, but at least we can still have movie night on Zoom. I torrented a copy of The Matrix.
Barbara: *shares her screen*
*movie plays*
Barbara: *leaves herself unmuted*
Barbara: *starts crinkling Sun Chips*
[week 7]
Everyone: *crowd around Damian's phone watching My Neighbor Totoro*
Bette: Why is your phone so small?
Damian: I have tiny hands.
[week 8]
Harper: Because we're watching Cars this week, I thought I could put together an all-immersive experience.
[week 9]
Duke: I called this company and since we're heroes, they're letting us use their electronic billboard for this week's movie at a huge discount. Kill Bill should be coming on right about...
*movie starts playing*
Jason: Not bad, Narrows.
*billboard switches to an ad*
[week 10]
Carrie: Since Steamboat Willie is now public domain, I thought we could do something different tonight.
Carrie: *pulls out a flipbook*
[week 11]
Everyone: *watching Love, Simon in a dark living room*
*lights flick on*
Apollo and Midnighter: *standing there in date night outfits*
Steph: Um, Cullen, who are these guys?
Cullen: *laughs nervously*
Cullen: Everyone, meet Apollo and Midnighter. They're kinda-sorta my gay uncles and we're kinda-sorta in their apartment and I kinda-sorta didn't expect them to come back early.
Midnighter: Remind me why we gave you a spare key?
[week 12]
Kate: *sets up a projector and plays Glass Onion*
Bruce: Kate, this is a crime scene.
Kate: The fun part's already done, let Gordon do cleanup this time.
[week 13]
Alfred: Back in my day, we did not rely on scrupulous use of technology. Which is why I propose watching a classic Sherlock Holmes tale on a classic instrument.
Alfred: *pulls out a zoetrope*
Steph: Anyone know what that is?
Dick: Not a clue.
[week 14]
Luke: Nothing like a good ol' drive-in movie. Great idea, Helena.
Helena: I know, and the Godfather is perfect for this.
*Batmobile crashes through the screen*
Steph: Sorry we're late.
Duke: I'm still figuring out the PRINDL.
[week 15]
*TV playing the Aristocats*
Bruce, trying to flirt: I like what you've done with the curtains.
Selina: Thanks, but it was Snowball's after-dinner surprise.
*TV blinks off*
Tim: Hey, what gives?
Selina: *takes a chewed-up cord out of a cat's mouth*
Selina, sighing: This is why I married rich.
[week 16]
Luke: May I present the ultimate Snakes On A Plane drone show!
*phone rings*
Luke: Hello? ... Yes, this is he. ... Mhm. ... Yep. ... Okay.
Luke: Never mind, the FAA says I can't.
[week 17]
Everyone: *watching Legally Blonde at Bette's place*
*dogs barking*
*loud music*
*car honk*
*neighbors shouting*
Bette: Sorry, we have thin walls.
Bruce, shrugging: Eh, still not as bad as HOA.
[week 18]
Damian: Where is movie night this time, Father?
Barbara: My money's on another crime scene.
Bruce: Actually, I rented out the theater just for us and they're playing a special edition of The Mark of Zorro. Everyone got their snacks?
Duke: Popcorn, check.
Cass: Licorice, check.
Steph: M&Ms are obviously the right answer by the way.
Dick: I got a slushee.
Jason: I got the slushee machine.
Bruce: Alright then, take your seats. The movie's about to begin.
*movie plays*
*Rogues break in, make a mess, and leave*
Bruce: I miss my parents.
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wensdaiambrose · 4 months
Somebody in Glasgow made The Willy Wonka experience and charged kids $40 per person.
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Look at the last photo of the women dressed like an oompa loompa.
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everlastingrandom · 1 month
I’ve been thinking about “experiences” and pop-up events in general. You’ve got outright scams like the Willy Wonka Immersive Experience and you've got low-overhead, high-charging events like the Van Gogh Experience. They're shoddy promises of a temporary third space that provides diversion for people who can afford to escape the misery for 2-5 hours.
There are definitely pop-up events that give a damn (I've never gone to the Bridgerton experience but it looks genuinely thought-out and engaging), but I feel like those types are becoming less common as organizers try to cheapen out. It's bleak to think about. There are genuinely creative ideas that just don't get off the ground because of budget or greed.
Months ago, I saw a promotion for a “Moorish Ren Faire” that conveyed the idea of an Afro-centric renaissance festival. And that would slap and fuck for me, a Black person who loves regular ren fairs and would love to engage with something less Euro-centric. But the art and copy were all AI-generated.
I'm going to start biting.
Club meet-ups and community events and block parties are so important. Third spaces are important. Events are difficult and costly to organize, but I've volunteered at a lot and they can be way more fun and rewarding than paying $50 to walk around and stare at displays for two hours.
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
Willy Wonka but Dreamling.
Dream Endless has become a complete recluse in the years following people attempting to steal his candy recipes.
When Dream sends out the silver tickets (because gold isn't really his color) Robyn gets the final ticket.
Hob, Robyn's SINGLE father, accompanies Robyn to the factory. He's very surprised that the recluse candy maker is so HOT.
Meanwhile, Dream is delighted by Robyn, especially compared to the other kids, and his father certainly isn't bad either. They are very much alike, even, for though Hob may be grown, he is still very much a child at heart.
Maybe instead of giving away his factory... he can simply invite them to live with him? Surely, they'll both provide wonderful ideas.
Besides, Dream definitely wants to break some health and safety codes with Hob, everywhere 😉👀
- 🐺
So we did have a Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory au a little while back BUT since the Glasgow Wonka Experience went viral, I think we just have to do something with that 🤣
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Here's Dream, who was hired to play Wonka at this fun immersive experience for kids! Unfortunately, its not going very well. The experience definitely isn't what was advertised, kids are crying, parents are fuming! Poor Dream, it's not his fault - he was just hired to be the entertainment.
Fortunately he finds an ally in single father Hob Gadling, who is extremely amused by the shenanigans. His kid, Robyn, is on the borderlines of being too old for this experience anyway, and he finds it pretty funny too. Hob joins in with Dream’s attempts at storytelling and Robyn laughs at his (awful) jokes, so that the mob of other angry parents calm down a tiny bit and don't come for Dream with their pitchforks. It's still a disaster, though. Dream is pretty sure that he'll never get another job after this - he'll be forever known as the Terrible Wonka Guy.
Hob gives him a friendly pat on the back and hands him a business card. He runs a small family pub and he's been looking for new entertainment for birthday parties and that kind of thing. He'll be happy to give Dream the gig if he wants it. Dream is so grateful, he kisses Hob on the cheek - and of course someone gets a picture. Gay Wonka Experience goes horribly viral, but Dream doesn't care. He's got a potential job, AND a date!
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tenaflyviper · 4 months
LOL Oh my god.
Did y'all hear about this "Willy Wonka Experience" thing that happened in the UK?
People are comparing it to Dashcon.
It used AI art and charged $40 for this supposed "immersive experience"...
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Then people went in, and got THIS.
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The poor kids were crying. They thought it was going to be this magical experience, and instead, they got a mostly-empty warehouse.
Apparently, the cops were even called, and I honestly can't blame them--the single oompa loompa working in a "laboratory" literally looks like a hungover raver in a meth lab.
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Still looks better than Dashcon, though.
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cryptidanathema · 29 days
With Willy's Chocolate Experience and now the Star Wars hotel retrospective it's a big year for "immersive experiences" that promised so much more than they delivered
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synthient · 4 months
I can certainly see an ai guy sincerely believing that he'd "created an immersive willy wonka experience" by generating a few pages of gibberish and a couple images of big rock candy mountain. And I can see the organizers he handed the money to correctly surmising "wow, if this guy is stupid enough to believe that this ""script"" will be useful for putting on a willy wonka event in any practical way, then he's stupid enough to believe anything," and riding the bitcoin train to scam city. But somehow I feel like the quarter cup of lemonade and a single jelly bean per child detail is what pushes it over the edge from "scam" to "active sabotage/trolling." Like you could have kept this out of parents calling the police territory simply by dropping 20 bucks on a few sacks of grocery store variety chocolate the morning of
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rpgsandbox · 5 months
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FÄNGELSEHÅLA is the Swedish word for "dungeon." 
We are inviting you to play an epic adventure with the elegance of the instructions from everybody's favorite furniture store!
This tabletop role-playing game takes a minimalist approach, offering an immersive experience without the complexity. Forget thick rulebooks and intricate character sheets – FÄNG is as easy to grasp as connecting the dots in an instruction manual. 
Designed for new players and one-shots that allow you to embark on quests with mechanics so straightforward that you can be up and running in minutes. 
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Make characters within minutes using d66 tables and jump right into the adventure!
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You can choose from character options of Alv, Dvärg, Krigsman, Tomte and Trollkarl. (Elf, Dwarf, Warrior, Gnome & Wizard) Each character option providing some unique benefits in the game. 
Each character also receives a heirloom and curse to help round out their back story and make the game play a little more exciting!
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Attributes of Will, Tinker, Agile and Tuff ranging from 2-4 that are the base pool of white Action Dice as well as any extra dice added from character benefits
Top two Action Dice are totalled to beat a Difficulty score on a scale of 12
Jinx is a tie, and there is success with a complication
Use Luck Dice to improve failed Action Rolls
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Difficulty Scale
<6 - Don't bother rolling... characters just do it! 6 - Pretty easy, you had better be able to do it 7 - Expected outcome, unless you mess up 8 - Pretty hard task, but not surprising that you did it 9 - Damn hard, but with all your concentration, you can do it 10 - Very difficult, to the point that pulling it off is surprising 11 - Almost Impossible... don’t kill yourself in the process 12 - Impossible... best you can hope for is a Jinx
The "DOOM STACK" for Tactile Game Play
Character damage and trauma is tracked with black Doom Dice which you stack on the table - or track on character sheet if you are on a wobbly table, camping, or just think it's too gimmicky (it's fun though... you should try it!)
Difference between the Action Roll and Monster Difficulty is Doom to the loser
If your Doom Stack tumbles during battle, the character is unconscious, or you trigger a trap if you accidentally knock them over while getting a snack!
Risk using Doom Dice to help Action Rolls but then add them to your Doom Stack
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* Dice are not included as part of the game, but hopefully you have some extra lying around, or can find some at your Friendly Local Game Store. It's not necessary to have different colors of dice (white, black and a third color for luck), but it makes game play a bit more clear! Dice with dots tend to work better than numbers, for quickly determining success.
* The base game mechanics were inspired by the d6 system first developed for Ghostbusters RPG by Sandy Petersen, Lynn Willis & Greg Stafford, which has been foundational for dice pool mechanics across many TTRPGs
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Each adventure is minimal game prep from random d66 tables that provides the dungeon rooms and its contents. It's so easy that you can probably even run it without a Doomsayer (Game Master).
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In true ZineQuest fashion, you will receive a 36-page saddle-stitched landscape digest-sized zine (5.5"H x 8.5"W), with black and white interior pages and heavyweight card-stock color cover and inside cover pages.
This format was chosen to lie flat and be accessible while you roll on the d66 tables. It has the bonus of looking like an instruction manual!
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, February 21 2024 3:05 AM UTC +00:00
Website: [Dieku Games] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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mereallycan · 4 months
Edvin Ryding is masterful. There's something about watching him that is so ✨art ✨. Art in the sense of transporting you and bringing you into another world and consuming and subsuming you to see what the artist sees and letting you wholly and fully submerge into the experience so much so it takes on its own life and "3D realness", that you can feel and touch, and has the full attention of your senses and emotions with unmistakeable and fierce ferocity. That you are able to form complex, dynamic relationship, (and not even only in projected relatability) with the art material regardless of what it is. That you are able to experience it in an alive living, breathing, form with a pulse and a heartbeat. Edvin does that. Edvin really does that, unfailingly and beautifully every time. (And since this is about me seeing him right now in young royals) He comes on screen and you're with him at Hillerska and you see Willie and Willie alone and you're fully seeing Willie in all his complex, complete glory and you're immersed and transported and undoubtedly convinced and transfixed.
And then there's actors that leave you wanting and dry and thirsty. There's actors that you read lines from a script along side with all the while that they are on screen, and you can just always see"think" their next course of action and see that they are almost holding their breath, all rigid and stiff. There's actors that keep you on earth, in your own clothes, in front of a screen watching them technically interprete other given directions. Actors that you can tell started walking into a run at the sound of action.
Whereas with Edvin, it's so effortlessly seamless and smooth, it's like he's meant to be walking into the room because he's been walking a long while to enter into it like he intended, he feels the room with such sura and his undeniable presence and feels right at home, not out of place there, not even like he's front of a camera. Edvin is so intuitive and internalizes his characters brilliantly. He's so self directed and innovative and inventive and intelligent and expressive and it's refreshing like soaking fully in a body of water, he's the freshest breathe of air with the most amazing talent and unprecedented skillful performances. He's fully given to and lost in his character that even his voice, at every pitch, his breathe, at every inhale and exhale, his every element, purposeful and powerful, every part and piece of his body, at every second is totally the character, with such fluidity and innateness and natural flow.
With him it's never a sprinkle or a squeeze or a waste or misuse of source material, it's always a platter, the deepest and richest of experience no matter the brush he's been handed or the colour or medium he's painting with. Everything is meaningful and useful and worthy and wonderful. And for that I'm grateful. I'm grateful for him and his genius as an artist that showcases the power and beauty of art and what it represents, maximizing and and utilizing every stroke so meaningfully and masterfully and experiencing his art makes you feel something and everything in the fullest, highest, strongest, overwhelmingly intense, ,"Alice-in-wonderlandesque" escape type of way.
Watching that shift and drop in energy and hold everytime he shares screen used to grind my gears and make me scream internally, but today, today, I choose to see it as reason to be grateful for him and about him.
Tl-dr watching actors trying to act, making an awful attempt at it, and watching Edvin embody and be his character and experiencing him and his performances is something I'm thankful for today.
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marlinspirkhall · 4 months
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“My chocolate factory was in disarray, you could say”
(non-paywalled version here)
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hunny-lamb · 4 months
BREAKING: Jud Fry shot dead at the Immersive Willy Wonka Experience
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redpandarascal · 4 months
Did you hear about the immersive Willy Wonka experience, where kids were lured in with the promise of candy, only to be tormented?
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