#yall I am legit OBSESSED
olives-and-lilies · 2 years
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So! I’ve been listening to a podcast… Malevolent has been consuming my halloween season, and now I am torn between binging the last season and catching up, to where I know I will be losing my MIND waiting for drops, or putting it on the back burner so it can flesh out and I dont get plauged with hyperfixation/depravation.
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sidsinning · 11 months
the movie aint better ya goofs (don't read if you don't wanna hear my slander lol,,,)
"Movie!Gabriel is better than show!Gabriel because he actually cares for his son and gets redeemed"
istg this fandom's obsession with redemption needs to END
Morally better character ≠ better writing
Can I just get a piece of media that tells kids "hey, ur abusive parent was an asshole, and even if they had humanity you do not need to reconcile and forgive them in the end" bc I feel like that's what show!Gabriel leans towards which is great
Gabriel barely talks to Adrien in the movie and suddenly when he sees him under CN's mask his entire reign of terror, his determination to see his dead wife again ends in a tearful hug lmao come on now
("but the ending where Adrien suddenly loves his dad again???"- Astruc has been pretty blunt on Twitter that this perfect society you see in S5's ending is built off of a lie, so Adrien is def not gonna just keep that view)
"Adrien actually stands up to his dad in the movie!"
Movie!Adrien is legit a normal human boy, not a sentimonster who is literally physically incapable of fighting back against whoever has his amok
He DOES fight back (even in S1 as CN!), but people like to remember the show only up to S3. Guess what, he learns to fight back and stand up for himself through his growing bonds and relationships with those around him through character development ✨✨✨
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Also, he is an abused kid??? In the show?? How can you knock him down a peg for not fighting back,,, 😭 Adrien's lesson isn't that he needs to learn how to fight back, it's that Nathalie shoulda called cps sooner!!! In the movie they are much more of an estranged father-son pair than anything abusive. So obviously the back talk is much easier too. Movie!Adrien gets to go out alone and with friends unless his dad has specifically planted an enemy where he is. Show!Adrien has been beaten, mind controlled, forced to hurt Marinette, isolated and locked up, etc.- he has been TERRIFIED of his dad multiple times.
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"Marinette isn't an obsessive stalker in this!"
Man I am so sick of this complaint- the show has never rewarded Marinette for her obsessive behavior. BC IT IS A CHARACTER FLAW. One they use for cringe comedic purposes, but a flaw nonetheless. Every time she has done anything that hurts others in pursuit of Adrien she is punished by the writers. And bc the show has an episodic monster-of-the-week format, this plot is recycled a lot (which is its own complaint). And guess what? SHE STOPS BEING OBSESSIVE. YEAH. SHE STOPS DOING THAT SHIT- so what do you want now??? She grew out of it after it costs her the miraculous so why tf are yalls still hurling this at her like its a L,,,,
This Marinette is just a watered down boring version of show!Marinette. She's just a girl who gets insecure at times but grows confident bc she's Ladybug. Ok. So is our Marinette but MORE. Our Marinette is super smart, creative, resourceful, an overthinker, extremely kind and selfless to others, gets jealous and reckless when her emotions get the better of her, etc. She is fully formed even after watching just 3 episodes of S1.
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Like the fact that they didn't even bother to include the oh so important hook of the show- her lucky charm power- shows they didn't care about doing this story justice- its so transparently lazy writing 💀 (miraculous of creation where??? CN gets cataclysm for destruction but what is movie!LB bringing to the yin yang table,,,)
Legitimately all the comparisons I'm hearing from people saying the movie is better are from those who just aren't caught up with the show where Marinette is no longer toxically obsessive with Adrien, where the plot/lore is insane but 10000000x better and more creative than what the movie gave us, the love square was much better developed EVEN FROM JUST THE ORIGINS EPISODES, etc. Istg these people stopped at S3 where the show was at its worst (if I were to pinpoint it)
Everything is so watered down or changed for the worse
Adrienette bonding was 1 conversation and 2 seconds about his mom in a voiceless montage. Marinette didn't fall for him bc of his kindness after a misunderstanding, it was bc he looked handsome in the library's light lol. He called her weird and didn't think twice about putting on his earphones to listen to more alpha podcasts. You really do wonder why she likes this dude over her partner CN bc they have no connection at all.
Movie!Adrien was an asshole don't you dare do show!Adrien dirty by comparing him to this ellen degeneres alien lookin mf
When movie!Adrien is crying after Mari reveals herself as LB, unlike the show, here you're like "yeah no you only like her now bc she's LB lol"
Anyways feel free to enjoy what you enjoy but uuuuuhhhh this movie getting a 3/10 for me would not rewatch
Oh wait the good things
-Some Ladynoir scenes were cute, like them playfully fighting with the accidental wall pin
-I liked Ladybug moving away from CN's kiss- nice hint of angst
-Chloe's coffee stain scene
-Luka cameos were cute
songs were bad or mid
ya das it
I guess feel free to talk to me in my inbox about your own thoughts if you wish (respectfully plz)
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if-i-hate-the-headline · 11 months
laughing and kicking my feet because it’s fucking thursday
dc catering to my special interest is my favorite thing
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he’s babygirl i’ve already decided on it
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man oracle rocks so hard
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and then lucius shows up and it’s like what what is this episode and why am i so fucking happy
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and loooooooook (is her name bluebird? i legit can’t remember)
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ahahahahahahah they have little chibis bro i cant i’m so happy
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it’s been a rough week yall just enjoy me and my dc obsession for a sec
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redr0sewrites · 10 months
Kafka (HSR) Headcanons
🥀CW: Smut in the nsfw part, bondage, marking, overall kinky stuff, non-sexual nudity mentioned in the sfw part
🥀 minors dni with the nsfw portion
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god i love women
kafka is often very busy, so i see her love language as words of affirmation
she loves flirting with you and whispering sweet things in your ear just to watch you get flustered
she can often be very touchy and flirty, however if it makes you uncomfortable she is shockingly good with boundaries and will simply give you space why would u say no tho
she loves having your head in her lap while she plays with your hair
she enjoys taking baths with you, esp after long or difficult missions
she will go all out, she will light candles, put rose petals and bubbles in the water, epson salt cuz its soothing, anything you like. there WILL be romantic music playing softly in the background, i said what i said
she likes to give you back massages and will give you small kisses on the back of your neck
she is VERY protective of you, i wouldnt say to a super controlling level but enough where she gets jealous pretty easily
she is actually so bad at dropping hints like she will flirt with anyone and anything but the second she caught feelings for u she had no idea what to do
she legit just teased u and made fun of u, you would probably think she hated you for awhile until you figured out that she was obsessed with u
have u seen her fit? yall def share a closet
her clothes are your clothes and vice versa
seeing you in her clothes sets something off in her i swear
this often leads to steamy makeout sessions and yk what else
she will also let you do hers, but not super often since shes kinda busy sometimes and doesnt want to take forever getting ready
the type of person who can walk for hours and hours forEVER in super tall heels/platforms or "walk it off" after literally being beaten to near death in battle but will complain for days if she gets even the tiniest paper cut
likes giving back hugs
this is random but i feel like she eoukd enjoy puzzles and word games
she always, ALWAYS pays for u, holds the door for u, she will hold ur shoes if they're bothering u/she will carry u if she can, LITERALLY A MIX BETWEEN GENTLEMAN AND MILF BEHAVIOR
she will prob introduce u to the other stellaron hunters if u dont already work w them
her friends r ur friends now
yall have self care dates where u get ur nails, hair, and skin care done and go to fancy spas or get massages im too broke to do this idk what people actually do at a spa
overall amazing and wonderful we ignore the fact that shes insane bc its hot
here we gooo
switch energy SWITCH ENERGY
when shes more subby shes still in control, i feel like she would def be a power bottom at least
really enjoys commanding you and ordering you around, gets off on your obedience and your disobedience
she WILL wear a strap and use toys on you, putting a vibrator to your clit/cock while your tied down and watching you squirm and whimper, using leg spreaders to hold ur legs apart while she eats u out/sucks u off, paddles, rods/dildos, thrusting vibrators, she has it ALL
if u dont have stereotypically "female" genitals/or even if u do, she will peg u. there is no escaping it. she will overstimulate you and she will fuck u until ur begging for her to stop, thighs shaking, chest heaving, sobbing and pleading for a break
she very much enjoys riding ur face, seeing your face covered in her slick below her... godd ur gonna be up the whole night
"oh? your upset about them seeing us? so what? dont worry your pretty little head about trivial things like that dolly, i'll take care of everything for you~" *proceeds to fuck u until ur babbling and no more worried are forming in ur head*
into sensory play as well
ur tied down and blindfolded and she will blot hot air against ur cunt/cock, run an ice cube up and down ur thighs, leave hickeys or kisses on ur thighs, trace a feather around ur chest and trail it down ur abdomen, just above where u want her, so close but so, so far...
perhaps she has a mommy kink, but it would take a little while to discover it 👀
wears lingerie on a regular basis and will strip in front of u at the end of the day leaving u in flustered in shock she loves seeing u all flushed and embarrassed omg
tease teas tease sOO UNFAIR
hi guys cant believe i just wrote this anyways can u tell i have a preference LMFAOO shes just so cool <3 i might have a type *side eyes kindael, kafka, rosaria, and all the other pink/red associated women who r also fucking insane that i simp for* sorry i havent been super active lately, i prob wont be for a little while im going on vacation. however, reqs are still open i am BEGGING for reqs lmao😭 hope u enjoyed! lmk of any errors/gendering issues, hope u enjoyed
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brindletonbabee · 8 months
Die in traffic dumb bitch!
RE: blacksimlish, her outlandish remarks, allegations & strange case of main character syndrome + her group of minions.
once you start accusing people of things that are not only detrimental to their reputation, but also just insanely inaccurate, how they defend themselves is neither here nor there.
there’s no rules to this shit. they minimized this to it being just “sims” out of convenience, it fits the narrative they’re pushing. if im being harassed for months and weeks on end & then being accused for being amongst the same accounts doing that nasty behavior, im going to be as out pocket as the rumors & attacks are. it stopped being about sims when my character was attacked. it stopped being about sims when the name calling started and it stopped being about sims when ole girl’s personal information was leaked. im not going back and forth publicly anymore, but once my account is unlocked i will be reaching out to yall, trust that!
at no point have i ever excused or justified the doxing. i think that is something that is dangerous and overall unnecessary. if this continues to be a concern, i urge all of those involved to bring law enforcement into this matter. since it has become about safety, please seek all necessary legal means to resolve the matter. as i will fully cooperate to my accounts being subpoenaed and searched for its activity.
blacksim (whose first name is just learned today after her information was leaked btw!) gets to still be accusatory and proceed to be confused as to why she’s getting the reaction she is. the same language she’s using, if someone else said it to her she would be going on a rampage and weaponizing her blackness. but again, defending yourself is only fine when it’s them. defending your character is only acceptable when it’s that group. she is the only person that has ever been attacked on the internet, so anyone who retaliates is wrong.
you’re grasping at straws picking certain words to point the finger, when the reality is no one knows who did that. but AGAIN, they want someone to blame and me being as outspoken as i am made me one of the targets. COOL. what sense does it make to go to tumblr and send someone hate message anonymously when i’ve been arguing with you and your clique publicly? or are yall going to say ive sent this to myself?
the delusion has to stop. apparently im the first and ONLY person to use “woe is me”. to sit and search my tweets is obsessive and weird. all it proves is yall have been watching for months out of jealousy, seething at the mouth waiting to pounce.
i’ll defend my character however i see fit the same way you all do. i won’t be deactivating, deleting or hiding anything, i won’t be apologizing, i won’t be taking anything back. to sit up until 4am when other parties have stopped responding, creating a twitter space to keep talking about it & being weird just genuinely shows the drama is what fuels you. i’m not giving this shit anymore light publicly. for those who want the context, it’s there and they’ve found it and reached out to me.
you provoked a group of people for months on end & we all got tired of your harassment. period point blank. none of us doxed you, we told everyone on twitter about accounts that solely were around to harass, bully and send threats. at no point was that brought up to justify what was done. no one laughed about you being doxed. none of us encouraged it. there is no proof to that and it’s all talk.
again, i implore you to involve law enforcement if you feel your safety is at risk and i will be more than happy to have my lawyer speak on my behalf. unlike others, the lawyer talk is very legit. i don’t play about defamation. reach out to chat further regarding legal action so i can provide the necessary information. thank you.
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salemssimblr · 1 year
Sims - get to know me
I was tagged by @druidberries & @m0n0lithical! Thank yall for the tags!
I rarely actually play the game so take my answers with a grain of salt but this should be fun!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Cowplant, hands down
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? For the longest time I was strictly Maxis Match but recently I've been way more Maxis Mix and I'm loving it
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nah I let it happen!
4. Do you use move objects? Religiously, I cannot build without it. Routing be damned!
5. Favorite mod? BBB, I cannot play this game without it. I also get ornery if I don't have UI cheats extension and more CAS columns.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I was on the Sims 4 bandwagon from day 1, so Outdoor Retreat.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Living. You've got build, buy, and live, at least that's how my brain rationalizes it.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I'm obsessed with all of my rpg oc sims (Ariss, Katya, Nat, Kai, Calista, etc), but probably my favorite sim-sim, well that's hard too. I really love my Simeon Silversweater makeover, and Rhiannon Reinhardt is prob my fave original sim.
9. Have you made a simself? I have! I've made myself, my husband and our dog (: One day I'll have to render them and post pics, I'm sure they all need an update now.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Clumsy, creative, & paranoid lmao
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Idk prob black or dark brown, so many of the other swatches look unnatural to me. I like the fun colors though, esp the lighter blue/cyan-y swatch.
12. Favorite EA hair? In terms of design, I really liked the braids that came with RoM and the really cool swatches, but I rarely ever use that hair.
13. Favorite life stage? YA cause it's the only one with adequate gameplay oops lmfao
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? BUILDER I rarely play the game at all but if I am I'm probably building. It seems every time I actually get into gameplay (which is rare in itself) something (a patch) comes along and breaks everything to the point where I can't anymore and I lose love for it all over again.
15. Are you a CC creator? I am! But only barely haha. I've made a few recolors and some art, but nothing from scratch YET. Soon hopefully
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I do! I'm a moderator of @cozyacres's Cozy Cave discord server and I LOVE out little community there! I've also got so many wonderful mutuals here I love you all so much.
17. What’s your favorite game? Sims 3 was fantastic and if I remembered more of it I'd probably say 3, but I got really invested in the community for 4 and it does hold a special place in my heart even if it's deeply flawed. So, 4.
18. Do you have any sims merch? I do not.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I have an account but I haven't posted anything yet! I'd like to one day post speed builds and speed renders, I just need to figure out my recording process (I tab out of what I'm doing so often that I feel like the editing would take a million years for me to remove all of my discord chats lmfao)
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I feel like my actual sims style hasn't changed too much, except that I've incorporated a lot more maxis mix/alpha into my style, but that's mostly for rendering and not actual gameplay.
21. What’s your Origin ID? SalemsSims! I have a few CC-free builds on the gallery (:
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? This is an impossible question to answer. I love so many for gameplay vs render resources.
23. How long have you had a simblr? I just legit checked cause I wasn't sure and it turns out I've been shitposting since 2019! Who knew!? lmao
24. How do you edit your pictures? I'm lucky enough to mooch off my dad's photoshop license. For renders and screenshots alike, I'll edit the brightness, contrast, levels and curves and then use a collection of PS actions/tweaking/blur/vignettes etc as necessary to get the effect I want.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? It's really hard to say... I've been excited for each one of them then disappointed in each one of them lmfao what a mood. I gotta say I was really pleasantly surprised by Werewolves, and HSY exceeded my expectations, even though both had their fair share of disappointments. I don't think I really have a favorite overall though (which is def a side effect of... not actually playing the game, lmao). But those two actually got me playing the game and that's saying something.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Oops I own them all so, whatever comes next that strikes my fancy. Idk how I feel about the horse rumors though... we'll see if it's actually good or just another disappointment.
Tagging @chaoticsimlish, @reality-refuge, @raiiny-bay, @glammoose, @buttertrait, @crsentfairy, @glittermutt, @crazy-lazy-elder-sims & anyone else who wants to do this! My brain turns into a goldfish whenever it's time to tag so pls don't be offended if I didn't tag you!
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rinbowaman · 10 months
<3 lol! thank you! i'm glad the last chapter of DT got you feeling some type of way, it was a good chapter. i was pleasantly surprised by how many reblogs it got just over night, which makes me pleased bc i love seeing my work spread out, it gives me hope that many other people will like it and help me create more content. and i love writing smut, it really is fun bc it adds excitement. like writing can sometimes be a drag, but writing smut never gets boring bc there are so many dang ways you can describe and outline the scene, it makes it fun. not to mention i'm sure yall enjoy it ;)
and yes, heethan....actually all my hee-leads are pretty much inspired by myself. like i often think to myself "if i was a dude and in this situation that i'm drafting, how would i react? what would i do?" and that's usually how i end up drafting out the male characters. ofc a bit of inspiration comes from the man himself, the real HS, so certain attributes (aside from his looks and features) but like heethan's ability to dance and do sports, that all is based off the real HS. also the obsession, that's kind of based off the vibe i got from the real HS. to put quite frankly, when i learned who enhypen was and when i first watched their videos and saw their photos, i just got this vibe that the real HS would be the type that would be somewhat obsessed and possessive of his partner. so i just used my gut feeling and expanded that to make the hee-leads as insane yandere lovers. i dont htink the real HS is yandere but i do get this vibe that he would be the type to be somewhat clingy and territorial with his loved one.
i actually love this topic bc i never really got the chance to go into great detail about the hee-leads and how they are created, much less the y/ns. so if you guys want to know more, see below the line for all the details on my y/n and heelead inspirations ;)
for heeleads, they are all based off me in a sense like...their reactions to y/n. all their reactions to y/n is based off my initial reaction i had with a girl that i met at the college i enrolled in, during orientation. now i myself am straight, but i can appreciate beauty when i see it. and the y/n i saw...she was actually in her last year of college at the time and was finishing up...so i assume she was around 23 or 24, so older than me, but she was gorgeous. her hair, her skin, her voice, just...everything. she took my breath away, and it was funny bc i heard about her before seeing her, and i just kind of thought ppl were just hyping her up for no reason but when i saw her i was legit like "whoooooooa." so my reaction was used as inspiration for the heeleads in that aspect, especially heethan. everything else as far as their character is a mixture of "what would i do?" and the vibe i got from real HS, not to mention, adding the yandere influence and traits that are somewhat common in the yandere community. that's the biggest challenge, is to outline their traits as insanely obsessive, possessive, sadistically loving lovers. like i want them to be insanely in love with you guys to the point where the selfishness is wrong but its like....sexy at the same time. bc of how much they want and need you.
now for the y/ns....you know it's so hard to leave the y/n's less descriptive bc i so badly want to describe each one of them in great detail but in order to do that, i'd have to know the attributes of all my readers bc my y/n's really are based off of you all. like i do know its' common for most writers to insert their own image, personality, or their own traits as the y/n, which i find that to be a big no-no as a writer. i feel like if you insert yourself as the main lead when creating, it kind of takes away from the readers in allowing them to fit into the story. so when it comes to the y/ns and who inspires me, it became way easier to imagine a y/n once i got to know my readers and some of them even have PM'd me selfies (just to show love) and it kind of motivates me to draft the chapters and outline y/n's. most of the time, i leave y/ns just a blank face and with somewhat a dull personality bc i dont want to get too narrow with her. i want you all to fit the y/ns. that's the hardest part of drafting the stories tbh. i think the only times i've kind of maybe inserted myself with the y/ns is like....their reactions, like "what would i do if i was her in this situation." so like for instance, when y/n in HHP got kidnapped, I thought to myself "how would i feel? what would i do? would i cry? would i go into shock?" just to try and bring some life in her emotions and personality.
I will say the only y/n that i might of inserted myself a little bit more, as far as sense of style, would be the MT y/n. just the style, like her accessories and attire. so that y/n probably reflected me the most just because when i outlined her outfits, they literally were outfits that i do have or maybe my mom has that i really want to wear....but she wont let me lol. my mom is a fashionista. also heethan's y/n, the bond she has with her dad was influenced by the bond i have with my dad, i placed that in there bc i wanted to include heartfelt moments of y/n with her family, but i also wanted to do the same towards her mother, which is why in DT, the y/n has that similar bond with her mom, so that way i can try to expand the fitting concept to all readers, bc some of you all may be closer to your mom or your dad. i was fortunate to have a tight knit bond with both of mine.
each series has a y/n that will be different from the next so that it can appeal to the wide variety of readers i have. as far as her appearances, i just always have a blank face, although the one thing that is consistent, is that for some reason, my mind always imagines the y/n's (all of them) with longer hair....which is weird bc i personally think that real HS would actually prefer shorter hair (like shoulder length or mid chest length) but for some reason my y/n's always pop up with like really long hair and i have no idea why. probably bc i can imagine the heeleads playing and running their fingers through their hair. that might have been inspired by my cousin, she has super long hair..like mermaid long. its down to her lower waist and its beautiful. I would always watch her swinging it over the arm of a couch and my family members playing with it, so that's probably why i always imagine the y/ns with longer hair. lol.
as far as her personality, again, its dull bc all my readers have different personalities, so i want them to dictate the y/n based off their own traits. to a degree, i will add some personality traits to them. so like heethan's y/n is a gentle, carefree, kind, very submissive and nurturing (good girl next door) type. while MT y/n is immortal, and she's older and her personality type is very witty, smart, a bit standoffish bc of her secret, but caring and just kind of a loner type. she has lots of trust issues bc of her secret lineage.
Heelel's y/n is one that has lots of prospects in life, follows her own gut instinct, and is just one of those that strays from the herd type, as evident in the series. she is confused by the entire events of the cult while she watches her friends and family joining it, but doesn't become influenced to join, which is why she never became a part of the cult. heelel's y/n is just one of those "i'm going to do me" types.
Heebros y/n is kind of like a career gal, she is driven and has lots of potential to be a very successful person, not to mention she's got kind of a slight bit of boldness and attitude to her persona, as seen when she introduced kurt to the parents and the brothers at the wedding.
Heeler's y/n, as you can see so far, is a very calm, no drama type. She's very kind and is the sympathetic type, and will do anything to help others. she's a very nice and quiet type of girl. in fact, all the y/n's are pretty much the quiet types lol.
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I think the one thing that kind of shows how DC’s attempt to make Cass and Lady Shiva less racist has failed was that people still just refers to Cass as just an asian woman. Aside from me, i legit don’t even think anyone else knows or cares that Cass is Chinese. And I don’t say this as blaming other people because to put it frankl, I don’t even think DC gives a shit seeing as their attempt to confirm what ethnicity Shiva and by extension Cass is was really bad. The closest DC has ever gotten to confirming Shiva and Cass’s ethnicity was in the 2019 run of Batman and the Outsiders where ra's al ghul uses a weapon to destroy a chinese Village that was specified to be where Shiva was from. The issue with this is two fold:
The first issue is that just being from a chinese village does not mean that Shiva herself has to be chinese. IT’s complicated but the TLDR of it is that Shiva could very well be a non ethnic chinese person living in china, there’s a lot of non chinese minorities that have lived in china and is recognized by the chinese government. Or she could be apart of one of the various groups of ethnic chinese people living outside of china, like Chinese indonesian for example. This throwaway detail feels like DC just realized having two of their major asian characters just be vague asians is racist and so they decided to try and actually give them a ethnicity beyond “Asian” but then they actual efforts just did not work. It still ends up being vague to the point of meaninglessness. The second issue is that this whole thing just feels like a throwaway and not a serious attempt to explore the heritage of either character. Nothing about either characters has changed, and as far as I know there’s  nothing about Cass trying to reconnect with her heritage or anything. At the end of the day, they’re both still just vague asian characters. I guess i just keep on obsessing with Cass as being Chinese because she is prob the closest i will have to a chinese woman in DC. The only other Chinese heroes in DC who are chinese that I know of is Peng Deilan who afaik is just gone from the DC universe, and Mother of Champions,who i think is god awful and i hope whoever created them never works again.  Maybe there will be more chinese women in the House of Ji, but considering the only good chinese characters in DC so far has all been at the hands of Gene Luen Yang, and that the last time a white person wrote a chinese women it was that atrocity Mother of Champions, I am not going to hold my breath. Hey while i got yall here, does Grant Morrision have a twitter or something? SO i can ask him why for the love of god he thought a good superpower for any woman to have, let alone a chinese woman, was child birth?
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erros429 · 1 year
Excuse me bitch. Why did you not tell me that you had uploaded the last of the chat fic.
ANYWAYS I've read it and YALL 🍳💥🍳💥🍳💥🍳💥🍳💥 ARMIN WANTS TO MARRY EREN 🍳💥🍳💥🍳💥🍳💥🍳💥🍳💥
I am obsessed. I have a huuuuge smile on my face from that, although it feels a little weird since that fic legit formed part of my personality. When I'm feeling spicy I now text like Ymir. Thanks for that
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No because I legit need someone to ask me about my L obsession right now.
If not for my sake do it for my roommates and my mother's sake. I think they're getting sick of hearing about it.
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bangtangalicious · 1 year
I've been putting this off for too long I AM HERE WITH NEXUS THEORIES AND OPINIONS. PARDON THE SPAM. ok first up is PARK JIMIN. Holy fuck. when I reread it I saw all the sneaky hints. I wonder how he found out about or why he's obsessed with yn becauz Taehyung doesn't seem like he was like talking about yn all the time like he doesn't give clingy vibes. In the beginning it sounded like Jimin had another patient. I think it’s NAMJOON or the late chairwoman and maybe that’s how Jimin found out?
hi omg i love this thank you so much <3 i legit love hearing yalls thoughts about these mysteries
you're thinking is def on the right track! jimin does have another patient :) great job picking that up!
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kelppsstuff · 3 months
I had a calling that told me
Adam walking around with lipstick on his face because his wife didn't tell him
It's not even just one kiss, it's a whole barrage of kisses
Surprising how Adam didn't even notice
- sweetheart anon
Kiss me more
Warnings: short, mention of nswf
Taglist: @fandomsbookclub @adamsfavoritesinner @leathesimp @michellesn @sashaphantomhive @ladyninggs @sirenetheblogger @jawline-of-steel
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Adam had a concert that night, and Adam before concerts is just let’s be nice and say a mess. He needed everything to be perfect. It wasn’t like some music video he could edit, no this was live.
As usual you found Adam in his dressing room panicking. He was maskless, and he was groaning to his hands. “You okay honey?” You asked him.
Your only response was a lazy depressing groan. Typical. “Come on, there should be a smile on that handsome face.” You Leaned down beside him.
“It’s all going to go wrong I already know it.” What a great mood to go on stage with!
That’s when you decided to just confront him straight up about his obsession. “No one, and I mean no one is perfect. That’s the beautiful thing about humanity. It’s so flawed that it becomes unique in all the best ways.”
You grabbed the side of his face and brought your forehead to his. “I love that you care so much about this, but I also worry too.”
“I’m fine babe.” He tried to convince but you shut it down.
“I am your wife.” You spoke sternly. “And in three months I’ll be the mother of your children. Don’t lie to me. I think once you let this perfect expectation you have for yourself go, you’ll be much happier.”
Adam smiled at you, your words did make him happier. He brought your lips into a kiss and when you pulled away you giggled at the mark of his lips.
Confused Adam titled his head but you just brought his face in once again and kissed his cheek. His other cheek, neck, forehead, lips, nose.
The announcement for a minute til set rung through the room. You put his mask on and decided to kiss the mask too.
Adam loved the attention you were giving him. Absolutely loved it. In fact you had to pull him away so he could go preform.
Fans went wild. I mean absolutely wild at the fact Adam was smirking cocky at the crowd. When I say wild you legit saw a person foaming at the mouth. You were so concerned for that person.
When Adam sent a wink in your direction you could feel the blush forming at your cheeks. You did have a charmer for a husband.
When the concert was finished Adam went back to the dressing room and waited for you. When he looked into the mirror he saw the red stains on his mask.
He pulled off said mask and saw it was so much worse under. Though he couldn’t find a single ounce of embarrassment in his body. In fact, it sent a thrill like no other.
When you walked into the room his heart was beating 10x faster.
You were cracking your fingers, belly swollen with his like girl that was on the way, your golden ring shining in the light.
You were enchanting and he was so in loved with you it hurt him that he couldn’t show it all. “Kiss me more.”
Don’t think you were going to get away with this though, he was going to punish you like hell.
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Hiiiiiiii sweetheart I hope you enjoyed this! I tried a new picture at the top, kinda like a new style. Lmk if yall like it!
Also I’m sorry it’s so short!
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away-ward · 9 months
Continuation to my prev rant about michaelrikakaibanks bonus scene:
Michael telling rika in corrupt "dont look to anyone to have this" or something like that, only for pd to turn him into a cuckold 😭 i kinda feel bad for him as a character now, because i feel like pd was the one writing him like shit, he just always gets sidelined, and maybe that plays even a little part as to why we hate him so much, just like how we dislike rika. Im pretty sure, at this point it's just pd's fault in writing. They just suck as hell.
It's the fact that michael's rika's partner in everything but he always had to eat her leftovers as if he was just a sidehoe to her. I hate it! What's the whole point of corrupt then? PD could just literally made MichaelRikaKai happen and end that story there like their original plan for a reverse harem to happen in Corrupt as a standalone. This brings me back to a conversation on your blog here about Damon/Will' possibilities of happening and the answer was a big NO because no one can replace Emmy, not even damon (i sleep good at night knowing emmyks always will's priority even above damon in will's life 😌), then leads us to KaiRika's dating possibilities, and I think what you and anon said then finally happens now. Not to spook yall or anything, but Yall kinda jinxed it!!
PD wrote "possessive" men only for them to end up sharing their lovers with everyone, and worse was there was no tags of the story being a poly story like many other romance authors did. Even if this story or dynamics are experimental, they should've been mentioned way before all these happening. PD pulled the riverdale poly ending for michaelrikakaibanks, and for what? No one writes their MMCSs and FMCs worse than PD so far. And all because they favour that terrorist rapist ass hoe damon? And that self-insert, dull as a block rika? 🙄
And i hate that kai would give into rika, but not alex. Alex wanted to fuck banks, but she can't because he doesnt share banks, but why can rika have her then? Literally, no other excuse than pd being obsessed with horny taboo ass fetishes and wanting to make sure the readers know that that if there's one woman in this world that kai will be with other than banks, it's definitely rika. I never saw it this way but i feel like Kai's one of those guys that will actually marry a second wife and not admit that he likes it 🙄 how surprising, because he's the last character with a personality written like that, should be acting like this. I hate it!!!
PD's new bonus made me lose all respect to them as a writer, made me pity michael (pitying michael!?), disliking rika even more, pitying the fuck out of banks she literally cant catch a damn break, and hating kai. Idk, this series really left a bad taste in my mouth. This bonus is like an extension of that rika fight in conclave, so fucking unnecessary, and as usual, PD's just so dissapointing. What was going on through their head honestly??? I feel so angry because this means only DamonWinter and WillEmmy's love for their partners are the only legit ones in the whole series, at least, monogamously. The series were already shit with the plot and characters, now it just got worse with the dynamics. All that michael's sweet talk in corrupt and conclave to rika, and kai's assurance for banks in hideaway were ruined because of this bonus scene.
Devils Night Series at this point, is just Fall Away + Credence 2.0 + p*rnhub
When i first read nightfall, i remember MOSTLY thinking that alex/emmy and will/damon scenes were mainly WLW and MLM fetishes. Other readers kept on telling me that that wasnt all there was to it to these relationships and those sex scrnes, and while i agree to a certain extend that maybe they're not just fetishes and they could mean something more for these characters, look at what happens now? Am i not right? And lets not forget the target audience for this series is for WOMEN, ADULTGROWN WOMEN, and NOT FOR QUEER PEOPLE. So It IS mainly a big perverted fetish by now, if it wasn't then. Because if this wasn't queer sex fetish for these horny women, then what it? Everytime dmaon/will or even alex/emmy or banks/rika hookup, there will always be the other opposite sex being entertained and sometimes even get off to them, be it that the one being entertained were either DN readers, or the characters in the DN universe. We queer people cant catch a fucking break. I fucking hate itttttttttt. PD's braindead fans cant defend them anymore, pd'll never get out of these siblings & queer sex fetish allegations i fear, not like they ever cared, they'll just write worse, because "no ONe TeLls mE WHAt to WriTE" 🙄
At this point, it's really better for me to just stay away from dark romances, especially PD, because these Dark romance writers are just NOT IT. They'll never fight their allegations out of their weird ass trenches i swear. From damon's romanticised and infantilised arc, to the plot, to the characterisation, to the assault and crimes and all the unnecessary incestous plotlines between banks damon rika, and then the out of touch with reality to the point of utmost stupidity of the whole revenge thing, then the misogyny from male and EVEN female characters here, then weak men abusing women and gaslighting them, and rebranding them as women empowerment, then this. This fucking binus and THIS FUCKING QUEER PEOPLE FETISH. fuck pd honestly. Idgaf anymore someone needs to knock some sense into them. Because aside from writing all of that, the biggest problem was that pd and their hardcore friends always seem to live in a weird bubble and rebranding their ahit to look nicer as if they dont stink? Ohmygod look, pd and pendragons literally sound like the horsemen! Shocking!
Maybe DN is my first darkrom so that's why i fell so strongly about it, but ohmygod, this series is just so exhausting, and whatnot with its cult followers, especially on twitter 😭 those booktwt devils night were part time bullies too. Thank god you've never been on DN side's of booktwt KO, they're all always so mean, always namecalling people out of nowhere just because they were against assault (against assaulters!!), being bullies and horny af 24/7 over disgusting things damon do, making jokes about it too as if rika still wasn't suffering from damon's actions in conclave. It's good that you're just here minding your own business because let me tell you, booktwt is not wort it. Booktok too, but booktok is only a tad better. The amount of cringe ass accounts on twitter i've seen acting like theyre the horsemen or cowgirls, or acting as if thunder bay is their home is something else!!! Not to mention the emory hate? Banks hate? And they also come Even from big booktwt DN accounts too! I feel like this series was worth my read, only so that i know now which authors, books and fandom to avoid in the future.
I've always been familiar with stan and fandom culture, and now i'm reminded why i can never last long in it because of things like these. Apart from my interest gradually decreasing, the fandom and author experience were just trash tbh. Ngl, i always pray that your blogs wont be found out by booktwt because the amount of hate theyre (big booktwt dn accounts) gonna give us just because we dont like their favs (FOR VALID CONCERNING REASON TOO, not even petty ones). As much as i love to see your fics been read by others, i hope they only stay with the sane ones 🤞 so far dn tumblr accounts have been nothing but reactions, fics, chill and memes, so i hope it'll stay that way always, like booktwters can take their shit ass opinions to booktwt, let me have book tumblr to myself god!!! 😭
Sorry, at this point it's just useless rants, so i'm ipending this here.
That was such a mess, wasn't it. Michael's always been soft when it comes to giving Rika what she wants, and I think that's probably what he meant. He'll be possessive in the idea that no one else can keep her, but if she wants to touch and be touched, he'll let that happen too. He's still the one making the call, which is why Banks asks him for permission.
But still. I hated it.
then leads us to KaiRika's dating possibilities, and I think what you and anon said then finally happens now. Not to spook yall or anything, but Yall kinda jinxed it!!
Haha, right. I did say it could only happen if both of their partners are dead, so even I couldn’t have predicted this would surface. But again, I’m not surprised by the situation itself. There was one line in Nightfall that told me all I needed to know about how these people were going to function going forward.
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"Winter will consider it cheating if she's not here, too."
Based on that alone, I figured these people would continue hooking up with each other whenever they felt the desire to do so. They have their Partner, but as long as their Partner is there/okay with what’s happening, it’s all good. My surprise was that it took more than ten years for it to happened (I thought it was happening the entire time), and that PD hadn’t dropped the notion that the sun rises and sets with Rika Fane. Not only is it still being pushed, but now it’s being pushed through Banks. That was what I was frustrated about.
PD pulled the riverdale poly ending for michaelrikakaibanks, and for what? No one writes their MMCSs and FMCs worse than PD so far.
Funnily enough, I just watched Dylan is in Trouble’s reaction to Riverdale’s first and last episode, and when he got to that scene his reaction was basically the same as mine to the bonus scene. I thought it was the perfect coincidence.
And doesn’t hate that kai would give into rika, but not alex. Alex wanted to fuck banks, but she can’t because he doesn’t share banks, but why can rika have her then?
That’s a really good point! And it got me wondering about where the line was for them. Is it just the four main couples are involved in this “sharing” or do Alex and Aydin get an invite? I imagine the girls would want Alex to join, but if their Partner needs to be there/approve, then that would include Aydin and I can’t imagine any of the guys wanting to include him. We know canon that Kai and Michael have shared before Rika, so this break down is in line with that. And the same for Damon and Will. But I can’t imagine any scenario where Damon is willing to bring in Aydin, so that means any sharing that involves Alex can only be with Willemmy, but we’ve been there, done that.
But again. What do I know. Maybe Kai and Michael are a lot more open that I think they are.
make sure the readers know that that if there's one woman in this world that kai will be with other than banks, it's definitely rika.
Again, it’s this pushing that Rika too amazing to resist, and the only reason Damon didn’t get a go is because they discovered their related. It’s irritating because it really does circumvent the idea that their partner is the one for them. It gives the idea that their partner is the one for them because Rika isn’t available (Will’s excluded from this because I don’t recall a time when he’s ever shown actual interest in Rika that way. His heart has been Emory’s since he was 14 and nothing will change that.)
made me pity Michael (pitying Michael!?)
oh the horror. I can understand why this is disturbing.
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When i first read nightfall, i remember MOSTLY thinking that alex/emmy and will/damon scenes were mainly WLW and MLM fetishes.
One, I don’t know enough to argue fetish vs kink, but I know PD is queer themselves, so to me it just seemed they wrote what they would be interested in reading. If you think it’s wrong that they are anyone else are interested in that content, it’s fine, but it’s the readers responsibility not to engage. Idk, I’ve never gotten mad at an author for writing something I don’t approve of, even morally. I just avoid consuming it for my own sanity. But I know you’re not alone in this sentiment for either DN or other works, so who am I to say.
At this point, it's really better for me to just stay away from dark romances, especially PD, because these Dark romance writers are just NOT IT.
 From what you write after this, I would say, yeah you probably won’t have a good time with Dark Romance. I don’t think I’ve ever read a dark romance where the ML doesn’t to something irreprehensible and feels no need to apologize or redeem himself, or the narrative excuses it some way. Misogyny and abuse are prevalent throughout the genre, as well as sex and relationships that are outside the norm.
If DN is you’re first dark rom, then I definitely wouldn’t go deeper than this. As far as content goes, there’s so much darker stuff. But I will say for some, writing makes a big difference, so maybe you’ll find a writer you enjoy more. Again, though, if it’s the content that’s bothering you, I’d stay away.
For me personally, I don’t venture into dark roms too often. I tried a lot of the popular series when I had the KU trial, but not a lot drew me in. And I’ve already discussed what it was about DN that caught me, so I won’t go over it again. Just know it’s not for everyone and that’s fine. Find where you’re line is and stay on the side you enjoy so that you have a good time.
this series is just so exhausting, and whatnot with its cult followers, especially on twitter
DN is exhausting. From it’s plot to it’s characters, it’s not hard to understand what’s going on but trying to figure out the why takes so much effort sometimes, and it usually just goes back to “PD wanted the vibes, that’s all.” Which, okay fine, but I’m struggling to fine a reason within the context of the story and that’s where I’m getting frustrated.
I need context and good characterization. And I’m super easy to please. The characters can do just about anything, if it makes sense, and I’ll be fine.
Fortunately for me, this has been my only interaction with other fans, so it's been pretty good so far.
those booktwt devils night were part time bullies too. Thank god you've never been on DN side's of booktwt KO
Oh, I’m not worried about them. I think they’ll probably stick to their preferred socials. I used to worry that PD would find my blog, but I have no indication they’ve traveled this far away from FB, Twt, Insta, and Tiktok. Which is funny, because tumblr used to be the fandom site. It makes sense that they think Banks is the most hated in that case.
In my personal experience, it’s a lot easier to remain excited about a series if you can find people to talk to about it who are likeminded. Even if it’s a small group, it’s usually enough. I do wish more people created content for the series to share and gush over, even if it’s not what I personally want. I can also understand people who close the last page and never want to think about it again. Sometimes I feel the same way about DN.
Tumblr is a pretty chill place most of the time because you can just block people, even anons. It’s can be easy to ignore hate or avoid interacting with different sides of a fandom. I’ve never been on anything other than Insta and at this point it’s been a long time since then, so I don’t know how easy it is to cultivate your experience over there, but it’s probably why I prefer tumblr so much and never felt the need to leave or try a different site.
Anyway, you’re free to rant. I totally hear you and get where you’re coming from.
Take care, KO
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maknaesdancersrappers · 11 months
u were seriously not joking about how shit is about to go down now 🙃 you cant leave us hanging now like this is tooooooooo intense i’m legit scared
thank u to kun’s mom for being honest omg 🙏🏼 also im not gonna lie im kinda team kun right now 🤭 if shit will go down w jaehyun i hope she rekindles w kun but i doubt that will happen with how powerful jaehyun’s family is like the fact that they did THAT is crazy scary to think that they might have done something crazier
i just have two thoughts now like is jaehyun sooo obsessed with yn and since his dad has the same condition, his dad supported him by doing all that to get yn or i think maybe jaehyun is using yn for something i have no idea about anyway im kinda making stuff up now that cliffhanger will be in my head for DAYS im not even kidding
i am kindly requesting that if things end badly i hope you consider giving us (the weak ones LMFAO 😭) an alternative ending hahahahaha
but overall chapter 13 was already pretty intense! i wanna see how stuff unfolds more im sure its SCARIER its not easy writing a thriller story but you did so well! it literally felt like im experiencing the walk inside the apartment i was nervous af💀
lastly, happy birthday rj!!!! drop the gcash number!!!!
honestly i should have thrown in a disclaimer about the dementia because i don't know much about it and hopefully it doesnt trigger anyone (will put a trigger warning after this!!)
but yaaaaaaaaaaaas im so excited for ✨da revelation✨
based on experience, im not gonna write an alternative ending AHAHAHAHA ur just gonna make me play with my food (aka hurt yall more before giving the ending yall really want 😈)
thank you for this dear!! my gcash is in the peach page jk AHAHHAAH
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soggedfrootloops · 2 years
idk if yall believe in ufo’s or aliens but i have an obsession with stars, and me and my mom go on drives a lot, just to drive and relax, sometimes during the night too. and recently we got a new car with a sun roof. so we just went for a nightly drive and we had the sun roof exposed so i can see the sky with the stars. and i’m 100% serious, i saw a lot of ufo’s. like they looked like stars in the sky, they weren’t like close enough for me to see a distinct shape out of them. they were just bright lights in the sky like stars are. 
(lmao this is long btw)
but hear me out. they weren’t planes or satellites, or shooting stars. their flight pattern was so weird, like they’d fly slow kinda like a satellite but then they’d abruptly change direction, and it kept doing that??? and i was baffled just seeing one. but the more i looked at the sky i kept seeing more and more and i’m just sitting here like, “lol what,” LIKE ??? WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHY ARE THERE SO MANY? i’m a mix of in awe, scared, and in a state where i’m just like chillin and i have no idea what to think of this experience lmao.
bruh. i’d say there was at LEAST 5 that i saw; maybe 6. or at least that’s how many i counted via memory. there was a weird set of two of them, i couldn’t tell if they were stars or ufo’s. because i kept staring and i THOUGHT that i kept seeing them individually move, like one was a smaller and a not so bright red “star” and the other one was a normal white looking star. and they would take turns sort of, inching in a direction? like the white one kept sort of moving towards the red one, and the red one would move away from the white one. idk how to describe it v well. they weren’t really close to each other, but they were close enough to be noticeable that you can watch both at the same time without problem. these two were like really still, but i swear they kept like moving a small amount then stop. it was very slight. i legit thought i was seeing things until i got home and i went outside and actually stared at them. they actually were moving, and i think they are associated with each other. like they kept moving in tangent w each other.
like... how am i supposed to take in this experience??? I DON’T EVEN CARE ABOUT UFO STUFF THAT MUCH? but i guess i do when i’m the one that sees them lmao.
like i couldn’t of been the only one to see them where i live, they were so obvious too, like wtf? but then again it was right after a quick storm so maybe no one cared about looking at the sky? also take note that it’s pretty much a full moon out.
LIKE?? ??????? i am confusion. i am also spooketh. but also like, what the fuck? 
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todomitoukei · 3 years
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måneskin really delivered not just Dabi vibes, but LOV vibes too so I had to visualize it for everyone to see
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