#yes i got it in with 3 minutes to spare!!!
kyseya · 18 days
You reap what you sow
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Yandere farm brothers x f.reader
Just your typical luck, your car had suddenly broken down in the middle of nowhere. What will you do now? You can’t stay there, there’s no food or water available. Luckily, you hadn’t run out of recourses just yet but it was very close to being gone.
You stepped out of the car and went around it, staring it down with waves of irritation rolling off you. You tried coming up with a plan. The next stop was miles away and it was nothing but a daydream that you’d be able to make it there on foot.
Right as you were about to give up and let the animals take you, the sound of wheels on gravel caught your attention. Turning around, you saw another car speeding towards you. Yes! You were saved! You waved at the person in the car and luckily enough it stopped. ‘I’m gonna pray it’s not Michael Meyers lost cousin or something.’
The door to the passenger side opened and you spotted a man sitting behind the wheel. He was young, around your age, probably a little older perhaps. He had dark brown hair and equally dark eyes. You instantly noticed a scar below his left eye as you glanced at his face. You had to admit, he was very handsome; in a rugged type of way. You couldn’t help but eye how his plain shirt hugged all the muscles on his body. You mentally slapped yourself, ‘Geez (Y/n), you’re here to ask for help not ogle him like the last piece of cake at the party!’
“Your car broke down?” He asked, looking at the worthless piece of junk that had decided to betray you just minutes ago.
“Yeah, it did.” You scratched the back of your head in slight embarrassment. “I couldn’t trouble you for a ride, could I?” He was quiet for a moment, in which you hastily added, “Not for long! Just so I can get proper help from a mechanic. I won’t be a bother I promise.”
The man nodded. “Alright then, hop in.”
Your eyes lit up at his response. You gladly took a seat beside him and thanked him again for his help. “Thank you so much. You’re literally saving my life.”
He nodded once more. Guess he wasn’t much of a talker. Well not that it mattered much. You’d only stick around until you got to a town and found someone who could fix your vehicle. You didn’t have to be all buddy-buddy with each other. You only had to be happy he didn’t seem to want to kill you and hang your organs like Christmas ornaments. The chance of you meeting again was down to basically zero.
Or that’s what you thought, but life has a funny way of messing with you. It must have a grudge against you or else you wouldn’t be seated in the same position you were previously, only it being about 3 hours later. The drive to the nearest town was long(you definitely wouldn’t have made it by walking) and when you got there, you found out the one mechanic they had was out of town.
You thought you were going to have to spend the night in a bush, but you were pleasantly surprised to have your muscular helper offer a nights stay at his farm. You were grateful(once more) and also confused. Why was he being so nice to you when he didn’t have any reason to? It didn’t make sense. The two of you had just met, plus that you’ve only spoken a number of times and none of the conversations were noteworthy.
It was after you accepted you got to know his name, Weston. It fit him quite well, you thought. He told you there was a spare room you could use. It would be further away from his, to offer you some sort of privacy. He also mentioned there was one other person living on the farm, his younger brother. If he annoyed you, you could just tell him off, Weston said to you.
Your butt was sore from all the sitting, both in your own car but also from this little trip. The sky darkened and the sun had nearly completely disappeared when you finally arrived at the farm. It looked like you imagined. There was a large house which you assumed was the main house. Behind it was a big, red barn. You thought you could hear the faint sounds of animals.
Climbing out of the car, you glanced expectantly at your host, waiting for his initiative. You didn’t want to be rude and march right up to the house. As you were waiting, another figure came into view. He was much like his older brother, with brown hair and eyes to match. He was smiling at the both of you, although you caught a slight suspicion towards you.
“Who’s the new kid?” He asked his sibling, who gave him a rundown of what’s happened. You were a bit annoyed at how he called you ‘kid’, you were very much a grown person. And he’s one to talk, you were sure he was younger than you, even through all that brawn. He wasn’t as tall as Weston but he was no joke either. The younger brother looked at you with sympathy, “Really? Well that’s unfortunate. What’re you gonna do now that the mechanic’s gone- since you need him I’m guessing you don’t exactly know how to fix cars.”
You sighed, “I’m not sure yet. I’ll come up with something tomorrow. I’m too tired from all the driving and thinking.”
“Alright, I get it. I’m Lucas by the way.”
You shook his hand. “(Y/n), and thank you for having me. You’re really saving me here.”
“Haha, well Weston likes to pretend he’s heartless, but he’s really just a giant teddy bear.” Lucas said and smirked as he received a glare from the ‘teddy bear’.
“Come in (Y/n), I’ll show you your room.” Weston led you into the house.
Right as you stepped over the threshold, you felt a slight chill. Something felt wrong. You turned around to see Lucas’ beaming face. He tilted his head in confusion.
“Everything good?” He asked, concern lacing his voice. You’d gotten the impression that he’s a chill guy, but now you started wondering if you’d made the wrong choice.
“N-no, everything’s great!”
There was no turning back now, you thought as you descended deeper into the house.
It was unfortunate that every time you followed one of the brothers into town again, for supplies and other things, the mechanic was never there. Sadly it seemed like his vacation wasn’t over yet which meant no way home for you. However, you didn’t have it so bad. The brothers had been kind enough to let you keep staying with them at their farm.
Honestly it was pretty good there. Sure, it wasn’t what you were used to, but some change of scenery was good for you. Not wanting to appear lazy, you helped them to the best of your ability around the farm. You couldn’t lift heavy things like they could even if you really put your back into it, and you certainly didn’t trust yourself to milk the cows; something you could do was cook! It’d become a routine for them to do their work during the day and you’d make them lunch and then dinner in the evenings. You’d never seen yourself as a homemaker, though this was kind of fun. Maybe it was the heat poking your brain or it was that you genuinely enjoyed their company.
Besides, it was really nice looking out the kitchen window and catching a glimpse of them at work. You weren’t proud, but it did something for you. The way droplets of sweat ran down their backs, not in a gross way though, in an appealing manner. During the instances they took of their shirts, you got a front row seat to see the muscles in action. You now knew Lucas had stone-hard abs and that Weston had a very nice back.
Despite the fun in getting to know both of them individually, there were some things you couldn’t deny making you uncomfortable. For example, there was the curfew. That one had a good explanation; there were wild animals sometimes running around and they didn’t want you to get hurt. That made perfect sense! Though you couldn’t shake off that one time you couldn’t sleep and had gone outside on the porch for some air. You were just relaxing and looking at the bright stars when shouting woke you up more than your insomnia. Lucas had come rushing towards you in panic. He’d frantically asked you what you were doing up. You responded honestly and he slowly calmed down. He said you shouldn’t go out by yourself anymore. If you can’t sleep you can see the stars perfectly from the living room window, or better yet, you can come to one of their rooms instead.
Then there was the room furthest back in the barn. Although it could be excused as well, they told you that’s where they slaughtered the animals. But you could swear you heard something from inside, something that doesn’t sound at all like a cow, a pig or a chicken. Suspicion arose in you, but fear held you in a chokehold and prevented you from investigating. However nice they were to you, there was no way you’d risk pissing them off. Especially since the mechanic still wasn’t back which meant you had no way to escape, if it would be necessary.
Lucas had been right, Weston wasn’t as scary as he seemed in the beginning. Sure, he was a bit rough around the edges but he had sweet moments too. Once during one of your little adventures on the porch, Weston had suddenly appeared by your side, giving you a scare. He apologised and asked why you were out. You were worried he would get angry considering you’d just recently had the ‘no more going out’- conversation with Lucas. To your surprise he chuckled at your nervous demeanor and did not reprimand you. He told you that in his opinion, Lucas was too paranoid for his own good and sometimes didn’t know when to stop. You don’t have to walk on eggshells, though you probably shouldn’t wander off the porch after dark. Better to be safe than sorry, right? Afterwards he declared he’s going to bed before wrapping you in a blanket, you didn’t even notice he had it with him until he turned you into a burrito. He was very sweet in his own way, you realised. From then on you paid more attention to the affection he undoubtedly showed. Sometimes it was hard to see, but it was definitely there.
Lucas on the other hand was more open with his affection; pulling you into hugs, asking about your day, petting your hair. All these thing he did daily. He, too, was incredibly sweet. Sometimes it was hard to comprehend that him and Weston shared DNA. They were so different. The only thing confirming their relation was little things how their eyes lit up the same way or how their smiles were similar(if you were fortunate enough to witness Weston smiling, that is). Lucas also had a protective streak. He constantly worried over your safety and wellbeing. Which was kind of nice, when he wasn’t nagging you about it every five seconds.
You better listen to them. It’s all for your best. Because if you don’t, you might end up walking into the barn, and then you might end up finding the remains of the mechanic you’ve been looking for. And that wouldn’t be very good now, would it?
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kalims · 5 months
⊹ giving them flowers
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premise. no plot we are just giving them flowers cause guys deserve some too <3
content. fluff, mini scenarios, azul turns into a silly nerd (affectionate)
featuring. jamil, sebek, riddle, azul.
note. actually accidentally posted this yesterday and got a heart attack (also an actual consistent posting schedule...?)
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jamil gives you a look.
he spares a long stare at the bouquet you clutch between your hands, wearing an awfully cheeky grin that's chipping off the scold in his throat. "how many times have I told you this?" he deadpans.
but from the obvious fact that you're holding it. it's not like jamil can do anything about it.
"you don't buy flowers for yourself," he says firmly. I'm supposed to be the one getting them for you. he would like to add.
"they're a waste of madol?" you tilt your head.
he answers immediately. "no, just—" jamil's eye twitches like he's trying his hardest to keep something. "don't,"
perhaps he's being a little too blunt but it makes him upset. is he really messing up in gift giving to the extent where you have to buy something for.. yourself? and jamil is pretty sure gifts are called as such for a reason.
and that they're from, or gifted to another person.
you chuckle in your fist, but he continues to ramble; "also it's hard to care for flowers when you don't know much, i don't want you to—"
"jamil hon, my baby, the apple of my eye, the love of my life, they're for you,"
you say simply, and watch in amusement when his moments stutter before they stop to a complete freeze.
a furious wave of heat crawls up on his back but he's praying frantically. now is not the time. he seethes.
... he just tripped over his words.
jamil reluctantly accepts the flowers after you've finished laughing your ass off, and the only thing in his mind is the love.
okay maybe he should pick up a book about caring for flowers. do they even survive in the harsh conditions of scarabia?
whatever he'll make it work.
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you should've expected this.
despite your arm honestly starting to tremble under the stress of holding it out for about 2 minutes straight now, you still attempt a smile—although strained. wouldn't want sebek to find it an unfriendly gesture.
even though he probably already thinks that anyways.
you don't want to color sebek in a way that shows that his only personality is being suspicious to everyone, and of course. the dearest young master he adores. (seriously though it's a little concerning, and you're kinda jealous.)
sebek stares at the bouquet in your hand with scrutinizing eyes, as if to say non-verbally: 'what is this'.
you sigh when he just stares at it like it's a bomb. "it's flowers." you deadpan.
sebek pursues his lips, looks away before looking back. "I can see that!" he says like he wasn't wearing a face that made you think you had to explain. but he just crosses his arms and falls silent with a huff. "for the young master, yes?'
he pauses. "I can atleast acknowledge your gesture, human!"
was that supposed to be good? you weren't given the chance to explain because he continues again; "though I will have to make sure that these aren't anything the young master is allergic to." he nods to himself, as though proud for being so thoughtful.
your eye twitches. you're a little surprised that he didn't even imply that it could be possibly a bomb inside to try and assassinate them.. but you notice a slight tense-ness to his demeanor.
you know cause he's huffed about 5 times in the past 1 minute, he's looked away and he's very clearly sneaking peaks at your hand.
—then he huffs to himself! then it repeats.
"I will take them to the young master at once!" he announces with his loud volume, stepping forward to grab it from you but you ultimately beat him. you're just praying he doesn't find you 10x more suspicious the moment you had wrenched it back to yourself with surprising strength you didn't know you had.
even he looked surprised!
"no, sebek.." you heave. "they're not for malleus, they're for you."
he didn't have the heart to correct the way you addressed the young master before he dutifully exploded.
he's shaking away from you with a wobbling, agape mouth. he could only open and close them dumbly, not beir capable to let a word out.
you suppose he was too speechless because he didn't even say anything when you happily pushed the bouquet to his chest like nothing happened.
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for someone who's most diligent in studying, you'd think riddle would be able to catch on easily on the gist of your actions.
but he just blinks when you hold out your hand. pretty gray eyes trained on the bouquet of red roses in your grasp, then onto your face with inquisitive question apparent with the raise of his brow.
"we have plenty of roses in our gardens." he says, as though like giving him... these is the most bizarre phenomenon in his life.
it seems like he feels the need to add. "we grow them."
you smile, the sweet thing awfully tight on your face. "they're for you," you explain. a little perturbed that you need to in the first place, but it's riddle so you sorta understand?
riddle squints. "why?"
you blank. "like... like a gift, for you? you know. cause I want to."
then as if the slowness of the processing going on in his brain gradually speeds up. it's obvious he's probably realized the implications of your little gift from the jolt, then widened eyes who stare in disbelief.
riddle gulps. "for, me?" he asks stupidly.
your raised brows say yes.
it's almost hilarious when he accepts them gratefully and stares at them like you just sprouted a literal white rose from the ground, wrapped it in some fancy plastic, and then handed it to him with a smile.
silence ensues again. riddle notices, screeches in his head to do something about it except he can't, cause his mind seems to be broken right now and he can't exert any words but a stammer.
and he'd really like to relearn how to speak because you're fidgeting on the spot, clearly nervous by his silence.
"sorry," you chuckle. "um.. it's just red roses, not white, or blue, or pink—"
"no!" he blurts out far too quickly. hands stretched out in the air a little as though reaching out to stop you but then stiffly staying by his side. riddle clears his throat. "I mean... this is... very important to me."
you look like you don't really believe him cause he was going off about roses in his dorm before.
he flushes, away from your gaze. "because its from you."
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you can barely see azul.
or gauge out his reaction if it's supposed to be good or bad, because you can barely even see his eyes from all the sudden sheen of white over it. did all the smoke in the room just gravitate over his glasses conveniently or something?
you can spot the joints in his fingers twitching but oddly enough he remains stiff in front of you. uncharacteristically silent, which wouldn't really lead to good things.
"hello?" with your free hand, devoid of any flowers with the power of freezing a person. you wave it in front of his face which seems to have done a pretty good job with snapping him out of whatever trance he's in.
the glasses slip down the bridge of his nose but he fixes them at record speed. admittedly with clammy fingers.
azul coughs. "thank you very much." he clutches them tighter, pursuing his lips.
"I know octavinelle is not the best place for warmer places," he starts and a flash of confusion on your face is something he misses. "but I will manage it and find an accommodation for these, around 34 or 35 degrees."
your brows furrow. what.
"hmm yes... a nice vase, I'll use the most pure water there is." he rants. "then I'll fill it up with two thirds of its container and make sure it lives healthy."
that's... concerning.
"I'll have jade clean it regularly." he says and you're honestly more scared for the flowers. "I cannot trust floyd either so I'll trim it by two centimeters at the right angle occasionally when it dries."
he says all that, with a pink face.
you awkwardly stand there taking in azuls apparent plans on how to ensure the lifespan of your 'thoughtful' gift will be extended as far as he can help in to commerce your honor.
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planete777 · 9 months
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( lando norris x fem!reader ft. oscar piastri )
read part 1!
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IN WHICH. after months of radio silence, y/n and lando go trending for the same thing again... but this time, it's not only them.
WARNINGS. 18+, MINORS DNI!, non consensual explicit video leaked, sexual descriptions, twitter environement, mentions of getting high (as per), very self indulgent so just sit back and enjoy
NOTE. it's finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've answered your requests, i hope you guys like it. my back aches from doing this so im gonna knock myself out lol. anyways, last fic for a few weeks, but i'll still be online/idle so u can still drop by my inbox if u want. okay ill let u go now bye and enjoy!!!!!
‧₊˚✩彡 taglist @laciijane @ferrarrigirl @norrizzandpia @mimi-luvzyu @multifandomwhore-003 (use askbox if you'd like to be added!)
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 789,331 others
yn_ln life lately <3
landonorris literally obsessed with you
landonorris love the last picture who's that on the left -> yn_ln what happened to being obsessed with me :((( -> landonorris sorry 😅 i mean the left. -> user 😭
user oscar cameo!!!!! OSCAR!!! CAMEO!!!
user i want both of them!!11!!1!1! i can take both of you!!!! -> user so real
user couple goals.... brb just setting up the toaster and the bath
oscarpiastri picture 2.... minutes before disaster -> landonorris disaster??? i found it pretty entertaining -> yn_ln i'm still recovering 🤭 -> user CARE TO SHARE??? I WANNA KNOW!!! -> user yn girlie............ let's gossip -> yn_ln no can do luv xx 😌
oscarpiastri anyways i look so good -> yn_ln humble yourself babe x -> landonorris what she said ^ -> user don't listen to them oscar, you do love good ❤ -> oscarpiastri trust me, i know 😏
lily_mhe loved going out with u bby <3 -> yn_ln yes!! we should do it again.... without the boys 😒 -> alexalbon uhm wow -> landonorris i need to get used to sharing the loml </3 -> oscarpiastri lol -> yn_ln 🤭
user she's so pretty "$%$£"£$(!"£$
user why are they being so cryptic 😩 -> user they wanna kill me
user 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 -> user i've got so many questions
user lily and y/n are for the girlies xx sorry i do not make the rules -> yn_ln speak it!!! -> lily_mhe yup!!
maxfewtrell no pic creds?? -> yn_ln i can give donations? -> user LMAOAOAO -> user max being bullied pt 2838474
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liked by yn_ln, oscarpiastri and 1,302,811 others
landonorris ♾
yn_ln look at us trending for the second time in 2 months 😝 -> landonorris ikr such icons -> oscarpiastri quite fun tbh -> user 😭 -> user u lot realllyyyyy dgaf and i love that for you
oscarpiastri i give the best cuddles ik -> landonorris u also give the best 🧠 -> yn_ln AND WHAT ABT ME? -> landonorris oh yeah... ig -> user what the fuck is going on??? 😭 -> user in broad daylist insta comments
user im surprised he didn't post a lil snippet on ig like yn did last time -> user literally 💀 -> user he wants us to have the full experience on twt fr
carlossainz55 im begging u, plz no more -> alexalbon 🙏 -> charlesleclerc 🙏 -> georgerussell 🙏 -> pierregasly 🙏 -> yukitsunoda 🙏 -> danielricciardo 🙏 -> lewishamilton 🙏 -> user they are going THROUGH IT!! -> landonorris we'll think abt it
user surprised, but not disappointed
yn_ln no more 🐱 for u! -> landonorris NO. U CAN'T DO THIS TO ME. -> user he survives purely off of the kitty cat. i support the hustle -> oscarpiastri spare the man 🙏 -> yn_ln nah he can just watch -> oscarpiastri fine by me
user foursome?? -> user join the line
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okaylikeschaewon · 16 days
Photographer: Part 3
~10k words, IU, smut, deepthroating, sex, anal, rough, degrading
Disclaimer: this fic is a bit more on the intense side compared to the rest of the series. It's a bit rough, and it's quite vulgar/demeaning.
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“I’m fucked,” IU gasped as she caught glimpse of herself in the mirror. “Why would you get it in my hair?”
“No way you’re blaming me,” you retaliated while pulling your pants up.
“Yes I am,” IU snapped back with that sexy sharpness to her voice that you’ve come to adore so much in recent times. “And stop that, keep them off.”
“Babe, you have a meeting in ten minutes.”
“Did I fucking stutter?” she scowled as she used a tissue to wipe her hair.
IU really was a sight to behold, standing there sporting nothing but a purple hair tie on her wrist, head tilted slightly while she tried feebly to bring her hair back to a respectable state - quite the insurmountable task in your humble opinion. She didn’t even bother sparing you a glance in the mirror, entirely focused on making herself presentable. Eventually she gave up, realizing it was futile, and finally turned around to give you some proper attention.
“What? Are you just going to stand there?” IU scoffed, crossing her arms and glaring at you, it almost felt like she was stabbing you with her sassiness.
“You’re the one who said you have a meeting,” you replied, walking up to IU, wrapping an arm around her body and slapping her ass hard, making her whole body jolt. Her expression, however, remained indignant. “Tell me. What do you want?” you asked, squeezing her ass hard.
“I want you to actually fuck me,” IU whispered into your face. “And don’t cum in my hair this time.”
“I’ll cum wherever the fuck I want,” you whispered right back at her before grabbing her head with your hands and forcing her down onto her knees.
She dropped down, barely putting up any resistance - her own subtle way of telling you that she wanted this treatment. By the time you pushed her face towards your cock, she had already opened her mouth wide, giving you easy access. You shoved your entire cock into her mouth, pressing her nose firmly against your crotch until you could feel your cock stiffen to its full size.
It didn’t take long for the blood to rush into your cock while it was inside IU’s mouth, her lips stretching from the size. As your cock grew, you could feel IU naturally pushing back, struggling with your size, but you refused to give her any form of reprieve. You held the back of her head firm, pushing your cock as deep as physically possibly down her throat. She was gagging slightly, but you didn’t care at all. Even as her saliva began flooding out of the corners of her lips, you held her mouth to your cock.
IU didn’t get to escape your cock when she wanted to, she only got to take it out when you let her. It wasn’t until she looked like she was on the verge of passing out, tears of struggle spilling from her eyes, that you finally let go of her head and released your cock. She began violently coughing, spitting absurd amounts of saliva out of her mouth onto the floor, hunched over on all fours.
“Up,” you commanded, pulling her up to her feet by her hair. “Hurry up, this is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
“It is,” IU coughed in front of you before you turned her around and bent her over the dresser.
“You’re going to be late for your meeting,” you said while rubbing your cock against her pussy.
“It’s a bargaining technique, make them sweat a bit,” she explained, staring at you in the mirror over her shoulder.
“Maybe I should make you sweat a bit,” you teased, moving your cock away from her pussy.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” IU hissed. “Hurry up and fuck me before I leave.”
“Leave,” you called her bluff.
“Fine,” she huffed, turning around to face you.
Before she could even take a step, you picked her up and tossed her onto the dresser. You stepped between her legs, forcing them apart, and shoved your cock into her. As soon as your cock entered her warmth, you started thrusting. Your hips moved in a steady rhythm, in and out, in and out, squishing her soft pussy, stretching her out. An act you don’t think you could ever physically get tired of.
“I knew you couldn’t- resist,” IU moaned, emphasizing that last word, leaning back onto her hands, pushing her pussy towards you, giving you even better access to fuck her.
“How could I, you’re IU after all,” you grunted, shoving your hips forward with pure carnal intention.
Her tits bounced up and down with each thrust, calling out to you, begging for you to grab them. The soft squeeze of her chest wasn’t enough for you though, your body yearned for more, IU needed to be experienced in every way. You shoved your face forward and put her nipple in your mouth. By genuine mistake - thanks to how fucking distracting her pussy was - you accidentally bit down harder than intended on the little nub.
“Ow! What the fuck!” IU screamed, placing her hand on her tit.
“I’m so-”
“I didn’t fucking tell you to stop,” she cut you off. “Keep fucking going.”
Your hips reacted before your brain and began pumping into her tight pussy again. She really was so tight. She began squealing, crying out softly, screaming about how ‘fucking close’ she was getting. You kept going as fast as you could, this went on for minutes, the sound of skin slapping on skin echoing in the room - anyone outside the room would be able to hear IU getting the life fucked out of her, and she clearly did not care.
“Yes baby, keep fucking going,” IU cried out, completely overwhelming the sounds of your grunts with her voice. “I’m going to fucking cum, don’t fucking stop!”
“I won’t,” was all you could huff back as you were starting to sweat with exertion.
It was getting difficult, your body was starting to go numb, your vision getting hazy, your own orgasm nearing already. Yet IU’s pussy was giving your cock all the energy it needed to keep pumping into it. You were silently begging for IU to cum already, pushing yourself physically to keep going - if it didn’t feel so damn good you would have been done by now.
“I’m close,” you gasped, unsure if IU even heard you.
She had her eyes shut tight, face squinted in pure ecstasy.
“Fucking cum already,” she cried out, rubbing her clit rapidly with her hand. “Fuck-”
Greed took over, she was just too pretty. You just needed to cum in her mouth - something you’ve taken an intense liking for recently. It didn’t matter how much she was enjoying this, it was time. You picked her up and placed her on the floor in front of you before grabbing your cock and stroking it as hard and fast as you physically could.
IU, while still using one hand to rub herself, reached forward and grabbed your shaft, replacing your own hand. She looked up at you, made eye contact, and shoved your cock into her mouth. With nearly the same speed as your own hand, she started blowing you and jerking you at the same time, twisting her hand softly and focusing her mouth on your tip.
This went on for the longest minute of your life, absolutely obliterating your senses. You nearly fell over as your legs began to tremble, failing to hold your body up; You had to grab the dresser with one hand for support.
Seconds before you were about to cum into her mouth, IU’s grip went slack and her head launched backwards. She closed her eyes again, scrunching her face up, her mouth slightly agape as she began cumming. Her hand between her legs was still going just as fast, her legs writhing in pleasure while her back arched, sticking her tits up.
As you were already at the point of no return, you quickly wrapped your hand around hers, tightening her grip on your cock and began stroking again. With your other hand, you grabbed the top of her head, positioning her directly in front of your cock. She couldn’t do much as she was clearly completely inundated by her own delectation, but she did manage to open her mouth just a bit more. It was perfect, all you needed, and using IU’s hand as a fleshlight didn’t just take you over the edge, it launched you over the edge.
Your first torrent of cum left her face painted white immediately, earning you a single squeal as your cum reinvigorated IU’s senses. The subsequent volley of cum was near impossible to aim, barely half of it making it into her open lips, the rest landing directly onto her face. The only redeeming part was that you were accurate enough to make sure each spurt landed somewhere on her face: forehead, nose, cheeks, everywhere.
However, the goal was still to see her swallow your cum. You gave up trying to aim and shoved your cock into her mouth, letting your cock release the rest of your orgasm directly into her throat. Each pulse shooting through your shaft was met with a gentle squeeze of IU’s lips, and each pulse led to you pushing your cock deeper into her. The warmth, the wetness, the vulgarity of it all kept your cock pumping, filling IU’s mouth with an unholy amount of your cum.
As your final few dribbles went into IU’s mouth, she pulled back and took her mouth off your cock. A huge mess of cum was left on your cock - there was evidently too much for her to handle. She looked up at you, opened her mouth for a second, leading to a bit more of your white mess spilling onto her chin, She reactively brought a hand up, catching it before it fell, and shut her mouth tight.
“That’s right, don’t waste even a drop,” you moaned, giving her a second to swallow before shoving your cock back into her mouth. “All of it.”
She sucked you clean, making sure to get your entire length into her mouth, using her tongue around the entire shaft. She squeezed her lips hard as you pulled your cock, completely clean from all cum, out of her mouth slowly, the tight grip making sure none was left. Looking up at you again, she first licked the cum off her hand before she started wiping her face as well.
“Good fucking girl,” you exhaled before dropping down onto the floor next to her.
With her glistening pussy in front of your face, you picked her ass up slightly and shoved your mouth forward, sucking up any of IU’s sweet mess directly off her pussy. She cried out, squeezing your head with her thighs, but you ignored it. You didn’t care how sensitive she was right now, you wanted to suck on her pussy. Only once you were content did you back up, sitting on your knees in front of her.
“Almost got it all,” you smiled, using your finger to wipe a glob of cum that was hanging off her chin and bringing it to her mouth.
“Thank you,” she smiled back before sucking in your finger, making a real show of moving her mouth down to the last knuckle.
“Now, that meeting,” you switched up the topic as she playfully searched for more cum on her face. “You said it was really important?”
“It is,” she replied casually while looking down, finding some more of her prize that had spilled onto her chest.
“Should I go and let you get cleaned up?”
“No,” she answered, still just as casually, while wiping her tits with two fingers and bringing them to her mouth.
“No?” you repeated.
“Can you get it up again?”
“My God,” you laughed in shock. “Fucking insatiable today, are we?”
“You could say that,” she replied casually, making a point to push both of her fingers into her mouth and very slowly pull them out. “So, can you?”
“Give me a minute then,” you chuckled, getting off the floor and taking a seat on the chair you pushed to the side earlier. “Help me out?”
“Of course,” IU smirked, standing up and climbing onto you. She straddled your body, dropping her pussy onto your cock and moving her hips back and forth, rubbing your soft shaft against her body. “How’s that?”
“Fucking love it,” you moaned, taking your hands and grabbing her ass as blood slowly began filling your cock for the third time this afternoon. “Almost there, it’ll be quicker if you tell me what exactly you want me to do to you.”
IU slowly got off your lap and turned around. She looked back over her shoulder before bending at the hips and reaching back with both hands.
“I want to try again,” she said softly.
Her request was very clear, and your cock immediately woke back up. The sight of IU’s tight asshole being accompanied by this request was the greatest blessing. It had become a goal for the two of you, a goal to get past the difficulty of fucking IU’s tight ass.
“Are you sure?” you began stroking your cock. “You don’t have to do it just for me, I know last time was…”
“I’m sure.”
A drop of clear liquid had already formed on your tip, just the thought of what IU was suggesting was making your cock twitch. The two of you had tried a few times now with little to no success, maybe today would be the day you finally accomplished this goal.
“Please be gentle.”
“Absolutely,” you started rubbing your thumb against her asshole. “Still have the bottle?”
IU reached forward and grabbed her purse, pulling out a small bottle of clear liquid out of it and handing it to you. You squeezed a considerable amount of the lube between her cheeks, making sure to spread it evenly around her hole before squeezing another hefty glob onto your middle finger.
“Tell me if it hurts,” you said while grabbing her ass with one hand to spread her cheek wider as you pressed your middle finger against her hole.
“If I can’t do it, I want you to spank me.”
“Spank me, hard.”
With your finger held against her asshole, you let go of her cheek with your other hand and brought your palm down onto her ass.
“Like that?”
“Like that?” you asked again after giving her a substantially harder slap, even eliciting a small whimper from her.
“Fucking harder,” she gasped, bracing herself.
The next slap had to hurt. The way her cheek immediately turned bright red, burning up in warmth. Droplets of lube sprayed off her ass from the shockwaves you sent through her body, her thigh jiggling intensely as she fell forward and grabbed the dresser for support.
“There we go,” she gasped for air, looking back over her shoulder again. “Promise me you’ll do it at least that hard.”
“I promise,” you replied, rubbing lube over your shaft which was full-mast now. “Finger first or should we just try?”
IU answered you by leaning back and lining her ass with your cock. You helped her out as you stuck your crotch forward in the chair.
“Go slow,” you suggested once your cock was lined up with her asshole.
She began lowering her body very carefully. Your tip just barely started to enter her asshole when she stopped and hissed through clenched teeth. She held herself there for a second, composing herself, before trying to push down again. You held yourself steady, letting her do all the work, letting her try desperately to sit on your cock, but it wasn’t working. She was too tight.
“I can’t,” she panted, standing back up and bending over the dresser. “I need you to do it.”
“It’s okay,” you stood up and walked up behind her.
“You’re forgetting something.”
“Ah, right,” you brought your hand up towards the roof and swung it down hard onto IU’s ass, wincing as the second-hand pain could be felt in your own body. “Sorry.”
“Don’t fucking apologize, I asked for it,” IU gasped, grabbing the edge of the dresser.
Without giving her time to react, you slapped her other cheek just as hard.
“I was apologizing for forgetting, not for spanking you,” you lined yourself up with her asshole again. “Ready?”
“Mhmm,” she moaned as you had already started pushing your tip against her.
It was unbelievably tight, you could barely fit - part of you didn’t think you could fit at all. All you knew was that you were going to try, even if it wasn’t possible. After a few seconds of switching up angles, you finally managed to penetrate.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck,” IU began stammering.
“Out?” you asked with your tip inside her asshole.
“No. One second. Fuck. Ugh,” she cried out before dropping her head down to the dresser, leaving her bent ninety degrees at the hips. “Keep going.”
Her wish was your command, and you immediately started pushing yourself deeper. It was nearly impossible, this was by far the tightest sensation you have ever felt in your life. Even though almost all of your focus was on trying to get your cock up IU’s ass, whatever remaining brainpower you had left couldn’t help but relish in how fucking amazing her body felt. Part of you wanted to just start plowing her, ignoring how difficult it was for her, but you couldn’t do that. You didn’t want to break her.
“Okay stop, I can’t!” she screamed.
As quickly and carefully as physically possible, you pulled your cock out of her ass. IU immediately fell to the ground and started rubbing her asshole.
“I’m sorry,” she looked up at you, wincing in pain.
“Don’t worry babe,” you crouched down next to her and kissed her forehead before wiping her eyes. “You did so well this time, I made it halfway,” you lightly encouraged her.
“We can try again,” she panted. “Just give me a second.”
“No, we’ll try again another time,” you said gently. “You’re amazing,” you added while stroking her hair softly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you answered before giving her ass one final slap. “It’s not like this is going anywhere, there’ll be more tries.”
She let out a sharp cry after that last slap.
“I don’t want to just leave like that, let me at least finish you off,” IU requested after recovering from the pain, crawling forward and pushing you to sit down on the floor. “Please?”
“If you insist,” you pulled her body so that she was next to you. Once she took your cock into her mouth, you reached your hand over and started massaging her asshole softly. It felt great after the struggle of IU’s tight asshole to just have her blowing you gently, and you leaned your head back to enjoy it. “I fucking love you.”
“Mhmm,” she hummed without taking your cock out of her mouth.
During the ride home, you picked up a few groceries in preparation for dinner. This meeting IU had was allegedly incredibly important, she had been talking about it all week. Part of you really questioned her plan of having you fuck the life out of her right before it, but you figured she knew what she was doing. Your job tonight wasn’t to question her, your job was to make sure your girlfriend would come home to a delicious meal, and that was exactly what you planned on doing.
After putting the chicken in the oven, you quickly cleaned up and started making the table. You decided to get extra cheesy tonight and even brought out some candles, remembering how much IU appreciated it last time. With how much she has been doing for you lately, you loved to spoil her with gestures whenever you could.
Things were actually starting to get serious. Ever since making the decision to go exclusive, things have been amazing. Both of you agreed to keep the relationship private for now, but neither of you let the idea of people finding out stop you from doing what you wanted to do; Even though you both made some minimal efforts to stay private, the two of you still enjoyed a lot of time going on walks and eating out.
It was a given that eventually your relationship would be revealed to the public. Truthfully, you were shocked people didn’t already pick up on it. Other than some basic disguises, the only time you two would be truly secretive in public was when you decided to have sex - she was a fan of the thrill. She was a fan of sex in general.
Daily was an understatement, sometimes it felt hourly. IU was regularly waking you up with a blowjob - she believed you should start the day happy. The only time she wouldn’t was if you woke up first, in which case you quickly learned that she would become extremely grumpy all day if you didn’t fuck her as soon as she woke up.
It was rare for you to not join her at work lately. Whether or was for a quickie during breaks, or simply just for support. You were almost always by her side - or at least a room away staying somewhat discrete from the rest of her staff. She had some questionable story about how she wanted a personal photographer at all times in case you were needed, but you were pretty sure most of her staff knew what was actually going on at this point.
With how much influence IU carried when she walked into a room though, it really didn’t matter what she told them. You would constantly fuck IU just for her to go back to work a few minutes later, they would never question her. If anything, her hair and makeup team was probably starting to hate you.
After just a few days of making it official, IU had essentially forced you to move in with her. You were almost never at your own place anymore, and you even considered moving in officially. The only thing holding you back was that it was still a bit early, but you did think about how much you’d save in rent from time to time.
It was a small price to pay, however, and you truly did not mind. With how much IU was spoiling you financially now, there was really no reason to complain. While she didn’t outright give you money, she was taking you on random shopping sprees and fancy dinners. Even the groceries, she gave you her card to use for them, claiming you had to use her card for the food instead of your own.
This is also why you put so much effort into small gestures like making dinner for her. Of course you could just order food, and you guys usually did, but she was a real sucker for these types of events. Not that you did it for the sex, that was just a nice bonus. You did it because you really did care for her, your feelings for this girl were getting stronger by the day.
The front door clicked and the sound of keys jingled in your ears.
“I’m home!” IU announced as she walked into the kitchen. “Oh my God, that smells good.”
“Just needs like fifteen minutes,” you smiled, picking her up into a hug and kissing her. “Figured we’d have a nice homemade dinner tonight.”
“You made all of this?” she gasped, noticing the spread of food on the dining table.
“And roast chicken in the oven.”
All of a sudden, IU started to cry softly.
“Babe? What happened?” you quickly pulled her into a hug again. “You good?”
“This is just so… thoughtful…” she sniffled in your arms.
“Whew, I thought you weren’t in the mood for chicken or something,” you chuckled while rubbing her back. “How about you go get freshen up, it’ll be ready when you’re back.”
“I love you so much,” IU sighed, giggling gently at your comment.
“Love you, too,” you let go of her. “Now go quickly, it’s almost ready.”
IU scurried off, leaving you to finish the dinner preparations. Once everything was done, you sat down at the table and waited patiently for her return. It didn’t take long before IU came back in a t-shirt and some very short shorts with her hair tied up in a ponytail.
“This looks so good,” she squealed, hugging you from behind before taking a seat. “By the way, there’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about work today.”
“Work talk after dinner, I want to hear all about the meeting,” you replied while holding up two bottles. “Red or white?”
“White please,” she smiled, flashing her beautiful teeth at you.
“Just tell me one thing,” you started pouring the wine into her glass. “Did you get the contract?”
“I did,” IU picked up her glass while you poured yourself some as well.
“Then cheers to that,” you held your glass up. “Congratulations.”
“Yeah,” she mumbled before taking a sip.
Dinner was a mostly silent affair. Other than the occasional compliment about your cooking, IU was clearly distracted - probably by hunger. Not that you minded, you were equally as hungry, and you knew there was plenty of time afterwards. You didn’t want to think about it, but it was a fact that after every dinner you’ve made for IU, the night has ended very much in your favor sexually.
After finishing the meal, the two of you quickly put away the dishes and leftovers. Once everything was cleaned up, you both found yourselves in the living room where you took a seat on the couch. Instead of sitting next to you, IU decided to drop down to her knees in front of you.
“Whoa there babe,” you chuckled, pulling her up by her arms. “I love you, and you know I want that, but first tell me about work. You said you wanted to tell me something earlier?”
“Alright,” IU looked saddened by the situation. “Can we go to the bedroom then?”
“Fine,” you smiled, standing up from the couch. “Don’t look so sad, we’ll do all of that soon.”
IU smiled weakly before following you into her bedroom. You sat down on the bed and IU, to your surprise, sat down on the chair.
“Everything alright? You know I’m going to let you suck my cock still, right?”
“Something happened during the meeting.”
The tone in the room shifted suddenly. You leaned forward, the smile disappearing from your face as you stared at IU, trying to read her expression.
“Something happened?”
“The meeting started off not exactly like how I wanted it to go,” IU began explaining. “I told you right, this contract was incredibly important.”
“You did.”
“I thought it was basically guaranteed, I thought they needed me,” she continued. “Turns out they had more leverage than I knew about.”
She paused for a second to take a deep breath.
“He said he had a few people tell him about what I used to do,” she started to get choked up. “He threatened to… if I didn’t…”
“That’s fine though, right? You told me there was protection in place, that your company was ready to disprove any allegations that could be made.”
“This was a really important contract.”
“Did you…” you hesitated, suddenly feeling a burning anger inside you. “Tell me what happened.”
“I’m really sorry, I had no choice.”
“What did you do?”
“I’m sorry.”
“What did you do?” you repeated.
“I had to… convince him,” IU stammered. “He said there was only one way.”
“How did you convince him?”
“Don’t make me say it,” IU pleaded.
“Did you fuck him?”
“What did you do?”
“I just sucked- I’m sorry!”
“Is this why you wanted this relationship to be a secret?” you laughed sarcastically. “Un-fucking-believable.”
“No, it’s not like that!” IU protested.
“All that bullshit about keeping this a secret to protect me,” you spat. “It was actually just so you could keep blowing every cock that walked through your door?”
“It’s not like that,” she muttered, her voice quiet, eyes low.
“Isn’t it?” you snapped. “How long have you been lying to me?”
“Please, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t un-suck a cock,” you hissed before suddenly remembering something. “That time you came to me in tears right before we decided to go exclusive…”
“I wanted to tell you,” IU started to cry. “But you were so…”
“Understanding? Forgiving?” you intervened. “You probably thought I would judge you just like everyone else, you were scared of it, you didn’t know how to react when I didn’t call you a slut?”
That last word clearly stung, you could see it clearly the way IU’s lower lip immediately began to tremble followed by a fresh wave of tears.
“I should have told you the first time, that was wrong of me,” she stammered between tears. “I didn’t know that I could, but I do now. That's why I’m telling you this. I fucked up and don’t want to hide it from you.”
“Now I don’t give a fuck if you tell me,” you replied coldly. “I trusted you, and you lied to me. Tell me then, when you claimed ‘nothing happened’, tell me what actually happened that time.”
“I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t fucking apologize,” you interrupted. “I want to hear you confess. Did you fuck him?”
“No! I told you, I’ve never fucked any of them.”
“Oh forgive me for not believing everything you told,” you laughed condescendingly. “Then what, did you blow him? Did you let him nut down your throat? We both know how much you enjoy that part.”
“Why are you doing this?” IU sobbed, using her shoulder to wipe her eyes.
“Because now I know you are a slut, and I want to hear you admit it,” you answered angrily, leaning back on the bed. “If you don’t want to, I can leave.”
“Please don’t,” IU begged, taking a deep breath. “I just… used my hand…”
“How many times since you asked me to be exclusive with you?”
“I’m so fucking sorry,” IU started sobbing again.
“How many times?”
“Not many,” IU answered quietly.
“Meaning there were multiple times?” you burst out laughing. “I can’t fucking believe I trusted you.”
“Today was the first time I touched someone.”
“What else did you do?”
“Fucking answer the question,” you snapped.
“There were a couple clients who I let see me,” she sobbed. “They touched themselves, I didn’t touch them.”
“Until today,” you replied with ice in your tone. “Until you really needed to convince someone, that was enough to make you go back to sucking cock for gain.”
“I had no choice.”
“Stop fucking saying that!” you shouted back. “You had a choice, the choice was to not suck another man’s dick.”
“Please forgive-”
“You’re a fucking slut,” you cut her off without any remorse in your voice. “That’s all you are.”
“I thought you said even if I did something, it was okay,” IU sobbed, wiping her eyes.
“That was before you asked me to be exclusive,” you retorted sharply without hesitation. “By the way, letting people jerk off on you is also not okay. You fucking slut.”
IU burst out crying, falling off the chair and onto her knees. You didn’t care, you simply let her. There was no consoling her this time, she fucked up and she knew it. The anger inside you couldn’t be put into words, but you knew this was the end. You knew she went too far, and you were not okay with this.
“Slut,” you mumbled under your breath.
She heard it, wincing at the word again, but she didn’t respond. She just took it, like she knew that’s what she was, and she wasn’t defending herself. She couldn’t.
“Even now, I can see you still don’t want me to leave. Even after everything I’ve said.”
“I don’t,” IU sniffled before crawling forward between your legs.
She started pulling your pants down, and you didn’t stop her. You let her do it, you let her release your cock from your pants. This time, you weren’t lusting for her, this time was different. You didn’t want to make love to her, not that you could right now. If she wanted to do this, then you were going to use her. This wouldn’t make you forgive her at all, but you didn’t care.
Every fiber in your body wanted to get up and leave to never look back. Yet for some reason, you didn’t. For some reason, you sat there as IU, face covered in tears, started stroking your cock. It didn’t even take long for you to get hard, it’s not like IU stopped being beautiful, but you couldn’t see her in the same way anymore.
It wasn’t an easy decision for you, but you decided fuck it. If she was going to let you fuck her again, you were going to take the opportunity. It was different this time though because you didn’t care, at this point she was a - just barely - glorified prostitute for you. She was your tool to use, and she was seemingly fine with that.
“That’s right,” you commented as you slipped your cock into her mouth. “Do what you’re made for, what you’re good at.” You placed your hand on the top of her head.
Even as tears flowed down her cheeks, she accepted your cock into her lips and sucked with the same effort she always put in. She still managed to use her tongue in all the right ways, all that experience she had with your cock down your throat, the countless blowjobs, the excessive deepthroat sessions, they were all paying dividends right now.
“It can stop whenever, all you have to do is take my cock out of your mouth and I’ll leave,” you told her, knowing she wasn’t going to stop. You gave her an open palmed slap on the side of her face, one that didn’t even phase her more than a little jolt as she kept sucking. “You’re just hoping I’ll fuck you, aren’t you? You think by sucking my cock you’ll get me to fuck you again? After everything you did?”
She kept going, even using one hand to fondle your balls the way she knew you loved. Your cock never left her mouth, even as you started thrusting your hips forward, slamming your body against her face, smearing the teardrops against her cheeks. Her body was jerking backwards with each thrust of your hips, she nearly lost balance and fell, but her mouth never left your cock. Not until you spoke up again.
As soon as the words left your mouth, IU pulled back. She waited patiently on her knees, hands on her thighs, not even wiping the mess of saliva all over her chin steadily dripping down her shirt. Her gaze fixated on the floor between your feet, waiting for your next command while her entire body moved up and down with each heavy inhale and exhale.
“So you can hear me,” you taunted her, rubbing her cheek lightly with your saliva-covered cock. “That’s actually what you want? You just want to get fucked again?”
No response.
“Stand up,” you grabbed her arm, giving it a yank so that she was standing in front of you, still seemingly incapable of looking at you. “Take it all off.”
IU wasted no time in stripping off her clothes. She stood there, completely nude now, covering up herself with her arms.
“Adorable,” you laughed as you pushed her arms away, leaving her body entirely exposed. “A piece of fuck-meat like you shouldn’t be ashamed of showing her body.”
She winced at the phrase fuck-meat, finally giving you a reaction again.
“What’s wrong, don’t like hearing the truth?” you pressed, stepping to the side of her body and giving her ass a hard slap before leaning into her ear. “Aren’t you just my fuck-meat?”
She shook her head no.
“You’re right,” you continued softly, stepping again so that now you were behind her. You reached your arms around her body, cupping both of her tits into your hands and squeezing hard before leaning into her ear again. “You’re not my fuck-meat, you’re everyone’s.”
“Not everyone’s,” she muttered under her breath.
“Why’s that? Because you claim I’m the only one who has put it in here?” you asked as you slid your cock between her legs, teasing it against her pussy. “I’m not sure if I even believe that anymore, but I do believe this one's all mine,” you let go of one tit and brought your hand between IU’s asscheeks. “Maybe I’ll try to take it one last time before you start giving it away, too,” you whispered as you pressed your thumb against her asshole, threatening to push it in.
IU exhaled heavily as you finished your lap around her, sparing her asshole - for now. She still couldn’t look at you directly as you stood right in front of her. Her face was completely wet from a mixture of her tears and saliva, but she still didn’t bother wiping any of it away.
“All you have to do is walk away, or tell me to leave,” you said casually while wrapping her hair around your fist. “This all stops whenever you want it to stop.”
Again, no response.
“Fine,” you grunted before using your grip on IU’s hair to bend her over at the hips and bring her face down to your crotch.
Without even giving her time to think, you shoved your cock down her throat aggressively before holding her head steady and using your hips to slam your cock as deep as it could go again. You held yourself balls deep in her mouth for a few seconds, pushing hard as her nose squished against your body before letting go of her completely.
She stayed bent over, hands on her knees for support, and violently coughed up spit all over the floor. Her entire body was trembling as she gasped for air. After a few moments where you did nothing but watch her struggle, she composed herself and got back up. Finally, she looked up at you with a blank expression, not caring at all about the tears dripping out of her blood-shot eyes.
“You’re really this desperate?” you whispered, using your hand to wipe the tears from her eyes. “If this is what you really want, get on the bed.”
IU suddenly broke down and started to sob, turning her head away from you again, this time covering her face with her hands. She turned around and climbed onto the bed, sitting in the middle of it in a ball, burying her face in her arms.
“Spread your fucking legs,” you demanded as you walked up to the bed.
She obeyed, spreading them wide enough for you to see her pussy. She was already drenched between her legs, within just a few seconds leaving a huge stain of wetness on the bed sheets beneath her. After aggressively wiping the tears from her eyes, she stared at you, waiting for your next move as she tried desperately to control her crying.
There was zero effort on her part to stop you as you grabbed both of her ankles and yanked her to the edge of the bed. Her back fell to the mattress and she lay there, waiting as you brought your cock to her pussy. You took your time, rubbing your tip against her body for a while before gently easing your cock into her. Slowly, you pushed forward, stretching her pussy wide until you were all the way inside her.
She started to cry again.
“Do you want me to stop?”
She shook her head.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
She nodded her head.
“Fine,” you grunted as you started to thrust your cock into her. “Then say it.”
Before she could say anything, you leaned forward and gave her another slap on the face, not as hard this time - it was less for the pain and more for the intent. IU took a deep breath before staring directly into your soul and speaking with utter conviction. 
“I want you to fuck me.”
“Of course you do,” you spat, picking up both of her legs and placing them on your shoulders.
At least now she had stopped crying and was moaning quietly each time your balls slapped against her skin. You decided to ignore the state she was in and focus entirely on how tight her pussy was squeezing your shaft right now. She felt tighter than ever, and you fucked her harder than ever to get through it. You had no more regard for her well-being, and that’s what she wanted.
She had no control over anything in this position - it was all you. You were relentless, smashing her pussy harder than you ever have before. Even when you’ve had rough sex with her before, none of it compared to how hard you were going now. IU felt each thrust deep in her core, each inch of your cock, each ounce of tension that you launched deep into her pussy.
It didn’t even matter if she was enjoying it, you didn’t care that her moans were those of pleasure. At this point she was nothing more than sex in your eyes, you didn’t care about anything else she had to offer. She was warm, she was wet, she was tight. She was yours. Suddenly, you started to feel her pussy convulse in a way you knew all too well at this point.
“Fuck,” she cried out softly, shutting her eyes tight.
In your mind, her orgasm had to feel better for you than it did for her, because she felt fucking amazing right now. The way her pussy squeezed your cock in these beautiful rhythmic contractions, the most ethereal sensations of gratification shot up your spine - but you weren’t done yet.
With great difficulty, you pulled your cock out of her pussy and watched as a small gush of liquid spilled out of her. You watched as her pussy continued to convulse, letting her finish before dropping her legs off your shoulders. She squirmed as you bent down in front of her and plunged two fingers up her pussy.
“Oh fuck yes,” she moaned softly as you pressed your mouth against her clit, sucking up some of her tangy mess.
It didn’t last long, however, and you quickly stood back up in front of her.
“Turn around.”
She looked up at you, hesitating for a split second before complying and turning onto her stomach. You pulled her backwards so that she was bent over the side of the bed with her feet on the floor and gave her ass a hard slap.
“I’m going to fuck you in the ass,” you informed her as casually as if you were telling her the weather. “If you want to stop, speak up.”
“I don’t want to stop,” she answered without looking back at you.
“It’s going to hurt. A lot,” you continued, using both of your hands to spread her cheeks as wide as they could go, exposing her tight asshole to the world. “I’m not going to be gentle.”
“That’s fine,” IU stuttered, reaching back with both hands to help you spread her cheeks.
“I don’t care if you scream,” you pushed the back of her head down into the bed with one hand before lining your cock up with her asshole, holding your tip against her tight entrance. “I don’t care if you cry. Unless you say stop, I’m not stopping.”
Her body was so pristine in this position - almost too perfect. You slapped her ass again, this time as hard as you could, leaving a very distinct red mark. She let out a small yelp, but she held the position with her cheeks spread for you. It was time, you positioned yourself right behind her ass and got ready.
IU’s asshole was even tighter than you remembered, even pushing just your tip into her was difficult this time. The lack of lube - if you didn’t count what IU’s body left all over your cock - made it so much harsher, but you didn’t care. You didn’t even consider backing off, your mind was set on putting your cock into her ass and that was exactly what you were about to do.
It was as if a wall broke down, and suddenly your hips lurched forward. IU’s high pitched scream pierced your eardrums as half of your cock plunged into her asshole. Her body was vibrating now, but the hard part was done, it only got easier from here. You pushed forward just a bit more before pulling back until just your tip was in her ass.
After a short pause, you took a deep breath and shoved your cock all the way in. IU screamed again, letting go of her cheeks and clinching both hands into fists. She began whimpering into the bed uncontrollably. With how intense her asshole was probably feeling right now, you weren’t even sure if she felt the next slap of your hand against her ass leaving another mark.
Your cock was fighting for its life against the tight squeeze of her asshole. After a couple of short minutes, you had gotten used to how unbelievably tight she was, and it was starting to feel incredible. You used your hands to hold her tiny body, giving you better leverage as you shoved your cock into her asshole.
Her asscheeks squished against your thighs so beautifully each time you pumped into her. The rhythmic ripples of her skin each time your bodies made contact was hypnotizing, you couldn’t take your eyes off her body. The way she lurched forward so aggressively with each thrust was beyond beautiful to you.
The way her initial piercing screams had been entirely replaced by whimpers. Initially, you were pausing after every few thrusts, giving her a chance to make it stop - an opportunity she never took. Once you realized she wasn’t going to quit this time, you let go of all ideas of sanctity. IU’s asshole was yours for the taking now, and you were going to take it.
She deserved credit. You knew her asshole was burning right now, it never really loosened up for you. Each thrust was difficult, but each thrust felt so fucking good. Her pussy was tight, but her asshole was impossibly tight. Yet here you were, forcing the impossible to happen with the power of pure lust.
Your cock loved it more than you ever could have imagined. At some point, IU’s whimpers had once again turned into screams, but you could barely comprehend anything in the world right now other than the orgasm that was quickly approaching. The screams began to die down again, or so it seemed like they did. Even the whimpering was gone at this point, it was just the sound of your cock penetrating her asshole now.
IU’s entire back was flexed, her toned body trying desperately to hold on and survive the attack. You had no idea how she was faring anymore, and with how phenomenal it felt, it was honestly hard to care. It seemed like she was using every ounce of strength in her body to hold on, but it was hard to believe it was enough.
Just a bit more, you could feel the end nearing. IU’s body must have felt it too, because she was finally starting to loosen up just slightly - or perhaps the relentless attack on her tight asshole was finally becoming too much, or perhaps her body was finally starting to adjust to the brutality of your thrusts, or perhaps her body was giving up. All of this was secondary to the fact that you were probably seconds away from blowing.
It was time, there was no more holding back, and you knew exactly where you wanted to finish. You swiftly pulled your cock out of her asshole, giving her barely enough time to gasp in relief before she squealed as you grabbed her hair and pulled her backwards. You yanked her off the bed and onto her knees in front of you, facing away from you. Then you pulled her hair harder until her head was tilted upwards towards the roof. You took a step over her and pushed your cock straight downwards into her mouth.
The bulge in her neck was so well-defined as your cock invaded her throat, you could so clearly see the outline of your cock. You pushed down until you felt your balls make contact with her nose before grabbing the sides of her head with your hands to hold her steady. It only took three, maybe four - who’s really keeping count - half-thrusts of your cock before you felt yourself start releasing a slurry of cum straight into IU’s throat.
“There we fucking go,” you moaned, leaning your head back as the pleasure became too much.
Your cock stayed in her throat for a whole minute, still unloading more and more cum into her. It felt so fucking good that you didn’t care one bit that she was gagging on the sheer volume of liquid. She was physically overflowing, the cum was spilling from her lips faster than she could swallow it.
As you moved your cock up and down slightly, the cum that spilled out of her lips was being spread around her face, some of it spilling down her neck, some of it spilling onto her nose. You didn’t care. It wasn’t until you felt the final dribble of cum leave your body did you finally take your cock out of her mouth.
IU immediately fell forward onto her hands, coughing violently again. She gasped sharply for air before coughing and spitting. Her body was still shaking as she balled herself up on the ground in fetal position, breathing deeply and sobbing. For the first time, you truly felt bad for her. Maybe this was too much, maybe you went too far, or maybe the post-nut clarity was just hitting really hard.
“It’s time to talk.”
IU looked up at you, a fresh set of tears on her face, in utter disarray.
“You want to talk? After that?” she croaked before coughing again. “What’s there to talk about?”
“This relationship,” you replied, sitting on the edge of the bed in front of her.
She began to stand up when you stopped her.
“No, stay on your knees. It’s where you belong.”
“I did everything for you,” IU coughed as another fresh wave of tears spilled from her eyes. “Why are you still being so mean?”
“Did you think this would fix things? Did you really think you could fuck your way out of this like you do with everything else?”
“I don’t fuck my way out of everything,” IU cried, her voice completely hoarse.
“For what it’s worth,” you paused to lean forward and gently caress her face, wiping the tears away. “I don’t even fault you for what you do, it’s quite innovative in a fucked up way.”
Another wave of tears.
“I’m not going to tell anyone about us, or about what you do. I have no interest in dragging your name through the mud,” you stood up in front of her. “But I can’t do this anymore.”
“Is this… the end?” IU hiccupped.
A nod was all you gave in response, and this time you didn’t stop her as she tried to stand up. The two of you stared at each other for a brief moment before IU lunged forward and wrapped her arms around you.
“I’m really sorry for what I did,” she mumbled, her voice muffled by your body.
A sudden rush of feelings hit you, harder than you anticipated. All of a sudden your skin got warm and you felt like your heart was about to explode. You wiped your eyes before any tears could fall and then hugged IU back, holding her tightly.
“I’m sorry,” IU sniffled as another wave of sobs hit her.
“Don’t apologize,” you rubbed her back, your own tears falling now.
It took what felt like a couple of minutes before her sobbing finally started to subside somewhat. You let go of her and gently guided her to the edge of the bed before grabbing a tissue box from the side table.
“Here,” you held it out for her as she graciously accepted a tissue and blew her nose.
“I’m such a fucking mess,” IU said before tossing the tissue to the side and taking another one.
She carefully wiped the corners of her eyes with the tissue. You gave her all the time she needed, patiently sitting next to her. Once she was done, you grabbed one of the pillows and gave it to her to place on her lap, offering a tiny bit of modesty.
“That was a lot,” you said softly, pausing between each word.
“Does this really have to be the end?” she asked quietly, laying her hands on the pillow you gave her.
“It does.”
There was a long pause during which IU stared at her hands as if they were the most interesting artifacts in the world. Her legs were still trembling slightly, you didn’t know if it was from emotion or pain at this point. A part of you started wishing that she had said stop now, wishing she wouldn’t let you hurt her. Finally, she looked up at you.
“I understand,” she whispered.
Tears began running down her cheeks again, but there was no sobbing. She didn’t bother wiping them either, she just let them flow freely.
“I’m sorry things had to end this way,” she stated, an eerie emptiness in her voice. “I just want you to know I really loved the time we had together.”
“I did, too,” you replied, quickly wiping the tears that began forming in your eyes. “And I really loved you.”
Her lip began to tremble, her expression threatening another breakdown, but she held strong for the last time.
“You always know how to reach me,” she said softly after taking a deep breath. “If you ever want to.”
“I know.”
Those were the final two words you shared before you started getting dressed. IU watched in silence instead of also getting dressed. You were quick, skipping the socks and shoes before walking to the door. You paused with your hand on the doorknob and turned back to face IU one final time. She hadn’t moved from her spot on the bed.
“I’ll come back for my stuff tomorrow.”
She started to choke up before burying her face in her hands. As the first few sobs hit your ears, you walked out of the room and closed the door behind you.
The final (probably) part of this series! Hopefully the ending wasn't too sad or anything. If I made this series longer I probably would have spent more time building the relationship. I did feel like things moved a bit too quickly, but hopefully I did it justice.
Anyway, future plans! I have a handful of fics currently in progress. I know I said I'd update my Twice series, but I ended up spending a lot of time planning the rest of that series out. Part of why I ended up writing this chapter was because someone left a very lovely comment on part 2 that inspired me - use that info as you will, I'm very easily inspired by positivity!
Please feel free to leave comments/asks/whatever. I might not reply to every ask I get anymore, just to reduce spam on my followers, but I do read them all. Future updates will be kinda sporatic again as I'm back to being busy with life until my next break, but they'll be more consistent than they have been (I think, no promises)!
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flowering-thought · 17 days
So uhhh guess who kinda has a lil brainrot about the psych ward AU and wanted to write an official chapter??
Rip the other stuff I'm working on why did I have to go and get brainrotted fuck- Came from this
Anyway have a lil intro chapter <3 Who should I add to the mix do you think?
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, things will progressively get more obsessive as I add to this lil series-
COD Psych Ward Unit × Reader
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Deep in the Alaskan wilderness, a 30-minute drive from the nearest town lies a highly secure hospital, containing multiple countries' top assets and operatives, whether, in service or retired, only a few know of its existence.
All staff, even janitorial staff, are picked carefully. The doctors who are chosen are in the know along with the head nurses and security staff. Knowing what is in that hospital in itself is a security risk. It's why the staff who know are not a majority.
The main staff, nurses, janitors, and cooking staff lack the knowledge that the hospital holds retired and highly dangerous military personnel on top of criminals from different countries.
So when you're picked and recommended to move to Alaska to work for a multinational hospital in the psych unit one look at the pay is all you need to say yes to moving.
I mean that kind of pay?? In this economy? You nearly thought it was a scam until it was certified by the United States government along with multiple other UN countries.
Moving was surprisingly easy, and you were a little sad to be leaving your current psych ward, but you got a good send-off from the few patients who you managed to help.
And now there you were, a new badge displaying your last name and horrible ID photo, a cute kitten badge holder clipped to the pocket of your scrubs. It was the only little bit of personality you could spare for Psych units you had to be careful about what you exposed about yourself and not have things on you that the patients could harm themselves with.
The first night shift in the unit was eerie. It was completely silent and the little windows that peeked into the individual patient rooms only provided so much light to check on patients.
Hell, three hours into your shift you wondered if anyone was even in these rooms.
It wasn't till three am that you noticed a patient buzzed a call button. So naturally you got up from your little traveling desk, taking your badge, and opening the door to room 142, "Hello? Is there anything I can do for you?" You called out into the semi-dark room, checking your charts for the patients' name, only finding the name "Ghost" typed in.
You raised your brow but didn't think anything of it, squinting your eyes a bit to see the hunched figure on their bed.
You heard him before you saw him, the sound of the mattress springs and a raspy accent following the figure, "Could ya get me some tea? I can't sleep." The figure spoke before coming into view, a baklava with a skull covering the individual's features.
You took a glance over his features, how tall and big he was, the muscles bulging from his shirt, and his eyes which focused on your form. You glanced at his chart, noticing his refusal to take medication, especially sleep medication. The doctors' notes told you to force him to take 100ml of trazodone, but when you took a glance up at the noticeable eyebags the man had you decided to go with your gut.
"Yeah I can get you some, just wait here I'll be right back." You said, giving a small smile before you closed the door and went to the staff break room, rummaging around for what you were hoping would be chamomile.
Sadly you had to make do with plain black tea as it was the only thing you could find the the cabinets. You brewed it in your mug before transferring it to a paper cup and leaving the break room.
You knocked on the door before opening it with your badge, and the familiar figure of Ghost appeared at the door. You gave him a smile as you held out the paper cup, "This was all I could find but I'll pick up something decent for my next shift okay? If you need anything else let me know.".
Ghost only observed you, taking the warm cup from your hand, his dark eyes watching the small smile tug at the corners of your lips, how you lifted your hand to give him a little wave before you closed his door.
You were the first nurse to not try and force sleeping medication down his throat. He tried the tea but it was one of the worst cups of tea he's ever had. But somehow he figured whatever tea you managed to scrounge up was expired at best. But still, the mere gesture made him relax a bit on his bed, keeping the cup between his hands to warm his skin.
Maybe the new nurse wasn't so bad.
As the days came and night fell, he didn't expect to see you come into your shift around dinner, getting a small paper bag checked in at the desk in the common area.
He sat with the rest of the boys, Price reading a book while Gaz and Soap grumbled about the horrible dinner they had. But Ghost couldn't help but watch you beg the person at the front desk that the snacks and drinks were just for the break room and nothing else.
He also noticed the little victory smile you wore when they approved the contents of the bag and let you pass through to the common area. Ghost couldn't help but smirk at the little spring in your step as you walked to the break room.
And the tea you gave him that night was the best cup he had ever since he was forced into this hellhole.
It had only been four days since you brought him tea, he had actually been getting a slightly better sleep, which led to him telling Price about you.
And once again, at the start of your shift, you had two observers of you checking into the front desk, Gaz and Soap noticing that their captain and lieutenant were a bit distracted from their tangent about the disgusting slop they called dinner. Both had grins as now four men were observing you while Soap tried to get Ghost to tell him about the pretty lass walking through the halls.
That night, when checking on patients, the second one you would come to meet was Price, who had kept his light on that night so he could read and hopefully catch you at a good time. He noticed the click of his door opening, how you opened the door and leaned against the doorframe and gave a small friendly smile, just like how you had with Ghost, "Hi? Price right? Is there anything I can do for you?".
Usually when the lights were on it meant they couldn't sleep or they needed something. That's what you learned at your first ward so you figured you'd do a check-in just in case.
"Don't need anything sweetheart, don't worry 'bout it." Price assured, his tone authoritative but a little soft, you assumed that had to do with how late it was. You noticed that he had a little reading light built above the bed and a shelf that had stacks of books built over the desk that came with all the rooms.
"You know there's a library here, right? I could get some books if you're running low on things to read." You mention, watching as Price eyes you. He didn't know what to think of you. Yeah, you were nice, and it didn't seem like you knew about the truth of this ward, but how was he to know if you did or didn't know what you were getting into?
You watched as his gaze went back to his book, his hand raising to turn a page, "As nice as that sounds sweetheart, the only thing I want is the daily paper and these damn muppets won't even let me have that." He grumbled.
You frowned, looking away from him to check his chart, noticing nightmares and slight paranoia on his chart but you also knew other patients with far worse delusions were allowed to read the newspaper.
After glancing over some rules and chewing on your lip a bit, you decided to do something a little foolish. After bidding Price a goodnight and delivering tea to Ghost, you finally had a weekend off.
During that weekend you bought some more things in town. Among them was a cheap kettle for the break room as it didn't look like the nurses used anything other than the coffee machine. You bought a couple more teas and a few papers. You got a few from the Alaskan sources but also noticed a couple papers that came from other countries and decided to sneak those in the Alaskan papers you were already gonna sneak into work.
By the next Monday evening, you were knocking on Prices' door with a small smile and a suspicious hand covering your stomach that looked oddly ruffled under your scrubs.
"Alright, Price, since you don't seem like a snitch, you better remember that these didn't come from me alright?" Price only looked up to see you pulling out a couple folded-up newspapers from underneath your scrubs, a little wrinkled and battered from you having to make sure they didn't slide out.
His eyes were widened and his eyebrows were up in complete surprise. He really didn't expect you to actually bring him the paper, "Are you sure about this? Won't they know about this?" He asked, approaching where you stood, putting a hand on his hip, hesitant to actually take the papers.
"Well this ward isn't technically allowed the paper which is odd cause other wards are but it shouldn't be too bad. And as many restrictions they have here they don't go through your trash looking for things so it should be fine!" You say, a big smile reaching your lips as you shove the papers into his hands, "Now you enjoy and I can't do this too often so next time I have a day off I'll get you some more. Just remember I'm not the one handing you them hm?".
While you did these small acts of kindness not really expecting anything, what you wouldn't know is that during the day, when you're off shift and sleeping the day away, Price and Ghost would start talking about you to Soap and Gaz after Soap started teasing about their crush on the new nurse.
Their thoughts were, if you're truly so kind then surely you could do something about the slop at dinner no?
This started a full week campaign of Soap saying "Come on lass surely you could do something huh?" and Gaz joined in with, "Please love, if you had to have the bloody mess of what these idiots call dinner you'd understand."
Price had attempted to get them off your ass but a few whines from Gaz was enough to make Price back off.
Soap was the first to get a knock on his door, his messy sheets strewn about his room as you handed him the flimsy pen and a sheet of paper, "Write down simple snacks and I can get you some, the cooking staff are assholes that refuse to change anything so this is all I can do.".
The grin that formed on his face was surprisingly cute to you and you watched as he started writing on his desk quickly only to hand it to you in 30 seconds with a "Thanks bonnie!". You watched as just before he handed the list to you he hesitated and his hand moved to the back of his neck, lightly squeezing before he looked you straight in the eye, "I'm real thankful for all this lass. Ever since we came here its' been the same shite daily but you've made it more bearable so thank you.".
You weren't expecting such a heartfelt thanks but just smiled and pat his shoulder while telling him not to worry. The last thing Soap saw that night was your back as the door closed.
The next stop was Gaz with the same protocol, the same flimsy pen they deem safe for patients, and a little sheet of paper.
Unlike Soap he was more quiet, his eyes not showing anything but you saw his leg shake up and down as he contemplated taking the sheet of paper from your hands.
You saw his mouth open and close until finally he asked, "Why are you doing thing you don't have to do?".
Part of you understood it. I mean, they were just patients. He'll all the other nurses just did the bare minimum and from what you heard of the day shift nurses they practically left them in the common area and fucked off.
But maybe it was the part of you that had too much empathy, the part of you that knew what it's like to sit in a psych ward, lonely and depressed and stuck in a cycle you can't get out of. You shook those thoughts from your head and Gaz swore the smile you gave him in this moment was probably the prettiest he's ever seen.
"Cause if I was here, I'd want someone in my corner, ya know?" Was all you stated as you handed him the paper.
Next weekend and you had snacks that you'd sneak the boys after dinner at the beginning of the night shift. Some of the other nurses noticed your habit of giving the boys some snacks but you offered to help fun for a better coffee machine as silence so they never ratted you out to the head nurse.
And your relationship with them definitely got better as the days flew by, a full month at the ward with the pay you were getting and you were considering changing your shift to day shift.
Unknown to you, the boys were attaching to you far quicker than you'd expect. All their flirty comments flying over your head as you kept it professional.
But with the day shift comes more interactions with other patients. I wonder how many patients will soon be at your beck and call.
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
i am in desperate need. of adam smut.
usually shy nervous as fuck but absolutely watches him when he thinks he isn't looking
likes to compliment him in general (at the most random times too, despite the dickmaster being the FUCKING WORST, and she would get that but he IS kinda fine so)
touch-starved, incredibly easy to fluster and tease (bro has a thing for his voices and looks too, one word or look and she'd be on her knees)
pretty insecure in general (and is a sucker for being praised in bed)
I'd also specifically like to hear what he would say to the reader ESPECIALLY THAT IDFK AAA GO CRAZY
Adam’s Sinner
Part 1/3 Part 2
A/N: I was so fucking happy to get a request you don’t even understand. Anyway here it is, I hope I did it justice and you enjoy it!
Warnings: Smut
Adam had been aware of (Name) for about ten years. They met during the extermination, Adam cornering her in an alley. Something compelled him to spare her, and yes he realized what a hypocrite that made him. Poor Vaggie. “Fucking run, bitch.” She bolted. Adam looked around to make sure no one had seen.
The next year, Adam noticed (Name) watching him, hiding behind corners and in shadows. She did this during every extermination for about five years before Adam decided during one extermination to confront her.
(Name) peered around the corner of the dark alley she was hiding in, watching Adam kill a fellow sinner. It should disgust her, but ever since he spared her life she had a strange sort of attraction towards him. Adam looked up and (Name) ducked back behind the wall. When she peered out again, Adam was nowhere to be seen.
“What’s up, sugar tits?”
(Name) yelped, jumping when Adam appeared behind her. He put his hands on the wall on either side of her head, effectively caging her in. (Name) could feel her face heating up. Adam seemed to find it amusing. “Flustered?” (Name) swallowed.
“You know I’ve seen you watching me for the last few exterminations. What’s up with that, hm?”
(Name) had no answer.
“What’s your name?” Adam asked.
“(Name),” she answered quietly. Adam had to bend down to hear her. His proximity made her blush worse, and he snickered. “I think I figured out why. No surprise really, of course you’d want a piece of the first man in existence. I’m the fucking Dickmaster.”
He let her go shortly after their exchange, but confronted her again the next year. As years passed, Adam would spare thirty minutes every extermination to talk to (Name). He found himself becoming fond of the sinner. Her story of how she ended up in hell was interesting, and it definitely helped that she stroked his ego with compliments.
Adam found himself looking forward to seeing (Name) even more than he looked forward to the exterminations. He was grateful Lute hadn’t caught on.
A few years later, and Adam noticed (Name) wasn’t following him as she normally would. So he sought her out. She’d told him a few years ago where she lived, so that was the first place Adam checked. Sure enough, he found her there.
(Name) jumped. “Adam!”
“What the fuck, babe, not interested in seeing me this year?” Adam placed his hand over his heart in mock hurt, although while he’d never admit it, it actually did hurt him.
“We can’t see each other anymore,” (Name) announced, looking away.
“Bitch why?”
“Because one of these days we’re going to get caught. I know what happened to Vaggie. What would happen if the exterminators found out their leader was socializing with a sinner?”
“You’re not like the other sinners,” Adam argued. “I’d show them that.”
Adam was quiet.
“Exactly. And to be honest, I can’t take the emotional torture anymore.”
“The fuck are you on about, ‘emotional torture’? Come on babe-”
“Adam no. I can’t let myself get any closer to you. We only see each other once a year and I got attached, and dealing with only seeing you once a year has gotten too painful.”
Adam was rather taken aback by the confession. He felt the same way but had been gaslighting himself to believe he didn’t. For once in his life, Adam couldn’t find anything to say. He decided the best course was the course of action rather than talking.
He leaned down and abruptly pressed his lips to (Name)’s. Her eyes widened and her body stiffened. When Adam received no response on her end, he pulled back, worried he’d fucked up. She stared up at him with this look on her face that Adam couldn’t place. He didn’t know if it was positive or negative.
“Again,” she finally spoke in a small voice. A smirk stretched across Adam’s face, and he bent down once more to press his lips to hers. She kissed him back this time, almost desperately, and Adam’s arms wrapped around her waist. She shuddered and he pulled back.
“Are you okay?” No teasing or cursing.
“Yeah I just… I haven’t had anyone touch me like this in a long time.”
Adam couldn’t say the same, but this was the first time in a long time emotions had been involved. He kissed her again and snuck his tongue into her mouth as she kissed back. “I want to fuck you,” Adam mumbled against her lips. “Okay.”
Adam pushed her down on her bed, crawling on top of her. He reconnected their lips and slid a hand under her shirt. “Damn,” he commented when his wandering hand reached her chest. “Nice rack.” (Name) rolled her eyes. Adam began kissing down her neck, sucking and biting to leave his mark. (Name) moaned and grabbed onto his horns.
Adam pulled back to shed his robe, and (Name) yanked her shirt over her head. Now that Adam actually had eyes on her chest, he stared for a moment. “So pretty~” he cooed. (Name) blushed and swallowed.
“Oh~” Adam realized. “You like that, don’t you? You like being praised?”
(Name) looked away. Adam grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Don’t be embarrassed, babe, it’s cute.” He returned to her neck, kissing down and down, her shoulder, her collarbone. Then he slid down slightly to press his face between her breasts. He laid more kisses on her chest before taking a nipple into his mouth.
Sensitive, (Name) arched her back and whimpered. “I like that noise,” Adam said, moving to the other breast. “Make it again.” He sucked and she whimpered.
Adam was aware he had a short window of time to make this work, so he pulled back and pulled down (Name)’s pants and panties in one swift motion. (Name) got embarrassed being so exposed, so Adam quickly shed his own pants and boxers to level the playing field.
He noticed (Name) staring at his dick and smirked. He took it in his hand, pumping it a few times for show. “You like what you see, baby? Of course you do. Can’t beat the original dick.”
He crawled on top of her again, nudging her thighs apart with his knee to settle between them. He reconnected their lips while his hand traveled down to the place she wanted it the most. “So wet for me, good girl,” Adam teased. Flustered, (Name) shut him up with another kiss.
They made out while Adam experimentally slid one slender finger into her. Met with no resistance, he added another one, and began languidly pumping them in and out. (Name) was shaking. Eager to hurry this along, Adam added another finger. Three stretched her out and she moaned against his lips at the sensation. It made Adam’s dick throb.
He fingered her, with his thumb circling her clit, until he decided she was well enough prepared, pulling his hand away. (Name) whined at the loss but was quickly shut up by Adam grabbing her legs and throwing them over his shoulders. She gasped. Adam lined himself up with her entrance and sunk in slowly, giving her time to adjust. She squirmed, his girth proving to be a little painful to take.
Adam reached between them to give her clit attention, and that loosened her up right away. He bottomed out with a groan, closing his eyes. “Fuck, babe, you’re so tight.” Adam kissed her again, basically bending her in half as he began thrusting. He swallowed her whimpers and moans while his pace picked up in speed and intensity.
He had tried to be slow and gentle, he really had.
Adam set a brutal pace, and (Name) clawed at his back as he pounded into her. “Fuck, yeah, you’re so good for me, tits. Such a good girl, all mine,” Adam talked as he fucked her, and his every word brought (Name) closer to the edge. “You feel so fucking good.”
Adam’s thrusts were getting sloppy as he neared his own climax. “Cum for me,” he murmured. “Fucking cum for me, baby.” (Name) did, her back arching off the bed, her head thrown back and mouth open in slack pleasure. Her tightening around him pushed Adam over the edge, and he buried himself as deep as he could, cumming inside her.
They both panted, holding onto one another as they came down from their highs. Adam pulled out and rolled off of (Name), collapsing onto the bed next to her. He pulled her into his chest and covered her with one of his wings, nuzzling his face into her hair.
“I’ll find a way to see each other more,” he muttered. “I’ll figure something out.” (Name) buried her face in his chest. “Promise?” Her voice was muffled.
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calypsocolada · 3 months
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(this is part two! click here for part one)
synopsis: you left without saying goodbye, giyu needs to know why... author's note: hellllooooo. the reaction to part one of this story was incredible. i cannot thank any of you enough for your kind words seriously. this one is for all of you <3 (psst... to all the swifites, if you can point out two other song references besides rwylm you get a gold star) cw: ANGST (lol like there wasn't enough in the first part), blood, gore, spoilers about rengoku, HAPPY ENDING, not proofread wc: 4.2k
click here for my masterlist
There was nothing more frustrating than lack of communication. As much as he wished he could read your mind, as much as he begged and pleaded to deaf ears you were just one hard shell to fully crack open. Though Giyu supposed he was probably the same. But at least he was making an effort. He thought you’d make one too. 
But as Giyu sat cross legged at a Hashira meeting he could meet all their eyes but yours. You didn’t spare him a glance like you spared him your time those few weeks ago. Almost a month and a half now and for some reason Giyu couldn’t stop counting the days, the hours and minutes. 
45 days since you knocked at his door. 
1,080 hours since you grabbed him, your cheeks wet as you pressed your lips to his. 
64,800 minutes since Giyu woke up in the morning to an empty bed. 
It never got easier. Each day was like this stabbing pain in his chest. A persistent feeling of desertion. He’d thought things had changed since that night. The night you cried and cried and kissed and kissed. 
He wrote you letter after letter but no response. Now here you were in the same room, in a room filled with others but Giyu only felt your presence. Like a heightened sense that haunted him so stunningly that he wondered if your lack of attention would actually kill him. As if he overdosed on it once and now he’d never be able to wean himself off you.  
You were so close, only maybe three feet from him but you felt worlds away. Could he have done something wrong? Showed too many of his cards too soon? Scared you off? Sure you reciprocated his kisses, in fact you were the initiator. But when it came to a verbal confession there was nothing for Giyu to latch onto. No words, just your actions. But your actions betrayed you. You treated him as if that night never even happened. For 45 days. It was like torture. To want something so badly, to have it for a fleeting moment then lose it. Giyu was losing it.  
“Mr. Tomioka?” Your voice was like a shot of ice through his veins. Giyu blinked the fogginess from his brain and cleared his throat. Your attention was on him. The room is empty. Giyu hadn’t noticed the meeting had ended. Didn’t notice everyone leaving. 
“Hmm?” He forced out, his eyes sliding to yours. Mr. Tomioka? Even before everything you called him Giyu. But now… you addressed him as though he was some stranger. A room alone, a room with you. He could say what was on his mind finally. 
“Did you pay attention in the meeting?” You asked. Giyu stared at you. You were looking at him. After 45 days of starving for your attention he found himself unable to act normally with it on him now. 
“Hmm…? Oh! Uh— yes…” Giyu stuttered out, feeling hopelessly useless. Feeling utterly ridiculous. 
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” You said coldly, turning to leave. 
“Wait-“ Giyu stepped forwards. Tomorrow? What was tomorrow? A talk? An explanation for your icy treatment? You turned, threw him a look over your shoulder. It was like you read his confusion. As if you knew he paid zero attention in the meeting. 
“The training grounds near your house. We’ll meet at sunrise.” You said and then your eyes lingered a second before you turned and left. Giyu found himself stuck still even a couple minutes after you left. Like his legs had forgotten their purpose. In fact, those 45 days he’d been right where you left him. A hopeless, nearly broken man. Stuck back in the time he had you. Haunting his house and his training grounds and everywhere he stood. You seemed to have moved on, seemed to maybe have even forgotten about the fleeting moment. Was that all it was to you? A fleeting moment? Maybe even a severe lapse of judgment? Something like that couldn’t have been a declaration of love. Giyu could and had been thinking himself in circles. He wished he said more. Wished he said less. Ran through everything over and over. Replayed it so often the record was starting to skip.    
Giyu tossed and turned all night. He didn’t sleep even a wink. You wanted to talk. Maybe explain things. Giyu knew whatever it was that kept you so far from him he was willing to work through to find a solution. He was willing to crumble your walls. Or wait. If you’d just verbally ask him to wait he’d pause his life forever for you. He’d become a ghost. Time could come and go on for everybody else but he’d wait diligently for you. He’d wait like the moon and chase after you like the sun. If only you’d just give him a damn reason. 
Giyu turned, the moon shining through a crack in his curtains. His eyes drifted to the empty spaces beside him. The same space he’d left empty since you vacated it. With splayed fingers he touched the spot of his bed and willed himself to remember that night. As if he’d ever forget it in the first place. He was restless so he moved out of bed and to his desk. He pulled out a few letters. Some from Rengoku and some from Kagaya. Both with the same topic. Giyus favorite topic. You. 
Giyu carefully slid open the first letter he ever received from Rengoku. He felt a pang just merely looking at the older man’s handwriting. All jagged and loud. He smiled as he reread its contents. 
Good morning Mr. Tomioka!
I was shocked to see you had written to me but pleasantly surprised! I am doing well, how’re you? I heard you are well on your way to becoming the next water hashira! How exciting! I know we’ve only met a few times but you have the demeanor of a water hashira. You seem cool and collected! You have a calm voice and although it’s hard to hear you sometimes I still appreciated our talks! About your interest in my tsuguko; she is doing well. She is very fiery. I could see her becoming the next fire Hashira. She sort of reminds me of you in the way she speaks. Though sometimes I can get her to raise her voice and it’s quite adorable. It would be lovely if you visited her. I’m sure she’d love to see you again after you saved her life. But if you’re too busy that is fine, I can always just write you with updates about her. Maybe I can even try and get her to write you a letter sometime! Anyways, Mr. Tomioka, hope this letter finds you well! 
With regards, Kyojuro Rengoku
Giyu laughed at the ink splotch on the paper next to Rengoku’s name. It was a common theme in his letters. Probably wrote sort of hard. Giyu carefully closed the letter and opened the last letter Rengoku ever wrote. 
Good morning Mr. Tomioka! 
Congratulations on becoming the water Hashira! The other hashira’s seemed sort of bummed you weren’t able to make it to the little celebration but I knew that kind of thing just isn’t your style so I decided to write you this letter instead. I knew you had a fiery streak somewhere in you! We all do! I have a mission coming up and saw that you have one too! I would like for you to let my tsuguko accompany you on your mission! I think she could use a bit of quiet in her life. She’s always go go go! Just like me! But I think you two could get along very very well, Mr. Tomioka! I think she thinks of you fondly. I once asked her about the boy who saved her and I am pretty sure she blushed! Ha-ha! Don’t be disheartened by her cold attitude, as long as she doesn’t verbally attack you that means you might be in her good graces! She’s come a long way, I see sparks of softness in her that I hope you’ll appreciate. She loves miso soup and sweet potatoes, she gets it from me! She loves to read and can’t get enough of the ocean so be sure after your mission to take her swimming. It could be a date! You think I don’t know why you often write asking me about her, right? I’ll pretend I don’t! She’s not much of a talker like you but she listens and remembers everything you say. That mind’s like a steel trap! Please take care of her and I’ll tell her to play nice though I’m not sure she knows how to! Ha-ha! Only kidding. Be safe, Mr. Tomioka and good luck on your first mission as a Hashira! 
With regards, Kyojuro Rengoku
Giyu still blushes as he reads the letter. Rengoku knew Giyu’s intentions even though he was sure he was being discreet. He carefully folded the letter back up and as he did a hint of the rising sun peaked its way through his curtains. He sprung up from his seat. He couldn’t be late in meeting with you so he hurriedly got dressed and tumbled his way out of his home. He rounded the corner to the training field and stopped dead in his tracks. 
You were there. 
You were actually there. 
Your sword clutched tightly in your hand as you swung it to and fro, practicing against a ghostly opponent. Giyu watched you. He blinked for a moment and saw Rengoku, in the way you swung your sword, the way you moved, the way your haori flew behind you, like flames licking the air. Rengoku taught you everything you knew and you applied his fighting style with grace and ease. Giyu honestly had never seen you in a battle. And his breath halted as he watched the confidence in your demeanor. Watched the sure way you’d swing, the velocity and speed. The preciseness. You were definitely Rengoku’s tsuguko. In fact, maybe you were even more than that. Almost like his shadow, his predecessor. And you held that title with grace. Giyu almost felt choked up knowing damn well Rengoku was more than proud of you. 
“Just gonna stand there all day?” You asked, your swing coming through to slice clean through a practice dummy. One half falling to the dirt, kicking up dust. Giyu found himself unable to speak once again as you turned. That attention too much to bear. You hiked up your brow and pointed your sword in his direction. “Well, are you ready to spar?”
“Spar?” Giyu echoed as you nodded your head, walking like a predator towards him.
“Where’s your sword?”
“That’s why you’re here?”
“Why else would I be?” You asked, eyes daring him to mention things you clearly wanted to forget. Giyu blinked through the breaking of his heart. He’d never felt pain like this. Never knew someone could ignite such warmth then douse it in icy cold water. He never thought you of all people would stab him clean through. Giyu turned just as his emotions were too much to hide. He walked and grabbed his sword, waited a moment to try and gather his composure before returning back a few feet from you. 
There was something in your eyes. He knew this sight was probably the last thing every single demon that had crossed you had seen for themselves. Eyes like fire, you morphed in front of his eyes into the flames that danced with your techniques. 
You took the first swing, your movement like the flickering. Your strikes felt hot, as if his skin would sear completely off. Giyu controlled his feelings, he pushed them to the side and met your violence of fire with the calmness of water. Metal clanged, and although you’d killed him moments ago with your words you brought him straight back to life with the way you fought. You’d found yet another thing for him to fall in love with. 
Damn you. 
After several minutes passed and one final swing you both stepped back. It was clear it was a draw. Not a single time did someone pull ahead and leave the other in the dust. Each strike was met with an equal block. You two were an equal match. For a moment you two just stared at each other, dripping in sweat, the sun and heat finally rising. You reached up and wiped your forehead with the back of your arm and sighed.
“So it’s a draw.” You said and Giyu nodded his head. A silent moment passed before you pulled your eyes from his and walked to your stuff. Giyu watched. Watched you pack up your things and give a halfhearted wave to him as you walked back towards the road.
“That’s it?” Giyu called out suddenly. He swore he saw you flinch.
“Either Obanai or Shinazugawa will be here tomorrow for the same match.” You called over your shoulder. The cold shoulder you’d given him for so long. 46 days now. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Giyu took a step but you resumed walking. “What did I do?”
“Have a good day, Mr. Tomioka.” You said and the moment you were out of sight Giyu tore off after you. 
46 days ago you’d been laying next to Giyu Tomioka. You’d woke up early and in the morning light you could see his face again. He looked at peace as he slept beside you, his arms around you, his breathing light. You reached across the small expanse between you two and tucked his raven black hair out of his face. Giyu moved barely in his sleep and you yanked your hand away, shy as though he’d catch you admiring him. As though you hadn’t just spent the night together. Once he settled you gazed at him. Something, you knew what it was now, bloomed in your chest. Was this something you could truly have? To kill demons and go home to someone like him at the end of the day? Home… what would that even be like? What would that even look like for you? Slowly you sat up in his bed, covers falling from your shoulders, pooling at your torso. 
Everyone you had ever loved died horribly. You felt as though a curse was placed upon you. Penance for the deaths of your family.
Ever since Rengoku had died there was this thought that haunted you. A sort of prophecy you felt had cursed your very being. No matter how many times you thought about leaving Rengoku there was no way to ever go back and board that train with him. No way to deny his request and maybe even save his life. Would you have been useful or would you have been a hindrance? Would your presence have even changed a thing or were you just destined to love and lose? Your eyes flicked to Giyu, face barely illuminated by the sun rising. 
If you stayed in this bed would you watch him die as well? Just the thought made you physically sick to the stomach. You felt like a kid stuffed into a hiding place all over again. A helpless, useless kid.
If you let yourself love him and be with him, the pain of losing him might actually do you in for good. And if you left right now… would that save his life from the curse placed upon you? 
Turns out you're quite self sabotaging after all. And by morning you slipped out of his house, tearing back towards the inn, running with your tail between your legs.
“Do I not deserve an explanation?” Giyu called out to you, you'd almost made it to the end of his house. You paused, turning.
“Leave it.” You answered lethargically. 
“Did you even read my letters?”
“What letters?” You asked and when your eyes found his face the utter pain on it made your stomach drop. 
“I wrote to you… many times. Your crow should’ve delivered it to you.” Giyu explained, his face utterly disheartened. You glanced at your crow, who’d been curiously pecking at some bugs in the distance.
“I never received them.” You answered and clenched your jaw. You deserved to see him hurt. The pain you caused him was something you wouldn’t let yourself look away from this time. Giyu haori swayed slightly in the wind, he couldn’t meet your eyes. 
“Tell me what to do.” Giyu says and you blink at him, your brows furrowing. 
“I’ll wait. I’ll let dust collect over my life until you wish to have me back.” 
“I don't want that.” You said with a start. You clench your jaw, forcing yourself back into some composure. “I want you… to… go on ahead.” Slowly Giyu raises his eyes to meet yours. 
“What do you mean?”
“I could never feel the same way you feel for me. So I want you to move on.” You said and kept your eyes glued to him as you said it. You didn’t let one smallest ounce of pain show on your face.
 “Because I’m not worth dying over.”
“I’m not worth dying over, Master!” You screamed, pain coursing through you. You watched Rengoku surpass his limits, a demon pushing him far past them. The same demon that had gotten the jump on you moments ago. The man couldn’t hear you. You stumbled forwards, blood dripping from a wound somewhere on your head, the blood getting in your eyes. You stumbled, losing your footing, your sword clattering against the stones out of your grip. “Rengoku, please! Run while you still can!” You screamed, coughing up blood as you crawled towards the fight. Your breathing labored, black ink splotched in your vision. Take me! You thought hopelessly, take me and not him! 
“Y/n? Come on, kid, wake up.” You blinked awake. Your entire body ached, drowsiness threatening to take hold of you. Where were you just now? You must’ve passed out from the pain. “Ah, there she is.” A blurry redness kneeled beside you as you blinked until you could see properly. “You’re awake.”
“Master?” You coughed as Rengoku smiled down at you. 
“Tough battle, huh? You did great out there kid.” Rengoku said proudly. “You mastered a few of those moves I taught you, it was incredible.” He recounts.
“I-- lost.”
“Hush now. That demon was even tough for me to kill. You did the best you could.” He says reaching for you, ruffling your hair.
“Y-you almost died,” You choked out, Rengoku’s hand paused on your head. “I-- Master I don’t ever want to be a burden to you.”
“You are no such thing.” Rengoku admonishes, giving your cheek a sharp and playfully pinch. You gasp in surprise, rubbing your cheek. “You think too dark sometimes, kid.”
“But-- Master… I’m not worth dying over.” You say, looking down. Rengoku grabs you by the chin.
“You don’t get to decide that. I do. And I decided that you’re worth saving.” He looks at you intensely to get his point across. You part your lips to argue but slowly close them. “Now enough of this, we won, let’s celebrate!”
“What do you mean?” Giyu walks closer to you, his voice has an edge to it. A worried and sharp edge. “Are you unsafe?”
“That’s not…” You trail off, unsure how to put your thoughts into words. “I’m giving you an out.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Mr. Tomioka-”
“Don’t. Please don’t call me that.” Giyu lamented, his expression pained. 
“You’d be wise to just move on.”
“I can’t. I won’t”
“You can, you should.” You growled. This reminded you so heavily of the night you stormed out of his house and you two fought in the road. You were pretty sure this was almost the exact same place. You gave an inch that night but you were trying desperately to take it back. No matter how much this hurt it would hurt even more if your curse killed him. You had to remind yourself of that. Of the thing that possessed your life. 
“Give me a reason.”
“My past should be reason enough for you.”
“What do you mean? Speak it plainly for me.”
“It’s obvious. I’m fucking cursed, Giyu!” You hadn’t expected it but ever since that night you cried you couldn’t stop. Every little thing made you cry now it was annoying. You cried when you left Giyu in the morning. Cried in your inn. Cried when you arrived back at your empty house, the taste of miso soup and potatoes wrecking your senses. Years and years of it being stored up and the dam broke. You felt like a little kid but there was no way around it. Maybe if you tried being truthful Giyu would leave. “I hid while my family died and because of it I’m cursed. I thought I could move on. Rengoku was like family to me. I let him in. I trusted him. I loved him. I let my guard down and my curse took him. And I-- I won’t let it take you okay so just do me this favor and let whatever you feel for me die.” You forced your eyes to his. Angrily wiped the tears from off  your face and looked at him intensely. “I am begging you.” Giyu looked at you, his eyes scanning your face. He walked and walked forwards until he was directly in front of you. His hands reached out, ever so gently sliding over either side of your jaw, his thumbs wiping the tears from your face. Deja vu gripped you so intensely. He’d done this same thing before. He leaned close, so close your breath hitched in anticipation of a kiss. But he stopped, mere centimeters away.
“You are not cursed.” He lets his words sink in. His eyes staring ardently into yours. Your breathing stopped, like you’d forgotten how. That dangerous beat of your heart started up again. There’s something to be said about someone that will tear themselves apart just to keep away from the one thing that could make them happy. You were the biggest component of that. It was like you craved hurting yourself. Craved punishment for crimes you never committed. Giyu pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You didn’t kill your parents and you have to stop blaming yourself for it.” His whispers as you pull back slightly, looking as though you’d been slapped. He knew it. Giyu knew you. You looked away but he forced your attention back to him. “They saved you because they loved you. You were a child. There’s no sin in that.” He presses another kiss to your face. You should back up. You needed to back up. You… you couldn’t. Giyu’s arms slide around you and you're pulled against his chest in a tight hug. “Rengoku didn’t die because he loved you, he died saving a world that had you in it.” There were the damn tears again. You closed your eyes as they sting you. “You don’t get to choose who loves you and it’s unfair to make decisions for them.” 
Rengoku’s words rang in your head.
You don’t get to decide that.
“I… I won’t make it if I lose you.” 
“Don’t say that. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you, look at me.” Giyu pulls back, you tilt your face up, eyes meeting his. “If you don’t want to lose me then fight for me, stop running, I’m begging you.” You looked up at him. There was no point in trying to build walls, not when Giyu always knew a way around them. You spent a long time in your own head. For once… you decided to let someone else make the calls. If even your most self destructive ways didn’t scare him off then it’s obvious that no matter what you did you couldn’t scare him off. 
“Alright.” You intoned softly. The utter hope on Giyu’s face was quick to show. “I’ll stop running.” 
“Promise me this time. Promise I won’t wake up and you're gone.”
“I’m sorry. You deserved better.” You breathed out, guilty.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.” He says fondly. You shake your head, eyes rolling.
“You forgive too easily.” Giyu kissed you then. No warning. Just pure want. It was the kiss of someone who’d been counting the seconds you’d been gone. Sickly sweet. Of course he’d forgive you quickly. When he pulled back he pressed his forehead to yours. “Give me your word. That you’ll give us a try.”
“I promise.” You say without hesitation. 
Giyu kissed you again, this time slowly, passionately. He tangled his hands in your hair and you melted. He was going to be the death of you. Though you supposed you shouldn’t think that way. You could settle on him being your near death experience then.
When the morning dawned and Giyu opened his eyes for a moment his bed felt empty. He rolled his head to the side and when his eyes fell upon you there was nothing in this world that could’ve been a better sight. He reached and softly tucked your hair out of your face. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and let his eyes fall back closed, knowing damn well when he woke up again you’d be beside him.
bonus: giyu's letters
Dear Y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I write to only beg for a moment of your time. If you regret what happened days ago then don't spare me your kindness. I long to know what you think. What you really think.
Please meet me at the training yard in two days time.
Dear Y/n,
How're you today? I do not wish to bother you, I just need you to know that I care. We can forget whatever you want. I will pretend away the feelings I have if you want. Whatever you want it is yours. Just please write me back.
Dear Y/n,
I would like to speak plainly for once. I love you. You don't ever have to say it back, I just want you to know. That's all. I will stop bugging you because you do not owe me a thing. I hope you are well. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. I can be a friend. I can be whatever you want. Please take care of yourself.
With love, Giyu
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erwinsvow · 4 months
Heeeey, Shea. How are you?
I just wanted you to know I love your stories. Kook trio reader and shy reader are my favorite. 
I know that's not how it went, but I really think in another universe, Rafe would have trouble getting to date shy!reader because she just wouldn't realize he was flirting hard with her. Maybe a bit of self esteeming issues or because she's inexperiente. But, anyway, I see her being completely oblivious about all his efforts and being like "he's so nice, guys. No, he would never flirt with me. You guys are insane" and everyone else would be like "girl... what?".  
Thank you for your stories, they keep me smiling. <3
- T.
hi t!!! thank you so so much for your kind words, it means so much. i am so glad you love the different readers on this blog! i think your idea is so cute and funny, it suits them perfectly. here's a little bit based on what you sent and i hope you enjoy ♡
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since the day you had met rafe—truly met him, not counting the multiple instances where you had passed him in tannyhill attached to sarah's hip when he hadn't even realized you'd been there—you had been a little confused about the newfound attention he was giving you.
you felt it was strange. sarah was always going on and on about how mean rafe was, how badly he treated others and how he never spared a minute to talk to anyone. but she must have been exaggerating. right?
the rafe that you were becoming more and more acquainted with was nothing of the sort. from the time he had driven you home a few weeks ago to now, he had been nothing but nice—offering you a ride everytime you were at tannyhill, asking if you wanted anything when he was on his way out. he even went out of his way to find you at the country club, stopping to say hi even if it was in the middle of one of his golf matches.
it was nice. it was really nice. everything sarah had told you about him seemed to be completely wrong, but then you realized it. rafe was probably trying to be a better brother, and starting with being nice to sarah's friends was likely a good jumping off place.
with this notion firmly stuck in your mind, you proceeded to go about your days, smiling sweetly at rafe when he was being so nice and reminding yourself to tell sarah—her brother was making a big effort, and it deserved to be recognized.
"did i see rafe walk away from the course to say hi to you?" sarah asks, and you look up at her, a little surprised. you hadn't brought it up yet, and in all honestly, didn't know when you would.
your other girl friends look a little closer at you—surprise evident on their faces too. you hate being the center of attention but somehow it feels even worse like this—they're all getting the wrong impression.
"yes.. he's being very nice. i think he's trying to make it up to you, y'know, for being mean like you say he is."
"by being nice to you?"
"by being nice to all of us," you add quickly, looking at the other girls, waiting for them to pitch in.
"he's never been nice to me."
"i don't think he's even ever said hi to me."
"so how exactly has he been nice to you?" sarah asks, and you feel your face burn. they still have the wrong impression and you have no idea how you'll correct them.
"well not much," you lie, clearing your throat. "he just gave me a ride home a few times. and he said hi a couple times here. and got me a soda from the gas station the other day."
"not much?" your friend questions.
"he never asks me what i want from the gas station-" you interrupt sarah, eager to make sure they stop speculating.
"he was just being nice. it was nothing, i-"
"what's next?" sarah asks, cocking her head at you. "don't tell me, he lets you pick the music in his car?" she laughs, and the others do too, but you stare back at her blankly.
"just once or twice," you mumble, suddenly finding your drink and the misty glass far too interesting.
"oh my god. he's totally flirting with you." you whip your head up so fast you think you got whiplash.
"you're insane. that is so not what this is. he was just being nice."
"if any other guy did this, you'd be picturing your future wedding-"
"it's not just any other guy, it's sarah's brother. do you see the kind of girls he goes out with? that's how i know he's being nice, i'm nothing like them-"
you feel incredibly flustered, face hot and playing with your hands like you do when you get nervous. your friends are laughing, and though you know it's not at you, you still hate the feeling, feeling like you might burst from the intensity of the emotions you're experiencing right now. first and foremost—the fact that maybe rafe wasn't just being nice to you.
"yeah?" you hear, though you don't look up. "then why's he walking over here right now?"
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euphoriaslux · 5 months
we can’t be friends
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summary: you hate vincent. vincent hates you. and yet somehow you end up in his bedroom.
word count: 4262( i… am so sorry.)
warnings: fem reader, smut(f oral receiving) vincent being a meanie, drinking and smoking, disrespect of the french justice system (désolé) me making head canons about vincent’s family life, some mischaracterization of sandra (ily sandra huller)
a/n: folks i was locked in when i was writing this, can you tell because it’s autocapitalized? i was Serious! this was supposed to be like a thousand words and ended up being 4k… i apologize i have to spread my illness (being my obsession with swann). i had SO much fun writing this i hope yall enjoy, all the reblogs on my first post make me all warm and fuzzy. drop some requests if you’d like, and im going to make a masterpost of all the fictional characters im obsessed with bc i’m chronically online. i’ve reread this like a million times so if there are any spelling errors i simply do not see. enjoy!!! <3
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You cannot fucking believe you’re going to be late to trial.
Well, actually, you can believe it. Somehow, during the two hours of sleep you got last night, you managed to unplug both your alarm clock and your phone charger, leaving you to blissfully sleep through the multiple alarms you had set the night before. It was only when your cat sprawled across your face, her paws tickling your eyelashes as she eagerly awaited her breakfast, that your body decided to wake you up. An hour after you were supposed to.
Your methodically planned out morning routine for the indictment today was quickly replaced by you sprinting around your apartment muttering curse words under your breath and trying not to trip over the copious amounts of documents on your floor. You nearly cried when your tangled hair would not cooperate with you, but somehow managed to make yourself look halfway presentable. You didn’t have the time to be stressed today, especially because of the attention you know this case is going to get.
And because you knew you were going to see him.
After driving like a bat out of hell in the Parisian rain, violating multiple traffic laws, you somehow make it to the courthouse only one minute late. Jogging up the steps, you push the door open and yell out apologies to the bewildered lawyers and judges in the courthouse as you sprint against the browned hardwood floor, your briefcase thumping against your side in tandem with your heartbeat. Your eyes scan the chamber numbers and you breathe a sigh of relief once you find the one that matched the summons notice, pausing to smooth down your pantsuit set and pat the beads of sweat off of your forehead.
You push open the chamber doors as gently as you can, but you quickly realize there is no use as every head in the room turns towards you, gawking at you. Some have a slight frown on their face, looking at you with thinly veiled pity, but most have a clear show of annoyance. With your head down you speedwalk over to your team’s side of the chambers, pulling out a few labeled folders before you place your briefcase next to your seat. You take a deep breath and force yourself to look up, and right across from you is the defendant’s lawyer.
Vincent is wearing a black turtleneck and a matching black blazer, with effortlessly swooped gray hair and his arms crossed over his chest. He looks perfect, too perfect, in a way that pisses you off. He’s already staring at you when you glance at him, his mouth slightly turned upward as he leans over to talk to his client Sandra, maintining eye contact with you as his whispers in her ear.
“Glad you made time to join us Mademoiselle,” the judge says as she shuffles some papers around, using a few fingers to wave over a magistrate to her right, ostensibly for the indictment sheets.
“I am so, so sorry I-” you start before the judge moves her hand to wave you off, finally sparing you a sharp glance.
“Enough time has been wasted. Let us proceed, yes?” she asks, and you almost start to answer before you realize it was rhetorical. There are a few quiet laughs in the courtroom and you fix your eyes on your folder, feeling like a child who was just scolded in class for sneaking a cookie from the lunchroom. You feel Vincent’s eyes on you but you don’t dare to look up. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
Sandra was indicted, of course. This case was going to be a media circus because of her literary career, and you knew this was not going to be an open-and-shut case. Part of you hated trials like these - when the media would decide an angle that they found the most titillating and not leave a single person involved alone until they got a headline that matched their narrative. Another part of you, a massive part of you, hated working with Vincent. You could just constantly feel the smugness dripping off of him, and with every snarky comment and reply you could sense the anger just drilling deeper and deeper into you. Each interaction you had with him managed to make you even more and more mad. At least you’d hopefully only see him for another couple of months.
five months later
Like clockwork, you stepped out of your taxi to be bombarded by reporters with an endless sea of microphones and cameras, a cacophony of aggressive voices yelling your way. You keep your head down and try to push through the crowd, noticing Vincent talking to a reporter with Sandra to his side. You hear a few words, noticeably about Sandra’s innocence and the ignorance of the defense, and that word makes you stop in your tracks. Reporters are asking you questions but you look for the first microphone you can find and start to talk, making sure to project your voice.
“Judicial integrity is what’s most important to me. Not a narrative, not a story. I took an oath to protect this country. Some people don’t take that seriously, but I do, and that’s what I am focused on.”
There is a sea of follow-up questions but you weave through the hoard of people to the top steps of the courtroom, making your way inside. You arrived a bit early to trial today because you knew Daniel, Sandra’s son, was testifying today. You couldn’t shake the unease you’d had all week knowing you had to cross-examine him, seeing his grief-stricken face as he heard the prosecution and defense make a myriad of accusations about the one parent he had left.
“Were you talking about me?”
Vincent’s voice makes you jump, and you turn around to see him staring at you from behind the court pew. You must’ve had a look of confusion on your face because he then clarifies:
“Outside, when you were talking to the reporter from Euronews. Are you implying that I don’t have judicial integrity?” he cocks his head at you, his eyebrows slightly raised. You shrug, grabbing the manila folders with notes from your bag and putting them in front of your seat.
“If the shoe fits, I suppose,” you say with a tight smile as you sling your bag from your shoulder to under your chair. Vincent scoffs, lightly brushing his hair out of his face.
“Right, I should have looked to the attorney who walks in late smelling like cheap wine for… integrity,” he emphasizes that last word, each letter feeling incredibly loud in the silent courtroom. You feel the heat rise from the back of your neck, both in embarrassment and fury. You take a step towards him and he doesn’t move, your faces only a few inches apart.
“Do you think you’re any better? You took this case because you are plagued with this superiority complex that you have to subject everyone to.”
“Hm, so being a good lawyer makes you think I have a superiority complex, good to know,” Vincent says, touching his chin in mock curiosity. Jesus Christ, this guy irritates you.
“No actually, I think I figured it out,” you say with a laugh, poking your finger at his chest.
“Is it because you used to fuck Sandra, and this is some weird fucked up sort of foreplay that you’re forcing us to watch? I wonder if there’s a tape in evidence, of Sandra telling her now-dead husband how many times you two had shitty sex.”
Your sentence sits in the air as the smirk falls from Vincent’s face.
“Do not project whatever bullshit you’ve created in your mind onto me,” he says, staring at you with an intensity that makes you start to squirm.
“You don’t know me, Vincent,” you turn to end the conversation but Vincent grabs your arm, turning you back around to look at him.
“But I think I do,” he says, and you are so close that you can make out the pack of cigarettes in his jean pocket through his cloak is what’s pressing against your thigh.
“I think you put on this show, that you are meek and timid, but it is all an act. Every movement of yours is calculated. Nothing you do has any underpinning of integrity.”
You feel tears well in your eyes and you quickly wipe them away, opening your mouth to speak as the chamber doors open and members of the jury begin to walk in.
“Fuck you,” you tear your arm away from his grip and walk back to your seat.
four months later
It’s been two weeks since the trial ended. The chaotic hustle and attention has died and reporters are gone, with no more requests for comment or interviews on morning TV filling up your inbox. You were called to the courthouse to go over some documentation that the court needed to provide a final report on the case, arriving late on a Saturday night. You shudder as you get out of the taxi, the chill of Paris air sparing no part of your body. You wrap your jacket around yourself and sit on the sidewalk, taking a deep breath as you prepare to go into that same courtroom. You put your head in your hands and sit in silence for what feels like forever until a familiar voice breaks the stillness.
You don’t move a muscle when you hear Vincent’s voice, hoping that somehow if you stayed completely still he’d believe you were a figment of his imagination and he’d leave you alone. Instead, he takes a seat next to you, the corduroy fabric of his trousers very gently grazing your skirt.
“If you’ve come to gloat, I’m truly not in the mood,” your say, your voice muffled by your hands over your mouth. Vincent says nothing but you hear him rustling through his pants and then the familiar click of a lighter, and you bring your face up to see Vincent taking a drag of a cigarette. He breathes out wafts of smoke, and after a beat, extends his hand towards you. You glance down at the cigarette and then back at him, and he is still looking forward at the architecture across from you. Plucking the cigarette from between his fingers you inhale deeply, tilting your head up to blow the smoke into the sky. You both sit in the quiet for a few moments as you smoke about half of the cigarette. He doesn’t seem to mind, or at least doesn’t say anything.
“How do you feel?” he finally asks, and you chuckle as you take another inhale.
“How do you think I feel?” you look to him and he nods, taking the cigarette from you. You try and ignore the tingly feeling in your stomach when his lips touch the same part of the cigarette that yours did, with no hesitation.
“Did you genuinely believe she was guilty?”
The question throws you off guard.
“I don’t know.” you answer honestly, bringing your knees up to rest your hands on top of them.
“I don’t often think anything is too personal in a court of law, but that phone call with Sandra and Samuel felt, invasive?”
“It didn’t seem like you had any qualms when you were questioning about it,” he questions.
“Well of course not. I wanted to win.”
Vincent laughs, a real deep laugh, and you can’t help but crack a small smile at the noise. You realize you hadn’t heard it before, at least not before it preceded an insult hurled your way.
“What do you mean, invasive?”
It’s hard to collect your thoughts on his question, and you are suddenly transported back into that courtroom, listening to that call.
“It was like I felt every molecule of anger, resentment, disappointment. I just felt like I was right there in the middle, taking both of their punches. Like,” you take a beat, trying to formulate your words.
“Like I was their son, with no vision of what was happening but so desperately aware of the anger in the air. And feeling guilty that I caused it, somehow.”
Vincent hums.
“I’m sorry with how often I pried, about you and Sandra,” your voice is quiet, and you pick at the straps of your heels.
“It’s okay. It was a long time ago. The feelings I have for her have changed.”
This time you hum, unsure of what to say. For the first time in your years of knowing him, you feel bad about possibly making Vincent uncomfortable. You’re not sure why. You sit in awkward silence for a couple of minutes before you stand up, brushing the stray tufts of cigarette ash that stuck to your skirt.
“Well, I won’t keep you, I have to go turn in evidence of my defeat” you gesture towards the papers in your hands. “And you have to go celebrate, I presume.”
Vincent stands up as well, flicking the cigarette onto the floor and stomping it out with his boot.
“No celebrating for me,” he says with his hands raised. You smile, and he does the same.
“How will you be … coping?” he asks and you roll your eyes.
“Not sure, probably at home with a really cheap bottle of wine.”
His lips purse as he puts his hands into his pockets. “I guess I deserve that.”
You rock slightly on your balls and feet, not sure if you should walk away from him or not. You’re just about to step out of his way when he starts talking.
“I have a nice Pinot Grigio I’ve been waiting to open, if you’d, you know, like to … join,” Vincent’s voice gets quieter as he keeps talking, and you swear you can see a soft pink hue on his cheeks, but perhaps that was the night playing tricks on you.
“I don’t want to impose-”
“You wouldn’t be,” he cuts you off. “I’ll wait for you out here?”
Vincent’s house - not apartment - was somehow exactly and nothing like what you would have imagined. It’s a one-story Victorian-style home with a dark exterior, but the inside is painted a warm yellow with tons of books littering the floors and walls and miscellanous trinkets and birthday cards tucked in between. There’s empty pizza boxes and wine bottles on the kitchen floor, and through his tall back window you can see a mini garden in his backyard, with vines of tomatoes and bushels of leafy greens sprawled amongst the grass. It looks very lived in - you can imagine Vincent waltzing around in the morning, reading his big law books with big glasses of wine, like the one you have in your hand right now.
The two of you are currently halfway deep into a bottle, talking about nothing and everything. The case, bad clients you’ve had before, your favorite pastry shops in Paris, the funny face that one of the Magistrates makes every time the Judge looked at him.
“Thank you for the wine monsieur,” you say with a dip of your head and an exaggerated bow.
Vincent shakes his head before taking a sip of wine, and you notice how the soft pink you thought you had noticed before has turned into a deep red from his forehead to his chest. Vincent being tipsy was such an odd thought to you that you couldn’t control your laughter, your hand flying up to cover your mouth as you started to giggle incessantly.
“What? Is there something on my face?” Vincent giggles alongside you, and you shake your head no.
“The serious, smart lawyer is wine-drunk with the person he probably hates the most. I could not have imagined ever being in this situation,” you manage to collect yourself, putting your hand over your chest as you take the final sip in your glass and wave off Vincent as he motions to pour you another one.
“I don’t hate you,” Vincent mutters as he pours himself another glass of wine.
“You’re pretty good at acting like you do.”
He just nods. Suddenly the air in the room has changed, and it feels constricting. Like all of the arguments and venomous insults you’ve thrown at each other has coagulated in this massive living room
“I actually, um, envy you a lot of the time.”
“Envy me?” you can’t help your incredulous tone after his sentence. “You don’t have to say things to pity me, you know,” you laugh, but Vincent’s face is still serious.
“You are just naturally someone people want to spend time with. Even when you annoy me beyond belief, some part of me is always, drawn to you, I suppose. And I envy that. I don’t really know who I am without doing things for others.
You furrow your brows at his sentence. “What do you mean?” you lean over your chair to be a bit closer to him. He plays with the silver ring on his index finger.
“Sometimes I feel like the people I’ve loved, only want me when I can do something for them, you know? I mean, even my own mother, I remember- ” he stops to take a large sip of wine.
“I was almost done with primary school, and my Dad was gone on some inane business trip. I told her I wanted to go to a birthday party downtown, and that I wouldn’t be able to make dinner that night. She got so mad at me that she threw the bottle of wine she’d nearly finished at my head.” He swirls his wine glass around staring into it.
You put your hand on top of his, and he looks up at you, staring into your eyes before clasping his hand arond yours.
“I’m really sorry,” you whisper. He shrugs, and before you can stop yourself, you bring his hand up to your mouth and press a featherlike kiss against his skin. Vincent’s eyes are glassy, and he separates his fingers from yours to place his hand against your face, his thumb gently caressing your jaw.
“Do you have more cigarettes?” you ask, softening into his touch.
“In my bedroom.”
His statement - his ask - reverberates through your head as you both stare at each other, trying to discern what will happen next. Your thoughts are so loud that you’ve afraid that somehow they’ll extend out into the room.
is he saying what i think he is?
And normally, you would say a snarky remark about how he wishes he could get you in his bedroom, and how you’d rather die than see where he sleeps, but the wine has made you slightly woozy and all you can think about is how good he looks with his hair gently sticking to his face and his t-shirt tight around his arms, and what it would feel like to fuck him.
So you say “okay”, and leave your phone on the dining room table.
Vincent opens his bedroom door, moving to let you walk in first before closing the door behind him. He opens his mouth to speak and before you can think your mouth is on his, and he’s shocked for a moment before he kisses you back, your lips melding together. You push your body into his as Vincent wraps his arms around your waist, his hands digging into your skin as he quietly moans into your mouth. Your intertwined bodies make it to the bed and he hovers on top of you, his hard cock pressing against your thigh and you reach down to touch him over his jeans, feeling him shudder against you. You pull away from him.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” his voice is a little hoarser than it was before. “I’m okay.”
“Good,” you pull your shirt over your head and tug at the bottom of his and he laughs he does the same, and you admire his shirtless body as he reaches back down to kiss you again, but he’s not as gentle this time. He’s aggressive, dipping his tongue into your mouth and holding your face in his hands.
“So beautiful”, he murmurs, tilting your head so he can suck on your neck and graze his teeth against the bruises spot he left. “So much more beautiful than I imagined”.
Your head falls back on the pillow as you feel his hands reach behind your back and unclip the hooks on your bra, his mouth moving to your breasts and licking your nipples.
“You’ve imagined me?” you pretend to be bashful as your mouth falls into an o-shape, feeling Vincent’s mouth on your chest and his hands on . He moans and you can feel it throughout your whole body as you lean down to shimmy out of your skirt and underwear in one move.
“In every way possible,” he says as he dips a finger down, past your belly button and into your cunt. You’d feel embarrassed at how wet you are already if his hand didn’t feel so good inside of you.
“I’ve thought about what you would taste like, how you would sound when I first fuck you for the first time,” his mouth moves down from your chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses down your abdomen before he’s just above your heat and you sigh, involuntarily jerking your hips up. He puts his free hand around your lower stomach to hold you in place.
“But nothing,” he nips at the spot right in the crease of your hip, licking a long stripe just next to your heat.
“Could’ve come close to how pretty you really are.”
“Christ,” your hands grab fistfuls of Vincent’s sheets as his tongue finally swirls around your clit, pressing just a bit harder as he puts another finger inside of you. You can feel the pressure building in your lower stomach as you and Vincent’s grip on your stomach get firmer as you wriggle under his touch. He groans into your mouth as you start to grind your hips into him, fucking you faster with his fingers as he rolls his hips into the bed.
“Vincent,” you say with a gasp and grip his hair, pulling as you come around his mouth, your head dizzy with the feeling of Vincent’s tongue on you as he stares up at you from between your legs. He pulls his hand out of your cunt and licks his fingers before putting his mouth back on your clit, making you jump at the contact. You hiss as he licks the sensitive area, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you tug so hard on Vincent’s hair that you’re afraid you’re hurting him, but if you are, he doesn’t stop you. He interlocks his fingers across your stomach and holds you into place, groaning into your clit.
“Okayokayokay,” you move your hands from his hair to head to pull him up, your breathing labored as you try to get yourself together. He leans over to kiss you, his lips softly molding against yours as you wrap your arms around his back.
Breathless, you move your hand down to touch Vincent but he quickly stops you.
“It’s- um-”
You look down and notice the wet spot on Vincent’s boxers, and your eyebrows raise to the top of your forehead as you come to the realization that he came while he was eating you out.
“Did you-”
Vincent groans, hiding his face in your neck as you giggle, coming down from your high.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you thread your fingers through his now disheveled hair. “It’s kind of hot if I’m being honest.” Vincent looks at you with a questioning look but you just smile.
“Plus, we have all night to try again.”
You wake up in Vincent’s bedroom, with a few strips of sunlight peeking through Vincent’s closed blinds. You haphazardly reach over to his side of the bed to grab his arm, but find it empty, raising your head from the pillow to see that you’re completely alone. Vincent’s clothes that he had taken off during the night and tossed onto the floor were gone. You waited to see if you could hear Vincent in his kitchen, or in the garden, but you were in complete silence.
To be fair, he didn’t say anything last night to insinuate that he wanted a relationship with you, or even liked you. Maybe this was secretly a win for him - he could beat you in a courtroom, and now he got you in your most vulnerable state to declare that you actually felt something other than hatred for him. And maybe that’s all he wanted. You’re not sure why you expected anything differently.
You throw the blankets off of you and find your clothes neatly folded on his desk, and his courteousness manages to upset you even more. You put your clothes on and try to collect yourself, taking a few deep breaths as you walk out of his bedroom and out towards his kitchen. You scan the room for your phone, which you swear you left on the dining room table, only to finally see it on top of a note on the kitchen counter written in messy cursive.
“Went out for cigarettes and coffee.
Bringing back croissants and a capuc- cappuccino.
Will be back in ten.
Go back to bed.
taglist: @ghostlytide
graphic credits: @glasvera
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hungharrington · 1 year
personally i struggle with emotional vulnerability so im not really an “I love you” person? the words get stuck and feel unnatural
BUT READER GIVINF STEVE A HANDJOB N THE FEELING STRIKES HER. she just rests her chin on his shoulder and does a cheesy movie-esque love stare up at him, all you know how much i love you right? love you sooo much stevie. you’re perfect and make me feel so safe, so loved, love you so much for all of that. love you love you love you love you whispered in time with the movement of her hand. leaving little sucky pecks on the chubs of his cheeks. acting as if nothings new when it’s all done, idk if he’d point blank ask or imply but just a “:] hmm? oh, i dunno what you mean stevie :]”
BABEY this was such a 10/10 request like…. the way i sent this to at least 3 different moots when i got it…. ur brain…. so have some subby!steve & as always it’s so in love MDNI this entire blog is 18+, i know the request is for a fem!reader but i’ve kept it gn!reader, 1.1k words, enjoy! <3
You don’t think there’s a prettier sight than how Steve looks when you have your fingers wrapped around his cock.
Cheeks bright flushed pink, eyes screwed up, his chest rising and falling quickly, the muscles beneath his tummy clenching and rippling as you move your hand up and down as fast as you please. 
He’s making those sweet noises you just adore so much — little low moans, each breath laced with a keen that you know will turn into a whimper when he gets closer to the edge. All of his noises go straight between your thighs but right now isn’t about you. It’s about Steve.
The couch cushions press into your legs as you shift, rearranging to be closer to him. You hook your chin over his shoulder, you spare hand creeping up his back, slow and soothingly. The wet sounds of his dripping cock sound fucking heavenly, doused in his soft quiet moans, as you curl your fingers into his hair. Raking them through, your thighs press tighter together when Steve lets out a particularly loud moan. 
“Mm, feeling good, Stevie?” You talk lowly, so close you know he can hear you. You press a kiss into his shoulder, nuzzling your nose along down to his collarbone, your hand fucking his cock a little bit faster. Steve keens, fighting to keep his hips still, trying to be good. His hands clench into fists at his sides. 
He’d had such a day and you had offered to take care of him and Steve just wants to be good for you. 
He nods quickly to answer your question, creasing his eyes open to meet yours and you feel his cock twitch at the sight of your adoring gaze on him— chin on his shoulder, hand gliding his cock so perfectly, dropping another kiss on the exposed skin of his shoulder. 
“Yes, fuck, yes— your hand is always so good, baby.” Steve pants lightly, eyes still fixed on you. They drop to your lips and you don’t deny him, pushing up and leaning in to kiss him. He’s messy with it, not quite the usual practice he has and when you thumb over his slit, Steve groans into your mouth. He breaks the kiss, a high whine escaping his mouth, hips jumping up to meet your hand. 
His forehead drops, leaning against yours and you lean in again, your next kiss on his cheek. 
“Good, y’so good baby. You know how I love you, right?” You murmur, nearly cooing, right as you scrape your fingers through his hair again. Steve shudders beneath you, his eyes cinched shut but a whimper still slips from his throat, loud and high. You speed up your hand, the squelching of it getting louder and louder. 
“Shit,” Steve curses, peeking his eyes open. “Y’can’t say tha- that right now or— ah— I’m gonna cum in a minute.” 
“Love you soooo much, Stevie,” you continue like you haven’t heard him, twisting your hand in that torturous way while your other hand strokes down the nape of his neck, your touch soft with love. Steve gasps loudly, his hips bucking again and all his moans melt into soft whimpers. You kiss his cheek again, nuzzling your nose against his as your adoring words pour out. 
“You’re perfect f’me, you know?” You whisper, your thumb teasing his tip again. Steve whines, his chest heaving with his whimpering heavy breaths. You can see his hands flexing, forming and reforming fists over and over. “You make me feel so safe, so loved, Stevie, love you so much for that.” 
“Fuck,” Steve breathes. He sounds so wrecked for you, voice all raspy from his moans. “Fuck, honey- you can’t just— nghm—“ 
“Love you,” you whisper lovingly, your hand twisting into his hair again and tugging lightly. You speed up your hand tugging his heavy cock, heat bubbling in your tummy at how it leaks all over your hand, the head of it flushed bright pink. You kiss his cheek again sloppily. 
“Love you, love you, love you so much,” You say, drinking in his fucked out expression— brown eyes hidden away, pink lips parted in a whine, his blush standing out against his tan skin. Steve trembles against you, breathing jagged. 
“You can’t—“ He whines softly. “I’m gonna— oh fuck, baby—“
“You can.” You hush him sweetly, another kiss to his shoulder. “C’mon, you can, Stevie. Wanna see you cum f’me, baby, wanna see you cum while I tell you how much I love you, yeah?” 
Steve heaves a deep stuttering breath, his hands finally moving from his sides to grip at your shirt— his fingers twist in and he tugs you impossibly closer. His face turns to hide in your neck as his whimpers start to catch, hips bucking up uncontrollably into your fist. Sweet whiney noises pour into your skin as his orgasm builds up and up — you sweep your hand along the back of his neck again and say it again, a low loving whisper of “I love you,” and Steve breaks. 
His whine is so noisy as the first stream of cum dribbles from his cock and when you don’t slow your pace, you feel his lips part and his teeth sink into your shoulder lightly. He whimpers pathetically, his top half turned to cling to you while you work all his hot cum from his cock, painting your hand and his thighs with it. 
“Mm, so good, love you Stevie, love how well you did for me,” Your murmurs tide Steve over until his soft whines of pleasure turn to whimpers of overstimulation and you finally release his cock. Your hand moves to thigh instead, giving a soft rub as you try to coax his face out. 
“That was big, huh? You came a lot.” Your gaze wanders to his cum-streaked thighs and you can’t help the tiny giggle that titters out of you — it’s enough to get Steve to lift his face. He’s so pink still that it makes you want to coo at him. He looks only a smidge embarrassed, more blissed out than anything. 
“I told you,” He huffs breathlessly, a lazy smile on his face as his head lolls back to rest against the couch. “You can’t say that and expect me not to…” 
He gestures wordlessly to his crotch and you laugh a little, snuggling back up to him. You kiss his neck, nosing up to kiss his jaw and Steve waits patiently, humming happily when you reach his lips. 
You pull back with a teasing smile, “I know but I don’t expect it to keep working every time.” 
Steve waves a hand, eyes slipping closed as his lazy grin spreads. “Mmhmm, liar. You know what it does to me.” 
His words are lovingly, like he loves that you know what he loves. You kiss his cheek once more. 
“Yeah, I do,” you admit gleefully. “And I love it nearly as much as I love you.” 
Steve’s dick gives a soft twitch against his thighs and he groans, face screwing up for a second. “Don’t,” he warns. He opens his eyes to glare at you but there’s no heat. You grin and kiss him again. 
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emmyrosee · 1 year
Bakugou gets invested really easily.
He loves to pretend that he doesn’t care about things, or get super interested, but you know better than anyone that when he wants to get his focus on something, it's almost impossible to break it.
When it's in your favor, it's addictive always having him hang off of you, burrowing his face against you, relishing you in affections only his closest friends would believe and having him eat out of the palm of your hand.
When it's on something else, however, it's torturous.
And yes, while you adore Kaminari Denki's enthusiasm for the first book he's read in four years, it now has Katsuki's full enthusiasm that he covers under a shroud of "like hell he's gonna read more books than me."
He's so full of it, it hurts.
Katsuki's read books in three days or less, tearing through them with ease after work; now, its his one-sunday-a-month off, and he seems completely content in sitting on the couch reading his damn book for hours.
At first you had no issue curling into his lap to rest, his big hand resting on your head and massaging your temple while you drift in and out of sleep.
But it's been four hours. You've woken up three times.
You try for a round of kisses, but he merely returns pecks with his eyes still on the book. You nip at his ear, but his shoulders hike up to nudge your face away. You offer him mewls of 'love you''s, and he grunts back.
You're dying here.
Huffing softly, you push yourself up and off of the couch, shuffling to the kitchen for a glass of water. There’s a small part of you that hopes he notices how annoyed you are and he’ll chase after you.
This, he does not.
With a soft snarl in your throat, you finish off the glass and toss it haphazardly in the sink, once again hoping it’ll rise some form of reaction from Katsuki.
He merely sniffles in the background.
You pace in the kitchen for something to break his laser focus. The closest you've come is when your phone rings back in the living room and he grumbles an annoyed 's' the fuckin' nerd.' You stomp into the living room for your phone, and Katsuki barely spares you a glance over his wire glasses.
Izuku's phone call keeps you all of 3 minutes, and your eyes watch for Katsuki's annoyed grumble and slamming of his book to stop reading and scold you.
No dice.
"Sorry, the oven's on fire, I'll call you later," you interrupt whatever he was saying and hanging up, tossing your phone on the couch next to your boyfriend.
"Why's the oven on fire?" He mumbles, turning the page.
"Because you won't give me attention," you snip.
God, you hate his rare nonchalance sometimes.
Out of options and minimal patience left, you move one of his crossed legs to rest flat on the floor and crawl into his lap, which automatically situates itself to keep your perch. Despite his subconscious action, he smacks his lips in frustration and merely turns the page in his own act of defiance.
“Can I help you?”
“You’re being annoying.”
This, finally, has currant eyes flicking up to you, a brow quirked in confusion and, maybe, just maybe, a glimmer of bothersome.
“I’m literally sitting here, reading. I’ve maybe taken a sip of my water and kissed your forehead while you napped. How the hell am I being annoying?” At his snap, you pout and cross your arms childishly, and he groans in the back of his throat with exhaustedly. “I didn’t mean to snap, baby. You brought that shit out of nowhere, I didn’t know sitting in silence could be annoying.” He dogears his page to give you finally give you his attention. You pout, and he gives you a small sigh, “come on baby; fuckin' talk to me.”
You huff petulantly, but you soften as massive paws smooth over the slopes of your hips. “It is annoying, when you’re ignoring me.” His hands stall, and you avoid his gaze. “I wanted to spend some time with you today, and all you’ve wanted to do is stay in and read… I know you like quality time and everything but I want to do something fun before you’ve got your hands full with work again.”
He rolls his eyes before rubbing his hands up and down your thighs, “so this is something you tell me, not pout and whine. I ain’t a fuckin’ mind reader.”
You turn your head in defiance, “wouldn’t have to say something if you’d stop focusing on your stupid romance novel.”
“It’s not a romance novel,” he says, trying to hide his amusement. “And don’t be fresh. I ain’t the only one at fault here.”
“But here I am- blaming you.” You try your hardest to fight back the smile tugging your lips.
“And you just can’t let me live for five minutes, can you?” He snarls, lips curled in a smirk as he leans forward to bite at the softness of your jawline. “Always gotta have my fuckin’ attention don’t you?” You giggle and shrink back slightly, but his arms tighten around you to keep you from going too far. “Nah. You wanna make a fuckin’ scene about how you want my attention? You’re goin’ no where.”
“Katsu, no!” You whine around giggles, his nose bullying past your tucked chin to nibble and playfully suckle at the tender skin of your neck, making the signals in your brain cross at the silly affections. Your hands shove at his broad shoulders in an attempt to make some distance, to no avail.
He’s got you right when you wanted to be.
“This is all you wanted huh?” He mumbles into your neck, scooting forwards on the couch to hook your legs around his waist. “You just needed me to snuggle and tease you soooo bad.”
“I do not!” You squeal, and your own fingers try to tickle his neck; it manages to get a few snickers before he gathers them in his own large palms and pins them between you.
“Fuck you,” he sneers. He does stop his torment before resting his head against the curve of your neck, and you mewl happily when you worm your hands out to wrap around his shoulders. “Cant have one fuckin’ second of peace.” He kisses the delicate skin of your neck lovingly this time, letting his hands soothingly run up and down the planes of your back. “Don’t get why you don’t fuckin’ talk to me about this shit, we’ve been together for years.”
You huff dramatically, “because you should know.”
“Yeah, we’ve established that I don’t.”
“Shinsou would know,” you poke, smiling as he tenses up and fists the shirt you’re wearing.
“Don’t you fuckin’ start.”
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queer-irritator · 25 days
Roomies | Roommate!Wade Wilson x Roomate! GN! Reader
Inspo for this fic came from @lunasblunt via this post <3
CW: All the things that go along with Deadpool <3, hint at stalking
Word count: 3,107
You trudged up concrete steps to reach your front door. It had been a long, frustrating day at work so you hadn’t bothered to lift your head from your phone where you were currently placing an order for Chinese food. It wasn’t until your key refused to slide into the lock that your attention was torn from the delicious food on your phone. 
After one more failed attempt to insert your key, you noticed a paper stapled to your door with the word ‘EVICTION’ typed in large red print. 
“What the fuck?” You mumbled to yourself, eyebrows knit together in confusion. 
You began to read the notice, apparently your piece of shit roommate hadn’t been paying their half of the rent the last few months. Sighing, you turned to face the street and sat on the cold steps and ran your hands down your face. This night really couldn’t get much worse. 
After taking a few minutes to wallow in self pity, you got up and located your belongings that had been thrown in a disorganized pile next to the steps. There was no doubt in your mind some items had been stolen if they were outside all day. You rummaged through your belongings and packed up what you needed, now you just needed somewhere to crash. 
Unlocking your phone, you scrolled through your contacts list hoping someone would be kind enough to accommodate you for the night. 
‘Althea S.’
The name brought a smile to your lips, Al was a long time family friend and always was there for you in your hardest moments. You clicked on her contact information and gave her a call. 
Of course, Al was happy to offer up her couch for as long as you needed. So, you were now stepping off the bus that dropped you off in front of her apartment. Rummaging through your bag for a spare key Al had given to you a few years ago, a gruff, low voice sounded besides you.
“You heading inside?”
Startled, you jumped slightly and placed your hand over your chest, “Oh, you scared me! I didn’t see you there.” 
“I tend to have that effect on people.” the man replied, putting out a cigar he had been smoking. 
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean that you were scary, I just…” You paused, it would probably be better to just move on, “But, yes. I am heading inside. Can’t find my key.” 
The man was pretty tall. He had dark hair and quite an interesting facial hair style choice going on. And although he was wearing jeans and a flannel, it was obvious he was incredibly muscular and fit. 
The man moved in front of you and unlocked the door and held it open. 
You thanked him as you walked inside and he followed behind you. You started to make your way up the stairs to the third floor. Although the mysterious man wasn’t speaking, you still heard his footsteps behind you. You were telling yourself it had to be just a coincidence. That was, until he continued to follow you to Al’s door. 
You had began to shake slightly from anxiety, this man has been following you and there was no way you could put up a fight with him. But you could sure as hell try. You turned around quickly, gripping your pepper spray in one hand.
“Can you please stop following me??” Your tone came out aggressive and confrontational, just as you had hoped. 
“I’m not following you.” He said simply. 
God, he was a bad liar. He wasn’t even trying to think of an excuse!
You used your thumb to slide open your pepper spray as you continued to try to get him to leave you alone, “Yes, you are. I know who lives in this apartment, so if you don’t leave I’m going to scream and then you’ll go to jail for being a fucking creep.” 
“First of all, you can’t go to jail just for “being a creep”. Second of all, I live here!” He began to raise his voice.
You gave him two chances, so you quickly lifted your pepper sprays to his face and sprayed him in the eyes and began to bang on the door.
“What the fuck!?” The man squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands over his eyes.
“Al!! Open the door! I need help!!” You yelled while banging on the door. 
The man was groaning in pain and trying to get his bearings when you heard a click and the door open. Without even looking, you ran inside and locked the door behind you. 
“What the fuck is going on?” You heard Al’s voice behind you.
Panting, you dropped your bag and frantically began to explain the situation. 
Al began to comfort you and rubbed your shoulder, “Wade, go see what the hell is going on.”
You hadn’t noticed before that there was a man sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and holding a hairless dog. 
He groaned before getting up dramatically. He was only wearing a white t-shirt, blue and white striped boxers and white fluffy bunny slippers as he poked his head into the hall.
“Come here, sugar.” Al lead you to the couch and got you a glass of water and offered you some hits from the bong sitting on the table, which you gladly took. 
While you were calming down, you heard muffled voices from the hallway. There was only two things you heard clearly. 
It was the same voice as before, yelling again, “They fucking pepper sprayed me!” followed by who you assume is Wade, laughing hysterically. 
The door opened and Wade walked in, but the man that had been following you also came inside. 
“What are you doing?? That’s the guy that was following me!” You shot up from the couch, ready to become defensive. 
“Well, obviously, a certain blind old lady has neglected to tell you that she has 3 roommates.” Wade explained. 
“What?” You looked to Al, confused.
“Oh shit.” Al murmured, “Yeah, I guess I forgot a thing or two. Meet Logan and Wade.” She said, gesturing to the door, where the men no longer stood. 
“Oh my god.” You brought a hand up to cover your mouth as guilt began to come over you.
Al had mentioned Wade and Logan in passing, but never told you they lived with her, or that they would be around tonight.
Logan was still wiping his eyes, but Wade had returned to his position on the couch.
You gingerly stepped closer to Logan, “I am so sorry, Logan… Is there anything I can do? I’ll get you some water.” You didn’t give him a chance to answer before you were in the kitchen filling up a glass of water and also wetting a dish cloth.
“Oh, don’t be sorry.” Wade piped up, “You’re my new favorite person now!” 
Logan ignored him, “It’s fine… I can’t say I blame you.” He took the wet cloth from you when you returned and wiped his eyes and face with it.
“Well, I’m going to bed. Don’t pepper spray anyone else.” Al announced before heading to her room. 
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna do the same…” Logan said before disappearing into the second bedroom.
Now you were left alone with Wade. You sat on the opposite end of the couch without saying another word. The only sounds filling the room were coming from the television and the crunch of popcorn. 
Feeling awkwardness creep in, you decided to take another hit on the bong.  
“Evicted? Yeeesh, that sucks.” The man beside you spoke. 
You whipped your head toward him to see him rummaging through your bag, tossing your eviction notice over his shoulder and continuing his snooping. 
“Uhm… could you maybe not go through my stuff?” You were aghast by the audacity of this man. 
“I could, but I’m nosy. And you did just pepper spray my best friend.” He defended his actions as he examined a pair of your underwear. 
You snatched the underwear and your bag from him, stuffing the garment back inside and zipping it up. 
“Which I apologized for. And you didn’t seem too concerned for him earlier.” You tucked your bag next to you on the couch. 
Wade shrugged and continued eating his popcorn, but just then a pink hello kitty watch he wore on his wrist went off. 
“Oh, duty calls!” He set the bowl of half eaten popcorn aside and stood up. 
You carefully watched him as he picked up a clump of red clothing from the floor and gave it a sniff. It must have passed the smell test because he kicked off his bunny slippers and got dressed in a red and black suit. After he equipped copious amounts of weapons to his holsters, he put on a mask and opened the door. 
“See you later, sweet cheeks.” He winked at you before leaving. 
After the night you had, you decided to just go to bed while you had some peace and quiet.
You had been staying at Al’s for about two weeks now. You got to know the boys better, and it only made you feel worse about pepper spraying Logan. He had insisted that you take the bedroom and he would put up with sleeping on the couch. Despite how many times you said no and refused, it was to no avail. He had practically forced you to take his room. Wade on the other hand was always coming and going at odd hours. You learned that he and Logan were mutants and hunted down criminals once in a while together, they called themselves Deadpool and Wolverine. Wade did most of his work on his own though, he described it as “beating up assholes”. You had only seen him a handful of times, but he was seeming to stick around a bit longer after returning from one of his adventures last night. 
It was morning and you were cooking breakfast with Logan. The two of you had actually been getting along, despite the circumstances which you met. He was giving you a tip on knowing when bacon was done cooking when Wade had inserted himself in between the two of you.
“Hey! Glad to see my two peanuts are getting along!” He said, slinging his arms over yours and Logan’s shoulders. 
Logan was quick to shrug his arm off, “Go feed your rat dog, Wilson.” 
Wade did a theatrical gasp, “Don’t you EVER call her that again! She is a beautiful angel!” He walked over to pick up Dogpool and cuddle her. 
“That’s my good girl! Yes, you love your Papa, don’t you?” He cooed and baby-talked Dogpool as she licked his face. 
You had been watching him and chuckled to yourself. Logan glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. He saw the way you looked at Wade. At first he thought it was you pitying him, but the more he observed, the more he could tell you definitely had a crush. 
“I’m gonna finish this up, it’ll be ready in 10 minutes.” Logan said as he began to cook some pancakes.
You nodded at him and headed to your room, giving a big smile to Wade and Dogpool as you passed them. You sat on your bed and pulled out your computer, continuing your daily search for a new apartment. 
It only took about two minutes until Wade had appeared in your doorway. You glanced up and acknowledged him with a quick ‘Hi’. You tried to focus on your task at hand, but Wade was a hard person to ignore. 
He looked around the room and took a few steps inside. He picked up one of the stuffed animals you had displayed in a net and played with it for a few seconds before putting it back. Coming further into the room, he swung his arms by his side and blew a raspberry into the air. He looked at a few more of your things strewn about the room before he was at the edge of your bed, looking over your shoulder.
“Getting tired of us already?” He commented, sitting next to you. 
You looked over at him and chuckled, “I’m just staying here until I get a new place. Remember the eviction notice you found snooping in my bag?” 
“Ohhh yeah, I almost forgot about that!” He thought back fondly on the night you met. 
His presence being so close to you made your heart beat pick up speed and breath shake slightly. You couldn’t deny your attraction to Wade. Especially when he would get home late, sweaty, beaten, and bloody, still in his suit. God, that suit. It made him look so damn good. 
“What about that one?” He lifted his arm to point at your screen, arm brushing against yours in the process.
You clicked on the listing, “Well, if you have $6,000 laying around every month for rent, we could get it.” You chuckled. 
“We?” Wade repeated your words, looking at you. 
You felt your cheeks heat up, “Well, I can’t afford it…” 
Before Wade could make a snide comment, Logan knocked on your open door. 
“Breakfast is ready.” 
You took the excuse to close your laptop and quickly get up and get some food. 
Wade trailed behind you, but stopped when his phone rang. He dug his hand into his pocket and answered the call. You couldn’t help but listen in as you began to eat. 
“Okay! Don’t get your nipples in a twist, I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Wade groaned and hung up, leaving to go change into his suit. 
It was starting to piss Wade off how much he had been working the past few weeks. He had barely had any time to get to know you. When he re-emerged, ready to take out some bad guys, minus the mask, he grabbed a piece of bacon. 
“It’s like no one wants to kill evil masterminds themselves these days!” He commented, mouth full of food. He picked up a pancake and shoved it in his mouth before pulling on his mask. 
“Thanks for breakfast, peanut.” He said, ruffling Logan’s hair.
He was greeted with adamantium claws in his side, “Don’t fucking touch me.” 
Wade groaned in pain but quickly laughed it off, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the Outback today.”
You grimaced, the squelching sound of blood dampening your appetite. You were just glad the Deadpool suit’s colors hid the blood stains. 
Logan’s claws retracted and Wade walked to the door, “You don’t have to play hard to get in front of company, pookie bear.” He winked and blew a kiss towards you and Logan before leaving. 
“I swear, one day I’m going to find a way to kill him.” Logan muttered before continuing to eat. 
You chuckled and drank some coffee, the dynamic Wade and Logan had never failed to make you laugh. 
Later that night Logan and Al had gone out to a bar, but you elected to stay in. It was around 10:30 when Wade came home. When we walked through the door he looked a little worse for wear, more than usual. 
His posture was hunched forward and his shoulders were hanging low. You could also see multiple bullet holes in his suit. You got up from where you had been sitting on the couch with Dogpool. 
“Wade? Did you have a rough day?” You questioned, voice laced with concern.
“You could say that.” He replied, flopping onto the couch with a sigh. 
“What happened?” You noticed a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead on his mask which he just started to take off. 
“Just- God dammit.” He muttered to himself, struggling to find the seam of velcro to peel off his mask. 
“Let me help.” You said, scooting closer to him so your thighs were brushing together. 
Wade set his hands down on his lap as yours gently removed his mask and placed it on the coffee table. You gave him a sweet, sympathetic smile when you saw the defeated look on his face. 
“You can talk to me.” You gently encouraged him, placing a hand on his knee. He looked down at your hand and then back to your eyes. He leaned back against the couch, “The asshole got away today.”
“I”m sorry.” You mirrored his movements and removed your hand from his knee. 
Wade immediately missed the warmth of your body heat on him. He closed his eyes as he silently cursed himself. He wasn’t supposed to feel like this again, a dull ache in his chest and a pit in his stomach whenever you looked his way or touched him in passing. After Vanessa left, he didn’t want to love someone ever again. But then you just had to walk into his apartment. 
You had been staring at Wade the entire time, your heart breaking for him. While you sat in silence you were racking your brain for a way to cheer him up. 
“Oh, I got a really cute picture of Dogpool earlier!” You chimed up, grabbing your phone off the table and searching for the photo. 
Wade stared at your face while you scrolled through your phone. When you presented the photo to him, he didn’t move his head to look at it. 
“Can I kiss you?” He questioned, voice lower and more serious than you’ve heard it before. 
His question left you stunned, “...Huh?” You were still holding up your phone displaying a picture of Dogpool asleep on her back, tongue hanging out as always. 
“Can I kiss you?” Wade repeated himself. Your heart fluttered and you lowered your phone, “Uhm… yes.” You nodded. 
Wade leaned forward and captured your lips, placing one of his hands on the couch on the other side of you. 
You closed your eyes and leaned into his kiss. His lips were surprisingly soft as you gently moved against them. Wade let go first, leaning away from you to gauge your reaction. 
You looked at him, slightly puzzled, “Why did you stop?” 
“Just making sure I don’t scare you away.” He smirked, but you could tell there was truth hidden in his words. 
You sat up and swung a leg over Wade and straddled his hips and rested your hands on his shoulders.
“You could never.” You whispered to him, inching closer to his face. 
That must have been all he needed to hear, because Wade was grabbing the side of your face and crashing his lips together with yours once again. 
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2jinbi · 24 days
hi everyone :3 this is my first time ever writing anything. i’ve never written anything before but i have really bad jjk brainrot right now so i created this account to dump this stuff on. please ignore any spelling mistakes! english is not my strongest suite. im good at it but yk, im not an experienced writer. please feel free to give me criticism. i also dont know if this is formatted right because, well, refer to what i said before lol.
warnings: aged up chars, fluff, slightly ooc, uncle yuuji n auntie nobara 🥹, baby’s name is fumiko (fumi for short), just something fun and short and silly
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“no, you can’t eat that!” nobara takes the rubix cube from the infant’s hand. she throws the rubix cube somewhere else as she goes back to filing her nails. she’s left wide-eyed, and you can already tell by the look alone she’s about to start crying. you never understood. yes, she was a baby, but even so, questions are questions. you stop what you’re doing and kneel down next to fumi.
“shh, come here,” your voice is a barely above a whisper. she bursts into tears and starts crying loudly as you place her on your hip and bounce her gently.
“somebody shut that damn baby up, please. focus is key.” yuuji says without sparing a glance at you. he’s too focused on his chess game—you can tell by his body language and posture. yuuji had picked up the hobby literally out of nowhere. you went over to his apartment one day and saw a huge chess board spread across his coffee table. “i learned chess three days ago. todo taught me. he beat my ass really bad. i learned to win against him, and just out of spite,” he chuckles.
“watch it. that’s my kid,” megumi warns. yuuji eyerolls to that—he knew he could never say anything bad about fumi in his presence. it’s not like he did, anyway. he loved fumi like his own; she was everything to him. he wanted to crack a joke but forgot megumi doesn’t joke about his kid. he heaves a sigh and blinks. “well, your kid is distracting me. i can’t focus with the crying.”
“shut up, yuuji. she’s just a baby!” nobara quickwits. fumi had settled down now, but only because she got tired of crying. you know she’d begin again anytime. “she’s right. babies will do baby things. plus, fumi’s teething now, and she’s in constant pain, so she’s bound to throw fits.” megumi defends. it brings a smile to your face.
“you’re not a very good uncle, ‘y’know,” you said amused. you opened your mouth to speak, but nobara got to it first. “beefing with a baby is crazy to me,” nobara raises her brows and whistles. “no way you guys are ganging up on me.”
fumi starts fussing again, and you can see her trying to escape your arms. she’s reaching her father. you frown slightly but walk over to megumi and hand her to him. he smiles warmly at her and kisses the top of her head. “hi baby,” he says softly. yuuji already accepted defeat. he knew megumi wouldn’t finish the game like this. “you’re so cute, baby. so cute,” he cradles his baby. you’re in awe at the sight. megumi never spoke like this to anyone—his voice was never this soft spoken unless it came to you or his daughter. you notice fumi’s eyes flutter, and she yawns. in a matter of minutes, she’s sleeping. megumi walks to your room and places her in the crib.
“she’s sleeping now. don’t worry,” he walks over to you and places a chaste kiss on your lips. “you’re so gorgeous. i love you so much.” you feel your cheeks heat up intensely. nobara audibly retches, and yuuji looks away, embarrassed. “ew. please get a room.” “agreed!”
megumi’s face twitches. “shut up!”
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hp-hcs · 3 months
carnations — mlm! disaster! simp! enzo berkshire x male! mlm! muggleborn! gryffindor! reader
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hooooo boy, alrighty, a few things:
i am in fact alive, hello! i just got really bad imposter syndrome about my writing and didn’t post any fics for like three months <3
i did actual RESEARCH for this fic. using an actual physical BOOK.
one of my lovely little darlings suggested an enzo + male reader + picnic date drabble, and it spiraled into 1.4k words of gay
you will get secondhand embarrassment from enzo in this. just warning you. but it’s in like a cute way so yk
ty all for not getting mad about me not posting i literally adore y’all sm 🤟
“Y/n,” Ron loudly whispered, elbowing you in the side. “Do you have a spare quill I can borrow?”
“Can you last one day without breaking something, Weasley?” You rolled your eyes fondly, giving him the quill in your hand and reaching down to grab another from your bag. Instead, your hand brushed against something else.
You retrieved the mystery object from your bag with furrowed eyebrows. It was a small rectangular object, no bigger than your palm, wrapped in brown paper and tied up with a pretty lavender ribbon—with a single green carnation in the center of the bow.
You set aside the carnation, unwrapping the tiny gift and being met with the sight of a small book, bound in leather, which bore the gilded name: FLORIOGRAPHY: A Guide to the Victorian Language of Flowers.
The first flower you found was pressed between the pages of your Runes textbook. A combination of a rich purple and vibrant yellow color, with a striking dark center that spread out onto three of its five petals.
You carefully tucked the flower back away in between the pages of your textbook, vowing to look it up after class.
You couldn’t focus for the rest of the lesson.
It took a while to flip through every entry of the two-hundred page book, squinting at the tiny illustrations, but you eventually found a match to the mystery flower.
————— PANSY Viola tricolor var. hortensis
Meaning: You occupy my thoughts —————
Pansy stopped in her tracks, looking back over her shoulder with a look of distaste. “Yes, lion?”
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“We’re talking right now,” she drawled, but grabbed your sleeve and pulled you into a nearby empty classroom. “What is it?”
You root through your bag, drawing out the Runes textbook.
“Homework?” she scoffed. “I’m not a tutor, little lion.”
“No, not the book.” You rolled your eyes, carefully opening it. “I found this in between the pages this morning.”
Her eyes lit up at the sight of the pressed flower you cradled in your hand. “It’s you?” She looked baffled. “Huh. I never would’ve guessed. Anyways, congratulations on solving the first clue.”
An odd hot-pink flower, with little shoots sprouting from the center and reminding you a bit of those light-up fiber optic lamps from the Muggle world, sat in the palm of your hand. A second green carnation was tied to the stem of the mystery flower with another lavender ribbon.
Pansy had abandoned you as soon as the flower was in your possession, saying that she hadn’t been paid enough to stick around.
(You knew she was just as invested in this as you were.)
Finally, after flipping through the little leather-bound book for what felt like the hundredth time, you found the strange flower.
————— MYRTLE Myrtus
Meaning: Love —————
Huh. Well. Okay then. A little on the nose, but alright.
“Um, excuse me? Miss…Myrtle Warren?”
“A boy!” the unsettling ghost girl shrieked. “Twice! In one day!”
“There was another boy in here?” you asked hopefully. “Who was he?”
“Get out! This is the ladies’ room!”
“I’m real sorry, Miss Myrtle,” you said placatingly. “I’m just on a…scavenger hunt of sorts, and I thought a clue led to you. My apologies for bothering you.”
“A scavenger hunt?” Myrtle questioned, suddenly interested. She uncrossed her arms and floated down from the ceiling. “What are you looking for?”
“A flower of some sort? The last one I got was from a myrtle tree.” You held the offensively pink flower up for her to see. “It’s why I thought you might be the next clue.”
She looked flattered. “Well…the other boy who came in here earlier did have something with him. A package.”
“Did he leave it in here?”
“Yes.” Myrtle points to the dusty windowsill on the far wall. “Why is he leaving things for you?”
“I don’t know,” you said vaguely, hoping to bypass the conversation. As much as you’d love to discuss the intricacies of queer relationships with an annoying ghost girl who died in the forties, you’d rather do literally anything else.
So you merely picked up the brown paper-wrapped item, familiarly decorated with a lavender bow and a green carnation, and tucked it safely in your bag to be opened later.
“Thank you for your help, Miss Myrtle.”
The ghost giggled and her cheeks turned a silvery-white; probably the phantasmic equivalent of a blush.
You quickly hurried out of the girls’ bathroom.
————— CLEMATIS Clematis
Meaning: Cleverness —————
“I’m at a dead end,” you groaned, resting your head on your arms.
Ron patted your shoulder from beside you, only half paying attention to your queer plight. “You’ll figure it out,” he mumbled around a mouthful of pie, spewing crumbs all over the table.
Hermione made a face. “Charming, Ronald.” At his weak protests, she just rolled her eyes and turned back to you. “How do you even know it’s a boy anyways?”
“Carnations,” you mumbled. “Green carnations. Oscar Wilde’s secret symbol of homosexuality in the late nineteenth century.”
“Okay, so your secret admirer is a dork, is what you’re saying,” Ron drawled.
You looked up with a scowl, ready to throw back a witty remark, when you were interrupted by Lightning Boy-howdy-how-has-he-not-died-yet.
“What’s with the whole bouquet you’ve got going on, L/n?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the half-dozen flowers spread out across the table.
“Trying to decode some fuckin’ Victorian bullshit.” You smacked the book down on the table, frustrated.
Harry picked up the large dark purple flower you’d unceremoniously tossed in front of you.
“Oh, this is a clematis flower,” he said offhandedly. “My aunt and uncle have this exact shrub in their garden. The blooms never get this big though.”
You perked up in surprise. “You’re familiar with it?”
Harry nodded. “Yep. Tricky little bugger. Lord Neville’s a pretty aggressive feeder and needs lots of fertilizer, although that’s true of all clematis plants, I suppose. They’re also—”
“What did you just say?” you interrupted.
“It’s an aggressive feeder…?”
“No, no, the other part. Lord Neville?”
Harry quirks an eyebrow. “Yeah? It’s just the name of the subspecies, Y/n. No big deal.”
“Oh my Godric— I have to go!”
You shove everything into your bag, almost tripping over the table’s bench in your haste to get up.
“What about lunch?” Ron called after you, affronted.
“No time!”
You hesitantly opened the door to Greenhouse No. 5, peeking inside the warm shed.
“Neville?” you called out cautiously, giving one plant actively trying to wriggle out of its pot nearby a wary look.
You fully stepped inside the greenhouse, your attention immediately caught by the neat trail of green fan-shaped petals on the ground.
You followed the trail through the front room of the greenhouse, crossing through the threshold to the second room and looking up, only to see—
Enzo rocked back and forth on his feet nervously, chewing his bottom lip and fiddling with the cuffs of his uniform shirt. “Surprise?”
You didn’t know the boy too well. You’d been his assigned partner on a few school projects here and there, and he’d always been friendly when you passed him in the halls, but he’d always seemed a bit reserved and shy around you.
You took a moment to draw your gaze away from him to look around the greenhouse. A silver and green Slytherin blanket was spread out neatly across the ground by Enzo’s feet. A proper wicker picnic basket, two crystal glasses, and a bottle of wine sat on the edge of the blanket, waiting.
Enzo himself had a green carnation pinned to the pocket of his shirt, tied with a lavender ribbon. You grinned.
“You did all this?”
He must’ve misinterpreted your tone of surprise, because he immediately panicked. “U-um, yes. Yeah. Yep. Sorry. I should’ve asked before trying to court you, right? Oh— rats, I didn’t I ask— I just thought you were so handsome, and nice, and— and I didn’t really know how to ask you out—” he rambled nervously.
“Thank you,” you interrupted, for his sake. “This is adorable.”
Enzo’s face was bright red, and you couldn’t help but grin at the sight.
“Why flowers?”
“Oh! Uh. Big part of pureblood culture. Flowers. Daphne, Astoria, Pansy…all flowers.”
You nodded, still grinning.
Enzo cleared his throat awkwardly and motioned to the blanket. “Please, sit.”
You settled down on the soft blanket across from him, sitting cross legged. At your perpetual grin, he seemed to relax a bit.
“Y’know,” you started, as he uncorked the wine and started pouring the glasses, “I think this is the perfect place for a first date.”
His hands trembled as you said that and he looked up at you hopefully. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you grinned. “Perfect place for romance to bloom.”
“That’s a terrible pun.”
“I know. Can you be-leaf it?”
“That’s worse.”
“Be nice. I’m a budding comedian.”
“Shut up.”
“Why don’t you use your tulips to make me?”
[please comment if you enjoyed this! this author needs constant positive reinforcement, like a literal toddler!]
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 7 months
Since you open ask box and request, can I get TF141 men (or Ghost and Gaz if you don't feel like to write all of them) reacting to cool, rarely smile, intimidating and stoic reader finally smiling for the first time. Let's say reader has soft spot for certain things (cat, dog, book, flower etc) and they immediately smile when they see them without realize it. Boys just keep falling harder for reader and decide to make it their mission to make reader smiles more often.
I guess that's all for now. Thank you
hello🦈 anon!! Sorry I wasn't sure you want me to write them separately or together, so I chose the latter lmao. Hope you will like it (or don't hate it), TYSM for the request :) I love this request so much since I'm always a fan of cool reader. tf141*GN!Reader, Reader's kinda tsundere word count: 1.9k
Every member of Task Force 141 saw you as a capable teammate, you went through thick and thin with them, and always have their back. On the field, your shooting accuracy and excellent combat skills saved you and the team many times, quickly clearing any threat so the mission wouldn’t be compromised. You have rarely been scolded by Price, and always dealt with your paperwork impeccably. The only problem was that you’re too stoic, they never saw you smile from the first day you joined the task force. More like a robot than a human, this is how others evaluated you, and you had an aura that made recruits afraid to speak to you.
You even smiled less than Ghost, at least the man still got some dry humor and bad jokes to spit out, but you rarely reacted to greetings except a nod, less to say about Soap and Gaz joking with you, they were lucky if you spared them a crook of your eyebrows to their teasing that day. but this only made your teammates curious —especially Soap — eager to know the person under the facade, even if it was just a little. Soap wrote down what he discovered from you every day in his journal, from how you always have your tea, to trivial habits like you would frown nearly imperceptibly when you see the cafeteria is out of your favorite sandwich. Soap would tell other men about what he finds about you today, and they would keep those details in mind too. Until the day, Laswell brought a big cake which she was gifted by others but she was unable to finish it herself. They saw your eyes brighten instantly, and an expectant smile blooms on your face. Your eyes stuck on the exquisite big cake in front of you, not aware of Gaz gaping at your smile like he saw the sun rise from the west today, how Price immediately stopped his hand while smoking his cigar so he could take a good look, even Ghost’s eyes were wide like full moon behind his mask. It wasn't until Soap’s yelp that dragged you out of your trance, and you turned around just to find all your teammates staring at you like you were an alien. “Any issues, MacTavish?” Confused, you asked Soap who made you stop staring at the cake. “You- You can smile?” “Did I?” “Well, let’s finish this quickly so it won’t left over to tomorrow” Price raised his hand to interrupt the talk before Soap could say other things “The fridge has no place to put this bloody huge cake.” After Price’s command, all of you walked and took a plate and fork. Price sliced a medium size for him, Ghost did the same. Soap took the knife and sliced a slightly bigger one for him and Gaz, but when he was about to cut one for you, you reached out your hand to beckon a “give me” gesture, which Soap obliged and handed over the handle to you. Only for him to see you slice 1/3 of that damn enormous cake and put it on your plate. “Wha- ye sure ye can eat all of ‘em ?!” His jaw dropped at the huge slice of cake that made the center of your paper plate sink, but only received an “huh” face from you. Well, his concern was unneeded, because you devoured the whole thing in 5 minutes, faster than everyone else, and stood up to cut another piece. “you really like cake ain’t you.” Gaz chuckled at the scene where you almost bury your face in the plate. “No.” “Then why are you smiling like a kid who sees their favorite toy?” Frowning, you touched your cheek to check, and oh shit, you truly were. “I-“ your face changed from :D to :| while you tried to find an excuse “It’s just Captain said that don’t leave the cake overnight, so I’m eating this much, not that I love cake.”
Even though your poor excuse, all of them knew their new goal now: bringing you cakes so they could see the pretty smile enthralled them. The first who brought you cake is Ghost, he saw a strawberry shortcake on his way back to the base, he didn’t think twice before he told the staff to wrap the cake for him. and he was sure his decision was right when he showed it to you, and you two sat in the common area. He drank the tea you made for him as appreciation while watching that pretty smile reappear on your face again. “Look who said they don’t love cakes, and eatin’ like a man who haven’t eaten in days now.” He lifted his mask to his nose to drink the tea, so when you shot him a glare, you could see the smirk spreading on his lips. “You bought it and I don’t want to waste it, that’s it.” you stabbed the fork on the cake. Ghost huffed out a laugh at your answer, but when you went back to swallow a full spoon of whipped cream, he took note in his mind to buy you the chocolate mousse he saw at the store next time, so the precious expression.
Gaz bought you an Earl Grey mille crepe cake a few days after, which was the flavor of your favorite tea. “It’s it good?” He gave you a toothly grin that you thought was too dazzling when the “not bad” slipped out your lips whilst you were busy finishing the cake. He sat beside you and ate the slice you cut for him, and he rambled about what happened today to entertain you. You pretended you were not interested, eyes never left the cake, but you memorized everything he said clearly.
Of course, Soap wouldn’t forget to dig into this breakthrough of yours. A big ‘they love CAKES!’ was written in his journal, with 2 circles highlighting the words. He considered you have eaten crepe cake and shortcake from Ghost and Gaz, so he got you a basque cheesecake. “What is this?” You tilted your head when you opened the take-out box. “basque cheesecake. Heard it from the medics.” Soap watched you attentively take a little bite at the cake, and he laughed when your face beamed up in a second. “Not bad?” He knew you just refused to admit you love cakes. You answered with your cheeks stuffed with cheesecake. “NAOW BAA” After he waved goodbye to you, he came back to his barrack, he opened his journal. a big ‘Basque cheesecake ✔️’ had been added under the circles.
The captain hadn’t let the chances to see your face gleam with happiness slip by too. As usual, you came to his office with a flawless report, and for some debrief about the next mission. When it was over and you were about to leave, he called your name to stop you from exiting. “Is there anything I forgot to tell you, Captain?” Your face was serious, without any improper or unprofessional, but it didn’t last long because Price took out a fresh cream Swiss roll. “You’re going to drool all over your shirt, sergeant.” He teased and received a little scowl from you, but the harmless scowl was unable to stop him from fixating on and mesmerized by the satisfied grin that lingered on your face when you made both of you some tea and started consuming the whole roll.
You got pampered by all 4 men of your team for months. Thanks to the high amount of exercise, you didn’t gain belly fat, and getting lots of cakes from them had you started gifting them things too. You got Ghost some nice whiskey when you came back from leave, which he gladly accepted and invited you to drink together. You gave Soap some snacks from your hometown and stationeries for journaling, and almost get squished into a dough by his tight embrace. Gaz got some game cards from you, and when he surprisingly asked you why you knew he wanted those games for a while, you just shrugged and walked away, there was no chance that you were gonna tell him you had been listening to him and Soap chatting about them. Price entered his office one day morning, and saw his box of favorite cigars and tea being placed on his desk. He realized it was you in the blink of an eye, only you would choose to secretly put gifts and refuse to leave a note indicating who you were. He just patted your head and thanked you when he met you in the training room.
Times flew fast when your life was occupied with missions and training (and cakes). Tonight you went out for a while to buy something for your teammates, since they still insisted on feeding you cakes frequently, recompensing them with gifts they loved had become your habit too. but when you searched from the common room to Price’s office, you couldn’t find any of them. Odd, you thought, you hadn’t heard them leaving the base too, you even searched each of their room, which still lacked their figures. Furrowing your brows, you decided to go back to your room, maybe you could give them tomorrow. What you didn’t expect was when you opened the door of your room, you were welcomed by Soap and Gaz’s exciting voice. “Happy birthday!” “Jesus… I was searching for all of you…” Your eyes rounded “Wait… It’s my birthday today?” “Don’t tell me ye didn’ remember!” Soap, who standing closest to you and with a birthday cake, shoved you playfully with his elbow. “I…” You glanced at the calendar hanging on your wall, unable to form words when you realized it really was your birthday today. “Come take a seat, love.” Price’s words help you fill the silence. You slowly closed the door behind you, and your gaze traveled from the elegant cake, the flames dancing on the candle, to your teammates — the people you trusted with your life. “A cake makes you stupid, sergeant?” You heard Ghost chuckle at your reaction, but you didn’t glower at him this time, because you felt tears welled up in your eyes, uncontrollably. “Oh no, lovie’s going ta cry!” Gaz joked at you while he led you to your seat. You blinked away tears before they could escape, and smack at Gaz’s bicep. “Shut up, Garrick.” The laughs and jokes filled your little room with joy, you sat there listening to Gaz and Soap banter with Ghost about how he was so selective about the cake so they could give you the best one, and as Ghost retorted back, a plate was handed to you. The biggest slice among others, full of whipped cream and fruits decorating it. You picked up the fork and started eating, the sweetness spread inside your mouth, with the fruit neutralizing it and taking the taste to a whole other level. “Ye always smile when ye eatin’ cakes, you know? really like cakes don’t ye?” You raised your head from the plate, and finding everyone looking at you, with such softness you questioned yourself if you were able to reciprocate, and you touched your cheeks, you could feel the corner of your lips curling upwards. but this time, you deepened your grin, warm and fascinating, before you picked up your fork again. “Maybe I do.”
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l0vergirlv0mit · 11 months
Song to go with: Bag by Clairo ❤️
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Pairing: College!Hazel Callahan x Reader
Summary: you’ve been in love with your best friend for years. Watching her date people sucks especially when one of the absolutely despises you.
Contents/warning: Switch!Hazel x Switch!Reader, fingering, oral, pet names, nipple play, cursing, threats, light? violence (nothing gory), sm yearning.
A/n: for the dorm imagine Buffy and willows dorm from btvs<3. Also reader isn’t fem but also isn’t masc but is definitely masc leaning. for my in between girlies 😘.
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You alarm clock rudely wakes you up with an incessant buzz. Hitting it a bit to hard it falls off your night stand making you groan into the sunlit room. You sit up with squinted eyes not noticing that Hazel was still in the dorm. “Well good morning sleepy head.” She smiles at your groggy state.
You wake up just enough to snatch the alarm clock of the ground and punch it off. “Ughhh good morning.” Your eyes finally adjust to the light fully taking Hazel in. She was still in her pjs wearing a white wife pleaser and low waisted grey sweats. “Shouldn’t you be in class right now?” You ask her confused as to why she was skipping her morning class.
“I should but Anya had me up till 2.” She clasps her hands around the back of her neck. She still had her tired raspy voice probably having woken up a couple minutes before you. “Oh god spare me.” Suppressing an eye roll you got up from the bed and grabbed your towel, getting ready to go to the showers. Anya pissed you off to no end.
And it wasn’t because she was dating the person you wanted more than anything (maybe a little bit). It was her glares and her back handed compliments that she gave you any chance she could. How she would snap at people over anything and everything she was extremely abrasive.
Your friends tried to explain that that was just her personality but you didn’t function like that you were quiet and sweet. Both didn’t mix well so she tended to single you out. Always trying to push you out of your comfort zone by teasing and getting a rise out of you. You can barley ask a waiter for ketchup let alone defend yourself. But you refuse to tell Hazel about her behavior because she was happy. She was so sweet to Hazel and that made you most livid.
“Not like that y/n we went out for our 4 months.” She grinned at your scrunched face. “How fun nothing says I love you like sleep deprivation.” She raises her eyebrows at your grouchy mood with a soft smile still on her lips.
“Oh wow someone’s moody, anyway Josie was texting the group chat about a going to the bar tonight are you gonna come?” Hazel asks you hoping you’d say yes because you never go out. “Mmm I’ll think about it Haze Ill probably have a lot of work to do.” Hazel sighs. “Pleaseeee you never come out with us anymore.” She give you a pleading look. “I have a lot of today I’ll let you know if I’m up for it.” You giggle at her childish tone and pat her shoulder then leave the dorm.
You let Hazel know you were coming and put your phone down and change out of your work clothes. Your style has always been a bit more grungy and masculine only really dressing a bit feminine for special events or outings.
You put on your favorite baggy black jeans that hung off your hips so beautifully. Then put on a spaghetti strap tank top and a long sleeve over it made of black mesh and lace that was completely see through. You left your hair messy and smudged black shadow and liner on your eyes. Finishing off your outfit by putting on your black docs.
Hazel was already with the group so you drove yourself to Josie, PJ, and Isabel’s shared apartment. You found your way to the apartment door knocking timidly. You rock back and forth on your feet waiting for someone to open the door.
When someone finally does it’s her. She doesn’t talk to you directly. “Y/n is here now guys can we finally leave?” She says not letting you in yet talking to YOUR friends behind the door.
Hazel quickly comes to the door and smiles brightly at you pulling you in by your hand . “Oh wow someone’s trying to get lucky tonight.” Hazel softly says nudging you. This earns you a glare from Anya.
The group sits in the living room area to catch up before heading out. Everyone’s talking but your mind is elsewhere. You’ve always been the quieter one of the group so your lack of conversation goes unnoticed.
You can’t help but stare at Hazel and Anya. A deep grief blooms in your chest. Hazels arm around Anya protectively. Anya tucks a piece of hair behind Hazels ear and kissed her on the cheek. Hazels face becomes so soft and loving it tears you apart wishing so bad that you were Anya. Hazels hand travels to her waist to pull her closer just to top it off.
You look at Anya for a bit taking in how perfect and pretty she is. She’s so feminine and put together. She was everything you would never be. She had on a full face of makeup that was perfectly done and a dress that hugged in all the right spots. She was an absolutely gorgeous girl.
You were only pulled out of this haze by Josie putting her hand on your knee. Knowing exactly what was going through your mind. You had drunkenly told her about your 2 year long crush on Hazel in a club bathroom. You look back at her with glazed over eyes and squeeze her hand as a silent thank you.
“Are you guys ready to get wasted cause I am.” Josie announced and pulled you up with her off the couch. She looks to you and smiles trying to change the mood that’s setting in. You smile back but felt suffocated anyway and had to leave. Everyone excitedly agrees and heads over the bar.
This bar was THE bar all the college kids go there to find hookups and get drunk. The group gets drinks to loosen up but you decide to hold off for tonight. You let your friends make you dance their tipsy state amusing you. You move timidly at first but the encouragement from your friends has you swaying to the music.
You danced with Britney trying to absorb her confidence in some way. When Hazel comes over to playfully dance with you twirling you around and giggling. She saw your shyness and was trying to remedy it.
She made you sway with her hands on your waist. It was all friendly and playful and you were best friends so it wasn’t unusual behavior.
Nonetheless you felt your face get warmer at her proximity. Anya was staring from the bar after telling Hazel she didn’t feel like dancing. Anya really thought Hazel was just going to sit there and watch all of her friends dance instead.
Anya quickly changed her mind though. Seeing you too make her jealous. Hopping out of her seat and waltzing over to shove you away from Hazel with feigned innocence. Hazel mouths sorry towards you and it was your turn to go to the bar and watch from a far. You get yourself a coke to sip on since you would be driving later, not much of a drinker anyway.
You sit there mindlessly scrolling your phone trying to keep yourself occupied. Watching them still it hurts your chest. Hazel holds Anya close she has her face in the crook of her neck holding her from behind. It was a real sight. Especially when Hazel looked so good. Her cropped white tee and baggy jeans left just enough midriff exposed to mesmerize you.
Josie comes to sit besides you breaking your trance. “I hate her.” Is all she says and she looks from Anya to you. “Me too.” You both laugh together. “Yeah she’s kind of a bitch isn’t she.” Josie remarks pressing her lips together and furrowing her brows.
“Yeah she’s something.” You huffed and smiled brighter grateful for your friendship .That’s when Josie gets a certain look that you know to well. “You wanna smoke?” She flashes you a wide grin and wiggles her eyebrows. “Oh god yes.” You take one last sip of your coke and follow her outside.
You and Josie walk back into the bar in a hazy giggle. After a shit talking session that had you loosing your shit and gasping at gossip. You go to dance again and you notice Anya arguing with Hazel.
Anya rolled her eyes and says something that made Hazels face contort into hurt. Hazel says something in a pout then storms off in the other direction. “Jesus they do this shit every fucking night bro.” Josie rolls her eyes following Hazel to the bathroom. Every night? You though to yourself. You were under the impression everything was great?
The anger taking over your body doesn’t let you ponder over it more. Body moving without you telling it too, you yank her shoulder to face you. She was taller than you and definitely stronger then you but you didn’t care. The face Hazel made at Anya was enough motivation. You could’ve fought 10 frat boys and won.
“Hey! What did you say to her.” You could stand her being mean to you but being mean Hazel was absolutely not allowed. “I don’t think that’s any of your business y/n.”
She looks you up and down. “I suggest you fuck off before I tell her your little secret.” She gets closer to you only inches from your face. “What do you mean secret?” You started getting nervous. She grabs your face in her hand and looks in your scared eyes. “Your in love with her. It’s pathetic really the way you gawk at her.” Her acrylics are digging into your cheeks. Frantically staring at her in disbelief.
“Start keeping your distance y/n, Im not worried about you im just annoyed that you THINK that could happen. Like she’d ever be into someone like you.”
She let’s go of your face lightly tapping it. You feel tears fill your eyes about to break the barrier of your water line. “I-i… f-fuck you Anya.” Tears cascade down your face. Anya just vocalized your internal thoughts for the past 2 years now your sure she’s some demon from hell that crawled out to make your life miserable.
Just as Hazel and Josie come out of the bathroom they see you walk quickly out of the bar. Hazel feels completely exhausted, this was supposed to be a fun night you FINALLY agreed to have fun and hang out again.
Hazel follows you out just catching up to you when you get to the door of your car. “Y/n! Wait! Please, where are you going it’s barley been an hour?” She looks at you confused eye brows pushed together and hands on her hips. “I’m tired Hazel.” You can’t face her you can’t stop the tears rolling down.
You open the door but Hazel puts a firm hand down closing it again getting frustrated at your short response. You finally look her in the eyes and she takes you in. “Holy shit y/n are you ok?” She goes to put a hand on your shoulder but you flinch. Her face becomes even more worried than before. Staring at the streaks running down your cheeks.
“Please Hazel I just wanna go home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow ok.” Hazel moves her hand from the door and lets you open it. “We will talk about this tomorrow?” She ask you to get more confirmation. “We will.” You reassured her knowing talking was the last thing you were gonna do.
You drove back to your dorm still feeling shocks of fear pulse through you at the thought of Hazel knowing you were completely in love with her. Losing her would do more than wreck you. She’s been your best friend for what felt like forever.
Finally inside your dorm you rip your clothes off and put you pjs on as fast as you could. You didn’t bother to take your make up off and fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. Thank god for the weed.
Your woken up by the jiggling of keys. You turn to look at the time and you way overslept. “Oh your up.” She closes the door lightly walking over to your bed. She puts a brown paper on your nightstand and smiled softly at you. “I got you a bagel from the place we like, I made sure they put extra cheese and hash browns. And I got you salsa.” The same sadness you felt the night before washed over you. Her sweetness makes you fall apart in more ways then one.
“Thanks Hazel.” You can only produce a small awkward smile. “Do you wanna talk about last night?” She carefully sat next to you and put her hand on your back, rubbing up and down. “I’m ok Hazel, really it’s fine.” You brush her off.
“I can’t help you if you push me away y/n. You’ve been really distant recently I’m worried. I-i mean did I do something?” She spoke softly and looked at your face silently begging for you to look her in the eyes instead of the floor.
But you can’t you start to cry before you can even get a word out. “No you didn’t do anything I’m sorry. Last night Anya was just really mean. Well she’s mean every time I’m around her but I-I’m sorry.” You spoke through tears and hiccups not even knowing even know why you were saying sorry. Regretting everything you just said. You knew Anya was going to tell her—everything was going to be ripped away from you.
Hazels face contorted into anger and shock. You were petrified that you had made her angry at you. “Anya did this.” Her tone was steady and dark. You nodded. Her jaw was clenched and her fist balled breathing heavily. She grabs her keys and opens the door. “I’ll be back in 30 minutes.” She shut the door behind her harder than she meant too. She quite literally couldn’t control her anger. She liked Anya, a lot actually, but the fighting has gotten to much. Hazel could handle a bit of sass from her here and there. But knowing she hurt you had Hazel enraged.
It had been 45 minutes of you sitting there bouncing your leg. Shaking anticipating the consequences of your breakdown. You tried watching a movie to get your mind off of your situation but you couldn’t focus. The bagel on your nightstand making you nauseous just by being there. Frustrated tears forcing there way up every once in a while.
You hear the knob jiggle and keys. Your immediately alerted. Hazel calmly walks through the door and moves to where you’ve come to stand infront of your bed. She takes your face into her soft hands pulling you into the deepest kiss you’ve ever had. When she finally lets you catch your breath she looks in your watery eyes .
“Why did you never tell me.” She whispers looking over your post cry face. Your lips puffy and pink frustrated cheeks. You notice that her lip is busted and she has a mark on her cheek that is definitely going to turn into a bruise. “Y-you aren’t angry? Are you ok?” You started to tear up again from the relief.
“No baby i could never be angry at you. And I’m fine just thought I should put what I’ve learned in my boxing class to use.” As she’s wiping your tears way, your remember, her and Anya took the same boxing class; thats actually how they met. Hazel looked angry but you didn’t think she was THAT angry. “I didn’t think you thought I was pretty.” She pulls you closer to her. “What! Why is that?” She questioned from the crook of your neck. “Cause you date girls like Anya I didn’t think I was your type.”
Hazel suddenly starts placing kisses on your neck. She realizes she has you turning into putty in her hands, like she always wanted. Everything about you was captivating to her in this moment. The way you smelled, the way your skin felt, how she could hear your breathing pick up with every kiss.
Your heart was racing you couldn’t believe this was actually happening. “Your not gonna have to worry about Anya anymore honey, I promise. Your the only girl I want. And your sooo my type.” Hazel sucks a bruise with no warning into your neck and licks over it. “Oh my god Hazel please.” Your hand reaches up into her hair your fingers tangled in her silky brown tresses. “Please what baby?”
Your face got impossibly redder whole body on fire unsure of how to answer her. Feeling the way Hazels hands roamed you made your head spin. You just couldn’t take it anymore pulling her up lightly by the hair to have her look at you.
“I need you.”
You make sure you say it clearly. Hazels eyes become more lidded than before overcome with lust. She pushed you backwards towards her bed until you fall into her sheets.
“Y-your so beautiful.” Shes stammering seeing you laid out in HER bed. She connects your lips again teeth clashing and tongues fighting for dominance.
You want to make her feel as good as she’s making you feel. Her knee comes between your legs giving you relief from pulsing heart beat that’s developed.
Your grinding on each other urgently. Years of pent up sexual frustration and longing being released.
You try to keep up with her kisses the best you can. The friction making you lose control. Completely entangled in each other, hands trying to feel every part of her.
Exchanging heavy breaths and soft whimpers. It was frenzied and sloppy it was the hottest thing you’ve ever experienced.
You tug her shirt over her head. She does the same for your exposing your bare chest. “Fuck.” Her brows pushing together as she feels her arousal pooling in her boxers. She can’t help but gently thumb your hard nipple trailing kisses from your collar bone to your breast.
She took the soft flesh into her mouth leaving hot kisses. Her hand massaged the other. Her lips wrapped around your nipple and released it with a pop. You let out a strained moan.
Her hand traveled to the waist band of your pajamas pants. Teasing you with her fingers moving back and forth under the fabric.
“Can I take these off.” She ask you her eyes begging you to say yes, desperate to see all of you. “Please” You nodded and she gently undressed you leaving your skin vulnerable to cool air for your dorm.
It doesn’t matter though, because Hazels warm body is pressed to you in a second. Her hand trails from your breast to your hip slowly, keeping your attention.
“Do you know how long Ive wanted you?” You shake your head, voice escaping you in the moment. Her finger slides through your folds, your wetness sending waves of pleasure and confidence through her. The sound alone made her ache.
“Way to fucking long.” She slips a finger in your soaked needy hole. You let out an open mouthed exhale. She slips in another finger. “Fuck! Mm-n!”
Her fingers stretched you out and the sensation was mind numbing. An endless repeat hazelhazelhazelhazel. Was all you could think about. Her fingers curled at a slow pace hitting just the right spot. Working your clit with her thumb at the same time.
“Im I making you feel good honey?” Her voice was gentle and attentive. The way she was grinding down on your thigh mixed with your pretty noises was making her go insane. Your moans start to get more frequent. As you were embarrassingly close to release so soon. “S-so good Hazel.”
“Talk to me sweetheart. This is all mine now right?” Hazel questions you her pace picking up and mouthing your tits. “All yours all yours all yours all…” You mumbled to her as your eyes flutter. “That’s right honey.” She kept a rough tempo leaving marks on your chest until you were finally coming undone under her.
Shes watches as your orgasm possesses you. Moaning her name as you arch your back grinding yourself against her fingers. “Yeah honey just like that cum for me baby.” She doesn’t stop till your squirming from overstimulation.
You catch your breath for a second before becoming focused. You didn’t want your fatigue from your orgasm to keep you from pleasing her. Hazels already pulling you into another deep kiss like before.
“I want to make you feel good now Hazel.” She seemed a little shocked. As you think about the girls she’s hooked up that’s probably not the kind of treatment she was used too.
“You don’t have to y/n, making you cum is pleasure enough.” She seemed almost nervous. You shake your head and take her hand placing the two fingers that were just fucking deep inside of you into your mouth.
Releasing them with a pop. Her eyes are droopy and mouth slightly open. Her chest breathing deeply overwhelmed with lust. “No Hazel. I really want to make you feel good.”
Hazels ripping off her sports bra without another word. You nudge her shoulder down and straddle her. She’s frantically trying to take her sweats and boxers off. You help her rip them off and throw them across the room.
The sight is beautiful she’s completely soak, all you want is to have your face between her thighs. “Can I taste you?” You ask coyly as your hands rub up and down the tops of her thighs, your words going straight to her core. “Fuck, y-yeah, yes p-please—I mean.”
You settle between her thighs leaving light kisses on her inner thighs. Hazels having a hard time keeping still with you so close to where she needed you.
You look up into her eyes through your lashes as your breath fans over her soaked cunt. She lets out a whimper on accident and it set her body on fire with embarrassment.
Finally you lick a broad stripe. Hazel sign in relief. Her fingers pulling at your roots. Your hands are hooked over her thighs keeping them apart. Tongue flicking over her clit at a pace YOU didn’t even know was possible.
Hazel eased into the feeling of being taken care of. She’s switching between look you in the eyes and looking at the ceiling when the shyness become too much. She quietly took in the sensation of being taken care of before speaking trying to get rid of the shyness.
“I’ve thought about you like this s-so many nights.” Hazel mumbles out between whimpers. You push your finger into her curling. “Yeah?” You question quickly. She throws her head back when you go back to sucking on her clit.
You add another finger. Pace becoming quicker and deeper. “I always imagined this,oh god,h-happening during one of our movie nights.” You hum into her creating a whole new sensation as her legs start to quake. “I th-thought youd take the hint. Oh god don’t stop.”
She let out a soft laugh until the knot in her stomach was becoming to much to handle. “I mean we c-cuddled for like 3 hours at a time! Shitshitshit!” Hazels grip on your hair became tight as her eyes rolled back, letting out a loud moan. The knot in her stomach snapping as the white hot feeling flushes over her.
You watch her in awe. Her chest heaving as she grinds into you her other hand gripping the headboard showing her toned tricep.
You help her fully ride out her orgasm then pull away to use your shirt to clean yourself in and lay next to her gently.
Hazel turns to look at you with a tired smile spreading across her face. She cups your cheek once more kissing your forehead. “I thought it would end like this too.” She says to you quietly. “Me too.” You reply going to kiss the tip of her nose. She looks into your eyes for a moment thinking.
Her eyebrows push together as a though crosses her mind. “Did you ever eat the bagel?” You laugh at her genuinely concerned question and pull her into an embrace, warm bodies lovingly entwined. “No I actually thought I was dying though in my defense.” Hazel pouts at you.
“Did you beat up Anya?” You question her instead. “I tried to but she honestly kicked my ass sooo bad, like embarrassing I’m so happy you weren’t there” You laughed at this too.
“I looked cool though right?” She dropped her voice dramatically. “Oh yeah sooo cool.” She gasped at your sarcasm.
When your both of yours laughter dies down it’s seems both of you have the same realization that your best friend was now your girlfriend. Eyes saying what they needed too.
“You wanna watch a movie?” You asked quietly. “Only after you eat cause a $12 bagel on a college student budget is atrocious.” She kissed your forehead and nudged you to get up.
(Thank you for reading😙)
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