#yes i still love these evil brats
vivwritesfics · 5 months
im not sure if this is something you’re comfortable writing but what about an age gap reader (like mid 20s) with nando and she’s a BRAT! but he likes it and feeds into it
Okay so today I learned that idk what being a brat really means but I just ran w it lmao
Warning: blowjob, slight bratty reader (which I need to get better at writing bc oh my what a concept)
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Fernando had never woken up to having his cock sucked before. It was a feeling like no other, yet also embarrassing to wake up to your own moans filling the room.
It was something they'd discussed previously, of course. Laying in bed together, her delicate fingers drawing patterns on his skin as she asked if it was something he'd be okay with.
Fernando obviously said yes. Of course he'd be okay with waking up to his girl with his cock in her mouth.
But that had been some number of weeks ago. Fernando assumed, at this point, that she herself had forgotten about their conversation.
She didn't acknowledge him when he woke up, just kept working his cock. Sucking and swirling her tongue around the tip before taking all of him into her mouth, nose reaching the tight curls at the base (it had been something she couldn't do when they first met, something Fernando was so proud of her for learning).
When he wrapped his hands around her hair and bucked his hips up, she let out a whine and pushed against his pelvis, keeping him on the bed.
"No," she managed to say, glaring up at him through her lashes.
Fernando let go of her hair and held his hands up. But, still, her pretty mouth didn't return to his cock. Instead she sat back and let out a hum as she looked down at him.
Evil little minx.
"Mi corazón," he said, voice low. But the smile he wore as he stood to chase her through the house told her enough.
He loved her bratty antics. Loved them enough to pull her into his chest once he caught her, pressing kisses to her skin as his hand cupped her cunt through her shorts.
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larluce · 6 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys I already had this part made, I may as well publish it ;)
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 (You're here) , PART 14
Arthur and Merlin first fight and a bit more of jealous Arthur
In Arthur's chambers.
Merlin: I'm telling you! He had nothing to do with Nimueh. He's innocent! It was all just a big misunderstanding!
Arthur: (not looking up from his papers) I heard you.
Merlin: Then why is Lancelot still in the dungeons?
Arthur: He could be dangerous.
Merlin: What are you talking about? He tried to help me! He saved my life!
Arthur: (finally looking up from his papers and standing up in anger) No, you put yourself in unnecessary danger again! After I told you not go alone, you did! Do you have any idea what could have happened to you? What's your obssession with confronting monsters and evil sorcerers all on your own?! You're no knight, no soldier. How can you be so ridiculously reckless?!
Merlin: (in realisation, indredulous) You're keeping Lancelot in the dungeons just because you're mad at me?
Arthur: (shouts) Yes! (thinking) Among other things (says) Maybe that way you'll learn your acts have consecuences.
Merlin: You can't do that!
Arthur: I'm the prince, so yes I can!
Merlin: (shouts, mad) You childish, spoiled, arrogant brat!
Arthur: Insult all you want. Lancelot is staying there. End of discussion.
Merlin: (pauses, disappointed) Then you're not the prince I thought you were (leaves).
Arthur: (affected by his words, makes a move to go to him, but stops himself, remaining furious) Childish he says. I'm mentally forty years old! I'm not childish! (sees a chair nearby and kicks it)
Time skip. Merlin venting to Gwen.
Merlin: That's what he told me! He's taking it out on Lancelot just to get to me! Can you believe it?!
Gwen: (sarcastic) On the man he found you with in his arms and alone in the woods? What a surprise.
Merlin: (doesn't notice the sarcasm and keeps on his rant) Oh, but let's see what he thinks when all his clothes are ripped and all his food ends up smashed on his face!
Gwen: Now you're being childish.
Merlin: Then what am I supposed to do? He's refusing to let Lancelot free no matter what I say!
Gwen: That's because you haven't tried everything.
Merlin: I did try everything!
Gwen: Really? Have you tried 'sweet persuasion'?
Merlin: ... What? 🤨
Gwen: Sweet persuasion 💁‍♀️. Is what we women do to get what we want and survive in a world ruled by men.
Merlin: But I'm a man.
Gwen: Doesn't mean you can't sweet persuade Arthur to get him to do what you want. 😏
Merlin: (unsure, but curious) What does it consist about?
Gwen: Well, first, you'd have to apologise and tell him that he's right for doing what he did.
Merlin: But he's not!
Gwen: You know that, I know that, but if we wait for him to realise that, Lancelot is going to stay in the dungeons till next solstice.
Merlin: (sighs) Okay, then what?
Gwen: Man love to be the center of attention, above all, they love to be their lov-people's hereos. Just play the defensless victim and act as he was your saviour. Praise him. And you'll have him at your feet.
Merlin: And then I'd ask him to free Lancelot?
Gwen: No, no, no. You shouldn't mention Lancelot all. You'd have to make this about Arthur and you alone.
Merlin: I don't know. That's sounds kind of humiliating.
Gwen: See? That's the problem with you men. You're too prideful to give in or recognise you're wrong, when actually success lies in knowing when to give in or better, letting the other believe he won.
Merlin: (still doubtful)...
Gwen: Just think about it (leaves).
Time skip. In the training grounds. Merlin goes to Arthur.
Arthur: (avoiding his eyes, still mad) Finally coming to do your chores?
Merlin: I wanted to speak with you.
Arthur: I'm not setting Lancelot free.
Merlin: It's not about that. I just wanted to say... that I'm sorry.
Arthur: (turns to him, surprised)... what?
Merlin: You're right. It was reckless and stupid of me to follow Nimueh by myself. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I just wanted to be more brave and strong... like you.
Arthur: (smiles smugly, flattered) You think I'm brave and strong?
Merlin: I've seen you fight (pats his arm). And you didn't hesitate to come after me, a servant. Nobody else would have cared. I'm so glad you did, Arthur. Fortunately, everything turned out alright, but what if it hadn't? If Nimueh had managed to kill me or do something worse to me? Or if nobody else had found me? (hugs himself, looking vulnerable) I was so scared.
Arthur: (puts a hand on Merlin's arm and begins to caress it with his thumb lovinly) Oh, Merlin. You don't have to be scared. I will always come for you. Always.
Merlin: (blushes a little, but keeps on his act) So you're not mad at me anymore? Will you forgive me? 🥺(puppy eyes)
Arthur: (smiles, touched) Only if you promise not to do it again.
Merlin: (celebrating inside, but disimulates) Of course! Thank you, Arthur. I know you'll always do what's right.
And shortly after Lancelot is set free.
Merlin: (in disbelief) I can't believe it worked.
Gwen: I told you. 😏
Merlin: Gwen, you're a genius! Where were this advice in my other life?
Gwen: What?
Merlin: Nothing. (cofs) Well, I'll see you later. I promised Lancelot I'll show him my room today.
Gwen: Why are you showing him your room?
Merlin: Oh, I invited him to sleep there since he doesn't have where to go.
Gwen: (scandalised) What?! 😨 Merlin, I don't think is a good idea to invite other man to sleep in your room.
Merlin: Why? He helped me and then spend days in the dungeons because of me. I think is the least I can do.
Gwen: I'm sure he's a nice person. (thinking) And a very handsome one. (says) I just don't think the prince is going to be okay with that.
Merlin: Why would he care who I bring to my room?
Gwen: Because he's...! very protective of you. And he is clearly not very fond of Lancelot.
Merlin: (skeptical) Right (rolls his eyes). I think I can handle one man and who I bring to my room is not his royal business (leaves).
Gwen: (puts a hand on her forehead, sighing) These two are going to be the death of me.
Time skip. In Merlin's room.
Merlin: (enters with Lancelot) Here. I know it's not much, but-
Lancelot: It's perfect (smiles, kindly) Thank you, Merlin. (looks at the lily near the bed) And that's a nice touch.
Merlin: Thank you! 😄 Arthur gave it to me 🥰
Lancelot: The prince?
Merlin: Yes.
Lancelot: Oh, you two are...
Merlin: (laughs) No, nothing like that. I told him there weren't many purple flowers and the prat just wanted to prove me wrong. It was a nice gesture though. (looks at the flower lovinly)
Lancelot: (thinking) Oh, gods, he doesn't know, does he? (says) Uh... Merlin? Does the prince know I'm staying here?
Merlin: Well, in fact-
Arthur: (suddenly enters) In fact, no. I didn't know. 😑
Merlin: (almost jumps out of his skin and smiles nervously) Arthur! What are you doing here? 😅
Arthur: You brought a stranger into your room?
Merlin: He's not a stranger, he's my friend.
Arthur: You just met him 3 days ago!
Merlin: (crosses his arms) Well, we got along quickly.
Arthur: I don't care if you're best friends now. He is not staying here.
Merlin: (raises his voice) You don't have a say in that! 😠
Arthur: (raises his voice too) I'm the prince!😠
Merlin: This is my room!😡
Arthur: This is my castle!😡
Lancelot: I'll just go. 😅
Arthur: Yeah, you better.😠
Merlin: No, you stay. 😠
Lancelot: (not knowing whether to stay or leave) Eh...
Merlin: See? Now you made him uncomfortable.
Arthur: Like he was going to be comfortable in this poky excuse of a room. There's barely space for one. Where was he going to sleep, uh? The floor?
Merlin: We were going to share the bed.
Arthur: WHAT?!!😨😤
Lancelot: (thinking) It's over. I'm dead. I need to prepare my will. "For the nice old man that show me the way to the citidel I want to...
Arthur: Over my dead body!😡
Merlin: Oh, come on. It's not so bad. If we snuggle together-
Arthur: NO!😡
Lancelot: (thinking) "...and for the lovily and kind maidservant, Guinevere, that brought me food while I was still in the dungeons, I know it's not much but I want her to have..."
Merlin: (remembering 'sweet persuasion') I get why you're worried, my lord. You only think in what's best for me and you don't know how much I appreciate it. But I also know you're a benevolent man who cares deeply for his people. You wouldn't leave a poor subject in need to fend for himself, would you? Please, let him stay.🥺(puppy eyes)
Arthur: (tries to resist the puppy eyes, but sighs) Fine. He can stay.
Merlin: Yay! Thank so much you, sire! 😊
Arthur: With one condition.
Merlin: Sure, anything!
Arthur: You'll move to the chambers next to mine.
Merlin: (in shock) ... what? 😧
Arthur: That way you can sleep more comfortably and Lancelot too. Problem solved.
Merlin: (Between happy, stunned and conflicted) It's really generous of you, sire. But... I like my room. And... I'm also Gaius apprentice. He needs me here. (thinking) And how am I suppossed to practice my magic If I sleep in the chambers right next to yours?
Arthur: The distance you walk to attend me and then help Gaius would be the same. As my personal manservant, you should have moved there from the start, anyways. So, what do you say?
Merlin: (trying to find a reason to deny but he's actually quite excited to have a new room) Does it have a bigger bed?
Arthur: (smirks) It has a bigger everything.
Merlin: (smiles brightly) I better start moving then, my lord. (Picks up the pot with the lily and leaves, happily).
Arthur: (looks where Merlin went with heart eyes and then turns to Lancelot with a serious face)
Lancelot: (awkward and nervous) Ahm... your generosity knows no boundaries, my lo-Ow! (exclaims when Arthur punches him in the face)
Arthur: I never said you'll stay here for free 😑. You can start by cleaning out the stables. (leaves)
Lancelot: (rubs his face and sighs) So much for being a knight.
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Little Flower
Ryomen Sukuna x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence, slight mention of cannibalism, NO smut. I tried not to make him too OOC. To me, Sukuna is 100% a dark romantic morally black dude. But I’m not that type of writer. He’s more morally grey here.
Song: Fear by Current Joys
“Fuck. Wake up. Brat…open your eyes!” And slowly you did. You fought the urge to keep the close, your eyelids half closed as you stared at the King of Curses. It was your first time seeing him like this.
Vulnerable. Scared. Broken.
“I’m going to kill them,” Sukuna said, his grip slightly tightening around you. And you nodded.
Sukuna’s concubines. Former concubines. Those who felt ignored and jealous. Those who felt hatred towards you because Sukuna favored you and only you. You haven’t noticed before, but one day, Sukuna called you his Queen. It was all you needed to hear to confirm his own feelings for you. You’ve bothered him with ‘I love you’s’ and Sukuna would smile, his eyes softening at you before poking your forehead in response.
“N-Not Shoko-chan or U-Utahime-chan,” you said. And he nodded.
“I promise.”
“I love you.” Again, his grip tightened.
“I promise that I’m going to wait for you,” Sukuna said softly. “I promise to find you in your next life. You’ll wear the necklace I gave you. And I’ll win you back. Maybe, just maybe, this immortal life I live can be broken. And I can live and die with you.”
“Th-they s-s-say l-love is a-a curse,” you said. Sukuna nodded.
“Have a curse destroy a curse.”
“S-Sukuna…” a tear slipped out from the corner of your eye. Sukuna softly kissed it away and shushed you.
“I love you, too.” He felt it. Nothing. He felt nothing within your soul. He let a tear escape his eyes. “Rest easy, little flower. My Queen.”
The moment Jogo burnt to a crisp and he defeated Mahoraga, the evil laugh and smile left his face. Uraume, who appeared to greet his master, followed his gaze. Along with Sukuna, Uraume’s eyes widened.
“Is that—“.
“Little flower…” But you were different. The expression on your face wasn’t as gentle nor innocent like before. Instead of tending to flowers, your hands held katanas. Instead of a white kimono that he loved seeing you wear, you wore fitted clothing that hugged your body. Your typical hair that he loves seeing flow past your shoulders was tied up in a high ponytail.
“Sukuna!!” you yelled angrily as you ran to him to strike him. And you knew that the King of Cursed was stronger, way stronger than you could ever imagine. You weren’t at Gojo Satoru’s level. You’re evenly matched with Nanami Kento. He had the power and you had the brains. It didn’t surprise you that Sukuna stopped you. But what surprised you was the way he looked at you. Eyes so soft as if he recognized you.
“Y/N,” he said quietly. Your eyes widened. You watched his eyes trail your body, until it stopped towards your chest where your necklace laid. “You have it.” His hand reached out to your necklace, but you quickly jumped back, leaving a distance between you two.
“What do we do, My Lord?” Uraume asked.
“Nothing,” he answered, his eyes lingering on you. “Make sure she’s not unhappy, Uraume.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
“Itadori-kun! Wake up!” you yelled. Sukuna froze. The body he took over. The body he mentally tortured as he killed thousands of civilians.
“A thousand years,” he said. “It took a thousand years to see you again.” His statement made you falter, but you quickly gained back your composure. Even your eyes never left his. “And you can’t remember me.”
“My lord.”
“She’s on the other side,” he said, his hands being stuffed in his pockets. “I can’t disappoint my Queen.” You gasped. You watched Sukuna go down on his knees, eyes still on you. You watched Uraume do the same. And the two of them deeply bowed.
“My Queen,” they both said. That was when you stood up and looked at them. They remained in their spot, bodies still bowed down deeply to you.
“Quit playing games,” you said as you slowly made your way towards them. The moment you stood close in front of the two, they both lifted their heads up. Sukuna slowly stood up on his feet. Uraume followed.
“My Queen,” he said again. He didn’t move. He didn’t reach out to caress your hair or face like he usually did.
“My Lady,” Uraume said, bowing his head yet again.
“Stop,” you said and took a step back while shaking your head. “I’m not your queen or lady, or whatever.” He suddenly felt everything. The confusion, the fear, and the heartbreak. And something else he didn’t want to decipher.
“You like someone,” he said.
“So?” you questioned. A small yet soft smirk formed on his face.
“Is he hurt? Give me the name. I’ll kill the one who hurt him.” You quietly gasped, your eyes wide.
Anyone around the area watched with wide eyes. For the first time, they watched and witness the King of Curses submit to someone. Because a thousand years ago, you were the only one he would submit to. The only one he took orders from. The only one he would listen to.
The trance stopped when others went in to attack. You joined in and Sukuna dodged as he jumped away from everyone.
“Give Yuji back, Sukuna,” you ordered. Sukuna looked at you again. His hand slightly raised up. You watched the soft glow in his hands and watched it move towards you. It disappeared once it was in front and you watched as the eyes and tattoos on Yuji disappeared.
“What was that?” Kusakabe questioned with so much confusion. You sat there, elbows resting on your lap, your fingers interlocked while your chin rested on the top of your hands.
“It’s interesting,” Panda mentioned. But you ignored them, thinking about the situation at hand. Your hand moved to the necklace, the grip on the pendant tight. You gasped, a quick flash of a memory appearing in your mind. The back of a woman in a white kimono, standing outside in a beautiful garden.
“What the…” You muttered. Immediately, you stood up.
“You need to stay, Y/N-san,” Kusakabe said. “We can’t risk any losses.”
“Then don’t follow me,” you said as you continued to walk away. The two just watched until your figure disappeared.
You walked back out into the destruction of Shibuya. You ran and ran, reaching your way back to the station. You saw a sudden vision again. Familiar blonde hair. Body half burnt. Walking in exhaustion.
You ran and ran, sprinted while your lungs hurt.
You found your way inside, running inside the tunnels. You quickly and easily fought your way through transfigured creatures on your way.
Another vision appeared. It was the same one. More of him. But this time, he was fighting. And now, you used up all of your energy to run faster and faster. Your heart raced with fear while tears were blurring your vision and fighting their way out. You noticed a familiar figure. And you could only hope that it was the right person.
“Itadori-kun! Hurry! Kento!” you yelled when you recognized him about to run as well.
“Sensei! What’s wrong?” Yuji asked curiously.
“I-I don’t know. We need to hurry,” you said, your voice breaking. When you turned to look at Yuji, your eyes widened the moment you saw two lower eyes, all four of them crimson red with black tattoos on his face. The lower eye looked at you. The type of softness you never would’ve thought you would receive from. “S-Sukuna.” But he didn’t reply and ran with you.
You were out of breath. You found Mahito in front of Nanami. The evil and merciless smile Mahito had gave you chills down your spine. When Nanami turned around, a small smile appeared on his lips. You felt a sting in your heart.
Before you know it, Mahito was far away and smashed against the wall. Both yours and Nanami’s eyes widened. The tension in the air grew. You watched as Mahito cried in fear before he burnt into a crisp. You quickly ran to Nanami as he fell to his knees.
“Kento,” you called softly. Nanami looked at you with a tired smile. “You’re okay.”
“Sort of,” he answered, his hand slowly reaching and holding yours. “Glad to see you’re okay.” You let the tears escape. But you quickly turned around when footsteps walked closer to you. You stood up, standing in front of Nanami, your hands on the handles of your katanas, and ready to fight.
“You like him,” Sukuna said. You stared at him again. Your head slightly tilted in curiosity.
“B-Be careful,” Nanami said softly, his sight never leaving Sukuna. You nodded.
“What a shame,” Sukuna added. “If I killed him, would it hurt you?” Your grip tightened.
“Y-Yes,” you answered as strongly as you could. The thought of Nanami being killed right before your eyes killed you.
“If I inhabited his body to keep him alive, would it hurt you?” Your eyes widened.
“I-Is he—“
“No. Just a thought, little flower.” Your body stilled at the nickname Sukuna called you. Sukuna raised an eyebrow. You stared blankly at the man. Another vision. This time with Sukuna in his true form from his four arms and his taller height. Your body faltered and Sukuna almost took strides to catch you.
“What did you do to me?!” you yelled, trying to fight the visions away. “That glowing thing… what was that?!” Sukuna never faltered, but you caught the concern in his eyes. “Why? Why me?”
“Little flower…”
“Please…it—it’s too much,” you said as you shook your head, wanting to shake the visions away while your tears were flowing down your cheeks. The tears broke him. He walked quickly towards you, but Nanami was quicker as he held you in his arms. It angered Sukuna. You watched the crease of his brows and the scowl on his face. You feel the anger from the thick tension of the air. The urge for him to kill. “Please don’t hurt him.” The pleading voice made him soft. Oh how he used to hate that it made him soft. But it did and it still does.
“I won’t,” he said as he took a step back. He went down on one knee, his eyes never leaving yours. “Tell me what to do, little flower. Let me help you with your mission.”
“What game are you playing?” Nanami asked. He leaned against you. Exhaustion was quickly hitting him. Sukuna’s gaze hardened when it moved to Nanami. He scowled at him.
“You don’t question me,” Sukuna said darkly before looking at you again. And you watched him soften. “I only serve you, little flower.”
“But why?” you asked. This time, you were curious. Your eyes widened, your hand reaching for your necklace. “This necklace. What do you know about it? You have to know.”
“I do know,” he answered. “A necklace from my time from a thousand years ago. A necklace I created. Just for you.” It shocked you and Nanami.
“A thousand years…a thousand years to see me again?” Sukuna nodded. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“People become reincarnated throughout life,” Sukuna explained. He was patient, oh so very patient. You wouldn’t be able to tell that he was a murderous monster. “I see it all the time, but it was never you. I could never feel your soul. And I didn’t want to believe it, until now. Until I saw you.”
“But…but you—legends say that—“
“I love power. I kill for a living. I consume so much hatred and could careless for every human around. I could careless about this boy I inhabit and that man holding you. But you…”.
“Me?” But Sukuna closed his eyes and shook his head. He opened them, this time you were out of Nanami’s hold as you stood in front of him. “Kento, you should go to Shoko-chan.”
“No, I’m not—“
“Go.” But you never heard him leave. Sukuna stood up, his deathly stare lingers on Nanami. “I’ll be fine.” Both Nanami and Sukuna knew that tone. Nanami wouldn’t win it. You would’ve dragged him to Shoko and return back to Sukuna. But he was stubborn as well.
“I’m not leaving you alone with him,” Nanami said.
“And I’m not letting you die.” Sukuna smirked.
“Best you listen to her. But I won’t do anything to her nor you,” Sukuna said.
Sukuna grew impatient. He was glad that Nanami was too weak to fight. He took the opportunity to hold on to the both of you, bringing Nanami to Shoko and bringing you somewhere. Alone.
“Y/N!” Nanami yelled.
Sukuna gently put you down. You walked over to a tree to lean your back against the trunk. You watched Sukuna standing there, staring at you yet again.
“Quit staring,” you said as you looked away. “It’s creepy.” Sukuna smirked, a small chuckle escaping his lips. The pink color forming on your cheeks brought the same amusement back to him.
“You never thought it was creepy before,” he mentioned. “In fact, you loved that I did. You loved the fact that I always keep an eye on you.” He watched the bottom of your lip, jutting out into a small pout.
“This reincarnation thing, how is it true?” you asked. “Don’t people remember stuff or have like deja vu happen to them?”
“Not always, little flower,” Sukuna answered. “It’s things I see. Things I recognized.”
“But…you’re a curse now. And…shit, y-you were one back then.”
“And you’re still a curious human.” You glared at him, making him chuckle yet again. “What a shame that you have no memories from before. More of a shame that you have to side with the ones I hate the most.”
“Then kill me,” you said with confidence. But it made him frown, adding more to your frustrations. “Why won’t you?!”
“I watched you die in my arms once! I’m not doing that again!” Your eyes widened. You felt your heart skip a beat. “You…You—fucking shit!” You stood there still and watched him with worry. “Shut up, boy!” Your eyes widened.
“The fuck do you know?” It was like watching a madman talking and cursing to himself. You watched him talk and pace angrily, assuming it was at Yuji. “I fucking hate humans and their stupid fucking feelings. Their emotions. Everything! But—“ Sukuna looked at you. The anger immediately gone, replaced with something soft and tender. It made your heart race.
“Sukuna.” It was the softness in your voice that made him crack. You watched a small tear slip out from the corner of his eye.
“You were so innocent and full of life. You kept to yourself. You always smiled and laughed. We were the complete opposite. You were the type of human I hated. I hated it so much that I wanted to kill you but I fell in love with you” Sukuna confessed. “The moment I felt your sadness, I’ll kill those who caused you that. Those that brought you pain and anger. I would do anything to hear your voice and laugh, see your smile, watch you tend to your garden, and just to be with you. And you loved it too. That’s why you’re the only one I listen to. I submit only to you. My one and only Queen. So, tell me what to do and I’ll do it. You want me to rebuild that goddamn city. I’ll fucking do it. Need me to heal those human friends of yours. I’ll do it. I’ll even—“.
“Are you a part of this whole scheme?” you asked.
“No. I had other things in mind.”
“Then stop this. Stop whoever is doing it,” you said.
“Your wish is my command, little flower.”
“I want you to heal my allies as well. Even Kento.”
“What else?”
“Make sure Yuji comes back. Stop tormenting him, please.”
“Okay.” Sukuna walked closer to you. He gently reached out to your face, fingers gently cupping your chin to look at him. “I’m still keeping my promise to you, somehow.”
“P-Promise?” He nodded.
“And when I fulfill it, we’ll live our lives how we were supposed to live a thousand years ago.”
“How? You’re a curse, unleashed through cursed tools.”
“If there’s a will, there a way.” You pulled away, eyebrows furrowed, and crossed your arms against your chest.
“I don’t want you using Itadori-kun’s body afterwards. In fact, I don’t want you to use anyone’s body as a vessel,” you said. His eyes squinted in slight annoyance.
“You always have to make things difficult, my little flower,” he replied.
“If you’re that determined to have me, so be it,” you said. Sukuna smirked.
“Challenge accepted. I always get my way. And when I win you back, you’ll see how much of an importance you are to me, even if you don’t see it now.”
“Little flower…”
You turned around. Tears rolled down your cheeks. The sunlight reflecting the water in your eyes made Sukuna’s heart clench. He walked closer and closer, lifting your chin up to face him.
“M-My lord…”
“I told you, address me by my name. You are my Queen after all, little flower,” Sukuna said. “Now…who the fuck hurt you?”
“Why do you give me special treatment? Why do you consider me as your queen?” His eyes squinted. Slight irritation from you for not answering his question directly. But he can feel it. The confusion and hurt in your delicate soul.
“Because you’re the only one I can tolerate,” he answered. “For some reason, I let you talk back to me, order me around, and question me. Did I hate it? Yes. I wanted to kill you. But you stop me from doing so.”
“But why? A lot of women here are better than me. Prettier. More confident. They don’t like me cause they find me replaceable.”
“Tell me who. I will kill those who defy you.”
Your eyes opened. You quickly shot up, the shock in your dream waking you up. You looked around. You found yourself in the school where Shoko heals the students. A soft chuckle perked your ears, and you turned around to find Shoko healing a student.
“We were worried,” she said. “You haven’t woken up for a little over a week.”
“Yeah. Sukuna brought you back to us,” Shoko answered.
“H-How’s everyone? Where’s Satoru? And what happened to Kenjaku? Shibuya? Itadori-kun?”
“Hold on. So much happened that we were all confused about,” Shoko said.
It didn’t take long. You and Shoko sat down together alone in her infirmary, and soon after, Gojo entered the premises. The three of you sat down together.
“I don’t know what you have going on with Sukuna,” Gojo started, “but he’s the reason why this whole fight in Shibuya is over.” Your eyes widened.
“Wait. Where’s Kento?” you asked as he suddenly appeared in your thoughts.
Hospital,” Shoko answered. “But he’s okay so far.” Your shoulders relaxed. But the mention of Sukuna somewhat made you nervous. You didn’t know yourself. The visions and dream of him appearing.
“I just remember seeing Sukuna when he unsealed me from the box,” Gojo said. “And everything was over.”
“He brought you back to us first, but you were unconscious,” Shoko said. “No injuries, nothing. But we watched Sukuna fight Kenjaku. He killed him, so Kenjaku is gone. And we watched him with caution as he was healing everyone. Watched as he helped rebuild the city until Itadori-kun returned back to his body. Or Sukuna let him return.”
“W-What? H-He didn’t say anything afterwards?” you asked. Gojo shook his head but Shoko nodded.
“That he hopes that you’re happy that he fulfilled your wishes,” Shoko answered.
“Is he still in Itadori-kun’s body?” Shoko and Gojo nodded.
“And he’s been a bit distant since then,” Gojo mentioned.
“Where is he now?” you asked.
“In his dorm,” Gojo answered.
“I have to find him.”
You quickly headed out. You squinted the moment you were outside from the bright sun. You walked swiftly towards the dormitory in the campus. By the time you arrived by Yuji’s door, you took a deep breath. Your knuckles raised up to the door to knock, but the door swiftly opened, revealing Yuji with a bright smile on your face.
“Sensei! You’re awake!” he said cheerfully. “Come in!”
“Thank you, Itadori-kun,” you said and walked inside. You pulled a chair out and sat down. You watched the young boy sit on his bed, crossed legged, and looked at you. “How are you? I heard you’ve been…distant.”
“Just taking everything all in,” he answered truthfully. “Sensei, what Sukuna said. Is it true?” Your eyes lowered to your lap.
“I don’t know,” you answered. “B-But it has to. He could’ve killed us all.”
“He’s a part of me, sensei. He tries to fight it so I don’t know how he’s feeling but, it’s the first time I felt so much from him. It was strange and I don’t understand it.”
“Can you describe it?” Yuji placed a hand on his chest. A soft smile was forming on his face.
“Overwhelming,” he said. “His heart races and I know when he could care less and is angry and well, downright evil. But the moment he looks at you, I feel something fluttering. And, well, it’s pretty cute.”
“Cute?!” Yuji lightly laughed.
“It’s cute feeling how the King of Curses feel from his typical evil self. It’s like…there’s just something human in him for sure. And if I can, I would like for him to become one.” Your expression soften.
“You’re a kind boy, Itadori-kun,” you said softly and wholeheartedly.
“Everyone deserves a chance in life, right?”
“Right.” You watched Yuji’s expression slightly change into something curious.
“Yeah…you really like her. I can’t shut up about it. I never get to feel things like this. Why don’t you just take over? Oh. I see. Well, do you have any ideas?”
“Itadori-kun, was that him?” Yuji nodded.
“The glowy thing he did, he wants you to remember. Eh? What do you mean I wasn’t supposed to tell her?” You couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, if you kill me, my sensei will be upset. You’re whipped, Sukuna.”
Inside, Sukuna was cursing at the young boy. And it only made him more mad the moment Yuji chuckled.
I wanna kill this brat.
“Itadori-kun, make sure Sukuna stays in good control for me. He better stop cursing at you,” you said.
This fucking woman. I can’t deny her wishes.
“He can’t deny your wishes, Sensei.”
You sat alone in your home. You pulled the necklace over your head, the pendant resting on your hand. You remember buying it at a thrift store. An ancient looking relic that you never thought would catch your interest. You remember gravitating towards it. You remember the strong feeling inside you as you held it in your hands.
“Ryomen Sukuna,” you mumbled. You tightly gripped the pendant and closed your eyes. You channel your cursed energy to the pendant, focusing on it and on Sukuna.
“You’re new,” Sukuna said. You found yourself in a large estate. You wore a white kimono and your hair was out of its usual ponytail. You bowed deeply to Sukuna who stood in front of you.
“My lord,” you said.
You felt time passing. You heard murmurs from other women. Other women you recognized that Sukuna would spend time with. You found yourself walking in the empty hallways until you reached two large dark doors. You didn’t knock. Instead, you slowly placed your hand on the handle to open the door. As you did, the other door opened swiftly. On the other side was Sukuna. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Your eyes slowly widened and you placed your arms by your side and bowed.
“My lord,” you said softly. “I want some company in the gardens.” A small request for his time and a request Sukuna slowly always accepted. You looked up to find soft, red crimson eyes meeting yours. In response, Sukuna walked out of his room, closing the doors behind you, and taking your hand in his.
“What’s bothering you, little flower?” he asked. “I can feel your soul trembling.”
“Do you still sleep with the other women in your estate?” you asked. “They all complain for having less time with you.” A small chuckle escaped Sukuna’s lips. You looked at him with curiosity, the soft breeze blowing your hair. Sukuna turned to you, his m right arm tucking the strands of hair behind your ear.
“It lessened sometime after our first night together,” Sukuna answered. “And now, I don’t.”
“Why’s that? They all miss you.” His chuckle made your heart race.
“Are you that naive?”
“I just like direct answers.”
“Tsk. You always do,” Sukuna said. And then, he was silent. But you heard him stand up from the bench. You listened to him walk behind you. And before you know it, you felt something cool around your neck.
“Don’t lose it,” Sukuna said. “It was made specifically for you and you only. Okay?” You started at the engraved pendant with admiration. Sukuna watched a smile from on your lips.
“Of course, Sukuna.” You looked at him and you watched a smirk form on his face.
“You’re lucky I like you enough to call me by my name.”
“Of course I am. I am your special lady, am I not?” His smirk widened.
“It’s why I keep you around, little flower.”
You opened your eyes. Everything you saw was overwhelming. You felt tears fall from your eyes. The grip on the pendant tightened more as you brought it close to your chest. Instead of the fluttering feeling you had during the vision, you felt the pain develop more and more.
“Sukuna, I sense that you’re hungry,” you said. “I know a few people who’s been being a little naughty today.” His arms were crossed as he stared out blankly in front of him. Your smile dropped when he didn’t respond. You took a seat next to him, slowly scooting yourself closer to him. “You haven’t eaten.”
“I haven’t,” he replied, doing his best not to burst out in anger.
“You haven’t killed anyone in a while, huh?” He shook his head, his grip tightening on his arms. “Why not?”
“It displeases you.” You can feel your heart race, butterflies roaming in your stomach.
“Just…just don’t have me see, smell, or hear it,” you said softly as you shyly looked away.
“I’ll have Uraume take you out today. Maybe have two of your friends with you as well. You’ve been in the estate for too long.”
Your body was shaking. You wanted to stop but you had to see more.
“Little flower. You’re not at the garden tonight.” You turned around and found Sukuna walking closer to you. You smiled softly at his presence. You stood up and met him halfway, your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.
“I was waiting for you, my King,” you said. “Uraume-san said that you were returning tonight.” You caught the small smile form on his lips.
“Let’s go.”
He sat on the dewy grass, pulling you up on to his lap. His lower arms supported his weight as he leaned back while the upper two held you close to him while your back leaned against his chest.
“I’m coming with you next time on your missions,” you said with a small pout.
“You’ll hate it.”
“Yeah but I hate it more without you here. Despite the killings you do, I rather be around with that than be alone.”You felt the soft vibration of his chest as he chuckled.
“As you wish, my Queen.” You felt your body relaxed, snuggling closer to his body. You closed your eyes and sighed in content.
“I love you, Sukuna.” He felt you fall asleep. His one arm caresses your hair before he leaned in and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.
It was different. It really felt like you were there. The eerie silence in the estate and the way you cautiously walked around to get to the gardens to clean. Shoko and Utahime were out with Uraume to buy more food at the market. You wanted to stay behind and clean out the garden.
You gasped loudly and before you could yell, your mouth was covered. You opened your eyes to see all the concubines surrounding you. They were angry. They didn’t say anything. All they did was attack you. Hurt you until you could barely breathe and keep your eyes open.
You remember the feeling of his arms. The tightening grip, scared for you to go. You remember the first time you saw the fear in his eyes. The water forming in them. His body trembled. Anger, pain, and anguish increasing every second.
“I love you.” Again, his grip tightened.
“I promise that I’m going to wait for you,” Sukuna said softly. “I promise to find you in your next life. You’ll wear the necklace I gave you. And I’ll win you back. Maybe, just maybe, this immortal life I live can be broken. And I can live and die with you.”
“Th-they s-s-say l-love is a-a curse,” you said. Sukuna nodded.
“Have a curse destroy a curse.”
“S-Sukuna…” a tear slipped out from the corner of your eye. Sukuna softly kissed it away and shushed you.
“I love you, too.”
“Reincarnation…” you said to yourself. You shook your head. “But how?” Your hand remained by your chest. The pain was too much and it wouldn’t go away. You shook your head, letting heartbreaking tears escape. You brought your knees up to your chest and buried your face in yours knees. “What the fuck…?”
And then you thought about Nanami. The walking green flag of a man. The one who always make sure that you’re okay and helps you out on missions, whether you were alone or with the students. You knew he had some feelings towards you and you a well for him. And in general, he’s a protective man to his friends and students. It didn’t matter how much Gojo annoyed him, Nanami would be there to help and protect him.
“Maybe he’s awake.”
You scrambled yourself out of bed. You headed to the bedroom to take a quick shower and change into a long sleeve dress, warm tights, knee high boots, and a sweater. You grabbed your purse with your phone and wallet before heading out. You lived close to Shibuya. And you were amazed how the area looked like nothing happened on Halloween day. And it amazes you more that there were just as many people.
Did he—-no he didn’t. I never asked.
You made your way to Nanami’s room. You heard voices fill the room. When you peeked inside, you found Gojo, Shoko, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Ino. You knocked on the door, gathering their attention, before entering inside. You watched the soft smile form on Nanami’s face as you greeted everyone.
“I could’ve just gone with you guys,” you said as you put your purse on the table. You looked at Nanami and smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. Almost as if nothing happened.”
“Yeah, I’m surprised as well,” Nanami said. His voice was gentle yet with his response, it felt stern and suspicious. “I heard you just woke up.” You blushed.
“Y-Yeah,” you answered as you brushed the ends of your hair with your fingers. “I figured I check up on you.”
“You should be resting.”
“I feel fine.”
“Well, we should go,” Gojo said. “Let’s go kids.”
“Bye, sensei!”
“See you later, guys.”
The five of them left, leaving the two of you alone. You moved an empty chair closer to Nanami’s bed and sat down. The silence felt somewhat awkward.
“A-About that night,” you said. “T-There’s a lot to talk about.”
“There is.”
“I don’t want you to be mad and—“
“I’m not mad,” he said. “If Sukuna wanted, he would’ve killed us on the spot. Even if I wasn’t injured and tired, it would be easy for him to kill us.” You nodded. “So, you tell me because you apparently know him.”
“Earlier, the reincarnation thing he talked about,” you said. “Maybe I am a reincarnation of the woman he loves. I’ve been having dreams and visions. I’m in them. All of them, Kento. All of them with Sukuna. And in them, he’s isn’t what we learned he is. As if he’s a human and not a curse nor a demon.”
“You’re taking a liking to him,” Nanami said. Your eyes were wide and Nanami chuckled softly. “I do like you a lot, but if the version of you now have some feelings towards him, I’m not stopping something that’s meant to be.”
“I—“. You shyly looked away. “What can we do?”
“I don’t know. I know Itadori-kun would love to give him a chance of becoming a human. However, I don’t know how to even start with that,” Nanami said. “I would say he’s putting up an act, but he’s so strong that he doesn’t have to do all of that.”
“The man has no patience,” you said. You crossed your legs and arms, irritably looking away. “Always so demanding, I had to put him in his place. You know, back then, he immediately beheads those that just even question him. He almost did it to me. I questioned his request and it was the first time I’ve seen him so angry. But even angrier when he stopped himself from…killing…me.” You slowed down when you finally realized that you were talking about the past. You blushed and looked at Nanami. “Kento, it’s—“
“Don’t fight it, Y/N. He cares for you and you care for him. You want to give him a chance because deep down, you being a reincarnation, you still love him too. You’re just not how you are back then. How were you back then?”
“Quiet, more submissive, more emotional. I hated violence to the point Sukuna starved himself from humans because he knows that I hate it when he does that. I had to go out to town with Uraume-san when he does that. Sukuna and I are polar opposites but we compromise well.”
“You’re not quiet,” Nanami said. “You’re pretty stubborn and you don’t let your emotions get to you. And yet, Sukuna is still determined for you. Look, it’s against every rule of sorcery to do this, but I will help. Once I’m discharged, I’ll help Itadori-kun free him.” Your eyes widened and sudden tears formed in your eyes.
“I owe you so much, Kento,” you said. Nanami smiled, his hand reaching to your hand and rest on top of it.
“Anything for you to be happy. You’re one of my best friends,” he confessed.
“You know what, whenever you’re ready for the dating game, I’m your wingwoman.” Nanami chuckled.
“I’ll keep that in mind. It be better than Gojo-san being my wingman. He gets over the top with things.” You laughed and nodded.
It was now December. You watched as small snowflakes slowly fell from the sky. You were at the school, busy with paperwork that you ended being behind on. As you wrote on one hand, your other held on to the pendant tightly. You felt something, something strange every time you held it. The only thing bringing you back to reality was the soft knock on the door.
“Come in,” you replied. You watched as Shoko and Utahime entered inside. Your smiled brightened. “Here to visit, Utahime-chan?”
“Of course,” she answered. “I haven’t seen you guys since the incident.”
“Shoko-chan, did Kento and Itadori-kun return from their mission yet?” you asked.
“Not yet but Gojo did tell me that they should return back in a few days,” Shoko answered.
“What are they doing?” Utahime asked. You and Shoko shrugged your shoulders.
“You two here to help me escape from paperwork?” you asked.
“Duh! I’m more important than the paperwork,” Utahime answered with a wink. You laughed, placing the files back in a folder before grabbing your things. “I heard of this new Bistro that opened. Let’s check it out.”
The three of you chatted, even when the food arrived. You’ve caught Utahime with everything that’s been happening after the incident: Sukuna, the necklace, and reincarnation.
“So, we’re your reincarnated friends,” Utahime stated. You nodded. “I’ve read a lot on it. It’s an interesting topic. Especially with family members when they think another generation of a child is a reincarnated version from someone in the past.”
“So, you believe in it?” you asked curiously.
“I actually do. What Sukuna said can be true. He may be an evil curse, but I believe he’ll always state the truth. He loves to be right.”
“It could be like that red string of fate tale, too,” Shoko mentioned. “It’s those type of love stories I tend to hear about every now and then.”
“Look, if you got him wrap around your finger, you better make sure he doesn’t kill us,” Utahime said, her finger wagging up in the air. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“He didn’t in the last life, that I believe,” you said. “Now, we need to find a girl for Kento.”
“What kind of girls does he like?” Utahime asked. You shrugged.
“Someone similar to you,” Shoko said. “Maybe more stubborn.”
“Who’s more stubborn than her?”
“What? It’s true!”
“Not completely! Maybe he needs someone quiet.”
“No independent!”
“I have someone in mind.” The three of you jumped and looked up to find Gojo.
“Such a stalker,” Utahime said as she rolled her eyes.
“What? I heard you’re in the city! How can I not be here to bask in your presence?!” With Utahime’s bickering with Gojo, you quietly gasped. You noticed Shoko look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?” Shoko asked, giving Gojo and Utahime your attention. Your hand reached to your pendant.
“I felt something,” you said.
“Sukuna?” Gojo asked. You nodded.
“But, I don’t know how to describe it. It’s…strong.”
You arrived straight home after your outing with the three of them. You quickly showered and dressed in something comfortable for the evening, a pair of shorts and an oversized crew neck. Your hair was tied up in a messy bun and you sat in your living room while trying to find something to watch.
“Holy fuck!” you yelled when loud knocking was present at your door. You ran quietly to the door and peeked up at the peephole. Your eyes widened and you swiftly opened the door. “S-Sukuna…”
He didn’t look any different. His hair stilled spiked up, hair color was now black instead of pink like Yuji’s. His crimson red eyes remained on you, watching you observe him. He was tall, that was for sure. You were probably two heads shorter than he was. He wore black pants, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket to keep him warm. Black boots. A chain bracelet and necklace to accessorize.
“No…wait…you’re not—“
“It’s me, little flower.” His voice was still the same. So soft spoken just for you. Tears automatically blurred your vision. You brought him to your arms, your face buried in his chest as you cried.
“Sukuna…” You felt strong arms envelop you. He slowly brought you two inside and gently closed the door behind you. “H-How…?”
“Nanami Kento and the young boy did their research,” he said. “It was risky but it worked.”
“You didn’t do anything to them to them, did you?” you automatically asked. Sukuna huffed.
“If I did, it risked my chance of being with you,” he answered. “Can I go in and sit?” You nodded.
“Take your shoes off.”
“Yes, little flower.”
“Sit on the couch, I’ll make us some tea.”
“Which one do I like?”
“Green tea. Straight up. You hate sweets unlike me. You always rolled your eyes at me whenever I requested for sweets, nonetheless, you still go out to gather any sweet cravings I have.” You heard a chuckle.
“You remember.”
“How could I forget, my lord.”
“What did I say about you addressing me that way?”
“You hate it,” you answered and stuck your tongue out at him. Sukuna sighed and took a seat on the couch. He sighed in content. He never thought some sort of furniture would be this comfortable. He eyed around your apartment. Everything around was so new and…intriguing?
“You’ll need to teach me about this time,” Sukuna said. “Especially this technology crap. I could’ve killed anyone who was about to run me over because they were busy on their phones while driving.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “I told you, though. I was going to somehow break out of this immortal shit.”
“And your power?”
“I’m still powerful. I can feel it,” Sukuna said. “But…fuck, do you always need me to tell you these things?”
“I like direct answers, Sukuna! That never changed!”
“Tsk.” You returned with two cups of tea. “I promised you, didn’t I?”
“Still not a direct answer I wanted.”
“Fucking woman…” You giggled. A sound that perked his ears and that he missed so much. “I would do anything and everything to be with you, little flower. I’ll even stop being this powerful and evil person for you. Though, I would hope you would still let me.”
“Only within reason, you ass.”
“I’m stating the truth.”
“Heh, you always do. That’s why I always kept you around too. I remember the first day meeting you.”
“When I was scared shitless because I thought you were going to kill me after we had sex.”
“I don’t like random women caressing my face after!”
“Mister evil demon lord,” you mumbled as you took a sip of your wine. Your eyebrows raised when he chuckled. You couldn’t help but smile. “So…you’re human now.” You watches him nod. “Is it—well…does it suck?”
“Do you want to be with me?” He watched you blush, a huge satisfaction in his end. “I’ll take it as a yes. So no, it doesn’t suck.”
“B-But why? Why am I that worth it for you, Sukuna?” you asked curiously.
“I’m not a good guy,” he said. “I still don’t like like humans. But, you were the best human I’ve met and—you’re purposely trying to make me give you a direct answer.”
“Quit beating around the bush.”
“Quit being weak—eek!” Sukuna pulled you in his arms, holding on to the tea cup so you wouldn’t spill anything on you.
“The first time I saw you crying, I knew it was when I need to keep you around. God, I hated that vulnerable feeling when I first saw those tears. And…I-I’d rather be a mortal human if that means we can be together and have time together again in the next life.” He looked at you. He looked at the soft smile your formed. A smile just for him that he was dying to see.
“So…am I any different now than I was a thousand years ago?” you asked.
“More stubborn, definitely not as innocent as you kill curses now, and not as delicate and fragile. But your soul remains the same and I still love you for still being who you are.”
“You know I can’t say that I love you yet,” you said. You noticed the rare fear in his eyes. “But, I’m willing to try. Having you in my life and see where things go.”
“Then, if that’s what my Queen wants, that’s what she’ll get.”
“You really would do anything and everything for me huh? Like, you’re wrapped around my finger type of love?”
“Silly human.”
“You’re human now too.”
“Still.” You couldn’t help but laugh. You leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.
“It does feel good though. Being together with you.” You felt the grip on his arms tighten.
“I missed it. So damn much. Now…” Sukuna’s eyes eyed on the remote controller on the coffee table. He reached over for it and handed it to you. “Explain this device.”
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bubblergoespop · 6 months
My Top Aaron Quotes
men who are just constantly tired of everything>>>>>
“Well buckle up, wiz kid.”
“So yeah, I am gonna miss you. I’m really gonna miss you.”
“Sue me. Except don’t. My brain is already fried from the financials, I don’t need to throw legalese on top of that.”
“Fuck it. There’s nothing in here I can’t replace. I want you."
“I didn’t say I wanted to spend the day with you, I asked if you wanted to spend the day with me. I asked first.”
“Hey, stop it. Because you know how much I like you running your fingers through my hair. Makes my brain go all fuzzy.”
“I appreciate it. And you.”
“Oh, it’s not playing dirty. It’s just me making you feel good.”
“I didn’t realise I was apparently dating an anthropomorphic backpack.”
“H-hey—stop it. You—no, your kisses are just… it tickled. Shut up. So what if my sides are ticklish, it’s not like that’s weird, you shit.”
“Oh, and now you can’t even find the strength to lift your head out of my lap, hmm? You poor thing. Who knew that being lazy could be so exhausting?”
“I love you very much. Now get off me.”
“You talked a big talk back then. But it turns out you’re just a cuddle-hungry softy after all, huh? Yes you are. At least when you’re still sleepy, anyway.”
“I also know you’re probably the kind to fly off half-cocked and make me chase you down with the SPF 50 like a madman. If for no other reason than to infuriate me.”
“Come here. Come closer. Because I said so.”
“I love you. And I love rain. And I love being with the person I love while it rains. Isn’t that a fun little combo?”
“You are very cute looking up at me like that.”
“Or is the thought of a few more minutes in my arms that much of an imposition? Asshole. Mmm. I love you too.”
“I can’t even try to say a nice thing without you having to get some snark into it, can I? No, I wouldn’t have it any other way. You brat. I love you just as you are.”
“You make me better. And that’s no small order when you’re talking about me, given the high level I already started at.”
“A man’s gotta eat. And you’ve always been my favorite thing on the menu.”
“Oh yes, you’re so put upon. Your evil boyfriend only makes you a whole breakfast spread, he won’t then also let you sleep in even later than you already have.”
“Yes, in a shocking twist, I do find your absence unpleasant. Perish the thought, right?”
“Time spent with the people I care about is important to me. It doesn’t have to be time doing anything special, it doesn’t have to be conversations about our future or some greater purpose or any of that shit, I just want to be with the person that I’m with.”
“Sure, there are plenty of ways to sleep on a couch just fine. It’s your hybrid approach that lands somewhere between gymnast and pretzel that tends to get you in trouble.”
“You’re okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
“If it feels like it's coming on again, come tell us, okay?”
“I only met them a handful of times. They're sweet. They laugh a lot. They spent most of the time giving Elliott shit, it was funny. Not in like a mean way, like the way you do when you love somebody that much. They were a good balance for one another.”
“God I sound old. And I feel old. And I’m not, but it feels like it. A grumpy old man. Might as well start yelling at kids to not play so loud in the neighborhood, really complete the image.”
“Stop calling me an old man, only I’m allowed to call me old. Don’t be mean. I’m in a vulnerable state. I need baseless praise.”
“Yes. Holding you feels very productive.”
“Yeah. Let me just rub it on that pretty face for a little bit…”
“ It’d be fine. Almost as fine as you. I’m tired, I’m allowed to be stupid.”
“El, I have never hated you. You’re my little brother, I love you.”
“No the windows are mirrored glass. You should know that, you worked here.”
“Whose is it? Louder”
“Thank you baby. Yeah, thank you for trusting me like you do. […] All I wanna do is prove myself worthy of that trust.”
259 notes · View notes
Deadpool + Wolverine tk headcanons !!!
a/n : i love these 2 so much …. ever since findin out theyre both canonically ticklish in the comics ive been EXPLIDINF . this movie reawakened my obsession so lets goooo ^-^
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Words : (4649 under cut)
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As a ler :
ohmygod . he is RUTHLESS
so mean yet so silly when he tickles
yk in the beginning of xmen origins wolverine ?? how he was usin his katanas to block all those bullets ???? hes so fast w his arms n he would be able to pin anyone in an INSTANT
like he could wrap his arms around you n trap you in a tickly bear hug so easily
SUCH a tease; both verbally n physically
he would slowly lower his hands on his victim while wriggling his fingers n when hes about to touch you he'll quickly shoot his hands back up n keep on doin that
n the baby talk OH LORD THE BABY TALK
this man will leave anyone redder than his suit
"awwww whos a tickwish wittle baby ?? you are !! yes you areeeee !!"
"whats got you laughin so much huh ?? sounds like you got a tickle in your throat"
points out any noises made
if you snort or wheeze or squeal or anything similar he WILL tease you more
aware when you want him to stop but also aware that he doesnt wanna stop
"did you say stop ?? do you mean it ?? do you ?? huh , huh , huh ?? hmmmm alright alright i'll stop"
n if you actually LIKE being tickled ?? oh god hes never letting you live free of tickles ever again
will use every excuse possible to try n tickle you
you had a bad day ? tickles . youre being stubborn ? tickles .
you need to wake up, need to go to sleep, need to be convinced, need to relax, wade just gets bored,
everything . t i c k l e s
overall : be scared but not worried (if that makes sense)
As a lee :
ohh how the turns have tabled
talks so much shit beforehand but the SECOND he gets it hes all like "WAITWAITWAIT LETS TALK PLS"
absolute gigglefest . when you first strike a bad spot he does this squealwheeze combo
more sensitive to light touch there but squeezing still gets him CACKLIN
like if you just . lightly drag your fingertips or nails anywhere on his thighs …
oh hes dead . youve officially killed mr immortal .
ticklish palms too DONT ASK I JUST KNOW IT
again, light touch here n hes a puddle
if you try to tease him while ticklin hes gonna somehow turn it around ?????
if you try to fluster him or just point anything out he will get so SNIDEEEE
"yohohou have NO rihight to tahahalk peanuhuht, we AHALL know how bahahad it ihis for you whehehen i WAITWAITWAHAHAHAIT IM SOHORRY NO -"
lil shit deserves it lol (still love him)
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As a ler :
isn't as evil as wade, but you dont wanna test him
like he wouldnt go as rough or tease as much but HE STILL WILL
wont do any anticipation tricks, hes just gonna do it
he will chase you, however, but only if you run
more on the playful side; accidently teases you by pointing out the obvious
"wow its real bad for ya here, huh bub ??"
"jesus kid stop kicking so much, oh wait … you cant, can ya ??"
hes always got this cheeky grin on his face too
super analyzes how much certain pressure n techniques works best on all your spots bc hes a BIG BULLY
if he wanted to, youd be dead in a minute ♡ (not really)
if you were being a brat then hes gonna use his facial hair
n GOD it tickles so bad
like if hes getting you from behind he might just decide to . nuzzle into your neck n its amazing HORRIBLE
in short : dont be annoying n youre good !
As a lee :
where do i even begin …
hes got such a precious smile its like how could you NOT tickle him to pieces
its pretty well known how he already has his wheezy snort laughs
catching him off guard will get the best wheezes
like if you sneak attack or switch to a bad spot suddenly
tbh hes gonna snort no matter what you do … its what n where you do it that might give you more muehehehe
pinch his sides ?? 1 snort every 20 seconds
scratch his ribs ?? 1 snort every 10 - 15
do anthing on his tummy / underarms ?? youre getting that 1 per 5 wolvie special !!!
1 SQUEEZE ON THE KNEE N ITS GAME OVER FOR HIM . if you rapid squeeze them it becomes a damn piggie pen
wade definitely abuses this
yall know in the first xmen when hes shirtless w his hand on the fence of a fighting ring n you can see his BACKKKK please give me a chance
light tickles there makes him MELT
youll get the sweetest giggles w an occasional wheeze
lightly scratching or tracing his shoulder blades will lead to slightly louder giggles
n rubbing your knuckles into his back dimples gets the absolute bestest snorts
im a sucker for lee wolverine idk if you can tell (its obvious)
oke doke thats it for now !! AAAAAAA im sorry these took so long TwT im just happy i got em done ehehe
sending love to everyone who reads these :D i hope you enjoyed - make sure yall stay healthy n happy ^-^ ♡
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 5 months
When asked why he doesn't display the same level of power as he did against Trigon, Shego Danny says the more power he brings forth, the closer he gets to being dead. It's true from a certain point of view
Shego was't surprised at the teens dumbfounded expressions. It truly filled him with such glee as their faces twisted with the donning realisation.
Ever since it got out that ''Shego used to be a hero'' the comments about him " joining the good side again" had ramped up!
'"Oh Shego join us and use your powers for the good"' or a remixed version of "'you have such power but you use it for evil"'. Danny had heard it all and it got tiring fast.
So yes Shego would enjoy the horror stricken Faces of the kidi-heros. Because they would. Not. Shut. Up. About. It!
The older heroes had eventually slowed down but not these little twerps. Was it because he held back too much? Should he start hitting them harder so they learned to concentrate on the God damn fight in front of them!?
It had worked great for him so it must be an effective solution!
(He thought he heard a face slap suspiciously sounding like Jazz's echo in the back of his mind.) A quiet swish followed by humming started up, right on que!
"Well brats I gotta go my ride is here and I don't want any of your twerpyness getting on me!" The kids were hit with whiplash by shego's words still and slight guilt.
Aww look at the little baby Heros feeling guilty. Constantly having forced Shego into annoying situations and forcing him into using his powers. How cute they are thinking about what they did.
He still wouldn't forget it and he sure as hell doesn't forgive them but they really are just kids. Isn't it practically teenagers' job to be annoying to adults anyway? Ah to be young again. But speaking about annoying.
"Oi, Shego stop standing around and hop on already!" His boss's filtered voice cracked to life in his com and had him flipping backwards in a rather Nightwing-esk maneuver (not that Nightwing existed quite yet in this dimension) and gave the kiddos a final wave goodbye before jumping on the revving motorcycle his boss drove. Robin looked even more shocked as the bike shot off.
Danny sighed slightly, apparently his boss still loved a flashy exit! The red helm should really have tipped him off about his dramatic nature or the heads in the duffle bag thing a while back. Or maybe future, that was the thing with interdimensional hopping!
Now what he really wanted to know was how much Red hood was going to pay him in compensation for helping out. Because the annoyances Shego would get for "helping" were going to cost Red hood dearly. Mark his words.
"Oh stop being pissy Shego."
"Fuck off Hood you aren't the one that will have to deal with the hero's and their savior complex constantly now." The laugh Danny got in return just cemented his hatred for his boss. :D
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Wip of Shego Danny fighting his boss before he became his boss:b Boss was still fresh free from the LOA.
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pixeechix21 · 10 months
Simon!Ghost!Riley x reader
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Summary: can’t feel your hands? Good thing Simon Ghost Riley is there to take them and put them in his pockets. Keep you warm and entertained
Tw: just some handjob in public but in a pocket
(OKAY OKAY ik this technically the second one abt Simon Ghost Riley getting teased with in public but hear me out it’s so goddamn sexy to see them try and keep it cool. And feeling them just get gradually harder in your hand?! Don’t mind if I do lmao) for the other one it’s called vroom vroom or sum it’s on my page xox ☺️💕
It’s freezing outside and you’re slowly losing feeling in fingers. Bundled up in a scarf and wearing countless layers. Simon looks over to you, taking your hand and holding it in between is large hot hand. You can see your between his showing just how big he is. He pulls you in to the side of his, by your hand an. You can feel the heat radiate off of him comforting your aching limbs.
Shivering still he takes your hands into his pockets. You try to hide your smile, since you guys are walking around base with the group. He’s hot. Your curiosity takes the better of you, and you slowly explore what’s inside his pocket. Then you feel him through his pants, he holds back a groan as you hand feels him up and down. You look up at him smiling, as he looks at you he gives you a warning look. You deepen, and hold him in a firmer grip, teasing the tip and rubbing him up and down. His hand wraps around yours and presses your hand down, urging you on.
Soap asks him a question he snaps out of his trance only able to respond with a brief, “yeah uhu sure Jonny.” You quicken the pace as he tries to make up a response.
Evil that’s what he thinks you are. He’s trying his best not to come. But the innocence that you exude, smiling and joking with Gaz and Soap. Gaz comes in to your other side hooking you free hand, joking about how you and Simon would look like when you’re old. “…Lucky to have you, isn’t that right Simon?” He jokes.
“Mmhm,” Simone groans out. He’s close you can feel him get harder, and start to twitch in your hand. You squeeze lightly, raising your eyebrows smirking, he rolls his eyes holding you closer. “Yes lucky to have me aren’t you, I just know at you need without asking,” you laugh sweetly. He unravels as he starts to shudder, not from the cold. His cum seeps slightly through, as he tries to control himself.
“Yes luv, I am. if only you weren’t such a little brat sometimes,” his voice is tough angry almost but you can’t help feel satisfaction he holds your hand in a firm grip, squeezing it three times, meaning “I love you.”
Soap spots a bratwurst stand and asks the group, “bratwurst anyone?”
“Yes I think y/n here would love to have one,” Simon quips, teasingly.
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neyafromfrance95 · 4 days
as a fellow dead dove enjoyer what are your top haladriel dead dove fics? i personally think their one of the rare few pairings i feel fit this trope more than ever ngl
oh, thank u for this ask, anon! and yes, haladriel is like hannigram successor when it comes to the dead dove nature of their relationship!
i hope whatever happens in the finale, it inspires a lot of dead dove fics 😏 and so many lines in this season are basically playing with this idea on a subtextual level.
anyways, here are my favorite dead dove fics so far:
until the dawn comes - the characterization is spot on and i can totally see this happening between the two at some point!
hérincë - so wrong but so good! i can also see this happening but only when sauron turns more evil and it could explain galadriel closing the door on him, eventually!
those who eat, those who are eaten - my first non-con s/g fic, still one of my favorites. sick and twisted. love it.
there are still quite a few i have marked for later and i can't wait to read them! bless all the writers!
also, i think the mind-palace aspect of their relationship provides an opportunity of writing smtng that doesn't happen in the actual reality, but still happens in this telepathic way, and this creates an interesting psychosexual fantasy power play.
and there are so many tropes that would make sense to be explored with them:
sauron the brat tamer? brat!galadriel?
sauron with the age-gap k!nk (this ancient mf older than the world itself and he was relishing in uno-reversing galadriel's smug patronizing remark about their age difference)?
galadriel knife-play k!nk?
galadriel pretending like she is hunting a dragon to slay? the dark lord slayer k!nk?
sauron chasing galadirel around in the woods?
the mind-palace non/dub-con ofc!!!
mr. black goo slithering into galadriel's hole and playing her to a melody not of her choosing? oops, this one is canon apparently.
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nica-my-beloved · 5 months
Ikemen Men In Ikemen Series
(Ikepri, Ikevil, Ikegen)
Sueharu: "I love women."
Silvio: "Women are bitches."
Jude: "Women should be respected!"
The Kings
Gilbert: "I'm a King."
Akihito: "Me too."
William and Elbert: "So are we"
Poster bois
Leon: "Ofc that's me."
Yoritomo: "Originally it's me, but my brother gets more spotlight from fans."
William: "I'm a poster boi as well."
Leon and Yoritomo: (Why does he have white hair?)
Tsun Tsun bois
Yves: "Want some cake?"
Shigehira: *Ahem* "Not like I'm dying to eat it or anything. But since you asked, as a decent person I'll have some.......Mm....Ahhh, it's so delicious"*starry eyed*
Yves: *blushes* "Hey! Stop making that face! As if you're enjoying my cooking!"
The ZzzzzzZ
Luke: ".....zzz....Honey...."
Yoichi: "....zzz..Young..zzz...master..."
Harrison: ".....zzz....Liam...."
That guy
Nokto: "Hey, how is that girl!?"
Jin: "Yeah. She's cute but the boobs aren't big enough."
Sueharu: (At least I'm decent than these two-----Ah! Yoshino's boobs!)
Best big brothers
Luke: "I'm younger than Emma but I still treat her like my younger sister."
Harrison: "I'm not even a big brother type. I simply got added here because Kate thinks I am one.
Morinaga: "I want to see Yoshino as my little sister but I can't help it. I get these indecent thoughts about her sometimes."
Luke and Harrison: "You need help."
The most beautiful ones
Azel: "Hah. I'm a god. Of course I'm the most beautiful."
Tamamo: *flips his hair* "Hmph. Well I lived here for more than 800 years. I'm the most beautiful one."
Elbert: "..............................."
Alfons: "Lord Elbert. No." <- not included in this category, just came here to avoid potential murder.
The babies
Luke: "Believe it or not, I'm the youngest prince."
Ellis: "Nice to meet you guys too. I'm the youngest villain."
Shigehira: (Wow...they are so tall and...those muscles...)
Someone from the audience: "Don't worry Shigehira, Yoshino still loves you."
Shigehira: *blushes* "Shut up!"
The unreasonable brats
Kurama: *points his fan* "Hey! Give me everything you're wearing right now. Yes, those shiny necklaces, bracelet, rings and also the shiny items in this room. Actually, give me your whole palace. Give it all."
Silvio: "Huh!? Who the hell are you? A thief?"
Kurama: "How dare you call me a thief. Do you wanna die you bling bling covered sleazeball?"
Silvio: "Who the fuck told you that name!!?"
Kurama: "Hm? A girl looking like a brown rabbit."
Silvio: "That bitch! I'm gonna kill her for sure!"
The most loved ones
Yoshitsune: "I don't know why everyone loves me. They say I have a very innocent personality but I don't understand."*cutely tilts his head*
Jude: "I'm most popular because everyone here likes to be choked for some reason." *rests his head on his fists looking bored*
Gilbert: "Well, I'm here because I'm so handsome and everyone falls down on their knees as soon as they see me."
Yoshitsune: "Why is that?"
Jude: "Obviously because-----forget it. I was paid by a blonde guy to not taint your mind."
Chevalier: *ignoring all of them because he's listening to an audiobook*
The villains
Ibuki: "I heard you love manipulating people for fun."
Gilbert: "I heard that about you too. Looks like we're...."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "Kindred spirits" *fist bumps*
Ibuki: "I have a kid."
Gilbert: "I have raised a kid too."
Ibuki: "I have tried manipulating the evil fox princess to break her heart."
Gilbert: "I too have tried tainting little rabbit's heart."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "But I failed."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "........!"
Ibuki and Gilbert: "Hahahahaha!"
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
*inhale* 🗣 Okay, listen, I'm going to rant over this moment again, but this time in a post so the world can read about it 🗣
It doesn't matter how many times I've watched Graduation part 2... But THIS HERE.
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BUT MOST OF ALL: "What will others think of me now?"
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And then ALL of his questions get answered in the form of his partner in crime's expression: A genuine heartfelt and sincere smile that says "You deserve this."
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Shego, the femme fatale who is wanted in 11 countries. The villain who insisted by all means necessary that she's evil through and through and will NEVER be a hero or want to be associated with heroes STILL stands by his side. Do you know what the most important aspect of this very moment is? Shego doesn't stand on 'equal' grounds as him and she doesn't mind it, she lets it happen.
Shego and Drakken's dynamic throughout the story has been Boss-and-Sidekick for the longest of times. Both of them fought: Drakken for wanting to feel superior over EVERYONE and Shego wanting as much power (and/or more) as Drakken would have when they had taken over the world.
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However, the happenings in graduation changed everything and now the world recognizes Drakken as a hero, a world savior, and a protector of peace. But if it weren't for Shego flying all the way with Ron to the Lorwardian ship, Drakken couldn't have possibly stopped the invasion.
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Look at Shego's expression. She genuinely feels happy for Dr. D. She could've stepped in at ANY point before or during this (press)conference, demanding her own medal and telling everyone that it was in fact her who helped Drakken save them all. But she doesn't. Shego knows how important this moment is for Dr. Drakken. After years of hearing his stories and knowing how much recognition means to him; she lets him have his moment in the limelight, the sun, and she's going to let him bask in all of it for as long as he needs to. Because the most important thing is that she knows what she did and that's enough: She went into space to bring back the man she wanted to rule the world together with. Never ever again would she let Dr. Drakken think, for even a second, that she'd abandon him.
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Again, look at the distance between them in this shot.
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Yes, the distance is closer but then
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As close as they can possibly get in public
They're on even grounds now. Drakken wants to let the world and most importantly Shego KNOW that they are a team and that they saved the world together.
I once saw someone pointing out that they looked very uncomfortable in the last image, but let me put it like this: - Prior in the episode Shego and Drakken almost flew into each other's arms but became VERY reluctant, why??? Because Kim and Ron were there! What must those brats think of them!? Certainly, they cannot show any weaknesses in front of their arch nemeses!
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And now let me show this again:
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They're embracing each other... in FRONT OF THE WORLD LEADERS. OF COURSE IT'S A BIT AWKWARD, YOU'D BE AWKWARD TOO, but the KEY here is that They're NOT looking away from each other like they did before.
In the previous scenario, they avoided each other's eyes: no connection, desperately trying to show no weaknesses, trying to change the subject matter at all costs.
Now they lock eyes, and they read each other. How I read it (both facial expression as body language): Drakken: Hopeful, nervous, apologetic "Did I hurt you? I hope I did not", kind of embarrassed because his foliage acted out so assertively by his thoughts of wanting Shego to be at least on the same level as him for the world to know. Shego: Surprised but not at all distressed, disgusted or upset about this sudden change. Most of all, I think she's deeply moved: Drakken always called her a 'sidekick', but now? She's recognized by him and the world as his partner. If you look at her face, those eyes seem to be on the verge of tearing up and that smile, how shy and embarrassed it may look holds warmth and happiness.
Both of them acknowledge each other's worth and in a certain way, they took over each other's world.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Hi ! Here cottage life with Lilia and the Knight of Dawn as Silver mom in the past Anon (I think I will need to find myself an smiley-)
First, thank you ! I'm happy this idea please you and other people 😊
But yes this OT3 is so so cute- My brain run free for it since then.
The relationship those three have...it's just melting my heart 🥹 The perfect trio. Lilia is a bit jalous that the first baby isn't from him -bat boi have his pride- but he just love Silver so much it doesn't matter much 🥺 Little funny fact about Lilia/Knight bromance: before Silver birth, him and the Knight (need to find a proper surname for him-) had a discussion. Like they didn't know who was the father between them, they had a unique way to deal with it: after the baby birth- when who is the father will be more clear- the guy that isn't the bio dad would name the baby. So no one would felt left away from the family.
Lilia blessed the baby at birth, and like in Chapter 5, the baby hair turned white. So Silver's name was back like that 😂
So much things about them...like, rumors runs fast thanks to the forest fairies. But the little family -except when Lilia is called to the castle- don't go often outside to not scare any fairy. So...one day, a toddler Silver ran away to the famous "Castle" were "Dada Lilia" was kept against his will by "This cruel brat of a Princess who want him to "babysit" (Something really cruel and scary from Dada Lilia word-). So Meleanor first encounter with Lilia rumored "son" was this child -monkey- pleading her to -politely- give his Dada Lilia back.
And this is only some funny story 😭 The guilt our time traveler could felt is also interresting. Silver was born and will grow up way before what he was supposed to do. Did this child is -will be- even the same Silver she knew ? And he will never met Sebek in this life. Will this child will be ressentful ? What kind of right does she have to change history -fate- like that ? What will happen if she dissapear, like she came- and go back to her time ? What will happen to her new found family, her husbands, her child ?
But a single giggle of her lovely silver haired baby is enough to make her worries dissapear in a smile. How scary it is, to be so happy at the point you fear the day it will be end.
(References: Fanfic, Ask 1, Ask 2)
Hello Cottage Life Anonie 🌻🌺💚
I’m labeling you Cottage Life Anonie until you find a emoji or nickname you prefer ☺️🌺 please feel free to choose whichever that makes you comfortable and happy.
Anonie you have no idea how happy I was when I saw you in my inbox, I was already kicking my feet in excitement ☺️🌺
Hehehe my evil plan of getting more people to like this OT3 is working 😈🙌 lolol I’m really happy that you and others like it. It makes me happy and I’m glad I can share these thoughts with others who like it too.
A knight of dawn x reader x lilia vanrouge pairing has so much potential and routes that I’m just thrilled at all the possibilities 💞💞
Lilia being jealous of the first child not being his is adorable. I can just see him make that face that says he’s pouting but denying it 😂 but he adores Silver so much and he’s also your child, so how could he no love him? Baby Silver with his glittering eyes and you just being so loving with him is perfect.
I adore that agreement Knight and Lilia had about naming the child. It’s so sweet and smart! And another way to include the mutual partner! No one is left out and everyone is loved 🥹 it’s so sweet!! (We need a name for Dawny, I hope we get one for him in twst 🙏)
Oh oh Anonie! Now that you mention the hair color change, some theorize (because of the sprite) that the upper layers of Knight’s hair is blond and the bottom layers are silver!! So if that’s the case, Lilia just turned Silver’s hair fully silver which is also what Dawny has on his lower tresses so this bromance keeps getting sweeter and the connection is still there 🥹
Absjsjshs tiny Baby Silver just toddling away to the castle to save his Dada Lilia like a true knight in shining armor!!! That’s so freaking adorable 🥹💞😭 I can imagine that the little fairies that love Silver and love mischief helped teleport him to the castle where he meets Meleanor and Lilia. You have this sweet child asking so nicely and the Queen’s heart just melts (she also adores his bravery). Meleanor then tries to smite Lilia because of the “bratty” comments 🤣🤣
Now I can imagine Meleanor require a weekly dinner with everyone, she can see Baby Silver, and if malleus is hatched, he can have a playmate. She can also meet the Knight and the Reader (not on the battlefield for once). It’s awkward at first but nothing that time and Silver’s bubbly laughter can’t fix 🥹💞
There’s so many angst potentials! Ahhhh the guilt of the time traveler wife. Silver not growing up with Sebek, not living in the same timeline ( would his friend be mama zigvolt in this case? 🤔).
Would wife tell the husbands about her situation? What happened in her timeline? I feel like if they knew they would understand, and their hearts would ache from the sacrifices she made to have them be happy. 🥹😭
I want to focus a little bit on the if she ever went back to the present, well, this new present that’s the same yet so different. I feel like if YN did go back she would at first be devastated once she realizes she’s back and what she lost. But but but, we have powerful fairies on our side. 👏🙌
I believe in this case, with the help of Meleanor and Lilia (maybe even Levan? He’s smart so he might know more about it). They would put both Silver and The Knight of Dawn to sleep until they are reunited with YN 🥹💚
So, this would solve a few problems actually! Sebek would be in the picture again, and we have Malleus and his parents, and of course, we have Lilia too.
Lilia could be waiting for YN at the spot she said she was teleported from the first time and they could have their reunion before waking the other two. 🥹💞💞 The reunion would be so sweet between the four. Lilia was waiting but at least he had his sister and baby malleus and the rest of his family and friends while he waited. He can go to that cottage and relive memories and remind himself of his loves.
The way this OT3 AU has a grip on me 😭💞💚
Anonie, Anonie, I am shaking you.
“How scary it is, to be so happy at the point you fear the day it will be end.” This line!! This line!! Oh my heart. 😭💞💞
Thank you for sending this in Anonie 💚🌺, ahhh I’m enjoying this so much and my mind is whirling with so many possibilities. You’re my partner in crime now ☺️🌺
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amber-laughs · 4 months
Thank you so much for your answer! I'd love to hear your thoughts on their relationship before the series begins. We know that the scene they shared in agot was not reflective of their actual dynamic even if most people loooove to forget that part. How did they interact? Did they ever? How was their relationship especially when Jon was a toddler or around 7-8? Thank you for your time!
oh fun question! well let's start from the beginning, we know that Catelyn was upset to find Jon in Winterfell before her
When the wars were over at last, and Catelyn rode to Winterfell, Jon and his wet nurse had already taken up residence. That cut deep. A Game of Throne- Catelyn II
but keep in mind Catelyn didn't know Ned yet. they'd obviously met and married but she doesn't really know anything about his temperament yet and even with that she's just arrived in a new place that will be her home forever, there's no way out, so the idea of her immediately showing her displeasure with Jon or Ned feels unlikely to me because in Family, Duty, Honor fashion she would first and foremost try to make her new family work to fulfill her father's alliance and be forced to put her wounded honor to the side. we know she did eventually work up the courage to ask Ned about Ashara Dayne
The Lady Ashara Dayne, tall and fair, with haunting violet eyes. It had taken her a fortnight to marshal her courage, but finally, in bed one night, Catelyn had asked her husband the truth of it, asked him to his face. That was the only time in all their years that Ned had ever frightened her. "Never ask me about Jon," he said, cold as ice. A Game of Thrones- Catelyn II
Ned scared her so bad she never asked again and neither did the servants. Now the fandom has a pretty simplistic, whitewashed view of Ned that isn't supported in canon but I would still call this out of character for him and Catelyn does too but remember, she barely knew him at this point, so it makes sense why she completely dropped the topic of not just Ashara but probably Jon as whole for a few years. but of course we know it does come up again.
Now I personally think the real trouble would start to come in as Jon was weened and was still in Winterfell. If he no longer needed a wet-nurse there's no reason not to foster him off in classic bastard fashion and Catelyn clearly thinks so too
Whoever Jon's mother had been, Ned must have loved her fiercely, for nothing Catelyn said would persuade him to send the boy away. It was the one thing she could never forgive him. A Game of Thrones- Catelyn II
Catelyn, of her own admission, was often trying to get Ned to kick Jon out of Winterfell. now this is where I need to remind people that I LOVE Catelyn Tully Stark. I'm on her team, I'm on her side, I'd buy her Mother's Day gifts if I could. most people in this fandom are actually pretty chill about the Catelyn Jon dynamic but there are two sides that think catelyn was an evil abusive wicked witch of the west specifically out to get an infant because she just feels like being evil and another side that thinks she never did anything to him and he's a spoiled brat who should be grateful she didn't make him sleep outside and eat only dog food. both are extremely annoying.
the truth is Catelyn was cruel to Jon and yes by George RR Martin's own words she never laid hands on him and she wasn't directly berating him throughout the years because like I said Catelyn isn't evil and she doesn't enjoy cruelty but when a child says he feels guilty eating in front of you there's a problem.
Jon wondered how Lady Catelyn's sister would feel about feeding Ned Stark's bastard. As a boy, he often felt as if the lady grudged him every bite. A Dance With Dragons- Jon IV
now it's possible Jon is projecting his own insecurities on to Catelyn here except:
Catelyn had nothing against this girl, but suddenly she could not help but think of Ned's bastard on the Wall, and the thought made her angry and guilty, both at once. She struggled to find words for a reply. A Game of Thrones- Catelyn VI
Catelyn does feel guilty for the way she's treated Jon. yes making Jon feel uncomfortable in Winterfell served a purpose, making sure he knows its not his. he has no right to it. Robb does. Robb will inherit. If not Robb then Bran, if not Bran then Rickon and so on and so forth. but none the less it was fucking mean. but here's the thing, Catelyn can't change society, she's navigating the rules she's given and Ned isn't, I imagine that would send her up a wall sometimes. because as she said Ned can have all the bastards he wants and she wouldn't care but Jon has no business being there and no business being treated like a true born next to her actual true born sons
"This is Valyrian steel, my lord," he said wonderingly. His father had let him handle Ice often enough; he knew the look, the feel. A Game of Thrones- Jon VIII
why the hell is Jon being allowed to handle the Stark ancestral sword? this is so widely out of the norm for Westeros it almost feels illegal. I can completely understand why Catelyn started trying to drill into Robb's head that Jon was different from him
That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell." A Storm of Swords- Jon XII
and it's also known throughout the Winterfell that there are hostilities between Jon and Catelyn. when Robb see's Jon is upset he immediately wonders if his mother is the reason
His voice was flat and tired. The visit had taken all the strength from him. Robb knew something was wrong. "My mother …" "She was … very kind," Jon told him. A Game of Thrones- Jon II
Jon also famously has the line where he admits Catelyn has never so much as called him by his name before so on Catelyn's side the relationship is somewhere on a spectrum from non existent to hostile. on Jon's side? well we know that Jon very consciously craved a mother
He knew nothing of his mother; Eddard Stark would not talk of her. Yet he dreamed of her at times, so often that he could almost see her face. A Game of Thrones- Jon III
often felt like he had to prove himself to his father
Bastard children were born from lust and lies, men said; their nature was wanton and treacherous. Once Jon had meant to prove them wrong, to show his lord father that he could be as good and true a son as Robb. I made a botch of that.  A Storm of Swords- Jon X
and I want to be clear, I know it wasn't Catelyn's job to make Jon feel welcome in his home, Ned really dropped the ball. It's Ned's fault that Jon just assumed he'd be destitute with no prospects by the time he turned 16 and it shows in the way Jon craves father figures in his life after he leaves Winterfell. Jeor Mormont, Benjen Stark, Mance Rayder, Maester Aemon, Stannis Baratheon I mean the list goes on. The thing is though there are no older women in Jon's life. Not at the Wall and not really in Winterfell either. He and Robb don't seem to take lessons from Septa Mordane and while Old Nan certainly taught him some important stories she doesn't seem to have set a maternal presence in his life.
I'm not saying Catelyn was or should have been Jon's mother because she wasn't and it surely wasn't her job but I do think she subconsciously fills that second parental placeholder in his head next to Ned because he clearly craves one but has no other woman to fill it.
Lord of Winterfell. I could be the Lord of Winterfell. My father's heir. It was not Lord Eddard's face he saw floating before him, though; it was Lady Catelyn's. A Storm of Swords- Jon XII
while this isn't Jon's deciding factor the idea of upsetting her or once again being rejected by her really bothers him, so much so that he can't even go on training with his friends, he has to leave and take a walk all alone. She's also one of the deciding factors when he's deciding whether to take his lifelong vows for the Night's Watch.
By the time the moon was full again, he would be back in Winterfell with his brothers. Your half brothers, a voice inside reminded him. And Lady Stark, who will not welcome you. A Game of Thrones- Jon V
but let's be clear Jon isn't just sitting around waiting for her to hug him. he doesn't like her either.
"Lady Stark is not my mother," Jon reminded him sharply. Tyrion Lannister had been a friend to him. If Lord Eddard was killed, she would be as much to blame as the queen. A Game of Thrones- Jon VII
he blames her for Ned's death just as much as he blames Cersei which is unfair and a bit delusional but childhood resentment will do that to a 15 year old.
So what was Jon and Catelyn's relationship like? Bad. Catelyn and Jon never had a chance. they were failed by the system. women and bastards seem to have a lot in common in Westeros in the sense that their agency is greatly limited. their safety rests on the graces of whatever man has placed their claim on them and this woman and this bastard were vying for the graces of the same man and felt one couldn't have it if the other did too. which is a shame in and of itself because I think they're both better at this game than Ned was.
***Less about their pre-series relationship but Jon and Catelyn have so much in common thematically and politically speaking. I did a parallel of them if you'd like to check it out
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ryuichirou · 3 months
More dark hcs
We have a bunch of asks about some dark-themed hcs, I’ll try to reply to everything today. As always, it took me ages, but I am still grateful for these asks. Thank you to all the Anons in this post!
Ships mentioned in this post: Ortho/Idia (Igni mob/Idia), Floyd/Idia, Jade/Idia, Trey/Idia, Trey/Vil
Anonymous asked:
Do you have yandere headcanons for tweels? Or they are not much different in your opinion?
In terms of darkness and fucked-up-ness, they really aren’t very different; I feel like every single hc list we have for the tweels is somewhat dark, but! A yandere is a bit different because yandere’s actions are motivated by obsessive love and devotion.
And I am not saying that Jade and Floyd with their “now I’m interested, now I’m not” personalities can’t get obsessive, but it’s a bit more tricky for me to think about them in this scenario. But “tricky” doesn’t mean “impossible”, so yes, I do in fact have some yandere headcanons for them! I hope I don’t repeat myself though, sorry if I do.
The target of their obsession in this list is Idia, I hope this is okay with you.
Alright, let’s go then:
Anonymous asked:
Just to complete all of Idia’s evil exes, how about headcanons for the Tweels and Trey as yanderes for him (Sorry, Idia, I swear I do love you 😭)
(Idia deserves all the love, especially if it’s obsessive, Anon….)
The more Idia tries to avoid them, the more obsessive they become. They didn’t mind him paying attention to other people and doing other stuff at first, but the more Idia openly avoids the Tweels, the more they want him. At first they just started to get clingier: Floyd literally started touching and hugging Idia all the time, Jade – texting Idia every other minute and cooking for him. It was almost funny and cute at first (not to Idia though): it’s as if Idia just got two love interests at the same time!
One day they would just break every single gadget and machine in his room. For no reason other than they really wanted his attention, and he didn’t give it to them. Of course, Idia would be absolutely distraught after that, but it’s okay, they are here to cuddle him while he is having a panic attack. Or haze him more… these two are such childish jealous brats sometimes. They might even dispose of Ortho if there is “no other choice” for them.
Sometimes they get jealous of each other too, but it’s mostly just Floyd getting fussy. Still, it was Jade’s suggestion to start marking Idia’s body just so they each know which part of him belongs to whom. Sometimes they start arguing about it, but it’s for a show: they know that Idia gets nervous and scared because of that, so if they poke him enough, he might start promising things! Like, maybe he’d give one part of his to Jade first, but then give it to Floyd… what other things Idia could promise them? They wonder.
DMMD Virus and Trip Ending. If you know, you know. If you don’t know: I think they would kidnap him at some point and keep him as their plaything. Sometimes they would take turns, sometimes they would have sex with him together, sometimes they would just sit there and talk about how everyone else is doing while Idia is stuck here with these two. Idia’s body got used to the pain (and pleasure), but the emotional torture keeps Idia’s wounds fresh.
If this is what happens, they would make everyone think that Idia is dead because now he only exists to be their precious toy. Even Azul wouldn’t know that Idia is still alive, and the Tweels would find it hilarious because they would have a somber conversation with Azul about how horrible Idia’s fate is, and then come back home to see him tied to a bed, hungry, miserable and barely resembling a human being. But oh so loved!
Maybe one of the reasons why Trey got so obsessed with Idia is that Idia sees right through him (even though Trey’s also in denial about many things about himself). And while choosing whether to be wary of Trey or to call him out for his lies, Idia chose both… At first, Trey felt confusion, but then his interest in Idia just kept growing, and then he started to show up in his dorm again and again. People started gossiping  that these two are dating, and that Idia probably used some kind of charm or love potion to attract Trey. The second part is obviously false, but the dating part became true at some point… somehow.
Yes, teeth, OF COURSE we’re going to talk about teeth, come on, it’s Trey. Trey brushes Idia’s teeth for him. At first he just checked on his teeth every morning and evening, then one time he brushed Idia’s teeth for him just to show him a proper way to do it… but now he does it 3 times per day every single day. This isn’t just him taking care of Idia’s teeth (even though he always talks about how Idia isn’t going to do a good job if Trey isn’t helping him, and somehow phrase it in a nice way), this is him having a special tradition only for them…
Idia knows that Trey is bad news, and he doesn’t even fully understand why they started dating, but he just can’t resist him anymore. Trey seems so wishy-washy to others, but Idia knows that he could be stubborn and strict in a very sneaky way. They never argue, but Idia still can never “win” somehow – he always has to do what Trey thinks would be best for him. And Trey genuinely believes that he knows best, sometimes he thinks that Idia is a bit… inadequate at living. But he feels it very lovingly, very parentally, but still very-very sexually somehow… in his ideal world, Idia would rely on him so much that he would stop doing anything by himself, even the most basic things.
Idia never talks to anyone, but if he does, Trey gets jealous. He is very jealous of whoever Idia is talking to while he is playing games. Sometimes he wishes he could just break all of his computers and stuff like the Tweels would, but these aren’t his methods. His methods are to poison Idia’s sweets to make him so sick that he wouldn’t be able to do anything but throw up, cry and cling to Trey for a couple of days. It’s okay, when he gets better, Trey will nurse him right back and make sure he eats plenty.
He is very protective of Idia, and if someone is legitimately mean to him, he’ll never forgive that person. For some reason it’s easier for him to stand up against Idia’s bullies than to stand up against Riddle’s mom lol Anyways, with his mind being all messed up because of this obsession, he might actually do the yandere thing of killing a bunch of people for Idia’s sake. He’ll never let Idia know about it of course, but Idia isn’t stupid: he can see that something about Trey’s eyes changed. And he is legitimately scared of him.
Yeah, speaking of Trey! What a smooth segue lol
Anonymous asked:
Hi, I really like your character thoughts! I was wondering if you dive a bit into Trey's darker side and some more TreyVil headcanons? Thank you!
Thank you for enjoying our posts, Anon! <3 Trey/Vil as a ship doesn’t appear here very often, but I feel like whenever I think about them together, they just keep growing on me woah.
Of course Trey is obsessed with Vil’s teeth, that’s a given. And even though Trey doesn’t have Rook levels of dedication to his creepiness craft and doesn’t know everyone’s dental situation, he still thinks that Vil is one of the best ones. He was also lucky enough to witness Vil’s evening routine once, and while Vil found it intimate in a subtle way, to Trey it was so much more than that. He started dreaming about the way Vil brushes his teeth all the time. It’s so elegant, but still a bit messy (a little bit of toothpaste stuck to his lip for a couple of seconds before he rinses his mouth…), but also absolutely perfect, but also so… vulnerable before Trey’s eyes. He really wanted to masturbate while touching his teeth.
The fact that Vil is more experienced and sexually aware than some other potential partners of Trey is something that Trey has to constantly keep in mind. He does enjoy Vil being flirty and even hinting at things at times, but at the same time, if Trey gets too horny, Vil will definitely notice and address it. And it’s great when the timing is more or less appropriate, but if Vil notices that Trey is horned up when they’re discussing things like dental hygiene (embarrassing) or something horrible (like things that happen in the film industry)… then Vil might realise that he gets bad vibes from Trey for a reason and stop talking to him, and Trey doesn’t want that.
Trey has a rape kink, and he wishes it was purely hypothetical. Sometimes he has intrusive thoughts when he chats or hangs out with Vil about how technically he could assault him right here, or at least try to (since Vil isn’t that easy to assault). But would the thrill be worth the risk? Trey usually decides that it wouldn’t, but that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes he dreams about different scenarios in which he would rape Vil. And he isn’t always fully asleep when he has these dreams…
One time Trey saw Vil being very puzzled, angry and a bit embarrassed. He knew exactly why, but asked him about what was going on anyway, and after avoiding answering for some time, Vil confessed that somebody stole his used underwear. Trey expressed that this was super messed up and comforted Vil, gently ensuring him that it will be okay… and it’s honestly a miracle that Vil didn’t notice that Trey was lying through his teeth. Of course it was him who stole it. Another intrusive thought.
Trey would love to make Vil obsessed with his cakes, and by “obsessed” I mean “literally addicted”. Vil is way too good at avoiding sweets, but this could be changed if Trey figures out how to make a potion, one drop of which would make anyone who takes a bite addicted to this food forever. Of course, Vil is great at potions, and there is no way just any potion would work on him, so for now Trey is experimenting and using his own dormmates as guinea pigs. This is his private science project that he has to keep in secret from both Vil AND Rook…
Or something among the lines~
Alright, I don’t have a segue for this one, but let’s come back to Idia for a moment because we have another ask about him!
This is related to this post.
Anonymous asked:
I know you went into this in another post but what other ways has Ortho had other students haze Idia?
Alright, a couple of more ideas! Not a lot though, because I can’t share some because I want to draw them, and also I am a bit tired lol but still, I am happy you like this theme, Anon! You’re inspiring me to think about it more…
Ortho didn’t intend it to be a roast, but he made the other students chant at Idia about his love for Ortho when he left his room one time. This poor guy opened the door and got called a brocon by like 40 people. He got so terrified and shocked that he couldn’t move for a minute.
Another one that Ortho didn’t expect to end up being so evil is that he let the other students into Idia’s room at night and let them steal all of his clothes + his blanket, including the ones he was wearing while asleep. Idia woke up completely naked with zero clothes and a bunch of people outside waiting for him to laugh at him and take pictures.
Another time when Ortho let the guys into Idia’s room at night was when he wanted them to wake him up in a fun way! And the guys ambushed his bed, grabbing him, jumping on him, spraying him with water and making loud noises into his ears. After that Idia started stuttering, and it continued for a week… it’s a miracle it went away, to be honest. And also he pissed himself.
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66sharkteeth · 4 days
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Weekly thoughts, ep 187-
Man, sorry I'm slacking on these and asks in general. I'm okay, just feeling very head empty. Also I'm just kinda cramming when it comes to work and I feel like I pretty much wake up and just get to work.
But UM yes! Personally I love this episode and I'm glad the (majority?) of remaining readers did too. At least I think. Man, remember when this comic used to get like 300+ comments on average? Hard to tell if there's just not much to say or if people don't like where it's going and just drop it. Don't feel like it's getting tons of complaints but a lot of people seem to be bailing lol.
Anyway, I guess trying harder to focus on the people still around... I'm glad yall enjoy pathetic wet cat Edgy (Rex's scion). I have tons of fun writing it and it's definitely one of my favorite characters. I know there's at least a handful of people disappointed that he went from evil all-power being in his introduction to dumb little brat and... I guess that's fair? But also I think just comes down to taste...? I really love when my villains have a silly pathetic side, and the more I wrote Edgy, the more he turned into...this haha. It just made sense for his character, as he's essentially been locked in Rex's head his entire life, but is still a very powerful entity, so I imagine it'd be kind of a bratty teenager when it gets its moments of freedom. It WANTS to go back to being how we saw it in its introduction in the Charlie fight, but it's experiencing a lot more emotions than it did back then and doesn't know how to handle them yet. It's almost like its becoming more...human (gasp).
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iceheap · 10 months
@panicataphmausinsanity okay so Zane HC's LETS GOOOOOOOO
Before we start trigger warning for like, child abuse and torture and shit. Seriously this gets dark. Zane redemption must come at a price >:D
So. Something interesting to me in regards to Zane is how in MCD, He's like, this evil, terrible human being, but in Mystreet, he's like, a semi functional human being who can be a NOT bad person and NOT do bad things. And so I got to thinking.
I don't think Zane was born a bad person.
Personally, I kind of hate the way Jess wrote Zane. Like, yes, evil for the sake of evil is great and all, but like. In season one and two, Zane was this overarching antagonist who was always one step ahead of the cast and plotting and having a good time being a paice of shit.
And then season 3 comes around and now he's a shadow knight, on the run, has PTSD...
Look, I'm not knocking the guy for having PTSD. I'm just saying that the way it's portrayed kind of makes him seem like a whimpery coward. AGAIN, NOT KNOCKING PTSD!!
I think the position that Zane found himself in season 3 was a PERFECT set up for a redemption arc and it makes me SO MAD that it didn't happen.
So I guess I have to do it myself apparently -_-
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I've been thinking a lot about Zane. I don't want him to stop being evil. Not right away. So we keep what happened in the first two seasons the same. He's a cackling maniac that has killed a shit ton of people and is on his father's payroll.
And then he dies.
(skill issue lol)
Anyway, Zane is dead. But he's also Zane, so of course he weasels his way out of being dead. And then he gets tortured and is subjected to the same suffering he condemned so many others to yada yada yada PTSD bleh.
Everything seems to be the same so far.
But then he breaks out if the nether. Still, we're on track, right?
He gets captured, he gets expedited to Phoenix Drop, he gets interrogated, it's all the same.
But here we find a canon divergence. Instead of being absolute dumbasses, they don't bring him into the nether. Let's scrap that plot point entirely.
Instead, we're going to let Zane bake in prison for a while!
Here are the main issues that make Zane irredeemable.
1. He's killed like, a shit ton of people, for funsies ig
2. He killed Vylad.
3. He destroyed Aaron's village.
Let's keep those things in mind.
So he's in prison. While in prison, Garroth starts to visit him (along with Travis but shhhh we'll get to him another day) and just. You know. Be angry.
Garroth has seen Zane as a spoiled brat his entire life. He's always been their father's favorite. He's always had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He's always been willing to do whatever it takes for power. He's greedy. He's psychotic. Garroth hates him.
But Zane is Garroth's brother. And Garroth is the type of golden retriever, gold hearted, kind type of character to still love his brother even if he hates him.
That doesn't mean he goes in and is like, nice to him though. Nope. Garroth goes to visit him and nine times out of ten it devolves into a screaming match where Zane antagonizes him the entire time and Garroth yells at him for being a shitty human being.
And then one day Phoenix Drop is attacked and Zane escapes.
They track him down eventually. When they find him, they strike a deal with him. Due to Irene related shenanigans they need his expertise as a scholar of Irene to figure out some more stuff for Aphmau. In exchange, they'll protect him from the Shadow Lord (who he pissed off by stealing one of his soul fragments lol Zane behavior).
Eventually they're able to establish a rapore with Zane. Garroth still gets a migraine whenever they have a conversation. Vylad still refuses to speak to him (oh btw he's visiting from his nether revolution vacation just so u know) and Aphmau still wants to tear out his guts for killing the love of her life or whatever, but he becomes manageable. They can like, stand him. A little bit. Slightly.
And then Zianna gets kidnapped or whatever. So they go rescue her. But when they get back to Phoenix Drop they forget to mention the fact that Zane is like. There and in the wild and not currently killing entire villages worth of people.
So Zianna rolls up to Phoenix Drop and gets jumpscared by her youngest son and also, notably, Zane is NOT happy to see her. He shuts the front door in her face. It's hilarious even though Garroth doesn't think of it that way.
So, now we have our key players all in one place. Garroth, Vylad, Zane, and Zianna.
Let's say they have to all go find an artifact toghether or something and they need Zianna there because it's related to something she knows and they need Zane there because of Irene lore reasons. they go on this mission. One day, they sit and set up for the night, set up bedrolls, whatever. They're lounging around the fire and talking when Vylad eventually mentions his time as a shadow knight in the nether and something about torture.
Zane blinks, and, having not been included in the conversation initially, buts it to say,
"Oh, please. Don't tell me getting tortured by those amatures was DISTRESSING for you. I would have thought father's methods would have given you thicker skin."
The others bristle and start scolding him, of course, because Zane is like, the reason Vylad became a shadow knight in the first place. But Vylad himself, who is very observant and hard to antagonize, latches into something Zane said.
"Methods? What methods?" He says. He says it sharply, too.
Of course, Zane doesn't pick up on this. He just rolls his eyes.
"Don't tell me you forgot. Father had a whole floor dedicated to torture and loved collecting new methods from around the region. I think he even had a historian employed who would research for him..."
"What?" Garroth says, stunned out of his anger.
Zianna has gone silent. So has everyone else, and now they're watching with baited breaths.
"So what? What would that have to do with me?"
And for the first time that they've ever seen, Zane looks... Puzzled.
"What, did he go easy on you? Didn't you talk back to him all the time? Once, after just asking him a question, he had two of my nails pulled. Shadow Knight torture was child's play in comparison," he shrugs, then takes a bite out of his stale price of bread.
There's silence.
Zane looks back at all of them, confused and now kind of pissed off. He looks like he usually does when he feels like he's about to be scolded for saying something crass. Except, that's not what happens. Instead, Vylad looks him in the eye for the first time since Zane killed him, and with the most emotion they've ever heard from him, says,
Zane hums.
"Come on. Don't play dumb. He hated you. Im sure he must have sent you to the "torture basement" at least once. You got on his nerves constantly,"
Garroth makes an aborted movement, like he's going to stand up and rush him, but Vylad stops him with a flick of his hand. And then Vylad starts doing what he does best. Interrogating him.
So remember that list, right? Let's reframe a few things.
Zane was not the favorite child. Garroth was.
Garte was a paice of shit. Garte hated Vylad. But he also hates Zane. Why wouldn't he? Vylad was his wife's affair child, sure, but Zane, Zane was Zianna's spitting image.
When Zane was little, he used to take snails and out them in the grass after it rained. He uses to clamor for his mother's pastries just like his brothers. He was a normal child, and he was NOT born a psychopath.
But Garte had a thought, one day.
Wouldn't it be funny... If he made his wife think he WAS one?
Wouldn't it be funny to punish her that way? Wouldn't it be funny to turn Zane into a terrible person, and have her think it was for no reason? Make her think that she birthed a psychopath? How much would it hurt her? How much would she weep?
Garte used to punish Zane for Vylad's joy. One of Vylad's laughs would equal one slap to the face. One side remark in defence of their mother would equal one hour locked in his father's study closet in his office.
Garte turns Zane against himself brothers. And the best part in his mind?
He makes Zane believe that they know about all of it.
He tells Zane that his mother knows about it. That his brothers don't care that he's beaten. That Vylad does things so he gets punished on purpose.
Zane grows up thinking that his brothers probably go through this too. He grows up thinking that his mother just doesn't love him. And so he doesn't say a thing.
Garte starts having him tortured instead of superficially physically abused? He says nothing.
Garte makes him become a priest of Okasis even though the consequence of failing the academy is death? He says nothing.
Garte would encourage Zane to blugeon animals to death and bring them to Zianna and laugh at her horrified face from afar. Garte encourages Zane to say psychotic things while they're eating dinner, and watches as his family becomes more and more convinced Zane is a monster.
Until Zane is one.
But this reframes a few things.
The people Zane killed? It was under orders. He eventually became his father's right hand man. Most of his overarching goals have been in service of his father.
For Aaron's village, we'll stick a pin in that one, but long story short, Aaron's village had been planning a coup that night under his wife's orders. Zane had them killed under his father's orders so they could eliminate them as political neighbors. He let Aaron live out of pity.
And Vylad.
Basically, remember when I said that Garte used to punish Zane according to Vylad's actions?
One day, Vylad gets into an explosive argument with Garte defending Zianna. And Garte, again, without the other's knowing, has Zane tortured. Except this time it's for a WEEK STRAIGHT.
So when Zane gets out. He's. Very unstable.
And then he comes across Vylad in a semi secluded area.
And Vylad is acting like he did nothing, and all he's ever done is make Zane suffer, and Zane hates him hates him HATES HIM--
And so he snaps. And he kills him.
Keep in mind, though, Zane thinks this is all normal. He doesn't realize that killing his own brother has traumatized him. He doesn't realize that he's a victim of abuse. He doesn't realize that what his dad did is not okay because he THINKS HIS FAMILY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED, and if they didn't contradict his abuse, then this must be normal. He thinks that Vylad has probably been tortured too. He thinks Garroth is their father's favorite because in his mind he's determined that Garroth not receiving any attention from their father is a GOOD thing because ATTENTION EQUALS TORTURE to him.
And this reframes a few things. His constant bid for power? It's not greed, it's DESPERATION. Power makes him feel safe. Hurting others makes him feel powerful because that's how his father had power over him.
His highly volatile and violent personality? It's l he's ever known. Do you have ANY idea what torture could do to a child? He has severe PTSD. Like, severe and repressed and his outburst are more common when he's uncomfortable or anxious or experiencing any negative emotion, which is often.
Garte took Zane's empathy from him. Turned him against his family. Made him into a monster. With these types of characters, I imagine it would probably be very difficult for them to redevelop their emotions and empathy because if they do that, they would have to face their whole mountain of trauma and the guilt of all the lives they've ruined.
I think eventually, after a lot of work, Zane does eventually regain his empathy. It probably finally sinks in during a small gathering. His mother makes her famous cake. Zane has long gotten used to being excluded during these sorts of things, but then...
His mother slides a plate of cake right in front of him.
His favorite.
And she smiles at him.
This is probably after they found out about Garte being a peice of shit. Maybe a few months.
All Zane has ever wanted is to be loved. Maybe he didn't know it, but when he takes a bite of his mother's strawberry cake for the first time in decades and the nostalgic taste registers in his brain, something snaps.
And he becomes human again.
And he realizes:
I'm a person.
I'm a murderer.
I'm a monster.
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
not to dunk on junior year again but i am noticing a pattern here with the treatment of certain storytelling elements here.
both bell’s hells and the ratgrinders were pcs that gained sapience. the difference is that the ratgrinders were villains and the hells are heroes.
one of the most love-it-or-hate-it aspects of campaign 3 is that it does not only focus on the main 7 or 8 characters and everybody else is tossed to the wayside unless they benefit them like usual. all npcs (with downfall, that's including the gods!) deserve a chance to have their story told and they are all written to be that. the generic runaway prince you have to help escape to a life of freedom! the cute little helper robot npc! generic spooky evil minions based on public domain monsters! the quirky quest-giving fae! the rough and tumble hired goon! the brave captain of the guard protecting a strong lady in charge!  yes, even imogen, who in any other story would be the sad little abandoned daughter of the bbeg who would mourn the hero killing her mother but understand that the hero had to do what needed to be done.
and again, you don’t have to like it!
but there is a weird sort of thing i noticed amongst all the critical role c3 criticism that reminded me of people defending fhjy. an undercurrent of insisting that all the ratgrinders (who were teenagers. who were groomed and then murdered.) were pure evil spoiled brats and just wanted to be handed everything on a platter because they didn’t deserve what the main cast earned their place as the main characters and made passive aggressive posts saying things to the tune of you know they’re evil right. very Watsonian with a staunch refusal to look at a Doylist explanation. it got so bad to the point where people were insisting that if you liked the ratgrinders and sympathized with them then you were a fascism apologist.
astoundingly enough c3 criticism has only scraped the surface of this sort of overdramatic accusation, but it goes in the opposite direction. if you like where the story is going and how it's being told, then you’re not a real critical role fan. the story should have just been about the characters fighting evil fae or just wiping out the ruby vanguard and everyone in it without all this stupid introspective discussion on power because it’s retconning the gods being bad guys! grey morality sucks, why can’t good guys just be good? they all feel like npcs except for imogen because she’s the only one with a chosen birthright!
(of course, if they say that last part out loud, that might not look so good for them)
 yes, we know the gods are imperfect. that’s what we’ve been saying this whole time. but all these passive aggressive gifsets of liam-as-orym saying that the gods aren’t pure evil and it’s stupid to think so or laura and matt ooc saying that the gods have a grey area don’t mean fucking jack if you turn around and insist the gods have zero flaws and everything they do is good, actually and Aeor Had It Coming.
important caveats:
the actors on d20 could not react to things they were doing in the moment. they were tired after filiming 3 episodes back to back and wrapped up their season faster than usual to join the sag-aftra strike. i am aware of this.
yes i know that d20 is a comedy improv series! that does not prevent it from having deep themes and character introspection! ayda aguefort and zelda donovan still very much exist and had their own arcs despite being npcs!
yes the ratgrinders were working with a man trying to kill and replace a goddess and yes he is a colonizing twat. however, doesn’t that also make it the fandom’s insistence that liking the kids is bad and fascistic but making ship art of him and the other teacher that killed all of them is totally okay? rules for he but not for thee? 
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