#you can see tati in the back just a little
ahauntedcowboy · 1 year
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she looks exactly like her mama <3
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mixy-fancy · 4 months
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Welcome to a colorful and wacky world.
Where everything impossible is possible just dream and smile.... Doesn't it sound fantastic?
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In this colorful and bizarre world, everything is like your biggest dream and desire... Why would you leave?
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Meet the partners! Cute creatures with crazy and unique designs also adapting to the unique personality of your best friend!
DEISY: a cuddly and stylish puppy plush toy! The biggest of the group, Deisy can't talk much, she only knows how to imitate sounds of her surroundings and say her name, she is the clumsiest and tends to trip over everything when walking.
BABO: a hairy monster with a very bad temper! With a very strong temperament, he is one of the tallest, Babo is very responsible although he likes to fight with his friend.
Felix: a charismatic teddy bear and monkey, he is slow thinking and tends to speak slurring his words, although he doesn't have much energy he is an expert at giving warm hugs.
Tati: a playful and cheerful little girl puppet! The smallest of the group, she is able to talk and do many activities even though her abilities and emotions are those of a five year old.
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The owner and creator of this colorful and bizarre world full of dreams! Always with a smile ready to fulfill your biggest wish.
BOSS is not a human being.
He is an entity that can take on any appearance depending on his mood.
Although you will always see him in the appearance of an elegant man wearing a colorful and colorful suit.
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The best friends of the partners!
Each one demonstrating their style and character. They are not perfect but they are full of dreams.
Know their nicknames!
Alexander: the displaced/new
David: the bitter one
Emilie: the giggler/ the crazy one
Elizabeth: the blonde/ Reyna bee
Marie: the lonely one
You too can be in this colorful world ! Just close your eyes and dream your biggest dream... Do you hear it?
Uuuf sorry if I was not so active but I came back mujajajajaja and with the excitement to tell you about my little project!!!! I will be uploading stuff, animations, comics and more !
Without more to say I hope you like it and I can make you smile!!!
I would really appreciate it if you share and comment !!!
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 10 months
All I Want Is You (Jey Uso x Ex-Girlfriend!)
Part 1
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Janelle is played by Justine Skye
Taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish
Friday August 4th 
Josh walked into the arena holding hands with his 4 year old son. He had a camera crew following him for some type of vlog that was being shown on the WWE’s Youtube channel. The camera crew was filming him walking past a trailer that had Joe’s face on it. He said some snarky remark about looking better than Joe when his son tugged on his hand. 
“Dad, look.” His son said. Josh looked to where his son was pointing and felt his heart skip a beat. He didn’t know she was going to be there. He knew he would probably see her at SummerSlam since it was an event for both shows but he wasn’t mentally prepared to see her tonight.  “Can I go say Hi?” His son asked using his best puppy dog eyes.  Josh nodded and let go of his hand. 
Janelle was talking to Michael Cole when she felt someone wrapping their tiny arms around her legs. 
“Hi J!” He smiled up at her, his two front teeth missing. She smiled and bent down to pick him up.
“Hey bud. How you been?” She asked, melting a little when he wrapped his arms around her neck. 
“Good. I missed you.” He said still not letting go of her neck. 
“I missed you too bud.” Josh felt his palms sweat when he got closer to Janelle, he prayed that he didn’t say anything stupid with the cameras on him. She arched her eyebrow at him when she noticed the camera crew but didn’t say anything about it.. 
“Come on. Let's go get some food.” He said to his son trying to pry him off of Janelle. With them and the camera crew laughing when his son just wrapped his arms and legs around Janelle tighter. 
“No dad, I wanna stay with Nelle.” His son said, turning around and pouting at his dad. 
“You guys know each other?” The cameraman asked, causing Josh to stutter before Janelle rolled her eyes and answered for him. 
“We used to date.” She said 
“Used too?” The cameraman laughed when Josh and Janelle turned their faces up at him. “My bad just asking.” 
“Yeah used too, Mr. Nosey.” She said, rolling her eyes. Her expression softened when she brought her attention back to Josh’s son. “You don’t wanna go eat with daddy?” She asked, making Josh suck in a breath that hopefully the camera’s didn’t pick up. He loved when she called him that. When Xavier shook his head no Janelle turned her attention to Josh who was already looking at her. “He can stay with me until he’s ready to go with you.” 
Josh nodded his head. “My cousin was going to sit at Ringside with him during the show, I'll let you know when she gets here.” Janelle nodded and walked off with Xavier leaving Josh with the camera crew. “Yall not gonna cut that out huh?” He asked, seeing the smirk on the cameraman's face.
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“Why do you have my nephew?” Joe Anoa’i asked as he walked down the hallway seeing Janelle with Xavier. 
“Because he likes me better than his dad.” Letting out a laugh when Xavier nodded his head in agreement. Joe took Xavier from Janelle. 
“You actually talked to Josh?” He asked his eyes widening when she nodded her head. “It wasn’t awkward?” 
“No gossip girl. I think we’re both over the break up.” Arching an eyebrow when Joe just gave her a ‘yeah okay’ look. “What's with the look?” She asked, taking Xavier back when he reached for her. 
“I mean,” He paused and shrugged. “Y’alls breakup tore up a friend group.” Holding his hands up in defense when Janelle narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m just saying we all used to hang out then yall broke up and I hardly see you or Tati anymore.” Janelle rolled her eyes. 
“Well, Tatianna is pregnant, so she’s not on the road anymore and I’m on Raw now.” 
“Yeah well you would still be on Smackdown if you didn’t ask to get traded.”  Janelle rolled her eyes. 
“I didn’t ask to be traded” 
“That’s not what I heard.” Janelle narrowed her eyes at him. She didn’t understand where people were getting the rumor of her asking to be drafted over to RAW was coming from, but it was pissing her off. 
“I’m going to walk away now.” She said, turning her back to him and walking away, not giving him a chance to respond. 
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“Damn I aint know Janelle was back on Smackdown.” Joe said as he sat down next to Josh in catering. Josh looked over at him. 
“Tell me about it, X traded on me as soon as he saw her.” He said picking up his fork to continue eating. 
“So how did it feel to see her again?” Joe asked. 
“Damn Uce, what you a reporter now?” Joe laughed. 
“Nah, I'm just wondering, I know things ended badly between y’all.” Josh nodded his head and swallowed his food before answering. 
“Yeah, but I think we’re both over it. It was months ago.” Josh looked at his phone when it beeped with a notification. It was Janelle telling him that Xavier had fallen asleep and she needed somewhen quiet to put him. He told her to meet him at catering so he could take Xavier back to his dressing room. 
“I’ll see you later Uce.” Josh said, standing up, throwing his trash away and walking out of catering to wait for Janelle. 
“Hey.” Josh turned and smiled at her, taking Xavier’s sleeping body from her. 
“Thank you,” He said to her. “For taking Xavier when he wanted to go with you. You didn’t have to take him.” He finished when she arched her eyebrow at him. 
“It was no problem.” She said rocking on her heels, when they lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. “I’m gonna..” She started pointing behind her. 
“He nodded his head. “It was nice to see you Janelle.” 
“You too Josh, good luck tonight and tomorrow.” She said before turning around and walking away. 
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Janelle didn’t see Xavier or Josh for the rest of the show. After meeting with Paul and confirming that she was definitely moving back to the blue brand. She headed to the parking lot stopping when she heard Xavier throwing a tantrum.  
“No!.” The 4-year old yelled out. “I wanna go see Nelle.” Josh looked around desperately. 
“ I don’t think she’s here anymore X. Come on we can get McDonald’s” Xavier wasn’t trying to hear that though. He started crying and kicking his legs harder. Janelle walked over to them. 
“Xavier. What’s wrong?” Xavier broke free from Josh’s grip and ran over to Janelle. 
“I wanna stay with you.” He cried into her leg. Janelle felt her heart break, she didn’t know that her and Josh’s breakup had this type of effect on Xavier. Josh crouched down so he was eye level with Xavier. 
“Xav, come on we talked about this daddy and Nelle don’t share a room anymore.” Him saying that only caused Xavier to cry harder. He looked up her. 
“Help me.” He mouthed to her. She cleared her throat and pried Xavier off of her legs and picked him up. 
“Okay. How about your daddy go and get the food and me and you can go back to the hotel and watch movies. I’ll stay until you go to sleep.”
“Promise.” He asked, pouting at her. She nodded. 
“I promise..” She looked back at Josh. “You wanna take my rental and I’ll take yours?” He nodded and gave her the keys and his keycard. 
“Room 3310, Jon is there.” Janelle groaned and nodded her head putting Xavier into the car seat. “Whatchu want to eat?” He asked her, holding the driver's door open for her.  She shrugged. 
“You know what I like.” She said before shutting the door and starting the car.” She looked in the rear view mirror at Xavier who was smiling at her and she could help but smile back.  Starting the car with a sigh, she started driving to the hotel
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Xavier talked her head off the whole journey up to the hotel room. Janelle didn’t mind though. She missed being around him. They finally made it to the room, opening the door Janelle let out a surprised shriek when she saw Jon standing in his underwear. 
“Ayo, whatchu doin?!” He yelled as he ran into his room. She laughed and placed Xavier on the couch, crouching down to take off his shoes. 
“Do your boxers have frogs on them?” She said laughing when he came out of the room and threw a pillow at her. 
“Shut up, my mom gave them to me.” That caused Janelle to laugh even harder. “Why are you here?” He said walking over to his nephew and giving him a pound. 
“Me and Xavi having a movie night.” She said untying the laces on her heels and slipping them off her feet. Jon arched an eyebrow and her. 
“Just you and X?” He looked over to his nephew who was cuddled up against Janelle. Normally he would be ripping and running around the whole hotel room, tearing shit up. But now he looked so content with just being close to Janelle. 
“No Josh too.”  He looked over at her. “What? We broke up months ago. I’m over it, I'm pretty sure he’s over it and I’m doing it for Xavier. He had a whole tantrum at the arena.” 
“You might be over it, but I know my brother, he aint over it.” Janelle ignored his statement and turned her attention to the cartoon that Xavier was watching. 
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Josh didn’t immediately pull off from the arena. He sat in the car for a bit. “What the fuck.” He muttered, scrubbing his hand over his face. He 100% wasn’t over their break up. He wasn’t even sure why they broke up. He came home one day to all her stuff packed and placed by the front door, the house keys and car keys on the kitchen counter.  He couldn’t even think of reasons why they broke up, they were happy or at least he thought they were happy. 
Josh pulled off, driving to the nearest McDonalds, his thoughts shifting to the ring box in his closet. 
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The sound of someone knocking on the door paused Janelle, Jon and Xavier’s game of hide-and-seek.
“That must be Josh. I have his keycard.” She said walking over and opening the door. She took the drink out of his hand and set them down at the kitchen table. Jon walked over to the bags looking in them. Scoffing when he only sees two meals and a happy meal. 
“Man, you knew I was here.” He grumbled going over to the hotel’s restaurant menu and looking at it. “I'm hungry too.” Josh ignored him though. His eyes on Janelle as he watched her help Xavier sit at the table. 
“What?” She asked when she turned around and noticed him still standing there, staring at her. He shook his head and mumbled ‘nothing’ before grabbing his food out of the bag and going to sit on the couch with his brother.  He looked over at Janelle when she cleared her throat. She nodded her head over to the empty chair next to Xavier.
“What are you doing?” She asked. He sighed and got up from the couch and made his way over to the table. Giving her a look when she started laughing.  
Jon watched them with a small smile on his face, hoping that they could talk out their problems and get back together. They were good for each other. He got up and walked into his room, giving them privacy. 
After they ate, they went into Josh and Xaviers shared room. Janelle stood awkwardly by the door as Josh helped Xavier into his pajamas. 
Josh went into the bathroom to change,  leaving Janelle and Xavier. 
“Can I sit in the middle of you and daddy?” He asked, already climbing into the bed. 
“Of course,” she smiled at him, walking towards the bed, wishing she had a change of clothes.  She climbed into the bed next to him, tucking her legs so that her underwear wasn’t showing. 
“So what are we watching?” Josh asked as he came back into the room, dressed in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Janelle looked down and Xavier, who was looking at her already. 
“You want me to pick?” He nodded his head and snuggled closer to her. 
“Wow this is a lot of pressure.” She said, tickling his sides making him giggle. “Lets watch SpiderMan” Josh nodded and grabbed the remote to turn the movie on. 
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15 minutes into the movie Xavier was rocked. Janelle looked down when he started to snore and laughed. 
“Guess he was sleepy.” She said, sitting up slightly so she wouldn’t wake him up. With Josh’s help she maneuvered him so he was laying on a pillow and not on her. “Well, goodnight.” She said, cracking the door so that the light from the living room wouldn’t wake Xavier. 
Josh looked over at Xavier to make sure he was secured and followed Janelle out of the room. 
“Wait.” He called out after her. She turned around, leaning against the front door. “Thank you, for coming to be with Xavier, I don’t know how I would’ve calmed him down.” She nodded her head. 
“It was no problem, you know I love Xavier.” That caused Josh to scoff. “What was that for?” She said, crossing her arms. 
“How you love him, but you abandoned us.” She gasped. 
“I didn’t abandon him or you Joshua. We broke up.” He shook his head. 
“No, you broke up with me, leaving me and my son heartbroken, that little boy asked about you for months. And what was I supposed to say? Janelle left you just like your mom?!” 
“That was uncalled for Josh!” She said, raising her voice slightly.  He shrugged. 
“Well it's true and I'm not apologizing for it.” 
“Joshua, we broke up, I moved out. Was I supposed to still come around?” She asked, frowning. She should’ve known this conversation was going to happen. 
“Why did we break up? Why did you move out? Im still fuckin’ confused.” She groaned and rolled her eyes. 
“Josh, come on. We argued everyday, we saw each other at work and at home. There was no escape.” He furrowed his eyebrows at her.
“What argument? We had slight disagreements.” She scoffed at that. 
“Josh we yelled from the time we woke up til the time we fell asleep.”  
“So what, we were going thru a rough patch, but that doesn’t mean you leave me and my son.” 
She groaned and threw her head back against the door, “I love Xavier, but I wasn’t ready to be a mom. I felt overwhelmed. There I was playing house with you-” He cut her off. 
“Playing house? Seriously?”  
“I wasn’t ready for that lifestyle! And then you kept talking about how good of a mom I was to X and how you couldn’t wait until we had kids of our own.” She was growing frustrated with him. Why couldn't he see where she was coming from. She was young and wanted to have fun. Did he understand the sacrifices she made for him and his son? 
“That's how people who love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together talk, Janelle!” 
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore Josh. I just wanna go to sleep.” She said as she opened the door. 
“Go ahead, run away like you always do.”  She sighed and let the door close behind her, she wasn’t lying when she said she loved Xavier, she really did. And she wasn’t lying when she said that she wasn’t ready to be a mom. 
When she started dating Josh, she knew he had a son but she didn’t know he was a full time dad. Xavier would stay with Josh’s mom when he was on the road but all that changed when Xavier met Janelle, he didn’t want to leave her side. So Xavier started coming on the road with them and wherever Janelle went so did he. He would sit on the equipment boxes behind the camera, while she did her interviews. It got to the point where she was missing out on social events to stay with Josh and Xavier. 
She wiped tears from her eyes as she got on the elevator and pressed the button to her floor. 
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Hopefully this will only be 2 parts. Enjoyy ❤️
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yanderepuck · 5 months
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Is this similar to the one I just posted? Maybe. Ignore that one we've moved into this one now. WHEN I HAVE AN IDEA I ABUSE IT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE ALRIGHT.
Besides. We've moved into the purebloods now. Time to get railed by 3 immortal hotties who would do anything to bite you, but ultimately cannot.
Writers note: this is modern day
This is 3000 words. Please end me
"Ungh fuck.. You're a good little slut aren't you," Vlad moans as he thrusts into you.
You're on the floor right by the fireplace, laying on top of a fur rug. The fire is the only light in the room, and is illuminating one side of your body along with his.
You have fists full of fur as if you are trying to hold on. With both of your legs over his shoulders, your hips aren't even on the floor. With one arm on the rug to keep him propped up, his other hand is now holding his phone, the camera on you.
He doesn't slow down so that he can get the perfect shot. One moment the camera seems to be focusing on your breasts. With each thrust they bounce. It really is a beautiful sight to see. With the light from the fire casting just enough of a shadow to be able to see how your nipples are perked.
Then the camera seems to be on your face. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your mouth partially open from moaning and panting, yelling out his name.
"H-harder! Tati! Ohh fuck!"
Your voice gets high pitched, begging for more. Your one hand ungrips the fur to be able to hold his wrist. Your grip is tight on him but it's not enough to bother him.
Then the camera will even drop straight down to record his cock thrusting in and out of you, catching all the wet sounds that come with it. The loads of cum that have already been poured into you leak out with each thrust. The cum that keeps you lubed up enough for him to keep going harder.
Then sometimes he's not paying attention, giving you what you want and the camera barely catches anything.
But the best angle might be when he props it up against the fireplace to record him fucking you. Both his hands are on the rug besides your hips to lock you in place. With more balance he's able to slam his cock into you.
"Ahhh!" You hold onto both his arms and arch your back.
"You take me so well," he growls, his thrusts getting more jerky, telling you he's getting closer.
You look up at him, only able to make noises. You haven't been able to form a single thought in you don't know how long.
He finally thrusts into you last last time, making sure it's the hardest he can, wanting his cum to get as deep in your womb as he can get it.
Bzz bzz
Bzz bzz bzz bzz
Leonardo wakes up in the middle of the night from his phone going off like crazy.
"Ugg..what the hell..."
He pulls it out from under his pillow, squinting from the bright screen. He opens his notifications to see a bunch of messages. He opens them, rubbing his eyes, and all he hears is moans.
He quickly tries to open his eyes and focus on the change of light. It's a video from Vlad. Multiple videos from Vlad. And pictures.
He rolls onto his back and watches the videos. It's just a few seconds here and there. Vlad's hands rubbing your body, squeezing your tits. You with your lips wrapped around his shaft.
Matching pictures of cum dripping down your face, licking your lips. Then going back to videos of Vlad violating your hole. Thrusting into you as hard as he can.
Leonardo turns up the volume to hear your moans better, begging for Vlad to fuck you harder, Vlad praising you for taking him so well.
Leonardo bites his lip feeling himself starting to get hard. "Goddamn it," he growls.
He gets to the last video where you are passed out on the rug, the fire lighting up your body. "Our little flower sure loves to please."
Your chest is heaving, trying to catch your breath. "She kept begging for more. You two must not be using her fully," Vlad chuckles and the video ends.
Leonardo rolls onto his stomach and grinds his hips into his mattress. "Fuuuck," he whines and replays the videos.
You aren't coming back to the mansion until the start of the week. You wanted to spend time with him, nothing wrong with that.
A few days after those videos were sent, Vlad sends more.
Bzz bzz
Bzz bzz bzz bzz bzz
Comte wakes up with a groan. His phone is on his night stand and the vibrations are too loud to ignore. He grabs his phone and squints as he unlocks it. He sees it's from Vlad, and to the group chat again.
"Damn it, Vlad."
After the other night he knows exactly what he's opening, but he opens it anyway. He scrolls to the beginning of the messages and watches the videos one by one.
Image: you're laying on his bed, in lingerie, blindfold on. Your hands tied above your head to the bed post. The sheets are a mess
Video: "You're like a present, all wrapped up for me. Ready for me to ravage," Vlads free hand glides over your skin.
Down your side up your stomach and between your boobs before wrapping his hand around your neck. "You're going to be good for me, right?"
"Yes, Tati," you gasp.
Video: it's black. There's only audio of you moaning and yelling. "Ahh! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Tati harder!" You can hear Vlad softly grunting in the background, along with the sounds of skin slapping against skin.
"J-just like that! Ahh fuck! Fill me with your cum! Tati! Tati!"
You moan louder and Comte just knows that is the sound of you cumming. He turns the volume up more.
Video: Vlad has your legs spread wide, the camera focused on the cum leaking out of your bright red hole. Vlad's finger wipes against your folds, then wiping the cum on the inside of your leg.
Your body can be seen shaking as he touches you, your legs trying to close. "I told you not to waste any of the cum I gave you."
"I-I can't. I can't-."
"I'll just have to fuck it back into you," Vlad seems to be sitting up again, pushing his cock into you just before it cuts off.
Comte catches himself moaning. He tries to close his legs tighter.
Image: hickies covering the entire inside of your legs with text following "Just because you can't bite her doesn't mean you can't mark her."
Video: it's black again. The moans and cries have gotten louder. "I'm going to fuck you until I breed you," Vlad growls. He sounds so possessive over you. "I'm going to fill my little whore with my seed so that you can belong to me," he grunts and with the sound of your moans you can tell that he's getting rougher. "You're going to be such a good mother."
Comte starts to get jealous. The three of them share you, Vlad can't be making you his. He's already planning on what he's going to do when you get back.
Image: you lying in bed, your hands untied and your blindfold off. You moved to get comfortable in bed to be able to sleep. Followed with text "You could call her a sperm bank with as many loads as she can handle."
Comte can't help but scroll up to the videos to listen to the audio of you moaning. Next thing he knows he has his hand down his pants trying to get himself off.
You've finally returned to the mansion. You were at the castle for nearly a week wanting to spend some time with the three of them. Nothing about you seems odd. You walk in with your bag as normal and head up to your room, greeting everyone as they walk by.
You started putting your things away when there's a knock at your door.
"One moment," you finish what you are doing and open your door, seeing Leonardo. "Leonardo!" You hug him. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, cara mia," he hugs you too. "When you're finished getting settled Comte wanted to see you. He's in his office."
You smile and break the hug. "I'll go see him in a few minutes."
Leonardo walked down the hall again and you closed your door, continuing to unpack your bag.
Almost a half hour later you get to Comte's room. You got stuck in the hallway having a conversation with Sebastian.
You knock on the door and proceed to open it when you hear him telling you to come in.
"Leonardo said you wanted to see me."
"Of course I want to see you, ma cherie," he gets up from his desk and comes over to hug you, giving you a kiss on the lips. "How was your time at the castle? Vlad didn't hurt you too much did he?" Comte puts his hands on either one of your cheeks
You kiss him back and giggle softly. "Vlad wouldn't hurt me, you know that," you smile brightly at him and then hear the door close, and you swear you heard it lock.
"I don't know. Those marks he left on your leg looked like they could hurt," Leonardo came up from behind you, putting his arms around you, sandwiching you.
"And the way he tied you up?" Comte sighs. "Vlad can be so barbaric."
"How do you-"
"Even having you laying on the floor. He knows to treat you better," Leonardo tsked.
Your eyes widen. You knew Vlad was recording you. He told you it was because he would have to spend so much time away from you that he wanted it so he could watch it. But instead he sent it to these two.
"But the worst part?" Comte puts a hand under your chin, making you look up at his golden eyes. "The way he said he was going to keep you to himself."
"I don't-eek!"
Leonardo quickly picks you up, carrying you to the back of the room towards Comte's desk. Comte turns around and quickly moves things out of the way before Leonardo lays you down.
"I think we need to remind you that you belong to us, too," Leonardo starts to take your pants off.
You try sitting up, propping yourself up on your hands. Comte quickly shrugged his jacket off, leaving it on the floor as he starts to kiss you.
He's being more gentle than you thought he would be. You kiss him back while Leonardo is getting your pants off from around your ankles.
You moan into Comte's mouth while Leonardo pulls your underwear off. Your soaked underwear.
Leonardo nearly gags at them, knowing that Vlads cum is on them. He just drops them to the floor. He then lifts up one of your legs, causing you to fall back on the desk.
"He left too many marks on you, cara mia," he sounds upset, almost angry at this.
"I don't think we should leave her alone with Vlad for a while."
"He needs to know that we share you after all."
Leonardo drops your leg to start taking his clothes off.
You're still feeling sore from this last week. Vlad didn't give you a single break. Each night he fucked you somewhere else in the castle.
Comte pushed Leonardo away from between your legs.
"She's mine first," Comte smirks, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.
You're pretty sure that from the corner of your eye you see Leonardo bare his teeth at Comte. They might be old friends but they never stop fighting over who gets to have you when.
"You can have her after she's been used."
Comte just mocks him to get him riled up more. You hear Comte's pants drop to the floor and you can feel your insides throbbing.
How come after the week you just had you still want more? Your clit is still begging for more abuse.
"She has more than one hole to use, bend her over the desk."
Leonardo walks to the front of the desk, his pants barely still on his hips.
"Just sit and watch," Comte nearly snaps at him.
Having them talk about you as if you can't speak for yourself is just getting you wetter. Hearing how they want to use you. Your throb harder.
Leonardo groans and sits in one of the chairs in the middle of the room, moving it to face the two of you.
Comte moves your unmarked leg up to his shoulder, pressing his tip against your warm entrance. You whine as he pushes himself into you, watching your face contort as you are filled once again.
Has it even been 12 hours? There's still so much cum inside you. He holds onto your waist and snaps his hips into you.
"Ahh!" You tilt your head back. The throbbing that was begging to be filled, you now realized was from you being overstimulated. You needed a rest, not more. But that's too late now.
Comte sets himself a rhythm and sticks to it.
"F-fuck fuck fuck fuck!" You hold onto the edges of the desk, your nails digging into the wood.
His thrusts nearly knock the wind out of your lungs, almost making you speechless immediately. You squeeze your eyes shut and your toes curl.
"Ma cherie~ Look at me when I'm inside you, Cherie," his voice is so soft and soothing as if he isn't pumping his cock into you.
You force your eyes open and look at the blonde between your legs. "Mmmmore!" It took you some time to get the word out, but once it was Comte listened. Thrusting harder into you. The sound of him slamming into you gets louder.
You moan louder, your voice hitching. Your marked leg wraps around his hips. That's the moan he heard in the video, and he was right. The moment you moaned like that you clenched around his cock, adding to the pool of cum already inside you.
Over on the chair, Leonardo pulls out his phone with a smirk and starts recording to send it to Vlad.
"Would you look at that, Vlad. She's not your personal fuck toy after all," he lets the video go for some time so that Vlad can hear you scream Comte's name as he fills you with his own cum. "My turn," he ends the video and sends it to the group chat immediately.
Comte pants, his cock still inside you. You try relaxing your body and catching your breath, knowing the next round is starting soon.
Leonardo gets out of the chair and walks over. "Go sit down and watch, you cuck," after watching multiple videos from Vlad, and then this, he was getting too impatient.
Comte pulled out of you slowly, wanting to drag out the beautiful whine you were making. You look up at Leonardo, knowing he's going to be a bit more brutal with you.
Comte takes his turn sitting down, only he's excited to watch. Leonardo finally lets his pants drop. He moves your body so that you are bent over the desk.
"Don't be too rough, Leonardo."
"Then you shouldn't have made me wait," he squeezes your ass, before spanking it. You let out a yelp and jerk forward as much as you can. "This is Comte's favorite part, so you better put on a show for him."
Leonardo smirks and pushes himself in. You moan and wince. Holding you in place by your hips he immediately slams into your hole.
He groans as he finds the right force to use. "You're not so tight any more."
You hold onto the front of the desk. Rather than looking up at the one fucking you, you are still facing Comte. He's sitting back in the chair relaxed, one leg over the other acting like he's watching a movie.
You're seeing nothing but stars at this point, moans being the only noise you can make. Leonardo leans down, putting his arms under you and holding your shoulders so he can really drive deep into you.
Leonardo looks over your messy hair as Comte and smirks. "Take a picture. It lasts longer," he chuckles in your ear.
Comte gets up, grabbing his jacket to pull his phone out of his pocket. "It would be a shame not to share with Vlad what we are doing to our little flower."
Leonardo let's go of your shoulder to grab your half open jaw, forcing you to look in the direction of the camera. "Smile for the camera, cara mia."
The moans never stop. They get higher and higher until you cum again.
"Our dumb slut can't even talk," your eyes flutter and Leonardo let's your jaw go.
"She's not dumb. She's just obedient, and takes a pounding well."
Leonardo holds onto you tightly, thrusting in as hard as he can until he finally slams deep into you , trying to get his cum as deep as he can.
"Ahh-hh!", you're so weak you can barely yell.
Leonardo rides out his high, making sure he's filled you with as much of his cum as he can. Slowly letting you go, he sits up and carefully pulls out. As Comte sets his phone on his desk, Leonardo falls back into the chair.
Comte carefully holds you. "I want to let you rest, ma Cherie. But after seeing everything Vlad did to you I don't think I can't let a part of you go untouched."
You softly whine. You can't hold yourself up, let alone move any part of your body. Leonardo helps Comte get you wrapped up in his coat while the two of them just slip their pants back on.
Leonardo grabs the rest of the clothes that are on the floor while Comte starts walking out of his office.
"Let's take you to my room for the rest of the session."
Tag list~
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @xalxtusxiao @namine-somebodies-nobody @ana-thedaydreamer @evil-quartett @ameyoruakiikemenseries @yrenesposts @p1nkpandomium @tele86 @damekathearasi @lokis-laugh @candied-boys @breadmercury @aquagirl1978 @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @vampiricpancake @lulu-the-smol-floof @faust-bite
More writers notes: 3 hours.....3000 words... eye twitch if you don't hype the SHIT OUT OF THIS FIC I am coming for you in your sleep. Now excuse me while I go PASS OUT
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violetarks · 7 months
track 30: i'd never do that
"fuck." y/n said, wiping her eyes as she turned from the crowd, walking off the stage as soon as the curtains closed. she just... couldn't stop crying. all because of some song...
"y/n..." armin said, standing at her side. he rubs her back and takes the bass from her. the crowd continues to cheer loudly, claps and chants emerging from behind the curtains. "it's okay. c'mon, let's get you—"
they were interrupted by jean standing up loudly from his seat, storming off the stage and towards their change rooms. everyone's eye fell on him, watching his forced steps as he walked passed them all and the stage crew. eren and mikasa follow after, armin and y/n walking off next.
it was only truly a week ago that they all found out about marco's death, and having to preform to avoid any more backlash. unhappy fans ruled their twitter pages due to the postponed shows, and though levi advised against returning, the five of them agreed to come back. it was work... and they couldn't stop.
although what porco said was true, it was also true that the fans had control over their jobs. they could only enjoy their work if they had those fans. and using their friend's death as an excuse was no option. they didn't want to use it, and the fans had no right to know.
it was a bump in the road, is all.
"we did well tonight." mikasa says, sitting beside y/n. she holds her hand tightly. "you two did very well."
"i fucked up the tempo in the first song, made it too fast." jean complains, laying on the other couch.
"and i forgot my part for the whole first verse and just didn't play." y/n added in, leaning her head back.
"nobody even noticed, we didn't." eren says, sitting on the armrest of jean's couch. that may have a been a tiny lie, he definitely noticed and the looks that armin and mikasa shared on stage showed so too. armin stands nearby, pouring water for everyone. eren ruffles jean's hair gently. "you two did great. don't question it."
the two become quiet, silently thinking to themselves of what to do now. they had two more shows, two more shows and they could go home. and rest, and think, and be better.
"y/n? your phone's been buzzing like crazy." armin says, looking down at your device.
"huh? it's probably twitter. pass it 'ere." you say, holding out your hand. armin passes you the phone as you stand up, grabbing tissues to wipe your face. armin takes your spot. lo and behold, you were right. "i'm gonna talk a walk, alright?"
"don't go too far, we're gonna' leave soon." eren says as you wave your hand and leave the room.
you walk through the backstage halls until you make it outside. it's a restricted area, so no fans were there. and since everyone else was packing up the stage, you were alone.
but you unlock your phone, seeing thousands of twitter notifications and a few texts from porco. you stop yourself when you feel relieved.
when did you start feeling relieved about porco? when did he start making you feel that way?
you couldn't deny that sense of happiness you felt when you saw his picture show up on screen, though. maybe you should answer him.
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track 29 | track list | track 31
anime: attack on titan (band! au)
character: porco galliard
summary: y/n, the bassist of the band 'paradís', finds herself in middle of a 'publicity stunt' with none other than a rival band's drummer. porco, the mentioned member of 'marley', doesn't care about her at all. but they can only ignore each other for so long.
status: ongoing
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns used
taglist: @makimakimi @hanmascult @ally22042000 @rozewayne2005 @keithandlevi-ontheroof @qaahnarin @queen-flower @id-rather-be-an-outsider @onlylowercase @tonysttank @a-little-pebbl @hannahalanib1 @moonshineandclearskies @aqueerincrisis @tati-the-fangirl @cheesechopchive-blog
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f1nalboys · 8 months
Movie Night ; Randy Meeks
Randy Meeks x Fem!AFAB!Reader
haiiii guys :3 sorry ive been away for so long. im still not totally back, i had inspo for this after a convo me and tati had and i needed it OUT of my brain tbh!!! pls be gentle with me this is legit the first thing ive written in months JSGJBSGB anyways!!! i hope u all enjoy it take this as a silly kinktober kinda thing? idk <3 peace and love babies ily all
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WARNINGS: smut, dark!randy and if you squint, ghostface!randy, handjob, implied fingering, slight dom!reader but it's switchy, randy gets jerked off to a slasher film, just kinda fucked up if you look at the implications of everything... not proofread bc im so lazy please be kind to me <3
The apartment was dark. Everything had been flicked off, even the overhead light of the oven that Randy always kept on so he could see in the middle of the night, leaving the TV as the only source of light in the entire apartment. On the slightly out of focus screen was a generic slasher from the late 80’s, one Randy had rented and seen a million times before, but he wasn’t focused on the screen. No, he was sitting there with his eyes closed and his head tilted back, his lips pink and swollen, your hand wrapped around his cock.
“Does that feel good, baby?” You purr into his ear, your other hand running through his hair. Your movements are slow, calculated, and Randy is barely able to swallow back a moan as he nods his head, his eyes still squeezed shut. He can feel the vibration of your chest and he flushes, knowing you were laughing at him. “Your favorite scene’s coming up, Ray,” you say, your hand stalling its movements at the base of his cock as you squeeze gently, drawing a sharp hiss from him. “Don’t wanna miss that, now do you?”
Randy shakes his head, swallowing heavily as he forces himself to open his eyes. His pants were shoved down his thighs just enough to pull his cock out and yet you were still fully clothed. He glances over at you and the large smile on your face and he squirms, breathing a little harder as he tries to talk to you. “You sure you don’t wanna ride me, baby?” He asks, giving you a small smile when you shake your head. “You’re such a tease.” He murmurs, moaning when your hand moves up slowly, your grip still tight.
“How am I a tease if I’m letting you cum?”
“Beacuse, fuck,” his head tips forwards before he swallows, looking back up. You were still curled into his side, pressed tight against him, and the movie had gotten to Randy’s favorite chase scene in the entire movie. He glances at you. “Because you’re using your hand.” 
“You seem to be enjoying my hand.”
“Oh, I am, don’t worry. I just know, mmf, fuck, I know that your tight pussy would feel so much better.”
You laugh, shaking your head as your movements speed up a little bit. You squeeze tighter around his tip, drawing a long moan from him. “You’re such a charmer, but you asked for this, remember?” You say, your lips just by his ear as you whisper. “Now, keep your fucking eyes on the screen or I stop completely, okay?”
Randy nods as he lets out a shaky breath, his eyes searching your face and, after deciding you were actually serious, turning to look at the TV. The final girls best friend was being chased all through her large house, the masked killer wielding his knife chasing after her. Randy swallows heavily as your hand begins to move faster, just a little bit, his heart beating in tune with it. 
“Fuck,” he moans as the killer slices at the girl who’s name he can’t even remember, her shirt getting cut off. It was cheesy and stupid, something Randy would normally roll his eyes at, but he knew what came next. His cock throbs under your palm, slick with your spit and his pre-cum, and he whimpers as you begin to swipe your thumb over the head of his cock with each pass of your hand. “Ke-keep going, please?”
His question is closer to a beg, but not quite there. His eyes roll into the back of his head for a second but he keeps them focused hazily on the screen. The girl was running slower, the house dark. Randy’s breathing picks up and his hand, which had been on your thigh, squeezes you tightly, his nails digging into your flesh. The girl was cornered now, the killer standing above her as she begs for him to stop, to leave her alone, to go away. She slinks down the wall, the killer looming tall, his mask and the knife the only discernible thing about him.
Randy’s hips twitch ever so slightly as the killer drags the blade down the girl's tear-streaked cheek, a thin line of blood bubbling up in its wake. He can’t help but replace the girl with you, imagining the fear in your eyes as he, masked and unknown to you just yet, hunts you down like an animal. “Holy shit, baby, fuck!” He grunts as the killer raises his knife and your hand speeds up, jerking him off as quick as you can. Randy’s hips thrust up into your hand as the knife is plunged into the screaming girl's chest.
He grunts, an almost animalistic sound, thrusting his cock into your hand in tune with the knife. He lets the pleasure overtake him, his cock the knife, your hand your body, and he cums, the only other sound besides his moans being the gurgle of life leaving the poor girl’s throat one final time before she slumps over. Randy lets his head tip backwards as he finishes cumming, your hand and his cock covered in cum. His hips stop moving and he sits there beside you, staring at the dark ceiling as he catches his breath.
“How was that?” You murmur. “Everything you thought it would be?” Tilting your head, you bring your hand to your mouth and lick away the cum that has covered your skin, a smug smile on your face. He looks over at you, his cheeks flushed pink, and he gives you a toothy grin, leaning in to kiss you. It’s a sweet kiss, one you always expected from Randy, with just a bit of heat underneath it.  “It was fucking amazing, Y/N.” He says against your lips, his hand coming to rest on the back of your neck. The kiss deepens for just a second before the noises of the movie draw his attention; it was the final chase scene, the bloody battle against good and evil.
When he pulls back his hand slides down your shoulder and arm down to your waist, his large hand tugging at the hem of your shirt. “Get this off,” His voice is gruffer as his hand slides down again, this time to your pants, your breath hitching in your throat at the feeling of his calloused fingertips dipping past your waistband. “And these. Let me repay the favor, final girl.”
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bruciemilf · 2 years
hello !! <3 I need some batfam headcanons !! random go !!
Bruce actually jokes about his parents the most. He has a picture of Martha's gravestone on his phone that he sends to the batkid who thought they could just skip brunch with a " your grandma wants to see you" text and they're there IMMEDIATELY
Dick has " Live Laugh Love" and "Bless This Mess" wall art in his apartment. Additionally, he participates in retail therapy but only with Bruce's credit card(s)
Damian has a special compartment in his utility belt. It's filled with treats for cats and dogs when he's on patrol and he does the " pspspspspspsp" thing
Jason listens to Olivia Rodrigo on loop
Duke's blood can glow in the dark, but it's most visible when his emotions are up to max. Think kintsugi art in human form
Cass knows math mechanically; She doesn't understand the theory behind it, and frankly, she refuses to learn
They have a chore board but instead of actual chores, it's a " whose turn it is to scare off Bruce's gala creeps" and surprisingly? Dick is booked
Each of them have a special movie to watch with Bruce one on one. Legally Blonde for Dick, Night At The Museum for Damian, The Hunger Games for Jason, The Empire Strikes Back for Tim, Home Alone for Cass, Mad Max: Fury Road for Steph, and Princess And The Frog for Duke
That being said - they make appointments for their Bruce time. Jason uses the " Okay, but I DIED" card everytime he wants a full Bruce day. He has to share it with Damian and he's so salty about it
Dick and Jason's BIGGEST fight happened because Dick made Bruce a dating profile. It also never dies because he always sets him up for blind dates, but it's more to annoy Jason at this point
Steph picks fights with Spoiler haters online for the fun of it
Bruce is part of a Gotham Facebook mom group - not a toxic one, but a cool, chill one, where they just share funny stories and photos of their kids. the moms there aren't concerned at all by Bruce's wacky stories bc this is Gotham
Damian is super sweet with little kids and let's them ride on his shoulders as Robin. He volunteers at his school's kindergarten and babysits as a part time job too!!!
Bruce has all his kids listed as their pet names in his contacts. Dick is Chum, Damian is Baby, Jason is Sweetheart, Tim is Honey, Cass is Princess, Duke is Sunshine, Steph is Champ
In return, he's Tati <3 in Dick's phone, Papi 🦇in Jason's, Baba in Damian's, Papa in Tim's, 爸爸 🖤🖤🖤 in Cass's, DAD #2 in Duke's and Batdad in Steph's
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thebisexualdogdad · 5 months
Hmm, hi, I would like to make a request and what if the black cat/Felicia Hardy had a boyfriend who was like, El Diablo from Suicide Squad. (Of course, if you want)
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Felicia Hardy x Male!reader
*Tati Gabrielle used as fancast*
● you met Felicia when you attempted to steal her Lamborghini
● “nice try handsome but no one steals my ride” she says strutting up to you in her black cat suit after robbing a jewelry store nearby
● “you're the black cat” you say instantly recognizing her
● “and judging by your tattoos you're the one they call El Diablo and I could actually use your help on a job”
● that job included stealing a dozen imported cars from their shipping containers at the port which you then set on fire with your powers and she promised you a third of what she would be paid from her buyer
● and even better than the money you ended up hooking up after a successful heist
● a couple days later she gets a call from you
● “can't get enough of me huh?”
● “I know you stole my watch Felicia”
● “Guess you'll just have to come get it back from me hot stuff, that is if you can catch me”
● “if you wanted to see me again all you had to do was ask”
● “What would be the fun in that?”
● Felicia's nickname for you is lover boy
● she will tease you by calling you that in front of your crew who have become very accustomed to her being around
● they make fun of you for being so whipped for her
● “you don't even know what that woman can do with a whip, they may call me the devil in the streets but Felicia Hardy is a devil in the sheets”
● she loves tracing your tattoos with her fingers while you lay in bed together
● and telling each other stories of the best crimes you've committed
● you work a lot of jobs together
● and Felicia enjoys making you watch her get hit on by guys at bars you're about to rob blind
● and sometimes the plan includes you making a scene and trying to fight the guy “hitting on your girl” while Felicia gets whatever it is you guys were there for
● she finds it so hot knowing the jealousy is low key real and results in you fooling around in an alley behind the bar/club/wherever the heist is taking place
● there was one incident where a guy got way too handsy with her and you actually beat the shit out of him and set his car on fire
● another time spiderman was able to actually have you arrested
● but Felicia sauntered into the police station with a bag full of money for your bail
● “Y/N such a bad boy you know I'm the only one allowed to put you in handcuffs”
● you smirk at the cops on your way out knowing the charges they have on you won't stick “better luck next time boys and give spiderman my regards”
● you know about Felicia and Spidermans dating history
● you still can't believe she dated a superhero
● sometimes you set fires around the city just to put him to work
● “Felicia can you please tell your pyromaniac boyfriend to stop setting fires for no reason?”
● “sorry spidey but no can do, you're lucky I talked him down from setting you on fire”
● you and Felicia go on plenty of lavish vacations
● and of course committing crimes while abroad
● in your apartment you guys proudly display some of your favorite scores including a priceless painting you stole while in France
● for a little change of pace Felicia was somehow able to convince you to go on a snowy weekend getaway in the mountains
● you're not a fan of the cold
● but you were definitely able to keep each other warm that weekend
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harlowcomehome · 1 year
“Your best friends, best friend.”
A/N: Requested by @hoodharlow! I hope I did your request justice. 🫡
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“Hurry up, let’s go” Veronica yelled out.
“Does she take this long for you too?” Veronica asked Jack who was sitting back on the couch.
“Always. I usually lie about the time an event starts, easier that way” he laughed.
“I’m hurrying as much as I can, what’s the rush?” You practically jumped into your dress, you couldn’t find the heels you wanted and Veronica’s unnecessary anxiety was affecting you.
“I also heard that Jackman” you pointed at him.
“Our Uber is three minutes away” Veronica groaned as you quickly grabbed the next best heels you had and put on your earrings.
You looked confused “Jack said he’d drive, why did you Uber?”
Jack was sat back on the couch, watching the two of you go crazy as he had been dressed and ready for the last fifteen minutes. “She said my car is too flashy” he laughed and you playfully rolled your eyes.
“Are you sure Katrina is okay with me coming? I don’t really know her all that well” you asked nervously, not wanting to be embarrassed if you showed up uninvited. Jack sensed your nerves, standing beside you, he zipped your dress up all the way before flashing you a subtle smile.
“Your best friend is famous, you’re definitely invited” she said matter of factly and Jack internally cringed. He still wasn’t used to that kind of thing, but he would be eventually.
You also cringed, but only at Veronicas use of the word “best friend.” She wasn’t wrong, technically you and Jack were only friends but you were hoping that someday you’d be more than that.
“Plus you’re my best friend too, it goes without saying that we are a package deal” Veronica nudged you with her elbow playfully.
She had met Katrina through a mutual friend and truthfully, you two had never really been around each other much. You had heard stories from Veronica, but other than that you really had nothing else to go off of.
The three of you sat in the UberX, you checked your makeup and teeth with your phone camera. You checked your nose for boogers, which made Jack laugh.
“You can never be too careful” you giggled and he nodded in agreement.
“Add that to your pre-show ritual, we are begging” Veronica teased and Jack smacked his lips. The two of them had always been purely platonic which you were grateful for.
The three of you got out of the car and were met by two of your mutual friends immediately. Tati and Audri were friends you had also met through Veronica, but you had actually spent time with them before.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Katrina has been driving us crazy all night. She’s been asking when Jack was coming” your friend Tati whispered.
“Why?” You asked as you felt your face get flush with jealousy.
“Why else?” Audri rolled her eyes “keep your eyes on em’ if you wanna keep him” she whispered.
You were pretty grateful for the fact that your friend group knew the way you felt about Jack, and they knew never to cross any lines with him.
“Jack! Nice of you to join us” Tati teased and gave him a side hug. Jack made sure to say all of his “hellos” before being attached to your side again.
“When you got inside you felt instantly overwhelmed by the amount of people. Veronica looked surprised by it too which made you feel a little more relieved.
“She told me it was just going to be something small” she sighed.
“She’s a liar” Audri laughed thunderously.
You looked over at Jack immediately, “if you want to leave early we can” you reassured him and he nodded with a smile.
“Oh my gosh!” You hear a high pitch voice coming your way, “is that my girl?” The same woman asks.
In little to no time you see Veronica being squeezed half to death by an unfamiliar face you only assumed to be Katrina. If she wasn’t wearing an obnoxious birthday crown you might have assumed otherwise.
“This must be Y/N!” She motions to Veronica to introduce you both.
“Y/N, Katrina, Katrina, Y/N” Veronica smiles and the two of you hug briefly.
“And this handsome man needs zero introduction! How are you, Jack?” She immediately diverts her eyes towards him.
You felt your stomach turn, Katrina was beautiful and there was no denying that. Her personality was a bit much but you weren’t sure that mattered in the grand scheme of things.
“I’m doing good! Happy birthday” Jack smiled and for a moment you watched as his eyes shifted up and down. He was checking her out in front of you, and nothing made you want to disappear more.
“Drinks?” Veronica asked as Katrina directed all of you to the open bar.
The night went on and the conversations were flowing nicely. To your surprise Jack hadn’t paid Katrina much attention. The two of you had spent most of the night having separate conversations from the group, which felt nice.
You hear the intro to “Get Low” play and all of your friends grab one another, running to the designated dance floor.
Jack stood back for a moment nursing both of your drinks. He wasn’t usually one for dancing, especially not in front of other people.
“TO THE WINDOW” the entire dance floor shouts, Jacks eyes only on you for the entire song.
Katrina eventually dragged Jack to the dance floor, watching her shake her ass on his crotch was definitely not something you wanted to see today.
He enjoyed it of course, what twenty- something year old guy wouldn’t welcome it.
Eventually he excused himself to take a call. You couldn’t tell if it was a real call or an excuse.
“So what’s his deal?” Katrina asks you out of breath, not at all stopping herself from shaking ass in his direction as he held his phone up to his face in the distance.
“His deal?” You pause, looking at her in annoyance. You didn’t mean to but you definitely wear your emotions on your face.
Tati, Veronica and Audri were all trying to overhear the conversation, but it was hard to with the loud music.
“I mean is he single?” Katrina smirked, “it doesn’t seem like he’s at all interested in you right?”
What she said hurt but the way she delivered it was worse.
“What the hell” Veronica stepped in and your other friends followed suit.
“Calm down. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just, if a guy like that wants to be more than friends he’d let you know” she shrugged.
“Katrina, did he make it obvious to you?” Veronica snarled.
“I mean his hand never left my hips, and these two have been playing friendly all night” she gestured to you.
“Dude, come on” Tati said in a frustrated tone.
“Why is everyone mad at me? She’s had her chance to make a move, right?” Katrina rolled her eyes, getting annoyed by the group. “Clearly she’s not his type, I mean in comparison, no?”
“Comparison to what exactly?” Audri asked knowing Katrina had about sixty more seconds before her face met her fist.
“She’s right, we’re just friends” you said with tears in your eyes, excusing yourself from the group.
“Just because it’s your birthday doesn’t mean you get to be a bitch” Veronica shook her head as she attempted to follow you.
“And you talk a lot of shit for a bitch in an orange bodycon dress” Tati responded before her and Audri followed Veronica out.
You stood out front waiting for your Uber, you were embarrassed and you felt like Katrina was right. If Jack liked you back then why hadn’t he made a move, you felt stupid for being hopeful even after all this time.
You had zero idea where Jack was at the moment but you didn’t care, you just wanted to go home before something else happened.
“Have you seen Y/N?” Tati asked Jack as your friends frantically searched the party for you.
“No? What’s going on?” He asked noticeably worried, putting his phone in his pocket immediately.
Definitely a fake phone call.
“Katrina and her kind of got into it” Audri blurted out, earning a panicked glare from Tati.
“Katrina? Oh! Katrina” he laughed already seemingly forgetting about her. “Why?” He looked at the two of them, incredibly confused.
“Don’t” Tati whispered, warning Audri not to say it.
“Just go talk to her, if you see her” Tati responded quickly before grabbing Audri and leaving his sight abruptly.
Jack was curious to know why your friends had acted so weird with him, so he text you. When you didn’t answer he went outside, hoping to find you there.
You were sat on the curb waiting for your Uber when you heard someone approaching, begging to whatever higher power could hear your inner thoughts that it wasn’t Jack.
“Why’re you crying?” He asked as he sat beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
You didn’t say a word, just wiped your tears as you leaned against him. “Did some guy in there hurt your feelings?” He asked innocently.
“Something like that” you sniffled, checking your phone for the status of your ride.
You knew you’d regret it if you didn’t ask, “Are you going to date Katrina?”
“Why would I?” Jack asked defensively, “she’s not exactly my type.”
“What is your type then?” You asked half laughing to mask your blind hopefulness.
“You” he smiled, changing everything in that moment.
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cleolinda · 1 year
Samsara (Guerlain, 1989 EdP & 2023 EdT)
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A sandalwood overdose embellished by ylang-ylang and jasmine. Samsara is the first woody women's fragrance in perfumery. It is constructed over a beautifully crafted sandalwood, used for the first time in these quantities in perfumery. (Guerlain.com)
From Eau de Tati, the back story:
Jean-Paul Guerlain created Samsara in 1985 for Decia de Powell, the woman he loved and who wore the fragrance for four years before it was launched. Jean-Paul took the opportunity to create the perfume for her, as she could not find a perfume that appealed to her. She liked jasmine and sandalwood, in particular, and these were the raw materials on which Samsara was based.
It seems that Gérard Anthony co-created the fragrance, but Guerlain has always loved a good legend. Whether the Sanskrit word "saṃsāra" ("the concept of rebirth and 'cyclicality of all life, matter, existence'") suits the fragrance as a name is a lengthy discussion I'll leave to others.
On the face of it, Samsara is another Guerlain journey into orientalism (stop that!); it's a classic example of loud 1980s fragrance (outdated); it's a benchmark in the Western perfume industry's use of sandalwood (notable). I wanted to write up this one purely because I already had it on hand: when I say "1989," I mean, my mom gave me an eau de parfum sample in 1989. I would have been about ten years old, and I loved collecting little sample vials that gave me too many headaches to actually use—just to keep in my little treasure boxes full of costume jewelry and tumbled rocks and skeleton keys. Apparently I was a magpie, or maybe a dragon. There's only about five molecules left, but as it turns out, that is more than enough.
I also ordered a fresh decant of the current formulation from the Perfumed Court—all they had was the eau de toilette, not the EdP, so this is not a one-to-one comparison. Instead, we have, on one hand, the most aged a Samsara can get, saved since its debut year, and on the other, the lightest, freshest iteration possible. It's lovely, that new EdT. But it's not what I expected at all. A couple of years ago I managed to uncork the 1989 Samsara, and all I got was this incredible note of mingled sandalwood and jasmine—just the richest, smoothest, deepest thing you've ever smelled. But the new one, from my notes: "BUBBLEGUM??"
Powdery fresh floral, rose? Like a living flower that happens to be powdery, not a cosmetic. Very very fresh and outdoorsy, like a garden. The vague idea of sandalwood underneath. Something a bit sweeter coming out, maybe vanilla jasmine. Very light, very easy to wear. Airy, breezy. Sheer.
And then, ten minutes in, bubblegum came out. Motherfucking bubblegum. I had to look up what the old-fashioned Bazooka Joe-type flavor is, because it's not that—there's no tiny twang of clove or wintergreen hiding behind the fruits and vanilla. This is straight-up Juicy Fruit gum. Which involves banana, pineapple, and maybe peach, for a flavor "resembling jackfruit." Now, apparently jackfruit contains "banana oil," aka isoamyl acetate, so I went and googled it on a hunch: yes, it’s in ylang ylang too. Combine that with Samsara's actual peach note (although it smells fresher than the lactone in Mitsouko) and vanilla—
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Basenotes.com: Green notes, peach, ylang ylang, bergamot, lemon, iris and orris, violet, jasmine, rose, narcissus, sandalwood, tonka, amber, musk, and vanilla.
—and you've got a powdery-nectar sandalwood bubblegum. It's so good. Two birthdays ago, I got myself a wide-ranging set of essential oils, just so I could see what things smell like individually; the night after I tried Samsara, I started messing around with them, and it's 10,000% the ylang that's bringing the strange fruity note. I rarely if ever see anyone mention the ylang-ylang in Samsara—they always talk about how strong the jasmine is, but I SWEAR TO YOU that this is what it does on me. In fact, twenty minutes in, Bubble Ylang was mostly what I was smelling.
At the same time, the fresh EdT was really, really powdery—you see iris there in not one but two levels of the note pyramid, and orris is just iris root. The classic Guerlains use the ionones of iris and violet a lot; they're in the house accord, the Guerlinade, which I may also try to get a sample of. But the powder is so much stronger in Samsara than I expected. I was promised a sandalwood overdose, and I'm sitting here with Juicy Fruit floating over a bed of irises—like the row of cool dark purple ones we had lining our driveway when I was a kid—at the half-hour mark. According to my notes, I didn't really get ~sandalwood until an hour-twenty, and even that was still blurring into the ylang-ylang. (Apparently these two notes are really compatible; it's the only thing same combination I liked in Chanel No. 5.) That said, it's lovely and sweet and easygoing if you APPLY SPARINGLY. Of the three Guerlains I've tried, this one was by far the easiest to wear.
Which is wild, because supposedly, Samsara is A Sandalwood Bomb, a true big-hair fume of the '80s that will choke you out of a room. And yet, I didn't even get the sandalwood clearly until more than an hour in. There's two reasons for this, I discovered:
One is that I microdose perfume. I always point this out because I want you to understand that if you apply more fragrance than I do, you are not going to get the tame results I do. If you spray Tyrannosaurus Rex all over yourself, there is nothing god or mortal can do for you. I used two swipes of the Samsara sample wand on my left wrist—and it did project a good bit, but it was comfortable. If I'd done the same on my right wrist to balance it out, I would have considered myself good to go for a perfume-appropriate occasion. Maybe if you didn't deploy FIVE SPRAYS you wouldn’t be choking on it, idk idk.
The other reason is that the current formulation of Samsara uses Australian sandalwood—whereas the original used a much richer Indian variety. I was surprised to discover that Samsara has always been formulated as a meeting of natural and synthetic sandalwoods, though. But the current version has a newer synthetic: Javanol. And the thing about Javanol is that some people can't smell it. And I may be one of them. Because there is no reason "an overdose of sandalwood" should smell this modest to me, in the same perfume that is shouting white floral, unless I physically cannot perceive its loudest component. But I'm smelling some sandalwood; that must be the natural oil.
For more on Javanol, I turn to a fragrance I haven't actually tried yet: Escentric Molecules' Molecule 04. Javanol is, in fact, that molecule. The product website explains, it's a synthetic that
retains the radiance and endurance of natural sandalwood, but is sheer and transparent like no sandalwood in nature. “What I love about Javanol is its almost psychedelic freshness,” says [creator] Geza Schoen. “It smells as if liquid metallic grapefruit peel were poured over a bed of velvety cream-coloured roses.” Javanol is like Iso E Super, the molecule in Escentric Molecules 01, in some ways. Like Iso E Super, it comes and goes. The person wearing it loses the ability to smell it after a short while, only to re-connect with it later.
Well, "it comes and goes" may be why I'm not smelling as much sandalwood in Samsara as advertised, I guess—maybe I’m not totally anosmic to Javanol? The company that makes it, Givaudan, says that the aromachemical has
a rich, natural, creamy sandalwood note like beta santanol combined with  some rosy nuances. It can also be used at very low dosage (below 0.1%)  to bring richness and creaminess to all types of accords. With its exceptional low threshold, Javanol™ is approximately 8 times more effective in wash tests than the most powerful sandalwood product. [...] In the quest for the perfect Indian Sandalwood, Javanol™ is probably the most versatile note with its power, radiance, woodiness and rosiness, blending perfectly with flowers.
Javanol blends so perfectly with ylang and jasmine, in fact, that I can hardly distinguish it through most of Samsara's lifespan on my skin (I appreciate a good olfactory chimera, so that's fine). I can also see why you'd reformulate Samsara, already famous for its Godzilla-sized projection, with the biggest, loudest synthetic sandalwood on the market. But the thing is, the Beast of Givaudan wasn't created until 1996. Javanol may be what Guerlain has paired with Australian sandalwood nowadays, but my original sample was made with [probably a mix of synthetics including] Givaudan's Sandalore and the good stuff—20% (!) Mysore sandalwood.
Mysore Sandalwood Oil is a trademarked perfume oil extracted from the Santalum album variety of sandalwood tree (also known as a "royal tree") in the Mysore district of Karnataka, India. The tree species is said to be one of the best varieties in the world. (Wikipedia, the most concise explainer)
It's also the most expensive. But while I'm sure reformulations are a cost-cutting measure, sandalwood sustainability has also become a huge issue; I'm happy with synthetics if it helps the cause. The Australian sandalwood used in the current Samsara seems to be a popular and less-threatened natural option; it's also in two other fragrances I'm trying at the moment, Le Labo's Santal 33 and Tom Ford's Santal Blush. But it's like the difference between tulle and velvet. You can still use it beautifully, but there is a smoothness and a weight that's missing. People say that Mysore sandalwood is "creamy," even sweet, and it is, but not in a dairy or dessert way; it's legitimately this kind of olfactory texture that's so good. By contrast, the scent of Australian sandalwood feels a little harsh in the top of my nose, full of wood grain and pencil shavings, but also lighter. And yet it blends just as well with the notes of the new Samsara, just in different ways.
As for the old—Mysore and Sandalore® were what greeted me when I uncapped my vintage, 34-year-old sample:
oh my god. ohhhhh my gooooood.
That big sweet fruity ylang-ylang immediately bounced right out—how had I only smelled jasmine in the vial before? I'll stop here and tell you a little bit about ylang-ylang, which is not the note I was expecting to go on about, but here we are:
When you hear about "white florals," they're generally talking about jasmine, gardenia, tuberose (you'll remember this one from HYPNOTIC POISON), lily, lily of the valley—and ylang ylang, even though the latter is a showy yellow flower. I truly don't know how to describe the White Floral if you're not familiar with it, especially since I've never perceived any funky "animalic" indole notes. It's just good to me, very rich, very perfumy, and apparently it does, in an aromatherapy context, have a slightly sedative effect; this may be why people talk about "narcotic" white florals. Ylang-ylang takes the woozy richness of jasmine and, uniquely, adds that fruity, slightly spicy, banana-esque note; I'd love to look for the differences between white florals as I try out more fragrances. With Samsara(s), the jasmine doesn't seem distinct to me, serving instead to support the ylang-ylang, and maybe this is why I only smelled jasmine in the vial: it's my skin chemistry, once again, that's playing favorites.
You know what else my skin apparently loves? Expensive vintage sandalwood. The original Samsara skipped straight to the 1:20 mark and—speaking of narcotics—hit me like a tranquilizer dart. I just curled up on my bed and held my wrist to my nose for about an hour. I was like a cat on the 'nip. My God. I had some hand-me-down incense sticks from the '70s when I was a teenager, and I have been chasing that sandalwood high for three decades. This is it. The blanket of iris, the bergamot blast other reviewers talk about (I only got it the third time I wore the EdT), the supporting cast of notes—barely there. Just the gold.
For about two hours, it was amazing. Then, gradually, Samsara grew more and more overpowering, like a rogue science project slowly ballooning out of control. I ended up wiping it off with a little jojoba oil—not washing it off (DON'T WASTE IT!!), but reducing the amount I had on. There's only about two drops, thick as maple syrup, left in that vial, and that's fine.
Meanwhile, every time I wear the current eau de toilette, it disappears after about three hours.
I wish I'd been able to get a current EdP sample to compare the two formulations directly. But you know what? I still enjoy the iris-forward, sandalwood-backward Samsara. It's easy to wear and it doesn't overstay its welcome, which is a good thing for someone with fragrance sensitivities (me). As much as I love the smooth golden Mysore aspect, I'd rather have the option to reapply than be trapped with the Sandalwood That Ate 1989.
Perfume discussion masterpost
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
A Shot Worth Taking - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
Part 3 - First Date Continued
warnings: none
series masterlist!
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Your date with Jeremy was going much better than you had ever anticipated. He was extremely charming and his jokes had you doubled over in laughter more times than you could count.
The way he smiled too, with his dimple showing made your heart flutter and put butterflies in your stomach in the best way possible. Simply put, it was very hard not to fall for him.
When it came time to pay, Jeremy flagged down the waitress and instantly pulled out his wallet to pull out some bills. Instantly you reached for purse. “We can split—”
Jeremy shook his head with a smirk. “What kinda gentlemen would I be if I didn’t pay for our first date?” he asked, causing you to smile shyly and pull back while saying a small thanks.
Jeremy nodded with a grin and slipped the amount into the bill book. “Now I don’t know about you…but I kinda don’t want this date to end yet so are you down to hang out some more?” he asked.
You couldn’t help the wide grin that made its way onto your lips. “I’d love that actually.”
“Great,” he mused. When the waitress finally came back with his change, the two of you got up but not before the waitress gave you an obvious once over before turning to Jeremy with a dubious smirk. “Whatever happened between you and Tati? Y’all would always come in here together—”
Jeremy felt like a deer caught in the headlights with the question catching him off guard. He looked at you shamefully before he turned back to the waitress. He wanted to cuss her out for being messy—obviously wanting to start something with the boring day she probably had. But it was completely unnecessary of her.
“Uhhh…we broke up…but that’s not really your business huh? Now if you’ll excuse us,” he mumbled, taking your hand and beginning to lead you out the restaurant. Once far enough out, he turned to you with the most apologetic look on his face. “Y/N I’m so sorry about that—I don’t even know why she felt the need to bring that shit up,” he groaned. “Just being fucking messy.”
“Jeremy it’s fine. Clearly she was just bored and wanted to rile you up for entertainment…makes sense why she kept looking at me funny the entire time,” you reassure. “Although I am wondering why you brought me to a restaurant you frequented often with your ex girlfriend…”
Your comment made Jeremy’s eyes widened, “it’s cos I know the food is good—it’s not—”
“Jeremy I’m only teasing!” you exclaimed with a laugh. “C’mon—I don’t care about that stuff—it’s not like I expect you to be some virgin,” you giggled reaching for his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s all good. I promise.”
Jeremy let out a breath of relief. “I just really like you…”
“That’s good…because I really like you too. Now come on—what did you have in mind?”
Jeremy grinned as he began to lead you towards his car. “You’ll just have to wait and see.” As you approach his little porche, your eyes widened slightly.
“This is your car? It’s so cute!” you exclaimed, your fingers tracing the smooth metal before you looked back at him and catching his awkward expression. “What?”
“It um…it belonged to my ex-girlfriend’s dad actually,” he replied, cheeks warming up as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I’m not helping my case am I?” he asked bashfully, you shaking your head ‘no’ with a giggle. “Not really,” you teased. “How long did you two date?” you asked, testing the waters a bit.
Jeremy shrugged, fidgeting with the car keys in his hand. “Like six years,” he mumbled in response, causing your eyes to go wide and a ‘wow’ to escape your lips. “She didn’t like that I got back into basketball.”
You furrowed your brows. “That’s a dumb reason to end things with someone you’ve been with for six years,” you pointed out, clearly not knowing the full picture since he was leaving out some key details.
“Yeahhh…but that’s not important anymore,” he mused, wanting to move on from that topic and opening the passenger side door for you. “I’ve moved on to bigger and better things,” he mused, winking your way.
You giggled and stepped into the car, watching as he went back around to his own side and hopping in from the top. He settled in before he began the drive. You didn’t know exactly where he was taking you, but you welcomed whatever the adventure was with open arms.
He parked in front of the beach and hopped out of the car, you doing the same. "Alright...I'm thinking we go sit by the beach?" he suggested, although you had another idea in mind. You had taken notice of the basketball that sat in his backseat and the empty court nearby, so instead, you grabbed the ball and smirked as you turned to look at him. "How about you teach me a few things instead?"
Jeremy grinned and raised a brow at you. "Thought basketball wasn't really your thing?"
"Hmm but you're my thing and I wanna be able to keep up with your interest," you shrugged. "Also you seem to forget that me watching you play is what got us here on this date in the first place--"
Jeremy smirked. "Baby--just say you think it's hot watching me play," he shrugged nonchalantly with confidence. The way he used the term of endearment with such ease caused your cheeks to heat up. "Yeah what if I do?" you challenged.
"Then how can I deny such a pretty girl her request and desires?" he teased, causing you to roll your eyes and let out a laugh.
“Yeah yeah,” you scoff, tossing him the basketball which he caught with ease. He grinned at you with amusement before he began to dribble the basketball towards the court before he began with a light run and proceeded to finish with the perfect layup. He swung around and smirked before he passed you the ball.
“Know how to do a lay up?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“Just because I know the rules of the game doesn’t mean I know how to play the game,” you laughed. Jeremy grinned and shrugged, “that’s fair” he said, before he walked his way back over to you. He moved to stand behind you, placing his hands on your waist. His warm touch sent a pleasant shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but lean into his embrace.
"Alright, I'll show you the basics," Jeremy said, his voice low and comforting. "First, you want to dribble the ball like this." He gently guided your hands to hold the basketball and demonstrated the dribbling motion.
You followed his lead, bouncing the ball with a bit of uncertainty at first.
"Now, when you're ready to go for the layup, take a step with your left foot, jump off your right foot, and extend your arm for the shot," Jeremy explained, demonstrating the moves as he spoke.
You nodded, focusing on his instructions. With Jeremy's hands still on your waist, he gently guided you through the steps, helping you find your balance and timing.
The first time you got it in with the correct moves, you squealed and jumped up in joy. "Did you see that?! I think I did that one perfectly!"
Jeremy laughed as he hummed in agreement. "I can see...you're a natural," he mused.
"Only because I have such a good teacher," you grinned.
"That was your plan all along wasn't it?"
You merely shrugged, although the smirk was growing wider on your lips. "What if it was? Wanted an excuse for you to put your hand on my waist," you mused.
"Ohhh...so it's like that?" Jeremy asked in amusement.
You pretend to think for a second. "Hmm--I think you're reading too much into it."
"Nah clearly I wasn't reading into it enough."
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hopelessdelusional · 1 year
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you need to calm down
good morning😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
i uh. dunno what to say here anymore so, WELCOME BACK AND ENJOY!
(nailed it)
fun facts! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
- hitoshi’s pfp for y/n is from years ago, like back before he dyed his hair purple🤯
- the way the reactions to the text is like cut off is pissing me off so bad but i can’t fix it so apologies if it also bothers you there’s nothing i can do 😔💔
- i know i’ve slightly hinted at this before but kami has seriously been hung up on hitoshi for like. ever. little does he know toshi is also infatuated with him as well
- ochako was the one who got y/n into pitch perfect
- toshi has a hard time being outright affectionate, his love language is more so acts of service and quality time, and y/n knows that and is very patient with him
- hitoshi did fall asleep in y/n’s bed, like passed the fuck out at 3AM whilst y/n was up working on her dream board for what she wants to do with katsuki’s shoot
- izuku and shoto came into the shoot during y/n’s lunch break and convinced zu to pose and let her take pictures, the results were amazing
- also i’m literally so scared that these ppl that i fan casted as mha characters are gonna see this…like i didn’t think of it until now and im shaking in my boots, shitting my pants terrified
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Against the Tide - Twenty-Two
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Original Female Character, Silvio Ricci x Original Female Character Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Bleach), Silvio Ricci (Ikemen Prince), Olivia DuBois (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergent, Pirates and Princes, Slow Burn, Action/Adventure, Worldbuilding, Angst, Some Subtle Racism, Sexual Tension, Political Subplot
Previous Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter Masterlist
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know,” Thalia replies, nodding her head sagely. “Go off with him, I mean. If you really love him, there must be something really good about him.”
“Thank you, Tati,” Olivia smiles. “And you’re right. There is something really good about him - there are lots of good things about him.”
Thalia looks at her sister with interest. “Livvy, is he really a pirate? That kind of pirate?”
“Who can say?” She smirks at her sister. “I know that he sometimes acquires rare goods from foreign countries. I hear he’s a fairly successful merchant.”
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Read on AO3
“Oh,” Thalia exclaims, looking at Olivia’s ring. “I haven’t seen you wear that in a long time… I thought you might have gotten rid of it.”
Olivia laughs. “I may not wear jewelry often, but I never get rid of any of it.” She thinks then of the little wooden chest full of jewelry upstairs in her old bedroom at her parents’ manor. “Though there are some pieces I probably will never wear again,” she adds softly. 
“What made you decide to wear that one again, after all this time?”
She looks down at the ring. It is a very pretty ring, made of seaglass in a bluish-green color. For a time many years ago, she had taken to wearing it on her index finger, but it was always a little too snug there. Today, she wears it on her ring finger. 
It fits perfectly there. 
“It just felt right,” she says simply, with a smile.
Thalia looks at her a little sadly. “I can’t believe you’re leaving for a whole year.”
“I am,” Olivia agrees, “but I won’t be far, and I’ll be back for your wedding. I promise.” 
“Mama says you’re not coming back to Clario even after the year is up.”
Surprised, Olivia stares at her younger sister. “She told you that?”
Thalia nods. “She says you’re going to go off to sea with… the Captain.” Thalia whispers the last bit, looking furtively around as if afraid someone will hear her. It almost makes Olivia laugh. 
“She would say that, wouldn’t she,” Olivia murmurs. She sighs. “I don’t know what will happen in a year, Tati.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know,” Thalia replies, nodding her head sagely. “Go off with him, I mean. If you really love him, there must be something really good about him.”
“Thank you, Tati,” Olivia smiles. “And you’re right. There is something really good about him - there are lots of good things about him.” 
Thalia looks at her sister with interest. “Livvy, is he really a pirate? That kind of pirate?”
“Who can say?” She smirks at her sister. “I know that he sometimes acquires rare goods from foreign countries. I hear he’s a fairly successful merchant.”
This makes her younger sister laugh. “Oh Livvy, I’m glad to see you haven’t changed at all. I’m really going to miss having you close.”
Olivia gathers her in a tight hug. “You’re welcome to come visit Vora anytime,” she tells her. “And like I said, I’ll be back for your wedding in a few months. Try not to let Mama drive you crazy with the planning in the meantime.” 
“She’s already starting to.” Thalia rolls her eyes. “I think she’s planning the wedding she always wanted for you… and even though it’s not a political marriage, she’s still making a really big affair of it.”
Olivia clicks her tongue sympathetically. “Now I feel even worse for leaving you alone with her at a time like this.”
“It’s ok,” her sister smiles. “I’ve got Papa on my side to keep her from getting too out of control. And I want to hear all about your adventures in your letters, alright?”
“I’ll write to you often,” Olivia promises. “Long, boring letters filled with every little detail about where I am and what I’m doing. You’ll get sick of me before long.”
“That will never happen.” 
“I see you’ve been filling Tati’s head with all sorts of fables,” Olivia remarks dryly. 
“Fables?” Mirelle looks curiously back at her. “What do you mean?”
“She said you told her that I was planning to go off to sea with the Captain.” 
“Well, aren’t you?”
“I haven’t planned anything beyond what I need to do for the year that I’ll be helping Vora reestablish their government.” Olivia laughs. “What brings you here anyway? I thought you said you’d never come to my… how did you put it?” She taps a finger against her chin. “My filthy little hovel… I think that’s the way you described it.”
“In my defense, I didn’t know what it looked like at the time,” Mirelle protests. “And you can’t imagine the picture my mind conjured up when you told me you’d be living in a room down at the docks.”
Olivia raises both eyebrows questioningly, a wry smile pulling at her mouth. “And now?” 
“Now what?”
“What do you think of it, now that you’ve seen it?” She’s expecting criticism and braces herself for it. 
“It suits you,” Mirelle says after a moment, taking her daughter completely by surprise. “Has… he been here?”
Olivia can’t help but to laugh at the way her mother has phrased it - Mirelle is looking furtively around as though someone will hear her, not unlike the way Thalia looked when she made mention of ‘the Captain.’ “Of course he’s been here,” Olivia answers reasonably, as she folds clothes and sets them aside in piles to be packed. “He doesn’t always sleep on his ship, you know.”
Her mother tries not to look scandalized. “And he’s going with you to Vora.”
“He’s taking me to Vora,” Olivia corrects her. 
“Couldn’t you just go with Prince Silvio on his vessel?” 
Olivia sighs. “You know very well why I can’t.”
“Mama,” she interrupts, trying not to sigh again. “It’s my last night here… I don’t want to fight.”
Her mother is quiet for a moment. “I don’t want to fight, either,” she confesses. “And you may not believe me when I tell you this, but… I am proud of you.”
“Why?” Olivia snorts. “Aren’t I a colossal disappointment? I’m not doing any of the things you wanted me to do.”
“You’re not,” her mother agrees. “But you’re doing the things you want to, and that’s why I’m proud of you.”
Her words leave Olivia speechless. She’s still struggling to find the words to say when there’s a knock at her door. “Come in,” she calls.
“Olivia!” The word comes out as a hiss. “You don’t just invite people into your home without first checking to see who’s at the door!”
“I know who’s at the door,” she laughs, as the knob begins to turn. 
“Oh,” Grimmjow says, standing in the doorway. “Didn’t know ya had company. I can come back later---”
“Stay,” Olivia says, motioning him in. “My mother isn’t company - she’s my mother.”
“It’s nice to know what you really think of me.” Mirelle stands. “It’s quite alright,” she goes on, her words addressed to Grimmjow. “I was leaving soon anyway. The carriage is waiting for me out on the road.”
“I’ll walk ya,” he offers. 
Her mouth is set to refuse him, but one glance at Olivia and she reconsiders. “If you’d be so kind,” she says gracefully. 
Olivia reaches out, pulling her mother into a tight embrace. “Thank you,” she whispers. “For what you said.”
“I meant it,” her mother tells her sincerely. “And whatever… whatever you decide to do once you’ve finished your time in Vora, make sure it’s what you really want to do.”
“I will,” Olivia smiles. “I promise.”
“There’s my carriage.” Mirelle turns to face him. “I’d like to ask a favor of you.”
“Me?” Grimmjow chuckles. “Ain’t sure what I could do for ya, but whatever it is, I’ll try.”
“Take care of her, please,” Olivia’s mother requests, her voice soft. “Olivia is many things, but she’s never been foolish. If she loves you… if she trusts you, I know it’s because you’ve done something to earn her love and her trust. So please,” she goes on, “take care of her, even when she isn’t taking care of herself. Especially when she isn’t taking care of herself.”
Her words seem to surprise him. He recovers quickly however, flashing Mirelle a charming grin that makes her think she’s getting a little glimpse of what Olivia sees in him. “I give my word, M’Lady,” he offers. “Me, I might be a lotta things ya don’t agree with, but I can tell ya I’m a man of my word. I’ll look after her.”
“Thank you,” Mirelle replies, her smile relieved. 
Grimmjow waits until she’s safely in the carriage before he turns away. 
Olivia is waiting when he gets back. In just the quarter of an hour or so that he’s been gone, she’s managed to get all of the piles of folded clothes packed away and her bags set by the door. 
“All ready to go, I see,” he observes with a smile. 
“Mmhm,” she agrees. “Did my mother give you an earful?” 
“Nah.” Grimmjow chuckles, reaching out and pulling her by the waist until she’s flush against him. “She told me to take care of ya.” 
“She did?”
“Yeah.” He wraps his arms around her. “Told me that if you love me and trust me, I musta done somethin’ to earn it.” He leans back, tilting her chin up with his hand so he can look into her eyes. “Did I do somethin’ to earn it, Sae?”
Olivia looks back at him, her eyes lit up with amusement. “You mean to tell me you’ve been going along all this time without knowing?” 
She expects him to laugh too, to make some clever joke about it. Instead, his eyes are serious and searching, and it makes her realize that he legitimately wants to know. “Come here,” she says softly, taking his hand in hers and leading him over to sit next to her on the bed. Even when they’re settled there, sitting side by side, Olivia doesn’t let go of his hand. She links her fingers with his, raising her left hand to his eye line so he can see the ring there. “Do you remember this?”
Grimmjow squints. “I bought ya that.”
“You did,” she agrees with a smile. “It was one of the very first things you brought me back from Vora.” She looks down at the ring. “Why did you buy it?”
He considers her question but not for long, and it makes Olivia think the answer is something he’s already thought about. “You seemed so happy whenever I would bring shit from Vora for ya,” he starts. “I just liked seein’ that little smile on your face… the way your eyes would light up when ya got excited.” He chuckles. “You’re always pretty Sae, but ya look prettiest when you’re happy.”
She can feel them - the little butterflies that haven’t left her stomach since she’s embraced what she feels for this man. “That,” she says quietly. “Since I met you, you’ve been trying to make me happy. Even when I didn’t realize that’s what you were doing, you were only trying to make sure I was always smiling. That I always felt my best.
“Sometimes that meant bringing me beautiful things from Vora,” she goes on. “Little pieces of home, things that reminded me of the place I loved and missed so much. Sometimes it meant teasing me in a way that would make me forget whatever was troubling me in favor of a laugh. It often meant sharing a drink with me, or letting me cry on your shoulder - sometimes both at the same time.” She pauses, remembering something specific.
“I woulda kicked his ass if you’d needed me to,” he interjects quietly, and it’s then that she knows he’s thinking of it, too. 
“I know,” Olivia laughs, even though there are tears in the corners of her eyes. “But what happened back then wasn’t his fault, and I loved that you respected that fact enough to let it be.” She turns to face him, bringing his hand up to her lips and pressing a kiss to each of his knuckles. “I love you, Grimmjow. I love everything about you… even the parts of you that you think I wouldn’t.” She reaches up with both hands, cupping his face and bringing him close for a kiss. 
One kiss turns into two, two turns into three, and it isn’t long before they’ve shed the thin layers of fabric separating their skin. As she always does when he’s fully sheathed inside of her, Olivia marvels at how good he feels. 
Grimmjow holds her close, his hands tightly gripping her hips as she moves on top of him. He is hard-pressed to take his eyes off of her even to blink. 
It makes her feel like a goddess. 
Afterward she rests her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the way his chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. “I’m always happy when I’m with you, no matter what we’re doing or where we are,” she tells him, her voice solemn and hushed. “I trust you with my life, and I…” She trails off, her gaze dropping once more to the ring on her finger. “I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of that life with you. Wherever that takes us.”
“Even though you deserve better?” 
She stares up at him. “What I deserve,” she starts, her gaze never leaving his, “is a man who loves me the way that I am and who is happy with me. Are you saying you’re not that man?”
It makes him laugh, the intensity of her stare. “You are one fuckin’ scary woman when you wanna be.”
“But am I wrong?”
He shakes his head, still chuckling. “I want ya, Sae, more than ya know. And if you’ll have me, I’ll stay with ya until I get old and ugly.”
“I can’t ever see you being old or ugly,” she laughs. “And even if you are, I’ll still want to be with you.” 
“Might live to regret that,” he warns her, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief as he shifts in bed to hover above her. 
“Somehow,” she giggles breathlessly, “I doubt that will ever happen.”
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A/N: Here we are, at the end of this little tale. If you've made it this far, thank you for being patient with me (especially while I worked up the nerve to finish and post this last chapter). I had so much fun writing this fic this time around, because I let the characters tell me how the story should go.
Fear not - this isn't the end of Grimmjow and Olivia's adventures. There will be more of them to come, hopefully in the not-so-distant future. I have ideas for them, and I hope you'll stick around to see those ideas come to fruition.
Thank you for all the likes, kudos, comments, and reblogs - I appreciate each and every one of them.
Val 💙
Previous Chapter: Twenty-One
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Tag list: @chrissie2003 @kryptoniteforsale @pamakali
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yanderepuck · 4 months
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The amount of thought that went into his prompt was a little too much. Mainly bc I had an idea...but then I accidentally gave it to Arthur because I was on a roll with his and didn't realize. Oops.
I might be a Vlad hater now but I don't mind writing him. He's a whore.
But here's 3??? of 12???? If the wheel of smut.
Prompt: you being a brat and he decides to fix that
You lay in his bed sending him photos. You are in his shirt and some underwear, but the shirt is doing nothing for you.
You take photo after photo after photo in different poses and blow up his phone. He won't be coming after you soon however, he's busy working, so there's a chance he won't even see the photos for some time.
The two of you spent the day together yesterday and you even slept in his bed last night and you were sweet as can be. Maybe that's why you're being a brat now.
Texting him half naked pictures with text that reads "the blanket isn't keeping me warm, I need you instead" and "your cock belongs right here~"
By the time he gets back to you, you are dressed and doing some chores around the castle, almost forgetting you even sent those.
You feel your phone vibrating like crazy in your pocket while you are cleaning up from eating lunch. You opt not to even look at it, already knowing you're in trouble. It will be much more fun to play dumb when he gets back.
You think back to something you noticed the other day. You noticed a notebook next to his bed with nothing but a few tally marks on the page. You asked Vlad what it was for and he told you that he was keeping track of how much you've been a brat in the last week.
It explains why he hasn't decided to punish you in the moment. He is keeping track and has something bigger planned at the end of the week. But with how many times you felt your phone go off, you don't think he can wait two more days.
After some cleaning you go outside into the garden to relax, very curious about what the texts say, but you don't want to look at them. You want to be "surprised" when he comes back upset.
You kneel in front of a bed of flowers, admiring them, when suddenly you're picked up.
"Hey! What do you-"
You realize it's Vlad that swung you I've this shoulder like a ragdoll.
"You didn't need to be so rough, I would have followed if you asked," you tease and try looking at his facial expression.
"I can be as rough as I want after that."
He holds you tighter, immediately taking you to his bedroom. You should be intimidated, and worried about what he's going to do, but he smells so much like flowers when he comes home that it's soothing.
You're lost in a trance until he drops you on the bed.
"I didn't do anything wrong, you don't need to throw me around."
You sit up on the bed, but he immediately pushes you back down, a hand around your neck. You gasp while his knee squeezes between your legs.
"You've done a lot wrong, draga mea," he softly growls. "You aren't very obedient."
You squirmed under him like you're trying to get away. "What happened until waiting until the end of the week~ Did I push your buttons too much," you smirk at him, still believing you have the upper hand.
"You're not as well trained as I thought. I think you need to learn your lesson."
He lets you go, sitting up, taking his belt off. You start grinding against his leg but he quickly puts a stop to it. Putting his hand on your lower abdomen and pushing you down into the mattress.
Of course you aren't going to listen. Just as you're about to do it again, he holds you down again.
"If you don't stay I'll just use your other hole."
You whine and decide to not do it again. Vlad takes your shirt off before tying your hands together with his belt.
"Maybe I should turn each of those pictures into a tally, what do you think? That would bring you up to seven."
"What do you plan on doing, Tati~"
You start moving your hands against the belt until he pushes them above your head into the pillows.
"Each mark is a whole hour that I'm going to tease and edge you," he smirks, getting closer to your face.
You start to get nervous. That would mean seven hours. Seven hours of him having you on edge. You hoped the nervousness didn't show on your face.
"I can handle it for seven hours," you get cocky. What's the worst he can do anyway? "You're going to be the one who feels bad and stops early."
"Oh we'll see," he smirks and pulls your pants off, throwing them to the side along with your underwear.
You bite your tongue to stop moans as he touches your body. His fingers go down and glide against the entrance of your hole. You can't help but buck your hips up and he immediately slaps the inside of your thigh.
"I told you to stay," he hisses. "If you can't then you'll get tied to the bed."
You got your thigh slapped a few more times before Vlad got up to get the rope. He tied your feet down and decided to tie your hands to an upper post to the bed.
Now your legs were forced apart with no hope of you being able to close them.
Hour one was barely up and he's yet to finger you, but damn to your nipples hurt. He's been pinching and nibbling at them, enjoying watching you squirm like crazy.
"Those pictures of yours would have been much better if your body was covered in my cum."
He sits between your legs, his hands on your very red thighs. You look down at him, your chest heaving. It looks like he's going to finally fuck you and you start to whine.
He's undoing his pants to get his cock out, but then starts to rub himself.
He raises an eyebrow at you. "Hm? You think I'm going to fuck you after how you acted?" He chuckles. "No. I'm just going to make you look pretty."
He keeps rubbing himself, with his second hand he teases you with a finger, never quite entering you. You try moving your hips the best you could for something.
"Maybe by hour four you will have earned something."
You try to tug your hands free. Hearing his moans is driving you crazy. The fact that you aren't why he's moaning is driving you insane.
It's not long before your body is covered in his cum.
He pulls out his phone from his back pocket and looks at the photos you sent him earlier.
"Perfect. So much more beautiful now," he purrs at his handiwork work and you are pretty sure he takes a picture or two.
"Vlad.. please.."
He holds your jaw with his hand and smirks. "Aww... Are you already breaking? It's barely been two hours. We have five more to go. Or are you going to be a good girl and apologize? You're going to have to be on your knees to apologize correctly."
You try pouting the best you can. "No! I have nothing to apologize for."
"Look at you for sticking up for what you believe in. Pity," he looks at his phone again. "Time to make a brat squirm."
Your body jerks. He looks down at you, being able to tell that you are doing your best not to moan.
"Come on, draga mea. I'm sure Faust and Charles would love to hear the beautiful sounds you make."
You try kicking your feet to be able to close your legs, or to even roll over. You and Vlad have been messing with one of those app controlled vibrators for the last few months. He's been relatively fair when using it. But this is evil. You knew you should have taken it out. But then how much more trouble would you be in?
He smiles, enjoying his little show. Eventually he gets off the bed and turns it up.
"Ahh! Vlad!"
"That's what I like to hear," he sets his phone on the table next to his bed. Since the castle is stone, he can't take his phone too far or it stops.
"I'm going to see how the other two are doing and I'll be back to check on you, maybe," he boops your nose and fixes his pants as he walks out of his room.
Your body squirms and wiggles and you try to hold in moans.
You have no clue how long it has been since Vlad left. Your chest is heaving and you can't stop whining. You hear the door open.
"Vlad!" you're so frustrated, but also exhausted. You can't say much more than his name.
"Aww look at you," he stands next to the bed and grabs his phone. "Do you have anything to say to me?"
"I-I-I'm sorry. I- I'll be good!"
"Just what I wanted to hear," he smirks and turns it off.
You pant as your body finally relaxes.
"Don't get too comfortable now," he pulls the small vibrator out of you, setting it on the side table. "It's my turn now."
He takes his shirt off and starts getting his pants off. "And since you were a good girl," he unties your feet but immediately gets between your legs. You pull at your arms and whine. "You haven't been that good."
He moves both of your legs over his shoulders, easily sliding into your hole.
You take in a sharp gasp of air and whimper.
"You're so slick. How much did you cum while I was gone," he chuckles and slides all the way into you. Getting as deep as he can so his entire cock is in you.
"Ahh, V-Vlad!"
"I've barely started and you're screaming my name. Someone learned their lesson."
He leans down slightly, your knees basically at your chest and he starts trusting.
You pull at your restraints, squirming under him. You cummed too much that was your answer. But now with the added movement of being fucked, your mind starts to go numb.
Your mouth hangs open as you moan and whine. You go cross eyed and see stars.
"What a good girl," he purrs between his grunts. "You look so pretty~"
He brings your knees closer to your chest, lifting your bottom half off the bed. His tip starts hitting you at a new angle causing you to whine louder.
He picks up the pace and holds you tighter.
"Ahh!" You squeeze your eyes shut and bite you lip.
With a low growl he grabs your jaw to make you look in his direction. "Look at me."
You slowly open one eye, and then the next, being met with his deep red eyes.
"You look at me when I fuck you, got it?"
You try to make a moan of approval.
"Good girl," he lets your jaw go and doesn't take his eyes off of you.
After some time you feel your body going numb. You have climaxed so much that you aren't sure if you can anymore. You're too tired to pull your restraints. Your eyes start to flicker.
"Tired already? What happened to being able to handle it for all seven hours," he chuckles. His hot breath hits against you. You can only hope that he's getting close.
Unable to talk, you just whine as a smart remark.
"Good girl," he groans. His hips snap harder into you. You tend to forget that along with being a pureblood comes enhanced strength. Rarely does he show it, but in time like this you get a taste of it, and it's hard to believe that he's still holding back.
Looking up at him, forcing your eyes to stay open, you see his fangs poking out past his lips.
He slightly adjusts your body, causing his cock to shift inside you.
"Fuuck..just like that," he gasps and gets faster. You get louder, screaming almost. He gets faster and faster, holding you tighter and tighter, keeping you motionless. Using you to just be a hole where his cum goes.
You weakly pull in your restraints as he buries himself inside you, cock twitching as it spills out every bit of his cum.
You both pant hard. He carefully lets your legs fall to the bed to let you relax.
As he slowly lets you go, you now start realizing how sore and tired your body really is.
Vlad sits up, looking down at you, chest heaving. "God you're a mess," he pulls out of you and takes his belt off from around your wrists, kissing each one.
You rest your hands on your body, moaning softly since they could finally change position.
Vlad lays beside you and pulls you in to cuddle. "I hope you've learned your lesson," he purrs in your ear, kissing you softly.
Tag list~
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @xalxtusxiao @namine-somebodies-nobody @ana-thedaydreamer @evil-quartett @ameyoruakiikemenseries @yrenesposts @p1nkpandomium @tele86 @damekathearasi @lokis-laugh @candied-boys @breadmercury @aquagirl1978 @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @vampiricpancake @lulu-the-smol-floof @faust-bite @floydsteeth
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amazingmsme · 6 months
Hcs that have come to my mind after recent asks youve gotten:
1) Tinky kicks his left leg like a dog whenever someone (Ted!!) scratches his belly. He also sticks his tongue out too, he basically becomes a docile housepet to his ler (which Wiggly thinks is a weakness Tinky needs to work on !!!)
2) Wilbur absolutely accidentally taught the lib about tickles. He never minded nor cared for it, but he kinda enjoys when it happens. I can see Wiggly being like "So... if I do this- you humans will laugh? Just like that?" And Wilburs like "Uhuh, usually yeah. Now it does differ from man to man, but you're on the right track pal." And not bat an eye abt whats abt to go down. (idk something about characters w accents that makes brain go agdkzljc-)
3) First time (or one of the times) Curt brought Tati home to his ma's place is when she found out he was ticklish. His ma, bein an absolutely sweet mother, either A) gives the two a room alone but warns Tati that Curt's got a sensitive neck & ears OR 2) is so excited to see her son, who in return is happy to see her, that she gets all gushy and starts grabbing his cheeks like a little boy. For a sec Curt forgets Tati's there, but when Mama Mega starts lightly tickling him he recoils in embarassed giggles.
(I love the uprise of the starkid/tcb tk community)
Tinky ABSOLUTELY acts like a cute lil puppy when he’s tickled & it honestly endears Ted to him & that bastard is such a mean tease & is still pretty damn salty about his situation, so he really doesn’t hold back! Wiggly walks in on them & is like “EUGH! Have some respect for yourself!”
Bro you’re making me simp for the man decked out in denim head to toe😭 (I was when Black Friday first came out, it was just overshadowed by MacNamera & by now I lowkey forgot about him) but he’s so smooth about it & brushes it off to keep talking but Wiggly is hung up on that & his smile just keeps growing & is he closer? Wilbur’s definitely sure he’s closer. & now he’s starting to catch on & tries to back track & say how he isn’t ticklish but most people are, but it’s little kid shit, really, far beneath someone like you but Wiggly insists that he be taught about this “fun, silly little weakness you all share” & calls his brothers to help
Dude Curt’s mom is so embarrassing, idk how he can stand it! She loves him so much & just wants him to be happy but damn she doesn’t have to be so cringe about it! Tati is sooo amused & thinks it’s really sweet that he has such a great relationship with his mom (she’s totally not jealous or anything) & teased him about being a mama’s boy. But I feel like his mom would accidentally tickle him & then tell her how she’s “gotta be careful” with him because he’s “always been a sensitive one” & he’s like “OKAY MOM BYE” & once they’re alone & they get some things off their chest, Tatiana decides he could really use some cheering up & puts that information to good use
& bro I had no idea there were so many of us! It’s not like 5 years ago when it felt like I was out here all by my lonesome (god I can’t believe it’s been that long since tgwdlm)
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Very soft No Capes AU in which the batkids have a little fantasy club. Dick and Kon are very serious founders. Jason does the writing and scripting, " Cause he's a nerd!"
" I'm NOT! I'm just very passionate about the intricate symbol of love that goes into personal creation,"
" Stop talking like that. No 5 year old sounds like that. "
" This one does! Now stay still, Harv. Tim's almost finished,"
Harvey's getting the right side of his face painted with Damian and Kon hanging off his back, -- this is good child care, he supposes, thought he laughs a little,
" Murray wants you guys to know he doesn't look like that."
"He signed creative rights away!"
"Yeah, Harv," Ivy's actually in the middle of signing hers, green crayon pigment smudged on her fingers, " We signed a contract. Hey, -- wait, let me see that script again, I would not fu-fricking say that,"
Harley just wants to know who she needs to bribe so Wild Card and Crimson Thorn end up together,
" Dickie, I love ya, but I do NOT wanna spend more time around Jack than I need to and its a reach at this point,--"
" Yeah, Jester, -- And I wouldn't laugh, Ed, you're such a Redditor in this,"
Kon frowns, " What's a redditor? Dad doesn't let me get it. He says it's for dark, confused souls."
Clark, very brightly, " And that's why I got casted as Super Lad and they didn't!"
Talia, who just came to pick Damian and Jon up for their trip at the craft store since Selina just CAN'T allow Feline to walk around in a blanket dress, asks how the Knight is coming along, " Baba would like to re audition,"
Dick crosses his arms, glaring when Jason copies him as ALWAYS,
" There's no one scary enough for the Knight yet."
Jason stomps his foot, " He's not scary, Dickie! He's brave and kind and punches real hard!"
"Why not ask your daddy?"
" Psht. Tati's not scary.''
Bruce in a pink apron and cat mittens, holding a tray of skull shaped cookies, " I can be scary!...Or get Alfred to teach me. He's good at scary."
" Not only that, -- we can't decide who the love interest for The Knight should be!"
Jason flaps his overgrown sweater paws in clear distress. Tim coos and pats his arm, but Jason hasn't forgiven him for taking the Red Falcon role.
" Do any of you,--"
Everyone apart from Harley and Ivy practically jump on Jason, "ME,"
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