#you can't escape the three headed monster. you. always find your way back here????
brother-emperors · 1 year
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Pompey now entered the city, and married Cornelia, a daughter of Metellus Scipio. She was not a virgin, but had lately been left a widow by Publius, the son of Crassus, whose virgin bride she had been before his death in Parthia. The young woman had many charms apart from her youthful beauty. She was well versed in literature, in playing the lyre, and in geometry, and had been accustomed to listen to philosophical discourses with profit. In addition to this, she had a nature which was free from that unpleasant officiousness which such accomplishments are apt to impart to young women; and her father's lineage and reputation were above reproach. Nevertheless, the marriage was displeasing to some on account of the disparity in years; for Cornelia's youth made her a fitter match for a son of Pompey.
Plutarch, Pompey
both Marcus Licinius Crassus jr and Publius Crassus served under Caesar in Gaul!
speaking of which, you know what makes me feel a certain way? further down the family tree, Marcus Licinius Crassus Frugi married Scribonia (descended from Pompey)!
something. in all of that. the Pompey-Caesar divorce. The three headed monster of the late Republic. Crassus' sons serving under Caesar's command. makes my brain feel like it's being shoved into a blender.
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The Doom of the Nobiles, Ronald Syme
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Piso Frugi and Crassus Frugi, Ronald Syme
society6 | ko-fi | twitter (pillowfort, cohost) | deviantart
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breaddwoo · 2 years
-Just a Few Scratches-
pairing: xavier thorpe x reader
word count: 4.36k
warnings: injury/blood
desc: you get injured trying to solve xavier's problems for him. silly you :)
a/n: im having a field day writing all my fic ideas :)) can't decide if the next one will be another xavier or wednesday
edit: pt 2 is now posted! 🦭
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"fuck, fuck!" xavier yelled, sprinting across the field of pine needles before him and leaping over bushes and rocks.
cold sweat dripped down his flushed face; he could feel tears sting the back of his eyes. xavier felt like he could puke as he ran, but only one thing occupied his mind:
> > >
-5 hours prior-
“are you doing okay, xavier?" you ask with worry. after class you had to stay late to ask the teacher something, so it was a surprise when you found xavier sitting on a bench in the hallway with his head in his hands.
he jolted. looking up, he seemed tired. really tired. you noticed the purple bags under his eyes and the way his breathing appeared to be unsteady.
xavier tried to smile, but it instantly fell off his face when he met your gaze. he bit the inside of he cheek to keep salty tears from spilling out of his eyes.
"I... " he began, but it came out as a strangled sob.
the sight of his pitiful state filled you with worry, and you picked up your pace as you sped over to him.
standing in front of xavier, you ask, "have you been sleeping? you look like a wreck."
xavier laughed at this, quickly wiping away a tear that dared to escape, "yeah, i know. I'm just.." he looked down, "I'm just really stressed."
you stepped closer and he pressed the top of his head to your stomach, refusing to look at you as he loosely wrapped his arms around your waist.
you began to move your hand to pat his head, but hesitated. "can i...?"
without hearing the rest, xavier said, "please."
this consent allowed you to weave your fingers through his hair. "do you want to talk about it?" you asked in a low voice, afraid that somehow, despite the hall's vacancy, someone would hear this sensitive conversation.
he was quiet for a few moments, considering his words.
"it's... wednesday. i'm so, so tired of her- of her blaming me! always saying i'm a mass murdering monster! it fucking hurts and she keeps finding new evidence that genuinely makes sense, " his voice is strained as he tightens his hold, "but i can't do anything to convince her it's not me. and she even found my art studio, which just makes me look worse."
seeing him like this made you want to cry, but you restrained yourself because this wasn't about you; this was about xavier.
"i'm so fucking scared that she's going to get me locked up. i can't even blame her- all of the evidence points directly at me! and these nightmares, they plague me in my sleep and i wake up screaming and then i can't go back to sleep so i've just been painting that fucking thing so i-" his rambling is cut short when he hiccups through his frustrated tears. he felt angry and hurt and afraid.
you leaned down to hug his head, pushing his face into your tummy as he sniffles. "i'm sorry, xavier. i wish there was something i could do."
xavier looked up from your (now wet) shirt to say, "just listening is enough. don't worry about it, hopefully everything will fix itself soon."
and as he rested his head once more, an idea came to you.
there's a way to help xavier.
> > >
three knocks and wednesday was ready to order thing to strangle the person at the door.
she lifted from her desk, about to tell off the perpetrator for interrupting her writing time. when she opened the door, however, she recognized you as the person that xavier constantly follows around.
"enid isn't here," she said point blank, beginning to shut the door. you stick your hand out and risked amputation to make sure it doesn't close, "actually, im here to see you."
wednesday narrowed her dead eyes, "go on then. explain."
"i need to know where the hyde's lair is."
wednesday's facial expression didn't change, but you could tell she was confused.
"why don't you ask xavier? he would know."
the fake smile that you wore to feign being nice dropped. instead, you replaced it with a tight, irritated line on your lips.
"haha, yeah, i would. yknow, if he were the hyde. but here i am, asking you. why do you think that is?" you said all this with a lighthearted tone through clenched teeth.
wednesday could read the passive aggressiveness of your words but decided to press on, "try looking at his gallery of police evidence. that would give you the answer you're looking for."
with that, the door closed and you soon heard the sharp clicks of a type writer. you knew she was talking about xavier's art studio, but he hasn't allowed you in since people started dying around the school.
you decided that the only way to enact your plan would be to sneak into the renovated shed. sneaking in you could do, but distracting him for enough time to find something was completely different.
fuck, this is gonna be hard.
> > >
in the end, enid was your best bet. your plan was for enid to ask him for help on a subject and get him to tutor her for a bit in the library.
she agreed immediately, hoping it would also make ajax jealous; it was a win-win situation.
though, when she asked, you would not tell her why you needed her to do this in the first place. she was skeptical but trusted that you were doing it for a good reason.
finding the studio was easy, you had been there so many times that you knew the trail like the back of your hand. you were xavier's rock after his breakup with bianca, so it made sense that he'd commonly invite you to paint with him in his secret hideout.
when you made it there, you took no time to begin searching every single art piece for a deeper meaning. xavier mentioned that he was having nightmares about the foretold monster, but wouldn't allow you to see the art "for your own safety".
there was nothing of value on the walls and canvases, so you turned to plan b.
you bent down to the trash, fishing through it, hoping you'd find something important. about ten pieces of paper had been uncrumpled by the time you found something worth your dumpster diving.
"there it is!" you excitedly whisper-scream to yourself.
it was a drawing of the monster in front of a familiar cave. though its name and exact location eluded you, there was someone who would know those exact details.
later, after asking eugene if he knew anything considering you'd seen him working alongside wednesday on the investigation, you set the final steps of your plan in motion.
it is here that you will find out who the hyde is, if only to relieve xavier of his stress.
> > >
"enid, we've gone over this topic, like, ten times. i think you're just a lost cause," xavier said in exasperation. he had been attempting to teach enid the different geometrical formulas but she hasn't understood a single word he's said in the past two hours.
xavier, giving up, grabs his phone off the library table to check his notifications.
"huh, that's weird."
"what?" enid asked.
"(y/n) hasn't texted me. usually she'd have sent several messages asking to hang or something by now," he frowned, his expression a dark overcast.
enid, feeling something was off, finally broke, "uhm, well, (y/n) kind of asked me to distract you. im not really sure what for, but she did mention something about an art studio?"
xavier's heart lept in his chest. "what?"
"yeah, sorry, i felt she had a good reason but now i'm a little worried, " enid replied with an awkward laugh.
he wracked his brain for any reason that you might have had to go to his studio. a surprise? was she curious about the paintings i wouldn't let her see? why would she need to sneak around to do it?
instead of searching for an answer that wouldn't come to him, xavier stood from the table, gave a small "thanks", and left the library in a hurry.
at the studio, he found nothing amiss. none of the paintings were gone and nothing had been moved.
that's what he thought, however, until he saw the trash can laying on its side in the corner of the room. kneeling, he sifted through the scattered, unfolded papers.
his eyebrows knitted together in further confusion. what is missing?
then it hit him:
the drawing of the hyde's lair.
xavier didn't know exactly what you were up to, but he knew with every fiber of his being that it was definitely dangerous. he was absolutely terrified.
the doors burst open as xavier ran out of the studio, an unwelcome gust of wind blowing many of the drawings off the walls. at that moment, he couldn't have cared less.
a mirage of trees passed him by as he sprinted. the nighttime autumn air was far too cold for the season.
"fuck, fuck!"
the words were strangled and every noise around him felt muffled; all he could hear was the crunching of the leaves beneath his racing feet and his own hammering heartbeat.
"(y/n)!" he shouted, the distress in his voice echoing back at him.
xavier slowed to a stop, unable to tell where he had gone in his desperation to find you. he took a second to breathe when a shrill scream sounded from an unknown direction.
the scream of a girl. a girl who was horrified, or worse, in danger.
and he would know that voice from anywhere. it was someone familiar; someone close to him. the person most important to him.
"(y/n)! where are you!?" he yelled in response, but the forest had turned into something akin to a funhouse mirror maze and he couldn't tell left from right.
xavier heard footsteps running toward him at a high speed, and just as he began dash in the similar direction, you came into full view.
pain spread through his chest as you slammed into him, sending you both crashing to the moist soil beneath.
you were laying on top of him now; shaking with labored breaths.
it rook a moment for xavier to process what had happened, but he wrapped his arms around you with little delay.
"you- are you okay!? what were you doing!? are you stupid!? there's a fucking monster on the loose and you-"
he shut his mouth when saw a steadily growing red patch on his shirt.
"you're bleeding! oh shit, we need to get you back to nevermore fast," he was quick to hold you, your body laying bridal style across his arms.
you winced in pain, sobbing out the words, "i'm sorry. i'm sorry xavier, i just wanted to help. i really wanted to help. i'm sorry."
xavier didn't give a shit about your apology. he wasn't mad at you. he was mad at that thing that hurt you. he was fucking furious.
he had many, many things to say to you but for now, he'd let you rest in his arms.
he then headed back in the direction he had come from, you now tucked safely in his embrace.
> > >
once the final stitch was in, xavier was allowed to visit your hospital room.
the bright white lights made him feel sick. even more so when he saw you sitting in bed with a hospital gown and an IV drip in your arm.
the moment he walked in, you gave him a warm, content smile.
"is right now really a good time for you to be smiling?" xavier questioned, sitting on a seat next to the bed.
you held the hand that he placed on the edge of the sheets, "well, i was able to achieve my goal."
"at the cost of several pints of blood and a couple scars on your arm? what was worth that?" he asked, unrestrainable anger surfacing on his face.
though, when he took in the finer details of your state, he couldn't help but soften. many scrapes graced your skin from the collision earlier; the complexion of your face much paler than normal.
rubbing his knuckles to ease his frustration, you say, "i was able to convince wednesday that you're not the hyde. how could she believe that out of all the people you could attack, you'd attack me?"
something clicked in xavier's head and it all made sense. this all started after his breakdown in the hallway, caused by wednesday's meddling. the sneaking around, stealing his drawing and going off into the woods.
"so you did this on purpose? you scared me half to death!" he bursted, his emotions a flurry of love, anger, and guilt.
"so what if i did? it's just a few scratches."
god, he loved you. could you believe he had yet to even ask you out?
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bitchfitch · 7 months
Dead fish washed up along the banks. Their still twitching bodies boiled by the monster sheltering in their river.
The hero to be sighed his frustrations as he picked his way towards the source of this mess. The river steamed before it boiled, the water level lowered by the monster sitting in the middle of the bed. There was no water surrounding him, the heat of his small body evaporated any drop that got near.
The Villain, the boy, V, sat bare and alone, curled up on himself with his demonic tail whipping against the stone behind him. There'd been another incident, Connor hadn't stayed to listen to the details but this one was the first to have a potential body count. No one was dead yet, but the initial fire had left four badly burned and a stable without a roof.
V's powers were growing more and more with each day even as his ability to control them stagnated. It was a worrying turn of events for any young mage, a omen of the future to come for a prophesized demon king.
Connor undressed quickly when he was close enough. He may be fire proof, but his clothes weren't and V always made such a fuss when he accidentally seared something of Connor's.
"Go away," V snarled, not looking up from where he had his face tucked behind his boney knees.
"Nah. You successfully saved me from having to listen to another one of Madame Periwinkle's lectures about nature or whatever. I'm choosing to use this new free time to hang out with my friend," he sat behind V, leaning along his back and bumping their heads together.
"We're not friends." V curled tighter. He felt like a rock that had been warmed by the sun. Gentle and familiar even when Connor knew that if anyone else were to touch V when he was worked up like this, they'd have their flesh instantly evaporated. A part of him liked that. It meant V was safe even when Connor wasn't there to protect him.
"Yes we are. More than that even, we're practically brothers, V."
"You're going to kill me."
"No, I'm not."
"You can't escape fate. You're going to kill me."
"I'm not going to kill you. Ratna and I have already decided it. We're not going to let a dead guy decide out lives for us, and since we're ignoring the prophecy on every other front, I'm choosing to also ignore the part that says I'm going to kill my best friend."
"You have to kill me, there's no other choice. "
"Did you listen to anything -"
"I can't control myself Connor. I- I'm going to hurt people and I won't have anywhere to go and I'm going to be alone and hated and- and I'd rather you just kill me than make me have to find some other way to die."
"I'm here. Ratna wants to be your friend too. between the three of us... we'll figure something out, V. In her last letter she- don't tell her I told you -but she's started learning to control her magic. She's got this tutor, and thinks she might be able to help you too. Ratna wants to be the one to talk the teacher into it so we'll see how that goes-" he stops his ramble, "- What I'm saying is, you aren't going to be alone. Us, you me and Ratna? We're a set, and we'll do what we have to to stay together."
"I've never even met her," it was a weak protest.
"So? You will and you two will get along like rats and fleas," Connor let V settle into silence. The smaller boy was relaxing bit by bit and that was all they needed to worry about in that moment.
The water came back slowly as the heat of V's body calmed back to a normal for him level. Still too hot for anyone besides Connor to touch, but no longer was he so hot as to incinerate anything that so much as brushed him.
"Are they going to let me back into town?" V finally asked, his voice small and defeated.
"Probably. I talked to Lord Archibald before I came to find you and told him what actually happened. "
"That I let Devon get under my skin and burnt down a stable because of it?"
"No, that Devon and his lackeys were throwing stones and goading you while you were doing the cleaning."
"That's not true-"
"It is now. Archibald trusts my word over theirs and wants you in town for as long as possible. No need to look a gift horse in the mouth."
"Most gift horses don't want to make you into a weapon."
"So? He's human, in the worst case scenario I can stab him to death for you," Connor grinned when that got a shakey laugh from V.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
~Halloween Special 2022 (Pt. 1)~
~Yandere!ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ᴍʏᴇʀꜱ/Jå§ðñ Vððrhêê§ (Separate) x Reader Headcanons~
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN, DARLINGS!!! HERE'S A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! This is just the first part, I'm gonna have a part 2 that has two or three more characters. I went with yandere, since it's Halloween....the theme just fits. 😈
Halloween Special 2022 (Pt. 2) Note: Some of the words are black to match the character theme. I suggest turning on a lighter setting, if you use a dark one like I do. Note 2: This is OG Michael Myers, since I only write with OG Michael. Just fyi darlings!
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ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ᴍʏᴇʀꜱ
~Will stalk you constantly.
~He's so good at hiding- you never spot him, unless he wants to make himself known to you.
~Finds that he enjoys the look of terror or shock on your face when you do see him for the first time.
~The police will never find him, darling, if he was good at hiding before, they're definitely never gonna find him now.
~Anyone that even looks at you a strange way are going to be dead the next day.
~It's all over the news....
~Michael doesn't even know what he wants. He knows he wants you, but what does he want with you? This feeling is so new and strange to him....
~And the more he explores that feeling, the more it grows.
~...You often have a feeling that somebody is in your house, watching you....
~Look darlings not only do you get a Halloween special but I just gave you a performance :D
~Anyone that gets in the way will get murdered.
~You sometimes find items on your table that you wanted from the store (but were probably too expensive to buy) when you wake up
~Michael saw you looking at it for two seconds, so now it's yours.
~He follows you around like a lost puppy, and you're aware of it, now.
~You could straight up walk up to him and he'd just look down at you, tilting his head curiously.
~Now he REALLY won't leave you alone.
~Michael just likes to....exist around you, honestly. He doesn't bother you too much at all, so as unnerving as it is having him watching you all the time, you can be sure he's not going to do anything to you.
~Sometimes (almost every time) he'll block the doorway when you're going somewhere. He wants to know where you're going, who you're seeing, ect.
~He follows along, of course, without you even knowing.
~If Michael witnesses you getting a bit too close to somebody, he will be furious...
~Now you're going to be trapped in your house when you come back.
~You can't escape.
~He'll catch you if you do.
~Literally never leaves you alone. He almost seems clingy or like he has separation anxiety.
~Overall, he's a pretty tame yandere, honestly. Don't piss him off and you're fine. Michael is pretty calm.
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Jå§ðñ Vððrhêê§
~Remember when I said Michael seems like he has separation anxiety? Yeah. Jason has it even worse
~When he was first trying to kill you, you either tried to stay calm in the situation and he found that gentle and attractive, or you fought back and didn't take crap from him, and while it pissed him off for a while, he still ended up finding that tough and attractive.
~Jason's quite shy, actually. He'd run off if you tried approaching him, unless you two were in an actual relationship.
~He can feel incredibly touch starved and neglected at times. Very clingy.
~Jason would immediately kill anybody that tries to flirt with you. He thinks it's disgusting. Did you like it? Were you enjoying it? He thought you liked him. Clearly you don't.
~He was going to try using his tragic backstory to guilt trip you (how was he gonna use it against you when he never even says a word? who knows 🤡), but when he started doing so, he found that thinking about it that much really upset him.
~Mental breakdown time 🤪
~Jason gets very self conscious, causing him to be jealous easily.
~He really just wants you all to himself. He's so lonely. He feels like a monster. He misses his mother. You give him so much comfort, so he wants to keep you.
~Why would he let go of the one bright thing in his miserable life?
~Jason will definitely be your secret admirer at first, watching you from afar and killing any lovers that you may have, killing any friends, ect. He wants you and you alone. Nobody else can get in the way.
~Overall, Jason is more desperate than Michael- Michael is more patient, and Jason wants you now. Jason is very codependent, very clingy....
HEHAHDHHAHSHA SORRY FOR POSTING IT LATE DARLINGS!!! Yesterday was a pretty bad Halloween for me, unfortunately :(but writing this made me feel a bit better!
I also kept the headcanons a bit short, so people are forced to be hooked and request more yandere slasher content LOL
PART 2. OF THE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL COMING SOON!! The characters in the second part are gonna be so fun!
Join my Chat/Roleplay Server! Here, you'll get updates on my videogame/fanfiction, make friends, and meet new roleplay buddies!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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lolitastories · 2 years
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Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.
Chapter 2:
“Our IronBorn and Dornish allies were attacked on route to Dorne '' Daenerys says as we enter the chamber of the painted tables. “As you know of course” she turns to offer me a chair which I refuse. “Two or three ships escaped. The rest sunk or were captured.Same could be said about Ellaria and the Greyjoys.”
“So with the unsullied taking over an abandoned place. Greyjoys and Ellaria’s support are gone, what are you planning to do?”
“The unsullied will return and with the dothroaki we still have enough men to take over King's Landing” I nod. I get up excusing myself and make my way to the sand. Above a cliff I watch as my people train.
“I don’t mean to disturbed you” I turn around coming face to face with Jon. I give Malakho, my personal dothraki a nod. It was okay for him to leave, I can protect myself.
“What can I do for you-” I didn’t know if to refer to him as your grace or lord. He responded to both in the throne room “Your grace?”
“Jon is fine” he moves beside me looking ashore. “Back home, have you ever seen a place like this before?”
“We have our shores but no, nothing like this before.” I turned to Jon and we both locked eyes. “What can I do for you Jon?” I always thought our eyes and hair were the darks it could ever get but when I looked at Jon this close I stood corrected. His eyes were black, filled with so much pain and responsibilities yet the slight hint of a child is all I can focus on.
“I came out here to brood over my failure to predict the Greyjoy attack. You two are making it difficult.” Our gaze moved to Tyrion walking up to us. “I am sorry if I interrupted princess” he looks over to Jon “Jon” I couldn’t help but smile at his antics
“You’re not interrupting Tyrion” I smile turning my eyes to the shore again
“I'm a prisoner on this island.” Jon quickly remarked
“I wouldn't say you're a prisoner on this island. You're free to walk the castle, the beaches, to go wherever you want.”
“Except for my ship. They took my ship.”
“I wouldn't say we took your ship.”
“I'm not playing word games with you. The dead are coming for us all.”
“Why don't you figure out what to do about my missing fleet and murdered allies, and I'll figure out what to do about your walking dead men.
“ It's hard for me to fathom. It really is. If someone told me about the White Walkers and the Night King–” I turn to look at him. Stress as he pushes his hair back shaking his head. “How do I convince people who don't know me that an enemey they don't believe in is coming to kill them all?”
“Good question.” Tyrions responds
I know it's a good question. I'm looking for an answer”
“People's minds aren't made for problems that large. White Walkers, the Night King, Army of the Dead, it's almost a relief to confront a familiar monster like my sister.”
“I need to help prepare my people for what's coming. I can't help them from here. I'd like to leave.”
“It seems unlikely that you became King in the North by giving up that easily.” Jon turns towards me now. “A man I heard about in the North doesn’t add up”
“Everyone told me to learn from my father's mistakes. Don't go south. Don't answer a summons from the Mad King's daughter, a foreign invader. And here I am. A northern fool.”
“We are not our fathers. Thankfully” I look at Tyrion with a smile as he only nods his head in agreement. “Daenerys could have sailed for Westeros long ago but she didn't. Instead she saved many people from horrible fates, some of whom are on this island with us right now.” My people “While you're our guest here you might consider asking them what they think of the Mad King's daughter. She protects people from monsters, just as you do. That's why she came here. In this time her priority is the queen, she is not to head north to fight an enemy she's never seen on a word of a man she doesn't know after a single meeting”
“She is right. So King in the North, is there something we can do to help?” Jon looks towards Tyrion and nods. On hearing his request we move towards the chambers again.
“So.” My mind was somewhere else as we waited for Daenerys to show up. “Princess?” I could see a faint smirk on his face. I sat across from him as Tyrion and Varys were speaking at the other end of the table. I didn’t say anything. Just sat there staring back at him. “I heard stories about you too. A warrior leading their people across the sea with the mother of dragons. The daughter of the Great Khal is it?”
“Is that the reason that makes you a princess? Khal is some sort of King?”
“No” I responded planly. In his expression I knew he was waiting for more but I just stood my ground.
“Okay. So you said you were from the unknown lands but Dothrakis have their own lands. Omnis right?”
“Yes” I was holding back a smile as was he.
“I can only guess you didn’t grow up with Khal, You were taking in by a family or maybe you are married which somehow-”
“No” he was thinking too much. But then again he didn’t have all the information.
“Dragonglass?” We turn as the doors open.
“Yes. Volcanic glass, obsidian. He says you have a tremendous amount of it here.” Tyrion responds waiting for Daenerys to take a seat.
“Why are we talking about glass? We just lost two of our allies.”
“Which is why I was speaking to Jon Snow, a potential ally.”
“And what does the King in the North want with Dragonglass?” The same question is running in my head.
“Apparently it can be turned into weapons that kill White Walkers and their foot soldiers, or stop them, destroy them. I'm unsure of the nomenclature.”
“And what do you think of this Army of the Dead and White Walkers and Night Kings?”
“I'd very much like to believe that Jon Snow is wrong, but a wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it.”
“Which wise man said this?”
“I don't remember.”
“Are you trying to present your own statements as ancient wisdom?”
“I wouldn’t doubt that but if or not that truly is an uncertainty” I stand up making my way to her. “He has every reasonnot to come here. As probably advised by his people, but we don’t lose anything by letting him mine what he finds''
“Let him mine the Dragonglass. If he's wrong it's worthless. You didn't even know it was here. It's nothing to you. Give him something by giving him nothing. Take a step toward a more productive relationship with a possible ally. Keep him occupied while we focus on the task at hand. Casterly Rock.” Tyrion whispers quietly.
“Very well. Lead the way Y/N.” I nod moving towards the door while Jon stays closely behind.
“This way your grace” Malakho walks ahead for him to follow.
“Thank you princess” I rolled my eyes making our way down to the shore. A long path guides the way to a cave. The sun can be seen coming down along with the wind. These are the cleanest winds I have felt.
“Gather yatholat alikh chomak. Kisha tikh zigereo eyak” I tell Malakho. He hands Jon the torch and turns to leave. I sent him to get more men to start mining.
“So are you going to tell me how you came to be a princess?” We walk into the cave taking in the walls and continue on looking for the so-called Dragonglass.
“Khal is my father but not the one who raised me. We moved to the unknown lands and that is where I grew up. My father is ruler of Omnis”
“So you are a basterd?” I look at him noticing the horror in his face “I apologise. I shouldn’t have said it that way?” I laugh shaking my head
“There is no such thing as a bastard in my land. That doesn’t change the fact that it feels wrong becoming one of them”
“Is that why you choose to lead your people with Daenerys?” I shake my head “So why are you here?”
“You asked too many questions now it's my turn” I stop and turn towards him. I could see a slight glimer on one of the walls. So if we got closer we would get distracted and I wanted to know more about the King in the North first. “How did you become King, yout grace?”
“My father was beheaded. Lady Stark and my older brother Robb were ambushed at my uncle's wedding. With the help of wilding and the night watch we took over my home, Winterfell, which was being ruled by the Boltons. Another family” he explains. To many names and too many things have happened already. “The houses of the north came together and voted me as king”
“But you don’t want that title” He shakes his head. “Why not?”
“Because in this land a bastard means somthing. I am not a Stark. Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa”
“Yet I believe this has more to do with the word bastard than what other people think” I look at him. “The word bastard has been what you were branded as and you seem to take that to heart. You fight for your family, would die for your family, hell travel all this way for your family and continue fighting for them yet you think you are still not worthy” I move close catching his gaze. “And I most certainly feel like your sister Sansa and any relative you may have left love you as a real brother, a nephew, a son, a cousin, and for that a King” I see all thoughts, mainly doubts in his mind. “Should we continue?” He clears his throat, moving to look behind me.
“Yes'' He moves past me and I follow. He moved the torch towards the wall, right to left. The so-called Dragonglass glimering with the light. “We are going to need a lot of men, '' I nod. He continued on his own as I stayed by the entrance waiting for the men to show up.
“Did he find what he was looking for?” Daenerys says walking down the path.
“He found more than he was looking for '' I motioned for her in. Jon appears and tells her to follow.Messandei and I stayed behind outside the cave waiting until they showed up again.
“You like him” I look at her and see a slight smile on her face. “You and him share a kind of stare that can hide millions of emotions. But I swear I saw a light glimer in your eyes when you look at him” I roll my eyes shaking my head.
“That is crazy. I just met the guy, I don’t even know anything about him” Another roll of eyes but this time from her.
“Have you ever heard of love at first sight?” Now that I laughed too. There is no way I am interested in him and there is no way she can tell. I mean yes he has some characteristics that I admire in a person and he didn’t look bad but come on, love? Of course not. “Deny it all you want but I know love, and even if you don’t release it now, you will soon enough” I shake my head. I was about to make a reference to a grey worm when Tyrion catches my eye.
“Where is our queen?”
“With Jon,” Messandei responded. I catch his worry.
“We took Casterly Rock” I let out a sigh. I would say happy news but I have a feeling there is more to that. “They knew we were coming” I tell Messandei to call Daenerys up, she is not going to like the news.
“Where are you going?”
“To prepare the Dothraki, I have a feeling we are closer to another fight” And I was right. Fully prepared to go to a fight, Daenerys sends us to meet up with the queens brothers in the fields of kings landing.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Hayley Marshall Kenner Quote RP Meme
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inspired by @badasshybridqueen​ @paststories​
I'd rather rip your mother's head off.“
“Why are you trying to fix your family when it’s clear so much of it is broken.”
You are all class.“
Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you.”
Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy.“
You want to help me? Help my people.“
All knocked up and nowhere to go.“
"Make art. Use your voice. Have adventures. And have at least one totally epic love. And be every bit of yourself."
“Who the hell are you?”
“I love you. I always have loved you.”
“i’m here as a mom.”
“He died loving me despite it.”
“I realized I wasn’t just protecting myself.”
“Everything I do is for her.”
“Too bad, i forgive you.”
“That’s what family does, we fight for eachother.”
“I never knew that I could love something so much. It’s scary like it migt kill me.”
“If i died and someone through a part, I would be so pissed.”
“Want to say that again and see what happened?”
“Just tell me who you want me to kill.”
“Or maybe I stopped running.”
“She can go home.”
“In your paranoid mind, no one can be trusted.”
“Don’t you get it. your the threat.”
“Let me check his calender- wait, not his wife.”
“I have claws.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,”
“Fight back.”
“I will make them suffer for this.”
“But you will be forgotten.”
“I feel like we are connected somehow.”
“You guys done? This mucho stuff is cute and all but don’t make me come kick both your asses.”
“Ew, no never.”
"And I want to make you a promise, three things that you will have that I never did. A safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you no matter what."
I'm sorry that it takes me being in danger for you to even talk to me.“
Just for once, would you please trust me that I say I will do something and it will get done?“
“you want more?”
“my pleasure.”
“I have tried to play nice. But the last month of pregnancy is all hormones and mood swings. so unless you want me to snap your arm like a twig, I suggest that you tell me what is going on.”
Hey there, witch bitch.“
“I know you were just using me as a way of saving your people, but try it again and I will kill you.”
You will not take my baby. I will kill all of you.”
Have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months?“
Well, every good story needs a wicked witch. It'll be all the more satisfying when we melt her.“
"And you have hit your complaint quota for the day. Congrats, ou Are officially the worst."
"I want you to know that I didn't marry you for all of those people. I married you for me."
Awesome. Then we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you two both realize that I'm capable of taking care of myself.”
They want a seat at the table, and if they don't get one, I can guarantee that you'll all regret it.“
If we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it over with.“
Over the years I've had my share of friends, enemies, lovers, losses and triumphs. With time they all begin to run together. But you will find the real moments are vibrant. The rest just fades away. Your pain will fade.“
I saw the way you looked at me before and the way you look at me now. I was a mother, now I'm a monster. Things are different now. You can't tell me that they're not.“
I'm gonna go find our daughter.”
So you're having weird, retro sex dreams. Get over it. I'm staying.”
You will not believe the crap day that I'm having.”
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abbysanders2000 · 2 years
Embarrassment at its finest (David x reader)
Just a wee David x reader to start off the day. Y/n decided to test her luck with Davy. We'll see how far she gets. Enjoy my beauties!!
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Now when you think of vampires you think of your typical movie monster. Blood fangs coffins all that jazz. But do you ever think about them being flirty little bastards? So much so it gets a little embarrassing?
That's how Y/n felt each time she was out on the boardwalk with her boyfriend David. He wasn't a very touchy feeling person by no means but the people of Santa Carla were damn sure gonna know that she was HIS girl. No one else's
Either it was little nips on the neck or a little squeeze of the rear David always found a way to make Y/n's face turn a very nice shade of red. At times she found it to be a little embarrassing. Tonight however would be different. After all what goes around comes around.
David and Y/n were sitting on a bench waiting for the others to catch up. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulder as he looked away trying to spot his brothers. Y/n took this opportunity to strike. She snaked her arms around his middle.
David didn't turn to look at her. He figured she just wanted a hug or was cold. Wrong! Y/n began a trail of kisses starting from his collarbone all the way up to his jaw.
"What's gotten into you tonight kitten?" He asked a small smirk forming on the side of his mouth. "Can I not kiss my boyfriend?" She asked tilting her head to the side slightly.
"I never said that. But don't you think this much in public is a bit... well much?" "But it's fine when you squeeze my ass in front of everyone?" She smirked. That shut him up.
"Dude are we interrupting something?" Paul asked as they finally decided to show. "Looks like the beginning of a steamy make-out session." Marko said.
Even though David couldn't blush it still did Y/n good to see that look on his face. "Are you two chatty Cathy's ready to go?" David grumbles in annoyance.
Dwayne couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on kids let's go." He said as he held Laddie's hand. Y/n hums as she gets up from the bench. She has a little strut about her as she walks beside David. Occasionally she'd reach over and ever so slightly pinch his side and upper half of his leg.
David clenched his jaw tightly. He was dying to teach her a lesson right here in front of everyone but held it in. What really chapped his ass was the fact that Y/n got on Marko's bike and not his. That little shit!
Marko was picking up on what she was doing. He taught her well in the art of messing with peoples heads. It almost made him want to cry he was so proud. He revs up his bike as the small family make their way home.
On the way home Y/n was thinking of ways to seal the embarrassment she inflicted upon her boyfriend. Once parked she got off the bike and looked at Marko. "Got any ideas to put the icing on the cake?" She asked.
"I thought you'd never ask sis." He smirked as he motions for her to come closer. She leans down so that he can whisper in her ear. She bit her lip in an attempt to keep from giggling but a little giggle escaped her lips.
David looked back at them as he got off of his bike. "Wanna enlighten me on what's so funny kitty?" He asked. Y/n was quick to shake her head. "Nothing Davy."
Oh but it was indeed something. She slowly but surely made her way over to her mate. She said a little prayer in her mind before she got fully to him. His back was turned to her as he walked in the cave.
Once they all were in and the barrels were lit up is when she made her move. 1..2..3
David's eyes widened as his mate giggled madly as she ran off to find a place to hide. His icy blue eyes were now yellow. "Y/N!!!!!!! GET YOUR LITTLE ASS BACK HERE!"
All three brothers were in the floor laughing. "I can't believe she did it!" Marko laughed. "That was priceless man! Did you see the look on his face!" Paul laughed holding his stomach.
Dwayne shook his head as he finally stopped. "It's not every day someone slaps David's ass."
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quartzalynlove · 2 years
The Monster
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
Summary: you tell Steve something as the two of you are dying inside of a monster
Warnings: none
A/n: my other Steve one shot from yesterday decided not to space out my paragraphs so if that happens again I'm sorry🥲
This wasn't happening; this wasn't how it was going to end. Not alone in a giant monster with your friends nowhere to be seen.
The monster got you and Steve, and before it's mouth closed you off from the outside of the upside-down, the boys promised they'd get you out of there. You were running out of time; the stomach was slowly closing in on the two of you, preparing to digest. Steve spent the last God knows how long trying to punch and kick his way out, and by now you had exhausted all of your options. You couldn't reach the boys over the walkie-talkie and you had no logical idea for how to escape, so you sat down on the slimely stomach lining of the monster and curled yourself into a ball.
"I can't believe this," you said. "We're gonna die in here!"
Quickly, Steve turned around, pointing at you. "No, okay, we're not gonna die; I'm gonna get us out!"
Coming face to face with your own mortality, you began to cry. You just got out of high school; you had your whole life ahead of you and it was about to end thanks to an inter-dimensional monster that no one other than you and your friends knew existed.
"How, Steve; how are you getting us out of here? Because from where I'm standing, you've gotten a foot closer and haven't made a scratch on that thing!"
Steve kicked at the stomach some more before sighing and leaning his back against it. You were right; you always were. The both of you quite possibly could die in there, and there was nothing he could do.
Your school life was flashing back in your mind. You looked at Steve, hopeless in front of you; the same way he looked when you first met him. He wasn't "The King Steve Harrington" from the last three years; all of his friends had left him, and you never had any to begin with.
He wasn't looking for any new friends when he saw you, he just found a table at lunch with the least amount of people, the only one being a girl with colorful knee high socks and glasses, staring absently at her table as music played through her Walkman.
You noticed as Steve sat down in front of you, but didn't react, not wanting trouble. However, trouble still seemed to find you.
Ophelia Winters and her gang eyed you from their table with jealousy. Steve might’ve lost every ounce of street cred he had, but he was still the hottest guy at Hawkins High. Some of the more shallow girls still supported him, even though he had changed; they continued to put down Nancy so he would notice them. He didn't, but they still tried, and from where they were sitting, you were moving in on their turf.
Ophelia and her two friends moved over to where you sat. Her friends took the seats next to you, and Ophelia told you to move.
"You're in my seat, four eyes."
You looked up at her, your lips parted but afraid to speak. She rolled her eyes and pushed you, making you fall to the ground as she took your seat.
"I said move, freak!"
Steve frowned, "Hey, what are you doing, Opie?" He gestured towards you.
Ophelia blinked her baby blue eyes at Steve and feigned concern. "No one's heard from you all summer Stevie, I just wanted to check in."
Steve rolled his eyes, sighing. "Give her the seat back, Opie."
Ophelia glanced over at you, now standing by the table. She shook her head.
"You don't wanna sit with her, she's—"
"Ophelia!" He pressed.
Ophelia saw that Steve wasn't messing around; her shallow brain couldn't comprehend why he wanted to be with you instead of her. It wasn't even about liking either of you romantically; one of you were just downright evil, and it was unnecessary.
Pouting, Ophelia stood up from your seat, calling her posse to go back to their own table.
You thanked Steve, almost silently, sitting back down. He shook his head, saying it was no problem before asking for your name, and from there the two of you were best friends.
It was great, getting to know Steve for who he really was and having someone who made an effort to know you. He learned all of your favorite things; he knew how to make you laugh, calm you down, and what to say to apologize. You were the most important person in Steve's world; his first real friend in a long time. You didn't use him, you just wanted to be with him.
Some nights when you slept over, it felt like you two were the only people in the world, and time stood still as you laid on his bed, blasting music from the radio, and now that wouldn't happen anymore.
You were very aware of your time, and it was running out. You were starting to have regrets; a few months into knowing Steve, you started to develop feelings for him. Every single thing he did, every stupid laugh, every dorky smile; every time he looked at you with those big, brown doe eyes; it gave you butterflies. You didn't say anything, too afraid to ruin what you already had, but who said it would ruin anything? Now you were going to die, missing the opportunity to fall in love with your best friend. You threw your head back and laughed; that was classic you, always ruining everything for yourself because of your own worries.
Steve looked at you quizically; you had gotten even closer now, legs almost touching.
"What?" Steve asked.
You sniffled, wiping your tears before looking at Steve. "Nothing, it's just...I guess I can stop stressing myself out, deciding whether to ask you out or not."
Steve's eyes widened, not sure he heard you correctly. Truthfully, he liked you too. Your music taste, your sense of humor, the way you dressed; even the way you said his name. He was in love with you; everything you thought was dorky about yourself he found adorable, and he never let you be hard on yourself because he didn't want you to see yourself as anything less; you were everything in his eyes.
"You— what?" A smile tugged at his lips.
You chuckled dryly. "What, are you dense, Harrington? I like you...I have since senior year."
"You have?" Steve said, feeling like an idiot for never realizing.
"Mhmm," you nodded, looking around, "But, doesn't matter now I guess; I can't believe I blew my chance with King Steve Harrington." You smiled sadly.
The monster's stomach constricted tighter and was tightening faster. You and Steve had at least a foot between you. He looked at you, then your lips; it was probably poor timing, but, then again, there's no time like the present.
"Hey, Y/N,"
You turned your attention back to him, and, within a second, Steve's lips were on your's. You felt your heart skip a beat as one of his hands rested on your arm and the other on your cheek.
When he pulled away, you had the biggest smile on your face
Steve smiled softly. "If we're gonna die, your smile's the last thing I wanted to see."
You smirked. "Yeah, well, I think I wanna die kissing you."
You leaned in again, like you had to anymore; the monster's stomach was practically pushing the two of you together. As it got tighter, you only focused on Steve; how soft his lips were and his hair as you tangled your fingers in it. Your bodies were pressed together, and, suddenly, the monster began to shake. You both thought the end was close, so you didn't pull away until you felt yourselves fall on the ground, covered in fluids from the monster.
Steve took the harder fall, you placed a hand on his chest while his held you from behind.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
Steve smiled. "Yeah...I'm fine."
Dustin cleared his throat, dramatically, from behind you two.
You rolled over and helped Steve sit up.
"What were you guys doing?" Lucas asked, disgusted.
You and Steve laughed. "How did you get us out?"
Mike and Lucas stepped to the side revealing Eleven, her nose was bleeding.
"We found El."
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kuronanox · 3 years
Accept MY Love - Zenon Zogratis
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(Authors note: First off I really wanted to say thank you to everyone that has stuck around and enjoy my book! I’ve reached 20k! I know it may not be a lot but I’ve enjoyed writing black clover and it’s always nice to have support! And second this is my first time writing Zenon so if he’s a little OC... mind ya business haha)
She was given to him as a toy, his servant, slave. She didn't want to be labeled or cared for it, all she wanted was an escape plan. She was weak, a girl picked off the streets for her looks as she was told.
(Your Name) was sitting hugging her knees staring out of the window. The pale snow falling onto the ground effortlessly. "Women." Zenon says from across the room but she refused to look at him. After a few more minutes he roughly grabs her face and she struggles to pull away. "Don't touch me!" She screams as he quietly loses patience with her.
Zenon strikes her right cheek as she gasp and fell to the floor. The blood spilling from her mouth as she looks up to him in fear. "You monster, just get rid of me already! Kill me if you must!"
"Clean yourself up and lay in bed." He says before walking out.
Sniffling she cleans the wounds and takes a bath, the warm water was welcoming especially since the snow had been falling all day.
Taking the only belonging shes had left which was a few clothing and a personal journal she set it hidden under the bed.
Zenon doesn't say a word as he calms his head a bit.
This women had the nerve to defy him and all he could do was snap her neck to end it all.
"It's time for bed." He tells her as she carefully walks into the bed before he stops her. "This isn't the attire I gave you."
A fear comes across her face as she backs away from him. Zenon roughly tears her clothing off, they fall one by one as she picks up the pieces. "These were all I had left of home." She whispers as he hands her something more revealing to wear.
"You are to obey me."
(Your Name) angrily looks up to Zenon and slaps him across the face. "This gives you a reason to kill me now."
Zenon darkly smiles to himself. Oh how he liked to torture her.
"Bedtime." Is all he says and drags her into the bed next to him.
Zenon happened to walk past her home when he saw her. She was shining in the snow and her beauty was mesmerizing.
Carrying the fire wood for some elderly she was smiling kindly to them. Zenon was surprised how gentle he was feeling. He hated it. Why did this women make this affect on him?
He wanted her... no he needed her. For what? He had yet decided but he got what he wanted.
The way she smiled and effortlessly showed kindness was something he could never do. Zenon wanted that from her. That's when he decided she was going to be his.
Zenon was one to rarely sleep these days, he wasn't known to having a women in his bed unlike his brother. The first few nights she refused to sleep so he had to knock her out. Looking at her reflection from the moon her weight had drop dangerously low. The cold wind blew into the room as she shivered and turned away from him.
His body moved unwilling from his mind as he covered her with more blankets.
Zenon craved love, he didn't know how to describe the feeling. To be cherish or a warmth that was never settled in him. He wanted that affection from her yet everything he asked of her she refused.
Tracing her hair to her shoulders he kissed it softly till he craved her body and bit down harshly.
(Your Name) yelled in pain as he held her body close to his. Removing his teeth from her shoulder the thick blood fell as he licked them away. The look in his eyes scared her. He was enjoying giving her the pain.
"You are tempting women." Zenon lustfully whispers as she throws the covers off and tries to find the closest exit.
"At this point I don't even care how I die."
(Your Name) looks towards the window and back at Zenon. She tries to run out the window to end her misery in this room of his. Zenon wouldn't allow it as he grabs her back knocking her out cold.
That night Zenon dreamed of them as they happily lived together and how she was happy with him. He dreamt that they were making love from the pureness of their hearts. How hot she felt around him and the ecstasy they both felt from the closeness of their bodies.
Until it turned into a nightmare of her blood running thick in his hands as she laid lifeless in his arms. Her cold eyes staring up at him, blaming him for her death. She was trapped.
Zenon wakes up in cold sweat as he looks around to find her sleeping soundlessly again next to him. She was uncharacteristically cuddled up next to his body for warmth.
The next morning there was food laid out for her but no sign of Zenon, this was the best part of the day for her. She was alone and not being watched like a hawk. (Your Name) chows down the food, she was starving. The only time she refused to eat was when he ordered her to.
(Your Name) was curious to why he picked her, his brother Dante had many beautiful women surrounding him. Everytime she hoped he would trash her out already but he refuses each time she brings it up or if Dante tells him his 'toy' was boring.
"There has to be a reason."
The door opens as he walks in and changes out to more comfortable clothes. (Your Name) avoids his eyes staring at her as she clears her throat and set the empty tray out the bedroom.
Walking back to the window seat she watches the snow fall again. There was nothing to do, no fun. Her family was gone and she wouldn't dare try to talk to Zenon like she knew him.
"Are you not happy?" He asks her making his way to the window as she softly laughs and grits her teeth.
With venom in her voice she says "clearly I'm a prisoner and there's nothing to do here."
Zenon gently grabs her head and kisses her neck softly from behind.
"Stop it." She whispers as he lightly sucks on the precious skin.
"What will make you happy."
Her eyes widen as she turns her head to look back at him, he was emotionless. The look of his eyes held no warmth or comfort. It was as if he lived everyday to die.
"I want to leave! I want to go home! I'm sure there's other girls who would rather be in my position!" She raises her voice to Zenon as it slightly cracks from fear.
"She wants to leave me, I can't understand why she is so unhappy? I give her food, shelter and all the attention but she refuses everything!"
Zenon eyes grew dangerously dark as he kicked the chair across the room and dragged her to the bed wrapping his hand around her neck. She protested the whole way.
"Do I not give you everything you need?" He asks in a low voice as she swallows the lump in her throat and he finally loosens the grip around her neck massaging her bruised hickey.
"I don't want everything Zenon." She whispers back with tears falling from her eyes.
He lets go and kisses her tears away as he leaves the room locking it behind him.
(Your Name) finally manages to pull herself together when he left the room, her hands were shaking from the anxiety she got from his close they were. Truthfully she was scared he was going to choke her to death. Even though she wanted him to kill her she didn't have the guts for it.
Zenon was with his other two siblings as they mocked him in his misery.
"I told you to get rid of her, she obviously a nuisance to you." Dante says with a smirk as he shakes his head in disappointment.
"Or she can be my toy and I can torture her till she's crying to just end her life." Vanica suggest with amusement in her voice.
Zenon mentally rolls his eyes at his siblings, he was always the different one from the three.
"Don't tell me she's already begged you to kill her." Dante smiles deviously at Zenon who doesn't usher a word but let his silence speak for itself.
"Ahaha brother you sure are a cruel one!" Vanica says licking her lips before leaving the two behind.
"So what are you going to do? I suggest throwing her out in the snow and let the starving dogs get her."
Zenon gives Dante a icy glare as he makes his leave. Going to his sibling for help was not the brightest idea.
Back in the room (Your Name) was laying in bed and reading a book that Zenon had in his shelfs. It wasn't completely boring, the story she was reading at least but being trapped was driving her crazy. He walks in as she tenses up a bit.
Sitting beside her on the bed she backs away from him slightly.
They stare at each other in silence as she turns towards her book once more.
"You can't leave." He tells her as she covers her face with the book. She wanted to avoid his sorrowful gaze.
"Why me?" She whispers as Zenon lowers the book from her face and traces her facial features.
"You are the most exquisite creature I've ever laid eyes on. I have been enchanted by such beauty. I mean no harm to you but you refuse to accept me."
She looks at him sadly and holds his face.
"I can't give you what you need, I am terrified by you, if I am to be the light of your life it is not a gift but chosen by the heart."
Zenon holds her hand on his face before giving it a light kiss.
"Your fate as been determine, if I let you go my siblings will kill you but if you stay with me here in this room I can give you the ever most love in the world."
(Your Name) eyes fell, the light shining in them were gone. Did she want to be set free but die in the hands of his siblings are be in his company till she accepted his love.
She felt disgusted with herself as she answered him.
"I'll stay with you."
With a shaky voice he pulls her into his embrace as she fought to keep her tears in and he devilishly smiles to himself.
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aremie · 4 years
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 ;; Eren is dead, your friends are dead, Annie and Armin are probably starting a new life together, Levi and Mikasa are hiding together somewhere, and you are left alone. Left alone in misery, you try to bring Eren and your friends back to life by abusing the extent of your abilities.
𝗮 / 𝗻 ;; this is based on wandavision, some aot manga spoilers, ending is different, eren is crystalized, reader is twenty one here.
𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿 ;; reader has abilities like wanda maximoff, you have powers like chaos magic, manga spoilers, don't read if you don't want to be spoiled. Different ending from the manga, Eren is crystalized in this one, canon divergence. CHAPTER TWO here.
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IT WAS BLOODSHED everywhere and you can't seem to escape that. Its been two years since the departure of you and your friends. Jean and Connie turned into a mindless titan, Hanji was dead, Mikasa and Levi were MIA, Armin was nowhere to be seen, Annie's whereabouts were unknown and you were left alone.
You missed everyone but mostly Eren. You always dwelled into the past and thought what would have happened if you had just answered his question differently.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Eren had asked you while you struggled getting up the rooftop. The two of you had snuck out of your rooms to look at the sky but the time was random.
You, Eren, Mikasa and the others had just returned from a mission that involved titans. It was hard to say the least. You almost died due to a titan grabbing your right leg and almost crushing it but luckily, Eren was right there and saved you from your near death experience.
"Mhm." You hummed while Eren took his time to put his head onto your lap gently. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you two both cherished the moment.
It wasn't until you felt Eren sit back up that you felt something off about him. "N/N?" He asked in a childlike manner. "Hmm?" You looked at Eren's emerald eyes, noticing the sadness in his eyes. "What's wrong, 'Ren?" you asked softly.
The distressed brunette glanced at you and then asked, "Do you think i'm a monster?" And after saying that, you responded quickly. "No! Why would you think that?" You scolded him in a way a mother would scold their child.
You reminded him of his mother Carla in that very moment. From the way your tone was to how your hair and clothing apparel was like. You had your hair tied loosely, hanging on your right shoulder, a simple knee-length cream-colored dress and black boots to finish the look of.
He wonders what you both are gonna do once the war between the titans and the marleyans are gone. He sees himself working as a doctor like his father and you would be the mother of his children. But unlike his father, he'd do everything to protect you and his children. The only thing keeping him from doing this was the ymir curse.
"Use your power on me." Eren bluntly said, not knowing how crazy he sounded until he saw the confused and outraged look on your face. "Eren, What the fuck—?!" You shrieked, alerting half the people that were asleep.
"No, you completely got it wrong. I didn't mean it like that." Eren immediately defend himself, not wanting to get scolded. "Then what do you mean?" you asked, getting more confused. He then grabbed and held your hand.
"Tell me what you feel." He said as you used your ability. You felt nothing but pain, sadness, confusion and anger. It scared you. It didn't feel anything like your lover.
"So?" Eren asked but it didn't feel like a question. Its as if he was pleading for you to answer while you shook your head. "I just. . ." You didn't know what to tell him. What were you gonna say? "I just. . . I just feel you." You answered, noticing the pain in his eyes. Was it the right answer? You asked yourself.
"Oh. Alright then." Eren responded with pain laced with his voice. You wanted to ask him if he was alright but you already knew what the answer would be so you just stood there silently, waiting for the sun to rise.
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YOU FELT NOTHING but regret. If you had just answered his question differently then he maybe have stayed with you or maybe run away together and then no rumbling. You always wondered what the outcome would be if you answered differently. Multiple scenarios coming in your mind but almost everything that had came into your mind was too selfish.
You knew that what he was doing was right in a way. He was saving Eldia but what did it cost? It costed him everything. In another life, he probably would have lived with you peacefully until the end of his time.
If you were in his shoes, you probably would have chosen the selfish route in which Marley evades and kills all eldians but at least you had your happy ending, right? You knew that your thoughts were incredibly selfish which was why you tried acting like a selfish person. You tried to be a better person for Eren.
Which was why when you went to find Eren ina crystal, you decided to let it go even if it was hard. You tried living your life the way Eren would have wanted you to.
But all the efforts you had made was destroyed once a certain envelope was placed on your porch. You of course, the curious person you were opened the envelope that involved a map in it.
You then looked at the map and noticed a red mark placed onto a certain place. You wondered the importance of the marked place. Filled with hope that Eren might have escaped, you decided to go to the marked place.
Your hope and happiness was crushed when you saw a demolished cabin. It would have looked decent had it not been demolished. You saw a blueprint of the house which left you wondering why it was demolished when it looked absolutely breathtaking.
Looking at the final piece that was in the envelope, you noticed a letter that seemed to be written two or three years ago? You hesitantly opened the letter and was shocked to find the continents in it.
To my beloved,
To my very dear [Y/N], It has come to my senses that the war is nearing its end and yet, we have no plans for our future. I found this cabin while you were still in bed, healing after a titan almost crushed your leg. I was wondering what our lives are gonna be once this all ends.
Looking at this cabin, i suddenly realized. I want to spend my whole life with you. To marry you, and to have children with you. I swore to myself that i will protect you until the end of my time.
But i knew that it would be quite impossible with the things that has befallen us both. I always try to look on the bright side even if i know that my wishes and yours would be too selfish for the world. I want my last few years to be spent with you. I want to be selfish for once and be with you. But i know i can't.
You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. From the way you supported me and believed in me, to the way you defended me when the world was against me. When i first met you, i knew you were the one for me. As cheesy as it did sound, it felt like love at first sight.
So as a remembrance once i'm gone, this cabin will be your home. For you to grow old with.
Adieu, my love. May you live your life happily.
Ever yours, E.Y. — 853.
It was moronic, quite funny actually. All your efforts of living a life without Eren had been crushed and all it took was a stupid letter that was written three years ago.
You, being overcome by severe anguish, had a breakdown, causing you to unleash your abilities to an extent for the first time, forming a new reality around you, transforming the entire village into a more colorful and happy place filled with sitcom vibes.
You weren't thinking straight when you did that. Hell, you didn't even know you could do that. All these years, Levi and the corps had been trying to hide out these abilities but their efforts were also ruined. Just like your Efforts of trying to build a new life were.
It took you a few minutes to calculate what had just happened.
As you stood up, still not being over the letter, you noticed the Cabin rebuilt as you were inside it. You were confused and scared about what just happened. Did you do this? How? What are you going to do now? All these questions popped onto your mind but all of these were interrupted once you heard a familiar voice outside.
All of your hopes were back as you immediately headed outside and saw the man you longed for. "[N/N], you're finally here!" Eren happily said while you looked at him in denial. You must be seeing things. You told yourself.
"[Y/N]? Are you alright?" Eren asked while tears were filling your eyes. You then nodded as you snapped your fingers as your hair color and clothing changed from disheveled and random to a more curly and elegant hairstyle and a more housewife-ly dress.
Upon casting the spell you had unknowingly made, you engulfed yourself in your new reality, where you and Eren would go on to live happily together, daring to harm anyone who would try to ruin your perfect life.
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alj4890 · 3 years
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I have a few things I’m still working on. This weekend I had planned to write and post more, yet a family emergency completely destroyed that notion. Here’s some (longer than usual)  peeks into what I’ve been creating in case anyone is interested. I will be posting the next chapter to And The I Left You within the next couple of days. That series will be wrapping up soon and I’ll be posting for these next ones along with requests and such. The three I’m sharing are the Dark TRR AU All Through the Night, The Thomas Hunt Worth the Wait What If AU to this series, and my first Open Heart series, Mixed Signals
Tagging those who might want to see what’s coming next 😉
@gkittylove99​ @krsnlove @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg @twinkleallnight @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @iufilms​ @sophxwithers @flyawayboo​ @trappedinfanfiction​
All Through the Night
Cordonia's Royal Palace, 2 a.m.
"Heeeerah!” Olivia threw her daggers as hard as she could while doing a roundhouse kick.
The blades struck into the chest, head, and groin of the makeshift dummy.
She brushed the few strands of red hair that had escaped her hair clip out of her eyes. With a great deal of scrutiny, she studied her dagger placement.
"The one to the head needs to go deeper."
She spun around with a start at that all too familiar voice.
"You're late." She folded her arms and tapped her foot.
Liam rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. Had to stop off for a quick bite."
Olivia rolled her eyes. "That's not funny."
"Not that kind of bite." He teased, holding up a styrofoam box.
"Oh." She blinked in surprise. "I forget that you enjoy normal food too."
He chuckled at that. "There are certain foods that I don't think any man could ever give up."
Olivia decided to ignore that as she wiped the sweat from her face and neck. "Now that you're here, let's get the formalities over with."
"Very well." Liam gestured toward her. "You may go first."
She sat down on a bench lining one side of the palace gym. She motioned for him to join her.
"Not you!" She hissed when she saw his all too familiar guard.
Drake Walker bristled at her tone. His brown eyes clashed with her green.
"Give us a moment, please." Liam asked him.
"Don't let your guard down." Drake warned. "Remember, she's a Nevarkis."
Olivia tensed. "Perhaps you should remember what happened the last time you said something like that."
She quirked one eyebrow at the man and felt a sense of glee when he winced in memory.
His hand automatically drifted to his side where one of her daggers had once struck true.
With a quick bow to Liam, Drake stepped back out into the hallway.
Liam shook his head. "Are you two ever going to get along?"
"Stop talking stupid." Olivia snapped. "Now then, as you know...I must have my revenge."
"I know." Liam folded his arms and leaned casually against a column.
She eyed him for any sign of hatred.
It drove her crazy how unvampiric he could be.
He seemed almost human.
He seemed...kind.
A vampire is nature's evil incarnate. You can never trust a Rhys.
Those words had been drummed into her skull by her parents and then her aunt after their deaths by Constantine's hand.
And yet...Liam had done the unthinkable.
He had actually been a friend to Olivia.
The night after her parents' funeral, five year old Olivia had been sitting alone before the fireplace, weeping over them.
Her aunt had left her to deal with her own grief and to plan the next attack upon Constantine.
As she searched for a tissue, Olivia jumped back with a shriek at the little blonde haired boy that held the Kleenex box.
His eyes were filled with unshed tears as he handed her a tissue.
"Who are you?" She asked, remembering that a Nevarkis must always be brave.
"I'm Liam." He explained. "I wanted to...I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about your parents." He sniffed and took a tissue for himself. "My mom died too."
Olivia blinked and took a cautious step forward. "Are you...are you a vampire?!"
He nodded.
She whipped out the dagger her mother had given her and rushed at him.
Liam moved faster than she could comprehend, gently keeping her hand above her head.
"Let go of me, monster!" She ordered. "You're why I'm all alone!"
"I didn't do anything." He told her, anguish taking over his handsome features. "I don't want to hurt you or anyone."
"Liar!" She snapped. "That's what you do. Lie and kill." Her tears ran faster down her cheeks. "And now you'll kill me."
"I won't." He promised. "I swear I won't hurt you." He ignored his own tears trickling down his cheeks. His blue eyes burned with resolve. "My mother made me promise never to hurt a human."
Olivia shook her head. It had to be lies. Isn't that what vampires and monsters do? Lull you into letting your guard down so that they could have an easy kill.
"Your father will pay for what he did." She said, hoping to see his true, evil nature. "He must die!"
"I know." Liam slowly released her and took a step back.
Olivia watched in surprise as he sat down before her fireplace and pulled out a silk blue ribbon from his pocket.
He motioned for her to join him.
She slowly lowered herself down, dagger poised in her little fist in case he made a move.
"May I have your hand, please?" He asked.
He patiently waited on her to decide whether or not to give it to him.
She tentatively placed her hand in his.
His lips turned up into a relieved smile as he wrapped the ribbon over their joined hands.
"What are you doing?" She asked, lowering her dagger.
"Making a bond." He explained. "I, Liam Rhys, Crown Prince of the Dark Kingdom, promise to never seek out revenge and to end all vendettas against the Nevarkis family." His blue eyes held her green. "Just as my mother, Queen Eleanor wanted me to."
Oliva's lips parted. "You mean it?"
"I do." Liam's voice held a great deal of sincerity. "I would rather walk into the sun than not do as she asked."
"Oh." Olivia sniffed. She could understand that kind of devotion.
"Do you," Liam's cheeks colored. "Do you think we can be allies?"
"A Nevarkis will never be friends with a monster." She repeated the rhetoric that she knew by heart.
"But," Liam's shoulders slumped. "We're not all bad."
"All monsters are bad at heart."
"I'm not." He pouted. "I don't want to be."
"You're so weird." She muttered.
"Am not." Liam grumbled. "I hope I'm not."
Olivia looked down at their hands still bound together. "I guess since you promised something, I should too."
He didn't bother to hide his surprise.
She stuck her tongue out at him. "I, Olivia Nevarkis, The Crown Princess of Cordonia, swear that after I kill Constantine Rhys, I will lay down my weapons." Her brow furrowed. "I'll pick them back up though if you or any other monster tries anything."
Liam's smile grew. Before she could react, he tugged her into a quick hug.
"Now we can be friends!" He cheered.
"Friends?" She shook her head. "I'm a Nevarkis and you're a Rhys. We can't be friends."
"We will be." He vowed, jumping to his feet. "I have to go before Father finds out I've sneaked out. I'll try to come back in a few nights."
Olivia didn't have a chance to tell him whether or not she wanted him to. In the blink of an eye, he had jumped from her balcony and was already out the palace gates.
That had been the beginning of Liam's visits. Through the years, he had remained true to his promise. He did all he could to befriend her and never tried to sway her from seeking vengeance.
Olivia had once asked him how he could take her threat against his father so easily.
He had merely shrugged, explaining that he knew it was the way of things. His father had killed both her parents, while he had only lost one. He hoped she didn't since he did not wish to see his father or her dead.
Olivia had then told him again how weird he was, bringing another smile to his lips.
And now here he was again, calmly taking her promised vengeance well.
"So what business brings you here tonight?" She asked.
"Father thinks it is time I chose a wife." Liam responded. "I thought you should know that I will be spending more time in your kingdom to find one."
Olivia shot up off the bench. "What? But you promised to never hurt a human!"
"And I will keep true to that." He explained.
"But..." Olivia's brow furrowed. "You'll turn her into a vampire."
"Only if she wishes it." Liam explained. "I won't force her to make such a decision."
"I see." She began to pace while thinking. "You'll have vampire children."
"Only if she's a vampire." He reminded her. "Remember my brother."
Olivia paused. She had forgotten about Leo Rhys, The Great Disappointment of the Dark Kingdom. His mother had begged Constantine not to turn her. It had never been asked before, and in his mercy he had agreed. That was when they all discovered that a monster and a human could only produce a human child. In order for the heir to the Dark Kingdom to be a vampire, both parents had to be the same being.
"And you'll be fine having human children?" She asked. "If you're chosen bride refuses the Vampire's Kiss?"
"Of course." He responded.
"Lord, you're so weird." She muttered.
His smirk flashed. "Let's hope the woman I choose doesn't think so."
"Are there no women in your kingdom you can choose from?" She asked.
"I've looked." He shook his head. "It's hard to explain, but if one doesn't have an arranged marriage, then we must search until we see the one meant for us."
"And you somehow got weirder." She brushed her hands down her pants and held one out to him. "Good luck, I suppose."
"Thank you." He grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips. "I'll keep you updated on my progress."
"There's no need."
"Of course there is." He winked at her on his way out. "We're friends."
Her lips parted to once again remind him that they couldn't be. For some reason, she decided not to say it.
Liam had somehow wormed his way into her life and had become the closest friend she had ever had.
Worth the Wait (RCD/TRR What If AU)
Amanda grimaced once more over her swollen eyes. Thank goodness she had gone with waterproof eye makeup. At least she only looked swollen instead of a puffy eyed racoon.
Her stomach gurgled when Thomas opened the door.
She hid her face in her hands. "I'm sorry. I've not eaten since I threw up a muffin this morning."
He couldn't help but smile at her embarrassment. "You don't have to worry about what I think when that happens.
When she lifted her head, his eyes narrowed in concern.
"You've been crying." He gently took her face in his hands.
"Hormones." She wondered how she was able to say such a falsehood so easily.
His hands lingered, thumbs brushing her cheeks, then dropped to his sides. "I should forewarn you. Rachel and Stephen are here."
Amanda stepped back, nearly falling backwards off his front stoop.
Thomas caught her in his arms, turning them both until she was safely between him and a wall.
"Are you all right?" He could feel her heart thumping against his chest.
She nodded. "Just caught off guard." Biting her lip, she lifted her eyes to his. "Did you tell them about," she gestured toward her belly.
"I did."
"And they are thrilled with the knowledge that they will have a niece or nephew before the year is through.”
Amanda finally asked the question that was really bothering her. “Do they, of course they must, but do they hate me too much for my,” she took a deep breath, “for ending things between us?”
If Thomas was to go with how his sister had not only readily jumped into planning a wedding for them as well as becoming angry over his not proposing to Amanda yet, he seriously doubted she held anything against his ex.
“They don’t hate you at all.” He kept an arm around her waist. “Come inside.”
Leaning a bit closer than necessary to him for comfort, she allowed him to lead her to his living room.
Rachel jumped up and hugged her, pushing her brother out of the way. “I’m so excited!”
Amanda laughed when Stephen thanked her for getting pregnant.
“Now Rach will stop pestering me about getting a puppy or kitten. All her time will be spent in preparation of becoming an aunt.”
“We will get one of those if my niece or nephew wants one.” Rachel snapped at him.
She ignored his teasing grin and focused on Amanda. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” She lied.
“She suffers with severe morning sickness.” Thomas corrected.
Rachel’s brow furrowed. “Who is taking care of you?”
“Me.” Amanda said with a laugh that wasn’t quite sincere. “Servants, occasionally my friends, and of course Thomas when we are together.”
Rachel glared at her brother. “She needs help all the time.”
He glared back, knowing she was heavily hinting that they should get married.
“I’ll be fine. Hopefully by my next appointment it will have lessened.” Amanda said, wondering at their sudden irritation.
“And if it doesn’t?” Rachel continued to stare Thomas down.
“Then I’ll do what I have been doing.” Amanda shrugged. “I really don’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
She moved away from them to sit down.
“Some people have a choice.” Rachel muttered where only Thomas could hear.
Ignoring her, he asked Amanda what she felt like eating.
“I’m not sure. This baby and I have very different views on what I should eat." She tried to joke.
He had to stop himself from brushing her hair back from her face. That lopsided grin of hers had a way of making him feel the need to comfort her.
"I was thinking of taking you to The Palm for dinner."
Her surprise made him smile. It used to be one of their favorite places to eat. Thomas hadn't been there since they broke up. For some reason, he had gone ahead and made a reservation for them.
"The Palm?" Rachel leaned forward. "What kind of food do they have."
"Italian." Amanda smiled at him. "I have had a craving for tomatoes recently."
"Then hopefully you'll be able to enjoy a meal for a change."
"We'll go to the guest house and get cleaned up." Rachel tugged Stephen up out of his chair. "What time should we be ready?"
"You have thirty minutes." Thomas warned.
"Thirty?!" Rachel dashed out.
Stephen chuckled. "How long do we really have?"
"Forty-five minutes." Thomas replied. "But I know my sister and if i say forty-five, she'll take an hour or more."
Stephen snorted in amusement. "Yes, she will."
Once they were alone, Thomas sat down across from Amanda.
"The Palm." Her smile dimmed some over the memories of romantic evenings spent at that particular establishment. "I can't remember the last time we had dinner there."
"November." Thomas fought squirming when she looked up in surprise once more.
"I'm looking forward to it." Amanda said to break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen between him.
"So am I." He got up to get something to drink. He offered to get her something just to have something to do.
He could feel her eyes following him out of his living room. When he was out of eyesight he pinched the bridge of his nose. He still didn't know if he could risk his heart again. He knew she was leaving soon and that things between them were up in the air.
And he was wanting to settle once more into how they once were.
But then that would bring up whether or not they should go ahead and marry.
Should we? If it doesn't work out, how much more will it hurt to walk away from her and our child? To break the life I once dreamed of having with her...should I really jump into it without seeing if it's worth the chance?
He didn't know. He knew his fear was keeping him from so much. Yet...hadn't his fear kept him from horrible decisions in the past?
Or had it kept him from something great?
He prepared her a glass of ginger ale and brought it to her.
He grasped on the topic of what she planned to do once back in Cordonia while he debated on what to do.
Mixed Signals (Open Heart AU) exert
A few minutes later, Bryce motioned for her to follow him to the cafeteria. It was for the most part empty, save for a couple of doctors grabbing a late lunch.
"You want anything?" He asked.
"No thanks." She sat down at a table while he went to get a snack.
He grinned as he sat down across from her. "Here." He pushed a bag of peanuts toward her. "You should eat something."
Her nose wrinkled. "I haven't really got my appetite back yet."
She noticed the concern in his eyes so like her roommates' and knew she would have to force down some of it just to make it stop.
"So?" She tried not to gag on what once was her favorite go to snack. "How have you been?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He bit into a burger. "I mean," he said between bites, "of the two of us, you've been the patient."
"Yeah." She slumped some in her seat. "I wasn't too sick to talk on the phone though." Her eyes narrowed somewhat on his. "Or have visitors."
Bryce winced. "Sorry about that, Chris. I guess I didn't know what to say or do?"
"Really?" Her eyes narrowed more.
How often had she stressed to him within the past year that he was important to her, that she wanted to be with him. Then when he wouldn't say he wanted that too and reverted back to calling her a friend, she gave in to trying something with Ethan.
Only for both men to keep her on a yoyo string to pull back and forth whenever they needed her.
What do I see in them to keep swallowing my pride and allowing them to basically use me for sex whenever they want?
Chris was fed up. The longer Bryce stammered about his busy schedule and not wanting to disturb her rest, the more she wanted to chunk the peanuts at his stupid, much too handsome face.
She didn't even want the damn things. Might as well use them as a quick release to her frustration.
Her fingers curled around the bag. Her bicep tightened in preparation to throw them, when Sienna walked up.
Her friend's excited hug and squeals of seeing her at work again were what saved Bryce's overly confident face.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?!" Sienna sat down next to her. "I would have made celebration pancakes this morning!"
Chris couldn't stop from smiling. She could always depend on Sienna's sweetness to boost her mood.
"I didn't really decide until you had left for work. Then Farley came by to check on me and he wasn't feeling too good..."
She continued to tell her about his diagnosis of lime disease.
"Hate to break this up, but I have to get ready for surgery." Bryce smiled at them both. "Take it easy, Valentine. I don't want to have to operate on you next."
Chris bit back a bitter retort that he better hope she needed surgery. It would be his only chance to catch her naked again.
"Meet us at Donahue's later!" Sienna shouted. "We will celebrate Chris being back."
"There's no need." Chris began.
"Yes, there is!" Sienna squeezed another hug out of her. "My best friend is back with us and I'm over the moon about it!"
Bryce smirked at her. "She's right. We have to celebrate our friend's return."
Our friend. Chris despised the word, friend. Why did she keep placing her hope on him seeing her as something more than a mere friend?
And to make things worse, Ethan walked past.
"Dr. Ramsey!" Sienna called out before Chris could stop her. "Come have a drink with us tonight in honor of Chris's return!"
Ethan hesitated. That action nearly earned him peanuts in his much too handsome face too.
Gawd, I hate that look. The sad, yearning eyes. The slight frown. Man up and either say you want to date me or leave me alone for good! This back and forth is killing me worse than the poison did.
"Where at?" Ethan finally asked.
"Donahue's." Sienna beamed when he said he would try and stop by on his way home.
Chris mumbled a goodbye as Bryce left and Ethan headed off to find something to eat.
"Who else should we invite? I know Rafe is still too sick to get out." Sienna tapped her fingers on the table while scrolling through her contacts. "We can invite the rest of the diagnostic team and Ines and--"
"I'll send an invite to Tobias." Chris decided.
"Tobias? Who's...oh!" Sienna's eyes widened. "Dr. Carrick, right?"
"Yeah." Chris sent a text to him before she could think too much about it. "He did rush over with Aurora to try and save my life."
"I thought he was the enemy?" Sienna whispered while her eyes cut to Ethan. "Don't they have bad blood between them?"
"Something like that." Chris grumbled. "They can get over it."
Her phone vibrated with Tobias's response.
You want me to come deep into Edenbrook territory for a drink?
She snorted while answering.
Too scared, huh? And here I was longing for your company.
Well hell, Chris. I've never been able to refuse someone longing for my company. I'll be there. Just make sure no one sticks a scalpel in my back.
Don't worry. I'll protect you.
My hero.
Sienna leaned over, her eyes growing larger with each of their responses.
"Oh my gosh! You like Tobias!"
Chris's smile disappeared. "I don't hate him. But like like him? No."
"You're flirting in your texts!" Sienna giggled. "That is so cute. I haven't see you like this since our first year with--" she clapped a hand over her mouth.
"Uh huh." Chris pushed her chair back. "Anyway, I'll see you after work." She patted her friend's shoulder as she walked away. "Don't worry, I'm not upset with you over the name you almost said."
"Yeah, but." Sienna chased after her. "There is also another person who is interested in you."
"If you mean the one I think, then no. He made it perfectly clear this morning that we can't."
"No!" Sienna wrapped a comforting arm around Chris. "Why not?"
"He's still my boss." Chris mumbled. "And he won't abuse that. No matter how often he gives in to temptation."
"I think he's in love with you." Sienna whispered.
"Not enough to be with me." Chris grumbled.
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stxleslyds · 4 years
Finally I have read part one of the Red Hood story in Batman: Urban Legends!
This story is very interesting, we start with the Red Hood looking for the people who are providing Gotham with a new drug. This drug “Cheerdrops” has been passed around for weeks at this point and it has had devastating results among it's users. If you know Jason you understand that drugs are a big issue for him and one that he treats very carefully and seriously. 
As he interrogates people he arrives to the building where one of the dealers of this drug is supposed to be, there he finds a horrific scene, a boy is desperately trying to wake up his mother who appears to have overdosed in her bed. Jason is quick to call an ambulance and get in contact with Oracle in order to find the boy's father who is (as he finds out later) the man that he was looking for. 
Jason sees this scene and can't help but compare it to the time he went through this situation with his mom all those years ago, so he takes the boy with him so he can take him to his father, who Jason is hoping is a good man that had to sell drugs in order to help his family.
That's basically the premise of this first part of the story but now i will write about my thoughts on the specifics of the story.
The story begins with Jason giving a speech about fear and how it's used, 
"Fear. Its a tool, it's his tool. I never really adopted it, maybe because he kept that fear all to himself." Then he continues with "Never had to rely on it, had to work harder to take out the bad guys, had to be...more direct." he finishes that thought with "Rubber Bullets. So that fear doesn't get turned around on me."
I for one really liked this Fear speech, it does really sum up what the Batman does, he relies on the Fear that he imposes on Gotham's criminals and such while Robin on the other hand was never meant to work with fear, which is true.
It did remind me of the speech that Alfred gave in issue #10 of Under the Red Hood about how Batman works with fear and Jason had some thoughts on it, here is some of it, 
"Master Jason had a condescending practice of referring to the costumed criminals elements as 'dress ups'. He also noted that such individuals did not fear the Batman the way street thugs and mafioso did. The 'dress ups' did not believe he was a monster." "...the boy did say something to me that chilled me to the bone...even then. 'They all know he won't kill them.'"
Anyway let's go back to the actual comic I am talking about...
Jason speaks from his position as Red Hood in current time and says that he uses rubber bullets in order to keep the Bat at bay, the fear that the Bat uses against other criminals cannot be used against him if he plays within the Bat's rules.
As he was doing that he was actually trying to get info about who is making the drug but all he was able to get was who was selling it to the person he was interrogating. This drug is dangerous and Jason has to work fast. 
Here is where we see the first flashback scene, we see Jason in the cave before he was able to go out as Robin and he is not to happy about it. The art is very beautiful but sadly in these panels i found my first problem with the context of Jason becoming Robin and how Zdarsky seems to set Jason's feelings on the first Robin.
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It seems that Zdarsky is going for the “Jason believed Dick was the perfect Robin and no matter what he did he would never be as good as him” route, which fine ok, that's your right but, is it really necessary? I must admit i am a little tired of this particular thing because i adore the fact that when Dick and Jason first met they were fine with one another (even if a little wary at the very start). And the whole competitive and “i will never be as good as X person” is really tiring in the Robin/Batfamily fandom.
That problem is not as significant as the next one though.
Jason not thinking that Robin was “badass”. Well this is not only a bad take but it's completely OOC for Jason, no matter how you see it. From his first appearance as Robin to the flashbacks in Winick's UtRH and even through both of Lobdell's runs Jason has always loved the concept and the mantle of Robin as a child. 
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Batman v1, #385.
So that whole take is wrong, i don't like it and also who on this or any universe would rather call themselves Batboy? Honestly i hope this is never brought up again or i will cry. ((((Also in this house Robin will always be the name that Mary gave Dick and then he used as his hero name so it hurts a lot more))))
Also at the end of this first flashback Jason discovers a room full of firearms and is obviously surprised because Batman hates those so he asks why he has them, B responds that he has to understand how they work for his detective work, but that's not all he says, he also says this “...Guns are a coward's weapon, and we will not be cowards.”
Alright Mr. Zdarsky i see the irony... i also see the Daredevil / Punisher thingie right there.
Anyway we are now back to the present where we see Batman seeing the effects of the drug in one of its victims, after saving that person he takes some samples of the drug. We also get to see two police officers with different views on the “masks”, that's a nice way to set the story after the Joker War and before the Magistrate. 
Back to Jason, he seems to be struggling, he can't find the people making/providing the drugs in Gotham and is also doubting his skills, he tells a man that if the information that he gave him is incorrect he “will find him” followed with another internal speech full of self doubt, “...sure thing Red Hood, right now you can't even find a street drug. Half of Gotham's teenagers could find it no problem. You never were the best detective.”
Alright, so Jason feels insecure about his skills now? First you have pre-Robin Jason not feeling like he could be able to keep up with the first Robin and now, Jason as a grown man has doubts about the skills that he has used for a long while now? I mean, press X for DOUBT because UtRH showed us how much of a badass and extremely skilled he is. This man planed everything in order to turn the Bat's world upside down (and this story has references to UtRH so it definitely happened) and now he feels like he is not that good? 
Shit. i know where this is going, first the insecurities that he has already worked out... I can see it coming, the next big thing will be Daddy issues. Wonderful i hate it and i hope i am wrong because those “issues” are more than resolved, i know that's the only trope DC throws at Jason but honestly how different will it be this time?
Fine, lets move on. Jason finds himself in one of the apartments and what he sees is horrifying. Lying on a bed there is a woman completely catatonic with a horrible smile on her face and right next to her a terrified little boy.
Here is the best take on Jason's character so far. 
Realizing that the child is scared of the situation and the masked man that just came into his home Jason takes off his mask and reassures the kid that he is there to help, it's quickly made obvious that the woman has overdosed on Cheerdrops, he makes sure to call an ambulance for her stating that she seems to be in a  drug-related coma.
Its important to note that Jason is doing this as he is having troubling thoughts about how much this scene reminds him of the time he was in this little boy's (Tyler) shoes. Its hard for him but he soon realizes that he needs to make sure Tyler is safe. 
He asks Tyler if he has another parent, he does and his name is Andy, after taking a look around the house Jason deduces that maybe the father is also taking drugs so if the police comes they will surely take Tyler and put him in the system, this idea is not one Jason is fond of so he calls Oracle, he asks if she can locate Tyler's dad's phone, when she asks about the kid Jason says that he will be the one keeping him safe.
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Now we find ourselves back with Batman where he is investigating the components of Cheerdrops, he finds out that the drug is a modified version of Scarecrow's fear gas that gives the victim a sense of extreme happiness instead of fear.
Here we get confirmation of when in the timeline this story occurs, which is after the events of Infinite Frontier (where there was an attack on Arkham and many patients/prisoners were killed or escaped).
B suggests to Oracle that maybe Crane didn't die there and that he might be behind this drug, he will be on the job right away! To this Oracle is like well shit, so she tells B that Jason is also working this case...and here comes a funny yet confusing interaction. 
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Barbara says “I know you two aren't exactly friends right now but...” before she finishes Batman interrupts her by saying “He is a killer Barbara. I will do this alone.”
OH BOY is this interaction confusing! First of all may i point out how different this conversation is from the one in Three Jokers where the roles were basically reversed??? Please tell me that i am not the only one who finds that funny! Anyway that story doesn't matter here, but Red Hood Outlaw from Rebirth does, right?
Here is the thing, the last person that Jason “killed” in rebirth was Penguin and he actually didn't do it, he had him trapped in a panic room in his own Casino. Batman already beat the living shit out of Jason in RHatO #25 for it...and some time has passed, B surely found out that Jason didn't kill Penguin by now, i mean isn't he like the best detective to ever detective in the history of the universe??
Not only that but Jason has been using rubber bullets for a while and even at the start he mentions that, he basically implies that he is playing by the Bat's rules to keep him off his back. Maybe B hasn't let go of the duffel bag full of heads or any of the shitty people Jason killed during UtRH??? If B still holds that against Jason then why would he try to make Jason part of his Bat clan at the beginning of RHatO Rebirth? 
Maybe he still thinks that Jason killed the penguin...but even then isn't B working with Harley and Ghost-Maker? You know, people who have killed? Why is Jason different? Did Jason kill someone recently that we don't know about? Jason only kills a very distinct set of people (that are very not nice) so i guess i don't see the logic...
Anyway second flashback, and this time we have a look at what was going on in the Batcave with B and Alfred during the events of UtRH! Nothing that wasn't explored in UtRH is said here but we do see Alfred explicitly telling Bruce how much they failed Jason. There is a heavy insinuation that the fact that Batman keeps sending the Joker to Arkham only for him to escape and kill more people actually makes B responsible for those deaths and i love that. Thank you. 
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Back to Jason and Tyler we get to see some very adorable scenes between the two. Jason gives the lower half of his mask to Tyler to protect his identity like a superhero and we have a really sweet moment in which Tyler chooses the Blue Hood as his name because he likes the colour blue (same Tyler).
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After he leaves Tyler in a place where he will be safe he goes to the building where Andy should be and let me tell you the more Jason sees the less hopeful he becomes about Andy being just one of the people selling the drug... He does some shooting and incapacitating and then follows the man that is trying to escape and here is when shit hits the fan. 
Andy is a disgusting human being. He hates Tyler's mother and doesn't care that she might be dead and the piece of shit hates his son so much that he gave a barely 10 year old drugs. 
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If you think that this leads to Jason being a little more like his UtRH self, you know the guy that said that people who gave drugs to kids will get killed without a thought...yeah that's not happening, here comes the guilt!
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I get it he just killed a man, but, did you read what that man said?
Anyway that's how the first part of this story ends. 
The story is good. it has things that don't make much sense but i think it's because Zdarsky is a Batman fan and not a Red Hood fan in the sense that he doesnt know much about Jason's character and that this is his first ever DC work.
I cant wait to see where this story goes, while i hope “unresolved daddy issues” doesn't become a theme yet again in a Red Hood story i believe it's where we are headed. I will keep on reading because i am invested in Jason and Tyler's relationship and what is going to happen now that Jason killed Andy.
Let me know what you thought about the issue and my post if you want! Bye!
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scorpionyx9621 · 4 years
I Hope Hopeless Changes Over Time: A Red Hood and Batman Fic
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*Source of the image I found off of Pintrest. I tried to find the original artist but the link on Pintrest led to a dead Tumblr account. If anyone wants to find/point out the account to me so I can give proper credit to the artist please please do.*
I wanted to make a fic based on an ask I did from the lovely @dilfbatman about Jason and Bruce. I hope people enjoy this mini-fic that I've expanded upon.
TW: Blood, Physical Assault, Suicide Ideation, Swearing. Bruce being a shitty father but trying. Jason having demons 
3.75K words. 
Bruce was uneasy about Jason staying over at the Wayne Mansion. Even with other members of the family around. Jason has done so much wrong and has hurt so many people. However, at the end of the day, Jason still is his son. So when he gets a call from Jason in a hushed voice asking Bruce to stay the night. He hesitated for a second, but acquiesced, Jason was nothing if not independent, so to be asking Bruce outright to stay at the Wayne Manor meant something was wrong.
"Master Jason wouldn't reach out to any of us unless something was gravely wrong, Master Wayne." Alfred had reassured Bruce, who was staring absentmindedly at the glass case which housed Jason's old Robin costume. The costume that Jason had died in. Bruce always tried to repress the memory of holding his son's cold, lifeless body. The pain he felt from losing his parents burned in his heart as an everlasting stab wound. But the pain from losing Jason, his son, it was too much to bare.
"I'd be welcoming to Master Jason, but keep your distance. Master Damian is spending the night at Jon Kent's house, Master Richard is in Blüdhaven, and Master Timothy is with the Teen Titans tonight. I'll rest assured Jason doesn't try anything to harm you. But don't try to encourage a confrontation." Alfred explained. He always seemed to understand Jason to a tee after he came back to life.
"I don't know how you do it Alfred, you can read the boy like a book." Bruce had retorted. Cocking a half-smile to the man who raised him since his parents died.
"Master Wayne, Master Jason wears his heart on his sleeve. He always has. And one of the reasons why you two fight constantly is because, for as terrific as a detective you are, you are horrifically inept in reading the emotions of your children." Alfred had stated, those words bit Bruce. He wasn't expecting such sharp words from Alfred. "We failed Master Jason. And he's hurt, he's been hurt for years because of it. However he keeps choosing to come back and try and trust again. We needn't come at him with accusations of ulterior motives, but we should be supportive." Alfred stated.
"But cognizant of what Jason is capable of." Bruce added back. Jason may need help, but he's still dangerous. He has tried to kill Bruce and the rest of the Robins multiple times. He wants to trust Jason and warm up to him again. But the man who wears the Red Hood and stalks the streets of Gotham killing those he deems criminals is not his son anymore.
Alfred and Bruce greeted Jason as he walked in the large double doors of the Wayne Manor. The first thing Bruce noticed was the dark circles under Jason's eyes. It seemed as if the man hadn't slept in days. Jason was wearing sweatpants and a fitted black wife beater, accentuating his muscles. Jason would have looked more intimidating had his body language not suggested he was as disheveled as he was, physically and mentally.
"Thanks Alfred." Jason had said meekly towards the butler. He took one step into the mansion and looked at Bruce. Bruce noticed as soon as Jason's eyes met his, his tired irises contorted into anger. His lips pursed downwards but Jason chose not to say anything. Instead just walking past Bruce pretending not to acknowledge him.
"Master Jason, you will be staying in the guest suite on the main floor. I've already prepped everything for your arrival. Please make yourself at home." Alfred had said. Jason just shook is head as he headed towards the hallway leading the guest suite. Bruce didn't notice it immediately but the stench Jason had emitted stung in the air. It smelled like stale liqour and body oder. It seems Jason hadn't bathed in days. Bruce had wanted to say something but chose not to.
The evening went by quietly enough. Jason had taken a shower and changed into another fitted wife beater but still sported a tired energy about him. Alfred had put together a beef pot roast for dinner with red potatoes, carrots, onions, and celery over garlic mashed potatoes. A favorite dish of Jason's. The three of them ate quietly as Bruce continued to size up his son. He was conflicted. At one point he saw the man who blew up the head of a Gotham security force member with a torture decide he had created. On the other hand, he saw the boy who would beg for Bruce to buy him more books after he finished the maximum amount a library card would allow for a week in the span of 3 days. The son who told him being Robin gave him magic.
The dinner ended as it began. With awkward silence and the father-son duo eyeing each other. One with cautious trepidation and the other with abject hate. Bruce had decided not to go on patrol tonight as he felt he needed to be at the manor should anything happen while Jason was here. An uneasy sense of dread built over Bruce as he had said good night to Jason as the two passed by each other in the halls. Jason simply spat 'Bitch' at Bruce and walked into the bedroom. Bruce had been bad with other people's emotions, but something didn't sit right with the way Jason was carrying himself. He had decided to stay up tonight regardless. A sense came over him after being sworn at by Jason. A sense he hadn't felt in a long time. He felt as though his son needed help.
"You're a monster"
"Jason is a murderer"
"Stay away from Jason, he'll kill you."
"No one wants you around, Todd"
"You're just a good guy trying to be bad"
"This is the kid you had to replace me with as Robin? Bruce he's pathetic."
"I can't believe my daughter wasted the Lazarus Pit on a miserable failure like you."
"Maybe I'd be better off dead"
Jason tossed and turned. It's been days. He couldn't get the voices out of his head. Those whispery, moany voices that taunted and tormented him. He knew it was a result of the Lazarus Pit. Ever since Roy died and everyone left him the voices started taunting him again. He tried everything he could to get the voices to stop. He drank, he read, he worked out, he did everything he could. The only way the voices became quiet were when he was beating the ever-loving shit out of some criminals. This was not the mindset Jason had wanted. He wanted to go back to being supported by Bruce, the man who betrayed him. He knew that Bruce was weak. He couldn’t kill the Joker because of his weakness. 
Jason got up and walked over to the connecting bathroom to the suite that he was staying in. He went to the sink and splashed some cold water on his face. Against his better judgement, Jason looked up to the figure he saw in the mirror. He took note of his jawline, his face, his green eyes, his muscles.. but one thing that caught his eye was the fucking skunk streak of hair at the top of his head. The physical reminder of his dip in the Lazarus Pit. He had just re-dyed the spot not two days ago and it already came back. He did everything he could to try to hide the streak. It’s what he hated most about his new body. The pit wiped away all of the scars he had on his body. And any new fresh scar or wound would just fade in a matter of moments due to the effects of the pit. The only thing that ever stayed was that damned streak. 
Jason had nothing but disgust and contempt for the man he saw in the mirror, which, ironically, was himself. 
“You’re just using the sarcasm to hide your hatred.” 
“It’s your fault that everyone hates you.” 
“Killing the sick of the masses to save those who are weak is your calling” 
“Those reptiles deserve to die” 
“I don’t want to kill unless I don’t have to.. I don’t want people to hate me..” Jason tried reassuring himself. The voices in his head kept getting louder and louder. “I want Bruce and everyone to love me again....” He continued to try to re-assure himself. It was a false sense of hope as always. His mind soon wandered to a moment where he was on top of Dick in a fight. Confronting his older sibling and reciting a quote he had heard from a Japanese philosopher and optimist as he had the barrel of a gun placed against his older brother’s temple. 
“Do you know what the most convenient phrase in the world is, Dickie? It’s ‘I’m sorry.’ Anyone who hears that is obligated to forgive, no matter how hurt or angry they might be... There's no more disgusting phrase in all the world. It's used to displace your suffering unto others so you can escape your sins... The moment you employ it, your suffering becomes the other person's. A thing can be unforgivable, but oh, if they apologize... I say there's no reason to accept that suffering. You don't have to forgive them. Cast aside the mask of your conscience.“ 
“Stop this. Please stop this.” Jason had begged aimlessly into the air. He didn’t want to live like this anymore. He didn’t want to live, period. He just wanted all of this to end. He had caused so much pain and so much suffering to the people of Gotham all so he could attempt to hurt Bruce. But those words kept repeating in his head. He knew he had to stop this. He needed help, he wanted to go to Bruce and explain what was going on but Bruce would just have him institutionalized. His murderer of a son starts hearing voices in his head? A one way ticket to a padded room. 
Jason suddenly stared back into the mirror and saw something he detested. The green eyes that stared into his soul. The one he hated more than anything else. Was himself. This thing was staring him in the face mocking him, and he wanted it gone. 
“Do it Jason.” the voice had beckoned from the mirror. “Kill them all. Slit Damian’s throat and watch the fucker bleed. Bash Tim’s stupid face into the concrete until there’s nothing but mush. Rip Dick limb from fucking limb. Watch Bruce as you choke the last bit of life from his eyes. I promise all the pain will go away once all of this is done.” the voice sounded almost sweet as it promised to do all of this. Jason just retched as he saw the green eyed monster promising poison to him. He felt his vision fade to black. 
Bruce had jumped up from the chair he was sitting on in the library, the voice came from the suite that Jason was staying in. Bruce didn’t have time to think. He just ran towards the noise. He threw the door to the suite open and ran to the bathroom. There he saw Jason in front of a heavily cracked mirror. Jason was hyperventilating and he saw blood oozing from Jason’s fist which was pressed against the mirror. Bruce saw from the reflection that Jason had split open the left side of his lip seemingly from a shard of glass. It wasn’t long before Jason glanced up at the imposing shadow in the mirror and noticed Bruce’s presence. 
“YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME BRUCE.” Jason had shouted at his reflection. Jason was shaking. Bruce had wanted to assess the injury that Jason gave himself. But he knew he was cornering a scared animal if he pressed any farther forward. Bruce stood their frozen. Pondering between trying to press forward upon a killer, or to check up on his son. 
“Jason, I just...” Bruce was cut off by another scream as Jason turned around. 
“IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU FUCKING STAND YOU PIECE OF SHIT.” Bruce finally got the cue. The hitch in Jason’s voice. This is the same hitch his voice made when he was a kid and was angry at Bruce. Alfred was right. This is his son. And right now Bruce needed not to be the Batman approaching the Red Hood. He needed to be Bruce, to help his son. 
Bruce walked forward to Jason, still shaking as blood oozed from the gashes of glass on his fist. Bruce decided against everything in his gut telling him to stop this criminal. This monster who killed for sport and to prove a point. He needed to help Jason, his son. 
Bruce was knocked back by a fist to his chest. Glass imbedded itself into Bruce as he felt the sting of their shards. Jason was right, he was going to hurt Bruce if he approached. Oracle was right, Jason had been abusing venom. The quick gain in muscle mass was proof enough but the stinging pain in Bruce’s chest also proved that hypothesis. Jason barred his teeth as his eyes displayed a seething hatred. Bruce would have been frightened on any other day. Today, Bruce felt a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. Bruce collected himself and got up to approach Jason again. 
“I TOLD YOU I’M GOING TO KILL YOU BRUCE. I FUCKING HATE YOUR GUTS. I WANT YOU TO DIE. I WANT ALL OF US TO JUST FUCKING DIE.” Jason screamed even louder this time. A hot stream of tears worked their way down Jason’s cheeks. Bruce no longer saw a rage-induced monster but the boy who took a tire iron to his gut on the streets of Gotham. The boy who would was thrilled at every opportunity he got to show Bruce the A’s on every test he got in school. This was his baby boy who needed his help. 
“Jason Peter Todd that’s enough.” Bruce said firmly, but not harshly. Jason stared directly into his eyes. “Jason. I want you to listen to me.” 
“Go to hell you motherfucker.” those words which escaped Jason were laced with poison. Bruce didn’t waver. 
“You can punch me as much as you want Jason and I’ll deserve all of it.” Bruce came closer to Jason. Jason proceeded to physically make himself smaller. Like a scared animal. Bruce remember what he did to Jason after he had seemingly killed The Penguin. How he beat Jason to within an inch of his life. His heart plummeted to his stomach as he saw Jason cower like a scared dog over his approach. 
“What are you going to do Bruce, beat me to a fucking pulp again? You hate me more than you hate the fucking Joker, don’t you?” Jason asked. Bruce truly saw the fear in those green eyes. He had to take a moment and realized just what he was doing. He unclenched his jaw and relaxed his shoulders as he approached Jason. This time he was back within striking range of his son. 
“Jason. I failed you. I have been failing you for the past 10 years since your death. I have failed this city and this family in providing the protection it needs. I couldn’t kill The Joker because I’m weak.” Bruce sucked at emotions and emoting. But Bruce hadn’t felt this shaky and wavering since the day he lost Jason. His son needed to know the truth. He deserved to know the truth. “Jason I never hated you. I hated the actions you have taken against the people of this city. But I’ve come to realize that the hatred and contempt I’ve held is because you do what I can’t do.” 
“Oh so now you’re coming over to apologize? I don’t owe you shit after what you’ve done to me.” Jason had stated. He may have been acting like a pinned animal. But his mouth will never not cut like knives. 
“Jason, when we had fought in the abandoned apartment. And you had the Joker with you. You had tried to shoot me after I had turned away from you.” Bruce said. Inching ever closer to Jason while trying not to be imposing. “In that moment, I threw the batarang because I knew you were going to retaliate against me. But I need you to know in that moment I turned away. I turned away because I decided I wasn’t to be the one to decide the Joker’s fate. He had taken your life and it wasn’t up to me to decide. I want nothing more than for the Joker to pay for the countless lives hes taken and ruined.” Bruce swallowed hard as he felt tears beginning to well in his eyes. “I failed you because I couldn’t kill the Joker. But in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to have my baby boy back. I wanted you back in my life. I still want you back in my life.” 
“Bullshit. Fucking BULLSHIT.” Jason spat at Bruce. The emotions were flooding out of his face. Anger, hatred, fear, but most of all sadness. Jason’s voice began wavering as he began to cry. “If you loved me why in the fuck have you never realized I’ve been trying to help the people of Gotham. Instead every time I take matters into my own hands all I meet are your fucking fists. I hate your guts Bruce. We’d all just be better off fucking dead. It’s all Hopeless. I’m hopeless.” 
Bruce took a deep breath. He tried to find his resolve. He wanted nothing more than to be able to reach out to his son again. “You’re absolutely right Jason. I’ll bet Gotham would be a whole lot better without me. Without the pain I have caused. And no amount of apologies will fix the pain that I have caused you. No words will ever take back the transgressions I have taken against you.” Bruce was crying this time. “But know this. You always have been my son. And I love you so much. The day I lost my parents was agony. The day I lost you, I felt like I had lost myself I felt I had died a bit inside.” Bruce choked out. “We both have done so much we regret. If I could take back all the times I hit you I would do it in a heartbeat. But no amount of sorry will take back that pain. I shouldn’t be in the position to be asking this. But I just want my son back.” Bruce swallowed. “You have every right to hate me, but I will never stop loving you. You aren’t hopeless and you never have been. You never have been a burden. You are valued by so many people. I. I love you my son. I love you Jason."
Jason’s face relaxed from a position of contempt and hatred and soon was overcome with years of pent up tears. Jason let out a hearty scream as he proceeded to weep and sob. As if a dam had broke and was threatening to engulf a town in an apocalypse. Bruce went against everything he had known and was screaming from the inside of his body and wrapped Jason in a hug. He was almost as large as Bruce himself and barely fit around his arms. But Bruce held his son and hugged him tight. Jason was crying uncontrollably. 
“I’m hearing these voices. They’re telling me I’m a monster and a killer and that I should kill all of you.” Jason shouted between sobs. “But I don’t want to. I’m so afraid Bruce. I don’t want to hurt anyone unless I have to.” 
“Just breath Jason. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Let it all out.” Bruce had solidified his resolve and worked on being there for Jason. He couldn’t run away this time. His son needed him more than ever. And Gotham be damned. He’s not making this mistake twice. He’s staying here. For Jason. 
It felt like hours before Jason had run out of tears and sobs. Jason was fading and seemed like he was about to fall asleep. The shards of glass that were imbedded in his hand seemingly prevented Jason from bleeding out. Bruce had saw Jason’s eyes glaze over as his breathing calmed. 
“Jason, I’m going to pick you up and take you to bed.” Bruce had said, asking for permission from his second son. Jason simply nodded as he starred off. He was numb now. The pain seemingly gone for the moment. Bruce lifted Jason up and was taken aback by just how heavy his son was. He truly was 225lbs just like his records showed. This wasn’t the son who hid under the cabinets when Bruce first brought Jason home. But Bruce still saw the boy as his son nonetheless. As Bruce laid Jason on the bed Alfred had approached with a first aid kit. Proceeding to begin to clean up Jason’s hand. Jason was so exhausted he barely felt any of the picking and pulling or the iodine going into his wounds. He kept his eyes fast forward on Bruce. 
“Bruce. I. I’m sorry.” Jason had said meekly. 
“Don’t apologize Jason.” Bruce had stated. He ran his hand through Jason’s hair, giving a soft massage to his scalp. “You get some sleep now. I don’t think you’ve rested in days.” 
Bruce had remembered the time he had read Jason to sleep. This time he had thought back to a poem that struck him from his phone. It was from a famous lyricist and singer. As Bruce pulled up his phone he had found the poem and recited it as Jason fell asleep. Things are far from perfect or even better. But tomorrow was going to be the first day of the rest of his and Jason’s lives. 
“They told me once, ‘there's a place where love conquers all’
A city with the streets full of milk and honey
I haven't found it yet, but I'm still searching
All I know is a hopeless place that flows with the blood of my kin
Perhaps hopeless isn't a place
Nothing but a state of mind” 
pHEW GOD THAT WAS LONG. I hope you all enjoyed the fic! This was my first published attempt at angst and whump and while I feel some parts are cringe. I am proud of what I made. 
Big thanks again to @dilfbatman for inspiring this fic. The inspiration of the title is the song Hopeless: by Halsey. The quote about I’m Sorry is from the character Shadow Maya Amano from Persona 2: Innocent Sin. And the poem at the end is the first part of the lyrics to the song Good Mourning by Halsey. 
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waynewifey · 4 years
A dream of you and me—
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: In a world where a dream means something more, trying to save the boy from your dreams can change your life.
Warnings: angst, crying
Words: 1900.
A/N: Thank you so much for the amazing feedback on my last fic! I’m sorry it took me so long to comeback, please remember that my requests are always open! I hope you like this.
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I've always liked dreaming. It's the moment of the day where I'm taken to a random place with random people to live a priceless adventure. Tonight I dreamed with a boy. Well, I was the boy. We were running through the Hogwarts corridors, but somehow no one saw us. It was like we were invisible. We ran up to the bridge, staring at the moonlight. He was sad for an unknown reason, I could feel it. I saw his black locks blocking the vision when it winded. I've never seen his face before, but, somehow, he felt like... home. He let out a deep breath and I heard some footsteps approaching. Suddenly, the image became blurred. I let out a gasp, waking up. I stared at the ceiling for a moment, before opening my curtains, looking around and noticing it was still night. I got up and walked to the biggest window in the room. The moon looked exactly like the one in my dream. Maybe it is happening right now, I thought. But that was impossible. Well, not really impossible, more like improbable. The soulmate link was a very rare occasion. One would dream about the day or the moment the other were living for days or years, until they meet and recognise each other as soulmates. But they wouldn't see faces or hear voices, so that turned the meeting more difficult and rare. I've never met soulmates beside the ones in fantasy books.
The morning after, I woke up earlier than usual, as I could barely sleep. I got ready quickly and ran to the Great Hall. I was looking for someone who looked like they haven't slept properly, someone who may be up all night. But, to be honest, all seventh graders looked almost dead, thanks to the exams. A red head sat beside me, putting some books on the table.
"I have something to tell you." I immediately said.
"Not even a 'Good Morning'? Fine then. What is it?" Lily Evans replied. I rolled my eyes at her, beginning to speak.
"I dreamt with someone. I know it's rare but I really think it may be... that." She looked disinterested, picking her food. "Lily, I'm serious! It felt so real! And I could feel his feelings too! What should I do?"
"There's nothing to do yet, I guess. You'll have to keep dreaming and collecting clues. But maybe you could forget about it and help me with my charms assignments." She bit a piece of bread and I gave her an yellow smile. By the corner of the eye, I saw a group of boys approaching.
"Or you could ask your pain in the ass boyfriend." She scoffed, turning around and smiling at James Potter, whom were now sitting beside her, embracing her back with his arm and laughing loudly about something I didn't knew. Remus Lupin sat on my side, as usual. He was the only tolerable one in the group. He often helped me with my studies, but our relationship was very far from a friendship. Other two boys sat in front of us.
The day went by normally. Too many classes for my last two neurones. I was exited to go to my dorm and sleep, to test my theory.
I could see the dark sky and the Whomping Willow. A rat ran to the roots of the tree and pressed a small knot. The tree stoped moving. We dove into a hole next to it. After a long time walking inside of a tight tunnel, we arrived at the gardens of a house. The Shrinking Shack?! What is he doing here? We entered the house and walked to what looked like a living room. I watched as a gigantic creature approached. Some kind of wolf, but it was standing in two legs. It's arms were thin. It was looking a bit... tired? I analysed the beast carefully. A werewolf! Why was he around that monster? He was in danger!
I jumped out of  bed, running to get my robe and my wand. I left the dorms, running to the Castle Grounds. The wind was extremely cold, but I kept running. I searched for the knot on the Whomping Willow. After a few times being thrown in the air by the tree, I finally got to the secret hole. It seemed like it took me forever to get to the house. I heard a howl and a growl, which made me desperate to find my soulmate. Would he even be alive by now? I came across a bizarre scene. A werewolf, a huge black dog, a stag and a mouse – the mouse in my dreams – all laying on the floor. The werewolf turned its head to me, growling at me. The dog jumped, getting in front of me. Where was my soulmate? The werewolf tried to attack me, but the stag got on its way. They were protecting me? Why? The dog barked at me, getting my attention. He ran to the exit door, turning his head back at me, as if he were calling me. I followed him. I ran to the gardens, but the dog was gone. Suddenly, a boy came out of behind a tree, wearing a black fur robe. I annalized his face in the moonlight. I recognised his black locks from my dreams. Sirius Black.
"What are you doing here? You need to go back to the castle right now." He said, eyes not focusing on me and ears on alert, still taking care of whatever was happening in the house.
"What are YOU doing here?! Did you know that is not a regular wolf, but a werewolf?! And if it bites you-"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now, you. Leave." He cut my speech, making me roll my eyes.
"I can't let you die! Every night I have these dreams, you're always getting yourself in trouble and-"
"You dream with me? You saw Moony?"
"Yes, Black, keep track. Stop interrupting me. Wait, who's Moony?" Sirius looked around, getting closer and lowering his voice, like he was about to tell me a secret.
"Remus Lupin. He's a werewolf. The stag is James Potter. I'm not sure if you've seen it, but the rat is Peter Pettigrew and... I'm the dog. Yeah, yeah, woof. We're animagus. Remus is under control... well, kind of. But it's still not safe for you and I need to take you back to the castle." I was stunned when he grabbed me by the elbow and made me walk all the way back. My thoughts wouldn't process, my mind was a mess.
"You're supposed to drink the tea, not stare at it, you know?" Sirius said, his voice echoing in the empty common room. I blinked for the first time in a while. I took a last look at my teacup, glancing upwards. I stared at his obsidian orbits, frowning my eyebrows trying to figure out what to say. Sirius Black was my soulmate. This guy I've never really talked to before, whom I know practically nothing about, and now I discover he's an illegal animagus, friends with a werewolf and will probably reject me so badly the angels will pity and and let me escape from hell. Because I made it quite obvious by telling him about my dreams, and he ignored it.
"I dreamt about you, you know what this means, right?" I couldn't keep the eye contact for long and quickly went back to staring at my tea. I moved in the couch to a more closed posture.
"Yeah, I understand it just fine." He said. I couldn't figure out his emotions by the tone of his voice, so I looked at him. His expression was as neutral as his tone, not helping me at all.
"Oh, okay. I wasn't expecting this." I rested my cup on the coffee table in front of us, getting up. I felt a slight spark of anger inside of me, starting to burn everything. He scoffed, leaning back on the chair. "Well I don't like that either! It's just- It seems unfair to condemn me to literal hell just because you're not happy about me being your soulmate!" The words bursted out of my mouth without a previous warning, tears forming in my eyes. I had waited for so long to see if I had a soulmate and he just scorn me like that? "I'm sorry if I'm not what you expected, but this isn't my fault!" I blubbered, gathering all the small amount strength that kept me on foot to turn around and walk away. But before I could do so, his arms embraced me in a harm and desperate hug. The smell of his hair made me dizzy, and I could honestly live there.
"I never believed in this. I never thought fate would bring someone to keep company to a person like me but- seeing you cry made my heart ache... So please stay. I don't care if we're soulmates or not, I just... need you here."
Epilogue — 3 years later.
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I finished mixing the coffee and placed it at the silver tray. I took a final look: scrambled eggs, fried tomatoes and mushrooms, and bangers — it all looked delicious. Not the kind of thing I was used to do, but I definitely am good at it. I walked to our room and opened the door. He was in the same place he was when I left earlier: the bed. I put the tray on the nightstand, preparing myself to wake him up. I sat beside him, staring at his unique features. The sunlight coming through the curtains lightened his nude torso and I got myself admiring his skin.
“Breakfast in bed? Who are you and what have you done to my girlfriend?” His husky morning voice, massaged my ears. “Fiancée, actually.”
“Well, I thought this was a great way to celebrate your first day of work and our three year anniversary.” I kissed the top of his head as my hands danced around on his curls. “But don’t get used to it, you’re the cooker in this relationship.”
“I love you, Y/N L/N Black.” I stared down at his face. The same face of the boy I fell in love with, a long time ago, and I remembered the first time we kissed through sobs and hugs. This was when I realised I loved Sirius Black more than anything in the world and I knew we were forever. I smiled at him and kissed him passionately.
“I love you too.” He smiled widely at me and pulled me to under the sheets, throwing my apron across the room. “You’ll be late, Siri.” Sirius rolled his eyes at me and got on top of me.
“I have more important matters to deal with right now.”
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 01 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 3K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
Next part (02) ->
{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
Your mind can't help but wonder what will happen next. Where they're taking you. In your state, half-dead, you feel they pushing you on a hospital stretcher. It's a sick pleasure of theirs, to numb you, yet allow you to understand what's going on around you. It's supposed to be part of their torture, as if they could scare you. They can't. The pain they inflict don't reach you anymore, you're beyond that. It's hard to breathe like there's a pressure on your chest, and you feel the fog that threatens to overcome your mind.
“I can't believe we're doing this.” A distracted, dull voice says. They're hovering over you, you're sure, a smile on their faces. These people aren't better than you, you concluded. They're all villains too, only backed up by their position and by the civilians who would never condemn them for hurting people like you.
“I don't like it either, but the orders came from above.”
It must be nasty if they don't like it. You wish you could move, you wish you could blow the fog away and get up. Then you'd crush their skulls on this stretcher and run. But you're motionless, completely vulnerable to your personal monsters. They enjoy seeing you like this, all of you actually, often saying they're job is to make you pay for everything you did. And many of the villains locked up in here paid for it a hundred times over.
“Don't worry, Mark. She will be back with us in no time. A slut like this wouldn't recognize a good opportunity like this even if fell from the sky.”
Opportunity. What kind of opportunity? You've been waiting a year for an opportunity to flee this place. Belle Reve is hell on Earth, the only prison you can't seem to overcome.
“Put the whore in the ship and fly this damn girl away.”
A fist connects to your stomach, and you feel your body moving, jerking up and falling back to the bed. The pain, hot and rough, spreads through your ribs. It happens three times over, and the blows come from different directions. You know why they like to do this when you're in this state. Because they know that, if you were awake, they'd regret it. They know you'd beat them so bad they'd swallow their pride and apologize. You're burning up, trying to make your body respond to the commands, but it's useless.
“Put her to sleep now. Higher her dose.”
You feel a needle in your neck, and slowly, you sink, to the back of your mind. Bracing yourself for whatever comes next, you decided to enjoy as the world ceases to exist, at least for a while.
The journey back to consciousness is like climbing an invisible ladder. The first thing you realize is that you can breathe without any restraint, which is always a good sign. Before opening your eyes, you make sure you can move your body. You start with your feet, then the legs, torso... Then your hands... Your hands are tied together, lied on your stomach. But you seem to be functional. Big mistake. Finally, you open your eyes, finding a white ceiling above. No place in Belle Reve has a white ceiling like this. Checking the surroundings, you find yourself completely alone in a bedroom. A normal bedroom, you suppose. The bed you're in is a king-sized bed. Two nightstands, a wardrobe, a dresser, two armchairs. Two windows on the left side, a door on the wall before you and another on the right. One of them must a bathroom. Bathrooms have mirrors and boxes, made of glass, which you can break and use as a weapon.
You wonder what kind of game is this. What new kind of torture they came up with. Make you believe you're somewhere better, safe, and then attack you all over again? They can't believe you'd fall for that. Not you. Sitting up, your eyes are focused on the windows. That man said that is was an opportunity. And you can use any kind of opportunity. Ignoring the handcuffs around your wrists, you get up in a single motion, using the nightstand to support your weight when the whole world spins around. Regaining your balance, you go to the windows, pushing the curtains away. And you find bars. Just a minor inconvenience.
Outside, what you see isn't the familiar desolation of Belle Rave surroundings. Despite the darkness, you can see a garden, grass, and high walls. On the corner, almost out of sight, you see tables and a pool. What kind of place is this?
A noise on the door makes you turn on your heels, full alert. There's nothing you can use to defend yourself, so you'll have to count on your bare hands. Your eyes fall on the handcuffs and a desperate feeling builds up. You start pulling, violently, trying to set free. You feel as the metal starts ripping the skin, reopening old wounds. Twisting your wrists, you try to at least separate your hands, but the metal doesn't surrender.
The door is open and you're forced to look up, hands ready to put up a fight. Your whole body is burning as if anticipating the war you're about to start.
“Miss (Y/N) Quinzel.” The man starts, not seeming to be surprised at all. He's tall, muscular, wearing a suit and tie. “Please, sit.”
“You bought me, didn't you?” It hits you all of a sudden, and a smile comes to your lips. They sold you away like an animal, how original. A good way to get rid of you, you must admit, but unlike they think, you can recognize an opportunity. Allowing you out of Belle Reve was a huge mistake.
“No, I didn't buy you.” The man casually walks over one of the armchairs, gesturing at the other one after taking a seat.
“It doesn't matter.” You stand there, eyes alert, watching his every move. You're also aware of the door, left unlocked.
“I'm here to explain what you're doing here. Where you are and why.” You're not listening, you're thinking. If you move through the bed, you can get to the door before he even knows what's happening. You're small, which makes you fast. If you jump from the bed to the ground in your run, you'll land right by the door. Once you're out, all you gotta do is keep running. He won't be able to reach you. Muscles are heavy, and this man has many. He's slow.
“Do you think I care?” You ask, waiting for his eyes to leave you, just for a second. You just need a second.
“No, you don't.” Lowering your hands a little bit, you notice how his eyes fall on it. On the blood flowing out.
That's when you move. You step on the bed, following your plan strictly. You jump to the floor, opening the door and fleeing. It doesn't matter where you're going, you just need to keep moving. You hear his footsteps behind you, and it brings a smile to your lips. It's been a while since you had a chance to do something like this. The adrenaline, the rush is as good as you remember. Stumbling downstairs, your eyes find a hall, and that's where you go. The wind messes with your hair, fresh as freedom. You find a door, which is locked, but it doesn't slow you down, you soon start moving again. You reach a kitchen, huge, and your sharp eyes find a knife and you move to grab it. The next thing you notice is a window, with no bars. The man's footsteps fill your ears as you climb up the sink, opening the window and sliding through it, hitting the ground hard on the other side.
Being outside is unbelievable. The fresh wind, the dark sky above. When we the last time you've been outside? You can't remember. Move, you tell yourself. Holding the knife tight with both your hands, you start running again, your barefoot feet hurting on the rocks. You soon see the gates. If you cross it, you're free. You'll be back in the streets, home. Just one last set of bars to overcome. Once you reach it, you drop the knife, holding onto the cold, black metal bars. Your head hurts, and you're a little dizzy, but that's nothing you can't deal with.
Taking a deep breath and biting back a smile, you look forward, to the other side, and start climbing. You don't even process what you're doing. It doesn't matter how tall, how hard will be the fall, you'll do this.
Pulling yourself up, a laugh escapes your lips. They thought they could keep you imprisoned forever. They don't know you, they don't know what you're capable of.
A strong arm encircles your waist and you're pulled back. All air leaves your lungs, but you immediately recognize the enemy. You shouldn't have dropped the knife. The man throws you over his shoulder, and you're quick to attack his back. Using hands and elbows, you punch him, again and again, but he doesn't seem to care. His grip on your thighs grows stronger as your assault on his back gets worse. He's carrying you back to the house, and when he crosses the front door, you kick him hard on the stomach. He flinches a little, which makes you smile and kick him once again, harder this time. The man loses his balance, and you take the chance to push him aside and fall to the floor.
There's no time to take in the pain, you have to move. You're pulled back into his grip, his hand grabbing your ankle. You kick him, not sure where, but a groan leaves his mouth. You must admit you admire his strength. Your guards use to be knocked out very easily.
“Stop it.” He commands, and you smile through the fight. He pulls you up again, over the shoulder. As he tries to climb up the stairs, you push, kick and punch, and he falls a few times, but manages to get you back into the room.
“Put me the hell down!” You yell, sliding down and punching his face.
“Damn it.” He angrily mutters, holding both your wrists. The man uses his weight to push you to the armchair, using his body to keep you there. You fight and scream, hurting him any way you can.
You then feel ropes around you, tight against your chest and stomach. When he stands up again, a bleeding lip, you can't move, it doesn't matter how hard you try. The man touches his lip before going away, closing the door violently.
“I'm sending her back to Belle Reve.” He tells someone, saying something else you can't hear.
‘A slut like this wouldn't recognize a good opportunity like this even if fell from the sky.’ That man's voice comes back to your mind, filled with disgust. You can't let him be right. You can't let this opportunity pass. If you're sent back, you'll prove to him right. No. You have to think before acting, you need to stay here. You almost succeed today. In one year at Belle Reve, you never got anywhere close. Here, you have a chance.
Two hours later, the man is back. He doesn't seem to be angry, just a little mad. Annoyed. You keep your mouth shut, watching as he takes a deep breath and sits on the armchair set in front of you.
“Are you done fighting? And yelling?” He asks, leaning forward, elbows on his knees.
“Are you sending me back to Belle Reve?” It's the only thing you care about.
“No. Not yet.”
“Who are you?” You're struggling with the want to try to set free, to break the handcuffs, to rip the ropes, but you have to control yourself.
“I'm Bruce Wayne. The Batman.”
“You're going to kill me.” You burst out, a particularly loud laugh escaping your lips and bouncing through the walls. The only reason why Batman would tell you his secret identity is because he plans to kill you. “How much did they pay you? Or how much did you pay them?” You manage to say when you finally stop laughing.
“I'm not planning to kill you. I want to rehabilitate you.”
This makes you laugh even more, ignoring how serious he is. He gotta be kidding. “That's a good joke, I must say.”
“Are you done?”
“Are you done, Bruce Wayne?” You stop laughing, looking at him, dead serious. “Because as much as I enjoy a good joke, I need to know why the hell am I here.”
“It's not a joke. I want to prove a point. I want to show people that villains, as they call those like you, can still be brought back to society. Fully recovered. Not everyone, but some might still have a chance.” Bruce's eyes fall on your wrists. The blood is dry, staining the skin.
“You picked the wrong villain, Bruce Wayne. I assure you I don't belong to the group that can be... Rehabilitated.”
“I'm the one who decides that, not you.” Bruce get up to his feet, coming to stand before you, then kneeling. He takes your hands, moving the handcuffs a little to reveal the wounded skin underneath. “I can remove these and clean the injury if you promise not to try anything.”
“I could kick you right in the head,” you tell him, a smirk on your face. “So damn hard you'd pass out and I'd be free to go.”
“If you could do that, you wouldn't announce it.” He stands up again. “I'll be right back.”
You watch as Bruce leaves the room, locking the door. Is it true? Does Batman really want to rehabilitate a villain? You already bumped into the Dark Knight a few times, but managed to run. Now, you're his prisoner. This can't be worse than Belle Reve though, you hope. He comes back minutes later, with a box. Laying it on the bed, you watch his every move. It's something like a first aid kit. He really meant that when he said he would clean the lesion.
“You don't have to attend to my wounds. This is how it works: the blood is washed away in the bath, and the wound is left to heal by itself.” Speaking slow, you explain him how they do things in Belle Reve. A doctor is only called when someone tries to commit suicide. Other than that, your bodies are left to deal alone with any injury.
Bruce doesn't answer. He searches for something in the nightstand behind you, and when he comes back into your sight, he ties up your legs, ankles and knees. “Seriously? Don't you think I've-” You bite your tongue when he pulls your wrists through the handcuffs, causing a sharp pain to spread through the lacerated skin. “That was unnecessary.”
Silently, he opens the handcuffs and you suddenly feel relieved. You feel freer now, even though you're all tied up. You watch as Bruce carefully cleans the wound, wrapping a bandage around your wrists. It's curious to see someone doing such a thing. Before Belle Reve, you had to tell those who worked for you to patch you up. It was always fast, and painful because you just wanted it to be over so you could get along with your things. Then, in that hell... Not even that.
“I will leave you to rest,” Bruce says when he's done, closing the box. “There is soap on the bathroom for you, shampoo, and hair conditioner, as well as all the personal things you'll need. If you believe you need anything else, let me know.”
“Is that your plan? To just leave me here? You really think this will change who I am?”
“You don't know what my plan is.” He makes a pause, looking down at you. “I will untie you now. If you try to run, I will knock you down, and I don't care if you're a girl.”
“Woman.” You correct him, smiling. “And I'm not scared of you, I don't care if you're huge.”
Bruce stands there, thinking. Wondering if you'll run again. But you won't. If you do, he will definitely throw you back in that hole. Taking a deep breath, Bruce kneels down again, untying your legs. He then moves to stand behind you. and the ropes fall loose. You feel his eyes on you, paying attention, but you don't move.
“I'll come back to see you tomorrow.” That said, he leaves.
It takes a while until you finally move, getting up from the chair. Everything you need is Bruce to put down his guard, to trust you just a little bit. An opening, it's everything you need.
Ignoring the ropes laying around your feet, you move to the bathroom. As soon as you open the door, you remember the showers in Belle Reve. How you hugged your knees on the cold concrete floor, under the assault of the high-pressure water as someone held the hose. This is different. Walking around, you notice the small pile of clothes on the sink. A white shirt, light gray sweatpants, and underwear. You notice the white towels, the hairdryer... Taking your clothes off, you step into the box, opening the warm water and letting it soak your body.
You let it all go for a moment, enjoying what a normal shower feels like. You don't need to hide your naked body, the water isn't too cold or too hot, it's perfect, gentle on your skin. You take your time, washing Belle Reve off. You wash your hair too, smiling to smell the strawberry scent from the hair conditioner. Your lilac hair has brown roots for the entire year you spent in prison.
The bathroom is filled with smoke when you step out of the box, drying yourself and putting the clothes on. Staring at the mirror, you wonder when was the last time you saw your face. You look the same, and your not sure if that's good or bad. After drying your hair, you find a brush and starts detangling it.
Going back to bed, you imagine how good it might be to have a life like this every day. Clean clothes, soap, warm water. But that's not your life. Your life is on the streets, underground, beneath an old mall long destroyed. There lies your riches, your money, your things. That's where you belong, where you need to go back to. And you will. Batman won't stop you.
@redwolf-7 @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony
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liamhart · 3 years
it's an oddity, how he manages to remain in his seat. the room is small and warm and while liam can see the exit, it doesn't help to calm him down. there's a wonder to the cause of his anxiety; the interview, or the room? but he can't bring himself to care about which takes presidency any more, not when the man across the table stared at him with such scrutiny. "it's a routine interview," the stranger reassures, offering a small smile liam doesn't believe is genuine. "we do this with everyone new to town. shall we start?"     "sure."     "alright. your name's liam, right?"     "yeah... yeah, liam hart."     "ok, good, good. and where are you from, liam?"
liam swallows, his tongue running over his lower lip. he pinches the palm of his hand in a plea for some form of focus. "chicago, sir. y'know, in illinois? that chicago."     "it's alright, liam. just relax."     "right."     "how would you describe yourself?"
terrified. uneasy. regretting his decisions. searching for the exit. "i'm um, i'm sort of a nerd, i guess? i've never been good at much but um, i like books and, i got pretty okay at fixing things before... just like, taking them apart and seeing how they worked and then um, putting them back together again. i like science, too, so... yeah, a nerd, i guess. probably not um, not very interesting."     "that's just fine. i know this might be a difficult one but, how many walkers would you say you've killed, liam?"     "walkers?"     "the infected, the dead, whichever works for you."
"oh — oh, you mean — okay, um. a couple, i guess? a few. i dunno, i try to stay clear of them, if i can. got pretty good at getting around them, so... probably just a few, if i've had to." just the ones that had managed to surprise him. the sorts that were already broken down by teeth when they could still think about anything but eating him. the sorts that had been left under beds or locked in places they couldn't escape from. there's a wonder, really, to how he'd managed to get away without so much as a scratch or a bite. he'd got the bruises, though. getting away from 'walkers' always left him with as much.
"and what about people, liam? have you killed any people?" "that... that aren't already dead?" "yes."
the living, then. those he'd tried to avoid just as much. if he'd believed that the dead were the ones to fear before, he most certainly didn't now. the living were the worst kinds of monster. kit had taught him that. to know a villain like that still walked around without mercy to his name made the boy shudder in his seat. a hand rises to his mouth, covering it in the hopes it's enough to prevent the bile in his stomach from passing. he looks around the room, at the walls that felt ever the more closer the longer he stared at them. it's too tight, too close for comfort. "i know it's difficult, liam, but i need you to answer the question."
"y-yeah, yeah i have," he manages to exhale, nodding with his eyes squeezed shut. "three, i've... i've k-killed three people."
"can you tell me why?"
"um — t-two were um, self defense. got into a convenience store. they jumped me. had... no choice." he'd assumed much later that he'd simply been seen as an easy picking. someone with a bag on his back that could've had something useful inside it. he didn't like to think about the alternative; that it'd been for fun. it's what their faces said when one man sat on top of him, pushing the air out of him. to this day, he doesn't know how he'd managed to get his arm free, to reach his knife and drive it home when the other man wasn't looking. he doesn't know how he got from beneath the bleeding body; a rush of adrenaline? the sudden will to live, maybe? anyone could see liam's bones carried as much muscle as a pencil did an eraser. but he'd managed it, somehow he'd managed it, jesse's voice in his head the whole way. liam hid behind the shelves and, upon seeing an opening, jumped on the other man's back and took his knife to his throat. the walk away had him wondering if he'd even needed to kill the second.
liam buried the thought.
"and the third?" the voice at the other side of the table asks.     "w-what?"     "the third. you said you've killed three people. i need to know why."
"oh.. oh, um—" liam bows his head, keeps the hand at his mouth while the rest of him trembled. he didn't want to see it again, didn't want to see her. he didn't want to remember. "bitten. she — bitten. asked me to. c-couldn't say no."
"i see. liam, you're looking a little pale... are you alright?"
"fine. just... lets get this over with."
"alright. are you searching for anyone?"     "not any more."     "any more?"
"my brother — he's here. he's... he's the only one i'd be looking for." if he could say he'd been looking in the first place. liam couldn't remember when he'd simply stopped searching and had accepted the fact that his brother had either died that day, or left him. and as resentful he may feel about it, liam couldn't blame jesse, either. their entire survival fell onto jesse. to think of the burden he had in carrying a little brother like himself. did he have any right to blame him? to be angry at all?
"oh? who's your brother?"     "jesse. jesse hart."     "ah, i know him. well, i'm glad you found each other again."     "sure."     "is that why you're here, liam? because you found your brother?"     "no, that... i didn't know. um, eades found me. wasn't doing too good. tired, i guess. brought me back."
tired didn't cover it. he was sure he'd been stumbling in a dizzy haze by the time he'd even noticed her standing in front of him. he'd been running for days, constantly on the move with fear lighting the way. he didn't know if he'd been followed and he certainly didn't want to find out. as much as he argued with her, she'd got him back to town in the end after a small drink of water and something to sit in his empty stomach. a stomach that grew ever closer to emptying itself again now.
"would you consider yourself a team player?"
liam shrugs, circling his thumb against his palm in an effort to calm himself and regain a sense of focus for the other man's words. "yeah, i think so. i mean, i try to. i always try to be. like i said i'm kind of a nerd but, i can work with others pretty well."
"and, are you the type of person who will try to make the best out of a bad situation?"
"i... i used to be. my brother — um, jesse — he um, he always taught me to. now, i'm not so sure, honestly. it's hard. i think anyone would find that hard though, right? all things considered." but, if he had his hand upon a bible being asked to tell the truth and nothing but, liam would say no. no, he couldn't make the best of a situation any more. there was nothing left in his world he wanted to make the best for.
"what skills do you have that will benefit the community and your fellow survivors?"
"oh... oh, well, i've gotten here mostly on my own so... i guess i've gotten good at getting around? i could help fix things up or, i dunno, find stuff we need. took a class at university on first aid, too. couldn't say that's all too useful but—"
"ok, ok. would you say you could handle yourself in a crisis?"
"yes." it's the first thing he's said without some form of hesitation. "yeah, yeah i can. i've done it. i can do it." a crisis. as if he hadn't faced enough of those already. but would a population like this one face a different kind of crisis? he'd heard kit talking, after all. and for all the denial he'd thrown at fairvale being real, here he sat within its walls, in a small room, slowly crumbling the longer his mind ran away from him.
"and... what are you willing to do to protect the people and things you care about?"
liam feels himself slip. he bites the inside of his cheek until he tastes metal on his tongue, his hand pressed so hard against his mouth that the sickening groan he lets out comes as a muffled sigh. he hears his name and he shakes his head, standing from his chair with a wobble. "y'know, i—are we done? it's just um..”
"i'm not... i'm not good in small spaces like this, i can't — can we finish this another time? i can't—" answer questions he doesn't know the answer to. can't think about jesse any more or the blood on his hands. he can't consider all the things he might be willing to do when he'd already done so much without any. he'd been a monster in the making, after all. he'd done it without any questions asked. 
liam sways on the spot, folding in on himself as his vision blurs, his body shaking just enough to make him believe he'd started to reject himself. he feels arms around his shoulder, leading him around the table to the door. 
"ok, ok. c'mon, we'll get you to the clinic," the interviewer tells him. "just take some breaths for me, kid."
"i'm.. i'm not a kid," he hears himself argue pathetically. "i'm not."
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