#you guys like the whump and hurt comfort is my KINK it needs to be THOROUGHLY and SATISFYINGLY COMPLETED
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rivusatrap · 2 years
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by @skloomdumpster
Riven gets cursed by a magical jewel and he must act on his deepest desire in order to break it and live (aka rivusa fuck or die with feelings)
Musa/Riven | Explicit |   21380 words | 2 chapters
Favorite Quote: The entire fucking fic.... Like I my favorite quotes are spoilers and I can’t type them here because I want you guys to react to it in the context of the fic. So yeah, read the fic.
If you like hurt/comfort fics with a lot of feelings and internal struggles and pining, and also fuck or die and amazing smut, you should should read this fic!
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So I have to start with a disclaimer, Jo, the writer of this fic, is my best friend in the whole world and was the one that got me into writing fics and into making gifs and the whole fandom world. So I might be a little biased with everything she does - even if I think I’m not.
I also followed the creation of this fic, reading it multiple times before it was finished and giving her my 2 cents about it (And making a gif for it). Jo hasn’t written a Rivusa centered fic in a while and I was trying to keep a chill head while internally screaming with excitement that she was writing one - If you aren’t aware, I’m I like Rivusa a bit. Just a little bit.
This was a birthday fic for @gossipqueen2000​, another amazing writer and fellow rivusa-stan (totally recommend her fics btw), and Jo first asked Mo what she enjoyed most in fics so this gift would be perfect. I’m not 100% what was in that list because that was a private conversation but boy am I happy with whatever Mo said because the final result was EXPECTACULAR.
This fic. THIS FIC. Ugh, where to even start?
Jo has a way of writing that not only sets the scene perfectly but takes you back and then into characters heads in a way that’s not tireing or confusing or that breaks you out of the plot. Everything happens in the perfect pace, fits right where it needs to fic and flows easily, you could read 100 pages of her writing and feel like you read only 10.
What I also love a lot about her writing, and something I think I struggle a lot with, is showing characters emotions, what they really feel in a way that isn’t “he was sad”, “he was angry”.
You could feel Riven’s love for Musa, not only the romantic love, or the physical lust he has for her, but the true, real love, because of little things like how he knows to keep her ID and her card in his wallet because she has a bad habit of not carrying one, or how he knows the lyrics to her favorite songs- which he also knows not to sing along because she hates when people do that. Details like this, details she adds at just the right place at the right time, show you so much more than what is said, shows the reader characters habits, their history. It gives their feelings depth and it makes it all just feel more real.
And the whump! Jo can write whump. The same way she writes love she writes pain and its so detailed and hurts it makes your heart squeeze. I don’t read a lot of the fics she puts out and I’ve apologized to her tons about it but because she loves hurt and whump and my heart is very fragile, I cry about the most littlest things and when I read a whump fic of hers it literally ruins my day because its all so real and raw and my mind just can’t stop thinking about it.
And the smut... oh boy oh boy... Jo says she’s not really a fan of writing smut but she’s amazing at it, with just a perfect dose of kink mixed it to make it spicy(er). And the smut in this didn’t dissapoint. After reading about, what 19k words of hurt/comfort you finally arrive at the smut and you yell FINALLY! and its HOT!
The plot, which maybe should have been the first thing I talked about but oh well. The plot is... what other word can I use that isn’t “perfect” or “amazing” because I think if Jo were to beta this post she’d say I used these words too much already... The plot is genius (?)
But seriously, Jo could have taken a trope like fuck or die, which is usually straight to the point and PWP, but made it just that, quick and easy. But no, she created a whole intricate universe, a whole detailed backstory, ten years of pining, before she delivered on the prompt. And then instead of making it so they resolve the issue right away, she draggs it over a few days, makes Riven taste the power of the curse, makes him prepared for death as much as he can be because he thinks there’s no way out of it. She makes you yell a the computer/phone screen because RIVEN YOU ARE SO FUCKING STUPID.
I think if I say anything else I’ll be spoiling the fic too much for those who haven’t read. So read it.
And while you’re there check out Jo’s other fics, only a few are rivusa because her main ship is skloom but I 100% recommend them. All of them.
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Sorry, I saw one post and a half of yours and I'm already a fan.
I still have to scroll down your blog to see more about you, but I saw that two-post-long answer you made for an anon ask (btw, you have such poetic vibes :D your style made me smile, seriously) and I couldn't holf myself to ask:
Hm, have you ever heard of... I mean, "whump"?
If yes, what are your thouhts on it?
(you don't need to answer this, specially if it makes you unconfortable in any ways or anything else XD)
However, I hope you have a wonderful day/noon/afternoon/evening/night(?) !
Hello hello!! First things first, sorry for taking SO LONG to answer, I had a ton of health issues the last couple of months >.<
Secondly, thank you SO MUCH for being so kind!! I saw all your reblogs of that huge answer for such a tiny thing I did and thank you. I'm really happy you like my style too, that makes me smile!
Now now, about your question on whump, I'm gonna be very honest, I had to Google it to make sure we're on the same page HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jokes aside, I know it's sort of a term for hurt/comfort fanfiction - but it's not really clear to me if it's a kink thing or not.
Because you see, if you're talking about hurt and comfort, I mean, that's basically what I write HAHAHAHA writing for the Devil May Cry fandom, inevitably someone will be hurt/tortured/mentally abused somehow.
Or impaled. A lot.
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(I mean, that's all this bitch has done for the past 5 games)
And also there's the whole thing with Vergil, his twin brother, being kept as a slave in Hell for 20(?) years and coming back after dragging his crumbling body out of there to find out he has a son and being the peak of cluelessness in the Universe - and me being adamant he deserves love after all that.
So I guess everything I write has a LOT of hurt - and I even put some serious warnings before the fics, 'cause everyone is traumatized in this household - but despite of that, they still can find love, happiness and somewhat soothe all that pain and trauma.
(dramatic, real, horrible, but stil comforting xD)
As a kink, though, I don't enjoy it - and I also don't enjoy putting characters I love through pain and suffering just because. That's why I have a love/hate relationship with horror media: I LOVE horror, but I HATE exploitation.
Movies that have just people being abused, hurt, dismembered and all that kind of horrible stuff happening just because without a real reason to be on the plot - meaning, torture porn - just make my blood boil. And there's a lot of that in horror.
I like when things are more psychological and actually have a REASON to be there. So, in my writing, I'll never torture a character just for the pleasure of doing so and for the pleasure of the reader, I need a point out of it.
For instance, on my cyberpunk-style story, both main characters have gone through a terrible experience together and lost someone who was really dear to them. Both of them went through a lot of physical pain, lost some limbs and needed to install cyberprosthesis, and lost everything they had worked for til that point in their lives.
Horrible, yes. But they had to go through it so I could start the story: because of all of this, the guy made an anarchist/terrorist group and just wants to burn down the city along with the people in power who allowed all that to happen to him, while the woman becomes the best killer for hire so she can get enough money to live and, eventually, retire.
All that physical and psychological pain is a very important plot point and I can't take it away from the story, or else there's no story to begin with. Meanwhile, every time I'm writing I'm thinking "how can I make this as unpleasant as I can so the reader can understand the crushing feeling of all of this?" hahahahaha
That's why I'm not into pain kink - I respect everyone who is, but I can't do it, I feel no pleasure from it.
That's my opinion, I think. For pleasure's sake, I don't like it, but for plot, I really like it. I think it has a hopeful note to it - that even after the storm, the days will shine bright again, you just have to go on. That's what I enjoy from writing things like this, the hope.
Who would've known, I'm not 100% a bitter bitch hahaha
Reading my personal original stories, I think all of them have a painful background and many unpleasant scenes. But I like it, because it's human nature and how life is: bad things will happen, we can just try to make the good ones count even more :)
I hope that was a good answer to your question hahahaha
Thank you once again, and I hope you have a lovely week ahead!! Feel free to spend some time around and ask things if you'd like! ^^
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reallyintoscience · 1 year
Trope Game
Tagged by @notallsandmen 💖
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
* -10 -> very dissuaded
* 0 - don't care either way
* 10 -> very enticed
* nope -> if it's a hard no and you'd never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you'd insta click out of the fic if it wasn't tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it's conditional.
Age gap: -8 ( -10 — +5)
Oh this does open with the difficulties doesn't it.
I don't care one bit either way about age gaps.
I care very much about emotional experience gaps, which sometimes but not always correlate to age gaps.
It's all about the awareness and the agency. Would the younger/less powerful character be able to understand the situation and would they feel able and willing to say no? Would the older/more powerful character respect that? If yes, no problem.
Because this dynamic can squick me so hard, it is occasionally a kink, because brains do be like that.
For instance I'm totally insane about Anonymous' Lucy Locket, where Dream the Prince of Stories loves to play pretend with Hob in the form of an exploited sugar baby. Key here is that Dream and Hob are roleplaying and this isn't their whole relationship. (CW: CNC warning applies for Chapter 5.)
Codependency: +5
I love it when the pairing is a matched set, particularly from the perspective of an outsider. It's really fun if the character's don't realise themselves how much of a set they are. But I like this best when they *can* function well enough on their own - they usually start out as lone wolves, it must be said - but they are *miserable* without their person. They can survive but not thrive.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +10 (0 - -10)
Toxic trait to love toxic traits in my fiction? Oh well, here we are. I want my guys feral for each other and I want them to love that about one another. I'm here for the making each other worse.
Buuuut not if one of them is being controlling of the other. I hate that and I'll drop it right away if that dynamic shows up.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): 0
Neutral. I do tend to end up with this kind of pairing but it feels incidental rather than the instigating factor.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +7
Okay so I need for my pairing guys to like each other, to enjoy one another as people, but the absolute best version of that? Is when they really really don't want to like this dick. Or this dick, if you know what I mean.
Friends with benefits: +10
I love this because I'm like this but my favourite flavour is when this is the most important relationship each of them have even if they do not treat it as romantic. They might have other hookups this is Their Person.
Sex to feelings: 0
Neutral. I like it fine but don't seek it out.
Fake dating/relationship: +8
I like it but the reason I like it is that it frames two of my favourite tropes very well: pining, and "we're a team against the world". But the setup has to actually make sense, and not have everyone around them holding the idiot ball.
Friends to lovers: 0
Neutral, it's the setup for most fic I read just because there's where we start off.
Found Family: +5.
I love this in a very certain dynamic, my lone-wolf, everything-is-my-responsibility characters finding community and acceptance. But I love it when it manages to stay close to canon, and it's hard to do this with a lot of canons in a convincing way. There has to be a large enough cast of characters that I care about, and being a picky little creature as I am this isn't often the case.
Hurt/Comfort: 0
Eh. It's fine, but I don't like whump and depending who's tagging sometimes h/c is whump in disguise. More comfort than hurt pls.
Love Triangle: -5.
Very rarely does this exist in a satisfying way and when it does it's not a triangle anymore, it's a threesome. Now, if one of the characters *thinks* there is a love triangle and they're just so very wrong actually, aka the love is requited they're just idiots, then that's fine.
Poly, open relationships: 0
Open relationships tends not to work that well with my "totally feral about each other" kind of favourite dynamic, but it does work with the friends with benefits but still ride or die for each other kind. Poly is just fine but it depends on the fandom. The longer I'm in a fandom, the more OTP I tend to get. I start out shipping my One True Character with half the cast, and then I find the OTP and that's that.
Mistaken/hidden identity: -8 - 5
I *hate* mistaken identity, it gives me second-hand embarrassment. I will read it if the rest of the tags check out but I'll read it through my fingers and I won't enjoy it the first time. Once I know how it turns out I might love the story on second read but waiting to find out how someone is going to be Found Out As An Imposter is my horror story actually.
Hidden identity can be super fun though.
Monsterfucking: +10
I am a proud monsterfucker and I will read pretty much anything with this.
Pregnancy: -10 (+10)
Okay so I have a pregnancy squick and I do not want to read pregnancy or kidfic ... except if it's Dreamling and then I have a huge kink about it? I've been in fandom 28 years and I have never liked it and NOW. This one ship. I dunno.
Second Chance: + 4
The mutual pining and planning here can be really good. Depends why it didn't work out and what's changed to make it different this time.
Slowburn: +8.
Yes please. Build up those feelings until I want to yell at them, go on.
Soulmates: 0 (Meh)
I kind of love the kind where one half doesn't have a soulmark or has a bizarre soulmark, and thinks they are ~alone forever~ but actually it's supernatural shenanigans. That kind is fun. And I enjoy all the different sorts of worldbuilding that go into soulmate aus, when they're properly thought through.
Tagging @seiya-starsniper, @beatnikfreakiswriting, @ml-nolan , @chaosheadspace , @beholdme , @beholdingthegaytimes, @honeyteacakes and anyone else who feels like it!
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years
Icarus or Atlas?
Icarus or Atlas? by Etagirl
Hawks is far from your average twenty-two year-old pro-hero. Groomed from a young age to be the perfect spy by the Hero Public Safety Commission, how does he handle the constant pressure and the weight of the world on his shoulders? Or at least the weight of Japan. Citizens and Pro-Heroes alike compare him to and jokingly refer to him as Icarus, but perhaps it'd be more accurate to call him Atlas! (Sorry author sucks at summaries).
The title's a WIP, I may or may not change it later. This fic is basically an excuse to put Hawks through a lot of pain (but also fluff and comfort!) so it gets a bit self-indulgent at times lol. It's also an excuse to get out all my Hawks headcanons lol (and some other people's headcanons too). I plan for each chapter to be a self-contained story, so sorry if they get a little long. We'll see how long I keep this up for lol, my motivation to write is fleeting. Anyway hope you guys enjoy!
Words: 5877, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum, Amajiki Tamaki, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, minor original villains, Hero Public Safety Commission, Dabi | Todoroki Touya
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks & Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Injury, Broken Bones, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Drowning, Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Whump, Objectification, Mildly Dubious Consent, Non-Consensual Touching, sorta actually Hawks allows it but he's not really thrilled about it, Quirk Kink, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Hypervigilance, Exaggerated Startle Response, why aren't these tags?, Work In Progress, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Spoilers, Just assume spoilers for every manga chapter up to this point to be on the safe side, Hurt Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks Whump, Takami Keigo | Hawks Has PTSD, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing, Character Study, Parental Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43032504
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tonystarkbingo · 1 year
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TSB Round 7 - Week 13/14
It's a double roundup this week, because... Life gets in the way. But we've got some excellent fills below.
And stay tuned for a super fun new event for the party this weekend!
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Collaborator: scottxlogan Card Number: 7017 Square Filled: R5 - Fireplace Title: The Journey to Love Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Word Count: 1849 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Fluff, Honeymoon, Self-Reflection, Cock Warming, Sexual Content, Romance, Tony Stark-centric, Enemies to Lovers, Romantic Fluff Summary: Tony reflects on the chemistry between him and Bucky and how in that journey Tony and Bucky took to finding each other and falling into love.
Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 7001 Square Filled: R2 - image of Tony tinkering with the suit Title: Not Yet - Chapter 9 Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony & Death, mentioned Tony & Rhodey, mentioned Pepperony Word Count: 1089 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: near death experiences, personification of Death, palladium poisoning, IM2 events, whump, hurt/comfort Summary: Getting out of his banged up suit after his disastrous birthday party isn't going very well.
Collaborator: tinystark616 Card Number: 7008 Square Filled: T5 - Kink: Armor Kink Title: not the last time Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 1147 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Anal sex, Armor Kink, loud sex, top Tony Stark, bottom Steve Rogers Summary: Tony finds out about Steve's armor kink and gives Steve exactly what he wants.
Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: 7001 Square Filled: K2 - robots Title: Not Yet - Chapter 11 Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony & Death, Tony & the Bots Word Count: 552 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: near death experiences, personification of Death, near drowning, sort of buried alive, IM3 events, JARVIS and the bots, hurt/comfort Summary: Tony doesn't like being buried alive, suffocating, and drowning all at once. No, he does not.
Collaborator: May Card Number: 7031 Square Filled: R1 - All’s Well That Ends Well Title: Nice Guys Finish Last Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 1.687 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Getting together, coming out, bisexual Tony Stark Summary: Tony unknowingly causes an abrupt sexuality crisis when he wears his best friends letterman jacket
Collaborator: deehellcat Card Number: 7014 Square Filled: A5 - Tony/Natasha Title: A Timeline of My Life Link: Tumblr Pairings: tonynat Word Count: na Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: AU-No Powers, Tattoo Artist AU, Single Dad Tony Stark Summary: Tony’s a bit taken aback when he arrives to pick up little Peter from kindergarten one day and finds what appears to be a severed arm lying on a table in the classroom. Turned out peter’s teacher Yelena had invited her sister, tattoo artist Natasha, on career day (Peter had asked his dad to come, but Tony was just too busy) to show the kids how she practiced her work. Tony didn’t expect to be smitten by the gorgeous redhead either, but he was, and when she talked about how working all day every day wasn’t the only way he needed to provide for his son, he actually listened. “You can work til you’re dead, but you only get one chance to be Petey’s dad.”
Collaborator: tinystark616 Card Number: 7008 Square Filled: T2 - Arc Reactor Title: light of my life Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Steve Word Count: 1000 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff Summary: Steve has always loved Tony's arc reactor. And he's always loved Tony.
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dickgraysonexchange · 2 years
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Holy gift reveals, Batman! We’ve hit our first day of posting!
Go check out all the wonderful works listed below, and don’t forget to kudos and comment on your gift to show your giftor some love!
THE LIGHTS WE CHASE (THE NIGHT WE STEAL) for LIBRARYLEXICON [Art, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Tim Drake & Dick
Brotherly Bonding, Fluff, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Tim Drake is Robin
Dick and Tim train surfing while out on patrol as Nightwing and Robin.
REACH MY HAND OUT, WILL YOU GRAB IT for WEDNESDAY [Fic, Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Dick/Slade Wilson
Identity Porn, Identity Reveal, Angst, Memory Loss, Post-Spyral, Love Confessions, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Slade Wilson is Deathstroke, Dick Grayson Was Agent 37, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Emotional Whump, Self-Deprecating Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson Is Alright, Idiots in Love
After wiping the world's memory of his identity being revealed, Dick's life is a mess that he's trying to put together. Every waking moment is about being Nightwing again, he has no time to be Dick Grayson.
Which is fine, because it seems like no one remembers Dick Grayson anyway.
UNREALIZED RESCUE for ALICEGIVESGIFTS [Fic, Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings]
Dick & Jason Todd
Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Jason Todd is a Good Bro, Dick Grayson-centric, Hurt Dick Grayson, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Sexual Harassment, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Whump, Gunshot Wounds, Dick Grayson Whump, Protective Jason Todd
Dick gets captured by some traffickers. Then he gets taken by the Red Hood. He just hopes he’ll be found in time.
DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE for NIGHTWANG [Fic, Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Dick/Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Threesome - F/M/M, Bottom Dick Grayson, Strap-Ons, Pegging, Light Dom/sub, Femdom, Kneeling, Polyamory, Dirty Talk, Blow Jobs, Size Kink, Praise Kink, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Double Penetration in One Hole, Manhandling, Nipple Play, Come Eating, Fluff and Smut, Top Lois Lane, POV Alternating, New Addition to an Established Relationship
Dick asks for an extra special birthday present from his two favorite people in the universe.
FLY ACROSS THE SKY for SPEE [Fic, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Dick & Barbara Gordon
Case Fic, Dick Grayson is Robin, Barbara Gordon is Batgirl, Team Up
Barbara was spying a guy, Robin joined to have some fun.
JUST A TASTE for TETRODOTOXINS [Fic, Explicit, Rape/Non-Con, Underage]
Tim/Dick, Dick/Bruce, Dick/Jason, Dick/Duke, Dick/Barbara, Steph/Dick, Dick/Damian, Cass/Dick
Hurt Dick Grayson, Trans Dick Grayson, Dark Batfamily (DCU), Drugged Sex, Non-Con Somnophilia, Vaginal Sex, Grooming, Roof Sex, Lap Sex, Daddy Kink, Breeding Kink, Nipple Play, Chikan, Intercrural Sex, Bondage, Gags, Blindfolds, Anal Sex, Drunk Sex, Cunnilingus, Pegging, Glory Hole, Rough Sex, Incest Kink, Victim Blaming, Begging, Hurt No Comfort...
All of the batfamily, at one point or another, has developed a crush on the shining first Robin, Dick Grayson. And none of them could resist taking what they wanted.
...With or without Dick's permission.
CAGED BIRD IS A BIRD NO MORE for WALKEROFTHESTARS [Fic, Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Dick/Slade Wilson
Identity Reveal, Dick Grayson is Deathstroke, Reunions, Interrogation, Strait Jacket, Escape, Prison Break, Emotional Constipation, Anal Sex, Orgasm Denial, Light Bondage, Spanking, Coming Untouched, Praise Kink, Fluffy Ending
“Where is he?” Batman growls. Tim suppresses a shudder.
“Where is who?” Deathstroke replies, almost smugly. Tim knew it wouldn’t be that easy. He’s sure Batman knows it too. This isn’t like the Joker — not like Jason. There’s no body. There’s nothing. No trace of Batman’s former protégé to signal whether he’s alive or dead, safe and healthy or being abused and tortured. Nothing to go on but the suspicions of the now disbanded Titans and Batman’s own gut instinct.
“Where is Dick Grayson?”
ONLY HUMAN for ANONYMOUSBADGERMOLE [Fic, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Dick & Bruce Wayne, Dick & Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Dick Grayson-centric, Hurt Dick Grayson
A teenaged Dick is getting bullied at school and accidentally snaps.
A WALK THROUGH THE GROUNDS for C_ART [Art, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Alternate Universe - Regency, Regency Romance, Alternate Universe - Historical, Fanart
For the prompt: Historical AU based on a period you like! Dick, Dick & anyone, or Dick/Kory ------ Such an adorable prompt, and allowed me to draw some fancy 1800s 'fits 🥰
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ironwoman359 · 3 years
Completely agree on nagas being underutilized and having a ton of potential. Both as the whumpee and the whumper….
So now I have to know. Which do you prefer…(and maybe why…talk whumpy to me lol)
Naga whumper? Or naga whumpee…
cw: whump, captivity, dehumanization, possessiveness, abuse, torture, angst with little to no comfort
Oh, I am delighted you asked, friend...it's not like I just did a bunch of research on snake health for a bad things happen bingo fic* with a naga whumpee....it's not like doing so gave me MANY more ideas than I was able to fit into that one story...and its not like I have many thoughts on how nagas could fit into the traditional creature whump tropes (that I also was reading and rereading for 'research' while writing We Blankly Stare). This is going under a cut, because, like all my fics, it got longer than I meant it to. (also, to my regular followers who aren't into heavy whump, don't mind me as I go off on a tangent into a totally different fic community; you can skip this one if you need to; at the very least mind the content warnings <3)
SO, nagas. Beautiful creatures. Like centaurs, 'human' on the top and snake on the bottom. SO much lovely whump potential, either as whumpers or whumpees, but lets focus on the whumpee side for now. In no particular order...
Pet Whump:
Decorative collars set with jewels that compliment the pattern of their highly polished scales and delicate gold chains weaving their way along their body, equal parts jewelry and restraint. They are highly prized, beautiful things, and what is the point of owning one if not to show it off?
Inviting a crowd to come and watch them feed, demonstrating their dislocating jaws and sharp fangs as they toss rodents to them whole. Bonus angst points if raw meat actually makes your naga whumpee sick, or they can eat raw meat but cooked is better. Just because they look like a snake doesn't mean they eat like one
Is your naga whumpee poisonous? Have their owner remove their fangs or poison glands, leaving them utterly dependent on them for food (and utterly helpless if they do ever manage to escape)
Nagas bred in captivity, so the only life they've ever known is one of imprisonment. Do they even consider freedom as something attainable? Or do their owners have them convinced that they're better off like this?
Lab Whump:
Nagas that are actually human/snake hybrids created in laboratory experiments just to see if it was possible.
Nagas who are kept in order to produce venom, what the venom is for could be anything!
Nagas 'enhanced' with mind and/or body altering drugs or magic to serve in the military as the perfect warrior
Nags used for experiments and drug tests because they are seen as less than human
Torture Whump:
As is the case with most torture whump, the 'why' the whumpee is being tortured isn't really important here. Maybe they have information the whumper wants, maybe the whumper is trying to get revenge or hurt whumpee's team, maybe they're just cruel. This isn't really about the 'why' so much as it is the specific 'hows' that having a whumpee who is part snake provides.
Pulling/cutting off scales, pulling out or filing down fangs, clipping or tearing off claws (a creature whump classic)
Naga specific (this is more of a lizard thing than a snake thing, but nagas aren’t real, we make the rules here!) body part removal: cutting off the tail! It doesn’t matter that it grows back, it still hurts every time. (or maybe the tail doesn’t grow back, and the naga is left unable to ‘walk’ properly)
Rough iron collars around their neck attached to a ball and chain, bonus points if the length of the chain prevents them from rising to their usual 'standing' height.
Hang them from the ceiling with cuffs and chains by their tails; upside down, right-side up, however you choose!
My those snake bodies are long...I wonder how long they can stretch?
I have one word for you: thermoregulation. Reptiles cannot regulate their own body heat, they are dependent on their environment. This gives us a whole HOST of reptile-specific torture techniques:
temperature shock: dump them in freezing water or spray them with a high-pressure hose. Unpleasant for any kind of whumpee, for the naga whumpee this has the added bonus of being fatal very quickly if they aren't warmed up.
It's not good for a snake to be too HOT either, they need to cool their bodies off just as often as they need to warm them up (don't quote me precisely on that, snake tumblr). A whumper who keeps their naga under bright, hot lights nearly constantly so they're dehydrated, covered in blisters, and/or always feverish (can a naga get a fever? idk, up to you. snakes don't, but snakes don't have human torsos. we can be wishy washy with health issues)
So extreme heat and extreme cold are bad, but did you know that (while it's breed specific) most snakes lose its ability to thermoregulate at around 70 degrees Fahrenheit? When their body temperature drops below this (but not so low that we're in hypothermia territory), their movements are sluggish, they cannot/will not eat, and it is very easy for them to develop infections, scale rot, all sorts of problems. Does the whumper keep them in low temperatures to make them weak and pliable in their hands, easy to control? Does the whumper use these conditions as a punishment for bad behavior? Or give reprieve from them as a reward for good behavior? There’s just SO much that can be done with temperature alone! It’s one of the things that sets nagas apart from other creatures and THAT is one of the most criminally underused aspects, in my oh so humble opinion!
Other Fun Concepts:
Nagas with their tails trapped under rubble, unable to pull themselves free.
Nagas kept in a cage that's far too small for them, their body wrapped up so tightly they can barely move.
Did you know that when a snake's body temperature is too low, it can't digest its food? And that if it does eat something and then doesn't have the energy to digest it properly, it will either instinctually regurgitate that food back up or run the risk of the food literally rotting in its stomach? Take this knowledge into literally any of the pet or torture scenarios and you have some A+ snake specific whump
Tiny nagas! Like the western hognose snake or the ringneck snake, these little guys can fit in the palm of your hand! Apply literally any previously listed scenario to your tiny naga for instant fantasy g/t whump! also vore...that's not my scene but it was one of like, two things i found while looking for naga whump on tumblr earlier, so I feel obligated to mention it.
Giant nagas, YOU can fit in THEIR hands. Does that make them the whumper, or still the whumpee? You decide!
Water nagas! combine mer whump with naga whump and you’ve got a water snake to hurt!
Nagas with scale rot, respiratory infections, kinks in their spine, or other snake health issues, either from mistreatment from a whumper or natural causes.
As you can tell, I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, lol. I hope you enjoyed, and if anyone writes anything based off these, I’d love to see it! Also, HAVE I been considering making a whump sideblog for awhile? yes. Did writing this post convince me to finally do it? Also yes. So I'll be over at @ironwhumper359 if you'd like to talk more whump with me, I’d be delighted to have you :)
*if you would like to read said bad things happen bingo fic, know that while it is labelled Sanders Sides, because that’s the fandom I mainly write it, the first chapter only has one character from the series in it and is honestly much more of an original whump piece than it is a fanfic. The second and third chapters are more fandom specific (though you’re of course still welcome to read them even if you’re not a sanders sides fan), but that first one can be read as stand-alone whump!
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
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Hi my name’s Maeve! 😇 I write for Anakin and a tiny bit of Obi. 
My inbox is closed! 
Feel free to send me any thoughts you have, but if you send a fic request I can’t promise that I’ll get to it anytime soon. I still love to see your ideas though! 
(ps check out my ongoing fic Give Me Love) 
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First Kiss - Anakin treats reader to their first kiss
Drunk - Reader comes home from a party wasted, and Anakin is there to witness it… and maybe make out with…
Anakin Cuddling Hc’s - What it’s like to cuddle with the Best Boy
Anakin with giggly reader Hc’s and Anakin x Jealous/Insecure reader - first half is hc for a giggly reader and second half is a fic where reader gets jealous and insecure and Anakin comforts them
Anakin x Short/Shy/Insecure Reader Hc’s - Just some headcanons of a soft boy
Loving On You - Slight Anakin angst, basically you hold him after a crappy mission
Be My Forever - Anakin proposes with as little words as possible
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Hc’s- nice car go zoom 🚗💨
Anakin With a Pregnant Reader Hc’s- use protection kids
Anakin x Touch Starved Reader Hc’s - definitely not self indulgent
Touch Starved Anakin x Reader Hc’s - this was actually rlly cute
Playing with his hair imagine - i know i write about this a lot but cmon
Anakin Comforting Reader Hc’s - cue the uwu’s
Distraction - Anakin distracts reader as they study
Walking with Anakin as he does General stuff- small blurb
Domestic Anakin Hc’s - random thoughts I had of him
Giving Anakin a massage - w a tiny hint of smut
Complimenting Anakin - is never talked about enough
Anakin x curvy Reader Hc’s
Anakin x skinny Reader Hc’s
Fluff blurbs! - one, two
Stargazing with Anakin
Wearing Anakin’s Jedi Robes Hc’s
Sleepy moments with Ani Hc’s
Jealous Anakin x Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
Anakin x Jealous Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
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Patched Up - Reader comes back from a mission all cut up, Anakin helps patch her up
Sick People Should Stay Away from Balconies - Reader is sick and asking for trouble, Anakin deals with her shit
Jelly toast - a request for a reader coming back from a mission all bruised and cut up, Anakin takes care of her
Anakin x Asthmatic Reader Hc’s - how he would act to you having asthma
Bad Dream- Reader has a nightmare during a thunderstorm and goes to Anakin for help
He Kicks Your Ass And Then Lets You Braid His Hair - see title
A Helping Hand (part 1) - Reader hurts her arm during a mission, and Anakin comes to help her (in more ways than one). Whump is in part 1, smut is in part 2 listed under Smut.
Anakin x Reader on her Period heacanons - shark week oofs
Anakin x Sick reader headcanons
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Don’t Forget About Me - Reader begs Anakin not to go break up the fight between Mace Windu and Palpatine
I Gave You All - Our war-torn baby just needs a hug
Anakin x Reader w/ Mommy Issues - bro i just 
Night Bus - The Council forces you to leave Anakin
A Reason to Stay - read this at your own risk, deals with severe mental health issues. basically Anakin helps reader through a dark time.
Misunderstandings - angst ending in fluff, Anakin and reader go on a bodyguard mission together and both get jealous.
Anakin crying blurb - give sad boy a hug damnit
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Anakin and Reader Take a Shower -basically what the title says. The shower gets heated in more ways than one.
What That Mouth Do Though 👄💦- he eats you out like a champ 💪🏻
Needy Anakin - (you give him a blowie)
Say My Name- jealous Anakin, choking, fucking, you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
First time - Readers first time HAVING SEX with Anakin 🥰
His First Time - The first time Anakin HAS SEX, & it’s with you :)
Welcome Home - Anakin comes home from war and reader welcomes him back with open arms... and open legs 
Save a Spaceship, Ride a Starpilot- Anakin has reader sit on his face and then she fucks him slowly ;)
Giving him a lapdance short - just a lil imagine
Jealousy (part 1) - classic under-the-table action at a high end event
Jealousy (part 2) - he gets his revenge
Master Kink Hc’s - exactly what it sounds like
A Helping Hand (part 2) - Anakin helps Reader out bc she has a broken arm :) very sweet and soft and fluffy to mend y’alls broken hearts. (part 1 is under Whump)
This is what he sounds like when he cums - grab ur headphones
This is what he sounds like in bed - grab ur headphones again lol
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 1) - from the top make it drop thats a wap
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 2) -  wap wap wap
General Kink blurb - credit goes to @kenobikittens​
Cruel Intentions - holiday smut, this hurt ppl’s feelings for some reason woops. anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty mouth, and also it’s Life Day.
Anakin x fem reader Pregnancy Sex Hc’s - i hate kids but this was cute
NSFW blurbs! - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
Sub Anakin Hc’s - good boy ;)
Deepthroating Anakin Hc’s 
Dry Humping Hc’s
A Dream Come True - Anakin helps reader masturbate and cum for the first time
Anakin & size kink hc’s
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Anakin is smart - just a post talking about how intelligent our favorite Jedi is
More proof that he’s smart
Anidala Fluff - A request where Anakin and Padme do it in the fields of Naboo for the first time (no smut it’s romantic get ur head out of the gutter John B)
Love at First Sight - Anakin falls in love with you as soon as he sees you
All These Little Things - Padme x Reader / Anakin x Reader Hc’s where reader is romantically interested in Padme until she notices all of Anakin’s little things
Anakin’s hands appreciation post
Anakin’s Cheekbones Appreciation Post - he’s just got em okay
Anakin’s arms appreciation post
Aggressive Negotiations (part one) - Anakin and Reader go to a ball and it doesn’t turn out the way they expect
Aggressive Negotiations (part two) - combines the ‘he sees her dressed up for the first time’, ‘handcuffed together’, and ‘stuck in a closet’ tropes all in one mission gone wrong ;)
When he does the hand-on-cheek thing - *cries*
For people who have freckles
For people who have freckles p2 - not my work but thanks to @haydens-moles​ you guys have to suffer through this post with me
Anakin can sing
Anakin + drinking - some musings about the jedi and booze
Anakin loves rain
Anakin’s Eyelashes Appreciation Post
Random facts about his childhood
Sad Anakin fact
Anakin Reaction Pics
Random Anakin Thoughts - im so disorganized my b
What does his dick look like?
Is he brunette or blonde discourse - spoil alert: it’s neither. see next link
What color is his hair really?
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It’s you- Obi Wan x Reader fic where he comes back from a mission planning to break it off with you, but then realizes he can’t let you go
You Can Rest Now - Obiwan x Reader where you take care of him after a mission that’s left him tired and sick
Obi-Wan Hc’s - random thoughts I had about him being in a relationship
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What I Imagine The Star Wars Boys Wear For Underwear
What I Imagine The Star War’s Boys Dicks Are Like
Rating the Star Wars Boys Cum Faces on a Scale from 1-10
Kinky R2
The fanart that ended thousands of careers
R2D2 x C3P0 Smut 
You get Acid in your Vagina Hc’s 
Carrot Fun w Anakin - two parter, includes videos
Yoda smut snippet
He gave you a specific order
If Anakin can pull off a butt chin then so can I
How many shots it would take for me to sleep with the stars wars men (part one) (part two)
Anakin w a weave
Which Star Wars Characters Have a Foot Fetish
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bright-whump · 3 years
hey you have irl nsfw blogs listed as a dni category but a fair amount of the art you reblog comes from or has attached comments from bdsm/fetish blogs and i have some honest confusion about where the boundaries are. is the difference that it’s illustration as opposed to photography? /gen
There's a near 0% chance this is actually genuine after the little friend group that bonds over harassing people the last few days, but it's not completely 0 I guess so sure, I will answer as genuine.
Is the difference that one is a drawing of a fake guy (I think almost exclusively from animes) who was created from nothing out of lines and shadowing with a digital brush, and one is a real human actual person who exists in the real world and had emotions/feelings during when this photo was taken?
One is "this is a drawing and consent isn't needed for them to be drawn like this nor do they, you know, actually exist or have any possibility of being hurt by being drawn like this because they have no being, they're not real" and the other is "this is a real person, I don't want to look at this because I personally am not comfortable with the fact I cannot possibly know if this very real person consented to either the act the photo is of OR of the photo being taken/posted online".
The ONLY time I'm okay with irl nsfw of anyone is when it was in a movie or tv show, when these people obviously consented to it beforehand and were 100% okay with people seeing, and even then I really don't like seeing it because it's just fuckin yucky!
I also don't like irl kink in text. It makes me extremely uncomfortable the more kinky it gets. Same reasoning. Kinky fanfic of fake characters vs a blog that talks about how they want to do shit to irl people/have those things done to them.
The exception I have to this art is ok rule (which includes written fic) is anything involving minors or kid/adult "ships", as would probably be expected, also in my DNI as "even if it's only implied" as in I instablocked an account and would again that tagged "sfw" art of cartoon characters that have never existed ever and don't even mildly look like real people with the ship name where all they were doing was standing next to each other.
But hopefully it's probably pretty obvious that I'm also not going to go through years of posts from everyone who posted + everyone who ever interacted with it to make sure no one's ever touched it who ever posted anything I don't like. I would literally never be able to reblog anything, ever, and mostly because it would just take too much time. I go through a few posts when people follow me and search key words I've learned will show up pretty quick if I want to block or not, and sometimes I click the op of art to look for other posts to reblog (like the most recent one I reblogged only reblogs anime, that I'm good with, and I queued other posts from them) but I'm not doing that to every single post I ever reblog from other whump blogs. I don't know how anyone could expect someone to, or even worse, use the content/actions of someone they don't even know to accuse them of something.
"You know the truck driver that delivered the apple you're currently eating right now to the store you bought it from went to jail for crime once right? Don't you do background checks on every single person that comes anywhere near anything you've ever bought? So you're a crime apologist? You support crime?"
Come the fuck on.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV. Bullying and non-explicit violence in this chapter, Peter whump.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: WE'VE GOT PLOT! Peter Parker deserves better. Steeb needs a vibe check cuz he keeps failing them :( Boomers are hot but ... Boomers. KitKat, anyone? Natasha is a Brain Cell™. Enjoy, deviants.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings @vozit​ @littlegasps​ @pilloclock​ @shereadsinquiet​ @hermione-grangers-wife​ @downeyreads​ @individualistfem​
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings 👑 - titty gators assemble! 👀
I scheduled a visit to the tower two days after my "illness" episode. Most of my lows passed without any lingering, the headache was gone and so was the nausea. My mood was still somewhere between "please kill me" and "I could eat a lot of cake right now" but it was bearable. I was very much looking forward to occupying myself with the project if only to divert my focus from overthinking about my own misery.
Peter said he was going to see Tony straight after school and offered for me to tag along with him: Tony sent his driver to pick up the boy. I didn't have the heart to refuse, seeing no point in waiting for an Uber on a rainy workday afternoon. Traffic was horrendous in New York city no matter the weather but a downpour took the congestions to a new height.
When I spotted the sleek, black brand new Audi I made a beeline for it, waving to Happy as I crawled inside as fast as I could. "Don't get the seats wet," The chauffeur grumbled.
"It's wet outside," I rolled my eyes into the next dimension. Whoever thought his nickname was in any way appropriate needed a psych eval. Peter sat on my right side looking wet and downright miserable. I had to swallow a string of expletives at the sight in front of me: the entirety of Peter's right cheek was an ugly shade of blue, eye on it's way to swelling shut and lip busted open. "What in the everliving fuck happened to you?!" Breathing through my nose, I fought bubbling rage inside of me. Peter looked like he went toe to toe with a Hulk.
"Flash happened," The boy mumbled, whining and brooding simultaneously. His cheeks glowed.
"That little runt?" I took another pause to steady my breathing, tentatively reaching out for Peter's hand. He grasped it tightly in gratitude. "Well, did you at least fight back?"
"No, I... I can't do that," Peter became even smaller, curling into the seat and in himself. I was disappointed for sure as I wouldn't just stand there and take a beating, but Pete was different. He was sensitive-a total pacifist to boot.
"Do any of the teachers know? I'm guessing this isn't the first time," Sure, I've seen Parker with an occasional scrape or a bruise but I'd always figured it was just him being a teenage nuisance. Curtain of depression I had over the previous days slowly began morphing into cold fury.
"No, well, they probably do. But Flash is the principal's son so they ignore it, I guess," Peter sighed in defeat. "Mr. Stark doesn't know either. Please don't tell him," He begged.
"Abuse thrives in silence," I parroted our sex-ed teacher but otherwise made no promises. My mind raced between comforting Peter and ordering Happy to turn the car around so I could find the shitty excuse of a human named Flash Thompson and violently make it known what happens to people when they get me pissed off.
"What are you going to tell Tony?" I asked Peter as we herded into the elevator, slightly wet and mostly miserable.
"I have an idea or two," The boy answered darkly.
"You have been summoned to the common floor, I was instructed to notify you there is food to be eaten before sciencing, per Doctor Banner's orders," Friday announced, rerouting the elevator to the aforementioned destination. Peter groaned loudly, burying his face in his hands.
"What the fuck happened to you, kid?" Bucky decided screeching like a banshee and attracting at least five of his teammates to come running from the dining room was the best way to approach an obviously spooked Peter. The boy shuffled his feet awkwardly.
"Our classmate beat him up," I answered before Pete could lie. "The fucking runt that doesn't know his damn place. His two cronies probably too," The venom in my voice could've melted steel. I was genuinely furious.
"What's his name?" Captain-Steve growled. I was taken aback at the large blonde man suddenly standing up, fists clenched. My feet moved involuntarily, taking a step back from the enraged supersoldier and Pete cowered, startled.
I stepped in front of him immediately. "I'm gonna need you to chill the fuck down, Cap," The trembling in my voice persisted but I stood my ground nonetheless. "Your roid rage is going to land you in prison if you keep going," In my own rage, self-preservation went out of the window along with common sense. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up, Peter was downright shaking behind me.
"She's right," Bucky darkly eyed his friend. "Off to the sparring mats with you." He grabbed Rogers by the shoulder with his prosthetic arm all but hauling the blonde towards the elevator. Thor immediately took the Captain's other side, not quite touching him but obviously giving his friend a vibe check. I could've clapped. Not that Steve resisted much, but still.
"Everyone calm down, please," The Black Widow piped up in an even tone. I can always count on a fellow woman to keep calm in a situation where men's tempers almost cause a disaster. "Now, tell us what happened," She approached Peter on quiet feet. The boy shuffled around me looking every bit as dejected as I felt about the situation. "And someone fetch some ice for that bruise," Romanoff's offhand gesture had Barton scrambling into the kitchen.
Peter sat down on the couch, looking at the floor. "Flash has been bothering me since, like, forever and today I just ignored his usual remarks because I had a calculus test, I- I wanted to make sure I knew everything, and I was sitting in a really quiet corner, and I- Ned was hanging out with MJ somewhere and I guess Flash got angry that I didn't answer," Peter rambled in his usual nervous fashion, sentences jumbling together. Natasha kept nodding, simply hugging the boy softly with one arm. As soon as Clint came back with a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel Natasha's other arm pressed it gently to Peter's bruised face. The assassin frowned at the pained whine that left Peter's lips.
"Honestly, that dude is a fucking piece of shit, I'm surprised how he's not in jail yet," I piped up from where I was pacing along the large window overlooking the city skyline. Wound up and tense, I couldn't stay still. "He stole a senior's car for a joyride, last year. He routinely picks on the freshmen and I've personally dislocated his wrist from slapping me on the ass in, like, eight grade," Peter's eyebrows raised at my admission and Natasha gave me a vaguely approving hum.
I caught Peter's eye the moment elevator doors opened revealing a panicked looking Tony and a worried Bruce with Loki standing behind them, talking to a man in... Robes? And a red cape?
"What happened to my science child?!" Tony's fury rang high. The engineer rushed over to Peter, frantically checking him over and growling at the state of his face, letting out a string of expletives seeing the busted lip had started to bleed again.
I gave a tiny tilt of my lips to Bruce who had the oddest compilation of worried, confused and amused in his expression.
"You should probably get him to a doctor, I think his mouth is cut on the inside," I scooted closer to Banner, informing him quietly.
"I'm a doctor," The man in the cape announced, ... strutting (!) over to Pete. There was really no other way to describe his long, precise strides. He quickly butted Tony out of the way and instructed Peter to open his mouth.
"This is utter chaos," Loki muttered, sitting down on the furthest end of the couch.
"It is and I'm living for it," I sighed. The situation was very disorganized with Tony flailing about in blind panic, Bruce just standing there, Cap's rage quit and subsequent intervention by his buddies. Then the new strange dude... Loki was brooding and honestly? Big mood. The only person who made some resemblance of order out if this cluster fuck was Natasha.
All and all, it was quite endearing. I imagined that's what a large, close family would look like. When I said I was enjoying myself - no lie there, even despite the grim situation.
"How are you? Are you hurt?" Bruce quietly asked me, laced with concern. His shoulders relaxed somewhat when I shook my head negative. "Hungry?" I nodded affirmatively and the doctor produced a kit kat bar seemingly out of nowhere, winking at me with a boyish smile. I just about melted on the spot, tearing off a block and giving it to him to avoid any embarrassing reactions I might possibly spout in the wake of my recently acquired crush.
We munched in silence as the Cape Guy explained to Peter (and anxious Tony) that a few butterfly stitches would be needed as well as CT scan to rule out a possible concussion. At that point Tony was steadily turning purple in colour, rage and anxiety combining for a large storm that no doubt will hit sooner or later.
I felt responsible, I guess. Peter must've known Tony was going to react so strongly to his science son getting hurt and well, I hated seeing Tony so mad and helpless. On soft feet, I padded over to the engineer, making sure to stay within direct line of vision. "Tones?" He shot his eyes at me. He was furious. "Look, I'm going to make that fucker's life a living hell," Tony made an agitated noise of protest however I wasn't having it. I knew I'd be in trouble later but for now, I firmly placed my palm over his mouth, enjoying the surprised widening of his eyes at the frivolous gesture. "Listen, right now you can't do shit. You guys are super-powered individuals and Flash is just a nasty kid. You'll get in a big fat mess and he'll get to go away with a slap on the wrist," Tony sagged, visibly, bodily, and I felt it was safe to remove my hand from his face.
"I hate to say it but she's right," Bruce piped up behind me, voice soft.
I nodded. "I'm going to ruin the guy without putting a single finger on him," Tony nodded grimly and Cape Guy halted his examination of Peter's head to give me a mildly concerned stare. "My mother is a litigator, a vicious one at that. I've learned a trick or two," I winked with a grim sort of amusement causing the man to snort. Tony chuckled humorlessly. "As much as I hate to be the voice of reason, it would be a shame for anybody in this tower to end up behind bars. Even if it would be for a good cause," I finished my speech, patting Tony on the shoulder. The surprised squeak made its way out of my mouth when the billionaire pulled me tight against his chest, wrapping his arms around me in a desperate hug.
Ignoring my skyrocketing heartbeat, I wrapped myself around him as best as I could. Whatever issues the man had, they had to be quite painful if he reacted to the situation so intensely. I was selfish, but not heartless, so I gave into the affectionate gesture despite the inappropriate feelings that blossomed within me.
"I don't know what I've done to deserve you," Peter whined, fat round tears beginning to drip down his cheeks. I could tell he was embarrassed beyond Hell but his feelings overwhelmed him enough to just spill through. I immediately made my meanest big eyes to Natasha and Cape Guy who immediately hugged the life out of Pete. There, all set.
"Now go get that scan done," I frowned, seeing Peter start to nod off. "I don't know your name, but can you arrange that? Since you're a doctor," I nodded to the Cape Guy.
"I'm Stephen Strange," he replied, effortlessly picking up a dozing Peter and carrying him to the elevator. Before I could react, he waved his one free hand in some sort of a circle and a glowing ring appeared with what seemed to be a ER room - Strange hastily stepped through, followed by Tony suddenly withdrawing and hurrying after the ... Wizard? The portal closed immediately after.
"What the fuuuuuck..." I gaped at the now empty space. Strange, indeed. Even Loki's scoff didn't put a dent in my perplexed curiosity.
"So, lawyer family, huh?" Natasha, who I'd forgotten about, spoke up, mildly interested.
"Just my mother," I replied casually. They were the last thing in the world I wanted to talk about, especially after being so upset for the past hour. Man, I needed a drink. My hands itched for a cigarette.
"What about your father?" The spy didn't relent, pushing the issue with deadly politeness - I was actually sure she'd threaten me into talking about it even if I refused to.
"He's a celebrity manager."
"Cool," Her tone perked up at that. "Know anyone famous?"
"Know? No," I thought about all the A-list Hollywood stars I've been around, the endless parade of one-hit-wonder musicians that my dad hung out with on a daily basis. "I've crossed paths with at least half the Billboard TOP 40 but that's about it. Katy Perry was really nice," I added as an afterthought.
"I see," Natasha gave me a thoughtful once-over, patting the seat next to her. "So tell me, what do you have in mind for this Flash kid?"
My smile came out sharp and vicious. People tended to underestimate the quiet, quirky loner and I was about to remind them exactly why my kind of kids usually ended up with either millions in their bank accounts or a lengthy criminal record. "I'm going to annihilate any chance he has with having a social life, a girlfriend and I'll be damned if he gets into college without his parents going bankrupt. It goes like this..."
The ominous beginning of my plan attracted everybody in the room, even Loki. If anything, he offered the most constructive advice and the smirk he wore was positively devilish. Steve, Bucky and Thor emerged sometime during the scheming and hastily joined us, identically grim expressions on their faces. We barely managed to get done with our nefarious cackling when a portal appeared once again, Stephen stepping out of it with Tony carrying a sleeping Peter. The boy's head was bandaged, he looked like a mummy.
I stood up, beelining for Tony. "Is Pete okay? Did you call May?"
"He's not concussed but he's taking the day off tomorrow. Yes, I called May. Pete is staying here tonight," Tony looked and sounded like an exhausted, worried parent.
The urge to squee appeared again and I stomped it down with a hard "Good. We made a plan. The fucker is going to choke on his own misery," I gestured to the people sitting in a circle behind me.
Strange snorted.
Furious. I was furious.
Hands on my hips, I swerved towards him, instantly recognizing the ridiculousness of the situation. Here I stood, an eighteen year old high school student, in my fluffy rainbow sweater and denim overalls, staring down a whole grown ass man with magic powers. I digress, my pride won the race against my common sense. "Ex-fucking-cuse you, Voldemort, that's my fucking friend on the line," I seethed, giving him my best death glare.
"Language," Tony barely held together his laughter, looking at the unfolding mess with amusement. Somewhere behind me, somebody chuckled, then I recognised Loki's signature "ehehe" and it kind of went downhill from there. It's a miracle Peter didn't wake up.
"I'd be careful, Strange, she holds up against Stark very well," Loki's quiet compliment only made me preen and puff out my chest in a display of dominance. Stephen's responding eye roll was more fond than annoyed. I counted it as a win.
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Hello, omocute side of Tumblr!
All the important stuff is in the text above, but here’s the stuff that couldn’t fit. 
You can call me Kay, Waterfalls, Lemon, or WoL. 
My main fandoms are D/CT/V (mainly Sup3rg1rl and Fl@sh but I might have some other ones later) and M/L (BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, YES, I KNOW THAT THEY’RE KIDS. BUT THIS ISN’T A KINK FOR ME AND I AM NOT GONNA DRAW/WRITE ABOUT THEM FOR SUCH PURPOSES. UNDERSTOOD?) which sucks because I only know like 1 person making content in each of those.
sorry for the caps I just had to get that out of the way
Anyways I do have other fandoms, just ask and I’ll see if I know it. I’m InnocentYetAshamed on AO3 but I only have 1 fic posted there so check it out if you want? 
Don’t DM/ask me about IRL stuff; I’m not into it so go find someone else to talk to about that. 
I’m ok with you interacting if you have the kink as long as you respect my opinion. 
Things that I like: 
~ Characters being too shy/proud/etc. to admit that they need to go
~ C O M F O R T
~ Light whump as a side to the omo
~ When they make it (such an underrated thing)
~ Leaking/partial wetting, the perfect middle ground
~ The desperate person apologizing (my weakness tbh)
Things I only like sometimes:
~ Public accidents
~ Wetting on purpose
~ Characters having the kink (ONLY if they’re 18+ and there’s no smut involved)
~ Almost making it
~ Diapers in relation to omo (mostly if it’s because of an injury or something; but as long as it’s not for ageplay reasons I’m fine)
~ Friends teasing the character
~ Angst/crying 
Things I strongly dislike:
~ Smut/NSFW (obviously)
~ Hurt-no-comfort
~ Forced wetting (come on guys, that just defeats the purpose. But consensual!assisted/encouraged wetting is fine) 
~ Unclothed wetting (can you even call it that?) 
Anyways, here’s more important info:
If I ever write/draw omo of minors, it will be tagged as #kid omo and will be solely in the omocute tag so people can block accordingly. 
My opinion on the ship discourse is that I’m a pro, but antis are ok as long as they don’t interact with things they call problematic and otherwise stay in their lane. And of course, people who create such content have the obligation to tag it properly.  
One more thing. 
If you recognize me from real life, no you don’t. <3
but really if you do, shhh
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spicywhumper · 4 years
⬤: being called soft things like baby, sweetheart or honey
prompts list / January drabbles / wing whump
lady whump, team whump, captivity, creepy whumper.
Vanessa probably doesn't sleep enough. But being awake to keep Linda and Dean safe from harm is a lot more importsnt than her sleep. After all, she can sleep when she's dead. (And maybe it won't take too long for her to be dead.) She fidgets with a feather between her fingers, it has a dead grey color, like most of her feathers at this point. She sighs, it's sad that her wings lost their beauty.
It has been weeks - months? Years? - and she still jumps, startled, when the door is open.
Bald bearded guy, she likes him even less than the hairpulling kink guy. He's the one with a thing for touching wings. Her stomach turns into tight knots with it. Humans touching wings without consent is even more of a blasphemy. He has a light touch, soft hands, not the rough one ton hands that the other men have. Voice warm, sweet like sacharine. It's so much worse than cold-blooded torture. It reminds her too much of people back home.
"You should be sleeping, sweetheart," he sounds loving and she probably would throw up, but there's nothing there. "It's two in the morning, baby."
He uses of these goddamn terms of endearment every single sentence. (Vanessa thinks she will never be called sweetheart again without thinking of his nauseating voice ans unsettling touches.) But she thinks this false sweet behaviour makes him worse than the men that just want to hurt her and her little mates.
"You look tired, my dear," he steps closer, stroking her wing, the curve of folded wings that is pressed against her shoulder. "You need to rest."
She wants to answer back, but he talks and touches more when she speaks. It takes all her willpower for her to not flinch under the touch - he's not rough, but they talk with each other and one thing has consequences with half of them. And as much as she doesn't care that much about being tortured herself, she needs to keep Linda and Dean safe.
So she takes his false safety. He smiles, his hand holding tighter on her wing, he tightens his grip and a feather comes between his fingers. She's not healthy enough, even readjusting her wings to a more comfortable position makes feathers fall. (Vanessa can imagine her best friend with a sad face, she loves Vanessa's feathers so much, she says she thinks it looks cool in this grey shade and pointy edges that make her wings look razor sharp under the right light. But it's soft and yet strong under her fingertips.)
"They say birds don't like petting, baby," his other hand goes to her head, petting heavily. "Your kind seems to enjoy tho."
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pomegranate-belle · 4 years
I was rewatching the DD Netflix series and I noticed how Foggy drinks a LOT. Like more than anyone in their trio except for that time Karen finishes a whole bottle of wine after killing Wesley which, that’s fair. But it made me play with the possibility of Foggy being mildly alcoholic, though a functioning one. I mean, the series doesn’t address their financial situation a lot (which annoyed me honestly) but Karen explicitly mentions that they’re out of money in the first S2 episode. Foggy cheerfully waved it off but come on, he comes from at best a lower middle class family, dealing with some college debt and has had to be hospitalized twice. His expenses throughout the series would be much higher than Matt’s. It annoyed me that the show never mentioned how badly Matt bailing out on the firm and insisting on taking pro bono cases would effect Foggys finances which would make him leaving so much more justifiable. Even after Matt ‘dies’ we’re shown him at a bar drinking his sorrows away. So foggy being a mild alcoholic to keep up with the stress? Plausible right? It made me want a post S3 fic where Matt notices all of this for the first time and finally gets it. Also worried/guilty Matt is my kink. Don’t judge me! Any chance you would attempt oh great author! (Sincere Flattery should get me somewhere right?). Matt Overhearing Fog and Marci arguing over how Fog going back to Matt and the stress might make his alcoholic tendencies worse, is a good place to start
I think you’re very right about Foggy having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. On a scale of characters that includes Jessica Jones, whose alcoholism is front and center in her show, Foggy might not seem that bad off, but the fact of the matter is we’ve seen in Daredevil that he habitually deals with his emotions by drinking. A good deal of his drinking appears to be social, even some cases where he gets really drunk — ex: the night he and Karen “drink the eel”, the “avocados at law” night in college — but that’s not the extent of it. He drinks very heavily at Elena’s death (likely due to guilt, since he was the one who encouraged her to keep fighting for her home), it’s implied that he drinks almost nightly after Matt’s “death” at the end of the Defenders, etc. In other words, Foggy drinks when he’s upset or stressed out — I imagine that means he probably drinks often while working at HCB, because although his financial situation improves there dramatically it seems to also be a stressful job. This isn’t unique to Netflix Foggy either. Earth-65’s DA Nelson (from the Spider-Gwen comics) is seen drinking in his office when he’s in a tough position.
Alcoholism is a serious issue that I think requires a lot of gravity and thoughtfulness to portray without falling into common and harmful stereotypes or misconceptions, so these kinds of issues being used as whump/hurt-comfort fodder personally makes me a little uneasy. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for Matt as a character to be worried about his best friend, or want to help him, or even to feel guilty about the way his actions might have exacerbated Foggy’s drinking... But this isn’t really Matt’s issue. It’s not something he can “fix” for Foggy — this is a problem that already existed, and that Foggy would need to be active in seeking professional assistance with. It would be good for him to have a support system in that endeavor, yes — I think his family and Karen and Marci and the Mahoneys would probably all be on board with that, in addition to Matt — but it’s something Foggy personally would have to decide he was ready for.
I also agree with you that the show doesn’t do a great job giving us an accurate picture of Team Avocado’s finances — my guess is, mainly because they didn’t want to have to deal with them in a plot-relevant way. Saying “oh the firm’s in the red” is a shortcut to making N&M the underdogs/“little guys” by default and contrasting them with people like Fisk or L&Z. But making that poverty a reality in a more than cursory way would mean drawing attention away from the crime-fighting plot and putting a lot of energy towards “realism” that the show wasn’t interested in expending. I have, however, read a fic or two where this is addressed with Foggy living at the office because he can’t afford an apartment.
I think a story exploring both of these things — especially the effect an alcohol addiction could potentially have on Foggy’s already limited finances — would be really interesting to see. But I don’t know that it’s the kind of story I’d feel confident writing, and I’m not comfortable with the idea of leveraging these issues mainly as plot points to make Matt feel guilty. Thank you, though!
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wideworldofwhump · 4 years
What Defines Our Whump Experience?
I was thinking about why it is that we are attracted to certain forms of whump.  I think there are a lot of things that can go into it just as there are a lot of things that go into anything from our taste for certain foods to sexual kinks.
One aspect, though, I think may be the media we enjoyed when we were young.
For me, I was a kid of the 80s so I saw a lot - like a LOT of action flicks.  There were the days when Arnold and Stallone and Van Damme (to a lesser degree) were HUGE stars and rolled out at least an action movie a year if not more.  I saw most of them.  Repeatedly. 
To a movie, though, they all had roughly the same theme.  Giant muscly hero with miles of bulging muscles and funny quips is called on to save the day (sometimes the world).  At some point ends up teamed up with a petite woman who may or may not be mouthy and talk a big game but regardless, at some point, she’s suddenly In Peril™.  Hero saves the woman, they complete their mission, and there’s a Huge Damn Kiss™.  It wasn’t just movies, though.  These themes repeated on TV (often weekly with a weekly damsel in distress that may or may not be saved depending upon how much Man Pain™ was required.  Like I STILL love the old MacGyver series but that show was notorious for weekly damsels).
When I was younger this all read as normal.  Because it was the only game in town.  Xena wouldn’t show up for another decade and there wasn’t even a conversation going about “strong female characters”.  Women were cardboard cutouts there only to be saved (and/or fucked) by the hero.  So as a child my view of whump was two-fold.  Women suffered and men walked it off.  If a guy got injured he’d do a quick patch job and be COMPLETELY FINE by the next scene - whether taking a bullet to the shoulder or falling out of a fucking helicopter, through a tree, and getting impaled on a branch.  Meanwhile the woman would get injured (though not TOO much unless she was outright killed - it was all about balance) but she would get comfort - usually in the form of making out. 
So, being that, for me to enjoy whump it needs to have both injury as well as comfort, I naturally gravitated to female whump.  Why?  Because it was the ONLY time I saw that come into play in media.  It just wasn’t that common to see male characters actually need comfort for their injuries (it did happen sometimes and this is one of the reason why, in spite of its faults, that I loved MacGyver).  Anyway, it took years before I started to gravitate away from enjoying female whump and becoming almost exclusively a male whump writer/reader.  And the reason is actually the same as why I first LIKED female whump.  Because it was what I grew up with.  In other words, I started to recognized the mix of mysogeny and gender inequality at play.  See, even now, too often, when women are hurt in media - they experience physical violence; rape/abuse/etc.  When men are hurt - it’s because a woman they know experiences rape/abuse/etc.  That trope is so fucking ingrained that I have found myself repeating it in my own writing (and try to see it for what it is so I don’t fall into the same bad tropes).  Meanwhile abuse against males is just not really seen - certainly not discussed or even accepted which is the other side of the mysogeny coin where you get toxic male syndrome.  And with all of that bubbling around in my media experience, I have ended up being someone who primarily prefers writing hurt/comfort for male characters.  I do still think I need to step up my writing as far as exploring female characters more (including whump in a much more real and respectful way regarding character development). 
Anyhow I’m curious what other people think or want to add because this is by no means a studied piece and is really only a random thought I’d had.
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veliseraptor · 5 years
fic rec meme: 2019 edition
Rules: Post links (Ao3, ff.net, etc.); specify fandom/pairing/etc; don’t answer the same fic twice - spread the appreciation; tag other people; you don’t have to answer all the questions, but leave them in the list so the next person can answer if they want.
I was tagged by I think a couple people - @aphrodaisyacs and @aninfinitenumberofmonkeys. I’m going to try to keep this pretty short because I have a tendency to go on and then not finish these kinds of things because I overwhelm myself. 
I also cheated a bit on a few (a lot) of these because I read a lot of really good fic this year. And tried to include some recs I haven’t seen from others in my circle/fics I don’t see recced that often (though that’s not true of all of them).
I also shuffled things around so I didn’t repeat them, though a lot of these could be included in more than one category.
1. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (multiple chapters/parts): I did not read a single complete multichapter fic this month. Meant to, but didn’t do it.
2. Favourite complete fic you’ve read this month (one-shot): The mirror has a mirror in its teeth by deadendtracks. Peaky Blinders, Tommy/Lizzie, messy as hell in the way that I love.
3. Favourite WIP you’ve read this month: But I’ve read so many good WIPs this month. I’ll go with Contraction by NamelessDragon, MCU, Loki/Bucky, sequel to Compression (also amazing), which I’m finally catching up on after being stuck on reading almost everything for months.
4. One fic/series you’ve read which you keep coming back to again and again: (those yesterdays bleeding through by wnnbdarklord (MCU, time loop set during The Dark World) comes to mind, as, of course, does Bargaining by proantagonist (alas! for its vanishing), but to pick one that kept coming up this year I’m going to have to go with the nine in the tree by bereft_of_frogs, MCU, Thor & Loki-centric, post-Ragnarok AU.
5. Most underrated fic you’ve read this year: It feels like cheating to do this for a small book fandom, but you know what? My small book fandoms deserve more love. Based on lowest kudos I’m going to go with that he on dry land loveliest liveth by skyvehicle, Lymond Chronicles, post-Pawn in Frankincense. 
6. Most underrated fic you’ve read EVER: God, I don’t know. Again, it would be a small book fandom. You know? Because it deserves it and I love it and it probably is the most underrated fic, if only because it’s in a tiny fandom - In Memoriam by Tedronai, Malazan: Book of the Fallen, I love grief/mourning fic.
7. Favourite whump/angst fic of the year: This was tough since this is the genre I read most of in general, but because I managed to get a lot of fics on here via other categories, I’m choosing Into the earth I trampled it down by deadendtracks, Peaky Blinders, grief/mourning featuring Polly and Tommy. This fic was ouch all around, and beautifully written, and excellently characterized, and just...well, I’m clearly going to be reading everything that deadendtracks writes from here on out.
But I’m also going to slide In Cold Blood by NamelessDragon (MCU, Loki & Bucky, canon divergence AU) on here too, because it just updated and it really is fantastic, and I am so excited for more. It has all my favorite tropes written all over it, and promises some truly excellent whump based on the writer’s history.
8. Favourite hurt/comfort fic of the year: Again, a category with a lot of faves, but I settled on Walked In These Quiet Hazes by ratsats, MCU, AU where Loki comes back from the dead and is majorly fucked up, as is most everyone else. It’s rough, and it’s beautiful. And calling it “hurt/comfort” is probably...well, it takes a while to get to the comfort, I can say that, but it’s worth it. 
9. Favourite fluff fic of the year: Did I. Did I read any fluff this year? I suppose some of the Good Omens fic I read probably qualifies, though it doesn’t feel like fluff to me so much as...comedy? Wait, I’ve got one: Love Wounds Me With Soft Pillows by verbaepuchellae, Lymond Chronicles, Francis/Philippa, post-Checkmate.
Oh yes, after I wrote this I found another one: such surpassing brightness by Handful_of_Silence, Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale. Beautifully inventive, and fits into a very specific genre I can’t get enough of.
11. Favourite smut fic of the year: Shockingly, I didn’t read a lot of smut this year. I’m going to go with The Beast That Chose It’s Own Bridle by thespectaclesofthor, Doctrine of Labyrinths, Felix/Murtagh, post-series, (less than) kink negotiation, WIP. 
Oh, and also Chains of Gold by Anonymous, Lymond Chronicles, Lymond/Gabriel, hoo boy. My glorious Lymond/Gabriel fic I received for Yuletide. I can’t wait to find out who wrote it so I can lie down on their doorstep and beg for them to write more like this.
10. Favourite gen fic of the year: The Thanos Problem by Ranowa, MCU, post-Ragnarok AU. Okay, this is technically a series, so sue me. I especially liked When the Hammer Falls.
12. Favourite fix-it fic of the year/ever: This might be the hardest one. I read a lot of fix-it fic this year. I wonder why. I’m going with “the year” because otherwise it is just far too overwhelming and I couldn’t choose.
After a lot of debate with myself, and by eliminating other fic by virtue of sliding it into other categories, I settled on two: the only soul I’ve ever saved by valkyrisms, MCU, Loki survives Infinity War fix-it. I overall got pretty quickly annoyed with the genre of Loki-and-Peter Parker fics, but this one was just...so good. The Peter voice was amazing, the working with Loki’s Jotun biology as part of the whump was inspired, it was well written as all of valkyrisms work is, and just...so good. 
The other (I told you I was cheating!) is Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby, Shades of Magic, Lila/Kell/Holland, fix-it fic. I needed this fic in two ways - the threesome it involves, and the fix-it it involves. Delivered on both.
13. Favourite crack-fic fic of the year: I really don’t read crack-fic anymore.
14. Favourite sick-fic this year: Castaway by ariaadagio, Lucifer, Chloe/Lucifer, is me cheating again because “sick-fic” it is only loosely, but I want to include it because it was very good. Though I think technically I reread it this year. Apparently I didn’t read much sick-fic? Weird.
15. Favourite kid-fic this year: Another thing I don’t read very often, and apparently this year (at least based on my bookmarks) don’t have a rec for. 
15. Fic this year which you didn’t expect to love as much as you do:  Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by Nnm, Good Omens, therapy fic. Okay, so, in premise and everything this did have “me” written all over it. But I certainly didn’t expect to find it, and I definitely didn’t expect it to be as good as it was, right down to making me love an OC (which is rare).
16. Fic which convinced you to ship a pairing: This is cheating because technically it was another fic on this list, but since I wouldn’t ship it without it I’m going to rec As much what it is as what it’s not by deadendtracks, Peaky Blinders, Tommy/Lizzie.
17. Favourite AU you’ve read this year: I slid some of my fix-it fics over here, because canon divergence AUs are my jam and maybe that wasn’t the intent of this question but I don’t care. 
After some debate with myself, and rereading several favorites, I’m settling on my fearful trip is done by valkyrisms, MCU, the one where Steve runs into an unexpected child of Thanos in Wakanda. It’s real good, you guys. And yes, this does mean that I’ve put two valkyrisms fics on this list and I’m not sorry.
18. Longest fic/series you’ve read this year: This one’s easy! Eden!verse by ImprobableDreams900, Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, the first fic in the series made me cry more than anything I’ve read in years.
19. The last fic you’ve read: The last new fic I read, since I reread a bunch of new things on this list while I was sorting through what I was going to choose, was to prove they are not dead by alreadybroken.
20. Wildcard fic you haven’t mentioned but deserves a shout-out + why: I waffled back and forth between two fics and what the hell, you know what, I’m going with both. The first is Miles to Go by josiepug, Peaky Blinders, which satisfied my desperate Tommy whump itch (for a time, it’s back now); the second is Where Is the Power That Made Your Pride? by Drag0nst0rm, The Silmarillion, aka the one where Celegorm lives and things are still bad. Not an AU I knew I wanted, but I guess I’m not surprised. 
Bonus Category: 
Best horror fic: dark underground//violent sky by bereft_of_frogs, MCU, I can’t tell you more than that because it would spoil it. I love horror fic and I have missed it since leaving Supernatural fandom. This one scratched that itch and I’m still thinking about it. Maybe it’s time for a reread.
As usual, I’m sure I’ve missed/forgotten some faves. I always do. 
I...lord, I feel like most of the people I’d usually tag have already been tagged for this? If you’re a mutual of mine and you haven’t been, go for it! I’m always excited to see more recs.
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