#you too dude. keep doing what you’re doing. cars rock
bruhstation · 4 months
Your art is awesome. Just wanted to share condolences. I write humanized cars 2006 fanfiction and semi-frequently it goes viral on here or on tiktok and I'm flooded with normies and crazies who don't understand or who think humanized vehicle slash is weird (cowards), so I can imagine what you're dealing with. From one humanized wheeled thing lover to another, you deserve the hype but none of the negativity, keep doing you!!!
we’re just over here having fun. chilling in our own corner. then outsiders come and say “omg whatttt” “THIS IS [MEDIA NAME]?” “great art but. what?” like they think our interests are ironic. and we’re committing to a bit. I’m not sad but it’s really annoying and making me roll my eyes like I get it. I’m a lab species instead of a human with hobbies. whatever they wanna say. let’s all hold hands and frolic in the fields
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steddielations · 2 years
It's just another boring day running the store, even more boring than normal since Robin’s out sick. There’s not any kids around either, the beanbags by the bookshelves have been empty all day.
Steve’s working his shift alone. It’s all very mundane, just waiting for the clock to run out. That is, until the door flies open.
It’s just a flash of black clothing and the clinking of metal accessories as the figure suddenly barrels right over the counter. Steve shouts and immediately reaches for the nail bat— yes the nail bat— he keeps behind the register. He brandishes it menacingly as the person stands upright.
It’s a man, with crazy wild hair and even crazier eyes, widening comically at the bat and holding his hands up. He squawks at Steve.
“Whoa, hey! What is that thing?! What the hell, man!?”
“Don’t ‘what the hell’ me, I’m the one what the helling you here!” Steve snaps back.
“Just tell me what you think you’re doing here, punk!”
Something like disbelief comes over his face, and he lowers his hands to gesture over himself, “Dude, I’m clearly a metalhead.”
“I’m gonna put some metal in your head if you don’t start talking,” Steve snarls, gripping the bat tighter.
“Okay, okay!” His hands flail, shifty eyes bugging out the front windows before he suddenly crouches down behind the counter, “Just let me hide out here for a minute, there’s— people after me that I can’t deal with right now.”
“Oh yeah, what 'people’?” Steve narrows his eyes at the expensive looking chain dangling around his neck, some kind of red pendant on it, “Did you get caught stealing from the jewelry store next door?”
Again, he gives that look, not the typical guilty look when Steve chases down the usual petty thief, he just looks like he can’t believe he’s in this situation, as if he’s not the one that hopped over the counter.
“I didn’t steal anything, alright? I just need to wait here until it’s all clear.”
“Mr. Simon is chasing you, isn’t he?” Steve groans, lowering the bat to rub his hand over his face. He hates that old jeweler, always complaining about Steve taking his parking space when he doesn’t even have a car to use it. “Christ, okay. He might have a war flashback and actually kill you, and I already have enough shit on my conscience. You got two minutes.”
“One and a half.”
“Okay, Jesus. Two please and I’ll let you have a picture after, whatever you want.”
Steve thinks it’s a weird thing to offer at first, then it clicks.
“Yeah, I do want a picture ‘cause your ass is going on the banned wall,” Steve points the bat to the array of photos on the back wall, right up there with the little pricks that kept asking what shelf the skin mags were on, and the asshole that was rude to Robin once.
The guy looks over and he… chuckles, “Starting to think I picked the wrong counter to hide behind.”
Steve glares when he’s met with the stranger’s smile, “You think?”
“The rainbows in the window caught my eye, thought they were pretty cool,” he gives Steve a kind, but measured look, “I’m assuming the bat is for people who don’t?”
That rocks Steve a little. The subtle touches of rainbow decorating the storefront were Robin’s idea, just a welcoming sign for those who know what it means, who need it. Which, apparently, is this guy too, dark eyes watching as Steve makes the connection.
Plus, the kind of kids that get off the bus and hang out in the beanbag corner of the bookstore, also tend to be the type that bullies flock to, but not here, Steve makes sure of that. Not with the nail bat, that’s for things more serious than school bullies.
“Is that who’s after you?” Steve asks, shooting a look out the window. His gut starts to twist in some form of empathy for the guy, it would make sense why he hurtled inside so quickly.
“No, nothing like that, but I still need to lay low for a second.”
Steve squints, empathy gone.
“Okay well, the bat is for thieves too, then. You know, Mr. Simon might be a mean old shit, but he doesn’t deserve to be stolen from. He’s got a family, dude.”
“Well, isn’t that admirable. Look, I appreciate what you’re doing here, the whole local protector, vigilante bat-man thing, it’s pretty badass,” A pun. This would-be thief really just made a damn pun about Steve’s would-be murder weapon. “But I didn’t take anything from anyone, Stevie boy.”
Pun forgotten, Steve grips the bat tighter, demanding to know, “How do you know my name?”
Another annoying smile as the guy gestures to his chest, where Steve’s name tag is. Right.
“Tell me yours,” he counters, noticing how the guy’s smile falters, looking hesitant, crouching lower, hiding. Steve sighs, “I’m not gonna go to the cops, man. Your face is going on the wall and your name is going on the list.”
This guy is just smirking way too much for someone in his situation, “Wow, I must be real special then. It’s Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
“Okay then, Munson,” Steve narrows his eyes at the necklace again, “If you didn’t take anything, then where’d you get that chain, huh?”
This Eddie looks caught off guard, his mouth already formed into some excuse that Steve cuts off.
“Just hand it over,” he flourishes the bat this time, satisfied with how Eddie looks both impressed and intimidated. His eyes stay on Steve as he removes the necklace, dark and alive with something, like he’s enjoying this somehow.
“Okay fine, easy with that thing, big boy. You can keep it for now as collateral for letting me stay.”
He passes Steve the chain, and Steve doesn’t want to fuss with his jean pockets so he just slips it over his head, Eddie’s eyes tracking where it falls around his neck. He sees it’s not a pendant like he thought, it’s a red guitar pick resting against his chest. Not Simon’s usual merchandise, but the chain definitely is, it’s expensive, Steve can tell.
“But, as good as it looks on you, I’m gonna need it back when you realize it’s not stolen.”
Annoyance. That’s the flare of heat Steve feels, it has to be, this whole exchange is getting him hot under the collar. He obviously knows Eddie’s hitting on him, not the first time he caught someone up to no good, and they clocked the rainbows and tried to flirt their way out of it. And this guy isn’t bad looking, maybe under different circumstances in a nice bar somewhere, Steve would flirt right back, but he’s not falling for it now.
He’s glad the couple minutes are up, doesn’t know why he checks out the windows to make sure it’s all clear for Eddie.
Bat still in hand, he makes Eddie stand while he fishes out the polaroid camera behind the counter.
“Don’t you want to get in the photo?” Eddie asks.
Steve’s free hand snaps to his hip, “And why would I want that?”
“Right,” Eddie grins, sticking out his tongue when Steve holds up the camera, throwing up that same hand sign that Dustin keeps making nowadays when the flash goes off. “No fun kissin’ a picture of yourself. Or, maybe it is when you look like you do.”
Steve rolls his eyes, “Playing cute with me isn’t gonna get you off the hook,” and sits the newly printed polaroid on the counter, ignoring the way his cheeks feel hot. It’s just the adrenaline coming down.
He finally puts the bat away, still watching warily as Eddie comes closer, picking up a pen and scribbling what looks to be his phone number on the photo.
“Gotta say, this was nice, Steve. I’d love to do it again sometime,” he smirks, hopping back over the counter the same way he came, “I mean it though, give me a call about that necklace. What kinda rockstar would I be without my lucky guitar pick?”
“Yeah right,” Steve snorts, “I don’t wanna catch you around here again. I never forget a face, Munson, especially not yours.”
“I’m flattered,” he pats his hand over his heart, then throws Steve a wave as he pushes open the door, “Keep that up and you can call me anytime.”
One last wink that sort of makes Steve’s chest flutter and he’s gone. It’s nothing, just some crazy guy that annoyed him half to death, and he hopes he never sees again.
When his shift ends later that evening, he goes next door to try and return the necklace to Mr. Simon, but he insists that it wasn’t stolen from his shop.
Steve’s starting to think he may have accidentally robbed someone at nail-bat-point. But it’s not possible because that’s not possible. How do you accidentally rob someone? What crime would he even be charged with? A little oopsie burglary? Ridiculous.
No, the old man is just out of his mind and doesn’t recognize his own shit. It’s the only thing that would make sense in that whole bizarre situation. Who else would Eddie have been ‘hiding’ from? Why else was it so urgent that he handed over the necklace without much fuss?
It’s not until days later when Dustin hops onto the counter that Steve really realizes.
“Steve,” Dustin says slowly, “Why am I looking at a picture of Eddie freaking Munson on the banned wall?”
Steve looks around, “That guy? You know him? I caught him stealing from Mr. Simon the other day.”
“You— He— What!? He was here?” Dustin sputters, “Steve, I’m 1000% sure he wasn’t stealing shit! What did you do to him?”
“I did my job, Henderson. I banned him from the store and got back the necklace he took— What— Why are you looking at me like that?”
It’s over the course of the next conversation, getting completely chewed up and spit out by Dustin that Steve learns he didn’t just accidentally rob someone.
He accidentally robbed a world famous rockstar.
Steve spends the next few days so deeply embarrassed that he can’t even dare to pick up the phone. He gave Eddie such a hard time when all he needed was a place to hide out so he didn’t get mobbed by fans and paparazzi.
Looking back on it, knowing what he knows now, Eddie handled it with such grace. Steve’s even more ashamed, not because of the whole rockstar thing, but because it's shitty to hurl accusations and a deadly nail bat at anyone, and take their stuff on top of that.
He finally bolsters up the courage to dial the number. As soon as he hears ‘what’s up, it’s Munson’ on the other line, he lets loose a string of apologies and a promise to give the necklace back as soon as he can.
It gets cut short with that same chuckle that still gives him a warm chill even down the phone line.
“Keep it. Looks better on you,” he can hear the smile in Eddie’s voice, “But that means you’re gonna have to come to my show tonight. Can’t play without my lucky guitar pick, can I?”
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rottenaero · 1 year
Part 1
Part 4
Part 6
Part 5 of the roommates idea
Okay okay, so before this starts, a lot of people have mentioned me posting this on ao3, and my question is if you guys mean it as it is, or if I should make two or three new parts to make up for the first part.
Because in the first part, we miss a lot of possible moments between Steve and Eddie since it skips to the basic idea.
This whole thing was meant to be a messy and quick way to get my ideas out, but then people ended up actually liking it, and well, I just want you guys to like the outcome.
Basically, I wanna know if I should;
A.Post it on ao3 as is
B. Post it on ao3 with two to maybe four parts instead of the original post, and have me do part six after I make those. (I'm a decently quick writer when I'm motivated, all these parts so far have been within a day or two)
C. Make the parts instead of the original post, and have this be a big one-shot on ao3(meaning it wouldn't be posted on there until this is finished)
I am really leaning towards B, just cause I wanna do those interactions (one of which would be Eddie coming out to Steve), but I wanna see what you guys think first.
This whole thing is kinda a wreck cause I don't usually post fics on Tumblr but hopefully it will get better with time.
After Dustin explains the upside down, and Eddie talks about what really happened, they come to a sort of agreement.
Eddie was to stay at the boathouse, and someone would occasionally come over with a supply of drinks and food.
Steve, of course, despised this, because Eddie is his best friend-(And who was he kidding? Goddamn crush, too)-dammit, but he let the plan go on anyway.
Before they left, Steve turned to Eddie, brows pinched together.
“Stay safe, alright? If you get hurt because you do something stupid, I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
Eddie laughed, loud and full, “Kinda counterproductive, aye sweetheart?”
He stopped when Steve didn’t laugh or make a joke back. “I’ll be fine, and I’ll walkie if things go to shit.”
“Good.” Steve gave him a little peck on the corner of his lips, “Don’t die, man. Can’t take care of these little shits by myself.”
He turned to face Max, and a gaping Dustin and Robin.
“Lets go, nerds”
Steve stared at the ground, unblinking.
One of his kids were gonna die.
Eddie had had apparently left the boathouse
Eddie was being hunted.
Two more students have been murdered.
He licked his lips, and his eyes flicked up to watch Powell talk about the town hall meeting.
They were royally fucked.
“Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler? Stevie?”
Steve’s eyes widened and he turned around in time to see Dustin snatch the walkie.
“Eddie, holy shit. Are you okay?”
The walkie took a second to crackle back to life.
“Nah man, pretty uh, pretty goddamn far from okay.”
“Where is he?”Nancy asked, already halfway back into the car.
“Where are you?”
“Skull Rock, Steve knows it.”
Steve smiled, grabbing the walkie and clicking down on the button, “Hold on tight, Ed-stefer, we’re on our way.” He tossed it back to Dustin before turning to Nancy.
“I’m driving.”
She scrunched her nose, but didn’t question it and swapped to the passenger's side.
“Dude, I’m telling you, you’re leading us the wrong way.”
“It’s North, I’m positive! I checked the map.”
Steve sighed and pinched his nose, “This is literally Eddie and I’s spot, we come here all the time.”
“That doesn’t have to do with it being a make-out spot, does it?” Lucas asked hesitantly from his spot in the back.
“Jesus, no Sinclair, this does not have to do with- Eddie and I are just friends.”
Robin scoffed, “Didn’t you kiss him earlier?” She asked.
“As friends. He doesn’t like me like that.”
“Right, but you like him like that, though?”
“Oh wow, suddenly we’re here, y’know, at the place you said we weren’t gonna end up at?” Steve yelped, gesturing broadly at the rocks around him.
Lucas has to physically bite his lip to keep from mentioning that he had absolutely picked that up from Eddie, or that Eddie had picked it up from him.
“See? You little butthead, I was right.”
Theres a rustle of leaves and then,
“I concur, you, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.”
Steve turned to face the man and almost collapsed in relief, hes not hurt.
“Jesus Eddie, we thought you were a goner.” Dustin sighed, as he made his way past Steve to hug Eddie.
“Yeah, me too man. Me too.”
The hug goes on for maybe ten seconds before Eddie’s pulling back and bringing Steve into a side one, you know, like some kind of dad. “I tried calling you guys, but uh…”
His face turned sheepish and he stepped back a bit to grab some water from a canister. “My walkie was busted, man.”
“Drenched.” He adds in after a second, laughing a bit.
He took another sip from the bottle before wiping and extra drops away from his mouth. “So, uh, I did the thing that I do now apparently. I ran.” He let out another laugh, this one was a little bit more self-deprecating.
“Do you know what time this was? The attack.”
Eddie perked up, and grabbed at his wrist, “ Yeah, no, I um, know exactly what time it was.”
He held up a watch, the dials on it weren’t moving. “My walkie wasn’t the only thing that got soaked.”
“Same times our flashlights went kablooey.” Robin says, and her eyes light up like she connected the dots.
Steve hadn’t, “Which means what exactly?”
“That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick.”
Steve half-zoned out, silently going through the events in his head, while maintaining conversation.
“Skull Rock was North.”
“An electromagnetic field.”
“What say you, Eddie the Banished?”
Steve tuned back in, a hundred percent now. He turned to look at Eddie, who was still crouching, and damn how did his back not hurt?
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor,” Steve perked up, he kind of knew this one, “-which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think it’s a really bad idea.”
And Steve nodded along, because yeah, this was a terrible idea.
“But uh, the Shire, the Shire is burning, so Mordor it is.”
He whistled at Eddie when everyone got up, and he was by Steve’s side in seconds.
“You’re not hurt or anything, are you? Cause you don’t look it but…”He trailed off, and Eddie grinned.
“I am all-good Steve-O.” Steve nodded, “Good, good.”
Suddenly, there was a sharp gasp from right next to him, “Were you, perhaps, worried?!” Steve kicked a rock instead of answering.
It just made Eddie’s grin widen further.
“You totally were! Stevie Harrington, The-Former-King-Of-Hawkins turned sweetheart, worrying over lil-ol-Eddie-The-Freak-Munson!”
Steve scoffed, “ First off, I’d like to think I’ve always been a sweetheart, second off, keep it in your pants, dude.”
Eddie cackled, leaning into his side, “Yeah, yeah! You’re right. You’ve kinda been like that for the past two years, Mr.Eddie-Cant-Carry-A-Fucking-Hot-Pan-Anymore.” He laughed, ignoring the second part of Steve’s statement.
He huffed, “Just don’t want you getting hurt.”
Eddie booped his nose, “Yeah yeah, you’re just you like that.”
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gold-dustwomxn · 10 months
part 2
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summary: after sudden attacks on women around town, you take a self defense class. ellie, your long standing crush is the instructor
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
each chapter will have their own warnings please read them! eventual smut
cw: mentions of child abuse and implication of attempted sexual assault (does not go into detail for either), panic attack
fluff and angst
light rocking against your shoulder and a distant call of your name pulls you from your deep slumber making you groan, not conscious enough to take in where you are. “hey sleepyhead, wake up.” ellie’s raspy whisper has you cracking one eye open. you’re too tired to even speak or think coherently, making you hum in question.
ellie chuckles and looks at you for a moment before speaking. “sorry to wake you up so early.. I gotta be at the construction site in an hour.” you blink away your remnants of sleep and realize ellie has damp hair, is fully dressed for the day and the sun isn’t even up yet. “it’s okay. sorry I fell asleep here I didn’t even realize.” she smiles softly, “no worries, I don’t mind. you looked pretty comfy..I can drive you home on my way to work.”
the short drive to your house shares a peaceful, comfortable silence between you and ellie. the sky painting a breathtaking winter sunrise of pinks and purple. ellie pulls up to your house way too quickly for your liking, the small disappointment of having to part ways felt in your chest.
“thanks for the ride and letting me crash at your place.. I had fun last night.”
“me too,” she smiles and you feel that warmth settle deep in your stomach again. it’s a rarity to see her full smile “it’s no problem, really.. are you busy tonight?”
“no, I don’t think I have anything going on.” you know you don’t actually have anything going on. you bite the inside of your cheek to try to suppress a smile, but ellie looks between your eyes and down at your mouth and smirks at you. caught.
“well, if you’re not busy later you wanna hang out? I get off at 3, we can go to a cafe or something.” she clears her throat and you can see how physically painful this is for her. she forces herself to keep eye contact though.
you giggle and she narrows her eyes at you playfully, unspoken words and body language received between the both of you. “yeah, I’m down. just text me when you get off.”
“alright cool I can pick you up. see you later, ___.”
me: DINA wake the fuck up!!!!!
dina🤍: bitch its literally 7am why tf are u disturbing me
me: wow. anyway! last night I was walking to ur house and some creepy dude pulls up next to me asking me for directions and shit acting super sketchy. ellie pulls up out of nowhere and goes all psycho ellie mode and pulls out a fucking switchblade. I was like 😦 but it was also so hot. he skids off and she gets pics of his plates and we go back to her place for joel to deal with it. he thinks the cops can keep an eye out for that car and see if that guy has anything to do with the assaults happening. it was lowkey really scary but I’m okay. we ended up smoking and talking for hours and it was literally perfect and then we ended up falling asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night laying ON HER CHEST with her arm around me. we’re hanging out again tonight
dina🤍: wtf that’s so fucking scary! im glad ur okay:( but ommg im so excited for u angel. its ab damn time some moves are made and we can go on double dates tg hehe
me: ok let’s not get ahead of ourselves here we’ll see what happens. that’s all I wanted to tell u. ur allowed to go back to sleep now:)
dina🤍: wow how gracious of u. lmk how everything goes though <33
clothes are strewn all over your bed and floor, while you frantically try to find a cute outfit to wear. it’s fine, it’s just ellie. she’s seen you a million times since you were both 14. you finally settle on a pair of jeans and a black sweater, with your chelsea doc martens. good enough.
ellie🌿🗡️: Hey, I’m outside whenever you’re ready.
me: be right there!
okay, just breathe. everything’s fine!
as you hop into the passenger seat, ellie looks you up and down. “you look good.” you give her a shy smile and observe her; hair tied half up, in a dark green flannel with an oversized black denim jacket, black jeans with her usual pair of converse, multiple rings on her long fingers, and the scent of her woodsy cologne. “thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” she smiles and shakes her head, pulling out of your driveway.
“yeah, he almost dropped a whole fucking plank of wood on my head today!”
you start laughing, walking out of the coffee shop together. “maybe the hit would’ve done you good, ellie. you are very hard headed.” ellie’s jaw drops “wow, someone’s feisty today, huh?” you smile and roll your eyes, going to shove her and she catches your wrist, pulling you close to her. your breath hitches and you look down at her lips. something behind you catches ellie’s attention, her smile dropping instantly and face turning ghostly pale.
“ellie? what’s wrong?” she grabs your hand and walks you quickly to the car, opening your door to make sure you get in first before frantically hopping into her seat and speeding out of the parking lot.
“hey, what’s going on?” she shakes her head and doesn’t respond, her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate, eyebrows scrunched together.
the speed of her driving and her concerning behavior is stressing you the fuck out. she pulls up to her house and lets you both in before she runs up the stairs to the bathroom, whipping the door shut with a loud slam.
you slowly walk up the stairs, not knowing whether or not to give her privacy. you suddenly hear her crying and hyperventilating. “ellie, I’m coming in.”
ellie is seated on the floor next to the tub with her head between her legs, forearms laid on her knees. “hey, hey I’m here. can I touch you?” she nods and you gently take her hand, softly rubbing the back of her palm while you place her other hand against your chest. “try to follow my breathing, okay?” you take slow, deep breaths for her to follow until she calms down.
“I’m sorry.” she avoids looking at you. “no, I’m here for you, okay? you don’t have to hide from me.” she wipes the rest of her tears from her eyes and nods. you move to sit next to her and gently rub her back, still holding her hand.
“do you wanna talk about it?” she clears her throat and looks straight ahead. “I uh… saw one of my old foster parents. he was pretty fucked up,” she lets out a dry laugh. “thought I was over it but I didn’t expect to see him.”
“what did he do?” she looks at you in contemplation before looking away with a cold, steely gaze. she sniffs and nods, “he… used to beat the shit out of me all the time for no reason.” she looks down at her scarred tattoo and rubs the skin. “this burn… he tried to-“ she clenches her jaw and shakes her head. “anyway, I managed to get away before he did anything, but I ended up burning my arm on the stove in the midst of it all. tried to press charges but that didn’t work, big shocker,” she scoffs. “I ran away and refused to go back so they placed me with joel and he eventually adopted me.”
she looks back up at you, trying to gauge what you’re thinking. you don’t realize you’re crying until she wipes away a tear from your cheek. “hey, don’t cry it was a long time ago I was just… not prepared for all of that.”
“sorry, I just hate that you had to go through all of that, especially at such a young age.” she lets out a deep breath and nods. “sorry our date got ruined” she gives you a sad smile.
“it wasn’t,” you squeeze her hand “I had a good time and I’m just glad I was able to be here with you.” you look up in thought, “do you have brownie mix?” she looks at you in confusion and lets out a small laugh “uh, I dunno, why?” “whenever I’m sad or going through something, I like to bake because it gives me something to do to take my mind off of everything and brownies are fucking good.” you nod with conviction. ellie laughs, “you are so fucking cute. c’mon let’s go see if I have some brownie mix.”
as you mix the chocolatey batter, and hum to the song playing on the speaker, ellie leans against the counter and watches you. she loves the domesticity and warmth you surround her with, and you were right, doing all of this is making her feel better.
“are you just gonna stand there and stare at me or are you gonna help?” “nah I think I’m good right here” she smirks at you. you nod slowly and look at her with mischief, holding up the spoon. her eyes widen and she points her finger at you, “don’t you fucking dare.”
you chase ellie around the kitchen island, out of breath from laughing and she ends up slipping on her sock, grabbing onto the counter for balance. as you run up to her and try to smear the batter on her face, she grabs your arm. you struggle against her, making you trip over her leg and she catches you, wrapping her arms around your waist. both of your laughters fade into small smiles as both of your eyes trails to each other’s lips. ellie’s face becomes serious as she leans in, lips ghosting yours. the sound of the front door opening has you both abruptly backing away from each other. fucking joel.
“hey kiddo, what are y’all up to?” ellie’s face is beet red and she clears her throat, “just making some brownies. why are you home?” ellie’s voice holds a bit of an edge to it.
“well, damn, I’ll get outta your hair in a minute, just stoppin’ by, forgot to pack my dinner.” she hums in annoyance. your eyes widen at the tension ellie is radiating.
“joel! my parents wanted me to give this to you as a thanks for the free self defense lesson, and for helping me out yesterday.” you open up your bag and take out a bottle of whiskey. ellie’s brows furrow, oops you forgot to tell her.
joel holds the bottle at a downward angle “would’ya look at that.. I’ll be sure to send my thanks to them.” he walks to the fridge and grabs out a container. “alright I’m headin’ out,” he looks at ellie “do me a favor, don’t burn the house down.” she groans and rolls her eyes.
“mm, these brownies are fucking good. you were right after all.” you scoff and smack her arm, “of course I was right. don’t ever doubt me again.” ellie rolls her eyes, “yes ma’am,” she quips sarcastically. “now, pay attention, this is my favorite part of the movie,” you say with feigned sternness. she smiles and nods, finishing off her brownie and leans back into her pillows.
you rest your head on her shoulder and place your hand on her stomach, tracing small patterns. you look up at her and whisper, “ellie?”
“do you really feel okay now?”
she turns her head to the side to look at you, face only inches away, and nods slowly. you feel her breath ghosting your lips and your heart starts racing, chest rising up and down quickly. ellie parts her mouth and licks her lips, leaning in, kissing you softly. she pulls away to look at you, before sitting up and grabbing your face, deepening the kiss.
HA sorry to edge u all. things are gonna get spicy as fuck in the next chapter. interactions are much appreciated 💗
taglist: @me-and-your-husband @fireflyels
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
1k challenge request- what is Ghost like on vacation? NSFW always preferred lol
Ghostie on vacation? Vacation?!? Yes, please. Funny enough, Ghost is currently on vacation in Ink & Needle, and that boy is being naughty in that AU. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Thanks for sending this in! I hope you enjoy it (and the steamy bits).
Most of these are gn!reader with one or two exceptions!
Word Count: 729
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Do y’all remember the bit of banter between Soap, Ghost, and Laswell in MW3? And Ghost replies “why not both?” when it comes to whether they prefer the beach or snow. To me, that means Ghost is down for anything. He’ll take a road trip or a week-long stay in Bali. Man just loves a good vacation.
On that note, when Ghost and Soap were being a bit cheeky about the “tan lines around the eyes,” he insinuates he wears the mask, but I don’t believe that. When Simon isn’t in the field, he’s not going to wear his mask, especially on vacation. He’d stick out like a sore thumb.
If Simon is taking a vacation with his S/O, he’s really down for anything. It can be simple and romantic. It could be camping. Hell, you could drag him to Disneyworld and he’d probably still enjoy himself.
However, he’s very much controlling when it comes to traveling. He’s the Dad in this scenario. He packs in advance, he wakes up way too early to go to the airport, he checks to make sure the plane is actually at the gate, he keeps the schedule, and Simon isn’t necessarily going to just “go with the flow” in the moment. Simon is the one holding the passports and tickets. God help you if you try to seize them from him.
No mask. Period. And no work. Simon isn’t taking phone calls, emails, or anything else. Price can deal with any shenanigans on his own.
Terrible about putting on sunscreen. You’re always making sure he’s protecting his skin.
Most of the spending money is spent on feeding Simon. Dude is a brick wall and he’s always eating. And when he’s not eating something, he’s buying you whatever you want.
If the vacation requires driving, Simon prefers taking his own vehicle or renting one. He doesn’t skimp here. Simon will select a reputable rental car company and select something roomy.
Holds you accountable on everything, but is also incredibly indulgent. You might complain that something is expensive and you won’t get it, and Simon will say good on you for sticking to your guns, but he’ll also just fucking buy it anyway because he can’t help seeing you smile.
Vacations (or rather holidays) are Simon’s one opportunity to forget everything. He can spend time with you completely uninterrupted. No life shit. No work shit. Just you and him.
Enjoys the outdoors but is also down for exploring cities, walking through museums, and trying new things. Simon is open to exploring a culture he’s never interacted with before, especially if he’s doing it with you.
Likes to travel and go on vacation during off-seasons. Simon isn’t a fan of crowds and it’s not from an anxiety standpoint. That military training is hard to dislodge, and he’s often overly aware of potential threats in a crowd.
Has a terrible sweet tooth. Simon will eat more desserts than actual food if you’re not watching him.
Loves long road trips because he enjoys all the lazy blow jobs you give him while in the car. Sometimes he has to pull over and just have his way with you.
Basically, you and Simon are fucking regardless of where you are.
Going on a destination vacation to a beachy oasis? Simon is fucking you in the cabana, in the hotel room, in the private pool, under a waterfall. Sometimes it might be lazy and slow, and sometimes he’s just chasing his own end and needs to be inside you.
Camping? That tent is seeing some action. You’re little spoon. Simon is big spoon. And he probably has his cock buried deep inside you, rocking his hips lazily while is hand is playing with other parts of you.
But he’s smart not to fuck out in the wilderness. Bug bites are the fucking worse.
In the cabin in the Pacific Northwest? He’s fucking you by the fire while it rains outside.
Simon’s intimacy and romantic side really flourishes during this time. Because there are no outside distractions, he’s able to put his entire focus on you. Along with the sex, Simon is simply an attentive partner. While he’s here to enjoy himself, he is also highly aware of your needs.
Hates when the two of you have to go back to the real world. Would rather disappear with you forever.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
@coffeecaketornado @wren5650 @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36
@miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @enfppuff
@cinnabeanz @berarenado @rogerrhqpsody @josephquinnschesthair @saoirse06
@haven-1307 @therealbloom @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @marispunk
@thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos
@enarien @xxkay15xx @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666
@lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67
@contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg
@webmvie @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe
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bemygunstomyroses · 5 months
The Lost Boys riding in your the car with you would include:
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Summery: This is just unhinged.
Warnings: GN reader! cussing, Paul and Marko being idiots. David being David. That’s it I think :D
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If you manage to not get in a car crash with these idiots then you’re lucky.
If the boys want you to drive them somewhere like places where their bikes can’t reach or they just wanna spend some quality time with you, then great! The only problem is that these boys are fucking maniacs.
Say you all are just driving at night going nowhere in particular, just going where the wind takes you, ya know?
First and foremost, sitting placement. Who’s gonna sit where? Well David of course with be sitting in the passenger seat next you, probably placing a hand on your upper thigh.
Marko is sitting in the back on the left side, him being on the smaller side helping him have more room but not by much because Paul is in the middle of the back seat taking up all the room with his legs and big body.
Let’s not forget about poor Dwayne, poor dude is on the right side in the back shoved in the door with no space because of Paul but he’s a trooper and he’s just happy to be near you. <3
David is probably telling you which lane to go in and probably telling you to different directions just because.
You are driving on a backroad with no cars in sight, just having a good old late night drive with the boys, who are most definitely are causing trouble.
David keeps yelling at Paul and Marko to stop fighting over what music to listen to on the radio.
Dwayne slapping Paul upside the head.
Paul screaming like a girl and being dramatic because his brother slapped him.
David putting his hand up higher on your thigh and the boys getting jealous because they don’t have that luxury.
You will sometimes put your hand out for which boy with take it. Probably all of them, then them fighting for which one can hold your hand.
Probably you have to set like a five minute timer for each boy so they have a turn.
I can see Dwayne getting car sick and nauseousin the car.
Paul most definitely will be crawling through the armrest of the car between you and David to change the channel of the radio then Marko dragging Paul by the hair to stop him.
Dwayne trying to calm everyone down so he tries to play “eye-spy”
“I spy with my little eye something that won’t keep his fucking mouth shut”. David said whenever it’s his turn.
“Dwayne, I think he’s talking about you pal”. Paul said to him and Dwayne puts down the window and jerks Paul’s head out the window as Paul screams and Marko laughing in the background.
Marko would definitely tell you to go faster and tell you to put all the windows down.
Rock music will 100% be playing very loudly for everyone to hear.
Car karaoke for sure.
Paul probably sings “Guns N Roses” and try’s to hit every high note but his voice cracks every time causing you and the others to laugh.
Dwayne singing a slow love song to you in your ear and being a romantic boi.
Marko cheering the boys up when they sing.
You know David’s ass is not singing a single note.
If you sing then the whole car will actually get quiet for the first time since they have been in the car.
Whatever song you sang or if you are off key the whole time, they don’t care. They will be hyping you up the whole time and them all trying to seal a kiss on your cheek.
David most likely smoking a cigarette and Paul smoking a joint.
Marko waves at everything he sees out the window especially if there’s any animals.
if you decide to go though a drive through then good luck to you babe!
You pull up to the speaker and you order yours first, then you ask what everyone else wants.
David and Dwayne are fine about giving you their orders but Paul and Marko? Nah.
Paul with jump over poor Dwayne and put the window down and he’ll yell out what he wants and probably orders too much food and gets mad if the ice cream machine isn’t working!
Dwayne has to jerk him out from the window and apologized to the worker.
Marko will probably get out of the damn car and just talk to the speaker like he’s having a normal conversation with a person.
The total is probably like 50$ bucks and you low key get nervous about the bill til Dwayne hands you a crisp 50$ dollar bill that he mostly stole.
You all eat your meals while sitting in the car in an empty parking lot while talking about different topics and things.
It’s calm and peaceful, the night sky is beautiful with stars and your car is full of all your mates.
Even though it’s chaotic in every way you wouldn’t change it for the world. You don’t drive them in your car often but when you do it’s always an adventure.
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Part 1
Eddie’s coming home from the hospital today, and Steve is quietly singing along to love songs like they’re on the radio, but they’re not; they must be just in his head.
Dustin wants to enjoy it, wants to simply look forward to calling the others; they have an ongoing list of songs Steve has sung unconsciously, ranked according to various degrees of embarrassment, the current winner being his butchering of German in Rock Me Amadeus.
But he can’t. He can’t enjoy any of it.
There’s a window open in the car.
Steve keeps it down unless it’s crazy bad rain, ever since he found out that Erica can get motion sick sometimes.
Dustin grips onto his knees.
He’d tried to convince himself it was all centred around the hospital. That he could contain it.
But now he’s in Steve’s car (Steve’s car! Familiar and safe, where there’s still that streak of mud along the inside of the door from Dustin’s sneakers); he’s in Steve’s car trying not to breathe, because every time he does, he sees those damn particles floating in front of him.
“Okay, what?” Steve says, sounding both amused and resigned.
Dustin sucks in the slightest amount of air that he can manage. “Hmm?”
“Dude, I know you. Whenever you’re this quiet, you want something from me.”
“That’s an erroneous conclusion,” Dustin says.
Steve is meant to say something like oh yeah, erroneous, blah, blah, blah.
But Dustin knows his delivery is off when Steve just gives him a sideways glance while they’re stuck in traffic—knows that Steve misinterprets whatever look is on his face, because the driver window is being quickly wound down, too.
“Hey, do you feel sick? I can pull over.”
“I’m good,” Dustin says, only just managing to suppress a shiver as more cold wind seeps inside.
Steve doesn’t seem particularly happy with that answer, but the traffic starts moving again, leaving him with no choice but to drive on.
“Okay, just—we’ll be five minutes tops, all right? Just look at the, uh, horizon.”
Dustin looks ahead.
Doesn’t mention that all he can see is what the sky looked like from the trailer roof.
There’s a stack of books at the end of Eddie’s hospital bed—Steve’s gone back to the car to get a cardboard box for them. Dustin spots Nancy’s copy of Little Women on the top of the pile.
(During a visit where Nancy had driven him over, Eddie had made them wait in the corridor for a full five minutes before telling them they could come in, and when they did he was clutching the book with red-rimmed eyes, staring at Nancy so accusingly that Dustin couldn’t help but laugh.
“Beth?” Nancy had said, fighting a smile at Eddie’s melodramatic sigh.
Eddie mimed throwing the book at her, careful not to actually damage it. “Fucking Beth.”)
Another book’s in danger of slipping off the edge of the bed; Dustin catches it before it can fall. Peter Pan. He flicks it open, sees a childishly crooked Property of Steve written in pencil on the title page.
Eddie’s pressing some folded clothes into a bag on the other side of the bed. He looks up.
And Dustin suspects that when he went to the bathroom, Steve and Eddie must’ve had some sort of conversation about him, because Eddie says, “Go sit down, I’ve got this,” like Dustin’s the one who’s been recovering in hospital.
“What, scared I’ll rip your books?” Dustin asks, and this time he knows he’s hit just the right tone of normality, just the right mixture of teasing and petulant, because Eddie snorts.
“Shuddup,” he says, and then he lunges for Dustin, ruffling his hair. His hand lingers for a second, tilting so the back of it touches Dustin’s forehead.
“What the hell?” Dustin says, shoving him off playfully.
Eddie’s still grinning from their tussle, but it fades a bit as he gives Dustin a once-over.
“Thought you looked a little peaked,” he says with a shrug.
Dustin forces an eye roll. “I’m fine.”
Eddie seems to accept that, but he pours an extra glass of water and leaves it on the table; and when Dustin takes it, his mouth opens, and Dustin silently pleads inside his head don’t ask me, don’t ask me, and—
Steve’s voice echoes down the corridor, soft and lilting: Islands in the Stream.
Eddie chuckles. “That’s another one for the list,” he tells Dustin, but his eyes glitter like he doesn’t find it embarrassing at all, and when he’s bundling up the books, his fingers trace the front cover of Peter Pan like it’s a rare gem.
Oh, Dustin thinks. Then: You’re so happy.
Steve enters the room with the cardboard box held aloft like it’s a trophy, and Eddie laughs, makes a quip: “Jesus Christ, we’re not at one of your basketball games, Steve.”
Steve grins, briefly bends his knees as if on the basketball court. “You wish.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, shoots Dustin a look as if to say who does this guy think he is?
But his eyes are saying something else.
He passes the books over to Steve, chatting easily about whatever chapter he’d got up to, and their hands touch with such casual intimacy. There should be no space for them to worry here, Dustin decides—and so, for the rest of the day, commits to being the most carefree, boisterous version of himself he can manage.
It gets to the point where the window in his room is permanently shut.
Where he suddenly has this awful feeling of doubt—that this is something he should’ve called a code red over long ago.
He calls Will, twisting the phone cord around his fingers over and over, so tightly that it hurts.
“Will, you know when. Your—your episodes. The Mindflayer. What. What did it feel like?”
The ensuing silence makes shame run down his spine, cold as ice.
But when Will speaks, he doesn’t sound hurt, or even the slightest bit frightened.
“Why?” he asks.
“It.” Dustin grits his teeth. “I’m worried it might. Might be happening again.”
Another silence, and then Will says, very gently, “Dustin, it’s all closed off. I can’t feel anything anymore.”
“Okay.” Dustin blinks back the sudden burning in his eyes. “Okay.”
“You… you know you can talk to me, right?” Will says, tentative and kind, too kind, because Will is the kid who disappeared, who’s had to deal with all this shit for years, stuff that Dustin could never—
“Yeah,” Dustin says.
“My mom, she’ll be home soon,” Will says, rushed suddenly, like he can sense Dustin’s about to hang up, “if you wanna—”
“Yeah, thanks, I’ve gotta go,” Dustin says all in one breath, and ends the call.
And he realises something—kind of hates himself for it. That if The Upside Down was really back, he would’ve felt terrified, sure, but also…
Because the alternative is that the problem is him.
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redcoralpot · 11 months
Smudged (4)
Rodrick Heffley x FTM Punk Reader
Warnings: NSFW joke and mentions of homophobia
Summary: The idea was bull, but it was worth a shot, you supposed. That is, if Rodrick can stay focused.
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“I need you to do a favor for me,” Rodrick kicked his foot against the asphalt.
You could still hear the joyful chatter of children reuniting with their parents in the background, cars speeding past you, causing strands of hair to come loose, “No.”
“No? What do you mean no?”
“I’ve heard enough from Heather.”
His eyes snapped towards you, wide and attentive, for once, “What’d she say?”
“Obviously not something positive.”
Rodrick shrugged, his attitude uncaring once again. You huffed and turned away, fully planning on leaving him alone on that sidewalk. However, you only were able to take a few steps forward before a hand roughly grabbed at your back. Cursing under your breath, you whirled around to face the boy, squinting.
“Hey, hey, I’m being serious. I need your help, here, dude.”
“You could’ve fooled me;” you rolled your eyes, but didn’t remove his hand, “I won’t do your homework for you. Leave that in middle school, with Greg.”
Rodrick’s hand slid down your arm before he pulled it to his chest, “Actually– fuck, nevermind. Okay, that won’t work on you, but you’re a valuable resource with this!”
“And how is that?”
Instead of answering, he took a step closer, and waved a slip of paper in your face. You flinched back, allowing it to fall from his fingertips into your open palm. Rodrick was silent, snickering, and tapping his foot as he gleefully watched you crack it apart. Inside were printed words; his project slip, awfully crumpled. Two words, three if you count the category. Music; punk subculture.
He smirked, “It’s a research project. What better way than to talk to the only punk guy in town?”
“If you’re so sure, then what about the collaboration rule?”
“C’mon, nobody’ll ever know!” You could’ve sworn he almost whined, moving back.
You said, “I won’t fail ‘cause you’re reckless; I’m sure there’s another punk guy somewhere.”
Rodrick made a face, “There’s none that I know.”
“That’s too bad for you, then,” you replied. Kicking a rock towards him, you backed up, towards the road. He huffed, taking steps forward as much as you moved away. You could tell that he was getting desperate for your help.
“How about a trade? I help with yours, you help with mine!”
You paused, causing the drummer to smack face first into you, knocking your foreheads together. The two of you hissed, with Rodrick rubbing the wounded spot with a scrunched up, pained face. When he finally let his hand fall away, you could see an angry red spot in its place, and yours probably did not look much better.
“I’ll think about it.”
He snickered, hitting your arm, “Hah, think.”
“Heather was right, you’re a cornball.”
“Fuck you,” he groaned.
You shook your head in response to his complaints, “Deal with it, Heffley. I have your number, I can harass you with it all day.”
A small boy, about Holly’s height, if not shorter, appeared in the distance. He was running towards the both of you fast– well, as fast as a middle schooler can go on those little legs. Beside him, a chubbier, ginger child was struggling to keep up as his counterpart shouted, bringing his hands up to his mouth. Rodrick grew tenser, a kind of grumpier expression clouding his features. Ah, that would be Greg. Chuckling, you made the decision to instead flee the scene, not wanting to be a part of their petty sibling rivalry.
“What do you want, turd?” Rodrick sneered, gesturing beside him, “I was in the middle of something.”
“You promised you’d take Rowley and I home!”
“That means you have to be–” He took in the blank spot where you once were, “...patient.” “I’m gonna kill you the next time Mom’s not home, literally kill you!”
You fished your flip phone out of your pocket, slouching on your pillows with your socks only half-off. When the list of conversations popped up on the small, bright screen, you paused. Were you seriously contemplating this? Directly going against the rules to work with Rodrick of all people; you might as well have cheated with Daniel and that would have been a better idea. However– you shifted in your bed, kicking your socks across the room– Daniel knows nothing about drums. In fact, he talks about flutes more than any other instrument, as girly as his father calls it. Rodrick was better at it than anyone else in this shitty little town, so how bad could it truly be?
Against your better judgment, you typed in the number pattern printed on the invitation slip into a new contact, naming it accordingly. You held your breath, typing your very first message; “This is Heather’s brother.”
Your phone was smashed into your sheets and you hugged your pillow to your chest, peeking over at the device. It took a few moments, minutes really, before it vibrated against the cloth. Yet, you didn’t reach for it at first. This was your last chance, your last chance to refuse this and possibly not ruin your entire senior record, and so you hesitated. Curiosity got the better of you, though. “Trade or no trade?” 
Taking a deep breath, you responded, “Trade. Come to my house.”
Heather would be so mad at you for this, you thought as you set aside your phone to the side and hopped up. Most of the time would be spent in your room, and you would hate for it to be as messy as it is now when a guest is over, despite the fact that Rodrick seemed to lack standards for hygiene. Perhaps he only showered once a week, if you were lucky. Regardless, you half-heartedly made your bed and dumped a few garments of clothes that had littered your carpet down a hamper, hidden in your closet. Your violin and electric guitar were both leaning carefully on your wall, safe from harm in their cases. Your desk was scattered with markers, laces, and patches that you had neglected sewing onto your jacket. It wouldn’t hurt to stack them neatly, you reasoned.
Your room still had a certain chaos to it despite your efforts, and really, you weren’t looking to fix it. It had personality, it reflected you, just as Heather’s more tidy space reflected her personality. Books lined the shelves underneath your desk; one that you didn’t spend too much money on. A door, glass, a mat, and two near-height shelves as support gave you one easily; you refused to let your mother buy you a “proper” desk. The works were mostly fiction or topics regarding punk history, so you selected a spare few that you did not care too much about in order to lend them to Rodrick.
About ten minutes in, halfway through the time you expected Rodrick to arrive, you freshened up your makeup in the bathroom mirror, paying extra attention to your eyeliner. Just to one up the guy. You smudged it with your pointer finger, before lining your waterline with a matching black. Even so, you almost poked your eye as you were finishing the right side of your face when you heard a clang!
A faint, “Uh– shit, my fault.”
You lifted the lace curtains with a non-blackened finger to peer outside, only to be greeted by the sight of the devil’s gleaming white van, a fresh dent in the front. An angelic statue that had decorated your family’s driveway was now laying on the ground; a puzzled Rodrick above it. A sigh forced itself from your throat. Your eyes followed his figure as he awkwardly tried fixing the abused statue, before sauntering up to the door with a fist raised. It didn’t take long to bound downstairs and open the front door before he abused that, too.
“We have a doorbell, you know?” you stated, unimpressed, “Come in.”
He whistled a short tune as he took in the rooms around him, “So this is Heather’s house. I was starting to think I’d never get to see it!”
“You aren’t here to see Heather, you’re here for research. Don’t talk to her, don’t listen to her, and don’t even look at her; she’ll choke you out and then me.”
Rodrick bent his head in order to see through the crack in her bedroom doorway, but you took a hold of his ear and pulled him away; “Okay, okay, fuck!”
You dragged him through your own door, where you shut it and finally released the drummer to let him take in his surroundings. Pushing him forward slightly with the back of your elbow, you lean on your bed, taking a good look at him. He flicked his eyes towards you– probably scared you were going to rip his ear off if he moved. A humorous expression to see on such an arrogant guy, sure, but you stayed put, watching him. Rodrick must have taken that as a thumbs up, as he was immediately attracted to your desk. He chose to shuffle through your pins first.
“Woah, you made these?”
He read the miniature printed names, “Do they mean anything?”
“They’re bands.”
“Well, yeah, I totally recognized them.” He made a show of pointing out his eye makeup.
He interrupted you, something seemingly catching his eye, “Wait, is that a…”
“Ah, crap, I thought it was something else.” It was a magazine, something you didn’t care enough about to hide away, and he seemed to snicker about it, “If it was, it’d be full of girls.”
You looked over his shoulders, before snatching it out of his hands, much to his offense, “I’m not into that kind of stuff.”
“You sure? I have one you can borrow if you really need it!”
“You’re weird,” you huff, throwing a small book at him.
“Get to work.”
Rodrick finally sat on your bed, overly casual. You plopped the pile that contained your collection of punk media in his lap, much to his dismay. Christ, if this was still just some big scheme to get his dick wet, you swore you would stuff a leaf in his mouth.
The first book was all about the origins and meaning of such a subculture; the most important subject for his research. You had hoped he valued that, but as he squinted at the text, his eyebrows pushed together.
He tossed it back into your lap, and you threw it back, like some sort of cursed hot potato, “Dude, I don’t know some of those words!”
“How have you gotten to senior year like this?”
“Can’t you just summarize it?” It landed between your legs, to which you looked at him unimpressed.
Rodrick seemed put off by this, looking down at your lap and back up, “Uh, do you have anything to take notes with?”
“Jesus Christ, take a pen off my desk; take the whole book, why don’t you!”
“That’s fine with me.”
You cursed under your breath, even praying to whatever deity was out there to smite the boy in front of you with all their might. You flipped a page, to the first chapter, sneaking a glimpse at him from behind your eyelashes. Rodrick’s foot was wagging back and forth from its position under his left thigh, not even aware of your dilemma. Or he could be painfully aware of it, and just wanted to push more of your buttons by acting innocent. Yeah, that sounds more like him, you thought as you cleared your throat.
“Punk style started gaining headway, aka popularity, in the mid-‘70s in America, with the UK catching the spark a little later on.”
He sneered, “Hah, caught the spark.”
“Knowing that you know enough about history to make a nerd joke horrifies me.”
“I wasn’t born yesterday,” he huffed.
“Sure,” you continued, “anyway, music was a huge part of this new era, but not the only thing included in it.”
Rodrick said, “I can see that.”
“It had fashion, dance, even a mindset to it.”
Glancing at your boots, currently collecting dust in the closet, you searched your mind for items you personally knew were iconic. He had seen you in your clothes, but based on his earlier comments, Rodrick knew next to nothing about the articles. He did not need to know the very deep parts of punk fashion, not for that project. Truth be told, you honestly didn’t want him to know the codes and such related to more personal matters. That knowledge was only for people who would understand, and you lacked that faith with Rodrick.
“You’ve seen me in my boots, leather jacket, and such, yeah?”
“Duh. That sparkly belt, too.” The drummer tapped his temple.
He shrugged, “Potato, patata–”
Rodrick was thankfully interrupted by a muffled shout from your mother, who slammed the front door shut, “I brought home dinner!”
“Fuck, yeah, I’m hungry,” he cheered, hopping off the bed and down the stairs before you had the opportunity to tackle him.
“Ah, crap.”
Heather peeked out of her bedroom, slowly turning to look at you with a withering look in her eyes. Your shoulders sagged as you saw a snarl take its form on her lips; defeat.
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tuulikannel · 2 years
I was bored and played around with the incorrect quote generator. The names I put in: Nagisa, Karma, Gakushuu. Some of these fit really well, some are pure crack. All pairings at least hinted at, I think XD
Nagisa: What do you think Karma will do for a distraction? Gakushuu: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. Building explodes and several car alarms go off Gakushuu: … or they could do that.
Nagisa: Hey, Karma? Can I get some dating advice? Karma: Just because I’m with Gakushuu doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Nagisa: If Karma and I were drowning, who would you save? Gakushuu: You two can’t swim? Karma: It’s a hypothetical question, Gakushuu! who would you save? Gakushuu: My time and effort.
Nagisa, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Karma: You did WHAT– Gakushuu: William Snakepeare
Nagisa: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Karma: The car takes a screenshot. Gakushuu: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Nagisa: Karma and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Gakushuu: Sighing What did Karma do? Nagisa: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Karma: Who wants a steering wheel?
Nagisa: Gakushuu and I are having a baby. Karma: That's gre- Nagisa, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Nagisa: Karma, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Karma: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Nagisa: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Gakushuu.
Nagisa: What did you do with Gakushuu's body? Karma: What didn’t I do with the body? Nagisa: Karma: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully.
Nagisa: Are you sure this is the right direction? Karma: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest! Gakushuu: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Nagisa: Tell Karma about the birds and the bees. Gakushuu: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Nagisa: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Karma: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Gakushuu: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Nagisa, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Karma: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Nagisa: Orange soda, please! Karma: I'll have the strawberry soda. Gakushuu: Me too, strawberry soda. Nagisa:
Nagisa: HELP! I TOLD GAKUSHUU I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Karma, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Nagisa: If you had to choose between Karma and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Gakushuu: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Karma: Gakushuu! Nagisa: 63 cents. Gakushuu: I'll take the money. Karma: GAKUSHUU!!!
Nagisa: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Karma: The cow??? Nagisa: What? Gakushuu: Karma, W H Y?
Nagisa: I know you snuck out last night, Karma. Gakushuu: Play dumb! Karma: Who's Karma? Gakushuu: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Nagisa: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life Karma: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Nagisa: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Gakushuu: edible
Nagisa: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Karma: Just rip the bandage off. Nagisa: It’s Gakushuu. Karma: Put the bandage back on.
329 notes · View notes
bitchinwolfsclothing · 11 months
So, I was just driving down the road and I was getting my ass ridden by a truck with the music all the way up and dude was absolutely jamming. And I sat there and thought, “Soap would so do that.” So I made Headcannons on what cars the team would have and how they would take care of them. So here you go:
The 141 and Their Cars
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Has an absolutely amazing sound system and is going to make it your problem
Most likely drives a White Jeep Wrangler
Either that or a White Ram Truck
Unintentionally rides people’s ass when driving
Definitely has racked up some speeding tickets
Does not realize how fast he’s going
Likes to take people around in it, having excuses to drive it and show it off
Definitely spends too much money on keeping it running and operational and up to date
It’s lifted too
No doors for him because “Fuck doors I wanna feel the the wind”
You’re going everywhere outdoors
If he has a Jeep rather than a Ram he’s definitely in all the Facebook and Instagram groups with other Jeep drivers
Is definitely a doomsday prepper and it bleeds into his car
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Drives something Black and inconspicuous, but not too simple, he likes a good car.
A Black Dodge Durango with a HEMI
Definitely not a muscle car but he’s got some power under the hood
Loves to drive you places on long rides because it’s so comfortable to ride in
It’s a comfortable car that can be driven long distances and can hold a lot of people, ideal for road-trips but has probably only taken Soap in it once
Absolutely slapped Soaps hand when he tried to play his own music.
That drive is either silent or soft classic rock is playing
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He’s definitely either a Kia guy or also a Dodge guy but has a Charger instead
Definitely some color like blue or red
Loves to call it a “chick magnet” (it’s not)
Constantly is one of the people who is washing it in his driveway
Also spends way too much to keep it up to date
Has those stupid stripes down the center of the car
Gaz definitely takes you everywhere in it, and nowhere ;)
Definitely considered getting a spoiler at one point
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Now this man has a classic car
I’m talking an Aston Martin
It’s a nice black, keeps it shiny definitely has some pride in it.
Works on it himself
Definitely has a tape deck player and has a small collection of tapes
Likes to just work on the engine just sometimes taking it apart to put it back together
Doesn’t let anyone touch it, if you do no one hears from you again
Rookies are dared to touch it as a rigged “hazing” ritual
Far too many have gone missing or quit
She has a name thank you very much
Talks to his car constantly
Definitely will take you in the car to a drive in movie
But you’ll rue the day you even think of bringing food or liquids other than water in the car
135 notes · View notes
hellfirehottie · 3 months
California Dreamin’ - Eddie Munson
Chapter Three - Freak
Content warnings: mentions of dr*gs (w**d), alcohol use (everyone is of legal age!!), Eddie being a drunken pathetic simp, lots and lots of fluff! Enjoy!
“Baby if you wanna leave, come to California, be a freak like me, too.
Screw your anonymity, loving me is all you need to feel, like I do.
We can slow dance to rock music, kiss while we do it, talk till we both turn blue.
Baby, if you wanna leave, come to California, be a freak like me too.”
Freak - Lana Del Rey
Thursday / 3:30pm / Detention
Principal Coleman: “Alright kids, you know the drill, get on with your homework, quietly please.”
Nina is sitting at a desk in the library with her History book in front of her, drawing the unamused expression on Principal Coleman’s face in the margin of the page. Eddie bursts through the door.
Principal Coleman: (pinched, annoyed) “Late to detention? Bold move, Mr Munson.”
Nina perks up from her desk, turning around to see Eddie and smiles at him.
Eddie fails to respond with his usual witty remark and finds himself sweating nervously as Nina watches him enter the room.
He takes a deep breath to calm himself and dumps his bag down beside Nina. With faux confidence, he sits beside her and pulls out his Maths book.
Eddie: (quietly) “Hi.”
Nina: (softly) “Hey, Eddie.”
Eddie’s heart flutters in his chest when Nina says his name. His cheeks and nose go pink.
I am so doomed, he thinks.
Eddie: [looking at her doodles] “You’re good at drawing.”
Nina: (shyly) “They’re just doodles.”
Eddie: (softly) “I think they’re good.”
Principal Coleman: [In Eddie and Nina’s direction] “Quiet please, this is detention, not a social.”
Jason: “Yeah, freak!” [Principal Coleman gives him a pointed look, he shifts uncomfortably and carries on with his work]
Eddie rolls his eyes and opens his book.
Ten minutes go by.
Eddie looks in confusion as Nina tries to quietly rip a piece of paper out of her workbook. He smiles softly when he sees her writing something on the paper.
Nina: How did you get caught?
Eddie tries to stifle his laugh as he replies with a smirk.
Eddie: Not my first time deflating Jason’s tires. It’s become a monthly thing.
They both look over to Jason who is glaring at Eddie. Nina looks at Eddie with eyebrows raised, Eddie grins smugly.
Nina: I’m impressed.
Eddie gets butterflies in his stomach as he reads her note. Eddie replies:
Eddie: Someone’s gotta keep him humble.
Nina laughs out loud and snorts, then realises how loud she is in the quiet room and clamps her hand over her mouth, blushing. Eddie’s eyes soften and he smiles at her cute reaction.
You are so fucking cute, Eddie thinks.
Principal Coleman: “Munson! Sloan! This is detention, not a date!” [Both Eddie and Nina go red as other students giggle] “Eddie! Go sit over there.”
Eddie grabs his things in his arms awkwardly, legs like jelly, and slumps down at another desk.
Nina and Eddie shyly look at each other, hearts racing.
Throughout detention they both exchange stolen glances, sticking their tongues out at each other and pull funny faces when they lock eyes.
An hour passes and the students gather up their things and head home.
Nina: (sincerely) “Thank you for detentioning with me, Eddie. It was fun.”
Eddie: (jokingly) “We should do it again sometime. I’ll take any opportunity to piss off Jason.” [Nina shakes her head, laughing.]
Nina: (bashful) “See you around, Eddie.” [Nina walks off to her car.]
Eddie: (softly) “Bye, Nina.”
Friday / 8pm / Hawkins Record Store
Eddie is organising the shelves as Jonathan enters.
Jonathan: [walking through the shop door, the wind chimes by the door ringing] “Hey dude.”
Eddie: (half asleep) “Hey man, what can I get you?”
Jonathan: (sheepish) “Oh, nothing like that today. I’m looking for some music actually.”
Eddie: (sarcastically) “You’re in the wrong store then.” [Jonathan looks at him confused] “Just joking, man.” (bored) “Around the corner to your left is what you’re looking for.”
Jonathan: “Cheers man.” [walking around the corner, shouting back to Eddie] “You got anything suitable for a party?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, annoyed he has to move from his stool in front of the small television. There had been three customers since the start of his 5pm shift.
He walks over to the tape selection, he points to a few pre-made music tapes. Jonathan is looking at the wrong section, eyes red with a dumb grin on his face: clearly stoned.
Eddie: (amused) “Will these do?”
Jonathan: “Sure, I’ll take them all.”
Eddie walks him over to the till. Jonathan comically dumps all five cassettes onto the counter.
Eddie: [scanning the tapes] “What’s the occasion?”
Jonathan: “Steve’s having people over at his tonight and Robin said his Mom’s collection of Cyndi Lauper and Bruce Springsteen records wouldn’t suffice.” [a lightbulb goes off over his head] “Oh yeah! He told me to tell you to come along.”
Eddie: (sarcastically) “Thanks for remembering.”
Jonathan: [embarrassed, awkward] “Sorry man, mind is a bit, y’know.”
Eddie: (laughing) “Stoned?”
Jonathan: (laughing) “That shit you got me blew my head off.”
Eddie: (smiling) “So when is the party?”
Jonathan: (confused) “Tonight? Did I not say that?”
Eddie: “I meant what time.”
Jonathan: “Oh! Come any time after 9. Or whenever you finish work.”
Eddie: (curiously) “Who is going?”
Jonathan: “Everyone.”
Eddie: [pressing the matter] “Everyone as in our group or everyone as in everyone?”
Jonathan: (dumbly, oblivious) “Everyone as in… people.”
Eddie: (sarcastic) “Super informative, thanks.”
Jonathan: (oblivious) “No problem! See you then!” [Jonathan walks out the door]
Eddie: “Wait!” [the door closes behind Jonathan, Eddie is talking to himself] “I mean, will Nina be there?”
Friday / 11:11pm / Steve’s House
When Eddie enters Steve’s house the music is playing loudly, but he is relieved to see only Nancy, Nina, Jonathan, Robin and Steve there, rather than the whole school. Eddie says ‘Hi’ to everyone and walks into the kitchen to grab a beer. When he turns around from the fridge, Nina is there to greet him.
Nina: “Hello again, stranger.”
Eddie: [breathless] “Hey Nina.”
Nina: “Glad you could make it.”
Eddie: “You too. I mean, obviously you’d be going, what with Robin going and you being with Robin and Robin being Steve’s best friend and…” [flustered, embarrassed] “I’ll be shutting up now.” [Nina giggles at Eddie, he smiles] “Nice to see you. Again.”
Nina: [smiling] “You too.”
Eddie and Jonathan are on the couch, beers in hand, talking. Nina, Nancy and Robin are chatting in the kitchen. Steve is setting up beer pong.
Jonathan: “You should go up and talk to her.”
Eddie: [eyes snapping away from Nina, dumb] “Huh?”
Jonathan: (teasing) “You’ve been staring at Nina all night.”
Eddie: “We’ve only been here an hour.” [Jonathan scoffed, Eddie peeled the label off his beer, shy] “I don’t really know her that well. We sat next to each other once in Science, and had detention together.” [twiddling part of the beer label] “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
Jonathan: “She’s really nice.” [thoughtful] “You two would have a lot in common actually.”
Eddie: [surprised] “We would?”
Jonathan: “Yeah, she’s into the whole tarot-cards-voodoo-witchy-hippie shit you are into.”
Eddie: (curiously) “I thought that was just a rumour?” (offended) “And I’m not into tarot-cards-voodoo-witchy-hippie shit!” [scoffing] “Jesus, didn’t think you, of all people, believed I was some cult leader like the rest of Hawkins.”
Jonathan: “She’s keeping it on the downlow. Trying to avoid attention from Jason and his group.” [Eddie rolls his eyes. Jonathan responds, amused] “And the way Will and his friends follow you around, you almost are a cult leader.”
Eddie: (laughing) “They’re good kids.”
Jonathan: (joking, amused) “Cult leader turned father figure, apparently.”
Eddie: (scoffing) “Fun uncle at best.” [his eyes go back to Nina who happens to catch his eyes, she blushes and continues her conversation with Nancy and Robin.]
Jonathan: “Seriously dude, go talk to her.”
Eddie: “What about? I’m no good with girls and shit.”
Jonathan: (laughing) “And you think I am? I got Nancy by a miracle alone.”
I need more than a damn miracle, Eddie thinks.
Jonathan: “Come on, you haven’t liked anyone since Chrissy.” [Jonathan freezes and winces as Eddie’s eyes cast to his lap] “Sorry man.”
Eddie: [looking at Nina who is dancing in the kitchen with Robin, smiling] “Look at how happy she is.” [looking down at his lap again, taking a gulp of his beer] “She doesn’t need my bullshit.”
Jonathan: [to himself] “Oh boy, sad drunk Eddie came early tonight.”
Eddie: (offended) “I’m not sad.” [hiccuping] “And I’m not drunk either.”
Jonathan: (laughing) “Whatever you say, lightweight.” [shouting over to the kitchen] “Nina! Come here!”
Eddie: [through gritted teeth, to Jonathan] “What are you doing?”
Jonathan: “Wingmanning you, you’re welcome.”
Nina: [walking into the lounge, bottles of beer in hand] “What’s up Jonathan?” [handing Jonathan a bottle] “Refill?” [handing Eddie a bottle]
Eddie: [quietly] “Thanks.”
Nina: (smiling, to Eddie) “Don’t mention it.”
Jonathan: “It seems like Eddie here would like his palm read.”
Eddie: (stuttering) “Huh- I- What?”
Nina: [wary, suspicious] “Sure.” [sitting cross-legged on the couch next to Eddie]
Jonathan: [standing up, clutching his bottle, smug] “Well I’m going to find Nancy.” [smirking at Eddie] “See you guys in a bit.”
An awkward silence lies between Eddie and Nina. Nina looks at Eddie expectantly, Eddie is still fiddling with his beer bottle, not looking at Nina.
Nina: [awkwardly] “So, uh, you want me to read your palm?”
Eddie: [stuttering] “Uh, sure, yeah.” [he wipes his hand nervously on his jeans, placing the palm facing up in front of Nina.]
Nina dramatically clears her throat and takes Eddie’s hand in hers, Eddie smiles nervously, watching Nina’s every move.
Nina: “So this here…” [she trails a pointed black nail across a line on his palm] “Is your life line. It trails off a little bit here which could mean a change in environment or circumstance, maybe a big reality check?” [tracing line on his hand, Eddie holds back a shudder] “And this line is the ring of Solomon, which represents the mental state in the pursuit of mysticism. It sort of reflects your intelligence outside of literary subjects.” [looking up at Eddie, who is looking at her in awe, barely able to pay attention ] “Does that make sense?”
Eddie: [stuttering] “Y-yeah. What does mine mean?”
Nina: [looking back at the lines on his hand] “Yours is a semi circle which means you are talented in performance and have great musical ability, but also show your emotions on your face.” [looking back at Eddie, laughing] “Does that sound like you?”
Eddie: (shy, blushing) “Oh, I don’t know. I’m in a band, I guess.” [eager, awkward] “Keep going.”
Nina: (smiling) “This here, is your intuition line. It’s strong, that’s good.”
Eddie: [smiling brightly] “It is?”
Nina: “Yeah.” [shying from Eddie’s gaze, looking at his palm, frowning] “This here is your health line. There seems to be a bit of a break here, and here, but after that it’s pretty stable.”
Eddie: (sad) “Yeah, that sounds about right.” [Nina looks up at him confused, Eddie shrugs it off, lying] “I was in hospital last year, a few broken bones.”
Nina: [frowning, changing the subject, can sense Eddie’s uneasiness] “This is your heart line.” [Her nail strokes the line softly. Eddie’s heart catches in his throat and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat] “It seems pretty solid, a few stray lines at the start, childhood crushes maybe? But when you’ve found the one, you’re with them till the end.”
Eddie: (breathless) “Really?” [looking at his palm]
Nina: (smiling brightly) “Really. Impressive.”
Eddie: [staring at Nina in awe] “Amazing.” [coughing himself to reality, looking down at his hand] “That’s so cool, thanks.”
Nina: “No problem.” [still holding Eddie’s palm, awkward] “Oh, sorry, here, you can have your hand back. It is yours after all.”
Eddie: (shy) “Thanks.” [gaining confidence] “Where did you learn to do that?”
Nina: [laughing] “California is full of hippies.” [tucking her hair behind her ear, keen] “I like your rings.”
Eddie finds himself fiddling with the silver rings on his fingers, then looks at Nina’s hands; fingers almost as ring-clad as his.
Eddie: (shy) “I like yours too.”
Nina: “So you said you’re in a band?”
Eddie: (shy) “Yeah, Corroded Coffin. We play at the Hideout on Tuesdays.”
Nina: (excited) “No way! I’ve seen your posters around town! That’s so cool!”
Eddie: (smiling but nervous) “Thanks. We don’t get a massive turn-out but it’s fun.” [trying to continue conversation] “So, did you like that album I recommended you?”
Nina: (sheepish) “I actually haven’t listened to it yet.”
Eddie: (hurt) “Oh.”
Nina: (smiling) “It’s been a bit chaotic with unpacking and school, but I will, I promise!”
Eddie: [glancing up at Nina, smiling] “I’ll hold you to that.”
They look at each other for a moment, smiling, happy to be in each other's company.
Nina: [taking a sip of her beer] “So how do you know Robin and everyone?”
Eddie: “We kinda all got thrown together last year. Nancy’s brother Mike is in a club I run.”
Nina: “Hellfire, right?”
Eddie: [blushing] “Right.”
Nina: “What’s the club?” [Nina knows the answer but feigns ignorance; wanting to talk to Eddie more.]
Eddie: [blushing hard] “It’s lame.”
Nina: “Tell me.”
Eddie: [peeling more of the label off his bottle] “It’s a Dungeons and Dragons club.”
Nina: “That’s not lame.”
Eddie: [scoffing] “Yeah, right.”
Nina: “It’s not. Some of my friends back home used to play.”
Eddie: (surprised) “Really?”
Nina: (smiling) “Yeah!” (Shy) “I used to play occasionally.”
Eddie: “No way!”
[cutaway - in the kitchen]
Steve: [entering the kitchen, looking at Nina and Eddie] “They both look snug.”
Nancy: “Leave them be, Steve.”
Jonathan: “He’s finally talking to her.”
Robin: “Wait, Eddie likes Nina back? Fuck yes!”
Jonathan: (laughing) “Are you kidding? He’s been drooling over her since he met her, he’s not subtle.”
Steve: [determined] “Not to cockblock, but beer pong is ready.” [walking out the kitchen]
Nancy: “Wait, Steve!” [she tries to grab Steve but he’s already walking to the couch where Eddie and Nina are, Eddie turns back to face Nancy, holding his hands up dismissively] “Nice one, Steve.”
[back in the living room, cont.]
Nina: (blushing, fiddling with her beer bottle) “I was the group’s sorcerer.”
Eddie: [with wide eyes] “Wow.” [staring at Nina, catching himself, looking at his bottle intently] “Not helping the witch rumours, are you?” [Nina giggles and Eddie smiles shyly] “You could join our group if you’d-“
Steve: [slumping down beside Nina, causing her to fall into his side, he effortlessly puts his arm over her shoulder] “Hey guys, what are you doing?”
Nina: [disappointed by the intrusion but playing it off coolly] “I’m reading Eddie’s palm, Stevie.”
Eddie’s jaw clenched with jealousy at Steve’s nickname and the arm around Nina’s shoulder.
Steve: “Ooh, do mine!”
Nina: (fake enthusiasm) “Sure!” [Nina takes Steve’s palm, faking intrigue] “Hmm, interesting.”
Steve: [dumb, oblivious] “What? What does it say?”
Nina: [with a cheeky grin] “It says you’re an asshole.”
Eddie snorts with laughter and Steve rolls his eyes. Robin and Nancy try to hide their laughter in the kitchen.
Steve: “Nice Nina, real nice.”
Nina: [cheeky] “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
Robin, Nancy and Jonathan enter the living room. Nancy sits over Jonathan on the loveseat, Robin sits on the floor.
Robin: “Are we playing beer pong or what?”
Steve: (whiny) “Nina is bullying me.”
Robin: (smirking) “I take Nina’s side on this, always.”
Jonathan: “Sounds like it was deserved, personally.”
Steve: “I did not invite you guys over to bully me.”
Nina: (smug) “But it’s so easy to do, Stevie.” [she pinched his cheeks and he rolls his eyes]
Eddie: [hiding his jealousy, changing the subject] “So, beer pong!”
Robin: [frustrated, drunk] “This is rigged.”
Nina: (smirking) “You can’t rig beer pong, idiot.” [She bounces the ping pong ball into the cup, landing with a splash. Steve and Nina cheer as Eddie and Robin groan] “Yes! Drink up, Eddie!”
Eddie: (groaning) “Fucks sake!” [Eddie chugs his fifth drink of the night] “I think you’re going to kill me.”
Steve: (smug) “Don’t be such a sore loser.” [Eddie rolls his eyes and finishes the drink]
Robin: “I don’t know what you’re talking about King Steve, you’re shit at this!”
Steve: “Am not!”
Eddie: (smirking) “Nina is clearly pulling you through.”
Steve: (offended) “She is not!”
Robin: “She’s cheating, she’s rigged this!” [to Eddie, drunkenly, whisper-shouting, giggling to herself] “She’s a wizard, y’know!” [Nina laughs at Robin’s drunken state] “She’s using witchcraft! Hawkins is doomed!” [Eddie raises his eyebrows at Nina, questioning Robin’s statement. Nina smirks and mouths ‘Sorceress’ back at him, which makes him grin, blushing pink.]
Eddie picks up the ping pong ball and, with some accuracy, manages to get it in Nina’s drink. He bows dramatically as Robin whoops, Nina smiles coyly and picks up the drink.
Nina: [chugging her drink] “Alright Munson, you got one in, don’t let it go to your head.”
Steve takes his turn and dunks the ping pong ball into Robin’s drink, causing her to groan, while Steve runs around the kitchen chanting ‘King Steve!’, ‘King Steve!’ ‘King Steve!’.
Steve: “So what’s next guys? Spin the bottle?” [he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively]
Nancy: (giggling) “We’re not fifteen anymore, Steve.”
Jonathan: “Truth or dare?”
Robin: “Hell no! We don’t need to see Steve kiss Eddie’s hairy ass again, I will throw up.”
Steve and Eddie turn bright red with embarrassment and Nina giggles on the couch, falling softly into Eddie’s side. Eddie’s heart pounds on his chest and he finds himself smiling down at Nina who is unaware of his loving looks.
Nancy: “What about 20 questions? We can quiz Nina.”
Nina: (blushing, shifting nervously) “We can?”
Nancy: “Not in a bad way! Like a ‘this is your life’ thing, so we can get to know you better.”
Jonathan: [teasing] “Nancy wants to be a journalist, she insists on finding out everyone’s life stories.” [Nancy blushes and shoved Jonathan playfully]
Nina: (uncomfortable, smiling awkwardly) “My life isn’t very interesting, I can promise you.”
Robin: “Sure it is! You’re the coolest person I know!”
Nina: (teasing) “You know about five people Robin, that doesn’t count.” [Robin sticks out her tongue at Nina and she laughs in response] “How about ‘never have I ever’? That way I can find things out about you guys too.”
Everyone agrees and shifts in their seats, awakened by the idea of a new game.
Nancy: “How do you play?”
Nina: [shuffling off the couch to sit on the floor opposite Steve, much to Eddie’s disappointment] “I say something that I’ve never done and if you’ve done it, you drink!”
Robin: [sniggering] “Nina always gets hammered at this game.”
Nina: [scalding] “Rude.” [smirking, cheeky] “I just happen to have a lot of life experience, that’s all.” What kind of life experience? Eddie thinks. “Besides, I’ve had more than enough, I'm the designated driver, I’m not drinking anymore.” [smirking at Robin] “So drink up, bestie!”
As the secrets and laughter are shared and drinks flow, Eddie drunkenly lies down on the couch behind Nina, fiddling with the ends of her hair.
Jonathan: “So how do you and Robin know each other if you’re not actually related?”
Robin: “You know how you have a friend but they’re like family but not related? Nina’s Mom and my Mom are basically sisters.”
Nina: [moving back to the couch beside Eddie, Eddie flops beside her] “My Mom and Aunt Sheryl grew up and went to university together, thus making Robin and I best friends and practically cousins.”
The group nods with an understanding “Ohh!”
Eddie: [suddenly, unaware of how loud he is, dopey, to Nina] “You’re pretty.”
Nina: [grinning, ignoring the jeers from the others] “Thanks, Eddie.”
Eddie: [slumped, drunk, head on Nina’s shoulder, mumbled] “You smell nice too.”
Nina: [blushing] “Thank you.”
Eddie: “Good enough to eat.” [Eddie slaps his face, perhaps a bit too hard in his drunken state] “No! Bad Eddie! No pizza rolls for you tonight.” [Nina laughs hard, careful not to shake Eddie too much]
Jonathan: [shaking his head at Eddie, amused] “Smooth Eddie, so smooth.”
Eddie: “Do you like pizza rolls Nina? I like pizza rolls.”
Nina: [smiling down at Eddie] “Never had one.”
Eddie: (aghast) “What! No way! We must have pizza rolls this instant.” [Eddie grabs Nina’s hand and gets up, going to grab his car keys]
Nina: [jumping up, stealing his keys] “Woah there! No driving for you.”
Eddie: [pouting] “But pizza rolls!”
Nina: [soft, smiling] “We can get some another time.”
Eddie: [eyes hazy, smiling drunkenly] “Yeah?”
Nina: (smiling) “Sure.”
Nancy: “I don’t want to alarm you Nina but Robin has passed out.”
Nina looks over at Robin and sighs, laughing airily at her friend's inability to handle her alcohol.
Nina: “I better take her home.” [Eddie has to hide his disappointment that the night is over] “Come on Eddie, home time.”
Eddie: [blushing] “Huh?”
Nina: “I’ll give you a lift home, you’re in no state to drive.”
Eddie: [wobbly] “I’ll have you know I am perfectly fine-“ [Eddie stumbled pulling on his jacket and knocks the vase off the table, fumbling quickly to catch it, smiling sheepishly at Steve with the vase in his hands] “Oops.”
Steve: [to Nina] “For that, you should make him walk home.”
Nina laughs and grabs her keys, shaking Robin softly to wake her up.
4AM / Nina’s car
Eddie: (giggling drunkenly) “She’s a witch, did you know she’s a witch, Robin?” [Robin mumbles in her sleep, pushing Eddie away] “She’s a witch, and I’m a wizard, and we’re going to start a magical coven thing together!” [Nina smiles with amusement as she looks at Eddie and Robin in her rearview mirror] “She’s put a spell on me, she’s hexed me, she’s bewitched me!” [shaking Robin] “Robin! She’s bewitched me, you’re my beer pong partner, you’re supposed to protect me!”
Nina: (smirking) “You’ve bewitched me, body and soul.”
Eddie: (blushing, confused) “Huh?”
Nina: (smiling) “Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austin.”
Eddie: (in awe) “Wow.”
Nina: “And for the record, I’m not actually a witch. I just find that sort of stuff interesting.”
Eddie: “So you’re like a nerd, huh?”
Nina: [eyebrows raised, surprised] “Pardon?”
Eddie: [drunk] “You like D&D and can quote literature from memory, you’re a closet nerd.”
Nina: [offended but laughing] “I am so not!”
Eddie: (teasingly) “I’ve seen you in Science, you’re a massive nerd.”
Nina: “I am not!”
Eddie: [cheeky] “You so are, behind that tan bad girl exterior you’re a big nerd like the rest of us.” [Nina stares at him, mouth wide in shock] “It’s okay, we’re all nerds too, you’ll fit right in with us freaks.”
Nina: (flirty) “Wow, a giant nerd and a freak? You’re wooing the pants off me here, Eddie.”
Eddie: [to himself, not realising how loud he is] “Ha! I wish!”
Nina: [concerned, laughing an airy laugh] “You’re trying to get into my pants, Munson?”
Eddie: (drunk, drawing on the condensation on the window) “I just want to be around you. I think you’re really cool.” [Nina blushes, Eddie tracing his palm, giggling to himself] “You read my palm. It tickled.” [Nina watches him, smiling] “Felt all tingly.”
Nina: [warmly] “You okay there tiger?”
Eddie: [slumped in the seat] “I’m great! Happiest I’ve been in a long time.”
Nina looks at him concerned, picking up on Eddie’s slight sombre tone.
Eddie: [hiccuping, words slurred] “I’m not usually like this, you should know.”
Nina: (curiously) “What are you usually like?”
Eddie: “Loud, usually don’t give a fuck.” [quieter] “I feel different when I’m around you.”
Nina: (worried, hurt) “Why? You don’t have to be.”
Eddie: [shyly] “You make me nervous.”
Nina: (teasingly) “Cute.”
Eddie: [bluntly] “Do you like Steve?”
Nina: [concentrating on the road] “Well, yeah! He’s really nice.”
Eddie: “Oh.”
Nina: (confused) “I think everyone’s really nice.”
Eddie: “You shouldn’t like Steve.”
Nina: (amused) “I shouldn’t?”
Eddie: (cheeky) “Nah, he won’t get you like I get you.”
Nina: “And how’s that?”
Eddie: [looking at her lovingly, giddy] “He’s too normal. You don’t need normal. You need a freak, like me.”
Nina: (warmly) “Freaks together, right?”
Eddie: [with a sleepy drunk smile] “Exactly!”
Next Chapter : Chapter Four - Fall for Me
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darthpastry · 3 months
FNaF Incorrect Quotes
(But it’s one of my aus)
AU is Puppet Girl, in which Charlie is the one who gets scooped and lives in an apartment with Michael and Jeremy Fitzgerald, some extra info and link to fic below the cut
Charlie: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Charlie: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass.
Jeremy: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated! Michael: Killed without hesitation.
Jeremy: Okay, how do I look? Be honest. Michael: There’s no critic more honest than Charlie! Charlie: Bad.
Charlie: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swingset? Jeremy: No, I said "Charlie, don't lick that swingset" and you said "Don't tell me what to do" and licked the swingset.
Michael: I'm naturally funny because my life is a joke.
Charlie: Hey, thanks for checking in, I’m ✨still a piece of garbage✨
Jeremy (to Michael): You made enough pasta that you could take it to lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container. Charlie: Shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now.
Michael: We’re d-d-driving in a…
Charlie: CAR! Destination, drug dealers…
Michael: BAR!
In unison: Pass the mic right over to JEREMY!
Michael: We forgot Jeremy.
Charlie: But we turn go back cause we’ve gone too far-a-me!
Michael: We have to go back, w-we can’t leave him. I respect the rhyme though.
Charlie: So, Michael, do you have a crush on anyone? Michael: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
Charlie: Slash gamemode creative. Jeremy: Dude, this isn't Min- Charlie: starts levitating
Charlie: What doesn't kill me better start running, because now I'm fucking pissed.
Jeremy: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.  Charlie: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.  Jeremy: THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!  Michael: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
Charlie: I keep cursing in ice cream flavors and Jeremy has told me to stop.  Michael: How do you curse in ice cream flavors?  Charlie: What the mint chocolate chip did you say to me, punk?  Charlie: I'll kick your rocky road then punch the ever loving strawberry cheesecake out of you.  Michael: Holy fudge.
Charlie and Michael:*Playing video games*  Jeremy: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to play games?  Charlie: * silence*  Michael: *silence*  Jeremy: ...You two never went to sleep, did you?  Charlie and Michael in shame: Yeah...
Michael: You’re my best friend, I would do anything for you.  Charlie: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.  Michael: Absolutely not. 
Michael: It's locked. You got a lock pick?  Jeremy: Yeah-  Charlie: *kicks in the door* 
Jeremy: Scary how fast someone can mean so much to you...  Michael: Scary how fast you can mean nothing to someone.  Charlie: Scary how fast I switched my car insurance to Geico!
Charlie: If I ever completely die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited.  Michael: "If"  Jeremy: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to and they might not even die properly.
Tracking Service, as helpfully as possible:Your order is out for delivery! It should arrive by 8 PM today!  Michael, sitting by the door at 8:12 AM:Pakige. Jeremy, opening the door anytime they hear anything outside despite it being 10 AM: Böx?  Charlie, peeking out the window every 5 minutes: Enveloop?
Michael: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.  Charlie: But are you shuffling?  Michael: Everyday.  Jeremy: What language are you two speaking?? 
Jeremy: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery!  Michael: This unmitigated poppycock?  Charlie: Extravagant hogwash!  Jeremy: Okay, stop. 
Michael: Why don't we just call it, "M.C. Donald's?"  Jeremy: Because it just sounds like a stupid rapper's name.  Charlie: It'd just be like- "Eyo, it's ya boy, M.C. Donald!"
Eyyy self promotion time. Puppet Girl is an ongoing fic/AU of mine and is currently my longest fic despite not being finished! The plan is to have maybe 10 or so more chapters (there are currently 18) and then maybe some one-shots with side adventures, although that’s probably a while off.
Also some extra bits of info! Michael is transmasc in this one. He’s also aroace and Charlie’s a lesbian but neither of those are mentioned and who even knows if they know. Not entirely sure about Jeremy but it’s a genfic anyway.
But yeah, Charlie doesn’t die, Mangle’s teeth aren’t as sharp so Jeremy entirely recovers from the Bite of 87. Timeline is condensed with FNaF 6 taking place in the 90s and Michael is also alive (duh)
So anyway, if you want to, give it a read! Maybe leave a comment if you’re feeling generous because those are always cool. Let me know on here if you want to see more incorrect quotes from this AU, from a different one, or back to LoZ and FNaF crossover incorrect quotes
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toki-is-the-king · 1 year
Dethklok headcanons:
Nathan: Nathan is the guy who wakes up and heads to the bathroom to do that stupid thing all dads do where they hack up their lungs first thing in the morning. Like when they clear their throat and gag so loud it wakes everyone up and Charles runs in to see if Nathan is on the verge of death but he’s just brushing his teeth and gagging/spitting for no reason other than he’s fucking loud and can’t do anything quietly. Nathan is always up at like 3am staring at the ceiling because he can’t sleep, his nightmares keep him up so much that he has insomnia. He tries to keep himself awake to stop the nightmares but it only makes them worse because he’s exhausted and gives himself sleep paralysis. It’s pretty brutal.
Murderface: is obsessed with Mötorhead to the point that it’s annoying. No one lets him have the aux in the car because he only plays ‘Love Me Forever’ and ‘1916’ every.fucking.time. Whenever he’s hating himself and wallowing in self loathing(which is daily) he blasts sad Mötorhead songs while laying on the floor in his underwear. Says he was born in the wrong decade and wishes Lemmy was his dad. He also watches sad Civil War documentaries and makes himself cry because he wishes he could fight in a war and be seen as a hero but says he’s too fat and working is for losers.
Toki: Toki is obsessed with social media like Instagram and Facebook- he never had access to it growing up and now he’s hooked. The main reason behind his social media pages is just to post photos or follow meme pages. He takes hundreds of photos of Dethklok and they’re all fucking awful. He takes pictures of the guys constantly and they hate it. Toki is one of those people that posts the worst photos of you and refuses to take them down because ‘they’re memories!’ He will take pictures at the worst times too: Nathan is in the middle of talking or eating and Toki takes a photo. Pickles is passed out drunk in his own puke: Toki takes a selfie with passed out Pickles. The guys get so pissed over the photos because the press gets ahold of them every time Toki uploads them and they are always horrendous. But Toki is so proud of his photo collections and has made so many photo albums on Facebook, that the guys don’t have it in them to destroy them.
Skwisgaar: Skwisgaar acts like nothing bothers him and he’s great at it most of the time-but whenever Nathan’s dad comes over to hang out with Nathan and do father-son stuff, it puts him in a bad mood. Skwisgaar is usually the one people are jealous of, but he hates to admit that he is jealous whenever he sees Nathan laughing and watching tv with his dad. Skwisgaar has to make a scene every time because he can’t tell Nathan it bothers him so instead of confronting the issue he sits, seething, glaring at Nathan, fiddling with his guitar until the strings break and then he tosses it down and stomps out of the room. He waits until he’s in his room to have a breakdown. He cries in the shower and stares at the wall. He hates that he has feelings.
Pickles: Pickles is the guy who sits with you when you’re having a bad trip and makes sure you’re okay. If it’s Murderface, Seth, or Dr Rockso, he doesn’t care, but he still feels bad for not caring. Pickles is a good dude and he has more empathy for fucked up people than most of his band mates do. He knows what it’s like to be at rock bottom. He might be the biggest addict he knows but it’s all in good fun; what bothers him about drugs and alcohol is when his friends get really fucked up because they’re going through a rough time. Like when Toki is depressed and binge drinking, Pickles worries long after everyone else has stopped caring. He makes sure Toki drinks water and keeps an eye on him so he doesn’t break his neck when he’s jumping on the couch.
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
MY Davekat Fic Recs
i read everythign in the davekat tag a couple years back. yeah. everything. the whole bitch. it was a couple of years ago, so that might date this post, but heres a bunch of fics that i thought were so good i put a little note on them in my bookmarks about how hard they went
>Dave: survive three years on this rock
by MadSeason
Growing up on a flying meteor is hard work. You know this from experience. TG: dude what is this piece of shit you just sent me CG: TO PUT IT IN YOUR HUMAN TERMS: CG: IT’S A FUCKING LOVE STORY, DAVE. Well, it's a bit more than that.
this is a meteor fic, and youve read any davekat fics, thats a summary in of itself. however, from what i remember, this particular meteor fic goes really hard bc it does such a good job of building dave and karkats relationships with the other meteor residents and it leans hard into dave and roses friendship which is so important to me, bc guys they are BEST friends and theyre just so ; ; its just important ok. also according to the note i left for myself on this fic it made me cry a lot so thats always good
catch me, keep me
by CurlicueCal (@curlicuecal on tumblr)
Dave drops by the twinkle vermin class transport-ship Calliope to visit Captain Crocker and her crew. He engages Jake for some repair work, bugs his brothers of the corporeal and non-corporeal varieties, and stops in to harass chat with Karkat. Absolutely no flirting ensues.
frankly everything curlicuecal writes goes hard as fuck, so write that one down. read everything. they never miss. they are SO good at handling side characters and dealing w the complexities of homestuck characters, never shying away from the things that make them miserable little assholes. their fics are always so fun + funny and this is a really good one
just two guys being dudes being moirails and smooching a little
by MisPronounce_and_MisAccent
DAVE: yeah id be down DAVE: just two guys being dudes being moirails and smooching a little im not opposed DAVE: if youre cool with that A few options flit across your mind. The first is picking up the couch cushion next to you and screaming into it for a solid minute. The next is just screaming, sans-pillow. The third is, of course, throwing in the towel and flinging yourself off the meteor, because it is abundantly fucking apparent that you possess an inherent incapability to maintain any simple, good relationship without getting your feelings in a bullshit fucking twist. You decide to do none of this.
if you are like me and you really really love fics where they blur the lines between romantic and platonic and flushed and pale, this is the one. this is the fic.
Car Accident Blues
by ode
Dave Strider is good at looking fly, but he sure isn't good at not getting run over!
fuck i remember this one actually. its really short but its SO fucking funny
midnight soliloquy
by apocalypticTaco
If you had the time, you could wax poetic about every inch of him. Well, it’s past midnight. You could spare a few minutes to wax. If someone asked you what was it specifically about Karkat that you fall head over heels over, you honestly could not tell. It's everything.
its short and sweet, really cute fluffpiece. i CANNOT remember this users tumblr un anymore but they were huge in the davekat fandom for a while and they have a really good grasp on dave and karkat as characters which makes all of their davekat fics hit hard. highly recommend checking out their whole page rlly
We've Got Time
by acedavestrider (@acedavestrider on tumblr i think)
He’s very pointedly trying not to smile, trying not to give you the satisfaction of knowing you made him smile, but his eyes completely give him away. They’re far too fond to give any sort of impression other than absolutely smitten, regardless of how hard he’s trying to seem annoyed, and the way he blinks at you - quickly like he’s trying to clear his vision, like he’s trying to figure out if you’re real or if he’s imagining you - is enough to make your heart swoop in your chest.
another REALLY cute sweet one. honestly i think this is one of my favorite davekat fics ever. acedavestrider writes some of the best davekat in general and you should 100% read all of their stuff, because it ALL goes this hard. ofc anyone w a un this good is bound to have a good grasp on the characters so like what more do you even need me to say
Fait Accompli(cation)
by IntelligentAirhead (@dragonomatopoeia on tumblr, but im p sure it was cowritten w someone else? dunno theirs)
In Which a Mutant and an Alien Meander Towards a Quadrant of Indeterminate Identity at a Glacial Pace While Examining the Internalized Toxicity Perpetuated by Their Respective Societies, and The Nature of Friendship is Determined to Be More Universal Than Originally Theorized [Banned In Alternia]
this IS the best davekat fanfiction. this is the one. ive read it multiple times and its good each time. im just going to copy my notes straight from ao3 on this one, i think theyre from a second reread some time after the first
"ok this does slap. this slaps super hard. its a meteorstuck fic wherein karkat and dave both have to question toxic ideas theyve internalized from their own planets and eventually fall in love and get together. no one is delegated to rosemary therapist, all of the charas are beautiful and just as important, and the characterization is so flawless it couldve been written by hussie himself. this TOTALLY holds up, holy shit
"#literally the most beautiful piece of prose known to man"
The Eurydice Suite, v2.0
by callmearcturus (@callmearcturus on tumblr)
Dream-sharing: a highly illegal little industry in which agents delve into people's dreams, and unearth their deepest secrets and memories. Within this business, the Strider-Lalondes are known as the best there is — until Dirk Strider gets his fool-ass trapped within the confines of his own subconscious, with his Auto-Responder playing malicious prison warden. To save him, the best and brightest dreamers in the world will have to form a team. Backed by the token rich friend, lead by the surliest extractor ever bribed out of retirement, haunted by the shade of the latest, greatest agent in the biz, and on the run through a dangerous tiered dream in a hostile mind... It's going to take a miracle to pull this one off.
ive read this one so many times and honestly its still really good. the writing style is fantastic and i have spent many a year trying to capture the same beautiful atmosphere arc does. its a really creative au with really cool ideas about classpects and the characterization in this fic is awesome
Crash Standing
by Asuka Kureru (@asukaskerian on tumblr)
It's been eight days since the end of Sburb and Davesprite is not coping especially well.
ive already listed my favorite davekat fic, but THIS is my favorite homestuck fic period of all time ever the end. this is the best one. this is the ONLY one, as far as im concerned. you dont want to know how many times ive reread this fic ok. i love davesprite/karkat way more than i love dave/karkat (bc you know me w my doomed characters) and the way this author handles the interpersonal relationships between not just karkat and ds but also like ds and all of the OTHER characters is SO. GOOD. davesprite and kanayas relationship in particular lives in my brain rent free at all fucking times oh my god they are so perfect. shes so perfect. i love kanaya so much in this. oh my god and JOHN. the senor strider thing is so fucking funny sldkjfnsdf just. AUGH. its such a good fic just trust me ok just trust me
there are probably more i could recommend but its been so long since i read them im just going to stick to these bc like. man. i do NOT remember some of the bookmarks ive got in there anymore. ask me again when i finally snap and reread homestuck
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What A Week.. Chapter 02 : Night 1
What a night it had been. My friends, Aaron, Matt and I were working at the mall, I had to wait to close up because of some stragglers who turned out to be the streaking frat brothers from the previous night who in turn ganged up on us as we left the store. They proceeded to zip-tie us to a security gate, cut our clothes off, and take some pics with their phones as they tormented us and teased us about boning up. They finally cut us loose, gave us our jackets to wrap around us and let us go. Now, here we are, leaving the mall and heading to Aaron’s car to get the hell out of here.
 Luckily it wasn’t too cold out, we wouldn’t have needed our jackets if we actually had any clothes on, and made it to the car in just a couple minutes. Aaron pulled his keys out of his pack and we piled into the car. Once we were in, Aaron in the driver’s seat, me shotgun, and Matt in the backseat, Aaron just sat there.
 What are you doing, let’s go, I said.
 I know, but I’m still hard, he said.
 As soon as he said that, I became painfully aware that I too was sporting a raging hard-on.
 Oh god, me too, said Matt, I really need to get off.
 Let’s just get to your house and we’ll take care of business there, I said.
 Ok, let’s go, said Aaron, as he put the keys into the ignition and turned.
 Come on, let’s go, said Matt. Aaron tried again.
 What is it, I asked.
 It’s not starting, said Aaron.
 No shit, why, what’s wrong, I asked again.
 Looks like the battery is dead, said Aaron, but we didn’t leave the lights on, there’s no reason it should be dead.
 Those bastards, said Matt, I bet they came out here and ran down the battery, that’s why they took so long.
 Oh my god, now what are we going to do, Aaron asked.
 Oh no, I said, as I noticed Jason’s frat brothers coming out of the mall and heading our way.
 This isn’t going to be good, said Matt.
 Hey guys, having car trouble, asked generic frat brother number one. I realized that we had no idea what any of their names were.
 No, we’re fine, said Aaron.
 Looks it, you sure you’re not having car trouble ? We could give you guys a lift if you need.
 No thanks, we’re fine, said Aaron again.
 Matt whispered up to Aaron and I, I am not walking miles to your house wearing just a pack and jacket wrapped around me, we’ll have to ride with them.
 Can’t you guys just give us a jump, I asked.
 Hey, yeah, said Matt, good thinking Bri.
 Sure, sure, we can do that, sit tight, we’ll go get our car.
 I have a bad feeling about this, said Aaron.
 It’ll be fine, I said, just a finishing touch on their prank.
 Torture you mean, said Aaron, if I don’t cum soon I’m going to explode.
 Stop talking about it dude, said Matt, you’re not helping, mine isn’t going down any either. The frat pack arrived in their car then all piled out, alright, you guys ready, do you have jumper cables ?
 Do we, I asked Aaron.
 Yeah, in the trunk, I’ll get them, said Aaron as he popped the hood. Aaron grabbed the keys, got out and went around the back of the car to get the jumper cables, trying to keep his jacket wrapped around him to keep the frat boys from realizing he was still rock hard. Once he had the cables he made his way to the hood, tossed the keys in to me to put in the ignition and tried handing off the cables to frat boy number two.
 No way man, your car, you hook ‘em up. Aaron started to get the cables connected but realized his jacket was slipping. The way he was maneuvered under the hood with an end of the cables in each hand he had no choice but to wedge his hips against the car to hold the jacket in place. At this point, he also realized he would need a screwdriver to loosen the clamps on the battery to connect the cables.
 What’s the hold up dude, asked frat brother number two.
 Brian, come here, Aaron hollered, I need a screwdriver from the trunk.
 Great, I muttered, grabbed the keys again to open the trunk, secured my jacket around my waist and got out. Matt, not wanting to be in the car by himself also got out. Apparently, the frat boys decided this was too good an opportunity to pass up and started moving around getting into position near each of us.
 Where’s the screwdriver Aaron, I yelled around the car. I failed to notice one of the frat boys pull the keys from the trunk lock. Before I could react, he had tossed the keys in the trunk and positioned part of my jacket so that it would be caught in the trunk if it closed, and proceeded to close the trunk, right on my jacket.
 At this same time, the frat boys at the front closed the hood on Aaron’s jacket and the last frat boys were on the side with Matt and got his jacket caught in the car door and closed it. There we all were, car locked up, doors, hood and trunk all closed, and our jackets caught tight.
 What the hell, we all yelled, what did you do that for ? Help us out of here ! Brian, unlock the car, yelled Aaron.
 I can’t, I said, the keys are in the trunk. This got the frat boys roaring again. Looks like you guys have a little predicament, said frat boy number one, get it, little, pre-dick-ament, he said again laughing.
 Seriously, come on, said Aaron, tugging at his jacket, trying to get it loose. Matt and I were doing the same but they were all caught tight. Now we really had a problem. Our packs were locked in the car, we were naked except for the jackets wrapped around us which were now caught up tight. Mine caught in the trunk lid, Aaron’s caught in the hood, and Matt’s caught in the side door.
 Alright guys, very funny, now what, I said. You need to get us out of here, said Matt, help us, you can’t leave us like this.
Why not, said frat boy number three, there’s nothing tying us to you now, and we still have the pics of you, in fact, now we have some more. At that, all six of them began taking more pictures of us.
 Stop, yelled Matt, what do you want, just help us out.
 Yeah, come on, said Aaron, by that time having worked his way out of his jacket in his attempts to get loose.
 Oh I don’t know, looks like you’re the one who needs to cum on, laughed frat boy number one after seeing Aaron’s still hard dick.
 Oh my god, he’s still hard, acknowledged the others. How about you two, asked another frat boy, grabbing me forcing me to lose my cover, while another frat brother was grabbing Matt. Oh my god, you guys are just horn dogs aren’t you.
 Yeah, yeah, very funny, said Aaron, what can we say, we’re naked with raging hormones, what do you expect. Now, let us borrow some clothes, give us a ride home, and we’ll all just forget any of this happened.
 Well, offered frat boy number one, we can give you a ride, and forgetting any of this happened is up to you guys keeping quiet, but clothes, nope, don’t have any extra.
 Seriously, proclaimed Matt, you gotta have something we can wear, we can’t ride around naked.
 It’s either that or stay here, said frat boy number two.
 Oh my god, if these pervs want us naked let’s just go, said Aaron, we don’t have much choice at this point.
 Watch who you call perv, you’re the one with the hard-on naked around a bunch of dudes.
 Can we just go please, I begged, I’d really like to just get home.
 So you and your little boyfriends can have a wank I’ll bet, said one of them laughing.
 Actually, said frat boy number one, I don’t want them having any accidents along the way. You guys need to take care of business before we go.
 What, we yelled in unison.
 You heard me, get to it, get those things down or we leave you here.
 No way, yelled Aaron, I am not jacking off in front of you guys, forget it.
 You might want to tell your dick that, I think it has other ideas. It wasn’t making it any easier that we already had raging boners, but since we had no other cover we had our hands on our dicks trying to keep everything covered. This ended up only causing more stimulation leading to nothing actually being covered well at all.
 Let’s go, get to it, said number one, you want a ride, I don’t want you jizzing on my seats on the way, so start jacking.  
 Shit, said Aaron, as he started stroking his meat. Come on guys, let’s just get it over with.
 Ughf, Matt let out a groan as he had started as soon as Aaron had. Oh god, this is better than any of our other sessions, said Matt.
 Aaron and I blushed at this revelation as we stroked away.
 Wait, yelled number one, so, you guys are into group sessions, huh ? Alright then, let’s make this even more interesting. Jack each other. We all looked at each other. Come on, do it, you know you want to, encouraged number one.
 Aaron was the first to respond by grabbing my dick and starting to pump. I grabbed Matt’s who then grabbed Aaron’s and there we were, all three of jacking each other off while Jason’s six frat brother’s looked on yelling encouragement and taking more photos. I shot first, erupting all over Aaron’s hand, across onto Matt’s chest causing Aaron to jizz then Matt started in. Jizz was flinging and flying everywhere all over the three of us. By the time we were spent, we were covered in each other’s cum.
 Our efforts were met with cat calls and whistles, the frat pack was cheering and hollering, young, dumb, and full of cum, said number one. Here, here’s a towel, wipe off and get in. You guys have got some balls, I’ll give you that. We were going to apologize for harassing you guys, but I think you guys enjoyed tonight just a little, didn’t you, asked number one, my name is Mark by the way. This is Chris, he introduced, pointing to the frat brother we had dubbed number two, then there’s Will, Brad, Alex, and Roger.
 They all said hey as Mark introduced them, anyway, we’re sorry things went as far as they did, he proceeded to say. You guys are alright in our book, Chris, get them some of our shirts from our practice gear.
 They weren’t much, just some old t-shirts they used during football practice, but at least it was some cover, thanks, we said, as Chris handed them out.
 And to show there’s no hard feelings, Mark said, we’ll get rid of the pictures we have.
 Aww man, moaned Brad, do we have to, those are some great shots.
 You are such a fag Brad, yes, sorry, no wank material for you, now delete them, Mark told to them all as he glanced to each of his brothers.
 Thanks Mark, I said, I’ll admit, we were rather scared at first, but I guess if you guys are cool now, no harm done.
 Except our clothes, interjected Matt, those were my only work pants.
 Tell you what, said Mark, meet me here tomorrow, we’ll replace whatever stuff we cut up.
 Wow, thanks, said Matt, but what’s the catch, what are you going to do us then ?
 Nothin’ man, nothin’, assured Mark, you guys are cool like I said, we just want to make right by you.
 Turn here, Aaron spoke up, that’s my place up ahead, thanks for the ride.
 And the shirts, I added, and for offering to get Matt’s clothes, that will keep him out of hot water with his Mom.
 Yeah, Matt said, thanks, and thanks for the good time. We all laughed at that as Mark pulled into Aaron’s driveway. We all got out, said thanks again and headed to the house. With his keys still locked in the trunk of his car still at the mall, Aaron immediately headed around the back of his house to where the spare key would be.
 So it’s nearly five in the morning, we’re naked except for some frat boy shirts, we’ve jacked each other off in the mall parking lot, and now we’re locked out of Aaron’s house, Matt was complaining.
 Spare key doofus, we can get in just fine, said Aaron. You’ve both got a change of clothes in my room or at least damn near, so all we need to do is get in, get cleaned up, get some rest, then get up in a couple hours, have breakfast with my parents so they don’t think last night was anything other than a typical late night for us, then get to school and never speak of last night again.
 What about your car, asked Matt, how will you explain that it’s not in the driveway ?
 Which means we’ll have to ride the bus to school, I added with dread.
 Yes, we’ll have to ride the bus, replied Aaron, and I’ll just tell the truth, the battery died and we got a ride home. I’ll bring my spare keys to school, we’ll get off the bus at the mall and get a jump from someone at work.
 Well, sounds like you’ve got it all worked out Aaron, now let’s just get inside, I’m tired of being naked.
 Yeah, me too Brian, said Aaron lowering his voice as he opened the door, except I did kind of enjoy some of it, I’m getting hard again thinking about it, look. Aaron pulled up his frat shirt revealing his rigid dick to Matt and I.
 Great, thanks Aaron, whispered Matt, now I’m getting hard !
 So much for grabbing any rest, I said, I think we’re going to be grabbing something else. We all started to giggle as Aaron shushed us, quiet, come on, let’s get up to my room. He had an evil grin on his face as he said it, turning to us, motioning us up the stairs. I hadn’t ever noticed just how cute that grin really was.
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I’m too deep into this fandom already
Incorrect Fantasy High:
Kristen: I turned out perfectly fine!
Tracker: Kristen, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
Kristen: What do you think Fig will do for a distraction?
Adaine: She’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Adaine: ... or she could do that.
Fig: We need to get through this locked door. Fabian, give me your credit card.
Fabian: Here.
Fig, pocketing it: Thanks. Gorgug, kick down the door.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Fabian: Shit.
Fig: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
Fig: Riz isn’t answering his phone
Fabian: I’ll call
Fig: Adaine and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Riz: Hello?
Adaine: Dammit, Fig!
Fig: What?! It wasn’t me!
Adaine: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Fabian!
Fabian: Not me either.
Adaine: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Kristen: *whistles*
Fig: *Screams*
Fabian: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Kristen: Should we do something?
Gorgug: No, I want to see who wins.
Riz: You saved me. I owe you my life.
Fabian: No thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
Adaine: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor.
Fig: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Riz: You're my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Adaine: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Riz: Absolutely not.
Fig: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Adaine’s been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get her out...
Riz: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Fabian: That's why I carry two swords.
Kristen: I’d like to offer you moral support, but I have questionable morals.
Fig: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Gorgug: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Tracker: So what’s for dinner?
Kristen, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
Adaine: What are your goals?
Gorgug: To pet all the dogs.
Adaine: No, fitness goals.
Gorgug: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.
Fig: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Riz: *chugs entire bottle*
Riz: It’s perfume.
Kristen: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao
Adaine: What did you do Kristen?
Kristen: A MISTAKE
*Fig and Kristen sitting in jail together*
Kristen: So who should we call?
Fig: I’d call Adaine, but I feel safer in jail
Adaine: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Fabian?
Fabian: … No.
Gorgug: I do!
Adaine: I know, Gorgug.
Gorgug: I’m sad!
Adaine: I know, Gorgug.
Kristen: Fig and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Adaine: *Sighing* What did Fig do?
Kristen: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Fig: Who wants a steering wheel?
Kristen: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Fig: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Adaine: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Sandra Lynn: Jawbone and I are having a baby.
Adaine: That's gre-
Jawbone, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Adaine: Are we really going to let Fabian “keep” Riz?
Fig: We kept Gorgug.
Adaine: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Fabian: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Fig: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Riz: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Gilear: What the fuck is wrong with you people
Gorgug: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Fabian: Several traffic violations.
Fig: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Adaine: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Riz: Also, that’s not our car.
Fabian: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what The Ball will and will not eat.
Fig: Grass? Yes!
Fabian: Moss? Yes!!
Fig: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Fabian: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Fig: Worms? Sometimes!
Fabian: Rocks? Usually nah.
Fig: Twigs? Usually!
Fabian: Kristen’s cooking? Inconclusive!
Adaine: How did you… test this?
Fig: You just hand him stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eats it.
Adaine: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
Gorgug: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Adaine: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Riz: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Kristen: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Fig: My moral code, is that you?
Gorgug: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mom left me but do you guys need a hug?
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