#zombies 2 fanfiction
skinntyy · 24 days
I can’t wait for The Last of Us season 2 😭
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exceptional-z · 18 days
zed necrodopolis x reader
this is an au where zombies were never allowed to go to human high school. so zed is aged up (though age is never mentioned so you can imagine whatever) but has never been on the other side of the barrier. i attempted not to use gendered language but i tend to write with fem!reader in mind.
also please ignore any inconsistent verb tenses. english is not my first language and verb tenses are literally the bane of my existence. + i wrote this in like an hour
your family didn’t have much money growing up, hence why you lived so close to the gate. real estate was cheap since no one wanted to live near the zombies. but it also meant you learnt how to save money in as many ways as you could.
seabrook was all about perfection. if a mattress was two years old, it was time to throw it out and buy a new one. if a bike had a single scratch, it was thrown into the dumpster. all of the old items deemed as ‘garbage’ were brought to a warehouse that was emptied around every two weeks. and this was your favourite place to be.
you sneak into the warehouse. it’s late at night and there’s never any security around. you’re immediately greeted with piles of furniture and clothing and trinkets that are too unique to fit into the seabrook aesthetic.
you start to rummage through with the plastic gloves you always wear just in case any bugs or mice decide that this is a perfect place to burrow. lost in thought, you don’t hear the creaky door open, but you do hear the sudden shout that erupted from behind you.
your heart nearly stops beating at the sudden noise and your head swivels around. the lighting isn’t great, and you can only make out the vague shape of the person blocking your only exit. he looks fairly lanky, and if you squint you could make out some of his features. he doesn’t look much older than you and he certainly doesn’t scream “imposing”. he’s taller than you, but maybe if you caught him off guard you could knock him out with one of the many heavy objects splayed around you.
“i was told no one ever came in here,” the boy says. fuck, his voice is attractive.
“they don’t. in the three years i’ve been doing this i’ve never run into anyone else.” you answer, obviously suspicious.
“i’m uh- i’m just looking for a gift for my little sister,” he explains, “it’s her birthday soon and she said she wanted a new bike but we can’t really afford it.”
you relax a little at his explanation, sharing that you’d gotten into the habit of coming here to rummage for things since your family also doesn’t have much money. “i could help you look if you’d like? and even if we can’t find a bike, there’s a ton of cool stuff you can find if you’re willing to dig.” you offer.
you can’t be sure, but you think he smiles as he answers. “i’ll take any help i can get. my friend eliza told me to try coming here to look, but honestly, i’m a bit overwhelmed.”
you talk and laugh together for what must be at least two hours. you don’t end up finding a bike, but you find an old cheerleader outfit that looks to be in perfect condition. you can’t imagine why anyone would throw it out unless it just didn’t fit anymore. the boy -who still doesn’t have a name- literally jumped up in joy when he saw you holding the skirt from the set, doing a little celebratory dance that should have been embarrassing but was somehow endearing. (that’s how you figured out his little sister was obsessed with cheer).
eventually you have to part ways; it’s getting into the early hours of the morning and you both need to be getting home. he’s halfway down the street when you realise you never shared names and you yell out, “wait!”
he stops and turns around, and you jog to catch up to him.
“what’s your name, stranger?” you ask, “just in case we run into each other again.”
he tells you his name is zed, and you tell him your name in return. for a few seconds the both of you just stand in the street, memorising each other’s faces until you look away, shaking off the thoughts of how attractive he is under the starlight.
(bonus: when zed gets home, all he can think about is you. he wonders if eliza would recognise your name, or if he would possibly run into you if he chose to go to school for once instead of always skipping. he wonders where you live in zombietown, since he doesn’t recognise you and is sure he would remember seeing someone as gorgeous are you. he spends the next few days wondering, and then is in for the shock of his life when he sees you through the fence that blocks off zombietown from seabrook and learns that you’re human.)
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albertdabuttler · 2 years
i just watched zombies 3 and GAH DAYUH— i know its a cringey childish disney channel musical BUT WHO CARES BRO? the cast is hot and i have been obsessed since the first movie.
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can you guys believe im writing smut of this motherfucker 💀
PEARCE JOZA IN FUCKING GENERAL. the way he portrays wyatt lykensen gives him an automatic griP on me.
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like bro you cannot tell me that milo isn’t fine as fuck. i would believe you have some retinal disease or sum shit if you say he’s not attractive GODDAMN HAVE YOU EVEN TAKEN A LOOK?
anyways im definitely not gonna post it LMAO but im gonna write it anyway for myself and my friends 😋😋
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bzurk · 9 days
 zombie!au 141 x reader
dark content ahead! you've been warned.
It’d been hard at first. Women weren't treated well when people turned on each other, both healthy and infected. You were lucky when the virus started;
You were a dog trainer, surrounded by canines trained in personal protection. It was easy to scare people off. On your travels, your pack grew, a congregation of man’s best friends who were left behind. You had a whole arsenal, eventually; hunting, tracking, attacking.
This winter, though, was particularly difficult. Game was scarce, the ground frozen solid, the older dogs weakened by sore joints and aching limbs. You had run out of supplies weeks ago, trading your trained mutts for scraps and tools. Your only companions were your two remaining dogs, your only hope the compound in the distance, surrounded by wires and gates. The facility's noise, perhaps, was scaring off any nearby game. Maybe, it was already infected. Your doubts were alleviated when you saw little shadows moving about the tarmac.
You walked up to what you hoped was the front gate, arms raised and guns holstered, dogs plastered at each side.
“I come peacefully!” You bellowed, staring straight through the chain links towards the silhouetted figures. They grow closer, slowly, weapons raised and glinting blindingly under the sunlight. “I mean no harm. I would like to know if you have any food to spare. I can trade you for it.” You swung out an arm to gesture to your dogs.
The men wore fatigues and vests, packed with gear and weaponry. Well-equipped. They must have food, fresh game, stocks of MREs, dried rations.
“What you offerin’?” A man’s rough voice called back.
“Can take one of the dogs, if you’ve got enough of worth. I don’t part with them easily. Both trained, they are. Good at keeping out infected.”
It wasn’t long before Price’s three subordinates were staring at him with wide, pleading puppy-dog eyes. “Can we keep ‘em, Cap, please please please?”
Price had to admit you were a sight. Tousled, blood-stained, covered in tattered winter clothes that could barely keep out the cold. A hunting rifle strapped to your back, knives peaking from your pockets. A capable girl. Not many women out this far. He hadn’t come across one in months, not since venturing to trade with nearby settlements. Three or four months, at the least.
“Would you like to come in, love? Looks like you could do with a night of rest.”
They were nice, these four men, if not overly charming and kind. But they were nice enough to let you, and your dogs, in, even providing a tour of the premises – insisting guns were left at the door, of course. You were correct in assuming they were well-stocked. They confirmed they’d been residing in the base since outbreak day, though people came and went. They fed you, and even your two dogs. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the human company.
The base was a stark contrast to the wasteland outside. Boxes of food and warm blankets, running water, and electricity powered by a generator. The men showed you their hydroponic garden, where they grew fresh vegetables, and a storeroom stocked with preserved foods and medical supplies. It was a veritable haven.
They introduced themselves: Captain John Price, Lieutenant Ghost, Sergeant Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish, and Sergeant Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick. They shared stories of their missions before the outbreak, their camaraderie evident in their banter and shared glances.
You felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, you had found a place where you and your dogs could be safe, at least for a few nights. These men were skilled and seemed trustworthy enough, and their compound was secure. It was enough to put your tired mind at ease.
Perhaps too at ease. It didn’t take long for your body to slump in your chair, almost sliding out of it, if not for the hands that held you steady. Your eyes were fuzzy, your hearing diminished to a faint ringing. You could feel a wet snout nosing your limp hand, firm and warm palms divesting you of your coats and the weapons hidden in your pockets, strong arms wrapping around your waist, your tummy digging into a warm shoulder as you were thrown around like a sack of flour.
“Nice little pack of mutts we’ve found, aye, lads? Don’t you worry, we’ll take good care of you. Train you up well.”
if this gets enough interest ill turn it into a fic
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yuujismom · 3 months
Why no one make any J-drama & K-drama fanfic bestie!?! T^T
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bunnycakess · 1 year
2023 vs. 2020 >:]
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This was a scene from my fanfic, Warm Animal
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doeiika · 7 months
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More The Devils and also The Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse fan art just Amras fan art in general.
I'll say it again, LEGENDARY WORK, SO GOOD
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novankenn · 1 year
"Jaune Gets a Gun AU"
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON (link added)
This Post is just to get all the links to the various posts in one place.
Day One - Thorn & Lumina (The Post that Started it ALL) Toon Revolver (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) / Gun Heel (Bayonetta) / Mobile Infantry Power Armour (Starship Troopers) / Two Tailed Fox (Destiny 2) / Tail-Yellow Tailgear (Gonna be the Twin-Tail) / Day One Recap!
Day Two - (Poll #1 - Closed) To the Convention Centre / Mr Smith (Predator) / Jade Rabbit (Destiny 2) / Mystletainn (Is This a Zombie) / At the Food Court / Interested Parties / Another Rival / Imperial Army (Star Wars) / Bolter & Laspistol (WH40K) / Titanfall2 - Various (Pt1) / Titanfall2 - Various (Pt2) / Back to Beacon / Somewhere in Vale... / Detention's Aftermath...
Day Three - (Poll #2 - Closed)(Poll #3 - Closed) At the Gun Range... / On the Bullhead... / Zombie Rampage... / First Rule of SAW : You don't talk about Saw... / Colonial Marines - Various... / Date-a-Live - Spirit (Angel) / the Master Chief (Halo) - PT 1 / Somewhere in Vale... Part Deux / Republic Commandos (Star Wars) w/ Special Guest the Master Chief! / Ratchet & Clank (the Mootator)
*May or May not be made Canon. Undecided at this juncture.
Guest Author Submissions : If you enjoy these, please show the credited author some Love.
@itsupermanti : The Gaburivolver (Rangers "Super Sentai)
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c-rose2081 · 2 years
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Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Role-Swap
A kinda dorky, half-zombie Zed is raised as a human, and has the perfect life in Seabrook. He’s trying out for the Football team his Freshman year, but is overwhelmed by his fathers great fullback legacy. He also has to hide his green hair, or no one would ever let him play thinking him a brain-eating monster. He has to fit in; his whole life depends on it.
Addizon was raised in Zombietown, with her z-corp janitor father, half-alien mother, and adoptive sister Zoey. They don’t have much, but that won’t stop Addy from making her first day at human high-school the best one ever, and to try out for a real Cheer Team. To bad her cousin Bucky and best friend Bree aren’t quite so optimistic.
When these two meet, it’s an explosion of chemistry. Both are determined to make their Freshman year the best they can, but to also…possibly…to make a someday for themselves.
Dorky athlete meets his chaotic zombie soulmate? YES PLEASE!
I got my role-swap designs finished! Yeah, so, I didn’t want Addy and Zed to just switch places. That’s boring. No, they are the same characters as canon, but in different environments. What would Zed be if he had to extinguish his fire to fit into a world he doesn’t belong? What could Addison do if her energy and heritage was unrestrained from a young age?
I tried to keep their palettes the same, and keep each character super recognizable despite being in the wrong places.
Let me know what you guys think! And feel free to drop any asks or head-canon ideas for the AU in the askbox! I love hearing what y’all have to say ^-^
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sheepkebby · 9 months
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My L4D2 smoker oc Carter, he's kinda cute in like an ugly freak way idk
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exceptional-z · 8 months
Everyone is born with a jumble of letters on their wrist, letters that will eventually be decoded to read their soulmate's name. So on a person's birthday, each year, a new letter falls into its proper place. It's not always in order; it can be a letter from the person's first, middle, or last name, though the first letter of each is always unscrambled early in life.
Zed's wrist reads Adlieon Rosalind Wsdls. It's just his luck that his soulmate's middle name is unscrambled before her first and last names. He's entering high school in two days and doesn't even know his soulmate's first name. He has no way to find her, if she even lives in Seabrook.
The first thing he'd noticed, at only six years old, is the lack of Z in her name. She isn't a zombie, unless her family decided not to follow zombie naming culture, which is unlikely. He knows almost every zombie in Zombietown and there are none with a name similar to his soulmate's.
His only chance now is human high school.
On the other side of the barrier, in a big, lonely house, Addison stares down at the wrist that she's had covered since her recent fifteenth birthday.
Zed Necrodopolis. A zombie.
Her father had been furious when he'd read the name, recognising it from his job as captain of the Z-patrol. Her mother had considered getting her soulmark removed, but the side effects were too great -memory loss, chronic pain, loss of emotion, even death. So she got a thick pink bracelet, the kind worn by those with dead soulmates, those whose soulmarks had started fading and the ink of the letters smudging together. Better have everyone pity her with the assumption of a dead soulmate than ruin her and her families reputations.
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albertdabuttler · 2 years
Bestie you gotta post the zombies smut the fandom is LACKING in zombies smut
GUYS @sayorseee IS DOWN BAD 🫵🫵🫵
okay fine 😋 anything for you 😚😚
oh my god the tags are embarrassing 💀
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: ellie williams x reader (18+)
summary: a beautiful girl holds you up at gunpoint, naturally you ask her to join you on a date to the local coffee shop. 
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; mentions of weapons (i.e., guns & knives), death, violence obvi
word count: ~3.8k
support your writer: if you enjoy, please give a reblog so others can enjoy too! 🤘🏼and so i can keep writing 🥲
note: the latest remastered last of us part one has put me back into that ellie hype! not to mention that anything zombie apocalypse is my ultimate favorite storyline. if you’re unfamiliar with this world, here is a post of some great photomode pictures for part 1. however, this story takes place in a post last out us part two world. in my head, i did not see ellie returning to jackson so here we are somewhere random within the states a few years after part two’s events. 
---- x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x ----
You find yourself, lost and deep in the thick of it, in an overgrown department store. The ivy flows through the hole in the roof and onto the shelves. It ties them together as they lean onto each other. Mannequins to your left and right continue to haunt you as you quietly and swiftly move through the clothing aisles. A sudden clicking echoes through the space. You immediately stop dead in your tracks, careful not to make a sudden movement as the clicks begin to ring. Movement to your left shifts your eyes towards it. A clicker, you think to yourself. Luckily for you, it is a rather small sized clicker. 
As you peer around the tall shelves, you note the clicker walking away from you. It’s back finally turned to you. In a low crouch, you grab your makeshift shiv from your back pocket as you rush towards the dead one. With a forceful motion, you wrap your arm around its shoulders and chest as you dig the blade deep within the base of its skull. “Rest,” you whisper against its cool flesh. A light whimper escapes its lips as you slowly drop the body towards the floor. 
Listening intently, you wait for any other sounds to fill the air. With an involuntary nod, you place your shiv back into your pocket and make your way towards the registers. You quietly search through each of the drawers, noting that someone had previously searched this part of the store before you. As you pull back onto each handle, you are left with a sudden rush of disappointment and anger. “Fuck,” you mutter under your breath. You could really kill for some form of food right now so you can focus on getting back to your family.  
Carelessly pressing the buttons of the register, you push down on the one that flings the drawer open - complete with a loud ringing noise. You instinctually duck, looking around for any runners responding to the noise. Your hands begin to shake as one reaches for the shiv and the other rests on your handgun’s holster. With deep breaths, you keep your eyes wide and your ears open for any quick movements. Seconds pass by without any noise, you release a strong sigh of relief. Shaking off those nerves, you stand and begin to walk towards the backroom behind the cash-out counter. With a smile, you open the door - just to be met with a barrel in your face. “Don’t move,” you hear before you can turn your eyes to the voice. Your body remains unbelievably still. Your hands still by your sides as your breathing quickens. 
“Hands up,” the hoarse voice whispers. You raise your hands slowly with your eyes glued to the floor. You are careful not to make any movements that can be interpreted as threatening. The voice slowly side steps around your body. “You have any ammo?” they question you. With a hesitant clearing of your throat, you answer, “I only have 45′s.” The voice sighs heavily against the nape of your neck. “Shit. Fine. Give me your gun,” it demands. Your face contorts as your entire body rejects the idea. “No,” you say with a breathless laugh. “I’m not giving you my gun.” 
You feel the cool of the metal at the base of your neck. Rolling your eyes, you turn around to face the barrel of the gun yet again. “Dude, you might as well kill me right now if you take my gun. I’m telling you, you are going to have to pry it off my dead hands. I got places to be and I need this gun to get me there,” you say confidently. You slightly tilt your head so your eye line is able to see the voice. There stands a beautiful woman with eyes so green it knocks you off your feet more than her gun would. Her hair was brown with a reddish tint. You could not discern if the red was natural or a part of the blood splattered across her face. She was small, short, but you could already tell she was an strong surviving force. 
The girl’s lips are tightly lined. You watch as she cocks the gun. “Give me the gun,” she demands again. At an incredibly slow pace, you bring your hand back towards your back pocket - hell bent on getting your knife. Before you are able to deliver your next sarcastic line, a gun shot’s echo is bounced off the walls. The two of you quickly drop into a crouch. With her gun still on you, she whisper yells, “Who else is here?!” You shake your head side to side as a confusion expression sprawls across your face. “I’m alone,” you whisper back. 
Suddenly, you hear another shot ring. Groaning yells of the runners grow louder as they follow the sound. You watch as a few fast ones rush through the department store’s lobby. You hear a loud burst of gunfire in the corner of the store. You watch as a bright, quick light appears from behind the tall shelves. Shotgun, you think to yourself. “They’re not going to make it,” the girl whispers as she watches as well. “There’s too many.” Her brow furrows as two more shots are heard. “Let’s help ‘em,” you suggest with your eyes glued to her. She turns back with a look of disgust. “Don’t be a pussy,” you softly laugh as you raise. 
Unhooking your holster, you pull your revolver out and slowly walk through the doorway. The girl watches you as you walk past her. Her gun now lowered to her knees. You turn towards the exit, waiting for any stragglers making their way in. Without looking back, you slowly make your way through the clothing aisles as you walk towards the back corner where the shots are coming from. You raise your gun in front of you with arms slightly bent - only to be used in the case of an emergency or last stand. The shiv in your back pocket just waiting for an excuse to make an appearance. Your eyes continue to travel from the ground and to the ceiling - scanning for any movement. You have no intent on making a single sound during this ordeal. 
You hear a crack of glass behind you. Before you have had a chance to think, your body’s instincts take control. Your hand is already wrapped around the base of your knife as you raise it and direct it towards the form behind you. A gun would be too slow, too loud right now. With all your strength, you slam the knife down. Your hand forcefully hooked underneath the dead one’s jawline - just to be met with an opposing force. You pull your eyes from your knife to notice those light green eyes again. Her hand harshly gripping around your wrist as your knife shakes within your hand. Her other hand quickly moving a switchblade to your throat. 
Involuntarily, you raise your chin as the cool of the blade lands upon your neck. You release a sharp breath from your nostrils. “You done?” she asks as she slowly retracts the knife back and places it in the back of her jeans. You slowly pull your knife back and place it back within your pocket. With a nod, you continue forward toward the shots. You begin to hear struggles as you turn the corner. An older man is struggling as he holds a clicker away from his throat. He continues to slip on a pile of rumble from the roof overhead. Several dead ones rest in pieces peacefully at his feet, alongside his shotty. 
Noting the lack of enemies around, you place your gun back into its holster. You rush towards the clicker and slam your knife deep within its skull. Your eyes remain on the clicker as you pull your knife from it and rest your other hand upon his neck. You slowly rest it down as you whisper, “Rest.” The girl quickly walks past you, placing herself between you and the man. She kicks the shotgun away from his grasp, as she holds her gun low but ready. 
“Thank you,” the man says warily. Without a doubt, he noticed her shift to move his gun. His eyes focused on her gun. As you lean back up, you reply, “Yeah, no problem. Seems like there’s a lot of people here today, anything special going on?” The girl listens intently. You assume she is trying to discern whether or not you actually know this man and are putting on a facade. The guy laughs as he pats the dust off of his jeans. “I guess we all had the idea to go shopping today,” he chuckles to himself. You hesitantly smile back. The girl’s face remains stone cold. 
The man began to walk closer to the girl. “Well, I’ll just be gathering my things and be on my way,” he mumbles with his arm reaching for his gun. The girl promptly raises her gun as he takes another step towards her. You gently place your hand upon your holster, unbuckling it slowly. “Woah, little lady. I just want my things,” he whispers as he raises his hands. The girl sternly responds, “You’re going to stay right there until we’re gone. Then, you can grab your shit.” The man furiously nods his head. His hands tuck behind his head as his eyes glare at the floor. 
“Let’s move,” the girl says as she turns towards you, puts her gun in a holster connected to her belt, and walks past. You stand there confused. This girl just held you up at gun point and now she’s telling you to come with her? Talk about mixed signals. Continuing to hold your holster, you turn your back to the man and follow her back into the department store’s lobby. “Alright, this has been a pretty wacky ass morning. I’m going to head out,” you say as she turns back towards you. “W-where you heading next?” she asks with a hint of hesitation to her voice. You turn toward her with a smirk on your face. This was the first time she revealed a worry - a weakness. You laugh aloud, “Girl, I don’t even know you. You just tried to rob me a few minutes ago. Why would I tell you where I’m going?” 
The girl slowly releases a deep breath as she keeps her eyes from yours. “My name’s Ellie,” she whispers. You let out a loud humph. “Ellie, huh? I would’ve imagined something more bad ass, like Lara or Athena.” Ellie shoots her head back as her brows pull together. “Athena? The hell,” she laughs. “I don’t know! Ellie seems kind of lame for the bad ass vibes you’re giving off,” you share. You begin to walk towards the front of the building. 
The cool air brushes through the broken windows. The green of the overgrowth almost too bright and hurting your eyes. “Well, what’s your name,” Ellie asks. You laugh in response as you both walk over crushed shards of glass. You find yourself confident in the lack of runners, seeing as that man literally took out over ten in the area. “It’s y/n,” you say as your eyes dart to the former coffee shop across the street. The dust and grime of what you can see on the inside leads you to believe it hasn’t been ransacked in some time. It may be a great opportunity for some food. “Okay, yeah, that’s a pretty bad ass name,” she mutters under her breath. “I know,” you smirk as you begin to jog across the street. 
Ellie nonchalantly matches the pace of your jog as you jump onto the curb of the mossy sidewalk. You smile to yourself, noticing that she was following you. However beautiful this girl may be, you are still on edge. She is a stranger that just tried to rob you by gunpoint. Something to keep in mind as you admire her sweet subtle smiles. “You have nothing better to do, huh, Ellie?” you ask with a grin spread across your face. “Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t enjoy my company,” she replies in a snarky comment. “God, you gotta love the apocalypse. You just tried to steal my shit, I thought for sure you’d steal that other dude’s shit, and here we are going to get coffee together,” you laugh. “You’re still holding on that?” she asks with a smile. “You’re hard to forget,” you smirk in response. 
As you approach the front of the coffee shop, you note that the glass doors remain intact. The greenery almost completely covers the glass panes. The metal of the door is red and coppered with rust. This is going to make noise, you think to yourself. You continue to look at the remainder of the shop. All windows remain intact. It is almost impressive this far into a looting world. There might be a lot more goods than just food in here. A part of you is worrisome as you realize that whatever you find in there, you will most likely have to share because someone decided to join along. The other part is ecstatic that someone decided to join along. You have been alone for far too long. 
As you continue peering in, you notice the familiar white flecks within the air. “Spores,” you whisper. You bend down onto your knee as you pull your backpack in front of you. You grab your red war-painted gas mask and place it comfortably upon your head. Ellie puts on her own gas mask. “What to you think?” you ask in a whisper. You continue to scan the building for a less noisy entrance. Ellie steps back to search for an opening as well. “Window’s probably our best bet,” she answers. With a shake of your head, you take out your revolver. Using the base of the handle, you smash it against the window and shatter the glass towards the floor. 
You stand incredibly still as you listen to any possible movement. Your eyes look throughout the shop for clickers. “I think we’re good,” Ellie whispers behind you. With a nod, you walk into the shop and return your gun. Your hand remains ready to pull out your knife at any given moment. The darkness leaves you on edge as the dead ones can easily rest within the shadows. You walk towards the barista bar and note a dormant clicker who’s fungus has plastered them upon the base of the cabinets. For good measure, you slowly walk towards it as you wrap your palm around the base of your knife. In a swift motion, you dig the knife at the top of its skull. “Rest,” you mumble through your mask. “Why do you say that if you don't mind me asking?” she sincerely asks. You laugh as you turn back to her “You feeling a bit curious today?” you ask. “It’s something my family likes to say. Just to remember that the dead ones were people once.” She shoots you a soft smile with a quick nod. With a smile back, you begin to dig through the cabinet drawers. 
Dust promptly blows off of the drawers as you pull back onto the handle. Thank goodness you already had your mask on. You find packets of rotten food. As you pick one up with a disgusted look on your face, you ask, “What the hell is a croissant? Am I even saying that right?” She cracks another grin, releasing a light laugh from under her breath. You find yourself smiling again. How could this girl have such an impact on you in such a short time? You are already willing to do a lot of things just to see her smile. You get the impression that she does not smile often. 
Continuing on with your looting, you dig in to find a roll of duct tape, rags, and several sharp objects. You notice that Ellie continues to put items into her backpack as she finds them. Placing each item of importance into your bag, you recollect what your father engrained in you. Adhesives are essential when you are crafting. Rags help when you are in a bind. Sharp items are fantastic when you have to be creative and make some shivs or grenades. “Anything and everything can be useful so grab as much as you can, as long as you can still run,” your father would repeat before every trip out of the QZ. It always left you with a sense of purpose but also an overwhelming amount of pressure. What if you did not grab the right thing? What if you choose to prioritize rags and you find yourself in a situation where you really need shivs? Things are a bit stressful when any decision might mean life or death. 
“What were you looking for again?” Ellie asks, abruptly pulling you from your thoughts. You turn towards her with wide eyes. Her brows furrow in response. “Um, yeah,” you whisper with a shake to your head. “I was hoping to find some food.” She smiles as she stands from her crouch. Walking towards you, she hands you a can of tomato soup. “Holy shit, dude! I love tomatoes!” you yell in excitement. Ellie softly laughs as she places her finger to her lips. “Oh right, sorry man!” you whisper with a giggle. A laugh begins to bubble in your chest as you are reminded of a hilarious joke your sister told you back in the day. “Can I do something stupid?” you ask as you turn towards her. She looks at you confusingly. She slowly nods her head suspiciously as she leans back onto the counter. 
You stand and rest alongside her. “What did the tomato say to the other tomato during the race?” you ask as you bite your lip, holding back laughter. Ellie laughs and quickly responds, “Ketchup.” Your jaw drops as you slap your hand upon your thigh. “What?! How do you know that one?” you ask. She smiles, “I had a pun book when I was younger.” You gasp, “There are books on puns out here?!” She chuckles as she nods. “Okay, well - What do you call a fake noodle?” you say with an inquisitive look. “An impasta,” she whispers. “No fucking way,” you say with a laugh as you begin to walk away. “There’s no fucking way.” 
“Sorry, man, I know them all,” Ellie says with a confident shrug. With an exasperated sigh, you walk towards the cabinets under the moss covered coffee makers. “What did the coffee say to the other coffee?” she mutters as she slowly approaches your side. Shit, you did not know this one. “What?” you say with a groan as you turn towards her. “Where have you bean all my life,” she says nonchalantly. “Fuck, I love that one,” you laugh. “I’m going to add that to my repertoire.” 
As she walks towards the back room, you continue to look into the cabinets. Your backpack is almost full and heavy to lug onto your back. With one more reach into the cabinet, you pull back a bag of coffee beans. “Woah,” you hear over your shoulder. “Joel would kill for that.” You twist you weight upon your heels to look towards her. You are prepared to ask, but you notice the pain within her face. The expression of pain that you know all too well. “You should have it,” you say as you stand and hand her the bag. “For Joel.” A soft smile appears on her face as she slowly takes the bag from your hand. “Thank you,” she answers softly. 
“I have something for you too actually,” Ellie says with a smirk as she reaches into her backpack. You smile in anticipation. Exchanging gifts now, huh? Things do move awfully fast in an apocalypse. She pulls out a mostly used bottle of vodka from the side pouch of her bag. “Oh man!” you say as you reach for the bottle. Your father always said there was nothing better than alcohol. He would say, “One sip for the medics and one sip for you.” With a smile, you express your gratitude. She nods in response. 
Looking through the windows of the shop, you notice a single table resting on an outside porch. The plants cover the corners of the porch. It leaves a beautiful overlooking view of the local park across the way. Without saying a word, you walk outside, take off your mask, and turn the corner. You grab a chair that laid lopsided onto the ground. Placing some weight on it, you determine it was safe to sit on and bring it to the table. You repeat the process with another chair. As you sit down and pull out your preserved tomato soup, you watch as Ellie rounds the corner with her mask off. She continued to rest back against the shop’s outer wall. “Would you like to have lunch with me?” you ask, as you nod towards the chair across from you. 
With a smile, Ellie walks over towards you and takes a seat. You pull out your knife while maintaining subtle, but not too subtle, flirtatious eyes at her. As you slam it onto the side of the top, you maintain your eye contact. With a bit of strength, you drag the knife onto the sides and pop over the lid. Reaching into your bag, you grab your handy dandy spoon. You hand the can to her with a raise of your brow. “You first,” she whispers as she raises her hand towards you. You nod as you plunge your spoon in and take a sip. There is always a tinge of sourness with canned tomatoes, but it definitely added a special kick to the delicious soup. 
“What's next for you, y/n?” Ellie asks with a smile. In between sips, you respond, “I’m hoping to make my way to Boston at one point.” She laughs, leaning further back into her chair. She becomes more and more comfortable as each minute passes. “Why is that funny?” you ask with a genuine smile “I used to live there, in the QZ,” she answers. As you slide the soup over to her, you shoot her a soft smirk. “You feel like visiting your home town?” you ask confidently. She softly chuckles, raising her tongue to the roof of her mouth. Her eyes look out through the window as she considers your suggestion. You watch as the light flows through the room and lands perfectly upon the freckles of her cheeks. “I have nothing better to do,” she replies as she wraps her hand around the soup. “Good,” you mutter under your breath. 
---- x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x ----
note: i'm def going to make another part for myself 💖 please let me know your thoughts! also, please know I love the name ellie, idk why reader is giving her shit haha also x2, writing this has gotten me back in the mood to play the last of us. in case anyone enjoys watching gameplay, here i is - twitch. 
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caleb13frede · 7 months
This is it, people. We're in the endgame now. From this point onward, everything will come together in a nice, complete package.
Aka: Chapter 75 is out now!!
~After one of the most treacherous trips through a portal yet, the entire gang finds themselves in a place Gladius only saw on paper. A world no one was meant to see that is slowly dying…~
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butwyatt · 10 months
Wyatt 2 (continued
**guys I misspelled wrists... its Wyatts wrists...
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sayorseee · 2 years
Kings, Queens, and Pawns In Between
a mob au Masterlist
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Falling in love is messy. Falling in love with a mob boss and ending up in the middle of a turf war and high profile criminal investigation? That’s just a typical Tuesday.
ao3 | fanfic
1: Bad Day
2: Power
3: A Glass of Scotch
4: Fuck Being Sober
5: Live and Let Fly
6: Wild Side
7: Meeting You Again
8: Midnight Ride
9: I Can Hear The Bells | Deleted Scene
10: Exceptional Zed
11: Jackpot
12: So This Is Love
13: 1AM
14: Wildest Dreams
15: Should've, Would've, Could've
luxury | Let Me Love You (sick fic)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Zed & Addison's Anniversary Posts One | Two
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