#/ helping each other through the pain and bad memories and fears--
inun4ki · 6 months
my brain is fuckin blasting
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httpswritings · 9 days
if you were my little girl: the series part 2
alexia putellas x child!reader; this story contains mentions of traumatic experiences as drug addiction, child abuse and similar topics. don't read it if you find those topics triggering.
Silent Guardian
The days blurred into a kaleidoscope of drills, sprints, and the comforting thud of the ball against your foot. But there was a new element to your routine – Alexia. True to her word, she started attending your training sessions, a silent guardian on the sidelines. Your heart would skip a beat every time you saw her, a jolt of encouragement coursing through you with each approving nod.
The facade held. Your parents, wary of an audience, behaved with a semblance of normalcy in public, so Alexia's suspicion of you being in danger faded.
Every goal you scored, every perfectly weighted pass, was a victory not just on the scoreboard, but over the darkness that lurked within your home. Alexia's cheers, a joyful eruption amidst the roar of the crowd, were a balm to your little but damaged self.
Alexia couldn't help but watch you closely. The way you reacted to the world, how certain things seemed to touch you more deeply than others, it tugged at her heart. It wasn't a weakness she saw, but a tenderness that made her want to stand between you and anything that might cause you pain.
Silence Breaks the Bond
The months blurred into a kaleidoscope of drills, sprints, and the comforting thud of the ball against your foot. But on the sidelines of your victories, a different reality waited. Your parents, physically present, were emotionally absent. Empty lunchboxes on the counter remained a daily reminder of their disinterest, a stark contrast to the cheers echoing from the training grounds.
They didn't care about your school life neither did they help you with your homework.
To be fair, they seemed like normal stressed parents worried about work and paying bills.
They were ghosts, navigating their own anxieties, leaving you to navigate yours alone.
You started doing bad at school.
Failed exams, no homework done, complains from teachers, etc.
At the tender age of seven, the world of learning seemed to have lost its allure, replaced by a growing sense of disillusionment.
The once-sparkling curiosity that had defined you was now dimmed, replaced by a veil of melancholy. The vibrant colors of your childhood were fading, replaced by a somber gray that mirrored the turmoil within you, grappling with a burden that seemed too heavy for your young shoulders to bear.
Alexia became a source of unexpected pressure. She'd noticed your withdrawal and failing grades, her playful questions morphing into a worried insistence you tell her what was wrong. You longed to confide in her, but the trauma remained a locked vault within you. Your silence, fueled by fear and confusion, was misinterpreted by Alexia as defiance. The frustration simmered in her eyes, a stark contrast to the warmth you once knew. The unspoken words hung heavy between you, a heartbreaking consequence of your unspoken pain.
Alexia's words hit you harder than any punishment your parents could dish out. Her disappointment, a word laced with hurt, echoed in the empty space where your secret pain resided. The fear you'd been holding back morphed into a suffocating dread. "Letting her down" felt like a betrayal, a confirmation that your silence had pushed away the one person you trusted. The weight of guilt settled on your shoulders. Maybe Alexia was right. Maybe you were just being a brat, making everything worse. But the truth, the darkness you couldn't speak of, felt like an insurmountable wall, isolating you further.
A Sanctuary Built for Two
The midday sun beat down mercilessly on the training field, mirroring the intensity of the practice session. Drills were brutal, pushing you to your physical and mental limits. But amidst the exhaustion, a memory, a dark tendril from the buried trauma, surfaced unexpectedly. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the image of the coach barking orders, his voice a distant echo.
The memory was vivid – your mother's hand, rough and unforgiving, twisting into your hair. You tasted salt, tears mixing with the remnants of uneaten food. Your whimpers, a desperate plea, were lost in the chaos of the moment. It was a recurring scene, one you'd desperately tried to compartmentalize, to bury deep within the recesses of your mind.
You stumbled, legs weak, vision obscured by a veil of tears. A hand, strong and steady, caught you before you could hit the ground. It was Alexia, her concern etched on her face.
"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with urgency. But you couldn't speak. The words wouldn't come, trapped behind a lump in your throat that constricted your breathing.
Alexia didn't need words to understand. Her arm wrapped around your shoulders, a silent haven in the midst of the chaos. She gently held your body on her arms and took you to the coolness of the locker room, a sanctuary away from the prying eyes on the field.
The locker room was a stark contrast to the sun-drenched field. Here, shadows clung to the corners, and the air hung heavy with the lingering scent of sweat and disinfectant. Alexia ushered you onto a bench, its worn leather cool against your burning skin.
For what felt like an eternity, you were unable to speak. Sobs wracked your small frame, your only sound a desperate struggle for air. But Alexia didn't push, didn't force you to talk. Instead, she sat beside you, a silent anchor in the storm.
"Breathe, little one, breathe," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm. "I'm here. I'm here." Her words, a gentle mantra, slowly coaxed you back from the precipice. Slowly, your sobs subsided, replaced by ragged gasps for breath.
Tears continued to stream down your face, but they were different now, cleansed of the initial terror.
Alexia didn't insult you for crying. Alexia didn't hit you.
Alexia was different.
Building a Safe Haven
Alexia, staring at your failing grades and withdrawn demeanor, felt a pang of something deeper than disappointment. It was a dawning realization – a fear that maybe everyone, including her, had been failing you. Here you were, at the tender age of seven, already burdened by a weight no child should carry.
The love she held for you, a love stronger than she ever anticipated, twisted with a fierce protectiveness. She saw the spark in your eyes dimming, replaced by a dull ache of something unspoken. Maybe, she thought, the answer wasn't pushing you harder, but stepping back. Allowing you the space to simply be a child, to rediscover the joy of scraped knees and silly jokes, just like she had done when she was younger.
It was a humbling thought, an admission that her initial approach, fueled by worry, had missed the mark entirely. Perhaps, the greatest act of love wouldn't be pushing you towards some perceived potential, but creating a safe haven where you could just be you.
The smell of betrayal
The final whistle blew, signaling the end of another grueling practice. Relief battled with exhaustion as you slumped against the fence. Alexia appeared with her her usual bright smile, joined by Mapi and Ingrid.
She reached out for her almost daily hug, the one you always cherished. But this time, the familiar warmth was tainted by a sickeningly sweet, fermented odor. It hit you like a physical blow. You pulled back abruptly, your nose scrunched in disgust.
"You smell weird," you blurted out, the words laced with a coldness you didn't recognize in yourself.
Alexia faltered, her smile collapsing. "Oh," she chuckled nervously, "it's just... well, the season's over, and I, uh, had a celebratory sip of beer with the team."
Mapi said something to you but you weren't able to hear it.
It wasn't the beer itself. You didn't know the taste, even if you had witnessed countless nights where your parents drowned their sorrows in amber liquid. But the smell – that was the monster. It was the reeking ghost of countless nights spent huddled in fear, the acrid air clinging to furniture and clothes, a constant reminder of a childhood that was being stolen by addiction.
The love you held for Alexia battled with the rising tide of anger and despair. "Well, you can go so you can keep celebrating," you muttered, your voice flat.
"No! But I...I wanted to introduce you to Mapi and Ingrid! They couldn't wait anymore to meet you!" Her voice trailed off, lost in the chasm that had suddenly opened between you.
You stared at her, the playful glint in your eyes replaced by a steely glint of hurt. Your usual tenderness, the very quality that drew you to Alexia, had vanished, replaced by a wall you didn't even know you could build. The damage was done. The smell of beer had become a cruel reminder that you couldn't escape that substance, because you'll find it in every adult.
The silence stretched on, heavy and awkward. You poked a hole in the dirt with your shoe, the playful glint in your eyes replaced by a frown. Alexia's happy face seemed to wilt under your scrutiny. You didn't want to hurt her feelings, but the yucky beer smell clung to her like a bad memory.
"Maybe," you mumbled, kicking another clump of dirt, "grown-ups aren't supposed to smell like yucky beer. Maybe they're supposed to smell like, like..." you scrunched your nose, searching for the right words, "...like cookies!"
Alexia's cheeks flushed red. You weren't sure if it was from the beer or because you'd caught her in something you considered bad. It made you feel even grumpier. Cookies! That's how grown-ups should smell, not like something that makes your tummy feel poorly, thinking how you always witnessed your parents throwing up.
Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in your head. You puffed out your chest, trying to look as grown-up as possible. "Maybe," you declared, sticking your chin out, "I don't need hugs anymore. Maybe I don't need anyone who smells like yucky beer!"
A big, fat tear rolled down your cheek. You hated crying, but the words just tumbled out before you could stop them. Alexia knelt down slowly, her eyes filled with a sadness that made you feel a tiny bit bad. Alexia realized something must had to happened to you to be so disgusted by beer.
"Hey," she said softly, wiping away your tear with her thumb. "It's okay to be mad. But remember," she held out a finger with a sparkly ring on it, "I'll always be here for you, even if I mess up. Pinky promise?"
You hesitated, wiping your nose on your sleeve. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. But all you wanted right now was to go inside, hug your stuffed bear, and pretend the bad smells and confusing grown-up things didn't exist.
Taking a deep breath, you looked up at Alexia. "Maybe," you whispered, barely audible, "maybe you could smell like cookies tomorrow?"
Alexia's smile was small, but it reached her eyes. It wasn't the usual bright smile, but it had a spark of understanding. "Cookies sounds delicious," she said, ruffling your hair gently.
The Most Important Match Of All
The car door slammed shut, the harsh sound echoing in the otherwise quiet street. Alexia watched the taillights of your parents' car disappear around the corner, a knot of unease tightening in her stomach. You had left, a small figure dwarfed by the backseat, your face a mask of conflicting emotions.
She turned to Mapi and Ingrid, their faces etched with concern mirroring her own. "I wasn't expecting her to be so upset," Alexia confessed, her voice a low murmur.
Mapi, ever the pragmatist, offered a tentative smile. "Maybe she's just shy, Ale. Kids can be like that sometimes, especially around new people."
But Alexia shook her head, a flicker of doubt clouding Mapi's optimistic facade. “No, this feels different. She was so excited about the idea of meeting you. Then, the second she noticed the smell of alcohol...“ Her voice trailed off, the memory of your sudden withdrawal a fresh wound.
A pang of guilt shot through Alexia. She had been so focused on nurturing your talent on the field, on pushing you towards your potential, on making you her heir to La Reina title, that she might have missed something crucial. Had she been too blindsided by her own ambition, neglecting to see the emotional landscape of your life?
Ingrid, the quiet observer of the group, stepped forward. Her eyes, usually so calm, held a steely glint. "There's something more going on, Alexia. I can feel it in my gut. Her parents seem...well, normal from the outside. Polite, hardworking. But that doesn't mean things are sunshine and rainbows behind closed doors."
Shame washed over her. She had prided herself on being your mentor, your confidante, yet she had failed to see the silent cries for help. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow. Here she was, a celebrated athlete, yet she had fumbled the most important match of all.
"Maybe you're right," Alexia admitted, the words hollow in her mouth. The past few months flickered past her inner eye – your dwindling appetite, the exhaustion clinging to you like a shadow, the plummeting grades that you brushed off as a temporary dip. Signs she had chosen to ignore, attributing them solely to the pressure of training.
Taking a deep breath, Alexia pushed the self-pity aside. You were home with your parents, and that was where you had to be for now. But a fierce determination ignited within her. Things were about to change. She would find a way to bridge the gap, to create a safe space where the mask could finally fall away. The road ahead wouldn't be easy, but for the first time, Alexia wasn't just looking at you as a prodigy with boundless potential. She saw you for who you truly were – a vulnerable child in need of support, a child she wouldn't fail again
The price of cookies
The warmth of freshly baked cookies, a pact between Alexia and you, still lingered in the air whenever she was around. Yet, a subtle transformation had taken root. The once jovial mentor had morphed into a vigilant sentinel. Her gaze, once playful, now held an undercurrent of suspicion, scanning your surroundings like a hawk. Every interaction, every word exchanged with someone new, was dissected with a silent intensity.
The incident from the other day had shattered the illusion of a seemingly perfect world. The realization that normalcy, like a facade, could conceal a hidden darkness gnawed at Alexia. It felt like a betrayal, not just of her trust, but of the haven she'd meticulously built for you – a world where football was a source of joy, not a potential escape route. Memories of scraped knees and goofy jokes now felt like faded photographs tucked away in a forgotten album. In their place, Alexia had constructed an invisible shield around you, a desperate attempt to ward off the world's harsh realities.
What words can't describe
Alexia gnawed on her lip, her stomach a tightly wound knot. Building trust with your parents felt like navigating a minefield. It was essential, she knew, but the thought of putting on a facade left a bitter taste in her mouth. Yet, when your parents invited her over for dinner, a forced smile flickered on her lips as she accepted.
Stepping into your apartment, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over her. It was normal. Two bedrooms, a comfortable living room bathed in warm light, and even a small balcony overlooking a quiet street. Relief battled with the nagging suspicion that had taken root in her mind. Everything was clean and tidy, a picture of domestic normalcy that clashed with the unease she couldn't quite shake.
The sight of you, however, brought a genuine smile to her face. Your eyes held a spark of joy that had been missing for weeks, and a wave of protectiveness washed over her. She followed you to your room, the air thick with the sweet scent of childhood. This was your sanctuary, your safe space. Pink and white walls were adorned with a mishmash of treasures: a menagerie of stuffed animals, a rainbow of storybooks, and a collection of dolls in various states of wear and tear.
One doll, however, stood out. A Nancy doll, the limited edition modeled after the Spanish National Team, held a prominent place on your shelf. Alexia felt a tug at her heartstrings.
"That's you," you said shyly, your cheeks dusted with a rosy blush.
Alexia's heart melted.
She didn't know how she got to the point where she felt an overwhelming love for you.
Glancing at the opposite wall, her gaze softened even more. There, proudly displayed on a corkboard, were your artistic creations. Football pitches in vibrant greens and blues, colorful caricatures of your friends, a self-portrait with a gap-toothed grin, and a collection of drawings that featured a prominent figure – Alexia herself, rendered in all her glory (or at least, your interpretation of it).
"That's also you," you said, pointing at a drawing of her mid-dribble, a determined expression etched on her face.
A warm chuckle escaped Alexia's lips. "I'm starting to feel like a permanent resident here!" she joked, the sweetness of your gesture a balm to her worry.
"I could make you a real one," you offered, tilting your head with a hopeful smile. "A drawing, I mean."
The offer felt like a lifeline tossed in a stormy sea. "I'd love that.”
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bitchiswild · 6 months
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No Harm's List
GP Karina × F! Reader
Warnings: Smut, kidnapping, guns, idk🤷‍♀️
Word Count: 7.9k
A/n: It was getting good but then I started spewing out words for the plot sorry if it's bad/ doesn't make sense.😬
The door burst open with a deafening crash, the suddenness of it jolting everyone in the room. "EVERYBODY GET FUCKING DOWN NOW!" A voice boomed, the urgency unmistakable, as four figures rushed in brandishing weapons and firing shots into the ceiling. Panic rippled through the room like wildfire, screams piercing the air as people scrambled in terror, desperate to evade the chaos unfolding around them.
The thunderous sound of gunfire echoed, the rapid shots sending plaster and dust raining down. The room became a whirlwind of confusion and fear, with individuals dropping to the ground, seeking cover and safety, hearts pounding in their chests. The sheer terror of the moment immobilized many, their instincts urging them to shield themselves, hoping to avoid any harm in the frantic turmoil.
The assailants, their faces obscured behind masks, moved with a calculated menace, their commands sharp and threatening. The din of panic intertwined with the harsh orders, creating a disorienting symphony of terror. Every second felt like an eternity, the fear tangible in the air, thick and suffocating.
Amidst the chaos, cries for help and pleas for mercy mixed with the din, a desperate chorus of individuals caught in an unforeseen nightmare. The scene was a frenzy of uncertainty and dread, each person praying for a swift end to the terrifying ordeal that had befallen them.
"Tie them up and knock them out," commanded the leader's voice. The other three members swiftly organized the captives, binding them and using the rifles to render them unconscious. My heart pounded as I cowered in a corner, watching the chaos unfold. As the leader approached with a coil of rope, a glint of recognition flashed in their eyes.
"Y/n?" Their voice held a mix of shock and familiarity.
My breath caught at the sound of my name, and fear clenched my chest. "Still as beautiful as ever, darling," They continued in a softer tone, their eyes reflecting an unexpected tenderness. At that moment, I recognized Jimin, my first love, amidst the turmoil.
"Jimin," I uttered in disbelief, the rush of memories flooding back, colliding with the present chaos. His wink acknowledged the connection that bridged the years between us. Turning to the others securing the captives, Jimin raised his voice, announcing, "This girl's on the NHL!" Recognition flickered in their eyes as they looked upon my face. "Got it, boss!" they responded in unison.
The shock of encountering my first love amidst such a terrifying situation left me reeling. Questions churned in my mind, mingling with the fear and the bittersweet rush of memories long buried. Jimin's unexpected presence had added an unexpected twist to the intense and confusing scenario.
The chaos in the room intensified as I tried to make sense of the unfolding events. "NHL? What could that possibly mean?" I pondered silently, my mind racing as I observed the other members carrying out Jimin's orders, tying people up and rendering them unconscious.
Abruptly, the sound of a walkie-talkie pierced through the chaos. "Boss, you have 10 minutes till the cops and feds get here. Hurry up!" The urgency in the voice snapped me back to the tense reality of the situation. Karina, evidently in charge, sprang into action, urgently summoning one of her associates, Giselle. They swiftly moved towards the manager, coercing him to unlock the safe.
"Please, let me go," the manager pleaded desperately. But Karina's eyes remained void of emotion as she fired a shot, grazing his leg. "HURRY UP, OPEN THE SAFE!" Her demand cut through the air, her voice chillingly cold. The manager whimpered in pain and fear, complying as he opened the safe. As the safe door swung open, Giselle wasted no time, swiftly filling her duffle bag with cash.
Karina's gaze lingered on the injured manager, his eyes pleading for mercy. She looked down at him, before knocking him out with the butt of her gun. With a determined resolve, she joined Giselle in the safe, assisting in collecting the cash.
The scene unfolded with a terrifying efficiency, each action calculated and executed with precision.My mind reeled at the sudden brutality contrasted with the urgency of their actions. It was a stark reminder of the dangerous world I found myself caught up in, leaving me torn between fear and a disconcerting sense of witnessing a reality I never knew existed.
As they swiftly gathered the cash, stuffing it into a bulky duffle bag, the urgency of their actions was palpable. With the loot secured, the three members dashed towards the waiting getaway car, their hurried steps echoing in the tense atmosphere.
Meanwhile, Karina diverged from the hurried pace of her associates, taking a moment to approach me. With a tender touch, she caressed my face, her words carrying a mixture of reassurance and urgency. "I'll see you soon, darling," she murmured before hastening after the others, disappearing into the fray, her figure blending seamlessly into the night's chaos. Overwhelmed, I succumbed to unconsciousness.
As the chaos subsided and the adrenaline wore off, I found myself lying in a hospital bed, disoriented and groggy. The events of the robbery played on a loop in my mind, a surreal and terrifying experience that left me shaken to the core. My body ached from the stress, and as I tried to gather my bearings, the nurses rushed in upon my awakening.
"What happened?" I managed to croak out, my voice strained.
"You were at a bank during a robbery. The ordeal was extremely stressful, and your body reacted by causing you to pass out," explained the nurse, diligently checking my vitals.
A sudden knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Two uniformed officers entered the room. "Good day, Miss Y/Ln. I'm Officer Johnson, and this is my partner, Officer Park. We have some questions to ask you, if that's alright," they introduced themselves, their tone professional yet concerned.
"Um, I suppose so," I replied hesitantly. "But I must warn you, my memory is a bit fuzzy right now. I might have a hard time remembering everything that happened."
The officers nodded understandingly, pulling up chairs to sit nearby. They began asking me about the details of the robbery, trying to piece together the events based on my recollection. Despite my best efforts, the traumatic experience had left my memory fragmented, making it difficult to provide a clear account of the events that had transpired. The frustration of not being able to fully remember only added to the overwhelming sense of confusion and vulnerability.
I intentionally omitted that I knew Karina. Amidst the chaos, I wrestled with the decision to conceal our connection, unsure of the implications it might have. As the officers asked their questions, I struggled to navigate the fine line between protecting myself and revealing the truth.
"I'm sorry, officers," I began hesitantly, "I... I might have forgotten some details. It was all so overwhelming." Despite the inner turmoil, I held back the knowledge of recognizing Karina, uncertain of the consequences of revealing our prior acquaintance.
The officers nodded sympathetically, understanding the distress I was under. They continued to ask probing questions, trying to fill in the gaps in my memory. However, the deliberate omission weighed heavily on me, adding to the complex tangle of emotions swirling within.
With each passing moment, the guilt of withholding crucial information gnawed at me. But the fear of potential repercussions and the uncertainty of Karina's motives kept me silent. It was a conflicted state, grappling with the desire to protect myself while grappling with the moral dilemma of withholding information about someone involved in the crime.
As the interrogation continued, I struggled to balance my own safety with the ethical dilemma of concealing what I knew. The events of that fateful day lingered like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over my thoughts and leaving me torn between fear, guilt, and the moral responsibility to reveal the truth.
The officers concluded their questioning, leaving me alone in the room to grapple with the conflicting thoughts swirling within. Just as I contemplated speaking up about my knowledge of Karina, the door swung open once more.
"I'm sorry, officers, but I'm feeling unwell, and I can't handle any more questions," I started to explain, intending to divert their attention. However, my words trailed off as I caught sight of Karina entering the room, carrying a bouquet of flowers.
A wave of shock and apprehension washed over me at her unexpected appearance. I was torn between relief at seeing a familiar face amidst the chaos and the rising concern about the implications of her presence in this situation. My heart raced as I tried to make sense of the conflicting emotions.
Karina's calm demeanor contradicted the turmoil in my mind. She approached with a warm smile, the flowers held out in a gesture that seemed almost incongruous with the circumstances. My throat tightened, unsure of what to say or how to react to her sudden appearance in the hospital room. Her presence added another layer of complexity to the already perplexing situation, leaving me with more questions than answers.
The room felt charged with tension as Karina placed the bouquet of lilies on the nearby table, her soft voice breaking the silence. "Darling, how are you feeling?" she inquired, her concern genuine as she leaned closer.
My surprise at her presence mingled with a sense of caution. "Jimin, what are you doing here?" I murmured urgently, trying to keep our conversation discreet, aware of the potential consequences.
Karina's laughter held a touch of warmth. "Just checking up on you," she replied softly, her fingers delicately brushing my hair behind my ear, a gesture so familiar it stirred memories from our past.
Anxiety crept in as I spoke, the words tumbling out in a rush, "If you think I told the cops, I promise you, I didn't."
"I know you won't tell anyone, darling," she said, her gaze holding a depth of emotion, her hand gently clasping mine.
"How would you know that?" I raised an eyebrow, searching for answers in her eyes.
"Because of our past, because of the love we had," she said with a wistful smile, a subtle reference to our shared history that flooded my mind with a rush of conflicting emotions. The memories of our connection resurfaced, stirring a mix of longing and uncertainty, leaving me torn between the pull of the past and the weight of the present situation.
The weight of unanswered questions hung heavy in the air as I confronted Karina. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, desperate for an explanation, for any glimpse into the motives behind her involvement in these robberies.
"This isn't the place for me to explain, darling," she replied cryptically, her demeanor guarded yet strangely affectionate. With a swift motion, she handed me a card, a gesture laden with implications. I accepted it, staring at the card in my hand, a tangible link to a world I hadn't anticipated being a part of.
As Karina rose from her seat, a sense of helplessness washed over me. "I'll see you soon," she said, leaving me with a parting wink before vanishing through the door. The quiet room enveloped me once again, my mind swirling with more questions than answers, clutching onto the card as if it held the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Karina and her inexplicable actions.
Alone with my thoughts, I grappled with the complexity of emotions stirred by her unexpected visit. The weight of the past intertwined with the uncertainty of the present, leaving me torn between the desire to understand and the fear of delving deeper into a world that seemed both dangerous and familiar.
The anticipation built with each ringing tone, my heart racing as I held the card and dialed the number printed on it. The moment felt surreal, the phone pressed to my ear, amplifying the thrumming of my heartbeat. Finally, a voice on the other end broke the silence.
"Hello?" The familiar husky tone filtered through the line, sending a rush of emotions through me.
"Jimin, it's me, Y/n," I managed, my voice trembling with a mix of nervousness and urgency. "Where can we meet up?"
There was a brief pause, the weight of the situation palpable even through the phone line. Jimin's voice came through again, calm and measured, "I'll text you an address. Meet me there in an hour."
The call ended, leaving me with a whirlwind of emotions and a sense of apprehension. I awaited the text, my hands still shaking slightly from the conversation, bracing myself for what awaited me at the meeting point. The next steps were uncertain, but the need for answers and closure compelled me to follow through, despite the lingering sense of unease.
The grandeur of the mansion took my breath away as I stood before it, feeling a mix of awe and trepidation. With a deep breath, I approached the front door and rang the bell, unsure of what awaited me inside.
The door swung open, revealing a familiar face that filled me with both surprise and nostalgia. "Oh my god! Y/n! How are you doing, girl?" exclaimed the person, moving in for a hug. It was Ningning, an old friend from the past, and the shock of encountering her in this context jolted me.
"Oh my god, Ningning! You work with Karina??" I blurted out, my astonishment evident in my voice as I hugged her back, seeking answers.
"Yeah! You know how it is, BFFL," she laughed, a mix of familiarity and ease in her demeanor that momentarily calmed my nerves. We shared a chuckle, reminiscing about old times.
"Even Winter and Aeri are working with her, let me call them for you!" Ningning announced, her voice carrying through the halls. Within moments, Winter and Aeri appeared, their excitement palpable as they rushed toward me, enveloping me in a group hug.
"Y/n, how are you? You look amazing!" Winter exclaimed with a warm smile.
"Winter's right, you do look fantastic!" chimed in Aeri, her eyes reflecting genuine happiness at our unexpected reunion.
Surrounded by my old friends in this unexpected setting, a mixture of emotions swirled within me. The reunion brought back a flood of memories, yet the circumstances under which we had reunited left me with a tangled web of emotions, torn between the joy of seeing them and the unease of the situation they were involved in.
"She's here for me," a familiar voice boomed from the stairs, interrupting the reunion. The three girls, Winter, Aeri, and Ningning, promptly released me, understanding Karina's authority. My heart raced at her arrival, stirring unresolved feelings I harbored for her after all these years.
As Karina descended the stairs, her confident steps commanded attention and the girls continued to gush over me. "Girls, alright, that's enough," she directed firmly. The girls bid me farewell, respecting Karina's presence, and went back to their duties, leaving Karina and me facing each other in the mansion's opulent foyer.
"Come in, darling, make yourself at home," Karina beckoned, her gesture a blend of tenderness against the backdrop of her commanding presence. Following her inside, I couldn't help but voice my curiosity. "So, what's an NHL?" I inquired, intrigued by her terminology.
"It stands for No Harms List. I've established it to ensure that none of my gang members cause harm in any way, shape, or form," she explained, her tone carrying both authority and a sense of responsibility.
As I explored the interior, I marveled at the décor, a captivating reflection of my own aspirations for a future home. The ambiance exuded a sense of comfort and sophistication, hinting at a life I had long envisioned.
"You like it? I had you in mind while I was decorating," Karina confessed, her gaze holding mine with an intensity that took me by surprise. "What do you mean?" I questioned, a mix of astonishment and curiosity in my voice.
Karina hummed softly, her eyes filled with emotion. "I knew I was going to see you again one day, so I planned for our future. This is your home as much as it is mine," she revealed, her words tinged with a sincerity that stirred something deep within me.
The weight of her admission sank in, and I dared to ask, "You still love me?" My heart raced, the unspoken hope echoing in my mind.
"Oh, darling, I never stopped loving you," Karina confessed, turning to face me with eyes filled with unwavering affection. Her words left me reeling, a flood of emotions overwhelming my senses.
The weight of Karina's confession hung in the air, leaving me momentarily breathless. "Jimin, I don't know what to say," I sighed, the weight of emotions heavy in my chest, wrestling with the complexity of my feelings.
"Just say you still love me too. I can see it in your eyes; you still do. Our love was special, Y/n, and you know that too," Karina urged gently, her voice laced with a poignant mix of longing and hope.
Her words tugged at the strings of our shared history, memories of a love that had once felt unshakable. My mind raced as I grappled with the past, the emotions that her presence evoked, and the uncertainty of the present.
Caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, I stood there, speechless, torn between the familiarity of what was and the uncertainty of what could be. The intensity of our past love lingered in the air, leaving me adrift in a sea of emotions, unable to find the words to articulate the complexity of my feelings.
"Jimin, I mean, I've always loved you, there's no doubt in my mind," I began, my words carrying a weight of uncertainty. "But this is all happening so fast, too soon. I feel like I barely know you anymore. Are you still the Jimin I fell in love with?" The exasperation in my voice echoed my inner turmoil.
"I am. I've always been the Jimin that you know and love," Karina responded earnestly, but her next words struck me with a mix of shock and confusion. "I started this crime ring even before we met. I kept it a secret to protect you, to shield you from this world," she confessed, her admission feeling like both a revelation and a betrayal.
Her words left me reeling. A sense of betrayal seeped in alongside a conflicting feeling of being safeguarded. The revelation that she couldn't trust me enough to share this part of her life stung, yet paradoxically, I felt oddly protected by her secrecy. It was a confusing tangle of emotions that left me grappling with conflicting thoughts.
"Can I have some time to think about this?" I asked, the uncertainty evident in my voice.
"Of course, Darling," Karina chuckled, masking the gravity of the situation with a calm demeanor. "Come, let me give you a tour, and then I'll delve into the details about my crime ring," she offered, guiding me through the opulent halls of the mansion.
As we wandered through the grandeur, the clash of emotions continued to churn within me. The sense of betrayal intertwined with a strange feeling of safety, leaving me torn between love, trust, and the unexpected revelations. The tour was a temporary distraction, but the disconcerting mix of emotions lingered, casting a shadow over the uncertain path ahead.
The tour of Karina's mansion was a mesmerizing journey through exquisite spaces that felt like they were plucked from my dreams. Every corner exuded a touch of familiarity, resonating deeply with my tastes and preferences. It was as though Karina had an intimate understanding of my desires, crafting a home that felt so inherently me.
Eventually, we found ourselves in her office, a space that echoed sophistication and authority. Amongst the opulent decor, my eyes landed on a painting prominently displayed right in front of her desk—it was a portrait of me. A gasp involuntarily escaped my lips as I laid eyes on it, stunned by the unexpected sight.
"You were my light, my motivation, everything that was pushing me forward in life," Karina's voice broke the silence, filled with a depth of emotion that left me speechless. "So, I had someone paint a picture of you for me and hung it in my office, to help me power through all the stress and hardships," she confessed, her gaze fixed on the painting as we both stood there, captivated by the moment.
The revelation took me by surprise, stirring a mixture of emotions within me. The painting stood as a testament to the depth of Karina's feelings, a tangible symbol of her unwavering affection and the significance I held in her life. It was an intimate gesture that both moved and perplexed me, leaving me grappling with the intricate web of emotions that this unexpected revelation had woven.
"Here, come sit. Let me tell you about the Jimin that you've never known, aka Karina," Karina invited, her voice a blend of warmth and vulnerability. She gestured for me to join her on the couch, creating a moment of intimacy amidst the grandeur of her office.
Taking a seat beside her, I felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Karina's demeanor hinted at a side of her that remained hidden, a part of her life she was now willing to share. The air brimmed with a sense of revelation, and I waited, curious to uncover the layers of her past that had been veiled from me.
As we sat together, the weight of the moment hung in the air, the space between us charged with the possibility of understanding a different facet of Karina—of Jimin. The vulnerability in her gesture hinted at the depths she was about to reveal, leaving me both intrigued and apprehensive about what was to come.
As I turned to face her, a sense of readiness washed over me, my gaze fixed on Karina, poised to listen and understand the side of her that had been concealed from me. The air between us crackled with anticipation, a silent invitation for her to unravel the layers of her hidden life, to share the untold stories that shaped the enigmatic persona of Karina.
My eyes met hers, filled with a mix of curiosity and eagerness, signaling my willingness to hear her narrative, to comprehend the complexities that defined her existence as Jimin. I sat there with open ears, ready to absorb the revelations she was about to unfold, prepared to delve into the depths of her past and the clandestine world she inhabited, a realm that had remained shrouded in secrecy until now.
"Y/N, I need to share something I've kept hidden," Karina began, her tone tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. "My parents... they didn't die in a car accident as I previously told you. They were murdered."
Her confession startled me, unraveling a truth I never knew existed. "My father was a crime boss," she continued, her voice weighed down by the weight of her revelation. "He taught me the ways of this world, instilling in me the knowledge and skills required to lead a life entrenched in crime. But my mother, she was the nurturing force, ensuring I retained a kinder side—the person you fell in love with."
Karina's words painted a picture of a life far removed from the one I knew, one consumed by the shadows of crime and deceit. "Throughout our time together, I was involved in criminal activities on the side," she confessed, her gaze heavy with remorse. "That's why I'd disappear for stretches when we were together, ensuring your safety by keeping you away from that world."
"The girls, Winter, Aeri, and Ningning, were involved because of our shared past. Their parents worked alongside mine," Karina explained, attempting to shed light on the complexities of her world. "After my father's death, I had to assume his role as the boss. I kept it all hidden from you, shielding you from the dangers that lurked within my life. But now, we're older, and you have the right to make your own choices. To be involved or not, to love me or not. The choice is yours, and I'll respect whatever decision you make," she concluded, her eyes reflecting a genuine plea for understanding and acceptance.
"Karina, this is a lot," I said softly, trying to process the sudden flood of revelations. "I appreciate you being honest now, but why keep so much from me before?"
"I get that you wanted to protect me, but it's hard to understand why you'd keep such a huge part of your life hidden," I admitted, feeling a mix of hurt and confusion.
"I need time to think," I said, feeling the weight of the situation. "To process all of this and figure out where we stand. It's a lot to take in."
Karina nodded understandingly. "Take your time, darling. I'll respect whatever you decide. Just know that I've always cared for you, and I always will."
With a heavy heart, I left her office, needing space to sort through the whirlwind of emotions and make sense of the unexpected turn our relationship had taken.
Two weeks had passed since Karina's revelation, and in that time, a flurry of conflicting emotions had swirled within me. Despite the revelations and the complexity of Karina's hidden life, her constant presence lingered in my thoughts. Amidst the confusion and uncertainty, one truth became glaringly clear—I still harbored deep feelings for her.
Karina's persistence in reaching out to me was evident through the frequent flowers she sent, each bouquet accompanied by heartfelt notes. Her messages were simple yet filled with an undeniable sincerity, asking about my day and expressing her unwavering patience, claiming she'd wait forever. These gestures stirred a cascade of emotions within me, evoking a sense of warmth and longing that I struggled to push aside.
As I reflected on my feelings, I realized that what I felt wasn't just residual affection for Jimin or Karina. It was a genuine and profound love for the person she was, with all her complexities, strengths, and vulnerabilities. It wasn't just a remnant of a past romance; it was an all-encompassing love for Karina—Jimin, embracing her for who she was, regardless of her past or her concealed life.
Despite the uncertainty looming over us, one thing remained steadfast—I loved her for her, for the person she had always been, and for the person she was now revealing herself to be. The conflict within me was reconciling the history we shared with the uncertainties of the future, yet the undeniable truth remained—I loved her, wholly and unequivocally.
As I stood before the door, grappling with my emotions and thoughts about Karina, there came a sudden, unexpected knock. With a racing heart and a sense of anticipation, I opened the door, and there she stood—Karina, a vision that evoked memories and emotions from the past seven years.
"Jimin, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice betraying a mix of surprise and curiosity. Her sudden appearance caught me off guard, leaving me slightly bewildered yet undeniably captivated by her presence.
Karina's unexpected visit was filled with an intensity that seemed to amplify the emotions already swirling within me. As she stood before me, her words carried a weight that reverberated through the room.
"I just needed to see you before you make a decision," Karina revealed, her voice laced with vulnerability. "Just in case this might be the last time I see you." Her admission pierced through my thoughts, stirring a whirlwind of emotions that mirrored her own.
Caught in her gaze, I found myself unable to look away. The depth of her emotions was palpable, and her sincerity resonated with something deep within me. Adoration mingled with uncertainty as I contemplated the impact of my own feelings.
"I have made a decision… I do want to be with you," I finally confessed, my voice steady but filled with affection. "I love you for who you are, Karina, Jimin, just you, I love you."
Karina, visibly taken aback by my words, seemed momentarily surprised before a rush of emotion overtook her. With a tenderness that echoed our shared history, she gently cradled my face in her hands, drawing me closer. The proximity of her breath on my lips sent a shiver down my spine, anticipation coursing through me.
"I love you so much, darling, and I've missed you so, so much," Karina murmured lovingly, her voice carrying the weight of years gone by. Her words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken longing, before she closed the distance between us in a surge of affection, sealing our reunion with a passionate kiss. In that moment, love surged between us, an undeniable force that had withstood the test of time.
Karina, after the passionate kiss, pulled back slightly, her eyes searching mine with a mix of hope and longing. "Does that mean I can call you mine again?" she asked tentatively, a glimmer of hope evident in her voice.
A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I looked into her eyes, feeling a surge of warmth and affection. "Yes, it does," I affirmed, unable to contain the smile that crept onto my face.
Without hesitation, I closed the gap between us once more, pulling her into another tender kiss. In that embrace, there was a sense of reassurance, a silent promise of rediscovered love and the rekindling of a connection that had weathered the test of time. Their hearts beat as one, enveloped in a moment that held the promise of a new beginning—a shared journey where their love would reignite, stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Months had passed since Karina and I rekindled our relationship, and it was flourishing. While Karina shielded me from her criminal activities, she welcomed my presence within her team. Everyone in the circle embraced me with open arms, offering acceptance and warmth, which made the transition smoother.
Despite Karina's protective stance, I found ways to contribute within our shared space. While I wasn’t directly involved in her dealings, I took charge of maintaining our home. Ensuring everything ran smoothly around the house became my silent contribution to our partnership.
The team's camaraderie and unity were palpable. There was an unspoken understanding between us, a sense of mutual respect that blossomed into a shared bond. Although I didn’t partake in Karina's professional affairs, being part of her life in any capacity brought a sense of fulfillment, a feeling of belonging that I hadn’t experienced before.
Our relationship thrived in this delicate balance, built on trust, understanding, and a shared commitment to support each other. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the comfort in our routine grew, paving the way for a future where love and acceptance flourished in the midst of our distinct worlds. During times when Karina was stressed, I also took care of her, adding an extra layer of support to our bond.
“Fuck,” I let out a strangled moan, your hand grabbed a fistfull of Karina’s hair while she continued her assault on my pussy. She sucked on my clit causing me to buck my hips into her face. “J-Jimin shit yes right there.” I groaned out, legs shaking in pleasure. Karina continued to latch her lips on my folds, her tongue thrusting in and out of me messily, as my arousal continued to drip down my cunt on to her desk.
She pulled her tongue out “So messy darling,” Karina said. Her finger continued rubbing your clit. You stared at Karina’s face wet with your juices dripping down her face. “Shit.” I groaned at the sight, grabbing her face and crashing your lips together, tasting yourself on her lips. She hurriedly unbuttons her pants palming her crotch, a low moan escaped her lips, before she tugged down her underpants, making her cock slap against her lower abdomen. She pumped her shaft, before thrusting her entire length inside. As she entered you, a wave of pleasure washed over you, causing your body to arch in response. The intense sensation made it hard to focus on anything else, as the room filled with the sounds of your combined moans and the rhythmic movement of your bodies.
She slams her hips into you, the slaps of your skins meeting, Karina couldn't stop groaning. She drilled her hips harder, gripping the sheets crumbling them in a death grip as your velvety walls grip her cock. “Fuck!” She cursed and moaned, as I scratched her back. “You feel so fucking good darling” She moaned out, still pounding your wet slik. My eyes rolled back in pleasure. “Jimin- fuck!” I moaned out loud as she rotates her hips fucking me into the table. The intensity of the moment heightened as Karina's movements became more relentless, driving both of you towards the edge of ecstasy. The table beneath me shook with each forceful thrust, both our juices dripping down my sopping wet pussy, falling on the table. I cried out in pleasure, as I felt her dick grinding in spots I never knew existed.
She turns you around so you are bent over her desk and pounds me with vigor, her hips stuttering as she rests her head on your back, her hot breath fanning your back. As she drags her cock against your tight walls.
“F-Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” Karina became more vocal as your pussy clenched around her cock in a vice grip.
Karina's thrust became sloppy “You’re such a good girl darling. Are you going to let me fill you up?” She whispered, her thrust not slowing down.
Your walls clenched around her again, making karina moan as her thrust became sloppy. “Y-Yess! Fuck! cum in me Jimin cum in m-me!” I moaned, eyes rolling back.
Karinas hips pounded into you, invoking tears of pleasure down your face, the veins on her cock pulsing inside of you, barely keeping her pace, she grunted into your ear. “ You want my cum?”
The speed of her thrust made you incoherent. “Say you want my cum darling. Say it” Karina repeated, slowing down her thrust.
“Yes! Give me your cum please!” I cried out. Her hand rubs your clit in vigor as she watches you come undone, Your body shook in pleasure. Karina buries her member deep inside of you before releasing her cum, filling you up. Your cunt convulsed around her member as she painted your walls white until she saw it drip out of your folds.
Both of you panting, Karina pulls out of you and turns you around, guiding you to sit on her lap while she sits on the chair. Smirking as she sees your mixed cum slowly drip out of you. Your body still shaking in pleasure, she caressed your hair, helping you calm down from your high."You did so well, darling," she praised, carrying you to the couch in her office, helping you lie down. "My good girl," she murmured, gently caressing your face before pulling you into a tender kiss."Thank you for the stress relief," she expressed, her eyes filled with affection. You reached out to her. "Of course," you replied, still catching your breath.
The abrupt bang at the door startled both of you. "Karina, we need you!" Aeri's voice, filled with urgency, pierced the room. Karina's gaze sharpened, a mix of concern and duty flashing in her eyes as she swiftly rose from where she was and began to dress.
Sensing the sudden shift, she gathered your clothes and handed them to you with a sense of urgency, yet tenderness in her touch. She leaned in, brushing a quick, affectionate kiss across your lips. "I'll be back, darling," she reassured you, her voice warm and filled with both determination and a hint of playful confidence, before darting off to address the urgent call for her expertise.
After Karina left, you took a moment to collect yourself and dressed before heading out of the office, making your way toward your shared room to take a refreshing shower. The warm water eased the tension of the day, and you emerged feeling rejuvenated, dressing in fresh clothes before heading to the kitchen for a snack.
As you moved toward the kitchen, lost in your thoughts, a sudden hand covered your mouth, yanking you forcefully toward the door. Panic surged through you, and instinctively, you struggled and attempted to scream, but another hand swiftly clamped a cloth soaked in chloroform over your nose and mouth. Desperation flooded in as you thrashed in the grip, but the fumes overwhelmed you, causing your struggles to weaken until consciousness slipped away, plunging you into darkness.
As consciousness returned, a gruff voice pierced the haze. "Wakey wakey," it grumbled. Your head groggily lifted, blinking away the blur of disorientation. Attempting to move, you discovered your arms were firmly bound. Panic surged as you struggled against the restraints, a futile effort met with a calm dismissal.
"That won't work, princess. You're tied up real good," the voice remarked, its tone laced with an unsettling assurance.
"Where am I?" you managed to ask, eyes darting around the dimly lit room in anxious confusion. As fear escalated and you began thrashing in the chair, the individual drew closer, forcefully gripping your chin, coercing you to face him with an intimidating hold.
"You're in my basement. Your girlfriend crossed me, took something valuable. So I took something valuable from her," the voice explained, a sinister smile creeping across their face. Tears welled up involuntarily in your eyes as the weight of the situation dawned upon you.
"We're going to have some fun, princess. Don't worry," the voice continued, its tone growing darker, shrouded in a foreboding threat.
"Please find me, Karina," echoed the silent plea in your mind amidst the unsettling situation, a desperate wish for her presence, safety, and aid.
After Karina left the room
"What's going on, Aeri? What's with the panic?" Karina questioned, concern etched in her expression.
"It's Vito, he's coming for the gem," Aeri replied, her voice quivering with urgency and alarm, a sense of impending danger evident in her tone.
Karina's eyes widened at the mention of Vito's name. She swiftly moved, her expression hardening with determination. "We need to act fast. Is the gem secure?" she asked, her voice steady despite the urgency in the air.
Aeri nodded, her breaths shallow with anxiety. "It's hidden, but he knows. He's been tracking its energy signature," she explained, her voice trembling.
Karina's mind raced. "We have to protect it. Gather everyone and fortify the defenses. I'll buy us time," she declared, her gaze fixed on Aeri.
With a determined nod, Karina dashed out, her thoughts racing as she planned how to stall Vito's approach. Aeri hurried to assemble the team, each member aware of the impending threat.
Meanwhile, in the dimly lit room where you were held captive, a muffled groan signaled your return to consciousness. Your mind foggy, you struggled against the restraints, your thoughts consumed with the urgency of Karina's safety and the looming danger of Vito's pursuit.
Unbeknownst to Karina, Vito's pursuit wasn't solely fixated on the gem. Instead, his sinister plan had diverted towards a more personal and vindictive motive. As Karina mobilized the team to safeguard the gem, Vito had orchestrated a calculated abduction, targeting you as a means to exact revenge.
Deep in his basement, Vito oversaw his malevolent scheme unfold, relishing the impending chaos. He had orchestrated the distraction, using the pursuit of the gem as a smokescreen to facilitate your capture, intent on leveraging your connection to Karina for his own malicious intentions.
Meanwhile, Karina strategized fervently, unaware that Vito's true target was not the gem's power but rather a twisted scheme revolving around you. Her focus on fortifying defenses and buying time only added to Vito's advantage, amplifying the looming threat of his vengeful plot.
The disconcerting revelation remained veiled from Karina's grasp as she rallied her allies, unknowingly racing against time not only to protect the gem but also to rescue you from Vito's clutches.
As Karina and her team diligently fortified their defenses, an urgent clamor disrupted the focused atmosphere. One of her trusted men rushed into the room, breathless and visibly distressed.
"Boss! Boss!" he gasped out, trying to catch his breath. "He took her!"
Karina's expression shifted from confusion to sheer alarm. "Took who?" she demanded, her voice edged with concern and rising dread.
"He took Y/n!" the man exclaimed, his words hanging heavy in the tense air.
A chilling silence enveloped the room as the weight of those words settled upon Karina. Her hand trembled with a mix of worry and smoldering anger, her gaze piercing through the space, the raw emotion palpable.
In that moment, the atmosphere transformed; an eerie tension permeated the air. The realization that Vito had not only targeted the gem but also seized the person most precious to her, her beloved Y/n, ignited a fierce fire within Karina.
Her team exchanged nervous glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. Karina's beloved had been snatched away, a move that not only threatened her heart but also stoked the flames of her determination for retribution.
"He took her,—the love of my life," Karina uttered, her voice quivering with a mix of emotions. "He will pay for what he's done."
With determination etched into every line of her face, Karina's resolve solidified. Vito had ignited a wrath that would soon come crashing down upon him, for he had not only targeted a mere possession but the beating heart of Karina's world.
Karina's anticipation of such a situation had prepared her for the worst, yet the immediacy of it caught her off guard. With swift determination, she hurried to her office, her steps purposeful and resolute.
Her fingers traced the spines of the books on the shelf until she found the one housing a discreet tracker, a safeguard you had once provided—a hidden beacon within a familiar object. Retrieving the book, she swiftly located the tracker, a small but invaluable tool that could lead her to you.
Summoning backup, Karina wasted no time. With steely resolve, she orchestrated a rapid mobilization, her team swiftly gathering and organizing themselves. They piled into their waiting vehicles, a convoy of determination set on the path to rescue you from the clutches of Vito's malevolent grasp.
The tension in the air was palpable as engines roared to life, the urgency of the mission propelling them forward. Karina led the charge, her mind focused, her heart fueled by a fierce determination to retrieve you from harm's way.
As the convoy sped towards the destination, Karina's thoughts were consumed by the urgency of the situation and the unyielding vow to bring you back unharmed.
Back to you
I finally pieced together the guy's name: Vito. The name felt bitter on my tongue. He had inflicted pain, leaving me battered and abandoned in an empty basement, surrounded by my own blood and tears. Desperately, I prayed that Karina knew my whereabouts, longing for her swift rescue.
The door creaked open again, and fear clenched my heart as Vito entered. Trembling with terror, I braced myself for what torment he'd inflict next. His chuckle cut through the silence, a cruel sound that echoed in the dim space.
"Look at you, trembling in fear. How pathetic," he jeered, contemptuously spitting at me.
"Please, let me go," I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.
"Oh, Princess, that was just a taste. I have more planned," he sneered, his tone laden with sinister intent.
In the stifling silence that followed Vito's ominous words, a glimmer of determination sparked within me. Despite the fear and pain, thoughts of Karina's unwavering strength and the unwavering love between us flooded my mind, fueling a resilience I hadn't realized I possessed.
Gathering every ounce of courage, I met Vito's chilling gaze with a steely resolve. "You won't break me," I whispered, defiance lacing my words.
His smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of surprise at my sudden defiance. The room seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of his next move.
Before he could react, a commotion echoed from above, the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. Hope surged within me as the distant voices grew louder.
Karina's voice sliced through the tense air, a beacon of reassurance and determination. "We're here, darling! Hold on!" she called out, her words a lifeline in the darkness.
Vito's expression twisted into a snarl, realizing he was about to lose his leverage. With a final chilling glare in my direction, he bolted from the room, leaving me alone but filled with a newfound hope.
Before Vito could make his escape, he swiftly seized me, pulling me close with a knife pressed against my throat. My breath caught in my throat, a shiver racing down my spine as his cold eyes bore into mine with malicious intent.
The room fell into an eerie silence, the only sound the rapid thumping of my heart. Karina's voice echoed from above, a fervent plea layered with determination, slicing through the tense atmosphere.
"We're here, darling! Hold on!" Karina's words echoed down the hallway, her reassuring tone cutting through the darkness like a lifeline.
Vito's grip tightened, a chilling smirk curling on his lips. "You're not going anywhere," he hissed, his voice laced with menace, a grim determination in his actions.
Despite the fear coursing through me, a glimmer of hope blossomed. I met Karina's words with silent resolve, drawing strength from her unwavering support and the promise of imminent rescue.
"Karina!" I called out to her, my voice pleading. Vito pressed the knife against my neck, his threat evident in the sharp edge grazing my skin. "Shut up!" he growled, his grip tightening as Karina stormed into the room.
Karina's eyes turned cold at the distressing scene before her. "Let her go," she commanded, her voice filled with a chilling intensity.
Vito, reveling in his control, made a small cut on my neck. A cry of shock and pain escaped my lips, his sinister laughter piercing the air. "One step closer, and she pays," he threatened, his voice dripping with malice.
Karina, unwavering, aimed a gun at him. Her reputation was clear—Karina never missed her mark. "I said let. her. go," she declared, her tone final, leaving no room for negotiation.
Before Vito could argue, Karina's swift action spoke louder. A gunshot echoed through the room, Vito’s knife dropped to the ground as did his body. You cried out to Karina, and she hurried towards you, swiftly untying your restraints and enveloping you in her protective embrace as tears streamed down your cheeks. Before you could turn to see the aftermath of the confrontation, Karina gently guided your face to meet hers.
"Don't look, darling. He's gone," she reassured, cradling you close, shielding you from the grim reality. With tender care, she carried you out of the basement, away from the haunting scene.
"Clean up the mess," she instructed her team, her voice firm as she focused on ensuring your safety. Karina settled you into the car, driving you back to the sanctuary of your shared home, a place of refuge and security.
"You're safe now, darling. I won't let anything harm you anymore," she vowed, her voice a soothing balm in the aftermath of the ordeal.
"How did you find me?" I asked, tears still trailing down my face.
"That necklace I gave you—it has a tracker. I knew this might happen one day, so I had to be prepared," Karina explained softly, her gaze filled with unwavering determination and a deep love for you.
Upon arriving home, Karina carried you inside and tended to your needs, starting a comforting bath to wash away the physical and emotional residue of the harrowing experience.
After the soothing bath, Karina gently carried you to bed, cradling you in her arms. Nestled in her embrace, a profound sense of security enveloped you, the assurance that you were sheltered from any future harm after enduring the harrowing ordeal.
"I love you, Y/n. I will protect you forever," Karina declared, her voice a tender vow, her arms a haven of safety.
"I love you too," you whispered, surrendering to a deep and peaceful slumber within the comforting warmth of Karina's embrace, feeling an unwavering sense of security and love surrounding you.
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williamsonarssnal · 19 days
𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | LW (parte.2)
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SILVER SPRING ⸻ leah williamson x swimmer! reader.
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Warning: making amends, feeling a bit angsty, Leah is the reader's true love, mentions original character. English isn't my first language!
Childhood memories flooded Y/N's mind as she sank deeper into the pool's depths. Her first touch of the water, the sensation of freedom and weightlessness, like a fish swimming in its own sea. The conquest of the first gold medal, the taste of victory and the joy of representing her country, the national anthem echoing in her ears. The unconditional love of her first pet, a Golden Retriever named Toby, who accompanied her on all her adventures, licking her face with affection after each game. The butterflies in her stomach during the first kiss at a school event, the promise of a future full of romance, whispering secrets under the moonlight. The declaration of love for Leah, the sincerity and vulnerability that united their hearts, sealing a pact of eternal love. The games with Marvin, her new furry companion, the walks in the open air, exploring new places together, the unshakeable friendship between dog and owner. The first words "I love you" whispered to Leah, the confirmation of a unique and true love, a melody that echoed in her soul.
The images mixed, forming a kaleidoscope of happy and unforgettable moments. With each desperate stroke, Y/N approached the surface, seeking light and life. The pain in her calf was excruciating, like knives piercing her muscles, but her willpower drove her to fight against death, the memory of her dreams and everything she loved most pushing her upwards.
Suddenly, a hand gripped her arm firmly, like a ray of hope cutting through the darkness. Y/N felt a strong pull and then her feet touched the bottom of the pool. She coughed up water and air, opening her eyes with difficulty, her vision blurred by the chlorinated water. A blurred figure was leaning over her, offering her support, a guardian angel appearing out of nowhere.
"Calm down, Y/N, you're safe," said the soft, familiar voice, like a balm to her soul.
Y/N blinked a few times, trying to focus her vision. The figure approached, revealing the face of one of her teammates, Emily, the swimmer who always encouraged her in training, the friend who listened to her in difficult times.
"Emily?" Y/N asked, still dazed, her mind processing what had happened. "What happened?"
"You had a bad cramp and started to sink," Emily explained, with concern in her eyes. "I was in the other lane and saw you right away. Thank goodness I was here."
"You had a strong cramp and started to sink," Emily explained, with concern in her eyes. "I was in the other lane and saw you right away. Thank God I was there." Y/N looked at Emily with gratitude, tears welling up in her eyes. "You saved me," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what would have happened without you."
Emily smiled gently, a smile that conveyed compassion and friendship. "Of course, Y/N. We're teammates, we're family."
Helped by Emily, Y/N got out of the pool, her muscles trembling with cold and emotion. The memories of her near death were still fresh in her mind, the image of sinking into the depths haunted her, but the gratitude for being saved flooded her.
"Thank you, Emily," Y/N said with a choked voice, hugging her tightly. "I don't know what I would do without you."
Emily hugged her back, a warm hug that conveyed security and support. "No need to thank me, friend. I would do anything for you."
Y/N felt safe and protected in Emily's arms, as if she were in a safe harbor after a storm. The fear and anguish that had gripped her moments before began to dissipate, replaced by a feeling of peace and gratitude.
"Are you okay?" Emily asked again, concerned about Y/N's condition.
Y/N nodded, still shaking a little. "Yes, I'm better now. I just need to rest a bit."
Emily helped her up and took her to the locker room, walking side by side down the wet hallway. In the locker room, Y/N changed clothes and sat on a bench, still trying to process everything that had happened.
"Are you going to be okay?"
Y/N looked at Emily, her eyes still full of tears, but with a more serene expression. "I don't know, Emily," she confessed, her voice full of uncertainty. "I almost lost my life today. It made me think a lot about what really matters."
Emily sat down next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I understand, Y/N," she said with compassion. "It was a scary time. It's natural that you're questioning everything now." She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I've always put swimming first," she continued, her voice choked with emotion. "I trained relentlessly, sacrificing everything for my dream. But today, when I saw myself sinking in the pool, I realized that none of it matters if I'm not here to enjoy life with the people I love."
Emily looked at her intently, her eyes full of understanding. "You're right, Y/N," she said. "Life is much more than just achievements. It's about the moments we spend with the people we love, the feelings we share, and the experiences we have."
Y/N wiped her tears with the back of her hand, taking a deep breath. "I need to talk to Leah," she said, her voice determined. "I need to tell her how I feel, how much she means to me."
Emily smiled at her, an encouraging smile. "It's the right thing to do, Y/N," she said. "Communicate your feelings, don't leave anything unspoken."
Y/N stood up and hugged Emily tightly. "Thank you for everything, Emily," she said with gratitude. "You saved me today, and not just from the pool."
Emily hugged her back, squeezing her in her arms. "BFFs forever, Y/N," she said with a sincere smile.
Emily drove Y/N home in silence while the swimmer pondered her friend's words and the uncertain future that lay ahead. Her near-death experience had made her question everything, her priorities, her dreams, her feelings for Leah.
When they arrived home, Y/N thanked Emily again for her help and support, promising to keep her updated on what happened with Leah. Emily hugged her warmly and got out of the car, driving back to her own house, hoping that Y/N would find the happiness she so desperately desired.
Y/N walked into the house, her hesitant steps leading her to the living room. Marvin, the golden retriever she shared with Leah, greeted her with an excited bark, wagging his tail frantically. She knelt down beside him, stroking his soft head and feeling the comfort of his presence.
"Hey, boy," she said in a tired voice. "I missed you."
Marvin licked her face enthusiastically, as if happy to have her back home. Y/N got up and walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. As she drank, she looked at the phone on the counter, knowing she needed to call Leah and explain everything that had happened.
But with each passing second, her hesitation grew. What would she say? How would Leah react? What if she wasn't ready to talk? Y/N felt trapped between the desire to confess her feelings and the fear of rejection.
Suddenly, a noise at the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She turned and saw Leah standing there, her eyes full of concern. Marvin barked again, jumping for joy at seeing his other owner had returned.
"Leah!" Y/N exclaimed, surprised by the presence of the English player. "What are you doing here?"
Leah approached her, her eyes fixed on her face. "I know what happened at the pool," she said in a firm voice. "Emily called me and told me everything."
Y/N felt her heart pounding in her chest. "And… what do you mean by that?" she asked, trying to stay calm.
Leah took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "Y/N, I love you," she said, her voice soft and sincere. "And I was so scared of losing you."
Leah's words hit Y/N like a lightning bolt, causing all her doubts and fears to dissipate instantly. She couldn't believe that Leah also loved her, even with her obsession with swimming and her difficulty balancing the sport with a relationship.
"Leah," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I love you too. More than you imagine."
Leah smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "So what does that mean?" she asked, reaching out her hand to Y/N.
Y/N looked at her hand and then into her eyes. She knew it was time to make a decision, to choose between her dream and her love. But in that moment, looking at Leah, she knew what really mattered.
With a radiant smile, she took Leah's hand and squeezed it tightly. "It means we're together," she said, her voice full of determination. "We'll find a way to make everything work, because the love we feel for each other is more important than anything else."
Leah pulled her into a tight hug, and the two surrendered to the happiness of finally being able to be together without fear or resentment. Marvin barked again, wagging his tail excitedly, as if celebrating the union of his mistresses.
Informal translation:
"Woah, Leah!" Y/N exclaimed, taken aback by the English player's sudden appearance. "What brings you here?"
Leah closed in on her, her gaze fixated on Y/N's face. "I'm aware of the pool incident," she stated firmly. "Emily filled me in on everything."
Y/N's heart pounded like a drum in her chest. "And what exactly do you mean by that?" she inquired, attempting to maintain composure.
Leah inhaled deeply and met S/n's eyes. "Y/N, I've got feelings for you," she confessed, her voice soft and genuine. "And I was terrified of losing you."
Leah's words struck Y/N like a bolt of lightning, instantly dispelling all her doubts and worries. She couldn't fathom that Leah reciprocated her feelings, despite her unwavering dedication to swimming and the challenges of balancing a relationship with her sport.
"Leah," she began, her voice trembling with emotion. "I feel the same way about you. More than words can express."
Leah's lips curved into a smile, her eyes sparkling with joy. "So, what does that mean for us?" she asked, extending her hand towards Y/N.
Y/N glanced at Leah's hand and then back into her eyes. She knew she had a decision to make, to choose between her dream and her love. But in that moment, gazing at Leah, she realized what truly mattered.
With a radiant grin, she grasped Leah's hand and squeezed it tightly. "It means we're a couple," she declared, her voice filled with determination. "We'll figure out a way to make it work, because our love for each other surpasses anything else."
Leah pulled her into a warm embrace, and they surrendered to the bliss of finally being together without any fear or resentment. Marvin barked once more, wagging his tail enthusiastically, as if celebrating the union of his beloved owners.
tagged: @woso-obsessed
sorry for the errors! x
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orphicrose · 4 months
The co-host (Alastor x femreader) II
< >
Summary: You are Alastors Co host in life, perhaps more. But are separated by a sudden death. When you are finally reunited in the under world, it is up to Alastor to figure out why you don’t remember him.
Alastor had arrived in hell a few years after you, completely unaware that you ended up in the same place. You both saw each other as saints, i guess that's what love does to you.  If only you had more time to truly know each other. His last years weren't as dignified as yours. And neither was his death. 
All through your sickness, he was by your side. Cooking for you, entertaining you, helping out with rent. Your mother would have, but she lived in another state, and had very little money to come visit you or support you. So Alastor did.  But when your body decided enough was enough, you took a toll for the worse. You were gone within days, with him still by your side. Willing to do anything to see your eyes full of life just one more time. It truly broke him as a person. But no one would ever know. 
He sent out a broadcast to honor your name, all of your frequent listeners shedding a tear over the loss. Because it truly was a loss. Spreading kind words like "she's in a better place now", if only they knew. 
Then there was Alastor. In the end, everyone was glad the world had ridded such a monster. No one knew it when he died, but they did when the remains of those who had gone missing was uncovered. Some argue they deserved it, some argue it was an act of evil. 
It had been a few weeks since the encounter with Satan. Y/N didn't have much of a choice, her soul was his. Now she had to do his dirty work. You see, Satan's a busy man. Being the keeper of the wraith ring, and having the people of earth call on him frequently for deals. He couldn't keep up with all of it. So, he gave some of that responsibility to Y/n. Someone who can claim souls and grant wishes from the desperate and needy. Of course the souls still belonged to him, she was just the messenger. With this comes the ability to travel to the mortal realm, and fear of other sinners when you are being called the sacrificer. Within days, Y/n rose the ranks as an overlord who owned a large territory. Unspeakable amounts of power being given to this singular soul was a lot to take in, but she didn't have a choice.
The business was now up and running, "The slaughter house". Satan being the CEO, of course. Y/N being the manager, and other souls of Satan being his laborers who dealt with mundane things like paper work. The pay wasn't too bad though. This operation being set up in hell also gave other sinners the opportunity to sell their soul to Satan in return for a high paying job. Its a bit extreme, but it gets very desperate in hell. I'm sure you can imagine. 
Y/n's name was lost, now being called the demon of sacrifice. It was incredibly de-humanizing, and she hated it. Only using her power when absolutely necessary or when business required it. But it wasn't all bad, she had a better accommodation, a steady cash flow, a lot of useful contacts and very little conflict with other demons. It was also incredibly lonely. Because of the fear around her name, very few people were willing to befriend her. 
Then, on top of that, was the pain of her memories from life. Knowing that all if this is ultimately her fault. All because she just wanted power. How was she to carry on. Then it hit her, she has the power to do what she pleases. She can be whoever she wants to be down here, and to start this she needed to forget everything that haunted her.
Alastor landed in hell four years after y/n, after being shot in between the eyes. Not many know how his rise to power happened, but it was merely overnight. Tormenting the citizens of hell, kidnapping powerful overlords that few would dare to mess with, and giving a new reason for sinners to fear for their lives. The radio demon was born, and it didn't take long before his radio broadcasts displayed what had happened to his unfortunate victims. No one was safe.
"Miss l/n! Todays demand for Satan is big today, I don't think we will be able to get through all of them" a small, fishlike demon ran up to her, struggling to keep up with her pace through the corridors. 
"Its late, imp. I will deal with them tomorrow. Prioritize the simpler requests, none of that fame or millionaire shit." Y/n bit back, eager to leave.
"But ma'am, The sin of wraith isn't very happy with how the number of souls are dropping"
"uh huh, uh huh. I'll see you tomorrow, imp" The door slammed in his face, and the handle was too high for him to reach. 
"I'm not an imp" He mumbles under his breath, watching the overlord walk away in the windows of the door. 
Y/n had a coffee date with one of her closest friends, Zestial. One of the few overlords who still had his head attached to him. They had arranged to talk about the affects of the new tormentor, needing a plan to put their people at ease and to protect the skin on the bac of their necks. Usually, she'd have someone accompany her. But this occasion was far too private.
The night had progressed fast, the crimson sky darkened and street lamps struggled to do their job and lighten the streets. Y/n was almost at her destination when she noted a faint buzzing sound in the back of her head. It definitely wasn't there before. She stopped at the end of an alley she had just walked through, and assessed her surroundings. No one, not a soul in sight. Behind her, again no one. A strange feeling made its way into her throat, as if her body sensed danger. The sound getting louder, louder. Street lights seemingly struggling even more, and eventually going out. One by one. The street was pitch black within seconds. Y/n couldn't do anything but remain in their position, against the wall of the alley. 
A small, voodoo doll like creature ran passed the entrance of the alley. Paying her no attention, and laughing as he went. He was barely audible as the static became more insufferable in her ears. But she knew something was after her, she just prayed to lucifer that it wasn't who she thought it was.
"Not even going to try and run, dear?" The static stopped, the voice sounding like it was in the air. Having no body attached to it. Then he materialized seemingly from the shadows. His slim body accompanied by a tailored red suit, and an eerie smile refraining his face from showing any sort of emotion. The radio demon. He was here. Her face was barely visible in the darkness he had created, only the glowing from her eyes was an indication of life. 
"Come on, give me a chase. Make this interesting. I'll give you a head start" He taunted, slowly getting closer. Leaning his cane at his side, making it hard for y/n to get out. 
"No? I guess this will be the easiest kill yet" His smile widened a the seams of his mouth, being pulled by an invisible string like a doll. His form followed in lead, being hoisted up and enlarged to intimidate his prey. 
"Don't touch me freak." Y/N finally spoke, kicking his cane over and materializing into the ground. Becoming nothing more than a shadow that cant be touched. He watched at she disappeared into the night, almost in disbelief. He's heard that voice before. But it can't be, there's no way she is down here. She can't be. His smile never faltered, and he decided to leave this chase for another day. Street light finally flickered back on, and everything remained as it was before. Other than Alastor's new knowledge. Their story wasn't over yet.
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hardlyinteresting · 4 months
Just some thoughts about Aaron Hotchner and some domestic energy. I'm planning on writing more for Hotch so PLEASE send me blurb requests or concepts 💕 Aaron Hotchner Masterlist | Send Requests
"Too much of anything is a bad thing, but too much good whiskey is barely enough" Mark Twain
Mornings are like honey. The warm amber light of sunrise pours like liquid gold across the bedroom floor. Aaron watches as you stretch out beneath the covers-- appreciating the extra space before you register his absence. “Good morning,” you mumble out, too quiet to hear from where he stands in the doorway of the ensuite bathroom. He savours the sweet sight of your sleepy smile as you rub sleep from your eyes. “Good morning,” his response comes easy. His voice is scratchy from sleeping, but his tone is gentle, soothing and smoothing any worry that tries to linger.
On the rare slow day, he helps peel you from the bed, chuckling under his breath at your whines of protest. The warm spray of the shower eases your disappointment of being pulled away from your spot nuzzled against his pillows. He makes it worth your while. Sweet kisses dusted across the expanses of skin he can reach, he bends to whisper sweet nothings against the column of your throat. Treacle-coated words that make a home in your heart. These mornings are warm and languid; time moves at the leisurely pace of spilt molasses.
Most mornings don’t leave you with the time to luxuriate in each other’s company. But you make due. Jack is fed, and dressed for school by the time Aaron makes his way downstairs. His kiss goodbye tastes like spearmint, and your lips taste like the honey you had spread across your toast for breakfast. The combination feels like summertime, and he swears if he tries hard enough, he can feel the sun beating down on his shoulders. Memories of one of your rare free days spent sipping cocktails, and white wine in Rossi’s backyard cross his mind.
Evenings are like whiskey. Doused in darkness, the gentle shine of lamp light illuminates the room. Memories of the day play on repeat, but the feel of your arms wrapped tight around his torso keeps the shadows at bay. He sinks into the sensation of brief freedom and safety. He craves this feeling. Warmth spreads through his chest, your nose tucked against his collarbone, and he gulps down his fears.
Most nights he’s aware of how quickly life goes by. He can feel it slipping through his fingers. He holds tighter to you in the evenings. For you, he tries to hide the pain behind his eyes; but when your hand reaches up to cup his cheek he knows he’s failed. To your credit, you never shy away. Instead, you elect to press a kiss between his brows before you move to undo his tie for him.
“Come to bed,” you say. “Soon,” he replies.
The paperwork he brings home seems endless, but a glance at his watch tells him it’s well after midnight. He pads silently down the hall, surprised to see you’ve left the lamp on at his side of the bed. When he leaves a goodnight kiss against your cheek it smells like the scotch he’s been sipping. He leaves his darkest thoughts by the doorstep, ready to pick up again tomorrow; tonight Aaron surrenders himself to the vulnerability of loving and being loved. So sweet, so strong.
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Searing Pain: Part 2
Yandere Ace and Luffy x GN!Reader
2.1k words
Part 1 / Part 3
Consciousness ebbed and flowed back into you slowly. While you couldn’t see anything, you could still hear. There were the hushed whispers, scraping of chairs against the floor, and footsteps entering and leaving the room you were in. The voices were strained, the speakers’ stress clearly seeping into their tones. Mentions of your name were frequent.
You… You were shot, right? You think that’s what happened. The memories weren’t clear, the last thing you could remember was a look of horror washing over Luffy’s face before you blacked out.
Then there was what you were feeling physically. Everything hurt. You had a splitting headache, but that was the least of your problems. Your chest felt like it had been ripped apart and stapled back together. Every breath was labored and caused an additional burst of pain to spread through your chest like a wildfire with each individual inhale and exhale. 
The sensations weren’t all bad, though. There was something soft and furry curled up against your side. Chopper, maybe? There was also the distinct feeling of someone clutching one of your hands. It’s comforting, if not a bit sweaty. 
Finally, you’re able to pry your eyes open. Only for it not to help. It was mostly dark, with minimal light filtering in. Your eyes being unfocused certainly didn’t do you any favors. After a few blinks, your perception sharpened. There was definitely something covering your face.
Lifting the arm that wasn’t being held took a lot of effort. The movement shot pain directly into your chest, making you shudder violently and drop your arm back down. It fell directly onto who you assumed to be Chopper, and you can feel him jolt from the contact. This also makes the person holding your hand stir.
“(Y/N)? Was that you?” The hope in Chopper’s voice was undeniable. He clambered around on the bed, inching closer to your face. Then he gently lifts whatever was covering it, allowing more light to greet your eyes. “It was! You’re awake!”
“They are?!” Several other voices in the room said at once. Chairs scraped on the floorboards and footsteps approached your form. The faces of your crewmates came into your line of sight all at once, pushing against each other in an attempt to get closer. Their expressions were initially fearful, but they all broke out into smiles upon making eye contact with your open and awake eyes.
Nami elbowed her way to the front and knelt down next to the bed. She gently placed a hand on your shoulder, “How are you feeling? You had us really worried there.”
Sanji squeezed himself into the sliver of available space, “You’ve been asleep for a couple of days now, you must be hungry. What do you want? Whatever it is, I’ll whip it right up!” 
Having all these people swarm you within seconds of coming to was overwhelming. You open your mouth, not even sure what you’re going to say yet. Nothing comes out though, as you’re suddenly struck by how dry your mouth is. All you can do is croak out an indistinct syllable and cough.
Sanji is quick to grab the glass of water off the bedside table, but then hesitates when it comes to giving it to you. He hover hands you for a second before very carefully lifting your head up just enough to be able to safely get the water into your mouth. It feels and tastes absolutely heavenly on your parched palette, good enough even to distract you from the pain in your chest brought on by the minute movement.
He pulls the now empty glass away and rests your head back onto the pillow. Everyone is looking at you with bated breaths, waiting to hear your first words since waking up. The problem is that you have no idea what you are supposed to talk about. Probably not the weather, you guessed. Clearing your throat, you say the first thing that comes to mind, “Is- Is everyone else alright?” It was a brutal fight, you can’t imagine you were the only one injured.
There’s a chorus of exasperated noises from your crewmates. Nami reaches forward to pinch your cheek, “Only you would ask about other people after getting a hole in your chest! We’re all fine, it’s you you should be worried about!” She scolded you harshly, but you knew it was coming from a place of concern.
The grip on your hand tightened, and you are finally focused enough to investigate who has been holding it. You glanced up and locked eyes with your captain. Luffy’s expression was completely serious, as well as unreadable. He hasn’t said a single thing yet. 
Wait. You turn your head to the side more to get a better look at the people in the room, and you realize someone was absent.
“Where’s Ace? Is he okay?” You couldn’t help but start to worry. Did you not get him out of harm’s way? Is that why Luffy is so uncharacteristically quiet?
“Calm down, he’s perfectly fine. Not long after we got you back here, he left to go to Whitebeard’s ship. He’s returning later with some doctor from his crew,” Nami explained, “says he’s got a devil fruit ability that should be able to help you recover faster.”
The news that he’s safe eases your nerves. Thank God. You don’t know what you would have done otherwise. Okay, well, not much in your current state, but still. 
Mentioning your recovery made Chopper snap to attention, “Oh, right! I need to talk to you about your condition.” He hopped off the bed to grab some papers from a nearby table. Looking at the entourage of crewmates, he asked them to give you some privacy. There was some hesitancy, but they eventually shuffled out of the room. Everyone except Luffy. Chopper didn’t comment on his presence, likely accepting that he wouldn’t be able to get him to leave no matter what. Luffy is stubborn like that.
Chopper flipped through his notes, mulling over where to even start. He looked uncomfortable, like he didn’t know how to say what needed to be said. With a grimace, he began, “You suffered a severe puncture wound to your chest, with your ribs and one of your lungs taking the worst of it. Three ribs were shattered, but I was able to piece them back together. Ribs take a long time to heal, though, so you need to be careful and take it easy for at least twelve weeks!” That last part sounded more like a warning than anything.
You couldn’t help but cringe. Twelve weeks? That’s such a long time! What are you supposed to do in the meantime? Sip tea on the deck while watching everyone else do all the work for three months?
“Well… I guess that’s not quite true,” Chopper mumbled.
“What do you mean? What isn’t true?”
“You’re… going to be on light duty for longer than that,” guilt flashed across Chopper’s face. “I could only fix your ribs, your lung… there wasn’t anything left to save. The bullet that pierced your chest ripped your lung to shreds, there wasn’t enough of it left to put back together, so I had to remove it entirely. There are some breathing exercises you can do to help strengthen your remaining lung, but you’re going to get out of breath much more quickly from now on. I don’t think you’ll be able to fight like before ever again.”
All that you can do is stare at him silently with a shocked expression on your face. This news changes everything. Your life is going to be completely different. Will you even be able to be a pirate anymore? Tears were beginning to well in your eyes and you were aggressively blinking in an attempt to keep them from falling.
Chopper looks between you and Luffy before excusing himself. Luffy still hasn’t spoken, and at this point you’re afraid to even look at him. Afraid that you’re going to break and start crying like you so desperately want to.
Both of Luffy’s hand tighten around yours, and you can hear his breathing become labored. Then something wet drops onto your hand. Unable to ignore him, you finally turn your head. Tears are pouring down his cheeks, and he’s biting his lip hard to try and keep the sobs in.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
You both blink in surprise at the others’ apology. What did he have to say sorry over? He’s upset because you got hurt. Despite his general carefree attitude, he’s a bleeding heart for his nakama. Seeing one of them in your current state must be hell on him.
His hands constrict around yours to an almost painful degree, “Don’t say that.”
“Stop! Stop trying to be responsible for everything! Stop trying to apologize when you don’t need to! Stop trying to sacrifice yourself! Just stop!” Luffy’s silent crying has escalated to full on sobbing now.
There’s a pain in your chest, and now it’s not just from your injury. Your heart throbs in pain, seeing your cheerful captain like this makes you feel awful. Sick to your stomach even. There’s another apology on your tongue, but you wisely keep it to yourself, not wanting to make Luffy more upset than he already is.
“I”m the captain! It’s my job to protect you, not the other way around!”
 Instead of apologizing, you settle for bringing your free hand over to rest on his, hoping it’ll provide some type of comfort. You’re crying too, now. Each hiccup and breath is absolute agony, but it can’t be helped.
“Promise you won’t do that ever again! Promise me!” His eyes are wide and desperate, begging for you to agree.
You can’t find it in you to argue, the idea of making Luffy this hysteric again is sickening. There’s also the fact that you probably physically won’t be able to pull off a stunt like that for a second time, not with your newfound chronic condition. 
“I won’t. I promise.”
If your words did reassure him, he didn’t show it. There’s a chance he doesn’t believe you, but this could also be about him needing to get it out of his system. He’s likely been bottling all of this up inside for as long as you’ve been asleep. His head drops onto your shoulder and tears quickly soak into your shirt as he chokes out more sobs.
It’s uncomfortable, and more than a little painful, but you bring a hand up to rest on his head. You pat his hair and can’t help but notice another absence, “Where’s your hat?”
He raised his head enough to be able to look you in the eyes and sniffled loudly before answering, “You’re wearing it.”
Huh? You are? Your hand wanders from his head to your own, and your fingers find purchase on the familiar brim of his iconic straw hat. Oh, so that’s what was covering your eyes when you woke up. You pull it off and feel warmth fill you from the sweet gesture.
You don’t get to look at it for long before it’s plucked out of your grasp again by Luffy, who places it back on your head. Well, he put it on as well as he could given that you’re laying down. “You can hold onto it for now,” his tone made it clear that there was no room for argument on that matter.
“Thank you, Luffy.”
The room falls back into silence, a more comfortable one than before. You could tell that Luffy had more to say, but chose to wait for him to speak up on his own terms.
Just as he appeared to be ready to talk again, the door to the room creaks and Sanji popped his head in, “Sorry to bother you, but I still need to know what you want to eat, (y/n).”
As if your stomach had ears too, it growled loudly in response. You name off a couple of your favorite foods to him, “Make a lot of it too, I’m so hungry that I might be able to out eat Luffy!” A wheezing laugh makes it out of your throat, and you wince at the pain that comes hand in hand with it.
Luffy and Sanji share a worried look, but don’t say anything about it. The chef offered you a sweet smile, “Of course, anything you want!” With that, he left. Luffy didn’t, he was seemingly dedicated to not leaving your bedside. With the intense stare you’ve been receiving since waking, you’re not sure he’s going to be leaving your side even when you’re not bedridden. 
Oh well, it’s not like it’s hurting anything. You might as well enjoy your remaining time together since you’re ultimately going to have to part ways in the future thanks to your injuries, but that discussion is for another day.
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wickedholl0w · 9 months
An eternal bond.
Fandom: Baldurs Gate 3
Pairing: Astarion/F!Tav
Rating: 18+, mature, explict
After Astarion's ascension, you had one last night together, but you didn't want to be transformed into one of your lover's vampire spawns, causing your relationship to end and after saving Baldurs Gate, you decide to live new adventures, but months after signs of a Pregnancy begins to emerge and you need your ex lover's help.
Sooo, we all know that the ascended Astarion is a bad guy, okay? But after reading that he could reproduce, I came to this painful idea of what it would be like, in a subtle way.
warnings: mature content, unprotected sex, unexpected pregnancy, a lot of angst, fluffly?, blood play, bittersweet.
P.S: English is not my first language, I apologize in advance if I make any mistakes.
Baldurs Gate was safe and sound thanks to you, Faêrun was safe thanks to you and your group. You was a hero now, and even though you had dark choices on you journey you never stopped being one, and that's why you made the hardest choice of your life days before the final battle: ending everything with Astarion.
You loved him, without a doubt, you loved him so much that you felt it in her bones, but after he ascended... Everything changed, that Astarion who loved you so deeply and frantically had become the thing he said he hated, repulsed.
You even accepted at first that he would transform you, you spent one last night making love madly in each other's arms, but when the time came... When you read his mind, when you realized that you would be just another object in the midst of sugar-coated lies, he turned his back, ended everything and just kept minimal contact until the final battle.
You didn't stay long in Baldurs Gate, perhaps because you knew that Astarion's dark plans were now directed at the city, but also because you knew that he was right there in that dark castle in the upper part of the city. You got everything you could need for a journey, a new adventure alongside the owl bear cub and Scratchy.
The beginning was light, common, you passed through places where had already fought, villages being rebuilt, temples being rebuilt, it was good to see that, to see how life would now continue, but, you could see much more than Faêrun, so,  you left to a long journey through unknown lands, until something began to change.
The morning sickness began, dizziness, extreme discomfort and nausea, but the most aggravating thing was that now all the food had to be as raw as possible so that it pleased your taste, and the hunger seemed to never end and when you caught a small squirrel, cut his throat and drank his pure blood that your mind finally began to come to terms with what was happening.
Your cycle was actually late, but you ignored the chance of being pregnant, after all, Astarion was a vampire, even if you knew that vampires could reproduce if they were well satisfied... But he had taken a lot of your blood in your last night together.
Becoming aware of what was happening to you at that exact moment made you feel fear, despair, terror... And without thinking twice and with the light of the camp fire illuminating you, you grabbed a knife and were ready to stab yourself in the belly, you would end the existence of that being that was growing inside you and with yourself, if you needed to... But you couldn't.
Your hand wielding the knife began to shake, a tearing pain took your chest as memories with Astarion before his ascension took over your mind... His sweet voice, the kisses, the caresses, the way you loved each other for the first time that day in the clearing,  the day he admitted he loved you... The one in your mind was the father of the child now growing in your belly.
Defeated, you dropped the knife in tears, a painful and cruel cry, you placed both hands on your stomach and soon the two animal companions approached after scaring the entire scene. The owl bear cub and Scratchy cuddled together, an attempt to soothe that intense pain.
You ended up falling asleep next to the two of them and the next morning you need to started thinking about what you should do, how you should continue since was now pregnant with a dhampir, what would your diet be like so that both you and he were satisfied? How could you fight without worrying about the child? How would you raise him?
You didn't have the answers and so, for that reason alone, you decided to get to where you are, to the door of Astarion's huge palace, your child's father... You thought he should know about the child and that he could help. A foolish and innocent idea, you knew that might end up having a fight with him, or he would kill you, but for the sake of the little seed that blossomed in your womb, you would try.
When you enter the palace you see that some things have changed, but everything is still just cold, cold and terrifying like the last time you were here. You stops in the middle of the huge hall looking around, you doesn't see anything, doesn't see anyone... Did he already have vampire spawns?
“Astarion? “ you call and your animal companions join you closer, afraid.
“Well, well, well,” his voice echoes through the space like an echo leaving you on alert, you don't see him, but you know he's here. “Look who knocks on my door, the ungrateful one.”
“I didn't come to play your games.” you say discreetly, placing your left hand on your stomach under the dusty cloak that covers you.
“Then why did you come? Regreted?” he says and feels like he’s closer. “Well, it's a shame, my dear... I won't change you even if you beg me...”
Quicker than you can think, you turn back with a dagger in hand and place the blade at Astarion's throat who looks down at you, as if you were an insect to be crushed by the expensive boots he wears.
He gives a vile smile and your animals become agitated, growl and leave their feathers and fur up, and in an attack position.
“You look terrible,” he says mockingly.
He grabs your wrist tightly, making you moan in pain and pulls the blade away from his throat, you try to stop him, but he's strong, much stronger than the last time you saw him.
You let go of the dagger that falls to the floor, Scratchy barks and you look at the now useless weapon on the floor.
With an absurd speed, Astarion grabs your neck forcing you to look at him, you grab his wrist with your calloused hands and look into his eyes, widening yours, the air almost no longer reaches your lungs.
“That's very audacious of you,” he says. “What should I do with you?”
He brings his face closer to yours and all you can say without voice is please, in a way so low that only he himself could hear.
“Do you want me to have mercy? Why? To you ho turned your back on me?...” he got closer and you tried to breathe, however, he stopped squeezing your neck.
The blood-red eyes widen after his nostrils flare, his gaze is trembling, he raised eyebrows wrinkle the forehead. You take advantage of the moment and move away from him quickly, and he remains still and when you bend over, placing your hands on your knees and pulling the air forcefully into your lungs, your animals come to your side in an attempt to protect you.
“There's something different,”  Astarion says and you look at him, still trying to catch your breath. “You...”
“I'm pregnant,”  you say, still panting and Astarion's well-shaped lips part. “And yes... It's yours.”
His eyes dance over you, looking you up and down.
“Yes” you say, resuming your posture. “And that's why I'm here. I need help to know how to deal with... Him, or her.”
Astarion says nothing, not a single word, he remains motionless, looking lost, completely in shock.
“Just tell me what I should do, what I should eat and how I will raise it...”
As you speak he approaches, eyes glazed over the area of your belly.
“That's all I...” you see him kneeling in front of you. “Astarion?”
The ascended vampire opens your cloak, taking in the view of your belly. He takes his cold hands to you tunic and opens the buttons until your swollen belly is visible.
“My gods” he says in a whisper and puts both hands there.
Your body shivers with the cold and familiar touch, but you is also alert, rigid.
Astarion then touches the side of his face there, making you start slightly, you doesn't know how to react, but you looks at him, sees the curls of white hair against your skin, feels the skin of his face against you warm belly and he touches his face against there.
“I can hear…” he says, smiling broadly. “I can hear him.”
You give a shaky smile and take your hands to Astarion's hair, stroking him and he gives a long sigh, closing his eyes.
“I need help,”  you say and he turns his face away from you, looking at you. “I'm getting sick, weak... I don't know what to do.”
He looks at your belly again and brushes his fingertips over it and then gives a warm, long kiss.
“I will do whatever I can for our heir” he says with his lips still close to your stomach and turns his gaze upwards, to you.
You nod, you know that he doesn't see you now as anything more than an incubator, so you have to be quick, smart, you need his knowledge and then disappear.
Astarion placed you and your two animal companions in his room, then said that he would do some research and that at that time you could enjoy the luxury of his huge room fit for a king. The solid and dark colors beautified the environment along with the red, the room itself was huge, you could get lost in there. The four-poster bed made of fine red fabrics is gigantic and takes center stage in the dark room lit by torches and candles.
Your animals soon took over a space for themselves, Scratchy lay down on a sofa and the owl bear cub lay down on a pile of fat pillows with thin pillowcases, with fabrics that would no longer be so immaculate.
You explore the room, go to the closet where an exuberant collection of exquisite clothes on golden racks and a huge mirror takes up an entire wall, even though he can't see himself, he liked mirrors, that hadn't changed.
The next room you entered was a luxurious bathroom made of red marble, with a huge bathtub with waterfalls coming down from the mouths of gargoyles. You know you doesn't exactly smell like flowers, so you find the valve to open and fill the bathtub and while you wait for the warm water to fill the container, you find bath salts and scented oils, throw them into the water, which then foams.
You remove your worn boots and dirty clothes, become completely naked and let go of your long hair making it fall over your shoulders and back, your own image reflected in the mirror in front of you draws attention, you had not yet seen your early pregnancy body, and when you sees your once flat and defined swollen belly your blinks your eyes a few times and a silly smile takes over your lips to say the least. You approach the mirror and when you get closer, you look enchanted and bring your hands there, starting to caress the skin and letting out a low laugh, biting your lower lip. It's perfect.
After admiring yourself  you go to the three red marble steps that lead to the bathtub and entering the warm water making your skin crawl, without delay you sit down and then hold your breath dipping your head, wetting your hair. Then you begins to wash your body with the help of a natural loofah and scented soap, your washes your hair and after rinsing you decides to stay in the bathtub for a little longer, leaning your back against the edge resting your head and placing your hands your his belly, in a few seconds, sleep weighs down your eyelids and they close, allowing you to sleep after so many sleepless days and nights.
Little by little your eyes open, you feels your skin wrinkled, you must have slept a lot and when you looks to the side sees Astarion sitting on the edge of the bathtub looking at you, which makes you startle.
“Fuck!”  you scream. “What are you doing here?!”
“What rude manners, is this how you intend to raise our child?”  he says with a charming smile. “And, I finished my studies, I came to tell you what we can do and I didn't find you in the room... When I saw you here, I didn't want to wake you up.”
“And you decided it was better to stare at me sleeping like a maniac”  you say, adjusting yourself in the bubble bath, leaving part of your breasts visible, and Astarion looks directly at them.
“Yes,” he responds, looking up at you. “You slept all afternoon, my dear, I had time to finish my research and also recruit people to take care of you.”
“What?”  you ask and Astarion gets up, going to a fluffy white towel and opening it, keeping it open in front of him.
“As I'm a vampire I don't have the supplements you need” he says and motions for a towel, motions for you to get out of the bathtub and with a long sigh you obey.
He looks you up and down as you stand on the edge of the bathtub, the water and foam running down your skin, you go down the steps to the floor and he approaches you, wrapping the towel around you, drying you.
“So, what did you do?”  you ask as he grabs another towel and starts drying you long hair.
“You'll see” he says, moving away and taking an elegant red silk robe with gold embroidery and putting it on you, but you notice that he hesitates when he reaches your bare shoulder and you notice that his face gets closer.
“No,” you say coldly.
Astarion doesn't answer, he just finishes placing the robe over your shoulders and turns you towards him, closes the piece and ties the silk straps, looks at you belly marked in the fabric and runs the back of his fingers over it.
“Come on” he says, walking away and you follow him back to the room.
You are surprised to see a medium-sized table served with delicious food and next to that table a half-elf whose face is already showing signs of age, he is wearing cook's clothes and next to him are two women, a tiefiling with pink skin and beautiful horns and a dwarf.
“Meet the team that will help you,” he says. “Our cook and his assistants have already cooked a beautiful meal, following the menu I chose.”
“We hope you like it, my Lady” says the cook and you shake your head.
“You don't need to call me Lady” you say and Astarion looks at you with disdain.
“Oh!” he says and you look at him. “They will also provide the feeding of your two irrational friends” you look at Scratchy and the owl bear cub who is already eating in their bowls, which to your surprise are made of silver.
“Thank you” you say and Astarion looks at the three now servants.
“Dismissed,” he says and the three bow to him as they leave the room. “Well, my dear, sit down.”
You go to a chair, pull it out and sit at the table, the food looks good, it doesn't look poisoned. Astarion sits at the other end of the table and settles into the chair.
“Do you want to eat first and talk later?” he asks.
“I can do both” you say, starting to serve yourself and he watches you.
“Well, I've read lots and lots of them in my vast library about dhampirs,” he says. “The answer to your weakness is that our little devil is literally sucking you, even though he doesn't even have a mouth yet,” you look at him while eating the rare, almost raw meat. “And I highly doubt you was taking blood to help his needs.”
“I ate raw meat and killed a squirrel,” you say. “I drank his blood.”
Astarion laughs briefly.
“Honey, this will never be enough for our little one,” he says. “You need blood, real blood.”
You swallow the food, which is undoubtedly delicious.
“Blood of rational beings, you say?”
“Humans, elves, drows, tiefilings, dwarves, half-elves...” he says. “Any of them to satisfy my heir's hunger...”
“He won't be your heir”  you say, making him frown instantly. “All I need is to know how he and me are going to be okay at this stage, that's all, and that's why I'm here, because you'd be the only one who could help us...”
“So, if it weren't for that, I would never have known that you would be expecting my child?”
You stay silent and look at the food on your plate.
“And do you believe that I will allow you to take him from me?”
“You don't need to allow anything,” you say, standing up. “You may have given your seed, but you are not the father of my child.
Astarion punches the table causing the dishes and food to jump due to the shock, the action caught the attention of Scratch and the cub, but they remained in the same place.
“You come knocking on my door, you cry out for my help and say this?” he also stands up.
“My son's father is Astarion, yes, but not you.”
You look at him with resentment, remorse and the vampire's gaze disappears, the enraged look on his beautiful face changes to one of painful surprise.
“But that's still me...”
“No, it’s not still you,” you say with a choked voice, eyes burning. “The man I fell in love with, the one I gave everything I had, is not you... It is not the being who became what he hated and disgusted most...”
“Don't you dare...”
“What?” you start to walk around the table. “Don't I dare what? Astarion? To say that you have become exactly like Cazador?”
In the blink of an eye he was in front of you, eyes glowing red, pure anger and fury aimed at you, teeth and canines exposed, but you weren't shaken, you didn't lower your head as you stared at him.
“If you think I'm going to allow you to raise my son, you're very mistaken,” you say. “I don't want you to corrupt him with your cruelty and I know very well, Astarion, that the first opportunity you have to kill me and be with him, you will do it...”
The fury in the bright red eyes had faded and the expression on the beautiful face changed.
“I would never do that to you” he says softly.
“I don't believe a word you say,” you retort and it seems like you hit a stake in the vampire's chest. “I should never have believed you”  tears begin to fall down your face. “I should never have loved you...”
An expression of pain invaded Astarion's features.
“Do you think everything we had was a lie?” he asks.
 “You tried to manipulate me from the beginning!” you say.
“And my plan failed” he says. “I may have committed sins against you, but the feelings I had were true...”
“Yes, they were, but they aren't anymore,” you say. “If you loved me, you wouldn't have turned your back on me when I didn't agree to transform.”
“And you abandoned me too” he says. “I waited for you.”
“After everything you told me, did you really think I would come back?”
“I had my hopes” he says with a wide, shaky smile. “That you would walk through my door and beg to be transformed, to stay with me, to be my consort, to take everything with our power...”
“Our power never existed,” you say. “You wanted me as a possession, not as an equal, as a companion. So don't blame me for wanting a different life for our son”
A low, disbelieving laugh leaves Astarion's lips, he looks at your belly and an expression of disgust appears on his features.
“Well, good luck, you'll need it” he says, slowly moving away and then disappearing into the darkness of the room.
Your heart is heavy in your chest, broken, shattered again and all you can do is cry, holding one hand over your mouth while the other rests on your belly. Gods, why did you still have to love him? Why didn't you remove that love from your heart? Why did you have to create an eternal bond between them?
You're lying in bed, your animals sleep together on the pile of pillows, but you can't sleep, even though you have all the comfort of the huge bed hugging you, your eyes don't feel heavy, your mind doesn't go blank, the discussion from earlier returning every minute reminding you that it had been a bad idea to seek Astarion's help.
“Can't sleep?” his voice echoes through the room and you sit on the bed looking around.
“I thought we were done with our conversation” you say and he emerges from a dark corner into the candlelight, in his hands a golden jar and a large crystal glass.
“We're done, I came for... Your son,” he says, approaching. “You've already fed, now it's his turn.”
You look at the jar with wide eyes, there can only be one specific thing in there and the thought turns your stomach.
“Remember that you need to drink it” Astarion says, filling the crystal cup with the red liquid, with the essence of a life that had certainly been taken.
“Whose blood is this?” you ask as he offers you the glass.
“I don't know, my spawn who went to get it,” he answers without the slightest remorse or regret. “Now come on, drink.”
You swallow the nausea and disgust, take the glass with both hands and place it in front of your mouth, the pungent and iron smell of blood invades your nostrils and quickly the disgust turns into desire. You turn the cup into your mouth and begin to drink the blood, long and slow sips, your body seems to light up and something like internal tickling begins in your womb. You finish the cup and looks at Astarion, who arches his pale eyebrow.
“Give me that jar” you say, handing him the cup and he hands you the jar.
You begin to drink the blood straight from the jar, taking desperate sips and sips, turning the object over as if more blood would fit into your mouth, but the liquid starts to run down the corners of your mouth, down your chin, neck and now your chest, making dirty the partially open robe that left the curve of your breasts exposed.
When the blood in the jar runs out, you can still send your hand inside, scraping the walls, collecting more of the liquid and bringing your hand to your mouth, licking your fingers and palm. You hear a laugh coming from Astarion and look at him.
“What a mess, my dear” he says, approaching, placing one knee on the mattress and removing the jar from your hands, and even though you tries to take it back, he doesn't allow it, placing it next to the glass on the bedside table.
“He wants more” you say in a voice that doesn't sound like yours, as if another hungry personality took over your body.
“But it could hurt his mother's stomach” says Astarion, taking your face in his hands and you look at him. “Ah... Look at those pupils, so dilated...” he brushes his thumbs over the blood that smears his face. “You look even more beautiful covered in blood.”
You part your blood-stained lips and he bends down there, licking your mouth.
“But you made a beautiful mess” he says, whispering and smiling broadly.
Your heart flutters in your chest, having him so close... The desire that grows for him from between your legs to your bones and mind is taking you over.
“Should I clean it?” He asks, brushing the tip of his nose against yours.
“Yes...” you respond softly, as if afraid of him hearing.
Astarion gives you a wide smile and gives a light kiss on the corner of your mouth, and goes down to your neck where his cold tongue begins to glide over the dripping blood, licking every millimeter and going down to the chest, opening the robe and revealing your body.
The vampire's greedy tongue slides along the path of a drop of blood that stopped just before your navel and when it gets there he places a kiss on your belly and lets out a low laugh, you know it's because he smelled your arousal, your excitement.
“Sweetheart” he says and looks up at you. “You want something more than blood, I suppose?”
He stands up and you swallow hard, it's impossible to lie about your desire at the moment.
“And do you want something similar?” you ask, tilting your head to the side and resting your body weight on your hands on the mattress.
Astarion smiles wide, his red eyes shining full of lust and passion.
“I dreamed of the day I would be inside you again” he says, taking off his immaculate tunic and revealing his beautiful defined pale body, then the pants followed the same path as the first piece and now he was naked, beautifully naked and with his erection It already lasts.
He massages the length of his member while you finish removing your robe and position yourself on the bed. Astarion gets on the mattress and crawls between your open legs, he bends down and kisses your swollen belly.
“First of all, I want you to know that nothing we talked about has changed,” you say and he hesitates for a moment. “I will still leave after my strength is recovered.”
“I know,” he says, placing a kiss on your belly again and moving down to the middle of your legs. “Now I just want you.
He tells you to then lick the entire length of your wet sex, making you moan a sigh, it would have been dangerous to leave someone with such sharp fangs close by, but Astarion knew how to give you pleasure without hurting you, how to suck you, licking you without causing even a cut and at the moment you had to admit... The feeling of his mouth, cold, against your hot and wet sex was unique and you missed the feeling.
You moan softly and take one of your hands to the pale curls of his hair, grabbing the strands and pulling as he pleasures you, he sucks your clit and licks your sex, penetrates you with his tongue, fucking you with it and you roll your waist against his mouth.
Pleasure takes over your entire body, hot sweat begins to flow through your pores and drip onto your skin, the peak is near, you can feel your entire body giving you warnings, but your bed partner liked to tease you, make you beg for orgasm and he soon moved his mouth away from your sex, leaving you frustrated to say the least, but seeing him looking at you from between your legs, his curls falling over his forehead, his eyes full of desire, his mouth smeared with your wetness and swollen... He was so beautiful.
You bring your hand to his face, caressing it there and Astarion closes his eyes, kneels between your legs and holds your hand against his face, rubbing it against the palm and placing a kiss there.
“How I missed your taste,” he says between kisses. “Your smell... The touch of your skin.”
He opens his red eyes and looks at you guiltily.
“I miss you too” you say with tears filling your eyes.
Yes, you miss him, but you won't be able to be with him and you both know that.
Astarion gives a brief nasal laugh and leans over you, supporting the weight of his body on his hands and bends down to your mouth, giving you a kiss, the taste is irony due to the blood you both tasted just now, but it's his kiss, his tongue slowly dancing against yours, in no hurry, with no end in sight, deep and full of confused and troubled feelings on both of your sides, which makes the tears contained in your eyes flow down to the pillow below your head.
You break the kiss by taking your hands to his back, you feel the scars against your fingers and he tenses his back slightly, but he doesn't order you to move them away, he just puts your forehead against his while he takes one of his hands to his hard penis, positioning it in your soaked entrance and slowly penetrated, causing an expression of pleasure to appear on your face.
He kisses you again as he starts to move slowly and deeply, he doesn't take his mouth away from yours, he just holds your chin with his hand as he increases the pace of his thrusts, but you almost can't breathe, so you move your lips away from his and the hugs him, keeping your gaze against his, your noses brushing with each thrust. You intertwine his hips with your legs, a signal to go faster, harder, he knows how to read you completely and obeys the silent request.
You moan louder and louder, your nails dig into the skin of his back, the sound of your sweaty skin slapping against each other fills the entire huge room as do your moans and brief screams of pleasure. He holds your face, turning it to the side and places his mouth against there, teeth exposed, he is thirsty to bite you, but you know he won't do it without your permission.
His name comes out in a moaning scream through your lips as the pleasure becomes more intense, making you arch your back off the mattress, bringing your body closer against his. Astarion takes the opportunity, passing his arms under your back and gets on his knees, pulling you against him, making you sit on him. You hold his sweaty face between your hands and kiss him again as you begin to roll over his lap with him fully inside you.
His cold hands slide down your sweaty back and between the strands of your long hair that stick to the sweat, they go down to your ass, squeezing it hard and he gives you a hard slap that makes you moan against his mouth and increase his pace.
Stars begin to appear in front of your vision, tremors begin to take over your bones and muscles and the orgasm arrives, simple but powerful and deep, causing your vision to go completely white as you moan and scream his name as he sinks his face against your chest holding you tightly against him as your inner walls contract tightly against his cock that spends his semen inside you.
Slowly, Astarion lays you on the bed even with you clinging to him with him still inside you. He kisses your hot, flushed face, your body is completely limp, you can't think about moving, all you can do is take your hands to his face and look into his red eyes. The vampire's white curls fall over his forehead and he gives a small smile.
He withdraws from inside you and lies down next to you, he supports the weight of his body on one elbow while he admires you in silence, his free hand goes to your face and his fingers stroke it with affection and then that same hand goes down to your belly and rests there, his gaze seems dull when he says:
“Do what you think is the best for him.”
You give a small, tired smile and lift the back of your fingers from his face and Astarion looks at you, puts a kiss on your fingers and in that moment you can see that there could still be that same Astarion you fell in love with, even if very deep down of this ascended and cruel vampire, your love was locked there.
She left as soon as her strength was recovered, without saying a single word, without looking back, she left while Astarion was busy with his new spawns, all that was left in the room were some feathers from the owlbear cub and the smell of the mother of his son... From the one who was the first and only person he cared about in 200 years of existence.
Astarion didn't bother going after her, no, he wouldn't, he wouldn't crawl begging for that being to return with his heir, she had left and it was already done, now, he busied himself with his plan to put Baldrus Gate under her power, creating his legion of offspring who blindly obeyed his commands, they would take that city and soon he would take all of Faêrun, so far everything was going well after two years of execution, it was not long before he sat on his throne and gave orders to his dark legion of the night .
However, something made him change his focus... His most obedient, most promising spawn, had been sent on a mission and that mission was to find the whereabouts of his son's mother and she had been found. Just the information should have been enough, knowing that his heir was well, enough... But an urgency to at least see his face took over his being and he left for the remote place in Faêrun.
A clearing in the middle of the forest, green and flowering grass, a simple house with a thatched roof from which smoke came out of the chimney, some farmed animals in enclosures.
Hidden in the shadows of the forest, Astarion watches the little boy with curly white hair playing in the mud puddles with Scratch and the now almost adult owlbear on his heels. The boy looked like him, but he wasn't pale, his skin was like his mother's and his eyes... His eyes weren't red.
The little one plays and laughs with the dog, the small canines are evident as he laughs while lying in the mud... In the mud, it is outrageous that his heir is having so much fun covered in mud with two pathetic animals playing with him.
"Astarion!" her voice echoes across the clearing and he becomes alert.
How would she know he was there?
He sees her leaving the house, wearing a simple peasant dress with a dirty apron over it, her long hair tied into a braid that fell over her shoulder. She stops in front of the house, hands on her hips and stern gaze looking at her heir.
“You two had to keep an eye on him, not make him dirty!” she says, walking towards her son who laughs, laying down in the mud.
When she approaches, his dead heart appears to tighten in his chest, she is even more beautiful than the day he lost her.
“Mud, mommy!” the boy says and she smiles widely and crouches down to him.
“Yes, I saw it, dear,” she says. “But it's lunch time, so let's take a bath before eating,” the boy pouts and crosses his little arms over his chest. She laughs and takes him in her arms even though he is getting mud and kisses him on the face, making the little boy laugh. “Without making a face, Astarion!”
Surprise takes Astarion at that moment, she had named the boy after him.
She walks back to the house followed by the two animals and Astarion's legs move on their own trying to follow her, making him come out of hiding. She stops and then turns partially towards him as Astarion, her son, tries to jump from her arms to the owlbear.
The Vampire Lord has no reaction, he can't move, a hand tries to reach out to her and the boy, but he retreats. He looks at her with pain, regret and she seems to understand, she also feels it when she sees him.
Astarion looks once again at his son stuck to the feathers of the owl bear, swallows hard and looks at the boy's mother one last time, and this time his look wanted to say something before returning to the shadows of the forest.
I love you.
Part 2 👇
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eustasskidagenda · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a Drabble for mihawk, luffy and/or sanji. I was wondering on how you think they would react if their Significant other had PTSD? like maybe they are very powerful and act fine after battle but at night they have night terrors. I think even if they put their guard down and something just triggers them? Thank you so much for your time ❤️
Hello dear! I have to admit that it wasn't easy, but I finally came up with something. I hope it will match your expectations, thank you so much for requesting. ☆
☆ Mihawk & Sanji with a s/o who suffers from PTSD
CW : g/n reader, hurt & comfort, PTSD, mentions of past trauma (nothing specific), alcohol (just Mihawk drinking a glass of wine) 
WC : around 500 for each
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The moon is softly glowing through the small window of your shared bedroom. Sanji's arms are tightly and lovingly wrapped around your waist on a calm, peaceful, starry night. When you suddenly begin to wriggle. Then, to sweat. Sanji wakes up that moment, half-asleep and half-concerned. "Hey, you're okay, love?" Of course you're not doing okay, your face is twisted in pain and fear.  
Sanji tries to wake you up by running his hand on your shoulder blade. But the nightmares are more powerful than his soft touch. Keeping you trapped in the dark and gloomy world of bad memories. "Love, wake up" It hurts to see you suffering. Why are you in such a pain? You always look so strong and tough, but then, here you are, with tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. 
Your scream is heart-breaking, as you suddenly wake up, sitting straight up on the bed. Sanji doesn't speak, but he lovingly strokes your back and runs his fingers on your cheek. When he wants to hug you, you fight back and push him away. "Just leave me alone!" 
Your sharp voice broke his heart. He takes a small step back, allowing you to calm down and breathe. But, leaving, never. Suddenly, you look around. You're not in that dark place anymore, but in the safety of your bedroom, with Sanji watching you with eyes full of sorrow. "I'm so sorry, Sanji" you whisper, the voice thick with emotions. "That was... " you can't even finish your sentence as you burst into tears. This time, you don't push Sanji away and allow him to tightly wrap his arms around your shaking body. "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to wake you up." 
Sanji sighs softly, wrapping his fingers around your hair. "I don't need an apology. Just talk to me." He's eager to aid, but he's overwhelmed by confusion. It doesn't sound like a common nightmare. "It's just…" you struggle to find your words. I'm just haunted by those memories. I tried to bottle them up, but you know about the fight we had today? It triggered something deep inside of me. " 
Sanji frowns with his twirled brows. " Do… you have PTSD? " He hesitates to pronounce those words. Maybe because he has already guessed the answer. You can't talk, so you just nod and try to wipe your tears. Sanji grabs a tissue and softly cleans your face. "You… never show any sign…" Now, he feels bad. It's his role to be here for you. All this time, you were suffering alone. "I didn't want you to worry…" 
Sanji runs his fingers under your chin and crosses your gaze. "Even when you're struggling, I want to be there for you. You're maybe strong, but you can't always bottle up. You don't have to carry this burden alone." Sanji knows what he's talking about. He wouldn't be able to move on from his past without some people offering a helping hand. "Okay, I'll cook something soothing. And if you want, then we can talk." 
He smiles softly and kisses your forehead.
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It's already midnight and Mihawk is still unable to sleep. A good book, a comfortable armchair, a glass of red wine, and a quiet night are enough to keep him awake. His face is slightly illuminated by the candlelight. He turns the page of his book and crumples it. In a matter of seconds, he stands up. The muffled sounds he just heard are getting closer as he gets closer to your shared bedroom. He slowly opens the door to see you struggling and shaking, fighting against the sheets and whimpering in your sleep. Mihawk doesn't speak, he doesn't climb onto the bed either. He kneels down at the side of the bed and grabs your hand, entwining his fingers with yours, holding you close. You're fighting against the ghosts of your own dark memories. He can't see them, but he can tell them, he can feel them. 
"Stay with me." He finally speaks, with a soft voice. You wince in your sleep and then wake up with full eyes. Mihawk kisses your hands, his fingers still entwined with yours. "It was just a bad dream." You're lying. Those dark memories are haunting your mind, and whenever you close your eyes, you can see nothing but them. But you have to stay strong. You don't want to be a burden on someone. "That's sounds more like a terror nocturne." Of course, those piercing eyes can see through your lies. "Am I wrong?" Your silence speaks volumes. Mihawk frowns. He doesn't understand why you hide your struggles from him.
"It's… not just terror nocturne." Between two shaky breaths, you confess. "I have PTSD." His impassive expression suddenly changes to a surprised one. It only lasts for a second. "I… never noticed that" he admits, a bit frustrated with himself. He's supposed to be Hawk Eyes, yet he never saw you suffering in silence. "I won't ask you why you tried to keep this from me. I suppose you have a good reason." You shrug and wipe your tears with the tissue he gives you. The moon's illumination through the large windows illuminates your face, which is full of half-dry tears. "I'm just not used to talking about this. I'm sorry." Maybe talking about your trauma makes it more real. When you bottle up, at least, you can feel like you have control. Now, here you are, in pieces and trying to put yourself back together. "I want to know your story, Y/N" you frown "that's not an interesting one" 
Mihawk kisses your back hand. The texture of his lips is divinely soft. "If it's about you, it's an interesting one. But I won't force you. What can I do to help you?" You feel exhausted. All you want is to fall right back into sleep, but your heart is racing and your mind won't stop harassing you with intrusive thoughts. "I just want to sleep" you whisper, but you can't even close your eyes. Mihawk just stand up and leave the room. After a second, he returns with his book. "Let me read you a story. It's a good one." 
As he reads with a soothing, deep, and calm voice, the voices in your mind finally come to peace.
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maximumkillshot · 7 months
"I Can't Lose You" Part 4
Warnings: Not as bad as the last 2 but here we go! , Aftermath of a miscarriage, some fluff, descriptions of grief due to losing a baby, Crying Lixie, Hannie, and Binnie. Shock, Grief, slight panic, fear of abandonment.
Pairing: Bangchan x Reader
Characters: OC Doctor Number 2, Stray Kids, Reader
A/N: Okay so this one is different from the other three, we are in a sort of lull in the angst with this one. It's time to be in Bin's head for a bit. Let's just say... this is a "building" chapter. It's time for some fluff as well... IF YOU WANT MORE TELL ME!
Also remember, this is a fan fic. All of the boys are so sweet IRL.
Stray Kids! Masterlist
Overall Masterlist
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“And you? How’re you doing?” Bin asked. He knows Han has anxiety, seeing all of this and being as strong as he’s been is not easy. 
“I’m… Out of all people, Bin.” Han shook his head. Han has known Chan the longest and he would’ve never expected him to do this. 
“I know”
“Please tell me you didn’t hit him.” Han said.
“Nah… She needs me more than I need to beat him to a pulp… I don’t think he’ll be bothering her anymore though.” That’s at least what Bin hopes. Everything is so raw. A little less than 6 hours before this you were at a restaurant to celebrate your 3rd anniversary. Now everything was all wrong, a nightmare incarnate and no one can wake up from reality. 
“Hyung… She can’t go back to that house.” Han said as he took a deep breath.
“I know. All I know is that we'll do what she’s comfortable with.”
“Agreed…Bin?” Han asked.
“It should’ve been you with her from the beginning.” Han looked to Bin, a look of understanding and empathy for Bin. Han could always see the way Bin looked at you when no one else was looking. Everything you said would be committed to his memory, even the smallest things like which brand of sesame oil you like best for your bulgogi marinade. 
“I know. That doesn’t mean that I can’t be here for her from now on.”
Han just smiled and both of them went back into the room. 
 Bin POV:
That night was terrible. Every 20 or so minutes, Y/N would twist and turn in pain as the contractions continued to decimate her. After about 5 agonizing hours, they started to subside, now a much duller version of what they once were, at least that’s what she tells me.  Felix and Hannie were so strong through it all and helped in any way they could. Feeding her ice chips, holding her hand, even something as simple as massaging her legs helped a great deal. There were no questions, no arguments, and most of all no mention of Chris.
There were some points where she needed all of us. Hannie and I held one hand each, and Felix rubbed her back. When she finally went to bed, well more like collapsed from exhaustion, the sun was out and the clock read 7:00 a.m.
As soon as we were sure she was out cold, that was when we had permission to collapse. First was Felix. I noticed his eyes getting red as he looked at Hannie, and then back to me. "This isn't fair," he petted her leg and tucked her in, trying to comfort her, even though she was completely dead to the world. "She didn't deserve this… they didn't deserve this…" At this point, tears are falling on the blanket freely. All I could do was walk over to him and hug him. I moved us back a little and closed the privacy curtain so that if she did wake up, she couldn't see Lix like this. Felix did his best to cry silently.
He was trying so hard to mute himself as he whispered into my shoulder, "I didn't get to hold the baby, Hyung… we didn't get to spoil the baby, change the baby… look into their eyes, hear them giggle." 
I know that feeling. I also wondered what the baby was going to look like. I would’ve bet the baby would’ve had her eyes. What if her quirks were another thing the baby would’ve inherited? Would they giggle at situational humor? Or maybe they would've had her sarcasm? That smile that’d light up a room? That used to light up a room. 
 I heard Han losing it behind me as well at what Felix was saying.
"S'not fair Hyung… deserved better…both of them did," Felix was doing everything to stay silent, even covering his mouth, trying to smother the sobs before they left his mouth. 
"I know… I know" was all I could say. She deserved so much more. She deserved so much more than to be cheated on. She deserved more than to lose her child. She deserves to be pampered, kept safe, loved. The fact that life is this cruel, regardless of the person, that also hit me hard. All she ever wants to do is help. That’s it. So why is she getting punished like this? Why does she have to pay for the sins of her husband? What sense does that make? It doesn’t.
Han’s footsteps caught my attention. As he walked to us I could see in his eyes he was losing it too. His eyes brimming with tears. I could tell, he felt like I did.  Helpless. Scared. Broken. He looked at Y/N as he walked towards us. Hannie seems like the type that would cry easily. He’s not. He really only cries when he’s angry, hurt, or frustrated. Otherwise he doesn’t cry in front of people. That’s why he doesn’t watch animated movies with me for the most part. He doesn’t want to cry in front of people. So seeing him like this…
I just opened my arms to him and he walked into them, huddling with Lix, his voice breaking, "There was so much blood, I can't…. She almost died because he was stupid and childish… a fucking coward… we almost lost her… our girl… Bin…" Hannie gripped into my hoodie, trying to ground himself. We always call Y/N our girl. Chris was always working, always distracted, always this or that. It’d take a toll on her. I would tell Chris to stop, to go home, spend time with her. I told him the tracks can wait, that she deserved to have him present for at least an hour or two. He’d always say that he could do ‘better things’ with his time. You’d think that he’d see his own wife as a person that he loves instead of a waste of time, that should’ve been the first red flag right there. 
Eventually, Han and I just started leaving his ass at the studio, picking up some food and making a “friend date night” with Y/N. We’d pile up in Han’s room, we’d watch anime, horror movies, or sometimes, just be around her. The first time we did that was a year into the marriage, when we did, she started to tear up. When we asked why she said that she hadn’t seen Chris. Always asleep before he got home and always awake long after he left. Even thinking about it now gives me chills, how could he leave a gem like Y/N at home? Knowing she’s waiting for him. Seeing her face that night squeezed my heart. I could tell that day that Han felt the same way. 
After that we always made sure to be home early every Friday and Saturday, and to clear the schedules for the most part on Sundays; Friday was movie night, Saturday was game or anime night, and Sunday was cooking date night, where we picked a recipe and made it together. Eventually Felix and Minho got in on it too, because what’s dinner without dessert and Minho said he wanted to make sure we were doing it correctly. Han and I knew the truth. We love spending time with her. It is that simple.
I felt Han and Lix’s tears soaking through my hoodie. I have never felt this helpless in my life. Y/N almost died in my arms, her baby is gone, Lix is mourning and sobbing on me, now Han is finally releasing some of what he’s feeling. All of these things I can’t control. I can’t help with any of it. The only thing that I can really do is be there for them. Even though, in my eyes, that isn’t a lot. 
"I know we almost lost her… but she's here, you see? She's right here." I had them peek through the curtain to see her sleeping form and they both looked at her. "You know what else? A doctor told me that a pregnant woman carries some fetal cells & DNA even after they give birth." I said as both went back to gripping me again behind the curtain. 
I continued, "That means that even though the baby didn't make it, that DNA still lives on in her." Just reiterating that fact, I even started crying. When the attending doctor told me that, Lix and Han were sleeping, while Y/N was in the bathroom, with one of the nurses. The doctor came in to check on her and they found me, on the verge of tears, trying to will them away. It was around 4am. The doctor is married to the same doctor that saved her life in the ER. 
She was very kind with soft eyes. The doctor knocked on the bathroom door to notify the nurse to take as long as they needed. Then she turned her attention to me. They asked me to follow her and we went into a consolation room.
“The chart says you’re family… But family doesn’t cry like that.” The doctor said as we sat across from each other. “I’m here to listen. Y/N wasn’t the only one who went through a trauma today.”
I couldn’t hold it anymore as I started to sob. Something about the doctor's presence permitted that, “I should’ve protected her from him. Right after they got married he disappeared. He’s my best friend, well was my best friend ��” After that I couldn’t stop. I told her how I felt about him, how I felt responsible for it all, how helpless I felt, how it all would’ve been different. I even told her what I almost did to him, how my brain can’t wrap around how she must be feeling, knowing it’d hurt too much. I didn’t leave out one detail as I sobbed. 
She held my hand across the table, “You could’ve never predicted this. This is something that is unimaginable. You trusted him with her, and she’s your heart. That in and of itself takes courage, it shows that you truly love her. To put her happiness over everything else. There is a fact that I think is a small consolation, maybe it’ll bring you comfort…”That was when she told me the fact that I just told the boys.
"Binnie?" She asked and immediately I responded as my head snapped to the privacy curtain. I tried to keep my voice as steady as I could make it so that she didn’t get worried needlessly. 
"Yes?" I asked as I let Han and Felix go.
"Can I have cuddles, please?" She asked.  I immediately took off my hoodie, leaving me in my black sleeveless shirt, and went through the curtain. I saw her face relax when she saw me. It must’ve been scary after everything to wake up alone like that. I also saw her trying to shift in the bed to make room. I went to the other side to help her.
“Don’t worry, let me help you. I got you.” I cooed as I lifted her and helped her make room for me. Within seconds I got in the hospital bed with her.
"How could I say no to cuddles? Come here." I tried to be as gentle as possible with her as I cradled her. I could see in the way her body moves, it’s so sore. It was basically pushing fruitlessly for 5 hours straight after nearly bleeding to death. Her muscles had to be screaming every time she moved, that’s why I helped her do everything, from shifting and turning, to getting her in and out of bed. The only place she won’t let me go with her is the bathroom, which is completely understandable. 
I heard her huff in frustration. When I looked at her she was glaring at her IV.
“What is it?” I asked, a little chuckle in my voice. I may or may not have an idea of what it is.
She grumbled, “IV won’t let me wrap around my Dwaekki.” She even crossed her arms as she stared at the offending object. She gets this pout. It’s so cute but she swears she is scary. It’s like seeing a puppy trying to intimidate a Bulldog. It’s not intimidating, it's cute. Even more so when she’s pouting at an inanimate object, if I’m lucky she’ll try bargaining with it.
I laughed at that, “How dare it.” I glared at it too, making her giggle a bit. I got up and repositioned the IV pole, bringing it to behind the bed, giving her more than enough room to move. I glared at it and I said “I don’t want any more trouble from you.” That earned a full on laugh. It wasn’t the same as its normal volume or anything, but it was still more progress. As soon as I laid back down her arm wrapped around me as she sighed with comfort.
She looked up at me and I looked down at her, studying her features. I’ve always cuddled with Y/N. It’s not uncommon for her head to be perched on my chest, but seeing her like this, after what she went through and still is going through is making me think. I’ve never seen anyone as strong, caring, and genuinely good as her. 
Being with her is easy, it always has been. When I’m with her it all feels like breathing. She knows what type of person I am and I know what type of person she is. It’s like we balance each other perfectly. She likes comedy and romance movies, I like thriller and horror movies. She likes to learn languages. I hate learning languages, but she makes it fun. It’s like we push each other to be better. She fits perfectly. She molds perfectly to me, her hand fitting perfectly in mine. Every day I shoved all of this away, and every night I dreamed of her. I would hold on to those dreams so tightly. Some dreams are as simple as seeing her smile while I wrap my arms around her waist. Nothing sexual about it, just letting her know that I was behind her. Others we are just existing, laughing. The only real difference was me wearing a matching wedding band to hers. Those hurt. But only for a minute or two.
All of these thoughts are dangerous. That’s what I told myself for years now. The more I see her the more I see those thoughts, not as dangerous, but honest. All of the things that I think about her, it’s not a dramatized version of her. Everything I think is completely possible, how? Because I’ve seen it. I’ve seen her reaction to me and people around me. 
Not to mention those eyes I get lost in constantly, the ones that are staring back at me right now. When she looks at me it feels like I am looking into a treasure trove. She is so full of knowledge, tenacity, and love. I could never understand how Chris could have her, and yet he looks to someone lower than her. 
Her eyes look different now, inquisitive, making my eyebrows dip momentarily. 
"Is it true?" She asked as I held her. 
" Is what true?"I asked as I saw Felix and Han pull back the curtain, both a bit more put together. They were both walking to the only two chairs in the room, Felix to the one below the window and Han to the one right next to the bed, on Y/N’s side. 
"The DNA? I have my baby's DNA," her voice cracked.
"Yes, it's true," I said as I kissed the crown of her head, "you will always have a piece of your baby with you."
She thought for a few minutes then she started to talk, very calm and very composed. 
"I…I'm scared, Binnie." I saw her playing with my shirt. It’s one of those nervous habits she has. Whenever she is nervous, she’ll start playing with the nearest object. I’ve seen her fiddle with glasses, table cloths, and kitchenware. Her favorite is any clothes with texture. When I asked her why she told me that the patterns the stitching makes is just enough texture to help calm her.  That is also why she prefers to wear anything with pockets in them, that way she can self soothe when her anxiety kicks up in public. 
All of our ears perked up at that one sentence. We are all very much aware that she just went through a nightmare situation. For her to say that something scares her is something that all of us don’t take lightly. I noticed her body tensed up after that. Almost like her internal voice escaped without her permission. She also looked like she didn’t know where to look. Her eyes darted ever so slightly as she spoke. I tried to keep my tone as gentle as possible. I know her nerves are on edge, and honestly, I would’ve been surprised if that wasn't the case.
"Why are you scared? Of what?" I asked. I put my hand over hers to stop her movements, “you can tell me.” 
"I can't lose you boys." She started tearing up as her voice started wavering, "I already lost my baby and my husband, I can't lose you guys too." At that point she buried her face in my chest as she shook, tears flowing down. 
I thought that I had reached the limit of pieces my heart can break into and yet that one confession turned whatever was left into sand. "What?" I asked, "You think you're going to lose us? What gave you that idea?"
"Your leader is the same man that's been cheating on me. He's also your best friend.” She held me like I’d disappear, like I’d not only leave her side, but go willingly. 
"Nonono, he was our best friend." Hannie said as he abandoned his chair, climbing into the bed with Y/N and me, sandwiching her in between us, as gently as possible. He rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. 
Felix went to the foot of the bed and he said, "Chris didn't just hurt you. He hurt us by hurting you. We love you so much. For him to disrespect you like that…” Felix is usually a positive person, but his face looked like a cross between hurt, sad, and angry. “ For him to disrespect, humiliate, and degrade you like that? No friend of mine does that. You aren't a friend to me either, you feel like a sister. He hurt my sister, Y/N." His voice started to crack as he said, "he hurt my bubbly, funny, goofy, older sister who would also kill anyone that dared touch me… dare touch any of us. As far as I and everyone else on this team is concerned, he's a co-worker. Nothing more, nothing less." His brows were set at that last sentence, showing her we aren’t going anywhere. 
She looked at us and said "I don't want to be the reason why things explode in your group. I don't want to cause trouble," She hid in my chest again, looking so small. I didn’t know how to comfort her in this. My heart just kept breaking and melting at the same time. Even though all of this just happened to her literally hours ago, she was still worried about us? 
Han spoke up, "You didn't cause anything. You are doing what you have to do. The only person to blame for all of this is Chris, not you." He rubbed her arm as he spoke. 
"Look up, you see Binnie?" He asked.
When she looked up she saw me. She nodded as she clutched onto me when I gave her a little smile.
"Look at your feet... You see Lixie?" He said, and sure enough, when she did Lix was right there. Rubbing her legs gently. She nodded.
"You feel me behind you?" Han completed. And she nodded.  
"We are with you, right where we want to be. Hell, Felix ran just to catch Bin before he left, right?". I nodded.“Rain or shine, we are here for you always. Whatever you want to do. Wherever you want to go. We are here."
She started sobbing, clutching onto me as Han said, "We were never going to go anywhere… not without you, okay?"
I cut in with, "And if you don't know where to go or what to do, that's okay too… we'll figure it out together." I looked down at her and I started drying her tears as they fell. 
"But what about?" She went to ask.. we all knew what she was talking about. Lix was already ahead of her on that. He dialed a number on his phone and put it on speaker. 
A few rings later & someone picked up,
"Finally I was waiting for your call!" I heard Minho on the line. 
Felix said, "Hey Hyung".
"How is she? We're all worried sick over here." Minho's voice was crystal clear.
Felix said, "Why don't you ask her yourself?"
I could tell she heard the joy in his voice, "Y/N/N?! Can you hear me, Beautiful?"
Felix laid the phone close to her.
"How're you feeling, gorgeous?"
"Contractions stopped." I saw her wince a little at the mention. The doctors did say that it’ll be a few days until she feels marginally better. 
"That's good, Lix was telling me you were in a lot of pain because of them… wish I was there with you." His voice fell a little at those words. 
"I'm scared," she said blatantly to Minho. I could see just the thought weighing down on her mind. She seemed like she was trying to prepare for a whole other loss. 
"Why, what is it?" He asked, his voice taking a softer approach to her now.
She couldn't say it so Han did, " She's afraid she's going to lose us, Hyung."
I added "She said she's already lost her baby and her husband. She can't take losing us too." I petted her hair back as she started to shake. I hated this, seeing her question everything since mostly everything was ripped out of her hands in the span of hours. Now she is trying to heal but she’s scared to rely on anyone, being vulnerable, all because the two people she trusted with everything were the same ones who stabbed her in the back. The anxiety rolling off of her was dizzying. I did my best to stay calm for her, I’m never leaving her. We aren’t leaving her, ever. 
I heard Minho open a car door. "Y/N/N?" He asked as the door slammed. 
"Y-yes?" She replied. 
"I'm outside the hospital waiting with all the boys until visiting hours start." As soon as Minho said that there was a resounding "Hi Y/N/N!!" Through the phone. 
"You will never lose us … Do you hear me?" Minho's voice sounded resolute and final.
“You promise?” She asked weeping, “Because I can’t lose you MinMin… I can’t lose my boys, m’not strong enough.” She pressed herself into me, trying to convince herself that we aren’t going anywhere. Han was rubbing her back while she cried, trying to keep his composure. Lix gave me a tissue for her and I started drying her tears. 
I could hear Minho’s voice breaking, "Y/N/N-ie I promise. I want to hold you so bad right now. Just another half an hour. Okay? Then you can see us and we can see you and hug you and hold you… we missed you and we are so worried."  
Then Hyunjin's voice rang out, thicker, like he himself started crying, "You deserve so much more than Chris could ever be. You hear me? You deserve to be pampered and cared for. Not taken for granted and lied to. We love you and we'll see you soon, okay?" 
I.N piped up with "I can't wait to take you to lunch or dinner if you get out today! Where do you want to go?!" 
That whimsical question seemed to make her relax a little as she said, "How about that Ramyeon place we always go to?" She asked, 
"Ohh that's a great idea! I'm dying for some Nongshim Shin Ramyun." He sounded so happy. 
That half an hour never went by quicker. They stood on the phone as they waited, talking about nothing and everything at the same time. As soon as the clock hit 8:30 am all I could hear was wind… 
"We are running to you right now!" Minho said. 
I could hear the occasional shove and giggle. A few minutes later there was a stampede of sneakers on the floor and as they walked in Minho said "In 3..2..1.." then he pulled the curtain back and hung up. 
Want More? TELL ME SO!
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delimeful · 6 months
the end of being alone (6)
remember how this installment was mostly fluff up until this point? we'll get back to that! 
... just not this chapter <3
part 2: how does a kid end up stranded in space, anyhow?
warnings: bad self care, illness, panic, child in distress, minor injury, non-consensual drug use, trafficking, unethical imprisonment and treatment of prisoners, child endangerment, implied offscreen minor character death, ambiguous character fates, this is a heavy tearjerker chapter but it does have a hopeful ending, lmk if i missed any
Virgil’s condition hadn’t improved.
They’d tried as many non-medicinal techniques as they could, struggling to figure out what would help and what would harm an unpredictable biological system that they barely understood.
Nothing had helped. Nothing was working.
And each time Virgil woke up to the sight of the ship around him, he wept and struggled and shouted, burning through his meager energy and only worsening his health.
He didn’t respond to heartfelt pleas from any of them, rarely even seeming to understand they were in the room with him. His stare was distant and terrified, his mind somewhere else, and each time it happened, Logan wanted to understand how to help so badly.
So, after several cycles without sleep and with the pressure of increasing desperation weighing heavy on his head, he finally succumbed to the deeply unwise impulse to start a Vidi.
He’d only wanted to understand what Virgil was yelling, try and grasp the reason behind his fear in the hopes that they could abate it, even slightly.
The moment he’d made contact, however, his mind had been dragged into a memory with intense force, the metaphorical handles of the Vidi ripped away, leaving him unable to steer and barely able to move.
His fingers twitched with the urge to pull away, but he stopped himself. It could hurt Virgil, and he’d endured plenty of traumatic memories before. He could handle this.
With a blink, he was looking through a much younger set of eyes.
The ship came during the summer.
Virgil remembered, because he’d been reviewing holidays and important events with his class before the break, and his half-birthday was coming up in a week!
His birthday was in winter, so his half birthday was in the opposite season, summer! He’d said as much before trying to debate his way into a trip to the park with his friends, and failing miserably.
So, he’d snuck out. And gotten himself lost between one turn of the neighborhood and the next.
He’d run into one of his neighbors, who’d been more than a little concerned to see him wandering around alone, especially because there had apparently been some people disappearing lately.
“Where did they go?” he’d asked, and gotten an uncomfortable reassurance, which definitely wasn’t an answer.
He’d frowned, tried to ask again, but his neighbor had gone quiet and grey-faced, staring at something over his shoulder. Before he could turn to see, there was a sharp thunk, and a bright bolt of pain in his shoulder.
There was a high, crackling scream, which was bad, but Virgil couldn’t keep his eyes open long enough to figure out where it came from. A pair of warm hands caught him when he staggered, and then he was out.
He barely recalled what happened next, the memories fragmented like someone had taken a hammer to them. He didn’t want to think about them, but he kept the pieces close and tucked away anyhow, knowing they were important even though they hurt.
He felt flickers of awareness, the sensation of eyes rolling against heavy eyelids, a rapid pulse pounding away in his ears like a big drum, angry and fearful shouting barely audible beyond the clamor.
And then: the barest glimpse of the docking port of a ship from the inside, the entrance ramp folding up and sealing away the green trees and blue sky on the other side. Replacing the brief vision of home with cold metal and unearthly lights.
There weren’t any warm hands holding him, now.
His whimper turned nearly soundless on the way up his throat, but it drew the attention of his captors regardless.
A rush of unfamiliar language above him, another flood of numbness spreading through him, but even from that one fragmented moment, Virgil understood that they were taking him away.
Another blank period, like dipping one's head briefly underwater, and then he was waking up again.
“Easy, baby,” a familiar voice said, a hand stroking through his hair, slow and gentle. “You’re okay, you’re alright.”
“Miss Susan?” Virgil asked, and his voice came out small and crackling. He coughed, trying to force his crusted over eyelashes apart with a growing sense of panic.
“Hey, I need some water for the kid!” Miss Susan called lowly, before setting a hand against his back and helping him shuffle upright. “Take it slow, baby, don’t choke. There we go.”
Virgil opened his eyes and got his first look at the room he’d be stuck in for the next several months.
It was dimly lit, and smelled bad. The floor was metal, with a few thin stripes of grating, like a shower drain. The walls were made of tinted plastic and covered with sharp-edged wire netting, and there were a whole bunch of people inside with him and Miss Susan.
They all spoke to him at one point or another, but he only remembered some of their names. The thought made his stomach twist painfully, and he clamped down on the sensation.
He couldn’t be sick. Being sick was bad.
The time shifted, Miss Susan still at his side but her hair longer and her skin sallower. They were all seated, tired from the cold and the dark and the gross food that he wasn’t allowed to throw up.
Mister Ben was coughing, hard and rasping and wet, one after another. A few people were crouched near him, talking to him in hushed voices as they tried to coax him into stopping, but his body curled in and convulsed like he couldn’t control the coughs at all.
Before long, there was a clang, and a spraying sound like that time a fire hydrant down the road had been busted open. A few people stood between the door and Mister Ben, but the room grew more and more hazy with the thick air that made his legs go all numb, and they were swaying with the effort of staying upright.
Virgil knew by now what happened next. He turned and pressed his face against Miss Susan’s side, and she drew him close and held him tightly as the suits came in.
The aliens were always wearing them when they came into sight. Thick rubbery suits with dark-tinted visors, each with an electric zapper in hand. They’d drag the sick one out, and Virgil would never see them again.
“Leave him alone!” Miss Susan cried, joined by the rising voices of the rest of their roommates. “Don’t touch him, you leave him the fuck alone!”
Virgil kept not looking, but he said it too, into the worn fabric of Miss Susan’s blouse. “Leave him alone, don’t touch him, leave him alone, don’t touch him, leave him alone…,”
It didn’t work. It never did. The aliens didn’t listen to them, and they made them weak and floaty if they tried to intervene.
His voice cracked as he kept repeating it, even as the door clanged again and the hiss of air stopped. If he didn’t look up, he could pretend that Mister Ben was still there, only quiet because he was all better from his cough.
"It's okay. I know. It's alright, honey." Miss Susan’s hands shook as they stroked carefully through his hair, soothing him to sleep through the last of his hiccuped sobs.
Everyone who spoke to him was kind, even when they were unhappy. When Miss Susan slept but he was awake, Mister Aaron would invent word games to play or Miss Kelsey would challenge him to push up contests, and they would all take turns trying to think of the worst possible combinations of foods to compare to their mush food.
The best was Miss Susan, though. When he was bored, she would tell him stories about her nieces and nephews, and the farm she grew up on, and silly people at her job before they got taken. When he couldn’t sleep, she would hum whichever parts of lullabies she could remember.
Even when he got sad and didn’t want to move or talk at all, she would hold him close and poke at his side and gasp about seeing the firefly that had snuck onboard with them, until he had no choice but to wiggle free and inspect every corner for its light.
The other adults would spot it every once in a while, too, and try to point it out to him. He never saw it, which he would report back to Miss Susan every time.
“Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there,” she’d tell him, waving at the dark ceiling of the room. “Glowbugs can’t be bright all the time.”
“Why not?”
“Well, they’d get too hot and sweaty. They’d have to go swim in the ocean, and then they’d probably all turn into anglerfish,” Miss Susan said, even though she hadn’t known what an anglerfish was until Virgil had told her everything he could remember about them.
“No way,” he said, laughing despite himself. “Bugs can’t turn into fish!”
“Maybe they just get too tired, then,” Miss Susan said, ruffling his hair. “It must be exhausting, being so bright.”
She went quiet for a moment, and Virgil leaned into her touch, squinting at the dark corners and willing the bug to show itself.
“Even when they’re blending in with the dark, though, they’re still there,” Miss Susan finally continued. “So don’t give up. You’ve just gotta trust in it, and eventually, you’ll spot it.”
“I want eventually to be now,” Virgil had responded, petulant as he flopped against her side, eyes growing heavy.
Miss Susan pet his head, humming quietly until he was almost asleep. She let out a big sigh, and when she spoke, her voice was quiet. “You and me both, kid.”
And then it was the last day.
He knew because Miss Susan’s hands were carefully cupping his face, coaxing him into waking up with a careful tap to the nose. They never woke him up on purpose, because 'growing kids needed their rest', except for the last day.
Virgil felt his brow scrunch with confusion even before his eyelids started fluttering, and Miss Susan chuckled and pressed her lips to the crown of his head for a moment.
“Come on, baby, wake up. It’s important, okay?”
He forced himself to open his eyes and keep them open, a little unease running down his spine.
Everyone had been scared, lately. Their group had shrunk in number, their room had been moved onto a bigger ship, and there were distant sounds of crowds at all hours, making his skin prickle with nerves when he was trying to sleep.
Some of their roommates were really smart, and they’d started puzzling out the words of the alien language from the ship directions that were given over the intercom and the overheard conversations of those passing by or rudely peeking in at them.
They’d taught Virgil some of them, whenever he was awake enough to remember. The words they whispered now weren’t ones he’d learned yet, though.
‘Transfer’ and ‘auction’. Everyone disliked them, felt too upset or angry about them to explain, even Miss Susan. Or maybe they just didn’t want to explain them to him, like they wouldn’t tell him what the aliens did with people when they got taken away. There had been a lot of arguing and shouting in low voices, trying to keep him from overhearing.
But now, they were waking him up.
Virgil let himself be coaxed to his feet, following Miss Susan over to the corner where everyone stood in a huddle, the tallest of them on the outside.
“Okay, sweetie. I need you to listen to me very closely, alright?” she told him, turning him to face the corner where they usually kept extra clothes in a pile. “You’re going to have to be very brave for me, okay?”
The clothes had been moved. There was a hole in the wall, where the netting had been peeled back. The edges of it were rough and curved like they’d been made with fingernails, like it had been painstakingly carved through one scratch at a time.
It was a small hole, barely the size of a vent, or a cat flap. Virgil could probably fit through it, but he was the only one.
“No,” Virgil shook his head immediately. “I don’t want to! I’m scared.”
Miss Susan squatted to be level with him, holding his hand in hers. “I know, honey. But it’s important, okay? We’re going to get out and find you, but you have to go first and stay safe until we do. I’ll send our little glowbug with you, and it’ll light the way in the dark.”
“What about your dark?” Virgil asked, rubbing harshly at his stinging eyes.
Miss Susan softened, pulled his hand away and smoothed a thumb over his cheekbone. “Oh, baby. I’ve seen that glowbug a hundred times, here with you. I’ll be okay without it for a little while.”
Virgil turned to look at the hole again, imagining a little firefly crawling through with him so he wouldn’t be alone.
“Do you promise?” he asked, and Miss Susan pulled him into a hug so tight, it felt like it squished all the air from him.
“I promise,” she said, and her hands shook a little but her voice was steady. Virgil smushed his face against her shoulder for the last time.
“Okay. I’ll— I’ll go.”
The barrier of bodies around them seemed to relax, just slightly, though it still took Miss Susan a few moments longer to release him.
They told him everything he needed to know, everyone chiming in. That he had to run, as fast and as far as he could, and be sneaky and quiet when he was too tired to run. That he should find hiding places and hole up in them, wait until nobody was around to keep running.
That he should always hide from aliens, even if they weren't wearing the suits. That he should never let them see him, because they hated humans. That if they did grab him, he could do whatever he needed to do to get away.
“Just like stranger danger, right, buddy? You can bite, kick, scream, whatever you need to do.”
Virgil nodded, trying to push down the sick, stressed feeling in his gut, and when there was finally no advice left to give, he turned to the gash in the wall.
Wiggling through it was hard, because there were still sharp, poky bits that scratched at his skin and the inside of the wall was dark and stifling, but every time he wanted to stop, he could hear the encouragement of everyone else, who was still stuck inside.
There was a little bug with him, he reminded himself. If he closed his eyes and froze up, he wouldn’t ever be able to see it glow.
Finally, he squirmed free of the last few inches, dropping onto the floor of a very small dark room with shelves in it, like a linen closet. He turned back to face the hole, calling out, and Miss Susan reached an arm through.
He grabbed for her hand and pressed his face to it, clung to her for a long moment, his breaths stuttering as she cradled him the best she could.
There was a muffled clang, and Miss Susan ran her wavering thumb over his cheekbone one more time before pulling away.
“Run, Virgil. Now. Run!”
So he did.
He ran and hid, just like they told him, but he picked the wrong place to hide because it was part of another ship, and it took him far away. He kept running, pulled himself into tiny little nooks on spaceship after spaceship, snuck food wherever he could get it and only ever whispered to his invisible firefly.
Eventually, he left a ship and there were no other ships around to board, only the wide landscape of a different planet, full of weird trees and weird animals and a weird town that he fled from. No more ships came, and that was fine because he didn’t want to run anymore. He wanted to stay and wait for them to find him.
He laid on his back and faced the sky, searching for a sign that they were coming. He was hungry and tired and lonely.
The stars above looked just like fireflies, hundreds of them. Enough for all of them to watch together. Except there wasn’t a ‘them’. It was only him.
Virgil felt his face growing hot, his throat closing up at the thought. It was too frightening to be alone.
No, he wasn’t alone. He wasn’t. He had their firefly with him, somewhere next to him in the grass.
“Just because I can’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there,” Virgil said to himself sternly, and rolled back to his feet.
He would find something to eat, somewhere to sleep, and he would wait. They would find him. They would find him. They would…
When Logan finally eased the mental connection closed and pulled himself free, he found there was a low, buzzing keen building in the back of his throat. The sort of sound he hadn’t made since he himself was a child.
Virgil still lay there unconscious, but his cheeks were shiny and damp with tears. Logan reached out, ignoring the heat radiating from the pupa’s skin, and gently smoothed a narrow finger over his cheek, wiping the wetness away as best he could.
It didn’t do much, but the crinkle in Virgil’s brow seemed to ease just slightly at the sensation.
Roman paced by again, pausing at the sight. “Specs? Is the kid alright? …Are you alright?”
Logan wondered what Roman would think about the fact that Humans and Crav’n had more in common culturally than he would have ever guessed. That an entire group of Humans had given up their only boon for the slim chance of getting the only child present to safety.
No time to waste, now. That conversation would have to wait until they’d launched.
“Let Patton know we’re leaving, and meet me in the navigation area,” he instructed, already turning to leave. “I’m going to clear our landing area for departure.”
“What— I thought we agreed it was a bad idea to actually leave?” Roman asked, glancing between Logan and Virgil with visible worry.
“It’s a worse idea to sit here and wait,” he replied firmly, and then he was down the hall and out the hanger door, ignoring the shiver of secondhand trepidation that Virgil’s mind had left in his.
He circled the ship, placing the warding discs that would keep their launch area organism-free down one by one, and then paused at the sight of a familiar creature standing by the main entrance hatch.
It was a Humlilt, one with a distinct little white splotch on its head. Logan was fairly certain that it was the one who had stood between them and Virgil during their second meeting, the most loyal of the bunch, only proved further by the way it had been waiting outside the ship since Virgil had been taken aboard.
Logan was also fairly certain that Virgil had named this one Susan, after his neighbor. The Human who’d taken care of him, in those memories.
“You’ve taken care of him, too, haven’t you?” he asked, still far too affected by the painful sympathy that had washed over him post-Vidi.
The Humlilt stamped a hoof and trumpeted at him warningly as he neared, still obviously holding a grudge at them for stealing Virgil away.
Logan attempted to rationalize himself out of the decision he was about to make, and utterly failed.
It took some digging and reaching out to a few of Logan’s less savory contacts, but the ship was on its way to a waypoint station that was rumored to have a Human expert in residence. It could have been a trap, a lie meant to lure interested parties into an attack, but they were going to have to risk it.
The three of them had all agreed to the plan. They wouldn’t be able to live with themselves otherwise.
Now that they were in transit, Logan sat down with his two closest friends, and began to explain just what he’d learned about their kid.
A few rooms down in the medical bay, a half-conscious Human reached out a feverish hand and found a small, fluffy presence curled up at his side.
The Humlilt crooned a few notes, sounding just like the aimless lullabies its namesake used to hum.
For the first time since boarding the ship, Virgil breathed a little easier.
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lovenonymously · 15 days
the importance of well-written stories
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watching Lovely Runner was like watching 4 K-dramas at once lol
well-written stories are so rare, you only understand that when you watch something exceptional. something unique. a once in a lifetime experience of watching it for the very first time.
this show gave me so many feelings. in truth, it was an experience. I'm glad I put aside my fear of sad endings and watched as it aired. for once, I took the leap and discovered that's exactly what this drama wanted me to learn.
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usually, after finishing really good K-dramas or stories in general, I hit a slump where I cannot function. everything feels dull and boring. a different kind of grief at realising this was just fictional.
but not this time.
all I feel is light and happy. like I'm floating. I want to carry this feeling and runaway. I want to remember how this felt and hold onto it when I get down or get bad days.
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lifetimes lived.
Sol was sunlight. bright and unwavering and unforgettable. 💛
living vicariously through Im Sol, from feeling her pain in the beginning to her sunny hope that Sun Jae gave her. all her struggles as she jumped through various lifetimes, loved and lived and loved again. crying with her, laughing with her, rooting for her despite all odds. it was a journey.
beyond her love for Sun Jae, Sol's choices changed her family's life too. they were less hurt and much happier in the future she helped them create. even giving her grandmother a chance to return to the past and relive her fondest memories.
Sun Jae was midnight rain. the comfort of a sudden shower in the middle of summer. 💙
apart from being a complete loser in love, Sun Jae was in love with Sol for a total accumulated time of 45 years.
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yep. my reaction exactly ^
I won't lie, when they pulled the "he fell first" trope in Episode 2, I was wary. one, because if the writers were willing to pull such a twist in just the second episode, then who knew what else was in store for us? my guess was pretty spot on, the twists that followed had me gasping and yelling out loud. this show was unpredictable from beginning to end.
and two, because I was worried that Sun Jae's character might get reduced to just him being in love with Im Sol.
in that case, I'm glad to say,
I was completely wrong.
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despite Sun Jae's love for Im Sol, he had a grounded personality of his own. whether it was OG Sun Jae (ep 1), who lived in the guilt of what happened to the girl he loved, or Timeline 3 Sun Jae (ep 15), who never fell in love at all, he was positive, kind, decisive and striving to live.
and i love that about him.
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for two characters whose stories are so deeply interwoven together, having shaped aspects of each other's lives, Sol and Sun Jae displayed their unique traits exceptionally well as individuals.
I cannot emphasize how happy this makes me. Sun Jae is his own person, Sol is her own person, and they are destined to be together. beyond their desperation for each other's safety and well-being, Sol and Sun Jae are genuinely good people who deserved to be together. even fate and time bent to their will to make it happen.
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"As you wait for the rain to stop, live another day."
when a story makes you feel happy, hold onto that feeling. bottle it up. write it down. come back to it on the days the world feels against you and when the times feel too bleak.
fictional though it is, for what it's worth, at least the story exists. it means there are still people out there writing and bringing such stories to life. it means artists and creators like you and I haven't yet forgotten what it's supposed to be like to live. it means there are still people who connect to such stories and learn good things from it.
and as you wait for more such great stories, live another day. perhaps, if you get bored, write the story you want to read.
in the end, it's quite simple.
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as for me, I'll be here. crying, laughing, screaming, giggling and kicking my feet while being up to my eyes in second-hand embarrassment (because goodness, these two idiots are COMPLETE LOSERS IN LOVE) throughout these past 8 weeks was the highlight of my year ✨ I will always remember that I watched a beautiful modern fairytale romance in the summer of '24 that reminded me that I was young and full of love to give.
good stories truly do make a difference 🤍
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marithlizard · 9 months
I promise I'll stop posting so often about Helluva Boss soon. Probably. Maybe. (Doubtful.) There's just a LOT to notice and speculate on in the latest episode. Including the lowkey way Fizzarolli's fear is handled in this scene:
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After mulling it over, I think I really like the way the storyboarders went with this. We've already been shown the love and trust these two have for each other, plus we've seen that Ozzie is an engineer/inventor type. He almost certainly built those prosthetics for Fizz. Maintenance and repair are a familiar shared activity, regardless.
The mood is relaxed and affectionate as the two of them enter the workshop(?) and get settled; Fizz apologizes for getting "messy" because he feels bad for damaging Ozzie's handiwork, Ozzie reassures him that what he cares about is Fizz himself, Fizz is touched and asks how his partner's day was. He's doing fine until the scissors come out.
And then he's obviously _not_ fine, but he doesn't say anything or try to move away. His eyes track the scissors as Ozzie comes closer and he braces for pain:
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before realizing that all Ozzie's doing is cutting off his outfit sleeve. Then he's thoroughly distracted by the news that Stolas wanted a crystal for Blitzo, and that carries them through until Ozzie actually does start work on the arm.
I'm guessing that process was not painless, because then we skip to Fizz getting the new arm. He looks slightly apprehensive,slightly surprised that it doesn't hurt, and then happy.
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And what is Ozzie doing during all this? Completely ignoring Fizz's distress, that's what. Acting normal, sharing gossip, very proud of himself for saying no to Stolas, even starting to sing as he takes hold of the damaged arm.
Is he callous? Oblivious? I don't think so. We would have seen Fizz getting tense and anxious a lot earlier in that case. Instead the two of them must have worked out through trial and error that this approach is what helps most to get Fizz through medical procedures that must bring up very bad memories.
The episode took some pains to show us early on that these two interact as equals and that Fizz has NO problem being assertive in their daily lives. And while there are hints that Ozzie may be about to go overboard with the protectiveness next episode, this subtle evidence of teamwork is one of the things that makes me confident they'll confront and resolve the problem by the end of S2E7.
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dee-writes-smut · 1 month
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FEATURING Liam Mairi x reader
SUMMARY seeing the ghost of you hurts almost as bad as watching you go.
CONTENT WARNINGS major character loss, depression, depictions of grief
AUTHORS NOTE I don't know what it is right now, but I am just living for writing about grief. Sorry, not sorry! <3
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"Look at me," Liam croaks from where he's splayed out on the ground by Deigh. Violet is sobbing loudly in Xaden's arms on the other side of him, but you can't hear them. Not when your ears feel like they've been filled with cotton when the love of your life is lying weakly on the ground beside you dying.
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He's dying.
Oh gods.
As the realization sinks in, a heavy weight presses against your chest, squeezing the air from your lungs. Panic rises like a tide within you, threatening to overwhelm your senses. You reach out to Liam, your hands trembling as they hover over him, unsure of what to do, of how to help him.
"Stay with me, Liam," you plead, your voice barely a whisper, yet it reverberates with desperation. "Please, don't leave me."
But Liam's eyes are distant, glassy orbs that seem to stare into a void beyond your reach. His breathing is shallow, each exhale a painful reminder of his fragile state. You feel a tear escape your eye, tracing a path down your cheek as you struggle to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to engulf you.
Around you, the world seems to blur into an indistinct haze. The sounds of chaos and anguish fade into a distant hum, overshadowed by the deafening silence that fills your ears. All that exists in this moment is Liam, lying motionless before you, his life slipping away with each passing second.
Memories flood your mind like a torrential downpour, each one a bittersweet reminder of the moments you've shared together. The laughter, the tears, the whispered promises exchanged in the dead of night—they all swirl together in a kaleidoscope of emotions, too painful to bear yet too precious to let go.
You clench your fists, feeling the sting of helplessness gnawing at your insides. You would give anything—anything at all—to turn back time, to undo whatever led you to this moment, to save Liam from this cruel fate.
But time is a relentless force, indifferent to your pleas and regrets. And as you watch the light slowly fade from Liam's eyes, you realize with a sinking heart that there is nothing you can do to stop it.
"Please, Liam," you whisper, your voice cracking with grief. "I love you."
Liam's gaze meets yours, a flicker of recognition dances in his fading eyes. His lips part, words trembling on the precipice of his breath. With a herculean effort, he manages to muster the strength to speak, his voice barely a whisper, but each syllable heavy with emotion.
"Please…," he rasps, his voice barely audible above the din of chaos surrounding you. "You have to… keep living. For me."
His words strike you like a dagger to the heart, the pain of his plea tearing through the fragile facade of composure you've struggled to maintain. Tears stream down your cheeks unabated, hot and salty against your skin as you shake your head in disbelief.
"No, Liam," you choke out, your voice raw with anguish. "I can't… I can't do this without you."
But Liam's hand finds yours, his touch feeble yet filled with a quiet strength that belies his frailty. His fingers intertwine with yours, holding on with a determination born of love and desperation.
"You have to," he insists, his voice growing weaker with each passing moment. "You're stronger than you think… You can't let this… destroy you."
His words hang in the air like a solemn vow, a testament to the depth of his love and the sacrifice he's willing to make for you. And as you look into his eyes, you see the truth mirrored within them—the agonizing realization that this is goodbye.
A sob escapes your lips, a gut-wrenching cry that echoes through the desolate landscape of your heart. You bury your face in Liam's chest, clinging to him with a desperation born of fear and despair.
"I can't do this without you," you whisper brokenly, your voice a mere shadow of its former strength. "Please, don't leave me."
But Liam's grip weakens, his breaths growing shallower with each passing second. His eyes flutter closed, and for a moment, there's nothing but the deafening silence of impending loss.
Then, with a final exhale, he slips away, leaving behind nothing but the hollow ache of his absence. And as you cradle his lifeless form in your arms, the weight of his words settles over you like a shroud, a solemn reminder of the unbearable burden of grief that now lies ahead.
For in that moment, you realize that you've lost more than just the love of your life—you've lost a part of yourself, a piece of your soul that can never be replaced. And as you mourn the emptiness that now fills your heart, you know that nothing will ever be the same again.
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There is no respite from the suffocating weight of grief that hangs heavy around your neck, dragging you down into the depths of despair.
You move through the world like a shadow of your former self, hollow and numb, the spark of life extinguished from your eyes. Friends and loved ones reach out to offer comfort, but their words fall on deaf ears, their gestures meaningless in the face of the gaping chasm that now consumes your soul.
Nights are the cruelest, long and lonely stretches of darkness that stretch on into eternity. You lie awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling, your mind consumed by thoughts of Liam—of all the things you wish you had said, all the moments you wish you could relive, all the ways you failed to save him.
The pain is relentless, a constant companion that gnaws at your insides, leaving you hollow and empty. You try to drown it out with alcohol, with drugs, with anything that will numb the ache in your heart, but nothing can fill the void left by Liam's absence.
And so, you continue to exist, day after day, trapped in a never-ending cycle of sorrow and regret. You wonder if it would have been easier if you had died with him, if you could have spared yourself this endless torment.
But deep down, you know that even death would offer no escape from the torment of your memories, no relief from the agony of your loss. And so you carry on, a shell of the person you once were, forever haunted by the ghost of the love you lost.
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Days melted into weeks, and weeks into months, but the ache in my heart remained unyielding, a constant reminder of the void that Liam's absence had left behind. I found myself adrift in a sea of memories, unable to escape the relentless tide of grief that threatened to consume me.
Each morning brought with it a new battle, a struggle to find the strength to face another day without him by my side. I would drag myself out of bed, my limbs heavy with exhaustion, my mind clouded with sorrow, and force myself to move forward, one agonizing step at a time.
But no matter how hard I tried to bury my pain beneath layers of routine and responsibility, it always found a way to claw its way back to the surface, a gaping wound that refused to heal. I would catch myself staring blankly at the wall, lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, my mind a swirling maelstrom of regret and longing.
It was in those moments of quiet desperation that I would feel him—Liam's presence hovering just beyond the edge of my consciousness, a whisper in the wind, a flicker of light in the darkness. I would close my eyes and reach out to him, my fingers grasping at the empty air, longing for the warmth of his touch, the sound of his voice, the comfort of his embrace.
But he was always just out of reach, a ghostly apparition that danced on the fringes of my perception, taunting me with the promise of solace that I knew would never come. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to let go—not when the mere thought of him was the only thing keeping me tethered to the world of the living.
I tried to lose myself in my work, throwing myself into my studies with a fervor bordering on obsession. But no matter how many hours I spent buried in books, no matter how many experiments I conducted in the sterile confines of the lab, I couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at my soul.
My friends and family tried to help, offering their support and encouragement in the hopes of lifting my spirits. They would invite me out for dinner, take me for long walks in the park, even organize weekend getaways to try and distract me from my pain.
But I couldn't escape the suffocating weight of grief that hung over me like a shroud, a darkness that followed me wherever I went, tainting even the most mundane moments with its oppressive presence. I would smile and nod and pretend to be okay, but inside, I was crumbling, piece by agonizing piece.
It wasn't until one particularly dark night, when the weight of my sorrow threatened to crush me beneath its relentless onslaught, that I finally reached my breaking point. I found myself standing on the edge of a precipice, staring out into the yawning abyss that stretched out before me, the urge to let go—to surrender to the sweet release of oblivion—almost overwhelming.
But then, in the depths of my despair, I felt a hand on my shoulder, a gentle pressure that pulled me back from the brink. I turned, expecting to see nothing but the empty darkness of my own mind, but instead, I found myself face to face with Liam—or rather, a ghostly apparition that bore his likeness.
I blinked, unable to believe my eyes. "Liam?" I whispered, my voice barely a breath in the stillness of the night.
He smiled—a sad, wistful smile that tugged at my heartstrings. "It's me," he said, his voice a mere whisper in the silence that surrounded us.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out to touch him, my fingers trembling with disbelief. "But how?" I asked, my voice choked with emotion. "How is this possible?"
Liam's smile faded, replaced by a look of profound sadness. "I'm not really here," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "I'm just a figment of your imagination—a manifestation of your grief."
I shook my head, unwilling to accept the truth. "No," I protested, my voice rising in desperation. "You're real. You're here with me. I can feel you."
But Liam's expression remained unchanged, his eyes filled with a quiet resignation. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely audible above the sound of my own heartbeat. "I wish I could stay, but I can't. You have to let me go."
I felt a surge of panic rise within me, a primal instinct that screamed out in protest. "No," I cried, my voice echoing in the emptiness that surrounded us. "I won't. I can't. I need you."
But Liam shook his head, his features fading into the darkness like smoke on the wind. "You don't need me," he said, his voice a distant echo in the recesses of my mind. "You're stronger than you think. You have to find the strength to carry on, even without me."
And then he was gone, leaving me alone in the darkness, the emptiness of his absence a physical ache that echoed in the depths of my soul. I sank to my knees, tears streaming down my face, my heart shattering into a million jagged pieces.
But even as I wept, a small seed of hope took root within me—a tiny flicker of light amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf me. I realized that Liam was right—that I couldn't continue to cling to him, to the memory of what we once had.
I had to find a way to let go—to honor his memory by living my life to the fullest, by embracing the future with open arms, even in the face of uncertainty and pain. It wouldn't be easy, I knew, but I was determined to try—for Liam, and for myself.
And so, with a heavy heart and a newfound sense of purpose, I picked myself up off the ground and began to walk—away from the edge of the abyss, away from the darkness that had threatened to consume me, toward a future filled with possibility and hope.
It wouldn't happen overnight, I knew. The road ahead would be long and difficult, fraught with challenges and setbacks that would test my resolve at every turn. But I was ready—ready to face whatever the future held, armed with nothing but my love for Liam and the knowledge that he would always be with me, guiding me every step of the way.
And as I walked, the darkness began to recede, slowly but surely, replaced by the warm glow of dawn breaking on the horizon. I smiled, tears still streaming down my face, but now they were tears of hope, of gratitude, of a newfound sense of purpose.
For even though Liam was gone, his love remained—a beacon of light that would guide me through the darkest nights and lead me toward a future filled with possibility and promise.
And with that thought in my heart, I took my first steps into the unknown, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that I would never truly be alone. Liam would always be with me, a whisper in the wind, a flicker of light in the darkness, a love that would never fade away.
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batsvnte · 6 months
𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 — 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞
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pairing! Blade ;; black gn!reader (They/them) ఌ angst, strained relationship, soulmate au (kinda) ఌ cw! spelling mistakes/improper grammar, ooc maybe, blood + violence mentions, possessive behavior, canon divergence, Blade having murderous thoughts ఌ synopsis! With fate bringing you two apart, destiny always has a way to bring you two back together
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A karmic debt was known for repaying all the bad deeds you’ve done in your past. Whatever hell you’ve been put through in your previous life was catching up to quickly for you to keep yourself at bay. For every year that you’ve lived, the debt would become lighter and lighter. That’s what your first thought when the good things were showing up subtly aside from the hints of the sharp pains that would hit at random moments. The debt would take a toll on your physical well being during the early years of your life and even now. It wasn’t enough to classify that you were ‘dying’ but it wasn’t enough to let you off the hook from the feelings of someone’s sharp blade tearing into your skin. Twisting into an agonizing way that made it that the holder would want to see you suffer. Psychogenic pain is what you learned from an local healer/doctor.
You weren’t aware of the man who has been hunting you down the moment your name was brought up out of the blue.
Blade feels the mara stirring up within his body as he catches glimpse of you in an distance. Your weary eyes darting around the slowly emptied rush in an sense of worry. You knew something was off the moment you stepped into this certain place. Your comrades would try to ease your worries with reassuring words and gestures of safety. But nothing helped with your growing fear. There was an gnawing feeling of you being watched by someone but no matter where you look, it would disappear elsewhere.
He remained hidden within the shadows. Images that were blurry kept appearing anytime he turned his gaze over to you. He ignored the thoughts of approaching you and straight up snatching you from your comrades. Letting them watch helplessly as he took you away to a place where no one could help you. He wanted to watch your blood mix in with his in an eternal state that will keep you two together once more.
And just by seeing each other in the flesh was making the pain worse for you. The sword materializing in your hand within quick seconds to parry his attacks with your comrades being caught off guard at the scene at hand. A moment of the smallest slip up would lead to Blade plunging his sword directly into you to snuff away your life within seconds. No matter how your allies would attempt direct his attention away, he could only brush them off without sparing a glance as his eyes were focused on you and you only.
This was just the beginning of the chase. The debt that was supposedly becoming lighter felt like it was a bunch of heavy bags crushing you. Every encounter with Blade would only lead to the pain becoming worse. At random moments when you’re sitting either by yourself or being with friends would turn into moments of silent pain. The feeling of a sword stabbing into your chest for brief moments before the pain disappeared. Sometimes it would last for a few seconds, and times it would last for hours. Rarely even days.
The good things being just a vague memory for you. With no one to help you recollect the memories of your past life, you were left with no questions to answer about Blade. He would find ways to know exactly where you were. Even if you weren’t apart of the script this time, he might as well take his time to get rid of those who have dared laid their eyes upon you. You’d only come back to an bloodied mess of the one who you were helping out. The mangled body of the one innocent soul laying whilst Blade watches you silently. The both of you knew that soon enough you’ll be coming back to your comrades bodies dead and gone. It’ll be a matter of time when you finally belong to him.
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myrachondria · 11 months
In The Depths of His Obsession - Part 1
(Dark!Sebastian x f!MC, Ominis x f!MC {implied})
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☆view my bookcase here!☆
Part 1 of this teaser!
summary | 5 years after the events of their 5th year, Sebastian has been released from Azkaban. He never stopped loving MC and now is his chance to take what is his, by any means necessary. Only one issue - looks like someone beat him to it. No matter, he will do what needs to be done.
warnings | possessiveness, stalking, slight angst
notes | one person's bad ending is another person's happy ending 🙃
word count | 2K
Betrayal. An excruciating pain tore through his heart as he was forcefully dragged away from the hallowed halls of Hogwarts by the cold, unforgiving grip of the Aurors. His gaze met the faces of those he once considered his truest friends—the very ones who had betrayed him. Imprisoned in the chilling depths of Azkaban, he made a solemn vow to avenge the unforgivable betrayal by those he had trusted above all else—his own sister, Anne, his dearest friend, Ominis, and the love of his life, MC.
Sebastian did anything and everything he could to help cure his sister from the curse that plagued her. She was cursed by Rookwood the summer before their fourth year, and ever since then she would get these bursts of pain randomly, leaving her weak and unable to do anything. He spent two years trying anything and everything to help her, including studying the Dark Arts. Sebastian had ended up getting into a fight with their uncle, Solomon, after Soloman attacked both himself and MC. Sebastian regret what he did, killing his uncle, but he would not let Sebastian at least try to heal Anne, and it was in self defense. Why was his uncle attacking a couple of 16 year olds? However, Anne did not see it that way. She helped turn Sebastian in. When he got out, oh Merlin, when he got out he would make sure to make her pay. He did all of this for her and this is how she treated him?
And then, there was Ominis. They had been best friends since they were 11 years old. They were more like brothers than friends at that point. He remembers the first day him and Anne met Ominis. Everyone was whispering and gossiping about the youngest Gaunt now attending Hogwarts, the youngest decendent of Salazar Slytherin. The Gaunts were known to be a family of Dark Wizards and having strong connections, both through friendship and as well as familial, so the other students were scared of the young Gaunt. And to add on top of that, Ominis was blind, which made him all the more fearful. But Sebastian and Anne befriended him and quickly learned that he had a kind heart and was a sensitive soul.
He showed the twins the Undercroft, where the three of them spent all their time together. The grew so close to each other that Sebastian even thought that there might have been a mutual romantic connection between Ominis and Anne. Maybe Ominis could have officially become his brother one day, well, brother in-law. After Anne was cursed, Ominis tried to help Sebastian find a cure for her. But all of that came to a head in the middle of their fifth year, as Ominis gave more and more pushback, talking down to Sebastian about studying the Dark Arts to find a cure for Anne. As if Ominis had never engaged in the Dark Arts himself, casting Crucio on innocent muggles. Their situation was the same, both of them had no other choice, but Ominis refused to see it that way. Traitor. Sebastian would be sure to find him and make him pay, that is, if his family hadn’t gotten to him first.
The thought of that made Sebastian smile.
And then there was MC. His darling MC. Not even the dementors could take away or taint his memories of MC. Sure, when he was first imprisoned he hated MC. But she was manipulated into turning him in. Or she didn’t know. She looked heartbroken, after all. Ever since they had their first duel in their DADA class, he was smitten with her. And even moreso when they went to Hogsmeade together and took down a troll. A troll. She was amazing. She understood him when no one else did, she followed him through any plan to help cure Anne. She shared everything with him, and he with her. Even things that weren’t his to share, such as the Undercroft of Ominis’ past. Shortly after they confessed their feelings to each other, that incident with his uncle happened. Soon enough after that, he was being dragged away, promising her that he would never forget her.
And now was the time. Because he was only 16 when it happened and because Solomon had attacked them first, he was only sentenced to 5 years, pending good behavior. Of course he was on good behavior. How could he not be? If being on good behavior meant that he was able to see MC sooner, he would be on his best behavior. And if he stayed out of trouble for a year, he could even get his record expunged and live a completely normal life, like nothing had ever happened. Obviously, he wasn’t going to do that, he had two individuals he needed to hunt down, but as long as he waited a year and wasn’t caught it would be fine.
An Azkaban guard walked up to his cell and opened it, leading him to the edge of the island, where a boat waited for him, along with a few other prisoners. Sebastian stood and took a deep breath of the outside air, of the fresh air. His eyes adjusted as he looked around the island, it was evening time and the island looked just as eerie as one would image. The guard lead Sebastian, along with a few others, to a small boat tied right at the edge of the island.
They all listened to the guard’s instructions on what to expect in the next few days, how to retrieve their wands, what they’ll be provided with, and so on. Sebastian boarded the boat and it set sail back to civilization. He sat in the corner by himself, thinking about how the next few months would be for him. First, he would find out where Anne, Ominis, and MC where and what they’ve been up to. Then, he would approach and win back MC. And then, depending on how Anne and Ominis were doing, he would wait a year before implementing his revenge plan.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the boat docking and being tied down. The guard from before lead him and the other prisoners off of the boat, and towards the Ministry approved inn nearby. All of the prisoners, well the former prisoners, were given a fresh pair of clothes as well as their own room for the night. Sebastian took his pajamas and waited for everyone else to shower as he was deep in his thoughts. The hot water felt like bliss on his body, it had been so long since he felt hot water on his skin. Slipping on his cotton pajamas and laying on the bed, he quickly fell asleep to sweet thoughts and dreams of MC. Falling asleep that night was so easy since he didn’t have to wear the scratchy uniform or sleep on the cold floor. More importantly, falling asleep was easy because he was finally a free man.
The next day he was able to collect his wand as well as a few other things to help him start a new life. He reviewed the terms of his release, the biggest one being that he could not leave the country for one year and had to check in with the Ministry on a monthly basis for one year. He sighed. Annoying, but doable. His heart ached to run away and start fresh, but for her, for her he would stay. He signed the necessary documents and quickly went on his way.
First, Anne. He traveled to the home that he once knew so well, but now felt unfamiliar. Would he see Ominis with her? Would that be for the better or worse? On one hand, he wouldn’t have to hunt Ominis down then, but on the other hand, it would mean they were happy together and he would have to fix that. Standing in front of the door, he slowly opened it.
He wandered around the small home slowly. The memories of his childhood flooded his mind as he looked around. It was pretty much the same as it used to be. Except, no one was home. Actually, it looked like no one had been home for a while.
He wandered outside to the back and noticed two tombstones. Solomon Sallow and Anne Sallow. Seeing her like that, knowing she had passed away… It didn’t take long before the tears started flowing from his eyes. She was his sister, after all. How did she die? Was she alone? Was someone at least there with her during her last few moments?
All of this was just too much for him. He went back inside the house and slept for the rest of the day.
The next day, he wandered into town and spoke to a few of the people. It turned out that she was never cured of her sickness and eventually passed away. She did have a couple of friends that visited her time to time, so she wasn’t alone. That was a relief.
Next was Ominis. As luck would have it, while Sebatian asked around to find out where his former best friend was and what had happened in his life, he found MC first. She was just as stunning as he remembered. No, even moreso. He watched her exit a store, a couple bags in hand. He kept his distance, not wanting to scare or alarm her. She was still so kind and still had that alluring aura to her.
He quickly found out where she lived and decided that he would pay her a short visit. Maybe he could finally start an official courtship with her. His heart swelled at the idea. Once she left, he went into a local florist’s shop and purchased a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers. Next, he went and bought himself a nice outfit, complete with a vest and tie.
He returned back to his home in Feldcroft and got ready for his visit, his heart pounding in his chest. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was now unrecognizable. Gone were the boyish looks he once had, and now a fully grown man stared back at him in the mirror. He looked so similar to the photographs he had seen of his father. He wiped a tear before it could fall onto his cheek. 
Now, it was finally his turn to be happy. To get married. To start a family. He would do anything for MC. He would even forgive Ominis if she asked.
He began on his way to her home, interestingly enough it was not too far from his own. It was evening at this point and while he would have preferred to visit her during the day, he could not bear to wait a moment longer. As he approached her home, he could see her living room lit up from a nearby fireplace. He stopped in front of the window, wanting to make sure that she was not busy before he interrupted her. He took a peek inside, and what a sight he saw.
He saw MC, the love of his life, inside sitting on the sofa talking to someone. And who else would it be that she spoke so intimately with besides his former best friend. Maybe they were just friends? Sebastian continued to watch them speak to each other. 
He watched as they engaged in an intimate discussion. He watched the way she looked at Ominis. He watched how Ominis reached out and held her hand while comforting her. He watched how she didn’t flinch or pull away. He watched the two of them embrace in a hug that was all too similar to the way he used to hug her.
Sebastian then experienced a specific feeling that he had grown to know all too well. Betrayal. Turning his face, he vowed to make his former best friend pay for stealing the love of his life away from him. He dropped the flowers to the ground and began on his way back to his own home.
If only Sebastian had continued watching the two of them, just for a few moments longer.
tag list:
@imaslytherpuff @wickedfury
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