#//When you're informed of such it doesn't give you any right to attack me or my character for it
alastors-radioshow · 8 months
SSHEESH.. how was i to know?!! WOWWEE talk about an operation preying mantis response there! Proportional much? SHEESH.... I'm NA ( native American) I also told you I am NEW HERE. That's what you look like to me ya lil 10lbs of Dynamite in a 2lb box! SHEESH!! Cut back on the Venison dude, its a sweet meat and clearly you don't Need any more SUGAR!
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"Prends tes opinions et mets-les dans ton cul!"
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"Ṕ̵̢̲͝u̶͔̮̜͂̂ͅț̸̖̉͋͌͐̕͝a̴̅̀̌ͅį̴̭̱̟͊̿́̓̍ñ̶̲͇͘ ̵͈̖̮̩̘̼́d̸̡̟͙̙̝̜͗̍̄e̵̯̿͑̉̓́͋ ̶͍̤̩̗̓͛ṁ̷̨̜̟̼̠͗̕͝ȩ̷͓̱̤̦͌̀̽̿̄r̶̨̘̓́̑͗d̴̨̥͖̏̚e̵̠͚̹̮͇̽̎͛̈́!̸̝̏͝"
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The Telling Truth: When 'Show, Don't Tell' Doesn't Apply (You Don't Always Have To Show, Don't Tell.)
Hey there, fellow writers and beloved members of the writeblr community! 📝✨
Today, I want to talk about something that's been on my mind lately, and I have a feeling it might resonate with many of you too. It's about that age-old writing advice we've all heard a million times: "Show, don't tell." Now, don't get me wrong – it's great advice, and it has its place in our writing toolbox. But here's the thing: it's not the be-all and end-all of good writing. In fact, I'd argue that sometimes, it's perfectly okay – even necessary – to tell rather than show.
First things first, let's address the elephant in the room. The "show, don't tell" rule has been drilled into our heads since we first picked up a pen (or opened a Word document) with the intention of writing creatively. It's been repeated in writing workshops, creative writing classes, and countless craft books. And for good reason! Showing can create vivid, immersive experiences for readers, allowing them to feel like they're right there in the story.
But here's where things get a bit tricky: like any rule in writing (or in life, for that matter), it's not absolute. There are times when telling is not just acceptable, but actually preferable. And that's what you all will explore today in this hopefully understandable blog post.
Let's start by breaking down why "show, don't tell" is so popular. When we show instead of tell, we're engaging the reader's senses and emotions. We're painting a picture with words, allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions based on the details we provide. It's a powerful technique that can make our writing more engaging and memorable.
For example, instead of saying "Sarah was angry," we might write, "Sarah's fists clenched at her sides, her jaw tight as she glared at the broken vase." This gives the reader a clearer image and allows them to infer Sarah's emotional state.
But here's the thing: sometimes, we don't need or want that level of detail. Sometimes, efficiency in storytelling is more important than painting an elaborate picture. And that's where telling comes in handy.
Imagine if every single emotion, action, or piece of information in your story was shown rather than told. Your novel would probably be thousands of pages long, and your readers might get lost in the sea of details, losing sight of the main plot or character arcs.
So, when might telling be more appropriate? Let's explore some scenarios:
Summarizing less important events: If you're writing a story that spans a long period, you don't need to show every single day or event. Telling can help you summarize periods of time or less crucial events quickly, allowing you to focus on the more important parts of your story.
For instance: "The next few weeks passed in a blur of exams and late-night study sessions." This sentence tells us what happened without going into unnecessary detail about each day.
Providing necessary background information: Sometimes, you need to give your readers some context or backstory. While you can certainly weave this information into scenes, there are times when a straightforward telling of facts is more efficient.
Example: "The war had been raging for three years before Sarah's village was attacked." This quickly gives us important context without needing to show the entire history of the war.
Establishing pace and rhythm: Alternating between showing and telling can help you control the pace of your story. Showing tends to slow things down, allowing readers to immerse themselves in a moment. Telling can speed things up, moving the story along more quickly when needed.
Clarifying complex ideas or emotions: Some concepts or feelings are abstract or complex enough that showing alone might not suffice. In these cases, a bit of telling can help ensure your readers understand what's happening.
For example: "The quantum entanglement theory had always fascinated John, but explaining it to others often left him feeling frustrated and misunderstood." Here, we're telling the reader about John's relationship with this complex scientific concept, which might be difficult to show effectively.
Maintaining your narrative voice: Sometimes, telling is simply more in line with your narrative voice or the tone of your story. This is especially true if you're writing in a more direct or conversational style.
Now, I can almost hear some of you saying, "But wait! I've always been told that showing is always better!" And I completely get it. I'm a writer myself and prioritize "Show, Don't tell." in my writing all the time. We've been conditioned to believe that showing is superior in all cases. But we can take a moment to challenge that notion.
Think about some of your favorite books. Chances are, they use a mix of showing and telling. Even the most critically acclaimed authors don't adhere strictly to "show, don't tell" all the time. They understand that good writing is about balance and knowing when to use each technique effectively.
Take, for instance, the opening line of George Orwell's "1984": "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." This is a perfect blend of showing and telling. Orwell shows us it's a bright, cold day (we can imagine the crisp air and clear sky), but he tells us about the clocks striking thirteen. This immediate telling gives us crucial information about the world we're entering – it's not quite like our own.
Or consider this passage from Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice": "Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three-and-twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character." Here, Austen is clearly telling us about Mr. Bennet's character rather than showing it through his actions. And yet, it works beautifully, giving us a quick, clear insight into both Mr. Bennet and his wife.
The key is to use both techniques strategically. So, how can you decide when to show and when to tell? Here are some tips:
Consider the importance of the information: Is this a crucial moment in your story, a pivotal emotion, or a key piece of character development? If so, it might be worth showing. If it's more of a transitional moment or background information, telling might be more appropriate.
Think about pacing: If you want to slow down and really immerse your reader in a moment, show it. If you need to move things along more quickly, tell it.
Evaluate the complexity: If you're dealing with a complex emotion or concept, consider whether showing alone will be enough to convey it clearly. Sometimes, a combination of showing and telling works best for complex ideas.
Consider your word count: If you're working with strict word count limitations (like in short stories or flash fiction), telling can help you convey necessary information more concisely.
Trust your instincts (Important): As you write more, you'll develop a feel for when showing or telling works better. Trust your gut, and don't be afraid to experiment.
Now, let's talk about how to tell effectively when you do choose to use it. Because here's the thing: telling doesn't have to be boring or flat. It can be just as engaging and stylish as showing when done well. Here are some tips for effective telling:
Use strong, specific language: Instead of using vague or generic words, opt for more specific, evocative language. For example, instead of "She was sad," you might write, "A profound melancholy settled over her."
Incorporate sensory details: Even when telling, you can include sensory information to make it more vivid. "The room was cold" becomes more engaging as "A bone-chilling cold permeated the room."
Use metaphors and similes: These can help make your telling more colorful and memorable. "His anger was like a volcano ready to erupt" paints a vivid picture without showing the anger in action.
Keep it concise: One of the advantages of telling is its efficiency. Don't negate that by being overly wordy. Get to the point, but do it with style.
Vary your sentence structure: Mix short, punchy sentences with longer, more flowing ones to create rhythm and maintain interest.
Remember, the goal is to create a seamless narrative that engages your reader. Sometimes that means showing, sometimes it means telling, and often it means a artful blend of both.
It's also worth noting that different genres and styles of writing may lean more heavily on one technique or the other. Literary fiction often employs more showing, delving deep into characters' psyches and painting elaborate scenes. Genre fiction, on the other hand, might use more telling to keep the plot moving at a brisker pace. Neither approach is inherently better – it all depends on what works best for your story and your style.
Now, I want to address something that I think many of us struggle with: the guilt or anxiety we might feel when we catch ourselves telling instead of showing. It's easy to fall into the trap of second-guessing every sentence, wondering if we should be showing more. But here's the truth: that kind of constant self-doubt can be paralyzing and ultimately detrimental to your writing process.
So, I want you to understand and think: It's okay to tell sometimes. You're not a bad writer for using telling in your work. In fact, knowing when and how to use telling effectively is a sign of a skilled writer.
Here's some practical ways to incorporate this mindset into your writing process:
First Draft Freedom: When you're writing your first draft, give yourself permission to write however it comes out. If that means more telling than showing, that's absolutely fine. The important thing is to get the story down. You can always revise and add more "showing" elements later if needed.
Revision with Purpose: When you're revising, don't automatically change every instance of telling to showing. Instead, ask yourself: Does this serve the story better as telling or showing? Consider the pacing, the importance of the information, and how it fits into the overall narrative.
Beta Readers and Feedback: When you're getting feedback on your work, pay attention to how readers respond to different sections. If they're engaged and understanding the story, then your balance of showing and telling is probably working well, regardless of which technique you're using more.
Study Your Favorite Authors: Take some time to analyze how your favorite writers use showing and telling. You might be surprised to find more instances of effective telling than you expected.
Practice Both Techniques (Important): Set aside some time to practice both showing and telling. Write the same scene twice, once focusing on showing and once on telling. This can help you develop a feel for when each technique is most effective.
Now, let's address another important point: the evolution of writing styles and reader preferences. The "show, don't tell" rule gained popularity in the early 20th century with the rise of modernist literature. But writing styles and reader tastes have continued to evolve since then.
In our current fast-paced world, where people are often reading on devices and in shorter bursts, there's sometimes a preference for more direct, efficient storytelling. This doesn't mean that showing is out of style, but it does mean that there's often room for more telling than strict adherence to "show, don't tell" would allow.
Moreover, diverse voices in literature are challenging traditional Western writing norms, including the emphasis on showing over telling. Some cultures have strong storytelling traditions that lean more heavily on telling, and as the literary world becomes more inclusive, we're seeing a beautiful variety of styles that blend showing and telling in new and exciting ways.
This brings me to an important point: your voice matters. Your unique way of telling stories is valuable. Don't let rigid adherence to any writing rule, including "show, don't tell," stifle your natural voice or the story you want to tell.
Remember, rules in writing are more like guidelines. They're tools to help us improve our craft, not unbreakable laws. The most important rule is to engage your reader and tell your story effectively. If that means more telling than the conventional wisdom suggests, then so be it.
As I wrap up this discussion, I want to leave you with a challenge: In your next writing session, consciously use both showing and telling. Pay attention to how each technique feels, how it serves your story, and how it affects the rhythm of your writing. You might discover new ways to blend these techniques that work perfectly for your unique style.
Writing is an art, not a science. There's no perfect formula, no one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding what works for you, your story, and your readers. So embrace both showing and telling. Use them as the powerful tools they are, and don't be afraid to break the "rules" when your instincts tell you to.
Remember, every great writer started where you are now, learning the rules and then figuring out when and how to break them effectively. You're part of a long, proud tradition of storytellers, each finding their own path through the winding forest of words.
Keep writing, keep growing, and keep believing in yourself. You've got this!
Happy writing! 💖✍️ - Rin T.
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churipu · 9 months
Hello lovely 😊 I hope you're feeling well.
I was wondering if I can request reader sparring with the jjk men (especially with Itadori + any others). As they are sparring they goof off and play fight and the jjk men find out reader is ticklish (or vice versa!)
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featuring. itadori yuuji, gojo satoru, geto suguru x reader
warning. cursing :>
note. anon my love, i'm so sorry this took so long </3 and yes hunny i'm feeling absolutely amazing, i hope you are too. as a ticklish person, yes. this request, yes. i hope you like it, mwah mwah <33
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ITADORI YUUJI. sparring in between you both was a routine, both yuuji and you would spend at least two hours amongst twenty four to spar against each other.
"i learnt a new move, wanna see it?" yuuji offers, wiping a bead of sweat from the side of his face. he was breathing heavily in exhaustion but the adorement in his eyes was there as he looks at you.
"so i'm the punching bag?" he nods his head happily, you chuckled shaking your head at his look but nodded nonetheless, "you're so lucky that you're cute."
yuuji was no longer a stranger to the word 'cute' coming from you, he likes it. and he's proud of it, "i know," he laughs, approaching you. you just stood there and waited for what he was about to do.
the male latches his fingers on both side of your waist, squeezing them lightly — you pulled yourself away from his grip at the tingle you felt, narrowing your eyes at him, "is this going to be something that involves tickling?"
yuuji was such a lost cause. he shook his head, until it hits him. you were ticklish. the corner of his lips twitched up and the next second he was on top of you, "forget about the new move, i have a better move — tickle attack!"
god, your worst nightmare. his fingers slithering your waist, curling lightly on your clothed skin as you can't help but to squirm and let out a string of laughter, pleading for him to stop.
just hope he doesn't use it on you the next time you spar (he totally will).
GOJO SATORU. the first time he found out you were ticklish was when he accidentally brushes your nape during a spar session, and you swung your fist at his face at the sudden tingle.
"oh, shit. are you okay? i didn't mean to do that, toru."
he didn't even care that you just punched him across his jaw, he held his jaw but blinked his doe blue eyes at you, "no, no, it's fine. are y'ticklish?"
when you flinched and pursed your lips into a line, it confirmed his question — and the male has never been so happy to know an information about you. but do be aware he will be using it against you at times, which is obviously just so unfair.
"toru! stop," you giggled, kicking your legs as he tickled your sides, "i said i didn't do it, you idiot!"
gojo hums softly, his fingers still brushing over your skin vividly, giving your sensitive skin the slightest touch of his fingers, "huh, then who was it? who ate my kikufuku, hm?"
"i don't know!" you breathe heavily, stomach hurting from laughing.
"i know it's you, baby!" he began another round of tickling, practically manhandling you at this point — he has a large grin etched onto his face as his fingers dived under your shirt, brushing your sides, "come on, i won't stop until you admit it."
you laugh, pushing his hands away, "fine, 't was me! it looked great so i had a little taste."
he had a satisfied smile on his face, placing a short kiss on your lips, "wasn't so hard, right? and a little taste?"
"shut up! i ate all six of it." he loves to tickle you randomly, so do be aware of it.
GETO SUGURU. unlike gojo or yuuji, geto wouldn't take advantage of you being ticklish. he accidentally finds out while he was visibly losing in a friendly spar, so he grabbed your waist with one hand and was about to push you off of him — until he heard soft laughs escaping your lips.
he momentarily stopped moving and gave your side a light squeeze, and more laughter escaped your lips. he's so in love all he could do was lay there on the ground, smiling at you affectionately like your voice was all that mattered to him at that moment.
"'t tickles sugu." you breathe out, rolling off of his body.
"i didn't know you're pretty ticklish."
"'ts because i don't want anyone to know," you rolled your eyes, reaching a hand out for him to take. which he did, nodding in acknowledgement.
his favorite thing to do is to brush his fingers on your nape, not to make fun of you. he just does it to hear you let out a little laugh or two, your voice was so alluring that he just has to hear it.
he does it while you both are walking together, watching a movie, sparring, studying, eating, any time he gets to do it; geto would. just to hear you laugh.
"sugu, it tickles."
"sorry, baby. i like to hear you laugh," he mumbles out, nuzzling his nose to your cheek before placing a kiss.
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notreallysama · 2 months
⸸ 𝐰!𝐭𝐡 ☣︎𝐧𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐬
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𖤐 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬. I haven't written in a long time, wanted to get started on tumblr. criticism appreciated (⸝⸝╸-╺⸝⸝) might make a bonus part for sylus later.
𖤐 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. none, it's sfw, just spoilers up ahead. no use y/n, and reader is gender neutral. a little bit of creative freedom on rafayel's part lol.
𖤐 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭. I couldn't stop thinking about how the boys would react if they saw the way sylus treats you, so...
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Out of all three of them, Zayne panics the most. He still has that stoic expression on his face, but he keeps clenching and unclenching his jaw, and he's utterly restless.
His hands shake. It's just a little tremble for anyone else, but for a surgeon? It's pretty serious.
He can't stop his thoughts from spiraling, forming every possibility under the sun about what could go wrong with your heart, depending on what situation could you be facing at the moment. It's quite difficult for him to maintain a clear head.
That is, until he finally finds you.
The moment his eyes catch sight of you, it's easy to push away every thought, other than getting. you. out.
Zayne is quite protective. Seeing the way Sylus... throws you around, tosses you, the way he talks to you like you're a pet, it makes his eyebrows twitch.
He hasn't handled you with care in all his lives, for an arrogant man to treat you with such little respect.
He knows he has to turn a blind eye, focus on getting you out of his hold, on reasoning with him to avoid pointless conflict, but it's so hard when his eyes keep snapping to the way he grips your arm like that.
"Release her. Whatever you are trying to gain, I can arrange it."
"I see you lack common courtesy."
"I was planning to avoid getting blood on my hands, but that doesn't mean I would hesitate, if I need to."
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Doesn't talk. Not a word.
He doesn't give his brain a second to breathe, even. He doesn't let himself process the anxiety of you going missing. All he thinks about is plans, plans, plans. Where should he look next? Which part of the N109 Zone should he investigate after that one? Who should he contact to possibly get more information about where you were last seen?
There are very few moments, when he's sitting in his living room, the lights all off except for the little bunny night light, that his mind does wander.
You would be safe now, at home, if he hadn't let you out of his sight.
He blames himself, then, and the guilt is so heart-crushing that he gets up right there and then, and off to the next location.
When he finally catches sight of you, all that leaves his mouth is a breathless whisper of your name, before he rushes.
He doesn't bother with any of the people working for Sylus, not a second glance sent their way as he just dodges the attacks and moves as fast as light, just to get to you.
His eyes are zeroed in on the crimson-eyed man, his lips pressed together in a tight line as his brain works a hundred times faster.
His priority is to get you behind him. To put himself at ease that you're out of that insolent man's reach.
He talks only to you.
"Get behind me."
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His expression is unreadable as he's told that there's still no news on your whereabouts, after three entire days.
It would be a lie if he says he didn't know the peaceful days of taking walks on the beach, calling you "Miss Bodyguard" in the most whiney tone possible just to get a reaction out of you, you staying with him while he works on a drawing... it would be a lie if he says he didn't know those days would eventually come to an abrupt halt.
Maybe he just thought he would have more time with you, before fate catches up.
Not that he is planning to say goodbye. Not again.
His manager has never seen a more serious look on his face before, has never heard his voice so... monotone as he calls to say he can't make it to today's event.
He knows where he has to go, he isn't entirely unprepared for this. It has just gotten a little more out of his hands than he'd like to admit. Nothing he can't fix.
But god is he irritated. Irritated at the way that greedy bastard is looking at him, the way he looks like he's barely bothered to protect you from him taking you away.
Whether it's because Sylus underestimates him, or how little he values you, it gets under Rafayel's skin. He's never been a patient man.
Ah, is that blood on his coat? He didn't really pay attention to which one of the freaks working for that jerk he had stabbed in the hallways.
"You don't have to make it harder than it has to be, you know?"
"A deal, with you? Don't make me laugh."
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penelopepine · 4 months
Don't be a stranger! Pt. 8
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Simon "Ghost" Riley x FemReader
Content: Neighbors AU, fluff, developing relationship, non-con drug use, light angst
Simon instantly felt his heart drop, “What do you mean she’s gone?” His voice was cold as he spoke. If Johnny is saying what he thinks he’s saying then someone is going to die today, that Simon can guarantee. 
Before Soap can respond though a gunshot rings out. "Soap, where are you? What's happening?" 
"We're at the small grocery store in town! Things here went from zero to hundred real quick; Beads is nowhere in sight." 
Right away Simon is moving; he has to get to you. "What the hell were you two doing off base?" 
"Just- I'll explain when-," Soap suddenly pauses , "Price?!" 
"Soap, go 4 aisles down; Gaz is there with Beads." Price's voice suddenly cuts through the phone. 
Price? Gaz? What were they doing there? An immediate uneasy feeling rises in his chest. This whole thing wasn’t making sense to him. 
He could vaguely hear Soap speaking to Price. The only thing he could make out was the clear anger and confusion in his voice. Moments later Price’s voice comes through clear as day, he can only assume that Price took Johnny’s phone. 
“Ghost, stay where you are.” 
“Price what the fuck is happening?” Simon growled. 
“Ghost.” Price took a deep breath before continuing, “It was all a set up. We planned for the possibility of Beads being targeted and taken once stepping off base. They did exactly what we thought they would do.” 
He couldn’t fucking believe what he was hearing, “You used her as bait! Did you keep her in the dark too, or was I the only one that wasn’t given the truth?” 
“You, Beads, and Soap weren’t told anything. The situation here is under control though now, and once we're back we can discuss more. Laswell is already waiting for you in the main meeting room; she’ll explain everything a bit more to you.” 
Simon hung up. He didn’t want to hear anything more from him. If you’re hurt in any way there will be hell to pay. This whole plan shouldn’t have happened; much less with him not being told about it. 
He almost wants to disobey Price, and go find you right now. The only thing stopping him is also wanting answers for what is happening. As much as he wants to be with you he knows that you're mostly likely on your way to him right now. So he turns and storms his way to Laswell. 
Once reaching the meeting room he gives a sharp knock, but doesn't wait for an answer before opening the door anyway. Laswell is sitting already with a serious look on her face. "Ghost, sit down. Let's talk about everything calmly." 
Calm was the last thing he was feeling right now. All he wanted to do was yell; yell at everyone involved with making this plan. "Explain then." Simon sneered before sitting right across from her. 
"On Monday Soap and Beads approached Price about leaving base to go to the grocery store. Beads apparently wanted to make a special meal for you, and Soap said that he would gladly accompany her." 
"A Russian terror group broke into both of our flats. They know that she is connected to me. Leaving base shouldn't have even been considered." Simon argued back. 
"She's been here for almost a month, Ghost. There has also been no other signs of them attempting to get to you." 
Anger filled Simon's veins, "Of course there hasn't been any signs! They've been waiting for us to mess up, and this, sending her out there, was what they were waiting for." 
Laswell doesn't react much to his anger; only giving him an unimpressed look, "We had no way of knowing that though, and we couldn't have kept her on base forever. Which is why when Price asked about what I thought about letting her leave I agreed, but not without planning for the possibility that they would attack her." 
"Why wasn't I informed then?" 
"We knew that you wouldn't have agreed to it. You would have gone with her in full gear; which would have only brought more attention to yourselves." 
"And the reason for not telling Johnny then; the one who would have been right by her side if he had known?" 
"Soap is amazing at what he does, but he is not an actor." That Simon could agree with; which is why he would have much rathered Johnny to be obviously lying to you, then him not there to protect you. “We had a small team following them the entire time. Price and Gaz were watching her the entire time.” He knew Laswell was trying to calm his nerves as much as she could right now. Simon knew though that the only thing that could calm him was seeing you; making sure that you’re alright. 
“So Gaz training recruits and yours and Price’s meeting was a lie to keep me unassuming then?” He lets out an almost defeated sigh, “At least tell me she's alright.” 
Laswell for the first time doesn’t answer him immediately. She seems to be taking a few moments to assess his emotions before answering, “Price called me before you arrived. She is safe, whole, alive, but she did end up getting hurt. One of the men grabbed her before injecting some kind of sleeping drug into her-.” 
It was sudden ding from Laswell’s phone that stopped her from continuing. She took a few minutes to write them a message back before finally turning her attention back to him.
"She's here."  
Simon didn't wait to see if she had anything else to say before he was standing and walking out of the room to the med bay area. He feels guilty; he knows that he had no way of helping you avoid this since he wasn't told of the plan. You had been there though because of him; you had apparently wanted to do something special for him. 
If he could he'd go back and tell you that just being around him is all he needs because you are special to him. 
He's vaguely aware that Laswell is following him. Simon isn't interested in speaking to her anymore though. The only thing that matters is making sure you're ok with his own eyes; everything else can wait. 
Which is why he immediately goes to just walk past Price who was clearly waiting for him in front of the med bay doors. 
"Ghost." Price puts his hand on Simon's shoulder stopping him from entering. 
Simon knows that he could break Price's hold and continue on his way; he stops though, willing to give him one chance to explain his piece. "Price." 
“I know you’re upset, Ghost, and you honestly should be. Believe me though when I say that we were watching her the entire time. She got hurt, yes, but there was no way I was going to allow them to leave that building with her.” 
He trusts Price, trusts him with his life. Simon also knows that Price wouldn’t lie straight to his face about something like this, “I want to be included from this point forward. I don’t care if you think I’ll disagree. I need to be involved when it comes to her.” 
“I promise.” Price says with sincerity, “Now would you like to see her? She’s being taken care of right now; we can go to her room if you want to.” 
Simon doesn’t say anything else, only nods his head. The sooner he can see you the sooner he can finally breathe again.
Laswell during all of this had been silently typing away on her phone. "John, Ghost, I'll leave  you two here. The men from the grocery store are ready for questioning. I'll call on either of you if needed. Hopefully this can end the whole situation," she pointedly looks towards Simon now, "You and your friend will be able to walk freely if so." She then turns and walks down the hall away from them. 
Placing a hand on Simon's shoulder, Price directs them back to the doors, "Let's go." 
Price led them inside down the white sterile halls of the med bay till they reached your room. “Are you ready to go inside?” 
Without answering he pushes past and into the room. Then there you were, lying down asleep in a standard hospital bed. A doctor was also there standing next to you writing some things down on her clipboard. 
“Ghost, this is Dr. Withers, she has been the one taking care of her.” 
The doctor gives them both a nod, “She’s doing well. We’ve already done a blood test, and nothing except the obvious seems wrong.” Looking down at her clipboard she flips through a couple pages, "It seems they weren't able to inject very much of the drug; she'll be in and out for a few hours, but she should be waking up soon." With that she leaves them alone with you. 
In the silence that follows Simon makes his way to your side, sitting down next to you, placing his hand near yours. Price stands at the end of your bed, but his attention is solely focused on Simon. "You really care about this girl don't you?" 
"…I love her." He whispered to himself, but it was clear as day for everyone in the room to hear. 
Simon couldn't believe that he actually said it. He's been fighting with himself about what he was going to do about it, debating ignoring the feeling all together. In the end though this wasn't something he could run from. He loved you. 
“You love me…?” Your gravelly voice calls out. 
Note: Ahhhh I finally getting this chapter out! Thank you for reading this far. I also hope you have enjoyed the series as much as I have. The next chapter will most likely be the last update on this.
Also a special thank you to @nexthyperfix for beta reading this chapter for me!
Taglist: @nexthyperfix @yourdaydreamerfan @tf141gloryhole @just-pure-trash @definitelynotaclown
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@whos-fran @trcyyyyy @azkza @kaoyamamegami @yyiikes
@leryg0 @pansexualhailstorm @trulovekay @kdidgg @ane-sthesie
@zhongtar @shinebright2000 @blackhawkfanatic @cmbghost @prozacprinc3ss
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cozymoko · 1 year
what would the sakamakis+tsukanamis do when they realize their s/o is developing an eating disorder?
Note: I can only put a certain amount of pictures in per request so if you still want the Tsukinamis' please feel free to request again once my ask box is open!
Pairing: Sakamaki Brothers x gn! reader
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): eating disorder, force feeding, insensitive comments
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Though not the most well-informed, he's far from being an idiot. He was already suspicious when you either faked eating during dinner or attempted to force the food down your throat. It was painfully evident. And when he found you bent over a toilet, retching out the remains, that was all the proof he needed.
Shu can't force you to do anything and he's aware of that, but he will still encourage you to do so. Frankly, he'd rather not have you starve to death due to your own stubbornness. Shu will follow you to hell and then bring you right back. He'll even try to play therapist and listen to what kick-started your god-awful eating habits.
“Haah, what a piece of work. You must really want to give me a heart attack, hm? Learn to rely on me, don't make me worry so much next time.”
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Out of all his brothers, Reiji will be the most understanding. Most of the Sakamaki has very limited knowledge involving the human body but he does not. After plunging his head in many books on the matter, that much should be clear. Thus it's likely you won't have too much trouble confining in him because of that.
There's no need for you to go hungry in any way while living in the manor. Despite how annoyed he may come off, Reiji is willing to go through all the potential solutions to lessen this burden on you. However, he does still remain the same in some aspects, threatening to punish you if you don't put forth some effort to eat.
“I've noticed your eating habits have become rather strange. Very well, I will create a new diet for you to regain your strength. It would be best that you follow it.”
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Unfortunately, he's pretty insensitive to things like this. He has no knowledge of mental health (though having plenty of his own) so Ayato won't try to act as he does. He'll probably say something terribly ignorant or even try to shove food down your throat, then turn around and wonder why you're so pissed at him.
It will take someone to smack some sense into him so he understands the severity of it. Even then he lacks the sentiments to truly comprehend what you're going through. But realistically, he'll probably push it off onto Reiji in the end. Of course, he cares, but such a "detailed" condition isn't his forte.
“Geez, just how long were you planning on keeping this from me? You belong to 'yours truly', and it'd be such a pain if you get any weaker. So rely on me, got it!”
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This is the last person I'd want to be stuck with in a situation like this. He's an absolute idiot on things like this, hands down. (I hate Kanato) In his mind, dolls don't have to eat so you must be perfectly fine, right? Expect you aren't a doll, nor a vampire at that so, of course, you need to eat.
As the days go by you grow noticbly weaker with no desire to do anything but wallow in your despair. Only then did he begin to take things seriously. The triplet has the most insufficient approach ever, it's not even comforting. Kanato will attempt to feed you and then get mad when you reject it. Despite his apparent concern, I highly doubt it'd make up for his thoughtlessness.
“You've grown so weak...Uu...why won't you talk to me? Uu...Don't you care for my feelings? I won't allow you to die on me; you can't leave me! I'll make sure of it!”
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He knows what an eating disorder is as Laito's been with his fair share of women. But that doesn't mean he's educated on the matter. Laito notices your standoffish demeanor right away, carefully eyeing you as he immediately puts two and two together. Yet, he won't act on it until he can find the root of your eating disorder. After all, we must start from the source~!
It'd be a shame if his favorite toy grew terribly ill so he offers to help you. Spending several hours arranging a new diet for you, feeding you small portions, and certainly boosting your confidence in the late hours of the night. Though he doesn't show it, Laito truly cares for your well-being and will do just about anything to ensure your recovery.
“You've been looking at your reflection for quite some time, little bitch. Have I not been tending to you enough~? Fufu, that won't do! Shall I fix that for you~?”
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Once he found out about your eating disorder, Subaru loses it. His anger is in some way directed at you for not telling him; but also at himself for being so clueless about it. As you'd expect, his first course of action is intimidating you into eating, but a quiet whimper will stop him dead in his tracks. This calls for a different approach.
Subaru looks to Reiji for guidance, which comes as no shock. The vampire is in no place to be taking care of a human in any mental aspect, regardless of them being his lover. Even with this newfound information, it will do very little to decrease his snappiness towards you. But he's just worried and sure as hell doesn't wanna lose you!
“Don't push yourself too much, alright? Tch, 'worried?', it's not like that so shut up, damnit! I just...don't want you to leave me in the dark anymore...”
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crusty-chronicles · 3 months
Hiei and Kurama Seeing Their S/O at the Dark Tournament
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Synopsis: Hiei and Kurama see their demon s/o after being separated from them.
Kurama 🦊
He had come a few hours early to scout out matches. To see what exactly he and his friends would be up against. It looked to be a standard team with fairly predictable attacks. One on one battles for the best of three. Currently the two opposing teams were tied.
He thought nothing of it until they each brought out their last fighter. One of them looked eerily familiar. A face he remembered staring at oh so lovingly.
One of which belonged to his previous life's memories. He remembers the feeling of your skin on his. Your eyes that always seemed to hold affection when gazing at him. Your smile. The sound of your voice greeting him first thing in the morning and being the last to bid him goodnight.
It wasn't until he heard your name being called that his suspicions were confirmed. He was nervous to see you face to face tomorrow. He knew he didn't have to fight you, but he didn't want anybody else to jump at the chance.
You were his. 
His one and only when he was Yoko. And now that the opportunity had presented itself, he wouldn't settle for anybody less in this lifetime either. 
You've changed from when he last saw you. You're stronger. Your eyes are colder. Your attacks cutthroat, ending the match within seconds.
You've never looked more desirable.
When he finally meets you in the ring, he can't stop himself from admiring each and every little detail on your face. He's struggling not to approach you with familiarity. With warmth.
You're his enemy here. He has to beat you. He just can't risk letting you win and putting his team at a disadvantage. But a part of him yearns for your recognition. For you to drop hostilities and just talk.
He knows he's different now. He's human. It would be impossible to recognize him without proof. Without knowing the way he fights. The way he talks. The very way he presents himself. Although he's sure all that's changed too.
Koto announces the fight to begin, yet both of you stand still. There's hope, he tells himself. And as you continue to face off, he can see it. The way your expression shifts ever so subtly. 
He opens his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
“I thought you were dead.” You accused.
There's hurt in your voice, as if you'd been betrayed. And in a way, you were. You thought your lover had been dead all this time. He doesn't know what he would've done if the roles were reversed. 
Seeing you hunted down and unable to reach you. Thinking humans had murdered you right in front of him. Only to then see you prospering some years later. All that time grieving you when you were perfectly fine.
He would've been upset too. 
He doesn't know what to say to you. Where to begin his explanation. Trying to find any words of comfort that might give him an indication of your feelings. If you'd still want him after all these years.
“I almost was.” He said at last. You only looked at him expectantly. Urging him to finish what he had to say.
“I was able to transfer my soul into an unborn child last second. I was biding my time to get stronger. To retain most of my previous powers. But..” But something changed.
He became accustomed to his human life. He stayed for his mother. Would you think any less of him for that? For choosing the very species that almost ended his life?
“So you've been in hiding this entire time and never thought to tell me?” You asked, though he could tell it wasn't really a question.
You didn't care that he stayed with humans. You were more hurt he didn't inform you what was happening. Letting you think he was dead. It makes him feel relieved.
“I had no means of finding you. But now that you are here in front of me, I do not plan on letting you slip away again.” 
He'd make you his again. He sees the way your expression softens completely at his declaration. How he misses the way you used to look at him. 
“Even if I've found another?” Your tone is teasing. A good sign.
But the thought of you being here with someone else makes his blood boil. It has him drowning in a feeling of possessiveness.
“He would have to kill me for your hand.” 
Hiei ⚔️
Hiei thinks it's some cruel twist of fate to see you here. On the opposite team no less. He wanted you scrubbed from his mind. He wanted to forget you, yet here you stood in front of him.
Truly some higher being is messing with him. First it was his sister looking for him, and now it was you. His beloved mate that had left him when he was plotting to steal the three sacred items. You'd warned him not to.
Begged him not to.
And you were right. You were always right. But he'd been spiteful back then. Consumed with his own greed for power. For a short time, he resented you for leaving.
However, he was not the same pitiful creature he'd once been. 
He was smarter. Stronger. And he'd prove it to you. This was still a match, after all. Regardless of the past you shared, he'd beat you. Feelings had no place in the battlefield.
The fight had officially begun. He lunged forward, sword drawn and making precise slashes. 
You dodged his attack with ease, skittering back a few feet. Spirit energy charging up in your palm. That was new. You were in front of him in an instant. And just when he thought you'd send a blast to his stomach, it completely vanished.
“You've become soft.” You noted. Your face just a few inches from his.
He jumped back as if he'd been burned. It'd been a while since he heard your voice. He should've taken the opportunity to strike you down. Instead he glared, your comment irritating him.
“I assure you I'm not weak.” He disagreed.
“That's not what I meant and you know it.” You let out a tired sigh and gestured behind him.
“You have friends now. A warmer look in your eye…It suits you.” 
There's no denying your words have an effect on him. Embarrassment creeping up his spine. He doesn't like the way you regard him. The affection you still hold for him.
“Our interests align is all. I still plan on taking over the human world. Something you were too coward to do.” His tone would have sounded cruel to anyone but you.
But you knew Hiei. Even after all this time, he hadn't changed when it came to expressing himself. You took great pleasure in making him squirm. A teasing smile on your face when you spoke.
“And how did that pan out for you the first time?”
You can see his face redden ever so slightly. A rebuttal on the tip of his tongue before you continue on. Your expression becoming more somber.
“I only left because my love wasn't enough. You wanted more. Things I couldn't give you.”
Your confession something he'd already considered being the cause of your absence. Now that it had been confirmed, he can only kick himself for his past mistakes. 
You had been enough. Taking care of his wounds after a fight, your touch soothing his Jagan when he first used it, joining his pursuit to find Yukina, your affections when it was just the two of you….All of it had been enough.
He's yearning before he knows it. Wanting you by his side once more. To reclaim the mate he'd lost to hubris. It makes his guard drop down significantly. 
“But you're different now. You have people to help steer you in the right direction.” You added.
“Those fools could never compare to you.”
He can see another teasing smirk brewing beneath the surface. He instantly regrets trying to comfort you.
“Is that so? They sure do make you happier than me. I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much before.” 
He wishes you'd stop talking. It only makes him long for what you two used to be. It makes him think there's still a chance to rectify things. But you were far better off without him.
“How did you even get roped into this?” He tries to change the subject.
If someone was forcing you to do this, he'd put an end to their life. He'd make them pay for coercing you. 
Your answer was simple and right to the point.
“Money. Sadly I need to make a living in order to survive.”
He frowned at that. He was both your protector and provider when you were together. To know that you must've been struggling horribly enough to take such drastic measures…
It was decided. 
He'd court you, if only you'd let him.
“If you agreed to be mine once more, you would never want for anything. I'll keep you safe.” He offered.
“Such a romantic~ I think my heart is fluttering. But if I best you in combat, then what use will you be to me?” You cooed.
If you were stronger than him, then what would you need a protector for? The implications only rile him up. His own prideful grin making its way to his face.
“I intend to win. And I expect you not to hold back.”
You take a few steps towards him. Your face inches from his. He makes no move to back down. The feeling of your lips brushing against his in an attempt to fluster him, it makes him want.
“Maybe I want you to beat me.” You whispered.
An: These were supposed to be drabbles 🧍‍♀️
anyways- Bon apatite
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Idk if you're still taking requests but imagine one day Kazuha finds Creator's death note diary and finds a bunch of names. Realizing those are the people who killed the Creator before, he went "Ykw, I'm giving Our Holy One some therapy with the help of my friends" and kidnaps grabs Fischl, Mona, Xinyan, and finally you for an adventure-therapy or something something-
*cutely inserts Tomo breakdancing in Celestia*
PFFT that would be obviously hilarious and adorable.
I can definitely see the group having so much fun, probably telling stories of their lives that aren't mentioned in game. Maybe the creator also gaining information on how these specific characters views others. Like Mona's views of Fontaine or something.
Bonus if where they went was towards those summertime event islands.
But if we're considering Death Seeking Creator (I should probably make it known if those who send in asks don't want me to talk about Death Seeking please just tell me cause otherwise I'll just assume and we know what happens when assuming) though I don't think it would be possible considering he also was someone who killed the creator. Now I don't think he did it out of pure religious reasons, he's more level headed than that. He's someone who only kills "imposters" out of mercy, like Kaeya actually.
He makes it as quick and painless as possible, sometimes having done sneak attacks (so in the diary, the entries would only mention what the day as like before they write about them suddenly seeing darkness and then waking up in another nation). Not too mention the creator would use every single opportunity to experience another death.
They definitely would question Kazuha on why he's doing this, maybe even have some small breakthrough of where they're screaming at him and hurling insults that were thrown their way. Just absolutely trying to beat a dead horse essentially of why they have to die and that they don't understand why everyone is suddenly saying the opposite.
Tbh this makes me think of how confusing any therapy would be for Death Seeking Creator, because I can imagine them as this childishly stubborn person who refuses to see it as any other way purely because everything they did, they tried to do to change the outcome, always resulted in death no matter what. Peaceful talks? They couldn't get a word in before being sliced down. Fighting like a wild animal? Like they could defeat a god with their bare hands. Hiding and never greeting another person? They're always found out somehow, it's like the characters are drawn to them. Disguises? Even that doesn't work. Nothing they did work. So it had to be destiny right? They had to have this role of constant death? Why? Who fucking knows? They're not a god, they were never supposed to be a god. Why question the ways of a being they have no comprehension of how they think? It would be better to just play the role given, to be the the target every hunter wants. To be that white rabbit that gets chased by Alice throughout the story. But how they go? Well that'll be up to them, if the gods want some sick entertainment, why not make it more interesting?
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glitter-stained · 1 month
My very personal rating of every lazarus pit fanon side effects I've ever read, ranked from favourite to least favourite :
Tapetum lucidum (the thing cats have that makes their eyes gleam in the dark): that's so creepy and cool, eery in a more discreet way than a full-on glow, idk who hced that first but they are a genius
Contaminated blood laced with the lazarus protein: because our blood renews itself pretty often, this implies the existence of either a lazarus organ that continues to pump the lazarus protein in the blood, or, more probably, the contamination of one of the blood producing organs, maybe of the bone marrow, by the Lazarus pit. Like imagine the Lazarus Pit changing you down to the inside of your bone... The implications are so fascinating I'd love to read more about it.
Altered dna: this doesn't make sense, how does the magical healing pit change your dna, I love it so much, tell me more about the magic gatorade that rewrites dna
Accelerated healing/enhancements: what's funnier, that the pit gave Jason metahuman abilities like being able to withstand a meteorite and going toe-to-toe with Deathstroke (the wiki's words, not mine) and it was just never discussed, or that nothing Jason went through gave him these abilities that he really shouldn't have and he still does and it was just never discussed? I don't know but still, that stuff is top-tier
Glowing green eyes: on the one hand, eyes that glow when the person is feeling intense negative emotions (even better it's not just rage, like, imagine having a flashback or nightmare or getting fear toxined and their eyes glow and people think they're about to attack but they just scream that'd be so cool) but on the other hand, I feel like the colour is too limiting. Sure, Ra's or Riddler can fuck with the glowing green but come on, my girl Cass deserves eyes that glow gold (like the gold from the Batgirl suit). Jason deserves to have glowing red eyes. Cicero says that eyes are the reflection of the soul and while I love the idea of the lazarus pit being toxic, contaminating a part of the person's soul, in comics, a character's colour scheme is an essential part of their graphic identity, and I think altering it to the point of giving it a totally different colour is too much for my taste personally. Like, you are still the same person that you were before the bad thing happened. Yes, it changed you irrevocably, but you are still yourself and you should still have the right to your name and to the colour of your soul.
Lazarus Rage/Pit Madness: so I've seen this one criticized pretty often, often because of how unnecessary, and honestly probably damaging, to the understanding of Jason's character after his resurrection. And like, I agree, but also I've found myself to enjoy the fanon version of the Batfam. Like, I don't like that it's murky and confusing sometimes to figure out which is fanon or canon and that that leads people to judging canon actions from a standard of fanon information, and parts of it can be sexist or racist or classist, but the same can be said from canon, you have to be critical with what you consume. Basically to me there are two batfams and I consume both differently and enjoy both, and in the context of fanon I enjoy Pit Madness. The idea of uncontrollable, alien rage is fun, is angsty, and as someone with intense anger issues I'm telling you writing a lazarus rage episode was one of the most cathartic things I've ever written and it felt so good. I also think part of the upset on the subject is a bit undeserved because I see people complain that "the lazarus doesn't work like that because it didn't do that to other people" as if the way the lazarus pit worked made any sense. You're telling me this stuff healed Jason's malnutrition but it didn't fix his trauma? That it healed the Riddler's brain cancer but couldn't be bothered to fuck with Jason's hypertrophied amygdala and the fucked up connections between his amygdala and hippocampus??! Obviously we can't expect dc to know or care about science that much , but I still have the right to be nerdy about it. Jason went into the pit resurrected by God and with brain damage and Ra's said it was a plague and that could make him crazy, I fully believe he could have gotten Pit Madness even if the others hadn't.
Eye-colour change: that's the same thing as the glowing part but without the fun part, really dislike it. I need to be able to listen to I know these eyes/this man is dead from the Count of MonteCristo Musical while making up Under the Red Hood edits in my head please and thank you
Lazarus Pit brings people back to life: I hate it so much dc stop treating life and death so inconsequentially oh my gosh characters fighting life and death situations should not have a source of immortality right in hand I hate that lazarus resin lazarus toxin stuff they have right now and the idea that the pits can bring back to life plays into that idea so I really dislike it. I understand the appeal, it's the basics of coming back wrong with a side of rebirth in the water but instead of being purified it's being poisoned, but I just can't get over how frustrating it is to see a beloved character die and only be able to say I hope he doesn't come back for his own sake and then he comes back. Urgh.
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chimchimsauce · 6 months
How the LADS Boys React to You Being Ace
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In celebration of International Asexual Day <3
As your doctor, it's safe to say that Zayne knows quite a lot of your personal information - maybe more of it than you would like tbh
You never had to actually "come out" to him
Zayne knew you were ace longer than you did
After all, you always answered "no" to that dreaded question that comes up at every checkup
Though, even if you didn't, he would have known anyway
He's always paid special attention to you - he probably knows you better than you know yourself
On top of that, Zayne is on the spectrum himself
He can take sex or leave it, it doesn't matter much to him
Zayne discovered the label when he was studying in college and taking a gender and sexuality course and immediately felt drawn to it
When you finally muster up the courage to confess your feelings to him, mumbling something about aces and cake and other poor analogies, he just smiles at you softly and takes your hand
"All I've ever wanted is to be close to you. Nothing else matters."
He eventually comes out to you one day when you're complaining about not having any asexual friends
"Are we not friends?"
It takes you longer than you'd like to admit to understand what he means.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You never asked."
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Honestly, you had never planned on talking about sexuality with Raf
He's just so blase about everything - being in his presence never opened up the opportunity to have any sort of deep discussions
But everything changed after Ebb day.
Rafayel was so sick - so vulnerable - and yet he trusted you with such a huge secret
It's only fair for you to tell him something personal about yourself, right?
The next time you visit him, you blurt it out as soon as he comes into view
He's so startled that he drops his paintbrush
"Why are you shouting?" he asks, bending down to pick it up
"I'm asexual," You say again, this time a bit quieter.
Your heart is beating a million times a minute
"I heard you the first time," he says, brushing his hair out of his eyes
"Is that all you have to say?" you ask him
"Congratulations," he says sarcastically
"You're so annoying," you say, rolling your eyes and walking over to see what he's painting
"At least I know you don't want me for my body," he says, "I was beginning to think you were secretly one of my groupies with the way you stare at me so much."
"I do NOT stare at you!"
"Suuuuure you don't."
Later that day, when the sun has melted behind the shore and the stars hang heavily in the sky, you pause at the door, fingers barely brushing the brass doorknob.
"Raf," you say, refusing to turn your head to look at the artist lounging on the couch
You fall quiet, not sure what you want to say.
"Stop worrying that pretty little head of yours, Miss Bodyguard. I told you I never want you to leave my side. Nothing will change that."
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It's been a long day
There was a Wanderer attack that took longer than you thought it would to resolve
On top of that, there was a long meeting you couldn't skip
All you wanted to do was go home, take a shower, and sleep for a thousand years
So how did you end up squished in a booth next to Xavier as Tara happily prattles on about the date she went last night
You're happy for her, honestly, and any other time you'd love to sit and gossip with her, but you're just too tired today.
As if reading your mind, Xavier suddenly stands up, startling Tara
"I just remembered I have to get home to feed my dog," he says, offering his hand to you, "We'll see you at work tomorrow."
Without even giving the poor girl a chance to respond, he whisks the two of you out of the restaurant, starting the journey home
"Thanks, Xav. You saved me back there."
"It was nothing," he says quietly.
The sky is dark, but several street lamps illuminate the surroundings. Shadows bounce across his face with every step.
"You know, I'm a little bit jealous of Tara," you say after several minutes in silence
"It must be nice to date like that."
His steady gait slows
"What do you mean?"
"It's just -" your tongue darts out to wet your lips.
You've known Xavier for years at this point. Surely you can tell him, right?
"I'm asexual."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Xavier asks, turning to look at you.
"It just makes dating difficult. It's a dealbreaker for most people it seems."
He cocks his head to the side.
"You don't have problems dating at all," he says.
Now it's your turn to be confused.
"What do you mean?"
"We've been dating for two years."
"Xavier, what are you talking about?" you ask, face reddening at the mere thought of dating your favorite coworker
"We've been partners for two years."
"Hunting partners!" you interject
"Yes," he says, nodding, "And life partners."
You blink at him, dumbfounded.
"We have keys to each others' houses, we eat dinner together almost every day, I hold your hand everywhere we go -"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" You say, embarrassed, "I must be a terrible partner. I probably can't even give you what you want."
"Nonsense. There's only one thing I want from you," he says.
"What's that?"
"The rest of my life with you."
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I had a rather angst idea for a Good Dad Bruce au. One where he actually loves his kids and Jason never died (they still took Tim in because they found him taking pictures of them on patrol) and everyone is a lot healthier. The family spends time together and while they do squabble, like all families, they don't fight like they do in canon.
Then one day, they get an alert that the cave has been broken into and when they rush to check it out, they find.... Tim? Which shouldn't be possible as Tim is following behind Bruce and was literally at breakfast with everyone else. The new Tim's head snaps up when they enter and he just sighs, "Damn it, I was hoping to avoid you guys. Well, Multiversal Code Lima Omega Sigma Tango. Is that still the code here?" Which is the Bat code for "someone fucked up and sent me through a multiverse portal and now I gotta get home". Before anyone can fully comprehend what's going on with New Tim, he turns back to the Batcomputer, where he's currently pulling up information on Zatanna and Constantine.
Bruce walks over to the computer, worried about this version of his son being lost so far from home and says, "well help you get home. Do you know what world you're from?" And Tim simply raises an eyebrow and says, "oh. Is this one of *those* dimensions? How annoying. You can help by getting me some coffee, keeping Bat Brat and Hood away from me, and I'll be out of your hair soon enough. I won't even be here long enough to make your paranoia to bad if things go right."
All that is. Rather concerning. Especially because none if them have Hood in their names. Of course these Healthy Bats insist on helping New Tim out for as much as he will let them. It can be noted that he only accepts food from Alfred, Steph, and Cass and only drink from them and Dick. Anything Jason, Bruce, or Damian tries to give him is completely ignored, Tim acting like it isn't even there. He also is isn't refusing to interact with Damian and Jason but unlike the others, he won't say anything to them until they say something first.
Eventually Damian snaps and says, "Drake, why are you ignoring myself and Jason?!" Tim simply slowly places the tablet he was typing on down and turns to Damian and Jason who are a little pissed and also worried about Tim and why he's acting the way he is. After a deep breath, Tim says, "simply by observing I can tell that our families are extremely different. For example, both of you get along very well with your Tim. It is not so on my world. I will not go into details for all of our sakes, but both of you have made *multiple* attempts on my life. I don't blame either of you and things have been almost peaceful recently. I don't blame either of them, it's simply instinct for them. But that doesn't erase the fact that someone with each of your faces has nearly killed me at least 5 times *each*. I understand that it wasn't you two who did it, but I would still rather not become complacent around any version of either of you to avoid becoming complacent around them. So just. Stay away from me." Tim then turns back to what he was doing and resumes research on how to get back to his own world.
Jason is shocked and horrified that any version of himself would make any attempt on Tim's life, let alone almost half a dozen! He snarls, "what do you mean it's *instinct* for them? What, is only one person allowed to be in the family at a time or some bullshit?!"
Tim and Jason go back and forth a few times with Tim refusing to explain fully, simply calling it Instincts and everyone calling bullshit on that until Tim snaps, scales spreading across his hands and face as his pupils become slits and a hood flares out of his neck that was previously hidden. In a blink, Tim has become some kind of human animal hybrid as he hisses, "because I'm a Viper, Jason is a Hawk, and Damian is a Mongoose!! They naturally hunt my kind, I don't blame them for not trusting me or attacking me if I don't warn them that I'm there! I don't blame either of them for trying to kill me on sight the first two times each of them met because I'm a Cobra!" Once Tim settles down he pinches the bridge of his nose and deshifts back to fully human as he grumbles, "I apologize. I shouldn't have snapped like that just. Just leave it."
Jason and Damian attacking him on instinct is all a lie. They just don't want to accept Tim into the family and this is an easy way to excuse any murder attempts. If Bruce or Dick catches them, they just lie through their teeth that Thr Pit makes it harder to control the more instinct driven side of them, or its lingering effects from whatever Rouge they got Poisoned by last, or Tim was shifted and didn't warn them when he walked up. Sure it's fine for everyone else in the family, hell in 99% of the world its considered perfectly OK to be shifted at all times, or at least it is for animal hybrids like mice and birds and dogs, but not as much for Spiders, Snakes, and Pathners.
As for what the rest of Snake Tim's family is, Bruce is some kind of Fancy Dog (as was his mother) and when he's Batman he fluffy up and puts temporary dye in his fur to look like a Rottweiler or Doberman, Dick is a Swan who used basically spray on hair dye that Bruce made special for his feathers so people thought he was a Robin Shifter, Jason is a Hawk who's wings got the same treatment, Tim is a King Cobra like his mom but when on patrol he keeps the hood hidden and chews black gum so the inside of his mouth looks black like a Mamba's, and Damian is a Mongoose like Ras and Talia but the public thinks he's a ferret. Steph is either a Possum or a Raccoon and makes jokes about having switched animals with Tim as birth. Cass is a black panther who loves the groom her family.
Shifter AU!!!!!!
I was not expecting that, so I was pleasantly surprised ^^
Snake comparisons for Tim are underutilized and beloved. I'd be down to see way more of them. As for this AU, I'm curious about what seems to be Shifter-ism (not sure if there's a better word for that), their instincts, and how often Jason and Damian get away with attacking Tim. Are they at least doing better now? It seems that Tim is weary of them, that they attacked him even with full control of their actions, but that he doesn't blame them.
Also, is one of Tim's instincts to take naps in sunny spots? Is he slower when he's cold?
For the cover-up that Tim did, it was brilliant. He crafted a perfectly logical reason for why they would attack him (especially for Bats who are presumably unfamiliar with shifter instincts and thus unable to call him out).
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sexyfoxlady · 11 months
Missing You📱
Father-Figure!Satoru Gojo x Mother-Figure!Reader
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Summary: young!Megumi/Tsumiki wants to talk to father-figure!Satoru Gojo on the phone who is away on a mission
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️ one curse word 'shit' butt other than that nothing 🤷‍♀️ (imk in comments)
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"haha...no Toru everything is fine here,you just make sure you get home all in one piece"
Tsumiki perks up after hearing you use Satoru's nickname 'Toru' she didn't know who you were talking to before that because you walked out of your room on the call but now Tsumiki knows it's her father on the other side of the phone she zoomed off her spot from the couch placing the book she was reading on the spot she was sitting, running over to you to speak to Satoru
"Excuse me Mama but I want to say hi to Papa" Tsumiki asked politely and sweetly just like the angel child she is
"Aw of course baby...Toru,Tsumiki wants to say hi...ok here you go" handing the phone to Tsumiki with a gentle head pat to her head before walking into the kitchen to make a light snack for the kiddos
"Hi Papa!"
"Heyo my little monkey how are you, you being helpful for mama, how was school, learn anything new today, miss you guys so much"
Tsumiki giggles at Satoru overload of questions before answering him
"I'm doing good and Mama doesn't let me help as much as I want, keeps saying I do a lot already but I like helping Mama...and school was okay I guess. We are reading a new book though, it's really good so far I can't wait to talk about it in class."
It takes a moment for Satoru to process all the information given to him from his daughter
"Mmmm you know your mom is right you do a lot already and your so cute monkey liking helping your mama out and why was your day just "okay I guess" that's not what I want to hear from my monkey why was it just okay? Do you want to tell your old man about it?"
"It's silly" Tsumiki responds meekly
"It's not silly if it means you can't have a good day because of it, come on tell papa what's wrong"
Tsumiki gives a small sigh before admitting why her day was 'okay I guess'
"It's just I forgot you were away on a mission and when we got our new book for class I wanted to read with you"
"Awww Tsumiki I'm sorry I'm not there I promise as soon as Im home we'll read alllll the books you want, how does that sound?"
"Thanks papa, I'm going to give mama the phone back now, love you, be safe"
"Love you too and I'll be home soon promise"
Satoru feels his heart is about to burst from how much love is waiting for him at home
"Hey Toru you still there?" (Y/N) asked with the phone in one hand while handing sliced apples and bananas to Tsumiki reminding her to share with her brother
"Yeah I'm here gorgeous, monkey was just trying to give me a heart attack with all her love, man she's such a great kid she probably gets it from me"
"HA doubtful very doubtful, what did she say anyways"
"Just that she misses me and how she wishes she was reading with me and how she loves me sooooo much more than you and Gumi"
Rolling your eyes at the obvious lie at the end
"Yeah I'm soooo sure she said all that especially the end part"
"Aw don't get jealous now you know you'll always be my first love" you can basically see Toru sly smile on his stupid gorgeous face
"Well you'll always be my second love" bitting back a laugh from Satoru to hear his freak out to being second especially second in your heart~
"WHAT WHO'S YOUR FIRST LOVE!?" Absolutely appalled that he second to anyone
"My Gumi of course,his is my precious baby boy" when you inform your boyfriend that Megmi is your first love you can hear Satoru's world come crashing down around him
"Why would you say that, just say you don't want me home it would be easier for my HEART" there goes your drama queen boyfriend doing what he does best being dramatic. Hearing your laugh through the phone did not help Satoru in being any less dramatic
"YOUR SO MEANNNN TO ME" basically crying through the phone. You're so engrossed into the conversation with your boyfriend you don't notice right away the tiny hand pulling on your pant leg to get your attention, putting a hand over the speaker to look down at your son to see what the matter is
"Everything okay Gumi did you get some slice apple and bananas from your sister" nodding yes before communicating what he needed your attention for
"Is that Gojo-sensei" looking at the phone in your hand
"Yeah it's Toru you want to say hi?" You asked your normally quiet son but when you did he got embarrassed looking anywhere but the phone and started messing with the end of his children's cartoon graphic t-shirt. Kneeling down before Megumi with your hand still on the speaker of the phone where your boyfriend is still most likely freaking out
"Hey it's ok if you miss Turo you can say hi if you want" Megumi's eyes widen as if you accuse him of something heinous he whipped his head around so fast to correct you
"I don't miss that idiot!" With his arms crossed and a foot stomp its hard to take his dislike for your boyfriend seriously, putting a hand gently on top of Megumi's head letting him know it's ok if he doesn't want to say hi but in his need to show how strong he is on his own, he forgot the purpose he asked you in the first place because he DOES want to say hi but not wanting to embarrass himself even more he almost decided to forget about it but you know your precious boy better then the back of your hand plus you saw how his eyes sadden when you said he didn't have to say hi so you did what a mother does best reverse psychology(🥸)
"Well I know you don't want to say hi to Toru but I know he wants to say hi to you, can he say hi?" Gumi not realizing he's nod to your question was a very excited nod not backing up his last statement in not wanting to talk to his sensei -dad, putting the phone back up to your ear to let him know another one of his children want to talk to him well "not" talk to him
"Hey handsome I have Gumi here like you wanted, to say hi" Satoru not needing any more information than that because this is not the first time Megmi "didn't" want to say hi,before handing the phone to Megmi you tell Satoru 'love you'
"Hey hey Gumi what's up" Satoru cheerfully came through from the other side of the line but nothing came after his greeting but silence
"Megumi? You okay bud?" The concern in his voice showing just a little bit
"Yes...um I" Megumi obviously not feeling quite yet comfortable with whatever he wants to say
"Hey it's okay monkey take your time you can talk to me about anything alright" hoping that Satoru using his nickname that he uses for his sister and himself will give Gumi the boost he needs to say whatever he needs. It takes him about 30 seconds to respond to Toru
"Miss you and be safe" if Satoru wasn't paying attention he would have missed what Gumi had said but he is always vigilant when it comes to his children but Satoru didn't have time to say 'miss you' back before the phone is handed back to you is a hurry
"Toru?" Came your sweet angelic voice not expecting for the call to still be going
"MY HEART!" He practically blows your earphones out with his love
"SHIT Toru my ears" you should have known better than to put the phone up to your ear after he's done talking to his children
"MY BABIES MY BABIES MONKEYS ARE SO CUTE" rolling your eyes playfully because not only are Megumi and Tsumiki too old to hold on him like monkeys anymore but this was not the first and it won't be the last time this call happens it happens every time Satoru has a long mission or sometimes even the short missions
"I promise I'll be home soon I love you. Don't miss me too much like the kids" chuckling a soft 'i love you too' at the end of the call.
Hope you enjoy cool if not don't care or read more if there is more 🙃
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
Is it normal that I’m legitimately so scared of saying pretty morally tame things like “I don’t want to talk about genocide because it makes me severely uncomfortable” or in general expressing my political opinion.
Like i’m not even kidding when I say that all my drafts are just my possibly offensive (probably not) political takes i’m just so scared of everyone leaving me it’s not even funny.
Anyway i also think that if you talk about Palestine but not Ukraine you are a victim of Russian Propaganda™️
I’m sorry I don’t know why i did this have a nice day ok baiiiiiii
Here's the thing. You and every other average social media user should not have to masquerade as a sudden in-depth expert on every single social, political, humanitarian, etc. crisis that we are dealing with in this wretchedly miserable excuse for a timeline. It should not be a baseline expectation on you that when you log onto your little social media in your little average life, you have to come up with The Correct Opinions on everything and if you don't, you're "perpetrating oppression" by not vigorously spreading misinformation, instead of simply admitting that you don't know what to do, you as an average citizen are not in a position of making this change and therefore don't actually have to spend every waking minute obsessing about it, and that maybe, just maybe, you'd like to spend more time informing yourself until and/or IF you decide you want to talk about it. This is the same as the Instagram Activists (TM) who traumatize themselves to the point of PTSD by constantly consuming torture and/or war porn and/or graphic content about murdered children because they "don't have the right to look away." Actually, you do. You are able to make choices to control your personal social media use and to set boundaries as to what you do and do not want to do and/or see, rather than insisting that the only moral choice is to literally mentally destroy yourself with all the weight of human suffering in the world and then expected to act as a de facto expert on all of it, on pain of being Cancelled. This is a stupid, irrational, unhealthy, and generally idiotic expectation. You should not have to take part in it. Nobody should.
Likewise, I think that this is a large part of why people are so scared to voice any opinion that goes against the Prevailing Groupthink: they are afraid of losing friends, of having nasty bad-faith internet trolls say mean things about them, being accused of being a "bad person," or otherwise being guilt-tripped, shamed, and blamed for not centering their entire existence around something that they cannot actually do anything about. Once again, people think the only way you can be Known to Oppose Something Problematic (tm) is if you post on social media about it all the time. Forget whatever you might be doing offline, in your real life, or otherwise; it "doesn't count" if you don't make a big virtuous display of your Rightthink, or you will be viciously harassed. Now, look, I am old and/or tired enough that I don't give a shit what stupid internet users say about me, but I can tell you that I sure did when I was younger, it was incredibly painful to be on the end of those kinds of attacks, and it's (again!) not something you should just have to expect as a baseline level of gaslighting and harassment. As I have said. This is Tumblr. It is a stupid blue website mostly for fandom and/or three in-jokes. This is not a platform where we are expected To Do Social Justice all the time, nor should it be. As for Elon Musk's Twitter: yeah. No.
Also: yes, if you do spend all your waking moments obsessing over Palestine, but say nothing whatsoever about Ukraine and/or openly support Russia, you are in fact very much a victim of Russian Propaganda and you 100% support genocide when it's done by an "anti-western" state that you support for that reason alone. You only care because you can use the cause to make yourself look morally superior, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with opposing genocide on a basic, universal, or fundamental level. The end.
(I hope you have a nice day too. The anger in this is not directed at you. I support everything you've said here and hope that you're able to set healthy boundaries and protect yourself.)
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aemehhh · 8 months
Gyro boyfriend HCs!!
there is way too little on my man Gyro. He's my favorite blondie and I love him to no end. Might be a little self-indulgent, but I hope you don't mind! Also, not beta'd, we die like men. Also also, English isn't my first language, I apologize for any mistakes ;;
Hope you like it!~
Gyro is exciting. Being with him always leaves you breathless and your heart feeling as though it is going to burst from all the adrenaline.
Expect him to grab you by your waist with one hand as his other hand grabs your own, pulling you into a dance when you're in a bar after reaching the end of a stage.
Let's say you are riding along with him and Johnny in the SBR; contrary to popular belief, he wouldn't flirt with you immediately, he would actually be quite hostile and rude. An actual asshole, to be frank. Hell, Johnny would be a lot nicer to you than Gyro in the beginning.
However, the more you guys experience, the closer you get. Gyro starts taking a liking to you.
It is definitely a "you fell first, he fell harder" situation.
He is a tough guy to crack. Not in the sense that he doesn't seem cool, or funny, but in the way that he fundamentally doesn't believe he is a good person. He is, but he doesn't think he is.
Once you guys actually are together, he'll be bold. Very, very bold.
We all know he is a jokester, he'd make up a million cheese songs just for you to crack a smile.
Gyro also doesn't mind PDA; he'd be absolutely shameless. Kissing you in front of others? Of course, why not?
Hands are on you. All the time. If you're not on your horses, he'll have his arm around your shoulders or your waist.
Forehead kisses. He loves them. You always get one before you guys mount your horses. After all, it could be the last time he gives you one.
Speaking of, you get a fucking heart attack way too often for your own good. Gyro gets injured really bad in 90% of SBR fights, so of course you worry about him! Once he is okay again he'll tease you about it though.
"Aww, were you worried about me, tesoro?" With his big fucking smirk. Asshole.
Yes. You were. You punch his shoulder before you break down in small sobs.
His face will fall for a moment, seeing you like that. It still doesn't feel right for him to have someone worry about him that way, so it might be a little awkward for him to handle at first.
He'll hug you though! And he'll give you another forehead kiss and tell you he's okay.
I imagine Gyro's love language to be acts of service. He can't express his feelings well with words, it's too awkward for him and he isn't used to that. So instead, he'll do things to show you he cares.
So, of course, Gyro will cook for you whenever he gets the chance to. Gyro doesn't trust Johnny to do it, and he feels as though it is at least one way he can spoil you.
When you say you like something, expect it to appear in the next 3-5 business days. It always depends on if you reach a town or not, but he will definitely try everything in his power to show that he remembers what you tell him. After all, Gyro is quite attentive when it comes down to it. His ass might act like a dumbass a lot, but he cares about you, and he wants you to be aware of it.
You'd definitely be the first one to tell him that you love him.
And it will be the first time he's speechless in your presence. He'd be frozen and try to process the information.
It would take a while for him to say it back. But he will get there, eventually.
The day he tells you he loves you, is also the day that you get to know his real name. It's a nice moment, and you thank him for being vulnerable with a soft kiss to his lips.
He is definitely smitten for you, if you ever get hurt, he WILL panic internally and do everything in his power to treat your wounds before he treats his own. (yes, even if he were to be actively bleeding out.)
All in all, being with Gyro would be filled with A LOT of different emotions, and you wouldn't trade it for a thing.
Bonus: no, you're not allowed to ride Valkyrie. Why would you need to? You have your own horse.
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vioartemis · 1 year
I’ll die with you (part 2)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After you woke up at the hospital, your little group gathered and tried to list the suspects. When you get home with your girlfriend, she finds a good way to unstress you. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 Warnings: (+18), smut, fingering (r receiving), mention of attack (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
In the morning, the police came to question you about what happened. You told them all you could remember, Tara still by your side.
"Do you know who it could be?" the new sheriff asked
"No I... I don't know..."
"Do you have ennemies?"
"No one who's still alive"
"Okay so... We'll keep you informed if we have something new"
He was about to go, but Tara called him back.
"Wait! Aren't you going to put us under protection?"
"Well, the person who attacked you probably think you're dead so..."
"We're not talking about any killer! It's Ghostface! He's going to come back. He always does."
She stood up and glared daggers at him, ready to fight until he gave you whatever protection.
"Tara..." you squeezed her hand "It's okay Sheriff, thank you"
She looked at you in disbelief as he got out of the room.
"What are you doing? You know we're in danger we need to be protected-"
"You know it's useless. He killed your protection last year, remember...? And we are not in danger. I am"
"Yeah and you're my girlfriend, so we are in danger"
"No. You are going to leave Woodsboro with Sam and the others. That way you will be safe and-"
"And you? You're coming with us right?"
You stayed silent, avoiding her gaze.
"No. No. I am not leaving you here."
"Tara it's the only way! Leave when you still can! I'll keep him busy here. He's going to come back for me. He wants me dead Tara."
"Well then I'll die with you."
"I prefer dying with you than living far away while you're in danger"
Later this day, when Tara left to grab some coffee, you were visited by one of your friends and classmates. He knocked softly before opening the door slowly.
"Hi, how are you feeling?"
"Physically? Pretty good thanks to the painkillers. Mentally..." you didn't finish your sentence "How do you know I was attacked?"
"Tara called us. The press doesn't talk about it yet if that's what you were wondering. The teachers didn't know why you weren't here, Mindy told them you were sick"
You didn't know if that was the best thing to do. Not creating panic was great, but if Ghostface was back everyone was in danger. Now that the new sheriff wasn't so familiar with the killer, you were even more worried.
"... But the police arrived and told them everything" he continued "Oh! I bring you something, here" he handed you a card "Everyone signed it"
You took the card and opened it, lips curling up slightly at the sight: Kyra, Finn, Mindy, Lexi, Angie, Kyle, Chad, Ayla, Eleanor...
"Looks like not everyone signed it"
"What? I gave it to everyone that's no possible... who forgot?"
"You" you chuckled
"Shit..." he mumbled, blushing in embarrassement "I was so busy making sure they all signed I forgot to do it..."
You gave him the card so he could sign it, when Tara came back, two cups of coffee in hand.
"Sorry it took me so long there was so many people at th-" she paused when she saw him "Damian? You're not at school?"
"They dismissed us because of... what happened..."
He gave you the card again gently.
"What's that?" Tara asked, handing you one of the cups and sitting next to you
"We made a card for Y/n, all classmates signed it"
"Babe I don't know if I'm supposed to drink coffee..." you whispered
"Oh, right, I thought it could give you energy but... I didn't think this through..."
"I'm going to leave you alone... It was nice seeing you Y/n, Tara... I'll be back later maybe"
"Thanks for coming" you said
With that, Damian exited your room with a slight smile. Immediately after the door closed, Tara turned to you.
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"You shouldn't stay alone with someone! What if he's Ghostface?"
"Tara! Come on have you seen him? He's an angel, he couldn't hurt a fly"
"The more innocent they look the more dangerous they are" she mumbled
"If he wanted to kill me I would be dead. It's not him. Now relax and come here"
You moved a little to the side and lifted the covers so she could come in your bed with you. She took her shoes off and took place next to you. You rested your head against her. You missed her touch, her warmth, her perfume.
You thought you would never feel it again, and be here now against her relaxed you to the point you fell asleep.
When you woke up, Sam, Chad, Damian, Mindy, Lexi and your mom were here, sitting in circle around your bed. Tara was still next to you, stroking your hair lovingly.
"How long did I sleep...?"
"Around an hour" Tara replied, kissing your forehead
"You should've wake me up... sorry you had to wait..."
"It's okay, don't worry" Mindy said
"Have you figured out who the killer is already?" you asked her
"Not yet, unfortunately. But I have my list of suspects! Well not really... but-"
Like the year before, she started rambling about sequels and requels and something about a franchise and that everyone could die now.
"Now for the suspects... That's when it gets complicated..."
"What do you mean?" Sam asked
"Well, I don't think any of us survivor would do this. Gale is Y/n's mother, she wouldn't hurt her own daughter. Tara loves her way too much to lay a hand on her. And Sam, Chad and me, we all love Y/n, why would we attack her?"
"We wouldn't" her twin said
"Exactly. That leaves..." Mindy turned to the other boy "Damian, ah, Damian. How come you got close to Y/n after the massacre last year? You barely talked before."
"Well I- I don't know, I wanted to be friends with her. I always thought of talking to her but I don't know I just- got shy I guess..."
"Sure, very convincing"
"Wha- I'm not lying-"
"Lexi, my love" Mindy interrupted him, blowing a kiss to her girlfriend who smiled "Never trust the love interest"
The blonde's smile dropped quickly at her words.
"Is that it? Two suspects?" Gale asked Mindy
"Well, according to sequel of requel rules, yes"
"Great" she was being sarcastic, of course. She turned to the now prime suspects "Do you have an alibi for last night?"
Mindy's girlfriend was the first to answer.
"I was at Kyra's birthday party"
"Can you prove it?"
"Ask anyone who was there, check social medias..."
"I was there" Chad said "I can confirm she was at the party all night long"
After a little silence and a nod, Gale turned to Damian.
"And you?"
"I uh... I was home"
"Yes..." then, after seing the look on everyone's face "But it's not me I swear! I didn't-"
"Yeah, totally not what the killer would say" Mindy jeered
"Y-you don't think it's me right? Chad? Lexi? Tara? Y/n?" the brunet stuttered
Tara's grip on you grew tighter, you could feel her body tense. You place your hand on hers, squeezing gently.
"I don't know man..."
"Come on guys, we can't make assumptions like that... Look at him, do you think he could slam my head against the floor three times? I mean- he looks so harmless with his fluffy hair, and he's too skinny to be the one who attacked me. No offense though"
"None taken" he mumbled, grateful for your support
"Y/n, just because you like his hair doesn't mean he's innocent. It's always the ones that looks the less harmful who does the most horrible things" your mom reminded you
"See, that's what I tried to tell you earlier"
"What can I do to prove you I'm innocent...?"
"Damian, you don't need to prove anything, we don't-" you started
"You're going to stay with us, so we can keep an eye on you. If needed, tell your parents you're staying at Chad's house, your dear friend" the boy suggested
"I don't know if I like the idea" Mindy objected
"Do you have a better idea? You can stay at Lexi's if you're too scared"
After arguing with the doctors for half an hour, they finally let you go back home. The last time one of Ghostface's victims stayed at the hospital, she got attacked again. The memory was still fresh in yours and Tara's mind.
You could never forget this night.
Tara helped you carry your things to her room, putting your bag in a corner, and leading you to her bed.
"They said you shouldn't stand for too long-"
"Tara, babe, I'm not going to break... I know you're worried, but I'm fine"
"You're not fine, you've been stabbed six times! I know how it feels. It doesn't feel okay"
"... I know it's just- I don't want to stay here doing nothing..." you sighed "I'll lay here without complaining, come here"
You made yourself comfortable on her bed, opening your arms.
"Isn't it going to hurt you if I lay on you...?"
"It's okay, don't worry. I want to be close to you"
She complied and kissed you tenderly before positioning herself, nose pressed against your neck.
You closed your eyes, but immediately the scenes of the day before flashed before your eyes. Ghostface, the pain, the blood, Tara's screams, everything.
"Baby...?" Tara looked at you, concerned "You okay...?"
"Y-yeah... I just... I had some flashbacks..."
"Shit... How can I help?"
"If you know a good method to relax it would be appreciated..."
"Well... maybe I know something that could help"
She sat gently on your thighs, a slight smirk on her face.
"Shh..." she whispered as she crawled to capture your lips with her own "I promise you'll feel better after... 'm gonna take good care of you..."
As she kissed you, one of her hands unbuttoned your jeans and slipped past the waistband of your underwear. She brushed her fingers over your clit, eliciting a moan from you.
You could feel her smile on your lips when she felt the wetness between your legs. She didn't waste time and slipped two digits inside you, humming in appreciation as she felt you clench around her.
She started pumping her fingers in and out of your pussy at a slow pace, provoking moans to slip past your now red and swollen lips. She kissed her way down to your neck, leaving love bites here and there.
When she curled her fingers, your hand tangled in her soft hair.
"Tara..." you let out in a breath
"I love it when you say my name like that..."
She picked up her pace, hitting all the right spots, drawing you closer to your release. She sucked dark purple marks on your neck and slipped another finger in. That was enough to send you over the edge.
"Good girl..."
You could have came again just from that, if it wasn't for Sam to enter the room suddenly.
"What do you want for din- Oh my god-"
She blushed hard when she saw what you were doing and turned her gaze quickly to the floor.
"Jesus christ! Do you think now is the best moment for... that?"
Tara slipped her fingers out of you and casually shove them in her mouth, licking you off her fingers.
"I figured out it was the best way to relax her. Beside, if you knocked..."
"Don't, please. Just- answer the question"
"Pizza would be great, right baby?"
You nodded slightly, cheeks as red as a tomato, mortified. Sam quickly left after she had her answer.
"You didn't lock the door?!" you whispered-shouted "How I am supposed to look at her in the eye now...?"
"Do you feel better?"
"Babe that's not-" you paused at the look she gave you "... yes"
"See, I told you it would help..." she leaned in for a kiss, a smile on her face
"God you really have no shame..." you mumbled, kissing her passionately
"Nope" she smiled against your lips
You knew this kind of moments were the best to remember years after, but at the moment you were embarrassed. Still, a part of yourself 'enjoyed' that moment.
Maybe it was your subconscious knowing happiness would soon end to be replaced by grief.
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rxmqnova · 1 year
The Scarlet Witch
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Y/N: 12 years old Story: After finally escaping hydra, Y/N discovers her mother is the Scarlet Witch… ——————————————————
Y/N'S POV I'm sitting in Central Park in New York after so many failed attempts to get someone to tell me where my mom could be. My mom is an Avenger and apperantly the Avengers are pretty famous, so why nobody knows where's Wanda Maximoff?
It's been 4 years since the last time I saw her… or I think. I was taken by hydra when the agents attacked the Avengers compound. They kept me in a cell, but then something happened and in 5 seconds the place was all clear. No one was around. So I ran…
I wish I could see her again, but anyone I ask doesn't know anything about her. I just need to find out what happened to her.
It's been 3 days since I got out of that terrible place. I always like to walk around this weird house with something on the roof that looks like a big eye. I don't know why, but I can feel some sort of power from this house.
I managed to find out that a man called 'Doctor Strange' lives there. According to one older lady, he has some sort of powers too. I want to ask him if he by any chance knows anything about my mom, but everytime I knock at the door, no one opens. But I can't give up, I have to try again.
I knock at the door, praying someone will finally open. I let out a sigh after a few minutes of standing there. I sit on the stairs in front of the house, resting my head on my knees.
My eyes widen when I hear the door creak. I immediately stand up, turning around and looking at a tall man with a cup in his hand and a clock who stands there, looking back at me.
"H-hello, don't you know by any chance where-" I start, but he cuts me off.
"Listen, kid, this is not a place to play. Go home" He says coldly, already closing the door.
"Wait! Do you know Wanda Maximoff?" I blurt out, the door opening again.
"Wanda Maximoff? Why would you look for her?" He raises an eyebrows.
"I-I need to talk to her. She. Hm. She's my mom" I explain, but only earn a look that tells me he doesn't believe me at all.
"Okay. I understand you're probably a fan, but go home, kid. It's getting late" He says, rolling his eyes and closing the door again. I've never wanted to do this, to use my powers on other people, but he gives me no other choice. He clearly knows something about my mom and I just need to know.
I close my eyes, concentrating only on the power I feel from this house. I take a deep breath, trying to get into the guy's mind. It takes a while, but once I'm in, I carefully search for any information about my mom.
Finally, I find out that the man is heading to some place called Kamar-Taj where my mom is supposed to be too. This will be hard to get there, but I'm a witch after all.
Took me more than a whole night to actually find my way to Kamar-Taj, but I did it. Now I'm hidden behind one of many statues that are around this place. There's a huge castle and people in pajamas looking outfits. I mean… it's literally almost 1pm, why would they wear pajamas? Whatever, now I just need to wait until my mom shows up.
Suddenly the sky darkens, all the people watch the sky, waiting for what happens next. My mom appears, the guy from yesterday flies up to her and they start talking. I'm just watching it, wondering what they could possibly talk about, but then Doctor Strange flies back and the pajamas people make a shield. I don't get it, is my mom the bad one now? She's always been very caring, she wouldn't be evil, right?
I watch in confusion as my mom tries to break the shield, throwing her magic at it until it breaks. She flies down on the ground, knocking everyone down. Tears form in my eyes, this can't be true, my mom can't be evil.
She starts walking towards the castle and since no one is outside except for the dead bodies, her and me, I get out of my hiding spot.
"Mama?" I say shyly, tears quietly running down my cheeks. Mom turns around, her face impression turning into a shocked one when she sees me.
"… Y/N/N?" She whispers, walking towards me, tears building up in her eyes.
"No" I take a step back, unsure of her next actions. She stops, tears running down her cheeks too by now as she's looking at me, hurt visible in her eyes. "Mama, why would you do that? You're not evil, you can't be" I tell her, my voice breaking at the sight of all the dead bodies surrounding us.
"Y/N/N, I… I just wanted you back" She says, her voice also breaking. "Please, sweetheart. I-I'm sorry, I missed you so much" She takes another step towards me on which I shake my head, tears still running down my face.
"No, please don't hurt me" I step back, shaking my head. "I want my mama" I cry out, my breathing not really working right now.
With a swift move of her hand, her clothes change into jeans and green jacket, her hair is put into one french braid and her fingers don't have the black color on them.
"I'm here, Y/N/N. You need to breathe, sweetheart. Breathe with me, honey" She holds my shoulders, looking me in the eyes and trying to help me to breathe.
"Mama" I wrap my arms around her, burying my head into her chest.
"Mama's here, my little monkey. You're safe. You're okay" She says, rubbing my back and kissing the top of my head. "You're okay" She repeats. "Where have you been, baby?" She asks when I finally manage to take a deep breath, wiping away my tears with her thumbs.
"Hydra" I manage to say, wrapping my arms around her tightly once again. "Please don't ever leave me, mommy"
"I will never ever leave you, my little monkey. I promise I'll always protect you, no matter what" She smiles and kisses my forehead. "I will never let anyone take you from me again"
"Mama, I don't like it here. Can we go away?" I ask, not feeling comfortable at all here. I just want to cuddle with my mom on the couch and watch a cartoon.
"Let's go home" She smiles and presses a kiss to my forehead before taking my hand in hers and leading me away from this place.
Wanda deserves a happy ending🫶🏻
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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