dutybcrne · 9 months
🎶 And there you are a server maintenance away
Do you have to be a server maintenance awaaay- 🎶
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baiika · 9 months
she gives blitz a little smooch . . . her lips taste like cherry pie ! - @dxhliaism
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Blitz is new to this whole... thing. To sweetness and chastity. Now, he's tasted dozens of fruity glosses in his time, but the context is different. Those were in clubs and dungeons.
The only escalation available to him here is to loop his arm around her waist, hold her chin up on his knuckle, and return her kiss.
And it's nice. The sweetness, the chastity. Blitz wants nothing more than to wrack his brain to find the last time he's felt this way and all it yields is a void.
She's honey filling it. A brief reprieve from the emptiness suspending Blitz.
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koobiie · 5 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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tariah23 · 4 months
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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chongoblog · 5 months
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virtualplushy · 6 months
healing is when you have an intrusive thought and instead of having a meltdown you go “girl what?? shut up” and move on
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strawbebe-dk · 14 days
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Boobie jumpscare
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flamesignite · 1 day
//i am over on my new fma oc in case anyone wants to check her out. Still fleshing her out but she has a basic bio and profile and I've been over on her blog actually trying to develop her more. :o
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nouverx · 8 months
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You gotta excuse his 1920's ass, he's still learning slangs
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fanaticalthings · 2 months
Bruce Wayne except he texts like an ominous boomer
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wdym you can't tell if he's threatening them?
Based on this post by @mysterycitrus :)
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Happy birthday, Tim 🥰
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eartheats · 1 month
the beginning of the end (pt. 2)
((cws include: noriko being a shitty human being (manipulation, mind control talk), camille being an even SHITTIER human being (talk of violence from her rocket days, talk of more recent violence involving the death of rocket members, talk of trying to get iori into a threesome??? it's very brief but it's there), iori being the only sane woman here but ALSO having issues (namely. pokemon legends arceus spoilers and how she FEELS about akari and irida [it's not nice, violent thoughts against a child (akari) are prominent here], and how badly she's been brainpoisoned by noriko), talk of hacking into a school's database (uva), cult-like mindsets about ~bringing forth a new world~ and general flare shittiness and just. two shitty human beings and a human being who's becoming very shitty by proximity talking here.
and i'll probably remaster my og plotting post, but! we're reaching the end of the peaceful times for ren and i am probably going to end up making a second post soon to look for volunteers and check in on everyone's status, as the first portion of this plot will be going off on September 15th! barring anything. silly happening. this blog and carmine's will be entering high stakes territory then, and while carmine's will exit it much sooner, ren's will be going on hiatus for a bit because they'll be a part of another blog for some time~
anyway! enjoy the fic!))
"Padre es el que cría, no que pare my sorry rear END, where in the FUCK does this woman get off replacing me like this?! I'll--"
"Oi, oi. You gotta simmer down a bit, Nori, come on. Almost scared the little brat there."
"...Camille, little Emilia has been nothing but a delight, there is no need to call her that?"
The roundtable of disaster woman pauses for a moment, each of them sporting various looks. Noriko, hair messy and a hand entwined in said hair, practically glaring daggers at Camille. Camille herself, rolling her eyes a bit at Iori and otherwise trying to keep a dispassionate eye on Noriko. And Iori herself, looking between both women with her eyes deeply concerned, though the bags under her eyes imply a deep tiredness as well.
A silence hangs in the air for a good while, before it's broken by Noriko straightening herself up--and the door opening, a grunt coming in carrying a few bags from the mainland.
"My ladies--am I interrupting anything important?"
Despite the Look that the grunt is given, Camille looks over to her and takes it in decent stride, chuckling a bit. "Nah, nah. If anything, you missed all the fun, sweets. You get us anything good from the mainland?"
Noriko pinches the bridge of her nose, groaning a bit and shaking her head. "Camille, please. You ask the grunt if they were followed, first, you absolute--"
"Not at all, Misses!" The grunt salutes easily--the dark blue suit and it's shimmering emblem being easily seen in the light, as the grunt comes forward and places a few bags down. "--Er, but I did manage to get you both something good from one of the coffee shops in town, Misses! Just changed back into uniform before coming back here, so there's nothing to worry about!"
That, if little else, manages to get the mood to brighten just a touch. Camille's rummaging through the bag in an instant, and Noriko seems to ease slightly as she speaks. "Ah, good. We were both in need of some refreshments. You may return to your station, for now, but I will have your compensation in a few hours. Thank you."
The grunt salutes, before leaving the three women alone in the office, Camille already having pulled out a box of donuts, a couple croissant sandwiches, and a couple iced coffees. Iori doesn't have anything because ordering anywhere gives her hives, but she watches her ladies ease a bit and gets into her own lunch; a simple one, but filling.
"Shit, we've GOTTA teach one of these grunts to cook sometime. I'm gonna miss not havin' this shit immediately available when it all ends." Camille sighs, nostalgic for something right in front of her, and Noriko chuckles.
"I could see about kidnapping some of the chefs involved in this little cafe, you know. It'd likely need to be once we're fully mobilized, but I am capable of that." Noriko chuckles a bit, digging through the bag real quick--mostly to separate everything out into their proper bins, pulling out the paper from the plastic, and coming across a newspaper inside. She peers through it while Camille laughs.
"Gosh, yer gonna make me blush with that consideration~"
"It's the same consideration I'd offer anyone, you know. I already need to make a trip to what will soon return to being Hisui to pick up some texts that Iori believes belonged to her family, so it truly is no trouble."
Iori seems to chuckle at that, from the video call. "I truly do thank you for that, my lady. I know not how the years have treated the text, but...even a small bit of home, it will be most welcome. The so-called Sinnohians cannot bury our history forever."
"You got that right, Iori!" Camille chuckles, stuffing her face for a brief moment with a donut and grinning brightly. "And if those fuckers try, I'll give 'em the old Goldenrod treatment. They won't be bothering you again."
Iori smiles, briefly, at that. Though Camille's threats of violence have always been something concerning, it's a strange comfort to know that this woman would happily do so for her. Her mind briefly drifts, back home, back to those days--
--back to that wretched child, the bringer of the red sky. That accursed child, oh how she'd love nothing more than to ensure that they died before the world fell apart, they could save Hisui with just one measly life to be spent. And oh how that child deserves it, maybe they could get rid of that hideous child of a clan leader who doesn't deserve it either--
--Iori's look darkens a bit, chuckling somewhat. There's a brief noise in the background of something skittering over, as Iori's Drapion comes closer and gets a petting for her troubles. "Should we ever find what in Almighty Sinnoh's vast space is causing the distortions that threatened our world, and find a way back...remind me to take you to Hisui with me. Both of you. I...would love nothing more than to show you my homeland's beauty--and have both of you assist in making things right."
Noriko doesn't respond, seemingly distracted by whatever she's reading in the paper. Camille's roaring laughter is a good distraction from that, and she seems outright delighted. "Shit, girl, now you're gettin' me all excited! I know you've got enemies aplenty over there, so don't you even worry about a thing! Find me a good area that won't fuck things up too much, and I'll do 'em just like ol' Proton taught me! No survivors!"
"...Camille." Noriko's voice quietly breaks through Camille's cheer, as she looks back to Noriko with a quirked brow.
"...You said that you provided a distraction for us to be able to leave without a trace when we were beset by those pesky Rockets, correct?"
Camille seems a little perturbed when that gets brought up, her eyes going over to the paper. "I mean, yeah? I told ya outright that no one saw where y'all went. I'm not one for lying to my superiors; you, of all people, know that."
"No, no. I believe you misunderstand; the fact that nobody's come knocking on our door is proof enough that whatever you did worked." Noriko scoots the newspaper over, allowing Camille to see it. "But this...what on earth did you do?"
Camille's eyes scan over the article in question, concerned for a moment, but...
In the wake of the attack on the Pewter City Museum, an altercation near Route 25 still raises heads and local concerns as the wanted fugitive Noriko Isobe has disappeared into hiding. Reports of the scene are limited, due to the attack taking place on the outskirts of Route 25, but the damage to the local environment and the body's left behind paint a terrifying picture. Trees charred, bodies that were left in such a devastating and broken state that local authorities have not allowed anyone near the area in months, and even after cleanup, Pokemon of the area avoid where this took place as if it were cursed.
In the midnight hours of November 2nd, 2023, reports of a confrontation were called to police by citizens in the surrounding area; by the time police arrived, the confrontation had seemingly finished, though firefighters were called to the scene to extinguish the raging flames that threatened human and Pokemon alike. It is currently unknown if this is in any way connected to the attack on the Museum, but the timing is far too close to be mere coincidence, says the local police. Even with this considered, investigation on this matter has been slow, with authorities stating that the case may end up going cold; whether that is due to the deaths consisting solely of Team Rocket members affiliated with the Saffron branch and the police force's long standing grudge or something else remains to be seen.
Though the local authorities have remained somewhat silent on the matter, local talk has not; rumors of this being a copycat of an old member of Rocket's Goldenrod Squadron known as Pyre have circled around, despite the member's death having been confirmed in the Team Flare incident back in 2013. Rocket activity has increased in response to this, and it is advised to (continued on page 7)
...To say the least, it winds up getting a chuckle from Camille, one that's almost as exasperated as it is genuinely amused. "Man, the Saffron's definitely have to be pissed at this. I'd expect no less from those fuckers with a stick up their ass, but damn!"
"Camille. Answer my question."
Despite it all, Noriko's voice seems almost...horrified, if briefly, and Camille looks to her and shrugs. "Look, I only brought out the Infernal Parade because the Rocket fuckers wouldn't stay down. There was like...ten of 'em, after you left? I stayed behind a bit to make sure the coast was clear for you."
Noriko's expression doesn't ease in the slightest at that, but it goes down a bit. "...You had no choice, then."
"Ten on one doesn't exactly mean you can fight fair, especially when they try to overwhelm you with numbers." Camille shrugs a bit, flippant as ever. "I just did 'em like I've always done. Ashes and the rest of the crew came out so I could steal their Pokemon, and once they realized they couldn't kill me AND they were disarmed, they tried to bail. I wasn't going to have that, so--"
"--No further details needed." Noriko's expression looks less blanched and more composed, with that information considered, at least. "...Ashes' power truly has become quite terrifying, if it managed to leave the area in such a state. I will not chide you for going all out. But...try to inform me quicker, that you had to resort to such things. I would rather not have this new world left with utterly barren areas."
There's a part of Camille that's almost exasperated with that, but unsurprised; Noriko has always been strange about shit like this. "...Figured it wasn't going to be that big of a worry, especially with your healing takin' it's sweet ass time. But I'll do that, yeah."
"Your consideration is appreciated, and I will be expecting that going forward." Noriko turns to look at the paper again, before setting it aside and taking a drink. "To be clear, I'm not angry with you, for the record. You did what you felt you had to, and when it comes to matters like that...I do trust your judgement in eradicating scum."
Camille lets out a small, amused noise, before chuckling. "Shit, Nori, keep that up and you might make me blush! Save the sweet nothings for later, yeah? I imagine Iori doesn't want us gettin' sappy in front of her salad, and all that!"
"...Your consideration for my sensibilities is kind." Iori chances that after kind of shaking her head and sighing, earning a laugh from Camille.
"Think nothing of it, babe. Shame you ain't interested, I'm sure Nori and I wouldn't mind havin' a--"
"At any rate." Noriko interrupts firmly, clearing her throat as a small flush crosses her face.
"The plans have been finalized, even with the delays caused by the bleeding heart in Merrtoz." ...Despite the words, Noriko's tone is perhaps surprisingly soft when she refers to the man. "My child should be back in Blueberry by September's beginning, and Iori, I want you to keep an eye on Jacques and Madison until we can spring the trap. Guide them toward checking the basement, and I will trickle some of our grunts in as the month goes on. I've already hacked into Uva's servers to make the necessary registrations, even with the heightened security that La Primera has employed."
Iori and Camille nod their heads, as they listen to Noriko.
"By mid-month, I want Jacques and Madison captured, and I will send out a message to my child and their friend of the hostage situation. Emilia's Alakazam should be readily acclimated to teleport Ren to Fuchsia, and from there, they'll be able to use their Huntail to surf the rest of the way. Emilia should be able to pass on the information to that child as well, so Carmine shouldn't be too far behind. Even if this risks going public, the grunts are prepped and ready for all-out war, should any blithering idiots decide to try and stop us. Once we overwhelm them, I can bring them under our thrall, and we can proceed with the last rites phase of our plan."
"We're really that damn close, eh..." Camille seems shocked, but absolutely thrilled, even as she stuffs her face. "I cannot WAIT to fuck all these ungrateful little shits up!"
Iori chuckles, her tone going dreamy. "At long last, Almighty Sinnoh's vast space will belong to the selfless again. Our actions will reverb most beautifully throughout it's distance...and the chosen will usher in a new, beautiful era. I am looking most forward to it, my lady."
Iori's words and stalwart belief, and Camille's almost gentle ease seem to strengthen Noriko, and she smiles, gaze driven and dark and with all of the weight of someone prepared to enact the end.
"By our hands, we shall make it so. The world will bear witness to our glory."
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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the last photo I took of Belphie this morning......he truly is an insect
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moechies · 1 month
“shit, this pussy’s damn tight, girl.” toji chuckles, leaned against the wooden headboard of his mattress, with your pretty cunt impaled on his dick. you’re sat upon the man’s lap, back slumped into his bigger body as he lifts your legs to your chest with a singular arm.
“hnn—! thank y-you, thank you, thank you !” you slur, holding onto the man’s bigger arm for leverage as he pumps his cock against your cunt, your round butt slapping against his pelvis.
“tch,” he smirks, “thank you? haven’t heard that one b’fore.” his thrusts come to a slow, leaving you breathless and dazed. you lay back against the man’s chest as he continues lazy but brutal pumps to your poor cunt, pushing against him in an attempt to get him to slow.
“hnn.. ‘m sorry..” you cry out, embarrassed, face growing flushed as your nose scrunches at the memory of a few seconds prior.
toji can’t help but fall into a short fit of laughing at your adorable innocence, soft lips curled into a mean smirk, “‘s alright, sweet thing. yer so polite, hm?” he taunts, pressing a weighted kiss against your lips. you slip your tongue against his before you lose the chance, pressing your face closer to the man’s touch.
“y’take cock like a naughty brat, though.” he whispers in between a breath.
his sloppy tongue overrules yours, slowly but surely swallowing you whole. he peeks through a sliver of his eye, watching you pant into his mouth with your eyes squeezed tight, drool leaking down your chin, so entirety focused on kissing him back. “toji—“ you mewl.
“ya started it,” he mumbles against your swollen lips, giving your cunt a soft slap. you jerk and cry against his hold, pushing the said assaulting hand away, making him giggle. “what a dumb little thing.”
“please ! ‘m gonna c-cum! toji, please, please—“ you cry as his thrusts get harder, pace becomes sloppier, before it all comes to an abrupt stop.
your pants slow, gentle mewls that leave your lips as you begin to fall into a fit of sobs. “no..” toji breaks a grin, petting against your hair whispering sweet praises, “‘m sorry doll, daddy’s tired. let me have a break, yeah?” he adores how you look up to him with bleary eyes, chest full of pained hiccups as you attempt to bounce yourself atop his cock in your position. “..w-wanna cum!”
“don’t be so selfish, sweet thing. ‘m old, ‘s what ya get for hangin’ around me.” he lies through his teeth. pace slowly resuming. his creamy, slicked up cock causes his thrusts to grow in noise, face flushing at the evidence of the use of your poor cunt.
“daddy —!”
“shhh, settle down and let daddy focus, yeah?” he mumbles breathlessly against the shell of your ear, “or else daddy might get too tired.. and won’t be able to finish ya off.” he sighs.
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clarisimart · 1 month
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be careful what you wish for, Fordsy
commission info here
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naomistares · 5 months
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caught up with farcille lore i am back
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zenathered · 4 months
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I just found out the most hilariously amazing thing.
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