#[ aranea wants to fight you ]
I Hate The New Hero
Pt 2: A spider's nest is different to a bird's.
You exit the school building with two of your friends; Sherri Webster and Tia Hunt. You see Timothy leaning against the wall to the exit of the school building and you can't help but scoff, does he not have a life or friends?
Okay, judging by how the polls are going now, this one is winning!! I'll post the second part of Don't Drink The Kool-Aid soon (possibly tomorrow or the day afterwards). Don't be afraid to send in asks and such regarding anything! I love answering them and doing side stories/headcannons for this series or other series of mine!
The day rolls by painfully slow. How could it not when you're going to invite someone, who you're pretty sure would throw you to the wolves for a dollar, into your shitty apartment?
Tia notices your gaze and chuckles, you had already told them both about Tim and the project, they laughed and made fun of you - you'll get back at them.
Sherri pats me back "If you don't come back to school tomorrow we'll let the police know he probably murdered you!" Tia laughs at that and I grumble and elbow Sherri.
"Oh shut up! God, you're insufferable!"
"And you're about to be dead!"
"Oh please, no one in Gotham stays dead these days!"
"I'll make sure you do!"
Tia interrupts before the minor spat ends in the two forgetting Timothy is there - now looking at the three with the very hatred you'd give to your parent's murderers.
"Can you guys fight later? In the group chat maybe? I'm starving and want to go home - private school food tastes like shit." Sherri sighs but agrees and the two wave goodbye before leaving you.
You wave and after a bit of awkward silence you glance at Timothy who is now staring daggers at you, his eyes are calculating but aren't narrowed - like a feral wolf analysing it's target. You hold back a sigh as you raise a brow.
You make a hand motion for him to follow you and you start to walk along the path to your amazing, beautiful, posh, cool apartment that in no way is flawed.
The walk is silent and painful, at this point your willing to bust out the charms and joke with him but you're scared he's going to smash your head into the concrete as soon as you make a joke.
You walk past a poster that was hung up regarding the heroes of Gotham, Aranea is near the center hanging to the side of a wall. You scowl at it - the picture was bad and didn't flatter you at all.
Timothy catches your scowl and makes a show of rolling his eyes and typing something on his phone. You can't hold back any longer.
"What? You grading me or something? Speak the fuck up if you have a problem, Richy Rich." You sneer as you say the last part, he snaps his head up at you in offense.
"Oh, you want me to speak up?! Fine, you're a selfish brat who's got parents that fawn over you and you never lacked anything in your life yet you go after some sweet innocent girl who would a hundred percent save you if you needed it. Aranea is one of the best people in Gotham and it's disgusting that you are so rude to her!" Timothy rants. You can't help but raise a brow, you want to laugh so hard - the irony is right there.
Instead you roll your eyes "You hate me because I hate someone you fangirl over? How pathetic. Hate me for a real reason!" You try not to smirk when you see Timothy try to take deep breaths and calm down.
"... Let's just get to your apartment already." He states as he continues walking, you raise a brow. "Wrong way." He turns around and follows you silently.
Finally you stop in front of your stunning apartment. Out of the corner of your eye you see Tim raise a brow.
"How'd you get into a private school if your parents can't even afford an apartment building that doesn't look like it's had ten different crime scenes this week?"
You deadpan, ouch man...
"I got in through an engineering scholarship." You reply blandly, no point in spilling your emotions and true personality to a person like Timothy.
Timothy doesn't say anything else and you take that as the conversation ending and lead him into the complex and to the apartment you reside in.
It's home and you wouldn't want anything different. The plants are dead, there's a leaky tap, the clock that's stuck on the wall ticks annoyingly, there's a small spider making it's home in one of the corners and all the furniture looks one kick away from dust.
Your parents don't have much time to clean...
You look at Timothy out of the corner of your eye, despite loving where you live you know people will judge and Tim will probably use this against you some time in the future.
Tim's confused. You had always exuded "rich spoilt brat" behavior and seemed so stuck up yet live in actual filth? On top of that you got into Gotham Academy on a scholarship? Do high schools even do scholarships? It doesn't make sense.
Tim's not an idiot, he knows he's being petty but at the same time he can't bring himself to stop. Aranea is one of the kindest people he's met in Gotham, a saint, an innocent person who deserves a good life.
Yet, you hate her guts, you say awful things about her despite not even meeting her - or maybe you did, either way there's no reason for you to be acting like this.
Tim isn't petty, he won't use your living situation against you but the scholarship thing can be.. a small post can ultimately cause ridicule in the school.
He blinks a couple times, not noticing how he's already in a cramped bedroom - it's the size of a supply closet in the manor!
There's a bed in the corner, a window that's curtained up, a closet, a toy chest and a pile of sketch books that reaches halfway up the bedframe. It's cozy he supposes - for a sewer rat at least.
You mumble something about getting food before leaving the room. Seems you have some smarts and etiquette.
His phone buzzes and he looks down at the Gotham Vigilante Group Chat (GVGC), it's a message from Aranea.
Aranea: "Heyyyy!! I won't be able to go on patrol tonight, my mama wants to go out for dinner :("
Tim sighs, that's good. He can't go because of the stupid project so it seems he won't have to get horrendously teased for missing out on hanging with Aranea.
Tim's phone buzzes again and it's Bruce.
Bruce: "Message if (Reader) does anything sketchy. You can't trust someone so hateful."
Way to state the obvious. Tim already had multiple plans in case you did something.
He pockets his phone after responding with a thumbs up and he sits down, on the floor - assuming that's where they'll work.
Soon you come back with snacks in hand and had changed into more comfortable clothes - they were your dad's because in no way were you going to show Timothy your sense of style.
The clothes consisted of cargo shorts that were grossly oversized and tied with some shoelace to stop them from falling and an oversized shirt with the image of Garfield on it.
You raise a brow at where Timothy is sitting.
"Uh, why are you sitting on the floor?"
"That's where we'll work. Why?"
You think you're ready to go cry in a corner out of frustration.
"I have a bed."
"okay? I doubt it can even fit the both of us."
... Okay, that's true. Still, even if you hated him your parents didn't raise you to be rude to guests.
"Fine. You sit on the bed and I'll kneel on the floor."
You watch as his eyes widen, not expecting that response. You push him to stand up and make him sit on the bed before plopping down and taking a big sketchbook and flipping to the back of it.
"Okay, let's get started." You mumble, more so to yourself.
You two spend the next three to four hours researching, drawing things and writing down dates. By the end of it your tired and just want to sleep. It would have been done sooner if there wasn't an argument that caused you to storm out of the apartment and pace the halls and if Tim didn't leave to the halls to answer a call but at least it's over with.
You rest your head against your bed, you're still on the floor and more than content staying there, you doubt your body will even allow you to move.
Slowly your eyes close and you drift off to sleep.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 months
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Today the energies are 0, tbh, but I found a bit to draw Mephisto and Aranea together, because honestly, I needed a bit of comfort, so I wanted to draw these two being all sweet.
sort of.
For context, I like to imagine that whenever Mephisto and Aranea fight, Aranea just teleports away to the Mortal Plane and disappear for sometime (between a day and six months, depending how much she is mad at Mephisto), disappearing as much as she could when she has her Patron constantly lurking in the back of her mind.
But, no matter how angry they are with each other, no matter how pissed off, they are both always listening to the other's thoughts, just in case.
So, when I watched the scene from The Sandman, (you know the one); I thought that the small piece of dialogue was perfect for what I was going for Mephisto and Aranea.
And you can bet your hat that whenever Aranea calls because she is in need or in danger, Mephisto answers right away.
so yeah.
Please, do not mind the sloppiness, it's just something that I did to bring me some comfort and I had 0 energies to spend on lol
But I hope you will like this nevertheless.
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red-elric · 1 year
i think what a lot of ppl miss about the nuance when it comes to the retcon is that the POINT of it is that its a bad ending. homestuck is designed to be a tragedy and it was never going to end well; its frankly ridiculous to try and shoehorn in a scenario where none of the current main characters are dead when the story is ABOUT death. its not narratively satisfying at all like this! but thats not what the kids wanted (and, more to the point, thats not what the FANS wanted. newer fans DEFINITELY miss the fact that homestuck was written as a conversation between hussie and the fans, a conversation that turned into an argument halfway through and led to a lot of things being taken in bad faith on both sides. but i digress; this is a watsonian post)
the retcon powers are very VERY explicitly described as the ability to change the alpha timeline. the 'whats supposed to happen' of it all, the premeditated narrative the story was written to fill. conversely, when aranea used the ring of life to come back and meddle, she is explicitly described as 'causing a doomed timeline.' and like, the thing about doomed timelines is that theyre meant to happen as much as theyre meant to be fixed. theyre how paradox space accounts for and incorporates time travel, and the existence of the doomed timeline is often NECESSARY for the alpha timeline to function. thats how you get davesprite, thats how the aradiabot that brought gamzee's honkHONK code back from his crazy murder timeline contributed to doc scratch's creation, thats why every dead dave helped the alpha timeline dave figure out what to do. if vriska was meant to have never died in the first place the timeline wouldve been doomed long before game over. the ring went to the wrong person, and thats the kind of simple fix sburb was expecting to solve with some time travel to get things back on track
the ring was supposed to go to someone else. probably vriska! from the alpha timelines perspective, it wasnt that long after her confrontation with john that she really changed and grew as a character. that she became someone who deserved a second chance. imagine: john uses his retcon as normal time travel, the way sburb comprehended it through the limitations of its code. he takes the ring before aranea can, goes to the dream bubbles, and has another conversation with vriska. maybe she doesnt even really want the ring anymore, and thats exactly the kind of thing that would convince john to give it to her. and she agrees, because he tells her terezi is waiting for her. they go back, they have the final fight, and people die. maybe they dont come back. but its the group of characters who earned the ending, who we watched grow up for three years
but thats not what happened, and it was never going to be what happened, because as narratively satisfying as it could have been? john and terezi wanted something different. john wanted everything to be OVER and terezi wanted the chance to make a different choice, even if it was wrong. theyre selfish; theyre kids. theyre tired of being characters in a story, of someone else pulling their strings. thats what typheus's choice was about, you know? and john made the wrong choice. some other version of john could have fixed things the "right" way, had our john decided to die instead. to accept the consequences of the doomed timeline and let pardox space fix it. hell, between roxys first instinct to just sit and let the void take her and terezis pointy horns offering a counterpoint we have some pretty blatant devil/angel on the shoulder imagery! and john making the same wrong choice he did when terezi first told him to fly to the seventh gate, except this time there was no davesprite on angel wings, no one left alive he cared about enough to listen to. because as much as john felt like he was SUPPOSED to fall for roxy, the girl version of his fathers lover, someone strongly associated with his half of karkat's shipping chart but without the complication of being a lesbian, someone HUMAN to repopulate the world with cut out of his apocalypse movie fantasies...... terezis way of thinking has always appealed to him more. because as much as he pretends its not true, john doesnt like to take things lying down, and he doesnt like when other people do either. he gets bored! hes attracted to the danger and morally grey self confidence terezi and vriska exude, so. he listened to terezi, and they brought vriska back.... without any of the character development she had gone through.
and its a bad ending, because of course it would be. and thats the point :) it was stupid to think two kids could meddle with the fate of the universe and it was stupid to think that these kids could have a happy ending so easily. but can you really blame them?
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sleepyheadnat · 2 months
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Word count: 675
Cleaning up the rubble of the old Citadel years after the fact, Cindy ended up finding something unexpected—a broken leather string tied to a rusty little plaque in the middle. A dog tag. With Noctis's name, age, sex and blood type engraved on it.
It had been a stupid thing, really. Noctis and Prompto had still been in high school at the time and a fair had hit the town. The gunslinger—18 years old and having never held a gun at that point—convinced them to get matching ones from a stand so their whole Royal Retainer "thing" would, quote on quote, "Feel more legit". And now here Noctis's lied, in the ruins of the place where he had fallen. How very fitting.
That silly town's fair trinket was now akin to the prince's inheritance. But there was no fight for its possession—the other two decided on Ignis immediately. And Ignis took it, and he clung to it. It hadn't been easy for any of them—much less for himself—to see their formerly composed and seemingly unshakable companion, their "mom", kneeling on the dusty ground, gripping the dog tag in both hands like his life depended on it, sobbing openly and bitterly like a child.
He began wearing it around his neck—fixed the string with the utmost care. Aranea would catch, out of the corner of her eyes, how he would sometimes hold it between fingers, stroke it while whispering soothing mantras to get himself to calm down when whatever creature lived in his head started acting up. In moments like those it settled in her—the truth she had long realized and accepted way before he had gotten down on one knee before her: Aranea had married a broken man. Fit her just right, though; she wasn't any less broken than he was.
Maybe too many blows to the head will do that to you, but she found it harder and harder to discern reality in her mind. She would spend minutes trying to separate her dreams—and nightmares—from the prior night from her actual life, try to make sure that the memory she was playing in her mind was an actual memory and not a thought or a story someone had told her.
She would sometimes watch Ignis as he talked to her, stare at the scarred eyes behind his glasses, follow the movement of his lips and wonder to herself who was this man talking to her so intimately and why did he feel so familiar. Some mornings, she would leap out of bed when she saw him and reach for a spear that was not there. Ignis would gently, lovingly coax her into believing that yes, they were married, this was her house, she was safe. No, the war had ended long ago, they didn't have to worry about that. Niffelheim? No, they were in Insomnia, she had defected from the Empire years ago. Why was the Sun up? It was because the True King had sacrificed himself to bring the Dawn back. The world was saved.
And, as sick and twisted as it was (because it was very sick and twisted), the few tears that would sometimes escape Ignis as he said those words aloud would at times turn out to be just the thing that spurred Aranea's memories back. She would come out of her episodes just in time to see her husband try to hide his sadness. But Aranea, always one to have things done her way, would have none of that. And, as sick and twisted as it was, comforting him helped ease her mind away from painful memories and destructive thoughts.
In a sick, twisted, miraculous way, having to care for each other's burdens helped ease their own pain. It was easier to be strong when you had someone who depended on you, warmth was easier to find with arms holding you or another body lying beside your own in bed. Yes, married life suited them just fine—to live is to suffer, but at least they weren't suffering alone.
This is a little segment of a HighSpecs fic I began writing in late 2022/early 2023. I never got around to finishing it,—and I want to! I just don't know when I'll have the time—but this section was completed and self-contained enough that I felt like sharing it by itself for now, while the rest of the fic remains a WIP.
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someobscurereference · 3 months
ive been rereading your ffxv fic "im trying hard to take it back" for literally four years now. please end my suffering and tell me how gladio feels. please. PLEASE. (but only if u want ofc)
(fic) Short answer: Gladio feels insane guilt and spends a lot of his life trying to make this up to Prompto. In the process, they deepen their connection as friends and do begin a relationship probably around the one-year mark of endless darkness. <3
Longer answer: (implications of abuse/violence tw but no worse than in the fic itself; just what others assume to be true even if it's not in the context of this specific fic)
Gladio is a secret romantic at heart who has always envisioned meeting his soulmate, but he's also duty-bound and duty comes first. So even though he reads romance books (amongst other types of books too) and indulges in his head a bit as many people do, he's often put his duty to the crown first and foremost in his mind. He also didn't imagine his soulmate was anyone on this trip and thought perhaps the person he may have been fated to meet died in the assault of Insomnia. Even if they were a refugee, they can't be a priority to him at this moment. His priority has to be Noctis.
Prompto has obviously grown on him over the course of their road trip, but there are aspects of them that don't 100% mesh (as is true with every realistic relationship). That said, Gladio never in a hundred years would want this moment of (understandable but out of line) frustration and anger in the wake of Luna and Altissa to be a permanent mark on Prompto's face. He's genuinely horrified and disgusted with himself for a long time after this and spends most of his life trying to make it up. He feels like a dirtbag about it.
That said, Prompto runs away from him in this moment and they need time to calm down, just as the fic shows. Noctis goes after Prompto, just like in canon. Prompto falls off the train and has his Despair Arc just like in the DLC, now with the added despair of "well, in addition to being a clone, my soulmate hates me. And in addition to the mark of inhumanity on my wrist (barcode), I have a giant hand print of him literally Shoving Me Away on my face. Forever."
Aranea: Well, do you want to die about it. Or do you want to live.
Prompto, eventually like in canon: Live, I guess. But it will be excruciating.
Aranea: That's what living is. We do it anyway. Your friends love you. Get off the floor.
He fights his way through his issues and gets rescued like in canon. Gladio probably tries to talk to him when they all catch up again, trying to apologize, and Prompto tells him to hold off on that for later.
Then, of course, Noctis is eaten by the crystal and "later" becomes much, much later as they evacuate and try to survive in eternal darkness. (Though they also can't Not think about it because it's a giant hand print. On Prompto's face. And every person they meet has Something To Say about it, for better or worse, whether they knew Prompto before or not. Prompto cannot escape it, and when Gladio is not doing Crown Duties he feels he must do in Noct's absence, he's with Prompto, so he also Cannot Escape It either. Even when the person speaking is unaware that Gladio left that mark. It's almost worse when they don't know, but when they see it's Gladio, who is such a big guy who seemingly hit Prompto and left that permanent mark there, some of them get nasty to him and some back off out of fear. Both are horrible. The guilt is eating him alive.)
Eventually, enough time passes as the dust settles that they do Talk About It. Gladio apologizes sincerely, for the 500th time. Prompto's like, "Well. It's not like you could have known that this would be The One Time it happened." And then cracks a joke about their soulmate mark being a Prompto's hand print on Gladio's ass from a butt slap in another life, which does help the tension somewhat. (The more Gladio tries to apologize, the more Prompto grows sick of hearing it, so they just have to move on and keep going, as he's learned to do.)
They grow closer over time, especially because there's not a lot of people who have survived to this point and even less later on. They do get together romantically, both because they do like the idea of soulmates (for different reasons) and also because they're living out of each others pockets for years, so there's an affection and dependency that develops there. Also, teenage Prompto always thought Gladio was really handsome and teen Gladio thought Prompto was cute and sincere for a pipsqueak.
When they are out together on dates in normal settings surrounded by strangers after the light returns, Gladio will receive dirty looks for the rest of his life from strangers who see the hand print on Prompto's face and immediately (correctly) assumes it was out of anger rather than a funny accident or something. (Edit: Some people will assume there is a funny story attached. Gladio will not know what to say to this. Prompto will play along.) He will learn to live with this. Prompto is really grateful Gladio is with him despite everything.
#FOUR YEARS that's so flattering adjklasjldkja;fsal; thank you for reading and for caring after all this time. it genuinely means a lot#if you were looking for a cuter/succinct answer i'm so sorry and can definitely give you one. this was just one of my more realistic aus#my text#asks#my fic#promptio#ffxv#for the record i don't think gladio and prompto are Rock Solid for the full 10 years in this au#i think they have periods in the darkness where they separate for a while. out of necessity. as many in the dark do.#whether due to feeling antsy or personality clashes or conflicting traumas of what they've had to deal with and Missing Noct and#Losing Faith and Regaining Faith and Obligations and The Horrors and so on#but I do think they cannot escape each other especially with gladio's hand print on prompto's face and so they can't Not think about#each other always. prompto in the mirror. gladio in his dreams.#so they are always drawn together and they do work things out and get used to each other#and end up relatively happy together in the end#they lean on each other a lot in the post-noct times#especially gladio who doesn't know what to do with himself without noctis always and ignis is equally lost#making themselves useful but running around the same ruts in the ground as always#and prompto is over here pulling himself up by his boostraps while pretending he's not crying in the caravan bathroom#like they all are#i do NOT mean for this to sound as depressing as it does. I think like years 1-2 post Hand Incident are really rough with moments of light#and then all the times after that are super solid <3#they DO end up happy together it just takes a lot of hard work and they know each other better than anyone by the end#thank you again for sending this ask after 4 years it is so wonderful to read
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Question for you, what are your thoughts on Aranea? I've seen people view her as a complete villain, i've seen people view her as a poor little woobie, and I've seen people deeply concerned about her adoration of Mindfang. I find her very interesting in the fact for all her manipulative behavior in homestuck, I can't really blame her for wanting to NOT fight lord english and just uncanonize him. But also she mind controlled and killed a lot of ghosts and directly or indirectly got lots killed.
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i. adore aranea. not because i think shes good or even really all that nice, but because i think she has such a unique range of depth to her character that simultaneously paints her as a genius and an enormous idiot.
its clear shes very intelligent and cunning, as not only is she more powerful than vriska, but unlike vriska, who has to brute force her way through her conversations with her bravado and with her psychics, aranea can actually properly manipulate people with just her words.
shes smug and she idolizes an abuser because shes been lead to believe by paradox space itself that if she had been more like an alternian, she wouldve succeeded.
the thing with both serkets is that they HATE "losing," and losing can mean a lot of things to them and its impossible for them to let it go. aranea is obsessed with mindfang partially because vriska did, and its obvious that she really did want to connect with vriska on a genuine level, but its clear her normal sensibilities werent vriskas style.
no one takes her seriously, and by virtue of the meta-narrative, no one is SUPPOSED TO. the beforus trolls are jokes. they're flat caricatures of whatever person they might have been. homestucks afterlife is so fucked because not only does it degrade your status in the timeline, but also it degrades YOU, as a person. you have no goals, you have nothing else you can do but dick around in an infinite mish-mash of memories. its purgatory and a huge joke.
its obvious aranea seriously projected hard on the alternian ancestors to try to cope with this reality but until lord english started wrecking shop, she didnt have an outlet for this obsession. she seriously believes she IS mindfang despite the vastly different lives they lead, and the fact that she is still only a teenager.
she takes the end justifies the means to the farthest extent possible, blindly believing that one big damn heroic moment would be enough to make what she did okay. and thats a direct parallel to vriska planning to fight jack noir. she wants so badly to believe that one HUGE good thing will counteract the hundreds of small bad things that built up along the way.
shes. psychologically fascinating. the depths of her character is so immense, she is NOT a good person and on some level, she knows it. she fails horrifically because she was stupid for thinking that her plan to overwrite a doomed timeline would work. but its so fucked up and fascinating that. somehow. her actions and interference indirectly did lead to the alpha timeline. john and roxys survival from [s] game over are a permanent reminder of the mark she left upon the narrative. and we never see her again.
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I feel like I don’t see enough exploration into thow the ancestors being their parents affects the trolls in Humanstuck au’s. Because when you think about it it’s really fucking interesting.
Vriska in canon idolizes Mindfiang and tries to imitate her in her everyday life. She even goes as far as forcing herself to show interest in and become quadrantmates with the descendants of Mindfang’s quadrantmates (Eridan and Tavros). For humanstuck this creates a kid who places her mother on a pedestal and forms her entire personality around her. Maybe Mindfang is some notable person in the town they live in, like she holds an important job or she was infamous at the schools Vriska goes to. She could be so popular to the point where Vriska and Aranea are seen as “Mindfang’s kids” first and themselves second. Vriska thinks her mother is extremely cool and can do no wrong. Bonus points if Mindfang is dead or missing and Vriska lives with Aranea or Spidermom (who in this case might be Mindfangs terrible mother or sister or something). Vriska might be trying to honor her mother by imitating her in everyday life, based on what little information she has on her from her journals and the stories people tell her. Aranea, being older and having probably interacted with Mindfang more before her death, might know her true personality (whether she was good or bad) and is hiding what she knows from Vriska so as to not crush this perfect version of their mother that she has. This would make it ten times harder for Vriska to step out of Mindfang’s shadow and form her own personality, as she would feel like she was betraying her mother or letting go of her memory.
Meenah and Feferi!!!! Now they live with the terrible piece of shit that is HIC. In canon Meenah idolizes HIC as a cooler alternate version of herself, while Feferi is disgusted and horrified by her actions. This translates pretty easily over to a messed up parent/child dynamic. Meenah sees her mother as extremely cool, and thinks that if she imitates her or proves to her mother how cool SHE is that HIC will love her. She wants to be moms favorite and for them to be on a team against her annoying sister. Meanwhile Feferi is disillusioned from whatever caused Meenah to have this view on their mom, and instead sees her for the terrible person she is. Feferi is constantly trying to separate herself from her mother and prove that she is nothing like her. This is EXTREMELYinteresting if you include SolFef or Sollux and Feferi being close friends. The Psiioniic is one of the people HIC treated the worst out of the ancestors, meaning that in a humanstuck setting she is likely his abusive ex or a former/current bully. Psii could even work for her and be treated terribly at his job. This would cause an immediate distrust in Feferi, and Fef would have to work extremely hard to prove to Sollux’s dad that she is nothing like her mother and is a good person. This could also lead to a Meenah and Feferi conflict, where they are constantly fighting about their mother until Meenah has a moment where she realizes that no matter how much she tries to prove herself worthy, HIC is never going to love her, at least not in the way she wants her to.
The new family relations alone are interesting. Are Signless and the Disciple married, making Kankri, Meulin, Karkat, and Nepeta siblings? Is Dolorosa still Signless’s mom (which if you go this route I would usually make Kanaya and Porrim her grandchildren and have them as the Vantas’s cousins, but age gaps between siblings that are that big DO exist so Kanaya and Porrim could be Singless’ sisters and Karkat and Kankri’s aunts)? The Vantas’, Leijon’s, and Captor’s have likely been close since before Karkat, Nepeta, and Sollux were born, so do the three of them wonder if they’re actually friends or if they only hang out due to this proximity? Are either Dualscar or the Summoner Aranea and Vriska’s dad, or do the Ampora’s and Nitram’s just have a complicated history with the Serket’s due to these former relationships? How would this affect Vriska, Eridan, and Tavros’ friendship? How does Terezi’s mom working for Gamzee’s dad affect the relationship between the Pyrope’s and the Makara’s? There’s just so much shit to look at and I find it very interesting.
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akysi · 8 months
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Finally, some more art! This time it’s a complete redesign for Aranea; a new concept, personality, story role, colour scheme, the works! She was originally a minor character, and while that’s still somewhat true here, I’ve specifically tied her role to the main plot via her new concept, and the reason she’s nicknamed “The Star Weaver”. Using her magic needle, she’s able to “weave” remnants of dead constellations and create glass portraits of them, which are then placed in the astral mausoleum to preserve their memory. Conceptually speaking, I wanted to combine the idea of lines connecting stars in a constellation, the connecting lines in a spider’s web, and the lines between pieces of stained glass to create Aranea’s core idea here.
The constellation for Aranea is based on the yellow sac spider, labelled as the “long-legged spider” by its original mapper, though I’ve incorporated a bit of orb weavers to match the theming too. I did leave a few hints at her previous peacock spider inspiration, primarily in her glasses and head stripes. Her glasses are meant to be like large, dark voids that conceal her expression, you never quite know what she’s thinking. This matches with her overall aloof and quiet personality, usually only speaking when absolutely necessary.
The first two months of the year are always odd ones for me, usually a lot of aimless sketching and WIPs until something gets finished (outside of commission work, of course), but I really like how this came out! It took the usual amount of workshopping and I’ve had it as a WIP for a while, but luckily it didn’t fight me as much as I thought it might.
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frank can you summarize the entire plot of homestuck
Homestuck is about 4 kids who log onto a strange multiplayer video game called "Sburb." The game is godlike, much bigger than the real world, and the kids are prompted by an AI which controls the game to try to find a way to "end" it, i.e. return to the real world. In the process they learn new things about themselves and the universe, but are also bizarrely trapped within the game's mechanics.
Act 1:
The kids meet and create a cringey troll named Vriska. Vriska is unhinged and mean, but the kids befriend her anyway. As the plot goes on they learn to understand each other and she becomes less unhinged and mean, but she still manipulates people for her own ends, and she later also betrays them. Her aesthetic sense is questionable.
Act 2:
Another group of kids appear, and instead of joining together with the four main kids they form their own team, lead by a personality named Dave (not to be confused with the other Dave). This team, referred to as the "Hiveswapters," are from a parallel dimension and have their own brand of cringey humor. They learn about "Time Travel," and return to the alpha session to find that the main 4 kids have turned into their younger selves, and that time has "reset" to the beginning of the game.
The main 4 kids encounter a strange troll called "Karkat," and they agree to ally with him against Vriska and her cronies. Karkat is the leader of his people, and he is in a romantic relationship with Vriska. Vriska's ex, "Terezi," also appears, and she helps the main 4 kids attack Vriska's base. Terezi and Karkat are both important to the overall "Meenah" plotline, as is a lot of drama surrounding Karkat.
Act 3:
A new character, "Bro," is introduced. Bro's true self is a man named "Breath of God" who was imprisoned in a hollow block by a Mage of Doom named "Aranea," who also appears around this time. Aranea is everything I hate about Bro: a controlling antagonist who wants to "manage" reality to fit their own view of it.
Bro, Vriska, and Karkat are also from a group called "the Midnight Crew," and together with the Hiveswapters and the main 4 kids the Midnight Crew have formed an army to fight Aranea and her army, who are led by an evil version of Bro called "Blaze." The alliance is organized by Rose (one of the main 4 kids).
The main 4 kids meet a green cat named "Davepeta" and an orange dog named "Kurloz." They also see their "Alpha" selves, who have aged and grown up, and get into an argument with them. Kurloz and Davepeta have a cringey human "version," called "Davepetasprite," who evolves into "Davepeta2," who starts fights with other people and eventually turns into a demon called "Tavros."
Over the course of the battle with Aranea, several characters die, including Karkat, Rose, and Tavros. Rose dies saving Davepeta2, who turns into the timeline where everything is fine, and the real Davepeta appears later on.
Act 4:
[Approximately 3/4 of the plot is left.]
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seldomdrawncherubs · 6 days
a slightly different classpecting question for you two: imagine that for whatever reason, you can't be a master class anymore and have to change to something else. What class would you be and why? You can interpret this as "what would you want to be" or "what would fit you the most". Also you can keep your aspect
UU: oh, this is a difficult one! i sometimes wish I had more active inflUence over everything, and that i coUld simply be free and not stUck here.
UU: light players can do so mUch and breath players are Untethered...
UU: mUses are sUpposed to inspire and write instead of acting directly, bUt it feels very stifling.
UU: i always envied witches their activities. did yoU know that feferi made the dream bUbbles even after she died? she created the dreams i sometimes see off of prospit. she doesn't know it, bUt she's the reason many of Us are less lonely.
UU: I also envied the sheer drive of the sylphs...kanaya was always so powerfUl in keeping things together that it fUeled a completely UniqUe fighting style!
UU: she coUld avenge her friends and keep people together and be an amazing artist all at once.
UU: and as mUch as aranea doomed a timeline, I do sometimes wish I coUld rUn free and try to change things.
UU: and if i coUld copy their propensity to retUrn from the dead...
UU: perhaps we woUld not have to fight...
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cure-typhoon · 6 months
i apologize for the wording in that ask lol. using the lalondes as an example again but better hopefully,, kid rose is sent in place of kid roxy and the same with their guardian counterparts. so rose grows up in post apocalyptic fish land with jake, jane, and dirk, while roxy is raised by guardian rose and is friends with john, jade, and dave. you can do this with any player duo like the captors, vantas’s etc but only just them. ur just swapping them around pre and post scratch. ig the question is more what swap would u be most intrigued by :)?
OHH thank you! English is not my first language and i get confused easily! sorry :b
Let's see... I'm assuming they grow up in the alternate universe and didnt just swap places out of nowhere with all their memories and all. Sooo, i think first one would be Feferi and Meenah /The Condesce and Beforus Feferi
It's kinda hard to imagine how some characters would be in different circunstances, as the enviroment is one of the primary things that shapes a person. But I doubt The Condesce/Adult Meenah in Beforus would be the same tyrant she was on Alternia. Meenah has been shown to be cruel (with bullying Damara so extremely that Damara straight up killed her) but also as someone who cares about their friends, like when she starts crying to June about Aranea.
So I think a Condesce rulling Beforus WOULD definitly change the way it is. First I really doubt they would have the Cuddling system the way Beforus Feferi had it, as Meenah literally tried to shape her team to become stronger, in the worst way possible and she ended up failling, but at least that was her plan. So Beforus in the rule of The Condesce would probably start to become like a less hellish Alternia?
But also Meenah was shaped by Beforus Feferi and not wanting to be like her so maybe The Condesce wouldnt have a need to try to make everything harsher? I think she would just be like, Royalty who is worshippped like Gods. Maybe she pulls up fight tournaments from time to time to not get bored and to shape the Trolls to not be ''lame''. This place is probably ridden with lots of inequality, but so was OG Beforus so its not that much of a change.
Basically she would be an uninterested Ruler who is just enjoying the fruits of being basically a Goddess to her people
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Feferi in the place of Meenah HMMM, okey I really doubt the condesce in beforus would try to murder her, so at least she has that (And not taking care of Gl'bgolyb). So for starters Feferi would have like 100% less pressure but I feel she would have a God Complex.
Like OG Feferi where she wanted to help people but was obviously misguided, but here I feel she would straight up be like ''I can never be wrong'' and wants to overthrown the Condesce and kill her even though she Definitly Doesnt Need To Do That. But she is sending a message and telling everyone she is changing shit, well at least that was her OG plan before starting the Game as she found a way to make her Perfect World. She is not happy for the failling. I feel she would become like OG Aranea where she tries to be more relevant, she probably was in cahoots with Aranea in this timeline, besties in crime
She would probably be super studious and involved in everything, to try to become ''The Best Ruler That Beforus Will Ever SEA 38D''
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(ignore that i forgot her horns)
About Beforus Feferi in Alternia
Like I feel she wouldnt try to change things in Alternia after coming to power, like I really doubt she is a fucking Nice ruler considering how Alternia is, but I think she has her doubts of how things are like, with how much unnecesary death there is. I think she would be a harsh and cruel ruler who definitly see's Lowbloods pitfully, but when she listens to the Sufferer's speechs and decides to meet with the him in private to hear his demand, I feel that The Handmaid would frame The Sufferer as if he was trying to murder Beforus Feferi and she would quickly change her mind.
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Meenah in Alternia I really doubt would be having a good time, she would have to be feeding her lusus on her own, threat of murder with her ancestor, and the general Murderland that is Alternia
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I don't think Beforus Feferi left the planet in this case or maybe she is much closer than the OG Condesce, pressuring Meenah to become a fit ruler for Alternia makes Meenah stressed
Like yes The OG Condesce went through similar stuff but i feel that Meenah being younger and also being influenced by her ancestor, her friendgroup, her lusus. She just wants to dip but she CANT with her lusus possibly killing everyone so she is very glad with the game starting soon
Okey this post is getting too long im doing another one later with the other swap!
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I Hate The New Hero!
Pt 3: How bad can a day get?
Tim gazes at you. He doesn’t know what to do or feel.
He hates you, he really does, but at the same time he kind of enjoyed the afternoon with you. If you put aside the arguments and such it was kind of fun being in your presence.
He’s conflicted, he should hate you – you’ve done bad things in the past and you hate Aranea! But, hanging out with you gives him some kind of weird feeling – euphoria fills him when you make a sarcastic comment in jest or when you chuckle at one of his jokes.
There were times you both fought but it felt nice to see you come back into the room and not just leave – his parents tended to leave for the whole night if they got into an argument and he’d have to stay in his estate alone.
He watches as you sleep peacefully, you’re in the lower age part of his class – with you being sixteen and he seventeen – yet you look so much more youthful while sleeping, your face isn’t in a scowl or bored look, you look content.
Tim slowly gets up from the bed and looks around the small, cramped room. It's easy for anyone to feel claustrophobic and it feels wrong for someone to live in it who acts like how you usually do.
His attention is drawn to the toy chest in one corner, curiosity fighting with respect to open it. One peak wouldn't hurt and surely you wouldn't find out.
He walks over, one of the floorboards creaking, it was only two steps but felt longer for him. He opens the chest. As he stares down at it's contents he's filled with disappointment.
In the chest there's only diaries, metal and engineering bits and pieces. He guesses he should have expected this, you're a civilian, you wouldn't be hiding anything to begin with.
His eye catches on a childish diary decorated in stickers and press on jewels. Before his mind can register what he's doing he picks it up and turns it over in his hands a couple times, examining it.
The date goes back twelve years. So you'd be about four at the time. There's nothing to hide so he opens it - a sneak peak never hurt anyone.
Diary entry 1:
Today I got this diary from my mama! I can decorate it however I want! Mama said it's my birthday gift, I wanted a stuffed toy but this works too! I don't want to disappoint my mama by saying I don't like it!
My neighbor, Susan, is helping me write this! I love her, she's very old and wrinkly and I think she is going to turn to dust. Which is sad.
Bye now!
The first thing Tim noticed was the messy handwriting. It was endearing in a way to see it. The next was the way you spoke about Susan. It was blunt but it seemed you liked her.
He goes to turn another page when he hears the front door of the apartment open and talking entering the once quiet apartment.
He quickly places the diary where it was before and he packs away everything. He debates putting you into the bed before deciding that you're fine.
He walks out and is immediately met with a plate smashing the wall next to him as a frazzled man stands in the kitchen, cowering almost. Tim puts his hands up slightly to show he's harmless and the man's stiff form eases slightly.
The man raises his hands and signs out a sentence.
"What are you doing in my apartment?"
Tim raises a brow, should he sign back or just talk? After some consideration he decides to sign back.
"Your child and I are partners on a project for school"
The man's eyes darken slightly at the mention of his daughter - or who Tim guesses was his child, they bare some resemblance.
"So my child is a slut like her mother then?"
Tim stares, jaw dropped. No fucking way he just said that. Tim shakes his head.
"No, of course not! We had to do a poster!" He states, he doesn't bother with the sign language, the man didn't seem to be deaf judging by the scar on his throat.
The man points to the door before signing.
"You better go right now before my wife punishes you! As it is my child is in trouble!"
Tim, not wanting to cause a fight or scandal, walks to the door and leaves. He wonders how your father is going to "punish you", clearly you had to have been spoiled by someone to end up so rude - even if you were fun to hang out with for those hours.
Tim gets to the front of the apartment and gets into the car waiting for him. One thought was one his mind however:
Are you as bad as they all assumed you to be?
You wake up the next day to your dad and mother standing above you angrily. Not a good way to start the day and you had to sort out your red eyes before people asked if you'd been crying.
Heading to school was as uneventful as Gotham gets and when you get to the front gate you realize your two friends aren't at school today. Great. Your day is the best!
You debate sneaking back home and going on a day patrol, maybe running into Signal, though you hope not. He's nice and all but he along with the other Batman lackeys and Batman himself give you bad vibes, they set off your spider senses and cause you to feel icky when in their presence.
Before you can make a decision you hear your name being called out and Tim walking up to you with a serious expression. You think you're going to barf - now that you think about it, Tim gives you the same reaction Red Robin gives you - a feeling of anger and motion sickness.
Each vigilante gives a different type of icky feeling so it's crazy you haven't noticed Tim giving you the same feeling.
It's not your business though so you won't think about it further.
"Did you bring the poster?" He asks, his arms crossed over his chest as he looks to you in slight annoyance. "Duh. It's in my bag." You respond, rolling your eyes and handing him the poster.
He hums and puts it in his bag and you raise a brow. You won't question why he did it, probably just wanted the credit of handing it in.
With that you head to your first class of the day: Engineering.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 3 months
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Because omg yes, I cannot imagine anything more perfec than a Cleric of Lathander marrying her Selunite Paladin, in a marriage of Sun and Moon!!😭😭😭😭
Gods, the way Dorothea and Mathias always ALWAYS get me without failing!! *bleets into incoherency*
I just had to sketch down their marriage really quick. I HAD TO.
And I officially headcanon that Tieflings do not wear wedding rings, but rather they wear a single horn jewels on their right horn!
Also also, a fun fact connected to Aranea that I imagined while sketching around!
Basically, at a certain point in time, during her wandering around Faerûn, Aranea would stumble upon Dorothea and Mathias and their merry brigade (because you can bet your hat that Mathias and Dottie are running around Toril followed by Tiefling!Antoine and Tiefling!Colette) and join them for sometime, having chosen Mathias as the next soul to bring to Mephistopheles.
As you know, she generally harvest souls for him , but I like to imagine that, like most couples from time to time, they had a disagreement of some sort, and considering their tempers, they probably had a fight that made Aranea flee Mephistar and made her refuse to speak with him - and him with her, though she would always feel his presence lingering in the back of her mind.
But, after missing from Mephistar for more than five years, she would grow melancholic and nostalgic of her patron, so, as a peace offering, she thought of bringing Mathias' soul.
Due to Mathias' resemblance with Mephisto (like duh, he is a Mephistopheles Tiefling), and due to her witnessing, in the couple of years she had spent with them, how in love Dorothea and Mathias had grown to be (and how much they reminded her of herself and Halim in the first few years of their courship) , she knew how devasted they would be if they were to just lose each other.
So, firm in not wanting to inflict to Dorothea the same kind of grief she went through , she decided to not pursue her plan after all. She participated to their wedding, and after the celebrations, she returned straight to Mephistar, ready to ask to Mephisto to add another "clause" to their contract *wiggles eyebrows".
I am so happy, dear Gods.
All the braincell buzzing like crazy, but oh, such sweet sensation!
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shhisp · 6 months
BG3 Companions: How Do They Feel About Homestuck?
Astarion: Has already read it. Can't read the epilogues and beyond because Ultimate Dirk is just as cringe as he is in the exact same way. Firsthand embarrassment, in that regard. "I've read finer literature, darling." Scoffs, crosses his arms, and upturns his chin. "Even so, I do appreciate the vampire representation. I should have been born a rainbow-drinking virgin. It's my calling—you know, the whole 'being enslaved' bit aside."
Gale: Has not heard of it, but wants to read it from the moment he realizes how long and complicated it is. He loves Act 6 and doesn't understand the majority of the criticism. Asks if you'll read it with him. Of course you will. You will, won't you? You can't say no to that face.
Lae'zel: Does not know what it is. It's of no interest to her really. Would probably threaten you if you asked her to read something so mindless.
Shadowheart: LOVES Homestuck. Apologetically, sort of. Shar probably wouldn't approve. You know that part where she gaslights you into telling you that Raphael was kind of cool and worth trusting, actually, before going into her knowledge of psychological torture? She does that with you about Vriska, Dirk, Jane, etc.
Wyll: I think he enjoys it for what it is, a dated masterpiece with many issues. He's not one to analyze like Gale, but I imagine he recognizes its flaws while also indulging himself fully. The art is beautiful and the fight scenes are what really make it for him. Probably kins John Egbert.
Karlach: Does not like it. She's tried to read it, obviously, but... Lesbians are simply not enough to get her through all of those boring words with boring, boring pictures for quite a while. She likes the lesbians, though. She'll stick to books that are worth their time, and are not written by total pricks, if she can help it.
Halsin: He likes the exploration of gender and sexuality in the epilogues, but the majority isn't really his cup of tea. He probably only knows secondhand information, but besides that, he really likes Jade. I think he'd probably call Dirk out as being a stereotype but then he looks over at Astarion, sighs, and goes "well... I suppose even stereotypes are rooted in reality, at times."
Minthara: Has read Act 5 for Vriska, as recommended by the wizard. Ended up heavily disliking her for overreacting about her past, and the actions she took because of that past. "Is she stupid?" Often self-inserts herself into the life Vriska lived just to imagine how much better she would have handled it, even as a child of such a young age. With that being said, she thinks pushing Tavros off a cliff was not enough. Admires Aranea, and sees herself in the relationship she has with Meenah, seeing as she's had to kill a past lover.
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Round 5 - Eliminations
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I'm going to be real with you, I'm... shocked. This is not the outcome I predicted. I honestly thought three of these characters were going to move on. I guess that goes to show you how bad I am at predicting this tournament, lmao. Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye to Tseng of the Turks, Reno of the Turks, Sorceress Edea, and Estinien Varlineau. These were all close races, you all put up a huge fight right up until the bitter end. There's no shame here. These are all highly attractive characters who fought valiantly to defend their own fuckability right to the end. Godspeed.
Congratulations to Kain Highwind, Emet-Selch, Aranea Highwind, and Ysayle Dangoulain. The four of you are already so sexy and are all winners already. Can't wait to see you in the semifinals.
If you want to know why these sexy bitches were nominated in the first place, you know the drill.
Tseng of the Turks: >Tall, delicate features, long silky hair, fitted suit, stoic personality, sexy leather gloves, high level of competence and ruthless efficiency. >He is the leader of the Turks and looks dangerous. Also Final Fantasy7remake Tseng GIF - Final Fantasy7Remake Tseng Ff7 … >Look at the man. Hair. Suit. Questionable ethics.
Reno of the Turks: >have you seen him. he's gay, he's a twink, he's a rat bastard<3 >He’s a Turk and looks damn good in those suits and he’s a cocky spitfire >I don't know if this poll is just accepting main villians, but like, if we're going side villians? Reno is so fuckable. The twinkness, the attitude, the look. The man literally looks like simp bait. He's an asshole, a shitty villian, but a fuckable one regardless. I rest my case.
Estinien Varlineau: >He's only sexy when he's covered in dragon blood and raging out of his mind.
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
"the Light Player and Void Player must not meet this early"
Huuuuuh?! What’s the story again? And remember Vriska (light player) and Equius (Void player) are neighbours! So Rose and Roxy aren’t supposed to meet early, but it doesn’t matter to Vriska and Equius?
Or there’s one more thing I don’t understand?!
Part of me wants to say it is because their classpect. Heir has yet to be truly defined, but some speculate the class could be one who surrounds themselves with the aspect. For Equius as the Heir of Void, not only he can make himself invisible, but being besides others can make others invisible. Some could cite this as him and the others hiding in the meteor. That's why Bec Noir has not been able to find him, even with Vriska was present as the beacon. As well as the fact he was hidden away from Doc Scratch's omniscience. Unfortunately, the definition of what Heir would do is still up for debate. Light not only is related to being literal light or knowledge, but in a meta sense, Light Players are also tied to becoming huge roles within the story itself. In a sense, if you are a Light Player, you should be most relevant. We see that in Vriska as would create Bec Noir and she would try to make herself the hero. Hell, in the cancelled flash of Rex Duodecim Angelus, she did the killing blow against the Black King. Bitch was not lying that she did the final blow. Rose also played her major role within her Beta Session as she gained knowledge about the game to help her friends. Not only that, but Doc Scratch kept an eye on her to make sure his plans go just fine. He had already done this to Vriska too and is now doing the same to Rose. We even see this in Aranea as she is one of the only few dancestor trolls to be most relevant in Act 6 to the point where she becomes the next villain. Perhaps each relevance may differ from the class they are in. But for general statement, a Light Player in a session will have some important role to play. Whether they their actions are acknowledge or not, it doesn't matter as anything a Light Player would do would set in motion for bigger things to come. Which makes it all the more ironic by the time Post Retcon happens, most of the Light Players become irrelevant. Vriska may have been part of the army against Lord English, but she doesn't fight him directly. Not even a VRISKA GHOST is seen fighting against Lord English. Roes may have been present and actually fought The Condesce, but she isn't the one to give the final blow. When you even think about it, The Condesce herself wasn't her main goal to reaching to fight the bad guy. It was suppose to be JACK NOIR, the one who killed Mom Lalonde in her session. And if you wanna get deeper, Lord English, the one behind everything. The one Doc Scratch would become to be after using Rose for his plans. The Condesce may have been the one to kidnap Roxy to force her to make the Matriorb, but that is only after The Scratch happened that she had to move on to this plan. Rose's role would not be as great because she was stuck on that meteor and did fuck all to help anyone besides being a drunk depress mess by Act 6. By the time Post Retcon happened and Vriska saved her ass, she is suddenly fine and still didn't do anything on meteor besides be lesbians with Kanaya. She only become important just to fight The Condesce. Void Players in a meta sense, would be being hidden away from importance of the narrative. To the point the Void Player could be irrelevant, as we see in Horuss. Despite Equius would be one of the people to become the big bad, his role within the Homestuck series is barely touched upon, we don't see him do much, and Hussie writes him off as a JOKE CHARACTER despite that he would become a necessary component for Lord English and has Herculean strength that its a mutant gene that is not taken as seriously as Karkat's own mutant red blood. The only Void Player that manages to stand out was only Roxy Lalonde. The story with Calliope and Roxy is that after Roxy got knocked out, she fell asleep and is able to meet with Calliope's soul in a special hidden area, so Caliborn/Lord English won't go after her even after he killed her dream self. Calliope gives exposition to Roxy about the situation and then she gets taken by surprise that Rose Lalonde appears so suddenly without Calliope's knowledge.
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Because Light Player can be surrounded by literal light, Calliope assumes that Rose would be a becaon spot for her brother to go after Calliope. Not only that, but she is upset that Rose would appear here. She doesn't know how or why, but it's clear that she did not expect something like this to happen. Thus, gets upset something like this comes by. As much as she knows about Roxy's relationship and longing to meet with her sister/mother, she postpones it for her own selfish needs to save herself. She blasts anti-majyyks without their conssent. What kind of friend or lover for those who ship Calliope and Roxy, would do that to someone who wanted to meet their family member? Calliope might have known how Rose is important to Roxy, but doesn't want it to happen this early, especially in a place where her brother might find her. But how would Caliborn/Lord English go about sensing Rose? It is not really stated. Calliope had no say or right to deny what her friends want. Especially if they are suppose to be friends that would help her against her brother. But apparently, only her method of how things should go is important. She is no different from Caliborn for how things should go his way. The way Calliope goes about it is playing as the victim that the whole situation is hurting her and she needs others for assistance. If others have any issues of their own, it's only second fiddle compared to her.
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