#{ c: alice longbottom ;; }
aurorasinistrax · 4 months
where: Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour  who: @alicealongbottom
Aurora tried to get together once a week with Alice, that way they could catch up with the week and have a girls afternoon at the ice cream parlour. After the gala she may have told her friend about the mysterious wizard who gave her his jacket and that she couldn't get her mind off him.
"I don't think I'll see him again." She was certain if they were going to run into each other, it would have happened by now, and the stars were showing her nothing. The witch ordered her usual, sticky toffee pudding, taking a small spoonful.
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thorfinnrowlex · 1 month
where: streets of knockturn alley who: @alicealongbottom
It was unusual to see Alice Longbottom roaming these streets at this late, not one to fit in with this crowd, but it did give him an idea. There was something about the Longbottom's he didn't like and the opportunity to mess with one was present.
The blonde said his goodbyes, getting what he needed and crossed the street. With a squish of his wand, his masked appeared in his hand, another, changing the colour of his robe, pulling the hood up over his head and slippint he mask on.
"You seem to be lost, Longbottom." A deepness added to his tone.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 5 months
hp next gen au info (in age order until after Louis)
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James, Albus & Lily=Hinny kids
Victoire, Dominique & Louis = Bleur kids
Roxanne & Freddie = George x Angelina kids
Molly & Lucy = Perciver kids
Rose & Hugo = Romionie kids
Frank & Alice = Nannah kids
Lorcan & Lysander = Luna x Rolf kids
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arggghhhsstuff · 1 year
Here's your reminder that straight up trashing on lily evans because you prefer james in a mlm relationship is Not Okay and deeply rooted in misogynity. She is a fictional character whose only action was to protect her son with her life. She did nothing wrong; she just saved her son by loving him. That's literally it. That's all we know about her. That and the description made by remus later in the books: a loving and kind woman. Now if you don't like her character, that's fine, I don't care. I don't necessarily agree with you but I won't come at you either. But don't you dare shit on her just bc she's a woman getting 'in the way' or your favorite mlm ship because that's fucked up on so many levels. And don't get mad at people calling out your behavior, because it is misogynistic.
I think many people in the fandom aren't ready for this conversation, but it has to be said: This fandom is deeply, deeply misogynistic. It has a problem with female characters, not matter the era we're talking about. They are ignored, underestimated, left out in favour of male characters. It's not a mistake or an oversight: it's decision, a choice made by writers and artists to not focus on the girls.
Like, do you know how hard it is to find a fanfiction where a woman is the main character? And it's even worse if she's in a wlw relationship. I don't think i've ever read a 'marylily raising harry' fic, when we have dozens of fics where harry is raised by wolfstar or jegulus. No hate against those, they're great, but come on. Don't tell me you don't see a pattern here. It's the same as everywhere else: people just don't care about the girls. It's exhausting. It's fucking exhausting and I'm sick of seeing the same bullshit over and over again. Like. I am a queer teenage girl. I would like, too, to see myself represented by and in a fandom constituted (mostly) of queer individuals, just like me.
But no. It's like the world is not aware of the existence of lesbians. They exist! They are very much a real thing and would like fics where they are represented, for fuck's sake. The worst part is that I'm not even surprised; angry, yes, and disappointed, but bot surprised. It happens every time.
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imperatrixboa · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Alice Fortescue/Longbottom!
May 8, 1960.
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sweetm3lody · 2 years
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Summer days drifting away, to-ah! Oh, the summer nights...
— Summer of 2024
@craz-insanity @wontyouletitlie @rose-weaxley
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inlumenhq · 2 years
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Frank Longbottom, 29, Gryffindor alum, fc UTP, OPEN.
Birthday: up to player Gender & Pronouns: up to player Occupation: up to player Sided with: Neutral, pressured to pick a side by DE’s and OOTP alike
Positive Traits: up to player Negative Traits: up to player
The Longbottom family had a long history of being neutral in all things pureblood elite-related. Of course, this meant that some people didn’t respect them as much, but Frank was raised to believe that was not necessarily a bad thing. Frank grew up getting to know people from all backgrounds. Their parents were Aurors, and Frank spent most of their childhood with their grandmother. But this was not necessarily a bad thing since it meant spending time with Nana Longbottom and her friend, Grandma Prewett. That meant time spent with Fabian, Gideon, and Molly - the best sort of friends Frank could have asked for as an only child. Once at Hogwarts, Frank proved to be quite popular. Their personality was warm enough to draw others to them, and Frank had a habit of putting others before themself. It wasn’t all that surprising that Frank got along well with Alice Lestrange now that Frank looks back at their relationship, but it is still surprising the two had become friends when their families had vastly different beliefs.
Following in their parents’ footsteps was an easy choice for Frank. They proudly joined the auror program and take their job seriously. Where they care as much as they do about the job, it wouldn’t be surprising if Frank ultimately sided with the Order of the Phoenix. The only thing holding them back from properly picking a side is pressure from other purebloods. Rodolphus has been nagging about taking the mark and has grown more and more adamant each day. Fabian and Gideon only have good to say about the Order. It’s too much to think about, and the people-pleasing part of Frank knows that picking a side will cause conflict, something that they are not ready to deal with.
Molly Weasley - Close since childhood, Frank considers Molly and the twins family. Frank is willing to do anything to keep a smile on Molly’s face. At least, anything but give into giving the Order a chance. Being work driven has had Frank focused on the Auror department, with changes at the Ministry leaving them and Molly concerned about what the future may hold.
Alice Longbottom  - Marrying a Lestrange was practically unthinkable, but Alice had Frank wrapped around their finger in no time. The pair managed to fly under the radar and focus on work for a few years. The shift in power at the Ministry has left extended family encouraging Frank to declare a side on things, and they fear the wrong decision may lead to disaster.
Bellatrix Lestrange - Technically only related through marriage Frank tries their best to give their in-laws a wide berth. Frank knows the Lestranges are trying to sway the Longbottoms to the dark side. The less time Frank spends with Bella, the less they hear about the benefits of taking the mark and serving the Dark Lord.
Bios and posts that reference Frank Longbottom can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Kiowa Gordon, Jordan Rodrigues, Varun Saranga
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wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
Summary: Sirius is yours and you are his. But do you both know that?
Request: Sirius and reader have a kind of an off and on flirtation/situationship thing going and he sees her going on a "date" with Frank Longbottom (personally I had headcanon that Frank was the fifth boy in the dorm along with the Marauders) in reality she's went on a pretend date to help Frank get ready for the real date he's taking her best friend Alice on and so Sirius gets jealous and wants to make things official before he loses her to someone else a little bit of angst with happy ending you know
Requested by: @jessiegerl
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Warnings: Readers parents hate her and well we all know how Sirius's Parents are.
w/c: 2.8k+
Sirius Black was not used to affection.
It was foreign to him. He never received praise, compliments, or anything positive. Ever.
So when the acquaintances he’d made on the hogwart’s express clapped him on the back after getting into Gryffindor, he didn’t know how to react other than to flinch.
And when you, introduced as James’s honorary sister, sat down that night, you’d complimented his hair.
You’d said “I like your long hair. It suits you.”
His parents hated that hairstyle. 
He’d kept it purely as an act of rebellion. However, now, now he seemed to like it just a bit more. He hadn’t said thank you. Because he hadn’t known he was supposed to. So he’d just nodded, and you’d grinned.
That grin changed everything. You changed everything.
“What if we make polyjuice potion, and I disguise myself as Narcissa, lead Lucius on for a bit and then prank him?” you asked, playing with the quill in your hands. 
Remus groaned, “We’re still on this?” he asked, throwing his head back in disbelief.
“N/n, Remmy is right, we pranked Lucius only the day before yesterday,” Sirius nodded. You raised an eyebrow at him knowing he was never one to back down from a prank on any Slytherin.
And you were right. He wanted to do it. But if that meant Lucius got a chance to be near you even in a slightly romantic way, he would hurl.
And possibly punch him.
“Oh c’monnn Siri,” you whined, putting on your best pleading face and puppy eyes.
Damn those puppy eyes.
Sirius just shook his head, ignoring the way his heart was racing at your look. He watched as you pouted, leaning back on to the couch, head resting on James’s shoulder. “James, help me out here,” you said, folding your arms as you waited expectantly.
But James was too busy staring at a certain redhead and you, still staring at Sirius, nudged James in the chest.
“Huh? What?”
Sirius burst out laughing at the way your face twisted in pure irritation, the other two boys joining in as you hit James repeatedly with a pillow.
“Ow ow! I’m sorry, I'm sorry!” James laughed as you continued your assault fighting the grin that was creeping up on your face.
“Fuck you Potter!” you laughed, as James tried to correct his hair, you stopping him and messing it up further.
Sirius watched the exchange between you both, a sick feeling crawling up his chest. He knew that you both were no more than honorary siblings and it would always be that way, but deep down he wished you were sitting next to him, doing all that silly stuff with him.
He immediately brushed it off, not one to allow feelings to linger for long, replacing his hardened stare with a smirk instead, watching you and James continue to fight like kids, admiring the bright smile on your face.
He wished that that smile would never go away.
“Black, if you could be any animal in the world which was not a dog, which by the way I still don’t understand why that’s your favorite animal, which would you choose?” you asked, mindlessly hooking your hand with his as you both walked to class in 4th year.
He ignored the burst of feelings that erupted in him, trying to focus on your question and not on the way your hand felt against his, clinging on as you pranced lightly. “Uhh, I don’t know” he muttered, his brain fogging up as he refrained himself from staring at your linked hands. You hummed, breaking away from him as James and Remus came into view outside the class.
He paused for a few seconds trying to calm down his erratic heart before shaking his head and entering the class. 
You waved him down, patting the seat next you, and the second he sat down, you grabbed his arm, sticking your tongue out at a slytherin girl eyeing you both with pure jealousy written all over her face.
Sirius laughed, “What’s that all about?”
“She likes you,” you pouted, “and asked me, ME to set you both up!” you pointed to yourself in disbelief.
“She looks cute,” Sirius said, winking at the girl. 
You gasped at the way the girl blushed in response. “She’s a slytherin!” you exclaimed, swatting his shoulder. 
Sirius shrugged, “Good point, guess I’ll have to find someone else then.”
“No way! You’re mine” you said seriously, jabbing a finger at his chest. 
His heart erupted, eyes widening. But he played it off quickly, leaning over to whisper in your ear. “You wish sweetheart.” 
Your face turned pink, eyes widening. Luckily the professor walked in, not allowing Sirius to dwell on your reaction.
Merlin, he was done for.
You were always a naturally happy person. The boys had never seen you cry, even though they’d all had their breakdown moments. You’d been their rock through everything. 
However, when 5th year started, you’d changed. You opted out of pranks, studying almost all the time and the usual spark in your eyes had faded. James seemed to know what had happened but he refused to let the others know, telling them it was up to you to reveal it to them. 
He was worried about you, Sirius could tell, and that made the long-haired boy worry even more. 
He’d tried to get you to talk to him, but you’d refused.
Until one day you’d shown up to Charms, puffy-eyed and asked Sirius to meet you in the Astronomy tower after his classes were done for the day. 
He’d waited anxiously, and as soon as his classes finished, he ran to find you.
You were standing right where you’d said you’d be, gazing up at the sky. You turned when you saw him, a small smile forming on your lips. But the boy noticed the way it seemed to require so much effort from you, which was never the case before.
You turned away again, wordlessly staring at the sky. He wanted to demand an explanation, no longer able to watch you like this.
“I’ve never stopped to think,” you started softly, still staring above. Sirius stepped closer to you, waiting patiently for you to continue.
You took a deep breath before turning to face him. 
“I’ve never let myself stop doing things or take a break because then all the thoughts flood the gates and I feel like I’m going to drown. But-” your eyes glazed over as you took a shuddering breath, looking down at your feet.
Sirius grabbed your shaking hands with one of his own, using the other to lift your chin up so that you could look at him. 
“I’m listening,” he whispered.
You bit down on your lip before starting again, “But this summer was bad Siri- they- they said the worst things and-” you couldn’t finish as a sob wracked through your body. 
Sirius pulled you to him, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and another lightly around your head as if trying to shield you.
He knew about the situation with your parents. They were almost never at home, and whenever they were, they made it very clear that they hadn’t wanted children in the first place. That’s why you spent most of your time at the Potter’s. 
It’s also why you understood his situation so well.
You pulled away, wiping your tears away as you looked at Sirius. “Euphemia says she won’t let me go back this time even if they ask,” you laughed slightly remembering the possessiveness that had come over the older Potter. 
Sirius smiled, “Good.”
“Thanks Siri,” you nodded, and Sirius beamed at the real smile that made its way to your face. 
“Anytime princess. But don’t get too comfortable, other girls will get jealous.”
You gasped, playfully punching him on his shoulder, “I better be your one and only Black!” you laughed, and he joined in, hiding the way that sentence struck his heart.
Little did you know.
When Sirius found himself knocking on the door of the Potter’s house, he didn’t expect for you to open it.
Shit. He’d forgotten you stayed there now.
But he couldn’t back away. He didn’t have the energy, nor did he think you would let him, at the way you gasped in horror as you looked at him.
He mustered all his strength into a cheeky “Hi” before James appeared behind you, giving the same reaction you had seconds before. You stood there in shock, hands over your mouth and eyes watering at the sight of the boy in front of you.
Sirius gave up on trying to fake it, giving in as you and James pulled him inside the house. 
“James, get your mom,” you ordered. The boy hesitated as you guided Sirius to the sofa, before you turned and glared at him and he ran off. 
Your eyes scanned the boy, a sort of resolve taking you over as you kneeled down in front of him. Sirius was fighting to keep consciousness and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold it for.
“Sirius,” you called gently, placing a hand on his knee, slowly and carefully. “What happened?” you asked. 
Sirius didn’t want to relive what his mother had done to him, trying desperately to push it all away, trying to drown himself in your presence. But he knew you’d need an explanation if you were to help him get rid of the immense pain he was feeling right now.
“Cruciatus,” he whispered, noticing the horror and anger that made its way to your face, but also noticing the way the gentleness of your touch hadn’t changed.
“Can’t go back. Ever.” he muttered, and you were quick to adjust yourself so that he could look you in the eyes. “You won’t ever be going back. Even if Euphemia can’t keep us all here, you and I will find another place. But Black,” you placed a careful hand on his cheek and he leaned into it, “You are never. Ever. Going back there.” The seriousness in your voice gave Sirius enough strength to whisper a “Thank you” before partially fading out of consciousness again, comforted by the fact that you were here, and for once in his life feeling that things would be okay.
He could vaguely make out Euphemia and Fleamont’s reaction to seeing him nearly passed out on the couch, and your hurried explanation of whatever you’d understood from what he’d said. Euphemia walked up to him moments later with a some medicine in hand, something about opening his mouth, gulping, and about helping him sleep and doctors and the next day at sunrise. He couldn’t process it, just doing what he was told. 
James and you then carefully lifted him, carrying him to a room and gently placing him on a bed. 
He could hear you and James both talking in hushed whispers, but he was unable to make out what you were saying, as he fell into a disturbed sleep.
He woke up in the middle of night once, sweating and terrified, haunted by what he’d seen in his nightmare. But before he could properly react and realize where he was, you got up from beside him. 
He couldn’t breathe, and tears were streaming down his face. He could see you move to sit in front of him and your lips moving but he couldn’t make out what you were saying. 
You then gently placed your hands on his face and surprisingly it helped. 
It grounded him, reminded him that he was with you and not with his monstrous parents.
Your voice started to fade back in and he could hear you telling him to breathe, and so he did, thankful that you were there to help him.
Of all the Marauders, he felt the safest with you. 
“I’m okay,” he whispered once his breathing was back in his control. You nodded, sighing softly.
“Thank you,” he muttered, looking up at your tired eyes, “and I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s fine,” you shrugged, “I hadn't slept. I was too worried.” You said, moving to sit against the headboard of the bed.
“Sorry for that then,” Sirius said lying back down. 
You stared at him for a few minutes before running a hand through his hair, massaging his scalp softly.
“It’s not your fault Sirius, don’t apologize.”
Sirius didn’t respond, trying to focus on you, and on where he was, rather than the memories that were flooding his brain.
You laid down next to him, and Sirius realized that he was infact in your room, and as he turned to apologize once again, you placed a finger on his lips.
“If you apologize for intruding or something like that again, I will make you sleep on the couch.” you threatened your voice laced with humor.
Sirius smiled at you slightly, and you pulled him close to you, allowing him to tuck his face under your chin as you wrapped your hands and legs around him. He was glad you did so, it made him feel safe, and as if you’d heard his thoughts, you whispered into his ear “You’re safe with me Black. You’re mine, and I’ll keep you safe”
He wished he really was yours.
Sirius couldn’t find you anywhere. And what worried him more was that he couldn’t find Frank anywhere either. 
Why did that matter?
Well as you and Sirius had gotten closer and flirtier, you and Frank had gotten closer too. After the fiasco that took place over the summer, you’d spent more time with the boys in their dorm room and naturally that meant you were hanging out with their roommate Frank Longbottom as well. 
And now Sirius was worried that you’d thought his flirting was just him being Sirius and that he had no actual feelings for you.
If you really did think that and if you’d decided to hang out with Frank instead, Sirius had no idea what he would do. 
He’d searched every nook and corner of Hogwarts and now the only other place he could think of was Hogsmeade. 
Oh Merlin he hoped it wasn’t Hogsmeade.
Sirius snuck out of the school during study hours, making his way to Hogsmeade, anxiety filling him.
As he made his way through hogsmeade, his heart dropped when he saw your familiar figure next to Frank’s. 
Your head was thrown back in laughter, and Frank was grinning. “You did great! I’m sure next time will be just as smooth,” you said, patting him on the shoulder.
Next time?
Fear creeped up on Sirius.
He couldn’t lose you to Frank. 
He couldn’t lose you to anyone.
He ran up to you and Frank, seeing both of your faces twist in confusion.
“You can’t date him!” Sirius exclaimed, pointing to Frank. 
“What?” you and Frank both said at once, before realization crossed your features and a small smile formed on your lips. 
But Sirius was too anxious and worried to register it, only glaring at Frank.
“Frank, what about you go back, and I’ll figure out what Sirius wants,” Frank nodded at your suggestion and walked off, patting Sirius on the back once.
“Why can’t I date Frank?” you asked, looking at Sirius who was still glaring at the boy who’d just walked away.
He spun around to look at you, surprise all over his face. Anyone could see you struggling to hide your smile and maintain a serious expression on your face, but Sirius was blinded.
“Because- ‘Cause-” Sirius faltered, what he was about to do, dawning on him. He hadn’t wanted to confess to you like this.
“Because?” you asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Because I like you,” he rushed out, scared he would think twice and miss this chance. And the slight tinge of pink in your cheeks gave him confidence. 
“Actually no, I don’t like you, I love you. I’m head over heels for you and I cannot imagine not being with you, at all. I want - no need you to be mine”
You grinned, “Black finally confesses! And you really think I would have gone out with Frank when I have feelings for you? He wanted me to help him get ready for the actual date he’s taking Alice on, since she’s my close friend.” 
Sirius heard nothing except - “You have feelings for me?”
You laughed, linking your hand with his, “I thought it was obvious!”
He turned you around, looking at you, “You really like me?”
You shook your head, laughing lightly, before leaning up to place your lips against his.
His hand moved to your waist, pulling you in, as your hands wrapped around his neck, fingers entangling in his hair.
You both pulled away a few moments later, gasping for air. 
“I’ve been yours since the first day I saw you,” you whispered, eyes locked on his.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too. But I think I love your hair more.”
Taglists: @pinchofhoney @targaryenmoony
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(Almost) All the marauders era characters (that I could find at least)
@catinasink the post I promised you.
this list isn't finished yet, but I feel like this list finally deserves to see the light of day. hell, cat, you've probably forgotten this was in the making... which I can't blame you for because this has been happening since christmas 💀
I will update it... eventually. idk when yet
if you want to, you can send me an ask, and I'll tell you my hc for the characters :D
James Potter
Father of Harry Potter
born 27th March 19 and died 31st October 19
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Sirius Black
born 3rd November 1959 and died 18th June 1996
was framed for the murder of James Potter and Lily Potter (Evans) and sent to Azkaban
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Remus John Lupin
born 10th March 1960 and died 2nd May 1998
was bitten by a werewolf as a child (he was four I believe not sure tho)
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Peter Pettigrew
born around 1960 and died somewhere in March 1998
griffindor, but the head took five minutes to decide
first worked with the order, but then became a deatheater and is the actual reason James and Lily were murdered
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Marlene McKinnon
died July 1981
marlene was a member of the wizarding mckinnon family, which, according to hagrid, consisted of some of the best witches and wizards of their age, implying that marlene too was a very accomplished witch
Lily J. Evans
born 30th January 1960 and died 31st October 1981
married james potter and had Harry Potter with him. she died protecting Harry
was at hogwarts from 1971 to 1978
Mary McDonald
attended hogwarts in the 1970s with lily and severus snape
was attacked by mulciber with dark magic somewhere during her time at Hogwarts
Frank C. J. Longbottom
married Alice Longbottom
was tortured into insanity by a group of death eaters (bellatrix, rodolphus, and rabastian lestrange and barty crouch jr)
Alice Longbottom
has no canon maiden name, but people often hc her as a fortescue
was tortured into insanity by a group of deatheaters (bellatrix, rodolphus, and rabastian lestrange and barty crouch jr)
Molly Weasley (Prewett)
was born as molly prewett, but she married arthur weasley and took his last name
born 30th October 1949 or 1950
killed bellatrix during the second wizarding war
Gideon Prewett
died 1981
was murdered by five deatheaters before the end of the (first) wizarding war (Antonin Dolohov & four others)
he may have had a big nose
Fabian Prewett
died 1981
was murdered by five deatheaters before the end of the (first) wizarding war (Antonin Dolohov & four others)
he may have had a big nose
Arthur Weasley
born 6th February 1950
believer in the equality of all magical and Muggle folk
was born to septimus and cedrella weasley (née black) and had two brothers
married molly prewett, who took his last name
Selina Sapworthy
born before 1969
award-winning author in the fields of Herbology and plant-related Divination
worked for the international quidditch team
was born before 1981
worked as a nurse at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under Poppy Pomfrey during the 1990s
she has no canon first name, but I usually call her Carmen Wainscott
Lucinda Thompsonicle-Pocus
designed the list for materials needed by the students
chief attendant of witchcraft provisions for hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry in the early 1990s
no canon gender
in 1976, they refused to stop writing with their quill even after the time ran out (during O.W.Ls). they got in trouble with flitwick because of it
they have no canon name, but I usually call them Alexander Stebbins and hc them as male
was a teacher during the 1990s
possibly a member of the slug club
was murdered by an unknown deatheater after the battle of Hogwarts
after she stopped teaching, she got married
she has no canon last name, but I usually call her Camelia Solis
Patricia Rakepick
was a dark witch and a world-famous curse-breaker for gringotts wizarding bank
exceptional student, top of her class, who, regardless, was always in trouble
attended hogwarts from 1967 to 1974
was said to be friendly with the marauders and even "mentored" them in troublemaking
Olivia Gleaves
was reported missing together with her relative toby in 1997
Caspard Singleton
invented the self stirring cauldron
was born in 1959
Sturgis Podmore
member of the order of phoenix and fought in both wars
was a member of the advanced guard in 1995
was put under the imperius curse by a death to break in the department of mysteries and was sentenced to six months in azkaban for it
Tilden Toots
born 1959
worked as a famous herbologist, potioneer, and radio personality and presenter
was said to have three green thumbs due to both having a wizarding condition and radial polydactyly in his left hand
Davey Gudgeon
visited hogwarts during the early 1970s
nearly lost his eye trying to get close enough to the whomping willow to touch its trunk as part of a game. since the incident, students were forbidden to go near the tree for their own safety, and possibly for the tree's own safety as well
Florean Fortescue
died 1996
summer of 1996, he was abducted and later murdered by lord voldemort
was an expert on the subject of medieval witch-burnings
owner of florean fortescue's ice cream parlour in diagon alley
Albert Runcorn
high ranking wizarding official during the administration of pius thicknesse
he investigated alleged muggleborns and uncovered dirk cresswells muggle ancestry
might have been sent to azkaban for his war crimes against muggleborns
Mary Elizabeth Cattermole
unknown maiden name
was described as small with dark hair that she wore in a neat bun
she lived at 27 chislehurst gardens, great tolling, evesham with her husband and children
Reginald "Reg" Cattermole
sun in libra, moon in virgo
he had three children with mary (Maisie, Ellie, and Alfred)
lived at 27 chislehurst gardens, great tolling, evesham
Bilton Blimes
lived in the highlands of scotland in the 1980s
taken up both residence and employment in the picturesque little all-wizarding village of hogsmeade as the proprietor of zonko's joke shop
Narcissa Malfoy
born narcissa black
born 1955
cousin of sirius and regulus, younger sister of bellatrix and andromeda, wife of lucius malfoy
was never a deatheater herself, but also believed in blood purity
Lucius Malfoy
born 1954
deatheater and believed in pureblood supremacy
Thorfinn Rowle
deatheater who fought in the second war
he fought at the battle of the astronomy tower, where he accidentally killed fellow deatheater gibbon, burned rubeus hagrid's cabin, and tortured harry potter
on 1 August 1997, he tracked harry potter, ron weasley, and hermione granger to tottenham court road along with antonin dolohov disguised as construction workers, but the two death eaters were defeated and their memories were modified by hermione to cover their escape
Bellatrix Lestrange
born bellatrix black
born 1951 and died 2 May 1998
cousin of sirius black and regulus black, older sister of andromeda tonks and narcissa malfoy
deatheater and believer of pureblood supremacy
mother of blaise zabini
famously beautiful and had seven husbands who died mysteriously
was known by horace slughorn, which is the reason he invited blaise into his compartment
she has no canon first name, but I usually call her Zoya Evelyn Zabini
Emma Vanity
she was captain of the slytherin quidditch team from 1972 to 1976
Lucinda Talkalot
she became captain of the slytherin quidditch team in 1976
Septima Vector
professor of arithmancy may have also been the advanced arithmancy studies teacher
known as really strict teacher who gives very hard homework
Evan Rosier
born between 1953-1966 and died in 1981
possibly related to the (female) black cousins
was killed by alastor moody
Regulus Arcturus Black
died 1979
dratheater that turned on voldemort
little brother of sirius black, and cousin of bellatirx, narcissa and andromeda
Dorcas Meadows
died 1981
died in the first war and was killed by voldemort himself
was a member of the order of phoenix
Glenda Chittock
born 1964
was the host of the wizarding wireless network program, witching hour. being host of this enormously famous radio program, she is featured on a chocolate frog card
Gwenog Jones
became a professional quidditch player and later achieved fame as the captain and beater of the welsh all-female quidditch team, the holyhead harpies
later, became the manager of the Welsh National Quidditch team
was the favorite student of slughorn and inducted into his club
Alecto Carrow
sister of amycus carrow
after the fall of the ministry of magic in 1997, alecto was made professor of muggle studies; she taught the thinking that muggles are lesser than wizardkind, and likely taught the pureblood-philosophy as well
when severus snape became headmaster of hogwarts, she was appointed as deputy headmistress, alongside her brother (who was appointed as deputy headmaster)
loved to torture students that opposed her
Amycus Carrow
brother of alecto carrow
was made DADA professor in 1997, which just became Dark Arts while he thought it
Amycus liked to cruelly punish and torture the students who opposed the new regime
Dolores Jane Umbridge
born 26 august 1961 or earlier
I don't have to explain her further, do I?
Arnold "Arnie" Peasegood
born 1976 or earlier
worked at the ministry of magic. by 1994, he worked in the capacity of obliviator for the accidental magic reversal squad and also as a hit wizard
Cereus Greengrass
had a blood malediction
Rodolphus Lestrange
most likely slytherin
Rabastian Lestrange
most likely slytherin
Severus Snape
needs no explanation
Mulciber Jr
was friends with snape
threw hexes at muggleborn students
assaulted mary mcdonald violently
has no canon first name, but I usually call him Bruce Mulciber
Avery Jr
was friends with snape
found it funny when mulciber tried to use dark magic on mary macdonald during the 1975-1976 school year
has no canon first name, but I usually call him Edmund Avery Junior
was friends with snape
died while trying to avoid being put in azkaban
has no canon first name, but I usually call them Juliette/Willhelm Wilkes
Rita Skeeter
didn't like bilton blimes for a prank that kept her from being able to get into the slug club
was a journalist who wrote for the sake of people reading instead of facts
could transform into a beetle (did the animagus training sometime prior to 1986)
Steve Laughalot
captain of the slytherin quidditch team from 1968 to 1972
Florence Greengrass
bertha jorkins once caught her kissing a boy
Tamsin Hillicker
was reported missing along her relative iola
Gibbon Chavez
was a deatheater
it's unknown if he fought in the first war if he got sent to azkaban
Zamira Gulch
author who wrote "practical household magic"
also wrote for the daily prophet
D. L. Boot
went to hogwarts during the 1970s
has no canon first names, but I usually call him Douglas Lloyd Boot
Aurora Sinistra
works as astronomy teacher
her lesson are at night so she sleeps during the day
Emmeline Vance
died in 1996 during a deatheater attack
was a member of the original order of phoenix and probably fought in both wars
Sybill Trelawney
half-blood (muggle mother; wizard father)
made the prophecy about voldemort and the chosen one
she predicted that peter would escape and return to voldemort
worked as a teacher in hogwarts and was fired by umbridge
was born on march 9 in an unknown year
was engaged to a guy with the last name higglebottom but refused to take his last name so the relationship didn't last
Millecent Bagnold
worked for the ministry
was elected the minister for magic of great britain in 1980
mother of luna lovegood, wife of xenophilius lovegood
died during an experiment and luna watched
unknown maiden name
Barty Crouch Junior
played by david tennat so obviously the most attractive man ever
received the dementors kiss on June 24th 1995
Doris Purkiss
(in 1995, during an interview) gave sirius an alibi for the night of the peter pettigrew + 12 muggle murders (she said they had a romantic dinner bc sirius= stubby boardman)
lived at number 18 Acanthia Way, Little Norton
Annalena Gleams
born annalena murk
was a prefect
Dahlia F.
slughorn kept a picture of her in a viking maiden costume on his shelf
was a singled out member of the slugclub
apparently became an opera singer
Wendy Slinkhard
wrote at least 1 book
may be related to wilbert slinkhard, the author of defensive magical theory
was invited to the slugclub
slughorn kept a picture of her signing her book copy
Blossom Degrasse
famous herbologist, author, and potion master
released the book called "A Humble Guide for Potion Brewing You Cannot Live Without"
Mafalda Hopkirk
born 19 February–20 March, in or before 1973
assistant in the improper use of magic office at the ministry of magic
was incapacitated and impersonated by hermione granger
hopkirk's polyjuice potion was described as having a "pleasant heliotrope colour"
presumed that she was a kind and good-natured
E. Lima
e. lima was a wizard or witch who competed in duels. the daily prophet published a special report in 1996 about a duel between e. lima and m. mina, that was the final match of a dueling competition
has no canon first name or gender but I usually call them Estelle Lima and hc her as female
M. Mina
m. mina was a wizard or witch who competed in duels. the daily prophet published a special report in 1996 about a duel between e. lima and m. mina, that was the final match of a dueling competition
has no canon first name or gender but I usually call them Marcelina Mina and hc her as female
Verruca Buckthorn-Snyde
was a dark witch, who was a high-ranking member of a dangerous organisation known as 'R'
was also a metamorphmagus who could change her appearance at will
noted to be a skilled linguist
madam villanelle was a witch who worked at flourish and blotts in the 1980s and early 1990s
has no canon last name, but I usually call her Villanelle Solis
Olivia Green
worked for the british ministry of magic as an unspeakable in the department of mysteries
eventually became the defense against the dark arts teacher in the 1990-1991 school year
Regulus Moonshine
developed a potion to suppress hags' normal appetite for human flesh. lost several chunks of own body while conducting the clinical trials
the daily prophet called him "professor", but it is not known if he ever taught at a wizarding school
Dirk Cresswell
mid-1990s he became head of the goblin liaison office, at the ministry of magic
fluent in Gobbledegook
a favourite student of slughorn
probably muggleborn
Augustis Pye
trainee healer at st mongo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries in the dai llewellyn ward
was interested in muggle medical practices
child of mr bones and mrs bones, sibling of amelia and edgar, and parent of susan
has no canon first name or gender but I usually call them Lucas Bones and hc them as male
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little-mary-marauders · 9 months
My thoughts on characters I remembered in math class.
Regulus Black: Aka the better Black. Pandora Lovegood: PLEASE PLEASE MOMMY. Barty Crouch JR: Fruity asf. Evan Rosier: Lowkey manipulative sometimes (I WAS MAD AT HIM BCZ OF A FICT) James Potter: LOML,HUSBAND. Sirius Black: B for leaving reg but aesthetic>>> Remus (moony) Lupin: Moony>>> Entire Marauders/HP Universe. Peter Pettingrew: Young Peter>>> Older Peter Marlene McKinnon: She can do whatever she wants to me. Run me over and I'll apologize for being in the way. Mary Macdonald: Cute asf. Lily Evans: Sometimes my girl needs to calm down. (IDK OKAY SHES THE LOML MATH CLASS FUCKS ME UP) Alice Prewitt: Older sis Frank Longbottom: ILY, Older brother. Dorcas Meadows: Ur hand in marriage darling. Harry Potter: Child of Reg and Jamie, Lily = Surrogate mother. Also fuck head for naming his son that. Ron Weasley: Stfu not everything has to be abt u, ily tho. Hermione Granger: Remus 2.0 Ginny Weasley: BAMF AKA Dorcas Meadows reincarnate. Bellatrix Black/Lestrange: Someone save her from the Rudolph the red nose deer wannabe. Narcissa Black/Malfoy: Deserved love. Andromeda Black/Tonks: Slayed when she ran. W*llb*rga Black (burnt burger): The devil doesn't even like you. Or*on Black: Hell won't accept your sorry ass. L*c*us Malfoy: I hope you rot in hell, if satan lets you in. Avery: Bitch. Mulicber: Mother Fucker. Snivellus: Needs to wash his hair. Draco Malfoy: Needs to stop saying "My father will-" Mathew Riddle: Hot. Blaise Zabini: Eh, nice, depends tho. Crabbe: Idk, stupid and somehow turned black. Goyle: Idiot. Theodore Nott: Cute, Hot, Rich, Daddy issues. Pansy: Dora the explorer wannabe. Albus Severus Potter: Deserves a better father.
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breaniebree · 9 months
Kismet Characters & Trees Part One:
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Patrick Finnigan (1938) MUGGLE m. Maureen O’Connolly (1942) GRYFFINDOR (1965): 1. Kathleen “Katie” Finnigan (1967) GRYFFINDOR m. Jason White (1965) NA(1997): a) Saoirse Kathleen White (4 January 1998) NA  2. Darcy Finnigan (1974) HUFFLEPUFF m. Penelope Clearwater (1976) RAVENCLAW (2008): a) Norah Shay Finnigan (7 September 2005) HUFFLEPUFF— father is Jonathan Pepper (1973) RAVENCLAW — m. Jake Longbottom (7 September 2005) HUFFELPUFF (2030): aa) Deanna Shay Finnigan (31 January 2026) — father is Edward Crabbe (27 September 1997) SLYTHERIN — m.  Jackson Sirius Black (22 October 2026) GRYFFINDOR (2055): i) Norah Edwina Black (2060) HUFFLEPUFF bb) Jude Neville Longbottom (21 June 2033) HUFFLEPUFF cc) Anna Darcy Longbottom (19 April 2036) RAVENCLAW 3. Seamus Finnigan (12 October 1979) GRYFFINDOR bf. Dean Thomas (16 September 1979) GRYFFINDOR
Merrick Thomas (1926) GRYFFINDOR m. River Smith (1935) RAVENCLAW (1958): 1. Sunshine "Sunny" Dusk Thomas (1961) GRYFFINDOR affair with Kellan Jabari Morgan (1947) NA a) Dean Merrick Thomas (16 September 1979) GRYFFINDOR bf. Seamus Finnigan (12 October 1979 (GRYFFINDOR) 2. Meadow Moonlight Thomas (1962) RAVENCLAW (d. 1997)
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Neville Longbottom (28 July 1980) GRYFFINDOR m. Hannah Abbott (19 April 1980) HUFFLEPUFF (2002): 1. Jacob “Jake” Franklin Longbottom (21 January 2007) HUFFLEPUFF m. Norah Finnigan (7 September 2005) HUFFLEPUFF (2030): a) Deanna Shay Finnigan (31 January 2026) HUFFLEPUFF — father is Edward Crabbe (27 September 1997)— m. Jackson Sirius Black (22 October 2026) GRYFFINDOR (2055): i) Norah Edwina Black (2060) HUFFLEPUFF b) Jude Neville Longbottom (21 June 2033) HUFFLEPUFF c) Anna Darcy Longbottom (19 April 2036) RAVENCLAW 2. Ava Alice Longbottom (1 July 2008) m. Gideon Weasley (19 August 2004) GRYFFINDOR (2029): a) August “Auggie” Gideon Weasley (5 July 2033) HUFFLEPUFF b) Caleb Neville Weasley (11 June 2035) RAVENCLAW c) Reed Jacob Weasley (15 March 2037) GRYFFINDOR
Thank you to @ellieoryan7447 for taking the time and effort to create these.
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shortandslytherin · 1 year
The Fake Gryffindor - Neville Longbottom x Y/N Malfoy (Part 1)
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Summary: The reader finds herself caught up in a web of lies when she accidentally is mistaken for a Gryffindor. Soon she finds herself covering up lies for Draco and her family but she might just have a few secrets of her own.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, light angst? (Probably more like hurt/comfort), Y/N lies a lot, and a curse word or two.
Notes: Y/N is Draco's twin. Y/N will have she/her pronouns. She's obviously going to look like Draco but occasionally will change that. In the occasions when she changes that I'll use (h/c) or (e/c). If you are blonde or have blue eyes just use whatever colors you'd like. I'll also use (Y/N/N) which means your nickname but that will make more sense later on.
I proofread this myself like four times but never asked anyone else to proofread. I'm sorry if this has any errors in it, just let me know and I'll fix them.
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You were deeply madly in love....with Neville Longbottom. You knew your family would never approve. He was not only a Gryffindor but also a blood traitor. But probably the worst of it was he was the son of Alice and Frank Longbottom. But had you just broken his heart? You knew your family wouldn't accept him but after everything you thought he maybe he'd accept you. You often asked yourself how the tiny affair all began and the answer is quite simple really. It all began from an inopportune duel between Draco and Harry in the corridor.
September 1995
It was common knowledge that the Malfoy Twins could almost always be found together. Sure, you had different friends but you'd always be found together like two peas in a pod. However, this common knowledge seemed to be lost on Harry Potter. "MALFOY!!!" He screeched as he ran down the hall and you both turned around. "I know you sabotaged Neville." Before either of you could say anything a jinx was being thrown your brother's way. Draco pulled out his wand and shot a jinx. All you could think was. "Where were all the professors at time like this?!" You heard both boys shoot another spell and they bounced off each other. One staining your robes the sickly colors of Gryffindor and the other causing Ron Weasley to sneeze bats. You were angry until you saw Ron then you could only laugh. When the Golden Trio walked away, you looked to your twin. "How do I fix this?" He shrugged in response. "I'm not sure...I think a switching spell? I'm struggling with that one." You gave him an annoyed look. He continues. "We don't have time to find a professor to help. But you can't be caught dead in that." He pointed his wand to your hair. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course."
"Colovaria." He spoke the word that changed the color of your robes and now your hair was (h/c).
"Oh, do my eyes too. I kind of think the stormy-grey blue won't go good with anything but our platinum blonde." You rambled and your brother rolled his eyes then pointed his wand to your eyes. "Colovaria." Now your eyes were (e/c) but soon enough this would need to be fixed and you'd look like a Malfoy again.
So Draco Malfoy walked alongside his sister towards nearest stairwell so they could get to lunch. To the untrained eye he was spending time with a Gryffindor but there were some who would know the truth just by their interactions. Neville Longbottom wasn't one of those people. He was rushing out of the potions classroom after a long lecture from Snape about blowing up his cauldron. His eyes were filled with tears. How could they not be? Snape was literally his boggart and you were fully prepared yell him to watch where he was going. But two things stopped you. One, you were pretty sure he had no clue who you were. Two, he was already in a frenzy from whatever your godfather said. “I’m so so so sorry!” Neville quickly apologized and you found yourself dumbstruck. He continued speaking. “Are you okay??” Neville quickly scans his eyes over you just to make sure. Neville Longbottom actually for the first time seemed like a person. Had you just thought differently because of your twin's perception of the chubby teen? "Umm...I'm fine." You looked more at Draco than Neville as if saying that you could take care of it. Draco shrugged and left; which left you alone with Neville. "Oh. So you aren't hurt? Sorry! Sorry!" Neville's cheeks turned bright red. You gave him a reassuring smile. You were no fool. You knew how he actually felt about you and your brother. But still you felt the need to comfort him. "You should calm down a little. Are you doing okay? You look a little freaked out." You tilt head to the side in questioning of his well being. Neville let out a deep breath. "No, I'm not okay. I just had a terrible class with Professor Snape!" You nod in understanding. You were in that class and Draco did indeed sabotage Neville's potion. But in all honesty, it probably would have blown up anyway because his potions partner was Seamus Finnigan. You were well aware that both boys were forced to stay after class. You didn't really know much more than that; except that you bumped into a seemingly distraught Neville. He turned his face away out of embarrassment shook his head at situation. Clearly, he was embarrassed of his fear. You felt an overwhelming amount of pity for him but you wanted to comfort him anyways. "Don't fret, I've got thick skin. You didn't hurt me." You reassure him again before quickly thinking on your toes in what you should say. "Yeah I saw that...I mean kind of. I left class when he'd asked you and Finnigan to stay back. No point in sticking around to listen Snape yell longer than I have to." He looks at you oddly so you just keep talking. "I just mean I was in potions just now. I can't say I'm surprised since it happens all the time. He yells at everyone. You don't have to be embarrassed about it." There seems to be a little nod of agreement at this and you remember something you've always hated. "You could be like Draco or Y/N and only be his favorite student because you're his godchild. Or you could be yourself and know that all you can do is your best." The way Snape picked his favorites sounded like nepotism and that's the only reason you hated it. It wasn't nepotism. You were actually always getting Os in Potions but it just sounded as such. Neville, however, seemed to be upset by your words of comfort. "I always try my best but it's never enough! He hates me!" He shook his head as a few tears fell down his cheeks. "Why does he hate me? Why? Did I do something to him?"
You were taken back by the reaction. You were a Malfoy. Malfoys didn't really do well with emotions. They were usually packed up on a shelf and never heard of again. Isn't that why Draco dated Pansy though? So he could feel...something? You knew you had to say something. "You didn't do anything." You glanced around real quick to make sure no one is listening before continuing "Listen, I shouldn't really say anything bad about him because he's...well you know. But I can't stand here and see one of the few people I actually think deserve respect cry so I'll be honest with you." You paused at your own words. Since when did you think Neville Longbottom deserved respect? It didn't matter. Shelf it. You continued on. "You didn't do anything wrong, Professor Snape is just a bitter old man. Don't let him get you down. Prove him wrong." Neville's sad expression turns into a determined look. The tears running down his cheeks were quickly wiped away by himself. "Y-you're right. You're totally right. The next time he insults me, I'm not going to let it affect me! I'm going to prove him wrong!" Neville says, sounding much more confident than how he usually is. The boost in Neville's confidence makes you smile brightly. "That's the spirit. You should put the same spirit in for anyone who insults you. You shouldn't let the opinions of others hurt you so much. Especially when they aren't true." Neville chuckles in response. "Thanks, I'll try. It's always easier to give advice than to accept it." You know he's right so you just offer a tiny shrug. But you didn't know his next words would feel like acid on your skin until you heard them. "I always get picked on at school. People call me names, laugh at my mistakes, make fun of me. It's horrible. It's always easier to believe those things than to believe I'm worthy." You find yourself trying to fix the past four years mistakes in one speech. "Well then don't believe what's easiest. Believe what the sorting hat already knows. The sorting hat is never wrong, you know? So if the sorting hat is never wrong then I believe it's in you, you just gotta believe it too." You smile again before giving a light laugh. "Well I should head off to find my friends so we can go to lunch. Hey, I'm not saying that you have to but if you want to when everyone is in the Great Hall for dinner, wanna come watch the sunset with me? It's my favorite time of day." Neville can't help but smile. "Yeah for sure. I'd love to watch the sunset with you. I didn't catch your name though." Neville's confidence is back again. You grin at him. "Because I didn't throw it. If you actually show up tonight, I'll tell you it. Bye, Longbottom." He says goodbye as well and heads off to The Great Hall. As soon as he's out of sight, you rush off to Slytherin Common room where you'd planned to hide out until you get help fixing Harry Potter's mess.
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When lunch was over, you found your godfather in his office and explained the situation. "You're both fools." He said monotonously. "It's a simple color changing spell. Same spell that caused the problem." He did the coloring changing spell to everything effected then sent you off to class. You looked like Y/N Malfoy again. But as for feeling like yourself, you didn't. You talked to Neville Longbottom without an hostility laced into your voice. It's a strange feeling. A feeling that had you dragging your feet through the halls of the castle. "Did anyone see the girl with Neville?" A voice asks from an empty classroom so you peak in. Dean Thomas must have asked because he has a curious look on his face. "Nah, Mate. But he seems to be in a much better mood since talking to her. He said she didn't give her name." Seamus confesses. "What house was she from? Because that narrows it down." Ron asks and your heartbeat picks up. They're talking about you. Neville told his friends about you. Hermione shrugs. "I think he'd told Harry she was a Gryffindor." Then the conversation shifts to 'Where is Harry anyways?' so you walk away. You just wanted to cheer Neville up. You invited him to watch the sunset with you because it's a nice thing to do. You didn't think he'd tell his friends about you. Oh, you were so screwed it wasn't funny. You have to talk to Draco during your next class. You just felt so lucky that your next class was Charms. You were pretty decent at Charms. You could half listen to Flitwick and still pass your O.W.L.s at the end of the school year.
You walked into class and dropped down aggressively next to your twin. You rolled your eyes at his confused cronies and even more confused girlfriend. "Crabbe...Goyle, get lost. Go sit with Nott or Zabini. I can't stand deal with any more idiots than I already have today." Goyle seems taken back by your tone. "Fuck, you're moody." Then the two rushed off before you could lash out at them. "Pansy, I'm sorry but I really need to talk to Draco about something private. Can you sit somewhere else? You can have him all to yourself the rest of the day. I swear I'll keep Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber away from you both." You negotiated like Draco wasn't sitting right there. "Deal." The other Slytherin girl replied; before she bounded off to sit and gossip with Daphne Greengrass. "Aren't you glad I sent her away?" You joked and Draco rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" You made a face. "Well....I made a snap decision and it may have been a bad one. And now I think I need your advice." Draco rolls his eyes. "Oh Merlin, what did you do?"
"That's the thing I felt an obligation to cheer up Longbottom."
"Why? It's just Longbottom. He can't even use his own wand right."
"Well for starters, I bumped into him and he apologized. He was already crying because of our Godfather. Our aunt drove his parents mad. Need I go on?" You give Draco an annoyed expression.
"No, continue."
"So I cheered him up...but then suddenly he was all upset again talking about how he's bullied all the time...it kinda made me feel bad."
"What did you do?'
"I invited him to watch the sunset with me. But I didn't tell him who I am."
"What were you going to do tell him when he showed up?" He chuckles and then suddenly stops. "Wait... seriously? That's a horrible plan." You nodded in agreement. "Especially now that I've heard all his friends talking about this Gryffindor girl that Neville mentioned and wouldn't you know he met her today, doesn't know her name, and she lifted his spirits." You relay to your brother and he raises an eyebrow at you. "So it's simple. Give him one night of whatever it is he needs from this little Gryffindor version of you then disappear off the face of the planet." You nod. "I can do that."
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After all the classes for the day ended, there was free time which you spent on reading. Shortly before it was time for dinner, you've changed into a warm sweater and a pair of jeans so you can stand the cool night air. However, the coloring changing spell has been used on your eyes and on your hair. You walk through the corridors of the school and make your way out of the building and sit next to black lake. All that you can do now is look at the sky and hope for the best. You even find yourself mumbling. "I hope he gets here before it starts to set."
A couple minutes later, you hear someone walk up behind you and stop next to you. "Beautiful, isn't it?" The person, you recognize it to be Neville, asks softly. He's looking at the sun which has only just begun to set. "I've always loved sunsets, they always make you think of where you are and where you're going." You think about how insightful that is as to who he is as a person. Then you remember why you came to love sunsets, you and Draco would watch them when you were small kids. "Yeah I love sunsets...they remind me there's beauty even in a world plagued by darkness. I think my brother and I really needed that growing up." You confess without giving anything away. "I wish more people appreciated them or at least simple things like it." Neville gives a soft and warm smile. "Yeah I agree. People take the small things for granted. The sunsets, the little moments in life. Those are the things that are most special in life. It helps remind you to live in the moment." You turn and look at him with a soft smile. You suddenly wonder if it'll break his heart to do what Draco said. You sigh at that thought you can't break his heart after everything your family, yourself included, has already done to him. You can just date him until the spark dies, right? But then again he never claimed to be in love with you. And of course your mind settles on Draco's plan. You plant a kiss on his cheek and resting your head on his shoulder A soft, comfortable silence hangs over the two.
For a second, you don't even realize that silence is coming from the fact he's surprised at the affectionate gesture. But by the time you're ready to move away and apologize for your actions, he's smiling back at you and hugging you close. You feel guilty that you're lying to him but you have to give him your name at some point. "My name is (Y/N/N)....(L/N)." You mutter. "A beautiful sunset, with a beautiful person. What more can you ask for?" He asks, kissing the top of your head. The guilt in your chest grows "You're so sweet if either us is a beautiful person. It's you. I have to admit something embarrassing. I spent my whole day thinking about meeting you here because cheering you up made me feel.... different. But then when the time finally came I thought you wouldn't show up. I'm glad you did." Your face turns red in embarrassment that you actually cared if you were stood up by a Gryffindor's running punchline. Neville smiles at you with a blush on his face. "I can't lie, I was kinda the same I was worried you might not show either. You're super nice, pretty, smart and funny. You could obviously spend time with anyone. Why me?" He responded.
At that moment there was only two questions you asked yourself. Neither question had an answer. "Do I feel bad for Neville Longbottom? Why would I?" You finally found your voice after a long pause and laughed slightly. "Well I'm here and I'm not disappointed. I'm enjoying the company and the sunset." But you didn't feel the need to respond to all the attributes Neville claimed you had. It would just be hurtful to lie about how nice you were or what kind of humor you had. But you did feel terrible everytime you made him laugh. "I'm definitely not complaining about your company." Was he flirting? That should be a good thing, right? But it just made you want to trip him in the halls because where's that confidence when he needs to stand up himself? How could he flirt with a stranger but not stand up against his bullies? However, you'd never tripped him before and you wouldn't start now. In fact, you usually just repeated whatever nonsense Draco said.... often feeling guilty for it. Unless it was The Golden Trio, you never felt guilty about making fun of them. But just for today, you'd laugh along with him. Which is how you found yourself laughing and looking at him in shock. "I don't believe you are the same boy who just this morning was crying because Professor Snape was being a grade A twat. You sound so confident." You laugh some more. Neville smiles softly. "He just makes me so upset because I feel like people are always against me. I've just always been dealing with people making fun of me and being rude to me so I guess I just had to get it out." He lets out a small sigh and gives you a hug. You feel guilty when he gives you another reminder of how terrible you are to him. But even still, you offer a smile. "I'll never be against you especially if you continue to be this sweet. I think people treat you unfairly because you're a little clumsy and a little awkward. But being perfect is overrated. You're perfect by being yourself." You tell him but it's just you paraphrasing something your mother once told you. You continue on paraphrasing your mother. "And remember people like Snape don't define your worth. You do." It's honestly good advice that when you were thirteen you didn't want to hear. Who wants to hear that they are treated unfairly because of their own flaws? And then to make it worse told that they were perfect with the flaws everyone hated? You still thought it sounded silly but knew Narcissa Malfoy was rarely wrong. "And honestly I think you're worth more than Snape's opinion or anyone else's opinion. What's your opinion of yourself? And don't go with the easiest answer." You add with a bit of curiosity. Neville thinks deep about your question. He looks down at his shoes for a moment. He sighs. "Honestly, I don't have the best opinion of myself. People have always picked on me and put me down and I've gotten to the point where I just agree with their opinions of me. I know I should change that but it's hard sometimes. Do you really think I'm perfect by being myself?"
You mull over how to answer such a loaded question. No one was perfect. You knew that so the answer was no. But your Godfather, truth be told, terrified you. Maybe not as much as he scared Neville but certainly he did. You lived in a constant fear that the smallest slip up would mean direct owl to your parents and your fear of letting them down was all too real. So you decided maybe you should share another little piece of yourself with Neville. "Honestly, what I think is if the roles were reversed and I bumped into you this morning after being bullied by Snape I would have cried. Just bumping into you would have broke me. I wouldn't have held in whatever I was feeling in order to check if you were okay. But you checked on me, multiple times, before you let your own feelings out. Which makes you stronger and probably braver than I'll ever be." Neville's eyes light up, "I just always try to be kind to other people or at least not rude like some other people I know." His words stab you in the chest but he doesn't seem to notice as continues. "It's just a part of who I am, I guess." He looks back up at the sky. You seem to find yourself wanting to stay this pretend version of yourself and look at the sunset as well. "I hope this sunset never ends. You know....we could stay up just a little bit past curfew. It will be okay as long as no prefects or teachers catch us sneaking back in..." Neville's eyes light up with fear. "Are you sure that's not against the rules?" He asks with a his entire demeanor changing. You laugh a little. "Oh it's most definitely against the rules." You say; your eyes dancing with amusement at his fearful demeanor. Your Slytherin roots definitely showing as you continued. "But that doesn't mean it isn't worth the risk." You add but frown when you see he doesn't seem up for it. You decide to fix your mistake. "Well...maybe we shouldn't stay out too late. We still do have classes tomorrow. I don't want you falling asleep in Professor Snape's class and getting in trouble." He gets up and offers you a hand to help you up. "Just for that last comment, you get the honor of holding my hand while we walk back." He smiles sweetly at you. You feel something in you become disappointed as the last few minutes of the sunlight disappear behind the trees. You take his hand in yours as you get up. "Well then I'm honored to hold your hand. It's sad the sunset couldn't last forever." His hand feels is soft and warm; almost familiar. You also notice his hand is a little clammy, it seems he might be a little nervous. "Do you think we'd be able to be able to have a long term friendship?" You nervously bite your lip at your own question. His face grows into a huge smile and he looks you in the eyes. "Are you kidding me me? Of course!" He says, his voice being slightly shaky and quiet. He smiles nervously but he's obviously happy. You smile nervously, because of your very Slytherin secret, in return even though your tone of voice is happy. "I'm happy it's a yes. I don't know what I would have said if it was a no." He gives a soft laugh "Well, as long as you said something it'd be okay because it'd mean you're talking to me, which is something I would like." He says softly. "But let's not worry about that now. I feel like this is the start of great friendship."
Friends with Neville Longbottom....how bizarre... You sigh happily "Well, I guess you're ready to hear that I'm never comfortable with people so it's really weird and embarrassing for me to feel like I trust you." He frowns as you speak but by the end of your confession, he smiles. "I trust you, too. I mean, I can't believe I'm saying this. The most beautiful girl in Gryffindor wants to be my friend and now she says she feels comfortable around me? My jaw is literally on the floor." He laughs and the fact you're not actually a Gryffindor burns in your throat. "Only most beautiful in Gryffindor, huh? Who's the most beautiful in the school then? I'm not jealous, just curious." You raise your eyebrow. His eyes go wide at your question and he stammers in response. "How can there be someone more beautiful then you? That's impossible. It's you, it's you without a doubt." He blushes when he realizes he's rambling. "You're just... perfect." He whispers and you laugh a little at him. "I'm not perfect and I actually find enjoyment in knowing I'm not perfect." You notice that the two of suddenly fall into a rather comfortable silence as you walk back to the castle. You don't even mind when you two stop in the greenhouse so Neville could go in the greenhouse and check on a few plants he'd been helping Sprout maintain. Your mind is waterlogged with thoughts of how you can possibly approach him as yourself now...and the answer is you can't. You can't even bully him anymore. You'd made a promise that you would never be against him.
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You don't even realize as the portrait of The Fat Lady opens. You've just been trying your best to ignore getting caught by Flinch or a prefect. You suppose it'd be terrible if a professor caught you but you knew that you weren't yourself so who would go to your detention? You actually weren't too stressed about a prefect either; unless it was Draco. Draco knew you'd been with Neville. But the other prefects would just take the points from Gryffindor. You feel the overwhelming need to say something. "Maybe I will see in classes tomorrow. I don't really know your class schedule." You squeeze his hand gently as a goodbye. He nods as he listens to you. "That would be awesome! If we have classes together, I'll be sure to say hello." You in a silent confirmation of the plans that can never come to pass. You feel happy that he enjoys your company but you know he'd feel different if he knew who you are. You look around the Gryffindor common room with mild interest. After a moment, you cringe at red that surrounds you and the window that looks out to the sky. It's too home-y. You're used to the home that is the Slytherin common room. You love green aesthetic and the desolate lake that you stare out into through the windows. "Wow...we made it back to the common room already." You mutter but it's more out of distaste than wonder. He nods. "Yeah, we did get back pretty fast. Do you wanna head on up the stairs or would you like to spend more time just talking a bit?" He tilts his head as he says it. You're anxious to get out of the Gryffindor common room. "We both should get to bed. It's getting late. I'll see you in the morning." He nods and then whispers. "Yeah, I'll see you in the morning." As soon as he's up the stairs and on his way to his dorm, you rush out of that godforsaken common room. Thankful everything can go back to normal. "Okay now I just have to make it back to the Slytherin common room without being caught..." You mumble with a little sigh. But even as you reversed the color changing charm, you knew things would never be normal. You wanted to be Y/N/N L/N because she could keep promises that Y/N Malfoy couldn't....
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t1oui · 3 months
aggressively plotting the muggle hs au before i inevitably move on from it without writing so much as a sentence ANYWAY here are basic intros to the main cast
harry potter (he/him, bisexual) - age 15 (year 11) - lives with regulus and james and recently moved to the area to be closer to lily, pandora, and luna (they moved a few years ago bc lily got a new job) - wants to join the swim team
hermione granger (she/her, lesbian) - age 16 (year 11) - another new student, moved b/c her parents were moved to the dental clinic downtown
ron weasley (he/him, pansexual) - age 15 (year 11) - president of chess club - wants to be goalie for the school hockey team - viktor's host family and not happy about it (at first anyway ;))
pansy parkinson (she/her, transfem, lesbian & asexual) - age 15 (year 11) - wants to be a journalist, part of one of the local old money™️ families - on the swim team (?)
draco fortescue-black (he/him, gay) - age 15 (year 11) - lives with narcissa, alice (his parents), & neville (his brother) - big drama queen
neville fortescue-black (he/him, straight) - age 15 (year 11) - draco's brother, narcissa & alice's son. also frank longbottom's son ofc, frank visits a lot - has liked hannah since year 7
blaise zabini (he/him, bisexual) - age 15 (year 11) - very charming to hide the fact that he's a hopeless romantic - does track & field and has set like 3 school records
cedric diggory (he/him, transmasc, pansexual) - age 17 (year 12/sixth form) - captain of the swim team - fleur's host family - studying french, economics, and math for his a-levels
fleur delacour (she/her, aromantic asexual) - age 17 (year 13/sixth form) - exchange student from france, staying with the diggorys - studying psychology, english language/literature, and business
viktor krum (he/him, bisexual) - age 16 (year 12/sixth form) - exchange student from bulgaria, staying with the weasleys - on the rugby team & in chess club - studying german, psychology, and art
cho chang (she/her, bisexual) - age 16 (year 12/sixth form) - cedric's best friend, does swim w him - theater kid (stage crew) - studying art, english language/literature, and chemistry
ginny weasley (she/her, transfem, lesbian) - age 14 (year 10) - on the girl's rugby team - has beef with lavender brown for unknown reasons
luna lovegood (she/her, omnisexual) - age 14 (year 10) - harry's younger sister (lives w pandora and lily, goes to xeno's for one weekend each month) - helps write school paper - she's either loved by people or hated by them no in between
dean thomas (he/him, bisexual) - age 15 (year 11) - kissed ginny once last year and ron has hated him ever since - dating seamus, best friends w pavarti
seamus finnigan (he/him, gay) - age 15 (year 11) - 100% lavender brown's beard - dean's boyfriend, lav's best friend
pavarti patil (she/her, lesbian) - age 16 (year 11) - worships the ground lavender walks on but refuses to say so - hates rugby, plays anyway
lavender brown (she/her, bisexual) - age 15 (year 11) - dated seamus in year 8 - consistently flirting with pavarti, who is completely oblivious
padma patil (she/her, aromantic) - age 16 (year 11) - ron is one of the few people who can tell her and pavarti apart, for this reason they're best friends - vice president of chess club
hannah abbott (she/her, pansexual) - age 15 (year 11) - neville thinks he's sly but she totally knows he likes her (she likes him back) - gossips with padma about EV👏REY👏THING but they're not really friends
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unwoundcorridors · 5 months
prompt #29: storm
pairing: narcissa/alice word count: 876
❈ written for @sapphicmicrofics ❈
Lightning lit up the pitch black gardens of the manor while thunder nearly shook the floor beneath her feet, rain pounding against the grounds outside. Narcissa didn’t move from the window, though, instead catching her countenance illuminated by the flashes of lightning every few seconds. Lucius was locked away in his private study, working on Ministry matters, and Draco was sleeping in his crib just across the hall from her, his room soundproofed to the storm raging outside.
Her mind drifted at the thought of her son, and her throat tightened at where it landed: another boy, only a month or so younger than her own, without his mother to tend to him. She still remembered the last time she and Alice had met, sequestered in a corner booth in a hole-in-the-wall establishment that lent itself to confidential gatherings. Even so, Narcissa had placed a glamour on her facial features so that everyone but Alice wouldn’t know who she was.
“Don’t tell me you don’t wish our sons could grow up together properly,” Alice had said, hooking one of her pinkie fingers around Narcissa’s on top of the table sitting between them. Alice’s hazel eyes plaintively pierced Narcissa, and she shut her own as Alice’s finger stroked her skin. When she opened them again, she worried her lip as traitorous images of Draco and Neville as playmates entered her mind.
Officially, she and Alice were on different sides of this conflict. Or rather, better put, war. Alice was a bloody Auror, or rather had been before taking an indefinite leave to give birth and tend to her newborn son. Meanwhile, Narcissa was bloody well married to a literal Death Eater. She shouldn’t even meet with Alice at all, yet letters scrambled with magic still passed between the Malfoy and Longbottom homes, and Narcissa had yet to toss any correspondence from Alice into a lit fireplace like she knew she should. Nor had she had the heart or willpower to turn down this particular invite to see Alice in person again.
In a different world, perhaps they could have raised their sons together. Yet would that have been enough to satiate the both of them? To stay married to their husbands and continue an illicit affair? Or at least illicit on Narcissa’s side, as Lucius knew not a thing of her continued interactions with an Order member. Alice had told her that Frank was all for “bringing another Black sister onto the right side of things,” even going so far as being accepting to the reality of an open marriage.
It was a fool’s dream, and Narcissa had finally tugged her pinkie away from Alice and told her as such.
“You and Frank may gallivant around in this fool’s dreamscape as much as you like, but I cannot join you.”
Alice’s face had fallen a little at the biting words, but she’d continued to hold Narcissa’s gaze, asking, “Cannot or will not?”
Unable to hide her grimace completely, Narcissa had turned her head away so quickly that she almost strained a muscle. Hard rain fell onto the cobblestone street outside of the establishment they’d met in, and after masking her emotions, she’d looked back at Alice with a made-up excuse for leaving. Alice, someone who had never even tried to hide her emotions—instead openly choosing to wear them on her sleeve like the almost Gryffindor-Hufflepuff hatstall she’d been—had caught Narcissa’s wrist as she stood from their table, the din of other muffled conversations around them transforming into a muted buzz as Alice got to her feet as well and pulled Narcissa to her, one hand grasping the back of Narcissa’s head, fingers entangled in locks of honeyed blonde.
It was a shock to her system, Alice’s lips on hers for the first time in months. For a moment, Narcissa almost forgot where they were, a whimper bleeding into Alice’s mouth, but as soon and her mind caught up to their surroundings, her fingers stiffened up, curled almost like claws, and she wrenched herself away. She couldn’t—they couldn’t—
“Please don’t,” was all she managed to say before she left. Ran out into the rain to disapparate, more like. Because that’s what she was good at. Running away.
Narcissa’s vision blurred as she stared out of the window of Malfoy Manor unblinkingly. Her fingers ghosted over her bottom lip, recalling the passion that Alice had poured into that last kiss. A tiny whimper, not unlike the one that she’d vocalised at that establishment months ago, escaped her, and she wondered if she’d ever cease to associate rain with fleeing from the only woman she had ever once seen a future with.
Gallivanting around in a fool’s dreamscape… Narcissa laughed, a hollow and forlorn sound. She had denied the truth of the matter for too long: she had, in fact, always been a fool when it came to Alice Longbottom, née Fawley. She would simply need to learn to completely shut it all away, because in this new world—a world in which the Potters’ son had recently vanquished the Dark Lord, a world in which Alice and Frank were tortured into insanity by a group of Death Eaters including her sister—such foolishness had no place.
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inlumenhq · 2 years
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Alice Longbottom, 28, Gryffindor alum,  Haskiri Velazquez fc, TAKEN.
Birthday: 14th February Gender & Pronouns: Cis Female. She/her Occupation: Senior auror.  Sided with: neutral
Positive Traits: Free-spirited, Dedicated, Competitive, Energetic, Brave Negative Traits: Reckless, Impulsive, Suspicious, Stubborn, Untrusting
Born in the middle of the Lestrange Trio, one would have assumed that Alice would have the makings of the perfect pureblood. That was far from the case though. Whilst Alice toed the line, they never really fitted into the pureblood world. Alice was okay at sewing and hosting teas, but really loved to be out in the garden, running around or playing quidditch. It frustrated their mother to no end. Where Alice’s siblings were just as boisterous, the Lestrange parents were left struggling to control their children.
Hogwarts was really the turning point for Alice. They found that being friends with half-bloods and muggleborns was not that bad. Actually, Alice found that they had more in common with them than their pureblooded peers. They started pulling away from her childhood friends, deciding who they wanted to be as a person. Alice knew they didn’t want to be defined by their blood status.
Up until now, the Longbottoms have been able to coast along without picking a side. Their both being purebloods, and Alice being from a high-ranking family have allowed them a certain level of protection. Rodolphus is putting pressure on them to join a side, and pick the right side at that. Alice is starting to feel the tension, and the pressure to pick a side. But right now, in their heart, she knows it is not going to be on the Dark Lord's side, and, selfishly, not quite ready to make that decision, and lose their family.
Barty Crouch Jr. - Alice rarely dislikes someone, and really does not like Barty. Luckily their paths don’t cross that much, and when they do, Alice really needs to hold their tongue.
Rodolphus Lestrange - Tensions are currently running high between the middle and eldest Lestrange children. With the Longbottoms having yet to directly claim a side to the war, Rodolphus has taken it upon themselves to try to sway the couple into following in the Dark Lord’s footsteps.
Harlan Zabini - If their parents had gotten their way, Alice would have ended up married to Harlan. Alice wouldn’t have been happy and is rather relieved to have avoided that predicament. They are still on speaking terms from the little bit of talking that happened when the Lestranges were considering Harlan as an option.
Lily Potter - Unlikely friends due to the Lestranges standing in society, but they were quite close. Alice has been quietly devastated by their friend's disappearance and has kept it hidden from everyone but Frank.
Elianna Goyle - Elianna, Josette, and Alice were a little trio. But then Alice started hanging out with half-bloods and muggleborns. Marrying Frank wasn’t seen as the best decision in their eyes, even if he was a pureblood. Whilst Elianna and Josette haven’t necessarily disowned Alice, the trio isn’t as close as they used to be. 
Bios and posts that reference Alice Longbottom can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Diane Guererro, Camila Queiroz, Cierra Ramirez
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
world building wednesday for cassia
full name: Cassia Alice Potter (raised as Cassia Lily Evans/Snape)
gender: Female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Harry Potter (twin brother), Lily & James Potter (parents), Severus Snape (guardian), Remus Lupin (godfather), Alice Longbottom (godmother), Petunia Dursley (aunt), Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy (not-godparents), Draco Malfoy (betrothed), Sirius Black (uncle), Verona Rosier (honorary aunt)
birthplace: Godric's Hollow, England
job: student, future potions mistress, future lawyer
phobias: drowning, losing Harry, Snape, dementors, voldemort, spiders (fear, not sure if it's phobia level like Ron is)
guilty pleasures: muggle books & movies, particularly fairytales
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Cassia x Dimitri
ot3: Cassia x Dimitri x Draco
brotp: Cassia & Harry always always always
notp: Cassia x Snape
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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