galeforged · 2 years
starter for @tomestobetold​​ || Benny!​
It felt... “stunted,” ever since he found himself displaced far, far away from home. For how readily verbose he could be on any given day, that was the simplest way Forwin felt he could word that he had gotten weaker. Magic may have been an art he deliberately neglected in fear of his identity being discovered up towards the end of his time in Fódlan, but from birth, he had always been predisposed towards the arcane. The ability to further empower his magic should especially come easily to him!
Knowing that there was some vile force pulling the strings behind Garon, however, made it so the lutist knew he could no longer afford to pull his punches. Yet, somehow, Saint Macuil’s power had changed. He tried and he tried, the sigil of his Crest shining ever-presently from his palm while he worked his craft by his lonesome, but each enhanced blast of wind magic proved weaker than he could recall, regardless of his repeated efforts. He exerted himself just as he usually would in the past, only to withdraw the same diminished result each time.
What he wished to understand was how this could have happened. Was it really as simple as finding himself lost in another world? If so, could there be some method out here that may help to restore that strength? With a frustrated sigh, the court musician yielded to exhaustion and closed his fist, fingertips still tingling from all the mana he expended. The intruder from beyond, wearing the deceiving guise of a Nohrian, will not receive an answer from training dummies, regardless of how much magic he cast onto them.
Besides, it was getting late. Now was as good a time as any to end practice, Forwin reasoned, so he spun on his heel—
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—only to jump back with a righteous scare! The tall, dark, and intimidating ex-border guard appeared to have made himself the bard’s audience. With his failure to notice the larger man’s arrival—whenever that was—Forwin almost spooked himself into a heart attack! “Saints above—w-what brings you here so late...?”
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helplesslypurple77 · 8 months
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Day 13- Step Bro!Dazai/Reader/Step Bro!Fyodor
Notes: I think it's a little ooc, but i really couldn't decide which characters to go with so yeah.
also, uhm, that fyodor header picture has nothing to do with the actual story, i just though he looked so fucking hot with that gun(also yes, ik im using the step silbing/dad concept twice but its just so sexy to me yaknow*)(*and also, if your wondering, i actually have a wonderful relationship with my father)
Ever since you can remember the house had been cold. You didn't call it your house, even though you had lived there all your life. No, it was more akin to a creature unto itself, a perfect reflection of your childhood. You were born in this house, the only child Mother, or Cecilia as she insisted upon, didn't abort. You spent your younger years with a nanny, who cared for you the best she could. She taught you to read and write, and you excelled especially at math. But Cecilia didn't care. She never cared. And the house reflected her disinterest.
The nanny, a kind woman named Martha, had been disposed of when you turned eight. Cecilia decided you were old enough to function on your own and fired the waste of money. You spent your years after that in the library, absorbing information, reading fanciful stories with mothers who loved their daughters. You wondered why Cecilia never loved you. 
When you turned ten, Cecilia brought home a man. She introduced you, and you stood like instructed, pretty and well behaved. He patted you on the head, but never spared you a glance. He was tall, blond and very, very young. Much younger than Cecilia. And he was much too enamored to care for you, Cecilia's little child. Cecilia encouraged this behavior, and although the number of people in the house had grown, you were all alone. You were always alone. But it was ok, you were used to the silence. You sat in your large playroom, and cried into your pillow, muffling your feelings in the silk. Cecilia didn't need your burdensome feelings. 
The summer you turned eleven, Cecilia brought another man home. And this man was kind to you at first. He gave you candy and treated you with kindness, luring you into his trap like a spider. The first time he hit you, you had cried defiantly for Cecilia. And of course Cecilia had not come, for she would rather believe her boytoys over her own flesh and blood. Humans were cruel things, ready to hurt others at the drop of a hat. And Cecilia was the cruelest. Nothing comforted you for ounce as you cried into your comforter, as unloved as before. 
The summer you turned fifteen it was clear you had inherited Cecilia's peerless beauty. You spent the rest of the summer mastering makeup and when you arrived at your private school you were instantly popular. The makeup just elevated your already peerless beauty and people, both boys and girls fell at your feet. You reveled in the popularity, the love. A different kind of love, but love all the same. The house congratulated you, but Cecilia didn't care. She never did, after all.
Your grades never fell however, you simply could not let them. If you were proud of anything, it was your intelligence. It was wholly yours, unlike your beauty, inherited from Cecilia. You hated that you were her creation, hated it with your entire very being. You loved your intelligence, however. It came from your father, you were told briefly by Cecilia, and because you had never met him it was easier to accept his qualities. The house was from your father, his money at least. A gift to Cecilia. 
And the one gift he had ever gotten you was a ring, a gorgeous piece of silver and emeralds that Cecilia had taken, stoll right from your pudgy two year old hands. You had never even gotten to hold it as an adult. You didn't miss it, not really. But you hated the trait you shared with Cecilia, a sense of selfishness, and a love for jewelry. 
 It was on your sixteenth birthday, sitting at a table alone as you were blowing out the birthday candles, that you truly cried without the comfort of your pillows. Cecilia was out, and as you eat your cake, you soon come to realize that you had grown up too fast. You had been an adult since the moment Martha was fired and you had sat in the cold walls of your beige playroom, crying and crying for comfort, something that would never find you again. You were a shell, a puppet, a beautiful china doll empty of  love. You were Cecilia. The house laughed at your plight, as you sobbed into your pillow, muffling your feelings into the comforting silk. 
It was a hot summer day, a few weeks after you turned seventeen when Cecilia broke the news. You were sitting by the pool, sunbathing in your swimsuit. Cecilia simply walked in, spared you a glance, and informed you she was getting married. You felt a small shiver of surprise run up your spine. Cecilia had had many boyfriends, yes, but she never married them. This man had to be different. Or maybe it was her age, and her fading looks. You hated the spike of happiness that pillaged though your heart, you hated how feelings of hatred turned you into a spiteful shrew, just like Cecilia. Cecilia had cracked open a beer, flipping through her magazine, sparing you one last glance. “He has sons, two of them.” She had said, closing the screen door behind her. 
⋆。 °✩
“There you are, Name. You're late.” Cecilia said, giving you her usual faintly disapproving stare mixed with disgust. You still quail under it, even though it's the same one you’ve seen for years and years and years. You still fear her disapproval, even after all. 
“I'm sorry Cecilia.” You say, straightening your spine. You're still in your school uniform, and the bus was late but you know better than to give excuses. Cecilia doesn't care for those. The little skirt and blazer combo is one of your favorites, and the only thing you truly love about St. Catherine's private school for young ladies. The walls of St Catherines are barren and cold, but not as cold as your own. Cecilia flips her hair, looking perfectly put together as always, although her age is beginning to show around her eyes. She hates it, you know, and you love it. You can't wait for Cecilia to wither away, her personal worst nightmare. 
“Don't embarrass me, Name.” Cecilia says, her cold eyed stair rooting you to your place. “Just smile pleasantly and entertain your step brothers, alright Sweetheart?” She says. The pet name reeks of disinterest but her disinterest is preferable to her anger. For when Cecilia angers the foundations of the very house shake. You nod, and Cecilia takes that as enough. A knock sounds on the door, and any ugly expression is gone from her face as she flies for the door, opening it and hopping into the arms of the man behind it. 
He’s your mothers usual type, tall and handsome, but several years older than you would have guessed. He spins her around, and they kiss. You look away. There are two boys standing behind him on the doorstep, and to your surprise they also look away from the torrid display. Their strange boys, both around the same height, but that is the only thing they share in common. They don't even really look related, but who are you to judge? Done with their display, Cecilia and her new husband step through the door, still attached at the hip. Cecilia throws you a glare, and you put on your customary smile, a smile so fake you feel like a barbie doll. 
“My daughter, Name.” Cecilia almost imperceptibly grimaces at the word daughter, gesturing at you. You smile. “Hello.” You say, feeling like a fake. The man gives you a smile, gesturing at his sons, who have stepped through the door, and now stand on either side of him and Cecilia. “My sons, Fyodor and Osamu.” The one on the right smiles at you, the other one simply gives you a nod. They're so different, you’d almost think them adopted. But you can see their features in their father. 
The smiling one, Osamu, has short wavy brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. He gives you a tiny wave, and you feel your smile become genuine for a second, before you catch yourself. The ones who smile are more dangerous, you had learned long ago. They lure you with kindness and hit you with force. He’s dressed in a wrinkled button down and uniform pants, his posture casual with his hands in his pockets. A matching tie hangs crooked on his neck. It's the uniform for your school, or the boys school across the street. St. Catherines school for young ladies and St. Andrews school for young men share a single campus separated by a metal fence. 
The one on the left side is pale, almost sickly pale, with dark circles to match his long dark hair. It looks soft, his hair, and brushes just below his jaw. H’s eyes are dark, and they run over your face, almost as if they're checking for cracks in your composure. He’s dressed in the same uniform, but his appearance is more neat. His tie is tied correctly, and he wears a black jacket over the rest of his uniform. They are strange boys, but you are very used to strange after all. 
“Name? Entertain your new brothers, Sweetheart.” Cecilia says. You wince at the nickname. You hate that nickname, you hate it so much. “Yes Cecilia.” You bite out, smile still in place. You feel empty, like a porcelain doll. A tool Cecilia can use and discard at any moment. You feel disposable. You hate it. 
⋆。 °✩
Your new brothers are kind, if a little strange. The quiet one with pretty hair, Fyodor, is a year older than you. He plays cello and dislikes Cecilia, which makes you like him a lot. Fyodor treated you with an amount of distance at first, but slowly warmed up to you when he found out you play piano. He had informed you one day, when he was helping you with homework, that his mother was a Russian supermodel. And he’s handsome, you're not really surprised. He’s kind in a quiet kind of way, less teasing than his younger brother. You also notice how he subtly moves forward, shielding you whenever Cecilia is angry. You love him for it, that protectiveness. 
Osamu is younger than you by about six months, and loud. He quite clearly makes it his goal to be the loudest person in the room and you love how it annoys Cecilia every time he steals her thunder. He’s a very touchy person as well, unlike his brother. He would comfort you with jokes when he saw you were down, and could not cook for the life of him. His reaction to Cecilia was the most reactionary. He taunted her, shot smart alec remarks in her direction, or just plain ignored her. And every time he got a reaction. Cecilia’s face would flush red with anger, and she would strike out, just to be dodged with a snarky little comment. And the more angry she got, the more pleased Osamu became
And they hate each other, the brothers. At first you had thought they got along well, but then you noticed the snarky little comments they would trade back and forth, the glares behind their parents back. Everything is a constant competition, be it a board game or report cards they make it their goal to beat the other each time. And you don't really mind, the house feels warm and full of life, and you feel included. To them, life seems a game, and the people who live it merely pieces, to be moved to and fro to their pleasure. You must assume yourself a spectator, not a piece, but if you were a piece you would like to be the queen. Cecilia didn't like your new brothers, that much was obvious. But she still used them to belittle you every chance she got.  
“Your brothers got all A+.” She would say, pinning you with that faintly disgusted expression she used as default. “And you got an A.” You would surrender to your room to cry in peace, away from Cecilia's proud eyes, and the prying ears of your much to perceptive brothers. 
But if they shared anything, it was a sense of mystery. Because each of them never allowed you to get too close, keeping you forever just a length away. You tried not to take it personally, but you still shed a tear or two. 
But for the first time in many years, you were happy. The house congratulated you, as its hallways filled with laughter to replace to silence, its rooms with color to replace the beige. Cecilia was as unpleasant as ever, but she was busy with her husband, and left you and your step brothers to their own devices. But still you feared it would all go away. That soon, they would tire of you, that they would never let you close, that Cecilia would grow tired of her husband and toss out the trash as she always did. It was a nagging fear that came back to haunt you in dreams, until you woke up in a cold sweat. 
And there's an odd tension that hovers in the air, whenever you and the brothers interact. A strange tension that makes your blood sing with excitement, that leaves you on your toes with anticipation. When Osamu slings his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a loose hug of sorts. When Fyodor pulls your hair behind your ear, his cold fingers brushing your face, leaving goosebumps in their wake. It's a tension you’ve felt before, a tension you don't want to give name to, a tension that scares you. But then, you're sure it's just you, that your new brothers simply treat you as a sister, like how you should treat them. You should not desire your step brothers, Cecilia had told you the night before they moved in. But then again, Cecilia had never been a very good role model. 
⋆。 °✩
It's raining, big fat drops pattering against the roof, wind splattering the droplets against the window panes. A faint clatter can be heard from outside, as if the wind itself is crying, banging at the doors. The wind sounded lonely. It banged on the doors of the world, begging to be let into the light, much like you had when you were young. You wanted to comfort the wind, to hold her in your arms with the warmth you had never been given, but everyone knew you could not hold the wind. So you simply told her to stay strong, and let the night and rain embrace her for you. 
You would always read when it rained. You remembered a book you had read long ago. It had been the one to solidify the wind as lonely, and had been oh so impressionable to your young mind. ‘Keep strong wind’ it read, ‘keep strong and soon the rain and night will hold you in their comforting embrace, will keep you warm and happy…’. You had always seen yourself in the lonely wind, and had dreamed of your rain and night to comfort you. The library had long been your only comfort, and you begged for human comfort, human warmth.(You didn't dare to hope that your step brothers could be your night and rain, because you knew god would hear you and laugh in your face. Because god loved Cecilia, not worthless you.)
Cecilia and her husband are gone, on a weekend trip to Hawaii. You were not invited, because of course not, and neither were your brothers. 
The house is almost silentand with Osamu out at book club the house seems to sigh in relief, giving itself time to relax before the loudness returns. 
You are curled up on the couch with a book, listening to Fyodor as he practices his Cello. It's a cozy evening, the fire crackling in the grate, the strains of the first movements of Brahms – Cello Sonata No. 1 floating through the cozy atmosphere. You hear the piano part along with him unconsciously, fingers tapping your things in rhythm. You can never quite beat the musician out of you, it's embedded into your very being at this point. 
Brahms – Cello Sonata No. 1, the first movement is a deep piece, and slightly depressing if you're being honest. But you love the melancholy that surrounds it. It creates a certain air, allowing the instruments to tangle together beautifully almost as if the melodies are dancing together. They twist like lovers, the parts, dipping one then the other, a beautifully teasing medley of pure emotion, something you could never truly give in life. It would be nice to dance with Fyodor, he was such an elegant human being, from the way he walked to his looks. You imagined the two of you would sail across the floor of the ballroom, his gloved hand on your waist, twirling you and spinning you and only looking at you. You wanted him to gaze upon you with reverence, much like the men your mother married gazed upon her. You want to be loved.
The Cello part comes to an end, and you sit silently for a moment, hesitant to break the spell. Then Fyodor's accented voice, still slightly hushed, breaks through the atmosphere. “How was it?” He says. You love his accent, it feels all full and warm. “Good, good as always.” You say, putting a finger in your book and looking up. “You were a bit sharp on the first note of measure twenty seven.” You're reading Pride and Prejudice, again. You’ve always loved it, and have read it some many times you’ve simply lost count.
Fyodor sighs, leaning back in his chair and resting his cello back into its case. “You always catch my mistakes. What would I do without you, Name.” He says with a small smile. Your heart warms at the praise, your smile threatening to break out of its confinements, all together and split your face in two. You tamp it down, putting on a face of disinterest you're not sure he believes. You always get the vague feeling that your brothers know you better than you know yourself.
You flip through the channels on tv, happy to have control of the remote. It's all the usual, sports games and real housewives and spanish game show episodes. You put on a random movie, which sounded interesting. ‘Essential object of enjoyment,’(is a title that to anyone else would scream softcore porn film, to you, still a sheltered girl of seventeen years old, it seemed as innocent as a daisy. You were not a virgin, but inexperienced and somewhat oblivious, so at odds with your calm adult attitude.) Fyodor plops himself on the couch next to you, a tedious foot away. He seemed too far away but all at once to close, the heat of his body a tease beside you. You clench your legs together, pulling in on yourself.
The film is about a young woman named Maria, who is taking a vacation on a very sketchy manor in a strange small town. It's a low budget film, with crappy acting and even crappier scares, but it's entertaining and you find yourself settling in against the couch, slowly leaning closer and closer to the warm human beside you. And soon, as Maria decides to ignore all the advice of the locals and enter the abandoned church late at night, you're so close your shoulders are almost touching, and finally, you dare to lean into him. 
He lets you, slinging an arm around your shoulders with an excuse none of you are listening to anyway, and pulls a small blanket over your bare legs. “You're cold aren't you?” he says, voice hushed in your ear. You shiver, with a nod. You arent that cold, but you want to be close to him, to feel his heat, his warmth. You're sure he knows this, and you let yourself feel hopeful for once, curling into his body like a pedigree cat. 
And as you watch the movie, heart pounding in your throat, it dawns on you that something is very clearly wrong. The budget is too cheap, but the camera work is too advanced, the camera’s to expensive. The acting is too bad, but the actress has professionally done makeup and hair. And then, as you watch Maria get tied up by the clean masked man, it all makes too much sense. It's softcore porn. You move for the remote, fishing around for it on the couch, desperately. You're already flushing, your thighs rubbing together as you reach around for it. The idea of watching a porn film with your step brother is humiliating and embarrassing and frustratingly arousing. 
“Do you need something?” Fyodor says, rubbing little soft patterns in your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. You nod. “The remote, gonna switch channels.” You're already flushing, but have stopped your frantic fishing for the remote. He frowns in disappointment and you automatically tense, so used to Cecilia’s disappointed or angry stares. “Can we leave it, I'm actually enjoying it.” He says. You glance at the screen, where Maria is now being threatened by a knife. You desperately want to say no, but the people pleaser in you insist you agree. And so, you sink back into his touch, flushing. 
‘Where is it? Where is it?’ The masked man is saying to Maria. The film takes a moment to focus on the actress’s bountiful chest, and you try not to writhe with embarrassment and jealousy. You bet Fyodor likes big boobs, Cecilia said all men like big boobs. Her’s are fake, but you don't feel the need to protest and get a slap. 
The bad guy of the film is a man in a purple mask. He’s thin in stature, and tall, overwhelming Maria’s small frame. He reminds you distinctly of the man sitting beside you, with his face hidden like that. He has a russian accent in the film as well, just like the man beside you, and as he whispers in her ear it does stuff to you. 
‘Tell me where it is or there will be consequences.’ the man in the mask says. 
‘I will never tell you!’ Maria says definitely. You watch in horror as the masked man's thin fingers slip between her thighs. The camera cuts to her face of surprise. It's clear that this is where the actress’s true chops shine, as her mouth drops open in a little oh of surprise. 
You feel hot, biting back a whimper as you press your thighs together, hoping that your step brother doesn't notice. 
‘Your such a slut for my fingers aren't you?’ The man in the mask bends Maria over a table, the camera now showing a cut of his hands pulling her thighs apart. All you can picture in your mind is you as Maria, and the man in the mask as Fyodor. When the man in the film speaks all you can hear is Fyodor’s voice, his teasing lines, him all him all him. 
And then, the other bad guy of the film appears. And honestly it should shock you out of your dirty fantasies, but the other man, this one in a teal mask, sounds very similar to your other step brother. 
You can imagine yourself in Maria's place, bent over a table like that, fingers shoved up your cunt, dick keeping you silent. And most of all, pretty praises falling out of your step brother's mouths. ‘Such a pretty girl, such a smart girl, so good for us, such a slut for us—’
Fyodor’s eyes are on you, you can feel them even as you focus resolutely on the screen. He speaks near your ear, a pur, a whisper, a tease ment for seduction. “What are you imagining, darling?” He says. He speaks like he already knows, and through your haze of arousal clouding your brain you let the words escape before you can stop them. 
“Fingers in my cunt.” You say, your voice a whimper. Maria on the screen begins to moan, loudly. The volume goes down on screen and you're too lust clouded to question why Fyodor had the remote. 
“You want fingers in your pretty cunt baby?” Fyodor purrs in your ear, his long pale fingers teasing the edge of your uniform skirt. “You want my fingers stuffed up that tight cunt of yours? Would that feel good?” You whine, head falling back against his arm, eyes falling closed. 
“Oh yes, please.” Your voice is embarrassing, all breathy and whiny. This whole situation is illogical, and if you were able to see through the haze of lust in your brain you would have backpedaled immediately. But you're horny and in love and he’s encouraging you. 
His fingers caress the edge of your panties, teasing you with glances of touches, driving you crazy. You grip his arm, the one teasing your pussy and shove the hand against your drooling cunt. The man beside you bites back a groan, muffling his pleasure, but you hear it. It reassures you that he wants you too, but also drives you insane, craving sweet relief with his touch. 
Fyodor’s fingers find purchase, clever musicians' hands pulling back the crotch of your panties. He chuckles as you clutch his arm, still clothed in his loose white turtleneck and jeans. “You're so wet darling, your little cunt is absolutely drooling.” he says, his accent doing things to your brain, to your pussy. Your eyes catch on the dirty picture. He drags his fingers through, collecting a fair bit of wetness and popping his fingers in his mouth. The picture is nasty. He keeps eye contact all throughout, sucking his fingers wetly, the dirty slurping sounds filling the room. 
“Here darling.” He holds out his wet fingers, dripping with a mix of saliva and your own arousal. “Suck.” He says. You take them in your mouth obediently, tasting the mix of arousal and saliva. The very idea that you're tasting him, that you're tasting his very being, makes your abandoned cunt clench around nothing, the nasty slurping sounds you make only fueling the arousal perfuming the air. At some point Fyodor had turned off the porn, and now the only sounds that fill the room are from the two of you. A different kind of music than that you're used to, a symphony of debauchery. 
His fingers leave your mouth with a pop, and you open your eyes. He smiles at you, all hazy eyes and spit slicked lips. “Good girl.” He says, and then shoves both fingers in your cunt. You arch off the couch at the abrupt intrusion, clenching down hard around his fingers with a scream. ‘Oh, oh god Fyodor!” You say, panting. He looks vaguely proud as he scissors you open, watching as you thrash around on his fingers, bucking desperately. 
The sound of the door slamming penetrates the haze, and you grip Fyodor’s fingers, trying to stop him. He just continues to fuck you open, grining all the while. 
“Man, fuck you Fyodor.” It's Osamu, looking less surprised and more annoyed. Fyodor just continues grinning as you moan on his fingers, drooling pussy on display. “I consider this a win then?” He says, smirking. Ah, another one of their competitions. You would pay more attention but your being fucked open by Fyodor’s long relentless fingers. You keen as he adds another one, gripping his arm with a nasty whine. 
Osamu speaks to Fyodor, but his eyes are fixed on you. “It's not over yet, you fucker.” He says, slamming his backpack down on the floor and sauntering over to you. “Name declares the winner. Deal?” Fyodor, now rubbing a thumb on your clit nods, holding out his other hand to shake. “Deal, that sound good darling?” You nod around your moans, not truly comprehending what that means. Osamu sends you a rather scary looking grin and pounces. 
They move you into a doggy position first, Fyodor replacing his fingers with his cock. You're already so close, and as you feel the large intrusion bully your walls apart you cum right there, your head falling against the couch cushions. “Oh, oh, oh god, ‘m coming!” You scream, drooling onto the couch. Fyodor grunts behind you. “You're tight.” He coos. Osamu grips your jaw, draggin you off the ouch to look at him. “So pretty too, just perfect aren't you.” His dick is already hard in his jeans, you can see the bulge as Fyodor begins to move, fucking you through the overstime. You whine in pain, the sharp pains of overstimulation mixing with the blinding pleasure they give you. Dazai chuckles. 
“We’re going to fuck you do good darling.” He says, running a gentle hand through your hair. “Make you feel our love.”
⋆。 °✩
It's when you're three orgasms deep, and you're hung over the couch backwards, a dick down your throat and cum dripping from your pussy, that you maybe start to have second thoughts. Their stamina seems endless, and they bring to the edge relentlessly, their competitive natures making them drive you to orgasm after orgasm. The world is hazy at this point, and all you feel is pleasure, all you hear is their voices, all you want is them, them them. 
“Switch her around Osamu.” Fyodor says, his accent rough though the haze. You feel yourself hoisted up, and now you're folded into a mating press and Fyodor’s fat cock is bullying your walls again. Cum leaks out of all your holes, the loud squelching sound letting you know that you're thoroughly ruining Cecilia's favorite couch. You're covered in sweat, completely naked and makeup ruined, and to the boys you’ve never looked so pretty. They tell you at length, compliments showered on your exhausted form. 
And as you cum yet again, clenching around Fyodor’s dick with a weak cry, you feel so loved, so appreciated, and so optimistic. 
And then you bended into another position, Dazai’s dick lodged into your ass, Fyodor’s in your dripping cunt.
⋆。 °✩
“So, which of us won anyway?” It's Dazai, and he sounds plenty exhausted. You sigh tiredly, holes dripping cum onto the carpet and exhausted. “Draw.” Is all you manage to pant out. 
Fyodor beside you chuckles. “I guess we’ll have to have a rematch then.” You're exhausted, but you feel your pussy clench tiredly at the mention of that. “Yeah.” You sigh out tiredly. The boys chuckle beside you, each pressing a kiss to your cheeks. 
“Love you Name.” You hear them whisper in your ear. You smile as you drift off the sleep. 
End Notes: I am actually a piano player, and every time I listen to classical pieces nowadays I feel really bad because I haven't been practicing lately because my piano teacher is taking a break because she had a baby. 
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year
maybe a george x grumpy! reader who never really smiles or shows emotion and George kinds makes it his secret mission to do that
Come on I see that smile!
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Character: George Karim x Fem!Reader
Type: fluff
Length: 1.7K Words
Summary: Ever since you got to Portland row all it has been is neutral faces, anger and frowns. But George seems to be curious about what your smile looks like… for research purposes of course!
Trope: Grumpy x Sunshine (sorta)
A/n: Sorry if this is bad I've been trying to get back into writing btw maybe a tad bit of ooc George? Anyways this is a mix of second and first-person. Lmao lastly the format and like the 4 and 1 idea came from this fic so go check it out!
4 tries and 1 unintentional victory
Baked goods
Large raindrops pattered against the kitchen window of 35 Portland Row, creating a relaxing rhythm. I sprawled out articles and other various newspapers across the table. There wasn't much information on this house, no visitors had been reported before this caller. No murder cases from that house or interesting behaviors. I jotted down as many notes as I could on a surprisingly clean part of the thinking cloth.
A loud knock echoed through the house. I was too sucked into finding information and suspicious parts about this house to answer the door. Thankfully, I heard someone (most likely George) quickly dash to the door and handled with whatever it was. I assumed it was Arif since it was a quick interaction and the scent was so strong I could already smell it. Damn it smelled good.
George's quick footsteps dashed down to the kitchen, quickly landing the box on an available part of the table. I quickly drew my eyes back to the pages scanning for something remotely helpful. The worst case was going in cold.
"How's the case going?" George came to look at the papers and my progress. His fingers traced my handwriting.
"Not good. There is not a single thing tied to this house. And she said I have to be there in a week." I said with a dry expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw George rock back and forth on his heels before he spoke again.
"Well um, I got you extra of your favorite this week." I looked up at him. "If you need to take a break they are there." He offered.
"Thank you I appreciate that." George looked somewhat upset with my reaction. Why? I'm not exactly sure
"Yeah.." He grabbed a chocolate donut from the box and sighed on the way out of the room. I hope he’s okay.
Did I do something wrong?
"Is that a donut??" I heard Lucy call out from the stairs. "I didn't even know we had those!" maybe a break wouldn’t hurt…
2. Stress Cleaning
Sure this was more for George than it was for you but he hoped to kill 2 birds with one stone. He had spent the whole evening cleaning the house. Kitchen, library you name it. He left the bedrooms for last.
He knocked softly on your door and waited for a reply before going up the stairs. There wasn't much to clean in your's and Lucy's shared area besides maybe the windows and a few pieces of clothing needed to be picked up off the ground.
You were reading a book on your bed instead of trying to find more information on that house. You needed a break and your mind was just tired from searching article upon article. You had 3 more days and thought to hell with it I'll just do my best.
"What's up, George?" You peered over your book and at the boy. "Oh." From seeing his apron and blue gloves you already knew he meant cleaning. "You know you don't always have to clean up after us." He shook his head.
"You know cleaning is one of my favorite things right?" He cleaned every single day. Not even kidding. You can't remember the last time you've seen the house jaw-droppingly dirty. Because it never has been. For the many months you’ve been here George has done a fantastic job with keeping the house organized.
"That is true. I do feel bad sometimes." You hummed. "Well thank you." George quirked a small smile but you just nodded in acknowledgment.
Well, it was worth a try. He sighed quietly.
3. Favorite food
He knew as soon as you stepped through the door and slammed it shut, he had made a good decision. Another thing on George's list of "Y/n's smiles" was dinner. Sure food didn't work as well last time this was different.
He heard you curse at something and then throw your rapier into its spot by the door. You took in a deep breath through your nose trying to contain your anger from the trip and not make a lot of noise considering the time but you smelt something. Something so heavenly that's all you needed right now. Food.
You quickly went down the stairs and saw George in his apron Moving around the kitchen.
"Smells great Georgie. It's 3 am you didn't have to." She frowned feeling a bit bad for keeping him up.
"It's really no problem at all." He loved cooking so really it was just fun. "Looks like you had a fun night." She rolled her eyes and groaned. He leaned against a cabinet and glanced at you up and down. Your hair was very messy, traces of ectoplasm was all over your shoes and the bottom of your pants, and you were just really wanting food and a shower.
"Sarcasm. Not now I beg of you. But really the food smells fantastic." A sneaky smile formed on George's lips, not yours though you were far too tired to even think about it.
"Alright. Food's ready anyway." He brought two servings of the food over to the table placing one in front of you and the other across from you. "Do you want to talk about it?" He offered sitting down in front of his food.
"It was awful! The source was in a completely different part of the house than she thought and it was just disastrous!" You complained. He sat there and listened to your troubles like you always did with him.
You finally had a bite of the food and you felt at ease.
“George Casper Karim why can you cook so well?” He smiled downward. You didn’t smile you just had this tired yet calm look on your face.
“I have more talent than just touch.” He joked. She was right though the food did taste amazing.
“Yes you do.” George wasn’t entirely mad at the fact you didn’t smile but he did enjoy the compliment.
4. A New Sweater
George scanned the shelves of your favorite store looking for something you would like. There were plenty of things your style but what caught his eye was a sweater.
Your closet was full of them. Lucy too and so a sweater could be another candidate for his "Y/n's smiles" list.
It wasn’t too thick nor too light because he knew you were sorta picky when it comes to sweaters. And a bonus was it was one of your favorite colours.
He held it in his hands but, he double and even triple-checked the store for something you might like better. But he did not and he went and brought it up to the counter to pay.
The cashier was nice but she had mistaken George as your boyfriend which made him blush furiously and confirm the two of you were just close friends. The cashier didn’t buy it. She gave him a small disbelieving look and he tried to ignore it.
He was impressed by how well she wrapped up the sweater and put it in a really nice bag.
When he came back the house was insanely quiet, mainly because Lockwood was out of the house and Lucy was training in the basement. You had decided to have a lazy day you were mainly just in your bed or in front of your desk.
But he noticed you were making tea in the kitchen so he quietly ran upstairs to put your gift on your bed. And then he snuck back down to his room to wait for your return.
You held a cup in your hand and carefully walked upstairs. You were confused when finding a gift on your bed mainly because no one really gave you gifts out of the blue. A small gasp escaped your lips when you reached into the bag and pulled out a sweater. You held the sweater close. It was the right size it was quite a shocker
You didn't think Lucy even knew your size.
"Surprise." George came back up the stairs. You went and hugged him. He was slightly taken aback by the gesture. He wasn't exactly a hugger but he wrapped his arm around you and squeezed gently.
"Thank you, George. You do so much for me." Again he wasn't exactly angry that it had failed because he's never had a hug that felt this relaxing. He was feeling loved. "Anything." He said simply. You pulled back and ruffled his hair.
"You're too good for me."
George returned to his room and took a pen and struck off another idea on a sticky note above his desk. But he did put a small heart next to it.
5. Quality Time.
"Wanna go the archives with me? Lucy and Lockwood already said no but they were caught up in their own thing." George huffed. You sat up immediately and shoved a bookmark into your book. You cracked a half smile.
"I would love to." You sprung up and grabbed your bag and shoes. "They never want to go with me either." Still, a small smile plastered on your face.
George was shocked in the 3 months he knew you that's all it took? Just going to the archives? He would have groaned if he wasn't so happy for finally making you smile. The look was so unfamiliar on you but he definitely knew he wanted to see it more.
"I don't know why I never asked you." You chuckled softly. That was a complete lie. You didn't want to admit it or make it obvious that you have a raging crush on the other boy while being alone and so very close to him doing what you loved most.
George didn't even think about your comment. A chuckle? George's expectations were exceeded. He thought you would shrug it off and either go and keep to yourself or kindly decline.
"Come on Georgie!" You practically skipped out of the room, brushing past his shoulder and sending a jolt through his body. His heart swelled and he was honestly quite boastful at the moment. If he could shout it at the world he would. He felt like he deserved something for making Y/n L/n smile. But seeing your smile was an award in itself.
George followed her out of the house and down to explore the archives.
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silverflqmes · 9 months
synopsis. in which you find yourself falling in love with the player behind the main character of the game you have been coded into.
genre. mild hurt + comfort
for @diorlumx <3
kenma kozume x gn!reader
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a normal person wouldn’t believe it if they were suddenly told their life was etched into the very coding of the game, left in the hands of the person behind the screen. but that was reality — yours, and that of many others in your world.
you knew, you knew it all too well, as you were the exception.
why it had been you and not someone else, you were uncertain of, though.
part of you assumed something was wrong with you. that your file was corrupted or that a virus had found its way into your mind and consumed you wholly, allowing you privileges most do not possess.
however another side of you, thought it to be a gift, a blessing of knowledge.
for this love would not be possible, had it not been for the adulteration that allowed this interface between you and kenma kozume.
wheras your life was a singular branch to a great tree that was the story this simulation had created, the boy in front of you right now was none other than the player who controlled your fate with a series of clicks.
the protagonist of your tale.
one with an abundance of choices — each option more pleasant than the last, and yet.. it was you that he chose. the person who had captured his frigid heart and melted the ice away, layer by layer.
“y/n, i know we’re separated by reality.. but i just wanted you to know,” he paused, flushing a bit as his bangs fell over his visage. “that you are the reason i keep coming back to this game — why i keep holding off on finishing it.” he confessed, trailing his eyes back over to find you listening, offering him every ounce of your patience and attention.
he was almost certain any other person would have pushed for him to speak up — but you, you looked at him like he was your whole world. as though you’d waited a thousand years for him, and would wait a thousand more, just to hear the words fall naturally.
a smile lifted your lips as you picked his hands up in yours, squeezing them gently. “i wake up every morning hoping to find you again, kenma-san. wishing upon every star that litters the night sky to answer my dreams of truly being with you.” you answered softly, a bittersweet tone behind your words.
“how i wish i could cross the glass that sunders us from one another..” you finished in a mutter, lowering your gaze to the grassy expanse of the school courtyard. “but alas, fate is a cruel, wicked thing.”
the second year slid his hand underneath your cheek with great delicacy, as though you were made of porcelain. prone to shatter into a million different pieces if not handled with care. “fate is also a wonderful thing.. for allowing me the chance to meet you.” he reasoned quietly, urging you to lift your head and meet his loving gaze.
anyone who knew kenma outside of the protagonist character in front of you now would call him a joke for acting as he was.
to just about everyone, he was the hermit of nekoma high’s volleyball club — the unwilling setter thrust into said position by his childhood friend. but he was more than that, so much more.
kenma in love, displaying his true self, was the best version of himself. and he was right here, standing before you and slowly pouring that tentative heart out to you.
although the universe divided you both into reality and simulation, it was still kind enough to allow you one good, real thing. and that was the opportunity to meet again and again, even if an invisible wall separated you.
notes. i didn’t plan to add angst, but it just felt suited to build emotion.. anyway, i haven’t written much for kenma so i apologize if he is a bit ooc! i figured he would have a more vulnerable side if he’s in love yk? i hope you enjoyed though<3
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spadecentral · 1 year
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⛈ Rain Rots the Smell | Deuce Spade x Reader
>> requested: no >> a/n: this was for @twistedchatterbox's collab; also this thing has 2.4k words?!??! jesus i've never written this much before...
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: you take care of a sick deuce >> reader prns: they/them (called captain) >> warning(s): chicken noodle soup; storms; possible ooc deuce
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Running through the flower fields with Deuce during sunset, you had no care in the world. To be quite frank, if you were going to die at any point in your life, you would have to choose this time. You were so unbelievably happy and if your last moments were going to be laughing with your boyfriend, you would rather be nowhere else. Falling down on the blades of grass, you tripped the blue-haired boy, making him fall right on top of you.
“Deuce!” you exclaimed, still laughing.
In a teasing manner, Deuce decided to joke around with you. “Hm… where did my partner go? I could have sworn they were here a second ago…”
“Deuce!” you giggled, knowing that he was teasing. You pounded lightly on his shoulders, hoping that he would stop. “I’m right here!”
“I can’t see them anywhere,” Deuce brought a hand up to his face, using it to shade his eyes while he pretended to search for you. Finally deciding to look down, he gave a surprised look when his eyes laid upon you. “Oh, there you are! Where have you been?”
“I’ve been here the whole time, dummy.” you rolled the blue-haired boy off of your chest, forcing him to lay in the grass.
“Ewww I’m gonna get grass stains,” Deuce whines as he starts to sit up. “It's gonna be such a pain to get out…”
“Oh shush, you were raised by one of the greatest women ever,” you roll your eyes. “She has every trick in the book. You know how to get freaking cement out of your hair because of your mom.”
“It wasn’t cement,” Deuce sighs.
“Super glue is close enough to cement, dear.”
“So if I glue my hand with your hand… we’ll be stuck together by cement?”
You flushed almost immediately, as you weren’t expecting Deuce to flirt with you. “J… just focus on the flowers, Juice.”
“Augh, Juice. That really stings, babe.” Deuce puts a hand over his heart in mock pain. “I can’t believe you used an insult from Ace.”
“...I can’t believe it either.” you responded, a little stunned. You suppose you’ve just been around both Ace and Deuce for so long that unfortunately, you had picked up on some of the insults that the both of them used. “Deuce, slap me.”
“Excuse me?” Deuce looked stunned by what you asked of him.
“I’m obviously not in my right mind if I’m using Ace’s insults,” you reasoned. “So, slap me.”
“What if instead I…” Deuce lifted his hand and you braced for an impact. But instead of feeling a burning sensation, you felt Deuce’s hand caress your cheek.
“Wha–” your eyes opened for only a second before you felt Deuce’s lips press softly against yours.
Sinking into the kiss, you knew he could taste your chapstick. An odd one, green jelly bean was probably not a flavor he expected to be on his lips. Oh well, you thought. Living while in this kiss is more important than worrying about the taste of my chapstick. And you did. It was like your senses were heightened. You could feel each blade of grass, how it was woven and how tall it was. You could feel the gentle breeze hitting both you and Deuce. You could smell the wind. But most importantly, you could feel him. You could feel each and every divot in his lips, you knew where he bit them and you knew where they were split open. You could feel the stickiness of his tinted chapstick that slightly glued your lips together. You could feel the calluses on his hand, and you could smell his hand lotion. Oh Deuce… he was always the best boyfriend he could be. And you love him for just trying.
As your lips parted, you could see a smirk coming across his face. In an attempt to stop Deuce from saying anything, you pounced on him, making him fall over into the flowers behind him. “You could have warned me, dummy!”
“Mmm…” he pretended to think. “Nahhh.”
“Maybe as punishment I’ll lay right here on top of you all evening,” you pouted. Turning over, you rested your head on his stomach.
“Augh, I’ve been defeated by my own partner.” Deuce laughs, reaching his hands up to the sky as if he’s dying in a really dramatic play. “Blood, guts, aaaaand death.”
“You stupid boy,” you giggle.
“Yeah, but I’m your stupid boy.”
“I suppose that’s true,” you sighed.
“Suppose? You suppose?!” Deuce sits up, making you sit up too. “You only suppose? Oh I’m gonna get you–”
“Oh shit.”
Immediately getting up, you started sprinting away from him. You knew he was going to tackle you. You just knew it.
“Get back here, babe!” Deuce called out. You could tell he was catching up to you. “I’ll make sure you’ll never say ‘I suppose’ again!”
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Laying down in the grass, you and Deuce decided to stargaze. You still had kiss marks all over your face from Deuce’s tackle. He had kissed you all over your face, and he hasn’t learned where to purchase non-tinted chapstick yet. But you can’t bother to get him some, as you love the lip marks that stay all over your face and stain your cheeks.
“Deuce look at that one!” you pointed up at a blue-colored star.
“Oh yeah! That looks so cool!” Deuce’s voice was comforting. Calm yet excited. Perfect. “Look over there! Was there supposed to be a meteor shower tonight?”
“Huh, I dunno actually.” you shrugged. Closing your eyes, you snuggled into the warmth of your boyfriend. You could feel the breeze from Deuce putting his jacket over you, giving you an extra layer to trap your body heat.
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Rain. Rain woke you up. Your clothes were safe, at least, safer than Deuces. He was fully drenched, standing up and pulling on your hand. You, still half-asleep, had no clue what was going on. “Deuce? What’s going on?”
“Rain!” he responded, running back to his blastcycle. “I didn’t know it was going to rain today!”
Hopping onto his blastcycle, Deuce pulled your wrist in an attempt to get you to swing on as well. Instantly getting the memo, you got on. “Go, go, go!!”
“I’m trying,” he responded, rushed. Revving up his blastcycle, he pressed on the gas as fast as possible without potentially sliding and getting into a crash.
Your arms wrapped around Deuce’s torso, all you could think about was how sick the both of you were going to be the next day.
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The next morning was an ugly one. The clouds were still gray and the air was damp. Your vision was cloudy and your chest was heavy. Rubbing your eyes, you could see Deuce right next to you with his arm draped over your torso. Struggling, you sat up and as gently as you could, you pushed Deuce’s arm off of you. Unfortunately, your efforts went to waste when you heard him groan.
“Babe?” his raspy voice was muffled from his stuffed nose. Coughing once, he raised a hand to his head. “Eugh… I feel like shit.”
“I’ll go get the thermometer,” you say, standing up. “Ah! It’s cold as hell out here…”
You could hear him laughing at your outburst.
“Oh shush,” you roll your eyes. “I’ll be right back.”
Stepping out of your bedroom, you walk down the hall and into the bathroom. The air hit you like a sac of potatoes, and goosebumps covered your skin. The medicine cabinet creaked as you opened it and grabbed the thermometer for your boyfriend, before walking back into your room. “Alright just stay still.”
The beep sounded as the thermometer turned on. Holding it up to his forehead, the thermometer read 101.2° F (38.6° C). “Oooookay… well you’re sick as fuck.”
You pushed Deuce’s upright body back onto the pillows. “Get some rest and I’ll make you some soup.”
“The way mom makes it?” Deuce’s voice was weak; you could tell he was falling back asleep.
“I’ll ask her for the recipe,” you smiled at him before you kissed his forehead. “Now sleep.”
You closed the door to the room after grabbing your phone and a robe. No way in hell were you going to walk out of that room for more than 30 seconds without something warm. Opening your phone, you pressed on Deuce’s mom’s contact and prayed she was awake and wouldn’t hate you for calling her.
“Hello?” you heard the sweet voice of your boyfriend’s mother as she picked up your call.
“Hi, Ms. Spade,” your voice wavers for a second. “I was wondering if I could have the recipe to your chicken soup? Deuce is uhm, sick.”
“Oh, of course dear! Give me just a…” you could hear movement from her end of the line and you took that opportunity to grab a pencil and pad o paper. “Here we go. Are you ready to write it down?”
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“Thank you so much, Ms. Spade!” 
“You’re very welcome.” she responds. “Make sure he gets enough sleep, and if you could, putting a cold washcloth on his forehead helps him out a lot when sick.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you smile. “I’ll get to cooking now, thank you again.”
“Don’t worry about it. Bye bye, now!”
“Bye, Ms. Spade!” you hang up the call before washing your hands. “Time to get cooking, I guess.”
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The aroma of the chicken noodle soup filled the kitchen. Your mouth fell victim to the smell as it started to water. Sighing, you caved and sipped some of the soup from the ladle. Shit, you thought. This is really good. Like really good. You now understood why Deuce asked for his mother’s recipe specifically.
Grabbing a bowl, you turned off the stove before scooping some of the soup into the bowl. You decided that you weren’t going to get deuce a normal porcelain bowl today. He had bought some themed plastic bowls a while ago while on a trip, and you decided that it would be a good day to use them because if he accidentally dropped it the bowl wouldn’t break. Pulling a tray from a cabinet, you placed the bowl of soup and a spoon on it. You put a kettle of water on the stove and set up a mug with a tea packet so that you could easily come back and it would be ready to go.
Picking up the tray, you walked to your room and pushed open the door.
“Deuce…” you spoke softly. “Wake up, now. I made your mom’s soup.”
You heard a sniff from the covers as Deuce sat up. His eyes were groggy and he looked cold. “Smells good.”
“I hope it tastes as good as it smells to you,” you smile as you set the tray down on his lap. “I’ll be back, I have to grab your tea.”
Rushing to the kitchen, you grabbed the screaming kettle off of the stove and poured the water into the cup before adding some honey and stirring it. You then grabbed yourself a bowl and poured some soup into it for yourself. Walking back to your bedroom, you walked through the door before closing it.
“Here’s your tea,” you set the cup down on the tray with a soft clack.
“Thank you so much, babe.” he smiled. “C’mere so I can give you a kiss.”
“Oh no way in hell,” you backed up. “I’m not gonna let you get me sick.”
“Aww why?” he pouted. Being sick seemed to make him more expressionate. “We could be sick buddies together…”
“Nuh-uh.” you shake your head, sitting down on the ottoman at the foot of the bed. “If you got me sick, who would take care of me?”
“I would?”
You internally smacked your forehead, “And who would take care of you?”
“...You would?”
“But how could I do that if I was sick?”
“...” Deuce sat in silence for a moment, thinking. “...Good point.”
“Thank you,” you said, triumphant.
Eating in silence, you smiled. Even though he was sick, he was still good company.
“Is there honey in this?” Deuce asked after taking a sip of his tea.
“Deuce…” you sighed. “Drink your tea.”
“You know I don’t like honey that much.”
“It’ll help your throat,” you shake your head. “Drink it and I’ll get you some ice cream.”
“The rocky road one?” 
“Yeah, the rocky road one,” you decided that bargaining with Deuce when he was sick was like bargaining with a seven year old.
He sighed, “Fine.”
You watched as he downed the cup of tea and was probably ignoring it burning his throat. “Done.”
You giggled as he slammed the cup down and burped. “Alright Mr. Tea-Downer! I will go get your ice cream! Continue eating your soup.”
“Aye captain!” Deuce did a little salute as he started eating his soup once again.
Shaking your head, you got up and went out of the bedroom. Your bowl clattered in the sink as you put it in, making your head ring. Opening the freezer, you dug around for a moment before finding the tub of ice cream. Searching for the scooper, you finally found it and scooped out some of the ice cream before placing it into a bowl. Grabbing yet another spoon, you make your way to the bedroom for the fourth time that day.
“This is the last time I’m getting up.” you declareed as you walk into the room.
All you got in response is a chuckle from him. “Alright, babe. Now, ice cream.”
You stopped in your tracks and in your mind you compared him to that one cute angry kaomoji. You giggle thinking about it, before handing him the bowl.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh nothing,” you smile before getting into your side of the bed.
“C’mon, tell me,” he prodded, poking your side.
“Fine, fine.” you held up your hands in surrender. “Just before, when you said ‘now, ice cream’ or whatever, you looked like that one cute kaomoji that I use when I’m mock-mad at you. You know?”
“The one with the little curls as fists?” he inquired.
“Aww you think I’m cute,” he teased.
“Oh shush and eat your ice cream,” you cross your arms and puff your cheeks.
“Of course, love.” he said as he picked up the spoon.
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>> deuce taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @ghost-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin | @booming-spam | @flqyd-is-lost | @queerlordsimon | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive send in an ask to be put on the taglist
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xaeethebaee · 1 year
Shuji x Shortcake
Minors DNI! Mature audiences ONLY!
After over a decade, you reunited with your childhood best friend Shuji Hanma after moving back to Japan. Things seem great however the more you've spent time with him, the more you learn about the dark activities he has been into since you last saw him.
Warnings! Violence, mentions of murder, smoking, Hanma being a giant intimidating doofus, and strong sexual content. More warnings will be added for individual chapters.
This fic contains both fluff and smut in addition to some dark content (Hanma is in a gang after all).
Word Count: 3.1k
A/n: This is my very first fanfic for Tokyo Revengers. Also, I am still not fully caught up with the manga; therefore, some of the characters may be a little ooc. Lastly, italic means it is a flashback.
Also also: This is my first official post on Tumblr, and I am still trying to figure out how to navigate it.
Chapter ONE
It was a fateful day at the park when you were seven years old. A downpour has just passed through the area, allowing for the sun to emerge from the darkened clouds. Intrigued by the wet surroundings, you decided to go to the local park to play on the swing set. That was when a complete stranger approached you from behind. The stranger with short black and blonde hair was the same age as you albeit he was taller than the average seven-year-old kid. Once he is within arms reach, he grabs a handful of mud from the ground.
The strange kid called for you as you swung by your lonesome. Your attention was then directed at him, turning your face and noticing a shit-eating grin adorning his.
"Who are you?" You asked him, curious and a bit unnerved by his presence.
Upon hearing your question, the boy's grin grew wider and mischief and excitement filled his golden eyes.
"Hanma Shuji! Wanna watch me eat this mud?!"
His response caused a look of disgust to plague your face.
"That is gross!" You shrieked at him. "Don't do that!"
"Too late!"
The kid named Hanma ignored your protests before shoving the handful of mud into his mouth.
"Ewww!" You cry out.
Hanma finishes his earthly meal and then he opens his mouth to show you. You only slightly gag at his gross actions; however, you nonetheless found yourself being charmed by the tall boy.
Almost immediately, Hanma doubled over, vomiting out the mud. Some of the contents nearly getting on you. Instead of running away, you find yourself rubbing Hanma's back as he vomits out the mud he previously ate.
"I told you that was gross." You scold.
"Hell yes, but it was still cool!"
Hanma gleefully smiled despite green flushing his cheeks. You let out giggles seeing his happy state before you promptly agree with his statement.
"Pretty cool actually."
"Yay! We should be friends!" He offers right before he once again doubles over to vomit.
You only watched with half disgust and half intrigue while the tall boy hacks out the rest of the eaten mud. Soon enough, he turns back to you and that was when he noticed a gold necklace around your neck.
"That's a nice necklace!" He compliments, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth.
"Thanks." You respond. "My name is L/n Y/n by the way."
Excited, Hanma just smiled.
"Awesome! Then we should be friends!"
"Yes. We should." Came your soft reply, happy that you've made your very first friend.
From that day forward, you two were inseparable. Even though you went to a different school than him, he still found a way to meet up with you and you two would walk together while holding hands, eventually arriving at the same park. Hanma often pushed you on the swings, you two slid down the slide together, and your absolute favorite was leaning on Hanma as you sat on top of the monkey bars, watching the beautiful Tokyo sky. Soon enough, it became apparent that Hanma was more than just your best friend. He became your protector.
You screamed at a delinquent kid who had you cornered as he grabbed at your hair. He only laughs at your terrified form while he notices the gold piece of jewelry hanging around your neck.
"That's a cute necklace. Mind if I take it?"
Your feeble arms try pushing the much bigger kid away from you but to no avail. He only grabs the necklace roughly before yanking it off your neck, snapping it into pieces. Disappointed, he only faces you.
"This cheap piece of shit!"
The boy raises his hand and swings it directly at your face. All you could do was shield yourself from the incoming impact however it never came. All you hear is a familiar chuckle and when you open your eyes you notice Shuji Hanma standing right next to the boy while having a strong grip on his arm.
"I'm here now. He won't hurt you again."
Hanma only says before punching the kid in the face, knocking him down. You watch as he proceeds to kick his stomach and face repeatedly. Eventually, you pulled Hanma away from the kid who was now covered in scars and bruises. The both of you watch as the humiliated and terrified bully sprint away from you two. Hanma could only laugh at his retreating form while you are on the verge of tears when you see the broken pieces of your jewelry on the ground. Upset, you kneel down to pick up the necklace, tears pouring from your e/c orbs.
"This was my favorite necklace." You sob.
His face of amusement was quickly replaced by a look of absolute concern as this is the first time seeing you cry. Unsure of what to do, he impulsively wraps his arms around your body allowing you to cry into his chest. Tears soak his t-shirt while he begins to gently rock you as if you were a baby.
"Please don't cry."
He only says however his soft words and warm embrace calmed you down. Your sobs stopped and they did not go unnoticed by your tall friend. Slowly, you separate from his hold, looking up at him with gratitude. Your teared-stained face smiled softly at him.
"Thank you, Shu."
You say to him, causing a blush to form on his cheeks. Heat rises on yours as you realize what you've called him.
"Sorry I-"
"Shu is a cool-ass name!" Hanma happily responds.
You can only giggle at his excitement.
Over the next few years, you two developed a strong bond, but like all good things, it eventually had to end. That end came when you two reached twelve years old and you were told by your parents that they decided to move back to the United States. Your heart is shattered upon hearing the news because that means you will no longer be able to see Hanma.
That morning was one of the worst mornings of your life as you stood with tears in your eyes to bid farewell to the tall boy. A river of tears flows down Shuji's face hearing those final words leave your lips.
"Shu? I don't know when I'll be able to see you again."
Your voice croaks with sadness as Hanma just pats your head.
"It's okay, Shortcake." He responds.
Though you're upset, you cannot help but cringe at the pet name.
"You're still on that?"
"Hell yea. You're short and you love cake, so Shortcake!" He stupidly jokes earning a pained giggle from you.
"You're always so corny when I am upset."
Hanma pulls you into a tight hug.
"It's the only thing I know that can make you smile."
He remarks, rocking you back and forth.
"It was fun while it lasted." You say to him while holding him.
"Yea. It was."
After a minute, you peel away from him. You then reach for something in your pocket. Hanma watches as you pull out pieces of the gold necklace. A bittersweet feeling overtakes his body upon seeing the piece of jewelry.
You present one of the broken pieces to him, which he happily takes.
"Wow. Thanks."
"Keep it as something to remember me by."
You command before giving him another hug. The second hug was cut short when you two hear the beeping of the car, signaling you that it was time to leave. Separating from him, you give him one more smile.
"Stay safe out there."
He ruffles your hair while you gave him a nod. Hanma watches with teary eyes as you get into your parent's car before it quickly drives away.
It has been more than a decade since you've last seen and heard from Shuji Hanma. After graduating high school and saving up enough money, you've managed to find a way to move back to Tokyo, Japan. You're now employed at a fancy restaurant serving food to wealthy guests with a satisfied smile on your face.
You've had a long night at the restaurant, and you've decided to relax by running a hot steamy bath as soon as you returned home. You can feel the stress in your body melt away like ice cream on a hot day as you relax in your jacuzzi tub. Nighttime is approaching, so there is a beautiful orange glow radiating in your luxury bathroom. The tension in your muscles eases as you release a calming breath.
"Oh...I almost forgot."
You remark with a giggle while grabbing the bottle of bubble bath soap before pouring the contents into the hot water. In no time, the bubbles form with the help of the working jets pushing water against your body, massaging you in the process. Soon enough, bubbles cover the entire surface of the water and the sweet smell of peach overtakes the bathroom and seeps into your attached bedroom.
You've become completely at ease with the relaxing atmosphere. From all the long hours working at the restaurant, there is no doubt in your mind that you deserve this relaxing time. Just you, the hot and steamy water, and the bubbles.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect."
You remark with satisfaction in your voice.
You can hear your tv in your bedroom. A news report is being broadcasted and the news anchor speaks with a sense of urgency in his voice. Some of his words go in one of your ears and out the other; however, you vaguely recall him talking about a series of gang-related violence that has been happening around Tokyo lately. You also hear him mention the Kanto Manji Gang which has been something that you've been hearing a lot recently.
"Kanto Manji Gang, huh?"
You only remark before washing up and getting out of the bathtub. Now listening more closely to the news broadcast as you put on your night clothes, the anchor then explains that the local law enforcement is still suspecting that the Kanto Manji Gang is responsible for the sudden outburst of violence. He added that everyone should be extra cautious when going out at night as that's when many of the brutal attacks - sometimes murders - occur.
An unnerving feeling seeps into your body; however, you just brush it off before heading to bed.
The next day is mundane as you finish getting ready for work. Deciding to walk down memory lane, you make your way to the park. You're sitting on the swing while watching the Tokyo sky. The light from the sun above reflects off your dangling gold ear piercings. Slowly swinging back and forth, you check the time on your phone, realizing it is time for you to make your way to your place of employment.
Quickly, you get back onto your feet while pulling the strap of your purse over your shoulder and you start walking out of the park and towards the train station.
Unbeknownst to you, a tall figure lingers in the shadows nearby. He watches you leave as he takes a drag from his cigarette. He only smiles while breathing out a breathy chuckle.
"Long time, no see, Shortcake."
He says while running his fingers through his neck-length black and gold hair.
Arriving at the restaurant you are greeted by your work friend in the employees-only area. You did not get a chance to begin changing into your uniform when your work friend starts to ask you about your plans for the upcoming weekend.
“Nothing but watching tv, why?”
You respond.
“Great! Wanna come to a party with me?” She asks.
“A party?”
You ask your work friend, perplexed by her request as you put your things away in your locker. Shaking your head, you put on your nametag.
“I don’t go out, plus with the craziness that’s going on right now, I’d rather stay inside.”
“Come on, Y/n! Please! The Haitani Brothers are hosting”
Your work friend pleads. Her hands clasp around yours as she starts getting down to her knees.
“Do you know who the Haitani brothers are, Y/n?! The hottest brothers in Tokyo and they host the best parties in the country. So many celebrities and executives attend, and for ONCE I managed to get an invitation!”
Came your question as your eyebrow raised inquisitively.
“They have these lotteries and I won two invitations.”
“You only wanna go there just to fuck someone.”
You call out to which your work friend laughs in agreement.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. What if I get to meet THE Ran Haitani or his equally sexy brother Rindou? You know how much I adore them.”
“Yea. Yea, I know, but I also know they allegedly have ties to the Kanto Man-”
You’re quickly cut off by your friend as she covers your mouth with her palm.
“We don’t utter that name.” She scolds while having a serious look on her face.
You were not going to allow yourself to be persuaded into going to such a place, especially after everything you’ve been hearing about lately. You know there are rumors circling around those Haitani Brothers and their alleged association with the infamous Kanto Manji Gang. You’re adamant about your decision to stay a hundred miles away from that party and your friend noticed it. Realizing there is no way to convince you otherwise, she steps away from you and heaves out a sigh.
“Fine. I’ll ask someone else then.”
You can hear the disappointed tone in her voice as she brushes past you and into the kitchen. You can only shake your head before clocking into your shift.
The night is proceeding as normal. You greet the wealthy guests when they have been sat down at your section and then proceed to take their orders. Every once in a while, you catch a glimpse of your friend smirking in your direction. That smirk is all too familiar as you know she has not fully given up. The only thing you do is ignore her and continue with your night.
Towards the end of your shift, you can feel the atmosphere around the establishment run cold. The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you sense a pair of eyes peering at you as you bring drinks to one of your tables. Looking up, you notice a group of well-dressed men is sat in a private area of the restaurant. One of the men stands out as you make eye contact with him from across the restaurant. Quickly, you look away however you can still sense his set of eyes staring at you.
Men in suits are a very common sight; however, these particular men exude a dangerous aura. Even the guests around you have a look of concern plastered on their faces when they noticed the men.
“They are the--”
One man starts to speak but he is swiftly hushed by the people sitting at his table. It goes without a doubt in your mind about the group of men. Their infamy strikes fear into the hearts of many that it is to the point where people believe that just speaking their name will bring bad luck onto them.
You’re fully aware of all the rumors and hearsay about the gang. Although you are anxious due to being under the same roof, you nevertheless continue working as normal.
Around twenty minutes have passed and there is still a sense of uneasiness in the air. You’re then approached by the manager whose body is shaking with terror.
“Oh wow. You should take a deep breath.”
You say to him in a weak attempt to calm him down. Despite that, he takes your advice, taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly. It relaxes him just enough for him to give you an all-important task.
“Their food is ready, so I need you to bring it to them.”
Perplexed, you respond:
“But that’s not my section. What happened to--”
“Kosuke had to leave early due to feeling ‘sick’.”
Your manager responds, referring to one of your coworkers who did suddenly go missing. Sighing, you just nod without giving any other response.
The entire restaurant watches as you bring the freshly cooked food over to the questionable men occupying the table in the private section.
“Here’s your food, sirs.”
You approach their table with a smile on your face while the anxiety in your body reaches a nuclear level. Most of the men just look at you with a blank expressions on their faces, and none of them spoke. They just watched as you present them with their food. During that, your attention is caught by one of the men with black and blonde hair. He is the only one in the group who has a chilling smirk on his face.
You attempt to ignore it; however, that is when you notice a familiar piece of jewelry dangling from his ear. That jewelry, the hair color, height, and even the grin plastered on his face eerily reminds you of your childhood best friend. You then notice Sin and Punishment inked on his hands as he grabs at his chopsticks. Seeing that, you recall a specific conversation with said friend about how he wanted to get tattoos.
“You should get Kanji characters because I think they look so cool!”
Came your adolescent voice.
“But I want something related to being a delinquent too.” He responds.
You shake off the brief flashback once you finish serving the meals to the men.
“Enjoy your meals, sirs!”
You say before turning your heels and leaving. The chilling man could only chuckle again while watching you power-walk back into the kitchen.
After that encounter, you feel slightly lightheaded, and you just now notice your heart pumping erratically. Stepping out of the back exit you are met with the open back lot and the cool nighttime breeze.
“Are you okay?!” Your work friend hastily approaches, concerned.
“Yea. I’ll be aight.”
Your response was shaky as you attempt to regain your composure. ‘Was it really who I think it was or is my mind playing tricks on me?’ You internally ask yourself while heaving out a sigh.
“You really need to decompress after tonight.”
Your work friend remarks, and even though you’re not looking at her, you can hear the smirk in her tone.
“Oh shit. Here we go again.” You grumble, turning to face her with a disgruntled look.
“I wonder if there is somewhere you can go, where you can let out some stream, preferably through dancing. You may even have really good cocktails and also meet really sexy men.”
“I can dance and make cocktails at home.”
You stubbornly interject; however, your friend immediately counters your response.
“But do you know any sexy men at home?”
Unable to come up with an answer, you remain silent. A wide smirk peers across your friend’s face when she realizes, she has succeeded in her persuasion.
“I’ll text you later on tonight. We can go shopping tomorrow for our party outfits.”
She says, going back into the restaurant, leaving you feeling defeated and unnerved.
[Feedback and other interactions are always appreciated.]
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disneyanddisneyships · 3 months
Warnings: implications of (g)r^pe, and abuse, Jason being a decent guy, Alastor being an ass, alastor being ooc probably. Not proofread.
Summary: after aponi and alastor get into a small tiff at the studio, Jason takes it upon himself to try and let her express her emotions through dance. Part 2 to "Me Too".
Taglist: @gyubby99
Pairings: Huskerdust if u squint, chaggie, Alaponi angst, and a bit of jasaponi (ik julia. Im sorry.)
"There you go! Yes, wonderful form Vaggie! Good rhythm angel!" Aponi called out as the music played.
The group was practicing their dance. An activity Charlie had forced everyone into to get them to enjoy one another more.
Angel, Vaggie, and Nifty were having the time of their deaths, and they were quite good with the song they were dancing to.
Husk was trying his best, but couldn't focus when he kept bumping into angel and kept getting a face full of the spider's chest fluff.
Charlie was mixing up her steps.
"No, mi Vida, like this," Vaggie stated as she moved to the rhythm in the simple steps aponi had layed out for them.
"Right!" Charlie exclaimed as she tried her best to copy what her girlfriend was doing.
"Good job, Charlie! You're getting it. Try putting your hand here instead-" Aponi stated a she helped Charlie get into a better position.
Alastor however barely even tried.
"This is absolutely preposterous! This dance is horribly choreographed and much too modern!" He sneered, his smile becoming strained.
"Well maybe if you gave it a shot you wouldn't be such an asshole about it, deer boy," Aponi replied.
"Maybe I would try if we had a better instructor!" Alastor replied, his smile becoming triumphant and smug.
"Well maybe if you didn't argue about every single song I picked, everyone would've had a better time!" Aponi practically shouted.
"Aha! Well maybe if you weren't such a bitch, we'd all enjoy the class!" Alastor cursed.
"You are SUCH A-"
Aponi was cut off by a hand on her shoulder. Turning around to see her ex, Jason, standing behind her with a small smile.
Jason was an asshole when the two were together. Abusive. He was even the reason she was down here, but Aponi didn't have it in herself to hold in that grudge, no matter the shitty things he did. And he did some REALLY shitty things.
"What do you want, Jace?" Aponi snapped, still seemingly calming down.
"I know its.. not my place, but.... everyone is pretty tired, and its almost 6pm... Maybe it would be best if everyone went home for the night?" Jason stated.
Aponi sighed. He knew her signs. Of course he did. They've known each other for years....
"Alright..." her eyes softened before she turned to the group. "Today's session is over. You can all go back home," she stated.
Her regular dancers began packing their stuff while Charlie walked up to her.
"I am SO sorry about alastor! I mean if I'd have known before that you two used to uh..... y-you know.. I never would've put either of you in that situation!" Charlie apologized.
"Oh, honey don't worry about it. It's not your fault he's such a self absorbed prick. Why don't you all go back to your hotel, yeah?" Aponi reassured.
"FINALLY! you've said something clever!" Alastor exclaimed as he immediately walked out of the room, forgetting his microphone in his rush.
As the rest of the hotel patrons walked out, Jason stayed.
"....... you wanna talk about it?" He asked as aponi walked to turn off the lights in the studio.
"To you? No. Absolutely not," Aponi stated as she started to pack up her stuff.
Jason chuckled. "Okay okay. Fair..... but I see the way your nose is scrunching up. You need to let off some steam," he replied.
"Maybe I do...... what's it to you?" Aponi asked as she zipped up her bag and walked over to the speakers to make sure they were off.
That made her pause.
"....... he just..... hes.... he was my-......" aponi tried before wiping away the tears in her eyes. "And after you did what you did he was the first person to......"
Jason looked down in shame.
"..... you wanna work on the dance that we've been practicing? No one's here. You could scream at the top of your lungs. As much as you want," Jason offered.
"........ yeah.... okay yeah... that's a good idea, Jason," Aponi replied before turning the speakers back on, along with the music.
Alastor froze just outside of the hotel when he went to mess with his microphone, only to realize it wasn't in his hand.
He cursed himself internally. In his haze of storming out he must've forgotten it in the studio....
Usually he would just summon it to him, but the implication of snooping around the studio that he bought and handed the deed over to the love of his death, was too enticing. Especially when he figured she wouldn't be there.
As he made his way back to the building, his smile grew at the sight of it being pitch black inside.
It was only when he walked through the halls, closer to the studio did he hear what sounded to be.... music...
With a raised eyebrow and a relaxed smile, he sunk into the shadows of the room, spotting Aponi and Jason starting a dance.
As the music played, aponi stood in the middle of the room, turning slowly.
From where he stood, Alastir could see that she was.... crying.....
He unwillingly felt a pang in his chest at the sight. He always hated when she'd cry.... and now he hated that he hated it...
As she cried, she took hold of the choker around her neck.... Alastor's eyes widened at the sight.... he had given her that when they had first began dating..... was she wearing it this whole time?
As the music went on, aponi collapsed gently onto the floor, where Alastor finally noticed Jason sitting as well.
Alastor tilted his head as the music picked up.
Alastors eyes widened at the choreography. He had always loved watching her dance... even now....
However, the sight of Jason laying his hands on her in the way he was.... even though it was a dance, it struck something inside of alastor....
Alastor flinched at the scream Aponi let out. It was drowned out by the music.....
As the dance went on, the two ended up on the floor, Jason cradling aponi tightly before she screamed so loud the windows may have broken.
Alastor felt something in him feel a tinge of regret.
His head perked up when he saw Jason get off of her, concern on his face.
"Shit.. did I hurt you?" He asked.
Aponi layed on the floor in tears, the flashbacks of their mortal life running through her head.
"Hey, Aponi, it's okay. I-...." Jason stuttered. He promised himself he'd never hurt her again. "Aponi?"
Still no response, other than the tears falling onto the floor.
Jason gulped. "Lilly?" He asked before sitting down on the floor and gently heaving her onto his lap, rocking back and fourth as she clung onto him, digging her nails into his skin as she cried.
Alastor shook his head as his smile strained, summoning his microphone I to his hand and melding into the shadows so he could get back to the hotel.
Alastor morphed into his room, tears in his eyes.
He was so confused. He felt everything at once. Guilt, anger, jealousy, pity, regret. Every emotion except for happiness.
Why was it whenever SHE was near, alastor could barely breathe.... he hated her... she broke his heart. He had given her a contract. They would give their souls to one another as a marriage certificate, but she refused.
So why was HE the one feeling guilty?!
Alastor's eyes softened, as if he finally realized why she was so mad at him that day....
Her whole life she's been confined to someone.... her abusive mother, Jason, Valentino......
Alastor took in a shaky breath.
Oh..... That's why...
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azlrse · 2 years
➳ Twst Boys' Confession as Taylor Swift Lyrics (ft. Leona, Idia, Jamil & Kalim.).
CW: ooc characters (?) and soft leona & extreme fluff.
A/N: decided to write for different characters from the game and imma try my best upon portraying the boys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also, most of the confession dialogues can be seen here.
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Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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"Well you stood there with me in the doorway, My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but;"
"Thanks for bringing me back at my dorm, Leona. It's not something the Leona I knew would do on a daily basis but I'm greatly thankful for the small gesture." You spoke, a small smile plastered on your face as the prince felt a tinge of spark, not only on his stomach but also in his heart. Leona let's out a small hum as a way to respond to your words.
It's not the first time Leona felt this way towards this non-magical human whom he thought that he couldn't get along due to his pride and stand off personality. The more he observed you–the way you got along with his fellow peers (Jack & Ruggie), bringing him some tarts and sweets from the 'unbirthday' parties you've attended and how he expresses his annoyance towards you whenever you asked him for help.
Those thoughts of his may not be the best nor being the top of the icing but to him, those thoughts are the reasons why he developed such feelings for you. How come a prince like him fell for a human with no magical abilities. Ruggie knew all about his so-called little crush on you and told him that he must confess his feelings before those heartslabyul peeps might steal you away from him. Those words finally convinced him for you to become his and gathered his last pinch of dignity for him to confess his love for you.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Let me know if Ruggie needs some help in chores back at the dorms." You waved at him good bye and proceeded to make your way inside of the dorm, in which you called home during your time here in twisted wonderland. Before you even step foot on the cold marble floor of the dorm, his hand made its way to your wrist, startling you a bit. He didn't say anything but you noticed how his eyes was directed on the ground, avoiding your gaze. "Leona, is something the matter-"
“Listen, herbivore. I am only going to say this once, so you better listen." Your heart started racing from endless possibilities that could happen on you but instead, his next line of words finally made your heart go faster, the words you hoped that he'll say to you.
Leona took a deep breathe, mentally contemplating wether this is the right choice for him to express on how much he yearned for you. Holding both of your hands against his huge and warm hands, he admitted these feelings that bothered him from the past few months. "It's not something I would admit all the time but I love you. It would mean a lot to me if you'd go on a date with me, just the two of us." He couldn't help but the way your face reddened and heard a small murmur from you. "Couldn't hear ya, sweetcheeks. Speak again, will ya?"
"T-this was unexpected of you but I would love to go out with you!"
"That's good to hear, herbivore but there's only one thing I would like to do." He smirked.
"And that is?"
His arm make its way to your waist as his lips connected into yours, eyes widen from his sudden affection but quickly melted as both of your arms are linked into his neck. From afar, Grim and a certain hyena fist bumped each other as two of their prefects became an item.
"You pull me in and I'm a little more brave. It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, it's fearless."
Idia Shroud 💠
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"You took the time to memorize me–my fears, my hopes and dreams. I just like hanging out with you, All the time."
If there's one dream that Idia would like to receive, he wants his first relationship to be with you; his closest friend and dearest player 2. Oh how he imagined to the sweetest acts whenever he fantasized about you–walking alone when everyone in Night Raven College was fast asleep, having matching icons on Magicam, or calling each other stupid yet cheesy nicknames that only the two of you would know.
If he gathered enough courage to face his social anxiety, he, along with his younger brother, would come to class to accompany you and Grim. But due to his crippling anxiety and self-doubt, he stop making his romantic feelings for you quite obvious, in risk of loosing his one and only friend in the school that caused him so much distress. It was painful for him but for the sake of his relationship with you, he'll just endure this painful process of keeping his feelings for you a secret.
His younger brother repeatedly encouraged Idia for him to court and confess his love to you. He didn't said yes but didn't declined his brother's words either. He was in the middle of the lines of yes and no.
How does this goofball fall for you? Well, the reason why is because you knew him as if a list of his likes and dislikes was placed on his head. You knew his boundaries and limits, the reason why he had this anti-social personality and why his video games is his only escape when the outside world becomes too much for him to handle. Idia will never forget on how you rescued him when Kalim and the rest of his peers pressured him on coming with them.
And it didn't take long for his platonic relationship with you had turned into something else, a feeling he didn't felt for a long time due to his fear of interaction; he fell for you hard. He felt like he was in a dating sim where you're the love interest and he was the main character, destined to be a loving couple when he chose the right choices in this small adventure of his.
Just like in the dating sims he played and the romcom animes he watched, he knew that your time as a "single" won't be long when someone else pursued on taking you as their own love interest. He needed to act fast and to his relief, Ortho told him that you gushed about him to Grim, indicating that you also have feelings for him, easing his nervousness.
Or so he thought....
And there he is, inviting you to meet you under the wishing tree at the back of the school during the late hours of night. Idia knows that the tree can increase his chances for you to accept his feelings and this place was your favorite spot to sit whenever you needed some place for you to be alone. He saw you sitting under the tree, waiting for him and didn't notice that his hands are shaking.
Taking a deep breath and remembering the encouraging words his brother told him, he made his way to you and seeing you smile makes his heart all giddy and warm. "I just saw your message and I came here as soon as the clock strikes at midnight. Is there anything you wanna tell me? Do you want someone to listen to your problems in person? Or perhaps the chapter of the new game we played yesterday just released?"
Idia shook his head sideways. ".....T-there's something I need to talk about. J-just this once, I'm gonna be honest with my feelings to you." He gathered every inch of his confidence to hold your hands and stared at your eyes as away to ensure that what he's going to say was all in honesty. His glowing hair started to turn pink, making you giggle wholeheartedly. "...I- um...It's just that- n-no, h-how should I start this-"
He started to doubt himself, thinking that you're going to be annoyed as he waste your time with a shut in like him but no. The way you gripped his hand ensures him that you're a patient and caring person who didn't want to break his fragile and cold lonely heart. "It's okay Idia, just take your time."
He didn't want to use his tablet in this occasion, he didn't want to be a coward in his confession and your sweet smile is all it takes for him to finally spit out these feelings he hid from you since last year. He shut his eyes and spoke with such confidence. "I-I r-really, really like you, (y/n)! You mean s-so much to me and h-having you as my lover was like getting that ultra rare card I've always wanted for so long! But I don't want to tell the truth was because I didn't want you to loose you as m-my closest friend and you're far too important for me to let you go–!!"
His words were cut off as soon as you placed your lips against his. His eyes are full blown from this gesture, tears streaming from his face and his hair color had turned, from the usual sapphire blue into hot pink. Your kiss is all it takes for him to fully accept that his brother was right, you really do like- no, love him as he kissed you back. Underneath the wishing tree where all dreams do indeed come true.
And his dream was none other than his (y/n), his precious player two and his first ever s/o.
"All those times that you didn't leave, it's been occurring to me. I'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life, stay."
Kalim Al-Asim 💛
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"Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water? You put your arm around me, for the first time."
The thrill of this heir's love story to the non-magical human to whom he called his one and only beloved. His cheerful and radiant demeanor says all as soon as his eyes saw you many times during your stay here in Night Raven College. No matter how much gold or wealth he took hold in his name, it didn't compare to the happiness you've given him the more you hang out with this bubbly sunshine of a student.
You've gotten along well with the housewarden of scarabia due to his friendly personality and generosity, inviting you to such extravagant parties he hosted in his dorm and ate to your hearts content. And thus mere friendship with the housewarden quickly turned into sweet romance upon recognizing such symptoms of having a crush to the other person; being nervous whenever you're around, giving you trinkets that could cost thousands, even millions of thaumarks and daydreaming about what it's like if you're his lover or better yet, to be married, earning his last name and for him to call you his spouse.
Jamil thought that Kalim's crush towards you was just a simple one. He thought that he'll get it over in less than a week but boy his predictions was wrong. His friend was indeed in love with you and drops subtle hints to see if you liked him back. From simple endearments to holding your hand when the hall becomes too crowded.
Tired of his friend's constant ramble about you, Jamil suggested if he had the guts to confess to you. Kalim was hesitant at first but was determined to show on how much he loves you, to be honest with his true feelings and for you to be his significant other. The moon has risen and t'was the perfect time for him to invite you to a magical carpet ride. The housewarden went to your dorm and persuaded you to join him in a late night ride on his carpet. He lied that he couldn't sleep and decided to pay you a small visit, but this was apart of his plan to confess to you.
Upon riding his carpet, you felt the cold breeze of air surrounding the two of you. "Oh, be careful, my dear. I don't want you to fall down because of me." His arms, wrapped around you to ensure that you wouldn't fall out from his grip as you attempted to touch the stars above. While you're distracted by the beautiful scenery below, Kalim becomes awestruck by your beauty, reflected by the moonlight below. Your eyes shines like diamonds and your smile is worth than the coins he was constantly saw in the majority of his life.
The carpet stopped as soon as it enters the upper atmosphere, finally seeing the brightest stars you've ever seen and the perfect time for Kalim to tell you the truth. "(y/n)..." He called your name softly, making your head turned slightly in front of him. He first showed such affection by placing a kiss on your temple and softly smiled on your expression. "I know that we're just friends but lately, I felt something very different than this friendship of ours." He said timidly, anxiousness was laced upon his words.
You did say anything, indicating for him to continue. "I want for us to be more than friends I- You have no idea how much you made me very happy. No matter how much gold or jewelry I was gifted, you are by far my most prized treasure." He held your hands against his and kissed each knuckle. You couldn't help but to feel the butterflies on your stomach and his loving gaze tells you that he's definitely a keeper.
"I love you, my love. I want you to be happy. And I would love it to be with me." He finished his confession but alas, he was about to apologize when he saw tears running on your cheeks.
"These are happy tears, Kalim and it makes me so happy when you receprocated those feelings I've felt for you."
"S-so, is that a yes?! Do you love me too?!"
You nodded in affirmation, casing Kalim to hug you tightly, laughing and peppers your face with so much kisses. "Thank you so much, my jewel. I'll do my best to be the best boyfriend you'll ever have."
"You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing, that's ever been mine."
Jamil Viper 🐍
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A/N: @veeaxx your man's here 👁️👁️ and this part kinda sucked for I didn't get his character right ;_; (I fucking tagged the wrong account lmfaoo 😭😭)
"Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?"
For him, Jamil believes that food can be his own way of showing on how much he pinned after you. At first, he brushed these feelings for you as something that's platonic. He sees you as a friend who took interest in his cooking and nothing more. That was until you started to fawn over and complimented him on how much of a husband material he was. Cooking such delicious cuisines really does make you happy and it didn't stop his heart from beating as soon as he heard those words.
And it looks like he just accepted his romantic feelings towards you.
Jamil isn't the type who would always show on how much he liked you nor would spit out words that could make his feelings obvious to you but instead, he projected those feelings by making food for you–soup, meat, even bento boxes in which he claimed that he made way too much but in reality, he just made an extra to show how much he cares for you and didn't want you to go hungry after finding out that you were saving a few thaumarks for your necessities.
Oh how his eyes lit up whenever Kalim announces your arrival on his dorm, his eyes soften up whenever you mentioned his cooking skills and didn't hesitate to hold your hand when the two of you are alone in the hallways of the dorm. You didn't mind the sudden physical affection from him since you also liked him and didn't gave the guts to tell him your crush towards him.
There are times that he couldn't help but felt the feelings of jealousy whenever you hang out more with the housewarden of Scarabia or being invited to Riddle's 'Unbirthday' parties. How he wishes for you to spend some more time with him, it was selfish of him but that's the side affect when you fell for the person you truly cared and loved.
As soon as Kalim knew about Jamil's romantic attraction towards you, he did everything for the two of you to be together; whenever you visited his dorm, he always persuaded you and Jamil to have a ride on his magical carpet. He also invited you to dance with him as soon as the music started and gave you watching jewelry that Jamil wear all the time.
For the first time, Jamil ranted to the housewarden on how much he loves you, how helpful and kind you are even after his oberblotted state and how your compliments and sweet words finally took a boost on his confidence. By the time he was finished with his talk, Kalim suggested for him to have a celebration in the dorms to confess his feelings for you and revealed a crucial detail about you; The food that makes you happy was tarts and cakes.
Jamil was baffled. Sure that he can cook anything but sweets? He definitely needs some help from Trey himself. Plus, Valentine's Day will arrive in just a few days so he has more time to prepare to such occasion.
And when Valentine's Day has arrived, the first thing Jamil did was giving you a bouquet of flowers. Poor guy was nervous as his hands shaken a bit, making you quite concerned for your friend. He ensures you that he's okay and asks you if you're free on the 14th of February. You thought about that at first, realizing that you didn't have anyone other than Grim to celebrate the occasion. So you happily agreed, a warm smile appeared on his cheeks.
During the celebration, you and Grim ate and danced with the other students. In the far corner, some of Jamil's peers (that includes Kalim) hyped him up as he held the box, hands shaken a bit due to his nervousness. This is the moment he's not gonna mess up and as soon as his leg touched the marble floors, he knew that there's no turning back. "Hey (y/n). Can I talk with you for a moment? This quite urgent and needed to be addressed right away." You nodded and proceeded to walk right beside him towards the balcony.
"Is something wrong, Jamil? Do you have a bad day? You know you can tell me anything but I ain't forcing you." He didn't say anything, his face still in a nonchalant expression as he opens the box that contains the strawberry tart Trey helped him baked. Inside of the box was indeed the tart but with the words "Be Mine". You stood there in shock, warmth began to spread across your entire body. He felt his cheeks began to warm up too and spoke his honest feelings towards you.
He sighed, placing the tart beside him and held both of your arms against his own. "I know I'm not the type who would be all sappy and cheesy but it's hard for me to describe what I feel for you... but just know that it's love nonetheless." Your eyes widen a bit from his confession, a smile growing on your face. "But I know I'm a bit uneasy because I'm quite unfamiliar in the concept of dating." Without hesitation, you let go both of his hands and hugged his waist. "Then let's face it together. After all, I wouldn't mind being on a small adventure with my boyfriend." You giggled, now facing the night sky as you hold his elbow and your head leaning on his shoulder. He looks at you in adoration, a soft expression can be seen on his face while placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "Boyfriend.... I like the sound of that..."
Right behind the newly formed couple was the students of the dorm cheering quietly, now finally happy that their vice housewarden finally got the person he truly loved the most.
"And ah, take me out, and take me home. You're my, my, my, my lover."
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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danothan · 11 months
@cessmaga i felt like this could be its own post!
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this is so funny bc i've said this all before but for some reason it hurts me to read it </3
incoming pondering
i have mixed feelings. the punching bag portrayal of hal definitely feels… selective compared to other characters. lauren faust has said that the way she figured out everyone's personalities was to take their most popular iterations and exaggerate them into distinct roles. and it honestly works well for the show! yes even when it’s ooc! superman being a proud hotshot? well he did have a bit of an ego on him when he was younger, and this superman is 19-20, so that checks out! wonder woman being a fish out of water? i mean, she was even the audience stand-in for g1, it makes sense from a writing standpoint! hell, even "playboy bruce wayne" and "theater kid oliver queen” feel random and ooc, but it’s hilarious and plays on some recognizable tropes of the characters, so i’m definitely not complaining. it’s more important for an adaptation to hold up on its own than be a 1-to-1 reference to the source, and i think there’s smth for both comic fans and first time watchers to enjoy
but hal is more complicated. i didn’t get this impression from him when i first watched dcshg. i can see why they chose him for the jock character, someone had to fill that role after all, and i can see how his moments of silliness in the comics can add to the Dumb in Dumb Jock. like i get where they’re coming from. but it became more abt making hal fit the jock role than making the jock role fit hal
i don’t think it’s all bad tho. his debut ep endeared me upon my second watch. like hal was SUCH a senior, it was mean-spirited, but seniors are just like that 😔👊 sometimes it felt like they were pushing it, but it serviced karen’s character. they’re not making a show called dc superhero GIRLS to make it abt the boys (and i’m certainly not asking them to). so there’s definitely a right way to do it, but i feel like they lost the plot somewhere down the line. how did he downgrade so hard lmao, i can accept the premise but you have to actually like your oc too
this problem isn’t just a hal thing ofc, other decisions felt questionable to me too. like why is diana boy-crazy. the whole “she came from an all-girls island so she fell for the first boy she saw” thing is WILD for her specifically. she came from an all-girls island, connect the dots.
but i do feel like hal consistently gets the brunt of it. maybe it’s just my hal vision, but it feels targeted. how come barry gets to have all these barry-specific quirks and references, but hal is just some generic jock. they’re best friends in the comics! if you know sm abt barry, SURELY you knew that too!
bad characterization aside, my main problem is his (mis)treatment in the show. it’s straight up unpleasant to sit thru, he’s a metaphorical AND literal punching bag. the contrast going between an episode for hal vs anyone else is crazy, it’s like someone read only the worst versions of him and decided to punish the character for being poorly written. oh my god it’s like zack snyder making a superman movie. waittt it’s exactly like that oh god 😭
design-wise… he’s so ugly, every friend i’ve shown a picture to always responded in disgust 💀 and after watching g1, the choices in his redesign speaks volumes to their view of his character. but here’s the thing…
it’s actually rly grown on me I KNOW I’M SORRY. like, okay, his hair style is not doing him any favors (idek what version of him it’s supposed to be inspired by??), and anyone that changes brown eyes to blue/green is my personal enemy. buuuut… he still has his signature cleft chin <:) and his raglan tee is a clever translation of the cut of his GL suit <:)
idk, going from g2 to g1 back to g2 gave me more of an appreciation for the tooniness of the style. we think g1 is better bc it’s inoffensive. it’s bland. i def think the slapstick for hal in g1 felt like laughing with the character instead of at him, and his overuse of constructs is sooo classic hal, but in terms of visual personality, i didn’t get much just by looking at him. i miss that damn jacket tho, no idea why they didn’t keep it
but picture daze wrecked me so bad that it gave me rose-colored glasses and now i can’t remember what it was like to ever think he was ugly
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is it so wrong to think he looks like a sweetie :( a silly little guy :(
sidenote, i haven’t seen this ep before but wth is this:
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this is not a 17-18 year old highschooler, this is a 30-smth divorcee. i think that might be the joke, but tell me why his hair looks more recognizable here than the default 😭
all of this to say: world’s biggest hypocrite over here defending dcshg hal after talking essays worth of shit abt him LMAO. i accidentally gave him a consciousness and now it feels like he’s the victim of bad writing rather than the perpetrator of it. i’m not even mad that they made him a dumb jock anymore, i just want him to be happy ☹️
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robo-milky · 1 year
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[Tag List: @v-anrouge @ashipiko @br3adtoasty @pinkrozezzz ] <3
General Love Forecast:
65% of Sun
Before Relationship:
• Epel fell for Cloche first. He always felt a strange connection to her since the first time he saw her. He’s forced to wear ruffles, she’s cursed to wear a maid outfit, he’s short and feminine looking, she’s shorter and more feminine looking, he has to hide his country dialect, she must address everyone formally— they were just so similar! Epel thinks Cloche is another boy mistaken as girl who is forced to put on a polite mask, like him. Epel’s self-projection on Cloche is what attracts him to her. Epel wanted to just-be-friends until it spiralled to him falling in love, and hoping to free Cloche from her so-called shackles. It’s questionable if Epel truly loves Cloche, or if it’s for a complex of some sort— of wanting to be the bigger person and having someone to show-off to.
• When they first met, Cloche thought of Epel as a child, someone below her. It wasn’t until he stayed in Ramshackle for VDC, did she finally have the opportunity to take another crack at his character. Even after some heavy reconsiderations, Cloche is still driven away by Epel’s definition of masculinity, and his impulsiveness. It’s hard for her to want to be around someone who would see the things she like as inferior. While she does question why Vil would make Epel hide his rural background, Cloche doesn’t feel bad for Epel’s situation— since she thinks ‘he brought it upon himself.’
• Cloche was initially unaware of Epel’s feelings for her, even in denial of it. After the first years spilled the beans to her, she set up little tests to see if what they said was true. Cloche was surprised Epel liked her out of anyone else— expecting him to fall for Jack or Sebek instead. Cloche feels like they have nothing in common. To her, it’s draining to indulge in Epel’s interests of sports, Magift, Magic Wheels, and to hide her personal interests in fashion and cutesy stuff. It doesn’t help that Epel is very far from her ideal type. Cloche believes that Epel could have chosen someone better, someone who actually appreciates him.
• From an outsider’s perspective, Cloche and Epel are almost like long lost twins. Both so sparkly and mysterious. They’re often seen eating lunch together and discussing the latest topics they’ve just learned. There are no arguments to ever come out of them— or at least publicly. The students of NRC ship them together, much to Cloche’ dismay.
• Epel and Cloche are both go-getters who don’t like beating around the bush. Epel admires how Cloche keeps her cool, always unbothered and thinking of a solution under pressure. Cloche recognizes and values Epel’s grit and determination to always push through. Their relationship is generally stable.
• How did they even start dating? I can see Epel finally confessing after consulting the first years; Deuce, Sebek, and Ortho supported him. Ace and Jack are the skeptics of the relationship in their own rights. Ace’s skepticism comes from knowing Cloche the longest— he finds it hard to believe they can truly get along. Jack’s skepticism comes from his own values, since he genuinely cares for Epel and has trouble imagining Cloche as someone family oriented like they are. The biggest red flags Ace and Jack tried to warn Epel about is Cloche’ strange admiration for Rook. Epel knew Cloche liked his senior, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
• Cloche rejected Epel but finally gave him a chance after giving into his persistance. Considering the circumstances, she thought that was the best choice— as a rejection might sour their relationship and make things awkward in the first years’ circle.
“Master Epel, you’re asking the wrong person if you want true love. I don’t belong in Twisted Wonderland and I may leave at any time… Can you accept that? A relationship where we can break off cleanly without any hard feelings? I’m not going to abandon my previous life for you, …but I can share the time I have left with you.”
• Cloche doesn’t have any particularly strong feelings for Epel, since she accepted his confession on a whim, and because it seemed beneficial to her. Plus, what’s the point of chasing after someone you can never have? Epel was the safer option. Cloche knows that to make it in NRC, she needs allies and people to rely on. Ever the worst-case-scenario planner, she will go to extremes to feel secure. To her, this relationship gives her a reputation and protection. As long as Cloche can play her part, she’ll be safe. Cloche does not feel much guilt about using Epel’s feelings for her, because she was never dishonest with him. She has given Epel many warnings. Though Cloche wouldn’t personally classify her feelings for Epel as ‘romantic love’, she does care for him to some extent.
• Epel really looks up to Cloche and her mental fortitude. It does sting to know Cloche is so indifferent about his love, but if this relationship is temporary, then that just means he has the make the most of it, right? They were getting along so well as friends before— so why wouldn’t their romantic relationship be just as good? If not even better? If Epel were honest, he sometimes question the point of this romance— if it can even be called that. He’s always putting so much effort into giving, yet Cloche treats and brushes him off like she does with everyone else. Epel finds it unfair that he’s been so vulnerable with Cloche, yet Cloche never showed him a bit of her vulnerability in return.
“Why did you even kiss me if you felt nothing? All the hugs? The talks we had at under the stars? …When you cheered me on during the Sledathon…?”
“I don’t know; I can’t say.”
“Whaddya’ mean ya can’t say?! Were ya just leadin’ me on the whole time? …Ah’ don’t know if ah’ wanna continue this if ah’ feel like ah’m draggin’ ya around…”
“You are dragging me around.”
AU: Cloche Falls for Epel? *special
• This Cloche is more responsive around Epel. While she is still her deadpan self, Cloche is more accommodating around Epel— even going as far as giving him unsolicited advice or infantilizing him a little. Cloche walks by Epel, making sure he doesn’t act out of line or else Vil will give him another scolding to again. She’d go out of her way to preen him (fix his hair, bow tie, clothes), even if she knows Epel hates it. Epel can tolerate handle a bit of annoyance if it means he wouldn’t get in trouble, right? Cloche would make more of an effort to talk to Epel and ask him about his likes and interests— but her hollow tone of voice and token-sounding praises turn him away. With this Cloche, she means it when she says “tell me more, I’m listening”.
“I don’t think being compared to the Crabapple is a bad thing, Master Epel. The crabapple— Malus fusca, is a wonderful species. I don’t know about Twisted Wonderland, but there are groups from my world that cherish this plant for its medicinal properties and spiritual symbolism.”
[Notes: This was kinda fun! Kinda winged it so I hope it’s coherent?? If you made it this far- thank you!! I’d be happy to answer questions if there are any :0 Feel free to suggest a ship or even throw an OC]
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 5 months
The Elf Servant and Water Fairy!
(Bel and Tip are fairy boys and Vanilla got shrunk down to fairy size!)
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JanAUary: Fantasy AU (but this au is here to stay!)
The Elf Servant and Water Fairy! (a “short” fanfic) (you don’t have to read the writing! You can just enjoy the drawing instead! The one shot fanfic is just for my own enjoyment pretty much, anyway ^^”)
Warning: this fanfic contains ooc (out of character) content. I've said this in another post a while ago, but it's pretty much its own stand alone thing if I were to change Vanilla and Dio's names.
“Ice!” King Dio, the vampire ruler of Brandopolis calls to his servant. The very tall elf man with long, wavy, chocolate brown hair turns to face his king,
“Yes, sire?”
“When you go to town today, be sure to pick up plenty of supplies for baked goods. I want you to make plenty of desserts for the ball this weekend.” The vampire king grins, showing a hint of his pointy fangs. Ice nods and gives his king a polite bow,
“As you wish, my lord.” 
Ice slings his satchel over his shoulder with a small sigh. He gently rubs the snout of his ghastly looking black horse, he lovingly named Cream. The elf servant kisses the white heart shaped marking on the forehead of his horse before mounting his stead and riding off into town. Cream trots carefully because he’s towing a cart behind him. Creamerton, this is the town Ice was born in before he was hand picked to be the loyal right hand man of King Dio. The delightful smell of baked goods is around every corner. Everyone in this town is always smiling and enjoying life… everyone except Ice was. When Ice was a child, his parents left him on a doorstep, never to return for him. As much as Ice loves the town he grew up in, a lot of rotten memories resurface of being abandoned, outcasted, and hurt. A lot of people weren’t very fond of Ice because of how inattentive and clumsy he can be, as well as a little off putting considering the fact he doesn’t care much to make conversation. 
As Ice and Cream trot into town, a few of the residents take notice and whisper to one another. He has gotten a lot more respect after being dubbed King Dio’s royal right hand. Not everyone in Brandopolis, or Creamerton for that matter, dislikes Ice however. Some people wave to him and give him warm and welcoming smiles. Ice nods and waves back to them. The elf man pulls Cream to a stop at one of the shops and ties him to a post. Ice dusts off his laced purple dress, fixes his circlet, and brushes his beautiful chocolate brown hair to cascade down his back. They inhale and walk into the shop, preparing themself to speak to other people. 
“Ice! There you are.” A large elf man with a big dark brown beard, peppered with grey and white hairs smiles at the young elf. He pats Ice’s back, “I was wondering when you’d arrive. Come here, come here.” He gently presses Ice’s back to follow him.
Ice is brought to a counter,
“Mr Elote, these…”
“Yessir, these are the freshest ingredients I have to offer. If anyone’s going to nab the best, it’s going to be Vanilla.” Elote pats Ice on the back, “Oh! I apologize… I keep forgetting King Dio gave you a new spoken name. After all, it is you who holds the ice crystal of Brandopolis.” Ice touches the crystal that rests upon his forehead, safely lodged in the circlet he wears around his head,
“Yes… indeed. Um… thank you for everything, Mr Elote.” Ice and Mr Elote carry crates of ingredients to the cart Cream has behind him. After the two elf men place the last crates into the cart, Elote dusts of his hands and chuckles,
“Always a pleasure, Vani- uh- Ice!” The two elves shake hands happily. Elote sighs and wipes his brow, “I find it quite amusing that you and my son, Cinnamon- er Fire as they call him now, are both royal servants of the great King Dio.” Ice nods, about to speak, but Elote’s brows frown. The older elf man is visibly troubled,
“But um… I admit… I’m very worried about him. I know you both never really got along very well but… how is he doing, lad?”
“Oh, Cinnamon…” Ice mumbles and looks to his lower left. He looks back down at Elote, “F-Fire. Ahem, Fire has been doing well… although, he has been training for battle more intensely than any of us other gem holders.” The brunette returns the look of concern Cinnamon’s father gives him. For a few moments, there’s a fog of dread between the two men. Elote shakes his head then smiles helplessly,
“I’m certain he’s just being cautious. After all, he’s always been quite the hot head, am I right? Ahahaha!” Elote laughs heartily, “It was fate that he would be the holder of the fire crystal, lad. Alright… you take good care of those ingredients now, dear boy. Whip ‘em up some tasty treats this weekend.”
“Thank you, Mr Elote. Thank you for everything.” Ice nods then climbs back atop of his horse and they trot back to Dio’s castle. 
That evening
The 4 gem holders are all kneeling in front of King Dio’s throne. The vampire glances over each one of them and speaks,
“Azalea of Foxville, holder of the earth crystal…” A young elf woman with curly bright red hair looks up at King Dio.
“Tawny of Shoebill City, holder of the sky crystal…” A young elf person with short blonde hair looks up at King Dio.
“Cinnamon of Creamerton, holder of the fire crystal…” A young elf man with long jet black hair looks up at King Dio. Dio looks at each of them, then smiles with a small, barely audible chuckle at the final person before him,
“And Vanilla of Creamerton… holder of the ice crystal.” Dio covers his mouth daintily and giggles, “Now, yet again I am amused by the fact that two people from the same place are holders of these sacred gems.” He shakes his head with a smile, “I want you four to continue your elemental training. The Warriors of Stardust are closing in and I don’t want our beloved land to be soiled by their nastiness.”
“Yes, King Dio.” The four of them speak in unison.
“Very good…” Dio looks at his nails, “All of you are dismissed except Ice.”
“But, sire.” Fire speaks up. Dio raises an eyebrow,
“What is it?”
“Whatever it may be, I could aid you with. Ice is far too uncoordinated and clumsy, your grace. They have no business attempting to handle delicate tasks, or any task you may hand to them.” Fire tells the vampire king. Ice gives Fire a very offended look. Dio is unamused by this and turns to look at his nails once again,
“That’s not really your place to talk, Fire. I suggest you be on your merry way. I give Ice menial and tedious tasks because he is such a good little servant boy. You needn’t worry your little head about his bumbling nature. You are dismissed.” 
“I… yes, sire.” Fire grits his teeth, then gives Ice one last glare before leaving. Ice turns around, giving Fire a disgusted look.
“Ice.” Dio gets the elf man’s attention.
“Yes, my lord.” 
“I have a little task for you, but you must do it tomorrow at dawn. When the sun rises, you do as well, no exceptions.” Dio commands Ice.
“Of course, sire.” Ice nods.
The next day
At the first light of dawn, Ice quickly gets ready for the day ahead of him. The elf packs his things and brings his beloved horse, Cream, with him. This journey should be a short one, but a very important one nonetheless. Ice gently touches their circlet as they trot into the forest,
“Steady, Cream.” Ice pets his horse.
The brunette looks at the map Dio gave him and follows each direction to the letter. Soon, they make it to their destination. Ice’s milk chocolate brown eyes widen at the sight before him. They hop off of their horse and gaze in awe at what they behold.
Before Ice, is a beautiful meadow with a small waterfall and little pond with the most crystal clear water he ever laid his eyes on. Butterflies, a vast variety of wildflowers, birds chirping, and a little rainbow from the mist of the waterfall in the morning light. Ice’s hands cover his mouth at the gorgeous sight.
Soon Cream nudges Ice’s back with his muzzle,
“Oh! Right, right.” The elf takes out a little empty potion bottle that Dio gave to him for this task. The brunette kneels down and looks at the water. It’s so clear that he can see the very shallow bottom. They turn and look at the small waterfall, which is about 4 feet tall at most. Ice inhales and starts trying to bottle some of the water.
Suddenly he feels a tickle on his ear. Ice scratches his ear and shakes his head.
The elf feels his other ear being tickled, so he scratches that one too. His temple tickles, his neck tickles, the top of his head tickles.
“Augh!” Ice scratches his head and ears, “What is that?! What’s going on?!”
He opens his eyes and sees a little floating blue blur of light on his nose, it tickles. Ice swats at it,
“Go away! Jeez, what a clingy bug.”
“Hey, I’m not a bug!” A high pitched voice in his right ear speaks. Ice turns to face the voice. He’s met with the floating ball of blue light, only when he squints… it looks like a tiny person! Ice gasps and backs away, crawling backwards and leans his back up against the small rock wall,
“W-w-what?! What is that?!” they point at the entity.
“What am I?! How about, ‘what are you’, big boy!” The tiny creature laughs at him. The creature flies around his face, making Ice swat his hand,
“Stop that! It… tickles.”
“Oh?” The entity lands on Ice’s knee and looks up at him.
“Y… you have bug wings. You are a bug! A bug with a body like an elf…?” Ice looks cautious and confused.
“You ever heard of a fairy, big guy?” The little fairy sits on Ice’s knee criss-cross style. 
“Fairy? No that’s… they’re not real. That’s impossible- I have to be dreaming.” Ice rubs his eyes only to be face to face with the blue light ball, “Ewaugh!”
“What’s your name? What brings you here?” The fairy asks him.
“What? Oooh no. No you don’t. You fairies are tricksters. I’m not going to trust a fairy… even if I am dreaming.” Ice shakes his head.
“Hmph.” The fairy flies into his face and pokes his nose, making Ice squint. Fairy dust gets into his nose and he sneezes. The fairy laughs at him, swiftly flying around in circles. Ice looks up as the fairy flies away into the sky. The elf sighs and rubs his head… noticing that his sleeve is a lot bigger than it used to be… and his circlet falls over his face,
“What the-?! Huh?!”
Ice realizes that he’s shrinking. “No. No no no no NO!!!” Soon the elf is as small as the little blue fairy. The fairy daintily lands on the fallen dress and in the middle of the circlet,
“Hmmm… now where did you go?”
A little lump under a piece of the dress’s fabric starts moving.
“Oh! There you are.” The fairy glides over to the spot. Ice crawls out from under the fabric and looks up at the fairy.
“What did you do to me?! What did you do?!” Ice looks at his hands and arms, then all around at the place surrounding him and the fairy. Ice covers himself up out of embarrassment, realizing he’s nude now. The fairy giggles at him, making his cheeks heat up,
“It’s not funny, you horrible horrible being!” 
“Oh, relax, elf boy,” The fairy crosses his arms and looks all around the lake and waterfall, “It’s a temporary spell. It’ll only last until the sun goes down.”
“Sundown?! No… No no no, I have to be at the palace before sundown.” Ice curls up and covers both his body and his face.
“Hm? Palace?” The fairy tilts his head, “Are you royalty?”
“No… I’m just a servant. Well…” Ice sighs and rests his head on his bicep as he lays down with one arm between his legs, “I’m the king’s favorite servant… oh and the uh, holder of the… nevermind.”
“Holder of what? What is it?” The fairy kneels down to him.
“Nothing! Just… please, fairy person, please turn me back to normal.” Ice begs the fairy. 
“No can do, Mr elf guy… I’m afraid, just like I said before, the spell lasts all day.” He tells Ice, “Oh well… But hey, it’s not so bad being this small, especially when you can fly like me!” The fairy flies around while Ice lays there hopeless. The fairy laughs and flies around, then lands in front of Ice,
“Hey, come on now! What’s the matter?”
“I’m the size of a wasp and in my birthday suit in front of a stranger, what do you think the matter is?” Ice growls. The fairy pouts,
“Hmph… well, I guess I could help with the birthday suit thing. Stay right here.” 
Ice sighs, feeling like he’s about to cry any moment now, but remains composed as best as he can. 
“Alright, I’m back! Stand up.” The fairy holds up a violet flower petal and smiles at him.
“What’s that going to cover?” Ice stands up, covering his intimate area with both of his hands.
“You’ll see.” The fairy drapes the flower petal over Ice. In one quick motion, the petal is turned into a little mini dress over Ice. 
“Huh?!” Ice looks all around at the little purple flower petal dress he is now wearing, “This is…”
“Beautiful? I know! Oh and don’t worry.” The fairy lifts up his dress a little to reveal his behind is covered up, “It comes with undies underneath!” He giggles then covers himself back up with his flower petal dress,
“I’m Tippy Tulip by the way. And you would be…?” Tippy asks.
“I’m… Well… They used to call me ‘Vanilla of Creamerton’. But King Dio has given me the name Ice. So Now I am called ‘Ice of Creamerton’.” Ice tells him.
“Oh, that’s so… cool heehee!” Tulip giggles.
“Look, Tulip. I really need to take a bottle of that water back to the palace. It’s very important to King Dio.” Ice tells him. 
“Hm? Oh. Oh…” Tulip’s wings droop and his expression turns sour. He crosses his arms with a pout, “I see. Your king must’ve sent you here to meet me on purpose.”
“What are you talking about?” Ice asks, touching his new flower petal dress.
“Pfft… He wanted you to ask me to bless the water, but I guess he omitted the part where I come in. Which makes no sense!” Tulip rolls his eyes.
“Wait… what? Bless the water? Why? What does that do?”
“You ask so many questions! Don’t you know anything, Ice?” Tulip giggles then approaches Ice, “Whoa… you’re uh… you’re pretty tall.” Tulip looks up at him with awestruck eyes. Ice,
“And you’re pretty…”
“I’m pretty?” Tulip grins. While Ice tries to backtrack, Tulip laughs and bounces around, hovering and landing on different parts of Ice’s elf dress on the ground. 
“Wait! That’s not what I was trying to say!” Ice huffs and waves his hands around, feeling his cheeks burn. Tulip flies back over, face to face with Ice, noses almost touching, then speaks,
“What’re we waiting for? Let’s get you some of that water so I can bless it!” He takes Ice’s hand and tries to pull them, “Hnnngh! This isn’t any use… you’re too heavy. Hmmm… Oh! I know!” 
Tulip spins around in circles trying to touch his own wings. The fairy boy grabs both of his own wings and pats them down, making fairy dust. 
“Alright, let’s see if this still works.” Tulip claps his hands together, making the fairy dust cover Ice.
“Hey!” Ice watches Tulip. Ice sneezes a few times, then flies backwards! Tulip floats over to Ice,
“Now you can fly! Haha! But you gotta hurry, you can only fly for a short time, Icy.”
“Incredible! I’m… I’m actually flying!” Ice hovers for a bit, only to land on his face, “Ough!”
“Hahahahaha! You’re funny!” Tulip lies next to them, “Okay, so you said you needed to get this pond water into a bottle? Where’s the bottle?”
“It should be in my satchel- oh no.” Ice turns and sees the now giant satchel lying next to his old dress, “If my satchel is huge then the bottle will be too. Do you think you could shrink the bottle down too?” Tulip’s brows frown and xe shakes xis head,
“I can’t. I’m sorry.” Xe looks up at the satchel, “I only know the spell that can make people smaller, and uh… this is the first time I’ve actually used it, eheheh!” Tulip rubs xis neck, “B-but, I can go get the bottle and bring it back down here.”
“Okay, well it’s a long, skinny bottle with a blue cork on the top. It fit neatly in the palm of my hand. Heh, I suppose you’d also fit neatly in the palm of my hand if I were back to my original size.” Ice chuckles.
“You want to hold me like that?!” Tulip spins around.
“W-wha-!? No! No, I said I could if I were back to my elf size!” Ice waves his hands around.
“I know, I was just teasing you, Icy. You’re fun to mess with.” Tulip smiles then flies up into the satchel. Ice’s bag moves around, Tulip bumbles about all while trying to find the bottle. Ice hovers around and does a few flips, playing with this new temporary flight of his.
“Oh! I think I found it!” Tulip’s voice is muffled. The blue fairy boy flies up, struggling a little bit to hold the bottle, “You weren’t kidding. This bottle is the same size as me! Only it’s a little bit taller, I’d say, heehee.”
Tulip rolls the bottle down the satchel. Ice tries to stop it but ends up getting cartoonishly flattened by it,
“Oops.” Tulip glides down to Ice and helps them back up, “You okay?”
“Ow… how am I still alive?!” Ice looks at his hands.
“Well, due to the spell I cast on you, you have limited fairy powers. We can’t get crushed or stomped on, that’s not how we die! It still hurts though, especially when people think we’re bugs… but you all shouldn’t be killing bugs anyway.” Tulip pouts. Ice turns around,
“Alright then, let’s go ahead and fill up this bottle, shall we?”
“We shall!” Tulip flies over and helps them with filling up the bottle. 
“Sire!” Fire rushes into the throne room catching his breath, “King Dio!” Fire kneels and pants, sweat beading down from his forehead, “I just got word from lookout. The Warriors of Stardust are headed this way.”
“I see…” Dio narrows his eyes and looks away, pondering, this certainly isn’t good. Not only will we have to postpone the royal ball, but my entire kingdom is in danger. The vampire stares into Fire’s eyes, “And what of Ice? Has he made his return yet?”
“N… no, my lord. Ice has been gone all morning. There is no sign of him anywhere. He was supposed to be back hours ago.” Fire speaks with great concern.
“This is indeed a troubling matter.” Dio taps his cheek, shaking his head, “Very well. Alert the other two. Continue training. When would you say the Warriors of Stardust will arrive?”
“The latest they will arrive would be sunset.” Fire bows his head. Dio’s expression bitters, he scowls and rises from his throne,
“No good.” As Dio walks beside Fire, he motions for his servant to stand. Fire does so and sighs,
“I’m sorry, my king. We will do whatever we can to protect this land.”
“As you should. It is written in the prophecy that the element holders will protect this sacred land from any interlopers who wish harm upon it. I have faith in you all… We just need Ice to make his return so that you all shall use your element crystals to defend my kingdom.” Dio says. Fire nods,
“Yes, my king.” 
As Dio leaves, Fire rubs his forehead and wanders off to a window,
“Oh, Vanilla… where the hell could you be at a time like this?”
“Well, this sucks!” Tulip puffs out his cheeks, “How in the world are we gonna carry this monstrous satchel back to the palace? Can’t we just bring the stupid water I blessed?” 
“Are you kidding? I don’t want to leave my stuff here!” Ice gives Tulip an incredulous look, “We have to find some way to-”
Cream’s snout is right above Ice as he snorts hot air onto the tiny man. Ice looks up,
“That’s it! We can use my horse!” Ice climbs up on the satchel, “Cream! I need you to put this satchel strap in your mouth and carry us back to the castle.” 
Tulip flies up and sits next to Ice. They are soon picked up by Cream’s mouth, but that’s when Ice realizes something, 
“Wait!” He turns around to look at the ground, which is very very far away. Ice trembles and clings to the satchel, “Oh dear… we’re so high up.”
“Hey, it’ll be okay. You can still use my fairy dust to fly. It’s no big deal!” Tulip dusts more of xis fairy dust onto Ice’s body. The brunette squints and rubs their eyes,
“Hold on a second! We still need to get my circlet! It’s very important that I have that with me at all times.” Ice turns up to his horse,
“Cream! Put us on your back please, I need you to grab my circlet as well.” They point to the ground. Cream rolls his eyes and sighs, then slings the satchel with the two small gentlemen onto his back. Ice holds onto Tulip as tight as he can in fear of falling. Cream walks over to the circlet on the ground and picks it up in his mouth. He whinnies and snorts to alert Ice that he now has the piece of jewelry.
“Th-thank you, O noble stead!” Ice chuckles, noticing he’s holding Tulip like a pillow, “O-oh! I’m sorry.” They release xem from their grip.
“Ow?” Tulip pouts and rubs xis arms. 
“Right, um. Cream! Take us back to the castle!” Ice points up into the air. Cream whinnies and starts trotting into a random direction. After a while, Cream stops in his tracks, turning his head every which way. Nothing but dense forest lies ahead. Ice stands up and spins around, losing his breath from worry,
“Oh no.” 
His brows frown and he can’t catch his breath from anxiety, “We’re lost.” He sits back down with his hands over his face. Tulip crawls over to him,
“Relax, relax! Look, we’ll find your way back home, okay? There’s always a way out. Didn’t you bring a map with you?”
“Y-yes, I did! I did. It’s right here in my satchel.” Ice crawls into the satchel. After a while, he pulls out the rolled up map and directions from the bag, “Okay, so all we have to do is follow this back home.”
“That’s easy enough, Icy! Let’s get to it!” Tulip stands up and puts his hands on his hips. Suddenly, quicker than the blink of an eye, Tulip is attacked by a yellow and purple blur. “OOF!!!” 
Ice gasps and watches as two balls of light battle each other in the sky. The yellow and purple ball of light baps the blue ball of light a few times before taking him down to the ground. Ice quickly grabs onto Cream’s mane and is gently lowered to the ground. 
Tulip is being pinned down on the ground by another very angry fairy, who’s slapping Tulip’s face. Ice rushes over to the two fairy gentlemen,
The furious purple and yellow fairy whips his head around to face Ice with the most sour scowl. Ice gulps and backs away a little bit.
“And who is that?!” The purple haired fairy yells and gestures to Ice. Tulip rubs his face and shoves the other fairy off of xem,
“Ungh! It’s none of your business!” Tulip hisses, “C’mon, Icy, let’s get going. This jerk isn’t worth our time.”
“Uh…” Ice puts a finger up, very confused. The purple haired fairy gets in between Ice and Tulip with a frown,
“Oh no, you don’t, Tulip. You still owe me and I’m gonna get what I deserve.” They are fuming. Their wings flutter with irritation and their pointy ears are pinned down in anger. 
“I told you, it’s elf garbage, Campanula. It had no real value to it.” Tulip turns to Ice and points xis thumb at the other, very nettled fairy, “This is Campanula Bellflower by the way… and he’s a huge JERK!”
“ME?!” Bellflower’s wings flutter, causing fairy dust to fall, “You’re the one who broke my priceless elf jewelry!” They adjust their little flower stamen tiara, “And don’t introduce me to some random-” He does a double take at Ice. Bellflower’s dark brown eyes widen and he stops in his tracks, “Random…” His cheeks heat up as he makes eye contact with the very attractive elf gentleman. The purple haired fairy’s wings flutter a bit as he fidgets with their fingers,
“H… hi, I’m Bellflower. Campanula Bellflower. Hi…”
“Uh, heheh, hi?” Ice awkwardly smiles and waves to them. Bellflower looks him up and down then turns to Tulip,
“Friend of yours?”
“Yeah.” Tulip crosses xis arms and narrows xis eyes at Bellflower. He giggles and covers his mouth,
“Wow… wait.” Bellflower looks around Ice, walking in circles around them, “W…where’s your wings?”
“Oh, I actually cast a spell on him because he was being mean to me. He’s actually an elf boy.” Tulip tells him.
“An elf boy?!” Bellflower gasps, “Oh wow! Wow wow wow!” Xe flies around Ice in circles, “You were being mean to Tulip? Well, good! Xe deserves it because xe breaks things that aren’t xis!”
“Shut up, Bellflower! At least I’m not the one wearing flower genitalia on my head.” Tulip smirks.
“Ugh!!!” Bellflower grunts in frustration then tackles Tulip yet again. The two fairies tumble around and attack each other in a cloud of colorful fairy dust. Ice dashes over to them,
“Hey! Quit that! Stop it! Knock it off!”
Bellflower and Tulip are slapping and biting each other until Ice shoves them both away,
“That is ENOUGH!” He growls, “I need to get back to the palace by sundown so this stupid spell wears off and I need to deliver the fairy blessed water to the king! They’re all probably wondering where the hell I am right now!” Ice furrows his brows at the two bickering fairies. Bellflower and Tulip both stop fighting and listen to the elf. They both turn to look at each other. Bellflower is awestruck,
“Palace?! Wow… I didn’t know I was in the presence of… royalty.” His eyelids hood and a smirk curls upon his plump lips as he approaches Ice. Tulip rolls his eyes,
“Oh boy…”
“So… the palace, huh? I hear the king is absolutely loaded with jewels and gold from every corner of the land.”
“O-oh, actually I-”
“Tell you what, I’ll help you get back to the palace before sundown if you promise me some jewelry from your king.” Bellflower looks Tulip up and down with a sneer, “That way, I guess I could let go of this little grudge and I might forgive this little twerp for destroying something precious to me.”
“Oh for the love of- it was a piece of TRASH, Bellflower!” Tulip yells at xem.
“You’re a piece of trash, Tulip!” Bellflower yells back.
“Guys! Enough! Seriously. I’m going to need all the help I can get anyway…” Ice jogs back over to Cream, “Okay, now we just need to get back on my horse and get out of this damn forest.”
“Oh! Oh! Do you need help?” Bellflower clasps his hands together and grins, “I can carry you!” Tulip shakes his head and rolls his eyes with a sigh. Bellflower hovers over to Ice and wraps his arms around the back of him with a dreamy sigh. Quite suddenly, both Ice and Bellflower fly up into the sky and land on Cream’s back, next to the satchel. Tulip follows them and sits criss-cross on the saddle.
Bellflower bats his eyes at Ice,
“So? How are you enjoying being this size, elf boy?”
“I’m not exactly enjoying any of it, to tell you the truth.” Ice dusts himself off, “So… what exactly is the deal with you two anyway?” 
“Hmph!” Bellflower flips xis purple hair behind xis shoulder, “We used to be friends. I showed Tulip my latest collection of treasures I took from the elves. He saw one of my most favoritest and prettiest items yet, then he started playing with it! Before I knew it, it snapped in half!” Bellflower pouts.
“It was a hunk of junk, Bel!” Tulip points at xem, “I told you that it was nothing more than a flimsy little piece of scrap metal!”
“You don’t get it, Tip! You wouldn’t understand what it’s like to have something special to you.” Bellflower hisses. Suddenly a large raindrop crashes down on Bellflower, completely soaking him from head to toe. Tulip impishly laughs at him, then a large raindrop lands on xem as well. All three of them look up at the sky. Bel gulps,
“That’s not good.” He looks at Tip, “Hey! You’re a water fairy, aren’tcha?! How about you do one of those water umbrella thingies and stop us from getting soaked?!”
“W-well-!!!” Tip frantically looks around, “I-!!! … I never learned how to do that…”
“What?!” Bel snarls at xem, then gets pelted with raindrops, “Aaaaugh!!!” All three of them try to cover themselves from the heavy rain. 
Bel flies up and pulls Cream by two locks of mane to navigate him in a certain direction, “We have to get out of here NOW.” Cream whinnies then gallops away while Ice and Tip hold onto each other. Bel scans the ground, narrowing his eyes, suddenly he pulls Cream’s locks of mane to bring him to a stop. Cream skids to a halt, his hooves scraping the ground, causing mud to mound up. 
“C’mon, everyone get inside!” Bellflower tries to use his wings, but the rain is too much, “Augh!” Tulip pulls Ice’s arm, rushing to the top of Cream’s head, 
“Icy, we’re going to have to jump. We can’t fly because our wings can’t withstand the rain.”
“What?! Why can’t you guys just give me more of that fairy dust so I can float down?! I-I could carry you both to the ground!” Ice gulps, very afraid of heights.
“That… that’s a great idea!” Tulip says, patting xis wings for more fairy dust. Bellflower watches the two of them interact, feeling left out and bitter. He makes his way over to them and pats his wings as well to add fairy dust onto Ice. 
“I have it taken care of, Bellflower.” Tip sneers at him.
“Well, maybe he needs more of it!” Bel hisses. Ice takes the other two gentlemen by the waist, startling them a bit and making them blush. They both look up at Ice, who looks determined to get them all out of the violent rain. Ice inhales,
The other two nod. 
“Here we… GOOOOO!!!” Ice jumps off of Cream, floating for a split second, then falling to the ground. They all scream and hold onto each other. Ice does everything he can to stay in the air! Finally, they slow down and gently land on the ground. Ice tries to catch his breath. Tulip is clinging to him, xis arms and legs wrapped around him. Bellflower is dreamily holding onto Ice with their head on his chest. Bel blinks a few times then gasps and points at their door,
“Get inside! Quick!” 
“You live in a tree?” Ice asks. Bel opens the door on the stump of the tree,
“Yeah?! So?! Get inside!” The three of them rush inside as Bel closes the door. The three gentlemen stumble inside and try to catch their breath. Bellflower fumbles around looking for a lantern to light. Finally, he finds a little lantern to set ablaze, setting off a chain reaction so the entire house is lit up with beautiful twinkling little lights. 
To be continued… (I lost steam writing this fic, but I’ll edit and reblog it once I finish it!)
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tallyanimatez · 2 years
(Feather Au)Your dorm leader ver about Yuu being executed so amazing.Can I request about it again with the first years?
Everyone's out for blood today ay! *ends call*
I'm probably going on a long break from writing.
Feathers!Yuu execution but with first years.
Tw: mentions of death, angst, possible OOC because I'm learning
Out of all the people who chose to visit you, it had to be the people who cared about you the most.
"I really thought you were joking when you told us yah a wanted criminal"
Ace Trapolla, your first true friend you made in this wretched world. The person you wanted to strangle the most before.
Ace didn't give you the best impression when you two first met, when Grim officially joined the racing tournament. But his attitude has definitely improved a lot better now once you guys got along.
And now? You didn't think he'd muster up the courage to come and bid his last goodbye, you know how terrible ace would be when it comes to moving on, but you guess this is an improvement
After all, as long as he understands that even he can't do anything to save you, atleast he can say his farewell to stop being delusional.
"Well, I guess this is farewell then, but don't think you can escape me in the after life!"
"Typical Ace, hehe."
Ace turned around, good, if you can't watch it, don't look, you keep telling Ace to not act whenever it's not needed. Atleast now he's starting to change, when you're gone...
The next person comes up to bid their goodbye, you expected him to be here if Ace was here.
"I always looked up to you since you gave me so much helpful advice...I never thought you were a criminal Yuu."
Deuce Spade, if there's Ace, there's a Deuce. It's a non-spoken rule that your group knows of.
Deuce was the more helpful person whenever you, him and Ace hung out with each other, often assisting with heavy groceries or gears in general. He is just all on brawns...really.
You know that if none of the 4 will come, at least Deuce will see you to bid his goodbye, he understands the situation atleast.
The reality is more brutal than you think, that's why you shouldn't always be so oblivious to everything, so that it will be easier to move on when the time comes.
"I guess this is really goodbye...Farewell, I'll make sure to follow your advice though!"
"I hope you don't get into anymore fights Deuce."
Upon hearing what you said, Deuce frowned a little bit, but regardless, he moved back. Now the next person...
"I didn't expect this, not from someone like you at least..."
Jack Howl, the tsundere wolf boy you jokingly like to call. He's the main person you can count on when you need to go somewhere else leaving Adeuce unsupervised.
If there's one thing you'd give to him, he's better than any of you in this group when talking about attitude, well almost. His tsundere attitude wasn't always your favorite because you didn't like dishonesty, not like you have never lied before.
Jack is disappointed, you're someone who told him to go with what's right to him, and yet here you are, near your death.
You promised you wouldn't leave them, yet you knew the inevitable fate would come...why did you made it anyway?
"I don't really have much to say, I thought you were better than this"
"Sorry wolf boy, looks are deceiving."
Jack's tail dropped down along with his ears, despite saying things like that, he often can't hide how he feels most of the time, making it easy to predict how he's feeling...
He moved out of the way for the next person to bid their goodbye, the person who probably looked at you like a deity.
"I admired y'ah alot with your sharp tongue to people, but...this is too far ain't it?"
Epel felmier, your person to go with, because you get discount with Epel's pretty face, and he's fun to tease sometimes... and the person who would stop Vil from almost trying to poison you everytime you made him frown for defending Epel
He always wants to appear strong, puffing his chest out and trying to prove he's really strong to even trying to help you with your heavy gears & equipment ( even though jack is there to help and you can managed just fine on your own ), to indulge in his antiques, you just give him mildly heavy object so he won't complain.
Right now? Epel is quite upset, if you're gone, then he'd have to deal with Vil without any help, and noone would acknowledge that he's strong just like you did.
Even though he's often fight through pest and rough times during the country side, it won't be the same as fighting to move on once you're gone...
"I hope you'll get stronger to help more people apple boi~"
"Argh- not everyone is gonna look at me like y'ah do.."
You smirked, teasing Epel was a piece of cake, well almost as easy to tease Jack, but you can't deny that he had saved you from starving before by offering apple pie. You won't be able to repay the favor.
The last one, he's more quiet than his usual...
Sebek Zigvolt, for the love of god, you have no idea how he made it into this group, and how you survive with your ear drums intact.
He's loud. Especially speaking to his "Waka-sama" whom you have little clue about, and whenever you're bored, just listen to Sebek's rambles, free entertainment I guess...
It's awfully hard to get Sebek quiet majority of the time, you're surprised that he even attended your execution when he always saying he needs to be with his waka-sama, he's really hard to understand sometimes, but you're happy he cares at a somewhat degree.
A foolish human that is blinded by despair, you've made him feel something he shouldn't have felt when he swears to be loyal to his Waka-sama, you'll have to pay the price.
"I don't think you'll have anything else to say, so just back off and look away Sebek."
All Sebek did was backing down and standing to were the first year group is. You'd thought you'll lose your hearing to him because of how he follows what's moral and what's not alot.
But at the very least, your closest friends came...
You can go, till you meet them again next life.
Authors note: I think my brain went from 100%-0% when I wrote Ace to Sebek, possible chances of them being OOC but datz alright because I'm learning :D
Y'all out for blood aren't cha....
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angelic-atrocities26 · 4 months
"I, too, have a destiny! This death will be ART!!"
✨ Introduction Post!! 🖌️✨
{Welcome to my account, my little bunnies! You can me Angel or Avery. I'm the owner of this beautiful acc. This post is my introduction and starter for my main muse and rules. When i am OOC - i use {} brackets, and prefer to use quotation marks and small paragraphs when IN character.}
{ OOC - I use They/He/It pronouns, while my muse uses She/Her pronouns. To make it simple; I am okay with basically any topic/genre of RP, as long as it isn't problematic and toxic. || i usually go for OC x canon stories or angst to add some spice to it, tho. || PEDOS/ZOOPHILES/PROSHIPPERS/TOXIC MF-ERS DNI!! || 16+ ONLY!! || }
Now. Onto my main muse!! Angel!
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{Note: 2 of the images were screenshot redraws of Chicha. Angel has a similar facial shape but the same eyes as her.}
Name: Angel
Movie/Series: Emperor's New Groove Age: 18 years Gender: female Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: She/Her Height: 5"4' Body type: Curvy and chubby Personality: Hot-headed, sensitive, obsessive, clingy, artistic, (literally a mixture of her mother and she copies the emperor sometimes) Nationality: unknown Languages: English, practicing Spanish and Japanese
Voice claim; Brutus - The buttress
Mother: Yzma Crushes: Kuzco and Deo
Being born as the daughter of the Emperor's advisor (Yzma), Angel was kept a secret for nearly 5 years, but still treated like a daughter with love and affection, but also heartbreak and shouts of negativity. Angel was soon introduced to Kuzco to be his royal painter and 'best friend' when they were both around 6 years old. Kuzco didn't have much interest in her only because she was a servant and he was a literal child at the time. Yzma would discuss plans with Angel and try to force her to help out, but some failures happened. Angel has been verbally and emotionally abused by her mother but she still loved her with all her heart.
The older she got, Angel started catching on the manipulation, feeling like a tool. Confronting her mother at age 10, Yzma became more distant with Angel, but started to feel bad the more she was away from her. Trying to make up for her negative actions, Angel was already about 12-13 years old, and could see how similar Angel has become to her; hot-headed, loud, but holds a sense of fashion, and so forth, making this more difficult than it should be. At age 14, the two had made up a bit, tried to think of plans of actual mother and daughter hangouts and future plans…. But it became worse once again.
Yzma had paid more attention to Kuzco and tried to think what would be the best to get rid of him and make herself the Empress, Angel calling her out in a fit of rage and was… Kicked out.
Angel had to move away, and become a villager, restart her life, etc. She felt miserable, wishing her and her mother had a better relationship. Angel had started drinking shortly after moving into a village. She had been through a deep depression and caused harmed upon herself, physically and mentally. Her life (after the age of 15) slowly got better, but she still had a bad drinking habit. She met the village 'crazy boy', Deo, and the two clinged on to each other and connected right away, as if they were destined to meet.
The two would chat about anything, from Family, to weird thoughts, to even their crush on the emperor.
By the time they were both 18, Angel had gotten the summons… She was asked to be Kuzco's royal painter once more after he found out the truth about her. She agreed, but only if Deo was allowed to tag along. He was skeptical at first, but since Kuzco was a better person, he gave in and allowed it. Deo and Angel were going back and forth from the villages to the palace, living the dream.
{All information was copy and pasted from my notes - Hopefully it all makes some form of sense. I hope y'all like this and anyone who wishes to rp, feel free to comment or DM me.}
{Bye, my lil' bunnies!!}
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theoddshq · 6 months
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DURI PARK (han sohee fc) the odds are in your favor! Please report to your nearest Capitol Agent to be prepped for the 74th Annual Hunger Games!
Alias/Age/Pronouns/Timezone: Sierra/32/she/they/cst Triggers: [REDACTED] If you had to describe your muse as a canon Hunger Games character, or mix, who would you compare them to and why?: A healthy mix of Wiress (in her state of shock, unable to really express herself outside of a few words) and Beetee (a brilliant mind, constantly running in the background). Anything else?: I didn’t see a password in the rules, but it is possible I missed it, so if I did, please let me know
HAN SOHEE, CIS-FEMALE, SHE/HER The 74th Annual Hunger Games are upon us and here comes DURI PARK, a DISTRICT 8 MENTOR. Word around The Capitol is that they’re DETAIL-ORIENTED AND RESPECTFUL but can also be STANDOFFISH AND APATHETIC. According to sources, they’re 25 and were once described as monochrome with a splash of orange, being the last to know, herringbone patterns so meticulously laid out, constant finger tapping, and forgetting names to mask pain. What a character! As we always say, may the odds be ever in their favor!
Tw for Violence, Murder, Mild Gore
The morning of her reaping wasn’t anything spectacular. She had been through so many of them now that it felt almost normal to wake up, slip into that little grey dress she kept in the back of her closet, and step out into the town square. Her best friend was already there, waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, hair all done up in the pretty braids that Duri’s fingers had never quite mastered. Nothing out of the ordinary until the actual names were called. It felt like her stomach had bottomed out of her. The world around her buzzed. Her best friend had squeezed her hand so hard that it hurt, but Duri had simply moved on autopilot. Feet took her to where peacekeepers were waiting for her to lead her up. The world was fuzzy, dark, a little colder than she remembered. She stood looking out at the blank, impassive, relieved faces of the people in her district, the people she had grown up with, and felt everything give up in her. She was thinking the same thing that the rest of them seemed to be. She didn’t stand a chance. She didn’t hear the name of the other tribute, didn’t acknowledge them as they stepped up on stage next to her. Her eyes stung like she wanted to cry, but she didn’t. They were shuttled off into rooms to say goodbye to their families, and her father and brothers came to speak with her while she simply stared at them, dumbfounded. “You could win, Dee. You aren’t stupid.” That had been Dae, foolish and optimistic, but she had nodded anyway. No one else had come to say goodbye. Not her best friend with the pretty braids in her hair, not the boy she’d been sweet on since grade school, no one. That was okay. That was life.
The world had felt darker when she’d gotten on the train. The world zoomed by. Her district partner, the other tribute from 8, had spoken to her briefly. She knew right away that she’d been cold. She felt twinges of regret and sorrow in her chest from it, but had never apologized. Their mentor had been more optimistic than Duri thought possible or necessary. Spritely older guy with sparkles in his eyes, going on about strategy and sponsors. Duri had barely listened, but had receded into the back of her own mind. She was a smart girl, she’d heard it all her life. She could win, if apathy didn’t drown her before she managed to get above it. But it would take a lot of cunning and skill. Working with a needle was nothing like working with a knife. She couldn’t imagine what kind of skills would save her life in an all out battle to the death. But maybe she would try.
She didn’t make many friends or allies among her fellow tributes. She was distant, she was moody, and she tended to be a bit haughty, using fancy three dollar words instead of speaking plainly. She got a reputation, both from fellow tributes and, if her mentor was to be believed, with the capitol citizens, as stuck up, snobby. She did her best to warm up, though her efforts in her interview, in the training center, came across as disingenuous as they felt. By the time the games started, she was sure she was one of the biggest targets, someone to get rid of early. The other district 8 tribute had made friends with the tributes from 5 and 7 and the careers, of course, had their little pack. She took off the moment the gong signaled and did her best on her own. Her games lasted five days, and she spent the first three of them hiding in the craggy mountains that was her arena, finding little clusters of rock and caves to made temporary shelters, only running into other tributes when outside forces pushed her toward them. She couldn’t remember ever being so scared that first time she’d shoved someone else, watching them hit the rocks with a sick thud. They didn’t move, but Duri thought better safe than sorry. Her hands found a large rock, and the way that other tribute’s skull cracked, the way her hands ended up covered in hot sticky blood after several minutes of using that rock as a makeshift weapon, just to be safe, is one memory she’ll never forget. When it was down to herself and one other tribute, they found one another and something in her snapped. Some sick part of her that decided that she wanted to live. She saw the replay of that final showdown after she had won her games, sitting on a couch and being interviewed, listening to that pained, wounded, terrifying scream she had let out as she ran at the other tribute, tackled them. They had rolled around for a while. She had taken several blows, ended up with a knife in her side, a couple of teeth missing that the capitol had so generously replaced for her. She had ended up getting her hands around their neck, and squeezing until the other tribute had stopped moving. It had been terrifying to watch. Even after the fact, alive as she was, she felt sick.
She’d been a long shot to win, for sure, and she knew that a lot of people in the capitol had bet against her and lost a lot of money. She wasn’t exactly well liked among the citizens, not the choice winner, but she was pretty enough and polite enough and some people found her a novelty. She would never be a capitol darling, but that was fine. She was alive. She went back home to district 8, she settled into her new home with her new life and her quite existence, until the next year, when she was touted out to be a mentor. And the year after that. Year after year, for the past four years, she’s been dragged out of her home and mentored kids who never stood a chance of coming back. Every year, they ask her if she thinks this year will be different, if she misses or thinks about any of the past tributes. She gives her canned response of ‘one can only hope!’ with that charming smile that the capitol escort has taught her so well, but the truth is darker. She doesn’t remember the names of those people she sends off to the slaughter, because it hurts less. She doesn’t remember the names of the people she killed in her own games, of the other person from her own district who they lost that same year. She doesn’t remember for her own peace of mind.
writing sample 
Deceive 3 Fight 2 Lore (knowledge) 2 Notice 3 Physique 1 Provoke 1 Rapport 3 Resourcefulness 2 Stealth 2 Will 1
This is an old pinterest board from an old rp but it has the right vibes and i’m gonna rebrand it for this character.
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Kuroshitsuji – Naruto Style (Currently on Hiatus)
Just my crazed retelling of my latest love/obsession using everyone's favorite ninjas.
Just a bit of a warning here folks, there is going to be a bit of OOCness for most of the cast here so please don’t yell at me for not getting their characters right – though I will try my best to stick to their original personalities as much as I can.
Episode 1
Chapter Text
Feathers of purest white continued to fall around him, illuminating the darkness with an eerie glow as the twelve year old hung suspended in mid-air. A cloth of blood red was draped over his naked form, barely hiding the expanse of milky white skin which was covered in cuts and bruises of various shades of red, black, blue, purple and sickly yellow.
“Think hard now,” a cool, breathy voice spoke from deep in the darkness, “for once you’ve done this, you will never be able to reach heaven for the rest of eternity.”
“Hn,” the boy snorted, “Do you really think someone concerned about such things would call upon a creature like you?”
There was a sardonic chuckle before the voice spoke again. “I’ll ask you one more time; do you wish to form a pact with me?”
“Ch. What do you think?” the boy said, getting rather impatient. “I called you here didn’t I? So do we have a deal or not?”
The voice went silent for several moments as if considering the child’s demand. Suddenly, the feathers began to violently swirl about the eleven year old, completely blocking him from view. Gradually, the snowy white plumes turned from purest white to deepest black.
Three Years Later…
“Time to get up, bocchan,” the red headed butler announced, drawing back the curtains and deftly tying the heavy blue silk back. The raven haired boy stirred as the early morning sunlight streamed through the delicate window sheers. The master of the Uchiha mansion let out a muffled grumble as he rubbed his still sleep hazed eyes. He said nothing as the man dressed in a deep red – almost black – tailcoat and trousers began removing the boy’s pajamas.
“I have prepared toast and scones along with today’s breakfast,” the butler continued as he expertly poured the boy’s morning tea. “Which would you prefer?”
“Toast,” his master replied, the black sheet with his clan’s crest sliding down to his waist as the young lord sat up. He frowned at the smiling redhead. The man seemed to take great pains to get on his nerves every chance he got. His butler knew he hated anything sweet, yet still he made a sweet dish with every meal. “What is the schedule for today?”
“You have a meeting with Mr. Nara, the expert on the Sunan Empire,” the redhead began as he pulled the boy’s shirt over his head and gingerly guided his arms through the sleeves before fastening the cuff buttons. “Then later this evening Mr. Kakuzu will be paying you a visit.”
“Hmm… isn’t that the person in charge of the stuffed toys at the clan’s factory in Ame?” the brunet queried as his butler tied the eye patch around his head, making sure it was completely covering the boy’s right eye, but not too loose or too tight.
“Yes. I have heard he is rather a ruthless man when it comes to money. However, we will offer him the best hospitality we are able.”
“Oolong?” the young master asked, lifting the china cup to his lips.
“Yes, bocchan. It was imported from Tea Country this morning. I will see you in t he dining room sir.” The butler gave his employer a bow and headed for the bedroom door.
The young Uchiha lord scowled and quickly grabbed a kunai from a set he kept by the bed. While the redheaded man started reaching for the doorknob, the fourteen year old launched the throwing weapon at his servant, aiming for the butler’s head.
The red headed man didn’t even flinch when he heard the kunai whoosh toward him. Instead he waited to the last possible second before neatly catching it between two white gloved fingers. “Not a bad throw, bocchan,” he said nonchalantly, “But I’m afraid the games will have to wait for later,” he added with a smirk.
‘Tch. Whatever, Gaara.” The butler made no reply; instead he continued to smirk at the boy’s attempt on his life and calmly strode through the door.
A kunai went sailing through the air and landed squarely on the back of the shaggy haired gardener’s head. The teen let out a startled yelp of pain as the weapon bounced off his thick skull and landed on the plush carpet with a dull thud. “Hey!” he shouted, “Why’d ya do that for Master Sasuke?”
“I don’t have to explain to the likes of you,” the bratty Uchiha huffed as he continued to eat his breakfast.
Before the gardener could further protest his master’s unfair and uncalled for actions, the dining room door burst open to reveal a rather annoyed redhead.
“So this is where you’ve been,” Gaara stated, “I assume you’ve finished weeding the garden, Kiba.” The gardener gave a rather sheepish look. “Hinata, has all the bedding been cleaned?”
The unusually shy and meek maid who’d been currently been hanging around in the dining room as well let out a frightened squeak at her superior’s question. “W-W-Well y-you see,” she stammered, touching her index fingers together.
Gaara chose to ignore her for the moment to focus on the tall blond standing next to her. “Deidara, I thought I told you to start preparing for dinner.” The cook gave a nervous chuckle. “Asuma,” the butler started, glancing at the former Uchiha steward as he sat calmly smoking a cigarette, while making sure none of the smoke blew anywhere near their master. “You can stay as you are.” The older gentleman gave a grateful nod before taking another puff. “As for you three,” Gaara said, giving the other servants his full attention now. His teal eyes narrowed dangerously as he continued to glare at them. “There’s no time for you to be goofing off. Now get to work!”
The air suddenly felt heavy and the three of them began to scatter about like chickens with their heads cut off. None of them wanted to face their superior’s ire. There was just something about the butler that screamed, ‘mess with me and you’ll wish for death when I’m through with you.’
“Ch. Baka,” muttered the redhead.
Gaara smiled as he surveyed his handiwork. He allowed a rush of pride to wash over him as he glanced at the thoroughly polished silverware, the spotless and crease free linen tablecloth, the immaculately arranged flower arrangement that included snow white lilies – the young master’s favorites, and the choicest ingredients for the evening meal.
“This shall indeed be a meal worthy of the Uchiha name,” he said extremely proud of his achievements. Just as he was about to start on the menu for tonight, a little bell marked ‘study’ rang through the kitchen.
The redheaded butler let out an exasperated huff as he pulled his dark red tailcoat back on. “He knows how much I still have to do, yet he still calls me,” Gaara grumbled to himself as he strode down the hall and toward the upper floors.
Unbeknownst to the redheaded butler, the three morons – better known as Deidara, Hinata, and Kiba had been spying on their superior. “Hah! I knew it, un!” the overly cheerful cook piped. “We’ve got a guest comin’, un! Now’s our chance!”
“What the hell do ya mean?” Kiba asked.
“Well,” answered the taller man, “You know how Gaara’s always scolding us, un? Well, why don’t we show ‘im just how good we really are so he’ll never yell at us again, un! That’ll really blast his socks off, un!”
“T-That’s a w-wonderful idea,” Hinata beamed.
“Yeah! It’s not like we have to rely on Gaara to do everything. I mean, we’re not completely useless, right?” added the gardener.
“That’s the spirit un!”
“Gaara, I’m a bit hungry,” Sasuke announced as the butler entered the upstairs study. “Bring me a snack.”
“You’ll only ruin your appetite bocchan.”
“Who cares?! Do as I tell you.”
“I must apologize, my lord,” the redhead said calmly, though he was seething inside at his master’s perpetually bratty behavior.
“Tch. Fine,” the fourteen year old spat flippantly. “About that hideous portrait at the landing, I want it removed. I am Sasuke Uchiha, son of Mikoto and Fugaku. I am master of the clan now.”
“It shall be done, my lord,” Gaara said bowing to the boy.
“Now,” the red haired man queried, his eyes narrowing dangerously yet again, “Would you three fools kindly explain just how the garden got utterly destroyed, the best china smashed to smithereens, and today’s dinner transformed into inedible charcoal?”
“I kinda forgot the sprayer lid was busted so the extra strength weed killer leaked everywhere.”
“I-I-I w-w-w-was t-t-trying to r-reach the tea set w-w-we use f-f-for guests and t-the c-c-cabinet f-fell,” the poor maid stammered.
“Well, ya see,” explained Deidara, “That was a lot of meat, un. So I figured I’d speed things up if I used my special explosives to make it cook faster, un.”
“Please forgive us, Gaara-dono!” the servants pleaded in unison as they began groveling on the kitchen floor. “We didn’t mean for things to get ruined like that!”
‘Great’, the butler fumed silently, ‘Kakuzu-san is due to arrive at six, which is two hours away. Not enough time to correct those idiots’ mistakes. Just once, I’d like for bocchan to order me to deal with them properly.
“Will you calm down?!” Gaara commanded. The sniveling servants immediately snapped to attention. “Why can’t you all follow Asuma-san’s example for…” The redhead stopped abruptly an idea forming in his mind. “Now listen up you three. You have to do as I say to the letter and it must be done as quickly as possible. There is still a chance to redeem your worthless selves as well as the master’s reputation.”
Two hours later…
“I must say I am impressed,” Kakuzu said, admiring the Japanese style garden at the front of the Uchiha manor. He’d heard of the Uchiha clan’s immense wealth and thus had expected an overly extravagantly planted garden filled to the brim with expensive and frivolous statues and what not.
“A truly elegant, yet simple garden,” the factory foreman exclaimed, “I see his lordship does know the value of a ryou after all.”
Gaara bristled at the insult to his master, but restrained himself. The money obsessed fool will be dealt with all in good time. “Dinner shall be served out front,” the butler said in perfectly veiled annoyance, “Please let me escort you inside. The meal shall be ready shortly.
“Not what I was expecting, but the Uchiha has been a rather unpredictable clan,” Kakuzu remarked again, following the shorter man into the manor.
“We’re making excellent progress with the Ame factory,” the factory foreman said as the boy move the game piece along the multicolored board. “We have a highly capable staff so we should be able to bring in quite a profit.”
“Looks like I have the worst luck,” Sasuke said, ignoring the man and glancing at the space his piece had stopped on. “I’ve become charmed by the dead. I’ve lost a turn.”
“As I was saying, your lordship,” the man tried again, clearing his throat, “now would be an excellent time to expand the business. Build a strong labor force and…”
“Are you going to move or not?” interrupted the boy.
Kakuzu glared at the fourteen year old brat, but quickly stopped himself from saying anything that might make his meal ticket throw him out. He hastily spun the top then moved his piece. “I think twelve thousand ryou should be enough for this expansion and I assure you, it’ll be very profitable for us both.”
“You lose a leg in the enchanted forest,” Sasuke said, once again ignoring the money hungry man. Kakuzu gave the boy a confused look before remembering the game, so intent on closing the deal was he. “Oh, by the way, it’s your turn again. I lost a turn just now remember?”
“Ah, yes of course.” Kakuzu once again spun the tope and prepared to move his piece further along the board, “Six spaces, right?”
“Wrong,” the raven haired child spoke, “You’ve lost a leg, so you can only go half the number which means you move three.”
“Quite the gruesome game for a child to be playing, don’t you think?” the factory foreman said with a bit of a nervous chuckle. “You don’t think I could get that leg back?”
“Hmph. I’m afraid not. Once you’ve lost something, really lost it, one can never get it back.” Sasuke then snatched the man’s piece from his hand, placing it on the proper colored square. “Burnt by a towering inferno,” he said as if such a thing was an everyday occurrence and thus not worth noticing.
“Everything is going well, I trust,” Gaara said, entering the kitchen as Deidara began slicing what little meat they had left.
“Yep,” chirped the blond, “but are you sure this is what you want us to do, un?”
“Yes, just keep doing as I say and it’ll be…”
“G-Gaara-san!” Hinata called as she ran down the hall carrying several heavy looking boxes marked ‘fragile’. “F-F-Found them!” True to Hinata fashion, the poor maid tripped in her haste and the boxes went flying in several directions.
Gaara being the superb butler that he was - as well used to such disasters involving their maid - reacted with lightning speed and cat like grace, saving the boxes from crashing to the floor and thus shattering their precious contents. However, as a result, Hinata had crashed right into the redhead’s firm chest, causing her to become beet red.
“Really Hinata,” said Gaara, sighing, “How many times must I tell you not to run inside the manor house?” The maid however hadn’t heard a single word. Hinata had fainted dead away.
Sighing once more, the butler turned to the other servants – also used to the girl’s all too common fainting spells. “Now that we have everything we need, I shall be taking over. You two can retire for the rest of the night if you like. But first, see to Hinata before you do. Oh and one more thing, there had better not be anymore slip ups. Not a single one, have you got that?”
Kiba and Deidara both gulped at the man’s hard icy teal orbs.
“Dinner is ready, my lord,” the redheaded butler announced as he opened the drawing room doors.
“Thank you, Gaara,” Sasuke said, rising from his chair. “It looks like we’ll have to finish this game later.”
“Must we, your lordship,” Kakuzu protested, anxious to get on with his business deal. “You can see I’m just going to lose anyway.”
“Out of the question,” huffed Sasuke. “I don’t like not finishing what I start and I’m not about to start doing so because you want to be a coward.”
“Little brat,” the man spat, causing the boy to whirl his head around. “I-I mean,” he started, clearing his throat. “Sometimes you need a child’s eye to see what is the most important. Maybe that’s what has made Uchiha the most popular name in toy making. I can’t say I’m not impressed after all.”
The dubious factory foreman continued to brown nose, completely missing the deadly stare of the young lord’s butler as they passed by.
“Raw beef and rice?!” Kakuzu asked in barely veiled disgust as he stared at the small bowl with painted cherry blossoms. He had been expecting simple fare like a three course meal since the young lord seemed to be less extravagant than his ancestors, but this was ridiculous. Did he really expect his guests to eat a poor man’s dish?
“That is donburi, sir,” Gaara explained, “It is a traditional dish from the Land of Rice Patties given to someone who has done a great favor. The young master simply wishes to reward you for all your hard work at the factory.”
“I see that the famed Uchiha hospitality lives up to its name,” Kakuzu remarked, his disgust vanishing rapidly with Gaara’s bit of ego stroking.
The dinner went off without any problems except for a tiny bit of clumsiness on Hinata’s part. The maid had spilt most of the wine on the pristine tablecloth due to the fact that Gaara had previously pulled her aside to remind her of her duties and causing her to become flustered because of her crush on the rather handsome butler.
The redhead had seen the shocked look on his master’s face as the increasing puddle began to resemble a pool of blood and promptly yanked the practically ruined cloth off the table without disturbing a single dish – much to Sasuke’s relief.
“Quite an interesting dinner, your lordship,” Kakuzu said upon returning to the drawing room. “Now as to the contract, we’ve been discussing…”
“We’ll deal with that later. I want to finish our game,” protested Sasuke.
“As much as I’d like to, my lord, I do have a rather pressing engagement.
“You do know we children take our games seriously, don’t you?” the Uchiha lord continued, “Surely you wouldn’t want this child to get upset do you?”
The money obsessed man bristled slightly, but once again remembered that he needed this brat’s money. “Then please allow me to phone my associate to rearrange our appointment.”
The raven haired boy nodded and called for Gaara to show the man to the telephone.
“I’m getting tired of playing babysitter,” Kakuzu spat irately into the phone, unaware of a certain eavesdropping redheaded butler. “You know I can’t stand these spoiled rug rats. Look, I don’t care; the factory’s already been taken care of. I just have to bilk this kid of the rest of the dough. To hell with the workers! They’ll just have to find jobs elsewhere. You just worry about the formalities. I’ll deal with the brat, Hidan.”
The factory foreman then hung up the phone and began making his way back to the drawing room, stopping only to glance at the portrait of the boy’s deceased parents. He quickly rubbed his eyes when the eyes of Fugaku Uchiha seemed to move and glower at him, the boy’s former words coming to mind. ‘I’ve become charmed by the dead’
“Tch. Rubbish!” he spat, resuming his journey up the stairs.
However, the Uchiha mansion seemed to have been built like a maze and Kakuzu was having trouble remembering the way back to the drawing room and the factory foreman was becoming more and more irate, thus causing him to be less aware of what was going on around him. While Kakuzu was muttering to himself, a white faced, black clad figure began to appear in front of him – the figure of Fugaku Uchiha.
Startled greatly, the money obsessed man let out a gasp and turned tail, running back the way he had just come.
“Hey, wasn’t that our guest just now?” Kiba said lugging the family portrait across the intersecting hallways.
“Oi!” called Diedara from the other end of the painting, “This thing ain’t exactly light you know, un!”
“Oops, sorry!” the shaggy haired gardener called back and continued to lug the large and heavy portrait.
Meanwhile, Kakuzu continued to run and tripped over the bucket Hinata had dropped and causing him to fall down the double staircase in the front hall. After he finally stopped on the lowest part of the stairs, the man’s leg had been bent in an unnatural way, thus making it completely useless.
Poor Hinata began panicking, not sure as to what to do about such a serious injury. The gardener and chef came by, still carrying the portrait which caused Kakuzu to freak out even more since the extreme pain from his broken leg had begun to cause him to hallucinate.
Sasuke’s voice seemed to be coming from Fugaku’s picture as it spoke to him, “You lose a leg in the enchanted forest.”
Kakuzu let out a terrified scream and attempted to crawl away, desperate to escape.
“Leaving so soon?” Gaara asked in mock disappointment. “We haven’t even begun to extend the full Uchiha hospitality. You must stay for dessert, sir, I simply must insist.” The wounded factory foreman began to scramble away from the frightening butler, completely unnerved by the man’s black and gold eyes. “It seems you’ve lost a leg,” Gaara remarked, smirking evilly, pleased that he was finally going to have a bit of fun with the money obsessed man. “That means you can only move half the number of spaces” the butler added, calmly striding after the whimpering man, “So why just stay for a bit and relax, hm?”
Kakuzu somehow managed to get away from the seemingly demonic butler and found a small cupboard to hide in. He gasped and shuddered when he heard the redhead’s footsteps approaching.
Suddenly the cupboard he’d been hiding in began to give off an orange glow, the temperature starting to steadily rise. A slit in the door that the factory foreman hadn’t noticed in his rush slid open, a pair of jet black eyes with golden diamond shaped pupils appeared.
“My, my, aren’t we the impatient one,” Gaara said, barely containing his amusement. “Just couldn’t wait for dessert to leave the oven.”
“O-Oven?!” the money obsessed man sputtered now truly fearing for his life. This was no pain induced hallucination. “Let me out! I beg you! I’ll give you all the money you want!”
“You know,” the red haired man said, ignoring Kakuzu’s desperate cries and pleas, “There are many desserts in Fire Country that have meat as an ingredient. Mince pie, plumb pudding for instance. All quite delicious I assure you.”
The last thing going through Kakuzu’s mind the last words Sasuke had said to him before dinner. ‘Burned by an towering inferno.’ The irony of his current situation hadn’t been lost on him as the factory foreman let out scream after scream as he was cooked alive.
“What an amusing scream,” the fourteen year old lord said to himself, Kakuzu’s screams being loud enough to echo through the manor. Sasuke glanced at his never to be finished game. “He sounds just like a lamb being led to the slaughterhouse. What nerve. First he sells the Ame factory without getting my approval then he has the gall to come over here and ask for more money. Did he really think I’d be so stupid as to trust the likes of him?”
He glared at the final square on the game board as he moved a piece to the picture of a happily smiling family in a carriage in front of their enormous mansion. “Once truly lost, you can never get it back,” he said to no one in particular, knocking the game piece over in disgust.
Chapter 2: Episode 2
Chapter Text
The tall blond let out a curse as he examined the wire in the floor. “This one’s a goner, un,” he said scowling at the chewed through piece of rubber and copper.
“I-Is it the r-rats again?” the violet haired maid stammered.
“I know the buggers have been going nuts around Konoha, but for them to be this far out…” the shaggy haired gardener started. Just then, a plump gray rat came scampering by. “Ok, now you’ve asked for it!” Kiba yelled, grabbing a heavy marble pedestal and threw it at the poor creature. Deidara and Hinata quickly scurried away as fast as they could. Kiba’s aim was a tad off this time. “Darn! It got away,” he said, chuckling sheepishly as the pedestal nearly hit the other two servants.
“What’s so funny, un?!” demanded the cook, “You almost got us killed you baka, un!”
Meanwhile, in the Uchiha mansion’s game room, the lord of the house, Sasuke Uchiha, was entertaining a few guests – Lord Mizuki, head of Konoha Police, his adopted aunt Lady Kushina Namikaze aka Madame Red for her eccentric habit of always wearing red as well as her fiery red hair, Choji Akimichi, the son of a wealthy clan who ran a large chain of specialty restaurants, Rock Lee, a Chinese teenager whose public face was that of a wealthy tea and spice trader, and Nagato Uzumaki, a wealthy businessman with quite a few skeletons of his own.
“Quite the lively home you have,” the police commissioner remarked. “So even the famed Uchiha aren’t immune to pests.”
“Ah yes,” the Akimichi heir said, while munching on a bag of his clan’s famed chips, “how long are you planning on let these disgusting vermin to run free?”
“Something must be done,” Lee said, pulling the Chinese girl who’d been sitting quietly next to him into his lap, making the police commissioner and Choji slightly uncomfortable. That was something one didn’t do in polite society. “But I am most certain that someone will do so. he is just waiting for the right moment to strike with his most youthful justice.”
“No doubt about that!” agreed Madame Red, “He’s the type to settle matters with one blow, believe it! So you gonna pass again, Sasuke-kun?”
The raven haired boy gave the redheaded woman a glare. He disliked his aunt’s free talk and less than conventional ways. “Hn. Why shoot if you know you’ll just miss?” he scoffed.
“You do have a valid point,” the silver haired commissioner agreed, “But when will you make a move and deal with this problem?”
“It doesn’t matter,” the fourteen-year-old lord answered, “Rats will always come looking for scraps of food. But this time, I’m the one holding the key to the larder.”
At that statement, the redheaded, heavily pierced businessman startled, causing his billiard cue to jump and messing up his shot as a result. Sasuke gave the red and black suited man a knowing glance, but held his tongue, instead choosing to continue talking to Lord Mizuki.
“However, this won’t be easy a laying a few traps, not if you want the whole nest exterminated. If I were you, I’d start thinking of suitable compensation for a job like this,” Sasuke said, addressing the silver haired man.
“You little…” grumbled Mizuki, quickly remembering that this brat of a lord was of a much higher station than his.
“Sir Mizuki,” Sasuke said in a warning tone, “I’d watch what I’d say about my family if I were you.”
“That was not a wise move, Sir Mizuki,” the rather corpulent Akimichi said, causing the silver haired nobleman to bristle even more and grip his billiard cue even tighter. “So what will you do next, Lord Uchiha?”
“Might as well stop this meaningless game,” the boy said, rising from his chair and striding to the billiard table, his specially made cue in hand. “About the payment,” he queried as he passed by Mizuki, “I’d like it as soon as possible once I’ve accomplished my task.”
“Tch. I can get it tonight, that is if you’re done by then of course,” sneered the police commissioner.
“Expect a carriage by then. Who knows, I might even have some entertainment for you.”
“H-Hey wait a moment!” shouted Choji. “Don’t tell me you’re going after them all with one shot after giving up on your chances twice?!”
“Of course,” quipped Sasuke, hopping onto the table and lining up his shot.
“I wouldn’t let my greed get the better of me, if I were you,” Mizuki sneered, shoving the boy’s previous words back into his face.
“Hn,” was all the fourteen year old had to say as he hit the white ball. True to his reputation as ‘Lord of Games’, the rest of the multicolored balls scattered across the felt lined table and rolled into their respective pockets. “I believe I win,” Sasuke said, hopping off and heading out of the game room, that being a silent dismissal to his guests.
“Your tea,” Gaara announced, handing the raven haired lord his cup.v
“This has a most invigorating and youthful scent,” the green clad teen commented as he helped himself to some of Gaara’s best tea. Once again the Chinese girl who followed him everywhere was settled happily in his lap. “When made properly, tea can quite enjoyable.”
“Naruto,” Madame Red called to her own butler.
“Y-Yes ma’am?” the rather feminine looking chestnut brown haired man in a black and orange suit similar to the Uchiha butler’s, chirped nervously. It was no secret that the shorter butler was impatient and slow to figure things out, therefore totally inept at his profession.
“Why don’t you learn something from Gaara for once,” grumbled Naruto’s mistress, “Why just look at him!” she squealed, copping a feel of the redheaded butler, “With a physique like that you must quit this boring country job and work in the city! For me of course!” Lady Kushina quickly added.
Gaara being the gentleman he was, kept his fury at being felt up and ogled like a piece of meat bottled deep inside. He would save it for the work he’d be sure to be done once the proper preparations were in place.
“Auntie Red,” Sasuke called, clearing his throat to hide his amusement at his butler’s obvious annoyance.
“Oops sorry about that kiddo. Couldn’t stop myself, believe it! Doctor’s habit you know,” the red haired and red clad woman apologized, grinning sheepishly.
“So,” Lee began, “Was that most unyouthful drug trafficker you’ve been after one of your guests today as you thought?”
“Sasuke, sweetie,” Madame Red suggested – she never did approve of making such a young and impressionable boy perform such tasks as the one he was currently charged with, “why not leave this to Lee? After all, it’d be easier to set a rat to catch a rat.”
“That isn’t very youthful of you, madam,” the Chinese spice trader protested, tears streaming down his cheeks, “I am merely his lordship’s, pet hamster,” he continued, getting up from his seat and began ruffling the fourteen year old’s hair, “Should Sasuke-dono forbid it, then I will do nothing. Such is our undying friendship.”
“Hey! Get your filthy paws off my baby nephew!!” Lady Kushina snarled, proving she had earned another – though currently lesser known – nickname, ‘Red-Hot Habanero’. She leapt from her chair and immediately snatched the boy from the trader and pressed him close against her, forcing the boy to gasp for air.
“I am appalled!” the bushy browed teen objected once more, tears continuing to fall from his dark eyes. “I would never do such an unyouthful thing as paw his lordship, especially in his own home, madam!”
“Are you implying,” the overprotective doctor roared, dropping the poor boy, “That you would molest him elsewhere you filthy pervert?! Oh you’re gonna pay pal!”
“Master Sasuke,” Gaara said, helping the young lord back to his feet, ignoring Madame Red who was now chasing Lee around the drawing room as the Chinese teen nimbly dodged her swinging fists.
“I’m fine,” snapped the boy, slapping the butler’s hand away. “Rat’s huh?” he pondered as he left the drawing room.
“About today’s dessert,” the redheaded butler queried, following his master like the shadow he was expected to be, “Where would you like to have it served?”
“My study,” Sasuke replied, “I’ve grown tired of those two.”
“As you wish, my lord,” Gaara acquiesced, bowing respectfully. “And just what are you doing?” he demanded, as Kiba, Hinata and Deidara frantically chased a pack of rats back and forth down the hall. ‘Honestly, these three are practically useless when it comes to simple everyday household duties,’ the redheaded butler fumed silently.
The three servants froze at their superior’s irritated scowl. Sighing the butler, leapt into action and caught the pesky rodents in one go, the rats dangling by their tails from one gloved hand. “No more goofing off,” Gaara warned, “You’ve got work to do.”
The servants gulped then quickly dashed away from Gaara as quickly as they could. With that done, the butler went toward the kitchen to see about making a proper dessert for his master.
“Hn. Morons,” Sasuke muttered as he reached the study. The boy opened the door, muttering something about peace and quiet when suddenly a hand covered his nose and mouth. The last thing he noticed was the stink of chloroform and the sensation of being dragged off somewhere.
“Bocchan,” Gaara queried as he knocked on the study door. A cart loaded with tea and various fruit dishes stood nearby, ready to be consumed by the butler’s young lord. There was no answer, but Gaara opened the door anyway. “Bocchan?” he called again only to see that the usually immaculate room looking as if a hurricane had blown through it. Chairs were overturned, books and papers lay scattered about, and his young charge was nowhere in sight.
The butler narrowed his eyes at the currently open terrace doors, the curtains flapping in the afternoon breeze. There was no way Sasuke would leave the doors open, let alone lift a finger to even open them himself.
“How bothersome,” the redhead grumbled, “After all the trouble I went through to get the freshest fruit, this happens. What a waste.”
The guardian of Fire Country’s antiestablishment population. One of the great clans who’ve done the rulers’ less savory jobs for generations. The Hokage’s watch dog that bites those who dare offend her,” said the redheaded man with several piercings in his nose and ears, chuckling as he surveyed his ‘guest’. “I wonder how long that list of nicknames of yours is, Sasuke Uchiha. Just how many clans were ruined because of you?”
The raven haired boy glared at the man, not bothering to even try to get out of the ropes and wires that had him firmly bound. Blood trickled down his chin from the split lip he was currently sporting. “I knew it’d be you,” he spat smugly, an arrogant smirk appearing on his still childish face. “Nagato ‘Pein’ Uzumaki of the Akatsuki yakuza. Your parents must be weeping up there in heaven over what you’ve been up to.”
“That’s rather naughty,” Pein said, returning the boy’s smirk as he strode over to him. “You of all people should know how hard it is for honest businessmen like myself in this country. All of you here have is tea for brains. And because of that,” continued the yakuza boss, squatting down to be at eye level with the captive child. “We’re forced to think of other ways to make money, whether its drugs or women or firearms. So what?”
“The Apothecary Act of twenty years ago made your opium a highly restricted substance. That is what the Hokage ordered, so I will get rid of any and all such drugs along with the scum who dares to sell them.”
Pein let out an exasperated groan. “You are exactly why I can’t stand people form Fire Country. It’s always ‘Hokage this’, ‘Hokage that’. You make that old hag sound as if she’s your mother! And not only that, you all make a grab for all the cash for yourselves while acting as if you’re better than the rest of the world.” He then grabbed the boy’s chin tightly forcing Sasuke to look him in the eye. “Now you and I know we’re not that different, so why don’t you be a good little boy and let the grown ups handle things, hm?”
“My servants have orders to give the key you’re so desperate to get your hands on to the police if I am not returned to my manor,” the fourteen year old replied defiantly, the smirk once again crossing his face. “Looks like you’ll have to find another playmate. I refuse to let someone like you run loose.”
Pein gave a disappointed sigh then stood back up, drawing a pistol from his red and black suit pocket. “Don’t think you’ve won, boy,” he said aiming at Sasuke’s chest, “I’m one step ahead of you. My men have been running surveillance on your lovely home for some time now. Unless you wish for your servants to die one by one, then you’d better tell me where that key is.”
“No one’s going to die,” Sasuke shot back, the smirk turning into a ruthless smile. “I doubt you’ve even bothered to train your dogs to fetch properly.”
“Little brat!” Pein kicked the boy in the stomach, causing the raven haired lord to grunt in pain and fall onto his side. The angry yakuza boss stormed over to his desk and grabbed the telephone, hitting the speed dial. “No more wasting time,” he snarled into the mouthpiece, “Find that key!”
“Now where did they take him?” the red haired butler wondered, carrying the last remaining dish of wasted fruit.
“G-G-Gaara-san!” Hinata shouted as she came running up to him. “T-T-There was a l-letter a-at the f-front door!”
“A letter? Addressed to whom, Hinata?”
“T-T-The E-E-Earl of U-Uchiha’s s-s-servants.”
Just as the maid was about to hand him the letter, a shot rang out from outside the manor, causing her to react on instinct and pounce onto the slightly taller man. Both of them crashed to the floor as a bullet sped by them, shattering the window as well as a rather expensive porcelain vase. The bowl of fruit salad went sailing upward only to land safely back down onto its tray, nto a single piece disturbed.
“Hinata,” Gaara said as if such occurrences were all too common place. “The letter if you don’t mind.
“Y-Y-Y-Yes sir,” she stammered, shoving the crumpled piece of paper into the butler’s hand before promptly fainting.
Sighing exasperatedly, Gaara rolled the unconscious girl off of him and gracefully rose to his feet. Carefully putting the fruit aside, he opened the letter and tsked at the sloppy handwriting.
‘If ya want yer little boss back in 1 peece,
come ta da Mem’ry Stone thingy as kwik
as possble. And don’ fergit da key.’
“Such insolent, vulgar people,” the Uchiha butler muttered, crumpling the letter even further.
“Gaara-danna!” Deidara called as he and Kiba approached him, having heard the commotion.
“Just what is going on, Gaara?!” demanded Lady Kushina as she and Lee entered the hall, also having heard the ruckus.
“Forgive me, my lady,” apologized the butler, “Just a bit of clumsiness on Hinata’s part. Nothing to concern yourself with.”
“Nothing, huh?” the redheaded woman asked skeptically, glancing at the shattered window and vase. “You sure?”
“Yes, madam. If you’ll excuse me, I must see to this mess and hire a window maker. Take care of this,” Gaara said, handing the fruit salad to the cook and gardener as he passed them by.
“Oi, that means we can eat it, right, un?” Deidara asked, eager to have one of the butler’s culinary treats. Turning around when he got no reply, his only visible cerulean eye widened in surprise at the completely empty hall, the redheaded man nowhere in sight. “Uh, Gaara-danna?” Still no answer. Their superior had completely vanished.
“Gomen nasai, sir,” Pein’s personal sniper said into the car phone, apologizing profusely as his partner drove as quickly as he could from the Uchiha manor. “I missed.”
“What do you mean you missed?!” came the Akatsuki head’s irate voice. “You idiots! Why I hired incompetent fools like you, I’ll never know. Look, just get your sorry asses back here!”
“Um, sir, I see something,” the sniper said, looking over his shoulder, barely able to make out a figure amidst the dust cloud trailing the car.
“What’s wrong now?” the red haired criminal questioned, leaning against his desk. “You ladies run into a wolf in the woods?” There was brief cry followed by static. “What’s happening?!” Pein demanded.
“Floor it!” screamed the sniper, ignoring their boss’s continued shouts and demands for an answer. The car swerved dangerously as the driver pushed the petal all the way to the floor in a desperate attempt to escape. “I-It’s coming closer!!”
“Stop this nonsense and tell me what’s going on!” Pein demanded yet again. There was nothing but screams of sheer and utter terror and static for the next few moments. Then there was a loud sound that resembled something crashing or slamming into something. “Talk to me! What’s going on over there?!” the yakuza boss yelled into his end of the phone.
Sasuke who was still lying on the carpeted floor, smirked as he gave a sly chuckle. He had a very good idea as what was happening to the yakuza goons. “Sounds you’ve lost your game of fetch, Pein,” he taunted, “What a shame.”
“Shut your mouth, filthy brat!” the man shouted and started kicking the prone boy again, “If you fools don’t tell me what the hell’s going on right now,” Pein screamed into the telephone, “I’ll make sure you beg for death when I’m through with you!”
“Good afternoon,” came a strange and amused voice.
“Who the hell is this?!”
Who the hell is this?!”
“I’m speaking on behalf of the Uchiha Estate,” replied the unknown male voice. “If it’s not too much of a bother, I’d like to speak to my master if you don’t mind.” Pein suddenly broke out into a sweat. There was something about he man’s voice that greatly unnerved the usually hardened Akatsuki head. “Hello? Anyone there,” called the stranger after several seconds since Pein had found himself unable to speak.
“Woof,” Sasuke said sharply, knowing the one on the other end would be able to hear him not matter how far away from the phone he was.
“Yes, master,” the Uchiha butler acknowledged as he stood on the hood of the car, an enormous dent beneath him from the force of his landing. “I shall come for you in a moment.” Gaara hung up the phone then leaned toward the two horrified men. “Thank you for the use of your phone, gentlemen. Now, I’d like a few questions I have answered. Who hired you?”
The two remained silent still in shock. “I’d hurry up if I were you. I am not the most patient of people,” Gaara said, moving just enough to cause the car to rock as it dangled halfway off the cliff, the two had almost drove over. “I’m sure you are aware of what happened to Humpty Dumpty.”
“I-It was P-Pein!” stammered the sniper, “H-He’s got a place in the Western District of Konoha.
“My thanks,” Gaara said, rising to his feet, making the rear end of the car to dip even further off the edge.
“W-Wait!” pleaded the driver, “W-We’re just hired guns!”
“Of course, you are,” the red haired man replied, smiling. “I do apologize for disrupting your work, sirs. Do have a safe journey.”
With that, he leapt backwards off the car’s hood. The vehicle promptly slid off the cliff completely. The two men screamed all the way down only to be killed in the resulting explosion upon crashing into the forest below.
“This isn’t good,” Gaara muttered as he took out his pocket watch and glanced at it. “At this rate, I’ll never have dinner ready in time for bocchan.”
“Lee,” Madame Red began as the carriage they were sharing drove on towards the city. “You’re absolutely sure there’s nothing wrong back at the manor?”
“Of course not, dear lady!” the bushy browed teen assured. “If our youthful friend’s butler said nothing was amiss, then it most certainly be so. Gaara-san has been with Sasuke-kun for so long now that it seems that they have developed a very strong bond. He is always by his lordship’s side, a most mysterious shadow. Ah, how wonderful it must be to have a servant like that, that you can trust with your very life!” Tears began to stream down the Chinese teen’s cheeks.
“So long?!” the redheaded woman sputtered, “Gaara’s only been around for two years! How can anyone make such a bond like you say in that amount of time?!”
“Two years, you say?” the dark haired teen parroted incredulously, “I guess I must have heard things wrong. Then of course, I don’t have the best memory when it comes to things. Right, Tenten?”
The ever silent Chinese girl simply nodded.
“Useless moron,” Madame Red mumbled under her breath.
“Listen up!” shouted Pein as several of his best men gathered around him. “The Uchiha brat’s got men heading this way! I want security tripled, especially at the front gate! Do not let a single insect through!”
An army of thugs, each armed to the teeth, raced through out the Akatsuki mansion, several groups breaking off at key positions.
“Nice place,” the redhead said in appreciation of the architecture, having slipped in during the rush to secure the building.
“W-Who the f*^@ are you?!” one of the thugs demanded, whirling around and aiming at the intruder.
“Where are my manners,” Gaara said, bowing slightly. “I’m here on behalf of the Uchiha clan.” All hell broke loose. Bullets went flying, filling the air and resembling a swarm of locusts. The Akatsuki henchmen soon became flustered when the redheaded man remained standing, not a single scratch on him, his immaculate dark red coat and trousers still immaculate. The butler’s eyes changed from icy teal to deepest black, the pupils becoming a gold diamonds. Before any of them knew what was happening, several of the men started screaming as a dark red flash began darting about the front gate.
“Do pardon me,” the red haired butler said as he shattered the last man’s arm. A pile of corpses and unconscious men lay at the butler’s feet. “But I’m in a hurry.”
Bullets rained upon Gaara as he opened the door to the dining hall. Unfazed at all, he grabbed the nearest tray and held it before him as a makeshift shield. The redheaded butler then dashed further into the hall, using the tray as a Frisbee and knocking down several men lining the upper balconies. “So many rats,” he bemoaned as he started throwing the dishes that had been set on the fifteen foot long table, never missing a single target. “Dinner will definitely be late now.”
Scowling, Gaara decided to bring out his favorite weapons of choice. Grabbing hold of all the silverware, the butler began using them as makeshift kunai. The force behind his throws killed quite a few of Pein’s lackeys.
“J-Just who the hell is this guy?!” one poor sap said as a knife hit his eye, falling backward.
“I’d be a poor butler indeed if I couldn’t perform to my master’s expectations.” Gaara replied, leaping into the air and launched an all or nothing attack of knives and forks. A few seconds later, the dining hall had become a mess of dead and whimpering bodies, quite a few of them lying on the table and floor below, having fallen from the above side balconies.
“That wasted a lot more time than I had hoped,” said the redhead, checking his pocket watch again. “Such an inconsiderate master, he has no thought for all the work I do.”
Pein shook nervously as he gripped his pistol. Footsteps echoed outside the office and were steadily getting closer. The yakuza boss had heard the pain filled, dying screams of his army of thugs and was now starting to fear for his life. Not knowing who or what was coming down that hall had him on edge.
The footsteps stopped just outside the doors causing the red haired criminal to gulp rather loudly. The doors flew open to reveal Sasuke Uchiha’s butler, an amused and cruel smirk on the man’s face. “You will kindly hand over my master,” Gaara said, the smirk never leaving his face.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” jeered Pein as he took in the other redhead’s immaculate appearance. “From all that ruckus, I was expecting some kind of monster. Not a pretty boy in a butler’s uniform. There’s no way you’re just a butler, who are you really working for? Anbu? ROOT?!”
The shorter redhead continued to smirk. “I really am just a butler,” he replied, “one hell of a butler to be precise.”
“Is that so?” Pein said grinning now. He could definitely handle one measly butler. “Well the Mr. Butler,” he continued, rushing over to the still bound and bruised boy, putting him into a headlock while pointing his gun to Sasuke’s head. “I’d hand that key over, if you even have it that is, or else…”
“Of course I have it,” Gaara replied, pulling out a small envelope from inside his tailcoat pocket. Upon sight of the envelope, shots ran out from behind one of the office’s larger paintings, hitting the butler square in the chest. The shorter red haired man was flung backwards and landed flat on his back.
Pein let out a victorious laugh. “Sorry old boy,” he sneered, “but did you really think I’d be stupid enough to go against an Uchiha without a few insurances in place?” He then turned to his prisoner, toying with the boy’s eye patch, causing the bit of fabric to fall to the floor and making the raven haired fourteen year old to shut is eyes tightly – no one was to find out about the young lord’s greatest secret that was hidden within his right eye.
“You’re a bit dirty, but I know a few people who’d still pay a hefty price for a prize like you.”
“Really,” huffed Sasuke, “You’re always going on about your precious schedule. Just how long do you plan on playing dead? Get up at once!”
“Yes, young master,’ came the butler’s voice as the supposed to be dead servant started to rise and stand up.
“What the?!”
The henchmen that had started to crowd Gaara while he’d been lying down immediately backed away at the man’s sly smile. “Weapons from the Land of Iron have improved I see,” the redheaded butler remarked before coughing up the bullets that had struck him. “So many bullets. Permit me to return them to you.”
“Kill him!” ordered the Akatsuki leader.
Pein’s men hesitated, giving Gaara the chance – not that he didn’t need one – to run to the other side of the room and lug the bits of metal at them. As with the plates and silverware, each bullet hit its mark, killing the men instantaneously.
“Just look at my coat,” groaned the Uchiha butler, “it’s ruined.”
“Hn. You should have avoided that,” quipped the boy, smirking at his servant’s coat which now resembled a mass of bloody Swiss cheese, “You’re better than that.”
“And just look at you bocchan. Such dreadful hospitality they have here,” Gaara approaching the yakuza head.
“S-Stay back!” Pein pleaded, once again threatening to blow the boy’s brains out.
“With you all tied up like that, you look like a helpless little child. Then again, you are only fourteen.”
“Shut up Gaara! Just hurry it up here. I don’t I’ll be able to stand the stench of cheap cologne for much longer.”
“But, young master, he may kill you if I were to come any closer,” the butler said stopping a mere one and a half feet away.
“Are you deliberately trying to break our pact?!” snarled Sasuke.
“Of course not master. I have every intention of remaining your most faithful servant.”
“Just what the hell are you two talking about?!” Pein demanded, his gun hand shaking tremendously.
“You know what you must do, young master.”
Sasuke scowled, but acquiesced. “Gaara, I command you to save me this instant!” he yelled, opening both of his eyes. His formerly covered right eye flared and became a swirling mass of red and black.
Pein let out a desperate yell and fired his pistol. However, when he turned to face his victim, Sasuke was completely unharmed. “I-Impossible!” shouted the frantic yakuza boss, “I know I couldn’t miss at this range!”
“Looking for this?” Gaara said, holding up the bullet that would have fractured his master’s skull. He then smirked as he placed it neatly into Pein’s breast pocket before twisting the man’s arm that was still holding onto his young charge. Pein had been reduced to a whimpering and crumpled heap as Gaara then moved onto to the taller redhead’s legs.
The Uchiha butler scooped his master into his arms and started walking away. “It wasn’t as fun a game as I thought it’d be,” the raven haired boy said, unconsciously leaning into the slightly taller man’s touch. Gaara stiffened for a moment at the boy’s behavior. Sasuke would usually shy away from any and all touch if he could due to what he’d gone through two years ago. The butler however, passed it off as exhaustion and carefully placed his lord onto one of the more comfortable chairs, intent on removing the boy’s bonds.
“W-Wait!” called Pein as he struggled to sit up. “Come work for me! I’ll pay you ten times what he’s giving you. If you’ll be my bodyguard you can have all the women and money you want!”
“Tempting offer, Nagato-san,” the shorter redhead replied as he continued to work on the tricky wire. “But I have no need for such rubbish.” He then turned to face the cringing man, having finally gotten the last bit of rope and wire off his master. Once again Gaara’s eyes were a frightening black and gold. “I am and always will be one hell of a butler,” he said smirking devilishly.
“N-No, it can’t be! Y-You’re a…” Pein stammered, realizing just what exactly it was that he’d been messing with.
Gaara continued to smirk as feathers of darkest black started to swirl about the butler while equally deep shadows filled the room. “As long as my lord has the mark of the pact,” came Gaara’s voice from he shadows, “I shall be his loyal servant. I am bound to Lord Uchiha by a sacrifice, a wish and…”
There was a rustling of cloth as the butler strode toward Pein, an eerie light making him visible to the Akatsuki head. “This,” the shorter redhead continued, holding up his left hand. On it were two circles, the outer one of thorns. Ancient runes stood between the two circles while within the inner one were two triangles, forming a type of hourglass. Superimposed onto the hourglass was the Japanese symbol for love. We are bound by all this until the time I feast on his soul.”
“To bad for you,” Sasuke chimed from where he still sat, knowing full well what was coming, “It’s game over for you.”
The man’s screams could be heard form clear across Konoha town, but none came to Pein’s aid. Either they were too scared to fetch the police or too wrapped up in themselves, believing someone else would send for help.
Gaara carefully carried his young lord up the driveway. Sasuke let out a frightened gasp, the setting sun had caused the manor to appear as if it had been set ablaze. Painful memories, ones he constantly wished he’d never had, leapt to the forefront of the boy’s mind.
“Awake are we?” the butler queried. Sasuke relaxed once he heard the demon’s voice, realizing he was no longer in that place, that time. He was safe, at home where he belonged, even if two very important people would never walk these halls again.
“Welcome home, master!” Kiba called, running up to them like a puppy would its owner.
“Y-Yes, welcome home,” beamed Hinata.
“Master Sasuke what happened?! You’re hurt!” exclaimed the gardener, noticing the boy’s bruised face and split lip.
“I tripped and fell, so don’t start fussing over it,” the fourteen year old lord replied. “Don’t you believe what your employer tells you?” he asked when the two servants continued to stare at him and Gaara.
“O-O-Of course we do!” the maid stammered, blushing as she always did whenever in the demon butler’s presence. “It-it’s j-just t-that…”
“You look like a baby being held by its father,” Kiba finished for her.
“Put. Me. Down. Now!” Sasuke ground out through clenched teeth. Gaara allowed himself to be amused for a few more seconds before obeying his young lord’s order and gingerly setting the boy on his feet. “For crying out loud you two! Stop staring at me like that!” the master of the Uchiha clan ordered, blushing like the tomatoes he so loved at being caught in such an unseemly situation. He was going to berate them further when Gaara interrupted him.
“My apologies, bocchan,” he said, getting down on one knee and placing his hand over his heart. “I have made a most grievous mistake for a butler of the Uchiha clan. I could never possibly atone for this. “I have yet begun to prepare your dinner.”
Chapter 3: Episode 3
Chapter Text
Episode 3
The chestnut haired butler frantically chased after the runaway cart as it sped through the Uchiha manor. The effeminate looking man managed to grab hold of it, but only to give it more momentum and cause it to go faster. The cart crashed into the dining hall doors, but the heavy wood planks did not halt its progress one bit. Instead, the heavily laden cart forced its way past the doors and into the large room, stopping only after hitting the shaggy haired gardener. The tea pot, which was filled to the brim, slid off the cart and spilled onto Kiba’s shirt.
“Ai-ai-ai,” the brunet teen yelled, “Hot, hot, hot!!”
“I’m really sorry!” said the clumsy butler, grabbing one of the napkins on the dining table, however in his haste, he snatched the table cloth as well. “Let me get that for you!” The table cloth slid off the table taking all of the young master’s breakfast with it, which Sasuke had been in the middle of eating.
The raven haired boy gave the slightly taller brunet an angry glare before letting out an exasperated sigh. “Why’d you even bother to let that baka stay for, un?” the cook, Deidara, whispered. “He’s completely useless, un!”
“And you’re not?” the Uchiha lord shot back. There had been more times than he had fingers and toes when the tall blond blew up the manor’s kitchen. “Though I didn’t think it’d be this bad,” he added as he remembered his favorite aunt’s request.
“Sasuke sweetie,” Aunt Kushina began, “I have a teeny weeny problem. You see, Naruto’s totally inept. So could you have Gaara teach him or something? Would you do that for your dear Auntie, pwetty pwease?”
End of Flashback
The fourteen year old sighed again. “I really thought that Gaara’d be the only one who’d be inconvenienced, not the whole household,” Sasuke continued, turning his attention back to the now totally ashamed brunet, the other servants giving Naruto angry glares of their own.
“I’m… I’m really sorry everyone, believe it!” apologized Naruto, subconsciously picking up on his mistress’ favorite catch phrase and bowing low as he could. “I really don’t know what I can do to make it up to you. I really don’t!” He sat miserably on the plush carpeting, trying his hardest to think of something, anything, to make up for his ineptitude. “I know I’m not that bright and I always screw up. Maybe I’m just not cut out to be a butler.”
He then brought out a dinner knife and pointed the blade towards his throat. “Maybe it’s just best if I died!” the brunet cried, “That way I’ll never be in anyone’s way again!”
“O-Oi! Just hold on there, un!” Deidara yelled in utter shock. True Naruto was the worst butler ever, but that didn’t mean he had to kill himself for making a mess of the master’s meal.
“Naruto,” Gaara said, placing one gloved hand on the chestnut haired butler’s shoulder and giving him a slight smile in amusement, “You don’t need to do that.”
“G-Gaara…” Naruto said awestruck at the redhead’s kind words and gesture. Such an occurrence was rare where he was from for there was always someone yelling at and scolding him.
“You’d make an even bigger mess don’t you think? It would take forever to get the blood and food stains out.”
“Y-You’re so right, Gaara!” the brunet beamed, his depression fading rapidly. “You’re such a nice guy!”
“Gaara…” started the cook.
“Nice?” finished Kiba, shaking his head in confusion along with his fellow servants.
“Don’t tell me,” Gaara started picking up the teapot and examining what was left of the contents. “you intended to give Master Sasuke such inferior tea.” The demonic butler then began giving the instructions on properly brewing tea, which Deidara, Kiba and Hinata were vigorously writing down, while making another pot of tea. Naruto, however, wasn’t really paying attention to what was being said, for he was so much in awe of the Uchiha lord’s butler. Gaara always seemed to exude an aura of completely confident elegance in everything he did. Oh how the black and orange clad brunet wished he could be more like him.
“Oh yes,” the redheaded butler said, remembering a very important task his master needed to see to personally. “It is almost time, bocchan. The carriage should be at the front by now.”
“Hn,” the raven haired boy said, taking a quick sip of the freshly made tea. “Whatever.”
“As for the rest of you,” the demon butler said turning to the servants. “This place had better be spotless when I get back. Why don’t you just sit there and relax Naruto,” he continued, noticing that the other butler hadn’t moved from his spot on the floor. “You’ll cause less trouble that way. Or if you’re still intent on committing suicide,” he added as an afterthought, smirking devilishly. “Please do it outside and try not to make a huge mess.”
“Gee Gaara! You’re the best!” Naruto said bouncing happily in an enormous effort not to glomp the slightly taller redhead.
“Get yer papah here!” the newsboy called as the young nobleman and his butler entered the cane maker’s. “Prostitute mysteriously murdered!”
“Well, hello there, young man,” the old shopkeeper said upon noticing he had a customer. “Running an errand for you father are we?”
“No actually, the redheaded butler replied, handing a slip of paper to the older man. “My master is here on his own business. We were informed that that particular order has arrived.
The shopkeeper adjusted his glasses before looking at the paper. “So you’re the one who requested that,” he said grabbing a can that had been lying nearby and used it to hook onto a drawer and pull it open. He then carefully lifted out the expertly crafted stick and handed to the red haired man. “I was wondering who’d want such a short stick. To think that a mere child…”
He was abruptly cut off by the child’s sized cane’s end being pointed directly between his eyes. “Excellent craftsmanship,” Gaara said looking down the length of the walking stick, “Not a single bend or warp anywhere.” The butler placed a large pouch of coins on the counter before lowering the child’s cane and exiting the shop with his young lord. “Keep the change,” he called as they strode through the door.
The poor man, however, heard none of it, still in shock at what had just happened. AS soon as the door shut, he fainted.
“What a pain,” griped Sasuke as he and Gaara started down the shop lined street to where they left the carriage. “How anyone could break a walking stick is beyond me. That freakish strength of Kiba’s is such a nuisance.”
“Yes,” the taller man replied with a smirk, “What a shame you had to go through all that fuss. You haven’t grown an inch in all these years.” The boy glared at him, but the demon ignored it, used to his master’s indignation at cracks and comments about his size and age. Sasuke really did despise being short for his age – even that useless imbecile Naruto was unusually short for his own age but he was taller than Sasuke!
“We shouldn’t tarry too long, bocchan,” Gaara remarked, “I am still uncertain it’s wise to leave Naruto by himself or if he is going to work out at all.”
The Uchiha lord silently nodded to show he’d been listening as he watched a young boy similar to his age and station fuss over the toys displayed in a shop window to his doting mother. A tiny, almost imperceptible, wistful smile came to Sasuke’s face as he recalled doing the same with his own mother, the now late Lady Mikoto. The smile grew upon seeing that the toys were those from his company’s latest line. Naturally, his toys would be the ones to bring the biggest smiles to children’s faces.
“The Fan-Fan Toy Company?” Naruto asked as he happily started clipping away at the hedges with a large pair of shears. “They’re that company who makes toys and candy right? They’ve really grown the past three years. I bet Master Sasuke’s got such an awesome mansion because the company’s doing so well don’t you think?” he asked the cook who was lounging on the grass nearby.
“Actually, the place’s been around for two years, un,” replied Deidara.
“Really? It looks like it’s been around for years, but not the creepy, scary, over grown kinda for years, but the lived in, well kept kind.”
“Of course it would,” Asuma said from behind the chestnut haired butler, startling him. “That was the young master’s intention. It was built to his exact specifications as a complete duplicate of the last Uchiha manor. Right down to the cracks in the pillars and squeaks in the floor boards.
“What do you mean duplicate, Asuma-san?” queried the brunet.
“The old Uchiha manor was completely destroyed in a fire three years ago. It was an enormous loss for those of us who’ve been living and working there.”
“Gee, that’s too bad. But what about the kid’s… I mean Master Sasuke’s parents? Don’t tell me they…”
“I must press upon you not to repeat what I’m about to say to anyone,” the former Uchiha steward said solemnly.
“I won’t tell a soul!” Naruto vowed, pausing in his pruning.
“Even though the public has been told that the young master’s parents perished in the blaze; that is not exactly the case. The late Lord and Lady Uchiha were murdered and then those who did it set the manor to burn to cover up the deed.”
“That poor kid!” Naruto cried, wiping furiously at his eyes. He himself may not remember his own parents – they had died such a long time ago – but he could sympathize with the young lord. “He’s got to be missing them something fierce. D-Does he know… what happened to them?”
Before the older man could reply, Hinata who’d been enjoying a nice lunch break with Deidara and Kiba gave a shriek. Both Asuma and Naruto turned to ask her what was the matter. The violet haired maid frantically pointed behind the orange and black clad butler with a trembling hand.
The butler whirled around to see that the hedge he’d been working on was now in the shape of a skull. In fact, all the hedges he’d done previously were skulls! But that wasn’t the full extent of the damage. Every single plant that Naruto had pruned – which was practically the entire garden – was in the same shape. Everywhere they looked, there were green grinning skulls! The once lovely and elegant Uchiha garden had taken on a rather morbid feel thanks to the brunet’s absentmindedness.
“That sure is a lot of skulls,” Kiba said, pointing out the obvious.
“Oh no! Not again!” bemoaned the black and orange clad man. Naruto ran to the nearest tree and immediately attempted to hang himself as an apology. The three servants rushed to stop him.
However, before they could, a pair of hands yanked the ladder from under the brunet, causing the noose around his neck to tighten. Hinata fainted while Deidara and Kiba gave out a pair of loud gasps. It was thanks to the gardener’s tremendous strength that Naruto was saved, just as he was beginning to turn blue.
“You must be tired, young master,” Gaara said, approaching the manor’s front doors. “Tea will be ready shortly.”
Sasuke gave a shriek upon entering the front hall. Hundred’s of multicolored streamers hung everywhere from the ceiling and upper railings. Every single object had a frilly pink bow attached to it – even the bloody doorknobs! There were also hundreds of cutesy stuffed animals littered the place along with other hideously girlish things. The entire interior of the Uchiha mansion looked like a dentist’s dream come true with all the sugary sweet décor. But to the master of the house, it was his worst nightmare next to the ordeal of three years prior. The raven haired boy could feel a vein threatening to burst in his forehead.
“Just what happened in here?!” the redheaded butler asked, his shock and disgust equal to his master’s. His teal eyes narrowed dangerously. If a certain brunet idiot was responsible for this, Naruto would most certainly get his wish to die, however, it’d be very slow and very, oh so very painful.
“Gaara-sama!” Sasuke’s three bumbling servants cried, running into the hall and clutching onto the redheaded butler for dear life. Poor Kiba was wearing a pair of rabbit ears while Deidara had a bib and baby bonnet. Hinata had apparently escaped the current lunacy that latched itself to the Uchiha household.
“Why are you dressed like that?!” demanded the demonic butler.
“She’s nuts I tell you, un!” answered the cook.
“A total nutcase!” added the gardener.
“Who’s a nutcase?” parroted Sasuke, trying his hardest to avert his eyes from all the horrid cuteness and pink. The frantic servants could only point toward an open door. Scowling, the master of Uchiha manor, stormed over to the door and shoved it further inward. The room inside, which happened to be the salon, had been given the same treatment as the main hall. However, he didn’t have the time to be outraged for upon entering, the sight of Naruto hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck and a bright orange young girl’s bonnet on his head.
“Just what do you think you’re doing, dobe?” the young lord demanded.
“Dying of shame, Master Sasuke, believe it!” replied the mortified butler.
“Right away sir.” The demon then promptly cut the other butler from the ceiling.
Suddenly there was a very high pitched squeal and a pink blur sped past the redhead. “Saaaaasuke-kuuuuuuun!!” the blur cried as it latched itself onto the boy. “I’ve missed you sooooo much!!”
“S-Sakura. I should have known,” the fourteen year old said as he tried to worm his way out of the pink haired girl’s death grip.
“How many times have I told you to call me Saku-chan!” chided the girl, still refusing to let him go. “Oh, you’re as handsome as ever!” she continued to gush, “I just go weak in the knees looking at you!”
“Lady Sakura,” interrupted Gaara, keeping a firm grip on the back of Naruto’s waist coat.
The pink haired bubble head that had presently invaded Sasuke’s home, finally released the fourteen year old lord to give the butler a polite curtsy. “Hello Gaara,” she said warmly totally oblivious to the man’s loathing of her and her inconsiderate actions of showing up uninvited and unwanted. “You’re looking well. Oh, why’d you take him down?” she whined.
“He was clashing with your excellent décor too much, my lady,” the demon replied, with a mock smile.
“Hmm. Maybe you’re right, but still doesn’t it look lovely? Right Antoinette?” They all turned to see who she was talking to and saw Asuma sitting comfortably on one of the salon’s couches, a bright yellow wig of curls upon his head. “Oh I almost forgot! This is for you, Gaara!”
The pink haired menace of the current Uchiha clan head promptly placed a frilly bonnet of bright pink with white and yellow flowers and matching ribbon upon the red haired butler’s head before he could even blink. “You’re always wearing that ugly old red all the time so that’ll be a nice change for one,” she added, approving her handiwork, once the ribbon had been properly tied under his chin.
“How kind of you to go through so much trouble for a lowly servant,” Gaara said, pouring on the charm as thickly as he could. Inside, however, he was secretly plotting the vapid girl’s torturous demise and longed for his master to give the order, which he would fulfill wholeheartedly. “You are much too kind, my lady.”
“Glad to see you like it,” beamed the air-headed female.
“Why are you here, Sakura?” Sasuke demanded, “Aunt Tsubaki couldn’t have let you come alone.”
“I know,” she said giggling mischievously, “I snuck out, ‘cause I wanted to see you.” She then immediately re-attached herself onto the boy, much like a leech.
“Hey Gaara,” Naruto whispered, “Just who is that crazy brat?”
“That ‘crazy brat’ is Lady Sakura Haruno and you will refer to her as such,” the demonic butler warned. He may not like the idiotic female, but he did believe in proper etiquette no matter how someone irked you. “She is the young master’s fiancée.”
“H-His fiancée?!” the shorter butler and Uchiha servants cried in unison, “HER?!”
“What would you expect?” Gaara chided, “She is the daughter of a noble just as my lord is the son of nobles. It is common practice that nobles marry other nobles. Especially if they wish to avoid the scandal of being seen with someone of a more vulgar class.”
“Ne, Sasuke-kun,” squealed Sakura, “Since we’ve got the dreary old mansion prettied up, why not throw a ball to celebrate?”
The raven haired boy blanched at that. He hated balls with an undying passion. Not lonely did he think them to be useless and frivolous wastes of time and money, but the main and most important reason why he loathed balls so much was – he couldn’t dance if his life and very soul depended on it.
“Oh! It’ll be so much fun!” the pinkette went on squealing, usually oblivious to her cousin and fiancé’s discomfort. “We’ll dance all night long! You’ll be my escort and of course you’ll wear the outfit I picked. Oh! It’ll be sooooooo good on you!”
“J-Just a minute, Sakura!” protested the raven haired lord, fighting against the urge to personally throw the squealing female out.
“You’re coming with me!” Sakura said, grabbing hold of what was left of the rope around Naruto’s neck and dragged him out of the salon. “I haven’t finished with your makeover.” The poor brunet butler choked and gasped for air as he was pulled through the mansion.
“Great,” Sasuke grumbled, “She never listens to a thing I have to say.”
“Bocchan,” Gaara said, cutting the tomato sandwiches into fours. “It’d be best to just do what Lady Sakura wants.”
“Just give her tea or something then get her out of here,” the fourteen year old grumbled from behind his study desk, his head pressed against the cool polished surface.
“I’m afraid not,” the redhead replied, serving the sandwiches. “You know as well as I do, that she’ll never listen to reason.”
“I know that Gaara!” he snapped. “But we don’t have time to deal with her nonsense.”
“Be as that may,” Gaara said, pouring the tea – a plain Japanese green blend this time, “But you really can’t refuse Lady Sakura all the time. You’ll have to dance with her eventually. Maybe not here, but at some other soiree or your wedding perhaps.”
Sasuke blanched once more at the mention of his still far off wedding day to that annoying pink haired harridan. “What?” the boy asked a few moments later upon feeling the demon’s stare on him.
“Tell me master,” Gaara queried, “Why is it that I’ve never seen you dance? Surely you must know how to by now.” Sasuke refused to answer his butler; instead he began to go over the various business correspondences. “So that’s how it is,” the taller redhead sated, smirking slightly at the teen’s obvious embarrassment. “You don’t know how.”
“Hn,” snorted Sasuke, “I’ve got a company to run, plus there’s the Hokage’s work as well. I just don’t have the time to waste on stupid parties.”
Being the fastidious demon that he was, Gaara wasn’t going to allow his master to shame himself, the Uchiha family name or his reputation as an Uchiha butler. He marched over to the desk and snatched the stack of papers out of the boy’s hands then snatched away his favorite tomato sandwiches.
The young lord as about to protest and demand the man to return his snack at once, but Gaara didn’t give him the chance. “Young master,” he scolded, “Parties and other social gatherings are just as important as your work. In fact, they’re vital for obtaining and keeping contact with business associates and other members of society.” Sasuke desperately tried to grab at the food, but the butler kept it just out of reach of his child sized arms. “Noblemen, no, every gentleman must have at the very least some basic dancing skills. If you keep refusing invitations like you do, the Uchiha family reputation will suffer greatly.”
“Hn. Fine,” Sasuke grumbled, still eying the sandwiches. “I’ll let her have her stupid ball. Now go find me a teacher, Kurenai-sensei or Shizune-sensei will do.”
“We don’t have the time, bocchan,” Gaara said, replacing the food back in front of the boy. “But if you’d let me,” the demon continued smiling mischievously, “I could teach you.”
“Out of the question!” the fourteen-year-old protested, “There’s no way I’m letting a man teach me. Besides, do you even know how?”
“I’ve been told the waltz is my best dance,” replied the demonic butler rather smugly, “And of course, I’ve been a guest at many palaces from time to time, especially the Wind daimyo’s.” Sasuke stared at the redheaded demon servant in shock. Sure he’d known that Gaara had had many contracts before him, but to have been invited to royal balls and such, that was certainly not what he’d expected to hear.
“Shall we start then?” the demonic butler said once Sasuke had finished his snack and stood before the taller butler. “You’ll be leading of course, so be sure to start on your heel. Also make sure you have your hand on the lady’s back, like this.” Gaara grabbed Sasuke’s right hand and placed it at the demon’s hip, guiding it as far around his waist it could go. He then took hold of the blushing boy’s left hand with his right and placed his free hand upon Sasuke’s shoulder. “We don’t have any music at the moment, so for now, just count to yourself – one, two, three… one, two, three.”
The two attempted to dance across the study floor, Sasuke stepping on the demon’s feet every few steps or so. It went on for a few more beats then the butler let out a disappointed sigh upon having the boy trip and cling to him. “I should have known you’d have no skills whatsoever,” he remarked, “Bocchan, you simply most not cling onto your partner like that.”
Sasuke jumped back, blushing profusely before sputtering out a hasty “You’re too tall!”
“But what’s more important,” Gaara said, ignoring his master’s protest, “You’ve got to wipe that depressing look off your face,” he scolded, grabbing hold of the fourteen-year-old’s cheeks and tried to get his young charge to smile. “The ladies will be insulted if you don’t smile. If you must, then pretend it’s fun.”
The shorter brunet growled and lashed out at the demon, punching him squarely in the jaw as well as slapping his hands away. “Leave me alone!” he yelled. Gaara had a totally shocked look on his face. Sure his master has struck him on several occasions before over the past three years, but not to such intensity as this.
“Bocchan…” Gaara tried, barely managing to hide the shock and hurt; he’d only been teasing him in fun after all.
“It’s impossible for me to smile,” Sasuke said turning away, “I’ve forgotten how, so I can’t even pretend to have fun if I wanted,” he added, toying with the blue stoned ring he always wore since that day, “Not now, not ever.”
The demon looked at the young charge with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Please kill me now,” moaned the brunet as he stood before the mirror. Reflected back at him was a girl in a pale blue party dress. A matching ribbon was tied snuggly around her neck while her spiky chestnut brown hair was adorned with a light blue bow with pink roses. Poor Naruto had never been so humiliated.
Deidara laid a sympathetic hand on the brunet’s shoulder. “Might as well grin and bear it, un,” he said morosely. The Uchiha chef was feeling his own desire for death. His beautiful – to him at least – blond hair had been dyed bright orange and curled. He had been forced into a girl’s sailor style school uniform that was white with neon pink trimming. In fact, he and Naruto weren’t the only ones made to wear ridiculous outfits for Lady Sakura’s ‘ball.’
Poor Kiba was wearing a French maid’s outfit with cat ears, tail, and paws. The former Uchiha steward, Asuma, was dressed like a daimyo’s wife or daughter. The only one to be safe from the madness was Hinata for the pink haired lunatic of a girl deemed the Uchiha maid already cute enough as it was.
0 notes
donutloverxo · 3 years
His queen
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Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
Note - An anon asked for an au sequel to first night with no stucky but this can be read as a one shot. Thanks to lizzygal(link to ao3) for her advice on this! This is written for @sweetlyscared's 1k angst challenge! Congrats boo! I used the prompt 'Do you love her?' Although this is hardly angsty but it's as angsty as someone as soft as me can get🥺 Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Summary - Married life with Steve was amazing (although with a few bumps in the way) until you discovered a heartbreaking secret.
Warnings - explicit sexual content, painful sex, innocent naive insecure reader, dub con/noncon, soft dark Steve, jealous Steve, ooc villain Sharon, like a little breeding kink, some angst.
Pairing - soft dark king!Steve x reader
Word count - 5.3k
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Steve jolted when your palm hit him across his face, his hand circled around your wrist, ready to fight whatever it was that slapped him off, his grip loosening when he realised it was just you. You wiggled your hand away from his grip, mumbling incoherently before turning away from him, so that he could only see the silhouette of your nude back in the dim light.
Although he had been with a handful of women, he never had to share a bed with one. He didn’t think he’d ever have to, he was born in royalty, raised to be a king. While he liked having your soft warm body in his arms, he maybe could live without your hands slapping him, or both your legs over his thighs and hips.
It was customary for wives to have their own chambers after the honeymoon period was over. And with a heavy heart he had sent you to your own chambers, he made sure you were treated to the best luxuries possible.
But he found himself missing your presence soon enough. Your legs over his, you annoying him for attention whenever he was working, the way you hummed a song in your head, how you often clumsily bumped into things, your sweet beautiful voice, your scent, everything about you.
So he went to your room, told you that you were to live with him in his chambers from then on. You were hesitant at first, but didn’t say no to him.
You could never deny him anything. He loved that about you. How subservient you were despite being so fiery.
He was grateful to have made you move in, in times like these, when his cock was hard and achingly pressed against your thigh, he had you right where he wanted you.
He softly called out your name, he’d rather have you awake for this. He loved listening to the sweet sounds he could pull out of you. When you didn’t so much as stir he decided he would just have to wake you up another way.
Pushing your legs off his, spreading them apart to make room for him as he hovered over you, pressing soft kisses, rubbing his beard against your skin, he made his way down to his destination, he was parched for your nectar.
He kissed your petal, your cunt already oozing with need, your body would always want him even if you weren’t awake. He frowned when you didn’t move at all. He had been a bit too rough with you that night, exhausting you, making you pass out as soon as he was done, but he was growing more and more impatient.
Scraping his teeth over your clit, he bit it ever so lightly as you yelped awake.
“Oh!” you gasped when you looked down to find the king between your legs.
Swallowing a lump, because this was still so very strange to you. Your mother had told you how a man and woman make love before your wedding, but she never mentioned anything like this.
From your knowledge the king putting his mouth there wouldn’t result in you getting pregnant. But it did bring you great pleasure, to the point where it was maddening.
Sometimes it was the only thing on your mind.
It was as if you were addicted to it.
“My king...” you squirmed when you felt him push his fingers inside you, “I’m so tired... I have court tomorrow...” How he managed to do all his duties and still have you at least thrice everyday was beyond you.
“You don’t have to go. You’re the queen, the future mother of my children, you deserve a day off. Besides I do work you a bit too hard, don’t I?” he asked before plunging his tongue into your heat.
“Huh? No... I’m glad to be serving you...” And you had yet to give him any heirs.
It wasn’t long before you released all over his mouth, your cheeks heating up when you saw his beard coated with your slick as he wiped it off with the back of his hand.
“You can stay in bed all day tomorrow. That way you’ll be strong and ready by the time I’m back.” He told you before capturing your lips in a bruising kiss, as you tasted yourself on his mouth.
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Turns out a day off was everything that you had needed. You were born a princess, albeit of a kingdom standing on its last legs, you were the youngest of six sisters, your prospects weren’t all that great.
Your mother told you that you’d be lucky to get a rich lord, let alone a Duke or a prince. A King was out of the question. She taught you how to handle a household, she never could’ve prepared you for court or to be a queen. You always dreamt of marrying for love. Of running away after falling for a stable boy and living far away and being free.
But you married the King of the most prestigious kingdom in the whole world. While you had grown to love Steven, you didn’t love all the responsibilities that were thrusted upon you so suddenly, you didn’t like how you were always under scrutiny. Every move you made was watched and judged by others. You still couldn’t believe your life sometimes.
So it was nice to have a day to yourself. You had slept in till late in the morning, having your breakfast in bed before taking a leisurely bath and then decided to go for a walk in the garden just before the sunset before you’d have to go back up and have dinner with your husband before having to perform your wifely duties.
“Your grace,” you smiled upon hearing the familiar voice, turning around to see Lady Sharon approaching you.
You hadn’t seen her in over a month. She had been so kind to assist you and help you get acclimated to your duties, you’d always be grateful to her.
“I thought you were under the weather,” she frowned. It was the excuse you had given to skip court with your ladies that day. Which wasn’t a complete lie. You were a little sore between your legs. But a warm bath had fixed that.
“I’m feeling quite better,” you said, standing upright, a dignified smile on your face--formal and curt.
Always be formal and curt with everyone. Your instinct was to hug her when you saw her after her month long trip, like you would to any of your sisters or friends, but you must always act like a queen since you were one.
“How was your trip?” you asked her as she hooked her arm in yours so you could both resume walking.
“It went alright. Mama wants to marry me off to the Duke Stark, the trip was some sort of matchmaking ploy,” she snorted.
“What’s wrong with Stark? He seems so charming.” You remember meeting him at your coronation ceremony. Where he had got you beautiful pearls from an exotic country.
“He maybe charming, but at the end of the day - he’s manwhore.”
You gasped incredulously, your hand over your mouth as you looked around to make sure your maids didn’t hear you, “Lady Sharon,” you chastised her, “We can’t use that sort of language.”
“Forgive me, your grace,” she apologized, “I often forget how naive you are.”
“What? Naive?” you huffed. “Not using such filthy language hardly makes me naive.”
“Live a little, all royals are debauched in one way or another. I’m surprised to see just how much of a square you are.”
“Is... is being a square a bad thing?” You wanted to know. You never thought of yourself as a conformist, in fact your mother used to tell you you’ll die an old maid if you didn’t start acting more like a lady and less like a spoilt brat.
“Sometimes it is...” she pondered. “Well, for instance, being a square in bed might be boring for some men.”
“What?” you gasped again. Tightening your grip on her arm and walking at a faster pace to put some distance between you and your maids, “Give us a minute,” you told them.
“Lady Sharon,” you looked into her blue eyes, much like your husbands but a little darker, “Have you ever been with a man?”
“I have,” she shrugged. “Just the one. He was my true love.”
“Bu – but you aren’t married.” You frowned.
“So, how can you make love to anyone if you aren’t married...” Your mother had told you that making love only ever happened between a man and his wife.
“I... you do know what making love entails right? This is what I meant when I said you were too much of a square,” she chuckled.
“Don’t... don’t make fun of me...” you pouted.
“I’m sorry, your grace, it’s just,” she put a hand over her mouth as she cleared her throat, “Really funny. Two people, who aren’t married, can make love. Being married is good but not a requirement.”
“I suppose that makes sense, me and his majesty could do it even if we weren’t married...”
“Is he happy with you?” she wanted to know.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just, you don’t know much about physical relations, and there needs to be a certain level of knowledge and experience for it to be good at it.”
“Do you think he is unsatisfied with me?”
“I wouldn’t know,” she shrugged. “Does he seem unsatisfied?”
He was always asking for it. Which you preferred, because you’d die of embarrassment if you ever had to initiate it. You couldn’t go for too long without it either. He had went on a hunting trip for just a couple of days and you wanted to jump on him and keep him in your bed as soon as you saw him.
Why would he ask for it again and again if he was satisfied?
“I’m not sure... since you know so much about it would you give me some advice?”
“My, I would’ve thought you’d call me a harlot or a whore instead you’re asking for advice...” she smirked.
“Oh, I would never. That is what my mother would say, probably, but you’re my friend. Besides, I would want to make love to Steve even if we weren’t married, and if he was a stable boy.”
“A stable boy?” she quirked a blonde brow.
“Yes! And I would be me, a princess. It’s just a silly dream I used to have,” you shrugged. “What happened to your love? The one you lost?”
“He got married to someone else,” she stated. And although she was firm and sophisticated as always, you could hear his voice wavering and how much pain she was in.
“Oh my... I am so sorry, Sharon,” you said, engulfing her in a hug to comfort her, now that you do actually love someone, now that you know what loving someone deeply means, how overwhelming it can be, you couldn’t even imagine what losing that love would feel like. “You’ll find someone better.”
“There is no one better, your grace. But I’ll give you some advice,” she pulled away from you, putting some distance between you both, “You have to pay special attention to his balls. Many ladies tend to forget them.”
“Ball...? Like toys? I don’t believe he has any.”
“Your grace,” she rolled her eyes as she snickered, “He does have them. That is where your children will come from.”
“Um... what? Wouldn’t they come from...” you looked down, to the place between your legs. That’s where kids come from. That’s what you had been told.
“Well, yes, that is where they will pop out of. But the balls... the ones right behind his manhood, that’s where his seed comes from.”
“Oh...” you nodded as you realised what she was talking about. “So... what about the... balls?”
“Just pay special attention to them. He would like that. Suck on them, tug on them... but gently!” she chuckled as she realised she would have to talk down to you since you were so inexperienced.
“Oh... alright... anything else I can do?”
“Try to be more... active... instead of just sitting there and taking it you know?”
“Alright. I think I get the gist of it.”
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“You ready for me, petal?” Steven asked as he looked down at you, naked and vulnerable, so beautiful and all his. He nudged his cock against your intimate lips, prodding at your entrance as he awaited your answer. He knew he could be too much for you sometimes, he was trying to do better. So he could make you love him at least half of as much as he loves you.
“Mm-hm... but um...” you trailed off. Not exactly knowing how you would go about asking to suck his balls.
“I was just wondering if... I could... do that...” you fluttered your lashes, that usually got you whatever you wanted from him.
“And what is ‘that’?”
“You know... when you make me put my mouth on you...”
He didn’t usually make you use your mouth.
Most of the times Steven had a strict unofficial schedule he followed when it came to lovemaking. He wasn’t someone who liked or embraced change, he was always strategic, as a king and as your husband.
He’d kiss you till you were out of breath, then your neck, and then your breasts, he’d spend a long amount of time there, maybe because you liked that the most probably. And then he’d use his fingers to work you up, tasting you, eating you out and drinking your nectar.
That drove you mad, till you were on the brink of insanity.
You loved it as much as you hated it. You had never felt so out of control in your entire life. Not even when your parents told you they were going to marry you off to a kingdom far away, to a man you had never even met before.
Steven would complain that you thrashed and moved around too much, although he would encourage you to make all the noise that you wished. He pinned you down by your hips. Sometimes he’d make you make once, twice, thrice, it depended on how desperate he was to get his own release.
And then he’d have you on your back. Whispering the filthiest things to you as he fucked you, filled you up with his seed.
He’d hold you close to him, kissing your hair, kissing your cheeks and touching your ever so intimately. That was when you were the most clingy, you’d hold on so tightly to him. You were more vulnerable than usual. You would tell him about how, even though you love being the queen and his wife, it was so new and overwhelming, how you miss your family and your old life. How things had changed and so drastically. He’d always tell you that it would all be okay. That he would take care of you and never let anything bad ever happen to you.
Then he’d have you on your hands and knees. He told you he liked looking at your behind and spanking it.
After that you’d both fall asleep. Sometimes he’d wake up in the middle of the night and nudge you awake to love you some more. But he rarely ever made you suck him off.
“You wanna suck my cock?” he smirked as you meekly nodded. “Go right ahead then, petal. It’s all yours now, you don’t have to ask,” he told you as he sat up on his knees.
You looked at his cock. Hard and standing tall and proud up against his stomach. You now knew that being aroused made him hard and much much bigger. Maybe that’s why it’s often such a tasking job to take him--often leaving your cunt so sore.
Soft dark golden hair, much like that of his beard, and then you noticed them. His twin balls.
You took a deep breath as you took him in your mouth, suckling on his head, following your instincts and what he had taught you.
Your hand coming up and cupping his balls, massaging them gently in your hand. You stopped when you felt him go stiff.
Pulling his cock out of your mouth you looked up at him. “Did I do something wrong?” as you wiped your spittle and his preejaculate off your mouth.
“No,” he shook his head. It wasn’t often that he was stunned. Not ever really. But you, taking that kind of initiative, to touch him without him asking for you to, did shock him just a little.
He held onto the back of your head, bringing his balls just next to your mouth, against your soft lips, “Suck on them,” he told you.
You suckled at one, working the other one with your hand as he pulled at the roots of your head.
“Fuck! Stop!” he heaved, pulling you away, “I have to save it for your beautiful cunt, my queen,” he told you as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead before he pushed you back down on the mattress.
Swiftly entering you, you were still as tight as the night of your wedding, which meant he had to be patient while fucking you, and he tried. He really did. But he was not a patient man. Especially not when you had just put your mouth on him and worked your magic in mere seconds.
He put most of his weight on you as he slowly pushed in and out of you, your face scrunched up in pleasure as you dug your nails into his shoulders.
With your pussy hugging him so well, almost as if it was made for him, as if you were made by the gods just for him.
“What have you done to me?” he rasped, touching his damp forehead to yours. You had weaved some sort of magic on him, making him crazy for you. Now it was hard to tell where he ended and you began.
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You pressed a hand against your mouth to stop from giggling or making any sort of noise. Resting your back against the cool surface of the throne. You chose the back of the throne in the court as your place of hiding. Maybe it wasn’t the most strategic ploy but you were playing against a six year old.
Lila Barton had asked to play hide and seek with you. Only to receive a scolding from her nanny--to not bother the queen with such trivial matters.
It was as if you were reliving your childhood. You always felt you were made to grow up and be a lady too fast. With your mother and sisters telling you how important it was to act mature and be a lady, or you wouldn’t be able to marry well. Or marry at all.
So you jumped at the first opportunity to play with the kid. Making her count to twenty before looking for a place to hide. You had to go get your lessons for sewing so you didn’t have a lot of time, you hoped she would find you soon.
“But you’re not even considering it!”
You perked up when you heard the familiar voice, it was Lady Sharon! You had to thank her for all her advice, things had been going great with Steven ever since you listened to her. He had been opening up to you as well, although he was still as voracious in his love making. If anything... he wanted you even more now. Which you didn’t think could even be possible.
But some part of you absolutely loved it. And you knew you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You peaked out to see her, to maybe call her to join you on the floor, hiding behind the large throne. You frowned when you saw that she was holding onto Steven’s arm, looking up at him with a certain desperation in her eyes.
“There is nothing to consider. I’m a married man. It would be adultery – a crime,” he stated.
“Bu – but you promised, you told me you didn’t love her. You said you didn’t have any other choice. I’m not asking you to leave her for me, I know that’s not possible. I’m not a fucking idiot like her.”
You slapped a hand over your mouth again to keep your sobs in, tears streaming down your face as you watched your husband, and his lover, have a lovers quarrel.
You couldn’t hear any more of it. Couldn’t bear it breaking your heart anymore than it already had. You quickly got up, fleeing out of the room by the back entrance - which the servants often used.
“You watch your mouth when you speak of the queen,” he yanked his arm free of her, putting some distance between himself and her, “I didn’t make any promises like that. I told you I intended to be faithful to her even if I didn’t love her.”
He knew it was a mistake to ever get involved with Sharon. He never wanted to be a womanizer. But he had his needs. He didn’t think she would become so obsessed with him. He had broken off their short fling as soon as he became betrothed to you.
He felt responsible for all the rumours about him and her and her ruined reputation. So he had arranged for her to marry his good friend Stark but she had her mind set on him.
“I like the queen. She’s a good friend of mine. I don’t intend to replace her,” she explained. She had no interest in being a queen and having such tedious and boring responsibilities anyway—the power and the status that came along with it just wasn’t worth the hassle. She pitied you and how you just weren’t made for the job.
“But she can’t satisfy you, she can’t give you what you need-- What I can give you,” Being the Kings mistress would probably be better than being a Duchess and marrying some boring old man.
“Won’t you even think about it?”
“No I won’t. And you are to never speak of this again,” he warned her.
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“Your grace...” Lydia was completely confused. Standing there with your dress in her hands as you frantically stuffed your clothes in a chest.
She had never seen two people as in love as you and the king. When she first met you, it didn’t seem as if you and Steven would make a good couple. She assumed your marriage would be like any other she had seen. Cold and distant.
Steve had never been smitten with a woman, she always felt there maybe something wrong with him. But he had grown so fond of you in such a short time. Even going as far as asking you to live with him in his chambers. Having the king around often made her duties to you challenging. But she was happy for you.
“I don’t understand. What wrong? Why do you want to leave so suddenly.” Does the king approve of your sudden departure? If not would she get in trouble for it?
“He lied to me,” you sobbed. “I thought--” you let out a hiccup.
“Calm down,” she said as she rubbed your forearms. She wasn’t afraid to touch you in such friendly ways, you weren’t as stuck up as most royals.
You took a deep breath as you tried to explain to your handmaiden why you both had to leave as soon as possible. Before Steven gets back. You’ll move all your things to the room you were supposed to live in and just lock him out of your chambers.
“I would’ve been fine living on my own. Just being a wife and a queen. But he made me believe... that we could be more. That he loved me. It’s not true,” you shook your head. “He lied. He has another lover.”
“Oh,” she let out. She was disappointed on your behalf but not surprised. It would be strange if the king didn’t have any other lovers. “I’m sorry, your grace.”
“I’ll be fine,” you sniffled. “This'll be a good lesson for me. My mother always told me I have my head in the clouds and should live in reality. That’ll teach me to dream.”
It was almost funny for her to watch you babble nonsense, stable boys, princesses and backstabbing friends, take a break to cry your heart out and then resume packing and trying to order all the other servants.
“What’s going on here?”
Everyone stopped moving as soon as they heard the kings voice. He of course looked at the Lydia for an explanation.
“The queen wants us to...”
“I’m moving back to my old chambers,” you briskly walked to him, standing right in front of him, looking him in the eye. He was much taller than you, making you crane your neck to actually get a good look at him, but you still tried to look intimidating and confrontational.
“Why?” he frowned. “Put everything back just as it was,” he ordered everyone.
“No!” you stomped your foot, looking very much like an indignant child who had his toy taken away, than a queen, “Don’t! We’re moving!” But of course nobody would listen to you over Steven. Not just because he was their king, but also because he was much more intimidating than you.
“Stop it!” he reprimanded you. “Whatever troubles you may have, we can sort them out together, but you are not moving back. And that’s the end of that.”
“No! I’m leaving! I’d like to see you try to stop me!” You hmphed. Pushing past him and making way for the door. You didn’t need to take your things with you now, you could just send for them later.
You screamed bloody murder when you felt Stevens arm around your stomach, as he threw you over his shoulder in the blink of an eye, “HELP!!” You yelled at the guards and your maids, who didn’t want to get involved, quickly scurrying out of the room.
“Ring the bell if you need anything, your grace,” Lydia said on her way out to you before she closed the door. It didn’t seem as if the king intended to do any real harm to you so she wasn’t that worried about you.
You kept on hitting his back, thrashing around his hold to break free, “Put me down!”
He threw you on your marital bed, his fingers making quick work of ridding him of his clothes so he could show you how he was just never going to let you go.
“Why do you even care? If I leave or not? You can just call for your lover!”
“My lover?” he frowned as he tried to push your skirts up your legs, which was proving to be a difficult task. Maybe he should’ve asked the maids to undress you before making them leave.
“Do you love her?” you asked, looking up at him and stopping your futile resistance for a few moments, your lips wobbly as you felt your vision blue with tears. You were born a princess, living a relatively sheltered life, never knowing pain so unbearable. As if you would never recover from this, you would never be the same.
You would never believe in love again.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about, petal,” he said, getting frustrated with all the buttons and ties on your dress and ripping your skirt apart. Which he regretted, just a little because you started crying again.
“No! I like this dress.”
“I’ll buy you another one. I’ll buy you a hundred more.” He said as he hovered over you, diving in to kiss your beautiful lips and make you stop saying such preposterous things.
You sniffled as you tried to push him away, making him gather your wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head.
“Stop it,” he told you. “When will you understand that you belong to me now? If I say you have to live with me, here, then that’s what you’ll do.”
“I’m not your slave,” you retorted as you tried to wiggle your hands out of his grip.
“Stop listening to rumors! There are plenty going around. I do not have a lover.”
“No. I saw it with my own eyes. You and Lady Sharon. Just this afternoon.”
“What did you see?”
“I... she said she was your lover...?” You tried to think of what exactly had been said between them. But you couldn’t remember. You were blinded by your fury and your sorrow.
“We used to be lovers, before you and I ever met, but not anymore. I could never think of another, I could never love anyone else,” he said softly as he touched your cheek with his other hand, “You want to know why?”
“Why?” you pouted, feeling a little stupid now.
“Because you’ve ruined me, my queen. You’ve made me a lovesick fool. I could never love anyone else the way I love you. Do you want to know how much I love you?” he asked as you meekly nodded.
Pulling his cock out of breaches, he pushed your skirts up, exposing your thighs to him, he rubbed his cock along the slick of your pussy.
“Did fighting with me make you wet, my queen?” he asked, making you avert your gaze.
“I...” it was the way he had simply thrown you around, how he just wouldn’t let you leave, “Maybe...”
“Hm, don’t start picking fights with me for no reason though. My poor heart won’t be able to bear it,” he cooed as he kissed your cheeks, wet from your tears. “You look beautiful when you cry, love, but I only want you crying when I’m fucking you, you understand?”
He pushed inside you, you were tighter than usual, it was difficult to even properly enter you. The pain of it of course made you cry again. You sobbed into the crook of his neck as he shushed you.
“You feel my love, darling,” he asked as he was buried to the hilt inside you, “I’ll give you a child soon enough. Then you’ll have a living breathing proof of it,” he whispered in your ear as he started steadily moving, making sure that he won’t hurt you.
“I wish... I was your one and only... like you are mine,” you sniffled as you held on to him, soon it is wasn’t hurting as much, it was a little uncomfortable but you could bear through it.
“You are my one and only. You’re the only woman I have ever loved. Do you love me, petal?”
He looked down at you, wanting you to say it. He needed you to love him, for you to say it to him, he needed to know you weren’t here just because you were scared of him.
“I love you, Steve,” you sniffled, rubbing your runny nose with the back of your hand.
He smiled at you, his hand trailing down both your bodies as he twisted your pearl between his fingers.
“It’s okay... it’s okay...” He kept telling you as you screamed at the top of your lungs, your climax making your mind and your vision fuzzy.
“I’m going to fill you up, petal,” he told you as he finished inside you, staying inside you for a long while after he was done just to make sure you knew how he belonged to you just as much as you belonged to him.
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