#…we do not care… we are busy playing video games and watching shows together
fieryvoid-scout · 1 year
I need this 28 year old to turn off all their electronics and go touch— no maybe even eat— grass already
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depressopax · 9 months
Being in a relationship with Jesse Pinkman would include...
SFW version only + extra headcanons (Smut version can be found here) Pairing: Jesse x gn!reader Genre: Fluff Warning(s): Breaking bad spoilers!  Mentions of alcohol, drugs and injury Mentions of trauma Words: 1336 Summary: What would dating Jesse Pinkman be like? English is not my first language so please let me know if I make any mistakes so I can evolve as a writer! :)
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He would just LOVE having you around. All the damn time.
For example: When he throws parties in his house, he’ll have you by his side all the time. 
“But Jesse… I need to work!” “Work can wait, babe. I’m having a party!” “But…” “Pleaseeee! It’s not a good party if you’re not around…” “...Fine.”
When he falls in love, he falls hard.
Even if you’ve dated him for a short while, he would express his love for you early on.
He would be very insecure at the beginning of a relationship, so he needs lots of reassurance that he’s doing the right things etc.
He’ll brag about you for everyone, ALL THE TIME.
Jesse: “I’m telling ya! My partner is the best. Skinny Pete and Badger: “...Here we go again.” Walter: “I literally don’t care. We have work to do!”
His love language is touch. Every opportunity he gets, he wants to touch you (with consent ofc) This includes:
- Holding your hand when walking
- When sitting down, he’ll either make sure your legs are touching
- …Or have his hand resting on your thigh. 
- He loves having you sit in his lap, so he can cuddle you and rest his face against your neck. It relaxes him.
Jesse doesn’t mind PDA. He likes showing his you off. He often feels like you are “too good for him”, and therefore wants to brag, because he has such a wonderful (and hot) partner. 
He tends to get awkward when you call him nicknames or show him affection around his friends, since they tease him for being “a simp”.
You like it tho. 
Sometimes you’re extra “lovey-dovey” towards Jesse when his friends are around, just to tease him and watch him blush. 
Since Jesse earns lots of money in the meth business, he would buy you expensive gifts. 
…And make lots of impulsive purchases. 
You try making him stop spending so much money on gifts, but even if he promises to stop, he doesn't… 
He LOVES seeing you wearing his clothes. And if you don’t, he would probably ask you to wear his shirts, when sleeping etc. He just enjoys the sight of it, and for him, it’s the most adorable thing.
His phone would be full of selfies of you and him, but mostly pictures of you. He’s the guy to make you his lockscreen.
The two of you have a playful banter. There’s lot of teasing going on, and you have inside jokes (most of them are mocking Walter together)
He likes playing video games with you. This would be the one of the few times he’s rude. He is very competitive and tends to take games a bit too seriously. 
If he wins the game, he won’t shut up about it. He’ll tease you for it, until you tell him to shut the hell up
…If he loses, tho… He’ll be a baby about it. 
“Impossible! You cheated!” “I’m just better than you, Jesse!” “Yeah, right…” “...Are you mad at me?” “...Maybe”
If you don’t like alcohol and drugs, he would try to not use it in front of you. He would try quitting, but it would be a long journey. He hates seeing you worried for him, and that would be a motivation for him to quit, or at least try.
When cuddling and sleeping - He doesn’t care if he’s the big or little spoon. Whichever you prefer.
Comforting each other. 
Whenever you’re sad or angry, Jesse does everything to cheer you up. He tends to get awkward when someone cries, so he doesn’t know how to react. But he always does his best to cheer you up. 
He would want to introduce you to his friends. He wants everyone to know how amazing you are. 
He also likes the idea of being able to hang out with his friends and his partner at the same time.
But this would also include jealousy and Jesse being overprotective. 
He doesn’t like being the possessive boyfriend type, but if one of his friends tries hitting on you, he'd stare them or “playfully” threaten them. 
If someone flirts with you when he’s around, he either gets really insecure, or will just simply walk up to you and be affectionate (basically his way of saying: “They’re mine, back off bitch”)
This also includes his work. In dangerous situations, he prioritizes your safety before his own. 
…Although you’d probably end up being the one protecting him.
He would probably try keeping the relationship with you a secret, since he’s scared you’ll become a target.
At first, Jesse tried to lie about his career, but him being away for such a long time everyday made you suspicious.
The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was cheating. Afraid of losing you, he decided to tell you the truth.
You were shocked, of course. 
…But most of all, you were concerned. Knowing how dangerous his work is, and how he risks going to jail or getting killed, you got very worried for him.
It would probably lead to arguments, since you both are so concerned for one another. 
Learning he’s too stubborn to quit, you give up the attempts to convince him.
But he would definitely make promises to you, that he will be careful, and not shut you out.
Jesse wants good communication with his partner, and the two of you would always be honest, and never keep secrets from each other. 
In his free-time, he spends a lot of time with you. 
If you guys don’t share the same interests, that’s ok with him.
He tries being a supportive boyfriend, and you’re the one to decide where to go and what to do. 
This includes small, simple things, such as: Food, movies, music and games.
Even if he’s bored, he’ll try to not show it. (...Although he would fall asleep against you when watching your favourite/”boring” movies)
Date nights include going to loud parties and getting wasted, going to a bar or restaurant etc…
But it can also be “calm” dates - watching movies at home and eating snacks or playing video games. 
This man gets beaten up ALOT. He tries hiding it from you (but fails in every way). You are the one that patches him up and cleans his wounds.
At first, he thought it was embarrassing that his partner had to take care of his wounds, but he grew to like it.
Having you tending him feels good.
…And he loves watching your focused face when you clean his wounds and patch him up if needed.
Jesse also enjoys hearing you mutter threats against the person that beat him up. 
He may be protective over you, but you’re also very protective over him. 
His “enemies” are your enemies. 
When moving to Alaska, you would come with him.
He refused at first, since he was scared that something would go wrong.
But it was the opposite. You both got a fresh new start, and under new identities, you guys could finally have a normal life.
He wants to take things slow, but he also wants to marry you one day.
And eventually start a family too, if you want to. He wants to have children with the person he loves, and be able to give them the life he never had.
He would be such a good dad omg
After all the stress and trauma he’s been through, he just wants to “settle down” and live a calm life together with you. 
He would also want pets lol
I see him as a dog person, so he would definitely, with or without your liking, buy a dog. 
(Going out on long walks at winter with the dog <3)
He has lots of trauma, and has moments where he doubts himself and has breakdowns, but having you around helps him alot.
Of course, you are always there to support him and help him through difficult times. 
…Basically: Your relationship would be so pure, dramatic but sweet.
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
My hand slipped, got stuck on the bus today, almost three hours for what should have been a 30 minute journey so this happened. A tiny fic about how Tia Pepa’s plans for Eddie not to be alone can get the boys together. Just the random thoughts of a spot that’s stuck in traffic, just on mobile so no ao3 link but it’s there
Always There General 1.1k
To Eddie’s relief Christopher’s birthday party is going well, he’d been worried this year, the older Chris gets the harder it is to know what will work but you can’t go wrong with computer games (at least that’s what Buck said and Christopher agreed). Buck had found a video arcade with retro gaming consoles that did private functions.
The plan was a done deal once Chris and Buck checked out the website. It suddenly became the only option Chris would consider and now it’s almost over Eddie has to admit it was a good idea. Everyone has had a great time. Even the adults. Buck has been in his element and Eddie even managed to play on a few of the games with him, Buck sulking when he lost and gloating with every triumph. Eddie didn’t care who won, he was just pleased to see Buck so happy.
Buck lost more frequently when he was playing against Pepa who showed no mercy. Eddie had to stop himself from laughing at Buck’s dismay everytime she won. Pepa had been persuaded to stay around after she dropped off Christopher’s gift . Buck had challenged her to some racing game and she was hooked. She’s still here now watching the kids and Buck have fun with a smile on her face.
He’s too busy watching Buck to notice his Tia’s attention is divided. Buck suddenly checks his watch and bounces over.
“Pizza should be here soon. You wanna get them off the games and I’ll go wait for it”
Eddie laughs, “Nice try! You can get them together and I’ll go wait for pizza!
I’m not separating a bunch of 12 year olds from their games, this was your idea!”
Buck yells “Hey no fair!” after him but it’s too late. He's already moving away with a grin that widens as he hears Pepa say “Don’t worry Buck you have me, even if my nephew wants to run away from the hard jobs, we’ve got it covered.”
Eddie’s actually impressed when he returns with pizza to see everyone ready. Buck leaps up as soon as he sees him and takes half the pizza boxes off him. Together they distribute the food and snatch a few pieces for themselves. He has to slap Buck’s hand away from his pizza a few times as he tries to steal his extra mushrooms.
His complaint that if some people wanted mushrooms they should order mushrooms falls on deaf ears and makes both Buck and Pepa laugh.
A quick check of his watch reveals the kids have another 30 minutes of arcade fun left which Buck supervises as Eddie clears up.
Despite the success of it all he’s glad it’s nearly over, he's looking forward to getting home and having a well deserved beer with Buck. Maybe he can persuade him to stay over. Shouldn’t be too hard.
A voice interrupts his thoughts,“Do you and Christopher want to come back to mine, open his presents there?”
He answers Pepa without much thought “Thanks but Buck is coming home with us tonight , Chris wants to open his presents with us there.”
Eyes drifting towards Buck and Chris again he fails to notice the slightly amused twist to Pepa’s lips.
A little later Buck joins them, “Hey, Ty’s mom just texted to say she’s stuck at work and could we drop him off. I said that’s fine, it’s on the way back anyway. Do you wanna keep an eye on them, I’m just gonna start putting the gifts in the jeep.”
Eddie nods “Ok, I’ll tell Chris they’ve got 10 more minutes,” Then with a smile Buck disappears and Eddie watches him leave.
When he turns back he’s confronted by his with a look and as if the face isn’t bad enough she slaps him lightly on the chest.
He frowns back “What? What’s that look for and why you hitting me?
“Because I was worried, you let me think you were all alone.” The scoffing noise she makes is very familiar.
“Why did you let me set you up with that nice girl when you already have someone? Eddie, shame on you, raising her hopes when you’re already taken.”
He briefly considers the possibility that Pepa’s been drinking “I’m taken? What? I’m I’m lost”
She’s not listening, “Why? Do you not trust your Tia?! You think I would disapprove of that lovely, lovely man?! Eddie!! I’m hurt.” She shakes her head again.
His eyes flick towards the door. “Are are we talking about Buck?”
“Are we talking about Buck?!” Hands wave and tap his cheek not exactly gently but not so much it hurts.
“Yes I am talking about your partner, your Buck. Christopher’s Buck too. Eddie, open your eyes. I am no longer worried about you being alone. You have not been alone and you should have told me so! There will be no more blind dates! I expect you to get your own,” there’s an ominous pause. “and soon!”
Then she kisses his cheek and is gone and he’s left in the wake of a mild epiphany.
Buck bounces in a few moments later. “I saw Pepa leave and Jake and Gab’s parents are parking. I’ll go tell the kids.” Buck pauses and frowns “You ok? You look weird”
He shakes himself. Pepa wants him to get out there, find someone that he can be happy with. Now she thinks he’s found that someone.
Buck’s still looking at him, frown getting more intense the longer he waits. Eddie knows exactly what Buck will do next, he’ll close the distance between them, touch his arm, look him in the eye and ask him again if he’s ok with nothing but concern and affection, no, with love in his heart.
Suddenly the idea of letting someone into his life isn’t so scary, and that’s probably because he let someone in years ago and just hadn’t noticed but his Tia had and she’s never wrong. Get himself a date, he actually thinks he might be able to do that.
“Hey Buck, you wanna have dinner with me. Just us.”
The look that falls over Buck’s face can only be called hope.
“Ju Just us?”
Eddie nods “Just us.”
“Like a…?”
He nods again, “If you wanna?
Buck bites his lips together, then a smile breaks free.
“Yeah I do wanna. I I really do.”
Something warm spreads through Eddie’s body and he thinks Oh. Oh this is how you’re supposed to feel when you have a date; excited and happy and so full of hope you could burst.
Then parents are arriving and children are leaving and Buck’s busy dealing with everything with a smile on his face and Eddie knows he’s not going to be alone, hasn’t actually been alone for years.
Turns out dating isn’t a problem as long as you find the right person and without any doubt in his heart Eddie looks at Buck and knows he has.
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skipppppy · 1 year
Anyway I’m bored and Carmen Sandiego renaissance is on the brain. What are these characters like when they aren’t focused on the main plot?? Non VILE/ACME/Caper related dialogue seems so few and far between.. I wish we got to see their lives outside work. So I made some headcanons abt it
Player was her first exposure to the outside world so she probably holds a lot of his nerdy interests close to her heart. She’s not the best at video games but plays them regardless. She especially enjoys sci-fi horror movies from the 80s that go big on practical effects
Finding random trivia about different countries is genuinely one of her favourite hobbies. The little info segments she does are not part of the edutainment show. She is genuinely just like that. This woman is a trove of fun facts please let her unleash them upon you
In the same vein she LOVES quizzes. After missions she will drag Team Red to any bar doing a trivia night in her vicinity and will wipe the floor with everyone there. Fear her
Enjoys people watching. It’s why she’s so good at charming strangers despite her socially stunted upbringing. She’ll sit alone in a busy train station for hours and watch everyone pass her by
Look. We know this kid is a nerd. It’s canon. But which niche of nerdiness does he fall into exactly?
Despite being an avid gamer he isn’t very competitive about it. He prefers single player rpgs, especially ones with active modding scenes. He doesn’t even know what vanilla Skyrim looks like he probably wasn’t even born yet when it released
He will, however, duo queue with Carmen on unranked Overwatch. They are both terrible at it and think it’s the funniest shit
Enjoys sitting back and watching a good speedrun. Will have a video of someone doing a stupid BOTW challenge in the background while he hacks security cameras and such
Runs a DnD campaign for Team Red which they’re all crazy invested in. Shadowsan is the only one who doesn’t care for it but he keeps rolling nat 20’s on the dumbest shit and derailing the campaign and he finds everyone’s reactions too entertaining to stop. They have a rivalry only a DM and a stupidly lucky rogue could have
We already know he’s kind of a meathead that enjoys sports and cars and cheesy action movies but I also think he has a lot of softer hobbies that he keeps to himself bc he knows they won’t take him seriously
He’s a secret crocheter. He’ll mend the team’s clothes when they rip but that’s the extent of their knowledge. He’ll sit for hours by himself and knit while listening to music. Sometimes Shadowsan will find a new pair of socks in his bag. When Carmen got sick once she woke up with a handmade blanket draped over her. Ivy has her suspicions but doesn’t wanna intrude
He loves animals. He never really brings it up because no one ever asks. He always checks out local zoos and aquariums if he has the chance. Grew up watching Steve Irwin-esque nature shows and still does to this day
His love of eating is less out of greed and more his own form of cultural appreciation. Idk what happened to his and Ivy’s parents but for reasons he can’t explain their cooking is one of the few things he hasn’t forgotten, so he has a lot of sentimental food-based memories. And experiencing other countries cuisine connects him with that
PERIOD DRAMAS. They don’t have to be good they just have to be steamy. She enjoys the hot women in pretty dresses. She and Carmen watch Bridgerton together and laugh about how historically inaccurate it is
She LOVES renfaires and similar high fantasy roleplaying communities. Someone please buy this woman a suit of armour
As an engineering prodigy AND fantasy buff she has a massive interest in Blacksmithing and Swords. That’s her designated lesbian hobby. She’s been trying to politely worm her way into a conversation with Shadowsan about the blade he returned to his brother for months now but isn’t sure if it’s too personal of a topic for him so she’s nervous
Her sweet tooth encompasses more than just chocolate. She’s secretly grateful to Zack since he takes most of the flack for being a glutton. She makes note of any bakeries they pass by on capers so she can come back later in secret and go ham on the pastries
I think his interest in Samurai history starts and ends with his love for Hideo. He’ll happily discuss it and he’s studied it passionately, but out of a sense of respect and duty to do right by the brother he betrayed
He will NEVER, EVER admit it to anyone but he genuinely misses the adrenaline rush from committing petty crimes. He was a criminal for over 20 years. Lifestyles are hard to shake and change isn’t linear. He’d never succumb to impulse but he’s just kinda bored
He microdoses on the urge by pranking people. Everyone always blames Zack so he never gets caught. He also enjoys sneaking up on people and making them jump. He’ll always insist it’s unintentional. It isn’t
He’ll read and meditate and train to keep himself centred but he’s still a rowdy young punk at heart. Team Red is the first taste of freedom he’s had after a lifetime of VILE faculty monitoring him. The first thing he bought for himself after settling in at the San Diego HQ was a motorbike. The second was a new tattoo. The third was a potentially lethal amount of whiskey that he drank in one sitting
We know she has a passion for history outside her work in Law Enforcement so she definitely goes to all kinds of museums in her free time. She’s the kind of person who enjoys learning just for the sake of learning (she and Carmen have that in common)
Outside of that she’s surprisingly good at karaoke? She gets stage fright but really likes singing and will go all out if you hype her up. Her taste in music is the exact opposite of her appearance and personality. Lots and lots of death metal
An aficionado for different types of tea. She keeps like 10 flavours in her house at all times. She especially likes floral ones that taste light and sweet. She hates iced tea with a passion though
Goes to botanical gardens whenever the weather is warm and the season is right. She likes the history of the old manor houses but she also loves admiring the landscaping and the blooming flowers. She could sit on a bench surrounded by local flora and fauna for hours
Chase is an entirely different person when he’s off the clock. The unhinged high-energy maniac who froths at the mouth about La Femme Rouge goes dormant once he gets home. Especially after he got stranded on VILE island. That really gave him some introspection about work/life balance
The biggest, softest, sappiest hopeless romantic you will ever meet in your life. Passion is just part of his nature and he gets his heart broken A LOT. It’s why he throws himself into his work
He’s a really good chef. Like REALLY good. Before he was a cop he did a few summers as a line cook in his teen years and he retained most of the knowledge. His pantry is STACKED and he tries out recipes he picked up from his ACME travels in his free time. He’s a tad snobby about it because he’s French but you will not complain about the stuff he feeds you
Old movie enjoyer. His favourites are film noirs, cheesy romances, creepy eastern european animation and german expressionism. He has a fervent hatred of Marvel
Also one of those insane people who get up at 5am to do cardio. One morning before a mission he met Agent Zari with barely a glisten of sweat on his forehead and sadly informed her that he only got to run 15k and he wished he had time to do more. That was the first time she ever knew fear
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placegrenette · 5 months
On 5Miinust (+ Puuluup) and the pleasures of sticking idol pop where it (supposedly) doesn't belong.
I haven't been around much lately, y'all. Partly because my dudes have also not been around much, although ZaQ continues to post a series of videos on the ARTJAQ channel, teaching the audience about... something. I continue, in turn, to not understand Kazakh. Throw in increasing disillusionment with K-pop (I guess now we know why GFriend was so abruptly shitcanned, though the knowledge doesn't make me feel any better), a general post-October-7th discomfort with most online pop-music discussion spaces, and work to get done at home, and Tumblr just hasn't been a particularly rewarding place for me lately.
I didn't think Eurovision was going to be a rewarding place for me this year, either. And then Eesti Laul happened.
It's like some divine imp was watching and saying to themself, "You know what Jessica needs? A pop-rap group from a former Soviet colony whose members love video games and refuse to take themselves seriously and release lots of goofy content that sorely lacks English subtitles. No, another one."
To clarify: the description in the previous paragraph only refers to four of the six people making up Estonia's Eurovision entry this year. The two guys in the clip with talharpas are the respected "zombie-folk" duo Puuluup, who play world music festivals and draw their own album covers and seem like a very fun and intelligent duo. They somehow have fallen into league with 5Miinust, a four-member (previously five) group that has been around since the mid-2010s. To the best of my knowledge 5Miinust have never been accused of being Satanic and/or gay like Ninety One have, but they are either a party group, a hip-hop group, a boy band, a bunch of frat bros (see this album cover), or a very savvy business collective whose members include a former advertising specialist and a trained accountant. Or, most likely, all of the above at once.
The 5Miinust / Puuluup collaboration by itself is charming enough, and if you want to know more about how it came to pass, I direct you to Overthinking It's very good video on Estonia's entry. And "Nendest Something Something," as @sole-cuore-amore-e-droga calls it, is the best kind of fun: chaotic at first listen, carefully constructed subsequently. I don't expect it to do well in Malmö. (I think "Europapa," which is also a seemingly chaotic song that turns out to have a lot more going on than its bouncy surface would first indicate, will win overall.) And I don't really care. I'm not sure 5Miinust and Puuluup care a huge amount about the scoreboard either. They've already recorded a full album together; they seem to be having a good time making silly videos for social media. They'd be my winners even without the added bonus, which is that these guys are absolutely giving idol-pop goodness.
I mean: go watch that Eesti Laul performance again. With the exception of the bridge, each performer gets his own solo time, a classic idol-pop move. There's choreo! And the styling: everyone shirtless under a suit jacket, but each suit jacket tailored slightly differently—that is such an idol-pop live-performance look. I cannot be the only person who clocked that Korea's suit is cut the same way as Nine's for "libidO" live stages, just more conservatively.
And the deeper you get into the 5Miinust rabbit hole, the more idol-pop-esque goofiness you find. Drag performances? Yep. Live radio performances with gimmicks? Here they are stripping to "Vamos." Super-dramatic award-show performances with loads of backup dancers? Here they are at last year's Estonian Music Awards. Do you need to learn the point dance? 5Miinust and Puuluup will combine forces to teach you the point dance.
And yet, talking about either (and both) of these groups as idols is a gloriously stupid idea, because "idol pop" suggests a willingness to subjugate themselves to audience demands that neither 5Miinust or Puuluup, for all their combined marketing skill, have. Idol pop historically depends on hierarchies—performers deferring to management, and, in a different way, to their audience—and that's not how 5Miinust or Puulup work. When I wrote up a guide to who's who for /r/eurovision, I said that Päevakoer is 5Miinust's maknae, and it was a joke because I'm pretty confident no one within 5Miinust has ever cared for one second who's older and who's younger. Just the fact that two different groups with a decade between them found creative inspiration in happily treating each other as equals gives the lie to the idol-pop framing. Nobody's bowing to Marko and Ramo. The whole idea is so far from how these particular performers relate to each other as to be nonsensical.
Which means: idol-pop goodness without stifling hierarchies; idol-pop goodness by people in charge of their own careers, who post goofiness on their own terms; idol-pop goodness combined with musical experimentation born of mutual respect. YES. YES. SIGN ME THE HELL UP.
(If it doesn't go without saying at this point, I would give a lot for my new faves to somehow meet my existing faves. Ninety One might not have enough English comprehension to make the meeting work, though. I think 5Miinust's ex-member Gameboy Tetris might speak Russian; whether he wants to speak Russian would be another story.)
I got lucky, and found people also willing to enjoy the 5Miinust-and-Puuluup-as-idols ironic glee. @sole-cuore-amore-e-droga really kicked things off by making that awesome lyrics video, and from there we got a line distribution video and a logo design for our fandom (Estoners) and photocards and a fanchant and a lightstick design and a "Gangnam Style" mashup and chibi art and then more chibi art. It has been one of the highlights of my past month, being able to giggle unreservedly with strangers. I haven't been able to do that in a long time.
Eurovision happens in two weeks, and then there will inevitably be a dropoff in activity, no matter where "(nendest)..." places. Without the Eurovision framework (and the English-language content that comes with it) I suspect most Estoners will move on. I'm still going to play the album, though, and keep an eye on these guys. Any chance to expand idol pop into more humane spaces, I'm going to take, no matter how silly it seems.
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
hiiiii!!!! how are you? sooooo i don't know if u are taking requests but could u write abt s/o being a sooooo excited for the last of us series and haechan not being aware of it with the prompt 35????
love foolish
pairings. haechan x (f) reader
genre. fluff
warnings. mentions of guns and zombies
prompts. #35 “i thought you dont’t like horror games?”
note. i love this request!!!! i also freaking love the last of us, game and tv series :D i’m doing ok anon ty for asking,, i hope u enjoy this and take care <33
prompt list | series masterlist | taglist
haechan is sprawled out on the couch after taking a shower, occupying all the space. he’s mindlessly on his phone, tapping away in the group chat with his older members. you’re finishing up your night time skin care routine, applying your cherry flavored chapstick to your dry lips.
curse the cold weather.
you turn the light off and exit the bathroom as you make your way down the hall to the living room. haechan senses you in the corner of his eyes, turning his head to look at you.
“so sexy.” he dreamily says, eyeing you up and down as you slide your feet over towards him. you’re dressed in your usual night attire, sweats and one of his t-shirts.
smirking, you poke your ass at him, immediately regretting it when his hand makes contact with your cheek.
you hiss in pain, pouting as your rub the stinging area, turning around to do the same to him but he manages to reach over and soothingly rub your ass.
“sorry bubs,” he sheepishly smiles.
you nudge his leg with your knee. “scoot over.”
he frowns, “lie on top of me.”
you sigh, even though you know that’s what you’d end up doing anyways.
you grab your tv remote before settling yourself on top of haechan’s chest, the top of your head in the crook of his neck. one of his arms are lazily wrapped around your waist and your legs entangled with his underneath your throw blanket.
“so what’re we watching again?” he questions.
you’re trying to find the app on your home screen, you had recently bought the hbo app for your tv, solely for the purpose of the most anticipated show that came out last night that you’ve been waiting for for years. purposely ignoring your phone for any spoilers because people like you– except they’re not late– have watched it on the release date.
but you and haechan haven’t watched anything that’s new, together, so you had brought up you wanted to watch something with him tonight. since, yesterday he was busy with his friends back home.
“the last of us, it came out last night and i’m so fucking excited. it’s a post-apocalyptic survival show based off of the video game.” you excitedly, explained to him.
you finally find the app, clicking on it as you patiently wait for it to load.
“ohh, really? is it like a horror game? zombies and guns?”
you nod, “yeah, it’s a horror game. zombies and guns, yes. and there’s also clickers which is the scariest of the infected. i really hate the sound they make, you’ll see soon.”
“i thought you don’t like horror games?”
you hum, “i don’t. but i saw this youtuber that came up on my recommendation play it and then an hour later i ended up watching an entire gameplay of both the first and second game an entire night.” you laugh to yourself.
haechan gasps, “wahh, why have you never told me this?” haechan knows you have a dislike towards scary video games, but strongly more playing them than watching them.
you shrug your shoulders, “this was before i had met you. i won’t play the game though, only watch it. i’d watch you play it though if you ever play it.”
he takes a mental note. you seem to be very interested in this television adaption of a video game. so he has to look up how he can play the game later on.
“i’m excited.” haechan admits softly.
“me too.” you press play, dropping the remote on the floor in arms reach and getting cozy on top of your boyfriend as the episode starts playing.
“so? what’d you think?” you eagerly ask, sitting up on his waist in a straddling position while he’s still lying down. wanting to hear about haechan’s review on your show. you had brought this show up to haechan, knowing he’s into these kinds of shows, but anxious that he won’t enjoy since it’s an american show in english.
“even though it was just the first episode, i’m hooked. i enjoyed it baby.” he tells you honestly, smiling.
you squeal, “me too! now we have to wait a whole week.” you let out a fake sob, plopping your upper half onto haechan’s chest.
“if you got infected i would let you bite me so we can both be zombies.”
you frown, raising your head up to rest your chin on his chest. “but then we’d have no memory of each other.”
he pouts too, “oh yeah. then, you go down, i go down.” the emotional scenes from the first episode are hitting you again and haechan seems to notice so he changes the topic.
“sunday we should order pizza while watching it.” he suggests, fiddling with your soft hands.
“sundays?” you hold up your pinky in front of his face.
“sundays.” he promises.
taglist! @neosdaisy @m_1kaellUh @n0hyuck @matchahyuck send an ask or message to be removed :) or fill out the google form to be added !
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reikurusu · 4 months
So this may be a bit weird, but I would like to get some people's opinions on a personal matter.
I'm going to put it under a read more so people who aren't interested don't have to scroll through it, and because I think this might get a bit lenghty... (Edit after writing: it did)
So in no way are you obligated to read this, obviously, but if you do, feel free to give me your opinion because I could use some different insights.
Okay, so...
Like, 15 years ago, I met a couple of people online because we were all hardcore into a tv show. We had a group chat and I'm pretty sure everyone had individual chats as well.
In this group, there was this guy who I started talking to a lot and over the course of a few years, he pretty much became my best friend. He lived in a neighbouring country, was a year older than me and we really became very close. We talked every single day, all throughout the day, during evenings, constantly.
We could talk about everything, literally everything. We were both nerdy and into similar tv shows that we would watch together on screenshare could theorise for hours. He'd introduce me to video games that we would play with other friends and all.
We would send each other gifts for birthdays. He would read the stupid fanfics I wrote based on tv shows we both loved. I made him an entire, like, "subscription box" with a lot of things from all the fandoms he was into during lockdown because I just wanted to be busy and I really enjoy these kinds of things. I helped him financially when he got screwed over by a friend, he paid it back when he could. When his childhood dog died, I sent him a painted rock with his dog's name on it to put on the grave, something my family does for our pets when they die.
Just, actual best friend. Always there for each other.
Of course we had our ups and downs. We had arguments from time to time. I'm not the best communicator because I always think things are obvious and get annoyed when people don't understand things, which led to miscommuncation. And we're both stubborn so whenever we had an argument, we never wanted to be the one to take the first step to apologize until one of us finally caved.
In general, we always made up.
But... of course, boy-girl friendship, so many people would insinuate things. Friends of his, friends of mine, his mum, friends of my mum,... Which made things confusing because we were really close but were we more than friends? Or did one of us feel more than the other? Did both of us? We sometimes talked about it but were both like, "I don't think so?"
We never met in real life. We also never talked on the phone or in video call or voice chatted while gaming or something similar. We just never did. It just grew that way that we just chatted. We'd sent some photos a few years into the friendship (when we were like 15-16), maybe a few during the years after that, but never really sent pictures. We were both not into that because we're both quite insecure about ourselves. I mean, I know I am, but when I told him that, he said he felt that way as well. So yeah, never an issue tbh.
But the issues did start...
Skip to very late 2022, very early 2023 when he suddenly, after like 13 years, told me that he'd lied about his age. He turned out to be a year younger than me (so 2 years younger than he'd claimed to be). He told me he did it everywhere because way back when we met, he told people he was a bit older to be taken more seriously.
And I got mad.
Not because of the age difference, what do I care. But about the fact that he lied about it for so many years??
He'd told all his online friends, so it wasn't like he had lied just to me, but I felt betrayed because I thought I was a step ahead of his other friends and that he would've told me the truth before them.
Besides that, I also kind of have trust issues. So when someone you consider to be your best friend for over 10 years suddenly tells you they'd been lying to you all this time... Not fun.
And things escalated from there.
I got mad for being lied to all this time (for the act of being lied to. Like I said, the age difference really doesn't matter, but the fact that he lied about it for so long. Like, I'd wish him a happy xth birthday every year, so every year he made the conscious decision to not tell the truth. That's what bothered me).
I got mad about when I told him I told a mutual friend (one from the original group that I still talked to but he didn't), he got mad because he wanted to tell that group himself, which made me feel like I couldn't talk about it with anyone.
I got mad that he sent me reactions from other friends (people I didn't know) of how they reacted to him telling the truth about his age, which made me feel like I wasn't allowed to be annoyed by it because "look, no one else is making a problem out of this".
I told him all of this and eventually we got into a huge argument. And it got really ugly.
I told him that he couldn't see my side of things in the whole thing and that he made me feel like crap because I felt like I was the only one making a problem out of it. And because he was mad I told someone he "knew" (but didn't talk to anymore) about the lie, I told him I felt like I had to bottle up how I felt about it.
He eventually snapped at me that I was a very selfish person. That it always had to be the things I enjoyed, never the things he liked. Something he had never brought up before. Something I didn't understand because I truly felt like we did a lot of things he enjoyed as well, like certain tv shows, games... (not saying I'm not at fault here, because in hindsight he was kind of right about it, I just never realised it because he never brought it up).
He sent all this in a long message, in which he told me he didn't want to be friends anymore. He asked me if there was anything I wanted back (of the gifts I'd sent him over the years) and told me that there was nothing that he'd sent that he wanted back.
I didn't reply to the message anymore.
I blocked and deleted him everywhere. Discord, his phone number, e-mail. Blocked and deleted him on Steam. Really any place or platform I could think of, I blocked him.
I was done.
He didn't want to be friends anymore. He told me I was a selfish person after everything I'd done for him when his other friends wouldn't. I was so pissed. So I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. And for me it's easier to completely block and delete a person; that way I can't contact them myself anymore. Just, cold turkey.
Which of course wasn't easy. You can't just throw away all those years and just move on from it. But having deleted him did make it easier because I had no way of reaching out.
I talked about it with the one friend I told about the age difference and she would often compare him to a narcissistic ex of hers. How she always had a bad feeling about him. Which is helpful when you're mad at someone. It sort of helped me villainise him.
So I tried to move on. Some days it was easier than others. Other days were really annoying because he has a name that you see fcking everywhere. So everytime I saw his name somewhere, I got reminded to all of it and so on and so forth.
But yeah, I didn't reach out. Neither did he (because he literally couldn't reach me). And I slowly accepted the fact that we weren't friends anymore and each went our own way.
Skip to end of August 2023, like 9 months later.
I opened Whatsapp to message a friend and saw that I had a message from an unknown number. I immediately saw that it was a number from the neighbouring country and just knew that it was him.
He asked if we could talk. I took a while to reply because I didn't know what to say. Because part of me was done with it all and had started to be used to not having him in my life, but part of me was also curious what he had to say. So after a few hours I replied telling him, sure, let's talk.
So he sent a long message apologizing for what he'd said and that he should've handled things differently and that he understands if I didn't want to talk to him anymore, but that he just wanted me to know all of it because he didn't want me to believe the things he'd said (kind of too late for that because now every time I talk about my stuff to friends, I have this voice in my head that goes "see, it has to be about you again, just like he said").
I told him this and we sent a couple of long messages explaining our points of views and how we felt about what happened and how we both could've handled things differently (I know that he's not the only one to blame. I have trust issues, am a chronic overthinker and am bad at communicating, hence why we often had miscommunication and arguments).
Either way, we eventually started talking again. Talked about what had happened in the time we didn't talk. I talked about my new job, he told me about a bunch of things he'd been up to (which included starting to go out to clubs, drinking, use several dr*gs to calm his stressed mind, which I kind of understand but am really not a fan of... but sure). After we started talking, he also suffered a brain injury from a fall for which he had to stay in the hospital for a while and which obviously influenced his life in several ways.
We fell back into old habits. Talking, watching shows together, gaming and it was nice. We did have little arguments from time to time, but I feel like we both tried a lot harder to not have it escalate like before.
But then I'd started having a hard time at work and other things and just having a bit of a mental slump, which I wanted to talk/rant about. He wanted to hear me out, but he took a while to reply because of stuff at work. And because of what he said before, about it always being about me, which got stuck in my head, I didn't want to immediately talk about my stuff, but his stuff instead. He did ask multiple times about what had happened, but I didn't want to reply to it before he'd explained what was going on with his work because I was scared of being selfish again.
Eventually, I didn't end up telling him about my stuff, not because I didn't want to, but because of what I said before about being scared that I'd come across as selfish again. Like I said, he did ask about it on multiple occasions, so it's really on me here. But by the time he had explained what had happened at work and all, I wasn't in my slump anymore. And when he asked why I didn't want to talk about it anymore, we got into another argument.
I explained him how what he'd said in the past, about the selfish thing, really messed with me, which made me hold back from talking about my stuff. He told me he asked many times to tell him what had happened, which is completely true, this one is really on me and I can't blame him for anything here. But things escalated again...
I called him out about how, when we first started talking again and were sending long messages, I'd sent him a long message with a bunch of stuff that I honestly not remember anymore. But it was a very open and personal message about insecurities and owning up to mistakes I'd made towards him in the past and such. He had told me, after reading the message, that he'd need to reread it to reply to it properly. That was in October.
To this day, I still haven't received a reply to that message (and I know I never will).
So I called him out on that. I told him that he was the one who reached out initially, that I was doing relatively well without him and that it sucks that he came back only for him to not respond to my heartfelt messages (I'd been bottling the annoyance about the message up for a while). He told me that he had the intention to reply, but kept forgetting, even though I had reminded him a few times. I told him that if you care about someone, if you call them one of the most important people in your life, you don't just forget those kinds of things. Because those things should be important to you, and you don't forget important things.
I also told him that it annoyed me that when I had asked him to tell me more about some things he'd mentioned he'd done while we weren't talking (traveled to the US, met up with a group of online friends,...) he never did. This bothered me because he had accused me of always making it about me, but then when I constantly made an effort to ask about his stuff, and was genuinely interested in it, he didn't reply to it.
To this he replied that those kinds of things (the travel and all) weren't big things to him. That we talked about deeper things (true) so to him, these "normal" things meant less than our deeper conversations.
Which is very nice of him to say, but it also bothered me because you can't tell me I'm not interested in your stuff, but then when I am and am asking questions about it, not reply to it.
(I feel like I'm getting angry again, sorry)
Long story short, we didn't talk again for a few weeks.
After a while, I messaged him again. We again exchanged some long messages. And again, after I sent him a long text explaining how I felt about certain things, he told me he'd reread my message so he could reply properly. He told me a few times that he was working on his reply, to which I joked that it didn't have to be an essay.
This was a few months ago. To this day, again, I haven't received a message to my text.
So I was annoyed with that because it sucks to sent a very open and personal message and not receive a reply to it, multiple times.
I'd also told him, when I first messaged him again after that last argument, that I'd understand if he wanted to call it quits but that in that case I'd have a question for him. In his defence, he did ask about what question it was.
So I asked him what was actually going on between us. For so many years, multiple people had shipped us, we'd both make innuendo jokes and just the fact that we were so close, I told him it was confusing and wanted to hear his thoughts on it.
Instead of replying to it, he asked me how I felt about it, so I told him that it was just confusing because it was as if others saw things that we maybe didn't because we'd been so close for so long. To this he just replied, yeah, I agree, it's confusing, without really adding his take on it. But I didn't pry any further (maybe because I got tired of constantly getting half replies or no replies at all).
We still chatted a bit after that, but our last conversation had a very strange vibe. We were talking about the person who'd accidentally caused his brain injury (a friend of his) and I was kinda pissed at that person and told him I hoped they'd at least offered to help pay for medical bills and such, since they did cause the accident, but he didn't want to hear anything about that because it was an accident and his friend didn't mean to (fair, sure, but it still irks me a bit).
So it was a very loaded conversation, as if we were both trying to not cause an argument.
Eventually, I just told him ok in regards to the situation, to which he sent me a gif.
And that was three months ago.
We haven't talked since. And because of the weird vibe and in some sort of self-preservation, I blocked his number again. We could still message using other ways, but none of us did.
I think the reason I didn't is because of all the replies I didn't get. I don't know why he hasn't messaged me, but I assume he has his reasons.
Now, if you made it all the way here, holy shit?? Thanks for reading all of this and I hope you enjoyed the drama of it lol
But if you made it all the way here, I would really like your opinion on this. His birthday is coming up in a few days and... Do I reach out? Do I reach out before his birthday or on his birthday? Or are you shouting at me right now to not reach out again?
I genuinely don't know.
Part of me feels like it'd be best to just let it all go and move on, but another part of me doesn't want to give up on my best friend of 15 years.
So... Any advice? I'm open for anything...
Thanks again for reading all of this if you made it here! You're the best! <3
- Charlotte
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love3velyn · 6 months
Spring Reset 🌷💌🌿🧸
Hello everyone! The past few months have been difficult since I moved to university. I've been feeling so run down and not myself recently but spring is a time for new beginnings! I'm back home for the easter holidays so I'm looking forward to spending the next few weeks relaxing and taking things slowly. I wanted to share a few ways I plan to spend some time on myself and reset for spring!
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Spend time in nature
Spring is such a beautiful time, with daffodils appearing and trees blossoming. With the weather warming up it is the perfect time to take a gentle walk or ride your bike. Even spending time in a park or your garden can make all the difference on your mood.
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I find getting involved in a story is such a lovely way to unwind from daily stresses. Recently I've been reading the Once Upon a Broken Heart series and I've been loving it so far! I also enjoy reading self-help books to get out of a rut and feel motivated again. Atomic Habits has been my current read and it's helping me plan new routines.
Set/check in on goals
Take this time off to reflect on how the year has been going so far, have you been keeping up with your New Year's resolutions? if not don't worry it's the perfect time to set new goals. It's never too late! Taking time out to slow down and reflect can be so helpful to realign yourself with who you want to be. I like journaling prompts and watching goal-setting videos on YouTube to help guide and motivate me!
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Create a vision board
Following on from the last suggestion, creating a vision board is a lovely way to check your goals and create a vision of your dream life. I think it's such a fun and creative way to motivate yourself! I like to use Canva and Pinterest for my vision boards and I will look for quotes or pictures that I feel represent how I want my year to go. I find being very intentional about what you include makes them more meaningful. This year I am trying to make one for each season.
Plan quality time with family and friends
Since moving to university I have treasured time with my friends and family even more. This easter I am making time for my loved ones and catching up with old friends. Some of my favourite plans are watching a film/series together, playing board games or going on a walk. Taking time away from screens to properly catch up can be so important to show how much you care. If you are far away from friends or family arranging a call, sending a letter or playing a game online can be just as thoughtful! I would recommend Stardew Valley to anyone looking for a cosy spring game to play with friends.
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Re-arrange/ decorate your room
A spring clean can be a lovely way to refresh your environment and feel motivated again. Life can be so busy that we forget to take care of our environment too. Taking out some time to declutter or rearrange your space can be so nice and give a new sense of energy to your room without having to spend lots of money.
Reset my sleep routine
I have some bad sleeping habits I've picked up over the school year so each night I am gradually pushing forward when I go to sleep and when I wake up by half an hour to gently get back to sleeping at a reasonable time.
Take time for yourself
It's important to remember that a holiday is there for a reason! It is so important to have time to relax and do whatever you enjoy, whether having a lay-in, a movie night or playing video games! Not everything you do needs to be productive and having downtime can bring so many benefits like reducing stress and making you more productive when you start working again.
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I hope this post could give you some ideas for your own spring reset and I hope you have a lovely easter!
Love, Evelyn x
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Can you do a summarized version of the K: A Year Later?
You can read all chapters translated here, if you want to get the full story. But if you just need a summary, it's just what it says on the tin: the story of the cast one year after the end of ROK. Each chapter is set up to flow into the next, so usually one character will run into another at the end of their focus chapter and that character will be the focus of the next chapter. The story starts with Kuroh, going over his life at Ashinaka with Shiro and Neko (he helps out at the kendo club and also works at the coffee shop attached to the school). Even with his busy life he still tries to find time to relax and feel the world around him, as Ichigen taught him, and the chapter ends with him meeting Awashima, which is when we learn that Munakata is currently absent.
The second chapter focuses on Awashima, discussing how Munakata basically left on a journey to find himself or whatever and now Awashima's in charge of S4 in his absence. She notices she's gained some weight and tries to quit anko but ultimately a ghost did it (….I'd say it makes sense in context but only in the 'Is Scepter 4 okay' way) so she's good and can once again have anko. She's not the only one giving up things though, as Kusanagi has decided to give up smoking. We get some updates on the Homra alphabet and Kusanagi does his best to function without cigarettes but in the end he has to burn a mud Strain and decides he can keep his cigarettes.
Neko is the one who makes Kusanagi aware of the Strain in his story so the next chapter is hers, showing off her study routine and doing her best. She's made a new friend too, a girl affected by the release of the Slate at the end of ROK, and Neko gets to have cake and study. Eventually there's a knock at the door and Yukari shows up for his chapter, looking for Kuroh. He gets to spend some bonding time with Neko and Shiro before Kuroh comes home and he has some nostalgic feelings about Ichigen too. The chapter ends with Yukari stopping by a liquor store to get some sake and watch the moon, and naturally the store he stops at is the one owned by Kamamoto's family.
Kamamoto's chapter is about his relationship with his childhood friend Ayumi (from Memory of Red and a cameo in Missing Kings). He isn't sure if they're dating or what, but with some advice from Homra he does eventually decide to make their relationship official and even ends up engaged, all while the Homra alphabet (except Chitose, who actually got a girl too) get to be bitter and drink over Kamamoto getting engaged to a girl before them. Speaking of romantic feelings, Yata asks Fushimi on a date asks Fushimi to come over to his place where they play video games and drink cola that they had as kids and spend the night together and it's all very sweet. Afterward Fushimi goes back to S4 and takes care of a Strain situation with perfect skill, because it's the place he belongs after all.
Fushimi's chapter ends with S4 spotting Sukuna on one of their cameras so his chapter is next. Sukuna's living with Yukari and Kotosaka and continuing his training, and one day he runs across his mother. She sees him with a bruise from his training and treats him still like something that was her 'property' so Sukuna fights off her manservant guy and tells her he won't go home with before running off. He happens to spot Anna in her high school uniform and that's our next story about Anna and her new friend Tsubaki. Some bullies who got Red power when the Slate was released try to use Tsubaki to lure Anna somewhere and teach her a lesson, so of course Anna promptly shows up and scares the crap out of them with her King powers. Later she introduces Tsubaki to the Homra guys and they see a huge procession of people coming by, because the King Munakata has returned.
You know how I had some asks about Munakata becoming unintentionally famous in various ways, basically something like that happened and everywhere around the world Munakata went he picked up followers. He ends up in South Africa where he gets a heartfelt letter from Fushimi-kun and decides he must return, bringing his whole entourage along. S4 are all happy to see him and confirm again that Munakata is still their King, and Munakata decides that he is still Munakata Reisi, even without the Slate. He stops by Mihashira, where Shiro's hanging out for our final chapter. Shiro and Munakata have a nice chat (and Shiro says he won't leave the ground anymore because it's not like he said he wouldn't run away a million times in ROK, we've covered this already guys). Shiro stops by both S4 and Homra and then eventually gets to go home with Kuroh and Neko, happily facing the future.
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Rpg Anon: Strap in, mod. Cuz I gotta give my two cents on you being interested in Disgaea now.
First of all, I don't anything about what happens in disgaea 6 or 7. Kinda didn't care anymore after the older characters didn't feel like work was done to make their moves modern anymore.
Ok now, if you're that interested just of the hinazumi bit, you can ignore Disgaea 1 and 3. I didn't play them either but they didn't seem too interesting to me. Just know Laharl, Etna, and Flonne are old characters from the first game.
I recommend playing Disgaea 2, 4, and 5. Mostly cuz I biased like these ones. You can play 2 on a psp emulator like I did. 4 is the first game I saw and how I got into the series tho and 5 was pretty fun to watch and had a great story.
Before I gush over the hinazumi-ish details of Adell and Rozalin, important tips for Disgaea 2 tho. 1. DO NOT kill your friends. Friendly fire is always on and it's always a bad idea to accidentally do this in all the games but 2 actually punishes you HARD if you do it way too much. *shivers in fear remembering the Worse Ending* 2. Adell hits REALLY hard if the opponent is stronger than him. Prepare yourself to see him level up like crazy for being a level 100 fighting level 500's. 3. Adell's cowardly scaredycat little brother is the best unit in the game bar none. His aoe attack where desperately flails all around himself does more damage than anything in this game.
Now for the stupid gushiness. Spoilers tho. Adell and Rozalin start off really not wanting to be around each other. They really don't like having to drag or be dragged everywhere. Character Development happens tho and by the end of the game, well, Adell fucking kisses the insanity out of her. 👍. Funny as the credits show her trying to shoot him for doing that. Here comes the reall Hinazumi levels of tsundere lovey dovey shit. Come Disgaea 4, you can recruit them separately as dlc. The thing is, well, they both seem to have secret motives for why they want the job and need the money when you first try to recruit. Turns out they secretly wanted to buy something valuable for the other. (Adell wanted to buy a fancy necklace for Rozalin and Rozalin wanted to buy a new fancy house for Adell) How sweet. However, whoever you recruited first suddenly arrives after the second is beaten and admits their reasons and they feel moved. Cue the lovey dovey atmosphere of "You did all of this for me?" "You were doing all of this for me, too?" "I... um... uh..." *long silence and then the atmosphere burst into colorful hearts and rainbows as they're both lost in their own world, staring at each other in silence* What happens next can only be described as:
Ibuki coming out of nowhere screaming out "OH. MAH. GAWD. These two. Are. MARRIED!!!"
(Cue the tsundere.)
Hinazumi finally realizing everyone was watching: WE'RE NOT MARRIED!!!
Hajime: yeah um um um she's just a freeloader living together with me under the same house!
Mahiru: Hajime, you idiot! You're only giving them more of the wrong idea! Also who are you calling a freeloader?!
Ibuki: You two are definitely married!
Fuyuhiko: Okay okay! That's enough. You're both fucking hired. Work together as husband and wife to make money for the business, you two.
Hinazumi: We're not married!
(This was fun to go thru again.)
From then on, it gets more and more intimate and hilarious. Honestly, I wish I could gush over it more but I don't have time.
//Ok, so I checked out a video on what you were talking about, and I'll link it here.
//So there's two possible outcomes, as RPG said, and they both give off this absolutely perfect tsundere romance vibe. This is the most Hinazumi thing I have ever fucking seen, and I adore it.
//Kaguya-sama wishes it could be this good.
//And what's funny is I imagine this being a potential story interaction for the Survivor RPG we brainstormed a while ago. Except maybe instead, it's just Ibuki and the other Remnants teasing Hinazumi that they are stupid in love and married.
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Thank you so much for the ask, 🩶 Anon!! It's always so wonderful to hear from you!
We'd be thrilled to answer all of these questions for you, but to keep the posts from being too long we've decided to divide them between canon characters and OCs into two separate posts (the other is linked here). The canon character answers are below, and in keeping with the interview part of the game, we tried our best to answer in the respective character's POV (and included some game sprites just for added fun!).
We hope you'll like what we come up with! Take care! 💙
HERO Answers:
3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
I have so many wonderful childhood memories that it's hard to choose just one, especially if I had to choose between memories of my family or my friends. They're both very important to me.
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In terms of childhood memories of my family, I loved learning how to cook from my grandma, Mamá Alma, and cooking big family dinners with her. My parents taught me a lot too. Kel and I used to build bird feeders with our dad, and our mom tried to teach us how to knit once but Kel ended up tangled in all the yarn (which he insisted was way more fun than knitting anyway).
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Kel and I had a lot of fun together when we were young! We'd stay up late building blanket forts or telling stories, and we loved playing adventure games especially pretending we were pirates looking for buried treasure in our backyard. Sometimes our friends would play too.
I have a lot of fond memories of them as well. I loved spending time at the park or visiting the beach, watching cartoons on Saturday mornings, playing cards or board games, and especially having picnics together. I think some of my fondest memories are of when we would all cook or bake things together to pack in our picnic baskets. Mari and I always tried to make everyone's favorite foods, so we'd spend a lot of time preparing, and honestly, I think I sometimes enjoyed that more than the actual picnics themselves.
Looking back on it all now, it's hard to choose just one favorite moment. It's all those little things that are most meaningful to me: helping Basil plant seeds in his flower garden or building blanket forts with Kel or how we'd all stay up all night playing video games, reading comics, or watching funny movies. The way Aubrey laughed when her face was covered with watermelon seeds or the way Sunny was always way more excited about the box and wrapping paper than any present you ever got him. How Mari's face would always light up when she pulled her cookies out of the oven or how she smiled whenever she played piano for us and we'd all stand around singing along.
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So I think it’s not just one favorite moment. It's so many, and they're all precious to me.
16. Describe your perfect day.
I don't think I need anything too big or exciting for the perfect day. If I got to do anything I wanted, I guess I'd cook a big meal for all my friends and family and invite them over for dinner. Everyone's so busy these days, it would be great to have a quiet evening where we could all get together and catch up, eat good food, and spend time together.
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KEL Answers:
18. What's the best way to cheer you up?
With my favorite stuff probably! If someone brought me an Orange Joe, I'm sure I'd be happy again!
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(Hero: Kel...I think they're hoping for something a little more specific...)
Oh, uh...okay! Mmmmm... When I'm having a bad day, I like to distract myself and try to take my mind off it by doing something else I like. I'll play basketball or ride my bike, listen to my boombox, or play video games, or yeah, have an Orange Joe!
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Watching funny movies or tv shows are always good too because when you're laughing you can't feel as sad anymore!
SUNNY Answers:
13. You're given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
A perfect, comfortable bed as big as my room. Then my room would be a bed.
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It would be at a 12/10. Maybe more if it had a high-density viscoelastic polyurethane mattress, but I don't know if they can make one as big as a room.
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bunnysbrainrot · 1 year
Shameless Headcanons!
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Ever wonder what your favorite characters would be like, especially when you hang out with them? Here are some ideas my silly brain came up with:
Fiona: Fi, with her life as busy as it is with her siblings, wants to make time for herself. Specifically when it comes to self care, her favorite thing to do is face masks and skin care. When you two hang out, you love experimenting with makeup, after a good smoke session in the backyard. (If you don’t smoke, Fi finds you a snack to munch on in the meantime.)
Frank: Needless to say, hanging out with Frank is chaotic… sat that’s the least of it. Expect yourself to get blasted drunk at a bar (several, actually), and probably run from the cops on foot. Can’t really think of much else. It’s Frank, and exactly what you would expect.
Kev and V: Honestly, the two of them would let you hang out at the bar all day, playing pool with V on occasion. They’re both busy with work, but still love spending time with you. Outside of work, you three spend time with the Gallaghers, hanging around in the living room, watching horror movies or playing video games.
Lip: With Lip, you’re usually the study buddy. At one point or another, he has tried to flirt with you, and makes the occasional jab at why you won’t just ‘bang one out’ already. He helps you with any sort of homework you have. Time spent with him is laid back and quiet, and the two of you could talk for hours about random subjects.
Ian: Time with Ian is productive. Being a more goal-driven man, Ian tends to stay at work or doing his activist work with the LGBTQ+ scene. With some free time, you two go to Boystown and find the best bars around, meeting new people and making new friends. Afterward, you always get some diner food and take the leftovers home.
Carl: We don’t see it a lot in the show, but Carl likes sharing stories about things he’s done. Petty crimes and vandalism, stories from his time locked up, how he became a cop and why. He asks you about yourself, and listens intently, comforting you if it gets bad. Afterward, hell even before, you would smoke when you went out for a walk around the neighborhood.
Debbie: Time with Debbie means time with Franny. She sees how much her daughter has bonded with you, and it makes her heart flutter. You and Debbie take Franny to the park and out on the town, and your favorite is the local pool, spending your time in the water and catching some sun. When it’s just you alone, Debbie likes to cook with you, and plan for friends to come over.
Bonus character, Sheila: She loves quality time with you. Whether it be baking, crafting, or watching television, Sheila makes sure that your time together is clam and fulfilling. When it’s been cold outside, she’ll show you how she makes an amazing herbal tea, and whip up a cozy meal.
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fy-wonwoo · 2 years
[eng trans] seventeen for vivi mag japan – wonwoo
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TMI interview (©)
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q: if you were to choose a punishment game, what would you choose? a. extremely spicy food b. bungee jumping c. haunted house ww: for me, i think all three would be fun. so i don’t think it’ll be a punishment game.
q: what do you concern yourself with the most clothing, eating/food and living space? ww: for me, i think it’s the interior (of my living space). if it isn’t stable or comfortable, it affects my performance negatively.
q: what’s a hobby you love nowadays? ww: on youtube, i watch videos of games, fashion and cats.
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ww: even though i’m in charge of rapping in seventeen, i can also write lyrics, i’m good at singing and dancing, and i can also play the guitar. the thought of “i can do anything” may be my biggest weapon (laughs). however, i am not complete/perfect as i am now, and i believe i can continue to become cooler moving on. because i’m less talktive compared to my members, it’s easy for me to come off as cool/indifferent, but i am actually someone who loves working and positively enjoys every passing day. a major reason why i can be stable mentally is that through writing lyrics, not only can i express my posivity, but i can also outboot feelings of frustration and stress into words. if you look at the notes (regarding lyrics), it’s fun to search for the right execution and expression fit for seventeen. i have 12 friends giving me all kind of inspiration everyday, so i don’t find myself getting sick of it. everyday is sincerely exciting and fun. even though we were able to focus on the work right in front of me. i only have thoughts of wanting to succed in all of the rojets we have set in japan. during our stay, i hope we earn more fans. (©)
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"during the light testing, wonwoo & mingyu showed off perfect poses that almost had the onsite staff to the point of screaming & cheering. the photo booth styled cut-and-paste photos were made of poses that came from their interactions, presenting us with the best collaboration."  (©)
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wonwoo & mingyu interview  (©)
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wonwoo to mingyu: “thank you for your love that doesn’t make me feel lonely”
ww: my relationship with mingyu is very good mg: (it’s) because we usually have a lot of conversations between the two of us
ww: when i go to the bathroom after practice, mingyu waits for me until im done. mg: ah embarrassing! that’s a secret! (laughs) ww: he’s a reliable presence that reassures me just by being together. im always grateful. mg: i’d say the same thing back to you. really, thank you always.
mg: even when i’m busy and exhausted from work, i receive a lot of positive energy from (gentle) wonwoo it’s like the feeling of “thank you for your existence.” ww: i’m of the same mind as well.
mg: we’re living together, and wonwoo cooks for us sometimes, so it saves us the trouble of ordering food, which is nice. the ramen he makes is really good. ww: [the food] is not at a level that you can consider it cooking. (laughs)
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wonwoo questionnaire  (©)
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q: if you could take one person to a dessert island, who would it be? a: jeonghan
q: a member that you want to style from head to toe? a: jun
q: on the contrary, a member that you want to ask for styling? a: joshua
q: if you lived as someone else for a day? a: vernon
q: a member you want to travel with? a: dk
q: a member that likes children the most? a: seungkwan
q: who do you want to go on a drive with? a: vernon
q: a person who answers kakaotalk the slowest? a: woozi
q: a member who is the most sensitive to trends? a: the8
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“talking about our team” interview cut (©)
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seventeen’s charms stand out in live performances, what do you care about the most during live (stages)? ww: i am also the same way (as minghao). the concept of the song and the appeal of the lyrics are the most important thing. your face shouldn’t be happy during a sad song, your face shouldn’t be sad during a happy song. letting go of distractions and focusing on the performance is the most important thing.
what is the point of focus for this live (performance)? ww: of course it’s hoping that the (1st japanese ep) DREAM gets attention. the dome tour is a dream to us. i’d like to perform with (feelings of) appreciation and love for carats whoo helped us achieve this dream.
what role do you play when the other members are making decisions within the group? ww: i’m usually a listener. the discussion rarely veers in direction completely different from my own. in the case of disagreements, we go with the majority. this is the fairest approach. in the end, wether or not your opinion is accepted, there won’t be any hard feelings.
when do you feel like having 13 members is great? ww: when we’re on vacation, those who enjoy exercising can go to the gym together, those who want to go to a cafe can go to a cafe together, and there are some who go watch a sports march together. it is because we have so many members that no matter who you’re with, there’s someone with a common interest.
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
Contrast time! Impulse and Superboy both have issues featuring a surprise birthday party for the protagonist that's his first experience celebrating. But it plays out a bit differently for each.
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(Impulse #22)
Most of the issue is Bart dragging Jesse Quick, who is babysitting him, along on a series of misadventures following Max, whom Bart believes is in danger. They arrive back in Manchester to find a surprise party for Bart's birthday waiting.
Max being in danger was a ruse. Iris needed Bart out of the house so she could set up the party, and Max, Jesse, and Wally were all in on it.
This is probably technically Bart's third birthday, although it's his first birthday party. No one was showing him this kind of love while he was running around in VR for two years.
The guests include his family (minus Helen, who wasn't living with Max and Bart yet, and Meloni, who wouldn't show up until #23) and his school friends Carol, Preston, Roland, and some others. (By the way, I am very amused that Roland has no idea that he spent the afternoon teaching video game techniques to the freaking Flash.)
(The Young Justice kids aren't there because the group hadn't formed yet, and the only one of them whom Bart knew at this point was Robin, whom he had recently met. And even if they had been close enough to warrant a party invitation, there's no way Tim would have been allowed to attend a civilian event like this.)
The story as a whole is light-hearted, and the emphasis is on the extent Bart's family is willing to go to to give him a happy birthday. He gets to celebrate surrounded by people who love him. It's very sweet.
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(Superboy Annual #2)
Kon's first birthday is eventful. He makes a televised appearance at a charity event (where a grateful mother brings up the uncomfortable issue of his nonexistent parents), returns to Cadmus, comes face to face with the twelve failed clones who preceded him, meets and fights with his gradually deteriorating eldest "brother," finds out that he was cloned from Cadmus director Paul Westfield, and watches Experiment 1 die (and says it's like losing a part of himself). He has just come from a semi-helpful pep talk from Clark, who is too busy to stick around for the "red-letter day," and returns home to a surprise party.
Tana has done the math on how long it's been since Kon escaped from Cadmus and, with the begrudging help of Roxy, puts together a party for her boyfriend's first birthday apparently without once stopping to register how creepy it is that she is dating someone who literally just turned a year old.
The guest list is an interesting mix. Tana, of course. Dubbilex, Rex, Roxy, and Krypto, who live with Kon. FBI agent Sam Makoa, who...tolerates him. A few school friends. A boy in a red shirt and glasses whom the DC wiki identifies as Bart (whom Kon hardly knows at this point, goodness knows how Tana got hold of him). The truant officer who makes Kon's life miserable. Some of Tana's co-workers, I think. Note the guy with the video camera! Tana is having this televised. Of course she is. Just think of the ratings for a heartwarming news story like this!
Quite a few people show up, but note everyone's body language. With the exception of Tana's hug and Makoa doing a stiff hand-on-the-shoulder, no one's getting too close to Kon. These are not people on especially warm, close terms. Cf. Bart's guests above, who are drawn in tighter-knit, more dynamic arrangements. Kon's guests are more distanced and sometimes are just faceless silhouettes in the background.
Part of Clark's advice to Kon on how to deal with the news of a disappointing lineage was "Having a strong family helps." Dubbilex's comment, "For better or worse--for what it's worth--we are your family!"...isn't exactly reassuring.
There are people in Kon's life who care enough to throw him a party, and he's touched by this gesture. But all the same, there's something oddly missing from all this.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Robin looked down at the streets of Gotham, he's shown up now and then. Overlooking where he won't show, he can't face him anyways. The last time... was horrible and Damian hated it.
"Hey Dames"
Robin clicked on his comm, even if things between him were complicated, he still listened and spoke to his siblings when he can.
"Nightwing, are you visiting Gotham?"
"Yeah, decided to show up tonight. Jay, Steph and Timmy said they'll join the call as well. Cass and Duke send their regards, they're tied up and working together across the world"
"Hey having fun without me?"
"Nah, just telling him about Cass and Duke"
"Hello Spoiler"
"Yo, wanna go to Batburger?"
Nightwing cut in a moment "Don't worry, just us"
"Hm. Very well, I'll join you all for food"
They all met up, just as Nightwing reassured, he wasn't here. Damian sat across Jason and Tim as Dick and Stephanie ordered at front. "So how's everything going?" "Work has been piling on, kinda annoying, but I'm all good" "Yeah I hear you, it's been hectic on my side. People thinking they can get away with annoying shit and then I show otherwise"
The two came back and took their seats. Dick sat with the two across and Stephanie joined Damian.
About an hour passed and they were still eating and talking, Damian took part of the conversation as well.
"Ugh and have you guys seen Bruce? He's annoying as hell ever si- Um ever since he went into a difficult meeting" Stephanie cringed at her mistake, everyone glanced at Damian. Damian didn't look as happy as he did when they all joked and ate. Now he looked... sad.
"So Damian, what brings you to Gotham?"
Everyone looked at each other, except for Damian who merely took a sudden interest to stare at his fries. Dick smiled and tried to lift the atmosphere "Hey you guys wanna stay at my place? Kory is busy outer space so we can play some video games as loud as we want"
"Sounds cool"
"I'm down"
They all looked at Damian.
"I mean, no thank you. I'll pass"
"Please Damian? We haven't had much time together" Damian closed his eyes and sighed, giving in with a small smile "Fine. It'll be a delight to beat you all"
"Oh really? Think you can do that demon? I'll beat you up"
"In your dreams Jason"
The night was filled with shouts as they played Mario Kart. Everyone lied down and slept the rest of the night. All but Damian who sat on the window looking out at Blüdhaven's sky.
"Hey what are you still doing up?"
"You can go back to sleep Richard, I'm merely looking at the sky"
Other than going back to sleep, Dick got up and sat across from Damian. "Do you wanna tell me what you were really doing in Gotham"
Of course Dick saw through that lie of just visiting, he knows Damian too well. "I went to visit his grave... I merely missed him is all" Dick's face fell as he placed his hand on Damian's shoulder "You... you don't have to keep blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault" Damian closed his eyes and shrugged off Dick's hand "I... You weren't there... he said... he said that things could've been different had he been there. I was powerless as I watched it happen. The snap is when I realized how I failed him... I'm sorry"
"Hey, it's not your fault. You know that right?"
"Stop... stop" Damian pressed his knees close to his chest and looked away as he rested his cheek on his knee. "Don't say it. I'm so tired of that. I don't care what anyone else says, I was there! I could've stopped it, I could've saved Pennyworth! But I was too weak to save him... all I do... all I do is kill and it made someone who I loved die" Tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Damian looked over when someone got closer, it was Jason, Tim and Stephanie sitting down on the floor.
Damian's tears poured as he covered his face "Stop looking at me it was my fault. I killed Pennyworth... I killed him" Damian sobbed "It's all my fault... I killed him. I-I killed him... it's my fault, why do you all not hate me? You should all hate me! I... I killed a beloved member of the family, I never should've stayed with father or anyone else. I should've gone back to Nanda Parbat and then everyone would've been safe... everyone would've been better without me" "No, no baby bat don't say that. You didn't do anything wrong, you couldn't have changed it neither could Bruce. He was wrong for that and we were wrong for not helping you sooner. Please don't ever say that about yourself" Everyone got closer and hugged him as he cried into the night.
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skautism · 1 month
(if u dont wanna do that thats ok lol just do like… 2-6… when i rb those posts i always lowkey wanna answer all the questions so i thought maybe u might enjoy this !)
WOOOO oh boy. ill skip the two i already answered (and fucking. misread)
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
im gonna only say happy things. having an art mom, my first internet friend ever who introduced me to vocaloid, and futurama
show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
newsies (1992), borderline forever, and ghostbusters :3
what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
incorrectly weighing a package before shipping it so that the recipient has to pay the postage
what made you start your blog?
musicals lol
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
best: frieeeends :)/worst: strangers not knowing how to mind their damn business
what scares you the most and why?
death. do i need to explain that?
any reacquiring dreams?
mostly fucked up shit like getting sexually assaulted. also lots of getting lost. i only ever have recurring nightmares :/
tell a story about your childhood
my mom pierced my ears for me as a kid since the only option for a 6 year old in georgia at the time was claires and she doesnt like claires at all. we had to do each ear months apart because it hurt a lot and scared me. had to give in and do the other ear because my dads 2nd wife said one ear was tacky and they were about to have their wedding
would you say you’re an emotional person?
nooooooooooo the only place im vulnerable on is here
what do you consider to be romance?
longass walks together
what’s some good advice you want to share?
what are you doing right now?
about to get back to my fic draft yippeeeeeee
what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
nothing really? its either "i dont care that im scared ill do it" or "yeah i dont want to do that i dont think id like it"
what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
very silly but. wii and 3ds
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
we are removing my health problems
name 3 things that make you happy
writing, mario kart, trapeze
do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
favourite thing about the day?
sunny breeze :3
favourite things about the night?
its quieter and easier to walk around because theres less cars
are you a spiritual person?
i mean i believe in ghosts
say 3 things about someone you love
they make really cool music and are supportive of what i do without trying to force me into bullshit and make me really happy
say 3 things about someone you hate
he doesnt know how to actually take accountability for fucking up, hes a dick to my mom, and tried to force me off my meds when they were still working
what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
im writing again! i thought i never would actually get the ideas and motivation back
fave season and why?
fall!!!!!! halloweeeeen and better weather and stepping on leaves and pinecones
fave colour and why?
purple. its pretty :)
any nicknames?
i have a few based on my real name but wont share them for obvious reasons lolol
what do you do when you’re sad?
jack off
what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
card games
are you messy or organised?
extremely fucking messy
how many tabs do you have open right now?
13 on my laptop
any hobbies?
game collecting, playing video games, cd collecting, various art mediums including digital and traditional art and sewing/embroidery and knitting and linocut/blockprinting, obsessively reading tvtropes, bass, piano, guitar, saxophone, sudoku, solitaire, and writing fanfiction
any pet peeves?
people going "shhhh" it hurts my fucking ears SO BAD
do you trust easily?
are you an open book or do you have walls up?
walls up. i know that directly contradicts trusting easily its complicated
share a secret
id rather not
youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
look at my pinned post and guess. and because i like video games and its funny and i like the characters
any bad habits?
vaping and also my ten billion ocd compulsions
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