#♫ ▌  ✧ ‣ ‣   ⌈  Prompts  ⌉
sysig · 1 year
Hello! I feel like rereading Vargas these days so, I'd like to request some Edgar, Scriabin interaction (maybe one of them being vulnerable), if that's okay?
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Day 14 - Stop making your lack of imagination my problem ò///q
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pandoa · 2 years
Congratulations for the 100 followers, Pandoa! It was so difficult to decide a character but I'll go with Silver for this one. So I choose lilacs and violets for Silver with the theme of ballroom waltz. I thought picking up the forest would be a little cliche and I always loved the end of Sleeping Beauty as a kid. As I said other times, take your time to write it! Hope you're well and everything is fine <3
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Lilacs ~ “you are my first. allow me to be your only”
Violets ~ “if only this dream would never end”
~silver x gender neutral reader~
warnings: reader is described to be wearing a dress, but it is still gender neutral! if you’re not quite into that, my apologies :,) i was imagining the final scene of sleeping beauty when writing this, and the flowy ball gown just had to be included
AAA CHERRY TYSM <333 i'm doing well lol i'm wishing all is good with you too~ i really hope you like this!! i know how much you love silver and sleeping beauty, so i do hope you enjoy what i put together hehe
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♡a dream with your eyes open♡
You and Silver had every person in the royally grand ballroom captivated by your darling waltz. Throughout the polished floors of Briar Valley’s refined palace, the both of you glided across the room, twirling with no other care in the world like two flowers swaying in the whistles of a soft breeze. Each person’s attention was focused on you and him—and you and him alone. Entranced by the way your dress had glimmered and shined underneath the palace’s chandeliers with every twist Silver had whirled you in, the other attendees of the ball stepped back in amazement with your elegance, giving you more space to continue your little dance—although you both had not noticed. Simply watching the two of you become lost in each other’s movements filled them with life. It was as if a desirable spell was cast to enthrall them with your fairness and Silver’s princely nature, and they were falling directly into it. 
Dancing with Silver had been like soaring on a delicate cloud in the sky. He gently grasped your hand in his as he guided you over to the other side of the ballroom, swiftly and smoothly, with every step of his landing with the softness of a woodland bluebird. Every movement of his was done so balletically, with him skillfully shuffling his feet to the rhythm of the music and you following beside him admiring the boy’s enchanting aura. However, do not be fooled by his poised disposition. A small, barely even noticeable, rosy-tint formed on Silver’s cheeks as it was the first time he had ever waltzed with someone so… passionately. It made him move with a little more handsomeness, speak with a little more sophistication, and even made him feel like he could overcome his usual sleepiness with the unexplainable amount of energy his feelings had given him. You were just so charming to be around—he couldn’t help but admire you the way he did. 
Breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you, Silver had decided to fill it with a few spontaneous words of his thoughts. The young man felt it was the perfect moment to directly show you just how much he cared for you, and what better way to do it than to say it out straight like the honorable guard he was? 
“You are my first,” Silver suddenly whispered into your ears as he spun you back into his arms, still swaying to the orchestral symphony performing for the palace’s ball, “Allow me to be your only.”
“Do you really mean that?” you curiously questioned his endearing statement. 
“Of course I do. Has there ever been a time where I’ve lied to you?”
“No,” you quickly replied with a small smile, peering up to Silver’s auroral eyes that looked back at you with a certain gleam to their light, “never.”
Silver, upon hearing your satisfying answer, continued to then gracefully stabilize his hold on your waist and slowly dipped you towards marble tiles of the ballroom floor in a grand conclusion to your dance. People were heard applauding your performance while you were left flustered at the way your chest was pressed up against his own, with your close proximity and his embrace on your body preventing you from completely collapsing to the ground. 
You gazed up at him, feeling exhilarated. “If only this dream would never end.”
“Even if it did end, I’d still love you just as much when I awake,” the princely man in front of you replied as he lifted you back up to stand on your own. “The way I did in a dream, in some time, in some way.”
“You know what I’d do, yes?”
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a/n: did u catch where i tried very subtly referencing lyrics from “once upon a dream” lol
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windfighter · 2 years
It doesn't work like that
Prompt: "Shouldn't you be happy?"
Kouji was sitting in the garden, leaned against a tree. Wolf laid next to him, head in Kouji’s lap and Kouji petted him. Kousei leaned against the doorframe, watched them. Kouji’s eyes seemed to look at something far away, and yet they didn’t seem to see anything. Kousei sighed and walked over to Kouji.
”Shouldn’t you be happy?” he asked.
Kouji blinked, turned to look at him. His movements were slow and Kousei realized Kouji must have been deep in his own thoughts. Maybe he shouldn’t have interrupted. He guestured at nothing in particular.
”You’ve found your brother, and Tomoko. You have friends. We’re not going to move any time soon”, Kousei continued. He was still waiting for Kouji to show any anger about keeping Tomoko and Kouichi a secret. ”Shouldn’t you be happy?”
Kouji buried his fingers in Wolf’s fur and frowned. He slowly shook his head.
”...Depression doesn’t work like that”, he said.
Kousei knew that. He had been there when Kouji got diagnosed, had read up about it to be able to help, but it was still… He still thought the depression was because Tomoko’s death. He scratched the back of his neck.
”I know, it just… hurts to see you like this.”
Kouji smiled. It wasn’t happy, but it also wasn’t forced.
”I’m fine”, Kouji said. ”You don’t need to worry.”
”I’m not worrying”, Kousei said. He realized it was a lie. ”Okay, maybe a little. I just want to see you happy.”
”I’m not not happy”, Kouji said. ”Sometimes I just need to go outside and touch grass.”
Kousei put a hand on Kouji’s head and ruffled his hair. He tried to smile.
”Okay then”, he said. ”You know I’m always here if you need me.”
Kouji rolled his eyes before he nodded.
”I know, dad.”
Kousei knew Kouji well enough to tell that it was a lie. It would be useless to press. He patted Kouji’s shoulder.
”Dinner’s in an hour, after that we’ll take Wolf for a walk”, he said. ”Don’t lose track of time.”
Kouji nodded and Kousei walked back into the house.
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talesgolden · 2 years
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(Sea of Stories) || @hvndredstories​ (Connie)
“Explanations are not my forte.”
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        Instantly, Luke’s eyes pulled wide, his mouth dropped open, and he gave a slight turn of his head: all to the effect of the most sarcastic look of shock any person had ever put on. (The kind people who had friends who were fans of stating the obvious excelled at.)
        “Oh yeah? Could’a fooled me.” The mock-shock dropped, and Luke shook his head. His guitar strings zipped, metallic, as he shifted, fingers settling into place. “You’ve got an ear but it ain’t worth a lot if you can’t get what’s in there” -he poked her forehead, two little taps- “out here.” He stepped back with a sweeping gesture. Out here.
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scuttlingsinner · 8 months
Tag Dump!
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radiovour · 8 months
tag drop for personal reference! feel free to ignore~
vam × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆 ❞ prompts × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 ❞ inbox × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒆𝒃𝒕𝒔 ❞ musings × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒍 ❞ aesthetic × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ❞ dash games × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 ❞ radio × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈... ❞ headcanon × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒅𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓 ❞ mirror × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒉 ❞
alastor × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒐 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 ❞ thread × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒊𝒓 ❞ dashcom × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 ❞ crack × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒑𝒔𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 ❞
main × 𝕧𝟘𝟙 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 ❞ before death × 𝕧𝟘𝟚 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 ❞ verse × 𝕧𝟘𝟘 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒕𝒂𝒈 ❞
#vam × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆 ❞#prompts × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑 𝒂 𝒍��𝒏𝒆 ❞#inbox × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒆𝒃𝒕𝒔 ❞#musings × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒍 ❞#aesthetic × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ❞#dash games × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 ❞#radio × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈... ❞#headcanon × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒅𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓 ❞#mirror × 𝕠𝕠𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒉 ❞#alastor × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒐 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 ❞#thread × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ ��𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒊𝒓 ❞#dashcom × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 ❞#crack × 𝕚𝕔 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒑𝒔𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 ❞#main × 𝕧𝟘𝟙 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 ❞#before death × 𝕧𝟘𝟚 ―♮♫˟~ ❝ 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 ❞
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tqbin · 1 year
tags o/
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scftlightz · 1 year
(🗣️) *:・☽ ˚┊ ooc tag dump ! 🛸
❝ — she came from planet claire ! ❞┊ooc & PSA. 
❝ — i knew she came from there ! ❞┊ resources
❝ — she drove a plymouth satellite ! ❞┊rp meme & starters 
❝ — a-faster than the speed of light ! ❞┊ open
❝ — planet claire has pink air! ❞┊w.ship
❝ — all the trees are red ! ❞┊w.plot
❝ — no one ever dies there! ❞┊text muse
❝ — no one has a head ! ❞┊ask & anon 
❝ — some say she's from mars ! ❞┊dash game
❝ — or one of the seven stars ! ❞┊info & headcanons
❝ — that shine after three-thirty ! ❞┊prompts
❝ — in the morning ! ❞┊edits
❝ — she came from planet claire ! ❞┊w.opp
❝ — well she isn't ! ❞┊self promo
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twistedcveryway · 2 years
{ tag dump 1 }
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dumbass-sappho-stan · 4 months
hit first and hit hard || challengers
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ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ: ᴀʀᴛ ᴅᴏɴᴀʟᴅꜱᴏɴ, ᴘᴀᴛʀɪᴄᴋ ᴢᴡᴇɪɢ, ᴛᴀꜱʜɪ ᴅᴜɴᴄᴀɴ
— fem! reader
summary: 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 𝘁𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘂𝗽𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀, 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝘆
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴/𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀʟʟʏ ᴍʏ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ꜱᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ, ʟɪᴋᴇ, ᴏʀ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴄᴏɴꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄʀɪᴛɪᴄɪꜱᴍ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ 3 ᴛᴏ 4 ᴘᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ɪᴛ!
​🇼​​🇴​​🇷​​🇩​ ​🇨​​🇴​​🇺​​🇳​​🇹​: 7.9k
Part Two !!
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𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙊𝙣𝙚: 𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙨
It seemed almost trivial when you'd joined your middle school's tennis team as a favor for a friend. She'd prompted you with positive words and affirmations that it'd "just be for the season" and "for fun". Tennis hadn't even crossed your mind only being mentioned for the celebrity players like Billie Jean King or Andre.... well, they weren't important enough for you to remember them. Or the championship with the silly name, "Wimbledon", at first when you'd learned of it you'd thought it was made up.
But it wasn't and you were set up for tennis during your middle school career. But to the shock of yourself and others—you were a fucking good player. You sailed across the court in "gym shoes" (which were really Converse) and baggy school-issued shorts. Being a twelve-year-old girl running around the court and playing fervently was surely tiring but you worked hard and long, strenuous hours.
Every time you'd trip over yourself trying to catch a ball on the other side of the court, you'd get up. You were determined to be good at something; tennis would be it. You didn't particularly know what fired you to work so hard, especially, at a sport you'd joined as a joke.
It seemed strange but lit a deep fire when you stepped on the concrete court, staring at your opponent standing opposite. The fire nipped at your fingertips when you picked up the heavy racquet and the neon atrocity that was the ball.
It made you feel powerful when you slammed, although not the best serve at first, the ball across the court in a serve that would ensue the rally and the pure enigma that followed—the breath of life that was tennis.
You'd worked pretty hard with your doubles partner, the friend who'd invited you, and you both had managed to snag your state female youth's championships doubles title for ages 12 to 14. To say you were pleased was an understatement, you were thrilled. You'd thrown yourself into the sport for the newfound love of it, and it got your parents off of your ass about joining stupid, fucking 'extracurriculars'.
The year after, you were put into the girl's circuit matches during the year and played throughout. Your intense training paid off so much that you'd shed the doubles-only path and managed to play singles. Somehow, by the chance of something holy, you managed to get to the USTA Girls 14s National Championships just before the start of your freshman year.
14 years old and deathly terrified, you waltzed to San Diego where you were sure you'd meet your fate (death), to lose to people you were convinced were so much better than you. Even though your love of tennis had thrived, you weren't dumb.
You weren't exactly the richest girl on the block, unlike most tennis players. Tennis, you'd learned that to be extraordinarily good or at least decent, with not a lot of raw talent, required lessons; lessons (the good, professional ones) cost a lot of money. You had benefitted from the fact that your school coach was very dedicated once she'd gauged your true love of the sport and soon forced you into a training routine that you dutifully followed.
But all of that didn't matter as you stepped into the stadium. All that mattered was the talent that you possessed, not the rich girls in their juicy couture, that you wished you could steal off of their bodies, their pristine Nike tennis shoes, or their stupidly expensive tennis outfits. You had yourself and your fabulous Wet Seal white skirt that you'd hand sewn so it looked pleated, sorta.
You walked around the stadium for a while, trying to find the locker room to place your stuff down before your match started. It was against some girl with the sorta name that reminded you of the state of Idaho with how forgetful it was. Nevertheless, you sauntered around the halls until you heard a loud, distracting clamor that came from behind you.
The sound of very loud overlapping voices clouded your mind as they all repeated the same name as if gospel:
𝙏𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝘿𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙖𝙣
You had turned your head slightly back to be met with a figure. A tall, beautiful girl entered your vision. And that was the beginning of the end for you.
She walked down the hallway with the entourage of players, adults, and coaches alike following around or behind her. Every step she took felt like the world shook around her, hair slicked back into a ponytail-braid, her outfit branded with some sports brand, and her face... A face that read of more conviction and drive than you'd ever seen in your short life.
You were still walking in an awkward position, head craned backward to gaze at the girl who was a few meters behind. She enraptured you, in more ways than one. It was strange how eye-catching she was, and she must've been popular too if she had everyone following her, or that was your thought process at least. Well you were thinking until from that stupid position you were in, you made eye contact with her.
Her deep eyes had met your own quickly, a flash of confusion on her face before it shifted back to its original stone confidence On the other hand, you had let out a small gasp of embarrassment (?) or some sort of flustered emotion, and scuttled along to the nearest door along the seemingly endless hall.
To your luck, it was the locker room, and even better it was emptier than a school library. Walking to the nearest bench you set your backpack down and let out a shutter, "Jesus Christ.."
You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror, then began to change, and then you were ready. While you were lacing up your gym shoes, ACTUAL tennis shoes, your mind wandered to that girl again.
Tashi...it made your heart clench up and your palms sweat. Everything about today was beginning to make you panic, especially that girl, but you couldn't think about it much before your coach burst into the empty room. She hollered your name and her voice reverberated throughout the room— you blinked you were on the court and the stupid, forgettable girl stood on the other side of the 24 meters, doing whatever stupid, forgettable girls could do. You started your routine, blocking out anything that was deemed a distraction.
The match soon started, and everything seemed drowned out by you and the girl's grunts. The ball sailed across the net, again and again, but it seemed to be quite the easy game. The no-name girl couldn't backhand for her life and eventually, you caught her during the second set. The poor player simply couldn't take your, albeit shaky, jump serve and the ball barely skimmed the tip of her racquet.
You nearly felt bad for the girl, she looked so enraged when she lost. A forlorn battle cry left her lips, her racquet taking the brunt of the anger as it shattered. The girl's expression wrenched, she reminded you of a wounded animal being left for dead, or already on its way.
Bled out and begging.
Nevertheless, you bustled off the court and into the locker room, your coach had already congratulated you on your way out so you were stranded alone. The vibrant cobalt blue of the lockers almost blinded you upon entry but there were more pressing matters, there she was. "Good game," Tashi emitted, standing in the far back of the room. She looked less, terrifying than before... more human. A slight half-smirk or smile on her face flourished, it appeared almost natural.
"Oh! Thank you," You beamed, your smile widening at her praise, it'd felt like winning again. "It's my first time here so I was sorta hoping to win." A laugh escaped your lips awkwardly, slowly trotting over to where the other girl stood.
"I could tell, you looked as if you were about to like to shoot yourself or some shit," She chuckled drily, rummaging through her things while you stood there, like a statue. A very graceless statue.
"Yeah," You answered meekly with a laugh, though it sounded more like a squeak. You didn't know what about this girl made you sweat, you'd never heard of her, who the fuck was this bitch—Your stream of consciousness was soon cut off at the girl's gaze returning to you.
Tashi's expression had slightly toughened, but you chalked it up to being her opponent. She spoke once more, "Well, I got my game," She slung the huge bag over her shoulder and started on her way, before turning again to face you. "See ya..." She trailed off and awaited your name, giving you an expectant look.
Immediately you complied, sputtering out your name and watching the brunette's eyebrows raise in interest? Or that's what you assumed. Your name rolled off her tongue as she said it aloud, and then a second time to you, offering you that intense stare.
"Huh, well, see ya.." Then Tashi Duncan walked right out of the room. Something sparked in you as you saw the girl leave. You didn't know if it was loathing, admiration, or absolute fucking torment. Hell, to this day you don't know what it was. What you did know was that this girl was something; you wanted to be a part of that something. To be a part of her.
So you were.
𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘑𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘕𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘛𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘴 𝘊𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳
The sun beaded down on the courts on the day of the US Open. Unforgiving in its light as it scorched the earth's wide terrain, making sure anyone who left the house that day within the sun's climax would surely get a foul burn. But it didn't matter, everyone was there on the day of the US Open. The fourth and final title any tennis player would need to get a Grand Slam and it all took place in the 'Greatest City' in the world as some say.
New (fucking) York.
You'd finally made it, US Open. It was juniors, sure, but the US Open itself felt like a badge of honor. Being here, aged 17, was everything you worked for the past five years. You felt like it was your birthday, Christmas, and waking up to see the goddamn tooth fairy all in one day. You'd walked past your opponent upon entering the court. Something you'd mastered within the past years was the benefit of the poker face. You set down your bulky bag on your side of the court, got your racquet out, and stretched. Your mind went silent as everything was called to a hush.
There was no coin flip, everyone knew who was serving first. But the question was, who would win?
Tashi had always been the better of the both of you.
You both stood, at opposing ends of the court, staring at each other awaiting the next move. Tashi gripped the ball like a vice and gazed at you. It honestly made you feel naked but you didn't show. There was no place in your world right now to fuck this game up. THWACK THWACK THWACK
The ball took its beating as it wafted from end to end on the green concrete. The loud sounds of grunts and cries intermingled, the sheer forces converging.
When playing with Tashi it almost felt as if you were one. Just as you knew what move she would make, she'd predict yours. You gave her your backhand, and she yielded a forehand. Play after play, you both gave a fight worth seeing. At this point it became a game of endurance, to see who could persist under each other's brutal grasp.
If it was a game of who wanted it badly enough Tashi would've won every single time. But a game of spite? That's something you couldn't afford to lose.
It was the last game. Tashi had won the first one, and you had won the second after managing a dive for a ball for a drop shot, subsequently, skinning practically half the skin off your right knee. But it was all worth it. The third game started with the serve and then you played like hell. Your body was not yours in that moment, it was the games. Your legs pounded into the concrete as they sidestepped, swerving and twisting your body to keep up with the rally. It felt as if the rally had gone on forever. You just needed to tie the set and you'd have the advantage.
You could tell Tashi was starting to break, she looked undoubtedly tired but wouldn't let up. The last hit she gave, a loud THWACK was sent across the court and you plunged to get the ball, it barely touched your racquet... The stands erupted in applause for Tashi as an expression of euphoria broke out upon your opponent's features. She won. "COME ON!" A loud battle cry ripped through her as her tennis racquet tumbled to the ground and a smile broke out on her features. A grin had even broken upon yours, watching your best friend win
Rather than shaking hands as typical at the end of a game, you ran to the net, leaped over it, and enveloped her in an air-tight hug. It was returned with the same amount of vehemence, and a peck to the apple of your cheek.
You wanted to slightly cry or maybe even frown at the aspect of losing but you couldn't. Tashi's win was your win, right?
It's getting hot in here
So take off all your clothes
I am getting so hot...
The music hovered through the air as you and Tashi danced along the dance floor. The party on Long Island seemed a bit daunting to you, going to a social event right after a grueling day full of a tournament in the sweltering sun. But you sucked it up, put on your fetching little dress with high heels, and danced your heart out next to your best friend.
The dresses swung around in tandem while Nelly blasted through the speakers, you laughed with her hooking hands together, spinning throughout the floor.
While dancing you saw the chick Tashi had played before the final, she was sobbing to her parents, looking distraught. "God would you see that chick," You muttered to Tashi's ear, a small smirk forming.
She looked back at the girl, eyebrows raised and a surprised smile. Tashi spoke your name, "I never took you for a bitch," feigning a scold to you, and held your gaze, before busting out in a laugh.
You followed suit, giggling as well. The Russian girl had cursed Tashi out at the end of their match, needless to say, she wasn't the friendliest girl.
"Karma's a bitch, Tash!" A laugh slipped out of your mouth as you practically leaned on Tashi, keeping up dance in between you two. She looked down at you, smiling at your answer with that signature Tashi Duncan grin. Not exactly a smirk, but not an earnest smile.
You returned it, getting lost in her deep brown eyes for a moment, it felt as if on the floor it was just you two. You and Tashi dancing, you didn't know, and maybe would never know, that Tashi knew how you looked at her at that moment. She merely just didn't care.
However, your moment was interrupted by her words;
"Come on, I'm thirsty," She announced, still giving you that impish smile. You only nodded, your wrist was soon snatched up by your friend and promptly yanked off the dance floor. You followed Tashi, finding a cooler nearby, she snatched up two drinks and then led you onto some chairs.
Tashi down first, sipping whatever fruity nonalcoholic drink and you sat on the arm of the chair, of course. You sipped your own drink and stared out in the crowd, but something, no, some guys entered your peripheral vision— they were walking straight toward you. At first, all you could get from the figures was that one was blonde and the other brunette. Upon further inspection, they were the two doubles players, Fire and Ice.
This caused you to nudge your friend with your leg but they'd already appeared.
By some form of charm and fascination, you found yourself on the beach, smoking a cigarette and captivated by two young men. You came to find that their names were Art Donaldson and Patrick Zweig and that they were undoubtedly head over heels. You had a sneaking suspicion they were already members of the Tashi Duncan Fan Club just based on their awestruck faces.
You sat on the rock next to your friend, legs crossed and head turned toward her before shifting to the ocean. A little smile had been laid on your features since meeting with them. They were so.. appealing. If that was a word to describe them. When asked earlier by Tashi, "Who was fire and who was ice?" There was no straight answer so you made one up yourself. "Y'know, I think I've figured you two out." You declared, turning your gaze to them. They both tore their gaze away from Tashi to you.
"What have you figured out?" Patrick inquired playfully, raising his brows unanimously.
"You're fire," You pointed directly at the brunette, "And you're ice." Then pointing to the blonde, a smug smile replaced the other as you took a puff of the cigarette. "Am I wrong?" Art chuckled at the assumption and shrugged, "I don't know is she, Patrick?" He asked his friend, matching your 'matter-of-fact' tone.
Patrick stared at you for a moment, his eyes sized you up, almost the way Tashi did. Confident, all-knowing. From the tips of your heels to the hilt of where your dress dipped into your chest, all the way up to meet your fierce eyes. He readjusted himself in his chair.
"That's up to you, Art." He replied, never breaking the eye contact. This time, Art didn't respond to anyone and only chuckled at the stupidity of the conversation. Though this didn't satiate you, before you could reply with another quip, your phone buzzed.
This caused your face to change as you whisked your shiny light pink Motorola Razr out of the strap of your heel to see who would be calling you—Your mother. "Damnit," You huffed, screening the call and clutching the phone. "Tash, it's my time to go." You started to stand up from the rock, as Tashi turned her head to gaze up at you.
"Your Mom?" "Yeah, who the fuck else." You muttered in annoyance, brushing off the sand that stuck to your leg. Tashi sent you a sympathetic look but she already knew this routine, it wasn't any new to her that your mom would want you back home. Especially, if she knew you were out with random boys.
"Hey, I gotta go, my mom's calling me." You announced to the rest of the company with an awkward grin and some weird hand motion where you limply pointed past them. "Aw really," Patrick whined playfully, "We'll miss you so much," He took a sip of his Coke with a smirk. "Do you really have to go?"
Art joined in, "Yeah, are we that terrible?" He asked teasingly, his lips upturning into a grin that mirrored his friend.
A slight flush had flitted across your face, the awkwardness replaced with a sense of sheepishness. Your reply died on the tip of your tongue as a familiar hug enraptured you from behind. "Oh don't scare her, she's shy. Aren't you?" Tashi jested, giving the boys a flippant glare, her head leaning on the crook of your neck.
You scoffed lightly and rolled your eyes, "No, just tired." A small huff left your lips as you leaned back into your friend's grasp, before turning around and hugging her back tightly. You loved your best friend deeply, she'd chosen you from the start and you still were in awe.
Pulling away from the hug, Tashi kissed the apple of your cheek as always and you grinned.
"Bye Tash," You chirped, finally leaving the sandy rock and onto the beach, passing by the boys before you were stopped by their silly farewells.
"Rude, no goodbye?" Patrick shouted, incredulously with a grin.
Art called out your name, "Bye, I'll see you at Stanford!"
You let out a small giggle to yourself as you skipped off back to your hotel. The boys stared at your figure as it got smaller and smaller, away in the distance.
Later that night, while lounging in your room, watching stupid mindless late-night television there was a knock at your door. Perplexed, you walked over to the door and opened it to reveal your best friend.
"Tashi?" You asked tiredly, "What the hell are you doing here?" Your eyebrows drew together at her devious smirk, the way she looked at you made you think she was about to tell you something you really weren't gonna like.
"Well, you remember those two boys?" She inquired with her Cheshire smile, and you nodded slowly. "They want us to go to their room!" Tashi squealed, grabbing you by the shoulders happily.
Your expression shifted to one of confusion, "You mean they want you," You corrected with a thin, wiry smile.
Tashi scoffed, "No, they said 'Bring your hot friend too', " She moved her hands from your shoulders to connect with your own. "Please? It'll be fun I swear! They have beer!"
"Tash, I don't know about this," You pouted, trying to appeal that you didn't want to go, "Maybe we should think about this, I mean-" You were unfortunately cut off by her hauling you out of your room by your wrists.
"No, we're going, it'll be fun," Tashi stated with vitality as if it were fact rather than opinion. She pulled you through the corridors of the hotel, which conveniently, you learned, the boys were staying in the same one.
It seemed never-ending, the red and green carpeting looked dirty, and looking at the skeevy carpet did not help the unsettling feeling you had in your stomach. It just didn't make sense that they both wanted you there or maybe the idea of being desirable by guys that hot threw you off a bit.
"Tashi, please promise me that I'm not just being brought along so one guy doesn't hide in that bathroom while you fuck the other?" You look at her desperately, trying to search for an answer that registers in your brain. Tashi only ignored your question by giving you an expression that read, 'Shut up, you'll be fine'.
You've gotten that look throughout your friendship but it felt more militant now. So, you did shut up and kept on walking until eventually the red-carpeted trail ended at room 206, that was when Tashi released you from her iron grip and you two stood at the door.
The sound of the knock echoed throughout the empty hotel halls. There was silence and no one opened the door. The second time you knocked, more like pounded, but a knock nonetheless. Rustling and hushed voices were heard on the other side of the door, causing you and Tashi to both giggle a bit to yourself before the door was opened.
They welcomed you into the room, though they both looked reddened and disheveled. The room smelled like cigarettes and looked sloppy as fuck, but what would you expect from two teenage boys?
You and Tashi both took seats on the carpeted floor, and you brought your legs to a criss-crossed position while the boys took the spots across from you two.
"So, did you take like Mommy and me classes together or what?" Tashi asked teasingly, earning chuckles from around the circle. "You guys just seem like brothers."
Art laughed, "Well that's what the Mark Rebellato Tennis Academy will do for you," A laugh simmered once more and you quirked your eyebrow.
"Shit, you guys went to boarding school for tennis?" A curious grin blossomed across your face, "I didn't know they had actually had those."
Patrick nodded his head, "Yep, I've been bunkmates with him," he pointed a finger toward Art, "Since we were 12."
You bobbed your head, "That makes sense," The beer can was finally passed to you and you took a sip. "You both definitely have a gayness to you."
Tashi laughed at your words as the boy's faces dropped, not expecting those words to spill from you. It was deathly silent other than you and Tashi's giggling.
"Well, are you?" Tashi asked between laughs, earning another loud laugh from the two of you at Patrick's smirk and Art's panicked spluttering to defend himself and his friend.
"No, we're NOT gay," He corrected with a nervous smile, "Just because people go to boarding school doesn't mean they're gay. It wasn't even all boys, there were girls too." Art seemed pleased with his own explanation but that didn't stop the onslaught of giggles between you and your friend.
"Okay, sure," You snorted, taking another sip of the beer before it was snatched out your of grasp by Patrick. You shot him a playful glare to only be met with one back.
"Though, does this happen often?" Tashi questioned the boys with a flirtatious gaze, "You bring back two girls to your room?" "Or do you usually..?" The words died on the tip of your tongue as you finished the sentence, giving them an expectant expression. A few seconds passed by with no one speaking until...
"Well..." Patrick started, making you and Tashi wheeze in amusement as Art immediately cut him off.
That was the beginning of the tale of how Patrick taught Art to jerk off. Though you didn't find the conversation all that interesting, hearing about juvenile masturbation wasn't the topic you wanted to listen to. So, you began to space out until the question was turned on the both of you.
"What about you two?" Patrick asked sleazily, a permanent smirk written on his face. "Ever get lonely so you both..." The sentence hung in the air as you and Tashi glanced at each other. You didn't want to answer that question as that was truthfully some personal information that may or may not be true; luckily, Tashi was better at these things.
"That's for us to know and for y'all to find out," She passed the beer to you and you graciously took it from her hands. You resolved to be a bit of an asshole and finish the beer.
"We're out of beer," You put the can down on the carpet and looked at the rest of them, smiling thinly. Internally you were hoping this meant going back to your hotel room and returning to watching infomercials, but unfortunately, that's not what happened. What happened is something that truly signals the beginning of the intertwining between you and these individuals.
Tashi stood up first, her gaze as heavy as lead as she looked down upon the rest of you. The mood of the room had unmistakably shifted into one you weren't sure of, she sauntered to the bed and sat down on it. Her eyes settled on you first as she used her finger to signal you to the bed. You stood up and followed her command senselessly, not knowing what exactly was going to occur.
The two boys had watched the interaction intensely, you hadn't noticed but Tashi did. She always did. Her eyes darted to the boys and then you and a mischievous glint highlighted in her eyes.
She grabbed you by the cheek and stared strongly into your eyes. Your already skittish smile turned to one of confusion as you were confused about what exactly your friend was planning.
Tashi leaned really close to your ear and whispered, "Let's give them the show of their fucking lives," and so you did.
Her lips crashed to yours and before you knew it you were making out with Tashi Duncan. One of her hands had slipped from your face to your ass, and she seized it causing you to exclaim slightly into the kiss but nothing to stop you from it. The intense kissing and touching went on for a while, and her soft hands slid on your exposed thighs as your own hands stayed stationary on her own cheek and waist.
Tashi had pulled away first, her lips pouted from the kissing, to look at you with that same bold gaze but it soon left you in favor of the people who were still on the floor. Your eyes followed her gaze until it landed on them as well; they looked absolutely hungry.
The way they both looked at you reminded you of ravenous lions hunting their prey in the wild. Your hand clutched at Tashi's hair when your mind came to the revelation that the way the boys stared at you made your body feel hot. Hotter than it already was from your make-out session with Tashi.
"Well, are you gonna sit there and watch or join us?" In a flash, the boys clumsily ran to the bed, Art on yours, Patrick on hers. As soon as Art could even lay his eyes on you, his hands and lips followed. Hot kisses were laid on your jugular, but it didn't feel too lascivious, it felt pristine. His touch was soft and once he had dipped his head all the way to your sternum (thank god you had won a tank top), he pulled it away and laid his lips onto yours.
Art's lips were soft and moved rhythmically against yours, you kept up fine and collected his downy blonde curls in your hands. You managed to obtain dominance in the kiss, legs slipping together and locking in with his, your body soon taking precedence over him. His hands moved up and down the small of your back, subtle sounds emitting from his lips that one could classify as moans. It made you feel hotter inside, a deep pool of something warm had clouded your entire bloodstream, only fueled by every movement from the boy who so desperately kissed you. It felt nice to be wanted.
With the eagerness of your own fling you'd forgotten there was an opposite party within your midst, and they were getting it on in the same manner. But what you didn't expect was for Tashi, over the lewd noises, to say anything during the liaisons.
"Okay, switch."
Soon after you removed yourself from Art, begrudgingly, and were snatched up by Patrick. Patrick proved to be the rougher lover, skipping the foreplay and immediately rushing into raw, teeth-clashing kisses that shook you to your core. His hands felt like hot wax over your body as he palmed your breasts and the other slipped into your shorts and onto the smooth skin of your ass, delightfully exemplified by the shortness of them. His kisses were desperate and borderline depraved, you'd never been kissed so passionately before you practically didn't know what to do. Yet you'd let him take the lead after a while, his hand had slipped up from your ass to beneath your shirt, toying with the back of your bra.
Unfortunately for Patrick, the moment was cut abruptly by Tashi, with her ever-persisting smirk, pulled away from Art and nudged him toward you and Patrick, seeing what would transpire. The blonde had slid toward your left and started attacking an open space left at the arc of your neck, leading the brunette to sway to your right side of your neck.
Your whole body felt like it was ablaze, the touch of them both was overwhelming, and the skin-on-skin contact from both boys discerned a deep feeling being dug from you. Your eyes had been wired shut since your switch over to Patrick; they fluttered open for a wink to see one of the most erotic scenes that wouldn't even be found in the chasms of your mind.
Tashi stood a few feet away drinking in the sight with an unreadable but smirking expression. You couldn't tell if she loved the sight because it turned her on, or if she loved that she had this much control over the three of you. Faces and bodies tangled and lips slowly traveled up to your earlobes, and your eyes shut once more as the sensation of the boy's lips traveled to your own within their trail. However, you soon pulled away as the sensation of two people kissing you at once wasn't really a turn-on.
Regardless, by the power of your two open hands, you pushed their heads together as they soon mindlessly locked lips, hands leaving you and they pawed at each other. Leaning back, you watched the scene unfold with ardent interest. This was almost as hot as experiencing it, you suspected as your own smirk spread across your features.
Their kissing continued for a while, you and your best friend watching the boys thoroughly lock lips. But, the moment was not to last, Tashi stepped over and took your wrist, drawing you away from the sinful scene and back into reality.
"Okay, we're done," Tashi announced, a quaint smile on her face while you appeared positively confused and flushed, "It's been nice."
The boys stopped their kissing shortly after to give you both a baffled expression. They both glanced among the two of you, their eyebrows drawn in a line as they tried to configure what the fuck just happened. Patrick always assumed, to this day, that Tashi was just jealous of not being the 'center of attention'. Art, on the other hand, found Tashi to be envious but not about what Patrick presumed about.
"But what about your numbers?" Art asked, sitting up and looking very alarmed. Patrick assumed the same position and expression, they almost looked like twins, if it weren't that they were distinguishable in every way possible.
Tashi paused for a moment, she looked to be in deep thought to the naked eye, but you knew her—she'd planned this. "Well, you'll play for them of course," The words rolled right off her tongue, a glint of something unreadable in her eyes. Expressionless, you turned your gaze back to the boys as they looked stunned.
Tashi looked at you to continue, "Oh, uhm...Yeah, may the best player win.." Your cheeks started to burn once more from the mortification from whatever this tryst was finally setting into your brain. The other girl seemed pleased with your answer and toted you along to the door.
She opened it partly, looking them over with that stare, before saying, "We wanna see some good fucking tennis."
𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘜𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺
Hunger hurts
But I want him so bad
Oh, it kills...
Fiona Apple spilled from the shitty iPod you'd set up in a glass cup as a speaker, working on whatever homework was given to you in your classes. Outside of hitting a ball with a stick, you would like some life skills, so... well your major was something you could worry about later. All that mattered now was two things; Tennis and your friends.
Surprisingly, you weren't a complete social reject and you did have friends outside of Tashi and Art, but they weren't actually welcomed. Tashi could fake many things but fake friendliness? She couldn't bring herself to that low level.
Speak of the devil, Tashi waltzed into your room, clad in athleisure. "God why are you listening to wrist-slitting music," She inquired humorously, an impish smile playing on her face, "Lighten the fuck up, this is California."
"What the fuck do people listen to in California?" The slam of your textbook echoed in the small room while Tashi sauntered to your bed. You leaned back and soon your head was in between her knees and you looked up to her.
"I don't know Pitbull?" Her finger flicked at your nose and you flinched, groaning in the process. "Really?" You asked warily, finally standing up with a crack to the back, "That's news to me..."
The girl giggled at your fatigue and let out a sigh, "You're so lame," Rolling your eyes in response you sighed yourself and trained your vision on her. "So, what's up? Why'd you come from your 'precious time with Patrick', " You mocked, "To see me?"
Tashi scoffed, "You're so damn dramatic," She uttered your name with gusto, moving to make space as you dropped onto the bed. The silence was comfortable, the two of you laying there and staring at the popcorn dorm ceiling.
"I think Patrick is in love with someone else."
Sitting up on the bed, your eyes shot down to Tashi's face. Her expression wasn't even of sadness, anger, or anything you could gage as negative. She just looked bored. "What do you mean, 'in love' with someone else?"
She shrugged and looked away from you, "That's just what Art told me the other day after practice," The bed shifted as she turned her whole body to face you. "He mentioned something about Patrick just wanting this to be a sort of fling, or that he wasn't 'committed' enough for me."
A small scoff left your lips, and a skeptical look passed over your features. "How could Patrick not be in love or committed? It's you, Tashi, he's not gonna do any better." You proclaimed affectionately, trying to present a sense of hope for your friend but you knew the dramatic irony of all of this.
Tashi took in your words with a thin smile and nodded, then yawned. "I don't truly care, you know that," Your name fell from her lips, "I just want to rest now if that's fine with you." A reply didn't come from you as you watched her slowly descend into an unprompted nap.
The music still played softly through the room while you were left alone with your thoughts. You knew two things now; One, Art Donaldson was a shady bitch. Two, now he had made it your problem and you were keen on solving it.
"Art!" The echo of your voice thundered across the Stanford Tennis Courts, provoking the boy to look your way. You stormed into the court with a dynamic expression and at first Art had waved to you with a grin on his features but soon gauged that you looked like you were about to bash his head in.
The distance between you two lessened and lessened, quick strides made til you were feet apart. "Art Donaldson, what the fuck do you think you're doing?!"
"Playing... Tennis?" He replied in bewilderment, a gesture to the empty court was made with his racquet that was still in hand. "What's up?" He seemed genuinely confused, which only fueled the wrath you held.
"No, Art, you're not playing fucking tennis, you're playing damn mind games!" Spitefully, you slapped the racquet out of his hand and maintained his gaze. A gloss of paleness overrun Art and his confused expression shifted to one of bitterness.
"Listen, whatever you've heard about-"
You cut him off, "No, what I've heard about is that you're spewing bullshit to both of my friends and I don't fucking like it." Art scoffed and rolled his eyes at your statement, "What bullshit is that?" He challenged, crossing his arms over his chest.
"That Tashi doesn't love Patrick and Patrick doesn't love Tashi," You replied with vigor, narrowing your eyes at his aloofness about your remarks. The blonde gave you a thin smile, "And?"
It took a great amount of restraint to not punch his face in as being an asshole is something you'd never taken Art for. "And? What do you mean and?" You paused for a beat to see if he'd respond, it stayed quiet. "You're fucking up both of our friend's love lives," You continued, "That's, oh I don't know? Wrong?"
He had looked like he was listening but still said nothing to you. "Well? Have you anything to say for yourself? About your actions?" This did cause Art to let out a long sigh and meet your eyes.
"I mean, what do you want me to do?" He asked you tiredly, "Watch my best friend basically leave the girl of my dreams for weeks at a time, to come back for only 5 seconds to then leave again?"
It struck a despairing chord within you when he uttered the phrase 'girl of my dreams' but tried to not let it phase you. It wasn't about you, it never was, it was about Tashi.
"Yes, Art! That's exactly what I want you to do," You groaned with annoyance at his selfishness, it amazed you how selfish this boy was. "You're supposed to push your feelings aside for your friends, Art," Admonishing him finally seemed to make him look even smaller in front of you as his shoulders slightly sagged.
He looked up at you for a beat, with those sad teardrop-blue, puppy dog eyes begging for pity. You almost gave in like last time, quarreling and then awakening up to find yourself in his bed the next morning, but it wouldn't be like last time. You were soft back then, you had to stand on business.
When you didn't budge he looked even sadder if that was possible but you kept your gaze on him, "I know it's hard to think of what would've happened if you'd won that match. At this point ask for a rematch if you're this desperate," You grumbled, but this caused Art to perk up a bit with, finally, a passionate look in his eyes to match yours.
"Oh, shut up," Art snarled, "You're so fucking hypocritical as if no one sees the way you look at Patrick. Or the way Patrick looks at you," A nervous flush soon reddened your face, you couldn't deny he was right.
There were flirtations here and there from Patrick but that was just his natural manner, or that's at least what you told yourself. It was normal that he'd walked onto you changing one too many times, or commented on every single fling you'd had since meeting you, or how... You stopped listing the reasons that his actions were 'normal' in your head as you were met with Art's harsh gaze. Which was quite frankly terrifying to be under.
So, you broke first and in one swift motion your hand was on his face and your lips crashed onto his.
Safe to say there was no more discussion.
Waking up in Art Donaldson's bed is not one of your proudest accomplishments. It's transpired too many times for you to count but every time it happens you feel a little shred of your self-respect wither away. His body was partly laid on top of you and his head was buried in the valley of your chest. You observed how peaceful he looked as he slept, blonde curls tousled and messed up from the night before and pink lips perfectly pouted.
Everything seemed peaceful in these moments, it was even better than the pillow talk Art always seemed to have while you were attempting to get your sleep. Though in your mind everything was but peaceful. You couldn't seem to shake the ache of what Art had said the day before.
The girl of his dreams, eugh, it made you want to crucify yourself on a burning cross. You always knew the two boys were wrapped around Tashi's finger but you had convinced yourself you fit in somewhere right? That you were liked by Art? I mean he had to, you'd been both fucking for about a year since you'd gotten to Stanford! He'd always gotten jealous when you had other men around, he had to love you just as much...or at least a little? You were a person who existed outside the realm of Tashi's Tennis world... Right?
Clenching your eyes shut you let out a shuttering breath before reconnecting back to reality. You had to get out of this damn dorm room. You tried to slip out of the bigger boy's grasp upon you but it worked to no avail. He only whined and pulled you closer.
"5 more minutes," Art muttered and buried his face further into the skin. Sighing you drove him off of you harshly, leaping out of the bed and starting the search for your previously discarded clothes. This action caused an even louder whine from the male as he finally awoke from his tranquil slumber to observe you. He pouted at the sight of you leaving.
"Do you really have to go?" Art asked as if the events of yesterday had never happened, "I know your schedule you don't have any classes today." Throwing on whatever clean shirt of Art's that was available you didn't respond to him, too busy with your own thoughts. The lack of an answer only made the blonde pout more and he sighed dejectedly.
"You know I love you right?"
The blood ran cold in your veins, "Excuse me?" Your head whipped toward the bed-bound boy, an indecipherable expression on your face. This compelled Art to smile, taking this as a sign of you being shocked that he could love you, that this was the shock of happiness. Oh, how the blonde was so wrong.
"I love you," He said your name tentatively, every syllable dripping from his lips like sweet honey, "I've loved you since that day at the beach."
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you felt yourself consumed by an indescribable misery from inside. What sick joke was he playing on you? Lamenting on the lack of Tashi's love to express his to you? He was definitely playing with you.
"I... I don't know what the fuck you're playing at Art," Your voice trembled with rage, "But it has to stop right now." Art's once joyful expression shifted to one of confusion, something he seemed to love to do these days.
"What?" He asked, "I'm not playing at anything, I love you?" It sounded like a phrased question that caused you to scoff. You snatched up your shoes from the door and angrily put them on, ignoring the way he had started to call your name.
"No, the fuck you don't Art!" You shouted, silencing the boy in front of you, "You think you're always fucking winning and that you're the good one! That you're not fucking around with other people because no one would ever expect that of you!" Your voice quivered under the overwhelming amount of emotion you felt.
"God, I feel like I'm fucking shadowboxing here, you drive me fucking crazy." The tears felt cleansing against your dried face, "I can't keep playing this game anymore, Art. You're too much."
The room went noiseless for a beat, when you finally turned your teary eyes to Art he looked speechless. It stayed like that for a few minutes, the both of you staring at one another. His mouth finally opened:
"Are we talking about Tennis?"
The door slammed on your departure from Art Donaldson's dorm and you didn't see yourself coming back anytime soon.
​🇪​​🇳​​🇩​ ​🇴​​🇫​ ​🇵​​🇦​​🇷​​🇹​ ​🇴​​🇳​​🇪​
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Part 2 is here! Please read it!
Please like or comment, and thank you for reading <3
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sysig · 1 year
can you draw edgar and scriabin playing on a park like brothers for the vargastober? ty!
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Day 7 - Play stupid games
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pandoa · 2 years
PANDO PANDO ILYSM <33 also your picrew is so freaking cute !!!
i wanted to request for the event so i can have more of your DELICIOUS SCRUMPTIOUS AMAZING writing hahaha
im thinking snapdragons with rook hunt ( this man will forever be my original twst crush no matter what <333 ) in a field of fireflies bc im a hopeless romantic like that
anyways , congratulations on the follower count ! im so happy and so so soooooo proud of you. you are doing amazing and i just wanted to let you know that no matter what , im always going to be here to watch you outshine the stars with your greatness.
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Snapdragons ~ “this can’t be real…it feels too good to be real. tell me this is all a dream before i start believing”
~rook hunt x gender neutral reader~
AMORIS ILYT!! and omg i remember the exact picrew you were talking abt. i'm so sorry it took me so long to get to your request, this was from like august </33 i've been kinda slow lately lol. your words never fail to fill me with joy tho and i adore you so much. thank you for existing in my life, my sweet <3
i put my whole pandussy into this amora lmao, hope you like it~
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♡eyes that shine like fireflies♡
You dreamt of a man such as Rook for as long as you could remember.
A man of silk-like locks of hair, a man of strength, integrity, and passion. A man of romance that valued the beauty of art just as you did. He was all that you wished for and even more. Even the poetic fairy tales that were read to you as a child could never compare to the elegance Rook presented himself with. He treated you with only gentleness entwined in lyrical expressions with every interaction you had with the man. Each word from his soft lips bewitched you like a trap set to lure in prey, with that prey being your heart. Nevermind a gastly prince; the Pomefiore third year was an enigma full of unexpectedness. His sweetness drew you in, and you were held captive by his charming disposition since the day you met the eccentric hunter. 
Every moment, hour, and second of your day was filled with daydreaming thoughts of the huntsman. He plagued your mind like a broken record that refused to change its song. Each time you stepped out of Ramshackle and into Night Raven’s campus, you looked out for the iconic feather of his hat searching for the said man. Each time you visited Epel at Pomefiore’s dorm, you longed to magically bump into Rook—in hopes of striking a conversation with him. He was someone you wished to be with. A star in the night sky you hoped to reach for. 
You loved him.
So when the golden young man had called you to an open field surrounded by the luminous light of many fireflies, your chest had risen and fallen in an uneven rhythm, nervousness coursing through your love-struck body. Anticipation was evident in the way you shuffled your feet under the alluring manner of his glances. You looked up to face him—face burning up at the hunter’s mere presence—as the lustrous gleaming of the critters around you illuminated onto you and Rook like tiny specs of magic in the night. You peered at the enchanting view in front of you in wonder.
His eyes were green like fireflies. 
“I am so incredibly besotted by your very existence,” Rook began as he pulled you out of your moment of astonishment. “You are a light brighter than the stars themselves. A cluster of glimmer I wish to keep for myself. And I stand here before you in complete adulation.” The young man then proceeded to gradually step closer to your form, narrowing the distance between your chests. Extending his hand out to hold yours, Rook delicately spoke in an affectionate tone. “Je t'aime, mon amour. I love you most indefinitely.” 
You stood in your place among the shimmering lights of the fireflies, aghast at the words Rook had just spoken. The man you adored so earnestly from afar had just admitted his feelings for you. It was like a fantasy you couldn’t even imagine. Maintaining an eager gaze, you softly muttered in bewilderment, “This can’t be real… It feels too good to be real. Tell me this is all a dream before I start believing.”
“Then believe if that is what your heart calls for, mon trésor,” Rook said in a hushed voice that matched your own, inching closer to your ear with each syllable of his sentence. “Every waking moment with you is like a dream turned into reality.”
Your face flushed at the way his breath tickled the side of your neck and smiled. “I love you as well, Rook.”
And with everything said and done, the two of you cradled one another in each of your arms as the lightning bugs continued to angelically shine above the crowns of your heads in an iridescent ambiance. Orion shone in the night sky along with the many other constellations, appearing to be staring down at you and his fellow hunter in awe. Even the moon seemed to be entirely enthralled by the two of you as it adored you in its place high in the stratosphere. 
An irresistible sight for sore eyes.
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a/n: i’m imagining rook as the firefly from the princess and the frog, and idk whether to laugh or cry like- mA BELLE~~~ EVANGELINEEEEEE
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85back · 2 years
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senascoop · 16 days
☁︎ . , PINNED DESIRES , P.SH ! 18+
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PAIRING: senior ! sunghoon × junior ! afab reader. . . SYNOPSIS: In the secluded history club room, your college senior, Sunghoon Park, corners you with a commanding presence. What starts as a playful confrontation quickly ignites into a heated, passionate encounter. With the cold stone wall as your backdrop, Sunghoon’s touch reveals his intense desire, transforming your nervousness into a thrilling experience. . . GENRE: smut, college au. . . WARNING(S): nsfw, smut, mdni, kisses, lack of aftercare, unprotected sex, semi public setting (?), size kink, uses of word ‘sunbae’ which basically means senior who you are close to, lack of verbal consent, little dirty talk, not proofread, lmk if I missed anything. . . WC: 1.6k. . . m.list : : enhypen mini series
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Little did you expect to find yourself entwined with an older guy, let alone your college senior. Park Sunghoon, his name whispered in your mind as he pinned you against the cold, stone wall of the history club room. The door clicked shut behind him, sealing you both in a private sanctuary.
His broad shoulders filled the space, his presence commanding yet gentle. One hand braced against the wall beside your head, fingers splayed wide, while the other traced patterns on your wrist, his touch light, almost tentative, belying the firm pressure of his hips against yours.
His gaze flicked between your eyes and your parted lips, his voice a low rumble, "You're not supposed to be here this late, are you?" His breath mingled with yours, warmth brushing against your face. You moistened your lips, hesitating before replying, "The library..."
"...was closed," you finished, your voice barely above a whisper. Sunghoon's eyes never left yours, his thumb tracing small circles on your wrist as he leaned in closer, his face hovering just inches from yours. "I see," he murmured, his breath fanning across your lips,
"Why so shy all of a sudden?" Sunghoon asked, his eyes gleaming in the dim light. The question was playful, but there was undeniable heat behind it. You glanced down at your hands, your heart hammering in your chest. "I... I wasn't..."
Sunghoon's index finger gently tilted your chin back up, his touch gentle yet insistent. "No?" he challenged softly, his face inches away. "Because I've noticed you staring at me before. And now, here we are, alone..."
"And you're nervous now," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why?" His hand left your chin and traced along your jaw, down your neck, and finally rested on your waist, his touch light, yet searing. You swallowed hard, your mind racing. "I..."
"Yes?" he prompted, his thumb tracing small circles on your waist. You could feel the warmth radiating from his touch, even through the layers of fabric separating your skin from his. "I... I've never done this before," you finally admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sunghoon's expression softened, and he smiled gently, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Never done what before?" he asked, his voice warm and reassuring. You bit your lip, feeling your cheeks heat up. "Never... kissed someone," you confessed, your eyes dropping to his lips.
Before you knew it, Sunghoon's hand cupped the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his breath on your lips, and your heart hammered in your chest. "Now is a perfect time to change that," he whispered, his voice husky with desire.
His head inclined, and his lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss. His hand on your waist pulled you closer, your bodies aligning perfectly. He deepened the kiss, parting your lips with his tongue, tasting you slowly, as if savoring your inexperience.
You clutched at his shoulders, your fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. Your breath hitched, and you felt your knees grow weak. Sunghoon tightened his hold on you, his strong arms supporting you as he continued to kiss you passionately. "See,"
"it's not so hard, is it?" he murmured against your lips, breaking the kiss to gaze at you with a smile. You shook your head, still dazed from the kiss. "N-no," you stammered, your lips tingling and swollen from his attention.
Sunghoon chuckled, his chest rumbling beneath your hands. He leaned in and pressed a few more soft kisses on your lips before pulling away fully. "Good," he said, smirking at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
He stepped back, his hands falling away from you. You swayed a little, unsteady on your feet, your knees still weak from the intense kiss. Sunghoon reached out to steady you, his hand wrapping around your wrist once more. "Careful," he said, his voice laced with concern.
You steadied yourself, your gaze meeting his. "I'm alright," you assured him, your voice barely above a whisper. Sunghoon nodded, his hand falling away from your wrist. "Good," he repeated, his eyes holding yours captive.
"I've wanted this for a long time," Sunghoon growled, his lips crashing onto yours once more. His hands were everywhere, cupping your face, tangling in your hair, roving over your body.
You moaned against his mouth, your fingers clutching at his shoulders. He hoisted you up, your back pressing against the cold wall of the history club room. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his hardness against your core.
"Sunbae..." you gasped, breaking the kiss to bury your face in his neck. He chuckled darkly, his breath hot against your skin. "Shh, baby. Not so loud," he whispered, his hands squeezing your thighs possessively.
He started moving, his hips grinding against yours in a slow, teasing rhythm. You whimpered, your nails digging into his back. "Please..." you begged, not even sure what you were asking for.
"Please what?" Sunghoon taunted, his voice low and sultry. He nuzzled your neck, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he continued to thrust against you. "Please... touch me..." you panted, your words barely coherent.
Sunghoon let out a guttural growl at your desperate plea. He reached between your bodies and unbuttoned your skirt, pushing it up around your waist. Your uniform socks were the only thing between your skin and the cold wall. "Fuck, you're so tiny,"
"Like a little doll," he murmured, his hands skimming over your hips and waist before gripping your thighs again. He spread your legs wider, his hips settling more firmly between them. You felt the cool air against your most intimate place, realizing that he had pushed your underwear aside.
Sunghoon's grip on your thighs tightened as he pinned you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his hardness pressing into you through the fabric of his uniform pants. “Call me Sunghoon.”
"Sunghoon...?" you whimpered, your voice barely a whisper. He silenced you with a searing kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth as he slowly began to unbuckle his belt. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, your breath hitching with anticipation.
Sunghoon's cock sprang free, already hard and straining towards you. He lifted your hips a little higher, positioning himself before slowly sliding inside of you. You gasped at the feeling of him filling you up, your body stretching to accommodate him.
You could feel every inch of him as he slowly pushed deeper. Your breath hitched in your throat, your fingers gripping his shoulders tightly. "Sunbae—Sunghoon..." you whimpered, burying your face in his neck. "You're so...big."
He groaned at your words, his hips beginning to move in slow, deep thrusts. You could feel him hitting every nerve ending inside of you, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through your body. "God, you feel amazing," he gritted out between clenched teeth.
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed around the room, punctuated by your soft whimpers and his guttural groans. His hands gripped your hips, holding you in place as he drove harder into you, chasing his release.
"You're so tight," he hissed, his voice strained. His hands squeezed your bottom, spreading your cheeks wider to deepen his angle. "It's...it's so deep," you panted, clinging to his shoulders. He grinned wickedly, his eyes locked onto yours.
"And it only gets better," he promised. His pace quickened, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge. You threw your head back, the sensation overwhelming. "Sunbae...I can't...it's too much," you stammered. He growled, nuzzling into your neck.
"Come for me, then," he commanded, his voice low and dominant. His hands slid to your thighs, tilting your hips to meet his hard, powerful thrusts. You whimpered, your fingers digging into his shoulders as the pressure inside you became unbearable. "Sunbae..."
"That's it, baby. Look at me and just... call me sunghoon," he encouraged, his voice hoarse. Your eyes fluttered open, meeting his intense gaze as he continued to pound into you. The combination of his words, his touch, and his unwavering eye contact was enough to push you over the edge.
His face contorted with pleasure, Sunghoon's grip on your thighs tightened, his fingers digging into your flesh. His hips bucked forward one last time, burying himself to the hilt inside you. You felt the warmth spread, filling you up as he found his release, groaning loudly against your neck.
As he filled you with his warmth, your own body reacted, the pressure building to a breaking point. Your inner walls clenched around him, milking his cock for every drop as your own orgasm hit. You screamed into his shoulder, your vision blurring as your body shook with the intensity of your climax.
Sunghoon held you up, his arms the only thing keeping you from collapsing to the floor. He stayed buried inside you, his softening cock still twitching occasionally as he caught his breath. After a moment, he slowly pulled out, his cum trickling out of you and down your thigh.
"Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked, his voice a low rumble as he looked down at you. His thumb brushed against your cheek, wiping away a stray tear that fell from the corner of your eye. He was concerned, the heat and passion from moments before replaced with tenderness.
"I'm...I'm fine," you whispered back, your voice hoarse from screaming. You unwrapped your legs from around his waist, slowly sliding down the wall until your feet touched the floor. Sunghoon kept an arm around you, steadying you until you found your footing.
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dreamscape m.list: enhypen
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @moonpri @chexnluv @wensurr
© senascoop | tumblr
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styxwanderer · 3 months
Hey you can ignore this if you don’t want to answer that. This is an idea to a reaction for the Twst cast to Yuu/Reader being mad at Crowley.
But IMAGINE Yuu/Reader getting told by Crowley that they can’t actually return to their own world because either it wasn’t possible to begin with or had some kind of time limit to which they could return home. And what if Crowley knew for a long time and just didn’t tell Yuu for whatever reason. Now they are so mad and want to commit arson.
I, at least, would ask Ortho, Epel or Floyd to help me empty out Crowleys office and pile it up outside making a big bonfire. (I wold make copies of all his Documents, (I’m not that cruel) I would just hide them to see the look on his face) I would also add things like magnesium, sulfate and other tings to make pretty colored flames.
I love your writing style and I hope you could write your ideas about this.
NRC Tales: No Way Home |
〖Twisted wonderland〗
Dear Neufra darling, I love that brain of yours. i want to kiss it! Sorry it took a while, my brain just kept on generating new ideas for this prompt. I hope you enjoy this fic.
•´¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•♪♫•¨•.¸¸❤¸¸.•¨•♫♪ •´¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•
“HOW COULD YOU?!” You screamed at the face of the old crow. All respect and calm demeanor to the side. 
“N-Now now..” Crowley was taken aback at your outburst. He  would have never expected these reaction coming from you, the usually calm and nice you. Yet here you are, vein threatened to burst out of your skin.
Why had this happened? 
It is simple.. 
You had discovered that this bastard of a headmage of yours could’ve actually send you back home a month ago, but since he missed the exact timing and all, he decided to cover up his mistake hoping no one would noticed. 
You went to report the headmaster of the progress you made and clues you have regarding a passage for you to went back, yet the crow was not in his office. 
Then you discovered the letter and a piece of paper explaining how the passage mirror works in regard to traveling through dimensions. The next possible time for a dimension travel is approximately 1000 year after the last one. This enough had make your heart clenched. You noticed the date written for the next possible time for dimension travel is a month ago.
Everything was blank for you, “no.. its cant be.. no no no..” 1000 year?! Is this a joke? Human can’t even live past 200. You ears ring as you have difficulty to breathe air. 
Admist of your panic the door turn revealing Dire Crowley. 
“Oh! You surprised me! You should’ve waited outside if i am not in the office .. well? Are you alright?.”
“You… am i alright?” You scoffed. As it clicked to you, the paper was in crowley desk, He knew, he knew but choses not to tell you anything, he knew but chose to pretend and leave you with your meaningless tedious investigation.
“What’s the matter?” 
“How could you…”
“HOW COULD YOU!!” You screamed pointing at the paper, you felt blood rushing up your head as tears build up your eyes, you can never see your parents again. Your siblings, your beloved pet, your friends. ‘I am now truly as good as dead to them.’ 
“A—ah.. now.. now..” 
“NOW WHAT?! I can’t.. i can never see my family… why? I can’t… HOW COULD YOU!” myriad of emotions blast through your nerves, but most of all the pain in your heart. You can’t breathe. If you can’t breathe then might as well scream. 
“YOU KNEW. YOU KNEW ABOUT THE DATE! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? Why?! “ you could feel your salty tears rushing down your face.
“I am sorry.. but..” Crowley was taken aback by your outburst. Sure he felt guilty but at the same time, he couldn’t reverse time. 
“It was in your desk.. it was in your desk all along. The solution.” You vision has now blurred its view. You tried to wipe it but it kept flowing.
“I am sorry.. there is nothing i could do.. on the plus side, you have a new family now in twisted wonderland you see, new friends too, so don’t feel so disheartened.”
You could not believe your ears. You lift your face from your hand as you stare at his smiling face.
I want to punch that.
“ARGHHHHHH” You grab the nearest lamp stand as you pulled it off the switch as you lunged to this bastard. 
“AAAAAA!!” The crow screamed
Your body was hurled into the desk by an explosion, landing you to the inside of the desk. Everything ache, you felt that you might have cracked or broken a bone, but you are too numb to notice.
“Headmage!” The door slammed open as the red haired man walked in as he rushed towards Crowley side.
“What happened here? We heard shouting.” The man in a fancy business suit follow in tow.
“Somebody finally have enough of your shit huh old man.” The lion werebeast too walked in.
“Now who would’ve done that?!” The white hair man 
“No matter we need to dispose such unruly person, tch.. it’s always violence first.” The actor draw his Grimoire wand. 
“Hii.. is this an assassination attempt? That’s scary.” A flying tablet walked in.
“Whatever it is, such matters could be solved instantly.” The man with two black horned too entered.  It is rare for Malleus to be present the dormleader meeting, this time Lilia had kept his eyes glued and tell him to go to the meeting hence the rare occurrence. 
They all have just finished their discussion in the dormleader meeting and were heading back to their respective dorm before hearing a loud shout and noises coming from the office. They decide its best to investigate. 
In a glimpse riddled saw somebody was about to attack the headmage and hence the explosion spell. 
The lightbulb of the lamp shade has shattered upon impact. Some of the shard had managed to pierce your hand. But no matter , you could not feel the penetrating shards nor the flowing blood. You were driven by rage, rendering you senseless of others. You did not even noticed who had entered the office. All you want to do is to get back at Crowley the way you know to do. You can’t do magic, but you sure can cause physical harm. 
A loud slam brought the dormwarden attemtion to you. You whom had felt your shoulder dislocated, decided that it is an obstacle, hence you slam your shoulder back in place by slamming it to the desk. You felt no pain, just a hollowing despair.
“A monster…?”
“No thats..”
The housewarden could only gawk at the sight of your furrowed eyebrow, vein popping out on your side. A clear fury drenched your face.
“no no no no….DONT GET IN MY WAY” an anguished cry came from your mouth as you eerily stood up and charged towards the headmage. Your bloody hand leaving trails as you shove Kalim and Vil away so you could get to the headmage. 
Just as you were about to get a hit of that masked bastard you felt two strong arms holding you under the elbow, dragging you away from Crowley.
“Unhand me! I SAY UNHAND ME!” You struggle through Leona’s grip, kicking both your legs. You are manic.
“Eugh, calm down! Calm down, Y/N!” Leona whom had managed to snapped out of his shock tried to reason as he struggled to keep you in his hold.
“NO!! Please!! LET ME GO! Let me go!” Your eyes starts to blur once more, this time you can’t wipe the tears away, you don’t bother to do so, you had one goal to achieve. Tears are pouring freely from your manic eyes, eyebrows scrunched up marring your face. There is blood coming out one side of your face from the explosion. You are bruised all over, your clothes ripped and untidy, your hair a chaotic mess. 
Your appearance brought all of them to agape.  
Malleus upon snapping out rush to your side, helping leona to contain you.
“Y/n, please calm down.”
“Erkh, oi stop gawking start helping.” Leona snapped 
“You are bleeding!” Vil run to clasp your hand that hold the lamp shade tightly. 
“Let go.. your hand is injured.” He tried to pry it off your hand but you hold still. 
Your bloodshot eyes still focused on Crowley as you try to shake these obstacles. 
Kalim and Idia are staring blank to afraid to move. The gentle sweet you all gone replaced by your rage.
“Y/n! Im.. im so.. in sorry..im sorry” riddle stammered, he was ridden with guilt for casting the explosion that caused your injury, he hurt his precious person. 
“Whatever the fuck did  you do to rouse this reaction?” Azul turned to Crowley. Unable to stand the sight of your despair. 
“Uhmm..” crowley hated the attention that was instantly directed to him. 
“TELL THEM WHAT YOU DID! TELL THEM!! You.. YOU BASTARD!” You shouted still in their grasp unable to move further.
“I might have missedthetimelimittosendthembackhome. And the next possible date for it to happened again is 1000 year after last month Its not my fault—“ 
“FUCKKK YOUU!” With a new found power you try to pry those latching to you.
“Oii!” You manage to stagger Leona as he lost his grip, letting you slip. as much as Leona think you deserves to beat the crow to pulp he noticed your injured state, not wanting to worsen your condition he held on.
“Stop it! Stop it y/n. You will injure yourself.” Kalim rushed to hug you on your waist allowing Leona to keep his grip on you. 
“How could you missed the date for such important event?!” Riddle shouted to the headmage.
“And you don’t think to tell them!” Azul turned to shout.
“MOVE! AAAAARGHHH!!”  Frustrated by your inability to move you wailed.
If the housewarden were to be asked years after of the events that happened today they will always remember your anguish filled scream. Its deafening yet they could only feel their hearts cracking, as if they were hit by a hammer that let the pain vibrates through their whole body. 
It lasted not only for 5 second, you were screamed continuously for how ever long it takes for your lungs to be a depleted balloon. It is relatively a short time, but it felt like hours for the housewarden. At the end of your screamed you slumped down as those surrounding you lowered you to the ground slowly, vil finally taking the lamp shade out from your grip. 
“I… im… im never going to see them again.. im never going to see my family again… im never ..” you are interrupted by a sob before fully bursting into tears. Placing both your hand to your face. 
You felt yourself being wrapped in an embrace of the lion and a leathered hand patting your head. Kalim still holding you from the waist was moved to tears too. 
“Its not fairrr..” you squeek between sobs.
“ How could you be so irresponsible?” Vil shouted towards crowley.
“God help me im about to smash this lamp shade to your head instead!” Vil shouted
“Now now c-calm down.. lets talk about this.”
“What is there to talk about? Look at the pain you have caused!” Azul glared
“This is totally unacceptable! How could you?”
Riddle felt his head starting to colour red.
“This is enough, you have proven to me that you do not deserve to stand by them, now perish !” Malleus lift his hand up from your head as he walked towards  crowley, he himself felt enraged for what he did to you.
“Wa.. Wait wait wait!” Crowley stepped back, he sure wasn’t expecting the dormwarden to gang up on him, more the king of briar to be involved.
Malleus got close and closer as he clasp his hand on his neck.
“What is going on here.” The red robe man walked in inspecting the office, he was followed by the dog loving professor who too had been alerted by a heart wrenching scream. Behind both of them the big gym teacher too, follow them inside. 
The teachers sure wasn’t expecting the headmage to be choked by one of the student more over Malleus, they too wasn’t expecting the headmage to be surrounded by the other housewarden who had looked enraged. 
“what is the meaning of this” crewel demanded. 
Just as the teacher rushed in, the door opened for another trio.
“MYEH! What’s all the noises!” Grim rushed inside of the room
“We heard a commotion. Is everybody alright?”The spade boy rushed in with the heart.
The three of them were in their way to pick you up, since they were informed that you are going to report to crowley about the first year group hard-found investigation. They were planning to walk you back to the ramshackle dorm and have a midnight hang out with you and the others. 
Upon seeing the sight of malleus choking the headmage and the wrecked office they froze.
“Uwah.. what’s will all these mess..” ace surveyed the room. 
Crewel too observed the room before his eyes trails to another group in the room, he found you bruised, bleeding and sobbing into your hand as leona hugged you protectively  from behind and kalim, who is also crying, apologizing to you as in condolences, hugging your waist. 
“Crowley what did you do to my pup?” He spits. He won’t take shit from the man, looking at how broken you are not to mention the scream. He could feel the despair from your form. 
“I demand answer now!” Trein who had think of you as a stepchild, steps ignore the state of crowley who was still in the hold of Malleus. 
“I, i accidentally well.. miss the date in which the is the only possible date to open a transport to another dimension and the next date would be 1000 years from last month.” 
“And how are they in a ragged state?”
“Uhm.. that is my fault i thought the headmage was being attacked by an stranger so i cast an explosion spell resulting them to be thrown to the desk and landed behind. I am sorry.. im sorry y/n” riddle face was painted with guilt.
The silence given by the teachers is foreboding.
Crewel pull out his phone as he dial a number. “Hello I’d like to report a child neglect. Yes from NRC.”
“Wait wait wait! Please! Its a simple mistake, we living being made mistake.” 
“Not as crucial as this, this is just pure idiocy, that comes from me who doesn’t really understand much.” Vargas said.
“This is truly despicable.” Trein shouted
“Thats so fucked up!” Ace shouted
“No shit!” Deuce continues. 
“I knew we should never trust this bastard!” Grim snarled. Grim then rushed closer to where you slumped. Concern painted his face. “Henchmen…. are you alright.” 
The commotion starts again as the teachers too started to bash the neglectful headmage.
“… What.. what's the point..” you whispered a sob , slowly you put down your bruised and bleeding hand.
“What?” Kalim asked between sobs.
“What’s the point of living… everything… everything that i do is meaningless…” as the last word spout from your mouth your eyes rolled to the back, with your rage calmed into despair the extend of your injuries soon begun to catch up on its effects resulting your consciousness to fade. Its most likely from when you hit your head on the desk and then the floor resulting a blood injury on the side of your head.
“O-Oi… wake up. Y/N WAKE UP!” Leona stern voice laced with concern has alerted 
“Y/N! Y/NN!!” Kalim and grim yelled trying to wake you up. 
All attention turned to your limped body as they rushed towards your side. Crowley being dropped to the ground with a loud thud.
“Move movee!” Riddle shoved through the crowd.
“Leona lay her down and slightly elevate their head. Kalim let go.” Riddle shouted.
The sobbing Kalim of course refused to let you go, he is concerned for his dearest friend. Vargas had to pry Kalim off your waist as he clung to you. Leona comply because he know better.
Riddle begun a quick check up on your breathing. 
“They are not breathing!!” Riddle cried
“Move away give them space” Crewel pushed back the crowd as they all step back. 
Riddle then begun to do CPR on you.
The others watched with anxiety running course their veins. Dread filled their system as they thought of the worst possible outcome. After a while riddle managed to get you to breathe. Even if its faint at least you are breathing. With leona pressing on the wound in your head to stop the bleeding.
“We need to bring her to the infirmary hurry!” Riddle yelled.
Leona being the most athletic picked you up in an ease and rushed towards the infirmary. The others followed agreeing that there is a more precedented matter at hand and decide to deal with crowley after the matter is settled. 
Once they have arrived to the infirmary the nurse rushed towards you, ripping you away from leona’s arm asking them all to wait outside as they perform their knowledge to treat you. 
Leona stared at his bloody hand, it is not often that dread filled his guts, usually its a bitter annoyance, yet not all he could feel is anxiety amd dread. 
The rest was no better, they all thought of what they could’ve done to prevent this, what they regretted. None of them are prone to wishing, since a wish are for children. But now they found themselves wishing that all of this is a nightmare. Wishing that this would be over soon. Wishing for you to just open your eyes.  begging and praying for you to be alright, and for the you whom would embrace them in a warm hug with a gentle smile on your face to return not the lifeless ghastly you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Ignihyde dorm,
For once idia wished he is present in that office instead of observing from the comfort of his room. His room felt chilly, shivers run down his spine, he was left speechless, so was ortho, who had been brought to attention by the commotion could be heard from idia’s monitor just as he was about leave to the ramshackle dorm gulped.
“Brother… what should we do?”
“I.. I dont know ortho..but we can’t leave them like this.”
Idia rushed as he and his brother rushed to the infirmary.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
in the infirmary,
The nurse finally were able to give you proper care as they patch you up, all that rest was for you to wake up.
Those do not settle well for any of the teacher nor the housewarden and your precious trio. They decided to keep you take turns to keep you company. Not knowing when you will wake up. 
The first is grim since he insisted so hard and refuse any other attempts to debate him. This meant of course that ace and deuce too to insist. And hence they got the first 5 hour to company their injured friend. Ortho insisted to stay with the group as well. Saying he is able to detect vital signs as the hours near the time of your collapse a crucial hour. So he wanted to check in you. 
Second goes to Kalim who is persistent about being any help to you what so ever. Kalim felt hopeless and useless. He wished he could’ve done something for you. And he blame himself for not being able to prevent this event. 
The third is Idia who had come in a rush with ortho, he volunteered to everyone surprise.
The fourth goes to Malleus, whom had  insisted since “he could stay up late than any other”. 
The fifth goes to vil whom had insist that since it would be in the break of dawn he is the most eligible guy for this because he woke up early. 
Sixth goes to Leona who snapped out of his trance.
Seventh to Azul, who was looking pale as if a shark was tailing him from the dark depths, he felt powerless like he was when he was a kid. And he loathe that. 
And last but not least to riddle. Whom still feels guilty for casting the explosion spell.
The days in which you are laid unconscious were tense and restless. An eerie silence has swept NRC. The dormwardens who were not on their shift returned to their dorm bringing the news to those who knew you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Heartslabyul dorm,
When Riddle was rigid, he was devastated of the fact that he himself was the reason of your injury. He was greeted by trey and carter who upon noticing his face was concerned amd ask him what happened. 
When Riddle finished with the news, both thought that riddle was playing jokes at them, it is after they noticed Riddle tearing up that they realized how dire the situation was. The both of them are shocked to find that their friend bawling from guilt.
Trey and Carter calmed Riddle down and talked him out of his guilt, it truly wasn’t Riddle’s fault. 
The two of course wanted to give the crow a piece of their mind. Carter was about to make a video cancelling the headmage in his magicam (he was stopped by Riddle, even though he himself wanted Carter to post it.).  
Trey hastily walked to the kitchen to bake a lot of baked goods for their injured friends, having nothing to do Riddle and Carter helped Trey gladly, and so the three of them spent all might in the kitchen making fantastic delicious food for you. but of course they can’t forget a tart for the crow, a tart that shall be name ‘the pest killer’. Carter and Riddle too gladly help with his ill intent baking. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Savannaclaw dorm,
Upon noticing the smell of blood on their housewarden who looked grimmer than he usually was Ruggie and Jack rushed for answers. 
“Eugh so noisy…” 
With a sigh Leona begun the story, recalling the previous incident. 
Jack rushed to the infirmary, disregarding Leona’s attempts to stop him, leona could only sigh and let Jack be. 
Ruggie was in shell shock, he cannot believe the headmage! Just what kind of headmage neglect his duty?! He pity you, he wanted to go along with jack but he decided its best to do so later. Now he will plan the demise of a crow with the lion. That’s what he gets for messing with their pack.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Octavinelle dorm,
Azul was staggering back into his dorm, noticing the arrival of their friends Jade and Floyd. Noticing the pale they tease their friends but in actuality they are curious and concerned about the thing that made their friend so disheartened. Azul share the story, he felt himself going back to his overblot personality. 
Jade and floyd were silent, their face grim, their eyes were flashing dangerously. They looked to each other, and then a eerie smirk painted their face, 
“we can’t let that slide can we.” Said jade.
“We are going to give this crow the tightest squeeze ever!” Said floyd.
“Yes.. maybe a bot of a waterboarding action would make the crow realized that he fucked up.” Azul joined in.
But of course they find your well-being to be the outmost importance, so they will busy themselves watching over you until you wake up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Scarabia dorm,
Jamil was surprised to find his ‘friend’ come back to Scarabia a crying mess, when Kalim notices Jamil water begun to pour once more from his eyes as he rushed to hug his friend. 
“What happened?” Jamil sigh asked patting Kalim back. He was no surprise of Kalim
Burst of tears, his childhood friend are prone to waterworks since he wear his feelings by the sleeve. It is the reason that shocked him. 
‘That damn bird brain!’ He hissed internally. Jamil wanted to go to you directly, but Kalim cling to him making him stuck. 
They did get their turn on the shift and so the snake waited patiently. He decided to cook a recipe from his mother for when he was sick hoping that would help you with recovery even if you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Pomefiore dorm,
“Why so grim Roi du poisson?” Rook questioned, noticing the slight slump in his overall perfect posture as vil walked back to his dorm. 
“Of course i should’ve expected from your ever so vigilant eyes…” vil begun to tell the tragic tale of yours. 
The french boy could feel his smile dropped 
“oh what a tragedy. How the most beautiful rose are the most prone to be picked first. They would wilt in the dirty hand of such a scum. Such a greedy hand doesn’t deserve to hold such pretty flower on their blooming days.” 
His face was slowly casted with the shadow of his bangs. As malice run course his vein. He was not a fan of violence but to protect such a rose he wouldn’t mind to get his hand dirtied on. 
He decided to listened when vil started planning the demise of the dirty crow. He supported Vil cruel method to the fullest. 
Epel who was eavesdropping on the conversation rushed to the hospital wing of NRC, he wanted to this is a mere talk, but he knew Vil would never fuss himself over meaningless gossip. He still wished it was not real and you are fine and awake and will greet him with a smile on your face. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Ignihyde dorm,
Upon returning to his room Idia slumped in defeat, he is useless powerless once more, 
“I can’t… I can’t lose another person..” 
He begun to bury himself in work, he wanted to make sure you recovered well and Crowley to get what is coming to him. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Diasomnia dorm,
The briar king arrival was greeted by his vice leader and his two peers, but to him it was just his family greeting him back.
“Waka-sama! Thank you for your hard work!” The booming voice snapped Malleus put of his rage trance. He didn’t even notice the ice trail he was living behind. 
“Oh uh… yea.” Malleus answered 
“Its.. cold isn’t.” The silver haired boy softly spoke. 
“Malleus is thought i thought you to better control of your emotion. Look at the ice trail.” The bat fae man scolds.
“Ah i did that. Im sorry.” With a snap of his finger the trail was gone. But now he was faced with the concerned faces of his family. 
“Malleus what exactly happened..”
“I guess i need to tell you this as well.” Malleus sigh in defeat as he share the tale of how Crowley absolutely messed up your mental capacity.
“I should’ve crush his throat when i got the chance.” 
The room seemed to dimmed. When the shock was broken Lilia was cursing the damn crow. Silver who was angry stayed eerily quiet. ‘Unfair’ he thought. ‘Thats unfair!’ He felt dreadful sorrow for you enough to filled hos eyes with tears. After all that you done for them, they could not help you. 
Sebek who was in a silent trance excused himself in a hurry. His pale face is apparent. ‘No you have to wake up… i still have some stuff i haven’t get to say to you’ he thought as he rushed out of his form into the infirmary. He may sound rude or strict but he do truly cares about you and his friend. He regretted not being frontal about his feelings. 
The rest three of them could only do what villains do best. Planning to absolutely crush the crow with a wretched smile on their face. Even silver was in on the plan, without the wretched stained smile of course, he believe just was needed for you, he will become your knight in shining armour. Afterall, the damned bird had attacked their family, and there is a dire consequence to pay. 
All of them regretted that they couldn’t protect your from this event, they wished they were aware of what Crowley did. This includes the other teacher who wished they to participate in the investigation to find your way back home so that they could at least be aware of Crowley and his neglectful behaviour. If only they are apart of the investigation, they would be able to prevent this event from going. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The infirmary was cold and quiet. Ace, deuce and Grim all looked sullen. Grim was teary, crying for you to wake up soon. Deuce was praying for you to get better, to open your eyes at the very least. 
Ortho was observing you diligently monitoring your vitals and looking for a sign in case your symptoms worsened. Though that doesn’t mean he was not haunted by the event. 
Ace was deep in his thoughts how he regretted not coming with you to the headmage office.
All of them regretted not being with you in the office. The image of your hollow dull eyes was imprinted in their memory. Your scream ringed in their ears. A shadow casted the infirmary.  
First was jack who came in,
He was taken a back by the sight of your limped body, the visible bandaged wrist and arm a sore to his eyes. He felt rage for whoever made you like this. 
Epel was next, 
He looked as surprised as as jack muttering “its a lie.. its a lie no way..” before going mad himself  he wanted to cuss and find Crowley right then and there, but he stop himself for the same of you. 
The last to come was Sebek, 
Who had come with a teary eye. Seeing you so broken, fragile like glass he turned away to wipe the flowing tears. How sad your fate were. He find himself mad to the perpetrator. ‘How dare they.’
They all wished to have been there to inform the investigation  they all did to help you to go back home. They wish they are in the office comforting you rather than leaving you alone to discover such secrets. And to be there to prevent you from spiraling into a despair manic breakdown. 
When their turn is up, they exchange their shifts, the sneaky first year get to company you twice since they insisted to go with their perspective housewarden when it is their shift.
 Grim was there all the way, and if he wasn’t, it meant that he was dragged away from your bed by just anybody to get himself fixed and have a proper meal. 
All of them begged for the little miracle they could have. They know miracle does not happened at all for the likes of them, but this time, just this once they wishes and pray to the great sevens to bring you back, to make you open your eyes. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Your eyes could finally flutter on the dawn of the fourth day since the incident. You noticed that the sky was still dark. You tried to look around but a sharp pain ring your head causing you to winched. 
“Mon cheríe!” The hunter, whose eyes were fixed on you relaxed as he rushed towards your side. 
“Thank heaven! Please lay still.. you don’t want to further the damage in your head.” Vil sternly reprimand, he was sitting on the other side with a book in his hand.
“Y/n! Y/n!!!” You are awake!!!”  You see feel a soft furry friend rushed to hug you from your bedside. 
“Thank heavens!! Hey grim! Give em sum space would’ya!” The purple haired boy half shouted, 
They felt a part of their anxiety evaporating from them. But that is not enough
“Hnn.. what.. happened?” 
“You…” vile stammered
“Y/n!! What's my name?”
“Epel, of course your name is epel..” you croak, your throat dry. 
The three people plus direbeast in the room sigh a heavy breathe, your memory is intact. 
“Here drink some water. He gently prop your head with his hand as he gently tip the glads of water into your parched mouth. 
Licking your dry lips you felt yourself weakly placed back to the bed.
“I.. i passed out…”
“Yess.. you have a concussion from the explosion.” Vil explained.
“The explosion…..” you muttered.
“I… i can’t go back… i can’t.. my family… i .. i can’t see them anymore.” You sobbed . Large bulb of tears spill from your eyes as quickly as it had pooled. 
The room was blurred by your tears and your sobs filled the room. 
“.. in sorry..” you hurriedly bring your hand to cover your face. You felt embarrassed to cry like this but you can’t help the tears that is pouring. 
“No stop that.. it’s not your fault mon cheri.”
He brought your hand back to the bed. Rook took a handkerchief from his pocket as he wipe your tears gently and carefully. Rook doesn’t find it disgraceful to see you in tears, in fact he thought your eyes looked like a jewel. 
He wished to comfort you very much, to take away the pain from you, but all he could do now was simply wipe your tears. 
Grim was silent. He could only lay his head on your chest as he try to comfort you with his padded paw. 
In all honesty Vil and Epel too doesn’t find you disgusting or messy for crying, rather they want you to cry on their shoulder, to comfort you the best they could. Same as Rook, they wished to wipe that tears away from you.
“Whatda’ya mean?! If its anybody fault its that damned bird!” Epel half screamed in his thich accent.
“YES YES! If i meet that crow! I’ll bite em for you!” Grim enthusiastically said.
“Epel is right! Never apologize to something that is not your fault!” Vil sternly advice. 
“.. thank you.. guys..” You try to suppress your hiccup and sob 
You were driven back to sleep because of your little breakdown much to the dismay of your friends. Your body and mental was too exhausted after the sobbing mess. 
They were all relieved that there doesn’t seem to be a sign of your physical damage to worsened but they could not bring them to be happy because you are so broken mentally. The little breakdown you have made a painful sting in their heart. 
“Rook inform the others that y/n is awake.” Vil ordered.
“Yes, Roi du poisson.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The others soon rushed to the hospital wing upon hearing the news. Their excitement was crushed to see your sleeping red tear stained face. 
“Hey, i thought you say she was awake?” Floyd lowly muttered, irritated.
“she fell back asleep.” Vil said
“Don’t mean with me?!” Leona growled 
“And who asked you to urgently come to infirmary?”
“Y/n really woke up!” Grim argued
“Yes! And she fell back to sleep from.. crying.” Epel continued.
A commotion starts, They were being loud, and accidentally waking you up. 
“Oh she really is awake!” 
“Hey! Great now you woke her up!”
You were rubbing your eyes. As you begun to slowly sit up ignoring Vil insistent to get you to laugh down. 
“At least lay here,” he grab another pillow from a nearby empty bed and he prop them up to make a comfortable sitting cushion.
“Thank you, vil.” You smiled. 
“uhm.. i made everyone worry.. im sorry.” You attempted to bow, you meant to only hurt crowley but here you are bai g a burden to everyone. 
Everyone protested. Vil grabbed unto you shoulder and prop the back to the pillow stack.
“What did i just tell you about apologizing for a mistake that isn’t yours?”
“Ah but i did made a mistake.. i become a burde-“
“Don’t finish that word! You are everything but a burden! And it was me who cast that blasted explosion spell, i caused your injury, i am very sorry you/n” Riddle felt shame as bow for forgiveness to you.
“After all you have done for us! It is us who could do nothing to help you. We are the one who should be sorry.” Lilia affirmed.
“ you have always been here for us, yet now…” Ace uncharacteristically said.
“We are sorry..” Kalim who was bought to tears again and were being held by Jamil as to not rush as hug you.
“No.. no.. please, Riddle i don’t blame you at all everybody in the bright mind would do that, and all of you are never a burden to me.” 
“Then don’t ever say you are a burden ok” silver spoke.
“Yes don’t you dare utter such blasphemy to your name!” Sebek yelled
“If its anyone fault! Its that damn birdbrain, don’t worry shrimpy I’ll give him a hugee squeeze for you~”
“Yes a punishment is at due.” Jade joined in.
“With no charge of cousse don’t worry yourself!” Azul smirked.
“Now here you muct be hungry, i made you my mothers recipe.” Jamil brought out a warm stew for you to eat.
“Yes! Jamil food always healed me when im sick!” 
“Ah yeah! After that you could have all the cake, tart, cupcakes, scones you’d like!” Trey add. Showcasing the whole baked goods he mentioned. Some of them are made in a cute animal shape.
“The heartslabyul bois made them with love~” Carter giggled.
“ whoa they bought the whole bakery to the infirmary!” Ruggie gawked
“Heh such a beloved spoiled herbivore you are.” Leona mused.
“You need to eat well y/n, for recovery!” Jack reminded.
“Yes that is true! A high nourishing food is good for a speedy recovery!” Ortho beamed. 
“Ah ok.. you went to pick the spoon up as the stew was placed in front of you, only to feel a the sun-kissed skin gently slap
It away.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He scolded. Jamil then picked up the spoon and scoop the stewing stew from the bowl, then he blow on them gently before moving it close to your mouth.
“Eh…” you blushed upon realizing what happened.
“C’mon the stew is spilling.”
“Ah ok..” you stammered. You hesitantly open your mouth allowing Jamil to feed you.
You felt quite embarrassed as you chew away the meat in your stew. 
“Why does it have to be you who feed them?” Ace grumbled.
“Because he made them.. don’t worry we will get out turn soon” deuce grinned.
“We should’ve bring them food too! Don’t worry next time i will cook a delicious meal for you!” Lilia announced.
“Oh uhm.. hahahha no.. i dont want to burden you hahaha.” You panicked.
The rest of them reminiscence the day they get to eat lilia food, the lot of them turned green.
You glanced at Tsunataron, Sebek, and Silver for help.
“Ah uh don’t worry we will help too!” Sebek boomed.
“Yes we would be the outmost help!” Silver joined.
“Yes we will keep a close watch!” Malleus continues.
“Hahaha thank you guys” you giggled.
“I too have a mushroom soup in mind! They are very nutritious you see!” Jade beamed as he always does when he talk about his mushrooms.
“Eughh stopp! Dont feed just mushroom to little shrimpy! They might get stomach pain!” Floyd complained 
“I agree with floyd, though the best of monstro longue food is at due!” Azul promised.
“I too have a recovery recipe for you, you will be healed in no time!” Vil said
“Oh! The great roí du poisson cooking for you, how luck must you be mon trickster.” 
“ big brother and i could come up with aomet too right, big brother!”
“Yes leave it to big… maybe not food hahaha.” 
Idia stammered at the end
The lot of them seeing this begun to have an idea to bring you food in the idea to get to feed you. Leona despite not saying anything brought you meat to eat, he said meat is very important for recovery. It was a very delicious meat, 
“Of course i bought them from only the best restaurant.” Leona smirked. 
…Rich guy.
Ruggie brought you his grandma ultimate recipe.
Idia unable to cook decided he will just made you a gaming console for when you are bored. You thanked him. He put a multiplayer game and other game too so the three of you could play together.
Occasionally the faculty member come to visit, 
Crewel would come bringing a potion for your health, he did scolded you for letting your anger control you. But at the same time, he understands why. Mainly he was concerned for his child pup
Trein would check up on you occasionally sneakily giving you treats, anything for his ehem favorite adopted grandchild student. 
Vargas patted you on the back trying to console you and occasionally visit you too, he noticed how small you look and can’t to want to protect you. “Next time there is any problem just call daddy! And i will be there in an instant!” He boomed with his white shining teeth. He really could an actor in a toothpaste commercial.
Sam was filled in on what’s happening after crewel came in eyebrow burrowed, smelling of tabacco and demanding the finest bottle of wine. He felt pity for his favorite child costumer. He visited you bringing you trinkets and candies from all around the island, he said its free of charge and that not to mind it since he was giving the candies away anyway, though you suspect he lied about that part. He often patt your head as you pop the snack or candy he brought for you.
The first year would visit you for hours after class it seemed like it has become their hang out place. Right after school ended, they rushed to go to the infirmary. They bring snacks with them and of course the famous Felmer apple juice. They would bring today's notes to you and do homework together, play game together, or any other stuff to cheer you up. 
The lot of them made you feel better though you are still saddened about not being able to see your family, you have to agree with Crowley that the family you have in NRC is heavenly for you.  
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Finally come the day you are discharged. 
The dorm planned a party for your recovery of course with the permission of the teachers. They bring all sorts of food and drinks. You enjoyed everything, their laughter, their pranks, the way they joked, the way they care for you and one another. Everything made the hollow in your heart to fill up.
“Now are we ready for the main event!” Azul announced.
“Eh main event?.. what is that.. i was not aware..” you whispered to grim.
“Hehehe! Just wait and see henchman!”
“We sure are!” They cheered, their eyes were glinted with mischief and wickedness.
“Introducing the flaming pest!” Lilia cheered as he flew above and lifted the sheet covering the stand.
It was Crowley tied to a wooden pole as stack of hay was stuffed in his surrounding. 
“What.. what!! HEY!! Released me this instant!!”  He screamed. 
“Whats the meaning of this! I expect better from you housewarden!! Crewel! Trein! Vargas! Sam! Save me!!”
He was meet with a smirk. Crewel raised the wine glass to his mouth as he sip the succulent wine. “ may you rest in pieces.” The two other laughed. Trein just smirked silently and sip his wine ready to watch the beautiful flaming pyre. 
All of them jeered and laughed. You could only find your self in a state of shock amazed of house brilliant and caring your friends are, you are brought to tears.
“Ah y/n is crying!”
“Why are you crying dearie.”
“It must’ve because of that bird!” 
“I DID.. Nothing .. at least now.” Crowley defended himself.
“No it’s not it, it’s just.. I'm just touch at how caring and lovely you are.” You are meet with couple embrace from the first year group whom had stayed by your side. 
“What a heartfelt sight you truly have a gift to bring people together. BUT NOT THE RIGHT TIME NOR THE RIGHT CAUSE! C’mon i am Sorry alright!! Pleasee!” 
“Thank us later once the show has begun, now be amazed!” Jade beamed from your behind holding your shoulder as he lifted your chin up to see the stage. 
“Pull the lever!” Ruggie howled.
“No nooo!!” Crowley shouted, he was so very sure he was going to die burning to the death, yet no fire ball come through. A bunch of hay fall through from nowhere, a summoning spell.
Then followed with tons of bags, robes, and coat. Another batch comes tons of hard worked documents., and a sofa.
“Eh..”Crowley was confused about the whole thing, until he realized that all of those stuff was taken from his room and office. 
“NOOO!! My Dioz branded coat! My Guzzi Bagg! MY VALENTINE ROBEE!!! I worked hours for that document pleaseeee. my 8 million thaumark couch!
“Set them on fire!” Kalim cheered
Carter was filming the whole thing. He will send the video to idia to render for high quality and will distribute them to those attending including the teachers. 
Each dorm were given a chemical to throw into the fire,
The Heartslabyul were given Lithium to turn the fire colour red.
The Savannaclaw were given Sodium to turn the fire colour yellow.
The Octonaville were given Caesium to turn the fire colour bright purple.
The Scarabia were given Radium to turn the fire colour bright red.
The Pomefiore were given Potassium to turn the fire colour darker purple.
The Ignihyde were given Indium to turn the fire colour Blue
The Diasomnia were given Boron to turn the fire colour green.
This of course is conducted safely. The idea comes from both Rook and Trey with the approval of Crewel who is also supervising them in this event.
“NOOOOOOOI!!!!!! Stop stop!! Burn me instead nooooo!” Crowley struggle two times the effort but to no attempt. Leona and jack had made sure that the ropes tightly dig into the headmage body. 
“ARGHHHHH!!” The headmage felt utterly despair as he too faint from shock.
You are mesmerized by the different colour that flashed by the pyre.
The whole party cheered. The bags, coats, and robes completely turned to ash.
Everybody had the same thought in their head. 
‘Serve him right for messing with y/n.’
You grow silent again for a after cheering as reality seep in on you.
“Hmm what’s wrong, are you not satisfied with the display?” Jack concerned voice brought attention from the rest of the group. 
“No it’s just.. since i will be here forever i don’t know where to go after i finished with my studies. I can’t do magic so i am practically useless in this world.”
“What are you saying henchmen! You and i will be together forever i am the one who could cast magic and you shall be the brain!”
“Yes and besides I wouldn’t mind if you take the last name Roseheart if you would allow. I will forever protect and i will provide you with anything you want. I will be a lawyer you see! You will be living the best of your life with me. And grim too of course. Besides i need to take responsibility for giving you, your first kiss.” Riddle instantly offered.
Your brain short circuited. “Huh… eh..” 
Did you just got proposed?!
No way right?!
“NO WAY! Y/N you should take Ashengrotto instead you see i will be the next biggest billionaire! You wouldn’t need to worry about penny of what you want to spend, unlike a lawyer who need to rely on a client to earn living. And frankly, CPR does not count as a kiss!” he sneered
“What do you mean by that huh?!”
“No, y/n you should come to briar valley instead! You could marry one of my son, i have options anyone you choose would guarantee to provide you with the best, Malleus will be king of briar, my other two will become a royal guard! Although i wouldn’t mind if you want to spend your days with my last years.” Lilia claimed.
“F-father.. but y/n its true i will provide you the best I could.” Red tint his cheeks.
“YES! I don’t care if you are a human, you are truly the best of best, i would be honoured if you are willing to spend your days with me.” Sebek blabbered blush. 
“Y/n would you consider, you shall be the queen of briar valley and i your king. We shall spend our moment with joy, i guarantee your safety and riches.” Malleus confidentially proclaimed red tinted his ears.
“Hah, and what lock her up in that dark gloomy tower of yours? Y/n you should ignore these guys. Come with me and become y/n kingscolar, your good friend ‘Tsunatarou’ are not the only one with a royal blood. Come with me, i will ensure twice what they offer. Be my queen herbivore.” Leona smirked extending his hand. He might sound pompous but the red tint on his face says otherwise.
“No, you might be royalty, but the al asim family possess riches compared to a royalty! And Kalim is the heir of al-asim! You should come to scalding sands instead!”
Jamil shouted, yes he just promoted his best friend, but who to say you can’t have an affair with him. 
“Yes! Yes!” Kalim agreed
“No way! Your family is riddled with murder attempts the leeches are guaranteed to be veryyyy secured! Shrimpy won’t need to be cautious when eating their food nor do they need to sleep with one eye open.” Floyd smirked. 
“Yes you could chose the either of us, but in all honesty i dont mind sharing with my brother you see, we always share out stuff anyway.” Jade laugh into his hand like a proper gentleman he was.
You never would have thought to see the leech brother blushing but here you are, 
“I am a renowned actor! The number one barchelor in the entire island! You should take my hand instead! I will promise you fame and glory! You will be rich and beautiful, you shall be my queen.” Vil too joined in with a blush to his face.
“Heh all actor have expiry date you know.” Leona tease
“What do you mean by that?”
“He meant when you are all wrinkly and old!”
Ortho tease, the gremlin inside of him seemed to have awakened.
“I am still far from that age! I am not old!!”
“But you depend on it.” Ortho teased again.
“Oh truly marvelous! But y/n I wouldn’t mind if you choose to go as Schoenheit, I too have to propose for you to take the name hunt, I promise to protect you and guide you till the day we have to separate naturally.” Rook proclaimed.
“Rook.. you dare betray me..”vil was once again shocked.
“You shouldn’t shock since you saw what was under my room wallpaper, and me as your supplier.”
“Huh.. that made perfect sense.” Vil sigh.
“Y/N .. w-would you go to S.T.Y.X with me! I know i might not be much, but i assure you! Styx have the best protection, they even manage to beat all of these housewarden. I want to rule styx with you… uhmm thats too cheesy!! The point is!! I would like to offer the shroud last name if you allow me to be with you!!!” Idia stammered. His hair tip turned pink as he fiddle with his fiddle with his fingers out of nervousness.  
“Yes y/n! We would have a lot of fun adventuree!” 
“Absolutely not.. not in a chance i’d let that happen.” The overblot boys yelled.
“SHADDAP!! It's not your choice its theirs!” He yelled.
“ARGHHH… ya kno, the bunch of ya! Not everythin is about richesss! Y/n! We could build our Felmer farm together! And I will take care of ye for the rest of ma days! I vowed to ya!” Epel declared! Face flushed red both from anger and rage.
“The Bucchi name would look good on you y/n. I promised to find any means to provide for us! And even if you don’t I don't mind if you want to have an affair with me, i can share!” Ruggie assert himself.
“Or me in that case! I promised to protect you as long as I can breathe, I may not have a mountain of riches but i will ensure a peaceful calm life for the both of us. What do you say y/n would you take the howl name?” Jack continued. 
“Y/n I may not have much as well, but I can ensure you a fun and on going life! I will provide for you! All you need to do is give cay- cay lots of love ok? And I promise you everything and the name diamond.” Carter too extended his hand.
“My family have a bakery and my sibling, and my parents are a very lovely and warm people! My parents and siblings loved you already! I will vow to be there for you always to the end of days, to provide for you in sickness and in health.” Trey fixed his glasses in nervousness, yet he delivered his message perfectly. 
“NO! Y/n! MY MOM LOVED YOU ALREADY! She kept going on and on about when you are going to visit! You don’t need to worry about horrible mother in law!! She adored you just as i have come to adore you… i-if you are willing to take the spade name.”
“No way! They would not last with somebody with the brain of a peanut! Y/n i will climb to the top of top! And provide you with everything there is in the world! How about that? Will you take the Trapolla name.” Ace too declared.
“So who would you choose?” 
“LIKE HELL I’D GIVE MY PRECIOUS PUP TO YOU BRAT! Wolves! STAY AWAY! Y/n will you become my child instead! Here you can sign your name here and here! I will provide you! And if you want a job you could be my exclusive model for my brand!” Crewel wave his riding crop to shoo away your barchelor as he hovers you and adoption paper.
“Teacher we too can find y/n a promising job! Away, no harrassment shall befell them!” Some of the students argued.
“I jest, y/n you should come with me! I have experience with kid. You shall be taken care of with the outmost dignity. I have enough to provide for everyone.” Trein claimed.
Vargas and sam are satisfied to be the strong protective and the spoiling uncle, yet they found themselves offering you the same offer.
“I own a family business far and wide and mysterious, i will tell you all about it if you sign here and here.”
“I will protect you from all the troubles amd boys! Over my head body!” 
“Whoa, you manage to make the students fight one another and the teachers too! Such power you have, henchman.”
You are left a blubbering mess.. 
“Don’t worry the great Grim will choose the most perfect eligible barchelor for you! You don’t mind anybody right?!”
“A..AA ….”
“Okk! such trouble this henchman brough me" Grim smirked
And hence the chaos ensued.
Though, it is safe to say that Crowley would not dare to pull something as such or mess with you again. Reports said he had become more diligent and responsible to his work. Such trauma you caused him.
So, whose hand will you take, my dear?
[Words 9219]
» End «
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This is by far the longest fic I had written 9219 words?! YIPPEE
taglist: @neufora @shironakuronatasa
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chlorinecake · 4 months
random texts with boyfriend RIIZE 18+
PROMPT: “Would you be mad if I…”
💿   ✰   HYUNG LINE EDITION   ◌    ♫
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Shotaro —✰
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Eunseok —✰
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Sungchan —✰
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Wonbin —✰
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maknae line edition here !!
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taglist ( open 💌 ) -> @squoxle @nikisdubblchococake @wonbinisbabygurl @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @watamotee33 @addictedtohobi @ot7sevenlvr
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