#( these are super accurate especially Cassie's! )
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Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
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Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
TAGGED: @honorhearted (I know you tagged my astrid blog, but none of the results really suited her character as much as these did for these two), but thank you!)
TAGGING: @deadlyarccna​ @austerulous @thesoulofasurvivor @stxrving-scientist & anyone who wants to!
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padfootagain · 1 year
The Last Chance (I)
Chapter 1 : Meeting
Hi! Coming back with a request for my Comeback Event!! Woohoo!!! Today we are answering an anonymous request : ‘Ben Barnes & #23 for the event? 💗’. Prompt 23 was ‘wrong time to right time’.
I was actually super happy to receive this prompt for Ben, because I had already planned to write something of the kind for Ben using his acoustic video for 11:11… you’ll see what I mean when you read the third part of the fic, but it fits my plans perfectly! So, thank you so much for your request!! Although this was meant to be a one-shot, it got completely out of hand, and I had to split the fic into three parts! So, here is part 1, and you’ll get part 2 on April 29 (2023) and part 3 on May 1rst!
I hope you enjoy your fic, anon!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warning: angst… with a happy ending 😉 But for this first part, it’s rather a fluffy beginning and an angsty ending…
Summary: you and Ben have been caught in a game of hide and seek for decades now; always loving each other at the wrong time in your lives. Can this finally be the right moment for the two of you?
Word count: 4693
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It’s late. It’s raining. You’re bored out of your mind, actually.
Amazing idea to follow your friends from university as they crash every bar in town… Wonderful plan. Especially when you have to wait for your roommate to go back to the campus, to finally go to bed. You check your watch. It’s almost 1am. You have an exam tomorrow at eleven. Great… So much for your good night of rest and quiet.
There’s only so much space under the porch of this bar. You’re partly soaked already.
You look inside once more, to see your friend snogging some guy. You don’t know him. He’s cute though, you guess. Black hair. Warm sweater. Lean. He blushes when your friend pulls away, you guess he’s a little shy. Maybe that’s the guy she’s been talking about, the cute one Cassie met in one of your classes… which class is it again? It has something to do with 18th century literature, you reckon, but you can’t put your finger on it.
Anyway, it doesn’t matter. You give the couple five more minutes before storming inside and pulling her out by the neck yourself…
You go to the bathroom for five minutes, and that’s all the time Cassie needs to meet the guy she’s trying to date and to start snogging him in public… wonderful…
Or well, maybe snogging is a bit much. Kissing is more accurate.
You decide that a cigarette is going to calm you down, so you light one up and take a long drag. The feeling of the intoxicating smoke does help. You feel yourself relaxing, but you don’t give up on your resolution to kick your roommate’s arse, and to do so rather sooner than later.
You’re taking your second drag when the door behind you opens, and you move a little to the side to let the young man walk out. He gives you a shy smile and a nod to silently thank you, and you copy his polite gesture. But instead of walking away in the street, he remains under the shelter of the porch next to you, glancing inside through the glass door. He buries his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
“Waiting for someone too?” you ask him, trying to be nonchalant.
Actually, you’re a little uncomfortable that a stranger shares your hiding spot. He seems nice enough though. Dark hair. Tall. He gives you a shy smile.
“Yeah, waiting for a friend. Sorry, if I’m bothering you during your cigarette break.”
“No worries. I’m waiting for my roommate to go home.”
“Looks like we both have some lousy friends,” he jokes, and you decide that you like his smile.
He accepts the cigarette that you offer him, and he lights it up with your lighter. He inhales deeply the smoke, holding it in his lungs for a few seconds, before puffing it out in a white cloud. You can’t help but notice that he’s rather handsome doing that…
“Yeah… and I have a test tomorrow morning,” you go on, looking for a distraction as the stranger raises the cigarette back to his lips. “So, I will probably murder her if she doesn’t come out soon.”
He chuckles with you.
“You’re studying at university?” he asks, deciding that doing conversation is better than merely waiting in the cold night. He’s already half-soaked because of how small this porch is and how hard it rains.
“Really? Kingston too?”
“I’ve never seen you in class.”
“You’re studying English as well?”
“Yeah, junior year.”
“Oh… you’re one year ahead, that’s why!”
You take the last drag off your cigarette, and rub the incandescent tip against the sole of your shoe, making the blaze die out.
“You like it so far?” he asks.
It’s only November but it’s cold already, and you can see the white puff of air escaping his lungs as he speaks; it dances in the cold air and the golden light coming from the streetlamp a few feet away, along with the one shed by the pub.
“Yeah, it’s alright. You?”
You don’t really know what to say, and you look for your friend again, who is still snogging her date…
“Which one is your lousy friend?” the stranger asks, looking inside as well.
“The blond one with a tongue in her throat, at the back.”
You don’t understand why he starts laughing. It’s loud and infectious though. You like it.
“Well, looks like we share the same doom. My friend is the one with his tongue in her throat.”
You check your watch, heaving a sigh.
You look cute. It’s the first thought that comes to his mind as he looks at your annoyed expression. You’re crinkling your nose, and it’s adorable. He finds you pretty, even like this: clearly frozen, half-drenched, your hair and clothes dishevelled. Really pretty, actually…
“What a pair of morons,” you mumble under your breath. “I give them two more minutes before committing a murder.”
He can’t help but chuckle. You’re funny.
“I can be your alibi if you’d like,” he offers, making you laugh.
“Works for me.”
He’s about to speak again, ask about your name, yourself, what you like, if you’re free tomorrow night, but you’re faster than him. You blurt out a triumphant shout.
“Hallelujah! They’re standing up! We can go home!”
“A bloody miracle!”
He can’t help it. The way he’s kind of… disappointed. He takes one last drag out of his cigarette, staring at you and the way the golden light of the pub dances over your features.
A minute later and your friend and her date are finally in the street with you.
“Oh, Y/N! You haven’t met my boyfriend yet!” Cassie says, looking excited.
“Nope. Haven’t had the pleasure. But, huh… well, I’m Y/N,” you tell the dark-haired guy who’s still holding your friend’s hand.
He gives you a crooked smile, a little arrogant around the edges. He looks cute, you’ve got to admit. You do find his friend cuter though. You like the way he blushes now that all of you are cramped under the small space of the porch.
“Nice to meet, Y/N. I’m Jonathan. Oh, but… looks like you’ve met my friend already. Hmm, Cassie, this is Ben. We’re in the same year.”
He waves at her, and she greets him too. But Ben’s eyes land quickly on you again.
So… your name’s Y/N. That’s a cute name…
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You’re there.
He’s been trying to see you again for the past two weeks, but couldn’t find a way to reach you. You were never around when Jonathan met Cassie, and Ben wanted to talk directly to you, instead of asking to one of your friends. He’s been about to abandon this crazy idea of his, these past couple of days. But now… here you are…
You’re sitting at a table alone in the middle of the library; focused on a large book, he recognizes the cover even from afar. Poetry. He knows, he went through the same book the previous year. He can’t help an amused smile. It’s a rough class, you’ll struggle for sure, just like everyone does.
He takes a deep breath, trying to control his quickening heartbeat and the sudden shakiness in his hands.
Damn, you make him so nervous… and he has barely talked to you at all for now.
He can feel his cheeks reddening, the heat creeping up all the way to the tip of his ears, but he can’t help it, can’t fight it. Just like he can’t fight the way his heart stops when you look up at him.
You must have felt that he was staring, that’s why your eyes lifted from the yellowed pages to settle on him. He can’t look away anymore.
You’re terribly pretty. Damn… you make him so nervous.
He’s not good at this. But he’s got to try, because after a small frown, you seem to recognize him and you’re smiling. You’re smiling, bright and warm and welcoming.
Right… it’s nothing really. Worst case scenario, you’ll simply say you’re not interested in him at all, and your two lives will go on as if this never happened.
He forces a smile on his lips, clenches his fists behind his back to help calm his nerves.
You can see he’s nervous though. He’s shy, you can tell. You read it on his lips despite the smile that takes shape there; the gesture’s small but earnest. You see it painted in red over his nose and cheeks. You find it adorable, to be honest…
“Hi, Y/N,” he speaks in a shy voice, whispering as he doesn’t want to disturb the quiet of the library.
“Hi, Ben! It’s nice to see you again, especially not at 1am under the cold rain.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to see you too,” he answers with a breathy chuckle, and his smile is bigger now, merrier too. “Would you mind if I sat down with you?”
“No, not at all. Please, sit down.”
You move some of your pens and papers to the side so he can sit opposite you.
“I see you’re struggling in Barrows’s class too,” he teases you, nodding towards the book.
“Yeah… this class is complicated. But then, I feel like everybody is struggling as much as I am, so it must not come from me.”
“No, I struggled a lot with it too. I can help you, if you want.”
“Oh, that would be nice of you, thank you. But I don’t want to bother you...”
“You wouldn’t be bothering me, I’m offering. I’ve got about an hour before I need to leave, gives us plenty of time.”
“Okay, then. Thank you.”
Ben struggles at first to remember precisely what was taught in the class, but it comes back quickly as you ask him questions, and the two of you spend about half an hour studying. But then, the conversation drifts away from poetry; and it’s his fault really, he’s the one who makes a hilarious joke. The words you exchange change from literature to your favourite movie, to this play he’s seen a few weeks ago, to your love for stories, to his love for acting, to your mother and her funny habits, to his brother who’s growing up too fast to his liking. He is more relaxed now, the blushing has subsided, and you find him funny. There’s something gentle and kind in his gaze, you can feel he’s a nice guy.
The more the conversation goes on, the more you notice how handsome he is, and it’s hard to control your heartbeat when he intensely stares at you with these black eyes of his. You’re the one avoiding his gaze now, not as confident as you were when he arrived.
Damn, he makes you so nervous…
He checks his watch as you try to quieten your laughter against the palm of your hand, but you fail miserably to do so, and the student at the table next to yours sends you a glare.
Ben’s eyes grow round, and he suddenly jumps on his feet.
“Shit! I’m so sorry, I’m late.”
“Oh, yes, you said you had something… I’m sorry, I didn’t check the time.”
But he shoots you a reassuring smile, and you find it infectious; the gesture spreads across your lips as well.
“It’s not that bad, don’t worry. But I need to go.”
“I hope you won’t get into too much trouble…”
“No, don’t worry. I’m just meeting up with some friends for rehearsing.”
“Rehearsing? Rehearsing what?”
He smiles, red back to colour his cheeks, and he seems to hesitate before speaking.
“I play the drums.”
You quirk an eyebrow.
“Yeah, really.”
“Like… you’re any good?”
“Enough to play in the West End.”
“Wow… I have to admit I did not see this one coming.”
Ben’s standing by the table now, his bag haphazardly thrown on his shoulder, but he’s not moving yet, not even if he’s late. He doesn’t want to.
“Why? Not bad-boyish enough?” he chuckles, but you can see he’s only half-joking.
“Well, you’ve got to admit that… basic jeans and a plain blue jumper don’t really strike me as ‘drummer in a rock-band’ type of clothing,” you tease him.
“No, I guess not.”
You can’t believe you’re the one speaking the next words that pass your lips, but they still tumble out of your mouth, in a whisper so low you almost hope he doesn’t hear you.
“Despite the comfy clothes, it’s still quite sexy, though.”
But he’s heard you just fine. As proof, you’re staring at each other in silence for several seconds, both your heartbeats erratic, and your breathing a mess. Slowly, a smile curves up his lips, until he’s properly grinning.
“Well, then… if I use the argument that I’m a drummer… maybe you’ll find me interesting enough to go out with me this Friday?”
You struggle not to smile, but miserably fail. You look away to hide your reaction.
“Depends on what you have in mind, I guess.”
“Well… they’re playing When Harry Met Sally at a little cinema nearby. What do you say? The movie is at nine.”
“If we can grab a pizza before that, then I’m down for it.”
You exchange a grin.
“That could be arranged. Then… let’s say… seven thirty before your dorm?”
“How do you know where my dorm is?”
“Oh… and Cassie?”
“Sadly, yes.”
You chuckle together, and you nod your head.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you on Friday, then.”
When he leaves, you watch him walking out of the library, with his blue jeans and navy jumper too big for him, and you can’t refrain a dreamy smile.
Looks like you’ve got a date…
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Your sides are painful, he makes you laugh too much.
He’s making silly voices to comment the TV show you’re watching on your tiny television screen. You’ve forgotten altogether what the show is about, Ben is too distracting. You don’t mind though. It feels good to laugh. Finals are over, summer is upon you. It’s a happy time to be alive. Night quiet, goofy boyfriend and warm clothes, with an empty pizza box discarded somewhere on the floor.
You’re cuddled into his side, with his hand on your waist and your head on his chest. It’s warm and safe in his embrace, you love the sound of his breathing against your ear, the way you shake a little as he laughs.
It’s peaceful and happy and you feel lucky to be with him.
“You’re insufferable, I can’t even watch TV with you,” you tease him; the grin on your lips and the laugh making your voice hoarse are enough to show you’re merely joking.
“What are you talking about? We are watching TV. If not, then what are we doing? Snogging? I wish…”
You playfully swat his shoulder.
“You weren’t complaining last night.”
You fake outrage.
“Yes, darling?”
You look at each other, before bursting into laughter.
“I’m joking!” he reassures you, before suggestively wiggling his eyebrows. “Unless you’re in the mood…”
You push him away, laughing some more. Actually, you push him so much he almost falls off your bed, and you have to pull him back towards you so he won’t fall.
You both gasp, before losing yourselves in an uncontrollable laughter.
It takes you two a while to finally calm down, both of you crying with laughter and struggling to breathe.
“Darling… you really will be the death of me,” says Ben, still struggling to catch his breath.
“Well, not your death… but your ticket to the hospital, probably…”
Before you can joke some more, you’re back into his arms. You don’t stop him when he pulls you close, you’re used to it. That’s his way of saying he cares.
He’s a little surprised when you kiss him. He thought you’d banter some more, he knows you like it. But instead of your playfulness, he’s met with your soft lips that taste like the sweet soda you’ve been drinking tonight. It’s not hard for him to forget about everything while you kiss him. No plans for the summer, no TV, no world outside your lips on his, your tongue teasing him, your hands in his hair, the soft fabric of your t-shirt, and the warmth of your skin as he cradles your cheek.
When you break away, you’re both out of breath.
Ben struggles to clear his throat, nose brushing against yours, eyes still closed.
“So… snogging then, huh?”
You laugh. You should speak about the summer, about what you’re going to do about your relationship in the coming months, but you don’t want to. This evening is too nice, you’re happy. Unbelievably so.
As you stare at him, getting lost in his dark eyes, you reckon that now is not the time for this serious talk. You’d rather bathe in the feeling of his embrace, of his lips upon yours. You’d rather linger for a while in this state, where you feel safe and cared for.
Instead of talking about plans, and obstacles, you choose merrier words, tender ones.
“Maybe I just love you.”
You see he’s surprised. After all, none of you have said it yet. You’re not worried though, he looks at you with too much tenderness for that.
“Well, maybe I love you too.”
You kiss while grinning, it’s messy and affectionate and it tastes of carelessness and a happiness you ought to hold onto while it lasts. It’s ephemeral, yet you wish it could last for a lifetime.
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“I can’t come on Saturday.”
“Oh… okay.”
“I’m sorry, darling.”
“That’s alright, love. It’s not your fault.”
“I have an audition for a play in the West End on Monday, I need to work as much as I can.”
“Do you want me to help you with your lines? We could practice.”
“Jonathan is going to help. It’ll be easier, the scene is between two guys. Besides, you haven’t taken any class about acting this year. I don’t mean to offend you but…”
“Jonathan has more experience, I get it. No need to worry. I need a little bit more than that to be offended.”
“I know… still… it makes me feel awful. It’s the third time in a row I’m cancelling a date night…”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s alright, really. I get it. You need to get a job. I’m sure it’s going to work out. I’m expecting nothing less but a leading role for you, mister.”
Your voice is teasing, and you pull on the collar of his white shirt to drop a sweet peck on his lips, his stubble tickling your skin, but none of you are fooled.
You’re disappointed. Almost mad.
He feels guilty. Almost sad.
It’s not the first time it happens, you reckon it won’t be the last. You should not take it so seriously, and yet you do. You take this too seriously, because you haven’t had a proper date in over a month. You haven’t spent more than two nights together in three weeks. You’ve barely had a full conversation in the past few days.
You’re drifting apart. You’re drifting apart because he’s got all these things to do to get a job, and you’re still a student, and you don’t live with the same rhythms anymore.
Still, you love him. You’ll make it work.
“If your audition is on Monday, what if we have a pizza and a movie on Tuesday?” you offer, hugging him close, as if you’re scared he’s going to leave too soon.
“But you have classes early in the morning on Wednesdays…”
“It’s okay. I can skip one class, it won’t kill me. Cassie will give me all her notes. It’s just this once. It’s okay.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’d rather spend my evening with you.”
He gives you a tender smile, taking you in his arms to hold you in a tight embrace, dropping sweet kisses on your hair.
You’re drifting apart.
Still, he loves you. He’ll make it work.
“Alright, then. Date night on Tuesday. And if I get this job, I’ll treat you to a nice restaurant. Would you like that?”
You enthusiastically nod, before burying your face in the crook of his neck.
You hold onto each other for a long time.
You’re drifting apart. It’s alright though. You’ll both make it work. You have to.
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It’s funny how life works haphazardly sometimes, it would seem.
It’s random, really. The fact that you met, the fact that you crossed path again in this library, the fact that you fell in love with him, the fact that you have to say goodbye now.
Because you know already how this is going to end. You’re having a conversation, but you both already know all the arguments.
You’re flying to Dublin to get a job in a small newspaper, and he’s flying to Australia to play in a huge movie. He wants to focus on acting. You want to figure yourself out. It’s not that you don’t love him anymore, it’s just that you don’t want to sacrifice this opportunity for him. And it’s not that he has stopped loving you, it’s just that he wants to give his career a try. A reel one. And to do that, he needs to travel across the globe.
You’re barely out of college, you could feel it was coming. Ben has been working for a while now, and you know your worlds are not aligning as much anymore. Instead, they feel more like two strangers standing next to each other. They felt like an embrace before.
It’s been here for a while, the acknowledgment that this is not the right time for the two of you. You’re young, you love him but you’re not sure what you want. And he’s young, he loves you but he has dreams in his head he wants to catch before they pass out of reach. You’re lost, and he’s determined. You love him, and he loves you. But everything else in your lives have stopped matching a while ago.
He's got an opportunity, and an amazing one. And you have an opportunity as well. And the two are thousands of miles apart.
“We could give it a try,” he offers, but you can hear it in his voice that even he doesn’t believe in his own words.
“It’s never going to work,” you argue.
“No need to be so pessimistic about it.”
He reaches for your hand across the mattress. The sheets are soft under your palm. You wish you could resist him, but you can’t, and so you entwine your fingers together.
“I’m still in love with you,” Ben lets out in a shaky breath.
“I love you too. I think… I think I always will, in a way.”
You look up at the ceiling to prevent any tear from escaping. You don’t want to be crying. It would be silly. You knew it was coming, it has been there for months.
You’re not parting ways because he cheated, because he’s stopped loving you, because he’s a jerk, because he’s treating you badly...
He’s a sweetheart. He’s a nice guy. Your lives have drifted apart, that’s all. You’ve drifted apart. And it’s killing you, because you love him, but you can’t make it work.
“I don’t want this to be over,” he goes on, “but I don’t see any other way. Cause… cause it’s… we’ll never see each other, how can this work?”
“I know, Ben. I know. That’s why we need to stop this, before it goes sour. Before our love for each other becomes bitter because we’re frustrated with the distance, and your job, and mine, and our different goals… It’s alright. It’s not you. It’s not me. It’s not really our fault. We just… want different things. And no one can have everything they want in life.”
You’re right, and he knows it. Still, as he looks at you like this, on the verge of tears, with your fingers in his, with this sadness painted all over your features… he still loves you. He’s crazy about you, really.
But you’re right, and the two of you don’t want the same things. Still, he’s pretty certain he’s making the wrong choice right now. He knows he’ll regret this as soon as he’ll walk out of your bedroom, as soon as he’ll exit your dorm. He’ll regret this. But then again, he would regret not giving his career a chance too.
Which one is worse? He’s not sure. But he knows you’ve drifted apart. And it’s killing him, because he loves you, but he can’t make it work.
“I want… I want us both to be happy, you know that, right?” he says, his voice shaking. “I want… I want to give my career a try, and you want to take that job in Dublin, and I hope you know that I support you in this. I… You’re… you’ve always been fearless. And I want you to be free to do whatever you want in this life, I want you to find your own path. But above all, I want you to do whatever makes you happy. Do you understand? I support you in this, even if it means that we can’t be together, and I am not blaming you for it. It’s my fault as much as it is yours. Alright? Do you see what I mean?”
You nod, giving him a smile.
“Our lives are just… heading in opposite directions, but I really want you to be happy and brave and to do what you love most,” he repeats himself, as if to make sure you get it, as if he’s afraid you might imagine his feelings for you have changed, when they haven’t faltered at all. “Okay?”
Again, you nod, and silence settles in the room. You’re still holding hands, and you don’t want to let go, even when you speak once more.
“I don’t think we should stay friends, though,” you add, your voice shaking, but nonetheless, he doesn’t fail to recognize determination in your tone. “I mean… We still have feelings for each other. And we need to get on with our lives, get over this. And I don’t think I could get over you if we stayed in touch. So… I think it would be best if we broke up and… never saw each other again.”
He looks up at the ceiling to fight the tears that threaten to escape.
Outside, it’s raining. Late afternoon drenched with raindrops that paint strange patterns on the cold windowpanes. You haven’t turned on the light, despite the dark sky, and the light that comes in is dim, weak, almost trembling. You listen to the rain while Ben tightens his hold on your hand. You don’t want him to let go, but you know he will.
“Alright, as you wish.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be. I get it. I think… I think you’re right. In the end, it will be better if we don’t stay in touch.”
He doesn’t tell you that he simply… doesn’t want to get over you. Not yet, at least. But then, when he thinks about it, he reckons it’s normal. It’ll pass. Soon, he’ll want to get over you.
It’ll pass…
He gets up all of a sudden, without warning. He lets go of your hand, like you knew he would. It hurts the same, whether you were prepared for it or not…
He puts on his coat, bends to pick up his black umbrella stranded on the floor. Outside, it’s still raining. You hear someone shouting. Cars in the distance. A whole world you’re aware of.
He walks to the door, and he doesn’t turn around one last time when he speaks again. He knows you’re looking at him, he can feel your stare on his back. He knows he won’t have the strength to look at you like that…
“Goodbye, darling.”
Before you can reply, he’s opened the door, walked out, and disappeared.
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watsondcsj · 2 years
Hot on the Heels of the Nightwing 2022 Annual Reveal of Heartless, It's Time to Gather all the Seeds in Son of Kal-El!!
Without spoiling the annual, the identity of Heartless was seeded in Nightwing #78, Tom's first issue on the run. I've already written an essay attempting to prove something is going to drop and bring Jon back to being a kid that is no longer entirely accurate to what I feel is coming, but just for posterity, here's a list of things that could be referencing other bits of information throughout the run.
Superman: Son of Kal-El #1, Jon is born in the Fortress of Solitude
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Action Comics #976 (Superman Reborn), Jonathan Samuel Kent is born in the Fortress of Solitude
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Superboy (2011) #19 , Jonathan Lane Kent born in the Fortress of Solitude
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2. Superman Son of Kal-El #2, Jon's new identity Finn Conners where Jon puts on a bad blonde wig. "Finn" is an Irish name meaning "fair." Connors is also Irish.
Teen Titans (2011) #23, Cassie asks to call Kon "Conner" before going in for a kiss
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3. Superman Son of Kal-El #2, no parties with Damian at the Fortress.
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Superman & Robin Special, a party with Damian at the Fortress. Jon and Damian beat up Nazis. They also find an alien who rapidly ages before dividing and leaving.
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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #3, Damian is rumored to become akin to Adolf Hitler.
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Shadow War Omega, Damian: "Heroes don't kill!"
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What of the aging alien?
4. Superman, Son of Kal-El #4, Jon reminisces about visiting his grandparents as a toddler. As far as we were shown in Superman and Action Comics during Rebirth, this never happened.
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Doomsday Clock #12 (Dec '19), Jon and Martha Kent are reintroduced despite not being present since Flashpoint. Jon is not present for this story aside from a single mention in an earlier issue. This combined with Superman Reborn could explain the panels in SoKE, but that's kinda lame if you ask me especially if they were really about to push Jon into the role of Superman soon after this.
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Superboy (2011) #19, Jon Lane Kent falls deathly ill just before the age of 4. Notice the choice of white is consistent between this panel and the ones in SoKE. Also notice the farmhouse in the background. Is this what Jon is remembering?
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5. Superman Son of Kal-El #4, backstories of The Aerie and Wink retconned to have been caused by Bendix
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Suicide Squad (2019) #8, The Aerie reveals their backstory and The Post-Human Project to be a faceless evil. This change in SoKE #4 causes Jay and Aerie to share more than a few similarities, and they share a creator. Both runs were written by Tom Taylor.
Superman Son of Kal-El #6, Jay was Gamorran First Family
Suicide Squad (2019) #10, The Aerie’s mother is a deposed president as well
Superman (2018) #6, Jon returns to Earth 7 years older after 5 years of abuse and only 3 weeks have passed
Action Comics Annual #12, Chris Kent ages rapidly in the Phantom Zone. Note how these text boxes describe a similar description to what happened to Jon in that Earth-3 volcano.
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Tom Taylor has also commented on famously poorly-received storylines in Son of Kal-El and Nightwing, namely Event Leviathan and both Devin Grayson and Scott Lobdell's runs on Nightwing.
6. Superman Son of Kal-El #5, the kiss
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Teen Titans (2014) #12, Kon 2 says goodbye to Tim and WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?
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7. Nightwing #89/SoKE #9, Jon flies at age 9 and gets lost in a flashback. Dick in his N52 suit.
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Superman (2016) #8 & 9, Jonathan Samuel Kent can't fly at age 10.
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Super Sons #10, Jon masters flight
Superman #668, Chris Kent fully capable of flight in his early appearances
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8. Superman Son of Kal-El #12, Henry Bendix calls Jon an "abomination" for the first time
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Superboy (2011) #6, Kara gives the Superboy the name Kon-El, which translates from Kryptonese as "Abomination in the House of El"
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Superboy (2011) #33, Kon 2 is reborn in the mind of Jon Lane after dying in the Superman event Krypton Returns just months before this was published.
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Either of these last two issues could also explain how Kon 2 would have the memories of Jon Lane Kent or the memories of the people the psychic (and psychotic) Jon would have been in contact with. Kon 2 is shown images of Krypton as Kara remembers them through touch in Superboy #6 as well as learning to speak and understand Kryptonese.
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not sure if im alone on this but the taglines in animorphs always kinda pissed me off?? like how is "make a change for the better" representative of The Reunion? could they /really/ not think of any sort of vaguely-robot-related tagline for The Android? Yes, the actual titles range from completely random (I believe The Warning falls in that category iirc?) to "only makes sense in retrospect" (The Forgotten), but the taglines are straight-up just random sayings about change 50% of the time
Oh yeah, I am with you as part of the large, large contingent of Animorphs fans who find the covers super frustrating:
Like you said, the punny taglines tend to have little to do with the book itself, and are often jarringly wrong in tone (#3 is "Now you see them, now you don't"; #14 is "Never underestimate the power of a morph.")
The summaries are often spoiler-ific (#19) or focused completely differently from the book itself (#23).
Nobody likes the phrase "the other Animorphs and Ax." David (David!) also gets described as "the sixth Animorph" when Ax has already been there for 15 friggin' books.
Jake and Rachel's cover models are fine, but the other four don't match the books' descriptions of the characters that well.
Visser stars Visser One but has Visser Three on the cover. There are several other instances of especially the inside covers not matching the scenes in the books where those morphs appear.
However, those problems can probably be blamed ~95% on the speed at which the books were being published. I've speculated that those summaries may have even been put together by people who had never read the book in question. Not due to laziness, but just because the book itself didn't exist at the time when they had to hastily throw a cover together.
So imagine you're some Scholastic intern who's gotta put that cover together, and you don't know anything about a book except maybe a one-sentence summary. ("A girl named Cassie and her team the Animorphs — four fellow humans named Tobias, Rachel, Jake, and Marco; along with a blue alien named Ax — transform into horses to infiltrate a military base to prevent alien invaders from putting evil slugs into the brains of the leaders.") Honestly, given those constraints, it's nearly miraculous that the covers turned out as good as they did. And it is understandable that the word "Animorph" got mistranslated as "human who morphs" rather than "member of this team of kids who fight yeerks." Hence "the other Animorphs and Ax" and "David, the sixth Animorph."
It is still frustrating that the covers are so misaligned with the books, because we do know that people judge those books by their covers and that that's been a major barrier in the attempted revival of the series. (To say nothing of all the semi-racist memes.) But the characters' names are spelled right, the body horror of the series is accurately advertised, Cassie and Marco have cover models of the right ethnicities, and details like andalites having 6+ fingers per hand miraculously come through. I'll take what I can get.
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quillsareswords · 2 years
Hi! Me again, I was hoping I could request a little blurb? Like how Damian and the reader met, like under the crooked grin arc? If not then I totally understand, just thought I would ask. Have a nice day!! 🤓❤️
No I'm not answering this like two years late ahahaha no like what who even does that
Anyway here's some thirteen year old Damian Wayne and John Constantine's apprentice. See my Swords and Spells collection for more ❤️
WARNINGS: language
It's too loud.
That's all he cares about at the moment.
Still nursing a headache, as result of a hard hit he took the night before, this place is far too loud for his liking.
Why his father dragged him along is beyond him. Mingle. He'd scoffed this morning and he's scoffing now. The heir of the Demon and son of the Batman does not mingle. Especially with...these people.
The only reason he'd come at all was because, as Pennyworth pointed out this morning, it would be useful to have a standing relationship with some of the other vigilanties of the world, in the event that he has to call for backup.
He's been Robin for three years now, after all, and he's still only really got Superboy and some Teen Titans he could use for a fallback. What if they betray him?
He splits off from Batman almost immediately. Every person he's been introduced too between the main hall and the Zeta Tubes has only commented on how cute he is and joked about how alike they look. Introducing himself hopefully won't have that effect.
Plus, it's quieter on this side of the room.
"Right, but like, theoretically, how would you punch a ghost?"
His eye twitches. What.
He whips around to see who's asked such an absurd question. More accurately, who to avoid.
It's Wonder Girl. Of course.
She's leaning on one of the tables, in a new suit, bright hair brushed and straightened neatly. She's obviously here to make friends.
Whoever she's talking to, however, obviously is not.
You're slouching in a chair, leaning both arms on the tabletop, squishing a cheek onto one propped up palm. You don't seem to be wearing a suit of any kind, nor a mask, which is probably why Cassie came up to you in the first place. Instead, you're in jeans and combat boots, huddled into an oversized jacket. There's a ring on most of your fingers, and he counts three necklace chains from what he can see from here.
"Iron knuckle dusters. And it's not theoretical." You blink at her slowly.
"Really? Have you ever punched a ghost?"
You sigh quietly. "Nope."
"Then how do you know it's not theoretical?"
"Because I've seen it done before," you grumble. "It's my job to know."
She rolls her eyes good naturedly. "You're like, ten. You don't have a job."
You glare. "I'm thirteen. And it is my job."
Interesting, to say the least.
He walks over, squaring his shoulders and putting on his most professional face.
Cass sees him first. "Robin! Oh, I didn't know you were coming, I would've told Diana to tell Superman to bring Superboy!"
He sighs, deeply. "I have quite enough interaction with the Supers, Sandsmark."
You glance over, boredly. He watches, from behind emotionless white lenses, as you give him what he can only assume is a standard once-over.
It's coincidence that he only speaks up once your eyes reach his face again. "Who are you?"
It doesn't escape him that Cass looks at you expectantly, too. As if she's been talking to you this whole time without ever asking your name.
"Hellblazer's apprentice."
He crosses his arms. "Do you have a name, apprentice?"
Your gaze shifts from disinterested and passive to something very sharp and very much directed fully at him. "Do you, jackass?"
Cass goes wide-eyed and sucks in a silent breath. She glances between you and Robin.
This is the point at which, usually, Damian would have smelled a challenge, threw his metaphorical hand of cards down, and barked a challenge right back. But there's just something...different.
And it has nothing to do with the way his heart stutters in his chest now that he has full view of you. That's– Well that must be part of your powers, or whatever your thing is.
He decides to keep his cards in his hands. He minds his tone, just to see what happens. "I'm Robin."
You notice the shift, and react accordingly. Your gaze softens again, to something indifferent. "Oh, right. With Batman, yeah?"
He nods.
You nod too, leaning back in your chair and crossing your arms. Opening your body language, just a little. You give him your persona name.
Cassie can only stare.
She doesn't know Robin personally, exactly. Strictly through vigilante work. But she's still seen him get into brawls with men three times his size over far less than getting glared at and called a jackass.
"I'm gonna go find, um–" she scrambles for a name, for just long enough that you take notice, "Diana. It was really nice to meet you, though!"
You nod once, but she's gone before you get a real response out. You both watch her weave through the crowd of costumed adults, until she's out of sight.
"What was that about?" you wonder, assuming that his use of her last name meant they know one another.
"I don't know," he replies, squinting in her direction.
He catches sight of the Titans while he looks out into the crowd. He supposes some familiar company would be nice. Beast Boy is awfully loud, though. And Kori has such high energy...
You, on the other hand, seem to be just as much of a reluctant attendant as himself. You're sitting here, alone, quietly. And you seemed content talking to Wonder Girl, so you probably don't mind company—you seem like you'd have no problem running him off if he's wrong.
It would be very smart to have a contact with supernatural knowledge and experience. Father has Hellblazer, after all. And he's needed him many times.
It's a strategic choice. Obviously.
"What did you mean, when you told Wonder Girl that it's your job to know how to punch spirits?" He looks down at you.
You snort, but meet his eyes all the same. "Okay, I mean– Firstly, that's not my job, just part of it. Well...I guess it is." You stop and shake your head, looking away from him quickly.
You suck in a breath. "See, my job is to know how to fight things like ghosts. Mostly demons. Ghosts aren't much of a threat to the general population."
Demons? Like Raven's father? Now that would be a useful contact. He uses his heel to kick the chair beside you out from under the table and takes a seat. "Explain."
Your posture shifts a little. A little more towards him. A little more open. Like nobody's been asking you the right questions until now. "Well, I study demonology..."
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poobletoods · 3 years
a few weeks ago i finally redownloaded sims and of course the first thing i did was make the psychic seven and put them all together in a big house so here’s some highlights from that whole situation, under a read more because it’s many words
bob and helmut are married of course, I decided to just have ford and lucy date normally instead of making them married as well
cassie, helmut, and ford are the only ones who have jobs because I know I could not physically handle all of them having them. helmut is a musician, cassie is a writer, and ford just does manual labor because nothing else really fit him
ford seems to be making friends with everyone faster than anybody else, which is cute and pretty accurate
otto built a fucking rocket. i didn't even know they could do that.
bob and helmut then used that rocket to fuck in space. imagine my surprise when I saw it take off while I was trying to get compton to cook something on the goddamn STOVE for once.
otto is very bad at taking care of himself. I have to tell him to sleep or he won’t, even if he’s super uncomfortable, and he puts off eating until he’s in the red
ford is a big romantic dork and kept getting tense about not being romantic enough until I managed to get him and lucy a romance meter
otto set the oven on fire
compton enjoys cooking, and he doesn’t like eating low-quality food, but he keeps. using. the fucking. microwave. and it ALWAYS makes him upset. I had to get rid of it so he would stop being sad about it
he also gets tense really often, especially about not going outside, he gets upset about it way faster than bob does even though they both have the same “loves outdoors” trait so sentient ai i guess.
cassie is like constantly inspired and writing or reading or making things out of clay. my girl is out here living her best life <3
compton is regularly disappointed that the things he’s drinking aren’t high enough quality. the only thing he’s drinking is water. I do not know how to remedy this. I do not want to. I find it funny.
ford, otto, and lucy (only those three specifically!) keep walking in on each other in the bathroom and getting embarrassed about it. we have five bathrooms. you would think there’d be something in the ai to prevent this.
when lucy and ford had the conversation in which they officially started dating, otto was just. standing behind them drinking a glass of water. he has a habit of being in the room when couples are being romantic
frogs keep appearing in bob’s inventory. where is he getting these frogs? I’m running out of places to put them.
ford hates gardening but he keeps doing gardening shit and I have to tell him to stop before he gets upset
lucy and bob are both pretty good at cooking! they were the first ones besides compton to get the gourmet cooking skill
as I write this, bob is sitting on the side of the pool and eating chili. king shit.
and as I write this, cassie and lucy are chilling by the pool chatting. just a cute moment, I love that they’re best buds :)
we have three easels in the house and the gang has made enough paintings to cover most walls. bob and helmut are the most into painting
I swear to god ford STOP GARDENING
bob is currently making salad in the bathroom. bob please just use the kitchen island
cassie constantly gets calls from some guy asking to hang out. I ignore them.
people keep napping on the wooden bench on the roof, which I can’t imagine is very comfortable
I decided to have Compton start working because it felt like he was getting bored, so he’s on the chef path now
compton also cooks for fun! he does it even when he’s not hungry, he just thinks it’s neat :)
everybody likes to get glasses of water and drink them while sitting in the bathtub for some fucking reason. yes, the tub is full of water when they do this.
lucy and ford had their first kiss! they’re a couplea sweeties <3
otto refuses to socialize and I just realized the only people he’s technically friends with at the moment are ford, lucy, and bob
ford is currently pulling weeds from under the bathroom sink. he’s on the second floor of the house. there are no plants within range. he’s unhappy about the fact that he’s gardening. I didn’t ask him to do this.
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sleepii-moth · 3 years
wrote down a bunch of my post game psychonauts headcannons under the cut lets go
-ford and lucy decide to re open the Questionable area, this time making it a little less of a scam- and most of the money made goes to help the psychonauts out with funding bc god knows they need it
-related to the last one, i think the aquatos temporarily abandon their traveling circus life and keep their circus in the Questionable area while raz trains at the motherlobe, with the combination of being right in the middle of a tourist trap and finally starting to do acts with water again their circus picks up quite a bit! i think once raz gets a little older then they would go on tours again more but still visit raz or just take him with them on a few
-speaking of raz, ive seen alot of people headcannon that raz stays in the motherlobe dorms with the rest of the junior psychonauts, but i think he'd stay with his family! the boys had enough adventures away from home i think he deserves to spend time with his family (especially after the events of pn2..)maybe if his family decides to go on a tour and he wants to stay at the Motherlobe then he could stay in the dorms or at like lilis or sasha and millas house for a small time
-sort of just another part of the last headcannon but while raz is training to become a psychonaut at the motherlobe i think his parents would relieve him of having to preform and stuff if he doesnt want to
-i think before they find helmuts body all of the psychic 7 agree to clean up the gulch first, just bc like if they get helmuts body and he immediately gets sick theyd feel safer having an actual house for him to come back to and not yknow kind of a mess of vines and honey and flooded area djdbhs
-cassie decides to start writing books again but she was inspired by raz to this time write childrens books! :) i think alot of the books she would write would be like:
▪︎fun but informational books about bees or misunderstood bugs and how they're cool
▪︎fictional childrens books about psychics! i just think itd be funny if cassie had a personal beef with true psychic tales and saw one of those comics and was like "i can write a better book than this shit!" then did- i think she'd focus more on being more accurate than true psychic tales and also maybe alot of it could be historical fiction as well! aside from her being mad at true psychic tales i also just think she'd wanna write more books for young psychics to find and enjoy and also kinda help them learn more about themselves, her books wouldnt be about like "wow psychics are so cool and awesome and can shoot stuff!!! and fight evil guys woohoo!" but more focused on what the psychonauts actually do, and how to safely use psychic powers, and accurate tellings of events like the deluge of grulovia to maybe stop kids like gristol from happening-
▪︎(also side note but i also think that she'd write a book thats just the poem from her mind but also about the other members of the psychic 7)
▪︎and lastly i think she'd make like really bad ass young adult fiction comics just like for fun
-now onto to compton! i think compton would with cassies help definitely find the courage to move out of psychoisolation chamber now that he has a support network to lean on, and i think he'd be around animals again but this time just have like a little goat farm- like he'd look at the goats at the Motherlobe and be like "what charming little fellows :)" but also he definitely would have pygmy goats and not the ones you see in pn2 (mostly because i think those are just wild goats and because pygmy goats are very small and cute and you should definitely look up a picture of one if youve never seen one before) i also think in addition to that he'd teach classes about zoolingualism at the motherlobe, they wouldnt be super big classes mind you, maybe like only 5 people per class but i still think itd be cool :)
-i think once helmut gets his body back he'd be ecstatic to work at the Motherlobe- not as an agent but more as specifically a mentor for interns and junior psychonauts because i think he'd really like kids and be good around kids
-i still think bob would stay at the gulch and continue gardening but also i think he'd make alot of vegetables for the Motherlobe and deliver them himself and maybe with helmuts help sometimes, and because of this i think he and the cafeteria lady would be friends just because i think that'd be nice
aaand thats it for now i definitely have so so so many more headcannons but these are just the ones i feel like writing out rn
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Humphrey for ghosts ask
aww thank you anon :D
-a song that reminds me of them: Okay once again I'm taking the teenage angst road with " Astronaut" by Simple Plan.
Because: All the lonely people that the world forgot If you hear my voice, come pick me up
just hits different
-what they smell like: Candle smoke, paint, with a hint of roast meat and I don't know if that would be historically even accurate but my brain just went"vanilla!"
-an otp: hm I just want someone for him who would be head over heels for him ( literally) someone who would love to talk and listen and laugh because he is so smart and kind and funny and odd and I just want someone to see that and fall in love with his mind first. And so far no one fits that bill...maybe one of the plague ghosts? but then again they already have their group and they don't leave the basement...we need a new ghost.
-a notp: Thomas and Humphrey because Thomas treats him so so badly
-favorite platonic/familial relationships: Him and Kitty <3 especially when she helped him cross his arms or had his head o her lap and played with his hair <3 <3
-a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with:
I don't think there is one that I'm aware of =)
-the position they sleep in: the head just wherever...someone made a post about how funny it would be if the body would just collaps as soon as humphrey falls asleep and I agree =)
-a crossover au i’d love to see them in: The Librarians. Because I (like many others) have the headcanon that he really enjoys painting and loves art. So imagine the LITs going on a mission to retrieve an artefact and it turns out that it's not an artefact but a ghost and with some magic they get him into the annex and just imagine him and Jake discussing art and looking at art together, him and Jenkins who are both on earth for centuries just talking about the old days, him and Flynn getting along because Flynn enjoys puns, him and Ezekiel playing pranks on the others and Cassie developing a spell that enables him to float and paint when his body isn't around. And Eve at first simply seeing him as an artefact, than stating that he doesn't bring anything to the team, just to change her mind when she realises that he helps them all to stay connected with their humanity. Because he is nice and funny and kind and he distracts them from their worries and listens to them. Also they are used to ghosts and supernatural stuff so him being a headless/bodyless ghost is not a problem. Also with all the fictionals and/or adorable characters like Ariel I feel like a love interest would be quiet possible. just imagine him and Ariel could actually be super cute
-my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: the white shirt, the white shirt sweet baby jesus that white shirt
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britishsass · 2 years
For character ask meme
Lucrecia Mux
Ford Cruller
Ooh, I like your choices, anon.
Here's the template, let's go.
Lucy first, of course!
First impression
You're not gonna believe me when I say this, but my very first thought was "That's not Augustus's mother." I started the whole scene with the Aquatos feeling extremely confused by her being called his mother. It was a gut feeling.
Impression now
I love her. Beautiful woman who can kick my butt-- Especially when she's young. She's super pretty as a young lady, and I love her sass towards the others. I feel like I can't write her well enough yet, though...
Favorite moment
Psychic 7 hug. Psychic 7 hug. Also the bit with her holding Marona. Ooh man.
Idea for a story
I don't really have many ideas with Lucy-- Though I would love a fic about her visiting Augustus's mind, be it post-Maligustus or post-canon.
Unpopular opinion
I don't think I have one, tbh? I'm pretty just overall positive about her. I wish she got some time to talk with the rest of the 7 other than Ford, though...
Favorite relationship
I'm a polyamorous little gay, so... Ford/Lucy/Cassie. Obviously.
Favorite headcanon
Lucy has a habit of making the worst nicknames for everyone. This does include calling Augustus "Augie" when she's aware of who she is, and "Gussy" when thinking she's Marona.
First impression
In PN1 I really didn't care much for him, tbh? The first time I wrote him was just him being a bit standoffish and knocking some sense into folks. Still pretty accurate, but I didn't feel a connection with him then.
Impression now
GRANDPA WARCRIMES??? Also, I'm a mix between wanting to scream at him, wanting to just leave him alone, and wanting to hug him for a while. I have him as Loren's mentor just because I think it'd be funny to have him and Loren just being so bad at the mentor-mentee thing.
Favorite moment
In PN1, probably his speech at the end. I think about it now in the context of what he did to Augustus and it makes me so emotional...
In PN2? Probably just all his reactions to what Lucy says. He looks so awkward. It's great.
Idea for a story
I've got one on the backburner of him bailing the others out of jail and being bailed out himself. It's a 6-times, 1-time fic.
That, and the Ford/Otto college au.
Unpopular opinion
I don't feel sorry for him, tbh? Like, I get why he did what he did, but I don't feel like he's truly atoned for it all. The guy needs to talk about what he did and apologize.
Favorite relationship
Yet again, I'm a polyamorous gay. Otto/Ford/Lucy. I have a strong lean towards "Everyone has two hands and they all can date :)"
I also love just QPPs Ford and Otto ft. Lucy/Ford dating. It's great stuff.
Favorite headcanon
Ford's adopted, and he had a brother back home on the farm he lived on! His brother is not adopted, not psychic, and the most stereotypical farmer you've ever met. Jnixz has more info on that brother, but I think it's currently a bit under wraps.
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out on the town ~ machine gun kelly
part one   part two   part three   part four
word count: 2188
request?: no
description: after your drunken night together, colson asks you a slightly surprising question
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, surprise at the end ;)
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The next morning you woke up with a headache. You groaned as you rolled over in your bed, ready to fall back asleep and stay in bed all day, or at least until you had work. But when you rolled over, you found yourself colliding with another body. Confused, you slowly opened your eyes to find that you weren’t alone. There was someone laying back on to you.
At first, you were worried you had gone out the night before and gotten drunk and hooked up with someone, but for the most part both of you were fully clothed. It wasn’t until you caught sight of the person’s tattoos that everything came back to you; the family dinner, Colson coming over, the drinking, your kiss.
Despite how bad your head felt, you jumped up out of bed. You weren’t sure why you were suddenly feeling so awkward, probably because now that you were sober you were afraid of how Colson would react when he woke up.
You grabbed a pair of leggings and a hoodie and changed into them. You silently closed your bedroom door, leaving Colson to continue to sleep. You made your way to your kitchen, although you weren’t really all that hungry. Your stomach was still rolling from the hangover you were nursing.
You decided to start by cleaning up the bottles of beer that were left on your coffee table. You cringed at how many there were, you really didn’t remember drinking that much. At one point, the drinking just turned into a blur of laughing and talking and...and kissing evidentially.
You still couldn’t believe that Colson had kissed you. You were worried about how he would react to it once he woke up. Would he regret it? Would he even remember?
You sat down on the couch, feeding Korg some hamster food, when you heard the doorknob to your bedroom turn. Your head quickly shot up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. Colson appeared, still only in a pair of pants, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, cracking his back, before looking at you. He gave you a sheepish smile.
“Good morning,” he mumbled. “Shit, I have a wicked headache. Did we really drink that much last night?”
“The beer bottles I have in the recycling bin should answer that question,” you responded. “How...how much of last night do you remember?”
“I remember bits and pieces,” he responded, sitting down beside you. “I don’t remember a lot of what we talked about, but I do remember at some point we decided to play Never Have I Ever...just the two of us? Why the hell did we think that was a good idea?”
You giggled. “Cause we were severely drunk.”
Colson laughed as well, shaking his head. “Yeah, we were.”
You were happy with it being left there. Maybe the consequences would be better if he didn’t remember the kiss.
“I do remember...one other thing.” You cringed. Spoke too soon.
Colson just looked at you a moment. “Was that...really your first kiss?”
You nodded, unable to meet his eye. “Yeah. I mean what I said last night, it’s not easy to be the daughter of a well known rapper and have a steady dating life. It was the same as the friend situation. Eventually, I gave up. I’m not even on Tinder or any of those dating sites. I don’t think I’ll ever really meet someone who would want me for me.”
You stood once again, trying to get away from this awkward conversation. You made your way towards the kitchen. You grabbed the first thing you saw in the kitchen to start making something to eat. Colson followed you for the kitchen, leaning against the doorway and watching you cook. You tried to ignore him, but you couldn’t help but look up at him.
“You met me,” he said.
You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“You said you don’t think you’ll meet someone who would want you for you,” he repeated. “And you met me.”
You chuckled, humorlessly. “That’s not funny.”
“I’m not trying to be funny,” Colson insisted. “I’m serious, (Y/N). I really like you, and obviously it’s for who you are considering the situation I’m currently in with your dad.” He came over to stand next to you, staring directly into your eyes. His eyes were so blue, you got so distracted by them. “Let me take you out tonight.”
You were stunned by the request. “I...are you serious?”
"Very serious,” he responded.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Okay. Yeah, I’d...I’d like that a lot. But I can’t tonight, I have work.”
“Are you free tomorrow night?” You nodded. “Then it’s settled, I’ll take you out tomorrow night.”
The next two days seemed to pass by so slowly. You spent the entirety of the next day trying to keep busy. You scrubbed your apartment clean, took Korg out to play with for a while, watched so much TV (but were too nervous to really pay attention to any of it), listened to music.
Finally, the time for your date with Colson drew nearer. You spent nearly an hour alone trying to pick out an outfit. Then you had to do your makeup quickly, which wasn’t really an easy task since you were trying to make sure it looked perfect. By the time you were finished there was a knock at your door, and you knew who it was.
When you answered the door, Colson was wearing a pair of jeans and a button up dress shirt. It was about as fancy as you expected from him, but you couldn’t deny that he looked amazing.
“Hey,” you said with a smile.
“Hey,” he said. “You look amazing, wow.”
Your cheeks burned as you looked down at the ground, smiling like an idiot. Neither one of you really knew what to do. When you finally found your voice you said, “I’m gonna grab my coat and my purse and we can go.”
“Leave the purse,” Colson told you. “Any paying that needs to be done tonight will be done by me. And don’t fight me on it because I will not hear it. I’ll just take your wallet and refuse to give it back.”
You playfully rolled your eyes and listened to what he said. You grabbed a nice coat that would go with your outfit and put the keys to your apartment in your pocket, then followed Colson out your front door.
“So, what’s the plan then?” she asked him.
“I was thinking dinner then a walk,” he responded. “If that’s okay with you.”
You smiled. “That sounds great to me. Lead the way, Baker.”
Colson smiled and started walking. You followed him and the both of you walked in silence. You weren’t too sure what to say really. Usually you both had no trouble coming up with something to say, you always managed to maintain a steady conversation since you had met, but now that it was no longer just friendship and you were both on an actual date it was as if there was nothing to talk about at all.
“Where are we going?” you asked Colson finally.
He smiled. “I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise.”
You groaned. “No way, I’m awful at surprises. Just tell me!”
“This isn’t how it works!” he laughed in response. “We’re almost there, do you think you could wait another like 10 minutes?”
You sighed but nodded your head. You really wanted to know where it was that he was taking you. You were afraid it was going to be some expensive restaurant. There was no way you’d feel alright with buying food that cost almost half the price of your rent, especially if Colson was the one paying for it.
You turned a corner and found yourself standing outside of your favourite little private diner. As usual, it was empty besides the staff. Colson walked forward and opened the door, turning to look at you with a smile.
“I figured, it’s the place where we first met. And that’s romantic, right?” he said.
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Yeah, it’s very romantic.”
You both stepped inside and took a seat at the same booth you had the night you met. The waitress came over and took your orders right away.
“The night I met you, I got a hot dog and some fries and I don’t know what it is they did but it was the best damn hot dog and fries I’ve ever had,” Colson told you. “I made sure to remember the name of this place to come back for more. Rook was obsessed with their fries, too.”
“Their food is all homemade. Nothing comes frozen or pre-cooked or anything,” you responded. “I always say it’s the love and care that makes it taste so good.”
Colson smiled. “That’s so corny. But like...in a good way. I like that idea.”
You smiled, too. Your waitress came back with your drinks and it was as if all the awkwardness had lifted. You both found someway to keep a conversation going from the moment you got your drinks to the moment you both got up to pay to leave. You were so full you felt like you were about to burst. You were really hoping the next part of Colson’s date plan didn’t involve getting dessert.
By the time you both had left the diner it was dark outside. It was mid November and most the stores and restaurants had their Christmas lights up. The streets were illuminated with the tiny white lights, it made for a super romantic setting. It was slightly chilly outside, you were regretting deciding on a skirt, but as you started to walk you found you began to warm up a bit.
Colson led you towards a local park, one you had visited a lot as a kid.
“This place is really beautiful around Christmas,” you told him. “The first weekend in December they do this tree lighting where they decorate almost every tree in the park, and they light them for the first time. They have a choir come and perform Christmas music, it’s usually the snowing at that point. It’s honestly the most Christmassy thing in the world. It’s always my favourite tradition to go.”
Colson’s arm brushed up against yours. “Maybe I could get Cassie and we could all go. I know she loves that sort of shit, Christmas is one of her favourite holidays.”
His hand was brushing against yours. “If she likes Christmas then she’d definitely love it. It’s beautiful, words can’t even accurately describe it really.”
“Do you think...you’d mind meeting her?” he asked. “I know this is only the first date and I shouldn’t be thinking so far ahead or anything, but...she is my life. Whoever I decide to be with next needs to get along with her, she needs to like them and they need to like her...you know?”
You giggled at Colson’s nervousness. “I understand. She’s your daughter, she comes first. I would really like to meet her, even if it’s not in a...in a dating standpoint.”
Colson smiled and you could see him visibly relax. This time, when his hand brushed against yours, you reached out and interlaced your fingers with his.
You both kept walking through the park, continuing to talk some more. Before you knew it, you were heading back towards your apartment. You really did not want the night to end. You wondered if it would be considered too soon to ask him to stay the night again, even if it were just to prolong your time together.
You both came to a stop outside of your apartment and turned to look at each other. You were both smiling so wide, your cheeks were actually hurting. Not that you were really complaining. This had been one of the best nights of your life.
“So, I guess this is where I leave you,” Colson said.
“Only for a little while,” you responded. “If you want, I’d like to go out again sometime. As...you know...more than friends.”
Colson nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot too. Unfortunately, I have to leave in about four days, but I’ll be sure to make the most of it with you.”
You nodded as well. You were both still holding hands, but neither were pulling away. You were wondering if maybe you should be the one to let go first when Colson tightened his grip on your hand and pulled you to him, immediately putting his lips on yours. You couldn’t help but smile and even giggle a little into the kiss. It felt just as amazing and passionate as it had the first time you kissed.
You were both so lost and distracted by the kiss that you didn’t hear someone approach until an all too familiar voice said, “(Y/N)?”
You both pulled away quickly to see that it was none other than Hailie Jade Mathers.
Tags: @littlewhiterose @creatureofthen1ght-v3 @arugula-pigeon @keithseabrook27 @xxkellsvixen19xx @sacvf @helenevary @britshmgkstan @hnbtx @lovemythsworld @verywell-fandango @c-dizzle-swizzlex @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @whatverthefucklove @kellysimagines
If you want to be tagged in future parts just let me know!
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generalasshattery · 5 years
How the Kombatants Handle the Death of an S/O
Super mega angst, death, and general sad stuff warning.
Kuai Liang
He’s dealt with losing many people in his life, close friends, a brother, allies, and yet this experience feels so very different to him. It’s not that those other deaths were less painful to him because he felt those losses deeply, but rather there’s not that familiar sense of “they knew the job they did was dangerous.” Even if you did know that, you were someone he felt he should be able to keep safe, and he couldn’t. He doesn’t know how to deal with that, so when he’s able to he gets right back to work. He buries himself in being busy and ultimately holds on to the pain much longer because of his inability to deal with it. He keeps pushing mourning aside to keep up his work, but the lingering depression is always threatening to take over. Eventually, he realizes he has to come to terms with things, that he has to cope with his guilt. It’s a long painful process for him, but he comes out from it a person more empathetic to others. Every year he visits your resting place, but never on the day you died. He deliberately shows up on days that were happy for you, birthdays or anniversaries. Focusing on this lets your memory become something he can truly cherish.
Cassie Cage
When she lost you, it was as though all the lights in the world had gone out. It seemed to her that there was nothing left to light her path. But Cassie has a strong emotional support system with her father and her friends (especially Jackie) and eventually she realizes the darkest skies make the stars burn the brightest. So she pays you the highest compliment she can, she choses (when she’s ready) to be happy again. She’ll try to find a love, but won’t accept anyone that doesn’t live up to the standard you set for her. Soon she finds she thinks mostly of your happiest times. At first that’s hard for her, thinking of never having them again with you, but eventually those memories can be viewed without that overwhelming tinge of sadness that came from your loss. Even decades later when sharing her best stories, the ones with you are always first to come to her.
He never really recovers, especially after the burns. Kabal feels love strongly, and he descends into the feelings so quickly and so passionately that it’s almost a free fall. When he fell for you he fell hard, and when he lost you he fell even harder in an entirely different way. If you died by violent means, Kabal will take his revenge in a manner far more violent then even he thought he was capable of. Even when he starts to find love again, he’s not the same man he was. He’ll spend the rest of his days carrying around something of yours. He calls it a good luck charm, but it’s more of a reminder. A reminder of what happens when he’s not quick enough, or of how much is at stake. He gets especially mad when someone invokes your name, and people learn quickly to not bring you up. More than anything though, he feels guilty. He feels guilty because he knows this isn’t what you would want for him, but he just can’t let go.
Hanzo Hasashi
For Hanzo his reaction is wholly dependent on how you died. If you left this world at the hands of another, he will never get close to someone romantically again. Two loves he’s buried have made it so he simply cannot trust his heart to be open again. He’s more reserved, and far more focused on his life as a grandmaster. His students notice he’s more stern and more arduous in their training, as though he’s trying to spare them your fate. He does take his revenge, but truthfully it’s not even really revenge. He spent so long chasing it before that the grim task of taking justice for you can’t bring him any satisfaction. That’s ultimately how he’s left, with the loss of someone he loved, and nothing to pacify the pain it caused.
If you died from natural causes, however, you’ve unintentionally absolved him of guilt for your passing. He didn’t fail you. He wasn’t a bad protector or husband. And you taught him something, you taught him that there’s life after tragedy. That there’s happiness to be had even under the worst circumstance. He takes his time to mourn you, but he can also do the one thing he’s fought his entire life to do: he can let you go. He can live a life knowing he did what he could and that he gave you the best he could offer. It’s difficult to say if he’ll find love again, but he would be willing to try.
Erron Black
To the untrained observer, it may seem your death didn’t impact Erron at all. It seems he is right back to drinking and casual fucking as if he’d never given that up for you. That’s not accurate though, because before what was fun was now a way to get through the day. He pushes boundaries further, takes more daring risks, and is quite in danger of it effecting his job. This is how he’s always dealt with emotional turmoil, by filling the hole he felt with thrills, liqour, and wild sex. It doesn’t taste the same to him now though, it doesn’t make him feel whole. Instead it’s just a bitter reminder that there’s no going back after having had you. It’ll take time, a lot of it since he has it in abundance, but eventually he’ll grow tired of the hollow life he created for himself. That’s not to say he comes out of it a reformed man, but maybe a man that feels more responsibility to the people in his life
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice Outsiders: “Princes All”
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Young Justice: Princes All
 I accidentally spoiled myself of a small part of the episode.  Of course, it was the plot element that would fill me with rage and disgust.  If you’ve read my Young Justice posts, you can guess what it was – Conner’s proposal to Megan.
I’m very puzzled why the writers insist on reuniting the pair.  The creators consistently display a fine attention to detail – there is no way the writers can be oblivious the manipulative, obsessive, and abusive overtones of the relationship.
Conner’s reunion with Megan is simply a case of an abused person returning to their abuser.
Is there a big Conner/Megan fanbase?  Honest question.  The majority of fans preferred pairing for Conner is Tim.  I’ve also seen fan works pairing Conner with Bart Allen, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Cassie Sandsmark.  I don’t often see fanworks supporting the Conner/Megan pairing.   As for Young Justice fans, I would say Wally/Artemis, Bart/Jaime and even the very brief Dick/Zatanna have bigger fanbases.
Color me optimistic but I don’t think the marriage will happen. Conner has apparently been carrying the ring around for over a month.  That’s not the actions of a man certain of his decision.
I feel Conner returned to Megan simply because that’s the only non-familial love he’s known.  Besides his family and super-hero friends, Conner is pretty isolated.  And he’s not great in social situations.  The return to Megan, as nauseating as it is, probably feels like a return to normalcy.
I don’t know, I just have a feeling something will happen to end the relationship.  Megan will either revert to her mind-ripping ways – once again breaking Conner’s trust and ending the relationship – or Megan dies by the end of the season.
The prequel issues stated Psimon is back and holding a grudge.  Megan has other victims – that may or may not have recovered – that will hold grudges.  If you’ve read the 1980’s Teen Titans comic you know that Psimon is a vicious and vindictive man.  And he’s all about the sneak attacks.  If I was Megan, I’d be worried.
The creators are rather determined to ignore any consequences for Megan’s actions and to make her life “happy-happy”. I think it’s suspicious.
A hero dies in every season of Young Justice.  Season 1 had Kent Nelson. The video game had Tula.  Jason Todd and Ted Kord died during the time jump.  Wally died in the second season.  The odds of a hero not dying during season 3 aren’t great.  Why promote Megan so hard in the prequel comics? And handwave away any consequences of her actions? Could it be because Megan has a target on her back?
Maybe Psimon strikes during the wedding – causing the erasure of Megan’s mind and later death? Talk about karma!  
Or it could be wishful thinking on my part as I loathe the Conner/Megan pairing!
On to the episode…
We replay the ending of the final episode of the previous season.
July 4, the Watchtower
Kaldur argues with Dick: “This is no time for you to resign.”
Dick insists he’s not resigning, simply taking a leave of absence.
July 4, Markovburg, Two years later:
A young man is told of his sister’s death. Said sister is not only alive but is being experimented on: “Initiate tar protocol”.
Poor Ana’s metagene is not only activated but she is transformed into an energy-tar creature and transported to Rann.
The confused Ana-tar creature attacks members of the Justice League – Ice, Wonder Woman, Black Lightning, Superman, John Stewart, Martian Manhunter – Alanna, and Adam Strange.
Ana dies. Alana scans the creatures and realizes it is a 14 years-old earth child.
The “Young Justice Outsiders” theme is haunting and ominous.  It also clearly displays Apokolips.
July 27, the Watchtower: Megan, rocking the White Martian look, praises the Alpha squad while mentioning the Gamma squad still needs training.
Steel and Black Lightning arrive at the Watchtower. The Justice League are holding a meeting to determine Black Lightning’s fate.  It was his energy blast that killed poor Ana.
Surprise!  Kaldur is now Aquaman and the leader of the Justice League!  It would explain why Kaldur was absent from the promotional trailers and materials.
Megan is leader of Young Justice.  Boo!
Bat(Kaldur), Wonder Woman, Black Lightning, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Doctor Fate, Captain Marvel, Steel, Rocket, Zatanna, Batman, Red Tornado, Plastic Man, Katana, Flash, Hardware, Batwoman, Superman, Ice, John Stewart, and the Martian Manhunter.
Hardware is from the same Milestone universe as Rocket, Icon, and Static.  
Batwoman is a surprise.
Diana confirms meta-human trafficking has spread from earth to other worlds.
Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Black Lightning are very frustrated with the lack of progress in stopping the meta-human trafficking.
Lex Luthor is the United Nation’s secretary general – and is using the position to be a pain in the League’s rumps.
Batman is done: “But all that matters is the mission. If the UN is a roadblock to that mission, then we remove it by removing the League.”
Kaldur and Diana are not down with that plan.
Bruce and Oliver resign their League memberships.
Bruce’s resignation is accurate to the founding of the Outsiders in the comic books. Back in the 1980s, Bruce needed to rescue Lucius Fox from a foreign country.  The Justice League’s agreement with the United Nations didn’t allow Batman or the League to enter said country. Bruce said “I quit”, formed the Outsiders, stormed the country, and rescued Lucius.
Hardware, Plastic Man, Katana, and Batwoman promptly resign. Katana and Kate aren’t a surprise – Kate is Bruce’s cousin and a Gotham gal and Katana has always been Team Batman.  Plastic Man has been a strong ally of Batman since the late 1990s. Hardware is a surprise as he has no connection with Bruce or Oliver.
Dinah accuses Bruce, Oliver, and company of planning this in advance.  Oliver asks Dinah to join the group, she refuses.  It’s safe to say Dinah and Oliver are taking a break.  Breaks are standard operating procedure for Ollie and Dinah so I’m not overly worried for the future of their relationship.
Jefferson swears he wasn’t part of Bruce and Ollie’s stunt but he came to the meeting to resign in person.
Kaldur and Diana decides to issue a statement disowning their former members’ future actions.
The Young Justice team are chilling in the waiting area. Jaime and Bart are chatting – BFFs or dating? If they are dating, will the show ever make it official?  Tim and Cassie are next to each other – they were thrown together in the season finale – so, still dating? Is it serious? Steph and Cissie are hanging out ��� a friendship that has strong possibilities.  Unfortunately, the girls never had much interaction in the comics.
Batman strolls in and announces “It’s time.” Robin and Arrowette leave with their mentors.  Tim doesn’t surprise me.  I’ve always felt Tim was the most loyal to Bruce out of all his Robins.  Dick, Jason, and have always banged heads with Bruce.  Damian, if forced to choose, would side with Dick over Bruce.  Tim is Bruce’s “ride or die” Robin.
I’m surprised over Stephanie and Cissie.  As I said earlier, Steph routinely goes against Bruce’s wishes.  Cissie has never had much – if any – interaction with Ollie in the comics.
Bruce asks Jeff to join his group – Jeff refuses as he doesn’t trust Batman and doesn’t want to be part of Batman Incorporated.
Jeff and Bruce have a different relationship as Jeff is very “Team Batman” in the comics.
Are we going to get Batman Incorporated? With a Knight & Squire appearance?
Jeff apologizes to Static: “I’m sorry, Virgil.  Maybe you can find a new mentor. One who is less damaged.”
The duo doesn’t have any type of connection in the comics but it’s a natural relationship.
The rest of Young Justice – especially Cassie and Bart – are very confused as to what is going on.
Moscow, July 28: A disguised Dick Grayson, in communication with Oracle, rescue a few meta-human trafficking victims.
So how long will the writers wait until the identity of Oracle is revealed to the viewers? And will the Joker be responsible for Barbara’s paralysis?
Dick is tracking down Bedlam, who is responsible for the tar mutation goop.
Oracle has spent time around Bart as she refers to something as “crash”.
We switch to Markovia. King Viktor and Queen Illona DeLamb-Markov are holding a press conference. Princess Tara disappeared two years ago.  Brion has recently returned from studying abroad.
The royal couple speaks out in support of Quarqi refugees – fleeing the recent invasion of a Queen Bee-led Biayla - and against metahuman trafficking.
Brion asks Dr. Jace about the results of his meta-gene testing. He tested positive. Brion wants his meta-gene activated.
Dr. Jace was a supporting cast member of the Outsiders in the comic books.
Dick is in Star City. Barbara informs Dick of Bruce and company’s mass resignation. Dick insists he “can’t worry about that now.”
Babs has determined the likely location of the meta-trafficking in Markovia but insists Dick will need backup.
Dick is way ahead of her.
We discover Artemis has moved to Star City and lives with Roy Harper and Lian.
Roy is going by “Will”.
Where’s Cheshire? Did she go back to the dark side?
Where’s young Roy? I don’t remember seeing him on the Watchtower.
July 29th” Future Halo is in the Markovian castle. She lets in others who quickly murder the King and Queen.
Queen Illona’s brother kills the intruder. I’m very suspicious of Queen Illona’s brother.
Dick approaches Happy Harbor.
Hey, there’s Wolfe! Enjoying a nice nap.
Conner is worried about Superman being off planet for so long. He feels a burden to step into Superman’s shoes.
Dick arrives to recruit Conner. Conner agrees. Dick reminds Conner that it’s a non-super suit mission. As in, you can’t wear the “S” shirt.
Dick leaves to find his next recruit.
It’s both interesting – an odd- that Dick didn’t ask Megan along.  Her powers – telepathy, shape-changing, invisibility, phasing – are perfect for covert mission.  Conner’s abilities and personality are the exact opposite of covert.  The reason can’t be that he’s afraid of leaving Young Justice without a leader – Dick states it’s a one-day mission.  So why not bring Megan? Has Dick discovered her mind-wiping spree? Or her assault on Conner’s mind? Has he lost trust in Megan?  I am baffled as to why Dick wouldn’t recruit Megan unless its due to personal issues.
Megan falls back to her manipulative ways: “I don’t want to be that kind of girlfriend, but…I just lost a big chunk of my team to whatever Batman’s got going. I was sort of counting on you.”
Conner’s only going to be gone for 24 hours! Stop being so clingy, needy, and manipulative.
Conner hastens to assure Megan: “You can always count on me. I can prove it.”
Cue the vomit-inducing proposal scene.
Conner, you poor, poor fool. Megan’s playing you like a puppet and you don’t even realize it.  I don’t buy Megan’s “surprised” act.  Megan’s a very powerful telepath – even if she wasn’t purposely reading his mind, there is no way she didn’t catch hints of Conner buying a ring.
I’m very cynical about Megan.  How can we be sure she hasn’t been pushing Conner to propose? Megan is prone to living/retreating in a fantasy life – and she’s been obsessed with and molded Conner from day one.
Sure, Megan’s rocking the White Martian appearance, indicating more acceptance of herself, but her human form is still very “Hello, Megan”.
G. Gordon Godfrey is back. He wants martial law. Queen Illona’s brother claims it was a Quarci metahuman refugee who assassinated his sister and brother in-law.
The Baron states that he will serve as regent as Gregor and Brion, the royal twins, are only 17 years old. If I was the twins, I would be very worried for my safety.
Brion contacts Dr. Jace – he wants his meta-gene activated post-haste.
Metropolis: Jefferson kisses his daughters goodnight.  Hi, Anissa and Jennifer!
Jeff informs Lynn that he’s giving up the costumed life.
Lynn doesn’t believe him: “I’m the sister of a Green Lantern and the ex-wife of a Black Lightning. I know how this quitting the life thing goes.”
Lynn is the sister of John Stewart? That’s a new twist.
Jeff leaves the house and immediately tells Dick “No”.
Dick persists. Jeff insists he “can’t” – his powers aren’t working.
Dick informs Jeff that he “came for the man, not the powers”.
July 30, Midnight: Dick is at the meeting spot. Artemis zetas in. Conner arrives in the sphere-ship, Jeff shows up, and the group head to Markovia.
Cute ending scene – Artemis’s dog sleeps with a Wally plush.
I enjoyed the episode minus the Megan parts. It was pure set-up but I’m very intrigued by Bruce and Oliver’s upcoming shenanigans.  And you can’t go wrong with the Dick-Conner-Artemis trio.
And we have two more episodes! Exciting!
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fantasticescapism · 5 years
These are all my thoughts on Avengers: Endgame
It’s gonna be full of spoilers and I implore you to go watch the movie first before reading this or something. The movie is best experienced without being spoiled.
I have to admit, I have second thoughts in writing this because 1) most people haven’t seen it yet and 2) why would people care what I think. Then again, I’m writing this as a form of release for myself.
So, here we go. Again, READ ONLY IF YOU’VE SEEN THE MOVIE!!! Seriously!
I’ve only seen the movie once so there may be some things that I don’t remember verbatim but, oh well...
Tony and Nebula! I love it! I hoped the montage was longer though but it was okay. I especially love that part when Tony offered food to her but she pushed it back towards him so Tony could eat. Oh, my heart...
The first thing Tony said when he got back to Earth was “I lost the kid.” T^T Oh, Peter... Poor Iron Dad.
The part where Tony confronted Steve with an “I told you so”. YES! I love that! Tony needs to say it and Steve needs to hear it and accept it.
That first confrontation with Thanos... OMG! OMG! Carol my girl is badass!!! I love that!
The panic when Scott got back and looked for Cassie’s name on the list of the dusted, I felt that. Though I know she survived (I keep up with casting news), I still had anxiety. Oh and their reunion! YES! I teared up.
Carol Danvers in a pixie cut!!!!! That’s comic accurate ya’ll!!!!!!
There are a lot of funny parts in the movie. It’s not all doom and gloom. I really appreciate that. The whole movie is actually a roller coaster ride of emotions.
MORGAN STARK!!!!!!!! OMG!!! She’s so cute! And Iron Dad x 1000000% 
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Oh and they live peacefully in a lake house and not in a high tech tower as expected of Starks, Tony just wants the simple life. Since I love Tony, I would’ve loved it if they stayed that way but, we all know, when given a chance to bring back Peter and still have his family, he’ll take it.
Thor playing Fortnite. I don’t play Fortnite but I’m a gamer so, I like that. A lot of people hated that Thor wasn’t as responsible as people expected; that he let himself go physically and let Valkyrie manage New Asgard instead of being a king. Guys, it’s called Survivor’s Guilt. He’s depressed. Thor lost everything and he blames himself for what happened. When I lost my brother, I spent most of my days playing the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy. Point is, it’s not hard to imagine him going through that phase, for me at least. Besides, there’s a Thor 4 rumor going on.
At the end, some people didn’t like that Thor “abandoned” the Asgardians and went with the Guardians to travel in space. I don’t think he abandoned them. I think he genuinely believes Valkyrie will do a better job than him. She’s been doing it for years anyway.
The whole time travel parts! OMG! Just the thought that the future characters were actually there dodging their past selves, it was awesome! There are a lot of hits and miss! Like I said, roller coaster of emotions, and I love the ride!
Nat!!! Oh, Nat!!! It was sad but then I’m glad she gets the limelight. Her and Clint, cause both of them were often forgotten and underestimated
Valkyrie riding a winged horse!!!
Full-powered and angry Scarlet Witch!!!!
I'm a fan of Gundam (especially Gundam 00) so when Rescue and Iron Man teamed up? OMG!!!! I screamed!!!!!
And when Peter swung in! I think I screamed the most!!!
That Iron Dad and Spiderson reunion!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!! Peter’s like chatting away telling Tony what happened on his side and Tony’s like shut up and let me hug you.
When Carol Danvers destroyed Sanctuary II on her own!!! DAMN!!!
Peter used Instant Kill!!!!
Peter met Carol then all the female heroes formed up! AAAAHHHH!!!
This whole part is best seen in the movies with a lot of people.
On to that sad part.
FYI, I love Tony Stark. I guess I can call myself a Tony stan, idk. How does one qualify? Anyway, did I wish he didn’t use the infinity stones? Yes. When he stole the stones from Thanos and put those on his own gauntlet, I was like “TONY!!!! NOOOOO!!!!” BUT, was it necessary? HELL YES!!! Because if Thanos used those stones, the outcome will be worse than dusting half the universe! HE WILL DESTROY THE WHOLE UNIVERSE DOWN TO ITS ATOMS!!!
Strange was right. It was the only way.
Why didn’t just Tony pass the stones to someone else? He can’t. Time is of the essence. The more they let Thanos chase the stones around, the more dire their situation would be.
Some demanded: why can’t they just make it that Tony’s in a critical condition or gets a major injury but not dead? Hulk almost died when he used the stones and he has an advantage of Gamma radiation. Tony’s not a super-soldier. He’s not enhanced. He’s a normal human. Of course he can’t use the stones and live to tell the tale.
So, was I satisfied? Yes, I was. It was sad and I’m currently grieving but I think, the way they did Tony’s sacrifice and death was really good. I believe he didn’t do it solely for the sake of the universe. He did it for his friends, his family, for Peter, for Pepper and, most especially, for Morgan.
Oh and when Peter ran to Tony’s side and went, “Mr. Stark! We won! Mr. Stark... Mr. Stark... Tony...” then he cried. OMG!!! He finally called him by his name and Tony heard it!
Then Pepper comes in and gave this most resonating line that will stay with me forever... And with what she did, for me, Pepper is the strongest woman in the MCU. It’s far harder to let someone go, be left behind and be strong for the people around you that’s also grieving. Peter’s gonna grieve in FFH. T^T
Overall, it’s not a perfect movie but it is the movie that will stay with me for a very long time. So, to Marvel...
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jb-blaq · 6 years
My Ideal Teams: MCU Young Avengers
So I love teams, I'm always coming up with imaginary teams for movies and comics and creating little pitches for them. I thought it'd be fun to write some of these down and share them with Y'all. The first one I'm doing is the young avengers in the MCU because I've been thinking about this for years. Mcu has been teasing some stuff with the young avengers for a while now and we got a lot of it in Ant-Man and The Wasp. Whether this actually happening or not kind of depends on Captain Marvel for reasons I'll explain later but I think it's pretty likely we're going to get some sort of Young Avengers movie in the future.
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Cassie Lang (Stature)
This one's the easiest, Cassie Lang's already been in the movies the actress that plays her Abby Ryder Fortson is one of the best child actors out there right now. We also know that an older version of her will be showing up in Avengers 4. So if nothing else we know that can I see has a life of superheroism in front of her. I'd say make her second in command since she'd be the person the audience would know the best and this point. I guess another big question is does she become Stature for the same reason she does in the comics? Being inspired by her father's death I personally don't believe that's necessary considering that she's already shown that she wants to be a superhero. But Scott's death could provide some added dramatic weight to her story.
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Kate Bishop (Hawkeye)
Kate bishop's unquestionably the most beloved young avenger and fans have been waiting to see her in the MCU for a very long time. And even though I'm one of the few people who does really like them to the MCU version of Hawkeye I won't lie that I'm very excited to see what Kate can bring to the table. It also wouldn't be hard to bring in at all. She's the daughter of a very rich family who after being mugged one day decided to train herself in hand to hand combat and archery when she encountered the young avengers she quickly demanded to join their team. Now for the reason, she takes the name that's because Captain America said that she was the only one who deserved that mantle after she stood up to him an argument, Clint was dead at the time. She the one who traditionally operates as the leader and she's my personal pick for the role.
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Harley Keener (Iron Lad?)
So do you remember the kid from Iron Man 3? yeah really nice character they kind of imply that you would come back in some way down the line. After the invention of RiRi Williams, I was fairly confident that we were never going to see him again. That was until it was announced that Ty Simpkins the actor who played Harley was also going to be returning for Avengers 4. now this could just be a flashback to Iron Man 3 but I think it's equally as likely that they bring Harley back and teas that at some point he might become some kind of iron man successor. And since cassie's also going to be older in a superhero in A4 and a founding member of the Young Avengers is Iron Lad I think it's very likely that they could give the name Iron Lad to Harley. Now the original Iron Lad is actually a young version of Kang before he truly became Kang. I doubt Marvel wants to introduce the villain as big as Kang in a Young Avengers movie so I don't feel but they have much interest in using the original version of Iron Lad. By making Harley into Iron Lad you get to bring back as a good character from Iron Man 3 well being able to use the name of a very important Young Avengers character.
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Teddy Altman (Hulkling)
Teddy the one who really depends on how Mar-Vell is represented in Captain Marvel. Hulkling is the son of the original Captain Marvel and the Skrull Queen, he was raised on earth by a Skrull he kept secret his and her true nature. Eventually learns he has an ability to shape-shift and believes himself to be a mutant. Eventually, he becomes one of the founding members of the young avengers and learns of his true heritage as half Kree half Skrull. He's also dating one half of the pyramid about to talk about.
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Billy Kaplan (Wiccan) and Thomas Shepherd (Speed)
Alright, these two of the really hard ones. Billy and Thomas are the sons of the Scarlet Witch and vision kind of. Basically since vision and Scarlet Witch I obviously couldn't have children the old-fashioned way scarlet witch shows to create two kids using magic. and giving you the very very truncated version of events the children were killed, Scarlet Witch had her memory of them and she subconsciously brought them back into existence. Billy lived a relatively normal life being adopted he eventually discovered his magical powers after some encounters with it homophobic bullies. Thomas grew up as a criminal who couldn't control his dangerous speed powers imprisoned in a high-security prison. Not only is Billy a founding member of the Young Avengers, He has become the most promising young sorcerer in the Marvel universe and has been shown to be the future sorcerer supreme. And the romance between him and Teddy would be really nice to see especially with the lack of LGBT representation in the Marvel movies. If I'm being honest I don't really have any solid ideas on how to bring these kids into the MCU. I think their connection to the Scarlet Witch is important and shouldn’t be left out but I'm not sure how you do it with a Scarlet Witch that's this young, though considering how important she was in Infinity War who's to say that something won't happen to her that will eventually lead to these kids in A4.
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Elijah Bradley (Patriot)
The Bradley family has been something lots of die-hard Cap fans I've been waiting to see reference in the MCU. This basically operates under the idea that the U.S. government trying to recreate the success of Captain America after his supposed death in World War II. In the same vein as the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, the government tested the super soldier serum on African American men. Isaiah Bradley was the only successful survivor of the experiment and went on his own covert missions against the Nazis and was eventually further betrayed by his own government. There was another Bradley Josiah who was also a super soldier. But Elijah is not but still tries to do good as the hero Patriot. Elijah is also a founding member of the Young Avengers and unfortunately is one of the most overlooked members. The character is interesting for multiple reasons he has a kind of Cyclops demeanor to him and is constantly bumping heads with Kate as to who should lead. He was out of a very fun dynamic to the team and bring a really interesting side to the Captain America mythology.
And that's who I feel should be on the team for an MCU version of the Young Avengers. This one turned out to be very similar to the original comic run, simply because I think that's the best way to go for a film. Not all future list will be as comic accurate at this one. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Please follow and reblog.
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
the casting director of Euphoria REALLY did an amazing job 😍
Storm and Z look seriously related, and all the kid versions of the characters were sooooo accurate (especially for Cassie/Sydney)
i love when they genuinely care about the casting bc it's such an important part of the process. when there's movie/tv shows with flashbacks/flash forwards, I always loose a little bit of interest when the older/younger version looks completely different
With Euphoria we don't have this issue so props to them 👏🏻
Yea they really did! Cuz yea, Z and Storm look like they could be related lol. And I agree, it always seems a bit weird when they don't really do a good job with finding younger actors to represent certain characters when they were younger (my biggest gripe is when the skin color is super off, or when even the eye color is different lol), but I guess sometimes they just go with the best actor for the role, and not necessarily who looks the MOST like the older actor?
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Tribal Council #7 - Mauri
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Welcome to your first tribal council as a merged tribe.
Apollo, with only two Mea left in the game, it seems like a potential division in the merge could be Sumi vs. Tuai. Is this an accurate assessment of the game? How else are alliance lines shaking out?
From the outside looking in, i could see how that would be the expectation but this is an individual game at the end of the day. People might have different personal agendas than that matches the goals of their previous tribe.
Boris, knowing that there are a mix of new and returning players in the cast, is there any way to suss out who’s who? Does it matter who’s played before and who hasn’t? Are you worried you’re unknowingly playing with winners?
I'm sure there are ways to try and find out who's who, and maybe some people are thinking like that, but for me personally I don't think it matters. I'm viewing this game as a completely clean slate, I just want to play to the best of my ability without preexisting factors getting in the way.
Brianna, are there any obvious targets tonight at tribal? Now that the votes can’t be about keeping the tribe strong, what’s your logic in choosing who to vote for?
l don’t believe there are really any obvious targets and that it is kind of up in the air. But mainly my logic in choosing who to vote for has to be how to keep myself strong.
Cassie, how do you plan to play in the merge stage of the game? Do you want to be cutthroat and strategic, a social player, a challenge dominator, or something else? What will best advance your game?
I plan to adjust my game a little bit as I get to know everyone else since there wasn't much time to do so before. I know I'd like to win some challenges as I'm sure others would, but I'm still figuring out the small bits of my game. It will be best for me to figure out what works for me and stick to my gut.
Felix, is it too early to start thinking about a resume to present to the jury at the end? Should people be making big moves or playing it safe in the early merge?
I think it’s never too early to build a resume. However, in regards to big moves, you’ve got to be sure that it’s not going to put a huge target on your back or, if it does put a target, you got the numbers to back you up in the upcoming rounds. But a resume is not just big moves as it is the subtle and smaller moves that add up and make you a great Survivor player!
Flint, now that we’re in an individual game, how do you decide who to trust? Is it all about who will vote with you or are there bonds beyond that?
trust is a huge factor in this game, even more so now that we are merged. I’m sure there are still old tribal lines but new bonds are forming. How well can you trust your original relationships verse your merge bonds? Only time and votes will tell.
Joey, we now know that the idol hunt has been updated for merge. We still haven’t seen any idol plays in this game; do you think that streak will be broken soon? Does anyone stick out to you as someone who may have an idol?
naw, any idol(s) could literally be anywhere. i keep forgetting to look for it so i dunno if theres anyway to know for sure if its out there or not but you gotta keep on your toes!
Lysandre, congrats on winning the challenge! Do you think your continued ability to do well in challenges makes you a threat? Why or why not?
Thank you Jay! I believe that my performance ability could definetly make me a threat in this game but I can't possibly win every single immunity challenge : / . I hope people understand that people have had higher scores than me in premerge challenges so I'm no   champion or anything
Marie, coming from a tribe of two, how are you working to get yourself into the numbers? Do you see Mea as on the bottom, in the middle, or somewhere else entirely?
coming from a tribe of two is stressful especially because the other two tribes have four. trying to get lys and i out wouldn't benefit anyone, using us as swing votes however would. theres always a crack.
Zest, how has the alias element of the game impacted dynamics? Does it make you suspicious of others? Why or why not?
There are pros and cons to the alias element.I think no matter whether you have played the game before or not, you will have some suspicions. That is just how Survivor works. Some people have played this game before and they may be able to figure out who someone is based on how they chat in the group. At the same time, I am grateful for the new friendships I have made. I’m also super excited about the how the merge has allowed me to interact with new people. 
 If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
Nobody stands
I’ll read the votes. Once the votes are read, the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
First vote: Brianna
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For me this was kind of easy, but also hard because you seemed like a nice person. Sorry, Brianna
Second vote: Brianna
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I hope it's you and not me
Third vote: Cassie
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I’m so sorry. I genuinely wanted to work with you in the game, but it seems as if you weren’t able to hold your tea.
Fourth vote: Cassie
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I'm on your hit list apparently???
That’s two votes Brianna, two votes Cassie, six votes left.
Fifth vote: Brianna
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I hope I’m making the right vote tonight
Sixth vote: Cassie
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You are super sweet, but, I have stick with my alliance. Xoxo!
Seventh vote: Brianna
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sorry! i dont know you and just along for the ride
Eighth vote: Cassie
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congrats on making jury
That’s four votes Cassie, four votes Brianna, two votes left.
Ninth vote: Cassie
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sorry about this :/
That’s five votes Cassie, four votes Brianna, one vote left. If this vote is for Cassie, she will become the first member of our jury. If it is for Brianna, we will have a tie and a revote.
Tenth vote, and the first member of our jury: Cassie
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sorry!! Not really sorry because you were putting my name out, but I wish you the best anyway!
Cassie, thanks so much for playing. You now become the first member of our jury.
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