#*oi! don't sneak out*
takeariskao3 · 1 year
Hey Hannah, how would you describe Lily and Ruby’s relationship with James? We know the girls are close but are they close with James or is more of a lone wolf? If you want to write a one shot of this… I wouldn’t mind at all 😉
first of all, i love you for asking me this. second of all, i think like with most sibling relationships it evolves. Lily definitely considers herself james' protector for a time until he grows up enough and starts annoying her. i think once they reach late teens and adulthood though, all three of them are pretty tight knit. having harry potter and ginny weasley as your parents isn't a universal experience so it'd be hard to find other people who could relate to something like that and understand it.
so, more than being siblings, they have unique and shared history they bond over and support each other through <3
and since i am literally incapable of saying no to a next gen oneshot, here ya go:
"It's just so unfair!"
Ruby snorted at the whinge in Lily's voice and reached for another spoonful of batter.
"Look at this," Lily grabbed for where Dad sat on the sofa. Placing her hands on either side of his head, she wheeled him around to face the kitchen. "This is what I have to work with!"
Dad shrugged her off with a grimace.
"Hey!" Mum grinned as she pulled a tray of fully baked biscuits from the oven. "I like your dad's hair."
"Me too," Ruby chastised.
Lily's answering scowl was full of impatience. "Easy for you to say! Your hair lies flat!"
Unable to disagree, Ruby finished placing her dough on the sheet and handed it over to Mum.
"It grows in every direction," Lily turned her attention back to the top of Dad's head, pulling his locks side to side and back and forth. Dad staunchly ignored her, continuing to read the paper as if she wasn't even there. "And this bit here, what's the point of it growing upwards on the back?"
Brushing the dough from her hands, Ruby let out a resigned sigh. "Will you stop complaining and come here?"
Lily rolled her eyes, but crossed the room and collapsed into a dining chair anyway. Ruby set to work separating her sister's hair into two sections, and she had to admit it was rather chaotic, especially when left on its own for too long. She didn't dare say this aloud, however, for fear of increasing Lily's already jittery mood.
"Make it tight," Lily instructed as Ruby began to plait. "I don't want it falling out halfway through the night."
Ruby hid her smile behind Lily's back and started all over again.
The smell of fresh out of the oven dessert soon lured James into the kitchen and he took three biscuits off the tray before sitting down at the table. Mum ruffled his hair, so similar to Dad's and Lily's, as she began clearing away the mixing bowl and baking mess.
"Hey, Dad?" Lily asked once Ruby had finished tying off the first braid and began on the second. "Can you take down the wards before they arrive?"
Dad looked up from his paper incredulously.
"Please?" Lily begged in a sing-song voice.
"Absolutely not." Shaking his head, Dad turned back to his Evening Prophet.
"But you have to!" Lily implored. "Otherwise it'll look to them like I'm standing in front of an empty field!"
"Tell them the house is behind the trees," Ruby suggested.
"Or that we live in a commune that doesn't believe in houses," Mum added unhelpfully.
"Or," James chimed in, "Don't go on dates with Muggles in the first place."
The room went deathly quiet, Ruby's fingers stilling in Lily's hair while Mum froze with dish soap and a scrub brush in her hands.
Dad turned slowly in his seat, looking over the four of them in turn and focusing on James last.
"What did you just say?"
James, who seemed to know he'd just blundered horribly, stammered, "I- I- I mean... I was just... What do I know?"
He chuckled uncomfortably, but Ruby could tell Dad didn’t buy it.
Turning to Mum, Dad raised his eyebrows. “She’s going on a date? You said it was a group of kids from the village.”
"It is a group of kids from the village," Mum reassured quickly, but she didn't quite meet Dad's eye. She set the sponge to work with a tap of her wand and finished, "She just so happens to like one of those kids."
"MUM!" Lily roared, her face flushing pink in embarrassment.
James covered his mouth to hold in his laugh; Lily reached around to swat him.
"Hold still!" Ruby ordered, almost losing her grip on Lily's hair.
Dad continued to stare at Mum like he'd just been stupified.
"Oh, don't look at me like that," Mum huffed impatiently. "What did you expect?"
"I didn't expect to find out our daughter was going on a date from a nine year old! You're supposed to tell me this kind of stuff."
"It's not a date!" Lily cried, clearly mortified.
"She's fifteen," Mum replied matter-of-factly. "She likes a boy, so what? Should we tell them what we got up to when we were fifteen?"
Ruby, her sister, and her brother all let loose sounds of utter disgust.
"Not like that." Mum waved them off. Dad didn't seem all that cowed by her threat to reveal their teenage years, but eventually he grumbled something that sounded like a swear word and turned to Lily with a serious look on his face.
"You're home by ten," he snapped. Lily breathed out a sigh of relief that was a bit premature, because then Dad added, "And no snogging!"
Ruby and James gagged out more revulsion, while Lily buried her face in her hands and groaned.
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bi-writes · 9 months
more childhood-bestfriend!roommate!simon x fem!reader because im a mess inside and he can fix me
more bestfriend!roommate!simon (part 2/?)
cw: unwanted suggestive advances (verbal only), protective!simon
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he wont leave. he's been sitting at the counter all night, nursing a mug of coffee that he keeps sneaking splashes from his flask into. he's gotten progressively drunker as the hours passed, but you paid him no mind, continuing to serve other customers. you said nothing to him, just kept refilling his mug when he held it out to you and ignoring him.
"what a pretty dress, love...look at ya."
"got somewhere to be after this? wanna grab a drink?"
"ya look so nice, got the eyes of a kitten...hope ya don't bite..."
the patrons that passed by him glared and told him to shut up, but he just kept whispering to you as you went by him. you shrugged it off gracefully, keeping the smile on your face as you poured someone more coffee. words were harmless, and even though he came off as a creep, he was drunk--and drunk people were stupid people.
you smoothed out the skirt of your dress. it was short, riding up every time you reached up on a high shelf. you tried not to snap at the man every time he whistled when you did.
when you made your way to the back to pick up a few plates, one of the cooks asked if you were okay.
"fine," was how you answered. "besides, if he makes a move, i dont think he'll like it when i pour hot coffee down his pants."
but he wont leave. he has been sitting there, and the clock read two in the morning, and your shift was ending.
he wont leave. he was in your way, blocking the door to the counter. he stumbled a little on his feet, and you raised your brow.
"you gonna move? youre in my way," you said finally, sighing.
"whoa, whoa...no need to get all bent out of shape. i need another coffee."
"my shift is over. get your own damn coffee."
you moved to go around him, and he stepped to the side, blocking you again.
"whoa, whoa! all fiery all of the sudden? cmon, darling, let's go get a drink, yeah?"
"listen, i've been patient and kind all night," you laughed bitterly. "but you're starting to get on my last nerve. so why don't you sit down, pay your bill, and go home, huh?"
he didn't like that. he frowned, puffing out his chest a little, narrowing his eyes.
"hey, you got a mouth on ya, pretty lady, and i don't like it."
"oh yeah? look how much i care," you snapped. "now get out of my way, or ill make you."
the bell chimed above the door, ringing and filling the tension in the room. you sneered at the man who tried to intimidate you, clenching your jaw.
"oi," a familiar voice spoke up. "do we have a problem here?"
"yeah, mate, this fuckin' waitress thinks she can say whatever she wants to customers and still get a tip."
"i would watch your tone if i were you," you spoke lowly. "he doesn't like it when you're rude."
"listen, here--"
the man raised his hand, and suddenly a gloved hand shot out and gripped his wrist, tugging him backwards.
"oh, mate, what are y'thinkin', huh?" simon towered over him. taller, broader, the black of his outfit making him that much more intimidating and that much more frightening. his hood was up, his eyes the only visible part of him, but they were angry. hard and dry and angry, narrowed as he used one arm to yank the man backwards, putting himself between you. "you raise a hand, y'raise it to me, yeah? ohhh...what's the matter? lost your voice all of a sudden?"
"this man givin' you a problem, luv?" simon asked. he turned his body to face him, tightening his grip on the man's wrist. the man hissed, his knees buckling a little as he grabbed a nearby table for support.
"it's fine, simon," you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. "he's just...drunk."
"i don't believe that for a second."
simon shoved him away, watching as the man's back slammed into the window behind him. he shook, terrified, covering his face with his arms.
"i think you knew exactly what you were doin'," simon accused. "y'like preying on pretty women, mate? well, unfortunately for you, i taught this one a nasty right hook, and i might just let her have some practice, would you like to practice, luv?"
"hey, i think he gets the point," you put a hand on simon's arm, soothing the tense muscle there with gentle circles. "let's go home."
"i dunno, does he get the point?"
the man nodded furiously, sinking to the ground as he kept his hands up for protection.
"right, if you get the point, why are you still fuckin' in here?!"
simon slammed the window next to him with the palm of his hand, and the man scrambled to his feet ungracefully, the bell dinging as he scurried out into the dark. you raised a brow as simon turned around, rolling out his neck as he narrowed his eyes at you.
"you happy now?" you asked, shaking your head. "who am i kidding? youre not happy unless you put the fear of god in men, huh?"
simon held the door open for you, a hand on the small of your back as he guided you outside.
"not god, luv."
you smiled. "ohhh, thats right...fear of you."
he grunted in response, and you slipped your arm around his, watching your feet as you walked.
"you're not scary, simon. sorry to tell you."
he chuckled lowly. "not to you, maybe."
"no..." you looked back up and him, and he met your eyes. he couldn't tell that it was love in your eyes. perhaps because maybe he'd never seen it before; he wouldn't know what it really looked like. "never to me, simon."
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uzurakis · 4 months
Can you do headcannons of the guys and how they would be like if they were teaching us how to play soccer? Hope this is interesting for you ^^, if you're interested to make them thanks in advance!
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featuring: michael kaiser. itoshi rin. oliver aiku. isagi yoichi. bachira meguru.
n. yees darling, i was invested to write this (it's a challenging one because i don't really play soccer myself). hope i nailed it though, thank you to u too <3
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MICHAEL KAISER. "nice shot!" kaiser exclaimed, clapping you on the back. "but don't get too cocky, mein liebling."
"learned from the best, i guess," you teased, nodding toward kaiser. "after all, my boyfriend's the world's number one striker, hmm?"
kaiser's eyes widened in mock surprise, a beam spreading across his face. "well, when you put it that way," he said, puffing out his chest with pride and sliding back his golden locks. "i suppose i am pretty amazing."
"ah, but if i'm the world's number one striker," he continued, trying to tease you with words, "then that must mean you have to kneel before me, right?"
you lifted an eyebrow, unable to stop snickering at his exaggerated claim. "huh, is that so?" playing along with his joke. "i guess i'll have to remember to bow down to the soccer king himself."
the guy grinned, clearly enjoying the playful exchange. "that's more like it," now his voice filled with mock superiority, typical kaiser. "but don't worry, i'll be a generous king."
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ITOSHI RIN. "fine, i'll try my best, but just so you know, i'm not really good at teaching," rin confessed, feeling apologetic because he’s not used to teaching others. and now, his girlfriend wants to learn how to play soccer.
rin took a deep breath, trying to muster up some confidence as he began to explain the basics of dribbling. "uh, alright, first, dribbling. just try to keep the ball close to your feet for now," he instructed, a bit hesitant.
"oi, dont look at me, look at the ball," he reminded you. "sorry," you chuckled, truly didn't realize you weren't paying attention. come on, just look at him. "if i’m being honest, you look really hot like this," you teased, but, it’s true though!
rin's cheeks flushed slightly at your comment, but he quickly regained his composure. "focus," he replied. though there was a hint of annoyance, you couldn't help but sneak a glance at rin's face as he continued to give you instructions, his cheeks flushed slightly from your earlier comment.
suddenly, rin's voice broke through your reverie, snapping you back to reality. "i said focus!"
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OLIVER AIKU. "keep your eye on the ball and follow through with your kick," aiku instructed while you attempted to pass the ball to him.
even when you struggled or made mistakes, aiku remained patient and supportive, offering gentle guidance to help you improve. "try to angle your foot a bit more next time," he suggested, as you missed the mark with your pass. "you're doing great, sweetie. just keep practicing."
by the end of the session, you were exhausted but thankful for aiku's patience and support. he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, a proud smile on his lips.
"you're making progress, sweetie," he soothed, genuine and affectionate. "with a little more practice, you'll beat me out here."
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BACHIRA MEGURU. "okaaay, let's start with some dribbling drills," he said, bachira was overjoyed since this meant he had another friend to play soccer with. "try to keep the ball under control as you move around me, kaay?"
you nodded, determined to give it your best shot. as you began to dribble the ball, you stumbled a bit, but bachira was quick to offer a push. "nice job, baby! you're getting the hang of it," he cheered, clapping his hands in support.
with each effort, you gained confidence and dribbled past bachira with greater ease. bachira congratulated you on your small wins every time you successfully escaped him. "woah, that was awesome! baby, i’m so happy!" he exclaimed, giving you a high-five.
"great effort, babes! keep it up, and you'll get it," he encouraged, his words filling you with determination. “lets keep playing together!”
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ISAGI YOICHI. "hey, it's okay," isagi said gently, stepping closer to you. "here, let me show you."
he moved behind you and gently guided your legs into the correct position, his touch firm yet gentle. "see? keep your body low and your touches light," he explained, moving your legs in rhythm with the ball. "you've got this, angel.”
with isagi's guidance, you began to feel more confident, dribbling the ball with increasing control. whenever you made a mistake, your boyfriend always offered gentle correction and encouragement.
"nice try, but try to keep the ball closer to your feet," he would say, his tone encouraging. "like this," demonstrating the correct form before guiding your legs to mimic his movements.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
grace clinton, at home, “have you taken my chocolate?”
chocolate thief II g.clinton
"baby!" you looked up at the thick scouser accent ringing through the house. "yeah?" you called back, currently loading up the washing machine with its second load of the day, another basket to be folded sat on top you'd just taken out of the dryer.
"yeah?" you repeated again when there was nothing back, rolling your eyes. "baby!" you groaned as again your girlfriend yelled out, kicking the washing machine door shut and storming off to find her.
"what!" you sought her out in the kitchen with a huff, her head buried deep in the pantry. "have you taken my chocolate?" she accused, rummaging around and moving things as you sighed.
"i was literally a hundred metres away and you yelled down the house to ask me about...chocolate?" you asked in disbelief as she gave you a look over her shoulder and resumed her search.
"obviously. because i can't find me chocolate and you're the number one suspect!" you scoffed at that as she gave up and pulled her head out of the pantry with a scowl, crossing her arms grumpily over her chest.
"well?" she asked impatiently as you raised an eyebrow. "well what?" you questioned right back crossing your own arms and mirroring her body language. "have you taken my chocolate?" the footballer asked as you rolled your eyes.
"no, no i haven't. now if you'll leave me in peace i have to finish doing your laundry!" you turned around and walked off hearing her whine behind you. "where is it!"
"maybe you ate it clinton? did you consider that?" you called back, grabbing out the detergent and setting up the machine hearing her footsteps follow after you.
"yes. but i think i'd know if i ate me own chocolate babe!" grace appeared in the doorway as you sighed, flicking on the washing machine as its hum filled the room and you turned to the basket of clean clothes.
"oh so now you wanna be sweet?" you chuckled feeling arms wind around your torso and her chin find home on your shoulder. "m'always sweet baby, thats why ya fell so deeply in love with me." she teased kissing your cheek as you only hummed, feeling her hands move around patting at you.
"are you checking my pockets for chocolate!" you realized, pushing against her so she stumbled back and whipping around to shoot her a glare, hands on hips as she smiled guilitily.
"no? i was...checking for your phone. i can't find mine so i was gonna use yours to call it!" she grinned, clearly proud of her excuse as your eyebrows raised. "the phone thats right there? in your pocket?" her grin dropped as you pointed to the obvious lump in her joggers.
"ah look at that, you're just so smart baby...found it for me." she laughed awkwardly rubbing her neck, backing out of the room as you advanced on her, taking off in a run as you charged after the taller girl with a yell.
"babe?" you called out, grace ignoring you as she crouched down reading the back of a packet of energy drinks with a frown of concentration.
"babe?" you tried again, a little louder tapping your foot impatiently as again you were ignored. "grace!" you grabbed a packet of crisps, lobbing them at her as they bounced off her jacket and finally she looked over.
"oi what you playin at! now they're gonna be all smushed." your girlfriend huffed as you rolled your eyes. "rest of the list? do you mind helping me for once instead of trying to sneak in things we don't need!" you sighed shoving the piece of paper in her hand.
"pft baby we don't need a list! everything we need is all up here." the dirty blonde grinned tapping her forehead, balling up the list and throwing it in your cart as you huffed and grabbed it out.
"in that case then i didn't realise hot air was on the list." you grumbled, squealing as her fingers jabbed at your sides for the comment, flicking your ear and shoving you before you caught your footing and she'd already taken off down the aisle.
"grace!" you groaned in annoyance as she'd grab things and all but throw them at you to put in the cart. "we don't need that." you sighed for what felt like the tenth time, trying to keep a track of your budget in your head which felt ten times harder the more random items appeared in the cart.
"this is why i don't bring you with me when i go shopping. we do not need three cans of pringles!" you put them back on the shelf ignoring your girlfriends complaining, pretending not to notice when she snuck one of them back in with a gleeful smile.
"heads up!" you spun around hearing a familiar voice as you were almost done, in the final aisle now as grace barely had a second to brace before her best friend was launching onto her back sending her stumbling over and almost to the floor.
"celine! get off me you rat." your girlfriend huffed shrugging her off as the norwegian grinned, greeting you with a smile as the two messed around for a moment discussing tomorrows game.
"might want a few more of those, the way that you put them away the other night!" your head whipped up at that as grace dumped a bag of her favourite chocolates into the cart. "she what?" you raised an eyebrow and grace elbowed the girl with a subtle shake of her head.
"yeah! after team drinks, we went back to your place and played fifa and you were just eating chocolate after chocolate after choc-" "well so lovely seeing ya celine, but we best be off!" grace shoved the girl as her boyfriend appeared, sending her a filthy glare before hurrying to grab the cart off you and hastily wheeling it away.
"so you ate your own chocolates you've been accusing me of the entire day!? you get back here clinton!"
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oepionie · 2 years
Synopsis: Yuuken interrogates some of the boys on the campus about their special someone. Hearing their loving ramblings on you was certainly not what he expected.
Tags: Self-Indulgent, Fluff, Angst if you squint really hard, Reader is not Yuu, Tweels are a bit...too mad in love, I brainrotted so hard, You're Malleus' fiancee, Malleus doesn't know how to tell a joke someone help him
Cw. Riddle's Mother, Overworking, Hospitalizations, Poor living conditions, Illness, Bullying, Allusions to violence, Marriage, Tad bit of possesive behavior, Description of stabbing
WordCount: 2k+ | 💌Masterlist
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About: Riddle's Rose
"Rose? I see you've met that troublesome intern at the library. That's a nickname. Their name is (Y/N) and yes, they are my partner." "A-Ah? I'm so direct? Well, you asked me a question! Though...I would prefer that this discussion end here. I prefer to keep my relationship with them private.”
Chat: Childhood Memories
“Ever since we were young, (Y/N) was quite rebellious. The complete opposite of me as a child, really. They were always sneaking off during the night and coming over to visit me. Mother...didn't approve of them and often screamed in their face. I was quite terrified she would scare them away, though that didn't stop them at all. Haha, I think they got even more persistent afterwards. I am truly glad I met them.”
Personal Story: To the Hospital
“Again...? I see. Thank you, Trey. Hmph, I'll have to schedule another visit once more."
> "Riddle? What's wrong?"
"Ah, Yuuken—It's Rose. They've gotten admitted to the hospital...again. (Y/N) is quite impulsive and tends to bite off more than they can chew. On more than occasion, like now, I would find out about their hospital admissions via Trey days or even weeks after."
>"Aren't you dating? Why aren't they telling you?"
"They claim that they withhold the information from me out of concern for my workload or out of fear of being a burden. Though that is—a sentiment I don't understand. Nothing is more important to me than their health."
About: The Photo In His Wallet
"Where is it?! Man, I'm so fucked if I lost it—Oh?! Oi, Yuuken! That wallet's mine! Man, thanks a lot. I really would've been screwed over if it weren't for you." "Eh? The photo? Shishishishi curious, aren't cha? Hmmm...how 'bout this? You get me a steaming hot meat bun and I'll give you a story time about them."
Chat: A Hopeful Future
"My studies? Course I take them seriously! That's what's gonna' put food on the table one day. Plus, I wanna' give (Y/N) the life they deserve—What'd I mean? Well, if I'm going to be their husband, I want 'em to live comfortably. It's not like we need anythin' luxurious, anyways. As long as we're together and there's enough food to go by, it's going to be all right."
Personal Story: In Sickness and In Health
"....that's good to hear. Please look after 'em, granny. Love ya." The call ends and Ruggie sighs. "That's the best news I've received since."
"Guh-?! Man! What's with you and sneaking up on me!? Yeah yeah—you heard right...news. Granny just called me to talk about (Y/N), their health is looking up. Tell ya' what, I knew that deal with Azul was worth it. I managed to snag some medicine and send it home."
>"Oh? Medicine?"
"Yeah. Ever since my first year of high school, they were sick and bedridden. (Y/N)'s parents don't have enough money for a doctor, so there's not much they can do. Of course, I'm out here doin' my best to help too."
"I really...I really wanna see them up and runnin' again. Hey, who knows—maybe we'll get to make flower crowns for the village kids again...together."
About: An Interrogation
"Yuuken, you’ve met (Y/N), I hear. Well, as their partner, it's only right that I ask you about it. I assume you don't mind. So, what is your opinion of them? Nothing short of perfection, I hope."
"Hm? You think they're nice? Good then."
Chat: Busy Octoboss
"With all the deals, my maintenance of my academic ranking, and my position as Monstro Lounge's manager, my workload is quite substantial compared to most. And, I regret to say that it does get in the way of my personal life, including quality time with my lover. It tears at my heart, yet I cherish how they're so understanding and patient. Still, sometimes I can't help but think I am undeserving of them..."
Personal Story: Deep Sea Bonds
"My childhood is not something that I appreciate or want to remember. Yet, despite everything I've been through, I do think it is pleasant to look back on the days when I met them. You see, (Y/N) was bullied too. They were just like me, relentlessly bad mouthed and hurt by the kids around us. However, they never failed to greet me every day with a bright smile on their face."
>"What a sunny person."
"They'd also always have the courage and bravery to stand up for me, often taking the brunt of the bullying. I wish I could say I did the same for them...but I was far too cowardly back then..."
>"Wow. You two must be really close, then."
"Of course. They've been through a lot.Which is exactly why I won't allow anyone to speak ill of them anymore." Azul pauses, smiling slyly. "Say, Yuuken. You'll tell me if anyone casts aspersions on my Angelfish, won't you?"
About: A Helping Hand
"Hm? What's that? Ah, you’ve met my darling pearl. I see. I do notice how you’ve been frequenting Monstro Lounge lately…Have you perhaps acquired a romantic interest towards them? No? Hehe, Alright." "Now, to answer your question, yes, that is right; (Y/N) routinely comes over to visit and aid me in my Mountain Treks. I couldn't be more grateful for their assistance."
Chat: The Pearl Ring
"Oya? I see you're curious about the ring I've been crafting. Well, it's for (Y/N). You see, in merfolk culture, we create handcrafted jewelry to serve as a courting gift. This is one of many ornaments I plan on giving them. Though, this one is...particularly unique. Ah, well...(Y/N) Leech does have a nice ring to it, does it not?"
Personal Story: A Jaded Reaction
"Oya? (Y/N) is spending the night at Ramshackle? Whatever reason for?"
>"Grim wanted to have a game night."
"Ah. I see. How...lovely. What's that? My smile is frightening you? Oho, now is it? Hehe, my deepest apologies. We eels tend to be quite...protective. I so anticipate you to take good care of them. And fret not, as long as you keep them away from any harm, no disputes shall arise."
>"Uh...and if something happened?"
"What if something happened...? Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind being hunted down the face of the earth, tied up, and pulled down to the deepest pits of the blue ocean, where no one can hear your anguished cries for help...Would you?" 
"Just joking. I would never do that."
About: A Sea Walnut
"(Y/N)? Aha~~~ You've heard of my little sea walnut? They're so adorable and squishy, yanno!—Is there a problem? If you got a problem with 'em, I'll squeeze you." "Oh? Not scared at all, huh? Ehe~ You sure are ballsy. Tread carefully now, shrimpy~!"
About: Ocean Currents
"Whenever a strong ocean current comes, sea walnut always huddles close to me and grabs my arm. They've always been afraid of being blasted away."
"They used to do that a lot when we were kids, but it never gets old. Hehe~ Sometimes, I lead them to places where the waves are strong, jus' so they can cling onto me! It's so funny to see 'em get afraid and scramble after me when I move too far away. "
Personal Story: Shark Attack
"Hmm~? Oh, what're these bite marks? Rad, aren't they? I got them after fighting a buncha' sharks."
>"Sharks?! Why would you do that?"
"To get these. It's shark teeth. Our anniversary is comin' up, and Jade suggested that I should make some jewelry for them. It's a merfolk courting thing. Azul 'n Jade told me to get them pearls, but I thought that was boring. So, I'm making one with shark teeth instead! Isn't that cool~?"
>"I-I guess, but what happened to the sharks?"
"Ugh. None of them were a fun hunt. The entire hoard swam away so fast. Can you believe it???… I’m not the typa eel who would let my prey get away that easily, though. And it’s not like I had anything better to do. Ehehe! There were so many of those sharks swarming around, but I managed to squeeze them all! Well, it was worth it in the end cuz I got what I wanted. I'll do anythin' for my little sea walnut~"
About: A Hearty Meal
“What am i doing? Well, I'm making some Roast Chicken with Sumac Flatbread. Oh? Who's (Y/N)? Ah, Kalim must have told you, huh. (Y/N) is my partner. They are truly wonderful."
"For example—Though I like to think I'm skilled at disguising my true feelings, the moment I go to see them, they already know what I'm thinking. They have a keen sense of intuition and always seem to know what I need and when I need it. Truly, I'm grateful for such a caring—Ah, I'm sorry. I was rambling again."
Chat: Snake-Eyed Envy
"I can't dispute that a lot of people back home are vying for their affection.That bothers me at times. As Kalim's babysitter-ehem, retainer, I don't have enough time to check in on them every day...However, as cheesy as it sounds, I have yet to meet someone who is as smitten with (Y/N) as I am."
Personal Story: World Left Unsaid
"I soon understood that I was more than the circumstances of my birth, all thanks to (Y/N). In fact, My bond with Kalim has become stronger and more genuine thanks to them. I...realized my hatred for Kalim was just my desire for my circumstances to be different...I didn't hate him at all. Without (Y/N), I would never have understood it."
>"They must be very important to you, Jamil."
"Absolutely. I was terrified that I might lose them after my overblot. But to my surprise, they stayed with me. Naturally, it hurt them, but they were really compassionate towards me and about how much I had to go through."
>"Do they know of what you feel?"
"I...I don't think (Y/N) realizes just how much I cherish them. I don't think now's the right time for that though. I've hurt them too much and I still have a long way to go before I fix things."
About: He's Engaged?!
"I am, indeed, betrothed. Heh. Why are you looking so bewildered, Child of Man? If I'm going to be a king someday, it only makes sense that I would need someone to reign alongside me, no? At first glance, (Y/N) may seem aloof, but as you get to know them more, you'll see that they are actually incredibly lovely and warm."
"You never thought I was one for romance? My, my... What a bold statement, you best learn how to hold your tongue. Have you considered that I could use lightning to smite you where you stand?...Now, now—That was a joke. You don't have to cower in fear."
Chat: Safe And Sound
"My precious treasure tells me that I tend to get protective at times. Though can you really fault a lover for wanting to protect the one who is most important to them in this cruel, ruthless world. One where others will not hesitate to turn on you?"
Personal Story: The Art Of War
"I am actually the first of my lineage to wed someone who is not a noble. You see, (Y/N) is a knight-in-training. And, as you can probably guess, they served as my retainer. To see them at work was truly a magnificent sight to witness. They command attention and radiate strength. While I had always admired them, I could not bring myself to express my true feelings to them. Until...that night."
>"That night?"
"Yes. On the evening of Silver's 16th birthday, someone had rushed at me with a dagger in hand. (Y/N) was the first to respond and took the hit for me...The sound of their screams as the knife tore through their flesh was truly...horrifying."
>"That's horrible! What happened to the guy?"
"Worry not, he was taken care of accordingly....If there is anything I’ve learned from Lilia's many teachings, it’s that the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation. To avoid further offensives, one must deal with and eliminate adversaries as soon as possible. Don't you think so?"
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Taglist: @keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @anonima-2 @kawaiipotatoghost @ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad @chuuchuudreams @taruruchi
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mapiforpresident · 7 months
Can I request prompt no 20 with arsenal women team(platonic ), reader and Kyra mischievous as usual but suddenly gets hurt and lia and steph having to take them to doctor
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"Ow Kyra"
arsenal x reader
warnings: injury, blood, stitches
You and Kyra Cooney-Cross, two peas in a pod, were notorious troublemakers within the Arsenal Women's Football Team. You were both Australian and joined Arsenal at the same time. You were a year younger than Kyra, which you used to your advantage when Steph said she should be the more responsible one. From harmless pranks to playful banter, you two were always at the center of mischief, much to the amusement (and occasional exasperation) of your older teammates.
The dynamic between you and Kyra was one of camaraderie and playful rivalry. Both of you shared a love for the game and a mischievous spirit that often led to antics both on and off the pitch. Whether it was sneaking extra snacks from the team's stash or pulling pranks during training sessions, you were always in cahoots, causing chaos wherever you went. Some of your favorite pass times included poking Steph and nutmegging Viv.
Your antics were endearingly annoying to the older players, who often found themselves on the receiving end of your playful teasing. But despite the occasional scolding, they couldn't help but smile at the youthful exuberance and infectious energy you brought to the team.
Today, during a routine round of mischief, disaster struck. As you and Kyra engaged in a spirited game of keep-away with Caitlin's water bottle, you stumbled over your own feet and collided with a nearby equipment rack. The impact sent you sprawling to the ground, a sharp pain shooting through your head as you made contact with the unforgiving surface.
"Oi, watch it, you two!" Beth Mead, called out from where she almost ran into you while doing a drill with Leah.
But as you attempted to push yourself up from the ground, you felt a warm trickle of blood run down the side of your face, and suddenly, the world around you blurred into a haze of pain and confusion.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Kyra's voice cut through the fog, her concern evident, although she was also holding back a laugh, as she knelt beside you. After you didn't respond right away she called out, "I think y/n broke her skull."
"What," came Lia's voice as she was immediately by your side turning you over to asses the wound. "She's not broken her skull you idiot, just might need a couple stitches. How did she even manage to hit her head on that."
"I swear we weren't doing anything dangerous this time, she's just clumsy and tripped. Must have spent too much time with Less again," Kyra replied while you were grumbling and moaning in pain on the ground.
"Kyra, give me your shirt," Steph said as she appeared on your other side. Kyra knew not to argue with Steph when she gave her that glare and handed over her training top which Steph immediately applied to the wound.
"The trainers are all inside helping the girls in the gym, so I think it's best if we just take her right to the ER," Lia said as she was talking to Steph.
As Lia and Steph helped you sit up, you couldn't shake off the throbbing pain in your head. With Kyra hovering anxiously beside you, you tried to muster a smile to reassure her, but the pain made it difficult to focus on anything else.
"Sorry, guys," you muttered, feeling a pang of guilt for causing such a fuss.
"Don't worry about it, y/n," Lia said, her voice calm and reassuring. She was like your team mom and you were really grateful for her in this moment. "Accidents happen."
Steph nodded in agreement, her expression serious as she gently guided you to your feet. "Let's get you to the hospital and get that looked at, yeah?"
With Lia and Steph's support, you managed to stand, albeit unsteadily. The world still felt like it was spinning, and the pain in your head seemed to intensify with each passing moment. But you were determined not to let it show, not wanting to worry your teammates any further.
You got into the back of Lia's car with Steph sitting in the back with you continuing to hold the shirt against the wound, hoping you don't loose top much blood and pass out. Lia drove as fast as she could in the London traffic to get you to the hospital. Kyra brought a wheelchair to help you in since you were still really dizzy.
Once in a room they immediately gave you pain meds, making you a little loopy. "Will you sit me with me Lia," you whispered to the girl next to you as you were starting to get sleepy.
"Of course, and try to stay awake the doctor will be here in a minute to give you your stitches."
As the doctor arrived to administer the stitches, you tried your best to stay awake, the pain meds making you feel drowsy and disoriented. Kyra's laughter echoed in the background as she recorded the whole scene, her playful teasing providing a brief moment of levity amidst the chaos.
"I'm going to have a badass scar. The chicks are going to dig it," you mumbled sleepily, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Lia chuckled softly, her hand resting reassuringly on your arm. "You're going to be just fine, y/n. And besides, scars are just proof that you're a tough little warrior."
As the doctor finished the stitches and the pain meds began to take effect, you felt yourself drifting off into a peaceful slumber, safe in the knowledge that you were surrounded by friends who cared for you deeply.
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writeriguess · 17 days
Katsuki x female reader where he finds out reader is actually a princess.
You'd always known that keeping your true identity hidden at U.A. High School was going to be a challenge. After all, being a princess was not exactly something you could casually mention in conversation. But you wanted to be treated like everyone else, to prove that you could stand on your own without the privileges of your royal title. And so far, you’d managed to keep your secret from everyone—even Katsuki Bakugo.
Katsuki was intense, brash, and full of pride, but there was something about his unyielding determination that drew you to him. The two of you had developed a unique bond over time, though neither of you had outright acknowledged it. Katsuki respected your strength, and you admired his relentless drive.
It was during a routine training session that everything started to unravel.
"Oi, princess, keep up!" Katsuki barked at you as the two of you sprinted through the forest, a part of the day's training exercise. He had taken to calling you "princess" as a joke, never knowing how close to the truth he really was. You rolled your eyes at his comment but pushed yourself to keep pace with him.
The two of you were paired up for a mock rescue mission, something that required stealth and coordination. Katsuki, of course, was more focused on blasting through obstacles than sneaking around them, but you had learned to complement his style. Your quirk, one that allowed you to manipulate energy shields, was a perfect counterbalance to his explosive attacks.
As you approached the mock villain's hideout, you noticed something shining in the underbrush. Without thinking, you reached down to pick it up—a small, intricately designed locket. Your heart skipped a beat when you recognized it. It was the royal crest of your family, something you had lost a while ago.
"What's that?" Katsuki asked, noticing your sudden hesitation.
"Nothing," you replied quickly, but it was too late. Katsuki had already seen the crest on the locket. He snatched it from your hand before you could stop him, his eyes narrowing as he examined the design.
"This… this is the royal crest, isn't it?" he asked, his voice dangerously low.
You swallowed hard, knowing there was no use in lying now. "Yes," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Katsuki's eyes widened in surprise. "So, you're actually a princess?" he asked, the realization hitting him.
You nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and relief. "I didn't want anyone to know," you explained. "I wanted to prove that I could be a hero on my own, without my title."
Katsuki stared at you for a long moment, his usual fiery expression softened by a flicker of something else—understanding. "Hmph," he finally grunted, tossing the locket back to you. "You're still the same person, title or not. Just don't expect me to treat you any differently, got it?"
A small smile tugged at your lips. "Wouldn't dream of it," you replied.
"Good," he said, turning away. But as he started walking ahead, he paused, glancing back at you. "And don't think for a second that this changes anything between us. I still expect you to pull your weight."
You laughed, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "Of course, Katsuki."
With that, the two of you continued the mission, the air between you lighter than before. Katsuki hadn't confessed any feelings, and you hadn't either, but something unspoken passed between you—a mutual respect, a deeper understanding, and perhaps, the beginning of something more.
As you completed the mission together, you couldn't help but feel grateful. Grateful that your secret was out, and that Katsuki, despite everything, still saw you for who you really were.
And maybe, just maybe, that was all you ever needed.
Requests are open.
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sophrosynesworld · 3 months
Yeah, Best Friends (Pt. 3)
Part One: Katsuki Bakugo calls you during a panic attack seeking comfort.
Part Two: Drunk Katsuki Bakugo admits he's in love with you.
A relentless pounding in my head makes me wince as the hangover hits. Nausea washes over me, and I groan, slowly opening my eyes. Squinting against the morning light, I reluctantly roll out of Katsuki's ridiculously expensive bed. I hate to admit it, but for a $15,000 bed, it's like sleeping on a cloud.
I glance around his bedroom. Shelves line one wall, displaying All Might memorabilia. His desk is spotless, and even his shoes are lined up perfectly at the foot of his bed. On his bedside table, his All Might wallet and car keys lay next to a small framed photo of us. The faint sound of clinking pans and hushed voices drifts down the hallway, signaling someone is in the kitchen. The smell of cooking food makes my stomach growl, reminding me how hungry I am.
Lingering in the room all day doesn't appeal to me, so I tiptoe down the hallway. The sounds from the kitchen grow clearer and I realize it's Bakugo and Kirishima talking.
"Come on, Bakugo! Just ask her out already," Kirishima's voice is insistent.
"Shut up, Shitty Hair. I don't need your advice," Katsuki snaps back, his tone irritated. "And get out of my apartment. She's going to wake up soon."
I peek around the corner and see Kirishima leaning against the counter, grinning. Katsuki, on the other hand, looks as if he's ready to throw Kirishima out the window.
"Seriously, man. What's the worst that could happen? She says no? Big deal," Kirishima persists.
Katsuki's eyes narrow, and I can almost see the steam rising from his head. "I'm not interested in your stupid dating advice. Now, get lost."
Kirishima chuckles, clearly unfazed by Katsuki's threats. "Alright, alright. But seriously, think about it. You're too wound up. Getting laid might do you some good."
I hesitate for a moment, debating whether to interrupt or retreat back to the room. But before I can decide, Katsuki's eyes flick over to where I'm standing.
"Oi, what are you doing sneaking around?" he barks, his scowl softening slightly when he sees me.
Kirishima looks my way, eyeballing my sleepshirt and instantly recognizing it as Katsuki's. Eijiro's grin widens. "Hey there! Sleep well?"
I manage a small smile, stepping fully into the kitchen. "As well as I could, considering the circumstances."
Katsuki rolls his eyes. "Great, now both of you are annoying me. Kirishima was just leaving."
Kirishima raises his hands in mock surrender. "Fine, fine. I'll leave you two alone. But seriously, think about what I said." With that, he gives me a wink and heads for the door, leaving me alone with Katsuki.
"So," I begin, trying to break the tension, "who's the lucky girl?"
Katsuki's scowl deepens, but I can see a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "None of your business," he mutters, turning away to busy himself with whatever he's cooking.
I can't help but smile. This is going to be an interesting morning.
As Kirishima's footsteps fade down the hallway, I move further into the kitchen, my stomach rumbling in anticipation. Katsuki is already at the stove, his movements efficient and precise as he works on breakfast.
I glance around, trying to find something useful to do. "What can I help with?" I ask.
"Just sit down and try not to get in my way," Katsuki grumbles, clearly annoyed this morning. He tosses a few herbs into a bowl and then starts cracking eggs.
Ignoring his suggestion, I grab a knife and begin chopping some random vegetables I find on the counter. "So," I venture, "what's Kirishima going on about? Who's this girl?"
Katsuki stiffens slightly, his focus still on the stove. "I told you, it's none of your business."
"Come on, Katsuki. I'm your best friend. You can tell me," I coax, hoping to lighten the mood. "You never talk girls with me."
He sighs, finally looking over at me, his eyes narrowing. "It's just someone Kirishima thinks I should ask out. He's got this idea that I need a girlfriend or something."
"Well, do you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
Katsuki shrugs, clearly uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. "I don't know. Maybe. It's not that simple."
"We don't have to talk about her. You'll share once you're ready."
He grunts in response and goes back to cooking. As we work side by side, I can't help but think about the night before. Katsuki, drunk and vulnerable, had confessed that he loved me. The memory sends a shiver down my spine. Did he mean it? Does he remember? So far, he hasn't mentioned it, and I’m not sure if I should bring it up.
"How'd you sleep?" he asks suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Good," I reply. "You have a comfy bed."
He chuckles, a rare sound that warms my heart. "Yeah, well, don't get used to it. I don't usually let freeloaders sleep with me."
"Freeloader? Me?" I feign indignation. "I seem to recall you begging me to stay."
Katsuki freezes for a moment, clearly not remembering that portion of last night.
"Yeah, yeah," he mutters, his face turning slightly pink as he looks away.
As we finish cooking and sit down to eat, the tension lingers in the air. Katsuki seems more snippy than usual, snapping at small things and fidgeting with his food.
"Hey, Kats," I begin, trying to sound casual. "How about we do something fun today? Maybe hit the beach?"
He looks up, a bit surprised. "The beach? Why?"
I shrug, smiling. "Why not? It's a nice day, and we could use some fresh air. Besides, I love the ocean."
Katsuki considers this for a moment, then nods. "Fine. Takoba?"
"Sounds perfect," I agree, feeling a surge of excitement. "I'll go get ready."
An hour later, we find ourselves at Takoba Municipal Beach Park. The sun is shining brightly, and the sound of waves crash against the shore. I quickly set my beach bag down and meet Katsuki by the water's edge. He’s already shirtless and ready to dive in, his usual scowl softened by the sun and sea breeze.
"Ready?" he asks, a hint of a challenge in his voice.
"Always," I reply, grinning.
Without another word, we both run into the water, the coolness a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the day. We swim and splash around, laughing and teasing each other, the earlier tension forgotten. We're back to being normal.
After a while, we take a break, floating lazily on our backs and looking up at the clear sky. "This was a good idea," Katsuki admits quietly.
"I'm glad you think so," I reply, glancing over at him. "We should do this more often."
He nods, a smile crossing his face. "Yeah, maybe."
I shift in the water before swimming out deeper into the waves.
"Where are you going?" Katsuki hollers at me but I don't answer, letting the salty waves carry me further. The gentle roar of the ocean muffles his voice, but I can still catch the irritation in his tone.
After a few moments, I hear water splashing behind me. I turn around to see Katsuki cutting through the water, closing the distance between us. He reaches me quickly, a playful grin on his face.
"Trying to get away from me?" he questions.
I laugh, treading water as I meet his gaze. "Just enjoying the ocean. You should try it," I tease, splashing a bit of water in his direction.
Katsuki narrows his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Don't tell me what to enjoy!" he retorts, splashing me back.
"Bet you can't catch me," I challenge, diving beneath the surface. The cool water envelops me as I swim deeper.
I surface a few yards away, gasping for air and grinning. My eyes scan the water, searching for Katsuki. I feel a splash behind me and turn just in time to see him diving after. My heart pounds with excitement as I take off again, swimming as fast as I can.
"You're not getting away that easily!" Katsuki shouts, his voice carrying over the water.
I laugh, glancing back at him. "You're too slow grandpa!"
We weave through the water, darting around each other in a playful game of cat and mouse. I dive under the water again, trying to put some distance between us. The ocean feels alive around us, the waves buoying us up and pulling us down.
I surface once more, farther out this time, and look around. Katsuki is closer than I expected. I squeal and try to swim away, but his hand wraps around my ankle, pulling me back.
"Got you!" he declares triumphantly, his grip strong but careful.
For a moment, we just float there, his hand still on my wrist, our bodies close in the water. I look into his eyes, the playful glint replaced by something more intense, more serious. My heart pounds in my chest, and I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks despite the cool water around us.
"You're not getting away that easily," he murmurs, his voice low.
I smile, leaning in a little closer. "Maybe I don't want to get away," I whisper, my eyes flicking down to his lips and then back up to meet his gaze.
Katsuki's eyes widen slightly, and I can see the conflict in them. He's always so guarded, so tough, but in this moment, he's considering the possibility.
Before he can overthink, I press my lips to his. The kiss is tentative at first, testing, but when he doesn't pull away, I deepen it, pouring all the unspoken words and feelings into the touch. His grip on my wrist tightens, and then his other arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist, intertwining our bodies into one.
The world fades away, leaving just the two of us, floating in the endless expanse of the ocean. His lips are surprisingly soft, and I can taste the salt of the sea on his skin. He kisses me back with a fervor that takes my breath away, his usual brashness tempered by something tender and raw.
When we finally break apart, we're both breathless, our foreheads resting against each other.
"You're full of surprises," he says, his voice husky.
I laugh softly, leaning away to brush a wet strand of hair away from his face. "So are you,"
For a moment, we just stay there, holding onto each other, the waves gently rocking us. The beach, the sun, the world—all of it fades into the background, leaving just the two of us, connected in a way we've never been before.
"I guess this means you don't mind me sticking around," I say, a playful note in my voice.
Katsuki chuckles. "Yeah, I guess not," he admits, his grip on me tightening slightly. "Just don't get used to it."
I grin, leaning in to kiss him again. "Too late," I whisper against his lips before capturing them once more, feeling like I've finally found where I belong.
It finally happened! Did you guys enjoy this series?
Tags: @beekeepingageissome @emmab3mma @bakugouswh0r3
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mlmxreader · 3 months
Insecurity | Billy Butcher x gn!reader
↳ ❝ probably a lil ooc, but i was wondering where reader is insecure about their body and Billy makes them feel better and hes like idk rly soft? it doesnt have to be smut, but idm if it is, thats up to u.
if you dont want to write this then maybe number 9. "Getting into a fight because someone insulted them"
6. "I got you, you're okay"
1. "The first time you said you loved me - that was my best day" - @loganbcrnes ❞
: ̗̀➛ Billy immediately picks up on it when you're not feeling your best, and in his own way, he tries to make you feel better.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ swearing (obvioisly), use of the word "fag" as a slang term, mentions of smoking, sex references, insecurity
Billy eyed you carefully from his place at the desk, hunched over slightly as he kept his dark brown eyes on you; hardly able to ignore the way you tried to make yourself blend into your surroundings, and how you always quickly looked away when you caught your reflection on your phone screen. He wasn't an idiot.
He knew what was going on, just as he knew why you had been distant from him lately, too. Usually, you would sit next to him with your feet on his thighs, relaxed and taking up as much space as possible. Not today.
No. Instead, you were trying to make yourself invisible, and he knew what was going on; but Billy was far from the most courteous of men, and when everyone else left the two of you behind, he cleared his throat, and dared to smile a little.
"Oi!" He practically shouted. "C'mere."
"Billy, don't," you sighed, shaking your head.
Billy clenched his jaw a little bit. "C'mere, please. I got a bone t'pick with you."
You rolled your eyes, all but marching over to him; your hands stuffed into the pockets of your oversized hoodie. Gaze on the ground. "What?"
"Y'know," he hummed, leaning back in his chair and propping his feet up on the desk. "The day I saw you, that were the day I fuckin' well realised the moon ain't the most breathtakin' thing."
"Seriously?" You deadpanned.
"Yeah, seriously," he nodded. "Every fuckin' day I look at you, I don't fuckin' get it. How a cunt like me managed to pull someone as fit as you... bloody well beyond me."
You were about to move away, brush him off and ignore his words completely, when he gently coaxed you to stand between his legs; forcing you to maintain eye contact with him.
"Shut up and listen, alright?" He huffed. "You can fuckin' sit in your corner fuckin' mopin' about like some crybaby cunt all you like - I don't give a toss. But if you asked me? I'd say you was fuckin' peng. And I'd mean it. I fuckin' well would."
"It's not my looks..." you muttered. "I really... Billy, I don't wanna talk about it, alright? There's people with nicer, better bodies than me and-"
"Yeah, but that's your body, innit?" Billy shrugged, almost grinning. "And 'cause it's your body, I happ'n to think it's better than any other cunt's body."
You scoffed at him, shaking your head. "You're only saying that-"
"'Cause what?" He quirked a brow. "There ain't no one here but you an' me, so it ain't like I'm tryin' to fuckin' play with you. It's just us, and I'm sat here, tellin' you: I like your body."
He tapped your thigh gently. "I like how these rest on me lap when you sit next to me on the sofa."
You rolled your eyes.
He gently tapped your stomach. "I like how soft this is, and how I gets to put me hand on it when we sleep."
You glared at him.
Softly, he tapped your chest. "I like how this presses up against me back in the mornin' when you sneak out for your mornin' fag an' come back."
"How'd you-"
He gently traced his fingers from your shoulders to your elbows. "I like how these feel around me when we're snuggled up watchin' shit horror films."
He grabbed your wrists, grinning. "And most of all, I fuckin' love how these feel wrapped around-"
"You're disgusting!" You laughed, snatching your hands back and fondly shaking your head. "Vile!"
"There's that award winnin' smile," he grinned, letting you go. "Y'know, you don't need the fuckin' perfect body. The one you got is the one that's alright."
"Thanks..." you mumbled, daring to gently pat his cheek. "I know you're trying..."
"I got you," Billy said, as softly as he could allow himself to. "I got you, you're okay. I ain't goin' nowhere yet... unless you and M.M's gonna watch that shit again, that fuckin', what is it? Downton? You watch that and I'm buggerin' off down pub."
You nodded, taking in a deep breath as you smiled. "You are the loveliest bastard I've never met, you know that, don't you?"
He shrugged, sitting back down and putting his feet on the desk again; his hands folded in his lap as he grinned at you. "Yeah, but you fuckin' love me."
"Unfortunately," you hummed, sitting on his desk with your arms folded. "Y'know... some days... just some, I think about what my best day was, and I know."
"The first time you said you loved me - that was my best day," you said quietly, picking at the loose skin at the side of your thumb nail.
Billy took a moment, observing you carefully. "Pretty sure that was my best fuckin' day, in all. Can't lie... but, say - why don't me an' you grab a quick Chinese? The others ain't gonna be back for yonks, so we can sit down, have a nice Chinese, and watch that fuckin' Take Me Out bollocks you like, eh?"
You grinned as you nodded, clearing your throat. "That's the best idea you've had in a while, y'know... d'you reckon we could order in?"
"Don't see why not," Billy admitted. "Ain't like Homelander's gonna disguise himself as a lowly fuckin' delivery bloke now, issit?"
"True," you agreed with a slow nod.
"G'on," he told you quietly, gesturing with a quick nod. "Go grab the leaflet, we'll see what's good - and it's whatever you want in all. Starters, puddin', whole lot - anythin' you want, order it."
"Alright, Sir," you teased. "No need to bark orders at me."
"Can do a lot more than that," Billy smiled, raising his brows. "All you gotta do is fuckin' ask."
You hopped off of his desk, feeling your stomach rumble loudly. "I might take you up on that later, but... Bill?"
"Thanks," you told him quietly. "I, erm... I needed all that, and I appreciate it."
thank you so much for reading, but if I may have your attention for a brief moment: Fadi needs help to evacuate himself & his family from Gaza as urgently as possible. if you DO have the means to, then please, consider even giving just £1, it would make all the difference to a family in dire circumstances.
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feralforfrank · 2 months
task force 141 x fem!reader
they catch you singing. this was requested by the lovely @thicc-plum. hope it lives up to what you expected!
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Sundays happened to be the laziest of all days. You usually get out of bed while your boyfriend is out for his morning jog, make breakfast and sing, and by the time he drags his sweaty ass home, his favourite meal is on the table.
Today was no different. You moved to the beat of Love by Keyshia Cole and flipped the half-burned pancake, wincing and placing it in your dear lover's stack. He'd never know.
"Oh, looove! Never knew what I was missing!" You belted the lyrics, using the spatula as a makeshift mic.
He comes in while you're lost in that Keyshia Cole moment and leans in the doorframe, staring.
Simon almost laughs at how long it took to realise you're not alone. He'll scold you later for not paying enough attention to your surroundings. He could've been a dangerous man, for Christ's sake and—
He pushes those thoughts away and just watches you dance and sing. He can't help but smile.
Eventually, your voice cracks and that's enough for him to stop you from bloody deafening him.
"Oi, stop it, already! Bloody hell, your voice is awful."
It takes everything in your startled self not to throw the spatula at him. You watch Simon take his sweater off and fold it like he's grown two heads.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!"
"You almost made me rip my ears out."
A towel smacks his head a second later.
Can hear you from the moment he reaches your floor. He laughs to himself, pitying your neighbours.
John walks in and recognises the song that's playing. It's one of your favourites. So, he takes off his shoes and joins you.
He wraps his arms around you, and you jump before you realise who it is. He smells of cigars and coffee, and you wonder if it was he who put the half-empty mug on the sink.
"You scared me, John." You smile.
"I think you scared the pigeons off the window with your singing."
You elbow him, and he kisses you on the neck.
You giggle.
He definitely joins you!
He knows your love for this song is huge and watching you perform while thinking no one is around is adorable.
You jump when a second voice joins in, but a smile spreads on your lips, and you momentarily lose track of the lyrics.
Kyle offers his hand and you take it, allowing him to spin you around and dance with you.
His eyes hold extreme adoration for you as do yours.
When the song ends, you pull him for a kiss, mumbling about how cute he is when he tries to hit the high notes.
He blushes.
Johnny's a fucking menace ISTG.
He sneaks in the kitchen and due to you having your back turned to him you don't realise he's pulled out his phone and is filming you.
Johnny tries to muffle his laugh at your stance and the grip you have on the spatula/makeshift mic.
Once you realise there's another person in the room with you, you stop, heat creeping up on your ears, face and shoulders.
"Hey," you say meekly.
"Why'd ye stop, popstar? I was enjoyin' the free concert."
You punch his shoulder playfully, eyes widening when you notice the phone in his hands.
"Oh, tell me you didn't film that."
Johnny's wide grin is the only answer you need before you pounce on him, trying to pry the phone from his hands and delete the video.
Soon enough you're wrestling on the couch, and your breakfast is burning.
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scholastic-dragon · 4 months
I love your writing and when I saw your birthday post I was so psyched!
Would you please write something about the turtles (Bayverse or ROTTMNT, your choice) and the worst time/ place they’ve gotten erect? Maybe how the deal with it? Why they got aroused in the first place? Let your mind run wild ;)
Sometimes your partner or crush just gets to you and you can’t control your desire ;>
• Female reader/ or what ever you’re comfortable writing for
• Developed or no developed relationship
•All the turtles or just one you really like to write for (up to you)
• A short story or head-canons work equally well
Essentially go with whatever you feel most comfortable writing for with the prompt! Thank you! And have fun /^v^/
Also here’s some birthday cake for the road! 🎂 🍰🧁🎉
Erection Directions
I'm thinking bay!boys but either works
Well....you see.... it was patrol
It was a slow night, they weren't planning on going out, everyone's in a bad mood
And then you call
And he let's the guys take a break and sneaks off behind a secluded wall to answer the call
"Hey love, were on patrol is there somehting you need-"
"I think I need you to come over and fuck me,"
😳 (the turtle was too stunned to speak)
Swallows his tongue and has to clear his throat before responding.
You flirt and banter for a moment, then it becomes clear that your hand in inside your blue panties (that you sent a lewd picture of)
"Baby, I can't I'm on patrol" He responds after you ask for a video of his "achingly hard cock" as he put it
"How am I supposed to get off if I don't hear your pretty moans?" You tease
Peering around the wall, he unzips his pants and aims the camera at his hard cock. He catches the soft moan from his lips and his thumb rubbing precum along the shaft.
After a minute he stops recording and sends it your way. He hears your excited moan over the phone.
He grips himself harder.
"I wish you were here right now, inside me instead of my hand,"
That makes him stroke faster, your voice, the knowledge that he's doing this out in the cold night air spurring him on.
He feels his release getting closer, and he hears your responding moans.
"I'm gonna-"
"Oi, fearless!" Like the ass he is, raph comes around the corner.
Leo drops his phone in an attempt to cover himself. "Come on!" He yells.
Raph turns and yells, both to him and Donnie and Mikey. "I'm fucking done, I'm going home, fuck this!"
Donnie asks. "What happened?"
"He's fucking jerking it!" The red brute yells, making the other two start complaining.
"Whyd we even come out here?!"
"I had work to do that you made me put down!"
Leo scrambles on the ground, putting his hand over the microphone. "Patrols over, go home!" He simply yells
He sighs and tucks his own soft cock into his pants. He's upset and extremely embarrassed.
When he lifts the phone to his ear, he hears you laughing your ass off.
It was the weights room
He lives in there
And you, his new and flashy crush, are now also "living" in here
You claimed it was stupid to pay for a gym membership when you could simply hang out here
And because he's in love with you, he agreed
Now, he regrets it.
You're doing squats while holding a dumbell and the way your ass and thighs look right now should be illegal.
He's laying on the bench press, not even trying to be sneaky as he watches you go up....and down....and up.....and down
And now something else is up
Very up and not at all sneaky.
His head snaps to the ceiling, his hands shaking as he holds the bar above his head.
His heart is pounding hard. A lot like how hard he wants to pound you-
He shakes his head and the bar nearly comes crashing down on his face
"Raph!" You rush over and stand above his head, grabbing the bar around his fingers and lifting it (with his help)
And great, now he's got a view of the underside of your breasts, and the sweet sweaty skin of your bare stomach. Oh, and your delicious thighs are there too.
His cock pulses beneath his shorts.
"Are you okay?" You help him put the bar back, leaning over to look down at him.
Now he can see your cleavage.
"Um" He goes to answer but no words come out.
You sigh and straighten up, and your eyes rake down his body.
He tenses. Your eyes go wide and your cheeks flame.
Donnie was working under the truck
He's on a custom made rolling cart, his hips peeking out from under thr garbage truck.
He's got headphones on, listening to an audio book you recommended.
It's a romance and the characters just had their first kiss.
He's working and listening, not really paying attention.
"His lips traveled down her neck, making a spike of heat run down her body to her pussy"
He stopped working for a moment, swallowing hard and taking in what was happening.
The scene progressed and got dirtier and dirtier, to the point where he was aching and hard in his pants
It was late, no one was awake.
He rolled out from under the truck, wiped off his hands and undid his pants.
He tried to match the pace of the book, and man this person was doing a really good job on the voices
For a moment he imagined you and him fooling around like the characters were
His strokes became fast. Slick sounds filling the quiet garage
As the characters hit their peak, so did he, moaning softly and cumming in his hand, it spills down onto his chest and pants.
He sighs, opening his eyes and nearly passing out.
On the other side of the garage, your sitting with your hand in your pants, your lip caught between your teeth
Your eyes meet.
He removes the headphones, feeling hot and sweaty at your flushed cheeks
You smile, all seductive and it makes his cock twitch.
"Chapter 24?"
Hes up and rushing to you, fully intending on acting out the full Chapter.
It's while you and him are making dinner
It's mundane and it smells almost as good as you do
You have a smile on your face as you try to remember what each brother likes and it makes his heart warm
He stirs the gravy and asks you to come try it.
He doesn't expect you to take his wrist and lead his spoon to your lips. Wrapping it around the silver and sucking the gravy off.
Now other things are warm
"Mmm!" You moan, licking your lips. "That's really good mike!"
Very warm
It stays that way until everyone is eating at the table
Mikey sees your eyes drift down his plastron as a drop of gravy falls off his bite of potatoes
Your breath catches as you notice the tent in his shorts
Everyone is busy taking and chatting about... oh he has no idea what anybody is talking about
Especially when you smirk and let your hand sneak under the table
You grip his thigh and he nearly cums in his pants from that
You scratch your way up his leg, griping him through his shorts and underwear
He shoves food in his mouth to keep from being too loud. Your hand feels amazing
It's a bit clumsy with the angle and clothes in the way, but he's still very much so getting off
He manages to keep himself quiet as he cums, staning his shorts. You shoot him another cheeky smile.
The hand that was griping him, moves the the table and "accidentally" knocks over a glass of water onto his lap
He gasps at the cold and everyone turns to look
"Oh, mike, I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy!" Your eyes flash with mischief
"It's fine, y/n," He touches your arm. "Come help me get some towels to clean this up,"
No towels were got, but a big mess was made.
@thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83
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I'd like to request reader after a succesful final exam get rewarded by Steven and Marc. They would whisper things like i'm so proud of you or that's my smart girl, but she gets so dumb on my cock
Thank you!
Hi anony!^^
One word: SMUT!!
Some quality time
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Steven Grant & Marc Spector x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, nsfw, oral (fem! receiving), fingering, p in v, soft dom Steven, the boys are utterly horny in some parts, cliffhanger ending(?).
I think I made Marc a pantie sniffer for 1 second, oops(not sorry, hehe)
Summary: You've successfully accomplished your final exam as the best one and your boys wanted to reward you.
Out of all graduates you of course were the best one. To be honest you were scared of the final exam, and if it wasn't for Marc and Steven helping you, you'd probably had worse results. After everything was done, including the small party at the end, you already saw him standing outside waiting for you.
On your way out, you waved goodbye to some of your friends going the opposite direction from you before you approached him.
"Hi Steven, hi Marc."
This time it was Marc, he smiled warmly as you got closer
"Hey sexy. You look beautiful in that dress." he gestured towards the dress you were wearing.
"You already told me at our breakfast today." you couldn't help but blush slightly.
"And I'd do it again and again." Marc held out his arm for you in a gentle manner for you to hook yours on.
Both of you started to make your way back home in silence for some time.
"So, how did it go? Did our teaching help you out?"
"Actually I was the best out of all. So yes, your teaching did help alot."
"Oh? Really? That sure screams for a little reward, don't you think?"
You nudged him with your elbow "You don't have to do anything."
Marc laughed. "Honey, we want to. By the way, Steven wants out. He's going nuts."
Before you could even blink Steven took over the body.
"Love, you look absolutely stunning in that dress!"
You could hear the genuine admiration in Steven's voice.
"You two seem a little happy today."
"Of course we are! You finally made it! And you were the best."
"Come on, it was just an exam! Okay and a little party after, but still, only an exam!"
Steven gave you a playful glare, nudging your shoulder. "You forgot something, love. It was a final exam. Final. Means you're done now."
You just grumbled in response, trying to not laugh.
"Even Marc said that." Steven said, reaching out with his other hand to flick your nose with his finger.
After a while you broke the silence, curious of what the 'reward' might be.
"Marc said something about a reward? I'm sure you must be involved, right?"
"Yeah. A reward for our smart girl." Steven's voice lowered teasingly, hinting at what they had in mind.
Soon enough you arrived back home. While Steven minded his own business you went to get changed. You were only in your underwear, hanging your dress on the coat hanger with your back turned towards the door, not noticing the boys sneaking up on you as out of nowhere two arms snaked around your waist, causing you to jump slightly as he rested his chin on top of your head.
"Gotcha." He said softly, it was Marc again he pulled you against him, hugging you from behind.
"Next time make some noise so I'll know you're sneaking up on me, Spector."
"Maybe. Or I'll get Steven out." he teased, knowing Steven would talk back.
*Oi, not cool mate.* Steven replied in their headspace.
Marc laughed softly, it was the laugh that told you Steven was talking back to him.
"Guess Steven will let you out next time when there's some fight going on." You couldn't help but take part in this and tease Marc, who in return poked your side.
"Whoa, boys what's the reward?"
"Some nice, long quality time with your boys."
Marc guided you to the bed, gently laying you onto your back.
*Marc, please tell me I'm not the only one thinking she looks breathtaking in her underwear everytime?*
Marc looked at you with a smirk before answering Steven.
"Absolutely right, buddy." He was already starting to take off your panties.
"Was it Steven? What did he say?"
"He was just spilling facts that you're so, so breathtaking in your underwear."
After that, Marc brought your panties to his nose and inhaled, closing his eyes for a second.
"Not only does our girl look stunning, but smells perfect too."
*Oh hell yeah she does* Steven's voice inside their headspace was already needy.
Meanwhile your cheeks were already flushing, catching Marc's attention.
"You see that Steven? She's lighting up like fire."
Marc leaned down, spreading your legs and closed in on your inner thigh, sticking his tongue out, slowly and teasingly licking his way upwards, causing you to whimper softly and already moving your hands towards his head.
When Marc's mouth finally arrived at your core, he teased your entrance, moving his tongue around your hole, spooning up the pooling wetness already there.
"Oh fuck!" Your hips arched upwards, desperate for more.
*God...I could listen to her angelic noises all day...* At this point Marc was certain Steven was already foaming at his mouth.
"Honey, you're making Steven lose his shit inside the headspace. Oho, when he's going to have you, you're gonna get it." Marc said lowly and seductively, looking up at you.
He gave your clit a flick with his tongue, catching you off guard before he thrusted his tongue inside you. This caused your eyes to roll back in pleasure.
*Marc, tell her if I could, I would eat her delicious cunt out the whole night.*
"Oh baby, if you could hear what you're doing to Steven right now, he's a mess already and I haven't even started yet." Marc smirked against you.
You whimpered. "W-what did he say?"
"He'd eat out your pussy all night long. Wouldn't matter if you'd be asleep or not." He thrusted his tongue inside you once more, swirling it around, making you tug at Marc's hair.
Marc stopped his magic without a warning, getting up and stepping between your legs before pulling his already rock hard cock out.
"But I can't blame Steven. With a pussy as delicious as yours, it's hard to resist."
He positioned his dick at your entrance, collecting your wetness with his tip before pushing inside.
"Fuck- I have to say- no matter how much we fuck you, you always manage to have a- f- death grip around us-"
Marc already sounded like he was losing it but he kept his pace steady.
*Mate, our girl looks marvelous every time.*
Steven's words made Marc smile and lean down to you.
"You're right Steven. Our beautiful, smart girl."
*Yeah until she gets cockdrunk for us*
The sounds escaping from you always managed to make the boys go feral.
"We are so proud of you, babygirl. So proud."
You heard him, but you were not sure if you could respond logically
"You two h-help-ed me..."
If you weren't cockdrunk before, you were definitely now.
*I think she's saying we should get rewarded instead, Marc.* Steven chimed in.
"Ohh, she wants to reward us now, huh?" Marc teased, angling his hips to hit the spot deep inside your core making you let out higher pitch moans.
*Fuck, that hit a spot there, mate.*
"Hit a spot there, didn't I?"
Both said almost in unison although you couldn't hear Steven. Thinking wasn't your speciality now anyway.
"We're so happy for you. We knew you'd be smart."
Marc repeated the same thrust he did earlier to make your mind spinning, drawing another high pitch moans out of you.
"Yes- you're our clever girl. But when it comes to our cock..." He trailed off, leaving you to try and think. "You're so dumb when we have our way with you, hm? Feels so good you're going dumb, right honey?"
All you could do was moan in response.
*Marc, keep teasing her...please..* Steven's voice was almost pleading with Marc to urge an answer out of you.
"Too dumb to speak, hmm?"
He decided it was time to increase his speed, pounding into you full force.
"Y-yess.." Was all you could moan out while Marc made a mess of you.
*Bloody hell, she's so beautiful all fucked out*
"I-I'm close, boys!" You warned, gripping the sheets.
Marc, already panting leaned down to you
"After I'm done with you, Steven's gonna have his fun with you. So better not get too comfy."
Right after he said that, you walls gripped his dick like a vice, gushing your juices all over it.
Marc moaned. "Fuck- you're killing me here."
He came too, pumping his hot load into you, supporting himself on his hands on either side of your head.
You on the other hand couldn't help but ask why they're so riled up today
"Boys, why are you so in the mood today? What happened to you two on the last mission?"
Marc was still catching his breath and pulled out of you
"Well, we said we're gonna reward you. You should know by now we take this very, very serious."
"Yeah but I feel like poor Steven is possessed by something. Oh and you too, Marc."
*Yeah we got possessed by her.* Steven said in their headspace.
"There you have it, Steven just said we're possessed by you." He chuckled.
Marc pushed himself up "I'll be right back." he made his way to the bathroom watching you calm down and giving you a seductive side eye you didn't notice.
You only got a few minutes of break before you heard him come back. This time it was Steven.
You snapped your head up "Right, I forgot about the package deal you two come with." you chuckled.
Steven sat down on the edge of the bed "Yeah. And don't worry about resting, it's not like you have to go somewhere tomorrow, so y' have the whole day to sleep after this."
*Steven, tell her we would gladly keep going until she's snuffed out like a candle tomorrow.* Marc said in their headspace.
"Marc said we could keep going all day, to make sure you remember this day."
"All this because of an exam?" You giggled.
Steven leaned down close do you
"Ah-ah, what did I say earlier? Final. Exam. You don't have to study anymore."
"Final." You mimiced him.
*Let's go buddy, show her.*
"Cheeky lil' thing, eh? Alright, back to business."
Steven grinned, getting up to step between your legs.
"Think you can go another round, love?"
"Yeah? Wanna go dumb on our cock again?"
*Now I know how you felt earlier, Steven.*
"Seems like," Steven moved his hand towards your previously well fucked hole "now Marc is the one goin' crazy." he began rubbing your clit to get you needy again.
"But he already had his, uh, 'round'."
"Never doubt us, love. You know how we can get." Steven teased.
"Stevenn.." you moaned.
*Fuck, listen to her sweet noises...*
Steven couldn't help but laugh. "If you could hear Marc rightnow, you'd think he's mentally jerking off."
You half laughed half moaned at this "Wait you two can do that?"
*No I'm not.*
Steven chuckled "He just said he isn't." he moved his hand further down to thrust two fingers inside you.
You moaned, feeling yourself coating his fingers in your juices.
*She's still tight as hell, right buddy?*
"Oh yeah, like she wants to stay that tight."
"Oh my god, boys."
Steven curled his fingers inside you, making your hips arch up.
*Look at our good girl.*
"Mhh-mm, taking us so well."
Steven kept thrusting his fingers, loving how responsive you were.
"Y'see how lucky we are with you, love?"
"Y-es..." you moaned.
The way you were responding to them was almost too much for Steven.
"Fuck, I don't think I can hold back any longer."
Steven straightened up, grabbing his already hardened again dick and positioned himself at your hole, teasing you with the tip then pushed inside swiftly.
"Stevy!" You mewled.
*Oh shit. Do that again, Steven.*
"Yeah? Like how we take care of this cunt?"
Steven pulled out until only his tip remained inside and then pushed his whole girth right back into you.
*Yeah that's it, there she is.*
"Bloody hell, love, you're turning Marc into a maniac back there." Steven chuckled.
"He already is." You spoke without thinking.
*Really? Tell her I hope she knows there is still some time left before the day ends.*
"Oh oh, you're in trouble now, sweetheart." Steven teased, speeding up his movements.
"W-what? Wait what?" You moaned, pushing your hips to meet his movements.
"Marc said there is still some time left before the day ends." He slammed into you.
You began to realize what you said, but you couldn't concentrate about it because of how good Steven is slamming into you.
Steven leaned close to you. "Gettin' stupid again, yeah?"
You could only nod.
"Our clever girl. So smart. But when she gets our cock, she's a stupid mess."
You could feel yourself getting close again, the speed in which Steven is pounding into you made your head spin.
"Stevy, I'm getting close!"
"Yeah, can feel it." Steven breathed, feeling himself get close too.
It wasn't long before you gushed over him, coating his dick in your juices once again as Steven did the same to your insides, painting them white.
Steven collapsed ontop of you, burying his face into your neck.
After a moment of content silence you spoke
"You two are insane." You giggled.
Steven raised his head, rolling off of you and to his side, smiling. "You're welcome, darling."
"Now comes the resting, yes?"
"Yeah we uh, should be done..."
You raised your eyebrow "Should?"
Steven gave a dirty smirk. "Y'know, you called Marc a maniac, me insane and both of us insane aswell. Makes two for each of us."
Your jaw dropped. "No way, you can't be serious." you laughed.
Steven flicked your nose with his finger. "Besides, we already told you you'll take tomorrow to rest."
You just laughed, nudging his shoulder, not believing him, not even noticing the switch.
"Oh so now you're laughing, huh?" Marc was back.
You immediately stopped laughing.
Marc narrowed his eyes, a faint smirk was on his face, he looked like he was about to pounce on you.
At this point you were already certain you'll put tomorrow to good use in terms of resting.
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highdefhoetry · 2 months
so weak.
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cw: tickling, fluff, gender neutral reader
summary: zoro tickles you. that's it that's the post sjfkj. just a short lil fluff fic based on my ler!zoro headcanon that i had to get out of my system!
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“Oi. I’m talking to you.”
You’re snapped out of your stupor when a heavy hand grabs the back of your neck. Strong fingers gently press into the sides and wiggle slightly, causing you to scrunch your shoulders and shriek in an embarrassingly loud pitch. You'd been zoning out while wandering around the ship near the crow's nest, and once again the moss-headed swordsman has gotten the jump on you. You hadn't realized he was right next to you, nor did you hear whatever the hell he just said. Not until it was too late.
“Zoro! Stoooop!”
You can’t shake off his iron grip and resign yourself to squirming in place. Your laughter picks up when he starts poking your side in random spots while he’s got you trapped. You try blocking his hands, but he manages to sneak his fingers through despite your efforts. He scoffs at your plight, but there’s a hint of a smile on his voice as he teases you.
“Quit leaving yourself wide open.”
“I’m not!!” you whine through your laughter.
It’s the second time today that Zoro’s done this little sneak attack. You didn’t know why the brooding swordsman was so fascinated by this little game of yours, especially since he didn’t come across as the playful type. He pretended like he didn’t know what he was doing, but you always noticed the glint in his eyes while he listened to you laugh and how the corners of his lips would curl up with amusement.
“Why do you always do that?” you whine when he finally stops and lets you go.
“Do what?” he pokes your side again, reigniting your laughter. 
He scoffs and leans against the wall, crossing his arms with eyes closed. 
“You’re so damn jumpy all the time. Just relax.”
“Why don't you relax, you jerk!"
You can tell he’s trying to force back a smile, and it’s driving you mad. You couldn’t figure him out at all. He’d brazenly touch you, then back off like nothing happened. What was his deal?
You decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. You wait until you think he's dropped his guard and lunge forward, going for his sides like a heat seeking missile. But he grabs your hands midair before you can get far, opening his one good eye. He warns you in a deep, gravelly voice.
“Too slow.”
He holds both of your wrists in front of you with one hand and pokes your ribs with the other. They’re gentle prods that tickle like hell no matter where he touches. And even though you’re struggling with all your might to get away, there’s no escaping his grasp. This guy was strong as hell. Your wrists barely budge even though you’re pulling them as hard as you can.
“Nooo! Don't do it!!”
His smirk grows wider as he tortures you with soft pinches on your waist, jumping from one side to another at random so you can't brace yourself at all. Sick bastard was getting some kind of twisted pleasure out of it. He watches as you thrash around, only speaking to mock you and further your embarrassment.
“Hmph. You’re telling me that this is all I gotta do to take you down? Pathetic.”
“Sh… shut up…!!”
It goes on for a few minutes before he finally lets up. Zoro releases your wrists while donning a smug grin, ignoring the angry look you’re giving him and returning to his laid back position resting against the wall.
“You’re so mean!” you frown.
He scoffs again. “And you’re weak.”
Cocky bastard. You could smack him! 
“If I’m so weak, then you better protect me!” you cross your arms and pout.
He pauses, the teasy comments disappearing along with his little smirk. So much time passes that you start to wonder if he was going to respond at all. You wonder what's going through that thick skull of his, if there were even any thoughts occupying his mind at the moment. Then, after several long moments of silence, he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his chest in a surprisingly affectionate gesture.
His next words are spoken softly, so that only you and the vast blue sea can hear.
“Yeah, yeah… I will. I promise.”
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wileys-russo · 10 months
crowd favourite ficlet?
crowd favourite
“you know sometimes I just sit here and I look at her and I just…I want to cry. She’s so perfect.” you sighed, moving your head to rest on your wifes shoulder.
a soft smile curled into your lips as you stared at delilah, just over a year old now and sat on marys stomach with her back leaning against her knees, babbling away with a grin.
"sometimes when i look at her i do cry. i can't believe we made that, like...she's ours." your wife agreed right away, moving to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
the three of you were cuddled up in your room at st georges park. sarina had made it so the camps were always family friendly, both staff and players able to bring kids or partners as the more senior girls grew up.
both you and mary were beyond grateful that no longer did you have to kiss goodbye when she'd leave for tournaments or camps. you holding a screaming delilah and mary having to ignore every single motherly instinct in her body not to turn around and never leave again.
"can you say mama, come on lilah say mama." mary cooed, reaching forward and tickling the girl who giggled adorably. "ugh i could listen to her little giggle forever and ever." you groaned happily.
"say mummy, say mummy!" you cooed, the two of you trying desperately to get her to speak. "yes!" mary fist pumped as delilah gurgled out a mama, head shooting up as you scooped her into your arms and kissed all over her.
she was only just learning how to speak, and the little noises and gibberish she came out with had yours and marys hearts combusting.
your quiet little family moment together was interrupted by hurried knocks at the door. "and it begins." you chuckled, you and delilah had only arrived this morning, mary checking in last night to make sure everything was set up and to her standards.
"go away we're naked!" mary yelled as you laughed and smacked her on the shoulder, placing delilah gently back down on top of mary and heading for the door. "put some clothes on and open this bloody door!" you chuckled hearing leahs thick accent from outside.
"good morning captain." you opened the door with a smile, darting out of the way as her and georgia shouldered past you. "oi! bit of respect for the wife thanks." mary scolded, already up on her feet and holding delilah protectively to her chest halting the other two in their tracks.
"good morning!" "missed ya!"
you laughed as both younger girls practically tackled you in a hug, leah placing a kiss to your cheek before they both switched their hopeful gazes toward mary.
"go on love." you chuckled as your wife sighed and moved to hand delilah over to leah who squealed happily, cooing and tickling her as georgia hovered by her side doing the same.
"you both said you were going to breakfast!" your head turned to find esme, alex and chloe huddled in your door which was still open. "yeah we are, gonna eat this lil cutie up." leah cooed as you chuckled and gestured for the other three to come in who all greeted you as they did.
though right as you went to close the door after them did more bodies appear. "hiya!" niamh beamed, flanked by lauren, jess and lucy. "come on." you sighed with a smile, waving them inside the rapidly crowded hotel room.
"if every morning is like this i don't know how i'll cope." arms wrapped around you as your wife buried her face in her neck with a groan. "at least we know she's loved baby, very very loved." you smiled, nudging her head up and pressing a soft kiss to her pouty lips.
"right you lot we're taking her to breakfast. unless your last name is earps, clear off!" mary yelled sternly over the cooing and baby voices filling the room, your daughter being passed from aunty to aunty with giggles.
ignoring the disappointed groans you chuckled as one by one the girls filed back out. "her last name is earps!" mary warned as alex tried to sneak past with delilah in her arms, using esme as a human shielf.
"worth a try." the defender huffed handing her over as your door closed and both you and mary let out a sigh of relief at the overwhelming peace and quiet in the room.
"you did so well baby, only yelled once!" you teased as you changed and dressed delilah. mary changed herself into her training gear and swapped out with you so you could do the same, donning a pair of tights and one of her england hoodies.
"this is going to be a dreadfully long week."
"but why does less get to feed her!" ella huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at mary who was sat on delilahs other side. "godmum privileges." alessia grinned as you reached over and smacked her with a warning look.
all throughout breakfast the other girls popped in and out, catching up with you and melting over your daughter which despite how protective mary was over delilah did make her incredibly happy.
you grinned as even sarina made her way over once you'd all finished eating, mary handing over delilah to the older woman and updating her on your daughters progress, thanking her again for allowing the two of you to come.
rachel and millie were quick to join, having been past three times already which made you laugh. "oh i think she's made a little present for ya." millie winced as rach handed her delilah and hurried off, millie sniffing the air and instantly recoiling.
"wonderful. since you're wanting to spend so much time with lilah you can come and learn how to change her then brighty!" you patted the taller girl on the back, mary handing you the change bag with an amused smile.
"come on then mills, chop chop!"
"where is she!" you jumped in shock as your wife burst through the doors of your room, apologizing to your mum and quickly ending the call.
"who? lilah? she's fine love. what's wrong?" you stood, intercepting her and gently grabbing her face forcing her attention onto you.
"whats wrong is that every time i try to see my daughter she's snatched away by someone else. i've not given her a cuddle or a kiss all fucking day!" mary vented angrily as you smiled.
"babe stop laughing! it's not funny." the older girl whined as you chuckled, bracing yourself as her taller body slumped into yours. "its a little bit funny love." you teased, rubbing circles into her back as she huffed.
"zell and maya have her up in the physio room with some of the others girls." you answered her question, mary shooting up away from you.
"ah! less is with them, and you know that girl would never let anyone harm a single hair on delilahs head." you grunted as you forced your wife into bed with you, dragging her down.
"i also haven't seen you all day you know!" you smiled, rolling on top of her. "sorry, hello." mary sighed, kissing you sweetly and pulling away with another sigh. "i'm not very good at sharing." mary admitted with another pout making you laugh.
"no you're not. but its just because you love her, but we have to share the love she gives others and the way she makes others feel. you've always said this team feels like one big family my love, just try to embrace that." you assured her, running your hands through your hair.
"so...she's with the girls and less?" mary questioned as you nodded, knowing smile breaking out onto your face seeing the look in your wifes eyes. "we've got maybe twenty minutes?" you grinned, squealing as mary rapidly flipped the two of you over, now hovering on top.
"thats more than enough baby, i only need ten."
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hotchsofficialwifey · 11 months
hey! I saw that you are accepting requests from Mike Schmidt and I wanted to know if you could write something cute, like if Mike needed hugs in bed and a lot of cuddling, but doesn't know how to ask the reader for that and gets all shy. Could the reader also own a flower shop? Sorry for my English, my first language is Portuguese. If you don't want to place my order, just ignore it, thank you!
oi! eu também falou Portuguese, mais não é a minha primeira lingua. brigada pelo seu ask, adorei demais!
(hi! i also speak Portuguese, except it's not my first language. thank you for your ask, i really loved it!)
work sucked. the hours were shit, the pay was shit, everything was shit. right now, the only thing he needed was to be held and comforted, to feel like the whole world could slip away. he needed you, so, so badly. problem was, he didn't know how to ask for you.
you heard the door whoosh open before it shut again, gently as to not wake abby up. you fell asleep on the couch, as usual, even though you and mike were dating. you liked being as close as possible to abby's room just in case she needed something.
"hey, mike." you mumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes as they adjusted to the light.
"hey." he kissed you gently, as he always did when he came home, but this time it felt different. needier, almost. as if he had been waiting to kiss you for hours (which, in all honesty, he had). you kissed him with the same urgency, and only when you both pulled away did you realize how exhausted he looked. the bags under his eyes were darker and more profound then usual, which concerned you thoroughly.
"mike, you okay?" you asked softly, brushing the back of your hand against his cheek, his skin freezing cold against your warm touch.
"yeah, just...had a bad day...need you." he mumbled the last two words, as if what he had just said was the most embarrassing thing in the world. you smiled, not a small one, a big, happy smile. you loved when he asked for what he wanted, especially because you knew how much he struggled with it. it never failed to make you proud.
"how 'bout we go to bed, yeah? you look like a zombie." you both let out an airy chuckle as you made your way to the bedroom, his hands staying on you the whole time.
you lied in bed with him, brushing his dark curls out of his face as he settled under the covers. he kissed you again, sneaking his arms around your neck, burying his face in your chest. he felt so vulnerable in this moment, yet so completely safe, two feelings he wasn't used to going together. he smiled as you kissed him on the forehead, muttering a sweet "i love you" before drifting off to sleep. you had fallen asleep in the few moments before he said it back, but deep in your heart you knew he said it back. he always did, and always would.
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ryescapades · 20 hours
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— hybrid au (no kaiju), snow leopard!narumi gen x gn!reader cw: none, just fluff! a/n: to those in my taglist, lmk if you're not into this .. just in case i ever decide to make a pt2. and to lera, tq for brainrotting w me :3
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snow leopard!narumi who had somehow ended up at your doorstep on one rainy and stormy night. sopping wet from head to toe, his floppy black and white ears droops slightly as rainwater drips everywhere from his body.
snow leopard!narumi whom you had dotingly taken care of; getting him warmly bathed, freshly clothed and well-fed in the safety of your home, he then gives you his thanks in the form of a begrudging, albeit embarrassed grunt.
and when you register the adorable sight of his twitching ears, lowered tail and blushed cheeks in your mind, you'd decided then and there that you just had to take him in.
snow leopard!narumi who, since then, has been living with you as your new housemate (he refused to be called your... 'companion', like some domesticated animal or something). your home is more occupied now than ever, with game controls, electronic devices and figurines teeming on most of your shelves.
snow leopard!narumi who just loves to take up your time and personal space, much like how an actual house cat would. you'd be in your room, scrolling through your phone out of boredom when he appears, standing ramrod straight in the doorway (literally the manstanding emoji) with an indecipherable look on his face.
snow leopard!narumi who glares (and unconsciously pouts) at you when you throw him a brief glance before going back to what you were doing previously. he hates having to ask for your attention, no matter how desperate he is for it.
snow leopard!narumi who grumbles out that huffy "oi." at you, causing you to giggle. "what? you need anything?" you ask, smiling oh so innocently at him. you take note of the way his fluffy spotted tail swishes from side to side agitatedly, his ears reclining to the back and going into that notorious 'airplane mode' felines usually have.
"you gotta tell me what you want, gen. i'm not a mind reader," you point out with a cheeky glint in your eyes. in the end, he relents anyway, body comically slouching in defeat. "play games with me, dammit," he'd mutter under his breath, and with no intention of ever denying your adorable, grumpy overgrown cat, you yield to his demand (though the teasing you send him never ceases either).
snow leopard!narumi who can detect whenever you're having a particularly bad and exhausting day at work with just a single glimpse. he silently watches with a frown as you trudge your way to the bedroom to wash up, the vertical slits of his feline eyes narrowing in rapt attention. his console now forgotten, he doesn't even bother pausing nor saving the game before he puts the device aside with a new motive in mind.
snow leopard!narumi who sneaks into your room later that night, knowing you're still not asleep yet. he could see you there lying in the bed, staring up at the ceiling absently as your arms splay wide in a starfish position.
with a slow swish of his tail, he invites himself into your bed, straight away plopping his body onto yours. you choke slightly, the air rushing out of your lungs at the sudden weight. "hey!" you chastise, which he pays no mind to.
he buries his face in your chest, occasionally nuzzling at the space between your neck and shoulder. you would've let him stay there, if not for the sudden warm, textured and wet sensation on your neck. you gasp when you realize what it is.
"gen! what are you—" cupping his jaw to pull him away, your eyes blink a few times when his face greets you. the heavily-lidded magenta hues of his eyes are dauntingly striking under the dim light, but the tongue poking out between his lips nearly made you laugh. though you don't get the chance as he lets out a soft growl, urging you to stay still and just... let him do what it is he's trying to do.
snow leopard!narumi who then continues to lick all over your neck, nose scrunching cutely from time to time as he nips at your skin with his fangs like how a cat would wash another. like how cats groom each other to communicate, to show affection.
snow leopard!narumi who basks in your touch all the while, closing his eyes in contentment as you run your fingers through his hair, scratching behind his ears and rubbing at his nape. his tail wanders aimlessly at your leg, lightly and airily brushing on your skin like silken wool. you wonder if he realizes the way it settles to curl protectively, almost possessively around your ankle.
snow leopard!narumi whose chest rumbles and vibrates in a soothing rhythm against yours, ridding all the thoughts and worries that have perturbed you that day.
ah, you realize. he's purring on you.
you've taken such a good care of him ever since he first set foot into your home (that has now become his too), so it's only right he does the same, no?
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cats when they go :p or just straight up 👁️👅👁️ when they're mid-licking like oh god my stupid baby you're so cute and for what
ps big cats don't actually purr but for the sake of my own sanity, i'm still making narumi purr idc
taglist: @maruflix @iamjellyfish @ouiouimochi @yueliie @justwinginglife @lumiambrose @minasfwoopyponytail @17020 @bgyuus @pixelcafe-network @lerath
©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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