#-KNOW its based on trauma and thats all you have to validate it
poopingonthefloor · 1 year
I would just like to thank you because your post on the subject of proshipping was what allowed me to firmly take a stance against proshitters. My blog is non confrontational and I don’t want to argue with people so I unfortunately had to remove the tags and block replies on my post when people started replying to argue with me but still it was your post which gave me the confidence to make this post in the first place and for that I thank you.
Although I've been particularly avoidant to any sort of discourse lately, I am glad I could have helped you (or anyone in general) have confidence to express themselves and try to speak out on issues that constantly infect fandoms and make unsafe spaces for basically anyone. Sorry that your post got dogpiled by a bunch of chronically online people LOL! Trust me, those people got literally no argument that they werent CONVINCED into believing LMAO.
#ask#I've been less actively bitchy about it but my stance has stayed the same#adults into that should not be allowed in the internet and they are backhandedly gr**ming children into embracing that creepy shit#and then children (who i dont blame for being into that stuff its not usually their own fault) desensitize themselves and actively LOOK -#-for creepy pe/do//ince//sty ships to ship because children just have a natural desire to “fit in” -#-which some children find that in following a contrarian crowd#so when they see art they like and dont yet understand the issues with it and then see the artist getting flack for it they jump to-#prxshitty defense and then that just causes them to grow up embracing that shit bec they think it makes them cool or unique or something!!!#and then that causes a spread bec then obviously impressionable minors attract other impressionable minors T_T#trauma response I dont doubt is true to some degree and i pity those for that but 1. keep that shit private im sorry but venting doesnt-#-excuse romanticising that shit and basically CONVINCING other impressionable children that its fine when you must KNOW its not okay if you#-KNOW its based on trauma and thats all you have to validate it#and 2. like thats unhealthy on its own right...... but like ok.....#((though i dont promote harrassing kids or telling them to hurt themselves like that doesnt rlly do much esp if theyre already traumatized)#I believe young people like that should try to strive to at least keep that stuff private esspecially if theyre an adult because idk how-#-adults DONT see the gr**my aspect behind it (bec from what ik most adults dont care about being surrounded by minors T_T)
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Hi now that I’ve got your attention
I’m going to yell at you
Cuz I love you but y’all killing me with this
“I have the urge to move”
Or my favorite
“I didn’t get symptoms”
Mmmm this one is ultimate favorite
“How do I enter the void?”
Sweetie what do you think my posts are about???
How to find the tooth fairy?
Please stop asking me that when it’s literally in ALL MY POSTS
I literally got blocked cuz I was asked over and over again
By someone I thought was a friend
How to get in the void
I told her
It’s in my posts
Read my posts
I guess she didn’t wanna do that
All you’re doing is meditating
Yall act like you have to clean a whole warehouse or work a 10am to 2am shift!
Like it’s giving
“Omg I have to lay still and affirm and breathe and actually be relaxed and ignore the 3D which I hate anyways and leave this physical plane to go to my 4D which is pretty much me in my most powerful and purest state to gain peace and comfort and manifest my desires because I was born to do this and then wake up with my desires because it’s literally so easy ugh that’s too much it’s soo hard!!
Im not comparing trauma or anything everything you’re going through is valid
But somebody is probably going through something so horrible
And they don’t know about the void state or manifestation in general!
Because guys I love you but you’re all asking the same thing over and over and over again
It’s driving me insane
Every post I make is about the void
What it is and how to get in
If my account was about making bagels
Would you ask me
“Do you make bagels?”
You see what I mean?
I love you so much but stop asking the same thing
And I made a post on boundaries
Still had someone asking me to enter the void for them
How am I gonna take time out of MY DAY
To enter the void for someone with the SAME POWER AS ME!!!!
That’s like helping a genius with his homework
You already know how to do it tf you asking me for????
What do you think the void is???????
It’s not Disneyland
It’s not your mamas house
It’s not a Beyoncé concert
There’s is no luck when it comes to the void
I’m not gonna keep repeating myself
Everyone on here keeps telling yall the same things
Yet you still ask
How to enter
Complaining about not having symptoms
“But I’m_(excuses)”
Not to be rude but you might get blocked if you ask
“How to enter the void?”
Quit overcomplicating
You made the void
It exists because of you
Put YOURSELF on a pedestal not anything or anyone
Sometimes I feel like yall just use me and other blogs on here to get info on something we already talked about on our posts
Just for you to get mad when we get fed up with repetitive questions
If this still doesn’t help you
Idk what else to say
I love you much love 🩵
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hundrkottr · 9 months
🌿 Trauma Based Identities 🌿
There are a number of causes for our non-human identities. The most common being spiritual, but also imprinting. So now, what is a trauma based identity? And how could it cause one to have a psychological theriotype?
A trauma based identity is basically an identity that was formed because of, or in relation to, trauma. Especially during childhood/adolescence. At a young age, we are still very much developing mentally and emotionally. Our minds are going through so many changes, and our environment has an incredibly big impact on that. Early life trauma is part of that environment, and therefore, can literally make changes to your beain chemistry and how it develops. So how does this have to do with therianthropy?
Well, if a child experiences trauma or abuse, their minds may unconsciously seek some kind of coping mechanism. And this coping mechanism CAN cause them to develop a non-human identity. Especially if they feel detached from other humans who are the source of said trauma. Often time, the animal they may imprint on will be in their environment. Perhaps a pet, or a wild animal they see on a regular basis. It can be an animal or being they've been exposed to through media, like; movies, tv shows, books, games, etc. It can also even be a toy they have of said animal. Regardless, the trauma can make such a development occur.
//Imprinting can also be in relation to the trauma based identity. As a child experiencing abuse and neglect may imprint on the animal around them, rather than the humans that cause them harm, or hurt them.//
Some may argue that "this isn't a theriotype, its a coping link!". But you are wrong. The definition of therianthropy, is to identify as an animal, or have an involuntary non-human identity. A copinglink is a CHOSEN identity you chose to CONSCIOUSLY cope. If the trauma based identity is NOT chosen, and develops without voluntarily chosing so, it IS a VALID therianthropic identity.
I think it's important for people to be aware that such identities exist and are incredibly valid. They can be tough, but it is part of our development.
🌿 My Trauma-based Identity 🌿
Ever since I was a baby I've gotten a lot of traumatic experiences. I was consistently abused and neglected. I won't go into detail, but it was really hard. And I deal heavily with the affects today.
I never felt loved, or safe. But we did have cats in our household all the time. And I learned love from them. The cats never hurt me, never scared me, never screamed at me. All they did was show me love. They made me feel seen. So, as a toddler, I imprinted heavily on them. I ate their food, bathed like them, crawled around like them, meowed, and even used the litter box on several occasions (i know it sounds extreme but as embarrassing as it is, i did..)
My parents regularly punished me for acting like a cat, but I never stopped. And I continued seeing them as my true family.
I imprinted on them and it became a permanent mental development that would follow me through all of my childhood, my adolescence and early adulthood.
Thinking of why this identity developed makes me sad. But it also makes me grateful, because i dont thing the young, autistic and traumatized lil child I was would have made it otherwise.
I go through periods of questioning and denial. Because this identity makes me feel a lot of repressed emotions. But maybe this time i can accept it again. Ill do it at my own pace though. ♡
Thats all! Hope this helps others with trauma based identities. Know that you are valid. And you are seen. If ever you need to talk about it, im here. My DMs are open. I may not be online all the time, but Ill respond.
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hadesisonlyalad · 5 months
yk i dont post a lot on tumblr but we all saw that red flags post so im gonna take a moment of ur time to say something on each merc and the red flags listed for them. im doing a read more incase u havent seen the “mercs red flags” headcanon post and it does not flood ur page
both the medic and engie things with “not wanting to spend time with you/wont make time for you” is SUCH bullshit if that was the case they wouldnt even date you. and then ur telling me engie tf2, DELL CONAGHER, would NEVER want to take you on a date? like ever??? u are INSANE. And then sorry to tackle medic and engie in the same paragraph but they had a lot of common “””””red flags””””” that were listed. why would he yell at you. he hardly even yells in general (based off comics and voice lines) if anything hes just kinda a loud person 💀 AND YOU BRINGING UP ONE THING WONT MAKE HIM SUDDENLY IGNORE YOU FOR DAYS LIKE?? he KNOWS hes committing medical malpractice btw. he would not leave you for bringing that up he is WELL AWARE of what hes doing. and we see him CANONICALLY DISCIPLINE ARCHIMEDES IN MEET THE MEDIC, WHY WOULD HE TOLERATE HIS BIRDS ATTACKING YOU????
also why are we listing an addiction as a “red flag” what the fuck is wrong with you. i get not wanting to date someone with an addiction, its a valid concern, but thats SO much more serious than a “red flag” or “ick”??? LIKE ARE YOU OKAYYYY???????
i’m fine with the miss pauling ones, at least two of them, because yeah, it’s canon that she doesn’t have the most time and i imagine if ur not a merc or work in that area a relationship might be a bit hard? but shes an honest person, i don’t think she’s gonna lie to you. idk im very neutral about the pauling ones, if anything theyre the most in character of this shithole list.
all i have to say for pyro is like. yk those people who hc pyro as aroace except theyre super weird about it? like theyre either infantilizing them or have weird ableist feelings about pyro? yeah thats the vibes im getting. actually wait where did u pull codependent pyro from actually wtf
i think the “tryna live like hes 20” thing for spy is really fucking funny 💀 like go girl go live through that middle age crisis!!/j no but seriously. hes dating you hes gonna think you’re a 10, and even then YOU’RE SAYING IF YOU AGE AT ALL HE’LL LEAVE YOU??? CANON MILF LOVER SPY. “OFF TO VISIT YOUR MOTHER!” SPY TF2. WILL LEAVE YOU IF YOU GET OLD AND AGE AT ALL…? HE LIKES HIS WOMEN LIKE HE LIKES HIS WINE MOTHERFUCKER: AGED. sorry bad joke lets keep going uh- i think the other hcs are garbage too i just really hate specifically this spy hc. just this one specifically.
im not a sniper connoisseur, my friend will is way better versed in sniper’s characterization, but even i know this isnt sniper. “thinks if he argues long enough he’ll win”…? “cannot support you in anything”?!!?! “IF YOU’RE HIS FRIEND AND YOU TWO GET INTO A BAD ARGUMENT PREPARE TO NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN” IM GENUINELY AT A LOSS FOR WORDS. I JUST. I DONT..? WHAT DO I EVEN SAY. I DONT K N O W WHAT TO SAY. BUT IF I DID KNOW WHAT TO SAY I’D BE SAYING VERY BAD THINGS.
i dont think scout is misogynistic- i see why people think that but me personally i just think he has no game and people mistake it as violent misogyny for some reason. but. listen we know scout is a dick we do okay but he loves women. why would he cheat on you.? bro he’d be glad u picked him 😭 AND THEN THE PERIOD THING?? he was raised by a SINGLE MOM do you REALLY think shes gonna raise him and let him think that way about a natural body function. im speaking entirely from the single mom experience and the answer is NO!!!! also how is loving your mother a red flag. being the youngest child is also a red flag, i guess. and having issues with his dad. (/s) also, second verse same as the first: IF HES DATING YOU HE THINKS YOU’RE A 10 WHAT IS SO HARD TO FUCKING GET ABOUT THISHXWHBVWBWBXvqvsbs?1?2!2’wndjwke
uhhh soldier wasnt. here for some reason. so nothing to say about him.
anyway leave ur opinions below. i rly dont wanna get into any tumblr drama or internet drama at all bc it scares me dearly and im always self conscious about leaving a bad digital footprint especially over something as petty as tf2 drama but i cannot stand for this slander I CANNOT‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry if u also think im mischaracterizing anyone here i only put hours of studying into my fav mercs and thats. abt it,, listen im silly okay
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i really thought fans who hate ascend astarion got his ending and then hated it. They are so pissed off about vampire bride groom thing saying it’s not canon, but then scream that he lied that tav/dark urge will hurt a bit when becoming a spawn. But it is true that it only hurt a bit, so i’m so confused. They refuse to see the evidences in the scene and how there was “ascend astarion still has soul” but no “tav/dark urge is not vampire bride groom.”
the bride theory exists in this weird state of canonisity where there are a lot of similarities in game to draw the conclusion, but because it isnt outright stated in game or by the devs to be true. i think thats intentional, its an rpg so they would want to leave some elements ambigious so you, the player, can decide what the story is based on your actions via roleplay. in this perspective, all theories have a certain level of validity in regard to canon.
as for it being painful, like. no duh? being ensanguinated isnt going to be pleasant. that doesnt make it morally wrong, and plus if your pc accepted lovitar's blessing its thematically satisfying (which is why i almost always choose "make it hurt" over "be gentle", you know its going to hurt. you welcome the pain. the pain becomes pleasure and vice versa. ascention and becoming his spawn is wearing the pain of trauma on your sleeve and not being ashamed of it.)
which, this really gets me when it comes to the idea that aa is inherently abusive. you could read it that way, but its just as well you can read it as two sickos being weird about their attachment to eachother. the rejection of the idea the player character can be an enthusiastic participant has somehow led to this, frankly insulting and cartoonish, depiction of a!astarion as a wife-beating rapist and the player character as a meek damsel. which i think is so wildly out of character. write a!a as toxic all you want, he is literally neutral evil, but for some reason people think an evil character has to be the most extreme characature possible, rather than the complex web of motives, flaws, sympathies, and personal standards a!astarion is.
this also denies the agency of actual people to extrapolate their own personal mean from the experience, what of a player character that would sacrifice anything just because astarion asked? what of a player character that was just as obsessed with him as he is with them? these ideas just dont compute in the minds of folks who insist you have to read astarion the One True Way
this got really rambly, but ultimately my point is that it is up to interpretation, intentionally so, and the team (welch not widthstanding lol) have pretty much expressed this exact sentiment. again, duh, because its a roleplaying game that encourages you to self insert.
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sysmedsaresexist · 8 months
Hi! I,, have a question with some specific context that could, potentially, spark some conversation.
I’d say its relatively important to the context to note that I’m also a dx DID system, but im an anon, so take of that what u will.
When our system’s body was around 11-12, our system’s host “created” an alter. Basically like the host had an active role in creating him as opposed to, idk, a regular split or something. What we do know is that this headmate/alter of dubious origin, has fronted in traumatic times and took role as primary protector for years until our current primary protector was reintroduced to the host through therapy. It was also how the host established communication internally with “the actual” system so early, before we knew we were a system.
My only question here is would that be considered “endogenic” origins for a headmate? By all means, we are DID system, and only split based on traumas and survival, but *literally* only this headmate/alter has caused internal conflict for the system, but especially the host who created him (and is still around).
The host originally believed that, when we were first diagnosed, there was absolutely no way that we could have DID because of the active creation of that singular alter, which our psychologist acknowledged, but pointed out otherwise, thru a slew of, like, legitimate reasons (its 12am and we leave for a trip soon, my wording isn’t great, but for some reason, I just cant *not* write this ask).
I, unnamed alter in the system, am wondering if active creation in an alter is possible? I guess in general? It was entirely a form of survival for ourselves at the time to make the alter/headmate of dubious origin, he was what the system needed at that time, but we wonder what terminology we would use for him, or what he would be considered, community wise ig. To be blunt, its almost a validation thing in a way.
Our system is anti-endo. We dont believe systems can form from anything other than trauma in formative years, but the active creation thing seems??? Not a normal experience and maybe, like, invalidating to our existence??? We have alters from before he existed, but he was like our ground zero in communication. The alter that helped “bridge the gap”. The host loves him, and he loves the host. They were attached at the hip until the diagnosis because his existence felt inherently invalidating BUT thats not the point and more venting
The host actively made a dude in our head who ended up being a main factor in our survival at the time but because the host *actively made* the dude, as opposed to “normal splitting”, does that make him inherently “endogenic”?
Hi, that's normal! And anyone who says otherwise can fight me. Thank you for sending this, it's really not talked about enough.
CDD systems can and do "create" alters, though it's typically not quite that simple once you get into the subconscious.
Firstly, once the development of the sense of self is interrupted in childhood, you've already completed the step that "tulpamancers" are trying to learn. Personally, I don't believe it's possible to dissociate to that extent once the sense of self is developed (I think they're already highly prone to dissociative tendencies, take from that what you will), but CDD systems are already ten steps into the process and it's not out of the realm of possibility (and in fact, it's highly reported) that CDD systems frequently create alters in a number of different ways, including processes similar to willing and creating alters into existence. People with DID already dissociate really good, it's not shocking that we would be able to will a new member into existence with enough thought and pressure. We're just not thinking of it as something similar to endogenic or created alters until it's pointed out, or we understand that there's something deeper at play.
But that's active creation, and now we get into:
"If there's a need, the brain will supply."
This is more based on the personal interpretation of alters in the process of becoming aware, but can be applied to brand new alters.
One general interpretation is based in denial and a feeling of a lack of control, and is similar to active creation.
It's extremely easy to convince yourself that you did this, purposefully and with intent. That you chose systemhood and that you chose to create this alter. CDDs are caused by factors entirely outside of our control, and people will look for, and find, a sense of control in any way possible.
Including telling yourself that you're doing something consciously, even when you're not (loosely based on the same idea as this).
Which came first, the fragment or the need? Was there already a fragment floating around that you helped to pick a name and appearance, and that contained traits that you needed, whether you consciously knew you needed those traits in your system or not? Or did you realize you needed those things, and a fragment came forward to pick up the role?
It doesn't help that alters can be created from overwhelming situations (not just traumatic situations), and the brain is notoriously bad at letting you know when you're stressed and overwhelmed. Not only that, but alters can take years to make themselves known, making it impossible to pinpoint their creation (unless they know, but they usually don't).
So did you really pick that name? That trait? Or was it already there?
The second interpretation is simply misinterpretation.
I have an alter that took a liking to an OC and became that. Again, which came first, the character or the alter? Does it matter? Was I writing based on an alter that already existed but that I couldn't communicate with? Or did a fragment take a liking to the character and traits? Did I look at those traits and think, "I could really use that right now," and my brain agreed? It would be very easy to misinterpret the entire situation to mean that I created this alter, either by complete accident or purposefully, consciously or unconsciously. Where do we draw the line at "created" alters? Does it need to be active creation? Or creation after the fact based on ideas that you liked and wanted? Did you know you wanted them?
Mod Quill here to mention something: I also have "created" parts. Again, incredibly normal in CDDs. I also have friends with DID who have parts that "came from God" or "walked in" -- and out of all of those parts, they are all traumagenic, because that's how they choose to see themselves.
The fact that the alter is created doesn't make him endogenic, because based on your description, he's still forming due to the trauma that you've experienced. Now, if you want to call him endogenic, because of the creation process, I don't think anyone's going to stop you -- but you shouldn't ever feel the need to label your alters in that way. You are a DID system, simply put, and regardless of the individual causes of splits, you formed from trauma. You should only be labeling the individual splits if you find that helpful for your recovery.
This alter's creation doesn't invalidate your diagnosis, your trauma, or your system in any single way. It's incredibly common, and I fear that syscourse has made it seem like it has to be an endo thing, when it isn't in the slightest.
Thank you to Quill for bringing this back to the most important point. Don't let anyone dictate how you define your system and alters. So long as you're happy and healthy, who cares. That's literally the only thing that matters.
I want to make it very clear that it's not just alter creation that confuses systems, but alters seemingly not connected to trauma at all appearing suddenly or randomly, alters that wake up and immediately go back into dormancy (walk in/out), etc. These are all things that can appear to be endogenic, or mixed origin, but if the basis of your system, the reason you have a system in the first place, is trauma, then everything ties back to that, in the end, and in one way or another.
How you personally interpret your experiences and members, and the labels you use, are uniquely yours.
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catgirl-catboy · 10 months
I have some questions
When does “it’s just fiction” stop being a valid justification? We all know that “it’s just a joke” has its limits enough racist jokes and you are practically doing nothing different then that form an actual racist and are causing the same amount of harm. Same with fiction, ofcourse it’s not 1:1 but we do know fiction can have a strong influence on the real world and people.
How is “it’s just fiction and “it’s juts a joke” different in you opinion?
And when does “it’s just fiction” hits its limits?
Thank for taking your time to answer
I got a big smile when reading this ask, since I genuinely do love debating these things. Too much hate in discourse, not enough genuine debate. I feel like "when its just fiction" becomes a problem for ME vs when it becomes a problem for YOU vs when it becomes a problem for the GOVERNMENT is 3 completely different questions. I don't want the damn government, or the damn tumblr staff, or whichever authority, to have any say in what should or shouldn't be written about, simply because that power is so easy to abuse. I feel like the moment you allow censorship in any capacity, SOMEONE'S going to want to make it impossible to publish a negative opinion about them.
So that means I think it should be legal to publish whatever racist, sexist, bigoted content you want. Even if I disagree with it. Even if it makes me want to puke.
Even if I'd stop being friends with someone because they agree with the author.
Even if I'm a proshipper, I have personal lines that I'm NOT willing to cross. Some of these lines are based off my morality (for instance, I'd rather be caught dead before I give money to anyone that supports autism speaks), and some are based on my personal tastes and trauma. (not giving an example of those for obvious reasons.)
Its one thing that I feel a lot of antishippers don't get, that personal disgust doesn't always correlate to immorality. Sometimes it very much does, but I don't think that should be the default stance.
But I think that I, along with every other human being, should have the right to decide what counts as "too far" for myself. I don't want strangers doing it for me, and I don't want authority figures doing it for me, because they will invariably cater to their own interests. If people choose to read or write shit that makes them worse, thats on them.
So what counts as "too far" is really something you'll have to decide for yourself.
(Personally, I judge it on a "I know it when I see it" basis, and tend to exit out of a lot of stuff as a result. Sometimes you open a fanfic and their portrayals of queer characters, female characters, or just life in general. The reason? Most of the time I don't read fanfic to challenge my existing worldview and be uncomfortable. I read fanfic to be sad, or feel lonely.)
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tacochippy · 1 month
Reasons for considering ocs an extension of you:
Blobby: Very philosophical ideologies that (I assume) are similar to your own
Skullina: ✨️T r a u m a ✨️
and you are so valid for this
yea akfhfhgj. Blobby is more based on just like, facts? that i gotta cope with? ig philosophical facts, maybe, it depends on how you veiw it.
Imo while yoy experience similar things, eat the same foods, laugh at ainilar jokes, itll never be exactly the same as the first time. Nothing ever is. Everyone is constantly changing, veiws and perspextives and ideas, and the world is constantly changing to reflect this. Time moved foward, people changed and others left, and thus it is different.
Like talking wirh yoy is still the same but its still different? Im older, my dreams have shifted, we play stardew together. Stuff like that. Cause yk. Time only ever moves foward, never back, never holding still.
(Also her uncle killed the god of time)
(also also her uncle kills HER. then she gets revived. and all she wants is to go back. where ahe knew nothing, ans her uncle loved her, and everything made sense. now shes sitting on her other uncles couch with maggots pressing into her skin and tear tracks down her face. the blood may be gone, the ichor isnt there anymore, but the stench lingers. the grimy feelibg lingers. blobby lingers, stuck gazing at the past thats never going to return and dreading a future that while she doesnt know it yet, will outahine the past with somerhing brilliant and new and loving. ans thats so mecore fr fr)
Ans skullina yeah janfnfnfnf just oure trauma babbaeyyyy
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nothing0fnothing · 7 months
heyo! i would just like to apologise on behalf of the NPD community for the idiots that are frothing at the mouth trying to claim that narc abuse isn't real. yeah, we get it, pwNPD ≠ abusive. doesnt mean you get to dictate how victims should view their trauma, much less make it seem invalid. pwNPD make things so much worse if they aren't grounded! do they seriously think pwNPD are cute little bunnies who just want validation? i myself am a pwNPD, and it is soo cringe omfg. all this so-called npd positivity sickens me. you're convincing pwNPD that their problematic attention-seeking behaviour is acceptable. if pre-aware me saw all those posts, i would've never sought to change my behaviour and seek a healthier source of supply. i admit, i was abusive. no BS. i literally took pleasure in others being scared of me, to the point i would bully my own sister to tears and gaslit her into thinking it was her fault. i was fucking 10. i needed that slap on the face to finally realise this was not how i was supposed to be. i got my help, i got the support i need, i'm trying to be a better person. now thats the type of positivity we need. i dont want people telling me that 'i just want to be acknowledged'. no, wanting to be acknowledged is normal. my desire was unhealthy and violent. i needed someone to beat me up and tell me not everything about me and that i shouldn't want to beat someone up for doing something better than me. Thanks for listening to my TedTalk! 😊 - 🩹
A super well considered and realistic view of what it means to be a narcissistic abuse denier and its roots in anti therapy/anti recovery rhetoric from the POV of a person who actually has NPD.
You're very right, to be a pwNPD and to argue that victims and survivors shouldn't have a community based on their shared experience of abuse because you feel personally victimised by the conversation is trying to dictate our recovery to us. It's attempting to invalidate our experience and its hella indicative of real life abusive behavior.
Thank you for sharing personal details of your own experience with NPD. I know it's hard, I know it's not fun for you and I'm sorry your safe spaces have been hijacked by wannabes and fakers pretending that to have this disorder is cool and edgy. You don't feel cool and edgy for having this disorder, because it's a real mental illness that effects your life daily, not a quirk you get to take off when you close the app and go into your life.
Support is out there for people with NPD or people who suspect they have it. It's not as fun or exciting to get help than it is to run a edgy tumblr blog that perpetuates further abuse and stigmatises people with NPD, but our mental health is our responsibility, and anti recovery and anti treatment narcissistic abuse denial blogs are just perpetrating further harm and stigma. The people who beleive in it will never get better, and it's sad, but you didn't fall into believing the narrative that NPD is untreatable. You got help though it was hard and you learned to be better.
I don't condone violence to correct bad behaviour, I don't think you needed to be hit to learn better. The desire to do better and be a good person is in all of us, and I hope you know that the decent human being you are today is thanks to your own hard work, your commitment to consistency in therapy, your strength to understand your disorder, not the time you were hit to learn better.
Thank you for your support, plaster emoji, I really appreciate it. Your Ted talk was an incredible read and I'd be pleased to hear from you again 💕
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sorry if this is a weird question, but um, a girl i know asked me out. Shes aplatonic but alloromantic and allosexual. I do like her back, but im a bit worried.. ive dated a guy before who didnt have friends and what ended up happening is that i had to support him 100% of the time when something bad happened and i had to be with him after school every day because i was the only person he talked to and he would get lonely otherwise. He even threatened to do bad things to himself if i went to a friend's sleepover because it made him feel bad. Im really worried that something like this would repeat... it lowkey traumatized me i think. Is this a valid concern or are aplatonic people different and they dont really need much emotional support compared to non-aplatonic people? Or was my ex just uniquely an asshole? Thank u so so much if u respond
I am prefacing this with a disclaimer that this blog was never for giving people advice, especially when they view aplatonics with such suspicion and are not actually asking any advice related to plato repulsion which is what this blog is about. I can also only go off of your statements here to draw conclusions, and I am assuming you are stating the truth here (especially as this is online, I know there is a possibility people can lie, but may also be telling the truth.). Also, we are not responsible for anything that happens to you emotionally or otherwise if you make decisions based off of this advice, because thats not within our control.
From what you said, your ex sounds like he was being rather toxic and manipulative towards you. That kind of behaviour is harmful (threatening self harm as a form of control, trying to control who someone spends time with, and not respecting peoples boundaries regarding interaction or emotional support, are all harmful actions.) and nobody should be acting that way towards others, we're sorry that happened to you. You also don't need to be concerned that someone will act this way towards you just bc theyre aplatonic. Your concern is valid, but it is in no way something that will inherently apply to aplatonics.
If you are concerned about whether this person has unmet social needs then you should just ask her about her social needs and emotional needs and what she expects in a relationship, and communicate about your needs and emotions regarding these things too. If its possible to, maybe mention that you have past issues or trauma in relationships which is why you want to be careful about dating, while not making it seem like aplatonicism is inherently a reason you think someone might hurt you(because it's not).
Set boundaries about what amount of time you want to spend with someone you're dating, and state your limits regarding how much you are okay with emotionally supporting someone / what topics you are ok with talking about / etc. . Don't assume that someone will be toxic or abusive towards you just because they're aplatonic. Its not really like your ex was inherently aplatonic just because he didn't have friends, and it may even be more likely he was alloplatonic.
Some aplatonics have and/or want friends but some dont, and moreover, if someone doesnt have friends by choice, that's very different from someone who is lonely because they don't have friends and mistreats a partner because of it. I will also add here that I don't intend to malign mental health issues just because it sounds like your ex may have had them (as you mentioned loneliness - which is different from just being alone or even liking solitude) ; mental health issues do not innately make someone abusive or toxic, and one can have mental health issues and still be respectful to people.
Someone without any mental health issues can also still very much be abusive or toxic towards others. And honestly, if you associate the concept of aplatonicism itself with this trauma then maybe its not in the best interest of you or the other person to date? And if it applies maybe it could be possible that you are simply not ready to date someone again after what happened, which is also okay, but I don't intend to assume that or be harsh in stating it as a possibility. I will also add that not having friends is not a 'red flag'. If someone has a preference to date/ be involved with people who have friends, that's okay, but not having friends is not inherently a 'red flag'.
Some aplatonics may not get lonely if they don't talk to people (but this can also be true of alloplatonics), and just because someone is aplatonic doesnt mean they will expect their partner to support them all the time to an unhealthy level or to an extent that crosses their boundaries. I will also add that there is no surefire way to tell whether someone will be abusive or toxic, although if they cross your boundaries or are disrespectful to you from the start, its worth staying away from them. Even ppl who are very kind to you initially may at some point abuse you or mistreat you, and theres no way to tell for sure whether or not this will happen because thats kind of how social relationships of any kind are.
But don't profile aplatonics as inherently more likely to be abusive or toxic (I don't know if this is intentional on your part, but hearing the word 'aplatonic' and making all these assumptions about how one may be in a relationship wounds like either this and/or like a trauma trigger extending to the concept of aplatonicism). Not all aplatonics even approach social relationships the same way, and even those who don't have friends are still capable of respecting boundaries in relationships they engage in. I wouldn't say that aplatonic people don't have emotional needs, but people in general have varying social needs and emotional needs. Some people who don't want friends may specifically not have a social drive towards having friends, but this may also apply to people who want friends.
If someone is happy without having friends then they probably don't seek emotional or social fulfillment from friendship. They may have other relationship types even if they are aplatonic (such as familial , romantic, sexual, alterous, etc.) (I don't know if you and this girl are monogamous are not but if you are intending to be monogamous that obviously is excluding sexual and/or romantic then) , and I will add that people don't always need social relationships/ bonds for emotional support. Some people may process emotions through journalling, or may go to a therapist, or such.
Some people may have people they talk to sometimes but don't call them their friends. Having friends does not ever guarantee anyone emotional support, and neither does any other relationship. It just so happens that a lot of people end up mutually (i.e. more or less both ppl give the other emotional support, it doesnt have to be equal so much as it is respecting the boundaries of both people. It is also possible that people may be incompatible in this regard) giving emotional support due to just being around people they are close to and also due to having some kind of emotional connection.
Anyways, long answer short, aplatonicism doesn't say anything about someone's social needs or emotional needs, and neither does alloplatonicism, and its often better to communicate with people you are close to or are looking to be close to, about important aspects regarding relationships.
(Also stating here that this is not an advice blog, we will be deleting any asks seeking advice from now on. If you want you can send in asks as reply to this response, as long as you aren't asking for more advice)
Anyways I hope it works out for you, whatever you decide to do.
(Additional disclaimer - to anyone who sees this post - do NOT suggest that 'narc abuse' 'borderline abuse' or whatever is real, do not imply mental health issues cause ppl to inherently be abusive, and do not treat having no friends as a 'red flag', regardless of platonic orientation or favorability)
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little-pod · 2 years
if you fc someones system based on how their system works or how intricate, detailed, or big their innerworld is. if you fc someones system based on how many alters/headmates they have. if you fc someones system based on if its an introject heavy system (specifically fictive) or fc someones system based on if all the alters/headmates have a different voice or accent when they talk, or if they dress differently or anything alone those lines. if you fc a system because they let their littles online or stuff along those lines. if you fc a system because their alters/headmates have a lot of roles or no roles. or if you fc a system because there are several innerworld relationships. or if you fc a system because they have a lot of nonhuman alters or if most/all their alters/headmates get along or if they dont get along all that much. or try to fc a system because you dont think thats how systems work. then you dont know how systems work. you dont know how DID/OSDD works. stop acting like you do.
so what if one system formed/split an alter from a show that came out 2 weeks ago? do you not know how introjects work? there csn be an alter/headmate that already exist and adopts that character as their source fun-fuckin-fact.
so what if one system has a lot of nonhuman alters or a lot of demon/angel/god(ess) or whateverthefuck alters. religious trauma is a thing. dehumanizational trauma is a thing.
so what if one system lets their littles online? 1.) tf does that have to do with you mind your own business and 2.) littles arent actual literal children. *brain explodes* i know. shocker. for everyone that thinks that you are thinking wrong.
so what if a system has a lot of innerworld relationships or if their alters/headmates get along or not? non of your business once again stay in your own lane.
so what if a systems innerworld is big and detailed and theyre only bodily 13yrls. its not your headspace/innerworld to access. who cares if one or several alters/headmates have a lot of roles or no roles? it aint your headmate. it aint your alter. is it? 🤨
it doesnt matter if they all talk/sound the same or not or if they get along or not or if theyre all a big family or dating or related or not or if they let littles online or not or if theyre introject heavy(specifically fictive heavy) or not or if they have a lot of nonhuman alters or not or whatever tf they got goin on in their system. because its not your system.
stop cockblocking what can/cant make a system valid.
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violentviolette · 11 months
do you think self diagnosis is valid? i have had issues with mental health since i believe age 8? i recall my first suicidal thoughts showing up at 11-12. i’m pretty sure i have some form of cptsd and i suspect adhd but when i ran a test for trauma disorder the therapist told me i didn’t have it?? and like according to them i’m not even depressed. but how can this be if i’m so fucking tired and exhausted all the time and i keep trying my hardest but always fall back into a hole. sorry for rambling but i trust your opinion on this
i think valid isnt a useful word when talking about this stuff but essentially, absolutely
i think self diagnosis is not only a viable option that can be just as accurate as professional diagnosis, if not more sometimes, but its also some peoples only option. and i think thats just fact
the only thing that differentiates a professional from a layperson is knowlege, which is a thing that not only can a layperson aquire, but that a professional might not even have. mental health is extreamly unstandardized and the teaching of mental health treatment is wildly all over the place in the us, in some places it is decades outdates, in others its horrendiously biased, and in some its virtually nonexistent. and thats if ur even seeing an actual doctor. a LARGE problem in the mental health field right now is that a majority of people presenting themselves as therapists are not properly trained or educated with up to date information and are more akin to counselors or life coaches than doctors.
ive had therapists tell me i couldnt have anger problems because i was too intelligent to put my fist through a wall when that was exactly what i was doing, that i couldnt have aspd because i have a vagina, that i couldnt have ptsd because i was a child, and tons of other completely false information. therapists are very often wrong, and i think the opinion of 1 random person doesnt ever trump someones entire lived experience. if u know something is wrong, then it is, even if some drs dont believe u. and u are well within ur right to continue to seek out treatment and information to help urself
ive had around 15 therapists in my life, starting at age 13 and i can honestly say maybe only 6 of them were genuinely qualified and gave me treatment that was based in science and accurate to my situation and therefore genuinely helped me. the rest ranged from actual quacks who violated several laws to just woefully incompitent
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were sick of the incorrect yet widely pushed theory behind DID - you know the one- "DID develops because when youre severely abused as a child you consciously dissociate, consciously block memories, and your alters are based on your imaginary friends!" our host loses all feeling of validity and feels like theyre faking every time they hear: •you are aware of your trauma as the host when youre a child and you said to yourself "i hate this. it scares me. i dont feel safe. im gonna make an imaginary friend to deal with this" (which is a myth, were talking about toddlers here dissociating and theyre not smart enough to do it consciously yet)
"the failure to integrate memories is a conscious thing! the host isnt able to process the distressing memory so they develop alters based on pretending the distressing memory didnt happen! " this beats the whole purpose of DID- to hide the memories from the host who will never know they were abused until years later.
"if you had DID youd have memories of being scared, feeling unsafe, and not be bubbly or feel happy at all because thats how ptsd works" (its not, all trauma related disorders come with dissociation which being numb, which can be mistaken by a small child for being happy, is a part of dissociation. and most people with DID report having mostly neutral or happy memories of their childhood but thats because of dissociative barriers hiding the trauma.)
these are all myths based off the fantasy model of DID- before the theory of structural dissociation, psychologists thought people were born with a whole personality that splits because the person cant handle their trauma, and that imaginary play (pretending the trauma didnt happen consciously, putting the trauma on imaginary friends) was how alters developed. which is false- DID develops for survival which means the host knows none of their trauma until theyre out of the situation, and the other alters are there to defend the body and hold memories. for DID to work the host cant consciously block memories at 3, consciously create alters at 4, or be aware theyre in a traumatizing situation until theyre out of that situation.
so if any other DID systems come across this misinformation dont believe it. if you only have happy childhood memories thats how DID works for many. your brain did what it needed to survive and thats a complex thing thats different for every system.
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schizosupport · 4 months
hey :) so im currently having what is likely psychotic episode, ive experienced various trauma both through childhood and with sexual abuse, and currently have struggles with eating, self harm and also have extremely severe anxiety, depression and then bpd and adhd too
i think more than anything i just want the validation that it is psychosis, that it likely isn't real but it's okay, and that getting help IS a good thing, bc ive been rejected from the public health system for it bc apparently im not psychotic and it wont get worse- as well as any advice on what to do about it all (im in australia if that helps)
uhm. so there's this guy called lamben that showed up about two months ago now, and since then hes explained stuff around me needing to help him take down the queen of the opposing nation, bc shes hurting his people and he brought me some of the victims and theyd had severe burns and everything and it's all more around magic
and so ive been asked to train with him to use the powers i have that are stronger than all of his peoples, which i can see it's like black smoke almost, and then also talking to this other guy called kesan whos the queens assistant thats against what's happening
and so there's been a plan made and everything of how to infiltrate the castle and im terrified rn of going through with it in case i get caught and stuck and i dont take her down i get taken captive
and idk if i sound dumb but like. either im able to connect with another world or its psychosis
and everyones saying it isnt real but i need help navigating it all if youre able to offer anything at all
tysm, know this was a bit of a dump but ty 🫶🫶
Hi there!!
I'm happy you reached out to me. It sounds like you got a lot of stressful stuff going on at the moment, both in shared reality and private reality.
To respond very simply, what you describe sounds like a flavour of psychosis to me, based on my understanding of reality, and I hope you can access some competent help with it. It sounds like a really stressful position you've been put in, where you are the only one who has the ability to save these people you feel have been contacting you.
I'm wondering how you experience your connection to this world? Is it as if reality around you changes, are they coming to you in dreams, or a third option?
I'm asking because I'm wondering what it might entail in "shared reality" to infiltrate the queen's castle? If you think about the actions you'd have to take, is this something that could put you in danger or trouble within the reality that we share with most people?
I'm not doubting your experience and that it's a type of psychosis, I'm asking to get a feeling of what the "real life" implications are of your beliefs and the actions you are being asked to perform. It sounds like you are aware that these beliefs and experiences are unusual, and at the very least aren't aligned with the reality other people are generally experiencing. So I am hoping you are able to think through how you've been interacting with this other world so far, to compare how your actions would appear in shared reality.
Because the first question to think about is whether this has the potential to be dangerous to you or others. Because if it does, you may need to escalate the asking for help. I don't know a lot about Australia, but in my country that would look like contacting emergency services if you feel that you are in danger of doing something that can be dangerous. But I would suggest trying to ask someone Australian, to confirm if what emergency services has to offer is actually helpful.
If the answer is no, it's not dangerous, that doesn't mean it isn't causing you significant distress. But it means you have more space to safely explore your options for help in your own pace.
It might also be that the distress it's causing you is in some ways a welcome distraction from other brain and life issues at the moment. Sometimes psychosis can be a type of escapism that the brain engages in. For example if you feel powerless, it can feel good to have special powers to save others, at least for a while, until the pressure might get to be too much.
It's not necessarily black and white, only good or bad.
As far as help goes, I wonder if you currently have anyone like a therapist or anyone like that, to work through trauma etc with? Or other types of support? Psychosis can definitely be heavily linked to stress, and lacking support to work through other difficulties you're facing can make it worse. The help offered for psychosis itself is unfortunately often somewhat lackluster, often it starts and ends with antipsychotics, even though psychotic people do benefit from therapy. There's at the same time a tendency for mh professionals to dismiss symptoms of psychosis, and to focus on them very single-mindedly. Many people experience either being dismissed, or to have the psychosis being acknowledged while everything else gets pushed to the side. So it can be complicated to navigate the system while having psychosis and other issues that tie in with it.
I hope some of this was helpful, feel free to return to my inbox. I wish you the best ❤️
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petorahs · 1 year
☀️ its fascinating that you say P3 has shaped your worldview because... Well not to trauma dump here but back then when I discovered the game (it was back then when p4 was already out) i was... In a REALLY bad place and wondering about unaliving myself. I wont go into much detail but kids are trash man and teens are even worse. and then this game came around. With an aesthetic I really liked. i am not a native english speaker so it was hard for me at first but somehow this game just... /spoke to me/. A game about life and death and what it means to be alive and what it means to have a REASON to live, somehow... Convinced me to go a bit longer. I mean it when I say this: Persona 3 saved my life. And no other game can ever come close to such an experience. (Even tho from a quality standpoint P5 certainly is up there)
oh dude that is so valid thank you for sharing this. seriously though, im happy that youre here! and im sure many others are too! the ☀️ brightening lives and all that :]
yea i can see why p3 just clicked with so many people since it first came out. i was always curious on why it's so beloved by fans, when p5 and even p4 are literally right there with their overall better gameplay experiences. p5 literally got the franchise mainstream to insane heights lol. im... so glad i got into persona the way i did. of course, everyone's experiences w these games are different and special to them in their own way.
i got into persona 3 as an adult and as a result the lens in which i viewed the story's themes were heightened, in a way. as a teen i just know i would have reacted more volatilely i struggle to think about it LOL but both experiences would still be pretty intense. it's just that, as an adult there's more room to digest it when im not troubled by algebra hw. i was just more equipped for it (also i played omori two summers ago LMAOO). ofc i only turned 20 a few weeks ago LOL but i get why p3 means so much to people.
because it's like... 2000s nostalgia coupled with a game that figuratively holds your hand through the uncertainty of death yknow? p3 is a friend, basically. its entire thesis is based upon companionship (exactly what i highlight in an analysis i have drafted somewhere but HHH i dont want this to get too long lmao)
in the shaping my worldviews thing... its really more like it cemented my 'philosophies' :] like i said, equipped with the stuff i learned before, p3 having the message that it did just... hit super close to home! like yeah! that's what i've been saying dude!! kindness really is enough!!
"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life... Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of."
LIKE YEA GIRL THATS EXACTLY IT!! its so cool! i actually admire people who grew up with p3 because man if i heard this line ages ago... well, again, idk if i would be able to grasp it fully at the time... but still! this is so good, poetry in motion. and like u said its aesthetics are gorgeous and aim to capture the essence of its themes - and it did.
im a p5 baby like bro i love p5. soft spot for it. thats the closest persona game i "grew up" with and it came at such an opportune time for me, being a teen stuck between a rock and a hard place. typical. and p5 validated my teenage angst bs so much. its so refreshing to see a game's theme being rebellion. that was me i thought. those characters are going through something that similarly happened to me. teenage rebellion is such a fun thing to explore!
so p5 validated my struggles while p3 did something deeper than that, somehow. i think it just made me .. stronger? like it made me move on from struggles. "by remembering death you learn how to live" so... i guess p3 taught me how to live as crazy as that sounds. but you get me
persona 5 overall is great -- everyone agrees, like its objectively just a better game. but persona 3 ends up more beloved because of its subjective value as a piece of art. there's a lot of heart and soul to put into it.
it's more simple when compared to p5 at first glance, but simple doesn't mean less. which is why more people experiencing it will be nice to see
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ssreeder · 1 year
mmk letting you know I’m alive
even though I’m still lowkey sick??!?! sick under situations of duress (ie my sister sat on me like I was a GODDAMN HORSE and induced a coughing fit despite me thinking I was recovered) (my sister is not a small sister though, my sister is 21 and Tall so maybe coughing was a reasonable bodily reaction idk)
anyways suki thoughts: I would literally be devastated if I were her and the boy I liked appeared to reciprocate my feelings and then I found out that not only did he FULLY LIE TO ME ABOUT ALMOST EVERYTHING but also was actually interested in somebody else. I would not have been the bigger person that suki was I would’ve told sokka to go fuck himself and then gone off to wallow and shit talk him with the girlies.
but then again when the katara lying to zuko about being sokka sitch went down I wouldn’t have hesitated to pretend like she did so… maybe I’m just a bad person. (jokes, I totally think suki was valid for her response and I actually think it was an insanely emotionally mature response???? like being emotionally mature is about recognising your emotions and reacting appropriately so you don’t hurt others in the process unnecessarily, NOT ignoring your emotions/not having them to begin with so you can always put the feelings of others before your own and have the “ideal” reaction… not to be too deep about this AND I DONT THINK PEOPLE MEANT IT TO COME ACROSS LIKE THIS but it also makes me feel kinda iffy about the fact that suki a teenage girl is being criticised for letting her own valid emotions get in the way of her assisting sokka a boy through his trauma.. kinda giving women expected to perform emotional labour for men all the time…….. OBVIOUSLY A LOT OF THIS SENTIMENTALITY IS BC WE KNOW HOW FUCKING HARD SOKKA HAS IT AND HOW ITS THE TRAUMA THATS CAUSED HIM TO BEHAVE THIS WAY but it’s still not sukis job to “fix him” especially as a priority to her own well-being. and idk it makes me think about whether the reaction would be the same if the situation were reversed. MAYBE IT WOULD BE !! sorry I just have a lot of thoughts about arbitrary expectations regarding traditional gender roles T-T)
anyways this was supposed to be a short ask to let you know I’m alive and once again it got out of hand. SMASHING YOUR LIGHTBULBS *mwah*
~also I’ll share my iroh theories next chappie reaction REMIND ME TO DO IT I CANT FORGET SREEDIE PLS I HAVE SO MANY OPINIONS~
Ok you had better not still be sick or like WTF. you need a dr.
Hahaha - the way you rationally state the facts of the situation between Sokka & Suki is so funny because you actually bring up a lot of great points & you do it with so much flare.
Is Suki responsible for catering to Sokkas emotional reaction to his trauma by being overly understanding and making justifications for what he did?
Should Suki have stayed and allowed Sokka to drag her back into a situation that made her emotional and uncomfortable?
Should Sokka have accountability for his actions & not be allowed to blame his trauma for hurting sukis feelings? Or was he justified for what he did because he is obviously in a bad place and we know how mentally fucked he is right now?
Is Sokka or Suki responsible for the others emotional well being in any capacity if they are just friends? & how far should they be willing to go? At what level does it become too emotionally draining and toxic?
I DONT KNOW LEEKIE,,, I JUST DONT KNOW!! I love how you look at gender roles and I think the situation is interpreted differently by each individual who looks at it based on how they would react and the expectations they have for characters to perform a certain way.
I love complex situations & how many different right & wrong ways it can go…. Hehehe *skips happily*
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