#1.5 hour intake
katebeckets · 6 months
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daily-hyosatsu · 7 months
So I have a (somewhat goofy) kanji name to use for websites that don't accept kana names, because that's not that uncommon even in the year of our Lord 2024. But I recently encountered something really unusual, something I hadn't seen in nigh on 15 years of living here: a website that required my birth year in the Japanese calendar! As a required field. Wild. Do you know what year you were born?
You probably know that in addition to the Western calendar 西暦 [せいれき], Japan also uses 和暦 [われき] (or 年号 [ねんごう]), which are eras named after the reigning emperor. So when you have to write the date in any official documentation, you often see this.
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(Cropped from a random medical intake form on Google Images.)
This a standard field for birthdate, or 生年月日 [せいねんがっぴ]. The characters 明・大・昭・平・令 each stand for an era.
明 for 明治 Meiji, 1868–1912
大 for 大正 Taishō, 1912–1926
昭 for 昭和 Shōwa, 1926–1989
平 for 平成 Heisei, 1989–2019
令 for 令和 Reiwa, 2019 to present
(Plus sometimes 西 for 西暦 )
As an example, I've filled it out for a fire rabbit (a 1987 baby! a very good year), born on tumblr's favorite holiday.
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That's Heisei 62 for the year 年, November for the month 月, and 5th for the day 日, giving an age of 36 years (36歳 [さんじゅうろくさい]) and 4 months (4ヶ月 [よんかげつ]).
So what's to stop you from just writing the Western year? Generally, nothing! Lots of people do it (I think). Just make sure to write all four digits to avoid confusion with the one- or two-digit Japanese years and you should be okay....... Except for this one, once in 1.5 decades form that actually made it the required format. I wish I'd thought to take a screenshot! Now I can't even remember where it was because I'm working 12-hour days and my brain is broken!
In conclusion, you can look your birth year up here! The site may look pretty barebones, but it's very useful for converting Japanese numbers, traditional units, etc.
P.S. - I was going to end this post with a birth year poll (because I love polls), but once I started to make it, I realized that anyone who isn't Heisei or Shōwa is basically either a preschooler or a centenarian and is probably not on this website. Oh well.
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ros3ybabe · 9 months
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Day 27: 90 Day Challenge 🎀
yesterday was a pretty good day. However, I only slept 4 hours last night due to late night caffiene intake, and I am feeling it this morning. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some stuff done today and now rot in bed all day.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
gym glute day for 1.5 hours
walked home 25+ minutes
cooked pita bread pizzas for the first time (delicious!)
🧠 Mental Health
I dont remember if I did anything for my mental health yesterday, but I don't think I did
♥️ Emotional Health
again, can't recall anything specific at the moment
📚 Intellectual Health
I know for a fact I did nothing for my intellectual health yesterday even tho I know I gotta start doing something for it
🏘 Adulting
went to brunch with my dad
got my unemployment account unlocked
applied for unemployment
bought groceries
picked up some paperwork from my job about the temporary unemployment
video called my boyfriend
rescheduled two night meeting with my mentors
🥰 Self Love/Care
morning skincare
I litteraly can't remember anything right now omg
my brain feels like it's malfunctioning right now due to lack of sleep and whatnot. If I remember anything else from yesterday, I will edit this post to add to it. get your beauty sleep, girlies, cause lack of sleep is no fun!!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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justbets · 7 months
My kid who was really struggling is finally doing better. When I say it was a scary time, I am not exaggerating. I wish I knew what turned it around, but I am not sure. My guess would be that we pulled her out of school. She currently gets 1.5-2 hours of tutoring a day, but just had an intake at a more therapeutic school. If she’s not accepted there it will likely be a year+ waitlist to get in somewhere else. I am fine if she gets accepted or not. I honestly don’t think the program at this school will work for my kid, but I am hopeful I am wrong. They just happen to have one spot open up in her grade so our home school jumped on it and the school already had a lot of other kids apply for it. She’s so much happier, calmer and more stable now that she’s not in 6 hours of school a day, so if we do a year of tutoring it’ll be fine. (My husband might not agree since he is the stay at home parent and I travel 3-4 days a week for work. If I were the parent at home I would completely pull her out and homeschool for a few years, but he is not able to handle that)
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ssixely · 21 days
I need simple/easy ways to lose...
Relatable. It takes so long sometimes to lose so less. Especially when you're stuck in a w31ght.
But sometimes very small things could help you lose. So here's a list of very simple things I do that help me with losing.
These do not work much if you aren't already actively trying to lose: f4sting, less c4l0r13 consumption, exercising, ect.
Eat slowly, this includes taking a moment after swallowing b4 you stuff your mouth with food again.
Drink lots of water in a day. 2-3 liters a day recommended (but don't drink it all at once!!).
Fidget! N with that I mean: tapping fingers, swinging feet in chair, rocking back n forth, ect! You'd be suprised maybe, but you do burn c4l0r13s when fidgeting, even if it's just a little.
Have a regular day of eating every 1.5-2 weeks. This means eating more than what your normal everyday c4l0r13 intake is.
Stay under cold water for 10-15 seconds before every (hot) shower.
^ Take a full shower in just cold water every 2 weeks.
Exercise right before bed/sleeping. I always do 70 sit-ups in bed, right before I sleep.
Have an OMAD f4st every once in a while, but not every 1-3 days. Otherwise they do not help after a while anymore.
Sleep enough!!!! Atleast 8 hours a night. Without proper sleep, you're body will not lose as much as you want it to!
Do not purge unless really really really necessary if you can help it. (If you have bul1m14, I could understand how this could be harder to follow.)
I'll make another post another time with more ways. For now, these are all I can think of.
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icravehybernate · 15 days
About to hit the hay for today! Good sleep is key to good metabolism!
I want to hold myself accountable, so I'm posting my kcal and water intake, as well as a recap of my fasting hours!
Fasting time:
Start: September 4th, 4:30 pm
Finish: September 5th, 6:31 pm
Total: 26 hours, 1 minute
Notes: The key to fasting so long was to keep myself preoccupied. Schoolwork, dancing, whatever. Just something to keep my mind off food. And when I really couldn't, starting an activity and setting a timer for 5 minutes helped me go on. Usually I'd want to continue with the activity instead of eat.
Intake Breakdown
Total Breakfast Intake: 0 kcal.
Total Lunch Intake: 0 kcal
1/2 of a Think! high protein bar (115 kcal)
1.5 cups of Popcorn (38 kcal)
Gerber Pumpkin Baby Food (35 kcal)
Total Dinner Intake: 188 kcal
Hot cocoa (23 kcal)
1/2 Sugar free Halls (3 kcal)
Diet coke (0 kcal)
Total Misc. Intake: 26 kcal
Total kcal Intake: 213 kcal
Total water intake: 48 oz (yea i know i stink but i've been busy today)
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Anyways, that's all for today! I'm proud of myself for hitting less than half of my limit! Here's to another great day tomorrow!
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ephemerafloat · 3 months
tw: ed / ana ⋆☾
*✧・゚:* ⋆☾⋆꙳₊✧
intake 2 / JULY
b: 3am
1.5 scoop protein powder
(105 cal, 16g protein)
4 tbsp nonfat greek yogurt
(38cal, 6g protein)
1tbsp salted natural peanut butter (95cal, 4g protein)
l: 4pm
small banana (100cal*)
d: 9pm
apricot (19cal*)
leftovers (130cal**)
*produce round up
** half portion of the amount of i ate yesterday, round up
canned espresso vanilla flavored (90cal, 5g protein)
132oz still water ♡
total intake: 577cal
total burned: 749cal (12mi, walking)
⋆𐙚 day net total: -172cal
eod weigh-in: 127.6lb
❀ ❀ ❀
sleep sched been all over, figuring that out. felt so body snoozy after walking but in the best way. smoked a girl blunt and had a half hour yin yoga practice. keep my shrinking body limber !
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zennamianna · 4 months
🩷 5.20.2024 🩷
I saw someone else post a little diary entry sorta thing in this layout and it's so cute, I wanna start doing it too!!
I relapsed so bad a few weeks ago while I was inpatient (for not ed related reasons) and I was okay after I left because mentally I was doing better. But my friends and I were talking a lot today abt my weight and how I was super super skinny in middle school then gained a ton if weight in freshman year and how I lost a lot recently from my relapse. Now I'm relapsing again😅 I wanted to come back to Tumblr again to feel less alone.
Had an awful eating day, I wouldn't say I binged but definitely over ate... I had therapy this morning and I decided to eat my feelings away. I didn't even relapse with my restricting until like a few hours ago.
194 lbs (6ft tall)
BMI: 26.3
B: ---
L: 1.5 pack of Mi Goreng stir fry noodles (600 cal)
D: 4pc chicken tenders, medium fries, sauce, half a 22oz dr pepper (terrified to do the math)
S: popcorn (140 cal), goldfish (130), rice crispy treat (190)
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shehu1k · 4 months
05/13: 199.8, 45.5” waistline
Today: 193.6, 44” waistline
Difference: -6.2lbs, -1.5”
I’m not one to measure success by the scale, but it is a good tool to use when starting out/getting back on the grind and tracking. It is obvious that this is a good amount of water weight as I am becoming more conscientious of my intake and focusing on portion control. The real work begins once I’m able to break 190lbs again and being able to fit into clothes more comfortably.
Aside from eating more sensibly and working out, I am also beginning a regimen of completing at least 5 hours of study time per day with review videos, notes, and practice exams. The more effort I put towards investing my time into studying, the higher probability I’ll score to pass my boards. This method also closely applies to my workout /eating regimen and goals in becoming healthier.
Nothing worth it ever comes easy, and I’m praying that the next month will show through all of that progress as long as I trust it and put my faith forward.
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ladidawnn · 2 years
abc diet accountability ✿⁠ ⁠♡
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I started doing this today (26.12.2022) and I'll be updating every day (let's hope that I don't forget) I'll be upping the intake slightly on weekends.
At least 18 hours of fasting before you deserve to eat
reduce your sugar intake
1 hour long yoga or pilates 3x a week
at least 5k steps every day
1.5 hours of cardio 2x a week
20mins of workout of your choice every day
bonus: If you really need it, a metabolism day (1600 cals) every two weeks
if you want to join lmk <3
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Day 1 of 3
Went 22.5 hrs without eating anything, had 2 liters of water and like 1.5 liters of pepsi max. Intake is gonna be only to neutralize my daily exertion during this. Ramen: 106 kcal Pepsi max: 18 kcal One boiled egg w a tablespoon of mayo: 123.5 kcal Daily movement: -251.3 kcal Day total: -3.8 kcal. YAY im in the minus!! Walked around in circles in my room to not overstep with the egg lol. Probably not gonna fast for 22 hours tomorrow like i did today, im gonna go on a walk midday and run some errands so thatll be my calorie burn.
Original post
Fast timer
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penncilkid · 1 year
hi hello im here cause i wanna ask questions i love asking questions SO:
1. i haven’t listened to your vampire audios yet (a crime that i’m working on resolving) so this may be answered in there BUT- how are they “turned”? (are they turned? again idk) and like how often do they have to feed/is there any consequences to not feeding? can your vamps die from not feeding?
2. similar strain of thought, how do werewolves work. like. i wanna know everything. like do pack dynamics differ? how does one become a werewolf (are they turned, is it a gene they’re born with, etc)? how does shifting look like in your universe? does one need to have a pack?
3. i do know that there is a magical government like thing but like how involved are they? do they interact with non magical government at all? do they make laws that only vivified have to follow?
4. speaking of vivified, how would they describe magic to someone who isn’t magical/is new to magic? this can be specific characters of you want, and your choice of such, or a general consensus that you’d think everyone tries to explain
that’s all actually but feel free to pick and choose what you want to answer!! it’s a lot of information to try to explain (probably) but :D yeah
Beating you up for these /j /pos (Thank you for the questions in advance)
1: Turning is something that is centered around vampiric blood and where it ends up rather than connected to bites necessarily. When vampire blood spills into a bleeding/open wound, it will forcibly shut down the human's body within a minute or so, give or take. However, if turning is desired, the injured individual has to ingest at least 1.5 oz of vampire blood. (Note: That's roughly the capacity of a shot glass) Once this takes place, consciousness is lost as the heart stops. The newly turned vampire will eventually wake up with fangs and a very weakened heartbeat.
How often a vampire needs to feed depends on how much blood they intake as well as how much additional magic they exert.
Yes, there are consequences from not feeding, and vampires are capable of dying as a result. There's a progression of symptoms the longer a vampire goes without blood. One of the more common ones is anything ingested besides blood (ex: regular food) will become unappetizing— Sometimes to the point of physical rejection from one's body. When a vampire is on the cusp of dying as a result of lack of blood, a phenomenon called Blanking occurs. It's a state of being where waking consciousness is lost, and a vampire is driven by their primal instincts. If a Blank vampire is unable to feed within 48 hours, death ensues. (I think about Blanking a normal amount /lying /pos)
2: Werewolves (and other animal shifters) are born that way! There is no turning process, and it is not a classification that can be gained later in life/after birth. Joining a pack is not a requirement for shifters, and many will forego it for one reason or another. Pack dynamics tend to vary from one pack to another. However, there are many packs that adopt a "traditional" mindset. Traditional packs will focus their energy and resources on fellow shifters alone, and they often have a rigid image on what the alpha should look and behave like.
There are actually two stages of shifting. You can think of them as a first and second step in the sense that they're only possible in a specific order. The "first" stage of shifting is still humanoid but results in fangs getting sharpers/longer, claws forming, eyes changing, and a general increase in size. Many shifters will often use this stage as a means to intimidate or scare someone off, shifting back to normal after the fact. The "second" stage is a full-body shift into a wolf/the animal in question. The transition between the first stage and second is almost instant. It is possible for shifting to be triggered when under immense emotional and/or physical stress. Otherwise, shifting is an active choice. (Bonus Note: If a shifter wants to remain clothed after shifting back to normal, they either have to have shifter specific clothing imbued with magic or phase their clothes as part of the initial shift.)
3: FACE (the Foundational Agency of Confidentiality Efforts) deals with various aspects of the vivified world. Everything from stagnant exposure to magic to public correspondence when necessary. There are other magical governments/organizations that handle less generalized matters, but FACE is the biggest/most notable of them. The magical government deals with the stagnant government fairly often. They keep the amount of unveiled stagnant individuals to a minimum, very much so on a need-to-know basis. Laws created by the magical government are meant primarily for vivified humans. I specify humans because with cupids, those lines can get blurred. While they are not made for them to follow per say, there are many laws on how to interact with the stagnant population as well.
4: There's a lot of ways to answer this! If you mean from one person to another, that would depend on individual personality and such. It would also depend on the circumstances in which someone is learning about magic. [For example: Nova's magic anchored after witnessing a traumatic event while still a child. Because of the nature of that situation and what he is, his guardians had to do their best to explain things to him. // In Jessalyn's case, she had a cupid trying to explain magic to her after living her entire life veiled. Because "Peaches" felt like they couldn't sufficiently explain, they took Jess to FACE instead. // In the case of a newly turned vampire, FACE will provide a very brief "overview" before passing the responsibility off to either the vampire's maker or the vampire themself.] There is a department within FACE dedicated to informing newly vivified individuals about magic, but the efficacy of their efforts is debatable.
I hope that answers all your questions sufficiently (but also feel free to bug me with follow-ups /lh)
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jupejumble · 11 months
I respect the snap pea grind actually. One time I ate like one and a half bags of sunflower seeds in a few hours. do not recommend those things have like 200% of your recommended daily salt intake
im on my second 1.5 pound bag of snap peas
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lifeinkinder · 1 year
Let's review my week, shall we:
Monday: echo, ECG, cardiologist at the children's hospital 1.5 hours away for little man.
Tuesday: pediatrician visit, and early intervention intake interview for little man. Therapy for me.
Wednesday: 6 week postpartum visit for me. Newborn photos for the twins. Trip to convienent care for me. Trip to the ED also for me. (No worries, I'm fine. CC was concerned about DVT because of significant swelling isolated to my left leg, but that has been ruled out).
Thursday: oral maxillofacial consult for little miss' tongue tie (talk to me about your experience with getting tongue ties released. I'm undecided on what I want to do since she's feeding well). Audiology appointment at the children's hospital an hour and a half away for little miss (passed with flying colors). Virtual visit for me for me because of course I have an abscessed tooth.
Friday: hip ultrasound for little man because he was breech and his pediatrician noted a hip click.
So far, next week we only have 2 things and I need it to stay that way.
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eltriador · 11 months
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FULL NAME :  Léon Antonio Sepúlveda Castillo . NICKNAME(S) : Lee . NAME MEANING : Léon - lion , Antonio - Spanish form of Antonius , Sepúlveda - derived from the Spanish to bury , Castillo - Spanish cognate of castle . AGE : Appears about 38 . DATE OF BIRTH : October 24 , 1939 . PLACE OF BIRTH : Mérida , Yucatan , Mexico . CURRENT LOCATION : Tecate , California , United States of America . ETHNICITY : Mexican , Filipino . GENDER : Cis man . PRONOUNS : He / Him . SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Heterosexual . ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Heteromantic . RELIGION : Catholic , non - practicing but he is spiritual . OCCUPATION : Blacksmith by trade , gunsmith . Former US Army Specialist . EDUCATION LEVEL : High school diploma , training provided by the United States Army . Lee has a certification and license to legally blacksmith . EXTRACURRICULAR : Fixing and tuning all sorts of vehicles including cars , trucks , and motorcycles . The occasional video game ... with a preference for arpg's ( he's been going hard at diablo iv , don't @ him ) and the occasional shooter . Social drinking . LIVING ARRANGEMENTS : A modest 2 bedroom 1.5 bath house . He uses a shed for his smithing work and his decor is simple . His house is clean , thankfully he's not a slob , but it looks very bare bones as far as personality goes .  FINANCIAL STATUS : More well - off than he looks . He lives modestly .  SPEAKING VOICE AND ACCENT : His voice is a touch higher in tone than one might expect at a first glance of him , however it is by no means high . Lee has a California-Mexican accent ... which is to say , he was born in Mexico and raised for a good chunk of his life first in Oakland , Cali and later in Tecate . He never lost his accent , but it's not as thick as it once was when he lived in Mexico and spent time around family . SPOKEN LANGUAGES : Spanish , English . VOICECLAIM : Clayton Cardenas .
FACECLAIM : Clayton Cardenas .  HAIR COLOR AND STYLE : Dark brown , nearly black . The back and sides have a gradual fade shaved into them while the top is longer . He typically slick it back . He also sports a well - maintained beard around his chin , with scruff along the rest of his face . COMPLEXION : Tan skin , without blemishes . However he does look a little older than he is .  EYE COLOR : Dark brown . EYESIGHT : 20 / 20 . HEIGHT : 6'3" .  WEIGHT : 193 lbs . BODY AND BUILD : Lee is , for lack of a better descriptor , built like a brick shithouse . He's tall , broad , and muscular . He works out rigorously to keep in shape and has a carefully regimented diet to compliment his calorie and protein intake . All to say --- he's a large and physically imposing man .  TATTOOS : Tattoos cover his chest , his left bicep and forearm as well as his inner arm , and his right inner forearm . He has none on his back . They are all varying in personal meaning and aesthetic . PIERCINGS : None presently . Ask him about the dare during service , though .   CLOTHING STYLE : Loose , worn jeans & old work boots , flannel shirts buttoned all the way up his neck but rolled to the quarter - sleeve , zip - up hoodies and fat silver rings adorning his fingers . A long and obnoxious wallet chain . A well - worn leather jacket . DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS : Oddly soft eyes that are disarming , but can turn fierce in an instant . Dog tags tucked often into his shirts . Neatly coiffed facial hair and slicked back hair . Silvered scars across his neck , arms , chest , back , legs , fingers . SIGNATURE SCENT : Warm earth , crushed fall leaves , leather , nicotine , musk and regular - scented Old Spice .
MENTAL DISORDER( S ) : Unaddressed PTSD . It's theorized he has some form of anger management issue , as well . PHYSICAL DISORDER(S) :  None . ALLERGIES : Seasonal , mostly tree pollen . SLEEPING HABITS : Stomach sleeper . Because of military conditioning he often goes 4 hours at a pop with a max of 6 . EATING HABITS : A bit of a health nut . Lee is big on proteins and healthy meals , but indulges in red meat when he can . He loves a nice steak , and he'll swear by his mother's home made tamales . SOCIABILITY : A bit of a chatty Cathy in the right settings , Lee is known to be serious with a streak of dark humor and sarcasm to him . If you're someone he's closer or more comfortable with he's hardly ever serious , but his delivery is mostly dry . BODY TEMPERATURE : Considering he's a werewolf , his average body temperature is about 105 . ADDICTIONS : Nicotine and caffeine . DRUG USE : Smoke a little weed when he was a teenager but quickly grew out of it . ALCOHOL USE : Socially , but if he's going to indulge it's going to be with alcohol .
POSITIVE TRAITS : Adaptable , attractive , challenging , charismatic , driven , detail - oriented , focused , passionate , precise , & thorough . NEGATIVE TRAITS : Aggressive , brutal , destructive , dominating , flighty , malicious , narcissistic , sarcastic , unhinged , & vindictive . LIKES : Guns , cigarettes , time alone but also social time , clubbing , his bike , cats , heavy summer rain and thunderstorms, autumn , black coffee , & women . DISLIKES : Fake people , politics , kids ( loves his , doesn't like other people's ) , loud mouths , winter , hybrid cars , heights , romance films , country music , & emotional commitment . FEARS : Heights . HABITS : Smoker ( pack - a - day kind ) , excessive coffee - drinker , tends to bounce his leg when he's irritated . GOALS AND AMBITIONS : Just to live , man . ASTROLOGY : Scorpio , but miss him with astrology of any kind . PERSONALITY TYPE : ESTP-A , Entrepreneur . MORAL ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Neutral . HOGWARTS HOUSE : Fuck JKR. ELEMENT : Fire . PRIMARY VICE : Lust , wrath . PRIMARY VIRTUE : Diligence . WEATHER : Heavy summer rain and thunderstorms . COLOR : Dark purple and black . MUSIC : Playlist . MOVIE : Alien , Kill Bill .  BOOK : Ender's Game . SPORT : No . BEVERAGE : Coffee , Whiskey straight . FOOD :  Chicken and cheese tamale's , courtesy of his mom . ANIMAL : Cats. SEASON : Fall .
MOTHER : Laura Antonia Castillo Espinosa . FATHER : Jaime Oscar Sepúlveda Montillo ( deceased ) . SIGNIFICANT OTHER : Mariela Torres Jimenez ( fiancée , deceased ) . BEST FRIEND : Love him . EXES : Lee has only ever had one night stands or flings / friends with benefits since Mariela passed away . SIBLING(S) : Angelita Diana Sepúlveda Castillo ( sister , younger ) , Gabriel Diego Sepúlveda Castillo ( brother , younger ) . CHILDREN : His son is still alive , though he doesn't know it . He has a grandson he doesn't know about , as well . EXTENDED FAMILY : A lot of cousins he doesn't talk to . PET(S) : Two calico cats from the same litter - Dottie and Henrie
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doingthehardthings · 1 year
Sobriety Check!
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Public accountability post re: my drinking.
At its worst (during marriage): 1.5 L of wine a night.
I find that now I'm slipping into drinking 1-2 a week, and not just a glass or two, either. Many drinks over the course of many hours. I also drank frequently during my vacation. No going out and partying all night, but definitely a drink here and a drink there. I'd like to be more mindful of it and reduce my intake again, particularly because I'm staring to feel supply anxiety if I do not have alcohol in the house. I'm starting one week at a time.
This week: no drinking.
Days sober: 7 days
I'll update every day that I do not drink. Which will be ever day this week.
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