#2 years without Christina
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By: Christina Buttons
Published: Apr 4, 2024
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[ Figure 2: Representative images of Hematoxylin and Eosin-stained sections of testicular tissue biopsied from the testis from GD patients (A) with and (B) without PB exposure. ]
In a groundbreaking study from the Mayo Clinic, a globally recognized leader in medical research and patient care, researchers examined the effects of puberty blockers on testicular development in gender dysphoric male children. Their investigation revealed evidence of mild to severe atrophy in the sex glands of these children, leading the authors to express doubt in the claims of “reversibility” often made about puberty blockers.
The authors assert, “We provide unprecedented histological evidence revealing detrimental pediatric testicular sex gland responses to [puberty blockers].”
This preprint study, not yet peer-reviewed, presents evidence that puberty blockers induce significant cellular changes, impacting testicular development and sperm production in ways that are not fully reversible, with potentially permanent effects on testicular function and fertility. It challenges the longstanding view of puberty blockers as a reversible "pause button" on puberty.
As noted by the researchers of this study, no long-term studies exist for the use of puberty blockers in the context of stopping puberty for gender dysphoric children, and many potential health consequences remain unknown. In particular, the long-term impact on reproductive health is uncertain, making this study critical for filling this knowledge gap.
To address these unknowns, the Mayo Clinic has established the largest collection of testicular samples for patients aged 0-17 years, including those with gender dysphoria who have and have not yet received puberty blocker treatment, creating a database of over 130,000 individual cells for analysis.
Using a novel approach, the research team meticulously analyzed testicular tissue samples from youths undergoing puberty blocker treatment, with those not on puberty blocker treatment serving as controls. This comparison provides important insights into the potential cellular and molecular changes induced by these drugs.
Key Findings
The study utilized the Mayo Clinic's Pediatric Testicular Biobank for Fertility Preservation, which has been recruiting patients primarily from pediatric urology departments since 2015. Researchers analyzed testicular specimens from 87 young individuals (ages 0-17) undergoing fertility preservation surgery for various health reasons. Among these, 16 were gender dysphoric boys between the ages of 10 and 16, all of whom began identifying as transgender girls between the ages of 2 and 15. At the time of surgery, 9 patients (56%) were already on puberty blockers, with exposure ranging from 3 to 52 months. The authors noted that 100% of the 16 children would eventually go on to take them, highlighting “the widespread nature of PB intervention in this demographic.”
Among nine patients treated with puberty blockers, two exhibited unusual features in their testicles upon physical examination. One patient had abnormalities in both testicles, including incomplete development of the tunica albuginea, which is a protective covering around the testicles. The other patient had a right testicle that was difficult to detect.
In one part of the tissue-level analysis, over 400 testicular biopsy samples were analyzed and stained to examine the differences between those treated with puberty blockers and those who were not. Comparisons showed that testicular development in those treated with puberty blockers was abnormal compared to non-treated individuals. There was variability in how individuals responded to puberty blockers, leading to different outcomes in testicular development, including the degeneration of testicular tissues.
The study authors presented a case of a 12-year-old patient who underwent treatment with puberty blockers for 14 months. In this individual, 59% of the sex glands showed complete atrophy, along with the presence of microlithiasis—a condition where small clusters of calcium form in the testicles. This insight suggests that puberty blockers could lead to lasting structural changes. Additionally, research has shown a link between testicular microlithiasis and testicular cancer.
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[ D) Representative images of normal (top) and fully atrophied sex gland (bottom). ]
This study also utilized single-cell analysis to investigate the effects of puberty blockers and aging on testicular cell composition. It took a very detailed look at individual cells from the testicles of a 14-year-old who had been on puberty blockers for over 4 years. The study analyzed a total of 130,100 cells, including 11,199 cells from the juvenile puberty blocker-treated patient.
The study observed that over 90% of the cells responsible for sperm production in this patient were stunted at an early developmental stage, unable to progress further. Additionally, it found "pathologically" higher and lower levels of two types of support cells (Sertoli cells) necessary for healthy sperm development. These findings suggest that puberty blockers can disrupt the normal maturation process of cells critical for sperm production.
In another part of the analysis, the authors found distinct cell-specific changes, including altered expression patterns of puberty-associated genes in endothelial cells, due to puberty blocker treatment. The authors believe that these drugs might induce juvenile testicular atrophy in part by disrupting the normal function of testicular endothelial cells.
Another aspect of the study focused on examining the effects of puberty blockers on the genetic activity of early-stage sperm cells, revealing significant changes that could potentially influence their development and fertility. By analyzing the activity of specific genes within these cells, the researchers found that puberty blockers may have caused alterations in gene expression, affecting processes crucial for the normal growth and function of these cells. This analysis suggests that the use of puberty blockers in gender dysphoric youth could have lasting implications for their reproductive health, particularly by impacting the ability of these early-stage sperm cells to mature properly.
Study Impact
Puberty blockers are increasingly used as a treatment for gender dysphoric youth to halt the development of secondary sex characteristics, such as breast development and widening of hips in females, or the growth of facial hair and deepening of the voice in males. Thousands of children in the United States are placed on this medical pathway as part of the gender-affirming model of care, under the presumption that these drugs are safe and fully reversible.
However, many aspects of the long-term consequences of puberty blockers, which have been administered to children off-label in an experimental manner, remain unknown. This study contributes valuable insights into the potential irreversible harm these treatments can cause to bodily and reproductive functions. 
Arguably, the most critical finding is the evidence of mild to severe sex gland atrophy in children treated with puberty blockers. This atrophy signifies potential damage or impairment to the structures essential for sperm production, raising serious concerns about the long-term fertility impacts of these drugs for these individuals. 
Given the Mayo Clinic's esteemed reputation in the medical and research communities, should the study pass peer review without any issues, its findings will carry significant weight.
Broader Implications
Puberty blockers belong to a group of synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues. These drugs act on the pituitary gland to hinder the release of chemical signals that typically trigger the production of estrogen and testosterone. Historically GnRH analogues were used to treat conditions such as prostate cancer, fibroids, and endometriosis and, in some cases, as a measure to chemically castrate sex offenders.
In children, puberty blockers prevent the natural changes of puberty driven by sex hormones and have been used to treat central precocious puberty, a condition where a child begins to sexually mature much earlier than usual. In gender dysphoria, puberty blockers are administered experimentally, lacking long-term testing.
Notably, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved puberty blockers and sex hormones for use in pediatric gender care. No clinical trials have substantiated the safety of these drugs for such non-approved applications and manufacturers of puberty blockers have repeatedly declined to conduct safety trials for their use on this cohort.
While puberty-blocking drugs are often promoted as “safe,” "reversible" and a "pause button" on puberty, these characterizations seem to stem from their approved use for treating central precocious puberty in younger children, not their burgeoning off-label use for managing gender dysphoria in adolescents. 
Past studies have indicated possible negative effects on bone density and brain health. There is also a concern that these drugs might solidify gender dysphoria in adolescents, potentially leading them down a lifelong road of biomedical interventions. Following reports in 2016 of suicidal ideation in children administered puberty blockers, the FDA instructed drug manufacturers to include a warning about potential psychiatric issues on the drugs' labels.
Puberty blockers are increasingly administered to adolescents at Tanner Stage 2, the first signs of puberty. Research shows administering puberty blockers at this stage, followed by cross-sex hormones, may result in infertility, sterility, and sexual dysfunction. Furthermore, they inhibit the development of mature male genitalia, making it difficult to create a pseudovagina in the event of a later vaginoplasty due to a lack of sufficient tissue.
The National Health Service England recently announced it would no longer prescribe puberty blockers to youth outside of research settings and closed down its only national clinical service for pediatric gender medicine, following a review that deemed the service "not safe.”
Several European countries, including Sweden, Finland, the UK, Denmark, and Norway have updated their guidelines for youth transition to align with systematic evidence reviews, the gold standard in evidence-based medicine. These reviews concluded that the risks associated with youth transition outweigh any purported benefits. Consequently, these countries have implemented restrictions on medical interventions, prioritizing psychotherapy as a first-line response for minors experiencing gender-related distress.
They're sterilizing boys and giving them cancer. When "god" does it, we call him evil. When humans do it, we call it "gender affirming care."
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—𓆩[i’ll kill you]𓆪—
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hey anon honey, quick little thing, the ages don’t make sense so reader is 2 years younger than Tobias, initiated into Dauntless and is in training rn but you and Tobias are dating - more explained in the story. — also, this got out of hand, this is like 2.2K words-
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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You chose Dauntless because Tobias went there, but you never expected it to fit, or how much the rest of the initiates could see you and Four’s relationship.
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Tobias came to see you the night before you would be choosing the faction you would spend the rest of your life in. He snuck into your house, especially because you certainly weren’t fitting into Abnegation.
You held back giggles as the Dauntless soldier quickly slipped inside, a smile on his face as he leaned forward to try and kiss you.
“Tobias!” You whisper shouted, thankful that your parents were heavy sleepers as he pressed a firm kiss to your lips, pulling you closer. “What happened? It’s been a while since your last visit.”
“Everyone is so caught up with the ceremony tomorrow, I finally got the chance to escape,” he says, smiling as you lay back on the bed and he quickly straddles your waist. He lets his hands dance along your sides, his mouth pressing kisses to your neck. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”
You giggle, pushing your hands through his hair. “I’ve missed you too.”
“What did your results say?” He asks, his head resting on your collarbone, lips softly pressing into your skin. “You can tell me.”
You paused, thinking about the results you had gotten, ‘Inconclusive’. She told you not to tell anyone, but Four didn’t count, right?
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’ll go anywhere you go. I can become a guard at Candor, if you stay here I’ll do patrols, if you go to Amity I can become a wall guard-”
“My results were inconclusive.”
He pauses, looking up at you. “What?”
“They were inconclusive,” you repeat, inhaling deeply. “She asked me what faction I planned to go into and put it as my result.”
“And what faction is that, my love?”
“Dauntless,” you whisper, looking down at him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I want to be with you the rest of my life.”
He smiled, lifting himself up with his arms to lean down and press another kiss to your lips. “And I want to be with you, Y/N. I promise, I will never do anything to hurt you.”
You nodded, smiling up at him. “I know.”
The next day, you did choose Dauntless, along with another Abnegation girl named Beatrice. She sat next to you, giving you a slight smile which you immediately returned. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m aware,” you say with a slight hum, shrugging. “I know everyone in Abnegation. Kind of my job.”
She pauses, staring before gasping. “You’re Y/N! You couldn’t choose when you were supposed to.”
“Right,” you giggle, shrugging. “Now I’m here. It’s nice to meet you.”
You both stick together until the train, where you both meet Christina who tilted her head at you. “You seem familiar.”
“My name is Y/N.”
She hummed. “Right, you’re the one who used to know Marcus’ son.”
You pause, but nod. You still knew Marcus’ son, he just escaped and told you not to tell anyone of what happened. You never knew why, mainly because Tobias never told you, but you were hoping it’s because he wants to see his father fall apart on his own accord - mainly because that’s what you wanted.
“They’re jumping,” Christina announces, looking back. “They’re fucking jumping!”
You weren’t surprised, this is something Four told you would happen. You stand, looking out the open door and looking back at them. “Well, you guys ready?”
“Are you sure you were born into the right faction?” Christina asks, scoffing playfully. “You’re not even hesitating.”
“I’m not scared,” you say, shrugging. You had a slight twist at the bottom of your stomach, but it wasn’t fear, maybe excitement? “Let’s go! Or I’m jumping without you guys!”
Beatrice smiles, standing as Christina scoffed. “Alright. Together?”
You all grab each other's hands, you being the first to jump and roll into the gravel covered rooftop. You inhaled deeply as you tuck your head under your arms, your thin gray Abnegation dress bunching up around your waist as you finally stopped rolling and landed on your back. You smiled, laughing as you laid there before Christina stood and held her hand out over your body.
When you stood, Eric was announcing they needed someone to jump. No one was speaking up, so you slowly offered a raised hand. “I’ll do it.”
“Well then, get up here.”
You recognized Eric from when Tobias came around, and you were sure he knew somewhat about your relationship. Slowly, you slipped off your sweater, ignoring the taunting of one of the men before quickly jumping onto the edge. “Today, initiate,” he leans close to your ear, humming. “Your boyfriend will be down there to catch you.”
You glared at him before slowly tipping forward, giggling as your weight finally got caught by gravity and you fell straight down. For a minute, you thought you’d keep falling until you finally hit the net, gasping as you finally fell into it, bouncing before you looked to the side. You smiled widely when you saw Four, quickly crawling to him as he offered his hand.
“Did someone push you, Y/N?” He asks curiously, smiling as you shake your head.
“Mm mm,” you hummed a no, taking his hand as he helped you out of the net. “Just thought about seeing you.”
“Well then,” he smiles. “First jumper, Y/N!”
Dauntless was different, and to be honest, you were liking it before you were shown the dorms. “If you like this, You’re going to love the bathrooms. There’s clothes on the cots, Y/N,” he looks at you, humming. “You’re coming with me.”
Your nose scrunches in confusion, looking back at Christina and Tris who stared at you. “Wh-Why-?”
“Y/N,” his voice is more stern, a raise of his brow making you inhale deeply before grabbing your clothes. “Come with me.”
You quickly walk after him, inhaling as he leads you down the hall before he signals you to come to his side. “To- Four. Four, where are we going?”
“You can call me by my real name, Y/N,” he smiled, his hand slowly pushing into yours and pulling you down the corridor. “I like it when you say my real name.”
You giggled, holding his head as he pulled you closer to him, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. He was never really one for pet names or terms of endearment, but he always made up for it in actions. “Where are we going?”
“To my room. Our room,” he corrects, shrugging. “I pulled some strings and you can stay with me. For the rest of your training and life, our life.”
You gasped as he pulled you closer to him, his hand pulling your body close to his as you hummed against his lips, stroking his hair. His hands hold your hips, grunting softly as he pressed you harder against the wall, his fingers bunching up your dress before someone clears their throat, laughing. “You got a stiff as a girlfriend, Four, I didn’t expect that.”
Four pulled away, glaring at Eric as he pulled your face into his chest. “Fuck off, Eric.”
“Well, the stiff doesn’t look that stiff anymore,” Eric leaned against the wall as you attempted to cover your face in embarrassment. “Does she? She staying with you, hm? Don’t think that’s fair to other tributes… or instructors.”
“You better choose your next words fucking wisely, Eric,” Four pushed you behind him, shoving the other Dauntless male. “I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Four,” you whispered, tugging on his shirt. “Please, take me to our room, I want to leave.”
He looked back, cursing under his breath before shoving his finger into Eric’s chest. “Fuck with her I’ll fucking kill you.”
He pushed you back, slowly turning around before guiding you down the corridor. “See you both later!”
It didn’t take you both long to get up to his room, watching as you changed in front of him. He stared at your form, your body not foreign, but the need to memorize was filling his head. He stared at your body, the curves of your torso and your hips, eyes staring at your beautiful body.
“Look good?” You giggle, spinning in the leather pants and tight black shirt. “I like it.”
“You look perfect in it,” Four stands, walking towards you and pressing a firm kiss to your lips. “Do you want to go eat?”
You pause, then shake your head. “I’m not very hungry.”
“You want me to bring you back food?” He offered, smiling when you nodded. “Okay. Get some sleep.”
You nodded, leaning up for a kiss as he slowly pushed your hair back. “I love you, Tobi.”
“I love you too, honey.”
During training, you were certainly doing better than anyone would’ve thought, and maybe that was the problem. “Maybe our little stiff is sucking off Four to get some more points,” Peter says, laughing as Will snorted. You didn’t miss the slight giggle falling from Christina’s mouth, but Tris looked shocked.
“Why would-”
“Oh, the other stiff doesn’t know!” Peter stood up straight, walking towards you. “Y/N here is in a… relationship with Four. Or is it just a fuck buddy thing, because if you’re sucking him off, that means you can do the same for me? Hm?”
It was a split decision to punch him, taking great pleasure in the way he groaned and quickly held his nose before smashing your elbow in between his eyes and kicking him in the shin to watch him crumble to the ground. Your hand grabbed the back of his head, slamming it into your knee before Christina tries to step forward. “Y/N, calm down-!”
“You’re thinking the same thing, aren’t you?” You let Peter fall forward, shoving her. “All of you are!”
She scoffed, but didn't fight back knowing you damn well would beat her. “What else do you expect us to think, huh?! Just because you’re doing so well in physicals, you’ve passed up fucking Dauntless borns!”
“But no one is questioning Tris? Why not, why is it just me?!”
“Because you’re fucking a damn instructor!”
“Fuck you, Christina!” You clenched your fist, holding back from shoving her as you groaned. “Fuck all of you!”
You left in a hurry, storming up to Four’s room and screaming out in frustration. You were glad that he wasn’t here as you kicked everything in sight, shoving the walls as though they’d move.
“Y/N, what the hell happened?” Four asks as he came inside, your naked form covered with his thin blankets as you hugged his pillow. “Y/N? What's wrong?”
“Am I… is the only reason why I’m high in the ranks because I’m fucking you?” You whisper, the word already making you wet. You had already gotten off a few times against Four’s pillow that you hugged tightly, mainly because you stripped and being surrounded by everything that belonged to him was such a turn on.
“What? The fuck are you talking about, did someone say something?” He was walking towards you as you tighten the blanket around your body, watching as he paused. “Someone said something, didn’t they?”
You inhale shakily, nodding as he slowly pulls the covers off of you, humming when he sees the wet patch on his pillow. “I… I love you, I love you Four, but I'm doing… Am I doing good?”
He nodded, pulling off his shirt and kicking off his shoes, slowly pulling your legs apart. “You’re doing so fucking good, honey. Perfect, everyone thinks so, and what you did to Peter just proved it. I think… I think that I should give you something to celebrate how good you're doing.”
You smiled, biting your lip with a nod. “Yes… yes, I think I should be praised. I want you to… show me how good you think I’m doing.”
He laughs, leaning down to press a firm kiss to your lips and letting your hands tug at his pants. “You think I’m lying to you? I could’ve gone to Candor, darling, I would never lie to you. I think you’re doing great,” he hummed as he let his fingers push into you, a gasp falling from your lips as his two thick fingers slid into your pussy easily. “Fuck, you already fucked yourself? How many times did you cum?”
“Th-Three times,” you whisper, whimpering as he twists his fingers inside of you and flexes them. “Thinking about you, Tobias. Thinking about your cock fucking me.”
He groaned, humming as you slowly gripped his cock, pumping his already hard length. Four smiled, hissing softly as you pulled his tip to your entrance, bucking your hips. “You want me to fuck you? Hm?”
You nodded mindlessly, eyes rolling back as he slowly pushed into you, groaning. “Fuck, fuck Tobias!”
He groans into your neck, sucking hickies onto your skin, his girth making your legs spread wider in an attempt to make your cunt suck him in faster. You whined loudly, attempting to make him push deeper as he laughs. “You’re that desperate? After three orgasms, you still want my cock? Fuck, I like seeing you like this. I love seeing you like this, I think it would be fucking amazing if I came home every day and you’re fucking yourself thinking about me. Can you do that for me?”
You nodded, your mind focusing on his cock ramming into you, eyes rolling back and head thrown into the pillows as your hands held his shoulders. “Yes! Yes, I can! I can, I can!”
He groaned loudly, his cock finally bottoming out as he panted above you. “I’ll show you how good you’re doing, honey, because you’re so, so good.” 
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© asterias-record-shop
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voicesknewmyghosts · 1 year
Safe Place Part 2
Thank you for all of the love on the first part of this story, it was definitely unexpected but i am incredibly grateful. Thank you all x
It’s been a week since you arrived in Romania to support your overworked and exhausted girlfriend, Jenna, while she filmed Wednesday. Being with her the last week has shown you just how much pressure has been placed on her young shoulders to make this series as perfect as possible, with a tough act to follow in the form of Christina Ricci’s portrayal of Wednesday years before. 
You’ve done everything you can to support her. You’ve stayed up until she got home - often very late at night - and made sure she had a cooked meal to eat whenever she was ready. You’d draw her a bath and would either sit on the side and help relax her as you gently washed her tired body, or you’d join her in the water and have her lean back against you, letting her sleep for however long she needed to. You’d make sure she called her Mom and Dad because that always made her feel so much better, and you’d always make sure you got up with her at the crack of dawn so you could make her a big breakfast and pack her a good lunch to take with her to work. 
You were her rock; her anchor; her own little place in the world to escape to and be nurtured. Jenna works so incredibly hard to be the best actress she can be; it’s only fair she has a partner that works just as hard to be somewhere she can relax and let the weight of the world slip off her shoulders. 
Since you’ve been here, you haven’t actually met anyone besides Jenna and her security guards. You’ve heard wonderful stories about her cast mates; particularly about Hunter and Georgie and their antics; and about Emma and how sweet and funny she is; as well as Gwendoline, someone that was able to take on a nurturing role for Jenna while you weren’t there, for which you are forever grateful for knowing how much it helped her to have someone to talk to. 
But they’ve all just been too busy to have time to hangout outside of work; but, tonight, finally, you’re getting to meet them all at a game night Georgie is hosting in his apartment. 
You’re excited, of course, but you can’t help the nerves hitting you as you think of how much these people love Jenna; you just hope you’re able to impress them. 
But what you don’t know is that the whole cast has already been highly impressed by you without even meeting you. They’ve noticed how happy Jenna seems since you arrived, how light and cheerful she seems now that she gets to go home to her safe place. They’ve noticed how her shoulders sag less and her smile seems genuine once again, like it was before the pressure of Wednesday caught up to her. 
They already love you, and they’re all so excited to finally meet the person that makes Jenna as happy as you do. 
Jenna finishes work at a reasonable time ahead of the first weekend she’s had off in weeks. You are waiting for her, arms open ready to give her a hug when she walks in the door. You haven’t cooked dinner for you both, knowing Georgie has gotten pizza ready for you all, so instead you’re focusing on giving Jenna the hug she will no doubt be desperate for after a long day. 
Just like clockwork, Jenna pushes open the door and immediately crashes into your embrace. Her arms wrap around your waist, her head buries itself into your neck, and you wrap her up in a strong hug. You can feel the tension she’s been carrying all day slowly begin to fall away as she relaxes into you, but you can still feel some tension in her muscles. You glance at your watch and make a decision knowing you have another hour before you have to get to Georgie’s. 
“Babygirl why don’t you meet me in the bathroom, let’s get you relaxed before tonight.”
She nods before reluctantly pulling away to move to the bathroom, but not until she’s pulled your head down to meet hers so she can give you a long, deep kiss. 
You can see in Jenna’s eyes just how tired she is, so you give her a quick peck on the top of her head before telling her to go with a quick swat to her ass, laughing at the smirk on your girl’s face as she walks away. 
You gather the things you need before joining Jenna in the bathroom where she’s already started running the bath. You place the things down on the side before you stand in front of her, pulling her into a soft kiss. 
Slowly, you begin to undress her, starting with her shirt and her bra, laying kisses on the skin you uncover. You hear her take a sharp breath in as you kneel down in front of her, placing feather light kisses just above her belt. You undo the buttons to her pants and unzip, pulling the garment down her legs easily. Teasingly you drag your tongue down her tummy, ending in a kiss just above her clit. 
“Later, my love.” You promise, looking up at her when she grabs your hair, trying to keep you from moving. Her whine is the cutest thing you’ve ever heard, and it takes all of your willpower not to pick her up and drop her onto the bed and devour her for the rest of the night. 
You get a hold of yourself, just - but you can’t get rid of the uncomfortable wetness that coats your thighs, and neither can Jenna, by the looks of it. 
You smirk before standing up, checking the water temperature. Deeming it acceptable, you help Jenna into the tub, sitting yourself on the side as you start to pour some muscle soak in as Jenna relaxes back. 
You see the tension melt from her face as the water soaks her tired muscles. You can’t help the smile that breaks out on your lips as you see how calm she looks; it makes you feel so good knowing you can help her unwind like this. 
Gently, you soak her hair and untangle the knots before you rub shampoo in. You take your time doing this; watching as Jenna’s eyes drift closed as you massage her scalp. 
Once her hair is washed, you begin to massage her body, making sure to target her shoulders and legs, knowing they take the brunt of the stunts she does during the day. 
You’re pretty certain by the time you’re finished that your girlfriend is fast asleep, so, trying not to disturb her, you bundle her up into a towel and carry her bridal style into your bedroom before quickly cleaning up the bathroom. 
By the time you’re back, she’s gotten herself into a sitting position waiting for you with open arms, the look on her face telling you the hug is non-negotiable. 
You climb onto the bed, falling into a comfortable position curled up on top of Jenna, your head on her chest, her arms wrapped protectively around you. You feel a light kiss pressed to the shell of your ear, sending shivers running down your spine. 
“Thank you for taking care of me.” Her voice is only a whisper, so quiet you have to strain to be able to hear it, but you do hear it, and the sincerity behind it brings you almost to tears. 
Turning to look at her, you say: “Always, my love. I will always take care of you.”
You hear the music blasting from the apartment before you even get into the building. You’ve scrubbed up nice, letting Jenna help you dress into something formal but casual, something you’re comfortable in. She’s always the best when it comes to helping you dress up for occasions; you trust her opinion over your own when it comes to clothes; since you’ve never been one in tune with fashion. 
You walk hand in hand up to Georgie’s apartment. The nerves are definitely getting stronger the closer you get, but a reassuring squeeze of your hand from your girlfriend helps keep them at bay. You share a smile before she reaches out and knocks on the door, the answer coming in less than three seconds, surprising you both. 
“Jenna! Y/N!” It’s Georgie; already a little drunk, he reaches forward and envelopes Jenna in a tight hug, catching her off guard but making her laugh as she returns the embrace. Then, he reaches for you, grabbing you in his strong arms and holding you close. 
“I have been so excited to meet you!” He all but yells into your ear, taking you by the shoulders and looking into your eyes. You can’t help but giggle at his antics; you’ve only ever heard good things about Georgie, so you were very excited to finally meet him and get to know him.
You follow Jenna and Georgie into the apartment, quickly having your senses overloaded by the loud cheers as the others see you and Jenna. 
A pair of surprisingly strong arms wrap you in a tight hug, and when the person finally pulls away you are greeted with none other than Emma Myers, who is shooting you the world’s biggest smile. 
“I can’t believe I finally get to meet you!” She exclaims, “Jenna has spent months telling us all about you, I'm so glad she’s found someone that cares about her as much as you clearly do.” 
When Emma moves away after talking with you for a little while, Hunter takes her place, followed by Joy, Johanna and finally Gwendoline. 
It’s a bit overwhelming to have so many people so excited to see you, but you soon become comfortable as Georgie hands you your first drink of the night. 
Soon, the beer and wine are flowing and you haven’t had as much fun as this before, you’re sure of it. You’ve successfully beaten both Hunter and Jenna at Mario Kart - much to the delight of Georgie who erupted in laughter at the playful scowl on your girlfriend’s face - but they soon got their revenge when they completely show you up at Uno. 
You spend the whole night talking and laughing and getting to know the people who have had Jenna’s back since filming started. 
It makes you so happy to see Jenna finally letting go of work for the evening and letting herself have fun. Seeing her smile and hearing her angelic laugh fills a void you didn’t realise existed until you saw just how carefree she can be when taken away from the stress of this job. 
As you sit next to her, arm wrapped around her shoulders, her head leaning on you; you just realise how thankful you are to have such a wonderful person as your partner. 
And, as you laugh with Emma at one of Hunter’s jokes, you are very grateful for the fact she has such wonderful people in her life. 
Looking down at your girl, you give her a soft kiss, drowning in her dark brown eyes as she stares up at you, her lips pulled into a cute smile. 
You just wish everyday could be spent like this.
298 notes · View notes
artistsof1d · 4 months
1D Artist Masterlist
An ongoing list of artists willing to create art for you and your fics! Will be updated as more artists sign up using the form here.
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart, Moodboards, Manips, Comics
NSFW Art: No
Preferences: I prefer creating Louis, Harry and Larry fan art as that's what I'm used to, however I am working on my style more to include the other boys. But for now, Harry, Louis and Larry. I prefer not to create nsfw fan art at this moment in time, but can create suggestive manips and moodboards. Also, I prefer to create for more fluffy topics and stay away from dark and dddne themes. My style at the moment is mainly cartoon-like but I am working on my more realistic art.
Will NOT create: NSFW fan art, dark and DDDNE themes. Art for pairings outside of the 1D boys (exceptions to Lewis Capaldi).
Timeline: At least 2-3 weeks beforehand
Commission information: None
Contact info:
Tumblr: @enchantedlandcoffee
Discord: enchantedlandcoffee
Twitter: ashtheduckling
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart, Moodboards
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: i’m mediocre at moodboards, so i prefer to make drawn art, but i’m happy to make a moodboard if someone really wants one, lol
Will NOT create: ships that are not between some combination of the five boys- no external pairings plz
Timeline: depends on what you want! if you want something quick and small, a week will generally be fine. if you want something involved and complex, i’ll need more time.
Commission information: i do not take money for art, but if people want to donate in my name to specific causes, i will happily encourage that
Contact info:
Tumblr: @justanothershadeofblue
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: the OT5 boys
Will NOT create: no violence, no gore, no non-1D characters
Timeline: few weeks is probably fine
Commission information: None
Contact info:
Tumblr: @feelmytraces
Link to art Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart, Video Trailers
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: I love drawing any of the 1d boys, portraits particularly ! larry especially are wonderful to draw
Will NOT create: I don’t do anything non-con related or nsfw for characters or people under 18. you COULD ask me to create art with animals but I cannot guarantee it will be good. I also generally don’t do chibi art. I reserve the right to say no to anything, but if you’re unsure about something, don’t hesitate to ask !
Timeline: anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on the complexity of the project/whether it’s just lineart or colored
Commission information: none - but I do have a ko-fi if anyone *really* feels the need to give money
Contact info:
Tumblr: @louieshalo
Twitter: louieshalo
Link to art
Art Styles: Manips
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: larry!
Will NOT create: ziam (too many tattoos….unless your manip request doesn’t include their tattoos!)
Timeline: typical turn around is a couple days
Commission information: None
Contact info:
Tumblr: @liminalkitty369
Twitter: liminalkitty369
Link to art Link to art
Art Styles: Moodboards, Edits
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: nope!
Will NOT create: nope!
Timeline: 1-2 days in advance
Commission information: None
Contact info:
Tumblr: @louisgayvodka
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart, Moodboards
NSFW Art: No
Preferences: Prefer Harry as I find him easiest to replicate but happy to give lots of things a go. I tend to replicate specific styles like hanna barbera, animal crossing etc
Will NOT create: Not sure!
Timeline: A month? But flexible depending on the time of year
Commission information: None
Contact info:
Tumblr: @ohharold
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: b!louis art, any ship with louis included, rare pairs are okay too!
Will NOT create: ships without louis, b!harry art
Timeline: at least 10 days preferably
Commission information: Commissions
Contact info:
Tumblr: @lemelous
Twitter: lemelous
Link to art Link to art
Art Styles: Moodboards, Gifsets. i can attempt gif manips (you can find some in my creations) but it might take a bit of time to make those.
NSFW Art: No
Preferences: any topic that isn’t too specific is fine with me as it’s sometimes hard to look for clear footage of certain things. as for ships, i’d prefer any within the 1d boys, and only louis rare pairs. as for girl direction, i can attempt to make something with gifs but it wouldn’t include faces.
Will NOT create: no full faces of kids, no underage (<18), no age regression, no daddy kink, no rape (even if it’s not between the main pairing), no incest/selfcest. i can’t think of anything else at the moment but i’m willing to talk to the author before deciding if i can help with their visuals or not.
Timeline: if they only want moodboards with pics, it can be two days prior. if they want a simple gifset (not specific footage), five days prior. if it’s a very specific topic and it must be included in their visuals or if it’s a gif manip, one to two weeks prior. they can contact me way before their deadline, it’s better to give them more options.
Commission information: if they want to tip me, they can do it at: https://ko-fi.com/nouies
Contact info:
Tumblr: @nouies
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart, Moodboards, Graphic Posters
NSFW Art: No
Preferences: Louis, Harry, Larry
Will NOT Create: characters I am willing to try any. tho i am not comfortable with dddne topics
Timeline: a week or two at least
Commission information: None
Contact Info:
Tumblr: @tomlinsins
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart, Moodboards, Manips, Video Trailers
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: larry, louis, and harry mostly, but i am willing to try out other ships just nothing outside of ot5. i feel comfortable drawing anything nsfw or sfw. i also love to create moodboards/covers and have slowly been making manips. i have a job in videography, so if there is a video trailer needed i would need a lot of time in advance since i do a lot of other video projects and art/moodboards/manips are quicker and easier!
Will NOT Create: i really don't draw anything too dark (anything that might fall under dddne, extreme gore, certain kinks, ect) but im willing to discuss and work with you depending on the topic/contents.
Timeline: preferably 2 weeks for a drawing or manip, one week for a moodboard and 1-3 months for a video, depending on length/content.
Commission Information: I don't charge for my art but I do have a ko-fi if people want to leave a tip
Contact Info:
Tumblr: @28goldens
Twitter: 28goldensart
Discord: rae.raeokay
Link to art
Art Styles: Fanart
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: Louis bl, Harry, Larry
Will NOT Create: Any other member of 1d or very explicit requests
Timeline: A 2 week window
Commission Information: None
Contact Info:
Tumblr: @vrebty
Link to art
Art Styles: Moodboards
NSFW Art: Yes
Preferences: idk larry ig??? i don't do digital art so it's only moodboards, folks
Will NOT Create: idk i don't really know? but i will say no if someone makes it weird. Idk how nsfw things can get so...
Timeline: whenever, but i'd prefer 2+ weeks? I'm not the best so just be aware
Commission Information: None
Contact Info:
Tumblr: @louisthiccsexyglitteryass
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The Be My Valentine Challenge 2024
An event from @timecanalwayshealyou
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The Be My Valentine Challenge is a challenge for writers, artists, and just any kind of creator, from the first of February to the 14th!
The idea is to create thirteen smaller, lead-up pieces based on the prompts; for example, ficlets/drabbles/one-shots, couplets, small artworks, individual gifs, et. cetera - and finish the challenge with a larger work; a fic, a full poem, a gifset, a big artwork, whatever sparks for you!
They can be a series or separate, and you're free to change mediums or fandoms for different days. If you'd rather create fourteen small works, or all large ones, or a combination of both, that's completely up to you! Prompts can be used after the event, combined, just do whatever! Only "properly" used prompts will be reblogged to this page, however.
The catch; it's all romance prompts, in the spirit of Valentine's Day and because everyone on this site is single and lonely.
Each day has a quote from an iconic or relevant romance film (The Notebook, Red, White and Royal Blue, The Fault In Our Stars, Pride And Prejudice, etc.), an iconic love song, and a romantic cliché, act, or item.
This account will be reblogging a few works (art, drabbles, ficposts, etc.) from the event tag (bemyvalentine2024) each day. Full tagging rules, the transcribed prompt list, and other event details are under the cut. If you're unsure about anything, send in an ask! Happy Creating!
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There will be an ao3 collection open from the first of February to the fourteenth for submission. Artworks, gifsets, etc. posted to tumblr should be tagged appropriately to be seen as part of the event.
The official spotify playlist for the event can be found here.
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Anyone who completes this event is considered a Valentine, and anyone who participates is a Lover. At the end of the event, a form will be put out, so if you wish to be tagged in a masterpost, keep an eye out! I won't be fact-checking, it's an honour system, so please be honest.
There will be completion and participation badges, too! They're in the works as we speak!
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Tagging System:
event tag - #bemyvalentine2024
prompt tag - #bemyvalentineno1, #bemyvalentineno2, etc.
(Or #bemyvalentinealt1, #bemyvalentinealt2, if you use alt promtps)
the theme or specific prompt/s you chose - #love poems, #quote, etc.
fandom or oc - #stranger things, #original content, etc.
any trigger warnings/nsfw tags if needed
and then your own tags!
Only works tagged correctly will be reblogged to this page, so please take note!
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Transcribed Prompt List:
Day 1: "But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." Because You Loved Me, Celine Dion | Love Poems
Day 2: "I want all of you, forever. You and me. Every day." A Thousand Years, Christina Perri | Growing Old Together
Day 3: "I fell in love with a world through her eyes." Ocean Eyes, Billie Eilish | Love at First Sight
Day 4: "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you." Marry Me, Train | Wedding Vows
Day 5: "My love will keep me from being a lonely spirit." When I Look At You, Miley Cyrus | Long Distance
Day 6: "People do belong to each other, because that's the only chance that anyone's got for true happiness." Home, Edward Sharpe | First Love
Day 7: "It's so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk." Sweater Weather, The Neighbourhood | Snowed In
Day 8: "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on." Say You Won't Let Go, James Arthur | Love Letter
Day 9: "You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." Lay Me Down, Sam Smith | Widowed
Day 10: "Hold on, are you writing a song?" I Want To Write You A Song, One Direction | Love Songs
Day 11: "To me, you are perfect." Perfect, Ed Sheeran | Kissing in the Rain
Day 12: "History, huh? Bet we could make some." Love Story, Taylor Swift | Historical Romance
Day 13: "I wish I knew how to quit you." All of Me, John Legend | Making Up
Day 14: "You don't step in love, you fall in. Head over heels." I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston | Valentine's Day
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aanoia · 9 months
𝖆𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖎𝖆'𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
These are works of Fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination, coincidence or used in a fictitious manner.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.
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『 m a r a u d e r s 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [Love From the Other Side]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, Love From the Other Side by Fallout Boy
warning(s): blood, death, death eaters, voldemort in the flesh, yk, not good ending
↠ [London Boy]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, London Boy by Taylor Swift
warning(s): nothing
↠ [Mine]
summary/prompt: Remus Lupin x reader, Mine by Taylor Swift
warning(s): death? idek
↠ [Broken One]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, Broken One by RaeLynn
warning(s): divorce (if you need to talk, reach out. this is something I know personally so I'd love to be someone you can trust about it.)
↠ [arms]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, arms by Christina Perri
warning(s): Sirius :)
↠ [Cold]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, I hate making these.
warning(s): ptsd, flashbacks, trauma, yk, the usual with our boy Sirius
↠ [Horribly Right]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, after seeing Sirius being slapped by his mother, you decide to pull a prank that's outcome goes horribly... right?
warning(s): abuse, getting disowned
↠ [Like you hold the world in your hands, and the stars in your eyes]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, none (once a pt. 2 is posted this will be moved to the series section)
warning(s): none really, just cursing
↠ ["Just Friends"]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, truth or dare leads to drunken confessions leads to sweet kisses
warning(s): alcohol, mentions of weed
↠ [Lover]
summary/prompt: Remus Lupin x reader, Lover by Taylor Swift
warning(s): none I don't think
↠ [Pancakes for Dinner]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, Pancakes for Dinner my Lizzie McAlpine
warning(s): heavy anxiety omg, plane crash-ish?
↠ [Timeless]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, Timeless by Taylor Swift
warning(s): none
↠ [Possibility]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, loosely inspired by Possibility by Likke Li
warning(s): heartbreak. not a happy ending ish. not proofread
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↠ [Adele; 19 as fics]
summary/prompt: it's own mini masterlist, the songs from her first album as fics
warning(s): different for each fic
↠ [Dying pt.1] [Definitely (Dying) pt.2]
summary/prompt: poly!marauders x reader, the marauders had known their girlfriend smoked to dissipate the pain from her abusive family. They just didn't know how bad it could, and would get
summary/prompt pt.2: poly!marauders x reader, a failed attempt and a year later, y/n is finally okay
warning(s): serious TW, mentions of abuse, toxic asf family, drug abuse, weed, alcohol, whiskey, underage drinking and smoking, substance abuse, self harm, cuts, abuse (ish?), depression (not mentioned but apparent), seriously bad mental health
↠ [I Don't Know Who You're Talking About] [You (pt.2)]
summary/prompt: Remus Lupin x reader, after everyone they loved was gone, they needed each other but he was too scared (i'm not very good at these)
summary/prompt pt.2: after twelve years, she meets him again
warning(s): angst, blood, sad, murder, the usual
↠ [No pt.1] [Yes (No) pt.2]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, James won't give up until he gets a yes
summary/prompt pt.2: James Potter x reader, James finally gets a yes and makes sure you don't regret it
warning(s): James is lowkey and pushover and I'm pretty sure asking someone to go out over and over again is harassment so that too
↠ [a christmas advent calendar]
summary/prompt: mini masterlist, just 25 days of Christmas (my birthday!)
warning(s): different for each fic
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『 h a r r y p o t t e r 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [Can't Help but Love You]
summary/prompt: preferance, Draco Malfoy x reader, Matteo Riddle x reader, request
warning(s): none
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『 s i x o f c r o w s 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [Always By Your Side]
summary/prompt: Kaz Brekker x reader, Saturn by Sleeping At Last
warning(s): slightly ooc Kaz, death, mentions of sickness, blood, could be an interpretation of suicide if you look at the end closely
↠ [Crazy]
summary/prompt: Kaz Brekker x reader, Trouble by Valerie Broussard, the enemy of your enemy is your friend... unless they are also your enemy
warning(s): blood?, knives, uhhhh violence lmfao, enemies to lovers
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『 a v a t a r (2 0 0 9)』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [It's okay, baby]
summary/prompt: Tsu'tey x reader, Tsu'tey has a nightmare
warning(s): blood, death
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『 h a m i l t o n 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [All I Need is You]
summary/prompt: Daveed Diggs x reader, after a suicide attempt you're empty yet Daveed never left your side. What happens when you drag him down with you?
warning(s): suicide, self harm, bandages, sadness ig
↠ [Pretty in the Moonlight]
summary/prompt: Thomas Jefferson x reader, just missing your boyfriend and him missing you (this won't turn to black for some reason LMFAO)
warning(s): broken glass, cheesy Thomas
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『 o u t e r b a n k s 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [I can't lose my girl]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, JJ finds his girlfriend in a horrifying state after wanting to spend the night with her
warning(s): suicide, OD, foaming at the mouth
↠ [You cut?]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, JJ walks in on reader doing something that breaks his heart
warning(s): TW self harm, blood, cuts, broken glass
↠ [Live For You?]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, reader is fresh out of the mental hospital
warning(s): huge TW, suicide, self harm, mental hospital, mentions of alcohol and weed
↠ [How Well Do We Know Each Other (interview)]
summary/prompt: OBX cast x reader, Rudy Pankow x reader, the obx cast gets put to the test on how well they know their coworkers (again it won't turn black)
warning(s): drug mention, not proofread
↠ [Believe]
summary/prompt: John B Routledge x reader, your ex treasure hunting partner is your future romantic partners dad
warning(s): SPOILERS SEASON 3! swearing, mention of gun, suggestion of rape (nothing explicit, not even the word), burns, Rafe Cameron
↠ [Touron]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, going on vacation isn't so bad when a certain blondie comes into your life
warning(s): underage drinking, underae smoking, swearing, gun, topper
↠ [Snow?]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, the Outer Banks becomes a winter wonderland
warning(s): swearing
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『 m a r v e l 』
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↠ [Reunions and Goodbyes]
summary/prompt: Peter Quill x reader, after your best friend disappeared you made a name for yourself with the help of the Avengers, what happens when you accidently find said best friend again? But in space?
warning(s): death 😋, not proofread
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(masterlist template by @hyunnows, text dividers by @cafekitsune)
other medias and fandoms
96 notes · View notes
Who do you think are the most OP members of the FlashFam? I think it's difficult, the majority of them has almost the same powers.
Oh easy.
Wally, Bart and Barry.
I think we forget sometimes that the vast majority of the crazy feats of godlike powers we see from speedsters are coming from these three. Wally, Bart and Barry have insane connections to the speedforce and their skill level is unmatched. What these three can do is by no means normal or average. They are op as fuck.
You have to remember that even... let's say Max Mercury is nowhere even remotely near their skill level. And we're talking about Max Mercury. The guy who knows more about the speedforce than anyone else and trained for years to master it. But Max (although he was faster than Bart when Bart was a child) isn't on the same playing field as Wally, Bart and Barry. Max couldn't enter the speedforce without Bart's assistance, Max couldn't leave the speedforce without Barry and Wally's assistance, Max can't time travel to a destination of his own choice, Max can't speed steal or fully pause time, ect ect. Max is one of the most skilled, most knowledgeable, most trained and most respected speedsters of all time. Max is the cream of the crop. You won't find another speedster better than Max. He's a shining example of what's humanely possible for speedsters to achieve.
But Wally, Bart and Barry aren't humanely possible. Those three are insane.
I'm actually going to make a tier list to explain this
(AKA actually gods. Can do literally every speedster ability. Faster than literally everything. Beyond op.)
Wally West (now), Bart Allen, Barry Allen
(AKA the top of the top. Insane skills. Insane knowledge. Insane speed. Likely has a vast amount of speedster abilities other than running. Likely faster than most other speedsters. Op af)
Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, Savitar, Eobard Thawne, Thad Thawne, Irey West (future)
(AKA one of the following: above average speed, above average connection or above average abilities. Likely has one or two speedster abilities other than running. Slightly op but still beatable)
Irey West (now), August Heart, Edward Clariss, Jess Quick, Alinta (future), Hunter Zoloman (when connected), Lia Nelson, Jai West (future)
(AKA average connection, average speed, average abilities. Potentially an additional speedforce ability but no crazy speedforce abilities. Not op.)
Wally West (past), Ace West, Avery Ho, Jesse Chambers, Daniel West, Christina Alexandrova, Jenni Ognats, Jai West (now), John Fox, Red Death, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Meena Dhawan, Anatole, David Edwards (after), Judy Garrick, Bar Torr, Fastbak, Swoosh, Terri Magnus, Sela Allen, Jonathan Allen, Carrie Allen, Barry West, S'Kidd Flash, Thondor Allen, Jace Allen, Blaire Allen, Nora Allen, Agent Flashling, Danica Williams, Cherub
(AKA normal connection but below average speed and abilities. Extremely beatable.)
Baroness Blitzkrieg, Johnny Chambers, Bebeck, Cassiopeia, Harold Christos, Inertia 2, Killspeed, Mayfly, Millie Heyday, Runaround Sue, Wind, Pellmell, Poprocket, Velocity, Gabriella Rossetti
(AKA needs outside assistance to access speedforce (suit, drugs, formula), faulty connection, connection is killing them, can only access powers for short periods of time, ect)
Jai West (past), Alinta (now), Owen Mercer, Eliza Harmon, Jerry McGee, Meloni Thawne (*see notes), Gregor Gregorovich, Boleslaw Uminski, Joanie Swift, Mas, Menos, David Edwards (previously), Keigo, Ezra Gill, Henry Cosgei, Jaculi, Jaculi 2, Jimmy Olsen, Xane Swift
So yeah, as you can see by this, although all speedsters with a functioning speedforce connection are technically capable of being op, speedsters rarely actually are op.
We're just really used to op speedsters because we're used to whatever the fuck Wally, Bart and Barry have going on. But they are very much not representative of speedsters as a whole.
Do you guys remember how fast Wally used to be? When he was younger and struggling with his speed and stuff? THAT'S THE GODDAMN AVERAGE. Wally AT HIS SLOWEST was still faster than every single goddamn speedster he came across, including Jay, Johnny, Jesse, the Blue Trinity, the Red Trinity, ect. HE JUST WASN'T FASTER THAN BARRY OR EOBARD SO HE THOUGHT HE WAS THE WORST. Because Wally is fucking insane. He's an insane human being. Anyway, Wally at his slowest is the typical representation of an average speedster. That's how they typically are.
#dc#dc comics#speedsters#speedforce#flash fam#ranking#k to explain some things. first none of the names are ranked by order. so I'm not ranking them 1 Wally 2 Bart ect#they're only ranked by category. not ranked within the categories#Irey isn't in the insane category because she's actually not supposed to be faster than Wally. she's just more skilled than him#so shes good (like really good) but she doesn't surpass her fathers speed. so im putting her in top until proven otherwise#lia is in above average despite not having super speed because the stuff she has going on is INSANE#the same thing applies to Jai#Meloni is in oh no because she is technically a speedster?? she's just never used her powers in a comic? but she's listed in universe as#being a speedster and Owen inherited his speed from her. so. idk. my only conclusion is that she doesn't know how to use her speed#or she doesn't use it to spite her father.#mas y menos are in oh no because they need to hold hands to access their powers#oh and Hunter's ranking is soley off of his speedforce connection. not his time powers. Hunter's time powers are insane#i tried to stay main universe but i couldn't resist putting in some alt universe speedsters#oh and Eobard and Thad aren't in the god level because Eobard has been reset meaning that he isn't really timeless like Wally and Bart are#and hes not literally the speedforce like Barry is (no matter how hard he tries)#and Thad isn't there because... well he was a good match for Bart when Bart was really little. but i don't really think Thad is any more#like... even remotely. Bart has surpassed Thad by a lot.#Bart was literally the speedforce at one point. hes insane#also Hunter WAS a god? but for unrelated reasons (his time powers) but getting connected to the speedforce nerfed him
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gplusbfics · 9 months
Anson Mount Talks About the Strike
Last weekend at Dragon Con I attended a couple of great panels with cast members of Discovery and Strange New Worlds. Due to the strike, discussion of the actual shows was off the table and so moderators and audience members had to limit their questions to other things. It worked nicely, IMO. Anyway, the one exception to the not-talking-about-the-thing was in a panel Saturday moderated by Garrett Wang (Harry Kim, Voyager) featuring Christina Chong, Celia Rose Gooding, Anson Mount, Ethan Peck.
Wang kicked things off by talking about the strike for a minute and then handed things over to Anson Mount. I don't know if he knew in advance, but Mount proceeded to deliver parable about the SAG strike that was just epic. I had to wait a few days to locate video but once I did, I transcribed it to share. I've cued the clip so it starts right as Mount begins to speak, but I'm including Garrett Wang's intro in the transcript.
Garret Wang: I'm going to start right now with a discussion on the strike. Let's talk about the strike. I think we should. So a lot of people have misconceptions about the strike. Just to give us some facts, just to lay it out there: Only 87% of SAG's membership make enough per year to have health insurance. That threshold is what-- is it $26,000? Something around there, something very low. And that's not per month, that's per year. So not every actor is Tom Cruise. This strike is really not about greedy actors, this is about being treated fairly, about being treated with respect, which is not happening right now."
Anson Mount: Imagine you're sitting in a bar in Los Angeles and outside this big, stretch limo pulls up. The limo is hauling behind it a mega-yacht and the mega-yacht has got one of those helicopter pads on it, with a gold-plated helicopter on it. And from the back of the limo steps a guy with a $7,000 Italian suit, he's got a 24-carat gold tie pin, slicked-back hair, little pencil-thin mustache. He's got an assistant, who's got an assistant, who'se's got an assistant.
And he walks in the bar and he sees you and he sidles up next to the bar and he says, "Have I got a deal for YOU!" And you say, "Okaaay, what's the deal?" And he says, "Well! I'm starting a business in this brand new field called entertainment-- and I think you'd make the perfect business partner." And you say, "Entertainment, huh? Is that a very lucrative business?" "Oh, no no no no no, we're not making ANY money."
And you say, "Well, OK, what's in it for me, then?" And he says "Well! I will pay you to come in to work for me for one half a day for minimum wage and in exchange you will grant to me permission to use the video of you performing your expertise, as well as your expertise, for the rest of time, in perpetuity, whenever I want, without paying you any more money or asking permission."
And you say, "I don't know… Have you thought about to include me in this? Like maybe a little small percentage of profit, just a little like 2 percent?" And he says, "You're insane! We're standing in the breadlines as it is!" And you say "Wait, wait, wait. If you say you're not making any money, 2 percent of nothing is nothing. You wouldn't have to pay me anything." And he says "That's a wonderful idea! I'll pay you 2 percent always-- of nothing." And you say, "That's not what I'm saying. So: let me put it this way. You must have an independent adjudicator or somebody who counts your numbers and lets everybody, all your shareholders, all your workers, know how the business is doing." "Oh, no no no, our numbers are all proprietary information." And you say, "Well, how do I know how the business is doing?" "Well, you'll just have to trusts me, of course."
And you say, "You know what? I just… under these given circumstances I'm not sure I want to work with you." And he says, "How DARE you?! I am going to walk straight out of this bar and when I come back -- and it won't be for a very long time -- but when I do, you'd better be here here waiting and you had better be grateful for my very generous offer of 2 percent of nothing!" And he whips his cape around and he walks out of the bar, followed by his assistant and his assistant and his assistant, and they all pile into the back of the limousine, and the driver tells his assistant driver, "Peel out!" With the mega-yacht, with the helicopter.
I think at that point, any reasonable person would turn to the bartender and say, "I think that guy's out of his fucking mind!" Right? Is it just me?
Garrett Wang: Anson, I gotta say, I've been on many panels and we've had many conversations about the strike, but no one has done a staged reading!"
Meanwhile, after dwelling a bit more on the strike, the conversation moves on to (necessarily) non-Star Trek topics and is highly enjoyable.
P.S. Yes, I still exist. No longer active on Tumblr but not because I'm boycotting or anything. We just drifted apart. I do still read Garashir fic but mainly just the same 20 favorites I saved to Instapaper, over and over :)
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How are the ros when in a romance with mc?
Hi angel!
I'm going to describe kind of overarching "themes" or motifs for each of the romance options and their routes. There won't be many spoilers, but lil fun hints (fun is a loose term cuz im kinda evil).
Also, you'll get to experience romances with the RO when you read the story hehehe, trust me it's coming! The demo is only up to chapter 1...gotta give MC some time to heal from that sweet spicy trauma (or not).
Chapter 2 Part 1 is coming along quite nicely, I'm anticipating it to be about 30K without code.
Without further ado, here are the romance vibes for the RO in Memento Mori!
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Delphine: "i never knew love until I met you", breakfast in bed and massages after a long day, she wants to spoil you, "i wish i could stop time, I wish I could keep this forever." You make her feel worthy, you make her feel seen. She remembers all of your favorite things, her love language is words of affirmation and gift giving. She's protective over you; she lets you see the parts of herself she keeps hidden. all her favorite love songs are about you.
"I wanna love me, the way that you love me. for all of my pretty, and all of my ugly too. I'd love to see me from your point of view. I wanna trust me, the way that you trust me. Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do. I'd love to see me from your point of view" POV by Ariana Grande
Honorable Mention: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
Zero Chevalier: "MC over morals", it's soft smiles and softer touches, like you're the most precious thing he's ever held. it's wide eyed surprise at your reciprocation, love that is dark and consuming, you're in his sweetest dreams, and you're the light in his darkest nightmares, "remind me that this is real." has a hundred drawings of you in his sketchbook "You're my home."
"There's a lover in the story, but the story's still the same. There's a lullaby for suffering, and a paradox to blame. But it's written in the scriptures. And it's not some idol claim. You want it darker. We kill the flame." You Want it Darker by Leonard Cohen
Honorable Mention: Peace by Taylor Swift
Xa'eks/Xa'veed: war between head and heart, not sure who is falling first and who is falling harder, not only bends the rules, but breaks them for you. overwhelmed by the severity of their emotions, wants to make up for all the years they spent without knowing you, has told the stars about you, knows they will lose you but loves you like they won't, you could live inside them and it wouldn't be close enough, love language is physical touch
"I can't help but love you, Even though I try not to. I can't help but want you. I know that I'd die without you. I can't help but be wrong in the dark. 'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts. I can't help but want oceans to part. 'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts" War of Hearts by Ruelle
Honorable Mention: Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift
Ayana Tsosie: let me be your peace (when the world is going to shit), there's nothing wrong with loving again, we have more on the line than love, you can't fight your heart without hurting yourself in the long run. she keeps an eye on you across rooms and battlefields, she treats you as her equal, you've become one of the best parts of her life (new and old), you borrowed her heart and refused to give it back, but she gave it willingly. your hand in hers is what love poems are written about.
"Have you ever wished for an endless night? Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight. Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself. Will it ever get better than tonight?" Glitter in the Air by P!nk
Honorable Mention: Love Me Like You Do by Elle Goulding
Cecelia/Chase: friends to lovers but I love my friends just as deeply, they don't know they love you until they almost lose you, there's butterflies in my bloodstream (it must be because of you), partners in crime, communication without words. they know what you need before you do, they bring you flowers and will choose to stare at you over the most beautiful sunsets (because nothing compares in their eyes)
"I'm dancing in the dark. With you between my arms, barefoot on the grass. Listening to our favorite song, I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person" Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Honorable Mention: Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur
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psychofreakforc · 11 months
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Sad Tara hcs 💕💕💕:
Post-scream 2022 events, Tara stopped talking to chad, mindy or everybody that wasn't Sam, because just like her sister, she felt it was her fault that her friends or people she knew got brought into this mess. Chad and Mindy tried to get ahold of her, but she was unreachable, and Sam didn't immediately realise she was avoiding them until they sent her a message asking about Tara.
Tara has chronic pains. She hasn't told sam or anybody else to not worry them even more. But sometimes she wakes up, and it feels almost impossible to get up, move, or do anything at all but she does it anyway because she can't pause her days whenever she doesn't feel good. She told Sam that her hand doesn't hurt anymore, but in reality, she feels phantom pain. It's like she can feel the blade entering her hand again, but it won't stop. She's getting stabbed over and over again.
Since Tara was a kid, she lived in a house full of screams and constant fights between her mother and her sister, and that still affects her now. Sometimes, Sam comes home furious because of her 2 shitty jobs, and she screams, not at Tara, but still, it makes her feel like a little kid all over again.
The day Tara cut off her mother because she did the same to Sam. Tara stayed almost the entire day locked in her room, she justified it to her sister by saying she had to work on a paper, but Tara spent the all-day crying, because, even if, she knows that christina has never been a good mother and she doesn't deserve sam and tara's love, Tara was still hoping that, maybe, one day they could've been a real Family again. But for Sam, Tara would do it again without thinking about it twice. She would always choose her.
Since they moved on to New York, Tara hasn't stayed at the apartment alone once. If Sam is going to the grocery store, Tara is going with her. If quinn is on a date and sam is at work, Tara is either at mindy or chad's dorm, or she invites (forces) them to come stay at her apartment. Tara is trying so hard to convince herself that the reason is because she just gets bored alone, but deep down, she knows the real reason.
When Tara started to meet new people, she developed a habit of lying about who she really is to fill her need to be a normal person again. Sometimes Tara is from Michigan, sometimes from Florida, Texas, New Jersey... but never from California. It's like Tara was rewriting her all life, but she had complete control of it. it started with small changes, but then it became so much more than that.
After her father left and Sam got distant, Tara stopped celebrating Christmas, she used to love it when she was younger, but after the mess that happened around that period, she can't help but connect the bad memories to it. Then, after Sam left her, too, she stopped celebrating her birthday (it's not like anybody remembered it). For the first few birthdays after sam left, mindy, chad, wes and Amber tried to organise something nice for her but she didn't take it well and from then on, no one dared to do it again.
Bonus hc (this is a happy one):
When Sam came back and they started to re-build their relationship again, Tara was surprised to see that her sister remembered so many things about her, and even her birthday. On that year that Sam came back, on December 14th, She showed up in Tara's room with a box filled with gifts that she bought for all of the birthdays she missed when she left. Because even when Sam was in Modesto, there wasn't a moment where she didn't think of Tara.
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angelofthenight · 5 months
Playlist for Kenchanted
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( A list of songs that relate to my fic! Pls excuse how many Tay Tay songs there are, too many of them unironically suited this fic to a T. Songs in pink are the ones that fit the most perfectly )
Enchanted TV - Taylor Swift
The Only Exception - Paramore
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
The Other Side of the Door TV - Taylor Swift
Until I Found You duet - Stephen Sanchez & Em Beihold
I Don’t Dance - High School Musical 2
Seven - Taylor Swift
Love Grows - Edison Lighthouse
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into - Be More Chill
Everything Has Changed TV - Taylor Swift
The One That Got Away - Katy Perry
I Want to Know What Love Is - Foreigner
August - Taylor Swift
Right There in Front of Me - Equestria Girls
Out Of Touch - Hall & Oates
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
I Won’t Say I’m in Love - Hercules
I Hear a Symphony - Cody Fry
Death By A Thousand Cuts - Taylor Swift
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Fallin’ For Ya - Teen Beach Movie
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
Down in New Orleans Finale - Princess and the Frog
Style TV - Taylor Swift
Without Love - Hairspray
Head Over Heels - Tears For Fears
Wildest Dreams TV - Taylor Swift
Evermore - Beauty and the Beast
Can’t Stop Singing - Teen Beach Movie
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
Rewrite the Stars - The Greatest Showman
Holding Out for a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
Lover - Taylor Swift
Part of Your World Reprise - The Little Mermaid
Gotta Be Me - Teen Beach 2
‘Tis the Damn Season - Taylor Swift
Can’t Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
You’re the Inspiration - Chicago
Love Story TV - Taylor Swift
Oh, Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison
Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey
Begin Again TV - Taylor Swift
True Love - P!nk
Something There - Beauty and the Beast
This Love TV - Taylor Swift
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Another Believer - Rufus Wainwright
All Of The Girls You Loved Before - Taylor Swift
Tears to Shed - Corpse Bride
Never Really Mine - The Lumineers
You Are In Love TV - Taylor Swift
Weekend - Earth & Fire
Hits Different - Taylor Swift
I’m Just Ken - Barbie
So High School - Taylor Swift
Margaret - Lana Del Rey
I Can See You TV - Taylor Swift
Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys
Ivy - Taylor Swift
Man or Muppet - The Muppet Movie
Sparks Fly TV - Taylor Swift
Don’t You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
Stay stay stay TV - Taylor Swift
Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows
Cardigan - Taylor Swift
Island In The Sun - Weezer
How You Get The Girl TV - Taylor Swift
Summer Nights - Grease
Gold Rush - Taylor Swift
Crushing Me - Rise of the Pink Ladies
Daylight - Taylor Swift
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areanoodles · 8 months
Here to keep You Company!(Ever After high story)
Apple:*barges into the room* “oh dear, Darling!”
Darling laid in bed with a broken leg.
Darling:”hi apple”
Apple:”you ok!?” She ran next to the side of the bed Darling was on.
Darling:”of course I am”
Apple:”I came as soon as possible, I heard what happened”
Darling:”yeah…. I have to stop training for awhile..”
Apple:”well good, you should rest”
Darling:”I know..”
Apple:”anyways” She sat on the bed “I came here to keep you company. What have you been doing lately?”
Apple:”oh, what have you been reading?”
Darling:”all sorts of stories online”
Apple:”anything specific? Like, maybe, what type of story are you reading?”
Darling:”oh. Sorry. I’m reading an adventure story about a princess”
Apple:”yeah, of course you are” she shoves darling playfully Darling giggles.
Apple:”well, I’ll be here if you need me” she says, kicking off her heels and lays in bed near Darling.
Darling:”ok” she continues to read her book An hour passes and it’s dead silent.
The room begins to get Darling as the sun starts to go down. Apple wakes up from being half a sleep.
Apple:”what time is it?”
Darling:”it is…… 5:12pm”
Apple:”oh” she lays back down “I’m bored”
Darling:”you just woke up”
Apple:”sort of..” They stayed quiet again.
Apple:”how ‘bout I give you some kisses?”
Darling:”sure-“ Apple immediately starts kissing darling all over he face without stopping.
Darling:”a-apple! Hey!” She giggled “that’s enough kisses!”
Apple:”not enough yet” Darling laughed a little more.
-a few minutes later-
Rosabella knocks on the door. She hears giggling and laughing. She slowly opens the door and eyes wide.
Rosabella:”well wow… hey you two”
Darling was giggling until she heard rosabella. She stopped and looked at her. Apple had finally stopped too once she heard rosabella walk in.
Darling:”hey rosie”
Rosabella:”Hey. You two must’ve been havin’ fun. That’s a lot of kisses on your face darling”
Darling had red lipstick marks all over her face and neck “y-yeah, I know”
Rosabella:”well… I’ll leave ya to it. I’ll be out with your brother”
Darling:”alright, don’t cause trouble”
Rosabella:”I won’t!” She loves Apple and Darling giggle afterwards once rosabella left. Apple looked directly into darlings eyes.
Apple:”should I kiss you once more?”
Darling:”no. I’m fine.”
Apple:”alright” she plopped back onto the bed. The room was silent again.
Darling:”maybe we should order pizza?”
Darling:”can we? Please?”
Apple:”I guess so….”
-about 2 hours later-
Rosabella came back into the dorm room. She opened the door a little bit to grab something. Once she saw Darling and Apple, she decided not to disturb them. She closed the door and smiled. Apple and Darling turned to the door and looked back at each other.
Apple:”you have pizza grease all over your mouth” she put her hands on darlings cheeks
Darling:”and you have pizza grease all over your hands”
Apple:”you also have crumbs on your mouth too” she kissed Darling and got the crumbs off
Darling:”I love you”
Apple:”I love you too!”
Very long story I know. But here's a little dappling playlist.
Dappling playlist!:
●girls by girl in red
●I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
●Fell in love in October by girl in red
●boyfriend by dove cameron
●I kissed a girl by Katie perry
●A thousand years by Christina perri
I know I had more songs to add, but I forgot them and if not then, that's it.
Alright, hoped you enjoyed this!
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taylorhawkins · 8 months
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2002 Singles Roundup! (Spin Magazine)
Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins break down this year’s radio gaga…
Nelly - Hot In Herre
Dave: You know this song? Nelly?
Taylor: He could have affiliations, we better be careful.
[Spin:] I don't think he has anymore.
Taylor: Anymore. Once you're in you're never out. I've never even heard this song.
Dave: You hang out at the wrong clubs.
[Spin:] Any idea why he's got a Band-Aid on his face?
Dave: Maybe he popped a zit.
The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So
Dave: I do love the Hives. This kind of has that 'My Sharona' effect on people. It spans all demographics. It's just a totally bare-essentials rock song.
Taylor: The Stooges did it better.
Dave: Elaborate.
Taylor: It just sounds like if the Stooges were way tighter.
Dave: Or maybe if the Kinks didn't fight so much.
Avril Lavigne - Sk8ter Boi
Dave: Is this Bon Jovi? Don’t tell us. Is Pat Benetar back?
Taylor: I'm sorry, I hate high school lyrics like this. It grosses me out to picture some 50-year-old A&R dude in a limo with her, like [puts arm around imaginary girl], "This is gonna be huge, baby. The kids are going to love this." It's like, God! Go right for the fuckin' mallrats!
Dave: Well she's Canadian.
Taylor: She got a nose ring?
Dave: I don’t know, but I bet her navel's pierced.
Taylor: No, she's got a tattoo of a dolphin on her butt.
The Vines - Get Free
Taylor: I think these guys suck. This song is real fuckin' boring.
Dave: Avril Lavigne's song is more challenging than this. If you really want to challenge the listener give them some of that Canadian stuff.
Taylor: This is just, like, buy your angst at the local Kmart.
[Spin:] Dave, does this Nirvana sound bug you at all?
Dave: It doesn't bother me that much.
Christina Aguilera - Dirrty
Taylor: I'd rather discuss the video. The song doesn't even matter!
Dave: It's a serious career shift.
Taylor: Yeah, like when Guns N' Roses went from Welcome To The Jungle to November Rain. I don't know if it's going to work out for her.
Dave: I think it promotes group sex: it promotes lesbianism.
Taylor: She's a little slut! Just kidding.
Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You
Taylor: Ugh! I'm sorry, Mr Timberlake!
Dave: This is Justin? It sounds like Michael Jackson.
Taylor: Are there young boys in the video? Justin tries to dance like Michael Jackson - he even has the hat on.
Dave: Here's the deal with Justin. I'll go rent Breakin' 2 and put on Thriller, and there you go.
Kylie - Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Dave: Killer song! No question! You're getting ready to hit the clubs, put this on. It's got an old nursery-rhyme melody to it - unforgettable.
Taylor: Kylie - I'm proud of her.
Dave: I've got to say I can't stand it when a singer dances - except for Kylie.
Taylor: Freddie Mercury.
Dave: Freddie didn't dance; he pranced.
Taylor: This songs way better than that Christina Aguilera - Aguilerica.
Dave: I've got an idea! Let's start a Christina Aguleria metal cover band - do all her songs but heavy metal, and call it 'Aguilerica'.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - By The Way
Dave: What's this song about?
[Spin:] It's about a girl he wants to sleep with who's coming to the show.
Dave: Isn't that what all their songs are about?
Taylor: That's what all our songs are about.
Kelly Osbourne - Papa Don't Preach
Dave: I dig it! She's got a good voice, man.
Taylor: I bet that's Dave Navarro playing guitar.
Dave: He definitely sounds pierced.
Taylor: Whoever's playing guitar has his tits pierced, so it's probably Navarro.
Dave: I'm into Kelly Osbourne. She's the snotty punk-rock kid at your high school - but deep down, she's kinda sensitive.
Dirty Vegas - Days Go By
Dave: Is it a car commercial? You could sell a ton of cars with this song. (adopts portentous car commercial voice) Ford Aspire.
Taylor: A new wave in technology.
Dave: The new Ford Probe!
Taylor: Feel the power. Next!
Eminem - Without Me
Dave I love this. Great song, no question.
Taylor: What's so cool about Eminem is the rhythms of his melodies - he's a step ahead of everybody with his flow. As far as I'm concerned, there's him, Snoop and Kool Keith.
Dave: So good! So Hilarious!
Taylor: Awesome. He's no dummy. He's an intelligent motherfucker.
Dave: Even Moby probably likes this song.
Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles
Taylor: What the hell is this shit? Is it someone's piano recital? Who's Vanessa Carlton?
Dave: Some girl who plays piano.
Taylor: It's kind of like the new Bruce Hornsby. Does the Range play with her? Nah, I don't like it.
Dave: Flashdance.
System Of A Down - Toxicity
Dave: Badass sound.
Taylor: I like the fact music like this is...
Dave: ..challenging people.
Taylor: I'd rather listen to early Genesis or early Rush, just because it's more nostalgic, but it's fucking awesome to me that shit like this is popular.
Dave: Agreed.
Shakira - Underneath Your Clothes
Dave: Shakira sounds like she's got a fuckin' booger in her throat that she's got to cough out. She's like sex education in junior high where you see the cartoon diagrams of a penis entering a vagina; it's just caricatures of sex. That's how I see Shakira. Does that make any sense?
Taylor: No, but I say we leave it at that.
SOURCE: fooarchive.com
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shamandrummer · 2 months
Shamanism and Music
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Shamanism and music combined thousands of years ago. By observing nature, shamans perceived that the power of sound could be used to help and heal others. The first drums and musical instruments were put to shamanic use, as were many of the early singing traditions. According to Tuvan musicologist Kira Van Deusen, "In a shaman's world music operates in several ways. It helps the shaman and other participants in a ceremony to locate and enter the inner world, opening the inner, spiritual ear and eye. Musical sound calls helping spirits and transports the shaman on the journey. Both the rhythm and the timbre of musical sound help heal the patient through the effects of specific frequencies and musical styles on the human body."(1)
Music is an essential tool in shamanic ritual and healing work. Music is the carrier of the specific intention or desired outcome of the ritual. Music is used to contain the energetic or spiritual aspect of the sacred space, which is defined physically by the assembled people who participate. Dance and song propel the ritual process forward by providing a vehicle for self-expression within the sacred space. Together the musicians create the necessary container that channels the energy generated by the performance in ways that the shaman can guide toward the ritual's intended outcome.
Three elements are constantly interacting in communal healing rites: the shaman who guides the flow and pattern of the ritual, the musicians who contain the sacred space, and the gathered people who participate. Interaction between all three elements is necessary to maintain the energy, flow and intention of the ritual.
Music is also used to crack open the part of the self that holds emotions in check. For example, in funeral rites among the Dagara people of West Africa, drumming and singing are used to open the mourners to grief. Grief is then channeled in such a way that it will convey the newly deceased soul to the afterlife. Without the help of the drummers, musicians and singers, the powerful emotional energy cannot be unleashed. If not channeled properly, grief is useless to the dead and dangerous to the living. According to Christina Pratt, author of An Encyclopedia of Shamanism, "This musical container of the ritual space must be maintained continuously. The musicians do not rest as long as the ritual continues, though the ritual may last one to four full days."(2)
Shamanic Music
Shamanic music is traditionally performed as part of a shamanic ritual; however, it is not a musical performance in the normal sense. According to Scottish percussionist Ken Hyder, who has studied with Siberian shamans, "musical considerations are minimal in shamanic performance. The shaman's focus is on the spiritual intention or the energy of what is being played. When the performer concentrates on the spiritual aspect of playing, it allows the music to become very loose, spontaneous, and innovative." Hyder explains, "My approach to music making changed decisively following my experiences in Siberia. For me it starts with the dungur [drum] and the expanded possibilities of variation arising from its superficially apparent instability. And it continues to open up with other musicians being equally free in themselves and in the context of a group. That opening up has the capacity to expand and expand further making the playing fresh, different and spontaneous each time."(3)
Shamanic music is improvised by the shaman to modify movement and change while actively journeying into the spirit world. It is a musical expression of the soul, supporting the shamanic flight of the soul. Sacred music is directed more to the spirit world than to an audience. The shaman's attention is directed inwards towards communication with the spirits, rather than outwards to any listeners who might be present.
Another way that the shaman expresses their experiences in the spirit world is through their physical movements in this reality. In their journeys, shamans are often flying, running, crouching, stalking and fighting unseen spirits. All of these movements are acted out for all to see in a shamanic performance.
A shaman uses various ways of making sounds to communicate with the spirits, as well as relate the tone and content of the inner trance experience in real time. Sound is regarded as one of the most effective ways of establishing connections with the spirit realm, since it travels through space, permeates visual and physical barriers, and conveys information from the unseen world. Shamans may chant, clap their hands, imitate the sounds of birds and animals, or play various instruments. Of particular importance are the shaman's drum and song.
Each shaman has his or her own song. It announces the shaman to the spirits and proclaims, "this is me; please help me." The song is usually sung near the beginning of the ritual and is often accompanied by drumming. Singing brings the heartbeat and body into resonance with the song similar to entrainment with the pulse of the drum. As the shaman's song invokes the intended spirits, the shaman comes into resonance with these spirit energies as well.
Shamanic experience can be expressed in many ways: through writing, art, and film, however it must be created after the fact. The one artistic medium which can be used to immediately express shamanic trance without disrupting the quality of the shamanic experience is music. The shaman's use of sound and rhythm is an audible reflection of their inner environment. This is the traditional method for integrating shamanic experience into both physical space and the cultural group.
Kira Van Deusen, Singing Story, Healing Drum: Shamans and Storytellers of Turkic Siberia (McGill-Queen's Press, 2005), p 108.
Christina Pratt, An Encyclopedia of Shamanism (The Rosen Publishing Group, 2007), p. 128.
Ken Hyder, Shamanism and Music in Siberia: Drum and Space. Tech. 11 Aug. 2008. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.
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annn-starrr · 3 months
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the ending wasn't what i expected but at least it doesn't end badly with someone in their group injured or dying. i can just create a scenario in my head and be happy with it. the battle against the mother of life was so good though (imo).
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god she's so beautiful, it hurts. what a mother.
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sunskate · 3 months
CPom on This Week in Skating Podcast, March 13, 2024
(highlights, or at least what struck me)
C: it's really exciting and such an honor to be 2nd in the US, such a strong skating country. but this season, we're really not focused on results, scores or outcome -we're just focused on skating to the best of our ability, and we know that's enough to get us where we want to be ... with those skates we would have been happy regardless of where we would have ended up. and really we went into that week wanting to skate those programs like we know we can
about their coaches: A: Madi is one of a kind ...the influence she's had on our team is a lot. i don't think i can imagine training without her. and Adrian and Scott, the 3 of them together, they're just fantastic
C: we're so happy with our coaches. we've created such a good team dynamic. Madi- she's everything, i love her so much ... i don't think we'd be having the seasons we're having if it wasn't for them. the plans they've created for us, the programs, the way we interact with each other, it all comes together really easily and works really well, so we're really happy with where we are
the strain of back to back Nats and 4CC: A: it's draining to be on top and focused for 2 weeks straight... but overall we're really happy. the coaches did a very good job preparing us. our runthrough plan was set so that we wouldn't even peak at Nationals, we'd peak at 4CC ...so there was more fatigue at the performances in Columbus. fun experience but extremely tiring and draining
C: ...when we got off that 17 hour flight, it was unreal (laughs)... it was a good learning experience. we got to Nationals and practiced Tuesday, finished Saturday night. we flew Monday morning to China. then practiced from Wednesday, finished competing Sunday. Sunday was just a crazy day - i swear we lived 3 days in one day- we had the competition, the gala the banquet, it was never ending. it was a really good and really fun 2 weeks. just very draining emotionally. physically we were fine- the runthroughs were easy-ish (laughs) just emotionally a lot
did you get some time to come down after those 2 weeks? C: we landed Tuesday morning at 6 am and we were on the ice Thursday morning
asks about Perfume - C: watched Anna Scherbakova's short to Perfume -the music was eerie but beautiful a different vibe - i really liked it. sent it to Anthony, then coaches. Adrian loved the music, had wanted to do a program to it himself. the next day- they played the music on the ice and we did our spin to the music we currently do our spin to, and everyone was like ooh this might work
(Anthony hasn't seen the movie yet) - did you come up with your own story instead? A: so there were mutiple options still on the table and the coaches hadn't [picked Perfume definitely], and Sam Chouinard came into town, and we decided to play around off the ice and make a short movie just exploring the story and possibilities, and we came up with one about the 5 senses... we played that movie for the coaches, and that was the pushing factor in choosing the free dance
what did you think of the 80s for the RD this year? C: i think it's really fun...the style of movement is really different from what we've done A: overall a great success
how did you choose Stevie Nicks? C: Sam brought us a whole playlist... we had a few ideas and we wanted to see what he was inspired by, and that was one of the pieces. he had a different way of moving to it, and the combos he made were really cool, we really liked them. it was really different from what we were used to, so we thought that could be a good direction for us that would push us in the intensity...
A: it comes back to that one week with Sam which is so special. both programs are heavily influenced by him, it was an honor to work with him this year, it was a lot of fun
(Sam came to Komoka for their week)
thinking of MTL Worlds - Christina, you're from MTL - what are you looking forward to the most C: it's nice bc a lot of my family can come and watch. the Bell Centre - it's so cool we get to skate in that - i saw a hockey game, i saw Stars on Ice, i would go see Disney on Ice - getting to skate in it is really cool
places to eat near the Bell Centre - C: i'm geographically challenged, idk where things are. Anthony's usually the one that gets me places. but anyplace in MTL is good, you can't really go wrong
A: i definitely recommend the biodome - Zak Lagha took me to that - there are 4 different habitats with a bunch of animals- capybaras -
C: you have to go see the capybaras!
how's training going for Worlds? C: we tweaked what we wanted to tweak, so now ramping it up (this was around Feb. 19) just started runthroughs today
A: we started our competition season end of July, so we're looking forward to finally ending this one
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