#A Garden in Gotham
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 218
“Moom, there’s yellow-eyed creeps fighting ninjas outside the window again!” 
Danny sighed, taking a deep breath- in for ten, out for eight- as he set the pot he was cleaning back in the sink. Dan- currently six- came running in from the living room of the apartment, where he was watching TV. Or he should have been if not for the bullshit outside. 
He sighed again, picking up baby Ellie- currently closer to two- out of her highchair (even if she could just float out) and let his oldest drag him to the window. Sure enough, another fight was happening, with no vigilante in sight stopping it. Look, he knew most people didn’t live here, but it was still rude. 
“Jordan, remember how I told you how violence isn’t always the answer?” Danny asked sweetly, Dan’s expression shifting to a wicked grin as he opened the window. “Feel free to practice tossing some fireballs while I clean up your sister, yeah?” 
Ah, the sweet sound of surprised cursing and startled ecto-signatures. Maybe they’d be polite enough to take their spar elsewhere. 
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dailydccomics · 11 months
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do you believe in love and magic? Batman #116-117
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maumoraart · 1 year
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Another older art that I'm still very happy of, Poison Ivy !
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skxtchyghost · 3 months
"The Gardener's Tale" a Batman Fancomic
Part 1/8
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It's finally done! My art school's finals project!
This was one hell of a ride, so I'm glad to finally be able to share it.. I'm also getting it printed (shit's fucking expensive) so that's neat.
More parts coming up in the next few days~
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 8 months
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So, uh, Gotham by Gaslight, huh
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018)
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jaybirbie · 9 months
I love sibling bonding. Especially Tim and Damian. (Cause, let's be honest, are you really siblings if you haven't almost killed each other?)
Anyway, I have an idea since it's Spooky season (I don't care Sept 1st is officially the start of Halloween for me)
Over the garden wall, but with Tim and Damian.
Just them getting in a near death experience and ending up in the Unknown. (Maybe an unknown more disturbing than the Cartoon Network version cause why not?)
Maybe instead of Jason funderberker(frog) it's Alfred the Cat, or sm.
Tim and Damian have to work together to get home and escape the beast while meeting all the characters from OTGW.
When they get back, they all of a sudden get along better, and the Batfam are left confused.
Yeah, just a thought. Feel free to add or write on.
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spidvrbatz · 23 days
Bat Kandi 🍬 🦇
-> Bruce can't wear Kandi cuz he has sensory issues and the beads really make his arms hurt, but he really likes collecting n making them in his spare time (esp. While he’s teen regressed.) Most of them aren't very complex cuz he gets frustrated easily when trying to get the hang of new things, and even though he’s persistent when doing adult things, right now he’s a teen and this is an activity that he enjoys, it's not supposed to stress him out. He mostly gives them as gifts, Alfred has one that says “Papa” and another that has little hearts that make up the actual bracelet. He wears the discreet ones underneath his suit n has a special drawer that is very neatly organized, filled with the sweet knick-knacks that Bruce comes bearing after a long day in the yard. Bruce also gives some to Catwoman, an entire cat keychain made out of beads and a bracelet that either has her favorite song name on it or the title “Kitty.” She doesn't receive a lot of handmade gifts from him so she rlly cherishes them when they come.
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cyropop · 6 months
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a very self-indulgent thing I made for my partners & I
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batfam-nalu-onepiece · 6 months
Teaching in Gotham is hard
Teacher: Ok everyone, what do we wear in the summer?
Kindergartener: *raising hand enthusiastically* Snow pants!
Teacher: no dear. It doesn’t snow in the summer, it’s too hot!
Kid: but..It was snowing this summer for like 4 days!
Teacher: *thinking back how Me.Freeze tried to make an everlasting Winter in Gotham last Summer* well.. that was a special situation.
Another kid: *raising their hand* Gas masks!
Teacher: *Joker Gas and Fear Toxin always a threat and keeps a gas mask in her bag* umm that’s not mainly for summer though. You can have gas masks all year round.
Kid 3: oh! My mommy and daddy have gardening gloves and belts with weed killer stuff on it!
Teacher: Good! Lots of people do gardening in the summer! What do your parents grow?
Kid 3: oh they don’t grow anything. It’s for when those plants come alive and take over the city. There are vines and cool flowers all over the house! Mommy doesn’t like them though. So they need to get their tools to get rid of them
Teacher: *under her breath* god damnit Gotham.
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zal-cryptid · 1 year
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DC characters - the Gardener
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dailydccomics · 11 months
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very intense art by Guillem March Batman: Fear State: Omega (2021)
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gothamgothic · 8 months
Does anyone have recommendations for plants to keep in apartments here in Gotham? I'm looking to expand my little collection now that I have gotten a proper light setup going for them! Asking for two reasons: —Firstly, while I have a small balcony, putting ANYTHING on there is a hazard anymore with the number of vigilantes on patrol. I don't want to end up accidentally killing one of them with pottery shards if they came crashing onto it at some point. —Secondly, ordering ANY KIND of exotic plant in Gotham gets you some shifty eyes from neighbors (many of which know NOTHING about plants by the way). No, my fern is not a "drug plant". She is a Davallia fejeensis, and works hard to look so beautiful.
It is very concerning that my lease specifically mentioned no carnivorous plants being allowed.
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skxtchyghost · 5 months
Instagram ◇ Twitter/X ◇ Ko-Fi ◇ Etsy (soon)
My Batman AU: #sketchyverse (in the making..)
Old Western Gotham AU (ft. my husband @manliestman): #old western gotham au (in the making..)
"The Gardener's Tale" a Batman Fancomic (my finals project): #the gardener's tale
Looking for something specific?
🎨: #lyx' art (sometimes suggestive content)
📝: #lyx' writing (nothing yet but i'm planning to post some stuff)
✉️: #ask lyx
💬: #lyx talks
♡ Want to support me?
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anna-no-emma · 2 years
Dick: I’m gonna make everyone dinner tonight! So do I stir the fry, or fry the stir?
Jason: Timbo, make a reservation. Make a reservation anywhere and quickly!
Tim, on the phone: Hi, 911? Yes, I’d like to make a reservation for seven.
Dick: What no, c’mon now...
Tim: Shh, Dick, I’m on the phone. Yes seven buses please, say around eight p.m. For food poisoning please.
Dick: I know it’s Gotham, but there’s no way in hell you managed to book emergency services. I know for a fact they don’t do that. 
Tim: I didn’t. It was for Olive Garden.
Jason: how dare you be this funny.
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gothamghostwhispers · 3 months
Steve looks so sad after I watered him :(
I kind of want to take him to Dr Ivy so I know he’ll get better but she’ll be Disappointed that I overwatered him
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 31
Bella: Hey, that lawsuit with my neighbor is still dragging on, and my neighbor just subpoenaed all my emails from college that mention him or the lawsuit.
Ivy: Well, that's crazy, but why are you calling me?
Bella: Because you should be concerned.
Bella: I have an email here from junior year were I wrote "hey guys, I'm gonna miss lab today because I have to meet with my neighbor about that lawsuit."
Bella: And you replied: "Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you? Cause it sounds like he sucks and I will totally kill that guy for you. Okay, see you at improv practice."
Ivy: Of all the sentences in that email I would be ashamed to have read out loud in a court of law, I think the top one is "see you at improv practice."
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