#Adopted Danny
dclovesdanny · 1 month
Everyone knew that Bruce had passed on his adoption instinct to Damien. However, they thought they had at least five more years before Damien came home with a child. Yet here they were, with 13-year-old Damien holding a baby.
Damien did not know why they were shocked. Danyal was a warrior who had already proved his worth by biting a criminal who been attempting to steal a young ladies purse. Besides, Danyal would be a fine addition to the family.
Danny hadn’t planned on being adopted. He chose reincarnation to have a break. It wasn’t his fault. His instincts kicked in and he bit that criminal. Now he has to choose between being adopted by a rich guy or a rich guy’s son. At least the kid holding him seems like he is less creepy than the man staring blankly at him.
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DC x DP Prompt
"I may think of you softly from time to time. But I’ll cut off my hand before I ever reach for you again."
//Arthur Miller, The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts
Trust me, I know it's just a quote but I believe that this would be such a good concept for the Demon Twin AU.
Like, I just imagine a scene where Danny and Damian are standing across the street from one another, Gotham traffic bustling between them. The sky is dark, and the rain is pouring. They have places to be just like the people they were blocking by standing in the middle of the street. But at that moment there was no fear, hatred, envy, or jealousy between the two. Only soft sorrowful longing as venomous green meets electric blue.
But the moment is broken when their respective families come up to them asking what's wrong. They both say it's nothing and move in the opposite direction, barely acknowledging each other's presence.
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
AU where Jazz is an only child and ends up becoming a halfa, but not from another portal incident. Not like Danny’s, at least. Where Jazz went straight to her parents, and now they’re doing their best to help her control her new powers. Where Jack playfully calls her ghost form “Jazz-O-Lantern”. Where Jazz tries to do little nice things when she can like a friendly ghost for the town. Where Jazz accidentally bumps into a kid she’s never seen before and finds it strange that her ghost sense goes off whenever he’s around.
Where the Everlasting Trio are from another town and ran away for Danny’s safety. Where the three of them figure out that Jazz is a halfa before she realizes that Danny’s also a halfa. Where Danny constantly runs from Jack and Maddie because they’re ghost hunters, where Danny tries to better help and teach Jazz. WHERE THERE’S QUEERPLATONIC EVERLASTING TRIO (one of my favorite parts, that’s why I’m yelling it).
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thenewgirl76 · 2 months
You know what I have yet to see in any fics where Danny is biologically related to either Bruce and Damian or one of the other batboys? The Mansons attempting to use that to their advantage and enhance their public image.
Either by spouting false praises and lying about being in Danny's corner while interacting with Bruce and his sons, or after discovering Danny's true heritage being the ones to take him in after a bad reveal in the hopes of getting into Bruce's inner circle.
Many usually gravitate towards Vlad as the abusive foster or guardian Danny needs to be rescued from, but his best friend's snooty parents that regularly look down on him just because of the elder Fenton's antics and reputation would do just as nicely.
Just imagine the comedy gold of Jeremy and Pamela barely masking their disdain for their daughter's "troubled friend" by pretending to dote on him while in Bruce's presence during a gala. Not realizing that Bruce along with every other Wayne in attendance can see right through them and is simply humoring them as well as biding his time.
Or if angst (hopefully followed by some comfort) is more your thing maybe have Danny, still reeling from Jack and Maddy's rejection latch on to the Mansons out of desperation for an adult he can trust and start believing they've had a genuine change of heart and come to care for him despite both Sam and Ida continually telling him otherwise. Only to feel the sting of betrayal a second time when while at a gathering Bruce or one of his boys approaches and tells him the Mansons are just using him to get in their good graces then show proof when Danny tries to deny it.
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sailor-toni · 1 year
The Evil Ghost Tyrant wants to Make Me His Heir? But I’m a sixteen year-old halfa!
You can also read this on A03, FF.NET, and Wattpad.
Chapter 2: Time to call for backup!
  The students at Casper High could not fathom what they had seen at lunch that day, and many were weary of their classmate. Danny on the other hand wished for death. The gazes of the school bore holes through his skin, and peeled the frays like hangnails. The teachers watched him with wide dinner plate eyes, their bodies tense like mice before a cat. This must have been a dream for Wes who ran through the halls cheering and hollering. And Paulina would not stop staring at him. He should like this, she was a very pretty lady after all but this wasn’t a stare someone gave their crush. It was the stare of an obsessive fangirl being close to her idol. Her pink I-phone was tucked under desk , probably recording him or she might have been taking photos of him for her fan twitter account. 
    This stance was broken by Dash and Kwan. The knuckleheads blocked the hallway with their steroid fueled bodies, arms crossed and faces stitched into frowns. He wanted to phase through them and fly home, but the two suddenly fell to their knees thanking him for saving them, their parents, their friends, and the school. Kwan had paper ready for an autograph from Danny. This started the title wave of fans chasing him. 
    Sam and Tucker tried their best, but their brave efforts were in vain. Tucker was the first to slip under the trodding feet of his classmates, his voice was muffled by the scream of fangirls and fanboys alike. Sam was next, she sacrificed herself for the greater good. Her strong arms held the classroom door shut. The old wood cracked and rumbled against the horde of hormones behind it. Danny saluted her before he took off to the skies. The roar of a crashing door faded into the Amity Park skyline. 
    He sailed through the air, letting the wind roll off his body with the day’s stress. Up ahead he could see the large Fenton Works sign in its gaudy neon glory. Maybe today was all a dream, and as soon as he opened the door his alarm clock would scream in his ears and wake him up from this chaos. 
    Behind his front door, Danny saw his parents waiting for him in their living room. His mother’s eyes were red and his father looked like he was about to strangle someone. It was a very cruel way reality chose to remind him that everything was in fact real. 
“Danny, sit down. We heard what happened at school today,” His Mother’s tone was a death sentence. 
“Wait, I can explain everything,” Danny said. 
“Can you explain why you’ve been lying to us for more than two years?” His father asked in that tone that parents do when it's not really a question. But, Danny could explain why he hid everything. Why he lied, and snuck out of the house, and threw himself in danger every day, but the reasoning would hurt his folks even more. So, Danny chose silence. 
“Danny I don’t understand why you would hide this from us? We didn’t know that was you in the at night flying to who knows where! We could’ve killed you. Our weapons aren’t toys, they can do actual harm Danny,” Maddie said. 
“I know. I’ve been using them to hunt ghost,” 
“I told you It wasn’t me losing them!” Jack said. Danny didn’t see the look Mother shot his Father. But whatever it was, his father chose silence. 
“If we knew you were interested in ghost hunting we would’ve helped you,” Maddie said. 
“I wasn’t really interested until the accident and then I -” 
“What accident?” 
“Oh um two years ago I was messing around with the portal and iImighthaveturneditonewhileIwasstillinside,” Danny stammered.
“You WHAT?” His Father yelled. “Danny, that portal blasts enough ectoplasm to destroy a person! You should be dead!” 
“Well I’m half dead so you're half right?” 
“This is just like Vlad all over again. Son, we need to get you to a hospital pronto!” Jack began to gather items for a hospital trip. “Maddie! Where are the insurance cards?” 
“No! It has been two years and I’m fine! I mostly mastered my powers and I even stabilized my core, so it's all good.”
“Humans shouldn’t have ghost cores,” Maddie said.
“Hey can you guys keep it down? I’m trying to watch Tedtalk,” Jazz yelled from her room. 
“Jazz Fenton get down here!” Maddie yelled. 
“What’s going on?” Jazz asked, her hair and clothes were a complete mess from all night college study sessions. A sticky note that read STUDY HARDER was stuck to her forehead, and a coffee stain spread from her blue tank top to her gray sweatpants. 
“Jazz, did you know your brother was a half ghost?” 
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OH! Danny! Oh no Danny how could this have happened to you! Who would do such a thing to my precious baby brother!” Jazz worked up her best acting skills, which were razzie worthy. 
“Jazz you knew! You should’ve told us!” Jack yelled. 
“WHY! You were the ones stomping around the dinner table saying Oh  I’ll catch that Ghost boy and rip him apart molecule by molecule! Explain how I was supposed to tell you anything about Danny when you're making threats like that Dad,” Jazz said. 
“I never said that! but , if I did, I never meant it!” Jack said. He then leaned down to his wife and asked “Did I really say that?” 
“Honey I have to be honest I don’t remember half the things you say.” 
“And to be honest, I don’t either.”  
“Dad we are right here, we can hear you,” Jazz said. “Also! Danny, Sam just texted me saying the Ghost King is back? When did that happen? Did you fight? Are you okay?” 
“Do Sam and Tucker know? How many did you tell before you thought to tell us?”Jack said. 
“Well, to quote Jazz’s words I thought you two would kill me if I told you!” Danny said. 
“We would never kill you!” Maddie said. 
“You held a gun to my head at city hall!” 
“We didn’t know that was you! Which is why you should’ve told us!”
“Batman figured it out in a day!” 
“YOU TOLD BATMAN BEFORE YOU TOLD YOUR PARENTS!” Jack said. “Batman must think we are terrible parents!” 
“To be honest Danny didn’t tell me, I figured it out all on my own,” Jazz said. 
“You didn’t even tell your sister!?” Jack said.
“I thought she was going to tell you!” Danny said. 
“And I was, until Dad threatened to kill Danny over dinner!” Jazz said. 
“I have no memory of that.” 
    The house around them shook, but not from the family fighting. Picture frames fell from the walls and dishes flew from their cabinets. Jazz ran to the windows while Jack tackled Danny to the floor, their large metal chandelier missing the two by hair’s breath. 
“Oh, thank Dad.” Danny said. 
“Don’t thank me, I’m just doing my job. By the way, I was joking about the molecule thing.” Jack said. 
“I thought you didn’t remember that?” 
“Remember what?”
“Oh never mind.” 
“Uhhh Danny, he’s here,” Jazz pointed through the opening in the blinds. The whole family moved to the window, to see Pariah Dark standing on top of the neighboring rooftop with a pair of binoculars. The Fright Knight stood behind him in a firm stance. His metal armor sent blinding reflections right into their eyes. Pariah waved to them. 
“Oh for christ sake,” Danny rubbed his eyes. He could feel the headache grow ever larger behind his eyes. 
“What does he want?” Jazz asked. 
“He wants to adopt me or something,” 
“Ghost King or not I will not allow anyone to adopt my son while I’m still kicking! Maddie get the guns,” Jack said. 
“Wait, I have a better idea, Dad and Jazz, can you distract him?” Danny asked.
“Yes, but first explain,” Jazz said. 
“You and Dad will distract those two while Mom and I get Clockwork. By the way, Clockwork is the ghost of time and he was once married to Pariah Dark. I think Clockwork would be willing to reign him back in,” Danny said. 
“Wait, they were married? Why? That Pariah guy looks gross,” Jazz said. 
“I don’t know and I don’t want to know.” Danny said proudly. 
“Okay… we will go along with your plan but only if you tell me everything that has happened on the ghost ride to this Clockwork fella,” Maddie said. 
“It’s a deal!” 
    The Fenton world explorer parked its shiny metal carcass on the edge of Clockwork’s tower. Maddie and Danny exit the vehicle, with Danny mid speech. 
“And you remember the giant plant ghost, his name was Undergrowth and I don’t think you remember much as you and everyone else was brainwashed, but it was during that fight that I found out I had an ice coe and I almost froze to death trying to save everyone. But I managed to escape back to the Ghost Zone where I met ghost Ice Yetis who were kind enough to train me on how I could control my powers and - Mom? Mom, are you okay?”
“One second Danny, I just need a moment.” Maddie took a seat on the steps of the tower, her hands ran through her hair and pale face. “Danny.” She said, her eyes wore weariness like a coat. 
“Yes Mom?” 
“If you ever lie about anything this big again, I will rip your sorry ass from module to module. You understand?” 
“Yes Mom.”
“I took you out of this world and I can take you out, you understand?”
“Yes Mom.” 
“Good, now let’s meet this Clockwork person and get this over with. Once we get home your Father and I will discuss your punishment.” 
“I saved the world countless times you can’t-” His Mother shot him a look, and Danny made the smart choice of silence. 
“Are you guys also here to see Clockwork?” A female voice asked. 
Behind them, floating in the miasma of the Ghost Zone was a pale yellow ghost with long blonde hair that whipped around her body like a spectral trail. 
“Yes, but who are you?” Maddie said. 
“My name is Celeste, and I’m here to see my husband. Does Clocky know you’re coming?” Celeste said. 
“Danny, I thought you said he was married to the Ghost King?” Maddie said. 
“That’s what he told me. But I don’t know who this woman is. I’ve never heard him mention Celeste before,” Danny said.  
“Excuse me! He’s never mentioned me before! After everything we’ve been through!” Celeste cracked voiced cracked as she spoke. “Maybe I’ve been gone for too long.” 
    The door to the tower slammed open, sending the purple metal door flying into the void of the Ghost Zone, and Clockwork hurried out. 
“Celeste, my love! How great it is to see you again!” Clockwork yelled quickly floating over to her side. 
“Is it? Apparently you don’t tell anyone about me,” She said. 
“That is because I only tell those worthy about you. I can’t have someone trying to steal you from me,” He said. 
“You old fool, there is only room in my heart for two people. You and the sleeping giant. I could never make room for any more suitors.” 
“I do know this my dear, but is it too much if I want to keep you to myself?” 
“Oh you sly fox, you know one day he's gonna break out of that box, and you’ll have to learn how to share again.” 
“And when that day comes you will have to learn how to share me.” 
“With how busy the Observants have you I feel as though I am already sharing with you.” 
“Danny what is going on?” Maddie whispered.
“I don’t know, I think they are flirting?” Danny said. 
“I know that much, but who is this woman? Who are the Observants? Is this man reliable?”  
“The Observants were eyeball freaks who watch everything that happens in the world, and -” Danny began. 
“Danny, let me formally introduce my wife to you,” Clockwork said. Celeste had her arms wrapped around his shoulders and was kissing his quickly aging face. “This is my wife Celeste, the former Queen of the Ghost Zone and currently its only historian.” 
“Is this the boy you were telling me about last time? The one with the evil version locked up in your home?” She asked. Clockwork nodded. “Well it’s very nice to meet you young Phantom.” Danny shook her outstretched hand. 
“I didn’t know the Ghost Zone had a historian, or a queen?” Danny asked. 
“Yes, while Clocky here can see eons into the past, he is really bad at writing it down for future generations of ghosts to learn from. So, I have been going through the Ghost Zone and recording all traces of history down,” Celeste said. 
“But he said you were queen once? Why not?” Maddie asked. 
“I have no desire to rule. Do you know how hard it is to rule the afterlife? There are always new ghosts trying to steal the throne from you, and every ghost expects you to solve their issues, and if you address someone with the wrong title they get upset and try to overthrow you. Plus you have to manage what few resources the Ghost Zone actually has, and create an economy, and stop every wayward human who tries to get in, and and and! UGH! It's horrible, I only did it because Pariah was terrible at diplomacy! What is the new phrase, he saw every problem as a nail ?” She looked towards her husband for confirmation. He nodded. “He’s lucky that I loved him enough to do that for three thousands years.” 
“What happened? Did you stop loving him or something? I mean why did he get locked in the sarcophagus of forever sleep?” Danny said. 
“He went too far and tried to conquer our allies in the Far Frozen. He wouldn’ listen to reason, so Clocky and I started a tiny rebellion.” 
“So you left Pariah for Clockwork?” Clockwork and Celeste both burst out laughing at Danny’s comment. 
“Oh no, technically the three of us are still married to each other. We have been since we first met in the Ghost Zone,” Celeste said. 
“OH!” Danny said. 
“In that case can you help my son here, your husband broke out of his box and is now wreaking havoc on earth. The man is trying to adopt my son.” Maddie said. 
“Pariah’s out? Since when?” Celeste said. 
“Two days ago. I was watching him to see if he did anything,” Clockwork said. 
“So, you saw him come to my school and you did nothing?” Danny said. 
“I was too busy laughing. For a moment I thought it was a mirage in the time stream.”
“Well, can you stop him? I already have a set of parent’s and no offense I don’t need another one.” 
“Yes, we can stop him, but we will need that Fenton fishing pole.” 
    A crowd had gathered outside of Fenton Works, confused at the sight before them. Jack Fenton and his daughter were engaged in a heated battle with the King of Ghost and his ever loyal Knight. The four stood around a plastic folding table, the urge to kill deep in their eyes. Jazz made the first move, quickly sliding a card from the table before slamming it upon the building piple of casualties. 
“Draw four and I change the color to blue!” Jazz said. 
“You are making your own father draw cards?” Pariah scoffed. 
“Think again bucko, for I have this in my hand!” Jack slammed down a blue draw two card onto the table. “Draw six Fright Knight!” 
“I am sorry your Highness, but I can not afford to gain anymore cards,” Fright Knight did not look his master in the eye as he lightly set down a blue draw two card. “Draw eight your Highness.” 
“Fright Knight! You betray me again! I will make you pay for this!” Pariah Dark added eight uno cards to his hand. 
“That makes twenty cards in your hand your Highness, at this rate you’ll never win Danny’s birth certificate,” Jazz mocked. 
“There must be some trick to this! You two are cheating!” Pariah said. 
“Nope, you just suck at Uno,” Jack laughed. “Jazz baby, it’s your turn again.” 
“Right.” Jazz said, laying down a blue nine card. “Uno!”
“No!” Pariah slammed his first on the table. 
“Yes! Once I put this card down, I will win. Got anything in that hand of yours that can stop me?” Jazz said. 
“I could kill you all where you stand!” Pariah yelled.
“That is called cheating your kingly-ness,” Jack said. 
“You two are the ones who have been cheating! I will just take the boy by force!” 
“But sir, the book!” Fright Knight cried. 
“DAMN THE BOOK!” The King withdrew his glowing sword and sliced the table clean through. 
    Jack and Jazz withdrew their weapons and took aim at Pariah. When a spear made of light sliced through the air and knocked the sword from Pariah’s hand. Up in the sky was a pale yellow Ghost with long blonde hair descended from the sku. 
“Your Highness I believe that is your wife,” Fright Knight said, inching closer to the Fentons. 
“Celeste Darling, the star of my night, what has brought you here?” Pariah’s voice reached a level of softness no living human had heard before, but Fright Knight knew it was a signal of the end. 
“Would you like me to list my grievances in alphabetical order or by severity?” Celeste threatened.  
“My love I did not mean to hide from you, it was going to be a surprise for both you and Clockwork.” 
“Who surprises someone with a sixteen year old child?” 
“Well you have always mentioned creating a family.” 
“Not like this! Now to save face the three of us are going to go back to castle dark and have a discussion about consent and why forced adoption is wrong.” 
“Wait, the three of us?”
“Time in,” Clockwork said, appearing behind Pariah with the Fenton ghost fishing pole in hand. The neon green fishing line was sung around Pariah’s wrist and feet, leaving him helpless. 
“Hello dear husband, I believe we have a few things to talk about,” Clockwork said. 
“You two can’t do this to me again!” 
“I’m sorry who attacked the Far Frozen, destroyed the biggest natural portal between the living and the dead, …” Celeste began to ramble on and on about every misdeed Pariah had done. From massive destruction and barren lands, to the minor items, like her 12th century shoes being ruined. Clockwork dragged the two of them away, waving goodbye to the Fenton family as they entered the Fenton home. 
“And I thought our family was bad,” Danny said. 
“You have no idea,” Fright Knight said. In his metal hands was the entire uno deck, “Do you mind if I borrow this?” 
“Only if you agree to go back to the Ghost Zone,” Jack said. 
“A deal made sir,” Fright Knight shook Jack’s hand, before skipping into the Fenton home. 
“Well, now that this is over, I have a test to study for. See you guys later!” Jazz took her weapon back into the home. The Study harder sticky note still on her forehead. 
“I think I have a test too! And look at the time, I better go inside to study,” Danny backed away slowly, inching towards the front door. 
“Perfect Danny, and when your done make sure to bring down your TV, cell phone, gaming console, computer, and every single item of Fenton tech that you have,” Maddie said. “Wait what now?” 
“Son, did you really think we wouldn’t ground you for lying to us for over two years? Also Sam and Tucker are not allowed at our home until they apologize for lying to us,” Jack said. 
“You know Batman wouldn’t do this to his kids,” Danny grumbled.
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faeriekit · 6 months
"Okay." Danny slowly laid the already cold body back onto the table, ready to slide back it into the refuge of cold storage. "Okay. Dead guy. Stay there."
The body didn't move.
"Fantastic. Now. Hang out while I pour the embalming fluid into the pump, alright? It should only be a minute."
And it usually did; working in a funeral home wasn't extremely glamorous, but it paid the bills, and Danny had already been used to the rhyme and rhythm of negotiating death with the public by the time he sent in his mortuary school application. It had been a transition that made sense. And in the end, the degree had only cost him a few extra years post-graduation and a little dig into student loans, and now Danny had a stable 12-8 job and health insurance valid in the state of new jersey.
Today, though, the pump had that decided enough was enough. With a bang and a boom, the pump spat out a cloud of smoke and clunked uncomfortably.
The dead body sat up.
Danny scrambled over to push it back down. "No. We talked about this. Dead people don't move. If you want to stay here and have me put you back together all the time, you have to stay put. Got it?"
Whatever the weird gold-eye corpses were on in Gotham, they at least listened to him on occasion. They weren't ghosts, per se— they never pinged on any of the ghost detection devices Mom and Dad had packed in his going-away-to-college bag— but they were, despite being occasionally animate, perfectly deceased.
Weird. Danny had never gotten used to it. Still, they came in droves, too eager to sit on the top of the basement stairwell and lurk in the corners and stare endlessly at them with their weird, avian eyes, and sometimes they heralded the arrival similarly weird-ass bodies that had lost their heads or their arms or their limbs through the more conventional channels.
"I'm losing too much thread to all y'all coming in all the time," Danny complained to the dead body, who, at the moment, was the only person present to blame. "Stop getting your limbs cut off. This stuff is expensive, you know. It's a specialty order."
The body didn't even have the courtesy to blink. Rude.
"At least let them bury you this time. Every time one of you darts off when my back's turned, my boss thinks I'm stealing corpses. My coworkers think I'm building my own Frankenstein or something."
The corpse neither verbalized nor blinked, but Danny hadn't expected it to; with a sigh, he rolled the corpse back into cold storage, locked its little door (not that locking it in had ever stopped it) and called it quits for the night.
It's not like anyone was paying him for the extra hours anyway.
The whole fic on ao3
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nerdpoe · 25 days
Tim, 18 and bored out of his mind in his big CEO office, is interrupted by a scrawny teenager.
"Hey, I heard Wayne Enterprises gives out like, grants and stuff," the teen starts, clearly awkward and blushing green. "I need money to hire lawyers to put away my creepy GodFather for misuse of a mind-controlling Meta Ability and also stalking."
Tim shelves that.
Takes a look at the teen, probably Damian's age or thereabouts, that just floated through his wall of windows at over 30 stories.
White hair, floating, green eyes (lazarus green what the fuck), jumpsuit (he's never seen that logo and is already memorizing it), fidgeting.
Tim takes what the teen just said off the shelf.
"And your godfather is...?"
"Can't say without giving away who I am."
"Okay. How is he 'creepy'?"
"Keeps trying to brainwash me into being his son, or tries to clone me, keeps sending goons after me, keeps trying to win over my mom, won't stop cosplaying as dracula, and I don't really know off the top of my head. I made a list, but it's like...somewhere."
Tim took a deep breath.
Held it.
Let it go.
That reminded him way too much of Ra's.
Held out his black Amex.
"Go crazy."
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p0ssym1lker · 4 months
Bruce getting asked who his favorite child is and panicking™
Bruce: .... Danny
Most of the Batfam: who?
Dick: oh yeah fair
Damian: who's.... Danny
Dick: my childhood friend, Bruce tried to adopt him but got bodied by Danny's parents and sister, he's still not over it
Bruce: I am over it-
Dick: then throw away the adoption papers with his name on it-
Bruce, gasping: no
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Has anyone seen/written any fics where Danny is so used to being an overpowered menace that danger doesn't even register the same for him anymore. Like he's gone against the likes of undergrowth and vortex, he's obviously not going to be intimidated by a middle aged man with sweaty hands pointing a gun at him.
It's all fine until he leaves Amity and starts being put in mildly dangerous situations that don't bother him at all but everyone around him looks super freaked out? And it can range from like being mugged or one of the DC superheroes facing one of their supervillains while all the civilians run away and Danny just keeps going full on ignoring cause not his circus, not his monkeys, but still.
And then he realizes that his reaction is abnormal and people are starting to stare and he doesn't need the extra attention on him but knows he can't act for shit so he just goes for the most deadpan sarcasm he can muster and goes all "oh, nooooo. This is so bad. I am SO scared." And it just makes the stares worse but by then he's committed to the bit and will throw gradually more concerning stuff about his past in conversations with the most dead expression just to see how far he can take it until someone confronts him about it.
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ohlooh · 4 months
Dp x DC prompt
There has been multiple prompts where freshly adopted Danny keeps casualy dropping trauma bombs on Batfam and them getting increasingly worried and protective and that's great. It's a fun trope that I love dearly, but I would like to propose a bit of a spin on it.
Danny still casualy mentions horrifying tidbits about his life, but the bats are all like this so it's no big deal for them. After all they only found out about Tim's spleen situation when he offhandedly mentioned needing a refill on his antibiotics, they only know about All blades because Jason whipped them out in the middle of a fight, they only know about Dick's everything because of the one time he got dosed with experimental strand of fear toxin.
Danny mentions his house shooting him and the only reaction he gets from Tim is about how he fixed it and whether or not it would be usable for training. He rants about Vlad's creepiness and Dick in turn shares his stories about Slade. Dick also offers to help him deal with the Frootloop if he ever comes back. He talks about Ellie being his clone and all Damian asks is how he got through the brainwashing and if those methods could be used again on someone else.
Basically the bats forget that their lives are absolutely not normal and are frankly horrifying for most people.
No the panic and worries only comes when someone (probably another hero friend) reminds them that Danny is not a cape, but a civilian.
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dclovesdanny · 5 months
Anyone who follows me knows I love misunderstandings, so here’s another misunderstanding prompt.
Danny and Jazz were adopted by the Fentons, who couldn’t have biological children. The two of them were recovered from a facility run by villains, and were named by the Fentons, and illegally adopted.
Jazz is the lost daughter of Aquaman and his queen, Mera, who was kidnapped as a baby and is thought to be dead. Danny was Catwoman’s kid with Batman who was kidnapped/thought to be dead.
The two of them have to meet with the Justice League as the king and princess of the infinite realms, and Constantine has warned everyone multiple times to be respectful.
The first meeting is a shitshow.
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bet-on-me-13 · 2 months
Vampire Misunderstanding
So! Danny got adopted by Bruce Wayne, but he doesn't know that Bruce is the Batman. He is just supernaturally oblivious to all things Batman related going on in the House.
But he does notice that Bruce leaves home a lot at night, that he doesn't like to go out in the day and often has his parties at night, and once or twice he's caught Bruce with a bit if blood still splattered on his cheek.
So he comes to the only plausible conclusion. Bruce is a Vampire.
He starts trying to hint at the fact that he knows, but doesn't want to just go out and say it. What if Bruce reacts negatively to him knowing? He's dealt with enough Supernatural Beings to know that they don't like other people (and especially other supernatural beings) intruding on their lives.
So Danny decided to subtly hint at it.
He started asking questions like "So hypothetically, how would you deal with having a Garlic Allergy in Gotham?" Or "So if you had very sensitive skin that could sunburn extremely easily, how much cloud cover would you need to go outside?" And "So what's your opinion on a High-Iron Diet?"
Basically just tossing out questions and trying to Guage Bruce's reaction.
He thinks he's doing a good job!
Bruce is certain that he has adopted a Vampire.
Danny is a good kid, but he has a few oddities that are hard to ignore.
For one, his skin is constantly Ice Cold, but he never seens to be bothered by it. As if he was an Undead that didn't require Body Heat anymore.
He also seems to like Hanging out in the Graveyard outside, and when asked about it he says that he is comforted by the place. Just like the Vampires he has met in the past, who feel comfortable when surrounded by Death.
And of course the biggest reason for suspicion is the fact that Danny seems to be hinting at it to him.
He keeps asking stuff like "How would you deal with a Garlic Allergy in Gotham?", probably trying to hint that he is a Vampire who can't eat Garlic, or asking about easy to sunburn skin, saying that he is probably not a Daywalker.
Bruce hopes Danny will just come clean about it soon, he doesn't want to intrude upon the kid when he is so obviously nervous about how he will react.
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hugsandchaos · 2 months
Danny Phantom: Well, ten years have passed and I feel the same way, Jazz.
Jazz-O’-Lantern: You still wanna sleep on a nebula?
Danny Phantom: Yes, Jazz, thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about sleeping on a nebula.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Danny used to be a vigilante, firmly on the side of good. Like, illegally, but morally good.
Danny’s 100% sure that whatever he is now, it’s not good.
Is Gotham’s influence just Like That?
He was homeless when he got to this thrice damned city (literally, because Lady Gotham was so cursed) and now he’s… here? In a mid-level penthouse with a rotation of homeless kids going in and out of his kitchen and eating out his pantry??
Danny adjusted the cuffs of his dress shirt, making the conscious decision to ditch the tie. He’s a tall 6ft 4 now, taking after his Dad. His head smarted all of the time, hitting doorframes when he was being a bit clumsier than the normal ghost-like grace he had learned to channel as The Phantom.
The Phantom instead of just Phantom. Why? Because Phantom was the name of a teenage vigilante in another dimension. The Phantom, on the other hand, is an intimidatingly tall, deceptively kind, extremely dangerous kingpin.
Honestly? Danny didn’t even want this life. Like, he had no idea it would snowball like this??
He supposed that it all started when the Penguin was trying to snatch kids off of his block on Crime Alley. Not officially his block, of course, because Danny didn’t actually enter this city to be a crime-shadow thing. But he hadn’t lost enough of Phantom the Vigilante to ignore kids getting hurt. He still hasn’t, if he’s being honest. He flew into a frantic search, tracking down the missing kids to Penguin’s bar. The Iceberg Lounge. Apparently, he wanted the kids to do some menial tasks and what not. Danny, rage flickering through his core, intangibly went in and robbed Penguin of every coin and secret the man kept.
Then? Danny blackmailed the Penguin to guarantee his kids a measure of safety from the Rogue. That began the slippery slope into whatever it is he does now. Penguin was being kept in line by Danny’s threats, the grip he had on the Rogue’s weak points, and a wonderful bit of intimidation.
“What, you stinking phantom? I’m stickin’ to yer rules!” Penguin snarled, forced to his knees by invisible blob ghosts.
Danny, salty and pissy from the lack of sleep he’d experienced trying to keep Penguin’s men in line as a result of Penguin trying to test where Danny’s lines were, dropped the temperature to the point where Penguin started shivering. Considering the place was already cold- the Iceberg lounge lived up to its name- it meant that Danny was standing nonchalantly in a room that was negative twenty five degree Celsius in a sweatshirt, Danny was already making good on his natural intimidation factor.
“It’s The Phantom to you, Oswald.” Danny said, in the tone of someone saying “it’s the shit, to you.”
Danny narrowed his blue eyes, letting a tiny tint of ectoplasm make his eyes glow a bit in the suddenly icing over room.
“Your people have been getting on my nerves, Oswald. Roughing up kids is so… uncultured. Are you sure you’re a Cobblepot?”
Penguin snarled, the effect of which was rendered ineffective due to his increasingly violent shivers. Plus, Danny loomed over him without even trying.
Danny, annoyed and asking himself “What Would Dan Do To Intimidate This Guy?”, gripped Penguin’s shoulder and hauled him up one handed. He dragged the mob boss over to one of the booths, avoiding the bodies he’d dropped (non-lethally) when Danny first walked in to ruin Penguin’s night. He shoved Penguin in chair he iced over, because Danny’s petty and if he saw one more bruise on his kids at Penguin’s hands, Danny was gonna go full Dan the Murderer.
He at least allowed to room to warm up before laying into Penguin, though. He stayed standing. Hey, he had the height advantage to use. He could have kept Penguin kneeling, but it was probably god the best that the mob boss got some sense of pride back.
(Danny had no idea that sitting as someone loomed over you to lecture and threaten you was even worse than kneeling. At least with kneeling, you knew where you stood. But sitting? It leaves you horribly off kilter.)
“I told you to keep your people in line. Kids are off limits, Oswald.”
“I kept them in line!”
Never let it be said that Oswald Cobblepot had a normal functioning sense of self preservation.
“Really?” Danny jabbed his pointer finger lightly on top of Penguin’s trachea and allowed his fingernails to sharpen into Phantom’s sharper digits. Penguin tried to lean away. “Then why did they start a gun fight when there were kids visible on the street? Why did I see one of my kids get hit by one of your poor excuses of a bouncer?”
“Don’t care much for your excuses, if I’m being honest. I let you mess around with the little projects you have, without even breathing a whisper of your secrets. Sionis would love to know how you double crossed him the last deal, yeah?”
“I- I’ll keep them in line!” Penguin stuttered.
“Well, I believe in second chances,” Danny bullshitted. Ancients, how was this even working? “So I suggest you make an example of the guy that smacked Hailey around before I make an example out of you, Oswald.”
“Fine! Fine!”
And with that, he got access to Penguin’s resources and men and more importantly, the corrupt police officers. He made Penguin “boot out” the pedophilic ones (in a very violent way) and kept the rest.
Then? Mr. Freeze froze over the god damn pipes and Danny had to intimidate and make a deal with the Rogue so he and his increasing roster of orphans had access to warm water.
In exchange for Danny’s restorative and, more importantly, unmelting ice, Mr. Freeze was now Danny’s… on-call enforcer?? When he’s not researching cures for his frozen in a pod wife, that is.
Danny was satisfied with that. He was! But then Black Mask happened, with the man trying to engage in a battle of wits with Danny over the control of Crime Alley which, at that point, was firmly Danny’s territory.
The thing is, Danny doesn’t play nice anymore. Why bother with pointless mind games when he could just…
“So, you’re The Phantom.”
“And you’re Sionis.”
Black Mask twitched at the name, gloved hands pulling out his guns. Danny sat on the counter, head touching mid cabinet, and sipped out of Sionis’ favorite mug.
Because Danny broke into Black Mask’s safe house and stole his quality coffee. The man’s eyes were wary.
“How did you get in here?”
Danny shrugged. “Walked.”
Danny held the coffee out of the way as Sionis unloaded a clip into his chest and lunged forward to slap a mask onto Danny’s face. After waiting a bit, as Black Mask’s smug triumph bled into shock, Danny laughed and, using a bit of his natural strength, tossed the guy off of him. He casually took the mask off of his face.
“Jeez, I’m trying to be nice, here.”
“So, you’re a Meta.”
Danny grinned. “Eh. And you’re a cult leader with a mask fetish.”
Danny tuned out the rant about the “true face of Gotham” or whatever, already bored, and sipped at Sionis’ coffee. The ass might be a psycho, but his coffee tastes were wonderful. Danny stood up, rinsed his mug, and turned back to Black Mask.
“You’re trafficking people. Kids.” He said, cutting through Sionis’ chatter. He was sly about it too, committing violence and torture in a way that would ensure obedience and fear. Danny probably would have never caught on, Black Mask’s schemes being so ingeniously created and executed, had he not kept a hawk’s eyes on the more vulnerable members of Crime Alley’s community. And the rest of Gotham’s vulnerable communities, of course.
“My, a wonderfully obvious conclusion. Now, Phantom, I have a proposition for you.”
Sionis seemed to have gotten his bearings back. Danny tilted his head at him, looking down.
“You can work for me,” Sionis said, before opening a laptop with video feed to one of his masked men or whatever holding a knife to one of Danny’s more fearless kids. Danny snarled.
“Or, refuse, and your kid will lose a finger for every instance of your defiance.”
“I told you not to touch the kids, Sionis. I don’t allow trafficking either.”
Black Mask chuckled. “Cut off a finger, Sadness.”
“Yes, bos- ARGHHHH!”
Danny watched as Mr. Freeze froze the goon’s arms before breaking them.
“I’ve got her, Phantom.”
Danny nodded at Freeze, keeping an eye on Sionis in case the fool bolts.
“So, what are your cards now, Sionis? You’ve sure pissed me off with nothing to show for it.”
And that was the last night anyone heard from the one that was supposed to be the King of Crime.
But Gotham knew the head mounted on a pike at one of Black Mask’s hastily abandoned bases was a warning, that The Phantom was watching.
Then he somehow got a gaggle of more orphans that were undead zombie “Talons?”
From there, he just obtained influence over the crime bosses of Gotham. Because his Talons kept bringing him heads and blackmail and his crime alley kids and Gotham orphans kept bringing him information for food and safety?
But like, Danny never wanted anything in exchange for the safety he provided. His core could give less of a shit whether he got anything in return. But he couldn’t convince his kids of that! They’re putting themselves in danger and ugh-!
Danny checked himself once more in the mirror. Ready, he stepped out into the night to wait for the Bats at his new favorite VIP spots.
On the way, he passed Ivy and Harley, who he waved to. Pamela worked under him because he controlled Gotham’s criminal underground (which also mean the official parts of the city considering the sheer amount of corruption) and influenced them into more plant friendly methods. His dominion over Undergrowth also helped immensely.
Harley? They’re friends. He beat up and crippled her abusive ex. She gave him therapy and stopped torturing people for fun.
Danny stepped into the back door of the Iceberg Lounge. No one stopped him. No one dared to.
He settled onto a velvet couch, nodding respectfully at the server that had immediately and nervously set down his mai tai. He glanced around for cameras and wire taps, before giving up and upping his ectoplasmic output to short any recording devices out.
He sipped his drink as he waited.
“Oh, good. You didn’t bring Robin,” Danny said, watching Batman tense. “Kids shouldn’t be in places like these.”
Batman stayed silent.
“Come on, sit.” Danny gestured to the couch across from him.
“This isn’t a social call. I’ll stop whatever you’re scheming-” Batman growled.
“Oh my god, you’re so dramatic. Is this where Nightwing gets it from?”
Batman snarled.
“Sit, sit.” Danny rolled his eyes.
Batman stayed stubbornly looming. Danny sighed, allowing his voice to slip into velvet danger.
“I told you to sit, Bruce Wayne.”
“I won’t repeat myself again, Bruce. You’re testing my patience.”
Bruce sat, wary and hyper vigilant. Danny sighed, settling back in his chair.
“You’ve heard of Red Hood, yes? Don’t answer that, it was hypothetical. I know you’ve heard of him.” Danny waved a hand impatiently. “I don’t really care why he’s setting up shop in my Alley, but he’s upsetting the other crime lords. They’re asking me to interfere.”
“I don’t work for you.”
“No,” Danny acknowledged with a nod. “But I could make you, if you push it. Politeness would serve you much better right now, Bruce, seeing as I am doing you a… favor. And since I’m not shouting to the world who you are under the cowl.”
Danny gave Batman a pointed, patented, mom glare.
“… Apologies.”
“Now, you might be wondering what that favor is.” Danny watched Batman’s cowled face carefully. “I thought you should know that the Red Hood is your “Jason Todd.’”
Batman was still. And then Batman leapt at him, snarling, “How dare you-!”
Danny caught the vigilante by the throat and squeezed.
Batman’s flurry of punches- which, mildly ow, those gauntlets kind of hurt- quickly changed to clawing and maneuvers to get out of the choke hold. Danny held steady, cutting off the vigilante’s air supply until he began to go limp. He’s not Superman. Danny will bruise and kill, if he had to.
“Are you going to listen to me now?” Danny asked mildly, emulating both Black Mask’s drawl and Dan’s effortless psychosis.
Batman gave a weak nod. Danny plopped him unceremoniously back onto his couch. He sipped on his drink once more as he waited for Batman to cough some sweet air back into his lungs.
“I’m telling you to get your little birds in line before I have to go hunting, yeah? Keep your kids out of danger, Bruce, and I won’t have to step in.”
“He- how do you know..?” The growl isn’t there anymore, and Danny felt a smug sense of vindication of having smothered it out of the guy. Woah, no, that thought was too Dan and too little Danny. Danny handed him a cup of water, which Batman didn’t drink.
Danny rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “Drink. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it by now. And as for how I know…”
Danny held up a beat up copy of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, filled with Jason’s writing. He tossed it to Batman, who caught it with blank eyes.
“Water,” Danny reminded him firmly, feeling like a mother hen. Batman gulped down his water, eyes flicking between the pages of Jason’s annotated book. Ancients, Danny couldn’t believe he annotated his book. A crime lord, like that? Well, it’s not like Danny could say anything.
Batman looked up at him, a silent demand- no, plea, because he’s not in a position to make demands- for an answer.
“Broke into his safe house. You should contact your fling, Talia. Seems like she dunked him into these “Lazarus pits” and told him you replaced him with the current Robin.”
Danny could see Batman’s emotional gears hard at work and honestly, he doesn’t have time for that.
“Now, we’re done here. You owe me one for the information. I’ll collect later.” Danny grabbed the Dark Knight, who stayed oddly unresisting (shock, maybe?) , and hauled him up.
“Tell Tim Drake to eat more. He looks too skinny.” With that, Danny dragged the Dark Knight to the window and punted him out. His kids were waiting on hot chocolate night and Danny had to go shopping for quality ingredients.
Constantine let out a scream. Shite, the king who held his soul contract was a crime lord. Great.
The reason intelligence and convoluted schemes and genius doesn’t work against Danny is because he’s got weird standards of what he’ll tolerate and the fact is that his normal dumbassery and mother hen tendencies cancels out and coherent thoughts or plans he might have had.
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azulhood · 3 months
Danny was tired, like 'I feel it in my bones and soul' tired. And he didn't want sleep at home because there's only so many nights, he could spend lying awake making sure his heart was beating in case his parents checked on him.
Currently he was flying aimlessly not really taking in his surroundings, but he could neither sleep while flying or fly forever. Normally he'd sleep over at Sam or Tucker's, but the Mansons had made it clear that he wasn't welcome at their house anymore and Tucker was grounded. Both would sneak him in if he asked, but he didn't want them to get in trouble for him. Which leads him to decide between his two choices, sleeping in a graveyard, or sleeping in a forest.
The graveyard was a little crowded with all the ghosts that called it home but he could probably find a quiet spot to sleep. The forest had a great view of the stars but was filled with traps from both his parents and the GIW after tracking his ecto-signature. Both options weren't appealing, but he wasn't about to chance sleeping on the roof of his house again. There were too many ghost detecting guns attached to it now. Danny sighed, graveyard it was, at least the ecto from all the shades/ghosts would hide him well enough. Decision made, now all he had to do was make his way over there. But first, where the heck was he? Danny looked around at the unfamiliar grey sky and gargoyles littered around and realized he had no clue where he was. He must have flown too far away from Amity without noticing...Again. It was really becoming a bad habit. Danny stared down at the city's inhabitants that were going home or heading to nightshifts or whatever and dreaded the long flight back to his town. And maybe it was ghost instinct, or maybe it was just his exhaustion. But his brain suggested 'What if I just possess someone?' And to him that seemed like a perfectly logical train of thought. He wouldn't control their body or anything, just sleep in their skin...That did not make it sound better at all. Before he could think twice, someone left a general store, arms filled with stuff and somehow projecting an aura of safety. The two thoughts of 'They look comfy' and 'screw it' clashed together in his head as he made the very stupid decision of performing a swan drive right into the someone. "WHAT THE-" "Don't worry, I'll be gone by morning I just need to sleep" Danny cut off the persons freakout-he should really get their name at some point- he would have explained more but the sleep gods had already done their job. This left one very confused, scared, and freaked out Batkid.
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sailor-toni · 1 year
The Evil Ghost Tyrant wants to Make Me His Heir? But I’m a sixteen year-old halfa!
You can also read this on A03, FF.Net, and Wattpad.
Chapter 1: No More Vegan Fridays
Original Prompt: Pariah Dark decides Danny has all the qualities he wants in an heir and forcibly adopts him. (Danny can either lose the fight to put him back in the Sarcophagus, Pariah can get out again later, or something else can happen.)
    It was a normal day in Amity Park, well as normal as things could get in the nation's most haunted city. The Lunch Lady had made the first ghostly pack with Casper High’s superintendent. He would allow her to curate and serve the menu for the rest of Casper High’s existence, in exchange for protecting the student body from ghosts, the Guys in White, and other threats. And Danny was loving every moment of it. 
For the first time in two years he almost felt normal again. His grades were above a D+, he could eat lunch without worry, and even Dash’s bullying had let up. The Lunch Lady had instituted a no bullying zone in the cafeteria, and would drag any offending student into the kitchen and force them to clean her dishes. Danny could only smile in delight as Dash was dragged through the room, through the lunch line, over the counter, and into the kitchen by a tentacle made of raw frozen meat (It had a plastic glove on the end, which meant it was safe to serve food. Nobody knew if that was true, but who was going to ask, not Danny!). 
It had been a stroke of guinness to suggest the idea to her. And this time Sam didn’t even come up with it first. Nothing could go wrong. 
“That woman is on my last nerve!” Sam slammed her tray on the table. 
“What did Paulina do this time?” Tucker asked between mouthfuls of sloppy joes. 
“It’s not Paulina, it’s the lunch lady, she refuses to accommodate vegetarian or non-meat eating students in her food planning,” Sam grumbled. If Danny’s eyes were not connected to his body, the two balls would roll out of his head and run a marathon. 
“Doesn't she have a salad you can choose instead of the main dish?” Danny said. 
“Half the time the salad has chicken or ham in it,” Sam said. 
“Yeah, Sam, that is what we call a chicken caesar salad or a chef’s salad.”  Tucker began to eat his second sloppy joe. 
“Tucker you know I can’t eat meat, this is discrimination!” 
“No discrimination is if she refused to provide kosher meat, which by the way, she has kosher meat in the back. You just got to ask for it. You just choose to not eat meat.” 
“I choose not to eat meat because it’s the right thing to do for our dying planet! The meat industry contributes more than 60% of greenhouse gasses in all of food production. Your obsession with killing poor animals is causing our planet to die, Tucker.” 
“You know the more you say that the less of an impact it has. Plus my parents split a cow with our neighbor at the local butcher. We don’t buy meat from the store.”
“How privileged of you. Many don’t have that choice, they have to buy from Wally-world and the Buck General.” 
“And how would changing the lunch menu change that?” Tucker bowed his head down and began licking the remaining sloppy joe off the lunch tray. 
“It would be a step in the right direction and -” 
“Tucker, have you ever wondered why every girl rejects you?” Danny had enough of this. 
“I think they are threatened by my manly aura,” Tucker had meat and juice running down his chin and staining his shirt. “Why do you ask?” 
“I was just wondering,” Danny said. 
“Well wonder no longer, for I have a plan for getting a date for junior prom,” Tucker Said. 
“Woah woah woah, don’t try to change the subject! This is a very serious issue!” Sam said. 
“Sam, you have enough money that you could get a vegan dish delivered to the school every day. Why does it matter if she makes sloppy joes once in a while?” Danny said.
“Because, she has no good alternatives for those who don’t have the money to buy lunches from restaurants every day,” 
“What does Paulina think of this?” Tucker asked, washing his face with a pocket wet wipe that appeared to be used. Or maybe they came pre-stained now? 
“One, that is gross. And two, my girlfriend agrees with me. There should be a good alternative for anyone who doesn't want to eat meat.”  
“Didn’t we discuss this two years ago when you convinced the school to do vegan Fridays or something?” Danny said. 
“I know what happened two years ago but this is different. She made a pact with the school to not harm students. So, now she has to listen to reason.” Sam said. 
“Sam, I'm sorry but that’s not gonna happen.” Tucker said. Danny agreed with him, it was hard enough going through the pact talks between the Lunch Lady and the school board. Her having a no meat day? Sam would have a better time convincing a boomer to have empathy.  
“That is where you’re wrong. I have started a petition to convince her to start offering tofu based dishes. I already have fifteen signatures,” Sam held out the paper, and Danny could see that Paulina had made the cheerleading team sign it. 
“I wish you luck,” Danny said. 
“Thank you Danny.” 
“You’re welcome Sam.” 
“Well don’t come to Danny and I when she turns you into next week's lunch,” Tucker said. 
“She can’t harm the students. If a ghost violates a ghostly pact a part of their core breaks off. And for weaker ghosts that could mean a final death,” Danny said. 
“She could wait till graduation day to turn you into ground meat,” 
“You know Tucker, I’ll start taking advice from you when you stop caring around used wet wipes.” 
“I’m being eco-friendly. Reduce, reuse, recycle Sam.” 
“You do know you have to do the last part eventually right? You can’t keep the same rag for more than a week?”
“Don’t worry. This one is only a week old,” Sam and Danny gagged. “I’m joking! I’ve only had this today, and it's still moist! Did you two actually think I would do that?” 
“Do we have to answer that?” Danny sighed. He leaned back on the table’s bench, resting his eyes in a sliver of afternoon sun that shined through the cafeteria’s tall windows. When a shadow came over him, blocking the sunlight. “This is a no bullying zone Dash,” Danny said.. 
“Danny…” Sam said, before leaning over and slapping his shoulder. 
“DANIEL JAMES FENTON, OR SHOULD I SAY YOUNG PHANTOM!” A deep voice boomed over the school. 
    Pariah Dark, King of the Ghost Zone stood at the window, his bleach white face taking up most of the window pane. 
Jumping to his feet Danny yelled, “How did you get out?” 
    Tendrils of frozen glove-covered meat swept across the laminate flooring, shielding students from the sight of the King’s large blood red eyes. From the wall of meat, The Lunch Lady floated towards them, her large green body shaking like a leaf. 
“Your Majesty,” Her voice was small and quiet, for once true to the old woman she was. “I’m afraid I can not allow you to talk to students without their parents permission first. I-I would suggest you go to the main office and sign yourself in. Please!” 
“I cannot sir. You m-might be king b-b-buttt…” Her hands were twisted in her dress, sweat began dripping down her face. “You need to follow school rules! The rules are in place to protect the children, and, and, and it’s my jo-b-b to” Pariah’s gaze focused upon her. “Protect them.” Tears freely flowed from her eyes. Danny watched his first real enemy, turned into a babbling old woman, putting on a very brave face.
“How about you pick on someone your own size!” Danny yelled. He stood in front of the old woman, arms ready. 
“Well maybe it's time someone showed you your place!” White rings shined from his waist, and covered his body, turning his clothes into a black jumpsuit and his hair a vibrant white. The cafeteria erupted into murmurs and whispers.  
A red head in the back yelled, “I told y'all so!” 
    This business was quickly left behind as Danny flew through the air, phasing his body through the window and sending a blot of green energy into Pariah’s remaining eye. 
“AUGH! DO YOU NOT LISTEN?” He yelled. 
“According to my teachers, no,” now outside, he could see that the King had to kneel to see through the window. 
    Rising to his full height, the Ghost King stood a head taller than Casper High’s famous clock tower. Danny thought that if the King was a tad taller, his ego would form its own gravitational pull. 
Fire lashed out, spreading through the air. His body twisted around the flames before plugging close to the grass. Black filled his vision as a gloved hand grabbed him. 
“Can you say that a little louder? I don’t think the Chinese heard you!”
“Sorry. Let this be the first lesson I teach you, to listen when another is speaking,” pariah’s voice dropped several volumes. “I, Pariah Dark, King of the Ghost Zone, wish to name you my heir.” 
“What? Why? I locked you back in that box!” 
“That is one of the reasons I have made this decision. Only you were strong enough to assemble an army of other ghosts, attack my castle, and defeat me. That should be enough to prove your worthiness. Now let us go to my castle. We have many things to discuss and many lessons I must teach you before you take the throne.” 
“How about no! I’m only sixteen! I haven’t even gotten my driver's license yet!”
“You will not need any human tools in the Ghost Zone.” 
“I haven’t graduated high school yet!” 
“Fright Knight can teach you about battle strategies and the castle has many books on politics.” 
“Well… I deny your claim!” Danny’s eyes shot green bolts into Pariah’s hand. With a shout Danny was free from his grasp. “And I refuse to be your Heir!” 
“I am offering you control over the entire Ghost Zone boy!” 
“And I said no! I'd rather hang out with the Box Ghost!” 
“One day you will change your mind boy! And I will be waiting!” Pariah’s body was engulfed in flames, his form disappeared in its bright light before the flames extinguished themselves. 
“I didn’t think it would be that easy,” He mumbled to himself. 
“Oh boy. I’m in for it now.” 
    BANG! BOOM! SHREECHH! Legacies had to be maintained and preserved for future generations. Which require vigorous upkeep and gentle care, both had been neglected in Castle Dark for over a thousand years. Skeleton warriors and unlucky ghosts had been forced into its reconstruction. They filled the empty halls with a calamity of sounds and dust. Tarps covered anything that was worth protecting. A few Skeletons had started a burn pile in the dead garden. The fire was fueled by decaying furniture, tapestries, mold filled books, and dead plants. 
    Pariah stood at his balcony observing the flames below. His black armor had been replaced with a black undershirt and black leggings. While time had taken its toll on the castle, Pariah's all black wardrobe had survived. The royal chambers had not, and everything was replaced with items he ransacked from the older halfa’s domain. The gaudy green and golds were thrown into vats of black dye, before they were allowed to be in his castle. Whatever couldn’t be dyed was painted gold. Pariah examined his new room, and while he did not understand what memory foam was, he enjoyed the feel of it upon his back. Too bad its previous owner was not something the king enjoyed. Pariah thought the older halfa was a conniving rat, sneaking its way into power and posing whoever got in his way. Killing with poison or other sneaky means was below Pariah, he preferred to fight in an open battlefield. Where he could see the life drain from his enemies eyes. 
If only the younger halfa would let him teach him this. Pariah sighed, for the announcement had gone terribly. He had considered smacking the boy but according to the Fright Knight, this day and age frowned upon beating children. Speaking of the Knight. 
“Fright Knight!” Pariah called. 
“Yes, your Highness?” The knight appeared in a haze of purple smoke and flames. His armor carried on the ends of his smoke trails, waiting for its owner to reassemble itself before the master of the castle. 
“I require your advice once again. For I went to young Phantom and proclaimed his right to rule. Yet the boy rejected me! What does your book tell of situations like this?” 
“The book? Let me see,” Fright Knight pulled a white book from the depth of his shadows. Its cover read “How to Discipline your Children without Spanking or Hitting” in bright blue letters. “It says that if a child is of the age to be reasoned with, one should try to reason with the child, walking them through the pros and cons of a situation. One should also be open to feedback and comments the child might make. For a child will not follow a situation that does not benefit them as well.” 
“I do not understand. Prince is the second highest title in all of the Ghost Zone, no other would deny such a request.” 
“The young can be quite foolish you Highness, maybe if you explained to him what a privilege this chance is? The young today like to have things laid out for them. It may also be good to mention that he would not be able to freely leave the Ghost Zone once the coronations happen.” 
“I can already foresee him objecting to that.”
“But if you let him know now, he is more likely to trust you. Plus it might be good if you let your wife and husband know before you bring the boy here.” 
“I am sure my husband already knows, and if he had any objections he would’ve shown himself by now. As for my wife, I find it easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Additionally her and the young Phantom are similar enough that I foresee them getting along quite well.” 
“Before or after her anger resides?” 
“I- '' Pariah’s word drawled out into an unsure silence. “I have already destroyed the sarcophagus of forever sleep, and I doubt she would actually kill me.” 
“Your Highness, the Queen would never attack your core. But I fear her words are much sharper than her flames. As for your husband, I have heard rumors that he is mentoring the young Phantom.” 
“That is probably why he has not interfered yet, Fright Knight. He is waiting for me to bring the child into our family. Once the two of them apologize for locking me in that damn box.” 
“Your Highness may I be blunt with you?” 
“Depends on how blunt you intend to be?” 
“Then I will conceal my comments.” 
“A wise choice. Now before Phantom comes we will need to pick a title for him. Each Ghost King has had a title. Solomon was the blessed, Caesar was the Terrible, Wu Zetian the graceful, TenKamenin the Great, and myself the Dark one. Phantom will need a title that describes him,” Pariah said. 
“Sir, you forgot King Henry the tiny.”
“I will not acknowledge the fool who dared to try and steal the throne from me.”  
“Of course, my liege, forget my words. May I suggest Prince Phantom the white? It would contrast your title of dark.” 
“No, my heir must have a more impressive title.”
“Prince Phantom the hero prince?” 
“Bah! Too long, suggest another one.” 
“Prince Phantom the undaunted?” 
“Perfect! That will be the name we spread throughout the lands!” 
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