#And just the fact that someone out there hates me so much they'd do that over a very obviously facetious tag is just. It hurts.
hamartia-grander · 7 months
So funny how quickly my spite overrides literally every other emotion. You cannot do anything to me because once I launch Spite.exe everything else gets force shutdown.
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yandere-sins · 3 months
You know how, irl, people get fascinated and turned on by the IDEA Of a yandere? And how a yandere, ofc, stalks and learns as much as they can about their darling? I just imagine the Yandere using that to their advantage and to their Darling's horror. "Oh, but you like this don't you? You've read so many smutty tumblr stories about being taken and taken and held hostage. You reblogged so many headcanons about a character killing your bully or that co-worker you hate. I know all your questionable porn tastes. I know all your deep, dark secrets. I know your violent vent posts that I got to enact for you, Darling! I've given you everything you've ever fantasized about, so of course you'll love me. <3" And of course, the yandere fails to realize that any of those behaviors or actions in real life is absolutely, gut-wrenchingly horrifying. But they think they're giving their darling everything they could ever want, and they'll continue to do so until they stop playing hard to get.
Ngl, probably one of my worst fears for the future, but thanks for requesting because it makes good yandere content :'D
I'm imagining a really smug yandere, you know? One that thinks they are doing you such a big favor and give you all their love by expressing it this way. But in reality, they don't even realize how messed up it is.
They were just breaking into your home after you went to bed to admire their darling from afar for a little bit. They are not daring to stir you from your sleep when they can stand beside you and watch. It is enough; they won't be greedy. But they couldn't have known they'd find the holy grail of smut and depravity on your bookshelf when they started browsing as their curiosity got the better of them. They are almost appalled by their darling, if not for the fact that when they browse through the pages of a random book, the words kidnapping, stalking, love, murder, and quite a few more seem like a temptation made for them especially.
So, you actually like that kind of stuff, huh?
Someone following you on a dark street, their steps noticeable but their face masked as they are always just five steps behind you. You run, they run. There's a red rose on your windowsill the next day. It scares you, but they know now that you are just pretending. That your heart is beating faster now, elated by the chase and the promise of love it brings. The fact that you have your own mad person excites you. The yan continues to borrow one book after the other, annotates them, and takes notes for themselves before putting them back onto your shelf for you to find one day, horrified to see lots of "I'd love to do this to you," "How about I kill the coworker you hate—would that make you love me?" and "Love this, love you, always you" in them.
They thought being a silent observer, loving you from afar, was the way to be with you. But they can't help but masturbate to the sex scenes, thinking about how they'd reenact them with you. Your books will be devastatingly ruined by stains and tears in the pages as they have either ripped out a scene to save for later or bit into the book as they've hit their orgasm. Your bookshelf was a collection of dark romance before, but now it is literally the remnant of a massacre of the once neat collection.
But of course, they won't stop there.
Everyone gets sick of reading books someday, even though it's been nice doing it sitting next to you—part of the yan hoping you might wake up and they get to act out some of the scenes you read about. However, there are more things to uncover and learn from. Your public social media they've stalked so far was nice and dandy, but the favorites and posts you hide on your private computer have so much potential to learn from.
The yan can learn about all these little desires of yours. The masks you like, how you want to be taken, cared for, and loved forever. You seem to believe in soulmates—crazy! They do, too! If the yan is delusional enough, it turns out that you two are so similar to each other—a perfect match. Even the kinks they didn't share with you before can be arranged with enough dedication to you. They'll make preparations so you'll be able to ease into these depraved things that you kept hidden from them. You might have been afraid to act on your desires, but the yan is ready to let you live them out to the fullest.
Never mind that you cry after being chased home, it's what you wanted, right? It doesn't matter how you actually feel when they harass and stalk you, leave you little notes and flowers everywhere, because they are just doing what your book-partners would do (it worked for them, after all). You wanted the yan to be possessive over you; why are you sad that no one wants to be your friend when the yan went to the trouble of making sure everyone would be too scared to approach you? And really, aren't you grateful for the yan taking care of your coworker problem? Was sending you their pinky not enough proof of their love?
How come you don't love them yet? When will you love them like the protagonists of your books?
Haven't they done enough? Are you seriously saying you don't like their gifts and dedication to you? Or perhaps you are just trying to play hard to get... of course! That must be it. You are so lovely; you must know that you deserve to be desired immensely. Only they can desire you as much as to go to such lengths, but perhaps it hasn't been enough yet. You deserve more. You are waiting for the yan to prove their undying, absolute love for you. It must be something big, something extraordinary. Something that will show you just how much they care about your interests and especially you.
They will take you and give you the life you want—you deserve.
Even if you hate them for it.
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steddieasitgoes · 1 year
Steve and Robin have spent most of their shifts at Family Video, whispering and giving each other suggestive glances whenever a pretty girl walks through the door. Steve used to hate it whenever Tommy H. made him do stuff like this, but it's different with Robin. Less about objectifying and more about admiring a woman's beauty — at least, that's what Robin tells him when he brings it up one day. 
With his conscious clean, he leans into it, and the two have so much fun silently staring at pretty girls. They learn that they have pretty much the same taste in women — minus Tammy Thompson — which isn't surprising considering they share just about everything in common. 
And while it's fun sharing glances and watching each other blush red when the cute girl gives one of them more attention, Steve also wishes he had someone who would do that with him when he spots a cute guy in the mix. Steve tried to bring it up to Robin once, but she wasn't having it. 
"Stevie," she leveled. "All I see is a faceless blurb that smells too much like pine. You're the only guy for me." 
So, he let it go. 
Eddie and Gareth have a similar game they play whenever they drive out to Indy. Gareth is usually the one to point out a petite blonde walking in their favorite record shop. If she heads to the metal section, Eddie can make a move. If it's anything else, Gareth gets to try. 
Nine times out of 10, it's Gareth who flirts his way to a phone number. 
Not that Eddie minds. 
He has just as much fun watching his friend hopelessly flirt while casually checking out the guys who wander in the record store. 
Gareth always gives him a friendly nudge whenever he notices Eddie staring too long at the back of some guy's short haircut, but it's not the same as the gentle ribbing they give each other when a cute girl walks in. 
Gareth isn't into guys like he is, and that's fine.
But sometimes Eddie wishes he had someone to compare his taste in men with. 
When Steve and Eddie realize they're both bisexual, they rejoice. Finally, they have someone to play their silly games with.
 Except, it doesn't go at all like they'd except. 
See, Steve and Eddie are both so used to having friends share their tastes in women that they don't even consider the fact that they might have different taste in men. 
But they do.
They're hanging out in the lobby of the Hawkins Theater, waiting for the kids to finish getting their snacks, when Steve sees him. A guy with disheveled auburn hair and a black denim jacket cuffed at the sleeves with random patches on it. He's got a blue bandana tied around his forearm and bulky black boots. 
"He's cute right?" Steve asks, nodding his head toward the guy in question. 
Eddie scoffs. Scrunches up his nose like he's just smelt the worst smell imaginable and turns towards Steve. "You're kidding me, right Stevie? That dude is a grade-a-punk! A wannabe one at that! I bet he smells like cheap cigarettes and hasn't washed his hair in days." 
"You smell like cheap cigarettes and don't wash your hair every day," Steve says, rolling his eyes at Eddie's outburst. 
"Yeah, but I'm also broke. That guys doing it for the stupid aesthetic." 
Steve scoffs and lets his eyes follow the guy until he disappears inside one of the theaters. 
"Alright then, what's your type, Munson?" 
Eddie hums and takes a moment to scan the crowded theater and the stops. When he turns toward Steve, he's sporting a giant grin. 
"Guy. Six o'clock. By the butter dispenser." 
Steve slowly turns around and nearly buckles at the knee when he spots the guy in question. 
Short hair, combed back so every strand of hair is in place. He's got on a letterman jacket from one of the neighboring schools, crisp white shoes, and his left hand is tucked into the jean pocket of who he assumes to be his girlfriend. 
"Him?" Steve chokes. "But he's so…" 
"Jock-ish!" Steve supplies instead. "I thought you hated jocks!"
"I hate what they represent," Eddie says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He tears his eyes away from the guy and stares right at Steve. "But I can't help it if they have a cute face that's begging to be corrupted." 
It isn't until days later when Steve and Eddie are both complaining to their best friends, do they realize that having different tastes might not be such a bad thing. 
Especially when their taste in men is each other.
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slayfics · 8 months
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Eijiro confesses his feelings to you and Katsuki.
Kiribaku x Reader
1,600 words~
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You turned the page in the book as you sunk more into Eijiro's bed.
"UGH!" I'm tired of studying!" You exclaimed, unable to hold in your frustration anymore.
"Same- let's take a break," Eijiro concluded setting aside his book.
"Tch- no wonder you damn extras are always complaining about the exams. You don't work hard enough!" Katsuki barked at you both.
"Awe- come on Bakugo we deserve a break," Eijiro pleaded. "Plus... I kind of wanted to talk to you both about something."
"What's wrong?" Bakugo asked his friend curiously.
"Nothing's wrong I just-" Eijiro began to say before being cut off by Katsuki.
"Yes, there is. You got that stupid look in your eye. Just tell us," He demanded.
"Well ok... here it goes... so I uh- I have a crush I guess-" Eijiro began.
"Aweeee~" You began to say in a sing-song voice. Katsuki grunted and rolled his eyes looking back at his studying materials.
"Don't be mean Bakugo!" You spat and knocked the studying materials out of his hand.
"HEY!" He began to yell at you before Eijiro spoke up again.
"You guys, come on! I really need help!"
"Fine! Just be quick and spit it out. This shit makes me uncomfortable," Katsuki replied.
"I like um someone, and I just don't know what to do about it..." Eijiro finished.
"Fucking tell them and stop bugging us about it," Katsuki said bluntly.
"Don't listen to him," you said giving Katsuki a playful shove.
"God damn it extra! THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!" Katsuki yelled at you, frustrated by your playfulness.
You ignored Katsuki and continued talking to Eijiro. "As much as I hate to admit it, Bakugo's right. Just be honest with her," you said smiling at him.
"Oh well um- I just don't know how they will react," Eijiro said, Katsuki stayed silent with his arms crossed, his disdain for this conversation all too obvious.
"Oh, they? I'm sorry for assuming Kirishima! Is this a boy? Or wait, non-binary?"
"N-no- well I mean k-kind of-?" Eijiro said, stuttering his words suddenly.
"Oh! They must be gender fluid?" You asked.
"Um- Uh- I uh- I don't know- but- that's not the point!" Eijiro said, starting to get flustered as he looked between you and Katsuki nervously.
"The hell?" Katsuki grumbled, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you being so damn weird about this shitty hair? Who the fuck is it anyway?"
"I uh... I don't know if I can say yet- well maybe- I don't know," Eijiro said, letting out a big sigh and hiding his face in his hands.
"Sorry, are we overwhelming you? Just tell us how to help. We're here for you Kirishima." You said, patting him on the back.
Eijiro mumbled into his hands, "What happens if I tell them, and they don't feel the same?"
"HA?!! THEN I'LL MURDER THEM!!" Katsuki yelled. "How could they not feel the same?? You're going to be an amazing pro hero, and you're always too damn nice to everyone so- yeah- of course they will feel the same idiot," Katsuki said and looked away from you both, his arms crossing just a bit tighter as he wondered who could have caught Eijiro's attention.
Katsuki was very observant, so the fact that he hadn't noticed his best friend and developed a crush on someone was dumbfounding him. More important, he was concerned about who, and if they'd be good enough for Eijiro.
Eijiro picked his head up from his hands, a small blush was tinted on his cheeks at Katsuki's compliments.
"You- you really think so?" He asked.
"Duh- I don't just say shit to say it dumb ass," Katsuki said.
"Well so... if they do feel the same- then what do I do?" Eijiro asked.
You tilted your head to the side, "What do you mean, Kirishima?"
"Like- if they... feel the same way about me... then what? Where do I go from there?" He asked.
"Well then maybe plan a day to spend time together? That way you can get to know them more." You suggested.
"Hmmm...," Eijiro mumbled and looked down. "Well what if... what if I already spend a lot of time with... them?" he asked, and hesitantly looked back up at you.
"Oh uh... well I don't know, maybe you just give them a kiss, if you both are confessing your feelings?" You said and started to wonder more about what was going on. It seemed like nothing you and Katsuki had said was making Eijiro feel any better. He actually seemed to be more on edge now.
"Oh man," Eijiro said and hid his face again.
"The hell is wrong now?!" Katsuki asked annoyed.
"This is so not manly at all but- I've never kissed anyone before," Eijiro said.
"You're joking right?" Katsuki asked.
"No man! I'm not joking, come on don't make fun of me!" Eijiro said giving Katsuki a defeated look.
"Hey, it's ok! Everyone has different experiences!" You said, trying to calm him. "It's not that hard Kirishima, don't stress. It'll come naturally in the moment." You spoke.
"But what if it doesn't?! Have you seen my teeth?! What If I hurt them?? Or- or- what if my quirk goes off? Man, that would be so bad! Haven't I showed you what I did to my own eye?!?!" He said, panicking swinging his arms and pointing at the scar on his eye.
"Wow wow- calm down Kirishima," You begged him. It pained you to see your friend so upset that you wanted to do anything to help ease his anxieties. "Did um- did you... want to practice?" You squeaked out so low that Eijiro and Katsuki almost didn't hear.
"The fuck?!" Katsuki exclaimed.
"Wait- like... kiss you???" Eijiro asked, his whole face igniting in a blush.
"I'm sorry! That was weird for me to offer, wasn't it?! I didn't mean for that- I just- I hate seeing you so upset and-" You spat out anxiously feeling embarrassed by your offer.
"No!" Eijiro stopped you. "I uh-... can I?" He asked looking at you with wide eyes.
"You're fucking joking, right? I'm out of here," Katsuki said standing up.
"No! Bakugo wait!" Eijiro called after him.
"HA? Why the fuck would I stay for that?!" He barked.
"Yeah stay," you said. "If you leave then it does make it weird, then it's not just friends helping each other out and- well uh it would feel too intimate if it was just me and Kirishima, and this is just for practice." You explained.
"Uh yeah right..." Eijiro said, but suddenly looked downcast by your explanation.
"Tch- whatever," Katsuki said, sitting back down and looking away from you two. "Just fucking do it then so we can get back to studying,"
"Right ok," Eijiro said to himself as he hyped himself up.
"Alright well- go ahead," you said shrugging your shoulders.
"Um- just go? Like that?" Eijiro said blushing.
You couldn't help but giggle at his nervousness. "Yeah silly- here I'll get closer," you said scooting over to him more on the bed.
"Ok- ok-" He mumbled as he nervously shook. "I'm going to do it-"
"FUCKING KISS ALREADY!" Katsuki yelled.
Eijiro startled by Katsuki's yell, jumped, and moved his lips quickly to yours, causing his teeth to knock into yours.
"OW-" You exclaimed as your hand shot up to your lips.
"OH MAN! I'm so sorry! See I hurt you, didn't I!? That's exactly what I was worried about!" Eijiro cried out, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
"It's fine Kirishima! It didn't really hurt, it just startled me!" You said, trying to calm him.
"Oh my god! No, your lip is bleeding! I'm the worst at this!" He cried.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP KIRISHIMA!" Katsuki yelled, startling you both, and causing you both to turn to him. "Why the fuck are you always so down on yourself!? COME HERE-" Katsuki yelled and grabbed Eijiro by his shirt collar pulling him closer. You watched as Eijiro was now pressed against Katsuki by force. The moment happened fast but you could have sworn you saw it in slow motion. Katsuki forcefully pressed his lips to Eijiro's.
A surprised, "Hmpfh~," escaped Eijiro as you watched him close his eyes momentarily getting lost in the kiss.
Then, as suddenly as he had yanked him, Katsuki threw Eijiro back down to the bed.
"There, see you can kiss someone without hurting them. So- stop fucking crying," Katsuki barked.
Eijiro looked up at his friend, his face flushed as he panted slightly, "Bakugo that-"
"DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT!" Katsuki warned. "JUST- just go! Go tell whatever dumb fucking extra it is how you feel! Just- get the fuck out of here already," Katsuki yelled and looked away. You could have sworn you saw mist in his eyes before he turned away.
"Uh Bakugo-... we're in Kirishima's room," you dared to say.
"Tch- I'll fucking leave then," he said beginning to storm out.
"Bakugo wait!" Kirishima called after him.
"FUCKING WHAT!?" He yelled but didn't turn around to face you two.
"I already did..." Eijiro said.
"Hu?" Katsuki exclaimed and turned around looking at Eijiro, a confused look on his face. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were watery.
"I did... I- I told them... both of them..." Eijiro said, quietly and the room froze. No one spoke for a moment as you all stayed in this moment processing what it had meant, and what this whole interaction had been about.
"Both?... Kirishima... Is that what you mean by they- you meant they as in plural?"
"You mean... both- as in... both of us? You like both of us?" Katsuki asked him, eyes wide.
Eijrio nodded his head shyly.
The three of you looked at each other now having an understanding.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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massiveladycat · 3 months
i will never get over people laughing at octavian's death personally,,, he was SHOT INTO THE AIR!!! thats so painful. all the burns and the impact, plus being flung from a cannon and probably slamming into gaia (literal earth goddess) plus festus (gigantic metal dragon, i bet that HURT) and leo (pretty sure leo was burning)
he was a kid and he was annoying to some people and he was usually antagonized but he didnt deserve to die OR go out in that way. the gods are a thousand times worse than octavian, and apollo told him that he'd be a savior of new rome, but people still justify them. not to mind there are much worse people in the PJO universe (gabe, LUKE)
octavian ily they could never make me hate you EVER. idc what you say he could have been redeemed. did he do bad things? yes. but he was so deeply influenced and the day meeting with leo and the others, in which i remind you octavian literally was watching new rome get blown up (no wonder he was livid, his home was on FIRE).
like come on. octavian is a complex character and people aren't willing to admit that he could've been better and he was just a literal teenager in the sake of hating him because everyone else/pjo characters hate him.
he is such a tragic character imo because he grew up in new rome and all he wanted to do was protect it (and he was highly ambitious and aiming for praetor, i won't deny the fact that he was selfish but that is a quality that can be REDEEMED) and sure the way he went about it was messed up but most of his actions (except killing that one centurion) were justifiable
btw im not saying octavian's like an angel or anything im pretty sure i remember him "killing" a 5th cohort centurion once but then she was revived which . . . what was the point of that?? was it just to like make us hate him more?? huh??? and then was it even ever talked about again?? also yeah he blackmailed hazel thats not good also judging from the wikipedia it only said frank suspected octavian because.. he didn't have his spear?? what?? reminder that there is proof that a lot of pjo characters are unreliable narrators and for all we know octavian could've screwed up somehow and left his spear somewhere (just saying i'd do that too ngl)
also "I am the savior of Rome! I was promised!" i didnt know why but that quote DESTROYED me but now i know that it was because he genuinely believed he was doing the best for new rome and he'd finally have someone's praise and they'd praise him like they praised percy and reyna. pretty sure his mental state was not very good in that scene either and nico and will just let him shoot himself out of an onager on accident. also are we just going to gloss over the fact apollo told him that and encouraged him he was doing the right thing?? of COURSE octavian trusted apollo on that and believed it was the truth; apollo was his ancestor and someone he worshipped as an augur and trusted in for omens and prophecies and allat
yeah. octavian's an asshole. but he was a kid and he couldve been redeemed. then again i am a huge octavian apologist and im not saying you have to have the same opinions as i do also i will not be responding to any asks in my inbox im 2 tired to deal with that!! anyways dont go and insult people or me if you think the opposite thats fine !! i was just bored and found this in my drafts so whats the harm of posting it because im not going to get sent threats over this right,,, right??????
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ms-demeanor · 8 months
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IDK that I've ever put it in one post before, but here's the transplant speedrun.
1 - Valentines day 2021, he's admitted to the hospital. We take a pre-hospital selfie then I shave his head and he shaves his beard because he doesn't want to deal with hair at the hospital. Me and his mom drop him off; at that point you can only visit someone as they are actually dying and we're told that he's going to stay in the hospital until he gets a transplant or he dies, and if he's rejected as a transplant recipient he'll receive palliative care in this hospital.
2 - First week of March, they allow patients to have one screened visitor; this is our first visit - I take photos in the hospital to show his mom because at this point he has a pump in his shoulder and it is difficult for him to move his arms to use his phone. He has also been confined to a bed since the week he arrived because he's on the ECMO machine, so he can't walk or move around, though they stand him up every once in a while. At one point one of the ecmo tubes pulls out of his femoral artery, which is Not! Great! He also needed a blood transfusion about every two days at that point, which worried the doctors because it increased his likelihood of rejecting. But he had been approved for transplant at that point!
The first thing he said to me on this visit was "look, I have abs" and then he showed me his abs because it turns out when you're really really dying of heart failure your body begins to eat itself.
3 - Now That's What I Call Jaundice (cardiac cirrhosis is liver failure as a result of heart failure and it's pretty much the big giant neon flashing sign of heart failure that says "hey you're fucking dying" so if you've got heart failure and your bilirubin number is off or the whites of your eyes are yellow please kick up a gigantic stink until they check your liver; large bastard's GP, who is my doctor, who I hate, saw his bloodwork with a very high bilirubin number a month before he was diagnosed with cardiac cirrhosis and wrote it off as a testing fluke fuck that guy)
4 - Don't let the sad face fool you, he's acting pathetic so that his mom will stop yelling about the fact that I'm bringing him cookies. He's allowed to have cookies. At that point he weighed 98kg and was outsourcing his heartbeat, he was allowed to eat whatever he wanted. (have i mentioned that I was moving us from Vegas to LA at this time? I was bringing him cookies because I'd baked hundreds of peanut butter cookies and other cookies to use up the flour, sugar, and peanut butter in the vegas house)
5 - Mid-march, he's got a match! He called me when I was in Vegas filling up the truck with another load and I drove right back and to the hospital. Once he went in for surgery I drove to his mom's house and crashed, then woke up and drove to our storage unit and unpacked the truck while I waited to hear from the doctors. I was unloading a bookcase when I got the call. (There wasn't any point in waiting alone in the hospital for sixteen hours; either he was going to make it or he wasn't and someone was going to have to unload the truck at some point. People have been weird about this, like I should have been sitting at his side all the time, but there was a two-hour daily limit for most visits and look i have sat in a waiting room while this dude had a thirteen hour surgery i do not need a repeat of that experience without the soothing balm of nicotine getting me through it; so unloading a truck it was)
6 - Two days after surgery and kind of mad about it. His chest hurt a lot (obviously) but, like, a lot a lot because they'd had to open him up for the bypass just two years earlier.
7 - First walk outside of his room after transplant in early April; he needed a LOT of PT because of how much muscle he'd lost. He lost sixty pounds in the hospital before the surgery, and only gained back about twenty while he was in there.
8 - A visit from the tiny doggo
9 - I come to visit and I've got a new phone with a portrait mode so he steals it and takes stupid pictures for a few minutes. Dude is bored and restless; this is in late april and he's feeling well enough to be moody. ETA: There is a jar of pickles in front of him because he'd been fluid limited for a long time and his salt levels were off and when he got to the hospital they were like "you need electrolytes and a lot of salt" and he was like "sweetheart can you please please please bring me delicious salty things" so I was bringing him jars of pickled mushrooms and garlic stuffed olives and just a huge number of pickles that he kept trying to share with the nurses. "Alli brought the mushrooms again; would you like a pickled mushroom? I have fancy toothpicks to share them with!"
10 - He comes home for the first time in early May; he ends up getting readmitted two more times because of complications before finally being released in early July. ETA: The second time he got readmitted it was for something that he wasn't at all worried about but that they needed to monitor for a couple weeks so he was *SO BORED* and actually feeling pretty okay; so at one point when I was leaving the parking garage at 8pm my car wouldn't start, I did some troubleshooting with the manual and the internet and didn't figure it out, so I called him and he tried to troubleshoot over the phone and got frustrated and was begging his nurses to let him come out to the parking structure to work on my car (they refused) - I ended up getting a tow and fixing it when I replaced the battery terminals.
Photos are all posted with his permission.
Also I dyed my hair purple between photos one and two because it's his favorite color. I also bought a blue dress, red tights, and yellow shoes to wear to visit him because he always teases me for wearing so much black.
I just love him a lot. It was a hard couple years there, but things are getting better.
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banj0possum · 1 year
I need more jock x reader with reader having a big attitude and shows big disinterest in Brandon🥰
Jock x Gn Reader pt. 3
there was also an anon who requested reader topping Brandon so ill add it in as well :3
🏈 You've been tutoring Brandon for a few weeks now. Even after he passed that english test, he insisted you'd tutor him even in other subjects.
🏈 Of course you didn't care because you never wanted to tutor him in the first place.
🏈 No matter how clear your explanations are, he never got it until an hour of guiding him step by step, it was terribly draining to you and the alone time you were supposed to spend instead of teaching a dumb jock like him what 2+2 was.
🏈 Despite you thinking he's all muscle and no brains, Brandon's pretty smart, he gotta keep his grades up for football somehow, but the more time he spent playing dumb, the more time he spent with you, zoning out of your cute face that gets upset when you notice him staring at you googly-eyed, snapping your fingers at him to wake him up.
🏈 He won't say it out loud, but he relished the thought of your annoyed face, it awoken a part of him that he didn't even know existed.
🏈 Brandon would spot you amongst the crowd during break periods and if he tried to tease you or mess with you, you'd give him a sharp glare, sometimes grabbing his wrist or arm to stop him from wrapping an arm around you or playing with your hair.
🏈 It aroused encouraged him honestly.
🏈 His friends would notice him talking and hanging out with you more often and would ask him about you, Brandon confessing his slight big crush on you.
🏈 They'd coach him, telling him sweet poems to write, pickup lines, gifts, gestures to make you notice him, even his friends' girlfriends would tell him things they felt would work with you.
🏈 He had a few tricks he used on girls to get with them, but they never worked with you, so he might as well try.
🏈 He'd try to impress you, lifting weights, working out, all to get your attention. A compliment, a glance, even a scoff over how much he's trying, please notice him!!!
🏈 You rarely did, but whenever you do, you'd go out of your way to push him off his high horse, lunches bought for you were repaid with you teasingly treating him to food, even feeding him which flustered him to no end.
🏈 Cheesy flirts were deflected towards him whenever you gave him little touches and the like. You made him feel so small, so inferior...he loved it.
🏈 You'd walk in the room, and he'd be in a strange pose looking at you come in, his head resting in his hand as he spread himself on your couch.
🏈 "Is it just me or did it just get hotter in here?"
🏈 But you paid no mind, in fact, you leaned over him, your hands supporting you on both sides of him evidently trapping him as his face goes red by you glaring at him. "Uh-uhm...wow, now it's actually getting hot in here..whew!"
🏈 You hated it, but his little moves started growing in you, eventually earning smiles and giggles from you as you hid your face from him, but you always scoffed and shoved him away afterwards.
🏈 But that changed when you heard from one of your friends that he turned down a girl who wanted to sleep with him. He'd never do that! Unless he already has someone in mind...oh no..
🏈 You tried your best to avoid him that day but of course he found you, he was about to spew out another pickup line when you grabbed him by his letterman jacket's collar and slammed him into the lockers, pinning him.
🏈 You asked if all along his flirting and gifts were all a ploy to get you to fuck him through seething teeth.
🏈 His sweat dropped as you pinned him, his face getting redder by the second.
🏈 He gets shy all of a sudden, looking down like a sad puppy, pulling at your heart. You sigh as you let go of him, walking away from him.
🏈 "One chance, my house." You say as you leave him there with his hand on the parts of his neck that got red from you grabbing his collar.
🏈 When he saw you leave, he pumped his fists in the air and ran to tell his friends you asked him out.
🏈 He drove to your house in the best clothes he had without making him seem desperate. He knocked on the door and you let him in. He's been to your house many times but never because of another reason than tutoring, this seemed more intimate to him somehow.
🏈 You sat him down and you two talked, if he really liked you, if he really wanted to be with you, if he really liked you not just for a one-night stand.
🏈 "Y-you really thought that?...Sorry it's just- I'm not good at this...actual relationships I mean..I know it sounds bad but-...yeah it is..but I really like you (Y/N)! You're smart and funny and awesome! and really cute..."
🏈 You never saw him so genuine, something in the way he sat so curtly, avoiding eye-contact with you, you knew he wasn't lying.
🏈 Your glare softened and a smile starts appearing on your face. You scoot nearer to him to ruffle his hair before pulling his head towards you for a kiss.
🏈 He melted into the kiss, putting a hand on your cheek, deepening the kiss.
🏈 You suddenly grab a chuck of his hair, pulling his head back. "If I find out this is all a joke, your ass is grass you hear me?"
🏈 b o n e r
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h8ani · 1 year
Part One → Part Two → Part Three → Part Four
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Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x Reader
Anime: Naruto
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: smut, angst, a pinch of fluff if you squint, slight dubcon but not really, oral for 2.5 seconds (f! receiving), face fucking, doggy, riding, power bottom, unprotected sex
A/N - hello everyone! Sorry this part took so long, I’m already planning on making a part 3 tbh 💀 pls let me know what you guys think on this!
Sasuke leaving was never the issue, he himself was the issue and what mortal sin you committed by allowing what you two did happen. You would've felt better committing treason towards the leaf than what you have done.
The days that followed after he left you felt the five stages of grief and no one even died. A part of you did but you're just being dramatic if you're being honest.
It was something you were in denial about. You hated him, you still hate him. You hate that you slept with him but a part of you keeps rewinding and thinking back of what happened. How he pushed you into the wall, how he brought you not one but two orgasms and above all else, you keep thinking back on everything he said to you and how it made you putty in his hands.
When he left while you showered you couldn't have been more than a little grateful, you don't think that you'd want to look him in the eyes after everything that transpired, especially since that fucker came inside you, you have never let anyone ever do that, not even an ex boyfriend. The trip to the store when purchasing a pregnancy test couldn't have gone worse with the fact you ran into some of your friends and they immediately sent a hundred questions your way as to why you were in that specific aisle. Fuck Sasuke for that. Fuck him for everything.
It's been about three months since you last saw him, though a little part of you feels like you made all of this up because no way in hell this actually happened but sadly it has and the only way you've been able to keep him mostly out of your mind is going on mission after mission. Out of sight, out of mind, because if you're too busy focusing on missions then there's no way in hell that boy will be on your mind. Sasuke Uchiha will always be the boy you hate, you hate his stupid face, his stupid attitude, the stupid way he stormed right into your apartment acting like he owned the place.
You shake your head ridding those thoughts from your head while walking back into your apartment, the mission you just got back from tired you out more than it should have and all you wanted to do was shower and fall asleep in your bed you missed oh so much. Your fresh clean non Sasuke contaminated sheets.
You open your bedroom door and immediately start to discard your clothes and tossing them anywhere they'd land in your room. Your top goes left, your bra goes right, you struggle to walk and take your socks off and seemingly slip and nearly crash into the bathroom door before you stop yourself and let out a long sigh. You make your way into the bathroom and start your shower without even noticing the presence of someone on your bed.
From his eyes being accustomed to the darkness in your room Sasuke was able to see you decently, he saw how tired you looked, the bags under your eyes were dark as you didn't bother covering them up with makeup like most girls he knew, your hair was falling out of the ponytail you had in and the way you walked with heavy footsteps and the fact you almost tripped and fell without even noticing him just proves you're exhausted.
He scoffs at hearing your shower start and hearing you hum to whatever song was playing in your head. Some kunoichi you were, he thought as he relaxes back into your bed. He couldn't believe how irresponsible you were and you were supposed to be the best of the best from your shared class, granted that was years ago but you were supposed to be better than the others, you weren't meant to have your guard down and Sasuke knew that, regardless if you were in your own village and the comfort of your own apartment, you should be better. He rolls his eyes at his own thoughts and his attention soon goes to the shower being turned off and a completely obnoxious and unnecessary yawn that comes from inside of it.
The bathroom door opens and there you were flicking the lights on, bathroom towel wrapped around you. Your eyes still didn't register someone was in your room until Sasuke sits up to look at you, the movement from your bed causing you to let out a scream only meant for if you were being murdered, which you were not. The scowl on Sasukes face deepening even more as his ears start to ring. "How fucking loud can you be?" You blink a few times to register that it's him and not just you thinking about him once you didn't have anything to distract your mind with anymore. He looks irritated as if he wasn't an unwanted guest in your apartment. "Do you want people to know I'm here?"
"Why are you here?...again." You glare at him with what little energy you have left and tighten your grip on your towel. Your hair was still a little wet and you'd rather not have him see you naked again.
"Don't act all modest now, I saw you strip and basically fall face first in the door when you got here. Seriously, I could've been an intruder."
"You are an intruder." You quickly reply and he actually chuckles, he fucking chuckles at that. You huff out a sigh and walk to your dresser across the way from your bed and grab the first pair of pajamas you find and head back to the bathroom to change.
"Oh you embarrassed if I see you naked now?" He smiles to himself but gets no response from you. He gives you all of five seconds because apparently you should've magically been dressed to his standards by now, he's up and off the bed and heading to the bathroom to open the door. The handle turns and before it's open enough to walk in you slam it shut right in his face.
"Hey pervert! Ever heard of knocking?"
"You're calling me a pervert like you weren't cumming on my-" The door swings open and he's met with your glare, your face felt warm at his words coming out.
"Shut up, why are you here Sasuke?" He chuckles and looks down at you, his eyes scanning your body and your matching pajamas.
"Cute." He thinks to himself and finally looks back up to you. "So speaking of cumming," he pauses, you raise a brow at him waiting for him to continue. "I was just checking if you were pregnant or not, didn't know if you were on the pill or whatever."
"Shouldn't you be more aware of that beforehand?" He just shrugs and looks away. "God you're an ass."
"And you're a bitch." He quips back, not thinking a second after he says that you swing your arm back ready to slap him, your hand inches away from his face but he quickly catches it yanking you towards him. "Nice try, I was always quicker than you remember."
"You can leave." You glare at him while pulling your hand out of his grasp and go back towards your bed plopping down allowing your body to feel the comfort of your blankets. Your eyes close momentarily and you sigh contently.
Knock, Knock, Knock
Your eyes shoot open and you frown, no one ever comes to your place without usually asking. Sure you have your neighbors where their kids are usually loud and the parents come to apologize for the nuisance but you haven't heard them since you got home.
Knock, Knock, Knock
You groan and kick your feet out flinging your limbs all around and sit up. "Can a girl sleep for once..." you grumble and sit up.
"I know you're not about to answer that." Sasuke voices and you look annoyed.
"Clearly someone wants to talk to me so I'm going to answer it." You make your way thru your bedroom and Sasuke is right behind you grabbing your arm and pulling you back.
"What if it's your annoying ass friends? Or Anbu? Or anyone fucking else? Don't answer the damn door." His words are quick and hushed while you're just staring up at him even more annoyed.
"Can you-"
"Can you just listen to me?" He gives you a look as if to say 'Are you fucking dumb' and you just shake your head.
Knock, Knock, Knock
"Just let me answer it, it's not like anyone's going to come in so just stay in my room and close the door." His grip on your arm tightens, his eyes squint as he contemplates and he nudges you towards the door, retreating back to your room.
"Just make it quick." Your bedroom door shuts and you let out a sigh. The dramatics of him is unbelievable.
You open your front door to see your downstairs neighbor, she's a small elderly woman who lives alone with her two cats, you recall when you've helped her catch her cats a few times when they've escaped. Once you're in frame and she sees you in your pajamas she couldn't help but smile. "Hi dear, I heard you scream and wanted to make sure you were alright."
"Scream? Oh! Yeah..." You scratch the back of your head and smile, there was a big bug and it flew on me, sorry Miss Nohoya." You sheepishly smile at the old woman. "I know it's late I'm sorry to have woken you."
"Oh no worries! Just didn't know if I had to serve as backup for a young shinobi!" Your face falls once you see the bat she had in her hand.
"Miss Nohoya!" You laugh and take the bat. "Where's your cane? Let me help you back to your apartment you shouldn't be walking down these stairs."
When you got back inside your apartment you knew Sasuke was gone before even getting back to your bedroom. Call it intuition or call it being around him for more than your liking but you could just tell.
Once you got back to your room your window was open and like you had assumed, Sasuke was no longer here.
The weeks that followed were nothing short of boring, more missions, more nights where you were even more tired than the previous. It became repetitious in the worst way possible. The only thing that seemed to break the cycle of your nights repeating itself was hearing the light tapping of a knock on your door and the handle turning. Unlucky for you, you didn't lock your door.
The door swung open and slammed shut and as you walked out of your bedroom an angry looking Sasuke (let's be honest he always looked angry) was pulling you back in. His eyebrows were furrowed and his grip on your wrist tugging you back in was harsh. "You need to start locking your door, don't be an idiot."
"Awe do you care what- OW!" His grip tightens and it sends a sharp pain up your arm. "Look Sasuke I'm not in the mood for-"
"Then get in the mood." Your cheeks warm up at his words and the tone he used behind them. The look on his face was nothing more than a scowl, his hand quickly went up to your shoulder to push you down on your knees while his other hand quickly removed his belt letting it fall down to the floor.
You hate to admit this, but the sound of his belt being undone in such a motion and the amount of pressure he used to push you down sent a chill down your spine, though you would never admit that to anyone.
You look up at his and see he's already looking down at you, his eyes staring at you so intently you glare up at him hoping it'd make him stop. The way he's looking at you, the way you're still on your knees for him, you hate it.
"I hate-"
"You hate me. Yeah I get it, open up." His hand smacks your cheek lightly twice as if his command wasn't enough. Your glare becomes harsher and his hand is quick to hold your chin tilting your head back to look at him more. "I said open." His thumb swipes over your bottom lip slowly pushing into your mouth.
You don't know what comes over you but you suck on the digit that's in your mouth, a deep chuckle comes from up above you and your focus is back on him, he slowly crouches down in front of you, a smirk prominent on his face. "Look at you. You'd listen to anything I'd tell you wouldn't you?" Your brows furrow and push his finger out of your mouth.
"Shut up."
"Then open your mouth and suck my dick." He leans in and captures your lips in a kiss before you can say any smartass comeback. His hand slowly stroking his cock while you lean into the kiss wanting more. "Be good." He breaks the kiss and leaves wet kisses down your neck. "And I'll fuck you after, you want to cum don't you?"
He doesn't give you more than a moment to respond, the feeling of his lips on your neck making you feel fuzzy inside and clouding your mind.
He's standing up and pushing the tip past your lips. You slowly roll your tongue over the tip, not going any further and taking your time. If Sasuke wanted you to suck him off then you're doing it how you wanted to regardless of his wants.
Or so you thought.
You hear that deep ass chuckle of his and his hand reaches out tangling itself with your hair and stays there holding your head in place. He rolls his hips slowly as the tip hits the back of your throat causing you to pull back from his cock but his hands keeping you in place. "Didn't I say for you to be good?" He pushes your head back down on him, guiding your head up and down on him. You relax your jaw allowing you to take in more of him as you keep a steady pace.
Sasuke doesn't take too long before he starts pushing your head deeper and deeper receiving the sound of you choking on him. "Breathe thru your nose." He instructs you and tightens his grip on your hair and picking up the pace.
The only sounds in your room that could be heard was the wet noises your throat makes while he begins to face fuck you. You screw your eyes shut as your throat is used for him, focusing on your breathing was harder than you thought. Tears prick your eyes and slowly fall down your cheeks.
He used your hair to pull you off of his dick allowing you to gasp for air before pushing you back all the way down. Your nose reaching his pelvis and throat constricting around him you hear Sasuke let out a groan and his pace quickens again. His thrusts into your mouth were getting sloppy the quicker he was. "God- You're so pretty like this, my cock in your mouth. Look at me while I cum down your throat."
You look up through tear filled lashes and blink up allowing more to fall down your cheeks. His eyebrows were knit together and the staple look of frustration was all over his face. "Yeah keep looking up at me like that, you're doing s-so good."
His pleasure peaked and he shoved your head back down and came down your throat, "Swallow it." He demands and you listen, swallowing everything he has. You pull off breathing deeply and wiping your eyes and face.
"Strip." Sasuke voices down to you. Your mind still hazy from the lack of oxygen you blink up at him with tears still in your eyes.
In a blur of haziness your clothes are discarded along with his and you're pushed face down into your mattress and ass up. A loud slap rings in your ears bringing you more clarity, you let out a small laugh. "Somebody is in a hurry- ah!" You gasp out feeling his fingers press up on your clit letting the words die on your tongue.
"You're so wet." His fingers move quicker making you whimper. "Did you like getting your face fucked by me that much?" His face dips down to lap up the wetness, hands gripping your thighs to spread you wider for him.
Sasuke begins at a fast pace, licking and sucking your clit quickly bringing you to your high, you grip the sheets under you as the coil is about to snap but slowly gets unwound again as he pulls away from you.
"What. The. Fuck." You look back at him, he smiles at your flushed cheeks, the pout on your lips and yet the scowl on your face still prevalent.
"You want my dick that badly huh? Wanna beg for it?" Sasuke sits up and pulls your hips back.
"Oh fuck you."
All you hear is his deep ass laugh behind you before you feel him push in with one thrust. He bottoms out immediately and you feel the stretch of him.
It's been a few months since the last time you and Sasuke fucked so you still weren't acclimated to his length and girth. With that being said he doesn't give you any time to get adjusted as his hips pull back and snap into you at such a brutal pace, but even with his harsh thrusts you let out a loud moan, his dick hitting you deeper than before.
Your pussy tightens around him and sucks him in with every thrust he gives you. He slaps your ass making you whine into the mattress.
"Fuck." He grunts, his hands gripping your hips and pulling you back into him when he thrusts up into your pussy. "Who's fucking pussy is this? Tell me or I'll stop." You whine loudly in response, pussy tightening around him. He slaps your ass harder this time grunting as he becomes rougher with his thrusts. "You want me to stop then? Princess doesn't want me to keep fucking her?"
"N-No! Don't stop, please don't stop- ah fuck." You press your head further into the mattress muffling your moans. "Close..." you mumble but Sasuke could make out what you said. He thrusted a few more times, allowing you to get closer and closer before pulling out.
Your eyes shoot open and the sound you let out could be described between a whine and a scoff. You look back at him, tears slightly welling in your eyes can be seen by him. "Come here." Sasuke smirks at you while laying back against your pillows, his hands pulling you on top of him. "Ride me." You hastily straddle him and position yourself before slowly sinking down on him.
You were beyond frustrated, he could see that, hell he knew that after cutting your orgasm short twice but Sasuke couldn't make anything easy for you.
He was here to let his frustrations out on you, came here only to fuck you and leave like last time but as time goes on and seeing you want him, no. Seeing you need him, you needed him to fuck you, needed him to bring your pleasure to the hilt and then push you over even more. Sasuke wanted to stay to see how frustrated you really could get, you got needy the more you were pushed away from your orgasm and he couldn't help but love to see you like this.
For someone he couldn't stand he sure loved watching you writhe when he shoved his cock in you.
You set a good pace for yourself, slowly bouncing up and down on his cock while feeling him even deeper. You let your eyes flutter shut as you pick up your pace, hands finding place on his chest.
"Look at me." Sasuke spoke low and husky. The heat on your cheeks radiating off of you from his words. You keep your eyes shut and shake your head slightly. "(Y/N)." You felt his hands dig into your hips pulling you up and back down on his cock harshly snapping his hips into you. Your eyes open as a gasp slips past your lips. "I said look at me."
Your eyes focus on him, the way he has a smirk on his lips but seeing his eyes scanning your face. He looks at you with arrogance all over his face but his eyes slightly soften at you. You looked cute like this, nervous to make eye contact with him, fucked out of your mind just chasing the high you want so badly.
He wraps his arm around your waist pulling you against his chest as he thrusts up into you, his hips snapping into you pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
It's not long before you're a moaning mess on top of him, your moans soft yet high in his ears, your clit rubbing against him giving you that little push before your orgasm washes over you.
Your body spasms on top of him, hands gripping his shoulders as nails digging into him leaving crescent shaped prints into him. Even tho you were on top Sasuke was never one to give you the power. He dug his heels into your mattress fucking up into you faster chasing his own orgasm. You still coming down from yours, you whine and squirm feeling overly sensitive.
He gives one last thrust into you letting out a low groan as he came. You melt like putty against him breathing heavy, eyes feeling heavy as they slowly close.
Sasuke was breathing just as hard, the grip around your waist loosening as his hand finds place at your lower back, after a moment he slowly began to rub the smooth skin up and down. Your heartbeat was beating hard against your chest, he chuckled hearing it beat so rapidly.
Your eyes slowly opened coming back to reality. You stayed on his chest, hand slowly mimicking his own hand movement and rub his arm. "So..." you start and take a moment. "What was all that about? You came in angrier than usual."
He takes a moment to think of what to say. Could he get away with saying he needed a stress reliever or would you be offended by that? He wasn't going to say he missed you, although he's already wanting to plan out his next visit into your home after tonight. "Bad day." He decides on. A short silence fills the room before he feels you sit up to look at him.
He looks at you blankly, no signature scowl on his face nor the cocky smile he likes to shoot at you. He just had a neutral look on him as he looked at you. His hand still moving along your back, nails lightly scratching your back giving you a comfortable feeling with him.
You let out a light sigh and focus on your fingers twiddling around. "I'll be gone on a mission for about a month in a few days." Sasuke's eyebrows raise but you continue on, "Just in case you have any more bad days."
"Or you." He quickly adds, your lips slowly form a smile as you look at him.
"I'm sure I'll have some bad days too."
It was an unspoken agreement you two had, neither one of you feeling the need to explain in further detail. Although your feelings for him very much stay the same, when either of you have the feeling of need for the other, to satisfy that itch you both need to scratch you two would be happy to help.
You couldn't say this was a friends with benefits situation as neither of you would call the other a friend, but you wouldn't want to hate anyone else if this wasn't the outcome it came with.
Hating Sasuke Uchiha was the best decision you've made.
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alwaysobsessed777 · 11 days
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Words: 1267
Warnings: None other than it being sad (sorry)
Summary: Slowly falling in love with Nika. Things just seem to be going so perfectly, but nothing last forever....
I don't believe in God, but I believe that you're my savior
"Nika?" She lifted her head from my chest, a small smile on her lips.
"I love you," Her smile grew. I wanted nothing more than to be with her for as long as I possible could. I felt...happier, more myself. She made me, me.
"I love you too, y/n," She leaned in, placing a soft kiss to my lips. Her hand finding my cheek, burning and flushed red.
"I've never been so happy in my life. You make me feel like there's a reason to live," I spoke, her face dropping. Her forehead resting on mine.
"Bab-" I cut her off, "No, I mean it," I pull my face away from hers. "You're everything to me, I don't think I can lose you."
She blurted out something I hadn't expected, "I can't be."
"Why not? You already are, you mean so much to me," She started to get up, wanting to leave.
"My parents, they'd...they wouldn't approve," She paused, "But, God, do I love you more than my own life."
"It's not up to them, we make our own decisions," She sighed.
"I can't lose my parents, y/n," She moved toward me, her hands finding my waist, "But, I don't wanna lose you either."
"Do we just not tell them?"
Her face went through every emotion, almost as if she was going through every possible outcome. "As long as we keep it between us."
I was willing to do anything, anything to keep the woman that seems to save my life everyday by just being here. I shook my head, agreeing. Nika pulled me into a hug, her face cuddled into the crook of my neck. My hands found her back, rubbing slightly.
"I'll do anything for you, Niks," Instead of a word from the girl, she placed small kisses on my neck.
And when we're getting dirty, I forget all that is wrong
Our bodies intertwined, skin too skin, I almost forgot that the world would never know she was mine. The way we made each other feel, every word shared between us, it was only ever going to be between us.
"That," Nika says, her breaths becoming even, "That makes me feel like we're supposed to be together."
"Nahiem wouldn't have ever thought about me...you did. That's all you think about, no matter the case. Your better than any person on this planet, y/n," Her words sending chills through me, my cheeks flushing red.
"Nik-" She cut me off, "What if I was to tell my parents? Convince them we're supposed to be together. That you've been the only person to make me feel like...I care, like I matter. Y/n, if I had to come out, it would only ever be for you. Losing them would me nothing compared to losing you."
I sat there, words not wanting to escape my mouth, "Nika, you can't throw your whole family away for me."
"I will. Who knows, they might not hate that fact I found someone that makes me feel so special."
"I'm going to Croatia next week."
Dumbfounded again, I sat there, trying to form words, "When did you plan this?"
"Last night. I wanna talk to my parents. I wanna tell them about us, or at least that..." The words seemed to stick in her throat, "That I'm gay."
Her body shivered against mine, "Niks, you don't have too. Don't do it 'til you're ready."
"I'm never gonna be ready, I just...I just gotta do it. If I don't do it now, I'll never do it. I'll never be fully myself."
I nod, "When do you leave?"
"Tomorrow night."
I couldn't imagine being without her for a week. I couldn't imagine her being across the world and me not being there to comfort her when she decided to come out. I wanted to go with her, but it was best for me not to.
I sleep so I can see you and I hate to wait so long
She left, she went to Croatia. I worried, I hadn't been able to leave my bed. I wanted her next to me. I wanted to know she wasn't going to possible destroy her life back home. All these thoughts, they only stayed when I was awake. Only when I allowed myself away from my bed, the last place she was before she left to her home.
The thoughts would overwhelm me, the void of her not being her overwhelmed me. I wanted to see her, be with her, talk to her, do anything with her.
I couldn't.
I was here, she was there. She'd call every night, my mornings. She'd update me. She'd tell me what she had planned.
"Baby, I miss you," She pouts, a small smile spreading on my lips.
"I miss you too, Niks," She's constantly look around, hoping no one was eavesdropping.
"I haven't told them yet," Her expression changed, nervousness peaking through her happy exterior, "I think I'm gonna wait 'til it's close to time for me to leave."
I nod, "Whatever is best for you. You really don't even have to do it."
She shook her head, "No, I want to. That's just the best time."
"Who you on the phone with?" Nika's eyes darted to the door.
"Bye, y/n. Love you." She hung up.
I didn't even get to respond. I laid back in bed, hoping to fall back asleep. Then I could have dreams of her, of our future. If there even was one.
But nothing can capture the sting, Of the venom she's gonna spit out right now
I waited at the airport for her, she never came. I was worried, maybe she stayed another day. I texted her, I called her, nothing. I tried one more time, finally, she picked up.
"Did you end up staying another day?" I asked, concern laced in my tone.
"Oh, um, I forgot to tell you," She paused, "Nahiem came and picked me up. I'll tell him to drop me off at your place though."
My stomach dropped, why him? Why not me? We were together, or at least I think we are.
"Oh, okay."
"You're not mad are you?" I couldn't pinpoint the emotion that she must've felt, so I just answered.
"I'm sorry," She sounded like she meant it, I sighed.
"It's okay."
I made my way back to my place, trying to find a reason for her to pick him over me. Nothing. I couldn't think of anything.
I walked through the door, Nika meeting me there. She pulled me into a hug, whispering in my ear.
"I'm so sorry, baby. Please let me explain?" She pulled away slightly, her eyes pleading.
"Of course," She sat me down on the couch, her hands intertwining with mine.
"I told them."
I stared at her, disbelief evident on my face, "What?!? How'd it go?"
Her eyes began to tear up, "They told me...it wasn't natural. It's not supposed to happen. They think the demons are taking over my body."
I gasped, pulling her into a hug, "I'm so sorry."
"They're forcing me to get back with Nahiem. I have to break up with you," Her voice broke, my heart shattering.
"Nika," I tried, she wasn't going to listen.
"No, y/n, we're done."
"Please, you can't do that," I went to grab for her hand, her yanking it from me.
"I never loved you, my parents were right," Tears fell from her eyes, she didn't believe what she was saying.
"Nika, we could keep it secret. Please, I can't lose you," Tears falling from my own eyes. She ran up to me, pressing our lips together.
"In another life."
She opened the door, "Nika, we could say you and Nahiem are together. We'll lie to them, I know you still love me. I love you."
She looked back, shook her head, and left.
A/N: Sorry guys, but there's gonna be one more part. It might get better.
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Yes, yes, we love a bit of hero whump, though may I suggest if it is not too much.... some villain whump? 👀
Most of the time, the villain could deal with injuries perfectly. In fact, they'd been in med school for several years and had perfected stitching up nearly every inch of their own body. Usually, they wouldn't accept help under any circumstances.
Partly because it felt wrong to bother someone else with their troubles, partly because they were terrified of other people's (non-existing) skills. They couldn't risk it.
But they assumed being placed under house arrest with the hero watching them wasn't exactly usual.
It happened in the middle of a card game between the two of them. A week ago, they would have never agreed to such silly things but after a few days, they had realised there wasn't much to do. No internet connection. No smartphone, no TV. Just this house and a hyperactive hero that couldn't sit still.
Once a week they got to call their parents.
In the exact moment as they put another card onto the stack, the villain felt the stitches open one by one. At first, they simply denied it, made themselves think that it wasn't that bad. They were simply mistaken; it was surely just the usual pain and they were exaggerating.
But the pain increased and they could feel the wetness of the blood trickle down their back. A week ago, before the hero had captured them, they'd been in a pretty rough shape. A swollen face, several nasty bruises and this one stab wound that kept reopening. And stitching their own back? That was more than a little challenge. They hated it, they loathed it.
"I think I have to use the washroom," they said.
"Oh, really? Now that you're losing, huh?" The hero raised an eyebrow. They took these games a little too serious. "Do you seriously expect me to go easy on you because I am the hero? I've been playing this game for years. I have mastered it and I will destroy you, no matter what it takes. No matter what you try, I will-"
"Okay, you win, oh almighty hero." They threw their cards onto the table. It was getting worse. They didn't even know if they could stand up without tripping. Their vision blurred. Everything seemed to turn upside down.
"'Hey, that's not how this works," the hero said. "You can't just give up like that. I was supposed to defeat you."
"M-hm." The villain stood up and for a second, they really thought they would pass out. They took in a deep breath.
"Wait, are you okay?"
"Hm?" The villain didn't find the hero's eyes right away and they could feel their own body sway. God, they needed painkillers, rubbing alcohol, thread, needle... "Yeah, be right back."
They walked past the hero, always in search for something to hold onto but they didn't come very far.
"Oh my god." The hero sounded a little too concerned. The villain thought themselves to be quite a good actor and they weren't even swaying that much. "What the...?"
The hero was next to them in seconds, their hand on the villain's arm. They held onto them.
"What did you do...?"
"What? Nothing, I...oh fuck..." Involuntarily, they grabbed the hero a little too harshly when they felt the wound pulsating.
"Your entire shirt is drenched in blood!" The hero's gaze had hardened and a more concentrated look had replaced their playful smile.
"I got it, it's alright," the villain mumbled. They let go of the hero to drag themselves to the bathroom but the hero had other plans.
"Lay down on the couch," they said.
"You're not my boss," the villain argued. Sometimes, they hated themselves for their stubborness but being nursed by the hero sounded like a greater punishment than even house arrest. Being vulnerable around them, letting someone else take care of them...it sounded like actual hell.
"Please," the hero said. They took the villain's hand and the villain was so confused by this gentle approach that they almost forgot about the pain. They were sure no one else would ever beg to take care of them. When they remembered how violent their capture had been and how many heroes had punched them, they got goosebumps.
They would never tell anyone but they were having nightmares about their fights. Anxiety was eating them up. So, they were almost glad that the hero was observing them at their home.
"It's fine, really," the villain mumbled. "I got it."
"You are bleeding out. You're not fine. Sit down." More or less of their own volition, the villain eventually sat down on the couch. "I'll take your shirt off now, alright?"
The villain's hand was still in theirs.
"Okay," the villain agreed. Their breath hitched and they prepared themselves for the inevitable pain that would follow. However, the hero wasn't rough with them.
"Isn't that from last week?" the hero asked while they pulled the bloody shirt over the villain's head.
"They gave me an entire protocol about your injuries. There wasn't anything about a stab wound. Just your ankle and your face."
The villain smiled tiredly. "Sounds about right."
It wasn't a big secret that the agency preferred to be silent on how exactly they caught their villains.
Against the villain's burning back, the hero's cold fingers felt heavenly. They put their palm against the villain's skin and pushed them a little forward to see the injury better.
"Did you stitch that yourself?"
"I tried, yeah."
"It looks pretty good," the hero said. "Just give me a second, I will grab everything."
The hero stood up and left for the bathroom.
And the villain sat there, perplexed. When had they ever allowed someone else to even touch them? When had they ever undressed in front of someone else?
What was happening? Were they really this desperate loser who needed comfort that bad?
The villain stared at their hands, their trembling hands. There was no way they could stitch any wound like this, not even if it was on their thigh.
It was more than frustrating, more than a little annoying.
"Is there anything else I should know about? Allergies maybe?" the hero asked. The villain turned around and was surprised to see the hero with all the things they would have grabbed too. There were even painkillers and a glass of water in their hand. The villain shook their head. "Alright. Take this."
All of it was a little...too good to be true. What the hero asked seemed reasonable and their actions were too. The villain swallowed the painkillers and watched as the hero sat on the couch. They pressed a clean towel against the villain's wound and despite their carefulness, the villain hissed.
"Your pain from one to ten? How bad is it?"
"I..." the villain realised they had never thought about it. Usually when they tended to their own wounds they were like a machine, following instructions they had burnt into their system a long time ago. It didn't matter if it burnt or hurt, as long as the wound was closed. But the hero was actually communicating, they were careful and gentle. "...maybe a three?"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay, it's a five." The hero seemed to be another person completely, their jokes and their cheery manner were long gone, yet they were friendly and soft. Apparently, this was the professional side of the hero.
"Do you think it was a clean knife? Your wound doesn't seem to be infected."
"It should have been. Heroes clean their knives regularly, don't they?" For a moment, the hero was quiet and the villain wasn't sure if they had said the wrong thing. They cleared their throat. "Uhm, I can also stitch the wound, if you..."
"No, it's okay. It looks pretty clean, so I'm not going to put any alcohol on it. Don't want to damage your tissue." Woah. The villain had never really cared about that. They'd just drench their wounds in alcohol to kill any infection causing thing, even if that damaged their tissue. "One more thing before I start stitching."
"Just out of curiosity. Do you know whom of my colleagues did this to you?"
The villain's stomach tingled. The hero was probably not asking out of pure curiosity.
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erwinsvow · 5 months
i feel like pogue!reader with rafe would have an interesting dynamic with barry. like, he doesn’t particularly like her - knowing her connection with the pogues, especially jj but at the same time he’s dealing with rafe and pogues as a collective have gotta stick together. he’s also just morbidly curious about how she and country club have became a thing.
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barry laughs when he sees you walking into his place, attached to rafe's side.
"ain't that-"
"that's my fuckin' girl. so watch your mouth." rafe cuts him off before he can finish the rest of his sentence, which is sure to have something to do with the fact that the few times barry's seen you before, you've been with the pogues that rafe supposedly hates so much.
"your girl? is that right? well, pleasure to meet you again, m'barry-"
you look up hesitantly at rafe, wondering if you should say something back, and you briefly reflect for a moment just how different things used to be. with your best friends, with jj and john b and pope at your side, the group of you would go and make yourselves comfortable anywhere. they'd charm their way into the good graces of the host and you never felt like you couldn't just speak your mind.
rafe is different. you don't know if it's bad, if he's bad for you, or not. talking to someone when you know he doesn't want you to feels wrong, feels bad. and you like him taking lead, him showing you the way and calling all the shots.
so you smile at barry but don't engage, looking up at your boyfriend instead. he looks down at you for a second, but you can tell you did the right thing.
"sit down and shut up. c'mon, we got shit to discuss."
"tells me to sit down. in my own fuckin' house. i gotta tell you princess, you picked a real winner here in rafey boy-"
"did y'not hear the shut up part?"
a laugh escapes, though you try to keep it quiet. they go on discussing something that doesn't mean much to you, while you go on your phone and text your friends. rafe's phone rings, and he just steps away for a minute to answer. barry doesn't hesitate a second to get the answers he needs from you.
"so. you and country club. how long's that been goin' on?"
"um, a couple months."
"your boys know 'bout him?" you bite your cheek. they don't, yet.
"not yet. but, soon, i guess. waiting for the right time.." you mumble, playing with a loose stitch on your skirt.
"yeah. i'd get on that. not gonna be too happy, are they?"
"don't they hate your boy as much as he hates them? ain't that.. awkward?"
you think you should be offended by the line of questioning, but rafe talks about barry often enough for you to know that he's not a snitch, that he doesn't care. he's just curious.
and he should be. up until a few months ago, you were never seen without your boys, as barry put it. you used to be attached to jj's arm, permanent passenger princess in pope's truck and the twinkie. it all feels like a lifetime ago.
"i'm hoping we can all make amends," you finish softly, fresh waves of guilt washing through your body. it burns where it goes, a stinging similar to what your friends are gonna feel soon, when they find out you've been dating the boy who's been terrorizing them.
"for your sake, i hope so too."
"what're you two talkin' about?" rafe asks, coming back inside and taking his place next to you. he puts his hand on your knee, brings you in close without having to ask.
you hope it's all going to be worth it.
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the-delusion-corner · 5 months
𝔑𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔯 - 𝔜𝔲𝔱𝔞 𝔒.
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𝕐𝕦𝕥𝕒 𝕆𝕜𝕜𝕠𝕥𝕤𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕥 𝟙𝟛: "𝕀 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞, 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟?"
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It's no secret that Yuta has restless nights more often than not. Being his dorm neighbour, you can hear the tossing and turning, and the heavy breathing through the thin built walls. Though there wasn't usually much you could do about it, he shut any source of comfort down before you could even justify.
The clock striked 2am as you lay in your bed, mindlessly scrolling through social media behind tired half lidded eyes. Your ears perked up at the sound that echoed through the wall, from none other than Yuta's dorm.
The scream wasn't guttural, it sounded like someone in a moment of shock, like someone who's restless and just needed to scream to get some sort of emotion out. You sigh as you sit up, kicking your legs off of the bed and dangling your feet around to find your slippers. With a yawn, the back of your hand ran across your eyes, removing the sleep dust that pinched when you blink.
Moving the handle of your dorm door down slowly, you were mindful of the early hour timing as you stepped out into the hallway, shutting the door behind you in the quietest manner possible. Wrapping your arms around yourself you treaded over the floorboards carefully, creaking under the balls of your feet*
"Yuta?" knock knock
"Yuta it's me, (y/n), can you let me in please?"
"C-come in..."
the voice you received was dreary and tired, laced with a certain feeling of upset. His door handle clicked down as you stepped into the dark room, shutting it gently behind you before approaching his bed slowly.
Yuta was laid facing away, his face darkened from lack of light in his room, sounds of soft sniffles echoing in the deafening silence. You sigh as you step over, taking a seat at the edge of his bed and tugging on his duvet.
"Yuu? I heard your scream...nightmares again?"
He stays silent for a few seconds as he wipes his nose with the edge of his sleeve. His head eventually rolls over and his eyes lock onto yours, red and slightly puffy. Sweat beaded his brow and his lips were quivering, a sorry sight.
"I...I thought they'd stopped...i-i...had a few peaceful nights and now-"
You shushed him by placing a slim digit over his lips, forcing him to stop talking.
"Take a breath, it's alright"
Your voice whispered through the room, meeting his ears like something straight out of a lullaby or symphony. He sniffled again and sat up, leaning back against his headboard as he looked down.
He was twiddling with his thumbs, spinning them around each other and rolling them across his palms. He was fidgety and was clearly, agitated maybe? Distressed? Either way, he wasn't okay.
"Talk to me Yuta. I hate having to hear you get upset at night, and you don't let me help you."
"But...no I need to be stronger, someone's not a-always gonna be there.." His voice was pitiful, full of hesitance and embarrassment. He didn't like to reach out for help, he's meant to be stronger than this.
"I'll be here. So why don't you try?
Though the sentence uttered had been short it was a sense of relief, his mind almost getting some ease over the fact that someone wanted to be there for him.
He sighed, looking up towards the ceiling of his room and closing his eyes.
"It was....it was about Rika again. She always occupies my mind, and not in happiness at night time..."
He cleared his throat as he looked back down, running a hand over his face with a groan, fingers attacking his eyes to kill the tears threatening to brim.
"I see her death alot. The way she looked at me...and the sounds...the blood."
"Shhh. Okay okay I get the picture"
You couldn't help but feel bad for the boy. No matter whether she was still with him, be it in curse form, of course her death would always haunt the back of his mind. You sighed, taking a hold of his wrist and bringing him to his feet.
He watched as his window curtains were pulled open, the bright moonlight beaming into the room and highlighting the floor boards. The cool night breeze entered the room as you pushed the window open, soft howling from the gusts of wind hitting your ears.
Yuta stepped over and leaned onto the windowsill with you, a confused expression plastered on his face. He looked up at the night sky, and it was definitely beautiful, all the specks of light over the deep blue. But he couldn't understand why you'd...wanted him to see this?
"Why...why are we-"
"Look up at the stars Yuta"
You grab his hand, using your finger over the back of his hand to point at different stars, some of them flickering, some of them beaming like a lighthouse.
"Think of it this way. She's in your mind, in grace, during the day...and at night..."
Your hand brought his to point at the brightest star shining in the sky.
"Rika is watching you from the stars at night, shining down on you, making herself brighter than any others so you can see her."
Yuta's lips parted, a soft gasp leaving his throat at the idea. His breath hitched as he curled his hand around yours, staring at the star you'd pointed out before looking down at his feet, soft tears brimming his eyes.
"She's up there...isn't she?"
"She's up there Yuta. She's up there, for you."
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Nyoom first prompt request done, thought this was a cute idea for the request so I do hope it's liked.
- Abi
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ailithnight · 2 years
*Whoops. Forgot to title and link previous chapters. Fight me, I just woke up.
A King in Arkham
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
"Tim. Tim you have to get me copies of this footage." Tim is not surprised by the request. In fact, the 'Sure' is already on his tongue when he pauses, a thought creeping into his head, seeded by the notification Tim really hopes Jason isn't paying attention to in the bottom corner of the computer.
"One condition."
"Fuck you, I knew you'd want something. What? You want my cookies? Coffee? For Red Hood to go on camera singing praises for Red Robin? I'll fuckin do it. Just send me the god damn clips."
"Nope, nope, and tempting, but no."
"Name your price, Replacement. I'll pay it."
"Swear you aren't going to go rush in and extract the kid until we're done investigating him."
"What!? Fuck that! I told you was pulling him out next chance I get!" Tim lets himself groan in annoyance.
"Look, anyone that could do that-" Tim gestures to the part of the screen where they'd pulled up The Joker's medical reports following the incidents, showing pictures and descriptions of just how thoroughly Daniel had beat his ass 3 weeks in a row, "without getting so much as a scratch or fucking bruise in return, has got something going on. There may well be a reason they sent him to Arkham!"
Jason's eyes narrow at Tim as he all but growls, "No reason is good enough to put-"
"A fifteen year old in Arkham. I fucking know that, Hood. But we still need to know exactly who we're dealing with when we get him out. What his deal is. If his dangerous. What the hell was so wrong with him that someone thought it was a good idea to stick him in there to begin with."
"He could get hurt while we're sitting on our asses trying to satisfy fuckin Bat paranoia!"
"He took down the Joker! Clearly he can take care of himself."
"Then who has been hurting him!?"
"Maybe him fucking self!" Tim knew he was pushing it. The green growing stronger in Jason's eyes was proof. But he needed to buy them some time before Jason made thing exponentially harder by storming the castle. Still, now he needed to calm Jason down before he went into a full rage. So Tim held up his hands placatingly.
"A few days, Jay. Just give us a few more days. I'm already almost through the Arkham reports, and there are only a handful from Chicago and Oracle is probably going to announce any minute now that she got through the communications blackout around his home town. We just need a bit more time to sort out intel so that we actually know how to help him once we get him out."
Finally, after a tense 34 seconds, green fades back into blue and Jason let's out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. But I get to tell the Bat about Daniel's discipline slips. Wanna see his fuckin face when I do."
"Deal." Tim hurriedly puts a comm in as Jason watches with narrowed eyes.
Red Robin. Ready to fill me in?
Not yet, you're about to be busy. I isolated a pattern earlier. Exactly 15 minutes before the locks malfunction, there's been a strange power surge. Always written off. But the surge doesn't seem to be coming from the grid. And like I said, exactly 15 minutes later is when the locks malfunction.
Jason huffs as he catches on. Apparently he hadn't thought to question why Tim was so desperate to buy time before.
Robin responds, since he's on stakeout with Bruce. Mostly because Bruce won't let him watch the asylum alone. Much as the kid hates it, the rest of the family agrees. It's only a matter of time before someone in max security manages to take advantage of theses malfunctions. So far Croc is the only one who had, though thankfully he's not one to start shit on his own. But with Joker, Scarecrow, and TwoFace all inside; any one of them, or god forbid all three, could make for a real bad situation.
Tt. So you can tell before a malfunction happens.
Think so. Last power surge was 8 minutes ago.
And you are only telling us now, why Drake?
Cause he spent those 8 convincing me not to go get our kid out yet.
6 minutes. See if you can stop things before they start.
I'm not far out. Want me to join you?
Tt. I doubt we'll need your assistance, Signal. We shall be done before you get here.
No wait. Signal, head in. See if you can get a read on 26B.
You think he might be meta?
Jason glares at Tim betrayed.
"I wanted to see his fuckin face."
Tim just waves him off.
"They need to know. You tell them or I do."
Jason scowls, but relents.
He put the Joker in the infirmary on his 1st, 7th, and 15th days there. All 3 times took no damage himself. Feral child had to be pulled off and still didn't stop struggling till the clown was out of sight.
All 3 assaults followed by panic attacks, though whether about the Joker himself or what Daniel had done to him, we don't know yet.
The comms were silent for a moment.
A 15 year old...
Did what you've never had the balls to old man.
...I've fought the Joker.
Daniel hits first.
I will admit, it is impressive that he can take the Joker down alone. Perhaps he will make for a worthy brother after all.
4 minutes.
We're moving in. Thank you Red Robin, Hood.
The fuck are you thanking me for?
For helping. And giving us time to work this out.
ETA 7 minutes out. Be with you shortly.
The advanced warning proved invaluable for Batman and Robin. After alerting the chief of security of their supposed pattern, he had guards already in motion when the doors swung open. Batman took a perch to watch for max security escapees while Robin assisted the guards in keeping inmates corralled. Many didn't even bother to leave their designated areas, having already seen the Bats in the building.
No sign of any max security inmates. Normally, Batman would find this concerning. And while he did file it away to ponder later why no one from max security ever seemed to make it out of that wing, for today he counted the blessing that he would not have to try to keep Robin safe while dealing with someone like the Joker.
Batman tracked motion through the crowds, watching as a black mop of hair moved, seemingly otherwise unnoticed, through the sea of people. He thought to move in to direct the person back towards where people were being herded to, but the small figure merely walked towards the B wing and entered one of the far cells. That gave Bruce a sneaking suspicion of which patient that was. He moved to get a closer look as Signal swooped in.
"Where is he?"
"I believe he just went into his cell. This way." Batman led Signal to the cell he'd seen that tiny person enter. It was indeed 26B and there was indeed a small, too small, frail looking boy lying on the bed there. A red blotch had appeared under his left eye even though Bruce was certain there had been no injury there as the boy had crossed the hall.
Signal froze beside him, breath stuttering. The boy briefly glanced at them through the corner of his eye, mouth twitching into a brief frown. Then his eyes turned back to the ceiling and his face smoothed out. Bruce couldn't help but reach out.
"Hello." The boy said nothing. Signal opened and closed his mouth, seeming to try to say something, but unable to get words out. Batman wondered what he must be seeing. "You seem hurt. Do you need help?" Eyes flickered back to him and away just as quickly.
"Nothing you can help with Mr. Batman." And oh, how Bruce hated the kid's voice. So quiet and so so hollow. Bruce's mind flashed to his children, imagining any them speaking with such emptiness. His heart clenched, wondering what could have happened to this boy to have snuffed the life out of him so young.
Duke found his voice again, just as the doors buzzed and swung shut again.
"What are you?" Bruce frowned, looking at his latest. Who was looking, as Bruce tracked his gaze, not at Daniel but at the space just above him. Daniel himself seemed to take interest all of a sudden, breaking away his upward gaze to roll his head and look at them. Confusion plain on his face, the first hint of life shining dimly in his eyes.
"Signal? Signal, what do you see?" Batman asked. Robin materialized beside them. The daytime hero stepped forward, then back, light sparking and fizzling around his fingertips.
"There's something in there with him."
Daniel looked back up, where Signal still had his gazed trained on something Batman couldn't see. Even Robin seemed confused, though he no doubt trusted Signal's meta sight.
"Don't worry," Daniel murmured, "S'just a ghost. She can't hurt you."
This 'ghost' seemed unhappy either with the teen's words or this turn of events. Daniel's head snapped back to the side again, causing Batman and Signal to wince while Robin watched stoically. 4 red scratches appeared on Daniel's right cheek, as though he had been backhanded by someone with clawlike nails. A light chill brushed through him and Signal tensed, then relaxed, his gaze finally turning from the emptiness above Daniel to the boy himself. Batman took that as a sign that the... entity, was gone.
Daniel did not react to the obvious abuse from an invisible assailant. He mechanically turned his head back, once more dead and glazed eyes returning to the cracks in the ceiling of his cell. "You should go now. The guards will come around soon to make sure I'm still here."
Bruce wanted so badly to say 'Don't worry, we'll get you out of here.' But Batman was more restrained than that. He would get the child out. But he would have a plan first. For now, Bruce placed a hand each on the shoulders of Duke and Damien, guiding them away. Only when they were back outside did Bruce let them go. Only when they were perched on a rooftop half a block away did Batman pause.
"Robin, report."
"No escaped inmates and no sign of any from maximum security."
"Good. Signal, any information on what you saw in there." Duke rubbed at his eyes.
"A ghost, I guess? I don't know. It was weird. She didn't really have an aura. It was more like, an absence of aura. Like she was a black hole, drawing all the light in."
Even behind the domino, Bruce could tell Damien rolled his eyes.
"And what of the patient, Thomas? Was he not the one you were sent to look at?" Batman bit back the reprimand for codenames, more interested in Signal's response. Signal seemed to think for a moment, then shook his head.
"He definitely had a pretty distinct aura. It... felt powerful. But it looked weak. Dim. When the ghost... struck him, it flared up a bit, but died back down almost instantly. I... I get the feeling he was holding it back. Almost like he was afraid of it. Of himself."
"Hnn. Good job Signal. Robin. You two are welcome to head back to the cave. I'll take the rest of this Arkham shift."
At that moment, the comms crackled to life.
Actually B, you may want to come in, also. Arkham should be fine. And I found why they sent the kid there.
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candyskiez · 9 months
Fuck it. I've been sitting on this one for a while.
Lemme talk about Luz as a trans allegory. Is this the only way to interpret her character? Fuck no! Is it one of my favorite ways to interpret her? Fuck yes! Strap in, I am very normal about her story.
Luz's story literally begins with being sent to a camp to make her more "Normal." It is later revealed that one of the people sent to that camp is nonbinary. And they say that the camp was like a prison. Sound familiar?
It's also very noteworthy that throughout the story, it seems like Luz has to choose between being herself and her family. Either have your mom or be happy. Either find yourself or be with someone you love but who you feel like you can't let know you, because you feel like you're too weird for them to handle. It's also very interesting how she interprets Camila's actions, and also completely understandable considering everything. She interprets it as she just became Too Much. Her issues are too much, she's too much effort, she's a burden to her, and she can't justify it anymore. There's something Wrong with her. And she's desperate to make it up to her. She feels like she can only show Camilia a part of herself, because maybe that other part of her isn't what she's supposed to be. Maybe she's just a mess. Maybe she's a horrible daughter. She's weighing her down. (Once again, sound familiar?)
Camilia in grom fright walking in through a door makes me really think of being Outed. Being caught in the act, being realized as Other and just the whole "have you been LYING to me?!" Which. I'm sure many trans people relate to. Hiding this part of yourself from someone you love because you're scared that it's too late to tell them. If they find out, will they take it personally? Will they be angry? Will they need to know every little detail before they're satisfied? Luz doesn't know how Camilia will react after she sent her to that camp, because that felt so out of character for her mom to do and now she's left reeling. She got Too Much for even her mom to deal with. Now she feels like she needs to hide this part of her even more. Her texts to Camilia are also very notable. It just...it sounds so much like sounding scared to come out. Wanting, so bad, for her to know who she really is. She's just...scared. And she isn't ready.
Also the fact that everyone, at every turn, is constantly telling Luz she'll never be a witch. She wasn't born with a bile sack. She wasn't born one. She wasn't born here. She can't be a witch. Humans can't do magic. Humans aren't built like that. She wasn't born a witch. And her dejection in covention is just...
Is she really a witch if she wasn't born one? If she has to make herself one?
And Eda says, what makes a real witch? Someone who conforms and acts exactly like a witch "should?" Thats bullshit, then they'd be miserable. Do whatever , be your own witch. Do you see what I'm getting at.
Also the fact Luz is constantly made to choose between worlds. Human realm and demon realm. Everyone telling her where she's allowed to be. What she's allowed to be. You can't have both. You can't be both. You do not get both. Luz calling herself a bad boy. Luz being referred to as a girl as well. Her being both. Her being told she cannot be both. Do you get what I'm saying. Do you hear me.
And just. God. Thanks to them. None of her old clothing that was so much like her. Covering up her body so much. No more non conforming, none. She has the dysphoria stereotype fit, bit for bit. She's hiding her own body. Trying to look normal. Depressed and she hates herself because she thinks she ruined everything by chasing that happiness.
And what saves her is Camilia telling her, I never EVER meant to make you feel like this. My biggest mistake is not supporting you when you needed it. My biggest mistake is letting other people push you around. I was terrified that they would hurt you for being different, so I tried to make you hide it. I should've stood with you and fought the people who I thought would hurt you. You needed me. And I wasnt there. But I'm here now. Please, don't hate yourself. Please don't think this is your fault. You're beautiful. And just. God! God! Her not using any gendered terms , no my daughter, no mija, NONE. Just. This beautiful, good witch. The thing she always wanted to be allowed to be. Do you see me. Do you see what I'm saying.
And her palismen is a shape shifter. Who can be ALL. Who can be BOTH AND MORE. Luz choosing every track in hexside, having every animal as a palismen, being called a girl and a boy, she is BOTH and ALL and NEITHER and MORE. And it's fucking beautiful.
And onto my favorite part of the allegory. Titan Luz.
Luz is killed by the extremist who thinks anything different is bad and corrupt and evil. She's brought back by an elder who openly says he's the best of both things. Who's lived through years of hatred. And he tells her she has the right to fight back against her oppressor. So get out there and LIVE.
And she transforms. She gets a new body. A new body that's the combination of everything shed ever been. It has calls to her family, Kings fur and Eda's eyes and Camilias hair and Hunters teleporting. But it's so LUZ. It has the light symbol it has her hat and the azura outfit and she looks like HERSELF. She comes back from the brink with a body all her own. That she made for herself. That she CHOSE for herself. She chooses herself and she becomes the best of both things: human and creature of the isles. She's both. She's all. Shes neither. She's something different entirely. She's Luz.
And her speech to Belos. She declares herself as belonging to both realms, as being BOTH. She isn't going to give up one thing for the other. She can have whatever the fuck she wants. She's Luz motherfucking Noceda, she's all of the above, and you can't do anything about it. She's a human, she's a witch, she's a titan, she was born in a world that made her miserable so she found one that didn't and worked on the relationships that weren't working out for her until they worked. She's still weird and different and she doesn't fit into any of your boxes and she's the happiest she's ever been up to this point in the series. She has a body all of her own making. And she's overjoyed. THIS is who she is. She's so comfortable in her own skin in the epilogue it makes me emotional. God. Luz. I love her.
Is some of this reaching? Probably, yes. But I love hitting my favorites with the trans stick, so! I do not care. Love ya Luz, you're the protagonist we did NOT deserve.
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thatwritterbeach · 2 months
So About that Alley .3
Jason Todd x fmc
Unedited***Also I swear Tumblr is messing up my spelling on purpose cuz everytime I re-read something I know I fixed it's wrong again
Alex: short, curvy, red hair, green eyes, redheads go through pain meds way faster than normal people to the point I personally don't even take them, it's a joke, they last 30 min at best
Summary: Alex finds out her bf is red hood, after she spills some not so great secrets to the masked man while stitching him up.
Warnings: Vaginismus* angst, sexual assault, self-harm, depression, drug use by Alex, violence, cursing, NSFW, smut, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, guided masturbation?, p in v (not overly described), pain during s*x, hiding said pain, hickeys?, self-hate, insecurities, eating disorder, weight loss
A/N: I do not own dc booho
Tumblr media
stop what is this gif lol^^
"Hey, Jay," she asked in a totally calm totally cool manner the next morning, completely numb thanks to the nice little combo she'd whipped up. Not floating or un-present but not in pain, even where the arm of the couch was digging into her side as Jason squished into her, laying fully on top of her.
"Yes, my beloved?"
"Don't make me take away your books you little dork. I was just wondering if your family knows about you...you know, not being dead?"
"Uh, yeah, why?"
"Just if I happened to run into them I wouldn't wanna be like 'oh I'm dating Jason' and they'd be all 'wtf is wrong with this chick, he's dead' you know."
"I guess. Alex," he said grabbing her hand and pulling it to his mouth," I'm gonna introduce you, I'm not ashamed of you or whatever the hell else your mind is trying to say. My family is...overwhelming for most and I didn't want to scare you off."
"I get it dude, and since I just recently placed you as Robin you would have had to hire a family, or spill you deepest secrets to me. Lucky for you, I am the most understanding woman on the planet."
"I'd argue, but you're right. I'll text Alfred, the leader of the gang, and see when we can come for dinner. Be warned though, it could be tonight, they've been trying to get me to come home for a while now."
It was in fact that night. Alex scurried around for a clean pair of jeans, then after a glance in the mirror at her too large reflection she ripped them off and tossed them to the floor. A dress? No, that one has a tear. This skirt? No, it's too short. Jean short, they're clean but who the fuck wear jeans shorts to a mansion. Business slacks, no that says trying too hard. Ah ha, a superman t-shirt, and black leggings, then top it off with one of Jason's zip up hoodies.
"Is that what you're wearing," he asked with a laugh as he came into the room. In fact the laugh became a full blown fit and he doubled over nearly to the ground clutching his stomach and wheezing. With each second she got more and more self-conscious. Of course she couldn't wear what was basically pajamas to a fancy place, what was wrong with her. With a sigh she took off her boots and slid out of the leggings and switched them for her jeans, that she hated but whatever. Searching in vain for something that wasn't a graphic tee, or a business blouse she was half way through her closet when Jason recovered enough to notice what she was doing.
"No, put it back on, it's great, doll, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing with you."
"I wasn't laughing," she said without emotion.
"Hey, come 'er." Much to her wiggling protest he pulled her tight against him and placed several loud kisses along her scalp.
"Everyone else will be in pj's I solemnly swear, in fact I was just about to change into my matching flannel set, someone amazing bought it for me, but I can't remember who," he said tapping his chin with mock thought.
"Cross my heart," he said, though his fingers were crossed behind his back.
"Ok," she conceded trying to get free. He held on for another minute before spinning her out away from himself and winking when she fell back onto the bed. Matching pj's in hand he headed to the bathroom, not for privacy but to send an urgant group chat explicity stating lounge clothes were to be worn.
See masterlist for more
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
Do you think the show is biased against the Greens vs. Team Black? If so, how should the show have demonstrated that both teams are awful, in your opinion?
Hello anon!
I've got a lot to say on this one.
First of all, yes. I totally think that the show had some obvious kind of bias towards the Blacks. Not necessarily with the way the Greens were treated as devils with no likeable qualities except for Alicent (even if there are several instances of them doing so) but more because of the way the Blacks were whitewashed.
Look, you'll never catch me not expressing my contempt for this woman, no matter the fact she was brought up by a man who did nothing but spoil, enable and indulge her in everything and anything she says and does. I can see the path they're taking in the show by adapting her as an irresponsible woman who flees at the minimal inconvenience and cowers to her dad at any minor inconvenience, but literally everything that makes her Rhaenyra Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, is removed.
She just looks like the next girlboss Targ Dragonrider queen after Daenerys. They basically made GOT season 8 and sent show!Rhaenyra as an apology. But in doing so they basically made her... Boring. Her and her children, which I don't love or hate. (The closest one I am to "liking" is Jace, I guess, but the leaks are just making me rethink everything again.)
I would've loved it if they had given us ONE pre-Dance book!Rhaenyra scene that would've made her appear more ruthless than what we have on the show, and not just the time when she offered 10 year old Aemond to be tortured. Make her ask Daemon to go after Vaemond (sorry pookie) like she did in the books, make her feed his corpse to her dragon. Sure that wouldn't have made me change my mind about how much I dislike her bUt it WOULD'VE made me go "damn she stands on business."
I wanted her to act out of grief and insist on going to war when she miscarried Visenya and lost her father, because although I don't think that the Greens did kill that poor little girl (she had dragon features and was likely going to die anyway) I do think that Rhaenyra should've been allowed her pain and the irrational and impulsive thinking that comes with it.
Where do I even begin with this one?
Olivia Cooke SLAYED. Lemme just start with that. She took the whole cake and ate it too and left no crumbs. The direction they've taken with her is a realistic one, at least for the actions and decisions she's taking. Reckless, for sure. Risky, deathly even. Her fear is realistic, even for someone as Alicent Hightower no matter how much determination had protected her from dread.
What I don't like is the way she was treated as everyone's object and her shutting up about it. From Rhaenyra to Larys, everyone uses her for their own disgusting pleasures or outlet of frustration. And she's made to take it without fighting back even once. The one time she does, bless her, she's treated as a woman who's gone mad.
Now, I would've been fine with her taking all these hits if only they knew how to make Alicent change properly and completely from there. If it was me, the incident at Driftmark would be my start to revenge. No longer would I look at Rhaenyra with hope to reconcile with her. No longer would I bear any more of Viserys' shit when it's clear his first daughter (the image of his first wife) bears way more importance to him than me and all the four kids he forced me to have combined.
They'd have to nightly talk me out of suffocating him with my pillow a minute more for every wince and ache my now eyeless son suffers, for a month straight if not more. I wouldn't eagerly stand by his side and listen to his last words only to mistake them for permission to go along with my plans. I'd stand there passively at best, waiting for him to be done, before leaving the room.
Everything else can just be left the same way it was. Her fear when she realizes the effect Viserys' death has on her and her children is realistic. I'd break down for a moment too. I'd act as soon as I could too. I'd cry tears of relief, dread, grief (depends on how you interpret that scene) too. After letting his stinky ass rot for a fortnight. I would've preferred this to be a "there was a plan, but we weren't ready to act it out" situation more than a "what the fuck is going on" situation.
I'd also slap that "you toil in service of other men" dialogue from Rhaenys right back in her face (sorry grandma) since if we're talking about the show, it's literally the only thing she has done throughout the season.
House Velaryon.
HEAVY on this one. They have been done so wrong on so many levels. Every single one of them.
Laena was made to "pursue" Daemon, she changes from a precious, small and shy little girl to a confident, seductive young woman (teenager for fuck's sake, screw everyone who thought making her change this way would've been good) and later on a side piece, "the one Daemon settles for because he can't have Rhaenyra" even if it was known that she was the only one he was never unfaithful to, "she's made her peace" (WTF???????).
It apparently never hits Corlys that the bitch who he believes has made him childless (I AM TALKING ABOUT DAEMON) deserves no support from him and his house or that Luke should actually become a ward there at Driftmark if he's so adamant on keeping this farce that he's a Velaryon and the next Lord of the Tides.
Vaemond is seen as the odd, evil and power hungry one for pointing out that his house is falling into an OBVIOUS bastard's hands whether this kid likes it or not (even as my support for this claim goes as far as questioning Luke's parentage) and to add insult to injury he's made to say Rhaenyra is a whore, which never happened in the books.
The Silent Five are removed completely, Vaemond's sons as well (@redrosesandcharmingsouls knows I was FROTHING at the mouth waiting for Daemion Velaryon to make an appearance but the motherfuckers couldn't even give me that) so that we don't have any kind of reason to believe an execution so brutal and unjust had any repercussions on the support House Velaryon has on the Blacks overall. They are made into Rhaenyra's cheering squad through and thorough, even if they have every reason to be anything but.
The Laenor situation is actually really fucking funny. They made him leave instead of killing him to not bury the gays and they aren't aware that this has totally fucked everything up. Like thanks for telling me ALL of Rhaenyra's children are bastards. Cool, HOW THE FUCK TO YOU HANDLE SEASMOKE NOW?
Aegon II.
No this isn't an apologist post. I'm actually slithering on the ground on my knees for TGC daily but Aegon is a clusterfuck right now, no matter how you look at it. They tell us he's a psycho drunken rapist and he likes to watch children fighting every Sunday and when you actually see his adult version he's a crying love starved bitch of a man and he winces and frowns when Vaemond's head is cut off.
Instead of taking the throne to protect his children, he takes it because he's forced. And that makes Alicent the villain in everything once again. Now it doesn't matter if you look at the book version or what we see of the show version, everywhere you look this is just out of character.
It's inconsistent. He's made the worst thing ever so people can say "See??? They believe a rapist is better to put to the throne than our girlboss virtuous heir!!!" you either make him a psycho or a touch starved baby, why make both?
So yeah, I think this is all. For now. We'll have to see how this show progresses to see if I change my mind in any way.
Thanks for the ask!!!! ^_^
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