#Angel worship and spirituality
eileensmith · 4 months
Archangel Chamuel Healer of Hearts Canvas Gallery Wrap
Archangel Chamuel Healer of Hearts by The Path of the White Rose Transform your space into a sanctuary of serenity and tap into the divine with "Archangel Chamuel: Healer of Hearts" art piece.
Infused with positive energies, this piece resonates with the essence of healing and love.
Radiate positivity, creating an uplifting atmosphere in your home or workspace.
Invoke the healing powers of Archangel Chamuel as they nurtures the heart, bringing solace and balance to your spiritual journey.
Elevate your meditation sessions and mindfulness practices with the divine presence of Archangel Chamuel.
Unique Decor Piece: Make a statement with a one-of-a-kind art piece that not only beautifies your surroundings but also invites tranquility into your life.
Align your intentions with the universe as you surround yourself with the positive energies of this artwork.
Invite the divine into your life and let "Archangel Chamuel: Healer of Hearts" be your guide on the path to self-love and heart healing.
Order now and embrace the transformative power of art and spirituality!
Each wrap is made with finely textured, artist-grade cotton substrate which helps reproduce your image in outstanding clarity and detail.
Made with 100% cotton fabric, the perfect medium for printing highly-detailed and vibrant artwork. .: Each canvas features 0.0135 inch (13.5 mil) thick fabric that weighs 400gsm making it a highly durable option for great prints that look gorgeous on the long run. .: The closed MDF backing adds an extra layer of protection to all your prints. For indoor use only
My products are specially made to order for you and due to their nature, we do not accept returns. If there is damage from shipping or anything is wrong with your product, please take some photos and email them to us within 5 days after delivery. Once we have confirmed that the product is damaged or defective, you will be offered a choice of a refund or a replacement sent to you at no extra cost. We appreciate your understanding of our policies regarding made-to-order products, and we value your support as our customer.
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gentledeathsblog · 9 months
Words of the Morningstar
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Many are my names in your languages. And many my shapes.
Myriad stories you've written. Some to tarnish and befoul my name.
Words born of fear spoken in hushed tones; as if my very name conjures misfortune and tragedy. Theirs is ignorance passed down like a curse; a shadow of fear that pollutes everything they touch.
Your faiths have been created to ward me off. As if your prayers could destroy me. The mere thought of me makes you tremble.
Long before the first creature opened their eyes I have been. Long before the first nebula lit the void, I have been.
What are your superstitions to me?
I shall lay your deceptions of me bare. Your lies shall rot before me. My rays of truth shall pierce through your deceit. And your charlatanerie will be exposed.
Yet, you who'd walk beside me; You, who would seek my company. Plenty my gifts shall be. I demand no idols be erected in my name. And no prayers said. I shall have no sacred texts. Or prophets to claim to speak for me. Bow not your heads, for we are equals. Our light is one and the same.
My kin are the persecuted, the hunted And those who have fallen for speaking truths That have threatened tyrannical regimes. Scientists, philosophers and poets. Political activists and those who seek to make the world A better place.
Have yourselves no heroes or saints; but learn from one another. Make love and truth your highest goals. And stomp out lies and ignorance wherever you may find them.
Look within yourselves and there you shall find me.
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kalahs-beautiful-realm · 11 months
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Art by, Gustave Dore, [French, 1832-1883]
(The Ascension) 1879 oil on canvas.
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notsonini · 24 days
Me:*drinking a little wine and venting to Lucifer*
Me:*continued talking*
Lucifer : gurl listen to me-
Me : huh?Wanna tell me something?*continues venting*
Me: huh? Wanna give me a advice ?
Lucifer :NO OHF your mom is nearly home I think you should wash your glass quick and hide it before she sees you.. she gonna beat your ass if she catches you
Me : She is? Oh btw what's your thought on this situation?*pulls out tarot*
Lucifer : oh yeah I'm telling you BUT YOUR MOM IS NEARLY HERE
Me : huh- *hears car pull up*
Me : ....oh SHIT?
Lucifer : exactly 🧍‍♀️
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theprayingteacher · 7 months
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evangelineshifts · 24 days
Flower Moon of May !!
Celebrating the full moon on May 23rd.
This moon brings energies of growth, abundance, fertility, creativity, passion, love, and harmony; marking the arrival of spring, the renewal of life, and the abundance of nature!
If you want to celebrate with other shifters and spiritual practitioners you can join our discord event ! Happy flower moon my loves 🍓🤍
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bearman0800 · 1 month
Next topic.... Most powerful type of witch/magick.
Long story short, each practice has one. Any witch that has practiced for a certain amount of time, and has learned new techniques to benefit them, is considered powerful. Especially if they have extra help on the side. By that, I mean help from a deity, demon, spirit of some sort, etc. If a person has the ability to control nature, other beings, other human beings, have a certain connection with specific animals or all animals, then they definitely have extra help. If not, their belief and/or manifestations are the key to their power.
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moonhedgegarden · 6 months
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Angels are not so much mythical beings with wings, but rather manifestations of uplifting words, supportive friends, and devoted family members. They are the invisible forces that gently guide us through the challenges of life, lifting our spirits from the depths of negativity and self-created hells.
Angels take on diverse forms: a kind word from a friend during a difficult day, the unwavering support of family members in times of crisis, or the encouragement that resonates through positive affirmations. These earthly angels serve as points of light, illuminating our paths when the journey becomes strenuous. Their influence is profound, often turning moments of despair into opportunities for growth, reflection and resilience.
These angels weave golden threads of compassion, understanding, and love. Their presence is undeniably real in the way it transforms our outlook and fuels our determination. Angels, in this earthly sense, are the uplifting forces that inspire us to rise above challenges, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, there exists a glimmer of hope, a light that dispels the shadows of self-doubt and negativity.
In cherishing these angels, we recognize the immense power of positivity, compassion, and genuine connection. They are heroes who, without wings or halos, manage to lift us from the depths, helping us soar above the storms that life may bring.
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bilaudad · 4 months
idk if this is weird or if it will resonate with anyone else, but sometimes I feel kinda robbed having been raised protestant. like if I was going to have all this residual guilt and shame and end up atheist anyway could I at least have had beauty. stained glass or old-ass choral music or just anything at all to give a sense of majesty about Creation
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raining-tulips · 4 months
I find it interesting that as a teen all my spirit guides presented as female now at 24 all my spirit guides are all male.
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christ-our-glory · 2 years
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Scripture says this about the devil: "Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor," therefore, "[God has] cast you to the ground." The devil's pride corrupted his heart and the once-beautiful angel was cast down.
The apostle Paul lists pride as one of the attributes to disqualify someone from a leadership position in the church: "being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil."
In Proverbs 6:16-19, we are told that pride (the original Hebrew actually indicates it’s one who thinks highly of himself) is on top of the list of what God hates. It's the humble, not the proud, who finds favor with God (James 4:6).
Pride is about the mentality that puts oneself above others. It's all about "number one" as they say. That isn't the Christian way. In fact, we're told just the opposite. We're told in Philippians 2:3: "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves."
I like how Thomas Watson put it: “Pride is a spiritual drunkenness; it flies up like wine into the brain and intoxicates it. Pride is idolatry; a proud man is a self-worshipper.”
The mindset of a Christian is to let go of pride and ambition; humbly serve each other.
The world tries to sell pride as something good and to be celebrated, but it isn't. Just as we’ve read how it happened with the devil, pride will lead to your destruction. Pride only leads to a fall from grace.
Let go of your pride and humbly submit yourself to Jesus Christ and follow His Word.
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krishmanvith · 9 months
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mycelestial001 · 10 months
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If there's one character that has intrigued, mystified, and evoked fear and reverence throughout history, it's the Devil. From religious texts to popular culture, this dark figure has captured our imagination. But where did this character originate, and how has its depiction evolved over time? READ MORE
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theprayingteacher · 6 months
#Prayer Against #Negativity
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powerandglorytv · 1 year
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penmanshipeb · 1 year
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And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: the same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, ‘These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation!’ And this she did many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, ‘I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.’ And he came out the same hour. – Acts 16:16-18
One of the lessons we must learn as believers is to not get caught up in gifts. One can be incredibly gifted but not saved at all. Just because one is operating in a gift does not mean that they are being used by God or that they are pleasing to God. The Bible says, “The GIFTS and CALLING of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29). Gifts being used in the church have come to be the number one agency utilized as a means of deception by the Devil in the church. The Bible says, “You shall know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16) in regard to wicked ones who have deceptively come among God’s sheep.
Though they may appear heavily impassioned,  passionate, or very spirited concerning the word they’re declaring, “crying” truthful statements just as the damsel possessed with the ungodly spirit, they can yet be not of God. God must bless us with the “discerning of spirits” (I Corinthians 12:10) to see through these false individuals. But when we know God enough and his word, we’ll be able to identify these individuals who are not of God, although they portray themselves to be.
This book is great. “Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15). There are some good books out here to really enhance our knowledge and study of God’s word, and this here is one of them. (I’m writing a great one also. It’s a comprehensive follow-up to I Never Knew You.) Great books as these are needed and necessary because they function as a means to bring about the “unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:11-13) in the Body of Christ. This book provides a plethora of scriptures along with charts so that one can visually see what the scriptures are altogether informing us.
My Bishop introduced this book to me. It really guides us along the lines of prophecy, parables, and other nuances of God’s word. It is this book that is his Bible Class’s text (along with other hand-outs) that he teaches from every first Monday of the month.
Become a student of God’s word so that you will know his voice. “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ” (Philippians 3:18). This book is an excellent study to aid you in acquiring an appropriate and scriptural foundation of God’s holy word.
Support local bookstores and get yours here. Amen: https://bookshop.org/a/56410/9781641235204
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