#Anti-LGBTQIA+ Hate
gwydionmisha · 1 year
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queerism1969 · 2 months
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sjbattleangel · 7 months
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*Bioshock. Fallout. Metal Gear Solid. Call Of Duty. Halo. Jak II. Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy X. Valkyria Chronicles. Tales Of Symphonia. Tales Of Versperia. Fire Emblem. Rachet & Clank. Grand Theft Auto V exist*. Gamergate/Comicsgate/Fandom Menace chuds: YAY!
*Gone Home. Abby and Ellie from The Last Of Us Part II. Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and Hailey Cooper from Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Saga Anderson from Alan Wake II. Vinyl from Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Mizhena from Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. Life Is Strange: True Colors. Usual June. Dustborn exist* Gamergate/Comicsgate/Fandom Menace chuds: You Made it political.
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mxshr0mz · 7 months
What I've seen people fail to mention is that Nex, after regaining consciousness, went to the nurse’s office who then refused to call an ambulance. Their death is also due to the negligence of the school.
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normalpeoplethiings · 11 months
genuinely wish we knew more about carys and her relationship with her mother and what happened after she ran away
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weepingfireflies · 1 year
"I'm not calling you a bad person or a transphobe or an anti-trans bigot if you buy Hogwarts Legacy, but I will say - don't call yourself a trans ally while you do it. Because being an ally means being willing to give up something to actually stand with trans people. If you're not willing to fight alongside us or to give up something, then you're not really being an ally. You're just doing what you want anyways and just saying you listen to us when you're actively not."
- I'm Done With JK Rowling by Jessie Gender, 2:35:53
Radfems, terfs, transphobes, pro-patriatchy/sexists DNI
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cam-ulu29 · 2 years
the problem in the majority of destiel conversations is the weaponization of lgbtqia. It’s a well-known fact (I thought) that the majority of shippers for any given m/m ship are straight women. Destiel isn’t about queer representation. I cried when I realized that Castiel’s so well written asexuality was destroyed to make room for another fetish ship. It was so well written…his reaction to having sex for the first time…his interactions with Meg where he tries to copy what he saw in the porno…his confusion when Hannah took off her clothes in front of him…that was queer representation. That was beautiful, multi-layered, accurate asexuality. But because we’re in a culture obsessed with sex, no, he had to want to get in on with another man, because that’s what everyone wants to see. Straight women push these ships. They created Omegaverse BECAUSE IT RELIES ON THE FEMINIZATION OF MEN TO RATIONALIZE THE ATTRACTION BETWEEN THEM. DO YOU NOT SEE HOW INVALIDATING THAT IS TO LEGITIMATE GAY RELATIONSHIPS. im sorry I have strong feelings about omegaverse.
Pushing Destiel by claiming representation is a horrible thing to do if you’re truly an ally. It erases already established queer representation for the most popular thing in all of lgbtqia. It is a creepy fetish being pushed by straight women who want to see two men get it on, just like Stucky or everything else hellers across all fandoms throw fits about while ignoring the characters they should really care about if they truly want to see equality. Stop using lgbtqia and calling people homophobic to push your stupid fetish. It’s not an weapon. And it obviously has nothing to do with chemistry or even romantic subtext, it’s just the safer m/m ship in the fandom, so it’s the one people latched onto.
And if you haven’t seen supernatural, or have only barely seen supernatural, I don’t care if you’re part of the lgbtqia community. Don’t you fucking dare come at me. You have no idea what’s going on.
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As transphobia and homophobia in general spread it is important to look to our history, especially during pride month. The hateful among the Cis(and/or)het think we exist because they allow it, this is not farther from the truth. They actively oppress us, try to take our rights and our lives, they try to keep us divided because they know if the entire LGBTQIA+ community is united we don't seam small or manageable. I speak from a place not of fear or anger but of tiredness, sadness, and a hint of hope.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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a-gay-poptart · 7 months
Rest in Peace
Rest well dear, we will fight for you ❤️
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this art is free to use if you are spreading awareness about Nex Benedict's death, but please give credit. Rest in Peace Nex, you will never be forgotten.
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hysteriamodes · 2 years
TERFs in my notifs arguing that men don't suffer any type of disparity while society as a whole still disparages men from:
- custody cases favoring women more than men and there are some instances the mother is actually an awful parent
- men being conditioned not to express themselves to the point that they don't seek help for depression and mental illness.
- on the same topic, men as a whole are more likely to commit suicide
- men who survive rape, CSA, or sexual assault are less likely to report it than women because of stigma.
- men are shamed if they take jobs that are traditionally held by women, like teachers and nurses.
And, of course, the disproportionate amount of black men in prison.
But yes, please do continue to tell everyone how men can't experience any type of disparity and how it's only cis white women.
Protip: feminism also includes freeing men from toxic masculinity and racism, not just women. If your "feminism" only extends to only women and doesn't acknowledge these situations, then you're not much of a feminist.
But what can you expect from TERFs? They're so self-obsessed and self-centered.
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iwoll · 7 months
The Rhetoric of @LibsOfTikTok: Unveiling the Tactics of Online Influence
Just like any other modern 19-year-old, I often find myself doom-scrolling Twitter. It's a bizarre mix of tweets that goes something like this: a cute cat with a funny caption, then a complaint about the current political climate, a tragic story of the murder of yet another transgender individual, then a meme about something I'm sure is very relatable, anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda, then another cute cat, a horribly transphobic headline, and then—of course—another cute cat. However, in this vast sea of tweets and retweets, there's one account that stands out to me: @LibsOfTikTok.
Chaya Raichik, the mastermind behind this account, wields a potent arsenal of tactics to captivate her 2.9 million followers. She employs specific names of people and institutions, a sarcastic—almost hate-mongering—tone, and fear as tools to persuade her audience to attack LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies.
In the social media sphere, where a tweet can reach millions of people in seconds, the power of influence is undeniable. However, in the wise words of Spider-Man, with this great power comes great responsibility, a responsibility that @LibsOfTikTok often seems to disregard. Raichik's tweets are not merely expressions of personal opinions but calculated attempts to stoke fear, anger, and prejudice among her followers.
A prime example is the situation that occurred between Raichik and ItGetsBetter. ItGetsBetter is a non-profit organization that helps uplift LGBTQ+ youth around the world. The “50 States, 50 Grants, 5,000 Voices” initiative gives $10,000 to elected schools, the grantees, to improve the lives local queer students (itgetsbetter.org). This initiative gained wide media coverage after Columbia’s Rock Bridge High School’s GSA (gender and sexuality alliance) received this money for a project titled “Coming Out of the Closet in Style Clothing Closet” which would allow students to change into gender-affirming clothing in school to better express themselves (Muñoz, 2022). When Chaya Raichik found out about this initiative, she took to her Twitter account and posted the following:
“This org [ItGetsBetter] is giving grants to teachers so they can get more LGBTQ+ books and make “gender affirming closets” in schools. The closets usually offer “trans” and “nonbinary” kids clothing, tucking tape, and chest binders to use in school and typically is kept secret from parents. These are the people teaching your kids” [@LibsOfTikTok]
This tweet employs loaded language to create a negative image of the situation. Phrases like "typically kept secret from parents" suggest a nefarious intent, insinuating that schools, teachers, and organizations are hiding something from parents. The use of scare quotes around "trans" and "nonbinary" implies skepticism or disdain for these identities, furthering the negative tone.
Raichik does not only target children and schools, she also targets fully grown adults. Mark Bryan is a 61-year-old grandfather of four and has been happily married to his wife for over 10 years. Bryan works in robotics engineering and coaches a local soccer team along with having an Instagram with over half a million followers. According to Interview Magazine, he “loves cycling, fast cars, and beautiful women” (Katz, 2021). The only main difference between him, and let’s say, your grandfather, is that Mark Bryan wears skirts and heels to work nearly every day. Bryan makes it very clear in all his Instagram posts that he is a cisgender, heterosexual man, and his audience has no reason to doubt him. His posts are in no way lewd, sexual, or suggestive; however, Chaya Raichik seems to disagree.
“This man [Mark Bryan] is being celebrated for flaunting his f*tish [sic] for wearing women’s clothing to work. Would you hire someone like this?” [@LibsOfTikTok]
The tweet uses a rhetorical question to prompt a response from the audience, implying that Bryan's choice of clothing is a fetish. This choice of words aims to cast Bryan's actions in a negative light, appealing to societal prejudices and stereotypes. By suggesting that simply wearing clothes that do not align with traditional gender norms is a fetish, Raichik perpetuates the harmful idea that clothing determines gender and gender determines sex. This stereotype not only affects transgender individuals but also impacts gender non-conforming cisgender people. The tweet is designed to provoke a negative emotional response, painting Bryan's behavior as derogatory and judgmental. It seeks to discredit him without offering any substantial evidence, relying instead on societal biases against those who challenge gender norms.
It is understandable why one might be confused when it comes to gender expansive people, fear comes from a place of ignorance. But that is why the Trans Youth Equality Foundation exists! The Trans Youth Equality Foundation (TYEF) is a non-profit organization that provides essential education, advocacy, and support for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming youth and their families. Their website hosts a wealth of information on crucial topics such as chest binding, tucking, gender-affirming surgery, queer sexual education, protesting, transitioning to college, and coming out (transyouthequality.org). These resources are invaluable for individuals navigating their gender identities, offering answers to often uncomfortable and uncommon questions. It is vital to recognize that queer children deserve the same level of knowledge, comfort, and support as cisgender/heterosexual children, especially when they feel unable to confide in their parents. However, this message of support seems to have fallen on deaf ears, as Chaya Raichik tweeted a troubling accusation against TYEF.
“BREAKING: LGBTQ youth advocacy organization @TYEFofficial offers to secretly send 13-year-old a chest binder behind her parents’ backs. We posed as a teen girl and they encouraged her to choose another family, get a job to pay for s*x [sic] change surgery, and bashed her Trump supporter parents as “brainwashed.” This is grooming 101. Cut out the parents, isolate the child, and coax the kid into turning against their parents. How many kids has this organization already harmed?!” [@LibsOfTikTok]
Here, Raichik falsely accuses TYEF of encouraging a 13-year-old to get a job to pay for "s*x change surgery." This claim is entirely baseless, as no such discussion of surgery occurred in this so-called interview. Raichik's narrative of "grooming" and "cutting out the parents" is not only unfounded but also dangerous. It demonizes organizations like TYEF that work tirelessly to support LGBTQ+ youth and creates a harmful narrative of victimhood and conspiracy. This misleading rhetoric from Raichik encourages her followers to distrust reputable organizations like TYEF, despite their critical work in providing safe and affirming spaces for young individuals. Following the publication of her tweet, Susan Maasch, the director of TYEF, became the target of doxxes, bomb threats, and death threats. These threats not only put Maasch's safety at risk but also undermined the vital work that TYEF does in supporting vulnerable youth.
Raichik seems to have no issue undermining the hard work of a non-profit organization, but it did not stop after TYEF. The #pridebelongsinpreschools initiative emerged in June of 2021 from a small organization—approximately 200 followers in total—called Resilience Together (also known as Rise to Resilience). This organization shared infographics expressing their belief that pronouns and gender identities should be supported by teachers and administration. Somehow, New York native, Chaya Raichik, discovered this initiative and tweeted:
“SCOOP: This resource called “Pride Belongs in Preschool” was part of a teacher training in Providence Schools in RI. It encourages teachers to discuss gender neutral pronouns, gender norms, and explore gender identity with toddlers. They’re after your kids.” [@LibsOfTikTok]
For context, the Resilience Together infographic states the following:
“Children begin to be able to stereotypical gender groups between 18 and 24 months. Children can often categorize their own gender by age 3. Children may begin to “perform” their gender based on adult expectations, despite their authentic gender identity. Educators and school staff are responsible to support children’s health development. Healthy development is supported by children seeing their identities represented.” [@resiliencetogether]
As mentioned previously, this organization has a small following, so the likelihood of an entire school district adopting this "training" is minuscule. Therefore, not only is Raichik's tweet factually incorrect, but it is also misguided in its reasoning. If this information is indeed backed by science and social psychology, then what is the issue with implementing these practices in a classroom setting?
The final line, “They’re after your kids,” is a prime example of exploiting parental fears. Raichik insinuates that the teacher training program encourages discussing gender identity with toddlers, framing it as a threat to children. By preying on the fears of parents who may not fully understand or be comfortable with these discussions, she aims to incite panic and resistance to progressive educational initiatives.
Finally, and most outrageously, Raichik targeted Boston’s Childrens’ Hospital. Why, you may ask? Because, on their website, there was a picture of a young child under the “gender affirming cares” tab. So Raichik took to Twitter, stating:
“If a hospital has the words “gender affirming care” with a picture of a 3-year-old, that’s a sign to run the other way as fast as possible. Why would a doctor need to “affirm” a 3-year-old’s gender? Boston’s Children’s Hospital chemically castrates and mutilates children.” [@LibsOfTikTok]
Raichik uses extreme language, accusing doctors of "chemically castrating and mutilating children," which aims to evoke horror and disgust. Raichik suggests that if a hospital promotes "gender-affirming care" using an image of a 3-year-old, it is a reason to avoid the hospital entirely. She questions why a doctor would need to affirm a 3-year-old's gender and accuses Boston's Children's Hospital of performing hysterectomies on minors. This inflammatory rhetoric not only misrepresents the hospital's practices but also contributes to a climate of fear and misunderstanding around gender-affirming care.
These baseless accusations led to harassment campaigns, including bomb threats. In February 2024, NBC News reported that at least 33 instances of bomb threats were made against organizations that Raichik had previously targeted in her posts. Alarmingly, in at least 3 instances, these bomb threats resulted in criminal charges against at least 9 individuals (Brochstein, 2024). This demonstrates the dangerous real-world consequences of spreading false information and using social media platforms to target organizations and individuals.
In conclusion, the rhetoric of @LibsOfTikTok is not just about expressing opinions; it's a strategic campaign to manipulate and radicalize followers against the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. Raichik's use of targeted tweets, misinformation, character assassination, and fearmongering is a dangerous cocktail that can and do have real-world consequences, as stated previously. It fosters a climate of intolerance, division, and hostility, undermining efforts for inclusivity and acceptance. As responsible consumers of social media, it is crucial to approach such content with critical thinking and awareness of the rhetorical tactics at play. By understanding the strategies used by influencers like @LibsOfTikTok, we can better navigate the online landscape and work towards a more well-rounded, informed, and empathetic society. It is not just about exposing the tactics of online influence; it's about actively resisting and countering the harmful narratives that seek to divide us.
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idwisp · 1 month
blog rules!!!
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Please do not interact with this blog if you are anti-LGBTQIA+ or support AI art.
This INCLUDES aro/ace exclusionists and/or AI artists.
This also includes anyone who acts disablist, racist, etc. I want my blog to be a safe space for everyone. If you don't share these feelings, then block me or otherwise don't interact with my content on any of my platforms.
I myself am a trans man and on the aro/ace spectrum. I am also an artist that draws with my own skill. If I find you interacted with any of my posts and also support AI or are anti-LGBT then I will not hesitate to block you. If you are seeing this and fall into either category, then feel free to block me first.
I'm not going to take any "agree to disagree" or "to each their own," I refuse to interact with you or let you interact with me if you're one of the people I am talking about.
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breawycker · 4 months
I fucking hate this state so much. Y'all in North Carolina better fucking vote. I know democrats sucks. I know this country is broken but you can vote and then do direct action like mutual aid. If you care about trans rights or queer rights in general or immigration rights or abortion or anything like that, you better fucking vote. I see so much shit on this site about people arguing about voting. Voting doesn't solve everything and I know Biden fucking sucks but at least vote for other stuff. People's lives are counting on you voting.
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femmeboyfatale13 · 2 months
It doesn't matter how many "illegals" you throw out. Because there will still be drugs, rapes, murders, thefts, etc. Wanna know why? It's pretty fucking simple. We're human beings. We fuck shit up more than we'd like to admit. It's quite hilarious that we blame our own problems on another race or another country. When the problem lies within ourselves as a nation, as a people, as individuals. You can't call someone illegal, when your own ancestors invaded a country, and took someone else's home, and made it their own. Enslaved, raped, murdered, colonized and whitewashed it down. And then two-hundred years later you fear the same thing is going to happen to you. That's fucking crazy. Because when it all comes down to it, we fear retribution. We fear consequence and are blind to other's suffering due to the fact that we fear we will suffer the same fate. Now I know America is full of bullshit. But this particular bullshit and how everyone just simply agrees with it, as if it's a relevant problem really irks me.
Because once again America has shown its own true racist bullshit colors. As if there aren't any white people stealing, bringing in drugs, raping or murdering people or wrongfully using welfare.
We as a nation, as a whole species honestly should take a look at ourselves and see our own hypocrisy. Many superior empires and nations have fallen or have been taken over. And this whole cycle of insanity continues, and continues, and continues. Because we do not view each other as equal. We may say that all men are created equal. But have we shown that we believe that? I mean look at us, we will tear down anyone we see as inferior or deserving of mistreatment. We may have AI, iPhones, Laptop computers and 8k ultra hd televisions. But we are still the same barbarian species as we were thousands of years ago. We are still the same fearmongering bunch. We still reject the new, we isolate the different and we ridicule the weird and those who aren't like us. While all the meanwhile behind closed doors, we're all pretty fucking weird ourselves. It's comical. It really is. Because y'know I don't hear many people express these kinds of thoughts or beliefs. Because it's fundamental to our own beliefs we have. It's controversial. We don't wanna hear it. We don't wanna know it. But it's the cold, hard truth, and we can't handle the truth. Because deep down, we don't like the truth. The truth hurts when you actually think about it. And a majority of people would rather believe a certain way, to make themselves feel better about the things they've done or let happen. Then to admit that we are wrong about a lot of things.
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cinnamon-stixs · 1 year
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I hope I’m not the only one who feels like this (Art by MeowletXD on tiktok)
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