#Antman fluff
Irresistible - Scott Lang X Female Reader
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Title: Irresistible
Scott Lang X Female Reader
Additional Characters: The Avengers (Mentioned), Pepper (Mentioned), Tony Stark
WC: 2,065
Warnings: Fighting, #eattherich, slight angst, yelling, emotions, nervousness, anxiety, Scott's in love, and fluff
Running along the street, Scott looked up, seeing you running along the roofs. Scott had a small disadvantage, not being able to get on the roof fast enough to stop you and not fall behind. He ran under light posts and dodged the few and rare people on the sidewalk as you ran through the night. Scott had been trying to stop you for the past couple of months, but every time he thought he had you, you'd just vanish. He was tired of trying to catch you, but he needed to focus on stopping your evil schemes, which were growing more elaborate with each passing day.
But Scott had a small problem... He was falling in love with you. Every time he saw you, it was like there was this spark inside him that lit up at the sight of you. He couldn't think straight when he would see you and it made him so frustrated because he couldn't be with you, but he wanted to be with you, and he didn't know what to do about it. You were the bad guy for crying out loud.
You stopped, your pathway blocked by a taller building, way too tall for you to jump and climb up it. You quickly looked around, finding you were also way too high up to jump and run. You were out of options. Breathing heavily, you turned and let out a sigh, watching as Ant-Man climbed the building next to you, before leaping over to your building. He walked over, but you could tell by his body language that he was confused. You knew he'd never gotten this close to you before you found a way out and escaped. You had been running away from Scott for so long.
For months you had eluded him, his Avenger friends, and the police. In the beginning, you found Scott to be annoying, a bit of a class clown, but annoying. But, as the months went on, you got to know him a bit from your teasing and chatting back and forward and found out his name. You found him cute and even had a small crush on the man, but you needed to keep yourself first. You weren’t going to let your attraction for the man get you in trouble. No matter how irresistible he was.
"Well, Y/N... Seems like you're stuck." He remarked, taking a step closer to you. He opened his mask so you could finally read his expression, a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry but I have to bring you in."
You shifted your weight to the side, crossing your arms, smirking lightly, "Mmm, no, I don't think I want to. I'm fine right where I am. You know, not being tortured and interrogated." 
You watched as his eyebrows furrowed, "We're not going to torture you, interrogate, yes, but not torture you. That's not what we do." 
You rolled your eyes, "Questions are torture. You and your Avenger friends are going to ask and ask about why I’m doing what I do and how I do it and it’s going to get annoying real fast. Can we just pretend you never ran into me? That'd be great." You spoke sarcastically only for Scott to shake his head.
"Sorry, honey, but I have to bring you in. You have been hacking into the stock market. You keep crashing it."
You nodded, walking up to him, circling him as if he were prey, "Yep, and I am pretty proud of it." You paused, placing your hands on Scott's suit shoulder, resting your chin on your hands as he turned to look at you. "Besides, you should be thanking me. I'm making sure dumb millionaires and billionaires aren't taking advantage of others." You whispered at the close proximity, reaching out to poke Scott in the cheek with your finger. "You know... Eat the rich."
“You also help hack into the Tower’s system. We’ve had four security breaches because of that.”
You shrugged, staring into his memorizing green eyes. “Yeah, but no harm, right?”
Scott frowned, “We’ve had a lot of Hulk appearances.”
“Mmm, but that’s all I’ve done to you and your poor baby Avengers.” You cooed, going back to poke Scott’s cheek repeatedly. So soft. You thought.
“You posted a fake dating profile of Stark to almost every dating website on the internet.”
You nodded, “One of my proudest achievements. So fun. Half the reason why you should let me go… I make life harder for dumb million billionaires.”
Scott slowly grabbed your hands from his shoulder, shaking his head with a frown. "I wish I could, but I can't, Y/N." Making you narrow your eyes.
"I am not coming with you, Scott." Your sarcastic and flirty side was now gone as you tried to pull your hands from his. 
"I have to do this, Y/N. I don't want to but what you do is illegal and the cops can't get you so I have to. So please, it's been a long couple of months of this. Just stop." Scott begged you, wishing and hoping you would just give up and come with him quietly. 
You stared at him with a hard gaze, "Oh, what's a couple of more months?" You then twisted your hands around, grasping Scott's wrists, and before Scott could even realize what was happening, you pushed his arms together and twisted him around, before pushing Scott forward. 
Scott stumbled forward in surprise, before turning to see you trying to run off. Running over to you, Scott was much faster, grabbing you around the waist and pulling you into his chest. You both breathed heavily out as you struggled in his grasp. 
"Just stop, Y/N. You're only making this harder on yourself." Scott tried to convenience you again but you weren't having it. You took a hold of his arm around you, using your strength to push it up and over your head before spinning around and out of his arms once more. And so your fighting dance began. Scott tried to capture you but you deflected his attempts of grabbing you, making you more and more irritated as you kept avoiding him. Usually, with some heroes, you punch, kick, whatever you had to to get away. But... You didn't want to hurt Scott. He wasn't like the other heroes he worked with. He was good. Too good. He was nice, he treated you well, and he was attractive. You liked him, and he was still trying to help you. You grew more and more annoyed with yourself the more you thought about it. You didn't want to get caught. You were becoming desperate now, chest heaving as you began to slow. 
As a last resort, you just managed to push him off of you before he grabbed your wrist. Before you knew it, you were falling backwards, unable to catch yourself. You fell onto your back, Scott’s hand swiftly making it behind your head before you hit the ground. Before you knew it, Scott was over you, pinning you down. You squirmed under his weight, struggling as he tried to hold you still. "Please..." Scott begged, "Just stop!" You huffed as you stared up at him, his green eyes practically begging you as well. "Y/N... Please... Stop..." Scott pleaded once more.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes, "Alright… Alright." You grumbled, as Scott let out a sigh of relief. Quickly, you opened your eyes, you placed your hands on Scott's shoulder, using the rest of your strength to roll over, pinning Scott to the ground. "Ha! Now, here's the deal. I'm going to go and you're going to let me. Okay? okay. Good talk." 
"You're beautiful," Scott spoke breathlessly, staring softly up at you, making you freeze.
You stared back down at him, speechless, "You- You can't say things like that, Scott. I'm supposed to hate you."
"And you don't?" Scott asked you, his expression was unreadable, but his eyes... The look in his eyes made your chest warm up and your stomach flutter with butterflies. 
You pushed through those feelings building up in you as you pushed against his chest, sitting up frustratedly, "This isn't how this works! I fight you, you fight me. And I escape getting captured by those dumb Avengers! End of the story." You exclaimed as Scott sat up as well.
"Or... You could not run away again." As you shook your head rapidly, Scott's hands landed on your waist. “Not run away and come with me…”
"You are such an idiot! You don't understand-" 
"Your idiot." Scott smiled dopily up at you. 
You groaned, feeling your cheeks warm up, "Oh my god! Shut up! Why do you have to do this to me?" 
Scott tilted his head to the side, "Do what?" He asked and you let out a sigh, one similar to the defeated one you had done only moments ago. But this time, as Scott looked at you, you actually looked sad. 
"Why do you have to make me like you? Why do you make me feel like you..." You groaned, placing your hands over your face. "Like you care for me? Why are you so confusing!? Why can't you just hate me!?"
Scott spoke up, his voice soft. "Because, I can't hate you. I do like you. A lot really." He confessed, reaching up to take your hands in his, bringing them away from your face. Noticing your tearful eyes. "You mean so much to me."
"Don't... Say things like that..." You mumbled quietly.
Scott chuckled slightly, looking down and biting his lip, "So what do you want me to say?" He glanced up at you, meeting your sad and red eyes, "...I love you." He finished, holding eye contact.
You sucked in a breath before looking back down, "Not helping." You muttered.
"But I-"
You quickly cut Scott off, leaning in and pressing your lips against his, silencing him. When you pulled away, Scott looked shocked, blinking slowly. After a few seconds of silence, Scott leaned into you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his eyes darting from yours to your lips and back. Leaning in, his nose brushed yours before he kissed you deeply. You kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. Soon, the two of you broke the kiss to catch your breath. 
"Wow, that was..." Scott trailed off. You laughed a little, pulling your hand back, and brushing your fingers along his jawline, stubble tickling the tips of your fingers.
"Yeah... Wow." You replied, smiling down at him. "Goodnight, Scott." You gave him one final peck, before you jumped off his lap and ran across the roof, jumping to the one next to it.
Scott watched as you went, with hearts practically in his eyes as he let a smile grow. Once you were out of sight, he slowly stood up, rubbing his forehead, "That girl, she is something else." Making his way down the building, Scott made his way back to the tower, taking his time. Humming a soft cheerful tune as he had a pep in his step. Finally making his way inside the tower, he did a small happy dance in the elevator, singing the song he was humming as he walked into the main room of the tower. Tony turned from his spot on the couch, he raised an eyebrow at the hero. 
"Looking pretty happy there, Lang. Finally catch her or something?" He asked, hoping that he did.
Scott turned to the billionaire with a smile, "Something like that."
Tony sighed, running a hand down his face, "You can't let her go next time, bug boy. Who knows, she might try and make it look like I'm on dating sites again. I got in big trouble with Pepper about that, you know?"
Scott chuckled lightly at the image of you trying to make it seem like Tony was on a dating site. Hunched over a computer, wherever you were hiding. Adorable. "No, Tony, I know," Scott said, chuckling. "Won't let her get away next time."
"That's what you said last time. What happened this time?" Tony asked and Scott shrugged.
"She got the upper hand." Scott headed to the kitchen, ready to cook himself a toasted bagel.
Tony hummed skeptically, "Uh-huh... Sure."
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samdeancass · 2 years
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Requested by @jensen-ackles-girl​
Pairing: Scott Lang x reader
Halloween 2022 Masterlist
Halloween Prompts
Halloween Event Rules
The Avengers Campus was in full Halloween mode; decorations hanging from anywhere they could be hung, people being scared left, right and centre and some of the heroes were even dressed up. Now that's a sight you never thought you'd see!
You were laughing and joking with Tony, coming up with a few surprises for the party you were throwing later when you noticed Scott standing alone at the bar, twiddling his thumbs. You excused yourself and headed over to him, walking behind the bar and grabbing two glasses before pouring some whiskey.
"Tell me, Scott. What's a handsome guy like you doing moping around at a bar surrounded by the heroes of New York on Halloween, hmm?" You pushed the glass over to Scott which he immediately grabbed and downed in one.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, Y/N. I think it just reminds me of all the things that I've missed out on with Cassie. Taking her trick or treating, helping her pick her costumes. It's just something that I've always wanted to do with her, celebrating my favourite holiday." You walked back around the bar and swung a comforting arm around his shoulders, placing a soft kiss to the top of his head.
"I know you've missed out on a lot, honey. But you've also got so much to look forward to: Helping her pick the costumes of her kids, taking your grandkids trick or treating and you'll get to teach Cassie all of the greatest scary movies that have ever been made." He chuckled and places both of his hands on yours resting on the bar, intwining your fingers.
"See, baby. Don't be sad about what could have happened in the past, think about what could happen in the future." Scott looked up into your eyes and smiled. "What would I do without you talking sense?" "You'd probably have ended up back inside, or dead. Both are quite probable."
He laughed again and brought you in for a kiss, his hands resting on your shoulders. You sighed and sunk into the kiss, a wave of happiness and love travelling through you.
"Y/N if you've finished snogging Scott's face off, there's some more decorations that need to be hung." You broke away from the kiss and groaned, shooting daggers at Tony across the room. "Dammit Tony! You always do this!"
You looked at Scott and gave him one last kiss. "Horror marathon at my place later, you're bringing the candy. Deal?" Scott smiled and nodded. "Deal."
Marvel Tags:
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dead-un-arrival · 2 years
Marvel Characters
TV Show Characters
Book Characters - coming soon
Send me a message for a request!
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antvnger · 1 year
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I don't knoooooooow!
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I want my puppy back! Shae wants her big sister back too!
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theaawalker · 6 months
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
A.A. Walker
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mlm-writer · 9 months
Wrapped Around My Finger (Scott Lang x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Scott Lang x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: General audiences Words: 1492 POV: Second Summary: You and Scott have a date at build-a-bear Note: I have seen this man only in the Antman movies and idc what happens in the crossover movies. I ain't watching em. Tags: fluff, return of my OC Daylen (only real members of the Thicc Court remember him), build-a-bear, established relationship and mentioned accidental fisting (just putting the tag here to fuck with y'all lmaoo)
All it took was one look. Just one look and you were in love. Just one look and Scott could not imagine a life without him. ‘Him’ being the frog at build-a-bear. “Look!” You both exclaimed before you even entered the bright-lit store. You looked at each other, looked at where you were pointing and like a cartoon you both realised you were in perfect sync. 
Your boyfriend almost trampled a toddler to get to the frogs. He pulled out two lime green, limp plushies from the basket and held them up next to his head. You two did not even bother bringing Cassie along to pretend you were going for her. You swerved around the poor, startled toddler to take one of the frogs from Scott. “They are so cute,” you scream-whispered, trying to hold onto some sense of adulthood. He nodded in agreement. “Shouldn’t we look at other options as well?” You questioned. Scott closed his eyes and shook his head aggressively. You giggled, getting the point; you two were going to bring these two frogs home. 
You already agreed before coming here you would add a voice message to each other’s plushie. Scott brought the one for you to the other side of the store so you would not hear it until later. You stared at the small device, still no clue what you were going to say. You just pressed the record button, hoping your heart would speak for you. “Scotty bear,” you started, “you may drool on me any day and I will never get angry at you for shoving your whole fist into my mouth while you sleep. Love you.” You giggled when you were done. What an odd thing to say, but you meant every word of it. When you returned to the lady that helped you out with it, you found her smiling from ear to ear with Scott. “He said something really stupid, didn’t he?” You questioned as you switched devices with Scott. 
She shook her head, while trying to hide her toothy smile behind her hand. “You’ll love it, trust me,” she reassured you, before sending you on your way to the filling machine. You did the whole shebang with making a wish and putting a heart inside, before going on to dress up your frogs. There were several Avengers outfits to pick from, but no Antman. Scott was a little salty about it and he did a piss poor job at hiding it too. You would write a hearty letter to build-a-bear later. 
In the end your frogs were wearing both very jolly outfits, but they did not match at all. You joked about it, while you were filling in the information for the birth certificates. The date ended in a rather sorrowful moment, when the cashier rang up your purchases. You felt your bank account weep as you reached for your wallet, but Scott had his credit card already out. “Come on, I could use a bite to eat.” He suddenly sounded very off. You supposed he wanted to make the grand gesture of paying, but also felt his bank balance plummet to subterranean levels. You mentally vowed to pay for lunch. 
You were not sure whether Scott was penniless or not, because he was suddenly very particular about lunch, but still did not pick the cheapest option. Instead you found yourself in one of your favourite cafés. It was relatively cheap, had sockets under the tables to charge your phone and the lunch menu had the best wraps in the world on it. Your favourite waiter was working today. You smiled widely at Daylen as he approached your table. “Welcome back,” he almost sang, ever the chipper college student. You sometimes worried if he was really that merry or if his bright smile was a secret cry for help. 
Daylen never asked you for your name, so you were pretty sure he had no idea what it was. To be fair, you only knew his because of his name tag. “The house special wraps, twice?” He asked while writing it down already on the classic good old notepad he carried with him. He always had one with a Sanrio character on it.
You huffed a laugh. “Of course.” Daylen looked up from his Keroppi notepad and winked at you, assuring you he knew what drink to get too. Before he left, he gave Scott a wink too. “I feel like I have become boring, always ordering the same thing here,” you sighed as you reached into your bag to grab your phone charger. You plugged it in and then grabbed your cheerfully clad frog. “Time to listen to the messages?” 
“Me first!” Scott exclaimed as he hastily grabbed his. You laughed at his enthusiasm. He held his frog close and squeezed around until he found the soundbox. ‘Scotty bear, you may drool on me any day and I will never get angry at you for shoving your whole fist into my mouth while you sleep. Love you,’ your voice came out from the green plushie. He chuckled, hiding his face behind his hand, the very one that your message was about. “That happened once!” He exclaimed, defending himself. 
“But you drool on me daily!” You countered. Scott reached around the table to give you a playful slap. “Hey! I said I don’t mind,” you added, before realising how loud you were being. Well, it was not like it was busy here. 
“Ok, time for you to squeeze your build-a-bear!” Scott loudly proclaimed. You frowned at him, but you were really curious what your frog had to say to you. You looked down at your frog and felt around until you found where to squeeze.
‘Hey sweetheart, today we are at build-a-bear, building frogs.’  There was a nervous chuckle. ‘Today it is frogs, but in the past years you have built me a better man. I’ll take you to the place where I fell in love with you later and I will ask you to build me into a husband. Please say yes. I love you.’
Your mouth fell open as Scott fumbled while getting off his chair. A box came out of nowhere. You turned your head to see Daylen toss it to Scott, the rest of the regular café staff filming the occasion. Scott barely caught it and you put your frog on the table while getting up, your hands covering your gaping mouth. “I know this is not our first date spot,” Scott started when he finally got on one knee, “but I actually don’t remember where that was.” What a great start. “Back then, I did not know what you would mean to me.” He sounded like he was about to cry and you already felt the tears pool in the corners of your eyes. “But I do remember when you took me here for the first time and forced me to try the wraps. I remember the first time I saw you eat them like they were the best thing in the world and I could not for the life of me figure out what made these ordinary wraps so special- I’m sorry Daylen.”
Scott briefly looked away from you to apologise to the waiter. “You’re ruining your own proposal!” Daylen yelled back and waved with his hand to Scott to make him go back to a very important milestone in his life. 
“Yes! Sorry!” He turned his head back to you and tried to open the box in his hand only to drop it on the floor. “Sorry! Uh… wraps! Yes!” He fumbled as he was clearly off track from his script. He had grabbed the box and went back to opening it while looking at you. “That’s when I fell in love, wait no, that’s not what I wrote down-” 
He dropped the box again. You bent down and grabbed it. You opened it for him and pressed it in his hands, holding them for a little moment. “Breathe,” you whispered. “I don’t need a beautiful speech. I always love to hear what you have to say,” you said a little louder, before letting go and straightening your back. 
Scott took a deep breath, before holding the ring up. “A couple of years back, I saw you eat wraps and I thought to myself ‘I want to make you even happier than these wraps do’. I don’t know if I’m there yet, but I promise to do my best every day for the rest of my life. So marry me? Please?” You wiped the tears off your cheeks and nodded, while holding a hand out. Scott put the ring on your finger and rose to his feet to kiss you. Applause and cheers exploded around you, Daylen’s quite possibly the loudest and when the waiter is out of earshot, you’ll tell Scott that he had surpassed the wraps a long time ago already. 
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Could u do a sequel to delaying death? In desperate for Kang writing- it could be extremely and illegally angsty or some fluff, pick your poison
Delaying death part 2
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“You’re an interesting man, Scott Lang.” he said, turning to him and taking off his mask.
“I don’t know who you are, but you’ve made a big mistake. I’m an avenger, okay? And I’ve called the other avengers.”
“You’re an avenger? Have I killed you before?”
“What?” Scott said with a small laugh.
“They all blow together after a while. You’re not the one with the hammer?”
“That’s Thor. We get confused a lot, similar body types- who are you?”
“Just a man. Who’s lost a lot of time, like you.” He stepped toward his cell. “But we can help each other with that.”
“Wait, so he has an insane girlfriend, basically?” Cassie said.
“They’re both equally dangerous. And he was always way too overprotective of her, and he didn’t trust me at first to go back with him because he didn’t want me to see her. But he did anyways. I caught them a few times, and overheard their conversations. He talked about her being his soulmate.”
“Jesus, it sounds like those two have some issues.” Hank shook his head.
Scott grew more agitated and annoyed the more he had to torture Cassie. Finally after some time, Scott agreed to help.
So kang opened the portal, and Scott dived in. But he didn’t only see Scott when he came out, he saw Hope.
After fighting with them, and finally having Janet, he brought her back.
“Bring her in.” He whispered to one of his guards, they knew who her was. They went up to his room, and quickly brought her back down to his “throne”
“There you a-“ you started but then you saw Janet.
“Janet.” You said, plainly. As his guards left the room.
“(Your name), you don’t know what he’s do-“ she started as soon as she saw you. She told you before, but you didn’t care and you didn’t believe her.
“Don’t speak to her.” Kang said sharply, raising his voice.
“Come here, love.” He said, moving his fingers in a motion also telling you to come.
You obeyed him, climbing up onto his throne and sitting next to him. He pulled you next to him as spoke, your hands on his armored chest and his hands on your back.
Kang got up, while talking. You stayed sitting down.
He showed her the sacred timeline, you’ve already seen it. It was beautiful whenever he used his powers.
After some talking, and some angry talking about his other versions, he pulled you aside privately into the hallway while some guards went in the room.
“You are to stay right next to me, the whole time. I don’t want you to leave my sight. I have a bad feeling, and if this place goes under attack, I promise you I will protect you. Just promise that if anything happens to me you’ll find a way to go away and stay safe, alright?”
“Yes, of course. I will. Kang-“
“Nathan, I won’t need to leave you. I’m safe wherever you are. I love you.”
He reached out for your cheek and caressed your cheek, you both kissed.
You both smiled as you parted lips.
“Nathan. I love you, so much, okay? And I won’t need to leave you, I won’t need to find a safe place, because with you I am safe.”
His gaze softened, he caressed your cheek and you both kissed. You guys smiled as you both pulled away.
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MCU Masterlist
The following fanfictions are not mine. This is simply a list of oneshots (sometimes fanfics) that I have enjoyed.
Credit goes to the creators, thank you so much for writing this!!!!
Containing Characters from:
Antman and the Wasp/ WandaVision
Avengers films
Captain America Civil War
Doctor Strange 2
Doctor Strange
Shang-Chi/ Shangqi
Jimmy Woo
Wanda Maximoff
America Chavez ( no, I'm not some 30-year old creep)
Stephen Strange
I actually wanted to include Wong too, but there is literally NOTHING. I found absolutly NOTHING!
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Shang-Chi/ Shangqi:
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Water ( by @lovelybarnes )
Raincheck ( by @itsapeterthing )
Given the Chance ( by @make-me-imagine )
Ask Me Again Tomorrow ( by @makethatelevenrings )
Like Father, Like Son ( by @makethatelevenrings )
Again ( by @redheadspark )
Blind Date ( by @musingsinmoonlight )
Shang-Chi as a dad ( by @kimoralov3 )
Just One Weekend ( by @magicalxdaydream )
Rainy Day and Pancakes ( by @redheadspark )
Electric Love ( by @kimoralov3 )
Pizza Slices and Love Letters ( by @redheadspark )
Jimmy Woo:
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playing with fire ( by @danny-cordray )
i love you, baby ( by @danny-cordray )
Sitcoms: The #1 Cause of Fatigue ( by @gxldenflower )
Something New ( by @galactic-magick )
What You’ve Been Missing ( by @startrekkingaroundasgard )
It's Just Coffee ( by @momos-peaches )
Budget Cuts ( by @gxldenflower )
fluff alphabet ( by @ramblingandwritings )
Cuddles, kisses and a cup of tea ( by @nyx-aira )
We Should Do This More Often ( by @startrekkingaroundasgard )
lonely together ( by @danny-cordray )
As If We Needed To Hate Him Even More ( by @ynscrazylife )
Wanda Maximoff:
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It’s Our Party… ( by @maximoffwitch )
Family Forgiveness ( by @foxcantswim )
A Step In The Right Direction ( by @p0orbaby )
Warm hands ( by @chaosromanoff )
can you just hold me ( @sugarybitterness )
I'm So Lonesome, I Could Cry ( by @vancityfire13 )
What’s a MILF? ( by @maximoffwitch )
In This Universe and Every Other ( by @the-fandom-abyss )
I’m Here ( by @smalls-words )
Sanctum ( by @thatonebrazilian )
Blink and You'll Miss Me ( by @married2myphone )
America Chavez:
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Electric Love ( by @kaisacobra )
Dating America Chavez would include ( by @chiefdirector )
Stupid Boys ( by @xrqkayo )
gold rush ( by @msminutes )
Random fluff headcanons ( by @chiefdirector )
contention ( by @msminutes )
Chef Strange ( by @t-h-i-n-g )
Doctor Stephen Strange:
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Two Of You ( by @lykaonimagines )
sleepy ( by @strange-mischief )
Somebody To Love ( by @lykaonimagines )
Remedy ( by @blackbat05 )
Just Come Home ( by @clowasheretooyouknow )
Don’t Be A Fool ( by @stephens-heart )
Fake marriage, real feelings ( by @erule )
Unexpected ( by @celestialnxva )
Be Alright ( by @lykaonimagines )
There For You ( by @rosequartzwriting )
Here for the Wi-Fi ( by @spilledkauffie )
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peachyteabuck · 10 months
commission info/faq (updated)
Basic Info:
I do writing commissions for a variety of characters across several fandoms including, but not limited to: Fallon Carrington from Dynasty, most Chris Evans characters, and Eliot from Leverage. 
A fuller list of characters can be found here. 
The tag I use for commissions can be found here if you’re interested in seeing what other people commission
My full masterlist, including non-commissions, can be found here
As of June 15th, 2023, fics are now two cents per word. So, if you’d like a 2,000 fic, you would pay $40USD. 
Please keep in mind that the word count is determined by how much I receive, rather than what is sent. Before sending money, please double check fees and/or conversion rates. 
I charge 1.5x my normal rate for somnophilia. 
I charge 2x my normal rate for selfcest. 
These are not cumulative--as in, I multiply the base rate and then add the final rate. 
I do not write for: 
Roman Godfrey, Iver the Boneless, and any male antman & the wasp characters. I do not write underage characters regardless of context--I am fine writing for characters WITH children, but not characters AS children. 
I write for Peter Parker + Stranger Things characters, but I will not write NSFW scenarios while they are still in high school. 
I have the right to refuse any commission regardless of content. I only accept one commission per person at a time. 
Are you comfortable with [X] kink/fetish/scenario?
Probably. I literally used to write gore, and my favorite kinds of commissions to do are dark fics. We can talk specifics if you’re worried I will not do a certain scene! 
How to contact me:
You can DM me on this blog, or email me at [email protected] (please make the subject “Commission Inquiry”). You can include as much or as little detail as you want. Before you email me, please know the approximate amount of words you would like the commission to be, the characters, and anything on your “no” list. 
Examples of good messages include:
✔ hi! i was wondering if i could commission 1200 words of carolnat smut?
✔  would it be cool to ask for 2000 words of loki x reader fluff?
✔  i’m looking to commission 5000 words of valkyrie x reader smut wherein it’s their wedding night and the reader’s first time - valkyrie and the reader are in an arranged marriage to merge their kingdoms (this is a non marvel au btw) together.
Please do not email me if you are not ready to actually commission me. If you are merely asking questions in anticipation of a commission, please make that clear. Please do not email me, finalize details, and then ghost when I ask for payment. 
How do I pay?
Depending on your preference, you will either send all of the money upfront and will receive the commission when it is posted publicly, or, half the money will be sent upfront, you will receive drafts from me which you will okay (for plot, characterization, etc), one or two more drafts which you will okay, then the final draft will be sent and I will post the fic publicly one week from the day you reply that you are good with the final draft.
Commissioners must pay all service fees. I determine word count by the amount received, not amount sent. 
Please do not mention “commission” in the notes section of the payment. 
I accept C*sh*pp, V*nm*, and P*yP*l. I also do trades, but these are on a case-by-case basis. 
Can I commission sequels?
Yes! If a sequel is already in progress I will let you know. 
How long do commissions take?
Depends on a variety of factors, including my mental/physical health. I am a university student who works several jobs and I am responsible for myself and two cats. 
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i-writes-things · 3 years
hi! could you write something where the (teenage) reader is sick or something and Scott looks after them in like a fatherly way? fluff would be greatly appreciated:D thank you!
Fatherly!Scott Lang x Platonic! reader
Warnings- Being sick, throwing up
Hello! Yes I did my best, it is short and took a long time to do and I had to really push myself to actually write this, butttt I hope you like what I did write for ya! Also Thank you for the request!
You had just gotten back from school and besides feeling miserable the whole day you were glad to be home
"Scotty-o!" You sang loudly as you walk into the Kitchen setting your bag down to get a drink of water for your now aching head
"Peanut! How was school?" He asks you walking into the room and kisses your head
"Good, just regular school things." You say after gulping your large glass of water
It took you a minute, but the feeling you get when you know your about to throw up washed over you..
"Y/n? Where are you going- You want a PB&J??" He shouts after you
"Hey Y/n.." He looked at you sideways and pointed
"Wait- Are you? Are you sick???" His face turned to panic and he ran out of the room
"yeah, i am.." you answered while he was gone, your voice sounding horse
"Peanut, you should really tell someone when your sick, ok?" You nod and take the medicine he went and got for you
"Can you make me soup?" "Of course Y/n." Scott slowly backs up and stops for a second and then starts coughing a fit
"Hey Scott, are you ok??" He put his finger up stopping you and continued to cough. Finally fakes throwing up and spits-out cards everywhere
You laugh horsely at his antics, and he smiles and laughs with you, turning to leave to make your soup. he is happy he was able to make you laugh when you felt so bad..
About half an hour later you sat at the Kitchen table, a blanket draped over your shoulders as you slurped your soup off the spoon.
Scott sat across from you "You know what?"
You looked up at him as if to ask him 'what' but said nothing and he continued "We should play guitar master!" He said and a weak smile come over you
"I would, but thats a lot of activity, and I am more up for sleep or watching something or reading.." You tried to think of other things the two of you could do together
"Oh! I got it, be right back." Scott said as he ran out of the room once again leaving his forgotten soup behind
You sat in silence, hearing Scott ran around upstairs amused you, he was quite the funny guy, but it seemed for you, he would do almost anything. Ever since you came to live with him he always looked out for you and made sure you were taken care of no matter what the need was.
Finally his footsteps got louder and louder, as he stumbled down the staircase and back into the Kitchen
Scott caught his breath before pulling his other hand from behind his back with two movie choices and a puzzle box
"Ok- Ok so, what do you wanna do-?" He said still catching up on his breathing
"There's 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith'," Holding up the DVD disc display case with the picture "or 'The Bee Movie'," Holding up that display case and putting both down back on the table "Then the third option is a 'Cars 2' Limited Edition 200 piece puzzle.." He shows it to you still out of breath, but awaiting your response patiently
"Uh-" You start unsure where to go from there "How about," You stop to confirm your answer in your head "yeah, The Bee Movie." You had seen it almost 8 times but you knew that you could take a nice, needed nap through it
Once the movie finished you were fast asleep on the couch, right next to the Limited Edition Cars 2 puzzle you both built, all curled up in warm blankets, Scott turned the remaining lights out and kissed your forehead "Goodnight, Y/n. Today was a good day with you!" He whispered in your ear half hoping you could hear him...
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
They Understand Me - The Scott Lang Family X Female (Daughter) Reader
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Title: They Understand Me
The Scott Lang Family X Female (Daughter) Reader
Additional Characters: Cassie, Hope, Scott, Janet (Mentioned), and Hank (Mentioned)
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 1,450
Warnings: The Blip mentioned, Post-The Blip, during Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, canon violence briefly mentioned, yelling, family angst, Reader is mentioned to be seventeen, Reader can communicate with ants, crying briefly mentioned, death mentioned, and fluff
Ever since you were born, you felt like the odd one out, you blamed the Blip. You were born during a strange time in your parent's life, years before the Blip. Cassie being seven when you were born, you never really got the time to truly bond with her before the Blip happened two years later, since chaos began and took that time away. While Cassie and your father survived the Blip, one being trapped in a different realm, your mother, grandmother, and grandfather, did not. At a very young age, you had lost your mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather. 
You didn't have anyone except Cassie. Though, with the weight of losing practically everyone in your life, you left Cassie and her mother at your grandfather's home later on. There, at a young, you found yourself hidden away in his basement, working hours and hours on your own Ant-Man suit and helmet. You spent two years perfecting your craft, looking over and studying your grandfather's and mother's work. Though you did have fun creating your own suit and Pym Particles perfectly, there were some downsides. Thankfully, your grandfather had a storage in the basement with enough food to last you for years. 
For the next five years, you stayed at your grandfather's home, working and waiting, until 2023. 
It was overwhelming. Seeing your father, mother, grandmother, and grandfather again. You didn't remember most of the reunion. It was like... You were suspended in the sky somewhere, or floating over the ground, or something else completely. But hugging your father, whom you hadn't seen in years, brought you back. Hearing your mother's voice, brought you back. Hearing your grandmother's laugh, brought you back. And seeing your grandfather's smile brought you back. Along with that, you apologized to Cassie for leaving her alone for all those years.
You broke down, tears flowing down your cheeks, gripping onto your family that had been practically kidnapped from you. For years. For five years. But you could feel them slipping away as you were pulled away, further into nothingness, further and farther away from everything. The people around you became blurry and distorted. You felt numb. Like everything around you was just a memory, or a terrible illusion. Fake. Your mother, Hope, had to pull you back. 
So, after catching up a bit, and spending a bit of time all together, you finally got to show your family what you had been working on. Your suit. Your smile was bright and your eyes were beaming, but once your mother saw the helmet, her grin faded slightly. 
"Hun, uh, that's an interesting look for a helmet, isn't it?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as she looked at it in her hands, "I mean, I don't mean this in any wrong way. People might think you're a bit… Uh, Uh-"
"Odd, a bit odd." Cassie interrupted, "It does look a bit weird, y'know?"
"It's not about the looks. The helmet has a wider range of control towards all ants, and I don't really care about the opinions of poorly educated people," You said matter of factly, "I need to get better control. With more control, my suit will take me far. And I can help more people when I go out with you and Dad." Your mother nodded along, trying to give a supportive look, but your father was failing miserably at it, making you raise an eyebrow, "I can go, can't I? I want to come with you guys."
"Uh, honey, you're too young, we don't want you got get hurt."
Setting your helmet down, you sigh, rubbing your temple, "You both know that I can talk to ants, they understand me, I can help. I mean- I spent years creating my own suit, helmet, particles... I've done so much to try and find a way to get you all back, to help, and now you won't even let me go with you?"
Scott, your father, winced verbally, squinting one of his eyes, "Well, uh, there won't be enough room in the car... With me, your mother, Hank, Janet, and Peanut-"
"Everyone's going except me!?" You cried, standing up, glaring at your dad, "Are you serious!? I have practically perfected these old blueprints Grandpa made, innovating, and building - in my opinion - possibly the best suit made," Your parents shared a glance, but you ignored it and kept talking, "And you say I can't come with you to stop this new threat? I am done hiding and waiting to stop something that is threatening my home, my family, my- my world!" Letting out a sigh, you breathed out deeply from your nose, "I do not understand why I have to stay."
Scott cleared his throat nervously, awkwardly before speaking, "Uh, well, you're young-"
"Cassie has barely passed eighteen. Her birthday was a couple of months ago. And I am one year younger than her!" You interrupted your argument. "Legally, I am allowed to drive, and legally, allowed to drink in China. Give me one good reason as to why, aside from my age and the danger, why I shouldn't come with you guys." Their silence was deafening, as you huffed, grabbing your helmet and suit, "When do we leave?"
You were livid. Cassie used the Pym particles. Normally, you wouldn't have been so angry, you had also used them before. But, she had been so reckless. So, so careless. She could have died, or could have killed someone else; some innocent bystander.
Sitting in the car, you had your arms crossed, starting right ahead at the back of the passenger's seat headrest. Cassie sat beside you in the back of the car. "You know that if you use the particles on a living organism without special protection, there is a very high probability of death?" You asked Cassie, sounding scarily calm as Cassie glanced over at you before staring out her window.
"Yes, I know. You don't have to tell me." She spoke, giving you a bit of an attitude, but you let yourself ignore it for the time being. 
Sighing, you continued, "But, you had the great idea to use them on a Police car anyway?"
Cassie turned, her voice rising, "The car was empty!"
"Girls!" Scott yelled out, but to no avail, "No yelling in the car while I'm driving, please!"
"It could have not been! What if there had been someone in there!? What if you killed some innocent person!?"
"You're saying a lot of 'what if's’ here, sis." Cassie grumbled, crossing her own arms, "You make it seem like I'm so reckless."
You scoffed, turning to look out your window, "You said it, not me."
After a couple of minutes, Cassie spoke up, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand, "What's with the pockets on your suit anyway? What’s the point of them, you know, for fighting?"
Shuffling in your seat, you sniffled before clearing your throat and answering, "They hold tiny things. Things that can possibly help when we need them. While you were gone in prison mind you, Mom, Dad, and I were hungry, and I had brought food."
"Food? That small to fit in those small pockets?" She asked, becoming more relaxed as she turned in her seat towards you slightly, gesturing to the small red pockets on your red suit.
"I use the particles, I have a full bag of cheese sticks in here somewhere..." You muttered, opening pocket after pocket until you found the super small bag of cheese sticks. Grabbing a particle, you super-sized the cheese back to its regular size, before opening the bag and ripping off four cheese sticks. One by one, you carefully passed one to your Mom and Dad, with thanks in return from each before giving Cassie one.
Peeling the clear wrapper, you began to pull strings of cheese off the cheese stick before plopping them into your mouth. Cassie did the same, before giving up and just biting it. "One thing's for sure, your little ideas are pretty useful," Cassie spoke, voice slightly muffled as she chewed. "I'm glad you were so persistent in coming along."
"It's only fair." You answered with a shrug, "I know how important my presence is to you guys. And how important my "powers" are to the mission. I mean, honestly, if you had taken any longer in that prison, I would've been able to get you out. I had a large group of Pavement Ants to get you out of your sell."
Cassie chuckled, along with your mother and father, "Let me guess, they eat pavement?" Your dad asked from the front seat, making you smirk.
"Oh yeah, the ants love it."
Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
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lilxberry · 3 years
That’s My Wife - Scott Lang
Requested by: @iwazoomingouttahere
Can I have a kind of similar imagine to the one you just wrote?? It’s Scott x strongwife reader!
Hydra makes a replica of caps shield and the avengers find it and nick says it has to be destroyed so they all take turns and reader gets woken up from the noise and gets grumpy so she grabs the shield and destroys it with her bare hands then goes back to bed and scots like “I MARRRIED THAT WOMAN SUCK ITTTTT”
This is basically a sequel but I feel both this and my previous fic worked well together. Also, I believe you asked about being added to the Marvel taglist so, I’ll add you, just tell me if I’m wrong lmao
I also wanted to write this asap as I felt like I had a flow I didn’t want to disrupt with other fics between because I be wack like that oop
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Warnings: Lil bit o’ language. Cute ass Scott (My God I love Paul Rudd!). Crank ass reader lmao. That’s pretty much it, I believe.
Words: 1,623
Pairings: Scott Lang x Reader (female reader) (wife reader) (super strong reader?)
(A/N: This is basically a sequel to That’s My Girl even though it came from a different requester and since I felt like it. Try fight me about it, I dare y’all. But yeah, imagine that some time had passed and that you two got married.)
Frankly, you disliked when any form of resting was interrupted. So, the noise coming from the lab that’s usually preoccupied by Stark and Banner was certainly pissing you off.
Only 20 minutes prior did you climb into bed with the intentions of taking a well-deserved, well needed nap. Of course, it was never going to work in your favour. You tossed and turned, held the pillow over your head in an attempt to muffle the noise. It was fruitless.
You continued this repetitive rhythm as the racket continued until you could no longer take it.
Said racket was all due to the last mission the Avengers had been sent on. A HYDRA, unsurprisingly.
“How the shit do we destroy this thing?” Clint asked when he and the others walked into the lab, earning a slap up the back of his head from Natasha and a muttered “Language” from the cap.
“What?! It’s a fair question!” Clint whined, rubbing at the back of his head. “If it is practically a replica of Mr. Cools’ shield, it’s gonna be pretty hard to destroy, I reckon.”
“Barton does have a point,” Sam agreed with the archer as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Tony, being the over-confident man he is, took the shield from Steve and marched over towards one of the cleared tables in the lab, placing the shield on top. Searching through the mess of the lab, he found whatever tool he believed would be of help, bringing them over to place beside the shield.
“Something’ll get it to break. We just gotta figure out what.”
And so, the onslaught of assaults at the false shield of patrioty began. Tool after tool, machine after machine, super soldier after super soldier.
Scott watched from the side-line, wincing each time something ricocheted off of the shield without leaving a scratch and making some of the loudest noises he’s heard in his lifetime.
‘Even Cassie hopped up on sugar isn’t this loud,’ he thinks to himself.
But he wasn’t concerned about the shield and its integrity, he was concerned about what’ll happen when the noise steals your chance away at a nap.
Your husband knew how tired you had been recently, in turn so did the Avengers, so no one protested you heading on up and leaving them to it. Although, it seems everyone par himself thought of the terrible noise the task would make.
By now, majority of the Avengers within the lab are drenched in sweat and panting, feeling absolutely frazzled.
Bucky turned towards the man who can fluctuate his size with a suit and scowled. “Why aren’t you doing anything?” he panted out, sweat rolling down his face.
The others look towards Scott with similar expressions, not understanding why he chose to sit out.
Scott deadpanned as he spoke. “You just had two super soldiers trying to pound that thing into oblivion at the same time and you expect me to be able to do something about it?”
Realisation seemed to dawn on everyone at that moment, all releasing a prolonged “Ahhhh.”
A silence engulfed the room, moments passed by where the only sounds were breaths being regulated back to natural states.
Then, Thor boomed, a bright, wide smile crosses his face. He seems to look extremely proud of himself. He gasped his hammer tightly, stepping towards the table with the shield on top in long strides.
“No shield can withstand the might of a God!”
He raised his arm, Mjölnir in hand. The others eyes widened in realisation, all beginning to protest in a panic, but it was all in vain.
With a hearty swing, he brought his hammer down on to the shield.
A thundering boom sounded through the entire compound, and the second Mjölnir made contact with the shield, everyone in the lab was sent back flying, near enough everything in the room being damaged from the large shockwave created; each and every window within the compound now shattered.
Fury was going to be pissed.
You relished when the awfully loud noises coming from the lab seemed to cease.
A relaxed smile made its way on to your face and you closed your eyes once more, happy to be happing some peace and quiet finally. Moments passed where there was not a singular decibel of sound heard, moments you were happy to get.
Then, just like that, they were gone once more.
The loud boom, violent vibration throughout the compound and the windows within your bedroom which you share with Scott busting out completely caused you to jolt and within it, spike your frustration to an all-time high.
Shouting in frustration and exhaustion, you threw the covers from atop your body and swung your legs over the edge, quickly standing and storming out towards the lab. Being in such a rage, you failed to realise you tore the door right off of its hinges as you swung it open.
“Whatever Stark is building in that damn lab better be a panic room ‘cause I’m gonna kill him.”
The Avengers within the relatively destroyed room groaned and sat up, all their heads pounding from the harsh knockback and the deafening sound.
“Nice going, Point Break.”
“I did not think that would be the result of my quick thinking, I must admit.”
Everyone grumbled and slowly all began to rise to stand, heads still throbbing but overall bearable. Their eyes scanned the room , seeing the utter destruction Thors’ action had caused within the lab until finally, their eyes landed on the shield, still in one piece, just as shiny as ever.
They all groaned in frustration, even Natasha looked almost like a pouting child.
But as their eyes were all focused on the unscathed shield from the HYDRA base, they failed to notice your incoming form bursting at the seems with an anger no one would be able to subdue.
You slammed through the whatever remained of the doors before your voice roared out to the crowd.
The billionaire let out a short, high-pitched shrill of a scream as he and the others jumped and turned to face you. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were just as frightened as the engineer, Sam, Bucky, and Clint would have found Starks’ reaction absolutely hilarious and burst out laughing.
“IT WASN’T ME!” Tony, in a panic, pointed over at Thor in an attempt to escape your wrath. “BLAME BLODIE!”
Your fiery gaze turned towards the Asgardian as he gulped audibly and smiled sheepishly, chuckling in an attempt to cover up that he was in fact, quite scared of you in that moment.
Just as you opened your mouth to verbally assault the God, your sweet husband Scott stepped in front of you, hands raised slightly in a calming gesture. “I’m sorry honey, we ruined nap, I understand. But it was with good reason!”
You raised your eyebrow up at your husband expectantly, your anger only subsiding in the slightest at the sight of Scott. He continued without hesitation.
“Fury wants that shield destroyed,” he pointed towards the shield before proceeding. “And we’re really struggling.”
Your anger had risen once more, now joined with confusion. “And why, do pray tell, does Fury want it destroyed?”
“It was HYDRA made, a replica of my own,” Steve spoke this time. “If they’re producing them, that means they’re close to being on equal ground with us. We no longer have the advantage over HYDRA if they have their hands on these shields.”
“So why not destroy them like Fury’s told you to?”
“BECAUSE WE CAN’T!” It was now Tonys’ turn to yell in frustration. He threw his arms up in exasperation which only annoyed your further.
“YOU KNOW WHAT?! BE GUEST!” With that, Stark stepped aside, freeing up a path towards the shield for you.
With a hardened glare, you stomped past Tony straight towards the shield before picking it up within both hands and turning to face the group. With the cold, agitated look still engraved on your face, you raised your knee as you lower the shield quickly, slamming it down on to your knee, snapping it in half as if it were a flimsy, plastic ruler one uses for school.
Their jaws had dropped, and their eyes widened as Scott grinned like an excitable child, a strong feeling of pride washing over him.
You threw the two halves of the shield to the ground by Tonys’ feet, narrowly missing him. “If I hear ONE MORE NOISE from this lab, you’ll end up looking like that shield.”
You grazed past the petrified billionaire and weaved your way through the group. Just before you exited the lab, you called over your shoulder loudly. “And you best send someone to fix my damn window. AFTER I’VE FINISHED WITH MY DAMN NAP!”
Everyone seemed too terrified to move as you retreated back towards your room, all except Scott, who could no longer contain his excitement and adoration.
He began to chase after you towards your shared bedroom, calling for Clint to ask where on Earth he was doing. “I’M GONNA GO NAP WITH MY WIFE! Oh man, I can’t wait to tell Cass. THAT WAS AWESOME! HONEY, CAN WE HAVE SEX LATER?! THAT WAS SO HOT!”
As Scott finally disappear out of sight and out of hearing range, the others began to finally calm and relax, well, all except Tony and surprisingly, Thor.
“That woman terrifies me. She’s definitely on par with Pepper,” Tony quietly put out as Thor looked like a scolded child slightly, moody that some Midgardian had bested him in strength.
“This really isn’t fair.”
I mean, I enjoyed writing this
Like, reader’s a big mood
But, yeah, that’s all I got
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual @iwazoomingouttahere
@bnhaxreaderquotes​ I thought I’d tag you since this had become a sequel to your Scott Lang request :)
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rootbeergoddess · 3 years
Itty Bitty
Thank @thepilotanon​ for giving me this adorable idea.
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“You have ten seconds to explain what happened, Bugman,” Loki said.
“It’s Antman, and if you’re going to insult me, I’m not helping,” Scott said.
“This is amazing!” You said, trying to pick up a pencil. “Wow, this is heavy now.”
Okay, so maybe putting on Scott’s suit to help him test it wasn’t the best idea you had ever had. Now, you were only 3 inches tall. As you wore the suit, something happened; a glitch or a malfunction. When you tried to change back to your normal size, he wouldn’t work. With the suit too tiny to work on, Scott had no idea how to change you back. Your boyfriend was furious.
“I knew I should have stopped them from helping you,” Loki growled. “Look at what you’ve done! Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? I’m holding you responsible if anything happens too---”
Loki glanced down to see you jumping off the desk. His hand shot out and grabbed you. He held you against his chest like a baby, sighing with relief.
“Aw, man,” You pouted. “I wanted to see if I could land in Scott’s backpack! Put me down!”
“Absolutely not!” Loki said. “You could have been hurt. Why would you jump at your size?”
“Loki put me down!” You fought against his grip.
“No, I’m not putting you down until you’re the appropriate size,” Loki glared at Scott. “Fix this, or I will end you. Understood?”
“God, you must be fun at parties,” Scott quipped. “I’m already working on a way to fix it, don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
~*~ Exploring the world while being three inches tall was fun.
Well, it was fun for you. Loki didn’t seem to be enjoying it.
After he took you away from Scott, Loki had taken you to the kitchen. He set you down on the counter, looking for something to contain you in. Frowning, you crossed your arms and took in your surroundings. Loki was so busy trying to find a container that he didn’t notice you looking around, taking in how large everything was. An apple was the size of a car now. When Thor entered the kitchen, you smiled as a wicked idea formed in your head.
“Hello, brother,” Thor said. “How are you this day?”
“Frazzled,” He replied. “One of your hero friends ruined my Y/N.”
“Ruined?” Thor asked, picking up the apple. “What happ---”
“BOO!” You shouted, popping out from behind the apple.
Loki whirled around. He shrieked as he ran over and grabbed you off the apple.
“Hey!” You shouted.
“You were about to eat that?” Loki asked. “Did you not see them? How could you be so careless?”
“Loki, I was just playing,” You said, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. “Let go!”
“Y/N? Is that you?” Thor asked.
Thor reached over and plucked you from Loki’s hands. You sat down in Thor’s palm and waved up at him.
“Hi, big guy! Well, now you really are the big guy!” You said. “I had a tiny accident with Scott’s suit. Get it? Tiny?”
“Are you in any pain?” Thor asked.
“Nope, I’m fine,” You said. “See, watch it?”
You stood up and walked across Thor’s arm. Loki whimpered, wanting to grab you but also afraid you’d fall. Like a tightrope walker, you skillfully made your way across and then climbed up to his shoulder.
“Tada!” You said proudly.
“Y/N, get down! You’ll fall!” Loki begged.
“I didn’t know you could climb so well,” Thor offered up his hand, and you jumped back into it. “Where did you learn how to do that?”
“I climbed trees all the time when I was little,” You said. “I’m like a monkey!”
“Alright, that’s enough fun and games,” Loki reached for you.
“No! Thor, don’t let him take me!” You begged.
Thor pulled his hand back, causing Loki to glare at him.
“Thor, give them back,” He demanded.
“Thor, Loki won’t let me do anything! I want to explore, and he keeps treating me like a baby!”
“Loki, I don’t see why you can’t let Y/N have some freedom at this size,” Thor said. “What’s the harm in it?”
“What’s the harm? They’re the size of a bug. They could get stepped on, kicked, sucked up one of those vacuum machines,” Loki listed off. “I’m trying to protect them. Just give them to me.”
“I can help you watch them,” Thor said. “How does that sound? Two pairs of eyes are better than one, as the humans say.”
“Well,” Loki said. “I suppose if we both watch them, there is less chance of losing them.”
~*~ Loki needed to keep his mouth shut.
An hour later and his little Y/N was missing.
Thor found Y/N riding the Roomba, and they chased them for what felt like hours. No matter what Loki did, Y/N tried to spurn his attempts of protection. Loki had tried putting Y/N in a cup, but they tipped it over. After searching for Y/N, the two brothers found Y/N riding the Roomba again.Thor suggested putting a plastic container over them (with holes, of course) and placing it down. Y/N managed to also push that over, and Loki found them attempting to turn a sink into a swimming pool. Loki’s last resort was a bucket over his mate, and even that didn’t work because now, he had no idea where Y/N.
“Y/N?” He shouted as he looked under the couch. “Darling, are you there?”
Thor searched upstairs while Loki was in the living room, on his hands and knees, desperate to find you. Protecting you had been easy when you had been normal size; with you the size of a bug, he was useless. His magic, his wits, and his skills could do nothing to keep you safe. He felt like a failure. What would he do if he found your lifeless body? How could he forgive himself? His heart was on the verge of bursting when he heard a noise from the common area.
“Kick hiss ass Obi-Wan!”
“Y/N?” Loki got up. “Y/N!”
He ran towards the source of the noise. Sure enough, there was his sweet Y/N. They were sitting on a pile of books, a chocolate chip cookie sitting in their lap. Their feet dangled as they watched the massive television. Loki sighed with relief as he ran over to the table.
“Beloved, there you are!” Loki went to pick them up.
“Shhhhhh!” They said. “Loki, this is the best part of the movie. Obi-Wan and Darth Vader are going to fight. Let me watch this part, and then you can lock me up.”
Lock them up.
In his attempts to protect his lover, Loki was making them feel like they had no freedom. He hadn’t considered that; he had just been so worried. He sat down next to the table, looking up at the screen. Oh, it was that Space Battle movie they loved so much. Someone must have turned it on for them. He glanced over, looking at their small face. There was chocolate all over it, along with a smile. Loki managed to smile, too; maybe he had been too worried.
Suddenly, Y/N shook. The cookie dropped from their hand. In small bursts, Y/N became larger, and soon, they were their normal size.
“Hey, look at that!” They smiled. “I guess the particles wore off! I’m back to--OOF!”
Loki tackled them in a hug.
“Thank god,” He whispered. “I could have lost you. I could do anything to protect you, I could have lost you, and it would have been my fault.”
“Oh god,” Loki shook as he started to cry. “I could have lost you, I could have lost you, I could have lost you.”
“Loki,” Y/N rubbed the back of his head. “You didn’t lose me. I’m still here, aren’t I? I can take care of myself. You don’t have to always try to keep me safe, you know.”
“But what if---”
“Hush, that’s enough,” You said. “Come on, let’s sit up on the couch and watch the rest of the movie, okay? Just the two of us.”
Y/N got up and pulled Loki towards the couch. They grabbed a blanket and tossed it over Loki. Then crawled under it, snuggling against him. The stress of the day was starting to ebb away as his beloved leaned against him. Loki looked down at them, and Y/N looked up at him, a huge smile on their face.
“Feel better?” They asked.
“I’m starting too,” Loki said, wrapping an arm around them.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, baby,” Y/N said. “I was just having so much fun.”
“I know. I just didn’t want some idiot stepping on you,” Loki sighed.
“Let’s forget about shrinking and just enjoy Star Wars,” They said. “Too bad we don’t have some popcorn.”
Loki snapped his fingers, and a bucket of popcorn appeared before them. Y/N giggled and gave Loki a kiss on the cheek before grabbing a few kernels.
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antvnger · 1 year
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Shae and Cami are doing great! Thank you both for asking.
So Cami turned one year old a month ago! Can you believe it? My sweet girl is already a year and a month old! 😭 They grow up so fast.
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And Shae is 20 weeks old tomorrow. My other sweet girl is a baby fluff ball. I love them both.
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theaawalker · 2 months
Quick query do you have a list of who and what you write for?
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
-A.A. Walker
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kaymegami · 4 years
Peter, absolutely furious: Wear. A. Goddamn. MASK.
Peter: I do it
Peter: Mr. Stark does it
Peter: Black Panther does it
Peter: Antman does it
Peter: everyone does it
MJ: don't be an idiot
Both: wear a fucking mask
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