#Ao3 bookmark fic rec
lightasthesun · 27 days
i heard there was a HUGE outcry for more codywan fic recs...(@tapemonkey21 & @dontbelasagnax lol) so here I am posting another one
As always please mind the tags before diving headfirst into any fic you read and consider sharing your unbridled joy and unhinged thoughts with the writer in the comment section 😉
Desert Box by br1ghtmouth | 7k words
With a chip in his head that has already caused the ruin for which he was made, Cody finds his way to Tatooine in the hopes of tending to the painful layers of memories left behind in his own silt.
Facile Felicity by br1ghtmouth | 14k words
Primary functions are supposed to be useful: survive against all odds; shield one’s battalion; fight until the very last breath. Cody would prefer anything besides the bleeding heart he’s been dealt.
Or: the General makes plans. Cody follows.
Good man of war by scrapathon 🔒| 16k words
During a medic’s first mission with the 212th, everything goes wrong. In the midst of it all, Cody deals with his growing feelings towards General Kenobi.
Across the path by Threebea O(ThreeBea)| 1k words
Cody is inspecting a cave system. He meets his General.
No. Not his General.
“The pathway,” Obi-Wan whispered. “I understand now. C-Commander, I owe you an apology. I am not your General.”
But Obi-Wan isn't the only one that has crossed over into his universe.
Safe in hand by Threebea O(ThreeBea) | 11k words
Cody ends up where all griefstricken people on the run end up in the galaxy far, far away. He makes a life for himself looking for scrap in the deserts of Tatooine.
He always did have a knack for finding Kenobi's lightsaber.
in the middle before I knew that I had begun by tenderjock🔒| 2k words
Obi-Wan beams at him, feeling unbearably fond. His Cody. His darling. Always looking after him.
Cody’s face is very still, just a few inches above his. Obi-Wan reaches out, touches his scar.
“What are you thinking?” he wonders.
OR: as the war stumbles to its end, Obi-Wan is forced to reassess his relationship with his commander.
Floating on a Starless Sea by shadowmaat🔒| 2k words
A cave-in leaves Cody trapped and badly injured. With another contingent of droids on the way there isn't time to try and dig him out. Obi-Wan is forced to make a difficult choice.
when the jebwa flower blooms by mxartbotboy🔒| 10k words
One year since the end of the war, and Cody still hasn’t figured out what to do about Obi-Wan. With Coruscant struggling to make the transition with the New Republic, Cody already has enough on his plate without trying to untangle the knot that is his feelings for the ex-Jedi. Will the tightly twisted flower bud finally bloom?
love without compromise by mxartbotboy🔒(ch.1) |
Cody has a panicked moment with his General and reveals more than he means to.
grip my hand through the pain by The_Last_Kenobi🔒| 2k words
It's all just happened, and yet Cody cannot stop playing it over and over in his head.
The trek into the hills, the deserted path.
His General standing like a human shield between his battalion and a wall of fire.
Panacea by MissyPup | 4k words
Cody has been falling for his General for two years. Two long, war filled years. But he's been able to stay in control of his feelings by just not acknowledging them.
But having to share a bed with the man he's been daydreaming about for two years makes Cody so tense Obi-Wan decides to give him a massage to help out.
Obi-Wan would certainly be the death of him.
Facula by MissyPup | 5k words
Obi-Wan would only be gone for a few days, Cody could handle that alone. Until his thoughts catch up to him thanks to Beru.
Or: How the Kenobi series should have gone because Cody deserves to be there.
Interrobang by MissyPup | 10k words
“I love you.” Cody blurted out so fast that even he was surprised by it.
Obi-Wan leaned back a bit, enough to touch Cody’s cheek and grin, “I love you too, Cody.”
“Keeping this a secret is hard.” Cody admitted, reaching up to grip Obi-Wan’s robes again. “But I know what would happen if anyone found out… Kriff, Rex found out on his own and I thought I was going to-”
coming full circle by catboydogma 🔒| 5k words
Or: five times Obi-Wan has handed Cody his lightsaber and one time Cody handed Obi-Wan his lightsaber
A Hush Sublime by catboydogma | 10k words
When Master Qui-Gon died, Obi-Wan had known him for half his life. He thought—sometimes, distantly, like the artificial Coruscanti sunlight—that he should have told Qui-Gon more often. They hadn’t needed words in living: Qui-Gon was a man of action more than anything else, and they both had difficulties in unspooling the thick vines of feeling inside their chests enough to speak of them. Obi-Wan had loved Qui-Gon. He’d thought, more than once, that that adoring love, of the Initiate that Obi-Wan still was at heart, had been a sign of a terrible and thorny attachment.
that is that + this is this by catboydogma🔒| 8k words
“Here. Drink, Cody. Come on. Don’t die on me now, not when you went to all the trouble to get out here.”
“Didn’t know,” Cody rasped.
“So I shouldn’t be expecting a cavalcade of Imperial stormtroopers to show up here, then?” The man asked, bland as anything.
The Commander gave this the consideration it was due. “No.” “Forgive me if I don’t immediately believe you.” The man’s voice sharpened, but his grip on the Commander stayed gentle, supporting his head even when it lolled back against his will. “When have I ever let you down?” Cody asked.
The man’s breathing hitched. He set Cody back down against the blankets and retreated to his spot several feet away, blaster and charge pack between the two of them like some strange barrier. “When you killed me,” the man said.
repeat, replay, return by Serie11🔒| 3k words
The last time he saw his General, Cody was ordering him shot off a cliff.
Ten years later, and Obi-Wan is in a bacta tank again. Some things, it seems, don’t change; Cody’s feelings among them.
all the world in my arms by biscuityskies | 5k words
A brief wry smirk flashes across his face, and as Cody meets his own eyes in the reflection of his drink, it softens. If he had to rationalise it, this anxiety most likely stems from the recent developments with the general.
Something's been off about him ever since he came back from the mission to Kadavo.
Compartment Syndrome by elwenyere | 3k words
Cody was lucky, really, that Obi-Wan had lost consciousness during the crash, because otherwise he would never have gotten away with the tender pressure building in his wrist - much less the lance of pain that sliced across his arm every time he adjusted his General’s weight over his shoulder.
I Promise by dontbelasagnax🔒| 6k words
Mace raises an eyebrow almost imperceptibly. He looks over Cody for a solid thirty grueling seconds, evaluating. "Hypothetically," he says in that dry way of his that is nearly impossible to tell whether he's making fun of Cody or teaching him a lesson, "if someone wanted to propose to their partner, they'd bring it up with said partner."
[ OR: Cody has plans. He's going to make a certain Jedi a very happy man. ]
The Lessons Not Yet Learned by meadmeinthemiddle | 23k words
The Force works in mysterious ways. Cody knows this, theoretically, but it all seems so far beyond him that he tends to not pay it any mind.
Little does Cody know, the Force has its claws buried deeper into him than he can possibly imagine - he just hasn't realized it yet.
: (Is to) :: (As) by TamerLorika | 12k words
Cody notices that Kenobi's regard for himself is always clinical and utilitarian. As he ponders a way to break the stalemate, he begins to learn more about the lightsaber that is so often in his hands, and how it relates to the subject of Kenobi's own soul.
for you, only you by dontbelasagnax | 11k words
“What's next for you, my dear, now that you’re a citizen of the Republic?” Obi-Wan tilts his head, expression alight and imploring. “You could get a job and find a place of your own amongst the many levels of Coruscant- or the stars.”
Light Will Prevail by kotekenobii | 3k words
In the aftermath of battle, an exhausted Obi-Wan slips away to watch the sunrise. Worried, Cody seeks him out.
Based on the end of Obi-Wan Kenobi #3.
You're the Only Stim I Need by Captora | 7k words
The five times Marshal Commander Cody brought General Kenobi bad GAR caf and the one time Obi-Wan showed Cody what caf was supposed to taste like.
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daisychainsandbowties · 6 months
any avatrice recs :)))) have already read all your fics and now i am depression (genuinely daydream abt ur star wars au daily)
i could hype each of these fics individually but basically if it’s here i think it’s incredible and you have to read it 💖💖🥰
the sweetest taboo// 1930s au &
i know now what no angel knows// fallen angel au by @dumpsterfireofsubtext
indy au part 1 & part 2// or, ava peels an orange & makes me feel insane 🫠🫠🫠 by @estherthenormal
lemon drop boy// t boy ava au
lazarus woke with a kiss// scp/ lab rat ava au &
how to stitch holes in the sky// dragon age au, all by @the-darkness-does-not-bargain
teach me to love (as you have loved me)// this is. yeah. this is beautiful. newbea au by @birgittesilverbae (💖💖 ily)
beyond our space and starlight// eldritch au by @thistleation
escape attempt number whatever thousand, some hundred and four, probably// hades au by @foulbearobservation
do a flip// aikido gfs au by @sunsafewriting
if saints and angels spoke of love// (bea is a math teacher & ava’s basically the guy from dead poets society) by @mermaidandthedrunks
choose the devil i know (over the heaven i don’t)// firefighter au by @sapphicstacks
leave the light on (i’ll find my way home)// lighthouse au by @snowandwolves
on the run from a losing game// chef au by @fiddleabout
this must be the place// lumberjack au by @littledata
love thy neighbour// my fav roommates au. pokemon strap-on fic 😌🙏
turning sun into sugar, spinning straw into gold// pnw au by @gohandinhand
the world is just an illusion (trying to change you)// roadtrip au, &
a lover, or something of mine// reincarnation au by @smokestarrules
who needs comfortable love// sentient halo au by @the-ominous-owl
this celestial glow is blinding// firewatch au
the thought of high windows// 60s au
pull back the curtains for venus// alien bea au &
of greater marvels yet to be// fleabag au, all by @seabiscuits-us
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Hello! Just wondering if you have any recs for Superbat slowburn fics? I have no clue where to start but by god I want to devour everything about them
Left Side Advantage by susiecarter
and if sun comes by susiecarter
Whoever Falls First by liodain
These are all phenomenal, no notes. "and if sun comes" was one of my faves this year, since I've really been enjoying reading how other authors describe mental/soul bonds after I was done writing borderline.
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rexwrendraws · 10 months
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Sandcastles: Year One, A Sandman Fan-Fic Anthology ⏳
To celebrate The Sandman's one year anniversary this past weekend (how has it been a year already!?), I started a self-indulgent project and decided I wanted to take a crack at typesetting for the very first time.
So, I'm very proud to present: Sandcastles, an 180-page digital anthology that celebrates some of my favorite Sandman fics from the past year! Sandcastle collects shorter fics ranging from gen to mature, and is print-ready and available to be downloaded for free. Through this anthology, I hope others can get the same joy from these fics the same way I did over the past year (think of it as a glorified fic rec list)! (And, if anyone's interested, the print-ready files are available for download as well, if anyone wanted to print their own copy of Sandcastles!)
✨ Download Sandcastles here!
Thank you to all the authors for giving me permission to include their work in this anthology! This is my love letter to all of your work! Please check them out and leave a kind word or two!
The fics included in Sandcastles, in order of the Table of Contents, are the following:
Companions - Picture_Yourself (@anthrossandman)
Fridays - hardly_an_escape (@hardly-an-escape)
Warning Sign - issylra (@issylra)
Snacktime - fishydwarrows (@fishfingersandscarves)
Stray - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
Aulon Raid - moorishflower (@moorishflower)
Unbidden Miracles - mostlybuddingthoughts (@mostlybuddingthoughts)
Available - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
Points of View - cuubism (@cuubism)
Fern-Fevered - notallsandmen (notallmaenads) (@notallsandmen)
The Last - secondjulia (@secondjulia)
Scratch a Little Itch - sanyumi (@valeriianz)
Simple Dreams of Comfort - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
The Apocalypse is Nigh! - cuubism (@cuubism)
To Those Who Dare Wonder - Astrophel_Hireath (@mentallyinvernation)
The Perils of Inebriation - Lilibet (@the-slow-arrow)
Touch - softestpunk (@softest-punk)
Passing the Time - Anonymous
I'm Stuck on You (I'm Mighty Glad You Stayed) - hardly_an_escape (@hardly-an-escape)
Hob Gadling vs. The British Museum (Unknown Artist, c. 2022, Oil on Canvas) - TheAllKnowingOwl (@theallknowingowl)
This also counts as my submission for Day 1 of @mr-sadman 's Sandmanniversary 2023 prompts (Collection) :)
_ _ _ _ _ (Post & files updated — 29.08.2023)
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loveyouanyway · 1 month
🔥 nolan's bucktommy fic recs ☁️
show these authors some love and also check out their other works! these are all explicit/mature by the way hehe i'll make another list with non smutty fic recs later :)
teach me how to dance with you by @prettyboybuckley | 8.9K
"Hey, no, we don't have to rush into anything you're not ready for, okay?" Tommy says. "There's no hurry, it might be good to take it a bit slow, actually." Buck nods. "Yeah, yeah, okay." "How about we have a beer, and we talk some more, and maybe we can make out a bit more on the couch?" Tommy points over his shoulder towards Buck's living room, his expression one big, playful question mark, definitely a bit hopeful as well, and Buck can't help but smile and nod. "Yeah," he says, grabbing the other bottle of beer left on the counter, "yeah, that sounds like a great plan." OR: Buck explores the wonders of gay sex (slowly, with a really patient, sweet Tommy guiding the way and while having a lot of fun)
when baby puts his mouth on me by @bigfootsmom | 3.6K
“I want you to sit on my face.” All the air leaves Buck’s lungs in a rush. He sits up, straddling Tommy’s waist. “You want me to…” Buck trails off, gesturing to Tommy’s face as a blush burns like an inferno in his cheeks. “Sit on my face, yeah.” Tommy has a craving, and Buck learns there’s a first time for everything.
teach me new things by @jesuisici33 | 2K
“Found it,” Tommy sounds so smug. His fingers keep rubbing that one spot inside Buck. That one small part of his mind that still has the capacity to think is now understanding all those women he’s been with when they kept demanding right there, more, and don’t stop. “Fuuuuck! God, holy shit, fuck!” Buck moans. “Is that-is that my G-spot?” “You mean your prostate?” A chuckle escapes Tommy’s lips. Buck loves the sound of Tommy’s laugh. Would want to hear him laugh at Buck like that if it meant he kept touching Buck right there for the rest of his life. “You like it?” “More. Don’t stop, keep going,” Buck can only respond. He’s pretty sure there’s drool coming out of his mouth. He’s too out of it to care. Or, bucktommy smut, because we deserve it
i wanna breathe you in by @wikiangela | 6.5K
After their first date, Buck invited Tommy in for a beer and a lot of making out.
a good ally by @thewolvesof1998 | 2K
The thing is he brought this on himself, Buck knows that, but it doesn’t help though when Tommy’s huge form is pressing him into the mattress, sweat slick skin, hairy chest pressed into his back in a combination so new and so intoxicating that it has him drooling as the older man thrusts, nailing his prostate with every snap of his hips causing Buck to cry out as he rides that line of pleasure and overstimulation, sheets under him tacky with two load of come already, his achingly hard cock dragging across the sticky fabric in a way that only teases, frustrated tears gather in his lashes as Tommy leans down, lips brushing against the shell of his ear and with a voice that is fucked-out raw, tone mocking and degrading, he breaths, “you’re such a good ally, Evan.” OR Tommy figures out Buck's humiliation kink by accident during sex and they explore it a bit.
tell me all your perversions by @loserdiaz | 5.3K
“We could use the handcuffs I know you have in your drawer.” He blurts out, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks as he sees a playful, teasing smile tug at Tommy's lips and his eyebrows raise so high they almost touch his hairline. “You've been snooping around? Trying to find any skeletons in my closet?” Tommy says it lightly, joking. His arm still secured over Buck's waist. “No, shut up.” Buck hides his head against the guy's shoulder. “I saw them when I was looking for a hoodie a few weeks ago. Haven't been able to stop thinking about it, to be honest.” “Yeah?” Buck feels the chuckle reverberate in Tommy's chest. “Yeah.” He says, voice muffled against Tommy's skin. or: Buck and Tommy try something new in the bedroom.
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aeon-uriel · 3 days
Hi! I really want to know the fic recs of the trope of married at first meeting for zolu!
heyya!!! here they come
❤️💚 ꕀ 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ 💚❤️
oh temptation (i could be a part of you) by meteorablues
they are so married but not 'married' but thats only because its something more. they love each other so much since the first time they meet and their logic goes: if theres a beginning theres an end so their relationship is just there with them as long as they exist hes mine and im his its that simple but some things need to be put into words because because!!!! i might or might not cry what a concept (the fics about the rest of the crew being baffled because of that and its beautiful) (also ft nika luffy i just love that so much and this fic delivers so incredibly) (LIKE FOR REAL THE NIKA PART IS EUEGEHGEHEGEHHHGGHHH i dont wanna spoil it but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pls read this im begging on my knees
Just Because You Didn't See It, Doesn't Mean It Didn't Happen by anarchycox
this one is a pov outsider story which is one of my fave tropes ever. a real fun take of zolus marriage being such a part of themselves that even the other crew didnt notice it as a separate thing; oh yeah thats just how those dumbasses are. (apparently married.) (oh look another person falling for luffy.) (but hes already married.) (but we didnt know for the what feels like the longest time ever because we thought thats just how they are.) Or. Yknow. perhaps this one time the rest of the crew could be the dumb ones
(bonus) How It Happened, The First Time by anarchycox
companion piece of the one above! first night on the dinghy! so mind the rating. its quite fun and chaotic just like them
Love is where you find it by Alone77
another pov outsider but specifically jimbe's and the other crew actually knew! love that old fish man slowly realizing his new captain and first mate's love as palpable as the sun
honorable mentions:
baby you're my north star by galaxyninjer
5 thingy format of luffy proposing to zoro BUT WHERES THE ONE TIME THEY ACTUALLY GET MARRIED i really wish i could write a continuation for this im sobbing sm send help
Hearts Can Break Any Cage by anarchycox
its a abo au so cw for that plus the rating and not exactly "marriage" because. again. abo. :D not everyones cup of tea i know, but just in case coz it still fits and they make me go insane. zoro using a muzzle zoro in a muzzle zoroINAMUZZLE
❤️💚 ꕀ 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ 💚❤️
writing this answer got me realizing yknow maybe i should actually write this trope from their povs in shells town and there is not enough of this trope pls pray for my muse to graciously make a comeback
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feelingthedisaster · 2 months
anyone's got aftg fic recs?
brainrot is hitting hard. i reread too many times already and im desesperate for content. if i can, without smut or not smut centric would be awesome, here are some of my own recs as i know im not the only one in this situation (a lot of relationships, both rom and gen, different lenghts and completation status, we dont discriminate here, tho you can see my obvius preference for some characters)
odd eye
a reddit love story
hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing
Oh love, I'm sorry if I smothered you
where the wind can exist
Kevin & Wymack's Ultimate Road Trip Playlist
part time soulmate, full time problem (rooftop gays)
the struggles
staring at the sun
proof or survival
queerplatonic kandreil
despite everything im still human
a lot's gonna change
dead of the night
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fiveredlights · 2 months
I saw you mentioned you liked kid fic and had bookmarks— do you have any reccs for maxiel kid fics?❤️❤️
do i ever!!!! one thing about me is that i will eat kid fics up, like i think i’ve read about all the tagged kid fics in the maxiel tag. i love seeing what names authors choose for their children and it just makes me happy. here's a couple and if you want more lmk!
listen to the slow parts by @nobrakesdown [T-7.2k]
Neither Max or Daniel are the one to find the baby. That honor belongs to Christian, and Christian alone.
a lil you, a lil me, a perfect being by 3_33 (@maxcuntstappen) [G-4.8k]
The three of them stand outside, looking at the entrance, August in the middle, clutching tightly onto Max and Daniel’s hands.
“Okay, I need you both to repeat after me.”
“Daniel, we already did this in the car. Can we please just go in?” Max asks, desperately, which only confirms to Daniel the need to remind all of them of the ground rules.
“Baby, please. We need to remember, okay? We are here to meet some new friends and play with them. It is okay if we don’t meet anybody we like. We can always come again. There is no need for us to be upset. Yeah?”
“Yes, Daddy,” August says and drops his hand to give Daniel a mock salute and Daniel really didn’t know he could love someone so much.
“Max,” Daniel implores, knowing that it is as important that his husband acknowledges the plan as much as their kid.
“Yes, yes, Daniel, okay,” Max rolls his eyes but nods in agreement.
“Okay, let’s do this,” Daniel says. The three of them walk in through the doors.
Or: Daniel and Max visit an animal shelter for their son, August's fourth birthday. Daniel is apprehensive. Max and August are vibrating out of their skin.
That's Where I Am by @flawlessassholes [E-47.8k-6/8]
“Her name is Emily,” Daniel says softly. Max’s eyes snap down to the baby, still sleeping on Daniel’s chest. It’s—she’s snoring a little. In that snuffly way that babies snore. “Short for Emilian.” His eyes snap back to Daniel’s face, so serious, and Max knows it’s a joke, of course, but he still opens his mouth to say— Then Daniel’s face breaks into that wide grin, the real one, the one Max hasn’t seen since. Well. In a while. It feels at once so familiar, and also like seeing something rise from the dead.
There’s a month between Melbourne and Baku. A month to convince Daniel to return to racing. A month to learn and relearn how to love. A month for everything to feel right amidst a season that has felt nothing but wrong. A month to create a family, and a month to maybe lose it all.
keep me in the open by Aurelia (Lily_Rizzy) (@lilyrizzy) [E-11.7k]
"Chrissy Baker sounds like a cunt,” Daniel says, then cringes at the pointed look his mum shoots him. “What? It’s not like they’re old enough to repeat that yet.”
Grace laughs, the sound audible now over Livia’s cries, which are quickly fading into miserable whimpers. Of course, she behaves for grandma, and not the dad who dotes on her endlessly, feeds her, cuddles her, and wipes her smelly ass.
“Three words, Daniel,” she says, eyebrows raised. “Cash, money, bitches.”
or, Daniel navigates bed times, bath times and jealousy, while Max races his last season in Formula One
summer sun after the rain by gentleau [T-11.7k]
“Papà? Is Max your friend?” “He used to be.”
then you came by beforemidnight [G-4.5k]
Daniel looks at Max swiftly but pointedly. Smiling, he looks back at the camera. “Marrying him was the easiest decision of my life.”
(don't let) the days go by citydreaming (@thewindowatkirkland) [M-11.3k]
“Hey” Daniel says “thanks for coming over.”
“Is now a good time? If you are busy I can come back later.”
“Now is fine, she’s already asleep so we should be able to talk without being interrupted.”
“Talk about how you have a daughter.”
Daniel bites his lip nervously “yeah, about that.”
OR: single dad daniel returns to the grid for one final year with red bull, max doesn’t plan on falling in love with him and his daughter, but somehow it happens anyway.
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theriverbeyond · 10 months
top five griddlehark fics you would recommend. or just five, if "top" is too hard to choose.
not a top 5, but just 5 that come to mind first, in no particular order. i'm posting this on mobile which was been doin some weird things w links recently so i HOPE. the links work out ok.
hold you like a weapon by @gideonisms (40k, modern AU Gideon and Harrow dance together at the 9th house ballet and fitness. Gideon is roped into a couples dance competition with Harrow, and shenanigans ensue. SO WELL WRITTEN i love this fic deeply. some amazing art for this recently also by @iceboxhag i HIGHLY recomend checking out. 18+)
til the cows come home by varygud (10k, postcanon, Alecto has revived the cowwall cows and Gideon and Harrow are tasked with their care. Tender, heartbreaking and healing, deeply funny and extremely well written. made me cry positive. T)
the world hit her like a fall by @a-big-apple (8k. I think about this fic ALL THE TIME.... Modern figure skating AU with a HtN style twist. told across multiple time points, through multiple POVs. incredibly lovely fic. T)
waiting and better days by badgerjaw (9k. LOVELY fic. made me cry positive. Modern AU sickfic which I usually do not go for but TRUST ME on this one. it's good and sweet and lovely. T)
train up a swordsman / to stab you in the back by @nose-coffee (94k. GIDEON THE SEVENTH AU... aka what if Gideon was the 7th house cavalier. Excellent character voices, some of my favorite in text meme references etc, very interesting plot and some FUN twists along the way. M)
ETA: the links all broke so ok hoping these are better???
hold you like a weapon
til the cows come home
waiting and better days
the world hit her like a fall
train up a swordsman
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kitsune024 · 10 months
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Zuko Fic Recs Part 2 - add later
Zutara Fics
An Unlikely Alliance by @badlucksav I Chapters: 53/? I season 2 divergence, Fake Dating, Fluff and Humor, Slow Burn..kind of These Tides Do Turn by @ink-and-dagger-alt I Chapters 32/32 I Completed Canon Divergence, One-Sided Aang/Katara, Slow Burn, Blood and Violence, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Ember Island
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Another Brother by @awesomeavocadolove I Chapters: 37/? I Canon Rewrite, Water Tribe Zuko, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Found Family Tale of the Blue Spirit by QuillWrighter I Chapters: 8/? I Blue Spirit Zuko, Spirit Zuko The Spirit Tale of Fire Lord Ozai by @commehter I Chapters 21/? I Fire Lord Zuko, Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, Time Travel, Fix-It, Spirits, Bodyswap, Zuko is Ozai, Parenthood Dragon at Heart by Identical Gemini I Chapters 40/? I FFN Dragon Zuko, Ursa is not liked here, Adventure/Friendship heart of a dragon by @discordiansamba I Chapters 8/? I Zuko gets raised by dragons au, Canon Divergence Sisyphus by @blluespirit I Chapters 6/? I Early Zuko Redemption, Badass Zuko, Blue Spirit Zuko
Mercy by Etherborn I Chapters: 1/1 I Overpowered Zuko, Dark Oneshot, Zuko Getting Revenge Teatime in the Dungeon by Skylinneas I Chapters: 1/1 I Azula Redemption Destiny and Duty by @sirenalpha | Chapters: 1/1 | The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar, Fix-It of Sorts, Aang doesn't get to run away from his responsibilities in this fic
Bookmark Series
Consider Chaos by @awesomeavocadolove I Part 1 - 6 I Chaos Avatar Zuko kintsugi by @discordiansamba I Part 1 - 9 I toph didn't get her field trip so she gets to hog zuko for three whole years, Canon Divergence no grave (hold my body) by @zenzaaaaaaaaaaaa  I Part 1- 4 I Badass Zuko, Spirit Zuko, Canon Divergence, Azula Redemption Learning to Fly by @fanboyzuko | Part 1 - 17 | Zuko Takes Himself on a Life-Changing Field Trip, Zuko is 13 A Dragon's Instinct by @aelincreativ I Part 1 - 3 I Dragon Zuko, iroh is a bad uncle in this, Azula Redemption, azula loves zuko, Zuko's crew, Jee is a good dad Dragon of the Yuyan by @awkwardpenguinproductions I Part 1- 40 I Yuyan Raise Zuko, Zuko & The Yuyan Archers, Canon Divergence, Badass Zuko The Gaang finds out..... by @imalwaysconfuzzled I Part 1- 6 I Oneshots, Badass Zuko, the gaang found out how insane their friend is. Loyalty Is Acquired Through Time by @codeearth | Part 1-13 | Role Reversal Au, Zuko and Azula, Badass Zuko, Badass Azula, Zuko is the prodigy and Azula was banished
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marislittlethings · 8 days
fics i've bookmarked this week
The statistical probability of love at first sight
Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma
In which Anthony is feeling jaded and fed up with the marriage market when he stumbles across an interesting new acquaintance. Fluff with a fluffy ending.
notes: this was so sweet and beautiful <3
Two for the Price of One
Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington
Colin gets used to having Pen to himself while she and Eloise are not on speaking terms - then Penelope and Eloise restore their friendship.
(Colin Bridgerton vs the power of female friendship)
notes: eloise is the funniest person to ever live
A Red Thread of Convenience
Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma
At the age of eighteen Kate Sharma, after sending a desperate letter to her father's homeland, receives aid in the form of a letter from Lady Danbury who has arranged a match for the young woman. With only a letter, a promise and hope, Kate takes her mother and sister and sails to England where she is to marry Lord Anthony Bridgerton.
notes: this one is an instant favorite
🩵 We Never Lived Here
Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma
And for the first time since he started his Italy holiday, Anthony stops questioning his behaviour and just lets himself be. He follows Kate into the kitchen, where she hands him a glass of water and stays standing next to him, follows her to her room where she opens the door and beckons him inside with a look. When he cups her face in his hands and she nods and he leans in to kiss her, life finally makes sense again. This he knows how to do. This he can understand.
notes: this one made me cry :) also !!!! this is my favorite portrayal of the sibling dynamics & of Anthony in general, of how Kate changes his perspective on life and on himself, of the way he worships the ground she walks on
operation: barista (snitches get stitches)
Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma
All of the many combinations of the Bridgerton group chats, as they're all back together in their home town for a week and (attempt to) stir up a plot to get Anthony and the barista together.
notes: fun!
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my ao3 bookmarks collection is so vast at this point I think I need to make some fic rec lists on this site. I rely on the rec lists of others so heavily it’s time to give back to the community. stay tuned!
Edit: find my Geraskier recs here!
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Anyone have any multi chapter Codywan fics recommendations?
(Idiots in love to angst heavy or anything in between)
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thevioletcaptain · 10 months
if you as a fic reader ever become possessed by the urge to do a popularity bracket with the fics other people wrote and shared for fun and for free, consider:
don't ❤️ 
#just!!!! make a rec list!!!!!!!!!#popularity contests do nothing but drive writers out of fandoms by pitting people against their friends#and invariably result in people being assholes in the comments as if the people who wrote the fic can't see it#like ''oh clearly fic x is better than fic y''#or ''why is fic c even in this poll?''#nobody gains anything by you doing a bracket to see which fic is the ''most popular''#a stat which could be found more easily & less cruelly by simply hitting the sort by bookmarks/kudos button on ao3#anyway ugh. i saw that one of my fics was being pitted against one of my friend's fics in this bracket that's going around#and i have no idea who is ''winning'' because i refuse to look. but either way it's gonna feel bad!!!#because i want my friend to get his flowers so i want him to win!!! but i also would like to know that people like my fic!!!!#so it's just a lose/lose situation even though i generally don't give a shit about numbers#but this turns it into a schoolyard popularity thing#and the emotional response to having people *vote* on if your work is *better or worse* than other fic is hard to ignore#cannot reiterate enough JUST MAKE A REC LIST#or if you absolutely must do a bracket like this do it in a private chat server or something#don't create a public forum for people to pass value judgements where the authors can see it#and feel bad if they get told their fic is ''worse'' than someone elses#but also feel bad if they get told theirs is ''better'' because it came at the cost of telling another author they weren't good enough#ANYWAY i still feel sick with a super sore throat and a headache & am probably extra cranky because of it#(still testing negative thankfully so it's probably just weather/allergen related)#gonna go make some tea and prep the fic updates i want to post today#cass says things#fandom problems#wank adjacent
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demonictumble · 5 hours
fic rec list (1/??? )
this is a fic recommendation list for whomever wants a good read. All of these are on AO3. I have not provided links, so just search them up!
If you do end up reading any of these, or really any fic in general, remember to leave the author comments!! They deserve them, esp because they do this for free and they deserve to know how beautiful their writing is and how appreciated they are.
IMPORTANT NOTE I am not a religious fan where I only like a fic when it adheres to canon characterization or texts. I can enjoy fics even when they completely throw off what's actually canon and that's okay for me, but it might not be for you. So just keep this in mind and the back button exists for a reason if you don't like something.
Buy Back the Secrets by Sundiscus (incomplete)
Tim Drake and Kon El centered!! OH MY GODS. I could rave on and on about this fic all day but I'll have to keep it brief. I've reread at LEAST 5 times. It's brilliant. The writing, the plot, the characterizations!! They are incredible. If I had to use a phrase to describe it, it would be "identity shenanigans and timkon" but that simplifies the absolute masterpiece that it is SO MUCH
Executive Assistant to the Batman by heartslogos (complete)
Tim is basically Bruce Wayne's assistant and is desperately trying to avoid letting them know that he knows. This is complete crack, but it is hilarious. The writing is so funny and It's what I need after a bad day or anything tbh. It may not be completely true to characters or whatever, but it makes up for it a thousand times over in spirit and the laughs it's produced from me.
anything (not the title because literally ANYTHING) by IzzyMRDB
I can rave about them all day because the dc/batfam fics I have seen them right are all so delicious and I devoured them far too fast and momggg its just so good. and I love their writing style <3
Reverse Robin AU by yellow_cabellero (complete)
I CANNOT DO THIS SERIES JUSTICE WITH MY WORDS. IT is a must read for me. The writer writes spectacularly and the characterization, even though its a reverse robin, feels on point, especially considering the circumstances (Im a huge believer in circumstances shape a person's personality, which is what I think occurs beautifully in all of these fics). They're just so GOOD.
Also this author has a STEPH FIC that is stunning. 10/10. Steph is a character that doesn't get the appreciation she deserves, so this fic was especially more touching for me. It was terrific seeing her girl bossing in the 90s (IT ALSO FELT SO PERIOD ACCURATE CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT). Not to mention, the author shows off character flaws in a believable manner and nobody is a Mary Sue and it's just EVERYUTHING IS JUST *chefs kiss* by them.
The Fishbowl by LordLuxury (complete)
This is Dick Grayson centered. THEY HAVE MADE A MASTERPIECE. I genuinely mean it. Dick is constantly trying to pull the family together, he is trying to be the glue as everything tries to go the opposite. LET THIS MAN HAVE HIS FAMILY. This had me in shambles. Bad Dad Bruce hurt me, but it was just so realistic. That's what gets me. The whole dynamics portrayed in The Fishbowl are so goddamn realistic and it feels so real. Everyone is flawed in their own way and its just... PLEASE READ IT I BEG OF YOU.
Love and Bruises by Acin_Grayson and Hoebiwan (complete)
Despite what the title may suggest, this is actually funny! Jason thinks Batman is abusing Bruce. And I just remember dying of laughter as I read this. Terrific! Would read and Will read again
Marvel (I am a movies fan so most if not all fics I recommend from here on out will be probably based on movies!)
Tennessee Outreach for Spider-Man and Friends by ciaconna
GREAT FIC. Harley (potato gun kid in one of the iron man movies for those who don't remember) gets an internship with Tony stark for college application reasons and its to help Spiderman. Peter Parker and Harley whateverhislastname is such a funny duo and they made the fic spectacular. Terrific writing omg.
Peter and the Jailbirds by beautifullights
I THINK THIS FIC HURT ME. I don't really remember much bc its been a year and a half, but I think my emotions remember because I feel mildly sad when I think about it. Peter is on the raft and bonds with the ex-avengers also on the raft. The premise of a teenager possibly spending the rest of his life in prison is terrible, but I swear this fic has funny moments and the conversations that occur are to die for because the WRITING. WHEW.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? by theskeptileptic
Tony survives and it's set after No Way Home. Where I'm pretty sure the only people dead are May and Pepper. Morgan saves the day by remembering her big brother (Im a sucker for big brother Peter arc). Peter is kind of a mini Tony in this one I think, which is such an interesting take. And it's such a coming home story and its just so beautiful.
Cross Overs:
Even Heroes Have the Right To Dream by Bounemr (complete)
mlb/dc crossover!! where marinate and Jon are retired superhero and go to college together! Great writing and plot with a good ending. Fluffy for the most part as far I as I can remember (it's been a year since I've read it so you know it's good if I can still remember)
Hired Hands by neighborhood_yogurt (incomplete)
Percy Jackson/ DC crossover!! It's been a while since I've read this one too but It's stuck with me. It's hilarious and I need to reread it but Percy is accidentally on Penguin's payroll because he's just a dumb blonde at heart, but it's okay we all love him. And Shenanigans occur. I don't remember exactly what happens so reminder to read this again for myself as well!
(IDK if any of these authors have tumblrs, if they do, someone please tag them and I will forever be in your debt)
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🏃❄️⚡💎Coldflash Fic Recs 💎⚡❄️🏃
🏃⚡Coldflash Goodies to Read❄️💎
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Ao3 Authors: A_once_and_future_love, Alexis_Tenshi, Anonymous, AriesOfBlue, Avengersincamphalfbloodstardis, Barrylen, Blueelvewithwings, CallMeHopeless, Canthelpmyselves, Captain_Giggles, ColdSerenity, Crestfaller, Crimson1, Crystalblinks, Enina, Exasperatedmoron, Flye, Grimmfairy, ImaKaraTabiHe, Indiepjones46, Lutavero, MissSugarPlum, Mistvalkyrie, Mockingbird_22, Niennavalier, Nirejseki, NoelleAngelFyre, QLaLa, RedHead, Relenafanel, Saruma_aki, Simplicity, StarlightDreamer16, StillNotGinger10, Sugarybowl, Swing Set in December, Thundersnow.
The Seduction of Leonard Snart by saruma_aki {T}
Barry decided that using pick-up lines on one Leonard "What Is A Relationship" "What Is Flirting" Snart was a good way to pass the time.
The Honeypot by StillNotGinger10 {G}
Lisa laughed, a chiming, delicate sound that she’d once needed to practice for hours before it sounded right. “That’s no problem. I’d love to hear about your crush, as long as it isn’t Cisco.” She finished by sending a coy look Cisco’s way and ducking her head. He and Barry shared another look. He was eating up her act hook, line, and sinker. Barry gave an awkward laugh of his own. “Ha no, no. It’s—I’m not—really, I’m not crushing on anyone.” “Only Captain Cold,” Caitlin said before sipping her drink with a smirk still on her lips. Lisa goes to the bar planning on conning The Flash's friend, Cisco. As the night goes on, she learns a lot more than she bargained for.
Shovel Talk by nirejseki {_}
Barry warned him that people might try to give Len the shovel talk, now that Barry had decided to bring his and Len's year-old relationship into the light. Len never said he was going to be nice about letting them.
Chocolate, Roses and New Running Shoes by blueelvewithwings {T}
Barry has a secret admirer that leaves gifts for him to find every single day. The more this goes on, the more Barry falls for whoever is trying to woo him. The closer to Valentine's Day it gets, the more nervous Barry becomes: Will his admirer reveal themselves on that day?
Everybody else is second best by barrylen {T}
Barry couldn't stop sneaking glances at Leo and Ray. Leo had a plan, of course.
Hero Worship by canthelpmyselves {M}
When it appears that Barry may be flirting with one of his hostages, Len's jealousy gets the better of him.
You're A Criminal (As Long As You're Mine) by NoelleAngelFyre {T}
By the third visit, they've officially established a pattern. Following the death of Lewis Snart and his son's incarceration, Barry copes with the feeling of injustice by paying his nemesis a visit behind bars. Before long, a couple random visits has turned into something more. Something much more than either probably expected.
The Thought of You by StillNotGinger10 {G}
Growing up with the words ‘The red leather looks hot. Too bad I'll have to cool him off.’ scrawled across his arm was the most embarrassing thing Barry could think of. Yet that’s what his soulmate’s first thought would be when they finally came face to face. Everyone was born with their soulmate’s first thought when meeting them written somewhere on their body, and Barry’s words were certainly the most embarrassing soul words that he’d ever seen.
I think I love You by Aquafolie, Thundersnow {T}
When struck by a metahuman’s abilities, Barry suddenly, and uncontrollably, can only speak in songs. To save him the embarrassment, everyone agrees that he should be left alone for a while… at least until the effects have worn off. Captain Cold, however, didn’t get the memo. . Or the time when Barry accidentally serenades Len.
Lullabies for Little Criminals by crestfaller {T}
Leonard Snart: Pickpocket Extraordinaire. Robber of ATM’s. Destroyer of the Oculus. Best thief Central City has or will ever see. Then, due to tampering with his own timeline, Rip Hunter informs Len that he’s become a father back in 2016. Now it’s Leonard Snart: Owner of Minivan. Keeper of a fleet of what seems like an ever-expanding amount of toy soldiers. Father to four-year-old son that’s so enamored by the Flash that he can’t decide if it’s not funny or absolutely hysterical. And he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing.
You Are The One And Only by CallMeHopeless {T}
Five times Len gets called 'Lenny' and hates it. One time he actually kind of likes it. Warning: Leonard Snart is in serious danger. He might need a bite guard.
Out Cold by Crimson1 {M}
Captain Cold's plan for a bit of fun with his nemesis results in more than he bargained for when a head wound from dashing to Flash's rescue leaves him without any memories of who he or The Flash is. As Barry nurses Len back to health, both of them quickly start to hope that he never remembers being Captain Cold as the attraction they feel for each other turns into something more without the pitfalls of being enemies to stand in their way. AU with everything having happened up to the Season 1 finale, except Eddie shot Eobard instead of himself, killing him, and the singularity didn’t happen.
Love Me by sinplicity {M}
A meta-human with Cupid-like powers whammies Barry to fall in love with the first person he sees. Just his luck it happened to be Captain Cold. (“He hasn’t let go of me for almost an hour,” says Len, focusing his steel on Cisco, who shrinks considerably. “’Cause I love you,” says Barry beside him, his teeth gleaming as he grins. He tries to kiss Len again—god, the seventh time?)
Green tea and cranberry scones by grimmfairy {_}
Another coffee shop AU. Len is waiting in line for his coffee when he witnesses a rude customer get taken down a peg by the owner. A take on "I want to speak with the manager!" "I am the manager."
Seeking Comfort by ColdSerenity {E}
Barry's life is changing as he finally starts college, but he still continues to harbor feelings for Iris. After meeting senior Leonard Snart who is in a similar situation, they begin to use one another for comfort. Unfortunately, things quickly turn very serious for Barry, and he is left to wonder where Len stands in this 'make believe' relationship.
The Frozen Heart of the Sea by Mistvalkyrie {E}
Captain Cold’s idyllic pirate life will get threatened when his cursed frozen heart gets stolen by a mysterious hazel-eyed prisoner during a voyage to raid the legendary and lost city of Atlantis.
Realm of Darkness by Mistvalkyrie {E}
Barry was a young god craving chaos and Leonard was the deadly king of the Underworld seeking peace. A Hades/Persephone AU with powers/Greek Mythology
Tumbling Together by RedHead {M}
When Barry and Len discover that they’ve accidentally become neighbors, they learn to navigate their new living situation amongst misunderstandings and a surprising amount of common ground. AKA the fun-as-it-comes Neighbors!AU which turns into a Pretend Relationship!AU filled with tropes, hijinks, and some vague notion of a plot.
Got A Melancholic Temperament (that's what they said to me) by RedHead {E}
A new meta with a strange ability has public opinion divided on whether she’s a menace or a miracle-worker. The jury’s still out on the matter when the Snart siblings get caught in her crosshairs. Or: Leonard and Lisa end up temporarily de-aged. It’ll wear off, but in the meantime, Team Flash has to figure out what the heck to do with them and how to keep them safe. Inviting them to live at the West house seems like a natural, if terrible, solution.
Commander Cold by Thundersnow {T}
Cisco was sitting in front of the computers with his back to Len, as usual, as Barry hovered around in front of the engineer. Except, right now Barry currently had dark blond hair and was dressed in a blue parka with a version of the cold gun attached to his thigh. The younger man looked over at Len in the doorway and his big eyes went wide. "Are you mocking me, Barry?" Len drawled, raising an eyebrow in question and trying not to laugh at the image of the Flash dressed as a supervillain. The team are surprised to find a time traveller from the future that shares a striking resemblance to one Barry Allen. But… if he is the Flash’s son… then why is he wearing Captain Cold’s gear?
what the future holds by  avengersincamphalfbloodstardis {T}
While Barry is helping out on a mission aboard the Waverider, he and Len are shown a glimpse into their future.
rumor has it by QLaLa {T}
Leonard knew that a surprise visit from Henry Allen’s son was going to open him up to all kinds of unwanted questions from the other denizens of Iron Heights. In hindsight, he should’ve expected some of those questions to come from Henry Allen himself.
Social Call by Captain_Giggles {T}
The Waverider is busted again, leaving the Legends temporarily stranded in another time. Len is not happy. Gideon to the rescue!
Cold Communication by crystalblinks {G}
If there was Len hated more than being called a hero, it was Rip Hunter. Len knew real heroes, ones that had sacrificed so much to help out others. Rip wasn’t a hero, he was selfish. So Len made it his mission to annoy the fuck out of him as long as they were on the Waverider.
Cleaner Cold by AriesOfBlue {T}
“So let me get this straight.” Cisco said, waving a spoon at him from his computer chair. “Snart is your cleaner, has been for a month, and it’s fine?” “Actually, yeah.” Barry shrugged while answering Cisco. His nonchalance would be concerning, except it really was fine. Surprisingly fine. “The place was spotless on the first day. I had no idea my windows could let in so much light.” “A: that’s what windows are supposed to do. B: that’s what cleaners do, make things clean and shiny.” “Clean and Smart.” Cisco rolled his eyes. It was impressive how he put his whole body into it. OR Barry is not a manchild despite what Iris says, Len is a cleaner at Clean and Smart and Barry has a point to prove about Jitters coffee (and Len uses eco friendly cleaning products!)
Of Time Travel and Other Disasters by Enina {M}
Rip Hunter wants to use time travel to save the world. Barry wants to punch him for it.
Barry + Lisa = Best Friends by exasperatedmoron {G}
To everyone in Barry and Lisa's lives, the two were nemesis (or more specifically, a hero and his nemesis's sister). To each other, they were best friends. A pair of superhero/supervillain best friends with a penchant for makeup, dress up and gossiping about their cold-themed villain/brother.
The Prince and the Ice King by Crimson1 {E}
For 200 years, the Emerald Kingdom has sent the dreaded Ice King a sacrifice each Winter Solstice. A corrupt soul is chosen, whether a criminal, a deviant who lusts sinfully, or someone touched by magic. Prince Barry has always loathed this tradition, partly because he lusts in sin himself, dreaming of love with another man instead of a future queen, but he can handle the sacrifices no longer when his best friend, Cisco, is chosen, called a witch for seeing visions. If necessary, Barry will kill the Ice King himself to rescue his friend, but while he hopes for a peaceful resolution, he is not prepared for what he finds in the Frozen Kingdom.
I'll Believe in Anything by Swing Set in December {G}
High school is stressful for Barry Allen. Especially if Leonard Snart insists on carrying your books.
Flight Risk by nirejseki {_}
When Henry Allen is brought into Iron Heights for the first time, Leonard Snart is twenty-two years old, sick of his cellmate, and bored half to death.
Rich Man's World by nirejseki {_}
Everyone knows that money makes the world go round - and Leonard Snart, full-time thief and part-time accountant, is going to personally kill the guy who just inherited STAR Labs if he doesn't sign his goddamn tax returns already.
Spousal Privileges (and other such secrets) by StarlightDreamer16 {T}
“My apologies, Captain Hunter, but that information is–” “Above my clearance level. Yes, Gideon, I am quite aware.” Rip pressed his forehead against the screen for a moment. “If you tell me that one more time, I swear I’ll shut you off.” “You are not authorised to access my main power controls in that way. -- Turns out, whoever created Gideon made some unexpected choices regarding who can and cannot override direct orders from Captain Hunter.
Green is not Len's color. by canthelpmyselves {M}
Len knows his Scarlet Speedster. Intelligent? Yes. Handsome? Undoubtedly. Heroic? Absolutely. Straight? Of cour... um wait! Is that Barry on a date with a guy???
Come on be my baby by lutavero {G}
Earth2!Len is the Mayor of CC who tries to woo Earth2!Barry during political fundraisers to no avail.
Putting Things in Perspective by niennavalier {T}
The one time Leonard Snart didn't mean to steal something, and the five people who witnessed the crime. Or, alternatively: The five people who witness Leonard Snart and Barry Allen finding out they're Soulmates in the middle of the Precinct, and the one person stuck in interrogation trying to pretend none of it had happened.
Face Blind by nirejseki {_}
Barry's just a regular CSI. Totally 100% boring, normal, and standard. Except for the fact that he's dating a supervillain. (Prompt: Barry's just a regular CSI, and he takes his super villain fiance to his high school reunion. Maybe Len scaring the crap outta Woodward?)
Hokey Religions and Ancient Weapons by A_once_and_future_love {T}
May the Speed Force be with you.
I Smell You, Too by CallMeHopeless {T}
Draco is happy with his job as potions master. He likes the day when he gets to teach his students the Amortentia potion best. Trust a handful of Slytherins and Gryffindors make him overthink his choices.
2016 by StillNotGinger10 {G}
“Too bad you can’t call a phone in 2016, Gideon,” Len mused aloud. “Then, you’d be perfect.” “I may not be able to connect to a phone, Mr. Snart, but I can contact anyone with access to the version of my software that resides in that time period,” came Gideon’s even tones over the speakers, making Len straighten up in interest. “Are you telling me,” he asked, “that there is a Gideon in 2016?” Was that possible? Wasn’t the AI an invention of the future? Why didn’t he know about this? Why hadn’t he stolen it yet? He knew about everything worth stealing in his time. “A time traveler brought his version of the Gideon AI interface with him to the early 2000s. Although he is no longer in that time period, the computer program he brought with him remains active in STAR Laboratories in your time.” Len took a moment to process that before speaking. When he did, he drawled, “The Flash has his own Gideon.” Of course, if anyone were to have an AI from the future it would be the do-gooders of Team Flash and not someone like Len, who would actually use it to its full potential. He snorted. “That’s fitting.”
A Friendly Kidnapping by StillNotGinger10 {G}
After Flashpoint, the Time Bureau decides the timeline is safer without The Flash in it. Now, it's up to The Legends to take Barry out of the timeline so that the Bureau can't wipe him from existence while Team Flash finds a solution. Between babysitting and dealing with bureaucrats, The Legends think they have the easier job. How hard could watching a teenaged Barry Allen be anyway?
Sweet Mistakes by ImaKaraTabiHe, Nixie_DeAngel {T}
Working in a chocolate shop around Valentine's Day is insanely exhausting. Luckily Barry has his favorite customer to cheer him up. Or does he...?
Time in a Bottle by indiepjones46  {E}
AU where Barry saves Len's life from the Oculus explosion and they fall in love.
[keep us together] by Anonymous  {M} {T}  {G}
Barry Allen discovers he’s the proud parent of a ten year old, but between work and his responsibilities as the Flash, there’s only so many people he can trust to watch her in his absence. He doesn’t expect Leonard Snart to be one of them and he certainly doesn’t expect more.
Timeless by Crimson1 {E}
A voice in the Speed Force reaches Barry in his Timeless state to convince him to come home. Barry misses that voice once he’s back in real-time, but he has to set things right and save as many lives as he can. While that means Iris will be with Eddie instead of him, he can’t mourn her. She’ll always be dear to him, but he wants her to be happy above all, and he has seen every timeline and knows the life and love he will get to have instead. He just needs to keep fighting to finish his calculations in time to defeat Eobard and return to his loved ones for good. Thankfully, a certain thief brings clarity like no one else can. AU season 1 with Barry from pre-season 4.1 returning from the Speed Force to the moment he woke up from his original coma.
You Stole My Heart by Thundersnow {E}
There is a new thief in Central City, someone who can move at extraordinary speeds, and Len can’t help but be intrigued by his new competition . “The name’s Captain Cold. And I’d love to stay and catch up,” Len drawled, stepping away. “But I really have to run. See you around, Kid.” “What? I don’t get a codename?” The speedster muttered and Len noticed a smile on his face. Good. This would be more fun if they were both enjoying the game. “If you want a cool nickname, then you’ve got to earn it, Kid.” Len, knowing he only had another 53 seconds until the ice-like substance around the speedster’s feet became pliable enough for him to break free, turned on his heel and strode out of the building with the diamond necklace in his gloved hand.
Absolute Matchmaker by Crimson1 {M}
Len has been reconnecting with the son he never knew existed ever since Christmas. He doesn’t plan to turn a new leaf but wants to be a good father, the main rule being that Michael stay far away from anything related to Captain Cold. Which would have worked out perfectly if they hadn’t run into Barry Allen. Turns out Barry used to tutor Michael in college and considers him a friend, but the only excuse Len can think of for why he and Barry know each other is that they dated—which on its own would be bad enough, but now Michael is set on getting Barry and Len back together when they were never together in the first place. Meanwhile, a mystery thief is after Michael’s research on absolute zero. The theft might be the perfect excuse to get Len and Barry together, but it also introduces Michael to dangers Len hoped he’d never know firsthand. OR the fake dating, Michael Snart matchmaker AU.
Puns and Plumage: a Tale of a Tail by Alexis_Tenshi {E}
All things considered, Len thinks, getting whammied and ending up sprouting an actual peacock tail isn’t the worst thing that could have happened to him. He’s otherwise fine and everything else seems normal. Though if Mick doesn’t stop laughing at him, Len is going to punch him in the face. And the way Barry is staring at Len is a little odd. Then Barry touches Len’s tail, and oh. Oh.
The Winter Lightning by Mistvalkyrie {E}
A new threat was coming to Central Kingdom and Prince Bartholomew Henry Allen was in need of new alliances to defeat Zoom, so when his most trusted advisors propose an arranged marriage with the coldhearted King Leonard Snart of the Winter Realm he agrees feeling it was his responsibility if he wanted to protect his country and family. Coldflash/Medieval AU with Powers
Cold Reunion by Alexis_Tenshi {E}
After Barry’s mother was killed and father arrested, Barry was placed in an orphanage for metahuman children. Len, another young meta there, befriended him and helped him survive. Once Joe’s application to adopt Barry finally went through, Barry and Len lost contact. But Barry never forgot Len. Years later, Barry became a CSI and Leonard Snart was a powerful mob boss. Barry thought he’d never see Len again, much less become close to him. But then Barry found himself framed for a horrible crime he didn’t commit. Barry didn’t know if Len would remember him, or have any reason to help him. But Barry had no one else to turn to.
Detective Hot (to Trot) by relenafanel {T}
Iris gets a minor crush on Detective Leonard Snart. Joe gets overprotective and points out that the Detective's type is more BARRY than her. Barry's dick emotions take interest.
The Tales of Michael Snart's Kidnappings by Mockingbird_22  {T}
Michael Snart, son of the notorious Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold, gets kidnapped on five separate occasions by Central City's criminals. It's up to The Flash to save him, but Barry might just end up getting more than he bargained for.
in the tired hands of dusk by sugarybowl {M}
The last thing Barry needs on top of all this drama is a hot dad.
An All Too Jagged Snowflake by RedHead {E}
When Leonard and Barry discover that they're Soulmates, they struggle with the many, many issues this causes. It might be easier without the collective difficulties of the Rogues, a meta-gorilla, and the military, but life has never been simple for either of them.
Dirty Little Secret by CallMeHopeless {T}
Leonard Snart loves the television show Doctor Who. Enough that he goes looking for like-minded people on the internet. He finds one person in particular, that he likes and they e-Mail each other.
A Thief and a Prince by ColdSerenity {M}
A thief makes a deal with the king to care for his son, the only problem... That said prince may have stolen the thief's heart.
Dandelion by ColdSerenity {T}
Len has been in love since he was six with Barry, who has no idea he exists... or does he?
Scars and Sweets by Alexis_Tenshi {M}
Barry didn’t believe the ‘survivors with scars’ support group would help, not really. But he went because his mom wanted him to. If his going made her worry about him less, even a little, then it was worth it. If he made a friend or two that could understand some of what he was going through, that was just an unexpected bonus. In the end, he got much more than he had dared hope for.
Hailstorm by Crimson1 {T}
A freak accident caused by a mysterious speedster in blue ignites an explosion of the speed force and Captain Cold's gun, changing The Flash's nemesis and their perspectives on each other forever.
he's my latest accessory (wanna carry him 'round all over town) by RedHead, Swing Set in December {T}
Having a dual identity has never been so frustrating.
A Model Escort by Crimson1 {M}
Barry Allen just got out of a long-term relationship he wants to forget. Lucky for him, his new career in Star City allows him to start over hundreds of miles from his ex. The only problem is...he's lonely and terrible at starting new relationships. He just wishes that part of his life could be easier. Leonard Snart is an escort for Nick of Time Escort Service. He is especially picky about the clients he takes on, but lately, he's felt like something is missing from his life. He doesn't usually take on regulars looking for companionship more than sex, but the right client might be able to change his mind. OR Len is an escort and Barry needs someone to hold him - no powers AU.
"Freeze!" And Other Temperature-Related Puns by flye {G}
The one where Barry and Leonard can't stop pulling cold puns in their banter and before they know it they're full-on flirting with eachother. Who knew the way to a man's heart was cold hard cash puns?
The Dragon Temple by ColdSerenity {M}
Being a Keeper sounds amazing to Barry. You get to care and play with dragons all day. The only risk is if one bonds with you... but he is pretty sure that won't happen. Too bad there is a certain blue-eyed dragon that thinks otherwise.
A/B/O Werewolf Triads by Alexis_Tenshi {E}
Wolves were most content in a triad relationship. The balance between Alpha, Beta, and Omega created mutual happiness for the mated three. But that didn't mean it was easy to find the right people to bond with.
[irresistible] by MissSugarPlum {T}
just to keep me out of trouble
“And you stole his wallet,” Simmons huffs, throwing his hands into the air exasperatedly. “Why am I even surprised?” “I really have no idea,” Len replies absently, drinking in the man’s grinning face in the tiny picture, committing every detail to memory.  Bartholomew Allen. What a name, Len thinks wryly to himself.
so you got relationship goals
“So you had enough time to ask some random hot guy out on a date, but not enough to actually get his name?” “...Yes?” Iris looks equal parts impressed and unimpressed. “What am I going to do with you, Barry Allen,” she mutters.
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