#Aunty Robin
demons2003 · 2 years
Mother of Two (Eddie x Steve x Reader) Part 1
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Description: Your crazy ex-husband is after you and your babies. You move countries to protect your twins (6) from him. You end up living next door to the hottest couple you've ever seen. What happens when feelings become mixed with everything you are going through?
Warning: Mention of Abuse
"Mumma, is this our new house?" Jackie asks me as we pull up to our new home. I turn around in my seat and smile softly at her, "It is baby girl. Are you two ready to have a look inside?" Jackie and Cass furiously nod their heads and jump out of the car. "Wow now! Wait for me!" I yell as I quickly jump out after them, earning cheeky little laughs from both of them. "Hurry up Mummy!" Cas yells back at me. I laugh and run after them. Instead of stopping at our door, they decide that the house next door looks more interesting. "Cas Jordon L/n and Jackie Hope L/n!" I yell at them in my best mum's voice. They both freeze at the mention of their whole names and walk back over to me, the biggest grins still on their face. "But Mumma, we wanna go see our new neighbours. We could make friends," Jackie begs me. I smile warmly at them and lean down to their level. "How about this, you both help me get everything in the house, including what I put in the trailer, and we can make cookies to say hello," I ask them both. They both look at each other, seeming to have a very in-depth conversation about it. They break out into smiles and nod their little heads, running back over to the car to grab their stuff first. I laugh and unlock the car so we can move in and out with ease.
"Come on Mummy, you have to help us too," Cas wines as he walks past. I laugh as I notice Jackie giving me a very similar look and say, "Of course, I'll be helping you. You're both strong but you can't carry everything inside." I move over to the trailer and unlock it as well, looking around to figure out which boxes my little ones would be able to carry without hurting themselves. "What's next Mummy?" Cas asks, pocking his head into the trailer. I laugh at him and tell him, "Any box I put outside you and Jackie can take inside, if it's still in here please don't try to move it, I don't want you getting hurt. Ok?" Cas nods at me and runs off to most likely tell his sister the same information.What am I going to do with these little rascals?I quickly grab as many boxes that are light enough for the twins and start to carry the heavier boxes inside and to the room that is written on the box.
Although the twins didn't know it, I ended up bringing in most of the boxes. But I was happy that they were pleased that they could help me get the house ready. "Okay little ones, who wants to make some cookies for the neighbours?" I ask them both while starting to look for where I put the food and baking stuff. "We are!" They both yelled at me simultaneously, running over to a random kitchen box each and finding exactly what we were looking for. "Did you two plan that?" I ask them as I move over to them both. They laugh at me and shake their heads. "Of course not Mumma, we are just really lucky," Jackie exclaims, moving her box which is full of food to the counter. I look through the box Cas has and grab what we need to make a batch of cookies. We grab all the stuff we need and I help the little ones make the cookies.
"Can we go over to next door now Mummy?" Cas asks me, giving me his best puppy dog eyes while I put the cookies into the oven. "Please Mumma," Jackie asks, giving me the same look. I laugh a little at the two of them and ruffle their hair up a little. "Not yet babies. When the cookies are ready and cooled we can. How about you start getting your rooms ready for tonight?" I tell them, starting to make my way upstairs so I could get my room ready. They both sigh but nod their heads. "Is aunty Robin coming over today?" Jackie asks when we get to a bedroom. I shake my head and say, "Not today sweety, tomorrow she's coming. Wanted to give me some space." Jackie nods and looks into the bedroom. "So who's room is one?" She asks. I move over to the other rooms and say, "These two on the right are the same size. You both could share a room or you can pick one each. I'll leave it up to you." They both look at each other, seeming to have another silent conversation and run down the stairs. I laugh at them and go into the master bedroom.Hopefully, this will be a promising new start.
I start to pull all of my stuff into my room, listening out in case one of the twins needs my help but they don't seem to call. When I've gotten most of my stuff in my room I notice that the twins have been way too quiet since I last saw them. "Jackie? Cas? You need any help?" I call out only to not receive a reply.Maybe they're just too involved in their unpacking. Probably talking really quietly with each other downstairs. I move over to the first bedroom to find only boxes in there.Ok, that's a little weird. I move to the next room and find the same thing. "Jackie!? Cas!?" I yell again, panic filling my voice. I start to run down the stairs to find the front door wide open. "No, no, no, no," I whisper and run straight out the door. "Jackie!! Cas!!" I yell again, the panic building up so much more.
I look around only to find them over at our next door neighbour's house. I let out a breath and make my way over to them. "Hey Mumma! We met the next-door people!" Jackie excitedly tells me. I smile at her and wrap them both in my arms. "Never do that again," I tell them, burying my face in both of their hair. "Mummy, let us go," Cas wines, pulling away from me. I pull back and both look at the door again. I look up to find two very sexy men leaning against the door frame. One looked like he came straight from a metal concert while the other was in a suburban outfit. I smile at them both and stand back up. "I'm so sorry about these two," I apologize to them, putting my hands on both of the twin's heads. The one with long curly hair grins at me and shakes his head. "It's all good. We're used to having unexpected kids around here." I smile at him as Jackie yells up, "Mumma, you gotta introduce yourself. You can't talk to strangers." I laugh at her and nod my head, saying, "You are so right Jackie." I look back up at the two men and put my hand out, "Hi I'm Y/n. We just moved in next door." The curly head boy smiles and shakes my hand. "I'm Eddie and this is Stevie," The metalhead, introduced. Steve rolls his eyes and shakes my head as well. "It's Steve. My husband here thinks it's funny to have others call me that." I smile at the two and nod my head. "That's kind of cute," I tell them, ruffling up the twins hair once more. "Why Mum," Cas wines, pushing his hair back down. "That's for running off," I tell him, moving his hair down as well.
The boys in front of me laugh and Steve says, "These two seem like a handful. Your husband home to help you with them?" I freeze a little and try to keep the smile on my face. Jackie and Cas look up at me worried but I just shake my head. "He's not in the picture. These two are all mine," I whisper while I pinch one cheek on each twin. They both laugh and pull away from me. I look back at the two men in front of me to find them looking questioningly at each other. "Mumma! The cookies!" Jackie yells, looking back at our house. I look over as well and notice smoke coming out of the kitchen window. "Shit!" I exclaim and quickly run through the front door.
I look for the fire extinguisher which was in the pantry and open the oven to let the smoke come out. I use the fire extinguisher on the small fire and look at the mess I've made again. "Are they ready?" Cas jokes when the other 4 walk into the kitchen. I laugh at him and say, "Yeah buddy, don't think they're edible anymore though." I look back at the mess and sigh.Take out for dinner now. Not cooking anything in the oven tonight. In the corner of my eye, I notice Jackie turn to Steve and Eddie and tell them, "We're sorry we lied. We can't give you cookies anymore." I turn to the group and find both other boys softly smiling down at the twins. Steve bends down to them and softly asks, "That's ok, how about sometime you come to ours and we can all make cookies?" Jackie and Cas look back at me and give me puppy dog eyes. "Can we please?" They both ask at the same time. I smile at them and nod my head.
They both cheer and look back at Steve to find him already smiling at them. "Could we tomorrow?" Jackie asks, clearly excited to get to know these two men. Eddie looks over to me and says, "I feel like that's up to your mum, not us." I look at my kids and ask, "But Aunty Robin is coming over, don't you want to see her? And she's bringing her special friend to meet you both." Steve and Eddie look at me shocked while Cas says, "Yeah, we can see them quickly and then go to Steve and Eddie's. We won't be that far Mummy." I smile at them and say, "Well, if you be good for the rest of the night then sure. If that's ok with you two?" Steve and Eddie nod to me but still seem very shocked by my previous sentence. "You ok?" Jackie asks, pocking Steve on the cheek. Steve shakes his head and looks back at the twins. "Yeah, yeah. Aunty Robin's last name wouldn't happen to be Buckley would it?" He asks, looking back up at me. I look confused and say, "Yeah. Why?" Eddie laughs while Steve explains, "She's my best friend. Or more my Platonic Soulmate." I smile at the boys and say, "Small world." Steve nods and Eddie helps him off the ground. "Well, we should probably head off. See you tomorrow maybe kids. See yah Sweetheart," Eddie says, winking at the end. I blush while Steve lightly smacks his husband on the back of the head. He waves at the kids and me and they both leave my house for the night.
"Mumma! Mumma! Mummy! Mummy!" I hear Jackie and Cas yell before I feel them both jumping on my bed. I groan and open my eyes. "What?" I ask, sleep still trying to pull me back in. "There was a knock at the door!" Jackie yells at me. I nod and slowly get out of bed, the twins hot on my heels. I open the door to find Robin, Steve, Eddie and another girl standing in front of me. At the sight of Eddie and Steve, I blush a little, not expecting to see them in my PJ's. They looked just as handsome as they did the day prior.Stop it. They're married. You aren't breaking a marriage for a one time thing. "Aunty Robin!" The twins yell before pushing me out of the way and running into Robin's waiting arms. "Hey, my favourite twins!" Robin yells at them. I laugh and open the door wider. "Come on in. I'm gonna get dressed and then make us breakfast." Robin smirks up at me and says, "Not like I haven't seen you naked before." I laugh in surprise as everyone else gives us confused looks. "Why has Aunt Robin seen you naked Mummy?" Cas asks me. "College roommates. Someone didn't know boundaries." I say, looking straight at Robin while she stands. She walks over to me and whispers, "Oh yeah, that's what it was." I shake my head and walk back to my room. "Hurry up! I want all the gossip!" I hear Robin yell before I close my door.
I change as quickly as I can and move to the kitchen so I can make some breakfast. As I walk in I find everyone sitting at the counter waiting for me. "And tomorrow we start big person school," Jackie explains to the group of adults. They all look at them in amazement and Robin says, "Wow! It feels like yesterday you were tiny!" I laugh and say, "Yeah, time flies with these two." Everyone laughs while the twins look confused at us all. "Pancakes?" I ask them to distract them. They both nod and run behind me to grab the stuff. I go to turn around but Robin grabs my hand and gently moves me over. "You doing ok?" She whispers, the other three in their own conversation. I nod and answer with, "Yeah. Glad to finally get out of that house." She nods and motions over to the kids. "You should probably deal with that."
I look at her questioningly and turn to find both twins covered in flour. "What did you two do?" I laugh as I move over to them. Cas shakes his head, making flour go everywhere while Jackie looks up a little scared. "We're sorry," She whispers to me. I shake my head and lean down so I'm level with them. "It's ok, you aren't in trouble. How about you two go upstairs to clean and I'll make some pancakes?" I ask them. They both nod and quickly run up the stairs. I stand back up to find all the adults looking at me. Steve, Eddie and Nancy look amused while Robin looks worried. I shake my head at her and start to make the pancake batter. The girl that came with the four stands up and moves in front of me. "We weren't properly introduced. I'm Nancy, Robin's girlfriend." Nancy introduces. I smile at her and shake her hand. "It's so good to finally meet you. Robin's been talking about you for years." I exclaim. Robin glares a little and whispers, "Stupid husband wouldn't let you fly here," crossing her arms over her chest. I softly glare at her and give a warning, "Robin." Everyone looks confused but Robin raises her hands. "Sorry. Sorry," She says back.
I continue to make pancakes while the other three start to talk again. "So Y/n, what made you move here?" Eddie asks, leaning in close to me. I look up at him and say, "New start. Plus get to be closer to Robin." He nods and asks, "So, what do you do for a living." I smile at him and say, "I'm a therapist. What do you do?" He smirks at me and says, "I'm a mechanic. I work down in the shop closest to here." I nod and tell him, "Yes we saw it when we came in. I was thinking about putting my car in. Haven't had it checked in a while." He smiles and says, "I'm more than happy to have a look under the hood." Steve hears him and turns to us, giving Eddie an elbow to the arm. "Ow," Eddie whispers but Steve ignores him. "The twins were saying that they're starting school tomorrow. I'm guessing it's the local primary school?" Steve asks me. I stir the pancake batter and nod my head. I look over to Steve as he says, "I work there. There's a good chance I'll be their teacher." At this, the twins both come running back to the room. "Really!? That's so cool!" They both yell. I laugh at them both and pour some batter into the pan I'd gotten out. "See? You'll have someone at school now," I tell them both, turning back to see their reactions.
"Hey Mumma?" Jackie softly asks, pulling on my pants legs. I look down at her questioningly and flip the pancakes. "Yes sweetheart?" She looks back at everyone else to see them talking among themselves and turns back to me. "Daddy won't find us right?" I freeze a little and look over to the adults again to find only Robin looking at us. I bend down to Jackie and place both hands on her face. "No baby. And if he does I'll protect you. I will always protect you." I whisper to her. She smiles a little and nods her head, going back over to everyone else. I quickly finish all the pancakes and set up three plates for me and the twins. "Okay troublemakers. Time to eat." They both jump up from their seats and run over to the dining room table. I grab two of the plates and put one in front of each twin. "Thank you," They both say at the same time before digging into their food. I go back to the kitchen and eat my food while listening to my guests.
"So Robin, apparently you have another Platonic Soulmate?" I question, smirking at her. Her eyes widen and she smiles guiltily at me. "Well, Steve's my male soulmate and you're my female soulmate. Please don't make me choose," She begs a little, leaning over the counter with her hands in prayer. I laugh and shake my head. "Never. Just thought that would be something you'd tell me," I say, a big smile on my face. She laughs and wraps an arm around Nancy's shoulder. "I did tell you about my real soulmate," She tells me. We laugh and Steve asks, "What is the deal with you and Robin? How do you know each other?" "We met in college. We were roommates and found we liked each other. When the twins were born she just became Aunty Robin," I explain to everyone. Robin laughs bitterly and I give her a glare. "Robin, please don't," I ask her. Everyone looks confused at us as Nancy asks, "What are you laughing about?" Robin stops and looks at me to give the go-ahead. I sigh and explain, "My ex-husband and Robin didn't get along. He kind of moved us so far that it was difficult for Robin to visit." Everyone nods but before more questions can be asked the kids run back into the room.
"We're done!" They both yell, holding up their empty plates. I smile at them and take their plates. "I've very proud. Now, what do you want?" I ask, knowing they only got my attention so that they could get something. They look at each other, seeming to have a silent conversation while I ask, "I can't hear you when you do that cuties. Does this have to do with something we talked about yesterday?" Remembering the cookie conversation from yesterday and looking over at Steve and Eddie. They both smirk at me and nod while Jackie finally asks, "Can we please go to Steve and Eddie's so we can make cookies with them?" I laugh and nod my head. "Of course, but I need you back here before lunch. After we need to go get some stuff for school tomorrow." I tell them. They both cheer and look back at Steve and Eddie. All four of them get up and make their way next door. I look back at Robin and Nancy and motion to the lounge room. "Let's move in there." They both nod and we walk in.
We spend the next couple of hours catching up and learning all about each other. It's then that Robin starts to ask hard-hitting questions. "So, what finally made you leave him?" Robin asks. I look over to Nancy and she gives me a sympathetic look. "I overheard Robin talking to you at one point. I already know." I nod and sigh. "A couple of days before I called you that night, Jack had beaten me so bad I was sent to the hospital. That wasn't new but when I came back I found out that he'd taken his anger out on Jackie while I was gone. She was terrified that she was gonna get yelled at or slapped again. That was enough for me," I explain, tears falling down my eyes as I remember the look on her face the night I finally came house. Robin moves over to me and wraps me in her arms. "I should've left sooner. The twins always asked if Daddy would hit them and I promised he wouldn't. I was wrong and it only hurt more," I whisper, falling further into her arms. Nancy moves over to my other side and says, "Shhh, no. You did what you thought was best. You didn't know he was going to hit Jackie. You were trapped in something you didn't know how to get out of. You're all safe now though. We'll make sure of it." I nod and say, "But what if he finds us?" I look up at Robin to find her already looking down at me. "Then we'll be standing right next to you. The boys will also be a big help. Everyone is terrified of Eddie because of how he looks." She says. I laugh a little and say, "When we finally left the house, he threatened he would kill me when he sees me next." Robin tenses a bit while Nancy whispers, "He's coming nowhere near you or the kids."
Before we can say anything else on the topic, the door bursts open and two little figures speed into the house. Steve and Eddie walk slowly behind them and look over to find me crying. I wipe my face and get up from Robin's arms while I smile at my two babies. "How was cookie making?" I ask them. Jackie and Cas come running into my arms and Cas says, "So good. We made different shapes!" I laugh as Jackie explains, "They also let us lick the spoon." I stare in fake shock at them and look up at Steve and Eddie. "You let them lick the spoon. Oh no, you've spoiled lunch." I say dramatically. Eddie laughs while Steve looks a little panicked. Cas and Jackie giggle in my lap and look over to the boys as well. "Come on troublemakers. Let's make you some lunch," I say as I push the twins off me and drag them over to the kitchen. "Come help us Aunty Robin!" Cas yells, quickly getting out of my grip and running over to Robin. She laughs and stands as well. "I'm coming!" She exclaims. I laugh at the two and turn to find Steve and Eddie looking over at Nancy questioningly. She shakes her hand and looks over to me to find me already standing. "Come on you three. We'll need all the help we can get," I tell them, walking further into the kitchen. We spend the rest of the day making lunch and going shopping for the twins. It was one of the happiest days that I've had in a while.
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findafight · 2 years
Steve shows up to work one day with a baby bjorn complete with sleeping baby on his chest and Robin is like Steve....what the fuck?
And Steve says "I would've called you last night but she'd only stop crying when I held her and my parents were fighting, obviously, and I had to figure out how to make her bottle then I fell asleep with her on top of me and I think my dad legitimately forgot about us even though this is his fault, and there's no one to take care of her so I had to bring her. Sorry."
That is a lot and answers very few of Robin's questions.
"who...is she?"
Steve brightens and smiles down at the baby who's tiny baby fist is scrunched up in his work vest. "Oh! My half sister. Her mom works for one of my dad's business partners and brought her to my parents while they were away last week so they came home, mostly to dump her off on a nanny they forgot to hire--hence my baby holder here--and fight. Turns out dad cheating is easier to ignore when there isn't actual proof of it."
"oh. Woah."
"yeah. Anyways, ready to rewind some tapes?"
So they start work Steve logging returns into the computer and cupping the baby whose name I don't know yet's head. Then the little baby wakes up, making little baby noises, and Robin is not one for babies really, but Steve coos and picks her hand off his chest and waves it at Robin.
"see, that's your auntie Robin! Say hiii auntie Robin!"
The baby chews her tongue at Robin and blows a spit bubble.
And how is Robin supposed to not be charmed by that?
"awww," she says, letting the baby grab her finger, "yeah, I'm your auntie Robin. Your big brother's gonna take care of you so good huh? You'll know your way around retail in no time."
Steve giggles.
It is then that The Gremlins decide to show up and Cause Noise. Baby sister starts to cry and Steve takes her to the back to get her to calm down and change her, comes out (ignores the party's questions. Giving them Ultimate Mom Pose with Bonus Effect of Baby) hands her to Robin who is a little nervous but she will not let her new niece (?) Down, and goes back to find and heat up a bottle.
Eddie, who drove the gremlins and was looking for something in his van comes in, sees Robin holding the baby and is like huh? What's this?
And then Steve comes out with a bottle and a baby blanket over his shoulder, reaches for the baby from Robin and tries to get her to latch on the bottle with quiet words and gentle hands and Eddie is not okay he's not fine he's having a melt down because Steve with the kids is one thing but Steve with a Baby is something very different and he should not be expected to keep it together seeing this
Part 2.
Part 3
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z0ned0utish · 1 year
You can't tell me that Harley and Ivy aren't the 'fun aunts' when they visit the bat boys.
Like Harley brings the boys sweet all the time and Ivy shows the boys how to look after their plants.
Harley would sneak the bat brothers sweets when they were Robin without Batman knowing.
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Steve’s child (we shall call Sweet Pea): Auntie Bobin?
Robin: Yes, my little sweet pea?
Sweet Pea: Can I be an m&m like you?
Robin: an m&m?
Sweet Pea: Yeah, an m&m. I want to speak a bunch of bologna like you.
Robin: Do you - do you mean linguist?
Sweet Pea: No, Auntie Bob! M&m is short for lesbinem. Did I get it right?
Robin: *now struggling not to laugh* Oh, my sweet little adorable baby dingus. . .yes, you got it exactly right.
Steve: *also struggling not to laugh* Robin, you better correct them!
Sweet Pea: What's so funny, Daddy?! I want to be a lesbinem!
Steve: *laughing* Baby, it's linguist!
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ffuscous · 1 year
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Steve & Andy (1996, 1994, 1993)
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dragonmama76 · 7 months
Not a Fair Fight
@steddiemicrofic prompt: pin, 388 words, rated:G
Some days Steve felt like the fight would never end.  First was the demogorgon, then the mind flayer, the dogs, the bats and finally Vecna.  But that all felt like nothing compared the battle happening now.  Steve wasn’t sure what he had walked into, but this one couldn’t be won with his nailbat. He would have to keep his wits about him.
Hands on his hips, Steve cleared his throat, “Does someone want to tell me what’s going on here?”  Two matching sets of eyes immediately met his.  They hadn’t heard him come in, but now it was a race to see who could make their argument faster and louder.  Steve held his tongue and tried to listen as they spoke over each other.  He was unwilling to give either side the benefit of the doubt.  Both could be equally stubborn, irrational and childish.  He didn’t know how this started, but he needed it to end.  
“One at a time or no one at all!”  Steve demanded.
“I want. My birthday party.  At Chuck E Cheese!”  Doro whined, stamping her foot.  “It’s not fair!!  Jenny and Andy BOTH got Chuck E Cheeses parties!  I HATE being famous.”
“Be reasonable, chicken,” Eddie pleaded, “We can have an awesome party here at home with pizza and we can play  hide and seek, musical chairs, and pin the tail on the donkey!!”
Steve couldn’t help the snort that emerged.  Pin the tail on the Donkey?  What was Eddie thinking?
“Chuck E Cheese has a band that comes out and plays every half hour!” Dorothy whined.
“Daddy has a band that can play the WHOLE TIME if you want!!”  Eddie countered.
“Oh my God, Daddy, that's SO embarrassing!!”  Dorothy cried.
“I’ve won three Grammys…” Eddie sulked.  
“Okay, loves,” Steve broke in, “Before someone’s feelings really get hurt-” He looked pointedly at Eddie, who frankly, should not be taking this so personally but who was sulking anyway.  “Let’s get a few things straight.  Dorothy Munson, YOU are not famous. Maybe someday, but not today.  However!” Steve pinned his daughter with a look, “Your father is, and he absolutely cannot stroll into a Chuck E Cheese on a Saturday without a security detail.  You don’t want that on your birthday so we are going to sit down and compromise!” 
“Fine,” his daughter sighed.  “So…Disneyland?”
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crybabylulu · 10 months
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Aunty Harley saving her baby! 🥺 LOOK AT THEM! THEY ARE PRECIOUS 😭😭
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thedevilsoftruth · 2 months
The collection is growing....
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All I need is Year Zero, Not The Actual Events, Add Violence, ( which are my favorite nin records. Yeah, I said it, fight me. Hesitation marks is also my second favorite. ) and The Slip and then my collection is complete ( kinda )
I also want Year Zeros remixed album, Things Falling Apart, and the Ghost albums. But those are later investments.
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Ok @chocoarts , I'm ready to go on a ramble! Thanks so much for answering my request! I hope my ramble does your art justice!
So! Steve and Robin are destined to work together, no matter how they meet or what they do. I know that most folks on the internet think that Robin wouldn't be great with little kids, while Steve would be the master. However! I personally like the idea that they're /both/ great with kids! I'm not usually one for no-Upside-down aus, but I can't really think of another way that this would work, so.
I'll bet that Steve and Robin met while volunteering at the Hawkins Daycare center. They bond over a love of kids and hatred for the people in charge. Y'see, Hawkins kinda reminds me of the area I grew up in a little bit, and something that's happened, both in my community and the town where my mom works, is that daycares and pre-schools start out as genuine nonprofits, existing for the sake of the community. But over time, they become super exclusive, expensive, and mildly corrupt. I imagine that if Hawkins had a daycare center, that's what would happen.
*oh, by the way, I have nothing against day care centers or all you folks who run them in a general sense. I know how difficult it is to take care of little kids to an extent, and I respect you all for what you do. It's just the ones in my community that I know of that are like that.*
So Steve and Robin see this and decide, hey, Steve's parents may be assholes, but they haven't cut him off yet, so why don't they use that money to open their own daycare center? They would call it Bat-man and Robin's Junior Bat-cave, because Steve plays baseball in this au. Also because of this meme:
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By the way, they decided to add hyphens to the DC related parts of the name to escape a potential lawsuit. That's my logic, and I'm sticking to it. Cool? Cool.
So Steve and Robin open their daycare, and they keep their fees as inexpensive as they possibly can without it being detrimental to the business. One of their first customers is a single mom by the name of Claudia Henderson.
It takes a minute for Dustin to warm up to Steve and Robin, because even as a 3-year-old, people give him a hard time about his disease, cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), which he worked really hard to learn how to pronounce.
Steve and Robin don't treat him any differently. The only acknowledgement they make of his CCD is when they have to follow his daily medical needs, which I assume exist, but I have no idea what they'd be. When this sinks in, he warms right up to them. His favorite thing to do is play spies with the toy walkie-talkie set that Steve got especially for him. He gets bad dreams sometimes about his dad leaving, but Steve is always right there when he wakes up with a sci-fi picture book or Star Wars stuffies to help him feel better.
The next kid to show up is Max Mayfield. She's a sassy little thing. And in this au, N*il dies in a car crash or something, and Billy's mom gets custody of Billy, because he deserves good things, dammit, but Susan doesn't have the money to move her and Max back to Cali. The Junior Batcave is affordable for her. It takes Max a hot second to warm up to Steve, because of N*il, but Robin helps her feel safe, and Steve never pushes her boundaries. That is what gets her to warm up to him. Max likes playing spies with Dustin, but her favorite thing to do is use cardboard as ramps and play with those tiny skateboard toys.
Jane Eleanor "El" Hopper shows up after Hopper adopts her and gets her out of the foster system. She's pretty quiet and timid, but she's got good judgement for a 3-year-old. She warms up to Steve and Robin pretty quick. She calls them Auntie Robin and Mom-Steve. She likes any kind of game, as long as she's with her best friend Max. But her favorite thing to do at daycare is play with Steve's hair. One day, she brings all sorts of clips and ribbons from home. El gets a little sad, because Robin gently tells her, "if it touches your hair, you don't share." Steve immediately goes out to the store to get some new hair supplies, and then El just goes ham on his hair. When she's done, she says that "Mom-Steve is the prettiest ever!" Hearts melt, and there are tears.
When Will shows up, his family is fresh out of a divorce, so he's really quiet and sensitive. He knows that he's welcome to play with Dustin, Max, and El, but he's just too shy. Luckily for him, Mike starts attending at around the same time. They bond over Star Wars with Dustin. And Will just has the best ideas for games if make-believe! When Will leads, Max and El get to be the knights, and Mike is the one who needs saving. Will gets attached to Steve and Robin when they agree to play the dragon and the queen respectively, and help him practice reading when he's not up to playing. Eventually, Will spends so much time reading with Steve that Mike gets jealous, which I think would explain the ankle-biter moment in chocoarts's picture.
Mike is a bit of a jealous kiddo, because baby Holly gets all of Mom and Nancy's attention, and Dad isn't home too often cause of work. That's why, if any of his friends start spending more time with Steve than him, his ankle-biting tendencies surface. Oh, Will would rather read a story with Steve than play knights and castles with Mike? CHOMP! Even so, Steve and Robin both give Mike plenty of attention, so he warms up to them. He copies El, calling Steve Mom-Steve. He also starts calling Robin Auntie Birdie.
Last, but certainly not least, the Sinclair siblings. In this au, I think Lucas and Erica would either be twins, or the age gap would just be a year instead of 4, as it seems to be in canon (Lucas seeming to be a 15-year-old freshman when Erica is 11). Lucas likes playing catch a little more than the other boys, and Steve is always happy to play with him. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Y'see, I just had the thought that when the Sinclairs tried sending Lucas and Erica to Hawkins Daycare, the two were surrounded by white children who didn't know anything other than the racist bullshit their parents said around them. The employees weren't much better. When the Sinclairs reached out to the Junior Bat-cave, on the other hand, Steve and Robin were perfectly respectful, and made sure the other kids knew to be respectful to Lucas and Erica, too. Anywho, as the two adjust, Steve loves to see how Lucas is just the best big brother. He knows that Erica is still a bit too small for catch, so he rolls his favorite ball around with her, instead. Also, Erica likes dogs in this au, so Steve helps Lucas draw and/or color in pictures of dogs and puppies. Robin is always happy to play with Erica, too. In fact, all the girls love finding all the dog stuffies in the daycare to play dog school, Erica's favorite game.
Alright! That's all I've got for this ramble. If anyone wants to take these ideas and just roll with them, feel free to do so. I hope my ramble did chocoarts's drawing justice!
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bluedabadeedabadie · 2 years
I am bored, tired as all hell and my body won't let me take a nap. I also can't get the spoons, fucks nor bones to do any of the things I wanted to get done so you get- whatever this is.
So I do an rp. And sometime ago me and my partner had the Riddler kidnap Bernie because he thought that he knew who Red Robin is, because he's the civilian Red had been seen interacting with the most. Bernie didn't, in fact, know Red Robin's identity. Until the riddles started ringing a bell on two and my favourite theorist connected some dots and was like "Oh, shit, that's my handsome idiot". My guy thought he was going to die and yet continued bullshitting Riddler and denying everything until Tim showed up.
So, yeah, sometimes I think of funny little scenarios like:
Red Robin is backed up against the wall. Then the rogue is just- hit with a heavy backpack. And some teenager is screaming at them. Then get knocked down by some other Batfamily member that took advantage of the distraction.
Bernie would later on get lectured by Tim on NOT angering Gotham's rogues and how Tim could dEfINitelY hAnDle hImSelF.
Or him getting kidnapped all the time. Because yeah. At some point he just looks at the camera like he's in the office, absolutely done with life. I wonder if at one point he'd start bullshitting the villains like:
"Let me guess, you want Red Robin's identity, right? It's me, I am Red Robin"
"This doesn't-"
*staring them down* "Try me bitch"
"You want to know who the bats are? Fine, they're bats"
"An army of well-trained bats. Disguised as humans"
One time Bernie gets kidnapped by Harley for shits and giggles because she actually knows their identities but she wants to see if the kid will bulge. She leaves some complicated riddles for Tim to find since she knows he loves solving puzzles and doing detective work.
Bernie just sighs when waking up, figuring he'd get tortured again and continues with his quips and stuff. And because my version of Bernie spills self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism, mostly about the cult, well, that happens.
So Harley is satisfied the kid of her bestie from med school has someone loyal next to him and then when he starts with the jokes she just- goes all therapist mode on him.
So Tim is hyperventilating, running to solve all the riddles, thinking the Riddler is at it again and he'd probably kill his boyfriend this time, especially if he doesn't hurry tf up.
And he gets there to see Bernie having a therapy session with his crazy aunt and meanwhile Ivy is making them tea.
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demons2003 · 2 years
Mother of Two Masterlist (Eddie x Steve x Reader)
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Description: Newly divorced and ready to get life back on track, Y/n moved to Hawkins to protect her family. What happens when the couple next door takes an interest in the single mother.
Ao3 link
Part 1
Part 2
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brine-in-my-eyes · 7 months
I REALLLLYYYY need to draw the riddle kids' parents so badly bro right now right now i need to draw them now but i have this thing called WORK and i already spent monday n Tuesday not working on it 😭😭😭😭😭
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reading this makes me want to draw all of them now right now now now ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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stevesaxetogrind · 2 years
One of these days I’ll write the perfect “married for tax benefits & being able to be one another’s medical contact” stobin fic
Lavender marriage stobin hits so good.
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golgolfruit · 2 years
AU where Crocodile was near Minion Island during the Ope Ope No Mi incident and after seeing what happened, decided to take Law with him. Law still met Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin but instead of wandering around, they all go to Alabasta instead.
Crocodile still has plenty of interaction with Doffy (they are kinda not dating) but does not tell Doffy that he has Law. Law stills grows up wanting to take down Doflamingo and Crocodile has zero complaints about this.
Law was out with his crew during the Alabasta arc, but Crocodile does leave hints that he hopes Luffy will meet his son one day. Luffy is clueless, but Robin knows who he is (she’s kind of like an aunt figure to him).
Doffy does find out and is like…okay so first of all, Rude, second of all, does this make him my kid? Because he and Crocodile have somehow become exclusive over the years (Law is unaware of this) and are basically this weird kind of pirate married.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
In need of Roro and Kerri together, be it angsty or fluffy (your choice)
i will gladly provide you some Roro and Kerri content eli <3<3
"Kerri? Honey you in here?" Robin asked, gently pushing the door open. The girls room was quiet, too quiet. All of the toys neatly put away where they belonged, the books slotted into their spots on the shelves (in rainbow order that she and Robin spent a rainy day making).
There was a suspicious pile of blankets on the bed with quiet sniffles being muffled under the fabric. The dark haired woman walked up to the bed and sat down next to it. She carefully put her hand on top of pile. The form shifted under her hold slightly, making the older woman smile.
Hmmm, "I wonder who's under the blanket?" She asked aloud. "Maybe if I tickle them I'll figure it out."
The blankets frantically shifted as a small gasp made Robin smile. In one swift motion she scooped up the blankets, earning a squeal and loud laughter.
"Auntie Roro!" Kerri giggled, her cheeks rosy and her little teeth in a wide smile.
"There's my little Kay. Why were you upstairs hiding, cutie pie?" She asked, holding the girl in her lap, her fingers gently combing through the girls little baby hairs and smoothing them down tenderly.
"I was hiding."
"From what?"
She looked down at her little hands. "Mommy. She was really mad after she got me from playing. It was scawy."
Robin sighed and rubbed the girls little shoulders. "Your Mommy's just having a little bit of an off day, honey. I don't think she meant to scare you."
"But she looked sad too. An it made me sad too." She sniffled, wiping under her nose. "An I didn wan Mommy to see cause I thought it would make her sadder."
"Oh sweetheart." Robin sighed and pulled the girl close, hugging her tightly and kissed her hair. She rubbed her back as the little girl melted into her touch, hiccupping. "It's okay, you don't have to hide."
Kerri wrapped her little arms around her aunts neck and tucked her head onto her shoulder. She could feel little droplets of water hit the exposed skin and she only pulled the little girl closer. How do you explain to a little girl that her mother just got broken up with? Once Kerri's little hiccups subsided, Robin pulled her away and wiped her tears gently with her thumb.
She smiled warmly at her niece. "You feel better now, Kerr bear?" The little girl nodded and rubbed her eyes. "You know what makes me feel better?"
"What Auntie?"
"A nice plate of chocolate chip cookies. Should we make some?" Kerri's brown eyes lit up as she smiled excitedly.
"Yeah! Can I help?"
"Well of course you can, Kay Kay." Robin chuckled and stood up, still holding Kerri in her arms. "I need the bestest little helper there is." She booped the girls nose, getting her to giggle as they went downstairs. She kissed her little forehead as they passed Sasha's room.
She wondered how Aura was doing with comforting her but pushed the thought out of her mind as Kerri started talking about the cookies they were going to make. She had to help her friend as much as she could and what better way than to keep her niece happy? Even if it was at the expense of a clean kitchen and her shirt, she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world if she got Kerri to smile.
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