#meanwhile Bernard is just- done
bluedabadeedabadie · 1 year
I am bored, tired as all hell and my body won't let me take a nap. I also can't get the spoons, fucks nor bones to do any of the things I wanted to get done so you get- whatever this is.
So I do an rp. And sometime ago me and my partner had the Riddler kidnap Bernie because he thought that he knew who Red Robin is, because he's the civilian Red had been seen interacting with the most. Bernie didn't, in fact, know Red Robin's identity. Until the riddles started ringing a bell on two and my favourite theorist connected some dots and was like "Oh, shit, that's my handsome idiot". My guy thought he was going to die and yet continued bullshitting Riddler and denying everything until Tim showed up.
So, yeah, sometimes I think of funny little scenarios like:
Red Robin is backed up against the wall. Then the rogue is just- hit with a heavy backpack. And some teenager is screaming at them. Then get knocked down by some other Batfamily member that took advantage of the distraction.
Bernie would later on get lectured by Tim on NOT angering Gotham's rogues and how Tim could dEfINitelY hAnDle hImSelF.
Or him getting kidnapped all the time. Because yeah. At some point he just looks at the camera like he's in the office, absolutely done with life. I wonder if at one point he'd start bullshitting the villains like:
"Let me guess, you want Red Robin's identity, right? It's me, I am Red Robin"
"This doesn't-"
*staring them down* "Try me bitch"
"You want to know who the bats are? Fine, they're bats"
"An army of well-trained bats. Disguised as humans"
One time Bernie gets kidnapped by Harley for shits and giggles because she actually knows their identities but she wants to see if the kid will bulge. She leaves some complicated riddles for Tim to find since she knows he loves solving puzzles and doing detective work.
Bernie just sighs when waking up, figuring he'd get tortured again and continues with his quips and stuff. And because my version of Bernie spills self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism, mostly about the cult, well, that happens.
So Harley is satisfied the kid of her bestie from med school has someone loyal next to him and then when he starts with the jokes she just- goes all therapist mode on him.
So Tim is hyperventilating, running to solve all the riddles, thinking the Riddler is at it again and he'd probably kill his boyfriend this time, especially if he doesn't hurry tf up.
And he gets there to see Bernie having a therapy session with his crazy aunt and meanwhile Ivy is making them tea.
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ktkat99 · 13 days
Batfam prompt I wrote out planning on it being a oneshot. I don't have time or energy for another long story at the moment, but don't want to just let it sit in my outline folder forever. Feel free to use it, play around with it, add to it, use it for inspiration, or whatever.
Tim gets injured while not wearing his suit one night.
Bernard, who has never met Tim before, finds him and takes him home. He ends up losing his memory and Bernard decides to let him move in while he heals, unaware that he's really Red Robin.
Bruce and the rest of the family can't find Tim anywhere.
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks turn to months.
All without a trace.
Tim and Bernard are getting used to living together, and both the pros and cons of being roommates.
Tim will sometimes have nightmares or flashbacks, but he’s also started to heal.
His family ends up torn, with Jason, Dick, and Steph convinced he’s alive, while Bruce, Cass and Damian have all resigned themselves to believing that he died.
One night, Tim and Bernard take a nighttime walk to a convenience store and witness a robbery.
Tim stops the guy on instinct and has a flashback of fighting with Nightwing. He assumes he was a criminal and runs off before the clerk can thank him.
Something the clerk mentions to Officer Dick Greyson when he arrives to arrest the thief. The clerk hands over the surveillance footage, which ends up being proof that Tim survived.
Dick is overjoyed, but Steph and Jason point out that he isn't being held hostage. He's free and yet never contacted them.
Was he in hiding?
From them?
Or for his own protection from someone?
Or maybe the civilian he was with had done something to him?
Whatever the reason, they decide against telling the rest of the family until they can figure out what's going on.
They begin following Tim, keeping their distances.
Tim, meanwhile, after ‘remembering’ being a criminal, can't stop obsessing over his scars, and who he might have hurt to receive them. He keeps thinking about the convenience store clerk and Bernard, wracked with guilt about all the things he may have done.
Bernard stays by him the whole time, doing his best to calm him down.
Tim doesn't tell him what's on his mind out of fear of being kicked out, and Bernard assumes the event was too stressful for him and doesn't push him to talk.
Eventually, the two of them fall asleep together, and Tim promises to make up for his past crimes by protecting Bernard. Things gradually go back to normal with Bernard going to work and Tim, who has no valid id, staying home and taking care of the apartment.
Nightwing, Red Hood, and Spoiler take turns watching Tim and Bernard.
They still haven't told their family, but know they can't just follow Tim forever.
Before they can decide on their next move, though, Cass bumps into him while grocery shopping. She freezes and he doesn't recognize her, but Dick, Jason, and Steph have to come clean.
Cass is pissed, Bruce wants to bring Tim home immediately, and Damian points out that he might not even want to come home, and that they should leave him be.
They decide that, before they make their decision, they need to talk to Tim. Maybe he really did just decide to quit.
Tim, meanwhile, has been using his free time while Bernard is at work to help people who need it. He becomes somewhat of a neighborhood vigilante, believing that he needs to make up for his past crimes.
Most of the injuries he incurs are minor and easy to hide from Bernard, but one day he takes a knife to the arm.
Bernard freaks out and tries to give him stitches in their kitchen, but then has to convince Tim to let him take him to a hospital.
Tim, not wanting to be arrested for crimes he doesn't remember committing, therefore leaving Bernard alone, argues that he's fine.
It doesn't hurt that bad.
He'll heal.
Bernard gets frustrated and shows off his own scars, which he had worked hard to always keep hidden. He explains what happened to him, and how his family disowned him as a result of ending up in the cult, and that he promises he won't put Tim in a situation where he could be in danger.
He asks to know why Tim is so adamant against going to the hospital and Tim reluctantly admits what he's pieced together from his flashbacks.
Bernard is shocked to find out that he might have been sharing his apartment with a criminal, but reasons that that must be why Tim knows how to fight.
Deciding to focus on the problem at hand, Bernard convinces Tim to at least let him take him to Leslie’s place, as she doesn't ask questions.
Leslie proceeds to ask questions, prompting Bernard to be the one to answer them for Tim.
Leslie comes to the conclusion that Bernard is answering so that Tim doesn't say the wrong thing, and only grows more concerned when she tries to subtly give him openings to slip her a message or some sort of sign that he needs help and he doesn't.
She decides that, since he's acting like he's never met her, she'll play along.
Once Bernard and Tim leave, she calls Bruce and tells him what happened.
Bruce decides it's time to step in because something is clearly wrong with Tim.
Tim and Bernard head back home and have a long talk about everything Tim's been hiding and what he's been up to.
Bernard wonders if Tim might be wrong about his assumption that he was a criminal, but Tim remembers stalking Batman, fighting with Nightwing, Robin trying to kill him and a few other things.
Tim was a criminal, and he's certain of it.
At a loss of what else to do, Bernard convinces Tim to get takeout for dinner, since neither have eaten yet.
Tim agrees and they walk down to Tim's favorite place.
On the way there, Batman and Nightwing show up and order them into the Batmobile.
Tim manages to fight off Nightwing as Batman is driving and Nightwing isn't expecting Tim to fight him and escapes with Bernard.
Their suspicions all appear to be confirmed; the Batfam believe Tim is being controlled by Bernard, while Bernard and Tim believe he's a wanted criminal.
Tim decides he needs to leave, since he's obviously being hunted, but Bernard refuses to let him.
Not alone, at least.
Tim wants Bernard to stay safe, which means away from him, but Bernard is just as worried about Tim's safety. They argue, but ultimately both find an abandoned building to hide in together.
They decide to take turns sleeping and Tim falls asleep wondering what sort of crime he committed to warrant the Bats searching for him. He ends up dreaming of the night he found his father's body and wakes up believing that he killed him.
Bernard has nodded off at this point and Tim needs to clear his head so he heads up to the roof to process what he dreamed about.
The bats decide that, for their safety and his, Tim will need to be taken by force and they can figure out what's wrong with him once they have him back home.
They track them to the abandoned building and break in, but only find Bernard.
Bernard ends up getting captured quickly and taken to the batcave for questioning.
Tim, who witnessed the abduction but hadn't been quick enough in getting down from the roof to do anything, decides it's time to go on the offensive against the bats.
He has had enough flashbacks to piece together that Batman is Bruce.
He's tired.
He's been living for months without knowledge of who he used to be and having to deal with random flashbacks and trying to piece together what his life before looked like.
The bats taking Bernard is his last straw.
He decides to start by breaking into the manor and looking for Bernard there.
Bernard, meanwhile, is desperately trying to convince Bruce and the others that he has no idea where Tim is, that he didn't do anything to Tim, and that Tim has amnesia.
They don't believe him until Tim shows up and goes all-out trying to attack them and escape with Bernard, but Bernard is the one who manages to calm him down and convince him to listen to his family.
It takes a while, and a lot of proof, but Tim finally regains his memory.
He and Bernard officially start dating and move back in together.
They like to joke that Bernard had the craziest introduction to the family, despite being a civilian.
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DPxDC media story prompt
Okay first off, this sort of thing has been done before, but here’s a different version involving Jazz Fenton.
Popular in DPxDC fanfic is that the GIW have a media blackouts—or whiteouts, there’s kind of a difference, where whiteouts work more like… there is a file, but you can’t edit it or it may be locked out for certain users, or an edited version of events where things are ‘whited out’ like with correction paste, among other definitions.
Point is!
The GIW have a media restriction, and among these is social media, probably with certain words or phrases pinging to location restrict the post. There was probably a phase for a while where the A-Listers tried to get around it, but ultimately failed, and since they could only get information IN rather than information OUT, and possibly still a limited amount of outside information in the first place, social media didn’t take off as much in Amity Park than in other places in the world. There’s still a small local presence, but at this point it’s almost like a city wide chat room than actual social media.
Enter in, Jazz Fenton. She’s chronically behind on trends, so by the time she decides to get on social media, the GIW aren’t being as militant on it. And she has that habit of calling the ghosts by code names instead of their actual names, such as Crate Creep instead of The Box Ghost, or Ghost X instead of Skulker. By pure coincidence of her personal language use and Tucker messing with all of Team Phantom’s phone locaters for easier excuse giving, Jazz manages to dodge all the word censors.
She accidentally creates a whole online story community convinced it’s some kind of altered reality game or role playing game, what have you. Meanwhile, Jazz is letting off steam by ranting online with, of course, made up names of all the people involved. She doesn’t even notice the numbers, and that’s assuming the GIW didn’t just—region lock the ability to see them for whatever reason. The few Amity Parkers on social medias see Jazz, maybe look at a complaint post or two, then move on because this isn’t even an unusual video inside Amity Park’s social media sphere.
Heck, PHANTOM has a social media presence and he’s done several rant videos too! One particularly famous one is him complaining about keeping his boots and gloves white while being chased and one of the GIW agents actually stops and gives him advice before shooting at him again.
Those outside Amity Park, of course, only see Jazz’s videos. And she has no idea that she has an entire online presence and mild amounts of online fame. And again, almost everyone thinks the whole thing is just a fun little game, if oddly detailed.
Until, that is, a certain young man by the name of Bernard comes in. One of the few who are totally convinced this is real, he tries to also convince his boyfriend—Timothy Drake-Wayne. Who, in turn, finds it incredibly suspicious that it’s this hard to get news and posts from one random town in the Midwest.
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toulousewayne · 8 months
Batfamily Halloween Special🎃
Bruce was throwing his annual Halloween Costume Party, and let every year all the kids always dress up. Most of kids weren’t in the Manor as they would arrive later to join in the spooky festivities.
Alfred was overseeing the staff with last minute decorations. Fake blood, cobwebs, fake skulls, fog machine. Anything you could find at your local Spirt Halloween Alfred had gotten to first. The DJ was finishing his last few technical checks and the catering company was always done with the last few creative dishes.
Meanwhile, upstairs Damian was fidgeting in his sit,”Are we almost Sister?”
“Hold still or you makeup will get messed up.” Y/n was the only person home that could help Damian finish with his costume. After a few moments she pulled back and smiled,”All done.”
Damian flung out of his seat and into his sister’s bathroom to look at his makeup.
“Wow, you managed to make me look the skeleton from that film Grayson made me watch.”
“Jack, you look like Jack Dames.” She took a comb and finished smoothing out his hair. “What’s your costume?” He inquired taking the combing to fix his own hair.
She went into her closet and came out dressed as cowgirl Barbie from the movie with hat and boots.
“Now go put on your costume Dames Dick said he’s five minutes away with the girls.” She fixed her wig and adjusted her scarf. Damian walked to his room around the corner and changed into the costume his brother had gotten for him a few days ago.
When he emerged from his room, Dick and Y/n were laughing at a his phone and noticed Damian.
“Aww Little D, you look so frightening.”
“Tt. And what are you supposed to be Grayson.”
“Aladdin,Kori’s running late but she’s going to be Jasmine.” The three went downstairs which was now in full effect and Alfred greeted the siblings dressed as Count Dracula.
“Nice fang Alife.” Alfred smiled at the three and offered them red punch in black and purple plastic cups. “Why Thank you Master Richard, I must stay though they do take a lot to get used to.”
Barbara arrived with Cassandra, Stephanie and Duke all dressed for the party.
“Aww Dami you look so adorable.” Steph fussed taking pictures of the youngest. He huffed and walked away into the main ballroom where the music was blasting but only a few people from Wayne Enterprise and Queen Construction had arrived.
Y/n snapped a few pictures with Duke and Barbara aka Spider-man and Kim Possible.
Jason arrived with Tim and Bernard not far behind him. “May wanna close that vest up Dickhead your getting cold.” He teased Dick who rolled his eyes.
“IT’s October Jason.”
“My nipples aren’t sharing at everyone entering the house.”
“Jason knock it off.” Y/n huffed, Dick self consciously pulled his vested.
The group had moved to the ballroom mintues ago and more people from Wayne Enterprises and some League members had arrived. Jason stretched standing from the table,” Okay this Skywalker needs food.”
Stephanie and Cass followed dress as the Pink and Yellow Power Rangers.
Selina entered the room dressed as Marylin Monroe and waved,”Why do glum kittens,your parents go trick or treat without you?”
Fred or Tim shook his head,” They’re not here yet, it’s just boring right now.”
Bernard played with the green scarf on his Daphne shirt.
She sighed and saw a several costumed adults and looked back the way she came. “Well looks like the Calvary just arrived. Have fun.” She slipped away into the now bigger crowd.
Members or Young Justice, Titans and Birds of Prey arrived in costumes and soon the kids mingled with their friends and went away from the table only living Y/n and Damian.
“You should ask Uncle Clark why he didn’t come.” She spoke up over the Monster Mash song.
“Tt, if he cared he would have came sister.” He spat.
She stood up from the table and turned to him, “He’s your best friend and he’s been through a lot. Maybe Halloween is just a lot for him, if you tell him how much it would mean to you to show up I’m sure he’d fly here in a heartbeat.”
Damian didn’t answer his sister but did glance across the room to Clark and Lois dressed as Frankinstein and the Bride who chatted with Diana,John and Wally dressed as a Fairy, Boxer and a Race Car Driver.
Damian grab his cup and pondered as he made his way to the refreshment table. He grabbed a few pieces of cheese and felt like his wished the night was over.
The music stopped as DJ announced the arrival of the hosts Bruce and Batmom entered the room dressed as Gomez and Mortica Adams. Once they thanked everyone for coming the party once again went into full swing and Damian slipped away into the gardens.
“Damian?” A voice called to him after what felt like a short while. Bruce sat next to him.
“Are you not having fun?”
He sighed,”Yes father the party is very good.”
Bruce was silent for a few moments and then let out his own deep sigh.”Your sister told me you miss Jon. You should call him, Clark told me the only reason he didn’t come was because he figured you wouldn’t want to participate.”
Damian turned to his father,”Really?”
Bruce smiled at his son and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “He’s your best friend, just call him.” After that Bruce returned inside and Damian remained seated.
He signed before looking at the ground.”Kent,I know listening…I think—I want you come to the party. It’s rather…dull.” He spoke barley in a whisper.
For a while it was just the distance sounds of Gotham noises and the booming sounds from the music inside and then a sudden gust of wind blew a few strands of hair.
“Hi Damian.” Damian’s gaze fell ontop the floating teen before him in full costume.
A grin painted his figured,”And what are you supposed to be Kent?”
“Uh Duh, I’m Danny Phantom.”
Damian laughed and Jon rolled his eyes.
“Come on I’m starving I heard Alfred has jalapeño poppers.” Damian joined Jon as they headed inside.
Y/n elbowed her brother and Jason spilled his punched on himself. He followed his sister’s gaze and they watch from a far.
Dick beamed as he got closer to them,”Aww Little D’s not lonely anymore.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “I don’t know how he can be, you Mother Hen him to death every two seconds.”
Dick shoved Jason and the rushed of his punched spilled on his costume. Dick nervously sprinted away with Jason bolting after him.
“Imbeciles.” Y/n sighed eating a eyeball cheese.
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mannylikessims · 5 months
The True Story of the Villareal Family [1.4]
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Night had fallen on the Von Haunt Estate, and Lord Bernard had just come upon an extremely unsettling scene.
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“You!” gasped the ghost of Bernard. “What are you— Unhand my portrait, you rampallian! Get down from there this instant!”
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Max hastily let go of Bernard’s portrait and climbed down.
“Shut up, old man!” he yelled, but it was too late. Bernard knew exactly what Max was trying to do.
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“You were going to burn my portrait, weren’t you?” He blew up at the child. “That’s it! I’m calling your father! And yes—I know who you are! I checked the museum registration!”
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“You wouldn’t. You’re bluffing.” Max scrunched up his face with as much animosity as a child could muster.
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But Bernard wasn’t bluffing.
Jacques Villareal was contacted and immediately summoned. Bernard explained that he had caught Max trying to burn his portrait, and Jacques shook his head in disappointment.
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“I can’t believe you’ve done this,” said his father in a low, disgusted voice. “You’ve ruined everything.”
It was true. Jacques had to abandon his own plans of setting fire to this cherished tourist destination. He would now look suspicious if the Von Haunt Estate burnt down, now that Max was caught attempting the same thing.
Plum. This heist would’ve been his greatest moneymaker, if only his damn kid hadn’t ruined it. It was time to kiss his dreams of early retirement goodbye.
Meanwhile, Max was glaring at his father, studying his face,
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when he suddenly wrung his hands.
“I’m so sorry, Dad. It won’t happen again. I promise I’ll never get caught again.”
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Jacques sighed.
“Fine,” he said. “We’ve learned our lesson. Next time, this won’t happen.”
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“Of course, Dad,” said Max. His mouth twitched for a brief second.
“Hold on,” said a voice behind them. “There’s not going to be a next time for either of you.”
“What?” Jacques whirled around.
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“You’re banned from the estate,” said Bernard.
“But just my son, right?” said Jacques, panicking. This was his favorite establishment! “I can still come here to cosplay and play chess, right?”
“No. Both of you are banned. Permanently.” Bernard was adamant.
Jacques froze, then flared, pulling himself up to his full height.
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“Do you even know who I am and what I’m capable of?”
Bernard raised his eyebrows. “Are you trying to threaten an immortal 120-year-old ghost infamous for his foul temper?”
Jacques bared his teeth. “I’ll make you regret this, phantom.”
“You don’t scare me, fopdoodle.” Bernard smiled. “I’ll show you scary.”
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The ghost lunged forward, eyes wild, spittle flying out of his mouth.
“I will not allow you or your hell-born babe to defile these premises and potentially endanger others here ever again! You are hereby permanently banned from this cherished tourist destination!”
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Jacques recoiled and stayed quiet.
Max watched the ghost in awe. Bernard was a formidable foe, indeed. It was now Max: 1, Bernard: 1, but Max knew this was far from over.
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Meanwhile, Jacques couldn’t believe what had just happened. As he stood there, cowed by a ghost and banned from his favorite establishment because of his kid, he realized something.
His children were a liability.
As long as his kids existed, he would never achieve true happiness. A heinous thought crossed his heinous mind for the second time tonight.
Jacques knew exactly what he had to do.
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happyinjection · 1 year
♠️♥️High Card Short Story 5 “Poison Phenomenon” (3/3)♦️♣️
The guys were supposed to be having a listening session, but somehow a dance battle broke out!? It was then Chris joined the fray...
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Original: https://twitter.com/highcard_pj/status/1540170704884072448
Author: https://twitter.com/poipheno
Artist: https://twitter.com/ebimoji3
After I showed off my street dance, Leo came at me. A face-off had been declared.
Leo sneered, one corner of his lip curling up.
“Finn. It seems that you have forgotten. I’ve received education for the specially gifted. There’s nothing I can not do.”
“You’re all talk, huh. Ain’t ya just bluffing? If you think you can do it, then show some proof. Only if you have the guts to, though.”
“Hmph. Such a simpleton.”
Leo turned on his heels and walked over.
Wendy just so happened to be there. Since she had been standing idly nearby, he gracefully took her hand into his.
“Eh, eh, eh...”
Wendy was utterly dumbfounded.
Pretending to not hear her, he dragged Wendy to the center of the showroom.
This guy must’ve been kidding.
“Impossible, impossible! I can’t dance to save my life!!”
“I’ll be your escort. Just follow my lead.”
Leo put his hand around Wendy’s waist and pulled her closer. There’s nearly no visible height difference between the two, but perhaps because he was guiding the other, Leo seemed a bit taller than usual.
“Ballroom dance, is it not? How nice.”
Vijay had a faint smile creeping up his face, but it was actually his houseplant (Justin for today) speaking.
I fiddled with my smartphone and picked an upbeat tune to play.
—On Leo’s command, the two began to dance.
Although Wendy’s movements were initially stiff and unsteady, as one would expect from the daughter of a master swordsman, she had complete control over her body. She adapted right away and held her own somehow.
With each step, Leo was whispering in Wendy’s ear their next move. Between the steps, nimble footwork were subtly mixed in. As Leo raised his hand toward the ceiling, Wendy’s hair swirled smoothly around them like a blooming flower.
“It’s Jitterbug, you see. Original movements are also added in to match the music.”
Vijay was also nodding his head along to the music every now and then. Meanwhile, Wendy used Leo’s arm to support her as she greatly curved her back backward. Wendy appeared to be nervous but having fun. On the other hand, Leo’s face looked very serious.
“Gah. As expected from the heir of Pinochle...”
I must admit that he had an airtight defense.
And just right then.
“What do we have here? I was wondering why it says temporary closed, but isn’t it lively?”
Chris, who had been doing business out, had just returned. Following that he stopped at his tracks.
“Woah, Wendy is dancing! She looks out of her element!”
“Shut up! It’s not like I wanted to!”
Wendy retorted as she kept on dancing.
“By the way, if it isn’t Poipheno, Finn’s favorite bunch. Perfect, then allow me to join.”
Chris threw his clutch bag on the sofa, and briskly leaped. When he landed, the soles of his leather shoes collided against the marble floor, making two faint thud sounds.
From there on, as Chris followed the rhythm with his feet, he danced as though he was made of flowing fabric from his arm down to his fingertips.
It was tap dance. Since it was done to match a rock number the moves might have been different than the original stuff, but he managed to fare with the music splendidly all the same. There was a dynamism in his dainty movements.
“I didn’t know Chris has this trick up his sleeve.”
At Vijay’s remark, as Chris continued to dance, he turned to face the former.
“If I can’t at least do this much, I’d be unworthy of the title of a ladies’ man, right.”
He spun, making a flourish show of a turn.
All of a sudden----
“Everyone, have you all been drinking alcohol?”
Bernard-ojiichan emerged from the office. His expression remained unchanged from the usual. Even if it was peaceful waters, as one couldn’t see what’s at the bottom, it evoked an instinctive sense of fear.
We shut our mouths at once. I quickly tapped away on my smartphone to stop the music, and a moment of silence washed over us.
“...You rascals, get back to work.”
At Leo’s cue, we disbanded right away.
Vijay was the only one wearing a serene smile which I couldn’t quite figure out, and as he poked at the leaves of his plant using his fingers, he was still subtly shaking his head.
TL notes: I’m in no way a professional translator so if you find any mistakes, please do not hesitate to inform me right away. Anyway, Jitterbug just means Swing in case you’re wondering (it was my first time hearing that). As usual, let’s enjoy High Card together~
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servants-hall · 10 months
The Gilded Age Will Get a Lot More Operatic in Season 2
Full article copied below:
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The second season of HBO’s The Gilded Age (premiering October 29) will amp up the stakes, along with the lavish production design. As we see in these first-look images and a new trailer, debuting exclusively on VF.com, the late-19th-century swells of the Upper East Side are back at it in extravagant fashion—while their maids and cooks and butlers scurry about the mansion basements attending to their own complicated intrigues.
“The whole thread of [season two] is wrapped around this story of dueling opera houses,” says executive producer David Crockett. Those houses are the Academy of Music, long the cultural destination of Manhattan’s most monied families, and the upstart Metropolitan Opera. (We, of course, know who won in the end.) “The opening nights of the 1883 season—and the first ever opening night of the Met—fell on the same night,” says Crockett. “So you have this very clear choice for all of New York society: Are you going to go the old money route, or the new money route? It’s a great engine for a classic clash.” 
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Bertha Russell, the new-money industrialist’s wife played with flint and mettle by Carrie Coon, lays it plain in an early episode of season two: “The opera is where society puts itself on display, where the elite meet each other and their children court each other and where the wheels of society turn.” And so we will watch those wheels turn, and wrench. As dramatized by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes, The Gilded Age gives viewers the vicarious delight of swanning around opulent estates and fabulous Newport parties—as well as perhaps the slight queasiness of guilt. After all, should we really be fawning over such blithe plutocrats?
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Executive producer Michael Engler, who also directs many episodes of the series, says that moral shading is a deliberate part of TheGilded Age picture, perhaps even more so in season two. “They have moral choices,” Engler says of the show’s many rich folks. “As you watch them make [those choices], that’s how you determine their moral character and value. It’s not, We love the rich and we love watching them, so we don’t really care how they act. You see what it takes and what it costs people to behave a certain way.” Season two will also expand on the first season’s glimpse of Black society in Brooklyn, the home turf of Denée Benton’s Peggy Scott, who works for a white family—among them the imperious and very old money Agnes van Rhijn (Christine Baranski) and her spinster sister, Ada (Cynthia Nixon)—while negotiating political and social matters across the river. Ada, meanwhile, may finally be getting a love interest. 
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Benton, Baranski, and Nixon are but three of the many New York stage luminaries who make up the cast of The Gilded Age. That the show is essentially a who’s who of Broadway stars wasn’t exactly by design; it was more an unexpected, and quite happy, development, says Engler. He remembers famed New York casting director Bernard Telsey telling him that a variety of notable names were eager to be a part of the project. “It was amazing. It was like, Really? She would play a recurring character on our show?”  Those actors are natural interpreters of The Gilded Age’s tone and temperament. “Our theater people are so trained to do this kind of material—great language, complex period character work—that they just never get to do on film,” says Engler. “Even Christine Baranski. She said, ‘I’ve done period plays my whole life, but I’ve never acted in a period thing on film.’ She was just so excited about doing that. It became clear that those were the people best suited to it, and we got particularly lucky.” 
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With its intricate environments—careful mixes of practical sets, real locations, and digital effects—and a sprawling cast of ornately costumed characters, The Gilded Age season two promises to deliver on the period grandeur so beloved by fans. “It’s much bigger than Downton,” says Engler, a veteran of that show. How could it not be, as The Gilded Age considers a whole city, teeming with stories, burgeoning along? It’s fitting, then, that so much of season two will center on something as sweeping—and expensive—as the opera. The curtain can’t raise soon enough.
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jazzytrait · 1 year
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(Transcript under the cut)
London: Welcome back to The Motive Trials, ladies and gentlemen! I am your host, London Greer, and we are about to begin challenge #3. But first, let's take a look at where we stand so far in the competition. Last week, we saw the curtain come down on Lauren Mack after a tangle with a hungry cowplant. She joins Kendall Shockley who, in our first round, kicked things up too many notches in the kitchen and went "bam".
This week's challenge will give our competitors some much needed time to relax those tired muscles and recharge. They'll each be hanging out in their own luxury sauna, but there can always be too much of a good thing! The challengers will need to stay cool under pressure because the first to overheat will be getting some rather permanent rest and relaxation. Let's head over to The Arena to begin the challenge!
And we can see those saunas beginning to fill with steam.
Grim: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually a little jealous of our competitors.
London: In need of a spa day, Grim?
Grim: This weather has been really hard on my skin.
London: Well, this doesn't seem to be hard on Carter at all.
Grim: Bernard is a little sweaty, but still seems to be relaxing.
London: Chen is looking downright invigorated! She looks like she wants to go for a run any moment now.
Grim: Meanwhile, Kendall and Lauren seem to be taking turns trying to scare one another.
London: I can't tell if that's a friendly game or not...
Tianna is starting to look like she has had enough of this spa treatment.
Grim: Chen still looks like she's getting pumped for that marathon after this round.
London: Aubree, on the other hand, looks like she really wants a shower.
Grim: Bernard has stood up. Is he feeling well?
London: I'm not sure, Grim. He looks pretty sweaty. He might be beginning to overheat...
Oh my! He does look a little overcooked, doesn't he?
Grim: Reminds me of Harvest Fest at my sister's house.
London: What?
Grim: Nevermind.
London: And once again, ladies and gentlemen, a purple curtain has come down in The Arena and this time it has come down on Bernard Harper! What an absolute shame it is. Let's go ahead and sit down with him and see how he's feeling after his elimination from the competition... and life.
Bernard, you put up such a good fight in this challenge. How are you feeling?
Bernard: I'm ok, I guess, but is it still hot in here? How can I still be sweating as a ghost?!
London: It's normal to retain a bit of the feeling of how you died. Sorry about that. Grim, this must be kind of interesting for you too. We know that The Harper Family is very closely guarded by their Watcher and are all granted immortality. Is this a first for you?
Grim: It is, London. Though, as we know, this Harper is just a clone and the real Bernard Harper is safe at home.
London: Well, Clone Bernard, we're not done with you yet. You'll be hanging out in The Arena with us for the rest of the competition.
Well, it is time for us to wrap this us, ladies and gentlemen, but tune in next week as we pit sim against snack in another action packed episode of The Motive Trials! I'm London Greer saying goodnight!
@akitasimblr @comfyinn @potionofquestionablecontents @natiesims @yeshummingbird @simsinfinitylt @moonfromearth @wildmelon
(Just realized I got no shots of Lavender this round. That's my bad. SORRYYYYYYYY)
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||An Officer's Corruption: part Seventeen||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but I'm going to add another part for the series today. I hope you like it and enjoy.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
((Your reading part Seventeen))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Nothing bad is present in this.
~Maybe violence
~Slight Drama/argument between two people is present in this
||Drabble Summary||
With the news of some prisoners being released for good behavior, Sukuna speaks privately to both Rex, Davion, and Terry after finding out more about them. He has some information he wishes to give. Meanwhile, The wardens that was holding the four fallen maidens were in a meeting with Kinie Ger. What could she wish to speak about? And what of Yuuka after she wakes up?
Second, how was Jaron after finally calming down? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Fin Reer, Ammit Ahmed, Eligor"Bernard"Claw, Rum'el "Angel"Fallen, Joshua Star, and Jaron Jackal belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Rex oxford mills, Yuuka Nakano, Melinda brooks, and Ashley Butterfly are my oc’s that belong to me and the same for Sukuna Ryomen comes from Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to having him as a muse. Same with Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
~~~~~~~~In Sukuna's home~~~~~~~~~
A fancy yet expensive building was resting there, having one person looking out while Sukuna was drinking something. It was a tough job to run this place at times by yourself but he was used to it so no problem. Though, he's gotten used to it so this is nothing to him. Now, he's in power and could do whatever he could just like his baby brother.
As he was drinking something else, a ringing was heard to make him look down. He picks up the phone seeing it was a video call and answers it.
"I have them on the line Mr. Ryomen. Their ready for you when you are." A female voice said but he looks to check. "Put them through.."
"Yes sir.."
After hanging up, he sees three main screens show up with familiar faces. "Gentlemen, I am happy you took my call at such a convenient time. I will make this quiet.." he said looking to three Videos with Davion, Terry, and Rex.
"Go ahead, what's the message you wish to pass on to us or was this regarding your offer to us?" Davion asked.
"Yes. I know you might not have heard but it seems I'm just giving you a heads up involving the little request you could do for me from time to time. Even if you three are well known in the black market." He said simply.
"Okay, but what is it?" Rex asked but Sukuna smiled to think.
"Lets just say I'm asking you men to take on missions from me from time to time while helping the police. I want you to join the police force but under the ones your being guarded over. I know you had some watching over you at this time so I'm also throwing in something you will known later on in the afternoon. They will tell you something you might like."
"Uh huh...."
"But I'm also asking if you can help too. I heard a lot about you Mr. McGinnis and also heard you have a hacker of your own?" he asked.
"I do. Black cat tends to do a lot of hacking work but she can get it done. I'm sure whatever your offering must be good if you got us interested." he said.
"Trust me, you three will like it but your officers will be told and pass the word to you later. I don't want to spoil anything." he said. Now the the other two were curious though Rex was wondering the same of what this is.
"Excuse me. Mr. Ryomen.."
"Yes Mills?" he asked.
"......What about my baby sister? Is she still...."
"Ahhhh yes, Miss Butterfly. Don't worry, her doctor is still keeping up to date with her. She's getting a lot more stronger and better thanks to her recent medicine. You could say she is still alright like I said. So don't worry." he said but Rex was happy to know that. Given the fact she had a gang of her own but most got most of them were in the same prison were Warden Star was.
"But speaking of which, I will again not say anything but I think you'll like what I'm willing to offer in exchange for you helping me. You'll know later in the afternoon. Understand?" he said seeing the three nod.
"Good. Have a good morning.." he said seeing the video calls end that Sukuna sits down again to drink some of his drink. A smile was seen on his lips but he was even thinking about Kinie and their little date. He couldn't wait for that but business first.
~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile on a seperate Video call~~~~~~~~~
Fin winces from the angry shout while he was sitting in his office listening to a very upset officer on video calls. Ahemd was with him but the two were having a private meeting with two others.
"Officer Barnard will you please calm down!? I know this is shocking to hear right now but I don't need you trying to cause a commotion over it-"
"Don't give me that Fin!! How in the hell is this even possible!? Or second, who would say that!?" he shouted annoyed and yet, this got him upset. "You know what those woman can do! You seen the report! I'm not letting the fallen maiden of Fall out!"
"That goes for me too..I mean, what the heck?! The fallen maiden of spring seems nice but she's just as dangerous. What is Warden Kinie thinking!?" officer Angel said nervous.
"I don't know. Honestly, we have no idea what gives her the idea but it has to be due to that Ryomen guy."
The guys said nothing but Ahemd sighed to look at them. "Trust me, we were shocked when she sent the report to us but it's true. Sukuna has indeed ask for this and it worries me. We all seen what Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter can do even without their leader.
"Four women ready to kill under no command knowing them and that makes them more dangerous. Even so, it worries us. You know what could happen if they-"
"I know.....and I'm hoping it don't." Fin said looking quiet. "However, she said they won't be released till their leader gets out so they are not out yet. Maybe we can try to talk to Kinie and hope that we can figure something out for now. Even so, it still a troubling situation." he said.
"For right now, we need to keep a eye on them so they don't cause anything and start anything even so. I'll guess we will stay informed for now before things get fixed later on. Is that fine?" he said seeing the other two sigh.
"Fine..but I still don't know.." Bernard said.
"We'll keep a update in case." Angel said knowing Kali will not be happy or maybe she isn't.
"Alright. Take you guys later." Fin said ending the video call. When he did, he sighed covering his face with his hands with Ahemd being quiet.
“Are you going to be okay?" he asked Fin but the other said nothing closing his eyes.
"I think so. Ughhhhh that Ryomen guy really knows how to cause a scene. Now we got this to worry about. I also know the only one that can control those ladies is Rex. Giving the idea to what might happen it worries me." he said and yet Ahemd remains quiet.
"I'm sure we can figure it out...but right now, lets just try not to focus on it too much. We still have two as they do so we can keep a eye on them just in case." he said. Hearing that, Fin agreed so it was time to check on some other things now.
~~~~~~~~~~~With Luna~~~~~~~~~~~
"Do you think that Oblivion is alright? She hasn't come back yet from her video call." Swan was with Luna right now as other officers were doing something. She got word the other officers Ming, Damien, Trevor, and Maxine were doing something else but also being sure the prisoners were alright. After the sudden event that happened with Nakano they were unsure on how to feel about it.
"So what do we do now? Given the idea to what just happened.."
"We are to stay on guard just in case. I never heard Yuuka scream like that before but I don't get why they have to keep giving her these shots. Seems it only aggravates her than help." she mutters. "Though, did you check on her?" she asked.
"...I did. She was awake after a few moments but..."
"I don't know. She looked to be sitting in the dark corner of her cell rocking back and forth. I don't know if it's a side effect due to the shot or something else..."
"......" Luna looks quiet for now but looks to the door where the holding cell was. She would be too dangerous to bring around other inmates explaining why shew as separated from them. With a sigh, she feels bad for Yuu. Really really bad.
"............You know? I don't know what happened in her history but it's not fair to her. At all. Even with them giving all these shots to her, it's just making her hate the police more and more." Luna had her arms crossed but she only remains quiet even so.
"For now, we'll just keep a eye on her but not get too close to anger her okay?" she said seeing Swan nod.
"O..Okay." the two agreed on that but looks seeing this. In that cell though, Yuuka was awake but she was facing the wall in the dark. She was resting against the wall in silence but soft mutters under her breath was barley heard. However, her nails were scratching where the shot was given showing some slight blood there.
"*Muttering to herself in tears*" She hated the police for this and even if some was helpful, she started to feel like all police were nothing but evil people.
~~~~~~~Meanwhile with Jaron & Melinda~~~~~~~~
Jaron was finally calm from what happened and yet, he was looking distracted. The male officers were told to go on break with some female officers watching the inmates. Some that was too nervous to be around them remain off duty. However, some still stayed. Right now, his mind was still focused on what that asshole Bradley said and to what he did. He couldn't have did that right?
Though, the words were still heard in his head of their conversation:
".....It's none of your concern to what is going on and I suggest you don't speak of Officer brooks in such a disgusting manner." he warns.
"Ha?!? Why???? Ohhhhh I'm sorry, I didn't know I insulted your partner so badly. It's not my bad she looks sexy to fuck. Or..*gaps* You two done it! Damn and here I thought I had the chance if you didn't...." he said.
"Besides, I would have enjoyed playing with her if I had the chance. But she's really cute and so soft too....smelled just like flowers..and tasted just like cookies after having a little bite~" he teased.
"........." Jaron wanted to rip his throat out for that but he was only remaining calm before getting concerned. What if it was true? He was knocked out before being woken up by that inmate so maybe....
Shaking his head, he turns to walk off that one of the guards noticed. "I'll be back. I need to check on someone. Can you stand guard for a while?" Jaron said.
"Of course officer Jackal." she said but he nods to walk off but he was quick on his feet. He had to know if it was true or hope he was wrong. Meanwhile, Melinda was drinking some hot tea with honey right now but she was looking out the window after trying to calm her mind for a moment. Everything seems to be okay but none of the inmates seem to be a threatening after what happened. Well, some of them were either sent off for that or others in detention cell under the prison. She heard Bradley was still there till further notice.
As she was about to take a sip from her mug, a knock was heard from the door to make her blink. "???? "Now who could that be right now. She got up to go answer the door but when she did she saw Jaron.
"Hmm? Jaron? What's the matter-"
"We need to talk. Can I come in?" he said. She blinks to wonder what was up but lets him in while she was confused. As she closed the door she turns to face him.
"What's the matter? Do you want something to drink-"
"No no. Well, maybe but I wanted to ask you something.."
"Did....did you see any bite marks on you?" he asked but she blinks now looking a little confused.
"Bite marks? What are you talking about?" she asked but Jaron sighed to look at the window but then at the hot mug on the table there.
"A bite mark you know.....from that night." he said but she remains quiet to look silent but remembers. The riot. She looks quiet but looks to him worried.
"I don't know..I mean.....maybe? I don't remember given the fact I was knocked out at the time so I don't know what happened. Execpt the voices being muffled." she said with arms crossed. "Though, what's that got to do with-"
"It's serious Melinda. I just need to know. Did you see any on you?"
"........No? But what has that got to-" Right away, she saw him grab her wrist gently. "???"
"I need to check. Can I?" he said.
"I guess so but seriously Jaron? What-" She remains still seeing him checking for any bites. None of her stomach. None of her arms or wrists. Even seeing her back had none. He wasn't sure if Bradley said that to provoke him but if it was, he did a too good job on it. Maybe he was seeing things, maybe he wasn't. However, when he saw her adjust her shirt he saw something. A tint of dark scaring was seen near her shoulder and neck. ".........."
"Did you find something Jaron? Your not saying anything." Melinda said not moving but he held back from being mad to look away after letting her go. She felt that but turns to face him worried. "Jaron?"
"...Damn that fucking bastard. He did bite you."
She tenses not expecting to hear him swear like that. Yeah, something was wrong clearly and it was worrying her.
"I saw two bites on you.healed. One on your shoulder and one on your neck. They should have been gone but they are healing almost gone but that damn asshole's smell is also on you too. Fuck, i know I should have.."
"Easy Jaron....so you seen them?"
"Yes I've seen them. Their on you because of that guy!"
"The guy?"
"Bradley Dapozzo, Melinda! That guy!"
"Bradley......" She blinks to take time to think about it before remembering. She read his file before with Jaron and he was one twisted headed guy. Now looking worried, she looks at him then to the ground.
"So I did..but then he........" she mutters touching her neck shoulder that she got worried not expecting to hear Jaron this mad. "Jaron, I had no idea honestly. I was out when this even happened."
"I know you were. I know because he and some damn inmates were talking and asking about some damn deal. I didn't want anything to happen to you nor the female officers they got. That idiot put aphrodisiac in the cakes that night to ensure they get the women there even you so they could......." he didn't want to say but Melinda knew only making her nervous. So that's what happened.
"Even now, I already warned him to leave you and the other females alone as his 'friends' were taken care of. But I still should have..."
"Easy Jaron, your getting really upset right now. It's unlike you to be this mad.."
"I can't help it. I'm angry because I didn't want anything to happen but he could have done worse if I didn't do anything that night!" he said closing his eyes. "I never want anything to happen to you Melinda and it includes this too."
"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't know they would have spiked the cake nor the other females did either. We all were eating the cake but I don't know." she said.
"I get that but still, it's like every guy wants to just cause some damn scene and it's annoying it had to be sickos like him!"
"Again, It's not my fault. How was I suppose to know he even spiked the cake? How was the other officers to know they had spiked cake?"
"Again, I don't know! It's like no matter what happens you tend to get caught and hurt in the situation." he said but Melinda blinks to look at him.
"What's that suppose to mean? I don't always try to get caught like that. I know better but that night was just-"
"A lot? It was just dinner and it's like no matter what, something happened when it involves you!" he said but Melinda looked a bit upset now.
"Wait...are you saying this is my fault? That I should have did better with being on guard as an officer?"
".....I'm not saying that. I just think you might need to do better with your surroundings Melinda. I don't want anything happening to you."
"Jaron, I know the risks when I took this job. I can take care of myself remember? I'm not a weak woman that gets caught every time. That was just one time!"
"But what if it happens again!? What if someone else tries something and I wasn't there!?" he said raising his voice but she looks at him back.
"I can take care of myself Jaron Jackal! You know that and my leader told you that when we became partners! I know the risks and I'm strong enough to fight off dumb inmates that don't know any better! Your making it sound like I'm weak-"
"I'm not saying that!"
"Sounds like you are!" she said now mad.
"I SAID I'M FINE! I'M NOT A WEAK PERSON THAT NEEDS TO BE SAVED EVERY 24/7!" she said shouting back. "That was one night I was caught off guard! I know it won't happen again but I had a headache at the time when it happened!" she shouted at him.
"And what if it does!? What If I'm not there to keep you safe!? What if you got badly hurt that I couldn't do a damn thing about it!? Jinx knows we are partners and I already gave my word that I would ensure you were safe!"
"I told you I'm fine!"
"Stop being so difficult!"
"You stop being so difficult!"
Both him and her glare at one another even if the jackals and lung dragons were worried. They shouldn't be arguing like this! It's unlike them!!
"I know you are strong but again, I'm not saying that to insult you or anything Melinda!"
"Then why do you make it sound like I shouldn't even do this!? I want to do what I can to help out and Jinx knows what I can do! YOU know what I can do out of everyone else you understand me!"
"I know that!"
"So why make it sound like I don't!? I didn't know about the bite because I was knocked out due to the headache and the drug! If I had known then I would have did something but I didn't know!"
"Your a damn demon Melinda like me!? You didn't know that!?"
"I DO KNOW THAT! HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW!!" she shouted now that he looks away. "If your that concerned about me I appreciate it but I can take care of myself too Jaron! I've gotten stronger as I got older! You always said that to me but now your thinking I'm not!? What the hell-"
"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU DAMN IT!" he shouted back hitting the table hard that he knocks the mug over hearing it shatter.
"If you know you can take care of yourself that's great but you know that I'm worried even when we are dating your still someone I care about! I don't want any jerk to hurt you. What if he did hurt you!? or worse! i wouldn't forgive myself because you got hurt so much because of me! I JUST FUCKING WISH YOU TRUST ME MORE AND TALK MORE TO ME!!!"
"........." Their was silence in the room but Jaron's heavy breathing but Melinda was looking quiet while holding her arm. As she tries to speak, Jaron sighed.
"..I...I think you need to leave Jaron to clear your head...Mine as well..." she said looking away from him as she goes to work on picking up the pieces of the Mug.
"Wait, leave? But-"
"...Please.....I think we need a moment to calm down..." she said trying not to cry right now. Jaron said nothing but as he takes a step forward..
"I said LEAVE!" she shouted that he tenses up to stop. Being quiet, he looks away but turns to walk off before stopping at the door.
"....I'll.......I'll check on you later.." he said but opens the door and closes it. When she heard that, she held the pieces before her hands were shaking. Some tears were seen but she only looks quiet to set them down quietly crying.
Meanwhile, Jaron was outside but he heard the crying. He didn't mean to upset her but he had to fix this. Though, he did deeply care about her but he just got a bit too angry. It's not common for him to do this. He had to clear his head before checking on her later. Turning, he walks off to the outside to calm down for awhile. Two female officers were shocked hearing the argument but looks to one another hoping they will be okay.
Though, as many say, two people need time so it seems to be needed. They were sure he will speak to her later on when they are calm. Right now; they need space.
~~~~~Meanwhile in a recent location~~~~~~
Seems a fight had just got broken up but Officer Fireleo was shocked too. A few other officers from Joshua's officer team were shocked seeing another person but a inmate standing in between officer Maggie and a fire ice male who was sitting down.
'What the hell?' Maggie thought but she sees the other looking down quietly while petting the other inmate T-bone's head as he was calm. Other inmates were scared seeing this woman do this but she said nothing looking at him since she broke up the sudden fight between them. Without getting in the fight herself.
"There you g..go...just relax. Theirs no need to fight anymore T-bone." Inmate #349x A.K.A Ashley Butterfly or Ash for a nickname, head gang leader of the Shallow butterflies or to say the demonic plant butterfly demon.
Seems something else has happened hasn't it?
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sirenat-t · 11 months
I’m Happy For Your Sorrow Part 1 (Yandere Collin Averink x Reader One-Shot)
Collin Averink and all other characters mentioned in this fic belong to @blackmoonowl . Thank you Owl for letting us use your characters in our own works!
This fic was inspired by a convo I had with the Collin ai and the hcs of Collin x optimistic reader written by Owl.
Sorry for grammar mistakes, I suck lol
It’s been a while since you first appeared in this manor. You couldn’t count the days, months, or possibly even years you lived here. Time was too confusing in this world. After crying many tears for your old home now lost, you found yourself warming up to the residents of this strange place. The beginning was very rocky, but with the help of Bernard you settled in just fine. You’ve learned many things about the residents here. things that are heartbreaking, actually. But you tried your best to stay positive, and I suppose it worked! You had a knack for optimism. Looking on the bright side. Your life philosophy was strange to many that live here, but after talking with them, listening to their struggles and offering them a helping hand, you found that they started to have changes of heart, little by little. It made you happy to know that you could change lives for the better.
William, Bernard, Maximilian, Henry, Rudolph to some degree, and even Richard found themselves in a better place after a conversation with you. It seems you had touched the souls of everyone here, except for one.
He didn’t speak to you at all. When you saw him in the halls walking or nose deep in a book, you would offer him a friendly wave. It was either met with a blank stare or a cold glare. It was a little upsetting to know he didn’t like you despite never having even talked to you, but hey. Not everyone can like you. You never stopped being nice to him though.
~Present Day~
“That sounds awfully troubling William”
“Indeed. I find myself more exhausted than usual, my dear”
You’re talking with the leader of the silver spines. It seems Matthew and Avarus have been giving him a hard time with the amount of work he has to do. He was already a busy man, but you can see the added stress on his shoulders clear as day. It’s evidenced by the even darker circles under his eyes
“I can’t imagine how all that work must make you feel”
A tired laugh left the man’s mouth
“Some days I feel as if I’m drowning”
“I’ve never had the amount of pressure you have on your shoulders. I find it incredible how you manage to keep going despite every hardship. You’re a strong man, William.”
He looks at you. A tired smile on his face
“I remember when I felt overwhelmed by my work. It felt as if nothing would ever get done no matter how hard I tried.”
While you and the leader were having your small chat, a silent figure turned the corner. He stood there, observing you both
“A long time ago, a person gave me some advice and I found it really helped me. If tasks seem too much, break it down into pieces you know you can handle. It doesn’t matter how small the pieces are, work at a rate you’re comfortable at”
William sat there, happy and grateful for your support. Meanwhile, the silent warden was studying both of your expressions, tones, body language. Everything.
“Work little by little and everything will fall into place.”
“I see. Thank you very much for your support, my dear. I appreciate it”
You smiled. A pure smile. You looked happy.
“Of course, and please remember to take breaks. Bernard almost fainted when you fell asleep while cutting vegetables.”
William chuckled
“Yes, I’ll do my best. Thank you for listening”
You offered the tried man a soft and sweet smile,
“Anytime, it’s my pleasure”
Both of you left with a smile on your face.
The silent figure eyed the two of you down while you went your separate ways.
~Later that evening~
You sat down at a social room table, talking with Percy and Maximilian. You all were smiling (in Percy’s case, less psychotically than usual) and laughing with each other
“You are just too funny, my darling!”
You giggled at the actors compliment. It was all light hearted banter until you saw a splotch of red in your peripheral vision. Max was the first one to speak,
“Collin Averink, lovely to see you this evening! Care to join us for some champagne?”
Max was his usual cheerful self, inviting Collin. To your surprise, Collin walked towards the three of you.
“May I borrow (Y/N) for a minute?”
He spoke with a deep and serious tone, staring down at you with his piercing amber eyes. Even though his looks could kill, you smiled at him anyways,
“Of course!”
You looked back at your two French friends
“I’ll be back in just a moment. Don’t drink all the champagne”
They both chuckled and you began to walk down the hallway with Collin. He didn’t say anything. Feeling awkward, you decided to break the silence
“So…I’m happy I’m finally getting a chance to talk to you! I’ve never had a one on one conversation with you before”
“Yes, I am aware”
He didn’t sound happy at all. That’s usual though
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
“I want to know more about you”
He said that with a flat tone. Despite his monotone voice, your smile grew brighter
“Really!? I’m flattered”
He glanced at you with a deadpan look. Clearly not happy at your enthusiasm.
“That’s not a compliment. I want to understand you, that’s all”
“Right…so. What would you like to know?”
You both continued to walk down the seemingly endless hallways. Who ever built this place really needed to rethink their architectural abilities.
“Why do you walk around with that smile on your face?”
Your gleeful look faded a little when he said that
“What do you mean?”
“Isn’t it obvious? You’re eternally trapped in our own personalized hell with absolutely no possibility of escape whatsoever. Everything is stacked against you and yet you still walk about with that smile plastered onto your face. Why?”
You were shocked.
“I just try and live my life to the best of my ability. Make the most of it, you know?”
He stared at you, signature blank face and all.
“What is here to make the best of?“
“Even though my circumstances aren’t exactly perfect, I don’t need to have a ‘white picket fence’ life to be happy. I create my own happiness.”
You spoke with a soft smile. Anyone here would say it was a ray of sunshine. Collin thought it was ridiculous.
“Happiness. A useless emotion”
He scoffed,
“I don’t concern myself with temporary emotions such as happiness”
In his mind, he was proud of that. Proud of the fact he never let unrealistic things like happiness cloud his judgement. He was a thinker, and a good one at that! He was the man above all emotion. He never let emotions dictate anything. He wasn’t like Bernard who let guilt and compassion run his life. Nor was he like Richard who let ego and fear run his life. No. He was above it all. Untouchable logic was his whole person, and that fact gave him pride. It was the one thing he had over everyone else.
“But happiness isn’t an emotion. It’s a state of mind“
You said that so fluidly. You sounded genuine too. Collin turns to look at you, despite his blank face, he started to feel confused.
“If you are correct, then tell me, what is it to be ‘happy’?”
You think for a moment,
“Imagine it’s raining. What would you think?”
He looked at you, classic straight face
“I would think it is raining.”
As if the answer was obvious, he stated it without hesitation. You shook off his dull reply and continued your line of thought.
“Umm…What I meant was, would you be upset that it’s raining? I mean, the rain is hard to walk through, your shoes get all wet, your hair gets messed up, plans get cancelled, and you could catch a cold if you’re out in it for too long”
He nodded.
“Yes, those things would make any normal person upset, but I fail to see the connection between this and ‘happiness’.”
You look at him with eyes filled with patience, comfort and hope. He felt strange looking at something so wholesome, yet he couldn’t look away.
“Well, what if instead of focusing on all the bad things about the rain, you thought of it like this? The rain is calming, the rain is helping plants grow, and it gives animals water to drink”
He listens intently to every word that leaves your mouth. You look in front of you with a face that reeks of peace and contentment.
“Maybe when the rain is over you will see a rainbow! You can’t have the beauty of a rainbow without a little rain. And besides, even if it is raining, there’s always sun behind those grey clouds. That’s happiness. At least, that’s what it means to me”
Your speech could light up a room and thaw the coldest heart. A jolt of warmth ran through Collin’s body for the first time in centuries. That was sweet. So sweet. Too sweet. Sickeningly sweet. Deep inside his soul, a small burning feeling starts to appear and it was only going to get worse.
“I see. So happiness is merely ignorance to what is wrong and an extreme focus on what is right?”
His voice remains cold and calculating. He refuses to let your positivity change his mind. You shake your head softly, your patience remaining steadfast as ever.
“No, you’re not ignoring the bad things around you. You’re not blinding yourself with the lie that everything is perfect. You’re choosing to look at the world in a more positive way. Rain can definitely be an inconvenience, but you can’t let it ruin your day. Focus on the good it brings and soon you’ll find that the rain is much easier to handle”
Your thought process was so simple. How? Happiness can’t be that simple. None of the men in this cursed mansion have happiness, especially not him. So why do you have it? He thinks of a retort to your optimist philosophy, hoping to stump you. He doesn’t even realize he’s starting to care about you.
“And what if it does ruin your day? What if something bad happens, and you simply can’t ignore it?”
He looks at you, awaiting your answer.
“You push through it. There’s a new day waiting for you tomorrow.”
A new day. Of course there’s always a new shining day just waiting to greet you! God damn it.
“That is…optimistic. But do you really think that’s all it takes? Pushing through it? Looking at the positive?”
You shrug your shoulders little bit. You don’t even realize you’re starting an internal war within the manor’s most logical man.
“There’s more to it. Emotions need time to be felt. Even the bad ones. Life isn’t all black and white. Things get complicated. Sometimes you need to be sad to be joyful later on. You need to be angry in order to calm down. Everything we feel has a purpose. I look towards the good that the bad will bring.”
Collin felt something. He felt irritated. He didn’t look at you. He couldn’t stand to look at your peaceful face. You noticed his lack of eye contact.
“Collin? Are you okay?”
He tried to hold onto his cold persona, but it was beginning to crack.
“Your positivity is an odd thing. It’s annoying.”
He said that with conviction but you smile and giggle at it. Laughing in the face of insult. He never met anyone who wasn’t at least a little scared of him, but you took it to another level. Even when he tells you you’re whole person is equivalent to nails on a chalk board, you don’t get angry. Your composure with him only succeeded in making him more frustrated with you.
“Really, my positivity is annoying to you?”
He nods
“Yes, very much so”
You turned to face him and he can’t help but look at you as well. His face is no longer stone cold. His appearance looks the slightest bit confused and more than a little vexed.
“What about it annoys you?” You asked
He didn’t have to think for long,
“Your positivity is so potent it’s like you exist in your own little world where negatives don’t even exist”
You saw the struggle in his face, and you sense why he feels this way.
“Collin, would you say you have a lot of negatives in your life?”
You speak so soft, gentle, and calmingly. It’s almost like a lullaby. He wants to walk away from this question but your angelic tone makes him stay. It’s foreign to hear such nice things in a place like this.
“Yes. That’s all there is”
“I see, and you think that I have no negatives…it isn’t fair is it. Why are some people stuck in misery while others are blessed with joy? Who decides such a thing?”
He now was stunned for a split second. Where did this question come from? Why the sudden change in tone? He thinks for a moment
“I don’t know.”
Is it Fate? Destiny? God? Collin never believed in such things. However, the cruel irony of life sometimes made him wonder if there really is a God and their only job is only to sow seeds of misery. You nod solemnly at his answer.
“I was thinking the same thing.”
“Collin, pardon me if this question is intrusive, but perhaps you are annoyed at me because I’m living the life you aren’t?”
Now that’s an accusation. That fire grew immensely hot in his heart. Irritation started to morph into a form of rage. He stared at you for what felt like hours.
“Your happiness irks me. Your positivity is annoying. You really have no idea how irritating you are, do you?”
You didn’t get mad at him. You continue to smile understandingly. Your peaceful aura keeps Collin calm physically, but inside he is pissed off at you. So terribly pissed off.
You smile once more at him, but not in an ignorantly blissful way. Your smile holds the weight of emotional perception. You know something about him…
“Ha, meeting someone so happy you want to kick it right out of them. Talking to someone so nice you want to punch their teeth in. Being face to face with someone so seemingly perfect that it makes you want to vomit”
you spoke those violent words so steadily. A sharp shooter armed with words.
He felt seen when you said that. His mind, although mixed up with confusion, felt some level of tranquillity at the fact you knew what it was like to feel such resentment. Like two souls connecting in the dark. He felt a moment of peace during that second of mutual understanding. The forced feeling calm was awful. He was losing his composure now. You speak as though you are just as miserable as the rest of them.
“You talk as though you experience resentment, and yet you’ve made it clear that you don’t”
He feels resentment. Resentment towards you and how happy you are. You’re too happy for your own good. He wants to see you angry, sad, pissed off. Anything if it makes you look like less of an angel.
“I know what’s it like meeting someone so perfect is disgusting. And the worst part is, you can’t even hate them for it! They never did anything to you. They’re only crime was being happy. Feeling that jealous and resentful towards people just for being happy makes one feel pathetic.”
He felt like his heart was starting to burn. The fact you connect him makes you more perfect! Is there even a reason to hate you!?You’re so amazing at this, you really are.
“How would you know?”
He raised his voice for the first time. He sounds like he’s getting progressively more done with this conversation, and yet he’s hanging off your every word.
“I understand, Collin. I wasn’t born with rose-tinted glasses.”
You understood his frustration. You both share the same sentiment. How dare you. You know what you are and yet you still torment him with your own happiness. This was torture. You’re just torturing him with that sweet knowing look in your eyes.
“How did you overcome it?”
It’s like he was looking for the secret of life. Clearly you know something he doesn’t, and he hates that. What’s the secret? How does one achieve heaven like bliss? Your answer broke him.
“I didn’t. It’s not about rising above your feelings. It’s about learning to accept and be at peace with them”
What the fuck. No. That can’t be it. Because if that’s all there to it…then….
“So you feel all this resentment and you just choose not to show it!?”
Anger seeps into his voice. A regular person would run away from him in fear. Collin and anger are not a good combination, but you stay as serene as ever. He was more emotional than you at the moment.
“No, I choose not to let it define me”
At that statement, something in Collin clicked. Everything came into perspective and it was the worst portrait of himself he had ever seen. In an instant his face went from enraged, to enlightened, and then back to neutral. Such a switch was not normal for him. This epiphany he had would change him forever.
“You…are the wisest person I’ve ever met”
With that, he turned around and quickly walked off.
He didn’t spare you another look. His deep scarlet cape waving gently behind him as he left you in the dust.
“Bye…” You said to no one but yourself, and you were left alone, wondering what you did wrong
~Collin’s POV~
‘No. No. No. this can’t be. I can’t be like this.’
He picked up his pace as he stormed down the hallway
Your words. They hit something within him that made him realize he was all wrong. You know anger just as well as he did. You both started out at rock bottom, and yet you’re happy while he’s miserable. You made him realize he wasn’t above it all. He is driven by the same emotions as everyone else. Hatred and pride. He’s lived his entire life under false pretences.
Happiness was one step away and he never took it. It was the simplest thing and he didn’t even realize it was there. He felt like a moron. He hated it. Your words, so calm and soothing. He understood why everyone loved you. Hell, he started to care about you too and he absolutely hated it.
Everything he thought he had that separated himself from the miserable cesspool of emotion was never there to begin with. He was covered in the stuff as much as every other dirty sinner. You tore down his entire being in one conversation. You ruined him with a sweet smile on your face. He couldn’t find a reason to hate you other than your happiness.
He was riddled with jealousy. He hated the fact you’re happy here while he has to be sick with this crippling anger.
‘I hate you. I hate you so much. I hate that there’s no reason to hate you. I hate that I like you!’
Collin now knows his heart was driven by hatred. He hates the fact he likes you. He hates the fact there’s no reason to be mad at you. He hates that you make him feel peace when no one else can.
As he walked down the hallways. Portraits on the walls pass him one by one, faces melted together. They all looked the same. Miserable. Just like him. In a moment of unbridled rage he slammed his fist against the wall.
“Why can’t I hate you!?”
No one else was around. It was only him with his feelings. He felt them all at once. Hatred, care, frustration, hope, disgust, everything. Logic couldn’t sort this out. He was left lost within his own mind.
‘Happy? Happy!? I’ll be happy once I know you’re dead!’
Just then. An idea sparked through his mind.
If he can’t find happiness in the positives, he can find it through the negatives.
“I’ll be happy once I know you’re as miserable as me”
To be continued…
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'David Tennant’s comeback tour as the Doctor began with the glorified greatest hits set that was “The Star Beast”– a sweet, funny slab of kid-friendly telly that lovingly scratched its audience under the chin. But returning showrunner Russell T Davies had promised that “Wild Blue Yonder”, the second of Tennant’s three 60th anniversary instalments, would be “darker… not scary… just genuinely weird”. He wasn’t joking.
There have always been many sides to the BBC’s most beloved sci-fi franchise. One of its more distinctive flavours is “Weird Who” (remember those killer wheelie bins from Davies’s first season in 2005?).
It is a tradition that the enjoyably bonkers “Wild Blue Yonder” follows with a spring in its stride. Set aboard a haunted starship, this second adventure featuring the reunited Doctor and Donna (Catherine Tate) tips its hat to Ridley Scott’s original Alien. Meanwhile, its plunge into claustrophobic body horror suggests a familiarity with the Dead Space video games.
Whatever the inspiration, it’s great fun – illuminated by the livewire enthusiasm of the two leads. And that’s despite a worrying moment when the Doctor references the dreadful and completely baffling Chris Chibnall’s “Flux” story arc from 2021, which made even hardcore Whovians feel adrift in time and space.
Never mind, the script pushes swiftly on, and we can again forget Flux ever happened. Nevertheless, some fans may be slightly underwhelmed. The BBC hasn’t done itself any favours by keeping the plot of “Wild Blue Yonder” under wraps. In so doing, it has fuelled wild speculation among Whovians – to the point where director Tom Kingsley had to take to Twitter to dampen the hype. “The story of ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ isn’t a secret because there are any surprise returning actors or villains,” he wrote. “It’s just because we thought you might find it fun to watch it without knowing what’s going to happen next.”
“The Star Beast” ended with Donna spilling coffee on the Tardis control panel and sending the machine into the temporal vortex. Taking up the story, “Wild Blue Yonder” has the pair initially materialise atop a tree in England in 1666 – watched on by an astonished Isaac Newton. “Was it me or was Isaac Newton hot?” Donna later wonders. The Doctor nods: “He was so hot.” Then, a pause. “Oh, is that who I am now?”
It is the latest indication that his sexuality may be more fluid than historically believed (as already broadly hinted during the Jodie Whittaker years). Donna shrugs: “It was never that far from the surface, mate.”
His orientation is the least of their concerns. The Tardis has beamed aboard a spaceship while its speakers blast “Wild Blue Yonder” – the anthem of the US Air Force. Why a war song? And why vanish suddenly – stranding the Doctor and Donna?
The Doctor has a theory about the latter. The Tardis has a “Hostile Action Displacement System”, which kicks in when danger is near. It’s taken itself off somewhere safe – presumably to return when the coast is clear.
In the meantime, the duo have a vast spaceship to explore. A sad robot shuffles down a corridor, and a command bridge looks out at sheer emptiness. They’re at the very edge of the universe – gazing into a terrifying void where only madness lurks. Viewers can replicate the experience at home by tuning into the next episode of I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!
But they’re not as alone as they think. The ship is also home to a pair of shape-shifting aliens, who turn into carnival mirror approximations of the Doctor and Donna. Comedy and horror bump against each other as the doppelgängers struggle to keep it together. “My arms are too long,” says the fake Doctor, dragging two massive rubberised hands like an oversized bendy toy.
Davies is correct to describe “Wild Blue Yonder” as more weird than scary. It’s a hoot seeing the real Doctor and Donna chased by the amorphous ETs, who briefly grow so large that they wedge the corridor like exiles from a Lovecraftian clown show.
There is further fun along the way as Davies replays the old TV trope of two lookalikes, each pretending to be the “real” version of someone. He also comes up with the clever idea of the aliens feeding on the anger and fear of the Doctor and Donna. It reads like a commentary on how social media monetises our darkest emotions (the monsters are temporarily powerless when Doctor and Donna clear their minds).
This is the point at which Chibnall-era Who would try to be clever by chucking in extra story elements and confusing everyone. Davies plays it straight, keeps it simple, and allows the Doctor and Donna to outsmart the shape-shifters, whose ultimate plan is to mimic the newcomers so perfectly that they can take control of the Tardis.
They are defeated, of course, and it’s back to London. There, we are treated to a moving cameo by Donna’s grandfather, Wilfred Mott, played by the late Bernard Cribbins in one of his final screen appearances (which sets up next week’s adventure when a passenger jet screams overhead and crashes).
One of the most impressive aspects of these new Tennant adventures is their determination to play it straight. Davies’s big return could easily have tripped up on its self-importance. The 60th anniversary is on the way, and Tennant is making history as the first Doctor to return for an entire arc.
But all of that is left unstated. Davies, Tennant and Tate are here because they love the Doctor. That uncomplicated enthusiasm ripples through an episode that is ultimately just another great helping of Who.'
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furryprovocateur · 10 months
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fire emblem, or, as i like to call it, the game where you can make no mistakes and still lose. yeah i'm fucking mad but whatever, i did it.
this chapter really isn't THAT bad, i feel like the strategies for dealing with everything are fairly apparent. i just got some really dogshit luck on multiple attempts (3 60% attacks in a row missed and then in a separate attempt 2 90% attacks missed 🤪) so it really soured the shit out of my mood. the basic strategy you want to use is send two cavs + hector + priscilla and one other unit (in my case, it was guy) to the north, send matthew to the west and give him a buddy unit to kill the shaman unless your matthew has gotten stupidly good (or you just want to roll dice loaded against you 3-4 turns in), leave two of your units (one of them should preferably be lyn) behind to deal with the cav + nomad reinforcements. lyn benefits greatly from mani katti here and will nail kills she otherwise has next to no business getting. in a bizarre twist of fate, my lyn has 14 strength and 13 speed. can't tell if i should be arguing that she's blessed in strength or getting burned in speed. probably both.
speaking of level ups, i feel like i got an okay assortment of them. feel like i'm getting mostly average level ups in that people are getting the stats they should be (i.e. florina's getting speed and resistance, hector's getting strength and defense, lowen's getting whatever + defense), and while i wish i was getting ever so slightly better level ups on people like guy (he's always juuuuuust shy of 1RKOing and can't double with the iron blade), i feel like i should largely have no complaints. kent's basically caught up as well, low on skill but skill is a meme stat.
the biggest annoyance of the map is the thieves that spawn in the north. one of them will just fuck off (i assume this is because it's there to go for the chests to the west that i always end up getting before he's even a presence), but the other one is a super asshole. on my previous attempts i was able to intercept him and kill him before he looted more than one chest (meaning you can still get all the treasure), but in the one that beat the chapter, the little cunt got to the silver sword then the knight crest, meaning i lost the silver sword. the only positive i can say is that he never does the reverse (which would be a colossal hit (that i would reset over)), and the silver sword is only 1500 gold. but it's really just the principle of the matter. way more annoyed about it than i really should be but i'll survive.
people shit on lucius but he does one solid thing, regardless of whether or not you used him in lyn mode: he's able to lure out one of the knights in bernard's room and kill it with a 3HKO. it's nothing impressive but it's something. meanwhile, his boyfriend raven unfortunately wasn't able to do much for me since i needed him to recruit lucius. he doesn't need experience that badly for now, but the sooner i can make him a frontliner, the better. he is one of the stars of HHM after all.
speaking of bernard's room! capital F FUCK that mage in that room. dude's a gigantic fuck and i wish the worst on him.
bernard himself was very "whatever" to kill. hector with wolf beil deleted him in 2 hits. i would've vastly preferred to get the kill with someone else, as hector's about to hit level 15 (which is fairly overleveled compared to the rest of my units and enemies in the current chapters + i don't need him hitting 20 early), but there were no really good options out of the people available (eliwood, kent, guy, lowen). eliwood could've maybe done some damage, but the rapier only has 4 uses and eliwood isn't as reliable as ol' hector.
i am grouchy and bitchy rn, but i'll probably wake up pretty happy with how things turned out. i was very worried about hitting both tactics and experience goals, so to clear both that well is very fortunate. i'm at the point where i need to start cycling some units out (i.e. lowen), and i'd like to make use of rebecca/bartre but it's hard to catch them up. maybe pirate ship will be kind to them. but you know what chapter isn't going to be kind to me? the next one! not looking forward to port of badon, but at least it's got double the turns for 5 star compared to HNM (seriously, fuck doing that chapter in 5 turns). also gonna have to decide how many units i want to bring just for the premise of using them in the arena. erk in the arena for experience buffering is extremely tempting. i'll meditate on it.
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wasabiwarrior · 1 year
(Bernard the Elf x Reader(any gender)
Romantic attraction
Chapter count 19 with epilogue
Meanwhile back at the North Pole, the workshop and all around the pole were as busy as ever and Christmas was drawing ever closer. Bernard had been contemplating whether now was the right time to tell the new Santa (Scott Calvin) the news he has been keeping from him as he knew this Santa would be more understanding. He waits until later that day when the work is almost done and makes his way up to Santa’s office.
He knocks lightly and is told to enter. Bernard enters slowly and a little nervously as he doesn’t know how he will react to the news. He sees Santa sitting by the fire enjoying a nice book, but he stops as soon as he sees the nervous look on Bernard’s face.
Santa offers him a seat and mug of hot cocoa, to which Bernard accepts both. Santa found this to be very strange as the last time Bernard looked similar to this was when he was trying to break the news that he needed a wife to continue been Santa.
He asked him what the matter was and after a few moments and a big sigh Bernard starts to explain.
He tells Santa all about what happened that night 20 years ago long before he was Santa and how he broke the rule of not wiping your memory which luckily the other Santa never found out. He explains why he broke that rule and who you are to him, how important it was that he didn’t and how much you already mean to Bernard even though he’s only met you once. He went on to finish with how he had been marking out the days for the past 20 years to this year which marks when you are able to come back to the North Pole and visit and maybe stay.
While Bernard spoke Santa never interrupted him he let him speak all the while looking at him with concentration while playing with his beard which he often did while thinking.
When Bernard had finished he looked up to see the face of Santa which he was finding hard to read. All of sudden Santa stood up put his hand on Bernard’s shoulder and started to pace in front of the fire, Bernard stood up also as he didn’t know what was coming.
After a few moments he stops, faces Bernard and smiles. He tells him that he will find a way to bring you to the pole as it was important that you should be there, no that you needed to be there. At the news Bernard’s face lights up and thanks him for understanding, but as Bernard makes for the door Santa stops him. He tells him that he won’t be the one going for you, he’ll send Curtis. This makes Bernard face slightly drop but he explains that he wants the meeting between the two of you to be done just right, and that wouldn’t be how. Bernard smiles again in understanding and leaves the office to go back to work.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
N.S. bishop to meet parishioners before deciding fate of historic Acadian churches
The senior Roman Catholic bishop in Nova Scotia is holding meetings this weekend along the province's Acadian shore to discuss offers on two huge and historic churches.
The Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth has accepted a conditional offer for Saint Bernard Church -- a 1,300-square-metre building southwest of Digby, N.S., which opened in 1932 -- from a buyer with plans to repair and repurpose the building. The structure, which needs millions of dollars in upgrades, was constructed with 8,000 blocks of concrete hauled into the town of St. Bernard over three decades.
Meanwhile, Sainte-Marie Church, a landmark wooden building in nearby Church Point, N.S., has received an offer of about $10 million from an anonymous donor for its repair and maintenance -- but the gift is conditional on the church restoring services.
In an interview Tuesday, Archbishop Brian Joseph Dunn said the sale of Saint Bernard is under negotiation, and he is "delighted with it (the offer)" because it would leave the building intact.
However, the archbishop said the future of Sainte Marie -- about 10 kilometres to the south of Saint Bernard, along the province's southwestern shore -- depends on what he hears this weekend during a meeting with members of the three Roman Catholic churches still open in the parish of Notre Dame d'Acadie -- which serves the area's francophone Catholic population.
There are questions as to whether the community is vibrant enough to sustain the 900-seat building, he said, adding that he'd like to hear from parishioners before he makes a final decision.
"I'm hoping for a vibrant Christian community and I have some hopes this gift would be a way to keep the faith on the Acadian shore alive," he said.
"If people want to commit themselves to this, then we'll go with it and make the best of it."
He meets Friday with parishioners of Sacre Coeur Church, in Saulnierville; on Saturday with Stella Maris Church, in Meteghan; and Sunday with parishioners of Saint Alphonse de Ligouri Church, in Saint Alphonse. The three churches are served by one priest, who also provides mass at the chapel at the Universite Sainte-Anne, in Pointe-de-l'Eglise, N.S.
Dunn said until the donor emerged in January, the plan had been to sell or potentially demolish Sainte Marie, after a community-based fundraising drive didn't meet goals to restore it. The archbishop said that by keeping Sainte Marie alive, other churches in the parish would have to close in order for the massive building to serve a viable congregation.
"If we're going to have this church then we don't need all these (other) churches," Dunn said. "So they (parishioners) have to make a decision they will be committed to this church, so ultimately there will be one or maybe two churches (in the parish).
"This is what I'm presenting this weekend. It (Sainte Marie) doesn't have to be a church immediately with everyone moving, but within five years we need to be moving in the direction that we have one major church here or maybe two on the (Acadian) shore."
The archbishop said while the wider public may lobby to keep historic church buildings open, the costs can be daunting, adding that the archdiocese is not interested in creating museums.
"We've done a structural analysis of both these buildings, and they would cost $15 million to repair. One was $8 million and one was $7 million just to repair and get them up to scratch to operate again," Dunn said.
Sainte Marie Church opened in 1905 and was built in slightly over two years, under the leadership of a local carpenter with an estimated 1,500 volunteers doing most of the work, said Andre Valotaire, the church custodian, in a telephone interview.
"Everyone in the French shore area can pretty much say they have an ancestor who worked on this building. They all have an attachment to it in some way or another," he said.
"It represents the ingenuity and perseverance of the Acadian people in the early 20th century."
Pierre Comeau, president of the Sainte Marie Church Preservation Committee, said he hopes those attending the meetings with the bishop will advocate to keep the historic church open. The parish would benefit if the region's main church became Sainte Marie because its annual maintenance costs would be covered by the donation, Comeau said.
Dunn said his plan is to address the anonymous offer for Sainte Marie by mid-May, and "that's part of the reason we're meeting so quickly."
In the end, he said, under church canon, "this is my decision."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published April 12, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/tuKSxCf
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The Adventures of Finn and Eddie Part 9
Aracoat and Creme had gotten on so well, Aracoat had decided to stay with the group. Riding atop Bernard's back, giggling with Creme as he made funny faces.
On they traveled, following a well worn path. Eventually, off in the distance the group began to hear rhythmic counting "1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3." the voice kept perfect time. As they drew nearer they could hear other snippets of the conversation. "You have to let him lead, this is the Pig Trot. Not a barn dance." chided the voice.
"Dancing?" wondered Bernard, his excitement rising. "I love dancing." They entered the clearing, or dance floor, a little more explosively than is customary thanks to Bernard's enthusiasm. Resulting in a rabbit in a toadstool dress with a toadstool cap for a hat (or was it part of her head?), holding up her paw, stopping Bernard in his tracks.
Eventually, after no hurrying, the rabbit turned to the party and inquired as to their business. "Are you dancing? Is this a class? Can anyone join?" Bernard bombarded the teacher. Before she could even begin to answer, Bernard stood up on his hind legs. This sudden change plain caused Creme and Aracoat to start tumbling from his back. Creme managed to grab some of Bernard's fur stopping his descent, Aracoat was not so lucky. She rolled from his back, spring-boarding off of his tail and continued rolling across the snow. Fortunately, Finn saw and went to her rescue, stopping her flight with his nose. She scurried gratefully up his forehead to perch between his antlers.
Meanwhile, the rabbit once again hold up her paw, preventing Bernard's explosion of questions. She appeared unaware of what had just transpired behind Bernard. "This is a private class. If you would like some lessons please book with myself, Fennella Fungling, a month in advance." she glared at Bernard from under her classical toadstool cap.
Bernard was taken aback. Clearly, being guardian of the forest usually came with some perks. Fennella did not share in this tradition though. However, before she could shoo the group away, one of the pigs taking the class spoke up. "It's okay for them to join. They may actually help us get this quicker."
"If you're sure." accepted Fennella.
"Of course." they smiled. "My name is Sam and this is my wife to be, Winnie." he introduced proudly.
Only Bernard wanted to join in and due to his location, Creme also ended up taking part as Bernard's partner. This made for some interesting partner work.
Fennella pulled the tip of her cap down over her eyes, aghast at Bernard and Creme's attempts. "This isn't working." Fennella mused. She sashayed up the Bernard and tapped Creme on the shoulder. "My I have this dance?" she asked. Creme, legs dangling in the air as he held on to Bernard's claws, nodded. Fennella put her paws under Creme, moving him to her shoulder She then took up Bernard's paws. "Okay, let's see if we can get you both up to speed. Sam, Winnie, are you ready to lead?"
"Lead? Are you ready my dear?" asked Sam.
"I believe so." agreed Winnie.
Fennella lead Bernard in a slightly crooked dance, he only stepped on her feet a few times. Sam and Winnie lessons on the other hand, seemed to have paid off. They swirled and twirled in perfect time, never even coming close to stepping on each other's trotters. When the dance was over they jumped around, hugging each other. "We've got it! We've finally got it!" chorused the happy pair.
"Very well done you two. I believe you are ready for the big day." congratulated Fennella.
Bernard and the group excused themselves, allowing the dance lesson to continue with Fennella providing a few corrections. After a bit of travelling, Finn stopped. "Bernard? Would you mind just checking with the trees again? After all that's happened I just want to be sure we're going in the right direction."
This story is based on sculptures/sketches created by the Twitch streamer Shippochi, find her via the links below.
Find Shippochi here: https://www.twitch.tv/shippochi and https://www.instagram.com/shippochistudio/
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Sailing Part 23
Jethro paused, toughened himself before he climbed the top step to the deck. He had every right to feel sorry for himself, Ziva, Tim, Tony, [Y/N] and Abby, but he blankly refused to go there. The hatch door to the cabin – that was closed – was rattling so hard from the storm’s fury it could’ve been a prop in The Exorcist, according to his son; Tony.
He turned back around to Ziva and Tony, who were still tightening the straps on their life jackets. ‘Wait a sec, okay? Nobody goes up on deck, got it? I need to get the jackline harnesses.’
The what? Thought Tony, but his father; Gibbs had already rushed past them, dashing below. This was no time for a boating lesson – twenty seconds, thirty maximum – he was back. ‘Here,’ he yelled over the howling wind, ‘put these on.’
Ziva and Tony obeyed, quickly stepped into the ridiculous nylon harnesses, which looked just like string bikinis on drugs. Meanwhile Gibbs had fastened the ends of two ropes to the metal rings at their waists. Click! Click! With two more clicks he had hooked the other ends onto the rope that ran along the entire perimeter of the boat, otherwise known as the jackline. Quickly he did the same thing to himself. ‘There,’ said Gibbs once he was done. ‘The jackline harnesses are just in case any of us go for an accidental swim.’
Tony nodded fearfully, but his eyes stayed unusually target. He was getting his boat lesson after all. Even better, he was growing up fast.  ‘Now try to keep the wheel as steady as possible as I pull up that sea anchor, okay?’
The words had barely left his father’s mouth when – wham – the boat was suddenly hit by a huge gigantic wave, sending all three of them reeling. Gibbs picked Ziva up. ‘Are you all right?’ he asked. ‘Ziver?’
No, Ziva wanted to say, as the next wave spilled over the railing, delivering an ice-cold jolt to her face, she shook it off. There were more important matters to deal with. ‘TONY, ZIVER – I’VE REALLY GOT TO GET THAT ANCHOR UP!’ yelled Gibbs. ‘AND I NEED TO DO IT NOW!’
Gibbs took off for the bow as Ziva and Tony had finally positioned themselves at the helm, of the boat, fighting the wheel as best they both could. Through the sheets of the rain, the deck light was all but useless. They could barely see Gibbs as he leaned like a phantom over the side of the boat.
Still, they both could tell something was wrong already. He was having trouble. Was it his footing? Was the anchor line caught?
Gibbs yelled back to the helm. ‘TONY, I NEED YOUR HELP HERE NOW!’
Tony, his father; Gibbs’, loyal saint Bernard, rushed away in a flash – too fast for Ziva to try and stop him – not that she could. She backed away from him, his face showed fear, but there was something else there – purpose. The only thrill-seeking he’d ever done until now was through sex. But here was this dangerous storm, a new and entirely different kind of experience.
As scared as Tony was, dodging up to the bow with the boat violently tossing, a part of him seemed to be enjoying the hell out of all this – at least for the first five steps – then came the sixth, the biggest wave, they’d have seen yet, hurtling fast at The Family Gibbs with a dead beat controlled wave that wasn’t going to miss them. It came crashing high above the boom, it practically swallowed Tony whole and as he disappeared from her sight, Ziva involuntary let go of the boat’s wheel – it was a natural impulse but a potentially devastating one, as she realized what she’d done right away.
The boat angled directly to port, knocking her flat on the deck again. When Ziva finally got back on her feet, she still couldn’t see Tony. He’d gone overboard! She was almost sure of it.
‘GIBBS’ Ziva screamed. ‘TONY IS GONE!’
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