#But they have people check everything when you cross if you're already on the train and you hit it
Another Muppets song on my list to somehow work into MBS: "Movin' Right Along"!! (I know it's a bit late and nobody cares, but I really wanted to do it)
I think this would be a song the kids do some of their Season 2 travel montage to. Not all of it, since there's also plot important stuff that has to happen, but definitely some of it!
Here is the original song, and here is a cover that I also like. (It moves a bit faster)
Some notes: I get that in Season 2 it's kind of tense and serious, what with Mr. Benedict and Number Two kidnapped and the kids running around Europe unsupervised. However. This is a Muppet Movie. People are barely capable of being serious for more than five seconds. Please keep that in mind as this song is very silly.
Constance very begrudgingly says her lines in a slightly sing-song voice, barely differentiable from speaking. In the parts where it lists all of the kids, she is just half-heartedly lip-syncing, or rolling her eyes at the others.
Sticky is trying very hard to keep track of the maps/train schedules this whole time. He is usually the one pointing the direction they should be going/correcting them if they get lost.
Reynie and Kate are the best roadtrip sing-along buddies. Every now and again Reynie will stop singing because he's trying to keep the group on track, but he is also having a lot of fun with Kate.
Kate would be the one driving the car, if that was feasible/what was actually happening. This is a very contextless and unfounded statement but I believe you need it in order to properly visualize their travel dynamic.
Reynie: Movin' right along in search of more clues and good news Kate: With good friends you can't lose This seems to be a habit! Sticky, holding up the train passes: Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it Reynie: (yeah!) Together we'll nab it Kate: We'll hitchhike, bus or yellow cab it! Constance: (Cab it?)
All: Movin' right along Kate & Reynie: Footloose and fancy-free Getting there is half the fun, come share it with me All, with Kate on sound effects: Moving right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon) Sticky: We'll learn to share the load Constance: Don't we need a map to keep this show on the road?
Kate: Movin' right along, we've found a life on the highway Reynie: And your way is my way Sticky: So trust my navigation Kate: Mr. B and Number Two, we're coming to find you We're following the clues Constance: It's sad that you still think we're going to get there Reynie: Constance! Constance: You already roped me into the rhyming scheme once, I'm not doing it again
All, with Kate on sound effects: Movin' right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon) Tell me, which train now? Sticky, grabbing her arm as she walks toward the wrong one: No, not that one, it's set to visit Moscow
All, with Kate on sound effects, and still thoroughly enjoying it: Movin' right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon) Kate, to Reynie and Sticky: You take it, you know best Constance, in the background as the others confer: I still believe this is hopeless
Reynie, trying to move past Constance's snark: Movin' right along we're truly birds of a feather Kate, slinging an arm around his shoulders: We're in this together Sticky, joining in with an upbeat tone: And we know where we're going Reynie: Teamwork got us here, I really think we can do it! Kate: There's no reason to quit! Constance: Unless you count all of the danger Kate: Not helping
Reynie: Movin' right along, Hey, what does that sign say? Sticky: It says we're near the border, there's a customs delay Kate: Moving right along Reynie: (Thanks, Sticky) Footloose and fancy-free Kate: I think we're getting close Sticky: We've made it to Germany!
Together, celebrating that they've made it so far: Movin' right along Movin' right along Movin' right along Movin' right along
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r2katsu · 5 months
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Ft. Eijirou, Izuku, Sero, Katsuki
WC: 651
mha m.list | gn!reader | fluff
a/n: reader has a habit of doing everything on their own without telling anybody or where they're going
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Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro stood in front of you after he asked you to come into the living room so you guys could talk after you guys have been giving each other the silent treatment. He walked slowly towards you with a sympathetic face and held your hands while he stroked your knuckles with his thumbs in circles.
"Babe, I'm allowed to get worried when I'm out there and when you’re also out but you never text me where you are. You have to see this from my point of view too ya know.."
"Okay okay I'm sorry." you hug him and nuzzle your head onto his chest "This sounds stupid but I'm so used to being out alone and not keeping in check.. usually when I go out I just go out, I don't have to text anybody where I'm going or where I'm at.." "I get worried sometimes, okay? I get it you're not used to telling people about your whereabouts but right now I'm your boyfriend…and I need to make sure you're okay, where you are, who are you with or do I need to pick you up. I just need to know that you're okay." he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
"I care about you, a lot…"
"Right…I'll try texting you next time.."
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku's been trying to get you to talk about communicating with you about when you're out. Can you blame him for getting a bit worried when you always just say you're going out and nothing else? He worries about you because most of the time you don't give him any heads up on anything.
"Y/n I really need you to cooperate with me, please just next time you're going to head out you tell me, okay?" His eyes were speaking the words he wasn't, they're pleading with you. He slowly reached out for your hand and placed it on his cheek. He felt comfort with your hand on him. "I need to know that you're okay, y/n.."
"Damnit why'd you have to be irresistible! But sure, zuku, I'll try communicating with you more." And that made him smile so so proud of you.
Sero Hanta
At the time you stepped through those doors he was already looking at you with arms crossed, disappointed. It was written all over his face. “Why didn't you think of telling me you were going out? And by not responding back to my texts?” he spoke with an unsatisfied tone. “Okay I'm sorry I didn't text you back I was occupied with training…” you continued explaining what happened and the reasoning for your absence.
He sighed letting his arms fall to his sides and he huffed “Alright fine that's fine…just tell me where you are next time before leaving me with no clue. I was worried sick about you” his eyebrows were furrowed while reaching out to hold your hand.
“Thank you, amor” as he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
Bakugou Katsuki
Walking through the door quietly to avoid any yelling from Bakugou which only made it worse. He was already there waiting for you on the couch in the dark, very dramatic of him but anyways. “Look who showed up. Where have you been, idiot?” He grumbled you were stammering trying to apologize and it was his turn to speak, “I've been running around like a mad man and I didn't even get a word out of you. And your phone was off, your phone is never off.” He stated, so you showed him your now cracked phone screen and explained what happened.
He can only sigh while holding the bridge of his nose. “Fine, we'll get it fixed next morning, I know w guy.” He said, reaching out his hand to slither around your waist while giving you a kiss on the head with a small whispering “missed you.”
likes and reblogs are appreciated loves 🌹
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skyloftian-nutcase · 20 days
Outbreak Pt 2 (LU in Healthcare)
Legend slurped on his energy drink, anxious to get to work. He and the entire night shift had been called in early to attend some training for this new virus that was potentially a problem. Administration mandated everyone attend to see how to don and doff personal protective equipment.
It was mildly exasperating, as it had cut into his sleep and he'd run out of time to really grab an actual breakfast. But whatever. He paid attention as best he could, leg starting to bounce with nervous energy. When his phone buzzed, he glance down, distracted.
The name Zelda was on the screen, and he immediately tuned out everything around him.
They hardly messaged each other, really. Birthday wishes, the occasional "are you alive" text, that was about it. It was hard to maintain much of a good relationship sometimes, given... well, everything.
Hey. So. I have this patient. Heart attack, CABG, pathway, blah. But he's got family who knows you?? I just want to make sure??? Like he seemed legit but still. Says he goes by Wild.
He... the heart attack patient from yesterday...
Legend texted quickly, gaze flicking between his phone and the person wearing a gown in the front. Yeah, I know a few people named Link, so we go by nicknames.
His sister's reply was practically instantaneous. Still not over the fact that you call yourself Legend LOL you're so lame
Legend huffed, feeling his cheeks flush. THERE'S A REASON OK
Uh huh. Sure. So this Wild dude is legit then? I didn't let some random stranger into my pt's room yest right?
Sighing, Legend replied, Nah he's legit. Good guy. Wish he could've told me his dad was here.
Because it had to be his father, right? The more Legend thought about it, the more it made sense. The man looked just like Wild, except for being older and more worn out. He'd been reaching out to Wild, calling out his name, in a frenzy. Wild had been acting strange. The long drawn out gaze with Time. All of it.
Glancing up, the travel nurse saw Warriors standing over him, looking grim. "Uh... Wars, you good?"
"Hope you paid attention to the training," Warriors said. "That patient who got diagnosed with Arfy at the urgent care is here. You're taking him."
Legend blinked. "He's--he's here? Did he get worse?"
"Yeah. They're intubating him now."
Great. As if his stomach wasn't in knots already. Warriors gave Legend the room and said that would be his only patient to try and decrease cross contamination with other rooms. Legend ran the training demonstration in his head, now mildly panicked that he'd ignored some of it in lieu of talking to his sister, but it was fairly straightforward. Everyone was already masking as a precaution, he just needed to start wearing gowns and goggles and face shields too.
Time to get to work.
Wild paced in his bedroom, simultaneously annoyed and thankful that he had tonight off. Everyone had texted him by this point asking if he was alright, and while he appreciated the sentiment, he really had no way of conveying that he desperately wanted and needed to keep his past separate from his present.
He hardly knew his life before Castle Town. But what he did remember was enough. He couldn't--he couldn't go back to that life. He'd lost everyone, and it had been his fault. As his memories had come back, he'd doubled down on avoiding his past, including his family.
How could he possibly reconcile the old him with who he was now, after all? He just wanted to close that chapter of his life. He just wanted closure, period. He was terrified of seeing his family again. What would they think of him? How could he have left them like he had? How could he ever return to them?
He... he wanted to check on his father. But he knew by now the rest of his family was likely at the hospital, and he did not need to see them. Guilt twisted his gut as he stared out the window, watching the cows graze in the pasture.
Sighing, he went downstairs, catching sight of Malon watching the news. He distracted himself with asking her what was up, and she said, "There's ten more cases of Arfy in town."
Wild blinked. Ten? Hadn't there just been one yesterday?
That... didn't bode well.
Before Wild could comment, Wind skipped in, having mentioned he was dropping by for dinner. "Yo, you guys should see the picture Legend just sent me of this guy's chest x-ray!"
Wild and Malon both crowded around Wind's phone to look at th eimage, and Wild asked, "So what am I looking at?"
Malon hissed, staring at the image. "Those lungs look awful."
"Right?" Wind glanced up at the OR nurse. "I'm surprised they have any compliance."
Wild stared at the pair dully. "I take it it's bad."
"His lungs are shot," Wind emphasized. "Like... they look like they're rocks. Legend said they can barely get the guy to oxygenate."
Wild felt a new twinge of anxiety in his chest. This new illness had been tearing through some cities in the Gerudo Desert, and now that it was in Castle Town...
As if he didn't have enough to worry about. He sighed. Hopefully his father would get better quickly and his family would leave before anything truly terrible happened.
Hopefully nothing terrible would happen at all.
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tryingtograspctrl · 10 days
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SUMMARY: Buck doesn't seem to like you very much and you don't understand why. One day you get injured on a call and he doesn't hesitate to give you an earful which turns into an argument that helps you finally understand why he acts the way he does.
Warning: Mentions of discriminations, mentions of workplace abuse, mentions of injuries and blood, etc.
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When you decided to pursue a career in firefighting you knew you'd face some hardships. You were a fat black woman in a white male dominated field, of course you would.
You experienced your fair share of discrimination when you started working at your first firehouse, the nasty comments about your looks from your coworkers, the mistreatment from your boss, everyone excluding you from calls suggesting that you stay at the station instead, that you'd be of more use scrubbing the truck or washing the dishes.
After months of abuse you requested to be transferred and your wish was granted.
Your first day at the 118 felt like a fever dream, when you had arrived you were greeted by nothing but warm, welcoming faces, people eager to accommodate you, excited to get to know you.
You felt safe, a feeling that had become foreign to you when you first became a firefighter. You had finally found a place that you could call home, finally found a team that you considered family.
Well... almost
You got along well with everyone, they were all super nice and understanding as you settled into the new environment, coaching you through your first few days.
Buck on the other hand was a real jerk.
From the moment you arrived he was extremely rude, micromanaging everything you did, critiquing your every move, bossing you around as if he was captain.
At first you thought it was some sort of hazing from him, a "let's pick on the new firefighter" sort of thing but as time passed you realized that his behavior towards you was no playful initiation.
"Hey probie, you're rolling that hose all wrong, move let me show you how to do it." He nudged you slightly, irritation evident in his voice.
You stood, wiping the dust off your knees, shooting him a glare.
"You always want to keep it wound as tight as possible, got it?" He looked up at you, raising a brow.
"Got it Buckley." You forced a smile.
This had been going on for weeks now, wherever you went he was sure to follow, breathing down your neck, waiting for you to make a mistake so he could swoop in and correct you, so he could make you feel like a kid.
You finished getting suited up, your helmet under your arm as you rushed toward the firetruck, climbing up into one of the seats.
There was a call involving a plane crash at a hair salon, sparks igniting and interacting with the many chemicals in the place causing a fire.
"Hen, Chim, you check on these guys, Eddie you grab the hose and knock this fire down, Buck, Y/n, you guys head inside and see if there's anyone trapped beneath the rubble." Bobby fired off orders.
"Got it Cap." You adjusted your helmet but just before you could trek toward the building Buck stopped you.
"Wait she's not going in there." He held out an arm in front of you.
"And why the hell not?" You furrowed your brows, a frown tugging at your lips.
"Because you aren't experienced enough." He glared down at you.
"I've been trained for this just like you have Buckley i know what i'm doing, and who are you to tell me what i can and can't do?!." You crossed your arms getting into his face.
He leaned closer, getting into yours too, a smart remark on the tip of his tongue but just before he could retort Bobby interrupted.
"Hey! Cut it out before i make both of you wait in the truck. Buck she's going in with you and that's final.” He scolded the two of you.
You both nodded, rushing toward the salon, the roof of the building slightly caved in.
Eddie had already put the fire out so you didn't have to worry about that.
"Help." A voice called out as you entered.
The woman seemed to have been sitting in one of the chairs just before the building collapsed, you could tell because it was glued to her back, a part of the ceiling pinning it against her body.
Another woman was just a few feet away from her on her side, a pair of scissors lodged into her neck.
You and Buck shared a look of horror before you got to work, pulling the heavy rubble off of her.
From the outside she didn't seem to sustain any injuries but you could tell by the way she reacted to being lifted up that she definitely had a few broken bones.
You and Buck got her outside, he led her toward the fire truck and you looked around, noticing a woman hysterically yelling at Hen.
"What's going on?" You jogged over.
"It's my daughter! My daughter was in there getting her hair dyed, i stepped out for a moment to take a call and i came back a-and i couldn't find her!" She sobbed.
"What's your daughter's name and what does she look like ma'am?" You crotched next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Hailey, I have a picture." She sniffled pulling out her phone.
You studied it, committing the girls features to memory, she wasn't scissor lady thankfully so you wouldn't have to break any bad news to her.
"I'm gonna find her." You squeezed the woman's shoulder before running back toward the building.
You and Buck had pretty much cleared the front of the building so you figured the best place to find her daughter would be toward the back.
The back of the salon had definitely took the most damage, the ceiling significantly lower causing you to have to get on your hands and knees, clawing at the rubble blocking the back room door.
Once you got inside you did a quick scan of the room, spotting a young girl in the corner unconscious.
You crawled over to her, rolling her onto her back and giving her a sternum rub.
Her eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times as they adjusted to her surroundings.
"Hi Hailey, how are you feeling?" You spoke lowly.
"Like crap." She groaned.
"I bet you are." You laughed lightly.
"Are you hurting anywhere?" You asked.
"My head and my neck are killing me." She explained.
"Okay come on, we're gonna get you outta here, get you checked out and get you back to your mom." You replied.
"My mom? Is she ok?" She sat up suddenly, yelping in pain.
"Okay, okay, let's take it easy yeah? Your mom is doing just fine, she pretty worried about you though so let's get you out of here." You guided her toward the door.
The two of you stood up completely as you made it back to the front but just before you could exit the roof began to fall down completely.
Instinctively you pushed Hailey out of the front door before falling to the floor, the ceiling falling on top of you not even a second later.
You passed out on impact.
Eddie rushed over to grab the girl guiding her over to an ambulance while Buck rushed to the building.
"Shit, Y/n!" He screamed, panic filling him.
He clawed at the debris, throwing chunks of it to the side in an attempt to get to you.
"Buck, buck!" Bobby grabbed his shoulders, pulling him away.
He shook rapidly, tears forming in his eyes as he watched the rest of the team use shovels to try and remove all the rubble from on top of you.
"Hey, let's get you patched up." Hen spoke softly grabbing his wrists.
He looked at her for a moment then looked down at his hands to see them covered in blood.
Hen tugged at his arm, leading him to the ambulance.
Time skip
You groaned placing your hand over your eyes, the bright hospital lights burning them.
You squinted trying to remember how you got here, the last thing your brain registered is leading Hailey out of the back room of the salon, everything after that is a blur.
"Hey." Hen looked up from her phone, noticing that you were now awake.
“Hi.” You smiled gently.
“You scared the hell out of us you know.” She grabbed your hand.
“Sorry about that… i don’t remember much, what happened?” You looked at her slightly confused.
“The building collapsed on top of you y/n, you pushed Hailey out of the way, took the hit for her.” Hen smiled sadly.
“Oh.” You bit your lip, you hated making them worry about you.
“She okay?” You asked after a while.
“She’s fine, just a slight concussion.” She reassured you.
“What about you? Any pain?” She brushed the hair out of your face.
"Lotsss of it, mainly in my back." You half smiled.
"I'll go get the doctor." She pat your hand before exiting.
Buck leaned against the door frame watching you for a moment.
"You okay?" He asked walking over to you stiffly.
"Yeah." You sighed as he took a seat next to your bed.
"Good." He nodded, staring off into space.
"What the hell were you thinking?" He spoke up after a while.
"Seriously Buck? Is that what you came here to do? Argue with me?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"I came here to talk some sense into you, you act too reckless, throw yourself into things without thinking about the consequences." He rambled.
"If it isn't the pot calling the kettle black." You scoffed rolling your eyes.
"You could've gotten seriously injured or worse." He raised his voice slightly.
"But i didn't! I'm fine Buck, i saved that girl's life, that's my job!" You yelled, getting frustrated.
"Yeah this time you were but what about next time, the next time you decide to make a stupid decision? The next time you decide to sacrifice yourself?" He spoke roughly clenching his jaw.
"Stupid decision? God why are you so critical of everything that i do?" Your voice lowered, eyes searching his for an answer.
"Because i love you!" He shouted.
"I love you and i care about you so deeply and im scared, scared of losing you." He whispered, hanging his head low.
You blinked in surprise. Buck loved you?
"Buck." You went to sit up, groaning at the sudden ache in your limbs.
"You're not gonna lose me." You reached out grabbing his hand.
"You don't know that." He finally looked up at you, tears brimming in his eyes.
"None of us know that, we put our lives on the line every single day, the reality of it is that any one of use could die at any given moment." You lifted his chin.
"But we've made it this far haven't we? Sure we get a few bumps and bruises every now and then and some of us are left clinging to life but we're fighters, i'm a fighter and i've got a family now, i've got something to lose so their’s no way in hell i'm going out that easy." You laughed wiping a few stray tears from his cheeks.
He pulled you into a hug, squeezing tightly, face buried into your shoulder.
“Ouch, Buck by back.” You tapped him repeatedly signaling for him to release you.
“Oh sorry, sorry did i hurt you?” He let go quickly, helping you lay back down.
“Just a little but it’s fine.” You giggled.
“By the way, I love you too Buckley.” You squeezed his hand, smiling brightly.
A/N - Buck being a meanie because he doesn’t trust you enough to accept you just yet, then growing to love you just as much as he does everyone else but still being a meanie because you worry him to death lolll, now he knows how Bobby feels. 🌻
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epiemy · 7 months
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader from our reality! Pt. 2
Warnings: just cursing (you’re a crazy bitch and Jason too)
Part 2 of 5 - Part 1
A/N: I missed this app so fucking much but I’m back :) hope you like this part of a series project.
Sorry for Grammar mistakes, enjoy!
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"Oh boy, we are going to have a big job with this one." Words from a tired Jason.
“Hey, I’m still here, you know that?” You speak in disbelief. It still felt like a dream, where else would you get to see your favorite characters? You had never been able to shift before, so you faithfully doubted that was the case.
Jason just rolls his eyes saying “Unfortunately I noticed, you won't shut up for a single second” - and there goes your sympathy with him.
“Why are pretty people always jerks? - You're an exception Dick, shush” You say but stop as soon as you see Batman's cloak coming towards you, no longer able to control it, you end up smiling more than you've ever seen in your life, after all he was her childhood hero “My gods, Bruce Wayne? Batman? I could pass out!”
“Jason, no!” Dick speaks in warning before the youngest even opens his mouth, but even so he lets out a sneer and says:
“I could make YOU pass out” Jay mutters and you give him the middle finger “You already did that, idiot”, turning your attention to Bruce.
“Why is there a teenager in the cave, who apparently knows our secret identities? I'm only going to ask once” Batman speaks monotone and looks at the boys with his arms crossed and his mask removed.
“Ehm… well… funny story” Tim starts to say while scratching his head lightly, but Jason rolls his eyes.
“I brought her here, I heard some druggies talking about a girl falling from the sky and I went to check it out. I don't know how a demon can fall from the sky but there she is” He speaks ironically and you just stick out your tongue, murmuring that the only demon in this house was him. The boy continues “When I got close to her, she was cursing more than a sailor and had a fangirl attack shouting “Jaaaaason”, I erased her and brought her here. History end"
Bruce raises an eyebrow at Jason and sighs deeply, rubbing his temples. He honestly needed a break from all this, he couldn't take it anymore. “Currently, Barry informed us that there was a rupture of some barrier between universes caused by some meta, it turns out that she was brought from another reality and that is possibly why she knows our identities. Am I correct, miss..?”
“Y/n, and yes you are right. Finally someone with neurons- no offense Timmy” You mutter and the boy just shrugs, then continues talking “If the kid idiots had listened to me instead of fainting, I would have told them that in my reality you are all characters from a brand , so I theoretically know everything about each of you.” There was a silent pause “That seemed kind of scary, my bad.”
Minutes later, Bruce releases you from the place where you were tied up “As long as we don't know what happened, you are welcome to stay in the mansion, Alfred is already aware of this conversation and will prepare a room for you” He speaks calmly, you he just nods with a small smile in gratitude. He turns to his children “You. I want everyone in the mansion during this time, apparently you don't have an alternative version of her in this universe and she will have to stay here for some time, so we need to train her” He says leaving the Batcave.
“Soooo… Dick, can you and your nice ass show me my new room?” You say with a wide smile and you only hear Jason snort in the corner “What’s up, red bird? Do you want to show me instead of Richard? Come on come on, take me then” A hand sign is made by you, as you walk towards some stairs where Bruce had gone but Jason grabs your waist, changing the direction to the left “Oopsie, thanks kitty” You hear the laughter behind you.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Jason says, walking up the correct floors with you.
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cyberluvzu · 2 months
Hi! Could you do some head canons for dating x-virus?
X-virus x reader
- Likes to keep you around when he's working in the lab
- Calls you his "little assistant"
- Might give you a little job here and there, never something too dangerous
- Washing lab equipment, measuring different things, stuff like that
- Definitely has a gas mask just for you
- Just likes to keep you with him
- Especially if he's working long hours
- You can be quiet, talk, or do whatever. He's just happy you're there with him
- Absolutely collapses into bed with you after
- Honestly I feel like he'd do that no matter what
- He works hard, ends up burning himself out and just wants to sleep in your arms
- He would definitely get you little gifts
- Would get you a stuffed animal to keep you company when he's busy
- One of his main love languages is gift giving
- Also quality time with you
-He would show you cool science tricks
- If you aren't already interested in science, Cody will make sure you are now
- Tells you little science facts every now and then just to info dump
- If you have an interest that somehow has a science aspect to it, Cody is ON IT
- Learns everything about that subject just to tell you and see your reaction
- Like a certain type of bug or animal?
- Here's a billion science facts about it
- He also likes to listen you rant about your interests while he works
- It's like white nosie to him, your voice calms him
- But when he really needs to focus he will ask you to shut up 😭
- Or asks you to help him with some other task to keep you busy
- He also really likes to just be in your general vicinity
- Just being in the same room as you for a while is enough for Cody
- He also gets paranoid about you getting sick
- Mega germaphobe
- He'll make you wash your hands 24/7
- He just doesn't wanna see you get sick
- Also doesn't wanna get sick himself, but it's mostly to keep you healthy
- Likes to watch you sometimes
- Mentally takes notes of little things you do
- He thinks it's cute that you have your little quirks
- Pretty observant
- Really likes learning about you
- He's just curious about everything you do
- Smiles when he thinks back to the little habits you have, the way you smile, laugh, look, your touch, literally anything about you and he's smiling
- His mind drifts off to you while he works, but then quickly gets focused back on work
- He has a hard time expressing how he feels so he'll show it to you in his own little way
- Running his hand through your hair, asking you to keep him company, including you on little experiments
- Doesn't wanna cross any boundaries you might have, but is also too scared to ask you about anything
- He just waits it out until you try things with him
- He just awkwardly pauses if he wants to do something to you, debating on doing it
- He's a little (a lot) awkward
- Not in like the "omg I'm so awkward guys" way
- More in the "I'm gonna stay in this corner the whole party" awkward (real)
- You get him to open up a little and he's all yours
- He likes who he likes, and keeps a small circle of people
- Doesn't like going out on dates where there's a lot of people
- More of a picnic in the park kind of guy
- Library dates, museums, slender forest, places like that
- Doesn't wanna worry about other people interrupting
- He just wants to be with you, his little lab assistant
- Sometimes he can be a little neglectful to you if he's really focused on work
-If you tell him that you feel ignored, he'll snap out of it and pay more attention to you
- Or if you don't tell him, one day he'll be like "Hm, I haven't really seen them in a while"
- And then it hits him like a freight train
- He feels bad about it, tries to finish his work ASAP to go check on you
- Doesn't address it directly if he's the one who notices it first
- Just gives you more attention, tries to remember to check up on you, and take breaks
- He's given you full permission to remind him to take breaks
- Likes hearing it from you, makes him feel better for some reason
- After the first time he forgot to pay attention to you, when you first started dating, he started to include you more in his lab experiments and keep you with him more
- He just gets really into in his work
- You'd probably have to remind him to eat and drink
YOU'VE AWOKEN MY CODY OBSESSION AGAIN. I love him sm and more content of him is NEEDED. X-virus fans are BEING STARVED. 😭
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always-sleeepy-headd · 4 months
Happy Birthday, Your Present Is Angst Because I'm Tired and Kinda Emo Inside
This was written for Cross's birthday ages ago and I'm only now posting it lol (Sorry!)
It's Cross's birthday today, he wants to forget and he tries his hardest too. Although it never seems to work and just leaves him with more scars and more pain.
Cross is beginning to love that pain.
Cross burns himself so if you don't think you can handle that I just wanted to let you know.
Also he purges and I know that's a sore spot for a lot of people including myself but I'm tiny bit of a masochist lol (I actually enjoy writing about things that have happened to me or to someone dear to me and projecting on my poor Crossyboo 😔✊)
Don't purge guys, it's not good and can seriously damage your body, and if you have before, I got you babes everything will be alright <3
Even if you're just going through a tough time right now remember everything is temporary, you and I, the world, sadness, you name it, we'll all make it through if we keep trudging on!
Cross wasn't the type for celebrations, it made him nervous and want to hide under something while everyone just chatted it up like they weren't all dead.
He was sure nobody knew this year though, just like the last, and the one before that. A third unnoticed birthday is what he was hoping for when he checked the time this morning, he could go on with his usual day and hopefully not pass out again.
That was really close with Nightmare the other day, he was out training for an especially excessive time and Nightmare came in and had told him to take a break and Cross had barely registered him.
He had turned to the noise but all he heard was a ringing in his ears, he heard Nightmare's voice a second time and he was able to make it out then, "And take a shower or something."
As soon as he heard the door close he had stumbled and blacked out, it was only for barely a minute thankfully. When he got up he found himself on the floor and his heart beating quickly, thank the skies nobody had come in just then.
He had eventually managed to get up and take a shower before being called down to eat dinner, it was a very strange tradition for someone like the Bad Sanses, they always ate meals together. But honestly if you really think about it it makes sense, Horror needed to know everyone was eating, he could go into panic mode if not.
It also made it easier to figure out if something was wrong with someone, that's one of the reasons meals were dreaded in Cross's mind.
That and the fact he can barely handle eating the food, much less keeping it down, and don't get him wrong, Horror's an amazing cook... he just can't. Especially when he's already frustrated with himself.
He barely made it though dinner, Nightmare gave him a few looks but he must have chalked whatever it was up to low self worth and Cross overworking himself, which was what Nightmare thought were the only things wrong with Cross, making it so much easier for him to do what he does next.
Cross's nightly routine always starts hunched over a toilet throwing up his insides and silently crying while doing so, this was easy to do without Nightmare noticing because Dust almost always had at least a small freak out during this time of evening.
Then when he's done throwing up anything and everything he's eaten and kept down he collapses onto the floor and desperately rummages through his box of 'special' things, pulling out a lighter and lighting it across his bone.
The intensity of the heat calms him while at the same time making him restless, he needed something, something.
He would burn and burn and he would even shed a few tears at the pain, just to do it again just to feel the heat of reality mix with fiction.
It was like a dream.
A terrible, awful, dream.
That would eventually bring him to today, he was putting on his overly complicated outfit again and would stare into the mirror as he splashed water on his face.
It was cold.
He wanted heat.
The pain of his burns hurt, he wanted more, more, anything for feeling and control, he would run them under cold water and this was the time of day Chara would say something to him. Chara would run off away from him to look for Killer to watch him play video games or mess with the others.
It was always along the lines of, "Cross, this is seriously getting bad," Or, "I think you should let that heal at least before doing it again..."
Cross didn't trust those words, not from Chara, not from anyone.
He walks down the stairs only to see an unhappy Nightmare and a on the verge of a panic attack Dust.
That was not a great thing to start his morning with, oh well he'll just ignore it at least means the attention will stay far away from him this morning.
Cross doesn't bother a good morning, he didn't feel like speaking. Nor did he really ever but that's life.
He walks into the kitchen to see how Horror's doing as he does every morning but Horror seems quite on nerve so Cross doesn't walk too far into the kitchen, it was a small gesture but very much noticed by the big guy.
"Good... morning Cross," Horror starts, sounding a little on edge, "The boss told me to keep everybody occupied this morning... although I know you usually train.. I was wondering if you'd help me out...?" He asks.
Cross was startled but he would never say no to someone asking for help, it's a habit he could never sway, he nodded but in a more 'are you sure?' way.
"Thanks... I asked Killer but... you know how he is..." Horror says, shuffling around, seemingly understanding Cross's not speaking as him not being up to conversation and handing him a bowl and some chocolate.
Cross gives him a questioning look, "Just... heat up the chocolate so it melts..."
"A-" Cross attempts but his voice fails him, "I- Is there a specific reason that I'm heating up... chocolate...?" Cross asks, they didn't usually even have chocolate in the house, let alone anything sugary but it seems Horror either had a stash or got this special to make something.
"Wanted... to make something." That was enough for Cross, he didn't care to question it any further, besides he really just wanted to get Horror's approval.
Cross, without a word, easily heated up the chocolate over the stove, it began to bring back memories of his AU he didn't want surfaced.
The sound of laughter, the taste of chocolate in his mouth, his arms didn't hurt, the worst he felt was a little sore. Speaking to everyone, not holding his tongue, no, actually feeling the urge to speak real words out loud.
The smell of chocolate cake, kind words he'll never hear again-
His palm burning.
Cross blinked in surprise and lifted his arm off of the stove quickly, he had accidentally set it down on the burner and hadn't noticed, the feeling already so normal to him.
Horror looked over at the sudden movement and asked him what was wrong.
Cross didn't respond.
The words were so caught in his throat, they refused to leave, he didn't want to speak, he didn't want to speak, he didn't want to-
"Cross." He hears a powerful and commanding voice that was unmistakably Nightmare's.
Still he didn't speak but his hand fell from where he was apparently clutching it.
"Is something upsetting you Cross? I can feel your emotions you know, so it would be best not to lie, I will know." Nightmare asks, Cross barely understanding.
Nightmare wanted him to speak.
He didn't want to speak.
He turned towards Nightmare, but still he couldn't even manage to get his mouth open.
"Cross, respond to me." He says and Cross could barely even think, his brain suddenly filled with images of his family's death.
A death of his own, maybe.
And then, his lack of food and therefore energy caught up to him yet again, he stumbled and then blacked out.
When he awoke he lay on the couch with a damp washcloth on his head and a bandaged hand, he almost panicked but realized his arms had no such care, Nightmare hadn't felt the need to check for other injuries thank gods.
Cross sat up and took the washcloth off of his head, staring at his hand for a moment before a smell hit his nose.
Chocolate cake.
He couldn't handle this, not right now, not ever.
It was his birthday, a day that he dreaded every year now, October 10th, the day Cross was born.
A day he considers to be the worst day of his life.
Celebration was no more, he needed a way out, he needed to get his frustration out, he needed to burn every piece of bone on his body until it was unusable, then use it anyway.
"Cross, you're awake." Nightmare says, startling slightly.
Cross didn't say a word.
"What's going on, you've been strange all week, more so than normal. Your little nightly negativity bursts have been getting larger and more prevalent every night, I think now is when I interfere." He sighs and Cross almost gasps, Nightmare knew something was wrong.
He didn't want to speak, his body would not let him.
He wanted to cry, his body could not.
He wanted to burn, he wanted to burn, he wanted to burn, he wanted to burn-
"Cross. Are you listening to me?" Nightmare's voice suddenly bursts through his thoughts of self harm. "Cross I'm not kidding, have you suddenly gone mute?" Nightmare says, his voice turning stern but softening a second later, "I promise I won't judge if something is bothering you."
Cross manages to open his mouth this time, nothing comes out though. So he closes it, unsaid words threatening to spill out now and that scares him more than not being able to get anything out.
Nightmare sighs, "At least tell me what happened, Horror was terrified..." Nightmare mumbles.
Cross opens his mouth again, but this time it worked, "I... got distracted..." He manages to mumble, his voice hoarse from little use.
Nightmare sighs again, "Distracted how? You end up with a burn on your palm, which you should have noticed right away if you had your hand on the burner by the way, that's really weird and you might need to figure out what that is supposed to mean, Horror is concerned you haven't been eating enough and passed out due to lack of malnourishment, although I'm going to guess it was overexertion, but then again you just woke up-" Nightmare sighs a third time, "My point is, what the hell got you so upset?"
"Ch-" Cross coughs slightly, rubbing his throat, "Chocolate..." He muttered, "The smell reminded me of something."
"...Oh boy." Nightmare says, realizing this was probably a mistake.
"...What...?" Cross mumbles.
"I think I should just show you, follow me." Nightmare says, gesturing to a door.
Cross got up and followed Nightmare without a beat, anything to get his mind off of his-
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CROSS!" Mostly Killer yells, Cross is suddenly hit with a dump truck of emotions.
"I- I- H- How- I don't-" Cross whispers just loud enough for everyone to hear.
"You told me one time when I was upset about something." Dust says, who happens to be covered in colorful streamers.
"And you told me when I was half asleep!" Killer yells excitedly, he's covered in silly string and Cross realizes that Nightmare has a tiny piece of it on his shoulder.
This made him cry.
He didn't cry in front of others, it was so taboo in his brain.
It wasn't sobs, it was just tears, he barely changed expressions.
Everyone looked startled, they had been expecting Cross to say they didn't need to or maybe even get a small smile out of him, not tears.
Killer immediately ran over when he realized what was going on, "Hey, hey, what's wrong? I thought birthday parties were supposed to be happy?"
Cross couldn't explain so it came out in sobs, Killer grabbing onto him while Cross cried on his shoulder.
Killer caught Nightmare's gaze and gave him a panicked look and Nightmare just shook his head.
Once Cross had calmed down and there were just occasional sniffles every now and then, they had moved one of the couches, "So... is this why you've been acting strange this whole week then?" Nightmare asks.
"S- Sorry." Cross mumbles.
"Do not apologize for things you are not at fault for."
"Sor- uh."
"Poor Crossy baby, he can't stop being a people pleaser~" Killer says, smooshing his face against Cross's in a manner that could be taken as mocking but Cross knows Killer well enough to know it isn't, still doesn't stop him from shoving him off though.
Killer is undeterred, he just hugs onto Cross harder.
"...Are you... okay?" Horror asks, looking worried.
"...Yeah. I'll live." Cross mumbles an 'unfortunately' afterword that only Killer and Nightmare could hear, Killer squeezed a little tighter at hearing that.
"Why did you pass out...? Do you... know?" Horror asks.
"..." Cross can't bring himself to tell them the way he treats himself when they aren't looking.
"You do know, don't you?" Nightmare asks, his tone only slightly accusing, Cross flinches either way.
"Criss-Cross, are you doing something to yourself?" Killer asks.
"Yes." Is the only word that Cross can manage to get out of his mouth, everyone's frown deepens at the sound of it.
"What...? If I may ask." Nightmare says, even though it sounds like you have a choice, you'll have to tell him anyway, he'll just ask you when nobody is around.
"I can barely eat..." Cross whispers, "And when I manage too, I throw it all up, I can't keep food down anymore, I don't even need to make myself throw up anymore... I can do it on command."
"...What?" Horror says, looking horrified.
"I'm sorry..." Cross says and his voice starts to waver, tears threatening to spill again.
Suddenly Chara's voice pops in, "What about your arms?" They say, "I know you already told them some of your bullshit but every morning when I see them they get worse."
"That's not... the only thing..." Cross mumbles, clutching at his sleeves.
"Of course it isn't." Nightmare sighs.
"..." Cross slowly rolls up his sleeves and a series of gasps and exclaims are heard, one from Nightmare as well.
"W- What the hell are you even doing???" Dust asks, his horror not even hidden.
"Burning." Cross says.
"... How much is there?" Nightmare asks.
"All over my whole body... but mostly my arms." Cross says, wincing.
"I- I don't even know-" Nightmare says, seemingly astonished. "You know what? Come here, let me heal you."
Cross was super embarrassed the entire time Nightmare was healing despite Nightmare telling him that it was fine over and over.
It... went away.
The burn is gone.
He needs the burn, the painfully awful heat on his bones to stab at his regret and shove it so deep down it disappears momentarily.
Nightmare notices his... unhealthy... thoughts and lets out a frustrated sigh, "Cross, you do know you're definitely not allowed around lighters anymore right?"
"Okay." Cross says, his emotionless stature coming back, but Nightmare, being so close to him, could feel the addiction in his aura, the temptation and pain that Cross was so good at hiding.
Nightmare frowns at this.
"Come on, I thought we hit something and you wouldn't be an emotionless robot around us anymore." Killer grumbles and Nightmare sends a glare his way, Cross knew Killer was actually worried about him though.
Throughout his entire time at Nightmare's he's seen everyone but Nightmare cry before, Nightmare obviously has his own problems though, he's seen him flinch when he gets glared at or Killer and Dust's roughhousing gets a little too close to him and a hand goes up near him.
They never seem to notice though, they just keep going and Nightmare will sigh and tell them to be nice and that he's going to take a nap. He never does though, he goes and sits in his library and reads what are 'not' romance novels. Cross had seen it himself, Nightmare was reading a book that Cross had read and of what he remembers it was all schmoopy feelings and smut.
He leaned over and said, "Whatcha reading there?" He giggles as Nightmare flinches and turns his head around quickly, his face turning extremely confused as it was not normal for Cross to act like this at all.
"Sorry about startling you, I just recognized the book you were reading." Cross says, holding back giggles.
The horror that showed on Nightmare's face when he said that was unmatchable with anyone he's ever seen die at the hands of any of them.
"You. Didn't. See. Shit. You hear me?" Nightmare had said, Cross replying with a thumbs up and giggling a little.
Nightmare was interesting, although seeing Killer cry was the craziest thing Cross thinks has ever happened.
Killer was supposed to be emotionless, he wasn't supposed to feel anything at all.
And the funny thing about it was that Killer wasn't crying about regret, or his own sadness, or even for someone dead.
Killer was crying about a fake comic about two cats.
Nightmare's face when he heard Killer's sobs in the corner of the room was completely shocked, Killer per usual was sitting on the bright pink beanbag in the corner of the room that had been there as long as Cross has and longer.
As it was just Cross, Killer and Nightmare home at the time, they both had looked over immediately and seen Killer sobbing over his phone, Nightmare had run over as quickly as he could and asked what was wrong.
"The cat dieddd!" Killer responds, sobbing into Nightmare's shoulder.
"...What?" Nightmare had said, confused as ever.
This was also the first time Cross had heard of Color, apparently Color had sent Killer a link to this super cute cat comic about two cats who were siblings but then a human killed on of them near the end of the comic, Color had also apparently sent that 'watch this being back your emotions' and Killer had been like, okay, whatever I guess I'll read it.
But then the cat died and he started sobbing.
Cross had felt bad but then he realized the hilarity of the situation and started to uncontrollably giggle.
Nightmare had looked at him and given the most 'are you kidding me' face in the world and Cross started to laugh more.
Killer's face when Cross started to laugh was so...
Let's just say there was no words to describe the mix of hurt and then awe at Cross's laughter.
Cross didn't emote, that was how it was and how Cross thought it would always be.
Nightmare was the first to change that, then Killer started to hang out with him after that, Cross never realized how funny Killer was. It was hard to see through the insensitive bitchass Killer was when he first met him.
Killer had... changed in his eyes a lot since then, like right now, with Killer hugging on his arm that had already been healed to the best of Nightmare's ability.
Like right now? Killer was the cutest thing Cross thinks he's ever seen.
Killer and Cross weren't dating, neither of them were good enough with their own feelings to deal with eachothers. They liked each other, maybe.
That's how it was and Cross didn't mind, Killer wasn't as much as a bitchass as he'd first thought.
"My apologies about all the festivities Cross, we just were excited that we finally found out when your birthday was and didn't think about how you hadn't said anything for the past three years, or how it might have painful memories attached to it." Nightmare says, finishing with his other arm.
"... I'm fine, I just..." Cross sighs, "My birthday was never a bad thing before... It's not like I have these terrible birthday memories, it just reminds me of... my AU." Cross says, stopping himself before he says family, he couldn't call them that, it hurt too much to think of how they were gone.
"I understand, if you want us to ignore it from now on we will, but I think it might help if your memories of your birthday are not all of things that cause you pain." Nightmare says and Killer nods and whispers.
"I got you a special present." he says in Cross's ear, seemingly excited about it.
"Okay," Cross says, talking feeling so much easier than usual, "I think you're right..."
"Yay!" Killer exclaims, "I can't wait to show you what we got you~!"
Cross exhales and smiles a little at Killer, who sees it and his eyes light up in a triumphant way. "I knew you could smile." He says, getting in Cross's personal space a little.
Suddenly, Cross knew everything would be okay.
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animebw · 3 months
Short Reflection: Spring 2024 Anime
I feel like 2024 is shaping up to be an unusual year for anime. Most mainstream shonen and isekai are staggering into audience fatigue of some kind or another, two-cours series are making a massive comeback, and big waves are being made from eclectic shows like Apothecary Diaries and Girls Band Cry that would likely be relegated to cult classic status in years prior. There haven't been many clear standouts yet, but there's a lot of fascinating second-tier stuff bubbling just under the surface. It feels like the general anime audience has grown so big at this point that the way we consume shows and the kinds of shows that break through are evolving before our eyes. Never mind movies like Look Back and The Colors Within waiting in the wings to redefine our notions of what animated cinema can be. All this is to say, I don't know what we'll make of 2024 when all is said and done, but it's gonna be a very interesting story. For now, though, let's take stock of spring's roster of shows to pick out the best, the worst, and the worth checking out. Not counting the shows I've already talked about (Hibike Euphonium's final season 9.5/10 and Demon Slayer's training arc 4/10) or MHA's latest foray, which I'm still waiting to see exactly how it shakes out.
Dead Dead Demons' Dededede Destruction: Please Watch/10
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I'm putting this one right up front because while it's still very early into airing, there's a good chance a lot of you don't even know it exists. Released initially as a pair of movies earlier this year, this adaptation of Oyasumi Punpun author Inio Asano's bizarre bildungsroman alien invasion manga has been retooled into an 18-episode TV series with (apparently) lots of additional footage to fill out everything the movies had to cut for time. Those production circumstances alone would be interesting enough to merit checking it out (fingers crossed Haikyuu can get the same treatment?), but more importantly, this show is just really damn good, and it deserves better than being dropped on Crunchyroll with almost no fanfare and incomplete English subs that don't translate most of the written text. As someone who kind of loved and hated Punpun in equal measure, Dededede feels like all of Asano's best instincts on full display, a riveting exploration of how modern humanity is forced to struggle through "normal" life in the shadow of the apocalypse, asking how we can still set our sights on our futures when there's a very good chance that future might never come. It's messy and difficult, and yet it brims with love for people and our ability to seek kindness and compassion even in the darkest times. Just do yourself a favor and skip the awful "episode 0" prologue; not only is it leagues worse than the rest of the show, it spoils so many details about the story's endgame that it might just ruin the experience outright if you're not careful. You've been warned.
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Part 2: 1.5/10
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Is the second part of Mushoku Tensei season 2 as apocalyptically awful as the first part? Not quite, no. But that's only because Rudeus doesn't do anything quite as jaw-dropping as buying a child slave or kidnapping and molesting a pair of catgirls with no consequences. I know, the bar is in fucking hell and this garbage fire still barely managed to stumble over it. Otherwise, it remains every bit as vile as always. Here's a fun drinking game you can play: take a shot every time someone this season 1) makes excuses to justify why Rudeus shouldn't feel bad about doing something awful, 2) praises Rudeus to high heaven and calls him the most specialest boy ever, 3) falls head over heels for Rudeus in a matter of seconds. You'll likely pass out before you're halfway through the season, but on the plus side that means you won't have to watch any fucking more. I simply remain baffled that so many people have been fooled into thinking this show is something meaningful and smart, how many people ignore its glaringly obvious awfulness to pretend it's saying things it's not actually saying and exploring ideas it's not actually exploring. All I can do is wait impatiently for Re:Zero's return later this year so it can smack everyone senseless with a reminder of what challenging, subversive isekai storytelling actually looks like. Maybe then we'll finally be able to recognize this steaming pile of misogyny and rape culture for what it is and cast it out without a second thought. We can only hope.
Urusei Yatsura Season 2 (2nd Half): 4.5/10
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I think I've given Urusei Yatsura a fair shake. I've done my best to enjoy it through its weaker moments and painfully obvious crows' feet. But now that it's finally over, all I can think is maybe it was better off left in the past. There are infinitely better screwball comedies that have come since, comedies that have been building off the tropes Urusei Yatsura established and finding much more interesting, meaningful things to do with them. This may be a foundational rom-com text, but fifty goddamn years later all its best qualities have been improved upon to the point of obsolescence, and all that's really left is the gross, dated stuff and the fact that every time it tries to be sincere and sentimental it runs into the unavoidable problem that all the romantic relationships its built on really kind of suck. Sorry, but Ataru and Lum are an awful couple and all the worst parts of this show are when it unironically tries to make you root for them despite them being pretty blatantly terrible for each other. I'll stick with Inuyasha, thank you very much.
Wind Breaker: 5/10
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Man, why does every promising modern delinquent anime end up driving itself into a ditch before long? First Tokyo Revengers, then Bucchigiri, and now Wind Breaker has completed the trifecta. And this one had so much potential! Casting a shoujo-style blushy tsundere bad boy as the protagonist of an otherwise straightforward tough-guy action brawler is one of the most inspired strokes of genius I've seen in a long time (let alone getting the Kyo Sohma's VA to voice him). What better way to explore the emotional human side of delinquent storytelling than with a main character who's arc is all about accepting other people and learning to love himself despite the world's rejection of him? That plus a slick production full of badass fistfights should've been an easy recipe for success. Unfortunately, it falls victim to the most common of shonen death knells: getting stuck in an overlong, dragged-out arc that consists of nothing but uninteresting fights against half-baked antagonists that loses sight of what made this series unique until its final moments. And double minus points for entirely taking place in a single visually dull location that you're forced to stare at for like 5 episodes straight with occasional flashbacks as your only escape. Seriously, you could cut the Shishitoren arc to half its current length and lose very little of value. I can only hope the upcoming second season won't get similarly bogged down, cause a good version of this show is something I desperately want to believe is possible.
Konosuba Season 3: 5.5/10
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So here's the good news first: Despite a seven year gap since the second season and a change in studio, Konosuba's third season is still every bit the same show it was. As for the bad news... well, the bad news is that Konosuba's third season is still every bit the same show it was. Yeah, in the years since I first watched it, I've had to really reckon with all the ways this show fucking sucks, and all of those reasons remain on full display undimmed by the passage of time. It's sexist, it's objectifying, it's violently queerphobic, it thinks sexual assault is the funniest thing ever when Kazuma's the one doing it, it's every bit as misogynistic and masturbatory as the isekai genre it's supposedly satirizing. And it's also still one of the funniest goddamn anime ever made when it wants to be. Seriously, if you just strip away all the godawful incel-pandering that's seemingly endemic to modern isekai, Konosuba's god-tier expression work and pitch-black sarcasm are a blast of laughing gas like nothing else in its vicinity. If it could just focus on telling actual jokes instead of passing off alt-right sexual politics as "comedy" half the time, it would more than deserve its status as a modern classic. But it won't, because it genuinely believes all that garbage is the funniest shit ever. Which is why it'll forever be stuck as a show that you can never admit to enjoying in public without being justifiably judged by everyone around you.
Train to the End of the World: 5.5/10
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It's kind of impossible to describe what Train to the End of the World is about without sounding like you're flipping through ten different plot summaries and choosing words at random. But here's as best I can: a freak accident causes the world to morph into a surreal patchwork of bizarre locales, while also seemingly reducing the scope of the world to a single train line in Japan stretching between rural town Agano and Tokyo's metropolitan Ikebukuro district. When Agano high-schooler Shizuru finds evidence that her long-lost friend Yoka might be trapped in Ikebukuro- and also maybe related to the reason everything went insane- she hops on an abandoned train car with a few friends and a dog and starts the long, long journey to reach Ikebukuro through the madness and chaos that defines the new world. The best I can explain it is Gullliver's Travels by way of Alice in Wonderland and Salvador Dali, each episode taking us to another stop on the train line that's morphed into its own flavor of batshit crazy, from mushroom people to horny zombies to a post-canon bad end magical girl world. Unfortunately, any semblance of a point feels buried under a thousand tons of calcified absurdism too thick for anything resembling sincerity to peek through. There are attempts at exploring deeper themes or character moments, but the show's pace is so blisteringly fast and so deeply uninterested with anything beyond what wild ideas it can pull out of its hat that nothing really sticks by the time the train's rolling on to its next destination. If there's anything here beyond a series of wacky Moments(tm) delivered with the rushed breathlessness of a Youtube video on 2X speed, I can't say it made an impression.
Tonari no Youkai-san: 5.5/10
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I'm of two minds about Tonari no Yokuai-san. On the one hand, it's a deeply heartfelt iyashikei that uses its fantasy elements to explore grief, loss, love, community, and the reasons we celebrate life even knowing it must one day end. This town of humans and spirits living side-by-side feels so real and warm you wish you could live there yourself, and the characters populating it, from earnest nekomata to old gay cars to prickly fox spirits and everyone in between, burst with inner life so naturally it almost makes you jealous. On the other hand, for some baffling reason, this show keeps trying to shoehorn in action plots and sci-fi elements that gel with the quiet, contemplative tone as well as oil and water. I genuinely don't understand why the author thought they needed time-space bureaus and giant rampaging snakes to liven things up when just the main character going through an existential crisis about how they're going to outlive everyone they love is ten thousand times more gripping than any of that other nonsense. On the bright side, the good stuff is still really good, and considering how few of you likely watched this show already, let this be your reminder this your reminder not to let it slip through the cracks.
Go Go Loser Ranger: 6/10
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Is the idea of a dark, edgy twist on tokusatsu where the protagonist is a nameless minion trying to overthrow a fascist cabal of sentai rangers that unique? Not really, no. But god damn if Go Go Loser Ranger doesn't make it work regardless. There's something just inherently fun about watching one of those nameless background mooks that normally exist just to get punted en masse decide "You know what? I'm done being the world's punching bag. I'm gonna become the protagonist of my own story and take these fuckers down." We've all rooted for the underdog at some point, after all. It's only fair the most disposable fodder get a chance in the spotlight. And Go Go Loser Ranger delights in twisting that setup as far as it can get away with, constantly making you second-guess your allegiances to any one side as it quickly becomes clear there are no true heroes to root for in this world, just lots of different people flawed in very different ways, all fighting for their own personal gain. You're never quite sure when someone you're rooting for is going to break your trust with some horrific act, or someone you loathe is going to prove themselves more courageous than they first let on, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see when the next shoe's going to fall. Sadly, it also suffers from Wind Breaker's mistake of spending too much time on an overlong arc that's mostly just dull characters fighting in a duller location, but by the end it's shaken off those doldrums and returned to form in a big way. As long as the second season can keep those gears turning, we're in for a good time.
Spice and Wolf Reboot (1st Cours): 6/10
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Let's be blunt: there is no point to remaking Spice and Wolf. The original series is still just as good fifteen years later, and despite the source material continuing past the point it ended, it reached such a beautiful conclusion on its own terms that it more than cemented its status as a true eternal anime classic. Sure, it's nice to experience this story again, to re-aquaint myself with Holo and Lawrence's wonderful chemistry and the fascinating ins and outs of Medieval economics that drive their story. There's a reason I fell in love with this show so many years ago, and Reboot Wolf still has plenty of that charm to go around. But this isn't a re-imagining or a Brotherhood/Froobs 2019 style "proper" adaptation. This is just the same show again but a little bit worse in every way. All I can think of, watching this story I know play out again, is how much stiffer and generic the modern art direction and animation is, how it plays things so much safer with its source material while the original wasn't afraid to make strong changes, how Holo's prickly personality has been neutered into a much more docile, Lawrence-dependent character while the original stood so strong on her own two feet. Maybe it works well enough if this is your first taste of Spice and Wolf, but then, the original show is right there! You could just watch that instead and get a much better experience all around!
Yuru Camp Season 3: 6.5/10
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Speaking of shows that are probably pointless, was there really any need for Yuru Camp to continue after the one-two satisfying punch of season 2 and the epilogue movie? Those endings put such a beautiful bow on the series that anything else would feel superfluous. Especially with such a massive downgrade in the art direction department, Jesus Christ. I don't know who's running studio 8bit's compositing department these days, but between this and the latest Yama no Susume season, it's so painful to see a studio that once excelled at background art reduced to putting filters over photographs and awkwardly slapping ill-fitting moeblob characters on top. The clash between the characters and the backgrounds this season is legitimately painful at times, and for a vibes-based iyashikei like Yuru Camp, that could so easily be a death knell. Thank the gods, then, that most of this series' charm still comes through in spite of itself, the wonderful characters and delightfully daffy comedy still as strong as ever as it extols the virtues of finding your peace in the great outdoors. But if we're going to get any more, then please figure out how to make this new aesthetic not so physically repellent to look at.
Kaiju No. 8: 7/10
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I've said many times that the art of making a Good Enough show is more complicated than most people appreciate. It takes so much skill and talent, so much mastery of the basic building blocks of storytelling, to create something that's just fun to watch plain and simple. And Kaiju No. 8 is yet another example of how impressive it is when one of these shows gets it right. It's a simple, straightforward action show about an over-the-hill sanitation worker getting one last chance to live his dream as a member of the elite kaiju-slaying force that keeps the world safe from the towering monsters that menace it... by accidentally becoming part kaiju himself. The characters are simple but lovable, the emotional stakes are earnest without being overbearing, the action is consistently exciting and well-animated, and the story keeps you on your toes with well-worn tropes executed in novel and exciting ways. I honestly don't think I've seen a shonen action romp so perfectly nail its fundamentals like this since the early days of My Hero Academia. Whether or not this show will also rise to MHA's eventual level of complexity and thematic weight remains to be seen, but for now, it's just plain fun, and an easy recommendation to anyone looking for a good time.
Delicious in Dungeon (2nd Cours): 7.5/10
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Well, I asked for Dungeon Meshi to get darker, and by god, that's exactly what it did. Through shocking plot turns and deeply disquieting thematic touches, this silly little fantasy cooking comedy has developed into something much more sinister and unsettling... while still being primarily a silly fantasy comedy about cooking D&D monsters into mouthwatering meals. I'm still not sure if the tonal whiplash entirely works, but my god does it make this a fascinating show to watch. A single episode can take you from some of the most gut-busting deadpan snark this side of Gintama to a skin-crawling contemplation on mortality and consuming life to perpetuate your own without missing a beat. Turns out, Dungeon Meshi has thoughts on the nature of food as a biological, societal and cultural force, and how that force is not always as simple or benign as a meal shared with friends and family. And it explores those ideas with a quiet dread that makes even its silliest moments feel like a tentative breath before things come crashing down. I have no idea how things will shake out in the second season, but if manga fans are to be believed, it's only going to get more twisted and insane from here. I cannot fucking wait. Just, can Falin stay on screen for more than a single episode without being kidnapped again this time? Girl's such a damsel in distress even Princess Peach is giving her concerned looks.
Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night: 7.5/10
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There is no feeling quite like being a young artist. You're excited to make your mark, painfully anxious about not measuring up while simultaneously being quite full of yourself, bursting with ideas and not quite sure how to execute them, but above all else, in love with the act of creation. And I don't think I've ever seen an anime that so perfectly embodies that messy, beautiful spirit as Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night. Four girls from different artistic backgrounds- an artist, a singer, a musician, and a tech wiz- come together as one to give each other the strength they lack on their own, forming the musical group JELEE as they strive to love themselves and their work through the magic they make together. It's an explosion of passion and joy, often times outstripping its ability to measure up to its ambitions and stumbling over itself, but always shining, always dazzling, always wearing its heart firmly on its sleeve as it celebrates the joy of creation in the digital age and the importance of sincerity in a world too afraid of cringe to accept it. It's also a wonderfully capital-P Progressive series; there's a gay kiss, one character is eventually revealed to be nonbinary in a scene so spectacular I wish I could bump my score up another half-point for it alone. Sadly, it only reaches those heights every so often- but when it does, my god is it a sight to behold.
Girls Band Cry: 8/10
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I remember back when I watched Love Live Sunshine, I wished there was a girls' music anime where the protagonists sung the kind of badass punk rock usually reserved for the antagonists of idol shows. Well, it looks like writer Jukki Hanada and director Kazuo Sakai heard me, because five years after bidding Sunshine farewell, they're returned with one of the most exhilarating, renegade expressions of punk spirit we've gotten in a long time. Girls Band Cry is a supernova, a soaring firecracker of a show that marries an instantly iconic headbanger soundtrack with Hanada's typically spectacular character writing in this tale of five outcasts forming a band and coming together to spit in the face of the world that tried to grind them into conformity. Nina Iseri's arrogant, self-righteous immaturity is a primal scream for the importance of doing what's right over what's easy, and you feel that scream in your fucking soul. Even the show's scrappy CG animation embodies that non-comformist spirit, charting stunning new avenues for 3D anime with some of the most expressive character models and soaring concert scenes you're likely to see all decade. And while the pacing is definitely rushed at points, the overwhelming emotions bleeding from each and every scene make even the weakest moments go down easy. It's downright criminal Toei fumbled the ball on an official English release, but unless you're completely against sailing the high seas, you owe it to yourself to track it down regardless. So raise your middle fingers to the sky, spill your heart from your chest, and let Togenashi Togeari force you to believe in the power of rock all over again.
-Bartender Drops of God (3 Episodes). Too boring to stick with in a pretty packed season.
-A Condition Called Love (3 Episodes). Creepy possessiveness excused for the sake of romance.
Blue Archive (1 Episode). Do you even need to ask.
-The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio (2 Episodes). Awful adaptation that butchers what made the manga so great.
-Whisper Me a Love Song (9 Episodes). The production falls completely apart and it skips the main couple's first kiss. Just read the manga, it's really damn good and deserved so much better.
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lythea-creation · 5 months
The Price Of Family - Draco Malfoy x sister reader
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summary: (f/n) isn't exactly a perfect heir to the Malfoy family. How will Draco deal with his sister sticking out?
warnings: reference to abuse
word count: 944
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
Being a Malfoy was not coming naturally to me.
For starters I despised the whole pureblood supremacy shit. Not even talking about the dark lord.
At school I was an outcast. Most Slytherins stayed away from me due to my beliefs which I did not hesitate to declare. A lot of other students avoided me because of my brother.
Luna was one of the only people I truly came along with. Maybe because she was the odd one out as well. I loved that about her though. She was true to herself and never questioned being herself. It was inspiring honestly.
But there were also somerismatic and cunning twins who I liked to hang around with. It was always fun to be with Fred and George and they did not care about my family. They saw me and not just my name.
Draco and I used to come along well when we were younger and life easier. But he preferred impressing our father over me nowadays and we were drifting apart the more time passed.
The year was over sooner than I had wished for.
I was sitting in a train compartment with Luna and Neville, enjoying our conversation. At the same time I could not help but dread the end of this ride. The summer break was the worst time of the year for me.
So I hesitated to say goodbye to my friends to join the family reunion that was already taking place at the gate.
Our parents were delighted to see Draco. They were all smiling and talking. Sometimes I wondered if I should just not return home one day to improve all our lives. But that would feel like running away and everything inside of me was clenching at the thought of giving up when it was getting hard.
Reluctantly I stepped over to my family who actually greeted me properly.
Our mother let us talk about our school year the whole way home. But as soon as we arrived I escaped into my room.
I unpacked my stuff immediately to get it done quickly. But that did not work out as I was interrupted by Draco bursting into my room.
“I've wanted to talk to you for a long time now”, he proclaimed.
“You can't just come into my room like that”, I noted.
“Of course I can and I just did”, he insisted. “The Weasley twins? Seriously? Do you want to ruin our reputation for good?”
“Just get out”, I shot back.
“I won't. You may not care about our family, but I do. I wasn't exactly excited when you started hanging out with that Ravenclaw weirdo, but this is a different level. Why do you keep interacting with blood traitors?”, he ranted.
“This is stupid”, I mumbled, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“The future of our family is a joke to you? When did all of that even happen? You used to hang around the right people”, he recalled.
“Oh, you mean your friends? Our rather the kids of our parents' friends? They're narrow-minded and total jerks”, I stated.
“What did you just say?” He growled, getting dangerously close.
“Drop the act, Draco! I'm not scared of you”, I enlightened him.
“You should be”, he warned me.
“You're weak, Draco. Always have been. You only do what everyone around is expecting you to do”, I proposed.
My brother clenched his fist before snapping his fingers and that way calling one of our house elves. “Go and get my father”, he ordered.
“That's another thing. You all treat the house elves like shit. I just don't get it. They're doing so much for us. A little appreciation and kindness isn't too much to ask for”, I remarked.
“What is going on here?”, our father questioned.
“(f/n)'s going insane. She's spending all her time with blood traitors and wants us to treat the house elves better”, Draco revealed.
“Is that so?”, father reassured.
I gulped. Honestly I was slightly scared of him because he was always afraid our family honor may be at risk.
“It is”, I confirmed.
“Alright then. I've given you enough time to redeem yourself. It's time for you to learn the hard way”, he announced.
“What do you mean?”, I inquired anxiously.
“You're going to spend the summer with your aunt. Maybe she can put you back on the right path”, he considered.
I could feel all color drain from my face. “You mean aunt Bellatrix? Are you serious? She's a maniac”, I reminded him.
“Don't talk about your family like that! Apparently I failed to teach you properly. Maybe I was too soft on you. I'm sure she won't be”, he assumed.
“No, you … you can't do that”, I protested.
Now I was scared to no end. Facing my father was one thing, but my aunt. That was a completely different story.
“I'm taking your wand in the meantime”, he decided.
My wand flew his way with a flick of his own before I could react.
“I'll contact Bellatrix immediately. You don't get to take anything with you. I'm sure she can provide you with the essentials. Draco, you will watch over your sister until your aunt arrives to make sure she doesn't do anything reckless”, he ordered.
“Yes, father”, Draco replied obediently, although he was looking a bit paler than before as well.
My mind was racing to find a way to get out. Suddenly I wished I had just run away after all.
What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments or asks!
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tbnrpotato · 6 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 2
Clone forces rally. As the war escalates in the Outer Rim, the Jedi Knights are spread thinly across the galaxy.  Many new clones are rushed into service to support their Jedi generals. Unfortunately, because of the relentless demands of battle, many young clones must join the struggle before their intensive training has been completed. These clones, manning a vital network of tracking stations, are all that stand between the Republic and invasion.
I gotta admit, training isn't fun. Rex says it's hard at first, but I'll get used to it. Rex and some other troopers from the 501st train me, and physical training is a literal nightmare. When I wake up the next day my limbs feel like they're gonna fall off. To be honest, it would be better if they did.
I haven't seen Kix after that first time we met, and I haven't interacted with any of the other clones either.
"We want as few clones as possible to know that you were a deserter," Rex says.
"What's a deserter?" I ask him.
"Someone who left the army without permission. People like you."
"But I'm back now, right?"
"Still, we should be cautious."
Most of the time Rex isn't around for my training, he's planning battle strategies with the Jedi Generals and out in the field. 
There's one time Rex comes back from the Battle of Christophsis and he tells me General Skywalker has a new padawan.
"She really thought since she was a commander she outranked me." Rex and I sit on a bench at the side while I'm taking a break from my training. 
"I'm guessing she doesn't, because-"
"In my book, experience outranks everything."
"In your book, experience outranks everything."
Rex and I say it at the same time. Rex chuckles and pats my head. "I see you've at least learned something from me."
"How could I forget that one line you say at least once a week?"
"You got a point kid."
"If experience outranks everything, then why won't you let me get out in the field to get experience?" I ask, probably for the 4th time that week.
Rex's expression hardens. "We had this conversation before, kid. It's too dangerous out there for you for now, you gotta focus on your training first, and when I say you're ready to get out there, you can join me and the boys in the 501st. Got it?"
I roll my eyes, sighing. "Fine."
Rex hands me a few credits. "Go get yourself some new clothes when we land on Coruscant tonight, okay? Your old ones are getting a bit tight." And then he pats me on the back and walks off.
I put the credits in my pocket and get back to training.
I'm still better using a knife than a blaster, but I'm pretty decent with a sniper as well, my long-distance aim with a pistol is shitty, but in close range I can get a good headshot in. 
Rex let me keep my knife, and he even got me a larger one which looks a lot more like a sword, the orange highlights on it match the ones on my old knife. 
Recently, Rex and Cody have been checking the Republic outposts for inspection, and I haven't seen Rex in weeks. 
When Rex finally arrives back on Coruscant, I'm already standing at the hangar waiting for him, crossing my arms.
"What took you so long?" I ask.
"I told you that it was gonna be a few weeks," Rex sighs. "Nice hoodie you got there, by the way."
"Thanks. And what did you say about teaching me how to use those deflector pucks for trick shots before you left?"
"I said that was after you mastered shooting a pistol." 
"But I already have! I can get a headshot from like 3 meters away." I protest.
"3 meters isn't far. You'll be shot down by clankers before you could even get that close."
"Aw cmon, captain, at least give me a demonstration," I smirk. I know he hates it when I call him "captain".
"No time for that. Commander Cody and I are going to the Rishi outpost in a few minutes, I was just checking in on you."
"Oh, how kind of you," I reply, before walking away.
Once I see Rex turn his gaze away from me, I run behind a box near the ship, and wait for Rex and Cody to get into their ship. As the door of the ship starts to close behind them, I slip in at the last second quietly and hide in the darkness, hoping that no one heard me.
As the ship lands on Rishi, the lights at the back of the ship, where I am, turn on. I draw a quick breath, there's nowhere to hide, and Rex and Cody are coming. So I stand up and smile awkwardly.
"Hi guys."
"Kid, what are you doing here, I told you to stay on Coruscant and train," Rex sounds annoyed.
"Who's the kid?" Cody asks.
"Hey commander, name's Aris, I'm basically like the captain's secret trainee," I say, casting a quick glance at Rex, who puts a hand to his forehead and groans.
"I never thought Rex would personally train a kid like you," Cody says. "Where'd he find you?"
"We-we can explain that later, let's just get this inspection over with first," Rex says hastily.
"Just don't get in the way, alright kid?" Rex asks, not waiting for a reply and walking out of the ship with Cody. I follow behind them.
They're busy complaining about having no deck officers on duty here at the outpost, and that the clones here are sloppy. I don't think they are. Something feels off. I can see faint lights coming from behind the boxes, and I don't really think that's normal. I quicken my pace and move closer to Rex.
"I have a bad feeling about this," Cody says as the door to the outpost opens and a clone walks out.
"Welcome to Rishi, commander. As you can see, the outpost is operating at peak efficiency. Thank you for visiting, and have a safe trip back," the clone says, with some weird-ass hand movements. Something's definitely off, and both Rex and Cody glance at each other.
"We need to inspect the base just the same," Cody says.
"Uh, there is no need," the clone says. "Everything is fine and fully operational."
I pull at Rex's arm. Rex nods back at me.
"Take us to the sergeant in command," Rex says.
"Roger roger."
Rex and Cody look at each other, and I'm slightly confused. Suddenly, I see a flare rising up behind us.
It's a droid attack flare, I was just taught that a few days ago.
"A droid attack flare," Cody and I say at the same time. Rex shoots that clone in the head, and he falls to the ground.
"Woah, Rex, what the heck are you doing?" Cody sounds alarmed.
I don't say anything as Rex goes to inspect the body.
"Relax," Rex says as he takes the helmet of the clone, revealing a lifeless commando droid under the helmet. "Looks like one of those new commando droids."
"That flare must have come from the survivors," Cody says.
Suddenly, blaster shots come from all directions and Rex and Cody start firing.
"Get behind me kid," Rex says as he dodges a blaster bolt. I don't protest, staying as close to Rex as I can. Just the sound of blaster bolts whizzing over my head is enough to make my blood run cold. It's not the same as in training. If I get shot here, I will most likely die.
Some of the commando droids are using the boxes to shoot from the high ground. Cody manages to get a few shots on one of them, but they just get back up again.
"Those clankers have tough armor," Cody exclaims. 
I run as fast as I can behind a box to take cover, covering my ears and closing my eyes tightly, curling up into a ball. I can almost feel the shot on my shoulder again. My breathing quickens.  Rex and Cody go to take cover where I am.
"We're cut off," Cody says, he and Rex keep firing at the droids. His voice sounds muffled in my head.
"Get me outta here...get me outta here..." I whisper to myself, pressing my knees to my forehead.
And then I hear the sound of grenades landing near our area and Rex grabs my arm, shoots a grappling hook to the platform and lowers us down to the ground. Cody's next to us as I hear an explosion.
When my feet touch the ground, I lean against a rock to stabilize myself, my legs are shaking, my shoulders are tensed, I just stare straight ahead, breathing heavily.
"Kid, are you okay?" Rex puts a hand on my shoulder. "Are you hurt or anything?"
I look down at the ground, avoiding eye contact. 
"Aris? Look at me. Are you okay?"
I look up at Rex. "I shouldn't have come."
"Yea, you shouldn't have. But you're here now, and you're still alive, so I'd count that as a win," Rex smirks.
I nod, trying to slow my breathing down, my shoulders relaxing slightly. 
"This is just like training, okay? Don't worry about it."
Rex turns to Cody. "Well this sure complicates things, Commander. No worse than that time on Tibrin."
"We had jedi with us on Tibrin," Cody says as we stare at the flaming wreckage of the ship. "They helped."
"What...happened on Tibrin?" I speak up in a small voice.
"Not now kid," Cody snaps, and I go quiet again.
3 clones walk towards us through the smoke of the wreckage, and Rex and Cody raise their blasters at them. "Hands above you heads. Take your sun bonnets off."
I think he means helmets. But seriously? Sun bonnets? You couldn't come up with something better?
My hand reaches for the pistol at my belt as I stand behind Rex and Cody, wondering if I should follow them and point my gun at the clones.
"Uh, sir?" One of the clones sounds confused.
"Take them off. Now!"
The clones raise their hands in surrender, take their helmets off, and they're not droids.
Suddenly, an really big eel-like thing crashes through the rocks at our side and roars at us. I stand there frozen while Rex shoots the thing and kills it in one shot.
Rex takes off his helmet and goes to check whether the eel is dead. 
"Nice shot," one of the clones says.
I back away from the eel's body but behind me is darkness and I don't wanna get ambushed by any more droids, so I just stay close.
"The name's Rex," Rex says as he checks the eel's body. "But you'll call me "Captain" or "sir"."
"Sir, yes sir!"
I really don't wanna talk to Rex when he's like this. I have a slight fear or superior authoritative figures.
"I'm commander Cody, your new boss," Cody says as he takes off his helmet.
I smile awkwardly and wave at the 3 clones. "Hi..." 
They ignore me. 
"My designation is trooper 27-5555, sir," one of the clones says. 
"We call him Fives. I'm Hevy. This is Echo." Hevy points to the last dude.
"Where's your sergeant?" Cody asks.
"Dead, sir. We're all that's left," Echo says.
"Looks like we got a batch of shinies, commander," Rex says as he walks up to the clones.
"Shinies, sir?"
"That's right. Your armour, it's shiny and new, just like you," Rex says.
At least they have armour.
"Sir, me and my batchers are trained and ready. We'll take back our post, shiny or not."
"There's hope for you yet, rookie," Rex says.
"Hey kid. You're not supposed to be here. It's dangerous."
I look up, Hevy's talking to me.
"I know, I was following the captain along without his permission, cause I thought I could get some experience here, but..." I look down, my voice is soft.
"It's scarier than you thought it would be?" Echo asks.
I nod. "I wanna go back."
"Well, you can't get everything you want, kid. And if you're looking for some experience, you're sure gonna get a lot of it here," Hevy says. "What's your name?"
"Like the leader of the 504th Legion?" Fives asks.
"Rex named me after her."
"You look like a clone. Are you?" Echo asks.
"Mhm. Female clone. Wasn't meant to exist, but here I am. Made to be physically weaker than the others." I chuckle, looking down. "But I'm definitely not weaker. I'm equal to them."
"Alright boys, keep quiet and follow me," Rex says, before starting to climb up a ledge. 
The others all follow, and I'm at the back. 
Okay. You can do this. Just like training.
I take a deep breath and start climbing.
Don't look down, don't look down, there's no harness, just don't look down and don't fall or you're gonna become a piece of roti prata and die-
I cling onto the rock that I'm climbing on tightly, and I make the mistake of looking down. My whole body tenses up, and I draw a few quick breaths before looking back up again. I can feel the sweat running down my face. My arms are shaking. All I can hear is my heartbeat now.
After what seems like forever, we make it up to the top of the ledge, and Hevy helps me up. My breaths are shaky as I wipe the sweat off my face.
"Look sharp, rookies," Rex says. "As long as those tweezers occupy this post, our home planet of Kamino is at risk."
I look up. Kamino? 99's still there, isn't he?
"But there's so many of them," Hevy says.
"Doesn't matter, kid. We have to retake this base, so we will retake this base."
"How do you propose we get through those blast doors, Rex, old boy?" Cody asks.
"I have a few ideas."
I gently tug at Rex's arm.
"What is it, kid?" Rex asks, turning to face me.
"Can I...sit this one out, sir?"
"Look kid. We need all troopers for this. Including you."
"I don't wanna go. I don't wanna die. I'm scared."
Rex puts both hands on my shoulders. "You're not gonna die kid. You'll be fine. What happened to getting experience, hm?" He playfully punches my shoulder. "You'll be okay. I promise. Just remember your training, okay?"
I take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. It's not working, but I don't show it, and I nod. 
We reach the front blast doors of the outpost and Cody and the others hide at the sides, so I follow them, pistol in one hand and my vibrosword in the other.
Rex walks up to the front door.
"Unit 2-6, is that you?" the commando droids in the outpost ask. 
"Roger roger," Rex says.
"You sound strange. Is something wrong with your vocabulator?"
"Roger roger."
"Take off your helmet. Let me see your faceplate."
"Roger roger."
Rex ducks and uses the commando droid's head from just now and shows it to the camera.
"This is never gonna work," Cody puts a hand to his helmet.
The blast doors open and Rex holds up his pistol.
"Roger, Roger."
Rex takes out the droid in the middle and the others take out the remaining 2.
"Right, let's move."
The others run into the main room and take cover at the sides, shooting at the droids. I stay behind and take cover from the main hallway, not looking behind me. I can see blaster bolts whizzing past me, but they're not going to hit me.
I hear Fives getting shot and Cody telling them to focus. I look back and see Rex in the main room, where a commando droid is trying to melee him.
I draw my vibrosword and run into the main room as Rex dodges the swings of the droid, and I slice the droid in half from behind. The others take out the last 2 remaining droids and the room is clear.
"Thanks kid," Rex gives me a downwards nod of respect.
I sling my sword back onto my back and lean against a wall at the side while the others roast the droids that they just shot down.
"Get to the window. It looks like we have more visitors," Cody says.
We all run to the window and look outside.
"It looks like a separatist fleet."
"That's why the commandeered the outpost," Cody says. "They're mounting a full-scale invasion."
"We have to warn command," Rex says.
"Shouldn't we hide? If they're gonna mount a full-scale invasion we don't stand a chance," I speak up, and everyone stares at me. "What? I'm telling the truth."
One of the clones goes to try and transmit a signal. 
"Those clankers sabotaged our transmitter, and they hard-wired the all-clear signal. It'll take time to-"
"We don't have time. Look."
A ship is descending in front of the outpost.
"Guys we really should go," I'm making my way towards the vent, ready to run.
"Well kid, you're gonna get a lot of experience from here," Echo says.
"We can't protect the outpost long against that army of clankers," Cody says.
"Then we'll destroy the outpost instead," Rex says.
"But sir, our mission is to defend this facility at all costs."
"We have to warn the Republic about the invasion. They'll take notice when the all-clear signal stops."
"That's right. When they stop receiving our beacon, they'll get the message something's wrong," Fives says.
"We'll need every thermal detonator in the inventory," Rex says.
I slowly open up the vent cover, ready to slip inside.
"It'll take more than a few detonators to destroy the outpost."
Then someone suggests an idea to blow up the outpost using liquid tibanna.
"Good. Bring the tanks here and prime the detonators," Rex orders.
Just as I'm about to slip into the vent and run away, Rex notices me.
"Hey kid, don't think about going anywhere."
I freeze, looking up at him.
"I have no interest in dying today," I reply. 
"I thought you weren't weak?"
So I help the boys carry the explosives to the main room as I hear the battle droids marching towards the front gate.
When we manage to get it all to the main room, Rex and the others gather around, and I stand behind Fives, Echo and Hevy.
"Alright listen up. There's only one target of interest in this sector: Kamino. It's the closest thing we clones have to a home. Today we fight for more than the Republic. Today we fight for all our brothers back home. Understood?"
"Sir, yes sir!"
Rex looks at me.
I take a deep breath and steel myself for the high possibility of dying. "Sir, yes, sir." 
We head into the weapons room where the others take their weapons. My hand rests on my pistol, and the other on my vibrosword. I turn to Rex, who's making his way to the main room. He nods at me.
I can feel my heart in my throat now, and it must have been pretty obvious to Cody, because he puts a hand on my shoulder and says,"We're gonna survive this kid. Trust me.
Hevy goes to the front and takes out a bunch of battle droids with that gatling gun of his, and then Cody, me and the others come in. 
I shoot at the droids with my pistol and blaster bolts narrowly miss me, and everything's going so fast, I can't comprehend what's going on.
One of the clones throws a grenade at the battle droids, knocking most of them off the platform while the rest of us fall back, closing the blast doors.
They get blown up from outside and the battle droids enter, still shooting at us, and I run into the main room, with the others following behind after a few moments.
I hear Rex say that the handset wasn't linking up with the detonator, and Hevy says he'll handle it, telling us to get out of here.
We run to the vents and crawl through them, with Rex leading the way. We reach the outside in a few minutes, hiding behind a ridge.
"Hevy, hit the-" Rex looks behind, and Hevy isn't there.
"Where's Hevy?"
Echo and Fives shake their heads.
Rex talks into his comlink. "Hevy, get out of there."
"The remote isn't working," Hevy reports. "I have to detonate it manually."
I move to run back into the vents and try to make it back to the outpost, the others follow me. I'm running as fast as I can, and crawl into the vents, trying to make it back.
I hear the others trying to contact Hevy, but they're not in the vents yet. I gotta get there.
And then I hear the sound of explosions and debris falling, the vents shake, and I curl up into a ball, covering my head.
When the shaking stops, I open my eyes, and I see Rex pulling me out of the vents.
"You okay kid?" Rex asks.
I nod, staying close to him as we head back to the others.
Hevy's gone.
"We've got those tinnies on the run," either Fives or Echo says, I can't really tell. 
"Thanks to Hevy."
I hear the sound of gunships descending.
"We're getting of this crater boys," Rex says.
We all get on the gunships, and I remain silent for the whole trip back to the cruiser.
Fives and Echo are getting some random award thing from General Skywalker, and Rex says he's considering adding them to the 501st. I head back to the barracks and just chill there for awhile, thinking about everything that's just happened. It all feels so fast.
About an hour later, Rex comes in.
"Hey kid, how're you doing?"
I remain silent.
Rex sits down next to me.
"Yknow if it wasn't for Hevy, we wouldn't be here right now," he says.
I nod, staring up at the ceiling. "I shouldn't have come."
"Yea, it's a lot more different than training, isn't it?"
"It's so...scary, my mind just goes blank, and I forget everything I learned during training. Being a soldier's hard."
"The first few battles are always like that, but...you'll get used to it."
"I'm not gonna be in another battle. I'll just stay on Coruscant and continue training. That's what you want, right?"
"Hm. I could let you come on some of the less dangerous battles, how about that?"
I hesitate. I can almost imagine the sickening feeling in my stomach when the outpost blew up, when I realised that Hevy was gone. I can almost feel my heart pounding in my head every time I see live fire whizzing past my head, when I narrowly miss death by an inch.
I sit up and look at Rex.
"I don't wanna go."
Rex looks at me, confused. "What?"
"I'm done with being in battles. I'm not going to fight out there in the field anymore. I'm done. I'm leaving."
Rex sighs. "Look, ad'ika-"
Fives and Echo come into the barracks. 
"Hey kid, how're you doing?" Echo asks. "You were pretty good out there with your knife and your pistol."
I look up at him.
"I know what you're thinking, kid. You wanna leave after your first skirmish, and to be honest, I can't argue with that. It's a hard life, being a soldier."
I nod.
"But we're fighting for the Republic, for a cause that we believe in. Out there, we gotta be strong, we can't show weakness, and we show those clankers what we're made of, got it?"
I nod again, and Echo and Fives walk away.
Can't show weakness. They always said I was made to be weaker than the others. Gotta prove them wrong.
I turn to Rex.
"Maybe I'll take a few weeks on Coruscant to train and prepare myself, and then maybe I'll consider coming along on those less dangerous battles."
Rex smiles, and nods. "Okay then ad'ika, we've got a ship leaving for Coruscant in a few hours, and I'll see you in a few weeks."
"What does ad'ika mean?" I ask.
"You already know, kid. All clones do."
I roll my eyes. "Fine. Cya, captain."
Rex groans.
"And for the last time, DON'T CALL ME THAT!"
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
Can I request a platonic yandere Bucky Barnes? Like just general headcannons on how he would act or be? Thank you!
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Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, Bucky being a grade-a stalker (and has murdered some people for you)
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Ooh, let's see.
I think that having Bucky as a platonic yandere would be like having a big brother or a fun uncle you're close to.
Except like any typical big brother/fun uncle, he's terribly overprotective and fully willing to kill for you.
Bucky isn't overprotective in the way that most platonic yanderes would be. He's not trying to lock you away just because somebody flirted with you or you scraped your knee from tripping.
Instead, he's one to stalk you heavily.
He's not good with modern technology, but he is good at adapting.
Most of the time, Bucky would prefer to follow you physically. It's easier when dealing with your safety. If you get put in a dangerous situation, he can get to you fast and protect you.
But Bucky also plants quite a few trackers and microphones on different objects of yours that you carry around often. Your phone, a bag, your wallet, etc.
He knows that a lot of a person's social interactions can occur online now. It is easier to talk, he can admit that, and Bucky also can admit it makes watching you easier too.
Tapping into your phone allows him to keep track of who you're talking to. who they are to you, and what they're saying to you at any given moment.
He's not about to limit your social interactions, though.
I've talked about this before with Bucky, but he's not the type of yandere to keep a tight leash on his darling. He has his own trauma from everything being taken away from him and being held captive for years, so doing that to someone he claims to love is not something that even crosses his mind.
Bucky will let you have a life outside of him. He won't kidnap you unless you're put in extreme danger. You can have friends, a job, you can go to school, and maybe even a romantic partner.
With that being said, he would kill anyone who ever put you in any type of danger.
To Bucky, danger can be a range of things.
Of course, someone actively threatening you is the easiest way to get on Bucky's list. He doesn't tolerate someone even saying that they're going to hurt you, much less actively trying to do so.
Danger can also include someone trying to hurt you mentally. Bullying you, damaging your reputation, etc.
These sorts of people won't be around for long after Bucky figures out what they've done to you, and he's very good at hiding what he does to them.
You'll never find out he does any of this. He's a very well-trained assassin, so he knows how to clean up after his messes.
To you, they'll just disappear from your life, lifting whatever burden they gave you off of your shoulders.
But besides stalking you and sometimes getting rid of a potential threat, Bucky's pretty great to have as a platonic yandere.
As I said, he allows you to have a social life. He can be a bit overprotective with your friends, and even worse with a potential romantic partner.
The minute you introduce them to him, Bucky's asking them questions with narrowed eyes, and you can bet your ass he's doing a background check on them later.
He might scare off a few people, but hey, he always gets you food, and he's always up for an all-night movie marathon (saying that his sleep schedule is already messed up.)
So long as you don't go looking into the deaths of some people or watch your back too closely, Bucky's just the tad bit (more than you know) overprotective brother/uncle.
And it's not like he'd let you figure that stuff out easily anyway.
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cease-this · 2 years
Stress reliever
A/n: this idea has been on my mind since I read the ending of volume 17. PLATONIC ONLY!! Co-written by @stupideelblog I didn't proofread this so . Ignore that the tense is inconsistent.
Warnings: stress, tickles
If you're not into that kind of thing, just scroll!!
This is a strange request. Ango was hesitant, not understanding why Dazai had asked him to do this. When he had gotten the message from Dazai requesting that he help Atsushi relieve some stress, it had surprised him. It would’ve been a pretty normal favor if not for what Dazai had asked him to do specifically. How was he supposed to approach this situation? Hey Atsushi, Dazai wants me to tickle you. Come here. Yeah, no. He has to make this happen somewhat naturally at least. Or, he was going to try. 
He sees Atsushi sitting down across the room, reading something. His brow is furrowed and he seems frustrated for some reason. Ango decides to just bite the bullet and approaches him.
“Hello, Atsushi,” He starts.
Atsushi had been reading something. Or trying to at least. He was sat on the sofa in Lucy’s ability room, criss cross with a book in his hands, but the words just seemed to muddle when he read them. He didn’t understand it one bit. He was broken out of said train of thought when he heard Ango’s voice in front of him. He tilted his head up to look at the olders face. 
‘Um.. hi Ango-san? Is everything okay?”
Ango paused, not sure how to lead into this. “Yes, of course. I was just coming in here to check on you. See how you’re doing. I heard you’ve been stressed lately. Is that true?” He asked, now only standing a foot or two away from him. Atsushi moved over a little to make room for Ango to sit, still sitting crisscrossed on the couch. 
“Ah.. A little, but it’s okay. I think anyone would be stressed out under these conditions.”
The were-tiger gave a half hearted smile, scratching the back of his neck. Ango sat down next to him, sensing the pain in his voice. “I could… help you. With your stress. If you’d like,” He says this cautiously. He wondered if Atsushi was even ticklish. He must have been, for Dazai to make this request. Plus, Atsushi seemed like the type.
“Oh?” Atsushi tilted his head softly, the stressed look being mostly replaced by a curious one. He set the book fully aside. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well,” He said, reaching out and pinching Atsushi's side a couple of times to test the waters. “Laughter is a pretty good method to relieve stress. Laughter releases endorphins, and that can help you feel lighter and less stressed.”
This caused atsushi’s eyes to widen a little as he gave a loud yelp. Immediately, he jumped up from his place on the sofa, scrambling to the other side of it. “A-any- other ideas-?”
Ango smiled a bit at the sudden reaction. He had barely touched him; he wasn’t expecting that much of a reaction. Maybe this was a good idea after all. “Are you ticklish, Atsushi?” Ango asked, already knowing the answer from the seconds beforehand, but wanting to hear it for himself.
“N-no I just- you just startled me- I- no-!” Atsushi internally kicked himself for stammering so much already. He could feel his face growing warmer as he held out his hands in a defensive way, making sure he was as far on the couch from Ango as possible. He was surprised, if we’re being honest. Ango didn’t seem like the. Tickler type, which he wasn’t, for the most part. Except when it came to certain people. With those few people, he most definitely was. 
“You’re not ticklish?” Ango asked. “Are you sure?” This interaction reminded him of how a lot of his conversations with Dazai would go. Dazai still, to this day, denies being ticklish, even though he’s been proven wrong many, many times before. Atsushi’s stuttering was funny though. He seemed to be getting a whole lot more flustered than some of the other people Ango had tickled before. Atsushi shook his head back and forth quite rapidly, still pushing himself back on the couch using his feet, before tumbling over the arm of the couch, which he was quick to recover from as he peered over the arm of the couch to look at Ango. “St-stay over there.”
Ango did not oblige to the request. He scooted even closer to the weretiger. This was going to work really well, wasn’t it. “You’re blushing,” Ango pointed out, knowing it would only probably fluster him more. He reached over and poked Atsushi in the stomach a few times.
"I'm nohot—!" Both Atsushi's hands flew to cover his mouth, his knees curling up defensively to his chest before scrambling backwards, now halfway across the floor away from the couch. His blush darkened.
"Was that a giggle? Perfect, more of that," Ango said, standing up to go after him. “It's okay Atsushi, just relax.” He kneels down next to Atsushi before he can get back up, and starts scribbling his fingers all over his stomach. Atsushi’s face is so red at this point, and Ango loves it. Both Atsushi's arms immediately come down, wrapping around his torso defensively, before alternating between trying to push him away and cover his stomach. He holds his breath, trying not to giggle out loud.          
Oh, he was trying not to laugh? That wasn't going to last long. Ango was able to masterfully evade Atsuhi’s arms, poking and squeezing around them, on his stomach and sides and wherever else he could reach. “Come on, laugh~”
His arms settled on defensively wrapping around his entire torso, kicking his feet a little. His nose scrunched up and he gave little squeaking noises. They melted Ango's heart. He was surprised at how cute this was. He was warming up to Dazai’s plan very quickly with these reactions. His hands slipped under Atsushi’s shirt, scratching at his lower stomach, causing the weretiger to give what sounded like a squeal. His hands scrambled against his shirt, trying to shove Ango's hands out of it. And out poured squeaky giggles. Atsushi's eyes squeezed shut. "St-stohop it!"
Ango’s smile grew even wider. “Awww,” He said. His fingers crawled over to Atsushi’s sides, lightly scribbling up and down. It was really easy to push his arms out of the way. It was almost like Atsushi was weakened by the tickles. Atsushi squeaked, pawing at Ango's hands like a cat. He twisted back and forth under the fingers of the other. "A-Ahango-san—!"
“Yes?” Ango said, not letting up. He used one hand to pin one of Atsushi’s arms above his head, wiggling his fingers under his arm. “What is it?”
"nO!" He squeaked, trying to grab onto Ango's wrist and push him away. He giggled brightly, his blonde hair becoming a mess against the floor as his head shook. His bright red face contrasted his light hair. "StohOp!"
“You're smiling so much though! Doesn't the laughter feel nice?” Ango said, pinning the other hand under his same one. “You seem to be having fun.” His fingers traveled to the other arm, and he trailed his fingers all the way down. Atsushi's laughter varied In pitches, smiling widely. His fangs showed from behind his lips. "I'm nohOt! St—" he was very rudely interrupted by a squeak "Stohop—!"
Ango paused for a second. “Do you really want me to stop?” Knowing that Atsushi probably enjoyed it, he wanted to keep going. But at the same time, wanted to make sure he wasn't overdoing it. Dazai was always way more resilient, so Atsushi breaking this easily was something he wasn't used to.
"Wh— i—" Atsushi looked a little shocked as his cheeks steadily grew red again. "O-of course I do—!" He spoke, not very convincingly. 
“Really?” Ango asked. The tone of Atsushi’s voice gave it all away. The stuttering and the blushiness? Both dead giveaways. He definitely enjoyed this. Ango began poking at his ribs., causing the younger to press his lips together, tightening his hands into fists, scrunching up his face and burying it in his arm. He squeaked and twitched at each poke. He nodded. 
“You're so squeaky,” Ango pointed out. “I think you're one of the most ticklish people i've met.” He dug his fingers into Atsushi’s side right below his ribs, grinning. The weretiger gave a bright squeal, rolling over and managing to escape Ango had on him. He sat himself up, still giggling and holding his hands out again, defensively. "Dohon't—"
The bright smile he couldn't seem to shake as he hid behind his knees was quite the source of embarrassment for him.
“Come here Atsushi~” Ango called out in a teasy voice. “I'll be gentle,” He said, knowing how sensitive Atsushi was. He wouldn't go as hard as he usually does with Dazai. He wiggled his fingers in the younger boy’s direction. Atsushi giggled harder, backing away more.  He peered over his knees at Ango and shook his head. "Nohoooo—"
Ango suddenly grabbed one of Atsushi’s legs, pulling the weretiger over in his direction. He scribbled his fingers over Atsushi’s foot, holding on tight to his ankle. Atsushi’s eyes went wide. He clawed at the ground in front of him with a shriek. "NOHOhO—!"
“Tickle tickle~” Ango grinned, knowing that saying that usually flustered anybody who he tickled. He studied Atsushi’s reactions to every different little spot, taking mental notes of which things seemed to tickle him the most.
He dragged a finger up and down Atsushi’s leg and spidered his fingers behind Atsushi’s knee. Atsushi gave shrieky giggles at this, pawing uselessly at the ground as if trying to crawl away from his tormentor. His lower half was much worse compared to his upper. 
Ango noticed how much bigger of a reaction he was getting. He dragged him closer before sitting on his thighs and lightly tickling the backs of Atsushi’s knees. He drags his fingers up and down his legs, smiling the whole time. Atsushi’s laughter was so contagious. It was so bright and fun, and he found himself wanting to hear more and more.
Atsushi yelped as he was pulled closer, burying his face in an arm pillow he'd made for himself. His feet kicked up and down. He tried to giggle out something along the lines of "Ango-san stop!" Or maybe an "it tickles—!" But found himself lost in the laughter.
“Trying to say something?” It all just sounded like laughter with a confused jumble of sounds to Ango. It was kind of adorable, really. He spun around and poked at Atsushi’s sides before digging his fingers into under his arms. Poor Atsushi was just too ticklish for his own good.
Atsushi’s arms shot down immediately, clinging to his side
"StOhoP ihiT—! NoHo mohoRe—!" 
His gloved hand came down three times to signal tapping out. 
"I'm behetter I prOhomIse—!"
Ango let up quickly, not wanting to kill him. He got up off of the poor boy and let him catch his breath. Atsushi was a mess. His face was bright red, his hair was all tangled, and he was out of breath.
“Are you alright?” Ango said, smiling at the wide smile plastered across Atsushi’s face.
Atsushi still giggled softly as he clumsily sat up, curling up into a ball. He nodded. “Wh-whahat was that for?”
“Well, you feel better, don’t you? That was the whole point.” It was to begin with, anyway. Ango ended up having a bit more fun than he had expected to have. At some point it had switched from a task he was doing out of kindness to Dazai, to something where he was just genuinely trying to make Atsushi laugh and have fun.
"Hmm.." he smiled softly. "Yeah, I guess I do. Thank you."
Ango smiled fondly, standing up and ruffling Atsushi’s hair. "Glad I could help. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask."
Atsushi took a minute to stare as Ango walked away before giggling softly, burying his face in his arms. Yeah, maybe he would. 
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imagine-silk · 2 years
Could I have Darling wispering to the Yandere Fallout 4 Girls (+Hayleen) that Darling wants a Baby and wants for them to carry it?
》This can be read as any gender because sperm donors so it's possible.
【Cait】 "Alright."
To her it's not up for discussing, she will do this. She would give you anything you asked for no matter how dirty or violent it was, so to carry your baby is not only a task to take, it's a high honor. Of course, she knows how difficult it is to have a child. She has seen many women give birth in her life and they don't always survive. And even after the don't always survive.
Her parents weren't good to her and it does cross her mind but you're different, she's different. She silently swears to be there for the child as much as she's there for you.
The pregnancy is a bit difficult for one reason and one reason alone; she tries to bare it on by herself. Whenever she has morning sickness she'll brush it off. When her boobs ache she shift them in her bra and nothing else. She doesn't really understand this is not something you can just take on the chin.
When she does start taking help it makes things easier but it's starting to take a toll on her. She has the urge to punch everything. When she's too weak to leave the house it make her even more pissed. But looking at you makes her feel it's all worth it.
【Curie】 "What a splendid idea, my love."
She is very serious about this. Honestly, she's going to have this entire thing planned. Having a baby is a very serious process both physically and emotionally. Some other doctors are going to be trained in child birth if they don't know so already, she's handled most of the labors in Sanctuary but she can't handle this one.
Is the easiest to handle because she understands what goes into it. When she has a craving she finds what's a healthy version of it and chooses that instead. Stretching is a must everyday. Asking for help is not only done but expected.
The entire time she's fawning over you and her stomach. She does get very testy about people touching her. Unless it's you she will not be keen on others touching her at all. If they ignore her warnings she'll lock her hands and throw her elbow at them. While their cradling their head she tells them again to not touch her.
【Piper】 "Oh my god, you're so right."
To be completely honest she's a little upset she didn't bring this up first. It's only natural for a married couple to have a child. She tells Nat about the idea. You think she's mad about it because she starts leaving the house a lot, but when she comes back she goes straight to Piper and gives her food and water. It clicks then she wants this.
The newspaper's doing a lot less but no one says anything. She's having a baby, show some respect. The further into the pregnancy the further violent she become so you better hope you're never snippy with her.
She's more than happy to stay home with Nat drinking nuka-cola making puff pieces. When you come house she's holding you close always. Loving on you is on extra during this time. You will not have a moment alone.
【Haylen】 "Well we better get started then."
You are going to have a lot of sex even after she gets pregnant. There is a practical purpose to it but it is an excuse to just continuously have sex to her. She's sweet about it too. Constantly praising and rewarding you for following her.
It was only a matter of time before this happened. She spend a lot of attention on binding you to her so two plus two equals baby.
She is a independent but asks for help, especially from Curie. Her treatment of everyone around her doesn't change but make no mistake she is still very dangerous. In this time, bonding with you is essential to her. If you have a positive association about this it will get her what she wants so no violence.
Danse will help her when you can't. She'll even make him carry her and open jars. And Preston checks up on her because he is a ball of sunshine who not only wants her to be okay but is excited to see a baby running around. To boost morale of course. The socializing helps ease the discomfort she doesn't show. The socializing helps ease the discomfort she doesn't show.
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gyubby99 · 2 years
@disneyanddisneyships I CANT RESIST IT.
It was one of those days.
Ella had just gotten her work done, signing papers, council meetings, forging alliances with Loreley and Alruna's most trusted warriors, and ofcourse, Calvania. She had written a letter to be sent to Queen Rosalyn and Princess Hope, just to check in on them. She did promise to help Rosalyn with her new queenly duties, as politics and monarchy hadn't been on her list when she sailed to Calvania. Ella had been glad that so far, she was doing great, although she'd complain to the days being overly dready.
The other day she'd complained via letter about people throwing garbage in the lake, saying they were hurting the poor turtles and that she and Alistar should make a law about preventing it.
Ella laughed at the thought. But nonetheless, she was extremely exhausted. Being a queen was never an easy thing. You don't get to just sit on a throne looking pretty. Ella had thousands of people depending on her for their wellbeing and safety, just in case something goes wrong and any war happens. Fortunate for her, Mia was there to lend a helping hand making sure she was okay.
Ella would do the same for her. In a heartbeat.
Ella sighed, plopping herself onto her and Eli's king-sized bed.
Eli. That was another thing.
He had been busy these past few days, as the upcoming sparring practice of the kids Alruna was in charge of training, was nearing and he had to make them swords. Sure, he had a friend, and his acting father to help but the man was old enough already, and there were only two of them now. She'd met Eli's friend. His name is Christopher.. or they'd like to call him Chris. He was nice, pretty fun guy. They got along well.
Besides all that, Ella wished Elias was here, holding her whilst she rants about her day, and how Rosalyn had been freaking out about turtles on the lake.
Elias. Elias.
Despite her high royal status, and her wealth all alone, never did he ever ask anything from her. He would always tell her that she never had to put in an effort for him. He never even wished for a big wedding. He was up for the council and just small people but she refused. He had only agreed on the big ceremony because it was what she wanted, and all he ever wanted was to see that big smile on her face.
Oh, the wedding ceremony.. that day she couldn't help but notice that Elias couldn't take his eyes off of her.
He never asked her for anything. Not even once.
He'd often say that it's because she was everything he ever wanted, so he never asked for anything. She was valuable enough for him to have to ask for anything else.
That night was full of love.
Ella's heart warmed up at the thought. Nothing. All he ever wanted from her was nothing.
It was her he wanted.
She sat up, looked around, and saw her piano sitting at the corner of the room.
Well that's one way to ease stress..
Ella stood up, and walked towards it, sitting at the front when she got there.
She started playing with some notes, remembering the sweetness of that night, and the warmth of the atmosphere.
More importantly, how soft and vulnerable she can be around him.
Then she played.. words crossed her mind in the speed of light.
I spy with my little tired eye
Tiny as a firefly
A pebble that we picked up last July
Down deep inside your pocket
We almost forgot it
Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes?
They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your
Sweet nothings
Outside they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was
Sweet nothing
On the way home
I wrote a poem
You say, "what a mind"
This happens all the time
'Cause they said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your
Sweet nothings
Outside they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was
... nothing
Industry disrupters and soul deconstructors
And smooth-talking hucksters
Out glad-handing each other
And the voices that implore
"You should be doing more"
To you I can admit
That I'm just too soft for all of it
They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your
Sweet nothings
Outside they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was
Sweet nothing
They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your
Sweet nothings
Outside they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was
Sweet nothing
"That was wonderful, my love.." a deep voice she knew all too well, suddenly boomed behind her seconds after she finished.
As though it was a reflex, Ella turned to look behind her. To her surprise, and joy, it was her husband, his usual lukewarm expression whenever they were around each other.
"Eli!" She jumped from her seat, completely ditching the piano as she immediately ran to embrace him. Elias returned the gesture, careful not to crush her lungs.
Being in his arms.. him, holding her in his.. felt surreal. She could stay like this forever.
She was home, as he was.
"You're early!" Ella exclaimed as she pulled away.
"Yeah.. I'm finished with half my work. Chris is working on the details, and he said I can come back tomorrow. So we have time." Elias replied, his hand gently caressing her back.
For some reason, Ella was overwhelmed with joy she kissed him right then and there, passionately.
She'd done this a million times, and would do it a billion more.
"Woah.. what's that for? Good mood?" Elias laughed, soon as she pulled away.
"No reason." Ella hummed. "But I am exhausted, so.. I figured I'd just.. sit here and relieve all that stress."
Elias placed a kiss on her forehead. "Okay. I'll just get changed, and we can cuddle and talk about it. We're goon on that, right?"
Ella giggled as she nods.
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Well, the lack of Risotto getting pegged is bad, we need to fix that, so if you can write something about it, that would be nice~
Bonus if its the first time it happends because having this big man trusting you into fucking him its pretty hot 👉👈💓
-Pastel Anon
Can I offer you some headcanons in these trying times? I've got u Pastel Anon~
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✂ Head canons of pegging Risotto for the first time under the cut:
It's actually Risotto that comes to YOU about it--
Let's say you've given Risotto a few prostate massages before while going down on him, and he came like a freight train liked that a lot, so now he's curious about going further. Your hands and fingers aren't anywhere near the size of his, so he assumes a nice middle ground before using a dildo would be his own fingers to see if he'll enjoy something bigger and longer than your fingers.
The next day after he does that he's trying to figure out how to ask you to dick him down without seeming needy about it. Risotto is very aware people have certain expectations of him because of his status as capo and his overall appearance, so he thinks he has to act a certain way for the people who rely on his leadership. He’s worried you’ll see him as less capable or worse, make fun of him.
Realizes he's over thinking things (like usual) and knows you'd never do that, it's the insecurities he prefers to keep buried deep trying to dissuade him from being vulnerable. When he finally gets the courage and tells you and you simply ask if he's looked at any dildos yet to figure out what his preferences are, he lets out a mental sigh of relief. Of course he didn't have any reason to worry.
So you sit down together and browse online for sex toys. Risotto is far from virginal or inexperienced, but it's little overwhelming just how much variety there is. You end up buying a couple of things, maybe a few too many.
After everything's finally been set up and you're both ready and about to get to it you still check on him to let him know he can back out of this if he wants, no questions asked.
But that just cements Risotto’s desire to do this. You care for him and treat him like a person, more than anyone else in his life ever has. He'll be shy to admit it, but he trusts you and knows you'll take good care of him. He wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else. (Try not to cry when he tells you all of that, he so rarely opens up so much all at once.)
You choose a reasonably sized strap for someone as big as he is, so he's already going cross-eyed from how good it feels and you're barely halfway inside. When you bottom out he's chewing his lip so damn hard because he doesn't wanna be loud. Something akin to pride is causing him to hold back his noises. Though once you find his prostate and he makes a sharp little gasp of pleasure, bucks back into your strap, all bets are off.
Fuck him through the mattress and make him break. But in a good way. Don't be afraid to be rough. Pull his hair, press against his back to make him arch his ass into your strap some more, drag your nails down his chest and play with his nipples. Leave some nice deep claw marks on his hips as you give him the ride of his life so he’ll have something to remember this occasion for a long while. (Don’t forget to give his cock some well deserved attention too~)
He's drowning in sensations at this point and if he whines begs demands for you to go faster & harder then you better damn well do it! Whatever position you're fucking him in he’ll end up a gasping, drooling mess, big hands twisting the sheets so hard. Don’t be surprised if he ends up shredding them.
Even still Risotto might not be loud in the ‘normal’ sense, but he is more vocal than he ever has been before. The soft little ‘ah’s’ that spill out with every thrust inside and the breathy exhale of your name is a fucking symphony compared to the stilted grunts and stifled moans he usually tries to keep back.
Risotto will end up getting shy again when he's close to his orgasm but just reassure him that he's doing so good for you. It's only you here and you want him to feel good, he doesn't have to hold back or hide his face. Risotto can just be and completely let go. The intimacy of that alone will make him moan out the loudest of the night and he’ll blow his load all over the sheets/himself.
If you enjoyed it as much as he did and you’re okay with it, expect this become a part of your sex life once in a while. Especially when he’s getting really stressed out. He’ll be comfortable being more vocal about his sexual needs and making noises in bed in general, too.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Since the Blip (Bucky Barnes x black!reader)
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Summary: Y/N sneaks out of Wakanda with the Doras to see Bucky.
Prompt credit @grangerisms : "That's the sixth time you complimented me today"
Notes: GIF is not mine, mentions of sex,
"Y/N, you're in charge of checking Mister Barnes vitals." Shuri instructs, not looking up from her tablet. Your eyes widen at her words. "I'm sorry?"
"You heard me correctly. You're in charge of Mister Barnes vitals." "But why? I'm not a doctor. I didn't finish the training for it."
"T'Challa already sorted things out. You are officially reinstated in school." "I'm having trouble understanding why all of these things are happening. I thought that you never wanted me to leave the castle because I'm too much of a risk."
She puts down the tablet and stood in front of you, taking your hands into hers. "We realized that was unfair to you. Locking someone up for their own protection is not protection at all. We saw what happened when the Avengers did the same thing with Wanda Maximoff. It's wrong, and we're sorry we didn't realize it sooner."
You pull away from her hand and rested the back of yours to her forehead. "What are you doing?" "Oh, I'm just making sure you're not ill." She slaps your hand away and you chuckle.
"Can't have a heart to heart without someone asking if I'm sick," she says under her breath. She picks up her tablet again and taps on the screen a few times.
"Because you flip people off for fun and leave booby traps everywhere," "Touche, but I was serious about that one." "I'm sure you were and I'm sorry. Thank you for everything." You make a few strides towards the door before looking over your shoulder at her.
"And for the record, I never felt imprisoned by any of you. You're family," you add. She sets down her tablet again and pulls you in for a long hug. It was a hug you could tell she needed so you didn't say anything. And you definitely didn't pull away first.
"I don't know what this is but I want in," T'Challa says as he walks into Shuri's lab. He engulfs us in a hug and you chuckle as Shuri groans that he was smooshing her.
"Well I for one, don't mind being smooshed," "See, at least someone appreciates me." T'Challa says as he pulls away from the hug.
"I take it she informed you of the changes we're doing to your routine." "She did. Thank you, brother." He gives you a soft nod and you cross your arms over your chest in respects.
He returns the favor. "You sure I'm the best fit to keep an eye on the White Wolf?" "You can relate to him better than the any of us. Besides, he thinks you're attractive."
"I'm sorry? Did he tell you this?" "Not exactly. He caught a glimpse of you in Shuri's lab when he first came here." T'Challa explains. "You were in his dreams when he was in cyrosleep. So I think it's safe to say the he has taken a liking to you." Shuri adds.
"This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder."
You hate to say it but you found a new routine with your new found freedom, and Mr. Barnes was a part of it. You knock on the hut and wait for a response from him before entering.
"Good morning, Mister Barnes." You greet. "If you call me that one more time, we're going to have a problem." He teases.
You sit down and set your bag down next to your feet. "I just wanted to be formal," you say with a smile. "We're way past formalities, don't you think?"
He gives you a small head tilt and it makes you weak in the knees. You both smile at each other. You break eye contact for a moment and look at your lap.
"I like your hairstyle. It's pretty." "That's the sixth time you complimented me today." "Sorry, I can't help myself. How's school going?" He adds, changing the subject.
"Hard as hell. It's midterms and I have to memorize over a hundred terms and manuevers. T'Challa's promise of me wearing his suit is the only thing keeping me going." You huff and lean back into the couch.
You catch Bucky smiling at you and you fondle with the beads on your wrist. "How have you been, Bucky?" He sighs in relief when hears you say his name.
"You askin' as my friend or my doctor?" "Your friend," you turn off your komodo beads and set them on the table. "The nightmares are back, aren't they?" "They never left,"
"Some are worse than others. And I don't know what can make them stop. It's like I'm drowning in an ocean full of problems that I created."
"Blaming yourself won't change the decisions you made in the past." "Who am I kidding? Thinking I can go back to normal. I'm a monster, and monsters don't get the girl."
"No, no. You do not let those kind of thought take over. You can't," "I'm dangerous, Y/N." "So am I," he looks at you in confusion and you take a moment to clarify.
"When you first saw me, I was in the castle. I used to always be in the castle because I caused more harm than good with my.. abilities."
"You're enhanced?" You nod in response. "None of your sibling have abilities, do they?" "No, they don't. I'm.. I'm adopted. My parents left me when I young because my eyes weren't normal. The Queen found me and took me in. King T'Chaka didn't want me either but Mom stood her ground."
"I had Zuri to helped figure what I am and why I am the way I am. Turns out I have the power of all my ancestors and I'm able to harness it." You add. "Your ancestors? That's over-"
"A million people. Yeah, I know." You stand up and slowly walk over to him. You take his metal hand into your hands and he watches you intentively.
You pressed a kiss on his palm and a few tears escape his eyes at the gesture. "Monsters don't experience guilt and remorse. They just accept that as who they are." You say and he just stares at you. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Can I kiss you, Y/N?"
You cup his cheeks and press a soft kiss on his lips. "Does that answer your question?" He captures your lips in a longer kiss, humming at your taste. "I want to take you on a few dates first. If you'll have me." "Of course I'll have you, Buck."
You think back to that moment often. It reminds you that you're lovable no matter how unlovable you feel. When you overheard some of the Doras talking about Zemo's escape and how they are going to give the White Wolf a visit.
You haven't seen Bucky since the fight here on Wakandan soil and the Blip. It's been over five years. And nothing changed how you felt about him.
You don't have any chance of sneaking onto the Doras plane so you decided to announce that you were going.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Y/N." "I haven't seen him in years. And he hasn't came back since.. well you know. I want to see him." She sighs.
"You sure he won't trigger anything?" "He didn't trigger anything before." "I still don't think it's a good idea," "Respectfully, Dora, it wasn't a request."
She eyes you and you cross your arms in defiance. "Fine, but if you're not going to help. Stay out of the way." "Understood,"
You landed a few hours ago and tagged along with the Dora's to find Bucky and Zemo. They tracked the chip in Bucky's arm to find him and told you to be in the back in case something were to happen.
You waited outside impatient until you heard grunts from the Doras. You burst through the door and scan the room for the threats.
You saw a man dressed in Captain America outfit and another man dressed in white and red fighting with the Doras. Bucky was between a Dora and the man in the Captain America outfit. "Okay, that's enough," you state, lifting your hand so the two men levitated in the air.
"Y/N?" Bucky says in disbelief but you were focused on the hostiles. You saw someone moving in the corner of your eyes and closed your fist so they stayed in their place.
"Where do you think you're going?" You say once you saw it was Zemo. You dropped your hands and the two men fell to the ground with a groan.
The Doras cuffed Zemo and hauled them back to the jet. "You have 24 hours to come back before we come for you," "Understood," she left with the other Doras and you finally set your eyes on Bucky. "What are you doing here, Y/N?" He asks, his smile beaming at you.
"Well I overheard the Doras paying you a visit, and I just couldn't resist." You say, closing the gap between you. "God, it's been years. And you're just as beautiful as the day I left." Bucky took your hand into his warm, large hand and kissed the back of it. "I missed you," he adds.
Sam clears his throat and you turn to him. "Hi, I don't think we've met officially. I'm Sam Wilson." You shake his hand with a nod. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you," "As long as we're introducing ourselves-" "I don't think that extends to you,"
"Yeah, didn't you attack a Dora?" "No, I put my hand on her shoulder," "I'm sure you did that in the name of diplomacy. But, as you can see, us Wakandas don't like being touched," "Noted. We're going to see ourselves out."
Bucky watches the entire argument and couldn't help himself but to think about your time together in Wakanda. Specifically, what happened after your fourth date. When you had slow, leg trembling sex in his hut.
You felt his gaze on you and you turned your attention to Bucky again. "Hi," he smiles at you again. God, his smile was contagious.
"Hi,"."I'll let you two gaze into each other's eyes in peace," Sam says before leaving the room. "Did you eat dinner yet?" "No, you know a place?" "Oh, I know many places,"
You stood on his left so you purposefully laced his fingers with metal arm.
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