#Clockwork is protective of Danny
dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
omg i love everything you write why you so gooddd
i wanted to know, if requests are open? i dont know how it all works, i rarely use tumblr ^^"
if yes, can we have another part of Why Ten?
Damian does not want to do this, but his father is giving him no choice in the matter. Apparently, the man thought he owed Daniel a proper apology for his behavior while under the effects of a concussion.
Why does that mean Damian was the one suffering? Ugh, he should turn back. Tell his Father he failed in the mission assigned to him and take whatever punishment it would earn him. Surely it would not be as nerve-wracking or as nauseating as standing here would be?
Damian is about to do that, turning towards the run-down porch steps when the front door swings open. Only his training stops him from stumbling in place like a fool.
A man in a purple shirt raises a brow at him. He is shockingly handsome in a near-offputting way. The part that ruins his beauty is his lack of emotional expression. Damian had seen plenty of ninjas who trained years to craft the perfect impassive mask, but even they showed some signs of humanity.
This man does not.
Damian scrambles to straighten his back and raise his chin, cursing his palms for becoming sweaty. It's a nervous tick he's never been able to control, and he really hopes the other can't tell.
After all, he is Daniel's aloof uncle. As much as he questions how involved he is in his friend's life, this man still means a lot to Daniel. Damian wants to make a good impression on him.
"Can I help you?" His voice belies his humble station, reminding Damian of the aristocrats of his upbringing.
"Is Daniel Fenton home?" Damian asks back, fighting to bite his tongue at what could have been disrespectful. He meant to ask if it was alright to see his friend, as he had come calling for him, but somehow, his panicked voice became more biting.
More like the aggressive Robin than the spoiled Wayne.
The man's face doesn't twitch, mouth firmly shut. Damian waits a few seconds before pushing more words out of his mouth. "Does Daniel Fenton live here?"
Nothing. Just a dead-set stare that seems to drag Damian's very soul out of his body. His heart rate picks up as he suddenly wishes he had brought his katana along. This is the worst mission he's ever been on.
Taking a few steps backward- not cowering! Damian Wayne does not cower- Damian stammers. "Does Daniel Fenton even live on this street?"
He is about to run for it when the man finally speaks. "Danny is in his room. You brought flowers. Why?"
Damian risks looking down at the bouquet Alfred recommended, clutched in a death grip. He had nearly forgotten about them.
Damian was unsure of the proper custom for inviting a friend for dinner as a formal apology for past behavior. His father had insisted that he be the one to request Daniel's presence as he was the one the other boy was friends with. Despite not being anywhere near prepared, he had thrown Damian out of the manor with the instructions to extend the invitation.
The young Robin quickly realized that he was severely underprepared and had chosen to seek wisdom from the sanest family member. The old butler assures him that the flowers are a class act, even if few youths participate in the effort.
The dozen red roses would make Daniel feel special and increase his chances of success.
None of which he could tell Mr. Clockwork about. So Damian settles for a helpless shrug which makes the man's other eyebrow raise. It's a bit unsettling how little emotion that action causes.
"Danny! Can you come down here?" The man doesn't raise his voice but somehow sharpens it. Damian finds himself standing at attention upon hearing it without real thought.
Was Mr. Clockwork in the military?
"What's up?" Daniel calls from further in the house. At the sound of his voice, butterflies appear in Damian's stomach. He fights not to fidget, especially with Mr. Clockwork staring him down like the grim reaper valuing a soul.
He used to think Father was intimating. Fool he.
"Dami?" His friend appears over Mr. Clockwork's shoulder. His hair is upkeep, his clothes are old and withered, and he not wearing shoes or socks.
In all cases, he does not look his best, yet still, Damian could find no fault in his appearance. Just like his uncle Daniel was unfairly, inhumanly attractive.
His heart launches in his chest when Daniel's face lights up, recognizing him a second after his confusion. "Dami! Hey, what's up?"
"I have a message for you," he hears himself say from far away, staring helplessly into his blue dazzling eyes. Mr. Clockwork narrows his eyes as Daniel tilts his head.
"Why didn't you text me then?"
"It would not be formal to request in a text. I wish to invite you to dinner." Damian blurts, watching with small horror as an emotion finally starts to build on Mr. Clockwork's face.
It's rage.
"Dinner?" Daniel repeats, his eyes flickering to the flowers in his hands. Damian, with a start, remembers he forgot to give them to him before asking. He thrusts them towards his friend, his heart actually starting to hurt from how fast it's racing. Is it hot all of a sudden?
One of the rouges must have done something to weather again.
Daniel is frozen in the doorway, staring at the outstretched flowers and Damian like he's grown a second head. This is all horrible, and he truly wishes he would die right this very second to spare him.
Father has forsaken me, Damian thinks in near hysteria It's the only explanation for forcing me to do this.
"Oh." Daniel finally breathes, taking the flowers as gently as he can. He presses his nose to them, taking a soft sniff that does not hide the tiny but bright smile growing on his face. "I'd love to have dinner with you, Dami."
Damian is fighting bile as the butterflies decide that right now is the perfect time to revolt in his stomach. He once climbed a mountain with a broken arm and no food or water, and yet, somehow, this was far more difficult. It takes three attempts to get the saliva down his throat before he can speak. "Splendid. This Friday, at seven. I shall have a car arranged to pick you up. Does that work for you?"
"It's a date," Daniel confirms, his eyes soft in a way Damian has never seen. It's a beautiful sight were it not for the utter death stare that Mr.Clockwork settles him with. Damian can't explain it, but he is sure he felt years fall off his lifeline.
"Wonderful. Good day. You too, sir." Damian doesn't fully run, but it feels like he does as Daniel waves him goodbye and Mr.Clockwork yanks him back inside, one last glare thrown his way.
It's not until hours later when he lies in his room after doing an insane amount of training to burn off the sudden energy, that Damian realizes he failed the mission anyway.
He forgot to inform Daniel that it was a family dinner hosted by his father, and the entire Clockwork/Fenton household was invited. He would have to go back tomorrow to correct himself.
He grabs a pillow to smother his scream.
Bruce jerks in his seat. "Was that Damian screaming?"
"Let the poor lad be, Master Bruce," Aldred tells him without glancing up from his gardening magazine. "He is trying his best.
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #127
Clockwork knew it was getting dangerous for Danny in his dimension. His parents were getting dangerously close to finding out his secret and unfortunately this timeline they were leaning towards not accepting him. He decided to step in before things got out of hand and sends Danny to another dimension. He sends Danny to live with his granddaughter, Diana, and gives her a cryptic message.
Diana is unsure about the teen that was dropped off seemingly randomly by her grandfather. It takes her quite a while to decipher as she had to return home to decipher the last part of it. When she’s done she’s slightly horrified to find the kid that’s been staying with her for months is a baby ancient. Specifically the ancient of space. She vows to protect him at all costs.
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dclovesdanny · 4 months
Dcxdp prompt
I don’t see enough angst to do with Bruce, so here’s my idea.
The world is ending, and all of Bruce’s kids have been hurt in someway. Bruce is running out of options, so he said to call his final contingency plan into place.
He messages the family group chat, telling them that he loves them and is proud of them. Immediately they all start freaking out, and they have Barbara connect them onto a FaceTime with. They’re the only ones who can see what’s going on.
Bruce made a summoning circle. He transferred a few moments before that none of them can really describe appears in the circle. Later on, they all describe him differently. Damien calls him an older man older than Alfred while Tim insists he looks around Bruce’s age. Jason says that he looked older than Bruce, but younger than Alfred and Dick says they looked around his age.
The being looks at Bruce for a moment and ask him in a voice that sounded simply Eldritch
“I assume you wish to make a deal. You know what you must do if I agreed to do anything.’
Bruce nods and grunts.
The being smiles.
“Very well, I will deal with your problem. If you agree to the terms I set so long ago. Do you remember?’
Bruce grunts before saying
“My children are hurt. I want you to heal them too.’
The being laughs,
“why certainly, but you know, that means the deal be a little steeper.”
Bruce nods and takes the outstretched hand. A Crack rings through the air and the video shorts out, becoming only static. By the time they get to the Batcave, the danger is gone, their injuries are healed and Bruce is nowhere to be seen.
Meanwhile, Bruce met clockwork back when he was a teenager. He was a friend of Alfred, and they had a deal where Bruce would babysit clockwork kids or help him in the tower in exchange for Clockwork’s advice and help with tasks. Bruce figured out that clockwork was not human and was a very Eldritcg, but Alfred trusted him so so did Bruce. However, Bruce had been very busy since he adopted the kids and hadn’t made many deals in a while. However, this was important, so he didn’t mind babysitting for a while. there were more kids than usual, though. 
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 199
“Where the fuck are my legs?” 
Danny wasn’t happy. It wasn’t funny! Usually he just had a ghost tail when flying really fast, like super speed, not all the time! It’s not funny Clockwork, you’re used to having a tail, he isn’t! 
What do you mean it’s permanent?! He needs his legs! Clockwork!! He wouldn’t have agreed to the adoption if he knew he’d lose his legs! 
…Okay, that was a lie, Clockwork was a great parent who encouraged his chaos and enjoyed screwing over assholes like the Observants. But still! He looks like some sort of snake person now! No he doesn’t want a nap, he’s not a baby! 
Clockwork, why are you being quiet? He’s not a baby! He’s not a baby, right? What do you mean all ghosts are babies until they’re a hundred years dead!? But he’s a halfa- what do you mean it takes longer for Ancients?! 
No he doesn’t want that nap, he’s having a midlife crisis here several years too early! 
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Clockwork is a Halfa.
So. Clockwork is one of the few Halfa's in existence. He usually stays in his Ghost Form, as in that form he is disconnected from Timr and can better oversee Existence.
But he does have a Mortal Form. He hasn't used it in Eons, or maybe it was centuries? Time is weird for Beings that exist outside of it.
Whatever the case, it's been a while since he has entered his Mortal Form.
But he suddenly finds a reason to need it. Danny has decided that he wants to try out Reincarnation, and he will not let his son live a life away from him in a completely different Dimension. It's far too dangerous!
So, he enters his Mortal Form, inserts himself into that Dimensions Timeline, and waits for Danny's Reincarnation to be Born.
Now, who is he in DC? Well, what Character is a constant guiding hand to the protagonist? A wise old mentor to their Son? A calming force that always seems to know how to help his family? A man famous for his Otherworldly Cookies?
Clockwork is Alfred.
He took a Mortal Form so he could raise Danny's Reincarnation, Bruce Wayne.
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nelkcats · 1 year
The King's last gift
Danny was tired, tired of being responsible for protecting the world. At first it was just Amity but the ghosts began to explore more and the halfa was exhausted. He was the only hero available and it was taking its toll.
He knew he couldn't go on like this, let alone with his coronation around the corner but he didn't know what else to do. He knew he couldn't interfere with the world after the crown was on his head. The world would fear him (maybe even more than now) and protecting them with so much power in hand could do more harm than good, but if he didn't protect them, who would?
His core ached at the thought of all those people begging for a hero who wouldn't come, so Danny took desperate measures, and cheated a little.
He visited Desiree; she watched him with a raised eyebrow, curious. And Danny did what he forbade long ago, he wished. He wished for the future and for humanity itself, he uttered the words he had wanted to say ever since he knew he would not be able to visit earth for a long time.
"I wish for the world to be safe even when I no longer live in it, I wish for there to be someone who can protect it, even if it's just a human."
Desiree blinked in surprise not expecting the King who had "forbidden" her to do such a thing. She smiled and nodded. Her power grew exponentially but neither she nor Danny said anything about it. The halfa would not undo that wish after all.
In New Jersey, Thomas and Martha Wayne were celebrating the birth of their son. Neither of them noticed the spark of magic entering the baby, nor the boy's unusually blue eyes. Bruce Wayne, the Ghost King's latest gift to mankind, had been born.
And years later, when the Justice League was formed and everyone was talking to each other, John Constantine looked at the dark knight curiously, wondering if he was aware that he was death's favorite.
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 21 - "Just in case this doesn't work."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A/N: Inspired by this Post about Danny bullshiting his way by saying he is Tims future kid. Also once again posting this early, cause I need to destress tomorrow and not worry about writing or work or anything.
Edit: Thanks to @kisatamao in the comments I found the post again that inspired this and linked it!
"Nowadays I go by Clockwork."
"Fine, Clockwork then."
"John Constantine."
The Ancient of Time and Justice League Dark members stared at each other blankly. Until the ruler of time smiled and Constantine sighed. "How is the time baby doing?"
"Very well. Your timeline is safe. There was an incident that could have possibly splittend the timeline again and in a way it did but the destruction timeline was once more prevented, by the child himself like I hoped for. Three times now."
Constantine grunted, lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag. "You know if Bats or any of his kids ever learn about this I will be the one to take the burn right?"
Clockwork only smiled a knowing smile and Constantine paled. "When?"
"Where is the fun if you knew. The little Drake has been quite unpredictable and entertaining." The Ancient mused floating around the room and Constantine's eyes narrowed.
"There won't be a paradox?"
Clockworks tilted his head with a mischievous smile on his face. "Well the timeline in which he was born no longer exists and his father of this time line has ceased his efforts in cloning. He never even got to the point of trying to combine his own DNA with the one he so desperately wanted to clone."
"I feel like I am hearing secrets I definitely do not want to know. Just tell me if this timeline is safe or not now."
"It is safe. Your timeline has now a true Ancient of Balance in the making and just in case this doesn't work, I have anchored Daniel's existence in this timeline with several means one of which was his own time clone created from a split of destruction line."
Constantine's eyes twitched. "For all of our sakes I hope Bats never finds out about this. If he ever learns that I replaced a still born with a grandson of his from a different destruction timeline… You know what, I am not nearly drunk enough for any of this mate!"
Clockwork chuckled, his eyes glinting with unhidden amusement. "Well John Constantine, would you like a word of advice?"
The JLD member took another long drag of his cigarette before flicking the butt of it somewhere to the side. "No riddle."
"When 17 turns to 4 it is not the grandfathers, you should fear."
"I said no riddles!" Constantine huffed as clockwork disappeared from his side. He brushed his hair with one hand, glaring at the spot where the Ancient of Time had been. He should have never agreed to help that damned being 15 years ago, having been somewhat of a beginner then John did not realize what kind of deal he had agreed on.
Now he wasn't sure if he should be relieved or fearful of the consequences. Especially now that he had worked with the Bat Family a couple of times already.
Exactly one year later Constantine decided he was fucking fearful!
Unknown to the Brite a lot of things can happen in three years. Like Parents turning on their child after accidentally learning about a truth. A teenager that was already hurt trying to salvage whatever peace he could.
"Mom! Dad! I swear it's still me, Danny!"
"Give me back my baby boy you monster!"
A governmental organisation committing mass genocide on an interdimensional species.
"Ember, get out of here! Now!"
"Baby Pop! What about the others?!"
"Dan already released them! Get out of here! I will hold them off and keep them busy!"
The interdimensional species try to convince said teenager fighting for them to forgo humanity.
"Welp, this can't go on. No hunt is worth this much."
"Give it up already. The humans made their decision."
"They broke too many rules, it is time they suffer the consequences."
A heavy conflicted ending with the teenager receding into its core and getting picked up by one of his papa from a different timeline.
"What kind of crystal is that? It radiates a pretty strange but familiar energy."
"I wanna see! I wanna see!"
"If it's not dangerous, why not keep it?"
"It looks like there are snowflakes in it."
The kid then reformed out of his core in his ghost age instead of human age with a green note appearing on his forehead. Said note confusing the kids papa making him contact the kids dad.
"Tim you won't believe this…"
"Kon you sound weird, what is going on?"
"Remember that shiny crystal I picked up at the end of our last case?"
"The one with the snowflakes in it, yes."
"I think I just became a dad."
Which then led to the dad overanalyzing the note while the kid insisted that a certain ghost was involved. The child's grandparents then getting tipped off through the grandchild of the Ancient Constantine still curses in his mind.
"So Pandora mentioned something to me."
"Have you tried asking Constantine about it? He is apparently in contact with a being that likes to write cryptic messages on green notes, or that's what Pandora told me at least."
"And your new grandchild came with such a note right?"
And now John Constantine was fearing for his life, because Batman had tried to contact him several times now. Several times Constantine had found reasons to ignore. Only for the Bat to come knocking on his door -well more like rudely kicking it down- with fucking Super too! He was cursing up a storm internally and thinking of how best he could get out of whatever had crawled up the two hero's asses when right behind the two hero's stood another set of hero's he did not want to face especially when he noticed one of them holding a four years old toddler in his arms.
"Chronus you fucking asshole!" The Brite muttered to himself as the four hero's plus time baby stood before him demanding answers.
That was when the toddler piped up, eyes glowing a bright green. "So Clockwork does have something to do with this! I knew it!"
"Danny, sweetheart not now. You can tell us you were right after we figured out what timeline you are from and if we need to send you back or can keep you." Red Robin calmed the now pouting toddler Super Boy was holding and petting with a small chuckle. While Batman and Superman turned on Constantine.
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kittyfrisk9 · 3 months
Idea Dp x dc - Amnesia
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't understand the idea.
What an unpleasant color. That was the first thought he had upon waking up in a hospital and seeing the white walls.
They told him he had amnesia due to the damage caused to his head. It wasn't that he had simply forgotten everything; he still remembered what common objects like a door or an apple were. He also knew what eating, going to the bathroom, brushing his teeth, or any other daily activity was. But he simply couldn't remember... certain things.
Like his name, important events in his life, people... He couldn't remember anyone. Not even the boy who threw himself on him, crying and apologizing, saying that all of this was his fault for being too slow.
Apparently, this boy was his boyfriend.
And he was right, because something in his chest twisted when he saw that cute boy crying. He doubted it was his heart; it was more like a kind of feeling, a sort of instinct that hated seeing that cute boy cry.
"It's okay, don't cry, it's okay, I'm fine." He hugged the other man, stroking his hair and saying sweet things to try to calm him down.
Jason Todd started crying again.
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't understand the idea.
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escelia · 2 years
Thank you so much to everyone who enjoyed the first part! I hope I didn't miss anyone in the tags.
You can click here to read the prologue and here to read part one.
Not So Normal pt2
Bruce had gathered his whole brood in the Batcave for their debrief. This time, Danny included. He'd hoped that one day he would bring Danny down here and tell him all about their nightly activities, just not so soon. His newest son didn't even seem fazed at all by all the vigilantes flooding into the cave. Not that that really meant anything with him floating down through the ceiling with Dick and Damian in hand. To think one of the kids living under his own roof was a meta and he hadn't noticed… he had to step up his game as Gotham's greatest detective.
"Is the Joker alive?" Was Bruce's first question once everyone was situated and settled. He had a personal rule about not killing his rogues, but honestly, after what the Joker pulled, he thought he might be able to overlook it. After all, when an eldritch being takes a life, who is he to argue?
"Of course he's alive! Nobody dies when I get involved." Danny puffed his chest proudly. He hadn't broken his no casualty streak since he started hero work over a year ago. Not many heroes could say that, and Danny worked damn hard to keep it that way.
Bruce let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Out of relief or disappointment, he didn't know.
"Next question. Where and what is 'clown jail?'"
"It's a subspace of the Infinite Realms." The detective tucked that term away for questioning later. "It's a trick I picked up from my Head Guard back in the Realms. It's basically a space where you experience whatever punishment I think fits your crime. But it's all psychological, so no one ever gets hurt there."
"And what's his punishment?"
"Are you a meta or an alien? I can't tell at this point."
"How long have you known about us?"
"Why did you look so different back at the warehouse?"
"You have a Head Guard?"
The questions came in like a flood. Danny flushed at all the attention, unsure where to start first. He looked to Damian for help, but he only folded his arms and smiled smugly. That little traitor! But he supposed that's what he deserved for waiting so long to tell his family. In his defense, the last time he told a family about his abilities he'd ended up strapped to a table with a scalpel poking at his spleen.
"One question at a time, please!” Danny screeched, covering his face in embarrassment. He stared at Damian pleadingly one more time.
"I told you to tell them before something drastic happened, so don't look at me. "
"You knew?" Jason pouted. Damian just smirked and puffed his chest in pride. He knew exactly why Daniel hadn't told them, but had been confident that his new family wouldn't react the way his old one had. Perhaps this would teach Daniel to trust him a bit more. And wasn't it something that Damian wanted Daniel to trust him.
"They aren't like the Fentons, Daniel. You should tell them."
The words were like a balm on Danny's nerves. The others were smiling patiently at him, judgment absent in favor of eager curiosity but not in the cruel way it had been on Jack and Maddie's faces. He took a deep breath before starting in on the details. No place like the beginning, he guessed.
He told them about how he half died when he was 14 and all the abilities he gained as a result. He told them about his hunter parents and his colorful array of rogues turned friends. Bruce had paled considerably when he got to the part about Pariah Dark whisking their town away and his subsequent defeat of the Ghost King. And he looked downright nauseous when Danny detailed his victories over several of the more godlike entities of the Realms, like Overgrowth and Vortex. He left out Dan, skipping to the part where he'd effectively become the ward and apprentice to the Master of Time, Clockwork. And finally, he told them about Jack and Maddie.
When he'd stumbled into Gotham after the vivisection and begged Bruce to take him away, to protect him, "please, I just wanna feel safe again," he'd told him that it was abuse and refused to outline the details. This time, he looked him in the eyes, and with one finger wrapped around Damian's for support, he told his family about how the Dr's. Fenton had cut him open and poked around in the name of science.
"So… you're not a meta?" Duke asked in the silence that followed Danny's confessions. He had to admit he was grateful his brother wasn't dwelling on his past. Damian had been right, they were taking it well. Boy, did he let it show on his face in a typical, 12 year old, "I told you so," fashion.
"I don't have a metagene and I'm technically half-dead, half-alive. Damian used the term Pseudo-Meta. I kinda like it."
"So let me get this straight," Jason began. "Since dying, you won the Ghost King's crown by right of conquest, defeated several godlike entities, who are now your friends, and your mentor is the literal God of time?"
"Pretty much."
"Damn," he whistled. "I don't think I died right the first time. I want a do-over."
Danny snorted in laughter and Damian tutted at him while the others elbowed him in ribs.
"Does that make you a god?" Dick teased.
"I don't think so, but every time I ask Clockwork he gets all cryptic, so maybe?"
Bruce was getting a headache.
"Alright, it's time to solve some real mysteries now," Tim said with a gleam in his eyes. They'd migrated up to the kitchen for post patrol cookies. Alfred had been pleasantly surprised when Bruce had explained that, thanks to Danny, everyone had made it home relatively unscathed. And considering they'd had a run-in with Joker, that was worthy of cookies in his opinion.
"Danny, how in the world did you get Damian to stop trying to stab you?"
"Actually, yeah! You guys have gotten really close. What's the secret?" Dick asked with a raised eyebrow. Damian rolled his eyes and answered for Danny.
"I challenged him in combat and Daniel accepted. It's not my fault none of you were intelligent enough to realize it was a bonding tactic." Bruce tried to hide his laughter in his mug while the others blatantly gawked at him.
"No way."
"I have a picture of the first time he managed to graze me in a sparring session! You guys wanna see?" Everyone swarmed him to see the photo. Dick cooed and tried to pinch Damian's cheek, but was met with snapping teeth. Steph, with eyes sparkling, just muttered, "cute," so as not to stir the youngest's ire. Danny ended up promising to send the picture into the group chat later.
"By the way, you never did say what Joker's punishment was," Jason mentioned casually. Danny smiled cruelly, his frosty blue eyes glowing.
"His greatest fear, of course! A prolonged stay in a Gotham that has not nor will ever know the Joker. I swear, I've never met a clown that wasn't a total narcissist." Danny popped the last bite of a cookie into his mouth and dusted the crumbs off on his pants. "No one is allowed to hurt my brothers. Ever."
Damian was just about to climb into bed when he heard a knock at his door. He looked up just in time to see Danny phase through it into his room.
"Why even bother knocking?"
"Because it's polite!" Damian rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." He took a seat at the end of the bed and Damian sat next to him, as was tradition for their late night chats.
"I'm the one who should be thanking you," Damian countered. "You weren't ready to tell everyone, and yet you came when I called."
"Of course I did. You're my little brother. And I'd do it for any of you." Danny nudged him with his shoulder, and it earned him a tiny, barely there smile.
"Thank you Danny."
"Using a nickname, huh? Don't let Dick hear that, he'll think you're playing favorites."
"Of course not. I have a reputation to uphold after all. Besides, Richard already thinks you're my favorite. It's giving him a complex."
"Well, aren't I?"
"Tt, don't push your luck."
There was a beat of silence before they erupted into laughter. Danny was so proud that he could make Damian laugh, even if it was more reserved than the guffaws he and their brothers had when they found something particularly funny. He couldn't wait to brag to Jazz about it once it was safe to contact her. If it was safe to contact her.
"I'll see you in the morning," Danny said, leaning lightly against his brother's shoulder in lieu of a hug. He floated over to the door. "Goodnight, Dami."
"Sleep well, Danny."
Vlad Masters gnashed his teeth while he stared at the computer screen in his office. First Daniel up and disappeared without so much as a word, and now he was all over the news and tabloids as the newly adopted "Daniel Fenton-Wayne." He was annoyed. He was furious! He was… confused. What had that fool Jack done to get Daniel taken away? Why hadn't Maddie stopped it? How did Daniel end up getting legally adopted by Bruce Wayne of all people? The boy should have come right to him if something was wrong. He deserved it! The boy was his or he was no one's!
The man swatted the mug off his desk. It shattered against the wall.
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Danny being nocturns apprentice as well as clockworks
Danny as future king needs to choose his alignment in the infinite realms, chaos lord, order lord, god, good deity, demon ect;
Danny pulled a fast one on everyone by choosing to be neutral and when he explained that the infinite realms deserved an unbiased and just king, he gained alot of respect that day.
Now everyone expected danny to choose clockwork as a mentor, his powers were very helpful and the ability to see and stop the timeline would help him become a good king, but clockwork is also a very powerful ghost aswell as an ancient, so under clockwork guidance danny would become a powerful king.
What no one was expecting was him to request nocturne as well as clockwork as a mentor.
Nocturne was one of danny former villains so him trusting him and even requesting nocturne was not expected.
Danny told nocturne how, his powers to connect and communicate to humans without directly interacting with them would be amazing if he saw something in the timeling and, how having the power to put someone to sleep(permanently or temporarily) was incredibly useful for a king as a form of punishment or rest, and how he respects nocturne.
Danny also said it was a form of good will for anyone who may still have bad blood with danny that even if they dont like eachother that wont interfere with his judgement.
Nocturne and clockwork both agree to teach danny. And danny was improving, since they both said that using his abilities as much and as subtle as he could would be great practice. He was FINALLY able to get his attendance back up.
What danny didnt know was that nocturne and clockwork made a mutual agreement to become his dad's.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(I don't know if someone has already written this idea yet. If someone has tho please give me the info/link so I can read it. 👀
This might be the only prompt I do, because my brain likes to keep my creativity behind bars a majority of the time. That and anxiety. I've never done a post like this before. Also, most of my knowledge is from DP not DC. Please forgive me if I get something wrong.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas.
short prompt #1 →
short prompt #2 →
Lair of Mystery
The House of Mystery is Danny's lair or vacation lair(1) and ever since he outlived his friends and family(2), he's been coming to the House of Mystery whenever he needs a break from his kingly duties. Since it's the Infinite Realms, the HoM exists in every universe, but due to it not always being in the form of a literal house and difficult for outsiders to enter, it's never found. At least until now.
One day when he goes to the lair after (insert amount of time) he finds that the Justice League Dark have set up in his home. Initially, the JLD attack him but Danny puts a stop to that fast. It's his house, he can control anything inside it which includes anyone he deems an intruder. An interrogation more or less takes place, both parties are confused by the others presence, both sides get answers and are shocked by them. Danny because the JLD are a subdivision of a superhero agency that specializes in magic/the occult and the JLD because they've literally been using the house of a very powerful monarch without even knowing it.
Danny isn't angry the JLD are inside his house once he gets over the surprise. In fact, he's rather happy to have company of the non-ghost variety and is curious about their world full of superheroes and aliens. He comes to a decision. He will let the JLD continue to use his house as a base of operations if they are willing to agree to a few terms.
1. No one is to touch or use any artifacts they may find inside the HoM without his explicit permission. Some things are too dangerous for human hands to hold.
2. They seek him out of there is anything of the dead/occult variety threatening their world that they are unable to handle by themselves. (The JLD are shocked to learn of the King's past as a young hero as his explanation for this term. He misses those times and helping the JLD will also be another way to fulfill his obsession besides him being King.)
3. They spend time with him. Being the ruler of an infinitely expanding dimension gets pretty overwhelming and lonely at times. Even he needs a break. On top of missing his hero days, he misses the simpler times of being just a regular guy.
The JLD easily agree to his terms. From then on, they peacefully coexist in the HoM for many years to come. Danny is happier than he's been in a long time and so are the JLD because he's a wonderful host and has actually helped them with a few of their personal issues. Danny, having seen straight through his Captain Marvel form, gave Billy a fully furnished bedroom fit for a growing teenager and hidden from the others in the house. Danny and Billy hang out and play video games whenever they need to unwind with someone their age(3) with no secrets between them.
Danny helps Constantine with his soul contracts, seeing how they are fraying his soul and aging him prematurely. They have an easy camaraderie and sometimes share a bottle of whiskey together(4). Etc.
All is good.
Until some world ending threat of the dead/occult variety really does happen and the JLD call for Danny's help. He goes to them in full regalia with chainmail, breastplate with his hero symbol emblazoned on it, billowing, fur-collared purple cape with the cosmos displayed on the interior, a black crown incased in ice above his head with a sword of ghost ice in the hand that wears the newly dubbed Ring of (Peace?)(5). He doesn't even have to do anything. His presence alone is enough to intimidate the world ending threat into complete submission and is easily sent back into the Infinite Realms to face judgement for attacking the Living Realm.
This is how he's introduced to the rest of the Justice League. It's your choice on how they react and what happens beyond this point if you decide to take it further.
This is entirely up for grabs and I wanna read whatever's written.
(1) Your choice if it's his original lair or a vacation one depending on if you count Pariah's old castle as Danny's lair or not.
(2) Your choice if any of his friends or family members turn into ghosts.
(3) Danny is able to change the age of his form to an extent, an ability he inherited from his mentor, Clockwork. He uses it when he feels it would make it easier for other people to relate to him. He also has an eldritch form that he doesn't like to use in front of others unless he absolutely has to. You can leave any part of this detail out if you want to. I just thought it would be kinda cool and also a more subtle way of showing how powerful he is now.
(4) He is technically an adult (read several hundred years old) so he can partake if he wants to. Refer to note above this one.
(5) Should the function and name of the Ring of Rage change due to Danny being King or not? Your choice!
(*) Also, I read the House of Mystery is in a place called the Dreaming, a realm ruled by Morpheus the god of sleep and dreams. If this is truly the case, would it be plausible to say that Nocturne is just another one of Morpheus' forms? Would that mean the House of Mystery is in Nocturne's territory? If so, are Danny and Nocturne friends now? 👀
(*) the Dreaming is part of the Infinite Realms.
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emdeerm · 9 months
Danny is Ra's.
Fun stupid idea time!
Danny, wanting to unwind a little, wants to reincarnate (Ghost King world. Sorry, I love it way too much). He brings it up to the Observants, who by now were beaten into re-education and submission (and therapy for some. Danny has been King for a LONG while now). They tell that reincarnation as it is is very difficult for beings of such power. Doubly so for Halfas.
There is a way, don't worry, Your Highness!
They wouldn't tell what it was. Clockwork wouldn't crack. Other Ancients wanted to see what would happen.
Danny agrees to that mysterious method.
Turns out that that method was taking over the body of someone else. Observants took the opportunity to finally get rid of one offending man, who has lived way past his expiration date and was a huge thorn in their side due to the amount of work they had to do about his stupid Pits.
Danny wakes up in a Raw, unfiltered pool of ectoplasm and is confused as hell.
He gets out. Looks around and sits down and groans quietly as the memories get assimilated into his brain.
Danny becomes Ra's. He has an assassin cult and a daughter who is doing questionable things just made a child without the other party's knowledge.
His grandson is adorable.
Danny has so many things to do now...
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years
The Observants' Control
The Observants are more than mere observers. Of course that is the majority of their job. However, the Observants love to be in control. They need to make sure everything is the way they want it needs to be. Plus, the rush of power they get from that control. It's such a pleasant buzz. Not many beings can say they control an Ancient and a God. That rush is intoxicating. Although, Clockwork is the only one they can control at the moment. They are hopeful to control some more soon. The more powerful the Observants can become, the better everything will be for the rest of the Infinite Realms and beyond.
However, controlling an Ancient wasn’t and still isn't an easy task, especially one such as Clockwork. The Observants used Clockwork's past relationship with Pariah Dark as a threat against them. The Observants made sure to keep the threat vague, knowing Clockwork's own imagination will be far worse and keep them in line better than any direct threat they can make. A bit of ghostly magic helps as well. Although the Observants aren't very powerful or skilled, their numbers and that threat should keep Clockwork in line should their spell fail at any point.
Regardless of how it's done, the Observants have some way to sort of keep Clockwork in line with how they view the world and how the future should be. However, Phantom is making the Observants' lives very difficult. Especially after defeating Pariah Dark and having a claim to the throne of the Infinite Realms. And now because of that freak of nature halfa, Clockwork is slipping from their grasp. Because of Phantom, Clockwork is repairing their broken heart and moving on from Pariah Dark, finding love elsewhere and with a mortal no less. That does the Observants no good. This mortal, Alfred the Observants believes that's what Clockwork called him, most likely won't become a ghost at all which means the Observants won't be able to control Clockwork using the same methods. That is to say, if Clockwork hasn't made the human immortal already. That was well within Clockwork's powerset after all. In order for the Observants to regain their control over Clockwork, they gathered and captured Phantom, that abomination, and Alfred along with Pariah Dark, securely locked in his coffin of Eternal Sleep, and hidden them from view of Clockwork.
Hiding three people is almost impossible from Clockwork. However, there are a few ways to do so. The first method would be to erase them from existence. This doesn't do the Observants any good. They have no leverage that way. The second option is killing them. However, Clockwork would still be able to view their timeline and find out the truth. The last option would be to use ghostly magic. A specific spell will hide the intended target from the detection of any and every being. This will get Clockwork's attention and show them that the Observants aren't very pleased with them. So, the Observants went with option three. Plus, this way, the Observants will have enough time to think of a way to also control that disgrace of a ghost, Phantom.
It wasn't long before Clockwork came storming into their observatory, growling in anger, eyes glowing with untold rage, and exuding a dangerous, oppressive aura that threatened pain beyond imagination for those who wronged them. Clockwork realized their playthings were missing a lot quicker than the Observants would have liked. The Observants watch Clockwork in faux calmness, all secretly terrified of what might happen. It's fine though because they have the three beings that Clockwork cares most about from All’s creations. Clockwork zeros in and immediately flies over to the leader of all the Observants.
"Ah, Clockwork, nice o-'' the Observant is cut off when Clockwork doesn't stop their advance, but instead speeds up and slams the Observant into the nearest wall with Clockwork's fist balling up the front of his robe. With Clockwork's face so close to the Observant, he can see the tears of frustration rolling down Clockwork's cheeks and landing lightly on the Observant's robe.
Clockwork is not playing around. They had enough of the Observants' bullshit. It was fine when it was just Clockwork and their sleeping husband. However, when the Obserants took their child and boyfriend somewhere Clockwork couldn't see, not even All can protect the Observants from Clockwork’s vengeful wrath. Clockwork never claimed to be a merciful god. The Observants will receive a small taste of their wrath.
"You took them away from me. So now I will take something from you." Wisps of smoke escaped Clockwork's mouth as they angrily rasp their words mere inches away from the Observant's face. The heat of more than Clockwork's voice was making the Observant sweat.
"You shall observe no more," the calm rumble of Clockwork’s voice makes the Observant sweat more in fear. They lift their right hand and delicately place their fingers around the Observant's enormous eye, fangs bared in threat.
It happens so quickly, and so painfully. Clockwork probably used their time manipulation ability to exact their revenge. The Observant screams in agony as blood splatters across Clockwork's fangs and the rest of their face.
It’s so dark. He can't see anything. For the first time in his existence, the Observant can't see anything. Unfortunately for the Observant, he can still hear everything. The terrified and pained screams from his fellow Observants. It’s brutal. The Observant leader's imagination is going wild with what Clockwork is doing to his fellow Observants. Whatever it is, it can't be good.
However, that isn't what concerns him the most. The Observant leader isn't foolish enough to think Clockwork will grant the Observants the mercy of properly healing themselves. He knew Clockwork will use their power to manipulate time in a way so that their eyes will regenerate incorrectly if at all, leaving them permanently blinded. The thought of seeing nothing, not even darkness, terrifies the Observants. Having their worst nightmares come true is so much worse than they ever thought it would be.
"Now, where are they?" The Observant leader yelps and pathetically jumps away in fear. The feeling of Clockwork’s stinging breath on the side of his face is a lot more terrifying now that he can’t see. Not being able to see is going to probably kill the Observants sooner rather than later.
If he is going to die anyways, he might as well make sure Clockwork is miserable for the rest of their eternity. How dare they have the audacity to defy the Observants. Clockwork is just an aid for them to use to observe the known. Clockwork is little more than a tool for the Observants. At least, that's what Clockwork was supposed to be. Clockwork deserves to suffer for what they have done to him and his fellow Observants.
"Somewhere you and your powers can never reach." The Observant laughs in defiance at Clockwork.
"I never thought the Observants would be foolish enough to take a chosen of Aether, let alone what is mine." The deep rumble of Clockwork's voice is a lot more petrifying when one isn't able to see anything.
"W-what do you mean? A chosen of A-Aether?" The leader's voice trembles in even more fear. How is that possible?
The deep, rumbling chuckle sent another shiver of fear running down the Observants' spines. "I am not the only Ancient or God to claim dominion over Phantom."
"What?" gasps the leader in surprise. "No..." the Observant's voice is barely above a whisper.
"Yes!" The Observant can hear the feral grin in Clockwork's voice. "That child, you Observants despise so much, is more powerful than you will ever know. And has the favor of those even far more powerful than him." Clockwork bellows with unhinged glee in their voice. With too much hatred and disgust in their voice, Clockwork continues. "I'll let you all suffer in your pitiful unseeing state. It's more mercy than any of you deserve." Clockwork sighs deeply with faux exhaustion. "However, I'd rather not have Phantom disappointed in me. I want to keep his favor. After all, my child will find his way back to me sooner or later. And I'm sure he'll bring the loves of my existence with him.” It sounds like Clockwork is talking to himself now.
With the small hope that Clockwork is distracting themself with imagining their future, the leader tries to crawl away. He needs a place to hide, heal, and recuperate. The other Observants are probably attempting to do the same thing right now. Probably not. The leader hears the pained moans and groans of his fellow Observants. Most of them probably can't even move.
"And where do you think you're going?" Seething rage is back in Clockwork's voice.
The leader stops dead in his tracks, shaking in fear. "P-please," his voice comes out as nothing more than a trembling whisper. "I need to rest and heal." The Observant becomes acutely aware of the sweat making his robes cling to his back and the big drops of blood leaking out of his eye socket.
"Fine," Clockwork says casually, it gives a small breath of relief to the leader.
Then suddenly the leader can feel that same smoke from earlier on his face again. The Observant barely notices that he isn't even touching the ground anymore as he is presumably lifted and leveled up to Clockwork's face. The tension comes back full force to the Observant.
"I'll make sure you heal." Smoke billows into the Observant's wounded eye socket making it sting and burn just that much more.
In the back of his mind the Observant wonders if that is regular smoke. Probably not. It’s probably some sort of toxic temporal residue. Not toxic to Clockwork, of course. Just toxic to anyone else. His nice little distractive musings didn't last long.
"However, the healing process will be painful." The leader can feel the hateful glee in Clockwork's aura as well as their voice. "And your scars will be so painful. Even a breeze will make you kneel in crippling pain."
If he was capable of it, the Observant leader would have probably died of fear at this point.
"That goes for all of you!" Clockwork addresses the rest of the Observants.
The room is filled with the terrified shrieks of his fellow Observants. However, they are drowned out by his own tormented screams as Clockwork begins. Clockwork takes their sweet, painfully slow time with each and every Observant. They all know Clockwork went deliberately and excruciatingly slow with this process just to draw out their revenge.
By the time Clockwork is done, an aura of contentment with an underlying flick of rage surrounds them. Clockwork leaves, covered in Observant blood and flesh, feeling satisfied with their work. They need to prepare for Danny's, Alfred's, and Pariah Dark's return. They should probably start with cleaning the bits of Observant off themself. And then preparing a meal with all the eyes they collected sounds delicious. Although, Clockwork will make sure to prepare something human for Alfred to enjoy as well. Clockwork is content in their domestic tasks as they wait for their loved ones to return to them. After all, everything's the way it’s supposed to be. 
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dclovesdanny · 2 years
Clockwork is Chronos au but Danny is deaged. Cue Diana, Billy, and the rest of the Justice League trying to play keep away with Clockwork, so he doesn’t eat this one too.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about This prompt/au lol
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I almost like to think that Clockwork kind of half-sent Danny to the ghost-world version of Gotham because he was struggling and is honestly just a kid and could use some guidance. And with how the Observants dislike him to the point of murder, CW sure couldn't keep him in Long Now. But Gotham? Now there's a place that not many go, thanks to curses running amok, a very dangerous City Spirit, and amalgamations of fallen Guardians and Rogues. It's chaotic, dangerous, and a hell of a shot, but the Bat could, and most probably would assist the newborn guardian. The living world and the infinite are intertwined after all, influenced by whatever realm it drifts closest to.
Thankfully Danny seems to be enjoying himself- he has a proper ghost friend now! And he's starting to be able to understand Batblob's cacophony of Silent-EverSilent-Gurgles-DistantWhispers-QuietScreamsSilence easier too without Robin translating. (His Ghost-Speak is getting so good :D) He wishes he could bring Sam & Tucker but it's a little too far into the ghost zone. And the ghosts and Vlad doesn't bother him here! (The last time he tried, unknown to Danny, the older halfa was met with a malicious swarm of teeth and maws ready to rip and tear and not lose another child again-) He's even gotten shown the exits to the living-world's Gotham. Robin likes to ramble about the new and different living-robins and about their friend who was also a robin and who disappeared one day and whose core they carry on their belt. Maybe he can help them find out what happened to him...
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nelkcats · 1 year
The Cat Statue
In the center of Gotham stood a cat statue, its eyes were emeralds and glowed toxic green. It always seemed to be looking at you.
No one in the city dared to do anything against the statue. There were rumors that the last time people tried to demolish it, all the construction equipment was damaged, and the workers were sick for weeks. There were people who tried to steal it eyes, but their skin burned without explanation after touching it.
Unlike most inhabitants in Gotham, Selina was not afraid of the statue. She adored it. She asked it questions from time to time, and though no one believed her, the statue always answered; a whisper in her ears, snowflakes in summer, the touch of a hand on her shoulder.
Selina knew the statue wasn't normal, she'd known it since she was a child. But instead of fearing it, it made her feel safe. That's why she used to keep the bats and other rogues out of the place, it was her place, no one else's.
Danny was trapped in the Infinite Realms so he'd been looking for ways to entertain himself. One of them: Statues. Statues hidden in every dimension, statues that brought comfort to those who leaned on them. Though the connection was tenuous, Danny could interfere with their lives if they asked.
Selina had become one of his favorite persons. It was for that reason that when he saw her injured and she asked him for shelter, a great dome of ice formed around her, the statue's eyes glowing brighter than ever.
The Joker backed up a few steps, frowning as he noticed the dome, he had chased Catwoman to the spot and thought he had her cornered. He was about to make another move when spikes of ice began to form on the dome as a warning. Honestly, Danny wouldn't mind killing the clown.
For his part, Batman watched the scene from the roof. An indescribable look on his face.
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