#Damian kitsune
crow-aeris · 3 months
The Moon's Virus: Lycanthropy
Many people claim to be capable of remaining calm under duress, to reason and think logically out of every situation and every possible bind, but most who say so are dirty fucking liars.
Jason can only watch in horror, nausea rising in his throat as he watches a woman scream for help, a blood curdling note that pierced the air as his fiery wings remained dormant. He wasn't allowed to help- hell, he wasn't allowed within 10 feet of an infected victim in case they lunged. As a human, like Barbara, Jason was required to stay inside at all times, armed with silver and wolfsbane. Dick, too, was benched because despite the aurae blood that whispered through the first robin's veins, Tim and Bruce weren't sure of whether or not it would be enough to save Dick from being turned into a werewolf.
Gasps rose around them as the sky darkened, the air falling quiet as the birds fell into the dark-induced slumber.
Tim and Damian, with their eyes far more sensitive than Jason's, wore custom-enchanted sunglasses. Jason wasn't sure about how or what it did other than block out more sun, but that was besides the point.
But just before they could see the totality through, there was sound of screaming and bones cracking. Almost instantly, the crowd around them burst into chaos, with people stampeding and running over each other as a hulking wolf tore through the crowd.
"TIM!" Jason shouted as the Fox was driven away from him and Damian by the panicking people.
"Jason, we must go!" Damian hissed, grabbing the human's wrist and beginning to drag him away. Despite the dragon's small size, he was able to easy pull Jason along despite his thrashing and panicking, "Timothy is capable, and will not allow harm to befall him! You, if you've somehow forgotten, are human!"
Seemingly fed up with Jason's resistance, Damian hissed and opened a Doorway before shoving the human through.
This is an insight on my new fic up on ao3, and if any of y'all are interested, you can read the first chapter here
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Bruce Wayne’s about to be in for a rude awakening when he tries to tell Damien he can’t have metapets in Gothem 👀
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kitsunequeen1987 · 1 year
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Oh a ship I haven't drawn in a hot while. Turns out Damian's 6'8.
Dude could lift Kitsune up like a ferret, and she'd be like "oh, okay."
Damian belongs to @suraibru
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djbunnie · 2 years
petty Raven is back!!!
Raven: Alright Titus, I got your Wagyu steak.
Raven: Alfred (the cat) I got your wild caught shrimp.
Raven: and Takashi, I got your Alaska salmon
Damian: What did you make me?
Raven: oh, don't worry I didn't forget you *gives damiana a can of tuna* just take off the cap *takes off the cap and throws it away*
Damian: *really look*
Raven: what?
Raven: oh, here, don't worry. Forgot the fork. You're all good. *leave*
Damian: Are you serious?
Damian: Titus I'll trade you, give me the steak
Titus: *howl that sounds like he's saying nooooo*
saw this and thought of DamiRae 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
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Oneshot Project: Which of these should I work on or would you wish for a WIP of? [If you wish to be tagged for a writing WIP reply/comment so, also feel free to send in asks if you want to know more about any of them]
Dragon Au Unreliable Narrators, curtesy of Tim, with semi-dark Batfam thanks to them well, not being human. Includes Jason getting dragged back home kicking and screaming and human Tim eventually also becoming dragon.
Living Armor Au Semi-modern fantasy Au thing, with the batfam being more than a little oblivious to the fact that their allies think they are people in armor, not supernatural creatures. This also leads to misunderstandings when Bruce mentions they're getting a new family member.
Merfolk Au Gotham's version of merfolk is like a specialized super predator. Or maybe that's just the Bats, because despite most of them being based off of not exactly aggressive or even large fish, they Can take off someone's hand. It also doesn't help that no one thinks to mention the fact that Gotham is the sea's Eldritch Dead Zone.
Griffon Au Mostly fluff and found family, and Bruce with his kids as young kids. Includes him desperately trying to convince them to do Anything other than vigilantism, Please, and them just laughing at him. Also includes Alfred in shorts during the winter because he's built different.
Kobold-Dog Au Batfam, but they're lizard dog people with apposable thumbs. Includes baby Damian and some inspiration from the kobold of german folklore as well.
Kitsune Au Magical batfamily who might just specialize in more illusionary magic? Yeah, and some of them even count as holy creatures. Also, as kitsune can act as mediums between the mortal and celestial? They might interact with a few ghosts. Also Sentient Gotham City.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
inspired by TAWOG’s “The Matchmaker”episode. aka damian asserting his dominance the prequel. everyone is aged up and legal.
pairing: yan! batfam/teen titans x kitsune! reader
status: unedited
[ prequel to this fic ]
Damian had finally come to terms that he may have a crush on you. As evidenced by his large collection of photos, clothing and drawings. But, along with this came a slew of obstacles.
Now you see the biggest problem about his crush on you was that a lot of people also had an obsession with your magnificent self, mainly Garfield and Rachel. In addition to your newfound relationship with the former, Damian was in shambles.
And Rachel, not realizing Garfield was actually serious about his flirtations towards you, may or may not have created a love potion that he ended up stealing and dosing you with.
“So you’re saying that the reason why I’ve been suffering these past few days weren’t because they genuinely loved each-other, but because you. screwed. up?!”
Dick shook the magic-user back and forth. You had been outright rejecting his advances these past few days in favor of actually being loyal to your boyfriend and it hurt his poor ego; shattered his heart. Not only that but the two of you would engage in such aggressive PDA he wouldn’t be surprised if you two started boning during a fight.
“No, it’s because they’re just destined to be together— yes, Grayson! I screwed up!” Rachel shoved him off of her. Dusting her cape before readjusting it to cover her entire body again.
“And Garfield didn’t consume any of this Love Potion, you speak of?” Kori thought back to the times Garfield outright said how much he loved you. He was quite shameless but he never got serious or confident enough to properly pursue you when the entire team was after your affections.
“That’s. . . all on him. The Love Potion works with just one recipient.”
“That little—“
Damian interrupted Jamie from swearing, an even graver look on his face as he commander. “Titans. It’s time to play Matchbreaker.”
The plan of attack included several strategies. Each carefully thought out before hand. Well, for the most part.
“[Y/N] hates commitment. What if we scare them by making Garfield propose?” Jamie proposed, the beetle behind him pulses its lights in agreement.
“On it.” Tim got to working. In just an hour he had a site and link to lure you in. Running on pure determination to keep you away from Beast Boy, it wasn’t a challenge to make an elaborate trap by hacking into Garfield’s account and messaging you. That, and considering you’re a bit of a boomer. You didn’t really question much of what was happening.
“. . . You’re invited to a wedding with Garfield?” You read aloud as everyone watched with bated breaths.
But instead of reeling in disgust, it’s almost as if hearts started growing out of your eyes as you squealed, “Awe~! A-ccept!”
Everyone deflated in defeat. Some looked to Rachel in scorn. “I may or may not have increased the dosage to . . . almost unbreakable levels.”
“As . . . practice. . .” Rachel looked away, using her cape to partially cover her face.
The rest of the titans collectively sigh.
“Nothing a little finesse can’t fix.” Dick cracked his knuckles.
“[Y/N]. You look stunning today.” Nightwing approached you. A smirk on his face that would look menacing if it wasn’t from your friend.
“Thanks, Dick — I— “ You waved at him only for your lips to meet his seconds after. You struggled to push him away, but that only worsened the situation and prompted him to insert his tongue.
The worst part of the whole situation being that Garfield just walked in to witness that.
Rachel and Damian appeared behind him, courtesy of the former’s magic and with the latter holding a baton in his hands. “What’s this?”
“A crime of passion.”
The two were prepared to knock out Garfield if he did seriously attempt hurting you. Desperate times call for desperate measures after all, and since he wasn’t affected by magic everything should go according to pla-
“But they’re too good not to be shared!”
“Alright folks, get the big bird off of them!”
Dick was knocked out by Jason and Victor, effectively putting him out of commission for the next . . . several plans.
“Okay who named this plan, exactly?”
Rachel questioned as she looked through the blueprints and diagrams on the board (Yes, they were being that thorough).
Victor coughed at her comment.
“Before we start this properly I can at least make one of his transformations last a while so they don’t . . . “ Do the hanky panky. Everyone thought in different levels of crassness in their head.
“Do it.” The entire team wordlessly agreed, if there was anything they’d do everything to stop it was you getting down and dirty with the green young adult.
After an intense mission and just as Rachel’s spell dictated, Garfield was stuck in his gorilla form. “I- I can’t turn back!”
But the heroes seemed to forget that you also had a furry form and did not mind Garfield’s in the slightest, even cheering him up by saying, “It’s fine, honey. It just means there’s more to love!“
“GET THEM AWAY FROM EACHOTHER, NOW!” Victor screeched in horror, circuits frying from the terrifying sight he’s witnessing.
After promptly blasting the two of you apart for a bit, the team members hurried into their positions for the second half of the plan.
“Quick, get the lice!” Kori hollered at Jamie who was fumbling around with the box of lice he bought online. She then lifted him overhead, allowing the blue suited man to cover his former friend (he didn’t consider him a friend anymore at this point) with the insects.
“Ack! Why am I feeling so itchy?”
“Let me help you with that—“
You two are swiftly sent to different parts of the state before things get too nasty.
PLAN L: JEA[L]OUS DAMIAN (actual name: [L]eft Nut)
It has been almost a week since they started unleashing their plans upon the couple but the Titans and co. didn’t gain much ground. Your infatuation almost worsened as the days went by, and keeping you away from Beast Boy was close to impossible when your specialty in the team was stealth and espionage.
“Demonspawn? Hang on — what are you-“ Jason, who had a perfect line up for Garfield’s scrotum raised his hands in annoyance, watching through his scope as his younger brother suddenly swooped in to grab you from your boyfriend and ruining his shot.
“Well . . . That works.”
Once Damian had you secured in his room, he slammed you unto his bed.
May it be from the shock of sudden movements or seeing your own crush hovering over you, the effects of the Love Potion broke and you leaned upwards to kiss your leader.
You two spent hours tied up together before you eventually pulled away. Meeting the youngest Robin’s still angered face you laughed awkwardly,
“Ahaha . . . I’m screwed aren’t I?”
“Oh Habibti, you can’t even imagine.”
Damian was unsure of his future with you. What he was sure of was that this little fox needed a leash, and what leader would he be if he didn’t assert his authority?
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1seaweedbrain1 · 5 months
Shit I've said/done as batfam part ???
Dick - One of these days I'm not gonna be able to charisma my way out of a problem and that will be a bad day. Not today tho, today I stay winnung
Jason - *searching the house for my book* I'm so stable rn. Stable like a table as they say ahaha
Tim - Sleepeo, Sleepeo wherefor art thou? Must I throw rocks at thine window?
Damian - If one more person calls my Kitsune painting a nine tail I will personally duel whoever runs Pokémon to the death
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(the painting in question)
Steph: I like to think I fall on the ideal side of Barney's Crazy/Hot graph but I still worry y'know? Like what if secretly I'm just really self absorbed and all the self hatred has just been me pulling one over on myself?
Barbra: I am very tired and the next person that tries to talk to me is getting told whatever most interesting thing I found out today- it will probably involve a gruesome death
Alfred: Sir! You are by far the most idiotic person I've had the misfortune of speaking to today, please walk the fuck away!
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dyxtd21 · 3 months
Fact: The Nine Tales Council (Parti Sapphire, Cornflower Blue Sapphire, Padparadscha Sapphire, Purple Sapphire, Pink Sapphire, Black Star Sapphire, Green Sapphire, Orange Sapphire and Yellow Sapphire) act like step-mothers to the young Damian Wayne.
They absolutely adore and spoil him, thinking he's the most precious thing to ever exist on the planet. Damian is shocked by them at first but then gets accustomed to them and doesn't mind them. He likes their attention, sometimes.
Bruce, reading the newspaper in the morning while noticing Damian getting ready to leave: "Now, where are you going off to, Damian?"
Damian, casually: "Just to go and visit my nine step-mothers."
Bruce: "Ah, alright then."
A long pause as Damian's words fully hit Bruce.
Bruce: "Wait! Wha-"
But, Damian has already left, leaving Bruce stunned and speechless, even confused as well.
Nine step-mothers? That's...not right. Who are they? Bruce thought, still grappling with the words of Damian's.
Alfred walks in the dinning room: "Master Bruce? Please do not tell me that you haven't noticed about young Master Damian's meetings with the only anthropomorphic female Kitsunes council? The Nine Tales Council, I believe?"
Bruce, thinking hard as of now: "No, I have not."
Alfred, in disbelief: "Oh, Master Bruce. What am I going to do with you?"
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owlwithanapple · 4 months
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 12
Nightwing & Fox make a bet.
You returned home stood at the entrance take off your shoes. Kirin went to room and slept on the bed. You went to the kitchen get a bottle of beer sat in the living room to drink it. The first sip felt so refreshing. It had been a long time since had a beer and now finally had a drink. Why did you drink? Actually, you were worried because of the situation you had just with Mr. Wayne, and you couldn't help lecture Damian.
You looked down at the bottle in your hand blurted out "family..."
It was so suffocating to be alone at home and think about all sorts of things. You couldn't bear the pressure, put on your equipment turned into Kitsune and ran out with a few bottles of beer. You reached a high place found a good place put the bottle and sat down. You pushed the fox mask up to reveal your sweet lips and started drinking. Everyone's life has its own story, including you and your family. There is a tragic past.
Should it be fate or reality? You witnessed your parents being slaughtered to pieces, and your only hope, younger brother, could not escape their clutches. You were the only survivor who was rescued by SHINOBI. You saw them killing all the demons until only one head was left. From then on, you followed their footsteps into the future. It is your great fortune that you see the light from the brutal abuse.
You want to forget your family and those demons. You keep saying that you have forgotten them, but can't do it. Even though they have been killed beyond recognition, their faces still vividly imprinted in your mind. The scene at that time still in your memory. A sea of ​​blood enveloped you, the sound of pain kept lingering in your ears. The young self was tied up with ropes and cut all over by hot knives.
The funniest thing is someone handed a knife and told you to stab the demon to end your hatred. Unbelievably, your resentment and pain disappeared. You returned the sharp and powerful knife to that person. You didn't do it. Maybe your heart was dead and couldn't be cruel to those demons, or didn't want your hands stained with your family's blood.
"Won't it be lonely to drink alone?"
You turned and saw a person, his feet stretched in the air, his hands on the ground, step by step, walking towards you. You put down the bottle looked at him with a confused look on your face, although the mask covered you. He turned back and stood beside you with an elegant posture. You saw the tall and slender figure was Nightwing, his behavior made you speechless.
"Excuse me, what are you doing, knight?" You said with a smile.
He sat next to you, his back straight, his legs swinging. "I saw you here alone, so I came to check on you because I was worried. What's wrong? You look depressed."
You shook your head. "Nothing serious."
"If you don't mind, you can talk to me. I also have something on my mind want to talk with someone." Although he told you calmly, his tone was a little heavy.
You bumped him with your shoulder. "Knight you skipping work?"
He bumped back. "Knights guarding the city also get tired and want to rest."
You took a bottle of beer opened and handed to him. "Not talk about it first, drink it, it's low in alcohol and you won't get drunk."
He was chuckling. "Thank you."
You poured a mouthful of beer and swallowed it. You heard Nightwing also take a sip. The two of you very close, shoulder to shoulder but not touching each other, just quietly accompanying each other. Nightwing's attitude turned into a quiet person because he sad, and he didn't flirt with you as charmingly as before. You are also a chatterbox in daily life, but you want to be quiet when you are worried.
You poured beer into your mouth and found that it was a bit unsatisfying. In desperation, you planned to go home and continue drinking. You stood up with the empty beer bottle to leave. You walked a few steps turned around to see Nightwing was still there. You ignored him left directly, threw the few bottles into the trash can. You clapped your hands. Although you wore gloves, you had to pay attention hygiene habits.
You looked up at the sky into the distance, a feeling of worry surged in your heart. Although you couldn't see Nightwing's expression just now, but vaguely feel he was sad. You didn't want to meddle in other people's business. After all, you two were not familiar with each other's lives, and you couldn't say nice things for no reason. But, you just couldn't let him be alone and depressed.
You quickly returned to the place found that there was no one. He was no longer sitting there. You felt a little regretful for not saying goodbye to him. The feeling of worry might be an illusion. Since he left, there was no reason to stay here any longer. You took the step to leave, someone behind you quietly reached out pull you. You quickly looked and saw it was Nightwing.
He smiled and walked towards with an expectant attitude. "Why did you come back?"
You shook your shoulders and acted nonchalantly, pointing to the sky. "I came to see the night view."
He shook his head with a sly smile. "Haha, are you kidding me?"
You tilted your head looked at him. "How dare I? I don't want to provoke you."
He smiled. "You did provoke me."
"Huh?" You were confused.
He approached and held your arm. "Then can I expect something from you?"
Nightwing POV
The day before the business trip, Bruce asked me to help attend some work events, and needed to go out of town for a few days. I knew Bruce was too busy with work, so I accepted his request. At that time, he handed me two plane tickets, and I thought Babybird could help me. So I went to his room, I knocked on the door he opened and asked me to come in.
I saw his bed was full of books. Since he came to the manor, there are more books in the house because of his love of reading. I took a book from his bookshelf and read it. The books he read so profound that I doubted my life. I put the book back sat on his bed. Although he complained and told me to get out, he still didn't drive me away and let me lie on his bed.
I sat up and saw him reading very attentively. "Babybird, are you busy recently?"
He read the book but didn't ignore my question. "Very free, except for patrolling and training at night. What?"
I forced the plane ticket on him. "Work with me! It can only be you!"
He was surprised. "What!? Are you crazy?"
"Bruce gave me some work, I need you to help me with some. Please, Babybird." I looked at him with a pair of pitiful eyes.
He shook me off and avoided my pitiful eyes. "Why must be me? You know I'm not good dealing with those upper-class people. Flattering is not my strong point."
I put my arm around his shoulders. "Why? Can't bear to leave your girlfriend?"
He looked at me with a blush. This was the first time I saw the cute side of Babybird. "Fuck. How many times do I have to tell you! Pure friendship!"
"How about... I tell her that Red Hood who kissed her lips through the helmet is Jason Todd?" I took the opportunity to bully him.
He snatched the plane ticket and pointed at my face with a fierce look, "Damn it! I'm warning you! If you dare to tell anyone, I'll kill you!"
I hugged him happily, "My dear brother, I love you so much!"
He tried desperately to break free from my embrace, "Damn it! Let me go!"
I searched for his luggage and found it. I took out some decent clothes from his closet. Of course, suits are indispensable for entertaining those upper-class people. Babybird is strong and tall, Bruce always prepares clothes that fit his size for him. I put all his things neatly in the luggage.
I thought of his crush, and I reminded him, "Babybird, remember to tell her you are on a business trip. Otherwise, she will be worried."
He was surprised, but because of what I said, he took out his phone obediently, "It's not your turn to teach me how to do it."
Babybird has a rather irritable personality and temper, but he still has a gentle and considerate side, especially with the girl he has a crush on. He won't introduce me to her, and I'm so anxious that wanted to secretly go and see who the lucky girl is. When Red Hood kissed her, I was too far away to see her face clearly.
"Hey, when are we leaving?" I heard Babybird ask.
"Leave tonight and arrive tomorrow." I answered.
He jumped out of bed "What?! Tonight! What time!"
So we quarreled for a long time that day, and finally succeeded in convincing Babybird to go on a business trip with me. Of course, he kicked me a few times, and my butt was numb. After, there still some free time, so Babybird dragged me to clean up his messy room. I sorted all the books in order, and he was checking the contents of the luggage.
After ready, he and I dragged the luggage to downstairs together. I saw Bruce in the lobby waiting for time, and Alfred greeted us. Bruce was surprised when he saw Babybird, his reaction was normal because he rarely interfered with Bruce's work. But when Bruce saw Babybird, his face was full of happy smiles. This is what I expected, living like a family.
We learned that Alfred would take us to the airport, Bruce would drive himself because the flight times were different. Before leaving home, Bruce and I hugged each other before getting in the car. I put Babybird's luggage in the trunk of the car, then opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in to wait. I happened to see Babybird and Bruce talking, after the conversation, they hugged each other. What a warm and beautiful picture.
On the fourth morning of the business trip, I woke up and stretched in bed. I heard the sound of snoring, from Babybird who was sleeping soundly in another bed. He must be exhausted, because had to face things he didn't like and was not good at in the past few days. Talking business with those upper-class people really couldn't escape the fate of being forced to drink. Thanks to him blocking for me, I could stay sober and rational.
My phone suddenly rang, I quickly took it and ran to the balcony, fearing I would wake up Babybird who was sleeping soundly. After I got to the balcony, I looked back at Babybird lying on the bed. It was great that he was not woken up by me, so I was relieved. I was worried about Babybird but forgot to press the answer button and the call was hung up. I found it was my friend Wally West calling, I called back immediately.
As soon as I called, Wally answered immediately, "You are too slow to answer my call."
I sighed and smiled said, "Wally, you are too fast. What do you want to talk to me about?"
"Are you working?" Wally asked suddenly.
"I'm done. What?" I said casually.
Wally said excitedly and expectantly, "Do you want to have breakfast together?"
I laughed. Wally West is the Flash himself. He is the kind of person who is always available. His lightning speed can move around the world quickly. When I was working as Nightwing, sometimes took a lot of rides with him, riding on his back. Thanks to my friend who is fast, he always appears in the first time to help me a lot, and I have successfully escaped many crises.
"I'll send the location now. Meet over there."
"No problem, I'll be there in a few seconds!" After saying that, he hung up the phone.
I returned to the room, washed up, and changed into casual clothes. I took a piece of paper wrote a note saying "I'm going out for breakfast" and put it next to Babybird's bed, then left the room. I left the hotel walked to a nearby restaurant, which was not far away only took three minutes to walk. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in front of my eyes, and in that instant I was standing at the door of restaurant.
As I expected, I looked to the left saw a man with dark red hair who was about the same height as me. "Very punctual, Wally."
He winked at me, "Of course."
We both walked into the restaurant and chose a suitable seat to sit down. I flipped through the menu ordered a simple breakfast and a cup of coffee to refresh myself. I returned the menu to the waiter, and about a minute later the waiter brought the drinks to us. I finally understood why Tim liked coffee so much. The aroma hit me in the face, couldn't stand the charm of coffee.
"You work alone?" Wally suddenly asked.
I shook my head "Nah, I came with my brother."
"Which brother?"
I laughed and said "Jason. Unbelievable."
He looked at me in surprise "Indeed."
I put the cup to my lips and took a sip then put it on the table "Free today?"
He nodded "Yes, I was bored. So I came to see you."
His answer made me laugh so hard. Wally is a great guy who teases me. It's very comfortable to be with him. He's the kind of guy who can come whenever I need him. There were several times I couldn't pass the game, and he showed up at my house after I called him. Sometimes Tim and Damian were surprised by Wally's sudden appearance and disappearance.
Wally swiped his phone and showed me the news "Hey! Hot news! Look!"
I took his phone to see what news could make Wally excited. I read the content bit by bit, and my eyes widened instantly. The title said Robin and the fox mask Gotham Runner joined forces to fight criminals. It's unbelievable that Damian acted alone during my absence, the most unbelievable that he fought criminals with her. But I didn't expect Kitsune to fight criminals. I thought she would be an enemy.
"I'll go Gotham City one day to spar with her~" Wally smiled evilly.
I looked at the news, reading it carefully one by one. I found her style of doing things very simple, like last time she chased the robbers. Obviously, we were both chasing the same target, but she chose not to join forces and solve it herself. I can't see through her, and I don't know which side she is on. Bruce said talk to her first to find out about her, but she is really hard to understand and control.
"Hey. You still there?" Wally snapped fingers in front of me.
I woke up "Oh! Sorry! I was thinking."
"But, do you know which side the fox mask is on? Batman will investigate her if messes around in Gotham City like this." Wally suddenly asked a question I couldn't answer.
I crossed my hands in front of my chest and shook my head "Batman sent me, I don't know her. She is very mysterious, I can't get her, and she avoids sensitive questions."
"I understand." He nodded.
I shook my head and blurted out "The so-called woman's heart is like a needle in the sea."
Wally was silent and asked carefully "Hey, you still can't let her go?"
I returned the phone to Wally, looking embarrassed "You mean Barbara?"
Wally nodded, his expression looked worried "Is there another Barbara?"
Barbara Gordon, my ex-girlfriend, Batgirl. She was a young, smart and lively girl. The appearance of Batman inspired Barbara to embark on the road of fighting crime, and she soon began to cooperate with Batman and me. She became Batman's most important assistant. I gradually fell in love with this smart, kind and lively girl, and then I had many romantic relationships with her.
I sighed and shook my head, saying in a cold tone, "It's a thing of the past."
Wally took a sip of his drink, "The next one will be better."
I laughed and exhaled, "The next one... I haven't figured her out yet."
Wally was surprised and excited, "Is there really a next one? Who?!"
I woke up instantly, and I was thinking about Kitsune in my mind. I quickly clarified with Wally, "No, no, no, really."
Wally laughed and pressed my shoulder, "Then figure her out."
"Damn... Let's eat first, I'll tell you next time." I started to eat breakfast.
After finishing breakfast, I went to the counter to pay then walked out of the restaurant. On the way back to the hotel, I blinked and arrived at the hotel entrance in an instant. Wally said goodbye to me and disappeared like lightning. I stepped into the hotel and waited for the elevator. I took out my phone to read the news about Kitsune. Her side of fighting criminals attracted a lot of attention.
At that time, I didn't take her down in time, and was caught off guard by her counterattack and electric shock attack. I thought about it for a whole night, I turned into Nightwing again to look for her in the night, but I couldn't find her. Her appearance was mysterious, she appeared randomly and disappeared out of thin air. She didn't seem like a neurotic person. When I talked to her alone, I felt that she was a very smart and rational person.
I put my phone away stepped into the elevator. As the elevator went up, Kitsune's voice and figure kept surrounding me. Her mystery and words attracted me to think about her all the time. Could it be... I looked up saw the bright lights in the elevator. It was too bright, I closed my eyes lowered my head. I shook my head tried to make her fox mask disappear from my mind.
But I couldn't do it….She was still in my mind. "I should go check it out."
End of memories -
What's going on now? Nightwing seems to be a little off. His aura been strange since we met just now. He talks nonsense and you have no idea what he wants to say. He expects something from you. Is he going to make you an alliance? But you are really not interested in such things. Or he drunk from the beer just now? It's even more impossible. That was the low-alcohol kind.
"I didn’t have anything to expect." You blurted out after laughing.
"That's hard to say." You can hear that his tone is a little arrogant.
You sighed and tried to shake off his hand, but it didn't work as you wished. To be honest, you are not someone worth expecting. You can't be someone who is idealistic. It's like being driven away. "Really, I didn't lie to you."
He pulled you and you threw your body towards him. You could feel the fluctuation of his breathing at such a close distance. Your bodies even pressed against each other, and you didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he whispered in your ear, "Maybe you think you are not worth my expectation, but I look forward to seeing you every day. Today I finally found you."
"Why did you find me?" You were confused and curious.
"Hehe... I just wanted to see you, nothing else." He said with a smile.
You were confused by him and a little angry didn't say it directly. You don't like the kind of vague words, and you are the worst at analyzing such situations. "Tsk, I thought you wanted to say something."
He lifted your chin up with his fingers "What's wrong? What do you want me to say?"
He is indeed quite good at flirting, you can't help but laugh out loud "Oh Knight, you really don't learn your lesson."
He was confused by what you said "Huh?"
You give him a small electric shock, and he immediately pushed you away took a few steps back. "Hahaha! You are careless for being so close to me!"
He opened his arms with a smile on his face "Are you serious? I want to give you a hug, it's a waste for you to interrupt the romantic mood like this."
You laughed out loud, he was so funny. He knew he would get shocked by you, but he still dared to approach you. It's bad enough that he didn't learn his lesson, he was still joking. It seems that he has cured all the bad mood today, you are really laughing now. You stole a glance at his expression, he was confused but the smile on his face was very sweet. You are very happy with you are doing now, he opened his arms took the first step towards you.
You shook your head slightly at his gesture, "If you don't want to be shocked by me again, you'd better stay away from me."
He smiled confidently and said, "You can try, I believe I can bear it."
You laughed so hard that your stomach cramped at his every move. You backed away step by step, trying to get away from Nightwing's clutches. It seems that tonight is a good time for flirting. It's rare to see you so happy until forget yourself. You stepped back and woke up because you missed a step. You knew you were about to fall from a high place. You were so excited that you forgot you were on the edge of a high place.
Seeing that the situation was not good, Nightwing ran over and grabbed your endless hand. If you let go of his hand, you definitely would really fall. Your hoodie was blown by the wind, revealing a head of bright white long hair fluttering in the wind. To conceal your identity, you dressed yourself in another way before changing into your equipment to prevent yourself from being exposed.
He pulled you into his arms held you tightly. You leaned against him, feeling a little overwhelmed. You felt his hands trembling, and he looked very scared and helpless. He held you tightly with one hand, and gently touched your white hair that fluttered in the wind with the other hand. After calming down, he approached your face, when you thought he was going to take off your mask, you heard him say, "I caught you."
You saw a confident smile on his face, and you asked, "What will happen after you caught me?"
He smiled shyly, "There is no future now. But …. When you came back to me just now, I believed there would be a story between us in the future."
"How do you know we will have a story?"
"I have been staying here since the first time I saw you. I am waiting for the day to meet you. Today I met you, and you came back to find me."
You shook your head, "Coincidence does not mean we will have a story."
"Then why did you come back to find me?" he suddenly asked.
"I said, I came to see the night view."
He laughed softly and took a deep breath, "You are stubborn."
"I thought you were praising me, thank you."
Although there was a mask between us, your eyes were looking at him, and your hands which had nowhere to put, were around his neck, "I had a lot of fun tonight. And thank you for saving my life."
He nodded, "Me too. Thank you for staying with me."
You both let go of each other at the same time, and for some reason he looked regretful. You walked to the edge and stood on it, letting your dazzling white hair fly in the air. You looked towards the distant sky, suddenly Nightwing pushed your shoulder to make you face him, then held your waist high and spun you in circles.
"What are you doing! I thought you were going to push me!" You pinched his cheek.
He laughed and breathed a sigh of relief, "Haha! You're doomed if you turn your back to me."
You were so light that he could easily pick you up with one hand, and the other hand held you so that your knees rested on his abdomen. Since you were taller than him and could look down at him, you put your hands on his shoulders to prevent yourself from falling. "Knight, you are so mean, you surprised and delighted me."
He couldn't hold back his smile and laughed, "You too. We are both like this to each other."
You held his cheeks with both hands and stroked them lightly with your fingers, "You are so funny. I hope we won't become enemies in the future."
He smiled slightly, "Then let's not be."
You shook your head, in fact, there was no smile on your face. Because you didn't want to become enemies with Nightwing. Your heart was heavy but
still maintained an optimistic tone and said, "It's easy to say, but you know it's hard between us. Neither of us can’t guarantee any changes between us."
Your words hit him so hard that he fell into deep thought. He carefully put you down, and you just looked at him without saying anything. Every word you said secretly carried some truth that he should know. You both from different worlds and different concepts. You don't expect him to stand on your side, because you know clearly that you can't guarantee either side.
He turned to you and blurted out "I believe in us."
You were surprised, your heartbeat accelerated, you turned your back to him at a loss, and waved your hand perfunctorily, "Hahaha, I don't believe it. You know it."
"I know I believe in you, and you trust me too. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel at ease leaning on me, you know you can get rid of me easily." He said it suddenly, and you couldn't respond to him. You are wary of everyone, and you are afraid he knows your momentary slackness. You clenched fists and closed your eyes to suppress your emotions. Why did he appear today to disturb your mood.
He stood behind you, holding your hands tightly, and leaned his head on your shoulder. "I know we can't guarantee what the future will be like. But I want to make a bet with you, and I hope you are willing to make this bet."
You shook his hand off, interrupting his ambiguous conversation. "Oh~ my knight, to be honest, I really want to believe you. I don't know what you want from me by saying sweet words to me. I guess it may be Batman who instructs you to do this and you arrest me."
He opened his mouth to explain himself, but you shook your head refused him with a gesture. "You want me to bet, but unfortunately I can't accompany you. I don't want to have an irreparable relationship between us."
He grabbed your arm. "Are you unable to accompany me or you afraid?"
"It's better to let me go, knight." You looked at him.
He said with a smug expression, "Dump me or shock me. You can do it."
You looked down and muttered, "Fuck you."
He lifted your chin to face him, "Since you didn't fight back, I can take it as yes."
You put your other hand on your waist and said, "Knight, you want to bet without seeing my face, you are at a big disadvantage. What if I take off the mask it turns out be an old woman?"
He was amused by your words, and then nodded in understanding, "It's true when you mention it."
"So don't bet. Neither you nor I want to be disappointed." You exerted a little strength to break free from him.
He held you tighter, but didn't hurt you. You saw him smile confidently, and you didn't understand why you couldn't get rid of him. Your heart was also led by his sweet words, and his every move kept disrupting your pace. You tried to calm down, but you were attracted to him and couldn't control your emotions. This is what you fear the most, and it's hard to change once it starts.
"Kitsune, I dare to challenge everything and willing to take risks for you. I said there is a story between us, as long as you are willing to bet, it will start."
"Knight, how brave are you to take these risks."
"Because I believe in you, I am willing to face it."
You hesitated for a moment, but decided to reject him decisively "I'm sorry."
"What are you afraid of?" He let go of your hand.
You touched the hand he let go, and you could still feel the warmth "I'm more timid, that's all."
He stretched out his hand, and his expression was no longer smiling but steady "Please, let's start as friends, okay?"
You look at his hand, your real thought is hold his hand tightly. But you dare not take the first step. You are a coward and choose to retreat. "It is better for us to keep some distance."
You walked past him, and he suddenly said, "At least I won once."
You turned around and looked at his back. "Huh? What do you mean?"
He turned around and said to you, "Just now. I believe you will come back to find me."
You laughed out loud, "Knight, I said I came to see the night view."
He shook his shoulders, "Whatever you say, I will prove it to you. I always believe that there is a story between us. Just wait and see, Kitsune."
You were silent and replied, "We are not destined to be together."
You heard the name he gave you, and your heart was happy but you couldn't be happy. You left the last words and disappeared, you didn't want to stay with him. You afraid more emotions would make you fall into the abyss and couldn't extricate yourself, so you chose to escape or give up on him. You covered your hair with a hoodie and wandered alone on the streets in the middle of the night until the last moment before going home.
Nightwing POV
After she left, I stayed in the same place. The place where I met her, but there was no her around, only me. I don't know why I want her so much, I didn't see her face with my own eyes but my heart was moved by her. It wasn't as good as I imagined, she kept rejecting me, no matter what I said, she was afraid.
After meeting her, I have been thinking about her and all the details of her. Since then, I have been missing her every moment, and I don't know why. Until today I saw her again, I was sure of the meaning of this relationship. I took the first step because I wanted to be sure and confident of my choice. That's why I wanted to make this bet and bet on our lives.
I thought about it for a long time, and I was worried about her. She was right. What would I do if she was not my ideal type without the mask? But I never thought of giving up on her because of her appearance. She may not be beautiful, but I have seen her helpful actions several times. She gave me the feeling of being a trustworthy and supportive friend, but I stepped into the threshold of love.
After some communication and body contact, I wanted to love her more. She was originally a girl with a very charming and mysterious personality, but gradually I found that she was actually more timid than I thought. When she was confident, she was not bound by constraints and allowed indulge herself.
I found that her weak side because of emotions. She did not dare to try but chose to retreat. This further inspired me to take the first step with her, and it seemed that it would take some time for us to accompany each other.
I sat on the edge muttered to myself, "Kitsune... who on earth are you that can fascinate me so much."
Chapter 12 End.
If you have any ideas, don’t be shy. Just leave a comment below. Your opinions would be valuable and will be added in story. ♥️💙
AO3 Chapter 12
AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
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viviwivipoo · 6 months
more general kitsune headcanons (made by my friend)
okay so i showed my friend the kitsune boys and asked for her first impression headcanons of them and she did not disappoint (thanks taylor)
most of these are like shitpost hcs but there is one nsfw headcanon for each character so beware of that
again if you dont agree with these please scroll lol
Fuyu : 
gagged at taylor louderman’s regina performance
secretly loves damian’s character (mean girls)
bought crystals and found out that it was mostly a ploy to get people to buy rocks and went ballistic (his fave was tigers eye)
needs reader glasses
probably had some sort of body piercing but it healed up
got snapchat to be “hip and cool” and a bunch of people added them, including haru and aki on spam accs (they trolled and loyalty tested him ☠️)
likes atari
terrified of the MacBeth superstition
likes starwars and transformers 
owns starwars and transformers figurines and has to keep them clean and dust free at all times
gives off a collector vibe
either plays as king boo or tom nook in mario kart
likes sherlock holmes
loves lana del rey and read her poetry book
his fave lana era(s) are chemtrails over the country club and born to die
a bit of a swifty
fave era is lover
would wear matching bracelets with you and never take them off
gives off allen (barbie, 2023) vibes
love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
loves cuddling
would want a hedgehog as a pet (sorry sven)
IF meeting your parents, would play the shamisen for them 
(NSFW) probably more vanilla / traditional in the bedroom
Haru :
plays an instrument
probably electric or bass guitar
possible yapper?
girl dad
probably owns a t-shirt with his name and face on it
keeps feminine hygiene products in his bathroom
sings in the shower
played soccer professionally at one point
practices pick-up lines to bottles in the shower
prefers mrs. pac-man over original pac-man
likes lana also, but prefers her sluttier songs (ex. Almost every song on ultraviolence)
HEAVY swifty, fave era is reputation but has a soft spot for her country eras
gives off magic earring ken / sugar daddy ken (barbie, 2023) vibes
love language is physical touch and acts of service
likes maroon5
likes to spend money 
goes to hot topic and spencers to pick up goth chicks
(NSFW) most definitely a giver / enjoys giving rather than receiving 
plays zelda
had his wisdom teeth pulled
likes pinball machines
prefers jake paul over logan paul
watches brent rivera
owns crocs
gives off kenough ken (simu liu) (barbie, 2023) vibes
loves charles boyle (brooklyn 99, 2013)
listens to a few icp songs
has minor anger issues
favorite girl scout cookie is tag-a-longs
unironically yells “burger king foot lettuce”
makes you throw up (from cringe) and holds your hair
LOVES impractical jokers
favorite joker is joe 
(NSFW) has some kind of bsdm fetish 
jesus theres so much
anyway hope you enjoyed 😜
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
A Fox and a Kryptonian: More than a Friendship?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iFrQl5X by Crow_Aeris The Five Love Languages: Gift Giving, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, and Acts of Service… Why not give each one a try? Surely at least one would win over Tim’s newest crush! OR: 5 times where Tim flirts with Kon, and 1 where Kon flirts back ;] Words: 1799, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Series: Part 32 of Vulpine Vignettes (Tim Drake is a Fox) Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Tim Drake (DCU), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Clark Kent, Selina Kyle, Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen, Damian Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake & Selina Kyle, Tim Drake & Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Kitsune Tim Drake, Huli Jing Tim Drake, JiuWei Hu Tim Drake, Fox Tim Drake, Animal Shifter Tim Drake, Tim Drake is Not Red Robin, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Tim Drake Being a Little Shit, Werewolf Stephanie Brown, Human Dick Grayson, Human Jason Todd, Dragon Bruce Wayne, Fox Cassandra Cain, Dragon Damian Wayne, Protective Jason Todd, Protective Dick Grayson, Protective Damian Wayne, Protective Stephanie Brown, Dorks in Love, Idiots in Love, bakeneko selina kyle, Minor Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, 5+1 Things, no beta we die like men, Bisexual Disaster Tim Drake, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Good Sibling Stephanie Brown read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iFrQl5X
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Sorry for the delay I sprained my wrist so it took a bit
Any way here is my design for kitsune Damian as you can see he toned down his more obvious unsettling features when he moved in with Bruce
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constellaris-a · 2 years
post made:  January 15th 2023 last updated:  January 27th 2023
 mains and exclusives for all of my muses can be found in this post!  i’ll do my best to update it as needed as time goes on.  this also encompasses all three of my active blogs.  this can include both romantic and platonic.
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Aether    Mains:    Exclusives:
Al - Haitham   Mains:  @celestiafell​  ( Kaveh )   Exclusives:  @celestiafell​  ( Dehya )
Ayaka   Mains:   Exclusives:
Ayato   Mains:   Exclusives:
Azhdaha   Mains:   Exclusives:
Byleth   Mains:   Exclusives:
Candace   Mains:   Exclusives:
Capitano   Mains:  @dawnbrn​  ( Diluc ),  @abyssmalice​  ( Tonia [older] )   Exclusives:
Childe   Mains:   Exclusives:
Cyno   Mains:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )   Exclusives:
Dehya   Mains:  @dancinghearts​  ( Lumine )   Exclusives:
Diluc   Mains:  @lunaetis​  ( Lumine )   Exclusives: @lunaetis  ( Lumine )
Eden   Mains:   Exclusives:
Eula   Mains: @boomermania​  ( Basilius )   Exclusives:
Gentarou   Mains:   Exclusives:
Guizhong   Mains:   Exclusives:
Hifumi   Mains:   Exclusives:
Jean   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kaeya   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kaveh   Mains: @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham ),  @dancinghearts​  ( Nahida )   Exclusives:
Kazuha   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kokomi   Mains:   Exclusives:
Lisa   Mains:   Exclusives:
Lumine   Mains:   Exclusives:
Nemu   Mains:   Exclusives:
Nilou   Mains:  @celestiafell​  ( Kaveh )   Exclusives:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Ningguang   Mains:   Exclusives:
Niwa   Mains:   Exclusives:
Olivia   Mains:   Exclusives:
Pulcinella   Mains:   Exclusives:
Rosaria   Mains:   Exclusives:
Kitsune Saiguu  Mains:  Exclusives:
Kuki Shinobu  Mains:  Exclusives:
Skirk   Mains:   Exclusives:
Thoma   Mains:   Exclusives:
Tomo  ( Kazuha’s friend )   Mains:   Exclusives:
Xiao   Mains:   Exclusives:
Yae Miko   Mains: @dancinghearts​  ( Lumine )   Exclusives:
Yelan   Mains:   Exclusives:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Zhongli   Mains:  @lunaetis​  ( Eula ),  @dawnbrn​  ( Diluc )   Exclusives:  @lunaetis  ( Eula )
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Ambriel   Mains:   Exclusives: @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Botan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Chihiro  Mains:  Exclusives:
Damian  Mains:  Exclusives:
Dante  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ephine  Mains:  Exclusives:
Evali  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ms Hina  Mains:  Exclusives:
Hotaru  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ichika  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ichirou  Mains:  Exclusives:
Ishtar   Mains:   Exclusives:
Jianyu  Mains:  Exclusives:
Junko  Mains:  Exclusives: @tenebriism​  ( Diluc )
Kiriko  Mains:  Exclusives:
Kiyomi  Mains:  Exclusives:
Letitia  ( Custom Lumine )  Mains:  Exclusives:
Lorelei  Mains:  Exclusives:
Luca  ( Custom Aether )  Mains:  Exclusives:
Mikhail  ( HC - based Tsar / Cryo Archon , @snowaliity )  Mains:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )  Exclusives:  @celestiafell​  ( Cyno )
Nethalia  Mains:  Exclusives:
Nirvaan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Orion  Mains:  Exclusives:
Qinghe  Mains:  Exclusives:
Quinn  Mains:  Exclusives:
Rayan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Rehan  Mains:  Exclusives:
Sonata  Mains:  Exclusives:
Takumi  Mains:  Exclusives:
Tatiana  ( HC - based Tsaritsa / Cryo archon )  Mains:  @mmriesoftvat​  ( Childe ) ,  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )  Exclusives: @celestiafell​  ( Cyno ) ,  @cryoexorciist​  ( Chongyun )
Tsubaki  Mains:  Exclusives:
Xue  Mains:  Exclusives:
Yulia  ( @frcsthearted​ )  Mains:  Exclusives:  @foliarsanct​  ( Alhaitham )
Yuxin  ( feminine vessel Zhongli )  Mains:  Exclusives:
Zasha  Mains:  Exclusives:
Zyaire  Mains:  Exclusives:
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kitsunequeen1987 · 1 year
@suraibru mentioned needing Kitsune × Damian content so I did a thing.
I'm a little surprised I came up with this so quick NGL dulfuofoudoud
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In the Spirit of Saint hallows eve, what type of monsters do you associate with the Omega squad? (You can pick multiple if you want).
First one I thought of, no joke, was “Colin’s a werewolf.” I feel like that’s pretty self explanatory?
Lian, I actually see as a siren. Not the bird lady kind in Greek mythology, but a mermaid (which I do have pics for!)
Milagro would also be a mermaid or maybe a naiad, but could see her as a shapeshifter as well
Damian….honestly, I think Vampire fits most the Batfam (and I have see vampire!Dick!) but I think Damian would be a Vampire-Demon hybrid. Again, think it’s a little self explanatory, but if I had to pick one, Vampire.
It would be so easy just to call Jon and Mar’i aliens and leave it at that, but that’s not how I roll 😂😂
Jon would be Fae, or a fae-human hybrid. More specifically, a fairy. I could also see him as a nephilium (human-Angel hybrid)
Mar’i…again, another Hybrid, but I would say Vampire-Fae (fairy or pixie, can’t decide) I wouldn’t go nephilium for her, I’d actually go more towards Nymph as another potential.
The twins…oh man the twins. I can see them as ghouls or poltergeists. Could also see them as a fox spirit monster (I know there’s the kitsune in Japan, but I think Korea has their own?)
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Batfamily but Flight Rising Part 4 Plus their familiars :) [Part 1 Here] [Part 2 Here] [Part 3 Here]
Damian: Imperial [Contaminated Ambassador] [Mesacliff Noble] [Roundhorn Melprin]
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Carrie: Fae [Falconclaw Warrior] [Giggling Planesrunner]
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Helena: Obelisk [Cherry Blossom Caterpillar] [Windcarve Fugitive]
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Jarro: Veilspun [Shimmering Xolo] [Glam Nudibranch]
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Terry: Nocturne [Blackwing Croaker] [Red-Winged Owlcat]
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Matt: Tundra [Heartred Croaker] [Silver Kitsune]
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