#Distant helicopter parents
shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Can Gran Torino adopt me?
anon, I don't think you'd find him a very good father figure unless you're looking for a parent who will be focused on making sure you can survive leaving the nest asap
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noxcheshire · 7 months
So I saw a few posts describing how the Pit’s in Jason’s body kinda acted on its own accord when spotting Danny “baby ghost” Phantom/Fenton and how they then co-parent with a half dead “baby” teenager.
But I raise YOU the idea that the Pits is already parenting Jason Todd.
When the Pits take over it’s the simple response of a Mama Bear going feral on some humans for making their little baby upset.
Jason disappointed by Batman?
The Pits snarl and rage at the man that made baby sad!
Jason disgusted at the idea of another Robin lined up for death?
The Pits howl and claw through the skin to fix the situation by beating the humans up so they can’t die!
Jason vulnerable and lost by the lack of acceptance in his return as Red Hood?
The Pits screech, biting furiously into the humans that had caused the baby to feel un-included in their games!
No one understands the reason for the Lazarus Pit’s in Jason’s body to constantly be acting up, that is until Danny comes into the picture and is like, “So your ghost parent is always watching you too, huh?” In reference to his own ghost parent (Clockwork) that likes to watch through his little tv’s on what Danny gets up to and sends a multitude of sticky notes like a distant helicopter mom.
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pix3lplays · 1 year
Honkai star rail men parenting headcanons
Dan Heng: Dan Heng would be a very strict, serious father. He’s a little distant, but he loves his children, even when he has a hard time expressing that. His children will be well-behaved and a little uptight, just like their dad. He’s very nervous about having kids of his own, but he handles it pretty well, even though he’s a little too strict. His kids appreciate his efforts when they’re older, and they respect their dad. He has a tendency of sheltering them though, so they don’t have to go through the kind of stress and anxiety he goes through. A ‘because I said so’ dad. He would have 1-2 children.
Gepard Landau: would also be a strict parent, but unlike Dan Heng, he’s able to be more open and honest about his emotions with his children. He explains things to them a little better than Dan Heng. He also wants them to grow up having fun and enjoying life, and that’s where Auntie Serval comes in. Even though he thinks she’s a little too reckless with the kids sometimes, he appreciates her help teaching them how to enjoy life. He knows he’s too uptight with the kids sometimes, so he strives to be like Serval on occasion, which leads to mixed messages with the kids. But it’s okay! Overall he’s a very good dad, strict but gentle and fair, and knows when to allow fun if the moment is appropriate. He would have 3 children.
Jing Yuan: is basically already a father to Yanqing, so when it’s time for his own kids to come along, he’s very prepared and very ready to be the best father he can be. He’s not strict and his rules are fair, and he’s very gentle with his children. However when the time comes for discipline he is not going to be overly lenient. He knows discipline is necessary, and he gives it when it’s required. He teaches them to be gentle human beings, especially through interacting with animals. He wants them to grow up kind-hearted and respectful, and he does a great job at training this into them. He’s not nervous at all to be a father, at least, if he is he doesn’t show it to you. He’s a natural at this parenting thing, and even though he’s a very busy man, he strives to make time for his family when he can. He would have 1-5 children.
Welt Yang: was surprised when he became a father. He kinda figured he was too old for this sort of thing, but here he is now. He’s a fairly decent dad, a little strict and uptight, but that’s because he’s so, so very nervous to be a father, whether he shows that to you or not. He’s constantly worrying about his performance as a father, and if his kids are okay. Not necessarily a ‘helicopter parent’ but pretty close. His anxiety sometimes rubs off on his kids, and they tend to worry about things that haven’t happened yet, like their father. He feels bad about passing his anxiety to his children, but because of it they end up careful and aware of their surroundings, just like dear old dad. They love their father, but sometimes he’s a bit overwhelming. He loves to draw his children, they mean the world to him, after all. He would have 2-3 children.
Sampo Koski: any kids with Sampo are purely accidents. He doesn’t want kids, he thinks he’d be a bad father and it’s true. Maybe deep down he does love his kids, but he’s a very absent dad, always away at ‘work’. And when he does come home, he’s not good at discipline or interacting with his children, and he tends to just buy them whatever they want to keep them out of his hair. Let’s them get away with whatever as long as they leave him alone, but the problem is they tend to act out just to get their dad’s attention. It’s a real issue having to raise the kids on your own. You argue with him about it sometimes, and he always pulls the same excuses and you just don’t know what to do about it. The kids don’t really…care for their dad. He’s just…some guy who lives with them. And yeah, he cares about his kids, he wants them to grow up healthy and happy, but he’s not supposed to be a father, he simply wasn’t meant to be one. He’d have 2-4 children.
thank you so much for reading~
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ivestas · 1 year
Thank you for writing my request, I loved it!! I have another idea but it's a deeper subject so I understand not everyone is comfortable with writing about it. Could you write about a younger reader and the team see self harm wounds and scars while they were injured or while they were changing? (Something along those lines) and what they would do/ react? Xx
what is most precious to you?
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Summary: The 141 discover a part of you that you’d wanted to bury.
Tags: TW s/elf harm scars + sui/cide and talk of it, please read carefully/don't read if this topic triggers you, platonic!141 x medic!fem!reader, reader implied to be mentally ill, younger!reader, descriptions of blood and injury, canon typical violence, soap + ghost focused, unedited
Word count: 1.5k
Notes: im glad u enjoyed the previous req anon! i hope I'm able to do this req justice too 🫡
You’d been a part of the 141 long enough for the others to know and trust you.
An esteemed medic that knew medicine and all things fixing like the back of her hand, despite your age—it was a natural skill, it seemed. Your hands were always so damn fast with a gauze—hell, even a dirty rag you’d make use of in an instant. 
You were just good. Reliable. Consistent. Seemingly just a normal young lady whose only eccentricity was the job she chose to be: a medic for a merc group. 
Soap often liked to joke about that normalcy that clung onto you. 
“Bet when you’re on leave you work a 9 to 5 and sleep right at 8. I’m right, aren’t I?”
You snorted. “No, I’d sleep at 9.” 
“Ohhhhh, daring! Don’t be too crazy! Ya might just lose a leg!” 
Even Ghost would sometimes jump in, adding his own joke occasionally. 
“Should I get you a planner for your birthday? A nice, minimalist one with neutral stickers to match.”
You’d scoff and jab back, whether it be at Ghost’s mask or Soap’s current and past hair-styles.
But they never gave you a tough time about it—they were glad that one of them was able to blend back to civvy life with ease. 
Price even said it was his favorite trait—”sometimes, you need the practicality and mindset of a normal lady to get shit done.”
The guys all had a similar image of what your childhood was like: middle-class, parents all stiff-like and old-timey, your favorite hobbies probably were things like football or reading, things like that. 
However, that image shattered during a post-mission intermission. 
Things went wrong, completely askew—the enemies were clearly prepared for the attack, because landmines were everywhere and the area was crawling with hostiles.
It was a resounding loss—many casualties, wounded, etc. 
You could hardly keep up, trying to patch up as many as possible, even when the sky rained of bullets and the air tasted thickly of gunpowder and death. It was like a place between purgatory and hell, a constant flow of shouts, screams, explosions.
It was too late for you to noticed a bullet grazed your arm; it was deep enough to be visible, but luckily it wasn’t aimed low enough for it to shoot into your arm. 
You had ignored the wound—in your mind, it only made sense to focus on the soldiers who were fighting for their lives and riddled with bullet wounds. 
So you just did that: focus on them. 
But, due to the constant movement and strain, the graze only worsened, almost tearing. The adrenaline numbed the pain, but you knew it was gonna hurt like a bitch soon enough. 
Luckily though, Ghost shouted in your ear through the comms. 
“Bravo-1, retreat!—fuckin’ hell—everyone, retreat!”  
You did just that—retreat. 
Huffing and puffing, you were quick to run to the distant chopper you recognized as the 141′s. A haze of sand was the only saving grace as it covered you from the enemies direct line of sight.
Soap pulled you into the helicopter with a quick grab of your wrist, completely unaware of the graze that arm sustained. You let out a sharp hiss of pain, feeling the skin tear just a little more. 
The entrance of the helicopter shut, and with both of you heaving, the plane finally shot back into the air, rocking back and forth the slightest bit. The sound of bullets slowly melted away into harsh whirring and mechanical buzz. 
You took a moment to collect yourself, inhaling sharply before you got up, arm still bleeding. 
But, strangely, you felt it drip along your arm and into your hand, running along your finger—ah, it should’ve been obvious, the sleeve of your wounded arm had completely torn. 
You lifted the arm, examining the wound. 
Scars of varying sizes, textures, and freshness—some having strange bubbly dots, others consisting of messy lines. Some of the fresher scars had torn a little, causing thin lines or red to rise. 
Your blood ran cold. You glance up, hoping—praying—that Soap didn’t see, or even understand the implications. 
But you could see he was staring, the cogs in his mind slowly snapping together. 
You put your arm away to your side, hiding it from his view. 
“I need a medkit. We have one on the plane?” 
You loathed the look of sadness, of pity that shone in his eyes, pulled at the muscles of his face. 
Don’t. Stop.
I’m not weak. Don’t—I’m not weak! 
A chorus of words, feelings, of palpable dark was what filled your mind now. Insecurity, self-hatred, all of it—you’d been working on it, trying to regulate, to reason with the miasma that had taken ahold of your consciousness.
But, fuck, you’ve revealed it to Soap of all people—he felt bad, didn’t he? Disgusted? Worried? He was gonna tell Price, wasn’t he? That your unfit for the 141, that—
A hand rested on the top of your shoulder.
“Can I patch you up?” Soap asked softly. 
You grit your teeth. Moving away from his hand, you shook your head, glaring at the floor. A small splatter of blood was there. “I can fix it myself.” 
You expected—wanted—him to berate you. 
But he didn’t. He was kind. 
“Sure, kid. I’ll just get ya the med kit—stay put.” 
Another wave of shame rocked you. You sat on one of the small seats connected to the walls of the heli, rubbing away the small bits of dried blood. 
Consumed by your thoughts, you didn’t hear Soap murmuring to Ghost. 
“The kid—she, ah...” He ran a finger along his wrist. “Catch my drift?” 
“Cutting herself?” Ghost said bluntly. 
“Sometimes I wish you had a little more tact, L.T.” 
Ghost ignored him. “They fresh or old?”
“Both,” he sighed, grabbing a med kit from one of the plane’s various compartments. “What’re we supposed to do? Don’t wanna scare off the kid, but don’t wanna leave her on her own devices hacking away at ‘erself!” 
Ghost grabbed the kit from his hands. “I’ll handle this. You sit down—go near the Captain. Try to leave us some privacy.” 
Hesitantly, Soap nodded. “Work your magic, sir.” 
Ghost made his way to the other end of the helicopter where you were. You were hunched over your wound, a deep frown on your face. It’s uncharacteristic, but he knew it was a part of yourself you’d prefer to be shrouded in dark. Suffering wasn’t a nice look, was it?
But it was human. Denying your own right to feel it—it made Ghost frown too.
He sat beside you, kit in his hand. You had finally looked up then, alarmed. 
“Gimme your arm, kid.” 
You opened your mouth.
“Not leavin’ till I patch your arm up, so don’t even try.” 
Shamefully, you lifted your arm slowly. 
He took it with gentle but firm hands, a thumb running along a faint scar. 
Ghost opened the kit haphazardly with another hand. 
“When I was your age—maybe a little younger—couldn’t find much meaning in everything.”
He lifted his hand from your arm and grabbed alcohol and a small cotton rag. Dampening the rag with alcohol, he drew it to your arm, rubbing away the excess blood and cleaning the wounds. You didn’t make any noise, only breathing raggedly. 
“The suffering was pointless, in my eyes; thought, ‘this isn’t bloody fair’. Born in a shitty house with a shitter father, food hardly ever on the table, my mind deteriorating, and the world cast in deep gray.”
You nodded. 
Ghost grabbed a bandage gauze, unravelling it and wrapping it gently around the graze and the scars. It was calming, watching him work away, even if the wrapping was a little clumsy. 
“The harsh reality came a little while later, and it’s that people like me—us—we gotta work hard for shit to change. That this weight forced upon us, it’s only we that can shed it off. It’s still not fair—frankly, suicide is easier. Thought of doing it for the longest time... But...” 
He shook his head. “In my eyes, it’s a coward’s way out. We should never die by our own hands—there’s always something to live for.”
“What are you living for?” 
“Mmmm.... For tomorrow’s pint.” 
You laughed. 
He grabbed a safety pin and pinned the end of the gauze. “...now, I know it’s ‘silly’ to say, but you know we’re here for you?—the 141′s got your back, kid—how about this, let’s make a deal.”
“You ever have the urge to cut yer arm, you come straight to me, or the others. They’ll listen. They care.”
They care.  
It’s weird, but hearing the words said out loud, it hit you. 
They really care. 
You took in a shaky breath. “Thank... you.” 
“It’s no problem at all, kid. Stay strong.”
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Requests are open
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nightingale2004 · 4 months
Severus's life if Tobias was an actual decent father and husband headcanons
When he finds out that Eileen and Severus are wizards, he takes a minute to take in the information (i feel like he is more the religious type) and even goes to church.
At first, he was angry that his own wife would hide that from him, but after much time and talking with a reasonable, open-minded, understanding priest, he went home and he and Eileen had a long talk.
He is a hard worker at the factory. He goes to work early but comes home late, and Eileen always makes him breakfast, lunch, and dinner and barely drinks but still drinks every now and then.
After Eileen told Tobias everything, he told her to educate him on the Wizarding world so he could have a better grasp of it.
After Tobias was educated on the Wizarding world, he did not like how relationships like his and Eileen's were looked down upon, which made him worried for Severus, especially when he got accepted into Hogwarts.
Severus still wears hand me downs but he does get some new clothes since they don't have a lot of money.
Tobias would be that husband and father that would glare or yell at someone who gave them looks or said/whispered something about them.
Tobias would not be afraid to fight somebody, magic or not. (YOU DO NOT MESS WITH THIS MAN'S FAMILY)
Whenever Severus comes back and he is acting different, he notices. He knows what being bullied looks like, and he talks with Severus about it
Tobias teaches Severus how to defend himself and shows him a couple of moves he learned in the military (the man obviously served)
Eileen would be more involved in Severus's life instead of being afraid.
When the "prank" happened, they immediately found out and gave Dumbledore h3ll for this. And they immediately pull Severus from hogwarts (but not before Tobias is about to give the marauders an old school a$$-whooping)
Eileen and Tobias transferred him to Durmstrang, where they kept a close eye on him (they are helicopter parents now, and u can't tell me otherwise)
Severus obviously noticed the struggle that his parents were facing, not just prejudice but the money struggle. So, growing up, he would always help his mom around the house, help cook and clean, and even sell some potions here and there. (He sells his potions to Tobias's work buddies)
Severus gives his dad potions to help his health and even casts a few spells on him to help him at work (Tobias even after all these years is still not used to it but is impressed by his son's brain)
When Severus graduated, a lot of potion masters wanted him, but he knew he couldn't afford it. So his parents both worked to scrounge him enough money to pay for his apprenticeship (severus helped, he's not letting his parents do all the work)
Severus's summer job as a teenager was helping out at either his father's factory or working at a bar
When Severus came out that he liked both girls and boys, both his parents weren't surprised. They found out a looooong time ago and had their time to process it. And they learned to accept him and his Sexuality in their own way.
Severus is a potion master, has his own apothecary, and his parents couldn't be prouder. He also has a medical and chemist degree. (So if anyone needs a doctor, he's your guy)
When Eileen passed away, Tobias was distant from Severus, but eventually, he learned to be close with his own son again for his wife's sake.
Tobias and severus visit Eileen's grave every year on her birthday.
After Tobias passed, Severus visits their grave in his free time just to talk to them and tell them about his life.
Severus is happier, calmer, and less depressed but still our favorite Sarcastic sharptounged Slytherin
He wouldn't join the deatheaters unless they threatened his parents. He would protect them with his life
Hope you guys love this little headcanons. Enjoy
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yandere-genji · 8 months
Hi, big fan of your work!! Could you please do Yandere Genji or Cassidy snooping through their fem s/o's internet history to make sure she's been a good girl, only to discover she's been looking at all different kinds of sex toys?
tw: yandere, abuse reader is gender neutral
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💚 Genji
What sets Genji apart from other yanderes is his method of keeping his darling under control. Genji works from a distant. Sure, stalking goes without saying, but his motive runs deeper than simply watching his darling from afar. Since his time in Blackwatch, he’s worked in the shadows. Honed the ability to use himself as threat to subdue enemies. Because when you realize he’s made you a target, it’s already too late. 
So he might not be by your side commanding your every move, but he’ll be there. The unsettling wind at your back, the shuffling of footsteps somewhere in the distance, the displaced objects in your home. He might confront you face to face, depends on what he has planned for you. But by technicality, you’ll have your own space. 
But is it yours, really? Because you can’t relax when you have eyes on you. You’re hyper vigilant, all too aware of any vulnerability you might expose. Still, Genji doesn’t have time to keep watch on you at every second. He has business to attend to from time to time. So when you do have those moments alone, you’re quick to take advantage of them.
Unfortunately for you, Genji is always sure to check up on you when he returns from his duties. He has a few excuses for this, namely that he wants to make sure you’re doing alright, that you’re safe. It’s thinly veiled, though, when he rummages through your delicates, unlocks your laptop and searches your internet history. It was only a matter of time until he stumbled across your unsavory interests, but he can’t help the smile that creeps on his face at the victory of unveiling them. 
When you come home, the atmosphere is uneasy, an eerie shroud weighing heavy at your breast. Small things had been misplaced in ways that don’t make sense. You flick the lights on in your bedroom, and you’ve seen Genji before, but never so close and in such an intimate space. 
He approaches you and you’re too stunned to even move. He holds up his hand and turns over a particularly impressive toy you’d had your eyes on, though the sight of it now has you ill at ease. 
“This one caught your eye?” your face burns red as he examines the toy in his hand, “You’ve indulged me this much, I thought I might return the favor.”
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❤️‍🔥 Cassidy
If you’ve never had a helicopter parent, Cassidy is going to take a lot of adjusting too. He loves to baby you, always watching over your shoulder and keeping you on a tight leash. His trust is gained in drops and lost in buckets, so his vigilance all depends on your temperament. That being said, he is very generous in rewarding good behavior, the conditions of which involves varying degrees of eager submission. Just be a good baby, and you’ll have nothing to worry about. 
But it’s not the worry that gets to you. It’s the constant hovering, he’s by your side whenever he can be and watching your every move. You have to be his perfect little angel or he’ll be sure to correct you, and God does he take every chance he can get. The more you gain his trust, though, the more forgiving he will be. 
At first, he’ll shower you with little gifts like clothes or trinkets, he might even let you have some TV time. Then it’s trips to the park, picnic dates and even some restaurants, with the condition you never leave his side. Still, the outside exposure is dearly missed. And when he buys you a laptop, you wonder if it’s a test.
Despite his experience in a highly technical organization, Cassidy is completely oblivious to anything involving technology or computers. It was never a skill he had use for developing, his brute strength capable enough to render any other ability useless. So, he was handing the responsibility to you, trusting you wouldn’t betray him. 
And you didn’t, you were really good, especially when it was new and exciting. The little things were enough to satisfy you, watching YouTube videos, listening to your own music, or simply reading the news. It’d been so long since you had internet access. As time went by, you got a little bolder, messaging some friends and playing video games. But nothing could’ve prepared you for the urge you felt when Cassidy was sent out in a mission, leaving you all to yourself. 
When he was here, you had your fill of sexual attention. Honestly, you couldn’t get his hands off of you. Though it could be exhausting, it trained in you a need. Something you couldn’t quit cold turkey. And without Cassidy to satisfy that craving, you developed a terrible habit of browsing sex toys. 
And what a stupid habit it was, especially when Cassidy caught you red-handed on an early return. The way his smile beamed made you want to recoil into yourself, vanish right then and there. 
“Cassidy! I can explain!” your mind was already in the process of spinning some story, “There was this stupid pop-up ad, I didn’t mean to click it - actually I was clicking out of it, but the stupid track pad- Oh my gosh, I swear.”
You knew he was going to laugh, you were prepared for him to tease you, you knew it was going to happen. But the preparation wasn’t enough to shield your embarrassment. 
“Naughty thing, ain’t ya?” he purred, his lips curling in a wily grin. 
“Please don’t be mad at me,” you pleaded with big doe eyes you knew would melt him. 
“Oh, pumpkin,” he cupped your chin and circled a thumb over your lips, “Must’ve missed me bad. Let me take care of you.”
From then on, pandora’s box was open. Cassidy loves to see you embrace your sexual side, especially when he can take advantage of it. And your new interest is another opportunity to do just that. He’ll have you put 
 on display while he sits back and enjoys a nice cigar and cool glass of whiskey. 
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blue-sadie · 7 months
Would u do an update to bully as a brother where neteyam is much better to his siblings and the reader
A Caring Brother
Neteyam x Sibling Reader
Summary: neteyam has a lot to make up for and he'll do his best to make it work
Warning: platonic
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3rd person pov
Neteyam had changed and everyone had noticed, you noticed, your parents and siblings even some village people had noticed the change he started becoming the brother you always wanted always dreamed of having.
Neteyam and yn walked through the woods silently following a bit behind their other siblings, Lo'ak and spider bickering sounded like dying crows their voices echoing through the forest probably scaring away the wild life.
"They never know how to shut up" neteyams voice dwindled as he glanced at yn who nodded silently, he noticed yn was still a bit distant from him even though he tried everything to make her forgive him.
He thought in silence as his eyes looked ahead he's tried a few things, getting and making her favorite meal, taking her around showing her everything he's found on his ikran and even making her a new bow but she'd rather use the one she made.
The guilt of the things he's done to her tugged at her heart all the things he said to her weren't true and he's realized that now, he finally sees her and all the heart ache she suffers through daily, he sees the way the village treats her differently to the rest he sees how his own mother is somewhat cut off from her.
He's only realized now that it wasn't her fault she was born this way, yn was just there and she did nothing to deserve this she was nothing but kind, neteyam glanced at yn one last time to see her looking off into the distance the plants that glowed illuminating her face.
He smiled slightly and turned walking away from the group further into the forest looking for materials he could use to make a gift and he'll make it a very special one.
He grabbed vines, gem stones and brightly colored plants and hurried home to get to work.
He weaved the vines into a beautiful dress adding the gem stones and plants to make a decorative design, you guys hadn't returned yet and he was actually thankful for once he sighed out and stood back to admire his work the colors would complement your skin perfectly.
He placed the dress in your favorite corner and waited for your return he waited and waited and with each passing hour he grew anxious "dad...." he heard your wavering voice from the coms and he saw his dad's fultering hands to press the button to respond.
"Yes yn what's wrong my girl" he could see jakes eyebrows frown with concern "I I don't know where they went I was right behind them I promise" yn rumbled and neteyam grimaced you do it when your nervous or afraid "your not back" jake asked standing from his seat "hello my family" all of they eyes snapped to lo'ak and the others and jakes hand flew to his mouth shushing him.
"Yn where are you tell me where you are" jake muttered hurriedly as he exited their tent neteyam flew to his feet following him closely "I-I don't really know the only place I recognize is by the old home tree" neteyam frowned "why are you there" neteyam asked as he spoke on his intercoms "I fell and I guess they didn't hear me and left but I'm really starting to get cold" neteyam could hear you shiver through the coms and he honestly felt bad he shouldn't have left you.
"Anything else you could tell us about your where abouts" jake asked as they climbed onto their ikrans and were quick to fly out "by a stream theirs lots of those old helicopter thingies around here dad" neteyam thought for a second and then it clicked "I know where she is" he called to his dad who nodded and started following him, they found yn in a matter of 25 minutes and once neteyam landed he felt more guilt.
Jake and neteyam hurried to yns shivering for a few scratches and cuts littered yns legs little droplets of blood running down yns leg, yn looked up at them with guilt.
They could see dried tear stains running down your cheeks and neteyam was quick to help you to your feet and brought you over to his ikran helping you on and settled behind you, he felt you relax back into him "sleep, you look tired" he murmured and you hummed but didn't fall into the temptation of slumber.
"Sleep I'll look after you, like I always should have and I'm sorry I haven't but I'll make up for it I promise"
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notfeelingthyaster · 27 days
i like the mostly fanon angst of bruce being a bad, or at least emotionally distant, mentor during tim's earlier robin years... but i think we're missing on the potential angst of the canon way bruce started as a careful, helicopter parent mentor to this gremlin that choose him, how they bonded over their shared grief and loneliness and mirror-narratives, until a number of tragedies (clench, no man's land, knightfall, later even red hood) pulls them apart, as bruce becomes bitter and paranoid and distant (tim's "birthday gift"), and tim has to deal with the weight of he as robin not being enough to keep bruce from darkness
like, when he goes in the brucequest, is he filled with doubts? does he ever ponders if bruce being away is better? when he brings bruce back, and sees him closer to what he was in the beginning of his partnership, but he is no longer his partner, and they no longer talk as they did....
and then damian dies and there he goes again, bruce's partner, bruce's crutch, does he ever looks in the mirror and sees bruce there?
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simp-ly-writes · 2 months
Friend of the Captain (pt.3)
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Pairing: Edward "Eddie" Horniman x afab!Reader
Summary: Fate keeps pulling its strings, but your's and Eddies appear to be drifting further and further apart- only to see one another at weddings or funerals. But maybe one day, luck will be in your side and then something beautiful can flourish (with a side of cash, of course).
Warnings: 5000~ words, language and light teasing, angst (emotional, alcohol and drug usage, dark thoughts) to fluff, jealousy, and pining (of course).
A/N: Apologies for the wait everyone! A few timings changed but I need plot- okay.
Masterlist | Taglist Request | somewhat un-edited.
(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)
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↳ "...you're the best friend I could have ever asked for," your words stung, shattering Eddie's heart beyond repair as his face twitched before hiding it in your palm. He made a promise as a child, to always have you in his life yet even as you got closer together, the more he realized how far apart your both were as that moment became a mere distant memory. Eddie was needy for more yet you had already packed up your bags, closed the estate for the summer and went off to find new inspiration worldwide.
↳ He ended up reading a few of the gossip articles his mother left on the coffee table one morning, hot pink, zoomed in features and question marks galore as you walked around in beach wear with another man on your arm. He gripped the magazine, throwing it back on the table before packing his bags and returning back to base.
↳ When Christmas came around once again, you were not at the estate- a newfound tradition it seemed yet your gifts were still left under the tree, perfectly wrapped with each Horniman getting a gift. Eddie looked at the professionally wrapped gift, chuckling to himself at the childish wrapping paper you always insisted on using. This Christmas it was a bunch of little green cars with elf's behind the wheel.
Tearing into the gift, Eddie pauses as he slowly turns the box open to find a custom engraved watch. Flipping it backwards, his finger traces over the engraving- "Always." His mother peers over his shoulder, smiling from ear to ear as she inspects the jewelry. "I'm jealous, Edward," she teases, as Charlotte mockingly coo's- loving as her brother's cheeks paint themselves a pinkish hue. Freddy is already drowning himself in the new bottle of liquor your most recent boyfriend was the owner of its production before Tammy demands her own fair share of the drink.
↳ More years had passed and it was September already. You had yet to go back to dating, stepping away from romance scene at the current news that rocked your world, sending you crashing towards the floor as you fell into your office chair. Gripping your hair, tears streamed endlessly from your eyes as one of your assistants rapidly books the private jet back home to England- both of your parents were just announced dead to the public before you had known privately.
They were on a charity meeting with local schools and had crashed in their helicopter- dying instantly. You felt sick, seeing their bodies broadcasted over live television, smoke exiting from the aircraft as you lunged towards the toilets and threw up your lunch. "The plane has been booked, ma'am," your assistant calls from behind the door as you dress in full black and head towards the airstrip.
↳ You were surprised to find a series of reporters already waiting for you on the runway. Putting on your newest mock-design of sunglasses- it was going to be your first break into another market. Lights flashed in your face, hands racing to pull you into their microphones and endless questions yet the airport staff were not trained for a mob of this size.
They bursted through, making you fall towards the ground as you curled up into a ball- doing your best to avoid being trampled further. You quickly worked your hands through your pockets, clicking the power button thrice in quick succession as your first emergency contact was called and before you knew it- Freddy and Tammy were bursting through the crowd, fists raised as reporters fled the scene.
They were dressed in head to toe in black, ready to take you back towards your family's estate and to the funeral. You stood at the front, head tipped low as your flowing black dress drifted in the crisp cold air. It clung to your bones, finding any skin you had yet to hide as you silently cried, head leaning towards Charlottes already waiting presence as she whispered her condolences to you before pulling away.
You blinked rapidly, doing your best to dry your cheeks as a warm body at your back had you raising an eyebrow, especially when their arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a strong hug as your skin became tickled by their stubble. "I came as soon as I could," Eddie spoke over the wind, watching as everyone started making their way towards their cars as light rainfall began to come down.
You turned yourself around in his arms, cries turning into laughter as you shook your head into his shoulder, hands gripping the fabric of his suit, threatening to tear it apart just as you forced yourselves apart. You shook your head, taking another step back as you continued to laugh, Eddie took a large stride forward, head lowering in worry- trying to catch your eyes as your hair began to fall over your face. Taking a sharp sniffle you spoke in even tones, "We only see each other at weddings or funerals, Edward."
"Darling I-" you hold up a hand, shaking your head once more as you take another step back, Eddie moves forward as you dance around one another, rain falling heavier as you walk yourself under a tree canopy. "I made a promise to my father years ago, he wanted me to stop talking with you- begged me on his deathbed that I was unknowing of recently. I made a compromise of being friends yet... If these are the times we find each... Edward I-"
"Please, don't call me Edward," Eddie cuts you off, heart racing as he processes the information you speak. I always knew that old man hated me from the start, business over pleasure any day of the week, Eddie thought to himself. Hands now grasping your shaking shoulders as you can't support yourself with the overwhelming grief- falling forward into his arms. "Eddie," you whisper out in a pleading tone yet unknowing of what you wanted.
Before you both could think further on the subject, your lawyers were demanding of your presence to sign the papers, as the only child of your parents. You were the Duchess of the estate now as the endless sea of documents and hearings suggested. And those small hugs and words sat still underneath that tree, rooted in place as Eddie got called back to work and in the trauma of it all, you were glad everyone left- wanted everyone to leave you alone.
The cameras everywhere started to become too much, the people constantly checking in- tip-toeing around you, as if you would break with their soft tones and bittersweet, pity-filled smiles that mocked the constant aching of your heart and mind. Articles floated around, showing old pictures, telling the world of how you were living the high life with dead money but you had money, you had fame, before this all and now, you wanted to escape it all.
↳ That man you were with was an old picture, that boat party was in early spring and that engagement ring was false news as you threw your phone across the room as it shattered against the tiles. In reality you were sat in your bathtub, barley breathing above the water. You have been feeling an overwhelming numbness in your present and soon enough, you were pulling at everything to just FEEL something these days.
Looking down at your hand, the family crest engraved ring upon your finger sat heavy as you came to realize what such titles costed. Someone was yelling your name from the other side of the door, pounding against the heavy wood as you sunk under, watching the bubbles of your breath break the surface of the water above.
You close your eyes, emptying your lungs before coming back up to the surface and clearing the hair from your eyes. You drain the tub, wet feet pattering against the marble floors and towards the vanity- your gear already waiting for you as you got strapped in and flung the door open.
↳ Determine to FEEL you tested drugs, tested alcohol but they both lost their kick. You tried sleeping around again yet could never get off, so you drove down country streets as fast as you could, jumped out of planes, flung yourself off cliffs and climbed up mountains.
↳ Your business was running in the background as you let it run itself. You sent all the staff home for the remainder of the year with their wages at the estate as you walked the line between fear and adrenaline.
↳ Sabrina had called you after receiving news of you being in the hospital. You had fractured your shoulder from a skiing incident, you smiled through the drugs, holding a thumbs up for the picture as she cried at the image. You looked so lifeless with those eyes, your skin appearing grey as a walking corpse yet you could care less. People still wanted to sleep with you, to "live that high life" and you allowed them to just as every paper told you to.
↳ What surprised you was seeing Freddy out of all people telling you off by your bedside. Tammy nowhere to be seen as he gripped your hand- pleading. You look at him blankly in the eyes, almost falling asleep to what you have heard a thousand times before. Yet there is one question that catches you off guard, your neck straining as you quickly look away to hide the tears beginning to stream down your face.
"W-What would Eddie think of you right now? He's off somewhere, probably getting shot at- thinkin' that his job was ensuringhis girl is safe at home. What a fuckin' joke (name), if you are gonna listen to anything I say, know that you are a joke- and thats coming from the definition of it."
You shake your head, now playing with the various cords in your hands, threatening to rip them out as you choke back a sob. "I'm sorry, Freddy, I'm so sorry for being such a fuckin' mess," you sputter between your lips, taking shallow breaths as your heart monitor rapidly beeps, nurses running into the room as Freddy stands up from his seat as positions himself at the foot of your bed.
"Yeah, well saying you are is a great step, now make something of it because I can't deal with all these crying people. Fathers health is gone- I think this is it..."
↳ Under a year later, Eddies father had passed. You remember never driving more of a wildly than then down the country roads, almost clipping a gate in the process as you opened the door with your own key. Staggering into the new dukes office and sitting by the fire once more as you held his head in your lap, he clenched onto your waist- crying before a knock at the door had him switching back off, hardened exterior as if nothing happened.
↳ You stood up quickly, brushing off your clothes and nodded to him with pained eyes and shaking hands. Your heart burned, wanting to help yet the hollowed look he sent you with the tip of his head was enough to have you swiftly out the door and here you were, dressed in black again as Eddie stood beside you, face hardened while carrying his father to the hole in the ground and while making no move to touch you. You stepped a bit closer to his side once seeing the woman from across the fence looking intently at you both, please make it not be another reporter.
↳ Eddie folded, wrapping an arm around your torso as he pulled you under his long coat- thinking you to be cold as you gripped his hip, turning your head away from their stares and whispered a prayer, setting your bundle of flowers against the grave as Eddie make his own remarks. You both going inside the home.
↳ Sabrina openly sobbed into your shoulder, this is the first time she had seen you since your most recent accident as she whispered in your ear, albeit a bit loudly- perhaps on purpose as Eddie's head snapped over to the both of you- pausing his conversation with Tammy. "I am so thankful that you are alive."
"Why wouldn't they be, mother?" Edward questions, looking between you both with the most remorse he has shown today. Your eyes snap down to his wrist as he plays with the watch you gifted him a few holidays ago. "I don't think this is my thing to speak about, Edward." And with that, she picks up her drink and strides over to the table as the lawyer stands, emptying various files from their brief case to the table.
Memories flash through your minds before Eddie holds your hand, you intertwine your fingers together, giving it a light swing while being unable to look at him in the eyes as you play with the ring on his finger. "I lost myself, Eddie. I-I'm still a bit lost really... I'm getting better- promise just, I fucked up."
"Hey, look at me, darling, look at me, (name)," Edward calls out to you, using his other hand to pick up your chin as you blink away tears. He presses a kiss to your forehead, using a soft tone, "and we will find you again, promise."
↳ Eddie was later pulled away from you as you made your silent escape and exited the room, Eddie becoming drowned in those all-too-familiar papers. You were un-noticing to Sabrinas thoughtful look as you exited the house just as fate would have it for the two of you, so close yet ever-so far.
Geoff was already standing by the front door, tipping his hat towards you as you playfully bowed back- engine roaring back to life as he knocked on your window. Rolling it down with a charming smile, "Everythin' alright Geoff?"
"Yes, my Lady. Just curious- you're not stayin'?"
"Oh... no... I think... never mind," you stutter, smile fluttering as he hums out in reply. "We hope to see you around more often your grace, mother misses you like her own," you nod politely, "I will do my best to then," you state before rolling back up your window and rolling out back down those country roads.
↳ That day Edward Horniman was established as the Duke of Halstead. The news once again meeting your phone screen rather than the word of those close to you.
↳ You wish you could say that you saw one another right after that, but after you made a spontaneous visit to the Halstead manor. The staff members look panicked as they speedily greeted you and tried to move you towards the seating room as you shook them off. Placing your bags by the door before walking further down the hall and towards the office. You looked through the french doors, heart dropping as that woman you had seen earlier flashed Eddie a charming grin.
Sabrina clapped her hands joyfully at whatever had been said as childish jealousy ran rampant in your chest. You glared at the woman, her face tilted away from yours, everyone unknowing of your presence before you walked calmly back down the hall. Picking up your bags with your head held high, the various staff members chased after you, "How about you stay for tea miss? Oh, I'm sure the Duke will be overjoyed to have you stay, Could I bring you bags upstairs for you?"
You sent everyone a small sad smile, their heads dropping down as they silently understood your decision. You dropped your bags back into the boot of your car, slamming the door close as you drove back down the gravel roads. Luna chasing after your car with a wagging tail.
Edwards meeting had finished as he dismissed everyone from the room, standing while taking a sip of his tea- his heart lunged forwards at the sight of your car driving away. He hastily placed his drink down, running down the stairs as his mother called out to him, warning him of the cold weather that morning yet as he opened the door, he could no longer see your car and that door shut just as quickly.
↳ You would try again to see Eddie, yet that woman was always seen right beside him. There was some dark part of you that hoped Eddie would never go back to dating, that you could be selfish yet it would be unfair as you had done your fair share of it. Unknowing to the pain Eddie kept to himself seeing you so happy with someone else. It seemed to him the only times he ever got to see you was when it rained and rained it did.
↳ You took a ride around the estate, really both of your estates since no formal fences were placed. You strode over the overside of the pond, eyes squinted at the sight of the woman once more falling in step with Eddie as Luna raced between their feet. You continued your ride, looking up to the grey gloomy skies with distaste and the next moment you looked back across, they all were gone - if just by your imagination.
↳ You were dressed to the nines, a flowing emerald gown drifting off each curve of your body, emphasizing your natural features as you swirled around the crowds of hungry business men and jealous wives as you picked up a champagne glass from a walking tray and returned to Mr. Johnston's side.
↳ A hand written and delivered invitation graced your doorstep, too tempting to refuse- it had been sometime since you last stepped into the spotlight and done yourself up, and so you went all out. You showcased your newest jewellery line- finally finding more inspiration the more times you reminisced around your inherited property.
↳ A rather bizarre relationship you held with Mr. Johnston as well, as he had tried to purchase your land yet smiled and waved away his deal like a fleeting thought. Mr. Johnston have given you many expensive gifts since them to keep your company with him- adoring your intelligence in everything accessory or business related as you reviewed materials for him as a side-gig and token of friendship
↳ You swayed lightly to the music as he introduced to you hundreds of faces, beyond impressed that me managed to remember the names and family connections of them all. You smiled politely, kissing cheeks and making small talk before being led to the next person, ignoring the stares as they watched you from behind- gown drifting away with you.
↳ Much to your surprise, you were being introduced to the Duke of Halstead himself yet for once you were not most interested in Eddie but the woman that stood ever-so elegantly by his side.
"Susie Glass, its an honour your grace," she said politely, red lipstick curving up into a small smile as you shook hands lightly, swiftly dropping your connection before Eddie picked up your hand, pressing a delicate kiss to the back of it. You both maintained eye-contact as he did so, never wavering before Johnston coughed, and you tipped your head down, a smile fighting against your lips as did Eddies.
With your gaze down, you ignored the rather pushing tones of both parties, focused on the small red liquid, is that blood?, starting to form at the edge of Eddie's shirt. You shifted your weight to stand closer to him, starting to open your mouth to question before Mr. Johnston was calling your name.
"You never told me, duchess that you and the duke had grown up together, what a wonderful sight to see two friends reconnecting. If you will Ms. Glass, I think we should allow them so time to reunite," Johnston comments, eyeing the closing distance between yours and Eddies forms as you blink a thanks to him as he leads Susie towards the bar.
"Is there something you wish to tell me, your grace?" you tease out, hands drifting up his chest to fix his jacket. You hold him there as his eyes quickly flash down to your lips and back up towards your eyes. Your head tilting, well that has changed....
"Can I not admire the dress? It has been some time since we have last seen each other like this. What was it, when we were 20-something?" You instantly remember that night, cheeks a hard red as you blindly follow Eddie down the hall and into an empty room, the door clicks locked as you become lost in the memory.
Eddie had pushed you up against a wall, the paintings swinging almost off their nails as your own scraped against his roots, ensuring that yours lips stayed on one another in a passionate kiss. The shoulder of your dress began to fall as did Eddie's lips, trailing down your chin, to your throat where he sucked a bruise as you softly moaned in his ear.
It was so wrong, you had a boyfriend waiting for you back at university, it was your childhood best friend- the one you promised your father never to be with and yet as he picked you up, hands feeling up your dress and pushed you onto a bed. It never felt so right.
Eddie climbed on top of you, smashing his lips onto your own once more as you whimpered and moaned as he chuckled, shushing you lighting before continuing his attack. You began to unbuttoned his shirt. Nails working down his abs as you smirked to the sound of his breath hitching as you created your own markings to his neck.
Nothing more ever came from your heated make-out sessions or hook-ups. Always resulting in being, "good friends" with one another who needed help...
"Everything alright there, darling?" Eddies baritone voice pulled you out of the memory as you his chest pressed flat against your bare back where your dress dripped. His hands on your hips, his head on your shoulder as you both swayed back and forth lightly.
You pick your hand up, placing it on top of his hands on your waist, circling around each bloody knuckle with concern. "What have you not been telling me, Eddie?" that you love me, your brain pleads to finish for him yet you hold your tongue, bitting your lip from saying anything more.
Eddie hums deeply into your ear as goosebumps coat over your skin, gods you feel like such a horny teenager. But to be fair, that would be the last time you were romantically involved. "I think I will need a few more drinks before I become an open book but, I have been busy in managing my fathers... businesses."
You step away from his touch, gathering distance, eyes firm, "I know what your family does, Edward. Longer than you apparently. I believe it to be the reason why my father never wanted me settling with someone like you-"
"Someone like me?" Eddie challenges. "Do you even have the faintest idea of what Mr. Johnston has done, what your previous boyfriends have done?-"
"Yes, I do. And that should make you understand why I still decide to come back to you, after everything," you finish with, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs by an unlit fireplace as Eddie stands in front of you, undoing his jacket with a hiss as you tut him off in a posh tone.
"Why, Edward-dear, it appears you are the one learning new ideas, would you like some help with that?" You tease out, watching as his shirt turns a deeper red. Edwards rolls his eyes playfully at you as you drink up the sight of this beautiful man, even when bleeding and threatening to stain the designer rug underneath you both.
You kneel lean forward, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as Eddie un-do's his bowtie, it hangs off his shoulders as you dress the wound with the supplies sat conveniently waiting on a nearby shelf. "Arms up now, captain," you playfully command as Eddie complies.
"Never knew you to be such a bossy one," Edward sarcastically comments, looking down at the top of your head fondly. You look up at him through your lashes, blinking twice before continuing your work. "And I never knew you to be bedding your associates-"
A knock at the door sounds as Eddies delicate look before a glare, enforcing that you both would speak about the topic later as you wipe your hands and lean back in the chair, smiling at the women as Eddie leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek in thanks as he straightens his clothes out.
"Hello, Susan," the Duke greets the once mysterious lady as you look between the two of them, jealousy brewing in your stomach once more, your hands itching to hold on to some part of Eddie once more. "What have you done to him, duchess?" Susie asks you, hands presses and leaning forwards against the back of a chair opposite of yours.
You smile gracefully at the woman, beginning to stand yet as you approach her, Eddie softly grasps your wrist, holding you in place. "Well, by the looks of it. He has been shot- what have you been doing with him, Susie?" you fire back.
"Really then?" you cut her off with a scoff as you wiggle your hand from Eddies grasp, moving towards the door, you can hear multiple people moving in the hallway as you curse out, your dress spotted with blood. "Alright then, I think it's time for a sharing circle then..."
"You killed a man?" you ask calmly as Eddie slowly nods his head. "That was something I did- yes-"
"and by the sounds of it, it will not be your last... or hers..." you reply, head leaned into your hand as you found yourself seated once more. The party-goers were dying by the hour as you all soon made your speedy walks back towards your cars.
You joined Eddie that night, helping to redress the wound, dress him for the night, pouring you both another few drinks before pulling him into bed. What surprised you most was his tight grip on your waist as he pulled you down beside him. "Eddie I am not dressed for bed," you spoke softly, not wishing to awake anyone near.
"Sleep naked, wouldn't be the first time-"
You covered his mouth with your hand, shaking it away as he gave it a playful kiss. You heart lunged at the memory of a moment similar to this when you had just been cheated on. Yet you ultimately decide to make yourself comfortable, just as the last, kicking off your shoes but deciding to stare at the side of his face illuminated by the dying embers of the fireplace.
"You know, I think I have had enough drinks for tonight," Eddie comments as you hum out, eyes falling heavy as you press your head into your pillow for the night, taking a deep breath in- "I love you, (name). I've said it so many times to myself that it surprises me to sound so right saying it aloud," you are wide awake now, exhaling heavily as your legs twist together underneath the covers.
"I thought you were with Ms. Glass," you speak in a meek tone, not wanting your heart to explode twice, only one of you can be injured at a time. Edward chuckles, head shaking as he looks at you, brown eyes staring deeply into your own, "Well that same woman told me not to sleep with the help, I'm just taking her advice."
"Well she sounds like a very smart lady then, leaving all the more for me," you tease out, lips pressed together as you eye his own. Eddie leans forward, humming out as your lips connect, your hand finding the back of his head before a hiss escapes between his lips and you rapidly pull back.
"Oh shit, sorry," you apologize, looking under the covers to see your knee brushing into his bruised side. "You can always kiss it better," Eddie retorts as you roll your eyes and press a peck to his lips. "whats that supposed to solve?" And soon you both are up into the early morning hours.
When you awakened the next morning, having breakfast together in the study, you nearly spat our your tea with the words that escaped Eddies lips, "Would you help me steal a car if I asked politely?"
A smirk meets a smile as you tap your chin in mock-contemplation. "sure" you shrug, pulling the man into another kiss with a chuckle. And thus kicked off the rest of your lives together with a healthy side of cash.
↳ Lady Sabrina brought flowers and a bottle of wine to your mothers grave for a chit chat. She poured out to glasses, sitting one by the tombstone as she commented on the nutty taste of the substance.
"I was right in the end, you know. They are a rather marvellous couple and you really should have ended things with that husband of yours. My boy was only ever the most substantial choice, rather embarrassing to think otherwise."
Sabrina could imagine your mother glaring down at her, slipping her the bird while maintaining a pleasant smile. But in due time she would await that interaction as she sipped her wine, embracing victory as she squinted across the field watching as you and Eddie did shooting practice near the woods with a satisfied hum.
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(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)
↳ Taglist: @daffodilstark @leavemeslowly @iamasimpingh0e @kneelarmhstrung
↳ A/N: I think thats a wrap for Friend of the Captain... but definitely not for my writing on the Gentlemen (2024)!
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in-act-ive · 11 months
Soldier 76 x Grandson!Reader
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Request : yes , " well, can i request platonic soldier76's reaction, that a newcomer!male!reader, who is kind and sometimes reckless, that is his grandson, and had to look after himself to early, like never got to know his parents nor relatives. And jack probably got the news from winston through a dna test " for @lufenianwol !
Type : headcanons
A / N : I hope this is what you wanted! I haven't written for him in AGES but it was fun to do it again!
To be honest when Jack first saw you he was a bit concerned by your reckless attitude
He really only liked you because their teammates seemed to enjoy your company
He kept his distance though
Jack felt weird about you but he couldn't place his finger on what made him feel off
Y / N asked Winston to run some DNA tests to find his family
Jack hadn't known about it until Winston told him the results
He was taken aback to say the least
You on the other hand really didn't seem to care. You we're really only looking for your parents and siblings if you had any
Jack was at first confused about this whole mess. Was it luck or was it someone playing a trick on him? Trying to makw him go soft?
Seeing Jack was ex - military and his relationship with TALON he felt off and was more distant than before
He avoided you like the plague
After the denial of everything he started to accept very slowly
Acceptance came with anger
'How could anyone do that to a child?' He'd asked Winston and Tracer multiple times
Slowly his anger did end up fading into nothing but loving dad energy
If you couldn't have a good dad he'd tried to fill the spot
Once Jack finally opened up to you and tried to have a relationship instead of just being a complete bitch and avoiding you and anything to deal with you he promises to protect you with his life
Jack lets you have the childhood you wished you could have had as a older teen / adult
He may be a little bit of a helicopter parent due to your dumbassary but he's trying to just be good enough
Once you do have a stronger bond he's very cheesy when you're alone or around teammates
He'd tease you about anyone you dare look at
Jack would also spoil you rotten
Anything you wanted, he was going to get you
Over all, he grows to love you like a son and supports you through everything
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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Rereading the last few chapters and wondering: Euphemia seems worried about James’ future/prospects/him striking out in his own. Is this just her ‘enthusiastic’ parenting? Or a result of an actual issue?
Also, as James is returning early, which will then lead to James and Lily being a thing. Will Euphemia be at all worried James is avoiding his future for Lily? Or will it just be a positive reaction because two people she loves love each other?
There is an actual issue, but it's her issue.
Euphemia is a total helicopter parent, always wanting to be involved in her son's life, always wanting to make decisions for him, and always assuming she knows what's best. If she had her way, he'd still be living in her and Fleamont's house with them, and he'd be working for her full time, not because she truly thinks he's incapable of running his own life, but because he's her baby and she wants him to be close to her all the time. It's terribly, terribly unhealthy, but from her perspective, she and her husband spent the better part of two decades desperately trying and failing and longing to have a child, with all of the pain and heartache that comes with that, and then he came along completely unexpectedly when they were both in their forties, their little miracle, so she immediately let all of her fears take control of her. What you see of her behaviour is the result of that. Honestly she should be in therapy, but she's absolutely the type of person who thinks she doesn't need it.
Anyway, when James and Sirius decided to take off for several years to go travelling, she took it badly. Really badly. James knew this, so he offered to make content for her company as a way to keep a link to her, but it only drove a wedge between them because is just gave her another avenue to continue treating him like he was still her little boy. So their relationship has become more and more distant, and while she promised him that she'd try to be less controlling, it goes against her every impulse, and therefore it's a struggle for her to let go. She's not worried that he'll make a mess of his career plans (even if he did, he's hella rich, he doesn't actually need to work, he just doesn't do well with being idle), but that this will lead to him pulling away from her even more. She still has no idea that he and Sirius are planning to come home permanently because if she does know now she'll immediately try to convince him to work for her or his father again. Once he's actually home and able to see her regularly, she'll calm down quite a lot.
RE: Lily, no, Euphemia won't be worried that he's avoiding his future for her because the whole reason he's coming home is because he's sick of floating through life. He'll return to London with a plan for his life and the cogs already in motion to achieve it. Whereas if he didn't come back he'd still be travelling around America with no set direction. His mum will be thrilled to see them together. She may be less thrilled when she realises that Lily is always going to take his side over hers and back him up because she assumes that Lily is her creature, but oh well. She'll just have to deal.
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kellyvela · 5 months
Sophie's Hon
If you want to know more about the guy Sophie Turner is smooching lately, you know, that very tall, very very rich, British aristocrat with a fantasy novel name, this post is for you . . . . lol
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His full name is The Hon Peregrine John Dickinson Pearson, but he goes by “Perry.” And the photo above is his company profile picture.
Born on October 27th, 1994, he's 29 years old and the future 5th Viscount Cowdray.
Perry is from Midhurst, West Sussex, and now lives in a £5million house in Chelsea, West London.
The Hon before his name means The Honourable, a title used for all sons and daughters of viscounts and barons. Hon also works for 'honey' and 'sweetheart', hence this post's title.
Peregrine may come from Henry Winston Peregrine Spencer-Churchill, nephew of former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill.
Yes, Churchill, you read it right! Perry's grandfather Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, was the son of Agnes Beryl Spencer-Churchill, who was the granddaughter of George Spencer-Churchill, 6th Duke of Marlborough.
So Perry is distant related to Winston Churchill and Diana Spencer, The Lady D . . . . In fact, he has already introduced Sophie to some of the current Spencer-Churchills (they are cousins with Perry, I guess 🤷‍♀️).
Now, I have no idea why his parents opted to name him Peregrine over Weetman, since each of the four former Viscounts Cowdray were all named Weetman; but his peculiar fantasy novel/bird-like name inmmediately made me think of House Arryn and Harry Hardyng. More on this later.
But since he's not named Weetman, he fixed that by naming his own property investment and development company 'Weetman'.
John is for both grandfathers: Weetman John Churchill Pearson, 3rd Viscount Cowdray, and John Howard Cordle. 
Dickinson is for his great-great-grandfather: Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1st Viscount Cowdray.
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The seat of the Pearson Family is Cowdray Estate, Cowdray Park, Midhurst, West Sussex. The picture of the family above was taken at Buck Hall, the atrium of Cowdray House.
The name Cowdray comes from Coudreye, the Norman word for the nearby hazel woods.
Perry is the son and heir of Michael Orlando Weetman Pearson, 4th Viscount Cowdray, and Marina Rose Cordle.
His dad produced the documentary "Sympathy for the Devil," directed and written by Jean-Luc Godard, documenting the creative evolution of the song "Sympathy for the Devil" as the Rolling Stones developed it during recording sessions at Olympic Studios in London.
His mom is an artist, sculptress, interior designer and mindfulness coach, she's keenly interested in spiritual matters, she practises Transcendental Meditation (a form of silent meditation) and Qigong.
His parents separated in August 2023, after 36 years of marriage.
Perry has three older sisters and a younger brother:
Eliza Anne Venetia Pearson (born 31 May 1988). She married her first husband at 21. Later he left her for the Kate Winslet . . . . She remarried, had children and lives in Ibiza now.
Emily Jane Marina Pearson (born 13 December 1989). Tatler Magazine included her as one of the 10 perfect potential brides for Prince Harry . . . . She she studied Plant-based Nutrition and is one of the founders of the vegan restaurant "Farmacy" in Notting Hill.
Catrina Sophie Lavinia Pearson (born 13 March 1991). She goes by "Catty." She's a musician and a film-school graduate.
Montague Orlando William Pearson (born 17 May 1997). He goes by "Monty". Wee brother is 6'4. He's a helicopter pilot, enjoys flying drones and studied film production and graphic design. He was named after the former owners of Cowdray Estate, the Viscounts of Montague.
Perry also has an older half brother:
Sebastian William Orlando Pearson (born 1970).
As you can see, Perry is privileged to be the heir above his older half brother Sebastian, since he was born out of wedlock, and above his older sisters: Eliza, Emily and Catrina, since they were born women . . . . Where have I heard this before???
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Sometimes I'm glad I'm an only child . . . .
As any other younger brother of three older sisters, he was annoying. According to Tatler Magazine, Perry liked to wind up his sisters (then vegan) by scoffing meat.
Perry is also an uncle, his sisters Eliza and Emily are mothers of cute babies, but sadly I can't show you pictures. He looks cute holding a baby tho.
Talking about cute babies, that little curly blonde boy sat in a chair next to his standing father in one of the portraits in the picture above, is Perry. His portrait was painted by Chinese artist Chen Yanning, who also painted Queen Elizabeth II's portrait:
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Here a few more childhood pics:
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That picture of of him as a baby peeing on a plant, is his Instagram profile picture . . . .
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services at the University of West London, UK.
Not Oxford or Cambridge? Shocking!
UX Desing at General Assembly in New York, NY, US.
Dear Perry, you can improve my user experience by making your instagram account public. That would do!
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In January 2015, it was reported by Tatler Magazine that he was working for Aylesford International Estate Agents in London.
He also worked as an assistant site manager for Cordles, a London based contractor company founded by his maternal uncle Rupert Cordle.
He started working at Cowdray Estate in West Sussex, his family estate and heirdom, since 2016 to this day.
He's also the founder, partner and director of Weetman Developments, his own property investment and development company in London, since 2019 to this day.
Perry is also a Le Chameau – the wellington boot brand – ambassador.
As you can see, Perry is basically a nepo baby lol
But that doesn't mean he doesn't work, Cowdray Estate is huge (16,500 acre), and offers a vast variety of activities like golf, clay-pigeon shooting, fly fishing on the river Rother, walking, cycling, riding, polo, truffle hunting, hospitality at the farm shop & café, holiday cottages, tree houses, wedding venues, private stays and events at Cowdray House, filming locations (the Cowdray Ruins were used during the filming of Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan’s film, "Mary Queen of Scots"), among others, and Perry is/will be in charge of all of that.
According to his mom, back in 2019 he was pioneering aquaponic farming on a commercial scale [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
In an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, Perry said that he's working to pass the estate on to his heir in better conditions: “But the dream is to pass it on to my son or daughter in better nick than it’s in now. That’s the mentality when it comes to estates,” “You’re so grateful that you’ve been given this opportunity, you want others to have the same opportunity that you had.”
I don't know if Perry will try to change the primogeniture rules, but it was really nice to read that he thinks his heir could be a son or a daughter.
Perry's family was always wealthy (construction and petroleum in the past, publishing nowadays); but not always aristocrats.
His great-great-grandfather, Weetman Dickinson Pearson, was made a Baronet of Paddockhurst in 1894, then he purchased Cowdray Estate in 1909. Later he was made Baron Cowdray first, in 1910, and then the 1st Viscount Cowdray in 1917.
Viscount, is a European title of nobility, ranking immediately below a count, or earl. It is one of the five ranks of British nobility and peerage, which, in descending order, are duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron.
So, when Perry becomes the 5th Viscount Cowdray, he won't be on top of the british nobility; but he will be richer. At present, Perry's family is thought to be worth £224million, and one day, he will inherit all of that.
Riding (Not Polo)
His family estate includes Cowdray Park Polo Club, dubbed The Home of British Polo, but Perry doesn't play Polo.
His parents never pushed him to, perhaps fearing that he could get hurt by falling from a horse. "Michael (Perry's father) never sought polo glory after a fall from a horse at the age of 13" [standard.co.uk - 2010].
In 2018 he said: “Cowdray is to polo what Goodwood is to racing and Glyndebourne to opera.” “I’m getting lessons.” “I grew up riding and over the next few years it’s something I can see myself doing a lot more” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
Later, in an interview for The Gentleman's Journal, he joked by saying that "he’s not particularly good at it".
So far, I only saw him presenting Polo trophies and congratulating the champions, so I guess the lessons didn't work . . . . lol
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Maybe is better that way, if he doesn't play polo he wont smell of horses. Sophie is asthmatic and allergic to horses.
He plays golf for some charity and corporate events. No idea if he's good at it.
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Clay-pigeon shooting
Not sure if he really shoots at flying clay targets or he only modeled to promote the shooting school at his family estate.
He likes to attend posh huntings wearing tweed, baker boy caps and suspenders.
He already took Sophie to one of those last December, but she didn't wear tweed, she defied the rules by wearing a Zara black jacket and a pair of acid washed jeans. . . . She would look great wearing tweed, tho . . . .
(There have been hunters in my family, so I can't judge much)
Here some pics:
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He seems very skilled at it.
Meribel in France seems to be his family favorite destination to enjoy the snow.
He already took Sophie to ski & “après ski” there, and they were having the time of their lives!
Going to the beach
Ibiza is a favorite destination for his family, his dad used to live there, and now his eldest sister established there with her own family.
Can't wait to see Sophie enjoying the sun in Ibiza next . . . .
Enjoy some pics:
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Fuck yeah!
"Like all the Cowdrays, he loves a party" [Tatler Magazine, January 2015].
"(...) the Hon Peregrine Pearson (the Cowdray heir), known for throwing ‘wild afterparties’ at his house in Chelsea, which he shares with Ella (Richards)’s boyfriend, Sascha von Bismarck" [Tatler Magazine, March 2023]. 
Here abundant evidence:
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Perry enjoyed spending time in his mom's pottery studio in the garden: “We were brought up being quite creative – spending time in her studio was very bonding” [The Telegraph - August, 2018].
I would love to see one of those creative pieces made by Perry 👀
Like his mom, Perry practises meditation as well. [The Telegraph - June, 2019].
From pictures, it seems he usually wears a silver Meditator pendant. The Meditator is a seated figure, with a pointed head, a heart and a hole in its middle. His mom designed it herself, as a reminder to live in the present moment, rather than fretting about the past or future.
Previous relationships
His only known/famous relationship was with Princess Maria Olympia of Greece and Denmark.
He dated Olympia for three years, since 2020 to 2023.
She seemed really into Perry during the relationship:
But shortly after their break up was official, she was reported being in a relationship with an older, married with children man . . . .
His wife kicked him out of the house after the news. Good for her! [Read more about it here]
So far, this is all I learnt about Sophie's Hon Perry Pearson. I love that he's so tall and the way he can hug her being so tall, I bet Sophie loves it too.
But I kinda hate that the press only uses his most unflattering pictures, when is easy to find public pictures where he actually looks good.
Also, my friend told me that he reminds her a bit of Paul Mescal, and now I can't unsee it . . . .
What more can I say about him after my research? Oh, maybe that he has met the Dalai Lama and sat next to Kim Kardashian and Kimora Lee Simmons at Paris Hilton's wedding lol
He also loves to wear sunglasses, even indoors . . . .
Anyways, now to the point of this post!
Romance with Sophie Turner
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Perry is a Scorpio and Sophie is a Pisces, like Scorpio Ryan Gosling and Pisces Eva Mendes . . . .
I have no idea how they met, where they met, or when they met, but we have evidence that they spent the last part of October 2023 together.
2023 was a rough year for both of them, with her divorce and custody battle, and with his own break up with his ex, and the separation of his parents after 36 years of marriage.
The first time we saw him next to Sophie, we have no idea who he was. It was during the Rugby World Cup final on October 28th 2023, just before Sophie unveiled the trophy:
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Perry was there with Sophie, but we had no idea they were together until October 31th 2023, when a couple of pictures of them sharing a kiss outside Paris’s Gare du Nord train station were made public and got viral:
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The pictures were taken on the same day as the Rugby World Cup final. It was reported that they arrived together in Paris from London via the Eurostar, and said goodbye with a kiss before meeting again later at the Stade de France.
When their Paris kiss pictures were all over the press, someone claimed that their friend had seen them together the week before:
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So, if the Rugby World Cup final was on October 28th 2023 and Perry's 29th birthday was the day before, I bet the lovebirds spent his birthday together in London.
I wonder what Sophie got Perry for his birthday??? An appointment with a fashion stylist, I hope!
(Perry, honey, burn those double breasted suits in your closet, please! They don't fit your large body 🙏 King Felipe II of Spain, has a similar body and his tailoring is👌)
I also believe they spent the last days of October together in Paris, since they were seen all cozy during a romantic dinner at some fancy Parisian restaurant:
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After that Sophie was seen back in New York on November 3th 2023. We don't know if Perry travelled with her to New York, but some anon claims he saw them holding hands in West Village:
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Back in London, they were seen making out in a famous spot on November 2023 . . . .
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. . . . And having dinner with friends on early December 2023:
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Later, we have graphic evidence of them spending time together from the 7th to the 10th of December 2023, at least.
December 7th 2023:
They went to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland at night, where they walked around, hugged and kissed:
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December 8th 2023:
They had brunch in West London and walked around hand in hand, eventually stopping so Perry could gently caress Sophie's face and kiss her:
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That day, this also happened . . . . 🤨
December 9th 2023:
They attended a posh hunting weekend at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, held by some of the current Spencer-Churchills: George Spencer-Churchill and his wife Camilla Thorp, Marquess and Marchioness of Blandford (they will be Duke and Duchess of Marlborough one day).
The event was full of Perry's aristocrat friends like Alexander Spencer-Churchill, Lady Jemima Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke’s daughter, and Eleanor Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington’s niece, among others.
So, Perry has basically already introduced Sophie to some relative and close friends:
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Can someone please explain to me why is Perry wearing a pink ribbon around his neck in the last picture? Is a mystery I need to resolve in this lifetime.
Here a few more pics:
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After that, I suspect they spent the holidays together in London, or, at least, that they saw each other for a few hours during those days. I'm not saying she introduced him to her family and daughters, but it's obvious that they are dating and Christmas and the New Year are festivities you want to share with the people you care for.
I wonder what Perry got Sophie for Christmas? A handmade ceramic vase? A basket full of hydroponic vegetables that he grew himself?Diamonds?
And most recently, on January 17, 2024, they were seen walking around London at night all cozied up:
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I want her UGGS!!!
Also, are those really mini liquor bottles at Perry's hand??? At first I thought they were Sophie's nail polish bottles 💅🏼
Someone spotted them skiing in Meribel, France. It was reported on January 28th, 2024, but it was probably before that date. Deuixmoi titled the stories as "let's see what your fave celebs have been up to the past week"
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She's having the time of her life with Perry? GOOD FOR HER!
OK, today January 29th 2024, Sophie herself posted pics of them skiing in Meribel together with a couple of Perry's friends:
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Lol at Perry not looking at the camera in the first pic 🤭
So, I suppose they are official now, right? Maybe it's time to post this post . . . .
Now, in the beginning of this post I said that after knowing Perry's fantasy novel/bird-like name, I immediately thought about ASOIAF's House Arryn and Harry Hardyng, you know, since House Arryn's sigil is a falcon, Harry Hardyng is dubbed the Young Falcon, and the peregrine is literally a species of falcon.
And since Harry Hardyng is the current Sansa's suitor in the ASOIAF incomplete series, I joked with my friends by saying that Sophie has entered his Harry Hardyng era . . . .
Perry also made me remember that passage in A Storm of Swords where Margaery's peregrine took a heron in full flight the day she and Sansa went hawking.
Peregrine is also the name of a ship that Arianne Martell boards in one of the few chapters of The Winds of Winter that GRRM released in advance.
Perry's name also reminds me of Pippin from The Lord of the Rings, since his full name is Peregrin Tuk, but this is a story for another day.
But if the Pearsons of Cowdray were a House from Westeros, they would be the Arryns enemies, since the Pearson's sigil is a gryphon:
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And thanks to Sansa/Alayne we all know that the Winged Knight and the Griffin King were mortal enemies:
The Winged Knight was Ser Artys Arryn. Legend said that he had driven the First Men from the Vale and flown to the top of the Giant's Lance on a huge falcon to slay the Griffin King.  —A Feast for Crows - Alayne II
You know, in some ancient mythologies, the creature known as gryphon is depicted as fire-belching: "winged, tailed, and taloned dragon which spat fire." 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 Just saying . . . .
House Pearson motto is:
'Do it with thy might'
These words are carved on the stone fireplace in Buck Hall, the atrium at the heart of Cowdray House.
According to The Gentleman's Journal, Perry translates his family motto to simpler words: “Just do it — that might be a more modern approximation.”
But he's more into Adidas and North Star. Sorry Nike . . . . lol
Anyways, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
And talking about GRRM, it's time to tell you that Perry's family are the founders and large share holders of Pearson plc, a British multinational publishing and education company headquartered in London.
Pearson plc owns Penguin Random House, you know, GRRM's publishers, the ones that publish the ASOIAF series . . . .
And I recently came to know that Penguin Random House is going to republish Joan Hannington’s autobiography “I Am What I Am” under the title ‘Joan.’ And, you know, Sophie's upcoming project is precisely a tv series called ‘Joan,’ with Sophie taking the role of Joan Hannington . . . .
Some will say that this is part of the j word agenda, lol
Again, GRRM has the opportunity to do the funniest thing . . . .
Finally, we need to answer an important question!
So . . . .
A match made in heaven? Or maybe we won't see his face again?
Only time will tell. I only hope that he makes Sophie super happy as long as they are together.
I will probably update this post with time or make a part 2, because Tumblr doesn't let me add more pictures 😢
Thanks for reading!
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
could I request platonic yandere Henry emily hcs? 🌹🦢
Thats about all I have, thank you!
Hope you have fun writing
Sure! I got a photo of him from the wiki for the banner :) Hopefully I get his character right with my research. May be short as there isn't much we know about Henry but I tried? This is very... rambly (?) so I hope you like it!
Yandere! Platonic! Henry Emily Concept
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Obsessive tendencies, Cold behavior, Manipulation, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Mentions of death/murder, Delusional behavior, Projecting, Dark themes, Mentions of child darling/Overprotective father.
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I feel Henry isn't as good as a character as we think, in any media.
I'd say he's a gray character, he isn't necessarily good or bad.
He has his imperfections, especially after the death of his daughter at the hands of William.
He isn't the best father and certainly would project onto you.
In terms of being a platonic yandere, he'd definitely be more parental.
Henry would still not be the best before and after the death of his daughter.
Maybe you're a friend of Charlotte or even a sibling.
Before Charlotte is murdered, Henry is an okay father.
He's still rather distant due to working on his animatronics, yet he feels his heart melt when you play with Charlotte.
He loves you both, regardless on if you're a family friend or sibling.
Although a sibling would make more sense.
Henry's behavior wouldn't increase until the death of Charlotte.
This way, if we're going by the younger child darling route even though I don't do it often, then he'd definitely project onto you.
He'd treat you like you're the only thing he had left.
In fact, in many ways you are.
He becomes protective and paranoid at the idea of William taking you too.
It's weird behavior... even if he is a grieving man... everything is completely unhealthy.
He doesn't like you out of his sight, even as a teen he's still an overprotective father.
He gives you small mechanical robots as gifts.
When he isn't drowning himself in work then he's paying attention to you.
Henry is a broken man and not the best father.
He fears the idea of you growing up and maybe getting caught by someone.
If we take this route he'd be a helicopter dad and very protective due to the trauma of losing his daughter.
There's another way to look at a platonic Henry, too.
This version you can be older and he still projects onto you.
Maybe he takes you in as an apprentice and due to your young age, he starts to wonder if Charlotte would've been like you when she grew up.
He sees you as a replacement for the child he lost.
If he still had contact with William he keeps you far from him.
Henry wouldn't really murder like his coworker William.
He's protective, paranoid, and unstable.
Yet when/if he snaps... it's more self-destructive than anything.
Honestly, Henry just wants revenge for Charlotte.
He wants to put an end to things.
You help him get through things.
In fact, it's canon he's depressed after Charlotte.
You both make things better and worse, since he treats you like he'd treat Charlotte if she was alive.
The most "yandere" thing about Henry I can think of is him being delusional.
In this AU he can't get over the murder of his child and uses you as a stand-in.
Regardless of your origin or gender, you become the new "Charlotte".
He wants to correct his failure to prevent her fate.
As a result you're treated like a different person.
The longer Henry is around you, the more he tries to fit you into the role he wants.
Henry, even without the dark twist I gave him, is a selfish and twisted man.
He may not be as bad as William, but he is the lesser of two evils.
You become his coping mechanism, his form of comfort...
While you slowly begin to lose your independence and sense of self.
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asjjohnson · 1 year
The ability to fly would open up a new dimension to explore (in the mathematical-physical sense—we already know Danny had opened one up in the other sense). Think of how much Danny would notice that no one else would?
Think of bees. (Not so much birds, because we see birds all the time, and also because they don't seem quite as graceful and maneuverable as bees.) When I did a search for how high bees can fly, I found something that said bees could fly higher than Mount Everest (little edit: may've misunderstood what it meant. They might not've been found flying that high after all, just that 'they could'). Bees can go anywhere they want, just for fun.
We as humans tend to (for the most part) view the world as six feet high. Anything six feet or under, we know about (or possibly up to eight feet. But it's not much higher than our height). And we don't really realize we're thinking this way.
Sure, we can look upward, we can see treetops from a distance, we can see what the sky looks like. But it's from the perspective of looking up from a distance. Our worldview is colored by looking up from six feet or less.
It's a flat surface. Despite us knowing it's not flat, we don't really internalize it as being 3D and navigable. And we also don't realize what's up there. Who would ever imagine there were bees buzzing around the top of a 200 foot tree? To get to flowers we didn't even notice were up there?
And, yeah, we have planes, but they fly in a set path and you can only look down at the very distant ground. Helicopters are probably more similar, but not many people fly or ride those.
But Danny... after the accident, he would've started out sticking close to the ground a lot, but as he started getting more comfortable with the ability to fly, his worldview probably would've changed gradually. From his preconceived idea of 'the world is six feet or less' to 'the world is spacious and easily explored and so very 3D'.
There's an episode where he's vacuuming the living room ceiling—as though he thinks his parents will notice that it's cleaner than before. And though I understand the 'I have to clean everything so I don't get in trouble' impulse better than I should, there's a chance it's partly from Danny seeing the house differently than before. The ceiling becomes just another wall for him. ...One that he might clean often when he has cleaning chores, because he's going to notice all those spiderwebs and cobwebs, and the little bugs gathering in the light fixtures.
(...He probably would realize the ground is also navigable at some point, too. Think of all the tunnels and moles and snakes and other creatures he'll see, and all the plant roots and such.)
#danny phantom#danny fenton#just some thoughts#it's not really a 'what if' idea because it just... is.#asj post#I'd looked at some red buds on a maple tree using binoculars and kinda thought aloud 'I wonder what pollinates maple flowers'.#Because I knew maples had flowers because I'd seen something about it online once. ...I hadn't really realized it before then.#And my dad said probably Honey Bees. And I was like... 'bees fly that high?'#When my dad said he guessed so; I said I've always only seen them around this high (and put my hand at shin-level).#So... that's what made me realize there's a lot I just don't realize exists. From only living in a world near my height and below.#Planted to the ground.#...There was a post I saw awhile ago about people with weird ideas. One was about an illustration showing people standing on top of#the Earth and a person had been surprised because they thought we'd lived inside the Earth.#And actually... I thought the person could've been partially right. We don't live On Top of the Earth. We live under the atmosphere.#We're stuck halfway inside it. Under the layers of atmosphere but above the solid layers. Actually we're on the teeny tiny Crust layer.#I thought it was weird because when we talk about gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn we don't measure them based on their core size.#We measure them based on the size of their atmosphere.#So yeah we actually do live inside the Earth and not on top of it.#There was also a post I saw with a closeup of Saturn. Those clouds looked so 3D and thick and invitingly explorable. They looked bottomless#my search engine had answered the bee question wrong. but I did find something that said they'd definitely found Flies over 19000 ft.'#Not as high as Everest but still really high.
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Fourth chapter of "Hold My Hand, I'll Walk With You My Dear"
Summary: 5 times Buck and Tommy talk about their fears and 1 time they defeat fear together.
I made a promise.
It’s one of the last coherent thoughts Tommy has before the helicopter starts to spin and he braces instinctively because this is not his first rodeo. You don’t jump out of a crashing helicopter. You just hope for the best and crawl out if you’re still able to. If.
I made a promise.
The world is a mess of blurry colours and smoke and the noise of technical failure. Tommy closes his eyes.
A promise.
Glass shatters and metal screeches. There’s no more falling. Only the sensation of being pushed forward, his teeth piercing his tongue, a sharp blinding pain in his head - then: nothing.
* It’s quiet in the hallway. 
That could be a good or bad sign. Tommy just hopes he will be left alone in his room for a while longer. He wants to finish this drawing for his art teacher. 
She said he’s good. Said it in an honest and delighted voice. Her words created a warm glow inside his chest. Without a doubt, his classmates would call him a bootlicker, if they knew, but Tommy wants to feel that again.
His parents aren’t interested in his drawings. Dad calls them girl stuff and Mom always has that hazy distant gaze, just humming when he talks to her and looking through him. She doesn’t see him. She doesn’t see his drawings. Tommy wonders what exactly it is that she does see.
A door slams. Tommy pauses, listening, pencil hovering above the paper. There are a few heavy steps. Then creaking bed springs. Dad must have managed to get himself from the couch to the bed. Apparently, he’s drunk enough to forget about Mom. Or Tommy. Which is good.
Tommy looks back at his picture and frowns. He wants to continue. But something makes him hesitate. He feels like … Like he left something unfinished behind somewhere. But he can’t quite put his finger on it.
Is he supposed to be somewhere?
He certainly feels like something is pulling at him. Pulling him away from this place. Tommy gets up and opens the door of his room as quietly as possible. Doesn’t want to disturb Dad. He gets angry when he’s woken up. *
Buck feels lightheaded. It’s not only the lack of sleep. It’s the hospital. This familiar smell of antiseptic, the bright whiteness of the neon lights and the consistent beeping noise. 
He shifts in his uncomfortable - also familiar - plastic chair and stares at Tommy, just like he’s been staring at him for the last few hours.
Waiting. Hoping. Begging. Buck has done it all.
Has been doing it ever since they got the call. Tommy had been found in the wreck of his helicopter, unconscious but alive. Fortunately, there wasn’t a fire. The trees slowed down the fall, but it still broke a lot of Tommy’s bones, cracked his skull and crushed his ribs. 
A lot of luck was involved. No rib pierced Tommy’s lungs and his spine wasn’t injured. But he’s in a coma now. And no one can promise Buck that he will wake up. No one knows if his brain will be okay. No one knows anything. 
It drives Buck insane.
He wishes he could do more than just wait. Buck sighs and rubs his face. His eyes start to burn and there’s a faint ache in his head that gets worse and worse. People already told him to get some rest. But he can’t leave. What if Tommy wakes up while he’s gone? He will be confused and scared. Buck knows from experience how scary it is to wake up from something like this. No. He can’t leave.
He takes another look at the heart monitor. No changes. Then he looks back at Tommy’s still face, or rather, what he can see from it under the oxygen mask and the bandages around his head. No changes. Just the barely noticeable rise and fall of his chest and the occasional twitch of a muscle. Which is just natural. It means nothing.
Buck sighs and taps his foot. “I really wish you would wake up,” he says, his voice a bit hoarse. “I mean, I know that your body and your brain need the rest right now. But still. I hope you’ll wake up soon. I’m so worried. I … I’m scared. Scared you will wake up and won’t remember me. Scared I won’t get to say all the things I wanted to tell you.” 
He leans forward, reaching out to touch Tommy’s hand on the blanket. He doesn’t dare to take it because of all the tubes, but he brushes Tommy’s fingers. They are too cold. He wishes he could warm them up better. “Please wake up, Tommy. Please. I can’t imagine a life without you. Not anymore.”
Buck grimaces when a wave of dizziness hits him and he sways a little. God. He’s so exhausted …
Right on cue, Hen comes into the room. “Hey, Buck.”
“Hey,” Buck mutters, giving her a weak smile.
Hen walks to the bed, taking a look at Tommy and gently touching his cheek. “You should go and get some rest, Buck. I can sit with him for a while,” she says. Her tone is gentle. But there’s also a familiar steel in it that says: I won’t take no for an answer.
Buck sighs. He knows Hen is right. But … “I’m just scared he won’t be there anymore when I return,” he admits, his throat tightening at the mere image.
Hen’s gaze softens. “That won’t happen, Buck. He’s stable right now. But what can happen is that you end up in a hospital bed too because you didn’t take care of yourself. Go. Stay hydrated and take a nap.”
“Alright.” Buck stands up, almost sitting down again because wow, the world starts to swirl around him. Like a carousel. He takes a last look at Tommy, sees Hen taking his place on the chair and throwing him a pointed look, and goes, scratching the back of his head. Alright. He should find some water. And then a bed. *
Tommy walks up a hill. He knows it well. On the top, there’s a big oak tree. It’s easy to climb up its big branches. From up there, he can see the silver train tracks that seem to stretch out endlessly. One day, he will take a train and leave this place. He knows it.
Today, he just sits in the grass, leaning against the oak tree’s trunk, wondering a bit, because he didn’t plan to come here. But he felt like he had to.
Tommy feels strange. His head is aching with phantom pain and his body feels too heavy. He has no idea where this is coming from. He was fine an hour ago. Tommy looks up. Golden sunbeams are falling through the leaves and branches of the tree. He squints. Blinks. And suddenly, he feels like he’s hearing a voice. From far away. He has no idea what it’s saying. But it sounds … Familiar. Warm. Caring. Loving.
If he reaches out, he might just be able to find it. So he does. *
Waking up is a violent act. It’s not the first time Buck has witnessed it. But it’s painful to watch anyway.
The coughing and choking and frantic beeping and the trashing. Being pushed out of the room because you’re in the way. Nurses rush in and doctors check machines and finally they wave at Buck, telling him he can go back in and be with Tommy now.
Buck enters the room, his hands trembling, relief flooding him when he sees that Tommy’s eyes are open. And when Buck approaches, Tommy slowly, carefully turns his bandaged head on the pillow, looking at Buck. There is a brief moment when Buck is scared. Scared of seeing confusion in those eyes, but then Tommy smiles. It’s weak and looks like it hurts. But he smiles. “Ev,” he croaks.
Buck exhales the breath he didn’t even notice he held in. “Hey,” he says, hurrying to sit on the chair and reaching out to take Tommy’s hand. “Hey. I’m so glad to see you.”
“Glad to … to see you too,” Tommy whispers, his hand squeezing Buck’s weakly. “Ev. I … I love you.”
Buck sob-chuckles. “I love you too,” he breathes. “I love you so much. Oh my God. I was so scared I won’t be able to say it.”
“Same,” Tommy says, his eyes fluttering. “Sorry. Was … trying my best.”
“I know,” Buck says, raising Tommy’s hand to his lips and pressing a kiss on it. “I know you did. And you’re here. We are here. We’ll be fine. I kind of never want to stop talking to you now.”
“I’m … not going anywhere,” Tommy says.
Buck laughs. “No, you really won’t. You’re going to stay right here, getting better and listening to my endless ramblings about how I imagine our future together. Hey. When they release you. You can move in if you want. Or I move in with you. That would be fine too. Whatever. As long as we’re together.”
“Yes,” Tommy whispers, his hand giving a barely there squeeze again. “Yes. Please. Talk to me now.”
And Buck does. He’s holding on to Tommy and just talks. About everything that comes to his mind. 
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hamsterclaw · 2 years
Yoongi Masterlist
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All of my writing contains smut and is 🔞. Yoongi is my ultimate bias and turns up as second lead in most of my writing when he's not the lead.
Drift Kings cop Jimin x chaebol reader x street racer Yoongi
You and your brother Seokjin live completely separate lives, until one day when your worlds collide.
Desecrate demon prince! Yoongi x fallen angel! reader
A fall from grace causes you to stumble into the hands of a demon prince. Inspired by Lilith.
Fugitive convict Yoongi x f! reader
You're kidnapped by a desperate man, and you can't see a way that this is going to end well, for either of you.
Trocadero producer! Yoongi x medical student! reader
You and Yoongi have known each other since school, forging lives for yourselves in the city you both love. One night changes the trajectory of your lives.
Nightcall emotionally distant Yoongi x reader
Yoongi's never been anything but honest with you. He's not looking for a relationship. It's too bad you've been in love with him since you met him. Also read: Slip, a drabble.
Rota Issues doctor! Yoongi x PA! reader
You're doing fine, bossing it after unexpectedly becoming a single parent to your nephew. Yoongi isn't convinced. Featuring Taehyung.
Spinning Out air ambulance pilot! Yoongi x doctor! reader, ft pilots Namjoon, Jungkook and a cameo from Taehyung
You are an expert in your field. Nothing fazes you, well nothing did, until you meet helicopter pilot Min Yoongi. Suddenly you are spinning out of control.
Sake businessman! Yoongi x reader x rapper Namjoon x boy-next-door Hobi
Yoongi has a business proposition for you. You think working with him is a good decision for your business, but not necessarily your heart. Also read Daiginjo - a sequel.
Duplicity police detective! Yoongi. Part of the Rage AU.
Yoongi lies as easily as he tells the truth, until he meets someone he doesn't want to lie to.
Security Read on AO3 doctor! Yoongi x reader
You and Jin are in charge of security at a hospital. A new influx of doctors arrives - and they are all ridiculously attractive. Featuring all of Bangtan.
Night Light Read on AO3 delivery boy! Yoongi x waitress! reader
Yoongi walks into your 24 hour diner one day, bringing with him more drama than you are prepared for.
Dive dystopian futuristic guard Yoongi x reader
Yoongi's an outcast, part of your enclave but not welcome. You've been tasked with working together with him.
Gemini a series ft chaebols! Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Seokjin
You and your twin brother Yoongi are heirs to the Min empire, richer than Croesus. Yoongi's set to take over the company, but you're not sure where your niche is. And then you meet Jimin.
Knight chaebol! Yoongi x reader, part of the Gemini AU
Yoongi prides himself on being a professional in the boardroom. You seem to be determined to crack his facade. Also read Sweet, a Knight drabble.
Vows aka 10 ways to win your husband's heart
chaebol! Yoongi x reader, ft chaebol! Seokjin
You've been in your arranged marriage with Yoongi for five years, and he's never once retaliated for anything you've done to him. One day you realise you've lost your appetite for provoking him, and you set about trying to win his heart instead.
Part 1 Part 2
Sorry - a drabble
Prequels - Pretend, Lonely
Schooled: Seokjin's revenge
Drabbles: The suit, Choices, Geneva, Avila, Drive stick, Sire, Drown, Sulky
Every time like the first time
Switch pt 2
First strike
Bad Angel angel! Yoongi x reader, dystopian future. Part of the Fallen AU.
Yoongi acts like he doesn't care one way or the other. When you get to know him, you realise there's more to him than he lets on.
Bad Angel (Alt version)
You meet an angel at a party. He doesn't seem to give a fuck what anyone thinks, doesn't seem to care that you're half-demon. You don't know whether you're the bad angel, or if he is.
Under the Ice emergency rescue workers Yoongi x reader
You and your partner Jimin are part of an emergency evacuation on the Hope base in Antarctica. A crack team is drafted in to help. The only problem? It includes your ex-husband Min Yoongi.
Zero Sum aspiring producer! Yoongi x reader
You're in a spiral you can't pull yourself out of, and Yoongi offers you a lifeline.
Peach chief of staff Yoongi x staffer reader x staffer Jungkook
Your boss, Vice-President Kim Namjoon, is on the rise again, if only you and Jungkook could pull yourselves together enough to support him. Luckily, Namjoon's chief of staff Min Yoongi's around to keep you all in line.
Sex, lies and fanfiction Youtuber Yoongi x reader
He's arrogant and infuriating, and he's trying to tell you how to write? No fucking way.
Fractured detectives Yoongi x reader
Yoongi’s a murder detective fighting burnout when he’s assigned the case that you and your former partner fucked up.
©hamsterclaw 2021 - 2024
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