#Drag race fanfiction
sexynetra · 2 months
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Saw these photos and decided the world needed a Plane Jane skating fic… so here you go 😅
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asterialunarr · 11 months
barty is the cuntiest cunt that ever cunted
evan is the princessest princess that ever princessed
regulus is the cockiest cock that ever cocked
dorcas is the slayest slay that ever slayed
pandora is the servest serve that ever served
all in all slytherin skittles are the babygirlest babygirls that ever babygirled
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orionsstory · 10 days
10 for amandawn? <333
prompt: "Your ideas are always crazy." so I didn't realize drabbles were supposed to be 100 words so. whoopsies LMAO. Sorry y'all I am a chronic yapper </3
This is supposed to take place in the alien au for some context teehee! Read it under the cut <3
Dawn watched as Amanda gazed up at the night sky, listening intently as Dawn pointed out the various stars and constellations in the sky above them. She should be focusing on the stars above them, but Amanda just looked so pretty in the moonlight. Her eyes shone with wonder and her smile was brighter than the stars, Dawn thought she looked perfect.
"What're you looking at?" Amanda teased her.
"You, duh."
"Shouldn't you be looking at the stars?"
"I've already seen 'em a thousand times. I think you're prettier."
"Well, I'm sorry we can't all be intergalactic aliens like you." Amanda laughed, "But thanks for the compliment!"
"Which one's your favorite?" Dawn asked her, leaning closer to rest her head on Amanda's shoulder. The other girl paused for a moment, "I've always liked Andromeda, I think it's pretty. Plus, it kind of sounds like Amanda."
"Andromeda is a beautiful constellation...I got to see it up close once."
"Really? Ugh, I wish I could see it up close. Why don't you fix your stupid spaceship and take me?"
Dawn laughed, "I wish it was that easy. But I'll show it to you somehow, I promise."
Dawn was sure Amanda didn't think she was serious about her promise, but she was. She had spent all night coming up with a plan to show her the stars. The following day, she called up Sapphira as soon as Amanda left.
"Sapphy, I have a crazy idea-"
"Your ideas are always crazy."
Dawn rolled her eyes and playfully huffed before continuing, "I need a favor. It's something for Amanda."
"A little gift for your girlfriend?" Sapphira teased.
"Oh, shut up. So what if it is?"Dawn couldn't hide the smile on her face as she explained her idea to Sapphira, rattling off the extensive list of parts she needed. She was silent for a moment, all Dawn could hear was clacking from a keyboard. Then, she spoke.
"You're asking a lot, you know that right?"
"I know, but it's for Amanda. You wouldn't get in the way of true love, would you?" Dawn pleaded.
Sapphira laughed, and Dawn could practically see her giving in.
"I'll see what I can do."
Impressively, Sapphira had everything ready for her by the end of the day. She was barely able to hide it all before Amanda came home, trying to act as normally as possible. She felt a bit bad about having to hide something from her girlfriend, but she knew it would be worth it in the end.
For the next few days, Dawn spent every moment she wasn't with Amanda tinkering and testing her creation. It wasn't easy, Dawn had made holograms before, but nothing to this scale. She wasn't even sure if human technology could replicate it. But, she persisted. She had to bang together some pieces to create new technology that would work, which proved to be incredibly difficult and time-consuming.
Finally, after several days, she had assembled a device to test. Some tests ended in failure, some were a step towards success, and one even resulted in a small fire (whoops). She made steady progress across the week, until Friday night when it was finally ready. She delicately held the device in her hands, eagerly smiling.
"Dawn?" Amanda called out from the living room, "Where'd all the furniture go?"
She had just returned home from work to find her living room empty, only some spare bits of furniture pushed up against the wall. She leaned down to pet Violet as she heard some scuffling from the bedroom. She watched as Dawn vaulted over- her couch?- to make it out into the living room.
"Amanda, welcome back! I have something to show you!" She grinned.
"Does this have to do with all of my furniture missing?"
"It's not missing, it's just in your bedroom! Now, close your eyes!"
Amanda laughed but did as she was told. "What's this about?"
She could hear Dawn rummaging around in the kitchen drawers for something, "Well, remember how you said you wished you could see Andromeda up close?"
"Yes, did you build a giant telescope or something?"
"Better." She heard a click. "Open your eyes."
Amanda opened her eyes to see a detailed hologram of the constellation in front of her, projecting up from a small sphere on the floor.
"Oh wow...it's beautiful." She breathed, taking in the sight before her. "Did- did you build this?"
Dawn nodded, fiddling with her hands.
Amanda ran and embraced her, Dawn giggling in surprise.
"Do you like it?"
"Do I like it? I love it! This is the most romantic thing anyone's ever done for me."
Amanda gave her a quick kiss before she turned back to look at the stars in her living room, and Dawn was able to see the shine in her eyes that she loved so much. They stayed like that for the next few hours, as Dawn told her about the stars. Amanda agreed that it was worth it in the end, even if they had to spend hours moving all of her furniture back into the living room.
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adores-angel20 · 8 months
If you had to hang out with ONE queen from RPDR for one day, Who would it be and what would y’all do?
My Answer: Adore Delano! And I’ll probably wanna watch horror movies with her and then eat pizza while listening to music! 🥺💕🥰
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It was all Kit’s fault, and when Jade got hurt, she retreated.
She couldn’t even really look her in the eye anymore.
Kit felt the patchy stickiness on her side, the throbbing of her heartbeat in her injury, a weird lightheaded feeling she couldn’t quite place.
She’d never even gotten stitches.
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luvo27 · 2 days
batman drag au
batman is a goth queen who does a lot of story times for kids at libraries and such. very calm. no one knows why kids love her so much but they adore her. lots of photos of her sitting patiently with story book in hand as kids climb over her and mess with her wig
viral video of a kid stealing one of her boobs and running away as she watches in despair sitting completely still because another kid is chewing on her wig.
"wait..." she says. "no...stop...come back..."
also has very calm makeup tutorial videos that a lot of people like to listen to for sleep
she has a separate drag persona whose name is just britney where she goes absolutely wild that gets her debut in gotham drag race after a fight with joker
joker is a queen who does a lot of really weird performance art, some people love it and some people hate it
she gets cancelled every other day
absolutely hates batman after batman gives an interview like:
yeah i got into drag after my parents died. i wanted to bring light into the world, and this seemed like a great way to do that. i try to use my platform to help kids who need it, i do a lot of charity shows.
and joker was like: what the heck lighten up why are you bringing your dead parents into this. you can't be fun ever you suck
and batmans like. bet. and breaks out britney
theres a joke somewhere about batman saying something like. i wanted to do something, and i was looking for a sign that would tell me what i should be, and then a drag queen flew in my window and right then and there i decided I would become a queen.
catwoman is also a very popular drag queen. she talks about how she and her sister went two wildly different directions in dealing with life a lot in interviews. theres a lot of photos of her in full drag regalia next to her sister in her habit
two face has the whole half/half gimmick and used to be really good friends with batman but they had a falling out. theres a popular clip from gotham drag race of batman reacting to finding out two face is also there
tell me that penguin as a drag queen wouldn't go hard. you can't. the bird theme and gimmick umbrellas, lots of feathery costumes when not in like. basically zantanna's costume
the bird costumes win so may prizes. peacock. flamingo. there's an obscure video of a surprisingly accurate performance as a grouse. fills the wonderful and obscure niche of silly bird mating dances as drag performances
clayface does a thing where every single look is so wildly and drastically different that if theres ever what looks like to be a new queen people automatically assume its clayface
clayface also does a lot of celebrity drag impressions
manbat, despite what everyone thinks, did not start as a batman parody but they get along surprisingly well
robin is a new up and coming queen. batman is her drag mother. she did get into drag after growing up in the circus and it comes through in her performances in the best way possible
dinah lance is a judge on gotham drag race
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stillmumu · 6 months
Fellow Marcia enthusiasts pls pls drop some songs u think are Marcia coded !!!!! A bit desperate I would v much appreciate it<333
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khalanivegas · 1 year
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I’m happy for Sasha! She deserves it!
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kytrisz · 1 year
giving heads | Katya Zamolodchikova
| pairings. katya zamo x reader
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Both of you and Katya are currently in the bar where she's having her show. Since you are a supportive girlfriend you come along with her. And being her girlfriend comes with a lot of privileges that include spending your time lounging in the dressing room with her while she finishes her retouches. 
All of the queens performing are either on stage or at the bar, so you are the only one who's occupying the room.
"Don't open your mouth too wide дорогой, you'll drool," Katya smirks after catching you staring at her from the vanity mirror.
You immediately collected yourself and give her a rolled eye "More like puking." 
Katya gasps, she turns her head at you, and dramatically puts her hand to her chest "Excuse me bitch, this face that you want to puke at is loved by many!"
"Yeah, people who are mentally ill."
"Bitch, so you're now admitting you're sick as fuck huh? Never knew it would come to this." Katya turns her head and finishes her retouching.
You just stared at her for a moment "Yeah... probably I am. By the way, I have a question."
"Bring it on, babe."
"Are you... tuck?" You asked.
"Hmm, no I'm not, why?" She responds still busy with her makeup.
Hearing that an idea forms in your head, you let out a playful smirk before standing up from the couch and slowly making your way up to her.
"Oh, nothing just curious that's all."
Katya, who is oblivious to what you're up to, just nods at your answer. After the final retouch, she spun her chair to look at you. 
"Anyway дорогой, what do you want to eat for di— What are you doing?" She asks, catching you bend down the eye level of her crotch.
But instead of replying, you bend yourself even more.
Katya nervously flick her head to the dressing room that is half wide open, "People could come in (Y/N)—But who am I to deny?" She excitedly said, feeling the thrill and arousal rushing into her.
You let out a big grin when you saw her dick getting hard behind her clothes.
"Never knew you were in this kind of stuff дорогой, just be quick though I'll be up—"
"Here's your brush, you drop it earlier." You cut her off, a smile slowly forming in your place as you give her the fallen brush. 
Katya looks at you with her mouth wide open. And to add insult to injury, you give her an innocent kiss on her cheeks before turning around and walking back to the couch. 
But before you can take a seat, a hand forces you to spin around and push you to the couch, trapping you between it and her. 
Then you were greeted by an annoyed look from Katya, indicating she was not amused by what you did.
"Did you really think you could do that and get away with it without any consequence?" She growls, her eyes narrowed at you. Putting her hand on your neck and giving it a little squeeze.
She lowered her head and put it beside your ear, biting it roughly "Well that's where you're wrong, cause I'l—"
Knock Knock
"Katya, you're up next" a voice interrupted her outside the room. Katya let out a frustrated growl before pulling herself off you.
She took a quick look from the vanity and then made her way to the door. But before she leaves, she stops and turns her head to give you one last look and warning. "Don't even think we're finished 'cause it's only a preview дорогой. The main will be later tonight." 
Then she left. A wide smirk is painted on your face as you watch the figure fades away from your sight. You get excited about what will happen later. It may be a punishment, but either way, you still get what you want.
| дорогой : dear
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
inspiration weekend
tagged by @bigassbowlingballhead and @eusuntgratie - tysm to both of you
I have been doing “lots” of “research” for my fic (watching this week’s episode of RPDR and starting a rewatch of All Stars 7. Which. It’s a comfort season and I am making end-of-life decisions for my cat.)
Ahem. Some visual inspiration.
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Some music inspiration.
(Not my favorite of Mother’s music. But there is a reason for it. And I’m excited.)
no pressure tagging: anyone who is writing and needs an open tag. also @getmehighonmagic @magicandarchery @lostcol @sheisraging @bartbarthelme @kiranerysed @thissugarcane @wildlydone but only if you’re writing and if you want 🩵
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Something Old (Sashnetra pt 1/4)
Hi, I haven't published a fic since high school...so if this reaches you, feedback is more than welcomed :)
Read on ao3
Sasha Colby was proud of being a business owner in one of the most competitive industries in the country. Sure, she had no family of her own, no romantic partner, or even any pets, but her booming wedding planning business was all she ever needed in her life. Who had time for a personal life when she had her own business to run?
Sasha stared her business with wedding photography in her early twenties. Being kicked out of her family's house in Hawaii after coming out as a trans woman, she needed to find a way to make money and survive on her own. Couch surfing and working minimum wage could only get her so far. Luckily for her, her talents had paid for her transition, and eventually led her to opening up one of the fastest growing wedding planning businesses in LA. 'Colby's Cherished Celebrations' (or the CCC, as nicknamed by her assistant manager, Malaysia) has been built from the ground up and growing strong for five years, and Sasha couldn't be prouder of herself and her talented staff.
She and her team were all housed in an old office building in downtown LA, arranged on separate floors. On the first floor, had all of the bridal and bridesmaids dresses, on beautiful display. Her two lead dress consultants, Luxx and Mistress, helped brides, bridesmaids, and the occasional Prom goer, find the dresses of their dreams. Luxx and Mistress were excellent at balancing anxious brides trying on dresses, and putting rude family members in line during dress appointments.
Moving up to the second floor, held the business's floral arrangement department. Sasha met Aura and Robin when she photographed their wedding a few years before. The couple had started a flower shop in their garage, and after befriending Sasha, they had all decided to collaborate for several weddings afterwards. After a night of drinks to celebrate the successful wedding season that year, the couple moved their business from their garage and into the second floor.
And lastly on the third floor, sat Sasha's office, as well as the alterations department. Sasha was close friends with the lead seamstress, Loosey. Loosey had moved to LA from Connecticut around the same time as Sasha, and the two became fast friends after meeting at a Wedding Expo in Las Vegas. Sasha wouldn't admit it to the rest of her team, but she loved sharing the same floor as her friend. Herself and Loosey found themselves often in deep conversations during work hours, and kept each other company during the slower off-season as well.
Sasha started her day in her eloquently decorated office, getting to the CCC before any other employee. Her best photography work from Hawaii hung on the walls, against a deep purple paint on all four walls, making her office inviting for her clientele. She had her first cup of coffee finished already, and getting ready for the first consultation of the day. A knock on the old wooden door pulled her away from her thoughts, in which she automatically called out the the person to come in.
"You're first consult is in the lobby, the bride and her mom."
Malaysia, stepped in to the office, handing the intake file to Sasha.
"Great, anything I should know before I meet them?" Sasha flipped through the file, scanning through the bride's information.
Malaysia pursed her lips before speaking, "Her name is Anetra, and she and her groom are Mormons. They're from Las Vegas, and the groom is polyamorous, so she will be wife number 2."
Sasha looked up, trying to hide the surprise on her face. Sasha had worked with many brides and grooms over the years, but a Mormon with more than one wife is a first for her. In the file, it said that this bride was 20, and her planned bridal party consists of her future sister wife, and her younger sisters. Sasha shook off the any pre-conceived notions about what she read about Anetra and her groom, hoping that the her and her family won't be ultra-religious, bigoted, assholes during the planning process. Sasha glanced at the small trans flag in her pencil holder, and looked back to Malaysia and smiled.
"Okay, send them up here."
Malaysia nodded and left, and a few minutes later she heard a middle-aged woman's voice heading up the stairs in mid-conversation.
"...And that young man that drove the Uber over here, you know the one with the eye liner and nail polish. This town probably made him one of those gays too!"
Sasha made the split second decision and grabbed the trans flag out of the pencil holder and put it back upside-down, with the pink, blue, and white material hidden in the cup. She wasn't ashamed of being trans, just...needed to make a quick business decision, that's all.
In walked a shorter middle aged woman, who Sasha presumed was the voice she heard from the staircase. She had tanned skin, and long dark hair tied into a bun and carrying a large purse. Behind this woman, stepped in a younger brunette woman, who was a couple inches taller than Sasha. Her hair was tied in a plait that hung against her back, and her eyes remained downcast while trailing her mother and into one of the chairs in front of the desk. Sasha took notice of the woman's athletic build and the elongated features of her face.
Sasha began her usual spiel, explaining to the bride and her mother her team and the planning process, including pricing options and answered their questions. Anetra's mother did most of the talking to Sasha, while Anetra nodded along on occasion to stay engaged in the conversation. About half an hour into the appointment, the mother piped up, and asked politely "I need to use the ladie's room, where can I find that?"
"It's at the end of the hall, last door on the left." Sasha answered before the older woman stepped out of the office.
Usually Sasha and her clients don't have many awkward moments of silence. But with a bride this quiet and shy, she had to be the one to break the ice. "So...are you excited to get married?" she asked as she leaned closer to Anetra.
Anetra nodded, like she had been the majority of the appointment before she spoke "Yeah, my mom has been waiting for us to get engaged. I'm the oldest sibling and she's been waiting for a wedding since the day I turned 18."
"How did you meet him?"
Anetra looked up, and Sasha noticed her warm, brown eyes. "He's one of the leaders of our church, and he and his first wife have been looking for another wife in their marriage."
"Oh, well they seem lucky to have you in their relationship." Sasha said in a sincere tone. She had excellent small talk skills, especially talking to nervous brides.
The two were interrupted by Anetra's mother walking back in to the office, and they had continued with the rest of the consultation. Sasha put in her schedule book the next appointments, like dress fittings, alterations, cake tastings, and made referrals to her usual photographers, hair and makeup artists, and caterers. Sasha walked her clients out of the office and down the stairs, and into the lobby.
"Okay, I will see you two again next week for the first dress appointment!" Sasha smiled as she opened the front door, and all three said their goodbyes.
"Ten bucks says that they're part of a weird religious cult."
"Mistress!" Sasha spun on her heel, shooting a glare to her employee.
"What? She's got a point, why else would she be the second wife to a Mormon pastor?" Luxx pointed out. standing next to Mistress, tilting their head while crossing their arms.
"And what do you two know about cults?" Malaysia asked from the front desk across the lobby.
Sasha let out a soft cackle as she walked back upstairs. "Today is going to be a long day for us. Let's make some happy brides, girls!" She didn't know why, but Sasha couldn't stop thinking about the shy and reserved bride from that morning for the rest of the day.
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sexynetra · 2 months
Hiiiii may I humbly ask you to write a little planymphia excerpt for us? I love your writing and I love this pairing ❤️
Hi bestie I am way ahead of you I already have multiple planymphia things in the works I tried to stay away but I got converted into it 🤭 here’s just a tiny little intro I wrote in my mind on my drive home from work today
Jane didn’t believe in love at first sight. She didn’t believe in love at second sight either, or third. Honestly, love was never really on her radar. Until she met Nymphia, that is.
Nymphia shouldn’t have been anything special. She was just a girl, like all the rest. Another pretty girl for Jane to bring home from the bar and then never see again.
Sex wasn’t complicated. Hookups weren’t complicated. Jane enjoyed pretty women and they enjoyed her. But emotions were messy, and Jane didn’t do mess.
Nymphia was messy. Everything about her was chaos and impulsion wrapped up in a yellow-haired bow. Jane should have run when she still had the chance.
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bunihyo · 1 year
could you write a tiny oneshot of anetra and sasha where they’re on a school issued field trip (I see them as the teachers, though.) and accidentally lose one of the kids? panicked girlies running around with their heads off.
and they get distracted flirting 🥹 my silly girls I love them sm and I love you for suggesting this. kind of went off in a diff direction, but I hope you still enjoy it!! <3
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A dull ache in Anetra’s shoulder causes her to sigh, a thump in her chest.
It’s loud enough to catch the attention of her tired coworker, Sasha, who turns to face her. “You okay?” She speaks gently, walking up beside the younger woman who surveys children kicking around dodge balls with wide grins. Sasha’s hand falls to the dip in Anetra’s back, and this simple action makes her slightly jump. She turns to look slightly behind her and meet the eyes of Sasha. Laced with concern.
“What?” She sputters, face slightly flushing at the proximity. Sasha tilts her head, and Anetra suddenly recalls what she said. “Oh, sorry. Yes, I’m okay. Just some pain in my shoulder. From the game.” She manages to speak despite her coworkers hand still lingering on her back.
Sasha frowns. “Don’t push yourself into an early retirement, Neech.” She chuckled gently and managed to make the younger teacher crack a grin. “Take it easy. You don’t need to be running around with the kids twenty-four seven.”
“Don’t I though?” Anetra cocked her head to the side, a teasing grin overtaking her features. “I am the P.E teacher, after all.”
Sasha rolls her eyes. “That doesn’t mean you should be bending and rushing around the way you do. No human should be that flexible.”
“You haven’t seen flexible yet.” Anetra winks, quickly turning to look back at the kids as an embarrassed blush arises on her face. “Um, anyways. Tell that to contortionists, Sash. Trust me, I’m all good.”
Sasha, still recovering from Anetra’s comment, clears her throat and shakes her head. “Where does it hurt?” Anetra lazily raises her left shoulder, and Sasha moved to land her hand there- pressing into it. “Does it hurt when I do this?”
Anetra bits her lip and shakes her head. Sasha digs the pad of her thumb slightly lower and Anetra lets out a hiss. “Ah,” Sasha hums. “Gotcha.” She gently moved to cup Anetra’s shoulder and applies light pressure, messaging the area. Anetra sighs, she has to admit it feels— great.
“How’s it now?” Sasha questions, pulling away after a few lingering seconds.
Anetra rolls her shoulder, the pain is still there but only slightly and isn’t as prominent as before. She hums. “Great, actually. Thank you,” She breathes out. Sasha nods affirmatively and Anetra grabs her whistle. “I think it’s time we go, forty til lunch.”
Sasha nods and gently covers her ears as Anetra blows the device, then allowing it to drop back against her chest. “Okay ya’ll! Let’s take attendance and then go back for some lunch!” She calls. The kids drop their dodge balls and rush over, lining up in a messy and panting line. Anetra smiles softly at them, and Sasha swoons at the small gesture.
“Alrighty, Miss Colby if you could handle attendance?”
Sasha forces a nod and begins to list off names, each child raising their hands when present. “Good, good. Riley…Miles…Steph…Ryan?” She calls gently, filtering through the group of kids. “Riley is he still in the bathroom?”
The tiny girl shrugs and Sasha sighs, turning to Anetra. “I’ll be right back. He’s probably still in there.” Anetra gives her a nod, watching her rush off to the locker rooms, where the bathrooms were. Sasha gently hollers in for the small boy, receiving no response. “Ryan? Come on buddy, we gotta get home!”
“Is he in there?” Anetra calls. Sasha turns and shakes her head. “Where is he then?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we should check around for him.” Anetra pursed her lips as Sasha comes back over, a worried expression now on her face. “We can’t leave the kids alone though.”
Anetra sighs. “It’s okay, I’ll go look for him. He couldn’t have gone far. He’s what, five?”
“Yeah.” Sasha takes in a deep breath and sighs it out. “I’ll watch the kids.”
Anetra hums, turning and leaving the gymnasium. Sasha turns to the children and pushes her hands onto her hips. “Are you guys sure you haven’t seen where Ryan went?” Unanimously the kids all shake their heads. Sasha sighs and looks around quietly, awaiting Anetra’s return. But five minutes pass by, and the taller woman still isn’t back.
“Was Ryan kidnapped?” A small blonde girl questions, and Sasha shakes her head quickly.
“Of course not.” Sasha comforts, though her demeanor gives away that she’s entirely stressed out. She contemplates before turning to the kids. “Okay, guys. I’m gonna give you some extra time to play, okay? I’m just gonna go help Miss Anetra find Ryan.”
The kids all cheered, rushing to grab the dodge balls again. “Don’t leave!” Sasha coached, turning and rushing right toward the door. She knew she shouldn’t leave the children alone, but Anetra was taking far to long to find the actual missing one. She quickly fled the gymnasium and walked briskly down a long lit hallway, hissing out Ryan and Anetra’s names.
“Anetra? Where are you?” She questions, rushing around like a mad woman. Her head peaks into every room, never finding the girl however. Or the child, of course. “God, don’t tell me you got lost too.” She hisses to herself, trying to look everywhere.
Her search winds up leading her to nothing, and as genuine fear begins to set in, until she rounds the corner and finds the girl she’d been searching for— crouched and trying to comfort a small child. “Anetra! There you are,” Sasha breaths, rushing forward and catching the attention of Anetra.
“Sash? What’re you doing here? Who’s with the kids?”
“Never-mind that, what took you so long?” Sasha questions, eyeing the child near her. She catches sight of fresh tears on his face and instantly turns concerned, dropping to her knees in-front of him and placing two hands on his shoulders. “Ryan? Are you okay sweetie?”
“No one was playing with him in dodge ball,” Anetra speaks gently. “He felt left out.”
Sasha’s heart clutches in her chest, she frowns. “Awh love…” She whispers, bringing the small boy in for a hug. “Why didn’t you say anything? We would’ve played with you.”
The small kid in her arms sniffled and shrugged. “Please come to us next time,” Anetra coached. “We won’t let you be left out again.”
He nods solemnly and Sasha gently hoists him up. “Come on buddy,” She slightly grunts, getting him comfortable in her arms. “Let’s get you back to the others. It’s nearly lunch.”
She turns to Anetra who nods and joins her at her side, the pair beginning to walk. Silence falls between them as they quietly travel down the halls, twisting and turning to get back to the gymnasium. “I got worried,” Sasha breathes. “When you didn’t come back.”
“I’m sorry,” Anetra apologizes, looking forward. “I found him, and went to walkie back to you. But then I saw he was crying,” She shrugged. “I figured he needed help. I know— I should have called back to you first.”
“No,” Sasha shakes her head. “It’s nice. What you did.” She smiles down at the ground. “You’re a good person, Neech.”
Anetra’s heart, again, thumps in her chest. Though, this time she’s sure it’s not because of her shoulder pain.
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I love my little babies
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orionsstory · 22 days
that kind of devotion can't be ignored | Anarcia (5)
A/N: did not intend to drop this today but !! surprise! also happy birthday to my dog :) don't forget to check it out on ao3!
"So, long story short she broke up with me because I forgot to text her for like, 26 hours! That's not even that long!"
"Amethyst, that's like a whole ass day. It was also the 3rd time that week."
Amethyst rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at Robin. "So what! I said I was a bad texter! Everyone knows that!" She retorted, gathering the four mugs from the kitchen and carefully balancing them in her arms. She made her way to the living room, setting the mugs in front of the other three girls gathered in the living room.
"I don't know, I think I'm on Robin's side. If a girl didn't text me for 26 hours, I'd think she's ghosting me." Luxx added in, Amethyst rolling her eyes at the other girl dramatically.
"That's because you're on your phone all the time! Come on Marcia, you get what I'm saying, right?"
Marcia gave her a pity smile, sending the other two girls into a fit of laughter, Amethyst faked hurt as she dramatically collapsed onto the chair. "No one understands me!" She whined, "She still has my glitter pen...I miss it."
"You know, for someone whose job is to answer phones all day, you kind of suck at answering yours." Robin hummed, sipping on her drink. "But that was a month ago, you gotta move on girl. What about that bass player from Peacock's? Didn't you say she was hot?"
Robin worked as a designer alongside Luxx, the two first meeting when they interned for the brand together back in college. Her black curly hair was tied into a ponytail with two thin braids framing her face, dressed in a white, long-sleeve crop top and baggy cargo pants. Robin was the most put-together of the friend group, she was ambitious and knew what she wanted, something Marcia found very admirable about her.
"Yeah, she was hot, but she's fucking my ex, so like..." Amethyst shrugged in response.
Amethyst was another one of Luxx's coworkers, an aspiring popstar who worked as a secretary for the brand in the meantime. She and Robin had been friends since high school, so when Luxx and Robin bonded on their internships, the group of four seemed to naturally come together and have been inseparable since. Her curly blonde hair fell just past her shoulder, and her bright and eccentric Y2K style was evident from the apartment decor and her clothes- today, a bright orange sweater and a pair of cow print pants.
"That hasn't stopped you before." Luxx cut in, causing Amethyst to groan. "Seriously girl, you need to get laid."
"Oh please, you're one to talk." Amethyst retorted back, Luxx raising her eyebrow in confusion. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! Robin and I agree you and Irene need to get it over with and just hate fuck already! Like oh my god!"
Marcia watched as Luxx's face changed from one of confusion to one of disgust in a near instant. She almost choked on her drink from surprise. "WHAT? You can't be serious. Irene?" She looked between the two girls, her tone dripping with disgust. "Robin, you can't be serious. I'd expect this from Amy, but not you!"
Robin shrugged as Luxx's eyes bore into her, "I think it would help your relationship. You two argue all the time, and I, for one, would like some peace and quiet around the office." She turned away from Luxx, who was rendered speechless from shock, to address Marcia, "Marsh, how much have you heard about Irene?"
Marcia paused for a moment, recounting all the times she'd heard of Irene. "Well, now that you mention it, Luxx you do talk about her almost every day-"
"MARSHALL!" Luxx interrupted, "I'm hurt! We argue all the time because she's insufferable, she's always making these little comments to rile me up!" Luxx briefly paused before she continued, "Let me be clear. I would not fuck her if she were the last person on this Earth. If she offered me a million dollars I wouldn't." Luxx flipped her hair behind her, crossing her arms as she huffed. Marcia giggled, ignoring the glare Luxx sent her.
"She told me she teases you because she likes to get a rise out of you," Amethyst chimed in, "I told her the same thing I told you, and she might have rolled her eyes at me, but she didn't say no!"
Luxx rolled her eyes and sighed, "Whatever, it's not happening in ten million years. Why are we so focused on me all of a sudden? What about you Robin? You have any exciting escapades lately?"
"Well," Robin hummed, sipping her drink, "I've met a very nice woman. But we're taking it slow, some nice classy dates, I wanna give it some time before we make it official."
Amethyst rolled her eyes, "She's lying. She's fucking whipped for Aura."
Luxx and Marcia both ooohed at the name drop, looking back towards Robin.
"How do you know her name? And I am not whipped, that's such a lie."
"Well, I met her when I was in the kitchen having a snack, it was midnight and you kicked the poor girl out. The second time it happened, I thought I should at least know her name if this was going to be a regular occurrence. Plus, you were baking her cupcakes a few days ago- you're down bad for her, you can't lie to me!"
Robin blushed, "Oh. Well, maybe we weren't as sneaky as I thought..."
"Aura's great though," Amethyst continued, "super strong, by the way. Like I think she's a bodybuilder or something. I made her move my giant mirror, you guys know the one, so she gets a pass in my book."
Marcia smiled, "Well that's great Robin! I'm happy for you, she sounds super sweet! We'll have to meet her sometime, preferably when Amy isn't using her for manual labor."
"Yeah, she sounds great, but..." Luxx smirked, "I have to ask...is she better than Amethyst?"
Amethyst and Robin both groaned, drowning out Luxx's cackling. "Oh my god, we dated for like two weeks when we were 14!" Amethyst huffed, playfully swatting at Luxx. "You'll never let us live that down, are you? I should have never told you." Robin rolled her eyes, sighing.
"Oh, come on Luxx- we've all had questionable crushes before!" Marcia laughed, growing a bit more nervous when Luxx shot her a mischievous smile.
"Oh, like the one you have on your 'one true soulmate', Lotus?"
Marcia's face burned bright red as Amy and Robin whipped their attention towards her. There was only a moment of silence before the other girls began to bombard her with questions, Luxx laughing the entire time. The girls continued to bombard her with questions, which caused her to blush more, which only amped up their energy.
"Guys, guys! Give her a chance to speak! She can't tell you about this mystery woman if you guys keep bombarding her."
Marcia sighed with relief as the two backed off, looking at her expectantly. She composed herself before she spoke, "Well, Luxx is being dramatic...I didn't say she was my 'one true soulmate', but-"
"Marshall that is such bullshit, you literally burst through the apartment telling me you had found the love of your life."
Marcia's face grew red, followed by laughter from Amethyst and Robin. "Okay, maybe I did. In my defense, I had a lot of adrenaline! But anyways, Lotus is this local superhero, she's super strong and sweet...she's also really hot."
"So how'd you guys meet? Come on, spill!" Amethyst prompted, bouncing her leg in excitement.
Marcia recounted the story to the two girls in front of her, from her attempted kidnapping to Lotus (literally) sweeping her off of her feet. Robin leaned back in her chair, "So you don't know her identity?" Marcia shook her head, "No...not yet at least. But we didn't meet that long ago, so it doesn't feel too important right now." Robin nodded.
"So how do you even talk to her? Do you send up, like, the bat signal when you want to talk to her?" Amethyst asked, Marcia rolled her eyes and laughed. "No, no, it's nothing like that. I have to message her friend whenever I want to see her. And yes, I already stalked through her entire social media and haven't seen anyone that looks like her."
Amethyst hummed, "I don't know, I need to see her. Getting involved with a superhero can be dangerous, if you're putting your life on the line she better be smoking hot." Robin nodded along, "I agree, especially if she's the "love of your life"." Marcia groaned but obliged, scrolling through her phone to find the one decent picture she had of Lotus.
She passed it over to the girls, "So, this is from a few years ago, she looks a bit different...maybe I can take a photo with her." She suggested, watching in anticipation as Robin and Amethyst scanned the photo. Amethyst slowly nodded, "Alright...she's hot, I mean look at those muscles." Marcia blushed, "Well, I'm glad I have your approval. I think you guys would really like her."
"Just try not to get caught up in too much trouble, promise?"
"I promise, Robin."
A few days later, Marcia trudged into the apartment much like she had the past few days. Exhausted, she collapsed onto the couch. Luxx leaned over the couch, "Rough rehearsal?" Marcia groaned in reply, "Yeah...it was a really choreography-heavy rehearsal...my legs are so sore." Luxx hummed in understanding, "Well lucky for you, your best friend in the whole entire world made you pasta. So come on, get up!" She patted Marcia's shoulder, the blonde slowly rising.
Once they had sat down at the counter, Marcia recounted the trials and tribulations of her day to Luxx, who in turn did the same. "Have you seen Lotus recently?" Luxx casually threw in, making Marcia stop mid-pasta bite. She paused, her brain groggily trying to remember the last time she spoke to Lotus. "Oh god...no, I haven't spoken to her in like...a week. I've been so busy with rehearsal." Her mind raced- does Lotus think she doesn't like her anymore? She chided herself for her ignorance, burying her face in her hands.
"Why don't you just ask to meet her and explain what happened?" Luxx suggested, "I'm sure she'd understand. I mean, Broadway is a big deal after all." Marcia nodded, temporarily reassured. After she had cleared the dishes, she shot Sasha a text asking to meet with Lotus. By the time she was about to go to sleep, she still hadn't gotten a text back.
She lay surrounded by the darkness, staring up at the ceiling. What if Lotus hated her? Didn't want to see her anymore? She tossed and turned, trying to rid her mind of these thoughts. She huffed, trying to push the thoughts to the back of her mind. She knew she was worrying too much, Luxx would tell her as much- but she couldn't stop overthinking. Soon enough though, exhaustion took over and whisked her off to sleep.
The blaring of her alarm jolted Marcia out of her sleep, fumbling with her phone to turn it off. She tried to stifle a yawn as she looked at her notifications, one in particular sticking out to her.
'Sasha Colby: Lotus said she'll be there ;)'
She felt relief instantly flood through her body, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. With that, she could go about her day a little easier. She found her day seemed to pass by faster as she waited for that evening. Even rehearsal seemed to be a bit easier- although she still found herself exhausted after.
She soon found herself back at her apartment, fussing over her hair as she put the finishing touches on her outfit. She glanced at the clock, quickly shrugging on her jacket and lacing up her shoes as she headed for the door. She gave a quick goodbye to Luxx before heading out onto the bustling street.
Marcia arrived at their meeting spot, the building beside the alleyway she was almost kind of kidnapped in. She had mixed feelings about it, to say the least- they should probably meet somewhere else, but she pushed those thoughts to the side. She fiddled with her headband as she eagerly waited and watched for the girl.
"Hi, doll."
Marcia jumped as Lotus' voice appeared behind her, "Why do you always do that?! Gosh, you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days!" Lotus laughed as Marcia pouted at her, "I'm serious!"
"Oh c'mon, don't make that face! I think it's only fair considering you've been ignoring me." Lotus teased, leaning against the wall. 
Marcia flushed, "I'm sorry about that- I've been so busy with rehearsals, I just lost track of time. I swear I meant to talk to you earlier."
"Don't apologize, I figured it was something like that. I just wanted to tease you, you're cute when you're flustered."
Marcia felt her face go red as she struggled to form a reply, all while Lotus giggled at her reaction. Lotus spoke up instead, "Why don't you tell me all about rehearsals? You're doing that one show, the one about the blonde girl, right? Is it Mean Girls?"
"Legally Blonde, but you were close! Are you sure you don't mind? I can go kind of," Marcia paused, "well, kind of overboard when it comes to theatre."
"No, I don't mind at all! I want to hear about the things you're passionate about."
Marcia couldn't hide the smile creeping onto her face as she launched into the show's details- how rehearsal was going, trying on costumes, and the dreaded upcoming tech week. Lotus sat intently listening the whole time, nodding her head along and smiling at Marcia's grand gestures. She was talking about the new blocking they had received for the next number when Lotus interrupted.
"Wait, why do you have to learn two versions?"
"Because I'm Elle's, the lead, understudy. I basically have to learn her choreography and the ensembles just in case our Elle can't go on."
Lotus was silent for a moment, processing what Marcia had just told her.
"So you have to like...learn double of everything?"
Marcia nodded.
"That's fucking impressive. Seriously, I mean...wow."
Marcia beamed brightly at the compliment, "Thanks! You should come see the show, uh, if you want to that is."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, doll."
The butterflies in her stomach erupted, leaving her speechless and her face bright red. Lotus smirked at her state, which Marcia rolled her eyes at.
"Oh!" Lotus gasped as if she just remembered something, "I want to show you something. Um, if you want to. You don't have to, I get it-"
"Are you kidding? I'd love to!"
Lotus grinned and lifted Marcia into her arms before taking off into the sky. She wrapped her arms around Lotus' neck, cheering as they took off through the sky. They weren't in the sky for long, as they touched down on top of the Manhattan bridge. Lotus held Marcia steady as she set her feet down, laughing nervously at the height.
The wind whipped her hair as she looked down, the cars looking like tiny dots passing below them. She clutched onto Lotus without even thinking about it, who wrapped her arm around her waist.
"This...this is pretty cool." Marcia exhaled, laughing again in disbelief.
"That's not even the best part- look."
Lotus guided Marcia's face with her hand to look towards the sky- a beautiful pink and orange as the sun began to set. Marcia's eyes shone as she took it all in, gasping at its beauty. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had seen a sunset, or at least one with such a beautiful view like this.
They stood there, together, until the sun had set and the sky was purple.
"Pretty cool, right?"
Marcia nodded, "You know how to impress a girl."
Lotus smirked, very proud of herself. "I used to hang out here and watch the sunset all the time before my shifts. Gave me time to clear my head and focus on the positive. I'm glad I got to share it with you."
Marcia softened, leaning closer into Lotus. "I'm glad you did too."
Lotus rested her head on top of Marcia's, staying like that for a minute before she spoke again.
"I should get you back, I have to go on patrol soon..."
"Do you have to?"
"Unfortunately, yes. Quit pouting, you're gonna make me feel worse!" She laughed, playfully squeezing Marcia who giggled in return.
"Wait! We should take a photo to remember this!" She suggested, eagerly pulling out her phone.
"You're just trying to rope me into spending more time with you!" Lotus teased, yet she still leaned into Marcia and posed for the photo, throwing up a pair of bunny ears behind Marcia's hair.
The camera flashed, capturing this small moment in time. Marcia sighed as she took in the tranquility of it all. She wished the moment could last forever, just the two of them. But it couldn't, not for the moment anyway.
"Will you bring me back sometime?"
"I will. I promise."
Marcia drifted off to sleep that night thinking of the bridge, the sunset, and Lotus. She felt like she was on cloud nine, the photo they had taken now set as her home screen. Luxx teased her for it and called her a sap, and maybe she was, but it made her heart flutter every time she looked at it. She felt on top of the world as she fell asleep that night.
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tankthrusting · 20 days
Trixya fanfic | F/F | Mature
wrote a trixie and katya fic, part 1 has been posted today, part 2 in the works. check it out :33 !!!!
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luckyluan · 1 month
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“Kids okay?” Maxim asked. 
“Yeah,” Antwan remarked. “They caught a fuckin’ leprechaun.” 
Maxim’s shoulders bounced up and down with his shaking laughter. He dabbed at his eyes as a few tears dropped onto the steering wheel. 
“Gotta love Berry.” he snickered. “She say anything else? Any intel?” 
“Nah, Let’s fine Berry.” 
The Sharpes split up. Antwan, once again, hopped down out of the Bronco and melted into the bustling crowd. Maxim came to life. He climbed down out of the rickety SUV and walked up the street toward a posh boutique. The graphic storefront was covered in luscious ivy and twinkling lights. Its display windows held silver male mannequins and wore, what Maxim guessed, were the latest fashions. He ducked inside. 
A retail associate with a friendly smile greeted him. Their asymmetrical blonde sliced across their high, tan cheekbones and their pursed lips were slathered in pink gloss. Their facial hair—eyebrows and goatee—were almost invisible in their blonde hues. 
“Hi,” Maxim started. “I’m in a hurry. I have an account under Conrad Darbonne. I also have a standing appointment.” 
The associate brightened and their bob swung gayly when they gesticulated. 
“Oh, it’s always nice to meet an associate of Mr. Darbonne. I’m Amour. Right this way.” 
Maxim followed Amour and they swished to the back of the store. Amour pulled back a black velvet curtain and motioned him inside. Maxim thanked Amour and dipped behind the curtain. Amour pulled the veiled entryway closed behind him. 
“Falcon.” called a friendly voice. 
“Osprey.” Maxim exclaimed. “Good to see you, bro.” 
A warm sensation blossomed in his chest when he heard his codename. It felt good. He enveloped Osprey in a tight embrace, and they clapped each other’s shoulder thrice. 
“What’s going on, brother?” Osprey asked. 
“A lot, man. That job I did is back to haunt me and...” 
He hesitated. The Sharpes kept their family private per Berry’s instructions and she was quite clear about keeping the loop small, but Maxim and Osprey were familiar. He took a deep breath and told his truth. 
“...my family is in danger.” 
“Huh. I never thought I’d see the day the Great Falcon settled down. Who is the lucky lady?” 
“His name is unimportant.” Maxim corrected. 
“Ah, the rumors are true.” Osprey teased. 
“Yeah, I killed an Eternal.” 
Maxim pressed his back against the wall and Osprey’s smile widened. He sat with his legs crossed and his hands folded neatly in his lap. His black suit was a tailor’s magnum opus and his voluminous handkerchief spooled from his suitcoat pocket in the shape of an overgrown flower. Osprey looked at him over his black, thick framed glasses with a mischievous gleam in his brown eyes. 
“What do you need?” Osprey asked. 
“A disguise.” Maxim said. 
“Anything else?” Osprey asked. 
“And a shower.” Maxim added. 
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