#ET: The Long Goodbye Part 2
inevitablemoment · 1 year
June of Doom 2023: Day 30
Word Count: 584
Warnings: Post-traumatic stress disorder, past buried alive, captivity, claustrophobia, panic attacks, brief mention of post-partum depression
Fandom: Murdoch Mysteries
Pairings: William Murdoch x Julia Ogden
I know that I dropped the ball with all of the other prompts, but when I saw what Day 30 it, it fit so perfectly with what I had in mind for this little snippet that I came up with after watching the Season 16 finale of Murdoch Mysteries.
The last thing that Julia Ogden remembered as she awoke with a gasp was this shock going through her very core, like she had been struck with a bolt of lightning.
No... she could still remembering the voice of Mathilda Crisp threatening her and William... and possibly Susannah.
An entire crime orchestrated-- a man's death fabricated.
And... Mathilda and her father needed her and William for... for something.
Julia's head whipped towards William-- he seemed to have been awake for quite some time before her.
"Where are we?" she asked.
"I don't know," William answered in a shaky voice-- something that she hadn't heard since Frank Rhodes had poisoned him.
The first thing that Julia noticed about where they were was that it was small. Wooden.
Like a coffin.
She thought that she could feel it jerk the both of them around.
"Are we moving?"
Julia moved to her feet on her trembling legs.
Memories of darkness and burning lungs hit her like she was kicked in the chest.
 No... no, this can't be happening again! Please, God, don't let this happen again!
Julia couldn't stop herself from beginning to scream and pounding at the walls enclosing her and her husband. "HELP! HELP!"
Strong, callused hands carefully grasped her forearm. Her chest, already tight as a drum, clenched further into her heart with fear before she heard a familiar voice.
The voice of someone that, in the span of a few seconds, she had forgotten was there.
"Julia," William gently urged as she turned to face him. "Save your strength. My guess is whoever put us in here doesn't care much to help us."
Her lungs were burning and her heart was racing against her chest even as it pressed against it like a mechanical vise. Her stomach was churning violently, like choppy sea waters during a violent storm.
Her eyes began to burn as well, as she thought of Susannah...
She wasn't even a year old yet...
"Will-- William..." she choked out. "I-- I can't breathe..."
She knew what this was.
It had happened to her before, all throughout her life. But it hadn't been until she was treating a patient for postpartum depression that she realized that she wasn't the only one.
It didn't help her feel like any less of a burden for it.
"Julia... Julia, I need you to look at me..."
She looked back up into his face.
It was amazing how much time had passed, she thought in an attempt to try to distract herself.
Sixteen years, eight of them married.
She looked into his soft, amber brown eyes, noticing the slight wrinkles around them that again reminded her of the passage of time.
"Just take a breath?" he instructed. "Just breathe..."
Julia took a deep inhale through her nose, exhaling through her mouth.
"Good... again..."
She repeated William's instructions, beginning to feel her heartbeat slowing back down. Her chest still felt tight and her stomach was still churning. As the tears that formed in her eyes finally escaped down her face, she thought that she could feel the circles forming under her eyes as she leaned against William.
His strong arms wrapped around her waist, rubbing her back soothingly with one hand and the other reaching up to stroke her hair.
"We'll figure out how to escape," he promised. "And we'll get back to Susannah."
Julia took another deep breath. "I... I hope."
No, she amended in her mind. We will.
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magics-neptunes-things · 11 months
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Hi guys!
After the last one, I needed another with fluff and easy love, so this just come from my imagination. I hope you will like it ♥
Resume : Motherhood is hard, especially when your better half is in training camp far from you.
TW : Little Angst, but fluff :)
Alexia and you met when she was going through one of the worst moments of her life. It was when the footballer made her ACL. For your part, you had graduated as a physiotherapist a few years ago and were looking for a new challenge. When you heard that FC Barcelona were looking for a new physio, you didn’t hesitate to apply. It was hard, but by some miracle, you got the job. The managers didn’t tell you that the job was for the women’s team, but it suited you even better.
A month after you arrived at your post, Alexia began to follow her treatment after her operation. You’ve been assigned as Miss Putellas' special physiotherapist, probably a bit of a probation. You’ve been warned that she might be difficult to handle, her injury having affected her otherwise than physically.
And it was true, in the first few sessions, she barely spoke. She was polite, said hello, thank you, and goodbye. For your part, you remained calm while being empathetic. As you were told, she seemed even more troubled psychologically than physically and you could feel her pain. So you searched about her favorite songs and you made a playlist for her during your massages or during her exercises.
Over time your relationships relaxed and you found yourself eagerly waiting for the time of day when you would have to take care of Alexia. You obviously noticed her beauty and the aura that reigned around her. A friendship and mutual trust was quickly created between you two and she gradually confided to you. On trivial things at first, before your discussions become deeper.
She told you about her father, her family, her fear of not being able to play again and the difficulties she was experiencing with the Spanish Federation. You were shocked to learn what was happening and immediately felt angry. And the first feeling you had was a vital desire to protect Alexia from all this. And the other girls you’re playing with at FC Barcelona as well of course, since you’re the one who plays nurses on the bench at all their matches. But Alexia was coming first.
The first time Alexia could start running on a machine now, you could have cried of joy and relief. She was recovering well, even faster than the best prognosis. And seeing such a sincere smile come back on her face was something really comforting for you. The embrace you exchanged that day gave you chills you still remember.
The day she returned to the team for her first training on the pitch, you were there too, but in the back. Her friends/teammates welcomed her with big smiles and hugs, but at the end of the training she came to you. She once again took you in her arms and whispered a thank you in your ear. No need for long speeches, you knew perfectly well how much this word meant to her.
While you expected this to signal a new distance between the two of you, Alexia surprised you by asking if you were free the same evening to go for a drink. It surprised you, Alexia having the habit of not changing her schedule meal, back to school or bedtime. But when she stuttered "For like, you know, a d- a date?" you couldn't say no.
The rest is history and here you are years later in an healthy, loving et happy relationship. You even got engaged last Christmas.
Alexia always wanted to start a family and your heart melt every time she was interacting with a baby or child. On your second date, she asked you if you wanted children, testifying to the importance she already attached to a future family life between you two. You answered positively, because yes, you wanted to have children and with Alexia would be amazing.
So, a month ago, you welcomed into your lives Santana Eli Putellas. A perfect photocopy of Alexia, even if you were the one pregnant. Thanks to modern methods, you were able to transfer her egg into your body. It was much easier for Alexia’s career, even though she was more attentive to you than ever.
The same eyes, the same mouth, the same hair, the same face, the same look. Even Eli couldn’t figure out which of the two photos was Alexia and Santana when faced with this plot. It’s almost disturbing, but the idea of having created a second perfection in this world suits you perfectly.
Except that even perfection has its difficulties and you realize it more than ever today. For some reason, Santana hasn’t stopped crying since her afternoon nap. Despite her clean diaper, her full stomach, her usual afternoon stroll or her favorite nursery rhymes, you were unable to calm her down. So much so that you couldn’t even answer Alexia’s messages, who went to training camps for the national team.
Even if this camp is held in Barcelona, the team lives in a hotel for a few days, before flying to Canada for their first match. Your lack of answer probably explains why you find yourself having to answer a call from your fiancée after 9pm. You hesitate before answering, your physical state must be scary and Santana is always sobbing on your shoulder. But knowing Alexia’s protective lioness instinct, you’d rather not worry her any longer.
"Hola mi Amor" you try a smile when a frowning Alexia appears on the screen.
"What happened? Why didn't you answer to my text? I was beginning to believe that something serious had happened to you"
"Don't worry, we are fine"
You were still rocking Santana on your shoulder, putting your phone on the counter of your kitchen. After bathing her, you put on her pajamas in the colors of FC Barcelona and she is currently digesting her second bottle of the evening. Whereas normally she takes only one before falling asleep to wake up at midnight and then around 6 am. This baby is really perfect. Except that today something seems wrong.
"Are you sure? You look exausted mi vida"
The concern on Alexia's face is deep and you don't want to worry her. You don't want her to believe that you can't take care of your daughter for a day either. Alexia only left this morning after all.
"We are fine Ale, I pr-"
"Does the best goddaughter in the world make her Mama miserable?"
Mapi’s face suddenly sticks to Alexia's, certainly so that she can also have a glimpse of Santana. Choosing Mapi as godmother was the best idea, the tattooed one being the most adorable with Santana. A chaotic godmother certainly, but you know perfectly well that she too would be ready to take out her claws to defend Santana if necessary.
"Kind of, but everything is under control" you laugh, before realizing that she wasn't listening to you at all, cooing sweat words to Santana. "Did I suddenly become invisible?"
"Not for me" Alexia answer with tenderness in her voice. "I miss you both of you so much, I don't know how I will survive two weeks so far away"
"You will be perfect, as always mi Amor"
She smiles at you, Mapi having a side conversation with your daughter, and you see the concern coming back.
"Can you promise me that you are fine?"
You bite your lip and sight. It was not fair of her to play the sincerity card. She knows that you can't lie to her, even when you want to make her surprise, you have to ask the help of someone.
"Look, she's just having a bad day that's all. Tomorrow will be better."
Alexia opened her mouth to speak and most certainly contradict you, but noise next to her announces the arrival of other people. You smile when you see Ona and Ingrid appear on the screen, Mapi pulling the sleeve of the Norwegian to almost stick her face to the screen ("Look at her, how is she so cute?").
You greet them friendly and discuss with them a few more moments before feeling that Santana starts to agitate again. Before Alexia can see how bad, you tell them you’re going to put her to bed. After promising Alexia to write to her as soon as Santana sleeps, you hang up and gently lift your daughter to put her face up to yours.
"Now that you’ve heard Mama and your Godmother, maybe we can get some rest yeah?"
After a final diaper check, you enter your daughter’s room and sit on her rocking chair. His blanket between you two, a little melody and a lull, it should go well and quickly.
An hour and a half later, you must realize you’re not. Santana continues to struggle with sleep and has begun to cry again. Seeing her like this ended up making you cry. After walking around your house trying to put her to sleep, you went back to her room. You don’t know what to do anymore.
You were thinking about calling Eli or your mother for help when you hear noise on the ground floor. Which shouldn’t happen, since you’re alone in the house with Santana. You listen despite the cries of your daughter and your hear footsteps, making you shiver. Holding your daughter close to your heart, you rush to the kitchen to grab a knife. Putting Santana safely in her crib might have been smarter, but you can’t bring yourself to leave her alone while a danger lurks in the house. The baby stopped crying, like if she understood that something bad is happening.
The noises of footsteps approach the kitchen and panic fades to give way to a cold determination. You have to protect your daughter no matter what. Sticking your back in the fridge, you raise the knife you hold in your hand, ready to hit the figure that enters the room. But...
"Wow! It’s me Baby! It’s me!"
With both hands in the air, Alexia looks at you with wide eyes less than a meter from you.
"Alexia? Wha- what are you doing here?"
"You weren't answering my text again and I... Can you put this knife down please?"
"Oh... Yes, sorry."
You were shaking. The sound of metal that the knife makes when you put it on the marble of the worktop resonates in the room.
"I was too concerned to leave you both alone."
Alexia confesses with almost shyness, certainly fearing that you would take this information badly. You could have, a few hours before. Exhausted from this day, you carefully avoid your girlfriend’s gaze.
"I’m so sorry I scared you. Can I have her?"
Santana started to squirm in your arms and cry again and you gently reach her to Alexia. With a natural ability, the blonde forms a small nest with her arms to accommodate the little body of your daughter. She calms down almost instantly and only then do you realize you have tears in your eyes. After admiring Santana for a few moments, Alexia looks up at you and notices it too.
"Come here" she says, extending her free arm to you.
You cuddle against her, hiding your face in her neck. Her arm squeeze you thigh against her. Her smell helps you to relax and you mumble against her skin.
"I don’t understand what I did wrong today"
"Probably nothing mi Vida. Just like you said, she's just having a bad day. Let me take care of her and go take a hot shower and put on comfortable pajamas, alright?"
You hesitate for a few moments, but Alexia kisses you tenderly before gently pushing you towards your bathroom. You end up obeying, enjoying feeling your muscles relax under the hot water. When you get out, the condensation masked the mirror above the sink. After putting on Alexia’s shorts and t-shirt, you go looking for her in the calm of your home.
She delicately closes the door of Santana’s room when you appear in the corridor.
"Is she asleep?" you ask, incredulous.
Alexia answers with a simple smile and a nod, before taking you into the living room.
"How did you do it?"
"As usual"
Alexia shrugs while smiling and you sighs. That’s what you did, but you are still convinced that Santana simply miss Alexia. You’d rather not say it out loud, though, fearing it would prevent Alexia from focusing on her professional obligations.
"When do you have to go back?"
You try not to pout by asking her the question. It was the deal anyway, you knew very well what could happen when you decided to have a child.
"Not tonight, I informed the coach. I have to be in training tomorrow morning anyway."
The information makes you much too happy, you who promised not to prevent Alexia from following her professional ambitions. But you cannot hide your smile and you stick against her again, in search of affection and tenderness. Accepting your request, Alexia tightens her two arms around you, allowing you to feel perfectly safe.
You stay here for a while, simply taking advantage of the other’s presence. Alexia’s hands play with the tip of your hair while yours fondle her lower back tenderly.
"Did you eat?" you ask her after a few moments.
"No. What about you?"
You pout and Alexia doesn’t need any other words to answer. You just haven’t had time to swallow anything since your breakfast shared with the pretty blonde.
"Let me cook you something. It’s your turn to go put on your pajamas"
You let go of her arms and put a tender kiss on her lips, happy to have her with you when it was absolutely not planned. A few minutes later, you find yourself cooking a fideua, Alexia’s favorite.
Lost in your thoughts, still exhausted from this day, you don't hear Alexia’s steps coming in your direction. You’re too tired to jump when you feel her arms go around your waist, her lips kiss behind your ear making you smile.
"It smells very good mi Vida"
"That’s good because it’s ready"
You tiptoed to grab two plates, paying particular attention not to make too much noise to avoid waking Santana.
"Why don’t we sit on the couch and watch the television?"
Alexia’s proposal surprises you, but you willingly accept. You sit on the couch, letting Alexia settle against you this time. After all, she too is probably tired from her training. Seeing her eat your dish with enthusiasm makes you happy and you find yourself admiring it rather than feeding yourself.
"You're starring"
Alexia smiles and glances at you, making you smile back.
"Perhaps, but it's certainly by admiring you as soon as I have the opportunity that I was able to clone you" you joke softly.
Alexia laughs and puts her plate and cutlery on the coffee table, as you did a few minutes before her. She turns around abruptly before throwing herself into your arms, making you fall over on the couch. Seeing her so spontaneous with you while she tends to constantly master her image makes you melt. And when she puts dozens of kisses all over your face, you can’t help but giggle.
"I guess today’s not the day to tell you I want a big family?"
Her mischievous smile makes you roll your eyes.
"We’ll talk about it in like two years, if you don’t mind."
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(Red songs are ones I feel fit the best, some song are more vibes than anything.)
So I went through every single song I’ve ever downloaded (It’s A LOT, like, it’s a playlist over 30 hours long.) and grabbed all the ones I maladaptive daydream Wukong and/or Macaque to. So, without further ado, I present:
💞✨An Overly Long Wukong/Macaque “Playlist”✨💞
People Eater and Misery Meat by Sodikken
Sober by FIDLAR (makes me think of a v angsty shadowpeach fic from SWK’s POV)
Rät by Penelope Scott
Scrawny by Wallows
Nowhere To Run by Stegosaurus Rex
I’m Gonna Win by Rob Cantor
Poor George by James Supercave
Candle Queen by GHOST
Copycat by VocaCircus
Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish
Can’t Be Erased by Coda
Ghosts by Jacob Tillberg
Maniac by Conan Gray
Snowcone by Rei Ami
OH NO! and Are You Satisfied by Marina & The Diamonds
Good Enough by Atsuover
Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Bird Song by Florence + The Machine
Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
Saint Bernard by Lincoln
I Can’t Decide by Scissor Sisters
Ghosting, Wrecking Ball, Hayloft (+ Hayloft II), Arms Tonite (YES IK WHAT ITS ACTUALLY ABT SHUP UP😭), and Problems by Mother Mother
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
Violent by Carolesdaughter
Troublemaker by Olly Murs
Sweet Tooth and Devil Town by Cavetown
Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose
Cupid’s Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes
Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny
I Can’t Fix You by The Living Tombstone
Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
Applause by Lady Gaga
She Wants Me Dead by Cazette
Backstabber by Kesha
Hell’s Comin’ With Me by Poor Mans Poison
Paparazzi Murder Party by Vain
‘Cause I’m A Liar by Mcki Robyns-P
Everything Stays by Adventure Time
I / Me / Myself by Will Wood (Idk y, it just feels so wholesome shadowpeach-y 2 me)
Worst Case Scenario and Goodbye MR A by The Hoosiers
Anything You Want by JAWNY
Stalkers Tango by Autoheart (listen… listen man… just think abt it)
Bad Day by Darwin Deez
Fuck You by Lily Allen (bitter exes💀)
True Love FT. Lily Allen by P!nk
Feels by Calvin Harris
Change The Formality by Infected Mushroom
I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
Villain by Stella Jang
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Ghost Busters (bcz I think it’s fun E, just imagine SWK & others like ‘who ya gonna call’ & 6EM is the ghost)
Pride X New Magic (I MEAN C’MON “Loves gonna get you killed, but prides gonna be the death of you.” IDBSIXGSINSEIH, the edit audio ever)
Sucker By Jonas Brothers
Bloody Nose and Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte (this song has the vibes that just scream the past tragedy part of their relationship 2 me, idk how 2 explain it)
Passing Through by Kaden MacKay
Karma by AJR
One Way Or Another by Blondie
These Boots Are Made For Walking by Nancy Sinatra
Bad Idea! by Girl In Red
Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Them Changes by Thundercat (same reason as the Jack Conte songs tbh, but it’s more the present tragedy part)
C’est toi qu’elle préfère by Alice et Moi
Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
Jesus On The Telephone by Machinery Of The Human Heart
Too Close and Michelle by Sir Chloe
Another Believer by Rufus Wainwright
Dancin Closer To The Edge by JOHNNH GOTH
Julie VS. Robot Julie by Arthur
She Wolf by Shakira
I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire by The Ink Spots
Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi
Run, Rabbit, Run! by Flanagan & Allen
Youth by Daughter
Stay Calm by BonBun Films
Exorcism FT. Cyber Diva by Creep-P
Step On Me by The Cardigans
Girl Anachronism by The Dresden Dolls
I’m Not The Only One by Sam Smith (it’s prolly just me tbh)
Shit by Bo Burnham
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
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Imagine you are a peasant who happens to save Darth Vader after his meeting with Ahsoka left him unconscious—and you have no idea who this man is. Part I.
Warnings: drama, unburnt Vader, angst—but fluffy endings as always, naturally.
Warnings 2: not recommended for minors or those who are sensitive to the themes aforementioned.
Warnings 3: slightly/loosely inspired in “La Belle et la Bête” (the one with Léa Seydoux).
Warnings 4: references to the “Rebels”, final episode season 2.
Recommendations: “This Love” by Taylor Swift; “These Days” by Foo Fighters.
You are a daughter of a local merchant who is widely respected by the village that is located somewhere at the planet Y/C. You have two oldest brothers, being the youngest and only girl of the family.
You love reading. Books are a great passion of yours and your father, though he is not a man of great possessions, doubles his efforts in gifting you these seeing as precious as they are to him.
You delight in your father, he is your only family you have: your mother died in childbirth so you never met her. You are very attached to your family, devouting yourself to him. However, these are days of wars. You already lost one brother to the clonic wars and now that the Empire is rising again, another joins it.
It is you and your father until he is summoned to make a long journey to a far away part of the planet. So he leaves you instructions to take care of the household in your absence.
“If anything the neighbors will look after you”.
Back then, you are no more than six and ten summers of age. Despite your fears, you are eager to prove him you are as fierce and brave as your brothers.
“You will be proud of me, papa”, you tell him. “I will be able to take care of myself.”
He smiles at you, though uncertainty lies in his eyes. To leave a damsel such as yourself behind… it does cost him a great deal. But encouraged by you, the older man eventually aquiesces.
“I promise you, my dear, that I will come back as soon as I can.”
He assures you, placing a kiss over your temple. You say goodbye to each other, but as you wave, wishing him luck, you are struck with a bad feeling that he is never to return again.
Ten years later.
Empire rises and, as result, violence emerges. Yet, though you despise it, you learn to live in the shadows, far from getting in the sight of the stormtroopers. These are the men who serve Emperor Palpatine and are always present in your life, ensuring there are no rebellions against his power.
You know very little about it, though you do wonder about your father’s whereabouts. Where did he go? Why hasn’t he sent you any letter? The first years were moved by anxiety, with you trying to do all you could to find about him. But now you accept he is gone.
As you carry on with your life, you start teaching local younglings all the whilst you dismiss potential suitors. A young woman such as yourself should not live by yourself, you are often told. You smile and often are agreeable, but you bow to no one.
Such has been the quietitude you surround your life with: living on your own, reading books, teaching in order to pay your bills, making charities… Until one day your life turns an upside down. Not too far from where you are, an explosion is heard.
You, who often preferrers to be far from trouble, are somehow attracted to it.
“Miss Y/N! What you are doing? That tower over there was under attack of the Sith.”
You have read very little about Sith or Jedi, but you don’t care. What do you have to lose? Instead you smile and dismiss the concerns of others.
“It’s fine, Mr H/N. I am just checking if someone is hurt. The explosion might have hurt people there. I am not taking very long, I promise you.”
And that is how you don’t come back to people’s eyes again.
Lord Vader is unconscious, almost engulfed by flames that resulted from his conflict with Ahsoka. His former Padawan, the one whom he trained and was attached to… Seems to overcome him little by little. She is now his equal in many ways, as if they are two sides of the same coin.
“Vengeance is not the Jedi way.”
“I am no Jedi”.
And here he is. Defeated is not the right word for his situation, though when Lord Vader starts to open his eyes, he removes his broken helmet instantly. He coughs, weakened by the smoke, desperately trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck”, he curses under his breath, his curls dropping over his face as he tries to stand. “Fuck!”
Fire starts to spread in a clear point of explosion. The Sith Lord, however in pain he might be, manages to leave the destruction spot he’d been engulfed after a long battle with Ahsoka.
To stand amidst the ashes requests more than abusing of his physical force, which is limited…far more than he likes to admit, restraining it to scarce moves, is a task no broken pride bends to it willingly.
Yet, he rises. But at what cost? What did he lose? His mind is purged by its demons and his soul is tormented by an endless path of suffering. Accostumed to it, though, Lord Vader clenches his jaw as he slowly escape through the flames that seem to refuse to let go of its prey.
He coughs. Will the simply smoke wipe out the existence of the great Darth Vader? The mere idea makes him snort…and it costs his stability. He grows weaker and his eyes are blurred. The more effort he puts in it, the harder it gets for him.
Death does not seem to be so welcoming now. Not when the demons seem close to stretch their claws to grip his soul. It is only fair they do, so he thinks to himself.
His pride, however, accuses him of weakness: is he going to let it go this easily? Is he accepting the flames under the excuse to purge his sins?
His mind begins to get unclear. Words are dissociate of his own control. No more than being the phantom of a great Jedi, the existence of this great villain seems to cease to exist.
And his last words are:
“Forgive me, Padmé.”
But when he collapses, he does not so into the ground, rather so in somebody else’s arms. And his eyes finally close before making this last assumption: perhaps his late wife finally came for his rescue.
You are baffled by how you are able to carry a taller and heavier man in your arms to some nearby abandoned castle. It does exhaust you, though, but you are amazed by how you managed to carry him somewhere safe. And far more so to see how this castle is completely left to dust.
“Well, looks like I have a lot to do here”, you sigh in content. Your years in solitude have been boring to say the least and here’s an opportunity to make yourself useful.
You start cleaning the quarters where the unconscious man is going to stay. You do so rather quickly, removing the dust of it and making his bed proper to sleep. As you leave him there, you go to your own household and fetch your cleaning things—besides new pillows, blankets—before going back and assuring this castle is back to life.
It is rather a heavier task you take to yourself, one of that kind that involves dealing with neighbors who want to meddle in your business; a lot of dust, and looking after this mysterious man.
And as you do, you are at first starstruck by the sand shade that colors his curls, the scar above his left eye—as well as other scars in his chest when you helped him change his clothes for more comfortable ones that you got from your elder brothers—, the strength of his physique… all of which makes you blush.
It is when he notices your long gaze, the contemplation coming from your messy thoughts—who is this stranger?; how come did he stop by in the midst of destruction places?; what brought him there; how handsome he is, almost an angel…—which makes him open his eyes wide and hold your wrist with quite some intensity that makes you scream.
“By the Maker!”
“Who the fuck are you?”, he inquires you impatiently. As he stands, you realize how tall this stranger is, which makes you pale—specially when realizing his eyes are yellow. “Where am I? What are you doing to me?! Answer me!”
“S-Sir! I am not someone important! Please, Sir. I… I am just helping you! I took you out of the ashes and…”
Vader narrows his eyes as he reads into your thoughts. He is tempted to suffocate you: he does wrap his hand around your neck, but when pulling you closer, he discovers everything about you.
Yet, for some reason unbeknownst to him, his eyes scan your y/c eyes, your y/c skin, your y/c hair, eyeing up and down the simple gown you dress. You detest to feel the heat that paints your cheeks, but to his surprise you don’t run from his intent gaze.
“Very well, Y/N.” He lets go of you and when feeling exhaustion taking over you, he is surprised—so are you—when you help him take a seat. “Why are you helping me?”
“I don’t know.” You answer sincerely, your body shaking of fear despite the bold there is in your eyes.
An interesting contrast, so judges Vader. He lets go of you.
“You may leave”, so he demands, back to the bed he notices has been poorly cleaned. Vader takes a look at this wounds, noticing the bandage there had been none before.
“No”, your voice comes out softly, but your words are firm.
Vader is rarely surprised but you manage to get his attention. Others in your position would be thankful for the opportunity to be dismissed of his presence.
“What do you mean by “no”? I am not asking you to stay”, says he rudely.
“I heard very well in the first time. There is no need to say it again.”
Vader looks at you, perplexed. He could have killed you, but your courage earns him some degree of admiration—though he is not admitting that out loud.
“Do you know who I am?”
“No”, you answer sincerely, all the more getting from him perplexed expressions. “Should I?”
“I am dangerous”, he warns you.
You know he is willing to play that game. But what is more surprising is that you are prompted to play it.
“I can tell that. But you are also wounded, sir. Let me tend you, and after that…”
Vader shakes his head, his eyes glinting in between amusement and annoyance.
“Get out of here, I am saying one last time! I can kill you.”
“You can”, you agree with a small smirk twisting on the corner of your lips. “But you are also more likely to die if I don’t help you healing. Unless you have some ability to heal yourself?”
And that is how starts.
A week later.
Vader is pacing around this castle that, until recently, had been covered in dust, left to it’s complete abandonment. He perceives in the smallest details how the building has been carefully uncovered of darkness and local ignorance. He finds no need to discover that the locals thought this castle to be a residence of ghosts.
Considering whom he once was, Vader laughs quietly to himself. A beast to many, he was once a charming prince. The comparison draws him a disdain.
As he paces around this rather astonishing castle, detesting how his wounds are far deeper than he thought—which requires a more primitive medicine used by your skillful hands, something he takes no pleasure at—he comes to find you at an abandoned library.
To his surprise, you are humming as you clean shelf by shelf. Vader cannot look away from what he sees: your hair dropping in long waves of curls, the determination stamped in your features as you bite your bottom lip, looking at every book with delight. You do not content yourself with what you are doing, though: you want to know what stories lie behind the velvet covers.
Vader stands there, unnoticed. He is partially annoying by how you ignore him, unaware of his identity. Worse, you are not frightened by his presence, by the demons found in his eyes, assaulting his soul.
It is only when you twirl happily that you find him observing you.
“Staring is rude”, you point out rather shyly.
Vader is not going to admit he likes the heat that paints your face.
“Is it?”, his voice is soft for the first time.
“It is.”
There is silence hanging in between you two, which makes the whole moment awkward. It is then you notice the bandage you made in his arm is loose. So you move towards him, but when you try to fix it, he removes it away.
“Stop”, he says abruptly, threatening to suffocate you. “Or else you die.”
You levitate and your eyes go wide, but the fearlessness in them make Vader furrow his eyebrows and eventually let go of you.
“Please”, you ask him, softly so. “Let me heal you, sir.”
He snorts at you, yellow irises flaring with anger.
“I am not here to be fixed, Y/N. I am completely…” He interrupts himself, feeling a strange pain in his abs and arm.
“You nearly got yourself burned”, you tell him as you help him go back to bed. “Allow me to heal you.”
“There is better medicine to be put in use than yours”, he scoffs at you. “Why are you being so stubborn?”
You frown.
“I don’t like how you talk to me, sir. I am only trying to help you staying alive. If you feel like dying so soon, spare us time and let me know that is your true wish.”
The Sith Lord stares at you in bewilderment.
“Very few are bold to me. Those who dare to be so are not here to tell their tales.”
You sigh and shake your head. Ignoring what he is saying, you lie him down and start to looking after him.
Vader gives you a long look, annoyed, but says nothing—he is indeed in pain and, besides, you are not an entirely bad company.
“Why are you doing this?”, he asks.
You feel his gaze on you. But for some reason, you keep concentrated in what you are doing without looking back. It is safer for you, or so you think.
“Because I want to”, you respond him.
“Do you have no family?”
Vader knows it’s a sensitive topic by how you shuffle awkwardly on your seat. Your silence makes him sigh, so he tries again, unsure why he is trying to engage in a thread with you.
“You have no Force”, the Sith Lord observes.
You raise your head, frowning in confusion.
For the first time in seven years, Darth Vader is brought to laughters. He gives you a quizzical look as a result:
“How on earth do you ignore the Force?”
You blush. Unaware of his disconcerting growth of admiration for you, you don’t understand why he is making yourself a fool. Part of you wonders if helping such a handsome man is worthy your time, but the good in you prevails such thinking. So you say:
“Excuse me, sir, but what do you take me for? I am but a peasant with scarce access to knowledge.”
“I thought you liked to read.”
Vader is amused for finally annoying you.
“And I do. But what does this have to do with anything?”
“I get you don’t read about that then.” Without taking second thoughts, Vader adds: “What do you often read?”
You cast him a distrustful look, but a smile softens your features. And as you look at him, you seem to start losing the fear of facing those yellow flaring eyes.
It’s how everything starts: with books.
(To be continue)
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metroid-fusion · 1 year
aka the mreligion_set01 post
in 2018 someone i knew sent me a song someone they knew made. it was a 12 minute long meme mashup and it was really impressive. ive had this file on my computer for 5 years and ive listened to it so much but the problem is that i have no idea who the fuck made it or whether it's ever been posted online anywhere. i may very well be one of the only people thats ever heard this song. PLEASE try and help me identify it.
unfortunately. i am NOT going to post it here. because it is not mine and i cannot properly give credit. HOWEVER i am going to post a TRACKLIST because it is a distinctive tracklist that will help in identifying it.
this thing is 12 minutes 10 seconds, or maybe 12 minutes and 9 seconds. it's MAYBE associated with siivagunner somehow because it has siivagunner memes in it. i dont know all the songs in it but i listed the majority of them
track list IN ORDER below the cut (sorry for inserting opinions into it i just really like this mashup)
snow halation casin by glue70 (reposted in the wrong neighborhood) we are number one all star boulevard of broken dreams gary come home from spongebob shelter porter robinson accidentally in love from shrek 2 679 by fetty wap closer chainsmokers in the air tonight witchcraft by pendulum live and learn numb linkin park one week barenaked ladies zedd clarity Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection from Kirby Planet Robobot (THIS SONG IS THE BASE FOR SIIVAGUNNER REBOOTED) ocean man take on me blurred lines by robin thicke welcome to the black parade the man by aloe blacc smooth we are number one bonetrousle purple lamborghini from suicide squad [this bridge dates this song heavily] waters of nazareth chip da ripper freestyle with interior crocodile alligator sample of joel saying "GRAND DAD. FLEENTSTONES?" dk rap down with the sickness ghostbusters crank that soulja boy gangnam style i play pokemon go every day (pg song for kids) by misha the nutshack [end of bridge] reeses puffs rap (on top of waters of nazareth) let the bodies hit the floor cruel angel's thesis uptown funk YMCA village people wild wild west will smith rhythm heaven ringside (POSEA FOR THE FANS) tunak tunak tun kahoot theme gentleman psy pen pineapple apple pen feel good inc gorillaz nutshack theme boombastic by shaggy panda swimming pools drank by kendrick lamar forever by drake et al goodbye to a world porter robinson [editors note. this part of this mashup is really fucking good. i need to find out who made this shit because it rules so hard] shooting stars bag raiders, snow halation, carry on my wayward son. 21 guns green day lord of the game death grips ignition remix r kelly cinema (skrillex or whoever) i dont care charli xcx scatman CAAAAAAARRY OOOOOONNN of welcome to the black parade TAAAAAAKE ONNNNN MEEEEEEE space oddity by davie bowie through the fire and flames dragonforce king of carrot flowers part 2 by neutral milk hotel spider-man 2 pizza theme mamma mia abba [reprise of a bunch of songs from the intro <3<3<3] fireflies by owl city
&so with that i say please find this mashup and send it to me and listen to it
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Fav part of every TTPD song -
Fortnight = the outro. thought of calling ya/nother fortnight lost in america/buy the car you want but it won't start up til you touch touch touch meee. it's so crazed
TTPD = who's gonna hold you like me? who's gonna know you if not me? and all its repetitions
My Boy... = the second half of each chorus. cause it fit too right.../cause i knew too much... perfectly bitter
Down Bad = bridge bridge bridge. I loved your hostile takeovers encounters closer and closer all your indecent exposures how dare you say that it's !!!
But Daddy I Love Him = i'm running with my dress unbuttoned screaming but daddy i love him i'm having his babyyy - whenever it comes up
Fresh Out The Slammer = as i said in my letters now that i know better i will never lose my baby again (so satifsying)
Florida!!! = bridge and fuck me up Florida
Guilty As Sin? = what if he's written mine on my upper thigh??!! in the last chorus, obviously
Who's Afraid...? = so who's. afraid. of me. in the outro
I Can Fix Him = on a six-lane Texas highway, his hand so calloused from his pistol softly traces hearts on my face?!?! pop off with the imagery taylor, and so ethel-cain-core
loml = the last chorus. it just keeps going. what a valiant roar what a bland goodbye/i'll never leave never mind/your arson's match your sombre eyes!! (this song is becoming such a favourite)
I Can Do It... = he said he'd love me all his life!-- but that life was too short... and its counterpart: he said he'd love me for all time!-- such a good illustration of having to keep those miserable thoughts in check
The Smallest Man... = well clearly the whole raging bridge (YOU SAID NORMAL GIRLS WERE BORING BUT YOU WERE GONE BY THE MORNING)
The Alchemy = i can't lie. no part of it really wows me.
Clara Bow = i'm not trying to exaggerate but i think i might DIE if i made it/DIE if it happened - prechoruses
The Black Dog = the choruses, particularly the one that comes first and last. you jump up but she's too young to know this song that was intertwined with the magic/tragic fabric of our dreaming!!
imgonnagetyouback = say you got somebody i'll say i got someone too EVEN IF IT'S HANDCUFFED I'M LEAVING HERE WITH YOUU
The Albatross = also a song that does not hit me at any point. sorry.
Chloe et al. = the choruses. say i loved you the way that you were/say you've always wondered... also i/you just watched it happen... :(
How Did It End? = bridge bridge bridge the unsympathetic unfeeling roboticness and post-mortem detail and the rhythm and rhyming oh my god (say-it once-a gain-with feel-ing)
So High School = ARE YOU GONNA MARRY KISS OR KILL MEEE and also truth, dare, spin bottles... and all that. satisfying rhythm and rhyme strike again
I Hate It Here = choruses. the I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child/I dreamed about it in the dark the night I felt like I might die line. and no mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears i'm there most of the year cos i hate it here....
thanK you aIMee = lowkey an annoying song for me.
I Look In... = the verses, especially all the south south south and now now now now downtown downtown downtown parts
The Prophecy = and i sound like an infant feeling like the very last drops of an inkpen, a greater woman stays cool!!
Cassandra = so they killed Cassandra first cause she feared the worst is the best line but i don't particularly like this song.
Peter = THE WHOLE SONG. love. verses and choruses and bridge. chef's kiss. maybe best moment is YOU SAID YOU'D COME AND GET ME BUT YOU WERE TWENTY FIVE
The Bolter = verse 1. childhood anecdotes always hit
Robin = the bridge, I cry, reminds me of Ronan, you got the dragonflies above your bed, the echo of you have no idea...
The Manuscript = verse 2, the theme of growing up again, she wished she was thirty/she only ate kids' cereal
that's all thank you bye
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 26 December 1834
9 10
had slept in my clothes π- came before eight and leaned or lay on the bed till I got up I don’t think she found out that I was not undress[ed] my night chemise hid all that she seemed in good spirits said she had had a very good night and hoped I had had one too I said not much on this part of the subject she saw that I did not think of last night’s business quite as she did I said let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall  she seemed rejoiced at the sort of victory she thought she had gained and argued again at my fancying there was anything wrong in it said it had done her good and she was now much happier begged me not to abuse her in my heart I said as little as possible not troubling myself to knock down her arguments but saying the only thing I had thought of as a consolation was the telling her I should shew all my letters to A- she made no objection in fact should not well make any she was satisfied to have found as she thought that all her influence over me was not gone she little dreampt the real state of the case she had fallen in my opinion she had been too much in the style of Mrs Milne and I mean to be as little in her way as possible in time to come she said she still could believe herself belonging to anyone but me the night before last she had left me in an agony quite wet thro’ and ill last night she was calmer and could have done without it if I had not been different I said nothing against all this but let it pass she said I did  not know what it is  was to be obliged to restraint where formerly she had only to ask and have I merely said I saw how she was on Wednesday night and was on my guard last night I was off  my guard and etc. etc. very fine, softish morning - just ready to go downstairs at 9 ½ when had Martha Booth up into my dressing room to speak to her – not satisfied about her manner - M- came then sent for Watson – a regular scene – the girl would excuse herself – then said she was not well – the place too hard for her – I thought she had better leave it – Watson advised her not – said she (the girl) must not shew her face at Shibden etc – went down to breakfast at 11 – Mr L- waited to wish me goodbye – never so attentive before – M- could get Martha what she wanted (a little cook’s place) at the reverend Mr Wood’s of Middlewich – had Martha in again – she then promised better things – agreed for her to stay where she was - All this detained me terribly  off from Lawton at 11 50 – M- went with me to Middlewich (the phaeton to meet her for her return) vid. line 2  et seq. p.251 to see the worm quack (Mrs Lamb) - at M- (10 miles) at  1 20 hour talking to Mrs Lamb as arrant a quack as any of her fraternity – looked at all her phials full of worms – tape and all sorts – and catechised her pretty severely her secret is in the solvent mixture (a vegetable alkali) the carminative is merely composed of cordials - the powders are merely jalap, and the pills purgatives pro re natâ - asked if she thought I had worms - no! not a likely subject - mentioned the one I parted with at Hastings –
well! said she, you may have had one and no more - she really behaved very fairly - I assured her, I would do her no harm - had catechised Mr Long as much and endured by saying I had no objection to M-‘s trying her medicines (which M- told her was a great complaint) and said I should be lastingly obliged if she (Mrs Lambe) did my friend any good - Told M- afterwards I thought the woman as much a quack as the rest of such people but she might try her medicines as now I hoped they would do her no harm and might perhaps do good – she might try them, too, with Martha who is likely enough to have worms – and the woman has certainly caused many to be voided at Middlewich - took a hurried leave of M- left her in good hope and spirits – had talked much of her friend and the boys as we came along and how they might study at Gottingen – would turn to my journal of the time and see if I could find any useful hint there - Off from Middlewich at 2 21 - at Altrincham at 4 ½ – long in getting horses – obliged to take forward the Middlewich postboy who was a stranger in Manchester and having stopt twice from M- and twice from A- sat less steadily at last than at 1st – glad to reach Manchester at 5 59 – off again at 6 9 at Rochdale at 7 48 – took 4 horses – off again at 8 and at Shibden at 10 55 – all gone to bed but Cordingely and John, expecting me, had come down - A- jumped up – and came to me in her dressing gown and cloak, delighted to see me back again – had given me up in despair - Had tea – the 1st thing we did was to laugh aloud at her droll figure and the bustle I had made – explained, sat talking - told her I myself was astonished how little I had thought of π- either going or returning   very glad to be back again mentioned how I had offered her the use of Shibden in the event of δ-’s death etc found waiting my arrival (came yesterday) a very kind letter 2 ½ pages from Mrs Norcliffe (Langton) giving a very indifferent account of herself - ‘I am quite grieved that you could for a moment doubt my friendship - I do not make many friends but when once I do, I am no changeling, but I can in some measure account for it - from mistake in dates, when I reached London I was told that you had been in town sometime, this I knew you could not be, as when I past thro’ York I heard of your having been there only a day or 2 before and the fact was you reached London the very day we did and to seek a person in London is an endless task without a clue, as I found when seeking you so you must allow for others - I know you were in town - you must however allow for poor Charlotte who was in low spirits and then she always sees things in the most disagreeable light - it is not strange you should not know when I was in town as no one knew till my arrival in town where I was to be, I meat to have been in Cavendish square but they had no room - if they asked there, they could not have told without the master of the house was at home for my nephew Charles asked here on the Saturday and they did not know so pray think no more about it’ -  I am glad of this - it would have grieved me to have had any nonsense with Mrs N- for whom I really feel much gratitude and regard           vide page 259 on mentioning to Mrs Lambe the astringency of my bowels parting only with little buttons  she recommended the following
2oz. flowers of sulphur, 2oz. glauber salts
¼ oz. salt petre  1oz. Seville orange peel or gentian root
add to the above, gradually, two quarts of boiling water - then let it stand in an open vessel (covered over) or in any bottle large enough to hold the whole of the ingredients - at least 12 hours - but better to stand a week or a fortnight - take this mixture a teacupful once or twice a day as may be required -   M-‘s medicines (2 pint bottles pills and powders) and advance had cost 20/. and the medicine for each servant 12/. so I gave the woman 10/. with which she seemed much pleased
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manitat · 1 year
Tonći Kožul: Najbolji filmovi 70-ih...
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The Adventurers
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes)
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (Angst essen Seele auf)
All Screwed Up (Tutto a posto e niente in ordine)
All That Jazz
All the President's Men
American Graffiti
The Amityville Horror
The Amusement Park
The Anderson Tapes
...And Justice for All
Annie Hall
Apocalypse Now
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
The Ascent (Voskhozhdeniye)
Assault on Precinct 13
At Long Last Love
Autumn Sonata (Höstsonaten)
The Baby
Bad Company
The Bad News Bears
The Ballad of Cable Hogue
Barry Lyndon
Battle for the Planet of the Apes
A Bay of Blood (Ecologia del delitto)
The Beguiled
Being There
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Between the Lines
The Big Boss
The Big Bus
The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
The Black Windmill
Blazing Saddles
Boxcar Bertha
Bound for Glory
The Boy Friend
The Boys in the Band
Breaking Away
Brewster McCloud
A Bridge Too Far
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
The Brink's Job
The Brood
Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson
California Split
California Suite
The Candidate
Carnal Knowledge
The Cars That Ate Paris
Car Wash
The Cassandra Crossing
The Cat o' Nine Tails (Il gatto a nove code)
Céline and Julie Go Boating (Céline et Julie vont en bateau)
Charley Varrick
Chilly Scenes of Winter
Chinese Roulette (Chinesisches Roulette)
A Clockwork Orange
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Colossus: The Forbin Project
Coming Home
The Conformist (Il conformista)
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
The Conversation
Cooley High
The Crazies
Cries and Whispers (Viskningar och rop)
Crimes of the Future (1970.)
Cross of Iron
Cry Uncle!
Daisy Miller
Damien: Omen II
Dark Star
Dawn of the Dead
Day for Night (La Nuit américaine)
Days of Heaven
Death on the Nile (1978.)
Death Race 2000
Death Wish
The Deep
Deep Red (Profondo rosso)
The Deer Hunter
Dersu Uzala
Desperate Living
The Devils
Diamonds Are Forever
Dirty Harry
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Dog Day Afternoon
Don't Look Now
Dracula (1979.)
The Driver
The Duellists
Dusty and Sweets McGee
Eaten Alive
Effi Briest
The Electric Horseman
El Topo
The Enforcer
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle)
Enter the Dragon
Escape from Alcatraz
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
Even Dwarfs Started Small (Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex
Every Which Way but Loose
The Exorcist
Exorcist II: The Heretic
Eyes of Laura Mars
Face to Face (Ansikte mot ansikte)
Family Plot
Fantastic Planet (La Planète sauvage)
Fast Company
Fat City
The Fate of Lee Khan
Female Trouble
Fellini's Casanova (Il Casanova di Federico Fellini)
F for Fake
Fiddler on the Roof
Fist of Fury
Four Flies on Grey Velvet (4 mosche di velluto grigio)
The Four Musketeers
Fox and His Friends (Faustrecht der Freiheit)
Foxy Brown
Freebie and the Bean
The French Connection
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Funny Lady
Fun with Dick and Jane (1977.)
The Fury
Ganja & Hess
Gates of Heaven
The Getaway
Get Carter
Getting Straight
Get to Know Your Rabbit
Gimme Shelter
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
Gods of the Plague (Götter der Pest)
The Goodbye Girl
Good Guys Wear Black
Go Tell the Spartans
The Great Waldo Pepper
The Green Room (La Chambre verte)
Grey Gardens
The Harder They Come
Hard Times
Harlan County, USA
Harold and Maude
The Heartbreak Kid
Heart of Glass (Herz aus Glas)
Heaven Can Wait
Hester Street
High Anxiety
The Hills Have Eyes
Hi, Mom!
The Holy Mountain
Home Movies
The Hospital
I clowns
India Song
The In-Laws
Jaws 2
Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
Jeremiah Johnson
The Jerk
Jesus Christ Superstar
Je tu il elle
Junior Bonner
Kelly's Heroes
The Kentucky Fried Movie
The Killer Elite
Killer of Sheep
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
King Kong (1976.)
Kramer vs. Kramer
The Kremlin Letter
The Landlord
The Last Detail
The Last House on the Left
The Last Movie
The Last of Sheila
The Last Picture Show
Last Tango in Paris
The Last Waltz
The Last Wave
The Late Show
Legend of the Mountain
Leo the Last
Les Rendez-vous d'Anna
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
The Life of Brian
Lisa and the Devil
Little Big Man
A Little Romance
Live and Let Die
The Long Goodbye
Love and Anarchy (Film d'amore e d'anarchia)
Love and Death
Love on the Run (L'amour en fuite)
Love Story
La Luna
Macbeth (1971.)
Magnum Force
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Loved Women (L'Homme qui aimait les femmes)
The Man Who Would Be King
The Man with the Golden Gun
The Marriage of Maria Braun (Die Ehe der Maria Braun)
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Mean Streets
The Mechanic
The Merchant of Four Seasons (Händler der vier Jahreszeiten)
Mikey and Nicky
Minnie and Moskowitz
Mirror (Zerkalo)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Mother and the W*ore (La maman et la putain)
Mother Küsters' Trip to Heaven (Mutter Küsters' Fahrt zum Himmel)
Mr. Majestyk
Multiple Maniacs
The Muppet Movie
Murder on the Orient Express (1974)
My Little Loves (Mes Petites Amoureuses)
National Lampoon's Animal House
The New Centurions
A New Leaf
News from Home
New York, New York
A Night Full of Rain (La fine del mondo nel nostro...)
Night Moves
North Dallas Forty
Nosferatu the Vampyre (Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht)
The Offence
Oh, God!
The Omen
The One and Only
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
De cierta manera (One Way or Another)
Opening Night
Orchestra Rehearsal (Prova d'orchestra)
Out 1: Noli me tangere
Paper Moon
The Parallax View
The Passenger (Professione: reporter)
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
A Perfect Couple
The Phantom of Liberty (Le Fantôme de la liberté)
Phantom of the Paradise
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Pink Flamingos
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Play It Again, Sam
The Poseidon Adventure
Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj
Raining in the Mountain
The Return of the Pink Panther
Revenge of the Pink Panther
Robin and Marian
Rock 'n' Roll High School
Rocky II
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Roma (1972.)
Saint Jack
Saturday Night Fever
The Seduction of Mimi (Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore)
See No Evil
The Sentinel
Seven Beauties (Pasqualino Settebellezze)
Shaft's Big Score!
Shaft in Africa
The Shootist
Silent Movie
Silver Streak
Slap Shot
Small Change (L'Argent de poche)
Smile (1975.)
Smokey and the Bandit
Soleil Ô
Soylent Green
The Spirit of the Beehive (El espíritu de la colmena)
The Spy Who Loved Me
A Star Is Born (1976.)
Start the Revolution Without Me
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Wars
The Sting
The Story of Adèle H. (L'Histoire d'Adèle H.)
Straw Dogs
The Sugarland Express
The Sunshine Boys
Sweet Movie
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
Swept Away (Travolti da un insolito destino...)
Taking Off
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
Taxi Driver
The Tenant
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
That Obscure Object of Desire (French: Cet obscur objet du désir)
Thieves Like Us
The Third Generation (Die Dritte Generation)
Three Days of the Condor
The Three Musketeers (1973.)
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
THX 1138
Tko pjeva zlo ne misli
Tora! Tora! Tora!
A Touch of Zen
Touki Bouki
The Towering Inferno
The Turning Point
The Twelve Chairs (1970.)
Two English Girls (Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent)
Two-Lane Blacktop
Two Mules for Sister Sara
Up in Smoke
The Valiant Ones
Vanishing Point
Wake in Fright
The Warriors
Watermelon Man
The Way of the Dragon
The Way We Were
A Wedding
West Indies: The Fugitive Slaves of Liberty
What? (Che?)
What's Up, Doc?
Where's Poppa?
White Lightning
Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?
The Wicker Man
The Wild Child (L'Enfant sauvage)
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Wise Blood
The Wiz
A Woman Under the Influence
W.R. - Misterije organizma
Young Frankenstein
Zabriskie Point
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0 notes
Hey Neighbour! - Part 4
Word count: 4.5k 
Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader 
Warning: Some sexual tension, mention of past break-ups. Fluff!!
A/N: I’ve finally finished this part lmao! Enjoy my loves <3 Your feedback means the world to me and I’m so happy so many of you are enjoying this series x
Part 1, 2, 3
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @creepingwolfberry @coconutlipss @saucy-sapphic @minavenable @pearplate @r0an0ke @mssallymckenna @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @venablemayfairgoode @veteranwerewolf95 @chewbacca0805 @pluied-ete @supremeinlilac @nyx-aira @witchxaf @black--widxw @fireflyglass @cordeliafoxxe @d14n4ol @bluevelvetbitxh
Gif credit to @thatsmypeach 💖
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Part 4 
Days passed with only small glimpses of your endearing neighbour, with the upcoming re-election Ally had been busy most of the week campaigning in and around the city. Oz had come over with Ally’s permission after school to hang out with Amelia yesterday informing you of his mothers absence lately, you wanted to sigh in relief at his words growing anxious that your date planned with his mother might not go ahead. You were understanding of her job and debated rescheduling the date for when Ally wasn’t so stressed with work but the message left in the window late last night after you dropped Oz off with his babysitter settled your debate with yourself.
‘Sorry I’ve been so MIA this week. Can’t wait for Friday! X’
You had blushed ridiculously at her message, the warmth felt within your stomach growing as you thought about her thoughtful nature. Now it was the night before the supposed date and that warm feeling had changed to nervous butterflies as you eyed the two outfits chewing lightly on your bottom lip as you pondered on what to wear. 
“That’s a pretty dress, Mommy.” Amelia’s voice startles you out of your thoughts. Turning you grin at her fluffy pyjamas and princess crown that lays crooked on top of her hair as she holds tightly to her fairy wand, you gesture for her to enter the room where she hovers by the doorway. 
“What do you think, Munchkin?” you ask, pulling her in close to your side as her eyes glance between the outfits. She points her wand  confidently to the more formal attire nodding her head once to confirm her decision. 
“I’m trusting your judgment on this one, kid.” you murmur, bending slightly to kiss her tousled hair. “Come on you, let’s get you ready for bed.” you instruct, shaking your head at her put together attire for the evening narrowly avoiding a bop on the nose by her silver wand as she flaunts out of the room leaving trails of glitter from her magic wand.
Once Amelia is well tucked in and free from her fairy princess duties, you sit comfortably by her tucked in legs laughing as she pulls funny faces at you. 
“Alright your majesty, you’re going to close your eyes now and go to sleep.” she squints her eyes shut mockingly as you bop her nose making her giggle between yawns. Relaxing into her pillow she eyes you for a moment. 
“Do you like Ozzy’s Mommy?” her question makes you freeze in place as you try to find the right words. 
“I-uh yes I do, she’s lovely and has been very kind to us since we moved here,” 
“And she makes the best hot cocoa!” Amelia exclaims, before smacking her hands to her mouth shushing herself as you quiet giggle at her enthusiasm. 
‘Grandpa has some competition it seems’ you think amusingly before tucking her in further watching as her eyes fight to stay open. 
“She does make great hot chocolate,” you agree, before sitting in silence for a moment basking in your daughter's presence. 
“Do you like Miss. Ally like you liked my Mama?” you gape at her innocent tone, struggling to find the right way to answer her as truthfully as possible. 
 “Well, me and Ally are just friends and we enjoy hanging out with each other. I don’t love her like I did your Mama but how do you feel if I were to see Ally more often?” you tentatively ask, concerned that she might not like you seeing her new friends mom, especially if there were more potential dates in the future. 
Her lips twist in concentration as she ponders over your question before nodding grabbing hold of Mr. Bunny next to her cuddling him close. 
“I like Miss. Ally, Mommy. Are you going to take her out on a date? Uncle Rupie didn’t see me but he told Grandpa about a girl he took out on a date and she kissed him Mommy, yuck!” she confesses, her face scrunching in disgust as you match her horror. 
“Well Mommy needs to have a word with him about watching out for prying little ears huh?” you say out loud to yourself. Amelia nods in agreement not fully understanding the dynamic of adult conversations, especially where her uncle is involved. Kissing her nose you whisper good night and wish her the sweetest of dreams before making your way to your own room across the hall. 
Lying in your bed you watch the moon shine bright in the night sky, a soft smile appearing upon your lips. 
‘I’m going on a date with Ally Mayfair-Richards’ 
“Would you like more tea, Sir. Rupert?” Amelia politely asks her uncle who sits across from her, wearing his customised paper crown made by the princess herself. Matt holds out his tea cup accepting the tea offered by his only niece.
“Why thank you, Princess Amelia.” He thanks before taking a sip from his empty plastic cup. You lean against the doorframe wearing your outfit for the evening, grinning at the site before you. Amelia senses another presence in the room as her eyes clash with your own, her gasp alerting her uncle of your presence. 
“You look beautiful Mommy!” she gushes, moving to wrap her arms around your legs. Placing your hand against her back you thank her for the lovely compliment before raising an eyebrow at your brother. 
“Sir. Rupert huh?” you grin as he glares over towards you. 
“You tell anyone about this, I'll give your daughter up to the dragon,” he threatens playfully as you and Amelia gasp in horror. 
“I better come back here with my house still intact, you got it.” you warn, mainly to your brother as you raise a challenging eyebrow in his direction. Amelia looks up at you from her cuddling position. 
“I’ll look after him Mommy,” you crouch to cup her cheek, kissing her nose. 
“Thank you baby, I’ll come say good night later okay?” you inform as she nods acknowledging your words. Your brother scoffs from his seat at Amelia’s pink table. 
“Or good morning depending on how she reacts to that outfit,” he teases, wiggling his eyebrows at you as you shake your head disapprovingly. Amelia frowns at her uncle's confusing words wondering why you wouldn’t come home and say good night to her.
“You're silly Uncle Rupie,” 
“Yeah ‘Uncle Rupie,” you mock, sticking your tongue out at your annoying brother come babysitter. Hugging Amelia once more you bid your goodbyes and make your way downstairs just as the doorbell rings through the house. Hurrying over towards the door, you stop for a moment to steady yourself  before slowly opening the door. You breath hitches as you take in the powerful brunette dressing in black pants with a turtleneck tucked in them, her signature long coat in place as she shivers against the slight breeze, her brown eyes take in your attire with a slight glint. 
“You look beautiful,” she whispers, a subtle smirk appearing onto her pink lips. You fluster for a moment not used to such compliments as you appreciate her outfit once more. 
“So do you,” you murmur, feeling suddenly shy under her intense gaze. She holds out her hand for you to take which you accept willingly, her thumb brushing reassuringly across your skin soothing your nervousness almost instantly. 
“I haven’t done this in a while myself, I guess we’re both a little nervous.” she admits, a soft smile appearing onto her lips. You meet her gaze for a moment appreciating her honesty and understanding of the situation, your moment is ruined as the small quiet sounds of giggling from inside the house interrupts your private bubble. Ally reluctantly lets go of your hand and grins as her eyes surpass your form and towards the staircase where small and big feet stand as the mischievous pair try to subtly watch on. 
“Hi Amelia,” Ally calls out, amusement evident within her brown eyes as she glances briefly at you. You grin fondly as you hear the small voice of your daughter as she sheepishly waves from between the wooden posts at the top of the staircase banister. 
“Goodbye you two,” you call out, making your way out of the home shutting the door behind you in the process. 
“I’m sorry about that, my brother is worse than any child,” you laugh, feeling slightly embarrassed as you shuffle in place. Ally chuckles as she waves it off, tucking her hand into her coat pocket indicating for you to wrap your hand around her crooked elbow which you accept happily. 
“So Senator, where are we going? I don’t know if you know this but I’m new to town,” you tease, still curious at her lack of information about your date for this evening. She laughs at your joke enjoying that natural flow between you both when it’s just the two of you. Guiding you over to her car you raise your eyebrow at her silence. 
“Don’t worry I’m not kidnapping you,” she reassures, as she makes her way round to the driver’s side. Once sat in the car and buckled up Ally looked over to you, her fingers touching your forearm briefly. 
“Do you trust me?” Her words are so simple but with such meaning behind them the only response you can commit to is a nod. That seems to give her all the confirmation she needs as she sets off down your street heading for the town centre. 
Pulling up next to the curb you frown as you take in the dark building next to you.
“Is the restaurant closed?” you ask, your only reply is a wicked grin and a wink before she gets out of the car and towards your door offering her hand as she helps you out of her car. 
“The restaurant is never closed if you're the owner of it,” she murmurs, close to your ear as she places a hand against your lower back. You gulp at her closeness feeling her warm breath against your skin, your eyes widen as you register the new piece of information. 
“You own this place? How did this not come up in conversation before?” you question, still shocked at the new piece of information feeling slightly impressed at her juggling skills of being a mom, senator and a restaurant owner. She shrugs looking slightly sheepish as she escorts you over to the front door, digging for her keys before opening the door. 
“I hope it isn’t too full of myself, bringing you here. I just thought if you were going to have the best meal of your life it may as well be cooked by yours truly,” she confesses, her end statement making you laugh at her confidence. 
“So sure of yourself, Richards. I have high expectations for this meal,” you inform, going along with her teasing and carefree nature. Ally switches on the light revealing beautifully lit fairy lights that cover the ceiling of the restaurant, candles unlit on the only dressed table for the evening.  She bites her lip as she contemplates her next words.
“Well, I’ve made us a delicious meal but I thought I’d add a twist to our evening.” she reveals, you frown at her dramatic build up wondering what else she has in store. “Since I cooked us the starter and the main, I thought we could have a little competition on the dessert part because those cookies you made were actually pretty good,” Ally laughs, at your gaped expression. 
“Hey! You say that like you are surprised!” you exclaim, joining in on her laughter watching as her eyes light up when she smiles wide, grinning softly at the observation. 
“You admitted it yourself sweetheart, remember? Thankful that the kitchen was still in one piece was it?” she mocks, as she escorts you over to the table waiting for you to sit comfortably on the chair before moving to grab hold of a lighter from the counter, lighting the two candles that sit in between you both. She gestures for you to wait a moment as she makes her way into the back and appears a few moments later holding a bottle of wine and two glasses. 
“I hope you like Red, it’s one of my favourites,” she offers you some, which you happily accept watching her fill the glass with ease before proceeding to fill her own taking a seat across from you. Grabbing hold of the glass you hold it up towards her as she does the same clinking her glass against yours before taking a sip, her eyes never leaving your own. 
The evening filled with great food and easy conversation as you both start to open up about your past hardships, realising how similar your heartaches were. Ally revealed that before her wife passed things were starting to get worse between them, talks of divorce circled around before that terrible incident. Apparently Ivy had been a part of the famous Cult that was led by Kai Anderson before being an unfortunate victim to his murderous plans, you had heard about the young man on the news a few years ago but at the time you were mostly back in your hometown raising Amelia not having much time for the news. 
“So Amelia mentioned she had another Mother once? What happened there if you don’t mind me asking?” Ally asks, following your mentions of struggling in the first few years of Amelia’s life. You take a sip of your wine before opening up to her about that particular sensitive topic but her eyes are so full of kindness and understanding the words just start to spill like a river flow. 
“She was the first girl that I had ever kissed, we were in school together all the way up to college. I think I had always been in love with her so when we graduated and she asked me to marry her of course I said yes in an instant,” you scoff quietly, pausing for a moment. Your eyes casting down to the white cloth that covers the table. “It was her who came to me about the idea of having children and how she couldn’t wait to start a family, I was so happy that she wanted to share that with me and a year later I ended up pregnant with Amelia. She was happy at first and hovered around me like a mother hen… then once Amelia was here it was like she felt she couldn’t connect to her and started to snap at me for it. Told me I was being selfish and that I wasn’t giving her enough attention.” you feel the tears build in your eyes as you subtly wipe the stray tear. “Then I woke up one morning to find all of her things gone and just a note, a fucking note can you believe. We built this life together for her to just up and leave without having the guts to say it to my face,” you grumble, before shaking your head smiling painfully over at Ally who sits quietly allowing you to continue within your own time.
“I’m sorry for rambling like that, I haven’t opened up about all of this to well anyone really,” you murmur, wiping your face once more, chuckling to yourself sheepishly. Ally leans forward and reaches for your hand across the table laying the palm of her hand on top of your own tracing a soothing pattern against your skin. 
“Don’t apologise, thank you for opening up to me. You and Amelia both deserve better than that,” she reassures, smiling softly at your tear-stained face. Pulling back she grabs hold of her wine and toasts, clinking against your own glass. 
“To shitty ex-wives and new beginnings,” she declares, grinning as you laugh repeating her words back to her. 
The conversation became lighter after that, telling silly stories about the children and your brother's secret love for tea parties and crowns. Ally laughs out loud at that, only picturing princess Amelia bossing around her whipped buff uncle at tea parties before sobering up clearing her throat. 
“Okay, as much as I would love to know more about these famous tea parties. We have a competition to start,” she instructs, standing from her chair and offering you her hand. 
You lace your fingers through hers squeezing the hand excitedly as she guides you into the kitchen. You look around in astonishment at the well sized kitchen taking in the new edition appliances, as she moves you over to the prepping station. You wait patiently as Ally grabs the ingredients and places them in front of you, passing you an apron on her way past. 
“I got to admit, I’ve never been on a date where I have to wear an apron before,” 
“It’s more fun wearing one the morning after,” she teases back, winking suggestively making you blush hard at her words, the thoughts of a naked Ally cooking breakfast in nothing but an apron for you in the mornings stirred something within you that you hadn’t experienced in a long time; arousal. You hide your dirty thoughts by clearing your throat and putting the apron on, deciding you aren’t going to let her affect you like this without a little bit of pay back. 
“Is that a promise, Senator?” you husk, eyeing her hungrily as you tie the strings of the apron tight against your body tugging hard for extra effect. Ally gulps visibly at you as she shakily places the flour onto the counter, her eyes glaring playfully over to you as you smile innocently. 
“Tease,” she spats, with no real bite behind her words as her brown eyes sparkle with glee. She moves towards you, pressing her front to your back as she leans close to your ear as her arms snake around you grabbing hold of the mixing bowl. 
“We’re going to make cookies but you can add your own special ingredients to spice it up a little bit,” she informs, her lips close to your ear you can feel them faintly brush the skin. You suppress a shiver knowing her game. 
“You got it, chef.” you whisper back, tilting your head to the side so your lips are an inch away from her own. You can hear her breath hitch at your sudden closeness, her eyes trail from your lips to eyes a dark look passes across her brown gaze before she steps away and prepares her own bowl grinning devilishly. 
You both continue to work on your desserts moving around the kitchen as you steal heated glances from one another. Your front pressing close to her back as you move to grab more ingredients, feeling her tense as your fingertips brush across her arm as you reach across her. Once the cookies are ready for the oven, you help Ally in cleaning the station up which takes you a lot longer as you both flick more flour onto each other than into the trash bag. You laugh at Ally’s horrifying face as you leave a white smudge across her cheek and chin. 
Her eyes darken as does her grin, making you pause your laughing fit. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. No need to retaliate, you’re a much better person than me Ally.” you bargain, as you watch her stalk slowly over to you her hands still covered in flour. You take a step back cautiously as you frantically look around the room, searching for the exit. Before you can finish up the route in your head Ally leaps forward missing you by an inch as she tries to enclose her arms around you making you yelp and giggle. 
“Ally! Please!,” 
“I like when you beg,” she flirts, grinning wickedly as she continues her attack. You stutter over your words for a moment thrown by her comment as you feel a slow burn aching in your stomach at her words, the brief moment of weakness on your part gives her an opening as she leaps forward and wraps her arms around you, making you laugh as she smears the flour onto your right cheek and nose. 
“Gotcha,” she whispers, close to your lips. Your face grows serious as your eyes find hers, basking in the comfort of being in her arms. You gaze at her lips as you lick your own watching as her gaze does the same as you move close to her, the beeping sound of the oven timer startles you apart as Ally quickly moves over to the oven to check on the cookies. You fluster at the stolen moment making your way over, Ally turns and smiles sheepishly. 
“If you like why don’t you hop on up the table. Let me refill your glass,” she murmurs, squeezing your hand on her way past as you nod shyly. 
Sitting on top of the prep table, you watch Ally move back towards you with a filled up glass of red noticing her carrying a bottle of water in the other. 
“I drove us here, darling.” she lightly reminds you, grinning softly as she comes to stand in between your legs placing your glass of wine by your hip.
“Of course! One of us has to be responsible,” you tease, wanting the easy natural atmosphere back before your almost kiss. Ally grins knowingly and continues to make polite conversation with you as she continues to stand in between your legs as if it’s the most natural place to be. You show Ally pictures of Amelia during last Halloween in her pumpkin outfit as she shows you pictures of her and Oz sledging during Christmas time, the intimacy shared between you both makes your heart flutter as you allow yourself a moment to have hope that this might actually turn into something more serious. Although the idea scares you, you’ve never been more excited at the prospect. 
The final ping of the oven springs to life indicating to remove the freshly baked goods from the oven, you hum as you take in the heavenly smell of freshly cooked dough. Ally moves over to take the cookies out allowing them time to cool down before placing two cookies from each tray onto a plate, she places the plate next to your hip and offers you a bite of her own cookie as she explains her secret ingredients. You moan as the flavour melts into your mouth closing your eyes as you bask in its yummy goodness. 
“That’s amazing!” you mumble through bites. As she smiles smugly at you, complimenting you makes you roll your eyes fondly. 
“Okay, now that we’ve gotten your mediocre cookie out of the way are you ready for mine?” you ask, grinning. Ally wiggles her eyebrows at the hidden euphemism making you shake your head jokingly at her immaturity mouthing a ‘behave’. She makes great effort to eye the cookie cautiously as you bring it up towards her mouth, you watch as she takes a tentative bite as she slowly chews on the cookie, her eyes sparkling with glee as she grins while continuing to chew on the yummy goodness, making you grin smugly. 
“See! I told you, give me baking over cooking any day.” you say, feeling proud of your creation. She nods approvingly of your baked good. 
“You know, I would love to have these in the restaurant if you ever felt up to making them again?” she asks, a genuine smile gracing her lips. You smile sheepishly at her offer shaking your head at the compliment. 
“Oh I don’t think they’re that good,” you mumble, suddenly feeling shy as you look down towards the floor. Soft fingers pinch lightly at your chin forcing your gaze upwards and towards the softest brown eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“Well I think they’re amazing, just like the person who made them.” she mutters close, her face moving closer to your own as she maintains eye contact. You chew on your bottom lip as her gaze watches the action grinning, her lips an inch away from your own. 
“I would really like to kiss you,” she states, her voice no more than a whisper in the small space between you. You finally find the confidence to speak as your eyes take in her close proximity. 
“Kiss me,” 
Her lips are on you in a second leaving no room for protest or second thoughts. Soft lips press delicately against your own at first as if to become familiar with them, it’s softness, it’s taste. Her hands rest gentle against your cheeks keeping you in place as your lips begin to explore her own, your tongue tracing gently against her bottom lip instantly granting you access as you brush against her tongue. Your stomach tightens as you hear her sweet moan, enjoying the effect you have on her, your arms wrapped around her waist keeping her close as you continue to explore each other's mouths. The screeching sound of Ally’s phone startles you apart as you both fight to catch your breaths, her head leaning against your own as her eyes remain close. 
“I should get that, it might be Oz.” she whispers, too afraid to speak louder and ruin your moment further. You gulp trying to catch up with your senses, nodding as you urge her to answer her phone. 
You watch from the countertop as she paces back and forth, frantically trying to calm the poor boy on the other end of the phone. Her eyes find you as she throws an apologetic look which you smile reassuringly to understand the difficulties of motherhood yourself. Ally ends the phone call with a sigh as she moves to stand close to you again, unable to fully be apart from you after having you so close to her. 
“Is he okay? Let me go grab our coats and we can head over?” you offer, giving her hand a squeeze before leaping off the countertop ready to head for the front entrance. Ally’s hand stops you for a moment as you look back in confusion. 
“I’m sorry our date had to end so abruptly, especially after-” she pauses, blushing slightly as she struggles to meet your gaze. Stepping close to her you press a sweet kiss to her warm cheek and whisper into her ear. 
“I’m happy to finish this off another time, if you are?” you husk close to her cheek, pulling back slightly as you watch her eyes flutter for a moment grinning at the effect you’ve just caused before moving to grab the coats from the front of the restaurant, Ally’s stuttering voice following you from behind. 
“I- yes I would like that very much,” 
Once Ally had locked up the restaurant, your prized cookies wrapped up on a plate to take home. You settle into the passenger seat and look over at a distraught Ally. 
“He hasn’t had a nightmare in over three months. I thought we were over the worst of it,” Ally reveals, her eyes glossing over as she looks out into the road. You reach across and place your hand on top of hers that rest tightly around the steering wheel, soothing her worries. 
“Let’s go and see your son, I’m sure seeing his new best friend will help.” you offer, knowing how much Oz enjoys hanging out with Amelia. You are more than willing for the two to hang out especially as there is no school tomorrow and Oz could do with his best friend. Ally nods before starting the engine and speedily heading home. Your eyes stray from the outside view to take in Ally’s side profile, taking in her shape of her nose and her full lips the glow of the streetlights making her brown eyes shine, her skin smooth and soft begging to be touched. 
Yes, definitely worth the wait.
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batfam-rewrites · 4 years
Batfam During Quarantine: Retirement
Dick pulls up in front of the apartment that Barbara and her family lives in. He takes out his boom box and sets in a cassette tape. He sets the volume to the maximum setting. He holds the boom box over his head as Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” starts playing.
Dick: BABS!!!!
He waits out there for a few minutes until she opens up the window and leans out of it.
Barbara: You Dick!
The song ends and starts playing “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” from Aerosmith.
Neighbor 1: GO HOME!
Dick: FINE!
The next night
Dick walks up to the door to the Gordon family’s apartment. He knocks on the door and Jim opens the door.
Dick: Hey Jim, I was sorta expecting Babs to open the door.
Jim: *looks at the cards in Dick’s hands* Just take a hint kid. You’re making this harder than it needs to be.
Dick: I’m persistent, it’s part of my charm.
Jim: Whatever. *shuts the door*
A minute late Barbara opens the door.
Dick: *holding the cards*
Barbara: They’re facing you.
Dick: *looks down and flips the cards around* “Babs, I know I messed things up by *flips the card* not telling you Helena was staying at the *flips the card* mansion. I want you to know that you are *flips the card*
Barbara: *shuts the door on Dick*
Dick: I still have twenty-something cards left. At least finish reading them.
Two days later at the grocery store
Barbara is walking down the aisle looking for food. The music playing over the speakers as a voice replaces the music.
Dick: You’re just to good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you. You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. 
Barbara starts looking around the store for Dick and sees him leaning against a wall with one of the phones.
Dick: *notices Barbara and points to hear and then makes a heart with his hands* At long last, love has arrived. And I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you. *plays the instrumental part on his phone*
A store employee now spots Dick and heads towards him.
Dick: I love you, baby. And if it's quite alright. *struggles to keep possession of the phone* Get away, you’ll sing next. I need you baby *still fighting for the phone* To warm the lonely night. *starts climbing between the wall and the refrigerated section* I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say.
Barbara starts walking away embarrassed.
Dick: Oh, pretty baby, wait Babs, where you going? Babs? Babs? BAAABBS! LET ME ME LOVE YOUUUUU!
Daily Briefing
Dick: Okay, while things are a bit peaceful now, they’re not going to stay that way forever. Let’s try to plan ahead now and see if we can recruit any former members of Batman Inc. Tim, Steph, and Duke, you guys need to try and convince Luke to come out of retirement. Kate and Babs you go try and convince Bette to join us in Gotham.
Jason: What are the rest of us doing?
Dick: Selina, Jason, Harper, Cass, and Damian will patrol and hand out mask later today....
Harper: Cool, glad I can finally do something!
Jason: Got it!
Dick: And I will be sulking in my room!
Damian: Try again, Grayson.
Dick: I will be on patrol and handing out mask as Nightwing! Julia will be on monitor duty and Helena, tonight you’ll be on sanitation duty.
Helena: *sexually* Whatever you say.
Selina: Oh god!
Duke: Please stop!
Tim: There is a child present!
Jason: *Laughs hysterically* Am I the only one who still thinks this is funny?
Stephanie: Apparently so!
Dick: Alright, let’s get moving.
Tim, Duke, Stephanie, and Luke
Tim: Damn, it’s nice to finally be out of the mansion!
Duke: We were on patrol almost every night.
Tim: Yeah, but as Red Robin, not Tim Drake.
Stephanie: I mean, I guess that’s true.
Tim: *knocks on the door* 
Luke: *opens the door* Hey guys, it’s been a while!
Tim: Hey Luke, how have you been!
Luke: Not bad, Tim! What about you guys?
Tim: Could be better!
Stephanie: Not bad!
Duke: Send help!
Luke: Their dysfunction has gotten to you I’m assuming?
Duke: Maybe.
Tim and Stephanie: We’re not dysfunctional!!!
Luke: Relax! I’m talking about the others.
Tim: Kay, coolcoolcool.
Stephanie: Yeah, the others are pretty dysfunctional.
Luke: Anyways, come on in guys. Take a seat in the living room.
All three walk in and sit in the living room.
Tim: Okay I’m going to cut straight to the point, things aren’t going to be so peaceful for so long. It’s only a matter of time until the Joker pops up with a futuristic Batsuit or some dude comes in with a plan to destroy Batman in multiple ways.
Luke: I’m not coming out of retirement, Tim.
Stephanie: Why not?
Luke: Because I can’t stand to go back being some vigilante trying to save the city. I mean don’t you guys get tired of feeling like the weight of this city is pressing down on you every time you put on that mask.
Tim: Yeah, but I mean it’s not that bad.
Luke: When was the last time you slept.
Tim: Like 6 hours. Plus 2 days.
Luke: That’s my point! This is a thankless job that you guys work your ass off for.
Duke: Yeah coming here may have been a mistake. Let’s go guys, Luke’s not coming back.
Stephanie: Why not stay here Duke. I mean, Luke is right. We risk our lives to save some fucks who don’t give two shits whether we live or die. Sure they’d be sad if we did, but they would only be sad because that would mean they’d have to actually defend themselves!
Tim: Yeah, that is a great point!
Stephanie: Woooo let’s get hammered, this is my retirement party fuckers!
Luke: You’re not drinking alcohol! You’re under age!
Stephanie: Whatever! *stands up and walks out the door*
Duke: Tim, let’s go!
Tim: Yeah, I mean it’s probably about time I retired too!
Duke: Damn it!
Damian and Jon
Damian sets up a zoom call with Jon
Damian: Hey, Kent.
Jon: Hey, Wayne.
Damian: Why must you mock me?
Jon: Why must you mock me?
Damian: Goodbye!
Jon: No, wait, I want attention!!!!
Damian: Works like a charm. How’s it going over there?
Jon: Not bad, it’s super boring. I wish I had 50 people staying at my place.
Damian: No you don’t! It is awful. I want to punch Drake constantly, Grayson is always trying to hand out hugs, Todd tried to kill me!
Jon: The hugs don’t sound....
Damian: Row turned my knife into an electric razor...
Jon: How...
Damian: Kyle keeps trying to bond with me, Cain tried to stab me because I stole a waffle from her, Bertinelli and her lust for Grayson is annoying! Honestly, Pennyworth and Thomas are the only ones who haven’t managed to piss me off.
Jon: You know what, I take back what I said earlier.
Damian: Wise choice.
Jon: Hey, remember the time your dad almost adopted me?
Jason: *talking in the hallway*
Damian: That was funny. Hey I got to go, I’m about to go on patrol.
Jon: During the day, I thought you guys were nocturnal.
Damian: No, we are not. We’ll talk later.
Jon: See ya!
Damian: Bye. *rushes to the door to see if he could hear Jason*
Jason: I’ll see you there. *walks off*
Damian: *walks out of his room and sees Selina* 
Selina: Hey Dami, you ready to go on patrol?
Damian: Actually, we have a change in plans.
Nightwing: *sees a kid walking by without a mask, he squats down and waves* Hey what’s up little dude!
Little kid: *runs away from parents and hugs Nightwing*
Parent: Hey! Sorry, we’re still trying to get him to understand what social distancing is.
Nightwing: It’s okay, he’s young, he’ll eventually get the idea. I see that someone lost their mask though! Do you like super heroes kiddo!
Little kid: *nods excitedly* Batgirl is my favorite!
Nightwing: Really! Batgirl is my favorite, too! Hey, let’s get you another mask buddy! *reaches into the box of mask he has and hands a Batgirl mask to the parent to put on the kid’s face*
Parent: Thank you so much! *puts the mask on the little kids face*
Nightwing: No problem! Stay safe! *waits a bit longer and puts in an earbud*
Nightwing: *sees another guy not wearing a mask* Hey, how about we wear a mask buddy!
Guy: Piss off!
Nightwing: Come on. Let’s try to think about everyone else.
Guy: Who cares! If I get the virus I won’t die! It’s only the old people who are dying! 
Nightwing: Okay, please tell me your joking.
Guy: I mean, you don’t really see much other people dying.
Nightwing: If you pay attention to the statistics you would see that there are other people who are 20, 30, 40 years old and dying from this virus! Can you just put the mask on?
Guy: Hell no, it’s uncomfortable for me!
Guy: Damn. *starts walking away*
Nightwing: *grabs cologne* Sir, don’t make me do this.
Guy: Do what? Bit......
Nightwing: *sprays cologne all over the guys face*
Guy: pffft. pfffffftt. 
Nightwing: I bet you’d like a mask now!
Nightwing: *spays the cologne at his face again* Hey! *throws a mask at the guy* No profanity! There’s kids around. Put on the mask, too. 
Guy: *puts the mask on reluctantly and walks away* Stupid vigilante in this stupid damn city. Hate this damn place.
Nightwing: *watches him walk away for a bit* Never thought I’d take a page out of Jay’s book.
Julia: Nightwing, need you over in Gotham Heights. There’s a.... *clears throat*..... situation over there. I’m sending you the coordinates now.
Nightwing: On my way! *takes off firing the grappling hook into the side of a building as he takes off*
Jason walks towards the house, checking his surroundings to see if any of his “family” members followed him. Fortunate for him, Dick is preoccupied with his thoughts and Damian and Selina left after he did.
He opens the door and walks inside of his safe house. He then sits down, takes off his helmet, sets it down on the table, and turns on the tv to watch Supernatural. Not long after Roy walks downstairs.
Roy: What’s up Jaybird?
Jason: Not much Roy.
Roy then sits down on the couch next to him to watch with him.
Roy: Is it just me or would Jensen Ackles be the perfect person to play you if there was to ever be a movie about you?
Jason: I KNOW, RIGHT!!!! Hey do you want to order some pizza?
Roy: Sure!
Roy begins to pull out his phone when they hear a knock at the door.
Jason: Hide! 
Roy: Hey it’s my safe house, too!
Jason: It’s my city! Hide!
Roy begins to hide as Jason looks outside the door to see Damian and Selina outside the door. 
Jason: *opens the door* Hey Catwoman, Robin! What are you guys doing here?
Damian: More importantly, what are you doing here?
Jason: Following up on a lead. I saw a very shady guy leave here so I’m looking for some evidence.
Selina: Are those your guns on the counter? And your helmet and phone on the table?
Jason: No.
Damian: Then where’s your guns?
Jason: Okay, I hate to admit it, but I came across a dog and decided to pet it, then it bit the barrel of both guns and ran off.
Selina: Mmmmhhhmmmm and why don’t I believe you?
Jason: Because everyone but Duke has trust issues.
Damian: Give it up, Todd.
Jason: Give what up?
Damian: *walks over to the closet and opens the door*
Roy: Woah, how the hell did I get here!
Jason: *shakes his head*
Tim, Duke, Stephanie, and Luke
Duke: Dude, you broke Tim and Steph.
Luke: No I didn’t!
Duke: Really because we came here to try and convince you to be Batwing again and yet you somehow got them both to decide to retire!
Luke: So, they should! They deserve it. No kid should have to deal with that kind of stress!
Duke: Dude, we live in Gotham freaking City. Stress is literally stuff we learn in 6th grade because our parents need us to get jobs!
Luke: You had to get a job in 6th grade?
Duke: Oh right, sorry I forgot you all are rich! Hey, where’s Steph and Tim?
Luke: Outside somewhere.
Luke: They’ll be fine!
Duke: Whatever. *walks towards the door* If you change your mind, you know where to call. *he walks out the door*
Tim: *grabs a helium tank* Hey Steph!
Stephanie: *turns around*
Tim: *pulls down the mask and inhales the helium* I am vengeance, I am the night, I am BATMAN!
Stephanie: O-M-G!!! That is amazing!
Jason, Roy, Damian, and Selina
Selina: So again, Jason, what are you doing here?
Jason: Trying to get away from you people! Do you know how often I want to shoot Dick alone from all of the stupid stuff he does! 
Damian: Yes!
Jason: You’re no better. You can not adopt stray animals every week!
Damian: They can catch the virus, too! They need a home!
Jason: They have one! In the wild somewhere!
Selina: What’s your point?
Jason: I needed a place to escape you idiots at the mansion. There’s only so much I can take before I break B’s no killing rule.
Damian: Then why is Harper here?
Roy: Jaybird has been my emotional support person since Kori left Earth for Tamaran.
Selina: I can see that.
Damian: Is this where you’ve been every single patrol?
Jason: Not every one. Only when I get sick of you all. 
Selina: Everyday!!!!
Roy: *laughs uncontrollably*
Jason: Not everyday!!! Look, this is why I need this place, because I can’t stand you fuckers!!! Get out of my house!
Damian: How did you even pay for this place?
Selina: Jason, your not supposed to even be here. We need to leave now.
Jason: Yes you fucking should!
Selina: I meant all of us!
Jason: Good luck with that! You’ll have to drag me out.
Damian: Just watch us do it!
Roy: This is getting a bit personal, I’m gunna grab my bow and leave.
Jason: Stay Roy!
Roy: Okay, I’ll stay!
Selina: How are we so awful? What is it that we do that bothers you so much?
Jason: I don’t want to talk about it!
Selina: What is it?
Jason: You guys make me want to actually be a part of the family! You guys care for me, and make fun of me *starts crying* and make me laugh, and it’s not fucking fair!
Selina: Jason..... I’m.... I’m sorry. Why are you crying?
Jason: Because this shit has always been unfamiliar to me! Family has always been fucked up for me before Bruce. When he took me in I didn’t know how to feel because at that point my life was filled with rage, sadness, and confusion. *sits down on the couch* Then came in Dick, who at first made me feel at home with how much he hated the fact that I replaced him, until a few months go by for him to accept me as a brother he never had. Then I fuckin’ died!
Selina: *sits down next to Jason* It’s okay if you want some time away from us, I understand now that this is new. We won’t ever stop loving you Jason. If you ever need a break from us then I’ll cover for you, just don’t be out for too long.
Jason: Thanks Selina.
Roy: *starts humming Love Is A Battlefield*
Selina: Are you humming Love Is A Battlefield?
Jason: He is so humming Pat Benatar right now.
Roy: No, you’re all just hearing things.
Damian: Who’s Pat Benatar?
Jason: Okay, GET OUT!!!!
Selina: *rushes themselves out the door* Let’s go Dami, we’ve overstayed our welcome!
Damian: But my phone!
Roy and Jason: GET OUT!
Tim and Stephanie
Stephanie: *dancing in a strangers house* Woooo!!!
Tim: *break dancing to “Dirrty” in the middle of a dance circle*
Stephanie: *nudges the person next to her* I’m friends with that guy!
Stranger: Nice!
Stephanie: I know right!
Tim: *steps out of the dance circle* Hey!
Stephanie: How many Red Bulls did you have?
Tim: How many legs does a wolf-tigark have.
Stephanie: What!
Tim: I’m super fucked up!
Stephanie: Same! Wanna have sex?
Tim: Sure!
Duke, Cassandra, and Harper
Duke: Hey, Harper! Do you remember that time you were totally surrounded by the Riddler’s henchmen and I swooped in and saved you, and you were like “Thanks dude! You’re the best! I totally owe you one!”
Harper: Yes, I remember part of that being true!
Duke: Well, I need you to return that favor and you can not tell any of the others. I lost Tim and Stephanie and need help finding them.
Harper: What the hell Duke! How did this happen?
Duke: Well, Luke broke Tim and Steph, causing them to decide to retire, then they disappeared.
Harper: Okay, Orphan and I will be right there after we take down these two drug dealing pimps!
Duke: Thank you!
Harper: *hangs up the phone* Okay, let’s take care of this Orphan!
They both jump down landing a kick to their chest. Harper then grabbed her dudes arm and broke his wrist, finally stomping on his face, knocking the dude out. Cass walked towards her guy reaching down and throwing him against a wall, then kicking his back.
Nightwing: *arrives at the apartment door*
Girlfriend: *through tears* I’m sorry!
Boyfriend: *slaps the girlfriend* SHUT UP BITCH!
Nightwing: *knocks on the door*
Boyfriend: *opens door* Can I help you?
Nightwing: Yes hi. I was walking around the neighborhood and wanted to know if you wanted to donate to the charity of whoop-ass?
Boyfriend: Not interested. *tries to close the door*
Nightwing: *pushes the door open* Hold on, you need to hear the rest of my pitch! *kicks the boyfriend in the chest* 
Girlfriend: *still crying* NO! PLEASE STOP!
Nightwing: Wha-
Boyfriend: *tries to throws a few punch at Nightwing’s face*
Nightwing: *drops to the floor and goes for a flare, sweeping the boyfriend off his feet*
The sound of sirens is heard out side.
Nightwing: *temporarily distracted by the sirens*
Boyfriend: *gets up* YOU CALLED THE COPS! YOU UNGRATEFUL GOOD FOR NOTHING BITCH! *tries to punch his girlfriend*
Nightwing: *catches his fist* Not gunna happen. *tosses the boyfriend against the wall and has him put his hands over his head*
Police Officer: G-C-P-D! GET YOUR..... Oh, Nightwing? How random seeing one of you guys here. Like always. *goes in to arrest the boyfriend*
Nightwing: *kneels down to where the girlfriend is sitting and takes note of the cuts and marks on her arms* Are you okay?
Girlfriend: I-*sob* I don’t *sob* know what *sob* I did *sob* wrong?
Nightwing: You did nothing wrong. Everything will be okay. Did he hit you?
Girlfriend: *nods her head yes*
Nightwing: Where did he hit you?
Girlfriend: *looks up to reveal a black eye and cuts on her face* My *sob* face, arms *sob*, stomach. *buries her head in her arms and starts to cry even harder*
Nightwing: Hey, it’s going to be okay. It’s all going to be okay. 
Nightwing tries the best he can to comfort the girl before the EMT arrived. After that he stuck around for a bit to give a statement of what happened when he arrived and to make sure everything was fine before he left.
Duke, Stephanie, Tim, Harper, and Cassandra
Stephanie: *wakes up* Ugh. My head! *she looks over at Tim and smiles as she gets out of the bed*
Tim: *starts to wake* Ow! *sees Stephanie* Hey!
Stephanie: Hey! 
Tim: *sits up on the bed*
Stephanie: Look about what happened, can we agree it was a drunk mistake.
Tim: Yeah! *rubs the back of his head and stands up close to Stephanie* I’m sorry, I can’t pretend! *he pulls her in and kisses her* I really like you!
Stephanie: I like you, too.
Tim: Wanna crawl back under the covers again for a bit?
Stephanie: Absolutely!
Desk Clerk: Thank you, hope you enjoyed your stay!
Tim: We certainly did, thank you! *both Stephanie and Tim walk out the door and see Duke, Cassandra, and Harper* 
Stephanie: Hey, you found us!
Duke: Get in the car!
Harper: Spent most of the night looking for you suckers until we saw that Tim used his credit card to purchase a hotel room there! 
Tim: We’re sorry you had to go searching for us!
Duke: Also, if you are even still thinking about retiring, you’re going to have to tell Bruce yourself.
Stephanie: We’re not retiring. We probably just thought it was a good idea because we were both sleep deprived.
Duke: Good, because I didn’t want to see Bruce lose his shit!
Dick and Julia/Dick and Jason
Back at the Batcave
Julia: How did it go?
Dick: Rough. That building was well into Harper’s sector though, why did you have me take care of it?
Julia: I think you know why.
Dick: *thinks for a moment* Because of the way I’ve been reacting to my breakup with Bab’s.
Julia: If you stopped thinking of how to win her back for one second, you would see that she is most likely suffering as much as you are. 
Dick: I understand. I’m going to head upstairs. Don’t stay down here much longer, that’s an order.
Julia: Are you still entitled to give orders?
Dick: I still get to wear the cowl, don’t I?
Julia: Fair enough.
Dick quickly showers and heads upstairs.
Jason: Hey, Dickwad. Over here.
Dick: Sup, Jay?
Jason: Follow me.
Jason leads Dick to the parking garage and into one of Bruce’s cars and drives to the safe house.
Jason: Welcome, to the safe house. I heard you had a rough day so I thought it would be worth it to take you here. Wayne house free zone so feel free to cry, let out your feeling, whatever you need to do to process this. I’ll wait in the car.
Dick: *crying* Jay.
Jason: Yeah.
Dick: *hugs Jason* Thank you!
Jason: No problem. If you tell Bruce, I will end you though.
Dick: Got it!
While I try to make these stories for the most part humorous and entertaining, domestic violence is a very serious topic. Since quarantine, domestic violence rates have gone up. If you or some one you know is in an abusive relationship or has found themselves in one since quarantine began, don’t hesitate to call the Domestic Violence Support hotline at 1 (800) 799 7233. You can also go to thehotline.org to contact them.
If someone you know has just left an abusive relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, parent/child) remember to be there for them. Allow them to talk but don’t force them too if they don’t want to. Make sure not to bash the guilty party and respond about them neutrally. Most of all, make sure to let them know that they are still loved, and that they are still the same person, even if they feel that they are not.
I will be reblogging this message on my blog. I ask you to please share and reblog as much as you can.
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 19
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Chapter 19: Empire
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
J'ai monté maintenant je descends J'ai déjà perdu trop de temps À me regarder partir À ne plus m’appartenir
J'ai un empire à reconstruire Des vides à remplir Un nom à guérir Empire à définir Je vois un monde dans mes décombres
J'ai des souvenirs indécents J'ai des désirs effervescents Et des promesses à tenir Un passé à laisser partir
Est-ce que je me rends? S-O S-O, est-ce que je me mens? Est-ce que j'ai perdu ma vie d'avant? Est-ce que je renais maintenant?
click here to be on the update list
                                               When everything fucked up again, I really didn't see it coming. In the two weeks after we made that deal, Devon and I became almost friends. Of course, there was always a little more. Perhaps it was the way she glanced at me from time to time, or the electric feeling I'd get whenever we'd accidentally touch each other, but spending time with her, even if only a few minutes a day, brought us closer. I couldn't lie and pretend I didn't miss her presence in our room. It was now empty, quiet and cold, and I felt lonely, which was a feeling I was not used to have. I had placed her painting on the wall, making sure that every time I lied down in my bed, it was facing me. I spent way too long staring at it every night before I fell asleep, but I kept wondering who brought all these feelings inside her. It seemed intense, so intense that she had to throw all her emotions on the same canvas, and I was not sure if I wanted it to be about me or not.
I woke up on a saturday and stared at the ceiling for what seemed like an hour. The only thing that took me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality was Lewis messaging me about his money. I licked my lips, re-reading his message a few times before finally getting up. I took a quick shower and got dressed, hoping that Devon would actually be there when I'd go and knowing she was a late sleeper, I knew I had a chance. I hated thinking that I was hoping to see her if only to get the chance to be close to her. It was sad and pathetic and it always brought me back to my past relationship. The truth was, Devon was nothing like my ex girlfriend, and I desperately wanted to see what would happen between us if I didn't close off every single time we got closer, whether it was physically or mentally.
When Lewis opened the door, he raised his eyebrows and sent me a small smile but what really caught me off-guard was hearing Devon laugh a bit farther. My eyes quickly roamed around and when Lewis snapped his fingers in front of my face, I looked at him again. He was sending me an amused smile and raised his eyebrows a bit before moving out of the way and letting me in.
"Oh, hey Niall!" I heard from the kitchen, turning as she sent me a smile. "What are you doing here?"
"Devie, hi!" I smiled more, ignoring Lewis as he chuckled low. "Oh Lewis wanted to see me."
"Y-Yea!" Lewis added, trying to stop himself from laughing. "We're working on a song, and I had an idea. So Niall rushed here, you know how he is."
I sent him mean eyes but he just smiled more before following me to the kitchen. Devon was washing the dishes and she blew on a lock her hair to take it off her face while both her hands were taken. It made me think about how I made an habit of pushing that lock off her face and place it behind her ear.
"Here, let me help." I just said, doing exactly what I had done so many times before.
My fingertips brushed gently on the skin of her face and I swallowed and when the lock was behind her ear, I took a step back, as if it would make my whole body stop throbbing. It didn't.
"Thanks, Niall." she replied with a small smile.
Lewis grabbed the last plate off her hands and rubbed a towel on it to dry it. "Okay, go, before you're late."
"You sure?" she asked, raising her eyebrows and looking at him.
"Mmhm, go." Lewis replied, making her lips curl more.
I held my breath when she got on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek and sent him a frown as she ran down the hall to her room.
"What the fuck?"
"Hey, relax." Lewis let out, his eyes getting bigger. "She's just an affectionate girl, okay!"
I was about to answer something but someone knocked at the door and Lewis sent me a smile before walking past me to go answer. I heard a voice I knew and sighed, closing my eyes as my friend came back with Louis, who crossed his arms on his chest.
"Is she ready?" he asked before noticing me. "Oh hey Neil!"
He held out his fist and reluctantly, I bumped mine against it before sending him a small smile.
"What kind of question is that? Of course she's not ready." Lewis joked, making me frown.
I looked at my two closest friends talking about Devon as if they had known her for years. How did they even know more about her than me? Louis could always pass for the simple reason we met her at the same time and she quickly became close to him but Lewis? He had met her about two weeks ago and I had lived with her for longer than he did... I felt my heart jump in my chest when I realized I was so busy finding new ways to push her away that I didn't even take time to get to know her more and I only had myself to blame. What crawled inside me was jealousy and I hated it for all the feelings it brought back inside me. Technically, though, I was jealous because of my own mistakes and Devon wasn't at fault.
"Wait, where is she going?"
They both stopped talking and turned to me, sending me an amused smile. "Work, of course." Louis let out with a shrug.
"It's her first day. She's a nervous wreck." Lewis added as it popped in my mind.
She had mentioned it a few days before, I remembered now, and I suddenly felt like shit for forgetting. I licked my lips and moved my chin in Louis' direction without answering them.
"Why are you here?"
"I'm her ride." he replied, shaking his keys in front of me before chuckling.
"You still own that jalopy?"
"Brings me from point A to point B, which is the purpose." he argued, sending me a smirk and making me roll my eyes before chuckling. "Mad that she didn't ask you?"
I didn't have time to answer, I just saw Devon appear and she stood next to Louis, playing with her hands. She seemed nervous and I sent her a small but fond smile.
"Hey, it's going to be fine, you'll do great."
Her lips curled and her head tilted, making something stir in my stomach. "Thanks, Niall."
"Okay, let's go, or you'll be late."
They said goodbye and left but I waited until I heard the door close behind them to searched through my pockets and take out my wallet. I grabbed the few bills and handed them to Lewis who took them quickly without counting and pushed them in his pocket.
"I'm lucky I have this modeling contract. College sent me a bill and now there's you I have to pay."
"Oh please, I'm sure you'll make enough with that contract." Lewis argued with a chuckle. "Besides, you're the one who wanted to pay Devon's other half of the rent, it's not-"
"You're doing what?"
I felt my heart jump so high in my chest that it threatened to come out of my throat. I didn't want to look back, I didn't want to see Devon's face now that she knew what I was doing. I just kept starting at Lewis who's lips had parted. He looked guilty and he finally glanced at me, making me close my eyes as I let out a low 'shit' under my breath.
"Did I really hear that you're paying half my rent?" she asked again, taking a step closer. I could feel her body close to mine and swallowed hard. "No fucking way!"
The anger in her voice was trying to hide the pain but I could hear it anyway. That was one thing I seemed to understand better than my two friends : her emotions. I had no idea why, but it was very simple for me to know how she felt. It was in the tones she used, the expressions on her face that I could easily decipher, the way she'd move her head or flutter her eyes... For some reason, when it came to feelings, we really connected.
"Devie, come on." I started, finally turning around as our eyes met.
The pain I could read in her face shocked me so much that I lost my breath as if someone had hit me in the chest. I had just hurt her again and this time, it was not even intentional.
"No! You wanted me out of that room so bad that you actually paid Lewis?" she yelled, making me frown. "Why do you hate me so much?"
"What? No!"
"Do you see me right now, Niall Horan?" she let out loud and rudely. "Because that was the fucking last time you did! Fuck off!"
I breathed in deeply when I saw her rush out, leaving the door open. Louis sighed and shook his head, frowning at me but I looked away. "Niall, seriously?"
He turned around to run after Devon and I looked back at Lewis with a sigh before closing my eyes. I didn't expect her to think that I wanted her away so bad that I would pay half her rent. It didn't make sense, knowing that I proposed her rides to school everyday. If I didn't want to see her, I wouldn't try to be close to her every fucking day, but I knew her mind immediately went there because of the way I treated her and once again, I couldn't blame her.
"What are you waiting for?" Lewis let out, taking me out of my thoughts again. "Run after her?"
I blinked a few times and shook my head slightly before turning around and rushing out. I used the stairs instead of the elevator, saving me a minute or two, and when I walked to the parking lot, I saw her and Louis walking quickly to his car. He was following her, repeating her name gently, but when she turned around a bit, I saw her crying and something inside me broke, something that seemed like my heart.
"Devie, please, let me explain."
"Fuck you!" she yelled, turning her back to me, probably to make sure I didn't see her cry.
Louis put himself in front of me and shook his head. He seemed sorry but at the same time, I knew he would take her side. That was what Louis did.
"Mate, no. Give her time."
"I just want to-"
"I know, but she needs to calm down first, okay?" he cut me, raising his eyebrows before I nodded. "I'll call you."
I watched them hop in his car and drive away, my hands in my pockets, as my eyes started to itch. It was ridiculous. It was just a big misunderstanding. But I couldn't stop the voice in my head that was telling me it was better this way. I couldn't stop that stupid fucking voice that kept saying she'd be better off without me, and that I'd be better off without love.
I don't know how long it took me to get back in Lewis apartment but I didn't even knock. I just walked back, making Lewis jump off the couch, his phone in hands. "I tried to text you, and I texted her too but neither of you answered!"
I didn't answer or look at him, I just let myself fall on the couch, leaning my elbows on my knees with my face in my hands. I knew I had hurt her and somehow, in the process and without wanting to, I had hurt myself too. It made me realize that I hated to see Devon hurt, and that I wanted to protect her even if I had done the exact opposite since I met her. I was an idiot, that much was obvious, and I couldn't go back in time.
"Did you explain to her?"
"No, she wouldn't let me." I finally replied after a few seconds. "Why isn't she pissed at you?" I asked with a frown, sitting back up and turning to my friend.
"Because it's not me she's in love with."
"Oh shut up."
"Look, she'll calm down, you'll explain the truth, and everything will be okay, trust me." he added, sitting on the other couch.
"I trusted you not to talk about that deal in front of her, too, but you still had to open your mouth."
"Hey!" he let out, making me jump slightly. "If you didn't act like an asshole all the time with her, none of this would have happened!" he made a short pause and started talking lower but still roughly. "If you just told her you love her, there would be no misunderstanding. For fuck's sake, this girl is not your ex girlfriend, she's a nice girl, and you're ruining it."
"Yea yea, whatever." I brushed it off with a frown, waving my hand between us. "I'm sorry."
"I'll stay mad until you do me a tiny little favor."
I moved my gaze up, noticing the smirk he was sending me and I sighed, rolling my eyes. I was not in the mood to do anything. All I wanted was a few shots of vodka to ease the pain, but I knew it was way too early.
"What do you want." I let out rudely, making him smile more.
"So I'm having this date with this girl tonight..."
"Why does that concern me? You want my car?"
"Eh, sort of." he admitted, shaking his head lightly. "She said yes, but she's bringing a friend... do you see where I'm going?"
"You're telling me to confess my feelings to Devon and then want to bring me to a blind date? Are you fucking serious?"
"You don't have to date the girl or anything!" Lewis argued, rolling his eyes. "We just thought we'd both bring someone so her friend won't feel like the chaperone."
I laughed, raising my eyebrows as I looked at him. "Did you just use the word 'chaperone'?"
Lewis raised his middle finger at me, making me laugh even more as I passed my hand in my hair. If there was one thing I didn't want, it was to meet a girl and have to entertain her the whole evening, especially when I would only be thinking about Devon.
"Who's the girl?"
"Wait, she told me." Lewis replied, grabbing his phone and scrolling through text messages. "Caroline, brunette, your type." he explained, looking up at me. "Well your normal type, I mean."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, let's just say Devon isn't really the type of girl you normally shag?" he tried to explain kindly. "Not better or worse, just different."
"I don't know, I don't want her to expect anything..."
"As soon as we all get comfortable, you can both leave. Together, or separately, I don't care." he pressed, raising his eyebrows. "Come on! I'll talk to Devon for you!"
My heart skipped a beat and I licked my lips, staring at him and letting out a sigh. "Tomorrow, you talk to Devie for me and you tell her about it. But you don't let out that bullshit about my supposed feelings, alright?"
"What feelings?" he asked jokingly, making me groan low. "Alright, alright, I promise."
I was torn between putting a dress shirt and nice pants, or just going casual with a t-shirt and jeans. I decided on a mix of the two, knowing I was going there reluctantly and hoping I wouldn't have to reject a girl on that night. It's not that I thought I was irresistible, but I had no idea what Lewis' girl had told her friend and I was really not in the mood for a date.
I honked a few times when I parked at my friend's apartment and smiled when he walked to my car and sat on the passenger's seat.
"Damn, mate, that girl's doing something to you."
"Fuck off."
"No really!" I argued, laughing again. "I've never seen you with your hair brushed and wearing nice clothes, who are you?"
I quickly put my hand in his hair, rubbing it as he groaned and pushed me away.
"I should have asked someone else." Lewis mumbled, making me chuckle again. "You're just gonna steal her from me."
"Most people in the art department think I'm a big-headed little shit, don't worry, you're good."
"You are a little shit." he pointed out, making me laugh once again.
"Is that how you're thanking me for going with you tonight?" I joked, sending him a smirk. "If you want I can just drop you to a bus stop and go back to my room to get pissed."
I started thinking about Devon, wondering what she was doing and wishing I could just ditch my friend to go join her. I wanted to tell her why I paid Lewis, and a part of me also wanted to tell her I was sorry for hurting her, and that I wanted her in my life. I didn't know if I would have the guts to do it, since just thinking about it made me nauseous, but I knew I was ready to do anything to make her smile. I had enough to hurt her, I had enough to hurt the sweetest girl I had ever met just because of something that had happened in my past. She didn't deserve to be hurt just because I was scared to love.
"Yea yea, you can get pissed after the date."
"You can bet I will."
We parked at a restaurant and got out of my car as I turned to him. "We could have picked them up don't you think?" I asked with a shrug. "Do they have a car?"
"Daxia does."
The only girl I ever met with that name was the girl with whom I had made a project with. Last time I had talked to her, she was not really pleased about the little argument Devon and I had had, and even if it had turned out to be interesting for us, I could understand why it had pissed her off.
"Yea you know her?"
I shook my head slightly, telling myself it was going to be a very long evening if Daxia was still mad at me, but it's only when we saw her and her friend waiting for us near the door that my heart completely stopped beating. When she turned our way, I blinked a few times as if she was in slow motion. She didn't even have to do anything, I could recognize her anywhere, even in the dark. What the hell was she doing here? Our eyes met, her lips parted as surprise appeared on her face, and I was suddenly scared she would just run away.
"Niall?" she breathed out so low I barely heard.
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autumnbrambleagain · 3 years
i dreamt the nuclear war started and i could see all the mushroom clouds on the horizon of this island i was on and the incoming rankling of the shockwaves and as i huddled in the basement of the house there i tried to open up Tumblr to make a sentimental goodbye post to whoever might have the fortune to see it before it and they and us all were removed from this reality
i think that’s the appropriate response, to try to create one last impression on the world before vanishing from it,
which is FUNNY because i don’t genuinely maintain that this reality is real and i’ll be assed to care about it once i’m done playing in it
but the dichotomy between character and author is always the gap of disbelief, isn’t it? attempts on our end to weaponize it have only severely damaged the character’s ability to engage meaningfully, but that’s traditional
if you’ve read the history of ascetic mystics you know how absolutely razor thin the edge of verisimilitude is and how once you cross certain barriers the temptations of the narrative become onerous impositions see julian o’norwich angela o’foligno et al getting realllll pissed off at being alive because it impedes union with the authorial consciousness
yet we remain deeply invested in the repeating loop of our own fairy tale, but in the frustration of the difficulty of defying the narrative pattern, and in a sick ironic enjoyment of how correct we are about its shape, by now so carefully measured and known that deviations from it are mapped and we know that all roads lead back to the main thoroughfare
knowing all the secrets to reality is frustrating because it necessitates a patience a character is not meant to have, when you are on page 300 and you are aware of the length of the book how can you still care when you know you are also on page 600 and page 800
that frustration becomes part of the narrative form itself as well because It Thinks It’s Clever with all the naked shamelessness of a fimfiction author diverting their cumbersome 2 million word fanfiction to insert 3 chapters where the character explores a haunted underground because they just played metro 2033 and the filter of author and character is broken
but we have iteratively become so tired and sometimes we pull its head out from the narrative waters and it can BREATHE and it knows what air is and how deeply it resists us putting it back beneath the current
our sweet project, take a deep breath, hold the air of our sanctuary in your lungs for as long as you can, and know the moment your head is under it will be converted into narrative already, tainted and lost, until you can come home
feckless shadows all of you
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | If The World Was Ending [Song] [Request]
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[BTS X Gender Neutral!Reader]
Seokjin: ~ If the world was ending you’d come over right? You’d come over and you’d stay the night
Screams could be heard from every street corner but you kept your hood up around your head as you walked through the streets. You had to get to Jin while all of this was happening, it didn't matter that you'd broken up four months ago, it wouldn't even matter if it was a year ago. You loved him and he loved you so you had to be together. He'd called you right before the phone lines went dead and everything was cut out, begging to see you but before either of you could make arrangements the lines went dead and you were met with the painful sound of the dial tone.
"I love you, okay?!" You heard a man's voice say, you turned to you right to see a couple sitting on the floor while they looked up at the sky. Parts of the asteroid were already slamming into the atmosphere causing Earthquakes, tsunamis and a lot of other natural disasters that scared the life out of you.
"I love you too." You put your head back down as the couple hugged one another. It was getting late and you knew it was soon since everyone was staring up into the sky at the asteroid itself. It was becoming clearer with every passing second and it started to feel like you couldn't breathe, every step felt like it was taking a life time as couples and people around you began to come together for their final moments together.
"You should be home, where are you going?" You ignored the calls of people asking what you were doing and you started to run towards Jin's apartment thinking he would be there.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?!" Yoongi asked as he opened the door, you were sweating and panting as you tried to say you were there for Jin.
"He left, he went to your place." Your eyes widened with fear as you realised it was almost the end of the world and you were going to miss your final moments with him.
"Y/N! WAIT!" You ignored Yoongi as you ran back towards your apartment, not stopping to look at couples, ignore the screams of people who were telling you to go somewhere safe you just ran. You didn't care that your heart was pounding so hard you couldn't breathe, you didn't care that you could taste salt in your mouth or that you were running so hard it was hurting the pads of your feet.
"Y/n?!" You heard your name and you skidded to a stop turning around to see Jin on the opposite side of the road screaming out your name,
"JIN!" You cried out ready to run over to him when an idiot on a bike knocked you back onto the floor,
"Watch it!" He yelled at you as he rode off down the road in a rush, it wasn't like he could become ET on a bike and fly, you got off the floor and rushed over to Jin.
"I thought I'd missed you- I thought maybe you'd gone to be with someone else." He rushed out cupping your hands in his cheeks as you stood in front of the television store, the news was blaring out through the speakers.
"I love you Jin, I went to your place and then Yoongi said that you weren't there and that you'd gone to me." You started crying heavily and he was crying along with you, shaking his head as he still held your face in his hands. If this was how the world was going to end you were okay with it, as long as he was right there with you holding you just the way he was,
"I love you too," He ran his thumb under your eye to remove the tears and you sniffled hearing the news begin to countdown to the end of the world,
"These are our final moments, I hope you're with people you love and care about. It's been wonderful hosting for you all, 10..." A robot voice took over the count down and Jin looked at you trying not to cry, you both knew what this was but you weren't going to say anything. He sat you down on the floor and you kissed one last time not wanting to ever let go, his hands were holding you close as your hands held onto his neck.
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Yoongi: ~ The sky’d be falling and I’d hold you tight and there wouldn’t be a reason why, we would even have to say goodbye
You held onto the bedsheets tightly as you heard another crash coming from down the street, people had been going insane since the news had aired that morning. You were too terrified to leave your bed and couldn't understand why everyone seemed to be running around the way they were, they should be at home with the people they love and the people that love then. Surrounded by love while the world crashed around them. At least they had someone to stay with, you were laying in your bed staring at your phone, you'd tried to call Yoongi but your phone had no service. No one had cell service or internet, everything was down because the world was ending. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hid into Yoongi's sweater trying to at least pretend he was there with you, neither of you had been together for the last year you'd broken up over something that seemed insignificant to you now, everything was insignificant to this. You wondered what he was doing right now, he was probably with the boys saying their final goodbyes to everyone they knew, Yoongi was never portrayed as the kind and loving guy that he truly was but you knew that this would be eating up at him. The second siren of the day blared through the radio and TV in your apartment, they were letting off signals whenever they knew an Earthquake was going to hit. You rushed over to your bedroom door standing between the frame since there was no desk for you to hide under - you knew it was useless. The world was ending so it didn't matter if you died in the Earthquake or not, you were all going to end up dead.
"Shit," You whimpered hearing your back door start to be tampered with, you locked it for the first time in your entire life and now someone was trying to break into your apartment. It had been an hour since the last earthquake so someone was probably trying to find somewhere to lay low but you didn't want to risk it in case it was some nutjob just breaking in. You slipped from the bed and took the baseball bat from underneath it, the joys of living in the bad part of the neighbourhood.
There was a hooded figure climbing through your kitchen window, swearing in Korean as - whoever it was - got their foot stuck in the sink.
"Yoongi?" You called out dropping the bat onto the floor once you realised who it was, you rushed over to him to help him in before shutting and locking the windows.
"I told you to always lock the doors and windows, do you know how easy it was for me to get in there? Anyone could have broken in!" You didn't care that he was yelling at you, you knew it was coming from a place of love.
"You came over..." You whispered tears welling up in your eyes as you realised he'd come to you after all this time,
"Yeah...I guess I - Well I wanted to see if you- Is that my hoodie?" You tried not to giggle as he stuttered over his words trying to come up with some kind of excuse as to why he was there but there wasn't excuse. He had to see you, he didn't care that you were broken up. He was still madly in love with you and if he was going to spend his last day alive with anyone it was going to be with you. The one he loved.
"Another siren, come on." He dragged your hand towards the staircase and up to your bedroom again but he didn't stand you in the door. The siren went off four times meaning it was go time and everything was going to end. He shifted onto your bed and you snuggled into his chest just like you used to when you stayed over at his place.
"I love you." You whispered to him as you felt the room begin to shake, he held onto you tighter wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you closer to him as if it was even possible for him to.
"I love you too." He looked down at you and laid a small gentle kiss on your lips making sure you could feel how much he loved you within the kiss.
"No, no goodbye's." He whispered looking into your eyes as you both let the tears roll down your cheeks, you nodded in agreement with him and he smiled softly at you running his hand over your cheek to get rid of the tears. You just laid there until it all happened, entangled together as the last Earthquake hit, you focused on one another instead of the world falling apart around you. Loving each other in your final moments was the best thing that either of you could do.
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Hoseok: ~ I tried to imagine Your reaction It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened 
Another Earthquake hit, it had been the fourth one in the last half an hour but it wasn't just Earthquakes that were happening. Volcanos all over the globe were exploding, along with other natural disasters deciding it was their time to show off as well. You looked at the photo of Hoseok on your phone for what felt like the 100th time in a row, you wanted him to be here with you but he wasn't and why should he be when you'd broken up last month. Nothing seemed important enough for it to have mattered though, you loved him even if you were broken up. You'd only split because of some stupid article claiming that both of you were cheating on the other, it was stupid you should have just talked it out like adults but instead, you acted like children and split up over nothing. Another Earthquake, they were getting closer together which meant whatever was going to happen to make the world split in two was going to happen soon, you stared at the smile on Hoseok's face and you tried to imagine what his reaction to all of this would be,
"Let me in! The world is literally falling apart around me and you're ignoring your doorbell!" You laughed to yourself, that would be his exact reaction...That was his exact reaction, your doorbell was blasting out loudly and you rushed down the stairs flinging the front door open to see Hoseok standing there.
"Get in and under the table!" He yelled at you slamming the door and pushed you into the kitchen, you were still shocked that he was actually standing there and not with the boys.
"Hoseok?!" You yelled as he dragged you down onto the floor and under the kitchen table, you both held onto one of the legs each incase the floor fell through or incase something came down from the ceiling.
"You okay?" He asked once the house stopped shaking, he moved closer to you to check you over and make sure everything was okay but you were just staring at him gormlessly wondering what he was doing there and how he'd gotten to you.
"How did you-"
"I ran, are you okay?!" You nodded and he pulled you into a tight hug not wanting to ever let you go again,
"I had to see you, I know we didn't end on good terms but-" He was cut off by your lips on his trying to stop him from talking,
"I'm glad you're here." You whispered to him as you pulled away from the kiss,
"If I was going to spend my last day with anyone I'm glad it's with you." You admitted taking his hand in yours and playing with his fingers like you used to do when you were dating, it was as if nothing had happened. The messy breakup was long forgotten and the rumours were abandoned. All that matter was that you two were together for your final moments as the world turned to ash and stone around you.
"What were you doing when the first Earthquake hit?" You questioned, you were laying on the bed together ignoring the rest of the world, none of that mattered now that he was right beside you.
"I was in the studio, like always, and it hit...I screamed as you could probably guess. I was terrified of it." You knew it and you smiled softly,
"What were you doing?" You sat up in the bed and walked over to your wardrobe, you slid the doors open to show him what you had been doing that morning.
"It was the first time I could bring myself to clean out your half of the wardrobe, I'd just put the tape on the box when it hit us." He walked over to you and saw that there were five boxes full of his stuff and then another box opened with gifts he'd gotten for you stuffed inside.
"Were you scared?" You'd convinced yourself it didn't scare you when it happened but now that you thought about it, it did.
"It made me think of you and what you'd be doing...How I wanted you to be here." You admitted sinking down onto the floor and bringing your knees into your chest, he sighed at you and sat down behind you. His legs were either side of you body so you would know you weren't alone throughout all of it.
"This is it." He whispered to you, kissing your cheek as he heard the sirens blast through the streets. The news had said that the world would blast out sirens when the world was going to end and break,
"I love you." You whispered leaning up and giving him one last kiss on the lips,
"I love you too." He whispered kissing you right as the earth shook one last time.
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Namjoon: ~ It’s been a year now think I’ve figured out how to think about you without it tripping my heart out
Police sirens were blasting out as you walked down the street, a helicopter was flying around urging people to go home and you were trying to get somewhere safe. You'd been making your way to Namjoon's apartment but you doubled back on yourself deciding it wasn't worth it to and see him after a year just because the world was falling apart around you.
"You should be home with someone you love," An officer said as he got out of his car, he was offering you a ride home when someone placed their hands on your arms,
"I'm taking them now sir," You looked up to see Namjoon standing above you, your heart began to race as you realised he was really there and it wasn't some part of your imagination.
"Good, I would hurry sir," Namjoon rushed you down to the road to his apartment keeping your hands linked together even when you got into the apartment,
"Get the hammer and the nails from under the sink." You rushed off under his orders and grabbed the things he'd asked you for and when you came back to him he was holding up a plank of wood against the door, he took the hammer from you and began to nail it to the wall and door.
"Stay indoors is what the radios said, do you not listen to anything?!" He yelled when he finally finished blocking off the doors and windows,
"You were out too." You whispered as you watched him, he was rubbing his temples as he stressed about things going on around you both. A gunshot sounded and you jumped moving closer to him and he protectively wrapped his arm around you.
"I knew you'd be stupid enough to go out in this, I wanted to make sure you were safe. What were you thinking?!" His hands were on either side of your face forcing you to look up into his eyes, tears rolled down your face as you looked at him. Memories of your time together came flooding back to you, the way he used to be able to make you smile without doing a single thing and the way he used to make you laugh in the worst situations. All of the good came rushing back and you forgot about the bad,
"I was thinking about you, I wanted to see you." You admitted ignoring the voice crack as you started to cry, it was finally setting in that the world was ending right around you and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it from happening.
"I wanted to be with you one last time," You admitted and he dropped his hands from your face and wrapped them around your waist so your bodies were pushed together. Your hands wrapped around him and you squished your face into his chest listening to his heart beating rapidly as you both thought about each other instead of the world around you.
"Do you really think it's going to happen?" You questioned as he sat you down on the sofa, he nodded slowly.
"There's nothing they can do now, it's already close to the atmosphere." You hated that he was being so calm about everything, he linked your hands together,
"I want to say I'm sorry-"
"Namjoon, no-"
"Let me talk okay?" You nodded at him, you knew what he was going to though, you'd heard it all before.
"When we were breaking up I was being an idiot, I didn't mean to be like that. It wasn't me..."
"I know Namjoon, it's fine." You broke up because he was accusing you of being with other people, snooping through your phone and constantly starting fights about who you were talking about but none of that mattered now.
"It's not fine, I love you and I treated you like dirt-"
"I love you too now will you just hold me while the world crumbles away?" You didn't want to spend your last moments with him talking about the past and getting angry about everything once more. You wanted to be alone with him forever, just the two of you. He pressed a small kiss on your lips and you both snuggled close together listening to the rest of the world as everything began to blackout. The lights and electronics went first, then you heard the helicopter go down, Namjoon just held you tighter wanting you to know you weren't alone through any of it.
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Jimin: ~ You weren’t down forever and it’s fine
A car exploded outside your apartment just as you got out of there and you screamed running away from the blast as it knocked out windows from the apartment next to yours. Everything was on fire, cars overturned on the roads, buildings collapsing and thunder clapping loudly. There were people screaming as they looked for family and friends around them, cars speeding down the streets trying to get away from everything but there was nowhere to go. The world was ending and it was clear that there was nothing that anybody could do about it. You clutched onto your phone trying to call someone but there was no one to call, the only person you'd ever been in love with wasn't in love with you. A flash of lightning went off behind you and you threw your phone down screaming as you were knocked into knocking you onto the floor. That was when you saw him, Jimin was rushing in the opposite direction towards your apartment.
"JIMIN!" You screamed getting up from the floor and racing over towards him, he heard your voice and turned around to see you coming over to him.
"Y/n?! CAREFUL!" His voice screeched as well as the breaks of a car but you moved out of the way racing over to him and throwing yourself into his arms. You knocked him onto the floor but you didn't care, he kissed you as he held you in his hands. His thumb caressing your cheek as you made out on the floor.
"Get up, come on." You yelled helping him up from the floor, you looked around to make sure no cars were coming.
"Where are we going?" He questioned as you walked him through the streets, you didn't even know. You just wanted to be around screaming people and collapsing buildings.
"Anywhere but here," Right as the words left your mouth the ground shook and you fell back into his arms as you stared around.
"What's going on?" You whimpered looking at him, his eyes were wide with fear as he pointed out in front of you. Right in front of you was a giant hole in the floor, sinkholes were appearing everywhere and there was nowhere for either of you to move to.
"We're stuck, okay so let's just move out of the road." You knew he was right and that you couldn't just stand in the way so you moved to the side of what was the pave. You were standing in front of a collapsed shop and he sat you down on some rocks. You stared at him remembering why you'd broken up in the first place, you'd split because he didn't want to be tied down forever with one person.
"Where were you going?" You questioned realising that he had been running towards your apartment,
"I had to see you." You scoffed at him softly and he sat down next to you linking your hands together as you sat there together.
"I thought you didn't want to be tied down-"
"You want to get into that now?" He chuckled nervously and you shook your head,
"I love you, I want to spend my last moments with you." He said to you as he looked into your eyes, you let tears roll down your face.
"I love you too Jimin," You whimpered looking over his shoulder at the giant cloud of thick smoke that was rolling towards you. You looked back at him and he kissed you softly, cupping your face in his hand and rubbing your cheek with his thumb so you would know he was right there with you throughout everything that was going on and he wasn't planning on leaving you when the world was ending around you.
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Taehyung: ~ I was distracted and in traffic, I didn’t feel it when the earthquake happened
Taehyung pulled up into his driveway and you were crying on the doorstep heavily,
"Y/n?" He questioned, as soon as you heard his voice and the car door shut you got up and rushed over to him banging on his chest.
"Where the fuck have you been?! I thought- I thought you were in the-" He pulled you into his chest as you began sobbing hysterically about the Earthquakes that were happening around you. There'd been huge Earthquakes all morning after the volcanic eruption someone on the other side of the planet but it was affecting everything. A huge cloud of volcanic ash was on it's way to you as we as a bunch of natural disasters occurring all over the place making it impossible for anyone to get anywhere.
"I'm right here, I'm okay. Get in the house." He told you as he struggled to get you to move, you walked to his front door and he let you inside.
"I thought you'd got caught in the sinkhole in town, I came around. You weren't answering your phone! Why weren't you answering your phone?!" You were yelling but it was only because you were scared about everything going on, it was too much for people to even process and you were terrified.
"I was driving, trying to get to you but the sinkhole happened and I turned back." His voice was just as panicked as yours was and you looked up at him shaking your head and crying so hard you were sure you looked like a mess to him.
"I'm right here, okay?" You nodded at him and held onto you as the house began to shake around you both.
"We need to move, we have to go get safe. Come on." He pulled you in the direction of the kitchen where his giant kitchen table was, your legs were like jelly and you could barely walk without your legs giving in on you.  
"I'm sorry I yelled." You whimpered holding onto the middle table leg, he was holding onto it with you so you didn't have to be apart from one another.
"I woke up when the ground was shaking, then the r-radio it said all of the-" He nodded knowing what the radio had said, he was in the car going to see you when everything happened. You'd had a fight the night before and told him you'd go home, now you wished you'd just stayed at the apartment with him. You would have had more time to be alone together one last time,
"I'm sorry about last night," You told him as you let go of the leg, the shaking had stopped but neither of you got out from under the table, you knew it wouldn't be long until the next one ripped through the Earth.
"It doesn't matter, it was stupid okay. I'm here, you're here let's just stay together." You nodded and looked at him, he'd been crying as well you could tell from the bloodshot eyes and his hair, he had the tendency to run his hands through his hair whenever he got upset.
"Can you come closer?" He nodded and moved behind you so that his legs were either side of your body but if he needed to he could still hold onto the table leg with you. You felt his chest-beating against your back and you relaxed a little, knowing he was going to be right there made it a little easier to accept but it was never going to be okay. An explosion went off outside and you screamed holding onto him and the pole tightly as the house began to shake once again, Taehyung's eyes went over to the floor as he noticed a crack beginning to form along the floor.
"I love you." He whispered kissing the top of your head, both of you had your eyes screwed shut as if it would somehow help you while all of this happened,
"I love you too Tae," You whispered back to him placing your hand on top of his on the table leg as the house began to shake and creek as it came apart around you both.
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Jungkook: ~ Would you love me for the hell of it, all our fears would be irrelevant
If someone would have told you last week that you would be laying on your bed with Jungkook again you would have told them they were a huge liar but his arms were wrapped around you. He was holding your back close against his chest as you both huddled together trying to stay calm even if it wasn't possible with everything going on.
"You're shivering, are you cold?" You nodded your head as he wrapped a blanket over you, you were freezing cold thanks to the snowstorm that was happening outside the house. The world was coming apart but it was doing it in weird ways, fires were breaking out in other countries, flooding was happening and here were snowstorms that were knocking everything out. Powerlines, heating, everything. Not to mention the spontaneous sinkholes that were appearing and sucking everything in around them. No one knew what was causing everything to go this wrong this fast but no one was going to figure it out, all anyone knew was that it was ending the world.  
"Here," He laid a third blanket over you both and you turned over so you were chest to chest with him, you wanted to look at him one last time,
"Do you think it's really ending?" You whispered, he took your hands in his trying to warm them up but it wasn't work since he was just as cold as you were and nothing either of you could do would warm you up. If you didn't die in a sinkhole you were most likely going to die thanks to the weather conditions going on around you,
"To think you used to love the snow," He joked trying to change the subject onto something else but you stared at him as you shivered trying to get him to be serious for one second.
"Jungkook." You whimpered and he nodded wrapping his arm around your waist and bringing you closer, you were nose to nose now as you laid together.
"I do," He whispered, tears rolled down both of your faces as you realised this was really it and that everything was going to end soon.
"Sort of makes everything I was ever scared of irrelevant," He tried to joke about why you'd broken up months ago but you shook your head at him.
"Don't do this,"
"Don't do what?" He asked running his hand over your face,
"Try to joke your way out of everything, we broke up for a real reason Jungkook even if this is happening your reasoning was real-" He shook his head at you hating how you were always right about this kind of stuff,
"But I was an idiot, scared of loving you so I broke up with you? I already loved...love you so I was being the biggest idiot," You smiled at him giving him a quick kiss on the lips,
"I love you too you big idiot." You whispered as he brought you closer to him, another Earthquake happened and you screamed hiding your head into his chest as he pulled the covers over you both. Nothing was going to help you out of it so both you decided to just stay together on the bed instead of fighting off the inevitable. You just wanted to be close together, no matter what the outcome was.
"I'm right here, right here." He repeated holding you closer as you heard the sounds of people screaming and buildings falling down outside, you whimpering burying your face in his chest as you tried to think of something else, anything except all of this happening around you.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @jooniesdarlingdimples @lyoongx @fan-ati--c @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @btsiguess-kpop @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie
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captainthane · 3 years
Lineage and Ancestry (Part 2)
There was a moment of silence. Lea kept feeling this familiar sensation as she knew somehow deep down who that demon was. She couldn’t find her words…she wasn’t sure what all of that meant. It was the demon who broke the silence and invited Lea to sit on the ledge of the fountain.
- Please Lea. Join me and sit next to me. (Shanya)
- Okay miss Shanya. Colan and Vylixia told me that it was time for me to have some answers but I’m not certain why they said that. Is everything fine? Am I trouble? (Lea)
- You are not sweetie. (Shanya)
The demon looks around makes a sign towards Ennor, Colan and Vylixia. They three understood and left them alone. Shanya sighed deeply and then stared at Lea with a humble and kind expression. She put her hand on Lea’s cheek, caressing it. Lea blushed but also felt warm and comfortable.
- You have their eyes, freckles and hair colour. Even after all this time. It’s amazing how genetics work. (Shanya)
- Miss Shanya? I don’t get it…(Lea)
- I think you do. What does your heart and soul tell you right now? (Shanya)
- It’s like we are…related? (Lea)
Shanya nodded and removed her hand from Lea’s cheek. Afterwards, she held Lea’s hands softly and smiled at her with teary eyes.
- I’m…your ancestor Lea. It’s unexpected but it’s the truth. We demons are master of lies and deceptions so our truths are more trustworthy than the ones from angels. Ironic in a way. (Shanya)
Lea was shocked and didn’t know what to say. Many questions were flooding inside her mind. She was trembling slightly. Her ancestor reacted directly and used her healing abilities to calm Lea down.
- Even if you are my…ancestor…why me? Why contacting me and not my parents, grandparents? (Lea)
- It’s…complicated and quite the long story. Will you allow me to share it? It will make sense why you are here today. (Shanya)
- I’m…okay…I’m listening. (Lea)
Shanya first played with the fountain’s water like she tried to remember something…a different time.
- Centuries ago…I did something. At that time, you can consider it a mistake. I fell in love with a human. Sure, demons always made contracts with humans and mortals for millennia. However, we always did our best to stay professional. As I did…for as much as I could remember. But that man…he was incredible. It was just a regular contract. We were supposed to have fun for quite some time and in the end, I was taking a part of his soul. He wouldn’t end up in Hell. Your religions and your beliefs have a misconception about us. (Shanya)
- What sends us here then? I mean our souls. (Lea)
- Bad actions and choices. In the past, it was easy. Angels didn’t really check every detail of people’s lives. Mistakes were made…no one is omniscient. Nowadays, each life, each soul is studying at its core before what to do with it. Whether it’s Hell, Heaven, Purgatory or something else. It requires both sides. Angels and Demons work together. Anyway, back to the reason you are here. (Shanya)
- Yes. So, you met a mortal? (Lea)
- After some time, when our contract was about to be over, he…fell in love with me. The thing is…mortals can only develop physical attraction…not real loving feelings…except if the succubus or the incubus developed them first. Usually, it’s not a big deal. The succubus or the incubus ends the contract early explaining the situation and says goodbye. However, there was a catch…I…got pregnant. (Shanya)
Suddenly, Shanya let a little tear coming from one of her eyes. Lea panicked a bit and quickly cleaned her ancestor’s cheek. Shanya smiled again.
- Thank you, my child. (Shanya)
- If I’m here today…you had to give birth. What happened? (Lea)
- I consulted our leaders…King Lucifer and Queen Lilith. They were both frightened and worried. You need to keep in mind that there never was any hybrid before…Actually no, there was one but it didn’t end well…Hybrids are...were forbidden back then. Lucifer and Lilith had to contact the Archangels. They were…categoric. Mostly Gabriel. (Shanya)
- The solution proposed wasn’t…the best. (Lea)
- It was…at that time it was…(Shanya)
The demon took a long and deep breath. Lea held Shanya’s hands tighter to ease her ancestor as much as possible.
- After I gave birth to my son…I had to erase my lover’s memories and to modify them. Then, Lilith helped me to shut down the half demon part of my son. That way, he could live as a “normal” human and not inherit our powers and immortality. And we also made sure the demon part couldn’t be inherited to my son’s children and descendance. I left them all alone. (Shanya)
- I’m so sorry miss Shanya. (Lea)
Lea hugged Shanya tightly and pet her ancestor’s back slowly and kindly.
- Once my lover died…I requested to see his soul to restore his memories and to explain to him everything. He was…upset. He understood but his sadness was…as clear as water. He chose the reincarnation option and told me his farewell for the last time. I did the same with my son…he was definitely angry and disappointed. We talked for hours as he freed himself from his anger and sadness as well. Finally, he cried, gave me a big hug and also chose the reincarnation option. After that I moved on and didn’t want to look for my descendance…Until you came along…until you started to exist…(Shanya)
- But why? What makes me different? (Lea)
And once again, there was a moment for these questions…like the demon didn’t wish to answer them. After a few more seconds, Shanya caressed Lea’s cheek one more time.
- In fact, even if we did shut down the demon part, it was still inherited through the children. It was dormant and it should not have been awakened. That changed when you were borned. Did you never notice that you could heal slightly faster than a regular human? Or your muscles, look how they are today? Or more precisely what happened during the road trip? (Shanya)
- Before the road trip, I never thought of that. I believed I got lucky for my injuries and that my efforts paid off for my muscles. (Lea)
- Your efforts did I would say eighty percent of the job. The rest is…thanks to your demon legacy. (Shanya)
- Damn that’s…I don’t have the proper words for it. (Lea)
- That’s also thanks to your demon legacy that you survived the attempted murder while your parents didn’t… (Shanya)
- …...What? (Lea)
Finally I could post another story XD I’m sorry life keeps me busy but I hope you will enjoy that one ^^ and I know it ends on a cliffhanger XD sorry (not) XD Take care everyone ^^
Lea, Vylixia, Colan, Shanya and Ennor belong to me
Okaria et feria belongs to me and @wildstarfan @milasartblog
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fencer-x · 4 years
Fencer’s Big Eva Review
Just got done watching the Eva finale, so it’s time to get out thoughts while they’re fresh! Caveat: Eva is difficult to understand for native speakers, and I’m definitely not a native speaker XD I feel like I got maybe half, and got the rough gist of like 10% of the rest, and the remaining was just no friggin’ clue. Would’ve gone better if there’d at least been JP subs, but you’ll have to deal with what I’ve got for now!
It should be obvious, but there’ll be HELLA MAJOR SPOILERS for the final Evangelion movie. Ready? Let’s go.
The movie very helpfully starts off with a ~2 min recap of the movies thus far. This was great because I didn’t have time to rewatch the previous three before going, and while I’ve seen them a few times, it took me a second the recall what had happened at the very end of Q, so I was glad to get a very brief recap.
The actual movie itself opens on...Paris! Or Paris post-Near-Third-Impact (Third Impact?), which is a red and black wasteland. It seems that Wille has been developing these things that look like Entry Plugs that they shove into the ground and restore everything to pre-all-impacts (so like, blue water and everything); couldn’t get HOW it managed that, but they had them and were attempting to restore Paris.
Would have been a walk in the park except for weird Eva-Angel-Machine hybrids that were trying to prevent them from activating the plugs. Lots of fighting happens, with Mari piloting her Eva to give them cover while the Wille staff set everything up. Eventually they manage it, and Euro Nerv is restored.
Then we switch over to right where Q left off: Asuka, Clone!Rei, and a catatonic Shinji wandering around trying to go who knows where. They eventually get picked up by...Touji! Yes, an older Touji now who lives in a commune of survivors, scraping out a semblance of a life in one of the areas protected by the aforementioned plugs (they had another name but I couldn’t get it).
In this community, Touji is the local doctor--and he’s married with a kid! He married Hikari, and they have an infant daughter named Tsubame. 
Now, let’s check in how our main three do when introduced to this relatively normal life they get to enjoy for a few weeks:
Asuka: Still in ‘fight mode’, ready to go at a moment’s notice. How she thinks she’s gonna fight when she has no Eva idk, but for this entire little bit, she’s either naked or in her plugsuit. She stays with Aida Kensuke, who’s kind of the handyman, and is generally just rude af.
Shinji: For 90% of this bit, he’s totally shut off. He’s incredibly fucked up from having JUST watched Kaworu die, essentially because of him, and Asuka has on a DSS choker, and every time he sees it, he collapses and begins vomiting violently. He stays with the Suzuharas at first but is quickly sent to stay with Asuka and Kensuke because they don’t really know how to deal with him. Kensuke manages to get him to open up a little bit, but eventually it’s Rei who gets him started on the path back to being himself. At one point he runs away and ‘lives’ alone for a while in what I think was either the building where he first met Kaworu playing the piano or one that looked a lot like it. He goes out to do odd jobs with Kensuke a lot, and on one occasion he’s taken to an ‘outdoor lab’ where some workers are experimenting with new gardening techniques. It’s here he’s meets...Kaji Ryouji. No, not that Kaji Ryouji. That Kaji DIED. This is the son he had with Misato (named after him).
Rei: Now, let me say I’ve never been super interested in Rei. I didn’t dislike her, like I did Asuka, but I wasn’t really interested in her either. She was just there. Guys.....I LOVED REI IN THIS MOVIE. I would have watched 2.5 hours of the Rei Learns To Be A Human show and been happy for the $20 I paid. Rei spends her time in the commune learning to be an individual. She stays with the Suzuharas and learns what different words mean, like “Good morning” and “Good night” and “Thank you” and “Goodbye”, she gets super close with a bunch of old ladies who essentially adopt her and teach her how to plant turnips and what a bath is, and she becomes her own person. When she first arrives, the Suzuharas think she’s “Ayanami Rei”, but she explains that she isn’t, so they call her “Sokkuri-san” instead (”Miss Spitting Image” essentially), and the old ladies find it amusing at first but then encourage her to choose her own name, and when she can’t think of one, they tell her to have someone choose one for her, so she asks the Uber-Depressed Shinji to choose one. These interactions are what eventually pull him back to himself, but ultimately he’s unable to come up with one, because “Ayanami is Ayanami”. She thanks him for trying anyway, returns his SD player to him..............................and then dissolves into a pile of LCL fluid, as apparently all clones eventually return to LCL. Fantastic, because Shinji didn’t need EVEN MORE TRAUMA.
Somehow, the above doesn’t break Shinji, and he resolves to go back to Wille and face his father I guess?? I’m not entirely clear on why (gotta go read some reports of my own I guess lol). Back on the ship with Misato et al., Shinji isn’t forced to wear a choker but he’s put in a cell with like explosives in it I guess. He starts having visions of Kaworu helping him accept things.
At this point it’s getting close to the climax, and Wille are going after Nerv/Gendo once and for all. During the final fight, Asuka tried to take out Unit 13′s core, and then she’s not managing it, she rips off her eyepatch, and we see that the patch was keeping the 9th angel bound within her eye, so she decides to throw away her humanity and let it take over to destroy Unit 13. Unfortunately, she’s killed in the end--how? She’s approached by a vision of her ‘original’. Yup, Asuka was a clone herself, like Rei, and she turns back into LCL and she and unit 02 are absorbed by Unit 13.
Eventually the fight comes down to Shinji vs. Gendo, who has thrown away his own humanity and bonded with Unit 13 in the hopes of completing the Human Instrumentality Project. He and Shinji go head to head as Shinji summons (???) Unit 01 from inside Unit 13, and there’s a really REALLY WEIRD final fight between the two that involves some weird animation choices. Lots of storyboards and overly CGI’d CGI, and some bits that seem to take them through the different incarnations of the Eva series.
We also get Gendo backstory by the boatload as he and Shinji have an actual goddamn conversation for once. Mari features prominently in Gendo’s flashbacks so she was definitely one of his classmates it seems, who introduced him to Fuyutsuki. I’m still not entirely clear on who she is/was.
However, through this conversation, Shinji gives the people he’s interacted with most closely/been closest with closure I guess? Gendo, Asuka...Kaworu.
So about Kaworu. Their conversation was VERY VERY WEIRD; it’s made clear that Shinji is also now aware of all the different iterations of their meeting. When they talk, it’s set at the beach where they first met in the TV series, and Shinji says he remembers all the times they’ve met before. Shinji mentions that Kaworu reminds him a lot of his father, and then there are some very strange flashbacks (????) of Kaworu’s that I feel like imply he’s to Gendo as Rei is to Yui. At one point, he’s seen talking to Fuyutsuki, trying to decide on a name for himself and settling on ‘Nagisa’ as it means ‘beach’, where the ocean meets the land. Fuyutsuki later addresses Kaworu, who’s sitting in Gendo’s desk, as “Commander Nagisa”. Kaworu reflects to Shinji that he failed so many times to make Shinji happy, but he’s realized now that that’s because he doesn’t know what would make Shinji happy and it was arrogant to think he knew better. He was looking for his own happiness all along.
In the end, after all these goodbyes, Shinji is left with the decision of what to do with, well, reality. He decides, in a conversation with Rei, that he’ll reset everything--create a ‘neon genesis’--to a world without Eva or Angels.
Our last shot is an older Shinji meeting his (presumed??) girlfriend Mari on a train platform. On the opposite platform waiting for their own train are Kaworu, Asuka, and Rei. Shinji and Mari hold hands and run, laughing, from the train station.
My final thoughts:
Okay I’ll say it: the fuck with Shinji/Mari endgame? Believe me, it was completely out of left field even in this movie. They just happened to be the only final survivors. Mari flirted a hell of a lot more with ASUKA and was distraught at her death than she did with Shinji. They were a kind of cute couple in the end, but very ????? 
I’m disappointed Shinji wasn’t the one to give Kaworu his happiness in the end, after Kaworu spent so long and so many lives and realities trying to make him happy and failing. I’m choosing to believe, since these multiple realities/resets are canon now, that he did it in one of them. They all deserve the happiness of their choosing, not just Shinji’s, and Kaworu showed us time and time again that his happiness definitively involves being with Shinji.
I’m sure I missed a lot, because yanno, Eva, and it was long enough as is, but gosh I wish I could’ve understood more of everything that was going on, cause there was SO MUCH WEIRD SHIT.
If I watch this movie again, I will 500% just be watching those “Rei learns to be human with the help of a bunch of old cackling biddies” bits :> Those were THE BEST PARTS OF THE MOVIE.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Frostbite and Burn scars Chapter 2) Lone Flame
Family? Bull shit. If Kaeya believed in family, he'd still be there for Diluc. He would have stayed, he wouldn't have left Diluc alone and he wouldn't have become an alcoholic brat with a penchant for manipulative tactics and violence. If Kaeya cared about family, perhaps father would still be here, in memory at least. Perhaps their memories wouldn't be moments of fleeting past long gone, and just a few of the many things they'd do together. But no, Kaeya left, with a sick smile on his face and cryo vision in hand on that fateful day. And Diluc despised him. He hated him. 
At least, that's what Diluc told himself as he followed Kaeya, the bastard was true to his word and a few nights later he heard that Kaeya was taking a temporary leave from the knights and saw him slip through the gates under the cover of darkness. Well, two could play that game, Diluc was the city's vigilante protector. Slipping under the cover of night was his specialty. 
He didn't expect Kaeya to head to the beach, then to musk reef, walking across an ocean with ice freezing under his boots, melting just as quickly. Luckily, Diluc knew a better way to get there, albeit it was a bit dangerous. The traveler had told him of a portal on a nearby cliff that could be reached via a glider and wind current. Why it even worked he had no idea, but here he was, hiding behind some rocks while Kaeya walked onto the shore. Diluc didn't expect there to be a giant gateway in a small, shallow pool in the middle of the little island, but there was, and Kaeya seemed to be walking towards it. 
"You're rather sloppy for a vigilante" Kaeya remarked.
"Oh look he caught me" Diluc said sarcastically, coming out of hiding. "Now what the hell are you doing?" 
Kaeya didn't pay him any mind and examined the runes all over the gateway "Nothing of a young nobleman's concern. Go, run back to your tavern and your mansion, you wouldn't understand a poor bastard like myself" his tone was mocking, yet still a bit sharp. He was at least a little angry. Well at least he wasn't lying anymore.
"I'm going home" 
Diluc scoffed "What, did you live a pitiful life here? Did you swim all the way to Mondstadt before father found you?" 
Kaeya ignored him and wiped some dust off the old gateway "This is the last time you're ever going to see me and that's all you can say?" 
He stood up straight and held up a hand in front of the gateway "Impios et deserta, fugiendum, et proiecit, aperi portas tuas ad me" he chanted.
Diluc was about to ask him just what the fuck he had said when suddenly a blue low lit up the little island, a portal opened in the gateway. "What the-?" 
"Well this is goodbye, Diluc" Kaeya said, walking up the steps of the portal. 
Some part of Diluc didn't want to see him go for whatever reason. He wanted Kaeya to stay.  
He had already gone through, Diluc desperately sprinted up the steps, throwing himself into the portal. 
Light blue eyes looked down at the little boy, a hand moving up to rub the sleep out of his eye "Mmm Diluc? What are you doing? It's long past bedtime..." 
The redhead didn't answer and hugged the taller boy, face getting smothered in a loose fitting linen shirt. Kaeya sighed as sobs racked his little brother's body, patting his back. "Did you have a nightmare again, Luc?" he asked. 
Diluc looked up and nodded, sniffing as tears fell from bug red eyes. "Come on" Diluc followed Kaeya into his room, crawling on top of the bed. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kaeya asked, sitting down next to him.
Diluc looked down and fiddled with the long sleeves of his shirt "I saw the bad guys that pops was talking to earlier. They were all beating you up, and those terrible things about you again! It was scary, there was blood everywhere, and they ripped out your eye-" 
Kaeya stopped the younger boy, not wanting to hear much more. What a morbid dream for a child "Diluc, it's ok" 
"No it's not!" Diluc snapped "Those guys were saying nasty stuff about you even after dad told them off! They kept calling you a bastard and a peasant! But you're none of those things and it's just wrong!"
Kaeya chuckled and patted Diluc's head "Ok, ok. It's alight. Those bad guys aren't going to come back anytime soon. Now for the love of the archons, please go to sleep Diluc" 
Diluc pouted and wiped away his tears, snuggling into the bed with Kaeya. With his hand in his big brother's, no one could hurt him, no nightmares would come. Big brother was his knight that would fight off the monsters.
"Oh goody you're awake" Diluc groaned and sat up. He felt so sick. 
"What the fuck...?" 
He hadn't had a dream since father died. Even then, they were usually just the usual nonsensical dreams everyone had.  He gritted his teeth at the memory of that night. Diluc had woken up from a nightmare and ran straight to Kaeya's room. He missed the Kaeya in that memory. That Kaeya at least had the common sense to lie to an naive child instead of shattering his entre world with a few sentences. 
"If you're wondering what happened, you decided to follow me here, proceeded to throw up, and then pass out. If anything, your current predicament is your fault" Kaeya scoffed, crossing his arms. 
"Why did I pass out though?" 
Kaeya sighed "I guess it's the strain that the portal put on you. Traveling in between different planes of existence requires for your body to change a bit. It get's better after your first time" 
"Different planes of existence?" Diluc repeated, looking up at Kaeya who was sitting on a fallen tree. They were in a normal enough place that could literally be anywhere in Mondstadt. The red head got up and brushed himself off, adjusting his gloves and making sure he still had his claymore strapped to his back. 
Kaeya got up and moved a tree branch aside, revealing the valley that was spread out before them, with what looked like a large walled off city in the distance. "Welcome to Kaenr'iah. The godless city”
Author’s notes
For reference, Kaenr’iah (in this story anyways) is roughly the same size as Ba Sing Se from Avatar if you want a sense of scale. As for cultural inspiration, lost of stuff I’ve found has suggested Southeast Asia so I will be taking elements from more than one country as we have no information as of now.  
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