#TW Psychological Trauma
inevitablemoment · 1 year
June of Doom 2023: Day 30
Word Count: 584
Warnings: Post-traumatic stress disorder, past buried alive, captivity, claustrophobia, panic attacks, brief mention of post-partum depression
Fandom: Murdoch Mysteries
Pairings: William Murdoch x Julia Ogden
I know that I dropped the ball with all of the other prompts, but when I saw what Day 30 it, it fit so perfectly with what I had in mind for this little snippet that I came up with after watching the Season 16 finale of Murdoch Mysteries.
The last thing that Julia Ogden remembered as she awoke with a gasp was this shock going through her very core, like she had been struck with a bolt of lightning.
No... she could still remembering the voice of Mathilda Crisp threatening her and William... and possibly Susannah.
An entire crime orchestrated-- a man's death fabricated.
And... Mathilda and her father needed her and William for... for something.
Julia's head whipped towards William-- he seemed to have been awake for quite some time before her.
"Where are we?" she asked.
"I don't know," William answered in a shaky voice-- something that she hadn't heard since Frank Rhodes had poisoned him.
The first thing that Julia noticed about where they were was that it was small. Wooden.
Like a coffin.
She thought that she could feel it jerk the both of them around.
"Are we moving?"
Julia moved to her feet on her trembling legs.
Memories of darkness and burning lungs hit her like she was kicked in the chest.
 No... no, this can't be happening again! Please, God, don't let this happen again!
Julia couldn't stop herself from beginning to scream and pounding at the walls enclosing her and her husband. "HELP! HELP!"
Strong, callused hands carefully grasped her forearm. Her chest, already tight as a drum, clenched further into her heart with fear before she heard a familiar voice.
The voice of someone that, in the span of a few seconds, she had forgotten was there.
"Julia," William gently urged as she turned to face him. "Save your strength. My guess is whoever put us in here doesn't care much to help us."
Her lungs were burning and her heart was racing against her chest even as it pressed against it like a mechanical vise. Her stomach was churning violently, like choppy sea waters during a violent storm.
Her eyes began to burn as well, as she thought of Susannah...
She wasn't even a year old yet...
"Will-- William..." she choked out. "I-- I can't breathe..."
She knew what this was.
It had happened to her before, all throughout her life. But it hadn't been until she was treating a patient for postpartum depression that she realized that she wasn't the only one.
It didn't help her feel like any less of a burden for it.
"Julia... Julia, I need you to look at me..."
She looked back up into his face.
It was amazing how much time had passed, she thought in an attempt to try to distract herself.
Sixteen years, eight of them married.
She looked into his soft, amber brown eyes, noticing the slight wrinkles around them that again reminded her of the passage of time.
"Just take a breath?" he instructed. "Just breathe..."
Julia took a deep inhale through her nose, exhaling through her mouth.
"Good... again..."
She repeated William's instructions, beginning to feel her heartbeat slowing back down. Her chest still felt tight and her stomach was still churning. As the tears that formed in her eyes finally escaped down her face, she thought that she could feel the circles forming under her eyes as she leaned against William.
His strong arms wrapped around her waist, rubbing her back soothingly with one hand and the other reaching up to stroke her hair.
"We'll figure out how to escape," he promised. "And we'll get back to Susannah."
Julia took another deep breath. "I... I hope."
No, she amended in her mind. We will.
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I still sometimes wish to reach out to the actual musician that my cult leader pretended be and...just talk. I dont know if I could ever tell him about my trauma. I dont want to put that burden on him. I dont want him to think I am insane. But...just a brief exchange makes me feel like I can achieve some closure over it. I honestly dont need much. I just want to speak to the real him so my brain can create the separation between the real him, and this character the cult leader played. It would quell the questioning for good.
Context: The cult leader claimed he had a supernatural gift of being able to switch bodies with people. So that was my primary mode of "communication" with these people he pretended to be. As you can see, this sets up literally so many ways he used this to manipulate me and several other people. The cult would only have about 4 dedicated members who believed the leader in earnest. There was no name for the cult. We definitely did "psychic rituals" that would "save the world". It was extremely similar to the cult of DAYD. There was no dress code or anything. We had SOME individuality when it came to self expression, however, we could not think differently from the cult leader. We took care of our leader, almost stepping into this...parenting role. We were homeless together many times while I was still in the cult. The amount of times I have woken up to him with his hands around my throat, a knife over me, or his foot on my ribcage pressing down with all of his weight...I don't want to be in that position ever again...
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4spooniesupport · 6 months
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
I think the term 'trauma bond' needs to be taken away from fandom for the foreseeable future, until some of y'all realize it's not a cutesy way of saying 'we had a traumatic experience and it bonded us together teehee' but in fact refers to a deeply unhealthy emotional attachment to the person who is causing said trauma in a cyclical pattern of abuse + affection...
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
Childhood neglect and abandonment may show up in different ways in us. We may realize we find it hard to watch movies in which caregivers show up for their child in ways we couldn't experience; we try to overwork for others and show how good and worthy and helpful we are so that they won't leave us (we feel unlovable or unworthy in first place); we have troubles setting boundaries, even s3xual ones, cause we fear disappointing the other (we second guess our own feelings and voice); we overshare very soon in our relationships about our tough experiences (and rarely exaggerate them too) in order to have the other feel sorry about what happened to us and care for us; we label ourselves as too needy, too much, too damaged cause we believe nobody will ever love us, and what many people experience in their romantic life will never happen to us; to cope with our pain, we may start fantasizing about being saved from danger or just be surrounded by people that care for us the way we want them to.
We may end up believing these past painful experiences are the only possible life for us and become disconnected and emotionally unstable, even if the truth is that we're worthy of healthy relationships and love, and what we had to go through wasn't our fault. We're so much more than what we were made to believe, we're deserving of people staying and showing up for us (and we should allow ourselves to experience that too, without trying to -unwillingly- manipulate others into doing that).
(source - morganptherapy on instagram)
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darkgodcomplex · 5 months
The Lord’s Child
Wally X Reader
AO3 Link
Here’s the story:
Your hands clasp in prayer as the congregation around you mutters a collective "amen" and starts to shuffle out. Despite the service ending, you don't budge from your pew, continuing to kneel as people pass by until the church is empty.
Well, almost empty.
Still dressed in his priest attire, Wally watches you silently for a moment, wondering what on earth you would want to pray for when you’re already perfect.
He approaches and you’re startled by his voice as he speaks, “Why are you kneeling, child?”
You turn your head, looking up at him. Your sweet, innocent eyes look up at him.
You blink at him, “I-I was just praying, Father.”
He smiles, “You’re the picture of godliness, my child.” He reaches down, index finger hooking under your chin and tugging it up higher as his thumb ghosts over your soft cheek, gently petting you. “I can tell your heart is pure.”
“How can you tell?” You almost demand, voice desperate for his praise. He nearly trembles from the tone. There’s nothing he loves more than the world breaking you down and him picking up all the pieces.
Wally kneels down next to you, clasping your hands in his own. “I can feel you.” He leans in to whisper in your ear. The two of you are so close now that he can feel your hot breath on his neck and hear your heart beat in your chest.
He leans even closer, lips close to brushing your ear, and you flinch away. Wally smiles.
That. That is what made you pure. The way you’re so desperately wanting his affection yet also so afraid of it.
Wally pulls back, keeping his cool. “What did you come to pray for today, my child?”
Your cheeks turn a beautiful shade of red as you look away. “It’s nothing.
“My dear, don’t go lying to a priest.” Wally pushes.
Your cheeks turn even redder as you shrink into yourself. You very clearly don’t want to tell him, which makes him want to know even more.
“Father, it’s just stupid troubles-“
“I want to know.” He puts the pressure on you by waiting in silence.
“It’s just…”
Wally watches you intensely, head tilted to the side as he waits for you to explain.
“I just…” You fidget nervously. “I don’t fit in anywhere.”
Wally can’t help but grin. “Of course you don’t fit in anywhere.” His tone is sweet but his words are cruel. “You’re too pure. The world outside will never accept you.”
Your lower lip begins to tremble and the sweet, guiltless eyes he loves begin to tear up.
“But that’s okay.” Just as he’s cruel, he’s sweet. “You belong with the church. You belong with me.”
Wally runs his hand over your cheek. As tears fall, he doesn’t wipe them away. Instead, he presses his thumb against them, dragging the wetness down your cheek.
“You don’t have to cry.” Wally whispers. “I know you need me. I know you want me. This is all god’s plan.”
This doesn’t stop the gentle flow of tears down your cheeks. That’s okay though. He’ll take you broken.
As he comforts you, Wally slowly gets closer and closer, hand sliding up your thigh to massage circles into the muscle and hot breath trickling over your neck.
You freeze, slowly beginning to realize what’s happening. Took you long enough.
His mouth attaches to your neck, at first sucking and then biting. He can feel you start to tremble beneath him and he pulls away, pressing gentle kisses to where he drew blood and touching you with soft hands.
“Do not be afraid.” He presses another kiss to your wound. “This is what faith is, loving other people. God blessed us with the ability to give and receive love.”
Wally brings his lips up to your ear, wiping blood on it as he kisses it. “I love you, my child.”
“I-I-“ Your terrified voice speaks up, a surprise to him. Your timidness had always been to his advantage.
“I don’t want this!” You shove Wally off of you, scrambling back.
Wally lands back on the pew, nearly hitting his head in your sudden struggle. He blinks at you.
“By rejecting my love you’re rejecting the lord.” Wally spits. “Nobody loves you except me. Nobody could ever love you except me. You’ll go right back to not belonging.” Wally’s breathing is heavy as he finishes.
You start to cry again, “No, I don’t reject the lord.” The years of religious guilt he’s built up in you is paying off.
Wally sighs, “Then let me love you. Stop this nonsense and come here.” He points in front of him.
Slowly, you crawl over to him and he heaves you into his lap. You bury your face in his neck, still sobbing as he rubs your back.
“You belong to god and so you belong to me.” Wally says sternly. “Listen to the lord and you will set yourself free, my dear.”
You nod into his neck and he grasps you tighter.
God is not in this church.
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goldenbituin · 1 month
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Taking the gaming world by storm
(They were both introduced in 2024!)
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alice-the-demon · 1 month
(⚠️+16, attempted s/a, trauma⚠️)
One step at a time
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nothing0fnothing · 5 months
Did anyone else with abusive parents believe that the abuse was actually super good for them?
Like I can't have been the only smug ten year old thinking "oh yeah I'm actually gonna be the most well adjusted grown up because my parents are teaching me about the real world ™ early"
Then I got to adulthood and realised that silent walking and never speaking up for myself aren't really valuable skills outside of the home I grew up in, and actually I have a lot of trauma that's like, impeding my ability to function in regular life.
That realisation that oh no, actually having a harder life when I was twelve because my parents were abusive and controlling literally did diddly jack to prepare me for the rest of my life as a taxpaying adult, hit like a truck.
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You know your mental health is on a decline again when you think back to a time you were in a cult and was brainwashed by someone into believing a famous musician was your parent and you see a screenshot of a picture from inside said musician's childhood home and think...what if...? I swear I have been there before!
No you haven't. I haven't. I am just making up fake memories again. This only happens when things feel hopeless in the world. I mean...the cult leader promised we were saving the world. In esoteric ways that I prefer not to go into detail about...
Like my wife said earlier today, "Life is a big bag of dicks". But compassion fatigue is setting in.
The escapist fantasy of your parent being a world famous rockstar seemed like fun at first, until it came to all the times the cult leader had to make the parent out to be abusive and neglectful to keep cover up and make excuses as to why said parent could never come visit or make at least a phone call or video call. At least my ACTUAL dad is coming to visit me for my birthday next month. Maybe I just need that time with my dad again. Why the actual fuck am I making vent posts about this when I am pushing 30?
Maybe because my wife is going through a phase where she is dressing exactly like this said musician, listening to the same bands said musician loves, reading all the comics said musician loves and even wrote, wearing the same makeup as said musician...even got the same belt buckle. It brings me back to those five years I spent wasting time in a delusional state...in a cult...where I was physically, verbally and emotionally abused...nearly killed...many times...
I want to love that band again so bad.
The Ben Nye and Gash, the daggers and bats...
I wish I could have my late teens/early 20s back.
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4spooniesupport · 8 days
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I assure you the trauma is not all in your head. it's also in your heart, your nerves, and your stomach. It is in your trembling hands, your uneven breathing, your vision is suddenly gets blurry. It's not just your head that went through the thing. every cell in your body was there
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pixiedoll2 · 6 months
I'm a little lamb
A sacrificial lamb to their happiness
They keep dragging me to the alter
Im destined to get hurt over and over again
So they can wear the "perfect family " title
While the little lamb bleeds out in the background
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The other day was "narc abuse awareness day" and I had to see so much BS and ableism against us (those w NPD) and shit about how we "can't be hurt" (perpetuates abuse against us) calling us "inhuman" and literally giving advice on how to abuse us and it's just ?? Disgusting to see people talk about how it's fine to abuse us cos we can't get hurt and are just so evil :/ this is literally a disorder caused by trauma in the vast majority of cases!!! I've been personally accused of lying about my abuse because of my NPD and in fact had my abuse justified BECAUSE of my NPD by my abuser so it's just :/ fucked up
No like I HATE the "narcissistic abuse" awareness because there are zero abusive behaviors which are actually exclusive to people with clinical NPD. Like you can SO EASILY talk about emotional abuse and psychological abuse and guilt tripping and love bombing and gaslighting without acting like only people with a certain mental illness are ever guilty of such behaviors.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
People pleasing is often, again, related to our emotionally unstable/immature caregivers/parents projecting onto us, not being consistent in their feedbacks, and having high expectations for their child. For example, we were shown attention and praised only when we achieved something (e.g. good grades) or acted as a "good obedient child" and did what we were told; we were taught (sometimes even unwillingly) that we needed to act good and be of help (of service even) to others in whatever way, in order to be loved and validated; we felt the need to keep everyone in a good mood so to not be a burden or to not make them angry. Growing up, this made us more interested into learning what others want us to be instead of knowing who we really are (cause we were basically told that it's of no importance).
To break this pattern we need to learn to accept the discomfort that originates from chosing ourselves instead of others. We need to accept that others can be unhappy with us and our choices and it is fine; that it is okay for us to have boundaries and also express ourselves no matter the subject; that we don't have to always live up to others' expectations and that we're not responsible for them or their life (e.g. we don't have to find solutions to their problems, it's up to them) nor we have any control over their emotions and feelings but only over our own. We need to accept and give us the chance to know ourselves, our likes and dislikes and dreams, from deep inside, and stop making it all about others. It's about us.
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
When abusive parents hurt you, they're not 'doing it for your own good' or 'disciplining you', they're singling you out and making you a target. Because they're not doing it to all other kids, they're not doing it to their guests, friends, coworkers, bosses, neighbours, it doesn't even count if all of those people make one of the same mistakes you do. It's allowed for them. It's okay if anyone else does it. It's okay if other people break things, or refuse to be controlled, or speak up, or demand something, or act selfish, or act childish, or don't cater endlessly, or don't guess their moods, or don't act submissive, it's okay for everyone else! Just not for you!
What exactly is that teaching you?
That you're different. That the brutal and torturous rules exist only for you. That you are the only one who deserves no allowances, no forgiveness, no gentleness, no tolerance, no nuance, no love. And you are the only one! Everyone else can get those things and do what they want, but you will get tortured for it, you'll get tortured even for things you didn't do, because these two people have singled you out and deserved that you're so rotten you deserve worse treatment than any other person alive. And those people are your parents, they made you.
It teaches you injustice, it teaches you to put yourself in a different category than anyone else in the world and to assume you must be so intrinsically different that you won't ever find community, you won't ever find somebody to be on your side or similar to you, because you are the only one who could ever deserve this kind of hatred. It separates you from humanity and makes you feel like you don't belong, like you don't have a home here, it makes you abandoned by everyone because nobody is stating anything different about you. With their silence, dismissal and neglect, everyone is passively agreeing that this is what you deserve. That it doesn't matter to them if you live in pain and despair because you're too different, too otherworldly for them to care about.
No child has deserved to feel like that. Nobody is supposed to be pushed into that pit of despair, injustice and pain, alone, with no visible way out. With nothing they can do to redeem themselves, to find a way to see themselves as human after all that's been done to them. This is not a pit that somebody can easily crawl out of, this is something that can follow you all your life.
All children deserve better than this. Never defend abusive parents when they do this to a child. If you don't want a child to believe themselves to be a monster, don't ignore when this is happening and don't act like it's none of anybody's business. It's all of our business to make sure no kid thinks this lowly of themselves, not even if their parents decide they should. Parents who do this to children should be charged with torture, isolation and psychological devastation of a human being. All children are human. And no child deserves that.
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ghostoflillith · 5 months
It is not your responsibility:
To take on someone elses healing
To process someone's trauma for them
To monitor and manage someone else's emotions
To teach people how to love
To try and get people to appreciate you
To "keep the peace"
To spend all your energy trying to keep someone happy
To try and prevent someone from cheating
To teach people how to apologize & take accountability
To try and get others to change toxic behaviors
To accept responsibility for pain you didn't cause
To try and get them to heal pain they have caused to others
To do all the emotional labor in your relationships and friendships
To accept less than you deserve
To blame yourself when people treat you poorly
To teach them emotional intelligence
To stay quiet when you are hurting
To lie and hide things for them
To protect people who wouldn't do the same for you
To help someone else grow
To teach people how to find healthy coping mechanisms that work for them
To allow yourself to be taken for granted for the sake of "love"
To believe them when they have been caught lying before
To teach people self love
To make excuses, explanations or justifications for someone else
To allow yourself to be manipulated because you want to believe them
To control other people
To awaken them
To change their beliefs about themselves and the world around them
To convince them why they should want to better themselves
To pull them out of the hole they've dug for themselves
To try to repair relationships you didn't break
To stay where you feel you no longer belong
To make yourself small to keep other's comfortable
It IS our responsibility to heal OURSELVES, and in doing so, inspiring other's to do the same.
No matter how many people have told you that you are a "healer," it is NOT your responsibility to heal those who don't want to be healed, aren't ready for it, or arent appreciative of you.
Some may never take this path, and that is their choice to make.
Protect your energy.
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