#Finding Myself
tamurakafkaposts · 11 months
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Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.
Pablo Neruda
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same-skies · 27 days
Finding my feet
In a land where shadows softly creep, 
Where unknown paths and secrets sleep, 
I found myself, a stranger's face, 
In this new, uncharted place.
The streets were whispers, tales untold, 
With every step, my heart grew bold. 
Though fear did knock, I stood my ground, 
In this strange place, my feet were found.
The skies were foreign, stars anew, 
Yet in their light, my courage grew. 
With every dawn, a chance to see, 
The beauty in this mystery.
Through winding roads and hidden lanes, 
I danced in sun and welcomed rains. 
For in this place, so wild and free, 
I found the strength to just be me.
The city breathed, a living art, 
Its pulse became my beating heart. 
Mountains rose like ancient kings, 
Whispering tales of timeless things.
Rivers flowed like veins of gold, 
Through valleys deep and stories old. 
The wind, a voice both soft and strong, 
Sang to me a foreign song.
In markets bright with colours rare, 
I found new dreams within the air. 
Each face, a book with pages turned, 
In every gaze, a lesson learned.
The night, a velvet cloak of stars, 
Guided me through near and far. 
In this place, both strange and grand, 
I found my feet, I made my stand.
Surviving storms with steadfast grace, 
I carved my path, I found my place. 
In every challenge, strength did grow, 
In every trial, a chance to show.
Living fully, heart and soul, 
Embracing life, becoming whole. 
With every breath, a song to sing, 
In every moment, blossoming.
Thriving in this newfound land, 
With open heart and outstretched hand. 
In this place, both wild and free, 
I found my home, I found me.
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randik-86 · 19 days
I don't want to spend another minute,
Without knowing how it feels to be alive,
Tired of portraying an image of perfection,
When I'm far from perfect,
High tendencies of keeping it all bottled up,
I feel the need to protect my heart,
Finding it hard to let go,
Of the shadows that have been haunting me,
Those who came from a moment,
That once existed in my life,
Causing so much pain,
Provoking me to forget who I was,
I must now seek my true self...
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eshacutebutdeadlyy · 1 month
There’s something strangely comforting about the idea of disappearing. It’s not about running away from problems; rather, it’s about finding a quiet place where I can simply be. In those moments, I long to ignore everyone and everything around me — to escape into my own little world.
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afropearl · 3 months
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“i wanted to be treated better [by others] because I wasn’t treating myself well”
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therarthy · 3 months
I have found myself into the water.
Born again and again...
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chocolatefudgebrownie · 2 months
this might be an unpopular opinion but, life shouldn't be this hard. people shouldn't have to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet or fund their goals. we shouldn't be over exerting ourselves or putting our health last because we are worried our job may fire us or cut our hours. i believe in hard work and discipline but not to the point where you are just stuck in a rat race.
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conscious-love · 1 year
Say what you mean, so that you can find out what you mean. Act out what you say, so you can find out what happens. Then pay attention. Note your errors. Articulate them. Strive to correct them. That is how you discover the meaning of your life.
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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writtenbylucy · 5 days
I turned away from you
In a dream
Because I always seem to end up in places that you still remain
I’ve began to explore the world beyond my own thoughts
Behind my eyes
When darkness comes to life like a movie
I’ve grown weary of seeing your face
Even if I start feeling lonely
I know my sleeping subconscious
Will lead me back
To the one who loves me with his whole heart
- Lucy 💚
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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On the Role of Cultural Education in Self Identity and Hypergamy
I’ve been thinking a lot about education lately. Why is it that I’ve spent a decade and half in the traditional education system and still not felt like a “human”? Why is it that when I finally began getting “real world knowledge” it all felt new and that school hasn’t prepared me for any of that? Why did I still feel unrefined as a human being?
I remember being at an HNI event years ago and being absolutely blank faced about what was going on. I didn’t know any of the topics they were talking about. That’s when it first hit me - my education system had failed me in some way. I felt stupid, like a little goldfish in the ocean.
There’s more to life than what we’re taught inside the four walls of a classroom. This year I’m going to heavily focus on my “cultural education.”
For context because I don’t want to mislead anyone: I’m Asian, my parents are HNIs (which explains specific knowledge and accessibility to certain things), I do have privilege which I accept and try to make good out of (such as volunteer work, working on impact-driven businesses).
Cultural knowledge expansion is important because it shapes you as a person. You realise that life is not black and white - there’s so much more to it. You think more about things that truly matter and you focus less on superficial things. You realise that there’s always some historical knowledge you can apply to current times.
Best of all - you’re on track to being smarter, wiser, confident and sociable. Even if you may not know all the answers, at least you know what to question!
I’m at an age where I’ve had families asking my family about my marriage prospects (arranged marriages are common in my culture, I would 90% opt for one at a later age, arranged marriages are NOT forced marriages) and I want to be able to be “too good” for anyone and everyone. In my culture, we don’t marry individuals; we marry families. The family that I would ideally want to get married into should be up to my standard as well. I want a man to earn the right to be my partner, not the other way round, no matter how much money or influence he has. This is something that my father has drilled in my head from day 1 - never settle for just anyone.
However - how can I ask for things if I don’t bring them to the table myself? How can I ask for someone cultured, highly educated, intellectual - if I am not trying to be those things?
Things To Culturally Expand On (and this is exactly what I would teach my future children)
You don’t have to be an expert of any of these. But even knowing the ABCs can take you a long way. I do feel that exploring these would help me connect to my feminine energy further as well. Only classroom knowledge will not build you as a person.
1. Watching indie movies / niche movies on MUBI.com
2. Learning the basics of crafts (embroidery, cooking, etc)
3. Exploring literature (at the moment, eastern literature)
4. Herbal medicines (this does not replace allopathy, but I do think that herbal remedies can be useful for minor things)
5. Poetry
6. Appreciating classical music (I’ve always appreciated western classical music because my mum insisted on my sibling and I learning the violin/piano (my sibling is really gifted)) especially eastern classical
7. Philosophy, eastern and western
8. Understanding and appreciating traditional dances
9. Working more on my native language
10. Being refined in my culture’s history and geography
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wordsofaworld · 4 months
Lost Today
What's ours will always be ours
I wear the memories around my neck
And take them with me everywhere I go
In my dreams I meet you again
And when I wake
I know
What I have to do
I have to take my lost self and jump the bridge
I have to find myself
So for now,
Even though we are apart,
I will hold your heart in mine and think of the good
Because good is what you have left me with
So much hope and purpose
Until we meet again my love.
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randik-86 · 2 months
I have always hated my body,
Feeling like I had to find perfection,
Trying different things just to fit in,
Finding it hard to believe that anyone would love me,
But I had to stop myself,
From being afraid to be who I am,
I needed to focus on being happy...
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praiseinchains · 24 days
The life I had before feels like it belongs to someone else. It's as if my story was cut off abruptly and a new one started with an unfamiliar plot. I have to find my way in this new script.
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iihthr · 3 months
Another day, where two colleagues tell me that they’re glad I’m how I am now. That I’m much better than I was before and that it’s fun to come to work and see me again cause they know it’s gonna be a laugh. They admitted they’d talked about how worried they were about me and that they thought I was leaving. But now they’re glad I’m still there and happier than ever! Hearing that was so nice cause I said I hadn’t realised how bad I was, until I had a lightbulb moment and was like actually yeah I want to stay at work and do these things.
It’s these kind of conversations that have made me realise how far I have come since the start of the year and considering everything that has happened I could be in a totally different place. So I’m very proud of myself for sticking to it and putting in the work to making myself better and be the best version of myself.
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ropesbypatricia · 1 year
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“In one way or another, I've always suffered. I didn't know why, exactly. But I do know that I'm not so scared of suffering now. I feel more than I've ever felt, and I've found someone to feel with, to play with, to love, in a way that feels right for me.”
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