#French classes for adults and kids
deathbyattrition · 1 year
"Imagine what their families would be going through!" Sure, weeping their loss I guess. But unlike us they also still have an obscene amount of wealth in their hands and would likely make sure it stays in their hands at the expense of many working class people. The kid is literally the only one I feel bad for and not much for that because he's my age and I myself am a working class pakistani teenager.
Why are y'all "eat the rich" until it actually comes to the eating part? Did nobody realize that if we french revolution this shit as so many suggest we do, the people we'd kill would have families and friends too? So many tragedies caused by them in the world and that thought makes you queasy?
They are, in fact, humans too. Humans that are capable of alot of cruelty. Their death is infact a loss of human life and it's absolutely fucking hilarious that you picked now to realize that. So what now? Are you gonna fight for their rights? Rehabilitate them? Loser.
Just say you don't truly want to eat the rich and go. You may want wealth redistribution and equity, but you don't want to get your hands dirty to do that. There's no shame in admitting it, just know that you won't be making that big of a difference.
Edit: It came to my attention that the 19 year old was reluctant and terrified at entering the submersible and confided in his aunt about it. He may have been an adult but clearly did not deserve dying because of his father on fathers day, he had an ounce of self preservation unlike his idiotic old man but went there for his approval anyway.
The rest? Fuck em.
Another edit: So apparantly the news source that reported the above was sketchy so idk
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what-even-is-thiss · 11 months
Hey I saw you talk about comprehensible input for Spanish, and you said it was easy and it seems effective. I'm learning German, and I wanna ask what comprehensible input is and how I could do some of that
Comprehensible input means watching or listening to stuff in the language where you understand 90% or more of what’s going on. If you’re reading it’s more like 98%. Early on this usually means either watching stuff for babies or watching stuff made for adult learners if that exists. Watching stuff for adult learners is generally better because it works better if you’re interested in what’s going on. Once easier stuff is too boring for you then you move on to slightly harder stuff etc etc. it’s supposed to take about a thousand hours of good quality input for you to be able to understand native speakers with no issues give or take depending on your native language and the language you’re studying. Right now I’m at like 50-ish hours in Spanish which means I’m watching slightly harder videos that still have a lot of visual cues but it’s not piss easy either. I can also understand most quick things I overhear people say on the street to each other but I don’t really know how to talk yet. My brain hasn’t pieced that part together.
For German specifically resources for this are YouTube channels like Comprehensible German and Natürlich German. And Deutsch Welle’s learn German section of their website has a couple series like Nico’s Weg that follow a similar idea.
The key is to not translate in your head or assign meaning to specific words or try to figure out the grammar when you watch videos or read but just try to understand what’s going on.
Some people supplement this with flash cards strictly doing vocabulary and no grammar. Especially if good comprehensible input resources aren’t available for the language you’re studying. Doing vocabulary drills and watching tv with subtitles in the language you’re learning can also be effective.
Another way to do this if you can’t afford a special class or there’s no good videos available but you do have native speakers on hand who are willing to be a “language parent” for you is for them to sit down with you and only teach you the words for yes and no and then they pick up something like a kids picture book and start pointing at things and slowly explaining it to you and asking you questions like you’re a baby for an hour or two every day. Most people do not have a native speaker on hand willing to do this though. But if you do then this video where a guy documents learning Arabic with this method should give both you and the native speaker an idea of how this works.
If you want resources googling “comprehensible input (language)” should get you started. There’s also a lot of different communities for language learners of different languages or language learning generally on Reddit like r/French, r/Portuguese, r/swahili or r/languagelearning for example. Most of those places have a dedicated page for compiling resources from the community and you can also ask questions to the community and in my experience they’re usually pretty helpful people.
Right now I’m mostly using Dreaming Spanish for Spanish but also other channels like Easy Spanish and Español con Juan. I’m also dabbling a bit in the channels Comprehendible Japanese and Nihongo-Learning for Japanese but Spanish is my main priority right now.
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I never had trouble with spelling. It just comes naturally to me, words make sense, I never had to make an effort (if one doesn't count voraciously devouring books since age 6).
So, naturally, I became a language snob kid, who evolved into a language snob teenager.
One of the mistakes I made, and that I see many other people make, is to equate bad spelling with low intelligence, or lack of education. So often I've seen comments mocked for mixing your and you're or its and it's. (And the equivalent in French, which is the language I grew up with. People are ruthless with French.)
At the same time, many people I love have trouble with language, spelling, syntax, writing. I've witnessed how hard they worked and how hard they cried when work wasn't enough. It took me too many years to bring this compassion I had for my loved ones, to a larger empathy for people in general.
Two of the smartest people I've met can't spell at all. Neither can one the the most talented and kind person in my life. Neither can a colleague who brightens my days. If I manage to not judge their character by their spelling, I can do the same for everyone else.
(strangely, tumblr speak helped. typing in all lowercase, this lack of punctuation, rewriting the rules of grammar to suit a subculture-- i watched a language evolve in the span of a decade, and sometimes new words appear so fast that i miss their meaning if i don't log in for a week. it's fascinating.)
So, after being a language snob kid and teenager, I try to be a compassionate adult. Not everyone has a brain wired for letters, for reading, for classes and tests.
A language is, first and foremost, made for communication. If the goal is met and people can understand each other, you don't need anything else. Rules of language are there to establish a baseline so more people can opt in and find a common ground. Rules of language should not limit us, but help us.
I'm a writer, and when I hear people say words, I spell them in my mind. This is easy to me. But also, I'm a graphic designer, and I know communication is more important than the words it comes in.
So, be kind, and compassionate. Not everyone can spell, and that's okay.
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
On a serious note, why do you not like Derision? I mean, I can guess why, but I’m genuinely curious to hear your thoughts (if you want to).
What have they done to my boy?!
I guess we'll start with the whole "trauma" thing since that's how the episode starts - with Marinette going on a date with Adrien at the pool but constantly getting heart palpitations at the very idea of it. And not good lovey-dovey crush ones like Sabine thinks. The Actual Panic Attack kind.
This just feels unnecessary AND too late. Unnecessary because there are plenty of pre-established reasons why Marinette could be hesitant to go all in with Adrien (Being Ladybug, the 354th other times going for Adrien has failed or left her humiliated, Being Ladybug). So I don't know why they invented a trauma for her in the final hour and didn't think it was worth talking about before now?
They really came up with this whole scheme to explain why Marinette does Marinette things, like learning Adrien's schedule, planning out everything before she tries to make a move, needing to know everything about him, as if the show hasn't been mocking her for these exact traits and allowing them to blow up in her face over and over again. But NOW it's due to her TRAUMA. So...retroactively when her friends laughed at her or slapped their foreheads in frustration or the show framed her failures as a joke...we know it's actually from a tragic place and can't laugh anymore.
I mean, I was never laughing, but you get what I mean. They framed it like it was part of the comedy and now they're pulling the rug out from under themselves. How are you supposed to laugh when Adrien brings Marinette constipation medicine, or when her pictures of him are blasted all over Paris Television, or the *ugh* Statue Scene plays out and now you know that this is just adding to her pre-existing trauma? They have shot the show's rewatch value.
I never thought Marinette needed a "reason" act the way she was because those were always just kinda The Things Teenage Girls Do when they have a crush. I've admitted in the past to learning my crush's class schedule just to orchestrate running into each other in the hallways more often, and if their crush had public interviews and magazine pictures, I'm pretty sure most kids would also cut out their pictures to keep and would read and remember the interviews. I never really saw her behavior as that weird for a girl her age with a crush and recognize some cartoon exaggeration.
...Stealing his phone was a little weird, though, I'll give them that though Alya is the one who suggested it first...
SO, we enter a long flashback to One Year Ago (with Marinette now on her third Almost-Akumatization, good lord) and learn what life was like for Marinette pre-Origins, and oh boy. It's hell. She's making up illnesses to avoid school, avoiding all contact with anyone in the courtyard, having cockroaches put in her locker, having the Principal catch her "late" for class (after she had to clean herself up from a water prank), gets yelled at by the teacher for being late, sits in paint, mocked in class and then yelled at again by the teacher for pointing out the person mocking her probably planted it, and gets Saturday detention. All in one day. And when anyone tries to talk to her or even glares at the person responsible, they get threatened too.
The main reason this is hell is because Marinette is being let down by every single adult in her life. Sabine just laughs and tells Marinette that she only has a few weeks left with Chloe and it's not like she'll be in the same class as her next year.🙃 Well, why don't you make SURE she doesn't?! Maybe this is just an American vs French school thing, but where I come from, it's totally within your rights to request that your child not be put in the same class as someone else, they could at least put in a throw away line about her parents TRYING to move her, but Chloe's not allowing it JUST to keep Marinette close to her. And maybe take this a little more seriously, Sabine- your daughter is faking illness to avoid One. Girl. That should be concerning, not "lol my daughter is so silly for trying to get out of class."
Damocles finds Marinette and yells at her for being "constantly late" and praising the "anonymous notes" (signed by Chloe -_-) for always alerting him when she's behind, and then later gives her Saturday detention for...someone clearly planting paint on her desk chair? He sees a victim of bullying and punishes her for it. At the end of the episode he even suspends Socqueline for something that happened outside of school, yet in "Jubilation" she's pumping him up as The Best Principal?! Does this show thinks we're stupid or something?!
Mendeleiev also yells at Marinette for being late. She allows Chloe to make fun of Marinette for looking depressed when she comes in and allows Chloe to mock Marinette for sitting in paint, but when Marinette doesn't even stand up for herself but just accuses Chloe of putting the paint there, THEN Mendeleiev has something to say, and it's to Marinette? For "groundlessly" accusing the only person in the room laughing at Marinette, the one who was just making fun of her, the one who kept her eyes on Marinette so she could watch her sit in the paint?
Marinette tells Socqueline that all the adults are scared of Chloe, but that's not what I saw. Sure, at the end of the episode Damocles is afraid when Chloe pulls a "Lady Wifi" to force him to punish Socqueline for smashing Sabrina's phone, but the sequence of events played out more like the adults participating in the bullying. It wasn't like Damocles was sympathetic to Marinette and then Chloe cleared her throat, so he straightened up nervously and started berating Marinette. It wasn't like Marinette accused Chloe and then Chloe glared at Mendeleiev, forcing her to finally intervene. All the adults see what's going on and are either completely oblivious or don't care.
Also, Chloe totally unprompted says this:
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GET A LIFE, what is your PROBLEM?! Like, why have a flashback episode and not have it explain what Chloe's fixation on Marinette even is?! It doesn't have to be big or anything! Like, have Marinette trip and spill something on Chloe in art class! Just do something!
And like, I totally get that irl bullies just choose their targets for no real reason and this is just another example of that, but to this level?! Just...get a hobby!
And then there's the big thing they did in this stupid episode. The unforgivable. The reprehensible.
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This fucking guy.
It's been so long since we've seen Bully Kim that I was pretty sure he was left behind entirely on the draft floor. Sure, Kim is still capable of being insensitive or not thinking long-term, but he was a good kid. He roots for his friends and wants everyone to have a good time.
Hell, I could even buy that Kim was dumb enough to believe Chloe when she claims what he did was a funny practical joke that they'd all laugh about later...until Socqueline came up and yelled at him that he should be ashamed of himself.
And Ondine yelled at him in the present that he should be ashamed of himself.
And it's a year later and he should have realized by now that he should be ashamed of himself.
Kim is dumb, that's just a fact, but the way he doubles down and is so sure of himself that NO it's everyone ELSE who has a problem because they can't take a JOKE? Like...why?! Why did they co-sign on this character assassination?!
Just make him become akumatized because he's A S H A M E D of what he did now that he's finally sitting down and thinking about it a year later! He can keep the same look and motif, just have Monarch stroke the part of him that doesn't want him to be the jerk, the old Kim! It's totally normal, especially for a kid, to want to believe that they're not the bad guy even with all the evidence pointing to it, so I could even see the akuma being exactly the same.
But naur, it's KIM who talks like a right-wing podcast douche bag, complaining that you can't just speak your mind these days and everyone needs to get a sense of humor, they just don't GET it man, this is just how he IS brah, take it or leave it! His akuma's even named "Dark Humor", like edgy losers on reddit who make racist/sexist jokes and then get mad when he's downvoted and boo'd out of a forum. God, we just CAN'T TAKE A JOKE I guess.
I'm glad this is resolved by Ladybug gluing a toilet to his head.
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I just...I feel like this could've worked in Season 1, or Season 2. Like...put it before Dark Cupid or before Syren or something. That way, Kim being a total douche is the starting point of his character arc, not the Season 5 Post-Hero Run point, ugh.
It'd also make this stupid line make more sense:
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I'm sorry, the girl who got you akumatized after she humiliated you in nearly the same way you humiliated Marinette? I guess that was "just a prank bro" too, right?
Establish Marinette's problems with romance early, so she can overcome them or at least give them the proper context. It'd at least make the show look better if they hadn't made fun of her for 4 Seasons only to drop this bombshell on us at the end. You know...the thing that they just did.
This episode just isn't fun. I hated "Illusion" because all you get to see is the bad guys winning and outsmarting the heroes, but "Derision" is a marathon of seeing the absolute misery Marinette was put through, just to jump forward to the present to destroy a character that I really liked.
Would a kid even like this episode?
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alchemistc · 2 months
(dys)functional | bucktommy bonus chapter
an: Everyone else seemed just as enamored of Evelyn Carrini as I was when I made her up, so I thought I'd piece together all the random notes app thoughts I had about her an Tommy in high school into something that wasn't a disorganized half bullet list/half snippet-fest.
read on ao3
He’s halfway through homeroom when he notices it. The whispers, the side-eyes, the covert little looks shot in his direction when they think he’s not looking. The problem is that Thomas Kinard has spent the first seventeen years of his life hyperaware any time he is the focus of someone’s attention, and now he feels like ants are crawling under his skin.
He spends the next three periods convinced he’s still got toilet paper stuck to his face where he’d nicked himself shaving, but no matter how many times he wipes a too-big hand across his face, under his chin, he’s still being stared at. It’s a weird feeling. He’s been as close to invisible as he can manage since middle school, since the first time a boy had smiled at him and Tom had wanted. Sure, he plays the sports his dad had demanded he play, and sure, he’s — moderately friendly with a few different groups, but he isn’t — he doesn’t —
Evelyn Carrini sidles up to him at the start of lunch with a keyring curling around her middle finger, perfectly manicured French tips and a plethora of plastic bands wrapped around her wrists, eyes assessing, keys jangling in the loose circle of her palm. “Buy me lunch, Kinard,” she says, and Tom — Tom follows her out to her car so she can take them through the nearby Wendy’s drive through.
His dad is ecstatic. Good grades haven’t impressed him, making the right teams hasn’t impressed him — even shedding the weight over the summer that had clung to him for years despite being active as hell hadn’t impressed him — but the first time he catches Evelyn “studying” in Tom’s room, he smacks Tom so hard on the back that he has to scramble on suddenly gangly limbs to keep his balance.
Evelyn is a cheerleader. A firecracker, according to every adult who’s ever met her, an absolute darling of Cliffside Park High, and generally well known as the nicest girl who could possibly gossip about you behind your back. Tom’s a little obsessed with her. Enough to give it a try, enough to roll around with her in the bed of her dads pickup, making out until they’re blue in the face, enough to want to spend every spare fucking moment with her.
They go to movies, and hang out at the mall with all her friends, and drink beer in the carpark behind the Sears that’d gone out of business a year and a half earlier. They hold hands in the hallways at school, and pass notes in the classes they share, and Tom meets her parents at a quiet family dinner where no one asks a single question about his novelist grandfather and his fuckup kids, or his dead mom, or the sister being raised by his aunt a township over.
Tom adores Evelyn. He does. He doesn’t even mind it that much that her nails dig into his skin when she’s got her tongue in his mouth, or that her perfume is always just a little overpowering. Evelyn is great.
Evelyn... has an excellent rack. Top notch, really — round perky breasts with rose colored nipples that are perfectly symmetrical and...right up in his face.
Evelyn squirms in his lap, and Tom knows the game is up.
He’s — maybe at half chub (He’s a teenager, sue him. Sometimes a well aimed breeze gets him hard.) Nothing to write home about, anyway, and Tom can usually explain this away, shift his hips and slow the kissing and suck at Evelyn’s neck until she gets impatient enough to shove his hand down her Spanx and let him get to work.
Tom is aware that no amount of testing the weight of Evie’s tits in his hands or sucking one of those dusky nipples between his teeth is gonna get him there.
“Are you —?” Evelyn asks, and Tom stares at her chest and tries to imagine a scenario where his dad doesn’t find out about this. His — his hands are shaking. He’s pretty sure he hasn’t drawn a breath in about forty-five seconds. “Jesus Christ, Kinard, do you want me to put my shirt back on?”
Evelyn Carrini is just another dumb teenager who has no fucking idea how badly things are about to turn for him.
And then she isn’t.
“Oh my god,” she says, delight in her voice, and Tom cringes, hands curling into fists in Evie’s purple duvet as she swings off of him and scrambles for the shirt she’d tossed over the side of the bed a good twenty minutes before he’d worked up the courage to pop the clasp on her bra. “Oh my god,” she repeats as she stuffs her really very nice breasts back underneath the croptop. “Tom, can you stop having a panic attack for five fucking seconds, I’m not gonna tell anyone.”
Tom blinks, dazed, but it has the intended effect of forcing him to pull in three sharp breaths, drawing him right the fuck out of his swirling thoughts. He can see his own expression in the mirror over her shoulder, and is suddenly incredibly grateful they hadn’t managed to get any further. “You’re the biggest gossip I know,” Tommy snarks back, which is a terrible fucking idea when she’s just discovered the exact weapon she needs to completely obliterate him.
She cocks a hip, rolls her eyes, blows a crinkled lock of hair out of her eyes. “Yeah, dumbass, do you think the biggest gossip you know doesn’t know how to keep a secret?”
Which is a fair point, actually. In between makeouts and actual studying and bland stories about their day, she’s told him a litany of secrets that have never seen the light of day beyond their little bubble of privacy. Jerri Danvers secret abortion. The DUI Travis Evans dad had called in favors to have swept under the rug. Cheryl G cheating on her boyfriend with Cheryl K. Chris Harper selling ritalin and coke out of the mens room in D Hall.
(”What’s the difference?” he’d asked, like Evie had all the answers, and she’d rolled her eyes. Lethal, that eyeroll. “The price, idiot. Snow’s a lot easier to source.”)
It still takes him a while to really believe she won’t tell.
But she doesn’t. Week after week, game after game, party after party. He asks her to Homecoming half convinced there’s a secret plan to Carrie him in the middle of the gym, but instead she drags him into a bathroom stall in the girls room, fucks up the hair he’d spend twenty minutes slicking just right, unbuttons three buttons of his dress shirt and slips the loop of his tie around her own neck while she makes obscene noises and rattles the rickety stall wall. She kisses her bright red lipstick onto his lips and only drags him out once they have a crowd.
He carries her bookbag out to her car from her locker at the end of the day, and listens to her bitch about her older sister in med school, and lets her experiment with perming on his hair, gives the JT ramen noodle look a total of three hours before he attempts to wash it out and, failing that, brings a pair of clippers back to her place she that she can buzz all his hair off.
The make it through the holidays, and Valentines, and Tommy sends her an extravagant bouquet of flowers on her birthday, right in the middle of a pep rally, the delivery guy flummoxed as hell as every upperclassman packed on the bleachers hoots and hollers about it, and it’s not what he wants, not really, not quite, but he’d buy her flowers every day just for existing and allowing him to exist as himself for the few hours of privacy they carve out away from everyone else.
Somewhere in the early hours of dawn, three months before graduation, she finally gets him to admit that basketball star Jason Ledecky with his stupid long legs and his thick heavy Boston drawl is Tom’s exact brand of smokin’.
“You could do so much better than Jason Ledecky,” she tells him, and Tom laughs as he presses his nose into the give of her stomach.
“Also he’d beat the shit out of me for trying,” Tom says, and Evie gets the sad kind of quiet, like she does every time he skids away from talking about his dad, like she does every time he talks about his mother, quiet and soft.
“Someday it’ll be different,” Evie says, carding fingers through the hair that had grown back in time for the class picture, and Tom nods like he believes her. “Some day some guy with legs for days, with the biggest heart and the brightest smile you’ve ever seen is gonna sweep you off your feet and I’m gonna shake his fucking hand.”
Tom hums.
“And maybe show him my tits just to make sure,” she says with a gentle tug on his hair, and Tom laughs until he can’t breathe.
Tom can’t say why he doesn’t tell her The Plan. Prom comes and goes, and as graduation approaches Tom attends all the parties, sneaks up the lattice to curl up next to Evie on her bed on nights that his dad comes home smelling like he bathed in hops, settles the last of his business, packs a bag he hides far enough under his bed that even snoopy Evie wont notice.
His dad’s drunk on the day he graduates, and at the end of the ceremony, after they’ve all made a plan for a bonfire at the quarry, Tom presses a lingering kiss to the crown of Evie’s head, and while her friends all roll their eyes at Evie’s perfect boyfriend, Tom slips away, grabs the bag he’d left in his old gym locker, and he leaves.
“Okay so at eighteen I’m not sure I knew there was even such a thing as bisexuality,” Evie says, sipping at her glass of wine and eyeing the half of Evan’s cheesecake he still hasn’t eaten. “And my tits aren’t what they used to be, anyway.”
Tommy and Evan both shoot her incredulous looks.
“Yeah, they’re still pretty good,” she admits around a laugh, and beneath the table, Evan’s knee knocks into Tommy’s. “You gotta admit, though, Tommy — I fucking nailed your type years before you ever did.”
Evan’s grin goes ear to ear, absolutely proving her point when he shifts to reach for the hand Tommy’s been resting on his knee for the last few minutes.
“That’s what the steak dinner was for,” Tommy tells her, and they share a look Tommy hasn’t shared with anyone in twenty years.
Evan slides the rest of his cheesecake across the table without having to be asked, and tucks himself neatly against Tommy’s side as Evie’s eyes go wide and happy.
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 1
Bruce eat Peanut Butter from the jar and it drives Alfred mad. Has a kid it was the only thing that calmed Bruce down after his parents,but as an adult he still does it.
Bruce cannot cook in the kitchen, but he can grill just about anything and does it with minimal effort.
Dick, Bruce,Alfred,Steph and Duke are right handed. While, Babs, Jason, Damian, and Kate are left handed. Tim is ambidextrous. Damian hates it.
Damian is vegetarian, Dick and Babs will try different restaurants with him and some of Dick’s new favorite takeout is a vegan and vegetarian Asian restaurant in Uptown.
Alfred prefers Earl Grey over any other tea.
Tim got his GED,at first the he didn’t want to tell anyone but Damian found his mail and told him he was proud. But threatened him if he breathed a word to the others.
Duke sometimes get overwhelmed during the day patrol and other bats sometimes will randomly come by to check on him.
Bruce to his credit was still getting hang of being a father with Jason and Dick. Tim was more of a partner at first, but later on he became his son. He really got improve and do better with Damian. He’s still trying but at least that counts.
Jason does have the white tuff, however after speaking with Talia and Damian he learns it’s not a result of the pit. And it’s actually Vitiligo.
Stephanie is actually allergic to eggs, put loves them so much that everyone just carries Benadryl. Cass keeps her EpiPen.
Duke is the best swimmer out of his siblings.
Kate does not like desserts, she doesn’t have a big sweet tooth. Bruce however is a Cookie Monster.
Babs has had LASIK however she still wears her glasses to not strain them while looking at monitors all the time.
Alfred the Cat, loves Tim’s room more because of his window. It gets the best sunrises and sunsets, he enjoys the warmth from it.
Ace prefers to set at Bruce’s feet in the cave. Bruce enjoys his company.
Cass and Dick have dance classes together in the ballroom. Dick is surprisingly good at Ballet.
Jason will eat his siblings leftovers. Tim will get him half his PB&J and Jason will devour it in seconds.
Talia used to make food with her mother has a little girl and did the same with Damian. He tries to teach Bruce some of his favorite food. Poor Bruce isn’t very good at it but the enjoy the bonding.
Cass can identify which of her brothers is the closest by their scents. Dick has a vanilla and cedarwood smell,Jason smells like Grapefruit and Amber, Tim smells like French lavender, Duke has a grapefruit and Patchouli scent, and Damian smells like cinnamon.
Barbara likes when Cass and Damian make her handmade jewelry over being bought stuff. She wears a gold locket Cass gifted her everyday. And has a ring and charm bracelet that Damian gave her for birthday. She never takes these off.
Tim is allergic to shellfish.
Bruce cannot stand strawberry jam, he prefers grape much to Alfred’s horror.
Stephanie will stack plates, silverware and cups like a server. It’s habit she got from her Mom and hates leaving a mess for Alfred or any other server to clean.
Jason has smoked from time to time. But will snap if he sees his little brothers do it. Jason will Mother Hen them to death.
Alfred is the best marksmen with long ranges guns, Jason is the best at versatile shooting and Barbara is the best firearm shot.
Cass,Steph are the same height, both are an inch taller than Tim, Duke is to inches taller then them.
Tim and Damian are the artist of the family. Damian prefers classic art, like oil paintings, pottery, and marble sculptures. Tim prefers modern art, photography, stone sculptures. Diana takes them to her art gallery on the weekends.
Bruce is the slowest to text back, Jason and Damian ignore texts if they’re not emergencies,Tim emails the fastest, the only good testers are Steph, Duke, and Barbara. Dick will ignore your text and FaceTime you to ask you to repeat the question instead and Cass prefers a phone call.
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marching-weirdo · 13 days
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if you told me that I would draw pj masks in 2024 two years ago I would ask who are they.
gunntech au sketches cause I'm normal. also taken during ap us history so ignore random strokes :3. headcanons under more.
my trans king!!!! 💪💪
gave him scars. most are long and thin, since they usually happen when hes running
let Greg give him a haircut before he transitioned, now never not gets a Greg haircut ™️
stays up late reading, hence eyebags
I have a trans male friend who loves this au as much as I do, so he asked if he could "model" for catboy.
again, this was during class, so he was smouldering like Flynn Ryder while I was learning about Pennsylvania so you know
the more you know
anyway he's Filipino and I'm like OOH THIS WOULD BE COOL
so he's filipino american
also BIG EYES cause cat
gay (thanks romeo) but he's only had, like, two crushes in his life
one of the two kids who go to school
could care less what people think, likes to show off scars ("For the ladies!" his gay ass says)
interesting marching weirdo fact, the lines making up Connor are more scraggly and rough then the others! it's kinda to show he's an angst boy for me lol. but it's cool lore about me!!
imma be honest, Connor was my least favorite sorry!!
also ignore bad gay pride flag, I ran out of colors
Japanese american (I think it's in @elmushterri video)
oh also @elmushterri is the creator of this au so follow super cool and amazing and intelligent and interesting and-
psa out
see Connors flag error for bad Yuri flag
amaya is super careful about getting hurt
see, El said in a qna that amaya was under a super strict household so her aunt probably would want her to shave her legs, etc until said aunt eventually gets redeemed and amaya can be her own girl boss
so I read that and said "HOLD MY BEER"
so when she was like 9, she got a scar on her cheek due to training with Connor and Greg
amaya went home and her aunt starting freaking out
idk if I want the aunt to say it directly to her or like to a friend on the phone that amaya hears, but her aunt says something along the lines of "scar" and "uncivilized" and "ugly" (I imagine what amaya heard was a distortion of what her aunt actually says but I degress)
since then, amaya makes sure to be as safe as she can and not get scars.
she eventually gets one on her leg, but she can cover it with pants
so she changes the "Don't get hurt" philosophy to "only get hurt where you can hide that scar"
so she is the most careful of the three
but she has multiple scars around her body
for a while she thought "if I get a scar on my arm, I won't on my face" philosophy because ngl she's my version of anxious™️
but eventually she realizes that's dumb.
her back is shredded due to enemies trying to cut her wings
eventually when she is in therapy and an adult, Luna will draw shapes on some of her scars and vice versa
adult amaya still gets embarrassed whenever someone sees her scares
amaya has terrible eyesight. horrible. Luna knows this
has a hair pin with a moon on it as a gift from luna (the notes that came with it said "for when you need to shank a bitch on short notice"
wears it everywhere
keeps hair long to hide neck scars and only puts it up during training or on duty
fun story: Greg and connor wanted her to get a really short hairstyle so they could be the "Bob boys"
amaya refused and greg and connors dream died
the other kid to go to school
star pupil. young prodigy.
as all mae whitman characters should be
fun fact: took me hours to do her nose.
finally figured it out when I looked at katara fan art and said "ah"
her lines are very curvy and delicate to show her more level-headed thinking.
as opposed to connors roughness
my fav. I support her rights and wrongs 😔✊️
rich kid mullet let's gooooooo
i kinda got inspired by a cross between andrian from miraculous ladybug and dick Grayson from Wayne family adventures
speaking of adrian
he's French American because of course
he grew out his hair to match amaya and connor hates him now
home schooled (rich kids smh)
because he's homeschooled, he doesn't care about cuts and scars and hurting himself because he thinks it's perfectly normal
also, he was sprayed with acid during a test (you know those dinos from jurassic Park who shoot venom? that but feral child)
incredibly buff and will hug you to the point of death
I looked and he seems to not have many ships with men
so an ally
he's also clueless so...
he doesn't actually know that homophobia is a thing
he sees two men kiss he thinks cool
two women? cool
a woman and a man? SAVE ROOM FOR JESUS
joking.hes chill
he has dimples and the biggest smile ever
for angst: his smile gets smaller and smaller as each season happens.
as a teen, his resting face is a smile
eventually resting he looks in pain
incredibly smart
romeo hates how smart he is
but romeo is street and lab smart
greg tries
he can tell you about quantum theory but doesn't understand that people are sarcastic
he's probably autistic or has adhd or both
he probably wasn't professionally tested
Luna probably gave him a lizard to watch and Greg didn't move for 16 hours
also luna and greg are besties
because of course
fun drawing: very square
I wanted him for two reasons
1: he's always stiff due to being a Gunn
2: he feels like a robot: infinite possibilities but only if a button is hit
anyways thank you! sorry for long post! villains up soon!!
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lizzyaka · 23 days
Man I love the secret history. But like... it's so strange that people can't love a book and also be horrified??? The characters make me sick to my stomach. I wish ppl would talk more about how Julian is perhaps the most dangerous out of all of them. They all already have issues, mostly from being insulated from real life bc of wealth + the aimlessness that comes from that, but they didn't HAVE to end up like that. Obviously they all played their parts and are Fucked Up.
At the same time Julian... scares me honestly. The others don't really scare me except maybe for Henry. He SEES how fucked up these kids are. And encourages them to be even worse. As their teacher, their only teacher. It's a cult!!! Ironically that French teacher at the beginning was completely right; it's chilling how much Julian isolates them, how deeply fucking elitist he is, how he molds and shapes all of them into his personal vision??? The almost god-like way they look at him?? His reaction to hunting for Bunny and comparing it to a Dostoyevsky novel. He doesn't care that they killed anyone! He just cares that he found them out, or that they didn't tell him. I can also never figure out if he slept with Henry or not. Idk there's just something about Julian that is deeply, deeply inhuman. While all the group is deeply fucked up, I think there's another level of evil to be an authority figure and to encourage that behavior. There is no way he didn't know they were all alcoholics or about Charles and Camilla. Interestingly, Richard observes him accurately before his judgment is clouded by endearment, that Julian seems nice but is incredibly manipulative, and that there is nothing behind his eyes. Bunny is easy to hate, he's a schoolyard bully. Julian is the type to encourage his student to stand up to him when he knows they'll lose, and gently persuade them that it's a lesson about the futility of fighting inevitable hierarchies. He makes my skin crawl. I love this fucking book.
I agree with everything you said and i think you worded it all so perfectly!
I dont like to blame everything on julian bc at the end of the day the class were grown adults and i cant standdd when people baby them but julian IS responsible for much of their behavior. The way i see it these were people who were always very isolated and as a defense mechanism they probably further alienated themselves by blaming it on their superiority (like, its not that i dont fit in bc im weird or different in a negative way but rather that im too intelligent and too special for everyone else) and julian only encouraged this mindset and not only endorsed their psychological estrangement from society but also PHYSICALLY isolated them. So this obviously is the main cause for them being so horrifyingly out of touch with reality which led them to commit murder so easily among other things (incest,suicide.....)
And about julian and henry having an affair IM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT THAT UP BC IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT THISSSS
I recently read this article called the secret oral history of Bennington which ill link (bennington is the college donna tartt went to that inspired hampden, as well as other authors such as bret easton ellis who btw is whom the secret history is dedicated to) and please i urge you to read it bc its fascinating. It doesnt focus solely on donna but it does talk a lot about her and gives so much insight into what inspired the secret history. did you know most characters are based on real people? This includes henry and julian. One of the things that stood out to me about the article was how common student-teacher relationships were in bennington and it reminded me of henry and julian and how i originally dismissed the idea of them being involved, but that it would make sense knowing that. AND IN FACTTT the man julian is based on WAS gay and notoriously pursued inappropriate relationships with a lot of his male students. So do with that information what you will but personally i do think they were sleeping together
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #4
... Angela has orange eyes. Interesting... It's a good thing that 8 years ago, I didn't set up my entire magical society to be obsessed with natural orange features like hair because it's the rarest color in the magical world, ahahaha...
Cosmo hung a picture of himself on their wall.
SHE HAS A CREATURE-HUNTER FOR A DAD? Oh no, oh no, oh no... Someone call Doombringer, Crocker, and Ed Leadly- They've got a new friend!
He didn't react to Cosmo and Wanda describing the features Crocker always names as fairy traits (wands, wings, floating crowns), so he probably doesn't know Crocker.
She's so cute...
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Okay, I love that Cosmo and Wanda walk backwards while bouncing. They are still not used to being human.
CRYING, Wanda literally noped out with a farewell of "We probably won't be seeing you much." That is a woman who is not willing to get dragged out of retirement and back into creature-hunting threats. I'm very curious as to how they end up with Hazel.
Hey, Hazel's indoor rug is even cooler than the one in the hall.
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POV, you usually would fly across the hall but you don't have your wings out right now.
She vaporized the door, doors are STILL for chumps!!
AND WE GET CEILING LIGHTS? They thought of everything!
... Enrichment Academy? Interesting...
Okay, I love how the building design, the hills, and Hazel's schoolmates still totally belong in FOP style:
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Hey, that's the guy from the story bible preview! He's getting the skateboard noises; that's cute.
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And baby, we're SO back!
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Cosmo and Wanda think they slick:
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Hazel introducing herself to the class as "liking french fries" is a mood.
"I have an older brother! He's my best friend. He's visiting today and it will totally make up for the fact that no one laughed at my rock joke." - Girl, you are dying inside.
(He's not gonna show and that's what'll push C and W into taking her in... isn't it?)
Oh, they have swirls on their ears like the OG style! Nice. Also, I love the thin, stretchy arms and tiny legs... This is nice.
Oh no.
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Yeah, this kid looks stable. Please tell me he doesn't have orange hair. Haha, I'm in danger.
HE'S DALE'S KID??? Lemonade Dungeon Boy got himself a partner? Mr. Only Shows Up In One Episode unless he's the pixie godkid implied by Da Rules' page about pixies in the Musical but he's probably not, he's just always been my leading theory and it was in Season 2?
Ohhh, boy; writers did their homework. I support him and what I can only assume are well-adjusted social skills. And yay, that gives us a timeline.
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If this kid were an animal, I don't think I'd let him eat out of my hand. He's ready for collateral damage.
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Hazel has been so nice to everyone, not even outing Cosmo and Wanda to her dad, and she's already ready to yeet this kid into the trash because he's not good enough to recycle.
omg, we're getting introduced to the background characters? Yesssss...
Okay, I'm cracking up at Dev introducing the ASMR guy (Whisper) as "gives me the creeps, but I respect the hustle." I'm intrigued.
Whisper was my alt name for Whistle, so I'm glad I went with the latter!
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I am saving every poster I ever see.
Love how we're getting to tour more of the building. We've got stairs! And mailboxes! ... Also, Cosmo and Wanda were not her bubble charms in disguise, but that's definitely where they're going.
I like how Hazel's parents did immediate damage control when she started reacting and made sure she was expressing a healthy response in front of Antony.
I'm obsessed with Hazel. She reminds me so much of Chloe. "Running away! Not in a bad way like on TV, but in a good way! 'cuz it's me and I know what I'm doing!" They would be friends. I wonder if we'll get to see adult Chloe.
omfg, Cosmo and Wanda saw "Child running away" and they're IMMEDIATELY gunning for this child. Sir/Ma'am, please get your minds retuned for this century. Do not steal the child.
SLDKJFSDF compilation of past episodes where Cosmo has gone to space after he says he wants to go to space. Looks like the "Spaced Out" saga AND - and I am shook -
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THAT'S "TERRIBLE TWOSOME," Season 9! When he's reading jokes to Poof so he'll stop blocking the sun!
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Sir/ma'am, where is your paperwork to take this child?
I'm glad I got a heads up that the writers confirmed the bus driver isn't actually Timmy; I can see how that would be confusing.
Stopping here so I can do a thing with my parents. Will return later!
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partypoisonzz · 1 year
letters and sodas (90s!trey parker x fem!reader)
Part One of the FWB-verse series
- friends with benefits/rebound messiness
- dry humping
- praise kink
- marking
Word Count: 5,189
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
You stand out in the hallway, a warm paper bag clutched tightly in one hand as you knock with the other. You inhale the scent of the warm French fries, worrying that Trey won't even come to the door. 
Of course, you know that he's in there. He hasn't been anywhere else except for a handful of his classes all week. That isn't to say, however, that he'll answer. Ever since the incident, he's been effectively isolating himself, not seeming to want to see anybody. You can't really blame him for that, — the whole thing is majorly fucked, — but you're worried, for fuck's sake. Lots of people are, whether he thinks so or not.
The few times you've seen him, he was visibly a wreck. Despite looking like he had just rolled out of bed, he was obviously exhausted, his eyes in a perpetual state of puffiness and ringed by dark circles. He didn't seem to be putting any effort into taming his hair or shaving his face, which resulted in him looking sort of homeless. Then there was the fact that his clothes just seemed to be looking looser and looser, which raised your alarm bells more than anything. 
Your concern deepened when Jason paid him a visit earlier on in the week, only to shake his head and sigh when he reported back to the rest of you. 
"Jackass isn't eating anything," he informed you, Matt, and Dian as you scarfed down your respective shitty cafeteria dinners. "He's living off fucking SlimFast. That's all. No wonder he looks like a coke addict all of the sudden." 
Deeply concerned by these new developments, the four of you worked out a plan to keep tabs on him without him immediately chasing you off. You decided that all of you would alternate dropping by his dorm throughout the week, but never together and never with an established plan in place. That way, it wouldn't look rehearsed, — because it wasn't, — and would illustrate your genuine concern in a manner that didn't seem forced… because it wasn't. Each of you would approach the situation using whatever method seemed fit at the moment. 
When you left your final class for the afternoon, you decided that the appropriate method for the day would be to bring him food. The thought of him, holed up in his dorm and depressed, choking down weight loss shake after weight loss shake, made your heart sink. He needed something substantial. Maybe not healthy, but something he could chew and swallow. 
So you went to McDonald's and ordered a couple of combo meals. It wasn't gourmet cuisine, but it was affordable. It was the same junk that you ate together back when things were okay. The image of a bunch of high, giggling college kids piling into a booth and decimating a couple baskets of fries reminded you of simpler times… Those being, the times before Trey walked in on his fiancee in a state of post coital bliss with another guy and consequently started spiraling. 
You ruminated on the reasoning for all of it as you drove back to campus, digging into your bag to angrily chomp on a fry every now and again. As much as imagining him getting married put a lump in your throat and a pit in your stomach, you weren't selfish enough to take delight in his current situation. It burned you up, really.
Trey had been the type of boyfriend and fiance that made people envious of Liane, and she fucking cheated on him. If she hadn't gotten caught, she would have kept dragging it out, all the way to the altar. She would have continued after the wedding that was going to empty their pockets, and he would have been none the wiser. Now he was fucking starving himself with graduation fast approaching, and your blood pressure was going through the fucking roof even though it technically wasn't really your problem… And your fries were already gone by the time you pulled into your parking space. Great. 
You're hoping to God that he opens the door before you can start eating his fries. Luckily, not long after this thought crosses your mind, the door swings open, only to reveal an impressively-disheveled Trey. 
He looks from your face to the brown paper bag and back again before clearing his throat. "Come in."
He doesn't have to ask you twice. You nudge the door closed behind you and reach for the lock. "I brought you dinner," you tell him as you sit your drinks down. "It's nothing special. Just a Big Mac. But I thought…"
You freeze as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. You are infinitely grateful that your face is being crushed into the fabric of his shirt. Otherwise, he would see that you're turning bright fucking red. 
"Thanks," he mutters, still holding onto you. He seems to be in no rush to let you go. You lean into him, soaking up the feeling of his arms around you in a way that you can totally pretend was possessive when you're letting your imagination run wild in bed tonight. 
After a while, however, you feel the need to speak up, knowing that you're still holding a bag full of McDonald's in your hand. "Trey," you speak up. "The food…" 
"Right. Sorry." He gives your waist a slight squeeze before releasing you from his grip. 
You force a smile onto your face as you take the sight of him in. He just looks so fucking tired.  
Still, you ask him the dreaded question as you take a seat on the floor: "How's it been going?" 
He doesn't hesitate to respond. "Fucking terrible," he says, rifling around in the bag for his burger. "I wish I was dead, honestly."
You frown as you reach for your own food. "She isn't worth all that," you mutter quietly. 
He laughs humorlessly. "As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I was going to marry that woman." He takes a needlessly-aggressive bite out of his burger before pulling back. "Forgive me for being a little torn up about my fiancee cheating on me." 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. The bitchiness is nothing new. The situation itself is a bit harder to deal with. "You know I didn't mean it like that," you say. 
"Yeah. I know." He looks away from the burger that he's devouring like the starved man that he is to fix you with wide blue eyes. You do your best to keep your face from bursting into flames again. 
He sighs, reaching for one of the brown paper napkins in the bag. "Sorry for being an asshole," he concedes. "I know it's not an excuse, but I've kind of forgotten how to interact with other people over the past week." 
"It's fine." You take a sip of your soda before pulling back. "I've just been worried about you." 
You don't miss the change in expression that this confession provokes. His eyes flash with something soft. Guilt? Relief? 
"I wish I could say that you don't have to," he finally says. "But, well… All you have to do is look around to see that I'm a fucking wreck."
"Anybody would be," you tell him. 
There's another pause. If the two of you were talking about literally anything else, it would probably be comfortable. You've always been the type of friends who could just do things together and not talk. His company was enough to put you at ease, and vice versa. 
But now you're looking at the shadows under his eyes and the scruff on his face, the pure dejection in his expression, and the silence feels like things that you should be saying but can't conjure into acceptable words. You worry that you'll be sitting across from each other all night, plastic straws squeaking and tension palpable. 
It gets to the point when you're itching to say something just to say it. So, without even worrying that it's the wrong thing, you do.
"I've missed you," you confess quietly.
He gives you that look again. You always feel like he doesn't just look at you, — he looks through you, searching for something. You don't know if he's found what he was looking for as he balls up the paper wrapper that his burger came with and tosses it at the trashcan. Somehow, it lands where he intended it to. 
He turns back to you and tries to smile. Though he still looks like a recently-kicked puppy, it seems a bit more genuine this time. "I missed you, too." 
Stupid as it is, your heart sinks as he stands up, leaving you sitting on the floor with your legs tucked under you. You watch as he takes a seat on the unmade double bed in the corner and settles back against the pillows. You wonder for a moment if this is some sort of silent dismissal, a wordless plea for you to go home and leave him the fuck alone to grieve, but then…
"Wanna come sit?" he beckons you. 
Okay, fuck. You have got to stop turning bright red every time he says something that could be construed as being mildly suggestive, but there's something about the fact that he wants you in his bed…
You need to get a hold of yourself. 
"Sure." You feign nonchalance as you discard the trash from your own dinner and walk towards the bed. 
The mattress squeaks, settling beneath you. There isn't much space between Trey and the wall, but he shifts to accommodate you, anyway. 
"Thanks," you mumble. He hums an acknowledgement before the two of you settle into silence.
No background music, no television. Just the two of you, silently soaking up one another's company. 
It's not as awkward as it was before, because you know that he genuinely wants you here. You feel even more sure of this when he stretches as an excuse to loop his arm around you. You take this as an invitation to lean into him, resting your head against his shoulder. 
The closeness is nice. You breathe in the scent of his laundry detergent and body wash, — he's still been showering while in this sorry state, thank God, — and wait for him to speak. 
After a while, he does. "I haven't just been laying around, you know," he tells you. "I'm scripting something for this trailer project I have coming up." 
"Yeah?" You shift, looking up at him. "Care to elaborate, or am I just gonna have to be surprised?" 
"It's a musical, actually." You try to conceal your surprise as he brushes a loose strand of hair from in front of your face, then continues running his fingers through the strands, and… He's just playing with your hair while he talks to you. Alright, then. "About all the stuff that happened with Alferd Packer. I'm thinking that if I can get Matt and Dian in on it, it could be fairly decent…" 
"That's gonna be your big comeback project?" you ask. "Eating your friends?" 
He laughs. "How do you know I'm casting myself as the lead?" 
"Because I know you," you reply easily. "Plus, you're like… made to play Alferd Packer." You cast him a mischievous grin. "You've got those crazy eyes…"
He huffs out a chuckle. "You're so nice to me." His hand stays in your hair, working out the tangles that you sustained while driving back to campus with the windows down. "Wanna hear the best part?" 
"Of course."
You can hear the smile in his voice as he continues. "So, there's this horse…" he starts. "Named Liane. She's the type to let everyone ride her, you know…"
"So that's how you're dealing with it?" you ask. "Creating a slutty horse character and naming it after her?" 
"That's one of the ways," he replies with a shrug. 
Against your better judgment, you cast your gaze to his other arm, which is now looped around your waist as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "Is this another?"
His face goes bright pink as he unthreads his fingers from your hair. You regret saying anything for a moment, worrying that he'll pull away. Somehow, he doesn't. "I guess?" he says instead. "I mean, it's kinda nice, having someone care so much…" 
You lean further back into him. "It is nice," you admit. "I kinda figured you were touch-starved, anyway. You've been all over me since I walked in…"
"Sue me for being excited to see one of my best friends." He wraps his arm back around you, pulling you closer to him. "You were like some sort of guardian angel, showing up with dinner…"
You attempt to swat at him, which isn't a very successful effort, considering he's got you in a rather-sturdy grip. "I bought you McDonald's," you say. "You shouldn't be so easy."
"That was what I needed tonight." He glances down at you, offering you a smile that is so much gentler than the one you usually get. The kind of smile that confronts you with the disconcerting realization that, unlike most of your exchanges up until this point, this isn't a joke. " You were what I needed tonight."
The sentiment surprises you enough to look up and meet his eyes, startling when you find that he was already looking down at you. You hold his gaze for a moment, wondering when one of you will break away and laugh it off. 
But neither of you ever do.
You just get closer and closer, slowly but surely. You keep testing the limits. Trey rests his hand against the side of your face. For a while, he just holds you there, looking into your eyes. You wait patiently, just in case he changes his mind. The warmth in the pit of your stomach spreads from the way that he's looking at you. Like he doesn't believe he should get the opportunity to even touch you, let alone...
You lose your train of thought as he suddenly presses his lips to yours. 
Your eyes stay wide open for a moment, in total shock that this is actually happening. Once your surprise wears off, however, you close your eyes and relax into his touch. He kisses you slowly, tenderly, as though he's trying to commit the moment to memory. Like he wants to preserve the feeling of your mouth on his, your hands on the back of his neck, every first touch the two of you are sharing right now. 
You moan as his tongue brushes over yours, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his hair. He gasps into your mouth as you tug on the strands, deepening the kiss even more in response to your slight tugging. 
Okay. He likes having his hair pulled. Noted. 
His mouth wanders from your lips to your jaw before trailing down further down. You lean back in satisfaction as he presses long, insistent kisses against the side of your neck. 
"Marking me up, huh?" you manage to ask breathlessly.
"Mmm-hmm." Sharp teeth scrape lightly over a fresh bruise, inspiring a gasp from you.
You throw your head back, exposing even more of your neck to him. He promptly takes the opportunity to attack every inch of the skin available.
You draw in a shaky breath. Your hands wander aimlessly across his body as he explores your neck with his mouth. "You want everybody to see, don't you?" you ask quietly. "Want them to look at me and know that you've been here?" 
He gives another affirmative hum. Only this time, it turns into a whine.
You've obviously done something there. It's hard for you to bite back the sly grin threatening to surface. "You like that?" you question. "You want everybody to know how good you are for me?" 
He halts his kisses, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he lets out an unmistakable moan.
Satisfaction consumes you. 
Oh, yeah. This is going to be fun .
"Yeah? That's good, isn't it?" Your hands travel over his back ever-so-gently, tracing circles that might be soothing in any other circumstance. "You wanna be my good boy?" 
Another whimper passes his lips as you shift against him, pressing your hips into his just slightly. "Fuck. Please."
You giggle. "Please, huh?" Abruptly, you pull away from him. He stares at you breathlessly, taking in your mussed hair and the way that you're looking back at him, eyes on fire.
His own eyes go wider as you swing your leg across his lap and straddle him. He lets out a groan as you wiggle a bit in a mock attempt to make yourself comfortable. You are immensely pleased when one of his hands wraps around your hip.
"It's a little hot in here," you comment, reaching down to tug at the hem of your T-shirt. You quickly tug the garment over your head before tossing it haphazardly to the side. 
You giggle when you look down at him, only to find him staring back up at you with a look of utter awe. 
You grin before cupping his face, pulling him in close again. "That's better." Your lips brush over his in a quick peck, followed shortly thereafter by another. When you pull back, you give him a demand. "Touch me."
His eyes are wild as he looks up at you. "Touch you where?"
You chuckle. "Wherever you want."
"Shit." Almost as soon as the words leave your mouth, he's kissing you hard again, fingers clumsily grasping to touch every inch of skin that he possibly can. Finally, he settles on a particular spot, sighing against your lips as he clumsily gropes you through your bra.
You let out a contented sigh as he kneads at you desperately. You are reminded in the fondest way possible of the movie theater shenanigans you got up to with your suitors a few years ago, — clumsy, but so passionate that it makes up for it. 
Still, you can't help trying to spur him just a bit further. You nudge him slightly, signaling for him to let you sit up before reaching for the hook on your bra. "Wanna see more?" 
Though the question is clearly rhetorical, he gives you a fervent nod, watching intently as you unclasp the article. 
You smile at him as he stares at you with that same awed expression on his face, only magnified this time. "Well?"
Blue eyes alight, he shifts restlessly beneath you. "Fuck," he curses. "C'mere." 
He wastes no time before pulling you closer to him. He plants small nips and kisses from your collarbone to your chest, trailing down until his mouth lands on your bare breast. 
For the first time since all this started, you momentarily lose your composure. You toss your head back as your fingers tangle in his hair again. "Oh, fuck. Such a good boy." 
The noise he lets out results in a vibration against your sensitive skin, inspiring another mewl from you that totally betrays your control over the situation.
His mouth travels over your skin, leaving behind warm, wet kisses. Every now and then, he stops and sucks, leaving behind yet another mark that is sure to bruise later. You maintain your grip on his hair, reveling in the feeling of his lips against you.
You squirm in his lap as his mouth travels back up your body, stopping just above your collarbone. He groans against you, tightening his grip on your waist. 
Deep down, you know that you already have him exactly where you want him. Still, you pause for a moment before rocking your hips against him again, — slow, teasing. 
Your heartbeat picks up speed as he makes another choked sound before rolling his hips up against yours. "Please," he whimpers. 
Your only reply is a quiet chuckle as you push yourself against him with less hesitance this time. He lets out a breathy gasp at the feeling of you pressing against him before returning his attention to your neck. 
It takes you a bit to find a rhythm. Impromptu dry humping sessions aren't exactly a regular thing for you, and your uncertainty about how to position your legs makes you feel a little awkward. After a while, though, things start to come more naturally, allowing you to grind down against him at a steady pace. 
A satisfied moan escapes your lips when you feel his hard cock pressing against you through his jeans. He pulls away from your neck with a hiss as you deliberately rub against the area that you know will be the most sensitive. You bite your lip as you roll your hips. Your head spins, knowing that, if it weren't for a couple layers of fabric, you could lower yourself onto him and erase any distance between the two of you. 
Another choked, high-pitched noise meets your ears. You look down at him through heavy-lidded eyes. 
Your heart skips a beat as you take in the absolute sight underneath you. 
Trey has his head thrown back, his eyes screwed shut. His lip is caught between his teeth as he digs his fingers into the sheets. He opens his eyes when he feels you stop your movements. 
Your stomach flips. You swear that you've never had anyone look at you the way that he is now. 
Though you've never considered yourself a greedy person in the past, you're beginning to reevaluate that judgment. Two hours ago, the thought of him, hard underneath you and looking up at you like this, would have seemed like the ultimate fever dream, nothing more than something to imagine when you were getting yourself off. 
Now that it's actually happening, all you can think is that you want more. More of this. More of him. You would do this every night if you could. 
Of course, you can't. A sick feeling gnaws at the depths of your stomach, telling you that he'll probably consider this a mistake once it's all over. In the long run, this moment will probably be nothing more than a messy, opportunistic rebound in his eyes.
That's why you ought to make this time count. 
You reach for one of his hands, untangling his fingers from the sheets as you thread them through your own. You guide his palm back up to your chest. He groans, bucking up against you as he goes back to clumsily grabbing at you like your horny high school boyfriends. 
When his eyelids begin to flutter, you speak up. "Look at me," you demand, voice hoarse with utter want. 
To your shock and delight, he immediately complies. 
You stay still for a moment, staring into lust-clouded pools of deep blue, before beginning to slowly roll your hips again. 
As soon as you hear the muffled whimper that your movement elicits from Trey, you give up on maintaining eye contact. Instead, you crush your lips against his again, reveling in the thrill of having him fucking moan into your mouth. His hands wander from your tits to your ass and back up again, exploring every bit of you that he can possibly touch without either of you shedding your jeans. 
Your head spins at the thought of how real this is as his tongue brushes over yours and his thumb rubs over your hip. It's dizzying to think that you're as new to him as he is to you. For all the times that you've gone to dinner or done your homework together, gotten drunk and/or high in this very dorm room, playfully pushed one another around and made each other laugh until your ribs were sore, you've never done this. You had never known what his hands felt like, hungrily roaming over your bare skin. He's never gripped you like this, marveling at how perfect your figure had been under your loose-fitting shirts this whole time. 
His hands tighten around your waist as he comes up for air and you pick up your pace. The combination of the friction of denim against denim and the noises that he's making have left you soaking wet, inspiring you to release a few moans of your own as you move against him.
You melt into the warmth of blissful pleasure as his whimpers grow louder. As you throw your head back with a debauched moan, Trey looks up at you with pleading eyes. 
You can't find it in you to worry about the aftermath of this anymore. At this point, you're just working towards your release. You are fixated on the idea that you're so close to falling apart on top of him, that this is all real. The thought itself gives you a heady rush, which doesn't subside when you hear him let out a particularly desperate whine. 
The sound causes you to look down at him, only to find him looking back at you like you're the only thing keeping him alive. The word reverence crosses your mind as he opens his mouth. 
"I'm… Fuck, " he stumbles over himself. "I'm getting really fucking close. Can I…" 
He lets out a squeak of surprise as you dig your nails into his shoulders through his shirt. 
"Good boy," you coo, pressing your hips harder against his. "My good boy… Fucking come for me, that's it…" 
Something between your encouragement and the quick rhythm of your grinding causes him to lose control quicker. He gasps. "Baby…" he murmurs before burying his face in your neck and stilling underneath you, releasing a long, trembling moan. He melts into a shaking mess as he rides out his release with you on top of him, slightly shifting your hips until his tremors die down.
At that point, you go still on top of him. To your surprise, he shifts beneath you, straightening his posture before pulling you onto his thigh. 
"Come on, keep going," he urges you. "Wanna see you come. Come on, please."
It doesn't take you long to reach your peak with his hands against your waist and the warmth of him pressed between your legs. With a broken moan, you collapse into his arms, trembling in his grip. 
He lets out a quiet sound of awe as you shake until you eventually relax. 
Once your pulse and breathing begin to level out, you note the feeling of his hands still on your hips, thumbs rubbing gentle circles against your skin as he speaks softly to you.
"There you go," he says, still slightly breathless. "So pretty…" 
You only manage a sigh of acknowledgement as you rest your head against his chest. 
You lie there for a few moments, allowing one another's body heat to ground the both of you. 
As you predicted earlier, your mind begins to swim with worry. You wonder what will come after this, how awkward it will get, if he'll ever even want to talk about it again. Hell, you're waiting for him to kick you out as soon as the endorphins wear off and he realizes that the two of you just pretty much fucked less than two weeks after his engagement imploded. 
For now, though, he's holding you and playing with your hair again, fingers trailing over your back after running through the strands. 
Your eyes grow heavy as you fleetingly think that this is almost as good as what you just did, — the intimacy that comes in the afterglow. It's sickeningly on brand for you, — this greed, this aching desire for more. You didn't even take your pants off, and you're already worrying that no one else will ever make you feel like he did.
You guess that's what happens when you fuck around with the friend you've been in love with forever.
Trey's fingers still before he nudges you. "Hey," he says softly.
"Hmm?" you hum, dreading whatever it is he might say. 
He pats your back gently. "Can you get up for a second?" he asks. "I should probably, uh… Go clean up."
You nod, trying to act like this awkward dismissal doesn't make you want to punch yourself in the teeth. "Yeah. Go ahead." You sit up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and reaching for your discarded bra and T-shirt.
You're surprised by the feeling of his fingers threading through yours again when you begin to stand up. "You don't have to leave," he says. The hint of desperation in his voice takes you aback. "I mean, you can stay a little bit longer, if you want." 
You turn back at him, taking in his pink-tinged face. You shift uncomfortably against the bed, cringing at the wet fabric between your thighs. "I at least need to go get a change of clothes…" 
He shakes his head. "I've got some you can borrow," he says. "There's an extra toothbrush under the cabinet, too."
You blink at him. "You want me to stay the night?"
His blush deepens as he shrugs. "I mean… I don't see why not."
You can see why not. Couples spend the night at each other's places, wearing one another's clothes. The two of you don't exactly fit that bill.
Then again, you just made each other come. You're pretty sure wearing his clothes and sleeping in his dorm isn't the most glaring boundary that you've overstepped. Besides, a few more hours of confusing closeness is preferable to returning to your own dorm and worrying that he hates you now.
So you nod and take the shirt and sweatpants that he offers you. You change while listening to the shower run in the bathroom. You sigh and decide to forgo keeping your soaked underwear on, tucking them between your other clothes, folded and stacked in the corner of the room.
You settle into the change of clothes and sit back down on the bed, waiting until you hear the water stop running. Finally, the quiet washes over the room, followed shortly thereafter by the creaking of the door.
And there's Trey with wet hair and his own loosely-fitting clothes. Your heart leaps at the mere sight of him, despite the fact that you were quite literally on top of him not even twenty minutes ago.
He crosses the room and crawls into bed beside you. "C'mere," he says quietly. You look down, only to see him holding his arms out to you. Inviting you to return to the place that you were.
You oblige him, collapsing into the pillows and his warmth. 
You can't find it in you to say anything as you lay there, soaking up the feeling of his arms around you and his steady heartbeat against your ear. Once again, you don't know what to say. 
Apparently, he thinks that he does. "You're an amazing friend," he murmurs, chin resting on your shoulder. "You know that?" 
Your heart aches at that word. Friend. Because, yeah. This is what friends do. What the two of you do, anyway. Or did. Just this once. 
"Hush," you urge him weakly as your eyelids grow heavy. 
Taglist: Idk if my MCR taglist wants to be tagged for my non-MCR fics but @treyp4arker asked me to tag her so
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
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I CAN KILL SIFFRIN. WITH ANAPHYLAXIS. but... will have i have to do the second floor again...
Notes time~!
-please the child say it's yummy
-:D Mira can unfreeze people
-gonna stop for the night
-my break lasted all of yesterday but now i'm back baybeeeeeeee
-i still love the title screen music
-are the enemy names in French?
-yeah i think they are
-eh i feel like dying
-hm looping forwards costs memories... another incentive to fight! yippee i actually like fighting in this game
-i get the kid's drawing every loop :]
-asked Isa about "the hand thing"
-hmmmm methinks there may be... ☆gay☆ :3c
-:0 mysterious 4th hand shape?
-time to loop forward. plantain peel time
-i feel so bad for the frozen people...
-i got a pair of garden scissors! <insert joke about how i've said that Siffrin reminds me of Basil here>
-aw... Mira's anecdotes about the frozen people...
-lol Mira's dying plant
-ooo the Head Housemaiden's office
-love how Vaugarde isn't a monarchy but they call the King that because it's the title he chose and calling him something else would be rude. Vaugarde unsurprisingly supports trans rights
-oh nice a helpful icon to indicate you've fucked up
-i feel like Loop has some sort of weird thing for Sif...
-exploring elsewhere on the floor
-oh hey a classroom
-how many classes have you taken, Mira? >:)
-"Someone wrote on the board "Don't stay with your mistakes! Don't be afraid to start over!" You nod! What a true little fact!"
-"no eating snacks" live Bonnie reaction: chomp
-why yes i am writing commentary on a bunch of little bits of narration, it's my notes and i get to make the rules
-bonding earrings? hmmmmmmmm
-oh cool Vaugardians tend to give people multiple names
-fuck yeah trans rights
-oh? Odile has another name?
-Isa doesn't want to tell his because "if i do change again, i want it to be a surprise" again? 👀
-fuck. another weird Sadness
-aight looping time
-my favorite part of the game was when Siffrin said "it's looping time" and looped all over the place
-Mira and Isa: getting hopeful and romantic about how this couple's reunion might go.
Bonnie and Odile:
-hmmmm why u wanna know what a bonding earring is, Sif?
-:0 library? LIBRARY
-"people don't REALLY kiss in plays, do they?" Bonnie. actors do a lot of things.
-your honor they're friends
-the fuck happened to the island. does this have something to do with Loop and/or the King
-how fitting that a game centered on time shenanigans puts so much emphasis on change
-ah yes the Opposite Sides of the Age Spectrum Alliance vs. the Beauty Alliance
-bruh. i picked the wrong way
-"grape juice for adults"
-bonding earrings explanation!
-"I wanna know what happens when prople love each other very much, no one's ever told me!" XD oh, Bonnie
-"And if the bonding is between three or more people, you'd make as many earrings as there are people!" VAUGARDE SAYS POLYAMORY IS COOL
-kinda cool that they basically do wedding earrings instead of rings
-"Not my kind of thing" eh fair
-Isa, Mira, and Bonnie are now overthinking the normal earrings because Siffrin pointed it out
-Mira doesn't seem to want to get bonded... hmmmm... 🟩⬜️⬛️?
-:0 Mira has beef with the trap room guy? >:O he stole her shit!
-that was a tricky boss
-hehe Isa is hungry
-ISA WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT... fair actually. what WOULD they do with any bodies?
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diazsdimples · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
I did a bad thing and started (yet another) WIP. I'm gonna put myself into writers jail until I finish the fic's I've started. But until then, enjoy the first snippet of Single Dad AU! I seem to be in my Dad!Buck era.
Tagged by @hippolotamus @cal-daisies-and-briars @callmenewbie @spotsandsocks and @wikiangela go check out their works IMMEDIATELY
Snippet below the cut (sorry it's kinda long but it's cute I swear!)
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!”
Buck’s head flicks up and he sees two streaks of blonde before the wind is knocked out of him as his daughters barrel into his legs, latching onto him like a pair of leeches.
Carrie, slightly taller than her little sister, smacks her head into his hip as she comes to a quick stop. Buck laughs as he staggers backwards, arms coming out to wrap around the girls.
“Hello my loves!” he grins, crouching down and pulling them into a suffocating hug. “How was your day?”
“It was good!” Carrie says, dropping her backpack at Buck’s feet and hopping into the backseat, clipping herself into her booster seat. Lily circles her arms around Buck’s neck, and he lifts her up, carrying her to the other side of the car and buckling her into her car seat.
“What about you, sweetheart?” he asks Lily as he checks her straps. “First day of school, did you have fun?”
Lily nods. “Uh huh, my teacher is really nice, and she let us colour in all day!”
Buck chuckles, kissing Lily on the head before shutting the door and hopping into the front seat.
“So, anything exciting happen for you, Carrie?”
Carrie nods enthusiastically, her blonde curls flouncing around her head as she does so.  “We've got a new boy in class. He’s really nice.”
Buck’s eyes flicker to the rear-view mirror as he drives, watching Carrie as she talks. “What’s his name?” he asks.
“Christopher,” Carrie replies. “He’s from El Paso and him and his daddy moved here a few months ago.”
“Where’s El Paso?” Lily pipes up. She looks so cute, her hair pulled back in Buck’s best attempt at a French braid (she’d insisted on one, stating that she needed to look good for her first day at school), and her little shirt with butterfly wings poking out of the back, a little squished from the carseat.
“In Texas, baby,” Buck replies.
“Oh, and I got into trouble today,” Carrie adds, looking down at her feet.
Buck arches an eyebrow. Carrie’s a bit of a firecracker and it’s not unknown for her to come home with a letter for Buck to read. It’s usually about encouraging her to think before she speaks. Buck’s not sure he’s the right person to be teaching her that, he’s just as bad sometimes. “What happened?” he asks, bracing himself for the response.
“Some of the boys in class were making fun of Christopher because he walks funny,” Carrie replies.
“And that got you in trouble how?”
Carrie shrugs. “I told them they were being assholes” she says, as though it’s the simplest thing in the world.
Jesus Christ. It’s all Buck can do to not burst out laughing. He is a very, very responsible parent.
“Carrie, I love that you stood up for Christopher, and that was a very nice thing for you to do, but we can’t use language like that” he replies, doing his level best not to let his obvious delight shine through too much.
“But you say it to Uncle Chimney all the time!” she protests.
Well, she’s got him there.
Buck takes a deep breath, fighting down his laugher. “I know, sweetheart, but adults are allowed to say these kinds of things. They’re not words for kids.”
Carrie pouts and crosses her arms and Buck just about melts when Lily copies the gesture, ever her big sister’s number one fan. “Being a kid is boring” she huffs.
“Yeah, Daddy! Boring!” Lily adds, looking at Carrie for approval.
Buck snorts. “Quiet from the cheap seats!” Fuck, he’s so lucky he’s got these two girls.
(No pressure) tagging @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @malewifediaz @watchyourbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @spagheddiediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @fruitandbubbles @fionaswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @monsterrae1 @rainbow-nerdss
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mykuup · 1 year
Remember me from Middle School ?
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Summary : As you start your high school year, you meet one of your classmate : Eddie Munson. You don't understand why your biggest crush since primary school is here with you, as he's older than you. The thing is, for Eddie, you're a total stranger. Will he remember you ?
wc : 1,3k
Warning : mention of drug selling // angst and fluff // use of "y/n" // kisses
A/n : It's been a while since I haven't posted something here. the thing is that I want to write but nothing comes out of my brain that is fried bc of the heat where I'm living. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this one ! Also, this is lightly proofread and english isn't my native language (if u read my previous posts u already know ahaha) so all the mistakes are my own. Feel free to let a comment if u liked the story ;) Love ya
Originaly posted on Ao3
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You thought your first day of your last year would feel like a relief. You woke up early this morning with a wide smile on your face. Putting on your favorite outfit, you were ready to go to Hawkins High for the last year. Finally you were close to your biggest dream : leaving Hawkins. You needed to get out of there, you wanted to live something else in a big city. You broke up this summer with your ex so you would not have any link with anyone else than your best friend, Veronica. 
As your first French lesson starts, the door swings open and your heart misses a beat.
“S’rry I’m late.”
You and all the students turned their head to the voice. Dark hair floating around his face, a denim jacket over a black leather perfecto opened on a Hellfire club t-shirt. As you look at his dark brown eyes, you couldn’t be wrong.
Eddie Munson was walking his way to your classroom.
Everyone followed his walk with their eyes until he sat at a desk at the back of the room.
As the lesson begins, you couldn’t stop thinking about the man who sits a few desks behind you.
How could this be possible ?
You tried to glare a few times in his direction to picture him better. Last time you saw him was in middle school. His style and look were a complete turnover as he looks so adult and teen at the same time.
Darker also.
You remember a weird but sweet kid, always smiling and making the other laugh. Here, he looked mysterious and… angry ? Maybe it was just a stressful day for him as you see him biting his nails and his leg trembling. Looking back at his hands, you could notice the several obvious silver rings. He just looked like the former of a rock band or something. Maybe the hellfire t-shirt was a clue ?
You could hear the teacher asking every student to quickly introduce themselves and your turn came quicker than you expected. With a bit of apprehension, you also rise and try to speak as clearly as you could. But all you were thinking about at this moment was the reaction of the dark haired man behind.
Does he remember your name ?
You changed too so you wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t recognize you at first sight. As you sat back, you immediately turned to see Eddie’s reaction but you saw nothing. 
He was still biting his nails but was now writing something on his notebook. He doesn’t even take a look around him. You were a bit shocked as you were kinda friends at the school music club…
You spent the rest of the hour trying to not think about him. As the bell rings for the end of the class, you see him rushing outside without looking back.
You needed a talk with your best friend. You find her at the end of the day.
“Veronica !” you blurted out, and your friend saw that you looked panicked.
“Looks like you saw a ghost or something.” she says calmly.
“You’re right ! Do you remember Eddie ?”
“Hum…” Veronica faints to think hard. “Yeah maybe…”
“Don’t laugh Veronica !” you were angry at this time. Your friend saw your face and tried to calm you down.
“Of course I remember ! How could I forget !”
“He’s in my French class.” you don’t even manage Veronica and the news felt like a bomb, even for her.
“How?” she remembers he’s two years older than you both.
“I don’t know !”
“Are you sure it’s him ??”
“Well, yeah, I’m pretty sure. Even if he looks like a real man now.”
“I want to know everything from the first second you saw him!”
And here you are, for the first day of your last year, telling to your best friend the story of you seeing Eddie Munson for the first time since something that felt like decades.
Senior year started a few months ago and you are still obsessed with Eddie Munson. 
Veronica and you were hanging out a lot at the arcades or the mall to have some fresh air. This senior year wasn’t going to be easy for sure and you both were talking about a few uni you dreamed of going to after your graduation. You already know that your path will part away after this year but you promise to each other to stay in touch and to see each other at least once a month.
“So, how’s French class going?” Veronica asks with a grin.
“Not that bad, Mrs.Flora is very kind !”
“I wasn’t talking about your teacher y’know…”
You sigh.
“I told you there’s nothing more to add. I already said everything you needed to know.”
“I know, I know !” she replies, hand rising like redemption. “I just found it weird he didn’t say anything to you after class. I mean, he heard your name right ?!”
“I’m not even sure he was listening during the whole hour. And he ran outside at the second the bell rang. He was late somewhere else for sure… as always.”
“How so ?” inquire your friend as she raises an eyebrow.
“I don’t really know how to explain it but he’s always late for French class. And everytime it ends, he runs to God knows where. And he always looks stressed or something.”
“You should simply ask why.”
“I’m sorry what ?!”
“Every problem or question has its own solution or answer. It’s… Basic science.”
“It’s not science Veronica, it’s being human ! And no, I will not ask him what he’s doing. I’m not his mom.”
“Hum… you really don’t want to solve this mystery ?”
“Don’t start Veronica!”
You both laugh. Truth is you both love investigation stories or movies. And when you were younger, your parents could watch you playing cops or secret agents to solve some imaginary scenarios.
“We’re not kids anymore.” you add, a bit of sadness in your laugh.
“I know, but hey, I know you ! You’ve always had a thing for this guy. You know that I’m a pragmatic girl but -and I hate to say that- it’s obvious that the universe is sending you another chance.”
“I thought you were a pragmatic girl…” you tease.
You laugh again. But your friend didn’t know the whole story. You’ve never found courage to talk about this. To talk about how you’ve been rejected by Eddie during middle school. You remember what you wrote on that note that day. You remember that you gave this piece of paper to someone so he could give it to Eddie. 
But maybe your friend was right. Maybe you could try to make something work out with Eddie ? You’re not sure why this guy was so much present in your brain. But anyway, you feel something for him, as you always did since you first met him.
You spend the next week trying to find out Eddie’s schedule.
During meal break, you heard about how dangerous the Hellfire Club was because of the freaks that were in it. You also find out that this wasn’t a music band but a Dungeons & Dragons thing. Whatever it was, you couldn’t see Eddie or his friends as freaks. Sure he was different since you knew him. But you were pretty sure he wasn’t all the things you heard about him.
Especially a drug dealer.
You only hear a few parts of a chat between three -not really reliable- students. You recognize one of them being in the same history class as you. And without thinking another second, you choose to follow him after class to see where he was going.
On your way to follow your classmate outside the school, you see a piece of paper hanging on a wall. Looking at it, you see a picture of a few students, all wearing the Hellfire Club Tshirt.
Between them, a bit on the left, you spot Eddie.
Every guy in the picture was smiling, obviously happy to be there at this time. Eddie was smiling too and you feel your heart missing a beat again. You felt weird. Something between angst and happiness. A bittersweet feeling that left a weird taste in your mouth. Thinking about the thing you never said to your friend Veronica made you remember this moment in primary school your wish to forget.
You shake your head.
“No time for this.” you say to yourself.
You have to find out the truth. You look at your classmate in the crowded corridor. When you find him a few feet in front of you, you keep following him.
Few minutes later, you find yourself walking in the closest forest to school. You could hear the footsteps from afar as you kept yourself low to not be seen. You stop to hide behind a tree. From your point of view, you could see Eddie, sitting at a picnic table. He had a black metal box opened in front of him. The student you were following took something out of his pocket before giving it to Eddie. You see him give something back before the other student leaves without saying anything. You couldn’t believe that the rumors were true. Eddie was really a drug dealer. You felt disappointed. How this sweet child turned into someone completely different ?
“I see you.”
You froze as you heard the voice. Your heart misses a beat when you hear him again.
“Hey, hello ?”
Your breath was heavy and you didn’t know if you had to run or…
No, the truth is, you didn’t want to run. You were curious. You wanted to see if he would recognize you this time. You walk out of behind the tree you were hiding to join him at the picnic table. You didn’t sit even if you saw your classmate gently inviting you to. You toggle on your feet, clearing your throat, not knowing what to say.
“Are you okay ?” he asks, a bit concerned.
You look straight at him. You dive in his eyes so easily you couldn’t believe it. You remember the last time you saw him and this weird feeling came back. You swallow hard before shaking your head.
“Sorry it was a mistake.” you say dryly before turning away.
“Hey !” he calls you, gently grabbing your arm so you don’t run away.
You turn to face him and you see his wide smile enlighten his face. He let go of your arm and raised his hands in surrender, taking a step back.
“Nothing to be afraid of.” he adds.
You offer him half of a smile before sitting on the bench. He sits too, facing you before opening his metal box again. Then he put his hand on his mouth, looking at you. He was waiting for you to speak. But as you start to open your mouth, you understand that he wanted to sell you stuff. Eddie sees your sudden change of mood and tries to calm you down.
“Hey hey hey ! I’m sorry ! Hey y/n , I'm sorry !”
You froze as you heard him calling your name.
“What did you say ?” you ask, uneasily.
“You’re y/n right ? From French class ?” he hesitates.
This was too much.
You decided to walk away without looking back at him. You could hear him trying to catch you again but you didn’t let him have the chance to. After that, you walk back home furious and a bit sad too. You had to bury the feelings you had for him or you would chase him desperately.
But the thing you didn’t know was that your best friend got your back. As she always did.
“Can I come to yours after class?” Veronica asks you, as you were entering your science class.
“Yeah sure ! We walk together ?”
“No, I have an extra hour. I will join you after.”
You could see your friend hiding a smirk but you couldn’t guess why. Anyway, you had a lot in your head today as you had a chemistry test this afternoon.
You were exhausted because of your day. You were close to the middle of the year already and all your teachers gave you tests every week or so.
Finally home, you try to relax a bit before greeting your friend. You prepare her favorite tea and take some ice cream out of your freezer. After a few minutes, you hear your bell rings. Usually your friend would come in like it was her home. But maybe you lock the door behind you this time.
It wasn’t locked.
As it wasn’t Veronica behind your door, it swings open on a dark haired boy, wearing a Hellfire Club t-shirt.
“Hi !” he waves at you with a shy smile.
You look at him in awe, your mind boiling with any insult you knew, thinking of Veronica. For sure you will kill her for that.
“Don’t blame Veronica please !! It was my idea to come here...”
Could he read your mind ?? He could see you were lost at his words.
“I hum… I wanted to talk to you. Last time I tried you… just ran away…” he explained quietly.
You sigh.
At his surprise, you take a step back to let him in, then close the door behind. Without a word you walk to your kitchen to take the cup of tea, bringing another one for him. You walk back to the living room to sit on your sofa, legs crossed. You invited him to sit in front of you. He nodded, quiet as you were, and took a sip of the hot tea you just prepared.
This was a weird moment. You both didn’t want to break the silence around you. So you were both drinking tea without saying anything. You notice he glances at you a few times. Clearing his throat you could see he wasn’t comfortable with the situation. So you decided to talk first.
“What d’you want ?” you ask, maybe a bit too rudely.
He put his cup of tea on the coffee table before looking at you. You could see he was a bit embarrassed but he found some courage.
“I think we started the wrong way. I guess it’s my fault.” he adds. “I can see in your eyes that I did something wrong. But I need your help to tell me so I can understand why you seem to… hate me.” he laughed nervously.
“Wait.” you say, pinching at the bridge of your nose. You were lost at this time. “Eddie do you… Do you just remember something ? Like anything about you and me ?”
“What the fuck ?! y/n, you're my biggest heartbreak ! Of course I remember! How could I forget…” he added with a sad laugh. 
You froze at his words. How could it be possible ? It was him who broke your heart back then. How could he blame you? He continues.
“I remember one day at school. You stopped talking to me. You were even avoiding me ! I never knew why.”
“What ?” you say with a quaver in your voice.
Eddie sees your face and he was as lost as you were right now.
“YOU were the one rejecting me Eddie ! I did nothing ! You do !” 
You were now letting all your feelings out. They were like a tornado at this point and you couldn’t stop yourself.
“You’re the one who broke my heart ! I tried… I really tried to forget you. But when I saw you in this classroom I… I couldn’t believe it.” you sigh, looking down at your feet. “It felt like you were a ghost, haunting me.” you almost whispered.
Eddie was completely lost. His throat felt like a big knot where his voice couldn’t come out from. He stares at you and slowly walks closer, kneeling in front of you. Still looking at your feet, his hand came into your sight as he gently put it on your thigh. You look up in the sudden to meet his eyes. You could see he was truly sorry about how you’re feeling right now. He cleared his throat.
“y/n… What happened between you and me ?” his voice was soft as he was only trying to understand.
“I wrote you a note.” you could feel your tears coming. “I… it was a piece of paper from my notebook. I gave it to one of your friends because I was so scared to give it to you.” You shut your eyes to stop the tears and shake your head. “It said : Would you go out with me ? A : Yes     B : No. And then the paper came back to me, it was ripped and everything was crossed out except the “no”. I was so afraid to ask you to hang out with me. And I was right…”
You couldn’t keep your tears anymore and you felt ridiculous to cry for that in front of him. You suddenly rise from the sofa to run to your room. You couldn’t stay in the same room as him. 
“Wait !” you hear him as you are climbing the stairs.
You wanted to shut your bedroom door behind you but something came in the way. Eddie was here, holding the door.
“Leave me please.” you ask as you dry your tears away.
“Hey y/n !” Eddie came closer to you. “Hey, look at me. Please, look at me.” he gently put his hands on your face so he could see you better.
You blink a few times to clear your vision.
“Hey…” he whispers, wiping your tears with his thumb. “I’m sorry. For everything.” he was even closer to you by now, one of his hands behind your neck. “But y/n, I’ve never had this note from you. And believe me, I would say yes without a doubt.”
His words felt like a bomb. Your eyes widen as you part your mouth.It feels like a knockout. You sat on your bed, still stunned about what you just heard.
“I’m so stupid.” you whispered, almost for yourself.
“No you’re not.” he adds, kneeling again in front of you. He didn’t let you go, his hands still on you. “But again, I’m sorry. I should have asked you out myself back then but… I’ve never had the balls to do it.”
His choice of words makes you laugh a little and you could see his face enlighten with a smile.
“I love this sound of yours.” he admits.
You smile back at him.
“So what about now ?” you add with a bit of hesitation in your voice.
“Well.” he whispers. “I could try to be brave and find the right words but… I’m not very good with words.”
You were about to say something when Eddie closed the gap between you and him. His hands gently caressing your cheeks, you could feel him smile against your lips. You only needed a few seconds to relax and let him kiss you harder. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you.
As you thought he would directly throw you on the bed, you can feel one of his arms under your butt as his other hand finds its way to your breast. Delicately, he starts kneading your left boob through your t-shirt, making you gasp at first.
You kiss him more deeply and he lets your tongue play with his. You loved to french kiss. There was something so passionate about that kind of kiss. And you quickly understand he loved that too as you hear him groan a little under your touch. And it makes you shiver instantly.
“Are you okay ?” he enquires between two kisses.
“Yeah.” you sigh as you kiss him again and again.
He smiles and places a hand behind your head before bending over to lay you onto the bed gently. He crawls up to you and places himself between your parted legs. He raises himself on his elbows so he could admire you under him.
You caress his cheek gently, smiling at him. Your eyes flutter as you feel his powerful hands on you. Eddie lost his mind at your touch and that was all he could manage to say.
“Sweetheart you’re beautiful.” 
You giggle. He was so cute with his blushing cheeks and his wide smile. You locked your eyes with his and Eddie blew you a kiss in a silly way before kissing you for real.
Finally, you will have to thank Veronica for making this up.
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franki-lew-yo · 11 months
It says so much about Ben Shapword as a person that he was threatened enough by Bluey to greenlight Chip-Chilla.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but nothing about Bluey is striving for being ''progressive'', at least not by rightwing standards. It's no Owl House or Steven Universe. Outside of the ep where Bluey makes a French friend and the Heelers celebrating Easter I can't ever recall the concept of religion, ethnicity or heritage being important in the series. Don't think I've ever seen a gay couple or pride flag in the background, neither. Obviously I don't think the show being made for little kids and/or about anthro dogs means you can't talk about concepts like that, it's just that Bluey doesn't even attempt that. In fact because it IS made for and about small children I would argue that's the reason there's no big talk about money problems in the show and all the characters seem well-off.
My point is, unless Steiner/Waldorf schools became a tool of the left when I wasn't looking (they're not; Waldorf schools teach pseudo science and are sometimes antivax. Hopefully not in Calypso's class but yeah now you know what to look for when you google 'waldorf school controversies'), Bluey is about as 'woke' as modern day Peanuts or Illumination. It's inherently nonthreatening and non-confrontational of bigger concepts outside of what's universal to kids and the kid characters. It'd be interesting if they had a LGBTQ character or a talk about (dog?)race and culture, but overall the show seems 'safe' from that stuff that makes conservatives cringe. So at first glance you think Chip-chilla is just a "want to cash in/draw people away from sinful mass media"-thing. Still disgusting but honestly par for the course. Christian programing meant to be a 'safe' alternative to nasty secular shows isn't new.
And then, it dawns on you:
Bluey gets confused for a boy by those who don't watch the show, kind of like how people misgender Bambi, Tweety or Peppermint Patty sometimes.
Chili and Bandit both work and have equal time to be the at-home parent with their kids.
Dailywire is offput by a girl character not being definitively feminine from first glance. Dailywire can't stand the idea of a man being a home husband. They not only see these standard lifestyles as threatening, but that this alone is trying to 'push' something on them when it's just, you know, trying to depict accurate home life of most kids.
What hope do trans people have even existing in the world when a cis girl without eyelashes is a threat to you? What kind of person looks at a dad (who isn't even a fulltime homehusband) having a nurturing relationship with his kids and thinks "DEGENERATE!"
I don't have to answer. You all know the kind of person.
On a happier note: I'm very curious how Bluey would go about addressing that real world representation I was talking about. I think that could be done well but, considering how the exercising episode was received by some adults, no doubt there'd be controversy. And I mean controversy inside the communities they're talking about, not pundits like Ben who'd have a heartattack over a progress flag being in the background that's never even addressed by anyone. I can see an adult character walking off with their same-sex partner or maybe a new classmate who's muslim and wears a hijab just being there and some people being concerned they're not handling it right/well enough. Which is probably why the writers just have steer cleared of it, I think.
If there's one gift Benny boy gives us all it's making us realize that that kind of discourse is always preferable the one where garbage people have no care for others.
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
More Damijon headcanons!💖💗💖:
Damian LOVES it whenever he hears Jon speak French or Italian. He realized this in his young adult years after Jon had asked him for his opinion on if he was pronouncing certain words from both of the languages right when saying them, since he was studying for an upcoming test in his college's history class that was gonna involve questions for both of the languages. After finding out that Damian actually really liked hearing him speak in French and Italian, it gave Jon the super motivation to learn and study every part of both languages so that he could use them on his boyfriend everytime he just wants to teasingly flirt with him or wants to turn up the romantic moments between them
During their first few days of moving in together as young adults, Damian's pets would always hog up all of the space on the bed and cuddle up right next to him in the middle of the night, never leaving a comfortable enough space for Jon to actually lay down in, he wasn't even able to use the blanket since they would always lay down on top of it too. They only stopped doing this after Damian had bought them the most comfortable, softest pet beds ever. The pets quickly got attached to the comfort of their new beds and finally let Jon sleep peacefully next to his boyfriend on the main bed
As kids, Damian had found out that Jon liked to paint his nails sometimes with many colors for fun, after seeing him do it during one of their sleepovers one time. After properly showing them off to Damian once he was finally done with them, Jon happily offered to paint his nails for him too with whatever color he had wanted. So Damian, curious to try it himself, chose the color black for his. When Jon was done painting them for him, he happily observed his work, along with Damian doing the same as him, as a slight small smile grew on the Boy Wonder's face
As young adults, whenever they tiredly come back home together after a long hard day of missions and patrols, Jon will just jump onto the bed with his hero suit still on, laying down with his arms spread out while Damian, who also doesn't change out of his hero suit either and just takes nothing off but just his cape and boots, just falls down on top of him as if he's a pillow, hugging him and lazily throwing his leg over him as he peacefully falls asleep with his half Kryptonian boyfriend
Damian likes stealing Jon's clothes all the time and doesn't give them back most of the time. Jon doesn't mind this at all and thinks that it's actually very cute
Jon loves surprising Damian with cheek kisses all the time
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sunny6677 · 1 month
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So this is Mauve—she is around the Hatzgangs age. She is actually the biological child of Lila and Skiddad, however due to reasons unknown, she was lost from them and made to be taken care of by some members of the cult. However, the couple who took her in ended up escaping the cult, and are now trying to live peacefully without being caught by them again. Due to reasons unknown though, Mauve has recently been sent to live with Roy's family, since Carmen & Richard happened to actually be friends with the couple. Though they may or may not have also made a bit of a deal in exchange for taking care of her while her parents are kinda gone.
Mauve is very mature, overly cold, monotone, and shows little to no emotion. She's very hard working but takes things a bit too seriously, and forces herself to act like an adult half the time even though she's a child. And anytime she dares act immature or let's her emotions get the better of her, she scolds herself for being so childish or apologizes for being so childish. Mauve tends to bow or shake hands with people when first meeting them. And takes every task she's given very seriously. She takes school very seriously, assignments very seriously, etc etc.
She happens to know French, Spanish, and Latin. Her favorite food is steak, with her favorite drink being literally coffee or tea. She constantly overworks herself for the sake of being professional—and takes every single one of her classes very seriously. She treats her classmates like they're co-workers rather than just other kids. And she also secretly listens to really cute lofi music. Her hobbies are writing, researching, and reading. And Mauve is so serious about everything because she wants to succeed, get into a great university and be successful in general. But it's also because this is what her adoptive parents want as well. Her adoptive parents constantly kinda pressure her into acting 'mature', which is why she's so insecure about being childish sometimes and never allows herself to act like a kid. She even straight up tells people that she's not a child and doesn't want to be spoken to like one whenever she's treated like a kid.
Robert happens to have a bit of a crush on Mauve because he finds her pretty, and only kinda gets to know her through Roy (who has a bit of an awkward relationship with her considering she just recently started to live at his house). But I imagine they become actual friends over time. Also yeah Mauve does like him too but represses it because she's supposed to be 'focused on her goals, not love'.
Her parents do mean well and ultimately want the best for her, but their constant pressuring and strictness toward her is very obviously making her mental state unhealthy. To the point where anytime she feels herself near the verge of crying or showing anger, she becomes irritated at herself and makes herself keep it down.
Other facts about her—
1. She knows Lila and Skid already since Skid & Pump happened to run into her on the street and dragged her along during one of their adventures after they caught her reading a 'spooky looking' book. And has a slight sibling-like relationship with them where she protects them a lot.
2. She is very much capable of defending herself and takes self defense classes. She jogs frequently, and exercises.
3. She likes to go outside and watch nature sometimes if it's a peaceful day.
4. She may or may not be kinda buddies with Susie?? Their friendship is a bit of a slow burn tho.
5. She's unaware that she's adopted.
6. Her favorite color is purple (unsurprisingly).
7. She is skilled at basically everything in her school since she forces herself to pay attention a lot, but she is mainly skilled in Algebra and English.
8. She has very stiff body language in general. And she's also touch starved, but at the same time doesn't like being touched.
9. Her catch phrase is—"How childish of me.." since she says that a lot anytime she's scolding herself.
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Drew her with Violet too cuz why not—its funny to imagine them being sisters/lh
(Violet belongs to @dismissivedestroyer )
@mayisgoingnuts @crossover-enthusiast
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