lunairka · 1 year
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“The Embrace”
Details and more under the cut!
Besties I’m still obsessed. I’ll never stop being obsessed. They are in MY WALLS. They haunt my every waking and dreaming moment. I even fought through some nasty wrist pain to get this done, and I’m incredibly happy with how it came out. Also, I don’t think it’s possible for me to draw them without a little blood. I WENT INTO THIS THINKING THERE WOULDNT BE ANY. Then there was bloody water, and rain, and bloody gay people.
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Also massive thank you to @undercovercannibal for encouraging me to use this sketch and largely inspiring the entire creation of this!
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Nonblacks in fandoms are literally brainwired to not care about black characters.When it comes to Disney Princess ship aus it's always Ariel and Eric or Rapunzel and Eugune but never Tiana and Naveen or Brandy's Cinderella and Paolo's Prince Charming.Hazel is a trio with Nico and Percy but is always replaced with Jason for 'The Big Three Boys' despite Percy being closer to her and Jason only becoming friends with Nico being used as a pity case for him by witnessing him being force outed and is defanged even though she's on par with Percy and her design whitefeminized because Pjo fans can't comprehend black girl features as feminine.Allura was the only good part of Voltron but she was bashed for daring to be the love of the lives of the two fan fave male characters instead of them realizing they only 'think' they hate eachother and applied every misogynoir stereotype to her under the guise of progressiveness
Duke is forgotten as a Batkid,Robin and Batboy based off a requirement rule that's never been said in canon or even joked about by official sources and Kory and Tam are shoved out of their romantic narratives with Dick and Tim to fit the 'redheads and blondes' rule even though Dick's dated more black women than redheads and Tim's first girlfriend dyed her hair blonde because she thought that's why he liked Stephanie more and he made a twisted expression of horror as his thought box said 'I...hate it'.Luz has her blackness invalidated almost always by NONblacks only,Gus is a canon black4brown mlm in a teenage romcom-esque ship but Toh fans ignore him and Mattholomule to obsses over Hunter and Edric as they 'roast' Huntlow too when Edric might as well not exist in comparison to Willow's depth and abundance of screentime,Camila was never given a chance and branded an abusive mom or spicy latina armcandy for Eda and Darius gets jackshit despite Hunter's whole ass entire dad and having a canon backstory with Eda,Raine and Lilith as classmates
Gumlee and Bubbline have much less content than completely noncanonical white gay ships and even after we saw Elise Marceline still wasn't popularly drawn black as human despite her being confirmation for Marcie and by extention Marsh being biracial.Oscar is said to have no personality by the same people who run blogs dedicated to fucking JAUNE AND SUN and his importance to Ruby downplayed for a mean white girl who bullied her for being a younger autistic girl and Emerald is easily the most deep and prettiest antagonist but hardly anybody hardcore stans her or ships her even including Mercury
Miles has zero crossover genres and i mean GENRES a la Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons not the occasional one-off fanart and niche fic despite everything about Spiderverse being prime crossover material especially now that we have Atsv yet Danny F/P gets in on all of them including being JASON'S COUNTERPART when MILES is exactly like him while Danny's literally just ghost-themed and has nothing in common with Jason including being different flavors of deaths and ressurections and Margo is made out to be a desperate loser over Miles even though he showed even MORE more interest in HER and Hobie is passiveaggressively turned into Gwen's 'canon brother figure' despite the FIRST thing we learned about him is that they were gonna be a thing and it made it into the final project as confirmed by the creators who said the viewers can choose if they were dating or not and Jessica did nothing but be a good adoptive mom to Gwen after her cop dad kicked her out,have chemistry with Miguel,her own inner turmoil too and serve cunt and y'all either hated or ignored her for it BECAUSE she's a black woman but not a m*mmy or a minstrel show,don't even lie
And they notice NONE of this despite it happening every.fucking.time.They never prioritize or treasure black people in their lives if they even have any and they smacktalk black celebrities for the same reason they worship nonblack ones too.They make a mockery of black culture with butchered aave and whitewashed black aesthetics and calling our food disgusting and our romantic tactics inherently perverted(see the oversexualization of 'babygirl' when just means 'sweet black girl' and is meant to be comforting and can even be used platonically by older male relatives).They don't see color.They don't see us at all.They deliberately turn a blind eye to all the nonstop microagression they do towards our representation which they've NEVER limited to fictional characters-see how every black actor ever gets harrased!!!-yet act all 'woke' because they unlearned queerphobia and ableism.Yeah?Unlearn THIS propaganda too snowroaches
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Sweet Home Indiana Part 1
Hello! And welcome to this fun little fusion that I came up with here. If anyone can find the post about gay legal troubles after gay marriage was legalized (I think was originally about polyamory divorces) let me know so I can link here, too.
Summary: Eddie is a successful tattoo artist in Seattle and is engaged to be married to Chrissy. Only there is one problem. Well, technically three. You see, back before the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage was a right and not a privilege Eddie had gotten married in a couple of different states to different people. But now that's it's legal, he's a bigamist and he has to get his exes to divorce him. Which is easy enough for two of the three, not so much for the third. You see the third just isn't just any ex, it's the ex. Steve Harrington. So now he has to go down to Hawkins and try to convince the person he thought he was going to spend his life with to divorce him. Something much easier said then done, especially when Eddie finds himself falling back in love.
Eddie’s life was good. Let it be said that it was really good. He knew that. But he had regrets. Didn’t everyone?
He regretted how his band broke up. It wasn’t his fault, but he hadn’t seen the cracks when they had started to show. He hadn’t seen how tired Jeff was getting or how fucked Gareth was. He hadn’t seen that Brian was only phoning it in every night.
So when it all fell apart after a concert in Seattle, he was left holding the pieces of his band and his broken heart. He had gotten a job as a tattoo apprentice and had worked really hard to get his own chair.
He had friends. Good ones. Jeff had stayed in Seattle, too. Gareth had gone into rehab and had moved to a small village in the south of France. Brian had gotten married and moved back to Indiana where he became a teacher and lived a quiet life. The life he had always wanted.
Then there was Chrissy. He loved her so much. They had met when she came into the tattoo parlor to get a tattoo covered. She wanted to cover the name of her ex-boyfriend with a purple violet. Eddie had smiled at her when she asked.
It was some of his best work, if he was honest.
She was a legal assistant that had just gotten her paralegal degree and was trying to get a work visa.
She had come over to the USA from Barbados. A little island country in the Caribbean.
He didn’t know how she could stand living in damp Seattle after being born on sun-soaked shores under glistening palm trees. But Chrissy was adamant that she loved being in Washington where it rained almost all the time.
Eddie was on a mission. One that he had sworn to Chrissy that he would do today.
He walked into the county clerk’s office and applied for a marriage license for him and Chrissy.
“I’m sorry Mr. Munson,” the clerk told him, “but our records show that you have not one, not two but three marriages in three different states.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide.
“What?” He would remember that, surely.
“To a William Hargrove in Hawaii, a Thomas M. Hagan in New York, and Steven J. Harrington in Massachusetts,” the woman said, holding up her reading glasses in front of her face to read off the list.
“But those were only legal in the state they were preformed in, right?” he asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.
The woman shook her head. “Not since the Supreme Court ruled that it was legal for gays to get married. It’s cause a lot of trouble for a lot you people, let me tell you.”
Eddie knocked his knuckle on the counter and licked his lips. “Shit.”
She grimaced sympathetically. “I’m sorry, but before you can get a marriage license in the state of Washington, you’ll have to provide divorce decrees from all three of your exes.”
Eddie pounded on the counter this time with his open palm. “Thanks.”
He walked away and he heard her call out, “Next!”
Shit, shit, shit.
This was going to be hell, he could feel it.
Chrissy had fast food waiting for him when he got home from work.
“Did you get the license?” she asked, handing him his food and drink.
Eddie buried his head in his hands. “No, because stupid gay marriage legalization made all gay marriages legal, no matter what state you preformed them in.”
She sat down hard. “So your three marriages suddenly count?”
“Yeah,” Eddie murmured. “I don’t even know where any of them are. Like I assume Steve’s still in Hawkins, because he’d never leave, but the other two? I have no fucking idea.”
She patted him on the shoulder and said, “We’ll find a way. The law firm has investigators on staff for this very reason. It might take a while, but we’ll find them.
Eddie nodded. “I’m sorry.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and sat down on his lap. “I’m not. You didn’t know. Otherwise you would have taken care of it when Obergefell v. Hodges went through the Supreme Court.”
Eddie nodded, but he pursed his lips, his hands up around her waist to hold her steady.
“Let’s just eat and I’ll start work on it tomorrow,” she murmured. “Okay?”
“Mmk,” he muttered.
Three weeks later, Eddie had in hand two of the three annulments. Billy had sent his back with a little note that said, “With pleasure.” Tommy had merely sent his back without comment.
That was a relief. He was no longer bound to either of those two assholes. He wasn’t even sure what possessed him to marry them in the first place.
Well, okay. He did. He was far away from home, lonely and willing to connect with anyone who would fuck him.
He was getting ready to call Chrissy to her the good news when the phone rang under his hand.
Eddie frowned at it for a moment, before he picked it up.
“Eddie? Eddie Munson?” the familiar voice sounded through the cell phone.
“This is he,” he replied, still confused.
“If you want to divorce me, you asshole,” Steve spat, “then have the fucking courage to tell me to my face.”
“Steve?” Eddie asked, his confusion still there, but for a different reason now. How did he get his number?
“Yeah,” Steve hissed. “Remember me? The man you left for fame and fortune? How is that going, by the way?”
Eddie gritted his teeth. “You know full well we broke up, I know Dustin still talks to you.”
He could hear Steve snap his fingers. “That’s right. You broke up. And until you tell me to my face you want to do the same, you take your annulment and shove it up your ass.”
“Stevie...” Eddie pleaded.
“Don’t ‘Stevie’ me,” Steve growled. “Fuck you.”
And the phone went dead then Eddie turned his phone around to see that yes, Steve had disconnected the call.
Eddie called Chrissy with the news. Two yeses and a ‘fuck you’.
“All right, Ed,” she said. “There is more to this than you’ve been telling me, so you are coming over to my apartment with the annulments you got and you are going to spill. Capeesh?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good,” she huffed and then hung up.
Looked like today was hang up on Eddie day. He sat down at the table both annulments spread out in front of him and buried his head in his hands.
After a few minutes of allowing himself to break down, he picked up the papers and grabbed his keys, wallet, and cell phone.
Time to face the music.
Chrissy opened the door with a scowl, but softened when she saw how miserable Eddie looked.
He handed her the annulments and she put them her bag to take to work so that they could be filed with county clerk.
“Tell me about Steve Harrington.”
So Eddie did.
He told her about how they had bonded over a bunch of kids. Kids Steve had used to babysit, but once they got into high school came under Eddie’s wing as leader and DM of the D&D club called The Hellfire Club. How they had gotten together and when Massachusetts made it legal, him, Steve, Jeff, and Steve’s best friend Robin all drove out to Boston and Steve and he got married in a little court house.
“My Uncle Wayne was pissed he wasn’t there,” Eddie said. “But it was spur of the moment thing. We drove all night and got there that afternoon. We put on little suits and let the judge say his words.”
“That sounds sweet, so what happened?”
He let out a shuddering sigh. “Gareth graduated from high school and we got an offer to record an album in New York.”
“Why didn’t he go with you?” she asked gently.
Eddie rubbed his nose. “Because the kids still had two years left of school. He wanted to be there for them. A couple of them didn’t have good home lives and he wanted to make sure they had someone they could count on. We fought about it. Hard.”
“I’m sorry, cher,” she whispered giving his arm a squeeze.
“God,” Eddie said, his voice cracking. “The things we said to each other. It was bad, Chris.”
“And now he won’t sign the papers?” she asked.
He shook his head. “He told me the only way he’d sign anything is I came back to Hawkins and handed it to him myself.”
Chrissy nodded. “All right,” she said, “here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to get a proper divorce degree written up, making sure it’s worded so he knows you won’t be going after any assets he has and then you are taking a week off of work and going down there and facing him. Because holy fucking hell, Ed, he deserves some kind of closure as do you.”
Eddie let out a heartbreaking sigh. “I don’t know if I can face him, Chris. God, I put everything else before him and broke his heart. He always wanted this big wedding. A beautiful reception where all our friends and loved ones were there. A beautiful grey morning jacket with a proper boutonniere and saying his vows across from the one he loved. And instead he got an empty court house and broken promises from a screw up like me.”
She wrapped her arms around him and let him sob into her shoulder.
“Which is why you need to go down there and give him that closure,” she murmured, “so that he can have all that with someone else. Someone who isn’t afraid.”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, just let me know when it’s ready and I’ll take one of my vacation weeks to go to Hawkins, Indiana.”
Chrissy winced. “Maybe don’t sound like you’re going to your funeral, yeah?”
Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes. As far as he was concerned he was going to a funeral. Maybe not his own, but the death of the first real relationship he ever had and if somehow he made it out alive, he was never going to be the same again.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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Which Toxic Yaoi is the best
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Sequel to the toxic yuri poll. I deeply apologise if some of these are not toxic, i went off of the propaganda
Propaganda under the cut!
BbKaz (Big Boss/Kazuhira Miller)
they have multitudes.. you can ship it as something goofy and fluffy or as the most toxic yaoi of all time and theyre both pretty reasonable interpretations. they go on a date together and have sex in a cardboard box on a beach in canon and a bunch of other crazy shit. their relationship spans 20 years so they span from honeymooning to divorced to one trying to kill the other etc. "love loses" the ship they make me insane
Flash/Reverse Flash
"It was ME Barry, I jerked you off at supersonic speeds so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"
Possibly the most toxic yaoi of all time
SuzaLuLu (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperougue)
SaruMi (Saruhiko Fushimi/Misaki Yata)
Toxic yaoi, obsessive boy joins a gang with his best friend but then his best friend makes other friends in the gang so he joins up with an enemy gang instead. Normal behavior.
Valvert (Jean Valjean/Javert)
They’re so obsessed with each other (especially javert to valjean) it’s like half of the plot. Pinnacle of toxic old man yaoi. Produces the funniest plot point in the show: Valjean (escaped convict in disguise as a mayor and businessman) saves someone by lifting a cart he was trapped under and Javert (cop trying to catch Valjean) goes “Damn girl… you remind me of this guy…. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen who’s as swole and jacked as you”
Lawlight (Light/L)
"L and Light are the founding fathers of toxic yaoi" is what people WANT you to believe but these poor men are being slandered... You see it's ackshually totally heterosexual to give your bestie (who's also your mortal enemy) a foot massage while he he makes soft little grunting noises and wipes the water droplets from your rain-soaked hair all while a soft melancholic piano track is accompanying this surprisingly tender moment between the two of you- IF it's a religious callback to Jesus and Judas. It's just a Bible reference bro. No homo. 🤓☝
Anyhow don't google the Japanese version of "Playing his Game" (which is called "Inside of him" in Japanese) from the Death Note Musical. I assure you there is absolutely nothing gay about those lyrics.
Wdym people love shipping two mortal enemies with an unhealthy obsessive murderous rivaly??? What is the world coming to... Besides Light is clearly heterosexual. His lack of interest in women is because he's a based sigma male obviously...
and additional reason here but this one is a spoiler
Foot washing scene. The musical. God, they're so obsessed with each other. When L dies Light loses his main drive, his passion- being Kira isn't fun anymore without L, he isn't having a good time even though he won their battle of wits. Light being L's first friend. L being... really, the first person to understand Light. Theyre insane I love them
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owlf45 · 9 months
romance me with mosquito facts
mosquitoes, when in a condensed enough space, sound like gentle rain.
i work with a specific mosquito species, called the aedes agypti, which carries diseases like dengue virus, west niles virus, and yellow fever. the males are generally smaller than the females, though emerge into adults sooner. you can tell the difference between males and females by the fluffy antennas of the males.
gay mosquitoes everywhere.
mosquitoes tend to be social, if stupid creatures. if you stick two mosquitoes alone in a cage, they probably wont chill (and wont mate). it's just not their style. this is especially frustrating when trying to set up specific genetic crosses.
although i never met them, there used to be a researcher at the lab who did the most batshit stuff. we keep our mosquitoes in mesh cages, so they can't escape but they can feed through the mesh (so we don't have to reach in and out of the cages and potentially let some loose). this old researcher used to grab the morning newspaper, roll up his pants, collapse in a chair and settle his calves over the mesh cages for literal thousands of mosquitoes to feed from him. for hours. i want to meet this man so bad.
mosquitoes are stupid and annoying and prone to killing themselves akin to a goldfish constantly getting stuck in a filter. but strangely enough, you grow to love them. they are simultaneously fragile and durable, easily discernible and difficult to hunt. you can tear their hind legs off and put them through shock a few times and they'll be fine, but a single finger will smush them (quite inconveniently, when you know that bitch could've moved!).
directly after bloodfeeding a female mosquito, if you kill her—often by clapping her directly between your hands (female mosquitoes are the only ones to bloodfeed)—the blood will still be warm.
although i dont screen larvae for traits as often as I used to (I tend to do more database/mosquito caretaking work now), certain gene-linked traits can be found physically in the larvae and pupae stages—sometimes they glow bright blue/green under fluorescent lighting, for example.
like I said though, i mostly work with caretaking. i do the bloodfeeding, i replace their food and water, and i make sure they're in good health and can lay eggs on a proper surface. the mosquitoes under my care live for about a month and a half, though if they're still alive by the time we need to hatch the next generation, we simply fridge them and kill them off. put mosquitoes in the fridge for a few minutes and they'll go to sleep. put them in for a few hours, and they'll usually die— we keep them in for 24 hours to make sure, though.
mosquitoes are difficult to contain. compared to other biochemistry departments, you have tiny creatures that are mobile and can fly, and can't always be seen by the average person unless they're specifically looking for it. I've worked in microbiology labs before, but if there was contamination, it was solely on the researcher. contamination from a loose mosquito is hard to track. this is all to say that I work in a bunker—double doors, minimal vents, no windows.
mosquitoes are the deadliest animals in the world. mosquitoes kill over a million people a year (hence my research). i sit in the back of the bunker sometimes, in the side warm room where we keep our cages of mosquitoes, hundreds of different genetically modified lines in progress at a time, and I have blood on my palms— blood that I fed to my subjects before I squashed them because they escaped from their cages, and I think about the fact that for over 200 lines of this species, I grow them from eggs to adults to death and hatch their offspring again and again and again. i think of lovecraftian horror and I hear gentle rain and remember images of war that keep me up late at night, and I wonder what's the point, for a few numbers in my bank account, and then another mosquito has gotten loose and lands on my arm and doesn't bite me, because it's already full; because i already fed it; because it's just looking for a small, dark place to rest in the folds of my jacket.
mosquitoes love to hide on black surfaces.
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kremlin · 1 year
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"This event ends the moment you write us a check, and it better not bounce, or you're a dead motherfucker" -- Big Bill Hell
There was a time when you'd see little old ladies paying for the groceries with a hand-written personal check, holding up the line, causing an immediately-forgiven slight sense of annoyance with those behind her. Buddy. Those days are over. They've been over. What, did you think you were going to just pop a couple extra zeroes on the end of your paycheck there? Maybe scan your paycheck, open it in photoshop, make a template, print em out all nice? You think you're the first to think of that, dipshit?
It takes the law a long time to catch up with the state of the art. You're reading this on the internet, which means you never use checks. The law has caught up. Your ass will be going to prison immediately and you will see zero return.
You can't even kite checks anymore, and hell, nobody under 40 will even know what that means, due to the blazing fast, two day settlement on all ACH transactions. Let me paint you a picture.
You get paid on Friday, but it is Monday, and bills are due on Tuesday. And you're broke: $0 in the bank. Goose egg. Pop open your checkbook, go to a store, "buy" some things, write a check for the amount. The cashier takes it!
Now take those things you "bought", across town, to another store location, and return them for cold hard cash. Sweet. Bills paid. Friday rolls around, and you just make it to the bank to deposit your paycheck before it closes. After the weekend, the checks you wrote finally post, and they don't bounce! You've kited a check. You've surreptitiously taken a zero-interest loan. And we know your broke ass. The interest rate on that short-term payday loan should have been straight up usurious. We're talking 29%. That makes predatory fuckers like us horny for sex. We're so mad. Now you are going to Federal Prison. For a good minute. Fuckface.
COST: $0.10 (With banks offering free checking accounts + Bic pen)
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"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor sleet, if you fuck with the mail, we'll rip your nuts off" -- Ronald Mail (Inventor of Mail)
Many people have this misnomer that the most powerful people in politics are democratically elected. The president, of the United States, of America, is a stupid cartoon hotdog. All of them, I don't care. Way less clout than you'd think. Brilliantly, it is the people that the hotdog president appoints who are actually doing anything significant. The director of the CIA. The fucking chairman of the Federal Reserve. Probably the, like, most senior, uh, general of the military, and shit too. I don't know, we don't "do" army here at Bloomberg. You probably don't even know their names! I don't! These are the ones you should be seeing in your sleep.
There's another position like that. Appointed directly by the hotdog. The Postmaster General. That's a real title. He's the CEO of the mail, and buddy, what he may lack in political power relative to the director of the CEO, he makes up in raw sexual energy. Total Tom Selleck energy. Like an airline pilot. We're talking Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I'm tentpoling in my black business slacks just writing this, and all my Bloomberg newsroom bros are peering over my shoulder and also tent-poling. We're not gay though, and especially me, I'm probably the least gay, but sometimes I just lay awake for hours at night what that mustache would feel like pressed against my lips, the unbelievable and utter, total sense of security I'd feel burying my head into his hard chest.
You get it. He's your dad. And if you fuck with the mail, you've fucked with the tools in your dad's garage. And dad's been drinking. You're in for it, bucko, you are in trouble. Do you think the United States Postal Service actually makes any money? Hell no. It costs like five bucks to mail a box basically anywhere I can think of and they give you the boxes for free. You can just walk in the post office and take them. I do that, and then just throw them away, I don't know why, some kind of compulsion. Being able to move shit around like this, quickly, cheaply -- Jesus H, I've got a huge amount of money in my bank account, probably tens of trillions of dollars (due to financial knowledge gained from reading Bloomberg articles) and I could probably mail every single person ever something and still come out in the black.
No way pal. They've thought of that already. The Postmaster General is going to know every time, and he's going to grab you by the shirt collar, wearing his cool as fuck hat, and you're going to get your pants pulled down, and your bare ass spanke...I need to go use the restroom real quick.
We rely on the mail system to get important shit done. It's not something to be taken lightly, and it isn't. Trust me. This is why, like almost every other person who receives mail in this year 2023, I just fucking put a wastebasket under my mail slot. I don't even shred that shit anymore. I just burn it. Takes less time.
COST: $0.63 (Postal stamp)
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"Can call all you want, but there's no one home // And you're not gonna reach my telephone // Out in the club, and I'm sipping that bubb // And you're not gonna reach my telephone" -- Lady Gaga
I read something wild that the children of today do not know what a dial tone is, because of how fucked up and stupid they are. Isn't that super fucked up?
While it's not really our style, allow me to fill you in on some ancient, arcane knowledge about the telephone. You can turn it on, and then you can punch in numbers. Any numbers. Random ones, or maybe not random ones. If the ten numbers you punch in are the same as the numbers in someone else's telephone number, their phone will ring, and then you are talking to them. This is called "Phreaking".
Here's the kicker: You can tell that jackass anything you want. "Oh, Hi, Yes, I am Reginald Sumpter calling from Avalon Consulting LLC, we are just following up on the invoice we sent you. Please remit to ###### routing ###### account."
BOOM! Your name isn't Reginald whatever and that company doesn't exist, but you just received a deposit. It's fucking beautiful. What have you done wrong? It isn't your responsibility to handle who your business' clients/etc are, it's their's. If they want to just pay you money for no real reason, well, that's kind of on them, isn't it? I haven't stuck a pistol in your face and demanded everything in the register.
Well, it's too clever. It's too slick. This is the United States of America. It's one thing to commit a felony like armed robbery, it's another thing to piss off someone in charge of the accounting division who uses a special bathroom you need a key to get into.
You can do it on the computer too, I use a PC Computer at work and send email, so you can see how it'd work there. You can make a document that is indifferentiable from a real invoice and, straight up, 1/3 of the time they will pay that shit. Lmfao.
It's called wire fraud because, uhh, duhhhh, there's wires. What do you think that thing is strung between the telephone receiver and the dialer? And computers? Give me a break. There's so many wires with those.
COST: $0.25 (Coin for payphone)
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"People calculate too much and think too little." -- Charlie Munger
It is insane how dumb the common man can be when it comes to our world of expertise. I hear this same sentiment, like, ALL THE TIME:
"Durr hurr I will buy an insurance policy for my car or house or whatever so that in case something happens to it I will get money". And then that same person proceeds to drive safely or not burn their house down. Dumbest crap imaginable.
Let me break it down for you. Insurance is a two player competitive game. There is a winner and there is a loser. Go take out an expensive insurance policy on your American sports car. Buy a neck brace, a football helmet, and pack that bitch with throw pillows. Then get in the left lane of a major highway at like noonish, let it rip and then SLAM on your brakes. Hit from behind! Your fault! Congratulations. You have won insurance. How this gets past people is beyond me.
You can only do this once or twice before the insurance companies catch on. Then they don't want to fuck with you. It is also..I don't know man...something feels off about taking a car or a house, which like, some guy had to build and just destroying it, but that is only a weird emotional thing, since you're making money, more than whatever the destroyed thing is worth, so in reality you've built that house plus some extra. You've contributed.
COST: $106.00 (Average monthly car insurance payment)
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SUBSCRIBE TO MY WHATEVER FOR PART TWO, COMING SOON. i'll post it later today probably. whatever time frame will juice the numbers. have a sneaky peaky
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irishmammonagenda · 6 months
Boop!- Obey Me x Reader
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Summary: You go on a mission to boop, as per usual chaos ensues. Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: Female Reader (implied), i dont really think there's anything else but if you can see something lmk and i'll add a warning
very obviously inspired by tumblr's boop event
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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"Hello Michael!" You greet, signature foxy grin on your face. Michael looks up from where he's playing Connect Four with a man in robes and waves at you.
"Hiya MC!" He puts the palms of his hands on the soft cloud ground and leans back on them, he's bare chested in the heat, though he's adorned himself with waist beads and arm bands, firm muscles on display. His long curly blond hair is in intricate braids, small ornaments threaded through it. He grins up at you, bright red eyes shining under the light of the Celestial sun. "What's brought ya up to the Celestial Realm today?"
"I am evil. I am very evil Michael." You say seriously.
The other man laughs, though not unkindly. His tanned skin shimmers ethereally under the light, dark brown eyes stare up at you, rich like soil after the morning due. Dark waves and soft curls frame his face, some soft stubble one his jawline, barely noticeable. "I'm sure you're not evil." He says kindly.
You stare at him, before smiling as well, touched. "Aww thanks! And you are?"
The man smiles, reaching his hand up, Michael takes that time to sneakily move one of the coins the man had put down a slot over. "I'm Jesus, it's nice to meet you MC."
You cough. "You're Jesus?"
"Yes." He nods, "A lot of people are shocked when they first meet me...something about expecting me to look like Da Vinci's gay lover."
You nod, dumbfounded.
Michael, sensing your inner turmoil, and also needing to keep Jesus' attention elsewhere so he could continue cheating- winning creatively in Connect 4, clears his throat, "So what's brought you to the Celestial Realm and made you claim that you're evil?"
This makes you grin, "Well, my dearest Michael....have you heard of boops?"
Michael straightens up a little bit, Jesus watches him intently, before fixing the board to its original state whilst the Archangel is distracted.
"No I have not...Why, what are they?" Michael asks, signature mischievous grin on his face. "They sound fun."
"Well I'm glad you asked Michael!" You grin, before leaning in and whispering into his ear. The added proximity made you realise he smelt of pine cone and fresh rain.
Michael giggles evilly, turning over to Jesus, before reaching a dark, jewel adorned hand and booping his nose. "Boop!"
Jesus just smiles, Crucifixion was worse. "It's your go, Michael."
"Oh of course! MC wait for this game to be over! I have...uh..business to attend to in the Devildom!"
You and Jesus share a look.
Michael looks over at you two, "You coming Jesus?"
The man smiles gently, "No thanks, I'm still traumatised from that one time when Satan tormented me in the desert."
"Oh okay...." Michael deflates the tiniest smidge before looking back at the board, spluttering. "Hey you moved the pieces!"
Jesus snorts, "Yeah, I moved the pieces back from where you tried to cheat."
"Lying's a sin." Michael huffs.
Jesus laughs, "Was that an admition of guilt?"
Michael falls onto his back dramatically, dark skin shining in the Celestial Realm's blessed light. "Ugh! Woe is me! This is worse than the time that one Irish kid got me confused with Michael Collins!"
Jesus pats his shoulder in pity. "Easter's a hard time for all of us."
Michael blinks at the scars on Jesus' palms from the nails and bites back a very bad Cross joke. "You could say that again."
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After the game of Connect 4 ended, (Michael lost) you and the Archangel said your goodbyes to Jesus and began your journey down to the Devildom. Michael walks beside you, a good bit taller than you. Michael having swapped out his less than covering attire for a flowy white flare sleeved top that you'd imagine a pirate or a Victorian would wear, the lace buttons are undone for the most part, as per usual. You'd come to learn that the Archangel hated top buttons with a burning passion.
"I call Lucikins." Michael says with about as much seriousness as a 10 year old calling shotgun on the front seat of the car. So very serious.
"Fine. I call Mammon." You reply, looking up at him, as if daring him to try and boop your first man before you could. He pouts, but relents.
"I call Satan then." Michael blinks back at you with crimson eyes.
"No why?" You sulk.
Michael shrugs. "He's my nephew. I get to boop his nose it's the law."
"No it's not."
"Yeah it is!"
"Prove it then." You huff.
Michael turns around and you hear fidgeting before he hands you a paper napkin with writing on it. You notice the fountain pen he sneakily snuck back into his trouser pocket and glare at him, before reading the napkin.
The Eleventh Commandment: Thou shall let Michael boop his nephew's nose.
You hum, "Something's telling me this is fake."
Michael gasps incredulously, as if offended by the very notion, he places a hand over his breast, where his heart is. "How dareth thou! Truly, 'tis a crime against nature to speak such filth about the Holy Word. A crime against God I daresay!"
"Okayy...drama king."
Michael gasps again. "Alas! Thou speaketh such filth! Such blasphemy to thee! Thy words...such horrors! Cursed are thou amongst humankind!"
You deadpan. "I'm taking away your Shakespeare rights."
"Try it I dare you." Michael challenges, red eyes gleaming with something predatory. "You can boop Simeon."
You grin. "Yay!"
"I call Luke."
Your grin drops. "What the frickety flip that's my son."
Michael's brows furrow. "He's my son too what the flip."
You gasp, bringing your hands to your mouth. "Did we?..."
Michael's eyes widen, he pulls his top up and counts his ribs, losing count several times because you keep adding random numbers in. He looks up at you.
"Did we have a child out of Wedlock?!"
You and Michael look at each other in object horror. Both conveniently ignoring the fact that Luke technically came into existence millennias before you.
"I think we did...." You place your hand over your brow like a Victorian woman seeing the ankles of her secret lesbian lover for the first time.
Michael follows suit.
"Michael....I fear we might be sinners...."
"Well you know what they say in the human world MC...." Michael sniffles, looking away from you dramatically. "Sinner sinner chicken dinner...."
You pause, breaking character. "Is it not Winner winner chicken dinner?"
Michael shrugs. "Not like I care."
You parrot his movement, shrugging your shoulders back as well, before the horror creeps back onto your expression. "But...Simeon and Barbatos also see Luke as their son...."
Michael looks at you wide eyed, grabbing you by the shoulders, "MC! We have to count their ribs!"
You put your head in your hands, "Two angels, a demon and a human with angel blood that's somehow an angel....our son is a hybrid!"
Michael gasps. "Hybrid princess?"
You do a double take. "Why do you know what gacha is." You breath out, looking at Michael in genuine fear.
"I wasn't a gacha kid don't worry! Levi was though! He'd show me his little Gacha stories that he made...." Michael looks nostalgic. "Such an adorable little weirdo....he gets it from Lucifer y'know."
"If I described Lucifer as an adorable little weirdo I think he'd skin me alive."
"That sounds like a you problem." Michael grins.
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You and Michael continue your journey down to the Devildom, only this time he's giving you a piggy back ride because you annoyed him until he agreed. Strong hands hold your thighs to keep you from falling, as your arms are wrapped around his neck.
You had been 'calling' people to boop.
"I call Diavolo."
"Deal." Michael nods, trying and failing to twist his head around to face you because you're on his back and he's not an owl. "I don't want to accidentally start another Celestial War by booping the Prince and acting King of the Devildom's nose."
"That's surprisingly a good reason."
"Fuck you mean surprisingly?" Michael scoffs, though there's no real bite to it. "I'm always having good reasons."
"Yeah and I'm the spawn of Satan." You say sarcastically, human world side winning over for a second, until you remember that Satan is in fact a real person and that you are in fact now in the Devildom.
Michael laughs, "You know who Satan's the spawn of? Lucifer."
"Don't let him hear you say that."
"What's he gonna do? Bully me while I'm in a desert? Jokes on him, I hate sand and don't go anywhere near it."
"I don't feel safe anymore, we're gonna get jumped."
Michael laughs.
"I call Levi, I need to return an anime to him anyway." Michael breaks the silence.
"You borrow animes from Levi?"
"Yeah sometimes, me and Saint Peter watch animes at the gates of Heaven when it's a slow day and not a lot of souls are being guided into it."
"Nah imagine dying and waking up in heaven to see the people at the gates watching anime."
Michael sticks out his tongue, though stops when he remembers you're on his back and can't see it.
"I call Barbatos."
Michael sighs in relief, carrying you through the streets of the Devildom. "Thank God, you can have him. Good luck with that."
"Go fuck yourself Michael. I call Thirteen."
Michael gasps excitedly. "Tell her I say hi!"
"Tell her yourself."
Michael huffs. "You're so mean to me MC."
You bite his neck, really embodying your inner feral street cat. He yelps. "Don't try to steal my wife, next time I'll bite your jugular pretty boy."
Michael laughs, "I am quite pretty..." He flips his hair, the intricate golden braids and curls hit you in the face, seeing as you're still on his back. You let out a sound similar to a feral street cat coughing up a hairball, he laughs again. "Also I'm pretty sure Thirteen is a lesbian."
You perk up. "Oh yay! You should be the priest at our wedding Michael. You don't have a choice."
"Fine." The archangel huffs, his plump lips pouty. "But only if Luke's the flower boy."
"I was gonna make him the ring boy giver person." You reply, playing with one of the ornaments braided into Michael's hair.
"Even better!"
Moments of comfortable silence last before you decide to break it because you're evil and have no moral code whatsoever.
"Michael you can have Solomon."
Said Archangel halts. Dropping you off of his back before turning to look at you, now strewn out on the ground. He puts his hand over his brow like a Victorian man who just saw the ankles of his gay lover. (Probably Solomon: You'd decided.)
"No! How couldeth thou?" He sighs dramatically before it just turns exhasperated. "Those rumours just died down...."
You jump up off of the ground, wiping the soil from your clothes, "They have?! Dammit!"
Michael deadpans at you, pulling at a golden coil of hair and letting it be stretched straight before letting go and watching it bounce back up into a curl again. "I hate you."
"That's harsh."
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After having separated from Michael, you sneak into your First Man's room. He sits lazily, lounging on his bed and scrolling mindlessly through his DDD. So enraptured he doesn't even notice your presence just yet until you press your finger to his nose.
"ARGHH-" he screeches, jumping atleast five feet in the air before realising it was you and scoffing. "Oh...It's you...o-of course ye'd wanna boop the Great Mammon's nose! That'll cost ya!" He huffs, trying to avoid the initial embarassment of you seeing him so uncool!
"Boop!" You boop him again, he grins stupidly like an idiot inlove, before snapping out of it and putting his 'too cool for this' persona back on.
"T-that'll cost ye! MC!" He stutters, trying to cover his blush.
"Oh will it now?" You raise a brow before bringing your lips to his nose and pecking it there, pulling away again in less than a second. "Boop."
He pulls you in for a hug before you can pull away completely. You grin, having reduced the Avatar of Greed to a blushy pile of mush in your arms.
Take that Alpha Male podcasters who think women want dominant mean men who suck and hate them. Everyone knows all women want a Mammon.
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You and Michael meet back up again. Michael having a scratch on his leg.
"Satan did not like the fact that I booped him at first...until I gave him an emergency kitten that I put in a cage nearby like 5 minutes before." Michael says, noticing that you noticed the scratch. "He almost bit me! He's definitely Lucikin's son!"
You point and laugh at him. He pouts, before interlocking your arms. "Purgatory hall?"
"Purgatory hall." You nod.
Michael knocks on the door. Luke answers it before gasping like a child on christmas. "Michael! Hi!" He hugs the Archangel who laughs and picks him up.
The blond boy notices you at that point, he smiles brightly. "Oh MC! Hi!"
"Hiya Luke!" You smile at him, booping his nose. "Boop!"
"Michael follows suit. "Boop!"
Luke blinks before grumbling. "I'm not a child..." He then turns his head back towards Michael who's still holding him. "Boop!"
Michael laughs. "Do MC now!" With that he quickly moves closer to you, Luke still in his arms, and the young angel boops your nose too. You all grin, laughing. Luke just ecstatic that Michael was able to visit. And he brought you too!
You end up watching a movie together, all three of you. Simeon comes home halfway through it. Having had to visit a publishers. Michael hides behind the door and when Simeon opens it, the dark skinned angel pops out, booping the poor man. "Boop!"
Simeon blinks at him. Michael smirks lightheartedly "Get booped Loserboy."
Simeon smiles, his gaze turning toward you." MC would you lie any help with your Solomon x Michael fanfiction? I heard from Satan that you two were on hiatus."
Michael groans. "Traitors!"
You laugh. "Get fanficked Loserboy."
Michael grins, putting on faux dramatics. "You both suck I'm going back into Luke! At least he's actually cool."
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After a lovely movie with Luke, Simeon and Michael, you run away to a cave because why not?
After entering Thirteen's very lovely abode, and avoiding all of the traps laid out for Solomon, you finally catch a glimpse of her vibrant ombre hair.
"Hiya Tee!" You grin, pouncing on her and pulling her into a hug. The reaper, who's clearly batshit insane doesn't even flinch, she just laughs, hugging you back even tighter.
"MC! To what do I owe the pleasure babes?"
You giggle michieviously before bringing your hand up and, "Boop!"
She grins wider, bloodied emerald eyes staring back at you so lovingly, hints of playful devilry in her expression.
"Oh let me try! Boop!" She says before pulling you in for a kiss that makes your knees feel weak.
When you both pull away to catch a breath, you breathe out breathlessly. "That was a super boop....an evil boop even..." You say, face burning red, you know she feels the red hotness of your cheeks.
She just laughs. Tilting her head, some strands of hair falling into her face. "You want another one?"
You've never nodded quicker in your life.
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"How in Diavolo's name did you get in here?" Lucifer asks, looking up from the work on his desk. He quickly closes over the confidential files and paperwork, turning his head to Michael once more. Blood red eyes narrowed at their counterpart's.
Michael approaches the Demon at a speed that could rival Mammon's. In an instant he's beside the raven-haired man. "Awww Lucikins don´t worry about it! Boop!"
Lucifer swallows thickly, and flicks his gaze to Michael. Despite having the glare of a thousand suns on him, Michael continues grinning. "Did you...did you just boop my nose?..." The Avatar of Pride asks in a low voice.
"I'm not too sure if I did..." Michael puts his fingers to his chin in mock thought, before grinning, pointer finger in the air. "I'll have to do it again to make sure!" The Archangel exclaims before booping his younger brother on the nose. "Boop!"
Lucifer growls. "Michael-"
"Yes, Lucikins?"
"Michael I am going to kill you."
The elder only laughed, "Awww classic Lucikins! Still in his teenage angst phase!"
"I did not have a teenage angst phase." Lucifer glares, huffing embarassedly, turning away and picking up his quill in an attempt to turn away from this god awful conversation.
Michael gives him a knowing look. "Don't make me pull out the photos."
His head snaps back to his elder brother. "What photos?"
"The photos of you with the wolf cut, the ones with you and the eyeliner, the ones where you're all dressed up in your little emo costumes..." Michael wipes a tear from his eye. "Oh...you were so adorable! Always threatening to murder me...! Glad to see that my wittle baby brother hasn't changed!" The Archangel exclaims, pinching his younger brother's cheeks and making them squish up, Lucifer felt his face flush with embarrassment. Michael laughed, he looked like a chipmunk!
"...'m no' a 'ittle ba'y bro'er! you'r tw' minu'es ol'er than 'ee!" Lucifer tries to shout, but with Michael pushing his cheeks together, it comes out muffled and distorted.
"All I heard is that you said I'm the best big brother in the three realms and you love me very much!"
Lucifer glares at him. A glare that doesn't hold any weight seeing as Michael is still squishing his cheeks together and he still looks like a chipmunk.
With enough squirming and fighting, Lucifer finally manages to get out of his brother's grip, he rubs his cheeks, staring daggers at the angel. "I would never say that. I'm not your baby brother. I'm not Lucikins. You're two minutes older than me yet two centuries more immature." He says venomously.
Too bad Michael's poison proof.
The Archangel laughs, "You're not my baby brother? Huh? Who's bed did you climb in when you were scared of the thunder back in the Celestial Realm?"
Lucifer bristles, swallowing thickly, "That's irrelevant."
"Sureee." Michael grins, though it's softer around the edges, Lucifer feels it too.
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Lightning flashes in the Celestial realm. Long before Mammon had even been born. Thunder roars, a small whimper sounds. Lucifer sits in his bed, covers over his head, gripping a pillow tightly. Barely even a cherub, he takes the slight break in the storm to gather the courage to waddle over to his twin's bed.
"Mikey?" Lucifer whispers in the darkness, gripping onto the poles of the bed with his tiny pale hands. "Mikey...you awake?" He says through gapped teeth, a slight lisp in his voice. The gap between his two front teeth would close with time.
The sheets rustle, a young Michael groans, also barely a cherub his voice is as high pitched and childlike as his brother's. "Luci...go to sleep..." The slightly older cherub says, eyes still closed.
"Can't Mikey...'s too loud.." Lucifer whispers, black hair sticking to his forehead in a slight sheen of sweat. As if to prove his point, thunder roars again, lightning flashes. Lucifer whimpers, gripping the pole tighter.
Michael sits up sleepily, short curly hair tied in the tiniest protective braids possible, some small blond coils escaping their confines at the edges of his head. The older cherub wipes a small, chubby hand over his eyes and yawns before opening his duvet up just enough so that Lucifer could climb in.
"Make sure...go to sleep Lucikins..." Michael whispers tiredly, covering his yawning mouth before abandoning his teddy bear and putting his arm around his little brother instead.
Thunder sounds again. Lucifer stiffens and lets out a small sound. "Mikey...'m scared..." He grips onto his twins matching pajamas tightly with his tiny little hands.
Michael grins sleepily, red eyes staring into his twins same coloured ones. "Don't worry Lucikins! 'm always gonna p'tect you! That's wha' big brothers are for!"
The thunder still sounds, Lucifer still stiffens slightly,but surrounded by the warmth and comfort of his twin, he manages to sleep soundly.
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After all the madness and badness. (Devil face emoji) You and Michael meet up in a Devildom café.
"That was productive!" The Archangel grins.
"Indeed it was Michael....indeed it was...." You say, a blissed out look on your face.
Michael arches a brow, "Is that one of Thirteen's leather jackets?"
"Maybe..." You say dreamily, playing with the sleeves.
Michael just laughs at you. "Get it, I guess! Anyway wanna watch Gilmore Girls with me? I need to catch up with Raphael...he's a few episodes ahead of me."
"Of course I do."
Michael brings his hands together in an imitation of a fly on a wall doing the hand thing. "Excellent."
"Do you think Luke's going to grow up to open a coffee shop?"
"Nah, he'd open a bakery."
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this is utter bullshit and utter dogshit idek
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stoned-rat · 2 years
The new steam version of dwarf fortress is amazing and I fucking love seeing how many people are enjoying these silly little guys and their misadventures. So here is a random collection of things I love about dwarf fortress, it's community, and it's history. (Plus some personal anecdotes)
-That one time fish became one of the games greatest threats
-That one mod that brings deadly carps back
-Training dwarven children with "danger rooms" filled with wooden spikes
-New training mechanics being added to prevent players from throwing all their children into spike pits
-When players posted their best mermaid genocide blueprints, and the creators had to patch the game AGAIN to stop their players from commiting outrageous war crimes
-bOATS and the lack there of
-The game is under halfway done according to it's creators. The game has been in development for 20 years.
-not only do you have gay, asexual, and bisexual dwarves, but animals too. Wondering why you arent getting any chicks? Sorry, your rooster likes cock.
-That one time I wasn't thinking and built a baracks next to a waterfall and my military kept throwing themselves to their deaths
-No race is actually "evil." Goblins and animal people can even join your fort and become valuable citizens.
-Elves are cannibals.
-The game being considered notoriously hard, but actually having extremely customizable difficulty settings. You will just get bored of everything going well.
-That one mod in the steam workshop that changes all the models to have giant tits
-The way dwarves will just refuse to do what you want them too
-Forts falling to their knees because cats kept adopting dwarves and having kittens until the game won't load anymore.
-The fact there are canonically no boats, but dwarves will continue to migrate to your haunted glacier year after year.
-When rain causes PTSD
-Guiding nobles under a bridge so you can lower it and they are literally crushed out of existence
-pangolins are invincible, and your hunters will pass out from exhaustion before killing one.
-The steam version coming out with a glitch that causes archers to not pick up crossbow bolts, but instead bash their enemies to death with their crossbows.
-Anyone's first attempt at redirecting a brook
-The game will always be available for free. The ASCII version will stay available for free download on Bay12, and will continue to be developed alongside the steam version. The premium/steam version was introduced to help the creators afford medical costs and thousands of people came out to buy a game that has been free for nearly two decades, and always will be.
-When asked what plans the creators had now that they were millionaires, they both said they had been more focused on the dwarves than the money and don't even know what they will do with all of it, beyond take care of themselves and keep working on the dwarves.
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generalsdiary · 5 months
a tired gem
Aventurine x Dr. Ratio
warnings: description of overstimulation (not the sexual one)
word count: less than 1k
a/n: back again with another mental health + comfort oneshot about the gays lol, not beta read, we go to superhell with aventurine and castiel
description: Aventurine comes home overstimulated and tired, later comforted by Dr. Ratio
Aventurine's hands felt like they were on fire, they felt swollen, the day was too hot. he is rapidly taking the gloves off his hands, the pretty golden rings off his fingers, the expensive watch slipping from his wrist- and running them under a cold stream of water. Aventurine raises his head, meeting his own gaze in the mirror.
despite the years passing, and him getting older - it still comes back to bite him in the ass. the way his skin feels like it is burning, the overanalyzing of too many people around him – because what if he could be in danger, or even what if someone calls him a fraud, or sees through his oh-so fragile façade. there was too much noise- too many conversations surrounding him, too many unpleasant and various smells- it brings it all back. the starving scorching hot days of little Kakavasha, the slavery of "blondie"... that feeling of which he doesn't even wish the recall the memories of. he feels the repulsion of any human touch settling back in him.
he had gotten better, he knows- Aventurine repeats in his head, he knows how to deal with others and exist normally. how to keep his clothes straight, clean and his shoes polished. how to appear wealthy and smell like a perfume commercial.
Aventurine takes a deep breath. it does little to calm him down, the lukewarm air filling his lungs where a crisp cold air would feel much better to him in the moment.
after rapidly taking his clothes off, and gently folding them even in this moment when he is stressed because how could he just throw those clothes away… after all, they are his mask, his stage presence so to speak, and for Aeon’s sake the price alone could feed every person on his long gone planet. he sits on the shower floor and allows the water to cool down his body- just like the rain of Sigonia-IV did.  Aventurine got over it, he learned to accept and even relish in human contact- with chosen people, yet he cannot even imagine being perceived in this moment. the mere thought of it makes him squeeze his eyes shut in pain.
biting his bottom lip, which shakes slightly in anger and tiredness, he stands up. he has to take care of himself- create a safe environment- and then if he must, wallow in the pain which is overstimulation.
the water washes away any bump from a stranger passing by, any phantom touch that didn't actually happen, but he still had to mentally prepare himself for it just in case it did, any scent which isn't his own. the clean, rough texture of the towel feels pleasant on his skin as he dries up and puts on comfortable clothes.
with complete silence and everything in its right place, he lies on the bed, eyes trained on the ceiling. familiar steps approach the bedroom door and the figure leans against the frame. "rough day, dear gambler?"
Aventurine's eyes meet Veritas', not saying a thing. to the doctor, it speaks louder than words. the apparent smirk fading off, his body language turning a tad softer and he exhales. he is quick to deduce exactly how his counterpart feels. Veritas is well aware that any sound or even a question that requires verbal communication would be awful to Aventurine at this moment hence he, with a soft step, walks over to the bed and lies down beside him. not close to touch him accidentally- with a healthy distance, yet still there.
Aventurine appreciates it, the doctor had already learned how he can get... how rough it can be. feeling exhaustion wash over him, he moves to his side, and those breathtaking gem-like eyes close, letting the poor blond man rest under the watchful eyes of the older man.
a couple of hours later, he wakes up, his eyes opening to be met with a quiet Veritas reading a book in the same place, unmoving except for the occasional page turn. Aventurine quietly observes, obviously noticed by Veritas. the doctor surely noticed the shift in his, now awake, breathing, and the colorful eyes opening to stare at him.
he grounds himself in reality and in the moment, taking shorter breaths and shifting to stretch his body a bit, taking care of the soreness. he feels better, soothed... his head is quiet, and his body feels okay to exist in the present, to exist now. Aventurine outstretches his arm, and hand, barely noticeable, tugs on Veritas' shirt, causing him to move his gaze to Aventurine. beat. he hums quietly, giving him a nod in silent question. it feels inviting and safe, Aventurine moves his body closer, into the taller man's side. as he does, Veritas closes the book putting it away, and moves his arm so that Aventurine can rest his head on his collarbone.
the second part of grounding. comforting touch, from a safe person with a safe scent. there is a silent appreciation for the doctor’s frequent baths and cleanliness. Aventurine's eyes close with a soft sigh, it feels right, it feels comfortable. Veritas' hand, at first, very gently moves through the blond locks, after a few seconds of body language analysis, he continues caressing his hair. Ratio's other hand moves to his face, his thumb caressing for a moment Aventurine's cheekbone. "better?" he hums in a deep tone with a rumble in his chest.
those gorgeous watercolor eyes open, the softest smile forming on Aventurine's face and a small nod. "yes"
a/n: yes, the ‘watercolor eyes’ is a reference to the song Dear Arkansas Daughter
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
Do you love old man yaoi? Old woman yuri? Do you want to see your favorite old man yaoi and old woman yuri couples fight each other? to the death? Well here we are now.
(Btw we only do real gay elders here we are NOT calling dudes in their 30s old man yaoi. more info is in the form and under the read more)
This is my third time running a tournament; I also did @worstcharacterpoll and @youngersiblingstournament & both times i have gained more insight on how to run these properly LOL
submissions will close Jul 19 at 8:00 pm CST/Jul 20 at 1:00 UTC
Guidelines and stuff is below, but it's copy pasted in the submission form. Also please submit yuri
No real people even if it's really funny
No characters based on real people
Couples must be gay; if one of them is canonically nonbinary though, they will be allowed
No incest or abusive ships
I'll be vetting source material on a case-by-case basis, but just so we're clear I'm not putting Harry Potter or OFMD in the poll
There will be a maximum of one ship per source material in the poll. You can submit multiple ships from the same material, but only one will be allowed if it gets in
AGE GUIDELINES SECTION (because I keep seeing people use the term "old man yaoi" for couples in their 30s or even 20s):
Human characters with a canon age must be at least 50. This also goes for characters that aren't human but age at the same rate as humans. Please double-check your characters' ages before you submit to save me some headache
If they don't have a canon age, they must look elderly.
No characters that have been de-aged (ex. Purah from Zelda).
For nonhuman characters that age at a different rate than humans: they must be old for their species (ex. Ravenpaw and Barley from Warrior Cats; Ravenpaw is the younger one, and is around the same age as Graystripe, who becomes old enough to retire as an elder).
For immortals/characters with very very long lifespans, they must look old (ex. Gandalf from Lord of the Rings would count; Hythlodaeus from Final Fantasy XIV would not).
Couples that will already be in the poll, so you don't need to submit them:
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Hanayo Nishida/Yoshiko Dojima (Hanamonogatari)
Ravenpaw/Barley (Warriors)
Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Couples already under consideration, but will depend on the other submissions if they get in the poll or not; you may submit your support for them if you want to see them:
Walter White/Mike Ehrmantraut (Breaking Bad) (keep in mind this one is mostly a joke)
Ms. Bitters/Countess von Verminstrassen (Invader Zim) (minor characters but I invented this one and I'm partial to it)
The Once-ler/The Lorax (Lorax 2012)
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neiveel3llson · 9 months
Alfred: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I believe.
Dick: I lost Damian.
Y/N: How did you LOSE Damian?!
Dick: To be fair, he is very small.
Bruce: Did you have to stab them?
Jason: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Bruce: What did they say?
Jason: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Bruce: That’s fair.
Y/N: *screaming while holding something large.*
Dick: *Chasing Y/N, screaming at them to not throw the large object.*
Jason: *Crouching at the car window, begging Damian not to call Bruce.*
Dispatcher: 911, what's your emergancy?
Tim: We locked our baby brother in the car and people are judging us!
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Jason: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Tim: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Y/N: if you want information it is
Dick: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Jason: What are you talking about Dick? You love it here!
Dick: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
Damian: You need to be more careful!
Bruce, who was dragged into Damian's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Damian: Wow. I keep stepping on a lot of crunchy twigs.
Y/N: Those are bones, Damian.
Damian: *looks straight up* Not if I never look down.
Bruce: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way.
Alfred: Sir, did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way?
Damian: But what about Y/N?
Jason: Don't worry about them.
Jason: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Tim: Your problem is that you’ve got no common sense.
Y/N: I’ve got plenty of common sense!
Y/N: I just choose to ignore it.
*Playing house with Damian and Jon.*
Jason, at Jon: You're my significant other.
Jon: Yeah I am!
Jason, at Dick: You're my child.
Dick: *Rolls eyes* Yes boss.
Jason, at Tim: You're my bitch.
Tim: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Jason, at Y/N: My bestie.
Y/N: Naturally.
Jason, Damian: HA, GAY!
Damian: Fuck you.
Alfred: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times.
Bruce: You mean you stabbed them?
Alfred: They ran into my knife, sir.
Bruce: Breaking News, Dick has disappointed us.
Tim: Why do you look like that?
Damian, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Tim: Like you’re dead.
Damian: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Alfred: Young master Damian accidentally called Y/N “babe” in front of everyone today.
Damian: *sobs into the floor*
Alfred: *Turns on the kitchen light*
Y/N: *Sitting at the table, eating bread*
Alfred: It’s four in the morning, young master.
Y/N: Turn the light back off.
Bruce: This is a judgement free zone.
*Pulls out a knife the size of their forearm*
Bruce: And I mean it.
Tim: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why.
Y/N: Listen, in the wild wild west there is always a woman in the saloon and nobody messes with her even though they all have guns.
Dick: That's because she's a prostitute.
Bruce: Tim, why are you crying?
Tim: This book is so sad!!
Bruce, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Dick: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Y/N: Why? It was important.
Dick: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Damian, shrugging: The people need to know.
Y/N, to Jason: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Jason: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Y/N: You just told me you're pregnant.
Damian: Congratulations Jason, you're glowing!
Y/N: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
*When Y/N and Jason were young and new.*
Bruce: Where the devil is Alfred?
Y/N: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted?
Tim: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Jason: Thanks for opening my message and not responding.
Y/N: All good bro, any time.
Jason: Fuck you.
Damian, over radio: Testing. Testing. Bruce, can you hear me?
Bruce, standing next to Damian: I’m standing right here.
Damian: You’re coming through good and loud.
Bruce: ‘Cause I’m standing right here.
Alfred: Perhaps, the true treasure was friendship all along. Although, I hope not, because I cannot spend friendship on new suits.
Damian: You wanna fight?! You got one!
Y/N: Okay! *raises fists*
*Bruce runs in, scoops Y/N up in their arms, and runs away carrying them because he just didnt want them to fight. Yet.*
Damian: What?
Y/N: Any questions?
Y/N: Uh, a plan, duh...
Damian: Dick, chill, I know it’s weird, but Y/N has a point.
Joker: Any questions?
Joker: Uh, a plan, duh...
Harley: Y/N, chill, I know it’s weird, but Joker has a point.
Bruce, answering the phone: Hello?
Damian: It’s Damian.
Bruce: What did they do this time?
Damian: No, it’s me, Damian. It’s actually me.
Bruce: What did you do this time?
Dick: Everyone thinks you suck.
Joker: I think you have the wrong number…
Dick: Damian?
Joker: Nope. Joker.
Dick: Well, you probably suck too…
Y/N: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Tim: And?
Y/N: And you are.
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katy-133 · 4 months
James Somerton trying to remake himself as a TikTok creator has kinda shaken me a little because it makes me realise that he won't allow us to just forget about him and move on 100%. It's like that rain cloud in the distance you always have to be aware about while you're having a picnic. I mean, it's already hard to move on if he's taken your money, or taken your words (and very personal ones--your perspective, thoughts, and life experiences as a queer person). But now it feels like we have to remain vigilant about wondering if this new faceless queer essayist or that new queer anon creator is secretly James Somerton with an AI face or a modified voice or an animated avatar. He's not good at hiding his face, but if you're a young queer person, or questioning person, or even just a person who is interested in queer essays and didn't watch Hbomberguy's video, you could be pulled into a rebranded James Somerton circle. You could form a bond and a community with similar folks (not in the know) in a Discord server controlled by Somerton. You could hear his stolen words and mistake them as his own, and think him a knowledgeable person. Which can lead you to then listen to his misinformation and misogynist views nestled between it. You could listen to his claims that a smaller creator is threatening him and try to defend him. Starting the cycle over again. And that's a scary thought.
Like, you can just wanna write gay essays and post them online and do your own thing, and then a bunch of people accuse you of stealing from him because people noticed similarities and assumed you're the plagiarist because he has a significant following again under a different name from farming off of others and gaining followers who weren't warned.
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unitt-10 · 4 months
*taps mic*
You hey you hey pjo fans here have a seat *gives you iced tea*
I understand that Will Solace is from Texas
But I need to remind yall that he’s from Austin
Austin which is known for being the weird gay cousin who went to art school in Texas
Austin is known as the city of live music, has some iconic street art and the largest population of bats that live in an urban location. (No really they live under Congress Bridge and pretty cool)
Austin, if anything, is suffering from the fact that it’s the largest growing city in the country and therefore much of old Austin icons and features are being destroyed
Literally the motto for this fucking place is “Keep Austin Weird”
The other thing is that Will traveled with his mom on tour when he was young, and then became an all-year camper when he was ten
If this mf went back to Austin he’d be confused as shit because “What do you mean ___ was closed/shut down/demolished!”
Yes, I agree that feral Will is fun! I do! But I cannot express enough that Will is less feral and just Weird and so I give my list of hcs:
-Will likes disgustingly sweet iced tea and puts hot sauce on fucking everything
-Will, when he’s walking, will just wave at people to greet them (evidenced by the fact that in neighborhood setting drivers and pedestrians wave at each other)
- Even though the plates in the dinning pavilion magically conjure whatever is asked of it, Will stands by the fact that the BBQ is just not as good as authentic Texan BBQ
- Will did not know how to ride a horse until going to CHB I stand by this
- Will lives in this state where he’s both violently ashamed and pathetically proud to be Texan
- Has an unhealthy obsession with Texas wildflowers and occasionally asks the Demeter cabin to grow some every March
- Will can walk outside, look at the sky, sniff the air, and tell you whether or not it’s going to rain and he’s never wrong
- Polite as shit this boys got some manner it’s all sir and ma’am and it causes distress that there’s not a proper gender neutral option
- anyone asks him where he’s from and instead of saying the state he specifies that he’s from Austin he doesn’t associate with the rest of the state
- he does own a pair of cowboy boots. For the bit
-HEB enjoyer (Popular Texas grocery chain)
- gets lost every time he visits Austin because the city is constantly changing
-Likes bats, critters and bugs (Nico doesn’t like bugs)
-maintains that Bluebell Ice cream is superior to all ice cream (Cookie two step my beloved)
- can dance the Texas two step (he teaches Nico and Nico teaches him how to waltz)
- knows way too many facts about Texas and its history
And I will continue to update this because I love Will and i refuse to let the Texas Stereotype take him
- Because of living in an urban population, Will doesn’t have a Texas accent, but every now and then he’ll say a word slightly off/occasionally has relaxed vowels
- He has breakfast tacos every morning. The type of taco always chances but it’s always a taco
- He laughs manically whenever any camper complains about how hot it is because don’t talk to him about summer heat
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Vyjayanthimala (Madhumati, Amrapali, Sangam, Devdas)—Strong contender for /the/ OG queen of Indian cinema for over 2 straight decades. Her Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award came not a moment too soon with 62 movies under her belt. Singer, dancer, actor, and also has the most expressive set of eyes known to man
Debbie Reynolds (Singin’ in the Rain, The Unsinkable Molly Brown)—she was only EIGHTEEN in Singin’ in the Rain and she was incredible. she was my childhood hero. also she was a humanitarian and supported mental health causes, LGBTQ causes, and advocated for AIDS research in the early 1980s. when a network showed cigarette ads during her show she was PISSED because she didn’t want to support something that was detrimental to people’s health. and finally she was Carrie Fisher’s mother!
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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Debbie Reynolds:
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listen i realized recently that debbie reynolds was my gay awakening - i didn't want to Be Her (well, i also did), i wanted to fucking kiss her and i was too catholic of a wee child to realize that. also i almost wore out the vhs tape of singin in the rain we have
Her singing voice is so beautiful! She was in one of the most influential musicals of all time and her performance in it is one of the reasons why it's so remembered!
Known for her stage and movie work, and scandal when her first husband, Eddie Fisher, left her for Liz Taylor. They were both better off without him.
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My mom went "oh you HAVE to submit Debbie Reynolds" so here I am. Vote Debbie Reynolds for my mom!
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enavstars · 10 months
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This is Ninazu Rashid or Dr. Rashid, my only ninjago oc besides Cyra. He is a doctor in Ignacia that befriended Kai and Nya and cares a lot about them.
Basically I wanted to make a kind and patient adult oc because Kai and Nya need one (badly) and there are barely any nice adults in the show (not including Ed and Edna, we respect them :>).
(Cw: mentions of homophobia and ped0philia)
Dr. Rashid is the doctor of a small clinic in Ignacia who also runs the pharmacy. He met the siblings when Kai got badly sick and they called him out for help. Even when Kai got better, Rashid couldn’t keep the situation they were living in off his mind, so he would usually go to check on Kai's health... and also take care of them a bit, in whatever little way he could.
Nya used to go by the clinic after school because Rashid would usually give her drinks and snacks (she loved the hot choco in winter) and he tried, with little success, to make Nya convince Kai to come so he could eat something too.
One time, Nya got sick and Kai went under the rain to his door to ask dr. Rashid for help; of course, he went with him and gave the necessary medicine to Nya. Since they couldn’t afford it, though, Kai asked to work at the pharmacy to help Rashid as compensation, and after a lot of insinsting, the doctor finally gave in and let him. But they ended up bonding during that time, and Rashid did defend Kai even when he started stealing, but he also made him understand that he should only do so when absolutely necessary.
However, as he's gay, when the conservative village found out a bunch of nasty rumors started to spread, most of them about his sexuality and his relationship with Kai and Nya (ped0philia). Rashid tried to endure the comments but it was starting to affect his job with people simply not going to the clinic because of it. So, sadly, he had to leave to Ninjago City, unintentionally leaving Kai and Nya with even more abandonment issues and not a single safe person in the village.
In the present he spent many years trying to be Kai and Nya's general doctor for whenever they get hurt in missions (even going out of his way to study more so he could help them), until finally he made it (I know nothing of how hospital works so this may be wrong). The siblings were confused and angry at him at first, until he explained the reasons why he left and they calmed down.
Dr. Rashid then proceeded to ask what he could do to make them feel better from then on, and actually listened to them and treated them like grown people (looking at you Ray and Maya :))). Kai and Nya then forgave him and are really good friends with him now.
More stuff:
He got married and is sad and frustrated that he couldn't invite the siblings to the wedding.
He is really respected in the hospital for being the only doctor who Kai and Nya listen to and how "docile" they are with him.
Kai and Nya sometimes visit him for dinner.
He is also very kind to the other ninja and understands how hard they work for Ninjago. He is specially kind to Lloyd for that and for being Kai and Nya's younger brother.
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imaginedreamwrite · 6 months
I’ll Get By
A/N: There are things I’m bound to get wrong about the 1940s and asylum’s, so please forgive me. There was also a lot of prejudice for people especially if they were gay, and there is a gay patient mentioned in the first chapter. If you’re uncomfortable with it please don’t read. Thank you!
Part 1: An Anomaly
1946 — St. Catherine’s Asylum
The heavy coating of stagnant rain water on the streets had nearly taken you out the moment you stepped onto the stone staircase of the building. The breath had been ripped from your lungs the moment you felt your feet slip.
You squealed in surprise and if it hadn't had been for the railing, you would have fallen on your backside. After righting yourself and fixing the starch nurse’s uniform you were deemed to wear, you unfurled your nearly broken umbrella and carried on.
You were rushing this morning, rushing into the front door of the asylum with your nurse's bag bouncing against your hip. Once you stepped through the door and shook off the umbrella twice, you had blown a curled piece of your hair out of your face.
“Close that damned thing right now!” One of the patients lingering near the door smoking—seemingly unbothered by the nurse who was supposed to be watching him—barked a demand. “Don’t you know opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck, you daft girl!”
You could have responded with ire at the man wearing faded blue pinstriped pyjamas, many other nurses had. I like other nurses, you knew he wasn’t mad, you knew he wasn’t the kind of man who lost his mind over drink or injury. He was a man who was stalwart in his sexuality and attraction to men, and for that, he was committed.
“Good morning, Mr. Samson.” You closed the umbrella and folded it up, adhering to his superstitions while offering him a small smile.
Mr. Lyle Samson was a man with streaky black hair and rather odd coloured eyes—one almost iridescent blue and the other brown—a crooked nose from it being broken, and thinly pressed lips. He was a cantankerous man, one who had grown more ire-some from the treatment he had received in the asylum. The doctors held little care for the patients, even less for men like him, and as it was, he had suffered as well at the hands of his family.
“Your lipstick is a mess, girl. Fix yourself.” He lifted the cigarette to his lips, inhaling the Camel brand smoke and exhaling from the side of his mouth. He had glanced you over, once more, before he extended his hand and clutched onto your wrist. He squeezed once then relaxed and squeezed again, a telltale signal he had used when he wanted to send a message.
“There’s someone new.” He mumbled under his breath, inching forward while staring you down with his blue and brown eyes. “A famous fella.”
“Famous?” You looked past him to the first floor nurses station, toward the nurse who was disposed to be monitoring him. “Someone famous?”
“Used to be, before the damned shit-hole government stripped him of his title.” He turned his head and spat a few inches from your feet, the aftermath of sucking back a Camel cigarette. “He’s in the men’s ward, hates the doctors.”
“Mr. Samson, smoke is over!” The haughty nurse who had been on monitoring duty for the Lyle Samson started her approach. You could hear the clack of her heels on the aged and worn wood floor, the heady stride of her feet as she rushed toward him.
You knew that atmosphere wasn’t kind to men like him, men who hadn’t wanted a traditional life that fit society’s norm’s in the 1940s. He was a man who was attracted to men, and for that, he was punished by both the authorities and his family.
“He’s fine, he was telling me about a new patient—“ you rose to his defence, vocally, and had immediately been chided by the nurse.
“He is not fine.” Her voice darkened, and her eyes narrowed explicitly toward you with a tempestuous manner. “He is finished his cigarette, and you need to head to the men’s ward.”
Your breath had hitched in your throat, your hands tightened around the handle of the umbrella. Your nails dug into the varnish of the wood, though not deep enough to leave a mark, your mind immediately racing. The men’s ward was no nurses’ top choice when doing their rounds, and there was often a lack of willing volunteers. For you to be assigned to the men’s ward, you knew it was some kind of hazing because you were the newest.
They would hand you over to the men on a silver platter, leaving you to the men, who were frequently mad and violent. While there were some who were left solely on lockdown and very rarely got to spend time in the common area, others were left to roam—within reason. You had spent time in the children’s ward, which was a close second to the least desired floor, and the least amount of time on the women’s ward.
“I don’t have time to argue, Nurse L/N.” She cut you off with a stern and harsh bite, directing her inability to care beyond base empathy toward you. “Now.”
Your feet carried you in a rush, moving you near the staircase that led to the men’s ward. You nearly tripped over your feet before you had even taken the first step. Your hand rest upon the wooden railing that would take you up the winding staircases. You would wander through doors that were locked every night until you got to the fourth floor, which was where the men’s ward was.
The asylum was laid out in 5 massive floors that extended through winding hallways that were dimly lit by old windows. On the main floor was the receptionist’s and the warden’s office. The doctor’s offices for the children’s and men’s ward were on the main floor, unlike on the women’s floor. The doctors themselves had no special interest in spending more time than what was necessary in those areas.
The women’s unit was on the third floor above the laundry, kitchen, medical examination and treatment rooms on the second floor. Next had come the children’s floor that was not nearly comforting enough for kids left behind or admitted. The fourth floor was dedicated to the men that were admitted and held in their own contained unit, like the children.
And then there was the fifth floor that was exclusively held and dedicated to the incurables. They were the men, women, and children who were so manic and wild, deemed impossible to fix, that they should be locked away and forgotten about. Lyle Samson was unfortunately going to be moved to the incurable’s floor after Doctor Rollins had determined his sick pleasures could not be fixed, and all attempts were feeble.
“The men’s ward…” your feet carried you slowly, every step felt as if there was an ounce of lead sewn into your flesh.
You moved through the staircases from floor to floor, starting from the main floor to the fourth. You stopped at the double set of wooden doors with frosted glass. The lettering for the men’s ward was scrawled in faux painted gold—a decorative addition to make people believe that this place wasn’t as nefarious as it actually seemed. You reached up and placed your hand upon the wood and pushed slowly, just enough to be able to slip through the door and into the ward.
The door felt heavy behind you as it shut with a bang, the force tipping you forward. All the weight of your body shifted to the front of your feet, more specifically your toes. You had nearly toppled, almost flailing entirely, until you felt a steady hand on your arm acting as a support pillar. However, you were soon to learn that it wasn’t just one hand on you but another, a large warm hand on the small of your waist that was immediately followed by a voice.
“The door always sticks,” you could only describe the voice as honey-laced whiskey, something deep and smooth but afflicted with a weariness, “you’re not the first nurse it’s nearly knocked over.”
The honey-laced whiskey voice belongs to someone you’ve never possibly imagined would be in a place like this. The man whose face was plastered across magazines—who had comic books created about him and had even starred in movies to stir the morale of the country during the war—was standing so close to you, you could see the green in his blue eyes.
His blonde hair was brushed out of his face and styled like you’d seen so many times before. There was a firmness to his jaw that allocated your attention before it was quickly drawn to the rest of him. His shoulders seemed unnaturally broad, and his chest was firm, despite the starchy grey uniforms the patients wore. You could easily detect the size of the American hero who had liberated men in Europe, and saved thousands.
The hero, who had been a beacon of light and hope, was squandered after the war. The papers called him mad with grief, a man who had seen the horrors of war and lost all sense of self. It happened after he had lost one member of the unit he led. The Howling Commandos lost Sergeant Barnes, or Bucky as he was known as, and Captain Rogers was never the same.
Although standing here now, looking at him as he held you steady after you nearly fell, you see none of the madness he was accused of. There was nothing whatsoever in his blue-green eyes to make you think he was mad enough to be here.
“Thank you…Captain Roger’s…” you spoke with hesitancy and the sound of your voice was enough to break the spell he had you under. In a moments notice, you’d been called to the nurses desk, breaking the firm yet gentle hold he had on you.
You turned your back to him and fixed your nurses cap, only recognizing his eyes on you when you felt heat starting to grow in your belly.
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